The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 24, 1851, Image 3

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- 812 . 2164 11 AL11 Panic SCIIOOI ifocis. — We
paid ayiait last week to Birmingham, and were
Melly pleased with its puppensus and it.nrish
lag condition. New lizillittigs are going 'IP °B
allaides, and everything denotes that its inhabi
tants ire energetic and industrious. A few years
have made a great change. both in South Pitts
litugh, and ilirminghsm. Where four years ago,
their was a risked common, stjaaresof brick ten
ant:tents are now to be seen, and the value afraid
estate has increased amazingly.
. .
Probably the neatest building in Birmingham
is the public school house, which is Certainly a.
credit to that thriving;place, and is fully equal
to any in Pittsburgh or Allegheny. It is three
Merles high, and has a lofty cupola, furnished
with a fine clock. Owing to its situation, it at
tracts thelttention of all travellers cominiAp
the Monongahela on steamboats, and cannot but
.give theta favorable bless of the town; for where
PO noble a structure has been erected, in a com
paratively_ mall place, to the interests of learn
imt, it is to be ir4rred that education has been
vocally diffused among its inhabitants, and it
eensequentlY become:. a desirable place of reel
The building is one hundred feet in length by
My in width, and is divicled into several rooms,
ea the latest and most approved methods. The
tower elect, which iS an exceedingly fine one,
and very creditable to its roanufacturers, was
foraisbed by .1. B. McFadden &Co The bell,•
'which weighs thirteen hundred pounds, woe cast
by Mr. A. Fulton, and is of a very pleasing tone,
and 'excellent quality
lac Soss . or 4YLBASCE.—The Sons of Tem
pirranee had a grand procession yesterday, and
turned out in" great strength`, there being be
, kween - eight and nine hundred gentlemen in the
. ranks. They looked well. andthe effect of their
xegslia and dugs and banneni, was-exceedingly
plaiting. Several bands of music were in atten
dance, and.tho proceeding,a throughout the day
were conducted with a mast creditable degree of
order and harmony.
C. L. Magee Esq acted as Chief Marshal,
and Messrs. Parke awl Ililderbrandlas his aids
de camp. Messrs. A G. McCandless T A.
Mann, N. Patterson, Jon Y. Dray°, A. G.
Lloyd, and- Hiram Hull: were were assistant
After marching through sereral streets in
Pittsburgh and Allegheny, the procession mo
wed to the Masonic Mall, and entered the large
Tonic. which has been engaged for Jenny Lind's
stubset, where an able and appropriate address
was delivered by William A. Cook, Esq. of
• . /lesser Lazo.—The preparations for the con- e .
eat of Jenny Lind, at the Masonic Hall, are go
fag anTactively. The plastering of the ceiling
and cornices has been completed, but the wall
aroandtho windows is still bare. The vacant IL.
space will be covert,' with tapestry. The stage pie
[s already erected. Money and energy can ae- ant
complish wonders, and neither will be spared to the
have the hall tastefully fitted up on Friday even
tag. •
The sale of the tickets will take place on
morning. They wall be of a red, yellow or
Dine color, and each bears the number of the
• oast purchased. Notwithstanding the immense
crowd which will doubtless fill the building, there
will be no confusion. A unbar of or3hers have
been engaged, who will be clothed in appropri
ate costume to distinguish them from the au
dience, end will conduct the purchasers of tick-
Ea to their seats. The seats next the stage will
eiarespond with the red tickets—the second
Itia With the yellow, and the third with the
iweeltertmo Srr.a.mno..r cast:.—We give be
tter a synopsis of the case of William Brown vs.
Chaiies fitone et aL, together with the loomed
cbßge of the -Honorable Walter H. Lowrie. It
IRM bre found exceedingly interesting to all per.
wens connected with the navigation of our West
ern water=
AL Sam , vs. Ca& Stoxs tee of _TM right of
le Included In the right of barigteloth met th.
elif i niMmetestal by mailing erred, inaction. to trier
dear of thomemearedflo se rot to =rite them nos Wore
three by their well.
...OA vexed =ring ibePt =to am of the orilsotty mere
'Mob the safety of othoro or-lint :01y dermends. =lan the
... - .... .. .. .
With tbeplane of mons, orsode of the fastening of one
eimel.thet snoring easel rue thing to do, nniete here
Minn enter Into thereal thus* of the lam
The moving tweet hatt a tight to peens. , that the T., I ,
ad moored loth • condition to best the ordinary risks of j
SU rivets tad to est ethos:tingly.
.. if the *Min eart yes Linened to the those, and the
li Oir itthoTtr=sts7=2,"rtgr t n lr:set i T01.71,Tr
a ~... defects of the raft. vas th e ' estunt or tujejg ' , the deft; I
&silken liable
Action on the case for an injury done -to the
=Pa ra ft , by the swell caused by the de-
ts' steamboat. • '
. I
. The evidence showed that the plaint:a! raft
wiemoored on the south side of the Ohio river,
leitantlie head of Brnnot's Island, and that the
defendantsren their steam boat, the Monongat
ida; so near it, under full headway, that the
alma hrokathe defendant's raft, and parts of it
dl abed silty and were lost.
There was evidence also that when the steam
..east MU pelts to the raft, she turned her head
• act; and this threw the waves from the wheels
mere directly upon the raft. On the other hand
aim was evidence that plaintiff's raft had met
• 'than accident before that time, and was ranch
and that it could not have been affect
- ad bythe 'waves of the steamboat, had it not
been for defects in its condition or contraction.
FM. plaintiffs, Messrs. Patton and Studer. For
defettdants, 'Messrs. G ilimoce and Loomis.
CUASOL rO ono Joni .
The strut rule that governs in all such cases
u this, is that every one must so exercise his
urit tight AS. not injuriously to affect others
the esereise of theirs: But it is easily seen,. el - -
peeially with the great amount and variety of
commerce, and instruments of commerce on our
rivets and.chiewhere, that this general role may
be the foundation of a thousand more specific
cues. Yet all these particular rules are the rea
dy deductions of a good common sense, and are
um- intuitively apprehended by men of liberal
and generous dispositions, for they have always
a; quick perception of othermeri's rights.
Stich men do not need tei be told that rapid
striving sr riding in a crowded thoroughfare, or
sating of glans, or raising noisome smells in Oar
,cities, or running a steamboat under fa head
way slaw past smaller and deeply laden boats,
Or into •crawded harbor, is unlawful. In such
Sit tiers they-are a low unto themselves, by pm
" essulng the feeling of their impropriety.
This feeling corresponds with the law in regal
ing that strong and powerful vessels shall be
Masud with a proper regard to the safety of
these that are weak and unmanageable, and that
` l ,.. , seals having the most ready and perfect cons
=oat of their motive power, shall give way to
Oleo % •vitieli are less favored.
.:Wosooy now allude more particularly to the
insets of the 'iaresent cue. The plaintiff had
easonsilido a Beeper place; but with this
the datend..i, hod .`tithing to do—it is no mat
ter of thei rs where on sther vessel moors, if it
deb not obstruct the navih'attua- lie had Seem s
ad it to the shore by propel,' lastenimpu and
Neu with this the defendants havi bathing te de
helm the mode of fastening entexej jab ) the
Tell erase of the loss. •
The sight of moorage is included in the rie:t I
Of navigation; and this right is protected by re
quiring vessels in motion to steer clear of those
that are at rest, so as neither to strike them nor
in injure them by their swell. Tbiseteamboat
• • Wray bound to use ordinary care not to injure the
Idatatire raft. This does not mean the orditia
. truce of steamboat men (for that wouldliva
them the power of making even theircureleas
• lteiteand rectlesemusi the standard of right) but
the ease which the safety of ethers ordinarily de-
Hero I may remark, that I have often
4S - covered that pilots seem to think that they arc
sources of the law of the river; and sh oo we
hesikh heard ono system if laws announced by
coal hut pilots, and another by steamboat pilots.
,ThiA lave le a mistake—pilots are not the makersl
bat the subjects of lam end not they, but the
eieirts:peaaceinca the rights of all under it
elas matter the law requires ordinary, can
In.both parties. The defendants had a right to
• prem. that the plaintiff's raft was put together
with ordinary care and skill, so that it would
bear the ordinary risks of the river. If, hewer
* this plaintiff's raft woo so badly fastened to
paz, that it could not bear the ordinary risks,
ea If it had become so by accident, and the de
_ Insilinte had no warning of it, and it broke in
paws even though the defendants did tat, ordi
• mei care is passing it, then the defendants are
eel, gable. But if there wan want of ordinary
care, and this, u.d not the inherentdefects of the
Wt. was the cause of the loss, the. defendants
axe able..
'. 'Verdict for plaintiff.
Tee LIS= Caen.—The jury yesterday, in the
libel snit brought' by .Wro. Nee!), editor of the
Frtobaom's Friend, against J. G. Backefen, edi
tor of the Otranto Courier, the particulars of
slash we base eirendy given, returned a ierdiet
811112230 his—John 'McCloskey, comicial of
viindlirueny, committed in stealing rural:Arnett
t o e oUvo'oll, from the store of Mr. JacobN'fraver,
eIY ruterdsy sentenced. to undergo an itoUris:
meat of twelve month, in the *Hat= Pent.
Fne.—A fire broke out about six o'clOck yes
terday afternoon in the picking room of the
Penn Colton Factory, thick seemed to
threaten the destruction of the entire. building .
The "picking room" is situated in a two 'story
building Un Isabella street, and the fire is rep
posed to haveoriginated from friction among the
machinery. Instantly a dense smoke Alled the
building, and the alarm having been given, the
operatives quitted the large four story factory
in which they were working. The engines were
promptlrolithe ground, and.ponred an immense
volume of water into the picking room. The
smoke was very thick, and spreading around the
building Instead of ascending, it annoyed our
gallant firemen eceedingly, notriihitanding
which . they mairitiiined their posts until the
flames were subdued.
The loss, we learn, is cots:Pensively trilling,
and rally covered by insurance. We understand
that the Messrs. Kennedy Childs to Co. will pro
bably have all the necessary repairs completed
in between one and two week's from this date,
when themill will again be plaint° active opera
l i Wed day,. April 23
Present, Judges 'McClure and Boggs.
The details of the first two cams trial ibis
morningl were of such a nature as to prevent
their appearing in our columns. ,
Commlonwealth vs. John Alcduskly, Washing- '
ton Blghell and Francis Wilson--lndictment,
larceny, all eged to have beencommitted in steal
ing two baskets of olive oil, the property of Ja
cob Weaver.
William - Kirby Nuke a young lad, testified
that he bad seen one of the defendants, McClos
key, carrying a basket of the oil identified by
Mr. W ver, up Plum alley, end that he dropped
it when he 'called to him to lay it aQvz -, Mc
'Make i was alone at the: time. Witil..9 took
the basket to the Mayor's office N• evidence
whatev r was o ff ered to implicate Bignell and
Wilson n the larceny, and they were acquitted.
The jor returned a verdict of guilty as to Nle-
Cluske .
The case of the Commonwealth vs. Henry
Johnstclu and John Duffy, indictme4t highway
robbery, was taken up. .7
John Son plead,ed_imilty " Unify, "not pail.
Mr. Dear) , iiliteX"iras examined, and testified
that none months ago he was stopped by two
young tnen in thelifth Ward, who demanded
his money. They<presented pistols nt him, and •
one had a bowie knife. They succeeded in ob
taininghisgold watch and chain, but he was on
able to swear titheati, identity of the prisoners.--
fie nmrds saw his watch and chain in the
Mayor' office.:
.Jams MeCßcheon testified that he had met
the ttefendants nt a spree about the time in
quest tl, and that they bad 'shown him n gold
watch d chain, which they said they had taken
'from al man they had robbed. The watch and
chain produced in court were the same as those
• ibited to him. „
.. _ .. •
The jury returned a verdict of guilty as to
John Duffy, and the prisoners were remanded.
John Duffy, though a youngman, is a hard
ted vsllain, this being the second time he has
ea t °raided of highway robbery during the
eset t session. He is the person who robbed
id beat Mr. Wm. McKnight nearly to death, on
• evening of the 15th of January.
WEDNESDAY, April :11,
pro the Hon. Hopewell Hepburn.
Jobb Gardner, rs. James Grace, James M.
Morris and George H. Mortis. No. 269 April
Term, 1850. List No. 284. Finnegan,
broae`c and Woods for plaintiffs. Howard for
. Veidiet for defendant
Jan Herron TS. Thomas Moffit. No. G 57,
April term. 1851. Ez Anne/meat On motion of
James B. Sawyer, attorney for defendant, rule to
show !cause why this attachment should not be
net ndido at the cost of the plaintiff.
&lintel Gormley so. Dilwiples Church, .Alle.
.ghenj. Motion for a new trial—reasons filed.
Brigham et n 1 va. Lindsay. No. 410, Nov.,
1850.1 Rule to show cause why the judgment
and 't of inquiry should not be set aside it
plain' s' costs.
Ab uham Barris vs. Alez. L. Crawford, et al.
Motion by C. Shaler S. Co., attorneys for plain
tiff. Ito plead in :ten days, or judgment in de
Benjamin Counts vs. MorrN Roberts. No.
293, ` 4 7ovember,. 1849—List No. 285. No ver
STIIIO4/11 ACCDOII7.—A young lad from the I April la.
