The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 26, 1851, Image 2

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saugDAy moomm, APRIL 26; 1631
COMMITIEE of the Allegheny D'hig
and diati;rainoddii Gutty' Coaltretinh. trill =en at
N a . own n o m, ea:Saturday. ...t.taar . 2 o'clock,
P. Az on the haat tar halchef i a Crvattty.C.reatloh
to Eahtitaa.o l ." the n.l9s7 )17:t;c. chem.,
FiZST Taax.---Coloolutdon of the "Sailor sing.
ei" Miscellaneous articles, Commercial Nees,
• lebeth pogo—Pittsburgh Intlrmary.
Third psge—notru Matters end Telegraphic
cssrs. 'Hampton, lioomis, and Howe, the
S.naaittee appointed to select a site for a Cuss
lomffoase and Peat Office Cuildia7„ hare chosen
Vie lot belonging W 31essra. Lyon Shari:, and Co.
(M• too corner or Smithfield sod Fifth atreets,
at present cecuple.l by a foundry. A. barguin
Lax liceuccnchidid r.t thirty fire lerasand dol
lars. The let has a frttht of 140 feet on Fifth
street, by 103 feet on Snaiti,f.eld. The die
=salons among our citizens cteceruiug the most
suitable place for that building bade shown that
this lot is the choice cf the great ea ijority. Wo
Immune, therefare, the this scr.estecenieut Aiil
In received with very general .thtlafactioth
We are requested to call toe attention of the
congrevdon worshipping in the Liberty enact
Methodist Episcopal Church, to the fact that the
annual collection for Mr. Passarant'a Infirmary,
will be taken up to-morrow. Sabi-nth. The of
fcial body of that congregation very kindly, and
considerately, hare established among their nn
;mini collet-ticms, one far that noble institution,
And ]at year the collection was a :cry handsome
.ate, mot we trust it will be still larger this year.
It is neeihms for us to sly anything is praise el
HU se admirably conducted. , so deci
dolly bcpeßcial, and which has so large a share
- in Alto alactions of the people of this city. If
there are any of our readers who desire any for-
Oser information in relation to it, they will find
no our fourth page to-day some extract: which
%Aileen:ince them that their charities in that
.4ixectiotiarill be rightly dispense•l.
The week of laying down the track on this
great improvement commenced co:Thursday,
near •llay's,' about eleven.miles below Pitts
4argla. The contractors have a large force en
* and feel confident of being able to finish
the track from this city to Brighton byetlie first
of July. The work of grading and bridging is
dln so fer Ward a states that no delay wBI avise
;from that quarter.
The Chief Engincer, S. W. Bonanrs Esq., has
just returned from a visit along the whole line,
and represents everything in a very flattering
state. The contractors arc all gettieg along fine
ly, and there is. no doubt of the work being
lobed to Massillon by next fail.
At Mansfield Mr. Boberts found a good feel
ing prevailing. Only fifteen thousand dollar
more iubscriptions are required to justify.the
Directors in placing all the remaining sections
of the line under contract, and this small sum
it is expected will be mode up within the next
Yens weeks, When the unlet sections will be ad
vertised. •.
elt Mount Vernon Mr. Boberts'found an ea
6-0/leret spirit prevailing. The people there are
, much elated at the result. of the late - .Vete an
thotizing a subscription of $150,100, and they
are dam - mined to path their road to a comple•
liana: the earliest possible day.
thertherc is a mast enconaging, state of
things oh tho whole line, and one' citizens will
item begin so reap the direct benclltsef this tru
ly Pittsnurgh work.
recent number of the Sa-cahnah Itopublic =gives
the follow ingaimannt of tics sit:l:Ma of Simms at
- "The boy Tom Grimes, (OE= Simms,)
ins to JAII/C3 Potter, Esq., is the 331.1 of Mine.,
a colored woman. now living here. Mindy was
given to riot late Mrs. P4ter by her girtindmoth
er; and in order to gratif , y this rimTant. Mr. Bot
ter consented to give her children their time, in i
Order to enable them.tolcarn imdes, en that they
might reside near their inother, and purchase
their freedom, the price of which was hard at r.
very low figure. rk brother of Torn was in the
same sithation 35 himself, but ran away to Ohio,
but was caught in TIMUCESCC, and brought back,
and is now atregular work in town. Toni learn
+ od his trade of Mr. Short, master builderio this
city, and could got from Mr.' Short, or any one
else. $1,60 a day for every cloy that lie chase to
stork. During the two risk yeare he hey paid
his roaster only one month's: wages. (310,) and
this woo done by the intercession and entreaty •
of his elm mother. Hence it pppears that the
honest acquisition of his freedom was a enure I
of easy -accomplishment—the - work, 53V. of two
or three years. Bat, freed from the w holesome - !
:catmint.. of regular labor. he has chosen to try
the course of folly and wickedness"
If this is a true, (and we see no reason to
doubt it,) it is but another proof that slave hold- I
ors dare 'not Ire merciful. ' A slave most be not
Only a Mare in body, but his soul must be shut
up in the darkest prison of ignorance. Be kind
to him, allow him to receivg a little light, ,
give him but the slightest draught from the
sweet cup of liberty, and lie will soon claim
all the rights of a man. Slaveholders of
ten complain of the ingratitude of slaves who ran
away after being kindly treated. They say, 'it
i 9,110 use to oiler them good treatment; our only
• return for benevolence is the loss of oar proper
ty." We must firmly believe them, for their ar
gmnent is founded on the plainestoommon sense.
• Whoever, in the nineteenth century, would hold
slave, must make him it slave in the hardest
serum of the term. Whether this affords any ar
gument in favor pf the system, the slaveholders
themselves may decide.
.....Walume read other stories concerning. Simms,
i/iNGb talus that ha is a dashing fellow, given to
drinking and idle camping, besides being a Lo
etude in hie way. This proves that lie possess
es an active temperament, whilehisecknowledg
al skill in his trade shows that lie is not without
natural ability. In a situation where ho wool.?
have had a practical object, in life, with the ad
vantages of good moral training, the energies
non wasted in unnatural 'excitements and low
iiol2l, would, in all probability, have fallen into
their proper channel, and he would have been a
good man and an active citizen. As it is, with
hie altrewttheso and his vicious andadventurous
habits, ha is an able missionary from Boston
Sympathy to plantation disaffection. What sto
ries ha will have to tell of the excitement he ere
. atadi How the preachers preached, with his flight
fora text, and then prayed for his deliverance
Bow lawyers searched the law, without a fee, to
build up an argument in his favor! What a lion
ho was among benevolent ladies and gentlemen!
Bo will sit in the midst of circles of dark faces,
and tell haw thousands and tens of thousands, in
, the State of--:Massachusetts, will gather Mound the .
fugitive anti defend him to the last. Ho has
. /earned the Way to the North, he has been well
inittneted by the Boston Abolitionists, and if he
does not impart his practical information to eve
ry negro hex:mots, Lb =picture of his character,
above quoted, cannot he correct.
• The Bum of all this is the conclusion that it is
vary hard to maintain the system of slavery in a
Mandy adjoining ono that is free If the slaves
' ?on away, a heavy loss of property id complain
ed of; if they aro carried bath, foci hortiel'
to manage than-before, and arc the,og,ents of
..finther disaffection. No wonder that our South
. CO neighbors often utter their complairits in an
incoherent manner. They feel the annoyance
noverely,. bat they are unable to suggest any
practical remedy. • They see that the submission
Of the North to the recapture of fugitives'is not
IMOSIgh. Nothing sheet of aeries sympathy from
the great mass of the northern people could give
'therm the necessary protectiou, and this is more
than they can ever hope to a:n..l.
Anonvrton or CArtr.u. P1.1,432.1311..T.—A V 1307-
. OW cfl nt. is now making to bring; this quenioo
Intfornthe Legi,lature of 24ov:sabot...In, A num
ber of petition. , havti been offered daring tho
prepaat session, and 'nave been referred to a ape.
Committee. Which ha., given the aaatter
Lio bearing: Bev.. J. C. Lovejoy bar appeared
in: A chaloPion for the law 69 it 6t4111(11, and as
PO ticcorthivrith God's law. rho agito
ifini'74' tins question has been ,kept up fora.
innaber,of years-in kloston, and the advocates of
a charge is the law scam dct=tiutli to pun
~ \
, • • . ..
• TEE coNczax zArtt•ntiaT.
T large audience assanablid in Masonic Hall i
hat . ght,.wereemvied, even beyond the highest i
e s .
ii ti: in byLie k tr u it t na ,i cen c ilan .,
.n t genies
Tur in, of
oa th .d e .
No 'lin Songstress.
pre ^tly to every encore, she repeated "On :
I mighty pens," front the Creation; the Gypsey :
Sor" the famous "Bird Song;" and "Hove'
awe t Rome." ,
I To those who have not yet heard lit ' le Lind,
I we +ill repent what we hero already raid, that
all the praises rhich have been bestowed "P°. i
I her wonderful powers, fall short of the reality,
use no language can deamibe the enthusiasm i
whi her genius calls forth. She has been ,
n ed the Queen of Song" so often that title
13; 1,
have lost some Otit9 force ; but it is none i
the less jest: - She is, i h every sense of the word,
the Queen other nob! art, and her kingdom is
the IdeePest poetic cam ions which can be stirred i
'in the human heart.
If the editor of the Steubenville ileralldspeakti
tbe mind of the people of that place they desire ,
no Railroad connection with this city, Mien is I
a certain way. Very well, we have no reason to I
fre ourselves about it. We nre situated on the
us t magnificent line of &Scouts in the coon- I
try which will soon be finished, and connect us I,
wi Philadelphia end the whole sea-hoard . 1171 the I
on side, and with the Lakes, the whole inter.):
of he State of Ohio and Indiana, on the other. '
We repose to Steubenville an easy and clieap way I
of orteing a connection with this mighty chain, ,
bull .
she declines onr advice, in the vain pursuit of
ssell -Ines which she will find easier in th eory than
pratip. r.,.t. :,:...., -4.: ruts our acquaintthce la- !
together, till , he permit as to shots her what o th- /
he l peolle think of the greet trunk line which she
aft - cts so much to despise. The St. Louse Republi
c..., speaking of the Railroad connections in i
prispect between that city and the Last, says: !
'-'',l..nesivric AWD PACIFIC PAILIIOAD.—The
plan of Mr. lihiteney, with his route and scheme,
foil his construction of a Railroad from the At-
Lando to the Pacific, In the 'sag - nage of the Amel .
ican Railroad Journal, has been con.sione4 to
the .!tomb of the Capulets" by Cengreasi. The
public mind being reliered from that impracti
scheme will now turn with full purpose to l
some other plan, for the construction of that
great national work. It is manifest that the 1
dilferent eiertions of the Union can concentrete
upon but one route, and that, the one laid down
and recommended at . the St -Louis Convection,
with the main line commencik - at be. Louis,
raid two brunches, the one starting from aims- I
gd, and the other at Memphis, the whole uniting
at the mouth of the Kansas, and running a sin-
e 1
gl ' line to the Pacific; and it is-worthy of re
k, r that wid th .Mr. Whitney and his friends
ha e been besieging Congress for aid in his Uto
pi n scheme, continuous' lines of have
b n rapidly progressing from the AtLuialie cities
t. through the centre of this great valley,.
C 2 king St. Louis a common point of contends,
ti , and extending from that point by a tingle
lio to the mouth of the Kansas. thou in fact pia
.'g the main line at the point designated at the
1 s
8 Louis Convention, anti leaving it for the
fri ads of the branches from thicagn, and Mem
p , no bring up their respective lines to the
ao mon starting point for the single line to the
Pacific. which will ultitimtely be mode, either by
th Government, or individual enterprise; as this
line, with these branches, being on the great
highway of travel from the Atlantic to the Piaci•
fie, must when constructed pay fair d iv idends.
