The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 22, 1851, Image 4

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St SO A.T Tat mitzi4iis' rtwri VAL, 1109 TON
Let monarchs revel while they may
And drain their goblets bright;
Nobeart so free, or gay as we,' _:
On this our festal night.
We need no regal pageant there,
No banners wreathed with fame,
For brighter tar our triumphs are,
Of history and name.
Each printer lives himself a king,
A monarch in his might,
And throne and crown must topple tiown
When he is in the right,
And o'er the world his banner WaTtl,
Where freedom's sung or told, •
The must's', PAGE—the truths of age,
And glorious songs of old.
High honor to the noble art=
By far the brightest gem
That ever threw Its Instroashue
From Freedom's diadem.
E'en now It gleams the guiding star,
The watch-word of the brave,
Where millions fight to gain the right
Of freedom or a grave-
Then, brothers, let our daily toil.
Be festal strains,
While bards shall sing or weapons ring
On earth's wide battle plains. -
For while one tyrant's throne is left
For truth to trample down,
Our mystic art will bear its. art
Of glory and renown.
Tut CUBAN M (MEUCCI. —3for: 1211,,f —We
have beard a great deal recently hoot expedi
tions being in course of formati. ain different
parts of the Southern States, for the purpose of
making another attempt to invade the Island of
Cuba. The New York corresp , ndent of the
Philadelphia Inquirer writing on Thursday
" If the information which I r4eved to-day
from a gentleman who knew alto out Lopez's
movements, in connection' with expedition to
Cardenas, is to be relied alien, there is a great
deed of reality in these rumors, and another ex
pedition is on foot.
"H informs me that arrangements have been
made for expeditions to start from 7 ucatan, New
Orleans, Apalachicola, Mobile, and( other places
on the same day, and which arc to concentrate
at a certain point; and from there to sail •for
Cuba direct. He says that the city of New York
will furnish three hundred men, and that the
bulk of the expedition will be composed of South
ern men. He also informed me that some of the
priicipal men connected with the movements,
. sailed from here yesterday for Now Orleans, in
; the steamship Union. I assume to knownothing
of these matters personally, and give you the in
formation just as I received it."
A New York letter to the Philadelphia Ledger
also says:
" There is a story in town, whether true or
false, I am unable to say, .that a large body of
armed men have been drilling at a rendezvolt, in
Water street, with a view it is supposed of em
barking in that Cuba expedition, of which the
• newspapers have so much to say, just now. The
government officials, however, are on the alert
and will see to it that nothing is done here,
compromising our treaty with Spain, or any
other foreign government."
of Southern }lights Associations is going an in
many parts of the South and especially in Ala
thus= The Mobile Advertiser, a journal devot
ed to the Union, commenting upon the activity
and energy of the secessionists, says
- .
"The disorganixera in Alabama hare no idea of
giving up the ship or remaining idle, but are
determined to push theirdiaunion doctrines with
increased veal and renewed energy. Utilessit be
concluded to give Alabama over, an easy and a
willing prey to the secessionists, there nose be
speedy Ammon on the part of the conservative
Union men throughout the State. Irhigs and
Democrat are cordially uniting tender the disunion
banner rroardkm offormer differences, and are to
gether making common cause in anteing poison among 1
as people.
It becomes necessary that those who desire a
perpetuity of the Union and the preservation of
our Government, should also lay aside all for
mer divisions and unite in bonds of holy nation
for a firm and determined resistance to the men
snares of these "Southern Rights Associations.—
Let the friends of the Union, then, at once • Or- i
palm in every county of the States."
The leading principles proclaimed by the
llonthern Rights Association include an avow
al of the right of secession or nullification, and a
union of-The Southern States. for the purpose of '
demanding new guarantees for the protection - of
the South—offering the alternative of a dissolu
tion of the Union unless they are minted.
An subsidiary and collateral 0 these ultimate
ends, they hold that every Southern Rights As
sociation ought, by organixing other Associations
and by legislative enactments, to cut off all com
merce with those States which shall continue to
maintain a hostile attitude - towards Southern
institutions and the laws framed to protect them;
to consolidate their strength by a completion of
their projected internal improvements; to estab
lish nienufactures and encourage home industry
r l d
of every kind; .bnild np a direct trade with
foreign countris ;to educate their children with
in their own bo ers; and to expend the large
• earns which Son So ut hern travel annually deposits at
thebbirth toe ch and benefit their r own section.
—Ball. Amin.
- - -- .
1113, , p 0:g viell,ILItiOlf1I11:44,
Post. OrgICE DEvairigENT, 1 '.
March 14, 1651. 1
IFand BEING DESIRABLE to ~ ü b:ititatolocks 1
krffs of some other had for the, new In tee for i
t • maid Service or the 'United &AY.. rPsanice 'wk. awl
keys, with ressiosaLtiff furnish the E111:14 Will b r
.. received
raui - coscathral - .t ta.Pol oatcc Departt. nntil the In• I
day of July next. The different loc. ill e submitted to
. a cciamilision for thmeleation and report. linen We re-
11== s ' e 'l iji ti=ett Ifil t ete . r b '' ' ) . ;Pe t' , s ' illt " ai: 1
right on tie part of the Postmaster general me the lame 1
bemg to reseed cod continue the contract in force fm ass
additional term of few years, by giving to the contra/era
n written untieclo that effect, not more thitll nine nor lew
0 than elemootta before the terininithina of the tlest term of
fair years.
Wide s view of inmate:the best locket the limes/ print
no Wad of l kis yew wribcd th ostandant; the Dmiartmerit
relying for a seleott on the mechanical shill aril inceth.
fry lamb. . competition, lime Walled, rear darelope.
• It is, hineas pro to state, that a lock rumble far We
- ' mall service possess the following osialithe vie du-
rebillty. tea l ty, Ithhiness,sed strength.
' gar the mermen of displacing simultseeously .11 the
mail locks antkeys now in the, .boot thin, thooseed
new lockethd twenty thousand keys adapted there, will
' be required ta behi - the contractor within seven
iminths after the ferre
centred stroll hare been *Mend inter. id'
termads the Ismael supply will depend on the durability
(the lacks wed keys adoptd. th well as the increase of the
au, service: loot it will probably roarer thceed in amonnt
throe thousand of the former and one thothatal of the. Lab
1 No liW...k 24 be maddered if It be like any Ittmair 10
Ciriai l ‘tVallg4linte"MiVit owrhf7sgreeh-o°,nzroir
I key. sillar tel them othisecess far, for SOY other Purim.
or use than that of the Poet Office Department.
The kind off leeks adopted moot be isatthhd. cod the re
tenter, will bey equire:l. on entering into contract, to make
th SANIV...ICD4 Of hill patent for the ethleitre use and lee
init of the rel.. If the Postmaster Othcral roll
) them arch col lremsest ethentiel to the interest/lathe at.
'vies. le ease f the failure of the contrxtor at any time
to feilli fiddi ly the terms sad conditions of his .»e
,the POlfferairter,peneral dull have the riglihlweidm • menu ,
I 'to the ythal Tr e e d y hereinafter nientionni, to annul sail
contthet. and to thatract anew with any ether party or
.i' --- " - s se he y see ft. for thrashing similar locks and
, in deciding epee the efolthalsaffil iffedm ..eff..44b°
Postmaster Gthenlmay dean It ethedisat to select for the
through mails We lick alone bidder.endfor the say mane
• that se another. Ile mem., therefore. the right of the.
• weeded with different ithividuals for each different kinds
of laths es he Seth Abet, arid also the right to reject ell
) the specimens sad proposals, if he shall doem that. course
• fee the interest of the Department. The party or par
cositnetlng will be required to wire betel. with =Pie 1...
MUT, i 0 the thus of thirty thousand doll's-Ajar a faithful
performs.. of the coutrach Ths contract is to contain
tharbioth to the due and proper Inspection of the leeks
and keys,
tho few gthrilbsg sthitht their paining into
tamer bandy, tbs tams of thaw, lambkins le b., M.
Waste the Tedartment and th e successful tdddth.
I. FM : thottiol beseceptsd.
Ito Wade= Ellbsconaideredlf not seconitholsff with
evidathaf the trustworthy character of ths bleb
dar, Mid his ability tullil the➢
N. K. HALL, Pthicethtsr OstisraL
. _
South East corner of fifth and Walnut Streets,
Incorporated in 1851.)
H. BNOW, E5q..........aa1rer00 - ettaThnerdal Law.
' : • C. U. Wand. and T. F. 'gongs_ ..... Animante.
i • 8. BACON bego leave to return hie ala
i IL, oav, thank. tor va7 itbetel raw, , e b t , E ,
received. sad hopm. br =eradicable aventice, to
I insthaaa, to merit a coralnantoe of the untmeedented es ,
'ago that has extended Ida ellenb during the pan mow,
i Ste utility of Institution , of title deeription tun become
- att extupletatT estebbehed hypnotic.' demoletwOmv. end
• been to MUested by the thorn:ends who ha,., moo.
ed the dra m of their Instruction. m no long., to e ,.
t • law either argument for tivir Guava or eulogy upon
- TM plan doted In teaddrig combiner practire with
i . th ne n.; twenty of cuing mega the pupil, to exercised In
oetiond mut. of every day toninne trnmetione.
1 .. JVZhing. Bognor; Balancing AcArte. openi. and
dewing • great variety of dttlerent re ly
hooka, loth foe
: . :visivership and Individual boximet, w re the b
' 7w term wmperons and adverse and time OnatitYing the
1 . Modest far entering into the practical dudes or the ee
-1 mustard in any kind of bosiners.
• The ovum of instructi
embracing alst of DOUBLE EN.
TIN BOOK KEKPLNO, every department of
• . tretteand Plercantlbeaccounts, fist %Chaired., getail,Com.
it salvias. Exchange. Banking. Mandenneittc. Shipplo,
1 . illis l i i" ext=trzi= 44'.ll.fg=tri,
. ~., Coawatercin Law.
I ' Pupil, am
rtrund isittndattir, ano pionheer, m
1 ' . Itltat Added, bay totter 01 my t im e,.4 ed in the
ratio of their enmity' and solduity.
. .• Pahlio damitattlans an had, (though MOH , Me cion lo
.. laid privately If they deojer it.) when the atairot under
. . mae4,40 , 1 :and thorough interrogation , Ly the Pri.ipd,.
• by 4 Condnittee of Practical AMCllll.lllta .4114.
1 dhow Pfen.and Diplemn awerdiel mtbow • ho are deem
-ill Velltif of Win.
~ A.Couree can be completed to from siz co ten.
_ AvA in comludon, the Bannon w nate chat evny
:: .11htnig IA Ids poorer will be dem to draw. 01, rtudents,
• .
„%- lOU than thorough And sottmoll,bal accountant,
.-- ' .. ..e.. Idlegitemtve acqualtstanoe with the batons
co n. foe
• _
alit vlll genctsfithgetable dm to potenrc tritnetione
..- ' :''',:. 0 0,ZWILD ' eal% a teams In
•: . . WNW& OVlSMormallaw. kr- 14040. Hooke.
Tlui.himsylvanin Volunteers.
1: I' ,51[113SCRIBEB, late a member of the
--; •. . . .. .s or rozmusat. v0i..1,54., atm
, • : - m op* to the sambas of ..% ort XIV;
1.1111 . 01•
' - . • Mad• - V":01=7 ; -
• -; fOr Cbarand
QEALED, egtop9gALS tor • delivering. in
1.7 TM. limns st Hort]. - of the Pitlabortih 0.. Colo.
Mtn 11111X0 buithe le of bitturrounteOnal.aull 30.0 tat bade
Ma of blear, mill be to of ar, the Office of the Comparif
OI Wed_amalay the too_ at g o'clock. P. M. The
Opal and nlech to te of nub quality. and delivered emuch
tin" and In snub aa shall Int lenbon , ed ... I
Md f Computation for Coal and Mark to be In
The .pound per bualiel.,
The imrmenta tote made month', retaining 2.0 Der cent
itag.r . tLelLfor performanes of contract.
to be sultireaued to Thomas [taken:ell. Md.,
l'ennTer7.7d the Company and ndoreed Primmale foe
Coal'nd Meek." C:1 NI. CURISTY.
li.htd Tremor.,
New Spring Goods, at No. SS 'Market st.
LEXA.NSt.R & DAY would reApeodully
stow opening. This stock has bona txmaht at the lOW./
llastoto Aucttoo and lonsetter's rate. and_wpll,‘ sold at
ZJE7 'd"AreleiSltkleatV's'l=l7
aoftly, a Northwest corner of the thawnsul.
EI=2,IOS 44
Flare limit incortmrati.m e Peek. ot '.l Twat, they
hare nail uteruda of one Millmn Your llumlndThazutand
Dollen L 0... b, nee, thereby affording evidence a the ,
Ws wage. of luaranew, as well a• their ability and dis
,...ition to. meet with promptua. all I/abilities.
nolo Offloe S. E. corner of Wood and . 2.1 st..
„. - -
OE3IO Mutual Fire IMO/ranee Company.
11FLANCII OFFICE-lb o. 54 Surrurini.n STnEcr,
rfAHE best evidence of the success of the I
It tV/2 " 1•7? - k.1 ' . 70 . 1, PgIf ' h ' I L P 2VT,i.CE-mg`:f I
' . ;.g l irT.TlV'4o"n,': b ,.:llt,"egi d .rr r O
ntul " r/ntri:
~ hole rum 4 ' l.n eight men:Abr. end aling o'er 590,000
; ~,,,t t o th e c o mpany. Thee McClure arc proud to
that nearly ell tla• nroporir lrunand to of threatratkindm
1 small nal,a and a large proportion insured for only Me
Number of Policies issued, - • • 5,065
1 Amount of property insured, - 55,139,496.00
i do. guarantee premiums, 57,909.7 9
do. cash
_premlums, •- - 32,194.24
! do. guarantee stock. -•- 90,104.03
I do.. losses, 4,100.0 0
....; do i hr , l i esm th e at,se hag., thr incidenral
R - e. ' , - t; ' Ur co ‘ tio n tajncrhnta , and owners ef dwelling ,
; tool taalated and muntry import, It ia believed tins com-
I piny afT,II , advanta.K. in rant a rheum, vailly, and
othuritv. Inferno to no Insurance Company in this country.
Coodorted on the equitable and ormtly improved salon
I 'Cfret'untral:MV•Tk'onTaste:;ign'er'Vlii,rht. I*.
