The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 17, 1851, Image 4

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. .
ItEItIMNING in theltEttsburghPostO ffi ce,
from the let,to the I.sth of April. •
P 012361 COMM for: haat"; *lli Ph." "
-Make B.= Allen C Barak
Adams II 11 Allen Ellen Austin II C
Agnew Anne Alexander 13 A Atchison MkT.t
Barker A 51 %Bennett /kith Bryant Ella
Balky karst Bell karst Crooks hin Dr.
Baskin YU. Insley tkath Ilrooks 3 A
Duster Mrs • Bkeklovel FAlen Drooklueker II II
rl " Ttan ' T. E
Dakhla Emir . 1 Button A3l ' Butler Mari A
Bnekrk-lr Idly • burden Inlaid Burk lave.
Cala/Mi. 4. CloWtorFlay E Connor
Caugase/111. al ?Clemente Hester Craig Eether.
Gm.. Jane Coen Mirth Cowell lumontha
Cant' Ellkh Y • Colvin Jennelt Cu. Farah
Clue El..' Con. karat Crept. Cad.
Chute lialkula Crank Mary Culberreon Martha
Ctmuncend Nancy Core. J.l •
Dolly Catlane Deatrieh harsh Dunlop Nor/ J
Daher Jane. Dechext An. Duvall Beret.
Avis karat 'Dillon Mn Ann Unman Sarah
Davis kJ taller Nlse 31=-7 Dunn
Davie Ides Dossh.rty U • Dunn Vara
Dever Hannah
Elliott Lather Ensllals Jere D Evans 12.
EAlls Math Era. Nary C Evvnu Cathno
)'pole Mary Foster Caro/tue C For karst
Yowler Ell En Inns: Hannah
roster Em us.
0•11altne Ellsth 4111expie• AnnJ Creert. kralaDlE
',Gallagher halter Cllchrut karst Green Cathue
'Olsen t widow Golden Itho. A Erato. Jam'
Gillatal Anna Coulon .5.12C1 Donlon Sarah
Gibson &lath
MOUE Hai. Starr Ilenlerum II E
Ilan :Caney Dusan ?fury A Matlock
• Ilaxick Mary Ilaulln Harriett Ittegla.
EnGlnae H.. liar. Henrietta 11,ecuell Lot.;
ILelman karat Hans-Gout lillooklu. Elt-a
ilartucau Mart A lia } !llir
MIA I kln rre E " ' • Huneucl 31arr ilcalan.
Haywarl Huy E Ilarguou Sucan Rotation Nan,
Day G
Ireinpia ha
Jacob. Ewalt Johnsen carob Abu
Awaking, Marx Johns. Mr. Jou.. 1.1.11
Jenkins IlaseJ. Johnson Ellath Jou.. Lou.
fat M
' ums 31,0 31 4 Kerr Mary
Laver Ear Lard l : pirga . d , r , tau rt u L IZ A A
D 11111 , 1 31n hi 0 Loners. Jane.
Laugh u NB- Little Marie. A Luther 311. 31
Lawton 31.7 L 41310 31 Loa:bathe 31
Lee Maris , Lyoor'llre:3l I.othue etlarlottx
• _ _
Muriel-31mA I,llller A E Mullcrt Eleanor
MAlrmeL 31111emethe 31111110 31 i rs
ti n org i tirrah Hiller 140030 I Noway o l , .. AJ
Mama Asper • IlcorehLl, th Murray
Mlthdrallull 3L E Al A 31 0 11 40 ,0 1 !
31111ebell Mary Muryby 3130 311
3lnAlewd Bridget Melanai. Ann Mcli:ecArn Sarah
mow,. Xtv 118K8In AdWine bleKrlly 8
'McCoy Ilia A Mcliernsk J McMinn Ann
Mdkody Mat bleli Aln McKee Mary 8101 Aster
Widget Newell )lAry D
Alice O'Keefe' Mrs
Pakb Thera= reMicord nisi Uarriett
Pattern= Mrs M l'eurulsest Juke Post. Mrs
ails Jana
RatdailLB Read 5111 Skin:nom' J
lay Mary • Skala Miss J Rogan Ma 1.1
Rasta} Inaba Raga Rester A , Mara Etat
Sanaa Ella lan Eats Itobloson Mrs E
Nam Yea M/ Rea/ Isabella Endenbath Lveital
Seat Ella Sala S V Stevens Mrs S ]l,
Sally Mary Sala Apnea Steelman I
Selma Mn: M Pasatarvillu Mat atapleliall A
Mar Ma Stone Mrs E A Striekland Carolin•
311111 tton:ILE, =ll,l6}Mary
Sba Mat Salliran Mrs 1 r S banns Laicals
Te.r.b.nth m.s. Tut. s M TI.IIII Maria
ThaatpantS Tana Anna Turner
Thaatcata Ai • Turning Mrs A Truby Isabella
Ward Wm Alan Walla Itarrivat Wilkins Mrs
Walkar Etat White be J
%WWI. Itllklnvon Olivia
Tang Mary Young Christy A Young 55th
Gediemen's List.
. _ • -A
= i' ku • . L 3 B Arms , g i cIO 11
Alloort Psi. Areas... Simon
AW Alien (leo Artoor 0.
AM.' lamb ' Awn A A Annatralt J W
1171O .Dosid Madman 91' Aborn Din
limn Ander. 3 Atkin W L
Al.l • Anderson 3 S Asbury J ossAtk ll
Alakffii ilM VLV 1 1 81 a . l j ohe 'Jodi Wa°
Mem Mt '
BO= Judge Bennett Jo,
Mirka. Geo
Mdbiffilt& J • Brtmett C-W Bran.. I W
sonocie;lll_ytbe Berl lid os
Win 8
Beam 4Couffiersiou Jos W 1 Norris
Magill '•-• 88 . 11 Marmon Put
Baßssudoe X • Bps., Brady Pet.
Bab& JILL •.' B D • Bradley R W
y Harvey Min. Dots
=IS, ~ M.A. Mebane, - 71.5
'./Ilirk.W II Havvit Jon Bradfuol 3
Dived Wm • Dies. 3 Bryon Tim
800 P ' --
Bonseker Wii Brtinallini Jos
Mmt - Boehm Th. Brneklicher D
J :Bort. Goo Brooks .1
JW• Bowes 311 Broonlas J
latabeld Beni 11 • 1 . 1 . 13 J- Boma OP.
Smartt 8.11. " Baden B A Bronx J
ball Wm r • Bort:olio. Brown Jamb
ri 1 (1. ' Doyle LIS Bortm CM '
Brown Jos
' Diffity W W.lkm. Jes Mickley Drtmls
Berty.lea . ' Dave Mau Buffingffin Wm
1...u.c H Boyle Huh Mader J C
. lease Bogu Hades e Wm Bosh Wm
legrieud.itte H H B Bo ra y mdi&o nT h ß o o m ripsa n B urns
MAIL • t
—• • Bronnegim 0' ' Byers 1
. Beanie As. Brody Hugh Th. Mold
Besniek 300 limn= int Byle Bernard
Bergsw 11. Brinker Th. S
8.. r 11 Svinl
Besidarffituts Backer J. Isult.
Bartle Edwin Beekman Cilia Burt. Coo
. Bedelliesdel • , •
Ghldister J oi Conway John
Ches. Wm 11 Co.. )11.1
ffitortubers Artb.GGvoner Polk
• Gk.. J NY Coonelly hair
,ClaylieughJ W Gone. Juo
Clark U. Y Cook liana N
Cling. J. Coyle Thos..
.00,00 Conotok O.
0 bb
Cabe LIB
1.. b Jos 8 Craig Wm
c" l "'w*lc - M;1 11 rW. J
''.l%lUoA•hlo C r Jno
Dots lleury Crireell boo
lkffin 11, Creacrolt Joa
GollinvJos Grottier Pa*
Cogverell Wm . Cronin - J.
--tieekley WAVE. , Cumin Mork
' "aokstioal Lake Gun= Wm
Cont. John - Conialuglollo Tbas
, , C.iiii .111.1
• - Couloe Henderson CimesJss
- tffintimerffird Jos Curtis A L
i .7 Jno Conon J.
Cosrtm J thrtion Wm
•ffimbirt Polk Culbertson Ss.
• Cool Jew Cumming Wm
Comnolly Peter Cuthbort W
Ds.. John .
:..~~~' ,
Jax .
(*well Jew
Conlswa Thaw G
• ilaman
(.137wwpw Tim
Caul' bWIL
tlawo Patt -
Comas J stastk
u u il j us " h U,
Csrli W
m .
=Ow •
CamptleGhwU '
Mark ChwwwWw
it. w!oar=
.11111WWW 131
•• • D
Wu -
f 1 .7 • ft,l:`ktlt itzir."dot.
DesseaJtss • - lames Wm Dosshmel B
MetlleetT' . Dilworth r'& Dowels Jos
IS 'Disks= Yr Dunn nos
Ely. .iessomo yoo Douglass e s.lllnset
RWerß .DOoley Mob Drips Jun
s Zwu Doherty 8.11 Drsming J T
Ds Z J Doherty Mirka Imff K
Weis/as Maki Wm II Dwr 7
Draw Thos
Derr." Well; • Dory Wm
Doreen Wm Dolan Smola Dwyer Peter
DOSKY Wet Dooley Wm [Miley Yatk
Dram& Welber. Doe& 0C SI DillIC:01 Botit
Dodson Wm Donobo 0.121 Damn Ales C
WmDotemily Wm Dues Yrsrsis
IhrMrso• Domrherty Jm 0 DUI. Walter
y Jss DAM tiro Mum Wm C
Edmund E E... Tbm
Ellis Arid Krim 0 !I
Eutaw! Jobb Emu. Wm II
r./ Jobb • Ems. Bem K
Exam V K
Mottle Auhr
kaber Saar
/Agar Vssl4
rasa 7.b
tion Jon -; Mawr WW . YorJrth .1 31
Winneni ' Tlttletrlek 40 Foy Tema.
nines. Bata ' Tina Jost.: Fowler Moth
I/n.4 11113 b Unary W Yone Wm
rms D'lttrlal.. d Km-la./or. J.
z-wr,..-+ Pgrov: I ., girr..),
.it D i lilelty Jno Yranee A 0
ftl3Wll•3 L listver C Vouch IWO
iv ; Mater John K Verenly . J.
