~~ - `~-.41_ ESTABLISHED IN 1786. PIT'I'SBURGH GAZETTE. PUBLIBIIED DAILY AND WEEKLY, BY &O. (axon Wan WRITE IMEEM3 ow. ON THIRD mar, WIST 1:00/1 to TIM ,tot or= • TERM. • DAILY—Soren dollars per ann.= Iar•blo hat surly 31.3 Daunts if_pail In adranre. • WEI:MA—Two dollare per annant, In dream. Cr. 1114 DI be eoppllod oo the IJllo.lng 0013dIttrun— Three eopie3 per a no ...... 500 900 Ten roplol do ...... —....--.. ......... 13 00 l'eren) alplra do 2) 00 The racket 5 , r mob Club to be addressed to one beto be raid InveriaNy In ,donne. NoClub Paper= t o . 0 0 afro, the year expires, oedema the Money Is Dent for • renewal. RATES OP ADVEIMISING O. Square (10 lines of Nostrarsll or less) ' ooe Issettion.. . 4 0 SO Do. rarboldltkossir. 0 2S two wet., .. 3 00 Do. two Do. three trsonths-- .... 9 00 Do. four months 10 00 De: Ito .. le 00 Staldlog Cads. (5 lina lea , per eniatlM-1.5 00 One Dater for each additional line. One Mee,, changeable et pleasure (Per as num) ealusiee of the paper.. ........._:...78 00 Tas rah mitlitiostal spume. Inserted Toter : ma month, and Pm each Odditisomi ware inserted under the yearly rata. half mice. ddvatisements exceeding • alma. awl tat near Nteen Lees. to bsechermal as • square lead • half. Pebliebers nut amountable for legal ndrerthon.lts be- Tod the •mount chased for their Peblkalot , oteramming candidates lot ogle, to be &Mud 0e me otha raratiuments. AdserUsements not rattled on the copy fa • etwaSel numb, of insertions, will he =dinned Ull forbid...l Pa lma exacted amonlinelf. Th. Prlalma ammo.' advertise:ls strict to their owe immediate Maness; and oil ade fir Oa Made of other perentaaswell se ell edeertiammatenot ImmaUatele connected with their ant eledell C 1110.• of ideerthements. In length ob otlttra.b b land " t XV. t t i i i 2 e rt ITUti ' /I " ra ' r . tarr.l.Cl : render re ed, and prompt payment Met:red. • Ail Meeresements fur charitable Plaitatonse.gre coals posties..sard. tareship, : and other public meetings, and seas like, to be charged half pria, payable axial, in ad. same. Marriage notices to be charged 50 met. Death notice" Inserted without charge. lankh moms. tried byteneral Inettatinus or obituary notioet and when to accompanied to 10 paid for. • Becalm adarthers, and all others ereate.g coolaennka• tione or rmarlua alias designed W. eaU a t tention to faro,' Pare.. Commas, er any p u blic. entertainments. ohms charge. are mule Or alcatttanew—aU notices of prl.