The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 18, 1851, Image 1

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---4.-- -
WHTI33 & CO.
[41.0 ,1 SLIM.
am= OW TB= EMI WA T. TO MI 117/16
Tait& •
•0511Y—Ssrun &Narrow annual. Parade hat yearly.
SIZ DMA. lf raid In sArerae.
'WY.Y.51.1 . —Tao dellsrs per. usac==lvanes. Cults
111 be suppled on rho ralrlss
Vora 13000,p. 5 2
Trzr;. 32.00
The pasta los earls Club to be adders.% to ono perron,
sad whet:aid Inearlsbly In Alarms. No Club Papers kill
, em t. mur tbu yew. et plea, unless the money is mat for
one (10102.
in sert of Nonpareil or less)
ion 4 50
Dnet, additional insertion.. 0 2.6
. one weak— —.--
. -Do. one (XS
two 7 00
• three m0ntha.1.—.0........ 9MI
.Do tied.. .. - IS 03
91saading Cool,, (6 lines or low, serimarmi..46 00
;Owe Dollar for each add itkrost line.
eras Sgnare, chargeable at 1,1.9.00. (pert Go-
Yea• Man) exelueve of dm tdipers--..-...--11 00
each additional square, lasetiol over rem month. and
lhe each additionalpoen insetted under the yeatlY
half Price
Advertlisements exceeding a mane, and Dot:twee litteen
Ines. to be charged as a agars anda half.
Publishers tot acenuntable for legal telverthemnail D."
yond the amount charged for their publication.
Annottodais candidates tor office, to be charged the same
as tier dvertseme.nts.
A at dvertisements not marked on the copy toe a spodiod
smnileg of loserUons, will be continued bill 6ci:44ond Dm ,
meat tweeted acosolinglY.
The While= orminual advertisers Is sightly "halted to
elate own Immediate Omsineet; and all advatlsments for
the benefit of othor persons, as well as dlschrerthementanot
fm . 00 connected with tbdr own badness, =I all
dames of adredisenients, la length at dbandle, beyond
the limits engaged, rill be Charged at swill rates. For
a such .0-indent advertising, bills be separately
reamed; and prompt savnicist le desired.
...e..advertlseincats for charitable Indltaticas, fin cam•
ward, torrulils, and other public meetings, and
Dye as, to Oa charged ball 10100. payable strictly in Id
' alardige netirs to be dame' 60 yenta.
Death notices inserted without dimes., onlees amempa
hied by funeral Invitaticas or obitamy notims, god whoa
00 senrapanied to be paid for.
lleguler adventures. and all others sending comninnica.
Dow. or •Tegoirlog notices designed to call addition •to
Tara, 801reee. 000cortav or any entertainment . ,
wham than.. do male far admittatur—all . notices Of ri
vals amoeMnons-surrarynolice designed to call attention to
private enterprises, ealddatel or intended to promote indi.
virtual interest, can oolY to Inserted with the nderstand.
It= that mar Is Mir for.. If Inteaded to be leo
meted In the Iced wanton. the rime will kw charged at the
rata of not lees than 10 reds per Raw
Blebop or AT Halms Woe charged triple
Tavern Limn. Petitions It each.
Real Estate Agee.' and And:ogee& advertisements not
to be
of under 'melt rates, - but to te allowed a due
mint of thirty three and ow
thlnt tor edit. Rem the
antemas of MM.
via= Oa Taaaartir to WILT !ant.
One Erinare, three insertions 41 50
Do. each additional o, •
ardrismommtdo watm• fatal: • •
OcoEquara (10 Mom)oat 1eutetti0n.... , ....p cents.
Do. o seo oaaltiao inetrOloll • 4 mats:
All transient ainlcatorlaalltA tri be veld In tames.
LJOAN A. PARKINSON, Alderman, Fifig
Ward, Pena Yttrot, Mitren O'Hara Walnat. Al
. promptly atmildrd to.
glie"fiCo=t=", (I.lVorizpt=to
Lew—Mee on Fourth rth•ut. No. glq. botreto IC • • •
2.ulthtleld FttDburgb.
D. Oliphaut is COMMISOI. I . Art the Slobu o
Nor Turk • uPth
• _
QIILNN COLLIER. Attarneva at Law
omm on Fourth Itreet. oboxo Soolthfrold.
i W. E. WRITE, Attorney at Law 1..
ittittiZtV'''''''''` r '''' th ' i° - A l t tglr -
Ohio Pm Caonifolon n for tollog NT.. tiolls. Aeli
gartmoeniii of Donis. Le. Ofih•—fmnh .. .=%l
P. & G. L. -13,, ,YETTERMAN, Atto!'"")-1""" Aaaatt.
?G a.
tiat I
lAMBS J. KUHN, Attorney at Law. (4E4
In Tilsioaso tiall.corner of Grant otmet and Mom
. Pitlsboxiiii. • • jalSolly
JAMEST. lallll, Attorney . at Law—Offiee
.. Pio. 142 Pourthstiest. Pittsburgh. 1
C .... WE 'Sr. 'WATSON. Attorneys at Law.
No. 110 Yourtlat. Pidabargh. • 1
ersc—Alstrantar 0 Don Jan Eurder. 8.14 Mr,
rust Sicarbssa b• Co. W. B. . , Jot. rurd.lNA .•
sountaut. tleo.W. Jackson, PirtsbusTa. isa ' V
DWARDT. JONES; attorney at Lair
Mee Itnarth etlict r , between Weed and await.
JJASPER -B. BRADY runnebere, Attorney at ,Leew,
In.sorteepiepm ttobr..-......
r.r: r.;~ 7:~:rrr~~:r~7:.:,:,:~1
vei::27ritiiiik in- - C J 5 cii7,7iieLi•
' soni ruction:a Brokers, North Lest c orner of Weal
nul streets, Fittsburo.h.
All trans. -Wog made on liberal tonna and collections
Ittottattended to. Jektr
#.••:. KING, Banker and Exchange Brokr . ,
• louria .u. t.Dewar to Bank Nolo, mu. of -
Gold and Ether. latocks bought sod sold.
The !d u llest market prib geld In preudnos for Am
/Ulf Dollars and lbodaut and hpantsh Dollars. te'VP
Wit. LARIBLER, JR., Banker and Broker,
• v v athox.e. xo.66..a.mainset.nuerof
L.1...:NV1 NS, & CO, Exchange Brolccirs,
• South host Corner of Thud and Market street. All
at most liberal rates.
T Haws d SON, Dealers in Fero pa
• • , : d Doom:ale Bills of L.Nchange i Certplostee 0g....
e r e s .lvmatt s gv . . ;7:2 thra.t. l 4th.
throuPYout the Coned Elates. , ,
C1.1,0-4LIIICOBan :
gUli DlMiall itrrAbblliart, Coif y Bank It'otes,Ae., Nk It
Fourth street, neat door to the h onk o f fitultrorgh. (ka
le:lk= eurefullEate.ka to, sod the prooeoht tenottthl to
any part of the union. • .
ji. RAMER - E
Tii, iiankers mar Ex
• change Broke= Deslers In Foreign and edits .
of Szebanv, ennflcat. of Doucette. Bulk NO.—
elhoe, corner of Mint and Wood streets, / oltPosße
the gt. Charles lintel. _L__
:t 5. w it s af avo igt, r *
cities stC tee unu.= Maim
k katkr_ , L . • - terer, a. Ilia.
5A LED & IRVIN, Commission • Merclinnta
sadlllllllOitor4. Noll 4 Second stmt. Pereutud sad
Yekete Knecht. tram 11100 to MOO AIM" OM IWO.
rALMER. liAjiNA .t. CO 3 - Successo 5 to
. _limo r. Ileum. It Co-, 11.1.u5, 4coutos ccu.
',talents% Foreign and IXestesta Exehunee. ttertifeew.
tit Docalt.Jeuuk Note, and :Specie—North out f
corner o
wood end Third 'Uwe , Current Money received en De
t.. tight Cheeke for Lei end collections =dent' near.
17 at thedirlocipal polute of the United Etat,
The tiliktiest pitrahno Ksi..l for Foreign end Actinium
Adr.....a.0. emulgetmeolluee eget,
ma liberal !nu. =_________
Mr; TA Y 110 lt, Commissioner an
:Pram 112 tiro:mot ttrrrt. etmet &Mutton
Ma to all !agues ...el:limited to alo owe. t Pit •
ilattu s. factorial alai o zoi „ O haat or prooorrd
. Not.. Ituala 31 • le., negotiated' •
able Woos. Admix. inado.l •
R O. STOCKTON, late Johnston . toe
er, lobe; Printer, swill romp
oer e;lluket alNSitra l =te. rittsbunrb. • •
AS. B. HOLMES' Cheap Literary epot, -
rtn.t..ormit. 6 ,tt r i,l.F o LD.,=j;7 l • I '7l
Mthirjg7:3•••er•Per. pulautied, at th e patr 3 Al§ - , Bookseller and Stationer,
• N 0.78 to=tt. ,treet. 11.11 e Bendi.V. I
mums too coNvEcno,s.
EMI) DOWN, JR., Wholesale and ;Retail
Ban .4 12. ktion.r, BG Fourth .treet. Pltkburgb.
.g CA*4 end Wrucy Lkna re:Magary. lu
-.-- CA&PET
• am_
c_le_g'l_.•_ P
LE , - : R
wdCINTO 4I K. Main i a eth
N—. r
14- r l u i
m pa v l
:IW__-U=icT ettL:,t,F"'";',,,
10 W. POINDEXTER, corner of Wnier muld
R -
;I=alt i rra%. ' ll , i,T
la— " lg r Att ,ra
I akin - and Idanun•
;Kam and Jenkins a Cc
C n.lleAN ui
I'WOODS tt sON, .
Astcomo...slon. Mrretuat, so. EL "N.
"IitICTirriNSTON, Fanninling and
o,maisgar, Nadas; No.
mrSh. .. _
IER k ' JONES, Forwardinx apd
M tt W it n tonotnn MrtuerdhaWnti , c l , tel C le anlln Pr,d uc a e w a &y P wl ,
üBITN Joid co, to At-
W=3'l: C'trllleVS:ettiet=grlttre:
% wet. en tit lag
rit C. SHACRIRTT & CO--Vholesale
' esti. Drl GOods. 0.101
Eft.Dr.atzlr""— fda,
wriamr74 - 6F 1 .. Tout.
A. MASON & CO., Melanie 4nd Retail
Dealers to lad Rails DrT Go.o 42 /Wt.,
tr ' i Rdan Du Gm& Ihriebanto, =lre of /Moth
. 4114;s4''' 9U .b. M h- _____ —I-- __-
fat roncoso..„,...
iI:RSET, FLEMING & CO., Comrcussion
Marobanto—Yor Ito We of Domeslia rircolot: :
Gooho al. , dealer. to Oil /dodo of Woo? min
t.... N., ii Wood Arot, 63urtn door . troy En.l'tw
Dina. I
UIINT, Dentist, Cortert;i Fourth
'ea Decatur t. betesen )Chet fad seer arty.
~ . .
. _
k• A. Fisilh'ESTOCK & CO.. Wholesale
105=,•334 raannlittlm.r• Sla L0at1,11 , 3
b , corner Wood amlyront
imig: b. scsmrr-t-
I EYSER k McDOWELL, (Successors to
k t. Kerr k )(tiler.) WbolcuLs and Mai! D. srutt
Ji latm_,.... . ..... . .. -._......... .... ...F. rtz
/1 KIDD &.ef:i.,WKolerale Ding Oats: Deal-
Itin. Mut, 011, Dr, &lefts. •1114 lestrbeabute—
:ef Dr—lWlLave*. c olebreted lb orm b l ee .: llle. LI, :
:riiirb7;ect bee. Syrup: ble. Ibl. nutter of Wood sod
r i ebell .tenet, Ibfleburglb. Orders will be eardell, reel , -
itend Ibrearded with dispeteh. I,___ _
E.. SELLERS, Wholesale Dealer in
DroThe eft, Una, Vszubobee. te. Cr..
.14 6 . 7 Wool . = t it littarergb. ie. Urals wernusted.
rlget lee.
1, Wholetiale'Druggist
a and Dealer In deed. and Arnieenterral lowlerarula.
164 and 106 Wool arena. corner of Sixth.
.161.01:64111 1 1121..
RAUN & REITER, Wholesale and Retail
oratatilat, corner of Meth and Pt. Mir sta.. ?Mo
ot,. y.
SCIIOONMAKEtidt C9.,---ftrUWhdle9o.l4l
121444 , No. 24 WWI A., Pittlburea.
& F. WlLSON,NN'holesale Grocers and
,• Commission Merchants. Anvils n Srr rale of Du
nitres Pander, Do : Secen.l, and 11, Ela stn. •Pl
SEMI., Wholesale Grocer, Commission
,ILI/dietchant, and desire In Paper and corner e
• rßtn amen. t
QAItIUEL P. SHRIN ER, Wholesale Gm
Produce and Conatairrion licrchanta..tond Deal
In PatrborTh Shinnfastared tras.l.... and '
Second sired. between Wont and Etnithileld. Pittsburgh.
SUMS. ... : ............ . ...........