=Jos ' Ilatkar 0 W nyer Ni'm
EFII.D Floyd Aaron *wanton 31
W Flannelly Matt rm. Jer e mi a h
...hi tyak ". Fortune 0.... Fuller J Canumart
. .
th X . chn ig lr • • fli= d r,...'illzi
Ulbson Stuart B ri nmJ .i.
1/011 1 otbS%l"l atpler nod Gruul lltgar •
'Wenn C W
th'ilw j ...,.. e L g;iteetr
1 , ru r D A
It lia= P
' %MU Der ljonnolrar G 0 thSharet llarripon
Graham N
41, Chmitj ttateia irlsi J tradlifb Graham .Iro
ammo A ~ Green .1 It (limbs= 011
Klbion J3B ' ' drant Kohl tlrsl.l
Got I Ongory TIIKI Guynrie• Wm
iv. le,-Illlton JorgethAn
Darla 1.14 .'" AJ
Hale &ph lloimrs .
Kerma Heller AA . llohn. j .l
r ..,
''' - 011 , Elbah IlerEmAn Jacob
jlernl li 'lnmrard J ard • trou
Wm Berearty Mail limArth 0.
s A.lOO. . Hewer J Horrsrtti J.
Wm llerrinA Alchi .. Hornlrla J K
Sara /1.00 . J - Hopkins 0 J
HI, ti Heron Wm llorAins W
Al - - lieolereonitobt Howard I. C
wr¢ ,'. ilemlerma Ira. Broom All
1 t - " 'Hammy C 11.1 J D
11/1•0•T .1 It ' liroderAmJas 11u1,-hr. 31 J
Hp .. 11111 Botot . Gebt.iji p o
- two 8 *SOL . URI D.IS . - Ilulton Mr
: - untodw. Ha. Wm
Maim AMMO , i ni Mir .b ,..V4- 1 / Mr! . J,
klazooo o 0 . ,
Delbsee &Dotter • Intl Wselacton Insdasm at D.A.
Ilre.4'. `' ''.l T . I. J . .• . -
um = rlOromp /1.1.110. Johnston PA
Amman Geo , ':-• , Jordan WII Johlurtm Memfteld
Auer Won , ~L .' ,-..lentins .1
v JobrerconWen
Jimloome011! , . Jane. : Johnston And
--:7:. 121111 u
Ti 4 , , Joh.t. lc J r apel leb
o..iim GO ..:. ..3 ....lobuScare ow.. .
31"16 - J 0., ~ , r .t 1 00,040 0 , 00 P 0
i l 7io : -Cr; 7 ;l ll ftitt 7--;-=ilo,i7
. ' Kse XMArr. .1 -
VIIIII IIII"' X '''''11":":: = ace9 "l"''° '1114" 12611/T IG: 0 80' 4
VIV her A ilelsou K
klr y-n k W :!; . J
6laml liouras W .1
Larkin J., Legir 1 ton Long I/ It
Arches Jno Levy jlenry Long Bob;
Lorene. W Leigh n J. Long 1
Lawman A Lew cir II 13/eichart SI
Laureate T M 11/ Logue Dewar
LancaahlreJ ea Thee Lockwood J C
-Laverty Fella Leal Michael Witch Lute
Lantester Jon W bitieb Palk
Lawton E Leech T Ludwlet J It
lawman J.Per U Lightour li I Lorin Uarld
Laughlin David lattlelloo B Lore li ot
Lang Th. Linn C 8 a Chan-Lent Bian . ."
LeymanJ.ob bent Lynch Jar
Lenla a McCanaghyLlnford Thor Lord Edmund it
Leeprr V U Livenherrer John Lynn" th Bl
Lewm /no Little Low Ciro
Leah David . Little IT Word IT A
lards Th. Lang t Lion. !.n -r.‘
L.gety W..
•1 M •
u.... 11.11, Merriman F 0 Siontagb Wm
Manual& Tbas 11.11%Thew • /lover Lori
Malang Pau Meta car. Malt It
Medd.. Th . Merl Jno . Sinlirlay IlenrY
Mahon Martin Mills B Money . Fa,lk ,
Mutat Jno )111;lent7 MocEclu "u J .
Mahoney Palk Sill. Jno )hang Bola ;
MarticaU A Mi los Danl Moore JII
Martin Br Jno Mille Edward Moon Ales B
Slacking Joil Mille c Geo Moore Jon F •
Masters W F 311tchell Eaml T Noniro.=n J
10 8
Milne Wm Mitchell Joesoli Morel
m.r.d...1 s s mit , -40 1 Jr. v , , ami
, Munn Bang or. Fells M0.:TU1.1..119.8h
Macon it Bunton arc.. 2,7„„ ..;‘, ~ri n v,
.1 , ,,,, , , ,
Marin J.
Marsh W E
Mo ul ts 8 SlUlholland 1 , 11
Slay Ch. W Moilit Joe Mulkin At Co
E u reka go r aloragoll3. Munn Dugan
Slayer Etta, atenrlJ. Mullin Anauctin
Meyers Geo II Moo head Th. T Murray Paul
.„.., M.r y rata Murray Th.
Merriman A 0
Mcßride And XeCu sly Sand >lel.. Axel
McAdams Jas DICOL 11, Jaw McCain Jr.
McClelland Wm Slelcily Ira. alcUennaJ
alcCabe Col 3 E Ma den Thor Ilchernhan aCo
McCafferty Th. MeV I a (.10 m c K,,,,,,,,,,,
McEciry Wm
rgaW. i:Vc ' iNct w i e A u7 ' 3laltheaMelrey A
SlecorrenJos alai II Wm aleKtumlondrea
McceoyJos Merl wn Jan McKay Sand 1
McCollister 3 SleUarity Jas SlcLaughlin ii
McDermott Pk II 31dlial , J Moll/item. I,
McDonald Th. Mcilhalige Blt ale:When, 3
3101/ermott J Mellattulueo Slie,silkin .1
ateDerinott JIl Sielaroy .10. Shigurtun Mai,.
SleDeraugt Paul . 314d . ..tine I McMlllO3 .le ,
McDermott Mehl Mel tire 3 NI -Vey Peril
SlcCuste Wm X talk L M..llihni I
NeleilaTha: Nee r, .1
Nehmullonee Newd Wu,
liimpreJ .Be. aJ
Nan', A hucley J
Newell .1 • Newton 0 nel 01 ,
Neal... J. Nail' At...
Officer • Chruo
ern W
Owe.Owela Merl
WO:mm.lll . st (Ye uric:
l'addlim Eldridge Park Wen
Pan= Win
Patten J A •
rive P" W
to it
Punnet It P elt Rola
Parkinson J A Per c r Thris
Patrick Nelson IN Mese Ell
Parklike= Jai l• kJ )1
kijrziri i P l i felr u kke
Parker 8 • Phkraisklrm
Parker need
au=: ; ..141.1 ,3 ,
Qum. Thor
. : g
Ilatiarty .1
Richer J
ja rJaeo .'" b ltiler Mehl
Ne e nah SA MalAB ,r
. ,
Ready les
Roem J e Wm Illtsell P V
itedd7 " Ilres t i t .
Reed W B V
Reed 111... j riF IN .1
Med (3 IF It Benet
Reed Jack.= Reber" J:Wm
Reed P 114.1er Ww.m
Reed Jag.
Stange Frauds Sloan AII Spe..r James A
Surveil Solomon lilklles Wm 8p err A M -
Samuels N Fut:Wl C It Bpenrer Jo.
Sande Al et Sraill../ up.rry Th..
BaTen. J II Smith Pont 'Sproul Clam
Scott J M :Timm lire.
Scott A B V.ltt..}lal.' Steamer U II
:colt Alex
Stott J U Slmith Alll,l ...terimo_i: Jan
Smith lieu vt.....1 1 ........
Seat II " Ath ' l' 4 Vlllno W ri "
Schu"' J
j ''''lth
' .Bttler AI.,
&afield Sam r mid. Jno.
Suboley David Smllb Ata.loll, eleartm ,, Jaa o s 2 , ! ,.
Scullin Palk tilm , A Bedell vta , rlo . r , _
Seehri.rt Abram - ilacroLko It
s T : .
w ... ,. , 7 , It
11,1yejaJno Il
Seibert Thee court [lvory' 8 re.. J.O,
Mder!). 'ints David 8............. u. I.
m, .1 M
S'lmh'mc'neuJosj ...... i' l l tTm C Wm [l=ron B I.
e I dr V Stuule. Mr
g h.'" bane r f G j er. "o en;der - Martin Stork 11n.1.d .
Shaman John Runkle..
, 86..... , :ru i,... . l ot
Shafnal lire IF Somerailh. Be.ler . trot.
.. .
Shama Wm !Warden. Franklin Vuttrr ..... r.
ehleLls Jae. ...domes. Donatus eurnm..... a
1 ....ern Ja, Sutton It It
~ , Skm,,, 1. 0 . u. Jno ' I ' I "'" in '
15.1:treiathoj • Spruce Thor i. 7:1 .. 1 . 1 ,e t t in , .... b.,
slrhrld L L r.peuee II
Siam. Jra.
'Minot Bank Roamer Jno
Tooker Jno Ter tey W. 113,1 1 , , 0., WII
Tarntor Augogtoe TI W
Tamblyn II Tlaley II
tLn NI Tue.dalr J W
Tar Her Th-,
Thomnon c au l 'llbhoutt Jo. Minn,. Itrnj
Thompson ]no %Ito Oberlin Tuert I b
Thurston Francis Toni Bad 'torn., t.
Tesntsmath I Rotten Wtn IS Tyrle J. -
Thomas . Townley Jut Inyl,r Wm
Them. J Taylor Jno
1 U
' llt A II KheS E Y. COSI3IISS'ION, ItIF:It.
