The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 24, 1851, Image 4

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Abnatiticwdrid 1. 4 . b jounmy'd mach
l're travelled far and near,
• And my experience is euch
As you shall shortly hear.
seen the worst—l'M epee the bent
- . .
Of (so etified),luntin hind; .
;Mere all are baggy in guest
Of That they curer find. -.
• -
tve known a man who robbed the poor
And yet was rich himielf,
Who drove the be gar from his door,
With silver ca the shelf.
I've atm a judge who justice sold,
Have heard a gamester pray,
And known a wife who did not scold
Upon a washing day."
I've known a lawyer plead a cause
..Who never cent his bill,
And known a doctor (not of laws)
.Take his prescription pill.
I've known a tradesman speak the truth
I've heard parson swear,
And knew a hackman once in sooth,
Who charged but to jut fare.
FIG knowoo parson play id whit
Who would not play at [co;
And known en abolkionist
Who did a Ware pursue:
ToiViviAt on his offsprings wild
A'diner board his gold.
And seen a mother leave her child
For strangers, hands to hold.
teen a maiden who had Aid
WhO hod a modest air.
And seen a Gale' who (seeming) did
Not know that the was Mir
Once on a rail 'twat my lot
To get a passage free, -
And on a steamer once I got
A decent cup of tea.
Ind I /WM Eetn, Onee in my life,
A husband, be it known,
Who did not threat hot neighb,r's wife
Somebetter than his own;
And also seen—l'll he (dont wink: )
As gentle as I eon—
Some time ago, it was.-1 think—
I saw an hones man.
N. V. Expres.l
The Duk of Wellington attended early morn
ing se nice in St. James' Chapel on Sunday, 26th
January, 1 FA . St. James' Chalk] is in the pal
ace of C l.t.. ames. London. It is on the right as
yen enter t e great .gateway, between the Color
• court and A bassador's court. It is an oblong
room, chlefl remarkable for its ceiling, which Is
tint, and Se y heart 100kiUS, being fliviclei into
geometrical -funned compartments • which arc
tilled with morial bearings. Prince-Geirge of
Denmark, nd the princess Anne; Frederick,
prince of Vales. and the daughter of the Duke
Saxe Gotha:' George IV and Queen Caroline: and
her present Jhjesty and Prince Albert, were all
married he . . lt was in this chapel that James
..1l.„ two day after his :brother Charles' death,
publicly beamass. lie was attended by his
lifeguards, the band of gentlemen pensioners ,
several of t re nobility and Knights of the Gar
ter, in the c liars of their order. The Duke of
'Norfolk, ash se office it was to carry the sword
of state, etc pod short at the door, which very
much disco celled the King.
••Nly lord " he exclaimed." your father would
have gone f ether." The Duke quietly retorted,
• 'Four Maje ty's father would not have gone -to
for." The royal family - do not now regularly
frequent this chapel, since hi.r Majesty has had
one constructed in Buckingham Palace. There
are, however, teats appropriated to the use of
the nobility; and the" coversof all the books bear
the gilt impress of the royal arms of England.
Service is performed at eight o'clock in the morn
ing • (whicli the Duke always attends when in
town,) and twelve o'clock at noon. •At the latter
hour it is ichanted by the boys of the Chap
el royal; 'admittance two shillings ! !' For the
early service the admittance is one shilling !'—
What an epistolic arrangement ! But now to
this particular early service on the '.'.6th ultimo.
. The morning was gloomy and damp. The air
bit shrewdlyt, 'Ts'ay bluer cold..
•It was a flopping and 'an eager air.' The car
riage wheels' rumbled loudly along Piccadilly
and down St. , James street, no there was no other
traffic to distract their sound. The few cabs
- that were out looked most miserably and deso
late. A mechanic in his dirty clothes lounged
along—or London vagrants slunk, stealthily and
cat-like, out Of street entlie half torpid servants
- . albeit opened doors, slowly rubbed their eyes
'acid yawned; the very houses looked leaden and
:,illeepj. ;•But we arrive opposite the old red
-brick•malace gateway, and . the carriage palls
'-wp,ihe grenadier guard on duty—no doubt ta
iling niter a duke and two duchesses at least
—presents arms and gives the military salute.
We walk on, pay our three shillings, and aro
~ shown into a coat opposite the duke. We are
three minutes behind time—not so the duke; the
service has commenced—a misty gloom pervades
the place, and the old man is accommodated with
twolighted candles—not open the communion
tablet, but on his particular pew, and for his es
pecial use. Who will say these candles were
motto their right places 'Y s . Tens of thousands
are drowsily reposing. But the 'iron date' is
awake, - and now the voice of the minister is
- heard eaying—'Dearly beloved brethren—The
Scripture moveth us in sundry places to acknowl
edge and confess our manifold sins and wicked
' floss, Ac. •
The duke's head iabowed; he pronounces the
thelgeneral confession, word for word and dis
ldietly enunciates 'Amen.' In the Te Deum
landamiii, to 'We praise thee, 0 God, we ac
knoirledge thee to be the Lord,'' he responds—
'All the earth loth worship thee; the Father ev
erlasting.' The Apostles' Creed is 'repeated, as
also the answers commencing '0 Lord, shoW thy
mercy upon ‘l3,' to which he replies,' 'And grant
us thy salvation.' At the reading of the Com
menlonaervice, the duke walks from his seat to
the rails, kneels on the communion step, repeat
ing after- each commandment— , Lord, have mer
cy upon us, and incline oar hawrts to keep this
law,' and to the end of this most solemn and im
preasiveservice, does that wonderful old man lift
up his voice imprayer —the Vergyman, at times,
having to wait a few 111061clit4• upon him. At
the conclusion of the service the duke dismissed
it* carriage, a very common practice with 'him
and walkod through, the Green Park home."--
Linetpool Joornal
The last number of the Daguerrean Journal, print
ed in rfew,Tork city, contains a communication
froni Mr. Hill, relative to his method of producing
a variety of tints, of colors in the same plate. Tho
editcir, in prefacing the letter, says that the views
of laadstapes by this process are unequalled; the
Mimicr garden, with all its variety of blooming
dowers can be imprinted with a degree of exact
ness; end brilliancy which iv altogether astonishing
w4l probably be six months before the ffisco
veryr re ady for the public. Mr Hill, in order to
show bat i le can produce more than one color at
once n a plate, says he has produced several
portraits, one of a laboring man, with a sunbnriat
face, ! very red cheeks and lips, blue eyes, auburn
hair, the cravat red and blue; and all the colors
developed with truthfulness. A collection of
small plants, red; yellow, Line, and combinations
of these, forming seven ahedes of red, ax many
'of yellow, three of blue, five of green, three
tints of purple, making in nil twenty eight lines,
were represented on this plate to, the very tint,
except the chrome yellow, n color which'he bus
the most difficulty with, but which be thinks be
can overcome.
Solon ot tho Philadelphia etliiors have witnessed
tho fruits . or tho discovery,
sad testify in its fa-
Bona East corner of Fifth and IVO[nut Streets,
,_ (Incorporated in 1851. ,
I. SNOW, Er.q...—..Lectureron Orri-G-Zr)ri:
CAL WaIDLON sol. Y. !mane._ ...... th Assinan
rn 11ls ts.
S. BACON begs leave to return sin
cere than/. tor e eel, liberal palm ... iss
~..,,,m i. ..., h 0p „,,,, by insiefssigwille attautton to
.t. merit • euntlnnssce of the taripreedented ass.
ass that ha t attended his efforts during tia past winter.
utility Of Inssitntions of this dennation Luton:cm
00 completssy establish.' by practleal demonstnitiona, miss
been las loudly attested by the dismissed,' who lave ela,
oft;klLbe advantage. of then Instruction. ce no longer to on
•quir• either tirgnmerit for their support er eulogy open
their =nits.
11810 plan adopted in teaching combitate linen. with
VAeM.; instead of cuing lock, the pupils are exercised in
Mithegatiginal entries of everyday bugloss. transaction,
..10,0. area. Posting, Balancing Ai:comas. opening and
elsidag it groat !lu sh dafferent sets of Ban, bOtJa for
inland ussik bush:awe. whore the business
MiTr h enprorperons and ethers.: and thus qualifying the
atsmatudessr. lin notatingkind of into Omess pocetfoti dune. of the so
costt in any busin.
The entree of Instruction will corislat of DOUBLE EN
TILT 804)K KEEPINU, embracing nyery department of
beldame tilercantlic amounts, eta Wholesale, itetall,Com
. Exchange. Banking, anuLarturmg, Shipping.
ri=liiah M Partnership. Stessobossin, and Coussuund Co.
Yd mental La
Busimmlionamerehd Calculation, Puttee! PenPenmanshipEmw.
_'• Pupil* am inatrassni Individually. and not indenter , AO
thar. students may enter at aey t.tme, and proceed in ihe
stale of their npaclty and assiduity.
PUblie examLnaltons are bad. (theoch Totoll. non ~....-
trod privately if they deYint It. when the student nnis.r.
cm tied mid therm:tub interm )
eationa be a t& Printdpal,
missed by • Committee of Practical A...W..Blndßu
siness Men. and Diplomas award.] to thew who are deer,
ed ...lathy of them.
A ontrse can be Intel In from etc to ten nTeka.
And In tonnloAnao the Principal would state that cm,"
thins 16 his power will be done to advanne hi. student.,
mit mata OM thnough and mssimplistdd ocebuntaata.
MA his intsusiss
e na ble him
the badness ammo,
087 will generale enable him to procure situ/alone for
thaw Andrus of obtaining theta. . .
. .....
- Tem.—For • full mune of laming in Bonk. Reaplnn.
Writhig.Gitoznerrial Law. 140.00. av2Zrn
• • The Pennsylvania Volunteers
r`SUßSCßlßEß, late a member of the
omil Beginsent Pennsfleesda Volunteers, vans
puleedocal =rims to Ille•menkbers of We two B.
MOO Of fenunisouie Volutztowes who served In the Into
'woe wlthM tocollset the claims to which the:" aro eh
=Mu on An of Assomblf, paned the I,4th . def of
entitled "de Let to Provide for the PeTeut.
'-of tY l lan 'M
B irghitir " Via r t i ld='
71Miiniee.ipril 6,10 Au"".al".
Wl:2lraxt •
,--TO COlNcritA., . _
-Proposals for Coal and Slack.
S4LED REOPOSALS for delivering, in
Lb* stniei OAS* Works of the Pittaburab liav C0t0pc,100.4.30
pc,100.4.30 llosakte/a of bitateenousCoal.and 30.003 bush
u olAt i t,zkl y be jri z nfi t at tev . .7 . 7 d V , 11,.C . 14n . PM
OW End Pisa to b of each quality. and delivered at such
owa, and In such quantities. as Wall be ay,roved of and
iilFettod. _ _ _
Tho standard of computation for Coal load Slaok to In ra
parini. per bushel.
rtoalts to be mat m onthly.
evnlraTalon:2o wren,
brecenritt to be addressed to notate Bakraell. Esq..
Prtal eta of The Company, WI endorsed "• for
Oclld and Slur JAMEIi CIIRIIITT,
' math/ , Trason,
New Spring Goods, at. No. 85 Market et.
ALEXANDER & DAY would respectfully
A,insitesdhe attention of thy !abile to their seri - large
.iichoke noel of 'NEW .YPNLY6 GOODS,•slath they
ane nein ...Inn. This stock has been botightst the Inn.
nistens Auction and Importer's rates. and oi l he sold at
:err "mail
- t•ltiko.7 - lEkriatr,rkitel,l'ef.. ,
4 peklue stet Northwest coma of the Otamceni.
iWholesale Dry Goods.
A. MASON & CO.; 62 and G 4 Market
stmt. are now daily opening and...lnn their
poising the woes .. noire and meld ovnirt
omit of Imported gra American Goode they haye ewere.
hibited. to which they nu. ..fully incite the attention of
C ...I Country Merchant.. opt
New Spring Goods.
i A. MASON & CO. will open thin morn-
A. Inv—TO ewes of Union.. Ind American DM
iird. of the latest and mred faehlonable diet, to it bleb
I ey rutted the attention of their patron , and the paint.
•-- . . . . .
. .
ITHE SUBSCRIBER hao commenced re
ceiving a larger and more deHrable stock of pANCI
JET and DRY (100113 than he ea, hnuaght h, thc
=et. [...stating In part of
Print!, Printed Lawn, Mot, de Idine, Oincrham, •I.
p 1 Victoria. Swirl., Lull, and Boot Mu-Ur. toured and
Hemet !Swains: Cloth, Cacoinierca, Casomet, Tweeds.
and Jeans: Drills and Cotton Stripe, IrPth UM,' Pon,.
/Mk* and Cratrabo Thltet. Mona chi Emus. and Cottuo
?bawls ll.Blery. Mves, Ribbon.. Lace, Veil, Lomb,
Enrico.. Suoperider, Paraeols, Umbrella, Table and Pwk
rientlery. Clock,. Jewelry. Watches. Se., Sc, to which he
clepectfully lc di..• ilo ofi. orlon ol merchants and pedlar.
L M''' .5, ARBUTHNOT. lot W. 11.4
* W3l. DltillY'::. N 0.1.74 Loran hoard.
Tory larEe Ind soperior trot* of Fachionable Boot,
to thottlemen a Wear for 2prind ma:Lori-do/Athe
n Meet atyles in American. Eoftli3O, sod Fond , to` .4
ere, a very splendid aenortroent GI VpltA., and Cloth,
o every fashionable end. sal color. which, Weedier with
a las-, and well mannfortmlal suck of READY MADE
C LTBill. mate, one r( the lorce.t anJ te..t plected
net pith. Alteghenie, all on which the Proprietor
I .deternalned to GO, at such priers 119 will convince all
Ito favochita with • call, that not only the moil supcnor
Clothing i• NJU at Ha , edahhchment, but al, at the low.
v rAcr o ' rc;tg 11"ifie 4 i . illering line emeruxed. Iv boil. in the
oCct POovible manner, and at the ehorreß mare. .
