The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 18, 1851, Image 2

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    ishaikired and closed mine eyes, considering
Isbell should say or do. This he presently
neerediand said, " Do uot - shr thus; I mean
well by you, and only wish to put s question to
7'3,T4 whic h you must .answer ate on . yottr con
science as a priest. Say, reverend Abrahatti f,
which Is the greater sin, to commit whoredom;
or to take Cretins of two persons?" and when I
emen dbim, "To take the lived two 'per
sea," he went on 7" Well, then, is not that what
YearStabbora child is about to dot , Rather thin',
give herself up to me, who have ever desired to
ember, and who tan emu yet save her, 'albeit
he r pa is now being miss d, th e will take away
her mm life arid that of her wretched father, for
littrtely think that you, poor man, will . . outlive
this =row. Wherefore do you, for God's ethe
ptrim p a bae . to think better of it while . I am yet
able ideate her. For know that aboitt tea miles
from hence I bare, amen house lathe' midst of
the rant, wherein. human being ever gam;
thither will I send her this very night, and you
may dwell there witilieinllthe day of your life,
Dui it please l ythi& You shzilrlive an well as
you can possibly,dmire; and to-morrow morning
I will spread a report betimes that the witch
and *ha. • hate run away together daring the
tdght, and that noborey knows.whither they are
gone"?..Thas 'spate the serpent to me. as whi
bon toner mother Eve; and, wretched shiner'
tbat I ara; the tree of death which he showed me me tilio to be a tree of life, Bo plea
sant was it to the eye. Nevertheless I answered
." Ily.ehild will never save heriniserable life by
:doing aught to peril the satiation of her soul."
But now too the serpent was mom- cunning than
all the bearits of the field (especially each an old
1061 as 1),-tutd spike thew " Why, who . would
bare her r.. 41 the salvation of her soul? Beie
r:ad Abiatuun; mist I teach you Scripture
Did not our, Lord Christ pardon, Mary Magdalene
vibe' 'lied in open „whoredom? and did he not
erpealrforgiveness to the poor adulteress who had
committed a Mill greater crime nay_mortt, doth
mit at Paul , eipressly say that the harlotltatab
was eared, Hebreas xt? iters, St James ii. says
the same. Da where have ye read that any
one was saved who had wantonly taken - her own
life and that of her father? Wherefore, for the
'evoker God, persuade your child not to give her
self up, body and soul, to the devil, by the stub
bornness, bntto safer herself to he saved while
it isyet.time. You can abide with her, and
pray all the BUM she may commit, and likewise
aid me with your prayers, who freely, own that
Tem a 'miserable sinner, and havt done you
moat evil, though not so much evil by far, re
verted Abraham, as David did to "frith, and he
Was saved, notwithstanding ho put the man to a
thane:fel death, and afterwards lay _with his
wife.' Wherefore I, poor man, likewise hope to
belaved,u seeing that my desire for }our daugh
ter Is still greater than that which this David
felt fOr Bathsheba; and I will Make it all .up
to you twofold as moon as we , are,in my.
When the teniptir had thus spoken,apethought
'his wordsWero sweeter than honey, and I =-
ewers", ttlilg, my, lord, I am ashamed to appear
before bee with such a proposal." Where
• ,upon he ntrnightwnYeald; "Then do write it to
her :tame, here Is pen,.ink, and paper."
And now,.like Eve, I took the fruit and ate,
aid gate It to Tay child that is to Bay, that I re- .
capitulated rn,paper, all that Satan had prompt
ed, but in the Latin tongue, for I was ashamed
to write It in mine own; and lastly I conjured her
not to take away her own life and mine,
but to
submit to the wondrous "will of God. Neither
were mine eyes opened when I had eaten (that is
seritten), - nor did I perceive that the ink was gall
Instead of honey, and I translated my letter to
the Sheriff (seeing that he understood no Latin),
stalling like a drunken man the while; whereup- -
on be clapped mason the shoulder, and after I
hadlnade fast the letter, with his signet, he call
ed his huntsman, and gate it , to him to carrylt
•to inylar4tter; don, he cent her pen, ink, and
paper, together with his signet, in order that she
might answer it forthwith.
Meanwhile he talked with me right gracious
ly, praising my, child and, me, and made me
drink to him many times from his great pitcher,
wherein wagniost goodly wine; moreover he went
to cupboard and brought out cakes for me to
eat, Wing ihat I should now have each every
day. But when the huntsman come back in a
boutludf on hour with , her answer, and I had
reidthe same, th en, Sct, were mine eyes open
ed, and I knew good from evil ; had I. had a Sg
leaf,J. should hare covered them therewith for
elisetePbutes it was, I held soy hand_ over them
szaiwepftsi bitterly that the Sheriff wined very:
wroth, and cursing bade me tell to him what she
bad written. Thereupon I interpreted the let-.
ter tor him; the which Ilikenrise place here, le or
der that all may see ray folly, ar.d the stied= of
toy child. It was as follows 4
Dabre — Mfelie-1 . • •
, teat Son maxis pallebo eogum septettes,
et "FM ,101 / magel -ernbeseet, mo • auseiplete,
TOM, polka iteram. erubeseui literals tune
legadt.•• Qtddret te, Tdrim patreS4 plum em ,
sum DondisVits Wanes eollidmvtt, ut commu
edetuestudas cure inimicis meis,et non
ges latsg tit. esse mortem, et In tali morte
: ealoet- ai t tdemeritiesimtis Deus Mafia
- Delagdiaggo allieque ignovit, 4raorit; quis yelp
isocrete op 'cards debilitatem, et non iterum
-4 0 C 4, 40 0 -t• -ritego peecarem mos quavis detes
earnis-etnon team': sod iterms atque
ititrans rine reeeraione usque ad mortem? - Quo
modo cleimedissimu3 Deus hoc- scolaratissima
!gamma° pencil int - elle pater! recorder° quid
mutt diOeti de sands martyribus et virginibas
• namipi, qua omen salient ream quam pudiai
tient perdere. Ilia et ego eemier, et spouse's
melts, Jesus Chriaus, et mild misers., ut spero i -
COMUM teternum debit, quamvis rum non min
to orendi ctb debDitatem canasta Maria, eerie
sontamdeelarsei, emu insane sum. Fac igitar
ut riles', et orspro me spud Deem et -non ap
tut Batanam ut et ego mom coram Dec pro to
anus poealin.
Meats H.,- Captive,
Whitt the Sheriff heard this he flungthe pitch.
er whinh he held in his hand to the ground, so
that it flew in pieces, and cried,
...The cursed
deill's Where! the constable Shall make her
squeak for this is good hour longer," with many
mmo such things beside, which he said in- his
Malice, and which I have now forgotten; but he
won' became quite gracious again, and said,
"She is foolish; do you go to her and see wheth
er you cannot , persuade her to her own good as
WS es years; the huntsman shell let you in,and
&mad the fellow listen give him a good box on
the ears fn . my name; do you hear, reverend A
braham? -Go now forthwith and bring me hail
an atuarea , ns quickly as possible!" I therefore
followed the hal:damn, who led me into a vault
where was no light me what fell through a hole
no bigger thane crowapiece;mulheromydaaght
er rat upon her, bed end wept... Any one may
guess Hat I stralghtway.bemin to weep too, and
was no better able to speak than she. We thus
lay mute in each ether's arms for a long time,
sea lat last begged. her to forgive me for my
letter. but .of the; Sheriff his ?message I said
eseght, although Iliad purposed so to do. But
bolero log ere heard the ttheriffhimself mild:ham
Into the vault faunabove. "What (and here he
lvetas a heavy curse) are you • doing them • so
ongs ,Came up this moment, reverend Johan
nse r Thus I "iscarce time to give her one
-lbw b efore the huntsman came back . with the
keys and farmed as to. part'. albeit we .had as.
Net scarcely spoken, save that I. had told her in
sOnr wads what had happened with old Lisa&
It waddle hard to believe into what grevicras
anger the Sheriff fell when I told him my daught
er sestusitted fain and Work not hearken unto
hien hs.etrnek me. an the breast, and said, •ilo
to the devil then, thou infamous parson !" and
when I tamed myself awayand wouldhave gone
be pulled me back, and said, ••If thou breathest
but one word, of all that has passed, I will hare
thee burnt too, then gray headed old father of a
,witch; Ito look to al?. Iterate= I plucked up
a heart, and answered that. that would be the
greeted Joy to me, especially if I could be burnt __,..--...—...----------
to morrow with my child.: Hereunto he made YRS PRENCErON FLETIEV7 ON SLAVERY. ..
DO slum; het elePPed to the door behind me. One f our cadmic', gives the following as
Wel; clap the door as thou wilt, I greatly fear ex from the J anuary number of the Bibli
that I n Gad will one day clap the doors of
lessn in thy face'.— , cal Tory and „Princeton Review, a leading or
gen of the Old &shoot Presbyterian Church:
tit is nridsndr.wrint . m td.a feisals head. mt inrobwe • sopposirjoe (that is to the Fugitive Slave
me anstaa /war; Mere are, howsver. DU tau. of scaling
was aaoarbenee I infer that It •saa tent epee. which. Law) in a neat measure has been confined to
Z e u 'll i a kr " lg* h" ,, F.4 . : . . 04. hsse the A.ltolitioi x ista as a party. Their fundamen
= y" . 1 ,& , r1j. . I so ruspoodr en `the{ •s.• ..., ~ 1 •
Iliebleeleiblrielt eiellteitet Se tbl i stiti:iist alterati e rns u “.. Pea PIA is anti-scriptural, and therefore tr
. .'W tame
" Ile . ar o ma. , g U'''''' ch es t ohs rdi.9 l: . • They assume that Siovehotding ts em-
M. Ti'ds. doctrine is the life of the Beat It
-/1. - . -. , .yrStrat h" 0 'parer over those who reject that priori
ftatzfit grow
at eh.. eight
0f,..h., pie, and therefore it hoe not gained ascendency over
la eareutthe ale grow Vont o 1 on 'acetates atethee - Oth•ge whose faith is governed by the Word of God.
hd swere =amen rd wain , reading thy lette, gag 1 i Vr have ever a
41 ... . lsforesti lhoo• PM.. alb. , tuous licit . i) usintained that the proper
Old 8
ametthetant, thav thou but male...mon nottoeysith ' method of opporring this party, and of counter
essalli"g'.te ''''' a etlei th salratilli. 0. ire dig: el . acting its pernicious influence, was to exhibit
nava—swot massy stradareioe ana . other alnee,.. eleaily the falsehood of its one Idea, via : that
them they repanical al." . tea a slaceho/diny is a rin against God. To this object,
• tam and decant not again. And shall I sin • A i.. ,
met Mme uth, ...d thus notonte il lmh..cto we base devoted several articles in the preceding
elt aim a=o t oisTtlitithl: fl i t o lj teriliv.; 074 ''' d e mmibtrs of our iounw."
mama/ remember what thou host told or& "pa are convinced by reading the discusdens
TiZZlli d tree d i rirg iVii- I h the i L V . At ' L l i ill oth this =bite% that the immorality attributed to
beeline tbisttneart r eeJesusChilateall/ sl a p pr. e e fAs iiiiiiffe sf..soe km, moires itself who the mu- 1
wo.... r e_oMiltpr u le
~ .1 e alf 7 ...2ftlgh iglire.,a 1 fie immorally of siaceholding. No man would I
ji„..7....„,.,.. -- .. 7 ,zi. b. Jif, — ,7„. 1,:,...17..r / Ajta to restore en apprentice to his toaster'
aomila. • 8.0..; lal.lretii.t• erel bleT ei , ... %Wee a end' no one would quote scripture,or search for . I I
M ee s tr v eleee th ee ,3 x ?'? th * l ' L .".'''' 1 "T 'th. th" ge ' gate to prove it sinful torestore a fugitive
.. •'' • • MAsv . 1 ,5 . Mt.. , els e, if he believed It be lawful in the sight of
['Mite cothmarrn.) . . G . This being the nose, we feel satisfied that
111 mum of the people at the Borth, whose con
ed es and actions are ultimately - determined
by thee
e teachings . of the bible, will soon settle 1
doen In the ocenction that the low in ga i e te, r , ~
not , in con fl ict with the kw of Gad"
The paper in which we find these extracts
,Mces in opposition the following declaration of
thilleneral Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
818: -
Mar 412=17:411 - .
