The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 26, 1851, Image 3

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    a EitS. hie bo or hoped that all tbove persons who were
accost rned to declaim at meet corners against
courts or the grunting of I.neh Licenses, would
DLATIT,, q2,Ur.GLI, Est : have the moral courage to come manfully into
Ywe were golng kria, lavt nigh; we receiv- ; court arid state their objections, at the proper
ad a copy tits llsiucEville Telegra . ph, contain- -period. •
tag the matacchtas Ictrlligence of the death of Comvionwealth vs. Frank Rhodes , alias Frank
late o f
this city.:Roll Indictment , grand larceny, in the ateal
i., E q., la. niof yam of money from Samuel Gardiner
Ho died of ot the residence 0f . ..1.. Is For, mmonwealth, District Attorney
father-in-law, to 2.f.d.son, on Sunday morning : gam For defendant, R. R. Camtham.Esq.
last, at about nice o'clock, aged thirty:9mm'. Mrad Gardner PWOI7I.—I reside in Allegheny
?ho editor of the Telegraph" odds what his . city—f f ost n 6 dollar gold pirce. Sow the pris
frimad. here have
te , s.t .. t ,. of knowing o w n o er . take it off the mantel piece. Thought sue
Id !bring it back. He afterwards acktt . ovf:
to be true, • that it , oil the reintions of life, be
!edged ho me thst he had , aken it, end prom..w
has fulfilled the obltgations of '42=l ' husband , to rep+ L. 2 if I would say nothing about it.
a father, a brother and a friend. He is nu Cross-examined—lieprirnived afterwarle that
more I A wife sod one child aro left to mourr.. he would bring it bock at 12 o'clock. but did not
that the ihrobbinga of his noble and generous 4.°
heart have ceaced." Officpr Fitamorris sworn—Am one of the el ,
Constables. Arrested the prisoner. I held
Tat JEX.I . I' LIND TICKS.: Acertos.—The Ma
sonic Aall was yesterday denacly crowded by a
throng of our CiiirCLlS, who wished to purchase
deketi for the Concert is the evening. Ten o'-
clock, was the hour sa which the sale won to have
ocraunenced, but Mr. P. M. Davis, the suction
.! co, was not in attendance, cad the sucliotwo
ittroplOtlittenMi to ; , ..ow impatient. Mr. fur
:am, however, made his appearance on the stage
and restored good humor arnonget the peraor,
present, who upplaudal him. At halt past ten,
no auctioneer hsvine, yet mode his appearance,
the multitude again became discontented, and
Barnum stepping forward, stmouneed that the
.sale would be positive. No ”bybiddere were iu
'attendance, but crel-y Lid would be a bons fido
nun. It was his interest to deal, an he bad al
ways done, honestly with the public, and he was
determined to do so. He regretted . that the au
dience had been, owing to the absence . of the
auctioneer who had been engaged, - kept waiting,
bathe had cent for him, and learned that be
would be over in two or three minutes.
Those present would underitandlitat when they
bid for a ticket, :whatever they-bid an d premi
um on five dollars, which raw their par value,
_ and the purchaser would have the privilege of
taking one ior fifteen :.eats at hia option. Ho
would respectfully atnour.ce that there was a
slight inaccuracy in the programmes of the con
cert which had been published. The concert
would conclude a tong which had not been
mentioned in them at nil, the bird song. (Ap
A long pause ensued, and the audience again
became impatient., upon which liarnum asked
whether them: was any regularly licensed
tioueer in the house ! Ii so, he would please
step forward. Mr. Lynduseended the stage and
- announced the terms of the elle. Number forty
nine, the first seat offered, wad then pat up.
After a pause, twenty-five dollar's was bid for It,
. St which it continued for some time, and then
wonimented by sic, degrees, to rise, Lyod nil
the Limo descanting on the lowness of the bid,
and hoping, that, for the sake of his namesake,
they would bid more.
The highest bid was It premium of fifty dollars.,
at which price it Una knocked off to Mr. E. J. A.
Chambers, a returned Californian, who an
ts:Winced his residence to be iu San Francisco.
The next numbers stern ti cli put up, and were
sold by Mr. Davis, rho L I arrived in the Mean
time, at premiums varying from two. to five
Number 921 was renebed, all the intermediate
ntunbers•husing been said, (one hundred to one
gentleman, at two dollars and fifty cents pro
tnium each,) when-the prices began to decline.
For number inc), no premium was offered, and
ties few remaining tickets were promptly sold nt
lye dollars. .
The tielets'areragtal about SCVCII dollars and
fifty cents each, and the rocepts were between
eight and nine thoasand dollars.
Tie Crusw. , :m. CUMIT. —Eae June Term of the
Court' , of Quarter Sessions and General Gaol
Delivery; will he:Taller he held on tin first in
stead of the third Monday of that month, in
accordance with a reCCIIL net of the LegiaLa
tare that effect.
ANITY Lnao. —A large crowd of person,' as-
Sembled yesterday on the wharf, to sritneawthe
wend of the Stormer :11esacnger, with Jenny
Llnti on board, no toticartr to catch a glirepso
of the songstrem
0 StlTLNOC.o.—Frri.nk. RAS, rho was convicted
-detesting a half ..azle from n Mrs. Gardner,
tits yestenlay sentenced to one year's imprison
matt in the Western Penitentiary,
. Prate lurr.orr.ur.rr.—The County Commis
sioners boon planted n number of trees on the
terraces around the Court Itoure, in place of
•thote which were dead, or not thriving well.
ADXITTID w Tot Hen.—James Rosa Snow
den, Esq., ens yesterday, on motion of Colonel
McCandless, admitted to practice in the several
Colitis of Allegheny county.
ROAD.—We understand the: Mr. James C. Richey
is at present actively engaged 'in procuring cub
scriptious to the Birmingham and Findleysville
Plank Road, which 'is intendeetoA,e about thir
teen miles in length. Our agricultural friends
bare already taken e tuck to n considerable
Thu receipts for admittance to the auction for
Jenny Lind a concert ticketi yesterday amount
ed to $80.26. [highest except at Cincitmatisince
leaving New Orleans.] The proceeds were subse
quently forwarded to his honor the Mayor, to be
applied to charitable purposes.
FR/DAY, April 25.
Before the Hon. IP:T.:well Hepburn.
The 'Jury, in the co. of James T. and Andrew
L. kfcClure, vs. Win. and Holliday McClure, DO
ticed zeiterday, returned a verdict for
-on the plait:i-
tiffs, th sik ii
cents agcs and six cents costs,
to be loused on payment hy defendants to plain
tiffs o the sum of eiCCP:), and on failure of pay
ment, laintiff3 arc to be at liberty to take out
a Anionic Pews p0c5ed:,..41.1. _
Jamoe McCabe ye. John Shaffer, No. 327
April Term,l B 3o. Verdict for plainti ff , $153 81. ,
Thonins Snodp-a, vs. pector George Flowers,
.No. 407, November Term, 1849, List So. 322
Carnahan for plaintiff, habb Ai McConnell for
defendant- Care Lot concluded.
COURT OF Q11.5.::T.E.2. raSIONS.
Friday, April 25.
Present—rion. McClaire,Presideat
Judge, and W. 1 ogg,3, Associate Judge.
.Immediately upon the ergnnitation of the
Court, the jury, in the case treed yesterday, of
the Commonwealth v. liockofee En Sabatagbodiet
-01 for. libel, came into court with a verdict of not
guilty, but defendants to pay the costs of prase
cation. The court then proceeded to pass sen
tence on J. G. Backolen. who-had been previous
iy found guilty of a libel on Neeb, an already
reported in our columns. Die Honor observed
that this wan a ease'ishieh should not have been
• brought i luto a court of justice. When knights
of the quill get into angry discussion in the eel
:ems of their news.papers, they shonld settle the
quarrel ;where it commenced, and acting on this
principle, whenever such cases came before him,
he shed uniformly make the penalty as light
an posei l le. The sentence of the court was that
1 O. =keen should pay a fine of 1I cents to
the CO mernrealth and the costs of prosecution,
with vt lah he immediately complied.
Co' =wealth vs. Martin Day. Indictment,
larceny of Sundry articles of dry goods, th e pro
ven), o William Dean. The prisoner pleaded
jedlty, tp hiving the goods in his peasession.—
/Lis atatCmcat to the court, which scan confirmed
by several gentlemen of the Ear, as worthy of
credit, c'as os follow% Ile bad heen a hand on
board a itecaniboat, which arrived at rho wharf
*bile h WAS in a state of intoxication. Two
MClitt to him and coked him to carry a par
cel to a - ease which they desi to gnated, which
he . arentrily consented on abed. promise to pay
him. B fore he reached I.c house constable
llague cor , using up seised the enrols, asking him
what it as ho carried. On turning round to
apply to the men who had employed hies. he
found th yhadvanished, and he woo consequent
ly male prisoner with-stolen goods in his pers
session, nd lodged in jail where he had remain
ed for a ong time part-. Tne judge, after advi
sing Dina in the kiedest manner possible to 1 ,,
stain in future from th e urn of intoxicating
drinks, w lelo bad been the cause of his present
amble, Iv' taboo to account the punishment
he bad al;ready endured in soleng confinement,
Bente:Med him to be drapritoned for five days.:-.-
_The prisoner irat4e hie grateful neknowledgmente
to the. Coact for the.r .I..oieney, and wan recon.
:ducted to prison with the resolution, it is to be
hoped, of acting is conformity to the very friend
ly admonition ha,ina: received from Judge M'
Clare. ~! .. „
• Coastoonwonlth Ilcnry Johnson—lndict
limit, larceny in sts..ling s pieta, silver pancil,
due., the - property of 30:1 llarton. The peisoner
Oladeslguiltje, cod w ,, rrotoondorl to gsoL
Commjsstrealth se. "Walt, I.leAtty. This
13;wafit for pul:! . ..u.t la the columns of
to psper.
• The court ndjourocd until 1 o'clock.
?earn Licenta.—Notice Ras giesn by . the
CM:ZS:that as Ilectily emelt the applications for
tarpti4aasea troald be taken up, at whisk time
neither! threats nor promi;es to him, when he
stated o
_i o
me, that he had taken the money end
given t to a German iu the back part of the
house. Verdict guilty.
Com onwealth vs. Peter GodelL—lndicted for
keepin a tippling' home.—Verdict guilty. Sen
tenced pay a fine of fifty dollars and the mats
of pros entier., and to stand committed until the
sentem be complied with.
ABSI)S.—OOI9 . an. Edward Spear, indictment,
.111,(M, Ileged to base been committed in setting
Ere to boerff pile in the city of Pittsburgh, the
propert of Thomas Scott For Com., F. C.
Flanegin, EN. For defence, Col. S. IV. Black.
The as Scott, sworn—l reside in the Fourth
W.rd. Have n (limber yard on Penn street, cer.
uer of rain. The board idle was net fire to on
the firs
t t
week in January. Cul. ' lack here objected to the indictment.
which erely stated that the board pile had been
au on I e in the night time, and which accord recent act of the Legislature was simply
n misd eanor, while, in order to make it a fel
ony, it s necessary that the o ff ence should he
charg as haring been burned in the night time.
Mr. lauegin replied by referring to a legal
form of indictment in the case of burglary, which
he cent aded, was analogous to the present case
of arso in regard to the time at which the of
fence m t
at be laid as having been committed.
The ourt determined to admit the evicienoe,
1 1
and ef . rve the point for future consideration.
Ex Illation resumed—The fire commenced
about; o'clock at night, and I got there about
midnight The board pile was worth $450.
Cnt nary. lexamined—The fire took place on the
sth of
eit i i
And a Armstrong, sworn—l have seen the
prison before; saw him at the fins at 'the board
pile. ' muel Black came down to the river
where was, and asked me if I would go with
him an net the .board pile on fire. The prisoner
was " him when he asked me to go. Had
nev rn Spear before. Spear did not speak to
me, bu he was standing with Black when the
proposalwas made.
Gros '.jexamincd—This conversation took place
on the ferry boat, at nix o'clock that evening.
We we o about a emitter of an hour in conver
sation, dad during all this time the prisoner did
not speak to me. He addressed himself to Black.
I wrou o t on the ferry boat at that time. The
o r l
next ti I saw Spear after the fire,Ewisit in jail.
Never s id that I had not area Spear beforethe
fire too place.
Mr. , ack opened the case for the defence.
Mrs.'lDyer aworn—The prisoner stayed at my
house, ols the 2d of January and left ou the 3d to
go to Beaver, to work. Did not see him in the
city, (nips that time until I saw him in jail.
Spoor laworn—The prisoner left the city on the
3d of Jahuary for Brighton—am a brother of the
prisoner Heard of my brother's arrest on the
22d of January. Knew he had cube up then by
the Beaver boat.
Alexander Borbridge sworn—l live in New
Brighton. The prisoner works for one. He left
my plaeo the day before Christmas and returned
on Saturiday the 4th of January before dinner
time.!' 1 e said he had stopped at Economy on
the nigh of the 3d. He stayed a fortnight with
me then. On Sunday the sth he went to Church
with mei, He worked with me altogether about
three mouths. He left tan on the 13thof Jinni.
arY- 1
Cross Kxamined—l am a stone-cutter and hire
hands tal work for me. 1 know the prisoner was
with mei on the 4th from entries made in my
The ease was submitted, without argument,
and after the court had charged the jury, with
out tearing the box, they returned a verdict
of ...Not Guilty," upon which the prisoner was
discharOd by proclamation.