40/1N S. nu,woitni co..•wholesale
Produce tad Col.2lDrion Jterthnutp, r.ruf
gents for Huard Cou - .14r Co.. of 113.farIllo. COBB.,
21 Wood ed., PletAbuzgh.
. s -----'------g----"-—" "
Who s eal
drum. , of Coudids.O osi Merchariu, Nu Ilb Ws.
!e.d. t. grid 1 0 0 First stroet. Pittsb — urgh. ,
—.---_— — --
I IEtHEY, MATTHEWS '4!i. CO., ' Wholesale
()racism, Commissions gull Forordlog Nlerchgnsz and
outs for Brighton DA= lam , 5. 11 suer st.,lUtt•burgh.
JO. .17...-....-... ............ . ..... .3113 all-. 711.
orOllN WArr ~. CO., Wholesale Oroeers,
' nommbsion Iterehants, gud. bosh , In Produce god
nitansn Manufactures, tio. -IA Liberty . street, Pitts
I B. CANFIELD, late of WatTert, Ohio,
• tbstoinisslon and Fdroardlng 51erchard, grid W
? Dealer its 1 Vector° Itccerve aro, Butter,or Pot mold
Pearl Ash, grid trosurn 'Produce geucially. 1 Vidt ,
between Suaithaold and 11 od.l. Pitodirgh.
1.. it. watruiso ..... g. :to Soirlgiou.. -0. B. ograiiii - Sil —
S WAI4.III3IAN I+ SONS, Wholesale
- Is VD:WS:a.m.'? i i:it ' uor a n drlFitteri,v, v...".hfr,-..
..I.rtic.,_•.l Ageoto-for Me *obi of nichrooo.l ond
Lynchburg's. Ilanufuturod Soligetv, Not sal gutol Weser
Mert. PittOargii.
-sj• role Orcocio. Formardltig . god Call:111424On Mitch.
D.gisru in Pincburt h llaisufacturos gad 17osto. o
Prolurei ho. att . comer of I, rout strect god Phonon y Lau,
Pittsburgh. .
PAS- 41ALZELL, Wholesale llroeer, Com
talcSloo. Merchout..ood Praler in Pcgitico and Pato
burglr3larintactores—iio. Tu Water 0.. Pittsburgh.
Issuilt WO. ....... ... .... ......
SALLH. DI eKEi r AL CO. Wholesale tiro,.
j csrsCegnosoon 51eictignrsouch.Sealers10 PrAore—
. i... ld Rider , grid Id 7 Front 51.n.e.. Pittsburgh.
ort. B. V•01./511 0401. J.. 00..rii:
NOLISH & BENNErr, late English,
gligibisther O C...1c bra G rsoner.s,'orniulstuou nod
aoling Slerclants. and rs 10 Producc , turd Pitts
burrgli Monutsetares, No. 170 ticiguid ft. god 17.1 First A.,
between Ilford and batittifield. _
gruitrudrrgrubbi........ o. ol?rdlios. is - PF;suisoo.
Grocers. 11.1 Itoporters of Urgbilles , Whoa tuil
Viil , 4 .- So. 221 curuer oryberty sod Irodu 41.1,01.11.1 . 1 11,-
111213113. n.. Imo. Nulls. tottun Yarn, tr., Cr . cosiettritly
ou Land.-_
/WO Jain D. c. cot.
'GILLS b. ROE. WltaleE:ale Grocers mai
Commalc.sioa 31crehar., N. :L57 Liberty
tjtturgh. _
-- ------ ---
'ROBERT DIOODE, Whoteal° Grocer,
Iteehjyteut Willi , . dealer In Prod., Mustang+
mafeeturi r, stud all kinds of tea an ma Demesne
la Ines and Liguars. I. a .:115 lalserty Greet- on hand a
rrha*Zir!f".lpWL-7::::,t1 ''''''"''''b"' ticias ry,
111, OB aer thCLiFIL & CO., — Wholesale
IA Growls. Cenuoulasion Merchants dealers in Prawn
and Pittsburgh Manufeetans. No. 2.5. , Wen] Greet.
bu 0....,,,
p i ottia A. CUNNINGRA3I, 'Wholesa le
GlGreen, Praha.. rorennlina. and Conandaidon Me r.
L and Rader - in Pittsbargh Idanaintusesi. ha &le
t t lnutr Arens h ihUslearg
_ _
I --- 7-.. , - , ,,.. 1 ,5„,, -- ... - ... ---...." .......
W w 3l. BAGALEY & CO., Wholesale Gro
an, Nos. IS and 21 Wood Greet. Elmhurst , . _
7=-- ~. --__----
Sol=iD.,ncr..--- ----rat. n'anotens
WCR & Mc-dANTI/LESS, successors to
t. a. J D. Wick. Wholesahs Gasan. Parearding
and Conimiesiat Merchants. dealers in Iran. Neill, Wan.
Cagan Cara,
ad and Pillehaii
streets)lsootccares epenrial lT,
arner Of V(Cirster Pietabtaarith
cuixiiitgiii .i-dirgE, Wholesale
t• Grocers and Canaan's= Merchants. Deal.= to Pio
!incl. and Mahwah .11ounfoctUrca Articles., la LibertY
street. Pittsburgh, Pa. _
CO. Wholesale and
A• Baal P a — „ _ Gram, Yorgran/Ing and ConmeiGion
ellzata. and Dale= In Canary Produce and lituletin.l.
Manufeeturn, earner of Wood and MX= ate., Pittsburg?:
MOW. 77:22-0 111 . MT. .. AMYL It 1.01901”
Liberty street, Vltnburgh, Wholesale Grocers, Per
u= and COCIOLOVOCaI Herrin:Oa, and dealers In PlGeburiils
Gnalrettrree ______;
fr. R. FLOYD, Wholeeale Grocers, Com
e . lierehatits. and Dealers in Prodursr-lioursi
C lurch Dulldisige. !tooth* 011 Liberty. Wood, and hi mil
atreetaPittsburgh, Pa. •
-0/ Dealers in ProDies.. - Poielku /Ali. , OM Moo
sod Pectlbed Whiskey—No. b. ibusinercisil Row
Verilsel.- Pittsburgh.
1101 IN
rp ELLOR Dealer in Piano FOrten,
ilude, a n d 3lnalral Inntrnmenta..Strol holm and
11•IENRY KLEBER, Dealer in Music, Mu
ffin' Instentnenta and Importer of Italian String,
111g_ent for Nanns k Clark'. grand and aquaia• Nano,
with IXArman*.'Alidatu AlAarbinent. Alio. Mr Dunham's
nil of yen , =Relict 4-4 Pnectlon. Dupe,. Clad,
rgrine an& 112314ng. Prom Mill, Ilnlrburgh.
EN ES t , 4iSidi:i.-ititanufacturers of Spring
100 . 1 1 111.71 r Steel. klough=enri liPrriti,Vicl=
gimlet. In MagelfbleePthatinv, Vino Ennio. lld
Onsets TrlnnalnP generally. corn , of We.? end Front ,
rittnlnlrgb, Ps. • •
fkaF PiMel..aii,g,^a 111=7.1 , 71' tvb. - „tr...h:
~ 0. . Wale+ en. tolow 1,11. P.
' deratiel C. um —traporiar sad Dealer au Freuab
and AMUACM Pap, flanging. arid tl
.Brisdra, Flro Board Priatg, tr. Alau—Wraltig
sad Wrapping Pap.r, No. 85 Wool Mart, Gowen Folvtli
ararlgaroorid alley, Pittsburgh. Pa-
M , , •
. - .
..t. 011.111 S ilAwoirrii, Tea a.nd Win'
3lerchataghT-iat side of the Diamond. Pith:burs h.
-- _ . ..... . . .
WM. A. at 011141..... ....
(11URG A
-.. . ....... ...... -ago. g. nowt.
... 60., br.wern and
Tes Dealers, Nu. 2:.6 Liberty ntr,t. ahoy.. Wool
,a,glr,giv;...2t 1.
sale &ad sytall De.lera suphleal on the lusest. tam ,
. —,---------
31C1A I UG HE Y o
.If.olr bh aL.k
• grk .nd
rn,.o. Um,
tolleco4 V&teront Seave4n
'lc:-tnaprir.:ra—by Canal
aM Forgrarding 3letvh.C, nr of Penn settett
1 A-DROWN woulainustreispOLitfully inforin
ell the pobllctbal kreris on baud sables - Gad thewejt
naiad tlie Diamond, Allewheay eat T. a wwztiew , wvottment
of Venni. a lso Venni. hatters sew made to order
tEolettleillte ttl.i7ow."l'l". " 1t. 7 3Z at i d n a " l
Ygede'allget ellt=rVßegtlVAi gast,,
peered tolurplch their. ald automat . , ea well IN taw. pun
b,t ge i rr . lIVENT;tI=e, PittiVer.
J. A. 13 RO
• • :4: : • G lt t • 1 1 : t.
Plasertsfle—Reeidenee. eorner of Tbtrd street and East
Lammas. RtlestbruE.
Re—l.lnse, u.d. Mortar, Lntlt, L. few sale.
~DADf ItARIiiE, Veterinary Surgeon. into
tam 741ntannh. Sentland. would neFnentlnfir
A nt the public that be Imp conimennel M. , '" 1.1 . ;
ente:ll6:bt: and ; arcarcna alt.= whatere
In connection .11b ° 3= g 1=e. Ilona linnt= and
fi Ln general .111 be carried ons, t the corner
Tunt.l •weeaW Pennsylvania Avenue.
I •
RPY & LEE, Wool. DEALERS a nd
Cum Ilirrenant. fist dm ulo extmican
00[41, tia la I.oLtrtLrt.l . l,
d — i& W. HARTIAIIiiii, Wool 31erchaots,
I.olleaku tn Mar and Produce vnend Ir, and For
...ohm ca..thae. Dkrrballth 1/ 5
and lle !mond rtmet. PittAtanth.
NEVILLE JOHNSON, Engraver on Wood
Mein Den, man elm.) enuaarne• °
Ings, Stabil:tory. 'leads of N..npercr In
o. mutt,pi
, Drug Labels, la colon, Sego for vipkons,
detleaxadAxsociatk.tCalloctlitaxops.*,l. u.. era.ul
• • .
WILLIAM Ben.UCII.MAgS Lithograph- I
la Tatabllabiant. Tblrd Antal,amanita Um Past
N land.= ye. Porlaalta. Ebon
Itlllhada Mal:Mansurai and Ilaehlos
1/ranina4 llndnear ildtlnn Card.. 45aravad
drawn on i Ltotha, and printed In no lo". oot ..,an n. Emma. an
lI.E. tat Inamtarmayad Mk, and at the mat moon-
Dile Wes. **AY
WW. WILSON, Watches, Jewelry, Silver
Ware. and Milt./ on,norder or Muket and
Poarth strneta. Pitt ebargh. Ps. d 4 P.—Watches and .dnn.
seanw itenasArrs..
& Co., ItportereiTp3 - :td
aWholesale Elealeta Hardeva and Ceder), No.p)
1. end Weed. letatelrina.
10IIN FI'rZSIIitONS & CO:, - Mannfactu
op mrs of FLINT and Grum,: GLASS, MOULDS.and all
kthdr MACIIINNItT. take tble method of Inlimmind
thoee desirous of Laving ouch work done, that' tiler kre
preparvd to do It at the lowevt poradble ratty, at the abort
eet nutter. and In the best moans. at their estabitthment.
Send street, above Ole Ca Bridon.twar the Gan Wort,
Twee Iron* for Blank Smith and [bawl Torment mann,
fsrtm.r4l at the sbertmt maim, mot at the lowest nelerw--.
All kinds of Jobbing done on short notice.
Gas Fitting.
. •
. sttrec iw t,i p be itu ter b et usg et
h lV . oce p.. l . tatd
.r.i? 'Would Intim the public to their
nenortenent of
Chantletierh ., l;ouktn h. naa* , .
•;..,,,,. _ •
- ',,a - , They are yeeparect to ante
' " Una Flttlag on tha etenlost no.
tiro end menet reasonable term, [meth:,.(
. --
Wegner, Buchner & Mueller's
-Frill ABOVE FIRM respectfully announce
to thea ft - Ludo maul tbe yul.ll, generally. thut thry
preparvl to e.ecute, In the ant style of their net. all
orders ter ['bow Carl, Mils, Dlvlona, Checks. Vi.ttittg
sLiLI ProfPional Cara' M.', Charts. Labels. at..
ihTirbli:t:Vohn'"u,NWeiVin'yr,i;tr`E". k"
Bolivar Fire Brick Manufacturing Comp'y.
GLOVER, *KIER & CO., Paorairroas.
roletud /Leen. fur the abovepanted reueerta will
keep euntlaratt, oralmod eupuly of the eehtrratell bollvar
Vito Itnek. Crucible fire Clay. ilearateatal
They are ataa prepared to rawly. , rani., for raid Brut. to
he made itt oile mud elm, to suit porrhaeera, gloat
Ile do
Ile do nut deem It Lewes:try to enumerate the-traaral ad .
hatethe &Av. klre Brick ta—eneor. over lt./L..41ml
hate Leen offered for sale tho United 1 1 10tre, thete eat ,
Ling ell kturau to minuet all persons who use
Fore trick. The prourtetom hate determined • that the
Itriek eltaltloew none of Weir ureteral ettatablenerratatton.
stud that rao oy.nnl 71.11 be awed to mate than 2700
better thou they Late Leretolon. twos. Trate It the .11,
ettabrarlaraeut now toranratarturlou rin t rl k„,* .t l N ll,..llos.r.
oarhi 'Canal Baeiet.Sereutti nittati=ti.
