ROME MATTERS Puu - Bur.—Oar citizens who may wish to packasesine beef, will do well to pay a visit to chow W. Eretett stall this morning. agriZernia BHOwn'll YAMMIR NOTIOXIL—We y visited the "Yankee Notion" boats of Nathan Brown,of Tamestiown,Chatanque Noy York Mr Brown is an extensive =deo tower of notions,and every epring he tits up three or four line arks and emits one trading taped'. tkut,vlils present cargo consists of 1600 doyen earls swathes; 60000 lights, window seolu:6o &ribald Serum; 475 dos rakes, 116 dot grain tra4Elew 100 panel doors, 200 dot scythes; 200 dos pltelacirks, 160 dos hoes; 60 dot shovels; 280 ddk dry measures, besides loafer matchne ea. a satiety of Ether useful articles: Nearly all these notions are madein Meninges County; and large portion by Mr. Brown himself. 3anuaurils issituated on the outlet of Chabot ra.k... The boats-ire - freighted there and down - the outlet to its union with the - dew* that stream to Its junction with the.Conewango, and thence to the Allegheny at Warren.. Tote distacce to the river between 'six ty or seventy tulles, over shoals, rapids, . and 8 feet mill dams. Mr. Brown's trip termint' 'tea of Loptedg e in about three months from the time .oyeeueing. He will remain some time at the Al- LegttenyWhatf to dispose of his "notions." iIiPOITANT ARRILIT.--Joseph Down was com mitted to prison on Thursday by . police officer Pu. Be is unused of baying obtained tws thousand dolbtre . from Messrs. TaneyS Best of this city, some months ago, on a forged draft.- Bois elao , charged with swindling a number of air &diens by selling the patent right to Coiser's pitentehma, having no authority for so doing. ' PASSING, COitllrgarSlT idomer.—A woman na med Moen= Butler was yesterday committed to IRdsoit by. Alderman Major, charged, on oath of W. 11...ifoutgomery, with paaamg a counter feit notion the State Bank of Ohio, Imowing the emu to bp aounterfeih D131021D . 8 tiLSITHILL —Th e celebrated quer ' tette bands of Ethiopian Minstrels, organized by John phistatul, who is one of the most graceful disulari Is the ratted states, will give their last most In &belly, at Lafayette Hall, this even ts& They . ':have attracted crowded houses, Lem sod as -thre is their lest appetsusee we Lan ao doubttleat they will. have, one of the largest indienies ever assembled In Pittsburgh. WitMcm- iltscmar.—An old vagrant colored woman- named Labelle Laws, applied to the Comity. Commalsionets yesterday fora pair *of Woes, end those 'gentlemen not complying with her 'mita; she went out of the oillue, and broke down four of the 'tine young trees, which hare been planted along the walks near the jail Mos WWI committed to prison to answer for the „ • 14.111 A PAXO.7-Chir readers sill' hear. In mind thatihepasionsma of the Hoban, - now-on ex , hiblticai at the Atheneum, Will be exhibited thin , aftartusin, as well an evening.. for 'the greater Cony hence families .. It zs. a tins work of ar and well: worthy of the encouragement which lir:mires: The doors will be' open in the aftornoolf, at three o'clock. nn, Sttatsts FAXILL—This delightful troupe of Wanted little vocalists, will give their last oemsereat Wilkins Hall, this eming. We trust ; that they:will lave a crowded house, a aempli '; Dna *Soh - they well deserve. COR OP carmerp maim. April l& Prepaid, Hen. Wm. B. McClure, President 1 7 t 1 d1P4 fifid Wm. Boggs Assockee Judge. Courniturisalth va. Oliver W. Blum, and Coos. tattenvesMh es. Joseph P. Turner, crows suits for 'septet and battery. These awes were 'argued at ;BRA bylVatuna and Stoics on the part of Tur• ser„ , anclAl. H. Large for Shaw. The.inyi returned a, redid of guilty as to £he*, notgullty as to Turner, and convicted both datendiutts of esetialt and battery. The Court them sentenced Shaw to pay a fine 4,41114. doffs:sand thb cost of *smuttiest for usual and battery, and ten dollars for the ignaY• Tamer was sentenced to pi s y • One of 'Ms ands quarter cents and the costs of prosecm .. Commonwealth re. . Richard Alorrin—lndiet lneet htteeity. en oath of Wm. Ft Morehead. rho *feculent was a stage coach driver, in amp ornant of 'Morehead, who had a pair of pistols lying in his desk at theistic. °Mee, under 'Shoat. Charles IfoteL One of them was mined •IYI the leteemitor, and was found upon the per ta of the defendant when he . true arrested at Washington; Ponoszitsnis. Os Oa "arta the defence, it vas etatentied that Morris being in the employmeht of More; bad, and bating Ins' ainfidenee, toot the pistol ititkont tha slight - eat intention of keeping U. It lea proved - that he had made no concealment *tor the matter; but had frequently exhibited tlititol, and Mated that it belonged to More had been suddenly called to Wash ington,,wirere his family reside , but had intend. dad to return to the employment of the tense- The jury without leasing the box returned a Insguit of ..)tot guilty,'! and , Harris . was - dis- Cannionwealtfrs. Joseph , tibMtion—inctiet total larmery.. The defending 'was accused of cloth . over cost, the property of Wm. H. fierrang,^ He pleaded galley. John Ramp. ... ton, Es 4,, stated torthe Court, that the prisoner had been but a short time In this comity, where li t sd no friends, br acquaintance to whom he t apply for , assistance, . Ragged and almost hie nee-Softies tempted him to steal the cast, for thrparposa of wearing it. He trusted that the. Court would be mereilkl to the poor fel . hike', and not imprison -'.him in the Pertiten _-Subertson wasrentkinded to • prison, and will prOnsbly be sentenced today. All the eireum - stirs:es connected with the cue, pmre it to have bled gray umiommon one, the young man hay phrinrionsly home s very good character, and 10 it ir evil:lenity a hard rose, we hare no doubt that the .Court mill -attend to Mr. Hampton's Coinminurindthrs: Frederick Bough. Indict ntentaesping a tippling house. The defendant isidleged to hare sold lignoriu Allegheny city. APTSII;fOON SZSSIOX The jury in the tippling house case tried ' the morning, returned a verdict of not guilty, dadiesniant to pay the costs. tknitairinntalth vi. James W. Williams, In dletmenktareeny. " The prisoner was accused of stealing scrotal articles of trifling value, the =I - of Mary Itobineon, who resides In Al elty.His, goat was erident- and the retitimisd' a verdict of guilty. Williams, who is ik colored man, was sentenced to slily days latiirisconneut in the County Jail.. C•mir thlth e se. Elizabeth Williams—ln dkteleatkeeping it disorderly house. The jury Sitalthatailmlict ;j ot not guilty, prosecution to paythe colts. ' • • ' The details of the next trial were onflt-for pub , - '-.Coumthekrealth, 'it Thomas Jailksois—Lodict end Larceny. Plea guilty. The defendant bed stoke 11011111, cognising!' from J. lir Bewail, Esq., and eras caught by that gentleman in his egos Milling, law • books.: lie at once locked the door shod trent for a police. officer, but the = limped out of a two story window; and es wastes afterwards' met by Mr. 8. who at 'Moe arrested Id= His ;linear, Judge Mc- Clam sentenced blotto one year's impristmment In the Western Penitentiary.. • Ci7UNCIIS OF auxcraztrr. SELECT COTINCTL. • ' TIIVIDDAT, 46117, 1861. Conneo men Preseztt-31ensTs. Buifontßore land, Dalsell, Campbell, Dnbniren Graham, Mar. shall, Nab; and Painter. The President being absent, bln ldarsball, was eboita , l'realdent P. 1% A.Tb e fonoripg resolutions were read and Adopt ed • . Raievidv-Thst the Street Contrairsieners be authorised to repair Rebecca stns.; sad that tbs.stim of $4O be approplisted for that purpose. Colearred in by C. C.. Resolved—That the Street Contruissianen to, authorised to (=street s stone sewer over the north end or Jefferson street; provided the same. shsti not =st. more thsa $45. Concurred in by . . ',,_ ~/1 1, That the mayor be authorised to oziketlz._ _ )/11/14111, for *55, in favor of the Ana .dujitlitentrated Chord; for rent of Treasurers' . aporc -, Coaaarrett in by C. 'C. -. C utob - . , ' zed.r.". That the Mayor be authorized - to: . : in favor of the lst, tad, and Ilk r.„ Companies for neorred In by C. earterly approprbie: ; ! •••• _ 'Chairman of the Committee on Streets =Port, ointaining the Remoding estimate ..of gnaing and paving on Beck Lae. between &Werke street and , the A voided, at $152188, A eommancatiodwaareadirom A: AL Marshall relatifs to the location of . Ridge street, . and the manorial of lir. Irwin. • The water Committee presaged a report, re imeitotang water pipes to be placed in Portion* ape following Meech: Rept etk d o , T omo t o , Cerra Renck Booth Cared, and Ridgo eteeeu. Av .. 3 to with the exception of Ridge street. A motion Tea made to reconsider the rote re. jading the layttw, of water pipes w ridge st,.. t . which ilia negatived. , 7 ,- The water coramitied else recossto oo dw the pulthese of .8,000. feet of water pi ab e paid for ip:Cit7 .Burb. • Alm in farm otaappiiing the outer stitita of the Otd o sod liiannsylreAhlzallisitid , withstatiel . ler the termer to jean, et the rite' of WOO per year.. Thus 1W raga e 2,000 fel of pipe. The Water Committee also presented s large number "obills for materials furnished in the construed o?s of the Water Works, Ste., which caused a wenn discussion among the members. Some of No t e bills were referred. to a select com mittee, with authority to confer with the City Solicitor; in the matter. The proalk grade of Ridge street as passed by C. C. leas presented and on motion of Mr. Matt, , Resolved --That we adhere to our former ac tion on the grade of Ridge street. Negatived After a long discussion, the S. C. agreed to concur with the C C. in the grade of Ridge ft , reet Mi. Ca pbell offered the ;ono:ring Resolu tion:—... • j , vt Resol That the cation of the S. C. in 1,.., I lation to e grading of Ridge street be mean- ' 1 aidered. ost. A reso lution appropriating GOO feet of new hose to thel AMerican Hose Company os the 3rd j war, trespassed in C. C., but not agreed to in j 8- C. Committee of conference asked-,Com- I . raittee 11 : . .. with the action of C. C. A comm seers of tbe ed in C. C. The I procure gialatnre re, water rents I ication from the Mayor and over poor relative to appropriation, (pawl was read and laid on the table, nance Committee wee authorised to rated copy of laws passed by the le tire toparing streets, collection or est. PROLIricsH IEOBI3 SELECT COUNCIL. APRIL 17, 1851. Council Met upon special call of committee on finance. Present-,leasers. Bruce, Day, Edgar, Ed wards, Gallagher, Kelly, Kennedy, Kincaid, Lo renzo, Morrow, Wilson and President, Murray. . Theminules of the last two meetings were read and apiroved. The reset don relative' to the publication of the proceedi ga of Councite, and the resolution relative to he erection of a gas post, which /, were laid over on a third reading, at the last meeting, were severally taken up and. read a third time aid adopted. Mr. Lorene