: Inie hl
a .
_ _
I Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehouse,
leu eri eery
iroorls. rlr. .
O,NWETFFet , i,I3 Arocrlcov plo.n and fr.,
sr. k o ., Brom, Eb 4, C4oof, Loco , Ital. Pu.scl.
- a at
HATS-31cter. Youths'. nod Roy , LrAhoru. fury sof
(rms....root Tor..
of 'hare AAA r.urui.
8/717B0.17—filch BAnnct clad Scarf. pinin :rnun .11 - Tor
f.ter. rnitlot ant color. U.. , 0. ,1 E.0fr.0r•
Ezurc.l skit, 3L.-And
. . .
STRAW razumr_cc....i...tiae.cle. Dotirni. nand.
C leriars. in, Jrc.
FLOWERS--Vrench cad Aorrrixn Spri7n.tenne.h, ,n I
rmarate. rirlt and Ocrrri otylte.
L.fin2Y,VET SIGNS AND S',l 77. \ " . .e—Gisc , .. Gm. d•• I
nr th,,, d, Rhine, Dlorer., , end other et - 71e, n.seertel
i Wes sad color..
SATlNS—Aacrted cm-slitter , rind coin,.
go—ltleb cavi low prberel PnreJeele and Umbrelln. Thn , l
a, .t.r.. tr. . • in c
Spring Boxtets•
a tTR FIRST LOT is rec(i:c4 and -- c ,.
o rwil, tomprisinc. in part, the relh,log A ..-
, 4 .4, re ...
Athoni Chip, (lnne n .* Own.
:litte and Yellow Lam, mar and Tulin.
! Ilan Chip, Jenny Lynn nod Sotto.
giLehChip, Finnel Stray And Nail,
Yam, straw and Diamond, Pearl and Lo , ep tiatin.
nineties Crimpnl. Amerlean Lace.
leiettlith Pearl,
1 ' Ihi nmarntri 31i1td,
.• Stilt Alban.,
Straw, -§"
.L. 4.. ASON d CO.,
DI m odd di Darker at.
CIIINTZES.-111capur h Bußen
rizt.n Invite Lb* attention of the Lediee to.ome or.
natal styles of Light and Drab Chi.... Just re
¢elved. Thee Dave also open this morning. an addittonal
supply of HPRINO BONNETS. aellisl rare of
3174 oente. Bonnet. lUbbons, Bonnetlane.
roMIEGE DE LADTES, Light and D.rk.
lveludlag A few places very beautiful Freucb. ands.
res for e.bUdrea.oett and yelling I. by
rarbl3 UW . IIN t lICKCIMEI.ji.
L two toriataatir receivin= Lir ftrrung Stark at
, Camp :daft. panthe fallowing varieties:
Extra Royal Velvet Pilo Carpet., 40. do. T•ro , dor rro.
aelk do. do. lirtmelr. extra 3 ',ls to,rfane 3 ply:
cloi..lottralla extra tine do.: fine dm; comom.y., ~.dt do..
34. 6-8. m 12.4 twilled Venitiatt, 4.4, 3-4, 1.4,
p n dot 4-1. 34. tO. and 24 wool and do.
.. , . , ... .. .. .. . .
_ , 4xtra Chroilk lim e „do • extra tufterl dn, line
d hichl enrol:non do. heallle Door Kam ~,n,t do. do .
Arley skin do. do,- Adelaide do. do-: Th rum .1......
numb Clothe, Fettlog do, Corking 12,4, 0.4. and 2-1.
i+ —Short Oil Clothe. eat to At oar else hall or room.
7-4, 44, 6-4, 4 , 4. and 3-4 011 Clothe.
car Bedard all Nom Carnet 'boffin., Ltat Car-
Mtn bando4_6-4,4-4.and3-1 alartiruee Table Linen, Crn.b
-and Mayen 'lucky-01mb do. Travel...rot Window Shade,
Ihiff Wialow Ilolhatd, VcolUora blitrin Pdabwl Plane
Corns. do. Table do: do. Stand do: Worsted Table do.
I ,, i.gimils.telata.l foreboded our otectdirect firm the
moat celebrated Yaemieli. Wog& the lateet and Mo. , op
, Fr7orl a .coa l ' en e s " l y t! '',:i o "Z a rfr:-.' to
~,,:- ' 2, ';:f.
Fe e and n o r= ti ls e l ile ' a" . lllPcitir - mad examine nor Work at
I'he Carpet 'Warehouse, 1 1 5 Fourth street.
i mchl9 W. 31cCLINTOCK.
CoqHAWLS—A. A. MA2ON & Co. hare just
reel paten
.ners--3,3 esston Printed Cashmere, Ilia
ored,Thibet. Ernbroldcred do-, Fanny de Lame and LA,
tr bawls. •P•
itIBBONS—A. A. .8i1.11.0..1 4: Co. will exhib
it. this morning, eartcna cf new style. bonnet kit
.. r ,,,,, do . and Lace tell, Embroideries. Ao.
/ill U#Pod"lollo &lll;ftebriFlELD b. , a t e 7 just rnio
a ao hhaelt and nolcred .411.1.1u o r:aiirt . , o l, ' l ' m ' ri - .371 , 11”:
nedle adtamatri nand Lerageo and Alnuadelams of new and
be aitifial etyles Wide boon Mtn, 11/ bite n ot
too Maxima le. ahll
M U . R....PIa ic iri. B g t.ftVl , FlEL send, ll .vr l t l y aszi : , - ..0 .4 m . -
&le e which will Le found ilueltaback water.. Illeachei
std unbleached Sherellog. )2-4 Linen &beeline...l
Cdr, Linen and ]lobo 40 to wide for 1111,, Lair, *Pt
Ladino wear, to le had at
01 11UR1•I-11 I BURCHFIELD,'
IVILI Rpm Y & BURCIIFIELD have received
• few Meer., more all wool TieniA and-Ca...hoer,
- r to Well SY/
Et i — lt ENCH PAPEIi 11.4NliiNGE---Ttlpee
try, Decorate°. Velvet and 0 oLI Paper 11.alogo ant
ere. for Drawitig bourns ant Parh,re, 1r... the .ele
b manufacturer Delarourr, of Pan. 10,1 rod an ,
for sal e by WALTER P. flentiliaLl.
• _ nir.b3l
Liquore tZ
. Wood etrret ._
Wines and
. 1 .
!id 157 Liberty eIL Formerly Davis crark, foci.m
lirD. Xt.., or Mut urg, I Id a. "ta , rxnab- td N. 0. •
I announce to they/at/11c generally. and Ilion. Glenda ,
e.pielally, that they ho er eetibllsted aN EW %PINE .od
LIQUOR STORE at thabure stand, ober. they 00.11.1 ,
wa). keep a toll saaartraeot of the ben Met—afar Ur and
a b red and nbita t o law, Alec, dart andlede
0 of tha eholeeta vintages Jastunes`rum, Milani
niu lreds IVlllkey,ebarspainat and sparalingllock wince
uf t • moat elver.' brands. prat sloe., Madeira/ deerry
andiuurcat Id ince. Abet/Wm, A. Alea A.M.", Bailee...l
barring:, :mite •Ddldnadirgh Chet,. All eta/deli they
Fair pen, wholesale, or retell, an Mamma resaonable tem,
Onel of tbr partner, Mr atouseuel, Rillcorannang his
lan busineo In the city of .1 ,, 1 lark , pew ern
If enabled to aell a cheaper and a better artld, than any
other house In Ob. rlty. Plea, mire 03 a call, before bola
/4risitallea,appliedp free of extra charge, sad at the
"taffeta notice
_ —_ SP3
Ur . D. KING; Banker and Exchange Bru-
P l esZ y tite r iVu h ni m diiranTlZagii r ", l ; . lt'l,`
wed at low mew and is now paying the hishog • market
wend= in par fonds toe AtnerWa Wert racket
Taioperanceville and NobleitOwn Plank
1 Road Company,
yOTICE is hereby given to the Strockhold
-1 elan( raidCOMPang, that the)) make immeat to
Dell ken liarß
eh sia eanrera
renf the ,,,, r , r on the law hlOtl ri g;
each and eIVIT agmtb h r, until the whole met Is
paha in fall—ew. the road will Lb Cunha' and bridged ll'
Jed 4th, 1E41. , Th e gtoekholden are requeeted to he
,pt and puttetual In their payment
mehrlt - tf ' ht B
BROWN, President
LAD PIPE--Cornell'a improved patent
Lord Pipe km trydrnntr, r •
I . Pomp.,
1 itrdestiel.....
eirterna, as.
Al) Am on hand and to arrive, kw ride b '
ALF.XANDEIt 001t13011.
_rlta ji1 , 41 ' 134 Front stmt.
ALARD.—I have removed to my new store,
(thmv duns
viii nearly opposite the Bank of
h, where I wiii be glad to see my Blends mol fel
low I.lkens,•nd melee a share of their custom. I will
kwpvery largo assortment of Upholstery,
Bodsand Bed
Curial Mile, Poring, Moab Cotton and Husk atra* ,
owe ember Bede, Meters, and Pilloww. Blankets, Quilts,
Colt and Cosullate; Wiudow Bitssim. of ever,
rie Door Mg, mad eeery melds usually found in tha
establishments of the kind. Orders resPeol
fall rollcited and most lumn.PUEgib•i.
a Wei. et DILE. Third street
& F. WILSON have removed to No.
1 r „,,,,,,,,...., ... and 147 From a t , betwm . lu v r.d
kt t-siti visa..—FAOLlVEl &BENNETT. Whole
te. Grocers and Dealers in Produce. hove removed
to . eo. I= Record, and 121. First eta between Wood sad
tuithayklitushesghz "
TV M. GORMLY lam removed . to N 0.981
yy . Liberty guest, 5 dons above hisf gram.
...a Bleetil otiPwlte Seventh Q. "n:"k
--- - -
fie 4l store tel - i - io - va - - : --
E subscriber has removed hit Seed Stare
from Second street to the bulldin weentl
by r. Reed se • Tailor sta,, ,„„ . n .,,,,F.,, , , , T,oeropint
ly opposite sb. eon dinvv... .... 1.-
. v. L. SNITWDE.N.
ItEMOVAL—GEO. FTDllN — hiasr - --- ii
, hp, Dee Goods Rom from No. 110 h ob ~'p .o. 0 Beort's Row, Inein street four &ore heir...qr . /4qm rt_
hs., le he will be pleased tow ait on Ms former customers and he pubile getumsliT - soT.lto
FACTIIRE—A large and genera) aseertenent al
vtoVO et Maul at 55 marketst.
in:ft.NTON Preferred Ginger in Syrup;
Cada Choy I"'
Gl*, sad Fruits.) reed sad for ode by
010 Oman and Tab Deal.
Cf9RN-1.50 bu. (Shelled) for sale by
1 ench3l e SAMUEL P. SIMI VER.
.. 1
IYE-5 bbb. just reed and for side by
. 400 W. aF. WILION. 147 Ei 4 4l R.
ir, FLOOR-50 bbb. for'iude by
. , . •
Corn, of Wood and .Fifth Streds, Pittsburgh,
AVE NOW IN STORE, and to arrive this
laura.shahe following oda, moat nand
are ?dual on the mwtronsonable Lerma
115 :any boo. prime Gams 125 dorm Patent line Wash
Tea Boarda
45 Of. cbe,to do. do. 50 boon extra Etabob;
46 " Oookka l Chubs 25 "boo, Ins
100 toy. Rio Cotten 75 bbis. N. 0. Molarirs.
15 Laidid - balind lan: 15
00 boom si lad 16 10 Golden Byrum
lump Tobaco; 2.5 loaf, Crusbold, 'and
25 bblo. So.. 1 and 3 Mack- Poirdered sum: -
crel: 550 6. 0000100.0150551110.:
X d 0.150. I do. 50 drums Smyrna /Mk.
ti.wAt.s,Almnik_ Borlosat. Prdkrac
11 1 / 5 . 59 W. Sicily
13(4) b. rotra ]ladder, bomb Rock Cando:
3 bate Canis 2 Genoa Clircna
Clot.; 10 5
Corns a Chocolate.
tAll ., Ploo. Almond
2 Oraund blinocto 12 dot. 51 1117 - •17 . 6.11);
1 905;or; 1 111. !up. Carb. ,area;
I bimenta 1 " Crown Tartar,
10 kegs illortard; 1 two Praci 6Aa.,
10 •••• •••• ' 'tVe ‘ c: • l • 1,4 7 • •
_ ata
2 bbir. Garold - I'c Sault I Lionorica
45 bract 510040 eanlick. I 1 "• ROab
).0 6tar ,150 Both Brick, -
1 1l '
o ' o l 001. Fko i ur,
103 lb-. rUpeooooo .r - LiVii i ll ' = 1 10 rEtr'scr of Lemorb
104 F. Indigo. kola. Ana V mall=
n.) ink; 5 - Lemon 6,170,
150 Corn liroom, 1 ran. Sal :oda;
Noll, White Len). Loot Oki. ae. 15011:53
347 br.4.pnmv It. Can,:
I pkg+.1.. 1, 11.,2..inp1, and
154) tont. Lump . 1 . 1; •ml
s'A holt lotarm
30.1 ha , . M. R. • L. R• HIM
Lalra Bratll NEW::
Eng. Walnutr,
I.lround Siam
04 drum, form
dl nwr are erveker.l
5 Suisar,
T.tumtuKelrhui , ,
Prw - r Saw',
••Sugar ,
lu.oto Vrpr.ur,
' 1111 ". ?:.
5 , 4 2uscar sod
Butter Crackres
blq....,!saitlV , Al,
te4. Itlce; .. •
5000 L, Ccitigh;
2t/C/I...rem 'tern.:
101, bias. N. C. Tar.
