HOME MATTERS Rm. —A riot' oixerreff en Friday, id Write! tion of the Chaitiers Valley cold railroad. ;maw &Only above the Steuber.rilte road, in which N. P.,Jettes, Esq., the Chief Engineer who has bat recently arrived from New York, .wee verp ge' verely beaten, and driven off the Hoe. Twenty ohe warrants were issaed by llayor Oneida an fiatnrcbty, and the occcaed bars et hoeing to-day. It is retry mach. o be lamented thstpeacs and good order can not be maintained on this road, riots being of frequent occurrence. We will give a full account of the circumstances connected witliftlis occurrence otter the examination. hlia Srsasio.—.l. German named Adam idoett, who keeps an eating house in the Dia mond, was soshbed at day light on Saturday Morning, by a drunken man who was behaving in a disorderly manner in his tavern. The fel `,low, after haeing.broken a pane of eass, with& atfok, went and got a bowie knife, with which he'strtick at Moats; who threw up his hand to Ward off the blow. The blade cut the palm of his hand, and glanced to his face, cutting a frightful gash is the cheek,.below the oye. The ruffian sneeeede& in making his es "Pe' Just ill.b111:111illgt411, an agent of*. - .l3arstum, Wrote the following note to Mr. J. 11. Mellor or Wood otToot, on Beixtrdef Mooxcuum& noels. Mr. J. H. McLane—Pear Sire I arcendeasor lag to effect an I wangle:mat for the Masonic Hall. I hate their terms, and shall know the result hortißamom as soon is the cessation of the 7.41241 d allow the telegraphic wires to work. I irUl then inform you of the result. 'Tours. Rrpeettally, EL HANNLNIGTON Since the above wee written, a telegraphie despatch wee received from Mr. Barnum author ising Br. Bennington to engage the Mimic Heil for Friday night, when Jenny Lind will ap pear for the first time before a Pittsburg's au dience. irue Lind, will be assisted by Signori Belleti and Betel, and the orchestra will be conducted by Jules Benedict. Every seat in the house will be numbered, and the tickets dispeeed of at unction on the day of the concert. DISTRICT COURT. The District Court was in session for a short time on Saturday, but no business of general in terest was transacted. COMM" OP QUARTER BE8&0111. April 19. Prinent, Hon. WM. B. McClure, President Judge; and Wm. Boggs Associate Judge. The Court met at ten o'clock, but no jut,' iriala were taken up. A number of motions were made and argued, but no businessot intareat staa bane acted.. thLIMAIEB' Counr—The Orphan' Court and Court of Common Pleas, were in session for a shout time on 6►Wrday. Ibuce• Mixeno Is BIIMINGIZAX.—We paid a visit Itud week to tbs patent brick making es .tablishment of the Messrs. Isaac Gregg & Co., In Birminglitun, and were pleased to tied that these gentlemen are prepared to manufacture 9:wicks and tiles for roofing, of a quality eery much superior to the best hand made bricks' in the Market That universal agent steam, has been chained to a brick press, and the machine used by the Messrs. Gregg, running at its mini- t mum of fixed. is capable of earning cut shout thee thousand bricks per hour. These bricks I hams great advaistage aver 'hi common article i . —they denot require to be dried; but are taken to the kijn immediately from the press.. A beep of day, dug from the earth, without any admix- . tote of water, bat just in Its natural condition. is wheeled into the manufactory by one set of hands, and put by other workmen into what is , termed a pulverizer, where it is crushed and ground to fragments. Thisdast is then convey ed by steam to the pram, out of which it comes ' coneerted into unheard bricks, of a amoottunces, strength and solidity rutty superior to those made by hand. When burnt, these bricks are a eery fine article, most of them being as smooth as marble; and, by their beauty, enhancing the val ue of soy house bunt of them. , day one passing through South Pittsburgh rho may wish. to examine far himself, can do • so by-observing the fine epper-rance of. the front - of Mr..Exiox's church on the right hand side of the, mill . as you go to Biriaitiglaam, compared witlaotherlduldings in the vicinity, built of orom- I, Mon brick. ' They have another and more tinish; ad ' emeritus and add emelt to the beauty of - the Structure The badhlere who use these