. . .
Pittsburgh Gas Pipe and Tube Works.
T HE undereighed have just completed their
eod are now trainufaettarit, all #llOO of 1101 i PlPe3.r.
rotootirs nod otter I Wee. turd all elae• of
..toeh the, aler for aide at die iinnitt prier, The> are
It.ow urepated to execute ortlera ara, etteo , without de.
1 , 1104/ 0 CO..
0.1:01 at al tr 7. Water ktreet.
IVlTTalljltil 1.0 ,
NOBLELCity Flouring
y NO. fAt Litw.rty ear of Adams rt. I.ttßborgi ,
• •- ' • / • •
IV !CHOLAS V EVIAN, Civil Engineer.
Prauqhtmt.. end Practical 311ralraC aCeht Male ,
drtutpbta 21042 E fur the Patent Othee, deeitt. of Marta
nion Mitts, J
FelahlTOVl.Vt."auTilit.oo 41
lerbory rtree_ Illt•buroth. tanl4.l
13 A. SIA IEIRA, Agent for Delaware !du
i :•. L G•lj•junsranre , o • w.. ,
COFFIN , is.IILVI ER Agent for Franklin
/0 Fire In Company. north 'ea! , eraraer ht II 0 ,,
auJ Tlne4 .t ree a.
ILIT M. GL 811011 BIN DIE, W ail street . ,
V 4 1 / 4 .4 . treat the . moue, 05 Tbbol abet* u
rlnhatli dot, wry at laltatios watt utataitta
ant durability.) Maul. Boot? ruled to any Patterra , are ,
hound etthstanlially. BIVt, to rauraabern, old took.
hr revalreml Name: pato° 7110 lettere
Thom who ha, binding are Invited to ran. Prue. low
1.1•474 if
'COlt jr Sr. CO., Wliplesale rind Retail
,LT ManutaAurury. and Dualen Whe n
r.f NV.K.ll.ll , 4flllatrPuta. Ihtuburgh. drry
de, a full ant complete stork of Hsu, a. Furl.. kr.. of
u.rry quality sal style, by libolaeale and Retail. ant W
alt. the attetatinu at their riutzuk:l - 1 and purchiu.era plat,
all., a•surtne them tha.t tha mutt stlsatt
M. RV Merchant Tailor, O .
raper '
,T 7 l' c l ud r itmor M.P. 0n0... IT I.lterty et
New ar.h Pactory,Allegheny.
)Ii A. WRITE & CO. would re'
sperethil. inform the nubile that they bee*
r eread • op urn Lusek. between Federal and eamlnthe
streets. They are non. making and axe prepared to vends.
orders for every dee...ix:lone( 'aides,
which. Chariots.
lianurehea athrFtes, Pluntons. dn. ilth their
- experiente In the mannfacture ef the above sort.
=tithe facilities th ey hare, they fool ,uaa4uat they
" sr i aminor.~onsble terms with
17;t r iL:In U tti ' elrlTn t
thFeetre particular attention to the selection Of materials.
and barn= none het competent workmen. they hare nn
hesitation in warranting their work. We therein . * nth the
attention of the public to this matter.
X. E. Repairing done In the Lew rathner. and on the
nlmt reasonable terms. JatXef
BriGLE DI %TOILE WORKS, ,eet:ablished
1 , V2) by E113111N1) WILKINS, No. VW Liberty at ,
of %Cool street, rtiteburtthi. 31onunients. Curial
Faults. Tombs. Reads... 004 Mthtel Piece. Centre and
Iler Tops. always on band, and made to order.
N. 11 A dunce selection of Drawings on hand. late
HUGHES & are prepared to
de all binds of SLATE 1100FINO.
W EtnaCanal.
At Water W orks.. Fitts huri.h.
.1151-Saw ILoof pumptl yre red fob:a
A CA.13.11-1851.
cOrner of fourth toad Market street... litieburgb.
g nat the conamencement of th e Non Year. to re
turn fo rt
e hanks to their cuenaurre •nd the public maim.
all,. for th large Khan of custom ertendni to them. and
Inl ay the routinuanne of r
imtha Moving twceutll
enlarged end improved thrir o. they ere enabled to keep
on hand • very extensile sasortment of thends—tiod bu,erii
will bay. 11.0 saeslllagn of plenty of light to elltiniti .
IS - end rune their miltictiora. They design outing
their eymbliAlment, ae far ay practicable, • FAMILY
STORY. where every article In the
floods line, needed
r Vnitt,i*l.27..‘.roforiert'llr at '. I. r ie7:l '"d niaT - Volle t lranZ t v:
p ' rgie. u., uope to miike It the !merest th Warn.. .d in.
dividualL to favor them with their custom.
Va. The Will/LUAU: BUHINESS will be continued lu
the roomy up suirs--en.mice from 4th etreet. pr thrucial.
lime, room.
_. noun
Corner of Third and M.ketetreets. The only cbari
.1 Institutionof the kind n Pittsburgh.
Fenner .--John Fleming, Principal Instracter in the
Feiener of Accounts , .
0. K. Chamberlin, Pron.. of Penumanehlp. /dormant.
Computation. fre
Wetron, Pan., legion , on OutumereLal Law.
Th.. de
a oniplett koowledge of Int Keeping,
and Ito sppliration to. very bmich of Linde.. alto IL II ele
gent .d mind peuninuehly, are Invited to rail and
Me the arraneetneuts.
Lecture on Commercial Law every Winder nreninn.
I.ogeticie to nny of the nialdent city nuoirh.te. Plen.
EAGEE SfATtiii,l7 woßgs.
..,,-.. EsreaKisnro 1832, by EDMUND
i.._ WILKINS, No. 2.45 Liberty tt.,
bead of Word start. Pittsburgh. Pa
litenotnente,Burial Vault:LT.l6door,
....11.tle He Centre lira Pier Tope,
tivrayatiou lumut and mode to onler.of the
nun.. AboiLles, and at very reduced
i . , rice". et 00000 wham. of flruicringr on
.., :rlyii ..pert
~.... .. - N ,,.......,
~.."...... ruled
~Impor I ......_____ ..
, from Italy. I if - —-.
lion Harman Denny Clerk Tiernan, Enl.
1100.. Judge Windt. Juhu Harp, EN.
Won. Itolimeon, Jr, Eel 4....11., Jane, Eat.. Arehlren
Join eats., Km. ‘ , ..h . . • goon and . ,
P.ltsburph liant. nt.ier a Kabul. .
J. IL nhoenberger. EN. Hill A Corny. .bL
Wiii.on hlellatellers. Leip thou a Sargent. .1.
Hobert McKnight, lieu. It cu. Page*, A Co.
Joe. MeV. ow ..l. /lop firming. P. T. Morgan a Co.
Joshua Rhode, A Co Fruit . ..
9. brahrop. En,. Alloghon,.
P. W. feel. grateful fur the very liberal patronage r.I
telyed during [linen ,ens iu thin eity. burlap hot tle
largest sad teat yob...anat.! to literary. unto the Preset. ,
Obi, and will endeavor to reinter mansard,. hereafter.
.; faeturrr. Wary-mono 91 a 99 Third rtned.
Ir. W. weepnitfully Informs tile friends sodd
u....ntere that Le has now completed the Wert
am! Maud stick of linneht.h.l furniture ever before seen in
tint city.. he to ibeeirtolued to uphold the quality with
lleetioraird motorists. beet workm.Alp, and sienna Jr.
monthanti front the extent of Id , order. mul fsrillty in
ed uring. lie Ift enabled to piod ore w•rrnnt.' fore °.
Pare, at the lowed priors..
Ile bed" odupird the principle of identifying the Neter.
' Interert wi th 1119 01.1, In unslity mad pea. and It.,
le re on hand the moistest variety of every deverlitglom of
fnlifthrt . , fen the cloropiet and plainest. to the Dna t oe
17r.'`11111: 1 ,11 , i 5 0 c7 , J.° — . lZ,Tra :17 .. .1;. 3 ,1,
'on., Ile ttuwetum eu Ir , so loPpeetio. that ute wenn
!Wit ' : ehoi;._,rel,lti,L'ilh:;l7:f rl,iobt°:Zra, Vreaglti r
rtyle awl u alsh munot be 50rra...1.41n oaf
of the Cavtrtio
Parlor. drawing, dining. •nd bed-room theirs. Of eirtni
variety, roncieting uf rorewoed, mahogany and to
Ellrabethien. Oniteer , lttoint .d Many Claim. of nen' dr.
hiption; CA' Agin., Sofas. TO...aisle .4 Dinh, alba latest
"moth .3 American patterrtni Testi.. What-lioni, and
ladies' parlor Writing Meeks of 'Drama kinds: Wort Tabby
and barley intrad elands. music Mande, and holder, marble
top. mahogaiy. royewood and walnut rent.. anti eola. la-
Dice, eaten:don dining table mad e; ltesf the mcat Improved.
nod deddedly the beat kind card. Pembroke hall end
grgel'LiZ4 *giVlttal2lVonliarle=gie..g2ol:.
ottom.s sad a wcretary .d took case, side board.
an erten , towel rack, hat star... and mulic stools, mill.
nod cede for children; honer mash , . tiabin nod bit , Poi's.
tuahogality.meew.d..d tat pearl Tnblea Ar. dc. an
A loom ortment of Or.nion . Furniture and Wind..
Chain Cnet nothenloupplied with all acacia 10 their
Stemobeata end Robb, farnbleel at the shortest notice.
All enters promptly Attended to, Jed
.13OUNTY LANDS—Cm . . Coos. NAYLOR, i
Aunt-oar st Low, N 0.1113 Third id_ rorner nrCherrY 1
~. having made arrangement. for the purpose, rill
procure ItountT Lands far elvers and soldiers. their
widows and children. and win .tread 10 enr err hn. l.
nese, connected with the 10 , ....1. 111 t or any Otte Ilelso? , :
V ents, tbe Pension ofllos. or the Courts at the CII I
_. A2_
Drawing, Perspective, and Painting in Oil.
MR. D. R. SNIITII is now prepared to give
instruction to a few pupils In the different branches
to t adsliul art. at lib moms. to Mom , email.*
Atkinsot new betiding, Fittlearreet. between. heal am!
Market streeta. Mullet Itattlittton. from 'He toile, sod
frt. (3f, to (Si 0. b. Lbargee and other portdenlare no
kw.a by rah t o
(afternoon) Al the rooms. j. ,,, t ,
Eder to Dr. tiusam or in. Addlna.
- 'GEORGE — E. _ ARNOLD d CO.,
... 5110
No 74 filsortA St, tWof fo Bask of /Wert,.
towks*Vough eV:Lion ZedVi l "er a ' Addnis
W. rowrtMJAll....- ..............
..... ova ,
piffareildirliffi; . rdia-siViktig.—
~,N . N . N . Ct ..
2 N 6 NI i. N . GLIA- 11 ,
..LA alc.t.. litanw.u.tetitomre.,...aof 1,....„..ran0w
ritt,borgh. ra. ,
psAl to odd idles. Also —twaiers to
~tt,...112,!"...vr0z... to: dawS
an. c7OTM•
Q i i i r r Writ" —OINTIKC o littcYchanta,
i„..1 and Deafen In Dry Cloods,Ornoetieo, Iron lea Nslle
corner of Walnut street sad n aeldnitionTurnpils N 066
Totperart Hilo , 17•0
or TRE ..6
- . 4' 4. 4. ! .
foi T lo bLart : denuded or other Trawls are appolutrdto WI as
nalDer' E6v—AnuTiatat Sfraners.
.:wry WI. • ~. Ur.. 4 . 4.
WodurrdeT, Mara sehle.turdsr. 51,,,r_b sth
w.4....d.r.. - Istttr u l t 2 th
W'''''''..Ael44lo.d4: 'e WIN
Wauedar, 111 ay
Wednoadar, Ala, lualoWoducaday. ll_laT
SAlal.lar. . - dithlWedurrda!, _ .O 1 1th
Stunla, , _149
Jute itlolTedurmial , J., ,111
Saturdto . - TlNOlrolucaday ,
e3mrd.r. July AthlWedneaday, JLIT 9th.
aturday, ' - luthiWoducaday,
Saturday, fah.
An d uat Wdonadla A:1I. 2 . h
nlaturlAT. - . tethiWednrod.T..
- ^-• D'sdnola, Pip , . ~.134
. giil ivi,ane.iai. -:..- 17 11
siia';:i . ..4 - :
taid Y: _ -.. oath Werlurrtuq. . ' leth
1,,,k 7 0,.. t ,. .
~ihhh 1 1 i sv ii . e d :lc it .d :::: : ;; ;. i . c, :o . :
t i rt hh
. 2...1 trtalocettlay, otr„. tin,
Deo'. 6th Satunlay, cla
.' D. 1.11 Saturday. * -' •
Maori Line-1;W,,11-w.