• sate amociations—crery notice designed to call attention te privates dapter* esioulatod or habeteled to . erm=lt ridualletererts can only to tusertsd with the hag that the same is to be pall fir. If inteeded to be to' in the local column. the same will be dat the pot, of not leas than 10 coats per Ilea Bishop or frir Naha , to be cheesed triple OM. Tacna License Petitions St ash. Heal Estate Agents . alai AtletkaleEte alarthements not to be Board under yearly ram, tat to be allowela dis count of thirty three cocoa cm Mei muL Mae the mount of bille warty a rota= et mat ?erns. One Equarr, three Me:atone ... to . Do. each additimal tamale= ..... St /11.11131n0= 1 13 U WM.. lurin to 1,. ;ski to earinec. BUSINESS CARDS Pl6i):4:k4:lot A. PARKINSON. Alderman, Fifth, WaTd. Nun Mott, hots.. Mil. eurbd sbaut. [MWS pm:aptly •ttended lex ATTOItHEYB Lt icor otaltrott. AI-MINDER TIMM, (Lots Uttiontoorn. I -(Late of libliona, Pub VLIPILA.NT & TAYLOR, Attorneys Yourtlx No. lCu Pittsburgh. Ps. klibi.holuoeu 4rulttitirlili orsots, IL-5. oasmnstatar - Orin* Stara* Nets York. arab QUINN & COLLIER, Attorney; at Law -4 OSn+on Yozrth Emlthlreld. W. F. W Attorney at Law I r . on Grant Meet. aril . Fowl/L. Ia Arthur' bur. lutiAbazub. I's. - EachB:l7n HARRISON SEWELL, Attorne7 at Law', 013 W Slat" CoustoOsiones Mr toting Dopolutkoks, AO tboorlo4goseento or Deed. a. Ognoo—Faulta Cm!. 5t.... tOstilignota. snrasuml. P. tG. L. B. FETTERMAN, Attotl t.prvtgir andhealMate Agent; No. 11.0 COJES J. KUHN, Attorney at Law, offlO, ii i t t aa tn 4.4, corner of Grime Arent Di WI amon{l olnelly AMES F. RIM, Attorney at Law—Of6o3 U on Mb et; tutu,. Smlthheld and Itroat. tlttaborgh. VRANCISIIFLANIMIN,Attoiney ads.% N0..170 Fourth strert, Parrbouth- Ana. a. a.raca: , • ac WATSUV, Attorneys. at Lal, Na 1.10 fourth Exit - % Pittsburgh. cou—Alextaider a Der; Jobs etude , . Eq.: WS" eon, Morrison t wet. PA Pimp: Jobs IlstMitt mania= Quo. 31. Jackson. Pittsburgh. DWARD P. JONES. Attorney tit LI : Milne on Fou rt h etreet. between Woad and !nil TIMER" E. BRADY, Attorney elitine.se TW street, Fittaburgb, Pa. . _ ' fl. g.letutatn.... -..r. is. 1ra1.,.... - ..3.0. 'coml. I. H. . WILLIAMS k CO., !Bankers r , lkil Esehanneßrekbrs. North East corner of W4l tir.aalellotr"ttPuLe'taigteral terms. ....a ....n.tiai. proceptir attended to. 119:17 I. D. KlNG,Banker and Exchange Brok i er . ,. e, roarth , atreet, Thaler In Bank Notes. Ina of arm, Gold and Bilirer. Stoat boagbt and told. -lbw highest market price yekt In MOIL= 1 1 / 4 . Aarni.K. MIS Dollars, and Bletttaut Las .s*esds nonsns :I 'tTu• 'YLAMER, JR., Banker and Beek r, .ssuse...No.66.ssisssasth.nsak Or On. & - : ak. WILKINS & CO, Exchange Brolil i i . saab Esti Coma of Third pd Starlostabeett. at most Mend ndes: X.HOIAISS & SON, Dealers in Foreigq sad Dectiotielnlli of Drehaam Cortifeataikof 124- 111, , ES Notes LW 4peda, No. OS xarksit Mort, Pitt& &Woos made on an the prbwilwa be United &atm _EORGE ARNOLD IF. CO., Bank:: lll.l)teas In E ta. New. N 74 l erth .0 e. nest &oft% etleh D ef AMMeee. oaken leiretollr a ttended fa, end the lemmas •to mar p.rt of the rem. KIW&ER & RAIM, Bankers md Bs i=n,esor:f%rr_== .