. • Mry, whose name our informant did not ; Comm—The sales to-day 53X1Ottnted to 4000. Ohio Laboratory.
learn; mks driving. caeaage up - Peon street-. tales, at prime in favor of Bayern.
near Me cartel bridp,s'yesteray, when n large l The del - eland is chiefly for the trade in small 51 . c... .,
... 76 ..- - ,70 92, 4,,1.•
wagon, the horses of iihich had run off, came , ~,,,,,,,,,,A. , ,
in contact with it . . The poor fellow was . dread - 1- ai7 ----1 - hem \-- .... . 11 1 '
' lireadituffs—lc corn and hour. there IS little HIT' S° Iliff , 93 1 -'k
fulliTimangled; and it is feared t,
in j uries or . change. Western aural dour es quoted et Kt I
may prov . e mortal. He was carried to a 11.°5" ' 20e,r21e, Baltimore and Philadelphia 225e.22s ire rr• tia,,---i , fa--,,-,-
1 ' 8 a - --L— 9 ------
in thb neighborhood, where every attention was , ++. t .
paid him.
—...--- I Yellow earn is selling at 21s (k 16,325• and
' white at 2.3e34t, whih is an advance olie ?
1; i uarter.
Tobacco—The market is more a...tire Per cent. Strength
_ _ ,
.1 ,. . , L , 1, 14. 1"; , 1 i i i
0 7 C i.... llE , l i l ,fl ik r., t , : r o ,.. , „„ lil n a , ri , ii . f j it i t u ,.. -
A I orlon fr. Pittoborsh yll by promtAll dhed
AVT ROBBTXT.—Two emigrants travel. 1 tf":,
liug est, had a carpet bag, containing two ; Provisions—The market is doll with some cl+- ' 9 " . •,, c `''Pr" l ' i ": • ' -"• "' I' ll .r " 1 " •••7 N ' N. F .N. Ns . '
um. rof *toe and mat etre. , Oart..ssa Y. our,
rho nd dollars in gold, stoles; from the steam- I c u,„ i,,, prices .
er G nesee yesterday. They Immediately lodg- , , Imemt markrt rams +Tr ir
ed i ormation before the Mayor against several , ~,,,,I_The marketisdull, and ~t 00 ,„ u g , L. linainesa Nouce.
intli4idnals who were arrested, but nothing der- '
Iron—ls dull, with DO reportable change i LI. PERSONS having I 4.4ines.i with the
itli ie as yet known concerning the matter , , ~ ,
Non of the money has been recovered.
I ,
. —.....—. . ,raTle+esar, purchases are made very epee . - IL auderelk-m.d..tharrasPonlie A.Ymulaut. Itormytur
;ugly. and those only for the supply of immediate , ' ,.'„", `" ,,, '` e. K .:irei. ' “' L iV t aa b li `rw e.2,ll7. ' i ' ioro ' V ' tli t' l 11 odors. A.
S .
wants. hut os the market is very lowa of yarns, t , sttl .,.. tsio . t 41. 4: Si.
..Mcraars,tratat etnor-
T e HUSBAND or TWO Pircia.—A Mrs. Aun , their is no prAssUre on spinners or manatee- " ;Aril . ; 1.1%111.1 90illeat lostma tor
Cosgrase yesterday laid an information hef , 2l , tare, en, fa the heleore of Amounts
the4nyor, against Mrs. Biddy Gogan, who .to Iri./NDON NIONEV MARKET.' It A RaiA I N Sl—Teachers and II
ace sof committing au assault and battery ' April " . I V+,. ' l,l. ” l " inv7. ' , •b ei n ...f.i t s o l P fti.VV.;
up her. The.eause of the quarrel RIO A die- -
wifebetween tbe two ladies as to which woo the I . Mone is plenter, and, for Nate investniente +al a+.llASS....l.r.ail.Mlromedmhar .
wife of a certain Mr. Cosgrave, both claiming a . a easily optaln eel . Console had advanced, and ';';,„;"',";, " ;”7, 1 1 t,:','„,:,,;,i 1, d ,11.71,'"„„ 1:' ,1,r, 1 t • ,,17,!.
aent i• e1 , ...5t Yo.luo m, ...I stll eoll any. of tlor
thathonor. Leaving the question as to tho le- hoed ' t "'
gitimacy of their several marital 'claims. abey- The share Market war lull, but unchanged 'lt,:,,fic,'„ ' l,.,
~. Den , ~,,,,, ~,..„,.,.,g,„ , t ,,,,
ance, Mayor Guthrie decided that Mrs. Grogan Bullion is without change . Bar silver is quiet, tsr .als at ....1 Call Feriae thc prem. arse* tnd
' although eeill in request for the east
should stand committed to answer the charge 1 American
~ . ue, t i e ,„„ z e-} - .. , ,I.oN M. liitne. STORI.—Thir store
pre erred against her .- _foetus Were quiet., ...
vw Is now tor mot. .err km It hits fun Moo reLltyl
, quoted at 110(dd lui; Massachusetts fie. Itkai ~,,h , i,..„„,,,,,, ,„.„,, , .0;
' --*----
80885111 , 7 - A roan named Robert Kelly, who 1 , 40.3, 1,, Lewis's Patent Reversible Water Filter
wait,stopping at a boarding house on Grant - ` iI S NOW to bet seem ai operation ut WM.
etrot, had one hundred and ten dollars in -gold -, I f AI. 3CO * lumley. No 10 Fourth rtrY ti
Try. .0 loberty et,. ..I at Pillillt A wiLEI s,
taken from the pocket of his pntaloons,
Tuesday night, while he was sleeping. Several April 22 „mad *total Irmo the Ammo.. )mums of New Vort
par/sins were arrested on saspicion; but all were The arrival of the A+la bar checked tren at- •••'• '''''.'' 1 .. 11. 'A' '..t . ' 4 1 1 h ...,, "d a
. phut for its maperlorttr In Ita elysnyott tertf.A . " .3...
none and unsettled the market ...Yam... from thore basins thcm la ant a Phittoolshts
alse t harged, with the exception of onc individual, f a 110. thy following are eltemPlm'
who was committed for further examination ~...., "limit" Ull, Barth 25th. teal
DEATH or COMMODORE BARRONii stye* to • err. virmure to recoonet , l to the loners of
hv aster. the Patent ttcv4nuttlo N stet Ittle ter. I: .
Plltinur.Lruut, April 2.i ~•,--. 'r 5ir. 1',,,,n.A,.!....3.L.,^,f,t,a,‘ e a r "''''
m' ' ''''
' ''' ..ll:llltil Ptl . Pr. 151 li stool strml
The telegraph announces the decease at Nor. -Postuatearl, Starch tSith, Pat
folk, ou the 21st instant, of Commodore James 11. Patent lievordhly Water A alarm. Isseraol hy Mr.
Barron, senior Captain of the L S. Navy. lie ~,=111,,,,:-17.,;....,..r1.,,71,Val T.,,,....,,.7,,b;,..1,.-1
was a native of Virginia and entered the Navy therefore orrrytder It a ortylles. to hate It !a . m . ,. R.ra.t . in
In 1790 Ile was eighty-three years of age.— ''-'••••'•'" It " tea Fo b '' , . 1 ' . Z ., A ; 1 . 42:,,,T;A7.!:: . ..
Com Charles Stewart, of this State, is now re 0
a n d tearshst Caplan. and An
truuttlsht Aclt us
alai Captaiu. rii •• Isrus Pillar, Mr Illtertar ma. Le
sere eatery... the hollers. by .Earn means they sill MY.
•..... a least 11f..s a to coal and typal,. of . boary. All OUT
~..,•111 NTT
LiA tr 1 inn r. April '2 I , l ,';',"'"' `'''' '"•"••''''' g '"' • I, • a t rit i . 1 . , 1 1,1,,,.
Archbishop Eckleston died Met evening at rer it + tri C r l drcet, l'hilattelalus
Georgetown. D C He wne In the 90th year of A i,
his age. I
HAVE FITTED UP, (on the New York
saws plan., a *err eurenur it ;arrow, for the pale.orr
Now bons, April 13 t ,r:L,.l ' ; ' ,,, r t ' ; ' ,Vo i rt74- ' , l . ' art.v7 .7. th ei ti itriiittlt t ' Z '
The Africa sidled at nom; to day, with 175 mort rupee - Mr eronrtmeut of liana lto Idsloey. Drumm.,
passengers, the officers having given np their ln'a rl ' and "..n. 001.....k b. L.... L.N a llwl p """ Il t
, . Staccato, Chita..., Torsey Owl lityals, hing... rum P..
berths to maks room She took out s3sB,3ais m over, kind. LAT rilYillol, !slow, sad sista Baena. Ital.
mud of different endtha Condom of :re different pattern ,
specie .4 styles, Ilmar Hata IC Iralc , lmirt...l2;ll , v. ri lt:
...••. ; 1 :„.1"74%"..11 01 ;;,:= 1 11 , .1 cki:u.,..lti retail., w a r'
NNW toast . April _4. +000 +al LATT.TYTT/T Quilts. sal colemd
The Asia has but few berths disengaged for cef i rr , :, , ,:',=`;',ll; • =rarp s ion.,,,,,L
the next voyage. The same may be said of the , s ol i it Vt. NOTILK.I usi street
Humboldt and the Pacific
MELT AND BATTESr.--Charles McGee was
y 7 committed to prison, charged no oath
oi;tlary Waters, with assault and buttery, and
ear ty of the peace.
bISOIiDCHLY Cosncur. —Conrad Fogle, was
ylterday committed to prison, by Mayor Flein-
L 3 , in default of bail, to answer a charge of die
ortlerly conduct.
---wo-- - .
general doggery keepers are now in prison,
whbre they were pat, on failure *of payment of
1 Aufirfines andthe costs of prosecution, in tippling
ho*se cases.
Lwrencoville and Sharpobnrgh P : .
Road Company.
lOOKS for subseri tion to. Stock of the
0.. nnutp.or ogi ..Vt. or °f l ew
?A l i's Lea l rlb u id .31' C ''d' 72 .y. 4 1.11: 4Yth.tit u aii.'''ilit' 7 1
4 Utir, In Lalrtrotorß, on. Intraday ' abe;hlll dar of Hay
nast, at 10 doloc/g and at the dote of J. LLSLEIL In the
N. °WI of
Aral ' a on 17 PAW A V.2 I ,°,3.:IIItg
000-Ounti of eturtaborda . 00 . 0atallart 1. 1011. of
at D erloolq to remain open tom 10 Irckak, A. 11. to
Ye wk. Y. }L. oath sty.
uomensouss—WlLSON 114ANDLEISE,
/NO. 011.01 AIL .
4‘l l .Wellut.
.1108:4 CHISLETr.
11 11AIIII150.
U 0 Alt LEAD-1 mmk White for sale b
I INSEED OIL-13 casks, warranted for
LA sat.,kricl''' wuc
ITALIAN CLlESTNUTS—justrecd at 156
1 üben, Et. by i WM A. IIeCLUKG /I CO.
POO . Urocen 1.1 Tm Deelent.
r-1.00 drums Smyrna Figs;
..1. T.,71.4bry..1'd".E vg. A. l a L t.dir"" " d
atillyert .
" SW"t
°011,—8C36 BOT en
jud .. 4 41 and in,
S n (s woLssr
„3°"4 to , "
" •.O N ,.
ti. g, Vm ,,„„.
t~fsl6 cod
Tiii,,i.-- I. ,
- FOLL BUTTER-10 bbLs. fresh receiving
apl6 L
Ana for ralol4 R. DALZELL a CO.
ibsrtr .o ,
VIIEESE--60 boxes W. R. receiving and
' 4 A- 1 , : o ”an , by ,Die R. DALZEL.I. a CO.
•IFARANGES—tiO boxes just received food
. IAS *awls by : lICRURILOR A Ir.:MIRAN ,
.011 , : 110 Wia.fstret.
IQUGAR-3r, hhds. N. 0., for sale by
r sale '----
kegs n ' s d juLaLTAo ,7o
!AT AILS-00'
VLAXSEED 01L-11 bble. pure, from
Weataotryltml wordy, Ita pl. t,
apl6 JOU:: WI:TT a CO- LA:arty gt.
SVlONte 6 bble . . tmd.
HERRING-40 bbls. No.l ( . _ near ) for suit, by
SHAD -40 bbl No. 1 ( n ear)ir_esike by
p#PEl.t lIANGIN_OS—From 6 1-4 ots. to
SILAUZZOOT-10i 1 =74 a tir m isale
--------- -- - - • ----- --- --- - -
net test running. minfortable etrasner T.
'ASIA. Errwoun, Dickerson, master, will loan. ~ ~,
for the above and intermediate porta anode!, at I. A. ...
fr'i'l"" v".*" " V " ' " "..t ierattEn wet
Sew York,, A p ril 23 ' L"OR CIN. & LOUISVILLE:—The _
The British steams hi p Asia, with dates from .
bery l
le s s,
aertmer GLUCen. Crab
bert nal les, for the stove and all Inter-
Liverpool to the 12th reached her dock at 11 ma ma age apply on board. nia,. T artantlils day, et .1 o'clock, P.M. ,
For freight or . sp a
o'clock this morning—having sailed at 4 ;o'clock -- ------
on the afternoon of the 12th. -She brings El 2- PL E. Th l e tl 7.l ll r B G F g-1 - 1 1 ik f l A t. l il• E ni T tk . . 1
7GO sterling on freight. and about sixty passen- ; I ...a., , l n a d l r, t e i , e , arr• 1 5 1%7er and all totemic-
VT For freight or no l,lig. aPPIT on Load, 10 33 .,
On the 13th of April, at G o'clock, A. M., the , 1 4 1 0 It ZANESVILLE —The line
Asia exchanged signals with the steamship Isaac • ff!,,,12;',7L",',"‘„1=1=:'0114, 1 ,.!311.
Wright, and at half-past nine o'clock, with the atiT; r icz ? , s , l , : p.d..k. . apply on bonn y . 4.:1.3_
ship Ynikit- At four o'clock,
signals with she
,the steamer Arctic OR LOUISVILLE—The sp
aii aroma Navtuarult. Gaut. W. - Gann,
1-leavi, fro the above 4.1 all intentiedinte
• LIVERPOOL . COTTON MARKET nom. on ad- Jar. the =lnit., &tie o'clock, A. 31. ...,
April 11 : - For (night Cr paeans apply ev , board.
