The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 23, 1851, Image 4

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(2 22, ..1 ,- 18$ 5 / 1 3TilitX OF SPIIIIIIIV-5)
- Pier as the dove whose Wafting-, wing.
-2s The green leaf ransomed frum the main,
Thy genial glow, returning Spring, ,
Comes to our shores again,
For thou haat been a wanderer long,
4 0n mazy o fair and foreign strand, •
In balm and beauty, Inn and song, ' .
Passing from laud to land. , . "
Thou bring'sytho blossom to the bee,
' - I r e earth a robe of emerald-dye.
.Theleatletto the naked tree,
And rainbow in the sky;
I feel thyblest, benign control
Thepulsee of my youth restore,
Opening the spring of same and soul, and joy onee more,
____ I wnl not people thy green bowels
With - sorrow's pale and speetze band.
Or blend with thine thefaded flowers
Of memory's distant bunk
For than wart surely never given
To Wake regret from pleanures gone:
13at like an angel fair from !leaven,
- ' To :tooth Creations groan.
. .
..Tliell,When the groves thy garlands twine;
Tby spirit breathes in Hower and tree,
7.4 h eart shall kindle at thy shrine,
And worship God In thee.
And in some calm, sequestered epot, ,
While Ilsteninito thy choral strain,
Pact griefs shall be awhile forgot,
And pleasures abloom, again.
Corrematodence of the Baltimore Sum
. .
Fpn.PPion tic Murder 7 -Driumortd humid
.Stir;e'a" Ecidenee-:Four of those. Implicated ..4r
reated--The Police in the pursuit of Oefilih,
..Harts nit..Gascr April 18, 8 P. M.--There
has been grestracitemeat here to-cty, in con
, 'Sequence of the 'arrival of an officer from Choi
tertriwnotho immediately proceeded to arrest
amen named Nicholas Murphy, on the charge
of being one the murderers of the Coed= fend
ly, the Georgetown Cross ftoads, in Rent
county.. •
.. It will be remembered that a man named
Thereat. Drummond, waaarrested in Cecil coun
ty, about the first of March, on mastic= of hav
ing been connected with the murder, and lodg
.ed in jail, where helms remainedever since, The
evidence against him woo, that on Wednesday
evening, 26th nit, the day of the massacre, he
disappeared from the neighborhood suddenly,
and without assigning any cause for his depar
ture, and could pre no satisfactory account of
his movements during the Internet
He alleged that helodged at tho house of a man
by the name ofFord (who lives in the neighbor
hood of Slack Bird) on the night of the murder
which declaration Ford corroborated, but stated
that Drummond did not arrive at Lis house until
a late hour'of the night. One of the pockets of
his pantaloons bore tha distinct impress= of a
bloody hand! Murphy, the man arrested here
to-day came forward and testified that he and
Drummond were out together on the afternoon
and night of the murder, hunting muskrats
- Drummond, not withstanding this testimony
was still held for further examination, and has
now confessed declaring that Murphy. Shelton,
Ford, Sills and Taylor, are the parties who corn
reittedthe bloody outrage. They have all been
arrested except Shelton, and the ofikees are in
pursuit of hits. This is not the same Shelton,
the minor, who was among the first arrested.
Ford is the same man who testified at the exami
nation that Drummond did not reach his house
until after midnight.
I learn front theefficers who arrested Murphy
that Drummond declares th at he had no hand in
the matter himself; and that the only object of
theband was plunder--that hissiltonly consists j
in a kiowledge of the conspiracy before the deed '
Welister,. the uncle of Mr. Cowley, who has so
Joni sested'under the suspicion of having been
tbishistigator of this dreadful tragedy, seems to
be in4ws manner implicated by the confession of
Drimituond, who intimates that if some of the
Cosden family had not escaped and given the
almui„ it was their intention to have followed
up the work Of plunder and blood, and other
families would have been massacred, the same
Murphy on being arrested,. appeared tote the
least concerned of all the crowd assembled.
Ford and Sills bad been lodged in jail at Elk
Yours, W. W. L.
• The two fires at Utica, N. Y. 'ion Tuesday
night, were, it is said, no doubt tht work to in
cendiaries, who have infested that city for the
year pest. A dispatch, of the 16th, earn
Officer Donaldson has searched the house of
Conklin, now confined in jail on a charge of ar
son. He found a large 'quantity of stolen prop
erty, some of which was identified by Foster &
Dickinson as being taken from their store before
he (Conklin) had set it on fire.
The council had a epeeist meeting this after
noon, which was addressed by the Hon. H. Sey
mour, lion. W. J. Thicon, Hon. Wm. Tracy,
and other citizens. A special police and fire
brigade of eighty persons were ordered to pro
tecttlie city. Houses were also ordered to drag
the engines to the fire. Alvin White was ap
pointed chief engineer. You cannot imagine
the escitement in this city. All is alive.' The
old firemen swear vengeance on nay one who
will consent to run with the machines. If any
person should be caught in the act of firing a
building, be would he lynched by the people.
At the host fire last night a man was taken
out of one of the' houses, named Hallitt. Hle
handsrind nrins and the lower part of his back
wezis:buratveryseverely, andthis legs were much
cut brglass as be was pulled through the win , .
STATISTICS or inn CENSCEI.—A correspondent
of the National Intelligencer, Mr. Darby the,
eminent geographer, han prepared fOr that pa
per a series of synoptic table, of the extent and
population of each political section of the United
States, the number of inhabitants to the square
,mile in each State, and the average population
to each square mile in each noction. From the
Arta of these tables it appears that the propor
tion of population in Maine to each square mile
is ri New Hampshire 33, Vermont 39, Massa-
chusetts 187, Rhode Inland 126, Connecticut 80,
*Nei York 67: the average population in this
eectidb is 41} to each square mile, the aggregate
number of square miles being 110,230, and the
aggregate population (1,827,015.
Table number twO 'shows that New Jersey has
a population of 71 to each square mile, Pennsyl
vania 50, Delaiare 41, 'Maryland 53, Tirginia24;
arentge population 41, the number of • sqdare
being 137,970, and the population 4,956,697)
Table number three gives North Carolina a
population of 19 to each square mile, South
Carolitus . 22, Georgia, 16, Florida 1; the average
18; the number of square miles being 188,500,
and the population 2,480,000. North Carolina
Booth Carolhm, and Georgia' with a joint area
of 181,500 square mileshave on a average a pop
ulation of 2,413,000, era fraction over 18 to the
square mile.
Table number four shows that the sixteen
Atlantic States just enumerated havo an area of
427,700 square miles, a population of 13,263,-
612, and an aggregate population to square mile
of 31.
Table number five exhibit in Kentucky a
population of 19 to the square mile, Ohio 45,
Indiana 20, Illinois 15, Wisconsin 4, 3lichigan
.7; average 17, the area being . 311,340 square
miles, and the population 5,407,370. The first
four named In this divisionhave to 26the sqr.are
Table sixth shows that Tennessee has a popu
lation or 24 to the square mile, Alabama 13,
Mississippi 13, Louisiana' . 9, Arkansas 4, Mis
souri 10, lowa 3; average 10, nearly, the area
being 373,000, population 3,968,000
The writer says there is an annual increment
of three per eent:te the population of the United
Staten, and that at this rate the aggregate popn
laden of the United States in 10 iio 01 willone
hundred' and two millions, and . yet with a dis
tributive population of only thiry-one to the
square mile.—Philadelphia Ledger.
Stiuth Rdst earner of ilfth and Ira Slreets
(Incorporatoil in 1851.)
it. SJUICON Print
H.:Ott:tit% —Loetttrer on Cant...Atha L.
V. L. Waabt./or awl T. F. ...... Aosl.tattit.
• • - • . ..• • •
R. S. - BACON begs leave to return his .in
cern Gaeta tor the very liberal patroosge
received. mkt hope. by IndefoUgable attention to
to merit a copilot:enamor the imprtsydentad sae
.tan that has attended his effehe dodo. the pact .lola.
The =or institutions of this drynlptiop Ws became
rya badly attested by b lhe thou d halo rnior
the advantage of their lostruction, am no longer to
°airs either argument for their support or eulogy upon
The plan adopted in teething ccaralnal priellce 'with
- theory instead of whey books. the pupils are exerched in
orialual midi: of every day bud.. transaction.
awning s t variety of different sets of Bents. both for
P and individual bushiest, where the to
hem proeperous sad adverse: and thus °warring thy
otadent - tor enteling Into the inactimil duties of the
countant inlay lotwil of businem
The roam of Imunetical sill consist: of DOCILE. 0 . ;
• THY HOOK KEEPINO. embracinevery department of
Ire* and Mercantil. accounts, elm holesal.. detall,Omy
talation.'Exelsangv.• Battled. tiamohorwing• Mantic*
• Butinem, Okonntotetal Plcultdons, Practical Penmanship
fund Commardal Law.
:-Papils Ca hue:ratted Individually. sad not In olmen, no
-that,onsttents may enter at tar e. and proceed In go
• ratio bf their arose and smaiduity.
Public toottnten - noss are had, (11, 1 ozh smplie
24 t alder
.1 Athaib - igalogations to. tb.hud z a.
by • Cconadttee uf Praellcal Accountants sad
einem Atm and Dadra", awarded to. tiate.whowt dewy
od vont?' of ttout. •
• mune can to torkplotid Itoto tin ter ha weeks. '
Amain wischulta. the Prindwl snail nue that WWI,
thing ht•prwer Will be done- to advance idartnebtromt
sad Maks thew tbotonsn Antko=t 2 Vguanizitmoo
- sal his nitcont sonnaJnianco - tritte nen oommte
atty. Inn pmrau ',amble him to Perlan
tenor-fora fall moon Of lame 10 fl on •
Ighthats COnusuirdefLenr4l.4 ULM
7 r= ¢;,
-. - RACTOR&-
SEAUD P '• I POSALS :for 'delivering, in
the ethereal. • Works of the,' littsboreh Cum-
IceMo bushels of blttonehons ineland3o.oou boon
els oe Mack, mill be meeieed the (Mee of the Cr-4MP.;
wail Wednesday the =I 'lnd.: at 2 liekek, P.M. The
Coal and Block to pi of end. quality, and dellrendat such
tholl‘neat Web c . 'mantles. atehall be &permed of and
• The etanlard of compotatlan for Cool and Elect to be 3
pComds per bundle'.
The Peymnate to be made monthly. ret..41.4 . 2) pre•ra.
ae p, :e*ttelelfor perfmnanee of contrast.
to be nicknamed to Thome. Cakenell. Cao..
t of the Ordway , nal endorsed •I'mporala foe
Coal lot Stook.. , JAIIEs 11.1.111R1STT. •
enlanl , , Treemeer.
New' Spring.flino4,at &5. Market et
AtE...2LNL.4a& DAY would respectfully
Invite the barn d the public to their serf hass
chase stock of NEI, APRIIVG GOODS. two , they
'Ns no. ottatittgqis stock has been bought Lithekneed
Nastens Auction Importres rates... ta ' 0
tall.""" ATALISPIL L MINICWketWf -
sta . -1m srk Northwest corner of the Inensoott._
• Whgaesate Dry Goody.
A...:A..• MA N.. it:CO., 62 and 64 Markel,
. aimed. exe neer daily opening and receiving their.
comprising t ihe most este mire and varied import ' i
mmtvg Imported d Manic:all Moods they bare ever ex
lanai. en ',high y el:ignitions' invite the attnition o
City and Camstry Ifrehants. _ miS
... Ifew SLaing Goods.
A A. MASON & CO. will open this morn
they mild& the atte Moo of their patrons and the nubile.
TliE SIJRaRIBER has c — otnmentne, I-re
aki more desirable suet of FANCY
i&P igV:nri Tkrilli ' MODS than he ever brought ti:thiii.
market, consisting likirt of
Prints, Printed La s Mons. de Lithos. Minshasue. Al.
gaimig tiletoets. eon Mull, and Book Muslims boned and
/duelling Clotlts. Cmsimene. timenst. I weed,
and Jeans; Dellis and Cotton trittes. CHM Moe. Pone •
Ildkfs and Cravats! ThibeL Mous. de halos, and Comm,
Shawl; 'Modem. Wove. gibbon. Lam. Veils. Combo.
Buttace.Stispendeire . Parasol. Utoterlins.Tehle mod
et Cutlery. elmen..l %elm. Widens. As., mi.. ta which be
respectfully , ir.mtm i le !alt.
nunizahte , al3.ll.4l. , .
ala C. Alt BUT/V:OT. SS Wood et.
Win, EMI ors, No. lEit Lnizere Snare,.
A very.lour anal Oupener mock of Fastuonahls C.Mi,
adapted to entletneves Wou for Stainin MlTlprlslug the
romest styles in duettist. English. and French Ovid:
team a rertegleetilid amortment of Vreltil3,4 and Cloths
Of Mee m r fashionable'sbadanuf actured and mint,which.tivrether with
ra land well
MI. mates one of the largest and - best select MADE ee
steak west of the Alleghenies all of which the Proprietor '
to determined W . the atsuch prime as will convince all
favor him sigh kmill. that not only the moot Puprrior
Clothing is wild at this establishment. hat also at the low
est prima In the ca ai
All orders In the ming End excenleid. as usual. in the
hest pmeiblernan and at the shortest notice.
.. math - I
Straw Sonuet and Hat Warehouse,
LH. T PALIitER offer,. for vale, at very
lov prices, a) amendment of Straw aced Minim
TIM pt!
