The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 25, 1851, Image 2

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FRIDAY monnco, APRIL 25, 1851.
. • •
too .wbig• s of Peansmania.
F'.. I ', 43 ..•
, 111.7 r i ~,,,,--_,A ,...nn.meT111.1141123411,
fo ln r.u. tbo Cttl imer
Of eong. on Tlei,,Lsteee the the eee ,
" OM . of Governor mall
r......_'''' o a d al. for Jodere of the Supremo
Canal sr..L.—T- 4 tig:liitY 31. BULLER., Chelrosau.
drawl IleMet.IST.
. C4 lore➢b it rupppg l o.
p .., ~" c. r.. J..
r.K.'*„.,—,di Fartuel B. Thomas.
U. o---e- ' T.
T. F. Brodß,
uel Bell T. Taylor Worth..
ST. J. Ilobtoson. Ales .der B. Dm..
word. BAIT.. Woo.
- Thrones .Cochtt. W m.oo. )l
Soldes B. Hardman. thrgaraCb%elps,
Marto C. Wile.
; c' . . it =it John AM..
Daniel) leCardT.
, Jobti Beadcoott. - Georp Me..
Was. Era.. ' Ales r U. IleClore,
Job. C. IS ettlle.Freorrs Jordatt. -
11.. Ii.,NDLT. SMITH, becreterT.
'First. Page—Charles Incledon, the Sailor
Sing r,Liew York Correspondence, Local Money
Idarket, Commercial News, &c.
. Fourth Page--Poetry, &a.
Pagt—Horec Market and Telegraphic
' tilitt Nos-L%TEPCOMEE.—The threats of •
withdrawal of custom from Northern cities are
becoming alarmingly frequent among a certain
class of newspapere in the . South. One would
think tbat the Northern States were conapletely
at the mercy of the South and that nothing but
the most obsequious obedience would secure to
Its the permission to aril' the threatened 'ruin. ,
Tax LAKE 8
.These threats unmade in the very language of 4
the Infant School play ground. Witness the fat- nE ittOirr 01' WAY.—Sieve we
ova penned o rein rke in reply to some strictures
lowing comment from the Richmond Enquirer: 0 .L. M." ,-a
OL i.oe .........r.on.. :Ted, in reference to the above
"Will it be believed that Horace Greely, ahel subject, we hal , learned a fact of some imper
editor of the paper whence the above extract is 1 Mateo in relation to the Franklin Canal Company,
taken, was a few days since formally received ,
''''" ... which we wich to co oke attention of our
by the Legislature of New York, on the Fame l
Soy that a similar compliment wan paid to Gen.' I Cleveland eentelmpo ~ . Ito
say_' ratiele which
Riley, Fix-Goepreor of California, whose eater, \ we published ytsterday, he saj_
if nothingelse, entitled him to public considers- "We are gratified, therefore, at the result of
tics`. ; Ailing as the New ' Tort: Legislature th i s i ett i o t e tf ou j Th e f re main Canal Company
shall continue to exhibit ouch - monstrous enden
cies of'Free Sell tendency, they cannot septet 1 oul i g h toue d i n ; t h e Legisleture of Penroylvenie
i' has received thir endorsement of the liberal and
to ere the South willing to build up the pewee of 1
the State by pouring their treasures even into. ; °n u t e cn o n h ore now it o rth ec ere ute , wi th th e c fu a t ' m tr' ol c estEd r. lo o n. the
New York city.
' We confess i d y l some compunctious feelings et
Atesarding to this, we mutt neither chow any
opposition to slavery, oanselves, noesffer say re- ! the idea of bringing our gratified brother
but of
. tbe
herald !mad leeertheless, to inform him,
y down from his. M
atilt, we
speceto those who may be suspected of such .!are ezeilett.e , t, .. -
' opposition; no matter what other °philters or I the fAgtolutruu
.0 e
Fenexylrenia ilia actually
good enalities the individuals may display, The I pass an act completely emascelating the Frauli-
I. jiegialtiture of New York might here wished to lin Canal Company, as far as the great object
7ffatecelloraCe Greeley for his effort in fever of ! of
,t,h , ectstoutcro is ieuueerne d. We arc no t ie.
4e tariff, or some of his hobbies, such as html : formed of thelexect phreseoLoo - of the act, but
erefor= , I e European ' Republicanism , etc. u
' ''''''. it completely tillifies the fraud attempted to be
. edam is niter an, but one, out of a great many
I played off u n the Legislature and people by
important questions, and Mr. Greely's error real i
1 that conspire . It is contained in a section of
or supposed , on this point, might 4" been j the act p to incorporate the Susquehanna••• forgotten by the Legislature. In this View of, and Erie d company. This hut act gives
the case we think the Enquffrer somewhat eel:et- I
' theright of was from Erie to.theOhioState line,on ,
. ins. The New York Express, however, gives
the conditio that forty miles each, of the east
,.,aneexplanation which seta the affeir in a new I
ern and wen gads of the road are first finish
_' light .. , oil and in When that company is formed,
Nor it so happened that the invitation to re- and e i g h ty es of Railroad =ode in the di
eatio lir. Greeley woo eSered by Mr. Thompson rection of P ladelphla, then the-pi:maga will be
mit end uu(lltmker member of this city, and i
or, the Scheel and faith of the Enquirer The clear. This , ill take both time and money, and
invitation wee made as a joke, voted for no e I long before i'' can be accomplished oar Cleveland
. 'jelte, and received as a joke by the receiver.— 1 neighbor wil be so well satisfied with the route
The whole otearrenee was heartily laughed at throug h pi burgh to t h e eastern cities
th a t h e
iniAlbany, and heartily repented cif by the moo- I will not il. - ..y ether.
, .
jlre 'suppose this version of the story will
4013 e the Richmond paper mightily. It trill
'Wive co objection to laugh at a Free Sailer, how-
Aver mtmh it may dislike to honor him.
Tan Srzawantr Pacirtc.—From the tables
pnbliahed in the New York rapers, we learn that
shortest distance.made by the Pacific in 24 hears.
wits 202 stiles and the largest 216 rata. The
746.6 e's time is 26 hears less than the Asia; best
. — *stab , trip. This is a wide gap, and in ail
Trehability the Pacific will stand first for a long
dime to come.
. _
Sr.Cuanz Horra..—This fine establishment,
(late the Exchange) was opened yesterday, and a
sannlxr of gentlemee, 'stranger's and citizens,
=tang them those meelonics and artisans who
had been engaged in fitting up and furnishing ;
the House, sat down to a sumptuous dinner,
' • served up in fine style, and comprising all the
alelleafies of the season. Besides the extensive
imago whinh_hase been mtulo in the front, and I,
business room of the Hotel, adding much to 1
. .
is beauty andconvezdenee, itboubeen thorough
y purified, end repninted and pspered through
put, and it is as sweet rind clean as if just erect
'O. The furniture is all entirelynow, and of the
. 'moat appropriate character, and the whole es
rritidgialuxient possesses nu air of comfort quite
- liessilig to the citizen or sojourner. The table
:is supplied with a very rich display of modern
' - vitylea of . Ihruishing, equal to any we have seen
' f leither east of west. Altogether. the St. Clair
- fgetel may be numbered among the best in the
city, and under the experienced management of
the obliging host, C. W. Dessert, the travelling
plbliewill Sad it a most pleasant and comforts
' Ile lioasm
- The proclamation of Gov. limit of New York
is written in vm"y pointed language, and nowith
standing the formal style necessary to an official
• Aucument seems to reflect directly upon the
outrageous conduct of the nullifiers. For in
stance he say= "A quorumfor the transaction of
blear-ere, requiring the presence of three fifths,
son entirely, dependent upon the caprice of n ,
single member, who, after his attendance had
beencompelled tyorder of the Senate, again do
,' parted without its leave, and thereby prevented
' the formation of such quorum" kc. Sc.
The Legigeture will meet on the tenth of June
and In the meantime, elections must be held to
slil the vacancies occasioned by the resignation
,f the Locnfoco members-
A XIS MOH' =on 113 . 6 Clocas.=-The Euro.
piazt Papers give an account of a man now in
iPrasda who pretEllliS to he a native of Lararia
sittorted in a port of the world hitherto tmkoown
to as, called &kris. This new division is sep
-41: fratt the rest of the globe by great
.oceans , The story, as current in Berlin, and giv
eit' in the datglish pipers, is that he was first
;Men in a village near. Trenkfort-on-the -o . l er.
In appearance he is like s common European,
and has communicated with the .peeplo in very
bad Herman, hut tho manner inwhich he Larne d
whale knows of the language is not epla i ned..
epos being questioned he managed',to tell the
nano( his country, as stated shore, and also
his name which Is Jophar Voris. He speaks
and writes too new languages: one the La:aim,
which, he says, is the vulgar tongue of his coun
try, and the Alarturtian, which is thelangusge of i
the priesthood. His countrymen are civilized,
• professing the /praticnreligion, which isa branch
en' Christianity,--or, rather, Christianity itself,
, ftt form and doctrine:" and in their goographi•
cad system, they recognise Leto divisions of the
globe, ander the names of After, Atha., darter,
Supler, awl Schrte. According to his story, be
left Laxaris in quest of a long-hart brother; but
Widthe suldorame to be shipwrecked somewhere
—where he does not know, after which herniae
his war—haw he does not know—to Europe, to
Gernisny, and to the little Village near Frankfort,
wham he was picked up, or fast attracted notice.
He has been shown maps sad asked to point oat
where his country lies, boa,,ite is unable to ems
say satisfaction on this point.
One would t
. .birdr. that such a t,-unsparent im
poature would lowr.odistely fall to the ground,
Dat live may believe common report the Strati-,
. • Scr was treated with great respect by the learn
-ed Bs Frankfort-on-the-Oder and has since lreen
ante° Berlin, where he hos caused much Mlk
.anuog literm and scientific men.
TE:lfadlittEW SELPI3OII.ABD socer.Ert
-A. few days ago we published the report of a
gainreissry meeting of the ladies, to devise
plea for furnishing the Western Pennsylvania
Baspital. It will be rentembered that another
Banding was resolved on which has since been
7 held. We give the proceedings in the colunds of
wiferne Matters." We understand that a Lauda
hlS .euthatisun prevails, and that there is every
prospect that the. plans adopted will be highly
inecessfel. The =augers will immediately
nista 'direct appeals to the benevolence of our
citizens, tad we trust their efforts may be
jer awned with the highest vexes a. When the
eat so long desired hicks so littie 'lts con
' r.iintlistikews. there should be as little delay as
, - Tat the 'Plifdplng Nand :Society
.:'not hp warm and .111nrall hag% and 'we
eon hearthat sese.hospitals,s#4lP?
