The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 18, 1851, Image 4

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    ( prrTilitaidw4hUh i litE.
_ . •
/.11.tti(.fiFi«O.tas C.):siathan Furtt.
?EM 'zoo or our' itampo. •
n istiaa, TICZAIr 1 4 `4 . 2KMAX " ) COLVX 2I 6 ,
g ofour Reptaam
BY,:vOliu4SPO*n B '7 ll,64,
- whiii. t ..„:i to i.);e4e.bied for e tee
T. stood,
Nii , trelforie • to ;nor tyrants! k u4 d,
Hat V er . papa' doirci that noble fleg,
;.; Osftnelonif*eukin
---Tberilo&ot'-our Republic
una free,
Whieflanild one:sale crouch uud bend,
Itrelionnilvond tba sea ;
' iend oli r tiiti'iliPOry;'itaintialned deck,
And in tbe tented field,
etattniume_that.the foe •
blustAll, - orlip, or yield.
.. - -.' a g .our Republic
....R.tricea the exile:a bean,
. . : - ,..4 1, kilithitticatiii lasi' farewell,
.. Alute rfriecda depart;
Re_t.egses tu as
pOutbe mat,'
;And Lail icon the Chore.
. ITherelort rule and lordly: wrath
.ire felt and fealml rio:more.
llikl.blill , Peeseive,l 4 ller Elan,
Amid-40meetic feir.6 and broils,
wan: •
o , so.4lrtal,_Ntill keep them stil,
Till_ time Eliall fede letAl emze Mray
Into eleagity.
FronsWe Rome Journal.
. now tG Bathe To sTrus itsltrtst.
The right to look upon beautifel teener) , is a
privilege ell powers in tommom Lose whose
means lavornabled :Lein to claim_ tuners-hip in
some lovely garden-spot of this handful count- ,
1 7: have no rlgbtto rant the fair hnony of na
tureio;the intru s ion of a discord o their own.
Thic_petelitsire Of land, therefore, la the country
cannot, in binding themselvei a iomei, follow
thisbeißrof their ouninclinations to entirely as
miny:,.flatild,have us itppose: the;may only do
i i
so,,prori dad they , deprive not of a ensure those
whbtesqleyinut: of the beautiful i equally in
tease arititherr at= A man: hi no right to
disfigure eome,noble scene by an inharmonious
ilweltinmhowriftun this•has been done, those
Who hove rambled on too banks of) the Hodson
(thia lint as en example near home) eat testify.
ogtultypetneen home and landscape is recur
-';:ed by no. neeeisitrily increased expenditure. On
the contrary, those, buildings of most economical
7:I': turiabiple charaetergenerallypossess thecharm
Off:tams whiih costly structures attempt in
" • ' Undikilitreili, .the excellence and chiiiiir of a ,
home consist in the perfect keeping of the ectifi-
dalconatroction with the Imbue! object and the
scenery around.. The uniform l'alholism VOA
that would be oat of place in the mountain gorge
or betide-the rocky glen and leaping torrent, will
be perfectly in congruity with ~broad lime,
grouped trees; smooth, widely-stretching glades
and the placid `lake. • This perfect congruity
betweei Untie and scenery would be easy of at
tainment; if thooperatirms of deciding thechar,
airier and arningrinent of the building were less
meelanleaL The owner of the' gelnind is gene
rallY emritmt, - if the builder to whom be shoes
bie plenstellatilm be Candeliver tio him, bye.
certain , dayoand for_ so ietieh Money, a home
like thn one delineated. - Hew have these plans
been probably obtained; If. the gentleman or
Thdy;about to build popeases it all aliteruy, or
even .only to picture-book-loving taste, Mae
a . .!Arehtteetital Design-Book for the Million" has
her:nil:it-pa uteri end after many tea-table dis
oruesiens Upon the merits elf the - Swim Caßage"
Arlo, the " Anglo-Norman,', the "Etruscan," or
the ”CarteEatod Gothic," some pretty picture.
house has been selected. Armed-with that, an
architectikuni the city has been callahmon, the
pietureahown to 'him: the ground-plan of the
house determined ; and, finally, a " set of draw
hegeningsged to be furnished by a certain day,
and at Mirated price. • .
, ?TOO 1 men this =all call upon prim:ducal
aid would not have been made, had not thebuild-'
er adrisetito get some .'nrchitect"_to 'tiraft. the
_ ;dims," knowing that menthe Most 'Wretchedly
slender skeleton aspires, if framed by &draughts. •
Inset, will be easier to work from than the orris
do , WWma.ea - „Of thaanieteur employer. The
tor-Mteiti.haaneither a voice nor an interest in
the matter—the - drawings are oraured and - paid
far,. us bale of - goods.• Be has not seen the
spat selected-for the balding; knows nothing of
"the testesim habits otlife of its future occupants,
,sdis staterallyboly desirmil to "get a job, done
as quickly a/ possible, knowing, by past experi
ence; that, should kw vennurvany departure from
the instructions .given him—essential however
theyntsy, to bls:cultivated.judgement, mem—
the Arawiegs will. probably "be returned to him
for correction, and his - labor lost. How tame, 1
— o3l3ll2l7aphice int tzsaitsble the bulldieg, must 1 '
be when . erected, _my readers Will hi able to I
judge: What,-then should be done?
The building, should, even to its = ,/
et minute '
detail, determined_on..the .4 , 4- '
and =architect. who has the interests of his no-. t
bin schema ti heart, will obrep insist upon the ;
.. necessity for ibis Very first step. Both the nr,' ,I
ehitect and: the-.comemplator -of the - building
must be' ^Oidod by.auch simple rules as I will ,
_ here atlelpt haitate. Endeavour first to be ins- '
prettied witb the Sews:lug influences of the spot.,
of dui liana if 'vision. be limited,. the scenery
quiet, and possessing - a self-conminued charm of
beauty or grandeor , complete in itself, the char
acter of the house may be left to the beat ot
the owner's: taste, than were the building '
a promitietumin an. arieud...l. songe of. 1
landscape--a connecting link in "the. beauties
around If_thefilrst be the case, plie home—
gowned, however, by certain rules—may be .
more fancifully developed, more profuse in de- -'
tails, and more irliim.deq,' th an i n a eie ca ti c ,, .
• like the latter; where every outline must accord ,
with the prevailing character of. the natural
forms around,: and of which theMetails and ar
chitectural features must bo bolder, more mark-
ed.and expressive„ - in order to be defined Ity the
eye that views them ;kith a scale formed- upon
the bold fragments of nature's architecture.—
These ommidorations are the text from which all
rules for, the choice of styles may be'deducel.l.
General outlines sad effects, rather than minutm
of details, are to be studied, to accuse eangaitY i
between art and nature; the niceties of particu
lar style ere only to be attended to that they may
not conflict with - the first great truth of hermeny
of the general masses. Almost any style may,
in the hands of a master, be made suitable fora
' given loeationt and - there are few modern styles
that may not architecturally be moulded to the
requirements demanded. 80, the; I come once '
mare to a definition, made in ft former number,
i that the style must grow out of the eircumstan
ees beating upon the building, upon the, nature
of the materials, the peduliarities of climate, of
domestic hablta,„ - and above all things, upon the
prevailing inflinmee of the 'scenery around., In
high mountain scenery, where the outlines of the
forms around' ll' point upwards, and about Into
pyramids of bunt,' towards the skies, the build
ing. in its lines; must not contradict this tender
may: prevalence of hor4oatal lines and
must be tructi as, without violadon
of its attribates, will petit& this" character.—
Thus, we tam in olden times, the builders on the
~plain ereenstilit roofed, widely extenteddwel-
tinge, with row upon row of parallel ham; but I
In the mountain loge up soared the gage, and'
high pointed idriarie aod spire, until the rrehi- 1 t
Met .seemed eniclaus of roaring. eloft with th e i ,
mountain peaks and stately hills. - .. 1;
Let me nowaketch %few scenes, such `a..., m ,. '
readereyill be able to picture before them wit,:
out any strut - Here Is - a rood hauling from td. i
Country tam Ate - distance of two or three '
tainting= the Inv market place, a quiet lane
leadstraut the more frequented public road, and
a Tuna& of a mile down this lane we will eater
a pm, Indurate: upon' 'the grass width:. The
tine we bare leit'continues its winding mod tree
shaded ennui , to a bridge which, half a m il e off ,
' stretches across the-stream that originally ludo
' ' red the settlers to choose the town below, where
. tut inane few in greater volume, as their mite.
- The 'wesand'ld: tolerably level, and has 'trees
mationsaf herentid .therm but, as is very gene
. tots We cash; not very much bee been done to
.lraria -it/ tulttlstlott. We have progressed to
' tbsetiitrociff srfield of abort centimes, bounded
on ow elde by.the,lane, which we lt say ts
'ass:-as thentaili-.Vis row of trees, chats ridee
slier butalluarttliht of the -, neighbets; on the west
• ' by • emit strutim,`.thatts seeking the river In
.lalritatd ltrthe'setith ,by tho land Wiling the
sltelltanari'ead by the - rising - country and the
hillokiiirent.-' , There finothiug particularabont
the tees i `hi' avelieir - la - undulated; and the
amtuntoiddlitezt view are only just so teat.
thitucce - rii or every town will show.—
Wharlate ermomillik tale/0 of the place;
Sbalgfir ilitimeeputcy: the more exalting in
,imdisood by the - home itself. ;In
my Lest 1n.4. *kg_ to pm, dear readers,l
dit il k e l., _,__ 7 * ll Vilintimiries I would recommend
ite =Mug,
___*.Nnie, ea eat -I: will say nothing
awaliPlPPfilfi l lita-hicuatrota-rbut-willtryi
moldeenielba. , ' ding thetteriy boat . ..ittite
Wad 1 . 10,00, 'a , httaithisa , 'We 'are Plbad
ile . actele--,my five - thousand
dellitti hittiiiiiiiii oce r ',.cairchasingShd, ten
'11ete"41144"44 wisliti make' they sans"
a w - l n -every psitienlar,
of the =se. , a ,
c ue
hldlitOpa rl l
. the mom, if. I.gWtliinte:reit the Site rip- -
- pea m____eji *hue twi".'•themittttnilt
appearance cif:tallier/RO , violence tape
.t ui to
g rwand is from the. I,n_• stye nearest pain .
the northern kegntiIYTY.APU. ,, Ail I would do et
prow; !odd - be to:mainly/ four hundred
• (NI. ~ ,'-'r
feet south -f said litic/add twpie4s
thus :MI - up
- - Mato west, leavings cart road
close t 4 : 11, Par.Oetni..Ultlederle Ind& may se".
ss" .•4.4,-,. titiisstable end yard which will
ttnn- - - 56 6'N.DikeD of on th e /102tbireSb
vh• • •:.' miloiriunnewbaccpc..d Ii will be
seem Oilr, ,thriirlaiWrOid an the north; though
excelfinVlrsse.. .. We npfer. windows, the, road, it
self be uninmeded fronrthe Uwe , i t
WM ' iiarft 9 ln the rine, la rmck th e op
posite sicie tinOriver.` The position from the
house is determined .to he at about one hundred
f rt,
and fi ft y f from thelarie, there being no local
reasons to de mand placing a greater distance be
tween, le ch would only require a more expert- 1
sive mean of approach. The sum at disposal
will fermi a building of comfortable dimensions;
itsfown an the ground may be thus arranged
The main *on—which would contain a Dre
ll'. ear by by fifteen; a drawing room, six
teen bytw ty ffve a hall, nine feet wide and se
venteen long;—world.make a block thirty feet
south twenty-sevenfeet east and west. This block
would be carried higher than the wing, contain
ing a dining-room, fifteen by twenty; a small
boudoir o;morning room,ften hy fourteen; n
ststaircase,to re-rooms, puitrics, et e., and a com
ma:Wm kitchen, which would be all contained in
a block tbirty-six by thirty-four. IThese dimen.
sions 'chid includethickness for walls, chimneys,
etc., enclose an area of about two [thousand feet
and the divisions of the space is adjusted so as
to a ff ord th most economical fermi for erection.
I am, of c arse, writing with a plen before me,
which' Ire t not to be able now to present,
but will describe as intelligibly asl I coo. The
entrance hell is on the cask the library, south
and noutli-kcask the drawind rodeo, west and
st l
south-se ' the latter containing a large bay
window on i s long, or western side. The morn
ing room— Lich, to you reWietnner, is not in
the main b ildhag—is on We righ k side as you
enter the h 1, and its windows look cut; the
Ewing-Tome is entered at the staircase hell, which
1 ,
opens at ri httinglen from the principal boll, and
its windows ook west—its south end being against
the drawin -room and mancommenicate or not,
as needed. The entrance Porch h; on the coot,
and at the ogle of the main block, the verandah
twelve feet ide, will stop ngainst this, and thene
extend round the remaining eastern portion of
the main binding, the southern and the western
sides, and terminate at the end lof the dining
room. This feature alone will gite a char:icier
to the hoes , and need neither be iexpensive nor
complicate But I find Co present this home
picture full will require more spec° than I now
Lave; so I will resume the description in my
next. -; I. O. IS:
To Builders.