This whole plan seems to bo marked out Ly
the geography of the country, as the reader will
Sc, by turninglds nye to the map of the United
States. The routes around the Lakes from
Scar York and Roston by Chicago, can run down
up to St. Lords without inconvenience. The
slid:ern routes through the interior, from Rei
d ore by Cincinnati and Vincennes through
southern Indiana and Illinois, Ran reach 'Ct. Lo..
ispetter than any other point on the Mississippi
wlide the interim central line, direct from liar.
tun, S ew York, Philteltlphia, and lidtimere,
(u in the shortest and cheapest route) can unite
up nno other point. This latter route is . the
Oa especially referred to, as that which is pru
glissing rapidly towards St. Louis. Others are
t doss„! of; but this whole line is being prose
ecthed eisargerims,lly by separate astheaud cam•
pa tip, working in coactma to a aaalmoa aai—
dut of uniting their links in
. tht, &CFO:. -Lain.
T • chain commences at the city of Near York,
c • ssing New Jersey, ninety tithes to Philadet.
ph . runs 250 miles across the State cf Penns
sy rants to Pittsburgh. From tbn, p—at the
re. d is under construction ISO miles to-Creat
' is e, Ohio, by the l'enusylvania and Ohio Com
p •y, where the road is taken up by the Rolle
. th• mine and Indiana Company, and is bed,
c e structed 120 miles to the Indiana State line,
w • Cr° it IntAllieCtA , upon the straight line, the
.dianapolis and Lathlottaine road, being coo
.• acted from that Nast to Indianapolis, eighty
m es, at which point the line is Imitg crestruct
e by the Terre Haute Company seventy miles
to the Wabash at Terris Haute—from which
•tnt the road tuke .beeu Touted by the Me..ais
,iimi and Atlantic Company, on the direct route
a at 150 miles to Illinoistaith on the Mis
s' sippi river, directlyopposite§t- Louis. This
.1 ect route runs through the very heart of the
t States of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio,
lane and Illinois, .1 make, the entire die
^ .Ce from the city of New York to St. Louis, !-
fit, cad to the mouth of the Kati.s, 1,100
m sorliisb, at 20 miles to the running hem-,
w o ld give 53 hours to St. Louis from . New York
a d 70 hours to the mouth of the Kansas
his great central line is intersected at Crest
lisle, Ohio, by the Cleveland road; atlitaliefontaine,
Ohio, by the Sandusky road; at toe Indiana line
by; the Baltimore road, running directly through
C lambus, Urbana and Piqua; and at Indiana.
p lin by all the central roads of Indium, cross
in the public works of all the States through
w ich it runs. The progress of this great cen
ts i line is each as to warrant the conclasion,
It it will be completed, and in full operation,
b the latter part of next year, as for west es
T rra Haute; and it will be for the people of Illi
n is and St- Louis to complete this last link in
t e great chain to connect tha ethos. of the At
-1 tic, by a direct route, with the Mississippi;
• for the State of Missouri to extend it to the
o oath of the Kansas. '
The companies constructing the other holm in
o chain are looking with much anxiety to the
irl t link, but they cannot entertain a doubt but
t the people on the line, as well as these in St.
nis, and capitalists generally, will eat the mat,
r in Ha true light, and come up to the aid of the
ropany, and have the work completed at the
lizst possible day, as not a doubt can remain
at the road, when completed, will be the great
trig thoroughfare of the . United States, and
p y heavy dividends to the stockholders, while
n other work will compare with ,it in the bu
siness and benefits it moot - throw upon St. Lou
;4 , ,
WOSDEIM or Tan STEAM Puri.—We copy the
following from the Philadelphia Ledger of Tues.
dy last ;
One of the Ledger presses being under pro
c vs of improvement, the sipteil and capacity of
o remaining one has been severely tested with
the past week, and oarreadera would ecarcoly
'eve it possible to obtain so many impreasione
tines a single machine as necessity has compel
liclus to torture from It. On Thuraday evening
st, we put the first side of Friday's Ledger on
it, and before twelve o'clock at night had print
ed about forty-four thousand sheets . ; we then
pt on the Inside forms of the same day 'a paper,
p nting the same forilrfour thousand el:meta
L '
La , which were completed at about seven in
t.J e morning—making eighty-eight thousand im
p .essions In fourteen hours. The outside forma
u the '• Dollar Newapaper'' . were then put on the
some press, and forty thousand Impressions of
teat sheet printed by about four o'clock In the
afternoon. The outside forms of Saturday's
Lodger were-then ready to take the place of the
Newspaper's" forms, and by a little after
twe,lve at night, about forty-five thousand copies
of that sheet were printed. The inside forms of
tie same day's edition of the Ledger were then
put on the name press, and by seren o'clock of
-.A . ...rday morning, the whole forty-five thousand
c pies were completed—making in one day and
t 0 nights, or about thirty-nix hours, including
i ,
I stoppages, the enormous number of two hon
e- 'l y a''a re.lJ 41 1
h % ' re much Von b i' t whetherj"“u ~.uoyld.offi,,bay,
as ever before performed in anypart of the
orld. Ten f..e
yearn ego, the recital el' such a
i statement would have established the telator of
iS y reputation to the of a .I.lunchausen. And yet,
Ge t , he it abl in
. of d e e teido yerit r b d le. the inventive genius of
ilaeittg been informed that some participators
4, the "Spiritual Eneckinge" L a v a taken per
lonal °frame at the article in yesterday's Ga
ette, .catillail "The Spirit Bunter," I employ
a present medium to Inform them, and all cou
erntd, that, being a mere junry skack, the parr
tomes: appli4tion to any "corporeal body" M
lltogether gratuitous. Imaginary, poetical cow.
cite, Wag intanebic spiritual existen....., are
ifut comizable by the civil law of libel
Na ' particular person being caricatured in
e poem, all those who apply it personally, aro
creby informed of their mistake.
Filtthury.i, Friday, .April 19.
Market Street Store fOr gent
OR RENt—Tho Store, 118 Marked ; ?
Knot. Lb. mood 6MT from the comer of Moallot
Libtrif otfloto. itoomoloo 'woo too lot of Aroti_._
fragar" LAVLD
/WI Pam rt.
. a ....•
. .
In several public prints a notice of what purports
i le ''. Gros ilzwe.—A telegraphic .` desp4ch i Tan Enamels DLAPATC/I.—Nl:e . have . .
to the New York -Courier and Enquirer; gives the I
Itobe en intercepted destintch from air Henry
fullowingintelligence: ' - I Beaver, 'the British 'Minister, to Lord Palmer-
WasirteVrOst, April 21, 1851. I ..., wh i c h i . m id ~, 1,,,,,,,,,,, d ,, , itr.
The Nicaraguan question is assuming graver ~in a 'Boston paper called the Cat We have not
importance, and will be a serious subject of non- ; met with the document ourselves in nay paper
sideration on the rectum of the seoretau , of I which we receive, and can nnly speak of it from
State. heaving.. We understand that IT. LA cuutempti-
Doubt no longer remains that England has kilo in execution as it is base in conception, and
committed violations of the recent treaty. The carries forgery on its loco so plainlyas to be nu-
British 31inister succeeded iu getting Squices ' worthy of cshtindiction; but, lest some who
treaty. as modified by General Taylor's admits- may not see the Article itself may be misted by
istrallon, laid on the table in the Senate. This, the newspaper notices of it, we think it proper
lost ground must be recovered, and the mollified ' to see as we ore fully authorize] to do, that r the
treaty must be confirmed, or all American rights paper to entirely and in all its parte a sheer fah
end interests in Central America will be e noriet• ricaLon.,-...Vas Intd. 1
end to Great Britain. Too many conceal-ions;
have been made and too much procrastination I
A Boston paper very complacently strings ta
b. been allowed. Chatfield should have been '
; gather the following staterneutm
dismissed from office upon the recall of &Icier's.. ',calla
ell our near.—lccorelio,7 to tbs United.
And the question shoidd have been at once deb- "
, , States census. Boston is worth nearl . .. iiitso,ooo'ooo
tlitelY disposed of by men wile are capable n ' i more than Ith'ilielciphia. Low, property is
handling such u subject in a broad. enlightened,
statesman-like way. returned at $:11.4,000,000, while Philadelphia
! rates if.113T,000,030, :and New Y0rk:3286.000 000
The populirtiiin: of Boston is short of 140,000; Phil.
Mr. Walsh, late dncrelory oftegation at . .11eat•-
New York 510 000. It Will
en, who WAS sent by the Administration to Rol ti .
~ , d, i phi, 4 fO,O - 00;
to unite with the English and French agents in t
be scoot that, dividing the property by the pepula.
Goa, Boston in by vast odds the richest city this
concentrating and strengthening the govenitucn
of the Emperor &dengue, has been, it scins,
side of the Atlantic, and probably in the world.
quite superciliously received by his sable High-
Thus flit Wing' the property, each Bostonian is
flees. Genera] Taylor's policy was to encour
, . worth over $1.500; each New Yorker only Shsso;
age the Donainicans..tagainst this Negro
es ' an ' i
I constrain Solouque to pay a just indemnity for and each Philiidelphian the Small sum of sa,n.
---e•ss--- - —.- i
the confiscation of American property.
' New Morrrt: rotten —An engine has be
It is confidently announced here that Mr.
Foote, of the Buffalo Adisminssr, will sooujoin the '' s c „ m r . , t. i tc ;; l td a ,( tr i h ,, l s. r ) lin in eric b ri i ri ch
. 7 ' . fa r c r t h a in k e ,,, W th h:iis r s . in g
Rerl.sll, Arrangements tot hat effect are in Sp r,
of steam us the expansive tette. It .to he sent
. train of completion. .to the World's Fair. It is said to work well, and
i The awards completion.
the Mexican Commissioners ,
a shove l s ,wom t . h w a t ig, air o crin L. p u rn i
, d ,
t u b e er,tcate
effect fei,
l give much dis Satisfaction, and a Congressional
1 inquiry is threatened by some of the discarded , nod less danger of explosion A patent has been
clsioetuta. I secured. If all this be true, the Inventor must
~ , ,
OFFICIAL. , linvelfound some now way of making oVillallnit C.
htin often been tried before, with no
DI.PARTMENT Or TUE INTI=IOII, 1 : force w hich -
P ~,,,,,,, or s i c , t , Ap r il is, ]ail. ; . success to he compared with steam power. '
Tile following rules and regulations, approved : gr.. ,
'l.4vE"n Puts.—These Pills, discovered
by the Secretary of the Interior, will be obaer
i by Le Slate., nett •hlch bear his owe name, trtT9 nisi
cod in the settlement of petition claims against
~, , tut ~,,.. r,r , srs „,„ to , s „ sr yrs? . 55 „ , ..,...,„ t „,
the Governme I toy ettettlxon or other Ps
al t led th rove posmi Into
I. An agent or attorney fished to examine pa- ; cinesat use.. for corms an tLraters of tie liner, they net
per , filed in any pension claim. or for the recon- : with Pirtsinty 3Cla reirul.ftv• Thn Pe.tiettt seen fed, ti , e
.ideration of a claim heretofore adjudicated, ' tvaisilsi of de0pa , 55 , , ,, n ,, m1 . 11% . is w r. v11 .. .. rh . sef_: ,, set Is=
talent produce a power of etttnrlory giving him 1 ...,7i71 , a'fit5r .. ....._
_i .. _
... .,,......,..,...r ..a ss__ .
the necessary authority to act as agent. of the ,
r ',',.'_,_ ..