I. chid., G frequency and orcurnorm of large lhar. and
I al .0. on both the Stock and Moroni plat. it rot anir.p.,
; ~„......„ th e cheapness and aceammodaGort of both metrads,
, but entitle- the Inured to a partation In the pr on..
i It la valor the mote. of the following Dimetor.-John
P. ItittlicrOod. A.. 1. Gillett. ./thrt 11. Packer, S. T. Jones,
Al.orn A. Carrier. Ildlo
.0 (.....
I. e gErt ;
r .ifikat i graK i lota i...
A. J. GILLETT, Secretare
A A. CAM.. Arthur'. iota;
' 1 Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., Philad'a.
Produce, Commission, and Forwarding ' %GENT IN PITTSBURGH, W.II. DAVIS,
MERCHANT. I , ,riev .1 Finney. yr., deeesthela No. 303 Liberty street.
or the ,niter convenience of pertains reehling In the
Yu. 7:3 North Street, .11aitirbtrr. . too, part of the rO y, the anent may also he found daily . ,
Frill: undersigned, Agent for the Penn- I , 01.1°,,V,:maZi to,...i..T.,lo::t..ll%oa‘oXin.l.irdnmg:
R. %Omuta and Ohio lamb Delug centrally locatol .n. ' mry intornthon•Fill he :Ivc.ll and curomunlratlone ramp ,
the Bratimom aml Sawnehonna Italinad. hat mato ar. t, aoendot to. Pamphlets explaining the 1. 1 .dpi...a
„.. azt .. g . 1 , 47
1)0 071 )...,..,,. 1 le r .riFla , ,l tins lesimuicsatud Wuk forms furnLabod on
In connection with the FORWARDING Ill ., a na , i „,,,,, „,‘„„, 0v, „ 1 ..„...,.... 1
~,,,..,,,,u, ,
respectfully solicitsconsiamnent. of WhitheY,lloar.GT 6 t. Profit. dirtied annually .30004 those inmred fUr life. •'
sad country - Produce generally. Pit:sheath Jan 31. 1641.-m.ll
haportfullY L. S. OORDON. , ----
Dasonem, Ama. ISSI. . ! Marine, Fire, and 'lnland Transportation
N. B. Onion .fordr, 6alt, Co.. promptly .exocuted.
Iluont. John Sullivan A Eon, W Sam !Fero, T. , . J. yHE Insurance Company of North America,
Ceram & Co., John 51oCulloan eCo E slie .1 WU am, , Philadelphia-Chartered 1704. Capital Sued
David Ilaypit Co., Damill.Kelablork Dome y, Miller &MOO • anoary 1.1, 160.1, 11.511.2.05 00. Will intake Insuranos on
hew, Turnbull. DWI & Slade. Robert Garrett a name. Jse. • toil and their contents, in this city and vithaitY, alr.
George-Baltimore. on property , f eye, deerription.thipped per Arun 'nate
Mous H. Crenate & Co. Weelin. T. .0 othcr yawl. either by inland tr....elan or on the
' Cluk & Thaw. limey Graf. Pit...burgh. ......
Mr ' . ..17. ' W:Iterr, Ilarri.l.ort, 11.11.M011.g.
James Cowden, Esq., Colorable. 1 Arthur G. Coffin, rite l, Thomas P. Onet.
Ileum. Mullhollan A Ra ya
, tunnel IC. Joe... John B. Neff.
Ileum. P. It. *5. Small, 1 ork. . Edward Smith, Itichml D. Wood,
Emery. James Steel A Co., Lewis & Butler. Philadelphia ! John A. Brown, 'William Wel.h.
mthanaltuclai Runnel F. Smith. Francis fleultins.
i Samuel Ithooks. Sl_ Austin Allibone,
Sl.halAß AND MOLASSES- • • Charier
Is Wm. &Down,
' Ambrom Is bite. Ornege A opinwell. I
TO Slid. priLIM 5.0. Saga.
400 bbl. " Mole., for sale bv Jamb 11. Thomas, Jame. N. Irkk.son,
mch2.6 JA.bit. .A.. 110TCIIISO . : ACO •• S • M.111.W.1.t II D Sherent, Sw . y.
• • :„Thl• I. the oldmt imamate Company teethe Sanaa
L OAF SUGAR-2 00 Yds. Small, for sale by • ro o d O"lll• ,o hi •h elvrdoll, along .r.. , , =r . ....+= , ...tti
mehiff, , rm,l avoiding risks of an extra . ou• ter,
JAIII-e. A. IIUTCIIII. IO A CO. ~,,.0,., ~,,,,,7,k,..1 as ° g e rms ample re... 1 to the Pad.. I
XT O. EEO.AIt-25 lihds. for stile tiT No. 141 F vro.Uhll P. doNES, Agent.
pg 24 Front meet
nachlS JAS. DALZELL. ha Itatar el
. - -
- V
I ACKEREL-150 bbls. prime o.
N 3, land- American Life and Health Insurance CO.
11r11 lug phi. day and for role by - OF PIMA DELPITIA.
me2lo 110111ERTS , iN A REPPERT.
' Agent : for Pittsburgh. SAM L. 1). rb WLE,
LY QLIGAR AND MOLASSES-- there. Si Finn .I.Am, bralthfleld. 1
10 hid.. Plontation Sugar Panthltha N:dander, all othea.ary information run be i
400 hid. de M.,lmwe. oak cropeux.) I obrateed at the offim. .O.Edth
In store and f or .a l e by I -_-
nos MILLER A musk:Ts:lN.
50 5!..1.4.,..•1010E00S llouplit , ol: n ll . ii i i , in4
,t.;,ompany , Western Insurance Company of Pittsburgh. i
1 • A PITA L 8300,000. it. MILLER, JR.,
.2 0 comer of Mart. ant Third . f Preailent. .Tetarr
- hi imam a.vaintt all kinds of risks, Flee and Slum. ,
I ARIL--2t) twill N. I Lan!, an d '2 bool• ' Att i5. , ,,.. , ..m t.n m.r.ily c0),., , tr. , 1 and prompt wad. t
oreme Lard. far ale I, I. I t s 0.0 ELL kCI • A home I rwitutien-marduthihr Directore wt. ere well :
sp.l Innen lo tt, community, awl who ar. detonated by ,
. prboaptrow eml Ithendlty , to maintain tle. chars.. which
Li AutatArits_l.2r, 1.„,,..., and I,i 1. his. for ther bare a......... 1, as offal. ta. wet prabuthw to them
13AltEdE DE LAINES, Light and Dark, n ,, , It Lth 1.1. F LI. t Co. eh. dedm to L. insured.
{. for few pieces very beautiful French. and eat , p,,h2.4 !Owl , str.rt. 1nar.,1. 0 -il Hitter. Jr , , O Back. JW. Butler. DI
gnms for reit. reed and wiling low I th ' j ,-..„„, • • II dasth, Jr .llin B illolme. C. Ihnt.en, 01... IT Juliana . . '
me ! 511.111P11T •DU RCHFIF.LD Igi L'.o drnit.:N- 'IImII Ls on. Janos Lippincott I.lcorge Palate, Jane. /1 •
a die, dt., Sinltoi., Ttwa Scott
CARP4TS, OIL CLOTHS, 6r.c. ' I r,', 7r. ;Z1V.,1:,"' '''". ..,,1.-. N. tri train sows. rarer.'
-at t , vsn•it * c.•
, , weithy Pitohurgh yotally
In legs tl'• wt. nor Taleco,
1 W. McCLINTOCK :001 10. flow,
' ..s.l mat. Crows, Delaware Mutual SafetylusuranceComp'y .
Is now arnstantly remising hi. erring Sha kof . 1 10.1 Notate, FYI F:. NOMII ROONI OP THE F.S. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, & TRIM3I.INGS. '',- 2-6 OA.. Vlnexer. in grel toile by
...01, II 1 RE,. err. N y CIIANt, E. Mini street, Phi:Aldo/L.. .
nob% 112 5..,...t.d. and 161 Peat ...... Ems I •at r...... , a- Cinlidirtga, Men handle, had otter'
Can ng In partthe tdlowing mrlette.
Entn. Boy A . ..vere Carpet. do. do. Tarwtry Ilme
ItIORR.IE . E TEA 3LiRT. •-- ort.orty, tn men Itod ward,. insured again. Lao or
dednue by tn., at. the Weat redo a premium
.I,eme I ... ram., -They alm. insure Veer.. C.....
P . elr i do. dm Brawls extra sur. a ply, t ontine r. all. ( LATE
I,r4..4.,.1111111,..„.....,A.,,,,H,.....44,`„,„f1'";..,,,C., ',„„,"',V i . , ,,.." In tht Ihonond, St ro m: Do , . r from I,o,:vorid 411rti ' I ~;‘.. Ta ...NAY 'AI, -1 hey law inure Wren...lp.
, plain do- 4-404, L.. and 2,4 wool and ratan do. IIF YOU WI'SII FOR TEA that i,.. tr" , ” , t.i , t^ t ~. Waoeth RV Tel th 4- ....;
. Ir..t tz l . n v
1 u9s MATS OIL CLOVIS 6ce ~..x.
ot t• 050 Mu. n• 0.- it .. In.r., 1.,. t• 000 ' , ' in ' 4''.'-:•.°:.....,-.crii"eat'l:l7.lml • 'Lamle Jr/st C
l o -. 3. ' . ' ' .4. • 'new, 0.. t at in,. ovabothuthut i.,,,, " :! . 1...r . ...r1 1:..n..n .1.110 11. Pour(' 5;314.101 ' k4 1 1. 11 . 10 . '
Extra Clutedll• Rolm far do., do, extra tuned as . Lis. ~,g,„,,,,,_„r,.,,
l". '',. 5 ~.., ~ 01, .y. r t........rtt barlthatocr, tosu 11. Dula. 11201 '
dm do.; rem do. IMWenllle Door Mat. , tufted do do ~,;.,,,,,,,,,. , ,;,;;;;,,,
sheep Odra do. drat Maws. so. do, Thrum do do TLn • • 1....4 , ..the11. lel, N•witn. to IL IL IftAton, Junes ...
Sl , ' ' Hand. Th....0b01u. ',Alai, 11. Jon. Brook. henry
Crumb Clo th s. Pelting do.. Rocking 124 ,, 1..... 1 0.- ,
• Alm-8h tou cloths. rut tont and seas hell es room. rto . rj,, ,, ,1t t .!:,t * ,: 3 ,r,'1:',...Vz...,,, t . ,',..:fr, f , : i ::l' n 0..., tjalf. i ttorro h., ,, ,M 00 1.,,e.M.frj , Mg17...t .
1, 0-4,74, fel. . 4-1. and .04 Gil Cloths. fl r obt arid Irvand ...thy. - 4. r. eras. W.: a. "p e, ' k r!!1 '. ....X W,.. 1, r'.. `,7" . ' ''' -
u., unt• sss s r Preom au.- D T 31. than, Ruh Cra,a.
Alec -S r Roth. of all Made uarnnt Eindlocn, 1. l e-wtt
1 rct.r. en• • 44,4-I.undS 4 31stliture, Tabletbe•nr, Crmh 1.11 EFIN Ell Sl' o 3 , A RS, to -- . 1,1.11,111 7,1.011131, Prwident TIMM 0 lI,XD, Virg Prom
t rani Diape nrcebnek do. !Court Window Shade. 33 :,, h..,..... oa. harp. Loaf 1. ,7...0 4. nt heathli Cow.. Swoduy
' Buff W ind w Holland. Venal. Blind. Emlwrot. Piano 20, ~,,,,, ~,.,, 0.,,,,e g, O -sev ens, f ; the I.,...rarany, No T.l 01 atm One.. 111.
'covert, Table do., do. Stsod do.: Wombed Table tto bor o l. .........Itt I 1. a MADLIRA. Av...
adorer from the •
g,tr;fleeeYdarrlf.,Thrt.giTr.eTfte.t ant remt .P. 7, , - 1 '0 0 ! 0
.n., Clato6-1 , . rat.. PKII E MUTU.tI. BENEFIT LIFE INSUR
: premed sty ea and colors. we am roman. 10 0 0 11 to n 4 .0 - .7 , II 0 . To,. M0.a....0 1.., mit br ANC.: ON PANT, No. 151 Murat !amt. Newark.
ifriend. en motomers to ZO - ...0 CO kW .4 V-0:4 o h‘ P...., :AK L. , A. Ill.:TCII1FON ato . 0 and Se 11 Wall errwt, N. 1. welts
, ars( in ~/ ex z,...,- a c ,a, ......., A.that. at. 1.1,11 Son, itehoery g; 0,-,.„.”o.lartang-•....X , te.lUrer mut pn.t per annum.
l We cord ly Inlite ell Mull and examlne oar strwk st • 5..:,.. The thlwrther will me... undleedon• for Mnn , . on
The C t Warehouse, t‹. , Fourth street. " hide, N. O. to arrive this a.y. 1 „,,,,,,,,,,,.,„....,..,,,,,,,.„..,,,,,,,,,u. ,,,,,,
, • Abele by ',' A W iIL mho broth ,ile6l..amorm Um ...rand
cosh '9 W. 3IcCLINTOCK. _-",_:- ...,-,,, _. - --- -- - -..-- - 11 ILLIA3I l• JONES. A4Mut.
t I,lt I OLASSY,s-149 bids. N. 0, tor •a,,t nr ti, No. 111 Front slaw,
$11.4 LS-A.A. 10-tisc: : It Co.
, kust IT ' ,l mtb.,.l . 6a. W ILOtBAL*OII - rmvegrawawwwmus ei
4 . .. '?"."-.-C '''''''
I F - 1 - ;17S.---A - .. l. , I. hle t tr,,ht :er tale ht
Co.ored ibet, Ithmbroalered .1... Fancy d. lame tmi , MISCEI.I.ANEOUS:
et Shawls. ... , A tool.ta .. LI , 11 tiOtal..ll .._ _ -
- .
IB lONS-A. A. Mssor A Co. Will exhilr
,-,,,. I
. Nitl' --1 " 1,1a, 17 ' k a'• N" 0 L. ' d • '" g it A 111. It I: 1. t'ONIIISSION 51E1:
it. L. matting, radon,.. non .flew' llcatht oth
_i_i nom and tar -al , to
ti: Cap o, and Lau , Veil.. Embroider.. ar e .h J 1 lll 11A0Sathid p •'ll \ I\7 ,r the .a., ..0 thane., 1,.....n. and Cortran
tr ..,.. • 1.:.J \ I on.l ...1 luotwah
p7 le-. tin.., at eh,. natwe bth any description of Wool
VU I'llY &BERCI:111EL" ) haw just re 1)11.IEL , A P1'1.1 . : , - lallt d V rimt , t.. 0 , tic ~.;,'7,,,,,,.. , i•tat
by met, .. ‘• .11 titHilOil
.1 Mi ed thy. mornig. by erithebs, aim anew good. --
1 t Tilt; i . 0-I , A tvr.s: 'inst.' I? HERETOFORE
se- ... hi wul colored sil...Ture satins INGualeafsbaus 4: ,„,„ Ei s„,_, ....,,.,..,, „,., ~ , .. ~.,
nettle col and crate irearages and Monaelat a. nine. amt , ~., ~ -i IV IlaltithEf4l . a otinc 1.1....0 the thloavibra„ under the trty le of :
beireniful ItYles 'Wide Bonn Ilabbman W tote Enthi. Tut _.. • - 7 . __._-- 1 ,rwer. I . ., aCOo is ..H. ta 1 ..... ; .. to• mmeal
ten Ilnalinv /sc. ''''l ‘;', ALMON -5 h' . l, N.. I. t r sal ,. b. ~,, . ~, 11.11. Elf.