:41 'Laf er'd :iukta,7
211.1, Nl.wider,
errum, Itultwo:
3.;i11.,.• 1ux.12.
Fr 4 ,... Qt. xll.l Pl.
NU . (.2
Lit* No 1. 2,
300 Log, Voile, 04021 Viii
:(CV Lam. WLube
40 LW, Tauber,'
10(.4pall. Lamp Lhl:
1061. t.. Itu.ekrt,
C. a. D Tabern".
_al Mae. Kai
./ • w D. 6. ateandim
Dmi ChM, tiround and On .
Mtn; and Wrapplar, 1 . 3101%
'wick an.l Twin, with a gm
kept Da out Due.
.. , 1T2,,0n1. and Front
Produce, Commission, and 'Forwarding
N. egad
6,tvo~l 4 im t Ilattiiavr: Caudle
t. , ,onvval v 5.47 wua
For 92.1,
:1 - ' *,'B North So-ter, 11.thaeort.
THE undersigned, A
O gent for the Penn
•rneitt land Olio Line. nrrally loe•to,1 nu
lilltlm.i.. and Eusquehnne litili re m , vl. 14. Izmir ar
' ojr.\Tre.l7. `prrt;ifi...:Y tfolf.lft. , S. , ON 111:51-VE:iS
In connertivn stith the /*OW ARDINO FUSIN E1t....... unJ
C. 11. rtlall.. , li , tlgn.m.:nts , f ll- hi=l:'l,rio.r. , * ,,, .
...1 country PrAure gr....ii
Ile.pectlulb . 1.. , GORDO::
, ILazon AL. 11.r..0.15 , .1.
.; 0. t,rler - So ur,certn, Salt, se., rt .- sunlit - cz,nlQ.l
11e,r. Jrbo 0 Eva.. IVA .5 - ons. 'Cho, J
Car...n sr Co . .intin .11:enlio,:h I lb.. etnrr
Wyli.. • Wii,...
U. rid Dar, A Co.. Du,ll.K-Agltlrrt D,r , ... Mllin AL - 1.1.1;.--
h•*. tusitbuil. DIA A SiA.O, notort Garr -tt A t , n.t. Jo.
le . -7.r ;...g,7,.i. ~, w..... v.
1... *r• tine:g. 1 lhan..ucnr., Orn.ll. I•.:i.htir7ll - ..
Mr J IV F. crr. ar.111!b.17. Bmemens.
.izac, (....len. E.,- L,iarate Arthur Ci.
J ohnC Pro , ittrmna r.C^Ta.
M..t..r. 3ltniholle At Kay, Biar.r:ii , S•courl W. on, Jchn 11. Nrff,.
M ,,, , P A. 4. S. tima 1 ' tidnLarl Scalt.b. Itichorl D. 1 ,- ,1.
1-- , ...1-.. Jam,. i..teci t c o. C Lentoi .i Coo, rtain•lrlphi• ' J , ln A. Ettnrn. William Welth.
to^1:-7,1tantInt Sianurl F. ESith. Fends Hoskin,
- I , atnuel Brett, S. Austin Allibon,
UGAR AND MOLASSES— ' Chart, Tnylor. Wm. E. 13 , ..1.
13 7, hh-L, rrin, N. O. Sugnr. Ambits:. 1, 011.. (ker.,' AspinnalL
41001.1.1 , . - - Mnlns,r; fr, pal. 1,1 Jamb 14 non., Jan', N. Dirksan.
tn,1t.25 JAMES A ' HUTC}"S " N . " 1 :..711V=41 ' insver„aty l es L t . VlrT3 s olVinr;;; Y Ftate
II - GA F . .SUGAIi--211t) bls. Spell , for snit' by ; end 11 , . I. Yiih_fttn , , L1..10g• long r<rri , n , , tropir mere.
I_4 otth2, JAMES A iturrculs...N IC, ! ..' , v . , ,, ,',7 ,1 ,,,L4..,..71.. , ,,14.;. , 4, - .,,.,... ,, ,-40,...,,; , :n.,w," .
v u. suGAE-25 hhds. for sale by ITILI:11M 'r JaN I F.S. AL4Z .
n. 2.1 Nn. 11l I'mot Aet.
i. 1 1 • matt , J A.•. DALZY.L'L. GA sintr st
-- ----. . - --
NIACKEREL-1.50 bids. prime No.J. !Ands , American Life and Health Insurance Co.
„,,.. ,„
.ri , j,dt.'; ''''.'"' f ltolttiltlSON A itcPrEr.r. , OF Pll ILADELIII Lt.
Agent for Pitnt/Invh, S..t .1//.. P. TO la F:', l
1 1 , , UG.111 AND MO L A SSE:S-- tllnce. S 7 Ftrth IsL aloe. I , vllinoll.
L. is 11104. Plantatton Suter. . Pnamphl.l.• containing all neconcnry intorsnatinn env Ice
.n.e. L 1.1... d. .3101e5., le es.4.urnort) i obt.nlnel Al the Aire. jaltaitt
In ,ton and for ule by '
malt, ""A ‘ ER A RICKET6°S. ' Western Insurance Company of Pittsburgh.
50 s L i,.. tH . ;: i Hou g h !mi 3 a . g , ;l l eo !umpany
lAPITAL 8300,000. IL MILLER, :Ilt ,
att.3 rower or Lutes sad Thin! rt. . C Prefklent. ---, . e-ocr,
.L.l•rl. ri. .
LARD -2U kegs No. 1 Lard. and :2 lads .. 0 12, 1 .,:r.',:il ITV:I'IV] ":1:‘,1:1":.:Ap...V. 4 11" u '''
Orem Lan!, Or sale hi IL DALZZLL t CO. - • boo' 41.4tat 1 +3 -- P.W‘l r by I .nrCensre nisi, re grail
• P a .5.,-._ known In Use Popp:sanity, and who are dcieriornol I,
antitilmniiir to pntintsin the character nhich
ALEILATUS-125 LOX.eB and 10 bids. fur i rs ' eTtreteentne.l c as offering
bra proiorttou to tro,.
IJ sale 14 II DAL-ZELL 0 CO.. e...tio dein to be Insured.
mcb2.l ut,..,..,, ..u. t ...,. , Draecrou-11. Maier, Jr. Ufa Black. J. NV. Dotter, N.
' , • ', Helm, Jr., Was. B. Holmes. C. thmsen. rant W. Jackren,
6: U N DILI ES-- ' Wnt. M. Lynet,,,J.. , Lippincott. Ueors• Dante, Janata M . .
ss, J. AL, Nlmlrt, ...c.f..
1. -- 150 rens \\*retrying Parrt, ' A it ' Ae. Sio. - I,llVal.r 7 eUe .. er.., (warehouse, e Npm,Oß A Cr,.
!Aide. MO Ct.r.bc
'op seair.,llltrabstratt. ,u1..11,
10 1.,,, IN litipertor Tolarrtn . . -
110 n. CluTa:
MO met Casein; . Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Comp'y
bbl. Nottn,- , C •
" ergAJ • n..-, In Roma od f.r .nle br (11FI;ICE.. ,, N T ?ItTH ROOM ,O I , I ? il F .s. TIIE EX•
' ' - ' rstiricH A. PENN MT.
anch2i 112 Second. LSI rm. sir., PIKE 1.•.r - ,a Mercitantilca, and oth er
rests-mi. in torn and ronsttry. inntred segaruit In. ,
MORRIS'S TEA HART, 4.,,....„1, gre. et the
rate of o re
3lse•• Lsectusea-Tber *Le itacure Vemola Cargoes,
(IsATE M 0 It 111 S&IIAIVOit T II , ) mad Preixlak ActlJ.ll or ontrtnrinc, nod, .Pere or orecini
lit the ',junto-11d, &mad Dot, Dia.nontialky. 1 1;17' '4,7„:17= . . 1 i",!";', 1 , J .,„,
IF YOU WISH FOR TEA that is really r5t.917 . 1 . 0„ ,, 1 i 5 . ....;7 . , r ,.....- 1 ,,,,,- 1 ,,,,,, 1 , =7 ...,.... t , .0. :
~.. ..c. no, t;nr ic tn. pl., ln Inly . lt, a. Inferior to. rti4.l 1 - i.,,,,,,,.,....._ j......,1, ,ar.,4, 'A r ...., A. ", ~,,T,
71,- , , , , - ,, ,, ,,.: 1 7.. , ~ t , , , p ----- ~. . Duvis..R.obrtt Unrton. John 11. Venn..., Fennel kisrarcia
Tre " V ‘ ..4l . l-l i . " ------
• • - 2 . ...'`• . ' l ' irsn ' Tl.l - sc!i ' l t . '" J r alt i r od t, ' .. '" enr s,""ir„i.!- - ,_''', -- ,`T
„...-, - . IlAnd Th,,,pinlns Pueldlo.c. li. !Doe. AI pl ' ics l'sr ‘ ar;
Thsc I. thr only st,-.1.: ; 1 , n
i riLt..l-orgh that 7 . 7 , ,5 , t7 1 .1i g c . ~„. ii „,.„, ~, ~,,,..,. 5.„,..m. n.,,,,,,.
.51,11,0 t.
llarl . e.s Rell -../ ti . .I la {COI Ila- Ur • Th.tsnat.
P.T.r:ll tifl'.VZl:,.. o -e 1,, D. Ar.,..' ,, ..` , .. , :r . :, . . '',al.o seitere, r ivm s . ... ' . .9;` . .. ' " ' ' '
. drn Intuctnn• Az Ptr:enottna-D S. Morgan. Rook Croht.
- - - • - - . ____
, . John T Loon.
ItEFINED SUGARS. & c— NV., X Siti.T.,Pr,iJent. rms. C- assn. Ties rsse,-
;, hoar. D It 1..*, tent ~',,-. , dent. J 0.... lc, ccvax, .sers* ,, r7•
215 124.. l'-••abe 1 r.(4,7". ;
b.fA.Cm - t 0....`41 . .,.,? — r - ' . f " n o it s liiritir..t,nl.' -
~. . ... ... . . -
Po - Clarlfird '•,,
70 - iiohlen and crmie4 gyro:, . T HE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSUB
- ... - E. 11. Syrup Malntanr. aor - inie L, . .V.ICE COMPANY, Itio. 151 Market Street. Ne w ark.
JAME:). A HUTCHISON • Cal . N -nd No II Wall Eimer, .Ii V Armannulated a..aitt•
nickel) A:trita ft Louis:init. Nearer. gions,liin.dlellinsfreito N. 1,40 per not print per nand=
QUGAR-92 h/1,. N. 0. to arrive this day, I 1. ;',,„" • ,:r„,, b g,7",=71 4 ' 0 =',,,t,;,„rg'f,„%tt,
kJ for sal. by mcti2l 0• 1V II•H BAUGH , prthts laclnc .1111.1 no anov i t i ht i ntr i ad i,, - ,..,. .
MOLASSES --740 1.3,1,,. N. O. far sale by deS No. 111 Vi
2 iaL Ti IlaitbAU,lll
zA few bbls (fresh) for .ale by i 511SCEI.A.ANEOUS. -,
.._:. ~, v a w tiA.ReAuln
Lunlf.iAßl ' --It, ta,k. & .., kgs. .S a. I Lard, in I R A. II ERsE if . cf . oimissioN m ER.
Aare load nr -al.. I.Y : ill ~,,,,,,,,, 1: lIIANT, forth, Fade of Dona,drde. W:nlen acid Cntun
ntec., No. tnt II c.... 1 etnvt Pittabuddlii.
1i 11l Eli APPLES-1.;‘) i.,,, pime, for stile 1
" 0,601 000 at `to. , tmin'e E , a./ de . adiPhon of fr nCiit
Ur 1 4_ cntlld
, i 1V 11AKIIAL10111
if 100 FISH-- , , casks read and for sale by ' r ir at the ruheertbin under the style el
I. ii •it usso_syon.__ „,,,,,,,...7 , .. - '-',..... , a
. . 1. 1. - 1•1111, • Co„ 1. 11 • day larolsed by mutual
ha A LMUN --..., No. I, for wile by , `'..".‘• M.% 111,1t143,
.4). hlthW ELSIMINO,
13 mclai)s /1.- DALI.EI.I. • I.Lo
a h E1.K311:),J
HERILI 5 blar , for
1 In Ilene or 11..! Elrualnd la aulltocinalto um the
anch.24 M; -- rl. ,
04 1 .. 1 44L 4
co i 0..142174, t).
h• late hr in the vttlement td their Wenn,
iji.iiVERIZE ii) CORN—Refined and I:'re- ' IIySSOLUTION -
OF - 1411TS:EltS1110 7 -:-
Wl,l Econ.:l)ly for F....4.—rh0 Incomparably pore 11). tddtnendilli herendere nadair bet... W.
sod haaiful'innnie 13 eacce4,4l, health,. drum...,. and .... 'amber, under the ny le of .`..harkl ea ett A White..., di
ecomanhad Puldinte, Cate's. Cunard, 0 , .. Sr. made bli . ndred on die tint Jay of Januar), labl, by mutual eou.
th,.dnech...., execduannytuu each pactaee. sill be baud •ant tither of the aubsciten will attend to wattling up
caoct ean.llent Priceyer pact., 15 rent,. . the bunneco. and axe autharland to ina• the name at the late
For este by 01.4 It' s ert.tmo. 0. •vms .0 or ,. o „. lb.) ~,,,,,.,,., N O , iny w oo d ~,.,,,,,.
11. t) ttIa.CKLETT.
RACON —5 lOWA prime !lams; February 12. 'al. T Ike. 11. W lIITE
n du do Shoulder, In atom and
V...ale I,y a1n..1111., • Ruh
Rockingham and Domestic Queensware.
ltrooDwAßD, BLAKELY & CO., Mari-
V ati - tute, Of hoctludham and 1 allow I ea, w.....