stated that he had been inform ed by members of Council, that the present City Aasemorluipromis ed cerbally declined to proceed with the duties o said office,. and had promised to tender his tten resignation thereof, this even oiniumanch as this bad not been received, fferedb the following resolution. I Resolved, Shim the City Assessor having de clined, or teglected to comply with the pre cisions of Me ordinances relative to his office; the mine Is hereby declared to, be vacant, and Councils will meet in Joint session, this evening, at 8i o'clock, to elect & parson to fill mid Tummy. ' On motion of Mr. Gallagher, the resolution was read a second time. Mr. Kennildy, moved its third reading, end fi nal passage. ' But upon uggestion of doubts as to the legal propriety of proceeding . with such election at Intent, gave way to a motion by Mr. Gallagher, that Council ourn, to meet at the call of• the finance eon= nee, which was adopted. - OMMON COUNCIL. .. Council me by special call of Finance Com mittee. MembersllLes , ent-Messrs Bissell, Black, Cor dell, Cunning , Drum, Friend, Gribben, Reza mon!rirper ' Kaye, Little, M'Farland, Mellon Poll . Rets;:. Shrum, Tindle, Willock, Wilson,. wn d a olion,l Mr. Willock took the chair, es Pratt, in e absence of Mr. M'Enicht. ' , Mr Black resented en , 'ordinance entitled "an o • c regulating the markets," Read, ' and re erred committee on markets. The 'B. C., communicated a report from the street commit , accompanied by the following resolution, vi : [ i Resolved- hat the finance committee be and they Rebore y interacted to provide means to the amount of $BBBl 94, being the amount of contnicta ante into in 18-18 and 18d6, and ex ecuted and paid for in 1830 out of the improve ment fund. I ' • In 8. C. repast read and adopted. - Action of 8: C. concurred in. Aho, the following resolution, viz: Resolved, • t the committee on engines and I i dime,be and ey . are hereby authorized and in- 1 E . trisected to re proposals and enter into I contract for e re-building of the Niagara En gine House, ording to the resolution passed , In Councils, Discember, 1850. And that they, ' in connection with a committee from said coca- pony, shall de tide on a plan for the same. Pro vided, That the whole cost of re-building said haute shall. not exceed $l5OO, the amount ap propriated by said resolutions of December, 1 .1856, and to bpi}}paid for in July, 1852, unless ; taid Niagara Fire Company - ehall . .enter into InO excess 'in for any ex 'in the mated said build- toB . , Bl, anteododbyintertlog "and . C. Mark . to be. paid for; in July, 1852:tand. to amended, read three times and passekjletion concurred k. . .OMMlttralcatt . ''...- - 1 . Alien a ' 'on frearMr:•Alden, Ms:- , die tocertain ;suite against thecity. In Is. C. ; read a nd est to City Solicitor. withpower to I act. - Aetion concurred in. . Also,lthe follcwing resolutions, lip , I , Resolved, Ti at the Treasurer be instructed to I notify t several Collectors of Taxes in the dif- I ferent ardsOhat all those who do not settle in fall th • lasbyt ar's duplicate with the Treasurer, en or ore die 25th of this month, shall not be entitled take the o ffi ce of Collector for this I year, ac Councils will proceed to elect other per- I sem in eir stead at the regular stated meeting of COLO 3 ,on th last Monday of this month. The vt.2is tinstructed to notify the City As !SSW lax forthwith, the duplicate of the last y " storment of taxes, at the Mayor's office, ' edit% to law. 1 In S. ~ rea4 three times and passed. In C. C. read d laid over. Mr. Wilson r. tented a bill of Victor Scribe & Co., for . 1,50, nd one of 1.. & W. Neeb for $4,00. A bill of Ml. Mueller for $115,00, for ad vertising was read, and with the other two hills ref dto the committee on claims and Se ornotte. i - On motion Conseil adjommed, to meet at the Mal of the finance committee. I• BeritrENZl POLL.% roes A 1101L !MD ,al Mt; Loan Imaso:—By relays.. to our adratlilattl columns It allf 'LW twat that there la now • dance offered l 7 ableh any person. although of veer 11m. nal mesas, an mom a Maw hlmeelltiond family at • gun natal prat., and within . very short distance of Nov York • tr. f 2ir ill e latex or the Prate of Now Tort, snob . home ea exempt from the dernanda or emit. tont. and Oa pooAl mon can And there .n urban Mao arAdeb =Okla but: the bad of death em dlepasee 418 u &Malan of {h e L td. 1 , 0012 takes place, era would tl. elm our reatotato early &optical°. at the °Aloe. I n lobe Arad; Alex] • BY JELEGRAPH FOR I EIGN NEWS . AREP7 OP THE STEAMSHIP A ERICA. • ____ . ~ ONE LATER no* EUROPE. --. . PAILADELPHLI, April 18. • The eastemtei egrapb lines all being prostra ted by the storm, we received the following daqmtch last night, by special express from Bos ton to New . .Torl r i! Neer Tong, Aprill7, 10 P. X. The Steatite/lig America left Liverpool ou Sat urday, the 6th of April, and arrived at Boston about noon to-day, after o passage of twelve dIiFL MONETARY . 1 :10 CO.3IMERCIAL AFFAIRS. The money m rket uncha nged .i L e °sDas.APril4' 1861 Consols, for money, cloe to day at Siii&felf. A iner i. can securities a without material change, but prices are no' yfirm. ' - Lll7 001. rARKer.. . r • Ln at POOL. April 4. Corrosi. - -The anent qualities have receded one eighth penny, Other kinds are also a ishado lower, but less than al. The sales of the week auweint to 89000 bales.- 1 Holders of when and four demand an advance on existing prices. American Wheat, fine and mixed, is selling et 6s 44 per 70 Ms, and 'corn at 325e,,i. 32s Od per , q uarter. • PROVII/0215.—lioef is firm and steady in prices With • moderate business doing. There is a fair Inquiry for Porkd but stocks are much reduced. Bacon is slow of Sale, and high prices are relne: tantly paid. Lard is firm' at 40 ®47s'ecwt.-.- Cheese sells readily. _ ,• ..MmesitansonS.--Tallow is dull; , tbe same AO be said of ashes. There is nothing doing in. tar. Rosin is Without change. -Turpentine ii;salling &tie fd 8s ld. Freights are dull, !Wilbent prospect of immediate improvement. :The Steamship Pacific, Capt Nye arrived at Livalmor on Sant ay the Slevat 1 o'clock P. M. • The City of Mar from Philadelphia arriv ed in the Mersey 2P.M. on the B.amcitsky. ' . .The steamer Atlantic bad been removed to Niakinson's, graving dock, and minutely inspect ed by a bomber-1)f scientific men, all of whom . reported her to be hr perfect and satisfactory c • • POLITICAL INTELLIGENCE. The political news is of very little importance, 'either from England or the continent. : ENGLAND. Tilts - louden & that the present pis tidy changed, to tome beforatn latratlon In a taw • A Coltnet Intuit mat than thi • did+—tbilxit calonlats, and ant Wassail tte speaks with nature:lee, Cabinet most either be can oe essentially modified; so as public es a reforniel admin. oaths, or perhepe even weeks. be formed which will regain •t Cabinet does; Or the peat dined of 'the - figrienitaraliete; • owners of Great Britain. • hold their position, aid are getting throagh the business of Parliament with tolerable euccess. The Budget was discus sed on Friday. evening. the 4th inst.., and resolu. dorm fors renewal of the income bu were agreed A powerful Papal League has been formed in London. Apprehensions are entertained, that the im mem.e number of foreigners now in England, are considering.' revolutionary scheme, which is to develop* itself during the treat Exhibition. The matter was brought before Parliament; and in reply to inquiries propounded to the members of the Cabinet, assurances were given that the Government was prepared for any emergency. There is nothing of special interest from Paris Things generally remain quiet, buts feeling of anexiety, amounting almost to alarm, prevnils, respecting - the progress of Socialist principles in the Capital and the Departments. The Deceiver General's house, in Lyons, had been burned dint, and the public documents destroyed. A Cabinet Council was held on the 2nd instant, the subject of which is said to have been the state of the Department of Nieree and also Paris. A moor prevailed at Paris of some disorder haring taken place at Montpelier on Satteday. The National Assembly, by a vote of 249 to -to 303, referred M. De Raucie's proposition to a special commission. The municipal councils at Nuits and Praey, have been dissolved, and the Mayor of Nolte and his Deputies diandssed by AdMiral Personal. ""'t Dutch Squadron sailed front .11reett for Ton ' hin on the 15th. , The papers contain an official account setting forth the failure of the ministerial combinations , which bane been attempted by the President. The director of the Republican newspaper has been sentenced to hue and imprisonment fur hen ing publlshed a second edition of his paper with out making any additional deposits: :Accounts from Madrid nra to the 26th ult. The .E.),ora states that the King had left on the preceding day for Aranjuer, on a visit to his brother, the Enfant Don lfenrique, who; It ap pears,, is in that royal residence, a regular pris oner, escorted by a detachment of civil guards. • The Chamber of Deputies was still engaged dis casSing the project of a law relative to an ar rangement of the Treasury debt. . MEM - • .. The income tax bill has passed, with but little discussion as to the 25th clause. The members of the Royal family, and the Princes of Hohenzollern, are exempt from the operation of the tax. The Queen of Bavaria has arrived at Berlin, on a visit to her father, Prince Wilhelm, of Prus sia, who is seriesudy iIL The foreign office had been offered to Count Alverisleben, who le expected to decline the offer. It is stated that Baron Manteuffere position as premier, is untenable. ITALY. Letters frota Toulon, to the 27th ult., confirm the late intelligence of failure of the Austrian negotiation at Rome, for the North of Italy Rail road. PORTUGAL. Letters of the ult., announce the return to the Takla, of Com. 2ifartin'e squadron. The claims of the Marquis of Valadas, to. the peerage, have been rejected. In the debate on this claim, speeches of great violence were ex changed, by the. Duke of Saldenha and the Mar quis of Thomac. The Lower House have voted for the whole of the Budget. The Alfeit question was before the Upper.llouse, when the Post left. AUSTRIA. -The circulation of a pamphlet, entitled • , The Dresden Conference" is prohibited in Austria. The Minister hue met with several uriforeeeca obstacles to laie plan of reducing the import du. ties. The Emperor on the 23d, being the anniver sary of the battle of Navarre, gave a grand mil itary dinner at Trieste. Ilia majesty proposed the health of the Victor of Navarre. The aged Mar shal replied in appropriate terms. GERILLITY. The German question remains in Maui quo. The insurrection in Bemis has been effectually suppressed. - LATER. ONE DAY LATER FROM ED'ROPE. HY THE AMERICA. BY TELEGRAPH