- • ~ . . AIM:EN LEMING,
mufwily & BURCHFIELD have o , m- ii irrtla ____ _ . - a a SLEMINO
111 Minced readying their fetCrel 212=1) Or C0(0.1,.. 11 Eit RING __, car sale br 1. Dem. , bb I, h Fleming le nuthoriud ta. 1:14, roe
among which will be found Unckaback Inaleem. F. 1....-1.1 nano br the 1.. , ram tr. the Pell/.1p...1 of their toth...
F. D A Cr. CLL. a . 0 1...0,1.
and nub: -hed Shorting. 134 Linen Vhceting end 1-1 0 100 _ 0^...0.01
r. " . b ''' ''' " 4 „
-, , Mr -g.' 4° '”' .'" P--r P"'" '''`-. .' 1 - firCria - 111 . / F. 11 LLOK:T- it,fi,,..i ~.E1 Prc- ll ift-so Li TWN OF IAPa N Eitsiii P-. [
B LA C . -
„1i.,,,r50r..,.„R„,A,CE,,,,A.5..!LK 'TISSUE ,for ibr i.. pthd E,r,o-dy /or o.d -TV,. in , oar amid; 0000 2F Ihe borothrth op Ite,, ....,,,,,,. ~,,,,,„,, a u ., I ;
„„., ,„, b ad . .,., ~.,,,, ~....r. ~,,,,: . 0, ~.2.1/..-......!• ~..,...O. T. .311.1,r LI, ot •. a ttharklett a White, was disi- ,
hors..bk. , t wttro.. Y. la mad, .., -.G.... tlth amt dry at January,. D.A. Ix titan. cow .
Dl ML P-P'' & M- .' " Fir. "' " i - 17..7.!;•.• „ . ai 1. 4 " . ' . en:Muir...l -sr? , 6- .L . A . `" .- "" 1 '' '''''' t '''' '-'''''' " '.1 1 ';,.. " 0 ' 7h " ! ' 0. , :1;% ' e5. " . 54 11? - a t •
' " VllTel:t r e! . 1
All O . P ,, I!Y d . RE 1 R ., 2 0, 1 . 1F 1 1 1 E , L 1 . ) , toll, reeeni.:::,l 00.c , 0;;11 0 , 7 , nt
_ .. ,, ,, iz:‘ , 07 , 7 r . ...;! , r .ti., , ,7,.....!'`,,,...., ~ t, ,, ,. . ,,, , , , , ..;.,11:1 tt r ,:: ... , , s ; . • wi • rrzi_nr. , . .
lOr aI.VW ..r apt "1"; Acmc--5 hittlS prime Ham:, ' istrrri• 12. .7.1. 1110 ., IL II lIITE.
RE 'Cll PAPEIt HANGINGS-T.l , c , 11 , :, da do rhea. , in wve at, 1
u . i . D .,,,,,,,,,... p,„,,,,,,,,,,i g,,,,,,,„,,,,,„„,,,,,, ....,,, ; 6.=,,1,L~__ - - V
EW FllOl-B. FTSlvicklett and William
d Domestic(l ar i 1 i,ym. su mow'. panne,. WI Ihojunln Gird , .
I.'''' ""'"'" "I'. Rockingham an BCCELSW e. • „ b. wi, , ,
gyrated ufacturce Deluca., of i'aria. du. rt,' , l and , .).. p a l ar. I limited pnriner, yr% con Una. t 0 isl e
fur sale
... WAL'fEll P. 31ARsilALL,
66 17,a...reelunder the Arm of 10 12 •harklett a Co.
IVOO DIV A il I ) . 11 LA K ELY ''' " I • M"n " ~D t r i t` . ...:;?7,1 r 0‘ , 177 . , ,u 1 ,.. 1 lth Shaekleit ...White Nu lid
II C. euAermirr,
'" h _-_ _ _ _ ___ _ --- ____ _ .
,• • ufeeturra of loeltuothan ..,, . 1 lo a 0 ...., Ray,, ~,,,, •+ net
Lau !drum., ob.. , 11'11. PAYNE.
Wines and Liquors. • .
#0.•:-..00 e‘,.,,,,,,.. No lot F notb .00. , x b., th e Me, . "'"
I or „ Math, Pittehurch. 1,
No; 167 Liberty af.,Fernarrly Doeu. , ..k , , .f.d . '"J Oar esho.... arch. aeon. 00. I. 0.0 .vvere er...,,54 ( I 0-PA lIT tcy.I , ISII IP-Tito subscribers have
.0, ~a „ .., ~, fin loin 1.0-lartnerthlp under the firm of Sulfa,
D. mcvxmcv,•of Pittsburg.] EO n ”°''''''' of ?" ' ' tilts
.! A' l7 l ' o n l ' e d 4. '" y,..a, " ... ', ritT• ' lr 07,.. " it ' :. ' .! ' •L1 len ' t r vel. y Ith A Ganwn a hi. ly WM. D. re Al FY,
VICE.EISEN b. STOUV.ENEL, reepectfully i ` wsun bro.. c0w..., co-1, , ”.I'sn , y Toy. ttrisl•nsvo. lea JOAN 11. OREI,T.
.I . anponnro to the publiesenerally, and their Dieu& ' Flower Troth, Gbbitte, Mantel Ger...meat. Medicine and
especially, that met ham. amstahated • NEW IS Its E, and :waft Jars. and article. - 0 r hmestie ~... la gn et ; es..l• SLATE ROOFING.
LIQCOP STORE IA the above stand. where they shall eh . (Wk. re,d. ✓ l aim tr 4 bt , ..'"',.,
&so • I,* d atall twou rt runt of the brat On-k-Iloaelle soul ; - DA RR Y, IlElillES oh CO., Pro=ors of
Kronen mad white Wham. Alen, Vernet. dark and pale I Webster& Unabridged Dictionary. 3 a,,, 0 Vag.; It.a.m. Prbtubtnlnt& Mate , tore
Itrandia, of the choice. vintage, Jamaica Iln, 11.,11.1p1 1
K, Utah Whiskeycharripagne aml oparkllng hod, .1,,,, IV ERSTE, WS U NARK' DU ED DICIION- r(*„' .‘ "„`", ,',";;,".,`."',, 1 g ' . `1!,1,,"7,;„ c ,1",,"''',,,. ',,,„,"""' 4 ,,,,Vr , ,,,..":„.,r ei r,
of toe most approved bruds. port wtmoi, Madeira, sherry . , T V ART. bound In 0.1.c.p. 14:,?. pit quart. -Pr , 1t ,,, , ,, ' .1 Atha Lthorto., of Pittsburph . ,their AgenL who is von I
andrattuat 15 Inc. Abegatbe, Or. Alemsardlnes.tbilland , Same work bound in R.,..5t calf, e0da,.....1 Lmit and Oh 0, ye „ a ly to oo d e rt.,lo m um.. f,,, p„,,,,,,,., 0,4 tort'
Len - Mae, Nein and Lthaburgb Cheese, All of which they , 00 0., ele,,anb-sloym. Ganged Mao.
.111 'elk wholwale, arm:tail,. thew.. pubon.ble term. I A [arms ...ply of th3 o %. , :e u wba i r2i. , ...h . by i
~ . Pant,. 11. o 'e ar A . Co., ans In , rewevion eft he bat and
- ..... Stousenel, 081 mut:onion toot D eb i/ klt eod t. ler,th ;Gat, Quarries in the tented Plathr.-th• anallty of
"" Vntr i':°l=l;tVre .Date
V; 1 p.KATIIEII . &--1 600 lbs. primi., ft„ rule by . ttij„.Fhit,...,r 1. urn
t rirranrand " p72-
omyto 0000 us a call, before you suchlf S. •W. 11.1:11.1AUtill th el .latere b, d. their work, omeequently Cm hav 000
ri LAXSEED OIL - 5 bldg. l'ity Make, on 11,..:,".:n',:,,,L,1:',,,,",!",,,,7..,h.,,,,1",f,r..1:‘,,,1i.71""ti, ,g „„' "' ,...„„' ' ' '''' „„ l t h ii 1.- „,,c - k .,." . '", ‘ „T
hand mid for cage by
. N WICK FR...11i P. II a co. pertienlirly monomer. their Slates to be
tab. -- ' ' '. ' All. , put to. lath InsOul of ohortlng, which will hoof advantage
, „- , -
CODLIVER 01i.,--itu•iston, Clark ot, L.o.'s, to the eantractom andritem of buildings. , -
;;;;,, i .„, we b„, Reference. uto the r alatri . and dating can b=n---and
mach. suited any day.-et their mut . , . nutter of Etna st.
- fi RESS SILKS -' .20 l ' ich N : Otil:07t.e111"-Si'pMCittg ' :::leb:::::::::o7P;:itftlt.mr7i'trmt a c i .o . . ''
" g""'"" flint, r ` - a l 7. ASON • CD, n-l'AL"TA'w.t.
ameba No. ex and 04 Market Ore.. IigLOE R-100 Wash superfine, for Bale by
1 JI nichl4 J & IL FLOYD.
LADIES' DRESS 0001)5- - -- -
IA pat. plain all wool high colon. Dei.alue. ' I ARD OIL-10 bid. No. 1, on hand and
LA Or +rap by WALLINOTORD a 10.
- 1. - . . comeand splendid atyle Mlle. 1. 1 . , ... I meta, 1)4 Water rent_
10 .. style Grotadire A t . .M. 0r...V..1, . , -
M.." A . •. - , lyVOOla WANTED-The highest market
POTASH --8 casks rett'd and fur sato by ' price. in awl. will b. main lbw different grades
lIILLER it , r ,...„. .. N , twat bl ail. S.A. IIAIIIIALOIL
naclit .2_9 and • ... Liberty .t. ;12 OEi , C ,
. E.-A . ll ,c pcntona L hapicitg claims
IVINTER WHALE OIL-11910 gull. bl' d, , ,L . :l ..?: . : 1 , ~T o
~.....,,,Ab,l.l,l,l;alLl;;:idattin LIT:
• la nt.r.. l f0 ,, .. 1 . • V,„ . ,„1,,„,. „,,,,,, .as the tad too innowol Int. other hands.
mei. ....." .. 1" ....- " • . I melt 0 11 ALLINGFORD A C 0 .911 Water stn
- 1,
61 n MALL PLAID FR.ENC II I ,I M/ NIA/ 4S, i A . " 011 SALE - Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail
~, , . ./111, : zzl i o, vnti,ii; I ,, ,i,edit - AT,11,. 1, " I road Stock; Ratko( Plitsb i rr, end Y 1 1 .1 1 .,
. , mehl 4 /. RING. Fourth et.
l - DIANTATION 1510LAF.S-L6 00 . bb1; - . - in •
lit/Ill'lllt & BURCHFIELD hue just ree'.l • fresh I j_ store and Der sale by JAMES DALZELL.
.44 ,1 7_ of the above nats, if all the rano.
, tr r iratler, ; _ ore
CA Wale! st. _
f_rodu Ipc cent. up to 2.
STn . l . . ',
g 1.,..' I I liW 1 , i L . N . G ., g 1.2 - u - ill
I lq - EG BUTTER-14 kegsjust reed and for I GUM
-j ands on s i•••• v
iv we ny lne"h 4l Il" .1 • 13 ' 8 '9 CRl ' TS°N •____ 1 km. a large lot sx,t&l ' s pleasant and agreeable Chewla
DENTS' POCKET II AN LtIiERCII I E FS-. ! ~,,,,,,,141,,..t.. P . ' 1. ....... 0.4 thelartmtb. cleansing
harlue ttholseusle by__
Silk and Litton Cuthrie. of nur and handnume arks, . P. N. WICKERSHAM.
and ro " ct, '"s' 4 '"nr"',--mr,v,Re,, NtleutlFlEi.D. ' t -°'`-b4 ennurr Wad and YOGI On
. 'ti IT ATER CURE- WORKS--The Water
i -74 E14 1 J1 NE PORT IYINE.- - The pore juice : if v r,,r,. m,,,,em, i 7 Joe] Th eo. 11. D.
Ifr of the Grape. 'Mahn. for caodleinwl purue., f,:r emb• ; Water Cam in A tbrnes,edltrA by a Water POW
by the quart or Bottle. et MOllltib * DAW 011 ill.S Im • lined' luck of Hydropathy fur Professional mei Demuth.
and }Vim Wet, rut side of the Dimporni. I leb . / . 6 _ um. by Dr. W... .
(~Ylll\ll/Bil:;5--1 bbl. Cliesrts; Dome . lie Meth - ea Ordtepstlir, with fifteen engrain.
1 Illartnaho e a hoporlant saldeeta. by Edward Jahr:Wm.
I. a - lUcko Nut.
b 0"
01..1.1.1tlailITS1rAT,r1.14 . Peri " rre l . t o rr i rola r tZ ° l .l7l ' .2% l 7.2;tr.ikg:
ViASOIN 'S BLACKING-1-25 pro. fir side ! The sderm works for sale br 11,1 mcg,,,,,
he rorbla J. KIDD h CO., 00 Word at
A. outi. by _
_rachl4 IJ. A I.- Plan O. l
Do - TAstr- - 10 cUsk7, triulinnte4 port . .. for • lOU NIT ERF EIT COIN D lifF.OTfiliS.4 -
1 . /Thi s If the onls Instrument yet inventrd Id - • bleb
11 . 1 AS(3 I I ..04 DE LIEItS Al ND FIXTURES; 1 elunterfelt mln evn be mytainlT &heti. expeditiosoly, re-
LK Pula Cneller. and Brarlset., all. lateetnylem ; 2,,,...1.111,M,i'XVAr.A.A.,,...,;11731,,,Zh J. 0,60, and NAO. &or
.... two*nd one light Ornamentadii:bndets. at nOtern ,•- • ' Y . ". '
Prim . W. WILSON W. W. WILSON, .
mail:. rA , TEN T l't IE DIJI . N ES, &v.-A laigc StOdk
corner of Fon and Ilialtel eltA. __ _ ubi _ . :2. " '"*':'''' ^1 '''"'*''' .. 14 ' .4 " t ,_
- ' ''
Q - OLAIL 1,A111./ LAM l'S, 011ANDELIEltS,
n slave, amt far rale bas the mut liberal termA l'W
1....1 Ornamental and Nam Sur ens n banthe for Churrll• odnin's /Am.,. a.,,,,,,„,,, ~u.
ot. Steamboat. 11.11 s. and iirdllnu . A 1... avellold Ilvnll,' 1,,,,,,,p am
tful mount. of Center Table , stand and Study Laripsottl - ~.„,,,,,,,,i,,,,,0„, . h u =/: ttri th.