The sales of the week ore 28,600 hales• Th e VOR ST. LOUIS, Galena, Du-,
~M A .
• -- x bogus, and et. Pet rs. Jireet —lke In.
market was dull, and closed with a decline. of i. .41ser strutter F.XPRIIS !login[. mane, '' 161. ..
on the current prices of the week previous, for . `,ll l ,!,',llll"i i e . '''' " I ''''''' '''`i aft I° ' ''''''''''' ports
American._ [,.rant or passage, aunt, on t.... 4. srß___
There is very little news from England The I Ali 7.! .. ..,t;,..4 1 1,1.11,0 1 1?4, T .,Eat n,, ,t1a m ett:g r i.
Russell Ministry continued to he sustained in '' li''''''!',•.' lb° Odd, at 1 ' IL , n .,
Parliament. The last vote on the assessed taxes , ''' . .,7:2l' ' ' ' " r '"""'''' Pl 'll°liti . h....,Vlt ask.
hare them a majority of 13. NEW ARRAN — DEMENTS FOR
The Protectionists are keeping their eyes :.
open, and honing for an opportunity of getting ei L -:.., •1851. Jag'
ster of their own, with Lord Stanley at ire , '''-'-----'-'-'
bend I ' T ILE new and kit running sty. CASHIER,
. ; e Sleklitum Ms...T-161min Wellsville. Ytowe
'file Lunen I. directed the Arch Bishop of ! he..., tr..ti...., wb,41.1a, max.-port. earn.. sna
1 ork, and the Suffragan Bishops generally to fl.....likkrk,/,.,;,....,T;,=1...,,,,,10.7,5r. W s ilu ,, : i ll:3;
. 4
i.-..terpoEe their authority for the suppression of ~,,,,,1 . , ~ 3 i. t' . , i or coptim, sod SinfaNetutolitit.
certain Romish practices, in various churches of I ksvk,',. -' 4 . ;:ftb, ,•',.77 01 , 31 „ ,‘ , .. r tr ;1 ,,, , , 1L ,, 11. 1 ,i., 3 Z.i, a , 0 ,l
the establishment. Acting upon the Queen's ,V3l: ' ' ` " ' '
wish atid cancilatory suggestion, the Arch Bish- Fos n f . iis , ,, lit sod Inange apply .) .. , 11 1 t;sa v ri.1 , , ,,, n , kt0 .,,,,,w.
ops, with the exception of the Bishops of Bath ' '
and Wells, Exeter, Hockford, and '.'ilanchester, tilEG i ULAR PACKET BE
lime issued n circular , of a very important char- in,, l '"ei,l,RA, - 7,TAV.„;„' s P P RIF - N r k
acter, which looks like a determination, as the D II
nooter. nELTPO Well,lllo f VEIT ?thild..Y.
Wedoesds Ana Fridoi. et s o'clock. A. 51- rot ldat Lin
tone of the address is very decided, to put an ef- .„,..1, ai n i go n. 11,Fenlio's Llndlog, Daver. and itts.
feet.' end to Popish innovations in the Church . P 4 4ret, t..k.,,,,, ittrisirgl, every Tuesdy. T . lntrnkt• Sn 4
II lonia,. st 10e elock. A 31- tor Dosser, Meier,. • Lana
of England. . , a ,,,,tilpligos. niun Liverpool, sod Wellsville.
In the House of Lords On the evening of Fri- For ( "NIA or Ws... apple on Ward. •e.__
day the 11th, an inquiry was madk respectingthe j fiIIEGULAR I'ITTSBURGH AND
American Tariff, when Mr. Laßouchere, replied ILL WHEELINti P . ACAF:T—The Ilendid
thnt a dispatch flout Sir Bulwer hadfapprised the r,,. /„„',VA.= D ,ral:4 l a,"„A,i"' ~k. 1,. od e . s ' ol oekbtw
Government of the passage of a 1.111 - 1 - hat will tot" ,-.1. 4 at ni t eatf ,4 l:avr n is Pi . tr i ttirt,N . si. g
obviate the fraudulent mode of fixing the advalo. LW.,',.. ie1..'„,."111,;, avast TuLd,,,., ihur:lir ordily.
rem duty . imported goals. ''""' '''''' 00"`"attrAK=rilm1vabzi.. set,
A change of Ministry has been announced, I . PACKET, CINCINNATI, Captain John
which is threatened with opposition from the'„ , , , ,, tre4. ;[,,,,,,, .pig , d r htbo.. 7,4; 11 t ;L i 0 ,,,,. the
Monarchists. tie, Cacho:nal sn.l Pittsburgh Packet ails., nisi mill lenvs
A reconciliation between Changarnier and the vserr ''nc.. , . , 10ich.1..." 1 . in plan, ."1. 1 '77! - V,'
President is spoken of. '''''' N ' •L
” r ''' ' ' ' 4 Vratiskilk7A ,
AtiViCeS from Geneva state that the Govern- i lll,.. o e ,, ":.‘ r Tzatr=.l:l`.2l c,
met e of the Chee se hoe refused to expel from ~ ro o.d u .': bode every Thornily, st 4 o'clock, 0.31.
its trritory, the seventeen French refugees. its For freight ima.* apply inw15ci5e,, ,, , , ,, ,, , ,,,.
was ordered by the French Government. In onto NO el Warr and a 3 Vasa rta
..what way this refusal will be received by the liillibiULAß WHEELING AND im
Government of Louis Napoleon, remains yet a j IA tiIINFI3II PACKET—The art running , n4 eank.:ll.
--zu.-rVi r,„ l:L , i cjiL 11 , w
Dqsteris .. ri a; it IC . e ' t e :A. ,B ri s Y ilrt n ttiVZ . ee ag.
Italgeprot. arV . noon , s i lY,ica%a' ' ,..r rltstojr n i. er d errklitsly
e'verrft`"'"iitteretti.'-u:rtioim‘tio'n'r; st:'octivitie.,944 \ b.,
ur.,,,,,,,.. loilnisiald grinfra.: returning, leaves Bastprs
port and Sailfish every Toes', ofternnocs add 6 n.r o ,
'Tn. r2 l. F cfil d tt y ' n riertru . v"vvi7g.githt.ii=argt,
The Spanish tortes eras dissolve•l by the
Queen, on the 7th April.
The Madrid Gazette published a decree giving
the portfolio of the Home Department to Mr.
Beltran! de Lis, in addition to in mom of For-
Affeirs. M. Amelia. Minister of Home Af
lairs has been transferred to the Home Depart
;toent of Public Works.
- - - -
Adrices hare been received from Berlin to the
9t h i 2131. Letters to the' London Times contain
no news respecting the progress of the German
.U. States Nail Steamship Line.
, 0 CIiAIILLS oniDDARD, Commander.
(tw i t! . sle . s t ria ,r zte A r: MT.)
ship I..7;rrre- P giw ' al. Stoddard. &non. .r, as torn
plumb Ott this Line, to run between and Ur
udstrost Wharf• for
`,7;',4:.'c'.'"a- 1 .2.V.`i.r h .hr. , ..d0k •
TURKEY. ' This endid ts * *JO reeeter, is built is
The last accounts from Borgia state that a 21:47?ab.r,41=rb,ab tntoa
corps of 20,000 insurgents from the Krum, in, fortrns of the Wainer. of Cllins' %Ina, alio in tr.
advancing spas Nand for the purpose of effect
p. ..41a1Ctrrrt..",
lag a junction with the rebels at Pieder. Omer saner. are oasug...o for can
and einware ,
Pasha is concentrating his troops at Buda-• RATES Of 1 . 15.1/iOE.
11101. Ge ni
foe u ed r:ores " •
We:have advices from Fienna to the 7th inst.
The Austrian Goverment has imposed an income
tax, in the Lombardy and Venetian Provin
In spite of some dispute, which have arisen
between the Austrian Commisnionor , and the
Denmark nntlioritiea, formai government is
I , eing settled upon for the Duchies of Schleswig
of Holstein.
Nothing important from Italy or Naples is re
. I.`rini I 1 T0r...40, Irrr ,
--..--- Surecrrs Ogre. Arril a. 111- 51 4
I,j tlda 01,, altil 12 o'clock. 260 day or ATll,ltod,k.
APRIL 23. tbadelvery.nftbn following artldes,lor tlko tumor t.m. laza at
•the 11 II °Serino llocpilal. ocar tlalallty. mall the 301.11 da7
Dour—The market is quiet. The demand for of Id.. 1.1&2:
shipment. continneslimited, but prices fro steady. Beef. mu (rya ma posalbla from boa, ptloc rej co4Pd•
Sales of 1200 bids st $4.50 per bbl, for sum- 1,1,1,;74 h 2 r . `1 0 :1-1 e `'a1b,.:1; i , ,.......- .. ..
I dant $4.62i for ohoice brands. The Sees for 1 Nis ~, ........ ___. .......... .--. .. -- :
y consumption are moderate within the range 1 fa4;1.1,Vi..._ .. ..
-7all yesterday's quotations. ! eosp
~ ,- 11i Rye flour-and Corn meal no farther sales I '' . f,if,T.,' ll ''
have been !spoiled. mow, suer
' Grain—The vices of wheat are steady. Sales 1 t=. 6.0° t
of 8000 bushels prime Penna. white at 106 per Lwi
bushel afloat, and a lot of red in store at 1013 c.. .!=,.. 4 `:,° t • u P l. . l "
'Rye continues in demand at 70c.
Corn—The demand is less active. Sales of ;q t llc,.'7' . --
3 000 bushels Yellow at 65 afloat
-.., Ilextioitt;l meal.—
Polstw ae„ .
Oats are scarce.
Provisions—All descriptions arc held firmly ; !lees .
- s. of hr - ' salt at 63611 c. Sides 9c and 1 ip,„,;3. --
, -'
Sales of hams in —._ - . ii Ol;i
shoulders 84a per lb. •• ~....-.
•• - leolud.
. Coal ....... _ .........
Lard—ls t eld at ile`,loc in bble and kegs. Allot d,.. i.:," g00 r,,Wja,„Ti,',17;;;;T0,,, err An anal-
Whihkcy—Sourui land lo good demand at 24c • lty. .161 tube Yortiinhul at such then. and i ' n inch Quito..
tue anon the requinellion of the htevesd of the 1.10.01. 1,
in bl/11 and 23c in hlols. unmated hy the Surveyor may be eilihrod•
Oils—Linseed dull at 97 100 Vila. of lard th tno i., , ,i a , ..r i. :gel:: that may bn ranted, the contrutor
oil sold thin morning. at 70c per gal. tt L. retluisted Ith:rtkrOtitrrioTlatlente to be tar
• oltedll average *boot al per day. to addition to whir%
1 there ill ion about 10 °Stern and tenants to be WO. l .
CI:N.:GIN:CAT I 'MARKET. , An .I nformation concerning the oritrect,lrlit be nitro
. , ,an edinlteudon at thin Mee lIEN HY Wt.lOD O,
Apra 2 3 . -- , cx , .. 5.r,..,.. end teat, U.S. Marine 16•0 10 . 1 .
Flour—Sales of 1000 bbls at $3,50, and 400 I
hbls at $3,47 per bhl.
Whiskey—The market is steady, with sale. of!
900 bbls at 17} per gall.
Provisions—The marketis firm and buoyant. •
Sales 2300 kegs prime No. 1 Lard at. Sr per
Ib; it is now held at 10e. Sales nd of 9200
1200 sh prime
hams sidea in bulk, at e n d 9 2 00
at Op per lb.
Sugar—ls firm, and holders ask an advance.
The river is stationary, and the weather warm
1 and cloudy
8 0 A P-110 boxes No. 1 Rosin;
5 Rind
munt. and fur 8510 by R CO: 5,1N011111
°.lt; f 831e R At.
rALABRIA LIQUORIC E-d eref of tz e .
'OINK ROOT-2001b& form ei sm
I'l WT No. 2. A. b. Crane, router.
will leave Yittoborgh for Wheeling. captlna and Sontah.
every Monday and Thorsd.r,. 3 o . eroott
Idov Soutel fur Captios, Whealltu,dbad Pittatergb. ev
ery Tueaday and Friday, at 10 o'elook. K. l'asaduera
and 4.1 , 4.7.3m0 drpenl ttpon tbla boat finnan, regnlarlF
dorlug low water *noun.
For treJabt or reoaagn. surly uo bownl.
reraqn. emina. tn the ice;air ato Informed that Ea
carton Ticket , It to fumed a litaltatl tmmte , i aa• amtur thorn amply time us visit lortrie 10.1 matt of
rotaei,lritice !a Ettrare.
Second Chi..
At ear...named at aft - timpani. the alit,
Mr k .easeed avtli paid rm...
Fetich. from Liverprod, nit E GOODS. W. per tala.
lictrunl, the JAL,. will 1...” Liverpool JAAA.
0%7' rirlaira r from bevy sigma ..mid,
For ""' iIIIVLIVR . VV Y _ "" Withaur hr
Jae! , L. LlNT,...4rif rt. Wharf. mt...
at Liverpool. lArerri Sfelfermr.
Avers. fur ritirirargb. J. A IL ILOYD,
dHound Cbgreh BakIlo" fibril? rt.
PAPLIL—MO moms 24 by .21; Ptintfog
1 2 bf J 0 2
IS by 24. 21 by 21 bT 21, 22
by 41.... by 43;
4PO Igor. lacNry P•Pul
11.111 NIL,
100 dingle Croke 0100 Pap,.
" Medium "
JuU " Medium sod h1hg1ter__,....21 2 .;
The ....laved keeps cammouly ou hahl
oath.. fur hags, • luge earl groaral of
holed. Cap, Latter. Lludirsere, ohd 2c• Papers; Ikall3.
Beards. c., e.