0f .' , 7:„.....;`' .. 7. ,,5, '`` ... ..7 .,.,
. .. ,. .74 , ... ,. ..71 .. ..`.." ` v,,,, ,
claim. which power of attorney must be acknow.. : :c r ''..7,,,,,,,, , ,,,,, ~,,.,....,„„,,,,,,,..,,,,Z,, „,,,,
lodged before A justice of the peace or other , m ge.s. Ate' coo oroohled vett. say. of the ntontrous
I qualified to take acknowledgments or ads I ~.,,,,,n„,,,,,q,ie t , se t e , as h, i n a On e . o i gom o f uric.
uric. itßolster oaths, and 11111.3 he certified under a ' herelont, hr . •lil''o• Pals., ....r...1 be te l.ltlllfte. co •
letrol et oa t. .
recognised official scut The party m0re0ver .p_ ...1 , , , 7: , _ ,,r ,, ,.
er,ecuting, such power must have taken an oath ;;stsst i o
that lie or she is directly interested as one of _
the claimants, and a certificate ti that effect
muss accompany the power
2. On the presentation of ouch authority the ' , In dos,:t7'. th , eTtere we would thank you 1...e0d
. Commissioner will, in his discretion, furnish an ~ Lou de...0 by 11, rennr,l , ntlit. /I.llrun.n. Wo Are en
' abursat of the proofs nppearing in the papers ; 'n.,;.",.: . •
,„.",',,,.!..„' r . ,, b `,,7 '''''''';',Al r ,;',.TX . ," , „!.',; . " - '
I filed, or permit a personal inspection of such pa- II ccc It . Ult., A..blenl. - .3. 0.. March 10..11.
fere. e. 01 tare.—Deer 0:r. lour As... a Rea wmks diem
13. Upon the pre,sentetiele of the power, as re- , bft with ua O'er d.... a heck 01. which we base /I.OILI
quired in the first rule, if it appear that the orig- ' Ilea.. r.,rward to usath dozer, Unnu...14.41f•
idal party performing the alleged service, or hl6 . . ..'" l. ''' . ' " '''"", '''''''''''' in this erases.- ‘‘.'-
, widow, is the applicant for the reconsideration i ..u..'"'' , " r ‘ i "' - ''''"" rt ''''''''' '''''''''''''.
'. Youro, le . W. W !
or a claim heretoiare eiljadicated, ...:1, claim
rer i 2, ti ‘, ri...:r Meli. tie W0t..1 itzen, IL I
i may be re-examined an a matter of right, but , 0 ,,,,,... 07 w„,,, „,„„, t , B. A. ~,,,„,,,k . „ co . 1 .,...„,„.
there shall not lie more than two re-er.aminations , avoid nnl Front jtrecta. /1. St. Corer. I'. A. i'.lllret.Jo.wpb
without the production of 'further material 001- Deud7.5...0.. n': it. r.Echu - arte, A 1 1....L..T. , I 7 the Pre"
deuce. , erds"r• . 0.01. 4.11:11
4. In other oases than those . of the person • alai Canal Iterin.,,,entb at .I,,bureh.
performing service or his widow, as prescribed
! citiz en ' s i ns urance company of Pittsburgh
in the 3,1 rule next preceding '' • n
''''''' i° ' 5450
which has been finally adjudicated shall be re-, jtj mn.,:,..1. favor +Arent. In Ii
opened, unless on the production of ~ont.ttory , — , ,NI : 115,.,, ..„ 5„ ,,, 5 „. , 55 ,.„.„ . ,
proof that the adjudication was erroneous. sitcom- : nti . 'e.„ . .,,,.,;, „.,....;,,,,..,„ i , adds, • a d ~,,...r.ii , a l ik
' P't , ned by ha nift"vit or =I. partY .P?'S . .‘tg t ` A _.';',' : ',..'t r "'''';';'" i- ",:'.' — ;.,.., and 11.a.eeity
therefOr, stowing that such proof has hewn die- , i r ,r-ai„.i.„,..,,‘.4..„ci ,0 ;05 .L:rii, r. f tLe 3.1.rn.r.55.
' covered 15.111C0 tile AdjhdltsiioolSreS made wi,.., 1, n , :111, ,I t',... , ..,,1t nn..l t.l tl (,.
. Zr. Appeals may he 1.11k.C.11 fecal the dec..i• onx 2 . „'.1'..,.. ° ,`,,',,',...`"''''''' '''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''
'of the Commissioner of Pcui,ons with, Eix h.5.11....: ‘ , ":r -‘: n. iu'r, -.. . , ...','.'. 1 .' 6 1''' v. :T ,•!--"'''''''.
' months from the time the decision is mile nn : 14,, ~,..,.... ~,,,,,1„
.. ~. ~,,
. 21. .._.. ) ,,.
CO=llrdented to the party or his agent- - ' ' Lott.E.fidd'"ZE — atPßLEtit i
N "rP ti " tl " f " a rehearin g will he en-
& I''r YOU A FAT111:11. 1.46,..ri04 fir the
tertained after the expiration of two years from - ~..,,,.„.,„, , ~,,,. 000 ~,,,,,, Is „,,
~„„„,., 1 ,..
the final adjudication of a claim and astute there. Li .....o. 1.... ~ i a ii hi. , 724 , ....,1,3 a t...dr2d-c.
En. It. rt. It n . t nlaker .1.,........,...
'of to the applicant or Lis agent. After that a' . '„ l „ . , "....,...„.,,,,,,, „.,,, a. ..„..„„ ,„, ~...
tithe the party will be left to st,ili. retire., by MI nt..2.• . it - rt.1.1..v . f tIL` . .,(L. We. LLL Ij. i... 1L.... A ,Lt.rt
, ir,. , . t. ca., 1 ,,,, J. l:. 11.1-:..11 . :I
,0.. '-vac rf
~ e. llrl
i L . :L.
L .
.. len 4r : : he
~.- d , ~ nth
. ...
F:rnt WEE:: —T hut?, over the Bald the
6 th Duck, f_ertece Lta, :red :aid oue pah•
sengers, r,
April 15 —Taeedie r 7 7 1 ,
• • lih--We•-luc 3:lay - 1- 1! v.) ......
I 7—Thur,lay • - D. quwr..: Trupt.T.,:
I—Yoat , a7
, o ,
- J#.lll/112
For the hn trent
the read for paaienger buoine, clone. exre,led
thirty fire hundred dollar,. The frright
ess csinsiderah:y more thut paid the rat.r.iinr,
ezpeareo of t he mod.
when it con,:dention that but
tLirty eight hi;ir. ti., roo—larn in one, ou 1 thia
the busiue,si pas.enger am: fri.zzht
atrictly of a home riature. Loltes and Erie
Canal not at that uute being upciaj me ttiak
is without parallel. Such cane l•cria the eoprt,
riot of thee that I:arc paid any Dttentiva,"
railroad matter", and hare neticLial the bitiainei,
of tile road.
The Ohio observer nave:
- - -
The road ia now earning ever twailve hundred
dollar,. a week cr. da mid, of
sequence of a deficiency machinery ariling
from a ut6aevintrota.t in ri contrtel to supply
the company, the vonat to no; in a con h tion to do
all the,, that oiler,. When We USA,I7I.
*iodation train commence,. the. b.11.1(1,5 may be
expected to increase at tire lowest cioimate tifty
per cent. There will he a pouring in from the
villages and t.Arns in the 'trinity of the road,
mace.. the F.-WI. City has not yet known.
The Most Reverend archbishop Samuel
Eceleston, who Imo been lying sick at too resi
dence at the convent, in Georgetown. for several
weeks, died 1,4 evening, at twenty-five minutes
past six o'clock. We learn that ha war afflicted
with a complication of diseases which the skill _ - - -
of his eminent physicians could not everroine. Temperance notice.
It was believeta fortnight age that he could not milt: y Aszo ;
• . en e emperance
recover, and in his opiniou the Archbishop him. bobt intertn,r alunder aerator ,tiutla
self concurred. • Ills diocese continued to become tuat.. at • at Ur. aleLart n's Clerra, Flab Wee,
muro aggravated, end he .as not ergeet. l • a, M k ru ita r .lf.r. "' fortne th 'rl U y of b.n thl Y :t
live through Friday night, but he lingered on, at,nd
becoming more and more feebie until the time " ' ww. st. Inform •
we have stated, when. Nut-rounded oy screening waf.-In tlatrnans ernamittue
rietble, its sunk Cd.11213,:t0 rest 'LTA Y AND MANURE FORKS--1P dos.
The deeeased was natis'e of Rent county , limps, a Co's retabratel Ilar and Manure Torts.
Maryland and ens born on the 27th of June, ,wei..dre..iie etanni.vitiuseketdtedlapein.,ve eourieo
11301, mad was, therefore. nearly fifty years .r IMN OtAtrtl,
age. lie had tilled the ' Archcopispel bee in the for ma:rim. af Lobti ilwen carts
Roman Catholic church, since September, . at .r
'We understand that the corpse ;rill remain in abate , Paper Hangings.
THOMAS EALNIEII, No. 55 31arketstrect,
in the chapel of the convent to-day; :rod thnt to
b. recently rammed a Grabill' I to.rtmett of stall
morrow morning it -be conveyed 1111Iti- ba t ter. reprembvelni Siil.,larlde, a lmdtwed tlmattael
more by the nine o'clock train of care, =nom. rated seasble ltuttabutuat /hart and Inutsas rime
and Demesne Gemenr .
pealed by the Roman Catholic clergy of thin ' --
District We further understand that the tune- .
la! will take place in Baltimore on Sauartiny.— IVICKIDWARD, BLAKELY 4. CO„ Man,
Wash./Ipol Itrpublic. L taxcLuicin Locking:tem and Tell°. toms Waco..
A. 22 1,[11•001, unto.
00..eatnyla ROPer.. ember Clotb and Witten/
er BUrrALo.—The Belisle Courier ir , , ,, : y 0 d 0j r 1 f ; . , ,.1;‘,ei11 . .',.b 0 tthen,,,T , . ) emu... taste., to .t. a tt:
gives the following description of o gigantic 111 L 1... r
dertaking near that city:— I tale. A l a to 'Atop a tint PIT. ace r sztl Ealosedri r lse
of lba a dnr.
"About the greatest object ate nterest in the lr.., para., Ibtebsre, railer Sore, Detnertfttab
vicinity of our city just now, is th Tunnel of the , Lva rd %. l nee., 3tietaane,and
Water Works Company in the rock under the • c "'''cLVlNetT'
Erie Canal and the Black Reck harbor to the •
Laud for Bale.
Niagara river, about half a mile beyond the city .
THE subsdtiber offers for sale, on the pre.
MIN. 011 alot,tar the of May next. attleclCtl.
The perpendicular shaft or well in about eight ' -1., that vtduabts and bell kunnu i'artn, situated In
feet in diameter and thirty feet deep, nearly the T h e , ii.hjs, : tia. n r g a i ir i i i ii, gout nisi ,/
whole beiag through rock. From the bottom Of • r tTl'lr bi no
ns 'fn.% th. ai Ludes d Ft...Mt:ln ladviontalnlnlßN'k4t.
tho well 'dart, the Tunnel, which is nearly circa- w e e, m:t jgf,
lac, and WbOUt rind 3 half feet in diameter. I tia4ne, and donut lin'aut, wit tar h miter Tirts
running nearly horizontally towards the bed of w n!se etesi , l7,efulj,,A L PPl cr ,e r nlAril; ;flu , vrII
the river, which is distant about three hundred ;
and sixty feet. A alight elope upward, as the abitr,M3l...4
'runnel advances, allows the water which pours
into it from springs or crevices in the reel:, to
run back into the well out of the way of the
workmen who are engaged incest:Maly, day unit
night, In blasting the rock.
They have now proceeded about two hundred
and eighty feet from the well, progrearing et a
bout two feet per day. Only four sheens are
able to work at once, changing three times der.
log the twenty-four boars. lan wort in all dune
by lamp light.
The rock is soft end easily drilled, and as yet
no crevices have been found of eulhcient magni
tude to offer very considerable impediments to
the work. The blasts are dincharged about once
in three Lours, four charges being let cif at
When the holes are drilled ton suffielenkdepth
and charged, all beetle leave the hole, to avoid
the deafening roar of ilia explosions, and as in
matter of safety in case they should open any
water coarse connecting with the river, in which
event the Tunnel would be likely to fill with wa
ter uncomfortably fast to people so faraway from
the extents! world.
