The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 26, 1851, Image 4

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Sang Ly ANY, Jenny Lxnd
litirdling! why sing in the forest wide?
Say why! Suy why!
ll'at thou the Bridegroom or the Bride'
.And why? end why!"
mill ao Bridegroom--call no Bride,
Although leing in the forest wide,
Nor know Irby I am einging.o,..,4
"filrdliog!. why is thy heart. so blest!
Oh. any? Oh, ray?
Mimic olerilowing from thy breast!
Oh, say! Oh. !ay?"
..Nly hurt is full, and yet is light,
.11y heart is glad in day or tight,
So: know I why Pm singing."
..Birdling! why sing you all the day!
Oh. tell? Oh, tell! '
Do any Listen to thy lay!
Oh, tell! 01, tell!"
care not what my sand may be:
Now this, now that—l warble free,
Nor know, yet must be singing."
From she Pittsburgh Christian Advocate.
The Pittaburgh Infirmary.
We are indebted to our excellent- friend,
Mr. Passavant, fora copy of,the Annual
Report. We intended to give some extracts
I f-om it; but having hitherto neglected it,
we find the following summary ready made
to our hand, in the Lutheran Observer.
We will merely take occasion to say, that
we regard the Pittsburgh Infirmary as one
of the most deserving institutions of the
country. The providence of God seems to
have wonderfully directed the Director in
the whole affair. We dout not He will
still dispose the heart' of,m l n to sustain it.
have received the first annual report of
this institution, of which iho Rev. W. A
Passavant is the founder, .as well as the
acting and efficient Director. After read
ing the report, the rise and gradual pro
gress, and an abstract of the rules and reg
ulations' of this noble charity, we take
pleasure in stating, that it has our unhesi
tating andldecided approbation, as well as
ens fervent prayers for its success. It is
something very different iront what we were
led, and *e think not without reason, to
expect The idea that first went abroad,
was, that a main object of the institution
was the revival in the church of the primi
tive order of deaconesses, with new and
objectionable modifications. Whether any •
thing of this kind was really contemplated,
we are unable to say. But one thing is
certain, viz., in the form in which it is pre
sented to us in the document now lying
before us, (which is doubtless the true
form,) no true-hearted philanthropist can
find anything to censure ; and there is
much in it that will command the admira
tion and good wishes of even' one in whose
bosom beats a heart susceptible of sympathy
with suffering humanity. We can hardly
speak in terms too high of the Christian
enterprise, zeal, confidence iu God, devotion
and perseverance of Bro. Passacant, incon
ceiving, ushering into existence, and w...rry-
Mg forward to its present successful stage
of progress, this liberally conducted hospi
tal—for this is what in fact the institution
is, a hospital;—neither mere nor less than
an asylum for the sick and suffering, in
which the more extreme and dangerous
cases of indigent sick are received; and in
which, also. those• not entirely destitute
may obtain the comforts of home, and the
advantages of the best medical attention
and skillful nursing, at a comparatively
small expense. Who can object to such an
establishment? Who that has the feellns.,,s BER seas commences re
and mar , dotlratle rum': cl lANCI
of a. mall, and espLeially the tender affee- A DS taws to coos brags, la ttl/
tions characteristic of the Christian, must sc. Man. ds Lain,. C,T.,shosir. A:
Hull. 5,M nook Sloanns: bars.l sal
not rejoice in it, and thank God that it ha. u.s. Condoms:i, Qualms.. Toe.i.e,
Stun , Drills end Cotton Strnaw. I rish 1.113[.. C0r.8.,
. already found kind and liberal friends, and ' Vats ta s k ems. , Thibst.. Mena do Lain, and Cotton
is likely to prosper and become the perms.- ' nift.rsT i- 7‘i55. 61 .7:11X,1 7 n , 5 t 1i57;1... 5 i; , :. , 5gi . :
went means of diminishing in no email de - c' '' .l ` T '' ci r 7 =l7elitiall:n 7Z .tf; rlor't h r:.
• •• rt ' C ARBUTII.OT.PSTiond st.
gree the sum of human misery, and of in- on. . . •
• mashg greatly the amount' of human en- Trs'll REC'D AND NOW OPENING AT
joyment ?* ea , vett. 010115'n, No- L:ld Lama, Sm..
' S TarT ISM scal m snsctior stock of lcasnionon • Gre
t a,.
• From the report before its, this Infirmary Zd„;,r,',:,44`,.,'77,„`",,,,=.1Vri'1&i'r,-Z."'F
is well managed, and is dispensing a vast Ini aver, 4 .,erz , :i3Vl . ll,zr.rf d e . ntl Zogli i,7•Ts la , l 3 l , l , c .. i i il:
deal of good in proportion to the means it I t lAsi t - hig1 . ..7 1 1 . ,,=-7 1 ,;,: 0 i1Ly;'.. th c41,., } 1"5T 21 ,
enjoys. The Board of Visitors remark : stocks a4st of the AlLexhenleg allot times we P rr n-Fan t ,
is sere 1n4.1 to offer at ,nob pares as nn inn., 5,i.
"The cl. ,, liness, order and decorum WhiCh , stgsssrlas,,,,n&s.,,,,,Lea.=”7,lllls. ulot
t t o og . , , r o tzt .
pervaded the entire establishment, and the ' ss'A' r -l i ' ' 2l° - - -
administration of its affairs, was equally a . i ' V ' sf V:ttnr:ii.:nciz —t. ''' th"
matter of surprise and gratulation. From .
the untiring zeal of the worthy Director, we ' , and Hat Warehouse,
hid been led to expect much, but. our ex- , : MARKET STREET,
,-... psctations were more than realized. In- :ft offers for sale. at very
'stead of a hospital, where medicines were 11 Itsnorttn.nt of straw and .5111111 . ,
doled out, and the common dictates of liu- t Asa-Crap plain and fan,
8 ,,,_ ~__.,.„ .. rip. Lac, ILO, Buntla. Le.X.
zamity heeded as — a matter of duty, we 1,,,,...i;1:a . .
._ . , 1., ~,
found an asylum foil the tick and disabled, s „Vralr,',:', T ,hrs,;„:roXl: e ,..„,„gs'il l. s. 21' s .
and a home for the ;invalid stranger, where ' l,„„,ll,,b . .,°7l. s n s r s ald s ,l,'fr,s,S h ;„P s i s c .',l,l_Sja,:,;•„„,.„*", i ,„;.',.
the kindest sympathies of our nature were ssfdtl, es.'S
r 'n.c..././,•S-Rleb n llonn4 and Srart. Vain Sean and Tat
'i - SalS, as around the domestic hearth . , tsTr At t s um , ,,, ,, sol i esmzsc . ,: b o ‘ r= i c c,
* * * Its infer tal economy, and P ar. "b 976. Y ear, lMlNLVGS—Conls.Taspels. Button, Braid,
tionlarly the care of the sick, is entrusted . ssi sr ip s, a s _
i -ERS-Iretutb 11.1 American Sprigs. toinchei and
to females, previously qualified by a course ti rid, and ~o ad ~,,t a, , _ c .
of education and training for this especial B
Om G '47E L sag:. Z . 1 . 11.11d5 - , -6 .bri„,.,7,.1,— ,
object. _ Here there is no distinction of .v.p. vz , ,,,,1.J,..-, ~, ,„„ „,,,,, ~,,,,,,
creed, or color, or itionntry. The penniless ' n0 .t .,, Luvest i., ;dined Parasols and Cmins . lt nand
' stranger receives ad cordial a welcome, and ----
hie wants are as carefully provided for, as ,_,,,
the possessor of thousands. There are no tiu n
rules which exclude from this sanctuary the 7,r=
unfortunate victimf the most pestilential . Ted , .
disease. 'Whilst t e doors of other institu- , r.sti,i.
tions are closed a . inst him at the time of : f,;';'e ß o t
g io
his extremest need here he gains ready ad- , E'Eml,
niitlance and the nderest care. In the ••! -
self-devoted nurses of this institution, he . e , elas --
finds a substitute f r mothers and sisters." I 1
. IGHT C t. HIN . T .. Z.F,S ; — of tlita i lLSr...B . r , a o cu .
It is indeed a nob e charity, and as such i -!-Ad.-tl , ' , !lltys.,ot'isfesss Drab menus, f art ss
Alf RIM open tilts morning. an addluasl
deserves to be coo t abundantly cherished la BONNETS. aallln f vt/r T Wine at
and sustained. met Piibba., Bounst,aps, i.e..
The amount of monies received during DE LAINES, Light and Dark,
theyear from donations and subscriptions . . rear pieces eery brautiful French. sad set
was $1,548 27; from pay
. patients,„and ar- ''' ' '''' Vala g elrai r curtimn
tides sold; $720 71i.,; special contributions-: CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &c.
for traveling expenses of. the deaconesses, 1
5525 50 ; making in all, $2,789 50. W. MeCLERTOCK
In addition to this, v iii l now constantly stosiTing ids Spr i n gStnoa ",
ver- material assiFt- CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, & TRIMMINGS,
mace was also rendered during the first
_ I „...,,...., A ..,. th .,, i .„,,,,,,,,,,,,,
year, by .dottations of furniture, bedding, . 1 CARPETS.
provisions, groceries, medicines, &e. Extra Royal velvet Pile Cupete. do. eari. newer) , Rm.
; eel{ dO. do- Brawls, extra super. 3 ply; sopertne .., ply,
The necessity of a suitable building f or • dn. InOgro extra Ana d i olra 40; e . onacW.a . d./ i n 4 , 2 i:
the institution was soon felt, and according- stt.Atoors.a.a.4.24s-s.assesi'stissa cotton do.
ly the property formerly occupied by the I RUGS, MATS, OIL CLOTHS, t:e.
Rev. Dr. Lacy, as a female seminary, to- • as E . irrsaggit'sßs.ut7a,Zll4°l= itt: Vitt. I ' , ' .;
gether with the fine garden connected with ; " "' P kectibd.s,Nl l ,lll. d cazi ,„T s h, r um
~k , 4. hai l o r
it, were purchased for the sum of 85,500. , t ...... ta5. .,, 0 4. c . ,:::: ..., e , t 1 .1. 114....., so. hall or num.
._.,. On the 14th of July, 1849, four deacon- .B i 'AIR RODS, BLINDS, TABLE COVERS, Sic:
',we . ; or instructed and experienced nurms, , An.l--suo Rods . of ell 'IT. mii - pd, r atur 1 ,-;. 1 1 , c%
' from - Germany, arrived, accompanied by the ', r ,o`Titlfsl.fittir.. tt.i.i:. d a 34 o. Vat i rsisAllaer.lkifi r ss.
Rev. Mr. Fliedner, and the building was ' 2,14 1 2r4, 1 inZ i ',1,;.= ° ,10 8 .Vrai7 , 1.1 . rt "'
solemnly dedicated to the purpi?Scs contem- ..Ist,s4... , tsprd, wa
rO ,'„4"Vir d „,,. o rg s te k Plrst tart r' ' '' s b t:
plated in founding the institution. The , proeciatyle. and dam: 4 .4 . .E 7 .4 ... 11 i * °"'"
friend and customers at prtatt at or they can De purr.A.
exercises were numerously attendisi, and I e.,,t i 5,,,, s s as Rue,. cu...
Made a favorable and deep impresskin. .We :4441ialty Invity all to call and extunine our noes at
Th,a Carpet Warehouse, 85 Fourth street.
The number of patients received into the 1
tochl9 W. MeCLINTOCR.
Infirmary until it was placed under the care —.
AWLS--A.A. !Assn.+ & Co. have just
of the Deaconesses, in August, 1849, was .15 i. ,, d per .-10..rv,r, P;inte4 C Khmer, Illch
eighty-two. Since - then, three hundred and ',, ( ,'T.,
W.gro!derect do- Salary 4e Lem and
eighty-eight have been admitted, making a
LCRONS—A. A. MART:);S .k.' Co. will el:TilTr•
total of four hundred and seventy, in the te. lbu meaning, cartons of net, stylas Bonne Rib.
Cap do. and Lao. 5 oily Etolaroidtnea. de.
One year and eleven months which have '
__.lst_ _
! vi [lRPint — Cc BußcllFlfiiiii ii'aitTc,iTt
elapsed since the first patient was received.
.11/.1. vac:lced ionising their ~...,..1 ~,rrir Of 0 . 4,
U 111504 ti inch .11 I. found Iloskaback Diaper, Bleach...l
Cues,BaNlnacht4 ss,ss,, 1.24 Uneo R.. n , Di aper,. pal...
Linen .4 Muenu 40 let nide fox Pille:C:e.s. en:
*, This institution was at first represented
as an establishment for the education of
young women as uurses of the sick, who
were, among other things to assume the
vow of celibacy either for life or a specified
. period, similar to the order of the Romish
"sisters of charity." And this was to be
regarded as a revival of the order if "des
oonesses," as it existed lit the primitive
Church. Every one acquainted with early
history mast know, that those ancient dea
cony:ales or elderly widows were something
' very different from modern "sisters of
'.charity," and to attempt to plead for the
latter order under the name and authority
of the former, is a very great absurdity.
On this ground there 'were. those who re
larded . the institution at first with painful
apprehension. But, as represented in
anima report, which is oacial and authen
tip; it is one of those noble enterprises
which cannot fail' to ensure the sympathy
and prayers of the benevolent of all denom
This number would have been more than
doubled, were if not that the principles of . --, -,.-- ---- - - - - - ' -7t --= 1, Franklin -- irj r ,;l,,,H - wan -- oo b o. of p oitoo ... - .-- T o. "
the Institartion . .......rulrait, chrome diseases, an d J. D. WIILTAMS & CO.,
pIItECTORS, Charles W. Rancher
other - . casar' of long standing' and almost cernM of Wood and Ffll. &refl.; PUtzteirg,h, ; w. ItiMards. In C h a r t 31ord,m1 11 1... i'r ,i Geo.
hopeless re, when their enfferings may be (1 AVE NOW IN STORE, and to arrive this it .....r. A , .'Ph° E. Wt , 8... Wm.. Lat...l?..u:Y l •rr,
mitisated,land a possibility remains of re- ,1,,L,,`",;',;;,.1,11,,r° limb it. uhn, Mrd. attemm.