1Lo•~)isu of A r.e&Ony County,
illso she Ss gem at ths 'Noto.trAtb , ,; . ,,, an. wiNii , LD
awn, ioossmlible t]?rc e Wmnat
Valltatm. 01 1 1 " 04 " 417 Jumble to Qua/ 7d.Urur,
. 1 Op * mat lz ". Cur of rittaur7,l,... lute,
afilhthiind a 5 5 44 .3 17 1 . 1 dew,. A. 31.
814""La LBStmed by eco
- -
..___ourAy . Carvention.
crommxtrEE °film Allegheny Whig
1, 4 'AlaimoPai coast,go..niacwi..ia i....rt a
~,z;wl,Zo.4,l7l.ittfraZtgooaty. Con 7 ention
es, s., , ,:. 308/.6a /iLltfCt, Chain% an.
31111tet. Street Store for Egut.
BENT.-41/0 Store, 118 Market
rOwil:gt %al
a c I L ? • - •
,P 13% isaip ir.warTE a co
PIUDAY 3tORNDIO,-AP611., 18, 1951
• •-- -To-the-Whigs-o
( 4 ,,,,u,
• p., cd. madMstm
mum! pm. and al
Court. . ILEDI
Mi n ifolos. • '
..1 3aAj e ll i efistor.
Wm. J.
Wordm. PreMon.
o t .c4 C,
Ommrs OYU'
, ataa ,
„... Jobs DS
. Wm. Ems.
• JOIA et NI
lON will t h e In the city
Jam fish. lASI, for the Pk ,
kw the agora oPlieverstor sal
90 for Judges of the SuPeone
IT AL rci.r.u.,(2. 1 ....
Parallel Blellenami ,
.... . Malta.
Ma ttel D. flora.,
Joh 1 S. B ro w.
T. ylar Worth,
A er E. Broom,
Ora. Baker.
Woe. M. Walk ,
James Clark,
Mermen D. PbelLeh
Edwin C. Wilma,
John Allison,
L Daniel McCur dy.
thorr Meyall.
Alm r Melon.
e Wrancie M.
' R. R 'DLO 11111Tkle Bantam
Vint p urbane:lon of the “amber
Witeln" : • *aburgh and Newiork. Correspond
ence; Comm6rcial news, Fze.
Fourth—No. C of the Homo Journal articles on
"Ifome. 7 '
Third page—Telegraphic news, Home Matters,
of the Dig' Beaver, and the table larTds of Ohio,
and now not a voice is raised against the wis
dom of ths undertaking. We ,confidently ex
pect the same verdict in favor of the river route,
and can afford to wait until it is rendered.
We have no objection to a railroad across the
from Steubenville to Pittsburgh, provi
rbcst chooses to build it, but we are not
cornmaed tit is the best and most practical
'route at the present time, and wo deem it our
duty to uudertake only what is eminently feasi
ble aturprilcticaL As the Cleveland and Pitts
burgh Railroad Company intend to extend that
work tOZZEI, and contend that it is more pru
dent to the space of twenty miles, between
Yellow CrCek and Steubenville, thai to attempt
an arduous and expensive work, such as a direct
lino Railroadwould be, incurring the necessity
of ere • g the Ohio twice, and of passing
semi, etgh miles through Virginia, where the
right of aray has been denied. The road
down the I 'ver to Steubenville will certainly be
built. Ol this there can be no doubt. This
need not t the construction of the other
route at One future day, if thought necessary.
In the meantime, the people , in the region formed
by thot bend of the Ohio, can be just as
',well sui by plank roads, which will connect
1 them at i
I d,
tteburgh with both eastern and wes
tern railr . '
The P is correspondent asks, if "all the de-
I pots . are be in Allegheny." We understand
not. Th Cement Railroad is to bate its depoti
'on this me of the river ; but if we are correctly
inform they will be farther from the centre of
the bus' ess of Pittsburgh than the Western
ed i ).
Railroad pot will be. We are all one people
—ono city—and oar destiny is one. Those who
endeavor to =ate contentions and rivalries
among faa, because we aresoterned by different
city -colorationi, are both contemptible and
dangerorm. Such persons are governed by a
itarrew„bigoted selfishness, as injurious to com
munity, as it is disgraceful to their manhood.
the p t =meat, stands in a criticsdposition as
regards greatßailMad schemes now growing
Into In . this neon. It her.action I 3
prompt and energetic, and in the right direction,
the eon sectue thebenefits of a connecut,n with
all the important 'Rama systems of Ohio and
Teensylvania' .
~.k little delay may divert these
advantages from her.
- We lo ve announced, in• another article, that 1
the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Rearoad Company 1
has cominenced preparations for placing the line
between! Wellsville and Beaver under contract !
This wilt b ri ng Bteribea 'silk within twenty . miles
of the ailmed systems referred to, over an ea
sy route and alight grades.- If she embraces it,
she wi ll est probably attract to herself the lines
from Zanesville and the region of •,Central Ohio.
If not, they maytake another direction.
. Therd is, we understand., a project seriously
.entertained of making a Railroad from some
point ou the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad,
southeasterly to the volley of the Tuscarawas,
thus taPping and diverting the very trade which
Steubenrille relies upon to support her projected
road. Fl'o avert this, &tub enrille should bestir
herself to secure a connection with the Cleveland
and Pitsburgh Road at the mouth of Yellow
Creek. This would remove from her this danger,
and s g t i to her vast Railroad facilities, and
tend , y to attract to that point the Roil
roads Central Ohio. ,
. AD TO WZLLOVILLLE.—We learn that
the CI reload and Pittsburgh Ra il road- Compa
ny her resolved to construct, at an early day,
that pint of their line between Beaver and Wells
vine; Miring instructed their Engineer to com
mence the survey and location this week. It
will here connect with the Ohio and Pennsylva
nia line r placing us directly in. he point of COTI-
nation and divergence. We are gratified to
learn that the work willbe vigouronsly pushed
fens= until completed.—Beaver Argus.
This us the commencement of the mneh-ebu
sed "rixacmbendibus," which we predicted would
inevitably be built. We risked nothing in
the p
'ellen, as no well Informed and un-
prejudi ed person could give the matter any
though without coming to the tame conclusion.
The extension of the Ohio and Pennsylvania
Wire+ deem - theriver to tap the'veriens lines
cominglin from the West is, no perfectlyratienal,
feasibid, anti business-like, that to examine the
• - questiold is to be convinced.
We are aware that our neighbor of the * Thur.
nal has tried to be•very witty at our expense in
regard to the river mute, which he has pronoun
ced •V posterns's," en "absurdity," an "extra,
spa " and so forth, nicknesaing it the t'cir
cam dibtus," and bringing all his power of
i r
ridictd to bear upon it. We can afford to
wait, h ever, and we shall anon have our neigh
bor bodsting of the far-di ghted wisdom of the
project which will give to _Pittsburgh so vast an
amoun of trade.
Me consider the voluntary enslaving of one
of the human race by another, as a gross
!lasi= of the most precious and sacred rights
human :nature: se utterly inconsistent with
isw of 00, retiaires us to lose our
ghbor es auseelses; and as totally ineconci•
•lestith the spirit and prkeipie of the Gospel
Christ, which enjoins tnat...a, things whatso
ye wooldaae2 Amid do to ion4 . do ye erect
Tea Heitrrisbn RAIL ZOAD. —Our neighbor of
the J ournal, is in error in supposing llud - ite.
Ilempfield railroad can be built for $1,300,000.
The lowest estimate we base seen, is that of Mr.
g;sight, made after a hasty examinating= and.
with a desire to present as favorable a view as
possible. lie estimated the length of the line at
82 miles, and the cost of construction at $26,-
800 per mile—or $2,178;000 for the whole line.
Mr. J. E. Thompson, Chief . Engineer of. the
Pennsylvania Railroad, estimates the cost of the
Western DisiSlon of that Road, from "Johnstown
to Pittsburgh, a distance of 78 miles, sit $2,-
718,000, or $4,800 per mile; and yet this line
crosses no river except the Connemangh, where
it is a small stream.
Those who are acquainted with the nature
of the emmtry through which the Rempfield
Railroad must pass, pronounce it quite . as diffi
cult as the Western Division of tb Petthwylva
ia road. It has cross two large streams
running in deep valleys, and Mr. Knight says it
will require five tunnels. It is altogether likely,
too, that the line will be nearer ninety miles than
eighty-two. Taking, therefore, all the infor
mation we have on the subject into view, it is
safe to estinuste that the road cannot be con
structed and stocked, with a cash outlay of less
than three millums of dollars!
Isterday, &s
-and elong the
usual fairness
Where is the money to come from P Philadel
phia is exhausting her available spate means in
finishing the mountain section of her Central
road, and will hardly try new schemes until she
has proved" those she has undertaken. When this
lets, en lee
legheny end
to against ns
o North side
ed from the
Ire tire per
to the judg ,
If experience.
is done she will see that she can save her;means
for more useful purposes than the liempfield
road. But cannot the Bonds of the Company be
sold to raise the money! This depends on a va
of circumstances. If the route is of un-
questioned utility and value and promises to pay
well, if the money market is easy, and if the
Company has an actual cash basis made . np of
bona fide subscrif 'lions; amounting to a sum plif
ficient to grade and bridge the road, the money
may be obtained. ' But if any one of these is
wantingthe Bonds will not sell unless at a ruin
ousi., discount . Admi •ng the first tworequisites
for argument's sake, here will the $1,600,000
come from to grade an bridge the road! Where!
