~rsf -_~- w. ~ - ~ jitY kit indirr ET JAMES USER. .twttl ns gi'e my Ea iweet,Je. a'. the wives I yet bEe e'er!: It s no "bet /001 E% it's no her air. her eeern to me see fair; xfolter form o' toodeet grace; her winsome bonnie fare in her heart; sari pare'and free, ....,',4..,2sist:inalCeiher a' the mirltl to me. ..._ Let itkerS fret, 't is wine toaing The joys that riches canna bring: Let me the Miss o' rapture share, Where smiles dispel the'eloudso rare. file me my cosie, happy home, a the gear on earth I claim; My wifte and my bairnies three three, Are main than a' the warld to me. TIM :FLORIDA EVET.OLADEs.-03vernor Brown. of Florida, has made a 'eery considerable etPle". ratiolt'of the Everglades; the opinion he has nr ' rived at anti confidently entertains it, that not only is ; thorough drainage impracticable, hut, iC It could be effueted. the depooito laid Bare .-iitould-be found to be a purely vegetable dedum poiltion, light enough, when dry, to be Moira away, and quite an combustible as peat. The • ~ Everglades areintersiersed with numerous ohm. Eels and lamina of n depth below the level of - the Ocean, with a limestone or sand bottom;, end where the absence of all current permits the vegetable deposites to accumulate to a greater or •- -. leas depth, it is still so Imam and unsubstantial that many year's exposure .to the action of the tonisnd atmosphere will be necessary to impart to It the qualities of .soil. By deepeningi the . outlets to the aca, , the water of the Everglades could he materially lowered, co ss to reclaim • and about the margin, and drain the numerous :A M& Interspersed through this great waste of *atm. hut nothing more can be done.. The wa derti of the Everglades-teem with fish many "Ariel-iv, and ipsiich numbers one mUst see to believe. With a simple spear the fisherman may load his beet in a frit moments. Wild fowl • ore therein such enoMr..:s 1:10,k4 as almost to . 'darken the AIM, and game is ebunda,4 on the Add to these the indigenous g zwyth • co a n dy or ,anow root of which the Indian . ,motet his bread, andlhe attachment of the hes . Itge to fnlCh a spot is easily understood. To him It Is almost n puradise. ,ILisaitha,o/lnyhet and the.Cardial's 21. y; Herald professes to have certain information .to tint effesa that the question of making Arch ihisher Hughes g Cardinal, tattle- came before the .Callege of Cardinals at Rome, and that the opinion of the American Charge, 51r. Cass wan asked Upon ' the subject. Ilir.Cass advised that the opinions " 'of the American Catholic bishops taken relative the Mutter, and this has been done. Tho Herald :states tLuitatheir reconamendaticu is adverie the appointment, and that they have so signified -to the College of Cardinals. . .' • GENEJLIT, LINT) orrICZ, April 4, 1•±51. rIteeEROITS APPLICATIONS raviso ' e ma. to this alb.. ter befortostlon herebitthnt• citable.- in arfilch Laud Werthote. bleier the art of trylltof otenther. ISO. ehould le! locate-1. the follotettth =wen thereby lath been prepare]. te wit X re Ate three modee by which three luestir..) 