1! , , , , ,, , . n. , 1t. ,„ ,,1: , :,, , f,,Tre.. ,,, ,,r mr ,,, v, inar . .. , j CIiAItLES F. BANCHF:II., ftwdden ,
storing them to partial or permanent 115 catty 1.,,, , ,1t0e Gre , 11:125 dotet‘ Patent dm, 55,05 ! .T h r.',"..4.i.n r .,7,:j..,..,:ra .
health. I Tem I Acardr, ....1 on ...ere d'e'.;l tht 4l n '''''''' '"'""'.."'
1.`., of do dn. 150 1...... extra pure &arch. '.' ., ,i,1'f. , 1;. 6, i m , , , Lie, .., a, b. 1 ,. .... x. :•' g, : ,, entu .s i r ,......7t , _ri th .r . :,,,,,,,:: : ,' ,: ii::::
.. ..toolong d Chuland 2.5 •• 6alnratux
• i which, roth their Capital and Premium, aafelv In r .
At the Suggestion of the Hon. Thos. 31. tats b l , g a 1..1.P....,C0_fieer,_..
lard I.:. by, N. ,-;. m0i ! ...e..
Howe, the field adjoining the Infirmary, n b ;,.,:g.,6 1 L" T ° ",,,,,'it: 1S . . P,',l,' a ff ord ample protection In the adaumi. • •-v ,ride
1 2 ' " ''''l ri Cr. S"3l ... P '• . 50 11, Th hed' a%-re'" . ea'b r ir th tn'" X th'eTer . o'f'A j eae' n lql" - nere i na L fni?o.":.
and containing* upwards of four acres, was 3.5 1,1!11. i;fi. ° l. and Meek-,, , ,
~, Powdered Su g ar, „,_.
purchased. from A. B. Curling, Esq., for m )4'2'4 Ni d .ns. isa 1 r:i ,(LV. - .(11rr."',.'i l: ,`: "' - '7 14 (1I
the sum of $12,000. • 1 )f this, deft part , ~.4. g ,, N . A . ,& , ,i iv... 120 jam ;oedema F , rx : 1 1-`,4, 1 ,',.., 7 1....e.
bordering) on Dinwiddie street was divided a:zea...,.i - r.m.isg-l ir "' i 5?. 6.. E! Candy: : St‘K•l.s ... ... .. .. ... ..
- I f.. '. owis• curvw, i
into twenty-eight lots, twenty-four of which ? bV,' 5,,,,,1'„,,,.. m - eosesiz Ch...., -
PuPIM .t.. A-rani-en, 5 " Cutile a timund31.212.7611 41
were gene6usly purchased by that number ' ?rat.'Net a,- ! soar , . 01 "" heir i ''''" * " Al "' . '''''''' " 21 r "'" th "
hue paid upward,. of One Million Four Ilundn•l Th year,, d
of citizenti of Pittsburgh at $5OO per lot— i:: 0,4. n di.z.:: ,1: drift innur,.s. , ,,ra ~,,8 , .„, t,„,... by Ft, thereby affording cral,,of tha
t 1 ,11.-. , 1 bbl sup Cub. hod.: , uha ., or 1 ,,,,,,,,,,, ..,, a r,.i i ~..„ •
la conside u Tble advance on their actual value 1 - - I.l,sen‘n, 1 - Cream Tutu, 1 pogition to ri-vt 'run PreMptpr.• ntlll, a ;:ild' h a'."" "' I " -
lu kau, " Mustard: I 1 mom Pearl . Hum J GAnuNEI: Lin itN. Agen
,at the ti e. By this means the remainder, .io "" ,‘ c...4,v. 2 " letngis, .111,.. E. F.. tOra, Of 1 . , ....I no.Pld 'eta
it , " " Cl,e= i 'I " Si..• and neOned ' - ''''
containing three acres, has been secured to 2 bbl. Grrett's Snuff: ', I State Mutual Fire Inn=
the Institition free of debt, thus affording . v. bop" §tnarin C.jullec
.1 " Arm. lto.:
M filar
.. lA, Bath Brick,
1 BRANCH OFFICE-- irr iN: it s p 4 s lx . rrn-. :ELI) SrrtErT,
a comniar ding and spacious site for the In j:,,,,,;„ 5 3a7,,,,,,, . k,,,,,,,. 1 1,Z ssi...RlDlraer.
I . "VIII: best evidence of the success of the
1 firmary and other humane inktutions which ' 1.415 . :. , : 5 avr,a:j i .i ,, eift , ”.. , ..1 10 Co. 1. 1 , , , 7 r . t . Li
,J.= , ...
miry heirafter be established. By the terms 120 dor. Ink: 1.. . Lem., Sugar, ! A Plii7;`73-.V4'.e.:fgt?(G.T,'; the NTATE 'in''' .
, . , , 1 G i i Com limmm. I 1 ran Fail .5,..!, 1,- 1 meet ti..• ...... of
of suoseription, it can only be used for :men Gin.. Nall, White we oa. ~ mcb:.l ; ,:',,'",,,`,.77: . ,...,7..itY• %. ','.7 ..."' . . 1 , 6 '..,- 1 ...Or , of to
wen don., ...wring mew,. orer 5,0 W Pol-M.... In.
purposes.l . QIINDRIES— . • lisle ron 7 Tan el g;, and :aiding over 5110,0D0
"Of the four other lots on Dinwirldie I V . ,, ar , ,,,b , ..Pr'..n.rni 1,...':1 - I"L',AL.A .I 4.' ' tZ.1t. ? ,.-'l'y :11'77,p'14,Perty rr,,,az . 1.r.,..g . ,47,4=g;
I street, two have since been sold for $5OO 1 pk,s. Y i 11 .2k 1 74,,:. • 1 3.W:, ,, c :,, , ,, s tf , .,,, , ,,,,, ru . a dl flap, and • lupe proportion Mum. for only one
100 hot. fie Lum .r. and 24 ` Eng. Walnult; , k r . ,. .
I, each, the l money to be applied to the erec- , s.,; so - Uround Num . umber of Policies issued. - - 5,065
lion of a new _lnfirmary building. Thelaciit gt&ille i 790 drum ! Yin-. 5,... ,.. .,. ! Amount of property insured, - 55,139,496.00
I 'Vt . ." Vgn L e, ' , do. guarantee premiums, 57,909.79
! Board of tanagers have already contracted i r oc ,' tr,„`!...„ 4 1.7k,-,' , .. -...-• " do, cash premium?, -- - 32,194.24
with the ltlessrs2Patterson for the erection ; i sa " ~,,,,* e.r.., S us"- . 1 . E.' . .1 T;" o '`""r h ur
cAi.,......,,i1ankys a •2,11, ...., I•epp.r:auc, do piaranteesmel:, -- - 00,104.03
of one wing of such an edifice, to be com- !i , hb , ... Matta.% 1 =" 3 " 1. 1' 51 .. . ,
•.1 remora Indigo: , r. 1.1 •• MALI) ra,,,,, , d 0.,, ~ , ,,ea, 4.100.00
plated bY the month of October. It will I &SO boa .10. 11.1 ‘, 01Z . (a..;, , r s ,1,2.(m) fri:icipe ~...a m To t.W de.lumel (rem the .1... e Cala., the ismalcutal
, expenses of the ofl, 00. .
ho a substantial building of brick, GO by- 40 . '2'li.:;r: - b1i .. .. (1,,,.. . ' r i`,.).2.1- C 0 - ,To eity• or eountr, menhant, owl owners of dwelling,
' 50 o r. b 150.1,2 Mukerui. lutYM. II Span... r- ' and mutated and co u ntry property. it Lan llere.l thit com
feet in aide, and three stories high. The . So kits No. I s 2, .. I 100 bit. Water. ....agar end' 1... r mr , ..r.n ..! ,,, ,.... ,, ila erg. , ~r a..., •aet r , and
style is he square Gothic, and 'the model ~.: . i,:,ieTirs t i'iin.r. " "' i am hi , -,tc,F.Pe"' i - 1.,;.`i'g',.. f,'?`;‘ , ,=1"; , . Vi..'`,-'Mi%`.. h ,",..`iTys.' irT •
I n
l id Uhl, Tanner.' MI, 1 100 is. I. A D T. , l , araa, ,of C1a5.i..3.. or 'tisk, excluding all peeled hazards'
that of t e Westmin , ter Hospital in Lon- nu.) g all. LanaP o . a. • 2.) - one cut " ! aurin g nal. • linnitot amount 1n any oneoralit, M. pre,
dOn." I - , I.Y/ &a. Durk., 2, boxes it.... noun. . citaluat [Kr Pre q ueuy and u.,eurrenre of large fino, aud
_ - ~ . -, .• Tube. ...1 - 5a 11 Cass 11, , Ida. r•it 1,5 the Stork and Mutaal plan. it not only you.
From the physician's report, we bears ~.
... ra
]„,i..,,....,,, i i,.., , t -,,...,,,
, :i.0 „,,,,, r ,i 1i , t; ,, rt ,„ ru e z
, t. ,: t ~ ,, , ;1 1.; t=s , 4r .:, ,,u ..c, o nuno•hatlun of . t. i i:ll tu re tbol,
that front August, 1849, (the time at which ' e,-,,,,ei, 1 - 4,1. , .. (i r laipe. y i ntt ,! ... E. a , :.d.,l , 7 , , ppT i zi l
, raper.. lt , :i. un,cer the rontml ai f te r :f:filfitUhresto'r r al.. f -',Lhn
the Deaconesses took charge , of the Institu- , : .:4;r:,..,.:= e . ., ''..„.t....2,.-,...7 . ,:_ 5.. ) ;:,0%,,,...:-- ~,i,..:,;.,t...;,,... iktg C' t tl..ll,-rok:lioher ALI! . j '''''
ENGLI:2II .: DENNETT. , . JP. 11.1.Tlii.liFtritD, l'rer.J.t.
lion,) up to January lot, 1651, - the number ; } ",„'"l,... i b ' 1.2, ...rood. and Ibi Front PL. ~ A. l T.ILLEI-r. peeeeta ?
of patients received into the Infirmary has -- - - - A A l'Aralra. tetuar,
been three hundred and eighty-eight; of L. S. GORDON, . Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., Pbilad'a.
this number, two hundred and eighty-seven Produce, .Commission, and • Forwarding ' i , ,', ENT IN PITTSLWRG 11, \V. 11. DAVIS.
have bean discharged cured : twenty-three MERCH ANT. (ri, J. ?1n.,. i r ~1,,.) No 1. Liberty ureet.
a .r the better moverienre of i sm..., resldhili In the
have been discharged relieved, and seventy- , .V. , 7 , A o,l h .9 0. ". B'l,,'""'s be", put o .1' tle. city. the scent me also be found daily,
1 ,,,,,,,- tmto 11 101:: .ere ..: IA 3 o'clesk a tine ... . r
eight have died. . J r,.... o aiter I Co, No 24 M.... 1 sir,,...t.':here m td" l " n neces. °
r ) . ll ,!, E iran u i n a d a: r l(. l .ltTo e 'llo'... A be g i?;.`e i n " t r m , i t .i i" ;''.. , , 'u ...r e int...nation veldts, g .ren rur.: ..,.,nir•rir,..riais. e i ' ,sip,
All chinsiss of patients arc admitted, many , .. 14.1tuere and Sus q uehanna Railroad. I. e... Wale art r,,,.,,„ 4 ,., ! ,„ Promphlent •sidatnlng the 01.1,1paa and
of them iwith incur-A.le diseases ; hence the '''',.11 2 ,374:',1,` pn:11 . ,T7 ., R_ .., 1 7: . :1;r " ,i': ' . im " i '''''. "'..." "L l '"'" tom ' i ' d "
fn c0 u1 .,..ti.. .1111 tha I,III.NVARDI.NO Va , !..k-5..,. end 'CaP a itai',.,,el, .. 12MJX., end ...,..tualt Incr.-mi.,
.......,,m,mitet.t. , 11 MA, 1 lour•uram• Prup.e a1ie1.1 . ...1...n0un . 11. : .....,,,. 5. 0t0r.... In.ured I, life
amount f mortality
We should like to say a good
of this elc.cellent institution, Lut the want of '
space compels us to lay down our pen.
_ DRY GOODS, &c,
____L - -•--- - _ ,
X . 'II Spring and Almoner Wear.
M i. ,.. 1R .,
or, l-I:l7 .b & o, B r. l.l m it t c h !v n u i .a:2 , in . : , it , e ,r th s , ,,r, ,,, ,
and :intim Wear , for men awl bo,a, rouslition nf tvh
maretta. M Nno,l1.11:111,3.• SurartinrCaminn.rrs, iicnsitil,
Cnvittieres. Wellington Cords. nunoner Cloths. Tiernl , .
now styles of COttOCWIR and Twills. hear, Nankin..
and French Linens. Alan. Just open. PlS tarter Shirtier
M.Mus. Isiah Linens. warranvel all fan. finnt's MIL
!IMO , . IT FIDE and Gingham Cravats. Kid and lid.
Wore, an Findi.ry, at soutnenet corner , if Fourth an!
Market at ta. aid.;
41 1 041.. S, CLTFFS, ~te.—,L A. M.tsnN &
1,../ Cn. now °rind. rral Valencia Wraunnt Cnllar.
and Culls, k dn., slag Munnetra, Cane, Laces. ac.
A. ~ IASON & CO., i 2 and €.4 Market sc.
.."3..• mornlnr, 20 cu
New Goods. at No. 85 Biaiket ht.
& DAY would reapectfull7
ton the attention of OA public to their •cre leria
tmo chnicw. star: of NEW' SPRISG GOODS. which tbrc
.3re ncw oOrttlog. Thot stock. boa been bought at the low ,
• Aprtion and Lmfortree ratl. ord will be .nl,l .0
eOO l! vdnn!e to orb bvren FT h:ltroiO o:
t4:11 "
.iod.- tic Northw,t corner of the Dizzorn4
Wholesale Pry Goodr,
9. A. MASON & CO., 62 1t.66 64 Market
,7 , 9
.pnlig Goods.
CO. will open thim morn
and Azw-rwar. DRY
Enna 144; inmsbln Fty le.. to
tt4r rotAtoan.t the pt,ll.
is received and
la pars. th. PAlosing 4r.
cu ed. earopylelag, IL
,Inn, 4
nd Inlla. CP....Ca Oa
t."' ,W. T "
'MP, and ulia.