The Court adj earned until 10 o'clock this mom
ing. I
To C
2_ ._._ ___.. _ ._ •.
4l' TAIN 1311E11, of sterner Hmr,rger, No.
2..—We' ot take leave of you without ex
pressing tar gratitude that youhave se numane
ly.and sely abstained from racing with any
ir truan
other bo and thus jeopardizing the lives of
your pas gem (notwithstanding the strong in
ducermen which you had for doing so;) and we
further gto thank you for the urbanity and
kindness nifested by you daring our passage
from Cim,lsosti to'Pitstburgh, as weil as the at
tentica paid to our comfort by all of tour em
ployees. lIWe cordially recommend your boot to
the path nage of all who appreciate the above
importhla requisites.
enroll e C. Barnum,l P. T. Barnum,
Mary .. Lyman, I Jenny Lied,_L. C. 4cuart, j Giovanni Bolletti,
Le Grand Smith, i Jules Benedict,
17S L :elf and i Wm. C. Mayortibert,
Jenny d Troup of l Laurent Salvi,
•LC) persons l Joseph Burke,
April . L4tii, /Sf.a.
We, th s undersigned, passengers on the steam
boat Mceager, on her Jenny Lind trip froth
Cincinna • to Pittsburgh, take this method of ex
pressing to Captain Fishcr.our grateful thanks
for the p , dame and courage manifested by him
in decliztibg to race with the Buckeye State; and
also thati we recognize in him the humane es
well as sinful commander, rather than the boost
ing raceri; and, farther, to recommend his boat
o all such, as would travel in comparative safety
Henry Eolliols, N. L. Rice,
H. }...m
..i., H. J. Coe,
R. Carling, G. W. Worrall,
R. S. Ale - ee E. B. Carty,
G. Ili. Al cEiroy,
L P. Copperstattli,
Thos. A_ owley, W.
D. Carlin,
W. C. Ga agher, W. Si. Gosyden ,
T. W. BI tufield, Joseph Caelin,
James Col-, R. N. Fleniken,
Frederic Mertz, S. Theobald, (Miss.)
Henry Back, Goo. Geo. Metdenhall,
Samuel L, Adams, H. Elizabeth Adams,
Wm. R • azlett, Angelina Goss,
Henry Se.• aim, AL D., Eliza S. Mendenhall,
J E. (Jose.,
We, tit undersigned, Captains of Steam Boats,
do hereb pledge ourselves not to employ any
Steam Rot Runner, or nay person to solicit pas
sengers f.! any boat that we may command and
that we wpl do all in our power to put down the
present postern of Steam Boat Running as now
practise4n this city.
R Green! ,
EC Rail t
Wm Stoo s
Gee WE rt,
D Wilkias
JII Has' t,
Jacob roe
A D Miller,
ri l r
J N Shun ,
John Rho ds,
Geo W Co
D Hord,
Jai Gorml ,
John Bi ingbam,
13. 31 Hun ,
D Green ail
Jacob Haslep,
Capt Saudi Young,
-• W B poies,
; "B B Major,
; Jno B Dairis,
W Watter Son;
R C Grace
R Grac
C Stone,
Joseph 31 sy,
Wm Dean,
John Shoe ,
Jas T Flu,
Chas W Co re,
J 9 IleMil an,
W L L Saito,
Geo Johnoin,
lint II 31 hall,
Wm Cooly,
W 3 Kountr.,
S Dean, S i leppaol,
John Gord n,
S C Wool ard,
Wm R Cope,
II A Porse)
11 T Destet,
Andrew 31i L lIer,
Hark Storrs,
Joseph Lis on,
Wm Banal,
Jno Kline" her,
C W Batchelor,
B C Reno,
A Beraett
S M Mann
Wm Snow.
Jao S Der
G D Moor
Jos Woodt
W S Conw
Jos Parldi
A Mcßrid.
Mount Vernon
Fort Pitt
.Pilot No 2
Jenny Lind
Lydia Collins
Umpire, No 2
Michigan, No 2
Allegheny Clipper,
Paul Andereon
Neptune State
Juliri Dean
Clipper, No. 2
Messenger 2
Loyal Uanna
Jefferson -
Banner State
Buckeye State
Cumberland, No 2
J. J. Crittenden .
Allegheny Belle, N
ilibconis, No 2
May Queen,
De Witt Clinton
James Nelson
Regulator .
.—I hate removed to my new st.,re,
• days, b0b...) Dearly c•pßo..d. tho
Wm. I will bo glad to too to (dumb wd yl.
knC rtoot
.'ws...raz oo o ,,, Tare 4rmt ot t ,t, beir aci eso m toFo lt . 1 .1%1 1.111 .
•B 4: migot.,;atoilir=t3.4.ll4:
)o " . outot=lo ." tb:= ll =Vell lip LARET W. 11 - 100 boxes choico brands
and mat peto. ‘,_/ oft hand &ad for ale by
ATOSU. Itiont. •ve 4 COMITTEICIN tOI •
tutruntb, I
koop VC'S'
dlng. Ctub4 l )
, 1 FOR ST LUIS, Ualena Du.
egraph Lae V 33 Mat in wort - 1 ~,,, .„,, Fr.
RE. , pact —The to
• mg. We are Iherefom pith- 1 r-lager ',caner EPRE.S ‘ ITJIFIrtt. ra•-t,
i •111 ;C., tbr the abava as
all Int , r=“Latc tarts On this
ern despatches. day, at in A.. %.
!or frsa,ht or rlara;.tc, array Oh haant. or
ST. OUTS MARKET, April 23. ! OR CIS. & LOUISVILLE—The ff.-,, ~
Receipts cedinbe light, and only a moderate i r t ,,, . , (3E-Accts.t.t... I •-•;:nPlit;
. i. 6,,-.. at.,l ..n re I,r the Shcle and al inL,
business is ildln.l
fiat.. Km. on tan Sc;. nt a c'e!o:l,-, •
Grain wheat lies slightly improved with small I '' S , r 4,, z''' ^”Pi.r 4 ir . P' l i - so b "` l. L P 2G ,
sales r.t 32 , y (ii. C. c., and of choica chile at 85.1 - er: 4 ; OR LOUISVILLE—The Plaen- , tr •-'
Salea of Cern .t 3 ' i (- 6 384 for yeilove, and 40 for' I did et,=Er NA VIOATt:It. Cent.W .1a.m,j,...?'3i3i/:
white. delivered 0 b oar d: S aks or ..._,,, . ...,11 jeer., tun tho eau.. and all intertnediahe
' , " 0,, e bar' I 1. - .rc• on ib . ...ta: , the :.f.41, lust. at 10 o' e 1,4, A. M. j r ,
ley at 61:1 Cl 3, eXOI !sire of ooc k,
E..: ti.:liiiit or {,552t..., said! . 2., ~ ..., . , d
l' ,,, ri , ivne 'Jr el kiu'iq ~r e odrunciog. Msss ! POit NASIIVILLE--The .fine
Pork is , oiling at . 13.50 per bbl. No. 1 lard is 111 eteaan^r MAYFLOWER, Iltol .It, maater.os
selling at 31 G. 8 , 4, barrels and tiorro6, and N cud o'`,li,ii;;',l";,:.".',.hliro";;ll4eV"'"'""'"'"'"..
PI in kegs. Sole. of 230 calks 1nt,...” at tri (s), ' For fre;gl.a . cr app l; an 1,1,1, nr tn
JOHN FLACK. Aaelat _
6 c. for sboulderai i 1 liii 7i.. fcr ribbed sides, and ' 52 .
8c for clear do, an 73. cili 7,?, for hams. f
mart, a.i,l 1,.^.a, for above and intertaadiata
1. 4 1 011. CINCINNATI ..t. ST. LOUIS ff " .1 . ,..„ _ ,A.
Whiekcy—Sales t 18/ qB} per gall,.
per ..V ' Tho Cr, aa•at,r AltA.10!:1A. 51e11ra1e...1.47
(temp—vales at :4'o e JB3 per ton for cem... art,
oit ratur
2E41 in, at 10 a . v..
non to prime. • I
For frrizht or pa.atra.o.7aldr on b..d. .I'''''
Lead—sales at $4,25 per cert. I li4"OR GALENA & DUBUQUE.— fr7r,.. ~
Floor—sales - f c oun tr y brands at $3.60 e I -., h? Inn runnier. u.tafurtabl,. steana.ri....,Ng.llA
$3.0 per bhl. I .ri:rw. Drkerart. inaMer. vitt :nee .--""" -
for tlo atone aad iutercm!at” irons thl day. at 10 A. 31.
The 'dissouri river in eery iove. The upper . For rmieht er musinie ani4- Oh Mar! to
Mi4slAsippi nod DRUM..? are in good order. The i -- ''''
_ . _____ __
Nliisi.sippi of this city is receding elowiy. , 4,13. MILTEABICIIGER,Aft,_
Freights are unchanged. . , jai Tin. u•un..relliEFTAlN H T whit, ~,,,..3,4
j r.,,. alll ' lea , ,e al 1? , .a,r andall tr.,:rrac .:
.. ..
ing orier 'ant ct
out our .nal ene
, r puma, pply on 1 ,, ,,,1. op t.. 2 _
SOlaA Ett. , f Comer of P;frh cod Walnut Streets,} I A steamer EMPREES,Cos,eimter. will I..ave .-.,L
than:and intermediate portcoolVedomalay
CINCINNATI, OHIO. I aftera,on. at 4 o' , loek.
(iftentlidrftted, ill 1351.1 , • Fu: fnnild or apply no board. •lal
.. Pric.Apt.. NEW A 1 11t.ANGLJII:NTS FOR
1851. .
JI. ',sow, i. , , ..... ... Le• - toler on Comintmall..... !
C. 11. W tatt.',.. and F llo.trt , .„. 1 .. ' lc
D S. BACON hog, Waco Li In it, sill- ' '''-- -, ..._,L,. , ...",.
..1 .1 0 , 1
hl . kr l ll
e 6,J r ,n d t , h l. ra , l
~,,, ~..,., ~ ie,l„ elw.,-,. nett aim fart runtime ari, .t ,•/..
bonne., to merit ~ etumuuane., of the unpret.denied enc.. .1. S. Me)l'mtv. Vaster-Raoul, {relieving, 'Stew
besa that ha...tun:led Id• e:f...,.du darn:: the past amt... liencli le. 11..11...0 re, Wheeling, Ilindgeport. eantin. cad
The utility of inatautio. of th is des.criptson ba. become j r Luang. Pa.1., , t-1,-,..... Pitod.ureh etery Weduuday at
teno completet, 4,tabliolied by practical demonetranons, trod ,I o . loek, I'. OF. for 'Wheeling and lisidgeOrt. and fury
en e.. iumu, mi....lea 1,, the dio..earniv who have eil,,,y• ' nutordu .AO3 P. it.. forCaptina and hunthdi. Rearming.
.1 the uloantage• ef their instruction. ta no longer to no 1 leaves iftintlsh..oery Monday et 10 o'clock. A. 31.. and
Su , te either nrguto"ot for th eir coPPOM or tulogy upon Bridgeport and Wheeling e,, , r, Monday and rauradaY, at
their merits.
The plan mooted in teaching combines praetire oat, ' For freight and pavage apply on hoard, or 'to
thenm: lawns or nning tank,, lire pupila are exerroeJ in 1.1,117 .I.IIIN FLACK. Arent. _.
making original entrun, of ewer, da, hodin, , , trancachoo... , •
J.,,,,,,duri,0, Kothc, 1,,g.,„, ~,„,,,,,,r , „,,,,,,„o ~,,,, - kl o b .. E Hll L A It PA F K E'l' BE
elc-smo n area, 'Arlo., of ddlereut rel., of Books. Lull for , TWFEN W'EILSVILLE AND PITF`o, „ „,2
partnerrhip and individual Lusine, where the bt.m. , .... . otill.-Tbelightdruteht ,rteatuer ARENA. '
ba. been prbir.:lo.l and adverse: and thus, doullf, ,u 4 the In. I' Kinney. tratger. here. Wellsville re c., Monde ,
'lndent 6, entering lute the pr....! dote:. ut the a-. W'otocAlay. 10.1 Friday. at I o'clock, A. IL. Cr East Ida
ouotant In any kind of w
The murs.... l ll3.truCtion mool.: of Ina:111.E EN. , t h r u P n ' h '" . 6 b. '"' v 7 FlYtttu*rr'ith"." I
, ' ' ''i"'.
‘- k. . ' l - I, a , n it d y i. .. i a l n " :l
Till 11.01 E ERI.PINU. ortiocat•in, ...ery departm..ot of tunlas. at l ' U e'elock. A. M.. ha: hesser,MePerratis Land
rea.le nod Mercantile acm,unt , . lII' trholesale. Beta,. Com. I to,. Gluon, Liverpool. and Wellcollle.
n‘irsjon, Exchen,e. Danko.. OlanuEwtont.g. ihipping. For freight or peodue. apply on Iceni. ape
Indivrhod, Partierahlp. otramt,tato.e. en./ ~ ,,ropoood 1.,0' .
Ildelne.., Commercial halculationa, I ractical PenuanneLlo , LIP KOULAIt I'ITTSIIURt/11 AND
and Cocumennal Low.