FROM LONDo..v . Boman, April 18-1 P. ?if. Tho America has brought the following later intelligence Pram Europe: ENGLAND. MATT comrel. The London Times of the sth tut., says, the suspension was announced yelderdtg n ,eMussr.s. Batehlur Carder. .merelhantsCand agents. Their — fituisactiorui unstated to hare br.en chiefly in Coffee and Produce; and the loss, it is belies. ed, will fall principally in Holland and Germany. • • • The f'ontion Times announces, that the budget. was substantially the tame as before,Amt the new form of -the House tax was certainly mach lets objectionable. The Chancellor promises to give come details respecting the Income tax. on Mon day nett; and also promises not to press the proposition for the reduction of the duty on seeds, and (or defniTing the cost of the Lunatic Asylum. The London Timer in of the opinion, that the Income tar. will not hereimposed without acrioue difficulty. The other Lon,lon'journals strongly complain of the continuanbe of the Income Tan, but ap prove of the amended form of the Home taz The Advertiser says the lonisation of the basis of this League was accomplished yesterdey. The confederacy will be one of the most for. midable of which we have any. :example in the ecclesiastical rounds; of the country. The Formation will be inaugurated by a great gathering in the largest place which can be got in London. When its constitution and plans are brought before the public; Howl!l strike into the heart of Popery. It will assume the aggressive. ft will bring its means and appliances to bear even on the city of Rome itself. One of its principal objects will be to induce the British Govprnment to demand from the Pope the allowance to Eng lish Protestants in Rome which are so abundant ly granted to Catholics in this country. 13ariug's Circular of April 4th, received by the America quotes 11. 8. Coupon bonds, at 110 to 117 i. Maryland ski 801; Penna. G's were heavy at 83. • HAVRE COTTON MARKET. , April 3. The market for cottonts dull today, with sales of IGO bales at a decline of 1 farthing. Breadstuffs and Rice are dull, with no exteq the sales. PARIS Bosse. April 4th Fire per cents 92 F. 70. Threes 67. 18. ARRIVAL OF THE PROMETHEUS. NYA YORE, April 18. The steamer Prometheus, from Chagres, with California dates to March loth, io below. MR. WEBSTER IN BOSTON. Poston, April IS. Daniel Webster has written a letter to the cit izens of Boston, acknowledging the receipt of an invitation to address them at Fazienil Hall, a pleasure which he regrets declining, on 'account of the Boston Aldermen refusing the use of the Hall for that purpose. RAILROAD ACCIDENT. ALBANT, .April 17 A terrible accident occurred nu the Italia'', at Genera, yesterday. While the express tram was waiting for the accommodation train, it was run into et the height of its speed, by the latter. smashing fee cars to atoms; killing one. and badly maiming three other peaaons, viz: Isaac T. Riley. coal dential clerk to Corning lb Co. . had both legs smashed, arid has since died S. B. Stott, Ken osha, Win., had both legs smashed ; Mr. Tetrie, Slilwankie ; another person, name act known. was thrown from the car and seriously rounded —his life is dlspaired of. The. accident was caused by earolettnres of tho switch tender. The want of .cars compelled a number of tbn passengers to take the Eric road. NEV YORK LEGISLATURE. New YOILIC, April 18. The Legislature adjourned sine die, yesterday, after much confusion in the Senate.. In the mor ning,-when the Erie Canal enlargement - bill came up for final passage, Mr Mean demanded to post. pone the indeficdtely, which being lost, he and 11 of his colleague. withdrew; and the bill, on third reading, was laid on the table for want. of s quorum. One hundred and seventy-fire acts were poet ed during the maims. PHILADELPHIA IiIARKET The America's advices published this morning haie had little or no effect on the market. The receipts of Flour - continue slim andmarket M firm, 2000 bblsstandard brands sold yesterdry after noon at $4 50. The sales for city consumption are moderate at $4 661V4 6* for -common and good brands, $4 750 i 5120 for extra, and fancy lots ut higher rates. Corn Steal—A small sale mui made at $ . 2 87 s t bbl, but most of the stock is limited above thin price. Grant—There is moderate amount wheat or raving sates of 5000 bush, prime Penna., 'nitrite at 105, and ml as 1000 bush. Rye is scares, and wanted.. Corn continues in goal demand, and ?,000 bushels yellow isold at 646651 !and_ Oats In ilemarid' at former rides. Whiskey—Sees in bbla at 24, and nhda at 23 0281. The article la scarce. NEW YORK MARKET. April 18. Flour—The America's advice, hate given tone to the nominee existing in brondstufla, but the continued wet ivetther cheeks transaction& Grain—A fair husine” is doing in wheat at . 1000 for Ohio. Tim Movement In corn li pretty extensive, nni%t of the transnctions being MI stocks to arrive at ti2ief,i,bil for mixed western, deliv erable next month, and tlitc for new yellow in k store. Prorkions—Ohio pork Is hotter and much en= quired after. at $l5 11.19,15 25 for new, sod $l4 25 for old 111. A. :fates of prime at $l2 50 for new. and $ll 2:. for old. Cot meats are ac tive arid mendy Lord ie iu fair request at fic in htd. Cottee—li active and firm, at 10c far Rio, and 12c for JR'. Whisky—la easy nl 233e@24i gal April M. Cotton luts declined an ith under the steamer! news, with pales 800 bales. Flour—Prices are firm end unchanged. Hales 5 00. 'this at 14.50 for common to straight Stalk $ 4 . 56 1q.4, 1 :81- for Michigan and Indiana. Wheat—The market is dull, with no change 10 prices. Corn—Pricey are firmer. &del 8000 btu at bu. Rye—Prices are somewhat lower, with sales or 41000 bus at i2...10,73.4 "g 4 Pork—The market is aa. Sal. 400 bhla at $15,121a.12,50 fo r mesa and prime. Lard—The market k buoyant. Sales at 9@ ble 1,4 lb. Other articles unchanged. B.ILTINIORE MARKET. April 18. Flour—No Nal.. Holders ask $.1,62. for Row and Street, and $4,26 for City Mills. Grain is unchanged. ' Provisions firm, with an upward tendency. Groceries remain unchanged. Stocks are steady. dmwm. CINCINNATI MARKET. April IS. Flour—Sales at 5a,486„3,63 bbl. Whiskey—Sales at ISIe Lard--Sales 4000 kegs prime hard, at 90 1.1 lb: Se has been refuse,' for prime roll. Groceries—Maintain a firm tone. 'River stationary. ,fiLY $25 POE A HONCESTiiiii — . 2.2 FARMS, worth over 5 8,500, and .1.40 d LOTS. to be distrsbuted Lunn. Puberibere.—To pimply the demand for Lot/ and Fenno at Ifermatai.lll. 1 have laid oat another tract. adjoining the Innavlslsnd Railhead t • la. ahead) rola at Ilertnautivllle. to be of the earned.. id and dlstosed of and dleed among the parthasers In the same manner true. recently sold there. Alma been indueed to do thas from the great Womb. o r persons to purr.. Um. Lots and Fal./. p. the Improvements In that part or the !eland aro const.thtlr hien:W.. and large numbers of person. havenow he.- Nme 1[11.1.441 in the. howls. This nedionna tract Ls In every respect eittud In the other, end .1 the rate they are now below' taken the, will all he .11 in a few weeks. At.. 00u thatp are now aulacrthed. • flachautwher . a L.. =, tog &a, I.7thg toother, or a FARM of frou 4to Di bY Th. sham are limited at 12:u—rateable. Sr when subscrited for. SO on or before the day of dhorthcalon. and the balance to monthly indainients ofdented. Warrantee laved will be made out immoilately alter thsidletalbution. and deliveted dircetlf ater Paring the balance. The la.. ere .Ituntef 11111Sae of LIERIIANI I i•- VILLE. on the inn:: Mend Itallerad Colanti end SO . from th uf New York.atal• io/u. Lake. land. .ho ama 11 1 ... 'madly laid out. ,•at.lbere baud. wane bullitthee are erected It is one oral, b. altluei pi., in the Unita. Slates. aud within ono mile of Ronkonkoma lakt. • tenutirul slovt of w•ter.aNnit th ree mil. ineircumfereure. rthgular 11 ' 31 '"P• 1;, -° :a - i.: 2 ,. 'd ,: r btr. ;I' 2 ' "."""a"4 co dlrt.t Mim tae mat e u uth tie,. which a Orr natl. wide and Al ma. kencc abomientfy ettpidvA a,N bah et seta. ous Oa. Ida la will Aoduce moth p-r acre. with the same cultivetha... etc land within bay sere. tlw 011, ol Neir . .Loon f.i.00 trio-tr.—At theal meetin g of th e New York ..Agricnitto al o.eortr. boldthall at Albany. en the, 2dat lovtant..Or avant,: mann. on Ituon vrtm• n. dnd thad..ll onto , •Lands wcoud I,l—on plight bonm— in•=lud.7.lw,... i 3lO t l zeaueLl i . They ., 1 , .: , 1 t i tu ,, ket , .. rill:bele 000 to o l. acre ThotrapUtuVerlte;:, 7•74'.:ll.l.lll'..';2lelid'attr',Vit....C4ell'apteCnre"ta oI 17•rif The staericultural capacities of Lang Irlantrate begiuMnd tc. derolorwL l •—lLnsi I.lanler. Sctunket L. about.i.dd stoles rum Mot laud Merman. villth and la roe better 1.0 maw, th an th e, Wade.. oh f-rel few sale. 'f b 6 wheat 0 •new varietr. .Iwriorklud. and waitea.ol ..1.4.1 per Hahneieed nommen for the precinct of • Milan.. Shah taro acme. over Them have been'roised during the path.laull. ' the evirt teat of Corn. add Potatoes 110.4.1 per KM. Egg peu. Island a rarietr of gamine vegetal**. land near Lk Island Railroad.. Lake Rood, or Lakeland. wheat. IDA oOite has beenLir which phspaluinJ at the ;hardy Csoetr • Agricultural Pate. held Sept. Zth. 1510, alsse. w e e s a een. Al. p.s. beta. manna. Wate.ll.l.COhlAtlll. bend tatu She 0,100, .., la Deem the New Vora Forth., and' !de. of November rth.11,11% amtpre• written br Me. Star. to. rill., who visaed the 'lands. The wheat. poke... I men, referred to In the articlo. wren raletd at like hied, near Ilernmanvlllsetation e11...10g • feeelsoure . !donee during th ree mat.,.lt we were conveyer over the Long Ithoid Railad. tu a la tv trice crag country, about an., v e t,,. N e w Ire nth.. end to be capable of very •newiedal sad Mkt. • bit cultivsth.. although late la the Sealan zed vWsed • cinder wpm we wee. nuptial! at the qua Me ty and abundance of the crop which Dad been gather ed Rom a portion of the lent.. al. them/tater mope. whidrit ...area unusually twetieths. Wheat, whkli bad bet D sown but two or the oak. ro.e.nte a hcaumftl anew w peal hile titrulpe, het, .4 other ',up, rot gathered tor emcee Low romp.. sdrataly with lb. best In the New Tor. Menial Potaloo,atrothr ht the Mbar vseratny without a vendee of dues.. and con, stand:lit 1 4 ciO earposwlnt by much ee ern Janda roil etrarve than cow hundred dollars ti'te.e. erre. Initeed the vere.t.t. which rooLdwed 11. per lathe Sunois ...say fair is tn. raLaid from • por s thia anoint which ad nol cdermted sve- I In were very favorably Improved with our volt I, the. land, two favorably offered to Ito. MALL-, 01 win. whir/ ...Dot fall to double In a few rot.. and vie would invite th, attention of tlicee echo dr. '7l, n l Zm ' vt!;a l clll ' lN% ' tntl ' oa 6 t i re tfrilers or the Loft. Wand hatlrrad.whence no. run wooer. tan. a der hihruclurn and Nu.. The swrt n of th e land (11 , terTeY ion and the eurromnitug eeliCtry 42 ly twalthr. mit within a air mace of this place. LI.Lly cultivated and • having been vatted for more than +Jimmie. end tiwz tees , end dual. Wads voltpt nowt iO4 to Salo per acre. The land. an a. Pont air tvprecratM, and as good ...7 war on the linen & and when eultiratesl, tondo. to tbe higtiesa Th. land ...owe heavily ttudwiedi route portions to. now covend with a shifty growth or yams wt.., • end pins. .Iro.l is plenty, end generally ducat. In that para.