El, Lcriat..4,.. WI.
4j- :tatti r t ,
, - . , ..? 01. , , ? .:.. 1Q{ Fourth @tr.,. near the May.
Our ell ' etteive wont, enable us U, All onion promptly.
A competent Jennner beta, eouttantly eiupLyed. al. , en
able@ ua to tarp puce with all the nem and improva.ledlrn
of the ad.
Water Urn.. pitrearie, ritrbera. Fancy Tore, Dowrtltetv,
Flower Vase, tiublets, Mantel Unman: de, Medicine and
tinufl Jan. and Antietam P., domeatte in, In next carieta
Orden ~ ,alutry 3.1.0 d tochatlf
Weoszer s ii,uabridgetk Dictionary.
w EiarEß: i s v i N:Ati ,4 IIp.KIED -
L'ato. wort Lo 4 lin,. tAct P n.l l l ' ; ' l.4ft.
A large rupril, cf thn ut.r. work rr,l ter
corms JOHN H. 31E1.1.11. bl Wu.let
1 4 ' 4 EAT lIERS—Imkt lbs. prime, far male by
pLAXSEELI (01L--;:t bbla. City Make, on
I haul aml kr vale to
101/LIVER UIL -Bu/htou, Clark &Co.',
4L/ r.e.laull far Mit
mad - STU:paI:HI/01.
SILKS-20 pc s. asiorted Spring
°trio dilkiortut reed or
A. A. A t cO3 At CO ,
meld No. G 2 and M Market attvet.
ILA v, ye. rialn all wa-1 high colonel De Lai.,
and 5p102211/IFtyl, Dcrrce Lein,.
10 chef ort7le liana/Ine-, just opened si
mcb4 A.,IIAS.ON s 00.'o.
j)OIASH—B casks reed and fur salt by
mch I a=Liberty st.
WINTER. WHALE OH.--12110 gall. bVd,
In store and for sale by
kJ of very superior outfit, —lt full kerrtment just
opened by [nrebt) MURPHY R ISUILLIIYI Y.U.
MURPHY 1, BURCHFIELD hires rust nod • fresh
. r o m ur r euf c... tta x, ho p e ,, e rfAx.. of all the various :It i a!ltle,
KEG BUTTER-14 kegs just rec'd and fur
.sals by [matt] MILLER A ItICKETSON.
LA SIM and Limn Cambric, of nes , and handsome styles,
' :r t errl rk'''Pi"t frtlVllVA BURCHFIELD.
_ENUINE PORT WINE.—The pure juice of the Orape. suitable formedielearpum•Aes, fole
by Q. , Jewel. or Bottle, at MORRIS A LIAWURTIIr so
and Wine Store rad side of the DhunntuL (feta ,
SUNDRIESLI bbl. Chestnute;
3 ° Hickory Nutt
20 bra...Stearin Candler, On we by
reehl3 J. D. WILLIAMS A CO.
VIASON'S BLACKING-911 gro. for sale
tnehlb J. KIDD it CO., t 0 Wood at.
voTesii-10 mks, warranted pure, for
A.ldhy.. mchla J. t It. FLOYD.
LI Parlor Chandeliers and Precasts, Odle Istsaltatflala
5i,,,. two and ono light Orname l`endents. at eastern
Inure , . W. WIL9OII.
mchlb corner of Fourth anti Market rt.
ki./ Ornamental and Clain Suapension Lamps IbrChureb.
Eteumbeats, nrel lbscilloca A 1,,., liVor and twat,
liful patterns or Center Table. nand, and Etudy Lampa..ll
Of the unrlvalbd manufacture of Cornell. t Co., and at
ra!lorn prices meld!, W. W. WILSON.
EEDS-20 bbl. Ntrictly prime Clover r
Thnoth 1 1 / 4 ,1.
meta, L. S. WATERMAN a FOND.
n •
. ... . •
Rs_.., doz. f or sale by
EGGS--7 bbls. fresh, for stile by
p o irt=--5 bop — pocked, for sale by
_.. _
DRYAPPLES—Io bbls, recd, for sale by
. _
._ ... _ -
"IR/ED PEACHES -25 bu. for sale by
/ ulch:sl EA3II3EL P. 01101.0 E ii.
itICE :2 iS tierces lan gall . for sale by
Pranklin Fire Insurance Co. of Philad's.
I)IRECTORS: Charles W..l3aneker, Qeo.
w.sidion_Tart:/f l ar o Ser s i Llr d r, i3 Tobiu
CMAIM 131. •
Dab Cotoparty mum., to maze latrunricer, permseent
or limited. on arsry deetription of Property la town •E• 1
countTeo r 7, at Masa mlOll M =Anent With worn,
Cpatty. bare reterrel • large food
which, trite their (Spital tad Premium, safely invested.
afford staple o f to the •ssund.
tithediht of too 0 =4..7 J...rr Ist, 1561, it•Pnle•
anzenblf to the .Aot of Annals.. wore as folio..
11= 5918,3 n OS
81.377 'ft
Temporary Inane
Conti, te
61.7.12,1141 44
trio. their Ineorporatfon, a bested ot years. they
have paid upwards of Coo Million Four Ilundeed Thousand
Dollars Losses by Fite. thereby iffording evidense of she
ralrantate. of /news., 44 well so their ebtlity sot Alr
pnalbso to meet with pionap A tioll4lttrtilitV. ,
t I
5010 kt_ corner of Sbotsl and 14 ets.
State Mutual Fire Insurance Compw.
THE best ovidence of the success of the
Director* in endeavoring mal, lb.. STATE Lilll ,
P/RE I.)"..SURANCE COMPANY meet lb , .iimota of
the munity, I, the unparalleled 41..1101 of Lu n
d....rLizh com by been done: Dating i , oed over 0,060 PoliMaa In
1110. more than eight umpth:,. and adding over Ingi 3 OW
2t '2, l, °. lP:l=.74 ? l,...rt r y b rwtre.i .' nf o t r iie p r m sf ‘ rt a t
.Leta proportion In.un , „l LW. •
[lnd T
Number of Policies lamed, - . 5,055
Amount of property insured, - $5,139,496.00
do. guarantee premiu ins, 57,909,79
do. cash premiums, -- - 32,194.24
do. guarantee stoek, -- - 90,10.1,03
do. losses, 4,100,00
To N. deducted from the ahoy. Lalance, the Incidental
espenect of the office.
To city Jr country merchant, awl owner, of dwellnatta.
and imolated and country pro,rty, It Le believed MIS r. -
I..emy afford. advwatsure9ln point of cheapnrc, , safety. and
VVIArII . Inferior tom ineuritore Compwo yto thin mu Wt.
condortod on thr tonitabie and rroatlylmproved .10100
of (21...e/heath/a of net+, eartuding 'mech.! hazard, In.
rutliter only a iimitcd amount in Lay Do, k.. 14.00 Vr ,
eluding the frequency end urcurrener of large tree; and
idea on Loth the Stock atul Mutual plan. It not only
we the the cheapnce, and accommodation of troth methad , .
nut .0111 ea ;lee irlAllrlAi to a participation in the 00111..
11 In 1113 arr the control of the following Leineerorr—johu
P Rutherford. A. J. 11111.15, John LI P.cker O.T June*.
Alcorn A earlier. Philo C.Seaga - irk, Robert Klatt.
J. P Pren/rnt.
A. 4. tiILLI.TI', Lecrrlary.
A. A. Slam, Actuary. fcLII
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., Philad'a
ma< J. ituney.Or . , i 3 livrty meet
Qr the beter , oracultn., DI nano°,No 3 L
tending .11=
lower mat cflltc dt.y, the sce.nj LI. be fou.x.
(run 11 1., 12 o 2 2to 3 n'elock. the munting roariNg
J ?rhoontasker 2 Co. No 24 Wond .4,
Infmnation .1111..Fiven anarrramunirstlon•
attvnied to. l'aaphlet• esplweinz vincipl, sal
L e n a
of 1.16. In.utan , c. ss
our r =O,OOO tel ton<tuntiT 111 , 1‘401:14.
I•rwita d l
nsonnlly O.GOI. tho, .nr.-a itre.
Pitt.-Larch. Jan..ll,
Marine, Fire, and Inland Tranzportation
TFIE Insurance Company of North America
Phiia.lclphia—CharternMLl; Capital ASV,LI
J.:unary 13, 1951. /1.001,25.5 5.0. Will at, Insurance nu
s.nd,Ch,ir cont.:lll,in thti city and ciiinity ciao
ri — Csett; stracti'irmic
5.a , 1 11217. id cr--r.spertral, the
C. Shacklett and William
111 Paynt. s:t
yrryst partnys, strAbltrutszatts ttly4s. as
Ih (VyytVl:s=lt
at th e 41'0 orysaytu4 by ttbarklytt • ti . otitty, sus
c / O-PAHTNERSH IP—The subscribers hues
enterel Into Ce,PArtnerehlvtder the Dim of ?mile.
41. Itoon A 0.1, M. h. WAIWIS,
PARRY, 1111011 ES A CO., Proprictors . of
Nr ProteA L Liorent Penortiennu State quarnet, Nit
informlotiders, Conn - 8010, sod other s , a t pit,
rept, to utalrrtalv contract. tar Itootott oat. their to,
Li it U i.;:itlynit:Yluts 4 art In I,o•pemiDla cf the tort and
lorgt,et Fla e ( Marti. , in Ihe Pnitect Lttatrt—th„ oo tity of
their Litotes is equal, if not matter., to the holt Keith
Ilatet—thet emplo their other tot exporienerd ond
ttell via.. to do troll, contegurntir they have no
hrtitotton in inturinp • pert", watePtipht roof, neatly
and handtortely rompletnt, aa relocnotie a trete per
quart. a.t any In the tnde.
P.. 1L a Co. particularly Pronto:tend thort Mater to be
put on lath retard of steal.. ohirt, alit he' of odrantotic
to the contractors their marten( bulldinnt
Rtforoncee ha to slates and Slating can beim—end
St r. Thom. Parry, One of the catapu.v, , taay alto be ou t ,-
sulttd tar day—at their agott . i Unice, corntr of flea rt
and Canal PARRY, IfUUll F. 9 .4 CO
41.1112111':-21,r'"i17 ternirto.
FLOUR -100 bbls. supertine,gar sale by
mans .1.& R. TWIT.
LilclD 01L-10 bbl. No. 1, on hand 8010 hI WALLINGFORD A CO.,
mehs 03 Water
Ny OOL WANTED--Tho highest market
Prioo. Mal. WM ro ft.r
l tho 1111Torent grelrs
c. 1,11. vadat 111, t W. lIAILHAUtIII.
N()TICE .—All persons haring claims
enelnet this eteinner Onion pre
tent them to th e rubscrlbers for sattletnent Immediately.
tho boat lons weal Into other hotels.
mehl4 WALLINtiFt/Kle it flei WatlTl4.
OR SALE—Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail
toed `" *"` T•th ir k °"'"ub iriNguVfnTst' ";
13LANTATION MOLASSES--600 bbls. in
mon/ and for can by JAMYS DALZELIi;
mehl4 • IA Witter oL
PIWOE GUMJusi, received
S. - . 3 from 13.a0r. No.. tbronab baud. of all,. Yan..
keo. • largo lot of tbl• ploamant and agrooabla Chewing
IVotorb b , k a h e. l 'l' P on i atirsroll:l". n ex b "" h. d " " "
meta 111/Ml* Wood sod
Y T cum !m.o.]. by Joel She°, 11. D.
Water Cure la America...M.ll,y a Water Patient.
Iland Book of Hydrepatby tar Professions] and Domestic
UM.. by tb. Weirs.
1.1013.4.10 maim, of Itydropathy, 01111 bit,, ...strayed
Illustrations of important subjette. by Edward Johnston.
M A'nery and t o of iiyoropothy, be the late 11.
Yermeke. translated nom th e German by Robert 'Bolide.
Al. D.
The idore work,. for sale by STOCKTON,
Bookseller and n.cioner. </MKT Market and Third da
1 jibio to the only Instrument yet Invented by which
manterfelt min ma be eertainly dekoted earolltlatinlysre
,,,,einu hat a, moment. hicessl.l(l, 8.1.00. and fl,lO. lor
sale et the Wan+. tad Jewelry stare of
MA miner of M ark end lth eta
ilil— ATENT MEDICINES, Sc.—A large stock
ki i :!:lo,,, , ; ,, aan g t f or min on the moat liberal terms, rt..
1 1 1=c , Salt.
Lemon Arid
Ks .ntial Salt of IllabStal 1: il m afilas
Nerve nod Bony Liniment Egigolzu ni '. *Lair of llealth
Opodeldoc. Steer'.
Pulmonary BAIN. Carpenter's Extrsetof Bodin
Plile, Antbßillons Court Plaster
Dolby's Carminatlve
° Anderson'. Delatrative Syrup. for the
v . .......... of
welik. : : i rip.: : :. ii' l l , ;l:rof
: P.olWZotbDinhoPtie ola. SYPhili do • ,
- Crane' Essence of Popporouut
Pbelps' Tomato
- line .
- clerattri " Lavender
•• Blue •••
•• Quinine •
Pond. rs, Sods `• hlustard
&Milts" Thrum. for Beer
Rose Ointment for Tenet. Rye Water
hteeemehening Plaslers Gazdener's Linhesebt.
Swaim's Panacea Godfrey's Coritat
Taislingtms . s Balsam OW:den taut.
vermauce Rub=
Worm Tea. ,', Hone Powder •
At the Ding litons of B. N. WICKERSHAM,
OP , *BMW Of Wood aid moth stisift.
ir M. E in D-- . :A Situ , ation :Ls Book-k . ei ) -per or
Uneseeptionablo eity toferenoeVZlT l o . ; . ...o. " .% on
Inoue./ to 0 FL. eare of .1 . r.01115. Ivor, ruder anon.
and Phrhas. put up in their men thi:e. preeerelhe the
.mina/ havoc of the fruit_—Poaper , celebrated
'hoet and Slued leiturbee and Frahm oelstloe. for Jelli,
thane Manta. tc- for rale by
,ocblll WAY A..llcl.l.Citri A CO.. 20C Elbert-.t.