At the mouth of the well theAine of the Manta
ie like the discharge of heavy artillery, end
the earth and buildings tiro considerably shak
en be the shock. The water which uccumn
' Imes in the well is removed by two large
pumps driven by a steam engine, which is
alio used to lift the broken stone from" the
For the Gozatc.
Foreign sad Aro erizan Hardware.
So. 129 Wco4 Steat.,
ran .sd,a,pleff gock of /..YritEIGNAND.4IfREIC/21
cra inffartd
s o o ff,r so purchaidi it rig= Wit will eirtwe
fuorstsly vab MT of Ilutesnesa sake.
Ihmlingdon ra, ihe. March I, 11.
5. N. lour Petroleum It wurimn, 11/3.
174.1,4,,, w. 7 ec . .x4. r,
4.11 1..4.c.
.4 la
Cvt - nr.—Thl Luau
;v:1: tnwnebtp. rlil l.e Tr ,, T9 , /
Ann, nidd td{dl,,en
t.” L. dinnden Cld,d :41111....41id
nnrrtC JUITN
11 rho ',!.rl Ws,: Cry <; the Ann• , lnt .ma .• (...,•••
C.,,, , .:.11.1•1 , 1Le
1.! ~r 1 MAS 7
W'CUt 111w.31 TEr. - K. F.,t4r, of
aln I'IWTIO , nn WU, be A. ea, al re e 1.., tan..
• L'a, I, w I
or Eli-
U4 - •;;;;.r . .. ia; L.,;; name; to tin , ;112t1-Ir4 - 1;',
btu A. , I...leJ•te 1.1; 4
, M44i4jIIV•IgIG
tC;rI...O("NTY snuounee
0.41 hi. J C4r. t" ,
r.r ter L ,m, ,:1,13 a It.. An
tt-Munr, Co/pr; C
Cugg of rur. Corr.•—)l,2try illtilDeU, of
I. • ~. .I,l*lm r Ir.toatlon Nita
1.1) 4...4., I Of
t• /E-A •
cEr Pirrruntrat INriax.mtv.--A Sermon
.11 h. prearb. V., It, the I.!trrt, !Orr: Metht4l.l c.
nest V(h, at 14, ec:on,
Ly t!, l'Astru,lota itteßAual Annual 04.1“ - Ltani4rts Ca
SU.N.U.RIES-101.1 !tanks Corn;
10 bu. Dr reaclg,
3 ptly by
JAMM DALZELL, C 9 Way.. in.
rlicTracco—`_'s kelp Gedge fi tviict for enlo
I br rtp2s
riofitiil-laibogi prim. Rio, for.pdlo by
I.,, I AC ' K"REL T : :I? dd. for pop
JA311.6 D LX.,AX!
Aug Nl A arn tr Co.. tare , rree.rvtl a ,rage lt,t Tixy tnye
and / ancy
ILK POPLINS—Nov - opening et A. A.
Co., 1,6 large asantan cm of 511k - Pcialin nr,t).
_p • .1 A. MK.° a Co. Lora on bend a complOt. rock Of
Eve J voiozwt,
AWNS AND MUSLINS--Now receiving
f . by A. A. 31voo it Co. CILIOI earl.
S alLi ES—
tr'. bale, Cattrat
'U 'mt. Feathers:
p !", , ZArhler;
bats • d, t „
awl for .1, IT • " th ' • nnrazl
Ihrat and %Paha eta.
ICON HAMS-14 cake on hand; for sala
bblel on
ky hand: hr tale by aV2B IEAIALI DICKEY &CO
ALTYETRE-410 ba crude on hand; for
v tau, by ay g3 Ol THOM .1) CC)
110 t 1 , 3 , 1 1,, 1LR131 . 5 1 :40N.F 7;t 2 iri b . 1) )1 1a;:g .1
LINSEED OiL-20 phla forstilev;
TERRE DE 8 NNE-100 lb for ado by
n 0 ; J. Da CO.
A MISSIVE CLOTH.-200 yards superior
QUM, kt gal. by n' 2,3 EAR ta •
ITX CAMPHOR-200 lbs 1..-A- 9.....: 1 y LAC — SIT N V TINGS—Wo have r
IG. nr% J E.ll/0 4C , 1 11 - - tS.
' h ES • • .
J. —,--- 2 " 1
.;.-ff„1.%.,,,,;rn‘51ent er kfte del tpas.lurl. utelatit,i
! ViEDICINA.L lii.ANIA-2 c:”....1,...1.., sal,: 1 ap....! "' "''''`mc it Pin' a fiCitcurici.D.
vr, b.; tqa:l J. E:T.D J. C' , l - ' •
1 ‘ 6."1.1.CF 'IS lIERITY Gil' k. \ 'ILIA f 1
L 4 t!, und ' er..i,,,,i ~ ~,....; ~,,j1,..the.,;,..! ,f,;..,... 1 t LaNe r-n d Pe s ' u ll b r et7ant W in; ."'e va n . , hors a wa,.-bt
:I‘..r ef the ~,,;„ ..f , 0 1 . .. it . m c ,...d.„,,.. ~:, 0 ( ~..;,.,-,, I ,S. wall ma .szlea La cn t.... , raLle terps by -
oCOAZIP. IICX,Mer.I, and an ,M , . • h... . ''''''''' ' 4'. "'
..h:Lta, ne..• here, r,,,,t . pr.. - .eut. tbet., tt.r ......... a ar= ,', Wend Etre,.
, srlt. awl. all those ialebt,l lento nre de4r....1 to n 3.4:., ; —. ~.
• me.trUe paytnent . the Fulextiber ;n the ~ .-e, . .'.%;!2 ta ' B. v cr.; Desieable Res' co for Sale. •
.kMi',C ,1•1,..
II f: undereilked otTer sale, one of -[ht
.r,..d,a‘s Adm,!,,,,,,,, . ! T
11. D. KING, ...A dealrabic 51 et.,..... in e tresen C' I.4 , riliar.
: ,erk toun - ,. 0155. .:01.tait , nk, st.uut ,it a- i 011.1.1
3anker nml. Exchsx , go Broker, Fourth st- !,;",;ii,,',l.:g':' . l".'"'' - ' - '''' , V 7- ' l l''''. ' ''''
. i ik ~.1 r• , 1 , .. :,.. C. ~. use.. rut. nd .tartab.
EILTESTERX FUN'ini BOUG }IT. .nd the , '..'. 1,•;',.: d Y:',;.'„,'!..`,'",'".:`,..,'`, — ,' '' r ,lt:`lZ'tr , ' "I.'. •'
Yr L:.::.-0 -::e:• rice p.a 3 re , lie's 11 51 ;:s. , '''...! • ' n '. ...0i1b lb: •Croe r' A . oll ' .: C., witlan ' i. ' rt;:i ' rs ' ' alit,
4 s Bent: :mock :i.r • ,11 .:', I e.t:-:;argh. It rik L..t: ,tcr :., ::..10. hetvle nosacvlindua-
pcs! -I:ool.:::;!—Charnari and C o unt e r I . iti i"-Z`'`'..;;`°°.1';'1".`b;::;'7:1;14":1"1";11. ....: 1--
• ci,, tither as • rthremuit. er • pth0u....,1
le ct tho land will In. id
; 71 1 sitai oo' s ''. hb : ° l2 7 . 7 ''''' ;. r t ''''‘ l.h.4'7 l. :o i k c ‘ i . iti t r n' F. ;: h ll yi e . 7 1. Lr ie 4. ,! Lji , a ,- L ,..i ' . ' L I. 1 Pii ''''' ..l " ii°% b •Tuc ti rg r i o ci ' 4 " . hhi'. ' i nr .: 'L El . 7.lLc'r.Li,`'rt'titiiihtiTcoq
c..o. , cry, withont chan, a lot of coo, thou' • -
teasDicy of '.'lrcheihos,no.l:!.. Jtlot re-' , I .ria for lon ths Last of LL. ,. 11b10 Banat, 1,4 shoot t‘o.'" twtn Li ty '" rot
sale by, , h. uut'.l. , ,e.:". I .icrth it.. . 1 'row the l.h.rot 01 the Ohio and Peontrirstas i.ltrosi.L to
nt....5 . .
.P..;...oy,wininat. I or company who will E.... Wish Ilierenn -
anfartorr vf Iron, Lonny. or Wool, which 'II h: ','
200,000 lbs. V Wanted , A ROW . a $40,... L. It L.'irne In . traisi t hat It
VOR ,siiich the highest market price trill i:i t riVi;dl.ctii? . `. L` siVit ta " : t±'
r iT ' 4 town, ''
" i ~."
_lx phid In mt at th rnpnse.l 11, 11 =mho:l7, I,n I•I"' ,. . I'l.ll be Pro , ur.d bete . /ow lia ' n ' t lio n'm pti " ' Lk. '" t •
L bort, 6E7,, twar thr Canal. by trb..a
by enn cf ...In. •ith i cr ate ' '
. 0 • W. Cl/ADWICIC, : ll , lhrorhnl hy C•nal or Itsitictut. ' - a' ."' L ' a. can hr l'ad Writln i t Lel:or, Wrstucii, sad ohm. ' LEITICar: 141C11.3.
~, ~,, ~,,,,,,,.. c ,.,, ,.. ,,,.., ~.,,,,, ~.„, , ~,,0 4 w „.:„. ~,, 1 ILI ,' "Ilion, April 1., 111.I.—.'sh=l4w
cro In l'itinho,h.
14 POOR, In the Ninutuenth Ccntr.r., n Cyclopaxlis ut
1,0 Con..ittlon ttx}tartan, uf Ole ttnttret
• le Itraleth Slut tom., ,nn,- Ucn with tip cult ntry. lit
Nlshew.. I Val, en ,
U. ' no
1.rict.12:1..: Mr :to.
ARPERS' MAGA Z IN E—Vol ume Second
Tjn cx.colrnt socr;; L.
New Lake Superior Liu e.-1.85i,.
F ftFIE new : - .reainer NORTIIENE It, Capt. B.
S , rtr, hallos every incslttn Improvement fsr
.istr and comfort, will 1,4/13 C/V•Vilitla 011 /talus. tbn
a: Alay neat on fur unt trip—aual ataskil then ra
tjar, at t!i o'clsba''. P. M.. ff. the .ant ate. XlatSa
he steam, 3IANIIATTAN. Capt. Jena ttanwau.. nil!
Ace Saul Au. 51arts, far the dilloreut hubbub., ou Lax..
superlor,Ox the cnieal of the steamer Nurateraer; 133:11-1 , Ar
regular at s.als line, throubhout the - et.sbn. Lattarst
. .evelau..l and tue Csa,wr and Iroa %Isms.
S. a A. Tt.: Propristors.
elraelaral. 0.. April 25, 1831.—tf
./ LACKIVLK/D'S 31AGAZTIVE, for April;
P trot Lat.-11'r Ll , Ong Ae,,, MI. 30 nod at lIOLULS'
..lent, Depct., Ttard street, opposite the Poet Ottc.e.
-A-10R ltENT—The large and comusodi - --..... I '''''' _
• or.. i 0,,,,,,,,„ r,„„ ~,,,,e. lately ..-r:. rat Ls
.r.',.!. . ItYLI FLOUR-7 Lb:it. for sale by
fr:sit:en:, 6,6 al uutirc 64 6.1,0616,6.• 6 6 , R , 6- 6 .." 1 up . ...-' ROBISON, LITTLE 4 CO.
u 6 ,61 as a ; Inl. 41,—Jtablirig 6.1. two hnr66, I.4qau,
ErFER-25 kegs for sale 16 - y
i..i)WARD6,3IOIIRTS .6 CO. , B
ap2,:f No. 6., , W.:66 A.
