PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. ' Phreztaitified moll Intßl i j,e4tms. Worire-beginning*simpLi f iVery pre , tence .of public lectrua on_ Phygneleg/i andkitidrettitti*s477l- antirnlial to aristi,Vje'.*4o*4l of reliVon": - Avitt = 0 1 Tgriti /air abstract eubject of hives on,,wosi via at present no war- but Ilaloloti'mtriti pretext for infidel 'stintit:" gem, i. t ~ . -bliiiivire. dog re to "emiderrit'f' tad we hesehcli4onents*hollavefientro `ma their children, to ipiever4 islir as they can, the attendance of yOuth of untu tored jwdgments—liable to be imposed upon by specious arguments, and tricks 'of irapos- Ore"on the public efforts of these dissem pators Ur:Sorel poison. • . In simOst till our large cities, lectures are 'ow given by a traveling gentry, who are ,silly,acciaiding to their own showing, the ftanlonions -of 'the day .' They know more all tlie,tiorld beside. They will hold ercourse for You with departed spirits-- hrry messages to the spiritual world, and 'ring beak responses—tell you; what is do ijog in the planets Jupiter andDlars----and 'et, you into secrets of iricionceiviAle impor . Wrce to'the present and futurevellfare of he mee. The young gape and - wonder, and become unsettled; and not unfrerpoent -7 those whom maturity of age and. obser- "ration should have put upon their guard, ire carried array by things they cannot un-. ienstand, but= which have just as much Aainito rational belief, as realities, as have ihe tricks of Monsieur Adrian, who would pound a. gold match to atoms in a mortar, 'owl a ',pistol with the fragments, and on king it. into the air, give you suspended Ton the side wall the identical gold watch, a as g.o6d order as when it was taken from 'he fob - of the wondering spectator. Most of the phrenolop:cal lecturers prate a grFit'ilcal, abont Christianity. To hear a portion of a lee re, one would suppose they. ,were ardent admircre of the Bible, and sin cere worshipers of the God of Revelation. By this 'ruse the public is thrown off its niard;i, Presently the illustrations of the rik - once coma up. The head of Shelley, for ce, or ' some - other ' blasphemer, is tr; the - audience. How noble—what . g,ly marked intellectuality ! What remment benevolence ! Such a head bald naturally indnee, its author to think pr himself--to throw off the shackles of Wiesthraft and dogmatism. In reading the ,Siblei it would mince skepticism at the marvelous records of God's dealings with :the heathen ' as -presented 'in the history of 'the Jews. It could not credit them ! Be hevolence would excite moral indignation, and frim the physical structure of the in ' strument, the mind would almost necessa rily 'reject the authority of the Bible. Too much intellect hero, combined with the , stronger moral powers, to allow the man to ' be a Christian—in the popular sense of that term ! Such a head would think it blas phemy to offer prayer to God. It would excite a reverence for the Supreme, which would shrink from any such familiarity. It would adore the Creator through admi ration-of his works, as seen in Nature ! Andso adroitly, but with settled design, the youthfuli auditors are left to come etf. with the - impression that to believe the Bible, except in the sublimated transcen • dental sense of these modem new lights, is indicative of the feebler form of physical , organization and phrenological develop ments; and that to reject it, gives evidence of great expansion of intellect, and won drous moral and mental independence. In short, that Christians are all fools, and that infidels are the wise men of the world ! -We were informed, a few days