.I]o— g of all l. for paper mardefuturerk
Printing Pap. orate to ord. on abort maim
10,20 anon of Pape mod Irwin Us.
Morris' Celebrated Tess.
T IIE,.. ?I ST 1
ewrl.Plil,7,slo.latell, in the Din
flaaellent PunHy Tea 5........... ..... . ....... 50,11 Et,
V ery thuds 7 '
The ery beat $l.OO
Psetisely the woe kinds of Black 114 haat an mold fa
IN Okt Country at 4 awl f.a. VI lb.. atdVra laddA:
thas establistosont at Oh sad 7fa. ti L . nage al
Illa Mazza to obtatmt IS 107 Atm am 11%
LET—One half of o tarp. Warr- 1.4.1
V:l"o'..;,: b i:
f a
and nl
the Tent id* d'or term,
J. 111.1. s • 50N.146 ',dee
Valuable Real 'Estate for Sale.
yOUlt LOTS, fronting 80 ft. uu Lihartv't.
• by 110 rt. doop lilivrary lit... r
pi outgasitio lot: . Tbs, pri dritt, rill be ' , old wen
for PC.. tioiltilre O f
' Ji)llN WATT t w.. Lawny ro
. .
Valuable Property for Sale.
'PILE SUBSCRIBER uffeeS fqr sale a valms-
IL ble of Trmoertv In Allegheny Cits, haring.
frtmt on Reamers street or fret, .d running bask 2:0
feet to RM.. street. Ms T,rovalT sitn•to , tm." 1..-
ly math or we modems. of Samuel Cbo,th,__and near. Um
residency of I.lllllam DU.Mth. Th.... .'"-""." kou
!louses on the Treadles, which rent for S2OO Per nnnnnl,
The property /II demo and cell IMiltti for Isylmil
larina fronts MI Rehr •en and 11/d, stmt!.l
... .It' .7
,1,1 cheep, and I,art of Pura.. nn
and on thr ,00nd maul, of the mthemlln the
Premises lay 4 -Inl I JOHN TUOSIPnI.M.
For Rent.
~romp well finished and completely fur
Sluft...ll dart to thu.
r. b.•IiAZZA - 31.
NO. V3Liberty ad and 4th •te
r:141 I Pnat and Tnhono entl , _ .
Desirable Suburban Residence for Sale.
ricilE subscriber o ff ers fur sale the house and
1. 1 !'
the market of this Sit,. Taw 1.1 it ISU It front nn Pat
(.111117 hare (Kt 0, an elle ,
or -4.outalulni b t nearl, ono
' ;t 6'u een ;y ids
mvl) art. Lett, and exteeitintaly erreagaal. hart.
• frout of 50 feet and a depth of 14 and contain ,
..1.11,11..1,.1,1, hall+ nine f.alt 01,10 It 1. built In the lave,
sod mist
lb . ' durale manner and ha- a Iln- 0, and
contain. all modern nonveulerwo. I'
on auto, with
an anfailint , -"pull nth ard anal tuft eater aro at tho Jae,r
alu the prom,. are the ner.,art ant hatidtaPa
[ a n ; 7 , l;aae a., lio r r, Tk , groutnla nit . are
. 1;t1 , 1
mLL nThe l uit in of.the lat.l hind. /tat th.: • Ix,- aro In
KM, and Iteld enough for th. , went, of an urdinett
[heftr ail talon tla, propert), aa to ..alula Its and
taburnanartankl4a. a,...hita erutigtota tests rill .
le not eurpeavd byany reNtlenee In iht. nha
It h.
rkv of the Otte, River for 01 ar a anti... of Tentnemart
vale. Muth Pitt.burgb, the nty, lb.' two riavr , and the
litho atom . fora., altogether • Pa,haram,l , .
which the rye neat r treerie. Etor, a , at w him ea. , n or
depart. from the port of Pittehurtill uu tbr Ohio. pa" , la
fall view Th. relater. , and around. are ale+!
emovrd fn. any annosenee a: da.t. do.trurtite of
,aufort and vegetataat. and effort. a retirement e• (inlet
andd pueorful tuft haatad stools qukt nook In the countr)
The proparts will be told at a hat lc. and pu.ersaltn sorts
e hera,m deaaml Eat afro at the Ilatetto
opTlaltf la a
For Sale.
THE members of the Fairmount Fire Con
ram: Olen their Erswino for emir It oto PntAr , P
to •oldchr+l ,
911 No' .40P Penn .tr.,
A Good Opportunty ter those who want a
auldaihet otter* fdr vale the P 1,311314 Ova, of
t round, viz ,
No ` I.ln f•ritta'• plan of lot.. in the Eighth
Wanl. bitch lot tong 44 fi-d by It 4. Thy... lota at, Ow,
antly situatah and will Le 4.13 at a Eargmln, av
them, owner
Itve, adivtanco. and vv 11,oro ofn,
No. tt. 'Three lid. at the terrier I It
suret and Tor
tome We) --advantagnonaly lovated for.eittser btodoetd or
Private tvvvienoet.
No. 3 Ten Le. In tho Q.mneL of ti r ttrenreville. will
tuitef t r ln =nand in Peehiea totrtotilo. nal
i Lgi r li ' Vt=h l 42:=Jat 7 g= 7 4 llll' :;= l.
No t. doe L., Web.dt-v vttert, near 24 Gt. try
b l ize p, ad4 , . 7111 ..nitt Co Inn:: that, nuts a
malt porlien mover ‘ , l ll
A throe story noon. near the mrstarniteehater aml Elm
read. containing 11 rumn. sill he rented very lon to a
...I Wally. It i4.cendtructed that toe Gtmiln ran on
up it. poly to ItoIIIERT RAY. 01.1,
ey.ylnearner Webster and Elm meet..
For Rent
Fi er , Flxtrat—s large and enlattalittlal bait
r•ite't'l a rglZ
Q. 8 ra1."4
tnehik.itf corner liisrri....lleT fnul F.Trft...•
FFOBRENT—A Dwelling House on
mini iriwit..kwii and near to Smithfield. It
Lae liztintr. rxrd. wa.flf bum, tr. .
lft tented low. and poracf,f , .... oven , mMed , .... 1, -
/tl.o—rof Sale or Lem. the lot,' In t
ime. Ninth Ward.l
Valuable Real Estate for Sale.
SUBSCRIBER offers for Sale, on, the follow:. Real Leta..
the City of Pluebtirgh, eta: -
Thme T•lnable three nen-J . 1,11A dwell.; hornet
. lisovnd street. trotwien Market sod Verily ttreote. the being each 19 tort front br SU dee, 1 .
No. 2. Contains 67 feet (tout so Third Neel adjoining
the Third Pretbyterian atm+. on which it ...toted roe !
boor .rocs brisk bow, used as • printing otliee. end 'me
two ptory brick wench."e.
No. 3. Two W. In natty. Reimer envoi!. 1,11. lotA
Noo.g and 4. Mon about 100 feet square. an whirr, is erre,.
d oce Linea of Mar Incite dwellings. and ore upon.
frain4 dwelling. all two stories
\o. e. One lot SO feet front on Bekk etre, orpo..its the
stare, sod ...ending lo the tor of the bill
hoC 6. Two heart We, each AO licit front. nod running
form their.] tither watermark. on the Dig I.seer.
No. , true imluatte wawa. lot. 100 test on Wheel Rare.
with tru dilute water cower atiawhed.
No. r. One lel nx.ceite the water IM. so feel front. end
..aletullog tot!, ton of ths hill. on which is erected 0000
toor . to ,, ry M ;Ir i ee ' are and wsraitionoe,Zi by 60 feet: she one
" . ' No. 8. 9 1300 larinTfot r gi . l:tbtro.l3oooernowntr.
lug shot 140 fee on Urosiwur, 01101 about WO Let eery
ecittatulagar z. re, on etb
vi , lett sTel t ramo o rried twt Irinno
Trira n g4 . ertiti oa f
aced Is o .„ bosun ImmN4vir olitrwite
the Drid ,
No. 14
water lot.inimedtaiely Mow Fallsniin Bridge.
bolos shout 100 feet in length, sail sattitsling n‘na
a,le. a,. watermark , or towing path.
T shows prot.erty will hr Wild on very tr.rorable trey,
sialo the - Rook Rare of R. C. STOCRTON. corner Mini
sod Ill s .. striate. JOHN PLKI4INtIi, Armin.
meh2l f•frurntl end Post conr.l
Drag and Prescription Store for Sale.
tons l In a DourUhing and inspru , nu 41 4 ".
thy city. utuela Join.; t.P(
(-red far utle upon term. For lurtlur partulUar,
It llAllll.l 11:W1N.
Ili uccurd .1
Fro LET—A 1 1 , A REHOUSE, shun ea 7.7,
•IT -1 / 2 =7. °
of JAME.4 DA 110.,1..• mei:. 10.1.., st.
For 8 e.
91 1 11 E UN T E.D STATES HOTEL v.".
in.orK nr f1.1,1!:61.a. on the comer cc if nth
.c,ton And ,nn street, end frotaltag on the Penn..... - .•
• Jo lb. FILL of Pat:buret rho lAA tronto
on hundred and forty tar rum c./..
honart , l sod nine loot tofu Melts on Wr..Ahmrbot ntr , Ol.
La • t veetf 101 511evt . I
V 11, lilt KKK.
Nolt • •IilL• rind Nal. MW an
11,o•t n,r••••nr, .a. 1, ,,, cr
• ..11 t•rwl.w.-.11,,,riu Prke LAW) -
.11., • hum ..1 Il• 4.11.14. riTft. tone mil,
M. tor 1.1:-.• AW. un• ut 110 arr., 11,
•11•I, - , river, t, twin. 11•••ter, 1.,r 141-'iwr .
acr ,, 4l••• II! prr sere Ail, Irxrma a LA), 135. sod
•erre.. fr.r 11:46 o-r •cr Moo, 1:5 ••••1
fru SIL, r Kt, wottb Da...1• 11, ” "
u..lrr• .dl pruk.
N t: 1. 11 FLTTIII,NI.I.N.
,30 L"''*
Of Forty Town Lots in East Liverpool, 0.
TILE rveent ntiproevtiented .1 , of I,ot ,
the •Nrve thrt.itta tow I. havtog newt', "than -h ,
the understatod l.a. been union.' to I. rot • Isunoo
bas twotarty In town lot. a s slant, and oder. them for *ale
at anew. and term. that emarn.l fail to tont thr view.
nu+, wi.hinst to rumba. It I. needle. , to ear anYthtug
cite 'wan.° .( Lb, Town and ornt...t. Ito hs.lo. boo
4uatelantly dewrthal to rennt alverttanumt.i other than
that over on. 11=0,1 tots havr rnrently enanavd hands.
and tonn parch/n..4 by tboor wishing to tooeur , • de rtm
hi.. bon. ,
Tote are arnrog the moat ettoble and destrahle
the Oar.. and an prior-1. 1 4 located in lb. abler of
Enr Information app to te proprietor In Liverpool. nr
Itapt Liver,nl. Yoh I‘sl Phadawtfl ,
A Blast Furnace for Bale.
TIII: U N DER SIG NEI) dfet, for Sole his
WAFT ACE. attuated iu (11111.uW:y,
imm. iv , - Allstoona Curntace.'' with all the out
buildings. eAir ,10.1 Fr MILL and every thing
s on to r.arry on the Swotting of One. It ha, 1,101 1
Acrd of Land attach:AL •Ith as much moot lithoilitnirer
would It oviesmry. which can be Dad bon! Tse. to (Viper
tale. It the =at favorable Immlion In the Youth. for
making Iron. having thy ore witido onwhelf tn one
olf, In very . large nuantith, racy to mine, and
from 5. to .5 per cent. It le one mile and a half front the
Etowah Rolling where • ready NOr can la found ha
all Its produets of lig 51roth le
it mile:. from the
Mertrrn and Atl.tle which rum of the
no w railroad.. nmnectitin
Tenn...a Inter with the
Dod, which bag lines of railmvis nut from
tlnlsheal and
Cl emder tract. peoL.log through all t
an he Ito.
limo for I'l o.o.l. l )locbooart r 11,110* Wan. 0 0 '-tit 1s
part of the South .
Indtrm may
et aildrsaed to tue at Etowah, C•tra , o , Ott,
° T1 l 1 b 1;11W1 ,7 40V). 1 . 1 ..
ALIA7IIOIIA Fonnart, March I. 15.51.
VEAL — ESTATE 10011 SALE—Tho under.
rßened ono. for Pala a Inn, natnbrr of Telunid..
...Aiding b. , . and P(.11. vary desirable sites fur mutal.,
woks, in the Borough of Ilinaltglinto, locaonl nose the
pew Public :,buol House and Zsigliab Lutbcran Church
The rapid growth of Birmingham In population .04
MlLUUtlialtriPg w.alth..n.l We reasonable pilau at...bleb
IoM will be told. will molder them • safe and laublanb ,
reatment. Till, perfe, Terms favorable.
For imult,niars and term. ene . lie of the under/dal:tot. It
the °Mee of Broeue ABltnere, .. Grant Mod ho,
burgh, betwoeu Iluni and Bonn ettret, or of Brilliam
toenimes and N. Pattern , . Ern's, at their officea in Nina.
Covington Iron Works for Bale or Lease.