" lONAIS—Fore and American slain and Cant
Fkmith Braid. Chit), P. Milian Laces flair. Pluseln Les
ILITS-51.04 To the, mild Bora' Leghorn. tanel
F i t;l7l . O m:
~Stflp:37 , ,JensilAnd, and edam Ssman in great mtri.
etg rano am and material.
N/BONS—Ritti Bon !t and S.A. pl ain SAGE; and Tat
Cater, all widths and Mks. Raley Gauze and Crape Paps
LACES — MIU ..41 Unrest white and alarm! Silk and
Cotton Netts.
srizeiv 717.1.1LV1 VOS—tords, Taut's. Buttons. Braids
'Wehrle. An, An
PLO i.Eßs—Arno n and Americas Sprigs. Lorick. and
' Wki" i g ' SrL d .E7.7l " L t i l lt ra n
, M. de Na.
plea, Oro. de Rhine, Florence, and other of ice, minimal
quatitlea nod colon.
SATLNS--Asserted qualities and colors.
Also—Rieh and lent priced Parasols and limlnsdhile. Band
Mom, An. Re. -me LIS
Spring Bonnets.
' QIIR FIRST LOTI is received andtk
• oTalnc‘l. craoprvautc. Iv park the. tolmaina
ity v
.Albord Chip i ' Qan's Own,
;White mad Yellow Lace, Star re uld TultP.
Mill. Chip, Jenay Lyita awl Satin.
.Rualleh OAP. Fluted Straw awl Satin.
;Flue Straw .aI Di7ccul, Prarl mut lease Satin.
Floreuce Crlumetl. Amerk-au L.
/Loutish Pearl, • Iliumarlan 'Mixed.
... sUbono. klutsil Itutlla, .
" Split Straw, Sill
utcla A. A.MASON A CO.
C . 2 aria G Markst at.
' m Inv
t ite thi
eximl.Ther barre '
spi 0tf..15M1141,1
;TZES.-Muttrur 3 BUKCII
., attention of the Ladles to mane mu
Qr Light am.l Drab enintace, net rr.
Oro open tbie morning;. an Itddibonal
LTS. mailing very lon e —Fume at
Whbons, Bonnet Canr...l.e.
nAREGE ll:
JO Joehullo, • re
slime., Ea! eblklren.
LAINES, Light and Dark,
pima Teri beautiful /'much. 111t1 ewt
'd and Felling low LT
, . w.
OIL currHs,
T tpring SV of
• Mrlthr following rariKi...:
Com prising
Extra Royal Vele.: 116 Carpets: am do. Tacootry ilroo.
eels: to, do. Brume extra gaper. 3 ply: aupertne tidy:
do. larrain: extra 11 day doe do 4 common do.: et:Rondo.:
44. 34, .54, and 24 t Hied Veration 44, 34...0. and 24
pbdo dm: 44,34. foR end 2-4 wool and cotton do.
1 1,,
RatraChenille It hue dm; do.: extra tufted doy fire
do. do.: common do. to, enllle Door Mate: tohol do. do.:
sheep akin do. do.; Adelable do. do.: Thrum d0..10.
Crumb Clothe. Felting do., Socking 12-1, 04, aw 24.
ralsc—Theet OR Clionts, cut to fit any eite hall n o nom.
84.74, 64,34. 44.34 Oil Cloths.
Also—Stalr Rode, hfall eines Carpet Binding-lc I,lllCar-
I P et. ' R 44, 39 04 1. 4 : 1 1 4 . 0 3-4 31.1tittRa Table Latem-era-1
end ploPetY Inc crick do. Trot:Lepel:era Window Shad,,:
Hull Window Flollati; Tenth. Rhoda: rnalatemod Plano
C 0..,,, do. Tabled • do. Stand do.; Worsted Toblo dm
Marine Imported d rumba:ow:lcor etcrkditeet from the
meet celebrated P hen, being of the latest and noon op
tr i. o= aale i tt u ated e lor i a, :Aa .,,, are .i protrl ,,,,, to c. et . t , .=
, i ,
need In any of GU ' a
-n Coliel
We cordially Invite all to cal and examine our otock at
I The Carpet WarehouSe, S 5 Fourth street.
mehl9 1 W. .SIeCLINTOCK.
1 sHAWLS--4. A. Mason & Co. hate lied
11XareT ' aTrt. knatroirred do!. Po m p d?Lain7a..rid : i :g
or Rawls. s t a
F L 18801.49.4. A. 111.1soa A Co. will exhib
it, talsmorsig...eartons of new styles Bonnet Rib
ne. Cap do, and oolls, Ecobrulderi, to
reled Mb morning. bY tc.. - Pr - oa, • bd.( now ~,,k
ae black and colored ealks,Tore est. Paltul: ohbaw ,
nettle coltarsand calla berm. and Ilotealetalne of now and
beautLfal .1 yles 11100 Donn Ribbon,: White Etolo
d. Tsa.i.
tonMaalina it. I
INA_ Sleazed recelelng their aertnal supply or Goode,
atoona- which will be found /lockshoelt Moyers. Bleat-hod
and nablcorbed Cherthne. 134 /Joan Sbertioa . : and Pillow
?tee, Lined land Marin 10 ln. wiao for Pillow Caret apt
Ladies' wear, n be had at
eta MURPIIS k BUT:C111 , 101.WS.
NURPHY &I BURCILFIF.L I/ have received
Akar pkeret tonne all 'tool Twooda and Cassim etc,
ye weer. I all
...._ _
- . . . . ' . .
- try, NoonUm Velvet end Gold Pity, flangintro a.sgl
for Dramhtg Roo= and 1 . 111 . 1011, from the eeteg
brutal matrufsetortr Dolnedort, of h:II*, 1134 reed arld
sacbllt I ris Wood gtroot.
Woes and Liquors.
No, 157 Liberty c., Formerly Dame tracker factory.
D. mumps of Pittsburg.] 1 - 0. 0. trdrvrn rd.. of N. Y.
Jr anmonhoe to . te public generally, end tbelr Mende
Mt i ll r altE th Atifjg ' Ll 'a . , I:be N r EW lttty lVi eh,tlt o ?
* f
the boon stock—servile and
c f .
Ne Y :tck -Ai:Alt' Wino. Abo, Frenth dsrk and Pd.
Brandi. of the eh t vintages Jamaica ram. Holland
MIN JAW. Whiner. bnenkstrue and sparkling hook pines,
of the most ander brands, port wince, Wedeln, sherry
r 4
and muscat Winer, begatbe, he. Also, rudlnes Holland
her:inv.:Arles and Llnsburgb Cheese. All oftsbleh they
will red wholesale. retalLan Mamma reassonnbP terms
One of . thp Ms Mot:menet, still ennUnoinglds
Importatian .1 In the cit y of N York, the above firm
le enabled to sell a bearer and a better erg de [ban nny
other house In thisry. Please give us a eel!. before yen
pureduwe elsewhere.
gliir Families sop el free of extra charge, taid at the
shortest notice I sp3
MD. KIISTO,I Banker and Exchange Bru
km., Fourth! st., dads In Western Fonds Fight
on the Esatein Cities, and makes eolleetiona In the
won It& Inw mrss,ll II naw Ting tbe highest market
prenduen In par ru Is for Ante .can silver .. melte
Temperanceville and Noblestown Plank
goad Company.
OTICE is 1 - ereby given to the d
nk!. thilo they .1i .. oimmoy, that th make rami t i t •nt to
oon k Nugent. Treasuref pf the sald
b Company, of Flee
Dollars on each tharh Of the stark. on Dal last Monday la
each and arca mouth bersafter,_ until th e whole dock I „
pald In fall—aa tb4 road Rill . graded and bridged t ~.
Jail' 4tb, lASI. Tbei Stmkbcdders tvo rtalm'sld to Is,
prompt and In eV . . ratrn,,,. „_ • .._.,
onto nA cremes,
PIP omen's improved 'patent
d Rips for Irants,
I Ttl
Hy ed draulic Rams,
, All sites on band and to ani ,ve for sale by
tathrilif 134 Front street.
- i t
CARD.—I have removed to my newstore,
1 (three doon saber.) ncarly opposito the Rank of
, Ittsburgb, where I 11l to glad tonal my friends and fl
- lots citizens, and ore I va share of their east°. I nth
top a very huge astairtment of Upholstery, Balsam! Dish
ding. Curled lido, Spring, Mow, Uottou and Husk Matta- '
s i lt
, I : :itattier Ueda I
end i 1 , 0 , 1, sttlatW it tlllow4, blankets. Quilts,
ride: Dear Tata ..r: wen . ' artier u;u h lty ' o " a '''' ' I ''' .
most extenstreaslatalattlnents of the Mud. Urife " ra ‘ r t cr iu tilie b ts
folly solicited arid molt pr abet.
__ool Wm. NOBLE. Third streeL
F. WILSON have removed to No.
V • as tteensel eL, lerel 14 7 [gout , et, between Wood
apl l @
EM O V AL — i - ENGLICII BEMS - gin, Whole
-4o Pale Onten and i Deader.. hi Produrc , bays removed
to tt LU Swam.mnillll First rig between Wood asoll
Smithfield Pittsburgh, Jensu
VirM. GORMLY bus Removed to No. 281
vy . Liberty nivel. 5 doors oboe. ble fernier
and dditetty opscatitg Seventh ot. mpg, St
• Seed Store Removed.
imbooriter boa removed him Seee, Store
r r. e!. Second wtrort. to the Imlldlug recently oecupied
by Robed 101255 x 010 p, on - Tbled street, e• ituoet im
mediately opposite the Peet Oftlee.
AEMOVAL.:— . 43M. F. SHlM=emoted
ha 3 oee d
Dty amdcEtore. from No. 115 ?dug stevet, to
o. 0 Szott's Row, irwi.street, bur ricorr be' gie Penn et,
where he gill be pleasedto volt on his Sone sr cwt.:wry
t he public generally.
vj c. Facm . rat2.4 entml
. 103 VIC EL PALM:R.
CANTON- Preserved Ginger in firrup;-7---
0 .. ct. .." la Mixture of
a'r.ii"..4"U')l'MP.l.Vin.rua ieu.,
.010 - 41n.fnand Teal/elan..
PORN--150 bu. (Shelled) Dor sale by
me_h3l- ' ILIOV. smuys
bble. inert reed and for aide t,y ,
.4 , 11, 'OlO lir.*S.itutsmuir rust t
1114 — YE FLOUI .t;-=.50 far Jae LIT -
Le, aio " Inowzi Er fiILEAfI4
Corner of Wood and ./RfiA Semis, riltaloirgh,
HAVE NOW IN STOI3.E, and to arrive this
vt. Ile following guate.:4l Ilia asoetrecent 8.f..'
tatadua, which axe /alfenal au Um Is.a.oable Imo.
115 rutty boan prime dire. I= dozen Patent 7.11/0 TraAs
Teo: Illuall.e.
-45 6(.14.1 4 do dn. 60 boxed extra pura Ehfrelr.
AA " - .oo6lntr t qbUIS ZS . eltlPTl.t[l4
100 leav ItioCleffee; 15 bblo N.ll. 1101aeren
IS .". 101yra and lavic 15 `. R.ll. "
(.0 Man 6,, Va. a, arid 116 10 "" 110klen Syrup: .
lump Tnbarerx ZS " Lead, ILlrrobni, nod.
5.$ btdo Nue. 1 and :Meek. Powder.' Boon
Trek "... - ,04.. reedl.a Balslue
ZS and 14 do. Neil do 50 dm. fliarrua Y 1 2 ,..
2ha and 1., do. Talmo. lMjars Bordeaux Proßria:
6,0 Lee,. teoled llerriur. 50 2 0. 5.1x/le
MU Re. enter Ma/Llen 5 boXe 4 1 /../ 1 C. 16 / 1.1
9 Laloi
o no 2 - Ileum I.2truire
1 '. Clore. - 10 " 0.. I Chner./1•141
? tte t a„frper t All/pine 6 " (.50441e, A Alue..l
t/P=TIIIIICer: 12 dem. Millt:A 1 0 1 1„,
. " " relied: I. Ltd. 'up. 46016. =WV. •
1 ' " Montt. 1." ens. Tana,:
111 kegs " 11 ambled, 1c .. . I'essl Saw.
10 - " d'amia.. 2 I Nucl.: ;
10 " . lane,. 2.. edrily and Lteanel
. lo 1/I,h/. frarretra /laud: 1 I.lAunrire:
45 o. titearin I.landloo I 1 ll Arrea 1 / 1 0 5 --
1 .. Star - tl5O Bath IleixlX.
10 ." Siorus - I bld. flour Bulphand
luu down Ate
4 1 Marking; lOU ions. Malehed
lOU Rm. nsper6.l{l. Flour 10 dm. lialraet of leuren,
lOU " S. Y. Indlera It.e. and deuillleu
51/ dot. Ink: 6 .- Leman Buzae:
1511 " CPC,. Brix.r. I rack 11,1 1,..144
}:lam, Nail, While Lead, Lord usE.4O. 51012/
. ~.
i - IaNDIIIES- . •
1,3 301 basher/me IL 11016, r4lO bee. M. 11.4 L. Ra l l l l. - /:
BM pa,. T. 11. luiril. not 2,00e1 Sea. Alm/nal,
Illark Ten, 25 bal. Uraall NUt,.:
150 Lula 56. Limp 16 egal ZS " 11no Idalnulle
s*. Roll Tamen.. .4 " llmund Nulr;
23 Ira. Bk.. 700 druul• Wien
61.3 las. Coltedx 50 en.. lin/ eraekert:
_OOl learn llerriou: 0 •• Prollea,
Ito loble. N -C. Tar. - 5 - Union Spear,
WI - bort aled Vorar. . - T.llOOOl/ / :rime.
lOU raw. Marano/la eex...^ Peppered..