Can any one tell '. T e route is not such, how
ever, even were the oney raised to grade and
bridge it, in our opin on, as H ill oommaild the
attention of capitalis while there is so great a
demand for money to build lines of undoubted
feasibility, and prom' ing adequate returns.
_ .
_ . ,
made against
ed and alone,
by the route
Gen. Soorr IN CINCINNATI.—The stay of the
veteran in the Queen City and its vicinity for
some doys past, has been attended by many plea.
. TUC COST or AII.ATING FUGITIVE SLAVES.— surableincidents. Ilereviewed the UstitedStates
;Notwithstanding they provision in the Fugitive, troops at Newport, and enjoyed the hospitalities
Slave Law, that the 4'nited States shall pay the ; ofe some
arn e ago,
, :te e nold n eeeeittlieceee—
th h e o r m e e nu knew tbirtyn,
expenses, it appears that the arrest of a fugitive fters of g rkeople visited the General at his guar.
is a losing business. The Boston Traveller tells tens, and the citizens through the Committee,
us that "though the city will hare to pay a greats ; tendered him a public diluter. Gen. S. declined
er share of the expense of preserving the peace, in the tollowing happy note:
yet it is thought that the expense whiCh will fall I CINCINNATI, April 0, 1961
to meet
large upon the master in recovering the slave, will be
very large, perhaps as high as $l,OOO or 2,000." I number o f my countryman of Cincinnati, whom
;should the business of capturing runaways ;you represent, at a public dinner to be given oh
continue to be so expensive, we may soon expect • some day that I may appoint
to find it abandoned. , This distinguithed mark of approbation, coot
- 'kicked with the warm greetings eo generally be
. . _
stowed anon me since my arrival among you, has
TCLEGILAPLI Dicininria.—The Atlantic and Ohio renewed my ancientobligatiots of duty and grit-
Telegraph Company, (Philadelphia and Pitts- Bede to the Queen ofty Of the West—the most
burgh) announce a quarterly dividend of sixty ; wonderful creation of modern times, and which
cents per share, on the capital sleek of the Com. ' no American can behold without feeling a height
pony, payable on and after the 14th inst. , cud glow of patriotism.
Gentlemen, I must beg of you to allow me to
, .
! decline the honor of a public dinner which you
Retrains° !Marrxes.—The Colubahus, Ohio, j have so handsomely tendered. I have not no.
Journal says: ! cepted an invitation of the kindin a great many
• ' yearn , and shall,probably never accept another,
Passengers are n w ticketed from Cincinnati 1 but I min not the less, with the highest considers
to Buffalo, via Colon bus and Cleveland,-for ten lion Your grateful and Wit serv't
dollars. After the I;ith instant the time between , WINFIELD SCOTT.
Cincinnati and New York city will be forty eight I •
hours. When the Ere roan is Illal,S . heff to Don- l
kirk the time will be still farther reduced, and ! GEN. BRADY Y DEAD. •
when the South Lake:hore roadie finished from', A despatch from Detroit, April 15th, espy—
Cleveland to Dunkirk it will be down to the min- I "Gen. Brady, after lingering in great pain for
imam point, not mac orer trienty-four hours 1 the past three or four days, died fifteen minutes
So we go. ' 9, A. NI. • ...-
The N. Y. Express bias the folloifi rig announce- 1 _ -
! , . , Gen Hugh, says the Buffalo Cornier, at
. the time ofhis death. was Colonel of the 21 reg-
Erie Railroad throifYA to the iaLia.,•Thosecond 1 (meat of Infantry, Brigadier and Major Geilleral
great act in the history of New York in over, ' by brevet, and in command of a military Depart
nzuff the iron bone can now go from opposite meat or division. Gen. Brady's commission was
New York city to if ankirk on Lake Erie. The , the oldest in the service—bearing de. , he 1792,
track is down. The iron link of the lake and of when he entered the army es lieutenant under
the metropolis is complete. Than is accomplish- ! Mad Anthony Wayne, with whose command he
od, again, another work which is calculate,' to made the celebrated Indian campaign which ro
pour into our lap wealth, and to enrich evert ' stored Ohio and Kentucky to the whites otter the
town, village and farmer on the great route. , defeat of St_Clair. Ile wag distinguished for.
i The Ravenna Whig has the following:iv— . his rsll.s.t., in the Into war rim Oreat Ittitait
TA, Fourth ifect--The Cleveland and Pitt, , and in 1812 rmlipromoted to the Coloneley of the
burgh Railroad has been in operation as far as I 22d regiment of Infantry. When the array was.
Ravenna four weeks. Instead of the business , reduced in 1818, he waamade Cot- of thelki ID.
decreasing, as was predicted, it is fast increas- 1 fantry, of which regiment Gen. Bennet Rileywas
tug. We notice shipments during the past week ' until recently Lt. Colonel..
of goals for Salem, Canton. he. Goods-for these i Gen. Brady was at the battle of Lundy's Lane
places have heretofore been teamed from Pitts- i where he was severely wounded in the groin. We
burgh and Wellsville. Our own merchants, andhave seen his sword and belt worn on that mon
ition of the surrounding 'inures, are beginning I don. and we hare crenated 'l3 markatipon them
to receive their Spring purchases by this road in I of shot received in that action.
great abundance. The 'poSsenger business is Generni Brady had been o citizen of Detroit for
also on the increase. There passed over the ' nearly twenty five years. and hos, by his urban-,
road the fourth week sixteen hundred and fifty.l ity. politeness, and unpretended gentlemanly
seven persons, as follows: I conduct, won his way to the hearts and good
feeling of its citizens.
Ile leaves four children—Mr. I'. Brady, ,Mer
chant, Detroit; the wives of Inct ii, Wittherell,
Detroit, Capt. Thompson, late of Army, and
Major Electus Backus, nth Inf.
Ills death was sudden, hot he was doubtless
prepared; for a few years since, when suffering
illness, his physician informed him that he had
probably but a few hours to lire—" Well," said
the veteran, "let the drums beat, my knapsack
is clung." Ile was 82 years of age, butbla step
was firm and erect. —arse. Her..
April S. Tuesday, 252
9 9, Wednesday, • 354}
9 10, Thursday, 334
11, Friday„ 245
12, Saturday, . 2 / 3
9 11, Monday, ~ '9
Total, 1667}
The passenger business for the first four weeks
foots up as follows:
Second week,
Third week,
Fourth week,
Obio,Stite Journal, publishes the following des
patch from Barnum:
"Please say there is no probability of Jenny
Lind ever singing in Columbus, or any of the
Lake cities; all reports to the contrary notwith
standing. Strong inducements are offered for
us to go to Landon on the let of June.
P. T. DATUM 1."
If Jenny goes to London on the lot of 'June,
she will not sing in Pittsburgh, of course, unless
she can be induced to pay a visit to us on her
way east. It is; 'singular that she should atop
at a place of some ten thousand inhabitants, and
neglect a city of near 30,000.
BAU Sexcutamos.—The Louisville Journal of
April 12, eaym
We learn that the Jenny Lind concert came off
at 'Madison lass night at a pork, house,
fixed up for the occasion, but, owing to the en
tire vasnitableness of the building, it - did not
give the satisfaction anticipated. A gentleman
in Madison hod bought of Mr. Barnum the pro
ceeds of the concert for $5,000. The receipts,
we understand, fell short about $1,500." Tickets
were sold as low as 60 cents and $l.
RUSSIA—NavaI. Foncr. la Tun B LACK Rea.—
The Tribune tramlines the following from the
correspondence of the Allgemeiue Zeitong, from
the Black Sea, dated Mirch.
The Russian Governor General of the Cauca
sian Provinces, Prince Michael Woronsow, has
repeatedly expressed the wish to be relieved of
his burdensome office. His advanced.age, and
certain intrigues in high military quarters, seem
to have strengthened him in this resolution.—
But, thus, far, the Emperor has not acceded to
his wishes. In the course of the approaching
Spring, prince Worousow contemplates a long
visit to the Southern Provinces, taking up his
residence in his famous Gothic castle of Alupko
in the Southern borders of the Crimea. Tiflis
has been greatly embellished under his adminis
tration, food the tone of society much improved.
The Russian, Georgian and Armenian nobility
vie with each other in luxury and festivals. The
departure of the Prince will excite far more re
gret,-ott all accounts, among the natives, who
have 'found protection and Justice under him,
then among the hessian officials. The building
of forts at Gumri end Eriwan, on the confines of
Turkey and Persia have been long since com
plete!. So also is the construction of the great
docks at Sebastopol.
The Russian - tleet in the Black Sea notwith
standing the immense expense occasioned by the
short duration of building mateHids in that cli
mate, is to be increased by GO pr GO vessels of
war. The dock-yards of Niolajen turnout on the
average one ship-of-the-line and several frigatef-thes
and corvettes cupinally. Thirteen Ship S- o-line
line aro in the roadstcad• of SebastopoL Russia
is thus fully equipped in the Black Sea for all
possible emergencies. Whatever may happen in
the West, the peculiar aim cf .Russia • is never
lost sight of. Intelligence -seldom Basses fr9ln
the interior of the Russian Empire to Europa—
We hear from credible sources that - the down
trodden serfs rise oftener thaiever against their
masters. The most dreadful imprisonments and
the prospect of the Siberian mines, do not af
fright the peasants, when they are excited
strongly against their masters by oppression and
ill treatment, from taking Mettost terrible re
venge. DM remarkable tbat these eases of ven
geance do not soften the rigor ortbe nobles.—
For e,wmple, the hdr.of the murdered . . Tithe's-
ski at Kann treads precisely hi the footsteps of
- his predecessor. - The 'meat dreadful tortures
have nut brought the pommel there to codes
Tallithtruss SLAT' Tatutz.—private adn
ces from , ,Janerio say:,-"The Government
is periling its very existence in its efforts to
0 414 13 Oa , rt l .4e. The once aotorl-
Ous slave' steamer, the Berpente, now the GOB- '
fink), of the Brazilian navy, has s is a s seven !
captures.„ fact weak she carried off 200 newly
imported negroes frem the island of filarambaiu
They are supposed to have belonged to Joaquim
Breves, the well known and opulentelavg dealer.
This man is the owner of ten large Ifirendas,
and the-master of some 2,500 slaves.. His large
possessions give him -great political influence,
and the seizure Of his slaves shows plainly the
energy and determination of the Government
It is to bevboped, now that the Brazilian author
ities have given such substantial proofs of their
good faith and sincere determination to put an
, end to the traffic, that the officers of the cruisers
will abstain from interfering, and confine their
operations to the high seas. Irritating the peo
ple, will be merely throwing new difficulties in
the way of the Government, whose task is al
ready sufficiently arduous."