•• • '
10111 1.1..11.1.§1 c 0 w 1.= THZ
................... 7.
.... . .. arrhiD.
Akira .New nrl.. ..... Saturday. Martial.
Asia. .......... - -Mew York ... . Smturdsr• Lytll /-
WO a 1.11.[ "JUL.
Atio. .Nt w Yori. Wedoexity.llar.
Ccoads ..... Wttlatt,taf.AorM,,?.
-.'iew York- ..... ....Weduradar.MMil
. ....Breton ......
d. 51, Mcw York Wedotsdar, at 4 .
l'ant.rge to ilaiifax. llo.noo. or York. I• td
calla. L,
dud Harr. Mu..--.U...t•uy Frt. ,
IMINt 51, TOUR Mak? !myth.
Franklin. , tl. Fr b. Franklin. It hfday,PdllvmlaWt th kin
4th Mar Humboldt Uth Apr
Franklin, - 6th Am Franklin, - 7th
Ilumbolat. •• link Humboldt, •• -1113
. 91,131 . y •• 2.(1
Humnoldi, .Rh June Humbhidt, •• Nth n.
Franklin. ad!, duly runklln. • • 37th An
liumbnidt. - •43,1 Aug. Humboldt, •21thMrl•
Fmnklin. 18th eNt.
18th (Mt. Humboldt. •• IPth
Frktiklin. 141 b No‘ Frinklin, •• 17th 0 8 8
Humboldt. 1 Rh Ihr.
(Man Stan Nuripalum (I,—dlorstAly
.Nrw 1.4 k
.No 1r 1 tak
Ws. luuktio.
ritult ORLI",
. ri4sy, Its, I
roa ,•“..p.••%1.
1 , , farad qrs.., Way* Near 1,1. nth uld Italb
of a-afaala ula.ufta. for Chem ma,
nonvasht, I-abrl leave , no lit mad ILIIk
•act. month.
I... Mute- it; iire. wintry, I. hand-m.lday, '
New lota, Eaaters,, l'. Oily. 411.1 Northern parte ..1 N. lora,
IMlaw arr. No. 4,• , 4.1 1 . 4 tbe eta New listakual lite...—
The lintoli Pentium.. of I.nwer Can-no. N.da ,rotta, aol
New Illutt.uyek. din', Arrleo4 el I 0 a .1.....ei0 at I r
Noun t aidean —lt, 1 . 4444.•111e ...1,1 Itultulay -Lure. Pa..
In:11411nd IL, ...nut... 01 Itradlord.Catubna, i',..utre, Chu
too. Jupota, 1.3 entuing. VlM.., lleheen. Potter. Peter ,
Tun,. l7ninn. and pail ut A% iottnotelatal, via Lir.llnuo.
%lama, evilte, raletu , 11.,...1., New Al.msolita. anJ lad.
ana mama, Arrow , ,1441, ..,. pt , 4 • • N.. Jo
y..utd duty at I , „ r W.
E4ll. -11, Butler. Pa . Me Crwetint.
...untie , . 11 . ..... en par tot. ew Yorke ol upper Catinda....Lnly •
A 411•44 LI SI I' N.: Wad tleparta et P 4. U.
b 4441449, tan Br...lmam—By ITa.Llnchiu. Pa., Anal,
Fa,, 7Zituer...d. Oil .4 Westmoreland tvuutt• Vlrriala.
',Lary hind, Italtnnorti,lr whitot.u. City , rut/them...lllot
ern pay. of ohiu aoJ loluto. Kentuel I .11111././almotn i .
...... A 'elan., Mkaouril. tlimtt.o. Arkaoran. North Can.
1.0,......1r0..1.....na1ana./Inrlda. aryl le./. &ally Ari me.
a , • r a and depart. al. or. N.
FI:re m. oe.1 1 , ‘ :1;;Ir11. - iLtley ' s ' i r21. .... , I R' s- " JVIk rw;ei. """ ittlit ,
mn. t'xmoll. 'Limey, and Tamara. rui ....uto,.ithiti,Jall,
Arrive. 011 r Y..; &patty et : • Is
Nueja truminte.--Itr Bowyer. Pa- ar.4 I.3.metand. I nil 6.—
Bearer C.-. Pa-. tblualtuana, Iratul , 4ll. Puma,. I. a.
A•litabule.r.terk. l l l erne. Ibatii... , a/ atinra. 50...,....e.
Kletiland. L..relri. Ilona. I/Ital./4.. Imo, rdantuakr. tloud .
nal Lucian ndunta, 000.; thelreitie nurttone ninon./
of the elates a Indiana anal 1111 ei 001, Including 111 Mleht
, C. , .. 1 , ... SW 115 ,...,aitt. 441,'. Arrlyen et II 4. 0.; Jo
par. at it r. a.
1 firm atirsticjfke,,Ohalyinatzr;,llo.toton. Fpzinafteld.Taren
i' t t. 0' yn..e:.73 7,' .ri. 14 '"ntrunLti . .. d
t ill,. latt:t ' ori n emT:7; C m lit . i.
rive. at oral depute at 1.. N.
3ltecite.-131 - Perrytellle. llesfonl. ZeUrontile. Portsnt
• Talc Ilatllnsbura and New Ind, Arrivor Torielarn.
1 iuy . tibsz,...iiiLl , fr i lzl,.! , : i
1 at 5. 1 . r a.: departa Motalayr,
Batuseitte —By Stu;weeni , Ball, Flute+, eine, and Mon
ormahela Illy. Annul Tuontero, Pridaya, St 4 n et, de
part. Bmlii....da.y. are' ratnnlaTe. at .1. a.
1.7M , 4110WN —ll,, rtnmit i . ann. )Iclieeet , irt.
Coil '2.1)!,. tloaleethtown, Itardlle , .. tortraver. liollyen.
.11. Cuutslowts. Yen-y.{4:4ls. ti n libeitdr. I . Prr MA'.
ton. Pa. Soiree mots, 504 Thorwlayr. at • A. 314 do
part* Ilendaer wait tharwilaya. at 4 I. a
u t ra...y, 1• —by 1, alter , ' =llls. Candor,
Pur,totimu. Cron tireeL. , Illade, Patterann'a Lull. 1ia....-
Bethany. la AT.. SUlNtitr , ..14 rhurula,, , . In a. a. 7
i th' itr.l.ll.i 'l l. ' . l . ' ll ' l l t tl ' n u r l yt ' i. ' ; ' l ' ultlnc. ll l...:Bla. Moo. ilosr
antra, FreAfor rpl7naa Pay Finrrio , Y. Amman' on
Frida , , at 6 e. e t
tt depart. on
taht.urd aeet 61. X
—lie Aoin. Norulitou,
atal Apollo.
P.. Arrives 08 Wedturaisso. at 8 r 0., elegant . on Slotolay
at 6.. a. . -
htunticao..-117 Locates Ferry. Ant,. on YtidaTynt II
t. ad departa cm radminiae, al 6 a K.
riaaaatta __B, PeerrartlO, Wexford. Breakavelt. Ogle.
Preapect, tt hitnnoven. ae_. trailslloo rl arren sr." o enaor o
onantlee x th ....,.rg.44..s.4iatba4b
tel.'4l.lAr d;rftrturr . 10tt:74 Lir Me trimmeklr. anat.
weekly. end vreklr .13141;1, mart I. In the Oflonhalf an hour
before their deyeirtare.
CoRISC= DanT 000 111 011711101411 000100 x. 0i
N. HOLMES A. BONS, Bankers.
N 0.61 XarLd rt, Galatea Third and Aortas:a f`attfrasta.
VENNSYLVAN/A.lBratsrh et Massillon •
Bank of 11114 j__- at Wooster--d.
Esehangs Bank of do--yarittranch at :Senna d.+
Mer. and Man. of do.---Dar Itranst. at 1 ounn.stown-....d0
Bank of Conotnecree... ..- -Dar Ott Bank. Chtrannall...--do
Bank of North Ainertoa-.par C.42,Derci•l Bk,eltecnnoatldo
Bank ofNortlent.lherticadwr , l , tank.llo 11ank.......... ....... In
!lank of rerov...rrranla......partLal.., ewe Bank ....... ._......d0
rank of N T
Pawn ustneWts...par.Olno I.ife I no.* Trust C5t.....0
Bank of the Colta4 Stat. 121Wettern Tleacree 11ank.......1,
Cosoloarelal Bank of ra--parlltar k of Nlaseallon..---....-do
Ilumters' k. lb...hank? Ilk Du leuvil I N042.........,._.....-....k.
410t0n1 Bank.- peal NEW VINOI.AND. ,
Kertainkton Ilank-1.....--rar . All rd rent Ilanka-___......!.
01.nufsc.k.11een Bank.....par NEW YORK.
Mpaq.aak , ' Lank
M07.0...10,11..1... 3 ..-P..rc 0040 3
Pluladaltdd• Book . r", MARYLAND. ...
rtonthwark Bank- purißaltintore
Tandem:sure. Bank. r. l c...Tr. .•
W astern Bank..-. ,-- --par E.SERSEY ADELAW ABS
Bank of Clunberabwrgh- X All nolynnt banks-- ....... X
Bank of (.2tenter C.unsr.-Par
Banker Danville par Ban% of ths Valley
Bank of De 1.1.63.. Chester-pet/16k of Virginia, Mehl:mod Si
Bank of Germantown-.--par Ex. Bank. Va., Norfolk__ X
Bank of Otttroburuh....- Mintralene Danko( Vlrlala 1 , , ,
Bank of Inlets:town- -MereLants• t !Ds+. Bank ).
Bank of klkhlletown.. .... X North - Western Bank- ..... X
Montardnorr lkallank - --par Branehea . ... t. ....... ...... X
Bank of Northoutberlanddar, NORTII CAROLINA.
Carlini...Rank- ...... --..... !k ;rank 0 ( CaP^. E!,•t- i
Colundas 10k A Itrkine Co rt , 11.11. of :It. of N. (aeohna...,
0.0, hank I.f i Commerrisl lII.M Bodo, n _
F... 401/ Rank id. Merchant ,'. 2
Eris Bank ....--. 2 .-. .. ... 74 501/311 CAROLINA.
Farmers' Bk of Locks Eo-par Bk of the Pt. of S. Carolina 2
Farmers' Pk of Lanc.ler.par Bknk of .011411 Contllns-. ',
117n1:"..0I.V.,!`igilldu'c'fl.1% ii,i.l.°L,rol=ll‘l7t;li.k.
'4:Sakkrln'll.M:Va7l=r4; Angola iti. " : G ß L atklntt en .
Itorrtabaritllk b'
llonerdale ank ...., .Fiesit f Asemitle. . . ... —. ,
S e ill of ° Urstimaialt, Augusta
Lantaler Bonk In, TENtil6,3lf.R.
LaneasterConntY Bonk.-.1.r All roleent hank "
Inhunoti Lank Id, KENTUCK V.
Mlnere Bank of Pottsville X Bk of Benturkr, Lonisrille X
Monongahela hank par Bk of Loulsville,'ftranston ..
West Ilraoeh Bank X Northern Ilk of Krlallicty 3 .3
Wyncniug Bk, ) kllkellsorrspar oull.ertl Ilk of-Kentucky
'ett'f'Note ''.' Bk of State of Mir.ouri *
1)111137 .- ' ILLINOIS. ......'
lain Plate Bank tk Etats Bank and latehes.. 51.
Branch at Akron do Bank of Illinois
Brunel. at Athens-- do WISCONSIN.
Brooch et Iltidnettart_...... do Marhoe it Flre Ina. W. chka 6
'Brandt at Chlltoollss do 61 I 1.11 I DIAN.
/trawl , at Clavoland do Barmen' Me hauler' (lank 6
. Branch at Toledo do tiovrtnmonit Ptak Rank... . . 1 . !
Branch at Dayton do I,llnoular Ronk
Branch at Dam.... du I tourzurr O.P. u I
Branett at I.6.lusuboo do State Bonk 0
Brava. at Ashtabula do CANADA. ,
Broneh at Onlent to Bk of B.N. Atlnerlso, Toronto.
Brash at s.laustekl do Bank of the reople,Tonnat.d.
Brand. ut Malty.. do Book of Montreal
Branch at INueluoaU--......10 thank. of 11l- Canada. Toronto s
Branch alColunsboo... .......... EASTY.H.N EXCLIANUE.
Brawl! atlkathingtan_....d.. On New Cork to re.)-.......,.
Brooch at Cad's.- ........ 031 rhiloslelphta do.
Brooch at Lancaster- do On Ilsatimora do.- ......... X
Branch at Mt. 3.11100.......d0Ciudemal
Braude et Newark do I.ouix will..
itrourhtlel?rtn i` al 7 l/. ......... altrAti SPECIE VALUE
licaneh at Marietta. do two Elieitistt 1 , 0 00 ,
Rms.!! at Troy- do do Patriot 15.60
Branch at Mt. Eagle. old ; 111,0„)
Erase-eat Zaneavilla........Ja Boni, new - ..... -....10 00
Brunel , at NOrsoalk.... do rnaletieloal'unt....... ..... . ..N.