2 hada 31adder. :5/ 3.1
•• PhOlx.:
4 reronos Indig. 00 - Brasil 6 uxne
Wu 1/., A4lO, 10012 61.4 1 10 . 1 . 1 1,11141 1. - 5•6." , .
100 'yr/71A.. and 1.4. P14..k., 5,40 Verona -
.o ' 4l / ' l l ., ' 1,14T/?.r. 1!11 ." ..1cere1. 1 1111 - -1 . It Tion. : I
Iv 1.11. No I. 2. •• 100 hls. 11 al. r. er a' tool
0 keg. .iiMl. Il^',l •ler, Mot. eraehr..,
.00 Re_ Arldting, : X01,1. , ."Flollh - x" Ale,
40 1. 1 / 1 , Tainier;ll:l;/00 an.-. tl. 4. D. Told,--- , 1101 call. Lamp CAL 20 .. One rut -
100 004 110/-5,-I, , du 50.0 115010 !!Mir •.
563 - Tub, 2OO - 11. A 51.11andlee:
2. , .. Cadlla Snapl
N. 0, euear and 3101..... Bed Conte dewed and tin.
trorlud Spix.e Conlace, Art - Bloc and Weave., 1. .1.0 - .
tkaton Tarn, Ihutteml.'welleulrk and Tel.: //1111 a aeo
/T 6l 6 " 10 . 161 . 1, 01 16.1.
tear In our linr. /
For rale
61.6111.1011 0 IIEI.T:
inehtli . 122 evened. and 151 Front ate.
Produce, Commission, and Forwarding
-.Vora Strut, Baltimore.
TIIE underligneti. Agent for the Penn
:Orme...a Ohin Ur, belne cvnlrani lo , atod mt
di, B.lbil t m l. ar, and Nurinehums Saltrml. 111,1 a ar
ran,:reap for trurrtcll9ss •
ro..rmissms Erncr_ss.
Iv ronriectinn irttb the FOILWAItIsINti tittlniNEss, and
n,r m n lar y vtl r. . „7 :;!=t,or Whiskey, Floor,ti ram.
Respectful', GORDN.
liarsrarar.. alarrh. ISSI.
.• •• .
It Order• for linverica, Salt, /Fe., rrenaptly ranvical
54r.t. Jchu Sullivan S. W. Starr .t San., Thos. 3.
Carson it Cu.. lam McCulhath On. LI ylia s rMann.
Timid Ilayaa d Dorpe r, 3llller 6 al ay
how. Turnbull. Irnll A Slade. nobert itarnAt h :-'onA•
• nann.—ltaltnnure.
Crancit d Co., Whe , Untr.Vw
Nles,.. Clark u Thaw. liunry Gnat. l'it.u.burgh.
Mr. J. W. Kerr, Ilartutarr...
Jazu,m Curde.. Esq., Cullum:du
Mesurv. Hew, Illatrrville.
Met.ur,... P. A. 3.
- Mesors. Jame. Stvel t C . o, Lew it t Buticr,
ttt- Prim.. S-for
for .2,' v •
JAMES A. Itu felflBl..S:2 00.
OAF SUGAK-200 hie. Small, for eale by
JAMES A. 111311:111SON A.
11-25 , Ktd,
mthly "
VI ACK ER EL--15111,1,515. prime N0..1 land-
ILL ins ILI. day eud fur sale by
RoPElerriON & IIT.
UGAB. AN I I Mi./L A Sia , „S--
I_7 10 Wide. sur,r.
4..0 [AAA. do. (tak
In Ann: and for f , ale
50 St,.k
11...1 i !E u, 5 .•
et.rner of Nlark.4 and Third a..
Alt1)-211 keg. N.. I Lard, and 2 )lil,
i_A urss, Lard, for onlo IrALLEI.I.
QALERA'rUS-125 boxes :00 10 I,lllg. for
1 , 3 ,¢l.• I,f /
17 Cot rtmulA 11rntudna Pef* , .
fr.s 11 4 4. Dtll
n governor
,uo Dt. C1k0t,.5
::1111 ont+ C. 4. 9:
lad,. Vinegar; In
r.and for ?ale I.y
ENIILIL-11 111.,N,, vrr.
112 and 1;1 ' , runt weer.
ihr Diamond, Second Door from Dintrord alley.
F YOU WISH FOR TEA that is really
or this ts the blare to buy it. to lof..nor low prin2.l
or"r kept at thi. nuablbthroent
Errehent ranoirrm, roc.
The very btot sl.oo
Thu la the mil) -Acme $o l'itt...hurgit that keeps fur nle
Fantt7ll= "g"
ht boxes D. It. Largo 1..0.a 56r,r,
215 Ml.. entrh“.l busro.r.
170 Ihrortrrtol
Mallard .•
70 Golden and Clarified Syrnyol
GI by buy Molarre.o, for nit. hi
Azookta St. Gal.] Stptar
UGAR-92 hhdY. N. 0. to arrive this
1,7 for role by mch24 S. k W. ILA.II..BAUGII.
MOLA , S. b B 4 s
ES-110 tablF..
for , salt' by
VOCIS-A few bbls. (fresh) for sale by
W 4 mch2l W.
1.0 - I,blS. 75 kgs, No. I Lard, in
LA sue, arta I..r•ale
A. A W. Ild.HßAUtill.
APPLES—I3O l o r..,,yirrre, for sok
UP Ito melin A.Tt Ih. II AltllAUli 11.
COD FISII-8 ea,ko r0 . .1
o caul for sale by
‘l./11310N--5 lark. T iO . 1, for sale by
; meti2A lc. I IALZELL at CO
ERRING-4 Idl. for sal by by
noh24 • K. I/ ALAELL A CO.
OLVEBIZE 11 CORN-41...tfined and Pre
n.e.o lann.or. 1.. r Foot-7hl. It o ,
rovywrobly Po
at...satin:l article tgoAntvvlindly - tv altbr• del ,,, nt"
I 'uditnl , edam mad. , uT
thvsoma:v...3,in. each pa wl/1 t.u"
wan esvellent. Price per t. a t. rent,.
For vie by' R. Stl..l.EllY. ITorol
B ACON hhdArrinte ilatmB; '
;/ do do Row rs
ride, In atone ory.l
toy .ale by MrOll.l.S x lION.
B.ockingh2.m and Domestic Queensware.
taw:Lure. of heel:lngham and Tallow Cent Ware,
Last. Lion. 1., Ohio.
?sa - S. , ple 11.. m. No. 104 Fonrth nvar the
or e Office, Pitteborah.
Our er tennlve Workn enable ne n dll coders romptly.
A competent dealdner being ennntantly p
f he , da . alvn
kvekeepnDuxwatt all ad. new and trammed rtylre
Water f.inva, Vpltonna,Pltche ra, Taney Tor , IN . n , ede.o ,
Flower Taney, 40 1 / l etr, )lotto I Ornament, Medicina end
Knott Jan, and article, for xnestk tive. in great variety.
• Oniert rotqcf,full aohcard mrb2Oaf
Webstera rinatriidgell Dictionary.
r V ARY, bound In rho .0,, 14511 pp. onm - to—price 1540.
Sum work bound in Kneen . calf, motors-41 tack and eider,
tort elegant-1110M.
A 1771.`" Pr ' t " th iV,g7Er Zu r .i7UlL. h Zlu - NA 0,
--,- ____.
FEATIII i .IO , ,--Iti 00 Ihs. prime, for male by
noehti 0. 0 W. DARDAII6II.
14 1 LAXSEIED 011.-5 bbls. City Make, on
baro , lw al for sale t.r
motet 3. N. WICK ERSIIA3I.
1 0D1 AYEIt OlL—Runbton, Clark & Co.'n,
..-.."ma and fur oats by
) HESS Si LKS-20 pes. assorted Spring
I Style Dram Mika, just reed tr
~ 4144 No. (2 and GI Nlarket ytroyt.
S %DIES' DRESS G00D5.,..
.,.. - In
`• ••
pltin all
.. 40..01 1,2,..10n-.1 Del.Muek
-. awl splendid style Hera, De 1a... ,
• 10 4. elmire aryl.. Doom:lines: put opened at
nych4 A. A. 310005 a (31.1 i.
I)oTASll—i•icaske ree'd and for sale by
3111.1. ER a IVICKETSON.
r0c1,4 221 nud 223 Liberty rt.
INTER lIAI i ,I;`,.OIL--P2OO gall. Id' d,
IneWreaodf ur melit 5(.11.LER k RICKEIHON.
07 of a very superior mtalits —a foll
. aesorrment lust
{.nail by [medoll 311/11.1 4 113 k 1111411111•IELD.
. . . .... .
3 1 .011PHY A BUIUHIFIELD bare, ue , roe'4l a
sup p ly . boob py of th em up to e g 00541.50 m d, of all the 4.010.4 on
ob+ alitier,
It ' IX: BUTTER-1.1 kegs juet ree'd and for
Ilm. 'sal.. te [ousel I 311 LLEit A RICKET3ON.
.O 1
..h e 1 v 7 1... O lio "' .'"' Vl74 l% 7• N il l t l 3 . A__BU n l L lC e l p ll: 7 l: e L i D u .
iv 1
3 1-12•Filk and Linen CaMbric. of new and boos me Styles;
i c 1i . T . E . R . 1U111 4 ,,,,.. .;
1 1 8 V h. O . B u li . S-, 1). The Wafer
I i ENUINK l'OliT ' • "
r,„11 . of the limp., suitable formedicimalptcoser. for rale , " Water Cure Do Arnerloayedlted hy a Water Patient.
by the Quart or Bottle, at siumue a 11A 0RT11 . 3 Tot I nand Book of Hydropabr Mr Profs:dotal and Don:made
and Wine Mare, east side of thoplamond., lfek2o I uSe. by Dr. Weirs.
SUNDRIES -1 bbl. Chestnut.; , Dantean. practise of Ilydropathy. enty, gyk sa y, ~,,,,,...",i
' Muskrat:lom of important Subject% by kerma Jobnatao.
3 ° Hickory Nutr. 1 31. D.
23 bases Stearin Candles . 6; tale by Theoryand Practice or iiro,„,o.thr. rho b, . tab h.
inchl3 J. D. WILLIAMS a CO. . Franck., translated from the German log kotert Halal,
. -- I— 1 .D.
M ASON'S JILACKING-25,gr0 for sale
The above works for rale D T R. C. STOCKTON.
hr Mehl J. RIDD4 CO. ai Wood rk • =Hagler amt Mailman., owner Market and Third eta
I_IIOTASII-10 corks, warranted pure, for trOUNTERFEITCf
_ll_ male by Mehra J.& R. FLOYD. " This Is the 012 . ir Holm
eIAS CHANDELIERS AND FIXTURES; 1 do... Welt mi. mo he certmt
LI Parlor ebandolient and Hrackerr. of the latestarylen 1 zxtrttAnlTZ s .ofl
Mao, two and nee lig ht Orommuml Pendent, at eastern
Prima. W. W. WILSON, i fet4 • nor
Mehl', corner of Fouitb and Market arr.
, 4 In store. nod for Yale on
1,7 Ornaments/ awl Plain Stu pension lamPa for Cl.roo - 1 ~ ak, ~ ryi n ,, r ,, y ,
4, tearnbtata, Dello, end Dwellings. Also , new and team ~,,,,,
tiful patter. of CM, ter Table, and, and MudyLarops,all 4 11 . ~,,,..,,,, ~,,
of Me unrivalled ramoufaeture of Cornelium A C0..,,d M. 1 ~,,,,,, ..,,, „ Liwn ....i
eastern prima. • mobil, W. W. WI LHON. 4 ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,
CI REDS---20 bbl. etrietlypritne Cliwer Seed; I P '! .r! I L
Ph ' , Ano-Benona
L 3 U Ins, .. " Timothy SRI. .. Lee . .
rod& L. S. %VAT/AMA: 4 i rrenne. - Andenenn . a •
IA RO 0111.8—.50 doz. fur eale hi' Holmes
. 4. koff a Anti - Dyspeptic
..l. to r_1431 311LRE1C eftICKETSON.
. 4: e .. Tornato
8 liG iS--7 bhls: fresh, for sale by - Crumac lps ker's
, 11141 ,c. a .
- 611 !T E R—r, bees Paeked. for solo be - blue
knebal SA3IEEL P. SURICYJL po "; _th:lnine
der , Soda
D R' f APPLES--I 0 1 - 4,15. ree'd. for sale by „... - oth Heldlira
11111' .LED PEACHES l64 'L lu b f :: . . i f . o .s r i s iß al rrl e b a :y . ir r rt= "th 'sr.r. - .. "ft"= ,: mas.o iPmilst"..T*ft". ... - ... •
15 . • melon SAMUEL P. arm= s r ' . . r p4 . :
IE---25 tierces landira, for sal , i I . l lTrk T eTna siert or
Irlf ' '
Fratklin'ilifAmittuketoMo Pinad'il.
pIREPTORS: Charlet, V. Bancker..Gleci:
ThonTait, Illordaral Lori. TONI
Yallamor L
• • aunuss 11,1aNC1(EIR., Pandama,
Cuaannf 9.
Tbla Company ontpoortato A:mamma, parnmant
or limited, m nmy damaiptitak amp .4
coatty, strafe. Al w r rltL aam a ta a ,
The IS Lora mammal n fano nontbman:food.
whih. Id* MAY Capital amt resalum, a:amp tarn W.
latTonl amploptotartton to lb* amurad.