==a h tcY W P'q'' .'7ll ' . ' UY 4P 1 -! _ _ LCABOTHERB & Ca., tr. Banking Hattie, • N. ID Wood reet, littsb Consul llonisi ro- ma eposit. st CollKtlous m.W• on all the • ellto of tho Urdted Star.. is; letra_l. Dm L.= • EAIRD &- UMW, Commissitai March to l ami Billnrokers fro m 11l Saved staest. Persottitr , ?slots esenritles llOO to 110.000 away. as, • VAIMII. raraux..—.—natarta Fa?. ..10PALMFR, HANNA. & CO., Succ.emOrs to h pal , The hint prematra'reld wOraign, asal *menu Gokl. Adm.. mole on eorolzommta of Protlare,ahimd ch yheal tarras. • Si W. TAYLOR, Commissioner and Bill "gd =A .111 b - i artg ea kaa-r . mmmtttarlea sto or procumt st short Notes, Bnds, Morid,ms, se. negotiated ouldror able taw. Adm.. mad. if rodurad. --- ifinititiliiiiitkiiii 800 , . c. STOCKTON, late Johnstoti& k -4' . i.itf lifrt:tj'/fri47;sCv.z.P.Tl7ie -4- ..- lAS. B. 1101t3LESreheap Literary Depot,, Thirl ar...C, cr:tta..r.t t. „ - 9 , --,4 4 zz tr , r of the = 1 ,41 4 47..` e cni-xixtio.ra, plated at thie paths - ' Iforest F ire. • _ _ .ip HOPKINS, Bookseller and Stalls or, _ 'ist.l. no. Ts roorlia rot. Apal, Dvllllor.. itAKERSAND COBYBOT lONBBi • nAVID BOWN,Ja., Wholesale and Ritall Cillolttg,t.c"Mr. V ,, ,,12,= •t zg1r 2 1 / It AU .ram mannwii> ateli..4 ii, r' - - _ CARPET' DEALER. A 7 r letiNTo - iFK,MrkTufacturer — aiid tit Cinall., Mean Part Trix; 79 A "eh's"' "." I°u°' a" M commisslon BYD FORWARD 6 ' 0. 11..1 . a... ( rt )1 1rr i) ot E a.P . ftl F :ro e t:. " ) . / e n r°f .G W Oil at t a V.l U " Irtarara Horn. atal tar the florrhaar .04 If t imii , • Wrote/. Prrri arr. Inn. Nail.ol., ar.4 tbe mar. ranl artirloa Of Pinar.. naratalli. Alar-/Agent for ran/ at Harper Ca, anti )...51li /.. .pan'oreleMst.. l ilst.,Vp•Vot, _rhayrylph4l "'UM ana Jenkins Cr./a saw/n faclarrreas. rP 6 a 31 . C2INULTY & CO—Transporters, lJ forwarding and Conardosian Herebania. P.P6t. Canal "Win. 405 Penn Inttraarnh. i fq W 1/15 t , rioTaT WOODS I.; PR O DUCE DE "F.RS rzl Una/anon. aloninntr; N. 61 WO/ /, JOHNSTON,O Forwarding and Marrhant, Ma 112 2.asall Manua. A; JONES, Forwarding and gom mnelon Merchant., I/ratan , I, Poi antl' Vitt. nza alanutseneul enlriv, Caaal floe. near Vra..,,th amt. Pltt•barna. LI At...AIrIVI'7JONES & Cos: —. §7 - cctssorelit. . wnod. June. k C. Cc. lo• dealt•el In PiWnurg? • btrit4 tn. DRY GOODS yyuvi SIIACK LE' beahrvin Cmlca an 0.0. a !ante.. rittSblirgil. Iwo] A exe. errreenenA... A. masow. it co, ;,,-„A t. Anders injancr NERPHY BURCHFIELD -Wiwi sad Retell tirr mooch ILa ta chaa.:xann liatstreata. Vinabargi , ' EY, 'FLEMING .Sr. CO., CO /3/11 W Damarna, 1 Alse. 11 Li l t Team" el Ma. IZO wag anat. *math dam taxa x 01)14; ) ,,ilzy D•••• HIIN'f, Dentist, Corner of Paarils • passim belma Mutat stn" TIIV . -. _. DAILY.. . riTTSAVAGII....._ ~...GAZETTE. DRUGGISTS • D ik A. FAIINKSTOCK CO., Wholesale • Dm wl a zu. sad rostiorartere. of White Lrad, 0. corner Waal iudSruot Psi,. garig mcbi ECAILDWARE MERCHANTS. nrvx andj 00 wh A 0b... N . ..11 1, 11 ,,, 5 , 0N . - i - LCC..lm er,tr end akort , er . R . a . n 1 . 