We tuitiMute eierylutin, woman; and bild, in
the two cities andarity, end the great mass
of newspaper read th roughout the Tinian, are
aware that Jenny Ld sings, to-night, in Pitts
burgh. Tye choice 4 t seats will be sold at auc
tion this morning, at 10 o'clock, in Masonic
ME From remar4s we have heard. we fear
that some persons d not exactly Understand the
nature of this sale, and, for them, an explana
tion may be n ' .": The - minimnti price of
the tickets is five do lass, and the competition for I
the choice of anis must take this sum for the 1
basis, or starting 'int.- Therefore all who hope
for en opportunity buy tickets at a lowerrate,
do, not understand the language of the adver
. The coldest gmmbler at popular enthusiasm
casinet deny that the unbounded reputation of
Jenny Lind is sinst offering to the nobles geni
us, combined with lemost miraculous power and
sweetness of voicel f besides the
: minor gifts ne
cessary to asu sful vocalist With ell that
has been said or 'tten, this daughter of song
1 has scarcely recei ed her fall tribute of admira
-1 den; for the tongu l e and pen fail to describe the
wonderful spell of enchantment which she
throws upon the hearts and senses of her bear
eis. . Being vrartted by the failure of others,
abler than ourselvps,we shall attempt no descrip
; than of her powerd, but merely say that whoever
i hears Jenny Lind not only partakes of
! the highest transient enjoyment, loot secures a
' c recollection that an never lose its freshness end
beauty. 1
___ .
9 pan Wassasurros—RdienZ to
Releente Sot h—Ths Ocinn Movement. #o—The
annexed telsgraphie dispatch (rani Washington
on Sunday, 'appears in the Philadelphia.. Sortb
Despatches were yesterday received from Mr.
McCurdy, U. 8. Charge at \ileum, of the date
of March .... tit, stating that the Austrian Gov
ernment ha refoaed the application of the Sal
ta' for pe salo n to release Easenth and. the
lituagaAra trioti, his companions, from 'con
finement- y • compact existing between ' Aus
tria and Turkey, theist= power was charged
with and accepted the !surveillance of these un
fortunate exiles, numbering several hundreds;
but fading the expense of their maintenance be
burdensome, she applied to be released
from the incumbrance. Permission was granted
in reference to all except Karma' and eight or
ten othe r. The
vae deciaion was communicated be
fore in . Th • reached Vienna respecting the
recent action of o urtiovernment. An argent
I appeal will be addressed to Austria on this sub
; ject •
The a-Duke, the brother a Mrs Emperor,
i who is to =nand the Austrian Navy, will visit
;the Unite States to the course of the year, to
[ examine or public yards and modes of naval
• construction, and, doubtless, make himself ac
quainted with the character of our institutions,
gnne fnipota li•
The tie rumors in regard to the apprehen
ded Pasant" are greatly exaggerated.—
Ifo doub a project boa been formed, but very
impart y. The tiorernmenthas *ten every
precauti to put down the movement, aheuld
any - be aitemptet and the intelligence received
by telegraph from all the Federal officers in the
South juxtifies the conviction that it must fail
and be abandoned. No expedition can leave the
United States successfully. The act of Congress
and our f uty under the treaty with Spain will
T ara
bo faith 3! executed by the-Administration.
The a made by the Mexican Commission
will be aid at the Treasni7 or the public de
posito on the order of authorized ptartiea
Thounotion of paying interest on the flori
d!' claims, which has so long engaged the at
centime of the Cabinet, is yet snspdhded. Mr.
Corwin will not resume his seat until it to Fet
tled, *ing, before becoming a member of the
ie;toas co L
ut, expresser on opinion in the master
The to French Ambasmdor and his family
will 'calve the United States on the 11th of May.
Lady Pulver will visit England in the tame
steamy - . Four or- five of the principal diploma- 1 '
tie home" are already • closed, or are about to I In the cat; of Edwin Forrest cc. Catharine
disadvantage great dinndlnnll e to society in I Forrest, (it New York,l Judge Edmond, has
Was • gum. ; given n decision, dissolving the injunction so far
.—,...........---sesi-- as it restrains the defendant from molesting his
nom SAKES sTromarAm. 1 wife, because no act of molestation is shove,
and ni c o. goo c d tio gr_ i e . n a d l e , si a ste i„ fo o r hr az i ptc ,o hLe d i n g it en y .
MeeFs. R. G. Scott, C S. Morgan sad Thom
aa E. Jett% Intel/ Untied Una; James 'inch.'" straiit ' s ju tl ' lr defendant from dispos ing of '" his pre
en to l eddress the Central Southern Rights Asso- ; party, because he hen not abandoned his wife
Mal of Virginia , at Richmond. They eaten - . without adequate support, and there Is no rea
son to npprehend that he oil! dispose of his
ded h it this invitation because they understood
A property so as to avoid the jurisdiction of the
that i l e enterukined , Vas most profound love "" ! Court_ But the injunction is retained so fur es
admiration for lhe.f...tisdkntion of United 'it restrains the defendant from proceeding in
State as it was written and underatoll by the, Lis suit fora divorce in Pennsylvania, because
partite and sages who adopted it" Mr. it de. ! the deffendromant has
York to oot legalat thly c
State, and hanged his
hes no
enoet the
rroposcd honor , but seals the „ At.. . xi . denre Nell
right, philo both parties are legally domiciled
!dial the following letter ; in New T orb. to ouhject his wife to a foreign
Wanartarfn, (near Lancaster) 1 ; jurisdiction for the purpose of obtaining a di
. April 10, 1861. t , T erve.
1 dig Derr Sirs:-1 have received your hind let- 1
ter of the 2.nd instant, with the resolutions map
' ted by the Central Southern Right. Association
of "a, : inviting um to address the Associa.
tier, anstieb 'tithe sa may suit my convenience,
and cauxual with them in "regard to the best
m to be adopted in the pralutalarmingari
sis f the maintenance of the Constitution and
the Mon of the States in their original parity. '
I hadd esteem it both a high honor and
ve ins
privilege to comply with your request; and
the Afore regret to say that engagements—Which
I need not specify—render it impossible for me
to visit Richmond during the present or possibly ,
the next month.
The association do me no more Man justice
wheb attributing to me a strong desire "for the
studnamsnea of the Constitution and the Union
of the State' in their purity." while few men la
tilt:entry would venture to avow a dderent
ass gat, f a the question still remains, by
what means can this all-important putpose be
best socomplishadt I fed no hesitation In !in
verting, by a return to the old Virginia platform
of State rights, presented by the resolution. of 1
1710 and 1799. and Mr. Madison's report. The
I poWers conferred by the constitution open the I
general governMent, must be construed strictly,
anil Creams must abstain from the exercise of
debbtful powers. Rut it is said these are mere
In:i”ing abstractions; and no they are, unless
fuestly carried into:make. Like the Chris
tian's faith, however, when it is genuine, good
winks will inevitably flow from a siocere belief
in such a aria construction of the constitution.
Were this old_ republican principle adopted in
practice, we should no longer witness unwarran-
ta in Congress to in
tiban erith d da'''l°W'''s a tiaelnatit thi nti m on p of domestic slavery, i
~h i o h belongs exclusively to the States where it I
i 4 10 3,, There would be no efforts to establish
thigh protec ti ve tariffs; the public! money would
t be squandered upon a grind system of inter-
1 1 intproeso peot, general in name but partial in
g I v ery na ture, and corrupting in its tendency,
to the government and to the people; and I
' tiwonld retrench our present extravagant es.
' suditume, pay our national debt, and return to
e practice of a wise economy, so essential both •
1 private and .public prospatity. Were I pe,
1 'ma to address your asatedation, ties. me the
toonneels I should give, and sake of the points I
ishould.discam, as the best mesas "for the mini
*nonce both of the constitution and the union
lot the States In their. erieaal parity," and for
'the pexpeinatinn of our great and glorious con
i federacy. •
I , With lentinfalta of high
- feNnfit I rnmnin ,
yours, ray mapartfolly, , • ~ . ,
• .131:8S BUCUANAM.
Bohai O. Scott, C. 8. Idorgen, and Thomas E.
Jetta, ...Com:dale of the. Central Southern
,Illiipits Notation of 811101 11, . •
con-mcgodence of the N. Y. Atlvetris..','
Losnom, April 6, 1861.
The Queen and the Prince Consort visited Irti* . ;
Outlay afternoon and spent two hours in wing
through the various apartments and division!'
of the industrial Palace of all Nations. The
Prince seems to take a lively interest in every
matter connected with this great work, and be
umy be frequently seen in t h e morning early,
when the noLility as a general thing are 'still
asleep, riding unattended down to Hyde Park
corner and watching the progress of the work
men with a zeal that does his taste and feelings
infinite credit. It Is a pity that more men4n
high power do not follow his example. On Mon
day, am hundred wagons, loaded heavily, wore
standing at one time in front of the Exhibition
waiting tote unpacked. let such is the sys
tematic regularity of business here that the
whole of the east was deposited
without confusion or inconvenience to the or-
dinary ----- tiatTc of thethoroughfare. The arrivals
for the machinery department are, I believe,
completed, and the authoritios of the Palace &-
press, themselves highly delighted with the pros
pect before them in this great feature of me
Her Majesty has consented to allow the fa
mous "lidoli-i-noor" diamond to be exhibited In
the nave of the building. Extraordinary p?c
cautions are to be taken for alto safety, yet of
such a kind that the curiosity of the public with
reference to this most precious of all precious
stones will be gratified.
Several of the foreign commissioners have given
the executive committee the strongest assurances .
that their allotments will he all filled up and
ready for inspection by the lst of May, although
the contrary was feared. The Americans espe
dolly, though little has been done by theta as
vet, premix° not to be behind hand. At present
the French and Austrian r.,r; almost the-only di
visions in which any activity in e n reatirtglhengCrg .-
nary fittings is displayed. tip to last eight
77130 packages had been received from abroad,
more then OW of which hail been passed through
the customs.