_ . Jenny bynd and &attn.
-al• and Diamond Fluted
. Pearl and
loop Sari .
Peal.. Allleridll Lae, '
Alboae. runs:llm sllaed
epllt SU., Plated 31Anill .
Silk •• '
A. A. ILlif.):.: 2 CO
62 and Market IIS .t.
"L".*".`' em
1 1 .1 t k
%/ IMMIX' ti IVl.elua'yll have received
& • fee Mom u...,
Voce. more ell moot Team, and (Ur:m
• Tit ow.
&;:i:len=ljtio:L ° I..ri d ZIVP: 4
_u'': * V :
braced Oldanofecturret Delacoart, of P arS o i: e tv ,' ror ' 'u "' -
for %IV • WAITER P. MA LL,
E 5 Woo, sOOO,
Wines and Liquors.
No, 157 Liberty at., Formerly Datil cm:km-factory.
O. rurrau, of Pfttehnek.] STOCMIII, of tr. y
pICKEISEN do STOITVENEL, respectfully
aramtnca to the public generslly. nod their friend.
Vera% r llTOt th igth h rs,== 4 4 when
ws/S keep foil assortments! the best EA—Moselle end
Yresch Tad and white Wines. Also, Verna desk and yetis
if the shaken rintaiten Jamaica rum. Holland
Ort 'lrish wniataa,atgamagurn. and epsrkliSE hock
tlisksost encored brenis. pert wines. Ilsdelny_sherri
susk newest Wlnter. Absinthe, ft.E. Also, rkter o lw w ts, Toll taxi
=7 l Lim jst:lr gb
of • t o e Mrtna?le. itrrovonel, still sentineling his
impertatkel bpsiness th.g . yonsYvk, the shoes Ors.
" ? t otnrintrs ettr Plesse . e b t before rgt
sonlisi hes of alas atansi,. ext th.
~`;,17,,1':‘1,1',7:gi,:,...,",,Li;-,‘`,;:,i - - T•717,i,,;i;:i;;; . .:X:i,71-7;ar
114AglinIIA. t. ..... WILLI/LIN . -
lILL,NnAgg.. Nter . ..h. lINI. . Marine, Fire, and Inland Transportation
I.L. II gr.l-i. CA tlngAio, git. Ag . 1 toutnt, eg.....nted. ,
REl.ntli-St.p.. Insurance.
MeArr. John FALlllian A nun.. IN . Atari h hong. Thor. J FEITIE I odor:tore Company ~f'Nurth America.
l'arAnn A A . , , John 11eCt.Ilontg 0 C.+ . IN yin. a . Own. ' I. Phtledeinlgle-Chnrton•l 134. CAnltel int/11.0.1. Ai•rett
In, A nt ItAg .1 en.. Duvall. ii,neLlr I 11. rgg, . Milleit Ma r• JAnuAry 11. 1 , ,1. $1.1....1:Z1,L 11.. Will nuNke In•urugg . .Apn
lA.+. Tninhull, INAII k hlAtr. itAlL.rt tgAglAt A 4 ..e1g. J.. , 1..01.101, 104 lipnr ,011E..nt, In In, gay and Atetent, Aign
tgANgve-ttAltn.n..n.. . o yrntgg.rt, vg Av. , " 0........ r. Iption. thlr.,l PAI . ....LA 1 .....
NlegAnA. h,CrAnhig. I C., NI 11....1.n A. in atot ,AJ...r, lit, by tukint lonto,L•ArtgetAn or on thg
W.g•ca CIA/F. I floor. Ifgnry Gina. 1,04...”.1. ......
NI. J NV Ken 115,....111LLZ.
!um.. Covacn. 1t.,.. C.AlumnlA Arthur G. Cgmln. i.,1. :lA.. P.,
11.... g.. Nullhollan 3 Wrig IIIIi•NlIh. hennug.l It .7.,.... -44.0 h NAIL 1 . . A 1 gI iginal: lot,,1 it. , Cond I.
1i.,....r. Jegugg nngel 0 Cn., L.A.• 1.. d 0011., 01.': , ....14..... . J.nn 0 1 ,,,.”. Wllltaxa W A lgn. ,
tar10.,114.4111.s SAagnel l lnult.h. Pg... IlargkgsgA,
- . 5.0044..1 Itng.k., A A,
QI:GAIi. AND MOLASSEL,— . • k. harird ix, lug. Wm F. (Lanett.
Munn.« Whit.. I.r..eur .i..011,...11
I,:y.'• in htlAg. Linn. II O. nukar. J •I' A- .
; - • " Mort 0 MU, LI I. hAr,r , l, hAer.
m:A-.. ;ihn. t• t he ..1.1...“ leen...rt... r. , ,,,,u, It thAUnteAl AngtAA.
I OAF SCGAP.-20 41 bls. Small. tor .ule by .`',.',. tI h1,1,...r0=:,.1.....,,,,,,..-....... r....,
0 A Awn, JANIFLI A 11l TI - 111 , ....• aCo - a rnt 1.1 . -O ik, .L.l r,.4..4 AG ...11rn ha/444, , chrset.g. ts
• gnAg - IA rg..A01..,,1 AL otternac An", .....,gr.e. en LA.. t ut.I . A
L V - I - /: SUL; AFL —l:5 bhas. for salo hi WII.LL.AII I. ..o.l.:L'n, Agent.
.102 A So 111 I gnnt ger.....t.
...NI A JAn INALI-ELL. ~• 0! at., .1.
American Life
, and Health . Insurance Co.
NiAcKER . EL--it) l; : hir. rnror N-..:;. hurt
„,, th ,.,,, Lig.' lir .r.g L.,- W. lli IL-1 14.1.1 IV.
- ~,,b . ',O! R..LIN:ItiA. , N .0 11.1.1, Ili .
.1„,..., , 1 • riffgLngiA, SR I/L. 1 , . 7" , . , 11” LE,
k1...i . ;AK AND )1411. ASSI:S . . -6,.., V. 1., Ithov• innttg,...!
/-7 19 hh-tg VlAnNAti..r. _ i nong.hlgt• gAntAinlnt e'l A........Arg mrnrrnAtlno -1.3 ....
4LAN ign • 4, 'llnin...-... ,..,.......1., tb-!11.... g. 17 gni
In stAir ening . MI, bY
zochli tr.L.Lrr...: H.LCILLTIgN/N t ' I.4lestern Insturance Company of Pittsburgh.
... s .- gl .:111RES lioughton Nlmlng,r.y.
013 ' L.,. - tn . .. nr AWI Lig t 1., 1 L.N.
10.3 ...nro, et slAglAgt AnJ I Inrl ge 't_. I,ALlrct. --- -. A... ,- .N.rl
. VIII glu o ,. annlnse all 1ir...100t r.glig CI, en.l lll.trlng.
1 --I.I.CLI— L,
-ll keg, No. 1 Lard. and 'I I,VII , A.I L.gan Alll 11.11.00111 egtgustgt an! nnAnnl s y p.. 1
_Ea Wrenn: LAnl. Ing gale I, R. DA.La.i.t. GCO ~, , 1.- ... 44 I-D. 1 1 , ... In n tin arg grgl.
„..... sin LI, eAnunualt, an-I AL.... a, A.:Arran:Al ng
rionnLing•gg and 00Trallty 1. , mu 1010 we Algarve., At, C
4:`, ALEIiA TI . 7—._ 3 Igi , Stng nod 10 bhlp. for the, m.....ang..1. nAtwierlntg CIA ongt in - Arctirn In LINA..
0 rail , b.g. II W.AL2t:I.I. • Cl/ . gn A .l.Agre to be Kula.
4111-.--1,1%.,-i. Mill,. Jr., CAAN Wart, O W . suns, Ii
r_N.7`1.2.4 1.11, , , , gt,gt.
_• _ ._ . Liging.g, Jr . IN. is. 11.1....5. I: Menge., G.., It L l A rnAnn.
Urn IL LgAn. Jut,' Darn, Jar,. W.
.1. 10. n. A:cm. SinNtrig. Toc, A.A._
00,-, No
ng Ir: Water
Water &Argil lAArchvg , .. .•! E.,. Atlg Cr,.
• .....• ightgrA ggalg
! 2.
Delaware Mutual Safety lasuranee Cornp'y
,•••• ra••• tr.! fol. /-././- I-:- 4 b 1. T. ,11 5 '1'.,...:011 , T,11 ROOM: ,: 1 ::F TI I E EX• i
a.t.,,Astt n ht. / , / .7
it:, I •,./.../acz..-1. , /.1., NT , ' T.nTI , T• ' T' , '''',/,' i
•LAT:.I/0 1 , F. : .- a: It Aivt)T.T il . ) '
" 1.1::::t. " . 7 .. '" ;• • ..". .,..7 7 ::;:: "'"
in ' e.'.a Ditortord:•&,,,a i/6, jr,::: ILar.onci c:lty. InuArt• T..,...•/•,,/ - attc,/ -Th.. al, Inv,/ M././rharal,-/
ti . YOU WLSTI. FOR TEA th.ta 1... r ,- anlty r . ....2 . ‘ 7,..:,',:,"....,•."',.:,-; II ',../.1/;=/;`,;,,,,174,.X/;,,,,,,/;,.'
.././../.. Lb,. la tbe ~.., /./, /../, U. 1/... n.:nr...r i. a" yr,cxl 1./../., .;.-r./---./.{../ 11. ./...,;•'. I.noat , na A. N1a...1,,..J/ 1 / 1 3 C
.4,ts arc netcr /.91 at ana r.tat./../1,.//nt
~._ , Day.. ni../.0.1/../rLon. Jahn 11 Pennan, oa..utl !Ara
acarat 1 urn., le. •
~.", ~ S. Ca.,/, C 1. , ,,..r. 4.da - ant I.tll//,1.,n. Ina, IT 1/a/rlx. rid
',awn , qualitn, .... ..../ I nia,,,l 2.-. Lt N.-at!, is, It. M 11a/tnn. Jarana 1
Tbc• very baat . 1, ./..- - Ilan!. 'I ta•npin/ s• I`auldlng. 11. Jpatrs Ilma,l/./. 11au,
Thin for us!, 'tom . l'l'latnarab /.1.9.,/,e . ,....a F., ea...! ,/,,..a,,,
.11,0, , r s ,F. , ,,tr, Farrlll. ll ./an , s•
, Ttlet:Tan,
anlrll./../371,...;!, nf . .. , ,,f,T. , /./: . ....! , /arr , ._: ,, l i nT.Tna- t , " o hia.f , ',/ ...., 1n,!r t„ . L 1 ,, .i .., 41.1r•n, 'A Ls. nr. Dr. Ths../n.
trod ra ,,...l " ' " " ' ''' " .- ' Ine . rmunT . •// l'r74Z//u;nu-D T. Marian. Elseh OVS•
- - Jchn T 1....,art.
REFINED SUGARS, &t.— ITIa. or TI ',Kin, Prriat/Iret Tan. ('.llama, ‘1.././ Prem.
/.1< .1/././arti W. CnWAN. See,Ary.
3.1 tan. I/ 11. LAN, 1.../n1 Tna.r.
..1151.1....ern.t.d nnnwr. r T 'n/n//auv ./../ 32 Troaar VT./ P llp
bsr,,l/. -"."' : ' ,2._: .l •Tr ' l ' • ' 1 , . a,. MAP...11,A" ...
a t /AVI I I.
In ' ty../'.,/ .1 C.,..rifind i'YTT/T, ITIIE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSUPo
~ . t... II ~..-..-, 51,,,..... a, ror ' , air I'7 ANC .I': COIIPANT. Nn 151 Markrt sl.l;rt. Newark.
J. 611/.., .5, 111/1/111144 , /, 1 1/. .. /Intl Nu 11 ll all •./I-nal, I'. I. Arenrsulanal wart.
".:''''' A-r."' L'''"
"'!'''''''''"rr. ' E1.' 5 .7. - .?:',` . 4';'l''l S 7T....!'' I '' 'l'L7"'. VIT.; "r,''
1, Li. AII-9'2 tlhd.. N. u. to arrive this day, ~.,,.., In'tna ...,a.,,,,,a,0rn, ia• P a,;,..a... , 0n,,,.., tn. aat,ol ` . '
!..7 for rala by 1nr1,2.1• ,aW. II A1111.5.Ut. , 11 • prnEto bong .110,1n1 a/ n0w i t i i ..L az...,17...a
IIGLASSES -1 To 1,b' , .. N. O. for sal , by era ' Nn 1.11 F runt ottret.
.I.Y A tavai'Ll .. aW. ItAKBAL4iII.
EGGS—A few bbls. (fresh.) for sale by 51ISCELLANEOUS.
‘,...1 la W - 11A1,1,1,411.
Mote bed 1 , 1 - bak bY
LAII.P-1.0 bi)18. if.. 7, kg,. 5,.. 1 Lnril, in j R A LI EIIS E Y, COMMISSION 11:11-
31 ,•) I A Vr.t..r tbr 1 , 11.1...4 Daunt-nil, is ...I.n. and Cottno
mrh-.1.1 i t. W. nARTLin. , : I... “...i.. N., 1. ~,..: ~...e, 1...1,,,,,a,
11111 ED APPLES--111U ha. prmv, for al e . ~th:. 1 •V:,, , ('1. , ',.., , I.'" f' , - , .. , ' 1,,, ,....... bal4-I
....7 by [rich 4 :-. ,II 'X II lIIIIAUGIk -- _
griOD FISH— , caskk reed end for sale by k, L ,a,,,,, b...b..rn t.b. 0b1......11..-r. urdrb :b.. nt>1...1
1.... i Incl:.I.1 ?. IW. 11AltbAttill. 1 ~„.„ .1 Lint k ,„, , ~,,. d,„ 3,,,, a t. 3
(.7.A.U./10N—i bblii. So. 1. for - sate by INkatipb,3,,,,,.
kJ IL DALZEI.I. a CO. ft. 1.1 II EMI,:
. _ _ .. - -.-. - .. " - -.
.-.--- ..h'' ".
'-- . - Ira acne , -r E E Fleming ; itt . h;;;ii...l'in um the
name of th.. lat. arm in tto , mitlemrat of their L1101(10401.