ago, by a gentleman of too much good sense to be caught with such clap-trap foolery, that at an examination of heeds which he recently attended; in which several striking illustra tions were given, either of the incompetency of the science to read character, or the in-1 6 ; 1 3 1, jeteneY of the performers to teach it, a looking youth was placed in the chair, and some such examination as this was the result: "Fine head—well developed in all its parte. Very large benevolence.; caution wall defined; causality- striking. Slow to believe whom there .is not unquestionable eviderssoil: Ira never consent, to the fet- 1 tore of'dogmas ;or creeds. Will probably be mosidered radical in most of his notions. If his - .parents are Christian people, they will hillely tO have uneasiness on his =- coma. - Better - present his reading such books is they deem infidel. The very class of mind most hlely, from its expansive be nevolence and high intellectuality, to assert its own indeperidence." We do not give this as precisely' the lan guage uSed, but as the general scope of oh - serrafion employed. Who does not see heideleterious an impression such remarks I would he llicely to have upon a boy of am bitious temperament, well marked intellectteuilitY. - , and strong passions. Supposing I sir k , olf physically organized to be an infi- I del, 3)3' indicated by the noldcr develop merits on -his cranium, he, who would oth erwise perhaps never have had a thought in connection with infidelity - but that of abhor- i -mace is thus insidiously led to look for it 1 in his own history, and that too in such connections as to make it a matter of perso nal pride. • Well do we remember that when we were about seventeen years of age, Fowler paid his farrtvisit to Baltimore. On examining ' . the hemi of the writer, his first remark was, "YoMmg man, if you are not a sceptic in ."." reliVon,you may thank your religious oi nottaon.', Other professors have told us sinie that we bad a. capital ead for a re ' farmer or. new light of the h ultra school. We did not then see exactly throngh all this. Recent and more open and imperti nent disclosures discovers to us, that it is not without settled purpose that young men . are thus furnished -with intimations of the high destiny they are fitted to fill ! Speakin' g of Fowler reminds us of au ar ticle in' the last Presbyterian of the West, nponthis subject. The editor of that paper is condemning a course of lectures, intima ted in ricard that had fallen into his hands, setting. forth that O. S. - fowler would en tertain , the good pe.ople of the "Queen eity.P , Itr..Rice'declares, from a sight of the hainibill, that they are lectures that no ' decent rams ni m should deliver M a promiscuous audience.... - Sklar are they, perhaps, to some Ofthosovecently delivered in this city to sientlevicii exelusively. We quetethe concluding paragraph from the-paper before us :—Mews. Prof. "Phrenokip is now-bringing forth its legitimate fruits. It degrades man to the level of an animal, governed by mere in - stinets; and then it proposes to elevate and improve him very much as men would im prove the breed of homes or of cattle. In the name of philosophy, phrenological lee . tarns travel through the country, propaga tine a low and degrading infidelity, and doing' More' to corrupt the public morals than cotreelouies and theatres. No one • can calculate the amount of corruption which- must result from such a course of lectures as Fowler has delivered in this city. The card just mentioned thus appeals to all: ' Come one, come all, but come with right intentions yet bring no max - ' shay for the lecturer will speak freely, yet chastely. Fear not to trust the exalted moral tone and pure style of the lecturer. Pare-mindol. women need not fear. Only vulgar -Minds will be shocked.' Pure minded 'pereens,it seems, can hear, without ! being *eked or injured, the, most vulgar obseenitYl -.Prechmly thus the abominable tribbitioni of the Model Artists were de ' fended a year or two since: Only corrupt . nthnu, it.