41.7r1,. . By tho Warrantee in pereinr C/61. t a telLar L lttez=pla the t.gc,cy or tbie office. It tho Brat or work mode iiiitopbal, the application • •olzt est be nude writletr. specifying the tract, land diatrirt _oraaetkm of country, in which the inearion Is d. ired, and acco lt mpanied by an affidavit adconling to the following OM I. Whertrtha third mote ie alerted. a rower of Atiortut must ha ruzineod, exrcuhal by the warrantee in the .pree oanaz of • 1r121.164, according in the fallowing form tio. 2. whhit pewee ot Attar:ley moat Le acknowledged. or rebred • the cane may he. before some came authorized to take • 4.oseknowletizurtent of deed, =cooling to !beta Zia. for 4. • toad amt. the Parente will Le transinittedtri the Lead OW* where the loaatlen le nude, unless areciolvilreetione the contrary be given. J. BUTTERFIELD. Commiezioner. Foam No. 1 ZTATZ or 'C,oirsrr or Rotors on [a Justior or the Pesos or other arises author ial totals ad:davits) nerennsaly armarod [hers insert the -4anna of warrantefq vho twin. snrnna. &yeses snn afa r that hats Oa unntleal [bars frossrt name of warran ts,' to thorn nannnt fu— .res. and the Art - of Sninsnibes, ]SLo, was Issued s.“ th.• day of =A who now kopho . to Moan the runs. [Alas.'s sins:mums) Emeent. to moil tultectibed 'Mawr's dirtottom.l W. McCLINTOCK Is now constantly retetrme Lis Spring Stock of CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, & TRIMMINGS, ewes-frit; in pastae followithe. reediest CARPETS. Extra Royal Telret PDC CarDetK do. dn. Tapestry Urn.. Sr. do. do. Drhestlrt extra %opts. 3 ply. supertine do. Intstisice, extra Moe do.; One do; common ds, cotton do.: 4.4.; 34. reh.mtd Wald= '44, 44, 6-4, and 24 • 04.1 n d 044-4,34, 7A, and 24 wool and whom do. •I RUGS, MATS, OIL CLOTH 2 &C. Extra Chenille Anse; toe da; do; extra tZtrtol do, toe , dn. do 4 mum= do. Chenille Door Maim tufted do. do.: I3SATZ OP elossep skin do. das 'Adelaide do. do.: Thrum dn. do. Corwrr 1 Crumb Cloths. Palt o itzdo.. Itnclang 124. 644.0 d 24. ' Also—Sheet Oil • cut to ht. any clue or room. • th i s -- day of in the year —. personally' 1.4.7-4, 64, 54,44, and 6 1 4 Oil Cloth,. .614rartal [lan w ' rr. "• l4. " . """' • STAIR RODS 'BLINDS, TABLE COVERS, Se. VSl=l:-th, ;tlrZi7=rir.o to , Also—Stale Rola, of all sheet Carpet llindicgc Mat Car. me Inx ) and that ho ls the came person who i Path Rag d0464,44.and 2-4 Mattleao; Tablelew; Clash •le described In the within lbwer, and who eras:wed the I and Moor: ilockalmek do. Transparent ti ludo. Stiodag [Otiteefe 800 liairdes. mittan Illiothe Embossed Piano Corer. do. Table do. otand do: `too Table do. Ft r , ll=l alit I p toiLltVj. y e s 1:1= the WI To ratra dl ' Ts ' ;twos. .we 7= l ey th roVe h p7t.;;;T o. IV,:1 coed " torniralyTtl ' ite n ' S ' ad I solierand o ur stark at The earl et iVarchouse, Fourth street. mehl9 j W. MeCLINTOCK. Fonx No. 2 Sam all men or thearpreeenaf, that I, [here trarrt the ws. of warrantee.l of Oho County of —. and State of do hereby amitstltoto and appoint f .7 true sad lawful attorney, for me sad Is my matey to lo land Warrant No. —, for acres of hod. end& Smelted soder the Art of September, IN:4. Rower of Sattetttution may be Imerted If dedred.l Signed in presence of .11Tarrtnteo's nicnature.] Form No. 3 Forte '%.0. 4. ST.LIII Or COW= mr hereby tertifs, Cl 'iat 8111.14—day of In the car---,car---, • T rsormuy came Were ma (tour insert the Imam 'camera, uni[btre inert Creamy of warrantee:lood lbe told I ere faxrt the nameof_ witocrad hot ps • well Loam to me, no duly sworn by roe, alai on Ida oath d=lared and tall that ire Well know . the cold [here luxe , . the sumo of warrantee.] and that he war the aunt- femme d_wettlbed I tool who eleeuted the within Power of At tumor: sha- u•stn- to me razi.stsettxr eV•de.r^ of t h at fact, and the told herr (wort the name of marmo t...l) therompon acknoul gut the raid Power to be b s act enitdrad. aptliAlatnEhr • ifdrer'salgruluted •FITEIII3I3MG KAIL LOCKS & KEYS. - • I. Poor Orrice Df-astarllENT, Aforch 14, Ibsl. rBEING DESIRABLE to solidlitutetodk9 oral ken of come other kind-LA..Moss nor In ose - Tr.r service of tbnll Mug Vtate•g - sternown locks mid - . keys, with 111.0"...114h. Garfliql the rune. ail' he revelled And ftlil/idcrod at lb.. letvg Ogles. Deportment, until the let . day of duly next. The different locks nulls submitted to ocantahrion for examination and team, liyno this re. port, conlowia will,. coon no amenable. ho watered into fu foredehlog such leeks end Ler fm four ysena nith the o aSzight on the Dart of the gnetruuter wen for the time ',Laing to extend end meadow the contract to force for an • additional terts. of that yearn by giving to the eoutractor • written oath*. that effort, nnt more than nine nor Dar than elasnimths before the termination at the fir - 5C term Of fitowlhe e 3 • view of ormattaun the heft lock at the lowest mire, no kind of long preserlad as a rtatulann the Department relying for n telethon oh the mechanical kill and logenu- UT which *lair competition, issw in ad: nay tlevelete. It is, hoverer. proper to stale. that et het imitable for the mall service ehoold pnese the/0i1...c10g nuelities, TiT, du. nollity, uniformity. llghtotve, ILGiI strength. for the postgame of dispivelua "mimultatwoumly ail the locks wad key, now J1M23!.. about thirty , th ousand or lucks 241 torah/ thousand keys adapted thereto, will -rogire n d tole fruitimbrl . lstt;:trsetn , r ,, wl il i d l n n x ' te:gm u unL;t:: stoma supply will dem:A n on ' tl;e rr durability es the to and kepradopted; well as thecae ire tail sernof hut It will probably er reringir. amount :shrew thousand of the former mud our thousand of the let- Sari enera lock co n bereonsldend if it be like anr already in 00 „."11 k , o'V r a TAlt'i,c;fl7l=l totbom co/Warted for. feny other amt.'es or nm than that of the Itet Utica DenarintsOb • - 6ntae will Tbri kind of locks - agopted musthe Indented. and the i - required:On entering Into ountroet. In mate. sawlmuuent of hit patent for the...lustre use mad tow :et of the Departheut, tf the P.m...it ("mend Flail' degas such rosoirement'emeutial to the itthcomts of the ter. rim In manor the. Were of the entitractor at any how to fond Ihltbrultptbe tern. mud send Won. of his contrast, thaPtentawsterlietteral obeli thee the right,theLleesirewet tbe penal manly linteinaftre niention,d, W 00001 odd Wet, wad to contract anew with ant other wty or • as he mar see 11t, p.• furnishing alma:. loW and deciding nontlannropoitala end .icienerta °firma, lb” :Partmaattir (knoutmay deem Itespedleot tee 'elect for the through =allot/4e loot erase bilder.and for the...Y.. 1 /r tau of &natter. the reserve, therefore, the right of am amens with Mikes. individualm for much different kinds Of lock. as he inky nelact, tort also the right to tedeet.all Ithe=ena and propagate, I f he slain deem tbst comae Seethe =mat of the thpartntent. The' forth or . con g be redultsd to give hind, with ample te-• carat., era tom of thirty thousand dollars. tar • faithful 'porformance of the contract. The contract . It to nonfat° nt eortaione fie the doe and proper hugtotion t the kdka • 4tea, and aim nor guarding against their f.11261ba into buidr,dlin wrote ortiteea provislow be between the Department and the eitc , ,,..nfol bidder. If • kt should Desecrated. 