VENISON IIAII;.-9' for sale by
lachltr .I ° K. IVILLIA3II e, co.. _.
FrANNERS' OIL-10 bbls. warranted pure,
2. for We by h t chltl 11. h. EELLKI(S.
is DERRY PECTORAL, Starch Polish, Soap
C) Posder, and EtlerveAchhcChmKund. fur trds W
tach2l. H. I. SELl...t.h.h , co lloyi r t.
. _
.. . .. . .
RICE-iu tee. (fresh) for sale lir
racial) L./OIL/EL P. hllltUt Ert.
LARD -30 hhl. No. 1, in store. for sale by
cache. tr. a %P. /FA RPAUIIII.
8 bbls. for rale
nicht. WICK a YIeCAN t01.Y.e..S
BUTTER -S bbl. prime ittii,.for,ai.e by
thcble WICK a 11,CAND1.E2,,,,
C., A Sr!farm. of the Ls. of Land ignee Till, in Penn
hy JO,l Jun, ri.ed und ror =al.. by
whir, No. 17 )(.rea=r.
LIMAS' ALE--liAlWholo and Ili. WO,.
In nor, withcat:mast arrival., from the tires, ri.
warranted flr,t quail( for salt hy
Pays' Wear.
.111URPHY BURCHFIELD have reed
V I .o-torment of th/shove einJ., IA lIPLA
ennsbting of plaid sua plain I il/1“
Tiv.,..1•. %femme...tow., aud
.1 •arlous kiud, all at law,. nadir
up CAP.—Arnim, a Itritrurtrts Ine,W the att. oh.. •.i
U t Zb d sl nglitOsTio n' „
I aro,ol,
HORTS---300 hu. ('or gale low to clone Mu
-7 Elgin:neut. Op P :1111111:1:
CO dux. Ihrtetn,lo doz. Tun, fur , ale Cy
gal OLE; BUTTER--': btd. pot ree'd and lar
I_ll tr) r WOODS oN,
au.1410 CI \Cater .t
ARD Ul.l,—ito bbl. N.. '2. jug reed ana
LA for sale law Li {VaLl.laliiirla, a Ca)
, AHRIAtik: OIL CLOTH—On hand,
ij O re , .'artagent a 4. 5. an qt arr.-trtc,
JJ F1401t.1.1 Pat,. C 1,11..
"1.1c1t., •alg ab 01,41.1 aglow
m,111" .1 LI. ; gni b IT:od ct
fdi lirtory-2,1:000 yd. , •and A evr rrcr, Oil 1.1 , 11.., t
• .: otad mall. as au! -t.
m•^7 .1 s 11. rim.i.n.. -
110TAS11-10 corks No. I. for gale by
=lda .1 p 1,11.1V0F.711 k i
qJ gt,l tatetnt•nt rr rartarert to th s• -,- rttcr et
tora at N0..6 Fourth •trlnq -1,":
rkRIED BEEF-5 10. S. C. 1, sale ii 7
rti 11.01;1 , 0!. LITTLE k 1.0
/ILA SS—;:;.5O boson W. 0., arsA. Crtr 0011
tJ C , :mtr7l•lnz-1., rno anle hr
L. 0. It r .'I7MIMAN
i➢ICKOIII UTS-0 rho. G r gain Ir 7
f 1 c-t 5 WICK a , Irl:/t
QALERATIJ.: 11 cants and 23 ItoxcA pal.
J .. 71. [vv . s7ar
it ROOMS-13S doz. (Corn) for sale be
ll '
omit:. WICK L. NI , CANIrme.;B,
ti ACKEIIEL—i3A bid. N0..3, for sale by
1,1 m. 13 5 WICK 0 MeCANCI,F.M.
n LACKWOOD. for February, and the Art
ILJP Journal, I,r January, an , Il.r rah. at
mehs rprogito Cho het °in,.
rilAll —25 bbl. reed and for sale 1,
mph., • ROBISON, 1.171 . 1.1: .t 1 - 41
VII AKEREL--2.5 bbl. No. li, for sal. by
LTA- ...h.f nonisom. LITTLE k CO
PASSIA-100 motto just reed. for sale by
FOR SALE—Ezeltantto Bank :Stock. by
331 , 116 11. P. fil:Ctl. rourth .I
Vat 1.1 ATII OIL--Warranted pure. on
~./ draunbt. RuAton. Clark.. 0 too. In 1,44.11e.a. 44. a.
mail I.
lot : ;!e l Pge 1
fr. t V.77 1 .5 ° = . r. ;;tl
UAL!. ircnilen rule, A. A. tor Aale sl
Printing 1 , 1fk..:11 , 1.4ty,c151w1,4 /urry PA.
ArrltTkAll mr,
LAi. ' TUCA RI U M—Englimh iiarortPd, tan
rakl., n A.Sln\F;h.'l: k
rTY—ln bladders, in a<si,rt , al skins
.11. iatp
- - --
V WEN ' S PLASTERS--Larg.:! and amoll.
rwAIN mw,r Ara end 11 , •,1•1A,
HIDES-10 1 ' Mir HIDES repel, iir. i
ft, FAA , br tar S. A W IIArBAU,B
VEATHEBS--E0 pack< Featln,rl rp , pirri
Arr/f, ma s♦ 11. 1i 11k 8.11,11
. • . . 1
011 BUTTER-5 Barr-l. rec'il par
la. it..carrna
tu.Ar A W. BAI,BACcIi,
A 4 - ,1 taAor..ruw - rA rAn fn=nl. C‘rp , Wr.r-
Anlow, Vcarth rtr,
11, h . • 'll - 11,1 t - '7O( - 1..
r . ge ~ t the
It. Calvt LTarrhou, No. I,
ov-3 II !I:CU:a - ALE
LA ItH OIL-10 1,1 , 15. tin, W Inter Strained.
ILL rode by J KIDD • CO.
Wood FILL-,
tin go,d
IL, r n L, 1 NILLL,,).
aria No L. 3 w.w.a -wr,t
tAiAlt AND 3101.ASSEt4- -
kJ :w Ltd , . L)
••• WO • r I
cwt.. 1ni11,1e4.. Ira, •
SEED -40 hbl, My, Scol;
14,610 (MOWN • Inhe
_ .
• MlRcil YIELD P•Te un h•nd gcnxi
1.1 1 111•pkete, qua15t,,,1134411. • u.
O. of .44th .11r solquslity, nli • Writ , r.• uc.v. ilr•rwld
at redur...l pruv.
(OLD LOCK ETS.--Jqr,t reeeleed a large
11 .apply or elvgnot Weachp• mad Mlctlatur.
•4111blv 1.4 Dagurrotyp.... 11.1 r, Air
. ,
uttk 1r W
UNION TAPERS. -LW dot. for-t•ale hr
LA 1,t,02 .L qll,ll
'HEAP WALL PAYER—Frtan is 1-4 rent,
23 larite w.a.rtnunt, for
frbio 11 I. M.61:11A1.1.
~ 1.3114101 i—a GIJIJ for •
f rAn, 11 F.
Jµ.4'l.) 13AVBEISKY —2 bbk for side It
11„ _OLIO H. E.
gra, for ~ale hr
&WU Ft P. :-/:11.:LR,
, N OUSE UE LAlNES—Yrinted and rolid
Ups- half, for !tale 'l,y
" frt,ls 11.1.1 11 .1011Nr.I.C:
DRAWING PAPER--300 Shoot, (4upert
LPor quality) ItJt roe GT J 1).11lbk no.
tnrhi Ne, IN Wood
B -KOOMS----2110 dot Corn, for role
mcGIE J a R 11.011 , .
PIIESTNUTS--30 bu. for sole I.y
mubli.l A II Vl.Olll
IkIOLASSES - 25 bbb. 5.11. ;
'lZ*. •• U. Its ..alr.c.rP uul tr. arrire, and 1,,r by , •
8. W . J1,11..R.116:. k TON,
mchs Nt t 41 It : Ayr:Eva
prime large N 0.3 Mackerel
• " D. ' r . iirlitrittiAg'.:l;tAr
1) - HIED 1111 J IT -726 bu. Apples;
$75 •• C 18441,
meb.s L 0. WATEILELIY d. 000 e.
"I l is b iin2lc T laral . Ls an ‘ ;;nTe rt nr.
Dirtir.47 of Ilorbazirs, ha T . 3.
bg ' o l prmot .
pEnni, suit6ll-40 bozos for Aale by
if ARP 01L--20 bbls. No. I, for sale b y
_Li meblB JAA. DALZELL AS Water ot.
Bw"s--150 tons Soft Tenn. for rale by
ambit , J. DAL7.KLL. 68 Water t 78 F nt ct
'SAFETY lIJSR---150,000 feet Bacon, Birk.
ik, r d At Co.'s make, .emoted, for t tla I.
moo: .1. 0. It LWoltTll t 1,0. •
,7CL a O
nd T HS
fl— 10 ,
m 00 ) yrd I s
c fun
r Oil C lot
wea hrr ern', whe u .lll bmwdaslowo.wdeofohe
o netern
make. and retail lower than any other house Intl.
We lerlte the attcnt.l on of purehaem, to the afore
awl, at our ware :Irma, No. 7 and t4nal St.
nada 11. VII ILLIPS.
mM~ b ' MILLER & lII4ET9ON.
FrOLE MATTS—In store and for sale n
Lh a caruel. Warrhouo• of
mah3 IY. 31KiLINTOCK. NS Fourth it.
yi, uGs.—W. MCCLINTOCK invites the nt
c tendon of Ulnae night. to furnish. In h 4 stook o
up-which arc inst received front the manufacturers.
New Books! New Books!
trmt ‘ oppraits tha Pod Mk,
•rtle: a Humorous Nom': by Ci.M. Smworth,
if..7u1:111;e47i; `Zia.1t,2,,,,.b” uold 14.ginn.
wovoid: bY Om. band—i tot, In 1. Prim. Cile.
ugm: the Scholar, Ito Olprep, the Mut, br , r .
TIM Gideon'. Pleeklamo bp Alox. Du....
'Orreries of nu Old lllald; or HIM. to Young Mesa lute.'
1. 1 i gh. " 730r0 mu alai, he had of P. S. hIoNAMARaI.
tdbel2l. ., _
.. dichhi
I.l'l E A T 1 I E it & —8 racks (prime) roc sale'
moue Wlek 0 iImIn.NPLESS
LARD—I 7 kegs - in sto re and for ~.oki;;.
....wm. 11. JOHNSTON
TA — BLE OICOLOTHS—A very large as
sortment of Tablo Corns, on band arod for xabr nt
..., V Word .00000.
Cijoffß - StED kTIMDTDY SEED,-
et Mc. Clover &ell:
TietothTreel ;ad nle
Om° LEAF TOBACCO-2 hhd. for :idle
by Locos W3l. H. JOHN ETON.
F. 0.. IBEF.R3/Ei't, ATTENTION I—Was lift
at tnte Pare Ibt sh—a Plthltlpte, toe of then 37
pelt lobe, alel MO Puller etwa ey will be told nt •
sarrlEP, as the OletTe It an_aowl lade of T. r.o.n , who o.
urbane, and wishes to °Mato means to take bee co bet
fatally t o
Zi the Phase of belbtlne J. H
a PHUl.l lWoodet:. ,
EMo. 7 sad 9
11 . by W. V.Wallace.
I like to lar d Gami c fon. Kne landrove. 1
tt'bol antod ..o.zeznu, by John Paz,.
Mamma to 41 very pa. tar.
Vow.. LT
an dafx ho !'[root. Annie Lane.,
I . .;nr; 9kk l'clka.
I.4u:helves Lament: by the Ifiltrt111:11011. bolds Folks
lirand Polka de Coneert by W. V. Wallace.
With all the lat. linltaillr &DO, Waltzes. Cotiliona
114. Nfarth. Yariatizo., Itnudoa, le, ae..,•ori th
t:artern Coles.
Artnie r , o-iont ewer wet:.
. A very large and new stock of
To arrival!. week, of and 7 ay-,4
Torrlng in prire from 125 to 5500. Alas, two mar'
mil,. Velma Mow, from h e same eeletaMed manufm
' VI, above. with a full and 0.511 dock of !lade mal
""'h—li- Ili o i r i;i s' ll.l
h fE.I)R, Wool
N. 13 —Two Plano Fort.. I
to hire. OW Plan. taken It.
p.m for new go,.
bjcvn reerit,l for %ale—
a n d Polka do Concert, a.% performed by Frauleln2M
)lt .., oompo-o by Wallin..
at titOu Iw• gime. lure? A Tery brautlful pror meal
LI, C. toner.
Lxile lo Me FM,: • nen N113{5, by W. V. {Tallier.
NaldloPe Wife: by deo. Barker.
do. do.
0 lot though. are of the, Pompom( for and Sitili:l4
ear I , on um ear minium Woodbury.
A ten, wath min exeurou aonu and curb.
Whore troll., ( my ) °nth'
Como. mildew , , or •
lota st.--Uareef
u.t,Coaumt, Bridal. COY; II )) .
en York LAI, r., Ar.
Conn.- • .inyring tzermeer.
C. 0.. Landis. (freeh •uppin) by L Ma*. A Webb--
anguo..tlunably the 1v...a Poured - Maw book ever publiabed
pia ox, at T ., 1, 4 ruP . PA of mook . st
.:IMa m
D —lt.) new end mom fa.Mouable muele received a%
n 111.104,1
A VOL. 10. LOSSING'S Pictorial nn
!{.ld E.t.a Ihr Itarolutlort Cloth,
_4Z-11.J' •
i. )2 l'irtorlsl Arid Book or the Revell.'