J the unneallel manufacture of C with... CO.. and at ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,, trout , Lin ,,, n , k;,;;, ,„ ~ .a ;
00 i r
.astern prime .4 .16 1, W ‘ 111 '.. - " . • iumfoldm. ewer's litilltra '' °
STEEDS-20 , bbl. strictly p Ime liil..oNtchreeei; 1,.,11,71..114,11,1,1'. nraur'sErttr.tol Satin
ds Court ?larger
.Osl i. ... WAII.II.I4AN a enINA. " Anderson's Dalhes Carainative
D'"rAtlT. Eirrtm, for It,
B lt 00 M 6-5 0 •
doz. for saletby - Hoopes cure of Ring'. Ertl, Seta
.• EMT s AnG•DYSIAPtio nis,Syrdiina, A..
11.141 MILKER It RICra.T...E O . .. rfallie Pounce of Peppermint
---- -- - " PhelpS - Tnlnsto " Clnussmt
" Crurntsrekers " Lemon
"Huhu , " Beremnot
" tuitetnan " Lavender
- Quinine poem
Powirr o , Solo 1 .•
.1 1 LIV.,1`'"
Se:dEts I .. Spruce, for Bar
Rae Ointment for Tatter rye Water
I Strengthening Platters Gardener'. Liniment
Palm's Paw. Goltrry's ()metal
rolugton's MUM tiolden Thmtun
Iggn'T•eg: Harlem
tams Powder
At the Drag atom of
soar of l' ir l :kNl W ' alit 1 1l al ß .ir: •t i .
as 4
'lcilesale Dry Goods.
3 N & CO., 62 and 64 Market
: .Ib:,dargA , N,l,c4; , ..y.gTz.
p th ha rever es•
•h her reepeettally invite t e attrniloo of
ere-uil: si,"
A. 11AS
mtg. nri.
1.1.1 Country
'tow Spring Goode.
A. MASON & CO. will open this morn
ial.22:fte-IjA".;,II=LAzZT. ,ATITch
tiwy polka the attoulion of of patrons cud (to point:.
r.117Ci.: SUBSCRIBER has conithQxkced re
nine • lar,vor and move , I•iirablo stock of CANC . .,
Y wid D ty GOODS thew he ever ldwizill to th,
aorket, coneistia.d ill ltarVof
Prints. Printed l.wetiv, llcet• do L•inee. Cindhavai, _co
m i ,,,,.
ra......• Victoria, ei lA., 'Mull. mod Ilork Mirditi• barred mid
3aroret Muellnel Clothe. Cwodeitoree. Co,iorte. Vered , :l•
ard Jear...l. Drip. and Cotton Striper. Ineh Linens. Pon.,
Ildkr , awl , Crol MINI. Mot.. de Init.., and COltoll
Stiaertz liodio,r; Glover., Ribbon , . Loot, Vette, Combo.
Dation.. Edrgpo crx. Paralinle, Umbrella:, Table wad Cook
ot ClAtCrj. ClIZt .3,01,1r7, It raeltem, do,, ko.. to ortorithe
mrpttarnh7 ihvi the attention of morrhitote end v•har,
• 2 . i', I:: taiTilN UT. 2,S Wood rt. ,
TUST it4.4 • .1 1 .k..k 1./ NOW OPENING AT
of WM. 1 itali'S, N 0.136 istALITT STUMM.
A rcry lammid or, stoek of Fa tionable Gorda.
elapted to Gent cmcn's Wear for Sprinm comprising the
newest styles in American. English. and French Csmi
mem a VCII . splendid assortment of V.-dings me/ Cloths
of emery Leshionible sheds and colors which . . tomOier with .
Vaiwil::;,',TvgVilV4Vl L eN , Mr.!
%to,. west of Ms Alle o gnentre. rill of whielt the [`modem
it determined to oCer at sort prism as mill rnilNini-n all
ho Odor hlm a lth a call, that not onlr the mod mrerior
Clothing is sold ht establishment, hut she as the low
..d.Acro7ileirlPpllie.alloring line' :crated. as mull: in the
best possible intMUCT, and at the rhortest 00.100.
mcble LI
Straw 'Bonnet and Hat Waiehouse,
N . il 105 M . ,
easyr STREET,, ,
R. 4 " . 11. P LMER offers for sale, at very
- 4710 w prime a fall amertment of Straw and Millar
To. PI; 1 4Ak ym an [anima plain and fancy
, Braid. Ch i p. o Gimp, klillon Lam flair , Pamela. Le,
horn,e , A.
HATS—Men a. Youths'. and Boys' le-gltorn, cone. and 1
plain Braid. Straw Panama. lianillo, T o
Palm Lent In
fauts'leshorn, Iliald. Straw. Chip, Gimp. Lase. and Hair.
Mimeo' Olpsey. damay Lind , and other forms, In meat Tar:.
ety of shape and material.
RIBBONS—Uch Bound and Scarf. plain Satin and Tat.
kt rlNNtParatr i f7= 7 lStratiler 2ll=id
CO ST Netts.
STRAW TR `-ILIIINGS—Cords, Tassels, Buttons, Braids.
I Marine. M g t:
FLO WZR Yrnach and Andriten Sprigs, hunehmsnd
"I lest.E7' , 7 L Kr o lYnt 7EI 1 . Ore de N -
ples. tiro. de Rhine, Flamm, and other styles, amort4:l
qualities and &dors.
SAYLCS—Ajeorted mates and mime.
Alm—Bich and Igoe priced Pamela and Coabrelim Band
I Doses, SM. mchis
Spring Bonnets.
dill:Tß FlftST LOT is received and
i' ?roma. maxims. to perk the following
Chip, I Wen'.
White and 'hallow Labs, &az andl 7 utp.
Milian Chlp. I Jenny Lyne and Satin.
English Chip, 1 Fluted Straw and Sawn,
Fine Straw am! Diamond, Pearl and Mop Satin.
Florence American Lwre,
klftlish PeCTilrd. ilangarian Mixed,
Alho . Fluted Manilla.
Splitifitraer, Silk
toehlS . fig and 64 Market sk
Kiln ICHINTZES.carnY & Bruen-
HUM invite the attention of the Ladles to wake neer
utlfoi et-fice of Light end Drab Chletu., just 1,
mind. net have abo . open . thin morning. ext ad,htioonl
:4 . tpIo&SPR E
„ILlOdlittli=o..aellhog very low—totne at
b -tkolnethfe.., kr
Of extra ebarica, and at Oa
Rex and Exchange Bre
-71,11? w il==it ll ll
,ng[Fa r re hra'aciYarrestrontridia'd
tem ' and town Plank
Road Company.
NO ICE is hereby given to the Stoekhold
of said Company, given
ther v.k. payment to
froon k llarstent:Treasorers of the said Caravans, of !lee
Dollars, on sash share of the stock. on the last Monday in
ash and emery month bereelter, until the whole stock /3
S/ a d .//// fti,—.4 the rosd will he crested and Inidgnl by
tar elk. UM. The Stsstbcdders are requested to b•
1"m Il " 41 1 r d4.1 h'
' V. i rlifgrll: President.
LEAD .P.1.1"1,--Cornell'e improved Patent
Lead Pipe Mt 1.1=4.
it= Rama,
, .
Claterne. An
All -.--
":' op hood
and I° ratMatbdo.DoN.
mihl7ll 134 moat street.
- - -- -
A. ,ARD.-I have removed to my new gore,
three door below.) nearly cygnet« the Bank of
I .in b. = t t, it.'l', Y Z.7 " . "i d ,tl,
low nitwits, and twelve •
keep leery large assortment et Upholetery, Bed m sand lkd
ANt PaTkel War, Faring. Mans Cotton awl Duet atra,
van 6 thee Beds, minion end VIII,. Ill'ankens Mollie.
Count es and Comforts: MT:Wan lilted, id' every 'M-
I Melt: Wee Mats and every article nanally Mond to the
meat Menefee evtabllehmente alba kind. Orders or
NI lip !kited and met Ma w r t Blind
• 1 140111,11. Third .Vest.
it P. WILSON have removed to No.
• . 1111 Hewed srt., .11147 FrOtt et., bettree . u;rood
to_ hmitbtokl.
1 1-51 0VAL.—Eximiso a:. BENNETT, WholC
oueliroonv and heeler, la Prniunn, hare tenoned
, a r fcttneol.esd 121 Fleet et,.. between Woo . te
' r .""" .. .2 . ._ .. .
111 r M. GORMLY has removed to N 0.281
• 1.11..7 •thort, t .loore aloe. We former Meta.
amt IleeellY °Mott! Beulah A. Ai) , :t
Seed lltore Removed.
riIQ I i E subscriber has removed his Seed Store
hate Bacon., deer!. tb tbr loallog rea.rdly ecou viol
by Ir. Reed to • Tall.. Ehop, net TbRO time. elcoot Ow
at letely opporlte the Not Mk..
.0 P. I. ItNt)Whilb. _
EMOVA.L.--GEO. F. D 111.21 has removed
.1.• Dry. ClOotb &we team No. Ile ?tweet drool, to
4: ) tr 4 ;lll k g7 . ;l= ‘ trZ t elt ' ff 111;. ' ;:tt!r-r ." ' ee;
lb. Wattle En:mealy. swtha
FACIVELF.--01, hrs. and liteetetel ...talent .0.
ways an heed , at b 5 market O.
aso3 Thos. PAL.IIOOII.
. ---
C ANTON PreEerred Ginger in Sy u; rup;
Chow Chow, (a mixture of
Ginger •a , 4 Fruit) tea awl Wahl co
Ira Mal
CORN . z O ISO bo. (ShllorrYeligZ.E){
bble just reed and for sale by
'JAL; .010 W. &N. wnsoN, Itt Finest.
•11:YE 'FIA;11/1-50 bbls: for saltby_
•qto . ,:sami**
. •
J. D.-WILLIAMS - it CC..-
Corot., of Wood and Afth Stre<ll, l'ill4bOrgh,
lOLAVE NOW IN STORE, and to arrive this :.
week. the Adlosing go , . od of the moot recent WM..
~,, , which are offered no IIIV 0040 re.uuable tuswao.:
ii,, ,o Tea:tr lii dor.ou Patent Zino War.l
15 LC rheot• do. dn. 50 lo t e%trei ,
pure Starr!. 1
40 .` I.) , nolorm &Matsu: 25 - Saler - awe
100 lAigw RIO Calm 15 1,1,1.. N. th lilolewe4
15 l . Wrurra audJara, 15 - S. 11. ••
50 boxes S . , fin. hi aml 1 11:, 10 ••t !olden li, rus
lamp Tubarra4 . 35 •• Crunhed, aml
04 WA. RUA. 1 and 3 nark- Powdured ROO,.
ereh 5131 IT, mail.. Itabdtur,
• :3/ ! , .i . m.OO l.i dn. No. 1 do. 50 drurum Gm) Old /hpr:
21. wad l. do. Salmon: 10) jOSII liordesus Prouex;
50 buxom Scald Herring: 11 , p I.A. SidlY
1100 el, extra 31a,4100. a bole. Itna CAW):
1 bales Caesia: 4 - llruoa QM.,
1 - Clue, 10 l. 1',..a A Chi.m.l3l.r.
II Lae, Pepper 6 31111 , 1, 5 - llaxtili a Almond
1 Eta. Notuley, Soap:
; - Grormul (iivaer. 112 dor. Milltslry Snwtr.
l - " Pellleel 1 I thl ~ ‘ ll, Curt, Sod , :
1 - - Ilmenhe 1 - l'reatn Tartar,
ld 1,21 .. luvtud• 1 run Pearl Sago,
lu•• l• Camila. I 4 - I , iughl,
10 " " CI9T , " 1 2 - OHIO and Gefined
2 01.1. flarrett'n fault I ' 13 0 00 rll ,
V.. t4xeo Stenzln Candle=l I 1 .. Arraw hood:
la/ - Star l• .150 Balla IlrIck:
1 Md. Flour tlulybur:
Iva duxen . 3l.4,l3's GlaelKler. 100 ,rr3o 3111,be,
13:11h, ouperflualtire Flour. 1 . 11 ao.. F., Ed' herm.n,
100 - S.F. ludizo, R.N., mud N stadia:
al dn., Ink: I - Lemon 3.30 r: -
t il l last: N%ra, i i t Y rZ.l,esa , Loll Flll, k ir o c M S"
L 341 bo• prim IL Cot f ec .1' nuo Els. 31 It. k L. liairinr.
' rkgr... T. 11., I mp'!. ana l 1,000 it, A:1130114.r. ,
Btu T..aal , Itt I,..det Brmlll Not,.
~ Lump P. sail 2.) - hog Walnut.:
LI. Roll Tonlcrcr :4 ° Ground Norm
- S. to, aia, • i 7. drum s Furs.
LOC, P. Cratfilk , ,l 2 c - .....-s Fire Crackrm
1311.1.1 ,, 0ve llornn2l I : - l• e,
lOU LW. , \. C. Tar. I, '• ',mon 9uiar
211 •• .t Cr'd Sup-ar. l 1
, 20 • TotuatuKrtchur:
I. er,,t lia,lna G'a :Ircar..l , •• 1.,,,,,0r ,au,
2 1.h•l, Nlsd , ltr, , 22 - Oto,lc - ,
I con.our , 10.114.1, to ltraztl ,mmr)
:1:4 I,a, .010. lual2 Gla,
c. 1,,, ~ 1C. 1 .C., , , Prlncapt ~, , ,r r
l , Qt, and Pt. 1:1,F1,1 ~, r .
oni li a s aa ••
,i,..,,,, m km, lalm., 1 154.0 I• Com. ..