Brunel , at Piqua do Ten Thslere 7.5.1
Branch et ?salons...db.-A° 410100a5...
Branch at Kato, do Novereinno 4.113
Brunel) at R0tenna...........d0 Tent...older. 4,0 d
Brooch at Challeothe.....aslu 6 t0...10.00 lad
Ilnarch at COTILhog. .........I. U...., :X
Brunel, at Tolodo 1 do
Mnrch 14, 1861. I
'f BEING DESIRABLE to Planetitute lOcks
and key. of acme other kind for thaw now Iv WO 4.1 r
until awake of tbe Undid Roden. riWlll.l locks mod
tem with pr opwale to furnieh the wane, will be receired
and tionelderol at Nernst uni. Impartment, until the Ito
day of July ue steno different looks will be eubmitted to
nonmilitant, for endultiatlon mid report. Upon
Mi. re
nn. contra will, le soon as practicable. be encored sop
So (Mobbing end. Into and keys Air four yea., with the
~.„.r istit,
t o o n . t . tg
. y d ui r rt od o . f T u e n tr . t T nies h.,,,, te n r ir t ,... lene, nd it
~,,,e for the for tline .. .
n o r m of four pins, by gluin tanhe contrulor
a wnttou non.. to that effect. out more nine nor biaa
than ele months Wont the tormitialkm of the Pratte= of
i lflici n fa ' Aew of procuriprewsited ng the ben Itek lathe
Dew oeitDM... I
no kind. of lock 10 an &pleader.]: the partment
relying for o selection °a the mechuical *kill and ingenu
ity which a fair competitine. lime iron e d, n, o , develop,
it fa howeve . pwiper to nate. that a lock imitable for the
ITIIIII unite st eer,
paw.. the f..ilowlme .inslitiee. via du
rability uniformity. liglitotoa end out - ninth.
lbw tim porpou le diAphicins timnitaneouely all the
mall Mae and keys now in nro. about thirty thou.!!
new lookl. and twenty tioniennik key. uhpud theye n ta .. 7iii
to..artTeaVert.t.T.f,Lnglylb'ino..!:-bev,t.o.l,,ltri„.. :It
toretarde the-unual nubbly will depend on the dUrability
of the locks and key, adopted, as well. thaill(V/S0 of the
mall terelon bat it edit probably never even! In anent
t "ito lock will be tiorifildered if it he like any areedf to
rm'illiEsrowVit - . 1 .1 ` . ' 7 :211 1 ,7,, h ffgh7gftli' , I ,
bs. to Motel:entre...l for t for ens' otbor n... 9...
or tiee than that of the put Om er a
Tho kind of loci. doped meet be patented. and the pa.
Unto. will h..1. 14 .....tering into anuct. to make
an aulmmunt oi his patent for the excludve Ou and lein.
i b t on n:: eit b7 reci t' ul P'l=° r rth fe ' i l eue if"r' l ' i l to l Lti th o l i t ' res °e ts l o fna f th ttui ll'il ii
e t,. In cue of the fame of the contractor at any them,
to y o wl feithfully the term) nal conditions °MP contract. ,
the Poettuuter General alai) have the right, berldes a resort
cot. penal remedy hereinafter mentioned. to stand mln
convect. and to canteen an With any )her lin.T or
[ nee a• he any we Ila for furnishing Aniline locke alai
lodeeldins upon the pros...hi and ecimens orbial. the
Posleter neutral may deem It eapet to for the
theouah mail. flan lock of one bidder. end Mr the wet' meth.
that of another. lie rumen. therefore. tla right of row
o l te r oo dos with different indienual• for melt tittle:moat kinds.
iilf loot. an be may uleet,,and elan Oa right to Meet al
be neeimtne and proparala lf in anal deem dal mute
for the intuutrof the Deurtment. The party or Perth.
cosi will bee...mind to glee too& with genie
curtMe M. of thirty thousand dollars. for a faithful
permanence of fret contract the contract le to oentain
predidons for the dna and proper impoctlon of the locks
and tart. . ...d alto for guarding acalnet )err pawn, into
t i pli ki i'Pr'P. M. Y .l l , ..reir d n ' t t . h th e tiexinin fr''. coegal " th " re ' u l ...e k ertfol ' trdde ". r..
§oappludionurilthemneklenal If not scoompardedwith-
Mtbfactoryevidenceof thetrutworthy character of Shahid.
der, uul of Ida Minty to feltil tba mi
M. IC: BALL. ter General.
RNING, 18, 1851
lbe n l=r roWred.od ":•lor nb-1
om - ei r-
MIMS OSirrra
AMU /A 136 1 .
The market wlis generally quiet. V.h.d.r." .1 " .-
tions compundive/y lieht A, fair sirtierailmaineas, bare.
irrer, was &dun and there was no marred dumb* he IV ,
FLOCK—The remit*. Temente,* mitiromloT to .t.."11X)
-bbl.,. • /arse torrion of which was Ibrahim:lmM A beta .
feellutt rat aubl4ate.l lb the Market, with a.. bum..
moot /It Priem. The nit...too au wharf amounted to 500 or
CM bbriiin variant lota at f3X(Pel6@33o 11 bbl, nenord.
Mg to intallty and brand. Fr® store we aurae SUS@
3,500, about the ruling Mrs, 'with small sales Ito env'
cosmumptlan. !Met of city mllle been made to a I.Ur
c0t..., to go out of the aurae at 13.00 'M MA mntild ,
steles by Mail. nt the mule, at VI cod fler rote,.
EVE' FACll3Artiales In small lobs from first hands at t 2.57
eneLfrunt store at Vratl,o3 Id bbli -
CORN MEAL—The market l dull, oAth =tall tivld •
tom store at Coat& Til bur '
OROCERIMI—The martial bay for come time . bee. QUI. ,
but prim. 41711erallr ' WV very' Orm Vole N 0 rimer is rel.
Ilan Lo limited lots by the IMO et e 1006%, and common st
Clef/ P. Holo . remains very dm, at 36/3.3 8 Ke lil Val,
eat Intiors refute to sell barge lots at thee. Itaure• illo
Coffee may be gaoled at 11150131 ii, at lo , 1. 4, t 4 Y. E•l"
loaf mum 00 Atalbc, end drift et 414 . 0 h..
GRAIN-ITb bare no change to nal., In groin itc
menial- ant-band rats ire, OR wheat MIS. Ma 40, bos
ky Itaairi.mra 37 K. and cede at 10(0310 til tan.
lIACON—The gambit antinues buoyant, at folly quoted
rates. The (alleging are among the tales which W 401400
ye:team—tiara/0 to .Wet at :Se nah....L.Sekeedu at TX
41 9: Cyoo Its ell.lters Fla, sal hams, at 6.b. 210 cod
We far Mims motern reed city cured: country owed is
selling at lawir mfr. dale 12 ter 'agar cured eartesaentl
ham , at lOtae W • We may remark that mime sidetara
nor held st lA , Ai ie. ead hem.
LARD—For rant a .:twk." to ...vent. , 61 n, we elm re•
port no heavy eales Mita!: Iblifttlatlte are the fair rulitie
day,' of the market. e!..rue bunk.. hare arrived 6.11 b.
Ut 11. {mat 6.r.6.00 4 fur alaipetteut raft. ' I
111.1L1 MEAT-431,x 4.400 It. ild.ea et G' a rash.
11.11-114 , market le very hem, ut full prima New
,10.1 is held at 1511.50, mud uer herring at S; 11 bt..l
; N e w
of No I Utta-krrel at .3131r0, N., ..! vet SIC, east No 3 at sant
4 1 1.41. dabs erilfoh at SI w ewt of •Maion at drib mid
white nett at Stmt.= W bbl
FKATlltilts—buiddiet me ur.lentte,
with ea1t...10 mall
luta nt :040.4;3, it D .
eOBl.B Anil—deb. of 101- , 4. at 31ar. 4 rue.
%I Illt , likl —A un..l..rat.• tualuer.. Is dult, lit 1:16 f..r
revel 6e.1: , a
. . . ..._....
.Ountil. I ".
TALLOW-4xlcs 11 WA. Iu 101.. at it 7 1 lb.
SOAP—Sale* of nolo soap at 4c IA p.
CANDLI:6--;.14 . 3 of ..o.r raod.l.l. st 7. , 4, of la oul , l
.1.1.,m1 of elvirlnt or It 0..
10 mite sal .0.1 , 1)•
So 00,1
vimilvi A TiIIIACINt t11:111 . —A Irt4r fnan nu Intel
wrot hou.eln tliehruntnl, rot:ll4lu% the full...wit
..I.l.llnstrslu ntallou 0. thy tobacco crop in that Plat. fro
.01..5 It null t. ...en that 'the onsotill rtt.rtnl v,
LA. mut+ , 4014081111 , car, will tall 4.114 ltu. Waatu
heretalb,evlrulatAl nu
113rVolum, V April T. ma
Pten. , ms ix 11.. x. m ;An V1At...3.
%Ana, a
To wart. WA 131 W htelr Vlcgtola awl west•
ecu. brought Iru-nt Ne• Turkana haLUrleact.
re-in , , , ct..1 sod •inl-aoed alx.t.
0.1.1 tor leKhlnews welwbt hhdi
this )ear—er e rates ....tang Irma
.01) be were uot etruute.t. thl• year they
toolang ...r0c...1 • l .at
Atal P. htse luLroxal numbs, about 11 *tout.
The reealuts of 1, tt wham. are not trtore thaw half the
quatalt, swelv..l hot ear. The !wawa. erttroate at th e
rroyhow mule Is 22 to op t
Ilumufacturers heti...they will be CeteJ •unsrUel opt,
titioa,t, Waal 1.11 for want ot aut , [ 4l . at 1./.
Mate is Vuthtm,—The Legislature of Virgioia
on. or dr. of bah. establishing Olds •
ent I ant , a Lta bath, of btam stocks The , tAmb
/are levn the re
of math &Isl./on It the t4natr.
a.W bxvirm pa5...4 that lady rah mast amenAmentA mat
be regarded A...ambit:thug the µdist of It.. flat. them
the eulneet of Itereseing the birthing ealdtal.and shall
future prinsinke upon which !malting lastitutsons
le hated. She folio...lug ars the fealnres the arts . °
lelehttitnalsags on the hash of S.te st,ork in the loge.
of mel Staunton
1. it &pail with the TIVASIIII, of Mats stock. original.
M for Improvement °mutant., to the anuolut
Of the charter.
P.. The ageention lb
dellrery of them.. fur circulathn
enuntarthrren l hr the treasurer at the etym. of the
A An oblipallen te pat thesame stipulated buns, aid
Vi Le . p on band the mine hroportien of sheet* ss other
1 Making tile elockholders perianially liable for the sir.
mtlation. each AL:nal:older to an amount equal to the Meek.
beld by him. for the express mandato* the hunt.
Itor.rticktz. 140,
Cattlk—The candy of Notre* st the rooks to day,so u
etooeu,ea.tlgooloookoorou ow, ereall.ooot ...t0...
totem. Dttokeo tlook Uot Look., •
oft,oiov koo ood ..:10 Loki, 2,3.. of which were *old to
cty butehers. akt.l 'X were let ores ouraLl. Prkeo caw d
kora $3.5 , ' to f 4,00 Um rqual ra9,75 oci
toorsakig74. 3
lloge—Therr lortkr lento. to tba snort... We gook
to. jet„::,
April 14. 1011.
Mid ted Stater Ca t i W , 117 101;1 . tie•Wrjull
110. 10415.1. k?
Penne, ['auto 6' • ...... .1u; 11 , 0 1 / 2 1. ,0 1 1
1/... too 1.6 : irbk
.... ..... !Joe ! )(ay A Sur
.Ule pu. coup. n a,.orp.,luu 06 ; 1 , 5 I do
Du. onup.6'r, 0 ° I
rii.,..hurgh city ll3l no
00 07 !Int. o
1/. conn-6.:.• Pb11 'lnt.!.lar o & Nu,
-A"" 61: ." 01 : ,‘,` 07 •00 ' do
sark.,tookA • I
Honk uf 50, 55 , 54 , Dir. Sol' , arm et
31,rrhstnte ig Marra Dunk, fol)
Bank . al. 5'2
A.M..aheni Saving. 14.:
. 155
tuona xmraa.k
.k•.• ..1 lib• Mew
DI 1.00 S‘.rct
Ihnd ...... 51y 40 .4
Northern Llbertte , .. •• • to, .. 7.11 ,
ilinhro•mort nrulre .... I . •
Virllrro 1.1.100 ,
Citizens' Irottraiste , CO -
Af...nelated ittrmun'e
rtteghto ..... I ( l ', o 3 Dr et
I.lltallor,b. I,esdev llls •+. l l
. 4
4. 4 600,
1. tt: r .17;11:1;1 : ~ 0
j :
1 "
VOL aursttavratth , . •
MocutuFsbrh• blatimatert 1.1 40
gkontr4 40 •.•
P ' , ' • ill:.le ' 4 ' 4ll 8 1111 Hood 6. , 441; 44
°tin a 4,1,:r.5 1 . j 7.7
Itelr.e.tand Ball
Slarino It. Wif • Dr,' llork11? 1 i lu.`i 119 . 1 1/11r Der 4 pre,
Vayotte hisnu .. .. to ,. .
isle Canal W 044.10 1 ,1) 50 C/
11u. dolttae l .l-1 1, ?1 6 0
Turtle en.ek Iblank Road, 117.1,„;
A& Pk BJ' I ~ 1••• ,
lireenrbg. Turnpike
carTta I ,
1.111014001 & Burton 1110 ILIIT ISW ll°
North American.. ....... ;
North West. , 29
I ron Ca) 6
ttln Ad .u lale Rural
Ohio Tron
ire.... ••••••••—'
Fir. 5444._ .....