II mch.3 IL D
ERRI NG --5 Ws'. for 1 - I.le . iiy
.2.11 L A CO. fehl 7
fa.VERIZI7I; CORN-Itetincsl and Pre- ISSObUI'ION OF PARTNER-S][lP-
M, partner- hip
it cauttn: twin., the
Xi r''''` ' , l'' ' ''''' " ''''' 7, Ti 1.... " '''''. l 'sbir Pu n Pecnie ., „oder the .1.. Shatklett a Witte, wm du.
me be... ni art i s le '''.. ^^ L i ' "'''''' '' '''' ' '' t ‘ l ' bred 0r..1 . 1... ti, on. ,:f Jar Liam
to mutual eon
er . .. s . c. ' I'‘'''' .. ." "- ' L ''' ''''' 'L.' u', '"'":" . " ,i : " ,•si rut., .-.; 'it,' ~,t-cribri. .111 attend to ...Win ,
the dtrectionn areompanytnir eseb i n , l he .ou..
n. ; nn,...
~,,..., the 1.n... .. ,
n' ro ' r7aTe i rq U' inch t iT c' P r in;:ti.F.Vt.4. 7 W.:. et Cm ' 4 " that P,,:" ere so loi P '
,••1 stmt.
ItICON- 5 hinti 11 1 1 110 Dumb; , Fe 1..., I. 'LI
111115 K. W lIITE.
' d'' th' "V„:"lti.t,',;`;`,l'X'' Iv Ew F I PNI -B. C. Shaeklett and William
.1 1 Pm', m reneral partner, and Ileojanno Ulf A., a^
fir fill. by
Webster c Unabridged Dictonary.
, ir;7 1 ;;; ai i.:Y; ' , ' " , : t :.: d
..t,V;l:gi , ; ! ;: ',l .r , :ni ",:. :r t ;l:Ln 7' ; ,',
VV E A I3 II B : I : EW nd PinUiCAlsllFtliVit:l)-1,1., 'i r t- .: . .., r e i ~6 , ... Vi'L.;;;, ' ..:t ''''
" li '' J '' Yflar.E4 . l ? 'fli
Amu. work bound in hum. calf ,tutx,...d bar.. end !...i.... 1,4,11 WM. PAYNE
very elegant-Slu.. . .
A '- r
4 " .3(TlV t il ' . ' \ r itt r .l:dt ' ? :l Wned C 0-PA RTNEItSI-1 IP-The subscribers have
me lb __.'._ , ;entered tow G-Partnerahlutde l ir the firm of bcatfa.
FEATIIERS--I 600 Its prime, for sale by . au ., ‘• . bull
- '--- - - -
hand and for .alt by
meht .. N WICEPE , I"M 11111ARIii. lID/lIES ti" CO., Proprietors of
_ ..
4 I . ODLIV EP. MI- -Rushton, Clark & Co.' .. 1-. ewe,4,,,,,,,,,,,,t1,4":‘,.../,l,,zuw,r.,•Tosr.ill'hu=imeiz,il,l7!
TLI rec'd and fur pair hi burgh, Whrwlioa. Clorinen, , . that they hare aro. ,
tnrb4 I' N WICK FltbllAM ,
i Atrz 1..1 , 111-0. a Pittabureh. their Agent, whn U now
.J) HESS SILKS-110 pc,. a,sorted Spring, ''4;, ` ';rj,'"l: , : k .,,, `
, `" . * : " . '" " L ''''....R.f.,:,f10w `,et ~,,,b,llOl, In,„
• ' ""1” Du." Ai .oust
A. ' .1 . . MISoN ACA . 1 lar ' at.triii " lloarri... in tZe Z i11t...1 Sta[ onallt bwt rd
meta N., t..... sod ~.:. Mar , ..l rtreet. 15,1? Slater Al -.val. If nut tuperier. to the beet Welr ' h
- ,elate..-they ..tavio, none utter I/u , ealwrieured and rt. ,
LADIES' DRESS GOODS- - heal nlettert 1...... their work, r...clptently they have nu
IS per plain all w,.0l bilal colored De
. I . ..a.mer. bmitation in intorno/ a p.,,fectly water ti ght rnef, nestle
and bauleowely namidev.l. at .0 re.onald.. a pnru I.' ,
'''' ..
'''' `` ""1"""''' u.."```."
I ' mu.."
"1•771.,y v ` :.t r ,. ` , ` ,l,l!6 ' ;‘ ` ,7,V,r,..aimed t„ be
In . Lhnice style litinxlinen, lin.t oywned at
t u b
A. A...MASON A Cl/ ','. put en huh Inavend of e1...1i0n. which will hoof
- - - to the eon...tore and ow net, of buildinge
- 1)0TASII-if crialni re :'d and fur bale by itca•ccii,c ae in abeir elau• and elating ran tonteen-arid
,lILLEE 1 RICKET,LtN. Mr. Thomaa Porry• one of the romanT• mar al , be eon'
mehl , ~,,,., ~,,,,,.., ,r . , •ulted I.llf day-. their P,..,13 ,, r , ;15 , 7: 1 (6? } 1 r fr.. ; , , ,, rj , 3, „,
-- - ..i ~..,•
fiviNTER W DALE 011.-1200 gall. bl'd, . Attl.,tl..,ll:4,trotuptir repaired.
ILOUR - 100 bid, superfine, for siileby
ts,t, i t u "u"."
• .
~„4.lfis,veryoo.urb4tiior Tha . lht r y--a ii, 1 . 0 } 1 , 1 ,, r
f r ii r v tn i .g i u . t p ..iuAt , I ARD 011.-1 U bid. IS: u• 1. on hand and
. i .1.4 for ale tr wALLINUYORD 4 CO_
MURPHY k DERCIITIELD hare just reed a rri•o. lkAk TOOL 'WANTED-The highest market
go'st , , tr all tlo. vernal. qunta,
' fr u rrt: l [24 r c..O n bt ' u b' pl: 60.50. . 64 .of It Y eol. P l i . l y ', in
T:c h );17 """ "'''s`l T. ATITIVV."
i i EG IRA Lit- • - tipsy ust re . a'd and for N oT I C E .-All persons haring claims
AA.. ~ a O.. by (meld! MTIXEII A ILIChKT[ON . 1 moat., lie ...Ler MICYLK ILL. will Wee- r , - -
A i ESTS' POCKET lIA NDKEECII I EFS- , .7.1‘,..,,t , 1 ,:',. 11 ' ,, „ 11 : , "''' . .,1'n" . ',', 1 ,;„ 1 ;', • ;; 1 4 '.r 1m•11.0.•••1•5u1r.
Nfi Silt and Llnen Carohne,nf new end handenmeetylee. , whit WALL ' INIIVOIth A . 6E, it Water et
ilUl dnu.' Prin'
arlll7 J. at - tic itrt tun. ' 1 4 ,1 01{ SALE-Ohio and ' Penusylrania Ran
i 1 ENC IN E PORT \V IN E.-'l'he pure nice / ' ''' ..l ''‘gti,P.i' "' ', i1'"b i `FV:,..? . .4E . T . n iv i r4 , ... ,,,
f l . '''.
al.'farrTTMl.', 111Mr,1 1 2`.`r i atrv..1..,..4 1. , - I iLANTATION 310LASSES--600 i; - hls. - in
vat ivis , , v.. , eael ride of the inalmmd• - . [frb 2 ' .. '
_i_ Flora and fur tole by JAMES DA_LZELI...
LitNi - RIES-1. bbl. Chestnut,. ' tilt 6.9 Water 0.
:1 .. IlickorT Nut , ' SPRUCE CHEW ING GUM-Just received
f... 1. b00e , 11b1.4 , 21 - 1 1 1 Ca:MI:eV: ft, RS.' 111 , , 0 ,,,, ~,,,, i1........,„n0, sin 1n„.4,
of n
Mchl3 J. D. WILLIA)I , 6 4 LI). tie n
largo lot or this plesaant and agreeable Chewing
' Gutlt. which 1... nerd for aweet,linq tin breath, cleanntig
A i. S : 6N-' . 8 .4 - . E. 12 ' A CJE-111-INa 7g: ,f, o ,i-o. l :: r ., Saie i th ' ' ' 4" ''''"n"."Uni" b! ' ;. b ? . VlCKEllSlllM.
_ mrner Wool •ral Filth mt.
1 1.1)0f.d.551.1-1(.; casks, warranted Pure, wr ; '''''
I axle by m. 104 J. A. II ; LOYD. . fkr ATEI 1 .0 1E.F . WORKS-Tee
t ~ , I\ - ales
•. -7-, 1,7 Cure Manual,b. Joel Shoo MLI
i IAS CIIANDELIERS AND FlX l Ulth:'; : ,ii.•••e , •• In Ar,..a.rdited b . y . a . Watrr Patient.
1.. s Parlor Chtaltl^tieTS and lie
of the Intertatylm li ned Itook . nf }inner:day to, Proferainnol and Donleatic
ale... two and on., light Ornaniental ,, PW . /e,M. , X,:aatern o) ;o l , , : n. i n , r e
1i.1.1+7,n, of
jiy„,h w i t h
. n mowed
Pru l ' eltls mrner of ''north and Market ate. ' illuttrallom of '
important eq ' tt.Tecta, by Ldward Jobuetou.
‘,IULAft - i;Altll L - A3IPS, CHAN DELIESS, ' 'tt.”-r sm Prxnee of Ilydropathr, by tar lam /1.
k 1 Ormunental and Mtn Strepenri •ll3, rj. , L , t , ... ,. .' , • 1 f , " , , h^ '...r.. n by not , latioc,
c... r,, Italic. end Dwelling- Alen a ue* omilwan; . -'...,,'
~,,., ~..„ ~
f* , ~,„ I . c „fn.:Km.
tPol rato ..eni of C. Orr Table, ntand. end btu ly Inmpa. al. ; I. -v. , w ' --.,..”:
..e l
..,.. ~ C . fi.
Of th.,,,,,,,,,a,,i sa.sufarturto of Ct.rnelly A CO. oni at lienkeell , x.. t-t •ner, er, .1rtra....... ..u.
en-terti one.. mell 5 W M W ILOON. LbLi
LREDS--20WA. strictly prune aver e , '
6 bag, „ . Ti mo thy E„„1. I
10 qt . ii;• ., tst i ii ,, , ,.. .tur
, i , auturri.t Yet invented by which
nS. rtalnlY deteetrd trapwllticeely, re-
i. ,-`,. W AT ERMAN A I .( nt - ,Ya' ''' ng but a ' moment. Prierssl.l.l7, 44,50, and tids• ter
sale at au IS and Jewelry atom of
114,1tOOMS -50 doe. for sale by w. it. IVIUON.
I_, inch3l MLitt:ll & RICKETSON._ ~,,,, corner of Market and ./.. eta.
- IL -1 GUS-7 bblF. fresh, for sale by - 1 1)---1-i-T-----ENT ,NIEDICESF ' S.. , - tt....e..--AFarge stock
J A ruch:ll SAMCKi , r. SMO r r" . I In Om, and for mac on the moat liberal term., vir,
Ili UTTER-1 . / kegspacked, f b
in . sole Y i inialie's ()intuit.
I LEW. Acid . ;Aromatic , Salta
llternri' Dropv
A totbSl a.,.. 2AMEL L. P. Ellltlc ER._ ~ ..,
.y . fitt.u.l f EltV' n, I f irdzad , : .n kha i tAb i, :; all filth 1
iRY APPLES-10 bbig. ree'd, for sale byi o;d•daye.ste'n's sriturint
IL/ null . 4 /iICEL I'. SIIRIVER. Pulmonary . MOM. Carpenter a Extract of Hoehn
Pills, And-Biller.
RIED PEACHES-25 Mi. for cape In 1 - L.. °sort Plaster
Dolby'. Carminative 1
)__maul_ SAMUEL P.sals'''a. 1 - Ands:sc.', Deporative Syrup for be
raw fern cure of King'. E ' en, &rut.
1, ti erce lef: , -- : Lp ulA landing. for sale by ' - Lod • Anti-nrnicene i , di , SePlethei ea
et ...tat
N I i i tA lr t . .ri y a o l i t i fic K it:tr u e d ii os.
cf1u,.....,,i7,1b..':.k07,_;,,, 1. : " °,,,, L.. .1' 1 1 7..,,,, 70 1: 1
j)1111 - -,
. n„.. T o i.N . WAL. , I. PAT.:It- Front the most ociebrated fen. I .. Q. -- ln coder
~ ,,..; „ re n, ,T r— c Vrea. I,lll[
Is-revved al ' ~ Bine , . (ACT.
'f 11 PALMER I . Winterarreen
C OPPE R , STFieit. , - - ..-
1 ra.. agui4"sis - )toward
..0 games Ae - Seldltta . Eprom for Deer
lire • „IT, I.L,,ip. coop.: . , Roew Ointment for Totter PT. Watrr
lOU . pi, '','' ~. . • Strengthening Pluton Gardener'. Liniment
. *. Al • . r'r
I.ollll'. Panacea Godtrer i a Conga
~, ioniiaein - - I Turllngton'a WS= tiolduo Tincture
lot rale et it. n.d.;7,11 ' : " Ti . "' .. 4 " . Ter &fu ; • Harlem al
A. WILKINB • CO. ' Worm Tea Hers. Powder'
...... Market and nded a ea. I Al the .hay stored 15.21.WCKKRMANIv
RA arm at Waal lad 81sta stre•ii.
si6tvion r ,
Cleft in a mertluatile .vtarturiuv
t,:cevikmable rift m be. Anrea. A law ...1-
rr...1 IL . <are of 31cUill• Paw. 7... - vivo
F„ , .. PIES .11CD TARTS—Fresh Cherries
atvl Plum, put op in tbeir.oiro P.iff•
..rigrtour ex•ur of thr fruit. Ai..--C..4-r'; ,lebrat.d
, leut And ‘ , l4nal Isinsclar. 0.1.4 Frnd , 41eIntio.. fur Jrlll..s.
. 4r sale br
mehrl W5l. A. MA:LEW-la r._ 254 TAlN•rtr rt.