Tbr urtla of
CtnoyannOn Jannall pm pc,b.
Ilabeat aamably to Co. net of Ararmbly, wens a Inlfre.
Tro , golorr K 9.006 17
$1 1 712;011 44
tg:74lVor=4oollfogr d tr Lerlonlola
Dollarfi Dooloo br tborebr alwee lb.
Weaotatto7m wellutbMr nbluU.l34ldbo
rodtioo to meat lath promptopoo all flobilltleo.
roolfl J. 4.IARDNYII (VVVIN. /moot.
Ogler it It carrot of Wood orol 34 An.
State Mutual Fire. Insurance Company.
XtßANell OFFICE.--No. G 4 Sarnintw tintscr;
• • •
THE hest evidence of the success of the
lo endeavnting to maw,tbe STATR MUM
di rum Lystrmo - cs lv PA Irr Root the wants of
thecommunity . , la The unparalleled:x=oml of bush...
Heti heal.. den. haring Wont over kWh Policies In
• little 111014Ithse eight morithr, and adding oeck kW"
espital to the tkonpanr. The Dlrectnto arc proud _to Port
that nearly
n all the property intured of the astfeet Studio
11l aml a large pet/purlieu' Insured fur only 011 e
umber of Policies issued, - 5,005
Amount of property insured, - $5,139,490.00
dn. guarantee premiums, 57,909.79
do. cash prennums, - - 32,194.24
do. guaranteestock, - - 90,104.03
III). los,es, 4,100.00
To be deducted hum the above behave, the Incidental
ex te.sof the office. .
T m o city pe rounter Merrhanta, and none. of doldlltorl.
end Poiated nod malty property, It le believed this cote-
PM," afford. edranteges In point of elhespoee. Rarely', and
.00111), Int•elor to nn Innumneel'ompeof In thin cotrotlT-
OnktiMled MI the euulteble and greatly - ImproVed iirsteve
.0 ChtocOoktion mßick. exeluding all epeeist hararah Ito
u ,ring only n limited amount In not on.l lItT W w ptt`
alco both theqct orT end .anon .nee nl
om and
Muhual plan, It n om nOlY.Pege.
fin ch 112,0 ne0n...11.11 , 7n of loth mettual.
101 l entitle. the 111.01,1 to a partielpattoo In the profit.
It I. 1111000 the 1,1111,(01 al the following Plrector.--Jolan
P. Rutherford A.. 1. 11111,11. John P.T. Joon,
Alonm A. Cartier, Philo C. IWlgw kk. RObert
J. P. 'RUTH KRIORD, Prealdeut.
A. J otta.m. eecre.,
A A emelt". Actuorr. r0i027
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., Philad'a.
talon J. ilanry, Jr, droned.) No. a 3 Marty atrneL
tho both, co:tared/lov of persona ttaiding to tho
lover part of the oily, th e *goat MA,. also Le.fonnd daily,
torn 11 to 13 and II to 3 o'clock. At the entintinc man daily
.1. atchoontnakry Co , "mat, where all nista-
Ifortntlon will be given and comtuntdeallonas prompt
ly attended to. Pamphlets explaining the principles and
lanodita of I.lfa Insurance. and blank forma furnished on
Capital Atock over 0'.110.01 and onnatantly Inemaing.—
P.lts dividodatganallyatonn,,t throe trianzod for life.
Itittaburgh..lan. at. 1001.—Jai
Marine, Fire, and Inland Traaspcatation
THE Insuratea Company of North America,
Philadriphitk—Chatiemll7Pd. Capittd sdoomatt. /darn
January Id. MI. $1.0.14156 50. MU make Inraranre
buildintra and their cements, In this city and vicinity; alto
on properly of arerrdtatrtilttion, 'lappet" per steam
and other vesseb., either by iniamt transportation or on the
Arthur O. COl's: Ertl., Thomas I'. Cope:
Samuel W. Jot, John N. Neff,
Edward Smith. Iftsbasd D. Wood,
John A. Moan. William Welsh.
Rummel F. Smith. Ennuis Hoskin.,
Samuel Brooks, N. Austin AlShone.
Charles Taylor, Wm. E. 1 34 /we 0 .„,.....
Ambro. %Thlts.
I jame MaZi.'
s "
Jacob M. Thum..,
N. Morris Waln. 11. D. Sherturd, Neer
-. .
Thls Is the oldest Insutanee Comunny In the United States
1 ." fr :s " 7.l l _l L. c h al i' t h ris t Vat ' tlt ' Xisa to r b— z;. - t=y - , , ,, ,
• Za d y ' ssa 9 cu ' as ' sassed a ' s tattoo .npl,tecyrity to the puma.
ja.2.1 No. 141 Flynt attest.
American Life and Hearth Irisurance Co.
Agent jr Pettsbargh, SAML. D. TOWLE,
Office. IC Fifth rt, shove Pmilhfield.
Pamphlet,. onntaining all necessary baformatlou an I.
obtahicti at the orate. 44110111
Western Insurance Company of Pittsburgh.
lii r AI'ITAL $300,000. It. MILLER,
1111 ITIRfil.l34
hunt , ...Mort all thode of Arts, flew g
All incur,. will be liberally adinAtel mid Dean
A home 104111ution—roanowed by Directors
1,110.11 in the community. ad who are de
who .w.w. to be bunted.
Innn-11. Miller. Jr, Gen. Blank. J.W.
1101m05,31...Wm. B. Holnier, C. Thrown, Coo.
Wm. M. Lyon, James LippinerAt, Worm. TUrri
Alibi. A 1... N Mitch. Thos. Scott-
Utice, No. It: Wahn street, (ward man@ of
or Attars.) PittAburgh.
Delaware Mutual Saferyinsuran
'ehOF T
CUANUN, Third Flown, Philadelplilw
Fag logra.unw.—BoiLllngo,
p Mrtf. la tore
lr.dgr"z ran of
MALIN Inembernti—Tl:y Alen inrisre.Airur , A. eug
and !rclithla, (onion or roarPtire. under op, or rpe=l
nolleler. no Um weaned may desire.
Inbuto 711...0111,a1031.—Tber
co Insure errbandlw
trazuwortwi by %mons. eare, Canal hat. and
swam Wu-, on ricers and lak 00 the caret term.
Inwecwors—Joreph U. Fest,' Edmund A.S. sr, Jahn C.
Davi, itoLert Burton; John R. Pennww, E-11211 I Edirne' dr,
Dar ll, ilngton u lA h n o ac It. via
o W C C.
Theighllit• P
mra c.
.11oen. Hugh Craig. ' thews. berriii, Encino. licllralw
E'avMamily. J. U. Johrocm, nay br. P.. non..
betbrw. Wu,. gym, Jr.
,Iturceoas Ar lberabrzon—D. T. lava, llugh Cmin.
John T. Lamm.
lgamitur Murrob PresUrn4 THUS. Llun, Vier Frei.
dent. Jo.trn W. Mirk., bocretary.
rfirtlyitcr of the 0.101141.1. No. 42 Water Weer. PittA
butult. I 0i2 . 1 - if P. a. 111A1111111.A. Agent.
/VICE COMPANY, No. 111 Martel litr4t, Newark,
N. „ and No.ll Wall htreet, N. N. Arenroulpard ar.wtts
T43:430c Melding from '.lO to Cover rent pollt bar annum.
The cubwrriber will metre el,
rbr inonmanwen
lives in the abo ve curcemful 1 wurance Company; the whole
M.A. bring . divided sonenur .tared.
ITILLTAM P. J0NF.1. 4 Agent.
005 No. 141 Friant street,
cIIA ST. fur tb. sok of Wc.fleff
twodo, 1 . .0.129 Wnod street Pittslatrgh.
Order, filled at Plfort utakw Lrt so) duerll9
Ira .111whi.rr.
ietitut betwero do. sublmibera. made
}l..ollvg • Cm.. C thlx Mk,' dim!
11:1.".. Flap! i
Ira Henley rr K. Fleming It matt .1
or the lam gm in the settlement of lb
ma parrarrnblp hen•lnfore orbaln a _.
riber,. muter the style of Shaeklett A W
..n the hr.t der of January, 1051, by
p ,
ent littlerjjkobscriber, nil) amend .
the bonne authorised to nee then •
nrrn for th at put N0.101%1344 AM.,-
.rehruary 12.11. TILOS.
EW FIRM—B. C. Slmeklen '
Payne. an Fetters' mu., and Den.l
eperdal and Iltullnd partner, trill continue t.
Dry Gorob, bnclaca. under the Mena D. G. Sh
.12 - th e store lat,.ly omnpled by 2haeklett W
1 t'ood meet. 11. C. 0.11. AC
fetal 1911. PAY
. • .
rntered In. Co.Partnerrhl
At ,n eon A likely.
The subser
111 ARI.W, HUGHES k CO. Pro. 'etors of
the .1 ooh Bothen Votneytranizg . Stufe .
la loft, ren Builder, Contractor', and tithe at Sitio
11111 . 211, Ulm, Cincinnati. de.. that they hp e
A,,,. of Pi ttshurah, then' Agent, ho hi now
rends to node, lake nentracts 'for Roofing with th e ir hoot
Gauged Elate,
Hussite d Co., no, In posseation or t test and
hapset Slate q.srric. In the United Eta e quality of
their Slates Is tf not superior, to • • boot Weigh
..pito none other but ea • e need and prao
teal alatere 1., do their work, consequently they have no
hesitation in insuring a perfectly watertight roof. neatly
and handsomely completed, at a. teasottable • price per
enu •WI an, - In the trade.
R e . reutieularly recommend their Staten to be
put tot lath hot end of ebeetlug which will beef aalleantage
to the contractors and owners of building,
References as to their elates and shaingean beseen—and
Mr. Thomas Parry, ore of the 10001007, may also be cote
suited okr day--at their agent's VW, corner of Stn. rt.
and Canal. PARRY. lICUILES CO.
ior , fisto Roam promptly repaired.
VLOUIt-100 bids. superfine, for sale by
ll metal J. • R. FLOYD.
LARD No . 1, on hand and
meh3 98 Water street.
WOOL WANTED—The highest market
s'rem, to cash. ill be pald for thadifferettagradrs
of Stool, by em
j OTICE.—AII persons having ) claims
the eteanier SCIMLAILL, trill pea,. Pm.
pent them to the suberribura for rattler:lent immatkately.
~ the boat tins woad into other hands.
metal WALLINUIVED I CO., Ds Wnigr.t.
•/ ORSALE—Ohio IkaPennsll:4lbi,
road Stock; Danko, Pittat•ten and Bank:
amble 11. D. JUNO. Foci at
L store and for sale by
- mob 98 Water at.
II'ItUCE CHEWING GESI-4us - i r- reeired
Dom Bulger, Mr., Omagh the balsa. of • HT, Yan
kee, a large lot of ads pleasant and afreseable ChoaloS
tAria, whirl is used for ',motet:lift W. breath, elewloa
the teeth, am Fur sale wholesale by
metyl anrl s iYlel le ttr Aira.
101 T.ECTRS.— Tod 'mewed by. which
4 o l Fll!_Wfbe . •_tt . expedldourly, re.
end $1,50. For
%met of Flatlet and 4th su
ES, &o•—A largo stock
the moot liberal terms, viz
!Aromatic rake
ithttemstee brow
Itelettak de Madam
IllAtegs / 4 / 1 .41r of Health
(Tweet Flute
1000 00Carldhettr e
btPhrnitett tlyrup, for lbe
cure of Mat e / VOL 14010 F
tali, Syphilis, de.
4%. Cionsumva Penne:Woe
" Lavender '
" cloves
1 " Witivees,
eltr.w. for Beer
Dte Muer
Ott. Comma
Golden na ncture
• Hasse Pander
(*Mood and Binh meets.
mismLamous: ---
WANTS O --Af4tuatioe in' Book-keeper or,
Clerk toateretattle or manutortarlot tat.—
umonttotthlteltr Mows!. will b. er.' o. oa'
Unmet to &owe of Ittorilb t Bah via rookie, strew
'OA PIES AND TARTS--Fresh Cherries
ea roe
lb tbeiridtd..l=22l2 l. 4 . ll
semi M. ', 3 ignsum n td iy<=h dais.. 1.. .mu..
ahem a.,zr.b. by
dill! 'l. 2d. A. Alre.LUI22l• 00- 258 Liberty st.
V 2 ' S ' i i SON 11/4 - 118-03 for sale by -
T • ”, Aichla ' J. D. WILLIAMS it a>.
FirrA.NNEFS' OlL—Ribble. warranted ptie,
[or We by ~,,h,i
. _ _..._ It. Z. El ILLLEWA.
PECTORAL, Starch Polish,Soap
- rota., and Eterresd plc Componml. IM rule by
maa= BELLEW), 67 Wood 6.
Wag :l- 10 ben. (fret - 3h) for sale by
bbl. No. 1, in morn. for ode by
. mcb6
CLOVERSEED--8 bble. for sale by Meit44 WICK a it.cANDuss.
n UTTER--6 bbl. prime Roll. fur see by
iyi asbl4 WICK C 31,CANDLESS.
lisllA dillahum of the Law of Land OM. Till. in Warr
anlas by Jul JoneK ...ed arid for aid.. by
I Non at. Elvkrt rt..
I.IIRAS' ALE-300 Virh la and Ilf. Bble
likil .