STOCKS WANTED—Bank of Pittsburgh;
L". trst . . r w 5t. 0 4..0 c.J. 74 Fourth a.
tiTOCKS ruit SA hil---Monougabels Bridge t
North W4,44ru Book of Whoellur.
ap7 ; ÜBO. AILNOLIJ CO. 74 Fourth 44
Baru Stock for Sale.
NOTICE ifi hereby give* that an compliance
with the requisitions of an Art of Atrienihir•nritoor
. rau a.y of Herrn there will he offered at pfHe
I ,4 •4ll: ;. l . l 4 it } t , flAu b kAgllr.n . lON X TH
of➢rowoxrillo. au
Wrosrecur. tn. 'ill nine aclr; 4 ll ' N! k le to
et 10 &Aron. A. onleiut the areefore:
apts , D. S. KNOX. Cannier.
Eastern Esc tinge
N , EW
WM. lILLL t to..
Car.raroatir far Mk Vr
I PECLE.- 1 -The highest market price paid
15 for Amerionr and Forei g n EILVER , end for Foreign
U .D, at the Exchange °Moe of WM. A. HILL C CO..
apV2w 111 Wood at, Al door arm Fourth.
- -- - - -
Boai-d of Undennitera
IT a Meeting of the Board of Underwri
tem. the VA berm; resolution was ucianimouslY odor
(and ordered to be puhliched.
liendred. That from and alter the publication or flair no.
rice, no Vire Itiek. whether orisinal or continued. afrall be
nrroddereal as taken by uly Ituruntura Win to this city,
eetil the premium ir paid In one.
Br erten
Reeratazr of the boi.d.
. ._ .....
Dub. Dried Apple..
I Dbl. Dried Posetwa
lob 0. V. 1•101111
910 dos. Corn Brooms
W/ kegs sod bbls. No.l Lard:
bbls. Moll Dutton
100 buob. Timothy Seal:
10 cute Potash;
10 esolus Wars.. lo .tors sod fur ssi• Dy
sp7 .1. t R. FLOYD. flood Ctsurcb.___
1310 11t6N---35 tom Alleghenv,
afro by
.07 J. yD.
101511-31a0kerel, Salmon,tl -Lake Trout,
for ado by op 7 JOIIN Warr
41110 - 1 - C - Soo . hap awed Nutt., for eale by
ski.Y 'JOHN Warr
BACON , 11 casks llama:
g i got &ow u o 4iou boon
Cor , 31. r, fox tsar by I,IJAII DICKbY • US), .
wary sod Prost ow
IPTTON-5 halet• landing from et:. Cape
I—) May. for,sie by ay: ISAIAH
FEATHERS -17 eackn landing from etr.
~ ..
...,F.:,.. :,. i: 11, -glf .
Rtsms.-41tere were 6 fi•et... 0 10401 in rthisusl, 07
pier mask; list immix.. and
Mlebtout.,Boier, Braver.
firtsvcr, Ounkno. Dentrerr.
Attuntk. ibtrlrJurca Bruinurnlle.
ElbloEre. Hendricks::. McKeesport.
Itedstous. , Wooluord.Drownteribr.
Mesoragor. No. R. Fisher. Eltelnuatt.
Mortal. Euittrell. Wheeling.
flustott. Dubuque
North Devitt:ok. Nor Orleans
blichitrun. 13,4,, m
Bearer. Oordou, Warr,
Pifer .
Neetynrt elrtcn.
Iledeute, Wocutsard. Illcurneri
Brilliant, Gram Eutcinnutt
TuoturozU. Murdock, W.:14.111e
Pads, Gleunlor. St
LITUt C 411130. Cincinnati.
Kr. , Kllnetbltcr,.Louirrtllc
Peru, Brouh
Cantrell, WbreE.C.
D Leech A (VA Pa.N.g . vr ParkiA nt m Ana
Ann - ILL .-1111)111,1r ,
Curet 'No . 2—,4 btl ~ u tton. I' Mc-
Cormick; J cats V.l.Snb. W tm Imam, ll L<cb s la: 00. GM,
•11144e1, J krott kCo I it End, .J K butlrr a bro . , IV
bbl. Ham. Berl okls • :Ater; II tlntt k trkr:
do, kleked.v a Cored, o bLtnnplydl. It Morr., 3 by itrAr
laurrA. J Immo.; Ido ah. 4.4./ It Idiltiobrelrr: 1, 4
Mercer a IluOmo, G 1,11 k Oks Incop, Blughoto:',1114.1
week Clark Y Thaw:o bl.dker Skin, bell t 1.1.,ge1t. 4044
kad, 4 Ltd. tog. abry Ilaslarow kudalo
re ,tY Olt Om and rile*. tollt.rfroo
0 .CTEE—Pra 9.CIC-47 .11.. II ht do, I or .1,
liolyrk 4 4ros Ilepwra. 2. boa butts. J Cauteld: I
• berm,. bk 4 vokster-.11.041,,:,
rolls polar Boil Liggett, ILI barull. hb.dtva
do !rot I do' Oran.. .rate
feathers, Z. 41. k mr. raft, ak. lard. I-0
dor brooruk, ick a 31.1...r.11...
VALLSTOS rL. ewriar doz J /.7.1.00/.
maker 4 L'a..X.4 d, , It rk. tub., J reuntrt. fot.,l‘. taurtota. S. I'
30/tller.3ll.lo,,Fur+sth 4 ecc 10 Ili,. rivruol,:
'3 du buie1,.r4..11.14..., Lnolrrta FlLtpt.vo: vu do. 000 10,
1/.0 1,..1 /10 IturAit, 1 1.1.. 101.,
111/V.O 4 tke..../0 white lead J Seha.poul.ker. do.
0,/jeu 1131.1. do. 1../
/le. Li.illllC•txr J I.S bm. •
11ELVIII.VP.—hrt Tl,ca/,1 11“.ar. II a if
11rIh,LaJJ: ::u SweAr.,l, 3 /1011 , timar. r II 110 . 1-
I.laglc II Icy, 6011/, 05/ 1.3/4 /A,. 17 W.I. 9.01 r. twiroo:f
a 70.3er, 7 10/. ,10 Lads, It t: Iti
0..11,s; :1 ,. .k0 I era. enribetrsr, Vxdrto
0./ur, 39 unto .00 , - urn. 11 110datl. 10 10.
1 11a/ /01,11/rel
514, tlour. 4-1 , , V.11ky.1. 1 / 1 A
II Ural:lSt:. 1,511 t.otyr. frrov.ll d
41. f . (.3ark T1N...-. ato wbrat- Wlll..artli
Nobl, 6 1 , 1,. appl , , 1,11 11, 1 1.1.
. .
• •
..W. I kg• nakn • Vor-kth; 1.4.11 t(..111: ;4
R. 4W,
lilVlS—Prk N. 0.70
Llk deergltur.. II urnll a Ca. 11 la, tr0k...1
Alag., Curling ituberk..... J II Ku..‘.
clgskt tano3,l bogwam. Ite Hour. 2.10 0 3 00.
I I. 00,1 WA sugar. I kg Nr.l. II guk..hku.....0 41,
, P I.
Ilryant. 40Isgsl 011.2:1 IlsrLaut-ig
L .S;%Val..rumu. I IA ..11 k I.aug. lu LLI.
!nut: I bkg W. 1.. 1 It Ulna, 151 lgumni. ar u
4'r. 1.15 114 141.
41. -
IC/ HI4 - 711
hr- "1 -
- r,vt
UrnvkluE—Prx Irga.
Ilr% DS:a Gra bun, I.lmrworytt 1 iv II ,pl. •
Ithe, tile... a C..
z,rntr if Fifth awl R alma Stro.•(
CINCINNATI, 1111111.
".Slncorl.orateJ in 1o:ill
R 111COtt Ertn'ii."l
I. /I Wet ttfil uIT L. I, on .•
11 S. BACON.liftEt. ion, it ni YofOrn his •till
' ..- " ..jr2: " Z ' at:k r I.; r it.. l l l . l •Gi n ile it r= l7 .i li . ' i b .
10.. u. merit r00t...1in0... , unprooletatol "no
role. that ha" attended hie effort" durinj the to": loot.
The utalityt f IntUtottnne of thiodoteopti. hat
PO establiehed br pnot.ral drmonstrations. en
Inn to oilllyl attewted by lb.. thonetimin 'tie" My. enio7
r 4 the advsntarce of ihra inurnete.n. a. no btu o to re
goire either arrnment for their nut-pert niv
thrlr Write.
The plan adopted In teaching combine" prnotiee an
theory: iminead of nelng Nolo, the pupils ere toreci.o.l
=kin r. or entriet tif everyday bu"inot try...action".
Journalizing. Morino. !Wanting Ao•ounte. 1
riming , • great
. ...let) of diffennt ren. Ti Rod e. bib IT
tiro t ,' Rt . :ITV/ h et an 111 "
"tudrot fur enter - Inn Into the tor-Clod I}ll,ll I, the a
ntant In any kind of h....".
The rouron o f Instruction 111 comet n 1 LOA; ELL L\ -
Tub WOK KEEELNG, embraelne every dernricernt I
trate end Merrantille account , . rut
mbielore. Exchange. Itinking. "lunufactnr n,, ohip.en
Partnertli p. eteattalexttn.t.andlisizonnd
Itualneesi.Comnierclal Eraetical p
and Unintnerchil u r
puols are I. ted and not in o
that , studentx m enter at io y aratternces, in tie
ratto of their caps ity and araidnlty.
Public ex... 1.00. aro had (tlacu."ll pupil" iair
load privately Ir t try desire ILI when the studett und.r.
gt=Eti , and tkorough Interne 10 by the Principal.
a Committee c.l Practical ArtolltlilltlLl and El.
stoma Man, and Diploma awarded ui theoe alto our deew
worthy of them.
A coarse r. to enmpletnil In fmna on to tett weeks.
And In owiclutilon, the Prinripal would
star thatthat curl
thing In his power will be dime to advaraie od.nte.
*to vtootti-tot.r+tftteNtoti li
and hie extensive wen... , re with hits:nee. own...
nity , vill serene enable hill pro ure fillltatulltt fir
those deatrous of ohtaning
Terms—For • full M... a I. "eons In Loot: Keetun,.
• Writing. Commercial Law. de-Flush.
N 0,157 Dimly rt., Formerly 113151. markTrfa , lo.7, , .
3. T IM. .3,, of fr. sio,CNCI.,4 . X. 1 .
vreit3i;.76.7.t .Lo the public 333 33113. Vs‘;'''ti67.7*",Yl
wTOlle. at the abor ert,Tm they shall •
Trlne kerp • full unorttnent thr belt strrak-Iloselle and
Trittel red .d white Winer. Alen. dart nue pa.-
ofthor 01v:davit rantager. Jamair•ruru.lln.l l ..t
F( Irish champagne arri rraritling hock irlurr.
of the approvr..l brawl.. part lorlerr.llarlerra.
nturrat Wtnnr. Ab,rath.., Sc. .k10c.ran1..11..113.1 , 1
firrrinir. Lhni.urgh All afehlrb thr,
will .311, whoirralr. nr rti.l..lllll34...lnurrornbl -
One of thr partner, Mr .. rrnrl. ,nottnuing . hta
Impartation lourrnow rho city of IS York. thr
L enabled tn aril • chraprr and a th•tter ankh, (ban an
other honer In this rity. elrare Ore n• a call, Irrrorr orr
eire,,,n,lll,nuppli..l fr, 3131 ar
n i l l t7hVe M h 'sr?rt
rotollorn ill par Ittn , L• for American pityrr . m,1,6
Tamperanceville and Noblestown Plonk
Road Company.
IVOTICE is lierMiv give° the Sith
ere of midl'..mpani. that they tnake . p. te t
Haas If argent. Treaeuryre th.
Dollar. on each Pharr tY the nn the In.t ftlon.l sn
ekhnti_rvery hertaller. until 11, wh ,, le stank e ,
3:1 4 1 d y
Prom,ggi""''' i'P'g;ltrc.N.
"ii`" T.
lEAD PIPE--Cornell'n improve.l puteui
Lrsa Pipe for IllyPJn
Wines and Liquors.
' TlVlr ' ;u ' lle
All liti'llork lsmd and to A fzle
ALEX. Nlor.lllloßlh
1,1 Vneat
Patent Combined Grinding and Bolting, or
l'ataturyli, Po .41.trdi 14, INS[.
rtN . o THE PUBLIC :--Itin have now in use.