THIS F.STABLISI.I3IENT, eituated on the
Ohio myth. opficalte Cincinnati:baring in thslast year
u argon* thorough mimic" in new fouodation,machinerr.
ac., teing• nom el the Mort c.llsllile IneallOge In the 1.701011
bar ethle of Mu reruns rum and knob Irtn.
romlllng ce Mann If Lint MIIIT” tietilties than L en. r r,,,st,
leibreent In the Meat. Is etc aerial for tale re tear, en
'term. to cult applicant. It jewheres all ttoi admintmooef
on mtabliatituent rimmed to Lim wet dthrablepartof
duvet.. in addition to the taro , being much lighter—her.
roe all imilities for Cincinnati trade, l.ll4l3ll of mir th
fuddling Furnace, throe 1 leery tr Nobillig Fire, two li,
finery Firer, Ns Ilealing Foremost, with Engine and Me.
thinery up make Own g i Iron up to 4 inch, round end
Name, nod all the mum' let Mon. with a goaid cheat anal
ALSO—A mparnia Sheet thd Mill; complete. estra
FArttine. capable at {inducing from 3 tot tont per day :hew
11 them iv Nail Factory, with taparate En
gine. containing It Alaclinnre, which roe te utheme4
thy amount malted.
helot° ItilUCllANAN.CilminnaUt or J.
Fon tiALE—A minable Iron Friabliehment iiittoitini
the Ohio rive, is Gallia county Ohio, oonsisttug of • Forge
containing three Nebling or Finery Firm, them w i t h
F one run out Fire, one pair gulling Hasa with
oapacity to make len tone iron per day. ThmI'MALII.
lOU sere. of Leal Land, of two vein, mai Ali font &eft—
rim entrance to Oil t oe Drift, or Tite. fa loom Ail to the
yard, from the Form. It le ate el the twat location,. in the
Meat form. ollin. Mill.
Iteferto It. BCCMANAN,Clutithatti or J. 11. Me:SICKLE,
ALrO—A large brick fee proof FOllO4 l / 7 ,
high, a1. , 0r rent
wit log the nulling Mill front, 2 etoeto gh, no rt. with..
with Moulding Moor lOU ft by am Refer as above.]
VIA SALE—That deelreble Tract of Land. sitiomvi
the Allegheny river, about 2. collo. etnve the thriving INr-
Alali of Kittanning, is Anon ring en.. th ou la oh,
legheny renege prnpert,. containing in all about
arms. The hind abourole Iran. COO. Limmihine. Fire
ChM. ie., Making it a v e ry &airship imation for nwinufae.
tortes purpmemi from Ito re enliarly treutlful locution, of.
rem many advantages for Wining tanning, elan, te gnon
of the ditton land is now under cultivate , . thoplith lands
ore sower ChM of being highly luiPmsedi fiw una
dr °wont to all the_ptiocipal points of toe land and me
itajlleent country. Iltre ere • Celo.l premima a FUr
mem Stark, Logi., sod lilastarparalittformiiktitif /mit
together with nil tee beihne e . mee,telent Ad
Farm houses, Darn, °table, am The wh • th
will be die
Ithei of upon favorable terms, or It will be divkled
te e '
tracts to volt purchasers. A plot of the ert•petty and
Wet particulthi mu be obtainel by addreulug
eptieuttilm it._III.ICRMAYI. Clueinnati.
C j iOTTON-42 bales to arrive per Mayflower,
6 lararr , Goorames;
Ma.l.m DICK= 00,
by .
mal ritire Sa4 imos
. • 1 ... a i
ii , oll RENT—The Dwelling Honer. ,in ,•.',...":. , _ _ a______
3 ,.. .NET
, 15 . 11. L.
.1_ the e-rner of ...fah acd Welt C.mtunne, at 7 te,- . - • --- .
N. ,_ s
ere , 'nee La Thaaaa. Atiawma, deed. l'n e mef4m.r. , •••••
en Itnn.taletely.. Enont, e l ,f. 5.10, Kin, Lag1e. , ..r , 1 1 ,'4 1 ' ry 1 i ! „ 0 „3 .N . 1 , ... 3 1 , ::: .n. 11T,1141,T
, E, ,, 8 D .
it 'Bell Amelia Cotton It'crit e. Allechene• . '''l.P •._
..,,,,,, ~a,.. rhit,,lo% . r ''' 1 t r ,,.. , .
Valuable Real Estate for Sale.
.. ... ~.,,,,,....„..„... .. . ,_,„„„.,,,,„...:
VCR SALE—That i nlutiLle Let • , , i . tari,,,,t1...%.d. I f .
,t , , .
v,,, , ,,.. b,v,,,= , , , ,:,, , , ,, ,, - , - ::: - , h,.1...
I s ~.... a . de. ,rn, a 'Market end .14 2..! . _ • y .1...1..: . 1...L .,, L ,,,, ) ,
No V ., ].: 31,a 1
i„. ..1 i 1f t . t.1 .,,,,4 1
et ,rreent e•runied by Mule., A Lt. 111.. le a fil.•-•.- - .`;' , 7_
eooe. hat,: a tra.t on lief tet Anot of 1..? feet 1111 n . .
..__ .
._....,,,:‘, .-
.... and on 11 rater :tr.., -1., e, ex 1!• • inch. .
..... ,k,_ . , L :, ';`..,;...,,,,
~ ~,,,...4 . 1. '
'‘‘. l' b . ' 111::A I.D. BECK NOR S: (..t . ):, ' l 7 l,:teee ,
rI, „,„,,,a,.., •, Si, % J.. 1,4e:....,ne.,,,htp ar, .
Ite froora 1.11 i..t 4 ...,' men,. en the Went... 11 U. t:omtraf , a.n Myren... Nu. 41 North Water .tra.t.
4% 1 .d euent ll, 1 •. •• l• - •• 1 feet 1 . 1, ..e...neh f - lr'''` ' ' ace :o. le North Wharves, phioaphl.. _ . !“,,,,.
t'rt•on• Jr, .. ... • .1 t urrh‘...tce ran erne"... turtle r .• _
t0...a. Ir.. ft r.,...rtiCkfThls. f ERCER $ 'ANTELO,kGe . neral Camila., j
a,,,ii ,‘" ,7 ?:' ,,,,,t "• NI um, Merchants. Phil/W.lphi. _
..Llheral deletes y ,
,„,„1„,,,, mmigetnarnte a Prvinefi generataY. Llart. , of
A Valuable Coal Farm for Sale, 1
1E1'1:ATI:It 1. 1/1, Bank el the Nit , - F. , ,Z, : To Southern and Western merchants.
unnealfele ll• .. rt.. I, 4tr,ea 1..atr.1.1,.. W , •-ttnor , ita ouSELL'S PREMIEN! PERFFMERY. 1
'''';'`"• ''" '"`'"''''''''.• "'''''" 1 , The ittbwriba me - petrol]; Invitee k ubLe tetentints
hinnetmahela Clt, ...I en, half mlle al , ee , ehe lll e• , nt , rterka I erfnmery,nnpe- !mem-Cream,
r E . " A -- ''. ' -- 4 4 ",—' - "'" c-" , .. ,- 1 ~,... ,„ whlell aresu "idea atal two Bohlen Medals h..,
narah, It rated 1.4 on eine 1.41.: mter,e•tal 1, a re , mi. tb . ~_., .1. Tear. ,....,, ~,,,,,,,,,,, ~,b ei, ,,,,,,..,,
'l '", a". . N w liorl: ' . n.4, - ... end '1111.611.111. thy latter peltnf the I
mine. Thu , I,al ean 1.11 le. ennteutrulty r:otalute•l to the , ',_ „,,,,,. ~...,,,,,,.,,....,,,,, , , rium ,, ~,,,, m
flye he roe. , .dr hAI 1.10,f It, whleb t• ne7 nt . o.p . er . r. fi7 , -:f .. ;-' , .,,,,, , ,,; - „ .4 - ~,,,._
c. u• •
'''' U r" thr r"mi." Ti., ''''''' a'"'" 7",'t t„" . : 1,1:11,0:11:•1 11.0 . 1 d.r.Vo ' ilid 11,10 1 1 , .... d 1. it l o . ranee, „,i.
eellen • end the ellnatton well ellarna fray her .e• tn.. t r a de ..
_ .7. ___,._
_ . ....,,,, f. ._
In eahtr. The. locution eller. tacilltlee Tr the Ceul trade
. t . ; ;71 . , ,. . ,,, - ;9;,, , , , ,7: - ; , , --, 1 ,-,r,:m;,...7
. .. 0 7,
L ! , .-7.
nix, the helm river
'fl The foil Int. the ..frii•ee. montl.l which Is eleare4 and 1 otaansa i s ii !ela . 1 ,„ . ..irt...c \ --,1140 ta . t if Ull d
.ICrituu.erjrtrin..t,,e, I
under rultivatton . a very etinerler quaf, . hesna tre.:l, n.
Wiled. trl,ll7ul sell.•. , llade .t. to lie• gm 111 l' ., E ...1.4.111 , ..... "”' 1...... „ 0. ' ~' 1 h .21 . 1K I u tut AMbroela .`Saying Tahrees ll ditar 1
‘ 17 . ... : . .. t::'. .i. n . '' Jt_ t'. .. U f '6"
' 1 . :!..,.! ' rr ... ._ . l.7 ''' 'a ' t . d'' ,... , l7Ater U r i feT: ; r' t•.;t7. ‘ a ‘ r r ge'ilti dotee-Mmend. Pee, Mdleteura. Bot g t. !
i -' r”, " ,,,,,,,1,.. 't a ' re 1in : 2 . ... 7 P -.. ' ..1001i...! ....• ' .t.r : finch , ~.. I
‘l,:t•techt.f.„..luak.,.__lfatetously, 9 , 10 ,.. n . T . u....,. Flearm ,
' js '''' ''' "o. '"ls "nr
'"" l: ' ; ' . ' i. * . r r marl, Jas ";',..-; -.,`, 7 -,';'.:.',,' ~,;'1.,.';,1t,,r . hg;,.21,—,1, — , . ,,tt
r ' etu i' flr7/ L ro ' ke' r' r. ITAlL ' l l l ' i r' du n le a i n d ' e r
. ..A . ne ,.. e s r l r ratline II ef ! ~,,,, ,j.. f.,...,,ti n .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. J.,.., u m , m ..„ . .,,,,,,,,.. ,,,,,
1 he bray •,. rlon Magnate...l-main,. Citronelle. 8.f... lle, i
6,. Gael „T... I
--The.?, ' h , 4 y r , ' ::i c e j
,‘,.{,‘‘ ~....1 •nrano• o, newt a th• fa....r terletir• in 01 Mali - dlllerr!._pelft ,
i:el.l L • -- The ' .ee l ' .. u a - 1 - •!. on the r.....111k Bell
! , 1 ,11,1 111 .., ' T lll, la , ~,,------r k•r". W. '' , ..."'..• • .. ' n ' r. ‘ t. ' '.
.•hant of .4..ria eral4d fruit Tiv , :6 , 1,..,; , 1e r In c..1 b e . c . 14 , v:1 , J.: , n , 1 , 1 ,
.4 1..1 . ..,e , , , :r .,,, 5 , 1 „.. %. i ....1 a gr. at rernd, a t... 1... ed
r cr . " l•i ' !tra -1 . 7 1 ":' , '' we ' l a ttt l ittl a t i l u te ' r.V - e_•.•%:re_ nrl . • 1 lep , fa le il ,, Pet.e . nr. , •r h t , ,, , •. y fr i z, , ,, ,,.. t. t ,r.i t
j 7, , , :,. u,..,, ,,,, ,,....._j.. d a. , 1:14 , ,, r ...
a ' s . n " .t s . it ' Vot. . • r ihe• Lan.l and r . ..,110,eth, 1...• 11, P' ll,l ~ he •.. I . , .
, b. ntemle.e... to _ Sr •• Ilea D.., INual and
powder, end rhil,tane. Bice
''''' "”
t BENJAMIN Ti1t..11. 1 , ~.., tonr._eso ,, lrnn, Idtsi Pomade!,
u •
ttrto , a W II ALL Al'elli. Pittehurnh _ 1nie1.f . ..1 LI I
~4 1, . ...5ji . , .; 1. .,t1 :Ti 1 gtg:, .: 111. ....1 1. a L1. 1 2, ,,,i , ...,.,1 . ..,.„ 7„, , ,, .
r li
i r Li,ii: ---- T _ . , - „. -- ;
A it Oth'ee, with or Witttialt T 1 hro , , I..,aner
~, . t 1 eaeldl, ttednetir Cream Arnandln. fel
m ..i.., Si
M it
it ll "N s r. f.. ' o ' n ' d .. .l ' , hante-1 hand. 0,1.1C/eq. Ed hones, Cream de Prier, Lip
..e•v• It.e•pherrr I team to
Dentlatar I•••enter.. n,f removing supertluott•nalr, Pearl
dee., twat_ * de itmi f fe. Aromatic Viorwae. VletorLa
Ilankiant•entien. 1,..t0n Salt.. be.ide• • aqvat variety of
tent . rt I , ton nunn.r.ut to to nauted in 11. falterthe.
Th. an neatte•r b.f., 10 maintesn the 11,,t1idet11.1.1ed1
loin Bret
hae ...infra, be dig-rein.: of nothing
hut Ilret rule artirha, zed nut he harpy to funtitth thee.
a In, may art•ll to nateeniae bun. either wholesale or relted,
on a• trero.“ l .l , term. a• any e,tabliitzte i ttn i tifi i l.Zltted
boraLa of
''''''..... ' ''''
114 Cheenut .t.
tar Eo'n's Perfumery se la sale by all the princit,al
1.1 - uftan.te In theouuntrl•
From Lgland via Quebec.
. " is
10$11,11,11:11t , l, 11,411111 g ‘411,.ban . .
lurn,r•lina qu.,ntitn , 4 I,lln .a.l Irvu ein.loth
y t• t 5 nn En.: 71,
numb, arr. n , ,1, In 1..1.1 rsr •
ot luml,r I r. this mo.lo of Irno.rlaln.
.1 1,4,1- ly,rrband, 11 , 1
I tiii,,l ibe A thvair trogla .'nr,•••• 1.. bun , I
ant .nud auy 1”, , ,th. 1
11101.11. , V. 11,1 n
.;e. 1 m 1
—lltnetnriab trl.