, flig, tVIIKELINti PACIIET.-The splendid
Puals are inatrochd intleidtial l y. end riot in, m ~,,, ..,,,,,,,, ~,,..,,,„,.e DiustNA.L,,Conwell,
studeut may enter at a. y tilie, and lotus est i., (he t..,. i'. n0w t ,,..,c,,,,.., ‘ h, ree.,‘l.., tri......eitly trip. , bete....
ratio rf their car.a,d, ....1 mn.l.ity
Public exar.diation. s an , hal, (t 1 , 0 . 41, ~,,,ila are Pram- : '.hi.. ..; ' 4. , ..d " av "-' l ". d " .+Zi j a7, ' ,trai i"' i l ' rl ,' l r a u s, 'L' a h n , Z t r ' Ytu n lrig k .
hint 'e 4•l' if they d,,iie it) win , . the ' , lndent nod,- '!. ae r . wi,....i,,,.. co . cs T.;..dia, . Thor.. lay awl Sunnis,.
Wee rigid nod thorough inteirr,anouc by the Pnuoted. 0 . ea d. ~,,, L y,., r r , ,ei,,,, , ,,,,,,,v on 1,..1...r.
avteted by a Cemmitt, or Fraeheal Acovuntan. and Hu. ado . A hMaTRONtI S t.'EAfT.iill, Atnnts.
lOness Men, end Inplconaa r.,:nr , _!al to rho ., oho an: deem- -
ar.l worthy of them. .
A course (11411 he complel.4 in front si - to um u,...{.... EGULAIt - OI , 'EDNESIJAY
• kUE I' CI \CI 'N kTI Captain Jah n
And in ooncinAlon, the Principal wottid stow that every y1._,,, 1 ' ''',,, :,,,,,,... ' ~,,' r,,,,,,, ,7c a ,,Wl4l:llSlit'
Sing In his power wkil be dose to aloance his student, the - o!..n . ers ..,i . the ' ,..f,;..tall h* e Nen b toll ‘ l and caber, nor
.‘_ ."''' o ' ." U.... 'h....." and 0un .....'' . . b .' ..‘....'.....'' tb,.._.'weinnsti and Pittsburgh Pa-41.i tratie, noel will have
no , ... 1, oatetolve rultminin- Co to.' ...toe. comma evere . W.-d0....100 for Cincinnati In pirre of the New Esig•
Pity will ex•ncralle enable him to procure eftuatione f..r ' ~..N„ 2 . v0r",,i,h,,,....,,L. , ~ 0. ~,,, b,...d, or to
the,a dr:irons of Attening :tem.
car.. ti. ir 31117.T7r,h1Eltd Cit. 4. nt.
• I , `
Terme-Para lull course of le -- or, In Book Erepior.
Writing, Clan:mem.; LA... Ir.. Stn.on. °P.'. ; 11 - 4NOP. MAItIE'I"I',I AND-HOCK-
The Pennsylvania Volunteers. u IN.,N,ur.-11., Cu, . mane PACIFIC. ..., ~.:
It te. master. or:11 leave Ibr the oho, and i
FrillE SUBSCRIBEIt, late a member of Ilse i tern... Ole, porta ere ry Thort.ity, at 4 c'eprk. P. M.
.E. Se:ond liegitneot of PeLn.ylrinta 1...1,,,,t,, ~,,-, I ~, t ,,,, h , .T P.n.n.n . .1.P1T ou.nnrn^r . -
In+ profeslion‘l ...rem... to the iorint , of the two R.,- 1
tochlC. ter and nt Vane s 4....
inertia cf I , ntuylvanla Volunteer. oh, 'erred in th e late , _
war with Merd , a, Modlect the clainu u which IL, an cu. EGULAR WILERLING AND '.
titled under an Ant et Ameratilr, re.5...1 the 20th day of
slarch. laal, entilled .. .An Act to provide for the I.a) meat 11., SUNFISH PACKET-The fast tannin ..f
of the First ...I .-noel Reg.... of Peurpiyllaum %LA. ' , iewmer W BLISTILLE , Cal.- B. Yuuni• .- itl
untoers, who retard In the late war with Meade,' eon ao a reenter packet between Pittsburgh. Wheeling,
11. R. WOOD, Attorney at Law. . Drids. , Port, and /Aunt., leaving Pittsburgh every 3 Lontlar
Harrisburg. April ...,1,,1. apli:,..:end ' afternoon for Weßseille,ntetibennlie, and Bridgerert, and
—.llarrttban7 American i .eery Thursday afternoon Tor Cteubenville, WhowlinS.
, last and
Suntiehi returning. lem•witiridg...
GENERAL LAND OFFICE, April 4, 155 1 . . . 01. and Sn afternoon.
onsh every Tuesday and bounth
I every Friday aftrvsa , n. It 4 freight or 1 - ..,,e. apply on
NumEROUS APPLICATIONS lIAIING ! 'leant. cr tn i1e0251 :. W. LI. IVIIEF:I.Lft. Acrid.
fin t f ' c.;l3 ' lrtil ' et ' ll7l inlc-hl;riT.,;',",t,! r °l 4 ,l".:g ' ,ff it I: C:IILA It PACKET BE-
2ah oneepte. 16 , 0. should I. locatnl, the Inflaming . TITEF.N PITTSBURGH A SLINFInII.--
answethe halo lea prepae:to wit , ! strand. Plurr No. 2. A. n. Crane. master.
There are them ...lea by vrbieh theft location. may le . will leave PittodannA. for Or Inwhno„ Captl...lSl3l26ah.
Ma ' every Motaday and Thr.., . at 3
a n r. I, returning
104, Ily :110 %Warrantee. in lough. ' tuna Funneh for Cantina. Wheeling and Pittsburgh
By the Warrantee through the a:ency of 11,1, off... I t.r , Tawday and Friday. at 10 o'cloc A. It. 1 . ......1.11 . 0
ad. By 11l Agent cr
ag co ol, W, , and shipper" c. depend upon this boat running regularly
If the first or sroa is adoontal, the application outing the for you, mason.
rinst Lc smuts in writing, aywc-ifying U., Wart, land,thrtrict ' For freight or ivtous..-e. apply nn hoard meta.
or meth+, cf country. in which th e 'acad. la desired. and
_____—_ ----,_-_-.-__,-_-_- -_.-___ -- -----
he aerfanymnitd bran aftidartt .s.varding to the following ,
'Where the third male hi adopted, a Power of At.terner i
moat he produced, executed br the warmth.... In the pre, . U. States Mail Steamship Line
rnee of a althea. aro:ding to the fall...king nem No. ". ,
which power of Attcrrney must be acknowlninoti, or m - or4l l, QTEA3ISIIIP LAFAYETTE.
to the caw maybe. lefore acme on,, outl.clixr.ll. Wt. i O . CHARLES STODDARD. Orme...der. 4"
the mamwledgmeut of deeds. aolltur• to larm No": or L i (Lite 14 stearindop Crement City./
fa oli ' . 41. g. the Patents, will be transmitted to the Land The pew and
Amerwwn , deuu -
Otxt where No locauan LS made • unlceo rIV.E.OIII daraKiot.• ,:hip tart rw..rra, Mari.. Stoddard. Ccoor.sti,.,
L' tho motrary b. give. J. DI: TIEILFIELIa y.taord on Ilse Live, to run between Phliade4ltia and Li,
Condanaaloner. .1;001. and will leave her berth. Lonikwolttrect Whartfor
is returns, on Wedcwwls,. May 7th, at 12 o'clock.
This epleralid steamship Ls MOO bat. rewleter. lc tollt In
lox O. 1. the moat nsh.tanual manner, both a. , regard,. hull and ma ,
1. , Worry, has hear'. diem's.? Ire,. thn,nehunt, similar to
. rte fastening...,f ihe steamer. of Col!,ne' La: and in es ,
Corxrr or i , ec r u nt., runt ~ , cel In t.f •trem.rth and ...., II:101.
Deface MI: '0 .1,1”.... rf 1 1 , Peo- or nth, cfr,c, r acth. , - . f .1. - ) 1 0.0...... r.0..11. II.: ,111r...0 . ..111,0.0. for par
h - ed 1.0.1./ . ..• /11..,.....: . fl 1.,..111...4 ..........••. .10. 0 11..... r. :1.0 •.lrl :a ~..- 111 ..1 . 1.....0 0 .1 VA: 001.11. r ay .. 1,.,11.1.-
wane of .. , • L., Lento d. , 1, .. 41 i. delAwes ...., RA TEA Or 1 k.ti, AC:
rip., that 1. , ,IM , 4.111... 0 -41 L . 11,1110001 ~f te arr., .., ~„,„. s. . . ~ tin
1.--Jtn whom warrar.t No.—. fn.— ~,,...h . ,.,„,. 1 , ..., , nW. , ~. t
Act of Sepientht.r. 1..:, , , wao t , .. 0..1 tm .11e -- de; Li • `.' n . u '
, Latin
—. /.,-.., and abo care krone. LI licate doe Palihr
:, ::,.in .....zna:
Sworn to and auLscriLed N.C., me am-day .. , 1 —.
(013cres ti.muture
Parr-, iv:hog to the ‘Yorld , Fair aro int , :n..1 that Ex.
anion Tl , Loon .all to wood for olisuitoil foamier of ro.
,r glogit.ort. tir.p7e tltor to tloat h`oril and r..0...1
Mc prn , ,Es , do, ill rem,
Rem all men by teed , . rroeeci,!b.i I, ;hoe Lauri bLe ii,, , r,v,sl,,__. _si::.
.., d „,. o r no a>f ''----. ''''' '''''' d I Amos, '...riedo.o ' ;; ir .- ;;;eiTi.;;Yird l :l. - bie •bLes -
---. de Ito,rbi ro...7Etuto• eel apperes ——, of .., f . .. . ... _.,
, to-a...N:111,111nm N0u1,.r..
—•'''' ".M. ''.i y h'lL" '''''''''• '' '. 4sa In u ' r treofh.” In. 11verpod zo Inf. GOODA , rod go. we.
la ad. ~,I n ' ' `, ; ~.' fa l' - ' e b „ b j u " ,,,j o Ldt. s ." - LT.' A ',.,.', ---- ,,I'L ----- ,.. bl ,..i''' 04
_l'..otortat,.. ....,... t....f.,,..1, rill
.looye . f. r, trozo2lEJ . O.' ..
i Power of 81,1.4t441.14.n c.t.,. 4 lo•orted it d.....r.,1. ! ..`-' “.....O. Eve ...., '<T.; fn..< o ....Jo , .
.... oi 1,
Signed in precence of 1
1. 11 ' 4. 1i. , "`b r i: L UCPPd. 11. r..i. - . 7 b 1 ./ di d_. ,
.1 ,
i ..liN l; LiVl.e. , 1.,0hn0l ‘T ' 5V1,,,, , . 1.1:,,.,.. ,
!,....-ol o , ~,•--.•,. J ,fr..! ,
I^ ,
a. 4 t h FLOYD
rd,.... .7,. ,f . 3 . apl. ,, I hound CO on-11 P.0.E.,. Lawn .
, ,
—o: I
app -ool eared lA,. litccri r ter ;,
r- L' . ' ;•.l7; "' tT, P r: r el ' rk l .l ` ;:7,:!
arne cf tearrwer....: and that Le 01.4 eara r :p ' atr. n set.
dearritee..k vitida t'oacr, so.l a. d z.So
(.01florr's rig-carairr.,
FoE \o.
I beteby - thel,ren 1. - day . of -. In the
yea-, twroutully cane beftwe ea :bra Innen the twoa.
r w - In and hen• itewet. the hunt. of 'NWT/0,G.. .1.,
:be ra:d :ban ineert the [lane et wltnes...) beta, weft
dnhown to me. only ...nen by me, elk 1 , 11 hie wth
1 elated At. nada that he well knew the eatd :here Lew
:he haw. ut warrwntee.j and that he era the 'nal, w . t . w.v
towerzleel hi. and wh . . yarutnl the within Power
Inwl hllenwltrawy nru tn n<ttninettry erldeow
of the: WI. end the here lan et the awa ef
tbencutea acknowletiewl the ruin honer to la act
nal deenn
aplWllawnar tOihren . , nignatur,j
Ai4D. KING, Banker and Exchange lire
ker, fourth denim in IVatern Innln, ..,.
'Dec ow the Enstern inalen. *ad Talk, eydien - Wcan the
went 4.41ww ma.. and w ey‘w pa IP, the hatwwi malat
teem um
aw fonds for American ether. teeia
Temperanceville and Noblestown Plank
Road Company.
VOTICE is hereby given to the Stnekheltl
bnuu. et, each atm, of the' k. ou flat 'art 31:m..1a, to
..ach tut/ every month hereafter. until the whole .00k.
"." ge ' ht. '- " t tl F"'eu'Ll PresLieht.
f EAD PlPE—Cornell's improved patent
kj 1... a rlx t, /74 , , , T 0 u;
4 / I yd ‘ glitat...
Cit•qn,,Ar. ,
All eases on baud .1.1 to a .t ruzilaii nJ
134 Frtrut
7 & F. WILSON hove removed to Nu.
rui aL, 147 Flout, at, bctwer:pr'mal
E3loVAL—Esausu BF.SSETT,
sale Grocers and /leaders In Produce, Lase removed
to. 1= Second, red 121 First id, between Wad and
nnstibrold Pittebargb7
W M. GORMLY bus removed to No.
j r a T d.r:vtiitaLlrg't.:t:it' h t`t! "`".” h"
Geed Store Removed.