21, wileattrent tor be ecissidered'lf not xmmpnaladwi tD adiatlndory evideoneor the trnatoottbr atanaernltte . deli ardor his ability to fulfil the enthot. Donme se tter °costal. • oschlthlAwl4OS BACON'S ItiEIICASTELECOLLEGB, South East swum- of Iva and s Walnut Strata, tmscutssit 'onto. (Incorporated in 1851.) Rs. .. Principal. H. SNOW. Emo---,-.teeturrr en Conmerdal •O. WLItIttOT an d T. V. Ixosue-. ...... aseirtante. itS. BACON begs leave to return his sin- Dire Wank s tar the very liberal patronage which ortelved, , and bee.. sr indefatigable attention to _pontoon, to merit • continstance of the unprecedented enc. "am that hoist/coded his efforts during the pert winter. • • The attlitrof Itualtution. of this description bee bee= oteoplatery established by pertilasl demonstration. nal rtsm so .10.1 y attested by, the th. 11111.111 la. 1.46 enter ed the olventages of their intruction. se no looter toe. r 511 11zige bt a argument for !lai r support C eulogy unto Me pith adopted to teaching combino practice with Elnorrt fortnad of using book. the rtrtie eee*.tvit.d to =Panel entries of .”.7 dey busineea traneartions. rig. Pao*, lialencing Konsunt. opening, and chafing a mart variety of dtlferent eon it 800., bow her p and individual butinee. where the buena. Creset7i 'd orrapero • and cdversrt anti thus Qualifying the 'student Po eraverng into the phrrtket dunes of the so. ortnetant In stay kind of bonne.. The morn of instruction will omelet of DOODLE EN. MY BOOK KEEPING. entbracing__rterY denittiment of • lonleand Mercantile ...count. Or Wholesale, Iletall.Ccos , Exchange, Boo ting. Manufacturing. Shipping. • • Intlividual, rszto.rent._Steamboallos. end Cantrtond Co. • 111:1411G811. Ornmerelal Calculation. Practical rourterusbilt and Palmy:tartlet law. _ Pukes are 'unneeded Individually. awl n pr oceed e so \ . , . ..V . ,Meese =• t t , l2l . 2e u l d . St as a -y u lt;ue, andr In the • " 'Public 6.1121211110134 ars hod. (though vuolls ore ream • • bed privately If they desire 11.) when the student odder goita ,rlg4d and thorough in br the Principe/. wadded by &Como:U..lw of Practical Accountants and Bo ". - AIM. Men. and Piploinew awarded to those who are deem ' ed wart's), of them. • ' - A coureeeme be completed In from six to ten weeks. : ...And so suesedo4me, thil Principal would state that army Skirt* In Ws weer will be done to advance his student, asses may* them thorough and accormillehrdaccountants. • and tds sate:wive awmalutaree with the but commu nity will .oM:tale enable him to proctue Idtu‘tioin for !thaw diadems of &Awning them. Terms—Fur * full rousseof telecom In hook EseePlate, Writing. Lkommetelal Law. &re. eauts). lip-am The Pennsylvania Volunteers. . . 1)13SC11113ER, late a member of the. —■ Sno od Itegtoutut of Petuasyhatas Tam:deer* offers ;ma...ma serrieree to the member, of the too .hea+ aortas of TfOniilroats Tolontems sewed In the Lae war vita I.Wtm. tatoileet the allays to which Met oh ea ptborderftes det of .AY , passol the tfoh day of matted an Aet to provide fat the pa to sod floonel Booboeu to of Permylnals Nob' unseal, tabs mend to the lets war selth bletie." ._„ - IL IL WOOD, Attr7 et La.:; it:I7E.LpHIA, NEW YgitKmid.,lloS VON WALLT.MR—Prodt zemectiv• cities,. Wu eg , b 7 IIiTP3-421114 11E '-SM ,lefelteiltiratiatatabieter Wear. 111.7MRPHrtritURCIBEFIELD invite the at .1..V., teittlanliflotrOa tsi ttiair full ainsorniarnt rir ?prior and tinonniar•Wear, tar Mel wad toys. tranaisiluft a Cob. mantis. Merino. mares. tantantereaaaintetea.tiV2 ar= D'el tata s'741111" eal7N . Lik" ... sat Freud, Luau, Al. put open. superior Shirtina Marlins. Mots 11 a. warranted all nat. tient , Tel Ildkla, finer BPI, ilturbani 411.tana..iiid spa and Glove. and licelerr at aouttnnat cco•urt rr Fourth and Market stream API. cOLLA RS, CUFFS, An.