1 85 1
CL.%KKF. PARKS, A Pt. Elaol,,,rAc, 1 . 1..1A1TT
PROPRI EVA; thi...ld and well
~mlr,,e,ett,, r....v1.• Anl
, P' n ' anWtai l4 gr r o ‘,
Jf , ll`. CAC6II/:l"..n,nt,
5T.?, , .' atl , l 5(5.,
Ic I... Bingham. Nis* Cart....
I , BWltm...
IV Sharmy
51zw,1..8,V ,
Wm Aria . v h
ar Hour, Barrw...n.
.1 B aWbr.Mv... Puffed-. N. V
Forty-six hour, to PhiladelpLia.
Forty-four hours to lialtimoro.
280 mihr, Railroa.l-1 0 3 taih, Canal.
Two Daily Lines Express Packet , Boats
CO the openin,T of Coital Narigath.::. Tor
y 1,2117 v Fiari , !! U...
Thom Wklu [l,
Two 11un.1,1 sp.! Ta ••••
Time throuzh Fa, reTl:lrwort
CT.T• T.I.-..., , tructwu 1.,r oriall,,rl Tr.t:
Parket leam
eTw,...t.onin.c W. tr.n,
Passengers f , ,r Baltimore,
aylivrtl Ca, . tab. r o o,
nertuni nwiront 11 vb . . , tho•
your rlsur. yt•clii,nre
N o charge flay hoN. , '=ins Isag, , :insso on this n-use.
TorEpts. l mak.. ar.•
map and timrbbl. robse
P. u S, Azgat,
~o nonsani•in'itoin,
Fauna-Las.. Pam. ,tr.,,
N. B. bb..• 10 r 1 July. the 1,311,11.bu1a
fintab...l LA 41g., ...14.41 wi:l:hor.c CL. Ltne
thrmail .515 hymn.
Pltt.burglt. February 10, 71
117.awafacturer's Line.
Fz 7- .185 1. rf-,...... SPRING IIttPORTATIONS.
is ~,,, il , 6 , 1 , -i. , ... , . •• 0, ~-•,,, . ~, , L ,- •• ,-,.. ICn , 7 union sracrr. Nor TOra.,
. ,
1 , 21121 1, 221 1, 2 2 1 2, 2 -1 2 224- .... ~ .. I , rut , .n . ..U. Ii
AVE now in ete,re, 1111 a lire ConStantly 1, • Professor A. C. Barry's Trieopherous,
fl. mentor Lim . ism, le neavner..the wee: 1.24 nPreasnortment ,I
s.• l m:rereeol , ots La s ••-, I--i , km I. fa aarin ~ t... :el. ro. a 1 LIIN.elliN. 1..0•11). over Lefore aural.
. " • ' ' • Chli :ILEDICAII' , I , COMPOUND, infaiible
w ... Frei.lit te Idair-•ar J to'' , • f 11 . 111 . 1 .3 `'.or , nun the ea , .1 and net.. rt st.she. a Crovaii,e.Slur, 11_, for renewlm a, er.',.-orAine. no.' L.-rattgritinthe hall.
hair etrst, Ae......ir1s l . rt,r. .-, I Jii,raimpirgi 11 . .1..- Ines. rv, •Ere.peorl. rs. Ctel, Garment, London ,entoerne the west, 1,1 or, .1.1 ea neeeurame , of the-.... 1 .P.
l'rrel. New Ilenellon , ' , V.'s - sewn. L•si , reeo l i.alm. 1 ir , roaf. 0(1,1 milk , . Dr lies (inset, Ilandherehrefs. .rod runue erupt. IT , 0./ 11., 1.,...1a. ,I%, , sases of the Wan... ,
.....„,„ r „t..t.• 1 .., .:ce um'. I and ...le -h. nu.. r Pete., Lin, C Ilsr, with a. variety of other ar musel, a 0.1 int., , snuot , . misr l rmie vim": ina.C.... , ora
er iirsnate , lia.. p.ia , ..n ih. 1 " tal•` 11- aas , ....em,' , t - t.r.. i.. mins to. th. ir hoe rd banns.. All of whirl/ will se, reratm.. A e si !.$, rh,, ner .„,-,a.n t , •-th nt .,, is nn meh
Si! 11011c.e....1 11 trine return 1 .1• mf Io is ...ems' foe. I, ...Id n. thr ve, irtees. iron tr.tern friends Lou , weird as fail . Th.. bret. is
in .Irtierim. nierh.l rm.
the Juni,. t e,rept... nod reet....sic. in gat mew , to ~, ~..., ,„ ~..„. „ ,e „ ,,,.„..,. fellSd3m. of the hiehest ...mem,. temement mu.. of on Va.' ‘'
air af.resail r.e.mtm t the 1.w., re:. •. :IV, . "..h.‘i ~. . Black ~.,, ~. Ink rions. and ladle. w h..,1 , le- , cars In their dreg ,
ale, ~ j e t I ICU kl.f Trrli, Hre•orietr.. bupenor Wrinng and Copying . smut PAM. end cures - let. admit :t with roe...err - I,i. (tailor
...,....1 door a-1 of.the Nu, '1
O...CF,'S EMPIRE INK, I. Nu.s.i,lu street, ~t h'„ P i fe , - "'r tng ' s , ,,' „ "' s i g .,,,, ''' ',, ~;' , ' , ,Yr n' , ,' ''; `,.',,d,.,, . `,'"2'.4h.,.,,h r tri
..._ . York
met., t I
...Sault...,... GO , ....13 u."lmicLue d0t..., cf
WV Nls 11 i SPI):: , ED ..11 , II MY IN- ,l - rt PRICY, Ito hi. T.D. '.. ~. tho ekto. the eland, oar tie• runfe:er, it hom uomptal
THill,l 11 , B/.1..,/i_t ..' •112 F. , 11., ..a , :her, Y:IX,' I '? a ' ' 4i, Al, , '''''..'' a`. l '''' .. 11300.: th.`23..A. ,,, . ,, C 0 , ..1 , /.. 3,,, .." , rd. ,, ./ in the Pub
t, ,AL rts,.ll.‘ll w,.. i... 1.,, at l'iti 1,0r.f. 011 h. 1.. . . . ~s .
.. . • .... . aSt i„ print, or us.. to i.rit at e I rartice. luchcannessassell
aft, I, [ran...wt.-1 fluter in. ,I, , ..f
st. llin,h..u. 1 ' -
~ a t - Meaner. 11..arry .TritophenAls iA unrivalled.. toe im- '
.ells ll 1 1 JUNO li 41l - ." a•''' ,l, '• lea math. •. r mat. , ..n.e 0, bail - -fit e ,rt '• Lave enabled tile in ton to
Le ''' 'le' '-et artiele manotatmerd. 1 t 11 .•• tr. , / - no annul. It at M" cent,
5 a1. , i11., wh is from 9.1 to UN
a re... 1 Ott I !NG INK--andwasill not writate. mould. ae r „1.0.....1 than the ato., Id one other preparation 'lei
BilighlLMS . Transportation Line. ~,.i,u.“: ~ - .1 t,;4
r . , :i1 1 1 ,, p,, , :.y.;:s sil .. t , he ,h rs , oellisMu , lS . ihe Imur now in nee. The 'etenuilc treatise MI tier liaar
M' s at5r,171E...ab , !:".. , .= Ig 7 i 1-i.- ,..•. , ..1t ' .;,Y:.1 " ., '' ,...1 , ,.. , 1 ' , .- i),,. , i.,.r r% l . ' • ' • "d
•the• (Lin
f ''''''
-" e ?". '' ' ' l l -i ''l' j .". lf '. .. ".
Il t " . - -"5.--''- '="'•'- '-'-'-'''''' 1 "`) ' • r '''' -' -r The.. aa-1.11,:cH . prepared h.. .1-orml4' to Ih.
in me ""' whfet_ lar ' A . l ' e ,' ,AT. 1 ' .1. 1 1. , 4..t. . ' d r 7 l' alou '' trt..hrtCuiti;cy
in To it s - th.r 6 rlleri er erne ...ronmption. at I. she v. seri U' in. ata ' nity•tstween the'nuanlnsarae. whinheoustllute ilia
P PrrsP.l'R•i II I , 11 1 F 1..1:,TE11N rill ES , •,.'„ , : . ,,- ,; - ,.., • !11) . , 27:?; :, , ,, , - , ~.2,.1:,7 , - ,.4 ~...i i jn ehla. lobe Lou, a 1,,,, A ro n,
.r“ . e tn d a n,,,n, r„ thi s
Hole eterslute, re TO, clroe. Art 111.,,,, C.I . II iltar or,
rytir. C 1\.11.. 1.,.nr, ”..,, ~i.. ft .• •.v. , dr r• m r as. • sr. euar.ed vita at nett roet. • . annaa , n., „ a a k„ ~r th e b,,,. arme pores of the fcalp
TIIk.uDORY. LI-NY. 'e eh - em-d. or if the 1.1....1 aret Dater Hinds do not ar.
Fl, UP ..aci t•ts oder. • Hrf. l .• mof , ~,,,, . al. Nassau et- Nor York
.3th moisture. and Itionse life to the rihr e n. tho natilt is
I r '''''''' - ' ..." . '''''••' '''''• ''''''''' L 1 ''''''' s Murphy'S Self-Setillng Advertirln' g .Envel- ~,r r . 4,,,,,e,,,,ty..n e ddi0, e f the harr, graven.. dryn,s,
yr..., and 11rerhaneu. sill . IN. , ir.4 end fora .1 I. 1 , ones. and henthness .1( tie. Hemmen.. nod rmilretahln , ...the
KV be- KiLUIIIILIM the •, to healthful do mills
''''' """"'• '"h""' ""
1 ' ''''''''. " r '".
‘. t 1 263 )IADISIPS ST., NFAV YORK.- ',T,"7 'I, b t d 1 ',el I near
...rine frcisiht, et inroese.o. ~ F .1. r.e. e ri•mi. erou, elm t s .rpt se:- s. re ssr ins . •
11111. .4' 1.1ni.: e.r. ......1 .., l •.. er•• -.. t • H. , t 0..." .. 1 lb. th .ohritsnat the
of of all who wetirtm, selli annihilate the .h.emer: ir. all affection , nt t . he
atr. need la. A.llres• er me I to fa., 45. 111, sat. rti,quent. feels 1301:10 of that. hesitati•di akin, mai of ths sole traa.fMttoslen Ora intetennar OnntPe
IV •I 811 , 11.1 1 ; 0 , C , t entd 1 1 ...."4. sill. s ta, a mew ortlele is hrodmht befon• Um public lb.. rm."... and tie Alter are the sane. It Is noon the 1 1 ...,
Its i J l't at ne .t.. l'at.hur h , Nr.rne:.. rf 1 ,e-h , has' eetabllehrst their superiority ht.- the nowcolar tile, mut Ili s Lintels, that the triteephrrous
I '.' l ' irs! . ./ ? 1 . 1A 11 ' a ' ina'K. In . e. ilao-1 A.' rend ell /0.....1. n. and he cop i lcutly nears to the testirno- It. as sor.-ciLe. ect.m. awl in elt ufrectlons. and fissure of
rt , ~vel hall,. H0i1..1,10.. , re , 2 , 2 th..-2.2, Lest., men • ho ' llare 0...1 th e . enerloy e s. the, errs., it 1. , .,n r..trieds
lu .r&j.,i ' u ' it .. r is, a n , e r oiet 1 , 1.... r...p..i - It increasing "al.. as pm fel thrir excel.. &LI in large. I.4ttles, sake ..-. cent ~ at the rerhullked of-
S , 1 0 2 Nest', 11 1 - street. 11,,.. law. 1:n Ilsoadwas. New tor-and. les the prturspalutereh
i tlit, MSIIII , OI, Nr, belt e.i .r 1 1 , 1•.1. :Ina me .re • row of the reoams far thair porn- an. ma angasts 5 ,0 .4 1 ... 1 the I, int , s l SL , ta and Cate
met. I lorit: rata. to
1.4 . . .II 11, 1.1
la, ......upic.l by the S.l. • Parson mar
em.. nod blare.. rentslaneinHl and . •
e--- - - -- -- - '''4 1 8 "..1
i s"-*---n-, - - ::: ' ::: . "'".
0 l th senora.N . eedles! Celebrated
~,,,,...... ~ tr--, . - , , lweettftells etut.r.....1. rolored or an. us a a' g,tO3lpOl.,ND lII.3ILOCK PLAFTER. -
--- , ~,, a.mair,t traria.
Pittsburgh Tranapdrtatiou Line. ~.i. *be Eavelates cannot be opened without bast( Si.. k_.) Those highly ..and plasters hats loen tends far
ear. ed niers than twr nts lans-.. dun, nine Ile y Lase
1 A NY, 1. C.O. S•lit A VII I, nnl nnae, Hit..noses; ~, i\ ~,, ...„ n , n .,, , ,,,, n „ „a n ., „,...., „..„. I ~ , ,,....3 1 I ~ r va , 1 7.1 VI utu.r. , the nes t • Taus
MY Eh. JAN! ~. A C., . 1...r.g. It, s.l met Cheri , . t ... la. 1 . Oil,. I.l glil thr nosearriaare or a 1..1,010. 0 illSUrroil.. I Ithenmane and Maeusarteninar Ylazter ever setr.d. •Hhe
and No. 3 eouth Courth stre.w. Is in...ti ''defer mi.l , rmt- i ~,,,,,,,,,,,,, n .,.,, en „ L b., ~n,„ {mired or la,ink. buried , risions "( the I",hest .reir.anem, . whom ii...e sw.pcal.
rest, Philadelphia! I smooths in the l'. Id L•Ater thltre. ' rum h. les n stet nutted. i.J.Ta sierm tteloo A flatiertnn
° l - 1•A 1N 'S ORS i. 111., li. Nerin .inset. Baltimore. leant...a:a , µ sure/tor • irtoo owes .....11 other pi...-
AN - ISt/ fully completed our , lingo- , Pr.a.", 4 T 1 . T. t..