1 V... nualsoN. tArrkkis co.
3 .:1 PIRITS TURPI:STINE--11l bhls ill I
~ ~.,J ., ,,,r0.'- . i .,- , itt.:lT-501, bu Dried Peaches;
..y order, 1,,r .16 by • ,
:.'.. Wood xt -.L 10.6 - " Apple. 6. far na3a-Ly
I 6 : . '' ROBIsoN. LITTLE a CO.
(.... 1.) Lbls. for „ale I>y
iL - (1,--.1" i
. , II FilerN t•rs—. bu. for male by
-- 1. apt.,
__ _ R. E 66.11.E6...
„,...,, ,
,' Li FA 11l L LA—I }tale Lll E oAtiLtere , t , S ß ..l . fur' plc, 1 RoN__„,,, — " --- 6,, tons ~m. sale by
~, pit. 1, sues . - -- mg,r,2 F. , ,1112.0n. LITTLS kM.
' -"- F \ ZINC iei 11-40 oz. fo i: r
i s , sL i t ir tv ,,,,
_45 ';,.., ' : 1 8 ., ~,,,,C,0. , N0 , ....—,,c , L ti
..„ 11 . 1. b l e larus and Shoulders,
P ._ (. / 1 ,,, ' 5 1..t C0L0GYNT11—fi02b 1 5. ,i f , , ;17 . : , , , i ,, , ,. hy ~
9.Z.70 .-' 1: it.--15n bbls. s ' n ' ir Fa N tu .L i l l T ;; l fo ß r ' sn e i ' o . 1:1;
4, lite:l:Nit:7—On lbs. for sale by whnsits, honks' recto.
.. - 1. ap2Z. .L- i.,ci",',',,111L.11 FLOUR-1000 lbs. fur tale
; ...33 /e ..-ee FAR:Sot:, LITTLE a I›,
'Hosiery, Trimmings , and Lace Goods. -
I. 6...SLLL.:r;
-, A NDLES--100 bo - . , : , Surarcer Dinned,
37 H. EATO,N, 62 Fourth stre,t, between ; ti ;
.2 ;.,,,. .. .. H 0 u.,,,,
./, • i4sek.,„ „oi tr,,o.i. woos th,. Ft . ..leU ..1 . IL . oti.c. ' la .. .7 fdr mal , 6,, ,
..u., au.l rutail Layers La bra !al -Re usd 16611.36.6..1an,r1 ,..,= kontitos. LIT11;k: 4 CI.
o , :tco. 511 k and Mrrino Hose. half Iloac. an! L. iJr ,
R-.n u'-' . ~ W.: 6.. a, I 1t1J,..., 114.61,....
YL,Ltrel a:al 1•11.3 Bonnet I , :bbati,
1:1-lest hili. trtiwrut:4 ....1 nOtIT,III, Lye.
Lora, Rahn , and Tr,•tatn,
Ls,. Cap,. 1:1646661666 , 66 a. Vein erth'l 111'tf...
emuch 1t',6,66 COW+. Che=ret.--, err Ctlf.,
In....rim, L.1,/sr.r ar: Lao , 5,91 ever,' Ntr.e:
Dm.ty 3,...14.u.41 i1.n.,.,11t F.,.ave.Or.
Vcrt , Ctavat... 1.6 Joir,v,B., Tl66awl atoe , ,,,
nor tAirt6.l:6Llir Gartaeui. and Dr., , , , ,,,, G. , , , ,, 1 VitUIT--:- . U . J bus Dried Peaches.
11., N.,...1.r .• • lam. Lutt,.. Nnrl ilrezd 066', 166 , i 1
.g. • 'Ai ^ •• Apple., nr, ade br.
and li6r6 C.O. IR, aLd T.e.Sbrual,r, 6. r6.1.1,6r,....,... I np . r.,. - J. S. hl• L W.A.TII A i.`o.
11.1 ores rave aa.l l'utanat.k r ‘1,,rr..0 Canr.. i , ... ~. .
Nryl l'etti.ra.: 1....A...e el.up,rx. ti. 5. , ,... ...t F.1.,,10... , ,L , Ott.IN —,...'0 bu. :shelled', for sale by
. ..At; ,1.... t .4 ,:rttt varrety`al ~6,,,, ,1 a, 6, 1 a 6:: J. 6 T.ILV:OI,TII 4 CO.
wt.' ~.1 Rau, n00n,., uhmh ha rd 1,.., 64 W. 10a..1 rata
r,,H.c: (A cub, r cpr.r . "4llcrelit ay.,. 1,., . Q TEE WS 0 POULLDOC-6 gross superior,
UNDRIEn— ; ~) far
~ .ale t.., 6 :,. WICK LitY.ll.o.l.
461 Z.
I.J 4)7 1.1.1., ratlß!):ll6.., roz".er Wood and 6,6 th, film,
1,1 - cAra . -
/X, " brie " I 11 71.11 TE NN - Alf.-1 case cup., for sale by
s. te. wilittmiEltssl.
~..0...; Skete C..ra;
' I , 4: 1 01CS-25 blils for sale b y
!" . ;.1 .- '5. , :.1 - ''7_. . ! 4....1 .pc, 's F. wet RO!.CITIOBST ,RC:',.
, t, tt.?. lax.. I q A KES—TU doe. !fay Rakes. for rale by
.r..., Flvar Dural= vec0r,,,,,,,, L., , ,,,
T , iiii/U3 a 5.K...0 u,,,,.. K. . . at , - F. V. 001 RO.NYIIOII.Sr 6C3.
iy: , . 7 : , :r. Ito NVAYTED—For 4,Tdar:'...; ,f.....` L.NSS-800 OcseelVindow. azed. for 63.1 C
11 ...b.. sul 1 ra.ea ur fibb, ~,,... ",..k ,1 , ~..'„ 'lo4 by s4.= b.. F. co:: CONNIMST 1 CO.
... , u 0u,..t0u,,, T 1T,1.f . I. 6 ..N. i .--. • - .. -
,I Ws:, .. - ' A'. L DELLS-7 casks Cheese:
! I M 5t . ..1 bu iv
11N. A. LEECH in,. Ito, :Lo a•t•o;• ,-
. v . ,--, ; LW bx• W. GI., blur-ebb= 1 71,e,
1% -' l2°L r*1' .7 . , .. 1. h c" . ., fr ::;,i,.t:1T11.:1,..-7 ' 'W, - . '* ' I..bext's laarl4;
1 , 11 bu.. b, re,l,:, suet f.,..e by
Cb:l:re, • it...r.. le . ~, r Tar, .. li •, C• r --, I .--_-'''olLkrt.l. c...; `Nab, Jam,
. ' ; ' :...... ' L!! '.' ;71T r ,.:... ' . :4 ' '.. ‘: ti ' Ll. '. - 7‘ Ze.: -.. j....'::. , -,.. ' tt. ' A SS IM E ItEt' — ‘-''; 1.'":" f'n , v • 4,1 . 11,1, u=k•
. :,. crab, Ob.,- ..,—.l. In ..,1.1, ... , fur rft .. ,r, •11,.1 C. Ai:BM/P(OT
...-., •, , c - ---
~„ .5 :..,. , , !„... , i s tt...,S LANNS ass-tra printed, a great
~ Ay 1' .ru,:y of l's...r. tor ,Lit•
..._,.-.,_.., C AI,,f,C7IINAT.
Q.% NU k:L '1...110.1:6LN 1.,1,, emisoloth• Gl. i 141.1tA.Cit: DE LAI.NO;-2 eases ilesiraLle
a... , t
1.) A.i'l. -_
. L ',llu}....ii:N 1..,•,, 1 , , ,,_
, t••••• , • • • ~ ..k 34 , ^ ri. , n: , t Wt., .:.-1 rto, rt-o- 3_lo ,
.1, L : ,t3e `..-7
~, Z ..,1;i5 r ' ,......1:". “ .% 1 . ,,,L,Tir,,,,,7, 4 , '. ..,,r-,.):J,...c i ilk I r..111 . .):C.}--..;01, . Lop., et, 2•50 Cap, for
N. Oz.-. 111 Mav,,c 11:11 [I ,L !Irs,-.1. P.c,-3•,.....; it , silt, sr:, U., C.
Altnt - ravvr.
1 !r • NOTTON--5 Lain ot Steusaer G.,,era;
i'L!, iroof Safe i•Cautc.l. , •,,,...,., k; a., A. forLriti: bar.
Pro , , ' :Or POd 4 .Z.S.LIATI DICKLY A CO..
NY pc :,In 1.11,; ft 1, , ,,p, 5 .,, Yu, ~
Kat., act Front lit.
2! 1 ....rc, w.t.1...1,....t..n. hrsmsr s t.stit.a. ut,.:Ae .I:‘,,a, •
I ! VI
,a.e by tr..: L• '-b0 0r, 2 1,1
4, LA,rtr
.14¢4 Llfr Matt ,
1.... it I, \ `; r
...a, et,. ilk fart /usalt , .‘, •it eJ.t.. - 1. , .•
27:t o .1 rl9, A:sra.
HlED—i'lacelt in 5L..,1121., t,
y y tor 0...ral c 0.0.1 boo.t
irbr - s 1.2r.13.4. ~iii •t I ,
• OIL- , tn. • .1,4 udrm7•.E. • c.,• ulth
111..210:2 Imr. lc., ustik lawa.t...c., •
r:1••14,...:3 ol •,,ec.c.e•
A,.-• etc, ac.!
4 , ri ,, i^tratoei
''cOTICE a 61:rcl , y glum :Lr.t
4F+I i 7 Adanr,Dtrat,r
1.•1at.,.1 11. . Iftvti•col, <I‘ton., Jal,rocrty
~‘ust •rt n , pro•tuttloar. tor • tt.•
Ltattit. azd 1121, ryltrel to tsalcq .
tta 1 .0 11,111 DA 0,4,,
.I.lw.tnlvtra • .r I,
• __. •
il.,tCoN—r hog rt1.`,..1'
..1.1 a ...•1 Li
y.:4 t• t
ILPIS:i — S. • Trinam — cl Ziltad; in bbla
.11: Lair 1111
Earrirza.m ILL
NarofflT3G: 4 , 4
•• Jolt!. 1. Arl
fi11.N.8. -•• 20 I Ale. N. C.. for 'tie tLY
L .11.111,1 WATT A C,
lIPANNE.RS ' OIL-15 bbl.. for by
sy2-1 JULLS 11ATT
VRESII II , TTElt—I busts Te,:t
juat re,l a Wl' vale by
ap,3 IL 11,11.21 . :LL A CO, L.l4rtr tt.
A. MA, N A CO., No. 62•Lct1 64 Mar-
Ca ik 2Cr n :a.. " = ' irrara.Yass"l:L.l;MT' ':a'''''
t lt
a Co. Lao• rft'd per *ton,. • haw. 0,41 . ,
l'ar'.elGa Trltnmilag% Ins, r+ .c
18 , ., A ,
It_l 7 OSIE I- 111 &ThLOVES—Note opening at
LL, A. A. :11A.SJN k CVS, • full UNIZII.IIt of 110.... r,
,au Ulm,. .P.,,,
21. ,,,,,. : ,... a ,...ft i.t. ,_A. A. N1A.30:, A CO 3, • tb. , :,....: . n...
LINED P RASOLS:a choice lot of the
u.k.txt,tot4 ta sato by A. A. 31ASON A COI
LL sit] 61 Marla at
IaLACK :_ 4 l KS—We uffer l or eale ever,
_LP Mae th• therrcut et
A. A MA:I4.M A CO., 31.,rak0. e.t
EIV WOKS 1 !—lluturtares Greek ni
- 11 L amm 3, the inn et hneti mlime.lsand ouirersitica
Mittman. !toy laud mid enlarged tr ion„tii
Uutinion. Tra4lalimal from the slatumuth /dim
I": 3lVeTfleh aud the Iteimillou of 1":93.
prom 31. liid.