—A. A.. basos: & ~ p.... aro nor "vain, p.a) v.ssada Wrought Ooltars au l: mit. Loot sit, liPm. Ciriutearttaa. sstre. i-s.r , .' mai: _____ ___. Parasol 44. A ;ul ifi c, A . SO . !,,,,,,,,Ct....61........nd Gl....Msr.k:inti.it New Spring Orb, at No. 85 mark et s t• 4 LEz.A.NpE & DAY anuld reipeetfiull:,.' ./3„...... 04 ite r tet . je tru t „...,...,,_r oki ti b"' s t r t . Zo r i f, A L - :f .., :‘:l: 4th il l:i t . : 0 . ,r , Pastern Marti. int.... , •,;1 3 .,ii. tcy wtroacrale nr r. trirrrS ".""tvAl., VaiLltit k PAI , b 5 E1R&0,4 t_ ~' tr9 . l* ark llotich vil4 .....' 'AI. 9P2.-....11....L. , Wholesale DrY 60081 . ~ ,t 4, MASOI; .i. CO., 02 and G 4 Market . ~,,.„,,,,," nen daily ono.. , a . nd . r i e;rl . 4l o n d a . thel: t ..f., L r ri Valitcliena .°I. tn.) G att ention ... rr .: loa to - nriltch MO rw•PaalLect: d en the att a „,, ~,,,,,,i r atecy YI - mita ' a ni__ He •• Spring Golds A. MAC & CO. will open this mGrn g—lW Of /Mportect not American :PRI' dCrlAi. i' ca the latest set trent faratonabte style:. to itatch ;110 sot Lat Ow all. on of their patrons rad the patche rriiE SilfSC • flpt Lon iOltreneecl te vih'l3 'Yl3lrAltitt r tl i7P,R 01 I,tg„,ti , lfZ',lrit'lii 'Nit. J L., 1 , 0,.. 4 boons Al. n yc a n l ' acto a, Erin, l'' Mull. UPS I t ailltria. alma ' s. a n Milan (..tis. Cancclint res. Cassias., Tweste. and Jcmur Drills us Q.. drape, faith Liana; Pont. lisltfs and Ceram , MN, Mon, do trate, and cotton :bawls. 110,,,, , ta'r'o I. ),,,Ark, LaCel, re Combo. Button , fare 1.1 . rc. ic.c. cc I. cil rellra Table nod h e et Cntiery, Coe as, al .sus- is swim. Az . tn.. to. bleb he respretintty invites e attention of merit... and pedlars .2. , Lt. AItDIUT/IN ter i . ll eon et 1 UST REV ' AND 'COW OPENING AT i t 0 OEM. two 1.... No 19.12rrar .1 • .0. A very lama and raw Mack dr iarafsaabte Locals, crawled 10 thattleat al •It Vl.' foe Ipri u , octrametng the newest styles in A erican Sclagit-b. and in.rh Co-i -mama • Tel y erpleadal I.l2.o7tment ni % estitlM, and Cloth. of every fa...latch ehade And colon win...nether with 4... K. a.% wail manurratiraat 'rock of "[LADY 0 1ADE CiAPTIIINU, maker me of the , largest and he` , Men.. us-3.‘ al,c , of the &tracheate"' all of which the Pram. r It deterraland Ins nee. at retch peke. an will manna ail I who far, •• --•-•-- -• not ante the most any. rt. Outdo, tent. Lot alq,, at Oh.. low e.l Al trier t or T.1“.11.(4. 0.1.,.... Ll 4,' the heel pow ends. nonce met! _ __, .. _ Out, It Warehouse, STREET, 11If. (Cy 'ale, at very ,•...„,..01.1. oaracrarcent of }Amor &rat Udine "7 / 1 6.NAT4--cro • na•l American plainr' dfa • Straw, Braid. Chip. p, illCou. Lace. flair. P.uaeta, EQ. horn, a c.. kr_ HAT,tc—Merc`e, 1 Itae, and 13eys Leracrp. fancy .d I it. linald.a.raw. a. 51.111 e, and Yalta in 1 L YlLcs"Gtr: . / 8 1 * 7 . l . 2Pacc b rt P.l s,rn ' Xlt i = etcl or schaV r tleri'll i fl d , EMMA S—lttak Entuatt nu! -.all plata eel. and Tot filer, all width, and colter. twars Gauge alattlraw tape LACE—Plain 1/111 tlCured white ani ...ad Sit and Cotton Nett,. STRA W TALEALLSOS—Cord., trawls. Cut... Brai d, Patents.. kr-, trea. L FLOWE/Lcln—freich and American Sprig.. Detaches and eeparate y rich and vat style. 