24 no, Of Dote o~ an co mp...dad roghl and owl eh... INtutorala -- - • . . - _ York ➢ U. itaTaili"las 7- nixd• - -•— WaehrogronlAprlll9 New York U k foorb. MISCELLANEOUS. Africa ...... April :9 N e w Norir 4 Britaio LlroOKu l i LaWette.... Mail 33 . New fork U. Sago Uwe t Pam Ohio April New lurk U pLale N ➢niche - - troorim.ro Lioe . O . Drltaltr . .1.1r , r90. P!1'!I c4"'" ..: . ---------- ta. n. n. Itarlill.)--- k . C. 11 . 001CC1.1.. EYSER & hieDOWELL. I bueeessors to hto Kerr d Key.cr.) Whnlegsle ana Retail bro. and riptiou Sty., corner of Wood stwt and Virgin Mk, yalciang brenrnonens wilfully compounded night and T. ___ 1. atoo KIDD &CO., Wholesale Druiests: Deal- • era in PainG, Oil!. Dye OWL, and - Inatrummax ; mr, of Dr.lPLane's celebrated Worm Speclfln, lir. mut Lustig ErNya lin. 00, mean . nf Wad and !fourth events, Pittsburgh. Orderi .01 be ornfollT Wk . jot. and forwarded with dismatrh. S. SELLERS, Wholesale Mulct in A A man. rebna Dye antra Oita Verniebea no. lir WeKel etreet, Piteborgh, Pa Goal* warnOeint. !elms loy.L SY. WICKERSIi.\d~I, \VholeNale llru,^,gist .aa I l Ulrr is oJr •nd ASNmltvr + l ImDlrmrac y,t6~.a6196 \Yaol ehes; mroer of Nli[b. FILCMILICIL =rem RAUN & of U, and Retuil I Dmagbip, corner of r:ilif Liberty sad M. Mar .w Pfter ..gb. SCHOONMAKEItrug ut& No. 24 Wood IWtstoorob. GROCERS . WILSON. ant, Grocers arid • comma Merchant, Agents for Ale of Du Pout • Douller. No. HS Second. and NT Pauli st,,, llr L. SATE, Wholesale Grocer, Commission .its • Yerebant, arid dealer hrras•r and Ilada, corner el wean and Irwin ideneta. Inetelannki. - lIVEY I `AiIiLIEL. P. SU , Vholcsale tiro -1.3 acr vrod.,,,ad coc=dzicirs.hat.l..nd Pttub'tnr,:t pt.burgh. Becond stmt. .10117$ a 1M,110.111- • ••• .... orancnati. 1101. IN S. DlUVOlifli CO., IV hOldSalo GrocerA,Mge‘war4loF.rlr=d74!anbanna, and Ana nlite. Dann., Pittaburah. . ..... WI tiBRIME & INGRAHAIr Cfhole ' s ' a . le I Onvers xoe Ccaamlsalan MaTebancc No. 114 Fete and 140 bleat,tn'at. THEY, MATTHEWS & CO., Wllol4sau Wares Cart/Aslon end Forwarding bUrchano , , ,, nd to for Brighton Ibiton Ism, 61 Water en_,Pittstargh. 7701,1 FAT,. -. ........ -..10113 IFILSO74 - OHN W A T T Etti.,.W6lesale Grocers, Commis:den Me:thaw:A, ar.4 Unat,rx in Protium! and JOHN Alanafectures, No. .266 I.itxrty stmt. Tittr, b. Po. 1 jB. CANFIELD, late of Warie — o, 15iii, ...!,,,.,:ia=rW-?." Frar'Elt+ur,tt, _°°l'‘T:t.':.t ream Asia. and Western galuca ireakerally. ' Wawa taa., betrand Salittald and Woad, Idttaburgh. I. a. 1,1,...... -..a. N. wartaalax....