, ) tit A ',T. ler ale of I...emak. Nicole, cod Cotton
d., No I, need .tryet I.lnanurati
i 11../ at eheit n.atee &-i. au. dep.-vit./. ot Weed.
I •• tain&o,.... len Mart.inrry febt:
1 • bent Peartie& -
4 - •• Apple& i ,- Ir ,i F. 11)-l'AIITNEIISIIII' IIEIIETOFORE
21, hble. E.., 1 earning I..tween the surnrrit , n, outer the ark of
2 eask• Dern,
- c.... Tana. to entre on the otemmer Lg.:7,i, t temine A Co. , this dar .1‘.......1 hr zo et.ial
ISAIAH DICKEY A CO. i AN lOW I 1,1 , 11N(i.
1 rout and Weter Woe
MORRIS'S TEA MART. I m Ilerry or It. K Fleming to wthorirod to nee. the
i nurre or the lan , am in newt ttienlent et the, ha.....-
In the Inannni. Srrond Dnorp r orn Limp/owl alley. i 1 1 ISSOLPFION OF I'.IRTNF.ItSIIIP
j_F YOU WISII FOIL TEA that is really '
Goon. this le the 11., Um hub IL V Ildflifir lOW ,rICI4 ...1 . ,„I , 0 ., 0, ,00 ~00 ~ 4.., 0 , , ,,, ~, ~,,,0 0, ~,,
Y 1 in th, ertat,llehment. the •oteerahere .;II Ito nd lo ....line &I.
Te'en en n e t y C L:nkL T T en. ----------- - .. --- -•- !: 47 . tiL I the b ben t .t7....n n' d pm sulbroitnd ton, thrum. of the lat.
• gy..,,0r quanta-- . .. .........
sl : l, 6 n r
.1 1 urra tor time porta., No lot tt i r1 .. 114( . 1 ,,,E , m.
Tbe eerr he`t .
Thy. is the only •11 , rt iti Plashureh sat \ reps L.: 7.1 e , Februarr IT ',.1 TIIO2 ft. WHITE
f a :VtYl b re L l ' ar.l ' ant. ' . f i le" lr k = il ' set . 4::!"V. 'Ol.
' N EW Flltsl-I.t. C. Shachileti Mid Wiiiintlt
n'hT, .
A .
- •A. Payne Le ia.rieral partners, mot B..niznaln 01,1....
....wino. We .le - desalt
WINED SUti.k RS, kr- iP.i!sttit,ifsnio'.....'s n.q.!; P lits7ti t t i tit or tt .• ,ttseate„ a t..
J 0 tt It. Lar, Lauf Sugar. at the .., IS, el y oreurte.t by Ilh.rtiw IA bite. so
1,16 bid. Cruhr.l Scone W caal street 1t.4 . eIIACKLEII.
ITO - Pro..kre4 - . labia b`.l 1 . 1 SE
rAI .. Cla.-.fad -
l'o - liALLIril and Clartnal Error.: g 14.P., 1 / 4 IiTN EItSH I P-The subscribers have
14 -
S. II eerill a1&t....... le, rate by . I. . enten.l ion , Ce.nutuerehty tinder the Inna ~f.x.nte.
J Al .l - A HUTCILISON A CO.. A 11 0„..., ~ . • n„. , . Wst et . UP R.
tneh:..., .0, St 1.....0* en.Ter IhdlouT .1 Ott, ATKIN . ..S.
c[ ti AR- 1 ...! !ILI,. N. Otto arrive till& day.. '.•
.fer ~.Je.l.y t0..1.L1 • Al l II &KEA( 1111
•-__ _ -
X OLSSES - - I . PI bbls ~N, . , .0 6 .,1 1 , - , - , .? ( k t il l • )I,IIA RR Y. !IL( :II ES S C 0.,. l'ruirsetor , of
...Tit t.ur...1 Wye 1,, 1.. 1,a.0.,, , s“.l ::¢, r0,.....r..i. in..
c .e. to 1.• na huilder.. • roturt , . .nel other.. .t htt..
12 I:GS- .'t I. o b 1,1. -, , Ire -.11 for sde Iry bor,.h. W heel... Cinrm.l.l. Le Wit they here .peonl
- varlat I-. A W lIARBA LI:II •• I e u.l._ Laronus. a I9ll.burgh, their Agent. who one&
' read , n out. we, outer te tor It.adnag .it h Huh. net
LARD . 111 . b 1,1,. :c 75 k.,.. No. 1 ',Lard, in , Gail, I elate.
1.,..i,. tir,.r... R ('o. are le 0.44,A1C.12 41 lb. beet eta
LI iii. :0 I , iiAraLki:‘iii , lar g est SI., ttuaterte• m the 1'011...1 sb.tee-the .tuallti et
`lnes &bar. taeual. tf nie. ...senor, to We bet nel‘h
EIRLEP APPLES-Litt I.g. 11111 De. for , a l e il.t.e-the, retylo. tne, ntler but .apetteneed .114 Pine.
i ..- ineh:.l e. u W ItAttliAe• if mat .eaten be do their work, encamp:tenni they have no
• . beettation in mount.< a yarn 0y waterth‘ht roof. neat],
/' , Op VLSI' -.• cas k. re 'd and for sale by and Itet.) , -tat-Ir , Trdltnd. at " nnonenr • Ark.' or
IL,/ tarb2.l ,A W 1111 ' 11 A 1.61 ' ' ' '' r. n , r l . l7aW ' ; ',' .:l:eirlierl ' y recommend their Slane to le
caALSION--5 bid,. No. I, for tale hi - ,F . , 4, ° ,. o t' b .,.' n r:,, " c 4. ‘ep h'.. .! %'g o . f * l. W' adt h dl7l ,H . \'''''''''''''''
1,7 uicl.:.4 ''' I ' ' LIE " .C" i heGrenoe• to to Weir siOts and slating rut he ~en-aria
HERRING- -5 blils. fn sale be I 3lr MOM.. Parry. one ot the ..ornpany, may alai, he eon.
I '''''',' •°( ' l "' - "`"" u "'llvell;7: . .rellAlfaYtr 4
rach2.l It. ❑DA LIELL & 90. taut (Au .
lie IN ERI ZE l) coil& iti.iinJi and - iry, 'f,`,l',.l;l,l;;;;';'," o !'"''''''
iiiallf::tiro l i',!;ZlLi.!ri.%: , .... E ' r : , ;' ,,,,, r 'i,".,.TUT.; ii7.:', l l',.. P :Ti 1 CI EI7.V.S- 7 -15 11 . 111141 Coot Moo, fur tmle by Ac. made by I fi3 .r},lg J. Alt FLOYD
Zre ' drr ' . l Ct l i . ,ne ' Te i attli ' ; ' & . n ‘ it . ; ..!. ''‘' nae••••• will he found ' ,
mmt excellent ITter net' ki&n, 16 non• ' rri \Lorin' s EED-Sti Ito. for sale ItY
For Ws by tochl'J It. : nELLEIIS, 67 Wood W. t '
meld/ J it a rbotit
ACON-5 hints prima Monts: ',LOUR - 1 40 bbls su 'crime. for tuile ItV
6 do do Shoulders In `tore end ila .
ei" . 4.a.le by 51cOILL: 4 a nor. v.," I J. AIL 11.051) . ."
- - - .--.....- -
Rockingham and Dom ode Queensware. L, ,,, i1 , t . i12!! , -.1 11 1it , A y ... ,. N .1 ;. 5. t. ,, =1 , :a. and
° 3
e p tu l te l t i o l i ' Ljl.f i' n ' ttlt E a l jYe k luov e c O t;:.' ,llva ar'' n- . m'"
WANTFu TI 9 1 " I '''''''''.
Lleueoo, Ohio. WOOL
1 ‘
11 ..
~.-,. tt ,
, Ulezt , u: tr . :_ke t
prrearnplo Rooms. No. ItH Forth ptreet, neer the Her.
0f T,7 0,,1. 1 1 r . r. to ; ,,,,,• 1 , 41 . ii •.,
or 011 ow. Pittaburgli. Pa- i '2A W. fIARRAL&Irr "
Our extensive Works enable et to fill order" promptly'
A roninewnt designer being con•mntly emploi tel. al.o en. I N
T 0 T I C E.2--All persons having c aims
et: , os to Anti Pee., with el , Hi ' Pee en , intrroretntrne i nualn.t the eteamer SCHUYLKILL. •111 ideal. pre,
of the day. pent them to the .nbeeribere for trttirment Immehatel).
trete, llen., gydtname, Partin- , F.ney T•.y., Dientert Fen, aa the land hu ta....4., Into other hands.
Flower Tun, Goblet., 31entel 'Triune., Nltalleis , am l tortil4 ALLISOFoRD a CO.. inn W cur et
''Velfejr.e"r•en'aandt.nyfr I :Z . /i f :alel 'm 'Or
" 7 . i n
TATO*" volt sALK-r . -ohio anti Pennsylvania Itail
' road :Welt: Itinli of leittaburrln and Earliange Pant:
Weosters Unabri ed Died , ofery. 1., .Al 4 R. b KIM:. Youth .t.
.0, , , ,, k ~,,,. 1..,,,,,,,,i),
~ , , ,,, ,, , ,,, , ,,,,,,,„. 1 7.,,,, .z 5,..i.dv.. i i. 11 . 1 , .
!. . ; 1 ,.,„i N .,
~T , ,,. :1 1 . T , ,
, I 0 , .
~ N i, . , i Is , I 0 L A
J ti ,, S m i r :
~,S - - 6 4 ,,,A,,
z ::
.„, 1 ,,,, 1 ,, ,
I I: :: ill
very .legut- Stunt
"L'ff,i,.'"" l ' "` '''S'lt..lll"':rit:l7;;lt.'A Wendel. Mli;li EIiEL -'22 2 1 4 1 ! • N''.. 3 :
• for e 1.,
F EATIIERS- -16011 lbs. prime, for sale hy mod/ JASIES IiALZELL.GB Wok, et
N. A W 11AltliALOIL il
. )RI EP PE ACRES ---:;00 Ito. for 1 bv
VLANSEF: I) Cllr -5 bids. City Make, on mew 1 e. aa n Anna oil
, - -i: hand and for-Pate by QOLE I.EATIIEIt- ' 2 50
. Sides for sal . by
CARD-I have removed fro nky new store. mai/ ,N. STICK EItSIIA M. 1.,, meh II h• W. HARIIA illf.