From the National Intrlligencer
If either private or public information is to be
relied upon, another scheme or unlawful violence,
to'be directed against the territory of a friendly
Power, in the form of an attempt upon Cubs, is
on foot. We have letters from the interior of
Georgia, stating the departure of a number of
persons for the Golf coast, intending to meet
and organize somewhere en the coast in the
neighborhood of Apalachicola. We have from
another point in the some vicinity the subjoin
ed more distinct statement of the fact of the de
parture of a considerable body of men from that
point in the same direction. We cannot doubt
that the authorities of the United States, Civil
and Naval, will be on the look-out to prevent or
defeat this new attempt to dishonor this Itarnb
lib in its own estimation and in the opinion of
the civilized world:
From the Atlanta (Ca.) !W. of April, 10
One hundred and twenty enterprising looking
young men took the Macon and Western care
from this city this morning, bound professedly
for California, but it is well understood here that
their intended destination is the Island of Cuba:
Several young men from Atlanta joined the corn;
puny before it left. It is, perhaps, worthy of
notice, in this cotmection, that lull a dozen boxes
of rifles were yesterday morning shipped on the
Atlanta and West Point railroad from this place.
• 4,119
- 1,9571
We publish below an extract from a letter re•
ceived by a citizen of our town, from our newly
elected Senntor, defining his political position;
it will doubtless settle the question as to his par
ty adhesions, and show that in him the "Free.
Boilers - as finch, have nothing to expect—that
instead of being a coadjutor of Chase. and Hale,
he will be found upon nil occasions, a me and
Whiy.—Non Lithon Palladium.
Jr-mason, April 6, 1851.
First, then, I am a Whig, and nothing else—•
a Whig, tecause I believe the best Intereatsof our
country are connected with the success of that
party; always too much devoted to the party to
see it lend Itself to the furtherance of measures
which I cannot approve without an endeavor to
prevent its so doing. It shall be tdy endeavor
truely to represent this great State, and not any
particular section of it. 1 shall, to the best of
my ability, rebuke any attempted encroachment
of slavery into territory now free, or any haugh
ty and insolent attempt to overcome the free
States by threats of "dissolution of the Union,"
or any measure intended to insult northern feel
ing. You know that lam hostile to the "com
promise measures," so called, and especially the
"fugitive law," but I shall endeavor to deal
fairly with the South. I do not intend to be
an agitator, but while slavery will consent to re
main within her own States, without attempted
aggression, I shall feel no disposition to inter..
fere with her; in that I intend to be a true
Whig. I regret to see a.disposition In any part
of this State to engraft the compromise meas. ,
urea upon the doctrines of the Whig party; the at
tempt to make these measures a teat of Whig,
gery would be to destroy the party, on the '
serve at least Whereas, if the Whigs of the
South and middle portion of the State could be
made slink more Wilma upon this subject,
we should be able to act together next fall as of
old. •
From Turalth.—The New Orleans Delia of the
21 instant contains Inter news from Yucatan,
which represents that devoted country as in a
most desperate condition—the war between they
.whites and the natives continuingwith unabated
fury and threatening even the extermination of
the former from the country. The intelligencei
is communicated in a letter from the correspon-t
dent of the Delta, dated at Merida, on the 10th
of March, and is, as follows :
"The war already so long waged between the
whites and ruthless barbarians still continues.
The line of operations is now established fame
thirty leagues from this place Foarteen thous
and Yucatcco soldiers are guarding the cordon
whilst some twenty thousand Indians, well ar
med sod equipped, are on theoppoeiteslde. Oen.
3lichelterretto informed me to-day that he could
see but little prospect for termination to this
subjugation, so long I/9 the English continued to
furnistil,the hostile Indians with the munitions of
war. It is a fact beyond dispute, that English
muskets and powder arc freely supplied at Boa
lire, in return for the spoils of churches, and
whatever other plunder the barbarians may of
The remit will inevitably be, the final exter
mination of the Spanish race in Yucatan. Pro
perty is comperatively valuelesa Families who
ten years ago were in the receipt of thousands
from their estates, are now dependent on their
manual labor for their subsistence. As the Yu
catan troops are at this moment without cloth
ing, and depending on the precarious supplies
afforded by a ratherbOuntiful nature, for food,.
it should not bo a Matter of surprise if the In=
diens were found in possessimf In less thus and
Micholterreno quits his present post, military
Governor of Yucatan, in a few weeks, when he
will be relieved by our quondam prisonor of war
Gen. La Vega: The latter con do nothing
more than hap been done to reduce the Indians.
Money'ill thy sinew of war."
Comalyr.—The only remedy
allined SO ibei DYhliq yllei has newerllod Or mart
ian a ears when direetions are "Miami. la iana/es User
PM. It has noy ben array rears before the pall, wad
has born intrOdnoect In all or the Union. %Sher.
it kw born maul * It ha. hall the most triumphant mamma
..11...e..11r driven out or tue all other medicines. It
has been baled under W the different ohne. of IlelinUs.
and has teen fours] equally glorious in all.
/wale hi J. KIDD • 0t).., • .
I sprabri.....s • S. co Wout at.
nuystrungs, n...ripsdorro.,Pn., March 4, 'IL
in./1. KUL-41e. Sir, Your Petroleum Le working won.
liethitY: therefore would thumb yo
OM . a Ol . O by the katrosylnalia IVe am err
out, and it if being inauito l sAnthth*thAY
Tann, respectfully. JOlll4 LONG t CO.
Ilaggenu.t. AYbland ea-. 0-11126 10.'61.
Salt. liwg—Dear Sir, Your Anent. * few weeks tithe,
left with 0.1 four dozen hock Oth which we hoer gad.
pleat ibreurd bur ell dinen Ltomedithely.
Your medians is working wonder In Ih,* region. We
run obtain attend eteelleuttertificagf. If To death, Lbws,.
Yours, Act SCOTT.
for Ade br Keyser A. XeDowell. 140 Wood streth B. E.
Sellers. 87 Wood street: B. A. Fthuththrl , A Co, corner
Wood ead khoul screech D. 31. Curry. 1,. A. Elliott. JoseTh
Waists. and U. P. behwerts, sith by the pro.
8. M. KIER.
,14,11 , thwfr Cans! Bthin.Ssveutb st... Pittsburgh.
Pereigia and American Hardware.
No. 129 Wood Street,
A an ..set completestock of FOREIGN AND AMERICAN
Ba lm, pm the mring Wale, =I which they are prepared
filer lo purchasers .t mum that will compare
brambly with any of the eaetern Mtn,
Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh
Mae No. 41 Water areal, lu th. marabou.. of C. 11.
110..., President. A. W. Moot.. Beep.
Yhll threpany ifthow prepared to Wore all merchandise
in store.and in
situ, seasci., Ae.
Am =Me movanty for th s, ability and integrity of the
'Mann., Is afforded in the chsneter of the Director,.
o p. are all eilMens of Piltthemsh. well and fast/call
Apeens te the community fur their prudence, intelligence.
An d InterelT
itharrsth—C, 11. Homey, Wm. Mole), Wrn. Larimer,
Jr., Water Bryant. liugh D. Nino, Edward !leaden"
John Ilmworth, thabaugh, B. D. aptOttf •
WOKE:BEE MY ttannm
ARE YOU A FATHER, laborin g for the
• sat of n hmUTsod suffering Cram general do
Dr.llAm, D. liter. •
Mother, a inivAtig from dims.. to which R
amie. arirrug . lti Dr. 0. D. three's 00.0.,
Ca tl.r n a depot, or of mr
ritiTol T onT ageata, and get •
panaphlcas whet . . you will Cad th at the Ebakei Sar
saparilla, w prepared by Dr. C. . More, has Lest the
mama of pirmanently curing more 0ine.161.. to which Om
Inman !sally are amtionally sulnert, than any other
=titre of iiiiilwayatilla ever yet brought Inifors th e
This malting lua establirbod Its high rvputation by IS.
mamma. mad well aunnal gurus.
It la pat WI In quart banns. and Is the only Sarsaparilla
Oat act. ma the Livvr, 11340. ) e. and blood at Ms sum
gran, which wadi. lialtinan/arr mon valuable to every
ma, particularly to females.
Fin ours sal minulra for Dr. B. D. 110RE'il BR AKER
SARRAPAIULLA, and take n00n...
pries. IR pa bot Us-0 battles for $5.
/on We by
DR. S. D. 11011111 A 00., Propri•trim,
1 College !tall, Cirichatunt.
I To whims all orders may be addawaid.
Alto, for mi. by .1. A....kinalt, J. Schumagniker 0 Co„,
Mack, It. W. llama... M. Tormead, J. Dobler,
_W. Jas
sots Pitlabarsin D.A. Elliott. Albgbany city; 1., R. Ai
Oelland, Mostiegter P. Crocker. Ilrowrimille; Jas. Pan
a Os, Wbeekam J. boos . . and K. 0. Morgan,
filtßan Oats. ciAßlallwT
At the mallow of her husband No. 104, Market .tro
kkk, vita of John thuhapacrak 10 U. 3aah rear or km. •
The hansral wi . ll take klsee tau harunial =Chg. lot
sraw ,. I re % o r4 d . ae o k t — lb. lo E n.u tOmed r
u ti m Ui p.ctuat ii
foi r Cem
ritc .
rrifiE SToCKFIOLDERS of tlio..4.iinss
31..uf.auriod txrapaily.....
tws instalment. of Twelve Dundee, rat Fin, Doll
per than la taloned to he paid on the Dab daf of M p ,
twat, at the acme of ease. Lennie. Leo. Phllelanthla
By order Of the Marl of Directors.
CIIANLIOS. Tn... and Seer
Tarentaro. April Mb. 1351.--laollli'v
W. Dixon's Loudon Patent Lever Watches,
Superior to my Truliales rarr qfrred to Pinsteuwa.
H RICILARDSON, 81 Market Street, is
. mole Agent Do. the bbove
Laver W.elies.
to,oillowing guarantee D. attarbel to rant WateD
ill appointment Ut the Adrolralty, DIXON. 11
manatee and Watch Mannteetnetr, 45 Kurt blare, now
well nowt, Landcwa
Thla certifies that the wrosopanyltureW•tcb, No. Is
warrant...l by ou'to le of nty manatee.... nal oo Watch
with my name noon It le genuine unless merompealel by
• <ethnical* hearing ' say signatory,
I guar.te• the athli Ito. —, to keit/ time to the
',faction of the peuebager. SOL. DIXON.
'pp — LET—One half of a largo Warr
1 boo e on the wharf., formerly kwowu es the
...Derek Taylor llotow." 1.Z... kwahon for busiest.
good. awl the tend Ell be low. For Wise apdly to
aplrt: J. MILLS* d•Oh.lew Water at.