-u. a...aaludgaa_ _ L.R. WATERMAN & SONS, Wholesale llnadrra,Cadastlasion and FarratV March..., W ln kakis of Prof.:Allard •Idtiabil 3111..tfaau . at Articles, ar-d• data. far; the sal. of Will:mad and Lyncbbarala lilanuured 'Wax., No, SO aad NI Wal.r amt. l'lttaburatt.. F. VON • BONN tiOßS'f Sc CO., Whol. wain Charrad, Forwarding odd Cornallavion Fiera; Dealers In kiOlaborg. Idaradtglogrra and Re • Product, No. :w, coma - of Front Meet wail Chown r Loot Fittstiorwli. JAS. DALZF.LL, Wholesale Grocer, Coln. bunch M.. ufr ' t ti;:4l3ol.l.:rrntltiLtrriTa MII Win AVAST NC •Ir. SAIAII DICKEY CO.h, IV linksale nenC.X.ramke 3f.rehav l / 1 . and rwakry in 11-.4u<4 , -- L Le Water. tad Ildl'aa tarrat, Wu rour_ls44.___ , .. RM. b. lotouso Jzotoo J. Itt..T.TI. • OLISII & 13ENYETT, . late - En4li.li, Galls4chor A Co;.11"bolooslo ti totem C.lttlildAl WWI hto Itoteboot , and Doolt, ito Proolooo and. Pi to tougb Stasolfortmot. No. Itt: iecorol rt. ...I IV Firot 1. I bettreco Wood and SoOtltOrtl. --- 1 . vs Maticit. C. 11101.11 VON. MLLER RICKETS IN, Wholo:late Growl, gal laticat, tif tirtralr. Witmi arid No. =I turner of Liberty Ind Irwin tirerst: Plitt WO. PA. Irv, Nall...Como ite, , etiottantl , • to b.& 4. SeGll.4 WALT. c. war.. 'GILLS .4. ROE, Whole Hale Gracerd and a rE c i ajamimion lurrtaaa Li ~ No. L. Liberty pt.:, OBERT SIOORE, Wholesale Grocer, IteelifylnclUt4lller. d ealer In I'm l'itteburith cifaadren, and 01 lunde of foreign ond Lionn ,44 Wlnen lad Liquor , No. Literrty plreet. 00 bend a ;W a ll% btoe.k4dorotru{i.V.t.g.lJ Monongahela 110 °BERN DALZELL & CO., IV holtviale Pittsburgh. . _ . ROBERT A. CUNNINGHAM, Wlroiesule Orrice, Protnee romardlon, and (X.mtnisiion Mer. • t. 11.1 La.aler in intuburgh )leout.ture, =9 Liberty runt, 111:sburgh. . . VII . . . .Jong 4 cu.:a:Al. . ..... muvil.nr; ISAGALEY & CO., Wholesale,Grn eery, SO. VA and 'X Wad etheet. /Ma D. Wlel Latin leGiNntitS4- WICK & McCANDLESS, toteceasors to WV ' L. a. 3.1). KYY. Wholoislo Geom., Tor 'warding and Corandwdoo Ilnalanta ckailan in Iron, Nana Ail., Cotton Yarn, and Pittsburgh IhinplaCtUlS wawa . of Wood and War. Meet. Mubarak._ Paz. CULBERTSUN CI OUSE, \PhoLesalc • Grown and Cncunbarion !dertgantA c De . : ll: s .l t l„, um, and Pittabanh 31anulartared Arta Sta Wast, PirrAbranta rAa • D. WILLIA9SS & co., \Yholeanla ant Groans. Fornasnion sad Consnotation Boston In Comers Pruitt." , alai Mahar),lt Alsons.l.ntnaw. cosmos of Wag and fifth sta. littsaanit. ... gI : I 4 1 ‘ LE 1.. 0. -.Jo LDettT stre;t. Pit • h, Wheatsl. Grows, Pro. &llmm . . i'LGYD, Wholesale Grocers, Cora . lesion blerchasitr. and. Dealers Wi n :' - Road EforetTlialktima, frauting ou Ltbert7,W=l. and Sixth .geed. Pitt burgh. JOHN PARKER & Gr . O l d Mon Dales lot Prodow,tionizn Lona., Old Mon. I =trl t • t it' . tht'd k " Cowaocrotal How, MUSICAL INSTEMKffTf3 eOHN E. MELLOR, Dealer in Piano Fortes, made, and liltolod lostnionnts, Scheel Books. and . Eo .gene for .111eterlojes Plano Fortes. for Warn PennBylvaala—No. 81 Wool