VE.SISON 112315-03 fur sate by
for .de by mrh".l. -
Is. warranted pure
Pn..ler. and Effvrve•ctrqCumtur.und. for
c.c1122 t...IELLERS. lt rx-,1
I fresh) for sale by
roehlo ,AM1.71:1, P. slum Ell.
LAD -30 bbl. No. 1. bi store. for saVb - 2
tncllP P. A W. If A PEA UGH :
CLOVEKSEED-8 bbbi. for by
mc.64.4 DICK McCAN faxss.
BUTTER -6 bbl. prime Roll, for eal.e by
mad.' • WICK 1 MrCANDI.FA;?
op A Syllabn4 of the L.. , of Lwad Offic.o 'Lore in Penn
ilenunt.. by Jovl reed nod far male br
rucbls No. 47 Maet.7.
lIIRAS' ALE-300 Whole and [if. Bbl ' a.
0 In atomwith conet.r. arrivals (ton the Itrwerra-.
lint Quality. fur 6•lr be
Boys' Wear.
I....ortment of theatkvk good. 24444k4V. • •rini:
near. con.nrtlee OW and plain ekrfon•rek 11 0r1o0 Cif - oilmen, and Jean, n . 01.0.1 Pkel-
E.( ,
kkainun kind, .11 at loweel prixv. okrkl7
110511AZINE:S & MOURNIiia
i_p LAS —3l4ltrrn. Brntritnr. Int-. the attention et
110HTS--300 An. for sole low to door 0.,n
eigtancrit. by ~.7 / 1 3 ICEL P
Buckvt, 10 Mu Tubs. fin er.le b•
ita ; L t BuTTER—,
ARD 011.-2tl 1:61. Nu. ; 2, just ree'dand
L 4 Wu sale low br WALLINOYOUD I CO.
WA. just ree'd ;Lr..l
T Woubs noS,
GI •t
Altill.AGE OIL CLOTH--On 11:01.j.
large vv¢lmrut or 1. 6, And c Jr
Flguroal Hark. Patent Carrl.,,,e Cloth, • 0/etiJi.i
Nrtlel,.. fat vale bolrKalo v tu. u cetera
nick: J..k II 7 and u Wood
y 4 4 .wt A Or. Gr•vilthl el•th. • L.,1.
• air stul .t N. 7 •thl 9 W,..1 mt.
:1017 J II NIHAU,
eloikii No. I, for tiale Lc
-W. MeCLINTOCK ill% it, .
k,.3 the ntt.,noon otpumits.voi..ho 111.,01.111f /II
4.110 1 F.JIOII r....•t
'ARIEL) BEEF-5 te. S. C., for hair
.111 md,'; ROM:SON. AU.
LASS---35116.1.c.5. IV. t 9., as4 . tl, City all
IJI C..utary brand. fur
-I_IICKORY joks. s%le lir
WIC6 £ IA! _ .
4.11. - EItATUS-14 cake, nod '.2:; boxes 1.1
C 7 Ve7104. •alt
I('K , Ira' rg.tss
BROOMS -13n doz. i Cony ) 1;a• sale by
rvh, \\"]l I.
D .LACK WWI), f..r February, and tin! A.
11 j'""*L''""'''''''
•1 1 .111 - 1:3 reo'd and fur .alo by
I . _4!141110\. LATTLL , 1.
N , l ACKEREI.--25 bill. N. 3, for .d.lo by
ht hoislsoN. UTILE 4 1).
I:,,SSIA-100 matt: , just roc'd, for sab , b%
Ludt a fuC% 1:1 - ndN
1„, 1 0P, I.l:—E*Lany,r Han:.Stook, by
D Ii !NU. F.urtb
1 0i) LiVEkt V 1..--Wr,rranted purr. eu
draufl.l.., C....rt.,
lINNS Co,'4.ilaTC.Kl4 Lt!: ~
!. A FA
RINTING 14A fERLALS--Printer ', cop
rae) s g ttvv o., parnr ;
I 11,1.-1, Mr
run. te,
1 1 7,1.1, 001,e. and F.rrr • 1,1
1 AkTUCARIUM—EngIi.h Itttr,rlPO. col
I 4 •,, !Q- tett:4 It. A bAliVlootnxb a. . . ,
I JUTTV—In bladder., in tc.,,rt...d scot.
4' , " D. A rAIINE. roil( ...f,
VW EN • : , PLASTEitS--Lirg , u nit iii,ll.
14 b.r .t.le by , t A i AIINI,..TirCh . .
LI IDES—Is 9 DRY 11II)SS bt,:elN toi n.;.1
i 1' .r w.:..1p. rw.: 5 5` 0r lIAJ.ItAlo.i'
VEATHEES-60 sacks Feathers teceion-ii
L ,nd f, , r ...• by mar h. :, a ...'. ISARBALf.II
..., . .—
lila.l,..lit'TTE , R—! ,
t iliirri-ls r,'il pr S. it
'l bw ',.... ' • ~ ,en' ' ' S AR'. DU:BAUM.
. _
o..I ar ,rtmrot on be Wont at :Er Cox,. V. ar•-
!000, o , tor.:.:11, otrovt.
mr.h:. Iti 3IeCIANTOCI:
N1 A r,, ;12!;;-- A , 0 , 17 la i N e .,,i a ..lL ort c l ?„,s it:ll j t. ,u o . f a til ,n i i , , - , .
tit,. Maullia. nod bbrletwa Vail. to vb., awl for •alr al
tor corp t IA a1...b0w, NP. 65 I north .t
Korb: )0' IIcCLINTIE.
• .
1 ARP In L—.lo lA's. tine Winter Sun in.'.
IA G. 'W., by J lUDD 01'0
mall N.. 1.. Woo.l .0. T.
d' , OPPER.A.S-2:i fills. iin good orde ) for
T.._. 'id, by J. XiDu a Co.
ta,lll No ooWor.l wrro-
n14 " 111 ‘ .'9 " ..N. LI L t
- - -
SEEDS -40 bills C n ioc t e i, r
OCIIIIIYIELD Lore no band a ocod ewortm..nt ,
CV , aniv
ry 11Bloa. a .
s lll.l aia.f.4 uallOra.inoluslo.,
size a q
l oualll T. all of hlrO atv nor ,krof
it 1.1,1u,a1 ens,
IOLA) LOCKETS.—JuId revrived a large
surrl y eiNtunt .;dd Watehra nud Minlatu,
4ultublv fur 1 , 44ducrut11.... Wuw.
wetW W W11.0`;
11 UN DON TA PI It doz. fdr-nale to
I_A J 0114 ,
. .
‘iIEAP WALL PAPER—From 6 1-4 coat ,
I_ , its.ortmeral,l,..l• br
tv. SIA111•11-%
g Pllolt- bbl, for ,ale by
it. SKl.l.Elli.
DU W 'l l BAYBERRY —2 bbli , for sale 1..
f,hlll It F.
VIAL CORKS-1000 gross fur rale by
abla s minas
1110 USE LAIN ES—Printed and Farlid
bales for dale 1 , 7 m.
ThRAWING PAPER-3111 Shorts (superi
.l.7 . for old, 1,1 J IV,otKD Ji
mcbl 4 erre.
BROOIIS-0 1 0 doz. Corn, for Male 11:i
incl.l.l J. s IL Mil I ,
f IIESTN 11Ts--3O ho. fur rolr by
malt , .1 t r.. 11.01
M . OLASSEs— . F . S
.. . „
the L+ lit; i ;.1 %4r, tad G. Vroid.t.
1 4 1 151.1--40 1,1,1. prime large No. 3 Mackerel
Ikaturl Ituppc-tlort:
lu .. flalttfacre 11.rnnE: far .deb,
Mel.:. 1.. a. IT ATEK.UAN 6 SUN.,.
Ift i!lTsT_'sbil. Apples;
1+1.5 Prarbm ft, rah. lo
N. .
W 31. Tbackerar• P.Nn
n 'Warwick { arathon , * h 9 }Yank &nrrertcr.
Dirtionar) of Nlenhatoin,Nn.
Renoir.] .0 110L311 ,. iterary t
eta: Third IL ni , porlt L . the loot .t.tre.
pE,utt. STARCII-50 imxes for tinie
orbit HARDY..IOS 00 & CO. . I
ii 11) bblo. No. 1. for sale by
JIJ mchln JAS. DALZ.ELL. G 9 Water of
it LOOMS--250 tons Soft 'Penn. for sale by
mchl 9 J. DALZELL. f. 9 Watrr 178 Fore. ot.
A FETY USE--150,000 feet. Wu:v[l,
A ' A A C " :. '‘ ArA T A . Co.
CLOTHS—WOO yards floor Oil Cloth,
sLy heavy und medium, front to n atdo vide, of the
n,oreet pattern.. whith 6,1 .ol d as low at •holerale
nutter° malt, and retail lower than an& other hon. in IL,
cIIT. We invite the attnnuon ofro to the mho...
.peck. at ur ware mon* No. 7 and 9 frond FL
E in C i t° h; 1)
vle CIDER-6Ur
" , 111.I.Kit A iIICRET,‘PN
TABLE IIIATTS—In store and for sole n
thnesrptt Werehoome et
tnth.l IY. MrCLINTOCK.6( Fourth At.
which nrrju.trect.l,o,l fsoo
New Books! New Books!
ll rL,,,.CPPOeIIe the Post Otbre.
seal. a Humorous No•elt by Geo. ttrawertLY.
ttrelon end C.Jiforula: or Elohts In the livid neer , .
Lo,ih , Le VOW, by Alex. Domes.
Ternotekt by Geo. aend-4 vole. In I. inle, 50c.
Llvengro: the beholer, the tilTro. the Prier: hT Geo.
The gown Necklet, by Alex. Dowse.
Revco. of an Old Meld: or Uinta to Young Men Intend.
h".. Z4nto re can One be had of P.O. 318.` , 1AIARA.
Icaborcr• 188815
pEATIIERS—b sacks cErim , co o r t e r tl s o
LARD -17 kegs in sto
e and for sale by
.cl,B WM. U. JouNem:.
ri'ABLE OIL CLOTIIS---A very large Ile
rttaantood street of Tab's Caren, ot haatl for uta at
Nu. 7 and W
J. a 11. mums
IJ boo Clover Sad;
4 Ttmothy Jost reed and fm .1e bf
m y;, J. )3. DILWORTH E CU.
LEAF TOBACCO-2 111,... for oat
i_y by okelo WM. 0. JOIINsTokr..
a our Mare for palo--3 Yblblog Nett. ors of them
YiLrd• kom. and two mailer awe. ner W bm. sold at •
ordalco, lb* owner le um .001 ilaj al 72 nark, *lto Li
dasilltago, 1004 Wilthen a Oulu weans to lakmbrltto bur;
%ugly km
moh tbm IRA. of Indium. IL PIP Ll , krll, n
No.l ant 9 Wax% st. L L
• •
clore IS TIIE CALMNESS ;: i iv ut i usl 6
i by W a°,
lan.. I dun'Le e cu ar.r.
Can 1 foraa, Ellith/114 .
Want .al • tvoyeennas: by John Parry.
Mamma I. no .ftry cu.rttrular .
Nil:, of br-vone hr loatrr. Ann!. Lsuria.
nr the Lattlind: by Wodbury.
Rind Word, Ly Mraflume Talei I .11ta.
B...trbelcr's Lament by tbn lintrhlnamv. Pc , ka
Brand 1...1.1m de Concert, by IV. Visor..
'MIL all am has popular Eoug.• If a C...t , •:. 33 ”, Polk
as. Marclva: , ariatfutu., Rondo. • 4 . , .4 It ll '
Eastern eitlea.
New Murk received even, V•lf
A very large and nc-,, stock of
To arrive tltir week. of 6.6 K. CX.and 7 (`CMIPS, stirred and
Main.varymg in grins from 1276 tolf.oo. Also. two Mt;
nifieent Irraml Plant, from the tom, ce!ehroted mantas,
"?1;e abort, with a fun anti Several stock of kiosk am,
Moenal "."h''d"' .}171 , 1711. ' 611.0T4 Wt'a r d at.
It —Two Piano fortes to hint Mid Pianos taken tr•
Port for new ono, mehtro
is ,ii thou Fr b y
cnr. Inyrt A srry Imantlll3l new .on
L. I:dde to hl•Firtri -°' L r W.V.
Uus Neil; .do. do.
Nl,' last tat - melts are of tam tonspoond far and sung by
Clubarins ea
Lady, on my ear Is rloglnsa Woodhors.
Awls , with . ..
vain escuwg wing acid catch.
Where are ti ii fewoil. dm,' Yowtti ,
Cotaw.tria.ideuii, mow or I•mondlilu.
Poltkr—kkeet Heart, Coquet.. Britt!, CRltr, 1%51
sow York Ladle& kk,te. •
.1 .' by Lit .on .! Webb
-4: Mot ewer b..b1i 4 ".. 1
" eyn 'th atl u ea b b.m.lre and vaird. .apply of .I.lunical Itb.bru ,
yn•nty, Pianos, 31eLxteons, li i ribes c ot n e .. ..rzi4ti , l4::_re
th' N and most futhionable my.4..Yrtylre..l
publubled parlai
1 1 " 01.. I.t. LOS. SING'S Pictorial nu t
1'1.441E00k of the 14volutton. Cloth,
111ir.rlal F 6 ,1,1 11,,k of ttn,. Revolo
oon. Pe.tophla
. .
Mary Erskine. as isnrrsisla Story, by the sothrst isf 1101
Ism., the Ars.nger. by the asstlanr of the ”WllstsingbrAss,
A ruold." `llnssrslant 11.11, • A,.
'ILc Jae r ka) t tit end R , r rek GT
It . C, ITOC C TUn, lt,ntradlrr and ete &net,
Bla;ket stWel.
ll .
y: , ortirulturint. h.r Februtr
Cultlvahlr. •t,
a tab..,
!rh.thenle). llngazine.
W ., ...00n nr lotra.l. br (Ira, AffOilar •
Inthxur, for mother,. mod thtnghtely.