( the - bland. lreotted cheap that threat. cultable ter te cut lido eunleineli tor the New York mat- Octet. of sada,u tirkr. and hae, for save. M./ teem. Lewu oleos, coaddered cash article this Wend. There tuaterial on the land for enMl3lOll eheetuut rails ran he bcol vilthiu a Gov naten of theme louts h All building materials can be halos the depots of krooklyn and Ureenival., and at many di.. Aare, at th e wood ...ran prices.. There an no. wenn. On.. .4 water tido. ha thee we and running rum the greet Moth Rey, which are reattarlcable thel py and In dry . weather make. very II:11e dinners In them. they are unfailing. and welt. ere of 1.1.111 depLtoe—pnxbablr over these .usw land, In the middle evgion of the Wand, the apneas* dept will Without 34 teen at alrrmamrd W es the ground L. blab., they ere deeper. 01.1.•ri6eni are not raitorwlled td build There are to. elurebov and el, within 100 or three mlle•of the .111. i, nod eithil e . t.a., ball, factOrt.} 1101... and village... Allethe P elleme. an old matted ...Mel' are Wl...tied here. and Ilea Peopleof Suffolk twonty pride the... on 6.1. • highly moral, onleinfarkl id.. people. All of my eoberrisen are persona ef renew. tablllty. • The 1.141 nut he very ,41, cleared...a the net of *et Ilement almtret elairely upon the Mettler. hewn lar out as much or . little as he choose, Idu not know of thy °Neatens to the plate or to the land for esFettle. meat; and the tale, and Industry which make ante cieditl and streeferma• nottlements nth,. pet. of the beetowed ziron the. lends, cannot fail to pre duce favornble reuh, The dim... 6 in ever/ Particular healthy and Sle.ant —the roads are saws. painwbla. at all ream,. of the year—the winter. are Short .W mod. ow:lnane to the winters. the nialci en the north of the Islghlande— there la weldor., aleltallng mom theta two or three week• Ola the 1.1.04. What la reca.kable, • rem. It sehlorp (Mond bydraught —there Le no part of the on where dem hi on little Injury Irmo draught ae on Long !eland:nor Is three any ury from wet—there le no wet to cold lend on the I and. All tbe land &leen. the in..d.hif th e SUMP/ c. made highly valunble at a Dotal' ...few there la in, nob thin: . • toed f or a freshet. In the Interior 0.1 of the moots,. br ...bleb eery at...damage to down each an event cart - ilna off , Mitre, or the breaking of • wok Antn,oth great damage...le almost ualward of on Long 1.101.1. The Arnow. and hayasbound In flab and wild fowls of every variety. • The la. IP how! eing surveyed, nod th e lota nd OM. oaked ut, . a's Jesh,hati• eaCh 101 owl hie s a laid it own on the Map. theridni .ran eubtimilernitroat na pan. ur curve, I'enions o r 1 .,, thetoludirts °Mho •phooll.l thane,. (dr • lioniutead or Ihrtu 013eled .010. MUld. anPfr won. . I tu eonavitusnee of the great number of letters tarot dealring information el the. found neceitaary to tomer them in this form. P arttr.V.,YrilT=We Wi'llEt:il"7o;l=rAtteTp;:i therefore by return ore lig will al. gratuatintely tar. Web map and r.nphlct. of me proerty; and eh...fully All give meta nth, information im rosy be dialed. CHAIILLO %VW:). 111 John aims, N T. eols ;toe Ltla! , , t foe,. j.j4 pee acre. thew laud. ata eep to pa. fa imlog and granny ptirpOors, Weer rvar•ft hiving the wit/vole.. arid prattled= of R. I. road, wheu h.erri and eultirand. they will te elinal to .111* , /I Ti.l andestial to that which, in the teinity .4.11 the old elllacea and estattneuts cr Long rt. 1.14.11. to per aeree the relay er the land can homed. to !Inn ilea, Who. and "en Chandler of the /merle.. ludilitte. Dunn, 3,1 Rmalwar N C: 1 Patton, publlste ~.tolt.m et. n: V, II I brown, Seq. alt. of the dean , trielotort le: Wsnon.L.N 1 Ler E ales 4, brook!, tObn Pprover, 3 Snail el. Eteckl-to torther..t; heradle/y. V. John V; Life lusurelne Co. 37 Kall it. N T. 1 3 / 1 1h.tut 1 Brathereckillter• of the Mem., rear. tether Atthr6 N Holman. custiou,. Bolden, Ness: Liberty' Gllbtri. gtl Reardni en Loading, Troy, N T. 71toa and Dco D Jerre , Ca:. Levi Ledge, vd &Ng. and Colt Zs. Iln Wet tiro C 1.3 Pearl et N C Boeskel. Ludhw ct.N Tll Fainter. 1'h11.01.114114 end Dotteli grlldkek STEAM BOATS. NEW ARRANGEMENTS FOR kiad 1851. nd x. f tr. unr i t t i , n ,ll. lltr , g2,-„ u n, ipsiblotrg. ll'beellog. Bridgeport. Cagan., tad Sunfish Nast—leaven Pittsburgbevery Wedocoday at a o'clock. P. 31, for Wbeeliog mad Beidmort. ova . , 3p. fb, Buttfisb• Returning, I gunfUlt ever, Notaday gt 10 recite...l4,A. Of.. gad BM-sport OM! Yr hurling eeery Monday and alturalgy. nt 4 P. St. Fm 4.104 npd paenag. 0505 on board, or to ruch7 JOILY FLACK. Agent hVECULAK PACKET BE TWEEN WELLSVILLE ACID PIT/S.jalie UGH.—Thelightdrsuabt steamer ARENA, U. P. Minors.mister. leaves Wellsville MI, Floods/. tyvvisssiay, And Friday. at 8 crelork, A.B. for East LI, brpinl. , Muscly, Met .'s Latullug, Braver. sii4 Pitt. urgh. Lea,. Pittsburgh over/ Tuesisy,Tharidayolud astunlay, at It/o'clock, V. for Inver, 31c Ferran's Gud ias, olaitiow, East Llerspoul. =I Wellsville. For freight or pasature.sDPlr bu board. 111 EC LAB wilt-v, Aul %, ~._.. PITTSBURGH AND 4 .4, WIIRELINO PACKLI.—The smiandkl lls a/summit/4 Moamar DIURNAL. Con sera, m tor. Is rum parthrmlngher regular triAreekly trip betameo Mil city and Wheeling. leaving PitteLargh at 10 dela% arm Monday, WedrItIOIST .krUi Friday. and rotor:dna. h 11.41 Wheeling every Tuesday. Thomas, and tiatotta . y. imosteh smtk. For letialit or pAtrap s atplyou haul to naafi ARMSTRONG a I..NOZIKR, Aped. =-- W ItEGULAR EDNESDAY PACRWT. CINCINNATI. Captain Johniait Ingham: Th ital.:oak/ htbil area built br the Onnera or the atomaner.laaan Newton. anti other, for the Cincinnati anti Pittalionth P../ort trade. and will leave erm We . lneadar fareiro-lostatl. lu place of the NearrNotg " 3' 0. for ft"' " Mak t " aaa ' 9tr_ 1 - 4 4 01: DIARIETTA L AND ILOCK r INgPt4t7.—Tb. flan otentorr PACIFIC. t: 00 :3 =Z. ' e n v e k ;.7;=; " , v.". "e k P te . I For freight or peer. e apply au b o w to or . T. w i toird a SON, MahnNo. No. 01 Warr CO hoe sti. HOUSES, FARMS, &c Valuable Property for Bale. rinlE SUBSCRIBER offers f9r Bale a valua- R. ht. Mee of property to Allegheny City. Issirtutsi front co ii.lncessUreet of IMP. snit running iweit feet to P.m street This property lo faulted Iniosetliste li south of the nutileuee of Samuel Choi., and mess the residenare of VDUs= Dilworth. There ho • Yr.. how of !tinsel on the wails., whkh»nt for 4130 few ennato.— The property te level awl well suited for laying off in lute, heeitiLl . 43 . l . ts Deb.. stul 114 g Meet. if will k . 44 snit on Put of the purchase nutney can remain se thind gamut. Inquire of the entweriber„. the t•Pkiloi) JOID.I TIIUMPSOIS. For Rent A Small well futhhed and completely fu ahhwl More, no orst door to thn von ofilee No 73141..4r1y E.U & 4th els. apS4f tlkot slid Trlbutta fOrn ) Far Sale. TI.IE members of the Fairmount Fire Com 0401,44044 their Engine fur onle. It 14 In 4:4401 4.4 and •1111.4 eadelieny. Etniniro 44.3:4f J O, iien'y, No' 409 Penn greet- A Good Opportuni_V for those who want a Home. OTS AND LAND FOR SALL—The sutioniber offers for side tbe Binning pi.n of No. 1. Four Lot. In Pride's plan of lot., it the iffehtb W.l. eaeh tot being 21 feet by 104. These lota are Plow. &net situated, and ate he wild at • h.gaiu. a, thy lifer at • distance, and Ye. to bap°. of th em. Na L.' Throe Lots at the rorner.of llond street .4 Da quenkr IT.—adeasitageuttely located for either bust..or private eraMences. No. N. Ten Loto In the 80n... of Lanseutovie., Yell .oiled the private nobler., N. 4. T Ire Acres of Lout In entddea tiortuddp. Thia Proiwty it edinlzaidy lees./ for eouri eato, Lek. bolls short , eltstuire fn. booby 11.. and od.nbig the Nonfood. No. r. . ot. Lot 411 Webster street, ne. YAM _41.1 100. rfitil a Y;Z:f ' Vele etrelatt.ii r' irirlei ft rZulrVltl band. A TREES STORY HOUSE Poll RENT. A 11 ...Atm/ . U. 113.14 near the tomer of Webster and Elm stre•ts,trintainlng 11 rooms. sill he rented very low to • Waal WWI. so constructed that two tamales can oc eupy it ie.. gly ROBERT WRAY, Al. turner Webster and Elm much, For Rent. XrIE ACADEMY BUILDINGS, on rt iffr7 'mg. and eulvtantial mitaLle for m neadmii. or mmuhetu Pievesilon given ininillarik ts Fmuireoz inebl334 comer (imison one; ligul Y.r.tle .t rOR RENT—A Route oni Third vtniet. g ird war house , . It no gm Annum lame yinieh Or. Will he rented lon. and ponsergion g iven inanolintely. Aligo—for Bale or Loom. in the Ninth-Word. between Tem ',tree; and the Allv ig hetl f river. W3I. 31. DARLINGTON, et Benj. Darlington% YoutiL street. mar Wont. nich2t.LT • Valuable Beal Eatate for Bale. SUBSCRIBER offer, for Sale, ong favorable terms. the followitut Noel Eetate, in Telty Pittsburgh vlsi No. 1. Three valmble three /Poll btick awaiting homey, op Byroad street b etween Market end Ferry emote, the letrbelng each llilset Mon by 00 dem.. Nix tftutetins foot Minh.. Third street r.ijoinlnty the Third Presbyterian on whkh le elected one tear Mary brick harlot maid ae a ptintitio once, and one two Mary Wet warelionse. in No maToo lootsg ano i nt l a oo ,fee D eKern eh n, m onw y el dh:ah g rltlo3 ed be MUD block of hoar frame dwellings, and one separate frame trelllog, all two storlea Kph. No. a. One lot 30 feet fronton Hack street. opposite the . stove, and extending to the lop of the hill. N 0.5. Too beach lots. each 00 feet front. and runtdne from the rued totem water mark, on tit, Big heaver. No. 6. One valuable water lot. 100 feet on Wheel Ranh with fro rhares water tower attached. Nn 1% 00ei 1.1 oPPOeite the water lot t BO feet= exteuding to the top of the lON 00 .w e two story brick .ton and warehcase. a hy CAW; also o frame dwelling, two titmice high. X L thr e 1011. N.. Btightott &stem:runty. he ing about 140 ra t on Broadway, and about 100 feet deep. remaining 1/4 ano.anobich are ercered two large Rome and one mail frame helve. med ail an office nig prrrerrty oas formerly romper./ llr .7. Gnats. elmls ear,. rawaarir leebild. bung IromPlistel;erfretie. elm PaNston Draft., No. P. On. water let. trumieltutely below Pallalon Erelor. Seitz . / abeut 1110 feet In hhgth.arrl artf t r , t4ing tam rater "in.".l rert ".".". m igillL7. 