§,!ALER PROPOSALS will be received ItY
the Doottl of Directors of the Third Word Puha:
, or.thectr Of Pittsburgh. up Co the 2lst fir
the erection o School House. according Co oisium sod -
mie:dionl of earns, which can he 000 It the aim. of J.
A m blugt, on Fourth meet. and where wit
utgegrarr informal. coon
he hut ither this 14th loot.
spithl I JUII:g 311:(7A4 , 11151". Pre4l.
To Contractors.
, EALE PROPOSALS will be receiTell at
the aloe a IL D. Ham. roans stmt. until 4 ottat
It .of th e 1. • Im.t., IM the loom with oat of
the Pittsburg. and lOW DA Turnpike Wad. on that pan
eat raid 010d Mown m &roam'. MIL and depaeltlng the
arth In the mut where It crone§ eralt-'4 lletlenr, stutlo.,
the IT pa eablo rail. to be mooned by ,IL VI. /Mies.
an. ' Entteer. /L D. KI M. /Wit.
.4. La
• ' . Proposals ftr Coal and Slack
V L EALEri, PROPOSALS for delivering, in .
la the stared at Mut Works of the Plttehtmch Gas (bap
patty. Ioo.o.obuthels of bltutsettoue Coal-and IMAM bustc
els ottibak,,v9.l be received at the °Sloss of the Coutparty
ethtll Welau4ny, Co. =l.l. nast-orAIL dock. P. M. Th.,
CAM and Sleek ta be of such oats/UT:sad deli , env' at such
.I. teb
duvet sad b nasal:that as shall be approved of =I
, The • of ouommtatlon tr Coal and Slack to be 76
pounds perk I.
erbe Paymesta to to made monthly,Tetalnlat•PA MC. , !
.4' X... 0 fi j, I P V=... ' ,l . t,T tn rt= ItakennS. Esc
nt °fine entaPanr, and endorsal ••ProposAls tor
Opal awl MO.^ JAMIni M. CHRISTY.
tesdktd , • Treasurer.
Sealed Proposals . .
FOR G • OUND suitable for a site for : the
. cons. truhue. Pod (Mack et, whiatt were nuttuu.
by • raced Act of emu:reek to ha rrentod la th , * -4 4' • '
will be resolved until Misr, the lith last, by abase of
Oa undententkL
' She dimatodltue reptdreet arelo/ fret fnmt b kV to 140
fort deep. onloas !orated on two streeto-4f /anted on Ite•
corner.of two ntroetibwropotais may be made for 100 to 10)
fent on erne Wert, br 120 to /40 un the °U.,.
. • 1110316.8 L. HOWE,
LOO 110.
Oom mletionert
Near Spring Goods, at No. 85 Market st.
ALEXAN ER & DAY Icould I respectfully.
•IsrtitA the abartSob or the pribtla toltbeir re, Lari..
cbcdot WAX of WEIF APRIA - ti GOODS, wbl.h they
Ate 'bow °pooh*. Stab Sat has Wen talobt nt trutfrbt , t
astern A•- • • w.m00n. . . rat.. col em be to .
army mill • •or to orb borer. byirt.lnAle br b..
tall: ALEXANDLIAA DAY. SS Market s
ttlAblb-,.e rk. Norttotort ranter of, the tbrorood.
. .
• .
M e
sale Dry c .. ..
A. NE . CO, 62 an iC4 Market
.atit +wee...t i e noir dull,' orwran: and reaching their j
• encriprisitig the meet tute naive a al rutted wool
rant of Impwl.o4 and AMVSLISI Gmely ey hare vier ex:"‘
htbited. lo which they rapectfnlly ihrite the ettention Of ,
nes wadeorintry Merchant+. _ -._ -..a —•
' -
New Spring Goons. 1
AA. 3! A 4 ON & CO. will open this morn-
litz-10 a... of 7010,1.01 wel American IMIY
S. alb. end most LaMar-fib:l, ninth
they Kali the of their patron ,and the public. ,
AV; ,
V£ISUWCRIBER has commenced re
iaa a limo and aiore . destrable Ater } of FANCY
7 and QM'S GOOD) that be eve • brought to thls
=atter, ent,lmMtKto MI of
iftin flitted Laiain, Montt de Lai.' Gina)... dt
frioatt V siririt Hall and With )f Altar, barredand
Jamort Marlitid Clotlut Catritarres. Woo.. Tartar.
Jeana Drill and Cotton Striper Linoniq Pouter.
kft tad cyar-b: Thfbet. Mora. de tine, and Cotton
sr - - - tow, itibbnast I, Voila. Cora b,
Utebrellao,lttle mai Dodo
tub.. to: to- to which ha
n of mortionto tad pollant
arrnsoT,, to Wood
Hat Warehouse,
arr Srstrr,
Pale. ut, very
. _ .
..,eawe rtnentt of ?Iran and Milli.
4....•titt7g:-lorelrgn and American plain and faney
Straw. Braid. Ch . t. Dtmo, ltil km, fere. lair, Panne!. I•g
-hrte.... _ . I
HA rti-11 ea It nun, . and Bore
. 17bren. 4nes end
f t n e ll i Vatra it,, , ,,v ran v a t n4s. lt.t . lic i t ib.p li P i 1tn . 1 .... .1..
a ll: .
Zee Olpsey.4 , 2 Liart, end alter forget,. greed nat.
lif/111VDt ' llteh Dont ' gruel Fenrf. - ?Ani l n Satin and Tag
.I.Sor, all video MO4 awry Gan. 5D 4 Cntro• Car..
'LACES- and hewed white and rolonel Sint and
Cotten Nett,
STRAW TAU ELVD.7-Cards, Tarselv, Dalton, Braids.
Peletiner, de, A .
IFLOWZR.N- Tent% caul Amnion 8010, bunellenian' d
rich and nerrel etylea.
" E)/11ET 4111K17 ANG NeI7.VS-Gial, Om do Na
rn Dm doZne,"Slarenre, and other gybe. o.rrod
OUVlttea and col re
I"TL ltril • %I rricrl ' = " ;ll . ll:mb•ellao. lland
xiD4 M r a, do.. to. . molar
r r ' Spring Bonnets.
DR PER T LOT is receistici cod y'y 4
opesed, grioLnz, In Dart, the following
A tend Ctdp,
. Ol.l
q.t. a . r , •
1 attae h l i Tarr Loot, . ,i 1.... and lulso. '
Jenny Lind, and Satin.
! rlCtitp, Fluted Straw anal hotter.
i Straw utEl p fnegal. Pearl and Loop heeln.
Dr!. American tree, •
IL tilDah Pearl, illungartan Meal.
I. talt... .121 ' • '1" ! '," , -
' I raehlo 4, A.A. SIASON 6 CD,
ell and re Market at.
IGLIT ORINTZES..-31rarY & Buscs• ob..
• Mtn Invite the attentken of the uak. to tome ne.
tiDst lOW of Llgtd and 'Drab Shinn.. Just rt .-
tocl. Thoth". aire , ogen this warning. elvddlleol
71111.."/%1fiety&=krzr&;%to - '
3 AMU DE LAINES, Light and Dark,
I 3ueladhigr a few pie= eery beautiful firm+, aud sat
v ures lbr all reed ad minor low br
nicht., III3IIP/111 L IitiItCIIFIELD
IS 60. ir, ff randrins WI sprier Stock of
Cam sin partthe Mowing eaer
Irma karat v het Me Ciarlintk do. d Tapettry pm s
riPia extra super:. Bpl . rup.rete. 3 ply!
d Oaa d ttou a
~. frei. an 4 . Id] ie V. RIZZI-174:3z ..d4
tolun do.; aff. 44. lAtil :1-3 wool and co ton do.
i BUGS , AM, OIL CLO T IS, &c.
Ulm. Cbgnille dot' ltu=do.i atbs tufted dot fine
dada:ammo* pea Mall; taftwl do. do:
.11.1..J110.__d0 . d0... Adelaide do. do.; Ttirtiarlo.44
s4. ' r.: l L=fttl .';''' vt .Urgiarglist"gol 4 fl.F.l.6.
~ vi h , ._. 44. —I ..4 uu Collis. ,
2 ,
... _
• " •- 7,z, s, or ea Aux Carpet lat-A, di LIMO.-
‘ Lr.
aral law li and 04 3latlinion Table Lineng Crab
Be wthdO. ti dg de•• , Window:Th.4er.
(alma do. Ta b 4 a z, Arg n're l
dglit L'b lVd. lo '''
jr. l 4l='"Aurehaaed our dime Intro the
=:111 . " 7,lll b Vr: l p* . I 4 " to ' lnlit;
owe fa =eye as ....,,. ep 7 . .. 61 , .... b , 010•00.
Thewatany 0060 all to et
.141 ~,,,,
Car Pet Wareh° , u .,l . roPrtrstrTt 't
mchl9 I " - '^CLINTOCK
e .
ACARD.4-1 have remoaea — i
(three a... t,,,k,0 r ,... r i r 0 1 tny new stare,
lahurab. where I will b. 10 .. Nu. the Doak 0
lob Tuns. mod receive a . beteof thelrr 43 . 33 and "
rrig,C=Plirr n' reinl 'f U tet:erare 'r Pl:ff 2 3 a
ver. reale.. 1106 N 64,,,,A. yr,,,1 pin, r i ni,alk Matel.
d,V7P n n*,... Arl 3 :l o =o 7 51110r4t„,,, JLeilt ,. ..
ZltheliVp.b,La,--..",b7 ke- ' Jilt 1; L
I,l l , r i gnin. Third starer
1131140 VAL •
ItAL- F. WILSON hale tnoved to No.
US <end K; sad 147 Foraat_ letamn Wor4
tblSeld. apl
EMOVAL—ENGLiciv & 812105211,
µlearoeereeedDeelen.le+Prodoa, hare evalor.,l
I,tl 210221 d, and 121 Ent eta.,2Atu ft r, . z ja
thlSeld Pitao,22lb: Jar*,
ORMLY has rnmOrcd to No. 2F:I
Knet.s 107 , 5 : 555v5 his forzzlvd,
egd Btare:liemoyed; •
.' bee tuse removed his Seed Store
I * .
trecitaielit, :il
:'••• itrer — t to the
bb Dn ,
.Mbmet .
.bo o g I
M hall removed
.11 Market tam; to
r. Wow Nan ft,
tamer euttotoere
,),.WN - DL1N17. 4
=b . WlT:ph
jW~.I Nall
t A,i6„,;4:4
wars or. Nadi
as 1
• •-":•-•,„
MrMff 7 MM
Cornea el: Wood and AVM Streets, rittgur g i,
NOW IN STORE, and to strive this
tot e ittat o vt. of the Moat 0111) .:
11.1. r.
eery boxez prime Green 125 dozen Patent YJne IXath
45 hL <beats do. do. :A hoz. extra pure 61areix
46 " Goziong & Choi.) 25 halerattlx
100 600 120 lb Nee: 76 holy. N. O. Molassex
13 Logo and Jars; Li " 11.
00 Loam 6% M awl 1 M 10 " Golden /Etyma
lamp Tobacen: Lost Cruehea ) 'and
C 6 tabs. Am. 1 and 3 Mack. Powdered Sugar; •
emit 350 Ito. seeding Raisin,
d l and do. N o. 1 do. 60 drums amyrria Fire
salmon; 23 jar. Bordeaux Preotz
GO hoxra hatted Here= 3 Itts.
1300 Da extra Madden 6 Wan Bock Candy:
2 bale, Cassia; 2 " Genoa Cam=
b 10 " Creca h
afa • •
Groan)) G(nzeri 12 doz. tary
1 P• n 1 I.ll.rup. Carta &MU
I " Pimen to 1 " Cusuu TaztaX;
10 ken, " Murtant; 1 apse Pearl Natiol •
10 •• " Casale)) 2 " leinaLasx .1
111 "• Chirac 2 " Oddly anb alollned
2 bbl,. Garrett', Fnulh Llonoricer.
40 hotel) Stearin Caudlex I 1 " Arrow Rom )
2) " Star " :150 llnth Mich)
10 1 hll. Elm), Sulphur.
100 &men 111• M's illseking; ion pro.. Mukha , .
160 tea superfine Pirelli., 16 dna Extract of lemon,
" S. F. Bath., nor, and
20 dna. ink; 5 " Lemon Buinir".
130 " Corn Broome) 1 mak Sal Soda;
Glaze, Nail, 01111. 14.141. Lard Oil, be. InehM)
-311' prima R. Corisci.
' Ogg. T.M.. Imp% arid
Mack Tsa.
IN/ buts Lum ß p B. and
Ito Tabasco:
tm. Rim:
boom Herring;
10. Mils. N. C. Tar:
Ladd Cril Sugar.
rams Havana G's &gars:
'll hints. Madder:
rrrra.n* Inditar.
3lso bv. 1011 , 00013.