IlesMutobitaranlir oral Memorials of Captala _Ohm]
k ' ;rl% . e r.. T T h ?eres n .F fr ute
t art
' Mad IYorti ohm and
C ti,;,l — i - nui; a Praaeonia story, tho author of tho I.le
nand tof u Londe% Loam. mad the London P
The aboee nor Mit rocelmal mod for sal. by
.r 23 . .No. Marko& Meer
LAX—A b=ll lot for eale by
IL' EziotTsii rt rt2NNEIT,
ttIZ cd, tatti 161 Ilr.t Atteet.
English and Irish Tens.
ritnE subscribe-s have just. rec'd an intro
els o n Pre ' sf, fil } { ge%% k
c7T3M . .''A t F t" 11 1 :14'y h
t:I",, L ;
by yarrow Enda the - (rid too
VI /rad by loamy odi
yhdrprtro, Yu bud lb tau VI ga
unpol! holm which LPA been advertising an culotte°
of OM U.+. cAnnot contitdie to du t o rah
0,7 ot truth.
We bare aloe on barn( a large Assortment of Frerti
of all vale , awl ovary - driortrition, which too
* ,, t be oludistrin
Wll. A.11...a.Ur10 a. CO..
[4 , 11 Lerv.:trd nt,d'fro
AR bblm. and G kep for sale by
C 4
iIItEEN APPLES-80 bbl v. for ujieby
ula.4 w)1. IL JOIII,M):.
„lOLASSES-14 bbls..q:ll., fur sale by
BANS-3u tilits. prime White, fur ealeiy
ap2 L Omen a Erg::1111'.
lIIDES-100 (Dry) fur sale by
IA 403 S. aW. liallilatOlL
~,-t{OLASSES-25 )bl5. N. 0., fur safe by
lql a 5 . a. W. wtunn~an.
Shh jA d ‘ s i, p , Liut i o nl N Dc . 0
111 .. 1 ,
ofoNrasolcoo by
11701P—.17 . bales prime Lair :totted Jlis
pc.ui,jrtt Red rani fur ~r /* br
- CIOFFEE - 50bagst primieltio, for Bak by
ICE-10 make prime, for bale 1, 7
111, na.3 JA. A. lIVICIIIBO.i a co.
TAR 6 ROSIN-25 Lb . ?. N. C. T 7 7---
A \IEJ A.1114:TC211125A
1.; ELI) & SHOT—luo Galena
L ion
.14.1 4;
Itticitrizto two 111 P. Olen tots ftainir
nett Clot Lit, toimtod with crest, sad lueltio tin
atilt of icautleam 10 .00.7tholtotim with on,
-11, • I+e Jchca a Lova' Orsaat
- 51, Ps:tuam
14. iraturra
Lump. trar.ick S C,..ara.
•. 14,1a•rt Marta.,
P. 1.. 1. , u,11.1'4 •
Just rau . tl ecnalgsmeut frum atalLre.,cLictS
macuf., urer, 2124 f..r
end Bl Water, grad 02 !mut at
baTs--Ith.) bo. for rale by
ALEItAI'UZ.:--200 boxes (part in lb: pa
**yrr) r , r , s*- hr 43 , r2 DALZELL a co,
MED APPLES-20 bdgm for kale by
r l . R E ell FLOWERS !--A. A. AI Ason
p c Co. Jun rer.vl,4 per , .--100 dor or hr
Walt trench fle•er.. „
1 1 01.1ACOO-11 hhdt. Ohio and Va. Leaf
I,r bale L. eptJ J. a. DI LIVOISTII.
ICON—ti casks for sale by
T. DS i.,17011711 CO.
bbls. Fresh. for sale by
.7. 5. DILWORTLI a CO.
I L.N .
• busb•
1 4.; 0.. , Lo rar.7.^l..
o 4., 7,7x...-wr..!..
no t‘ther..
r...clhlit Etta,
i[AiAil PICT Y & CO.
air nmeture v: tsr LAW. tie Partazter.ll? kctttD
I rt “..Lng tct7cr. lb . p.t,.:ber,10t.1,3 Amy u.r.--2rna,
Grime N. 0., for salt. b 7
cr:l DALIELL - 4,.er rt.
UL hf. LW. S. 11.. f.m• sale by
Aoll DAULL:.. ci ctr, tc it
a,lcask. ErnaSwift'', S. C., lw
p. Sl,All.ter, Hams, r,,r
" 411 i•NtC . .M 7 .
it 14: I , PPLESJ , • ar.l
I ) I:1 k: PEA CII ES— ,
I No I. 1, gale
iLAS. 11AX04.1. , 11
EANS EH*. Srazil for- gale,
P ACON--50Ut.; Hug I.uur.l. far wale.
bu. for •.6:.• by
P 42i SAL:SU P. tilt:ITS - P.
J) 1 1•11.1. f, , r Nile by
•ur !....kMPLL SiIt4TELS.
I NSCED OIL-4W Outhrie'• •uperi..
r 3,14, 1.1• la LN IPA'S - PPM AN A e.s.NE.
sp.:l SS toad St %PAW. 1.11 rent
MOLASSES-I ‘ .o bid,. fur Sal^ by
• •41 L. 5 u 5TEr.7.140;
1; 4CON—..t fen . casks r.f crime Sloes and
1. 3 trA•tr.3.NtAtl irFottp.
. I.
)-1 ) L
PS •'
ECKI:ii'S FiltINA, Wheaten Gritta,
al ant 5ac..1.1,e1.,ac! ~I. whbbnab. htAll b•
A. MtCl..Cnci t CO
ty 1Ni:411411,
10) lltl Wu... EtAteL
NOBACCO-20 boxes Mooklear K Child's
s 11. MOLaS9
': 4 4 LOUR.-.'L.'OU ibis. S. F., for ado by
BUI:111i1Prit s INOVIIAM
'llO LET—.t large Room in the third story
lintrshm• hum
fiLlCGLISU, , anisu BLACK TEAS—Pro
xi weir th. ruts kind of etrong nod rengh g aured
tuna it.. that au used in the Old Counts . so bur.
ha-ed at 'LOA OAR?. rut aina of theLionend,
, neon•' st no other store in Pittsburgh. Priee,.to and 7b
Mpi n. Theft Tau sr. entirely Cm loon Intl tub,:
net, avid
London Pickles alai Sauces.
UST - ;:coivea at N
of Cr nere
and tencen, atunag IrhleL
• NVeintitg,
" CaulltLywer,
STOCKIIOLDERS of tho "Pennsyl
vana Bolt :Inoofiseturing Cerornor," ore notlfitea
An loslalln•olt tf 'ryelse Ilunclrso nod suty nous.
.hans is [lnman! tent, ratd on the loth dayuf )Iny
aext. tho ortira of Charles 11.11:14j. AO. rhaa‘lelrhin
or ardor of the Warn of filmdom •
Tart Torentom.
I.l.EohAthpoil TlfollrbaCi. i rons. sad er.
TItENTON eItACKERS--A new 'article
In tla.s tr; allo, }km.= ills , ,,ltend DynAT.Oo Curl:
ree.ll,l flu tale
ap • WM. A. IttCLGIIII t N.
.. ,
iii. Dix'4r. London Patent Lever Watched,
0 4 , MItir tI ta unko icc.eves my, 5if,,,,,y , 4 1. 4 44"4 .
. . 1. 7.1,11Db0N y 81 Albrke% street, U.
4 4
va,..,,,, 5 u n r. t fee t t 1 3 .1 1, a . boa named Lever trktekr,
Ity. oprelritamt to tF,u At:IWO 17 371 d: Cb
.. n . tt r ." '' . AtOiUsbolsetarer, 15 RM.; SI DIXU.
- r.
mere, (bre
ach itorsl. Ismdem
lbw ctratian that the
s aceempabyloo Watth. Zia •'—' Is
.rrnmtsa h 1 Me to be of my %meu t . 4;- aw, ell Al, eteh
with my nmus upon it til gemlike unless 1.005„ , ...J.,.1 to:
Cellitwate bearmg m; eyatum.
I gtarelltell the Watch No.—, te keep' .ets. to the set •
rfort of tie prebseer. %ell. DLLON.
a lso ß k
Is:. 0., for ealo by
F . ARD OlL—to the'rels - ico. 1 Lard Oil
LA dap pq 11. Ncrt.b rulJ
.13 3 it W.
QUAL AA , ILEURIAG—Now Baltimore
81,24 tut umitt. rte •tt tt - td. by
alas Juut wen: t co.
A.NO AN ESE-44 bbls Oround, for Mass
IVA Slakes~, Wt W. by 0 ENNEIT, MiRIC Co..
ants W 0.114 tetra:
.4811—A superior article of our own
.711°' t '"egitTer, &MI to' .t.
5e114,-20ti casks for sale by
• 130 bal. arriving, fvr
uranium's a
POL—Lush paid fur Wool, by
MeRPHT Libcrtr It.
'O. 256 Liberty street,
latkwoll'a coleiratell 11:1,
be found:
Won...ten/Inn. Sane,
Il l y
Walnut Ketebnpfs
A. aL4 iO l t C 0 .%
Omen. and Tea &nun,
-200 bu. Oats;
/Lal Rye; Ibr sale by
ItettlLLS s Dn.
F LI3IE-150 cuks for bale
IMINIi2I4I/411111. a OU.
Young Ladiei';'Baarding and Day SchooL ONLY 28 HOURS TO el.— , ' , IMAM.,
Ri: i ; ; ,1 ;,,,,,, F• ii:!tEcloßy 7, il!vztri e rt
• l'.!1-.4'' rent Pilch `• U
shere Parents acai ' Stint]: Ell • .74:aw<ezt •
ivart!ntr. tea a -ia t -t, to cd, dal cd-s-t , ."'' W....1. ' PITTSBURGH AND C:.EVILAND.
lin nada d re XPRESS Packet and RaEriald Lino for
Laalt.h a cc
Cacclatd. atatia, br
• eitUbtrgb to Bracer. In ctuarcact aut. tie etch - amid Ea
t.tted taareal Packets cf P - ecs c. t - cr. Itcartr
harctsna. clad tta , tr:colid t: Pattim..rt °trot( the
...catissd and Pitt-calve; Idalrcal Ca. tJC:o•cclad.d.
; PAC:II.I . S. •
% . , - t1 Lit lAl'iC SULPIII:iIIe ACID
AL ram sod for
,D:,I4..CRY_L CO.
80.000 kiln
, o
r luut
UgLAR.I. ca!k9 Gala by
.pi tr. A: I'. frmats:
DLASTER-20 bbi,. 'White, for Rile by
,qa: w J. . 147 *tont 3[.
B ACON-2.5,00 U lbs. prime Shoulders;
liar,. fur roOr by
•rl' .11e4ILLS s !tab.
HALL—Having fitted up a fine
itu Abair I:nem an the story. arm . Dulaney. I
inv.. a /er. cempleta murk af Cnrnelitin A ca., d er
lArd Lamp.—the brit mattrial. vermanzE4l. and Lent
cirrir in we. Bari, nuttier, out Stinly !Amin: ' , Aril. ,
amt Tanen Ceareleiners, for Church., flail. /Amts.
no: nod at yery Prince W. W. W:LoiS.
IA The lar,e'scLiock. is the mfr. and W !an..
I..unatt L-41)N -rtta.
. I
INGS for Peeler. and TlnWlec
ret TL:pertr,, Dcquet ace 14,,racion French Pap,. whi ch
brilltace, of c..10ri...Trw.a, - . Gesule. and sqp,:rwrit^
a Golan. ran hanliy Lc aurems,l--Imsr. reed and for sale
aoaxamalalleg means. ty THOS. PALMER.
65 Market Atm.:.
OREN ES—A Tory euperior quality, seldom
Imported. J.t rec'd and f•r!-Je by
apt- A. weLuna a CO.. 20 Liberty 1.. t.