7 lra%. "' ln a :1611 Ando at the oPole Fare of IL C. E,OrnlON. mutt% wed sni Ratter! etreete 301131 FLE.3IN4. Agent meh2l Pournal mot Peet cm . . I Drag and Prescription Store for Sale A. DRUG & PRESCRIPTION STORE. rjoei Irmatd tn a fcarultaa and imrron.E Pan raa .pleb LP 1604 prentahle Ppetne:o.l,/ bind ler ea/. urca For taxiLti..partwullar., BALF.D IbcreniWl. tor.bl4 1.14 d TO LET -- A WAREIIOUSE. bituatei nit" =Wen, re. Fot•Pet¢ Martottallerrr emi.ablo tbo fto4n , For I,rou. quu•of PALZELL. N Wel.r nt For Sole. THE UNITED STAT ES .110TELvre., BLOCH OF the miter orWaa •^ Xi moon and Penn moot. and traollaa m am .71nota Chaal. to the elto at Plttatetrah. TO.. Lot fnmts boatload4M forty Soar teat at Non Korot, and one and afar feet nine terhos on Wind:dal:um =met. to a henry feat allot. Tryst. of N.lOO Penn st. VALUABLE MILLS. FARMS, ANDLOTS FOB SALP—nen lato Floor Mills and a Essr . the 11Saver CINk. Pith the neesesary otter p.a. 41. • .11 Improved Pato In Laterenceeoenty. Prim 1150011— Alto, • larm of 118 sem,. the Ohio river, tor. tall. lob. Bess.. 114,2 X). Also, one of 140 seem OD the Ohio rine, 0 tulles below Sestet, for sa2 per aere. Also, 600 stores Ihr 111 per se.. Also. fame ot 150, In, and ist aer. for pr se.. Also. 1711 trees Err 012. nod 1.11 44 .5 405 016 P. •Ore,Paret•er altla many others 01 Tata oni dz n and prima. &was, . 2f. P. G. /.. EL PITIES-MAIL .I.ll.tarps at 1.4. and Heal Estate Att.., feblo No 107 4th ft. Plttaburyh. R SALE OR ON PERPETUAL LEASE lbr earb. or an prrpetnal 1.144 las 1111//1,111.1. Poet by 0 0 1...1 to :Wog rikr, olldwr 1144 111b14 W. gaenty Ileum. Also, Deo quote 4:am1. , 1 by LibrltT. 644 Allertiroy strort.. ark/ sttll/1 AP.r.ku!ii .114 Ant cla Llborty, by 11l 11.rlog X .1 1..4 4.1 fruntio, smo FoLYuyetyinreyrt. upty.. haul; ovirmte 1.4014/1 Ruiroy..ll. - pr..t. tenlsitti. 41 4,z., (yanl4.l - tfj JAME., U'IIARA 1 ADDITIONAL SALE lOf Forty Town Lots in East Liverpool, O. T 1 1 .! :cent inzre T c o ecler i V:a ... li: , oJ . l .l o . t.: in .a., parfnualy hot out, and the drtuaral atill udiautu. ' the utattraiturd has is 4tulaced to lay out a fu r of tuo prow., la too o lots as stun, and .4er. Owen fur rale yrims aud term. that aturtat Ail to mon th. Tielt, nf ' that. lattlio,4 to purchase. It la o.i/flif to any aurthltut of lA. Ineutlon of U. Town and prooputa tit haring hum ..trdlefor.Uy deveribryl is 'wont •thrrUsetuents) other than ' that aver on. hutalrest lota haw. recently augured hatals. mud tuon purrhaas4 by Mi. Irtabing to procure a &Ara , We home. • • •• abOrr lob are ammg lb* 004 eligible aelehlblrabb la lbe beratly abl are privelpsUr &mated la the ern. of bow oekl. For laturakathaa th.p.oprt.tor to U"rlx"." W Jaime Irlaatrly. Cm. Poorth street, Pltbburah. JOLIN /ma Lbarreol. Fa, fit.lB6l. brad*. Ma A Blast Fttniace for Sale. IE 'UNDERSIGNED offerN for Sao hit TIMMACS. sitaated in nee verde, (Mop ,, .n a BL. 1.11 127 .. the "Allatana Funiace.. with Milt. ml twlldwitt i tY and ORM MILL: aml every thine mew terry ea the nmelting Om. It ha* IMO Acres lid aldanbed. with m math more adjoining am be Amememy. which ran be had /non 75e. to At per erre. It leM the main favorable immtlen la Mae South. foe C low i e hoeing the um within one-half to me mile off in mow gwria ;tomtit/as, easy to mine. and yielding from 60 MI6 Vet rent. it le one mile and • half from the Etowah Rollin , . Mill. where a readyeel. eau be hoot fur Its produete of Metak mil is two mile* !tom the Weida. and Atlantic Balliewt, whin. le toe of the lira.. Of ralitatila einniettlec the Teatime. Rimy with the Ma Bawd, which hot els liars of rallmads mining out from It. Ondislied and ander marmot, passing through ati then. Towns and Aittleeln tierdwia. when.. ready sale le Portent fur Plc Metal. Mandimry, Wm, Or. It l. now In full blast • oreed by water power. with • telt of 16 trel, on a never 1011100 amain. and in the mast Mentor Mt of the tenth. Lettere amp he mtd rimed to me at Moira. Cale... Ga. or 1 can be wen at an I' time en thebmi prem THOMAI P. STOVALL. Altman. V 011142. Mardi I. Mil. inahlandZawnn D EAL ESTATL FOR SALE—The. uuder . signed WWII for pole o lotge number of valuable imi. l . nte . lat. end sex; a r i . lrtble sr= manutz two Pubfle deboul Home &Int koglifebtatlairon Cron ' eh. • The retold month of Itirnaboro in pup work,. and toanniketnetac wealth, watt it. reaeonabda prim al blob Lot. will be sold. van mann. eini • MP/ and Profitable Ito verlanort. nu. perfect. Tomo favorable. vorpwekuun .na t.rtokruvuft.of th•utdrl.lo , o Wre.o of therff E i tillbnore. rieg.. on (7[121% sttee Plooo uwen. te a m Mled and l'opn i tit straeta, or of irtkro 11,""X. , ' l. Mr' n" L e Vitt' 1114i6u.'" Covington iron Worki for Sale or Lease. ".HIS ESTMILISIIIIEI4„ eituateti on the Ob , l ,l, .olantielte Qtadrinsth thelest year Mores thorough rendes In rune niundratothreachlmry. leg Wen one M the meet ellglble Locations In the Unice fbr the inhaufacture of thntraine drys mei kinds of Iron: comlathlng as mans. If not mt. factlitirs lb. any [stab. Hibil. l 4 In the tr.t, is rigsr oller N ' .ale to Suit apelkente. It porrears all the advaptakee cy rf eetah14.1.1.131 Memel to the me &nimbler...lathe. ciunsth i t addition to the hub, betel g much bah irr—lieb mg all 114. 6 . . r ChterinLail trade. IL crurirti of reecu Furnace., three Emery or thAtillng.Tires. tech, Macre )1 r. err Ifeaticur Furnace., with XOlithe awl •Nrc eirluaryi make boor Li Inch Tree up tot inc h . round mad equars, 4 W the usual flat Irtm. with • .gne Cheat nud Wee tit I. Alb:o—U theca and flail. tdlll. romaldeit.eatra phitte. et , rat. fee0:10 In 'lto., e , L 4 er LIMA /1 . addition. there Is e Nell Factory. eith rapgraie ; ett.. rout tieing 10 Machine.. ethleti can to increarea to ofT moat re d ~.y J..O.IIIcNICXLE. LL—A valuable Iron Establithment al.mtel the Ohio river. In Gallia c0n:41,061n. emulating of * Verve containhaf. three Nobling Vinery taren• three Adline one run out /Ire • one pair huffing Rolls.. elth 74•097 tr f uglr Imo per as?. The creel. emi Tbe7otninre tb all t Lent he lof 121"11:::II‘tlitc:IIto,fr 0t e 1g , , , ,m1.17, , it of that:wet location/10 the /tm 04 ..BUCLALIAtt,Cpattnurti. crJ. O.)le.taCEL Torington ALbO—A Imbrielkitlilrieprool.Foundre.forsaluer rem': :4031%24 tie t : '' t foe it.%74..'"Maii: VA,1714r. )04 trALE—Tbat 4.lrable to cf Land. sttueted on thy Allegh.y num ebetit 4 miles above the thrivin he ouch of Ilittenrithe. in Armstrong en. Pir e Miter. to the Allegheny turn.. roro=B , ..ntalning 4411 abbot 1,0:4 acres- Thu laud abounds in Irma. Coal, Tire car. te e , making It a very deerrable location foe meltulle , Luring Purraben fronaperetillarly beautiful location, of. rtrattt is=uor trutlgti=grrig= r ""Zutr:lithw4liistr w"*" Y.oPett bath of lam the edierent country. Then ariezre.lnothe premien a Pub triAbtorekl.thEallig:'olngs a= " nit r r kl o 4 . ' Arm! roan imn, Dne, Stables, e. The be trill be diiie of ape favorable terms. or It .111 be divided Into trees to Ault p be A plot of the property god tub ther yertlctilers eau be obtained by eddrotelng .01301:11.1 11. lIUCIIANAII, Cincinnati. tiAWLS—A. A. M S OTN &Co. have just reed. per erproo..—M carton Piltdod Caohate” , thb c o Thibed, Llobrolderod dm, Fancy do Indue and et a or nod.. 1 IBBONS—A. A. ALtsoN I. Co. will exhity- It. this looming. tortoni of nos , styli.. Bonnet 7.10- . 00, Cap do • and Lace Vd4..Embrolderl.•.. O. MURPHY &BURCHaNO have ju st r o- MALT atkelfZl r til b uZitltna L l VtV:t•V i n: media nonsnand barman...l Woamlelain. mew awa beat:U.4l ptylea Wlde Enna Minn% Mate Eru Lir Tarl ton Mewling Ae M& BURCHFIELD have cc:tru mewed ervaiaind their woadrn9lo IT of ti.d'r antong which will round Iluckaback Diwoora. blesehed and unbleached !tenting. 124 lAnen .thant Jar on.l Milow linan and Alttalln 40 in wide for PtUaw ewe, WI I/LACK BERAGE & SILK ISSUES. for Wiwi' wear, to be had at 31111byllY 111'.11C111 . 11ELti s. BURCHFIELD have received • ca. •••....> 1rma.6111..1 ?womb , aral Csamdmerea, apt ERENCII PAPER lIANGINGS--Tapas try, D....suon, V.iyet acslUold Paw /lane.o.W en, for Drawing Roma and Park.. GUM 1.1.014. De rrAferlttikaM d weh..ll bb Wood Erni CO sobu. (Shell= sale b rkeegrlui. • IVOR ILE4T—The Dweiling Born. on '' l ' Jl.' the rornetior &both and Went Common, lately r... 5., o.onnled 4 Mr. Arbookk. deed. Poarencloor en itann.diatelr Enquire of Josiah King. Eagle. ', 1. ..L." . ' 11.1411. Anchor ton Wort, Aileen...Y. . I ' .4 " AL L tla le Etat Estate for Sale. .FORS ',--.1 . 11nt alunttle Lot of Ground Jaunted at the c orner C! Martel end Water Ann . " at prearnt ueen ulany a 1.1.11i0. a. a Glum Wm , lam, hawing •:front 00 Market arreet of Za 1... t II Loehr , o. and on Water attvol'of 3Z. fe.4. I% Im.L. Aoo—Tbo Lot of ()round adjoining tlo+ll. Wort, fors wit' oerupled ky 11, .1.. Tonall.n as,,,hip 'Yard: har ing i front of 131 foret 15 Meta. on the Moutmgahela Kir: et. and runninail..k. 313 fret tofitoanough atreet. Pemo. drain.. of .. nee.... t0.,...T In. formation from II l' STOCKTUN. apll _ _ -- A Valuable Coal Farm for Sale, . Qi ITUATED un the Bonk of the 311. rzt , Timabagalvelaltivordtratrartowtolip,Wrato o ne lull M.. Pa.. 24 taller from Pith! nruto 5 mil, above slotodutabela City. met onehalf tulle above Welarter, con- Isiah./ 150 ACT , I, 120 or moo or which rontain Cued. wt. udrably located for ntlning. bring inirnected by a ne via. "MTh adapt. It to the Wm • ef firda ale auto th" naltuu. Thiv Coal ran all to conveniently conducted to the river, by meano f.o RAILItioAb which I. now to opera- Uon upon the prefabs". The lauding at the railway 6 ex• ' Mind, and the • tuatlon well adapted ter har bo ring boat" In safety. Tido . cation often, &Alai ra for the tool te e d. unairpaxted upo the Aloncevnahela rleor. The roll uponr aura., taunt of whieh I. cleated anal 1 under cultivating. 1, of very ouprzior qoatil beteg unruly Innestone sodhilf k walnut .014 well adopted y, 10 the growth of when; and all tiler grain cumtnon to the eonntry. LIMP. Mono Is altinsitan upon the PRILIiMP, and eully quarried. lAT:l7l. l ,rl j l= pithlv r i; e l ' en r rnfle 4iu tg I t ; hoot Uttt a large .4.2 Bern; large and rotiveniAt "gable; Unmoor, 132001%," Hutu., that Houma dr. A su,"r foiling "upply or goal water, with an excellent PuniP et the door. ThePiww F. abundantly ruppited with aced opringo In meet of the fleldo. There I• aloe ou the pbev a young In Or , Thant of mistier weafted fruit. rrei The whole Ina "ouvrnieut WWI ea U , , , of earnbnat landiiag at Welater. Tho Coal ,ill le mold eparately. with ell the nereeeery privilegeo for 1.. king It out , or the land and that/ togefiter, to Bolt numb- A... , Apply. on the prequin, to ENJA3fIN TfIOSIAS. Or tot. W. lIALIBADLiiI. Pittotsonth. leoet3l:l3' PO LET—An Office, with or without Ware Ilnuon Room. WM. 11. JOHNSTON. mc1123 112 Second FL TRANSPORTA'f lON From England via Quebec. BE undersigned, residing in Quebec, is forwarding large qunntilkw or Ililloutd Iron ardor h icl Teary article", to the different porta on Lake Erie. The number of weasel, arriving at truelove lo ballot for ear. ro% of unMeet --..p4.11:r redlern thlamule of in, e "if. a nd tll2l. A .T,ll,lZe"t - gll=ti'g forw . i rd: log M wren weeMrn port. ste may be reunited. Far furt.r particulars pleans nddresaahe undersigned. or apply to A. BIGELOW'. Walnut Hll4 thinned) apP , lttr(eod) U. R. hABORN E. —Y . :no:lanai. ram*, Aim Ea. 1.851. la i g LAKE KRIE ANWALICHIGAIi - LINE, ON THE EXTENSION CANAL. .i . CLARKE, PARKS A 00 Rucurana, Paurauroas. THE PROPHLETO tS of this . old and well known Lire. would In arm the public: that they are wow la operation Mc the pnwelat maw, tual hare cummem wed reeelsing Freight sod Pareocurers, which they are fully ll=l.l — raf ttre4 l l l ' . ratl th ,la.c — f. u taollea l t.. ? "f i ' ll; Line will be counautir at the lauding. below tbemonom imbed. Bralge, to remive fretaht JOHN A. CACOIIBT. Amu!. OeCce, tem. Water nod Pralthfleld Ma, Puteletmoh. CONSIIINEMB ft. W. Cunningham, New Cu.!!.., Po, b. C. Mathews, Pulaaki. Pa. It'. C. Mohm, Sharon: J. a s. Ifull, Sharywhorgh; Wm. Achro 0 Co, Greetavillw. Wm. Henry. Hartmann • Wm. Power. Crummutvißw. C. M. need, Erie. Pa.: O. B. Waßbridge, Buffalo, N. B: opt - PERRSYLVA/71A RAIDIOAD. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. 11 - '5l Forty-six hours to Philadelphia. Forty-four Lours to Baltimore. colletlros . d--403 unloii Canal. Two Daily Line.; Express racket Boate. ;TXCLIT2T - 67.L7 PA:.E.Yrik.R:. TO fEILABELPAIA, BALTIMORE ANT) NExt TORE rho openin, of Canal Narig,:itton, Two Dafrr Lave. NT:Excr,s N.A. Enz., win Ws: fcr I,llac,•ll.lrna4 HOLLIDAYSBI7ROR BZW=!I NEW I'ENNSYLrANIA RAILROAD. „• PHILADELPHIA. Time through FORTI,IX HOUTZ. rue to PhilinlelvirLl.6lo. Fan. to Daltlotorn. P. 7.. Ms ev Cat.. this routs nevi.. a. of the Dint approv oaf constronlon for costort leser evy tomtit prcrineig Right o'clock. sail over, . nin e St Oh. same hoar. Passengers for Baltimore, on azri”..l of I.larriqourp. tat, tho u,k e,,,,- Iwriau.l Rai (new tuithed) dinon lethal city, o.lphty roursollex., Tht, POUR !warn. No charge for handling Baggage ou this route. Tn.. Increased Sprott makes thlo the moot eornnatable. tie and daeiraNe route:nrao to the Ilastern Can, lot nr infnonationapply to J. I". I.IOL3IES, Agent, Mononuahaa Hon, D. LEECH it, CO. Cana. P oaren N. B. On th e 14. 01 Joiy. the r nal entr ßa uiraune enn Bailment sW be finieLed to leockpurt. • 1,143 slantlett tLe Line W h m B u l t .February O9. Manufacturer's Line. --- FFRE— 1 51. ilisEa cl 11114411 E ARE lIERERY INFORMED thallbi. LINE, en.r..pc......1 ru.r.rlr.n Bolt, )1.0f.': In (ull Ip~rr gr t i ltlVleTok=ll..TtX,V. .raaatakvag. in dm, ayl at a:. luw rat, en au, .ther rea-oLar Lio. r.padal arratketaent_. have n made fur eurry,n4 n. Cr:et ' . New Hamilton. Iletertowtt. Ne• port. Vert!, llarrtilairw.Col and all at 1,- at' lotermediat*Zoloa , matte reor.,ll - 3nla C.-a:Jar-0 l'crt age 1h01.r...1 taartiLretOrn load. of Imo Imtho ra and requlariir rla,uketd, the aforeladal at the rate.. into' .1 lIITCIIF.I.Lm'arT, Proyrietor. Warthotue. __Loeb Elztf 5....m0d door arn.l the PauaL n. . . . . AVING DISPOSED OF HALF MY IN-1 TEHEST RINGII.IM'S LINE. to my knot.her, Ii E HI NtlllA3l. the Iltt•Lorwh • 11l beim a, r fte Le leanest.' ruder the ed, le of !boa.. ,1 C I meld W.ll. JUNG IIAII. Binghams' Transportation Line. I 85 ItSTWEEN PITTSBURGH A, THE EASTERN CITIES. HE CANAL, being noir open, NVO are y rea dr to rvrriva , and ~ r ward prtanptly. rover rarest::: t s . 811 4 1= 11 tbar,l DT resmnp [bit, Producw glut lierritantlin• 1.111 rverivest mud to:mini mot. sh,l went, who agly chgrge for furwardlog...r wanting freight. cutup imam, gtorago. Ellis of Lading forwanleJ,. sod .11 hithfully attended to. Aridly. or simi• to 11'11. /SINGH - Jai s at., Cann] ""111 N 1 / 4 %2llVl4l,7reMa i rr b'''' '"'Alit"{Pla d Nr.'A ""d'IP". No. ltd North Howard ' street, itsillsocare. JAMES BINGHAM, No. 10 mt. New York. agfg 1851 Pittsburgmrhi h Transportation Line. JAMF.... O'CONNOR A CO., Canal Muhl. Pithiburaii. SLUR. JAME Fourth, Depots Brawl and Cherry streets. and No. 3 South stmt. tetireen Market sod Chow nut streets, PhiLtdelphiiit, O'CONNORS dr CO., TOPtartti street. Baltimore. fiIAVING fully..completed our arrange ments. we 'WEN' Prepared upon the opening of the sylvania Canals, Si rgh Daltionnw, Philadelp N ew Yuri, B arta ea;freight to and from Pitts ,. On. oinnatt St. Louie anall the Esti sod W..M. at lower MC. tad with 111101• dispatch and ewe than any oth er Line. All Vol. shipped by our Line are folly ammo' by Insurance. • I , Woakr. Da really aro:deli by other bine. All crontannims addyesoed to °unwires agents, Flail lt Cincinnati: 0. Webb. Loularille. go d Lowe A , Osborne St Louts will meet with portant attention. AWN. IL Our Line low noconneetion seirterer with the Ittahla and Pittaborgh Transportat Litior,obfp. 1851 Merchants' Transportation Line, Tin C tItALS AND tILSOADI,) PIIILADELPIIIA PLIIECT—WITH nuT RE-SHIPPING. IIenItTITY k CO.. Cinal Datin, as rtig t Pnlaborgh CUI L IIILIII•ItATIVII/ t Central Bleen. Bread ettreet arl V ' tFiti to mdsv a large =cunt tnartharett.e elti st any , en the Mnlng ef the canal, to Phil.- delpla . and all Lotartutitate plate* at leer rat, and to Woo Clam than In any prtetonallelDol:l tt ; 11. The lumatal number Cl Trues, grtmlit..l ho the analC Centanarietters for earning oar tgata - en the Fate Mall/twit, hreeent any pea of nolao at Sehtutawn. Ilnltimburn sr Columbla, tbt. eereon C'. A. CU. foltlS Canal Baal. 'lB5l To' Shippers of Merchandise, Produce, &-c. In OD Itoll nu-par.:v. vim,. 1,111: • rens. RELIANCE PITTSBURGH TRANSPOR TATION LINE Arzlys c C 061211 ” , Ptllladelplala. OELL LIGGZET. Meats, Canal Bon. ratrturgb. JW. TAI . LOI I Y. Amt.. llaltanorr. Wa'are Pre len. np tlrr epram,, Pr.. :1. , . Carnd, for Yrrrbd. t o and el, ablpvars nr-v,,,Prepatch and care ar any AlnnalrAr.. Joe! fri , Ants .... JOrl re MVO.. McFAtirN & COVODE, llrradvn S co.) (Nnal.Baatn, Penn Strret. Puma. Rail Road Co.--Central Rail Road. IRE subscribers haul Nig !wen appointed totlTA"greteirtgh:'TV';4l, •=111! entre nor ukArrbroldlse or 14rgurn fur r-kPronor met oath, op ming align carksL ibuoir via tbin route .111 b. rural,' tb Dru.ik la are darn rd ell cousioned in kin will bn forwartlnkt UT a comm ie lurk or chart , . for ulrork,.. IWO , or(loom BlTlrer, PRlZaLailnia AND PP. - mamma. Dry Goods. II rto. shoes r Donkm.Ptatk.narr.Cut...U.Daator riarrarp.-Fraltr. Prather, Turaitare, Draw, aPrdkiaro, baddlorr Wool. &a. L. SLIM t lOU la. n ar dpare. (parerumare. tiroorrira, Paints. Dye era 011% Leather, MT.. F 11;, Tituntby arid otta•rlTram• Torrola, rte. Kir rp. Da , aa, frt.!, Park. nutter, Lard, Lard. Oil. ?Omer. Coil., Tallow. Drilla and Ita.or. AA*, " Ta llow. (rough) Tar, Pfteb. Porto. tio '. rin k 2 Clu T. Done. An • " Wet 11o.'1 3.IoFADDN COVO E. `A L 1 PETRE—xO Racks for sale bv ISAIAH' DICK FS Cto,_ VER3IILLION—nI! lbs. (Trieste) for sale v br sP7 It. I:.tLLER-S, VIIEESE-60 boxee receiving and for sale kj by sp7 /1.1)612XL1. tLlbttty R. SUNDRIES-- • bbl. Suktor sults Third Appltr • " Yestlistx t44,11.....h. . r b0xes Cbsest; nye . .1.7 'prim° fur sale t.S JOMT WATT co 8 . AL l aill3S--4000 - 41,4 rjeby PHILADELPHIA. I . _ I:1031AS BONNET MANI.I- YACTURKIL Mx 41 &alb &toad Mde.) Philadelphia. BtMist'" 1.1 AOA LE Y. WOODWARD & Co., Wlu.le _ Jude Groan. No. =I Shutout rt. . 11 ~E A FICCKRGit CO, Tobacco' Cotamierton Here/tam, No. 41 North Wet {Pater reet. la North Whereto. l'ltliaeltalle. anal ERCFIi btt General C:4rarnia n•-_ onnelattroent. of Preetnee geerally. fAn9.l6ln 'o Southern and Western Xerehente fpousELus PREMIUM PERFUMERY. to Mali seven Odra and two wowera mo ow ue bate, within the last six Jew, beep awanial by theta/Mita. of New Tag, baron, R od pbiladelobla, the tartar bthig the W 7 Uob for perfumery either in E r " rrattZjerrteMiso Ctn.. (Mheefa. &M. and Arabareml.hmegreerlly acknowledged tobemmehre to Shiethletlehee %hie country - or Yaw. larovaire ra trairrdeat, rarrn '"g u i stoi l cotrit gmbtrat TaIMPADV y Maria Soso. :immerse Tom, Sores—Almond, Raw, 31111egerus. uet, Plebehlo. busk, Patebously, Omnibus, /looting. Ulire Oil. Modem and Clecasidaa. Mrs.. me rug Llearmemma—licer, Janda, bor at de Canal.. Ilerattents, Jenny Chid, Li cum lineulig • eTT Cia o Manailla, Clemente, Citronelle Root. and many ateer vares, in all olsty Mama am. Tram Waraslorida Water. im de Toilet...rm. Yluwer Water. and • a owl variety or Colognes an d der Mum. Parrsarnove FOR via ham—Chola* Bearebil,dalria. Oil. Bandana, Pau Custralk, Okla, Ooropoad lls Lim row Dyes. Hb and in mars% and Pblionaneatid• nine.and Jenny Lin au d Pomades, lignacurro Itingasonee—Daleanide MILD, Roan Tooth PM.. Charcoal bearlike. Glonthie.Tooth Paste,andTcoth Powder. Coranam—Vegetable Cosmetic Cr..,m Amaral. fp s chapped bands. Cold Cream of huh, Cream de Pens, LJp Yalre Itampbeny Cream, tn. I:kpll.l.Fs Powders, Joe removing enperLooos hair Phut farlWyralig7. .:..2tgalrm other . articles, too nomerons to be naiad la thla odvertig rant The mibseriber home to maintain the repaint'. stitch this attabli•lnnent aeouired. by asposlag of nothing but Met rate articles, sodwig beam- to forolah vane who ray wich to atroalas ha, either wholesale a retail. on ae reseanable br a . am any eetablishment is the United ant.. ZdITED BAER, houreessor to sod fanner Meseta of ta Lateirake7 of ECORNE ROULlifdto Chasid id Air Babes Perituriel7 to for eal• by all the galragol Drugginte In theoombT. NEW YORK :I ,4, :iiifidell;P:i: HUTCHINSON ,t, Co., Nol3 Spruce Street, NEW TORE, Wboloolle mmanftetarers of th e bat EI:GLUE PRINTINO INKS, fu Stool =I Litho. Ypbi Prialbm, and Mr El. Book and Job Work, which b,. arras to be combated of the west tostrtikls, no to Item:al ' orno Me* luk P k, moMeh as tOgive a rich omarul orksopurlor tom). otberinkJoart in u.... =::= Y rt W v:rylog . Gam 75 dr. to ss,o3 me jb., "17:Ti(1ibt w =_TVeg i ogd ' int . af mry shati.azd Nltallty meting from 11,00 to EZ.M3Etr lb. metal:lm TO THE noese KEEPERS OP THE UNIT= Slum. SILVER PLATE QUICKLY RESTORED Cr tar alongranon or . nit • rams PLATIIG two. ge Mee eleiriAleties, or the stonyreturned. TIrIIIS FLUID is composed of pure Silver; bee boor wed by bor. keepers in No. York.for lbn I Ors years. and I. becoming • necomary article la the domoatio economy. Aur peroon cam In slew wheat/to, ro. Moe to oriairod beauty . Md Plated GOMM, mar em Cuter , . Candloorirks, Cake Berke!. Carriage and HLTIMA 00001. tore. Military botionini tn. de., or plate will. Pare Elver on nross, Copper. or Gorman o th er. The warrantee is sof • yslsol lid hi. introdustion Mao Friar or of pot born-. A bloroidl.nout ['Jeweler, and nos m ey ods drains bor G oo iby norblkdodos2t:T • WM. WAKEMAN & Ca.l No. 71a Al (late 76) Illimrs LANE, NEW YORK .!•,- ...DaP , , , ,qy oppoeire the Old Stand. • j ' i t; :RERS JOBBERS of FEY...." , 7 : 4 E 1 ARTICZ.47: " 11:2=Ind Ellsker. MnEart:cwlrrtnlfilN:3ll6:ZlP,': MNit, Bembun• awl taxer of all Treat Dr. Baker, Spetngf-ell. WealinginaCe•Mtr•Ei , , 1 :1• Cm; Ssr.. - 0rat.n.Er..;74.,.7.4.