rt. BE Nit ItaBER, Dealer in Music, MLi sieslWrosoents,_osol,lBBBBcrter of Milan 81doso• vlllxV.Mr= Wl= rear lt= ba - 3SIIMA gNNEDY, C 3 LDS & CO., 3lnnufnetu ran; of very Pepe:dor 44 noetlnn. Carpet CUL. Twine and Batting. Penn sun, Pittsburgh. tr.. Ilial A. ..... . • - - ---- JO. F. . ricE i ' &• OffilA, S . G;Tfacturers of gpring 0.04.13,....13ted. Prilangh&leVemieliLlo: IL ,. i Tnx i dealers In 11=1.! P •a? , ii., "' 0, or Engine WV.. nrot Coeds Teinentlnirs general,. corner of Woe and krone. et, littebtuvls. Pa. rITTSBUROH. ALKALI WORKS.—Ben. net, er; s Berry A On, Itanufartumrs at Sala A29 a l. Bleartr eit Feedadistic and Belcher. Arida rebmm, No. ea Water it, below Ferri. PAPER EANOIRGS WALTER P. MARSHALL, SucceEaor Samuel C., Ilill—lincrter sad in Erma. and American roper IlangOuo wad L4.adezo, Mad.= ahadei, FYra Doot4 PAuto, Atm Mu—Wm/not, Frluttuot. god Wrapping Player, No. Ai Wood otroot. hearten Fourth old LOaaaond Pluotoorgb, Ya. TEA DEALERS. ROBERT MORRIS, Tea and *roe Met .1.11, chant, Eon Pi of [be Diamond n:burgh "; arctuan A. sreurw; V CO., Grocer. and 'lon Doo/ore, .N 0 v,a latwrty stroot,..olo.Y. W. 4 Intro alwaix latul o r, 000goto.ns id Om litnev/ vai Vine Ten, Aloo—Forrion solo and remit. Donlon ourn!Jol on tho logro,“ t.-aso• TRANSPORTATION AGENTS - 101 I N A. CAUGIIit Al.Nnt for th , LA , aLEgie—oinoz=zi,T.Tfr & CO., Trntotport&rs, Otnal sattragnling limbo., cf Pcaol Ffr.fi Pate • VESTITIAN BLINDS 1 A. BROWNwould Intmt rest - O , AI u Ile iufurat tut r..01.n Wind. : alto Vennia tre n Stutter+ , illVpad* to , . trier 10 the Dna .lain, m auraril equal to nn, Lt. ITIn•I , Etstes. ^IDA fain& ato retutn,l •Ithott o, t. , Itte liedrag:t.Ttrlidrlg= n w tii. erAi:Alllttnna. it'rretplund to furtn.sb their old custotnem .o we d on , an put, large,_vtlth 'very thing In then . One. Artnny.Nto.s Wood 'Anna, tutm.ri.b. J. A. DROWN. ._ . . PAPER HANGEEIG AND PLASTERING. • 4 OSEPII JOll NSTON, PArr.Ft Jim:cell & IN.i.rn4sa—lteld.lrnEr.corn4 GI Third r 11.. 1 sad Cut ammo, Allrithrty. N. 15.—Lhao. Send Mortar, Lab, .31, br iar. VEMIINARY SITSGEON DAM ITARDIE, Veterinary Surgeon. late Itmu Tilttlturghb &Withal; to, renaLuttf,t t ; V Inn at tir&m arel, b ntt% ' eful :etnnthaFto whatever tt entntrted Whim, ho bor. to give satlentetion. nonneetion with Jantee llardle. Were Meting and Illackatulthing it, general will be carried On, at the corner of Tunnel street and Pennallrania Avenue. _—- - WOOL ICEMUUMi nURPHY & LEE. Wool. Drataas and comaa.a,t, Idrirbante far Um ale of American 0.a., N 0.139 Liberty a^ rinclnifea & W. HAEISAOII, Wool Merchant:el, ' Dealers liflonr.aed Perrince mmerallr. TO, warding . and Cocomindon Merrlinoto. No. 115 first A.M. and 130 5..4 weer. Pitlonnin 6:(eW3110q1;674:7. • :vs; G. ------------ '' • MILLE 40IINSON, Engraver on Wood, Philo Ilall. (WA stooT4 VtUtiontb. Po.