-wnsiATlOild be E l6)cked ' . • "White idiraya Marveled - that minis - tees of ai goapil sad intelligent Christians were eri,almr,fro:seiii the .real ,character of Phrenolevounijo:disuoier its degrading, Aassisteut.,_ The time is at .hand_whin Christi ... linistertimill be °impelled:tole" . - . .. . .. . . .., fend the doctrines of t. e gospel against i "The tendency ,nfAllgs is ,now, to. se°- ; snality. Indeeedt: pain gs and adulpturc are beaming - Vim and more common.— Such exhibitions as that f the Greek Stove give theie things a Tea ty they could not otherwise obtain• t Christians con eider, ere it is too late." TO CONT•' • CTORS Q BALED PROPOSAL will he r bY ao. the Ewi l; Iltiri=c4.ther, .e...,zt; w.x .„Lif ..-geoi Howe. uee:ao ' dins Dlon:r a 27 d i lhtionr of the mane. tehlott cho rth be nr.e seeu 4 ut. th d e .a e 'ed.. 0u lgillogter the 14th latt 31NedSKEIC. Prost. To Contrietors . SEALED PROPOSAI will be , r m ecei: c e(ll i rt the lat9l). xiyc oVe ib tb. litl" out of eflldittlanUto"'unue hu li ourt ril Ilil' Ce,l"dedidem Dt tltcg"blog" Dort :uoth In the void whom It ent be enee lb° V ls* rrXri.""' l'trins:/.IIISO, Itnec =4l propeeala for and Slack. SEALED PROPOSALS for delivering, in the gore e atttlier,Tifta o2ol,lnotturlmll)%at: !ra'rT:l7 Varr.),lll' be of lord 3dfe o . ffic , , e . of the Cfwayeski (b2,,,iv.d0t;1..Q,,7.Ti1:,4 ttio'SV,6,,•V;.,llh' eol, ood 10 oath otiontitics, thou be. ayprovol of and directed. The raulaggicomputotiolfor Cool and Slack lo he 75 P T / c i pVent. 'Ail:ohm& o f thlr. retaining . 20 tar rent ea earcEplfor perforniartee of orktract. Pro to tra odatemed to Thom. naludrell. Erg.; VII. eta of thi COMA., Choi sod Slut^ l ' AM ° ll ° . 4 Clitttr Y T. ao "0 tilled . TrestUrel. -DRY GOODS, &:e • New s pri ngpg Goods, rt No. 85 harlot 2t A i t Ex.ANDER & DAY would reppectfully a - to ° O4 ° Z.l 4 (`• :411-'l/rig-not b h ..f,Via l thlT tern ofainlnt , TIM Ma:Pad been botkaht at te a 1 1i Eastern Auction and Imparims rides. and anti,. sold at a Tarr cmall advsnoe to auh myers, by wbalessle of a- MIL diLEX-AND ' * DAY. 00 Market st.. apD.lie: ark North • cot corner of the Diamond. Wholesale Dry Goods. 14A. MASON k .10., 62 and 64 Market a street. are now daily , • • • • • and .reedcing tncir comprising the In• • exte naive and varied assort ment or Imported ...ad American Goode they Career.. et. Mblted, to which they • • Ily invite the attentim of , A A. MASON d; a, will open this morn- T =ZZe l t,. they kddish* attention or their path:wand we public. HE SUBSCRIBEIR has commenced re- miring a lamer andore dordrible stmt. of FANCY • ry and DUT G OOD than he CM brought to this market, conslating In part of ny Printedr Boonoeu Gingham, Al- MOW; Victoria. S emill and Muslin, tarred end .Taeontt. !audios, Cloths, t r aerlnreres, .Caseluets. Tweeds. 4 and assurrDrala and Cottoh Etripht lad.l thro toejee lldlfs and "Crusate. Thibe Moe. de Lela, and Cotton ritmuln lbaniol.orrh Ibboro, Inces,_S'ella. Combs. Buttons, finependena.'d, ~ Cmhrollas, Tads end Pork et. Cutlery. Clouts. Jewelry Id atebes. du, ic.. to which he respectfully lushes the tton of merchants end pedlars. 40 C. kiItIIITTUNOT. SS Wood st. --- • .