1377 FF r . r .117. and ii. t'lonb
fr 3 5,1,10.Na.1.1!Mia .ore!:
lal kit55...1.3, •1
300 kris. Nails. tirs'il Alter;
3.001 tis. Whitina:
40 Ml..ltnrne 011.
1000 call. Lamp MI;
100 dos. 11‘0000N
N. 0. Sugar and
ground Con W
Cr.,1b.0 Vas., Mating; Candi
rral s.i.orbu•ut .1 gym!,
Formb. by
turbl:4 ILt:
L. S. G(
Produce, Commissim
No. 7 8 Nora S
THE undersigned,
11,LIan m ia lz 0 4 0 LIT
rangetnenta for traci ' man4
In conn,ction with the !ORM AltDlNti BUSINESS, an,J,
137,r r A r liettgrog r am w. t.of Whlsken/Flour,Graln,
Iterpret.fall), L. 0. GORDON.
N.ll Olden (or Groeetiet. :Wt. Ae, prumutly executed.
ntrsurscr.s. • r
Mauro. John Sullivan t R., W. Stu, A Sant Moe. J.
Com A Co.. John 31oCull A Co. e Wilm
Gaeta m
Hays& Co., Unroll. Ke ogh lghler d Homy, WyltMiller A Mar a.
beer. Turnbull, ball 6 Slade. Robert Garrett A Sunk Jas.
MoQtro. IL Crangle t Co. Wheeling, Va.
Mews. Clerk A Th u. Eleury Graff Pittsburgh.
Mr. J. W. Kerr, IllUXtobury..
JO.lllOl , COWdell. 1:p. Cdnmbin.
Menem Mullhollan t Ray. Stairwell!.
Mean. P. A. A S. email. York
31eloro. Junes Steel A Co.. Lewle A Butler. Phlletelphla.
75 btsde. prime N. O. Susan
400 bt4s. Mole/owe: 'for We by
LOAF SUGAR-200 bla, qnyill, for sale by
IVT 0. SUGAR-25 With. for sale by
11 • mehlg JAS. DALZKLL ae tt•0••• 0.
R~ACKEIIEL-150 bbls. prime No. 3, land,:
Int this day and for tale by
roehltlettp) ItttlllikThON A P.EPPKII.T.
10 bbd. Plantation Sam;
In atom and ot bbl..
Cavils. do.
by 310 last, (oat ~00 p er.go . ,)
50 SHARES Houghton Mining Company
for Isla br A WILKIN; a Co..
. and crane" of Marton end Third..
1 ARD--20 kegs No. 1 Lard, and . Id&
AA Grow Lard, fur male by It, DALZELL - 2 W.
so 3
150 ma.. WrApping Pnert
So doz. NN C..te
, 10 Iteglti'v xtli,ri Taw,:
7.5 bI.H. Vlaev.r. E. ',ter. 5.q.1 r&l, h.
EY.S Nxrr.
.11?. Spron.l, and 151 isvta uttet
4 Molt. 1.9491 ?in.
19 [Ark
1 , 19.,9,91t.
Ir ea 19999.9..
t Car ma
6 Aar} 9.9. Nut.;
1 , 'lrks Feather , :
4 - Itopc
1 .39x.r.0r.
Priv! Prather.
4 .• Arrier
`_ . 9l.bl9.E:cr:
m.k.11.9 . 9.+7
Tarlc. 49trivo on the st...9lter
13enev.. fr9..91.. by IA II DICKEY CO..k
In the Diimwra, Scrend Loorfrons Damped alley.
LFYOU WISH FOR TEA that is really
iocs, this io tLe place re be It. ar Infer= low prima
are wa i ns ker. at thia atabilahrrent.
I:an:Bent Farah, Tea.
The verriv i it
Trite Is the eta,' .tors is Pittahorkh Slat keep. tr nab
LT,t7a the ram. kfmb r 1
i r 4r.-„ ° ;it . 7 7. 1 4 k "e.
tx, D R. large Sus=
21:.1.bL5. Cru•
. - . -
170 Puls.lered
70 • oderi Clarfilled
Oi $. 11. rar. linitumrc for oal.
Jlt 11E6 A. HUTCHISON Oil.
A a re" FL lamb' Sur. Itermerr•
hhel.s. N. O. to arrive this day,
1 far sale In noetr24 0. A W. ItAItBAL . OII.
I OLASSES-140 bbls. N. 0. for sale by
.1. oaoed4 R. A w IlAltliAttill
11: 4 00:3—A few bbls. (fresh) for sale by
rech2l k W. WARDACOIL
blds. &75 kge. No. 1 Lard, in
KOS" acel Pe "le by
csch2l fi. A W. lIARDACOLL
LJ 3D _pita - Kcal , sale
I. .
COD casks rec'd.and for sale by
neb24 It./
QALMON-s'liblit. No. I, for sale by
virh24 IL PALTFLL a CO.
H for sale by
m. 1.24 It. LA ELLCO.
jULVERIZ 1) COlF—Refined and Pre
pared Expressly fur Frasle—Thls esseersashlr Pure
beautiful article.. eaceelin healthy. darks.. and
Maldings.Cakea, C ouitaela kel. by
the dime.. mammy.' Ina card. .111.111 ana ndtml
Fextrlbrnt. _ Prete per tack.-r. an.
For este by mrbld IL SELLERS, 07 Wool st-
P ACON-5 hints prime Hams;
L do do bboulders, In item and
e by.llo/1/..1.4 BOK
Rockingham and Domestic Hneensware.
VooDwARD, BLAKELy - I CO,, Mon.
...ere" of Making.= and Yellow Cane Ware,
Fall? LavrarouL. Ohio.
a e rbunide itoome. Pon. Fourth ereet, near the Har
er's ltoburah, Pa a
Our erten.'" War" enable um to 1111 orders prompOY.
A competent de.lrner being constantlY entploOrL
able.. to keep W O with all Um nor and ilaproveletylea
of the cIOY
Water lfrtm, Ppitoonkldtchry., Yaney ret4PerretEet.,
FLorer V a se, MAN M Oantel °m.0.... retied. and
bna Jare. Val artlcied for delneetle in are. variety.
or resprdfully meladdf
Websters Unabridged Nations:4.
IVFAL T ZL S Jo U L A p. B I I S4 I I 36 7_,___Q EP meag!l - .
Salm worlimund In litoode belt, ettordmmt book ro/tl.6ldre,
very elegant-110X. ,
A L,ogts"PP a then
FEATIIERS-1600 lba. prime, foredo by
mcbl7 S. k W. HAMIAUIIII.
FmFLAXSED OIL-5 bble. City 3falce, on
Mont end for mile by
S. N. WIC* . EltSll/111.
!ODLIVEIt OlL—Rutbtou, Clark-k Co.'s,
NJ reed end for sale by
roch4 S. N. WICK/31E11A U.
DRESS SILKS-40 pesorted Spring
ea.: n
Style Itrent Silk. inn n , ' ll . b A r . „ Aso , e
Encti4 No. 62 sod Merkrt. stoat.
In tm pleln all wool bleb colnrol Re Irian;
t . urn and esplemlbl Orleiktnne 1 ), 1 . 646 ' 6 .
choke style OanndluonkgrA opetottl ill
meh4 A. A' MASON L CO.'S,
pOTASII-L-8 onako reed and for rale by
5111,LY.1t 1 RICKEESON.
matt • =L . 1 and 173 Liberty sL
WINTER WHALE OIL—lILt) gall. bi'd,
melA n 00000
nod for
of eery sowrlor quallty-,1 fall
. ersturtn'ont lust
otedted by trod s4l MUMPLIC .11LIICIIIILLLI.
Honent hors inn coed sibyl
..000,, -f nil tbn mrlmal Lottlpler,
pytlTTnEobl'7,-1.41:-Ilizrautsug',,,..iilg;,-1. for
L P,O . , v CK. C. E .L II„,A r. Ii m I.) .. K a I; u ILCLIIE : Lt
Prt"'. ti r k - BURCIMPLD . ..
kIiINIJINE Pow': N 2.; , I ; j'he
L„ur ar,M674*
'lon. rat Aith, of tha Diamond. EL_
SWES--1 bbl. Cl c:gnats;
a It,ctorr Kuto r i d 'Ma Dr
6 11. INILLIA.II. sett
" S UK BLACKING-L. 25 gro; for sale
11._.5.1115 J. KLOD d CAD,. 6neJ R•
Z .it b l/ 1- 40 cub, warranted j rure . Bn•
SAS CllA2l47 fit{ :ns A ' N.B . FIXTURES;
Frly,two spa l fi4d ti g, D V ter It 1711
4676 t .I tR
Ir. 511.81,:i.
- "lf a„ Coart.4 and ilarliat ata._
1.7 o .aananidl and Plat a.; - 1 3 „ laaatai for Chump-
Alou. %or and hum.
th• uortr4V=,..g; atans=ll
anat....Mr. to<lnb rnar
.s - : S-20 bbl. strictly primlrewi er Seed;
.• A. wer.UtrieSPlV i '
recently , n-cnt.led
clret, Moron im•
State Mutual Fire nUnitanCe Company.
EmAseit OFFICE—No. 54 81 t 1 7317111LD STEZTT,
E best evidence of the success of the
in endeSrerll37 to make theATATSII7.7I7-
. FIRE INSURANCE CORPANY meet 12.11 emu. of
the entorn.lty, is the unharelleledanise=
which has been dog Wimp Issued nem 1,1433 Polkles la
• little more than eight menthe and addl. me, 0311,000
Company. The Dlrwelore am pond to say,
.titil l t i Verrl i y h ll the property Insured ts of the safest kind In
Si (irk, and large Prolimtket heenned
for only we
r utuber of Policies issued, - . 5,055
:Amount of propeity insured, - $5,139,496.00
do. guarantee premiums, 67,909.79 ,
do. cash premiums, - 32,194.24
do. guarantee stock, - 99,104.03
do. losses, 4,100.00
To be deducted fmni the ate, balance, the inddeital
'' 'Fc=;% e i gn ' t=nerchanta. and metiers of Medlin"
.4 Legated end country property, it M bea me d mem .
pan y
to eimee in Point a ehearnest eafety, and
email ly Inferior OOlOOOOOOOO Comply in
Ciindttqc,l on th e bribable end mealy Improsed syetem
of Glees licellon of Rieke...winding all spech.l hams's. In•
Coring only • limited amount in 007 one lomd Ohne Pre
cluding the frequency and do
of large Gres; and
alen on h t:oh , the . Etow.. utnalblgt.t,
of tot only
Lot elititle k s ' t.rn; Insured to e participation In Me profite.
It Is under the control of the folloln_k lAreetnalue
P. Rutherfonl. A. J. Gillett, Jobe B. 'Wiser. S T. Jones,
Alm. A. Cutler, P 1.412
J l3 . . P Nekl . gl i e l Vitchert Kkrts.
ittLIRD, Preehlent
• A. J. mum Seer etaty.
A. A. Cobb., Actuary. fel=
Peen Mutual Life Insurance Co., Phillula.
.(..tcv J. Flnmy.jr. deceived.) No. 353 Liberty street
or the betterenneentenee of perm. bedding in the
lower part of the city, the egretmay Men be foundfrom 11 to 12 and u to a o'elock, at the COUTRIUR
J. t4 , honnmakert Co., 50 1,1 Wood street. where all nom,
N. siren°. prompt` ly attended to. Pamphlets explaining the princiMm and
bencfile of Life Ineuraneo, and blank forme furnished on
Ga.. etock mirk:W.oGO and oemdantly Inereming.—
Profits ennually ercompt those Insured trr life.
Pittsburgh. 3.. :a, 15.51.—.31
500 dine.M.lL d EaUlt.;
3.000 De. Almond .
25 bales lisa4L din
555 ”
toil ' " Grat Eng. W
ildni nu t , i trd
It druir r t r cig j
5 " donate,
5 " Lemon ginner.
50 " Tiimarolielclung
30 " Perks Paure;
:al " Pletileie,
50 " Brasil tuner.
10,000 Principe Segarn
5,000 1111,311,1 ..
lEed.ll. Con. " .
100.31. 11.5 pan.
100 lila Water. Ewer and
Butter liransair.
.7.0 11"ds 10. "tingith's" Ale;
lg grid a. D. Vitamin
tine edit
Agi boxes Wain Fnap;
Zit) " D. A 31.Cand lee
Csisle Sodp:
1,1 C ord , : ilreu ti nd and lin.
siting and Wrappino laPen .
raids and Twine, with a nen
dly, kept in our line.
tiAOl.lOll d BENNETT.
, 6..4. n 3.1 451 Front eta
Marine, Fire, and Inlond Transportation
Ineurnnee Company of North America,
rhieocipte,--cb.rierwr 1704. Natal any
January la. 11641, $1.0 9 1.= 60. Will make Ituurance au
building. and their contain/silo this city and vicinity; alto
. property,of every description. vhipped per ste am boat
viol OtLer vessel, either by lolond tratute.lellon or ou the
Arthur 0. Skein. Bret. Thomas P. Cope,
Fem.! W. Jones. John H. Neff,
Edward Smith., Richard D. Wool,
John A. Boom WIMom Welsh,
Samuel V. Smith. Frauds Makin.,
Samuel Brooks, B. Austin Alllbma,
Charles Taflue, Wm. H. Bowen,
Ambrose White, George Aspinwall.
lamb M. Thomas, James N. I/aeon,
S. Morris Wale, IL B. Sherverd, nee 7.
1,74,1 a Is the nktrst I nitiranee Company In the United State.
and from Its hi&( h semolina, longex=e, erne t i
ouckavoldlna di Asko of an extra loos e
may ho 4'
"'LI as
W ' r". l t VII l a d 1 11 7 - 3 0103. the Al e E it b I "
1. 24 No. 141 boot .tract.