--Iflooro of .. - .7 Iloctit ikv nidiNo=7=44 PeoXiz.foro. kin ltionoOottreStooolMk at tho lint dile ..d dal" ...... of art. mad 0. Up! lowan polo.. ..c.--1.01 SEIIIICH3LOPS Lithow•apl toratablidan.t. Ind.+ otzoot; oPPodto the Poot o. PICOO=I. 133.1,1a•0=p0k Portrait; Stow billa. IsrAreldeetuell sad DS orldrof ~. =IL PA= =I, Wrong! re ,tlO.Eliar MA oiToro4 stew !1.111!s, tb!orr or, ',".. • WILSON, Watches, JewelrT, Silver ware, mud Mllltat 7 G oo dy, or t ut . ktina. Fourtb Pitlaburgb. l`a. N. B • carefully rVd JOLIN FITZSIMONS & CO., Mannfactu- Ivrn of FLINT and UIIEEN I.ILASS, bIOULDS.thd all ada of BACIIINEBY, take thLw method of inllmang thaw desirous of having nth work done, that they are prepared to do it at the lensed posinble rate*, at tho abort est collet, and In the beat manner at their establishment. reennd street, above, tho Canal and the lisa Works. Twee Bons foe Black (milt and Blast Ptintaces, mann- Cavil:mad at the shortest noden, and at the lowest title...— AU kinds of Jobbing done on short notko. tnehllam Gas Fitting. MAFFETT A, OLD, Fro ,, t 0-m et. between Wood and Weinrd leivite l trinVe to their assortment of Chandeliers, hhadarde, Brachia& l' a ter n ard na t= .. th..btooru,rsee m. n t tire and most reasonable tem. Wegner, IkLechner & Mueller's NEW. LITHOGRAPHIC ESTABLISHMENT. MILE ABOVE FIRM respectfully announce to their friends and the public trenerally. that the are prepared to execute, In the linit Mile of their art, sti orders tbr dig. , Cards. Sills, Diplomas, Cheek;. Visidtbi sod Professional Cards. Mars, Charts. Labels, 50. Their ea...Mini...mut is at ho. 60 klarket stmt. te , mm Third and Fourth streets. nr Marra mehe.ll_ Bolivar Fire Brick Manufacturing Cooley. GLOVER, BIER .1 CO., PROFILIETORS. rICHE SUBSCRIBERS, having been op pointed Amines for the otore named concern. will keep ennatantly unhand a supply of the celebrated Balser Fire Drick.CrocildeFireClay.Varnme Heart/nand 'WWI. They Orr also prepared to reeeire weeny tbr ed DMA. to be mrde In late and Mere to salt Warchasers. which shall teprenrilrfdlel. Wr do not deem It necessary to enumerate thirmanp Pa• ran:ices the Bolivar Fire Thick prerse over all others that hare iren offered for mile In the United Mate; their tame rierity being well known to almost all parsons oho. use lire Brick. The proprietors ere determined that the DMA retina Lore none of their present ensloble , repulatlon. t. ' ..tt l ito ' s .o th : t7 L he ell= ' 'PreCast!' them only emsolielonent um, mroutactuntm Fire Brick at &Hem. 011:11 5 JONKS. Mehl' boil Buie. Seventh et, Pittrborph. Pittsburgh Gas Pipe and Tube Works. THE undersigned hare just completed their armoire IRON TUBE WORKS, nou nomulamotin,r ell el••• 01 o.kr: :la mencrire mot other Flues. and all rime ef 'WROUGHT IRON TUBES, 711 tL.. c. 2., fat uak xi the loviat