W WAX-1 case reed and for sale by
I IQUORICE ROOT-600 lbs. for sale by
ii aDII3 . It. E. SELLEM.
PO'ti'D ALOES-50 lba, for sale by
npl6 .r— E. sL'abeer.
1.1 ERRING S—la tibia. Baltimore;
U:rboxes Laboe s..anked: In ramand
Cit . .'le LT spl6 ILtIAII IaCKEY a CO.
- DARN GREEN--::0 eons assorted for sale
L br .pth J, if2lloo::3lAfani a CO.
no box. oun. Cbroe:
" ere=
160 " Niro e...l.rat=
Lb); Proflrc
2,0 biaLeLo /111 - l'ewhor.
4 bbit S.C. !awn Eau;
100 do;. Broooor.
10 bids Roll flut;cl
l 7 bit.
/ 0 bbd; 12moo otomarri forWe he
aDIM.I. 11. cANrizth.
FlOb z: A.TOES- . —4OO bu. Xeshanziock, for wale
*l5 W. lIMUSA
F h !U11) PEACIIES---50 bags for sale by
rnIZ , 5. k fir, iIeFIIICCII.
ITEM:LNG-1W Me. No. 1 Gibbed, for
_IA P.:O trf rtPl5 a ot W. 101101011.
r E It 5 5 bb1.:....N , ' , 9.1 1 7- t ae fi. for
1 Deb
U.O.SIN-100 btda. (sew makers') for axle &1115 S. & Or. ELAKIIAtiOII.
rODFIS-11-2000 Ib3. for sale by
ARD-100 kcg fur sale by
OS c . 1111:1BAUGII
1)10 COFFEE-150 bilekE i''i . lllo green, for
erls 2:15 Mery
VLOUR-100 bbls. S. F.. fur sale by
AL .15 A. C1.11.11.P.T , A, & CO.
j'LOUh—A frc.i, euppiy cf the celebrated
Peacti 3101 Flour, far • mutt f,r
01014 CCLII%.t.SWA L CU.
10,th LEAD-1 enek White for bale. by
INSEED OIL-13 warranted for
17J ~ele Dg J. 6CIIOOtNAKrJ t CO.
TALIAN CHESTNUTS—just read at 156
Ltberty ec ty 173.1 d CO.
a,115 Grow" sad Tea Dea lea
drums timyraa Figs;
tees L.:ea LFme d.receinel =d
Ci rale re, - U/ • A. Mral..l:7Rif C.7e.
S7le. Llterty greet
Itordeaus Swect Oil,
1,3 rv,il I clam Ay
aldi: • WM. A. CO.
1 , 11! AZIN'S (succeuor to E. Rouse))) JENNY
FSLIND !LAID Ye, era vzl¢Hbla =Ude
are,LIL, tod rtno,Lbsog Do Lair. =ad to ixp t
trtt trolo gre,,too. lor rile br
rolo H. L. ..LLLHILS, DrfoL.
BCrITL-1U bbls. fresh receiving
and fzrez.lcl:: . ❑: CALZMLL S.CO.
14116 rtrect.
,f 1
. 11i:1.SE-30 boles W. reearin , anal
eta!, it. DA LZEI.I.CI CI.
eAIt:INGES--30 •i tut recei Fed and
'Di. lld Wezr rtrui
SUGAR --.15 bb:ls. N. 0.. fimsalc by
VAiLS-300 Jaz" a. d. fer sale by
apls ti CI2I.I.4I::VSSuN t CO.
LILAXSEED OIL-11 bbl s. pure, from
ccun,, _a!, by
apls JJIINWAIT a Ca- Merry r-
QALMON-24 Ibl.q. and hf. bble. No. 1. for
1.7 tr 415 loirc WAIT s W.
UUE KEINE:4'J s. No. 1 ner) for sale by
' :701 1:17RBRI ter: 8 I! , GII RANI..
_r 7s 3 I i Wm. M-st
111APElt. lIANUINGti--Frtaa a 1-4 ctn. tp
105 63 Wood. tt-
N.llOl ROOT-400 Illy. (Setwea) for rale
1.7 by atm R. r. SELIJ:RS. E 7 W.l rt.
QOAP-110 baxes X. 1 Resin;
adma cm e ....1 ll ond 1.40 Cr 'M
Np. u Y Libmty FL.
ID AD. VALERIAN-25V ILw fur rale }: 3 7
ap . l IL r— tiLLERS, Wuxi' st.
AL \BAI LIQUORICE-1 for eale
X. e .) tor sE3A.esz
ROOT-200 lbe. eale
VENNEL SEED-93 lbs. rec....eland for sale
10. epic k . Y. 811.1.24104.
vrroN —l2 bales now :raiding from err.
k.) ba Y 4uw t.:ot nle 1,, IsAleitztatrict co.
Vow. and Front Fu.
017.7.c1l sr.clu3, in Etore, for
to! trk r uitk, ia~nc r rtm4talls. or
apli rx , rti PALM Z• 5 Mra ktt Pt.
C 6 ,r '1 , !,E SOAP --Z1 b i
V !MONATE AMMONIA-1 cck jtst
r,,,ived nod La. ells
lljoNl D2.F. OF GINGE'II-4 bss. recd and
f, rile. is R. E. SELLERS,
arld 545. 57 Wood et
bbb. rrc'd and for 'lade by
•pt: ty. a F. WiLSJS , 117 Fraa a.
11011. ; 1 ( CC
h 0 72 0 boxes
DRIED for sale
tomer !DA and AV.I _mots
1 , 10LASS1:8-75 bus. to: rrive, ffir sala bj
171 n. 14 ' cuaarami: a ISMIRAM.
cl 4,
• \ 31 LAI= Ibok .
Lasru Ah.
rolcratr.Zzcstnt et , !rr.!:.,,t Slmt Frerre
apl4 Tito& I'ii.).ll:a.:EZ, Market rt.
Q„OAP--SO boxes Rowlen3 &, CO.'S IMPZOrqoli
I_l extra ?Area (11:, Eevq f.• rale lay
\utralre stratx. •
DRIED APk'LES-75 bu. for stile by
raw.rairDut nlg_tii.
asl4 110 rSi
Now Itrau
A FRESII atipplv of tho A.rrtvtGur ISsa.
I*, c goultgeto iol:etion of Kgrular..4 Fro' a itl wly
Kroaniurd in four moil part, vit!J • fall tow .., o f ' Kg ...,
corm.. lor the cultiglium of 111 K ot lei. atti • , . 1 ,
cunt iu muttral tiotsnon,l7 wra. li. le-4aq
os, .
A Iva tilt,rtlr. • t 0. 1,, 11' b 'e
trU iKr K2g *Viol
liOngl4 p t tour voter, LIM. 4. Woo
_nun r
Togr.h2r with It Karig, relootitto of new . rui f,...1,10,
Sous. Woltz.. ruliar.. Vitruttinni, goo, i K by
IL klaillial., 1.1.. Str3 .to
' 4.° a * Uohlen UZI.
B uTTI"-20 c—i.
, ~ ml. tare, for Gale by
Knit r ' —L. d'lLttAllf! K. Ca
'PLOTHES PINS-31 i• • ,
lij .04
T oßieCO—S kegs./
j . , D olt u s L f u o for
v s MA
c hy ,
,:o. I Twist. Gedge's
"'thing ''''...- Killington. and Lir solo br
alai. - it ,
.4 . DALy_ELL. 69 Weer iC
rip ANNEILS' 011 r.
JLtale er WA. (torrive
J. F IDD .1 CO.
—l5 bblo.-a) for
TuRK EY 14'
BEI(—IOOU lbs. (to arrive)
.I. for Kiln or • .. J. KIDD A Co. .r
.p. 2.
41, 111.72 1 f , N b 1.; SI
.'ij n, N r iA—CCO H.S. (tO arrive) for
J. KIDD &Co.
' l ' * 1
,0w00p—,..000,5. (to arrive) for
160 v to
5 a ,,,,.. -v ~. Ls . iESS 4.;00D515• CartOna
,„ . ...,,, • •,. inont ! Ai., inal Srtr..l..wne ••••••1•,: .t.A. A.
"......... S S: .it tor,. rigor of rnor aria tie Latne., Der.
"`, ,plin.., C=E.,,c, iKul Jaccuolts. ' apll
RSENIC—S kegs Pow'a. for sale by
m, D.A. I , A NESTOCK :at
7,7 4oTfra l ra l e f
. 00i : ,—
Graham'. Magarina, .
.. .
- sealant's -
J..tip. , sap.. 4
Thene.i Catoatetionet • purr retleej. by M. P. It. J macs. SKI.
• 1nt...7 of 3.lseranlcelllo.:".
ilr:the,A n y,.. i ...,, b g . c .. z .,1,..:,h.
::.",•.: • Ta e.
Ansa Dot:4am or the Autobiography of a Mlnlster . ge
Lame Influence: • Tele for Mother ant haul:U.4 br
Once Aflutiar.
Mothhanl er's dr Keentapeuarc br (tram ATtC.a . r.
Ilic Ter:, ur tha 'White hour of ):e pod.
• I
of q Lauri. odd.. lalttory cad Adventrate a Pea 0 9ro, by the author
T barot an 3 Ma:here Ilalden Aunt.. .
lota /can; ne by Q. NI. M. /kitrlht
Courneto, In I eat-500.
Louie. 1.4 VallirM or corrluelcht of the Iron }lv'
Ntanteld 11•11, • initCl4c4l- hmax,—.oo=Pla.
The Warwick Woullarrit by Prank turrester.
rte } attvlx=tl:l l Z: i .,.!ly Thu:emery.
Drab:carom'. Weihriu•l Midah , l , l IT D M4 -
Peat nein or • Mcdlcal fltu:lent do y^.
The City Merchant de. dr:.
hertz • Itun,o. runs Tare; ua. dr.
Iteserlea of an 014 Marl: or nbl23 to.,yCCII; 31CD.
h= tild Callfortil. .
trentenaen'• tun:tett-LI, Caunt ITOr-c:, • •
Wits' Etiquette ant ealirt have.
/Lemur, the , cl.olar—tba iiiire—li,...:pe4sf„..4 C.S. i
D. 1110" actkr• :,1 - the - Pitts u:::inaa.• ..e. r „epply,
eenbett /a Lle Lest Ivan by t.. J. Peteerrre...cumelstae
ILlr.ra al Peacnnu. by Thearay—tunnet•
L.lmiline of Br=nl:l4t by le ek nth:tr. , .414 -
_.. ......... Burma.
Stra Imre their tar-11ta alte tar alonian - atiela
ura. at tl tralaci, A. BI- vaittare,^r, onto Csa flak. eta at
a aver. 'bid, sill lam lanavaliati:: tl.t arrival a( tan
arrirlaz at area. 11.9 , 41 kr 14, Laereavrayara
a Cart Ls. Cavalar.t. Yuaeriger, by. that, :me arriva at
:tern!avl la time to tate Co bath:ail Lac at Steasaaril
r fleAl.o sad Dltil:011'. •tal itiarirra tar 1.1:11e,
itilaautte.Tolealr, ftatteaky City. I ,, taktri alai Chia
..via tairaiLag trait or ear, L911,491t9L. Xe 1349, •1911
Painas & (A, Prataiettati.
CrEco cracr Sc. l'lcar • f U n l'
OCw lc. Si. /LARSON,
cts,ler Jlancic....Lchc
J.. 4.. 11tY.
aanur cf EalLtEcla 41.70 stmet..q_
apt iTBBIIII6 Q.
- On the Pezunylvarda. nd Ohio Golfo' ,
ntoitEr., PAttia k Fe• - •a Pa.
(;11.1)117.H.L1N CEAU (ki., 61.4estoikh, O.