Parophltr tem,
31ary Er•kiar,r, aransoula et er the author or Rol.
fa luahl•
Time the Aavorrr- by the authorof
arota.l,' ... s.laurdact
' V. ecr.Manr. Ltg„TlrtzriLl'io-,
Nn G Martz, moot.
tiosh:oxii for Hoch, 01th.141 rqvg-r:
liorusultortst. (or FtLhlrr:
Culttretcr do:
IF liCri[A" do.
1114'4 Disciplial • tales:
Iffs.harals's 11.4x1r.e.ti0.2.
1 4 13_ e.rMe . t..!lc ' ttr mothers k
esid dauGhters.
lefr,Fres Ilesoropotr.. I, l,Grlso APP..
"""' - r r num"
4.5. • onoci:
;Jr or , 1. L 11 t .. to D G o.
t. Jams, Es sod.. 0.7 s 4
opposite the Post Of
H K L ED F. D tat,' pi -state la
a: alms or
he, jars cpc-avd a let
herePlznos of tli r crlekratsAl make
t!YArtx sal Dr:CH..IICW York. welch, altb tbets ,
r. boo kna 111 , 14 rh . gint. ands
r-d in this ritr.
A ruc•ne..,tlwrs.,ar sylmild 7 ° sarrsd Plano.
Lnal. IYI styls. Ohl; silo as: Irtinrsrstnarsst
stw es,
•trl/..,. lat,t or! . nem Itnrortant improrrmrat, to
mond vols. ea NutaA t Clares Pianos. Also, tare semi
Attarlor.rat Pl:4km
C.—An ert:IVIYC lot of New Mask, esn
kas,,„ bra r. els , drool
solirt:',;:tibl.7l7lETollW rl l / I .P. 101 P'g r
ird lrt
P APER—FoIio, Packet, Commercial and
hra l/zalrto Pri nal Cap rant. e large earplr °tall qua
u1..1 alrl plain, I.lna nod •hlo, for pal. all liberal
1,111.5 jal9 W. C. lIAVE.IeS
NOTES AND DRAFTS.—Engraved and
rt.ograt.h'Notea uul Dna % a mast beautiful de
t.71.a. tbrekt. lautu..l In book. of varkuts slses. rot
rale at
N. S. HAVEN'S Blank nook Stara.
Rtir. klarket tuN beeoud atl '
. =. 4_Ar99l.ln.Jvnxml: end ;O r iy;)
Avßini,, INK—Arnold's Writing Fluid,
and , 14.1
Chreskal Flukl snd R. 4 Ink.
CA , IucuLLNA Ink—red and blu , k.
11.1. ran k Thompsou'o CanunereLll Ink—black, sealet
av! rl.
yrrsteli 9uolue Ink. For ale br W. A. lIATEN.
-- Niw — BOOKEL
17.1 ne. eleaxleal dlellonary nr and 10 me
.°T4 W.
Clllito L . editnr the •• ', na%ane ? a l orOmel
maltoutan Autiquitle, and alt; erekand Roman Ilkottruithl
ud MitbokatY. trytoed. ith nntnerou• cotrectiona aio
tod.lftiona. by Chart.. Abtbou. Lb. 11, I'mkaasr . of .th.
tite•k and Latin LaniMagta lu Coitnnbin
The Lit. and Corre,ondenee of Rubes. Scullery; edited
b, Ikta Chaelea Cuthbert Southey. IL A, Cu
rate .4 Cuzuhertand. Full bound ring, will,
b of th Life and Coomm:1;1rDeo of Robert Soo
ilawe of 'h. Qtownanf Pwntland. and En 213,0 Matelot,
tr.nntwval with the zweal etiorawwfola (llama Etrtiaht,
Aitnael atrickland.authar of tha • Urea Gf Queens o.
anglatal. val. I
• Thei ,
i n<nitin PiiiP 6 U and it. Caane; Aditrem deßi
tnb. ..Oki ltut rmlred;znil fur 6alay
Li C. MTOCTON, SI Market st.
ik)A.NO FORTES—,touN
61riur. Nn. 11' , .0d stmet. has Pm
it' .61 , 1 now open kr ale,• Lag" =1 1,11
,mock at G. 6$ and 'octavo
•0,0 1,, trims the runnidu.-tory
0.. .usiten the nunntion of purchaann.
nr6 Lynn:lA-4r <al at 11iat.616 prim, r . 4.6 ,, te
r-at, wial in &limns trarranteil
La.,n in part pa,-= .r.t at their fiili - Talor
- 1011,1 IL MELLO',
-nt lb , sal. of Chi6keiring6 fnr Weal. Ex-
No. 61 Wool str-rt.
' l "7k '; Blopepylty, tlyterit);T. G.
r....'". 1 ' 11 4'n r*""rk wJßo
;: !`. tbt.`tngr by °milt. 1.. I— /1
aejsicr S.,tiand .1 Enclith Prine,mem
.. I clCcrrr•ponJettce of R. !kruthey. Mind b
nu C A.. 1 voi. tst+., Inas y
Ito or Port", tut .C•cot... An 4 , 1..trt.ta...
In. Tkberuarle. cc 11- 4 4 1n.clas cycla
,c.. ./..nuitt It, IVA. 14ev. :I Murray, D. D.
r.< , ,.-Celo- :414 by U. 1-10117LVS. ,
.t ionttla rt.
4 :l c Lllith tiztJert. • 2-71..brated duet frt.=
en .an, C Foner
•he lay tur,by C *
I .1 rat r th.e tbit hand of mine,
cooly. Itarslitia.
K.. to.. bapet et LI. Daughters of+tMutt !.i. Itt- Mutt
Aunt!. • i•roribe eat.l it
1 . the span thstit,.4l thy..
r. bait,..[ ,I:n1 t‘u rontinbri -v.. Ali,
tt-arts. Polt.a. 4y C
rt,,k4rst.-.1 Poll" bauert
ra:y r* r ' ti ‘ utl i rtft.! ' r.r:;t. Ps 4 Yolks
it ll : l•, a l Z *** Altlf7,l l,l .ll ' .. ""` C""
yuadrills,—rcry ran . tat.lprett).
ilueiguol Allesitray Collillrm
A now of llonten, I,l4rurttont fur Pita, tub
eit of !raw..
n Innr the pt_
'"'l"`"arlduv .ad
tl p !! , fr , SlZTbrrot, Third otter. opPetlb 1/2!?,
Wine iollumnr, • Tale for Moth., and Danzbters. By
Or. akotlar. .
EM - Orser eviller.
Alm:oso tor la:.1
lee Nlother'.. litecninpenco,.• [alert. Br Gran Ar .
lb,. Lot I..rell* , or two emanates—a novel.
haler 4014-. Etigli‘h
to.b, Losal—
art.l l tan , Dnr
runlck. By CI W M. het - volt.
In,tur., cn the Jentlta Dr. Bert.
Ur la,es Itrylx to Bieber, linghei. on the Beebe; II
ffrohletscon.or .
lance/J.:No 1 of 0.-tr r.
111,1.. the author of 'The t,k-amra"
.\.I ol th,- An*ricar, Illurchmaid edition of the Warcrly
New N00k.% just received.
HE Thu d 5 of the Bible, by George Gilfil
lart. k.l-4..12an . :ciC;ziari.iug • nmnrobore exhibition of the
.rvk Ural.lac/. be:inurra in Omit. and u •
bwk of marl,: for ulpirrolea and college% If Aschel C.
N.u.friet. 1 rot IZao. mu,
Youth* C Briratutmh an Gbuld. ro 16mo
Charm. 00.1 Count., Chum 4. C Fly
Ttaris J. Sf l
tll l
. ii;:cmpera"; a slquel "ilcmz nclact "
11 51;ftial A rt' u llt F u p 'ulne sad lliguaren' Jourxml. Flrat
I; Dlrtillar;Of Meobarom and Enenecritg
r:-'.l Le sale by K. 1101 XI
121 Arr,ll2 .. Butitling.. nrtuth
- - - - -- •
rhpL iTo
.10a' widsumx .". e 4 nawiarectitnir froraine orairoto, at 474 g:
Farriolati, hY N. bringdrew L. L. IL
Tne nn_uk - n wenn er tot ratan= the pernsnnl nu.'
tative and result. of travel thronoli the Sandwich or Savo
T. nee're'r.d:',iatVw?'n'T4nlqll:=t; CATtIX^ U 4ila
Toir Itoyoret antonyms= a tenor' to Itcate Influents.—
ny Grum. Aooll,r. Itemlyeal and Pr age by
14 G. kITOCETON, 47 Market A.
Chranbi, Yott. and Annoicab tory.
P.orut 1111 Floe 11r1 quanta; ruled ftal pli blue
ual hite.
Blank Books or er.ry drooriptlon, on burl or made to
omit, nl flort notlm.
Stationery—Engliob, French end American, fancy B pd
gaol, for nolo by W. N. HAVEN, Btationor,
Alarket K. turner or Soonni
netiptina or Lona/. Oemntrecial, Btraintant, 61.1 and
beet rnmn
pon ner. hr W egrentrd ot•short both* end in the
. P.
Printing Oak, NJ Third rt.. betynen Market end Fern.
QTATIONERY—w. S. Ile.vrri, corzkr of
Second and Market eta., has for lode no lam end cote.
N ote ear ammortment d runty stationery as ham eref been
ene.l In thin market. Merchants vitt,tieefy
article In this on the most favorable Wi me . ' rat
II at the Oa:Willem. No. Third rt.
IL KLEBEII is now moetrlng a fresh lot
or etelrant Mann. nude by Nl:arta CUR '
New lark, among their. n splatalkl 7 octavo cured Piano
the ri iler!. demeriptinn of exterior and tone. It Is land. •
in the Ries,. iitylk, In rogue In the reign dined. XII and
XV. Alma anew lot of fashionable and Mule, Musk.
nod ex tee selection of Beau Instrument. Vkli.%
Guitars. Melodeons.; and miry variety of masted teerchare
ilize. lain_
tOEW BOOKS.—ilumbolt's now Work,
t .. c0,w0,, or Sketches of a Physical description of the
fertnore's Sketches of Minnesota, the Near England of
thy ...LI vol. 12 am.
' , rota Slrohantis .4 Ettatini,rs' Inalonary, Met Lin.
eor sale I f IL HOPKINS,
tat° Apollo Ihaiklings.
'r irrli k'' Rk ''' :t t l i m' u 'of ß rite in ° ll4fTelarqp .
.I,'Anhlene, D. D., Prerident of the Thou.,
h. szi winz,l,rd=a..l4l,TitawlblartincAn.f.&.irete
to tlinCI I ITI:111stn toes,
It:twang br'foty na "% il ual 47 '
The abort. vcrka ‘ frur tale be • R. C. AOCKToN.
Hooksett., and !Mullane,
4.10 Corner of Markel and Third as.
-- UTLINRAIAPS--P - elton's splendid. Out
Url6 Mane are tog ng introduced Ire l ears
me nob In Nor England ands. ear Kurt. hays obtain
ed the uariney for them ln Pittaburati, and tritatellehrra
§ OO4 . i c • 24 at ' o " f " eg t e t i r 7 r
o "l rn flset=" t hem incises.
9 do Is=nedit: o 70 184 '
du United nub*, .0012
0 de bung.. 10x61
• , 2 Asit, 70a 70
America a Atrles, 70 Bt.
Priv Of the Pori, with key, $25, or the era t.O-liana
P' Erde 6l l.7 “h tollird rurT,
all.rad 4 anted to tba dm 10t."37. 1P1.2=14r
.1 high adunub of the Uniteul EMU. • ,
For sale at Pubuth.f. repi,xdtbout imits.terihi g u
' h =o" th. u=riszuttetM
--- -
ifIROUND PAINTS, itcOil, neatly pat ul'
L. t. rib taw c,f 1 b. lola lb,. each, mn,M8...1F...
'balm Uteri', , Paris Woes,
V.llow Ochre,
Terra de Ei•11111, Pro, , itiu Bide. • .
Umber haw, bor Burnt..
curt., /len .4 Wool !M._
. - • .•_.
AND CRUCIBLES -400 nests for sale b)
mr622 J EIDDt CYO
A LCOHOIi-1.2 bbls. for sale by—
ineb R. E SELLERR. Wooder.
TURNED PILL BOXES--Assorted sizes.
RA rale Or & 1 rAtisr.,rocK k co.
[acid Di
ROLL BUTTER—A few bbls. on band and
far We by ENutaalf INLYZIETT.
:Kcal. end 10l Met et.
D RIED PEACIIES-550 tn. for sale by
, Ittif Liberty ft.
PRESSED S.l:nliEel-160
pIG METAL.-440 tong for sale by
tuchl9 RIIRY. MATTI:IF:ITS ir W.
'0 It. Loa/. 100.7. lo nom and for sale by
cach4 3I/LLLR A RIVE KT.'S RS.
TALLOW -20 bbl=. prime, for Fmk by
zseh.l.4 S. a W.
APPLES -20 Ibls. Itu:A.sets and Pipping,_
for rah. by 5. F. BONNIfOKaT Db. _
61. \VEET OIL-2 casks superior, for sale by
AO meta a. 1 , 42.ELLE1V., 57 Wood at.' _
WALL PAPER,-Largest assortment in
Nor w l% 11•17,Vrioorr,kinul' ;h gad Amerk~y
Chamber, Primp
WANTED—SS,OOO Allegheny Co. Coupon
k v , T r. ur i ii i kdo p ip 3 ,. A or p fq. fij f uhlet r itn , highest mar
twating House 14 ' 1
bYur.ra u g i lx — , A . treat
mettl2 11/rocers arekTes Dealer,
IVRAPPING PAPER-500 reams Med:
Doa le litt.w.Teapt i c.."- fr -4 -PPIF cc
ractaS W. b. Irde.,ti:ecr. geced d cad Market.
lIRLED PEACHES—SOO ba, for tale by
IHEESE-5U boxes for gale by
ggchlg PALZELL.
bb.. Fresb Egwi
100 try Grecci Ayylem Or male by
DOSIN-100 bble. to arrive to -day, for sale
la, by • xr.ch24 0. e if er.IIALIGII.
fIiAR-50 hbls. (Wilmiagtbn) to arrive to-
Jan tor ale by mcb.:4 9. eW.. HAUDAUGH.