- - • —••
14LILD 01L--40 Barrids No. 1 Lard Oil
rcea Ills day pert. a North (Lira, and fur vale by
.9 5—'200 . a W lIARBAI:Ua.
• •
G i ll.AlN bit. Oat!:
too - Nye: /or sal , . by
6111 AD AND LIERRINI.)—New Baltimore
10 Shadodn nc.r.eaanawr Nile 00
'FIRE SUBSCRIBER has again arrived in
`72 , LVie b rrr i r. •:-/Titrii= 4 4 " l l _l: l 2 2 t
al. tilt 8.. a. awe at the Net of Itltz
apt. he would b, plasard have thoae tan who hot
goo. la h. lme be I, about to Mae, foe the lover
ata Tit JO Uhl. N.
- -- .
a.4ANGANESE-5.1 bbh Ground. for Glass
LTA_ 311.11. r, for gcsly by BL:. raxr. BERRY a .
*rib .1 O.t.r arret.
ig ODA ASH—A superior article of our
10sub aboeturib al.syy pax band =al bar eel, by
&pis HENN I=, DERRY IL OLY, Water
...." 4 -- , 14./0 casks' fbr, sale by
'...,. 11E1111X_A CO
AL SODA-200 casks' for sale by
1.7 nab BENNWIT.I3ER.b.Y♦COI
VALOREM: OF LIME -150 casks for salt
by drib arosserr. BEILItY a Co.
haral and for sale by
PUBLIC SALE—In pursuance of a de
ca.:. ofthe Cliphaso i Court of AV:Walnut. County.
and also of a dome of the Orphans' Courte( Allegheny
ananty, the nnitendgneil, Admintetmlor of the Estate of
Itme Meek. late of Washington County. deed. will.
Mo ghl day of May next. A. 2 1. , ISSI, et 10 dela., A.
on the bromism la the city Or lisgsbargh. im to
wile by public Mind., 00 mass r . the followies describpose,
real estate, to wig the rtilohisi part. of that certain
wenagnlef lot, donde el the month of Liberty and Wiper
stmt. In the immediate vkitillY of the terminus of the
theOintral benwanis kallsoml e and within GO Onto:
the depot cda mad. Yet • paterslar desestollgeo of the
molaryi the subeeriber wroM Misr to band bille that am
he pelted at his atom lio. VI West Me of the Dismonit
no number of lots me as follows: 1, g 1.
it lu, 12,13. and I. all floating Llbertr, tir ater,
.04pmet moot. those on Liberty and Water:range from
hi to fest front, with the meeption of N. 10..bieb is 14
feet. hooting en Warm street
qty :Maw One Mill of the pairehase money to be
redd on d,y , of .ale. and the residue thereof In 1 yur.
with Intend am the day of We. gemmed by bond .ml
Pr* the 6l lll.te 'lt riErlseg. Cap., r17.1."-
ken's Spring and Summer Wear.
URPITY & BURCIIFIELD invite the nt
tentkes of buyers ta their fall votortmeut of Spring
and manatee Wear, 0.? wen owl boy, tone/Olga of Caelt•
iandts. Merino, Castlincrws. alosomer Cassletofetti KOesullt
Castantereu Wellington Cords, Summer Cloths, Twecds,
lisle toy los of Cottouadel and Twills. heavy Sianklus,
Frenett 1•121011.1.. 41.{ opep, Fywiar narti,
Moan.. Irish Lk..., warnatted all dm tieogs Silk
ion, Wog Silk mid llingliant Cravats. Kid and UAW
Moires, and Iltsdeey, at southeast corner of Foust° and
Market wen. aiil6
BRICK-1 kiln good mer
-80.11)109 chartable Beek LIT WIN ZS:moire
S. 31-4INSUCKI Carpet Warehouse,
a IT FM Fourth Anat.
- MARL ASH-9 casks for sate by
xpl7 W.& F. WILSON. 147 k rant Bt.
PLASTER --20 bble. White, for sale by
soli V. A . V. U11,30:1. Frtutt rt.
ACON-'2OOO prime Shoulden;
woo fur we
J2MP llAL—linving fitted up a fine
--IRre Vor'ega v tafe..1 0 7,1.1
lord R LRmp,—Dlro heat materialwormatualp, .41 light
,114ValLlareLggiga n g .C a d uletT P ITarkg r a
ae, and al Ter, low prlen. W. W 'WILSON.
Th. largest stale In the city, and latest pattern..
dpl7 n, W. 151 LSON.
-1.0 ING6, for Parlor. and Drualna'floame, Unkind Vet.
vet, Tariietry . Baguet arid Deoinallon French Poled. alldeli
o f brilliancy ha rdly ,af otyle, arid suivriorilT
o Web, can be eurnailard—jart ree'd and for age
tersas, by THOS. PALMER.
.11 On Market elmet.
_persons indebted to the ea-
LI tats o tonf Jobs A. auk
daddy Monte to Make
nay lent to the undereigne nod thaw haring claims
males the nude .ill tonment them AT mlitimtmeiti•
TIIE SUBSCRIBERS hove just fitted up
one of tn.... and twasiecil Oen In the Burnt
ie.* with a large ani indieuclid arnenuot el . eent
11 . , A et TR ' Iri t e m 2,11117411=.r.V.Z.
called to their new and hoorayed Pio• 011 which
fe brilliancy of light antt *hulloes cnunot be eurpaesol.
Aun. Pled Oil and Lard 'Lore" edoleed Churchem,
Halle. Parlors, Men and doneetle pumping. which they
vemettir* and by Weetinal atteeloo to Menem are
rreeamil to melt at the loweeterket Whole and
dealers rimmed On eatisilintory teem. Churcbee,
Ort, lighted up mhort vela, On hand. enameller
envie of Pine Oil. tntorihhie. and Dumdum fluid, by the
barrel or hisa gelatine. All goats warraotad. The or
" the Pub ted.
irErD e l e tn. U , uric
,Lato Iledrl4* llenting.) TA
.North ReconAntrect.
a bove *log airrocnoli No. Si Noble Wee*
Yhtlealplide. 191700
Ohio Laboratory.
76, 00, 85, 92, 95, and 99 per cent. Strength.
reel of ALCOIIOLI tusk: , Oita for Dana. andlirals.
e e copper Mstlhed causer Whisker always cal band.
twner of Slaw and 70 anwets, Cankentn,
ttirAll orders haat PltteLisren te pronistir
Kt lowest :duke' Vire. aFiLly
Lewis'q Patent Reversible Water Pater
IS NOW to be seen in operation at WM.
CO street
ro'7otirqriablirsh. This Futli t e a trl E j,,l ' i
a:laid Motel from the American institute of New York,
awl a Tenn:lrate nom the Franklin institute of Fidiadek
Ode, for Its superialtr in its tiesentattroaarti,
,wetiflostes tuna those Lenin, them in nee in Philadelphia.
of which the followlos or, tqaMplitc
"Pt.tX)=. l 4l March ~th,lGsl.
sus s;reat. pleatury to tarmlltibettl to the lOrtre of
pun clear venter, itts Patent Reversible Water FlitererAr
• noted hi Tr. ler Ol af ink wiwi one of therm far Weer.
al mosilltt, I tat eu t4Juditt of Weir value.
WCORUE MUT, 1137.1cyltitat
..Pmasissirms, limb 211th HAL
The Patent Reversible Water Illtoor, invented by Mr.
Samuel IL Lewis, and sued by roe far sane mouths at nal
private residence, is all that any a t. maid wish I
Wrenn, consider It a minim , to h ave It In m 1 power to
reetualnend it to the liablis J 011•19 P. YAIIILAIIO.
• N.. Bummer stmt."
x .
. ._awaaboat Captains and'Ageate would do well to
Ail anaemia:hie our larke Niters for Oat= water ba
rmw .ateriag the bonen. mans um , in 000.
b•wt Soo • Mir in en& awl Moira boilers ' AU oar
Filten are wr:sated lin are reste r stut with Care will L t n
_ 4 ,, MS) Arch etrett, Philadelphia
~ytimp ic k ea. very o=d
..i eupeiii . rafiau x4 , seldom. 4
Foll SALE—A good second hand PIDLAIes
]math of 7. KIDD CO..
00 Wool
s.t 00. are now opetan, cum of India Silks sal
thes, them Silks of sutpd, 51374 amid:um styles.
nd Cam boy. rebric. ceived pa errrea three cue
econette a
Co. are now opeuln real Valencia Wrouyht.Collan
Cads, Hooka., Chtmesettelh OE" &e.
OCHA COFFEE—For sale by
sell WM. a. wain° • t Om.=
nRANGES--Ualf boxes, {=te , ri w Or . , ,,, LUl4
xyzretknat sired packNVbA . wuuku. CO .".
IDEARL ASII-31 cub for nine by
x 607 J. AR. FLOYD-
SALERATIIS-25 bble. (Adana') fot sale
LT apIT J. & R. /LOYD.
BUTTER -8 pbll3. Roll, for;11111.7um).
ItACON-247 pcs. liams, Sides, and Shoal
ans. ter de by orr J. aFL F 1011).
WOOL -3 sacks Common, for sale by
sort J. B.
EANS-5 bbls. Small White, for Bale by
.017 1. k R. 'FLOYD.
BROOMS -75 dos. Corn, for sale by
.pl 7 3. IL YLOYD.
I' 1115 SUMMER RETREAT is now open
the the acoommedatlon of UAW. The beauty of
e place has hem much impred m il ever
Choke hkmbhery arid Plovers: Aargketket o
blaming Plante and Shrubhern of the <Want 102,4 am
Icept Cr ask on the premise+.
Iceams, Fruits. ar, kept In the Saloons to usual.
Itogoeta tunefully put UP at shun notion.
The flat and romfurtableneamboat CIIMPTATN. *MS
the landing, between Pitt street and the Old Allegheny
Midge, at the begiing of emu hour—from P o'clock, A.
N. 000110 P .1.1 One extra trip every evening, at 7%
S o rtki City am banal to pay a
The Oamica is teat aaVempasea minden, sad timed
on Sunday. apladf
LtR. J. J. MYER • argeon andhaisichm.
Office and d•elllta turner of Darlington/I MF. No
hlrti .trot one door above andthgeld rt.
no. Myers hoe permanently foaled to Pilashurgh, and
will Wend to Du dirks or his Protium/on. fie will glee
walnutar attention to gvaincari ewe. and the Denim of
ow. and children. apletlia
Tuition on the Piano.