°42, '" ' 31.... Stanford A Pare--1 take ticeopprusocoup qid.,:_i; Ptrising you of • cmot remarkable core performed upon . , : .. 02.3 hi' the use of Dr. Wntafe Batram of Wild Cherry. . In the year 1.340. bras taken with an intbanatiou. the ' '-' l /: inwil. which I emceed trader for six week. when Seed-' ~ ,I, natty recovered. In the fell of 11341 I IMP attatried with a" .•,- Pen. mkt. wUlch meted IMelf npon my longs. Adolf. the ', Mere of three Tunf waseoutincd to soy bed. Ttrio d all •./ ri, lands of medicine, nod teem' variety of Md.trit.l.. Dram: fd. end lieu I wearied eke. 00111 the Muter of ISO, ."'" when I heard of Dr. Wistar'e We. of -Wild Cherry. User". ''' l, friends parsuativel ore to give it ss triaLtbough 1 had;Pross.. i 1 uD all hopes of recovery, and bad Prep.ed soyeelf 1 Om ~ , _ change of .other wcald..Tbroda-li their solitUations Twee '•-• '' Induced to make use et the eels.. Wietore Dalr-m. of :1 - , Wild Cherry. Cherry. The *Hem was truly astordshlin. ;MU ' , . -.1! three mem of Millet. and Anil:wing, and aft* haring '. .;. QM. low or gm bombed darters to Ma mnpase, ./1 the : i '- 0 beet and nowt nilrpecieble inimnbuts had premed ttuaraftr ,;. ::: t'.. 10g,-1 wee wino restored to entire trait:ll by the 1 / I ..ting of , -...- God and the TM of lir. inner's 'Batons of Wild Cherry. ' ,' • Ater the blearing or God net won !the proprietors of so : ".•7 , r , . val.ble a med... Wistaia BAIIIO2 of Wild Cherry. s•: . , - .7.. . . . Tours reopectfollY. . , • I . 1 Sold by J. D. Pi.. (runcemr to font/MI it P.k./Yotertli,/, 7,1 ; ; `and Walnut ann. Cincintati.Otdo, General Agentfor the i South .el Weft. to oh= all orders must to addr....l. ..• J. Kidd A Ou- D. A. Telosednek A 03., J. , At. .Iparl, I-. ;I it Wileor.,jr4 Plitatiirgh: Lee /L ffleckhem, Allegheny QM, : L. T. Humid, ....tom L. 11. Bowie, 'Colootmetff IL i ..; - I Wei.. theemtbsup; 4. X ount.Poaserseb frotetr Ilikome, • ~/•• Pedfont peed at.. thintininlornlll.otr, 4 1, 12.14, , r5bn , q .. :; ,-;'.' I itildebrend I Co- Indlano: J. IL Wright. iintaapilliqr . ,,.i p " krona: ET. a Co, Brookville: A. Wibct it o Son, IVAr.shore ; sfrz.ram 4, Co, N. (trtUender..?teestrillet Burton t likk;" hobo Drama A Prter, 11ercem "am, -Kelp it Co, 11. I. P..-. 11111. Beaver: J. U.Sumentrinek Menem Y. 6..,L - C....,,,, il.. .17mSo048 , sedsior . L.P. Cron , ter,jr.. IhnwitevGle.: , •:...:::, ,:,,,,,,...., Professor A. C. Itarry' ' s Tricophe . Iro 1 / 4 .- . f. - %'' f'' If VIEDNAEED COMPOUND, infallible ,• rd re d the erur iog er=in all offwet andtea fit ' :ftgrAlls: 1 end reel . a the skin, dieessea of .the glarade,,, ..•1 1 nruatlen.334 Interumnin, and relieving stint/. cuts, brat- ' ' - us. mmaine k tre. 'With stole preparation ..there le b 3 mob -, • ;, . ,„,,,i .. ihit,e Th e firpt joappais hi Amerins, tnedbel MIL ' of the Idglint eminence, pro:Advent cit.= of All pnees. !;ii . .Polls, a. Mitre wise ham :Pal It Mr mon In their M. Itring mune and numeriee, oduilt it with onesen.t. Q. Pe '• : . • • impart.; rigor, gins; luminance, mid curl to the hair, .. nr ,,,,p,,,mi ag ao.f and dandruff: bealirn dlr... ousint4 ••' : .Ausetonsommlns, sting., 4.. met reletrl. dice... 00, ratCri TO TNT Taarit. Mr .610, the iclande , and the '....seteut It ha w no' equal , •-• . 111 00 OO Go. Oe,per Oos-----P0 60 I woe/. ntrmaltitade of comp:mode advertired to thebute • e • 3761 hembute, or Med In private prank. In cheeps:am as well' '" __ ...... .34 2 oe. -..---- 15 ;As sencleney, Derry'. TrimPheron• la 0ne1..1 6. 4. ' The .• s On draught per gallon 70 cents. ' sonate.e.t. seles of the .curer. have imam. the invent._ MP I. the lest ertiele =mutant:nett It flow. freely- 1 lo ammly 10.120 cents per bottle, which la ohm 60 to DM , ; M a mod COPYING INK--. 11 will nut coned. mould. me' met kle than the, be , el ! J. , e!Per..Pnle L' . ... preelpitan or .Ices and bmweses ell the qualities requlr- 1 the ben now to ntr. .3. mientisa tramme no UPI halt .- 3 rd for a go. Weitin• Ink, eultable foe the Quill, =dad- end the Akin embracing the ..I.ble directions for the eutr. ' mlnaly adepbal fur the Mewl Pen. .1 titre and preltereatint of tuttureQ 01.1.1 o, 0... In' .• ", ' The utelenientri. prepared tf, farnieh to the trade el- ,In which each podyle benelnol. 1. . Imes worth the sumge _. , 0 they fee export or home onmumption, at the atom nary ' The etranity betwnq the e.mbnuerswhichoottnltute.• : • - - I. prin. put up . per order. and delivered in ._y part l' Alan and the hat. ..eMeb draw. Us scurteisanee gm. tide: - - -- or the city free of Tharp . No charge gir ma.. ftrrels triple envelope , be eery elom. All of th e hair oti• •'.- ' cc Lege are 01600.1 extra at nett net ', armee In the Akio of tUe.itred. if the pons of the nelP o L' ; :.o TLIEGDORE LUNT, a ore cksired. cc if the 60.1 ~1 outer MM. du" riot etren febily SS Nanou et. New York. 1 late Steely through the ...All .vmetrls whiett,feed lb . nor"i. . . with moisture: and Impart If.* to the fibres, the result is .. liiscrphy'll Selffkaling Advertising . Vick f.....a.d.a..11. Abedding al the .haLe.' gm e....• dim. - '` _13.. / ' and barstunits of the ligements, Aid entlMldonts, se the ' • ; may tro • fitemlate the skin to bralthllll grebes with .• ~ VI O.' 263 MADIs. - ST NEW YORK - ' ear the tamut run/. tmemeneg Oble ..- -...- .1. The suleember. In "Mich g ifie Wm.. ;h., I sena My, will .rnhllate the dlenew. In all affmnons of the •.. ' •-: with Ode adverb..., al ' s sem. - or um, gemb,,,, e; .la, and of the suborn. of mumles•and lot/kismet rst• .'.,..„1 with which a new article le brooght before the pat.. The 'I tre.......dth....._.`a. 4 __ ..... Q. ' ''' ... '"...- It 1'41" rte' s ' ..spelieone of rare hen tee d their anywnority tee. toe mom.. nom. an d the 1.2.... t t . .r. - 1-.., yowl .il 1.. n ad h. cooffeiently refers to the item. bee ne slenfo ott. 3 ,_ ott. . 034 ,__ 14 _____..._., .........i.6" 11 ur of thne bueit:ees men who have need there envelop... 4,......".................,• ...arobi..riairio, proof a tn.', ~....1.• i we fa ImSe bmtin• Pim ...G.. . ... id . .. .'''' t - • nun. l • ff. /._ .= atried!,_of. New lurk. and be . the prlistipasnarch.', 11: The following area few of th e memos for their IMI6O- ! 433...4.-441....."...4.44 the ''''' 4 5"1" 'Pea-... .. Lents . ao.a. Ist. 00 the pine oecupled by the se., a penton ma have Ms name, beeluese, and addne, cotopieuounr . 'l. I 7 Needles' Celebrated 'b.utlfully embossed, coined or plain., th u affordi ng per- inO3IPOUND . -HEMLOCK - PLASTER.-, 1...1 ....ray ...It. fraud. Yd. The Et/Vet...M. be opened without bd. de-. I . 4 4, Th. ',.,. ; bi t4ll,7 4l ,,,,, '"'"l dpri Pl PPrhich " lib b' : *'S tas li fy ' • . stn.ywl.try ;61. Neither war nor wafers en required toenel then. V.,...,.,. 4 . 1.44 " .4° ,,,,, / ge,,, 1 Xent " o tW e ''. lo,..tet t ' h" d ! 4 4f r ". 11 - 1 '' ' ; ; -i nth. Ulm the cedwarriam of a loner, the eeelbotroreelth _,./___ ~,.!...,- --e tr,„. -. - . ...", ~..- t o mec I' .'"' ' ' ' • booordlole return to the /muter. taste d of being buried , ..........,,,,,,,,, 5 .. . ~,...... - ....b . "T - 6 - ip k .a; . p.,.. g r r r rte meet ,-': ponds 10 the Peal Letter Oflite. lob Th e omelopea ere furnished at ;0..4 Th e ... y . l Metimoulals lee to their Superior virtue over all othir pleitr 1 • min as pnes. , tem sold. a she ~c tpositloo. very earefttlir stet ' :;:(1. Oth. 1.. letter a...a.11.......tee.u....4,.ti...ei, I / 1 . INN.. 46 _,,„ ,s, .te to ottran the Attention of all through whose hands It 1 ....UT “..biOrd• ...--- -"" per U.D . U''b* l .' • ,r ; , :• 7 '.; . Nervous Mimi.. with 1 0 :0 6 . 3 .3 . os. pos. Wm in th 1 hr. reomung from protrattedoolt... ;,..., . The lullowl. le a list of prices for DwA,eagraved on I Mi . ,„.. -- ,...,„ / - h and for mine meter f ...... 3 41 0. • ''.- braes, and which will lad for yea. and of Mismorm. of ~,....... - 1. - a, i., or, their ten... chatecte.r is beynd -----, the usn el else, either white or buff , of mt. paPn..d - • ''As a rat m =l.lPribligp . thetr eu. 7' % made as abate, with name, Address, le.: • question or disp . ut I. or e ot Sward cep mt. os Unlmente„ :3", i , ' Prins qf Die. Heins 4f .ffluelopts lank as 14 4 7 : 4,, . t h,.,,.; No, perecure by the many nun effected. .. ,' unto in the beak triads kleteneulting . r 7:i; . '4 tom_ ........ ........... .... 6,00 1000-- ...... .......3 . 64:0 ;,,L . ..... k. .,,,,, ~,ti' ~,.4 : , i i,..... of lb. 10a.i., Or u.i. mr -30 to a0........._._......_.. 5.00 PPM , • •/60 - , -- / ;,a,„, , - ;;;,,,Q - q /b, /4. Mestere has been wept?, tester by ittst 40 to 60 SA MOO . .111,50 1 i',..,,,,,,,i..i,a have m eperien.d cure and retie fr.; tbetr_. :- GO 1.0 SO 10,00 5000_._ 13•D:' I 7Plicatk. To such . w miler with rh.mtle Poi. theca ..,• :i.. 60 to 100..... ..... --.........m0c0nk.....-....... • 1.6.00 , ....,.. ~... r ,,,,,,,,,.., ; add, with the omgdeotnenomms, ~ 0 When It is not ean.-eisient to toward amount of ceder 1 , n - a - th - r e /T. i,,,,,,dal ear NF eill be ton. tort' decided.. •"'• • ".-- per moll or exprna. • Wens. to • ncepenahlet New Tr. 1 F ,,, ...,„ ~,b,A,.,..1,,,,,, d tai • . Inure will tae Auffscleut. All orders will meet with pR2:110 i in P. E. ALLISIIS, 37 rt'Sisl n . - , T - 6 , - , =Unison. 0 addremed 0(31 . Mt:RPM% I 104 24 " .......4 ' 4 '''' Tr4k- The Human. I bdy Nut Perspire, -- ' + . (tolets ref". Is attended to prtmptly. it left At ehe ..nm of Meen ttikell tr Mom . .:0 N all .trcti. rr of 31cfxr, H. , SO SAYS N'ATUI,T, to have a health+ . att. ' ,..1, .I,muva.. et co., 134 Wil i am et , , „....,,,,.., ~,,,i ~..p . ,,,,, nho do Oat ivivir..; alsiabl. , :' 11 - I N • • b • -1.. .. Cl.e. . 0 . 0 . to crt1...,_!,..,,...,_. 3 . - , to the Most dugueting Skin - Dutra.. No, duce Itailts ' .. Des. at 410.00 per thousetd. ...- , - 0 ...... • Chemical hoop n3t4,34 a nee w- 00 0( - aO2 "av Lto •LOSN''' , " CO' ._........ 1 j toms matllli. and I.elleas II ,- nkft , .. 0 ,0 1. s It It. uzlipt . • -.• • of an Infant'. enemy. belt Rheum, and Se re. an not Oralf IQ-elel, hu, ~.L. . ., - ! eated hr Its 12213. e.. at least 7 p Pr. . .tu `t" l'brlc 1050 w.... • wt o nee tt in .etrm...d P.. Id It - Intdefflng-wkahr,l4 . t . ,) Pimple. Blotch.. Yrefkle. or. tido Medan. OW .., Modals stewed that Ws fa no Maim, ratket smrtrum, a . , ,;..1 sloe ttial will prove. I enild e kelfftersto at. teem: !intl., ,Jo perveto mind of vere Imed.' ears M.,'enti sons trord .' :"_ ... - on ßor i f i til-04dar . = ssaall coil,.N ., L , •=r i lzmp r ., ~..,..,2 , • fb,76. , e s la are Labia to ' ebalnii. q!..11,1 ' ,,,....rLarred *AZ !!!,„ ~, , yen tnerthlo nee enty • core. but A prevet: '''• . 4 1 ' 444 "-- , now o nly scht. that erns. affUtted vette a n , ~., ( the spot -.,,•;., , re elmtlerdt.ffens. w3ll 11.1thir all, .d eee ea... ittlaff•l': . : relit Si Its Prontileel than I elate. ' ,: .' '',,,d -*,., 0 13 . 