(three loon below,' nearly opplaWn the Ihml of IL
lODLIVEIt 01 1,--Ito.lam., Clark to Co.'s, T AIL --7S bbl. (N. C.) for sale by
&neat, watt`
i mill be sled tonne my friend. Ana fel.
los chimes, asst remeire • share of Matt. comma. IDI _ 711 sad a. .".. hT .. s. ~,,SOr.iiAm. ruchS %VICK 1 MeCANDLY 'S.
keep • .27 large sasurtment of UnholeterY Itedetqet . 4 ' .R. 0 casks Kurtz's bruin for
41 ":P .I'd U.W.l'P ' '''g. ''''''' entt ' " '''i "'''"'" I )ItENE SILKS - 2 0 `Vast assorted Spring 5UL?k,,,A511.7.,:',, .
...e. • agues Ueda. Wenn. and Pillinne tauten. (In In. . , K. A W HARBA till
k Pt 1 I
C0...WT....4 Comeau , : "I . ''' . 4h.a... ' a '''''' ''. S ' '' br'" '"
' ' 'u "‘ A. A . MAYON 1: o , _ -1' - •
rletTl Mot Mats •nd eyery article astmlly found in the cl LAN SEED OIL-200 0 galls. for Ble by
meet extend , estamktanente of the kind. onkel riot t- -melt! No V: awl 64 Market &newt. I.
nalill 3. A )y. HAUSA !OIL
1%/ IN , I A /IV
„ 1 , 1, ,, 1. , , , 1 ,, R ” :4- 6 ,,,,,,
, 1 ,, H ,., / , ll.o , triz i Wiv a dz
!"'arttidul"''''''''fri.".4Skiii, nisi I AI)I ES' I,ItESS GU6IIS
----- - - - - - i A n pn. plain all •wool high ...lona ae . lenneee.
REMOVAL. 2'5 - new end rplrt&Dd id, k Benue De Lathe& ear rale by nacl.l4 B.IW. 11A1111 ' .11.1011.
& 11,. WILSON hare removed tti 'o. to - 010,10est)te tiansontoes, lira ... , Prtteat et .
• 11S Beecind et, and 147 grout et.. between tied met. 4 A. A. mAmis a oi.s. ..';I'ItUCE CII RIF ING GU:
Yftilual. •
I - . - 7 (emu Bangor. Me., through Ulf
'P . ' 11)10T4S11-k4 casks
m r i e L ti: E tl , :t . nt i l ,, f e t K tr p s i a , li ,s by ~,,...,,,,,, :, jZ i t . IN:
~I nk
~ ..„ f ‘ it t ii , : , r f: . l=
. 7
II,EMO AL.-ENcuun & BENserr, Whole .. it, T2l and 141 Liberty et. the h,lll. tic Fc.r .11.• a holesede
Isis a I. and Deafen Da Pro:lure, hove rem, al mehr O. law
oa. 1.23 , And 121 , [1151 NU, bete , . 11.1 . 4 ''' W 1 N'EER WII A I,E 011, - I 4.51 gall. I.l'd, melte
Smithfield Whatnt.: VlM rner
IteinovaL anrbl in 't""
t ?I ' ll ' LLEIt Ai RICK lamp:. NV ATER 1371tE IVOR
M. GOEBILY bus remind to No.' hI `` /MALL PL II) FItENCII (11 NOMAMS,
,Y.,,:er"ic/..'r'',,,,,,,r.,,,,,],r,r,,,,',..,...•,,V7.,,,?,,,,, :
NV• LI rty eluet. G door? . ate.e.e Ilk former 71 lad• j. 7 of a eery supnior ckulltr-e. full eeandnel4 Ont
“ ..T.;n l ;",, ,, 7 1 , ,..., 4 • 5 . , t,, ,,,, ..1.,k i .0 . . 7 , 1 ., .t i s.. ' t , t , h; r4, - . : n.
end directly onneen Meal. et.. at , ' a opened hy 'melted lUithlll a illlitOlViEt.u.
F ' 'llustratlon. 1•I Mileotant ' , it eet'
Seed Store Removed. I INES CAMBRIC ILAN DKERCRIE S. ?,swears • • .
fr m ilE 3 bseriber has removed bin Seed S aro 1./ SICItPIIF A au , acillitll;l! b , ' J5!..;i1,,.,,b, am yr.! tiee m of . Hydrnhat Ay, I, thn late 11.
i . ,, o f ~, .h o ., ,?..a.t. of t l et .tutu". .....,rAn rest. , trnn^mnt n''' ‘tn' .erman n bat ert ltalki..,
.2 ,,,ii ti -
. i r f I ,
t ee , ada tr lt u yr , Viro s, a .. ' l• 4 l,l'.fr o , ' ',...' . 1 1,L . `,, ~.... kola iilli tent! pp !p.y..... _ ''''__......--- '•• • u r n. ,
.. , .
~ ,
I as: Ea BUTTER •14 kepis jist ree' , .l and for 1 hi.,,,,,,,',1iT,..,,L. h r„.....r1t,i5k5..:r0c.,..,74,:y.,.,a
'----- ' I.
' ''s°w" 4 .11.‘. elle la - I tneht i 1J111.Ell•. ............... rbm
fr L EMOVA I . -- GEO. F. DIII3I has re laved 1 ENTS' POCKETIIANDKEIICIIIRFS- il lOUNTRBFIEIT COIN litl'i.&lolls.-
... /o bU tbar•'• 1 6, 0VIr'% wm n •1 ":' ,1•1. g. ° ' ll , • , ° ! h r,.t " '„,,, r , '.' - ',, i ‘ .. ' 1[ ,,., 11 ., _%.1 ,, k r, an_ ,, r1 1 , ... , 1nen Cambi , e. n ef ,i 7 . and nena 7 otim .0 7, L.Prgi" , tb• °Or InvtMlnetat tip. e c ,,f . f ~,r ,
,ointeW•it coin enn he eertalnly J expetiltlel•lr r,
hem he wilt be pkund to o f
on hi, tormer , c4l men ---.--,,,,, n ' k " 'in' n.
‘1"11 . 1'll' x OURCIIFIELD. quirlng hut a teom+nt. Prin.:pillo,V f.O .., ti r o ~
end the utilise cenaudlr-
WILL PAPER. - AIENDINE POItT WIN E.-The pure juice _
.. '
, w W. WTI.SON,
of the tint... coitalle fr.rturdleinalpnirsee,e !,.te - ;an !II°.;10:h",".".' a , '" :l77::7e ' o ' f ' .l Litet..&.l el ' h . en.
ASSOrtMeta. of Spring Synch, by H.' Que.' , ''r In'tk• ' ' 4""C " . liA"'" ' , F. ''n yIIAT k.NI :%I.DICIN ES, ke-A largo stork
irrllo3- PALMER is daily Tneeil l inr•
Frell As orallFineNowe.,rart Ode of 11, Diamond. inb-. 0
X7l - likkorl Nun. -- In awe , ., end For rale on th Ilhee.
.1 ,,, L.Sell et..Krick Candler Pm este by ,
2 - fr.. 1b . N0 z.4,... . 55 mAciti.,,igrrwsth,,,art.t.m, . ^ s ITN iirtit.s -1144. t_ ...tun . ..
.B.dit== cotti i'ourtA streets, Pittiburyh, rorhrt .J 1 It is
iti:: -. 1 . ' - TL-C" iSint....:.."'Ll.°::llll'Aoe''''''.'''n'fh..i.t"i'..:•:.:'4' Llr't lin:tin'rr::;:i:Ora:4.:l.:l.ll.':YEll'irl'-"lrsbitre:.;:enaillth
MEMJIAIFOThr4 ratlit•V•t=rity,,bc..l"tftel N. a ASON'S IILACK.ING-1?5 Rro. for sale
~ ! , 11 ,, z ,, itn yk r &arce t ta i lf YeErtrael of auchu
Ins • ha v = l . - -The patter. me lenthely ~,,,, i the la gnr nosh 10 J KIDD AOl . i'< , Wnel . ' Nair'. =native '
arl. an ' - ir.t d ir ..7 k '''t, .I,.,..,'"a i A t h a . rr t..,,, , ••• Ivo Ll5ll- 10 casks, warranted pure, for Anderson'.
range. Hoerr e Depurallye hyrun for the
t ure of Klng'e }fan •,,,,f
au:mu. kt of Teals. of skach • r.le by nicht.. J '.._. " ' FL4-2YL,. .. Eoff p Ann° &peptic oh, 4,,,,,,,,,, ... ,
‘Mr"b...te.i7drtteerditnn.'"A f"'"a erail goteritepth.Adr„ ,c' V „ .. ,''' ' '. lAS 1.,' II AN I.)F.LIF.Its AND FI XTURES ; - ":, f...,. ,, e , ~, .