R I n `
our Flouring % s
H. two of ...JR...n . 0. ebtrles ,
r tt
rdllar M tin i ;;rthroftlit ' too ltuito., or detstlrot lbr irran not
The first In perfectly adapt...lto Ito use, doing the wort.
fla well so lodrr stonc.and requiring notch b.,.
pawn...kiting It runty:arra, in • Nl..giant NIIII, to fowl,
run of burr stones. drat e .11 co-t re) 01 .:111 to P . 2.tess
Tbo latter, es ft Bran andl)ll4/ sd,ur..r ooJ du,ter. on.
jun., ,an actual sunlit of about 0,, lb , rsto ,
of the 0111.1.1 froto IL. Hill.
For tuannforturlnn tbc raNr ['rain loin Flour, it
work so 7 wllly, producing a good artlrlsof supertinc Ylot tr.
and baring ihe dusting ePparatus nontblu.d. IL si north ,
tit* attention of )Illlent dots: a uterehnot loriint,, - .'afttl for
P d.'lol
W. the undersign...l. c0eva1...3 In the ^Papburg6 City
flouring Mill," mrlliy lu
K. g. Aoris.
A .1.
Molted to the lath Dietrict
The hill to roues Moutoug County to Colum-
hia was killed this morning by it lie vote. It 1
was it, a ditferent abope from that litti preisen.
tea but its horrid fentnert wane still the same,
and liovin it wait pot oat of the Senate. Th I
~,,,, l o t bard: hat .1 think, and hope they will
lee tiertnitted to die, even (Ilene , it be struggliog.
I'. 8. The Aepreprintion Bill hos joet passed
the Ili•use. •tv amended it appropriates sll',•
Zeno. to the North froth Canal, sre'ooo to
the Portage Itailrotol, the =aunt to - -01, ,e,.
timid& in avoi•ling planes on the Western side
of the mountoin—and provides that any surplus
in the Treasury is to be equally divided be.
tweet, these two work. The_ fund derived
from the sale of old materials on the Portage
i Rood, rendered useless by the avoidance of
__ „Atirlm. of the Planet. is set apart to the lin re
jUNT REC'D AND NOW OPENING ! IT silent of that Rood, On the passage of the bil
T ; O.Y P "'-
wm., ItIUBI - S, N 0.1. 1,41 UP., tiritu.d.
A very large and atterior idea of P.olaiiinablr ti...d.. , the yens And tin), 'teen. as follows: - •
adapted to iLientirmen a Wear fat ergo, enniereloii, tie . r y.... \ mo .tteoett Itenet,per Bent , et;
neweat rtyle• in American. Anglia!, and French LA-1.. ----' • , -•--, •-•,-...,
It verr en comthotat ot e, -dtooa and ed. , . low. Iligharn; Blaine, Blair, Bowen, Brindle'
of every ISAienabla ithzdr and ad "r ''„','.'At,ZT,V".4lll,:.., Broomall , .\. E. Brown,
, :lr' J .in ac ' cla G on, ufre ttn• Y'll ugh lg ls e :
C"isi'loYi Cowden,
CU . )? l 1 1 l'.;: " ( i t , 1711, T. 1., 7,7.Y,:d1;:w7.2"ab...n.1 b., ...i,..-1,.i Deniers, Dobbins, Dorian, Downer, 'Dung.;
V:V1,7;;=::: ''hr:l7,', ;20',:;,.r.5,-41h:Z.4::!..: Dim. Elv, Evans. tßerksi Feather, Fiffe, Gibe,
who'favgr him at
burr .,:l that ont ,ot, thr m ,,-or GOod p iri h n ui. Oo i ss ie l m er.
clothing ts sold at thin retahlbittment. but al.; at thr lev•
Bart, diem
" t aTiti. j r?; irif,Niiiiiaing 1inr5...1A...1. we utual, I a the , 1,,,,,,,, 1,,,h, Lest, L ... _ Li nton, '
ear, namable manner. and at the shiirtrA nett, my, McCloskey
wads i McCune, McCurdy, Melienn,• McKee, Moßey '
. ____ . ,
nolds. Monroe, Morris, Olwine: O'Neill, Packer,
fatten, PettertMAll, Realigns, Reid, Reifsnyder.
Rhey, Rhoads, Riddle, Roberts, Robertson, Boss,
Shull, Simpson, Slifer, Smith, Sender, Steward,
Struthers, Thomas, Walker, Cessna, Spiaker—
Grinding and Bolting, or Merchant Mill.
RAVING putt+ meirthe entire Patent Right
of the United Makw. tor -Juno% Clark'v lbantrit I
t lard Orkinling. or Ili.rehant Mill," awl lieu
prepared toren Gandy and rut. thi. Mill
fit up tar use. I take Mails m 1.4 of infi•routtµ , tho
that kato ablato otter Op wrenteik invent.. 4.1
and one which la nut" tal-Ittret with outwit, and whirl, wilt
b. the &yin, of tasking erory per3Ou pun:hiving Viitoil •
and !calls. a harkl,ritne iertnn.• Thl‘ Mitt
Prrk,ll7,portatte, and only twruples tow,. of tear
three hitcher muss, ~benoreratliiit. and 0 • tY
plotting imadsholtlng from fire to tau butinels of _heed PYr
noon It can Irk propcllol with from a,. One Lot te I ,, wer
In atir riower Gal and at In trp,rat!na n 1
Mon. Wilaserth A Noble's City Pleuritic Mill, 1 , 1.0 r
Wee. Pittsburgh..
I. further,ha. right of Jain , If. Clark ., sitr!
N ACHLV and the 31achines for kale, Istiylng , porrlia.a .l
It of B, , entiyely. All' ',Mors peqt trill I annwerwl
110 AS 11.
PAPER.--350mans121b7 Paper.
SOO " Is ty r it 1 4 1 ty 3^ -4 ST Si, 25
400 " ias. Factory iSls.r,
VS. W.. Single Coon
Strav Pape - .
Mednun and Single Crown Rug.
no undersigned keeps constantly on baal and for sale
h., for hag, a large and general
pe r , of
Rifled. Can Letter, Itaninare, and Tea Papers, Lionnet
Ilennts. Se-. km
Alio—Velting of all fires. for paper nnutubeturem.
printing Papas um& to order on short ni ter
feteM cormerofrenn and Irwin eta,
WOOL-:S sacks now landing front - otr
C o p e 3lay, sor sale by
IIIIP.T4S1131:F-100 sael
- -
PAYER -300 relitrt; Med. anderoivn Wrap-
ring, far W lair lactose volttignmen, by
yR JAILDAWELL. at 14 err At.
n HIED PEACHES-600 bia. for salo by
Jur sot UAL= DICKEY a CO.
iCorrespotaleuee of the Nati rtitttangtGnmtta
Ilattutszcio, April . 14, 1851.
The Governor this morning, returned to the.
House of Representatives, in which it originat
ed, the bill to provide for the election of 'Judges I
of the several cottrts'of thin Commoniealtih, and
to regulate certatniudfeitil Districts, with his
reasons for refusing to sign it. •.
The hill provided that all the Associate Jag
ell of 'the State should be learned in the law?
The Governor eityn.'dathe Judicial history of
l'ettanyliardi, it nereehai been considered et
,ential to select gentlemen "learned in the ha,"
as Associate Judges." After niguiog . the (Ines;
tion at some length, he says he is unable to Ste '
'my good reason for restricting the choice of the
, people ton peculiar elan of men, nor can 1' be
, Sere that itt adopting the amendment to the
Constitution by their votes, the; people intended
to restrain themselves in a •manner' titdmown in
, . . . .
the history of our State. The bill presented far
my I ipprovsl, clearly contains a provision to that
Further, •tire eleventh section provideo rhat
the Governor shall iesue . comtoknions torhe pet'.
. .
sons elertial •to hold their reopeetive offices from
and after the first Monday in December' nert,
following such election, for and:daring their res
pective terms of office, os prescribed and limited
by the teco,d ,anon of the tpurth article off he
Conxfilott.. of 7hi• ('oottnonicititih.' The secti.kti
referrelbto prpvides for the 'nixie of conducting
impeachments before the &isle, and certainlV
furnirbes no guide or ruferewet to the sub:W=44,
form, or extent of duration of, a' commission' to
, The nixteentli sec.
that the entintie4 of Huntingdon. Blair, Nuthria
and qudiana, Omit form , the siiteentlrJudieid
District, and it farther Provides that, the :meets
of Indiana shall he held on the third Monday. in
January, April, August and November. and it
the county of ' Huntingdon on the days, and to
continue the time now prescribed by law.. By
tbe..existing laws, the Courts in the last named
county are required to beheld the second
Monday in January. April. August, and :invent
her, which will bring in' direct conflict., the warts
in the enmities of Huntingdon and' Indium.—
This amonntr , in effect, to a denial of justice to
the people of one or the other of these eoutitiebt.
It furnishes. another instaine of the hasty man
-- "
err in which this 1411 hasbeen gotten up. - ,
Thellovernor further remarks that he pressed
upon the Legislature the propriety and necessity
of early nation on all important pa ;ES-tante:roes:
deuianding their attention. and if any •inconve
nience arisen from the failure to legiehate on this
subjert, he ,hall feel absolved from sill teapot:fit,
lie then urges a law making the neeer
vary provisions for the manner of toting Tor the
respective officers, and regulating the proper
manner of making the necessary returnn. Ile
says he stands ready to approve . a fair and jort
arrangement of the judicial districts of the wholo
State, ll' it reduces the number of the Districts,
and leesens the charges on, the Treasury.
the enbjeet been ruled on at an esirlier'period in
the session, it is quite probable, rimy almost cer
tain, that the errors to which 1 have adverted
would have been avoided, or at all events, leisure
would have been afferded for their correction. .
Flan reetelle are cogent and impressed the
House su strongly with their accuracy, that nil
angle etc cast fur the bill returned by thel
(iviern,r. This result is almost unexampled and
is highly honorable to the Executive---not more
so -
luVwever than his deserts. , •
The Senate bill to repeal sixth section of the
Anti Kidnapping Law of 1847 passed the If once
finally to-day—the sixth section prohibited the
use o
on omf the jails of the Commonwealth ibr the de
tenti of fugitives fr labor, This billpasse , l
the Senate a week nr tale ago.
The bill repealing the Whole.of the Anti Kid;
napping Law of 1847, which relates to the' recap
ture of fugitive slaves, passed 4r - second read
ing in the House to-day, by the following vote::.
TeAS—Nii,srs Armstrong, Benedict, Bigelow,
Blair. Bonham. Brindle, Alexander E. Broiro,
Joseph Brown, Cassiday, Demers, Dobbins, LUTA .-
Ely. Evans, I, Berks.) Feather, Tegely, Preta,Glabe,
Goodwin, Griffin, Geffey, Hague, •lialdeznan.
Hemphill, Henry, Iluplet, Jackson, Laughlin,
Lawry, Leech, Lee:,'Curdy,lSl`lsean,
11' Ere. M'Reynolds, 'Morris, Mowry, (Wyo.
ming. ) °twine, Packer, Patten, Reifsnyder, Rhey;
Ilbrnols, Riddle, Roberta, Woes, • Seemlier, .Shull;
Simpson. Skinner, Sender, Steward,sTrone,Cesto
no, Spraker,--54.
N,s—MessrS. Baldwin, Bent, , Bighorn,
Blaine, Bowen, Broomal, Brower, Cooper, Cow
den, Dungan, Evans, (Indiana,) Fiffe, Gibbs, Goss
ler, Hamilton, Hart, Hinsecker, Ktlinger,
Kunkel, Linton, 31aclay M'Cluskey, M'Cune,
Lean; Monroe,
Mowry, (Sommerset,) Nissley,
O'Neil, Reid. Robertson, Shugert, Slifer, Smith,
Struthers, Van Florae.-3(i.
A motionto taks up the Free Banking bill
We: loot in the House to-day by the following
Teas—Messrs. Armstrong, Baldwin, Benedict,
Bent, Bighorn, Blaine, Broomall, Brower, Alex
ander E. Brown, Jceerh Brown, Cooper, Vet-
Sins, Dungan. Evans. llndiana„) Fife, Preesnin, ,
flossier. Hamilton. Hart, Ilernphill, Btu:seeker,
Eillinger, Kunkel. Leech, Linton, Maelay, )le-.
('husky, )(Tune. M . Lean, Monroe, Mowry, (Som.
inerset ) Visiev, O'Neill. Petro. Reid. RileJ, ltob
beriaen, Seofiel.l, Shaeffer, Shugerr Slifer, Smith,
Struthers, Van Horne. Walker,
-`says—Bigelow, Clair, Beuharn, Brindle, Cas- I
only, Cowden, Deniers, Dorlau, Downer, Duna,
Ely ETYM. (Berke) Feather, Fegely, Frets, Gabe,
Gibbs, Goodwin. GrilHa. Gnffey,l4agne, Halde
man. Henry, Hoplet, Jacksoy. Lami,Leet, Lilly,
McCurdy, Re., TIPEee, M . Reynolds, Morris,
Mowry, (Wyoming.) fllwine, Packer, Reckhow,
Reif Rhoads, Riddle, Roberts, Rase, Scout;
ler, Sh . llll, Simpson, Skinner, Ponder, Ste Ward„
Thomas, Tense. Cessna, Speaker.