To 1,1 , 1.. N 0.1.2 :duo t.c.r-,1: lia..-7, ,a
1. 11.2,n. •
TO kit, No. 1. 2, • 1.4 II: W , att: E
I and
:al Log, Nall, ua , ' , l file, 7.2.1 Butt., Crnokrtz
2.300 24. l'iltltlnm 11, I-Smith:3' . RI,
:0 blds. Tannere (Al; 1 100 t.,•, C. 0.11 Totrac,,,
1 /00 can. I.arnp ../11; 1 :a - line cut II
Ital doa. Bart., 2,4 1,20 ,, Ittoin Sear,
2,1 II Turri,- I 204 ° D. k M.Candl,
2:. •• yaAtlc Soar. .
N. I , .1110002, •Skla,.., DA .:,,,i,.. G4/and and In.
prnund S ty e.'Cordum Irrithm and NI: rappinr l'apor
Cotton Varmr. FAlttinm Candlelck and Twl with a gen.
1 cral mq.ortnarnl of 24,0,L , ru•nallF kopt In nur liar.
for ,alc by- FINGLISII lc Di:NNE - PT.
Inct.23 12.2 Pl..cond. and 111 Imat et,
E --- o — GS-- -- 71Z15. fresh, for sale by
mthat eAmt:El. P 611111VPIL.
B UTTER -5 hogs pac , L t -V t , ,E fi : v p a i l i e Ri b
I, for rale by
111 al
I E m
RICE --25 tierces landing, foreTttleby
Franklin Fire Insurance.Ca..afliulea.,
PIRECTORS: Charles W. Bander, Geo.
Itkkeds i Thaillact. Miielenti D. Lew* Toter+
J '7lf: P.Lrg'iri. B- p k l 6— °!'" - " D'Ad 8r... *
ClLAltliklii F. DANCESII, President
Coates GI. im<cw, Feerentry.
ThLf t3tOP..T
or limited. on evealoteeziptioe lie :XL A y i n in ... nii n
wu rre T C.= tare reeerved dot•
lune .11=I nnn i.
which, with Ito ir CaPittil end Wily tweeted.
arioel ample protection to the amulet.
The acieto .0 the
piny on d let. mt tettc
Rebid agreeably to the Art of Aafembly, were me Whre,
Real Est.«
Tr ran' Loan,
•wAliTED=ASituation as !Souk-keeper pr
clerk l' tnerrinillo or oistifartorivic house.—
dtr rrfrtrp ,,,, will b. A no"
dreamed ta UL MT of BieUlne , Roe, vill mrriva atiegr
Jon. • '
Ell , PIES AND TARTS—Froth Cherries
111;0'7,01.11. hirtit.liehr= „ prr. at , e g t h e
Sheet Shred latualau and Prereb lieLatt r oe. tor Jell..
Uh' Oir '''' V l ; t rrW. ? IZLIRO a (X)- 2581.11" d
- r FL .
V.EIINI:SON lIAMS—P3 foi. sale by
mehU J. D. WILLIAM:I t CO. .
Tl§. • ' N HERS' 011 G-10 bble.warranted . pure,
an sae br meh2.2 It. K. SELLERS.
i 'IKERRY PECTORAL. Starch Peliell. Soap
.J Powder. and Kffervet•trit , Co u typttt!.. l . ..
n ", ''....' ... !''''''. .. ..r. T . .
!) ICE—ill
t'L (fresh )
L ARD-30 KW. No. I, lb store, for sole by
metal 520 W. HARBAIKII
J .
CLOY ERSEED--S bbls. for sale by
rarbit WICK a IIaJANDLKiIi
TITTER-6 bbl. prime Roll, for st.hi by
I lip mehl4
eptA : Syllabur tho Lan uf Land 04Ldar b Tfdr, Pcnn
l.l jbb"
C. 57LaKTON.
etds No. 37 Market FL
Q.IIIRAS' ALE-300 Whole and Ilf. Bbls.
lo .tore. tritls constant arrivals from the Droners
warmatrd fist 4"Utr.'be g; F7T.S. 0 N t REPPERT.
Boys' Wear.
an wortment of thenabare goal& &Joplin] to , Pring
yr . w.,tig riL l o plald i and , 4l . .alul.leltdnyr, light mist
of rations kind*, all Inwmt Pricer. ' '00...
wc' en t glr A'
CAS.--31crs. & BUSCSIrtrLD [prim the littentino of
I. ersaMS lor n i . l . Zlh i3 ltygio n g GondP, to their omortment or
II &he& Almincm, Mouse de Lain.,
Geroge*, to. mr1,17
`'l SORTS-300bu. for sale low to close con
4j ettr" bY SAMUEL P. SUMTER.
-60 dos. Iluebern 10 doz. Tribc for Wet by
- DOLL BUTTER--3 Lbl. just rec'd and for
Nta, Dr T. WOODS* SON,
mc6lo GI Water at.
L ---------------
D OIL-2t bbl. No. 2. just iced nod
for raie law be WALLINOPORD 2 0).
.ciAItHIAGE OIL CLOTH—On hand, a
large ornaen
mt of 4. a, anitl 6 qr. Sheetlnn,
MURK! Beek. Patent Carnage 011 Cloth, • selen7•l
article, for sale whole es low l'Olenttesn
sneh7 J.l kesa Pill LLI PP. 7 and 0 Wool 4.
o Vactory-2.000 yds. 4 and. 6 tiroco Coth.whol,
4sie and etail. at. N. 7 and 10 Wood 01,
.me h 7 J. t U. PUILLIPS.
FO'l'ASll-10 cavks No. 1, for sale 1,
mc h7 J. E. k tx).
S IIEETINGS.—W. MeCLINTOCK inviteelo the attention of paramours hu LL sanottaleut of Shret
tua, at Nu. 155 Fourth meet.' ['nth , _
G LASS -350 boxes W. a, asa'd, - City nn'
Cooptn brand.. tor win bY
ii ICKORY NUTS-8 Fkg. for sale bj
mehs NI" Os MeCANDLI,S
‘1 AL Elt A T P--14 cants am
0 refixed, for ode by
ROOMS-13 1
ACKEREL-138 bbl. No. 3, for Balt, by
mcL5 :SICK t AIeCANDLY , S. •
iILACKWOOD, for February, and th
meta oppor4l. lb. P M MI.,
y AR-25 bbl. reed and for sale by
.. .. .....___
I ACKEREL-25 bbl. Ni.. 3 far pale ti
.1.V.1. vartas BoBleuZs; Lirrix a Co. -
i f i ASSIA - 100tatitts just lee'd, for ruin by
11... 0 oarE4 MILLKII a ILICKETSioN.
- .
'FOR SALE—Exchange Bank Stadia by
.oLd 11. li, !, &No &L.,. t.i..
--- • • .
i - 0 - 15 LINER bILL-Warrar,t , d pure, r.ll
drsottlt. Rda.htnn.
A. arA : tlr •
MIN (I,', BA OB% t trdiles.rdr,le
m: ha
Bornar ll,st a.. TN o.d
_ . .
pßis rist NIATEItIALS--I'rint , r' , cp
treble Boat.dralr4. Ar. A. F.. sad, s 4.
Brintlng .•
Bbt.o A carriraa d.vy. _
I ACTUCA I.l,kiwrtei, for
meh , 11. A.}'.\ H ,
bladder, in a,a•rte
it A VA lINEBTOCK t Isl.
141 EN 7 S I..arge and Ritual,
So trtio Ur B A. VAllSV.trruer, A
Itch, don, hr. and W..,1
II filES—. DM DRY !DES rerrirra watt
it rid r•lr I.• mar B B. a W HARD 41 MI
_ .
EA•AdT( t7at ' S '' . 'ks • . I' ; ' /1.:I . 717: 1 1lY
BUTTEkt--:. Barreh recd i .e r S B.
Tu.trcro., a./ fnr gal• dr
t•ar. S. A a W. 11AlliiArt.111
ncavA 11.41 IMISICI•14t 6....1•1 11* Currt I,nre.
ILI All very largo (v. , ((rtnierii
Curt i)
ACatottornse. Ni, No
1 0114-10 bbl.. line NA' inter Strained,
11.4 fAlje. br J KIDD k
raitl No. All Sited
ltn gond osier) Gtr
is-61 Wtr,J
N 11 ,, liorM,
S. II ".
lu Klid. Eurvir. at retrain( a 0... hi
1.11 Mt a 111
EE1 15 3-40 LAIL% Clover Seal;
I - Timothy dn nle
'3 R,hlO littoil'N ,
KIKK r.ei lOCK.
ill I.4II.eIItIELD N.. , rat halal • gond acsnanaent at
~.a Blankets, of all the different quantlea,lo ,. .llallay k fey
Pair a( narii nue nna qu.lkil.. l ) td . ..1.4n nn• nn• a &el , /
at aaalerett prleat. _
LOCKETS.-duet received a large
tart g, bcazit= l'axwax.
P. Mgt A LL.
- - _
eiA3lPllOlt-3 bble fee sale by
DOIV'U IIAYRIIIIIII-2 Ll,le for sale by 1
L Able IL E 8E1141E 4 ii '
IT I Ago CORK S--1000 gross for Male by -
V feElo It. K. 81:Lbrit9.
Itil OUSE DE LAINES--Frinted and solid
71'I!7,11 ni TATi b, b.
IP P leb . IS l 5 'ales
for 'al°
h II Y M. 11. JOHNSTON._
riItAIVINO PAPEIL-300 Sheets (superi.
_ay ~ r crudity) sir nor bY J. EIDD A 00..
eon' . Na IA Wood S U:L...
. --------- - _
BROOMS -2.00 doz. Cern, for nab, by
mom! J. t It. HAITI , .
ei nESTNUTS - 30 bu. for sale by
IL.) mobil .1. a IC. rt.ovo. _
_ ..._... _
MOLASSES -25 bbls. S. IL;
200 t• 0. 04 In nak Lbla. In
' srrt., . , 'nd t r onrA b iEßAS AN A PONS,
matt 60 t SI Water. .001. Fro/11,1.
F ISII-40 bbl. prime large.fio. 3 Mackerel,.
Beaten Itesboattobt
10 .• Baltimore Urrrinc for N. by
meld O.Y. IT ATI:AMIN 1 80:11h.
I)RIED FRUIT-725 bu. r Apples;
1175,_: . 1 . .0u, for tale to
mcbb L. A. it AYEttHAN a BONS.
bLIT. IL Thadterar. Prim. Ibblo.
• War - tet. Wu:4l.dg be most lea:sober.
poi'''' ' ' of
M""'k lli3r.ilL , p. m! .
Reortrat at
mehll TbDA rt.. mrpoolte the r
oot omea
YIIARL STARCII - 50 boxer for sale h
• mehlb • HARDT. JONES A CO.
LARD OIL---20 bbl .. No. 1, for sale by
mrblo JAS. DALZELL. GA WWI . et
111,00111S -- 9..50 tons Soft Tenn. for .ale
LIP mahle J. DALZELL, ab Water A7l Friti al
AFETY FUSE—ISU,OOO feet Buda bnli
ford A Co'it make, ararrantiel. for Kale hr
mch7 ,J I. on.wonin A w.
IL CLOTITS--10,060 y 'dam tleor Oil Clot!:
heavy and inadium t front te to A yard) • ide,
now.. patterns, which will lon .44 aa lov at whnlerab
terraria mate, and rate& lower than mar orb., bony in I
c ite. We inrite lb. attention oflucirban la eite•
Alt 1.1.1r5.
=Tr rev solo 4 3l 11.1.1:13b
ABI.E. MA'N'S — ln mere and for aisle
I McCarty) Warelninee of
meo3 tr. lIKILINIfiCE,Ert Fourth se
IS. U nntloo "1 Moat wishing to foretell, to hie nook
I.llga. which ans just re:air.' at manufaatuarre
New Boob! New Books t
DEPOT, Third
1 141.7:0=P;
leveret. weal eallfurte: as =gets le the * wee urgent.
bee.° La Valllen,hy U.
Ootteeeke LI Geo. Pesul-1
lee I Ptioe.
L e eeeirre: th e Wee:a, the Uliemy. the lneet, hT
Tbalionse. lievklarr, by Al.:. DIIIIIOI.
Itaverta of go 014 31014 or Mots to Noting stu int.nd.
Zit.erb.t"l:•"3l:o7 abt.b. but of I'. 9. 51r!ifiXIARA.
-I.4"ifaTIIERS-8 Hacks kprinie) foe sale
LA-RD—l 7 kegs in store andlar snle by
amb6 Mil. 11. JoitlsraN.
T ABLE 01,1w9.!..a,THST.Ai ver
nxW z a ligga
no T solVaxl Meet.
' 3 Cl 7 ?mutes
iria — iitlCSEED Jr. TIMOTHY SEEO—
t) 2 b `PPZ:iri low redd fere ' br
ono LEAF TOBACCO - 2 h 1 ibr xi&
it;leZlitratalerbi* Tra l
mace, o,° lfum toy o* 72 Toon,
mug tto Stara of badf:66 niPl64llll ' ,
it. 7 sad gal rt.
(ri ONE. IS THE CALMNESS' W11 . 1:0
tiy.W. Y. Wallace:
blew( I don't like to rest made ' I I
Can Ibrget New Eng Wadi
WantedisUovernang by John CatTT.
Manama is so very particulu.
.or ri tirx Cl irt.:z. Annie Lawrie.
loll y. llll Words; by Alm kfliTau r l. Arai
:Sick Plka.
Bate-btiOr . • Lament; by the Cute
!Unarms. CI, eta Polka.
Crowd Polka s de
W. Y. Widh .f..
With all the lae popular Soup. Polk.
MieiliN.L. V oriatiuto, Rondos, Cr., lea ,c 4 in tb.
!Astern (iltlew.
Sew Mono rewired ern, week.
A very large and new stock of"
ro arrive tide Ifeek. ea G. on. 7 octave. carvkl mw
plain, varying In pries frum Iggat Alpo. two thaw
olfiernt urand Plana. from the =O2O celebrated triennia ,
with • full and general stock of Music and
"u2k."l b I nud.ort. St Wood W.
Y. 13.—Two Piano Fortes to bier told Mania taken In
P ert for now mrh2o
tra i t ' irgl t t de l aa4.'s i r - per for to rd by'reitulein Su,
cerupwed ' br Wallace.
IC lit Won gona, lore? A very beautiful ivr rocs/
darn., by to. faster.
ikelle his Sister; a pew song. by W.V. Wallace.
The Soldier's Wife by; (Ho. Darker.
Boy Ned: :do. do.
kly last thoughts en of thek gotaPiwnd for and stop by
Miss Catharine Cays.
Lady, on ray ens is ringing; iircodbut7.
, Away with TlLin rIIUICIG wow and cidch.
Wbere are the Mended my youth?