2 . 1 . r .5 x ... ? ,....... v . r .,, a 11md t d withimite N. 4 11 •', • ton it on ly er Wt.-LACK POl/. _ottlrAT.t In Ilt="4 ' ' . . head of 11 onl, .. and Tio. —Fent, Silk. and Black Of mere kind. 01lima am! 80n0.a. , --Of all Mode Cret , ca.4.—Vane, silk I Satin, Ilcacv English 3foin.a. calm kr. , oaa . !canon. ( Ta ro Albert Berathars. IM lndian ficatilccekofi— , 47nra, Linen Cambric. AP. surdFropan /orufee lma ra—French and Loulu.b. 0•1, - style: Do:male 67,..e—Hid. bilk, Limo. Tlimad, and all the latest of French kod Foolish importaticua. briero—Shalars'.3lerino. Lamb's Wool. Bilk. Macon and Oman. .Vornino Gomm--Meet. Cashmeres Encliztp French mad of rioll. Bnon.a foe um:airmen and ladina—a moiety of itiumn Rsloto Bells of all Qualities. pcitiid incite particular attention to our Domestic, Full Undershirts, Disarm. and Modem WAKCIILbi k CO.. 79 t BI Madden Lou.. traelklC , lm a 1 Shawl and Mantilla Warehouse. -FtlS. MILLS, No. 6* CORTLAYDT ST., Ny Staired NEW EOM is now Litenlmcme of 1. 7 / 1 11 l i n th Ter 'u t . ro 'n"d4. I. 1. Tu. &cl:' 11VOLIN and all kinderof SILK MANTILLAS , mannfactu , red tram the !meet Paria Oashiore, teewiredby the steamers ' and oartimalarif mlaPtod M the EDON, trade. flct'k of odattd PARASOLS Al l ' et U tt mod ,ilk mod Turn nalln earl wila, and lelonbou and (Mog i. hem Umbrellas. All of which will be offered at rtereorit low prim. We mterbally Waite our Western tri:pdatotti inn our abrk , exhibiting shasix and , Width cnOW iimbaht • aloonlaw, put up In esoni f tranopurtation. lebilaf SPRINO IMPORTATIONS. • c. R. HATCH Cu.'; j NO ft: WILLIAM STREET, NF.w TORE, AYE noic in store, and av constantly re reiviva by_ rteamere,themost extormirearwortauenta FURNISLIINO GOODS betoot offered. embrace,. the latest and riehert Moles of Craratejahitta, , lore., !Vonore. okopendere, Under throsetth. London Tas.i , torks. Wed Oilke. Dressing 4;otrap, liandketridefs. ! so boulder Pram. Linen Collor, with a varlets of other at los peeulier to their One of laminae,. All of which will !old OE lher ,err loweapriona. Our Western Die n& ate .. Vii.M to cam:nine nor stock felatkl3m. Superior Black Wrilang . and Copying Ink." lONS'S EMPIRE INK, AZ Nassau street, j f Now York. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS THOMAS HALE, FORWARDING s COMMISSION MERCHANT CHICAGO.. rONTISUES his usual facilities to Tece/re st.J nn Shh.sgs. Sale. end Tran.blonatut. )/erehanlHe coihurtri huh. Boats its,. his . Ilan) for an hi..., 1 op lb. Lakee and lb. Ilhnote Gaul and Meer Refrreneen—Meeen. lenenL, Ree li ng Cc, Hear. Jones QolgOl )Ir. John A.Contho/ ST. LOUIS & ST. JOSEPH ST. JOSEPH. MISSOURI )lII)DLETON,. RILEY -4E M'GEE, c.gairthelo Le o w ..d Torwardbeooext Sherclmotr, ea Ow l• t. )1. Ref, to A leLlnkT Larca. Ettrbalr k ts..IT • AVID C. TUTTLE, Attoittey aw at L, and comlalmaczer tairenvorlystata, St. Loul. 310. monientioua nrosorlr annrered. j MMIE ItOliN H. RANKIN, AttonleY and. Gin IN ?mow: at Law. and Commbetower few the State o oeyieetilw, Lewis, Mo., (Woof LettAtt neterenowe—Pltwburgh: Km M'Cit pant. •4 udlext k McGhee*. 'Joh* E. Puke. blenelle & steeple. McCord &Co. morlide BOSTON. MEXIMAT ROVER - HANOVER STREZT,LHOSTOTti "FRE undersigned having entirely re -2 JE buil eularued the abase esteasies estibiLb• tarot. t mid soutalutcat in all about ttombowered sad room.. would rmiteetEallTßivelleUre that St is now mailT th*eeaDtion .ad aMosamodatiou of lb. MsmilifW 111261MLIV. Av • . eiteibdA 110WAOr the atuiripi,..ll roareaknon of OA. Howe Ls Amused suportuoiss, ss thaprave. meats which Ewe Iwo made UMW& be prowertT is advartienotat. Taft. it so tar. DO mew by been natal to render sUT aleTtusest The funsitunt wy suite ssursesly to mem . . r.RWlo. of uout. luld ...Main Tartlet. oif it, mmeisily the Pestriatt twat, will Iss forma to be of the mon beautiful mattufm - tare. The Olutalt mm. miitteMit , .." . t.. " I ' B . torah will be at arrayed m to milt the miamultom of the ~trIT late. • Everi tletmoment wilt n ,be n w atilasteigs uursititio. th.... by Vauwerosul ta. Traveller's reuse d,, • air o ,simus, MUM LETTII3 BIEN. f.b.NtleestertutT MEM V /ECAllan%jititllta BYeli•lfiZe tr.\l44 l "ZtriLVOMl k gi Cd.ur alillterUmds..of zll L y, , ,z4=4 . Olan ()Mere Mispadic ht - tit ;11:47:11:1-g'ft•"7:171',..-6"47- osat,) ottet • lam mg of Lb. mods, •• 4 , 41 - 1 , amis:atakoDoti tbil w nen i M n. meld coma Vow* sot parka sta. . . W. Pm , remaihrbe eta 11. LA, L ' wr.dnka.. theadertu. Medhatettot ' • lb. thug Isesgrotht other rsfurthau qf the • Wde.ilet wish to teak with the Lees d i r ;,..1,1.1 the selieted, hot ire ellthrtly pledge Wm. to make no imertion u to the virtues of tai eine, and hi hold rip bate to resting Itheos,are s . bets will not thsiiiitt. • -• Ths Mom of Itel.od,ttnd the 1700 and Will Chary at 1,0117 .I.b.rseet thr the ounent aliases*. of the L , oath end Lim% which are m lbarthlly Pormholl 1, all Northern alto e. from • combination of chemical exteute,:p.f comet from, this Neu and tithe Trees, Da. Warths eth or With'Cuctar in chiefly formed. • wir-we' edam of WILI Chum to le an. meth Ireatmar., compthed entlretj of Will Chem Bask and fits . gamins Iceland lltheathe laitA imported expresaly ter Ws tsrarth.) the rue nisillea/ rheum of whkh ate &Iv ecea blued by • new shaded protein. with the eattut of Tap— thus renderliurttm whole thermostat the rood .cririslia sag ellicaoluth remedy.* drric . ,,rerml for the CONSIMPTION OF TiLg LUNGS. • lIEREDITARY:ODNIIIWPTION gavel try Whams& Dal sun of Wild Ciaerty.—The following eau of /amulets L. Wigs. of Conmnoption. Ore of his brother. amt sisters he died of Connuthation.) to truly re ertatertht /thus= Rooth; IlamiltonBent,T7:lo. J. Phu—Dear 8.1. rake the liberty of advisingpad of the benefit I bare denied the the of Dr. Wistass• „ &dew of Wild Cherry. I wax pthatrated by that terrible thatme. Consumption, in May bat, The attack woo ImIT, hanifying to me, Ste fire of °whinny, (my brothers and ethers) had died of Coththiption. I ems elltdetrd, nearly all Um remit (Worm of the disarm I had • dletersa. Jug worth, and expectorant • groat deal of mow: beetle' Eever, severe pans In Use aide and chest, mid chills, alto nubs with Bub., of heat.' • I yes other the nth of • WWI physician. from du ewe' ww taken nick until shoot tlxreeke rinos. being then about helpleso, and my Mends emamidthed my cue hopekes, or at least beyond our physician', Leklth drill the use of Wistafe Datum of Wild Cherry. Wlthoth my knowledge, any father precund It, and ocontotheed *Mins latering it to ma, and fon” the fret day I mesterei:nth ta ins it my health improved, and in two weeks Dom the • that I arenatenced min tL I was able to to out and ems ' see rim bottom, nod labor, which tooth= to de, r ham taken form bottles of thethedielne, and bow considere.. myself perfectlyWeil.lSCßll3o. . Lake Co- a.. June 15, '46. John a Pant-DearOln In Jaly.:lB4o, I was ettack• with • fuer ofyppludd character. which left ms ha • eery - deldlitsted state. wt the following winter, I wee te• ken with • serene mid. width Imbued me to Sub an gal tent es In Ore to. toe appearathe of • 02112113.1 commute , tiro. I labeled nodeestecreni enuab—uneetorited eeret.t dad. sod woo troubled with cold tut and view meats. • I elso frequently lathed Weal Wm my loos.. I thithirmW thle etete, tharitialkidaking wean , Ito etwewomut Jthnu7.lB4ls when Iwo. athin attacked with beer. My' friends despaired of my lifis and me etre/Aims thought I- dead rurrire but a Wart Lisle. 14y extremities, eepeelia ly my bet, were constantly cold, and thmardloar thelefeel. fug. limier these eireuxemattese It maybe Gulf raid Isms liringekeleteut. I Wally determined to unit taking inte I. rather ortheribed by physicians, and try 1.. Iblatar'e Bal sam of Wild Cherry, solid 'hem the hest week that . I nth maenad taking It, I madras • gradual mores,. - 'I ecedlrk. , std its use eta tooth.. at the etel of whiob ty., rd. and reh0,..1 ge••d health eve: tit,. end eh-..erectly th• Itelttm to all these with direst); the Image. and would sty to tiame couunenems its tiro. not. , to be dttenterekhed fit two or three bottle.. do not, et. et • 002 e. belt pbemeTere,ar I bar, data. and I beer' no 4=ll tut WC, "Les rot of tr0..111 be blbend will "reamed health m I here been. liethertfully rum. : .• Josz PR :trAitio:i. exectror to 0110.11 Itez exhir JOILN J. BROWN. 114 Falb= Artrt. dew Tart. Peach , White Teeth, and Pure bbd for 3 r•ritse—Pormir .ho lam tither.'ars bir banned that if (bear Wrath t• errs re , bruL a •birtr`'"; .teeth deism!. dark cr. 'vie, wad encrutte• irith. tatar, ft.: , • sea• Las el Jona' ..itaberreyth mak• the terth as arr. iaa teeth nreeL Sold nisi? at JACKSON'S e rne. :40 Libertr ri.birkid A Scientific Hair Tonic, Reetore: anal libid.—Trial Botta, 774 c r am Thom who bete neat 'Jabot' Cant their Itthorer, know Ito than.: thanks:- thawilo how, not; we thrum it to pond. the rwionoi . rosidal w eg—lt will then the bid, to grow on at,' part•Ler• gthi, woo a falling cure Penn 'ardminctt and coak. %ILL ted, or gray body Ya r ., a d e ring lEe hthr roll end ray, nothing cm earth& 'thib—it aware it trot, and then; It m. It dna, the tooth eatheicel—yet eunthin—erlielo lar,thg U et WM. JACKSON'S Stare, WO liberty bead of Wood, etneettree. onta, bd..% and $l. : • • JONES' Solution of Jet,. a Liquid Ifinniti: Hair Dye, for the obthating of white. nth ea eze7 flair us. beautiful brown. or black let third, to • ref Prke*--tomilta,Li Sl. ; • ' add by W/I. JACKSON, nth Libertyetrart.head Wood.. Pant moth , JONES' LILLY WRITE.--Ladies si a eau: , t5...1 avant thing the thismon netharedChalk: Mier ra t genre bow hightfully ILL t bow thane. boar rungh • bow sal low,yallow,. th rill ' the thin tildwarel,thinr Ming nreturwl Chalk: 11.1.1n,d familia% evatainnit a large quantal. of Nadi ; gal 7 == "i ti It Ls patent y /thoorat. Begawan It Impute torh=ll " ighi r ief. niwth, whltei at tbe arras time th ing es ' 4 . on the elnal, maki.Dir don and aLLettL bi.Lb• LIE JJALLSON. ILLTILLY Lid rf Waal, rntebargh. Prin. !II thierthithlth9 ' '; ' . . ItEAUXONT'S PATENT STARCH POE-, `; - ''' .l , . In. Ibr dylrot a bonsitild slat. to Llama, 371.141n5, le beim. Collark, elan lionow, and all lag 4. of raiat4 , , . IMI prineltall Ma znal frka •113.1ing.tothe Unim., addm , ~ I'. / tema ackilnc. It orataine nathft 1.0rie..0 1. , ; clotbeo „,,,. 11133 f ranee!. +ll/* Wis. 1:4•12 licar*.m fiat th e ; Ms :j Farrah an artir.4. mid isa tlia Weir lorp.datkia will b. ..... ~ PT . ly. realLud.' s• DO aseacellUosi if frau d after gp0.1,440.1.14 1. . ; 11.-11.0 iii isko 41t11 40 tlbiy 44v5_aq4,,,,,,,,,r d 'a'920. , fr:CMbtV.,th2l , ,4!_ ,i,, , i ii i---• i L. I.`zili) Par gs4by =.&W -U. Z. BELLIES. 14 Woos a., fiREDN APPLES-40 bbla in good con — di -11/11 tlcasodtesieta • LAVILW=I,III:O. mugcAL.