There is on' vine - Ida fact which is worth
lug mentioned Witt; reference to the distribution
of spare to foreign powers. The original intim-
Son of the commissioners was to rink national
ties altogether, and have the whole exhibition
divided into sections without reference to the
part of the world from which a contribution
came. That blot woo not approved of abroad
and a geographical distribution won in come.
quence adopted. The representatives of Sar
dinia, Rome and Tuscany complain because the
idea of a common Italy has realized to them
within the Crystal Polace. Spain and Portugal
too, will no:forego their distinctive uationalties,
and insist upon defined boundary lines in Hyde
Park. But strangest of all, a portion of Belgian
territory steal in the way of France, and her
defatigable and diplomatic commissioners did
not rest satisfied until by a rearrangement satis
factory to all portico, he was enable to absorb
Lord Stanley was entertained at n dinner bT a
number of his political friends en ❑'edeesday
evening. The ohject of the bouquet was accord-
ing to the Prutectior.i.sts' organ, -to afford the
leader of the country partY as opportunity of
putting an end to all the quibbles to which polit
ical schismatics have subjected the openhearted ,
policy of Lord Stanley " "t
Madam Bunsen, wife of the Prussian Minis--
, ter, had a rcceptitn en Wednesday evening at
their mansion, Carleton Terrace, nod among the
guests, Ron Abbot Lawrence, the American
Minister, and hit lady were the centre of Attar
The late Mrs. Butler Cole, a very wealthy
Lody cf Blar.Lburn, bequeathed to Mr. Dixon.
her physician the sum of £3OOO, which - his gen
! tlemso declines receiving, he having executed a
I deed of renunciation, and the money to be appor
dotted between the young heirs of the deceased
FVOLFLL EArAGa. OF 1 . 116 EAltalletABE. —,
paragraph recently appeared in our columns,
announcing shocks of earthquakes throughout the
Western World, Hindustan, &c. Fuller accounts
from the Levant 'disclose a fearful degree of hav
oc resulting from the phenomeum---Letters from
a hodes, of the 6th ult., furnish details of the
treat earthquake which took place en the 227th
of Feb. Rhodes has suffered considerably; the
fortifications were completely destroyed, and
several even have completely disappeared. At
Marmoriee 500 houses were laid prostrate: At
3facrie all the stone buildings have been knock
ed down. Two hills have met, and swallowed up
the village of Melasjik; and at Egendjik a moon
lain was removed into the port. The casualties
are estimated at about 1000 eoulis, ie stated 1
that the earthquake took placeat Satalls,and
Tarsus. I
A letter from Rhodes, in the Venice Clatette, I
states that the terrible effects of the late earth
quake were not limited to that island alone, but
were severely felt on the Asiatic continent oppa
cite. "The towns of Makri, Levisses, Doveri,
Rene, Carnsola, and fifteen villages along that
coast, (says the correspondent) are now heaps of
rains; not As house has been left standing; from
600 to 600 persons have fallen victims to the
!montage; the commit of the mountain of Igin.
kirk has given way. Olive plantations to an im
mense extent bap" been utterly destroyed.—
Springs of potable water have been dried up
and boiling sulphurous springs' have appeared
in several place.. The soil around Illatai has
cracked in every direction, and the crevices ex
hale fumes of bituminous vapor. Tte European
colonists of Makri hare taken refuge on board
the Austrian ship Isidore.
The inhabitants of the, coast and Wends are
ina Stith of the utmost despondency, as the
shocks continue daily, and the few houses left
standing are in a tottering condition."
From India we learn that the earthquake had
been felt pretty extensively over the Punjaub, or
-the northwest provinces, on the 17tb and 31st
Jan., and on . the 4th, 6th, and 14th of Feb. No
injury of any hole has been occasioned by them.
Letters which have been received from Martini
que and Guadalupe, of the Ist ult., report that
rather a sharp shock of an earthquake had been
felt on the 221 Feh. at St. Pierre and Fort de
France, Martinique, but it did on damage wo rth
speaking of
Letters from .Ilexico, of the 16th ultimo, state
that at Guerrero, on the 26th of January,-there
was an earthquake. At the same moment there
appeared lathe hemens s most luminous meteor,
which passed frttr. root to West, D.ccotopnoiCd by
terrific thunder. _ _
Truax= Ayr...ln--Thu Corydon (la.) Argus
of the Ilith givev us the *tails of a terribleaf
fair that occurred in Harrison county, en Thurs
day night hot On that day, a man, named
John Hennepin, moved into a house near Eliza
beth, Posey township, and invited one of his
neighbors to a epee or Aottreqrarininy. He was
seen about eight o'clock, in liquor, and it is isiw
posed that a portion of the family--conslsting of
John llannagan, his wife and six children, Hrs.
O'Donnell, Patrick Slave, Ono adult persOn,
name unknown, and one child of John
O' Donmll,
deceased—went asleep under the Influence of
Liquor. While asleep, the hones by some means
caught fire, nod the roof falling in, every one of
the Inmates, twelve in nurulisr, mot with a hor
rible death. The Argue sayer
Ppm spectacle presented to the persona who
first reacted the scene of disaster was horrible
and distressing in the cstrente. No eound was
heard onyx the hissing of the fire sad crash of
falling timbers, every member of the family k 2 7-
log "already expired; but through the burping
chinks of the house, the by-standers could dis
cor thn still uoconsumed bodies of the occu
panats. There the mother with the body of her
dear infant still lay clawed to her bosom,' to ;
to which the little 'utterer hail clung in the last
agonies of this horrible death, the bright flames
shooting even from the eye-sockets of the twain
tUZlSte mother. A sad, sad house-warming it
proved pi be indeed. The charred remains of
eleven perons have been found amid the ruins,
whilst it is know that one child is lost, whole re
'are out been discovered."
mains /21171
The subjoined now ;nineties of lien Mexico
have just been communicated by the Suintin-
tendent of the census:
The total number of square miles in the Ter
ritory Is 199,027; population on June Ist, 1660,
was 01,574; deaths during the year p terione,
1,157; farms, 6,716; productive establishments,
20. The number of sheep In the Teritory
I 453,293, valued at $566,616 25; the ruimber oer
mules, 11,887, valued at $594,860; the numb
of horsee is 7,050, valued at $211,500', the
number of settle is 31,681, valued at, $378,-
GLOAT Aatt Sroan.,-The Galveston (Tests)
papers state that a tremendous bail storm eras
experienifd at that place on the sth huttent.
A midday shower 6f 1901113003 hail stones Com
menced falling, end continued for about fifteen
minutes, accompanied and folloTed by frequent
flashes of lightning from the overhanging clouds;
and fond peals of thunder. The hail-stones
measured from two and a half to three Inches In
diaMett7, but many were three and four times
thistdte. From Is third to a hail of the lights
in all the viadowe fronting the north were 6ro
„The distispisited.and brilliant American Re
slater, 'Sow= P. Winesnm, Esq., h., the yel
lowing remarks in relation to the great American
_ -- .
Statecoor Flattrit WEBersa -
'•ik man who bas acquired fame as an orator
and statesmen he minty considered. even by bis
own partisans, In the light of an author. He is
responsible for no • book.' The records of what
he has said and done, though perhaps constant
ly studied by contemporaries, are not . generally
regarded as part and parcel of the national liter
ature. The fame of the man of action overshad
ows that of the author.
We are so accustomed to consider him as a
speaker, that we are somewhat blind to the great
literary merit of his speeches. The celebrated
argument in reply to Hayne, for instance, was
Intended by the statesman as 0 defence of his po
litical position, as an exposition of constitution
al law, and a vindication of what he deemed. to I sill t;titt....-VIBCBGU L'r”"
be the true policy of the country Ihe acquisi- COI 0P23
- - —= -- I
two of merely literary reputation Lad no part In
the motives from which it sprung bet the speech
even to those who take little interest in subjects
like the tariff, nullification, and the public lands,
i will ever be interesting, from its profound know,-
edge, its clear arrangement, the mastery it ex
, hibits of all the weapons of dialectics, the broad
i stamp of nationality it bean', and the wit, sor
teosin, and splendid and impassioned eloquence,
which pervade and vivify, without interrupting,
the close and rapid march of the argument
.'Considered merely as literary productions,
; therefore, we think the three volumes of 'Speech
ex and Forensic drgwitentn, ,plated at the head
of this article, tuke the highest rook among We
best productions of the Amedcan intellest
They are thoroughly national In their spirit and
tone, and are full of principles, arguments, and
appeal., which come directly home to the hearts
and onderstanilings of the great body of the peo
ple They, contain the results of u long life of
mental labor, employed in the service of the
iicouotry 'I hoy give endence of a ..opaplete fa
miliarity with the spirit and workings of cur in
stitutions. and breathe the bracing air of a heal
I thy and invigorating patriotism. They are re
piste With that true wisdom which i i ,bmi, ~.t h .
ni LACK ' ISTIN Y.C*TANHS---We hare a
ered lean .are exercise .7'." ' h strong arid compees • BALE BY AUCTION.
bemire intellect oar the complicated conce rns of Y pH, CHOICE OF SEATS for the Concert ' .I? 101 l aixirtion . : ,. .g it. different ot-elltis a tortudthe
ma i l hilt and duty They display qualities of I' ' '''' . ll%i, lEliffY f.. 1217/, I 4 :,-..4'i c3 ' I MIJIWIII • DIiteIIFIELD
mail and style which would give them fg hilt }, ]v o lt te . n rr ee ,.., A uc d„yA,,,,
• ,
place in any literature, earn if the subjects do- MASONt c H ALL
cussed were leas interesting and important, and ,-,,, p r ,d,,,,. 41 „,a 26, are 1,3 ‘ ,.. i „,k , 1 , , , j ~ ,I p r•:, . 14 1. , arpand substantial two horse wagon
they show also ti strength of personal magmata a„,--xj,wit mirwr,__lvi,•,...„. Did i, .„.,,, ... i , • •,.,.., l ida dna Wes, for sale on &Jr...At jiv j, it
soperior to irresolution and fear, capable of bear- , .., a l: vac u uroc . :l t c , to , l ,i o m
, h - c 1.,=4.L.,
co i t,,,..___
__ I, a Wood 6 heel _
mg sip against We most determined opposition, I 0 ,, t ,,,,,,, °nap, jalt i l i orlifl A os , ..lhe close of the A Very Desirable Residence for Sale.
and uniting to boldr.ess In thought
of us ' stoti;3., 'eleTO,
action In all the charatteraitti.s of great lik e - P'' ---- .g`b_._.' ta r '_ T H. ''' . _ j rittlE undereigned offers for Sale, utoo Of the
racy performances, they ore fully equal to matt) H. D. RING. , jl. most deedb. reudincee to We town if %Weill.
I hteek man), oho, coutalohni ahou‘ sit woe of lend.
works which have stood the test , of age, and baf- B an k er and Exchange Broker, .L wawr. Fourth at. ~T'h,,,..". " '''s""W". gi,lith•l7;, l ;•9llnru n t
Oa tho skill skill of critict sta. Still, though ,
II r EST ERN FUNDS BOUGHT, and the Yet., al; gTt ' th r e . trei :thlets io sir country le within.
read and quoted b, every body, though confirm - I v v , rig , el ellitemag, and itlien it L. retembered that to sit
highest market price paid Lr MLI La ire Car ‘. mouth. frOlu Ws wine It will be whin tour hol . rideol
ally appealed to as authonues, though consider-aset, ,, e a s . pea k stock too yo .''''' I litgllurah, It will be uoin that here le oo all
ell as the products of the most capacious wader' — t et for who b e
a thee end etc -ant retreat hem
standing in the country, few men seem inclined the Il L ea ~,a1 b.m.
op ooKs: BOOKS.—Charms and C.Ulltrr I tr, ~,, l b .. .., ......,. l;„ ,
. r.:,
to consider the high rink they hold us our lite- h r. ..
Charms : b...,. b it 'll.P.itt''.an the Th . n , I Id Lir,' 1 r" l . . l ' lre bu ' ild ' ir x.. or Ph . t...;;ille e r o t ' ) in: now be bad for less
et x . e a et... W og t h e 17th Century by 11 k eeft, ' l vol 11 pe t . th e t gr atax t ,ge ore ., ta , at ," pr r , gegt , nu, tad „r,.
rature, or their claim to be placed among e ,„ „,,,,,, 4, . ' se,, a Ithout charge. a lot of more thwa Mowre...eau=
the greatest works which the human intellect has 1 Diothiaitsl of No. harliiii.B,4s,,, ~ I ;go e t. r s e r, • ,!,, e . i fer gou the bank of the (par Canal, ...d about twent t
rile be , from the Deno' of the Ohio and Fentvrithung Railrad. tr ,
produced during the last few years se2 3 Apollo Bonding. g en, rapitafUt or company who will este:di - 1h thereon •
• .....f... r , ft..., Lotion,w Wad, width .nail etoplo.