!PHIS Well known Line is now prepared to
A emEnt ., . t. :.vmtL, - 1,1kg..T. T .: - L l l2— "
the &chili.) of the Limo aro iltrort,iliel ratr , 1cr.4.3 , ,"
tx~orof toPooltr of boars. ek krt.. of
nrol ot•
.4er y of Agents.
tine beak /nivel Pittaborgh Cleselbod tii:toronothA
conection with • Liza of a' .o beto.oir itylrFA•
Ili:Witt nod BEAVER, Ltd Laic of clot: etraorbooto
propeller aril 'earth). the
Nrk3 A Co. T 33 A 33•33,... •
• M. U. Taylor Warne, Oi
A.Liam. Newt. )44.0
c'ereothis, bares.. 04
Itratloa Jt Co., heron., O.;
ILErirlotel &Co., Franklin. O.; .
A. Mille, llto alma Want, 1 j •
Whoeloz Lee( Co.. Akron. '
t e lenderhob. Pottibone•Asibdolkt Gant);
Pw.tbama a Scott. Toler..
O. willows an°, Demon. athoo, s , .
lionserturrA CO.. klA.nlater''`
0.0. A. Ilibbs II Co., ChirAvo, 1:1.; .
la EN . A g AtiUEY, Am L
opl Tiros. rater shd ktuitLtold
kilaiti4:4 3 eoSAllOClnttir•Z=A
I • Pair Officr DEPARTMENT,
March 19, 1551. j
IT BEING DESIRABLE to 6Lbstitutolocks
k_aisd keys of roma other kind Con the:lore in »a for
i he inell +et-eke or the linnet Statn.. etetniffen Itckt and
I !.eys, sith promote to farad:, the re.. aid be repaired
I con-hired et the Pad Qt re DeNerre..r.t, until
i t . ..he let
Pay elite)) , ne?t. The different Ito?. o c tit to,eetintmto
; ., :rt 4 7c=lll. as e! ' ,VII.TA ' 2 d a 7 ,,IP ' !:, ]r entered Into
1 fernishin, root. Probe au?d /14 . 1 . , tpe Tramorltb the
~ .Ir;f:.' -t rs.tdo l gl,l.l" i tt.Vgglt' l oo r— t bt r::
Perlitlenel [lnn of Pour Pare, br thr coarrettor
•PCil'arp.''-i''rro=etiopetthat rllect, not more
ore e ' !fo t i r Lgt n am k :s
Wial, lice of rroeueng the tic et lock • . ,,,, eetrrieei.
o kind of loch is lenaenneut
fora earthen on the meehantre/ no:hand hman.
winch fai ocoo ,Ca 10,1.4. may derriere.
t la,
.borrever, pro per fence, that loto ruiuble for tia.,
mail Ferrite should noon es the folicuin: qua:nee, rl.r., do
, ability, uniformity, 110-btne,/, cud ateueth.
fee the pursesdlarlaelne rimultattstuly all in.
'Jail lecke anal.key, tow ha Ivo, alant thirty ham:nand
lock, and Sweaty theuzasoi her, antr a thereb,..ill
reguirrel tor be forniabed toe the contra, tor .111,in ea-ma
raaathe after the contract obit Baru Leer. autenei loam af
• -xiwin:l;th° uenuni intrriit;;:i et b ,- 11•1 PO the durubne
t thn Was taxi het, er the lartrue. e
' but It vil• prututly tt•ttu steed In sukouut
.. 'Zge wr' thutut.tul '' at the tu . ar am 0r of the Ist-
lock will be considered tf hit to, I.Le any already to
til soy one with whom :be coutmet 2027
lc =sir. to sd
to uite. .11. or fordsb any lock or
. • to time contended tor. fur any other purpose
r es. • I in that of the font Otto lierciament.
Tre •
kind 01 iocke adopted test Le ton _rest, and the tee
y will tort , outel, on en lato contra.. to rinks
e7seenronieut of Ids retest for tho excloovn ton and ben
t of the Liericirtmatt, if the resteatuticr General shall
ouch teconterornt essential to the Ictels.leOt the ecr
t lee. In too of the failure of the cottnator et my time
fulfil faithfully the tenor and eandltioos et bls cantroot.
the Poatronster General aban have the right...boa/dm reeort
to the penal remedy Iscreinaftc - racntiontd. ID annul sal
mntract. zed to contract snow with ono other petty or
I attics as he moo see at, for far--00L'ng ehullar lucks and
In dealingtpea the proposals end iireimensontled.the
General Tony ow n it rx,..iiirct to velecalbr the
malls the lock of ono bidder...l fortbs way 1.111-.
that of tenth.. ' lie reamers. thereto.. the tight at cone
methig - with diterent tniltvidnals for such dlflereat kinds
of locks tte lbe may litiva, and also.the right to rcitet nit
toe viocimone eat crop osals, if he shall dctoo that outer.
tor tho ltdcrert et tho Trepartairob he roots no Patio.
rintracting 1.11 to required to give booth with amply so
rutty, in tha eons of thirty...and della.. for • ...bra
performance of the contract. The contract Is to coot*
lisivisicua for the due and rosy. inineBloo of thobtoi
sad Item and ales for goorgia4 egitnit char Tinesin,
nula i Err Lanni; th e tetras of times prirtno v to
ra. botween the Department and the autorada l .
1: e should be accontect. tier.
Tioappllcationswilltectnisidcred if not nottcar .
serdelactory evitlenta of the trustworthy thump, raabdwlth
der, and of his ability to fulfil the CClltrnet. .erof the bid'
K. BALI- noels."
. SALE -1 gaud sewn' j'hand
••• • • .
"g — AIiDIA SILKS, SATV,7s.ic.—A. A.MA
or bills Has and
s:D.lsaa 117tca Sllka of
.17 r ult aj3d chessto
, ....
ill ... 4 . h. - A ir st rweive4,per expresa three cssea
U. loconttts .14 . c Ar r ,,,,
iv' OCIIA r;l 7
OfFEE—For sale by -
WM. A. McCLUIW. C CO. Groper.
OM:o.(V - . Hal
boxes, viny superior, and
...srizackaccr A. 4nat t g 11 , 47 :
Atal.-31 casks for sale by •
'J.4 It. FLOTD.
,1444 bbls. (..kpfe k ) il asalo
bbL. lIoU, for sale
j. oyD. '
- - _
ACON-247 pcs. Hams, Sides, and Shoul
ders. wr nta b 1 d it PLOYD.
sacks Common, foitalga .
BEANS ---5 bbl!. Smell White, for .ale b
6217 J. 2 n. 11.019.
8 .8...09 n, 3 , 15-75 doz. Corn, gym.
„CI.ISSI 4 -100 Mats for Bale by ,
.Plc J. SC/100:331AKEll W, 24 Weal U.
Brandies, Wines, &c
ACING completed arrangements with
Hoax.,Ali In Bordeaux an.l other Eurapean anew, Me Leention of my cadent, 1 inn tam enabled to eta: to
lemle a$ a mall adv.. ram Importanon east, BRAS
PUB% ra
8188Y..1 LIQUORS. of the Snarl doserlptlon.
.fn ass under carlest house lock, (J"
Attention Is Invitecl to my Ilet. as balnas
110 packagraCosm Booleann, and RoMmlbsllmalles, la
X. A:. sad id , ripen pale a..^,1 dors.
hinta and oa mats pale, gold, and blown Ehestlran Lna
and medvaas nalar.
SI qp..etaks Madeira.% of awry aranle.
1 to Wznes. pert. ssty old mid mperlor.
Sic V baskets Sparkling I..l.saxpment, sell knoan brarata
Boxes Mims, saMate hmade and'
100 cue. SasPerne sad Flamm siatssm rietaxci.
45 take Sauterne and CifllLt Wine
iS PIP. Old Uolland sad Sample= Gln.
I l ahlekey.
SKI Mks eupgar LoalonZel3.l Gloat sod Even? s Ale.
mostant evyplr of Imported Llemers, e n d: es
Alsasntne n .
Mammal., tharacoa, wry 8.-an
dr. bo
Bs. dock of ILA r.4..V.A =GABS' slyer, . p sL
All or .-tda, mill Mtn vers ntsmahls term ,
Ostlers ‘lll be executed with ampsnar...dxs
at lowest palm A. U. Weal, ~A,
Laporte: tad Deana, IS3 Walai
splalaw2sna:p) Ptsl'.er
CV Whom It the man oho Con tr A worm( Ole Italian',
of an way Maw! If thy [hero'„, ; we do amt artiliars car
tels. to them. But to all W. , set if with to
Pr ohm- tos. GLM. Band's
Almood or Motor j ut sui ts i u }
eis'ioceemit ‘ the nO/inge of a
rereen—oho lax lam re , : to ,h o th r , awls ordinary Mgr
mca =skong trial of ' :ionoor t!nedflilovimi.
J /1.1.14 cwaLl•
111.Y-il 114 uv.:e t :, } 4,Li is te , s .di e 4,.
e the Miffs. 3. and mom wiry bowl soft
and nhand'iPT.. , r }home ' hie lather and bl Itt
' nbn allasioe the I..,4thin.'and Prerealorr
that nrildwair emif }elms of tha skin chink.
' CA J oirs win k
y f e m
bee , se il oso m pierong winds = s hah !) l allea Ito
gm,..witli t tho xluu L„ ttst .L. L .. ',hotpot Anil Mom aho
'dna . n itere owl Wolf ray,'Sril I Amer use . any other.
Woe usust u t s .. u s LL ,..—set i mb will to cepetmay
eilbreawho boar obitlart—ls the foot Mit It will not
.eolor the Mani, which mat wait will dr:44 , 3'0% . a a t
tesety impeormat Mob° edge Al ots whether}
Mrs lima'. Y. timilr., }Wawa}, dell,Mtfulforporretiont, -
..prcnlllo.l With sklll, to the utter exam: Goof all males
calathiled to molar the operation M . shaelna tlpleatall4
and nib be ocredated 1 , 7 all who make oral of theta.
Brefaled by
31.7=3 RACED., redo ner uui Chinr.lrt.
I.7lCeeenut Moot. Yhtlailelphia.
leee asle, wholesale sail nitml. by 13. 4. Wahorsitom 80,
ard It. E. rotontruzgl4 gad Jobs daygint, and J.
Mitchell. Allegheny Qty.
Cretuat Nora;
arrouters At0112.1b514
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at
this oertelvdbl 12 o'cloek. day of April. lo
t a u dai.ury.i urtkita,f,., tae use of Ura
atAI; 9 )lanta ittotkltal. mar tbie City, uutil the Mb day
loe, laati:
Bee; oa but to yoseatio trOta bona: prise Per•
• bread. each loaf to weigh ou• "
Brood ,buyar of the beet quality
Untie ........ .....
Flour. " ror.R nupeTtle— ....
Beeubolt;l1 .1;1
- retraen.
tam-- • ......
All or i"Lr,..--r. tu
it ! and to too fur.*d.ed at path CAI
et as on the thu ww mV tt " ,
te:ro up Li ..L ebo r.4. %fr n ik l. f
eta rain bur , tr... •
......~~....~...~. ~ - - 4 u r
PAPER..-at.o mo s s ut by as Priattr.g.rawr
Spy•. :it by 36
r. tr 2
JS 1411: F 4 bi 34 24 fry f. 4.
try 444 ,
mut,se.ury Paper;
bito. Cruun Utz .. .yr rim
anal !Jumble ,
;au .M.uttura
L' so _oz , . CV:Mai/la.
kens COISSLOAuy CIL uwma Liad e
" d 1. 1" 4.1 . 4 "."
AI3O—INUMPI of . 11 duutilrfur MUUr Laufataettitera.
rnarma Paper matte to talcs au si.r
J cock..
L. .
frb2 , s runner of Penn .41
Morris' Celebrated Teas.
mend. 21 dart nose DiCrlc.ra
ksoellemt VOsmily
The tact
r — yirfere tau. are said In
Praltaly the sane Muds 0.
the utd tV‘itar, 0 . 4 ma ?.? Vin-17:51 Tat
establishmera at .
Tao .4.4.4 b. obtab...l sa,