(*lir i' ' ''' ' , i awsi. (X Parlor Chandelier, and areetcle. of the latent etylee: .. -447...ri't:,V41 r'''.. 7. . , i n eelsrmlnt
::: ara ' orT 'n
------- also. two and . than tmemental cr P . , r wridB ,,...k. . i „,..„„„ ,
rr,.... " German BeNrearlot
neehls rower of Fourth and Market pte. " Flan I " Lavender
.... Closet
Icei-OLXIIA-ARD LAXPS, CIiANDELIELS, ~:vd,,,,tvul‘tne
1, Oinameotal and Plain Fa LompaftrrahUrds n . &talus
es Steamboat.. Italie. ar. , 0 . 4 tir n "th . ......... db.g. Rae Ointment Srr liTter gyeiTater k4'''"'::ifne 8"r
Utul patterns of Center Table, eand. itret studrbarassoll in,,,,,,b,„),,,, pw,r. ami ,..,. Lint..,
of the aratralkd Mawr
of C. 7 . 1 .,01..‘ 1 .t,...„C0n .I= ll Einahren Panacea Ondfrey's Omaha
eastern goier.thl' -”n ' ......... n' Tarllwtoti's Bab= ' golden Tincture
- VMMMS• Narlece Oil
Worm Tea I Gorse Powder
At the Drag Mean i\f 15. .
sal !l ath
PA oar= of Ircol sal Kith Amu.
tu4ersro , l Tho
Virtue teach ]Do 11 Via•turn
Vousden Theo
Wainsert aht Tlt Waterhouse B B Whir pl. 11;1 , ,,
Walkup Mark . Wcat.rood ah N 1 1111anto
Will Jos Wash Michael Williams Joo •
William. S
IT=r u ßllrkller k 211 F ttllkl, WII I la tr. leus,
Walte r A 0 Welsh Cask. Williams I , II
Walton Joo Westeolt a C W w l i l ii i m iam n , r jm W
Walker Jon ' White Wm
Walker Geo Whtte II J It illsno Jtetal,
Wallace, &nal Wlnte B 11 illsno 11 V
Wallace Jou White Jon Pill nn II S
Waters Ja. White Itlelmi Wilhanza Robt SI
W''''''' 0"
' Whit'
And. Wlnteelsamn J
William Jo..
Watt V 11 %lathe Thos
I WaS MBE's' White JW E Ss Ile! Errs , r•
Wart That Wheeler Geo Wilma Joo T
Washburn Jo Whitson CC D r . iler m Geo
Warner B Whiteout Barney i ill .
Ward Jon r Whiteside Kota Wleithau , Jas
Warturek flash r Wynne Peter Wcs,lrigg, , Wm
Wont I. I.
Watt's. M
Y anuel Wolf Jos
Teunc Jon Er
m i l
"s7t E V
I LkeT ,
Steamer 111. never L.
theybeny E.mpfxt I.:0101.
Central Itellqf .11.1.0CULUM.
11 Cpp.actl No .14.
RP"uoNeutobia Divialoa of Son. of Tem I.rarler ~•:,,,,,.
4. '-' Fort War= 4. 4o
111.tabtuTt. 1 ..h.
SAMI7.I. 1:11,01 1 1 08.. I .
.0. - 102fiee. Ap;11.5. 1041. .
-.- .
To Builders.
b§EAd..ED PROPOSALS will be rceely,l by
'the goats Directors of th e Third Ward PubDe I
col. of the yof Pittsburgh. up to the girt met.. for"
the erection of 'School Dour, sesurliug o plant tied epe..
educations of the tame, whirh.rau br poem at the aloe of J
_..E*42trt. on g.tri. th
.L.rd; 11'1 21. — "
ttpleau JOHN Mk:Cite:l:El%
To Contractors.
SBALED PROPOSALS will he receicol at
the offloe ot U. D. King Yourth Alec; until a o'clock.
of the 19Dt tort, foelklarlin4 the Pee., rarth
ut out
earth 00 the road where It cremes Crete's nohow, ...tine
tie Mee tC::Z/4: rani, bo tecter i .;el . liy . 4l: ii;ii.Zl,cot.soer
;7. •
Pr:Tomb for Coal and Slack.
SALED PROPOSALS for deli Ming, in
he stores Sd the Works of the Pittaburgh o4 .. Ges
els P n T i 'gyve, .tatieglt,.=.V,l2?.'l,ollll•o-7,14
natal Wednesday. we Old but at 2 o'clock, P. It. The
Coal and Slack ;to be of nub quality, sod delivered st such
times, and in stet quantities. as ehell erem , cd of ced
The dandard of computaaktn for Coal =I Sled to he
pounds per bushel.
Tbe payments to be made monthly, retainosS 2 , ) Per reed.
sew.allfor performawe of mote... ,
Pro to, be addresaid to Thomas liskeeril.
Pre t d 1 4. Jeas i Cli oDed rtPf Y.
and Bart."
Sealed Proposals
OR GROUND suitable for a site for the
custom Haw% Poet Oftice.
At.lch arra author.
Yd. by cannot Act of Ccoffrcaa. tole crectof tblceitY
ill be mans. .11 until Irtilay, tW 17th WI.. bT altbrr f
the oodenigned. • •
dloienclost• required are 1W feet front is 1W to lib
feet deep. on boated on aro street•—•lf kcaand on the
1,,, w 1 Er 11( ton W.'. OwW•ala cosy be otalc for 100 to 1 . 2 n
feet on one by IlAto 110 on the Mho,.
T110)1AS )1. HOWE,
A. W. L.00)11a.
apltbl Coolsolacioncrn
utthal utleinjast reetand tot Pk by
THOS. PALMIER, Zia 55 Market rt.
Lb : :A, •NV YO: . and B
, w itkikikri.," - bANlrtgil l 6 ,
r 4 br Nosh, 1109. MILER.
• larp wd feacrsl amortmat
st 61. sista it
Corner of Iroori and Fifth Street., Pitlaburgh,
,CE LOW IN STORE, and to arrive this
ng pools, of the mon recent impor
mtiou:. w knelt en offered on the toom reammablo term.,
111, ratty boxe• prime tireen;p down Patent Zino Wuh
T. Boarde.
bf. ebe.d. do. Jo. I f,o box.", extra pure Starch:
40 t.k.lona Chulani Cll . ' 'oalrrarreor
1W bee. Rio 75 N .1. 31olas.evc
Loon, ra and Jar. - S. I.
1.4 bo.e. and 5I" Golden Syrup or
" Lot.
Cruelmt, and
1,b1.. \w.l and 3 Mark. Pondered SuPar,
err,: 1..60 dlens
and 1., do. No. 1 to. 00 drum. Suarrna
2 and do. Salmon, ...1) jar. BOnteaux Pruner'
50 box... Seal4.l Sicily
ta extra Madder, I, box,. Rork CmodY:
3 bale, CIVAIf. Genoa Citron,
1 ell
lm*, . (keno Chocolate.
f. bag. l'epper Alleple, - Castile A Almond
1,40. Nutmen, Soap:
2 II errom4 Moron • 12 dol.llllltarr SoaF
1 - - Pepper: 1 551 aut.. Curb &al.
1 - Plmento: 1 Cream Tartar,
10 kr, M0. ,,, tan1, I es, l'esrl °UM
lu awl ileArred
2 bldg. Garrett'. Snuff: I • Ligonrklel
45 tare. Stearin Candle, I Arrosr BooP.
- Star I' Bath Brirk,•
10 •• Sperm 1 I.ld. non, Sulphur.
100 do.rn 31..0n's Marking: 1.1 ern. Maieb.,
all , / 5.. onpertme Rive Floor, 10 ,lor. Patrart lemon,
S. Bore, and Tamil).
2n.dos. • 5 Lemon sonar.
160 Corn Broom, 1 ra.k FRI Sod.
Map.. Nall,. White Lou,), Lard' OIL 00.
1 1147 145.pr1mcR.C41(10 ,1 11130 blot. M. It. aL. Relsinr.
I . pIT us. %1 , 1 ;k 1c , !;2 ;. Anal 3.0 . 112 , 111.4.k/..,11=111%, aU.
''' ,l - CiV ,"," . , '''':' f',, :: tiunt,':',°",:r
2.5 Im. Itl, I 7 1 1 1 0 dram. lLuo
51111/0 B. Culf..ll, , 441 races Fire Cruckm4;
. 1.,..'. Ilermug.. 1 1/ Prutosc,
101/ 10/1,. N. C. Tar. , 1. ~ Lrmun Sum,:
E 4/ - Lark red Sucur.l D . , . • : Tmu110 . ,..1i .... ‘,. 1.11 1 1
SCI, ' / I -1 1 1 .1 ' .. i tI ' Nrc. '"'''''''' i . . L t l i :' ll'inVl.... -
4 rurcons 11.414 o: , .0 - Urmil Sugar.
1".5./ I.T.T ....111. 1,1 . 2 111 a, 1 1 1 ,0. ' 0 Printupc 5......04
1.4, f n... T i u. uTul i rt..l l lasks.. 5.7 , 4u. , 7 ., t -...
'';', ~ '/ ' . ' l ' .41"...r.Lcre4; 1,01: 11. SP I / 11 . 1 .
:0 ' l. r us '' l:u l . 1...5. - .1 't
100 Si, t, .11., 40:44./ TanS.
Iluttcr Craclacr.
11 . 1 • 11,1 - 1- .T l '" I ' l ' l ' 4.o '' l.llO LL. -Smith's . ' Ale;
41, Mloll.+l.
41/ 14.1., tausc.T. l . oll. / 1.0 /4-4/.44 0 S.. D. Tvb.... , ...
1. A•U ~:aa. La.: , 0,:. OO n. Our cut
..:,.) 1.0, K.•-in Soap.
.4/.. - IT ZSII.Can.II..s.
• 1.../ INI /14 , . 11...1 I. 1•. 1..1 - 4.4.T.1 an n ,
.„1 ~,,,, . c.. r a.,...,.; writ., am-1 M ra1.0.4 1 1 p.m.
1. - 1. :us, 1 . 1 . 1 .-r. r,,,,,,. C.0v1! ,, vi. , ...1 Ts lue . alll. a /Ts.
1 /us Ic Al u.ds TL 1/..1 1 - . ..cut I u c F ur lin.
. 1.
' ' 11
- • F.:MAI:IIS 11111 , 14 E -11.
ussll-4 1., ..ussucl. u/1.1 11.1 Frost ,L 4.
• n
` iu u <li
• 4.4
tr . :. to J J I
Produce, Conunission, and Forwarding
i 'l, unell Nchl
011 to rke 11...
• 31EitelIANT,
;S Sorth Strut, Baltimore.
Ile B 1.ilt: undersigned, Agent fur the Penn
a.. llama ml Ltno. twlnst ettntrally lo.catra
utt:sawn. ,tutl etu.e) 00x10
L ter 111:r";:-/VP. i_S_SR.I Dl,LvEss.
I. Cololootlnn . with the }VIM N urS.l . OE.SS:snd
unl Ily «awn. r00..,--nun.of Whtrkey. F10ur. , 3 rain.
countrt Proanott twtiorslir•
L. N. 001100 N.
11 tustootto March. IhSI
0. Or.lort for SAIL &e., promptly motuttl.
I 1. tt Mehl
ot, I•al
1 , /...1
Ibmertfn I 1
1,11. A
Posrsa 113
Port rJ R
o la.