Yeas nays 51.
But one Whig (in italic.) Toted nay. Nine Los
cofecos (in ittalie) voted aye: •Who are the
friends of Free Banking?
The Appropriation 1411 failed tostlay.. The com
mittee of Conference of the Senate could not
agree with that or the 'House, and .. 115 a rouse-'
quence:thewhole hill fell. s•. •
A new bill ha., been offered which differs from
that passed by the House in this: that itauthor
lees a division of the surplus funds in the tees
sury after Ow payment of all other money ap
propriated. between the North Iltanch 'Cartel,
and the Portage Itailrend. This proposition Wes
male when the hill mutt in the House by Sir.
Broomall, but it was then voted down. The
feeling of the:Mouse is strongly in , its favor at
present. -
A hill relative to the election of Judges and
to certain Judicial Districts,
.was read in place
this afternoon, and taken up and passed. The
objeetioria - of the Governor are obviated. the ne
cessary corrections having been made. It ar
ranges the following Districts poly:
Lnrerne, Wyomiee, Colnnabia. and Mon
I:radronl, Su; nebanna and.lliran.
Northumherland, Lynuing..Ceatre and Click-.
l'ioga, Potter, M.Kean, Elk and dear
field. 1 '
Foot t 01mty. when arranged to -to' he at
Naas—Baldwin, Bonham, Brewer, E,t115, (In
diana) Freeman, Frets, Haldeman, Efamilton,
Ilunsecker, Runlet, Kil.linger, tiennel..alaclaY,
McLean, Mowry, (Somerset.) Mowry..(ntimat
ing) Niesley, Scofield, Sepaller, Shaeffer, Shin- .
ner, Van llorne-2.2. .
This hill has. passed the Senate with a alight
amendment, in which the Holm will constr.
The hill to incorporate the Silsquetuniruo and
Erie Railroad Von3pnny, whose, object is to build
a rand from Willianervort to Brie sad on to. the
Ohio State Line—vas debate/Vizi - the Maui and.
' pneeed finally.
It requires-them to-make :40.miles rash of
' Erie and 10 west of.tVilliamapart, . herb,. they.
make t h e c onnalirian with the Ohio Staterline. . .
. The bill poseea the Senate to-day. .).,..; .).
'lna amendment offered by Mr. Penniman that
the' act should not go into effect; if the ..-q 1 : 113 / 47 7
and Erie Ra il road Company should locatkand
put Under contract dO-miles of their road . : west
or east of -Williamsport, within six months after
the passage of this art, was lost by s vote of 17
to 66.
The House oat to•uight Until ft quarter past
twelre. • -
- .
Morio.poodenee of the flrtsborgh Gnat.]
. -
New Foss, April 14, (Add:"
The weather we are enjoying hem Is perpze.Gy •
delicions-.-3 little root, perhaps,„ teethe eased;s
but bright, clear, and balmy as possible.
'The anniversary of the birth day of nary
Clay was celebrated by the Clay' Fostire 'Aaso
- with more than their usual enthusiasm,
at the Apollo, on Saturday night. A. number of
speeches were mode—the prmciPle'ones' by
Meese!. Joteph L. *bite and 'Mr. Boanlllc4l. ,
' This celebration cfnnot be looked upon, -_ a9. 41a
endorsement of lir. clay for the Presidenc its
18;52 buf rather as a tribute ' of gratithig - td film
for his gigantic efforts in reference idtbe:top,-
'promise Bills, and the enthusiasm ant amt Al
has 'Mown for the Union, the whole Uninneaf ol
nothing lint the Union, daring the late7.crala
through which the country has just pissed. ' Sr.
J. de Marcolets, the Nicaraguan Ilinieterr,near
this Government, was antlurole a spe . ech
in Spanish. r
A hill has just poised oar Legislithee forrtho_
re-organisation of oni State Militia, - abet:6l46g
the farce of general i training; toad 'holding
inducements to young tient° enlist in the rUgallii,
corps of uniformedtroops. - Another bill haselsd
been Foltird through J organising the 11.1 hripia 4 ; .
in' other words, creating the 311 regiment' Hus
sar, into a brigade for the purpose or rtiAdap . ii
Col. Postley, who in a rich man of leighte,.•e•
Brigadier General.' ]The Lill was Mitch 'oilised
by all the principal °Erns of the city butraoney
The antgamblimgbill . now .hefore - the LegiSl4 - -",
tore will r passed,' make what ISl4gally oet=,,
missed, o at best lad a inindeineano? in' other
States"hordering on eve York; a foiktY . Spiniln,
able with! a term In the finite Prison,' If;tlm_sF,
within theiState lira For iustatni, if Vtrlf - .
should mats up a tubber of Whist' dire ct ."on ,
the New - Jersey line', the players" ir . t view e.ratr,
worild pay a trifling fine, or go, k ce,,`wh 11
them in • the Empire 'State would he 'tenets:Stet;
Sing to break stone for the mighty propli,' " -
' Thin is the game hill that Bull - Made hi. lilaidi ,
mail on; aid since its prorlvions bare been Mcire
fully understood, endearorn are - iiithiesg'elthielo'
prevent its passage, lot. greatly modify its proVl-_
510 t,,.
The , export of specie from this phut Lir,ll.te ..-,
week ending April ',l2th, amounted to 1.1 1 ,1 1 5r , '
The steamer Bait er, which sails hence for 1,1 y: ,
erpool on WedisenelSy, has already 200.10-640 2 _ ,
gore boated, etearlidouble the unmher that - 1607'
.ever been taken out by any steamer fronilliii.
port to Liverpool. The greater portioago iolr ' •
World's Fair.
On Saturday, a match factory tip town • wet .
burned, and made a bemitiful Bre. ;The coftie;l 4 :. '.
mid to be mice nibbling through the' bottom de
the boxes, and thus igniting' the imitr.hM.' lied" _
not the blame better be laid to Mr. , fllpontaneons'!:
Combustion?'" o or C ill ' . ' T ' ' '
Rumors are rife that the May or nest a.„
tion of the city of New Tork have Teceireir Mx'
invitation from the Mayor and CorpOratlonef the -
' city of Limerick, Ireland, to make - up , a junking:
party, and pay their respects tdiald ,citYstime, - .1 •
I time during the. orld's Fair. A liledinarY that': •
professes to "shine for ell," intimates thl.4l.he: ',.
invitation will be accepted—at least hopearn• ' ,
A Polish exile, son of - a Polish Prinde: 'one; ,
Maximilian Lade', died guddealy, after Milks
warm bath onS'athrelay, at the Irving Hottse.,
He has been in this country since 1810, and tr ack ',
an artist by profehsion. His remains wero;fel, .
lowed to Greens ad yesterday, and trait a te7;
say, no religious ceremonies were pc:fanced; not;", - ;
even a prayer being said over his grave- ' 7 ",
..: c . .
An outrageous personal assault and battery '
was committed on Saturday upon Mrs. Beams, . •
the well known Shirt maker ,of -No. - I,':Ast6e - ...
House, by a tailor named Geten, - / who, witfflai
caupleicreven policemen, turned Mts. Deniaricosf :"
of her own store Into the street. Si muchirlon'l'
lehce wan used, that Mrs. B. who was Buffering , '"
from ill health at the time, has been obliged"to:n. 7t
keep bee bed-tree since. Tlia affair will lefixt-' , '? , _
rm6gated, as ander the law. the police lievene' 4 l
sight to eject or meddle with any one, mach 1M47.r .
a defenceless woman, for other than .01inlitiel''-
' causes:
The number of deaths in this city and county:- i _ _
the past week, was 357: men 97, wolnei 81, hors '
99, girls' SO. Of consumption 49, typhisferv6" ,, "
Al Natives of the United States 194, of Delarall'''
In the case of Hay Tompkins, the young gen-I 7
BM= who made such a crash in , Wall street
some time ago, Judge Edmonds returned a disci-
aims this morning, under a. writ of habeas ear=';:
pus, that suffutimt carom has not been shown' to';' '
authorise the arrest, and that the defendant br: -"
discharged from custody. SPECTATOR. ''''
..: . ;
Translated from the German,
lea Fatah silted me lite wheat, erberne .7 dm43h,tM.
vlctolood him bra.ll.
On Monday I left my bed betimes, and a 3 I felt ' ' '
in passable good case. I went opto the matte, to', '
NO whether I might peradventure get' to toy - , I
daughter, but I could not find either conStablei l -'
albeit I had brought a few groats with 'Ste tit,'
give them no beer money; neither, would the - -.-
folks that I met tell me where they were 1 <feet, '''''
Ithe impthlent constable his wife, wbo'vem in the - 0 '
kitchen making brimstone matches: , And when - , ri
I asked her when her kinghood would comeback; - '..
she said not before to-morrow morning•early;
• • • :7 1 ,
dem, that the other canstable would not beheri.= -
any sooner. Hereupon I begged her to'leadDtie • 1, - ,
to my daughter herself, at the same time .4, 5e t,..i. sii:
iog her the two groats . ; bat eke answered "that. ,- '
she had not the keys, and lmew not bow to get ' 1 - '•
at them: moreover she said rho did not know .,, i
where my child woe now, shut up, seeing that I .7 - ... 1
would have spoken to her through the door; r.•
item, the cook, the huntsman, and , whomosever
else I met in my sorrow, said they knew not In - : '-
what hole the witch might lie. • • ' , it.
• Hereupon I went, all around about the rastle,.. , eI
and laid toy ear against every little window hat' i I
looked os though it might be 'her window,' and , ":...'
cried, "Mary. toy child whore art thou ",• Deny , --.!
at every grating I found 1 kneeled down, Lowed i'',....
my heed, and called in like manner into the vault; l ' io
below. But all in vain: I got Ino ansWer any""`"
where. The Sheriff at length ma what I .11%...1 tr ,
about, and came down out of itllo castle to' roe' ''• 1
with's very various air, and ta i ling me by the ''.• `"
hand, be asked me what I nought ? . But when Iht. , ,
answered him that I had not seen my untie child ..X4
since last Tharsday„and prayed trusb - to show'. : - ...ii
pity upon me, and let me be led to her, he midi.: < i
that could not be, but thadi was to emits up into r' '•"t
his chamber, and talk further of the mitter. , ' By - , 4
the way lie mid, ..W..e11, so the old-witchtold you
i line-things about me, but see how- 'Almighty illodrir•a
hos tent his righteous judgment upon her. She--
I has long beers ripe for the Sr.'. but myttesticbg , '-'-'
i „,,
suffering, wherein a good magistrate should ever :?•,--,
strive to be like unto the Lord, has made me"
overlook it till down, and in rem& for my gOiad4 - _ 1 1. 7 a
nem she raises this outeryhgsiost 'me." • And' r . - ,' :,
when I replied, 'glow does your lowish:lP blow I "
that the witch raised rich an, outcry aroin, at ,
you °" he began to stammer, and then -taid„: - -1 I
"Why you yourself °barged too thereon before, - .... •
the judge. But I bear you no nosey therefore '-o s
.and pod knows that I pity you, who are a poar,;,e,
weak old man. and would gladly help you ify...1 1 9 ;
were able." 'Meanwhile he led me up Muir ni•.fivr.." l "; '•••
flights of shahs, so that I, old man that,lsitir;'' o :.4.
could follow him no further, and stood still, gierpiiam;
ing for breath. Bat he took me by the kand, attd3,72,
said, "Come, I must first show you how ' matteris . ...i. i i,.. i i,
really:stand, or I tear you will not accep!,, i tit:rl..,;,'•:4
halii; bat will plunge yourself into dinstrtirdacm't 0 ,-• .:.
Hereupon we stepped out upon a itirrace'atilleii;;;;;
top of the castle, which looked toward the write;. . :ii.....
and The offibsti went on to say, ..., r , r ,f,
h a m, can you see well afar off !nand Wherrifi , s.
answered that .I could sec very well, but that the
many tears I hid shed hod lithe peradventure ..
isad "Do eyes, he pointed to
yotisen nothing there?" Ltko_.
• "Naught save a black speck, which:l cannon,:
make oat" Bk. "Know then tha thac is then id ,
pile' whereon your daughter =in 10 , bl:1=st-ten-I'''
o'clock tomorrow morning,: and which- the'cesbr
eaalea are row tithing." When th is heII:PAO - WA I "..
Lad thus spoken, I gave a loud cry and swound;;;!
ed . Oh, blessed Lord : I knowitot •hovid Hesse
through such distress; thou alone didatat'cogtit w.
to me beyond nature, in order, "after; rei•f4ttc/f3l:7<
weeping and nailing : ' to heap joys atiolbl4 l4ll P-
upon me ;" without thee [never cm:adhere bviett—".•
thrOugh ouch misery ::..therefore 1.0 taidlar l ale.? ...''
ever be all honor and. glory oh . l thud God of,lo-zci• .
'When I come n-stim to myself I'M! cm*, t"ii 1.,- , ...
in *fine room, and- perceived'. ' tate, ..lo,; - viitir. ii
month like wine. Butes I saw none . n o4 ' i1. ,,,,i L. ,
nave the Sheriff, who held a pitcher in his .hat4,.tat.
nobit M.= 3, Lather's verkoa , ......,