200,000 lbs. Rags Wanted, • cap•tal o igil,ona Et horny In mind that diaeolllon
le ono Of me '
oral heal:Maul and thrtrla. theme wen of
On which the behest market price will I riutheroh. Com .5.1 all tho pest. id hills. id well •.
be p. 0.4 in tuck. at ittel'aldr Pad Bali Val aiOulit. ,^ 7.V . =hr=4,...:"7::7...., .:,,n.r...r,..., °° T. 4,
..lElrottf street, near the Canal, , • ege .
~.2 i . .
J a euxowicr. ... Y r . " . bY Canal or ...
Wtgeno can be had initgor,. letter,
to amp other 1 PlielllllT JAM IS.
.a‘tonds,.. i. or p lAin m t, cheaper than can be found et any o th er Masalllon, April 17,1651 —f+Pztt.
ON DON LABOR B r ITILIE IrON----Do:,. HS box. leg and SI. 3althe YY Le.... brand;
.LA roan, in W. Mnetaenth Century. •CI rida , or 1
tge rocial Lunation and Larinotge of the Poorer , .r.u.r. 111 i Z 2 . 0, : ~.'"i e .,, n , P44 ` .. . i..d .. i
taii Math Tletropolia. In ronoortlan.lth tits eamtry lt; 1 'l5 .Ii a Limp, Nravdtcli A OW'. braid.
It. Stale. Naas ounting.. of the wen. th e igaereora de Robert Morrie
embed. Na 4of tate excellent wort Imo her rewired at 40 g .. fa, T. J Edward's
' , Wm& Mori , / didnd. laird et., estadte the rde iMr ,
IS i 2 iii A. Jnekana °
l ' 1 "' 13., P' f N I _ ---.11-_' _ , .
r, s I
r I.
t inritr r i
Li Z
111 AftPEltb " 51A0AZINE—Volume Second i • • ,,L" , ,,,,,,t,":„c' ,,,,Vb, bb
At of lade excellent work will
. be e v .cita i tlete I to , I. I 5.. $ iV VlEStata3l 4 SONS,
Mimi ri,:;:l s atraiv t n , ::,11.N.sidt.110 11:rorr Dt.Pot:ltul to and el Wester, and 02 'rout e
- t tree
the I S Once Pah.
TIILACiLDT ix eotrants.—The Ohio Str.te Jour- ,
eel of limier Rays:
Lsat'esening, about six o'clock, a terrible tra- i
gedy was enacted at the Franklin House, in this
city. Thomas Spencer, of Adeiphi, 11038 COW,
ty. drew a- revolver and shot George Paracll
through the heck, killing bins. almost instantly.
Spencer was arrested sod coal aed in jail, and
will have his pteliminarr examination before the 1
Mayor this afternoon. We forbear to state par-
'titulars to day, as there are many rumors of the
causes that led to the daring act. Verret' was .
I the bat keeper at the Franklin Hotel last winter,
at the time of his death. . , He was n young marl.
sal was ettsched to the hoot, in some capacity
about 26 years et age, and single. Spencer is
shoat forty, and has a wife and several children.
We have heard no explanation that at all palliates
the enormity
of the offence. There is much ex
citement in the city, and a strong feeling against
Spencer. We will endeavor to give the result
of the examination to our renders to morrow.
A correspondent of the London Atbenwum,
writing from Egypt, states that the destruction
of the ancient Temples and Pyrnmids is rapidly
going on. Ile says;
The Northern Pyramid 61 Danhour is now in
progress of being converted into a stone quar
ry, in order to build some new place or tills In
the neighborhood: the tombs of Sekkara are
used for the same
,purgene; the mounds of Aby
dos are, ransacked for building materials; the
Temple of Errnent is going for the same purpose;
and two temples hnves within the last sit years,
been knocked down, and the materiels removed
from near Sheikh Fadl, entirely without the
knowledge of travellers, to whom indeed, they
have remained utterly unknown until now that
they no longer exist.
I went to Skhmim to look it the great block
of !done copied by Wilkinson. and supposed to
be restored to Letronne I found that the • beet
line was entirely gone. They see breaking up
the4loct to make lime.
A its.E.Nic-000 lbs. for wale by
.a. onla R E. SELLEES.
Hosiery, Trimmings, and Lace Goods 1 -
.11 i. EATON, 62 rourth street, 1 ,,,,,,,,,.. L , ANT:ILES-WO boxes Simpler Ltitzti . ,
so -
• Market and Woad leech, tar attention af whole. I
ti. • Cur to salt Li
bad road buyers
tos lame end well whaled I ~,a•at gointos, LITTLE ACO
, -
Odin. SIM acl Merino Hr.. half llcana an.l Verret T oBACCO-11 laid, Ohio 11/14.1 V. 4- Lent,
IFl rs s ram oil i t leetd. idal Rattled, Habit, ' F. 4 sale by wen 3 S DILNTORTII .I. CO.
Vlannai .a t Plain &meet ibbon.
Ida, ellk trimming ..i Floored. Tart a I 11ACON-5 cooks for sale by
, Dram Down. and Trizonainsa
Lan. C yrs. L &deride.... and Vatic atobsd Illett ks sp it' .1 S. DILVORTII ICO '
. lcat. ,.. ..g..w . celits . l i Cal .,. lar i s i aeta?,. t , t , e, ,, 5f. , .1
i l.. , lnfte 1 irt UTTEII,--4 bbla. Meech- fur sale by
DosulltittoN wrooantimetmor ' gel anT: 1 S. DILWORTH ACH I
tint. C1T , 1.1. OF Jon:mile Tire tied atakr. l l 011. - 144 = 2 1 . 11 1 Mt I)ried Peaches;
Vine nate.. Cater ttannents and Derwin stoner,
Pus, Netal Taps S in
and Resat. Seil, le - ry. .J. 'Jai . - " _ seeks. for salt L 7
I and lloro Onsibc Hale nisi Teen Ur.obes, Perromery sa. , srTi , a DILMOKTII k 00, -
1 r . tt e i =,.... '11 i t . :,... 1 Mr''' . I ' l 0 w.l-1 . 0 ., , r i - g iclit.S_'ol.o hu. Slielliti, for sale by
``;`,. bai ts s
.7:on ' t • or; ;4 . IL. ca ‘ J 9 DILWORTH A CO.
stiVedqaetrirtlt ' e!ehi T T ,' ~. 'on;r.., , ,—...„..., , ~-,..,,,,, „.. ~,,,,- ~,,, i .
altars for cash or spyrovrd rroht v , sell , int ii i , a ars'..'../ Oa atareeseen./ . -1, Ha u sa supenor,
____ __
_ - - I, I._ for We by 9 . WICEV.RSHASI,
1 aCee•-• rtatner Wool amt Sixth omit, ',
The discussion Is mill going on between the' S I--NDRII*II
IVO Sol. i unite FL. ,
I WHITE \VAX-1 ease sup., for sale by
American and British missionaries iu China as .
nv - row • t li. WICRICRaILiId
to the proper mode of rendering the word Clod cm i,,ot Awoci i tea --
in tran•latang the scriptures into the Chine, , g ' , ORS -2. I,lils. for sate lir
language A letter from Bishop Boone, doted l too - Potato, .1 / 3,22 :1 I vim 110kNlIonsT Aco
As , - :drone 1 - '
HbaDgai, January 2lst, intorms al that the ads, be MA. Tar . I_lll AKER,- -3 , 1 titel. Ilay Rakes, for tale h)
cues of the word Sum hove had th eir views ......'• "4•',,V,,7„1"i';•10i,:7,:nT,'..nr1.,,,,.1 1 fli ~trr OIV l'o a DOSNLIORST A I:0 •
pt:. r
strengthened by o reCelh publication or Our of - - , „ ( i l 1... A SS---..
... , 7 I v s kot..! A .
s l ri ,. ..10 , 7 „ . 1 , 7 , 1
.i. 1.1.10 c r 0 vale '
in which he icemia. , QIN NE RS 1% AN TED - For 411 Carriage ;
the most Let o rexi Chinese,
it ,el. not , . •wi I await al !Ivo,* •.thout timarle, at eta '' 'Y
lily use • it t express the Christian ides of it ,si v thr . r est ul.vo. . T WOOLS SrAIN, ~, iNDRIEs -
The subject i• one of interest to tit chrietion and i Nom , _ rd ti•wi ~ M -
philologist ‘I RS. A. LEECH• Ins ties the mien- -kg
tutu of he. friend• . ao atedunti at romm
inn RICIINOND Vittic.-Ir. Johnston, tee „ilia 1.. , Li 7 r. on Mucous ntzt bors' sod
new editor of this paper declares himself opposed I . l d d i f . '''''' a1,,A,1,11 to , d r..l-:! d 1f,1=1:7 4 L I - zg,„,„ 4 '
to all those now found in•cations in political .td. nift,,,,,. L to tenadene., ;Au, vov , L.., st an edi d .,,,,,
science, the I•ms The following paragraph • reltler 010‘h.,!:,t';:5.0d•tm1f,r,,1.1...7.....,..,,,.....,,,,,,,,
from Lis intrisluctory is good. 1-. salt!__
No V rah rt.,.
in all that regards the internal policy of the POE AND CEDAR WARE,
State, I shall 'be the :colours advocate of every- ,
thing which can, by physical improvements and . IAMIJEL KROESEN keep.. con•taittlt on
that adoption of the 'Mechanic Artswlochalene ' , ..,:l'e . .„I,C,'. ' `Z . , 7, ° „7" 1.L " ;:',, h ,,r1.. 8 ,rt ~' , ',l';',.;
make modern societies flourish, re-invigorate Iroaden Dents Clanro, Di l ieanie., Line ati.l taw.,
tine ancient Commonwealth and retrieve * the "th,,2r,,r1".1V,,,V,t,ti, i pt,', f 1 . 7., 1 ,Lt 1 ,,,,q7,....
comparative decay to which they hare heretofore stag F
condemned her, who cultivated no science hot
Fire Proof Safe Wanted.
Alstrictions, no art but wool-catching, no.l it-
z t NI . person having a large else rice Proof
erasure but a jargon et State Rights, andthought . ' role to an... r, end a en t yliatter 1., ~ a t t,..
that Virginia m i g hty and m i ce, „,,, 1„,,,,..,
.dtraw n wItS alrort hevr,r L I:shu, Ourtuy . 'llo i r:Olo
it/ 5 manner entirely unrivalled the continued , ."--4-„„,,, - -- _wall=
to chop and re-chop forever the old political reir , d. 20 Mo. eat White Loulsrllle Lune 1117
logic of 'wll I tae by th e barrel or ratt ail. Al, I dos. vocal Red Lands
i ISAAC MARLIN Litany ant I.
ap7A 331 wlt s near Herne,. and St Clair rta
103 - Liven Cometarni. -' fbe only remedy ----
ever red to the putile, abet was won failed of week. 1 bUit LATEST NEWSPAPERS, Sal.-911
lug a ..ure sten dintettona *re tiO.loesd, Is IlleLane's Liver 1 . ty,,j,,,',lll.,LlVA,,„,el.T.'ro,,,V,Loneff,ii:V„r,.. ~„7.,forz,
put. It hen now been several Coors berme the public.and l Nsehrtlle. ' 1,11,111, Lltdantool. C ' elunibus, W bean.:
hos been Intro-lined to an WU/nu of th e talon 'Where ll6rriabors. Philvdelphlv. Ihlttervrc,
Vol, Rostov.