'byrKIIE subscriber has removed his Seed Store
(rem Second etreet to the bntldlnrtrecently ocollnied
le. 'toed se • Tailor Shop. on Thud erect, almost kn.
loodialely oppeetto the t rot Ueice.
ft, R EMOVAL.—GEO. F. DILLNI has removed
his Drp Goode store (min Nn. doorsarke greet. to
. o. 0 licottls how, Irwin ateet. four below Penn st.
whew he will co views! to wait on his former ens - town
and the public generally. abilans
,: J .. FM' latli s --= 1;: j . 32,1 general user:l46ot al
CANTON Preserved Ginger in Syrup;
Ch. , Clam, (0 mintana of
Gh'g'“" i ar.u. ca.
anlo Growl and Tea Dealer...
VORN-150 bu. (Shelled),lhr sale by
nzehtll SAMUEL P. mummy_
joe YE-5 bbls. just ree'd and for sale by
.1.4 L sem ii'. k I'. WIL:10?4, 147 Flrot et
DYE FLOOR-5O bbls. for sale by
stylCl 'mow:l II KIRK PATRICK'
a pOCIIINEA L-150 lbs. for sale by
spu 5... F A IL F.STOCh d CO.
R ICE -450 tcs. prime, new crop, for sale by
J)RIED APPLES-100 be, for sale by
1,4 7 bblo. roe'd per str. Cin
einnati. And for 'dab,
I 151 E-100 bb s. fresh Louisville, for solo
.14 . g AV. F. AVILL I OII.
11. rm., eLml 118 Bocrad st
YRUP MOLASSES-51 bbls. 8. 11., for
by a7O F. WI UON.
GOLDEN SYRUP-1U hi. bids. for Milo by
ar9 sr. a r. WILSON.
QIIMAC—IIS bags Sicily, for sale by ,
SALAD SAUCE—Gray's Sauce for dress
• sio ug 5.134 ' o.q.`r.l:lltiarPea. tsbesty
POCOA NUTS-2 bales ree'Ll and for sale
V'4 nplo WM. A. McCLURO CO.
—A bcarairoi witlelnjart rre'd aoo for rale by
apt' THUS. I'ALHEIL. No..J Market st.
ac.o Varkill. (yr axle by
sr, 11. A. FAII:iniTOCR ro.
bll-10 casks just fol-cale
Llberli . rtrvet.
ka ALLA') OIL-110 Baskots just reed and
bee by (as.] A. CULIIERTEON c CCI
WIIITECG-40 bilk fur uaebz
it I , fll4 - oNMATZ N 4(1
r WOoLx_ , • 01.
Mile 14
it ~,,, J. jellO.'o% IAK I:11 0410
) ACUN-2 ,a,ILA prime Shoulder,;
1.14, fur ralu t T
L S. I , IIIIfIMAN 4 :MM..
fl sod 41 IVitt, r. unut f,2 11,4 c
LAM , --1 S bias. No. I -
le •• ••
L ;VA s NoNS
. _
" LOUR-157 'ibis. S. F. :tn.! pxtrli, for sAI a
1 1, .47 I. :4. IV:VI:MU/1N t SPNS
Fli LI I T-260 ,a,•lo, Dried,;
Its - - Apple,:
I:. bl./.. . . 1.-.3. PO* I,
ti. 7 I. S. WATrItSIAN a ..../NS
trbOLL-25 ,aaelc.4 nun- Lntltng (runt nv
m.y. by ; .
HP STUFF-100 eats for sale in
A PE I i--,300 Med. and Crown Wrap.
L ong. Nor tor:ran earnivastmanAt s
1,7 .IAS HAL.7.V.LL. EnWater
i ll lEI
PEAWIES-600 bu. for sato I
H ANTED. and the MO.annninto pant for LI.
• A. WILKIM , 00., •
aOl2 maw. Market and Third It.
ARI E RAILWAY—Four Shares Ma Pniivray Larl 00,Nk. for nab, KT
wl.`4. WILKINS
Information Wanted
the vitureabout3 of AND'W DOUGII-
Rfi TON. Vrover, who make In Ina - Atilt ca, 0 Ile
....Iva teen In thl.trny, en the ;L:4l of March. Any In.
, unuasion pent to JOHN CIUMES. Trumbull co, 0...111
-.thankfully rereler.l. apl2.nt
‘..1 11. MOLASSES-20 ILI& Battle Ground
J • FOri•irg rio.l Ur. Jeff:mn. and Lay rale by
- Apr.: JAS. DALZELL, IS Warr rt.
COFFEE -1&O sacks prime Rio;
to Java; on Land, for sa/c by
RAISINS S FIGS-ICU 6ze. Bich Raisin;
too Ft, for rale by
BACON-3 casks Hams;
Yl •
3 tuouldur. prime COUllirl 034
ou band anlf3r aale by
DENN SMEETINGS reduced to 8 ("cute.
MouToos. "
House Keepers
IVISIIING to employ Paper Hangers, NCill
„7.iarz.Mgdor P'""' iltOrnal f ilt a "
AO_ 5.5 Market 111 rf ft
The best Green Tea in Pittsburgh.
Q,031E New Crop Young llvson Tea has
1.4," rerelved, at Slorrl.'s Vrtt Store in the
Ituuncattl, which km strength and tlator ot , es a Lead
In l'atrNtrgh.
Gt LIOULDERS-9000 plee, s in salt, arrived
kJ and for sale by HARDY JONES At CO.
_are 2,
DiG IRON-45 tons Allegheny, for sale by
apt J . k R. FLOYD.
iltlSll=Mackerel,sidtnon, and Lake Trout,
for rale 0 1 ao JOHN WATTkCU.
lIOT-100 bags unn'd Nun. for sale' by
.101151, nn7 WATT d co.
B ACON -11 cawkH Hams;
• 3
Rl sid m4vitl• ,
i, !audit,: frum rtr.
(q )fay, to vale ny ISALUI DICKEY r OU.,
ap7 Vat, and Fran(
s . OTTOIC—.'s holes landing from err. Cope
for 1.,1. by ay: 16A1Al1 DICKEY &
FEATILEIS-17 sacks landing from str.
Cepa May, for tale by
sp: - DICKEY & CO.
MULL/MIS—IA casks, arrived and for
kJ Fair by [ali:]
p_ACON-200 lbs received and 6r — etle by
.5.2 IbM. 11. JO/ISSION.
C.:ALT PETRE—W kegs relined, for sale by
ludrie D. A. EA lINEETUCK A CO.
WAX— . . i lbs.
• f i or sole by
SVl'b k iYe. for sole . by
suchl2 J. EIDDSCO.
AGO— 100 lbs. Pearled, for sale by
-13 ItteblS 11. A. FA UN EBTOCIL CO.
IOTiON-86 bales laniing from eV'. Gene
k../ T. nod for rale br
rode-, • ISAIAH DICKEY & CO._
iII4REASE-18 bbLs. landin{,• from str. Ge
""Naodf..olo tr /SAIAII DICKEY t CO
meta+ IVatel aid wont eta
CZIIEEN reed, for rale
br m,hIV 8. - 4 %V. IlAraw;uu.
rin) lIOUSE-KEEPERS-' —Orders for P a per
A. Hangers ULU IR: kft at the Wall Parer Store of
rtirl;2l • W. P. IIARSIIA .Mr Went
.MIIT MILL—I Smut Mill (couipletu) fur
.at, b.l e.c1.19 DAL:ALL.
TUlll'EgTl."t4:-3 0 WA. in tine
enter. Gr talc la J. lUIVONIIAni n & CU.
grilL—r2 casks Winter sperm; 5 . du. do
iurln 5 m. rzfinmi Wba 41.14
_ --
VINEGAR--a 0 I)bis. cid.x (warranted) for
- v-,• sl* ma conalircsalmi, by T. iIFOOD3 SOS
Mx. Witit'lt.
~y' me half of a large Ware-v
ileare on the wharf formerly known en the
mem! Tarim. Ware:. The heation Icr burn.. Irraae.
la and. and tne rent will be leo, ifh term to
J. ?Ulf. , at/n. lin Wass, rt.
Valuable Reel Estate for Sale.
FOUR LO' S, fronting t 4.) ft. on Liberty st.
110 tt..l,l,l.l . ltrrzery I.lle,outranonly I. T ren
k.. l :APTlt'dtigw" . l3 I' l 4 . „l';' - r7f r " .111
"`" .0111 . N IF ATT I CO, Liberty et. _
Valuable Property for Sale.
PRE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale a ralua
,rt.tdnenVcc:s Alleal3.,o r qtr. hevn k
etr , et. i,.pert'rldje,rgrf:.:fP:dilZte
•oath of the e1d..., a r t Sanrlel
arc!,, and near the
reiuence wet ‘lllliara Lhlworth . 17hcre ;Frame of
Howes nu the prrnalwx. which . rent fur annum.—
The rropertr and e Ignited for layin, off 113 lot,
on and 1.1, ett, It will Lc
nt.a nn and Corr.: . thv purcha,3l.cnvy ran
on t h e
arritir.d.:3lq7.lrt. of the Kolneriber. the
For Rent.
S mall :Yell finished and completely fur
:R tarred son. on nont are. to thy polt-;;Z.ce
No. 7.: .r. botsroon ngi ad4th As.
oral( (Pon and Trihttoo cool)
Desirable Suburban Residence for Sale.
lIIIRE bubseribsr offers for sale the hense and
ark st. Ise.
I : 1 l' Tio r T , tra . h h en7t7l ' V . 7; l : . .i ' t ' nr ' nt ‘ i ' t?no l : walk &in
the marks t of lb. et/. t 'l:tre true 140 ft Stout on Park ~..
rtinnir.g Linut ':.;:: r.., tn an Oh.. --oontmolmr riecrl rota
n , of ground. r. 11.1 Is b.moducl oil eTrry AMe by leers open
lots. adorned 'rah , trees and atonable,/ • The In'n-` , i
Inearly p.v. l. and exe,edingly well arratlgld. Laving
, front of r. 41 1...1 and a derth of 7:1, MIA cuntainA f mrt, n
.4.. ins. ) Ides EsM Mn.. li,t wile. It is built In the Issyt
snd mutt durable c.d.... and Inus • lire-proof not, and
.0.1. til the modern con , enkte. ,6 . T^. . -- E- -ith
sn I.lllfailiny 4urrl, ht liar] and srft a ster..., at I i: dnr.
On the premi.... ar.. the norra.ary wit building', /ruble,
1;711 envh.l%ft'r; eta11rt‘4.1t`4.17.1..5.!;'„;.-.':•.Z'4o,!rYerlrng'
ehrUbs, currant.. qrweeterrina. rupberriea. lc- nod a mall
gnrdert. Tile fruit Is nf the best kind, and the tre...• are In
their pilule. end , 4.1.1 enough f, the ant, id an orninetry
Wall). '!'he saustron crthlo property. s• I....salubrit: and
suburban conaln - tr. eoniblisd nab ertaiunity toll, ca:.
Is not surpa..s.s.l by an, r.. - hicure In the vicinity. It ha.
IX fill/ . of the Ohio River for ores • roll, of Tetutwrance.
sills, :South Pituborgh, tir city, the two rivers. nod the
ball, wound, forming altogether a panoramic prtepect id
which the eye o,yer wears,. Every Nutt which enters cr
departs front the NT: of Pittsburgh on the Ohio. 1, In
tall view. The residence ands rOunds are also nompletel,
I ' Z ' ag l an r O ' Teg s r n lllial. " an ' Zion ' ls d n " .. l ; , ll . 7egiTt -" 1: ' ; ' ,:,,‘,1
T,,,t loes. , fal wolf lo:atest In anm,eirt nuas In the country
he n. rtri, will be sold of a bargain, and p...nson given
whe Tor d..iured. Lavin,. at the
at.22,11f I/. Ir. IV LUTE.
For Sale
T HE members of the Fairmount Fire Co
pau offer. Ibutr Lnigiva, for sal, It Is iu oar]tier au.l u , ill .01,1 cheap. Luquir" of
J S 11Til, Seer,
ho' 4. Pruu
A Good Opportr.niM for those who want a
Home. .
.„...... 7nviLer oder, L.: the EDllnrin.
• .
- 1 I Four in Pt:4,, plnn rf In 11;e
Warl, rsch 1,4 fret by 1. , . The-e loc. tr. f•
anti,- p.a... and will In .1 et k.arAnin... the t.
4' ; r o. '" 2 '
qua,nn Way—n.tivaningPouil; liwsto.l vithrr Luz.,
prTate rt.vdratvo.
- • . .
!ith :I. Ira Lute in the Borough ssf Lawrenceville. eel!
suites] for r ue- sto rcowlenchs.
s. Acn-• vr I.sol in Po . blestcwnshin. Tbs .,
Impel, Is es's:ninth:l IncaLol cosostrr sestsho , p7 loot a
shell th_staioc Shan .I,hr hne,steslaAnunitts, the hakirse , L
No. Ulm Lot I n Wctot, shrses. near !Ins. CI nun by
1.1.—N0, 3. 3. alel 4, will he enl.leu lone thee, ~ o 1
perthe ,1 the perch., wee, will Is re,Ptired
A time elkry Rowe. near the mrtterof Wel.ter and LI.
greet., enntamdrig 11 mot,. will he rented eery to
...A Molly. It i• cr...truct...l that toot tmliet van La ,
rup Arrir In
narh27:tin IR IrR Al'. lb. U..
mum., Ireleter Eln. street..