I.nrc Iln. II
Moe,r. JO.n Sullivan A i‘or., W. !Karr Soso, Th. J
Careou S Co. Jehn Mr1,11 , ,h 6 Co.. Wylie d
Parid KeighlerA o. Miller 0 51.,
hew. Turnl.ll. Irnll lhohert Onrrett 0, Son, J.
0 V..
Mrgere. CIAO. A Th... limo, Grath Pittrhorp
Mr. J. W Kerr. IlarOghojr-
JAmeo Coo Ken. F.,,Coluhlten
! , lerere luilleAlan Buy, 111.
Mew,. P A A S. lork
Mears Jaorrne- .ter! A Co., ben,. A Butler. PhOsaelphi.
hhde prime K O. Sugar:
.• Molse.eo for rain he
I OAF Sl;(:: All- -21111 tan. Small, for sale by
lA It —25 1111,1 s. for sale by
. ss.bis JAS. DA [ZELL. IA 'kat.. el
M ACK ERE L-- laimo No.:1, land
d " "L" Wjirr. d iirs , A ItY.PPKItT.
A J lo Wide l'hoorahm Soya,.
100 13,1. do. MA.. .gee. leak rooper..l,o
In bY
( ) s l l . l A 1:.1 • 0 1:4 I 100 glttAot:riNat:,l%
cern, or NI.OLet lota Third ot.
kog. No. I Lard, and •2 61114
It. 1 klarl..ll
licallawl J V
Rorke Th.
Robin n I
lininnuon leW -
Itabineon J A
I 01111 t
Rupp Win
A LEI:All S-.
t 7
mt. 1,4,
UNlrlt I ES -
in t. ' .l7Wll 4 l l l; '' ;:: ll %
111 alskiL.l hula .trwl
hl.l. Lx.l N. I.
Le N:
ten.,“ .4.1.21,
mrh:L _
fluted) , prime Clover Seed;
e bap Tlinot) , 7 Bad.
" "
Mcia ROM
State Mutual Fire Itiseratice Company.
OFFICE PI —No. 54 Brater,
IE best evidence of the success of the
rretors In endeavoring to make the STATE NETU ,
.wonthe untie of
the nommunity, Is the nordnileled of busineee
which tau town duce: 1,3•1 1 . homed oser 0.040 p o lk.,"1„
little_mare than eight monthot awl adding over
capital co the Company. The Ditvelois are proud to ear,
that nearly all the property insured Is of the waled kind {l,l
motriot,. eud a large proportion {toured for only one
Klllitlier of Policies issued, - 5,065
Amount of property insured, - $5,139,496.00
dkn. guarantee premiums. 57.909.79
do. ;sash premiums, -- - '33.194.24
do. guarantee stock. -- - 90,104.03
do. losses, 4,100.00
To to deducted from the store Wane, the Incidental
a mt
of the
le.b,:tr7rrynliterclmt.e. and of dwellings,
amt Imolated and country property. it Isdierod role eurn
party pIIOPIAI,II,2II.itr, in of eheapona
t, • infetior to no Insuranoe comp.' in tine country.
C...inend on the ..rtnitable and greatly Imm-bred Fr
of 101.10. excluding all etweial hazards. Ine
oaring only a limited amount In cur 0147 1+.114. thue pre.
dolling the frequent ,. and ......nm.nre of large firm and
slim On both the I-dneli and Mutual plan, It not only pm,
....eve the eloapneer and woninuelation of hoth method.,
hut mune. the inenred n participation In the mill,
It le under the coutml of the following Limeturg--John
P. Rutherford. A. J. Gillett John B. Packer. I. T. Jones.
Alonzo A. Carrier. Phi1uf.,p,,,,F,,,,ng.K.114tr5„.;,,,,
A. J. GILLETT, tlecretan.
A. A. Cillatr.n, Aetuarr•
• -
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., Philad'a.
Ar the bcttcr rorenteu , .4 por,.on. 1,
r. crty
los. r rnrt the cit y . ibo agent .nY lomat
In. 11 to 12 and 2 to 3 o'clock. at the: roman), reum
J: 6elloontaaler WOCKI rtr,t, when. all nee+,
mar I nfuruntuvn and n 11121C..111L1N p[ell,l..
I Islteltded naaphlrt , t.ll , l3 , unah: the vrtneirle, cud
1;..”.•:. of Life and blank for.. furnhltd vu
av , 0.41 , , t0ck
Marine, Fire,! and Inland Transportation
1 1 11 Ft Innllttlilt:e.Colllparly Nurtb
3111.1 r •1, 1,51 ST...A:Lt.% :01 Will ll,.lr.vtlt, E.
no.l t [tato' tk.uttnit... to Ow clt v..littt, mt. rt t rt - ttiniont o. rt., .km bunt
nu I al., ‘ettnel, b.. jrannpnlnlntu or ou
um.:ink ,
Arthur rZ Calla. Pr et, Timms, P One,
Samuel W. Jones. John It. Nett.
Edward Smith. _ltehard D. Wood.
• John A. Br en. William Webb. ..
Samuel F. Smith, Frauds Mutat.
,an.mel Brook., S. Austln Allibono,
Chad , . 'Parlor. Wm. F- Bowen.
Atlm., White. - Own , . Aspinwall,
Jamb M Thome, • Jame. N. Iltekron.
S. Inert. Wain, 11. D. Sharnrrd, Seey.
. - ...1111a if 11sel 41..1 I n+orloc , , ompany In the UnltnlStat
and from Ile hlub ...In.. loot esp-tien , e, ample mean
and heoldlcu all Asks nr an tmma harartioin , thArYter.
''' 6.
'-'"l'''.".4 " na' KYLI,Tirl 7 ,5 . 11) 1 ;4 7 F 1 . ' A b i7.l. " e "
ja....1 No. 111 Front anmet.
-- -- -----
American Life and Health Insurance Co.
Agrnt fur Pittsburgh, 5.4,11 L. 1). TOWLE!.
tri Fifth above Smithfield.
ratophirto coolant'. all neoevaary Information ean be
oh.loml at the ofth.e.
Western Insurance Company of Pittsburgh.
CAPITAL $300,000. It. MILLER, JR.,
'ill 'wore apalovt all Mod. of rivlta Vire Wad Maxine.
All isvuev liberally ad losled ana pmmiq Paid.
A home InAllution--managed by Director , n u-e well
konwn in the entuntunltY. and wln , dvtevml." ,
who de.lre to Vet loomed.
11.1?1re."..3-r'l,-.1.1e`1,1;14 for JmK•la.
31. Jam.. lapplmv Pr- .tt. tleoree
up et.a.n.,o o "fuit ci;c.
Delaware Mutual SafetylusuranceComp'y
eiIANIIII Thin) atnen.. Philadelphia
'rat InertuoT.—Bullnlne, Slerehandkr. and otto•r
pnnerty . , In town amt. countl7. trourerl eetaluel hex Or
darn.," by Ilre. at the lowert rate of premium.
SI tatae lattntaara..—Theyure Veeeele,
and Freight", fortshrn or enaetwle, ureter op , o or Apr.
the amour...luta" lien , .
I"utau TIL C(749/IITATION.—Tbr, also !more Sl , rehatollee
tralletaprt..l by %Verrone. unll n.ut ears Canal kat , . and
nteato len.. on rites and lake...lllle 111 k.
Inare.rown—J , emeia. 11. nral, 1A,,, A.lNnoler, John C
hat to. Enron, John 11 Penrraw.•1 Edward , .
41.-or Lena, Eduard 1/arlPonton. Isaac It Darts. IVO
h ge rd
am Indwell. John Newllu. hr It. SI Ilona., Janne
Iliad. Theophllnt Pauhllun. Il .1030.1, lieu',
"Arno. float, Crailt. Georne "peneet Slelltaln.
Chart- , helly. J
11a, S Venom,
I..hrt Nene', it,,, t:),. Jr
11.1. T Morgan: Hugh Craig,
Joho T. Lrorati.
NMU to Maria, Prethlent Tchn C 11 two. Prot
dent. .I.ntro IV. ,IM, IN , eretary
b„1X"'"'1'1....9.71'.1"'""'. PL'a
ANC.: ts oNIPANI. No 1,1 XI vt "tree, :teacart
N • .. awl No. II Stnn I, N 11reumn/aletl
sianv%orn. di, Vilna from to In,wr ol PnPllt Iwt aunt..
The .51,enlar will re...ire uppbertto , nr for Is:now/et . r
In the al,re ntert-efol In,oraueevumiany.thr atoll
No lll.Suot etre , .
• •
Iwoces end UI bids. fia.
It 1.41.Z.GL1..t CO,
IVANTED--A Situation as Book-keeper or
T T Clerk In a onenantile no manuttenolux hougn.
Unnonept.tor•Able elty rrierertmv rill be Alvan. A Ilro• xi
..1rri...1 to U. IL, rare of Mellills A 80, will recei h ve =f stun.
_ -
Ole. PIES AND TARTS—Fresh Chewier
r d .I O I 11, i wo ob., re+errlng the
r, '"'4 1 17 100" 4 tb P f s 1..... r .& ,2 1)10In . P en . mle . brabrd
Short 'lstgl'lL'rukb34-1...'5".0u Freurik de1.... for Jellba.
Bi,m ltA'. . AWIM r
KO k C‘)..2:4Libettr frt.
_,_ ..
V EIstSON HAMS--53 for stile by
1 triehl3 , J. D. WILLIAMS A CO.
rirANNERS' OIL-10 blur. warranted pure,
X for !ale by ,„,b,.., R. E. SELLEffs,
lIERRY PECTORAL, Starch Polish, Soap
T , ~ Pe o b V . er . sod Efferrp; .. lntMogg:Nr, s ,t ri b li .
" .., .
Itich—lu tes. (fresh) for sale by
mcbtu samosa. P. shitlYea.