American Life and Health Insurance Co.
n, and Forwarding
Sirre, Ealama',
Agent for the Penn
e...luf deny locatal op
Sanas 1.1111.1. has male al,
Agent for Patsburgh, &IML. 1). TO fi'LE,
OMen. ST Fifth st, Sm.
Pamphlets wuttaining all noansary infor &bo ma re
tionithfi ran eld be
eldalned at the onlee. jldt!
Western Insurance Company of Pittsburgh.
(;APITAL 8300,000. R. MILLER, JR.,
) President, Seerettay.
111 insum against all kinds of tisk; Pine and Marine.
All Penes will be liberally adjunct 1 , 14.1 , 17 Paid.
A home Institution—mananwl by Dirretort who are well
known In tbs.:community, and who are determined hv
pnenieneas and liberalitv to maintain the clumsier whi.d,
d itex:/ .. r 0 ta71. as4 d Dlhering best proteetien to thaw
thatetolts—it. Miller, Jr.,r Co. r Black, J. If. Cutler. N.
Wo,. ii. tr y ., 00 11:51. U. Il
nma dm7,,,,, , C , . , 11 0 ,t0 ,,,0 7 x n “ .=.4V .1 Jaek5n ames o,
Mee. IC Water street, (warehouse of Stony A Co.,
orp sudes.l l'lttaborsh. )utully
_ .
Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Comp'y
CHAN(' Thlnt street Shlladelphlw
Istraancw—lMlLLlnaL Llawrhamtl,and other
StoPettr.lft town and tvordry. losumt &abut Loss or
11 stn by ore. at the lowat rate of premium.
INortmr..—Tbei also Insure Veatela Carp:ea
and Freight* foreign or toarttrbe, under open or
'whet., no the axonal may,charba.
la Thaz‘eoartrawt.--tlhey aho swan, Morchandlee
by Waontna. hall rood t 0,,, Catml bade, and
Steam trete op ttrwannd loL,, on themrct liberal Wont
Dtworroas—Jozeph ti Veal, Edrannd Sonder_Jobn
Paris. Ruler[ Dorton. John 11. Penrose, Samuel }.chants,l Davi.; ILII
P0t . n r V0i., 1 4 . 1?7/51F a re r ralrerV
lk. easeLL
Junta C.
Hand. Tbeophilm. Paulding, 11. J 4.. Brooks, Henn
Shan: Hugh Craig thaneS.nill, browner Slellvalo..
Charles J.ll.'Johneon, NM. Ear. Dr. Thomze,
Jet. Seller, Wen. Ern, Jr.
than:n.2l ar Pmaacentt—t/. Mors., !loth ersly.
John 7. lowan.
In boxes and 10 bbls. fiir
utinr FLMet.
Um: 113'. Presilrekt
dent. Joul4s W. CA'l,t, fe
. ,
ANCE 4.:O3IPANW. No 151 Marll.l :trot. Newark.
Nil. 11 Wall Ettevt, N. Y. Arclamultted welts
sl.te.llo.‘ol,4lvidlhe imam !Alto 40per envit profit per arttann.
Th.* matrentiber Rill twelve appllnsticom lc Itlearanee ry
lira, la the,..esvral I nntkrvanel3l.taantle vrlvele
MIAs Wog ttivkl,l eJnelle vlan
. WILLIAM I`. JON rs , Arent.
'l4 No. 141 Pant
11. ANT. 1, the MO rrf Drstwolt, Woolra, a.. 11 0.4.4 m
.. No. 1 W W.,'d stew. I...bur-At.
betaftcn tL. ratftribrr., under tb, MO. a
y, Mating Co.. NTI dxr diraAvett by sautaa.J,
crnkret tra itimvEr,
Int Ite—,ler er ft. K. tleminsr is botharited the
name of the late 6tnt is U» bettlement 6f their Wetness.
- 11)1. , .. ; . ; 6 4.1LUT10 hi N
k. OF tot.
irlbacoth:ra t slater Ihe P otyle t of Y ' tlotion b i kliblie w :,% di;
valved on emit day of January, lobl. by olotnaJ ouzo
front. Eltbar of tba subscribes. .111altend sumavr
the bosom., and arvantbort.d lon. then.. of Lb. to
Gm for bbal yarpou. b. 101 Wool meet
leb.aor I - 1. THOS. C. RIIITF
"VEW FIRM—B. C. Shacklett and William
partner* sod llentarala Clyde.
rprroal an] 11n.14. mem., .111 nadir:ye lb. %%brawled.
Dry C.,441.40urar owl, the arm at' 11. C. Flogekkit a 1.11.
4/ %o. lls , s , nollately menabal by anal , l4l64l4l lA lialLlA? : 10l
4414 WM. P....10M
1 0- PARTNERSIIIP—The vubocriherit have
ZiliZe,'eVtiti, c .'' '--t—hi cr 27. M "
IN: 4 ON,
ran I , 41.111 N V. °KELT.
IDIARILY, INGIIES .4, co:, Proprietor, of
W.req..A LLiio trwwrtimusaa Wats teloterres, Led
hisse h. Inf,na bonder, Clcfstracturs. and When, at Par
Whcatug. eincssauti, Lc., that they lass appant
e.l aut. farnatt a. of Plttsburgh,Lheir Agent, who Is octr
ready to 11124/1=4.• rosaracta litell2g VIM their fast
tlaugc.l Slate.
.t Ca, are In parsesslon of the hest vat
lase.; Slate ltuarrlns In we L'nited nate-a—the quality of
their elates is eqttal. If not superior. to the Mat Walsh
stssploy wpe
oe otter bat exfisswal and prow.
Ural slaters do Mai, stork. tvhsoq.utlChey has. no
lu•alatiou In' luturata • mrt.elly wsiter-tt t roof. anti, and hasalastnely completed, at as Ramis. a price per
ant' as any' th• that,
.. k roontraartta their Fish's to be
pot on hub instead of sheettog ,hleh bout *lsm:ling.
to the evattaaetors and nersGf bolklll2o. so towels al.. and slot h• hoseso..—and
Ilr Thorns+. Pam. Ina the i ..? O , TA.Y. stay : 1 ,f 1. 1 . nose
day—at litiuris •a
.. L - z i, c2 a, t2r .ay repairs.
`};VACS-1.50,000 Com. Ohio, for sale by
13 male J.
fNI3IOI . IIY SEED-50 hn. for sale by
1 motile J. & IL. FLOYD.
I[,?/.6IUR—/00 bbls. superfine, for sale by
[noble J. & IL EWELL
J4AIID.OIL-10 bbl. No. 1. on hand hnd
me. 1.5 Os Water nn.t.
xroo4 WANTED—The highoot market
7? pri-• 14° 01,1 11 1 1WA L L I V. "
o br torbre
11\T &TICE .—All persons having claims
111 agains t the .Learocr !SCHUYLKILL, noon on,
soot them Isl tbo mutnerlhere for vettlrtoent Itatonllately,
es the boat hie yawed Inbri atter bends.
real! WALLINEIVILD A CU.. 03 Valera,
t ea II SALE—Ohio and Pennsylvania lail
el 81p, in Ir. el.' Ban s k (Pittsburgh: end Exchangeb....l.l
11. E. Yourth eL
p/..AST4TION 9 IOLA.S.SP 6 --600 bbl.97in
.inn a,w gm sale by JAMES DALEE4I.,
mono. OS Water et-
MACKEREL - 225 buds. No. 3;
25 hr.' . - for saho by
amble .1 WES TALZELL, rd Valet .4
i r EACIIES-306 bu. for sale by
torllll N. A W. WAFW/1100W.
LEATHER-250 Sides for only by
moat ' E. & RR
_ .
TAII-70 hbl. (N. C.) for sale 4
6ICIDA ABll - 20 casks Kgrts's brand, for
17 w,le by sachl4 8 . a W.1181 1 141 . /08.
Ii'LAX SEED OIL-2000 galls. for solo by
1!_ . amble g• &W. lIARBAUSII.
lir I I'llHrlIV GLASS-6W boxes *intim
asPortirtsirca wad Carlow brand., tredriod
We sarlsii 14. £ W. HARLIALhIii.
f4Priteki Pil—jiat iroceired
from 'langur, 11c, Ihrollich tholupda 4 , 6 hooVn.
hro, haw° µA of Obi ploWlPi wrrpo le CU.t lo g
(Nab whirls hood for bwout.plos brost . clrwioloW
the froth. tr. venal. orbolersibe by
coal wionirr Mot and rlith sin
-- .
irlikf ATER CURE WORKS —rho Water
V Cure Manual, br Joel, 31. D.
titer Cum in Antertnittalited Ity a Water Patient.
laini Data of ilyilenpatby tor thnliquilonal and Donestic
.... br Or. Wet",
Dontettle practirti of frAltoiatity, with fin4,l Flirril , ed
111.,,,,ti 0n , a IMP,rtillt nu r•jueln , by kiatwittl .loinstnn,
!U. D. C`
ThT2ty . anil_,Pplftlen ofltypropattit, bElbe Ilw g.
)1. D
Tbo ahoy* v 01.4 far ado br n, C. sTocKTm.
11"Aulelkr and Stattotrr. (mare Market cod TIDTI PL.
Thlt 11 the onty
otantartait cola can be certal
gutting but a moment PH
Acta , at tho Wateh and Jesralr
In st.two. ansl for Wu
kin, thotrovot
lona Acid
lioeential Volt of
InerTe and Done Liniment
Opodeince, Street
" lieupeee
• iMff
o Dino
4 /Quinine .
PeOintment roe 'fetter
ebutbaell; Heelers
wleis Peewee
Turllnftoe's Mlle=
W' !.7lll 2 etelidll6ef or
,v ruas. C. Cl,. Pmd
, Nu. C.l irstvt env; Pitt.,
P. L. MALCIRA..Ageot.
VIN 1 0 .6TECTU38.—
ff l in L a v d b4l eental he which
7 ,7 l l w Lef, wcsi t l . Y l.7.
Ur' epra or
irner of Market and 44
o am rooetmatic liberal la tarns, . la: Aro Cel
D ia
ihir de Ita d ith
o llgTP Eli '''
3khru `moires'.
f',:,`"iiiisYlvt th"
Ecla, SyDhlllr, 2a
rnoaof ?myna! pt
tidinTon ,
y ltaraamot
111 ' s= r '''
Nprarai, for Dear
14yo Witted
Ilardatera Liniment
itadiny'a Cordial
IL:gaga l'inetura
.. 11*14: 9+7 P w ' lciERA . nAm. I
of 11%01 awl Club arena
, 1
- --
ItirANTS-A Situation as Book-keeper or
v Clerk to • rootetatilo or moturfacturixot hoe.—
Urteren4Joastle rut re...onr. .U 1 A HA. Al'
dreued to U. R. or or Idettille t for. orttl metro erten
plllit. PIES.AND TARTS — Fresh Cherries
and Plums , top In th eir awn inn., P.'arcing 80.
' flavor of pu
the fruit. anc.-o.amos .narzad
fdt ,4 alf.d Wash. and french asuar,e, my' Jellies.
Blanc Banta, Ad. finial. by
nuldd WM. A. McELIIO * C0..E.50 Liberty' rt.
VENISON HAMS-93 for Bale by
inchla - J. D. WiLLIA3II; A CO.
TANNERS'OIL-10 bbl.. warranted pare
focal* by mob= RE. BELEM.. '
CHERRY PECTORAL, Starch Polish, Soap
Ra , biereand EffervescingCcalpnbod, fir Yale by
mat!' R. E. SELLERS, t 7 Wood Ft
RICE --10 tea. (fresh) for sale by
LARD -30 bbl. No. 1, is store. for sale be
mehll S. & W. IIARBACti
VLOVERSERD-8 bbls. for sale by •
UTTER-6 bbl. prink Roll, for sate by
it meal{ WICK a McCatilllaNN.
rip ♦ B,llabui of the Law of Lend Ofini Mier i Pouo.
sylreine; by Joel Jon.* reed and for sale by
HIY 18' ALE-300 Wboio and lif. i3bls.
In Ilan, with constant arrivals from Um Drewry,
warniptll ' l°4l'4 ' f' 11 .4 81TIrTsoN a ILEPPYJii.
Boy!' Wear.
tifoRPHY & BURCHFIELD have you'd
INN. so asantrita l th r Thore Goods. adapted to poring
;int% d 'i s,ll4ino P Cass r "d". I "
of o rarlots ldnds. WI at lowan prima 7 rd lnefilt
CM.-31vvrto d ficaminvao invite the attention of
sem. vautit ik % in
Moorng Goods, to their assortment of
Dom slog. bash. dubbed Alpacas. Moose de Labs,
Q HORTS-300 La. for Sale low to close con
gaut, by • IiAIfUEL P. WAIVE&
to day. Borketx 10 dm. Tubic for sA/e by
I . IOII b, BUTTER---3 bbl i.. j i ty=cl 3o a N nd for
mehll 61 Water mt.