• For Rent t I
Ferry .treet—a large and eubstantio.l
front. stumble !or an afainta, 01 tnanuLanu-La.. -
VI • ;NVi
onoAmircurner liarroot, aitry arid Fa, ette .t.
TiOR RENT—A Dwelling House on ••••-...,
IL Third 101,v1, above and neer to EmlthGel.l.
Lea ...It.. larne earl. eltsli hove, le.
he misted low,. and votat.nalon Orel. Iminoliately.
A !.o-For tale l
or Let.e. owe lot. m ale Ninth Ward.
tatererm Penn 'street and ILo Allenhen•
at IS Darl i n g ton' . . Fourth .trees, near %lout.
Valuable Real Estate for Sale
THE SUBSCRIBER offers f o r S,le. on 7:
- •
!;:n: • '!teen waJustlo dime...Tr brick cliwelltay boa..
hround 4tr0e1.14.44rrw0 Market and Fen., .thee, lb.
kirl Ineach 19 Yost front by 40 riroy..
ntainr 1,11 foot (root no Thtt wt.... 44404[11z:4
!On Third irrobotertart Charrb. nnwbtelt tree
four rt4 , ry boor, wrod ow • prialtng naive. AM ono
awn .bare 1,404 warvhous..
.!ro. 7. Two let. In crow,. lo•ing Int.
.Na. 3 ..tul 4. 14.tinz wbnnt 100 loot mu4re.on
eJ OLVI (York of lout Run. Loa 0.0. ..rant.
d writing. ntl two -14.”. w high.
4 Ono Int :4>, toot front on Back 0,44. . oopnyan lb.
wt •l
woo. end otoroltr..4 th , tnp of tho
A fwo Logo.). I 1... e a. .'.41 foot fr...r.t. 4.+.1
(tor, :)..444....1 in:. v w,trr x 04140, t. thr 11,
b. C. On, 4141-r to. 1.9 fort on 4% hool tax,
4.1!h ton oltuli vra , ll wt.:Arlo-0.
• o, .^wator
w . t front.
•1 14.110; to lb. to, .0 41,, hii) hich L.rl.two
.wry brirk•trl. wi..4.44wn •0..11,... 4,44 foot, ta.oot..
trwrnw too
• • • htnn nrerman
°.'l3•'` ;bout:b., 1,1. t 7.
rµ kluut I,U
0 7 . 1 .r iC N ln Ni 3
r T. C. Ci.c.hl
".7 c)4•1.
s o
trs• 11;i7..r.17:4,!:• Q .
•••••• lortfosll.V. , ••• rallstan
Len/ In o l / 4,
" O l f ''' /7.7 . : 4 six!criATV2;;lT ` mi
J•MIN /I.l:sWai.
Drug ana Pre.ccription Storu ter Sale.
DRUG ri:Escluvrios STORE.
A. aaaf,l to acur• tam: .0.1 :alprarlr, ,a+,,. .• 1..•1•••••-•
r fartta,
nrs4 i.alitl• a 11.01 1,0111.
ta.L: 114,anaaloa.
PIN" LET- -.\ • St:. eutuutr , l
nn Water •G. hrtarrzo Iltakrt mad Ferri ataaata.
ta, tortarca.
,akra or
rrall.l , Wat,
For Sale
DIA.)(7Ii on tLe corner cf Waft , - 1 3,1
• 1-emu stryweß. aul Ire:: Cu _
Can..l. to the City of Pit.Lurgli. The Let fr,L.
•.ce Lunfirvd Ind f..rt, 'cur leer on Yenn et re., and ant.
h0r..1 re.l and riot feet cure: ierlie• on Washino:on er.reerf,
to • 50(011 :lei lu.,ufre of
DAVID , f1:1:1, •
indl4:Cin No Ins I con s It.
T Car e .,};our Mr.t...atel • Dot 11.11 on
rh 0....-aver Creak, erh-la H nevem., ..4er Pe•wrr. AU,
tu,nrort.l•fveitit, Prlce
Ale.. • }arm of I:•suevee,ou 11.1. Ohio rarer. uttrve =dies
“eloee Bea, r. for Alt.. nue of 140 sties, ou the
.thin river. f• Lebow I.l.e.crer. It; plrer sere. Al.,
to, urea for lit per sem Alay, farm, of 1,91, end :PS
...res. Ter SM per sere. VS sem* tar 312, au.l •ft
eel... for 1.1:f per env, tc,etLer 0111,1:aus otLen of tar!.
•17.03 aaJ Prim... Enquire of
N. P. d U. L. 11. FETTERMAN,
Attors.c7i Loy Gaol 0/0111.:.1. Aio ol lg4
No 107 4th at. 1110100.1 h.
Of Forty Town Lots in East Liverpool' 0.
IIE recent unprecedented naic of Lots in
the abode thriving 'rosin having nearly exhausted
previously laid out, and the demand cull mintinning,
Th e e undersigned has teen indured , o I n c out a ',Kraut of
his property in tutu lag cannot and oder, the= for sale
at prior* and ten= that cannot fall . meet the sleds el
those visiting to parch'', ls nogstlees to say anything
of the !oration of the Yuan and to (It having been
suilidtently dessdihed in recent advertbsements) other Ulm
that over one hundred lots have recently changed hands.
and been purchased by thaw riddling to posture dash..
ble hove.
Thlettlntve lot. are arntrn,t the mum .11,,tble and desira-01
In tile Oar, and are prittdpalir Icestett In the centre 0
thnx tee...tatty mid.
For Irtlbrutetionp .) to [her:011117 In Li r eerpool..
g t . ntZc h iLi.
East Llvery.t. Feb. 2ed.lttsl. feblltlawM
A Blaot Farnace for Sale.
THE UNDERSIGNED offers for Sale his
['LAST FIIIINACE. situated In CluseranUm Geortoo,
known no the .. All Earnare," with an a.. .a,
Leri'hope :Ail'sad 001ST MILL: laid erery thing mei
rouser, L a udy on tho
of" Ore. a djo in in g 406
keres ofattached. with t o much more to
would he netweary which mu ha hod Oman 10e. to o , :imr
sins. tha most tosurahla Imatlon In the !Muth. yor
maklng Iron. haring the ore within onehalf to one rolls
od, eery large solinith% our t mid yielding
from 40 to in per sent. It ta one mile and • lad( from the
Etowah Itlllnsr 01111. whore • ready sole can be found for
all Ito proiltata of Ito Metal; and to two tall. (tom the
Western and flthmtle Redrew& which Is one of the Una*
of railroads conriecting Iknnessee Maar with the.
which ha. via lines of rahruds ruaintag not 6.ran
tulshed and under cataract. pasaintrth.mogh all the ha.
rt.rait Towns end Cities in (ieorgla, whom • ready tale Is
found lor 1 , 1•Ial. Machinery, Hollow Warm am It is
now In full bloat worked by water power. with • f br of 11
feet. on a car.. tailing etre., mu y
t In the mat i
loot of the Youth
Letows may be ruldnismni to me at Etowah. Cass ea.. Gm.
coo he
o' 4l b li ' ria m l . n . ilClTALL.
ALLAITAYNi broSno, 3 ]t orch2 M I . I.
°Peru for eerily desirable mr of valuable
sluglute, act roma ee eites for macturao.
Wrier. tn the Borough of Ltrmingltam. locate°, near the
new Public Echuni Gout° and 1: lob Lutheran Chareb.
The rabbi rinteth or Ittnningham in population and
manufsttnring wealth, elm reasonable priers at which
iota .111 he KW : will render *Bern a rata amt profitable ire
votraent. 'Me perfect. Terme favorable.
Fur pa:110010n and term, t.nqulre of the nuderrbtned, at
the °Mee of Grans F. Gilmore, Fori.. on Grant street, Pitra
burgh, between Titirti and teurth etregta, or of 'Mills=
Symmes and N. Patterson. E a „a, at their ollieut in Birm
ingham. w 2,1 310801. i V. LATON.
Covington Iron Works for Sale or Lease.
situated on the
oppoeite ntintte.ll. having In thelost reir
Tenons Ohlu U thorough repelreln.w foundation, inachther7.
0,-. holog oneof the most etigible ' , ratio. the Unlthi
for the manufactute of the eartous .13t4 and kitale of IR%
combining tie Many. if not more faclllll. than tins eat.-
Ilehment the leeet, is now ofienel for wile or /ca., ell
ten. to • ult appliennto. It pce.thowa ell the aeleautoentof
ncatublithrnent waste' in the moat ittelral. part of CE.
innati, in nthlliloti to tlll. WWI !wing much 1 101. r—haw.
'AM faethth fair Cincinnati trade. it eontiete of rev.
Puddling Fern... three 1 inert. or :•nblln.c Elnan two 114•
finery tuna. ria Ilranng Furnioem. with Engine and
dither,' to make from loch liou 01' to Eincli, round and
lloder 11111.
aml all the net. dot Ira. with a goof Sheet and
Atepo o f ate
I, ftliti.t ud and E m itter 31111, romplete. ettra
Iron./ /t • nr.b/ t ting rm It to lima pertlayeliset
In . addition, there la a Nan Factory, wild, reparate L.
containing In Macbinon, orhl.h tan La Inuit...col to
guy oulount roluired.
Itcfor to ILIILCIIANAN, Cincinnati; or J.II.IIeNICELL,
MY SALE—A valuable Inn Totablisbment oltuatod un
the Ohl, riVrr. In (Whit ono nty.Obio, cenoisting of n Yoroa
Contnitling three holding or Floor,' Wow, th ree Molina
yarn., one n out Inn, one pair Ituntng gdL, wit
napacity to make ru ten tons Iron prod.,. Th.tract contains
Iw Mato of Call Laud. of Moo reins, rack ZS feet deoll. —
The entrance to all tho brirts. en I'll,, Iron,••••te2
v g, !r f o r,..... r lMlC, Mn. lt is one tho best lorationada
Refer to IL LICCILLSAY,ChacinraII, orJ. C. MeNICKLY..
ekLnu—A large brick Oro prof grountry.rr soie or nuts
adymning the khl.: 01111 Irsnt. 3 stark, Itigb. TOIL sonr,
with Moulding Floor Inn ft. by kts
FOR In/Mi.—That dvdrable Tract of Lon,l. intuitt, on
the AlkwhelllY rtrar, about 2 tulles labor. the thriston no,
Ktt,lanolug, in Anoyanour co., I 'n., . taw
r '"" ..... E PrOlivlli, containing ,11 oil 00..11 I,sldn
A we. T land abounds ,11 Iron. 0,4,
C 1 4 7, it • nary dredrable lomition for soon,
turam purpose. from 1tarc0?..1.f1) , 1 , v , it 46 T . !..! ,=,L 0 % , 1
rj.:TZ'a o. b d.
too revoth roads are alma,
Ar=tt Nbt'ipnilottotl'po' cr the teed mud the
...cut country. Tarry &revival,/ on Lim prctol.ra a Yur
osee. Rooks. Ynylor. end Mast apraran, barium/Ling tru,,,
te...eller with all the buildingsortoloing thrdoro.
WM Howe, Run, nobles, on- o, `" rill t.
(erns, er It will 1 , ..1101,10d Into
taco to Lott it plot of the hrehertr and fur.
thee mrtieulars eth be cbtainad Tro addrnwing
, cOTTON--42 bales to arrive per Mayflower;
aae Water sad hat ft.
FOIL RENT—The Dwelling Elouse. on
tt.. r...rm, roach anti Wrst Common+. let.,ly
non.. Ar , •uck,
NI i A mt., CcAtn Emlntn. vf Juda m. T W
h Mo 'o•
Valuable Real Estata—for Sale
. -
}'OR SALE-That valuable Lot of Ground
ritualetl et the nom, :A' Market and Witt: r etreett.
:r neen,:i 6 Muleari, R le: a Oh,
havo:o a free , ,V: r , ,trert ..f ,• feet 11 Inele
a.A l• aril Water at, fe:rl
t:—TLe Let cr Goe lOerlia, ter
orerly ecru{ o:: 5 rb a.
11,..r. an 61•1111:Yer.I: ha,
a.frent 1.11 in,chel tbe s:eangehela 1:1,
-rot-ma:lQ Irmo ,Tto KtuN.
el:11 N 0.17 Nlarket
A Valuable Coal Farm for Sale,
QI7I3ATED on tint Bank of the 310- r - . t!
Lo n a
tainiaag 110 Aere±. mar.. it ‘ , 1 , 1 contain Ccat. ad
ratratly lecat.d t. comma. 1.4 n, Inter... tot tar a m
elte schieh adopt. at to the r....:une,en nr feve.h aarinto the
mine+, Thla , cal can ad I ,for to the
ever, by rocs." ..1 a B.Af note ;u oa.
aka apart the prenai,e. The lauding at the railway it ex
cellent, and the ov atio n well adapt, for harlar;ria- bona
tu AnnAy. Thit location oder,. fr., th e Coil
Curraered t)pon the alnrcu,tahe%. vivvr
he rod upon the surface, Inr-t if which L. rte-urd and
vtad,a. eultivation. vt . Teri punencr qualtv,teinguaotly
hrneelone and black walnut ;la - lento) to the growth
of wheat and ell ether ,tarte 01316011toth.courtr, Lttnn
none le abundant apen the prenvivcs. and easily,i.