It h. teen 'salt it has had the most triumphant /wren, I lt,.Wiret 1 , 1-I ,l, bb ;r=l. l U7 U iti l A i tr,vtt :
and III* I Ild'atill , 00 v ... 1, " 00 11 . I ' all 1,4 " . 19"11'111, 11l Article. of Agreement, Shannon . .. Intareat Tables, he.. It r
n o to tried 011010 all the dert phase , of Henatia. ' Pols OhSvP law } OuvotltY 00 colt ...0. , .
nd he, berm toinvi rrICUOIy ellleacietu la alb lISAAC tiallitlS, Ascot and lbw
toillSelanwlt.9 Sober
at Merchant.t, , near Natter meet.Yct
Ear salt ne 3 111111).900,
ant . 2 - 'era list BO ood at
On the 12th instant, there wai a gathering of
the Onion men of Mobile, which is represented
to have Leen the largest and most enthusiastic
convention of the people ever held In that city.
The revolutions go strong for the Univ.,
even repudiate dissolution as a loot resort. They
declare that no gtievanco could warrant such a
rupture. The last resolution sets forth that it
is the deliberate opinion of the meeting, that on
the faithful execution of the Fugitive Slave law
depends the preservation 4f our much-loved eon
, foderscy.
They revolved to support no man for the Pre.
idency who woo not for the hnlnn, heel, last, and
all the time.
Petroleum I
fistalmaalMoi. IluntingdoneooPa... Muth 4.11.
Y. M Kum—Dear Mr, 'Your Petroleum is working um. i
it. this flanks . ; themfine we would thmt you to..tul I
us two ODZOO by the Pennsylvania Daßroad. We are ow i
droll out. end It it Minx Inquired for almost even' dal. '
Yours. respectfully. JOHN LONO 2 CO.
11AU - T n.... rihoid to., O. Bluth 10,14.
S. M. Alta:—Dear Ms, lour Aifent. a Mt teeth clam
left with us tear doom Dock Oil. Which use have sold.
Please forreard to us six doses loatodlately.
lout median. L. working umulers Inthic seri, on. We
con obtain sowers.' excellent certificates, It foe desire then ,
Yours, Sc.. W. W. etosro
For sole by Keyees A McDowell. lih Wood Mee: A. F.
Sellers. it Wood street: B. A. Yabriesicek. I CO. MR.
Mood and Front streetic D. M. Curry. IL A. PlllOlO. Joseph
pointless, and D. P. Bellisario. Allegbe.7.alm by tb. V.'
origrtor. ' S. M. KIER.
millidieur Canal iluin.Faeenth sit, Pittsburgh.
— Market Street Store for Mot.
OR RENT.—The Store, 118 Market 2
etreet, the seemed door from the corner of Mertet
ne stm t.
. Poesion Oren
ma lgheof
10d Frothlt •
Foreign and American Hardware.
No. 129 Wood Street,
kadcomplet!storYof FOREIGN AND AMERICAN
Bultablmo for th. mins taw* sad .bob thsT are prarrand
W ag rvariff4t o i tre aktrrelgrw
RE YOU A FATHER, laboring for the
tr r t d erf hw e l ea. Cenielrimt from 'h
os wr, Itovreo obater Serearerill.
T ... Mother, safforLux Dom dinars to which fo
mato aro 1 .% rA , ta r rgD. B. D. Limes beaker
Col blow . dept, at ob. of our agents. .21 bat •
p mpbby, gysYlo.bortrVil iteqbot %b. Ettotor bar
. selrlA eritAtion'
b‘ul,?(' I.7.;Zut...4l.r•brotlft.
Plfglitoodkino bao_ootoLibbod yibutoboa by Ip
RuloomtsVir .._
tgoi tb.;
itunt%:lll. gbDoly.oollll tbo sum
.hkh !AM walla array
° oboulto On Dr, 8. D. WWI% SMILER
Vein, $1 per 00118- 11 bottled fa P.
'OO bi D. mon *oo
Awn. D*D.
To orb= w3.71'14,0:, add w
Bittevril...p b ' ' l ;3 'N. • 3. . .1:
febubt=a4LF.D= y
ro...'":lr6=T. ht.:. sad 1: EL " SI,
AtElniage Company of Pittsburgh
0151 w N 0.41 Water ids...Uhl the gruel... ore. H.
C.O. Mang, Prealdent...-- : .4. W•31.0. 6 -l. WI •
.C/ 33 . 036, 16whg Ls how prep le d tun. all merchaagew
la slaw. gag traultu:vasel 6,66 .
An maple gusrauty for the whillty bud Ihterell , of the
1 otltutlou, affowled Hut eturgeser of the Disiselem
who are all chile. of Pittgburgh. well tavunbli
loa.a to the ty LHir prudenoe. iutelliweare.
end totegritt.
j Brg.t. Hugh D. Ntel4_,Ed ale
erarl Neagh..
alga Sealortb. Harbasib, 6. 31. Hier. agattf
County Convention.
011311TTEE of the Allegheny Whig
T 1 1.4 tati .1.11.401210 Ceal CourentLto meet at
t Noee Motet, cue datunlaY. Altrie . .th. et 2 debt[,
Me to ea the time fur holdinu a County Coulon:1.
noodle °laws tor the Wl election,
4912.24 JOSIAII KINCI. Chairmen.
114"Prunnicanu I:mum - sr.—A Sermon
!:11en i. b "'" " ` 4 e. D .M v .,:ies th
r;kitgl, Y o ' o7 , 7:o -r tTet t, t
r=f, o i•ll,l the. t;Fusl Atll3l.lCulleal..kru
c behalf of tht. nobly up:3,A
. .
greartu.—We would return our grateful
sqielotoultchzetuenta to the Firemen Sso ILO
serte oan
nert, istu, cc habit tyntletel watts'', at nor
W"k"ni"."":"I" crenln last.
ciuLDs ok
3 Tdit t y Ila Mei. copy nue titne, sat.l ch. ,istette.!
IiereOCNTT REGIINTTAL — The bum. , of JOHN
idreortrl. or tho Third Word of PiliAurgb. will u• rut..
oddfdldo the Antillldsonie and Whig Coucty con uto,
, hconclittato tor thr tart of EeglAn. whil tn. V. 1.,.
I. raprFh'd by rrrl 1.1,41
- - -
06."CoPNVY Iltuf wren. —J oh K. Folder. of
e.t4Wsi ...whip, wits catodlolate ft.r Itrgister,
tiW ensulog Antl.3ltouulc Dautitr
paryr Abrah.n,,, or Eli
tsbctla Ncrough, .111 rublot his 111141 P to tha. Anti Sl.onlc
tad Whig Conoty Comnuttoo, 0.4 ,:,,,ualdete too umaion.
tom In the Leghtloturr. tr:S
iPZO - Corm R.ECIATER.—PieIIie 111111011TIV?
tbAt 11. J. Lomox, or Alleghouy car %
ttr the office or Ilrxtst..r, oubiret to toederision of the 00
1:-MtwonlJ gra Whig Count r rouweOloo
• ap2.4 ddivct<..l
eLgics of rIIE lituuteu, of
mieceelq cirr. 0111 ..'eandidAtc for octoloalloo to
J.11c.,1 of the weveral Curl, Alltithrtly Couutl
t. dour the ..a.l-‘149.1e voti Whlg County l:pnlentx.
New Lake Superior Line.-185L
rialie new steamer NORTIIENER, Ca pt. B.
G Sett, baelny every waken teaprovetnent fur
uteri and comfort. nil
Irate Cleveland on DM.) , the I
?lay neat. 012 her DM trip—and weedy thereafter .
I MAI. at C.ti dcluelt i . P. SI., fue the Sant Dta. Matte
Sate .I.l=l:raell=te
aperfer. en tnearriealof thesteamer
h e making
regabu . ...cell, line, tbrunhout the ream, butairen I
alovetand and U. Cower and bon tlinea.
Cleveland. 0.. AD IILACKWCtO'S MAGAZINE, ter April;
sis.l latilli. Laving Ace. N reall at 110131LS'
1 temp lADat. ntrd street, opt:alte the Poet Offite.
rn 25. a itstai.l_l;lLY, Praprfenna
? OR lIENT—Tbo large and eommodi- t.t. & r..
out Holm tta Perm stmt. lit/sit necanwi br Fig IWE FLOUR.--7 bble. for IC
by orlth ut ontlre lot stIRAOIRB. "R1d1.."77" RR= ROBISON. urrix * co.
e • -- - trawa. gimttisTa.:'''' ---- - -
no=sl N. 49 Wale ,. tt
STiItITS TVRP - ESTI - NE- 10 bbls. in pal
ord.. C. salt by' IL
11 . VM . ..
4 LCOIIOL-10 bbla: for fnle by
Ll. ar2s H. r. SELLERS
AIISAPAIZILLA- 1 bale (Ilonduraai [or I
.3 .1. by 'OM Itr LELLERS
ealeC4 —
era. SCLfEel'.l
' C \NTH ~a 0
0 lbs. for eby i
was t, E. 86LLEIM
NITANTED—PhiceI in Stores, Warehouses,
se.. for ww.l goal Drat keeper, onl.nneo,
artnts. L• 40 1 .01", on.htocu. blm nen. 1.1 schcol
t.senenn wlon to borrow—WO; nal SIM) to CM. for
...c . orn, i r ro rd se . cort . Vinted
Soon, .eert.l
o , ,r
E o iL r anto t r
br t towa s rlc All YU:WA of ancontes
Agency and Intel. °fur
ap.l.l4:tralts • Liberty, ntar Bt. dolt et
Administrator's Notice.
Q~jgiren at the under
'. or ti.
t a , ; • L„ r ~ h tete of Plum towashir.
• totietr, dn., thereto.. eu
ere muotral to preseu
uleot to l.r:
meat. •od th'"d make
" " W
a rl Ad I tn,ler Plum ti.
11,14)N-7000 lbs. log Round, receiving
Jup ora for Pale by - JAIIE3 DALZELL.
02,1 es Water garret.
1L 1 151.1.--No. '1 Trimmed Shad; in bbl.. and
.A.' kotlf DLL,.
Na 1 Dertirigs, In,bblat
No. 1 !Salmon, i receiving end for Bale
rr AB--2 0 bble. N. g., for sale bv
}l.l J(DEN {V A
iIPANNERA' _OlL—lfbids. for min, by
1 lIRESII BUTTER-4 boxes Table Butter, '
1: pat reed end as do by _
- WU R. DAL 0 CO.. Liberty PL
------- ---- 1 -
A. MASON dc CO., No. 62 and 6'4 Max
it's - o r l ;ifiri. " ' Tre% ol
. '4 l t a e•%_p_ j___o___;="leti.Mrs;VPV!"TVlnr
• love.