bricks pronounce them supemer to, all others offered in , tads 'market 'rof,..lliiirere:eall-filthe same The bricks that are now manufactered are vastly uterine to those of which the church above ,referred to, - aro built, Mr. Luc Gregg having made tome-very important . .im provements upon the original =thine, as patent ed by Culbertson & Scott. The bricks munzfac z tuned by their machine brut all a hollow on one • aide, which injured their appearance and utility - eery much. - - • -Mr. Gregg may withamblenee boast of a tri ermph in mechanic art in the manner in which he bus perfected this machine. We have understood that several of-them which have been stsrted at Staten Island, end other places near the Eastern Citice, have ceased working on account of the imperfect manlier in which the bricks were made. We advisesthe proprietors of these ma , 44”es to sans= the right Mum the ?stet:afar Mr. Gregg's improvements. Let them send on agents to ex amine the working of hil machine, and they . can not Lento be saddled that it does its work in an efficient and perfect manner. The tile works etem destined to affect an eo . tire revolution in the roofs of houses, and 14- .. ready we observe several dwellings and mann : factoriesinltireningham'cueredwitli them. Their obintsge consists in their durability, end in the . Protection which they afford against fire, as well u in their chestiness, since they cost considera bly lets than elates, besides tire falling on the latter causes them to crack, butprochaces nettle slightest intpression on a tile. Their extensive we in England proves their utility,' and we bison *. tiodonbtthrit but a short timewillehipsebeforewe ; will see many of our most extensive waredionees '.! andManuLtctozies covered with them. We refer 'our readers to our advertising col umim for further particulate, and advise all our ' ' ambit - acts and b • dere to call at the mutufictecri and examinee imens of the bricks 'and tiles frib A themselves, s IIONONG D EPILOVEIEBNT. I ra At a meeting o the of Managers of the Motunnultels Navigation Company, bald at . their offlos on the Tth day of -April,,lBsl, it was stated by the President. that meetings of . th e Outs of Fa y ette and Greene counties an 'hi to beheld at ntown, in the former county, aa - maths 2:41 tea tS and at . Carmlchaeltosti, in Greene comity, on the 23d inst. in relation to ` the extension cf the improvement to the' Vie. girds line. , ~ ; 27icrtfore, De it resolved by tha Board of Managere of said company: That the President of the Board be antherized and instructed to proe u d to those plecce at the times above eta tedi and then and there open books for the sub uription of stock for the extension of mid tea . provement to the Virgicia line. ' ' - Resolved. That the President be authorized at hie discretion to place said books in the hands of rimponsib.e citizens of said ccenties for the purpose of obtaining additional subscriptions; : in each manner so they may deem advisable. • Suriscan.—Joseph Robinson, who pleaded - , gritty on Friday, to a charge of larceny, com mitted . in stealing a cloth overcoat, the property of. W.. 11. Garrard, Ifill on Satarday eenteneed to „ one yeses imprisonment in the Western Pent- tentisry. The poor fellow appeared try much . ..tented; and the case altogether, iota a very bard - on, Ids necessities alone prompting him to steal thocest, for the purpose of covering his naked, nem! Judge McClure consoled him with the Impe.that if he behaved well in confinement, be would probably be pardoned before hie term of impiisonment expired, and the 'min upon his diluter be thus washed away. Assam AND BATTZIV.011•11T W. Shaw. last week of assault and battery, on Is "WI 61'1 Topper, was on Saturday sentenced to fit fineof six and a quarter cents, tad the eats of prosecution. He bad been sentenced on . • skater chime, to'pay a fine of f.fty dollars. Votks Btstsiss.—ile polies o ffi cers but teen shuoit idle &mini, the past weak, the state of public morality having of late so mach im proseti, as not to call , for their interference. Lancwar.- 7 1 young lad t named n 9. marahan, was committed to prison. by Mayor °atria oa Satarday, charted with stealing a late log chaias from Mr. Palmer, a brink me ter in Fitt Township. Ho acknowledged his FORM or N4routoss.