The butldhawv are a very cum:not:iota two atery Brick
Derailing Bowe. nal four lan:a re,nv art a hack
Log Bar. large and =lenient Saal-le; drams), j
:Tanaka Houma Cr.e.l Howe. Av. A neve. vutqty of
geot water, with an excellent comp at the thy, Tu. .are
abur.rtanCy -uppluvi tab ge,d vprince In nut tl-e
Thar if 3,110 on the !nun. h , r 4 aa, Or.
ehar.l of
avnf,vlThe whoa. as et mover:nut
scow; to the rtramboat - lan.ll, at Wvi,eter. The Oval will
be volt ,aparatet with all the ak.evoa.-y perilenva
tine uut. ,rue Land and Catl tattler. to putt porch.
O"'" ton
Cn'n,lscr to
Or to 5 AW. 11.tELBAUG.B.,f I
!El() LET—An OC7e, with or without Varc
a.m. %sm. IL JORNSTON.
112 Scr..nd
From England ' -via Quebec
ILE undersigned, rrsidinz in Quebec, L.
yoantit.., of nailrra.l Iron =doll,
:Casty to tb, porta oa bal las t The
annala, of artirtn. at ttoetar fo r oar
trneo on lumber. probablyrradtra ILI. male of Importation
ch tba laaot ralaan.:te G ar all ha>, tunrchandlae.
tril a l nay tilt. atlantle (might on ratanta •amatiratal to 4,
&tut t o any /maims. caanrvattl thrl•trith; LA-mant
illa auchl,l . l4 Lim, la reacaaat. furth,
1 ' :Ni71 . 1 . .! rho
ra t
;:1 ' 0 h ,7 1.
anintra Naal I t:. It? USBOIISE.
18 51.
cLARKE. !'AIRES et CO. 1-I..cava-rr..
TH!i, PROPRIETORS of this 01.1 and Rell
1;1 La.r w. ul.l iar rm Co.tar, are
noir al pp.-n. 11,11, the prment Fnc ratan...
r,ava a-, la &ad .1114 nre mllr
prra...4l la tart r to a.l pc ct., c rnr . v r
411.4 01011,14. thn rat, one Ike, of e 1. .,
Line rail /. rot...tenth at n lanaliuc. Lew. the
IVetni- 4 1.a.1 Suatl.teat latt&Lar&b.
E IV CuaranuLnm. New Cast.,.
•1 , ..
5 , 61. .11,e r: tf..sinsss!:c
situ. Henry. Ilaruaara:
-1, an. Puy, Cut.neuntralr.
IV &abridge. N. Y
Forty-six hours to Philadelphia-
Forty-four hours to lialtiniure.
260,inilet Railroad-103 miles Canal.
Two Bally Lines Express Packet Boats.
flN4he opening of Canal Navigation. Two
.11. F un i r.. 1 .=t7i t ,," n 7EZ, k 1 -1 "
Therrtdtiar the
r tarnl P } l ADELPHId.i
Time throu.,7ll man -s:x Hour,
Pb SOU Farr to Calttm.l".
Th.. ra t -. ,4 tt.” rTi1...”1 ut..t
•or. .tPrt.rorthqa tor , C3fOrt
.. - I,trmcg prn.i.hir at 1:1.14 loth,
ar.ll evrnlng
Passengers for
Nerlan./ ara..l. tow Cy .11,11 ,re et. to tat.
four [alp., Tam . t;rt.
Nn Oargn cu
The t:. ore fortalo..
Wan..le..,erall. tr.:a
ur prat, ..rna,nnan, wor
J. IfULMi.S. Agent. , claalt u... D. LEECII CO.
• cnnAl hra. etre,
e el I,te I,a2,ed
Lockier4l., !lab u le,.eu it. Liale
leea ,
IAI-tar, I`e.
Manufacturer's Line.
r 1851 .
s 1 OIL3IEp
J.J.I : nt•-•, J.J.,
1. 111
Snrp..rt.. (ottoz,l , 1.. 4 , 14 all
a:l,a C:1 , 12.r.t11 . -.,..
If .• noorn P.vd• &1 •00.0 urn
thr Junta., prl.apto , -. nod n.t..;12- , t, 111 1.3
Phu nfamoul 013 v br
upon. 7•11/Cl;ELL Vropmeror
eh:' .=oroo , l door e.xt of the Cunt:.
A T, 1 . ; .. 1 ; 1‘,;! T i 1,. 1 A . L
• 8iN0ti.0....
Binghams' Transportation Line
, l rH E CANAL being HO "N". WI , Rh` re,
dr -to ',iris' scut Artvard prumptly. Prcsluce end
etrb..imAist,eset smd vest
Vlslghte alra.r• at lcm
laud N1cv.1..4,11. • 111 o• rt.c.elvt,l 3.1 Inn../.rdoi
ram nod wi
west. thout ant du., for farwardiag 16.1.
rret.,-ht.. row aUxuoo. cr
MI. of Lads. Ibtrrcrthl, an 4 vl J.lrert,.”.3 Lt.itlfunr
ittt. this,l to. !..1.1r...• or appt 1 , •
WOl. 1111411.111 A. Co). Can>l Pari.
Corn , ' 1..1....rty and 11 a.uo
lIINt/11A SI DOCIi. 1 , 3 Nf.rket rt. •
bet. Fourth arli Fifth rt., Philiultip . lai.
JA.I.IEB , A rr.t.
No. 1 , 12 North llnirtmt g nrret. Balt - Immo.
JAMES No. 10 Wrst
tochl Nru- Irk .
Pittsburgh Transportation Line.
JASILS O'CONNOR A (XL, Canal Badn, Pittsburgh.
SITER, JAMES A C. tkpote Bread and Vhorty :Oren,
Adel No.l South Fourth street. hetuem Thula mud Claret
nut street. Philadelphia.
O'CXYNNOILS A tXI.. 70 Norm ,trees. Ilaltimon, — .
AVING fully completed our .
met, we will 40 prepared up= the opening et the
eausylvania Canal,. to entry (retell, no and fr= idiom
burgh. Baltimore, Thllwlelptua, New bark. Dertnit, Ctn.
inuati. Leusarille, SL Louleatelwll the lout and Urn, at
lower ratea tel with more dieput,h and can , then any otto
et Line. All goals shipp.l by .1 Line a= fully menial
by inenranee, without any charge to owner!, a protection
not really .Corded by any other Line.
All nonmunieation. addreeeed ,o unroclees a agents.
ihn a Os.. Cincinnati, P.. Webb. Lotti,ville, and Lowe A
Cisherne,FL Inuit will meet with prompt attention.
4FirN. B. Out Line has noconnontiou whattiter with the
Philadelphia and PitLlbtogh Tran,portallon Line of At.
Pine A Co. fetal
alsiggv; 1851 'z._, --- - 1-A -.
Merchants' Transportation Line,
A. MrANULTY C. CO., Cnnal Ila.un, 405 root (trhai.
pmapigh. -
CII.II2LES RAYNOR, Central Mock. Drc.l art , t.rbil.,
del hit
Ve ore proton,' to :Trete a tare account merchondtso
nnal prodav chip en the op.inu of lowe r .alo to Phila.
delyhte...4 al t inturtuctilate phte. at rate, .4 lo
lemailme than in any worm. sawn.
N. L. The Inerated number of Truely imuridn/ br
tho Cana Cercuaireiunera for earrylnu cur booto on the
Rote R 011..., prcvent tollY y of dclay at
Johnotown, LloiLlaythorg or Columbta. this 50...
febl3 'Canal Loom.
a. 1851
To Shippers of hierrhsirdise, Produce, &c.,
L.ND rtrivig.m. ovq ,
eruss & CO, Propricinrs , No.
Co.rxn. rtml. Phandrlrthim
BELL & I,lilGETC..lgratx. Canal Ites-in Plttethura.
JOY. TAYLOR Ascot& 1141r,oure
{Vq are prepar,-.1, nn . eta: Prim, Ira
• .
Goo!. to rontreel. Froklnt at a. tow rat., n. 11.1
shipmr.taa tuu.ll deni,:ch ued care ae
ffi c lll.
tt'ut.,,:tters Lu .I,lm M. F.:, x fn.;
:Central Rail Ro
Rail Road Co.-
~IIE nu4rcribrr. Laving n tppointt U
nbruu, I, Om: , •'^utr.
i vrm ‘u . I.ruram , l tru.
„u°P =7. , r o la U
t ' i r .,; ' Vtu .1,1
val allwasigu.A. L.: 11f loruarde.l r.,. of ctautio
ur charge fur ads unct,
It,. or nu,. al - rwerr PHlLAtlarlllt .Vrto
001, Tr 4 /1.651t. "'
11.nbran, Su.ralwar• Gm, les, Va.nb• by. btua..Otiß
1...at1wr.C.v., I 1,. Timothy and other Gr
Pot 'S 11:u
Eaton. rk Butt, Lard. Lard Oil. Tab., Leal ,
Coffer Ito: , w, talon and Ita, *:e s 1 1110
&ht.. Nbublo (rtve:h) "r• • lo44 •Gt.lan.Tar.
1.000 Mi•VADLN ocAbiP u
Q, ALT .Pr.TRE.-60 s ieks for sale by
1...3 sr'• DICIOX a , CO
V -
lbs. (Trieste) for sale
by y e ; 11. skuxes :
—.51.? y
et :re receivin
Ci) g ancLi Tfor sere
.ZELL . bert •
IJ • 5 bbly.
f• yrks Dried Apples:
boxes ebYenc: nailin g per I. M. Lim.
LW fee valet, JA3LI.3 D
Wxter et.
LOVAR SEED-T-25 bbh. prime 10.1 . Sala by
) .p 7 - JOIIN WAIT a co.' .
ALERATU6--f.lOOO lbs. pure, for sine by
PAC - SURER, No. 41 Paull
nut rag!. aide.) Philadelphia.
• lOC 11,1.11" ft
eo.• No. 221 51arkrt
t;BALD, BUdKNOR &, CO, T.atee,
II EIMER & ANTELO. General Commis
.lam Iktrxtbanta, Philadelphia. Liberal alvarsa•s
made Cu consi,,ausiebta of Prolocr
To Southern 'awl Western Merchant&
, Th e rubs:rib, respectfully ILlVitt. public attention
I exteneme neck - of Pc rfurtery,Senpv,.,h av i ew ce e wans,
an. to which Perry biker end two Bolden alwinle have.
within the last pis years. been awarded by the Institut e s of
Yorh, Deetan. and Phihnlelphis, thu latter being the
N ew
only Gulden atededs ewer awarded for perfumery either to
E treelrl. 9 4vatt.t r iarght CataW, (Alumna, noes.
end Ambrani-hozererevally acknowledged totarsuperlorto
any hhavnad Cr,. in this country or EurOlv,
01.20P/LOR FOR SR.llruid—Beautifully tranetwrent, and
rowwing highly capons-owns and emollient pretext.:
:-n putaceous Compound; Ambrosial Slavic:getter, !Wit.
ry Shari. home -
Scrum, Ton., Poarw—Almond, Aare, Millefteura, Pone
TeX- Victschio, Moak. Palchously, °ratans, liontleg,
rifeeperent,Tder Ott Windecr. and a.... , ..i.....
RITLACIS rot =ER—Pdee, Jadenin. Boo
et de Caroline. fleraneum. Jenny Lind, Wourdeline,dock-
er Club, Mawnwila, Clermtito. Citronelle. pee., amt = d ray '
ether varlet:, lu ail Piety different perfumes.
TM., IVVIRS—F/clida Water, Eau de Toilette, Onane--e
Plover trater, and a
der Water, wrest ratter of Colonnes and Laven
, 1'00.6r-tem:re are Is tin—Genuine Plcars'oll, Antique
tei, Ittedohne, 1,0 Luetrale, Oleine. comy . .na 0: mg ,
..,.., Hair Dyes, hquid and in powder, nod PL l loorene,lll6.
L awl Jean, - Lend Pomade,
owoo/.1.41C PRTP , llTlOßS—Ltalrunie Lliedr, Cope Tooth
Vas, Charcoal Dyable,. Gdontine,TcothPaste—and Tooth
Pond,. - •
Crwatemcs—i.r,table Cosmetk Cream, Amandine for
ehappol handy, Cold Cream of Roam Cream de Parte. Lip
Sala.. Rtopterry Cream..c
, laex • r iatoey Vendee', far maunder superfluoushais Pearl
l . urn de hong, Anwhatio Vsnegar, I, ictorta
1 l*Coraposltle Prestma PAU, be:elder a s variety of
other ankle, t oo numerous to be named i ibi s advert.-
'l ite subscriber hope. to Wein.. the reputation whirl
his estebleibment hat antinewl. by dirpoeing of nothing
bet tint rate artml, and will be happe tofu:l4Th thaw
who may tep.h to patronise bun, either wholeeale or retail,
on as reasonable teems as any estaldivtunent in the Culled
State". ' ZAVIEII mat:, I
SUM.... to and former Dinwtor of the Laboraten7 of
• 4 Chesnut pt.
air. Poole's Perfumery la for sale by ll
all the prlndpal
Druggists in thecountry.