- JUST REC'D AND NOW OPENING A. WM- DUMPS, M. 138 Lamers Vow. and superior stock of haluortable Goals, - teattel o to tlentlemens Wpar for SPril2At CCA‘DriAng. th e newest. Alias 1p Amer4,l Prsoeh Lao& We 00017 TOT ple lch • rrld ; melt!. of 'testirs. aorl C 1 o& f Rl :4st Lima staff, d ' Mktg owe o the fe w anded stork best . se vied stooks we_st of the Allegleeniek all of which the Proprietor is determined offer at Foch prices only will orewhime 311 who favor him wi th a call. that met only Lbe rorwt supoier Clothlog Is sold st thls establishment, but dm la the low. PestAtiz e lg i tlteg g iti. gi . 1 g keit arm executed, aiturota, be the best , Pistribie =hoer, undist the shortest make. Straw *pet. Ld Hat Waretwust, No. 105 itillitUrci STILE YT. • RR. PALMER offers for 8210, a sou kor,v.s, Pull rsortmera of Straw and. Malin. eritil—Foreigu Amami'. lain and esnry Straw, Braid. Chip 0 Pamela. is . ff. born. Se. Youthsk and Boys' Leghorn. Buoy sod list Plato 'toad. Straw, Pansots. Mania, and Palm Leaf. lay r.te Leghorn, Braid, Straw, ChiplUnen lam sod Ilion Mines . Giresty. Jenny Lltid, nod other forms, laffrest cori. sty of shape nod materia . MO Bormot aad Searf. plain SALIM sod Tar. "tei Llt.adrtrruirowThlitrindtrideogra I=nd Cottoo Vette. STRAW TRIMMING Goma. Ropieis. Roods P IPO D TEV - 41stoch aid Amelia. Sniffs. bombe. otti , tch sl2l7.7ottn.vs—ca.., a. do Na pletkiri..„t Mi g ne. Viceroys, anti other styles. maned Iff—Assorled p r oklities and .tore. „g. sod low Particle and Umbrell t h e - m - Sp g Boots. F1R5T„..1.41: in rezeizefdourtd432 'A t Lo e fkl Chip Prole, Whim last sellow lace, g‘ titral IIIIIDO h C • .IV.lol%LartnlrtielSeTt% Floe and and Di am . 4-13 ahl locp Pisan, Marrs. Crimped, Americas Less, 1:14 . 11sh Pearl, iitawsrisn Mixed, S - =rum,. fluted Manilla Ws. A. MASON t CO_A man j7l sad 61 Market et. -------T-Tr- -- . LCIT CHB LES.—MEHPICY id BCKCII- 1 4 L.i. Tomo Invite the a Motion of the Ladles to some me w utlful styled of ht and IMO ChM.. re* re mined. They have ,open tido morning. to addlbowel supply of 81T.Lsilll LtE NETS, aellloar . very .100,-wome at.. 3710 v h at Beou'l"....'Bott etC pr. k, ---- #ll , R Ell E DE .I..A.I,NES,Light and Durk, hielu=sr i tr a ydri beaut,ittFroneh.dadeet 1 ,me.. 03, 7 tilits'a g t l ara T clutELD. CARPETS, pIL CLOTHS,i &c. ' W. Scumwrocit I. bow' modautl3 recelehmt hie 81.408 Wail CARPETS, 01/.,.. r LOTHS, & TRIMMINGS, co.,,toislop In t the following varieties , ARPETS. . Extra d alßal Velvet tle Carpeta. do do. 111 1 .11.1 y Deus saw_ de. BrOladr. e.alr. sopa-. 3 ply: superb. 3Om 411. logra4u, extra-fine 04 floe &a: common do' cuttramlod 44.34, fell. and 24 twilled Veuttiam 4-4. 3-4. 4.4. `nil 2- 4 r plidnata., 4-4,34. 544 2-4 wool and cotton do. RUGS, MA S, OIL CLOTHS, Re. Ears Chenille Ku flue do.; do.; extra toned My. foe - do. do 4 ...mon do. ;El:0 Door Mato t0f..4 du. till., s heep OM do. dal_ Ad e al L ti r ly 2 u 4 to . 4lz ttz. , „ 2„. Crumb Cloths. Fellippt Also-sa,,o Oil Clap. rot to GI MU Am ban GT 001100. 54,74,64, 6.4. 44 . mid 6-4 Oil Cloth. ' STAIR RODS, RI N DS, TABLE COVERS, Re. Alrer-Stair F. alrd vireo Carpet Fliodlng, Lito Cali ; d em, Itamlo.ho-1. k. 4-ii. 1‘ 1 4 34 54.t.thow Tobti[titzr a Czo , Clll l i i 4traw ft e '.