11 , 411 P. makictut come: or Turing:olll..
Posa.siert Ileac, Coquette, Bridal. Cully' : 165.1.
New York Lashes. !g a te.
Convent. Singing Pitetekies.
Canthua Landis. (fresh supply.) by L. Meson k Webb—
unkiaztloon:ty.t,kvaSacwi, ;( , 1 1 1us pp ic ,, brin ,. k , e i vzki
t ub l llnh m ed :
rats. fr la
tae io
IL—This new area meet faalikinabla music reorient no
wool as published.
VOL. lit. LOSSING'S Pictorial
F Field book or the Devolution. Cloth, 0/1/./.
zilt r
NO. VI Pictorial Meld Book at the Itevolo.' "."
Mary Erskine, i'Franconla-Story; by the author ot• Rol
la Melia.
Time . the Avoococ by the authored the "TiFllmlndions..
. - Letticit Arnold."'Mourdnot Hall," de.
The ve worke kind received and For nth. by'
C STOCKTON, Bookseller mid Motioned,
mchLt4 No. 47 llarket ;tent
iII , Groburi. Magazine for Mmeh, 41th 114 Degeg
Hortleultuilst, fur F dm ebrusayi
Cultimara. • ..
Whig i..frlf dr
Lifr's Diselplith • Islet,
alertnattes Mageslue, N 0.2 •
Womenof Irmel. by Ohms Aguilar.
fullneurri tale for mothers and daughtenn
Motherli Roomobetme. by Gram Aguilar.
8.,11-I.h.orptioos or the history of the hum.
Heart: by Mrs. EMI:
Oliva, n ousel:
Henry ime:am li
, !I. P. R. James, Easy,
for sale at litil.M.Eril hitsrmt Depot, omtratta tlo Part Of.
ace. febll
I:0 takee pleasure ha an.
nottm-ing that he bat just opened lot o
etuslre l'unne a the abed
Tots o
Nnuta Cute aml Hsu, 'New Tort, which. with thane
on hand. form the mr. elegant. ratted, and exteu.sive Mutt
eTer unreel In Ole eltr•
A tonna others, ene splendid octave double Carted l InW, XI , style, with then.w Improrement of the Own
stains:, th, moat Important Improvement, to be
nutml on Nunn. t Claries I'mnts. Ale, two superb
Alehan Attachment Pianos.
11.—An 1,14.10iVP let of New flog, erobraring JmaT
azo.f a, and the cl,lerst new hong,. Pulses.
Wuttuu ,
4 P ION op
TIIF: &HADEN 11011 P . 101 Third st.
Packet, Cuututerrital mid
Quarto Pot and Caa Paper. a tarot supply of all cas
t rtiri and blue and white, tut •.3t. en
toms st 1.119 W. S. Qt. tlIN"d
LOTES AND mai l `DRAFTS.—ared and
et,i,mira ard Drafts, or teauttiol de.
VaL*l: In .tints. or eronnn In tk. or orMu. - roc
400. Market sad &Pad sta.
(Amami...kart:mi. sad ban rois7.l
WRITING IN ii—Arnold's Writing Fluid,
v v Csaria.i aaa 8.4 lat.
Ita,bert's Ch.:gal:al fluid and Red lan
licr.ran S Tb,,5ara,,,,.. Comm.-mat lat.—Weak...arts ,
Vrvnal Ulttni/le Ink. For sale to, W.A. HAVOC
for sale by
NEW soots
J A new c4FAI: - Aldletir..+7 of 0 .. 4 and
by Utlltiol LL cAlturcf OirtemArt . Wine
sod li,clan an.larinzoltAculltomaarLogribb3
AAA *lib Imunnou• rorreellons sod
.141itco, by Char. Arabc, LL. of Am
" rcbt d l'arrUL'',t'pr,t7l.sln•Cdtbtlettlkg.4.
b, Ana.llm. he. CLArkseuthlwt NALLIA , i. Al. A, ell'
rau of likaroblAud, rum., 1.1,1 full lAAind ct6tb. wittk
thr Lire and CArTvalvslArla , ur Robrrt 110*
uf the Que.:l9o( 0.0e11atue1....4 Ifo o . lo f.
e00....ete.1 ith ttee 0.001 01 orest Ileßain, by
o.l,fetnek.lool. endear th. - fives of not. queefe•
ll* It rj ette
l'ope4 Le 000..• Ad.inee.o .41n-
Jett( In
ruiolozy Tabetuaele.oo WeLe•Jay robing.
Jette 11. hr her i )I urea, D. It
Thesbeeve t..,1t• jun reeel.ol, Itn.l ref Weir
theflo It C.:31,0.'7115. : Market fit.
- ,
..I m l
.Moto..tna. N. 01 Woud ttnert. Las 10 11.
00,1 000 .4 - ette for .2.le a laf..m. awl we 11 ,5 a S. tit. c.•.." .011 00 .. 0
aur.lorte.. 1r..c3 the no•nuit..-hery of Chlaerlht:. Beteifthe to
whiela he lut Ile* the. athetelfoete of purrhs.ears Theo* Pia
0 are let.areeetly .01.1 . t 0 , t0.0d .00:e 0 . 00
• Own, fee f,oerfeeeen or rue.. 001 In all e........rauLet1.
telel hate.. ool heirn tete reoxl paymentst th eir full value.
.10.0 t hat the male of I:blekertnc's Plano. fer,Ve.rt. Pt.
lel.. • No al 11,001 Plreret
. _
/ I It•-r ami Ruffian n,..0,1 , 1”. Mr l rtoblrY. * O 4 0 . 0-
f4phr, porllr ta.os upon the Utellanory orlUvek
o Illoarorhy ri,tiv.iary. by D
, 6.4 by 11. 01100
Lf ru. at lho .40u.n. rnulon I tot r.,liA,
gnu. .r.ruOloo. 101
Th. Llto nod Ourr,rcortooru el R. Soutthrr. F-rart by
in *cm. the Roy. C. Swath,. I 1 1 vol. bro-
Thu 0.
w kA Addr
p en .dae
tog. rumor- IN. 1.."..1. ' 4 11. a, li;rroy, a in.
runt rencl3o.l end tor by
folo In Apullo Buildloo. Fourth rt,
Ns EW bit:SIC--
I... ,rac,irf !two., . ea hy g ebrapah ts.l Suet fhta '4 lsaggi
ce .0141,h, Sr
31.:ther.thatin faithful to la, s Iles eons, er SC Pater.
avtly abo Sea, my Allay Lir. by S. C. lutes
I'd rder thee eta. hamlet aSta, •
Came maNitas mate. or Trasesailla. .
We may be happy yet: fr. tbe Daszhtera af Et. Nut.
ne.,.. flutist, &Dia.. atal tosellmi What
Itrho,.haat wa•aineal the - Wt. th taer.l thee.
s or due t y.:u yet:testa. at
meet Mk,.
- .
Polka, by tt C. Foam.
The crkbratellia Dane..
Jeanett and Jetneggednplete.
!ha. F.hinn tolk
by Ibaymuller. Chit Chat I.nlka
!rip Pelt. Balchelor . • Polka.
uny Qmairiliea—veryeavy en ,
Ito,. Quadrilles. Ittaigne, Yolks_ Allegheny Cotillieni.
A tool .111.3ta. of Mallen). I.lsArortione for Puna. with
ela ""`'nel Ongev
Clark's CabeeLlem for the Plane.
Illanwee Kann Earle Itinver. Remind to..lar by
N. IL—A very lane reek of :icy Mum arriving. and
.111 be tbb week.
Litriary Depot. Third street. nppnalce 4.
1I Cr• •••
.1 'KI
thane Intact:tee; • Tale for Hotta," at., Daughter. By
One. Atroilsr.
S./other's Recoattanse. CY Oran AlSaw.
Banton. ,
%Chia Attrumatt for 1•31.
The Mother , Itrecanproce, • novel. By Grate Azallar.
The Lulu/mil, or tom novel.
The Ladd, of rtow—ao EnaltAt Wary.
To Lave awl to la Invad--• talc
Caroline,/ fircymielt. Ur U. W. St. ILeynnicts.
The Iturainh Catifeitiozwl.
A Leetun oil th• JnujW. Dr Ni.. hag.
Ur. Ikm'e. Reply ta Ilsthop or. the Beetin• of
Ilmia Journal. No tor new volume.
Illho • ton al, by the author of — The Ofilyi , •-"
th•anterbmo ttlantistatql edition of lb. Waver'
tat T
New Books, just received.
rprri. Bards of die Bible; by George Gi
ha. eel. 13sio.
breek Olbieslsrf: being • rnsernsurre egblbitbsubf lhl
°reek Grammar . ..l.l4lml for beginner+ In lirrele., and as n
book of merinos for scadernies and colleges. ily Asaliel C.
" Vattre ' l l 'a= ;M. isb Flacrlinald.l,l lErno
Charms:nod Cnunioe ‘..bnsg: l oeula J. Melintreih.
1 vol. muse
Th. !Beast,Ftssanatorue • sequenn "Maw leetlean,...
By Bran. Arallar.
atealsattl.s? 'Maclaine sad Engineers' Journal. Ent
number rust receireet
rieriensrroriferbsulo and Engineering. 7;1,12.
Jnst reel. fur sale lr Ft. HOPKINS,
1121 71 Apollo !Wilding. Farah ere
k e W
oploutpAl n rsithral Lan. Engllth Le•lnso, fnuivleet
Is fr:*l:
Facciolal St:betterfthaddl , Ocorgs, LT E. A. min.,
wag. or T. stout: hslng tho ptrAgLal ear
rotly• 'lst rrsulta of trwo.l through Ilto SatuIRI.AN or
.pr v nest.. Itr Ke.
IIaR T -
T. IYlttorr, tt - Ire - 4 the hmlo nodCaptom'' Watt
" ren xuY so gsraitrOrs* • 13.1 toL
Er limo Aguilar. Ilectived and Mr ral:br
1413 N C STOCKTON, 47 Ilvitat It
12booldi. Pot. and Amnion ropy.
. Prj . of sizes and rulc.l an.l plain. Line
IllsnlL &mkt of rarry draniptlon, on haat Of math. In
OTdf la 141011 'row,
mukkolk.k . —kkkkok , e, f tench and A OUTICI.I, sad'
stapl, ral. by W& if it
IN. Statpc...r.
_.dares gt. corner of &mut
reriptinn of Legal. Commartial, StraMboat.Catal t o Road brinnua. raroutad at abort train , ' In the
Lest manner, Ay e. 11/ZVXS,
Yrtnting (Mier. to Third., between Mattrt
(.1 - ' l' ATIONERY --W. S. Il•vx,,
~road and St neat .t... loss for ate
Mete arl•PCUrlYrbt of !may kt.llortery .1%)
mued in thin market. Merehante 'upp
atirto In tble Apo a the more favorable ter
at the:Udder. harp.lul Third Cl..
11. 111.11/IEII it ton terrain a frerh lot
elemant lawn. by N NA a likmg.
hew Inck. among Mon. • oarudid maye.
at the rlelsat Jerorlption of ritrrior and tour
in the Moe.. rtyle, In roam lathe reign of
• nen lot of farhkemble and c.
ad an eatenelve alrellun of lima Isurtrut
Init., Melodeons. and emery vark.l7 of MO
C.,MOS. Skotehm of Phystml de
SET moro'm Eltech., of .11hummto, the No
thu Wes; 1 vol. 12 mo.
For Ale by
the American lief olutkm. By Pant. o.
littory alba Itefirmatioe of the Wile. O lf_nturit
11. hicrloOSAultiahe, 'ft
ideut .If the =t;
V's•Zh'i of '
Valuta and el! hiZ. IL A. Trion, Col
mataety.ttsEn,varT. Naiveties, sat Bio . anpla . • 1/-
lu•taaed ky ova easegvior. niLeraqm„ ,
"" " ° wla I llonittillef and Stalloar,
Jai) Corocr of Market ot,tli_Tittri
titUTLINE MAPS—Peltun's splendid Out
lino Maps an ors being Introduced the lending
sto Na. arsLeer. Tara. Wie ha. obtain
ed Oh. agency for than in Pittsburgh. and tacit. Owlets
ages school committers. to call ands:undue the=
Nn. I—Map of the Western 1140010er% D 2 .% 82 '
2 silo .
3 do North M. 0.. • 70 n 24
to United Matta
do 'antotu. 0 .1 22
3°Laic!, rola
R4<n7 the scrM, .nit w.1:15; at toe Ta tow
Vh"*M" ' F r th I, h glarditlbtellrfa an tr .
MeV= to' the' Irlant. Or situ ithrtlftry i 00,6=4'
and. riaMea, Or Was
Poe at rallsbeit Wom.yrithont s.llldits
sinstMethe .aoluenusix.mooc
Gana d *Wm sc oot.
1- -
PAINTS, in Oil, neatly= up ;STALL/ABLE 1111:1 DJ DI SPEPT/CS.
I o Ito footo' of I. combo,. Mt raluatde • ritin_ to 11 0 `Vhrnoitaty of lrb
Mari. Orem,
e , .celithenr obeervm that o ot th e trite quanta,'
lof Goetz. Juin., a prmouneut and a ll ore. main. nausea
Terra de Sian.,
Luther Raw. be - tui r uruL aeu B.A FAIL% E•Orffeh CO, ' m .
nudity, tqCr,tlLizlit 14.0.1 Val '<WIMP to
=eh= eammo nind Oi .1 sta. eotr y e duke, obtained front I , rinch of limn an.
AND CRUCIBLES = --100 nests for sale by I iss A i rtusa t p , r7.l . f . , 2Asl=-,:; ,. :4 .. ,,, „ .....
mad': KIDD A CO " r •i ar.lfricatett.t.
teeth.. or two.
.r the fon s
r eF.I. RS -
A Leo - 1101-12 bbls L for sae by ,
bh e the, Ph nologicareLedild, by J. S. 11Ouith-
R • D gtel [ds. es
4 S-
Fr UItNEI) PILL BOXES—Assorted sizes, roetreLldr,l'.ft,f,O2z7,if.loot..44l
1,, for sale by 11. A. FAWN ESSOCK a CO.tunny after natures own ...two. to , astatoN own
tueba —___— wen. the civil... Juice
The Gnertir Juke tbr areatsnivent ,dthe food, the pu
..4...40r are. ...math and
nbetiee+ WRI.OI it then• ran le no die...two—no eon
-10.303.1 of food into nutrition of the teelirc but
i o n id, rso., in and
d e ad , of
due ani mato, A reek, lrelf dead, ur ire
duvet produce c no good Jude, Ana by
• by hie ... b 4.... rnr 4 ,... ,. ..