CTCIIINSON A: Co., Nol3 Spruce Street,
NEW' YORK, Wboltaale lllllrtufsetilrerx or tim be,t
la! ENGLISH PRINTING INKS, fur Ift,l matl Ltthr,
crapht rrit..itm, am! fa. Fine Molt and Job Work. atilrh
th, warrant to U.. onakpoard of the purxri material, and tr.
r": ....11,. upon all onliirtry lavaroo.
l'ha c..tataaation. io tl,a,n 'aka, an Aura),ire a rEth
aryl ta.rmanency to work naps or to any other n.a.
In arr. hull prko. ran Ina from if. rt.. to 7.4.0 u par lb.
poII t up Irt rano, arta foraa
artll to order.
f. U...alacontanursaturr. colored
rah Int,f RA& tad
p• r. g . fro fmm SUFI m MAIO p.. 0
r Lat esrrT Ph:Nl:fan
- • -
r,i-VaVvol, or Me rairrnrci.
IfIS FLUID in composed of pure Silver;
Lae he,. by Lon, k e epers in N,..r Yor:: for the
Ora )parr, vad le boa-owing • tereseary 0rt!,1.. in t!.e
doinr,tio ocoonniv. Any e5,...n can. in few =inn;c., rt
rt.r, in orional bozo,. .. , 41 Grnis, nor!, ei.tor•.
Candleaticks. Vako Ikodirtr.Carrla:at and Ilarnets Fore,
taro, Military Eolpmente.Le.. or plate with pure nitr,tro,
'!:rare. Corner, or tier:nail Silver. It, •nt
tricot fnr intraloctlon fainzly.
loon r.lnt• NMI, A (bend dirnount tuJertiere
and Vane; theds dealers.
For ,ale by JOIIN117:015-N.
11 , 111,a161,:ta Fulton .trret. New Port-
W. WAKEktAlir & CO.,
No. 79 St 81 Rate 76) 3lmue.);
• • liiressly opposite the Old &cud.
s Vulj n ern c' n ' s , tDriserss—ileary and LIANt.SCr,' An.
gain, Shaker, Busk. Merino and Cotton, Lt.131.(1C ea rl VW ,
AniFs--fatin Pilk, ]lode, Nonnbarine o.
styles and qualltira
Saufs and Ttes--Fany
and Blank of rvery•klnA.
(Mart nud Ik.sotti--Of all kinds.
Crusit.—lntry Silk and Satin. !Leary English 31.1ras,
Penne Albert &rather, Twilled Indian
i.C 1, 1/thrtfterr.6'efte—Cutss. Linen
Surpenders—French Eck! English, LICIr n.le, Domerte
End heel n.
atereg—liEt, Eilk. I.lnett. nand. and all the Isteet of
l'n•neti end rnlith felportattune.
E. ,',Elerlno. Lamb'. W001.5111t, Linen
More, ,
T' Goons — elert.Cgskar.c.t.Lnktit. Fgt.! , enl
et lee.
Sten.i.ticr Amax tn. gentlemen =3 ladies--e ...nett - of
. Th"""o!q‘ l ' io " olinil to our Dotue , tit
k CO.,
t Lan,
Shawl and Mantilla Warehouse.
31 iLIN and all Ganda of Si Lit : lANTILLS, tnairsufactu
red foon cue lane 4. Pririe faebrone, recenvil by the rtennuere
sad particularly adapted to the iipri tinini.
11l Also, verysrplondld :oak UIA,OLS AVD
en:meting el fritnied and plain e.t.a
son and Turk bb tin Parainn, and Cotiou and Long
Urobrrilee. All of which alit tie effertel at entreeeel)
orPecially trite our Weeo. friends to el
an:me ou rocl., befo re purnt.ailon.
A in, WI SITOW STANDS. tir enbihiliun Whorl, ero:
Mawilla, put up in MAI for tranunrtation.
NO 07 IrILL.I.III STaLEr, tire - TORE,
n AVE now in stare, and are constantly
hysbnan•as..the.,,t c.l
IiuODS t.L.n nffg.r:d.
mtraro,• 1,..0t a:r.l .t,len of Cranat_y;
olurva. Eu.p..c.:era. end, Gaiantiata.
Oac.l Gown". liandkrrrirLf..
should, lop,. E. !.in..n war;cty of corer
Lbw. lint: busalcai. MI of which rill
lat tho 5 . .71uar.4. prima. Oat Wc.lxrla air
orOP.d domino our flock f,b-d7ra.
Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink.
1 ONE'S 1.;311 , 11tE IN'lc RS Nossou street,
Q York
NET - . 1 , 1 , 71. MAD.
ue.r., per doz-.....-31 .14 f oz. per
1 00 u
(1n pr..r . ... cot.,
Tbi. tho bola articlo meoutactured. It tows Inwly—
If • 1.70,0 COPYINU 13 , K—end will not eorrod., mold.
preoi pitate doom:, ar.d . moso.o.olt all tho qualitlon
otiltahlo far we Quill. and aol tvr the 04,1' Pen. -
The .0,10, ... ,1 l a I , fer.stoal furntsh to the tante el.
ale: oxport burnt eonsulaki.nrq et the ohowe oery
Cot Up per 010 e, anti delirered in not' pnot
of tho olty free of charge. No ehm.rne Or =se. lserneli
or 0,01 axe cha.r.ged ortru at nett vol.
BS Nelkatu Now York
• •.
Idurphy's SelPtimiling Advertising Eztvel-
VO. 263 11ADI, ST.. NEW
The so ‘ lez , z , r , l-4 - , , in rellcitiof the patronage s i i , f all !rho
esperteiee of years has established char superiority be.
rood all question, and be confidently refire to the Watteau
er of those business men who i.e Wed these envelop.,
and to his rapidly ittreseinu sales. m pr.! of their excel
The followitatt area few of the reasons for their pop,.
lat. On the plane °mooted by the seal. a pers. 0171• T
have bo =me. business, awl whims, conspirrionsly end
beautifully erubeserd, colored or plain, tries aCcading Per.
Get rectseltY ...lest fraud.
dd. The Envelopes cannot be opened without being de
dd. Neither wax nor wafers are reduleed to teal them.
4th. Llema the minernage of a letter. the nal limns its
Loomulloto mann to the sender, Instead of bring boned
months In Um Demi Letter Odic,
lob The Envelopes am furnistical at almost the 'as-t
torkm u plalu ones.
oth. dwelt letter mailed Isa avert effective advertbernent.
sure to attract the attention of all through wham hands It
m Fltirf7flowles• b . list of prints for Ihrs. entrant On
brass. mid which will last for years, and of En num., se
the nnralelse, tither white or MX, of zeal paper..and
made as above, win name, address. tn.:
Pekes of Dies. IPrke r s w dNoedopoe mod on
33 letters of 1ee5....---44.001
40 to 40 •
6,00 30.6)16.4,0
00 to 60 10, 0 0 4000- ..
60 to 100-- . ...
%vb. It I. not converdent to tbrwierd amount of order
psr mall or express, refereom tea respectable Nets Vert
}louse will' be enMclent. All orders will meet withers= pt
attention, If oddniseed. alt. SICEPTIT.
Ilsilisonigreet, New (ea-
Orders will be attended to promptly. If tilt et the stores
of dlesnts. t :got. di) Wall street, or of Msrsrs. 11
Jernaritan 1 Co., 134 Witt's. et.
Dies, st 810.(61 r
th eumna.
Cards. embossed in culOrs. from r.r.
• •
f AONTIIES his usual facilities to receive
tt.) TrnnAltrawnt...idl NirrPhuglirc
mo,i,..nrA 800. leave ho wark ds4l7 Or All pcints
" Wer l etn " . Mo:Pr.. "" . ''' s, C ;l ' 4 2 ltrl d & U r .
Memo. 3011,
Yr. John A. Cztughey
Couluaio , lr. an Ys
d rinydirtllcrtltanta. Lb*
'trier to I,manderlonn,°fteuartib an erent, Etorling At Co.,
hAVID C. T . LITTLE, Attorney at Law,
.10, aria Careartmaam Penatyltvals,
orammtamttr.cs Promptly a - amend', orttr.kir
loll:: It. ItANKIN, Attorney ittO Conn.
Law. awl Comen!tsinorr til• the tiatc e
I r.nn•ytrll...:tl lmas, (late of Ytttlb,try‘i t .) .
31cCItirk.. Johtt Parke..l4mll 4 A
Nie.."...n1 It Co.
TilE undersigned having. ntirelr re- Fr`,
built and talented the en. ./clicste.bitrhc
utent conadrlng lu all about three blunted and fiftreerere
world teriTerfally Ore nett,. that It is now featly
Inr the reczption and erecournalatloa of tb. Stare/Urn
Anerlendolnt leeettleacontrpareedeenrthrtht4
!louse demed annertuar. as the marry. iterrnre.
metal which been tee. mode . estuart be Dreier]," tyre,.
an adverthconeat. some. it to 'ricer expense be, been
thErd to reed.= any apartment peer..
The furniture crer made arrrearlf to order, regardlencr
root. and
portions the ....UT the thewth.
theme. be found to be or tenet beautlful tectufae.
tore. The Dining rector are earreante,th° the Loup for
toads will be to mat the concealer. en cool
early end late.
Emery department will be enadneted In ar. are:mama.
lole acanner. and •tbe e . arieser. tholter blnacelf that the
American llermehelfbetruly tau Tr. •Iler'r
Ware. Britannia 'Sea Sett, beet:l:gar
Plated York, :p.m, RI:Id Dotter Solver: Tat-lo ectlm.
- {Loan' lnalitl.a matt, * '7c,rJ . " Snake, Oa* Fixture, 3111itars U0..1, of all
kind, Gold Pen, Gluier.' and Ulm. entnere Dlamand,
ixgeWhile my atom la uralearober mat M rem, ama
m n r ., g h ted .
I..m me . fa ,,, tha rear_
, y Mara. " ( mateahee
.M.. 0.4101415 at Mr.
.61.11 r 101•
.. 1, 0 CS the
ioebT wain . /math roil .42-
00, 0 "
Dv pivot loorviinfor Ciosernifv , vs If McLean. alittoticsi.
Liner. 4sPini 1. Bronchia. PulAt ithsivitssqf
the Bruit e r r L anti cater a/notions gra.
t lwinrrr Oman,.
'LIFE d.O not wish to trifle with the lists and
v irralth of tl, n^ kited. Lot we trot sly pledge atm
vets. t mike no onvirtion as to the virtues of oat sou
nni to bo J nn hope to stiffesisz huumiti mlikh
facts will not warrant.
The Ilea.. of Iceland, anil the Pine itollVDd Cha n. no
esily ecinbrahni lan the min et' all dLsesiss of tbe Lump
and Livsr, which ore on fearfully provalent In all Natal=
Maxie, -Fru.o¢mblention of elmmted attars,
front Irons and then° Tevc. D. DIMLY lisle
1•01 or WOo , Cue.or 13 ehirly foment.
. ••.
ja-tryre o e r of wa1,03.7 is • fbel 111L141
ntrernir„ comterwil cr i tlrcly of trill Cherry Bark and the
SMltiGPit , %ll:lloo.l. (the latter isof.xtelexiirwalyfor thta
poo p
On men m,ilice..l limner of which are slap Oro
Mord n nor. :tenni:el prwele. with the extract Ur-.
thus rettl•wirg t.lO nlicie min:nun:l the 1210“ =fain gay
oMnotione 3ii.l y Crer dir,OVITUd for the
ONTO:OITA IIY r.../NZA:MITION Cured by Ilitvir's Lai
of Wild Cborry.—TO, Mlowion . due of Jeremiah fa.
aria;, of Como,-;nn. n. (Owe of blr Mother, and deter/ d,
clog din! of 1 . 11 .1.[4.1.1.) (5 truly wondesfoli
Prz•asirr Floor. li.ialltou con SoIlt.:5•
J. N. Pt.—Dear Sire I land the liberty of adrisLbCtell
of the Ccllefit I ItnrC d^rived from the weof Pr. Ulnae'
lbs.lolsl ebrrey. I was mistrate•A by tbat Writ's
tooter., C• nsuroctEn. in Nay Ir.t. Tye smack was Inay
horrifylnc to mr , itr :ire of our family, (my breitnerr
0001000) had 41• I of Oneftunnalwa. I was abtlictsa Nei%
nearly ell the worn feature of the illantree. I had ibitstres*
Ina rough. and OrfecforakO • 011140 'deal of bfweL tined.
fever, wrote paine in tbo ride add sh,•.
twilnie with flusher of Itiot.