—That , =odor bi=tion i3f the, (huhu of Ceeri (tha dint . in Eras* wW etbibit, at Rados 0 1 / 1 inning. All that bare vitas:rad thli promo:old It the mast itomistrral cam riteohmdootiosi ezttsdad X9l oar OW* piedki pal =MA 4 4' nu...t.....grei broMte* Ili Mr.', Thomas Ar nold's Soap FicrOry, actuated, in iiiii is known ga , Blinao4 hollow. in ites.erve; Tciirrudiip, at three o'cl . on Saturday" morning., and before the throes ld be subdued , the building sad Its eonten rained et ahcht.one thoneand dol lars ware estroyed. There was no insurance on either e building or the stock. Mr. M on's dwelling honso and stable, ad joining • factory, were consumed BJY TELEGRAPH OF TEE STEAMBH3P ACIFIC, Half Days from Liverpool , ArS LATER YEWS. NEW Yona, April 19, 1651. etcamer Pacific, reached her this . morning, krlving made the ands half days. iverpool dates to the 9th inst., tter than the America's adriCes. • made the quickest trip on re- that the second despatch from New York., , es the time of the Pad& to 9 days, 1'..1 lours and P.O minutes. Admitting this tr, 7c to be oo t, it is still the quickest time ever mad LivirPool to New York.] i LIVERPOOL MARKET. I Lrianroot, April 9, 1851. Corros—The market was dull and nominal. on Monday, the 9th. Tho sales reached 5,000 bales. I _ OzaLv-L., The market was firm, with no change in prices! l'aons i ra—Were as last noticed. ~ Eosin in the manufacturing dlitriots was drill and mosatisfactory. Consols were quoted at 96}09T.! SECOND DRIPATCII • Naw Tqaa, April 19. ericaa steamship Pacific, Capt. Nye her wharf this morning at half past having left Liverpool on Wednesiloy making her run from :t, Kt 2 p. dock to diteli in 9 days 21 hem send 30 minutes. This is_tlin . first time Ate passage has been made under 10 days.. The shortest passage previous to this • alio made by Capt. Nye, in Septum - . . ber hot ;47elien be crossed the Atliana in l6daye 4 hours d 45 minutes. The ehortest passage ever mad from New York to Liverpool, was per formed b the Cunard steamer Ante in Decem ber hist, in. 10 days 9 hours and 30 minutes.— The de of the line are in raptures at the result. The Arta arrived at Liverpool on Saturday night, tlif 6th Mat, she made the run in 10 days 10 hours ...a 6 minutes. The pwitleal news brought by this arrival is not of midi Importance There _s nothing of any consequence going on in the British Parliament: FRANCE. Mur i lliacession exists at Paris, relative to the forma • of a new ministry. A rumor was cur rent of a new combination including M. M. Ba rouche, d Odilleonßarrott.. GERMANY. It was not yet decided at Berlin, whether the Dresden confererneeprould be discontinued. It .was generally believed that Austria would con cent to tlio terms of the Frankfort Diet The Presides of the Frankfort Diet bad been sum moned to Vienna in great haste. SPAIN. r i o Advice frenn'Nfedrid report that the Imama te° of .p 'lie debt had communicated to the Chembe their report on the till. The majori ty were decidedly in its favor. A thecussien of it would ...alto Out on the 18th Wet. ...is LIVERPOOL MARKET. TUtSDAT Ersson. April Bth. Accclts of the state of trade threughout the country ming the past week, do notpossess any new orlT ... portant feature. Comm .vial affairs aro generally quiet, but the balance of foreign and colonial produce is steadily maintained. A moderate amount of hu t sinem isa mg forward at Mark Lane, and Indi an Cop old at 8050315 for white, and 2863 as for Yello • - the demand for this article at / mar ket,e here het - today was rather brisk, and holders ere enabled to obtain an advance of 6d etc per ilustraer. :Wheat and tie= sold slowly at the full terms of Friday lass I d. By on oentinental 'deices we find that the late ad co which took place in mos:articles of trade in 'country, had Influenced the chief markets' bere t , the prices consequently sligLtly advanc . . ?arts - The Trani the agricultural districts are of a sr , .actory character. Much rain had fal- Ma duri g March. The imparla of pure provisions from America era ligha BLZO2 teas:hada lower. Doef is firm. :ars Onier et are =changed. - But little !Me nem up to be going forward in the woollen trade at Leeds and liudderefield. Letts frets' the continent report very little basimma doing in the markets for colonial pro duce, w i n : a stocks of coffee at Amsterdam end Ro , are considerably over those of last year—w that at Havre they are much less. Iron Themetal market is rather sluggish. There I but little passing In iron. A fair de mand prevails in London for American nails. and large pattern bars were in moderate demand. Oood marks are obtainable of EA 15s. Welsh and Scotch pig hate been neglected, and prices were so r ewhat lower. mews! Alarm OP THE PROWEEOS. TWO WEER' SLATER FROM CALIFORNIA. 