prima Ur; aro prepar..l to ~cutv crde, ...” s g i t . ! , f i t l wAout '''dPraysrZLW.l;,.. - NOBLE Flouring -- Mit. Libazi can a Usu. Pitrsburs6 TIbLIOLAS VIV Engineer. Dranchtetoso, and Prortteol Mining Agent.._ moth. or 3103e1e for the Potent Uttee v deetou of _leer I ery for Moooe, Water Work.: 311 le, I^r• mot hetwist /Ltd. ant P. EL at ha N0..1 ettom etreet. Pttesloarph. jollolly• 1 A. MADEIRA. Agent for Delaware tunl Nr.fiqy I a.m . .. oIMAM. 42 gr.t. . . AIIDINEP. COFFIN, Agent far Franklin IP/ tyn lontrate• Compaq'. I...Arth oast onto., of Vrcc.i awl TlPatt .testa. g. (.1 LENN, ItiNtice, Wood strett, V ., ...taut dn, from the corner of 11.4.1,here be 4 nr.=.'z".",ll.l l ,7"ga_l l ,7,""Quidr i ll7o"4 h 4r7:7r 7 l Pub2unt4.ll, hove• ta 3 outumer,!tor ' 1.7400t. 1 . rarvfolly,r myrtir...l Neactra puton to irot It.ttera Teem alto taro biodlo.; err litmtatl to call. Pners • • • aII'CORD S CO., Wholexale and Retail in Hat, Cap. and rm . , ue Wg...1 and Ykftb,trueta. %Chem they unur a full an.l rumplete 'tort of flat, t.ty.., Vat,. au., of ever, quail.' mod rtylo. by 11 bote..ale and Retail...A In. lthe stiontiou of theirsmata.uera and purettasera ally,e gown Fonutiug them t tt tbel laurou.. ilt.rarr New Coach Factory—Allegheny. .3. 1 . A, WHITE & CO. would re •wwwfull% lidurm the publ. that 0 01 hu.• • tou n ted .iw..pou between kwhwal and I.Wauliwty :It :t l e l.atm ctiv r Nu w . w. l'lmettirw. !tr.. ic., faun their I.,ng iwrhulw in th. matte...won. of the ahoy. work, arut th e f0rh ,, ..h.• the, have. they 61 rontArnt they are ..r.abled nr, to d t , .IrAf/Violititra.,l, 7 .l"oust4+ , tent. with Pang particular atteutlon to du. aulewlion ad .11. .ml and haring untie cut ~mutant wormen. awl' have no hesitation in warranting their wart. IV* therefore uk the attetillwn of the public to thia matter. N. 11. Betaking doni In the tkon anatiaterwand on the moot rramenabie term.. ,atattf gAO LE • MARBLE WORKS. (established I!Ur2l [sr EDIIUND wnsaNa. No. IM L.Pserj of Wood • arse; littsburth. MoststosaLL Vasa, Tombs. Hradstodes, An.: Mantel El.. (Wt. and Pirerops. always on bond. stid msde to order. N. A choke as of Drusrtscs oa band. 010 I_IIIAR.Ri & CO: nre prepdzed to IL do all ands of ELATU LOGYING. ALES. LAUGHLIN. *N e on, Ems st. Canal. kirPlata Roars prceoptlyAsepaged.W"rk.. mita' . . A CARD—latiL 1 nURPHY & BURCHFIELD, North EaeL claim,. of Fourth end Market streets, Pletabeu . g, •• . 1 g we, et th e commenownent of the New Tear, to re- r turn their tkIAIAILs to their customrs end the public genre. E ally, for the large shah of mama ...idea tot he. and .. Invite the coutinuauce of their fen.. 11.1. Al recently enlarged end lumps. weir me. they.. M•ato Seep hand a eery exteudve ameorterMit of C.0.-ma buy.. .11l tune the advantage of ninety of light to eland. mule a. ma. their ...tections. They