.Olin. Cci a l 1;101 from 1n.1%7;
na.oruliaetric Juice, In 1-4 - oi oska/ Mum% am
obi. I.42apirte pio.leet sole:Agile for -
Tbe art of terforaning thelonve e. fdi,,tionartfErialle
I 0 been known lo Phyee,logi. Houldon
god. the mono of math, the pi cat.. of thin .00 to
tho noon DlfOolliam , lorinerfeet and u'recabk for.
Peidl the ecacnithe evidence' Paton I. eles, In tdricebr
Oreted work on Animal Chemistry. anyr " tin Artificial
nia-[rie Juine, mar
flfpa. — it ' d ° ftlo Wd lid , tintotrmria 'n ho
in with various arteles of fool, as rot and eggs, will
a • softened. chanced. and digested. Jost .0 01 e woo man
ner an they mania be In the hum. Moine."
Dr. Houghton, of Philadelphia, pr‘ pares an artificial db.
--retire dual called PEPSIN, f ro m il , di -entire irtactowth af
:he Ox.„ which eke Is m admirable ce . 2 . , Y for indirentle.
• tiring after nature's own method. to rat.... own meat.
the du:cativo prineinle. Call and ore the catnordmary sa
e elate evidence of 110 value
IiEISER A IleDolll.LL.i.ents.
140 1, oenl th.,
muddied at proprietor'," prices. .
Also, for Fate Seller, Mord AL marl
OLL BUTT — E — R—A7fewbbls. on hand and
for:s.o br ENGLISH it BENNETT.
Gb_Eh: Srcsivit and Ira First t.
RIED PEACHES -550 bu. for eale by
••chs 2.55 lAhartr et
DRESSED SPIKES-160 kege (improved
for lode by 00 , h19 !MTS. MATTHEWS & CO.
DIG MET coon for sale by
Et Laub Refiner, In store and for sale by
mehy MILLER k
TALLOW -`0 bblg. prime, for sole by
„rx for male Dr
Q WEET OIL-2 cooks superior, for sale by
I mth IL E. SELLERS, to 7 Watil et.
etoas k.
per /Longings ' for [IAEA lingoes, s ' i t arCharninmi at poke.
Sin fil "' r!rilignlZT l O'4l et.
me I
WANTED-45;000 Allegheny Co. Coupan
Y nrsio to Oil an ord•.r, for I,llkb Blake*/ mar
let price will he paLL APPI r, before Om l ot
t ;reclaim% at ,
the Banking dons? of 11 71. A. mi. k
tochtil •
mints termer% ma yea Deatera
A/TRAPPING PAPER -500 reams Med.
v Rao Wesnelng Paper. Alm • free& supply of
Double Medium Printing Pouts . . Just reed by
utrig W. S. RAVI...Y. me. Second sod Market.
DRIED PEACIIES-500 bu. for sale by
MIEESE-50 boxes
11,./ rnhlt,
11 -1 608 AND APPLES--
w) hLIF Frenh Eggs.
100 five Omen Apple& fsr sale bi
metes T.' WOODS it SON.
()IN-100 bldg. to arrive to-day", for
JUL 1 , , =hal S. A W 11A.EINAVOLI
TAR -50 bbla. (Wilmington) to arrive to
y day. for male br e 117.4 S. tW. lIAILISAITGIL
liANNEES' OIL-10 bble. No. 1, for a: le
S. a W. 111,1MACGIL
IU 25 b s.rean. or sale
aby my 1124 11011120 N. M g ITE CI)
ti t REES APPLES-18 bble. Russets;
J _.
ust toed call fa: by - -
loch= LOLIkON, unix i co,
IT IN EGAR-20 bbls. (Cider) for stileby
=deb; If. DALZELUt CO.
I.)RINTING PAPER- —7O Reams fur gale
-1- md.t:
to ' I T .a.l#VOr.t?.li;t. It CO ,ft ;c0,4 0.
T ANNERS' 01L-15 bbl.s. No. 1; -
, - - tt Gm mi.. by
r0r1.15 J. 2ClluoNti AKER • CO.
1 INSEED . CILL-30 bbls. for sale by
L 4 torti2:, J. kCIIo(INMIKER i CO.
1111 ICE-15 tierces Carolina, for sale by
iIL, bud,. . Ik.NIEt A. Ilk rCIIISON ON.
r,, GROSS RusMan, Clarke 4: Co.' s genuine 1
•I c,i Llv,u,t, for .ule by J. KIDD t CO.. ,
mehlt • Co Hued el.
i IL; NI ol'llisl—l tloe fnr sale by •
7 -$
%trill., J. KIDD At OJ - - 05 Wooo4.
''''''''l'"'"' or thitllmoN.di bickYiaale lam .1..V. b'
-. . . .
H A RPER'S MMIAZINE, for -March, re
ceived sal far tale 4 J, B. 1101.31.1tt,
L,lrrtry DriwA, Third troy.;
meth oft, , tlte IN, Pert OM-, •
corner 'of
• .ree
a hMu et.. bertt
tp with evi.ry
It nand
•at Cll au , L . I
; P ut,...Nrorno.
a mx.r.liir.
.w Work,
rAluta of the
R 1101 R
ApL.1143 D
1 I
bbls. Russets and Pippins,
for tale by .
stl' AND SHOT--
aier. Lead!
4wo Rw. Oar
6 rl ' SlT:7l:lo%ltgllg
S UNDRIES —I , i ri lr e. lu r. ll2 ,. S d le IR r; I
t - C
ar Tut".
i kAls Larg• Hatb.Cerkc.
I .we. Livorn
~ re fun: .1.. , r. ,,, red
N. WICK LitsllN3l,
1:::,,V2 ' " mrner Wood :,.aSaLL .14.
. ... .
pEAItLb- 14 earls (first sorts) for sale by
esro Ince. a IkceviDLEr.3.
ilk, 1 V DER-4000 kepi Hazard's Blasting:
1 du Md. foredo
na , to9 J. S. DILWORTH 1 N.
--- -
4 -
New Music. --
CE.IIT. tnitturatnl $lO
- Vat =t t lattn t init i nl , ml:7li t a w tli . nt
Ahn. a great varlet nf new tsompatitionn tty lb rune
And inn the lale tonal. Munk. Issued by.the cantata
aubbnhern, rreattrnd sad for nal* lb>
tr. 14,..Lb0a.
Agrat tot Chitkerlar's Pfau.,
.. .
------r f4l ' • '
• IL S.I.I.—NY Imre are the L friende of
.1..;‘ mv l' be G. Ratter. •
7 ; t r e • klamilklug sweat b., tell Yens
Ilii th istle. o'er the Ray. Rory.
)ty New England Rome, • Der .., it orliratia to lb*
With of Now Ragland. , '
She I Isee fa far S.W.
Oh. moot me sat). Silver Shore. , •. , -• '
lbod bitobb - -
' Mll.sme.. the Marto I..),ifosibory; . "
y, b S. C. Toth.r.
l'as left ye allow Villaco, by G. tarter.
The Epirlt T..TO. •
lat l h I”ie t r b r: !r% k lai 'l —H r f(tri i ' "4 .
1 t.
lath Adieus, by Ilan, •
Aa ealinialve collectlon of new Maas Waltzes. Tubs
use, tn
Lb. a ne• , mint r of " Yew Carmlna=thaa
Laval. and an euelkut new wet, thllad the " thial.l l th"
• ettleetionot corals" not social swim and
artonwril sr ti. S. Webb and W. Matoni—toosielered am of
the beet worts aver.biabliabeel. ll_ KLEBER,
febl4 Uol4al itisr. Rath) Thin) at
—___ _
ilay:emiuLLTrkti=Vatht=7&lL;t T.
ur ler r y zo V i nbr rec 2, sad Wale at
fe 13
500 bu:lf i ls Dried A^^ , —
/Calga g r a u le k b (L.
A GIRL wanted to do house work. Alp
/3.. at mi.
LARD --I kegs for sal:ha
h.= o sox. LITTLE a
TOBACCO-49 boxes 5 Lump, fur sale by
bb7 11.3011.1. 8 t RON.
- • .
I "afg`iii ViitialFTED°.`
roROW N FLANNELS, a Domestie Article:
Awe White, Bawd. Urea, And Manlius Blue, to
(T 3 th*
1I Ry HERRING-300 boxes (fresh) fur
jr rneW WICK A IfcCANDLt.S.S.
PALM 01L-10W lbs. in store, for srilo by
CLAREV WINE-14 bhds. Bordeaux;
-15 hhds. Situ, Estyroe RYn
EVOLVE RS—Just reeriCed, an addition
al ntsiely •renvioe Cwlfe Revolni . I
00 vera. /1 11
The Old ;Printing Establishment,
IdATI: Johnston an Stockton's, and Blank
Boon and onstionory Wawhoone.
. P. HAVEN le prepared toexteuto every tit le or Essitaj.
Commercial, Canal. aftl Ptrato Boast Job Printi. and Boot
Wading: and (umbel: every article In the Blank Loa,
Paper and htattottery line, at the .I...cle+onotice, atal .on
the moot reasonahhl terets-
Illusit Root and Robot:wry WILnAlOilO, Sorner Of Market
tual &nowt street.
PrltOng Whoa and Boob Bindery. No. nOITIArd at. Yk
35 li.irPtre-tEoßtatto Brandy, "Pale and-Dark "
15 oat, K yr. rats do do 'Tae;' earl°. slut
10 do do, toad most ealeto - •t•I brand.a
6 rims Holland Oin..Ni3ohlins Attalla . ' awl ••Ptst'
poneteans Irish and Bead. :dun Whiskey.
do Jamaica Rum.
10 Mils. N. 11 da do.
An or. oasis Pettit
. 0a 'do Madeira Wine,
- 20 do Paver Malaita Wine. '
"7. do nu du. Su
10 do •herry Witte
tin bones tatAteaux
In store and foe sale I, JOIN PARKER • CIA.
Ant . Elbert, elven.
Attention of merchant, okna oilier. I.> lAA larA•e mud
Assorted of Itkeivrf, tiioref. MALI. Shirt, Asa
DrworrA. 11,. bore Astitler In tat, Wool, Ilerino, And
eat.. of all n sal prir.A.ctmonantl, on haul nod fur
Azle liAr h 5 = - LI. EATON.
l'01.1) PE SS. We hare now on hand u.
13( large rto , l - . of 111. 1,,t 044 Venn frnen the hndinir
ruanufartnr.. irw York, OW to onl.r. •
Al., eirgnot nog 4-...:llokirro. 1111220
Gars in 02.00 /IA 0. lorrunine Pon IfoLlPre. 1%.32 . 1,1‘.
All for 2.2)112010112201112At Pert York. PH , ..
AANKIM, COLl;E:C'rlict; EX.
CLIANtlat . 110L)Ire a NOM!, S. 67
rt street, P 0 labunth. km-nature on oil the Kaatern
arid I:Meru rith si fry 111. CaYleetions made to all the
prbuipal niSR. In the Mama :Sara no all wivont !Santa
dlacountwl. Not And Time bib. nr,ollated. J. 14
)I.NDIA It t; PacElt PASTE. 4 gross of that
rupart. article hoot , and alto, rruytering them p e r.
ly water prt.r, atarpllable aft. la puree s ‘ t•
ankle 11.1 warrant./ la ammo. thr ponce,. reprmworwl , ot
the ww, Nod I tar ' , Ma wlauhltale and . rwtatt, at 7
and It
atty., I 101' J. • 11. PHILLIP:Y.
T EA WA.Rl:—Engli. , lk Anwyieori Britan•
Ala Sea Atal ;Plated div; plated 'Rubel, Catuilcvlicla.
g r an, bcrt quality latur }lab.
atwo !lanai: Tab Aire, /orb,
tvr Knivm Manua and Airman Silvvr tork3 &oil rip:viva:
TAM. Baia: Iva Ti ars ut tub. tirtningbato manufacture.
ornaroantvl I Plalat Thus,/ bestir swarm..
A very suprrur 901 bier for cleaning arid abing blat.l
ware. Brutal. A t cleaning. Chamois glue. Ivalbrr
rairaoli garwrgra A—&era.cakbrAtel Magi. Mehra.
about Cul she cr All A! q•
. which will waltz mg.. rag bcvg
steak. Gyn.... or aQf thing else in, kw minute..
For rala b - W. W. WIL.ON,
• • 1 ' Cork Market awl north da
ha and LLam,. pn Im...bed B.d Dblkka4
f a• 3: r, ,' - n
bc ol h i ' k i: l gn i'="" 1 "" 11.1 , ""° •
IDO . do cgo , . dec • do ' d. .
Le do Moo I do - do do •
3 Mack Monte Cloth, do •
I do sew in' Gm,' 1 , 1144. Do
3 do noel dot Mack handl BroadcW. •
3 do. all. poi Taveds,.ancidol Colon:
' 3 - do Jean .1, Wain! colon. _ . ...
• 3 40 Coast knercs; black Wad Dkccl °cm"-
1 do batla kid. black. and erg Wadi .. - .
.• 3
_do. Wbll a Willa! iunna. 1...1 41d.
4 do Coed 1 boreal ' • do , Z MS '.. ~ • . '
rho store bean W a rig are all an Megiankat h am
Tubas lasaltheta , owc ar lt= w wid. 11 ... to Sao Cu '
Wang tam to ab 4
• 17/NEOAR L ' - '6,50 Ibi.: :,.. ' L 034-sakei by
T . odd - ' , ' ' 4 . •, r - ' , • . 1=4,11; 1 111, ~
“Thero sus more thiums In liSasen emeturil,
'Than are disaitipt of In pyillosaphy.” •
T HE VIRTUES pf this remarkable reme
els and directions, ter the ussu hound him rn Gave
ebt of Put
et. •.
The Pi:TROD:UM proeunal front a welKin this eoun!
I at • depth of Mr hundred EVI,II • pore umululterel
without toy chentleal change. Li. rtet it
rows (me Natnnfe Great Labratery: I That It motets
yroperties rnch,og a number of.diaeass, no kaiser
Matter of ncertinte. Ten, art many Chines in (Fear.
no ..
of stature,
w h ic h. f
know. might be el vast panful
nem In alleviating suffeing. and nntesing the bloom of
health nod vigor to teeny • +ern,. Leg s bakes tn.,
titter thought of putting it up In bottle, I bad nTete
non fur the cure of disease. The eminent
dAi!V Mem
sing calls belt. and several ronerkalde moss It . tras per
twitted. Is ram Indication of Its futun, populecßy and
wide weed application in the cure of Eraa.