TANNERS' OIL—lO bblo. No. 1, for sale
by leeb24 S. e W. 11.16.11103011.
LI bble.ree'g and for sale
GREEN APPLES-18 bbls. Russets;
Jnet. reed ar.4 for snle by
111)11180.V, LITTLE L CO
VINEGAR-20 bbls. (Cider) for sale by
v ro•b2l _ R. DALZELL J. CO.
PRINTING PAPER-70 Reims for solo
low to dome cmlxtpinyout. b 7
cor.V.:s J. eciimoNMAILLEt .1 CO- 2( Wood O.
TANNERS' OIL-15 Ws. No. 1;
10 - fay sale by
ineb2.l J. SCHOONMAXXI: & CO.
INSEED OIL-30 bbts. fur salo by
111 C-1 5 tierces Carolina, for sale by
ins JAMES A.ittiansox a CO.
BM. -ra Galena Link
«ael(23 ..g) kern ant. axing"): for ban br
JA3tEn IftiTCllll.4.) )i t CO.
a, GROSS Rushton, Clarke & Co.'s ~...enuine•
Co imer nn , tor rale by J. KIDD
enchlb Irorwl nt.
GUM OPIUM-1 case for sale by
meDID J. KIDO * CO- Du Woad wt.
Xonefacture, of the best brood.. ka , ale low by
LIARPER'S MAGAZINE. for March, re=
erived and for role .t J. 11.1101,11V.5.,
Literary Depot; Third •txKt,
opposite tea Post itelas.
SUINIMIES-1 case Gum SheMc;
I bbL Inter flout
. .
1 trla L,argobrottle . Carkm ' '
1 co.o, I.lporrico. Falk jurt received
and fbr Wu by O. N. lITC/ZER!OIAbb,
rr.r.tdd corn. Wool rail Subla rtr.
PEARLS -14 casks (first sorisl for sale by
tort!" 'OWE 4 11 ce.ANDLEIS2.
OWDER-4000 kegs Hazard's Blasting; •
1CO) - do. ' Rlllz for zde
tochl9 J. 5. D1LW02.711 rt CO..
New Mimic.
{/cc C E
CERT, •• perfermni by Frealch2 Ely.
m;=r 4 se! c edLcArircegNetl i tlho
AI.. • great cec eompealcicris by eh reale
Are , ' en 11 . Icte len.,-1 by the pattern
tmElishrr, for•al., by
.1, 11. )11; g-. 1.1.Coil,
Agent far a:dee:rin Pie...
inehe Vicsd
_.•• _ . _
NEW MUSIO-15%er° tie - friand.; of
my Scotto byes. Darker.
' a- I Te ;e ho
Kohmn.ilins it; to Mil too.
I'm thinking o'er the Day, Mary.
Ify New &Wend firm, • uo ; Ax. deilimmd to the
lathe* of New kMadand,
rho / area Away.
Oh. [m the Other hhore._,9
Home's orrlhe Prairie Lea—Woodbury.
IJIJ Ithey. Ey 1. C. Fester. Doe left me Native TilLma, by Parker.
The .nett Dare
Fo, the Mut. Phatere . Pomo toad row..
exttrielte of non mak.% Salts a Tarim
time. 4.
Alm. nen enmity of ahime Cormlna Cam." Conlin
Gaudin, Land au excellent hen noTk, cal the "hlehattot..”
• miltakin of popular and %Mitt limo, hastordnuid mid
nt:ad to Webb LWOW. Marrar — Mh4dened mod of
thebett works ever fuhinhat 11. ICLEBLR,
el+ltoldon Harp, No:1011%1rd it ..
by Wm.. Thaeltaray mud the Queen'. &ellen., or
r tK'ecrid ntary of the r Court of Lome hieteenth,
I =Y e De tour, liit.lPri F t h lVigl 4 , "4
" ' Or 8
500 Au:1 , 2 .0 11s Dried Al,V7,,L'f;2orß
GIRL wanted to An boner , work.tlf.H
rs. at thl. alto.
LARD -4 kegs far sale by
TOBACCO -49 boxes 5 341 -TOP, for oNe by
1'4.7 McOILLS at ROE.
o ant 017th,, a 4 nio silt u ithr4 , nc'l at the inn of
lOWN FLANNELS, a Domestic Atticle
Inc White. Baired , .ai .11tsatiitelnue, to
td at the (tom or
DRY HERRING—ZOO boxes (freak , ) for
rale ,. by mehs WICK A. mccANDix.s.
DALAI OIL--1000 lbs. in store, for solo by
CLARET IV INE—It Bordeaux;
lltut Ent . ras Mice; i
meh - MILLER t l ' airkfklTOV. 2 hr
IIEVOLVERS—Just received. an addition
al mrply of gronine Colt's Re:mire= alm
rovers. I=ll Tr. W. WIL2JN
The Old Printing Establishment
idATE Johnston and - Stockton's, and Blank
Bong and Stationery Warehouse. .
. S. lia YEN ts to deers:7 layle of Least.
Cosamereinl. Csnal.Wregel unt
o ßob Printing sag nook
Binding; and tarnish veers Wai is the Plank Book.
Asper sal Statietiers the thentest notice, and on
the west ressonalle terms.
Munk Hook and Ertuttonery Warehouse, atarestlWattu
hintritelear;knd Nook Modern Na 60 Third Jog
jup 33 half pipe, Conine Itraudy.“Pale and Da* *
15 egt. k qr. mks do "Pak,. kariorkk
10 do do. uki rent orkbrated bnroft
0 Mr. !forbad Illo..Doblitor Aoriaor" and Trial"
kunettoras Web and &rick 3furt irhlakerf,
do isreaka Rua,
10 bbla. X. E. do. do. . •
Star. rusk. Port Wino.
03 do Madeira Who,
...3) do 41rect Malaga Who..
Mry dn. do.
10. do Ehera7 Wirt,
25 !curl 13ordnou Claret.
10 ;tom and for solo by JOHN PAiK.EII .t CO.,
231 Libertr .trert.
attention of' mertildinta rind others to Id Shirts. and
ades , ' Wait iromar;llker r e, Maley and
Drawer. The aboye•ahiclesln NM, Wool. Merino. and
OXtint of alt at. and prices. constantly oa hand sad Itir
losr by nce) eV. u. Y.ATON.
G ,
91.1) PENS. We have note on'hand a
large stock of Om bed Odd Peas fran the landing
taaaahotaintinYec ,York and 'mode aapreolv to cedar.
nta‘. vlaPntt Ookt Pencil Win and Ponlloldern Myer
Curs In every variety. Poreortno Pro 'patent Pearl do.
.111 for mak wbolevale and avant at Neer lock prier,
de27. W. Ir.WILSOft.
caL4oscrril:lLl L: 'i L Z
the ;tt7 Pti C r :;F 4 7 4 i
s:l . r: 14r0i:0./
LNDIA RUBBER PASTE. 4 groan of that
euperb article for booti wad shoes, scuelerh9s fleap i t
r watsr mot, and pllaide as • Wm.. S. &loth.
&stick werranted to ..wer the'parporta muscatel), &t.
the money refuudni. Fat ealo wholesale and 7....11 . 7 7
and 9 'Wood surer j . 9 ) I. I
TEA WARE--Englimh &,Amerienia
du; blatol Santa. Candbuticka,
r.," Trar ei l'hard Kr= best quanty /erns Bal
i-on • Handle Table Cutlery. Weer Fork, by at, b u , and ttertrian Flint FM. VA Sim.;
Table HUM Tea Trap. of tat Butalpnitarn alanuthrture.
highly ornamented; Plated
A superior Powder far elcaMoK en s palichiou plated
Brun.. trr tearrion. Charnels Shine, 'Feather
Note', tr,
KFrOtcar iacancen—Syeee celebrated Magic Kitchen,
about the el. of • hatorktiels nil/ make nonce cook beef
orrrr, tr any. tbic4 else ha a. forrinlautk•
For lo.le by • W. W. WILSON. .
Wel Car. Narita and Fourth tri
hu.d r ldader vr t •urs• ,I=2 i.kom
2CO do hiceed Halt "Aoh=l.l-bbo atti nlfohed.
ITO , 6 1: " D ' r - U• C l in t
2/ do Blue de do do
a ems Black Blanket Cikoth,
I do Bearer literlltLeL. -do
3 3: •=1 kV a tZreech Be=th.
4 do Jea,tasoreedeo/ors.
I dd do Cas
teetto,stenemt, black wadi., colors.
Eat !dime and gni' edeed
-3 do White Twilled Ilederl. role.
• do Cram harm! do
The above desc ri bed cads an all on evesignseent teem
12111311fatir... pat and .ell. .tut are Or sale en
hbehel teems ta trade, se manufeecusere .
tr LLT.
- -
VINEGAR-50 bbL._ mcs..irirjg, for sale by
lochel BON,A=X&P). •
'T~Y+;=e: t iv vim'' -~ +~cj
51E1)1 S' 411,_
cL,ertee tLitt • .1 the true uulatity
1 f Ilailne Jnir., i• a per.taltwur yderellitor camera
arwwhich orcevd eciarietel,
Dr Houghton', ,14.,ti50 4 14.4 or Gee.
tat Juke, et lite. Drrperria hr. t. , t0.4
the fourth 51, - .mseit of th•
14..t,w the great PhyeialeFteel C1,..41 t 1., .....
ten- 11. D.,kbililelphie,
'fhb It a trulyson.le ‘ rful
T. ruling alter • Erat. the ie Jul...
The thutrif• Juice U thil - reatrelyeui tOr the s.
riffiug, nuetextice. ]ti
the: cithiestontach
IC;thout it the: n can be te
per lon of food into hlce.,l—oo unttito e. et the. .1y; but
thth er e foul , torpid, dathful, and o,l,l : l .7oroodith. of
the Thole direYdee atiaratue. .1 0;01, Lai atut, or ht-
Otte] nomad Jitv,-.4;. hence
the ttite, dietreec, sod debility ertath r
er u n
Cut (L it with: lacy or rupi.lod o7.trerunr_ the
to principle. h•peth. ;rem ti!, th.iree he of named, re.
~ .nag nut, Ittu• Canada{ • Do, rtukieltecualy
U. the neturaltle,rie Jaw, co to el., 1,4 W. 9.1.7., all
61 7e,; ki arT r a? born Anedru to Ph) J
r. t, frzochton
th , merit of aceldoe the a r,,h,..i0n of t.litt net to
the cure OLD-pperga, 5n,..?.b10 Meta
Need oceeutthe nor , LW. Ie•CCIC",
bratett Tort on Animal 0.111• i re. F •A. ArtlAcied
Digfefl fe f2uld, to•the,rwtriC.ituktt,,ori
crecared from the,tourc mein!, . t^tneth of the
ektf, artid,E of a • 1.1... at, eat egge,
, ecrterthl. chtheed , an d ite.: th . e moo,
net a., they ciduld le hi the human .I , docch.• •
Dr. Ilmoehloo. or Hi1ia,,101,111.1. setlociat dl- •
.gattfee Auld enhal PLI':.IIC. stomach of
th, at, Thh - h
mein; alter thatutt',. ova, 1 , 7 okT, ser•tht.
the dig,tive prlnciple. JAW:. g extrurthaeri eci
thtifte evidenee of itethlue
I: 314,1111 LL..l.4ctitte.
I 1t1.11. - .1.1, .1 itt,tp4h
-11(pylled at krvortet ir
Alto,_l,, ,r It. F. II,r•. jartal
- Theritare nacre thin, m
- Pbanare dremipt rhiln - oth:.. • • •
grin IIRTIiES of t 1,13 reraarklble reme
,a)" aptaimtiont,r to k, th : n . Jimpfl•
Lo the rd n.
The t, one final
nom o. nott in lid, noun
ly at a depth of four hundred Pact, ia par.. Lao:latter,:
a m without ant rEt.r.i,li clair,:m tat yust RI it'
dein trma I , ,ture , Gl.OO Lahtatf-r3” '( ice
an reoLoti Lurd, of .1.c,, ia an
natter of Inio.rtaint,l oThaa: hah ta i
la the a,
ana of nature, ohie It - known. ndght he vso - t nacfai-
WRII it 41< toda - na:. and te,t, r..plU, bloom ct
health and riaor tc many auflorer L - n; hail,. the pro
ecu, it np in tottha,lthai reputt:
lien for the care of discaAa The v.-T....third andatalizinerer.