I ART) OIL-26 bbL No. 2, just read and
JIA for We low by WALLINUPOILD k al
lame amortment of 1. 6, 001 5 qr. Pbeeting,„Tellltn,
an Figural eek. Patent Carriage MI Cloth.
.4t tegr i*" l. l rit rillarPr7tradlVLl
ractlin-9.000 Tda. 4 and & qr. GreenollCloth, • bob,
9.44 awl r 441, at Nt.. 7 and 9 W. 9.4 R.
4942.7 J. I IL PIIELLLI99.
DOTASU-10 casks No. 1, foroalo by
nict7 J. B. DIL11:011.11 . 1 00.
tj the attention at ourebtuers WU. assiorpnengeol...
loco at No. idronoth enact. itg
DRIEn BEEF-5 to. S. C. for sale by
nactd ROBISO;1, LITTLxA O.
('1 LASS- boxes W. Li., ass'd, City and
lJf Countri brands, for sale b
HICKORY NUTS-8 pk. for Halo by
- Q - ALERATITS-14 casks and 23 boxes pail
to veriest. for do by
flnooxts_l3B dos. (Corn) for sale by
gosh) WICK i 11cCANDLL.89.
ACKEREL-138 bbl. No. 3, for sale by
rash) WICK A alicANDLms.
BLACKWOOR, for Febraary, and the Art
Journal. fJr January. are toe ode it uoLmE,
'• men) opporite
Pt. OIL.,
FiIAR-25 bbl. rec'd and for sale by
j IgA . CZEREL---25 ;1 1.1. co i r E si t tl e e o hy
CASSIA -100 mans just reed, for sale by
4 1 01 t SALF:Exchange Bank Stock, by
ma,o D. KING. Fourth rt.
1 01) LIVER OLL—Waritusted purr, on
IL) Jranyht. 111.118 n. Clarks , A tWr.ln nntll,, for rat.
racial miner 515,5 and Wood NM
I,IIRINT.ING 31ATERIALS--Printeria.eop
, gr n at .: 7oztin gel k ez, 1411 . nr i glias.d . o . 1111,
to ato,len ruler, Sr. Sr. f tn. rale at
Printlne 1 . ..Lb...tan,' Market and Ferri ALI
f. 141 American roes.
ACTUCARIUM—EngIish imported, fur
1.4 ate) n. A.'vAltsr..wrocK A N..
IJOUTTY—In bladders, in assorted sized
rarka,44 for.). by
1Z WEN'S PLASTERS—Lac , ., and email
1.4 Pn. 11. A. FAUN EArocx A tn_
rxno mrner ►tnt and Vra . ..l It..
j?EATIIERS-60 mckti Feathers received
amt mzr F. 9 It W HARJU UM(
IiOLL BUTTER-6 Barrels rec'd per S. B.
Tworarnira. f...r e r trr
par. 9, A. it W. ItAILBACI7II.
wrivatt•A , ••••• ...••••••• strz.••sulLuz
ran be found et the Carpet Ware.
ATTS-A very large assortment of-Che
us. Washouts, No. Kl rourt,lks!mrhJ ,1
LARD OIL-10 Ws. fine Winter Strained,
ttr d. bi J. KIDD a CO.
sob) tin al Wool stmt.
€ I OPPERAS-25 bbl.. (in good order) for
at. by J. KIDD t CO.
Loeb) No. GO Wad street-
so. bbl. N. 0. Molassem
o'n' id/rl6ll7. ' nvi
SREDS -40 libls Clover Seed;
6410 se
BalittLF .
lIIIRCII/lELD bay* on hand • gorid assort:awn of
Mtnkat; of all tire ditkrent qualities, lacl Wino a kw
Ml ,, •ir• An. and nn•lii/../1 a which an no. papa."
_ _
OLD LOCKETS.—Jurt received a large
jug:. of ciczat Ocal l its , t , cto awl AIWAWs. Cum
4.0.4 W. W. WILI.ON.
L ON M S TAPERS 7 ,SO dos. f j or to tt a bj .,.
GHEAP WALL PAPER—From 6 1.4 cents
stIT ° " 1 "
if 1 A311410R-3 bids fur sale by
'WWI) BAYBERRY--2 bble for sale by -
VIAL CORKS-1000 gross for solo by
T feblo E. SELLER&
VIOUSE DE LAlNES—Printed arid isolid
.10”, la prat variety and al valicra• aria. to ha
foe at don , of [obit/ MURPHY IttIiCIIVIELD.
H OPS-5 bales for sale be
Itm. 11. JotvirroN.
JARAIVING PAPER-300 Blunts (aiiperi
.1 q. 41 1 11) in Wes er J. KIDD L CO,
melal No. CD Wcod ousel.
BROOMS -200 doz. Coro, for sale by
mitli J. a.a. notn.
- __
If:IHESTNUTS---35 " bu. for nab by
1..) Mail. .8. 81r FLOYD.
MOLASSES -25 b h
Rif " 1". 4 3. 11; a, 08 888 s., lo
'n' " kuLni"'
L. V.VS ? A b I Y F:IL O SI AN a BONS,
mels So A 81 Warr '
and G 2 Front. st.
F ISII-40 bbl. prime large N 0.3 Mackerel,
- 11•111 1 1 4 itilenr i pis3Zs8le br
mch, 10
1., S. HATELLIIAN A 8008.
11),RIEDIRUIT-725 ho. Apples;
674 - Priam!:
matt 1- S. WATS:BILO I BGut
_ .
1 1h., l' irrn . Xilnigrer. P o r r til 2 :l3 : l , . , frr.
E:l2.l';',V.t°'°"iil'i.,6, 1
.ItBsafx kep , 2l.
8.1117 Third st.. 881441.8 A! 888 1 0 8 1 .
lEAIt4 STARCH4A - boxes for sale by
metal 111141. JONSJI k (A).
I AM) 011-20 albls. No. 1, for sWe hp .
4-4 whle JAS. PGVGGI.G. GS Mlles 4.
11WONS-2 , 50 tuna Raft Tetra. fur wale by
rcirtilB J. DA 1.1E14. 08 w.yr ITS 17 , 88 rr.
AFETY FUSE-150,000 fuet Ilacon,
ford ICo oink, ireirrann. WiparTif & CO.
lIILVLOTIIS-10,000 yards floor Oi I Cloth,
earcrro mak,eran. nolho rr lbws guy viper pou Ir 7
r lutbr
n 11;1 1.11.1 attelidEt bt ptircbwr• to the above
starl4 c y •P.
PIONO)Ir OUP bbls.
,1:4 gore trr vi. by
TABLE mArrs—ln store and for sale
OCarpet Wstehooffie of
meta tr. McCI.C2iTOCIi.. KS-Fourth
K itl
L'US.—W. McCLINTOCYitaI the at
tl- 7 1L40110° of thane lelabing to futoteh.. his stn & o
wee. which an loin neccive4 (tato the ea anurottorres.
New Books! New Books !
1% ,i,... 1 001,c001/Z Parke. se ..
9ye r ron_lu l a u &lT:s " dar:t Stil= the=kllleciso. • .
Loulee Volltooo by Alm Dame.
IlaMp t s:y! . lll 3 :?he t sl o f'by
B*Tbelluen'e ekleor„ by Alex. Domes.
her ries of Ohl Mall 'or to Young Alen Intend
ligerrLoYa call a/so be beA or I'. 9. DteItAMAIIA,
ha 007. mcbld
FEATHERS -8 sacks (prime) fur sale
LARD-17 'kegs In store and for sale by
TABLE OIL CLOTHS—A very large as
sortment of Table COM& on hand and for mak at
bit, I awl V Wood vtreet.
mb7 3. t It.
rtrigitliP4 Jed reed sad Ilse mai br
=chi' J. S. WIXOM'
LEAF TOBACCO 2 latel: for sale
sus .48 WV. IL:pIINEITON.
al ousters ita eale-3 Fhblnar Nate, e m of them 137
) • helm sod twe mallet w. • They ell' be add at a
mcriGeo. tto , ovraart. as aged lady el 11 year% who jo
mr.ho No. 7 sad 9 Mod st.
br W. v. w0u....
o. lfipl ib l r p . l like to aer malt wag.
weatal • (kl:roetA l l Jahn P.m.
=soma mC
la ao re 7 mynah.
Voice or br-e dayr by Fogey. Amnia Laurie.
Lily, or lbe Maid, by K .
H o
klYs. 3111444. Home Fick Polka.
••••••••wr.lDent: by tbe Huteldnaota. (Malt Polka ‘
Grand Polka de l.krerk by • .V. Wallace.
With all tn. late popular mo, Waltze Cotillions. Polk:
• ma Marches, Vriations, Rondo. re, kr, lamed lja•
klutern Odes.
;yea Maar 'retired ferry rreL
A very large and new stock . of
To arrive this work, 01 0. Crli. 011. and 7 octaves, earvalara
plain. Taxying in price Mae Via to SAO. non,
Latent Grand ?Luna, from tbo same reirbmW =nut..
t4r l l he above with a full Meeelutodl for and i 6 .441 4.1 of MT.O.
M" "
in Wood M.
N. fh—Two Piano Fortes to him. Old Pianos taken to
part for nevnuer. metal "
4has relit re.rbN fir
mtel Polka de Conorrt. as performed by Froolelli SUS
rel-greiVe by
gole, lore A very beautiful new vcad
dusttoi by S. C. Yager.
The Erik to his Plater. a new song, by W. V. Walluw.
The bolMers Wiler by aro. barker.
Roy NCI; do. do.
Ly last thoughts are of comyaled far and iruag by
Abu Catharine Hayes.
Away witmh y ear b ringing; Woodtmry.
val. nevem; sons and cata.
Where are the itiatall of mr youth?
Come. midden. mime: or Trovituililo.
tkegall—ybreet Begat, CoqueoW, Bridal. Cann 11331.
New York bedlam, tc.. te.
aupplm)) by L. MUM a Webb--
unauestionsbly the Len Sacred Mask bisakaser published.
eatonsivaland varied 'WAY of Mu+.1.41
oot., Manua, Melceleons, String, and weary Ml; el.
tha wade line. IL W.BEIL 101 Third at.
S. 13.—The new wad mod lle.ehkaealsle mask received as
sownu pabllabad.
OL. laL LSIMPS Pictorial n
y field Book of the Ftevolettion. Cloth,
N. 72 Pictorial Field Book oitheliMrolot. • "."
non. kamphlat aeries.
Mut kbild.o. ••Binnontd•BioaTi by the author of Rol
la kea.
Tim. the Lam: F eel by theauthor of the "Wileolnatons 6
"Latta. Arnold; . Kourdant Ball.. Le.
The above workaj_int inocieml and for Italy by
B. C. STOCKTON. Bookseller and Stationer.metal N. 47 Martel. street.
graham's Ifammine for Ilare_h, with 144 mem
Horticulturist, for Yebroary;
• Vllll%,tglew
Life's Dbripllm a take:
Iterbable',,_.llmgazine, N 0.2:
Women of Inwel, by Gram Amt Dell
• Homo 'Winsome: UM for mothers rod daughter,:
31other's Iterosoperme. by limo Aguilar,
NeltDeneptiono or tile hidory of Ute hum=
Ileut by Mrs. Elbe:
011va. bout:
Hammy_ toraton,
for sate at HOLMES' Literary Depot, oppasite the PostOt
B. A L Mt Elt Mkt, pletwore In
ch 11011114114 that he hen just opened • lot
Noke Simon of the eektrated evoke
om. A (Sass and liMenme. Net York. which. with More
on hand, form the meal elegmt, rart, and catenel re steel.
ever <demi in this ity.
ommotbereottenplendkl7 cam
e double wed Plasm.
Lotels fly My', with the oew Iproem:mot of the over
atrium thelatmt and most lorpcnted hoprerrement. to le
found mly oo bums A Umk's PlasmaAteo, too superb
Bohoa Attachment Kama.
UN. It.--An extensive lot of New Musk, embeseingJenely
elltsl'e, nod the choicest new Some. Polkas, Waltsse.a.
. 4 Slbl.N 04 . VIE OOLDLN HARP, 101 Third et.
VIA PE R—Folin, Packet, Commercial and
iLs;4= Coy oc,folieg
terms st Solt ' W. S. UATEN'S
e LRAFTS.—Engraved` and
5,11 ,L Aftn!o h r - NTat Lontli ,s 'ol ll rtr be :l 43U'il
Jszta) Ullgestk at., r
tAmerkaa. Journal. &p.) ."
v Writing Fluid,
iribb.rd r i7 t g:ll-11,FlaLl mid' Red inks
liarrisorim Columb4u) Ink—rod sod black
nor. Thamrsdn'y Cbrararrelal Ink—bLuk, eearlrt,
awl red.
Freach Carmine la. far side by W.