~•• s pryys, IA A. A.IIAZON CV nn. soon.
LINED PARASOLS—A cluijce lot of (Le
tsult gisies, to do by A. A. MASON L OD.
.03 and .1 Markt.,
BLACKBILKS—We offer for sole every
grade tnityriott of tilti.o.lltratt nukes of bock
•Z A. A. IiIASON Co., tlarttit ft.
EW BOOKS ! uttioate a Greek Gram
-1I !—.B
mar Sta - do nos of blab ectkooto and untressit.too. or
i . ly trutnalo. Wiled otel etdargol by_ Ws 00. ikles
Lotman. aranalaud Lola ttoelganandh Oxman onnon.
VTrut i rsdedentes, and Ma Hoetmillon of 179,1, by
WATlrOtntiOanbr and nonoodals of Dolga Obadiah
pouor, for etty Ts ourioly and ohlpototor. . fram the
WI of Nolrior by lir, linty T. Roam slalom of
•11. ligooll Won ado Rolle and "Illa llando salad
Po= •
R a Irsoecolaandr. la *sandlot of do Rollo
Boas- -• , • •
Roo 0 nal lot Indloa labor out do loadloo Pox.
Pao nom modosiall method anda: .... . , •
1 , I C.
-• • IRT.Vritsia XXX.
Eng — lisb and Irish Teas
IHE subscribers hmre justrre'd an invoice
and will bereaftor keepleourtantmply of tLo aboxe
of Tea, the flavor of wbleb N edge nerally preferred
by persons from the ••Old Counssy," end by to.xY
ALS - Prim 60 and "..5 cent+ le D.
Th. helve oldela box been adeertlelog an
texixoly of these Tex, mullet continue to 6 with any
allow of truth
We bore al. on nand p lame ancatment Of Fren Tea,
of all irreales and evert dearlptlon, • wtifsh 6 nen can
not be excelled la Pitleburnb.
apZi Oruccre and Ten
LARD --4 bbis and ti kegs fur sale bY
an= WM. H. "ottands.
iREEN APPLES—aO bbla. for sale by
j fgr salel , y
EANS-30 bbls. priMe White, farm& by
111DES-100 (Dry) fur sale by
.p 2:, 0. C W. HARHALOH.
MOI.A n .S.SES-25 bblo. ; byJ
(,GAR— 30 Ithds. N. 0., for sale by
1 -7 9'"3 S. a W. ItAitliet‘ill.
p ACON SHOE LDRRS-7 Chad for sale by
U Ali --NT Idols. prime N. 0., for ;Ode by
Ij ay=
E~IP---4i bales rime Dew Rotted Mis
p e el JAH A. an% iSON 0 01
COF F bags prime Rio, for sale by
Iter E 'n —W e'"' Jgr.l}l!_47ltgl l gi („.
TAR it. ROSIN—(IS,I4:I O ..if Tar,
VA, " JAile4ll. ilillar.A i rtt! '"
LEAr, SIJOI-400 pigs Galena Lead;
en. JAMiI k AllliiVll o lZlriti
n LACK Ik'itENCII CLOTIIS-51tairuy
xis maesrias have now 0P. , . iiikr EPThn ,
r rend, Clotbaj selected with great ca.:, and Om,: Lbs
cane , of centletnen bleg IA norplrthenarlr.l a•lN
OASS-10 0 bu. for sale by
rr R. DAL7SL -
t CO.
• • •
CaALE:RAT --- US-2 00 boxes (part lo lb. p:
P.b), fur We by .r Da72BLL a CO.
RIED APPLES-20 bags fur sale by
anti R. DALZELL It Chl.
. _
y ver RENCII FLOWERS:—A. A..lgAson &
011. ha... put nandnand per elver:a- 1 p? 465.
t Freath Flo.ers. OPtr:
B UTTER -25 keg* for isle by eItOBISON. LLE k CO.
F RUIT -500 bu.Dric . '
-2011 C
Apia. Int ale b_y_
♦ HESTNUTS-30 bu. for dale by
DIG IRON—:SO tons for stile by
BACON _--15.0 00 lbs. Hams and ShouldWe,
Iv ercnk.hotaer.trr
/L03114,1N, LITTLE k co.
VLOUR—no bbls. sup. Family, for sale by
p. VCR WHEAT FLOUR-1000 lbs. for sale
rank. (.heedet 1 tit ~....0 ).pane (lurk%
:: - Oi bp. Dried A pylc.. . i 100 doz. 3110.rm0.
:-..,, bed.. W 011oa. Ilelivntrart 1 Et+ r. 10 bbl! Itcll /la:Fp:Y.
loan'. brunt; 1".,.04.. •••
hr bble grveli appl, In .t..teut.l ror tale hy
lot , ha.. Soup. re•e•lviatt and far Ile t.S
, p er JAS. Dia.7.1".1.L. r.... W.... gus..., r ..PI., ' J. U. CANFIFI.D.
if , ASSIMERES---91, rice* fumy and black., DOTATIAS--100 bu.,Noshannoek, for snip
x, , r ~l` 1.1 apt.! C AMICTIINOT. .1_ by .05 S.! W. IIIItBAUGLL
ei " '
I i KESS LAWNS-4 eo‘es printed, it great : BRIM' 11 :A ILS"`A‘ tr for ',ale by
upls , S. J. . ItAltßAllold.
ii, ,anety of Patterns tut fule
p 2... C A1181:TIINOT 11ERRINO.1-IN WAS. NO. / Gibbed, for
I.t . EItAGE DE LA INS ---2 ons-, desirable :it ./!.. T 41$ $ A IV. lIATIBADOII.
IJI ..Ikles ha. oak 01 - : ILI ACKEHEL-50 bbls. No. 3 Large, for
, IVA Joie by ,pth .I.IW. IlAttnAtAill.
"FiIOSIN—UX , bbl.. (soap makers' for pale
by aplb 5.2 W. IIARBALIIII.
, Attourats2,.,
WrIBONS - -300 j , 3 V, ,, , , ne;. 2A) .. Cli,p, for
llv ~,,,,.. ~,,_, • • c isurruNor
(‘,,ITTii - S.`— 5 bales on Steawor oeneva: -
14 du do Fn, d PIK, tor...
rtwr Lad to laic 1., ISAIAH MC • 01X L
spdd %Van. .n 4 • ront id.
214.1 s No.l Lard
6 b.," Dry Apple ,
I d eaches.
I do do ‘l.
do Flasse,.l.
t. 1. Feathers
I do I.:lnneng,hosr Ishdlr4 froMSTMS
Ca.ballindNol, sod for yak by
DENJAMIN PATTON, having relinquish
ed the preellot ef the Late, the Partoershia hereto
ralstln, loettreea the .bet - Ohers le Able der dleeoleed,
be =Athol conseut. The 111141.111 W broil:bete of the late
Virtu. will fie attended to by William Batmen.
ap.2l-At WM. IIAN.EIL7t.
Front Brick and House Tilc,
hTHE undersigned in now nunauftiduring,nt
ie Steam brtete Pref. . Ihrottorbee. the band
et Front /Mel, for Hower, ever preduad, which he
will sell .t onv.thlrd to oneettalf leo than harldPesdet sad
even, netum edge. toed • rolooth.pob
I .. e7ll l uTia:. the; trb me dust or am. etod Moen'. •
itoOT's ' elVer. llon " ti h ri t iggrrght "." %e " osertrut ' k beteop li".
and other building, being ret7 Th. 1.14 oa.
to•klog are tench 'ulterior to the a: 'SU treat of
anythlrot like • grAiml Pope eltOuP of Preued brie.
the stitiltiquel eilglle•beihp t.
Cortlflasten tptpy hoeseselont Poreroment Meer.
/thecae, sod Aevhiteet. bo hats asev• Het es
trostrely. c.c . /My to their raperiMtly ebvogth, darstd-
Pr, iselAntesa froettetalr. Ar
Alen mannfacturion. a impactor arttda of Tile. Pnitnom
i, Lf a o mimes( of Architect. cuparlot to Mate,
.d famished at stout one half the expense.
Aiwa aocwoo Common Brick—atrenith, durability, ie.
guaranterd. Prior, 93 'A IPA, at Um Warta.
IiONNETS!—A. A. 31asos & Co. have just
~,ed per tiprr.O. • no. lord the moat lanabla
rta and Summer Bouneiy roMileVl ta a Idie fol.
lowing style. Rico Hunttaar, --or and ant Ural.
Paul and tlatin, Mari, Ulm ?earl, Poem, Mat' Hipper,
MIAs& Cottages, cote m air! E•HO, liorots larld 'alma.
Cur, Hungarian, Tripod and Cacao, alp aid Cactus,
=I Frrnoh ince. Also. Straw Trimming and liiiiii,
ittONDON LABOR and the London Poor,
No. 3.
etortes of the People; by &woe Cue.
Loonool 31oreneridolel ••novel.
For rate at 110LIMI' LWOW)" Depot, Third ftf".0: 4 01 , 10.
alto the Poet Office
(.711GAR—r69 hh4a. pr a At. G. forliniiT7
17 4.21 'IRAN POZEt.I., al Water
OLASSES-20 hf.bhi, S, U., (02
IVA. .oat
Swift's S:C., for
H2 , jatiq .21 a vr. IIikIIBAIIOII.
6CON—Sides, Shoulders, and llama, for
II gale by 4 , 21 e. a W lIARRACIOU.
APPLES--50 sacks received and
11 fur gale by .521 E. tW. 1340.11ALT111.
11 BLED PEACHES-75 sacks reed andfor
Jur 'ye by nal S. it W. LIARDAUGH,
L A tiD-25 kegs No. 1, for sale by
. 4 E. IV. 11/111.11AUG13.
IICIEANS-6 - bblB. Small White, forl b
mat sAlluta. P. Eli Malt
ACON-5ilUO lbs. Hog Round, for sale by
sp2l 80111 EL P. SURVEIL.
r 1 ' A" .Ai .u.f. ..b ..
.- ELLIIVEL 1.. 8: • • .
I RIED PEACIIES-300 bu. for sale by
1 nu :' siIIITEL P. BIIAVER.
INBEFJ) 011-30 bbls. Guthtia's supori
"Lletad, br h ewkw, I N 4 o3 i , 21
L - or
li MOLASSEtt i nbbls. for tewelpi
. -, , .. . .. - • _
i Shoulder, IPt pa. ltr '
. •
---"' l L S. WAT SONS._
NO. 3 MACKEREL -- 190 bbla.: Large
E~mburyptrt No 3 Mack
BE erel. far sale oo eu.Algl.
Mad LL t I.IGOIIT. ;
Air.—lice btar. e.
c...it1..1..... Lawry otratt. w il l take pla t e cal niday, Awn 26th.
_ _ 9.5 Pitc-h at....1,1t• • AT .THE IIisSONIC HALL!