Slathrrh. Re.,,topen... tirs.n. Agvilon
tho th. h ooo '
11.. art 31ro. Elh.
rhva. •
11,h, Sternth, t,lO P Jounex, EN;
1.. g. 'a, at /1012 , 11.. h. Lit,rary u4{ 14 the Po-1
1,1 , I , LENI)II) NEW PlANOS—mit i
t 711 If I. EH Y. It Lako, plot. re in U.. 4■
utro .o f f that h• tut+ u4t opertful a lot of
Imuu. of 44.10fralmd A LL u
NU NN. , I . taft aful f, flak,
N. Yuri, .huh, with tho.
hamt. fun, lb.uuutt elrfuauf, yaruu4. a:24..74,mb, siert
Amouv other*, 7 .r.thve double carved
le.hie NI , v. - the new Ithrrnresueot a the
• trtc,. tho and mutt hut...taut hut.n.ertnehh.
I,u n.. 1 Nlllll, & Piano.. Abp. tut. super.
Ain...hit:era ran....
.lab extrurire lot of New Lurie. embracing
cod'.. abut the d ok, et urw bon Polka, Waltzer. Waltr. ab.
4 SI N OF . Tlf gs,
UMW, 101 Third et.
JAPER—FoIi,;, Puket, Currituereinl 01101
- qt 2,11, ..1 Cap Payer. a lar, eur dr of all v a
rolo4 and Plata. blur abut •Lnir, fur sale on liberal
trrn , /sl9 li. lIAVEN'eI
VOTES AND DRAFTS.—Engraved and
etrrregraob N.Y. mud Draltet of tuon4 beautiful dr.
:bib.. as ur bnur..l la looks of various bkhos„ Coo
solo st IV b. 11.15E5'8 131ank lbobt
Jsn..ll Cot. Mutes and becuud ru
WIIITINt; I SK—Arnold'ro Writing Fluid.
V T apl Ited 101 l
Ilt,bert'n lThwattml Fluul aad R.d Itak.
C•trraine lot. rot PAIL Er
t.J A oov elwi..l alc•loonry of Gre.k %IA
Kafar.k r‘' lkogra '. " tr
wtninra t , rolth I.L ~11lcxe onto Igticravieftf G reel:
ro ' ; " .
- eh7.nes Anthon, Prole.. of c.r.
~ryrk and Lem Langlar.p. Columh:,Colk,
1:11. Corr,,..uden, of Ward Southry;
0 of oh. Liii. ani C,r,-,..0...err0 of Lobed Soo
- Vn.. of the gorenr of Snot.Lanik. an 4 Engrotb Ritter ,
n-et.l n'ttlt the re.l of Gnat Britain, b
g - nentearit..ltual.nutttor of the - Llyem of the Qunens •
not I -
Tl.. I,l', of d.
Poi,ri - rant. Its Aep.m. 1
Wnarle. C
!,..• I•arr-n,. I, D.
. .
I , OI:TES—JonN 11.
en-, hut marl
• agyl ra.••• op." for oulr, lary,o rod .<ll,
tar,..4 • taro Yl
1 lb. twouNctury or t7/uokreinZ. lz
1' ill er,e.
their II 'slot.
11. )11 , 1-1001 , .
lamas for IVrlt.
No. tr.
ft 0.4, and lythology. and Goo
ee-aoh,. Yarn) ba my of (irnek an,lllo.
i 3.1 111.nmnhy an_
t. • 1..4 ny Andhra
f Queen, of t.eotland anal rnnliqt Princes,.
his Kan. toe K., n•o-rto.
Dechur af Ivprry. and to Canna An AdArnes 'do
liver , LA m the Broadway Tabernacle. on liodnowlar err.'
1,. Januar.- 1.., 1 , 41. lire Mar, ,•♦ U.lO.
ye1...1 and lot robs by It HOPKINS
1,1.0 I. Apollo Ilaildinna.Forrrth ' st.
VEW r-li&t1
lin7oll,V4jjl‘WlT.grl'po.y...!"" from
Mminer,thon•rt Init.hlnltninc;• foster
t , wortly env aleet, my Alice fan, by A.C, Foster.
chair thee Ohio hamt of mine, '
Cr,... , ftWitr. m. 0... or Tranexollllo.
It'e mar be harpy yet from the Insoghtera of Ft. Mark.
I Etunal. Earanta awl touching ballad.
Tbon hat wounded tha apt, that lored thee
16.0 lid, or don't >ow nlnomter tweet
Tnv Polka. by 4. C. Fader
he ewlebrated Polka Mantra.
' Fall.,
and Jeanott—camidan.
Fall., ba :rne.t Fashion Polka
Retro Polka. by Rurytouller. Clnt Chat Polka.
Inv Polka Batchelor'. Polka.
kneeQ mar PolkaW.
knee Quedrtllca RoalanolAlloghen• Cotillion%
' A new edition of Iltioteu'e Idstruotions for Piano, with
els anditiottal rug.of new leverms.
Clark's Catechnon f, the Pia.,
Born,'• Reno Fort. Primer. Received to-dal
JOllO II WF.1.1-01t, 81 W Wool et.
Nli -A ...r) rhek -A Now Rana arrtvlng, and
',II, open far wale tnla week.'Jail
, I„,,,ritry ,
I,rpot, 7Llra
Innueura, a Tata for !lather+ and trauattara IIJ
att,e'lltr..annprataa lir Ora , a. aa,s.ular.
Itaaa.,ra Maaaakne I, January.
. -
1% for ISM.
Th. Maher , !t..r.saywo , ro,t. Ily 111.1 .lostlar.
Th. Lulh•r.l4i nr two tuarrirvv--4
The l---en Ertallth
1.. Loy,. :tad tot, loved--e talk
ThelKoralnh roine a Bon•telt. By U. Ite}nolde.
A 1..-etury onßr Dr. Berg.
Ur Iter^.. Reply to 111..h0t, Ilut:hee, on the lleeline of
ilnwrnal. Do 1 of or•
Wire. n Joo by the author of oyniTies....
No I of the ACllvelr. illuminated edition of the Waywrly
New Books,jast received.
'rill: Bards of the Bible: by George Girtril
1, tan. herd. I'Sn°.
rk Illendart. Ling • twegre,dve egbibilk.o of the
nf ere. for Iwle,de n tor
al e and n l r e geo e . IIT
.l al n
e C.
0.1,1r1..1. 1 vet 12mo. mu,
The .mtlis Caronal. nyll.nah lE,gkr (Multi. 1 vol Imme
Charms end I. , nints-r Cbarms.. i 3) Nlarta J Mcllnneh
7 11 1 .... '. 1 1.7;:.1 . 1..eimmi.en... • ,quel tn.lionteindlnenol,..
Aeohani,: Olagnsine and Engineer: Journal. Finn
jud recelv.‘l
(I, Inet.i.m•ry of Merlmniceewl Engineering. Nn
All.. ti.IIOKINS.
m.ll TN Apollo Build l.
ings. Fourth et.
cepiew end tlitirel Latin, Engllrb Le . alono. founded
Ootfi ' l2lfir i' dai " T; : etTtlo ' l.V.Td!„ D l r ;=o n f ' d;ri n tl .
•etelial, Schaller. vrorge, 1.1 E. A. Andrew., I- 1..
no.. or Tin none: Laing the proem:ad use
naive and rend. of traerl tbnumb tha oy
Allan lelendo. arid other parts nlynenis. By Rev. Ilenry
I Ow., author of eThe Whale and ht•CaPted , " With
e ter ravne,.
T. amines astedo.enarz •o. el to Mune Influen....—
Dd Orme. Aguilar. Received and boo male by
jal:I R. C. STOCKTON, 17 'Martel et.
Clamart, IN,. and AClrtiao copy.
l radorr of all Ades and quallldea, ruled and plain, blUe
au. white.
Blank Ares.. Of reedy dreetiMien, on bend or nude to
,rider at-idiom MAR,
:t 1 Sony- Erenrh and American, rani and
nnole. Fate by 1V RAVEN, elattoner.
11110 Market et, corner of
ncrtrtion of Local. Coninierrinl. Plearnbest. Cana l and
I 11,...1 Printing. enn,.inni at nbort netiee nd lb..
t., tenon. by W. b. 112V . E.N,
"nlTbird Pt.. Getwe.n Jlv4l and
6 1 TATIOARY---W. S. IlevEN, .corner of
e 4., amt Market sta. Ewa for rale as large nal com
plete an wor
maat of Cater ststionarr lia• ever boo
mwned in thin mart, )fetrluman paptdini with <trey
wrtwin in Ilia lino tbe moot favorable fem. Jab
harp, No. at the Golden arp, Tbint at—
L1:111-.It in now rearlying • fresh lo
..n,gant Piano, rowin by N1.7:47 , 3 & CUP.X.
Inria, anwon them, • aplentlid 7 Wave carved Plano
.7 the rlchent dowcriollOn of exterior awl bur. It ta made
Vl.the !Locum atyla. in vogue lathe rel. of lord. , Xl and
VI. A 1..., new lot of fashionable aml popula Man,
and an ...wive weleetion of lime, Inatrumenta. TWA..
tiultam..Malodeons, and ovary variety of modal merchen.
*);B' BOOK s.—llumbolt's hew Work,
1 . 11 Coemox. or sk•tenn of a Plareical dosoairtion or the
Saysoore's Mechem of 3.llmusola. Um New Mg . land of
the Well, 1 vol. 12 mo.
Mochnnlos' and Engines& 2101
Yor !ale bY
qij A .., = V ? ra, l r,' °l l 4 :,°' of ß fle9rZlAM,l,l4:
f rle u - Aubb= L. D.. Provident of the Theolo.
leaf &ball of Gene , a, and Vice [`melding of gte
tr, IL Mato, R. Trinl 001.
" kenruatcy:lfe . flirtnry, Antiquitid. and DITCpbT. IG
lustrated by !arty gn•to Bk.l4..VaTirir.
The above erorke 4.,r ~1. of L.
Ekoksellor sad Stationer.
jalo Garner of Market and Third ell.
i'iIJTLINE MAPS—Pelton'a spleralid Out
vr live Stars are cow betels introdoced hi . .. 11 the leading 1
emoted. Os New England and New lora. ti forhe °halo
:d PM Wm.: for theta in Pittsburgh. and lte lowt.r.
!school commatees to di sad examine them.
No l—llapdo &s of the We hemisph o ere, 82. inches.
/ tens d do
3 do Northrimierica, TO :Al
4 do Utiltol Mateo, 70102
e d. harpist, 0 s 02.
O do Asia, : 79
I do S.
li 83 _
Price of the petits. with key, $M A I .* rato fir?.4 o two Ilemis
Va l oto
roess 3UP; iaapn ." em Y riNlied It seescrery.bea ty sultheap.
negload Wain to tb• watts of the prlaiLy, gramma
and Ugh schools of hos United Stales.
rot Ws u Putnam'. prim, without Vldltton of treat
at thr , • iIDIWATIoNAL 8 008 STORE,
~8 . :0 . . • On= Onlaiket MK Routh id.
-- - •
!ROUND PAINTS, in Oil, neatly pnt. sap ', IT A D LY . A 0 8 . n .1 1 1 , 7 ' 1 , 1 , 1 • 1i r 9 1) ,... 1 .,.. 5 , i : E zsr PT I 6 I . ,, CB :
N...N io Go eiiite , 1 U. tu to De. end, anions. whir. are.. ~,,,,,,...... hi, salu - ohle ler:tiro olio be `l , lli.sioloty ei Lib
, itr l te titeee. ' p.r . ‘ tin.,
Blael. . estion " obserree that ...imolai..., ellbe true quantal'
it„, och re. -h, .. ii j,,,,,.. Itt . prOltathent tad all preen.illtio Oh. of
e. e ,
T. E . Py rr. bjl,, '" ,777 .
1, ::,... s oc l .d i.. K
. : 0.,._
~71 ), ...r . ....c hee tt 1i1 .ii 1:3 1 ;f 1 , ,,,h r ,,... . h 0r utt 1 : t .T., : i t ., t ,,,ir 5z;:it A, , t ,,, ... ,, , ,, 1;; ,, iL i t; , ..... i h.1 ar,,, rh0r 1i.j...,...,
... o . t
~. ..., t 2. on l ber li , o v rn i t- 7, I ~- Id n , i Lori.l.m. tau -rex •, .e.1%-Mhichentsrith this
BAN LI CRUCIBLES - IW-100 nests tsar sole 11 : ...1. ? .. ;, h' „,,,V.V . i.,T4 ' .. ' itt ' W::• . .. ' 117:!;:ii; Enid. or Gs.
4. - 5 - 113D - ° -- C9 r tie joie, a Gthnt rarp , , F . 4 r. , .. pro- a. from Rennet.
ALCOIIOI.-12 — bbls. for sale by • or ths 6.. th '" Nhesi ' le ilea' ' . ' 7 ' . ' 1 " ..,.... ° 11 1 = R.. B . EtLL.lllln. V Ward.. ATlrtriltdelYinii * , S " ..
~ —— ,1. 1.7.7 " ‘ rn iy v. oudertal rerun- I rteAieestion Dia
rr URNED PILL BOXES—Assorted sizes, ,i.,,„..,3.:, Lithe Complaint, ii..i . ititstrori. ax Ik.
B.A. FAITSEATOCK a Ott . i,Gly.curing seer . ositure'• own uo thi.i. 6] oaturo's own
J. for pale by _
unlit t e Gpistno Jule,
' Si t 'astric . Juice t• the crealsoliunt of the food, the pit
-1:41. XTRACT INDIAN REM P—Englieh im, 1 ,, .lirerarelns.4ltattiatirot anent ..f the mar, and
L 4 tuned. for pale hr - iitetacce. Without it there can Ie no dnestlon.-, x , ~,,..
Oaths D A. I AiIIUFS.TOCK h. CO. ...pion of fond lute blectl-00 ...Won of the holy: but
0-- - - —— ------- . rather • foul. torpia..Paitiftil•thid`'st, ntidition of
OLL BUTTER—A few bbls. on hand arid • the .bola d ' I„:47.;;•S t :f4VA t r ,2%
m. for sale by • Eiitardll. A: RANNEST. , !urn"
Ind isecond. and 151 First st. the r.. .l , lye th a.e.....l ‘ istre .,
,n ait, ,,r a im nitile p b , "l" l , .O . . TM ., g r c rth nt . s.. ,
..:554 , bu. for sato by • tier principle. Fenno", from lin . e
i s x tr , rni , loinftni p iria e ‘ ,..
n°M- N' LITTLE 0 CO.. . 7 7:;1::tolt:41alt s trtg5t d ig i,%, c: ` ,,,:‘.27,...., ..1
:150 Liberty st. : i u ...1, ~,, and perfect suhatittite . or it.