A near Musical dlrtimmry of Oreek m:l4 Roman bk.
rii r g 6
tTI L tU CmPAr4r"',..7l
by William Ainilth LI,. edam./ mit metummdea ofu k4r' reey
ti.l Homan Autiqultles„ mid of Omsk Ind Rama Mem - mph)
mrd AlYthology, rewind. with numerous wernetrom and
additimis, by Climbs AMY., LL D., Prawn.. of
Omit and Latin Laturundee In adenoids College.
nor We awl Corniriondruni of Robert SoMbry • edited
by bLe rwit Lb. flee. Mimi. Mittitnitt Southey, K ' A.. MI.
rate of Plumbiand: Cu/abed - ImM- ItulLbound elMl. with
No. 6 of the WO and o , yr...44l:Orrice of Rohe t Eon -
conini f the Qu
al6orlarolo o English Prir
acted etch tev seds
of ,:seat Rtitaio.
6.6nel 21rtehIs.r..1.wathor cf the Lives of the Queens of
Ertl:land. vol. 1
• . .
TO; Decline .
of Popery and It. Coaon; an Adarr-es dell,
rn! In the Broads., Tabcrnarle. on Wodnerday ermulna.
Jan 14. ln:d. by E. 71. N. Mums. D.P. . .
Tin . fl•OrT P.A. lora reeelanl, and Dr rmle.l.• •
.1 an:10 it. C.: INVION, No. 47 . 31arket rt. • '
131A...N.0 FOI;TES—Jonm H.
It mot. Not al jWoref-rtreet. Imo
.and film nye.. Par sale, a larue and leen .
Jeered gawk of a. 6.5 i. aN and 7 merman Pr.
ara•Pnter. from the mmoractory of Cleekerimr, Beaton. rn
ableb 0o infite•
71.0 n of purehaaer. TO.. Pia.
=An•rably no , 1
, D. r annzrl i zAdmaaord rma• trao .
tlla Itia . ... talna i ran pararsor at ineir . frdrvaloe.. • .
JOHN H. 3trA.Ulll,
Amna for lb* sale Cblakerlng's Jarmo. OR Weal. Pa. -
feha full Word atznet
maa~•C K
g C rk Sythdeuy. By Wm. LD.
De b by C. Authors.
Lime of the Quertm ce . . &adv.! sad Emellah Pritmemea •
DT" itlffinlft
o.L =ot.,: tgl,. tof ic.seeth e y. LLCM
50L.1 . 1= 6.
livered In Us. ' . 11ro851.PTabentaele. Thebutalay cram
Jthuary 15, 1851. by Bel. N. Bunny. D. D.
Just moelved and ffor va/e by It. HOPKINS.
feb3 731 DolllH3o, Yount st,
Lore], MAI.. 6 celebrated duet* bum
opera of Jeesoods. , by Spehr.
Moth, thou'rt falthful to cur, a tree er 8 C Foam.
He rely the sleep. toy Alice by IL 1,, Foster. • .
offer thee this a dar e odor,
Come math,. comae, o-311110. •
are may be happy yet: ream the Daughten of St Mask.
Omanallmorite oral touching ballad
Thou but crourAed the .Dint that loved thee.
It.. Dolt, or don't 10. ~member meet
Pars Wks. by & Q. rooter.
The celebrated Polka Demme.
U aml JLsaM—lrfecue i
sa.d . rain —" Lges t.
s P
olka ttf .ißerl ler. Chit Etat Po lk,.
Ra H Qdes. '
Itudamed Polka. "Allegh
A bee .411100 of Ilauteu's idatroctloce 63r Pooprill,
.to additional of mew leasous.
Clath's Fa MS the Pica.
Darrow • Piano Forte him,. Remised today by
JOIIN It. MELL(III, lit Woad et. - -
N. _
M 11.-1 'Try WO Hoek of New Mace ardeitig al aka
'HU be open for eel* t?I • week.
iintemrp.l , o4 188 , 1 4.4.orrooits .11-6 W
Boar Inpeam • ldo. for Bothers and rotomtit.. BT .
° r.
N o gg jj,pa•pio. 01X0 Alllllllr. •
Ban 140.. Wait Jumary.
IVALTlrßiol.poloo. • imov.l. By 4• I. •••
TE e 11141,1,=&711r . ., storym''. L.
To tore sod to B. Lano.4-4 tale.'
C.olizto of Bralorrtek. -Br O. W. B. Itepoolds.
A Loan, on the Jetuits. Dr Ire. Berg.
Dr. Deriee Kaki) to }Whop flogihni, on the Decline of
Dolan Journal. No l rif neevolume.
011,, • week by the' &Minn . of "The 0811.1ce."
No I of the American illamiaatod edition of the Warerly
New Books, just received.
IrVE Bards of the Bible; by Georg
las. I rol.
Crockollenda.rl; bring a programa,/ exhibition of the'
Crock Grammar. dalliance! for begin., in (hook. and an •
book ore:mink thr invleinks and college(' Asa/tele.
Kendrick. ;rot. thine. mac
Etli r Vzitt . lla c =ll6ll,...llaria J. Lcaritnrao.
Ihno. inns
The Mother n ',
D (Imre Rheum; • notoel to.l.lntne Ittfkianea 7 ,
Neehuihn lipetalpo and Rinrineere Journal. Fit,'
number root. nveired.
Byrne. Dktkitary or Meehanici and Ennio...Mop. No:: '.
Ant reed fur We by It.
hat 78 Apoiki 6vWlnpe. Foutth
.0,- ll:mmaoit2t E:ol,l,livro,
:bra " 41 ' ' AZ tg L i r .isallig.g•
F tVits t iOS l Or=,!,l,l . tit:tr. L .
ristlye i rxe•attrayyl throe thdthuhlttich tn. Um,
T. eitre:;, autror of 9 V. B r ig tht•C•Wr ,
e o gacglin's ttsetherys • ennet to Rome IndyapQ.—.
py firma A 0 11.0 Rey+ Lyelt•.N /••• bT
jal3 p. BTUOLTUN..I7
anti, Cool. nut Amyricso .pr.
, Ittof ou rutht s
th.,,,k'Poo•s of et•TY dot•tiOtt , b.W 4
other et obhrt tiotint.
ht•Ugaety,pogltell. heath
y rW.O. 11 trlt ' t ;ail Lt'd
J.lx 'or" b Market at, cornet or 8 0 :ea:a.
14 . b0K ANt DRINTINki—E cle.
T+tp¢eß of ltoul R e al s M
best ta•pn•t. b y ! W. h. PLATEN,
Prr.g 0 T1.1r 3 b" , ”*P ,P 4 pear.
__ •
TATIOZIERY W. S. Ilayr.N, cornertel
:.runt .04 Merkel on., hoe for ~leso large ,or 4
P en areortmoul of elatlonery as Hu « pem~l Iv tto muter, ref Veep.
:,‘„te7l4% , 4 JTap
th i lia k l7o:74,,,Zlh!AßV,
efwlegant Low, rode r y CURE,'
New Fora. =nog atop, apleneld 7 otter* oared
If the
o r drift ;Itortotesteg . ,r awl Wfo oe.
I .TV l . l.. ittee7l
u p
W oo
tr - r, - ti;vg — ttat'-•
Mee. Jeo •
EW BOOKS.' numboltle new Work •
Oortnce, or SketelFof • PhrOrel daeolPtios of 11;
Vit e niee Skrtrber of Illonesote. the nor England of
th ityrnee ag:riled Enablers latetiOs4Ar, Met Ittt
For sale ty R. HOPKINS,
AID Apollo Solldbass.
the Anterithn novolotto. thy Eldred alum, Fop.
Blatory of the Refonuattou of the Sixteenth thotury;
kir J. IL Merle d'Anbistt, D. Prealdent of the TUNA,.
cal Eehool of,,r,gy lifewliViutAo...f&do
uottted lovkf, Antiquitle, and 0I p 67• It
The !tiara:fp B rL i V.IO[TON.
10.10 Book/4411w and that:lona,
CORIer of Market stud Third sta._
44UTLINE MAPS—Peltou'a eplendid Out
11110 Map. are COIF being Intraineed td.Datiotitimtlith
, In lieu rn i ti:nti and Nee Y0tk...0== . 1 6 ,...11,
sod atilrr tnltto , !to " elll t nl g alitnnti tam.
Pia I—Map of the Western lltanbuthera 812 la inclthu
2 do Rouen do do
a do North America, TO it 84
• do Untied Etatesi 70.282
6 do llturope, 70 2.112
• do Aida, 10 2fe
1 , 4 7 10VH . 0f the " erfi ' aa a. 2 ;ro ""ri th e2
ppm Math. 0110 1O
• ,
Meth =pent unrivalled inacoura7,Dealthratid thew
noaad adapted to th e Waal& of the p r imary ,
thal high mamas of thet Melted iltattet. - , •
saNI al Rbbi:bees mimic without additiOndtht.
xt► - apourioNAL BOOK
1 424 =0 Oasts of Maid aftl /
di 1 ROUND PAINTS, in Oil, neatly put up
v..* in On two ed 1 lb. to 10 lbs. eu - li e monad -widths see
Mello+ ilmet, Path Omen.
mass. . Yellow Ochre.
Teen de bee... . Prueadaa Bloe.
U''''''' a'''.
B. A. rAttNiMmAtil.
rod= comet lr . st =4P:dad eq.
`AND CRUCIBLES--100 nests for sale hy
kJ menu . J. KIDD * CO.
ALCOHOL -12 bbh. fur Bale by
da2 R. E. SELLERS. 57 Nep,.t.t
'PURSED PILL BOXES--Assorted sizes,
for tale by O. A. VAIINISTOCK k CO.
taceP'ted. Tr 1. b 7 D. A. FAIMESTOCIC 4 00.
BOLL BUTTER—A few Ws. on hand and
fur we 6, Excusa s BENNETT.
122 becced. and 131 First 1.
D RIED PEACHES--550 bu..for Ealeby
[1..16 2.51.1erty et
YRESSED , SPIKES--160 kegs (improved)
fur ode by co chig ALIEY,3I.ATUCCICA2 CO.
pIG METAL--440 tone for sale by
rocLl9 /MET; MATTHEWS !_W.
St. Louts Rrßnury Mon. and for WI .
grALLow-20 bbls. prime, for sale VC'
mch24 8. 2 W.IIARBAWIL
APPLES -20 bbls. Russets and Pippins
tor sale by S.F. VON BONN/MBST CO. -
SWEET OIL-2 casks superior, for sale by
mehß2 R. E. SELLERS. Et Wool st
WALL PAPER—Lar4est aisortmetit in
We Weet—conshrting of French ire! Arnorican Pa
.ejr hangings for Halls, Patron. end Cr...bon, al prime
=gran from 63.4 cents to Piloreprom, for solo by
1.1121 W. Y. 31AMIIALL. 85 tined Et
WAZT,ED - .75 5.
h Coupon.
kat Devi will 1117rwthaj wort' Igh =.
tho Waking Ibnm of WiL A. BILL i 00.•
lath2l . -
lIITE WINE VINEGAR,. of Superior
Eand sonrr r sVtii - "' w irn. rgt e rn ILV.,`" ;
sidas Omen arid Sea //rang. . •
`WRAPPING' PAPERSOO rean23lslell.
Itarg Wrapping ' '. ter. Also, fresh somas , or
)lulltn Printing Paper. Just roo'd Or
mop's W,B.ItAVEN.enr. Second arid Market.
DRIED PEACHES-600 bu. fur sale by
CHEESE -50 boxes for sale by •
110 memo JA)11:8 DALZELL.
radarloo Ore
bbl.. Fre,h E
A gger: •
ezx n T. der,
01, by
OSIN-100 Ms. to arrive to-claY,l for sale
Ai; by mch24 2L. s W lIALLHAU(3II.
PINAR-501615. (Wilmington) to arrive to•
1 day. formic by meta EL aW. LIAILBAUGII.
'FANNERS' !Ala. No. I, for eale
br mcbt4 8. b W. LIALLBALKLII.
I INSEED OIL-25 bbll:re and'for sale
A lir metal nomsos. Cr= & co
GREEN APPLES.-18 bbls. Russets;
Jon rtel and tor mile by Plpp l to. '
tilt ROBISON. LITELE A ta.).
TINEUAR—'2.O Ulm. (Cider) for sale by.
ittett24 tl DALZELL t CU.
PRINTING 'PAPER-70 Reams for.. sale
low to elate coottprocotot, br
tacti22 J, SCIIOONMAK.LR t CO, '24 Wool FL
TANNERS' OIL-15 bbls. No.
0) • A- tar Fri. by
- J. &CMOS mAKIft * co.
1 INSEED OIL-30 bids. far sale by•
RICE -15 tierces Carolina, for sale by
meh2.l . JAMES A. uurninson A elo.
-4000 4Ba •
500 p 14ig Galena 1....5j;
."l e ) kegs aa. areurrted: for rale Dr -
SGROSS Rushton, Clarke d. - Co.'s genuine
CO.l Liver OD, kor we by J. KIDD a CO
E r .UAI. OPIUM-1 ease for sale by •-. _--. •
IA brello J. KIDD A 012 t— 0114400.10... • •
iNi• Vs- Manure,-latre, of the beet bratils, far ego low by
ARPER'S, MAGAZINE, for March, re
oetrrd and far lila at J. /1110.1.31 XV.