I In store, wlth constant artily from the Brewrry,
warranted first [malty, for sate by
' mobil RUDER N t 4SPPERT.
MURPHY &. , BURCHF ELD have reed
_LTA an assort...tent of lbw:above it Ws. adapted to 'otitis
wear, consisting of Plaid rind Slain i iterirotres. IWO rittst
do.. Twists. Merino Canihneres. u Jraor, worsted rod.
of rations kind., all - at lowest. priors. • ruchl, •
C.4.4.—lilnsca t Ittriownsuii Inrite the attention of
Vt7==ifoin' floor gig:31)1: t t ' dl or] 2 .e " il=l " . '
narrow, to.
HORTS--300 bu. for sale low to close Von
.'" • LO dos. Buckat, 16.4 m. Tut. for sale Tr
1.11 OLL BUTTER —3 bbl. just ree'd and for
At de ur T. WOODS it SON.
mclllo la Water gt.
LARD reed . OIL-26 bb!. N 0.," just re and
ftrr nal° low o f IVALLINOFORD L CO.
• iachlo
large akaortatent or 4. 5. and gr. Sheetinn,
Figured Back. Patent Cardann Ull Cloth, a oplendid
article, For Pale wholesale as to as mown retro,
sada J.& 11. PHILLIPS, 7 and O Wood et.
Fartorl — :,ooo Tdr. 4 sad 6 qr. Green Ofleloth,
main nal Mall, at No. 7 and 9 irml
ra , tir J. it 11. C1111.L1113.
DOTASII-10 enskg No. 1, for gale by
, =chi J.H. DILWORTH t CO.
the alttatinn of parchaerrotohla assortatent of Sheet.
Inas at No. B 5 Fourth stroet.
TIIRIED BEEF-5 tc. S. C., for sale by
_ay myna ROBISON. LITTLE & CO.
da LASS-350 boxes W. G., ass'd, City and
LA country. brads, for male by
HICKORY NUTSrI pkg. for sale by
lach6 WICK& McCANDLei.9.
SALERATUS—I4 casks and 23 boxes pul
rVa5" 4. b 7 WICK & McCANDLVIK
BROOMS -138 doz. (Corn) for rain by
me. 105 WICK 0 MrCANDLE;S.
MACKEREL -138 bbl. No. 3, for ruin by
LACKWOOD, for February, and the Art.
Joneml, fur two:WT.... litwte.l nm . F..
mrbs app.olte IL° PrO Offwe.
TAR -25 bbl. rec'd and for rale by
IIk,IACKEREL-25 bbl. No. 3, for sale by
.111 mcL6 , 140 BIRON, LITTLE • CO.
CASSIA-100 malts just rec'd, for sale by
=hi MILLER A RiourrsoN.
G. OW SALE—Exchange Bank Stock, by
I: tttch 6 G. KING. Fou r th .t
(`COD LIVER OlL—Warranted pure. o
Vv dtausist. Itoshtors Cl.ek. It CO..}, in hall, for sal..
mobil corner First sod W Alain
and maim gallers,dire the a, frniture, ref:
troble nri box wund
ule awlNte. hi
d. V
ckory sitiolm.,
at tangle, dnuble any
Irrn rt J.
• • W. HAVEN'S
Pr - loth:m(liTle..3nl„Let•rven Market. and Ferry
American MP,
LACTUCARIPM—EngIi.,h iniporn.d, im•
.a oubl •H. A. FAUN 1:.+11. Ch d CO.
PUTTY—In bladders, in asEorycl
P.-kw..., al
for re by
[Deb% 11. A. FAIINE.::TOCK A CO.
LI WEN'S PLASTERS—Large and small.
11 . Fain by 11. A. FAMSEATOCK t ‘71.1,
tridta narner tint and Mcsat
HDEs__ltio DRY lIIDFS received and
Wr Nab by mar N W. IIAILIIM:611.
F .
EATIIERS-60 3:Lek, Feathera received
sad kr sal. by m tl. & tY. LIARS&
D ULL BUTTF:R-5 barreln reed per S. It.
, Turrarora, sad Mr rah. by
S. & lr. 11.11113AU(.111.
T .
JL, A F.I.J sAfortruvut go b. foual el the Cori.. \ran
t...v., No. S.r. Fourth Rtrowt.
4TTS—A very large ursortment of (le
ow, Tonot. J.
ate. grail.. and :qua letnq /plan, at me.. and far nit at
14e Carpet WarebouN, No. rs Fourth .t
LARD OIL-10 WA,. tine Winter Strained.
reir hr J. KIDD &CO..
chl 1a od Wool gtrret
VOPPEI{AS--25 bbll. (in good order) for
IL) rale b, J. Imp c CO.
-1-1 2011,01.. N. o.llnlarm,
1 ashi Cottny
W hbd, •• Littamr:/dFt•roc•i•l.V 7 Lv 4 4 .
mch6 ROBISON. un
SEEDS -40 lads Clover SetAl;
to - Timothy do, Al, rale by
i w..trk a
by manbusli
DINICIIFIELD 111,1 . 00 baud a groat Amar:neat of
lbulketx. of ,all the dlffrrent avalltlr.,teeludhoa a f.a. ,
Par of extra also led qual i t y . all of which an. now offeral
. roduovi ranee. teta
LOCKETS.—Jtutt receivra a large
appal of th.V•llt 8 1 / 1 1Woteher and Miniature Caaaa.
au tahlrirer laurtanNarra. flair he
real W W. W 11.1405.
Merle the
mut ad Cork
eettling up
e of 1.13. la.
L ONDON TAPERS-50 doz. for.ale by
WALL PAPER—From 1 1-4 cents
lJ In " a " . a la ' a aaa'taa'aa.V .air ICJ
di dr. so
11 It - bob:We
klett 2 to.
I L A) : 101
CA NI hi &a for oale hv
fet.lo • IC 0. SELLERA.
pow.o BAYBERRY-2 bbls for sole by
R. E. SELI.ElitEys
VIAL CORKE,-1000 gross for sale by
LINOUSE DF. LAINgS--Printed and solid
ciiisrs,tu great esaietrand at rasioa_q prim. to la.
at Marc of it-blo EIURVIRY • 1111•1.711,11:LD.
HOPS -5 boles for sale by ---
roblll U . M. 11. JOIINKTON.
..IARAIVINO PAPER-300 Sheets (muperi
Dci quality) Ibr tee by 3. MOD 0 W.,
meta No. tO Wortlotroot.
8.1i00315-200 doz. Corn, for sale by
maa4 J. A R. FLOYD.
f! - 11ESTNOTS - 30 bu. for Baia by
N_.l onchl4 J. kR. FLOYD.
MOLASSES -25 bbla. S. 11.• '
250 " N.O. : Io oak bblia. In
knya =I N. aortae, and for We by
SO 8111stor, sod G 1
FISH --40 bbl. prime s
l large No. 3 Mackerel,
10 •• Da010:00.0 Herring; f or sale by
DRIED FRUIT-725 bu. Applee;
876 Pbeacea tor 61. by
tilehs L. 8. WATEItMAN S SONS.
by W. M. Muttony. Prier. Idais.
, e Warwick oodland.,
Nam nk Forrester. ..
Dictionary or Machado.
lteoelycsi at IIOLIII.I' Mom". Depot.
metal' Third at... Tread. lid , Post uthor.
PEARL STARCH-50 boxes for sale by
LARD OIL-20 bbls. No. I, for Ba. by
mall /AA. DALT.ELLy ISS Water at.
BLOOMS -250 tons Soft Term. for sale by
toehl9 J. DAI.2.6LL, ft Water *lB Pint at.
SAFETY FUSE-150,000feet Bacon, Bick
ford A Co.'. make. warranted, for pale by
mel,l J. 8. DILWORTH * CO.
OIL CLOTIIS--10,000crthi floor Oil Cloth,
b a y, and medium, from to 0 yards wide, of the
p e w.. pattern, w bleb will be . e low at whatesaia as
W make. and retail lower then
nu arty other housesn the
e turtle the attention, hrs to
Flock. et our want 1001111, No. 7 and of
oWoof pt. the above
meta I.* PHILLIPS.
EA Marn awl fry KU. by
. ..
.. .
TABLE MATTS—In store and for sale n
/peon:et Warehouse of
ttth3 W. JIettLINTOCK.iiS Fourth et.
xU a 9-- 1 7 . - 1 . I\l c a i. - INT 0 C K invitee the at
tention of those xishlott to furaleh. to his stock a
up. which are just received from the mattubcturent
New Boob! Nem Book'
Wed, Oppootte U.. Net Mtn,
r u g , flurmitt or c et , tiro. Seaw9rtbr.
rete * llti'ellletm ' by Ajg_ g iy h t tt, th. bOdlif ott.
Consuelco LT tiro. Band-4 rob. to 1. Pri
larettlfru , the &holy, the tillosey. the Prket- ; hr Geo.
The QINCII . II Necklace: by Alf... Dom.,
Reverie. of an Uhl Alahl: or Uttar to Young Men Intend.
I. VArgrgrre can oleo be bed of P. MoNAMARA. Al.
legheny. nu:111
'VEATIIERS-8 wicks cprime) for sale
LARD -17 - kegs in store and for sale by
----- T — - —-- -
A LS— BLE OIL OLOTIAvery larks as
lortmont of Table Cover; on twin and fur sale at
to , 7 andll Wand Meet
coal J. It 11. MULLIN.
b 14P Telmer
Tom, just mod •Rad for We by
010 LEAF TOBACI I 2 hhd. for sale
br - men! WM. IL JOLINSTON.
VISIIERMLN, ATTFailitiN I—Wan left
r at oat atom for Wt—B Plaidogita, noa oftbem ISt
yards ins, and too itoOlor‘no. •111 La nal at a
5 ibcoarnet . but aced heir 12 I.
ata, and "ions to vibrant mem. to tabu bar to bar
41 . ' r e the ntat• at taat J. }I.PLUII4I3,
— mms, wymt7g6-•
" kg* IttISLO
Tv, : ifgragg i .en made ions. l ' a ?W •3
Wanted &nomme, bricks
Munn lac pmetenley
{'Mee by 24 . minter. Mug& Lanni.
I.4.sotithe " — . l
m kt iaMoodi=a p
lizetchnuente. tiliraPplka
timed Polka de met, by W. V.Arallank -
Wah as .. l L the a l ' U . • *nlintle• Wattoma Colanos.
• • knedoe, nest ln thc
Nem Mur es
k • errry web.- •
. •
A fiery e end new stook of
6.(K. cat,...4 0n......k.mdim
Vit . nrUVlj "'
• ,fromfr ntebret tirJmW
Tya ' iditiee,yrltle s tea andkren. patofLod.a4 ,l
Medal Yen
11 ha for tate by"' •
LI. ml ird-
N. —Two 1 O
o N Wmr,„.u m e one
taut for new ones. Me 1640
law MUSIC--
bets,just remind for kale—
casal Polka dePlyetemt, as performed by Wranlehi Pt,
pet composiel by Yr &HA,
ilk Woo tor gfte, love? A YelY bkientlfld Pmw ifii. 6l
doettct br I. C. Voider.
Exile to Ma Meter; a new man, by W.I. Wonsan
holdler's WM; by Geo. Borten
Noy Nuil, tbs. do.
111 thonahLe ice of thew; composed fur and rung lb
Nis indhatine nap..
lady, on my ear is nuking, Woodbury
Away with calf excuse; song and etch.
• Where are the friends army youth? •
Came. maidens , comb or Troncedillo.
Pomba-Sweet !least, (Itionenc, Brldot, Caul: 1861.
New York Ladle, Sik,ke.
CODGErne. Singing. Exerts/4y.
cantle" Landb.ralit eapply;) by L Mason Webb--
ono ttei.tionably the .Wienhl Moak bcmokoverpublbhed.
Alm, au cstrnirit and vaned inipply of %Wm/ Instal,
inento, Pitman, stet ma, Stet., and over" thing el. In
the moor Ilan .11. ICLltilEtt. 101 Tldrd
N. B.- -The new rad moat lisehlooalde male re.xived a.
FOL. IsLLOSSING'S Pictorial Fin
rieLl Book ofjha RevoloUott...CPith.
No. Pictoria l Itlo
Co ld Bisolr of the Ileynto.'
il. Pl 2
amphlet ao eo.
Mary /Iniltlne. • Itraneonia Atom by the authni of Rol
la Book,.
Time. the Area .by the autharof the "Pillnaloatosu;'
"Ixttino lowdant ke.
'floe aboi, len t • trot rocei , ed and for gale by
it. C. Frf . 1(TON, litooluellet and Stationer,
meh24 No. 47 Market street.
firthluxt' Murat. fer-alarrh, with 144 mem
Itartieult for rebrnarr,
Cultivate . the
Whig Ito 'ere dm
Liner Dihiplin: • take,
oefiailii_Maguine. No. it
fromri . 4ertiel, by Grate Aguilar:
rto,ne tale for inethera and daughter.:
Mother', FUenuipenee, by Greco dweller
relateoptioni or the Matte of the human
Heart br Mre.
Oliva. • noevi:
fur rale at HULL thrteral7 the Part OT
• Tebll
Li 11 . It LEDER takea pleasure Ali
nonne me that he he, at opecnal a lot
chnirn Piano. of the celebratedake
crag A Cum sal Drano, New Y ork, which, with thou
00 band. tram the moat elegant. I,llllrd. and anew - lee stock
c. 7 MlCred in this atty.
Lople Milano , other, one aplendhl octave d.ble tarred Piano.