Young ladies' Boarding and Day School, -----*-----
, R u S f
6 . 3 . 1. g. E n . Gpl4ty . tral 24.s
wu ope L ta....Sch ,
m eo w ! .
kV./ 0111.31`. , -' •
. . •
ng• . Nolan, Mull :An. Itbl, tetn4 Pereets .A •• Or rine—blush/4lb ..... ------ . ........:—.:_4
ti are regnenel to 4411.1 c.a..: bar drum/en . vu . dto--fle InAosnla•Yr.dar 4.044. IL'ltat-
Win .0 yl.
Further Worms/lob may be thtslard ott the 12.4 or A. .... 1 . ""1 --- ..... " --- ;iiciii . i.i."l7 "
.10,171151.1 4
U. bag o l.l. l4 l.l)o... a AccAselbn. i'/:A2 . 2 - '. • - hnltatin--Ctne CbbtIAIA. - 7C1" . "' .. • C ' .=-
" "'"'
I.llll.Vint i9l - Mi. --
I_ll EC K ER' S L FAitIN A, heaten (]rifts. ~„. ..t, ..,„, ‘,.,. 6 ‘44.4r0, 11.412nn Ma
-1.1. .2 bamp. reed .1 for xne wholeon. or wail bk ‘ 6 j6 4 -6i.i,.....
.....-------- ..... ---...12eree2..
plc. ' KM. A. IltChtled A IAI , - ttitcte , =.
iIIoLDEN SYRUP-10 hf. bbls. recd and '' ' '.---°b
. I 'gb4. Ti.l i t SE.IIIN LL ), ID
~ ..i for .14 by fillnutunau 2 1/1011 1 / 2 31. I . ! --
split Iltt Water street. '
Ift‘iStAe -
'.O boxes Iliooklear & Child's
1 ~117'''' ""'""itrlliinoE & lIICHIBAM.
—_____-- ,_.,_-_.
f i a H. MOLASSES-130 bbla. nrriving, or
t„.3 od.. spl9 IMISIUDGE 1N01114.01.
CLUUR-2.00 bbls. S. F. for stile br
11,00 • SCP.II6OY. 1:901fIld3L
rLET—A Ine Haim ip`the third story.
Entrance fru= .mire.
9ple X LEK. lb 9 Libertr 0.
W W •p i llT emb urft i v d
it f Y o rt r t. " s ' e N ,llv b i.i i etr 0.
2 bbk. Lud No.
- tacks Featherx
5 Vlareeed
Dried Pr g,
19.:Ird A ralee G. nn ert9oner
Cum4rterl NO. 9.1 Ihr eade by
apl9 Front wad Water O.
1 . 114 .4 NU LI SH 11t1S11 BLACK TEAS—Pre
lit z.`Nt; inter Trd. , :- 1 4 -00 b7;:g
ebru...d at lortrlta a Eat MAK?. earl eirre ' m the Dismonsb
Of 00 abet rtore Illtrburth. Nice, GO end .
cents 1.1 b. Three Tree are entirely free from all booby
London Pickles and Sauces.
J UST ;received at No. 2.56 Liberty strett,
O au naatrtment a Crone &Black - walla celebrated Pk!:
1..• ant . 4 _, among ealch may Le fauna:
Worcestmhire Pen,
Pickl Werkhr.
Walnuts. Emitna
- Caulltioarce, 1 ilareet
Wilted Pickle', Walnut KevitUrt
. hoer Pate, 1 Nlnahreont - ~
n " Ar '''''' ' ' wt... xvIrL.WITP: Co. v :
• Omar" and Taa Camera.
rE , STOCBITIOLDERS of the "Perinsvl
vania llaillifectorin Company." ani notied
ars iastal=ent Tsetse Itandrea and Finr hew ,
per share is mains' to be rodtot the 10th d•T of MO'
mit. the.ooimi of Charles Leonia. E.g. PhilakilStti.
By order of the Board of Marston , .
01:000E TIIOMPRN, Tree, and Seel ,
FAA Terentatto. Apra 10th. 1101.-1001042 e •
eltr, 13.e.t0n Dlseriltundbyspetsla Crea
ed and for sole •
erp74.' Wl.l. MeCLURC. 61
W. Dixon's London Patent Lever Watches,
/s ..or to one Watcher err...feral or Pitutontol.
VirRICHARDSO, .81 Market street, is
. aolo Agent tor the above nsurnl Lever vr.ten..
• ollnelog guarantee to attached to path Want:
By appoln.rnt to the Atbaralty. WM, DIXON, Chro
nometer and Watch Itanntaeturer, 45 Xing tunare. Oar
well toad. London.
This certif.. that the szeoroPetling ll . 4 . s .
warranted by me WI.. of cry manufacture, and n0t14.41.
too sane upon It is ermine unit. actor:ponied bg
• certitude near s nay skaature.
I guarantee the batch No.—, to key Oboe tbe vat
ted:eau of the pureharer. 451. DIXON.
8083 k
LIAM) OIL-10 Barrels No. 1 Lard Oil
d dill day per et D. North River, and Mr salr. by
ap ree 0.• OW. 11.4.11111ti1i/L
GRAIN—*L.K.IO It. - Otter; •
100 teki b lilS 4 ROE;
QUAD AND HERRING—Neu . Biiltimore
lj Shad amtree'd foapde !Is
ANGANES I I . I- I ;s4 m b E b N lh 7 Gro i. u,..ntl y or.G C l o7 .
Q AS.I.I—.A. superior article ototir own
zfri-t—alswa'MriCo. Knter.t.
`AL SODA-200 casks for anis bi
1..7 gal MONETT. BF.o. l. CO.
CLOB II)11 OF LIME-150 casks for sale
y, BENNETT. 8E.2.1... CO.
and for salc by • __......_
---. ,
BRICK-1. :good tiler
! 80 .(11Varicable Brick,
07 Wank stmt.
w. 1m50N.147 front st
PLASTER - 1: 6 bbl!. White, farina LT
W. F. NV/ LSON, I.Bt !rota vc;
BACON -25,00 0 lbs. prime Sboulders,•
ioseo nem. .ele by
3Id7ILLS 2 RS*
I A 311" HALL.—Having ft,W4 , up a tine
dr" the
a l f d . to an. Mica. Doprzr. aud EM;
au( Mx. Lijalt Ctundcaers. tcr avvi r parts,
tr st 4 ywr, low peas.
ILA The Ism.: rtock m eloeciet• ettdlettliet
sol 7
61PLEND 1 ft FRENCIA k . A.V . .F.R HANG
ter Yartet• IkeolDx.a•elLerilt; - ,•;„..tVA
eMtreitig,Setioute•of ratio; ate} soKrtoriti
ot eau t...rdir Litatt i lo , . 4 *
wsss.rl T OA., •
.5,17 oeseltet Ferree,
IDRUN ZS—A very superior qulo7, seldom
ma reed tout Att 17. 4 ;
giA • 11 AI. A. 3Le•CLIILD CU, 1.
WIIITti7AX-1 me pikffar i ej
1441JURICE ROUT-04111 , s'; for ale Ly
lI " F. it. SELLEM.
10AY'D AlkifS-3 11 liii.l7)r Rale by
laple SLUMP-B.
ERRISUS- -- IS bbls. Baltimore;
- 95 brit," Lubec Sated: it store tut
ayl6 LICK.EY t Cu.
10A1tIS IIKEEN--30 cans assorted ft..c sae
11. by abld 3. 6CLIOO7SIAF.F. Ai CO._
SUND i l o ti t, ES— . .
r ' ' 'C'"'
1.1.1 •. haft. F.llltratn,
t kl.. IltZ oi.E.
MI baybtly Dr) 1,.11,.,
V 01)1151i-20W lbs. for sale by ,
1,) opli k uwanauan.
AR A 00 kegs for sale by
S. 2 W, nAxravatt.
ay] b 195 Liberto
bble:S. F. for sale by
5 •
L 0 A fresh supply of the Celebrated
I. '" a rC r eiVATTg a .
a by .1.15
UGAR LEAD-1 cask White for sale by
a. 16 J. SCIIOO,IIIAFT-4 301.
lINSEED OIL-13 cask . warranted for
Ca We by aplli 4.*CIIOONMAKER it CO.-
TALLA . .N CIiESTNUTS--just rec'd it 156
4 , 11 .7 by WM
roe A. A CO.
ticrs arol Tea Thrairre.
IGS-100 drums Smyrna Figm .
5 1 0 ..) 5055 DLtral.ta l.
:SI • Att olzeot.
5.06 AL AD OlL—nett NRfitleaux
. 4 g MEA. Nina tflai a co.
RAZIN'S (successor to E. Sou sell) JENNY
LIND lIAIR GLOSS—A New =I sitlcl•
aving and rtooothing the hair and to impart • boa.
If Or gee b
t " 1 .1""' n. " from qr 9:1 ? . ... —AR, 67 400dgreet.
OLL .BUTT ER-10 bbls. fresh receiving
1.11, and foe de by B DALSZLL
fiIiEESE—SU boxes W. B. ieceiving an.
11_,I :cassia by . yl6 It. DALZELL W.
ORANGES 50 Ivies .jusy received aro
It/ sale br lz3ll#
cpl 4 1 • r
SOO.A.Tb-35 We. N. 0., ter sale by
NAILS--300 kegs asfd. for sale by
FLAXSEED 011-11 pare, frmn
(.1 A LMONbb h. 4:4 a — AMR. No. rj r
.2 ... ke29.1WArk. CO.
v,ottING--;.10 N ) 1,
.11.1 )) "7 . .naitiA aLN
S 1141 : 1 1:1 bbls. No. 1 (newyfor sale by
1111111101DOK a 1NG111451,
15 1.5.116 Water itaset.
VIPER 11.ANG.INGS—From 6 14 eta. to
alga • 5•5 Wood et.
4.INAKE ROOT-404) lbs. (Seneca) for sale
17 by .01. L FL BELL :FS. b: Wool FL
`OAP-110 boxes No. 1 Rosin;
- " Withbor,_
malt •nd xdo by - R.A. VyN NINO IDOL
Nab 1-lber4
111 AD. VALERIAN-2W lbs. for sale by
ILE apjl R. SELLERS, &T Woca M.
ALABRIA LIQUORICE —1 cage for bule
by nu, R. E. SELLF.M.
PINK ROOT-2001bs. fur sale by
apls It. E. SELLERS.
cOTION--42 hnlou now landing from Ear.
Mly6orty,2o islet: !SAUK DICKEY & CO.
.016 Water bad Vmt
`!ROUND NUTS-L2O sacks. in store, for
N,A ale by 1016 IDLLIII DICKEY'S CO.
ALL PAPER,-Just rec 7 d, antilmrlarge
Of Xaafoon Papro. of lowatlfOl fattolig
Ivy riots, IDT bed ed=boes, dining •ot
qcoo, to. 604 _Tag& PALM. 60' st.
at laid. ...
Buyst lunrbtar
m•LLE J Menlasate
Lyvt. "
Le. Tart/JI;AI*
c .
eutuluctor • Jule. Decud t let
Cu:direemst . Y cH I JeLrIS aF-Nu.ulCl' boo.
. .
gi-Tbc-prke. autEcliA. her teen Steel at GS.