We She . nd , to make a long. parade of serlikottes,
are arc that the medirine nut 14,14:1 work its wa
tam the favor of thaw who suffer, and what to hi
Whilst, we do not claim for it • universal applicaLlott ha
.fUrod=l we
n'h lri t n 'kr ecilil4. th lt t iZg Zhese '' mny b"
tunerstad—oll dieeaate of the memo' Wows, men o
tace,) ASTHMA, and all dbawees of tbn idryautensate LIS
I Itladder and ion,
Thhis In the &ark or S Nervous
lilaganat,Neurrsdgim Pato - . Rheumatic !Inns, Gout. Knelt.
au, Titter, Ringwormejlturne, Pratt; Prams, Old KM.
nc. kr.- In mesa of debiity, remitting' Rego, epoutre. or
lent{ preirwle , l goes of dewaste, e suede:Joe wilt
ITlng relief. It will act o general TONIC au! AL
l o In such mecca IraGnrUng tone tool cresZT 10 the
whole fr.a.e,
obstructions, op."nieg ossginh
et.e-dons, which mom dieesee and a br.lon ,r i m etitution
Incm.sni and renewed estmts m alt the IngeSe
ef Iffel 7 tie proprietor lms, of teseral CTIMS of RI/eggi
Ihet re:level evert. ether treatment. get well under the toe
of the PETROLEUM for • .tart time. The proof can be
"Itirrntearent=l-701171tVf,*.ure c: :ho yroinietor.—
,el.l by tRe piopristor,
Y. ICIER, Canal Rano, near Seventh street.
....It I by II SELLLIIS. Wood it,
i Iit'INKIS kV - Lai - ELL,
\ c‘ritcr Meet and I Ogle Alley, who gra
oorlMly hit regularly appointed Agents.
If NOW all ml4l who tin» liek anti afflicted
JAL with dueue of tb...l:llmbler end Ktlneys. with sham
maim yams la bark or !Male. etlff ;fent, e ld ear., namely.,
r.leere, sr, that that ran be onel by MMtbe the PETRO.
..h1331. You may tall: about Ito Mita a nostrumesamuch
• )0. Ore.,. thie. SEA, 11,4 ',Ake it , tore . ..W= o lM.
i. it. U it le a . <lrttiss
cra as c4.71!,1, •LW nth., renmely. The man
*Lote . : •
I,ador• It I. s,r. httl.• In t0.b.0 a tried This Tetra
hunt 1.. wisdom—no compound. pot or frt . the Port..
. f unpn-in.oororr.uody; but It is a retorlelabora-
C,l by lb. master hand of rotate, sod bubbler no y front tha
tan. of oor mother earth, in Its rrtainsl Tnetty and or
Yrs to suffer - nr hums., a rradS troddy. o ....1
''l" -
~ 1 , . . Y ard Pd.& sflrr saber snedlrtnes haee failed to
render any relief. It toss curvd It.belkifkiktigla, of lona
; ytandlng, and of toe mord and swot tadoful rturacter. It
1 Feeet , eni Cholars Morta., by on, or two doses. 'lt but
cured bid C 10 4 .3 of ',r e 5..... to obrhere!): °I/KT oetnedl
boo been nt no nrsll. As a loos' .rnedy to burro and
rlaalds, tt Ls better Mai:any noshes' cot:nomads er ointment
that. n'e ksson of. It spot'' corr. clatlldr.lns cod frosted feet,
a a fire apyllratian.s. nod:mid...l trathonoY .. be furnish
ed of the troth rontssrol In tha alnee atntetnent by radl
-1 lug . rASlblil. SI. tsti.P., Canal 'Ludo, reverdb street; or
Hiker of the nerd..
'Keyser a McDowell. cornar of wow an.. and Virgin
I slier: R. E. I,llers. di WouLlrrects D. A. billoarsd D. SI.
t nrry, Allenbeor rlt T . nr" th e 'went& t.
—he. Jerk. Mt, the dit.tate r tar and solo proprietor
there .000 i,orular arid lietiiiffelsl medicine, and awl
ihe Mr/inter of the re/elf:Owl lnstrnment for In Malin the
ln elliMitis a mow of Chronic disewef. was a Mu
nalt cf that eminent Mit' Doctor arid IC •
Crltallate of Uniriirrity of Penney basis. mil lbWthirty
'meg has leen eugared la the invemigitkiis of die.
eve. mot the npoliestlen remodies thereto.
Thnsigh the nee of his :nesting tube. In emanietlon with
hie Prophit ladle eynip• and other of his remedies, he has
iialnel an uniarallelea in eating :Mile d sittol
and fatal insistlime Tubercular Cosoormptlos, - 11 et sere
eminfith. Rheum atime, .inthma. Fewer arid Apse. Fevers o
oil Chninie rinds. arid all thwe olisthmie
twee lie
Co fariskis. indeed. ererf farm of di...
under :he tow of his remedies, to which human.
.tT. is heir—tint Iv the nor of one elanitalnd only . . foe that
Is Dwompatible with rbysiolosleal Law: tent by the, use or
hi, remedies, adapted to. soil prescribed for, swell readies
form of dives..
. Dr. Weds Tonic Al:mat:re Phis whoa wed. am hararlai
bit seknownolsed to be lop:riot 10 ell others, as isPoraw
tire , of Dyer pill. hisitroteb ss they lest. th e per
bwily fray Ircso ecatireneve sa aleo his CiokDallille are ad
mitted. by the Brunt. traacks won:. Prove.... dap .
twills female diiesem: hot being stisbedshat a her. trial'
hi...Mae:en: to establish what Ism b o
nee mld, thamindsof
the meet sbertltsl.
Th. ellheted Inv incited to call Span the agent, and pro.
etwe (guilt:)ent of the Doeterie pamphlet. girl/ma detail
ed arenas( of mit remedy, and ID ap.licatien,-
For nit by the following agent. ..II ashy Mail ilYng•
plats throughout tiro country,
J. Schoonmaker t Co., =Word st. Pittaburs i ti.'
J. 31. Townsman Driest:let, sa liarket do •
Lee Beckham, Drugsw. near ntie,PtistOftke;Alkabs
Joesph lifttatey...43lVaa Beater Nasty. • •
Julio )shaft.L u mp Y ey.
KtOR. THE AFFLICTED will Le found in
Dr. Donne. Kelllnger's DIFALLIDLE LE . ..IIMT,
s e egg Fluid, which has stood the test of thirty ymrs ea.
penance, and las. heron a doubt. hen th e Mea th of nn
ins the lives of thousands of Individuals, In almost. awry
s and chanertar of disease. Ifs feel that we hazard no.
Wing in Jaya*/
~,.. 1
i st this Is the cmly medicine that hth been
anted to the . that does, In every 'set. of the word,
whet It Is sold
It hummed, and Is capable of =sing mom amen Oa.
any o th er medioine armed for sale, we can not hp whom
made or end. ally what. mate. . ,_.. . convincing proof Of their-thine, ore nay
thLt It 10 the only ankle Oath. appeared' In the Ihnn of
apnea Medicine Mathes ever teen petrotdsed and moth,
al the praise of the ellie generally, as the most agreeable
yemily Medicine ern barred for ale, or aged LT thy of
the., via:
The lion. Drees IL
. rll, tare M. C. The Boa Robt.
IL Snarls, /ate dither lion. John A. Drs late U. S. Sena
tor. DDSs= IL Po rt er, .1.%1" Editor of the Sohn 01 the
Tamer- gad a host of other dl.
<Disarm of Neer
Tea, who have fully tested its merits, have permitted the
Main. ha refer to them •
As it is .11 known that Patent Medicines are
weal notgitz
ally patronisnl by th e learned, thy and polite
.1......ubied1y might to feel onnedres highly priv
ileged. Thu Wonder working Ccaujethat has been nearly
sewn years before the public. Its tat Mende are now Its
111.1....... 1 b.f.. This mad uadonbtedly is strong and
conviming proof of Its generalusefulness and sanative
angtles. It Is • sovereign athely for all nereme /betas,
ig meth rtura, santulous swelhat...praina brumes, old
sort., and all the paths sal aches Cud Seth Is heir t..,
INer 1.0.00,000 bottles have teen 'old enhont nen Plelat,
sal have perfected Melt astonishing cures, alter all other
'medlar hthe felled, as wonld Paganbelief. had ea not
organ, and In our P 0 ,...... the rththnath Donna* erb
Tats medians. or natthe's remedy. ieprepared frquives,
cables. fur If i trual a, writ as ethar t u b alj t z. It oral t est
11 'l'ar''' the
Po: =l.Uppp
t h e - n '..,",, 4 -
41 = ,, ne alfections, ime. of the likitint end
Weakness In male or fame), from whatever aux i mar
have L by IL E. Seller., ]lean. Fidd A
Co., and Ogden 0 Stircsden: sad by the tee dl Dragging it is put up iu Dam, two, and the gaffing bot
les. • rthiahn
' To the Readers of the Pittsburgh. Gazette.
PPUBLIC ATTENTION is respectfully in
wiled to the : following truths, set Id - 1 Its relation to
nue of the moot important nonolks of modern thar4
PETROLEUM Oh PUCK IUI it 0 not more than one
year ago slam this-great remedy war brought before the
trlC; L ig r Z7L 'r gt7 ` :g il nT.,;=f o A T;g:
community. and we Whore that the son { :CS it ie trim the
more certain will It. great fame snroad, it in not the rave
edy of • tlnv, got tip tor tit.' }AI 1.17,1 C MMYting moiler.
but, our, which we cooed.. 1.11 continue to be coed whesi
all other timenurris lose been forootten. The Peu.leum 0
Natural Rerriody, clot:nand. m the dopers cf the earth
by a {twee ami a.m.,' that bomb. to ,iird all human
po ne , It t. odd duty, when a.. smite about a melt.
eine, that we write the triah—illat we Pay tudnime calms.
hated to ib.mote thee who may 1 5'04 our ward m. put e ..,.g.
dame In cc atatemoutn 144 rick are very apt tweatch at
so , thing that, promben :elm( from dhow. A glory .0 , 1
Tamil, be Itu hiebly wrought to eimmer the admit of gull.
ng cr humbugging eidne tf them. Nowe undo not ion .r
',,,, g o ski., we dr.' 11.161iG. only that thetrath ic r•dat to
r „pir ...rapscly phoidd In ...u, in order to Noun. for Is a repo.
~,,,,:, ~,,,,,....osag y . an - ciente article in the materta med
ic. Phin nisiartuthed fa' tie—fiieta that may ben , certamel
i g ems , city and unighbellienl, lour ample testitriany in fa,.
roe of the PetrolZum.
Within the 'piattwo rtionplio. two of Dm awn' odium.,
who were hdally thud, hate been reasond to eight Se,
.rat C., , , , of Ithodunes, iu the etzlo of Ohio, hare liven
eorml. A ml, atm. the ewe cl a gent:onion In Beater ...mut y.
' 'There me mien, .hut are raw Scar home, and met
be referred to by any ni.riona who have doeho nu ;be alib
i, g b e g, ere ellred alter they Ddb bean abandon"
d by ph, locums as licyelepo. The Petroleum will cure.
when uped nererdina to dinetien--Diarrima,Pyeentery,
pg., Ithe.masmia.. loot, Neuralgia, bristiOnsial the Skin,
Pimpled ou the Mee. Chronic ; , ..n. bp... tingworm, Term,
tnald Mad, pain,ln the Mite, a.' joint.. old N.', Ulcers;
It era, Ague. Chnosto Criodhn, Attheass, hmisrldtis, and all
Polmonam adtetiona of k ChrtlGit, UAW?, trudine to pro.
;lore er.,111111 . b.1.
burns and re..l4p. d0.ra..., of the Ithothr nod ILidneri.
Cbtpltot landa, Excoriated N itdd, Coo. sod Boole a.. Ift Whit Pi a rower,. ittllLtit, and him m - .'n tried'
in omit of the shove tllmn.on within the ~...I `ear 1111. Elie
I not wrf,, ...,resy. (N,Ctielmtni the: 5111 aon., are 10
the Manta 4 the an.drion.r. a boa ill take Ile:pure in ,tioir.
it. them to the afflict.. i.e their ftirwlt.
-o- Whatever others may Par about done noblielner, in.
I Petroleum is the grrs test R;nooly of the coo. Phyrielauir
I of hick 051MM:in in the pimfe.ino are beginning . me it
I in thelr.praelee. They who at hr.,. Dotal WI with doubt
and Ur.emtainty, are willing to scud It due praiimend
Consolers...l. Demme soother year ma, round, all will be
Mimmellol to anktiowlidge that die It todenm t• the area , .
- A medicine ever dommen-d. Poe eau)la bolemle and m.
ail, by /I t.T.ltili .t Ilciaih'LLL, ISO W 4.1 4.
g1.,—.11. E. Poker., :,: Wmal .beet; LI. M. Carry. b. A.
:Moth Joaeph Ismods, Alb then, City. A 1.., by the pro.
'Mediu. 0. IL KIRK, Canal hair, :or. oils Areet, Pdt....
dash, and R. A. vac,-...t a c.... %l Sul and Front Me
rh,p, so. s 'to tale, and hist hly .4/-odour.
ALLID,I.I Qv, Mmeisi.ll. IS4I.
Ur. B. rellorb—My children. Ilke others, have beet,
subsert tobrtiohisssime Loughs. mot haring used different
recordiss to very timis purpose, 1 um ludured by &dye, about tot. Cough S sup to give it trial. I
O r .
it tr. two l
stir tars, aspt lento tor danghtcr several
difteemit thumb and tt has uever faihst to tutu tio,
I have memistueutled it to my heibhirote. oral do most
ronselenriously believe that it Is the test tough mellichm
that has , rtit Loon &feted to the puhlte.
Anonaw AyourrloNo.
l'atent4 ebould thtlt chlblrill to Wei. Imo
o"ogh, vb o o they may be camel by et- bottle of this
• Preporoll ab.l told by Si. SELLERS,.
• =LW GT Wood it. amt DrUcciSt essay:.
A MT} r I T 0 are prepar
,. to furash arel met ontetettus kg be:tat:4am*
sensll building. by *team or hot wake, wt. have co
ed U. It Williams, from the enterrintend Its met
Woo. • OM libiAl nee ATKIN Wltt t WILLY.
LCOHOL-25 bbis. foe sale by
mc62l J. KIDD t CO.. to Wad 4.
sale br meta: - J. KIDD I CO.
sS wurrE--15 bble. extra ,fte, for
icYEL atelt= .I.X.IDDA CO.
TA9B—' cam , .fare) forisala by
LAM' LEAD-4200 mt. powdered, best
ewer. *rabbit
sow , 41,,A t iesKIVOcs aCO