400, mil. 00 it, and Aereral non.ritabi, mum it km per
farmed. It a tare M..11=141:12 cf
cf tuto
corral applltatlen , ln thr tura
We do or, wish to make a Ion.:
no are conscious that tar. Cad nork Its tai
in. the favor of them nha entlrh . nral vinti In 'tie itiesJe
nin l
Intin.r do tat; claim fins it a nun
disco ne anhealMtlngly F4F,, lb. in h nand= a
Chronic Diaernos• it is unrtrall,l. Oractm thou- mar ha
nnamerand—all dives C of t he mto-mit homey: nob m
CO.'s hL3II . LIO:‘ , . (jia,lle mr l 7
:Man-) AFIIIIIA, end a 11.4 1 ,1,, of th,tr lan-nmes. LII-
ApCoourLAINT. vl4arlion, Idnettnot of the
Madar y'rd Kldn, Pah,' is ti. Rack or SW , .:Perrone
Ditroacc - neuralnia nheurnatlc Palux, Gout Ersalp
7,tter. hinfrarranollarr, nruLma f u.—.
in. At. in mom of debility. thin Iran es r. cr.
loan and rrotra,ted mac. of din.aar. this Mine mill
Itrlng relict It n-t a, append Ti - na' le and ALTLIL
LTIVE to notch camm, Imparthm Caw ant cnonfr to the
hale frame, ernanina olstrurtian oren - inn the:iihnnith
;unctions, which rattan din., and a I.the eanttitution
ofnivinz lierrrov-1 ant fold rapt,' to the ors,.
of Ht.! The proprietor konna fonernl corns of
that nrdOod erns' othrr treaunont, ant roll under the nee
the I'LTI:OLEC . :4 for a -Mot Tha proof ma ho
nt'ett to any perton who , A-ain, IL
'Sone genuine ••,:thotit who rJrnaturn tar preTrleten—
=Ma by the pononetar,
it. AL glErt, Canal Bonn. nrar fhventh
LL nireet
• 1L.0..59.1.1:115,_.7_1Tr0d &L.
eoWSIty rn'r
no;o ' llariy ariaannal 0r,13t5.
h'NOW all men who ;Lee nick awl affiliated !.
of the Ilia Mire and Kidneys. with rhans
palm in beak rte nat, 'UHT mint, ..Itl mem. runaln2
eery, c that they can be tamed by Wm. tim.PEIRO
LKI3I.' Von may alma inn 111 , tram.. mash
in yea. f l oe. of
tins Mar ma mak.: forts° proelaint
wthe f of an 1161.,1 semionalts. that It 111. Timm
hich me stA ,rnn.inri in airs other retnitly.; The man
rho 'naked wi t h vain. and aufbiritm frun dom., mut
or ;di mr.t.4 tint rube( Ism Lou of it.. enutternted .
Itmd. erl it ruts eery little to make a trial. This , f`stiro
leant Ix no ' , Altura—al eunnlnnumt . put tui far the pglabitmans
of mmemla• on the nstamunlty: but it la a remedyora.
led by the master hand of nature. and babble* up (mm the. .
WOni of oar mother earth. In its orininid and
fers snfinring huntanity randy reterly. a origin
ehmtp su.
It Ism entrd , ilins. after other ma.liainas hare tbd tn
render any relief It ham vinyl itheumatiant. of lont.
a - sanding. mid of the wornand omit minful sturactsr.
1.14 Chnlera 3lortus, an y or .two
rased old eases ottitanium, in chinh every ather.ntrindr
has hion of no amt. An a heal rented,. In MAIM awl
Ataads. UM better thantinymeallmi ematanseida or ointment
that we knnw or It Mil care ebill.laitm and WIWI feats
Ina few appliratimin undoubted testimony cm be famish
rl of the truth contained is the above statementstly ealla
mg on NA3IULL 31. Canal Huh, Seventh street Cr
cither of the agents.
Keyser t McDowell, rumor of Wool street and ilmin
alley: It. E. &tern V Wort st;neti D. A. 121101. and D. 34,
Carry.Allezholor ril l . non the"anenta.
• —Dn. Jam! R., the ditrorrercr and (ale Thirrietor
Ib PR.
these moat .n,pular and Innieficial met
inrentor of the crlobritri inutrument fcT inhaling it.
Luntof nif:tunnn cure of Chrinne. cliTue, wit a ern-.
Irnt of that crninzat Doctrr Thrai, and la 6"
Graduate of the Lniscrfity of T.:1...xi - T..l,mA lb. thifti
Trani :duce ha. Lain cagarrd in the, itreniiration of dile
and th e aprileirtletrarreruelic, tbrrre.n. .
Muntriki the u , n of his Ittlahrth thhe.trcechmie...onviCh
PnTiarlactie Syrup. and cr., of rcinidieg j a X i t
raantd unr,ralieici etaintnes in curing the.'
and fatal Tuberrnizr Cen , nantior, Gantt..
Rhtu=sitigniat , thing. Ferri. and Arun; Ve , cra o
kindy. Chrenoc and ali thnu chnivate
...3331..,3311111. to f Iniord. ',err TM= of t 119.3333
ur-d, the am of hj, ruh,...lize. -.hick bpatail
,la heft—net the of en, ernrrenni . cal, for that
ineri=ratible with Thrsiatuprai LAVV,, but bzatre•mhe
b.c rasedit, tiarri to- or— recsrrite,. ft, curb yTenticr.-
Fun of dinar.
Dr. Now', Trine Aiterrinrc Alit a - hi, nerd , are 313,13.33A3
64 =khan/L.4,d to be .r crier foal' Tnris
cite cr liver kill, inst.:inch thzy learn tire boarala
actly foot frhat costifezem to stoec. Ma t.foldria Plllisre
mitred. by' rho fcrult, to f..,ts, ipeoulLar
foualc di , eau.e.. tut King, 3111.1313A=da: o.
1 ieA11343.13 3G 333.11 . 3•73. Whit £43 1,031 the Mt.' of
r a t io
ikerth al. •
Afilif3,l on , 1313.ittl to tail uhon the
, tll
est: , (grafi') cu.: Lomat, fainphitta ciTlng a detail
vd ii-nuunt cf gad% reta.dr, and
Ter •ale by the follow - Inc want, y ..331.3.3hTfanhidr.C.
.ant throngtritt tharnuntrv: •
J. Sthoctuicaktr t
J. N. Town...M. Grasp. et , ai - 4, 33 , 4 C 33.'3
fee A. Bccahcn, Linn, near.the peas Cothee;Allehth.
AY as.
Jcs*h Barkley, Ihrlihlt.. Ihrsvor ccuziti, Pa. ,
John Lit., t o nne Vs
T. Adam, 10 ,
aught - it r
COMFORT AND 11.E7.1PP1-'•-
OR THE AFFLICTED will lie — fotind in
Dr. Dewitt C. ID - 11;4:or, YN - FILL.I.II3LIr LLNIILY—MT,
hith the ton rLirty sears ex
pateuce, lona o doubt. Leo th. means' of spar
rag the tiros of
roofLd., of indiriPSlLS. ahriartircirery
charooi liLiaie. Ire tlittt VC bawd no
thiqg 0A raying that tho rii.odioirithat fro
.detect to LtLialtlieNJ, [hullo, ..wrr .Lik4 wr.ry
what it Li roll for.
. .
It Irir turd sod t. capable of corin r wore dkor't',lsl..asn.
nny other molxine whoa tor talc, wo .are nor by.mhas
o,sar or sold, or by what nstoc..
A, a...80nd rnwr ct pane oho., we est
thst It La palm only ant in 11... 1 1,., arr.:and as Ow farm or.
!titt , 7ntL e Po ' l ' Vellt. h •Vc l a o cJal ' i ' r l , t .in ' t r t r r
Yeraily Mwlicine cr. 0i1... care, or dn. bi- any of
them, yin -
on. Mon. IL OrinunL la M. C. Tit Mat' h
17. Month late M... Lion. l John te
A. lox, law M. to o. no ,
tor. Rililsm 11. Porter '
. the r;p1r11 of the
manor awl a ho., of ether drnincninlaci Ntrtens rtf
lark, wto I.llli nrwll ha turn., bare Permitted Mit ,
annotator to tort w thorn
As it i 3 hnown that Puna not
Mir Petrnornd by the Icorard. wonithr nod. Irani dr - Jos,
harotrodloulgolly right tn fat prt.
ingot This Wood. woikIugCCUPOULd hos been neszir
nee. roars beim th•Lpubllc. It. um h-londe or: now i ts
strongert sad bert. .This trot undnotantly nrcag and
convincing pm( of ha .1,.001 tr.:fain-cm and owed.,
OnUdot. /Cif ...reign rrnonly I. all neryons to
made ats.,
tbcanpalwincrarolous irwrlliorr. !tram, intian,
snres, end
000,0.. t oni thc pno c, n atlhaas:4s
paid t.. keir to.
Over I,re barnemnPleint.
on 4 ha. perfected nucka after all ocher
rp m
h., Wind, an would rtanger tett hod Wt. no
Othted, ILLY in.t.o/ 2.(71,112tn ponlble
D 3%
roelklne, cr
cell a s
rrruedf, is oreinroi front cens
urable. UA Cell as external Inn. It nets
lop. the 464-1.1 purr—airing It hearth rld.Strralgtb....-.
111 sure corn for Diarrh. Crams. Dillon, Cliche, and
sposondlo othrtiosu, direi.e. thn Kiflnere, ..sof
IVesinceenin satin or Rsztaln, from Ithl4.l"Er .1i121.0 191:1y
hmrn glum
iss t pisselbonh, he R. E. Seller.' Slam. 'Kidd &
snd ,4 6mm - den nrul thn Tat Ail Druggists
=soraJlf. Jr rot op lo four, two . awl roe OMR.; bot
tle, - jana-Ze.
To the Readers of the.Pittsbaxgh Cfazetto,
PUBLIC ATTENTION is respectfully gu,..
Tiud to (ho followleg troth!. art ferth In ',Fatal;(..
one of the irnet Important re13(411,1 of modern PETROLEUM Olt PUCK 0114 Is not mane than one
year ago eion, lb Fero remedy brought bo na Lite
fo u r.a •,l7 .g.'Zt ( tu,T ,, —'„Lt:Ty'arlt:ered ..... ,...._ T rig
nnainnolty, and we ailere the, the tonet r it a U•FI
certain will Its great fame en
it la sot th e rem
edy of n foi;: t he
0,11 other e. :annuli* gra Ire ' n '. forililan. ' The tiwitaT h.
to 1:1;
a Natural Remedy. elaborated in the devils of ale rank,
by MletaT Met batbe to mem olt human
14 our ditty, when as write &bora sigewlL
en, that we write the trait (hot
we nothin g - todoi,
u to
any thing that promir roller from divan, tau,
or he toe highly wrought anrwer the oblag, tit
lug or humbuggaug 1.00 of them. bow, e A,. nut Anil , .
fo r d thin we nee motions only that the trath eals, to .
ou mealy should be [al, tinier to wogs ttrepos
tattoo tar agemaing wurelogle article ha tin m ate r .
len Plain utrrarniebed fnete—feets Unit may henstaytig an l,
ror o °a f real end neighbortalsti loon amply Issidnumy fa.,
the Petrokm.
Within the pertgionebe. joriti „ two clots r,a
sr+l pies Atte Obtlat
And.also, thee...cot go,. Eraser
tam are others. hot thou amonus
be referred to by any regions nix, bare doubts on the sub
hiet. Thine men were eared ultra - they had beau abandow..
ed by yhteinasu r i d iss
I{ hen 7.I.,'"ZZTZ, gZ- 1, 7 „ '.." — t!0tTe!,4";.,='. °AT'
Fu.„l. on the two. uhronio Fore Lym
mda tore,
In the
en end johns. old AvokUtorro g
E, gnurm:SetiM.
Vets, AVM In
C Asthma. Oroechitts.
t o tile
Pulmonary allcalorn of a Onotue nat., t nins^ lo (re
Burma and Simlitt, Canoe* of tea and. Rahn.,
Cho old ann., I ...enlisted NOM+, Conn nod tunigna.
In vet. It is • sump tuneggsst new tor, end bee lawn tried
In mart of mov es. Manna, within the r let year with the
neat perfect CertiGestot tbni aelonleh are In
Umbel:ale oleic annulling., who NII Ist. p!-semi in ohm,.
ibtn mar
&woolen/a is ' t ' he Item . of the Mut - mrt
age Pbraueo,
of hata Winding n tee . yseo an teenrOln 14..1 4
maim. who , dry, 1,1.1 on with doubt
mad e willing to oven! it doe peal* and
causidermloo- * bellow another year Yob. round. VIII ho
c*.raiog to eoltnewledge that the litteni um is the great
est medietne <ger dieeereml V, ...le wbeloodo . eivi re
saikby KEYSER g Nfrouvi M ig.gogn . unou t. r.. A.
Ano—. E. Eeillera Z 7 Mond eine,. Jo .1. tarn , ••
Elliott, Janina Donslaa Allegheny Lit , giro, 17' tbs , pro-
Plata; &M. &IL& Canal flair, i-c.tuttistrycL Ma
1 end D. - A. iahr,•tc•k r
I,J —it i cheap, taw to t•ke. lalrhir
Atu , orti• rat •:4,1%1.
.51r. E. E. Ethers --, , ty I:}.c t.thrts. tare bee.•et to trcuLlt,.., court,. and L.OO . uh.ittia.t•Lt
rattledies• to rt. intle . rutpt.e, 1 caiudu. - .dtT ids..
143.11¢vp. .Loot tozir rut. t it • trtaL. l -
:Otte it to two et my lot tt.tnraattg.ktelltrittUl
ditterrzt tbut,.tnt . Luk• htrtr Fofiat TO (1. U4-n, •
1 Ls,. it attititf.t.t.
ro..,..ntiotatlT Mk,: that tort mutt. itlo#l, t-tr•
rlot boo • 110 utria clitr.l w tkr
Perm stimuli cm Nrralt the, aildrth tt, millicat-tart
tooth. ary tat, kJ .' • Ct.
rutt t•••. 7,
and xli T . t It. E. FELL •
Ipa c Bl
a: tVecd
farlS" — "l.i
ij. tum.b ,ipttra. r•—t. r
cr uttcr.44or •
vvm-5. irntt the cum, rupenattaltb"
Itiott. :CAIEII, ATKl\_yt\g rtirjapc.
LCOII.OL--26 bbls. fc.r Lc
mel4l J. IU D a CU., 7j , Nfai et.
br meilT= tudkinoo-
. -
fo. - ' -- A.RIS WiIITE-15 bbb: ex - tr.Biaer:f3r
, br trah32 .3. El Db . 1. co.
OTASII-6 eapics (pure) fur Wally .
ItLi CS beck
i WIT. 41,1 by_ .t