X/V atale, with the new Improvement of Um oaer
Mtn.. the Insect and meet important Imprneemeatt, to be
rental only on Nupn, k Marl's Plana . Alec, two trupeeh
Bollasi Attachment Macaw
lAN. ll—An ertenalve loco( New linalc, embracing Jenny
arurn, and the chain. new Range, Polkas, Walt.. ho.
4 8103 ON TUE OOLDEN HARP. 101 Third at.
rAPER--Folio, Packet,Commercial and
Quarto Pad and Cap Paper, • large rupply oral! nos.
Iluaa, ruled and Nine. blue and .hits, tir de on liberal
terw ut jab/ W. P. lIATKiI.'S
OTES AND DRAFTS.—Engrnied and
,L 1 Steridgndb Notes neld Drat; ot tacit beautiful di.
Vit'at "14‘'"EL4Itirkfk/50""if,"..k.'51.1',..
jut.* Coo. Market and Second Am.
(Alooloaa. JoodvaL. and Poet 0,07.)
AITRITING INK—Arnold's Writing Fluid,
QMThar mad Red Ink
eld.ohmtk Chemical Fluid and Had Ink.
Ilkmma.'nankin. Ink—ml atal
k thomman . . Comm. ..4 Ink —ldack, multi
and red.
en cano , lno Ink. In. nip by
5 ..•.
A non clankul dictionary of Creek and.. Erman bice.
ft r alhig ' oTtttel Arglt V". P - 1 1 „ , =Art ?.
by L.L. D.
edltorof se4a Ditto-eV.
MRomeo Autluolthen, uni of Ortme 1041.11oUttu Blownigly
Mythology, mired. velth' ourocrOus corrretkroa srel
addltledu, by 4.3).arin01 Aulhort, Proletaor ad the
Una, And Latin Inuongca In Columbia
The Lib and Curnerponeldnee of Robert etruthey; edited
ley hie eon. tbr Charlbe Cuthbert /tout/tryM. A.. ,t7ti
Mr , or Plum bland; Cootherland. 101 l loyal . cloth. 0111.
. .
larre of Co Quern, of Proghool, mot Ettellth Prlnereee.
otooreleJ with tho nasal .uonension of Went Britain, I.
JOgneel Otriekhoul. Authur ofthe t• Lyre of the Qtteesci of
th,land. rot I
Poltr,Ko he Mauer: no AdJnett deify
WiTiE,I4I7I7V.W. llonmy:E n .
The ohose hooltn Joel emlt - re% and for mitle, - by
jen.To It. C. STUCTON. No. 47 hterltrtrt.
Alcuor. No. NI Wood meet, Nan feed •
and non opm foryalt,a ern, • t I
Wear.' 'tack of 3, Oh. 4%. and . of
nnoforto4. frt. the mem:factory' of Chirktring. Beta. to
. which he_intlloo the attentlon of pturlaaront. Them Pito
doer. ate m a r t ariab .for Boehm pe, without onft ed , 4
raarpnlat Talt. and Inalt eawa Warratand
Old hoe.. L..". in tort Dar went St their full r•Jo4.
JOIIN 111.1.0
Arent for Oar ear of Litleketinee Plume 3l for vr...t ß, . Ps..
No. SI Wool etteet.
. - 1. Prrelt and Boman Biography. Mythelogy. and Geo
graph t , natl., filmed urea, the Dictionary of (Bret &rano
man lortaplty and Mythology. Hy VI u.. Sltilth, L. L. II
1teri....1 Ls C. Antbon.
Lir . of the Queen, of Scot:mad andEnnikh Plinnwnr.,
By A nr. fitrirklani. Vol Itt,
Th Llie sod (klrrospandence of it Southey. Edited 1.1
ttia the Ilrv. G. C. :outlier. 31. A. I vol. bro.., mm.
The Welt. of lo.ry, and ita Caner, An Adam, de
great in the litradway Tabernacle. on ItednealaY err.
...Januar: 8.. Pitd. by Bev. N. Murray. D. D.
Jort reetired and for tette by IL BOFFIN!.
lulu TN Apollo Building,. Fourth at.
1 14 1 . a.,y 1 .!I li t,L 8 Ir i n. • celebrated doer& Dom t..
t le poen, of./ravonda by Spahr.
Mother,thou'rt BUM, tome: • neweong, by
1 S C Foster
. i'.17.1Y4 tP,:.lo%'.aiti'2l_ t &''• by '-. C,
Come trubdena rotor, or Traornallln.
Me mar let ham+, yet; from the Daughter, of St. Burial. • favorite and touching balled.
Thou hart 'monde.' the eying that loreti thee.
11. n rdat. or do. y . t S. )nu remember sweet Aline.
' The ce Barer
lebraPo lktea, d
Polk bCa
Dane.,. Poston
Jeartett and Jeanott—mm 10t,,.
Fairy quadrilles, by 31r, krnest. Fashion Folks.
8.0., Polka. by Hummuller. Chit Chat Folk.
him Polka Bchelor's Polka.
Lilly Quadrillco--reryrstay and pretty.
new 00,14011 m KottroolAllrg hen. CoIiVIOLIC
• A new r•litton of Bunten'. Itivtrurtiotu. for 'Plano, with
.ix additional tome. If new le vans,
Clark, 1 . 01 , 111.P1 tn . the'Ptano.
Humor , Piano Forte Primer. Dreeirrd to-day by
ifIIIN 11. 31.ELLult, PI Wood et.
N 11—A nom. larre atork of New Fianna nth - Ingram]
will be oleo for vale BID week. laAl
Literal,. Depot, Mir' Privet. nPrtrrlre .rralt4
t Itnat. Ore,:
te -
time touit a ltoen r ee; Ts:afar Mother. and Itsuchtrra. .111.
Mother's Grace Aguilar.
Buikens• MaimWe for Januar/. '
Whig Almanac for 1851.
The Mother', Recompiles, a vorel. By Grua Aguilar.
Th..Lafleurlle; or two mFriaree—is reseal.
. • . . .
Loader EttgltAb story
To Love 4.334 . to Lavol--• tale.
. . . .
l}trolioe of 13rcumrlek. By O. K. JL Bermid.s.
Tbe Komish
. ....... , .......
Drure on the Jesuit,Beep.
rg's Reply lo Dl bop lluabes, on the Drelloe.ol
Home Jenneal. No I of new volume.
• •• . •
0110,a ni.VO. bv the author of - 11;e Ostrien.. .
No 1 of the American illuminaMd edition of Ow Wavarly
• New Books, just received.
THE Bard. of the Bible; by George Gillll
- 1 vol. Mao.
Grammar. being a progremsivo elbibitkin oi the
iiravk doslcord for beglonvnt In Grmk, and ss
book orramelses Mr academies and colleges. ny Avabele.
Knodnok. 1 vol. Moo. mua.
YoCab). Cztonxl. By Itannab By
80n1,1.1 8.10
i:narrne apd Coymtyr Charms. By Maria .1. 3.le.lisitagh.
1 vul. taus.
By Ora. -
Thy Mot A hers
n.r Ream/peon ; goal “Itomo nee!
• •re
31rbables' Magulbe And bog Ace Journal. Ent
number jug; recclred.
Dune n Ilictlanary of 31erbanla.and Ibl.pktoeylegy. No ZL
; Tu..' reed P.A. isalo by IL 110PAIN11,
p. 21 _
.8 Apollo Plulbilus Yobtqa st.
ploue End roiliest Latin Mullah Lexioaro founded
lamr Latio,derman barb= of Dr. Willi,. I fraud,
with addlUoutt and eorreetlona from Om Lexicons of Grow%
Yacelolati, tiabeller.(kOMMlN by .h: A. Audrmre, L L: 11.
Tut=ROW, or rill. PACIIIC: belug the perworalllsf.
rake :Id remits of travel through tha hatotwkh or flaw-
Rh. I end other mute of Polynala. 11l Bereft...wry
T. Ch ler, author of •• She Whale and hiaCaytora" With
roma oge. ,
Tilt Iwill.. 1.00111 , 13. • mowel IQ nom ildhurome,
lif it Aguilar. Reorived and Mr WO by
la II R. 0. 6 7 OCATUN, 47 Market W..
Ch Ida, Pont. mud Amerkap copy.
Paper of all atm and qualltlea, ruled a d plain, blue
blank groin, of every dem-Motion on hand or made to
onter at abort notice.
Slatkrorry—Engbrb, Owners and Ardnican. Macy and
' , lapin, for oak , by W. H. lintrlN, Etallotkar,
jolt; . Market st, corner of bearnd.
11100 K AND JOB PRlN'rlNd—Every de
neni of Lririd.lionimirrelab Steamboat, Comb Mel
I I Printing meenteil u abort mote and in th e
beet manner. by - - W.S.'llAibild,
Printing Mee. GO Third .t. between Market imd refgri
. •
TATIONERY-14. S. 11.treN, coiner of
end and Market Mit, hoe for sale ea lame and cam.
p ~ t e an assortment of Mam' stationery as has ever lismn
opened In this market. Mershards supplied withvery
artleinln this clue on the meet favorable terms. }LS
.t the Gold.. nun, No. lot Third st ....
ELEIIEII. Is retatdeeetelad a,. drab
of eledholt Piano, inmate hy Mardi d Chau; • '
New York, somber them, • splendid I odors carted Plano
(the tteheetatatrihtket of exterior and tone: It le made
to Ibe Romeo MM. In Tonne Intim rellona of Louis XIV aml
XV. Also, o new dot of fuhkemble Mul popular kiosk.
end au extenrisee selection of Bram Instrumento, TIM M%,
iluitarokftlalsorur, and everr variety clime:mkst mocha.
EIV-- BOOKS.—llumbott's new. Work,
Conon% or Sketohee of o I•h7eleal deseriptkos of the
tk ratrNlVZ .. of Mi..../OtAk, the New England of
Idernanire god Engineers' DietAroarg, Mat N.
For rale hT 11. HOPKINS;
Jai° Apollo Bulking.
the American therolailmt. Bylnct Gramm. Tog.
111d0 ) A chehe Reforrnatinn of the bitheenth CentorD
IT J. it d'Aubitne. D. President of th e Merin ,
gteth &tool or thlteve, and Tlc Peetldeut of the SOCiPtl.
thrangelkthe. Translated by U. White. B. A, Trinity CbF
Ira, Camridge.
Kantacky, factory. Antrquities, end Bloryraphi•
lom.awo br fitly enthraringa By Lewis Coilipe.._
The above works for We by kb C. STOChTO:I.
Bookteller aml Amaz,r, ,
Jalo Canter of Market and Thin] et!,
kUTLtNE MAPS—Nab:lnc orp - leadid Out
/ 1 .. 3 1. P. am m. belm . lntrodural In U 1 the lauding
no In 'Now k..g land and Now VIAL. 5V Mr* obtain.
rit the...rani an them to PfItiMPPIN f f MI h.". 4 .. 6 .r.
Nad wind *own lurn ha roll and 0111=112. than.
o. 1 -3IM of /he Wenn* Iletolophtor.. aill lit harbon
r" do Enter* do ' do
.t do North maer**.
4 no tinted Stnn. 0 2 v.
L do Eno*, • 0 i M
o d o
do emwrks & Africa, Do 54
rrix or it. Octin. witl*. Rh h.Na told. Ara. Molina*
6.ti017 w
u s aro ontrodlwlll2 UMW. kantt add
g etninif.
n e man
in ninitod tai thOt ord. or 7OthldOd7. naw,
azi por d j . ortinots .
raitthw. of
znrit titis tinted 13= LIN t i 4. ± ortnuta .
1111Zoit tin sow _., .
. . .cessixtriitaimtim=pk ,
" - .'• • . , ..
i ge - E(NS-
ti_BOUND :RUNTS, liestlYsol°P
lv7lt Is cn 01.4. s. o S kald
- • *aim 411.... • ' PutrOmen.
Vatter Ra:r., i-aa inna ,b.r . liar: •
elemrlitnt. sad WOW :
... • ,
.C4UP/BLF4 — / 00 nests foi in/A — J - 1y
- 0 • i,„:= • 3.7.tbn - a CO.
AL412.0/10/, -- i2 bbla i. fi l o 3 r Bale bym
(MANED PILL BOXPS--Assortedfsise s
rovwe by 'l[.A. VatinnOCK. vo.
"" I 'l 4 f " e "" by
JEVIsaILL BUTTER—A few bbls. on Laud anti
fic• br imilusu mrstrr,
1228aeoad. nal 161 First 4.•
DRIED PEACHES-=550 bn. for sale by
1011511ESSED• SPIKES-1W kepi (improved)
sakrbr . atebli, HUEY, lIATTUEWS 2 CO..
PO METAL-440 tone for sale. by
• • maw quay. mArrnaws k-00.
IL7 lit. Mats Reflan7.ll3 Anne odd Ilyr IT_
TALLOW-3), for mile by
4PPLES-20 bbLs. Russets and Pippins.
for tale t:18 8. F. TON BONNIIOBB2 .130 D.
WEET 01L-2 casks superior, for sale by
meta. 4 SELLERS. 67 Wood K.
lA TA th l : l , , v, !APEß— . l . .. ; a i rzlassortment in
per rlangimit frr Ila +a. and Cbalabcm, priers
"'g l2l4i 6.4 mn
k!. !Man&
IVANTED—SS,9OO Allegheny Co. Coupon
ediV o o 611. tgAI za.
ru l g U lloeof APrir. A.ll.l " M g (}o g.. .
m. 21
TE WE VINEGAR, of superior
v nualite. warranted Now tic. Cider Ver iest,.
bard srsit. s sle by WM. L. ItcGLVEZ CO. •"
mrlll2 . Grocers a. Tea Dealers.