LARD -40 111. No. I, o in . s w tor n e A . R f ß o A r i si ,.. i l l i e by
if 11.6VEIISEED--S bids. for sale by
it ,) na4i4L WICK & MeCAN6LE3L
IiETTER--6 111. prime Roll, for snit , by
*it A t.yllab. o
f f lie
1.5.5 . 0 f Lol OM, Titleß Is Venn
kylrard. by Jnel OILIOIS Mt d and on
for salt. by
No. 47 Market mt.
IIIRAS: ALE-300 Whbla and 'lf. Blois.
13 in panne• with ennfttnntnerleols &not the lirrwery,
wart-anted tint nnahly. for pale hz.
mchll• - V.1,1`1.1:1IT.
. . _
Bays' Wear.
I I [AWRY & BURCHFIELD have roo'd
an ...mrtnlent of tlie:obve
of plaid and plain Clo,lnerre.. 11,[1i1 mixt
I. Tweed , Slrrum nud Jean, w0r0n...1
veulw. Y. 0,41.. ett Isle re Enda;
k /.luscrunia. lovi. the atn.ntiou of
,1,, „th,!!
Ce 11ORTAI- 'lOO ha. for tale low t o close con
k, taValteilL try .0 Alll/ EL P. SIIIIIVER.
inclat. l
SO dot. pucker.; 10 dol. TOSS for rale by
J k)112; 1/ALZFLI
1:11 '9 1. BUT—TER-31 • -
R. „.b.hy r. j ru t oT r , e s e . ' t 'i st ' lT. 4 for
znr.b in GI Water
AHD OIL-26 bld. No. 2, just rec'd and
II for .319 ley by WALLINGFORD CO
I lair wortsnent of 4. a. and Gdr. bilneting.
Figment BaA. Patent Carrilace .1 Cloth, a eplendel
'Kiel, lei male •helemtle we low am ...Fiera 'pewee.
mlO7 .1. a H. PlilL1.11 . & i and u tla.l et.
iusT B.Ect.) FROM piiii.Lii , sviLLE
lactnry—lMO yd.. 4 and 5 qr. ilreen Oil Clotb,h ,,
...te awl retail. at \n.7 and N li,and nt.
akt-h7 J. t
-10 etioikv NIL 1. for ink by
DO i ts
L wellhr
Q lIEET IN GS.—W .• Mee LINTOCK invites
1.7 the C.U.Lit.loo of purrhamr, to MR arAorTment of Sher,.
ing. al No. t.:. I..arth ,trret
_., I Inch 3
I 1 RI ED BEET- 5 te. S. C.. for Kate by
F waif, ROMS IN, 1.1171.1; 801
I LASS— 350 Nang W. 11., mai'd, City and
CI O mar, brand, for nal.. by W
HIeKOILY NUTS--K pkF. Inr sale by
thrb,.. %$ k:1. a 31rCANDLIF:6?.
QALERATuF,-- 14 easlui and 2.:t lwreA put
a - 3 vena.a. nu rah. tly
.1.1R001116-13$ doz.(Corn m fo .c r : 4 0
. 1 . 1;L .
W.,1,..„,.N.,0;,:,,t,,A1r,,.14,1t1;. by
ti LACK WOOl. for February, :510 the Art
..orn.b for Joantsol • f 4 't tn,s,
~in.wite thy office.
riA bbl. reed and for Rale by
di ' , ASS' A-104) inatta ana reed, for sAI.•
101; SALE - . •lixehange Bank Ste, k,
II B. KING. V.,urOs
goli LIVER OIL- Warrunteil purr• on
' 11,100.. u. bwrk• tA,iU.. 1.•r.a4
mrart Y.r.t airul
li,v2rf . .?" 0 ". d"."" •"'
t. az. 1 , 1,:M•
rrinting um,. art I•4•erat 41,04,401 /.1., e•
Alll. - If 1%1:1 1,••
I At 'Tv C M Engltsli import,d, for
1 •.le 1,1 1.4, 11 • II•Ch AOn
13 Uri - -In bladders, in unsorted sized
Flle Lf
m. 11. A VAIINEFT II I. - E r 01
EWES.s PL.ttaEßS—Largo and small.
Jr ICI' 11 A FAIISEiTLX:g • 01 .•
ra-hs nrver
flint gni 11 , •1 .1)
I I IDES-- too DRY. 1111/ES r,c,ived a nd
.111 mu. , :1 10. lIARIIAres/1
1,j4. -...k-cu---61) Slicks Feathers reeeiv,i
and for Node Sr lase •. t; A W 11ARBAC(111
BUTTER- 5 Barrels recd rr S. li.
A te. 11A1:11A1 , 1 1 .
9111.k:051'A SVINDOW SHADES--
. ~atte....rn•nt can L. excel al de srret %Van
ua', 14+'1.1} Tint:
stINI thalt 1 , 41 ‘!al/rtn":lct.l,72n.; N2,4"1/11
IL 0 . 4.1 NN iro - • L OW A
11 v. rLI T (An
I A it!) 01L—IP bbl.. tin.. \Vint, Stramell.
4 far gle by J. i n ter
• CO..
<bl Nn. ILL, W....xt gy••-t
( 'OPPERAS---25 We. In gno.1•0n1 , ) f,';i-
J li i Pr...C. •
...b, !i•.. .6 11...1 ,tr.,
CI ..., 0.1. N 0 11.-.1‘....,
V. J. 1,... . u,rxr: jt,t ri......1v1n.1 1, r KNI... 1.,
ROBIN 'N. LI V my, a io
SEEDS -10 bile Cho or Sce.l;
... , '
f.. 1,1,1 ' T' Ti1 ' , 1 ,W, a ... ' ; ,,,, V. , i0ci ,
a 111 BCH V lELIo 11. , .....1 , hand,ortalettl•s l
ti 114011..1...•.1 ail 1N...101..nril ~0a,“.......1,..ftng . f....
..atru •t/...thlkHoLll l y. all dr .IHcb sm. r...m , Avred
A , ~,..I
gl , OLD LOCKETS..--Junt recemol a large
vill.prl, of Oraant 11.4 WaHltes La.' ,Ilulftlur. Ca.-J..
.uilml.l.. for Im*HzelNLylpcs. ll alr. ar.
101.. i H . W wiLens
LON' aY. , ; TAPERS- 50 dos. for-sale ItT
frIC.I J KIDD a(5l.
i , II EA P WALL PAP - Ell—Fr m Io; I-4 cents
k „ rer,u. a lar, ii.normront, r, ,21.• 1,
f.1.1J ri. r MARSHALL
g ‘ AM Pllol{ -3 bblsfor sale by
ai, . b-bit 11 F..1. 1 E1.1.ERR.
tio W'D BA YBERRY —'2. b1. , 1s for sale by
‘'l.A.f.Coitli S-10011 gross for sale by
Ik . kW:SE IDE LAlSES—Printed and solid
iT ..,fora. in PT. ',..,,, and at •arinua prim, 4 , 1.. , ,
,au .. at pure of 1..1,10 MURPHY £ BURCHFIELD
tr i”. 7::::: 1 haler
t ifl 11 JOHNSTON'
giRA NV ING PAPER- 300 Sheets ( sttperi
f oremar) for nah. by
„;„ ..1. , 1 ,, 5A1 , ! . 1. 1 . 1
8 . . 110051145-21X)Aor.. Cuxu, fo
`aisle by
C I if EST,N,UTS -- bo.i, ae Vni,vi.
‘IOI.ASSES.--.2b 1444. S. h.;
1,1 t t '
.I',o •• N f,: 111 MIL 11.14 , to
. n"
r.. , b 7, 10, A MI 1V..., mul J. Frunt 4.
FjSii. 411 104. prime large No.:1 3litekerel, i t,..mrtirt
meta, N " "R e.:.Ic I A I NATi A i',/,:t..1.3,
I ):1 ED Fit li IT—„" ., 1.i. , A11i: r.b, : l i ,,.wAr.ksAN i v..
ll'i...biorw.iL,Tir,s'llll!l:: rf ta C:,...!..,
Di..ii,,,,,,,, of M.... Liable, NM 25
t,olyol at I ItANIES . I.iletwry Depot.
smi,l; third rt., opp.ult.. lb. 1,1 tifller.
Ir:Altt. STAltell-50 is,ses for sale by
,so,ts 1101)115. 00514 i d CO.
I ..
AIM 014-2 0 bills. No. I, for wile by
A t 1.1.1, JAY 11A1.7.1U.1. IA Wwtor At.
BL°?'--"il,vl-al'nn. rule Y
QAVETY FUSEL —150,000 feet Iloeun, Bieli
t y 0100 1 0T•' 0 mmkr, wynoto.l. for male by
odd 4 2, !li,iv.llThl, v o,
A ki I. CLOTIIS--10,000 yards Iliior Oil cloth.
1 y Itersv, minl 11114111 1 / 1 , fmto % to 0
1.14... of tl,
t04....1. ,xltotto. which will I. wol,l I. low eit wh01. , 041.• am
~....,.., ~.,k, and rrlitil low. , 111431 no, 1011, I I {I. tit.
Lit) WG. 1110{I. OW ntlltlr.?, :1 . 11n. , 17er. 111 thy ab u t .
' ti r t "" '""
.' • 01 0 ;.11.1•11113.11.$.
pUOSONIY CItAII CIDER - 2W blils. ill
A'ATaw-f" "I.
511 1.13.:11 A IIII'KET:+ 0 ! ,
frABLE MATTS — fri store and for Yale a
ttwearpet 1500/him of
tothl ll' 31K{.1tiT 1 1 1 2R , ...:, 1 , 0111 -,
lit (11M.--- W. MeCLINT-OCK invites the at
-4 Irtillon of tlove wiqiitut to fund')'. to We [trek o
1.,.. which am put remitiat from th e omumforturr , .
irs,ll:l ---
New Books! New Books! 1
@l' m, or e osin , the rwt WILT.
iertie • Ilumn , us ,Nor. .1.. by bto, ..raworthy.
orreno and Califorola: or NbaAs In the l e dd.lter L ien.