I oast wider the .honi or a skilful phyrldan. (Aim the
time I .21 taken rick until about elm seek, eine.. being
tboti about isclplrsa. end My friend. "ramidorod Istr•Mara
borates,. er at least beyond ma, shookiliaa akin: &Salmi
rod nee of Irntaeolleloatti of Wed Cherry. without
knosalsAga my tither prom:sat it. mat conOtenced
I.terino It to Er, .. 0 1 from the Lret day I oten.Metred taihr
ing it to, lartath LISPrOT••I. and in two works foom the
L I mmosencad using It can able to be calk and
d, me cos buskin, and ,bite.c o r. which I otill,ntbanb dia, I
hare taker foreloath," of the medicine, and cow = lll. ei
surely well. JERDILAIII
; ;
row% tae.Ca.. Juno I 7a
aD. Peet—Liar fir. Jolly. IMO; I war a 0.
with a hrerar rticidloliaractor, which loft toe le • very
dsoioolloo3 ',sm. whco. i 0 tbr witetcyjl was tio•
ki n with a .eacre miti,al la ch an ea
.. es. It , e.t eorearacre of it mammal caeraci
1., 1 ;..L.a.,l.orrn omith--aorectonoted • zn.t
disk tar 411/1 tr.iubled with cold 00.2 end night sweat!. I
Slot (mimeo:air- raised Dam ray Inure. I eontinocil
m this star, an:dually 0.0k.0g under the . dio.a.s.itatil
10000 ,0. lel:. 01w,, t gat twain att.:Mal with lever. Jly
rriduds thssah of :if, ...iv/ toy plirolciano tlenombt I
•obt ear. ive eio.rt tooe. fly extremities, eopetial
i f myirme eimsmutir eekt,tail abaci:l/Mt titer reei•
the, .-unto it may truly suld/ can
e..-Irtaocl t,nally di:ermined to quit taking me
diclne. ,in.s.dritoxl by silsysicians, and fry Ut. rioter's Ital.
d ora tit Cherry.aud In.w the fleet week that I [DN.
1,1,11te kin;it. I eau dote a g.--Jual reamers. les-Mtn
iied It- U., .1% 1:101.1s, the udofwhichtithelwarcur
sod -noled 'mad liralih ionm. avd acerfollyre.
toe 1:1:10C1m issr.ietal with discaoss of
the lon, ai.d would say throie Commencing Its We, toot
to be d.,..aironed if two or the, bottles do tot erect a; but yar-irr. r , .as I horn doo, . and-I has yo doubt
rut Of n, be blessed with renewed
h-kith._, I Lute tote. ILeercetfaliy y 001". •
103£111 JXCESON.
.1 . 1.1111.0 r to corm A/1 • 11.77. . ,, 5itar be, /MI.
Mervyn. aaoford 4 Darkv—l Woe thl•cpportrauity
f+rmiox You of a =Let r , taarlzabla rare pert:mad upon
.ae try the ELK of Dr. Ich.torffi 11r4DSno of Wild Cherry.
In the Soar 1040. I oui tal:en with an InUmatlanot the
leluch I lat•on.l nod, Gtr tlx errett,..htn 1 gyok.l.
rosily recor,r,.l. In the fall of 11111 nra.s Attacked .Itl
yen. caPI. smlted inw:l upon my lirrot and fur the
'Tsar of yea:l re...v.:ln:ell toay bud. Itried ell
bode medleint. oat terry yak..., of yid, rfillayt,b“...
Gt e n d thou 1 wooyfrd .1:I.-cry the
.„. I head of Dr. Woit:tr", DkLmuct or . li friend.. perommled nu: to ;Iv, ft a tri.0..t.....0n,fu strew
op all hopoo of rocov,y. 0.1 Lad pro:Art-I nlysolf for the
thou g ut an,4l, • - n.t. 1 - Lroa,rh roli.ritatinne lean
zaducvd gr.ou:ne IVlotor's
, D , 4lrairo
Cherry. 71,e ...tort ea.l s:rlorriohi . Aftt
itrye yr.,. of sotaiotrun and I,:t Tezi.g. slat after baliag
or nro turnamd doDara to uo purl . .., and tho
1, , ,tr0r ru.rt ro.yuroal.,U, s..:Duda,,- bad are 4 .l PZaLraa .
1 to: , 14.1 r , or•-rou of en , irr• health hp the bltritsig'of
0r..1 uoe of Dr. of llab.rr.
31, :1.. I,D,Ut.g of cirol reef upon 'lle proptictOrs of Mo
:o.kuolue a rsolio.u, u. \ ViAtor's Lat.= 0f 15110l'hcety.
Oct., r‘co.,-.ltiallY.
Ea nboolne and Lacy of all
W. U. Dust.
&LI LT J. D. Pti.x.( , ncre.,.r lu SAnlord d Dx.rt.)roustli
and Wsdnut 4.11,i1L Cluctorscri.b Cencra Agratier ILr
south and Wrse. .. , rdcre mart be addr..4ned.
J. all A C. it. A. I , r.lanbiluck I Co., J. A.' Jonu,
Wilcox:Jr, PALil..c.r.cir Coo A. Deckhare, All.4lernl gen'
L. T. Ilurern, Wasen L. D. I:owl, 1: *.nrespArni
OweileLurT; F. Eountc...'rn.,:r..t: Eva, L'
dotard: TD•ed A Boil, Itunkin4j.,n: ilre.Corr,ll4l,lc,,Lnr,
Eliblabrbner A Co., IDAtaxililog;
le A Cu. IlccrLyille. Wile. k Warnmbonl •
ki Leun rl'grx:nd Cellendcr, lileadvilk Burton A Co.
A. door,. Cuuder,rorc I'. Crvotrr,jr..Divernarill,
Professor A. C. Barry's Tricopherins,
,nsl:c...-atict, and beaullf)inie hair.
, dant,. nfr
and bit at thapeadp.
coo eur.o.e ern. Ihe du.eaere of the',
tod tnie.,,dnetas, u.n.l re/Irving eliuce.cube e bre:. {lnn Ibt; peeptr-tion -the, Lb pod,
2` 4 41
oendlnd 1.u1;
,c. a !2eh hate brdenr their.dr.
: r
,redicatang eeurt UULtira2; ading wound/4 'curing
~ntu.lone..r.rale., . . 'din,. dr.. and zeleiting dire.. of
the Fiat. [1.,: gland, and the inluelv... It has no aqua!
=me bin t
Trrtterti to Itaelett•
y.not... or ured pris ate pr.b:Unt. I nel:wept:a= Stool!
4.e /hue, unrerallnl. 'Me iII
-410..0 c , dt the arttein. hale enabled the inventor
rot.p! , id . .t5 neate N1714[1.1, IdeL Is [rm. fA) to lnu
,1 - tet . le..l then t.`, of nny other perpanttiot fur
the Lakr now u 3 unc. The eueutbie treatire on the bale
and theerltin e. tracing G.clatual:ls din:clime for the Nl
pre,rvat!.na of natorr's choleret nrnouttent. to
whialt oath GAUL. isenciosed, is alone wth et. nanear.
The tchiusty bet - seen Che lowobrant4 Le mm a', vdnstitute the
ff tin and tne haw, ~ . .- h trb draw.. it, Pa.-Le *cm Ws
.etle titanium, le very elo , n. Al! lIIECOPLII or the hair ora
teniaat Illy ,kin tln.lf the porre at the enalb
a re if the Wool and older du riot even
' fttely thrunall ft.. 3 email w,Dich feed the root
, nth inahnure,and Impart hfi. to Um the result
ttaudruti. shnt ni Mc gnaverm, dryne,w,
and harihrit, .1 0 , - 14: anneal,. and entire
, l
0.000 orne,aelho
to= the rt:e. tr. I.llthfill WILL
rmo. and the tortad verleeh, r , eover.te their
setavdy. atua.hntte In alledlectione of the
Ain. and en the ruhetrda.,f rauselne end lotegutuenL•, the
maces sad rant aro the ,one. It La open the Olin,
the totteradnr thee. and the “LltlaN , that the Trtropherune
112/1i.11706,k V... end in ail alletnane. and (tuner of
the,e oenona, tt e rov,.relen merddy.
Solld IPttlee. PH , " ate, a.t the phorlral or.
1406.1,4, ro ugh Vora. and by the ptioripod march.
ante and drue-tate tout tln3 L'oited Etatet - and Can
e4e. dre...4:31n
'Needles' Celebrated
‘} Throw Eigitiy cNioutool r.l.l.tre have !zeta trade ILT
Glom than twenty l ess, Jurthg wild/ tame they bate
gained u perniaernt rev eta tibn. tht• matt rfficseicua
Rhein:talk arid ttteraethentelt itiarter ever otrered. 1113-
airlaie of thr bichret eratteere, who=tLclearopeul
ttert hen t.uttaittrti, bare riven the. =Get tlalrlttrieta
thdr motel - tor Mine orer all ether plate
tern nold.
The Ingredients of their alarm:don. very ciirrfally and
reitm.llytina. rth
clrsri ern reetdiartY uredleatdo to •
ulth rnarr
r le ILe Lrrai.t, .Mara„ tramp natrartitl eelek.
pter. end liwt.l paw., mil, rat litteeneuridain
cm,rates body, the, beorf.etal char.:, Is Letend
laretom Cr ch
t.. ar,. u rentietq Lutabs.2. their au
h tat
.t by the man T
Vor reaknei, Lod tourt..l7l. the toe,' sou t r y'
(top r o t a errltinel,ll,olr,..l"the ki.tteya,their in,
perlerity are: etter has tern amply teetal Ly
hotde e d a oho hal e tate.rier..,l rote and rebel froth there
aplienatleirt. To rivit as pita r tint!, rhotinatle ra t ns. thete
planers are reeotntarcd.d. trot, the nhdent. terve..
that their efrete at's! tr loan !tarp For tale, oholtteate local, by
it. 1.. TELLERS. LT
•The Humes Body .11ust Perapire, -
Q,O S_l) S AT U liE, to Lace •:....hcaltity ap
ki warnorc: ankl,r,rfannt out pnrnplre.a.reielde
in the wont .I , ntunt.nn: s h in Nayr...l.ll4,llaLtsak
Ch. nlj. nthth. a th atxl at the wttee
thud muthrrs zrth /: the teTt.,
of . infant , .
intlt ;them. r.c..1t'e,..r., are r.zt Lot
cured :S. Vaal lthw,
nye, tam ,plitj. it untethttnn — a..l.`• , rt
int,. 1.. ra, any 4Lher okJodlataFe.. TTe
tradvr a.:antraul that ilthe lv nn ni.triant. Int
tom trial rl.l Inn% v. 1.e..: vnutovrate i[o.ll
sore l , rud.
Ds; itv-an.le, rm.-lax is 'again n, , t11,2 I anoald not.",
c:lv :.c11: kr 1.1. n. ah.Vve, 1 •t.,:0
tam only a•lit. that I.nsrove 01.1..t0rr,
or mthalar and eTua =aro tattmt•
rutin in it: rropvr,..) lima 1 , th:e. 3
an% i "t ' u ' re . T ' o ', l '. ::.:lt U ;;!;: ' .l ' ;;7:.' '7 ....,t I=l.. Mth t:'t...l"‘arvn—
. ,
In:y it only of ITT/. JAClCet.,::;uni, knionarrO.,
c.cavl of Rt:th.
. • .
Pearly White Teeth, and Pure Breath. to
for :5 Nnh.—Pet,n.s.?.olnre...ll.s'er,
lay wsurol Lreah h el, PO SPIA, or 'tLetr
twth dchiTott.d.:s. or t 1045 tam,.
_ . that a :5 cant hn of Amt-rirha. ratte wake
- - .
Sold only sc JACK:id:VS :ju I.ll:=Sz et" kcad ct
!lair Tonie, Echtorer ar.d Beau
1-1 r u
Cwal 1 I,:urcr.
ea, u•l, VVIT4. ,MO PC,SCSI A
I r LG. ix” , ,
r1.11.1,a,.'10 on
Vcr l• 701.L1c4; t•.= c,c1.4
Lin•—•:t razt.r r• it :1,. E.V.USOC.I. kcn. !Cr , . It Is,
• ••- • " • -
. .
onir Scare, :iikLabaty.lzect,
licul.l %Ct..%
jeN.ES' &thaticn Of Jet, tt. Liquid Trair-an
jbar at a Liu. tat cr mir to
b v .,mf u i arca,. Llack calcr, I raw tuicttulL.
Puna—. cam, Atli SI. • • .
LEwaly atruit.Casid ofAuod.
CUES' cask..
Lionel art. et.tetierrtreted Chefir. The:-
MT mit aware hey (rightfully twuricati tile tit the tikild
tow mere, lice. tonal.. butt tall.m..r.ilow.tindstitbailtiv
the +kinottad yirt.pan•it Ltridettiltid
t - ordziting Itirtft itetattlir of lesitt • -
ha , •e ,111,1111.1 n I ttllcli tR
call donee inatiattli lthlie.
II is rtifnelly dimity , triti.r ratified al; de/eta:ate
ridUlideir. wad it ittititatt '4l the Mori rettirni:•heatthy,
I -dia. at. Liie rage tae say/ >l “P
meet an the tkat, milting it tt•ritite4;.7.ithzb,,,,,,,,..,,,,
&old tir the dt..t la. M. -1.1(.ne(i...t
lama -I' ur,tt, Prier, 25 cents.
f th
-1:11. r ear a I,autifal a Irma, Lineox,',
b, ,,, , 0.,,,,, en r , laea a Lme, and all lt , oda of yilutL; ata
me prevent.* the lrro from adllesirty to the famsa;atal dmi
from wicking: It eent.M. notiama Won,. to edottlee In
may req., r... lad. bare , Nag mnee felt be ,a.
of Foch an wile., toad to I 'oh; tteir elyeeladimeul.
raiu , d. . ~,,, c =pettlets Is rwma aro sat:444W
Leal. .
.N. a--on. Cake vIl/ do thIFIT. .40Fla cfc,lo44;lie
flouly ahould be Mama; it.
{We n% Mat) crer Cato. Earl Citkmaith
. la UAiCoitliie .
For Web, 1t ,,,,,, L• L. fIELLUFIef/e VOW ate
GLENd APPLES-40 bide caw.
mi Outdid J- VILW la