- 7 )
.. , T , l': th at , it i clp . er i t , i;thin , t , oi t., ;2l,CM , "!:s o g . 4, 0 .."." 1 „ , ..i . 0
Moo dier
in M aims
'"l' l.i ' llit ' ift.3';el r a: `,67 egin " ' f t I° .
lIIG SlE'fAL.—k4o tone for sale hr ~ 41,171,;„. „„‘, 1 ,,,,,,„ . , ~.,,,
mobil D.IIEI, iIATIII,6WS it CV. I brats" vort on Animth Clinntary, saes: iAn Artificial
~-.,-„ .---.,. „ i Diga llea Flui thabsocto to the tninvie Janne:may ho
8 DUAR ROUSE MOLASnx.n — tu 001 S. prepare.' from thetrancons mambratis .4 the th.snscof the
calf. in with various art:el.,. of forth iii. tient and egoorut
.. in.:2lln h ed i. ch o.i anzed be , i c u o th d d . ine.,...thl. 1 0 ..; .? it, , . 11 1,. 5 2 ... ...-
St. Louis Refiners. it. store thol for sale to . _
Dr. iliniuhion. of l'hiluitiptitu repo., an artilki.l di
:vein- 0011 calked PYL.uIN. from th.,63,thattee woutsch-of
the Wt. which +Fords an adrnirthile Ninety for Indinealest
'.suring after uatere's own reethrel. by ne tures ono agent,
he "agnates principle. Call and seethe extraonituart- ad-
Altaic ietideuce of its ”I ue.
110110 ER 0 31clotWELL. Agent/.
. .110 Wend st n Pituburuh.
'kale", "reptile . ..l •Sproprietar's pm"...
Also. for sale by R. E. ,110re..7 11..11 cf.. mcht
DRESSED SPIKES—ISO kegs `improved
for mi.. by mrh 2 CO.
TALLOW-20 bbl.. prime, fr:r eale
APPLES -2U bble. Rusaets and Pippins
for mak. by S. Y RONNIIORST d CV.
EET rusks superior. tar sale In
awl= R. SKLI.EItS, 07 Wood at
A e ld e ~ .v .P APEß7Largest, .u .ssortment
rOO r.
pre liangtus fen Ita e ll'ZlTlVs.k=thorgb;ll,ll
IVA NTED--$5,000 Allegheny Co. Coupon
v Booth, . - mt , r, for which ho bighert au,
ket pow., will be {alai- Apply. Lob.. th e prortrou, .t
tlm 1.1...nk1f, flaw« Of W3l. A 1111.1. CO.
ur l4 - on
lona ai4 e 2.
RAPPJI , :Ii re:unn Med.
,Z11,1`m.19411.711,,'Tr i .f.., A 17. 2 ., Pr,h,
r.N..cnr. im.l Market.
RIED PEACH ES-300 lu. for sale by
tnrbtf..s fi .1 LA 11 DICKEY it 01.
IIIiESD-30 boxe, lbr gale by
Cue Apples: for rub: by
T. IVOubb t :FO N.
LP OSI S lIRI Mils. to arrive to-day, for rale
LC by mrti2l .0 20
lIAAI Ai Ul7.
9 Akt---60hbls. (Wilmington) to arrive to
dity. rt.r salt. by prialg C. OW. 11.11:11-4.1:011.
riIIANNERS' lible. No. 1, for sale
.11. hr me 02.1 0. k lIAILIJAUIII.
lIN SEED OIL-25 lib's. reeg an or sale
I A by 20.013 110111221]. LITTLE .t CO
" 220 111 4 .1 r., tr.
3;1. n•ed and Par IJr,le
tor6C.l • I:ORISON, LITTLE ok
V 1 N El; Alt —'2U tkla. (Cider) for sale by
corll2l R. DA LZELL .1. Cll.
I'ATER—TU ltcams for salt
" low to cinJv ,ortnizlnuntat, br
h. J. J. rON NI Ali LE ,t CO., CI
TAN..VER.4 7 611---IST,T;i:7x.. -1 ;
for yal. by
INSEED OIL-30 bLis. for rELIe by
larte:s J. ECIJ(ION)IAKER. k co.
I.IIIOE-15 tierces Carolina, for sale by
LEAD AND .5110 -
W.: p Leal:
GalenLeal:Viefie ft.-- Oar
3151 F -ii A. 1 & CO
GROSS Rash[en. Chake, Go.'s E.extuise
C. [Aver Oil. ft, by J. KIDD L
trwhln Ito Sinnd
1 OPIUM-1 case for sale by
othl9 J. DP CO- 6u Wood rt.
11 /LEPER'S MAGAZINE, for March, re
it ceivtd .ud for Fele at J. U. HOLMES', ,
Lltcren , Depot, Mini rtscet. •
re.lo opro,lte the l'oc.
SUNDRIES 7 I cue Gum
I v ar.
I ma,. I.nrge /3.41.10 Cork,:
t'llYifltgrAS7l7 "'d
corner Wad au: :oath 11/3.
mks (first sort.) fur sale by
powDER-1000 §c c ilazord's Blasting:
IModo. Rite: for We mrhl7 .1. S. DILWORT/I 6 CO.
cw Music.
CERT. se perforated by Tranlein Ltto
lah: Cantons
Alen n Real vatiely 1341• en^.nntettlonte by th (Arne
Avd all the h r te imutor meoe. tented by the eastern
'4 . kr
"I. by
J. 11. )lELLOIt,
Arent for Chicketinee Plano,
neb3 st Wont et.
- 11 C EVI MUSlC—Where are the trieudJ of
tey Youth: ey a. Berner.
roe ennet.Latg :tweet to tell ten
The Rent',
thinanta.Yer the Der. Mary.
My New to lad Item, • new err.. delicate , ' M the
Later of yew langtand,
She I Love la tar Away.
Oh, meet me on the ruv, :bore.
a •csi Ntaiht
My Home's on the Rabic Lea—Woodbury.
Lily Rho,. by S. C. Peet.,
l're left Native Vllls4e, Ey II Barker.
The Spirit Dave.
Fa. la, Li: the Illact shal,ert . Sony. and bits.
Would I were with tbes—for Guitar.
Lee Adieux. 1,7 Ilorr.
An C11.44.61Tt colleethen of now 1 . 1.111... 11 - nitsee, CaeLer
done, se .
Alen d new eulinly of - New Cannina San.," Canilea -,
Landis. and an excellent new wort, U.> “MelodSel.. '
a cullectlen of p..yaber end ...dal ponds. harmonised Lad
thanzed by G.S. 'Webb end W. Mide.n.--entaei4ered on* or
eht wort ever publlehed. KLEHEIt,
febli GoLlen No.IOl Third et
by Wm. Thtbkare!.: and the queen'. Necklace. o r .
Sertet a/ the Lanrldf r. Lona r e;:r . Lanerug,i,.v.
I.l;;Tl'rr,- 1 ,,',17,,r.`,,'.';‘`';' , ;;;, 0 ,11 . 3 " " a
. 500 Dried A
j plde r; l iL fz z lt!e & hg .
GIRL wanted t a u do house work. Apply
0.1 thiA aba
IA RI l-4 k,p. for .1.1.• Le
I I . h.= L.TTLIF 2 Co.
riNuttAccu- 49 Lump, for ,alt• by
QCARLET eIf.INTZ, of dilfer
n;°'°""'°'' ftriVi arATED".
ROW,'N FLANNELS, a Domestic Article'
Oran, aid 31uratine BILL, to
Fr 4maf et fin
info ° "' l‘tuarar d BußciinELD.
lida k for
PALM OlL—tuou lb, in gore, fur .le by
I ,LARET VINE--1.4 hbd , . Bordeaux:
Iv to'," Neakel
[Auk LIAM OeMRI-11, ,
tore.ft,m.le Lry
received. an addition
°°‘' Fjofi r" "' I."°lnv.Veig
The Old Printing Establishment,
1110 AT E Johnston aro, Stockton's, and Blank
)mac sad ~tallonorry Warehouar.
S. HAVEN is I.n.parnd tOrarrut. ovprr JI)Le of I, Pa.
Cmmercial.CanAL awl 3trua &atJnh Printtna and tscvol,
Hindle.: and furtd,h r.ery artitle In the Maul
Paver mtl St:dinner , . lin, at the fhotte.t a.n.l un
the um. n-eruaahlo 'term.
. .
Maul, toot arel E.fieuery neer:moue, corner of )tarter
sod ea ona rt.reete.
. ... - - .
Motion Irdlee and Oink Ihndet7. No. Id Third ft. 'tap I
26 half plrea Cotrolee Itrandr. - Pala and park." i
10 uns 1 qr. n.te do do .. Pale.” various riot , .
1 , . dr. .1.. and most celebrand brands. 1
6 pipes llollar-inin...llohlins Macho,' and "Fiflt. - I
ii puncheons Trish and Mdeh Mort Whiskey
2 do ..).....liflk 1 , t1., t
It. DELL:!. E. do. do.
25,tr. casks
do M Por adeirat Win+
LYI do Sweet Malara WT• •
T. do In, do. d ,
10 . • do liherry Win... , .
.S Ante. Bordeaux Claret. n .
In store and for sale by JiIItNrARKEII. .t. CO.
3001 - ' :VII 1.41.rty street.
att , ntiou of merchants ant ethers to his larnr, and
we amornil nook of llnder;, Olorre, Coder Stir.. 03.1
Drawers. She 1at.... articlea ni Silk, Wool. Merino. nod
Cotton. of all Ala,' and' pd.., eenstentlr on hand sod for
dale /ow by ' noM , P. 11. LIATO.N. .
(_I OLD PENS. We haVa now on hand a
t,P ;win .neck of the heat Goa Po. from the leading
Atdoetorief to Nen lent, a. made expr.faly to ardor.
lf, ehigant lioll Penni Ca., nod I,ololden. Yilver
Caw-. in ~- ., r r , 7 , - - /• , :i • l'un 4:[116 I,: ti 1P , 11101 , 5 rearl do.
All for sole a narrate and ni.,.1 rd-N. , e Vora rricra.
.1227 W. ILSON.
CIIANUE OFFICE—N. 11111.1111 i .t. rONS, ho. 67
. vet rtrert. Pittrnergh. Earhanac on .all the Eastern
aal Western titles for rah. Collect:ons made in all the
rritirnl pier, In Use Unlon. Nor, ..n all foleent Banks
diftiturned. Notes end Time 1.11, nnritlated. jali
RCISBER PASTE. 4 grosB of chat
herb article for bona
and rendering them
rr oot atal pliable l, Were, eloth.• Rta
arnao warraun4 to &tomer the porn.. represented, or
the mace. returrbst. Foe sale whole..le and retail. at 7
end 9 Woial atreet. fan) 7. It IL PLULLI.II..
1 1EA WARE—English American Britan. ola Tea fleta }laud do., Plabid Baskets. Casa
ooull.:rs Ana Trays: Plated Ilea,:•bod.quyui,
alio Beadle Table Cutlery, Elleefform. But
ter Bolero. Plated ma Germ. Ether Forka lipoosue.
Tsblo Mad I. Trays of One Bifiniatioala maradieture,
Kohl, orr-atriented; Traya of beautiful patterns.
a Trey superior Powder for elesdliag and pollablug plateet
ode.. Brushes Ina cleaning. Cbsdools ains, rattler
Dudes, U. •
. .
Apullu Building&
. • ,
Acarcoas-Borcr's calibrated Magic 61tcbco,
lime the rise of • bid. Bich arllt nuke coffer 4 cook beef.
eak. oyetars , or any tblog else lo.• few minutes.
Poi sale by W.W1L,..0N.
ja.2:l Coil Market and Fourth ata
hundred and Pity pin Wits Bud Dot Markets.
• A:4
pairs Inseamlsaketerl nsticlt.
MO do Bost Clunll, ribbon bound.
131 do Orly Coating 111sr.kutk hear).
•10 do Drab do do •• do
PO dO Blur dn do
lion Black Bic-act Cloth; d 6—
Ido Borer Grey elleed.l do
3 do superior black French Ibusdcbith
-3 do all wool Tweeds, assicted colors.
do Jesse% 4.k.sted , 01ork
2 do email:urn, hissk scr i l rk
1 do banns/Is. black and low calsed •
3 do 11 hos TulOrd Shansi, Tsui vas.
4 do Crou boiled
The ahoy. described goods are !lion cowl:v..lSi fin=
susinus inannfusuress, cast and pest, and or. rat hits co
libural Loans to ale at mangfacturga" . prises.
dot/ If. LER.
'VINEGAR -40 bbl ii ==tale by
poke 00.
*There are mom things Ir, bearer, and tooth,
`Than are dreamyt ol to pltihwophy.` .
fir TIE V iwrulis of this reuriskahlet reme
Ay, ! the a:mutant apploattion h.r. it. la the point
haS Indu ars ced hint to have It pot up to IsAthes,
!di and dlreellons. for the Lament of toe 'whir.
The PETROLEUMIs procured from a well to thts cotio;
- at • depth of tour hood's,/ Feet, is a pun, um:Jolters:
any chemical chew,. Lot y tat as it
And. .tow n . G reat Lehrer:Ty!! ! That It contains
Properties reschin,; onntSer or dlseaN.L. to longer
matter of utanertamte. Thorn are omoy things In the a.,-.
- sus of nature, witkii, If knt
w°. solght he of slt useful
uou to allovlating soden.. and n•ato.ruag 11. 0 bloat or
ho'dth and rigor to many a soarer. Long Lon,ts the pro.
thought of potting It tip in tutt It.. It had a repo.-
:lon for the core or disown. The coins - taut and daily inerea.