Liter.T 15.10 t. Third /Oat:
us , h6 apposl. the Poet OM..
SUNDRIES -1 muse Gum Shellac;
bbl. Silver Sual:
1 Cream Thrum
bah Large Mtge Coast •
1 taw Liguotirst Dab_ just iv:calved
b. It. wicxviura.
some: llltsst labala sta.
arid fbr ortle
DEA/MS-14 casks
, cfzgt, er m rt e Egs,att by
pOWDER-4000 kegs Iluard's Blasting
do.• - 111Pel
mcbl9 J. S. DLLWOltiu a).
New llnge.
CAN, at berformed b ) Y E Sto.
fitt.stwo:ll , Vogottl4oc i ls4=l.lo
Also. gnat ralittr or rieW elancattiolu by thi
Atut all the late yoinlar Hoek, bottled by the cute.'
Agent Ibr Cblaavinits Hamm,
111 woui
EW MUSlC—Where are the friends of
m r Vesta; by O. Harker. _
somathing lewpat to tell Tow ,
n '
I The Robi'm thinking o'er the Day. Shirr.
Si New Kneen& Horne, a new song. dedicated to m. Ladies of Sew Ynstand. . •
Oho Lore Is he Away.
Oh, meet me on the Silver Shorn
1 (hoI: tglit
llotoe's on the heists Lea—WoOdhein.
Lill kbYlr. bi go C. gainer. ,
Pre kit mg Native Wage. ar G. Harker.
The Spirit Dvra.
go. hi, hk the hook Sorg and Polka.
Would I were with rhos-.6r Guitar. • ,
AnAdieux. by II
satanidra nallsctices of time Polkisi, Valises, -Cura
tives, an •
Alio a new wanly of "New Cianalus. asenk . ., Cantles
Landis. and an wmie ll ent rim work. eancel the . /Idoaet."
collection of popular and social minge, barmaibed and
errs by G. 6. Webb and W. iinecterwonsideted one of
the ben works ever yerblisbett. IL 8LE11136,
by Wm. M. ilasekszer Rya the Quemeti Necklace.. ay
of the Court of Laulle 51.y.tamtb, 41 . 41-
clndrr Dummy . haw fran reed, sad Ibr #4 at 110LXE'S
Literary Depot, `So. TA moo Yuba
500 buz: , 3 ,./ e l ls Dried
Apples, e.gainallbcZ
GIRL wanted to do house Work. Apply
/At this offier.
LARD -4 kegs for sale by
TOBACCO-49 boxes 5 tamp for sale by ,
a fob?
rat widths. and .t lower to reed at ths - store of
melon 4 ItUtICIII3IiLD.
ROWN FLANNELS, a Nal° Article:
Al. Ihat. Barred. Goma Moe, to
ret and at the atom of
. ,
jiRY HERRING-300 boxes (tresh) for
JUF 'ale by mch3 ';DICK a IRCA.ISLESS.
PALM OIL-1000 lbs. in store, for mile by
eict.4 MILLER a ificxxrsos.
CLARET WINE-14 bhds. Bordeaux; .
. tores :woe ;
sAltitNiriViikigz •
xi Is hills. Haut Saturne Misr;
2) Is ,tore.forsslet bT
rtchi MILLER t RICKS:72)N.
It EVOLVERS—Just addition
al supply uf unmans Colt's lterolufwurA L tl i ttiS
The 014 Printing Establisjiment,
lATE Johnlton and Scoakton s, and Blank
I / Bat a
. nod mat/on/Ty Warehenee.
i. , ....4 l ,: , ,`l,:;,:i.PprotrilliTlOlTPrinniallLllVi
Banta m; a nd faro vh every arta/. In lb. Blank Dena.
r a per and dtatlonery Doe, at lb. obornat order, and on
the yoga reasonable knot.
Blank. book and Stattuurry Irarelunne, earner 41 Market
U gr a dillt r ret t l Rook Bindery. N 0.60 Yhlrd vt. tan
si, 35 half pipes Oogniae Brandy, “Prdelatd Liark."
15 ark" g r nstv do do l'r t le, nur. lOW rine ,
10 do do, and p l ait ne anat.! TT...IL
6 piper 11.41 and Gm. -Botarns . nrlaor' and -61.10.
. telneheraa tried and drntit aft indetry.
2 do Jatnaing KIM,
10 thin ..N. k E. do. du.
I et yr. ` ' ral I ' l , trim.
11/ do Sweet MaunaWine.
1 II: du do do.
I. d: t, bury ( lll n e.
Ir':t6re rr and 7 , rl. l =by tq 'J l i./1114 PARKF.D k CO,
Jaul Ir3l Llbertv Wert.
awerit o m of inervbante and others to Ids larg. and
wortril Melt of Ilorlery, alovei, Under Phan& and
0n,.11/. sham artalre 111 6116, 11 not Merino, and
4 . of 6 11 ran and prieeptroottanD Y no i r ., and for
role low by canal r. .11411)5.
(1 0141 f'ENS — . We hare now on hand a
1.1 WV etor6 of . the bent Gold Peas Barn ta,o.dtaa
'''T`n!,,, fi ".,l:',Oi%o S rd i. 0 .1i t'otr,,l:i it ip,141.174,.,
.11 la eter7 tatielY. Dr.eurine No 1 4 , lerr; Pro.. --.
II tor vale wholesale and alai at New or price..
, ten W W.WILbON.
- ND '
-1 CIRNOE OFFICE.—N. 1100163 r SONS „No. 67
bdket sawn raDburgb. tan-barna/ ea all the'reatterre
Weelern 011100 fa vale. Colleetlonv mode in all the
'arena/ }lama% the Union. Nana on all ealvent Banks
•unted None and Tnao bills negotiated jail •
1 NDIA RUBBER PASTE: . 4 gross of that
superb untie for beets and shims. renderfog them pee.
ee I c Le i rArr proog and pliable . ark 4 piece. f dale .Tru or e
St TLlZir 2 l,74 2""; `Fo i r r 7.."' l"* Puradapr", 7 -
tillEA WARE—English Es Americatrßritnn;
Ina Tea Sete Plated de. Plated Meters, Candkatteke
• auger. end Trays; Plated Unse ben quality I'm' Hal.
tea Dandle Table Cutlery, Silver Yorks. fipa, and But.
43 1,,, ni m e r 4r. I.itatedr.
il ta,d.Ge or rin.... B Lilver ng Y b ote nm e=l ot u lipiarog ,,..
ably a-neasiter, Plated Tray. of Prentifel tatrerroi.
rery .preior Candor fordoanlary awl polishing plated
are. /hashes for cleaning.. Charade Skins Feather
bo7kor . " :tivr t. si , se 0 0, 0 a.bahr
twarugblet,4.,./.lanialtf...4tetknoolt beef
4, 1 - Yoe Dscinitoes—Perega celebrated Katie Kitchen,
1 F ig . by
• • W. W. WILKK,
Coy. Dirket anII linwth irts
xi. hurdled and fifty on lerare deed Ilid'lllettkotit
1 IDO padre Crib Diatakro., superior article.
Kel do Steam Boat nhutets, ribbon bound.
IKI do Cray Coating Blankets, beery. -
Ire do Drab do • do do
ilb t ut
cbda4 do ,
D lkarer Urey Meal, •- do ' .
iii . leana,r4tortori.r4ll;l uemtnd I"'"h enkrre Br'ld '
d r
s - ''' :
2do , Casainarres. bleak and teary ro= , • .•',
' • I do liallnettai bleat and gray feud... , ~• •- .:
• ~- . 3 do White Deified Flannel, gent grids. ..•.. • , '
Tire abor....6.....t,dorcrilied gied. rt iaefgrii m tenidgeninn
t,..a. t DOM
11 .
term to the trade, art truundertiaren,griopi,
O DIEOLar-50 .bl. receiving or rah by,
mt.h 8807809. _
I T DE. ANDREW rtviitia wrixarar-criatr—i.
Canoe, In his valuable...oho," on the 'Physiology of DP
, f r,rtortkatorrees that stakintfon of the true quantltT
of Gastek Julee, i te=sige t o and all prevailing cameo(
=...=1: Load... Who :tole!, /712'4 '=fh?:-1
ortaplaint, finding eerathlng rift to tallrhof to
the awake Jake. obtained fromtbe stiolarb of liiirZsee
'mai. which goad_ eoutPl,rtlp ratesaidoLe
Dr Hat/hi..A ....rtri tor har dfrorte e gad. er Lao
V, Zihow,,frk' '"mon'or...""2,:nottiLsltC'es.clatter"TY.=tirmosohlarin'''.
Lirbig, the gnat h: _ ono:. Ls J. S. tionsh,
tort, til. DoaledelPhig. Drt
I This is r truly
L egoggfol vi rrg , e , ci lo y 4 j r ,,,,,,, ,. . 4 .. ,4 ,.. tra.
74 ' , caring :tier ofAtirtik own method. 4 moat's own
' S ' eti G rtliela j r.latrolvost a th• k.a. tk. p.
1 1 1=." . ViiiViilberv=teto'Si. th e."=ge,
Nondop of fool Into bloot—no nutrition of la holy, hot
rather • Ital. unfit. painful. and des:motive conditton of
no whole dirties. gypsy:tux. A weak,Salf deg f or frt.,
I '''' .. : ''''. ''' ,l,,, Pm'au , '"n abd dZilt ` ;ri<l;; . ..;::: l '"'",
i tb iltt , thrs . . tat he otPfiliol hr eatuatilag the gm
th. ~,,,,Z, yk i ,... e m, from this mosatietts of artinfrils ,
aembling man, thus forming a Lumertea Ilukf..Jit
like the natant flarteie Juke. in its chemical Lowers arty .
furoishing a ample* snit perfect abrtitut• for it. . ..
The art of pi:Meadow the mama' digestion stliltaisllp' ~
tittiltheen rit krimt4Pgri . n p llte c s. a. • 1/.. Houghton
ITim eure oTTerepria, Ina torture and afro.— pleV fr f tt '
Dead the alumina ire
than arias, I Ills air ,
I Ligonier ork 00. Animal tllianietat ars odo u sfrie.,
Fluid, analogous to the Owlet. Jobe , amp b•
prepared hone the =oos MeMbrana of thertomarhof Lb*
alt. 112 each rarkas attlet of fisdossflost nodes:small
be pallet:ed. changed, and !ated. jcidt in the same mate,
a c e as they would be la the S han ex25.412 . ' • - '
Dr: Houghton. of Philadelphia, mew... g r efry s ta db.
c.f.i., IP:ideated PTLtilk, from the cti,,,stlTe etranach of
I the CH., which agora ettestrotrablettmody for Indigestfert
curing alter nawrek own method. by natarek mai lava,
the diges!. prinelpe. Call milky the afraorelmasy otiP
entitle ovideoceof lmeane.
tr .11eDOWELL. Agents.
and st.„ PititrbusEL
ik'd." far brifftlers.V • pt. . •
t , "There are mon thin In heaven and earth.
ryirirf 171415E4 4 th
ttria w. ! ' rem P4 ar r.
1. dy. And the constant Whoa* for it, to tha k r 7rre. I
*tor, has Induced hito to tinge It not we to bottles, wl Lt'
bele and direetion, foe the bereft of the yublk.
The PETROLEUM is procured from a well In thin am .
ty, ata depth of form hundred foot. le a yore tannin!
Ltd article, without any cheat** <bang, in* jet, ni
flows AT* Nature's Great Labratoryil T I. mutate,
• PRAtortlict reaching, cumber of *heap(, no long* &
matter of uncertainty.. There are many ntia In the an
moo kh. If known, might be of van useful.
e.,te .11oolVjog ember** add restoring- 11, Worm
health and rigor to matey a wificrer. Lung bets* the roe
*lets. thought of putting It up in tott it bed •rclutta
timing thee= of *Besse.' The motet* and daily *ma
Wog call. Galt, and Forma remarkable eared It bAr tier t
formed, b • sure Indiration al It. Moro *polarity .agell.
wide e)nad applies:lonia the cure of Wafter. ". •- • •
We do not wish to make A keg parade of eertifivids,
we no amoebae that-theinediclne ran tuna work Itaqi
Into the favor of that who et**. and ebb to hub
Whilst we de notALaim for It a unlearn' anylkstion
ery diatetwfwe unherltattmity ray, that In It number
Chronic 'Due** It isEnrirellal.. • Antoci; thew may be
enumerated—all *mar*. of the moo= Wenn, conk ag. -
tag s .) ABTIIMA. and all di*** attic alr_pawagen - LIT- --
ER - COMPLAINT, DTUPEPRIA. Blurb.. Piens* of the
Bladderand EktneyAt Pah* in the Back or BMA.