&et:very sett Irt the 11111 will 4 ourahrred, Par ohSell
.orrespoodtrr cheeks rill be Itrood.
The Pismo to he ml cot thls otveAkiD le L trum the moo..
iOuy of Mes.ers &Koh. sod Ss fortilsbod IST
J te . 11. Mellor.
The choir. of :rats wool ha dlepocol matAttettoo,
rtidoy coortilng. at 10 o'clock, as Al Ha ll , by V. 01
pl.* prersrit pureloors being incorowdect he 10 00 ..
re. the wool charge of lu tents will be made for olmlroloca
io the saactkoll. the oaths. proceeds of which ho
.4 to his
Homo . , the :00yar, to be dkurit.ted tuetkozitaLlo
U. 11.1..\ - LNOTON.
oVa Azont for V. T. Usroom.
5 4 7 - 5• - • IB SL Egfin
.XPRESS Packet'and Railroad Lino for
elevelard, scitAout /err rif sleep, by
Eteranera *aro
stabnargh to Bearer, in connection •111: the elegantly 14
iaand Wirress r.ket. of Clarke, Parka a Co. horn
Ravenna, and tie eplealia nee yeNamiter Ceo' of the
bet eland and Pittsburgh ;Wirral Co. t o Clevelaisd.
Eton=ors Dote their landing opposite the MonennetchA
acme, ate o'clock, connedlog with OA knoLtde
tionver, which will trove Dino. Dar") I' on Ito Ilt"littl tEDRI
coomor. tLassmna limo TOT the l , ,xyroosTrala
Coro far Cleveland. Vicwang or+ or Ode lute entire at
Cleveland in time to take the kuldroed Lino of dtectoors
h. MU IFA LO and DETROIT. and the Reamer. for Chica
go. klllwargirde. Toledo, Eandanky atr, D. 0 ,100 tdd
clso for evening train of me Iv Echnntects. EWA and
Cincinnati. CLARKE, EMIRSRocate rne, CO, tworrtotors,
W R. 110011.11.T.A.D,
Chart. llotet
Omer under Ifr Is . v . NMl z ort .
corm . 6f Stalthteld and
. 1851 - 1 1 E64
On the Pennsylvania and. Ohio' Canals.
CLARKE. PARRS k CO .:114cmscrEan
CHAMBERLIN caeurovm a C0,....c.na1a5a,0.
HIS T well known Line is now prearu L
traVelsbt and passettgero L CLEV D. to our Paint ou we Canal amllkkau
Tbe th e Linn are unsurpassed la aurobso qual-
Hy, awl ea of 80at.% crp.riesor of Calnuirs4 and ef-A
Lenny of 71.,[enis.
Gue Hut leases Pittsburgb and Clevelluol dally[rnonluir
In moneellon vat a bun of near:Gs - Hs betueen PITTS
BURGH and BEAVER., =PI a Else a Erstelass steamboat..
[propeller .at revels) on the Lakes.
Parke Cu., Youngstorlui
• ttknww=l...o4
C. Prentiss, Ilareuna. Or
Brayton d Co r. ltavermalt
Yet!: rinV 4'.111.14,8-Z`bcl4 •
wbedee. Lee 2 Cw Akro annon/ n. 0..
liendenon Pettlhon , elf O.:
Peckham d Sena. T012.2.C5t
_ ' G. k Ca,
A. 6141ak
Thorus Chiel7r. c „
atzt ,
apl or, irals.; 4 A thalthelejd . alat..Ar4purgb.
F"SALE—A good second:tgaidPsnag's
W.Loos. Ewan , of I. GO.,
ap rt CO Wade-
'll $ : , I' .
ora rare• • - mono( tertalilta and
sa/ a ca. au. ind mired '
tne lumens. and Cambrlcs.
AA - 0 C EfA COFFEE—For sale
apl7 WM. A. MeCIXRO t 10.. arias
0 13..4.NGE S—Efalf boxes, verT rioianch
PEARL -1,91-31. casks for sals.l4::. --
4,17 J. IL STAID
TALERATV .2 . S bbla. (Mama') Airs:Lie
by QAT J.* IL 7/LOlll.
rrE4--ts btila Roll, fa: Weis*.
lir Ur J. aa. Ytotta
BACON -247 Res. Barns, Sides, and Supul
dem. tea do by apl7 I.IILII.IIILD.
Common, tur sale
B EANS 7- 5 bbls. Small White, for ilia by
apll . 3. fR. TL011).
nR00315-,75 doz. Corn, for oak
AN WI J. a aneria
lASSIA—IOO Mats for sale lot
‘„/ alai J. ECIIJOYMASJat k P xiiroad'n.
lAS'rl LE SOAP—::u las. for sale 1,7.
ereeived sble 74.
a,pl6 J. S4:IIO.)SAUEEB.I.
TIOOWAER OF GINGER-4 Ims. reoNi.anch
fpA rale IT . • .&1L SCALIER.
. M....41 Edda
Brandies. Wines; &e.
ItIAVLNO completed arrangements "with
%Worm 11wHordewom an 4 othe r European" Mid. for
o ementllon V:Xl4llre. / LIZ mottled to Min to
Dreier, eta • e. onerlirtratallan tad, litiLAY4-
st 4 L10"0.1 et 11k Moot Wartriplire•
from {Mier roam Amer kor. kr - dsired. -
Attectlon to Writer! W my list, as Wow: • •
110 paellsr• Cogusr, kordrous, aeld Bwhelle Bundler, M .
• ''; "lorri '...' ? d rilo P or . poof 4 o...nlsl "rni . m a w . ftr.o. " wn .510eribik " Ass
and roril um gooloWy. •
01 or...riolul 51MM - oh 41 mem pially.
12.5 Pork port eery 014 md superior. -
' 'Wso4.olcuterkllog ebscopwrio• mril known brolOlo..
MO bower 04110#511.1e0w riotous bestuir sod r10t0...-00,
WO Owls ilPeemw owl Atm. riumwes 10040-ri. • t.;,
45 wawa Souterew and Claret WI.
15 piper 4)1•1 Ltolland mad &Words.
IP powwow OW Proteb and Irle! Vllolar
4 w ruprrior Old Jamaks .
Ot w r , t h Ouruperior as 4
Alothi. klarostlio,
c , r
I dy. to.
2 f o7 , aoirvii,y r t. Jta,4 SICAI23 await rirs taruL
Orders MtM. execut.„%ilcartV, k " = "
loweot rows.
1 ;4611er and Dealer, ,k) Wolo
aplMllsorl w ,murio • Phllodelphh.
tCben the rear who does Oct appreekateihaiscrurT
dr Mbcur share? If any there be, tea do not adieus ow"
Myra to tione. But to al other. we say, if pas
reu t h, ahatitar o pleasure, wartime *box of Julas Maas
Almond Platathia, or imbrealal hhavitto Creams. .
terly impotalble to Mel wools' Ut dtwcitte 100 faelturo ur a
perm—who has hen used to shaving with =thaw Start—
up= making trial of ?hit Mr the foe; thus. It I. a otambi
nallutt of woods, admin.= mud pleaeure:'
JUIAIIi lIAUE/JS RUN Illt/ CHKAAI Is aseeirthief
emollient,rouderine•the antis? and most wiry haartr.a,
and onside, broduclaß ma admirable Lather, sad by Ita ax
treartely mild Ware sliviug the irritator. mei prtymtbur. •
that unpleasant anti stiff feellag or the skin width is ao.
often esperisared after shaving. . • .
dentlemes using Jules Ilattera.Ahartur.Croadt.lo_,. bre
the ...blast and moat planting south§ Inamodlately lla
use, without the o n
becoming addl.'. ti 10000 Who.
it, we my, will serer 1.11 017 114118...,
thee Eftat atlyarttalln—wbleJt will be esPacia... lly alltper.fia
tad by tboits who wear whiskers-1a 0100 bet that it will trot .
dw 0 r,,,u,,, honed, width moot says will do, Ching • ready •
or may appeatwtee to the aloe or tbsrwhlskerL
Jules ItatteniEbaringereantsaredellghtfullelenrillems:
with 0114 to the utter exelut allarlieleliZ
calculaatal to reader tbo orweallbll of bhb i bA2 I=W..
sad will tat ar.preatated try all wke make Of '
Prepared wily by. __
JuL-11AULL, Pelican RA Chemist,
to..a... z u lnot ti otr A nS,
IlD r ektgliers, Plltaburgto Jbkn o a
Mitchell. Alisitheur
1,. --- , -- Cmak tfocki. Plycygdyhy. -.1
..r0..: gem. Axil .7,1341:f
SEALED PROPo g SALS Neill be reeeifed at
a'. oloyantll 12 o'clock. fah day of Lis!At fge.,fte
the d.ieeroMe hdlowtrigartleiccaw the Imo/ kb. gick at
the a awl., neeee+Leeeie tkic CItY. kakd the ifdth fty
of 3n0e,15t2 .. . ,
Beet u free cd ;male , from boat. pOhlk4
geed, each lost to weigh one, lb— , . ...
Mown bug s utile bet gr.gUty r ..-- . .
Rica Com . ~
ime— ........ =1"...- T , per e .
n o m, bint .14..... e
Mohan. N.......--, .•'. • ... ,
1ie5=0012:...............--“ ... .. “
- .... r
_ , AsariT^
th. dresonts attiring to be .t the Im Let
y, and to be (=tithed at 111.11 Um. and Is Math stsasti
des wan the regydattion of the Unsold of tpt :
by tb• aorr.yor may be dotdred. • ;
" try 7 a Sher articles that may bitted, ths ocatitittar
to turabh at the hornet twist blur.
It L estbnatal that tbi. lIIIVIber ot satients tin bs paw
rik.d sill average about 'A) yer day. In addition to shkh •
Idtre salbe about 10 When, and somata to de Model
Any Information concerning the co 111 bettr.i"
eOgr'at this anon IVIZM)Ddv •
Surveyor and eta. d. Mutdot Ihteddba.
,new) for saleby
PAPER mm. :% bCyY PriT•tthg Foram.
24 ' •..
••• 12 by 4
15by 24,..4by r„.2ib y .s 4!; . ,
by 41,.% by 4i,s;
1 • •
gloo.aisa rulorl ItD.l
3. , 0 le Cats= tame psE,.. ,
7,0 • litoanal •
• Itedium said 21241eOlteninat.
u5.i4d.u...1 kelps ...4.4tattly ma band sad braids
WO and anent mortmest of
Csib t t.ttar• Tes Pap,*
8 7:X -141i:4 of .11 due. tor Dstea anaufieciii
rseer made to cedes on abort bake. '1
febMS man arena sad thrlalZrar-
Norris Celebrated Tea&
-5005d. 21 dr= from Dlassaud 4.110. '
Eadollost fatally f. 05. IL
The Astir bad.- .... 75a.
5.1. 7 "is
the mos 1115440 F MORS no thst us owl:.
t 6. 'Old C01M127 at 4 sot to 111. ow az. odd 4511 r oil
cuablisbneas ut, 50 sad The. kus4a
Too cussos be 0134,1144 M sLy 415 a iscs• us
" basbaL