,kg• , Seth The Lovri..p. are furnished at islmost the rams '
lets er:d.
.sr moil.d tea. set erectile sdrerthierrauL ', The iner , ifa.. .1 the', rentreeitictl. rere f'ar.fully and
men.. ...HI , prepared omen ihe opent si .1 the • ' ',Y,... ",, ~ .i . , 4 ' ,j t h m a n a wan,. Lands it , correctly ...fake:ed. relmier the. laeulLat . /Y onlillcalnr to
lelisi Ivan. L'aoals. to rarre freigitt t. a I 1 m rut. { au '2.' . ea ' ' . em un ' •
burdli. 6.11.{133071.. Viltriphin i . :,....„. 'T I . " ~ .4Ti i '... Arioninfirl3 , i• a hat a orirea for Ins., entrartsl on ' ' ' , ' , ' . :1 7 ,•, , , ,. LF" . 1 7,.. 1 : 1 ! - :'::T . , 11 2 ' ''':Z' n r ?'', a n ai irr n t,. ' 2. '',l%,.' t '''' tr,: .
L-.t r eT i r , o! . .Va 6 n .. ..:lllll ‘ tneen. " :ii;:afA i i nUd re l ; ' .... her env oNis. 1 117,,..;,.,.',1 `,,, 1 ;',.. 1 ‘,.7,1!'„ 1 '' . ; ‘ ,,t i';, 4 l,. ' l , tt i r. ' :,„„ i r „al:, slid ' Issas. in li.. 1.,,, . them.- laea.l . l,nl choraet F ....1...p.,4
qi'. ', `:,;.... A" .
I:t i t ' ..:i i i " Ver ' s:r t ,; ' :. nr i!: ' .....::,•;:rXeTe 'd en ... le n . :,',','''' T'''' ''''''• ''', 4 '''' ,. • ''' pn nmitt n, . ?.ri ' L-itl;;; " :lll .. rui.v.M ' re. ' ;.t7.lTc.: ' ;_: , r ' , L , ' " ' ..l a ,!. ' lig,r;: ‘ ;,
..t.,, p..., I'olo. •Lf -
not reany offoolist to en • . I m. r Llne- ' 1.11., ..: lea. . . ..f4,IM. oboes. , l.. let, con. I ermife L. :i.. maw, • urcsalet.d.
All rciernunicatn , ns art 1t.....11 to reiv . .lves er
_torn.. ~„ to , ~,,,,,,,,, . a , _ ....4.r . e:r .
i. 1,er ,... .4 0 ...akn . ? .; ...z , e . ri Lu r....1.. , .. , nt , h i . , 1!..... , .. ,. . , 0 , ..1i..1 , .. : 1=Uti5 i 5 .
11.11 & Co. Cincinnati. L feel.h. Louis" OIL , and Lr wr i I , „
Osherne. Yt Louis win meet with unwept. rat. yawn 1.. to 14. !,11'3,. '55
......'. ...... -.-........ .. A' ' A ~. t ' I . , th • •••• rs Lan I it anos'l" • tustiol e by
~...,.3Loe is on , o , r . , •t ...--, •, 4 , i
..g-N. It. our Line h. neceniserta•n •vhater, with the , n,,,, - 14.Melilido s.- ............
MA* hundreds selic hat e • aPat• rewnrare :1.1 I 1.. t , Item Its,
Phihaintrhia old Pit.hargb (roue!. sun. Line "1 At. 1 a rg,‘, , ,,,,,,t a .
.... ________.l.s,ou , applientloo. To ,Chti.oper •ittiyhuntan , c P . :J....1L..
a ~, . oto hal
A Co. '' When It i, not cons...rid tO.fer•; ll.,l • l natt l t'af '''''''''. l'"' .. ' "" r `` - '7 ,. ' -. ' , " - ", , 4,, , -Lf... , -.1...1 , ... r .
, ~ta b la y aw yerk I :het their tentiktal eh.. te se,l e temal ~•-r ....:, , r.
, -- ,, w-- , ..-.. - -,.-n._ ito r jr. ' S r i.: P ...711:::::. 6 Z17;n n "411 ......ith rs..r., lor ....". • ha , e..• ad .:,,,, l:. _ .... ,
' lull/ ._ ... i.1.1......8.5. 41 1pt51....,
-lazz,....., n __s llS 185 t Fe..",....., ,:::-..-. et, ntien..l( addreeset. • ' It''.•l. 'llVicrt T.
No.ta .I.larliseen street. New - York.
Merchants' Transportation Line,The Pcnian Lc ICtist Per.rire. •
I .110...5ei1 , le ancr.rl,-.1 te r.minrus. 11 ktt at Its story,
...., .- ,
, . of Me"lra. F. 1.11 & 3lott. '..0 wall ts , m. ut or . .' l af a. ll' i k.O 5A152,..Ai1...R.i.. :k . have .. ho.itilz u}: , - .
(vl.l re. , SaYLVA ) ta CANAL S AND k \IL/ft/ALP,/ Jarollinan . Co- 11:1 , 111...n.M. . .
li 3 Olt Pill LADELI , II I A DIItECI-WITH- ~,, , s , ; . 0 i 5i 1; . ,:17,7=a . ..... , . i „1 ,- ...,., , ,, , ,, , -. i
( )° 1, 0,r - ,,,,' , 7i 7 7, - .. 1 : ,...,'-: - .. , ' . ..1, ' ; -''" 1t 5•.11 5,..! . ..-:1,,2 ? ? '"
o - r 111 , SIII 1•I'INH orossiacomoost••••••••woontaaattana I tune... r .1... -‘ra-ico. aril .., Qs.
-. 2 - . AMr 1,',171.TY a o,l:anal 11,:o, 10 , Henn .irref. , - --
~., .. , ----.- I t m zut . a . r...11,1m,.. an I ,e(1,- t..... 11.1. m. .;syt,.. st an tatters
nig i -
P l l itatiy-TIAYNoR. I- ..tra.lia , sit. bre:s.l rut.. s. I h.lfe I CHI CACA...), .11-1,1 N......., • ..,T.,itr.1.V.4.1,...,...,: ic r.rir.1.-si me,t trol rhoOild. lut
del boo 1 - ------------- - cured b;.- ft.. t 0..„ a....a.t. leas, . r e,en.ns m ..... its, lzro . .
WI. are prepared to re-sraa a larns trocent tmerellaudire 1 THOMAS HALE, WI. Luc It in sticia .....1, 1.-: LA. It unfaLlm...-1.ea1,,,5. an
. Paciples. hlotro.u. kree'alti s It onYmth.... - k.Lll=e , 1 , ..,•
rod urn..., (orbit , ou the opening el t hr mamas to Phil. 1
&Whim nnd all intermsdiao. pl., at ie., rams and it . FOR WAIL 1/1.,'..:6 & COM.IISSION M.F..RCH.L.NT; . 114. . 1. . . 1- .. ,..,?..'e d I ; ' ‘'a 41'5 .,.. ....,. n t , "....,Ha1r5d nt , .. - . a l 7ta- nu . n 'f ., !
"' N ' ''''''
." I. "''''' ' ' t, ' ; '- . '{ T .., 0., • CIIIC.i6O. ILLINOIS. P.,:..L',',.c....5,,,.:,..11,,,,,-;0‘1., „.,. LT .,. a r . a. =
,i.orar.BaTrth‘'..,'l,---..t,::-,....r,',..,7„ . .'ii.-r.;r ,-:'-‘',...`.- 1 e. -- ONTINUES his usual factritie to reeeive ,
r b , ur u T t-: , i t,.... , ,j. i i.,::: . ...F. ,: ::,..1 0 nv.4.4 r 4iy ;, t.
l‘toter Ballscsob. will id• •• i i au, is Ell •.1.., 5 . gy ~, ~,,,,,, r-. 1, and TI-arshiprnene- all Nerchanstl” . a ....t.T I'1"'" . s . ...a .....„. : a l', , t. ,..
I,lfmk.. llohdayshorr ... flclirtra'aa ,t a. hi. Eat" least his do..k. dolly ler all
ant • t ar name , m ae „,„ a. ,
..t.• A 110.11 , 1.1L1V a C' n .en Lb., Late, and the !HMOs Canal and Blear . . will tml tine [cal . , - a curo..hmtix I.l,ventse; SO.L 2 rri
s''ause. lts..c. refermaree-VSsTal2llrt.. Sterling A: CI.. now onir sera. that ....V.,] i........,.i...l 1 , /t1a..3 , 1 ,, th..0''' ,
-- Si.1:"1/11II'VC:Z.,tIPT , stme-sx dieva...e.,ll ....-.x. -1.,. m.l, nr.d.ever. imece tut.,
:able in tit. yr.:pert., I.:.te, 1 rt.,-
It ffit - ho.t., re.r.ltr. thm stc, • ;_m , e.-.eded wimC I.ltatgnt,
TNTbeen, y•os ask l's .3,,F...... ,-..t2 : :,.C1 , nair . .42,2 - ..12-al 1
1,, It on:7 cf IV: i .7.1.CA:m...1 , ........ , sitar. to Vi .. ...... , ....F 1 ..
head if 111.... i.
I S 5 ,
To Shippers of flier
" "r''''''
'''''""'". '" tikrirfa'Nfill: , ST .TOSRPR, MISSOURI.
'fall N LINE . 'III>DLETO!.C, RILEY & 31'OE . E .
NI li!.: , :; ..k Ca. Prrpri n •:.-.. ~,, ......, . ~, Imisaw.. ( ke+ ,...2 j57 e %11 .,, E1 . , "aa.
CHELTI'6n3:W'''2L.:..2. Cm,: 14.1 r. hu.skrari.t ' 1,,...,:1 , .. AlLsaulla (iorlor., as. 1.Drt....5,..:Ung ...1" 5,
.106 TAYLOh 5 i , ..1!;. 11 ,,,,, 1t4 1, T 5 ,7 .. 1 , , , ,,,
...5. , „., 1 I. 554:37
C.l ' lTr• rarka .4 i: ' f ','- :`2 .. ..Z . : ' .." l ' .` ;- .,":!'*,,, ';.,,,`' '''' 5 . 1 AV ID C. TUTTLE, Attorney at Law,
, 1 , „ ~t, d.,, ...t. 4 ,..., r..., , 14 an : ... i, t.„ .__ „_ ._
i ll ,,. t .4., itt u a z en ,r sua uz. :s 3 ssrar p.m r p u r , y .... 55557 ...1. 1e5nt '.,t..1.cra1..,A,1").14.'
Penna. Sail Emit ll—Cent:tat EattEttrid.
'TINT subscribery , il..riuc bec. xppianted
obir,inng n7eut. Rm. er?Atritntil Rail
whin. On , I.' tom.
<rive ..) air n^
cut Du Ltir
opening of th..nal
GrtllA Win moo +11:10 carricd br“oFb tn toad.,
rid ell mosloml la forward...l trv. , of rwnte
ion or char,,c lot
• :sans or mut. unarm rintsi.s.riti.i
trry Goods. hrts, Shore. Book,. titatitinirci
Govan. Fruits, Frialicra. Fuscutirm.brusis,
...Idler,. Vt...d. 14.0
ueesiears, Groceries, fatale.Dye blurt, Gila,
Leallyer.Closer , Flas. TlO Y md. other Gnus
Arc. le.? NIL
fiaeon. , BeeL io rork, , ,. . , utler. LIM OIL Toli ma Leaf.
A t. r t Vs! r Wk j 1 I's*
Boom kr, 31
- :On si
61ALT I'ETRE--.80 sacks tarsal°
V-62 lbs. (Trieste) fur Fah
Lf &DT E. E. &Luxus.
VIIEESE-50 boxes receiving and for sale
voy :4,7 R DALZELL .1:1...)..1.iber1r
1,1114. Butter:
;Ir k
4:1 boxes Me.= receirane per 1.. E.. 1
end fur itge LIALZELL,
atti , ater ft
V LOVER 8E111)=-25 bUg.primeTarZireLy
TtIS-6000 lbs. iTtirs, AIT by
' .1610 W &CO.
II Eli 1.411 Alll •.11,..I'llYTION Cured by Witte:h. 11.1
11..• rt Ina 0.110.1, ...a of Jorssalsti to
(Eve of bist.rtatists and sistar• ha.
.th, I' amphora). trill, nanderfal:
f 1 [llOOO ans., lian.titao 0011, Esta,W, 'lOl.
J 0 1 2 •321 2 imar Str take lb. Ilt•arty of sd•Lsirm ye. •
a( Ib. ts tidit I lisie d,.rived 1:001 tlpo um of Dr. Wilda...
fi,11,.030 t.l Wll.l eberry I Iraq prosernfed CY that terrible
.1..03011i0n. In Nl•y 1..111 410etts411 act tralY
Lrrrrf, 0810 t., La., far tyro of oar Lamllr, liay b..absss skal
h.kt dr.,l ct C.....0nt.0nn. 1 ass stAist.l.
all thy f....turr? tha. 4;4.10, 1 1.1 ilt•trtas.
h, and r.c.t1•1,r..(5.1 • a-rrat .1,41 of 1..1.1.
0.1:11 , :•10 11 .11".11111 ILle a stn.. aluv.
t It.. isnli eastward - best •
I us. tin. ..tre 011)51! firsacian. 1100 UlO
11131 J. 1 vrn, taken. 00: hall) 02.001 001 0,.L sma a ,
n oho, 0,n.1
hart 10.14007 1 .111:pp's sti:h saiVisesl
7 1 4 .7 ,- cu. AVIIhnnI 017
taihor arae.v.s.: cinesers.l 0.10,1111.
nJ auk s. and from the I tall. •
a m 7 bea m itt. improved. 1 01 1 : ane.C.sll-dm th e
time I emaceenasd use:: 11. a be out sod MY
a. and Int r'l% * " " onntintie la dd. I
laire kiken fool. !sash/ Of t"." 10 1:4.1 .