MR. F. HARBORDT would re
.poctfull Inform the chisel:l.ot Pit
i and Allegheny that he to WIN pre.
pared to take a law more pupils on the Pl.
no and in Singing,
Refeeeeem — e - SPeo.P. EN., Ilene, /rein, Erg, We
Grant. iFourth stood,/ Shah. iretet.. &pleat
OTIOE.—The G. D. of the Sone of Tern
panvro ...tin Plhatiorgh. at the Pi Orikie_i , i_en
rth street, at 20 o'elcel, .
on Icednesider. iede
day of April,
Eiton in New Brighton.
ol:11E advertiser,'wisking to go wont, of
fers to sell his store and faturax with the Hoe/
ccdP..ln New Brighton, PO miles fr.] this city.
An extensive nianufacturitin business Harried on at Bea
ver Vali, there isaMeepeet of several newestablithments
Rang into operstion In stew months, mad New Brighton In
.leeidedir the pooM promising Diem in Beseer wishing to intablish a tirmich mom, vit' Toting
00 n" IINglIVIrP b AIM2k7=117==
pa ' gior farther indirmstion. apilideitarlET
Lawrenceville and SWinadnugh Plank
OOKS for s R
übscripti emm on tu y Stock of the
above Company van be opened at the Mika of BUD
In,AI LYSLI.Ife: II FM street, Pittsburytx,_cm Tam.
the MD e Wednwelsy, the Ith did" xar owEIS
at id Uelort days. and at the store of WU. BIRTH
g CO., In Law ream silk. on Thuriatsh the bth day of Mai
nest. M Id o'cicelic and at the sure of J. EISLER, in the
" aliVtit 4 sZte " rif a t it4ll3' ITLI.V.LIf 1 0 X
BorourD of Nhamtburgh, on Natorday. the 10th May,
at 10 rielOeM to mulct omen bun lo o dock, A-51., to 4
o'clock. X" each day ,
CowNismogrldi—WlLSON IfeCANDLENS
e. iv..
B. le EWALT,
/01118 15110Itr.
TEALENT of the Assets of the Com
-1.1. tar . January I, lASI. published in sourotadty
Lmuy f
Ape, r et, nl he sixth section of the Act of i lie•
- •
Beirut ant Bur Vie, well secured, tree
M ad
L 0 , 1;
ctee t' y ' t Ana=
cry, Duke, Iklinty&Aß, awl Al •e
mantles, llonnyltawta. AI ,
Visas. wnitterliby Mai Estate lit Y • .
Purchased at AberiTs hales. tinder moth I
gage erma.
El ie
ii i, 0421 . and 11, a baL/f , e , IL an
helthy 10111Slrih ......
A house and lot. 117 by 111.00, on north
aide of 0100000 •I,WOllt Of 1111th
A . bni .d br.,111.• by lOU /veto:awed
tilde ms
Penn ulna" math
1 / I gb st.
Two houses am)/ lot s , mcb by ad feet,
on .oath . Ade of borate street, near
1 10L eaa c a h n d/1 IX / b - th • 7 e J
ys -
Terfr tO;;;;;;;ITL . L . TVI,TWC;i7Zi:
east Odwof re 10 011 Slathrt-donth
of Pine Ames..
A lot of Around. IT by LI Eet., on the I
outheast. n•ener Of Achnylltlll Front
A re d ''' '' •,,.o•l7.77lTOithii 4;4: ....
ofYle niter". street, west onernyl•
4111 Ith street
floral and ltd. 4d by 01 ket. on althmath
cad. mount( thnottnut and Reach els
110e nor th
tense fret..
Tith e
north dde of lirt.. tweet of
Aslthon . .... - .. -
keen houses and lots At itf 117 it , .
the awl Wet of Bea. st., south of
A house and lot TO by_tEt Got. bin Mi
Fitswater st., cast of Ninth Kt__..._._
Temporary Lama on ex - Catena •
$lO.OOO Alms Mona Lom. 5 IscroeuVl
(lot. onl
MAI sham Bank of Kentucky, . .
IT " Northern Bank of kty
101" Colon nook of Tarmossec.-.
13 " losormusa Company of Use
Plata of Founsylvani...-.
" Southwark Barad C 0......"
Commercial ancl
Kook of Fickaborg.,._
303 " Pennsylvania Railroad Co._
91" Franklin Flys 100 C 0....
•4 Korcantlla Library
"Uole,Clnal Co
" North American Coal Co
10 " Seboylkill Rollou4
" North Asourtem Oa! Loss,.
10.067 91
U.G52 21
Atted, CAJavu U. CAnc.A,Nere_r_e_tsn iml,
o:3t. •
Franklin Fire Insurance Ca of,Pbilad'a
n I .F CTORS ;iI CharIes. II % mT . Bander, Geo.
BerkeaSsz ... 22lonort.L ' ATlMt
CRW. 0. 11421 . 0.4
This Company conthoomi to mane Troarahcee. permanent
or limited. on! may •Perollroron Of. f In Moro mod
coontryod rotes ro low ea aro rm4M wrob roclorotp.
Ttn, °mama Imre ramrod 1/4110 , =Winer.% nrod.
whlero with their (Yeas' and Prennurom rattly InropteLL
'dad ample protection to tier seri ,
The meta of the Con:Leroy, en acuerf tr 0.1851, se.putr
tithed emeeeldr thr Art ld
....... 1191 e4
Real Nehb
r 7
............................ :414:14.5
Elver their ineornengient. • Dati.4 or '2lTsar. , lbes~y
pare paid upwards of Ow Mika Four Unniired.
Dollars bums by :ire. thereby affordingemblem. of the
advaritagira Of LIVIOLOOD, *e ll OA their ability and al.
;amnion basiteet with proroptneas all liabilities.
.10 Oftro 8. Y. coma of Km/ API II eta.
130WDER OF OINGER-4 bxs:fec'd an
I. for aale bi R. K. SELLEHB.
&ph !;.r.. 67 Wood nt.
FNNEL SEED-931be rec'd and for aale
y .pl 6 R. E. SELLERS.
, , mitr',mft71%trTritill
IQUOItIOE ROOT-600 lbs. for sale by
.14 .pl 4 R. B. SELLERS:
Polyp ALOES-50 , for sale by
B. B. stimeas.
CIOTTON-42 bales now landing from str.
1.) Mar Plower. :or sale by .Ifaltl/101CXEY t CO.
solo Watsr anti Front sta.
(111001 ill NUTS-'?.O sacks, in store„ for
kffi sale 117__Dpla ISAIAH DICKEY • CC.
iIEILRINGS-18 bbls. Baltimore;
Da boxes Lat. Blanked: la store and
e sale by spill li•LAII DICKEY s CO.
ASSIA-100 Math fur sale by
splt J. 1301100Y3A6IER t C 0,14 W 0441
CASTILE SOAP-30 bre. for sale by
1..,/ re...tired d dor emir by
Apia an a. 130100MIAKER kCu
IjARIS GREEN-30 cans moiled for sale
by sold 3. SCHOONISAKSEL • CO.
I WAR, LEAD-1 rani. White for solo by
INSEED OIL—IS make. warranted for
ITALIAN ellESTNUTS—jastrec'd 01156
Liberty 0. by WM /KUM° It CO.
ADMi . - Orono mad Vs Dano.
FIGS --100 drums Smyrna Figs; - -
So bnyes rat. Mew do. rtwelved . m
ge . r . gala very law by WM. A. 31aCLUE.0 CO.
wpla Z 7 Lastly ytwort.
S FARINA, WheatenGritte,
Hand Lampe, reed =I Ave sale whol.Me or Mall by
MAD OlL—Best Bordeaßx §wees Oil,
thvb, Jan reed and km sale by
spit.; WIC IL. ItbtiLISRO 1 CO.
LILAVE FITTED UP, (on the New Fork
yl) very yawl= Werereom, for the age of Cop
Cotter, ilona sod every thing appal:shank to
the fuldorable parka; sad halo metaled the largest and
meat supmkr aseortment of Bath Be Ulnas. antartats,
Wrench and Germ. Bennet De lanes, twat& Damask,
Maroons, Chhasea, Turkey Bad Goals, Mum, tattoo of
7Wad, lara Cottolaa, .Enuott andslaialloslia Met
land of Itinerant,_ uwak - o. of ZO daterent patterns
and rtyles, Woe Mats. Window Blinds sad Modes. Curtain
Bolder. and Bands, Curtain rim. Tama and Sara loops,
Cord, Ellk mod Worsted. Bat Chlntna and Mort. Mar.
mall. and Untateter Quilts.: Counterpanes and 4:Wand
Matrasses, Bed and liedelles-
Veers thank.folly received and yrosertiy
WY. NOBLE. Third street.
1> • • ----
lAMY'S (successor to E. Booed') JENNY
LIND LIAM 0108.5—L ri.7 ,ost valuable aftlcho
r l dreelses aad tanaLtblng the L.D.omi ID WWI a Deuxl.
DAD [Dm r.... g.... 1.... 11. .4. , V
.Dl6lt. IL ent.vm SI owl Meet.
A A. MASON& CO., 62 and 64Market at.,
viu op= 20 0.01 P 221041. .22
11. States Mail Steauuthip Lae
Ulna of slearnship Crescent Mg.)
Tin nen and psurerful Amnion simians ^
ship Laura - rm. Charles Fusidard. Commander, • _ •
placed css this Line. to ran bns.% PhibutelPhin
pool111 , 1 , 1e d a; der berth... Lombard str i rmit.
nj:rdid 1 4fr ' ist:;.
.6 built in
the most substantial amnia, te4Pregards and ma.
an:tem him ha rg ding Dal lows. throughout. similar to
the Winning.of t h e steamers of Conine Lin.. sad in se
rg lowa fully anal in point of strength and rtfoniV
de/ to say steamer at at. Liar scoommodadons for Ps.'
.m=l are onsurpsased for comfort and elegmica
SATES or PASSAGE &kola &.t Itoncap...—
Persons going to the World . . Fair am inikenned that Ex.
eunion Tickets will be inset for a limited inembir of per
....Zees, Sirius them ample time to visit PstiOncd inent
the petwpal Miles in Europe.
Ask 4 ---- t:urgeonTile;;;;a6tg;Eii.
No MOMS socured until raid for.
Preform from LfeerpooL on riNz GIOODO, Ole;ler I.:L.
Returning, ftbe• Lafayette .111 Imre Liverpool Jrmv,
And commence Per second 'mpg , . firorphare about the mid•
die of July.
For ns'ilVZMWn'iTc.7., 37 wwo l d o- t.
Junk' L. LINTON,
_Lombard rt. ritudf,7Phfro-
I Agent at Liverpsol, Joan Ildlioror, Pvq•
Acad. for Pittoburoh. J. aR. non. • , •
aplb.l4 Bound Church Iluildhomt, Liberty et,
- • .
Valuable Zeal Estate for Sale.
pOIIR LOTS, fronting 80 ft. on Liberty et
i L.,15 no ftzillsacVcarnci Oa r. asreatl.7=l
low, If for coon 1CoowN " of
oplb JOHN WAIT 3 CO., Llterty
O 4o=l2rfiVirl.l.7. °--
.. ...