VITRAPYLN4 -PAPER--500 Teams . Med_
Rag iVrappirig raper. Also, fresh imiDIAY 0 1
Double Medium Printi n
g Paper. Just feed by ,
mch29, e. cor.Sunaud and MarkeL
DRIED PEACHES-500 bu. for sale by
fiIiEESE-50 boxes for vale by -
91J 3=2119 3AMF.3 DALEELL
20 bbtx. hest, Anrc
100 Dm Greem Anlex trc rale,br
meh.,l3 T. WOODS 2 BON.
11)0SIN-100 blds. to arrive to-day, for sale
XE, by mcb24 5... b h. W lIAIWAVG
bbla. (Wilmington) to arrive to
flay, famale by mcb,...1 S. eW. 11A1111AUU11.
TANNERS' 01L-10 bbls..No. 1, for sale
by tecba4 E. t W. lIAISAVEiII.
IINSEED OLL-26 bbla.reifg and for sale
II A by sabb . 2.-1 ItoRILION. LITTLE t CO
G REEN APPLES-18 bbls. Russet;
Just reed and for ndo by
niehZ4 ROBISON, LnvLE a co.
VINEGAR-20 bbls. (Cider) for sale by
atets2l • R. DdLZELL k
PRINTING PAPER-70 Reams for sale
.62.5 . .1. ECIIOUNMAILLR, & CO. 24 Wood t.
TANNERS' OIL-15 bbls. No. 11;
r, for
znelas J. SCUOONIIAEU: t ale by
IN • ED OIL-30 bbis. for nale by
IP tierces Carotin, for inde bT
•inb7.s JAIIEA A. lIVICUISON .00.
. .
4000 co:,
lik. Barpigs Galena Lead:
... .
3V trio Phot wouriect, far 1111. tiy
' larldS - • JAMES .A. NOTCHIBON A CO.
GROSS Rushton, Clarke ot Ce.'s genuine
Ord Liver 0 . 11, am er
~,, J. KIDD CO,
'GUM. OPILIII-4.caise for wile by.
eachlo J. Km a ea. ea wood at_
,Mll., V. Martafacture, tq t.J.L.-st Emit!. Cdr.:abb. by
HARPER'S MAGAZINE, for March, re
it aired .4 ityr wie at • J. B. HOLMES'.
Literary Depot, Third Amer.
meho oppoelte the Pivot Oran,
SUNDICIES—.I case humaw.
J Sh
1 111.1111verasul;
I 1.1. Lame 11M10 . C.IM
I '""
u l'gr.'thArlaYar d " 4
and far gee by
mcllL"mom Wood md Elstk nt.".
VEARLS-14 casks (first surts) fur gala by
aefis • WICK .4 IIeCANDLEY-1.
IJowDER-4000 kegs Hazard's Blasting;
loos - do. Mk
L - mds.l2 J. R. DILWORTIII W.
New Muria.
CERT. as pirformed by Frau Lein ado
whit ineh Mal:lilac/Jelled apilanse at the
Abli. a gent varlet/ arled 1
of new meohlwitimCk .ll l l' lll,l *
And ell the late popular kiosk: tamed by the eastern
panther, meet sad and for eat, by
.1. 11. MELLOR.
Arent for Chickeriug'a
mth3 bl Wood ut
I 1 W 3IUSIC—Where are the friends of
my bocitta by 0. Berke,
'werotbing avant to tell Yon.
The R obin.
I'm thinking o'er the Day. 31•17.
My New England Home, • stew song. dedicated to the
• tee of Now England,
"he 1 Lune le far Away.
Oh. meet me on the kOreir nor.
(Lad Night.
y . ... C.e
= .Les— Woodbury.
Eve le ft m • y
&Ak ky O. Barker.
The Spirit Dora.
bo. bi - , teL the Ulerk Shakers' &sag and Polka
Would I were with thee—thr Guitar.
Lee Adieux, by Ilea,. •
. An extensive collection of new Polkas, Weltseit Tarte
llama dr,
Alin • now supply .4 "New Carmine Pam.. Pantie;
Lasalle. and an edoelkut twit work, called the "Melodist.
• ballection of pepuler and eerie) Pee" hemicalsed said
arranged by G. R. Webb and W. ILsratz--enroidered meet
the best works seer published. )1..RL11111111.,
51H4 Golden Ilarp.hlo.ll/1 Third st
E ey Wm. M. Thad-tarry and the (111001'. Ifectlnst
the hadret 111, tory of the Courtof Louie Mote/nth be Al_
ir , ...4D=. 1.. k.,, , 0 , •• 4 11141 , tr , ;...1. and too sale at /41d1E'll
511 o in bushele Dried Apples, for sabp •
fetall I. a. DILWORT act:
A GIRL wonted to do house wort Au t..?
rs_ .tllll4 oflkr.
LARD - 4•
kegs fur sale by
TOBACCO,-49 boxes 5 Lump, for sale by
f.ta VMITS& RAE.
qtr I ,ItIITITA' Vilelartmot
gROWN FLANNaS, a Domestic Article:'
Mu White, Harrod, Orem and Mozart. Blue, to
oad at we store of
frm- YttrE.CHT k Bunut.r.t.n:
J)RY lIERRING-300 .boxes (fresh) for
tale by tuba- WICK t dIceJLNDLSOS.
DALAI on—looo lbs in store, fpr sale IT.?
CLARET WINE-14 Pordeaux;
v 20 bozeog Ned.;
15 bbd. Etna Ndurne
mch4 33 in
I Mo CKL re,
IVON: forsale by
EVO VERS—Just received. an addition-
Nl ...mar Lr b geolee ceic. Iterolor,r,L=
The Old Printing EstablislimPat, •
ATE Johnston andStockion's; and Blank
Boot and Ptationery Warehouse. '
te • .L •
. E. HAVEN Ie prepared to earente every atyle nitegal,
Commerrtal, Canal. and Steam Boatdob Printing end Book
BMW=and tumid:. every arUele In the Blank Moat
Payer and Btationery MIN at . &ballast. WAWA Mni
Um moat tenantable terms.
Blank Book and Stationery Warehouse, owner ot Inssitet
.Igriatiasi Oglaeand hook Rinderg. No. tog Mad at. • Jag
Jill 95 half ydpes Omni= Brandy, "Pole and Dub..
15 oaks a ...tam. tlo . ooler. rodeos •1611..
10 do do, and mod releblatal brand , .
6 ply. ROIL. Gab 'Bohan, Author^ roul 'Tab."
3 purabaona 1601aad 800t..5111.20 Whiskey.
13 f. E. do. do.
25 do M fart adeira Wine.
21 do tames Mal.. Whir.
. do .7 do. do.
r . •
In non an ado by JOll2l PARETECAI 00..
1.1 Libretto rtrara
attention of unnehanta and other, to Ida Ism sal
" °6 ""1,:1iZartf.t ... ,:12
of all aims paten, eoutuatly an nual
sale lon by no= F. IL EASON.
1111. OLD PENS. We bare now on Sand
N_A Urge Welt of the•best Gold P.. hate tM iwlfnc
toatoittetoties In Neer Yolk stet niao.txpromoy to older.
Alt, elegant hold Pencil Wes etel Pealolgene Meer
%Ileet . inurlt r. Yore ta tatto 4 .. 4 P . e . o Ileye L do.
den ItTeWILV:t
sad 0= Zelte rg o}te l"' gra= •. l a7i,Er,
rttodhal team in the thuoit. Notea on all soltent Back&
dleoffontee. Netee and Moe bine otzollotol. • Jal4
r inA RUBBEE 'PASTE. 4 gross ortbat
, sum% article (oi boots and ehono, IVlWssing theta per
, water proof, and pliant e as plane. f datb. Tfda
artledr Ls warranted to aroma . an
the mom refunded. For wale .=',.7=l,
and Wood anat.. bast 'J. a - LI. PHILLIP&
EA WARE—English & Aniesimsn'Esitan.
Tula T. Senn Plated WARE—English
Plated Havkee e, Candlinglam'
all.a and Trays; Plated Unsg. b.* goality Laney Maly
.. Handle Table Canary, Urn norts Spacms. sal Mat:
v e y gni,. Planed and o.n. User lorke and
Table Malts Tea Trays of ass hlrtalngbant Inanniadystan
highly tonat.oted ; Plated TVs, of beautiful pallet.
very superior fora for ng lOW VOliabillt plated
aurv. Brant. for cleaning. Chan:age ntins, Feather
Duster , . as
nansoas—lloyees celebrated Magic itch.,
slat tbe elta or hatwhieb make ea. andr.
aeat, nyder; or .y Mug Cm In In. r . mnutes. '
For =la by W. W. WlLnOll.
3.1 Cor. Market and Fourth ate
AmEßicAh - WOOLLEN (10 4 48:--45Cie
hundred dad lift pro Urge iikedlded kat,
AO pairs Crib lihakets, eoye dor on:kb
OXP do Ate= Boat =Luria. ribbon Wood
tn-crowind Jilaoketo, be6l7;-1
10.1 do lOsb do do do
. 60 do Blue - do- do do ,
aFaaalaaataaaakellaatll, do
. I ":=l"altru,l b nt:okiata.
3 do it 'Wool 15rools, worted ram •
Jeans. marred clors
-2 do Ceroiroerre, black sad Crory color. •
I do Sodlard3. bhok 1054 grey mixed.
. a a. %mu SaLled sla m ,
•-rtt. Loribtordoc.t. do
ru=z.olzitturtimmoooead er O
=6:l,l4rdmilby o ßem
de oa
"VrINEGMHO, wiTingjor ash by
, y‘ 414011 . sOubortannapicq.
Combh I.lib 'skiable writings on No "Thaskikilif
Otimerres that a disoluutsou of Use Cfaaee
of flearfla=Mielnettmreti me b arnit want
I =el Locales. who was sevee(' selicted with til!
compisint. finding ...Midas. e/se to kit. Dui mousse to
the U.Se Juke. obtained Iliveri the otceNch of Neint
Wok, whirl:twined completely FLIONVAOI. ^
Dc.llooghtsn'm Pinna, the true ellgeNte flu or ilso
te Juke, • thest Dyspepsia CiNes prviisred Troia ballads
or the kaarth Itheniamsh of the Ns, sites ilirectsins of ilaNn
iamb*. PhYsinkilksl Cknolet, tn J. S. llanib• •
Sus D., Philadelphia,
This la s truld wonderful osly fid bullasition.
M.N. dOdic, Lyn Onoplalut. gistion. and De-
Pony, Miring aberSitlVell Ma method. by nature's owls
spent the Usatria Won.
UsairicJulce is Mosinee solvent of the fast. the
Nfriar. prNeeinu. stimulathas egeot cf the slotioch and
intothine. Withart it there tan be no dlaestion—no enc.
Tenth, of &sal Into dlood—no maxilla. of the body; but
slither find. to NI!, DLit:MN and destr artier condition of
Lbe i Arils* ithleinitos. A weak, half dead, or In-
Arid stunt produces. ausl flasks- JUN,
Ne Mesas, distress sal debility which
But this wNt soy lie supplied by ...ANS the did"i"
NOsin. feats the Nuns. of anituolz
teils.uti.l.4.= thus fi , rmius Noma, eafeeisol ,
Usstrie Juin, in INN. astral WV,. and
eft plete sale erfect 5a1...U.1" s s
The performing the processor digestion ertioctoilf
ham INg been known to Physiologic's. De. Hanabion
hime th" merit of tusking the epplkstion e 1 this art to
the curs of Lfeoetsua . in
- •
bested wne'T AiiroLl'''lgeliiiiiitl7sol.. tie !41*dhit;?1:1
Ellitisillisi maks-nos to the tisis tie -NIPS
elf to fiTas , the mucous membrane of the stethsc ho f the
wrest ark,ns ratacies em ass!, on Jinni and eggs. will
to r tvg.g ztt ,ne g i t emted. in Ns pine mons
gex Dr.lloomilloo. of PALstelpslX h uman
arthlei I di'
the NA. the dizettsse szoo:21
theafter ;oath.; =lgte n k
-. [nreS own agent,
`bl ' d4 :7 l- "'"' ":lsi k t E l i 4 S C !.."7ll , 3l7cLOl V rti l: T.
11 trd niche
• • •
- Them are more thing! in Klima aol Veal, e m do:matt. in otticeophrO
TuE vIRTUES tbis remarkable tome
tly. and the onistrat &Tolleson's, first , loth. propel:
tor,tas induced-Km to have it put Yr in Lone • with IS •
Weasel direction.. for the Loom of the public. •
• The PETROLEUM is prcourial fora a wen hi this amid
Sow ' s. brio Notiore'e m in Laliratorott'%tojul.',lt W It
properitia nee
t ai a minder of
matter leaner a
of uncertainty. There mit night things the ra
w= of.wd which. if totem might. he et 1 - 14 ee La.
in alleviating ouSrmum. and ogi o rip g
needth and vir.r to many • =Chow. bong le-kre the pro
toictor thouglit of Pusan; it up It hAil ..mota.• •
wen for Me =mot itistar, The =visa,
cIIG calls for it.rad animal remarkable rams Isl. pie
tkonse • ram s
woon cf its future popularity arid
irate errand application trt cf
lle do not wieh to =kr a Irag periote o ort t rik ,„
w m C 09.01.111 Cost shamed.= can tato work lts
W re a the laver of them who sun, and is h to he
hI we do not claim for It a universal applimilon ' lni
err Merano we rahoottitingly my, that In • numbs.