Diretutes. Neural*, Paw, Rbeumatto Pain, thug, Emil*
elm, Totter, Ringworm, Burt, Scald, Itranta. Ohl Nome
AA AA In or. of **tiny. resulting foam eanowitre,
long and protracted rAvese of dire tbie methane:will
bring relleg It will *UM& general TONIC and ALTER
each wt.*, sulyarting tune *el energy to the - 3
whole frame, remininEoretructione, opening the alugghtt
*notion, which cautuniimease and a broken ennetitunon
and giving inaraged and renewed energy to ell the organ.
of IMA The I.P2ietbeknolfil of wend curer of PILES
that Mined efery attial-tr.tplept, get well under thane. - •
of the PETROLEUM for a abort time. ne pre* nu de •
g IC °°.
°Br et t=rll2l7i t gtre l ergsa r iunt of the ynettriatcg—
IZroyrietor, . .
If. KIER. lama Ilaeloogir Ser_enth eirite L .. .
• • Also, by IL E. BELL R', et, -
corner Wont *Not and Virgin Maar. who tget
nor2Aly ' hie mend aniagnted-Agent,
1 - 4; NOW all met} who are sick tied afflicted
llw. w,d, rr the Main, and with rtiro-
Mahe pains la bark or balm nut joint,, old !OM, tannin
'tat ',I. re..te., that they r-Ma be mum] by taking the Pkalt
lon may Mlkalout its being-. wortiormaa ns
a. you ylea.e. tot lid. dorm not make tt tq fare prod-altar
wthe hoe of an- honest 'ettamunityi that it hat virtues ,
hirl, arenut oontaloed in any other remedy. The, mall 0
who to natal with poi ' and Nfletioa
for 50 cram rel
, get ief loom' any of the Ills anal:aerated
}deeded it mete ersT little to make a trial. This NOM' ..
Imam is no telatemr—no componnil, pat up for the parlor;
of hoPosinS on It.. .community; but it lee remedy Mahan,:
tea br the =NWT bend of nature. end bubbles up from the '
baemo of Our mother earth. in Ha original parity; and
gars tosalininz huntenlty a reedy remelt, a mrOdst sad
It cured Plies. niter otber medicines bare o f to.
render my relief. lt hee cured Rhos...ham of long
'leading. OM of the worst end umet peloMl etiesecter.._ •
boo cured
..Choiers Mocha% by ono ur tied dam. It hem
Emmired old eases of DiarrEgoo, in which every other
loon of no' even. -do -loral remedy In barns mod
it 14 Utter than any medical compounds er ligament .
that vie knOw Of. it will cum chilbbdos end frOsked Mete
In few spot:radon, undoubted teatimony can La
ed of the tr , uth artel neat ß in , the Made
uy adt ,
to anal D. 5113. t`eTtoal strreg or
.efaher of tau taboo.. .
Koyser alelaseelL corner of toad.
.teet and *
eller: It E. Se ll e r . Wood etrect; A Mot. . .
CerryaLLlrgbany ; eity, ere the agents.
—l3a. lsma Rose, the alscoermy and eta prolate=
dimes more Ismnier end bencliciel roedleleee . andieho
the inventor or tbe celebreted Instrument for =slim
Longs, to orkethes s Cure or Chronic &seamy was a sta • -
dent Of that eminent PhYdnen, Doctor Phyae. end' be Vs')
gratitude af the University of Pemtellrants. end for Weir,
years dime ho, Leen tooled In the hmendgetlost old
t Sro .6,1 coznectltaMt
LIP Non ,
0, aud other of hte'leme..Wicie h o
seined en unperelWed emlnerde curltay thaw fteaffeli-•
and fetal meledlesd Tubercular Colllll2lnptloo. Came. 6,
' scrofula, Itheamatban.'dstheas. Fever and dame. Fenno
all kluds.Clesonle Erydpeleee AIM all them obstinate die-..
eases :wallas toe melee Indeed avers Emu of
eaislahes under thtor of hie remedies, to which human} , •
peip—red br the use of one maninsuld 9.171 t
Ls . allble with Physiological Lee. bet bp the are of
hi 'Medan. adapted to, sad prow:MOW for, melt peculiar
ionn of diseese.
Dr. Kara Totik Alterative Pills. when used are In
toy acknowledged to ,be marshes to all others. as • purer.
tire or iher pdl. hmemudi es they leave the bowel. De,
reedy Thee hoe. COMICS= LE WAD his doldine
milted. by eh poema peculiar macro., adup , .
eel to female e discs!. but being tettallied that a base trial ..,
to mettlesint to eeteddelt whet hes beau old, to the ashutect
the moat Mind. The afflicted axe Invited to ell npedithe agent, mid pries -
cure (watt onnef the Pottora tamales, tng. dated.—
ed atom= of each remedy. and Its emphatic.. • ,
For ial= the Moving mutants. etsrell bit:OSUMI' •
.1. Selaccesuakry ,t• Co., 14
Vote! st.. Iltlahurctu
.F. M. Townsend. Attests!. 41 Markel....
Ice A. Beckham, Deuestet. /lOU U. but Offlee,Alleghe.
ny city.
Joseph Illirkh7;Darlbou., Buren. iouper,Ps.. 7
Johu Elliott, Limon %alien •••• - •
I T. Adams. Beeves, • '•
gOR THE AFFLICTED will be found. ,
hr. Dewitl
or asie Fluid. which hmsMal the ton of thirty mon ex." "'
raVlrliv'Tsdohlt=ri' rarteritof
dose aratcharecter of Mae., We Sol th at wertuttagTte;
thing in ria • Dot this l• the only mailuine that hoe bum: r
Uferot to taeamictal,that does, fa covey sense of the ;
abet ilia sold fur.
It has cure and Is capable of raring more diseases awl s : , ;
any other
or offered for sale, we earn DO" bY tam=
made or sold, or by what Dame.
As a strong mod emoiheing Dorf of tbe above, we
that It le the only andett i tt e at bas b 4ppeared In thzi ra torm of
trt ' lrt=cTrla ' e elite gerilgilly. ' a•Mo 'l i rs% d t agy=l " ;
Family .11edittue ever offered far mkt, or nazi by may of 4.
them, vim
The Iloa. Mures IL Glinnell, Late IL C. The Ron. ADDL
LL late Mayas Ilou. John A. DU. late 11. 8. &ado •
tor.l la lltato IL Porto., 801.. Edit. r the Spirit of the . hove t of other dotingulgil elitism of Sear
York, who fully tasted need ! menu. have permitted the • .
proptiator to refer to them.
As It Is well Mown that Patent 31alleince an not genet ,
Mir natr.3sed by the learned, tusit/lIP and politer circles.
molontdolly a right to fad ourselves highly pelt
' IlegoiL Thin Dom!. arottOg Compound boa been oatufr
seven Doers before .the pp IU most friend.% are now Its
strongest and Le. Mt* mu. otakadmally L. strait and
cooludiUlf.T . of of general anit . us nod ratite
%Ili= Ans a ,=ilroa medium , forrf=hres.l7ti
sores, and all the folio and aches that (hob is heir to.
Over I,OOOADJ Wales Lovedoren Fold without complaint,
mid hove perfected etch asionbshing cam,. otter ail ober
reenNit have Wk.. as would auger brnef , Led we not
MAR. arsg In ow possmsion. 4 / 1 4 atrouge.t porelldo
et na.. til mfolgrt:.rtfsrd!"
It to
the Mowed arm; it health sad strength--
lall tLs a rare mare fur tHarthma, Chou. Bilious Chaim, and Monandic adeetlems e diseases of the Kidneys,. mid,
Wealcuess in male or female. Crum whatever cauor It me/
1. T .. /DZ - Vegful,nrgir, by Et. R. /Fellers, Repro Ridd
Co., aut Ogden ktbnowden; and by Clue rend
remits. tais soros in lour, too, sect Mae ehdliug Lop
• Lung.
To thelleaders of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
113IIBLIC ATTENTION is respectfully in:
sued to the fo ll owing truths, set forth la rolatka to
itic 4 K"OVA r lol 7rt ' or ' : ' 7. trdt O . pe
year ago Oboe this ;treat remedy wt. Mourns beim Ow
roVelaratke' relief tnW . cbre of appTc l .7l. l. y" ' i t i% e
eciorootolty. 'and we ialk , ge that the l toot is tri! ' d the
more certain will da groM fat. spread. Ills not the rent.
oly of Ida ,r tat UP for the note Parpole of mato ng bleary;
hot. a.. whit. entualve, will matinee to be used when
all other acute..
boo fneretten. The Petroleum It -
a Satins./ Reurrolf. etaboratot 1 n the deptio of the earth.
by. and smelter that Len. a to wren all Lunn. •
competition. It L. on; t l att t . , atm w o e , w4ite . littt a ravdt.
[tar lecoltre=who mar trust otro•Tord idOlott
"o y o fittrtir Or th ' a "' t TATa n it..s ;Vlref"thr ditrqr;Fl.t:'.'kma"
rpt r , u , wee. highly wrought to mow. the otneetTirgull.
lug or humburgiugame of them.
t bow. tto not Mr..
11 c 7 ,: " VrelVa " 4! . .
futon to' exceollt. any single =Leib :the tuaterbo' mNtea plMu moan:imbed ete—facto that Mar I...narmat as n
In our sigh and neighborhood, boar a.Ne tuallumur la fas
'or of the Pettoleum.
11 ithin the out two numb% taro of our own elllmear, •
who were totally blind. haw berm moored tolishL bet
east asses of blimimm, in the Put. of Uhl°, Lave Imo
4.1. 0 1 m, the eau of•• geotteMan la Deaver notlaty. -
There pp e othena but thew us ca.le um. tem., and may
be ref...lto or oos rerthos oho hate doubts on the sub
ject. enroll after they Irad brow a blOdoo.
ed phrsPiana hope.. The Psfebleum e w e.
ittus.V.largelfee!t, gu Va: - .b i• Olti=lll7 . " v •
Pitiarife on the a:MUM !On by e<„ •p,1?:" . "
braid Ifeal, lac in the bouts alal R... old +LW's ' elms:
tt mut, Ague, Chromic , Cunt., Asthma linumblan ' au4 - •
Pulmonary affect.. of tack.. nature. teudlng pen;
u Corounaptlon.
Bums and Mobl.a,4lsesera of the Bladder mod hid •
Clurrylarels, ottunatod 'Pah , . ann. and bunions.
Foor4 (ba=te
Z"= trtke'itthiVanilhtl
167i-e,t'M me e l."=. r I 't`4l'. Ifgel
ere 41 0.'1 71 "1: 4 °' ° lif e '? •
Pothileron DI the v t:lt deemed; of the age. Phreids .
11°lob1HO T b kln go - stiir . lroo b lVo ' ll ' Atl ° doull
and tmeortatut . ore trifling Co swan (D due praise and
consideration fore ..her year rolls mond, all will be • ;
aempalkd acimareled that the Petroleum Is the great,
by seer dimoverod. Tor pale, wholuale atut
tall. by • •klelltAl ELL 140 Wood st..
prV:-.IL CI.E Seller*, V/ Wool stxott D Cum, LL A.t4 ,
Td iOtt, Joioesh Douglas. Alleghenr ter. Alm. try Um Proo
S. 11. KLEIL (haul Zulu. retveralt 8t.., Pitts.-
DtaglL ' atel B. A. Yahnettoet. A Co.. W ool and Brunt on
Ja 0•
. _. ,
1 SYRU-e .-.
kg —lt is cheap, emili to take, and highly eilleselons.!,.
taroisesrr Car: Slerch za. IW. - --
) E. Lelia,,—)lT children; like others. hags been
roluat to troublesome cosichs, sod haring moll different":
...Me ' 4 ', 7 VP att.,rt i:vnin,entil'rrivri 4
Stout " ---.„-,..,0 r L . , toys Aug/ 2i:tom-denoes segend : •
acrenetlmea and ft a'neve filled to cure thm.-- . - ...,
/ hare reagnmended it to toy neighbors, old do twat,
sinualenclously toligra tliist is the best ebugh asegiog s ~
that has ever Dom oared to the nubile. - •. •
_, . Amman distmors.. a ~ ...i
Oarenta stgnild hOttnrmit their children to suffer firm
gongh, ohms they may to cured by • 25 et- botals of 44,
yreparel and sold by - It. E. EELLERIL,,
nj__ch2) - 57 Wood at ., and Dru ggistge_______nmsdlY: ,
t A' (.1 • a ate prepari
I el to !ellish and erect aptrantns terheadog AMC .
small balldlngs Dyne.= or hot water, end have to.
gaged D. B hem the esug_to stArerintenAlte eme•
jaal BCAIYII. & OM;Y:,
Leolicur—gs bble. foriale by
str.62l J. JUDD CO.. VI Wog st.
‘IVNOUS---! RED-20 bbls.fot
webr • • social ' .7.IiIDD k 00. .
• AIDS NYy -- -------------------.1.11 —,16 bbl-.-extra fine, 'for -
aro by _ petas . J. KIDD k CO. . -
OTA6H—t3 canker ( pnre) . for tale_ll-
• tubs ' •wies .t `A..NDLu..I.. ~
:- --
14LACLIMATI-4200 lbs. powdcrtd,
.beat f,
zr .211,1"ratrby t
IWO B. A. mu:am A GQ