^.. V"e;oltta.tTirfvi%'t.b..A pt..; ii . Co. do. Table do 4 do- dtartd du Worsted Table dn. lost VelVs= 8 0 00)6 tot ol'i L .4 leta k, l turd f most i n; 1 .'".1:: VlTlrld'ddrk:m4'2l3;l"' :—rtoz"—?....:.'7"o:o"rnen“"'ouPrllUetae9%."thuat. e Carpet W ehouse, 85 Fourth . SIeCLINTOCK.street. . l elll9. W /Ines and Liquors. ty sti, Formerly Davis cracker r faciary. , A [1... rrecer.srt, of N. Y. .14 • STOTITENEL, respectfully Mil ,to public getter/Lily, awl then . Mends -a the bare established • NEW WINE sad ..ellitEle.V .e abore stand. where they shall al _ep • full at . of the bad Mork—Moselle and .41 ml steel wlalte Whit Also, French dnrt Nest pale les, of the cbOcest vintage. Jamalat rum, ilollwad Mrteb wt iutrZestsrsess sed . rkling hock melon, ' erm n l most amest ay brand., nbegathc„ P e rt . Also, = 6' l, 121M.1 he E= . d . tharte , d , Ed=i, All afaltLeh tbel On; f .t.r. c....".... Inowsenel, nut =tinning OW tiapartssion aavvvi. to the cliy of N York, the Mee Arm la eabled. to pelt • • Du an d a better article Mi. mu other bons. In MU y. Plena. 16.0 em a call, before you purchase chew ifFf-Fandlles Sin Med free of extra charm, sad et the Mortice. nodes 0 PLD. KING, Banker and Exchange Bro . ber, Inmrds it., deals In Western Fund ., light nee on the Eastern Utica and Yankee collections In the 7 'ol r.17.7.101,31.10rkrrr44,a7,,P.10-1 —k" nechlt Temperamoville and Noblestomn Plank r Company. ATOTICE is creby given to the Stoehhold- Le , ere of mad MU. that they make payment to g gmgent,tesdarers or Menai Ceetteney. Of MTV I,,,gma a a emu of the Ante. on.th• lan alanday In meeti end every mo th hereafter, until the whole Meet ie Fa kt le fall —ge • rout will be ¢r Wed and bridged by ly sty, Ml.ybe Bgekholders en regarded to be P=44 and puncteal ha thedsoayment.: sacta-ttl 11. B. BROWN, President. ,------- LPIP omen improvedpatent sd Pipe i llg a r . r . . IVT_t c uteßazu. ustenas, te. and to oArealintolgimoN... All dm ao di h iv t, 7 l az ea , o t tr" . nth. 1 . 4 4 *retie:Ws end fel ti the Sant nt dwells, end Ire • -mime of Mir =nom. .111 keep s eery 1 11 of 11,phoWery, Bawd Bed. dimwit= II S i to Tier. rt/ . .. mige a tult 31 4 = ceeiterpenep, Comforts: WiriEle• Minim of every Tlr eietyl DCOT mats, every serSele Islay linthal In the newt extensive eseabliehmente tithe kind. Ordere reeved ,- WIT whetted =4 =et promptly eel I Whh NOMA Third street. 112310 1 7 AL • sv& F. WILSON have removed to No. • in seri it, .41117 Front el., between Wood _ Cta22l7wld aPI EMOYAl,.. — Ewourn it BENNETT, Whole ale Groom and Deal." In Produce. bars removed as. 112 !Wood, 02.41121 11111 OW betweed Wood cad tirollbltakl fltrabOtlat:: . .1.30 Rama . M. G RiILY has removed to No. 281 W• Übert street. 6 doors stove bia former stand. and directly or to Seventh . watt S Store Itraitaved: . ' ,; 1 rd Tx?subsoriber has removed his Seed Store from Second street the trukilmr recently (renal.% Dimly . Read aa "Tailor map. no ThiM gym, Ors° low mad Lately oppoakte the Post Oece. nolvtiEN. IREMOVAX...-410. F. Dlfild host: toyed .... o h,ta:n g t . .. t . 0 ,.. 1 . from 110. I d l6 Meg re r e ,, t.X . w n. brw th. bUg l it 4 . : ., 1 , r ',,ti=t on Ida former w el i atres _ WALL PAPEW OF MY OWN MANU , • P IT 1 4ty A tar gentral nalortoPot al. ,V W .' , 21109. 1'2.14121C. WOOL—V 3 sacks now landing from str Y V COO*. tar sil# by • al . I •• - ISAIAH TICKET * Co. QUIP STOFP--100 sacks far sal , A.P2 . . WM. u. J 4 n11,7399 ssarssar.A -- • I FP-100 sucks for safe'bv . WM. u. JOIJON.. „_ _ 3 mums Med. and Crown Wrntr art 11-'.l.l!'"°' EACILES.,.-600 bu.• for tudo by ~.113ALLU DU:IMT a co. DRl E ''''* CANS & CO., -. Tv, Street., :Pitisitirsh, !ORE, and to arrive thin oda, of the mce7 teem& imp, the I% doe ountable tom.anb . suet mm Patept. lane W 50 boxes e 'I. sam,: me A " Haldeman 75 Ult. N. O. Moto tett IS S. li : " Lter etT , o. sad Powdered MIMI =las. needless Nablus; 50 drum. iim.m. Fitt. ?tr. mom Pavel% Rbates Wink Cuts; ....._ _ Corner of IrooJond RAVE NOW IN ST( week, the 4.lloyloirg h t •hich 4r 4 is,..tty bolo. prime att. Trx 45 ht.