80-VARY BILE AND EATINS--anare, Om de No Ora um de Wand. Florence, acal other irtylcs. mocorted i nuallttea • SA TLY., ' ries and caloric Ii clal'a—ale l'arasole and Ilintrallae, Band Doan:. eto-, malls .flopmeta. is receiver, and the follaving•Z, OUR open.d. Chia. White =ll 3fillan Chip, :1.4.114L nne Straw . Floret. Cri buflid.Per Q.e•en'a Own, War and T. Jenny Lynolipd sad Faith. Roiled ltnw and Salo, Amer Paul and p Loo bsart Lace, . . Mixed, Fluted Standla. A. A. !.LLASON &CO 62 and 04 31arkeest. IGIIT CIIINTZES.-MGRPHY BURCLI 'gon 70, 71. a rt lo of SPRINEI i, BORNRIT. reltint, ve almorym this er 10w...1 , 019C re, 1.5 i rent, Ronne Ribbooo, Roo.. um, 6 0 . mebl.3 RAREGE Jr.) LAINES, Light and Dark, Juanalna a fts ant-. vet-, beautiful Freneh. and eat em far children, roam and 'elfin, low Or tochl2 IIURPIII 1 hCICCIIVIELD., CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, tee QRAWISH.A. A. Mons & Co. have just ~, 7 .4,-.111 u' Pm?rt,;. - . 3o .nrat'.. Crh',,' - ',. Jr'i'.'..',','',." - •''. X:- er Shawls. r *P. - TRI:I3BONS- . -A- A. Mous & Co. will exhil, it, WI. morning. natant of siew rtvles Cannot Rile egg, Cap do, ang Lace Veil, Dialgeihirriee. 00 , -.-- lk URPIII7 &BURCHFIELD have lust re- J,T 1 .1 00..,3 dal iziorrd g.hy rip 0x.% IA of art - goule eve 1 azi Islaaa langlienlorvil ' iriltv,Ture ' retine ' Palstilerileliwiee needle coltarvand tuna Laragas alai Mot... Waive of lies . an..l begatlinVatrav Wile Bonn Ipliligaviil White nod ,. Tart \ ton Ilkialins e, 1 . .1 4 IC - 10 R.P.H.YI tc_ BURCHFIELD hove cow i‘majli, alZi e t 4 rßirrAftlA l li r oln. ,V IL Vitja, " or:lite? , :rt.o I :."'" ~ e .4 . :, . .hed i. heelhh, 12.-1 taunt Eheiginh• end Pillow , 4 . ,,i,... .o e and alstlln .111 In..kle fur 1111ov Can... aril BBLACKBER/WE & SILK TR I ISUES, for Ladies' tear, to to and at aal - . 11 UltHrY k BUR&IFIELD'S m URPIII, & till Reif FLELD Love rt•reivwl r a jet, more all wool tm-mi, mai Caaaltrare, , e.; re apt lipRE N 0 111 PAPER HANIAMIS--'l%Sprs , R: err, Livicuration, Velvet *nil hal Paper Ilimpiuse alai harder, rim Drawing noon. and Park& a !rout the i eii heated annta-ltume Deltagent, at Nei* jail refil aoJ (e tale nv l? . , WALTE R P MAIIIeIIALL: 04 It iael 010001 . Wines and Liquors. N 0,157 Liberty if.. Formerly Davie erode r farhey. - o. nrcsitts, of i•ittsbutti t i [2. , toryt N. , of V. VICKELSEN & STOUVENEL, respectfully • ..neaseeha, the poldiegerittally, and their trends littlfay A tigity ,i lre estatillthod I heir ' WLNE: sod aloreir . Uthere they shall al tki.g.l".sfoli=l7;.' WrAVi 5 Zt EuZllco. of tlie, chokes; stagger. 'Jamaica row. lioll i siut gig / 11 2 Whisli.TititAihttsirhr sod sparkling brtrk who, ailr steal . 01po 'r ,qteTaili " .... 1 11,r • A " l:o, " =,NI:o i lgod " herZoss, SitissAos thou rib voters. All °fit hird the.. Till sell. wholesale, or set& so the moat reasonable Um.. floe of the partners. lir. htotivettel, stilt ...attuning his leatortatios burtiness In the city of N fork. the stars Vett it enabled to sell a cheaper sail s better ord thn so other house this elti. Please glee • .0 ele 1, h eft . 10 0 ,:pareltsse else tiers ,I:.fifszoilitta Flo:Tiled bre of extra charge, and at the riost satin ! ap.9 11,11). KIK Banker and Exchange Br, a km. ran= Literrt r In Wmtern rondo, Mont • on the taatern no' maker renter-aim In the wort at km rat Os. and It now yarin,vl,hr hlghert market premlum.ln pa; fa for Almaden whit Temp:alumnille and Noblestown Plank 1. Road Company. NwOTICE a hereby give n to the Stockhold ers of saki Coy:pay, thst they . maks DaYment a laiatent, Treasurers