Lain' National, . . 1 ...
The Commiesbner: a new novel by 0. P. R.. Jame.t. Zoo. I
Dletbiary of linhardes. No. V. •
Time: the Aeensom hy Mrs. Marsh. .
. .
MOD's thins" Age. Nos. MI.
Nathells: a Tee.
Ron Doug's" or the AntobloStalMT of • IDD I WWS's !
Daughter. . - I
Moose Influence a Tale the Molten an& Ds:dant= 117
Onee! Acidly.
Mother's eompense. be Gram Avatar.
Rhoberd of York, or the"WhDe Rost of-Engl.& ;
The 111stom: am" Adrentarn of Peel Obb. by 110 , 1 SWOT
of "Laurie Told."' '._ .
Tom Racoon aid hie Three linden Amato;
" .
Pope Joan; by 0. W. IL lbw - cold. ,
Consuaka In I eol-60e.
Louise Le. Talllerm or oonel oudon of th e Iron Mask.
Staunch' Wall, • Ristoriol Roomuce—completa
'The Warwick Weollatula by Frank Formner. ' •••
The Klealeboeue ter the Mau, DT ThealmMlT
The Quern's Neeklacm. h 11 , 71 1.
rale Pealbasoms Wed Eta eu . UU
duo.. by Darly.
Nat. of • M aritaldo.
The City Merebsub do. do . .
BMW a Unmoreos DreeD b. - do.
Rennin of b Okl Maid: or IDnts to Toot Mon.• - ,
' Dreamt and Dallforaia.
Gentlemen's Etiquette; ,by Cmout D'Orsay.
Ladles' Rtiquethe sad Toilet Omit. . - _ :
Larenwro: tbi &belay—Me 01—the Tylna—bl Dime
Dormer ember of th e - Bible in Stei n. '' -New supPlY.
In the Last IFer. by .J. Petemen—complete.
History of Bru ne by
Carol hoe of Elrunnr by Reynolds. .. spl6 . .
DOLL BUTTER-10 bbls. fresh receiving
ILL mai 6r Rsla by H. DALZELL CO,
sple Liberty
C EMESE-50 boxes W. R. receiving
:lassie by apll3 B. DALZELTa co •
-100 bores Com. Cb..l
Go - ems.
100 Palo &amt.,
23 bbls Pearlx
• 5_ !. )..42.fticnk
baniall• I?!l " PlarlannnS
fte "
"fl 7♦ Ll.nla S.C. uttona .
100 dos. Broonanc.
10 bt. l 4 l ° ll 8. ""
12 Inxr. "
10 Maly rnwEn apple:, In glatie.ineefo,enn•
130TATOES-400 bu. Neshannock, for sale.
b r apls W. ILLABACCIff.'
' A RIEL PEACHES-50 bags for sale by
LP spls 8 &W. HA/MALI:lit
bbls. No. 1 Gibbed. - for
sa.b, by .pl 5 8 & W. HARRAOO/1.
- VIACKEREL -50 bbls. No. 3 Large, for
1 1 /1. Rale by .Rib 9. t IC. ILUIBAWH.
ROSIN -100 bbls. (soap makers') for sale
by •pi 0. t. W. aisuluau.
GUDFISH-20001be. for sale In
arls 8.1 W. HKILBAUGIL
LARD -100 kegs for sale by
I_4l s ply S. t if. 11.ARILLU0IL
RIO COFFEE--150 sack4 a rime green, for
.4. by e. CO TSONCO,
apls . 196 Liberty .
_ _
LOUlt-100 bbla. S. F. for sale by
rl:lß—d. fresh supply of 'the celebrated
.. Maw', far .I.4_reell sod er
eby apl6 A. Clll.ll/114760/5 t CO. •
SUGAR -35 bbda N. 0., for sale by
apl.6 _L. C111.146111 - BON Mit.
IICAILS-300 kegs sued. for sale by
1.1 sol -A. CULBERTSON 4. CO.
FLUBBED OIL-11 bble. pare, from
wommeame br •
• J - in1.. 4 1 - of co, Lamer ac
SALMON -40 bblo. and • h f. bbis. No. 1, for
ERRING-10 bbla No.l (ilea) foraaloby
SELAD-10 bbls. No. 1 (new) for sale by
: • ,•
nes •
At Out.
04.377 TS
SOAP -1.10 boxes No.j Rosin;
oo'ot tor . 2 by " A. - Zrsilfikor
aplfb No.= Llbestr
pAPER HANGINGS—From 6 14 its to
a ror sale by WALTERP. MABEILILL.
InER 11A.NGINGS—Quaker styles, just
s sus s.• sal by W. P. MARSKALL.
015 .153 Wood d.
TESTER CENTRES, of Cold end Velvet,
•rib aLLb' titiIISIIAL. SS Wood st-
. 103.D6G 17
S I L AKE Z °"-' eLl=r4Z..t"
RAD. VALERIAN- -- 2501be: for enle by'
FL K MUM& 57 Wads!.
lALABILLA. LIQUORICE-1 - mM for solo
by nal SLSEUER&
PINK ROOT-200 lbs. for sale ta ms.
015 E.E.
v 4 Cwt.
, te48.10 00
Morris' Celebrated Teas. " • '
mood. at door from Diamond Orr. •
Eszellemt ..... We. 1% . 16.
The Tao.
She 51.00 "- •
Preclaele woe 'Wail of black Yea Mei me mold ha
the Old Om:Uri at 4 and Ca. Vi lb., and are mold dallf
thlo establishment at 60 and 75e. L. Thew linsda of
Teat cannot be obtained at any other Woe In • • • • •
New Goode Now Arriving.
WRY= ISURCHITELD are now dai
buyers generally. -7
Do% Open this morning, BONN/Mud son=
Opened on
alnr. y, nag 5t4 . 1: 4 5
. I , tt Matilmack Pain tu
.apo, roper. ie• Per Ind&
klautiateetinatiouls, anon as Diapers, Tabla Clot*
Linen and Muslin Siteetteign Must dia.towein gar;
Qulita and C oo ntapitte, Warattame Diatlll.lnWow,
Curtain MM.. sawnewalaurr apealus at
!bah gaat name of gamut, and Margot. grn nada -
Hare re rindsoo pleats Jumut Csoedee, Tape.
LAT, d
A;•Polka Sput i Wilrmsele, Feuer A
do., Meek Demi, Demi
Veils, Lore do. 5514
§IIAWLS .k DRESS GOODS-45 cartons
SONthe most WU:cable amnia, no.ofaning odd. 4.
SON a CU's. Alpo, caw of nen ink no Lamm fan
spec, Poplins, Cambrina, and Jneonetta apl4
NIEILL PAPER—Justreo'd, anotherlarge
lot of Eastern Paper, of tem:Ant patiamz, and 14
rery pnera, Re bed embers, dining roods, balls. a
Re, a. on TIWS. PALMER. fh -Market at.
TES .,,, TER DECORATIONS , Lth , a ri
fr ches
spill arket et.
Q OAP-40 boxes Rawlens & Co.'s impeo,
extn stew. OUve 5.. t lQ 6611:
71 RIED APPLES-15 brt. for sale by '
Alp/ WiLier Area..
QRANGES -60 boxes , just received ar,
- fbi Reg! BUIIBIIIDOE a 1:4011:8131,
' .14.11 116 Weill,' KM.
AELtss, Es -45 ggig&:tkfoo,r,e,!;'. by
,- pLoult-100bbla reed and for sale . by
W. P. WILSON. 147 trt
rirOBACCG—Z) taxes low_priced s's, rec'
R. ad for de by all W.• P. WILSON.
DRIED BEEF-1,700 lbs. prime, for sale
, comer FUth and Wald streets
NUTS -50 bu. Chestnuts;
"U. 4 " 44 3 N %lttraekr ,
apl4 . D
a co.
IRE KINDLIbiG-100 packs Cheerer's,
for rale by epli J. D. WILLIAMS' CO.
JTASH-10 ceake for tale by
apll J. IL maul's a co.
UTTER-21) crocks and jars, for sale by
opl4 • J. D:WILLIAMS t CO.
CLOTHES boxee for sale Ily
►TOBACCO-8 kegs No. 1 Twist, °edge's'
baud. receiving per Washington. awl far anie hp
.pl 2 JAS. DALLELL. GS Water at.
TANNERS' OIL-15 bbla: (tir anive)Sor
We by .pl 2 J. KIDD t CO.
lat R-111'1 I Ito Fume)
de by _ 1.4,12 J. D CO.
UURNT SENNA--GOO lbs. (to arrive) for
is WA by •pl 2 J. KIDD t CO.
10 XT. LOGWOOD-001be. (to orrivei for
sale by 4914 J. KIDD t CO.
DOWDER SLIP: ELM-721X) lbs. just rad
sad We We by J. MOD • CO.. •
.F.T4 . brawl sr
C OTTON—t 2 bales to iirrice per, Igniftewer;
k .th
Wster tad Root Int
LARD OIL-10 bbls. for sale .by
Watt and Rant at.
COFFEE— 50 bags Rio, for sale by
gpleflire Book, for Argil;
llatla's Titth"' do. Tar sal. at
stall Ita Ai t it Nait
Baithuns Notice.
A LL PERSONS baling business with the
aor " = " =Z b rUts= "4"r tt
Bra m Comacus Coutos. ow 1 3 I 2 n
21.. sod tom 2to4P. M. nercnsots is want of ono.
tint Boa Emu zamitvizi c el
to tits &Imo .1 &Moan
• , •
hr..T . MU be levev e
hie 11*1 the )Slane
Dorrezen". NOentmoqSY; Cetnt„......l.loecertstesneAdocica.
Aed apl.B.lte W)d. LAWRENCE. client
. .
'KILMISTES. lin!', "ii -incrtiier .of
z ..
r i,,,q.... ......
.• AT LIMNING, ALGGth; is • .. o!. GAG)
Miss EJLICISTEIto—LrIia rill Ipret, With Lo
:InGLI Action ILLAP, lu:Li Mints Willis= etlict, in fan
tasia lad larlallona.
EMMA--hogrrano—tbe lltik cantattice, .bo
InQlrmo from the Open. awl fenny Linea semi the
Echo, Lute Bird. kr.
Ilia EMILIE .111 arms ha laughable Character&mmu
Mr. SILMIST Senors and Piebald.
&if Performance erIM commence MIX c'elach.". hatahr
tame M cents. aeltlt _
saorss ETZRY ETZ:115(11115
SirNam.= moves st 5 o'eleet, protteat A/Wt.
tame 25 emu. ChM= emloll ace ly . 15 MAL
OMER JULFWidiYiST B/invEr..s .