Charade Ii ir unrivalled .A11:1011,2 thrle Maybe
mortuerated—eill dlwewo-of the moon= Store Von.ra
gage.) ASTII3IA. end nil litre-xt,a of Slot tt
hi of the
Bleoldor end Kidneyn Patna m the
or Side, Kerns
p e j,v, Rheumatic Pol.. CouLLErlsnte
gra. enni, Eingwormlttems. Scald. Beals., Ohl eases..
de. te. In oom of debility, 1... tilting Irma
long and protract:4 CAM. of d;. thia
bring relief. it will act ea• general 'e'
a l ifild ALTER •
ATITIi In arab eamr , imparting tone ral simegy
al to the
whole frame, nmering obitruellemr. =mine the tigg
fraction, which rooo e Komi, and r. bitten constitution
ofd giving int:reseed and traeweil enmity to all the oti .
of lII' 'me
riots of wire= eures•of Pte m.
.ri-rated every other towbar= get well under them.
tdf the PITIROLEVE for 'Lori tram. The ma/ era be
ento my pen= Vb. desires it. . .
Kann genuine witbout the rimmture of the proprietor,.
Sold hp Ito proprietor, •
KIER, Canal DA•in. neer Seventh treet.
Also, be IL K. FELLER-a AT Wool
ran= Wood rimed and Plain Alley, who '
sProlsk'd Agents.
4,NOW all men -who are sick and of
naa dlooma of the Bladder and Eidneys , with them
tzt .v jpal , nol i n . big or Itott, c rtiff jolol•,old mu
LEU ' ?ou may t Y alk Alma IM Loa; a frtiom, much
Lot *OM dory Doi mato le am *roe y:yr a etatim
i';ll=-11.zwe' of t
t o o m h4 ri ' ; ' ‘ ' l ht top .Ih r o ' r '"t e:i t y " T=
otto carkof +rah yo.lo, nutl rnfkrin, frtm dilame, ea.
grx Rat mlOl boo .63 of tie 1113 maulers/4d
Pendell It coot, very little to maker a trial. This Petal
le= La on nalatutve-oo rup , p...a. Put op the Dna/OM.
etr Incenhat on the conu:nuturyi Lut it IA a retnedTe...r.
ted by the
master hand of p.m.,
orb{ bubblesup (mat the
bosom of onr toothier earth, In its ginal purity, stud of
furs hre angering humanity & ready reraoly. carat. and
elan& cure.
It h at cured Piles. alter other Medicines hare - Med to
render any teller. It has mired Rheumatism. of . lona
standing. and of the worn And ton. &sinful channel: • It
has eared tibuiera Ylorhua. br,0,.. or too doom It bas
eared old eveo or lliarrhos, 10, which cram other retard
Ina been of no .rail. As a Ifni rented 7 In Writs: KW
Needs, It is better than tiny medico' mconotallio or Gluts:Lent
Up!, Its taunt of. It.will ear. &Chains and
he *aro
In It felt applieatimue undouLtid testimony nen he furnish
od of the troth nontoluediin th e stare statement. by ;all.
Ins on &A DUEL TI. K IEII, Canal land, Seven th Arnett or
tither of dm oerentai
Error, t gleDowelb natter of Wend street and I artist
alloy: IL Eget/err. 1.7 Wiiet street D. A. 011101. and D.
Curry. Allegheny tity.are the sovnte. .
Janie Rost, the disearecer and sole proluistor
me d lar Wean meat lar and remarketed ruelleines a and. also
the inventor of the eMehrated Instrument kir Inflating-the
Lunt.. In ethetine a aunt of ('brans lnur Ave
dept of that eminent uhrekisn. Doctor. l'hys anti yto
Irmdttate of the University of . Yeauseiranigand fin thirty
yean eines hoe been engaged in the hareetiesdiutt ef We-
T, End the agglieiLkst of comedies th rnro.
hrough the nil of his Inttating tribe, in conneetlon
PrOphylartle :pup. and other of Ids remethieg haler
gained on unparallelel endue:sue In swing - dose dreadful.
end fend tualedisst Tubercular CenffillinK, Caneeree
Saturnia. hht.ornatia, Asthma. tyros and Ague, Yawner
aLI kinds. Chnstio.El).4.elarf and all th r ew °Latinate die
ewe regal/az. to females lodged. form of.dieesse
esnULes under the ma of hie ranted!, to w
te ie heir—eiot hr the weed one nneopeelnd r. SIMS
Ir tncompartide with Phreiolostesl Law. but hi the nee, of:
by renteclieg adapted tn. and gretentsal fun each qteettliat
form of ding,.
Alteration Pills, when nand, ore 11..1.
bell eAknowl.lifell to tan eaperior to all others. we w.pnrg.
tire or liter pal. Inasmuch a, they leave the bowels per.
ferny for roan coutiven.n as also Uoldro Me are
mitt.l, by the faculty. to paroero peculiar piopertlea. odsp
telt_ to female dia.., but being ratiabeal that where that
to what has been mid, In the mhuliof
the nr4 sta entice]. . •
The alniatml are loaned to roll upon the agent, and Dor
eurw Oren... of the noctorhi pets. ant •deng ,
rd siwouut ot each remedy. and I. application.
Par rale by the following ammt., am well. bynatit Ant,
girts.thrOnithout the exoni.oi
A. ,Athewumaker :;41r9m rt., Pittpbaryli.
.1. N. Tort.... ltrugit.t, Namur
Lee A. Ber-kkul..DruaTtn. Ix.. the Post Office, Alleghe.
r• '
Joe• dt pb Barklry,lhrllnittia,l3esoer chianti Pe-
John Elliott, Erin= Vallee - • •
T. Adam,. Hew.,
rj -,
OR THE AFFLICTED will he found itf
Dr. Dewitt C. Bellinger', INFALLIBLY. UN
or Eagle Fluid, whleb has ettiod the bet of thirty year ex-,
eta. andebaracur dieen ' se ' . Ire fee/ war we ha r .. r d
W 0.0 7
ing in raying. that this is the otily trirdleltie that bee m n
offered to this afflicted, that dnea, in every tense id the word,'
what it Le oold for.
It has enrid. and liciyal,le of nor iv. more dLea.:es than
:any other medicine offered for sale, v., <ll.ll. not by nanyyri
made or sold, or by what name.
As •strordt and minoring moot or the above, we , tar:
',that It is the Only article that Pus TYP , IIKI an the for m of.
a patent 31e.licinetbat has ever lain palming,' and res 4-
,Ithe.priii. of We ehti•, the roost agreeable
Fon* Medici. aver offrnil for .ale, or turd by way of
W em, sir:
Tide Um. :dm. L. Grinnell, • lite 31. The Noir. P. Almio. late 3Livor. li on. John A. INs. late U. S. dome.
wt.' 111111 m L. Porter, Froi.. Editor of We :pint of the •-
. Timex and a Wed of other distinimistr,l eititana .of
port', who hare WHY Wiled its wet it, have permitted •th .r e
Iproprietir to refer to them. As It to well known that. Patent Medicines la* ' , 11.4 , 1441 , -
' i gatitl by the hiarned, wra11.67 end lAdita nark%
re undoubtedly 'and to 3,1 ottr.4•lres highly ride? -
;Urged. Thls Wor , lerweritlnComponnil has lem pearly •
Tea before the public. Ira 004 frk•rula are now its
rtionireAt and LesL Thin most ondtioldedly is atm:Lica/id
azinciod i pirf of lte u.efeljim r, and iianative
i ne u ellint? o , sTra r rna, ° l%=
,eores,end c ial the ;mina adaches that nab is noir to. •
• Om 1.00.1,080 bottle. have been 'old without coniplaint,
:and hove /minted web astoti•hlog rum. after all oth i er
renittlies have failed, as .Dull stA;Fer load we mot
offered, and In oar yOrisewlos, the striingest yeaeilbh. •
Ilds,medieinr. or hatertl; remedy. la prepared trem Ted.
etables.l.l...l as 'rail ss edlcrnal or. IL sots direct.
ily upon the dierasod 11., Iscalth and strength.
It is Insure care ese.lharrhea. Cramps, Lido.
Sparmolic adectiesi. disea.s - et the Kidneys, arcs
Weal:nose hi male or hauls. !Pim whaler. mime it .es
khaw criginatel.
ror Anb ip PiltAbil27ll. by B. E. Seller:it Moon.. Kkld is •
:Go., .1 tioltri erdeirdem and by the retail thug to
pla 111 four. bre, and OLT a/VIP:Ig hot-
'To the „Readers of the Pittsburgh Gazette..
- DUBUC 'ATTENTION' is rcapectfully. is
_IL ailed So the fallowing truths, rat krtl relatioti
'.'IIiVrE u OLITIVIO,I . I:I7iT'II of ':/-I`,VV.i' •
gem sag sitinablii goat reateily.vem etveight Isforo O lgs
trL l Z , llir . theAslier t tit ev i L o e
Vettummilty, sod ws slime dim the mo tub Liter it hitt me
more meta. /to great Wm spread. t rid the mme
Ws of day, got ay hir me pole purrvie
to fml. money ;
bu which we vaned's, will ematinue be and whew
all o ther restrains hsre been [begotten. The .Petrolcum
• m e w e d Beaman delimited/a the depths o f dm ma th
by • power. sad agency that lauglie to mom an hum.
eamfietttiniL • It La oar drity, adieu we write about • moll,
due, tbtv• wits the truth—thst we my nothing mist.
latal to deceits those who mar trait our arutel or put it
bar statemadr. The clot are mg apt to Well at
tbdh that fizemVes relf' float Abrade A Amy saa
het ii too highly wrough t to auswer the oldest of own.
lager limatruggiug maw of them. NOW Vrif do tiOt Amara •
01410 this...a are endows emly that the la lei.. to
our remedy thouldAs
rick' voter to were tar It s myth'
halm gar ensedinewa Wade In the viab-ris Med
ics. Plata unrarnishal ultra that mar hi sic ertaly 7 4
...bort... hear mode hilthimay he
wor of the Petroleam. . .
a,. . 7 met two ou of oar ow dil.,
w were totso7 lirld• have banats. to tight ges.
rot easee of buodoees, to the Mate of Ohio, hose
dm, the mood • gentleman Item. county.
e.g. lad these am men near home; and
be referred to Or .07 1.41 . k ., who hare doutym
jail. These viva were rimed Oft, they had dander.-
g,gbyricisha as havelem The Pettoleuto will van
alum ured aconedlog
Obeentativa.leowt:thamistaitgaptiema tbe
Small lkrl . palm { o't -. 7:1=21=r0""1. TL,,,t 4 ;
(awl:axle Cough" sthma, ItomeMll j td Jt
Pulmonary affections of r climate adore, vending
- • • ....
Puma and diseases or We . Ptmider and R 424,34
ChapPe4 .11,Mbs Excoriated Nipples. Corns and tank..
In Wt. it is a smear uttivrjunk small', mid ban rerin tried
:In mutt of the ahoy. disemiu within the iunn year with the
most ntrfeet sumer. Cern:lents" that w:11 mdmilsh are let
tbabandant the pmprieti o irl i tl will) take pleasur e in allow.
inrt them to the.,,
Pen Lt the prentealltetnisly of the au. Ph tKciatia
undith standing in the profembn are
.fis their practice. 11Meis who at. lint looked 4/11 II Ith 4011bt
anit nemertaintr, are Willing AVltri It do.
consideratimo. Betmu anotherjrar calla round, ail mill be
:compelled acknowledge thin the Petroleum is the
get wietaintne agar distosereti.' for sale wholesale and no
. ?MOW • ' • Kisvelat mebolvii.E. tow KMrl • Also— p.: Sellers, 57 Komi street; U. tinny. IL AL.,
=Jost ?euchr e AlLeitity tl i ty..Alen, tic tho pn,:-
. ata 11..A.12,7utetrk W%1U:971171.1:010%ta.
Sj. eeltis cheap easy to tale. ..1 highly efElead...
• . • • • Auxunasr Ct. xisre.h.z. 1E47. •
• . Mr. mt._ Bel lene-31 y children. like ahem. hays hem
...Mt, and haste used y id
mmonie. to very little purpose. 1 ohe offload by Ades.tiattuents boot your Costal, rup sire It -4
sAy.ttL to t.. Of m y boyo, sod also Wolf ilaughterressial
diffeteitt Inner, and it tots herer failed to cote them,
1. ban reels:amend. lt to
Aftinhlaus. and medicine
lanekottly belle, that it the hest muglit
that!west, been offered to the :midis.
: Assayer A/ABM:ma.. not permit their children to suffer froth
congh, lawn they may re mired by an; et bottle of thif
• Prepared sod told br R. E. seiteris: '
la fl u e. at.. amt propeht lfMrally
to f bat an d erect
ti .' ; steam g P at ' af f s s r r . trate eg naed L . .
LL N idioms. from the mot. to ntprintood Its wow
troottoo. fall SCAllfft. Al it 'NOON AOK ELI'.
ALCOIIOL bbb3. fur sale by
1.1121 _ _ J. GIDDY CO.. cO.Wood et..
UNGLISI! VENITIAI4ItED-111,bla.for by pxtar J. K IL D & CO. ,
MIUTE-4kh. extra fine, for
UTle by meb.Z. /: I DD
= ABll-4 tasks (care) for sale by
ha mai a atccatimx,..s. •
_ _
111LAck EA—
bs powdered, .bsid
.B. A. rAIDESMI A 9)