• dog ealLi for it, and several rrooarkal , lr ewe. It has per
armed, Ls a to. hadreation of its futur , , popularity wad
aide spread application In the cum .155 , edr •
We de not with to make a long parade of cert.:neat.,
we aro c 005... that thomulhine can wools work Its wa
eta the faeor of those who rata', and wish i.e
we do out Claim far It a 'Alters I Application le es
,ry din.... we unbesitatuocly nay, thot In a number
itironte Pipet,. It Is turf's/led. Aoung three may to.
diuusea Of the tissu,a, such a s ,
CONYI:3II.`fION, int Ito early
Asge,) AST/13IA. and ell dlu...serauf rho rsuumws, Mr
tilt 01.111PLAIN'f. bTE.YEITIA, OLsrho.a. Diu.aeos of the
81841.0 awl Kidneys. fain. to the Pue.: or Yl.le, Norio.
• Diseases, :seurn.l4L, Paler. litieumatu I,ina. Coot. Erfaits.
etas. Tatter. Rinowortne.lorria, t•ealde, Erases, 014 Rum.
Re. In m.o. of detaltty,ulting Inuit exposure s a,
long and yr res
otrarted eases of dissase, this
tieing retie It wilt area . a general 11iThr.! aml ALTEIL
ATIVZ In ouch rssee, Impartiny woe land ewes' to the
IwLola frame. remoslOg nlntrtteftrnr. olw , mgthe
functiold, which iniuni disease no!I conetituUur
3051 giring increars4l and ',newel one., to all the orpsn
. eu
f life! it. ta,rtikor knows of ,a reral re, PILE,/
that re,.l every nild, tiratrut, ;et co
4 the YETRCILEeII p a short Wale. pent <au be
tilen to any ,pereno ho dr,itvo it.
:quo. aroutne witho O ut the elguaturn al the uroucletur.—
+okt by thepropriaor,—
s , 01E0, .So
Cimal.B.ssio, Arun.
Mau:l,y It. E. SELLERS. 57 Nrcud at.,
1•11.1- KErtrat ELL
`Fortier vc,..4 strut and %Irvin Ailey...Le ars
nov . llll, Id. regularly ',Tout,. Agouti,
KNOW all inen.wilo are idol: and &filleted
arab or the . r.ladder and :O Tarn watt ?boo
cart. m boa of Itml - a. toon,..vanog
alerre. S. that Om, cam be cur., Ly uarti, taa vETIk
I.ErM. Inv ma: ta:t lawn: It. ivicg., 13,0.211,t0 aantil
. - . . . • . . , . • ... .• .. , .
. •
....,, ~ . ...., , Lut tt... dn.+ nut calk. tt ~,,,,,...,..j.le4
u . 0,..f. , . , an h. , ru. - 1 ‘..=murztv. :La: :1 ha. rittl.n.
..ul.h ng. , uO.l. cou..nctl :a au, W 1 4 ,, nTonly. The tau.
•r alth 00. n. and rultortuv irom (linens, eau,
!..r , Lru,. r.ltef t`..oln st.y of t 4:.. ills enumerated
.eu..l Is 140 C.:St.-S.—EA G.V3pOttud. put tap for 1.04 poem*
or tent - ring on the rartununity: but It If s returdr °labor.
ted by the matter hand of nature, and lo hbles np trot:Line
baton, our stater carth4 , ln It. onnival purity, and on
to flittering Itunteraty a ready retn• tr. n
har cured Plies. after ether met:xi:poi ban bard to
render oar relief. It bias retrud lituurcathera, of too
Ataucting. end of thy vcercl. trid ranch uluctul thanes, t
e.I Choler. ?Imbue; hr cue or two donut. It has.
!axed old raises of Diarrhal, in which army other ,ecudr
beta al IT3a A. • Lou.! remedy - in burnt
...LI, it lr better than any medley.] cans(uttenhe to ointment
that un boo. of. It Intl cure Lhilhiclus itudlDADid fort.
in n from sup:Ls:low; uudeublea Lectlrionf out be furnish
cd of the truth contsiond the above rtatecent. Lir PH-
Ton trAML: EL E.llll. Cirri Ueventh ehurti or
other of the aucuta
Keyver )IcDolvell. corner of "%Toed ;tenet sad Wren
abler 11. t. Sellers. 11 ;foul exert D. A. Elliot. and IL X.
Durrv i Alleubcur city. eve the szeute.
016§;(1)Atif:444:1DW.1:141A( . 4kniol
Jacos Ran. the dlscorcrer and rehprleterr
tie. 11103 i 300111.21 . and beneficial =did nog yhae
tho inventor of the celebrated Instrument for irl.e . s the
Lung, ht effecting a cure of Chronic V. a NM -
dent of that cutinent ph.rierinn. Jaw.tnr Plyfr. !tad is •
geminate of the Curvernti benneylettule s •rul earn/
pears R* Ites been engaged Insglin incestigatina Of stir
ape. and the appLicat , on ot remestra thereto.
Than a of biro intlating tubo,lnnutatectiousettb
his Print:Pa. - tie Senn, oust other et his retnectid, be ham
Mane! an tioPratiehsl cruineone In cueing QM. drestitul
A nd atm m•rdlase Tubercular Consumption. Canners.
Scrufula. Ithetanatista. Atthum, Fever and Ague. Fcrera o
kind.. Chsonic I.syppelle. and all those obetinato din peculiar te females. Indeed, every form of disease
esunbes nudes the me of hue remedies. to whirl, humeri -'
1.,. to heir—not lir the tote of our compound 0411 , ,,tf0r that
innutpatlLlc with rbsedolor.ral Las. but by Ma use of
Itis ramedlesonlapted t o and prey
each peculiar
term of dlarriie. ➢
br.i.. • .
tocee Tack Alterative ?We, when .
med. are hmarta
bly act rede1,.41.1 t aupericr to all others. as a pompa
n.e cr liver mil, irannach tt therleave the la:male per.
feed, fme from castivecom m also his Golden PM. are ad
mitted. LT the faculty, to poem. peculiar properties, adap
ted to [.;sale tr-e5....t but beim, reliobol that a- bare trial
altepthal.lM evasLl what by bonrJS.hethaMindeof
Th. afeicted nn molted to roll tlpm tha anmutv mad Prq .
cure C,,ratia) ou ef the Doctor's pamphlets, Riving a detail
ol mamma of each renddy, and lts al , Plicathm•
Frr t.. 7 the fallming uenta, to well at by mast &us
er. throcal,nut th. omato:
J. Schoemaker et Cm.. lit Wool Pittaburgh.
J. >I -Townsend. drucgdt, .14 Market .t_
i.e A. leekhan, thus:aid, near the Pee
nrJ rifneep f%
ri 41,JZT . , mrlimbn.ilarow earl:ay R.
Jahn D l. 11 na., Emma faller, '
T. Adm., Beaver, '
Z b R THE AFFLICTED will to found in
. e. Dewitt C. Kellittgres INFALLIBLE LINIMEn,
ur Ilui.lo.hichlutit.tor.d the 0... e or than,
nmomee. and b,as 1...y0wl r. tfoabt, been the means of sav
ing the Byes of of holividtmLt In shwat every
dam andcbsracter of. dttew.e. e f... 1 that re hazard too
thing ho sellecttust roil tett, nolo melleine that hat ban
altered ts She Sr.actay. that does. to ',kr.) Lien. of thetrord,
what it Is sold fur. -
It boa Cure& and is capallsoof curing mere diseases Lt..
any other medloncelerod for rob*, reran not by ulna
taatie or solder hr rrbat name.
As •otrontraml rourttrinn pivot nt the amps, aro say
that It is tn.• ouly article tLat tttatl
aope tLe Lem l4sg c , nt . .tledtlngi v titas etrerL7n . ttatr th rl . r.t ., sant rtorg - -
FamillFittedioine eror s ' ilf;tt; for r eal, or u• - ed ' :y
them. Or
The lbuo 11..wa 11. Grinhell,_ law M. C. Thz Kobt.
II Ntortie. lizti John A. Dr,. lat, U. S. hens.
tor. Will.ll Por,r. izinur ot tho l'pirlt of the,
Tito, and a ht, cther :At citizens or hew
T„ r a. ,fin Salr folir t,...ted So merit,. hal, seradtted the
proprietor to ref, tr. them.
As it iz well mown that !Stoat 31,dieinee are , not ro.r
ally zikISI/Lil,l br the 1....atn.q , wraith, and pulite ch.elet,
we have tanduold. , llz. s rhtht to teei otizzelee,. prix
lieged. 'rho. e.t.d.., working Comp:Altai has been nearly
eat yearelz.lorw pubtle. nrst. rritn4. arc now ita
rottgezt awl best This menta l ndtedly I. strung tind
convincing of Its yecer umefoittrae awl =native.
qualities It is a sovereign renhsly t,r all um-. one 11, 4 4,,
rLeuroatze ecratolous swellinge. elm,, brnista.
tore...and .11 the pains and rhea that o,h le hair Ice
Over 1.000.00 144” , hat, tern said without ceenpLaitit
and have p , rfected o zuch antooishltoe cores, all other'
rentedlea bare az would sta.:Tr Leber. bid Ir . no ,
offered, and In our poeSe-yhd., th e etrongzat posaltle ere..
Thutmedhino, Imture's mmedy. to pmystvd from tablev. for interval ae well t+ uw.. le artadlrect-
Iy upon the dlay.a... It health and atmagth..—
It lea sum cure for Diarrhea. Cramp,. italoue Choke, and
allma...medic alf«tthrt, di , Kwall of the lildr.eyt, and
Realness fa male or female. frtm whatever. mu.. It may
have origt?atnt
. . .
For rue in Ptttsburgh, by 11. E. Sellers, !Lore. Kldd
Co.. sad °gam a
I , Dowdem •41.1 the rotail Druggists
wuersll). It Ls put up iu fou.r..tst., sod one sling Lot.
To the Readers of the Pittsburgh;Gazette,
YBLIe ATTENTION L respentfults in
i W to the following trial:awl forth in s.. tan to
°De cf Mr- ltuyortant mediae of anther tittnal
1 , 1,74-OLEt3I toll LOCK. MU it lo mit morn than one
year ago.itans this great rennuis was tonight before the
tnrthe relief and ems. cfdisetoe. Its Knott yore,
to heal. hare. sin, then, luutorou filar aPnrtetaleti by the
roue,end we allege that the longer it is tried tin
net taln will Its great fame 'pried. it is n o t th e rem ,.
•<ir of • 47.11.. t op tut the guriole of making moto,,
hut. one. arbiclit we conceive. will coutlutie to be owed ethec
Natural eutrons hare been feramten: The
a Kemeny. elaborated in the depths the
hu rt by a power.eml agency that laughs to scorn all human
competition. It is our duty, when we. verge ghoul medi.
eine, that entarrtle the truth—that we any nothing calcu
lated to deceive those who may trout our word or rintcoctle
don In or statements •The Melo ere very atilt° teach at
any thing that yrnanoe relief hum abeam' A story eau
hardly in too highly wrought to .newer the °Lieet of gull
ing or humbugging some of them. bow, we du Oat deatre
are laments emly that the truth in to to
riaPre=bould be told, in order In wive for It • repu
ted= far careening nay elturle article in the malaria clad.
Ina Plain unnienustud Lola—farts that may he asomtained
in our ell) and oeightorh,al, tear ample testimcny.ln L
eos of the Petroleum.
With. the Dad two reenclui. two
,tonur own nines,
who were tidally blind, hare Leen red Weight., been
oral eases of blindness, in the state of Oh do. have been
S. And.aleo. the ease of • gentleman Lc Learn nye...,
Them are others, tut theft." cane near horn, arid mar
he referred to by coy Pedona who have doubts on the Cob
feet. Them clan were mod alleir they 144 Leen abandon
'ed by phylidaue in hopeless. The «today= will' gun,
when used emoting to derectione—Disrflura. 'Dysentery,
Ilbeinnisturm. bout, Neuralgia Erentions nu the hide,
Pimples on the Pen, Chroc ore Eyes itimerwonsi, Tatter,
Amid Head. pal. lu the bons e and Joints. old eons, Mame,
Wens. Ague, Chronic. thsighs, Asthma, lirenchitia
to all
a s eg none of a shrunk cat
tending to pro
done Cuinumptieu.
Berne aml ellseasse of the Bladder Mid Kidne
Mapped Hamia, itsroriated , Cone In Piet, It la 3
VYSTLIARI. arm., susd to,, been trifel
In nod of the abort disssen within the ymd year with the
wed lierfeet. runes*. tfertdientes that will m Mind, are in
Unhands of the proprietor, who thro
ne e pleasure In show.
•Irigtter;th'es,i,ellktt'anyors4'llffir'lir medicines . , tn.
Petroleum IR the greatest Remedy of the ace. Physicians
et high datWlng in the profesnon am beginning to use it
in their practice. Thom who at tine looked on with doubs
and uncertainty. are willing to sward It and praise and
constieragen.• Before another yeas
round all will In
oompelled to acknowledge that the Petroleum ie the great
nt medlcine ens discovered For sale. wholnee and Ai
fall, bp KETSIAL Mel/BUELL itu Wood et
Also—B. B. Penns. SI Wont street; LI Id, Curry. IS A.
Al hlt.
I. l
galtneetucia t Co, Wood an& Pre drn !. t . d i tes
jean U.
—lt le cheap, nay to take, and highly escmdione.
Crry./lat UM,
Mr. M. elhellenr,lly children, like when, haw bees
subject to troublesome coded, sad baling used ditleremt
remedies to eery little nunicee, I w. induced by
tismuente about youLL:unn tes it Serial. I
fir: it IV,Z°.°."..f,`Tu L ' Oe . heeer faie alw tlcurerilernir'St
I have recommended it to rut height.... and do hoot
cu.dieucinuely belie that it ii the time cough =did..
Chet haa hewn oar. no the public.
Parente elyouid not /emit their children to meths hum
°high, when Lb. may he carol by agi bostto of thll
Yreparod .d sold by R. E. SULLYAS.
rochW 67 it"wd et-. and Dreggiet Cannily.
Vie axe. piseuru
est to furnish soil erect so: earner. for heating
soLL smell buildings by steam or but base en.
fryseti"i'llir". Runt
ALCOLIOL--25 bble. for salo•by
a wn:l J. KIDD t Cp.. co Wood .t.
'DAMS V lifTE-15 bbls. extra.flue, for
A We torwell= J. KIDD ik CO,
130TAS11-6 casks (pare) for said al.
mrl36 . WICK & McCANDLIsS.
BLACK LEAD-1200 DA. powdered, best
oulltr, for We la
A A. 1•113/211OCIC • CO