0 emo.ldPi
co J•rf.stly 001. lAII
; • RR
' l ' Pak .7001 '413.
Jaen 11, Pals—Dear Sir In 1 1110.1 attack,
with a fever of tpr.Jaid -."-- 1012 ta a 0007
deb:Watt.' ainter,l Iran td
ktm *lib a serer, sail, shirk M to xol,.lan ex
tr.nt on 10. t!l r s e; r-00.1001 •1 as.'nfirta,l tollloolo
tin.. 1 101...r5d um!, rpeetor....l adrcat
deal. 000,1 2100 hrinatisd with cao, sod night 0100003. 1
0100 fr.paently ralksol raa. ray lance. I mastlna.l
in 11.10 •irihieg 4111 Ilia disease, until
January. 151:, ..•11,u I Ira. Loin titacked with rm. - . 317
100•:4a dosl.irad of my 11 , ....r./ Illenaght I
e.old onro - 10, 1.00 0.1. 00 Oro Li 00t000161c0. e17e0.101
ly ml. 1000, urn. .ohl. 1.00 almmt loot kaa l .
Inv. 17.1. r the.. ,irauir.,aork 4. m•J tK IPnir .411 aaa
n 11,1141 skeleton. I finalir•letkiar..s.dlo 0.11 find IoP
didnas pres••ribrd by Dz. W Linsf/Bal.
sam of Wild train th., Lskt week that 1 000'
talth, lc, 10,: a k Lalual ra,avery. ImuUs
001 its ks. rats-:Li. :1 :Loa 01 01 ishrmii deed Lnda . cur.
'IL and rser cmd chr.urtA.lly re
e.ame...l the th , .. rtaita...aass of
the lung.... ' , null to :kcal ammeariasinzits tl6:. LILY
0 .0 In Ell-r011r1, 2 ,1 11 VI LL:1.111111 . 2. dO het eexact •
REMOVAL. OTe: GlO z,rx,ool. as I b r, done. and I have na-deuhs
WM. WAKEMAN & CO., but alasvs..ll le 1,:e.a...N1 with ma. ovrod •
lakaoL 1.•,1 I you..
7'.1 o,i o+l Oak" 76) :11.11nr..N L1 -\E, Jaell/JIIJACKFON.
KIP I',llll. 11111,11,n 7, 011000 sm urn, 0 - 7,1 tnd 1.010.
I , ;r.rtiy (1,-I,eite 0)0 Old Stand. •
- n . . Dr. EaLsr. Ctrata7.
Y FEFI/1,"1-121 - 00Fl/1,"1-121 - 00 ARTICLES. ern. 13,
"40 I n Prawes— and We•l. Au. farmi
o ng ' rota of rr tarat y•sihrinoA. nlajn
Dock. Mrriuo and Dna.skla .od For- t h„ uks „ r . of Will Chtstvi
31cat, Itamtash. ot>d limey rf all 113 the year 101.0., 1 , Ct1. i1a115.=06..a.:
to•lks. to,Trif, Mel, 111 , 0.0- I 0r... 0:1 00 0: 7, .
0111. and DlsPk of 011075' 8,1101. I nail, reeaverah It. :h.., 1)111vas atta 10,t1 with
s2l kind,
:ilk xOll darn:, Mary Engliab JP , e. Pak , . wb.a7 nls.a mr a.*:l th,
Alta. Domains. 1.111.1 Indima ;010,0 / 2 0 51.1 ,, 2 ; 1 2 . nnT
.cnl-¢-,::0; a .14, bon-
Csikhria. tr. _
sinl Atyle. Damestie
..-bem I bran/ CA..edy.T. Mt'
.:0. Linen. Thread. and ell the frit,lll:oloe...l‘.l 11 011
r•nen u ~ ‘r bal dM1"..1/
Laub 'e Wed . , Ell:. Liven sad P • , .
rhanae ..:Irce.0:1: 1,0 it.J01,0t..,11. 0 1:4
Eve lisb. French tad induc....l f
SVtla i,herry. :11, • •.J.,v: truly a ,j‘.112..0 , 12,r. Art.,
Sf.nad.." gentlarasn ssal ladies—a sariklY of • _ I , •
tyl. 1:Int
leu:Lr., '.l all aciallites. ogat feat or C. O tu .Y.arPII P. and th"
"• Into sod mast 1.03
02' 1010.;. thx. ;cm ro , ,l.raltl, by 0140
a , km.(•• 1, At SI Maiden , licsisJyl the oat al Lr. Vast. , 1‘.1,...m of Wild Char,
Hay th• blev•ma rhss tattoo's!. Ideld , ecnfi of
Shawl and Mantilla Warehocm- talna \Sista, itaisnm of Wild tanal - Y.
3_4 (et00100:,1 NEIV 101IX.18 my prng one of
• iA,I• Yuld byJ,D. A l'saja)p , ..t
h rtf,RrifV Jfriie
amd kind. nf BILK MANTLLLA.S. linsantartu. and Walnut syrnal.. the
Per:. rasidon , rmedcdt cbdc.demdce 10007 and Was, to 3011, COLA Is sildrekird.
•Orir I ' o rt 0 7,tiV ao t h Ls J. Kidd ts to. b. A Sosio,
el .
IMILLL&S, e.110100.30g crffrna.,,24 mod Wan added eottan Pit.biarea aft:
ecod silk and Turk Satin Yamsyard Cotton and ding. L. 1. Itot,cll, Via,hiugto, L. '11.1..4. Laimatavrti. 11.
ham Ali of which will be otteval at extremely ! 00113000,
prima Ire espocisll y invits our Wlsstern friends to ex. tb or, 11,11i:laylbur. ol.rtock .
• 0111:2: [1.1.)W atANDS fur <cattail= 5h3..1., nuctinsnd & 112.!1.1.
r. UP 10 cz.,cl for tniasym-lasirm. f•bll. - If llvans ti Co. 13,akvilIm A. IVlltroi S., Waytestmalrl
Tlefamlool • So. 0. eallontkr. Unstasi it Co.
ttr•lism • 1.,0%5r. !ker. Jahics Reny t Co, Du,
F. Staab, Denier. JAI. SIIIIIISertUrI. Warreni.r. La C.
Jedes.Cnuderevest Cronicr..ii.: BCOMOFTLAye
G.l.l,l4v(lnit -
vrealiNso N-fr, Not 3 Spruce Sireet,
NEM TottlyThot,..Ale pprfartgr.t . clybrtot , t ,
1 I NO; Vol!i. avl Job tlich
tAAWrr.,I.% to
ast?Airy . A . rieb.
r;rl7L ' ;7ll ' 7?..w t‘ T ' ary 'r' l. ,Tla 7l=V ," rt ' ;. s .? " s. '4 A
1 , x'"A :!:..T.::„=,MIVI,P,Pf`,III . ,,r
I ',alit, rurrlng frt. - 1.3 SIM to U,,00 lb. 133 h 1.,k
V! 'a Al' IVCATIO, or Tin
the ey reur.d..
riliiiti F IX rl eornp)red of puro Silver;
ji Ir. been yew, by hour,. keepers In New York for lbe
le.l. Cleo 'rum bud 1n /weronlek, A nereesary article in the
obetie ~, •ruv. 1,, ran. In few minute., re.
beayt, old plated Coeds, Pleb As Ceetorb,
bed • e.l. Cake blanket, plated
And flamers Fond.
!m. 31Uitary 1:•:i• tee Oc.. or plate with pure 'Weer ou
r, ellver. Ihr warrennnt suf.
f r Intebducten lulu erbre
Ilree ern:. per ke,:ttla. A Ilterab line , o.t to Jeweler,.
end key, Geed., ...bier , .
Jule by JOILN J. BMWS ,
re, Olt 103 Ftiken etroet, New York.
WIN IL IZAICKIIN:, Attorney and-Coon
a, tftlor Lt r s4.-ar,SIII Cattinfivoicraer tor' tits &tato ty', atou, ff. Lout, Ito- (late no Pittabuitif)
ttcf,rnet•f—ltaffbuffth: Iffof. W. torytt&Wlsoffttos &
& 31cCItov. Jogs litos.Lf ti
EAntri, • angl4:l7
A haciu^ esitirely_tt F:4
the alsorarettenehro"... -• — .
abouttlanintr=lred awl nftys".
illy/See oak* that ieht is two. er.req
. accosanindatscn of
rzraiaf...anoti,,,iit,,,visArsumedecon.rolearroof thin
Ilona is Sternal aupertloona. "the... e " "
mental which have tee rl arefrOY
zeiverttsetuent. Sta.+. it to .1. no eupenno has torn
Ftwerit to render any arartanontsfelro n „ De ,. 0 ,
The furniture war mode exsuro/ ll p g si " s
cost, and
ho fool." et. ' " treantiftd roon.l:s
-,...1110, will Tonna to to of CO tnert ,
merle turn. The Irisdnu "r t.." of
JI loarranool oe
" 4.l.te ' . eandont4l in an unnseepilona.
Every I n air 1.1..1aws himself that the
bin tnd We y the Tr.rell,fc n 0...
Anis...Won llncre .b LEWIS r.ICTa.
ouel!thei nelya Lampe Of aff OfeZIZSOO& fee-
Cbarthe Own , . IMO, MX. am' thr.ilmfy,
tier Drooketa Siirj ,r ooottl• laf all
theV, Gold It= !...lathro and.t4o.o mra
ga—Kblle my 'tenth uml.r gain{ repairsin; fratil a
tvmnn tt,
.111 Cad am In the one of the Mare. Memel/ in
frm.__,4,llot4l4lTe rack o f the abeee cols. mod si ttxt,
I 47ir * ' irstab remairluS LIMP ott ibe
w. mmg , ei .1 10
emb7 _ coma lamb adma' W.
relnidyrf, Cioatankrrica tr L 4 LWf. Alf , d.'"
.130s63.6rvneeix. Ft-us Trathk..ef
rr (A.N.s.cusrf rear qd atious
Pulmonary °nano.
Lll , a,. Lot wish to trill, with the Hyatt and
V a lb. ar.iea.d.. hi'
1,04 o. roak• un i..vrttn ihe virtues cf the, melt
or Expo tr. , urfvvilix human:at,. which
Lnt trill not wArraza
The . ..1.-a and tar rime .n 4 Wild Cherry. af
tautly tvle , v•Xr! for thn eure Cl all dirvasaa of U. Luolio
and Oro, tirh am laW Northern
tatitu.l.v • ivval,ixatixx rf chemical vatracte. peo
Viiiv.l If .4, 00, Ike. and Ito, 'lmes. Da. 1% - U:fa's Hat
t L.l ui Cll.Oll iv chief!! ficxxxl
rQ-11"!-Ixt'i Ilsi,aau a 0 114 Char, Is a Owe nitsat
ctitrixr, rimi.., 'Wild t.hvirr nark and the
rexitix. iattvr iuxiimleurxxvivair for this
punava • the rare u1...1e0al virtues of whlrli are am wito-'
btx.,l 0! • uiV el.vuii , x l rrivi , et. truth thx extract uf.Tar , -
tti.t• thv al. , de tiaki.,nud the mast mrtaia .01
rerrody eser divrvev,..l tar ttiro 4 . -
c.)Ni•LitivriON OF THE LUNChi
Pearly Va,tb Yeah, wad Pura En:4* to
La , lfot
LW 4 IA cent tax of r
the tooth s r stra ',salt csintals , ...7
I ' 7,,EaI: L L .17 d
il iaa
r, ;
Cc - c eatr m •ton Mai i
dttahtiet,-1: ai, an ; pared,
r dandrom
c drom c, I,c Icc,ctic
aril lit Wont, PM.t..liorAt..
ream, S. solial sod it.
JONES' Solution i Jet, Liqu.l4
alit Dy... for thc 4.:azitizz c: wh:ct. mt , or grcy hdir.te.
brantand broom or Nark ,et dor, Ina few minions.
Prinoi—Su and al.
Sold by WM. JACKSON44O thetty str!te,hm.dortreeel,
tloned acliuct unn7 ,andser, rreharoi .They
ore rot ovate ion-.ell.
n,htiol4 lalonitua lt tha , fl d
ho. rotnell. Moe yellow, and antiesithy
ahe thin orowars. otter neais ihrdema Ulf
" VV,tt . 'l=o. ' l l ,fa l. r2lflrt ot•iii - le=ielidei
eall Johe ' a r Spertir,ll te- --.-
It Is ef.toir .lainlnnecent dloniSedimia
, h eld.ter, and it imparts to tho otort. aemrat, iteaniv
abarter, eamo lima memos tio . m.s.
motto on thealtin, malting Merit otri emooth.
b th,Arat..Wll
beast . 4 Wood: rittehordh. , MOM , •,`
DiaIaIONTS PATENT zqAtork.roz.•
nu, Gar gilt,. brictital Zir./Enr,
brio. Collar r., E031.1,:t.: ILt turbot yr;prr.ib
ure prevrcl• the Urn Crra. albtrir4 the Ungar, and dv.rr
from mirk-11w it grociirra sothiar; Lorarscnro le clothes m
Thh he h :si luNd mare fart Iliemerewity
Inelr expertatirealaill- nal :
IT 11%/11.4: re. "'
IL-oThe Lama atelothhi, awl pq
to mly abould br witterat
Pr'..l2K, cern. per C4.6e. r4cll Crtkirritb full a:
F”, .1/by IntllL , E. k.LLEIVIL II Wqd
cigF,D,,N APPLES-40 bbla in good'. - - , ..r4 -
LA rbas.aa ink - J.& tam ,•uttom-4.A'4