XPRESS Packet and • Railroad "Line for
JD Cleveland. rka i r b 7 8t
wbo+llb to t`k :I; a Zgke, Pan cb, d tlltara,
i n Km..., Lod toe eplealld orw Pawner Cum of *a
Cleveland sod Fittsburgh Italboa4 Qa. to Cleveland.
MAYFLOWFX- • Blows. -
Steamers Icare their landirur op Ito oho MOrholstrikli
Rouse. at 9 o'clock, connecting .RD the Pul.t.. at
Beaver, which 0111 Inn komedlatay on the arrival of the
vicaoler, arriln ., g at RlTelll2l in time forth*
I,: kx , rio . coin= •
.rein ai
ZYlev,..llTlArf,;',..lMarawarl•thal of
for titIFFALO affi, IMMBOIT, and the gram. , Chktr
roi hlllvarkle, 'Toledo, Easidoetry OM Dunkirk tail
also tbr orealkg train •of cue ler Columba!, Xenia. aid •
- likelroutl, • CLARKS, YAWLS A COI MFIAMA,
W. R 1900BW.AD; r .
Mee oader Bt. Charier BMsk,•
comer of Pailthltehl and Water streetik:o
Mani 1851.
Oil the'Pennsyhania and Ohio Quids: •
. - ..... P..
' CHAMBERLIN, CRAWFORD* ia1...-.lN.Aanasn,
/THIS well known Line is now prepared to.:
o ■us ,, anne.set udam.s.r. from PithBORGII
n CLE ND, to ear t on the Canal alui Lama
db. Deilittat of the Line are.unsurpaided to ntunbar. oaf
it r, and espacitr of Boa% Merin. of CaPtaina, and
°V.strri;pittalittri and Cleveland da DinDLlg
in tonnantlarxtth a Line of Ftsainboata batmeat PITT •
EPRGH and BRAVE.% and s Line of Era eLvis steamboats
liddraller and Tamil) on the Lakes.
. ,
Parka Co., Yoruf.,
%Tanen, CL;
A. a. N. 0.. k. Newton MM., 04 •
0. pranthia, Ravenna O.: • '
Bnrflon Co. i1.P.211.,
Galilee! CO, Franklin, 0.; - •
u. A. Miller. Cllpalfor• POI., 0,
Wheeled.. Les a tka, Akron. 04 •
• Handal - non a Pettitone, Eandnakp Cif, 04
PeckhamScott, Toledo. -
D. Willlania A Co., Detroit. Michigair.
Donaeman Co.. 31.11araulda, Wle.;
tiro. A.
w 1 a filbta A Ca.. Oren, 1114
ear. Water and Baddifildd Pi=olll4.
MIRFUMERY—Just reied, very choke'
~..rge o lt ,! =eszt i ga s ag ! T r o t =M.
Powder. to., at tits drag nose of
.plO sOrasr of Wood sad Math sta.
SUN'DRIE&--200 bu. Dried...fipples; ,
30 blals.Pwirl Aaln •
5 auks Potsah: 'be saleAr_
EANS--100 Mate, a prime article .
B"" a "noLisir t marrism.
coact 122 Proud. and 161 lint mot
FISH -51), bbls. Whits Fisk .
sox 2101 Nod-web Ihr mair Try.
tlf,ll.ooN+-'M cash Matt; , •
13 " Stecnalderrja pals by
A ' 'PALM PICHAT a cu.
T EA—SO 1)43. Y., EL, for sale
j gy
- , 'Wales sod trent sts. ;
UGAR--40 hhda. prime N. O.;
Thr =Se
OIASSES—LSO bbls. N. O.;
R .-
ICE=4O tesprime, news nztur ale by
RIED 'APPLESIOO bu.-for sale b
I tisou. t twn : tt, .t.
YE - FLOUR-50 bbls. for sale by ,
.plO. • • BROWN k 111116PAIRICIE.
, .
•-• . - • L. New.
I n
.. ... . .
I'4 , FRESH supply of the Atats-itium Szia , 7
LLM... akettladatt Seleetka of mato sad sada Mute,
la t0ta1...1 part a Valk it aal Wane ta attat ,
eserthas for Ms withaloa of du nias, sad lb/ balasavar
swot is ssastred notaaca, bt Wo. B. Baidircry.
also, Tat XI:ImM a papabkr_sad soda •
.ohs, fiv e = r., ,,a Llasb:o r , ==s i
Beads. Waltzes, Mks, Vartadoas, la.,far ads by , , .-.
aZd2 . • . .11 .-. - ICI : all-n r. atlb L e rlerd Osbir "t 'a Mau — ' .
.Brandies, Wines,
IiAVIICG Completed - .arrangements wits I
.11otims be Bodes= and ether Lwow. Cities, RR
mmo.f. of my mien, I am lbw enabled to Mier to.'
Dealers, Ma smalladvma. over impartation eat, BRANvt.
DIM. WIRD& and LIQUORS. of the . meat .
Imes under metes house ((desire!: • •
Attention la invited to my lief, as berme •
Itflp•aires . Bordeaux. and Rochelle Bresdleylt ,
bb t.Q. it garjede .4 dark.
J 5 mad r. e, sold. mad brown Sbormint Rim • .
qr. ou a nd r d Madelra, 2; r 7 M•d•
125 " Poet WI., fo:t very old and cn.Mrlcn
ROO baaketa Sparkling ChamPaMm. Menna brander.
500 Doss Claret W mgrioaa braze!, and vintage•
100 cams Sauterne and vintages 1844-7.
11=0 Sauterne 4 Claret bra.
1 1 1 PPM 014 lialand end SehtlydamOin. •
p.ebecom Old Scotch and Irish Whiakii.
4 . mperier 014 Jaa.len Boon.
40 tilt superior 14 , 04.11r0wn Stont and &Mat Ale. .
WWI • onotant guagr I =Pz.t•d
re. Cherry Be.-
1.0 node of MArAnt SEMI . = aleraya no
All of which I will offer on r favorable terms.
Orders will be execnted !fib melMte *dryad;
at kerett Ms. A. IL 11 •
• " • Immter load Resler. 30 Walton Ogee.
•pl(tlaranu(Ro) Thile4e/Okl•
ARGA I N B!—Teachers tea ,
Arszalies "LIME topittrebeeevalua-'
BeaMd Bream, Chafe Tmt Bunn;
. 141111nd Wmbvbx Cdinijirrvn. • • Vat.
t7ia..tiatundloned Book Store, sdlolandl Dr. *Mare. Brag
Store, earner U Unreel and Pourelt axe. TEL indableen
ment Is about eke:slipup, and will eel! me el treenbeencit
work. at met -
Al.—Carter 41. 8r0.., valuable Duane m excellent etent
for sale et met. Call during Me prevent week only. BOOK STORY.—This store
t cos. Llow for erma, very low. It hatt Jolt teen retitled
, with Letutiful front Z. MA,
Life Insurance
ASEI7BI4.NCY gOCIZTY of Load= sod or York,
-• safe azol permanent 'ordinal.. ozobtelog the mutual.
µanalyst 'nth that of • Pak 4.12D.T. Promo-rue ta
t to three witting to imam.
• Me. th• Company for Weston:. l'entur rain at tka
Baoki p a t s House of WU. A. LULL t Ott,
• 64 Word at. • •
RYE -5 bids. just recd and for aide by .
aroo W. 2 F. W-1L. 5 0 .11r.Fire at
The Pennsylvania Volunteera •
TRE . SUBSCRIBER, late a member Drum
:mond Regiment of rennaFlrenta Volanteent, offal
peotessional zerriere to the meg:Mere of the two Rear
merits of Penurylvania Toinnterea who marred in the IMA t
Isar wi th hirrieo, to anted th e claims to which they are Mr
tidal under Amenably, ean Am of Amebly, mead 'the high day of
Marsh, UPI, entitled "An Art TIMM. for the paysomit '
tithe First and Second Reatmente of P.raurylvania. ,
'unteere, who served In the let. war wilh Mexico.*
- LI. B. ROOD, Attorney at Law: •
Ramie:ug. April L,lOll. stpll - .2=eati
—/larrutteg .Apriena.
Craton llorsk,'Stralatitoth '
• a Qr.. Aptil 2,18511
Cl, PALED PROPeariWill be received ari
thlv cafe, until 12 o'clock, 'XII d•T crAPtil. hilt .,fir
the &leery - pa tbe following artlcles,lhe the use oath* doh at
the U H Marine Hannah WS/ Una Clay, want the 310/41/0
laf June, 1t62, •
Bee, ha free pounble trove bane, ke bar stoma,
each as
loaf to we
one „, ra
Brown ßr Surat of the beet ;Nana,' "• " "
Bite tour
ricer. ei;ii ...
Best bolted meal—
Hcm '''''
; tart ' :
" "
Allot ti; '''"'' be of thete* Ibunnah
lies sled tote, tarnished ai
r tk times and in each group,
ties oeo. tiovrepttititloa o the Steward of the itorPlvai
approved by ute Surveyor may lea nennanah
Any other article& that may be wanted, the oontaletor
to flannhat the lowest market
It Ls estbrialed that the number of i nau
piled will average about 33 ter day , uhhtnat
b row
du,* will be shout 10 aborts werveats to be enDlnlett:
Aar Warman= tooveroieg 03 1 3 ... N. Sal
at ea. office. Vl.nlll OODS,
• In Sarver. aul • at, 1,. S. IlarinellcepltaL
Where Is the man .ho does not thltethit. the Imre •
selitts " rhet. "° llol f triPettcb‘44. d o nee
e pleasure. maths. • t r.
of Jithoi Moser.
Almond wtarbio, or Ambrosial Sharing Comma I . of.
lerly lotheweible em words weee the to oT
I*n—who has been wed to dueller tith °tut.? eleP—
pin meta. trial of this for the drst time. It ls a usothe
nation of wonder, adethratlott and pl_emee.
renderl . V eldest eel moth wirt
and pllatde, oral edd=.4 .4 .1 by tu a
=` l7 .‘.......i man " t rga w i dth.: of the ebb tidal_ is so
eute— alter sh_ylot
.thetthkasen using J0k.....t - 9 .e.t C.. 0.1.7 ten
=4., inainedithely Eta Mt
use, without the .tin tha' eithipped.
ono use it, we can eddy se t,rip er. nee ettln.
one gm' advantage—eh appt,je‘
tad by these who rear whiskery—la the teei that it Sill set
awoke the leasd.with the e t,...j.a ll l=blis thSAy
Or may ewe...ow to the
szoming Crusts ass de&thiedreemtpothost.
eomeronudth eklil. to the utter tudeel otallartieless
[asunder the operation of Sitarists on
and b..mdam el al the mt. Idiot of
• P""1 aukr iall3 Mina, Patamei — sew airmut,
120 Inwenut cared,
ut" e l thri t =.thel s
"4 J.