1 New Your, April 10. The steamship Prometheus reached here this morningwith dates from Chagrin to the ith a; ,t. lint, .4. two weeks later Intelligence from Cal ifornia. She brings 260 passengers, but no gold or feel There le, however, a considerable amount in the hands of passengers. The Steamers New Orleans, Northener, sud Mitch:4e were st Banns, with $200,000 in gold dust. The c a t ty mty of Nevada had been visited by e a des tructive' fire, and nearly the whole place reduced tonshes. One 'hundred and fifty houses wore burned. The loss is estimated at ono million of dollars. There had been a continuation of robberies and outrages upon the isthmus. The fever was prevailing to a considerable ex tent at Pagres. . •- , Lynch law appeal still to prevail inCelifond,it „;;., Two m giving their mutes its Jas. Baxter, of Maine, and Chas. Simmons, of Massachusetts, wereh gby the populace on Consumners River, on the Sin alt, for hone stealing. • . The S. Assay Officer-at San Francisco, was in fa Mast Messrs Moffat & Co., who have the contract, received $lOO,OOO, in three hours alter they opened their office. COMMERCIAL AFFAIRS. Sae FILISCISCO, March S. Tbeto has been no improvement in business duringpe last fortnight. AU kinds of Kends have be pressing heavily on thg market, and ;glees h,ove not been sustained. prime :order, brings bS to opt, anti western flour $lO ; earn meal $7O and corn ss(Z . r,li 50 11 cat. Antheraeite cool eon, Mande .$l2 11 ton. Mess pork hs selling at $l5, and .clestr do at $lB per bin, and other articles of prosielotas in proportion. Dry gtuds aro without change. Banrinor.r, April 10. Drummond, the man who wan arrested about r. =and; since. on the charge of parecipating in the • terrible murder of the Cosden family, in Kent Ct i tinty, 411/ the ? 7th has made a caufeen, declaring the true authors of the crime, he eaya that S men named Murphy, Shelton, Frod, and Tailor were the perpetrators of the murder. He denim; that be bad anything to do with it, he only limber of the conspiracy of the others for the eatosaintion of the crime. The four first mentioned , Murphy, Shelton. . Ford, andlls St have bei the ottui uncle a is not also in bad no Ines their w farnilie • • n arrested, at Harris de Grace. Taylor • party is still at large. Webster the Mimi Cosden, who has been suspected ;•plicaied in his confession : Drummond mates that if some of the Cosdeo family end given the alarm it was the • of the murderers to have. followed up kof plunder and =sacra ; and other in the neighborhood, against whom they • ed feelings of hostility. would have been • the same night The disclosures them cid a deeper dye to the already terrible bleb has agitated the' community where to such en extent. PHILADELPHIA 31ARKET April 19. • The Ahnonneettent of the itrrival of the Ines leer Piedra at on early bour'this morning, and the ituilemeney of the weather have mostly sun. panders operations to-day. Cotton Is exceedingly dull) Flotr—Market is firm. Udders now onifoim -11 detcpuiding $4 62 li9 bbl forehipping bnosde, but tlia only sales reported are small lota for. city consumption. Bye flour to in demand at Si 55. Corn ;11 Ii bele firmly at $3 per bbl. aloes. Thera la a fair demand for .wheal., and F Aire iteady at 1008 plor trashol for good Frilk4 d r•a. sad 105 far whit*. 10/0 basluds , af tyd as7oo._ _Corn Mead*. Bible of. yellow zt-.66ealfdo. abet.. A •csaiip_.of Pumqtratda sniel 6114470 pr bask v)dah !tea album MISCELLANEOUS D ICE-30 tcs.'prime, new crop, fur mile by .plO BROWN KIRI& AMUCK. 111RIED APPLES—IOO bu. for rule b Q 3 aplo BROWN & R IREPAIY.Ia. L)YE FLOUR--50 hbls. for totle by L sylO 1111.01% .ti t SIIIKPATRICK. COPPER STOCkS -100 Cr , sbarer Ar D mledetc Cotosan ing - .11n. Steel - :5 .0 Dw