I.ouiv La Velllrre: by Ake. I, e , re s.
rp r eeri,r, be Urn I Prier, Me
Lasenero: rho racier. the Oltesq. lbr Pelest II" Geo
Dame, .... I
The Quern'r Necklace: by . Alex. 1.11191:.
Ilereries of an tad 31.L.1: or Illuts to loon, Men Intend
"'lell;7.l;ov.. run nto be hod of P. S. MeNAM /Mi,. Al
ir.'!."‘l,--- —..-
I.4"ATIIIAtti--ti k:aok..cprime for sale
I ' met. WILK A %CANDLE...4+.
11,.ARD-17 kers in oboe and for sale by
Mabfl WM. 11. JOIMETON.
OSABLE OIL CLO'I.IIS—A verylargo - 7v . ;
, Tabl r e Corr, en band -and for sale at
mcb7 J.& ti. rincurs. •
0 be, clover reed:
: 4 . Timothy • just see'd mid for Ile by
[aria .I• 8. VIIMORTII A CO.
0 - 11. — O-----7 10 LEAF TOBACCO--.. Bd. for gale
pachB wn. H. Jonnti9x.
—Was left
r .1. 0., store for sale-3 &labia& Piet& one of them 137
rani. Inas, and two smeller Onie will be wild at •
unite, an the owner In an wod bay tot 78 ream who Le
destitute, sad while. to obtain' mnaLto tat. he , to her
atal, in the elide of Ludlam. J. &n. PILILLIM
, mcb6 If% 7 stol V Awl ii.
Dr W. V. %Valls,.
I don't like to entule pnn
eso an.set :sea England:
VZDIAi 00Terlleyr. by Jahn ParrY
'Mamma la ao yen , wdrular.
ill pal Child: b
by Mrs. stilvard. Bons; Fick Its.
Batchelor's Lambent:. by the llntehmson.. .1..r1s Polka.
Orand Polka de eno , rl4 by w. V. Walla,
With all the late popular Sotto, Waltar.Cobibons, Polk
a. Marches. Variation. hondas, le., a, loba.ted 1.11.
Ewa.= Cities.
New .Vane reseired lorry uw.k.
A very large and new stock of
To arrive this week. cat 11, and T octaves. carved and
varying In price from 8275 to {.'AO. Also two mart
nint Untod Plan., from the sly. celebrates. msnotac
U S tire e above. with a full and general stick of Musk and
Moaltal Merchaudize. for sal. by
JUIIN 11. MELLOR. Al Wood at.
N. IL—Two Piano Fortes to hire. Old Plan. taken h.
part pa for new ones. melr..Nl
. rely
s h or kVa do ' C l o ' n ' ee f 7t rib= ed by Traulein Sirs
Plthaeosod by Wallare .
. i'i . l • o - tlio be '[emote! A verY bruntlfoi new vocal
by " S. C Poster
The polio to his Sister: a new song. by W. T. Wallace.
The Soldier's Wife; by lien. Raster.
Roy Nell: do. do.
'My last thoughts are of thee. ...mooned for and sung by
Mot Catharine Liar'' ,
Lad', on my
to ringing: Wessibury.
Arty witli vain AZOZONO song
and c
Where are the frirrid. of
car Tronctuillin.
kenos can,: Issl.
New.l'ork 1,4111 M. ac..
entities Landis. Afresh supplii) by L. Maaon A Webb—
um.ll4.Um.hly the I.e. Sacred Nlusiclionk ever pnthabed
1,. varied sUPPIY of Mindrwl 'l...mi
-1 meat.. Plan., Melodeon, servo.. area every thing else in
tin: MUM( hob. I WI Third st.
N. It —rho new and 02,131. haat:M.lslV 0.151 e received at
e a. published. mehZ
yYO L. Ist. LOSSING'S Pictorial fg t .,
Veld Book of the Revolution. cloth., Ll.rj
'1 :1 - n 12 Pictorial Flald Book of the Revoln ,
non. Pamphlet Feria.
2tary Ennktne. a Franconia Story: by the anther of Rol-
Tim, the A, by the author ache 'l2llmlngtons.'
..laeture Anlold; ..Mouniant 11011.”.
The above worksjudt ivtal and for salc by
R. C. STOCKTON nax ,°r mud Stationer,
mehnt tit, 41 Markel street
ci E .,, O b O , ES m AN , D
Cultivator, do;
Clog thmew
Lift , Itywlitlin: tale,
Meehnow , Magazin, No.'"
W.°. of l,racl. by lirace " AtrUllar
Home 'Minoru, tale far mother" nod datillblem
Mothtr ,, by Om ,
felf.Demptiour or the history ot the human
!kart. by Mr.
01,ea, 0-vol.
bee Iltwl Of.
L al
lc take , Dleure in an
nattuelng that lw ha. 'oat owned la
rholoe Plano. of the ,el..l.ratett mak. o
N rav, Cuirm n 6 ,1 broll.ol, flew Vork. ',hub. with thoee
f:.l,l,igt,l.llll.l.:llnergt elegant, varied. and estetialveetock
Aurouirothera, our 4 . llndld 7 octave double rarved Mon,
Louie mylo, with the new improvement of the over
' f! r s=ar t lt r o 'L n ' t ' Loo
rel ' lart.r=l, 4 llZT:o " ;a t' l` , lT
1:11ii111 A43'11111..0 Piano,.
LIN. ll.—An eX4W , ITO tot
New Mu*, ornbracinn Joon!
aztul.. mod elioisr...s twat &awn., Polka, Wafture, it.
4 slwi SIAM , . 141 Third ,t
-ul■ A PEE— l'ackPt, Commer
DD c
of ial . ' and
r o ,4 o l`,‘:i w hit.,rut .
tonne Jahr tv HAVEN'S
N .I OTES AND DRAFTS.—Engraved and
Ntenwriwoh Note, and Malta of man beautiful dr
tt th'"' Dr
{ ond
trer'S Df
c„, Martel . and Seemarsta.
I American. Juurnal. anal Pan roar.l
tir ISITI •IN —Arnold's Writing Fluid,
y Copylux au.l Rad Int
llzt.lonfoChruktral I , luld gad R.I Ink.
rolumblau Ink—erd and blvIE.
Ilwati t Iltuutpoania Cuallltertial Int —blark.rrarlrt.
Frrnrh Carmluo fut. Flu man by
I A alet..mary of flro.k And human h.
rt:7„-„:14 , .0 . r . I' 4; 11 ' ;n1;11: . :1o. ',h ;.
by Willis. Smith LI.. ell ' itorof teth.oario.oftire. 4
1A,,, , ,val Aothtulter. sod ..It.melt wad Rowan UhAtn.l.ll.,
:”.“ r"...."1. with Emrt.. formetions.and
1.1 L lA. PhofrAwf of th k
Ft....• Chariot ' . uthhert ;haat,. N. A.. L'v
rAh I.luust.La.h. Colal+ rilltd lull bum. •11.1,
of rho 4.11 A and 041.-1..fu1r0. , of no,f‘
ttf the Quoeut , of tteothebt, nod ttorltsh Prlneetter•
monocled attli tlw re•l oweeetroot of titwat bl
Iterte.4 rttwkl atal r o of the hives of the Vueent ol
The Decline ol Porete st.l Adire,
;I , at4t . - !;,:t m l , ...i;o i Tedoetdat ereoloo.
The 011ott ttwt teCel wed, .land for ra1e.1.7
wdrat IT h. elOtTllbb. 47 . 3Iarket
1,31AN0 FORTES--I 11. 11 ms/
Mltunt, 7to Fl Wend !arm, bar em-1
to awl LOW nrett tor en
a !arse aott well
artofortre. roart aml' taco 71-
n the mart, actor , nf
ohtrlt in• wet the .zurralan 'of ri,hekr.en Thew. lbw
rttow7.=fopt "' r;:tVt4;;X: n atritt7e , r 4', ..e: ' ,",:4 4'
told Ittrocta taten 1./". IN" upl i q
Arent Mr mewl. PT ehlelterines liannt for Wert. Pc,-
f:in./t1 {rm.! 'tie,
NEW 11,.tS!! , 1C.ti. DI(7I()NARYiuI
A sr,.l
Iy I,telitattal, 41,,,L
an I,,,,raphy .13.1 13 ,Vt‘. ,mlll,. L 141,
1A... a lir ~, . latnl I.e,Flota rrinvo,free
13 , !lot,. tlrscklan.l 00,1(1
141,. , 1:41 1,
11.. 1' ` .and '. II IN. .
1m.;•1 10.1.01 at. AL,
tt.• ”n
I.; limy Mur:ai. I , 1 , f ev
Jo•I ae..l 1;3
VEIT 311:SIC—.
• enlehrstosl dnett from
" •
t.i!..r thee 'hi. han o d of tam,
Come cr.ablen..ans.. or Trawadillo
lie ma. be hanrY hann the Intuchter. of Ft Mark, Buns:. ably , ye Ind tourbton 1.11.1
non bast woundol 'i tne enirst that lusol tbse.
Ken Roll. or 4o t• on 111 , T11 , 1 KARI l,
Non , Ital.. by looter
The .slebrvint Volk. I.zores.
Jean, and Jeanort—cornoleto.
Yates quadries Ili,. Fa•hlon Polk* , Polk.. h r h en; moll , Chit Mutt Volk.. •
In• Polk. IlatehrlOr's
(Ally quadrilles—very an 4 rsttr •
Ito. Quadrilles R 114.1101 Polk. Ailovheny
slx A
I t l u l r. o e dllli,tl on of
nB o u f n n t e . w s a m s o n . r . o
ckns for with
('lark'. (leh y o
In, the Piano.
Flurn , wb , Piano /brie Pruner 'Eternises% today by
N II —A very barn, stork of Nam Nunn arristri
.111 be orsu for +lsle this week
natal street, oppn•ne
Homo Influence: • Tale fur Mabel" and Dannltte . 117
Gnu-. Aguilar.
Mother , llonnorense. Ay
hankers' alas•auto for Janar,.
WI.: Alumnae 100 11151.
The Mother , Ileeornpence. • ousel. By Orseo
The butterells; or.twv marri•gra--• onvel.
The I-adder of tiold—xn En•llsh .tort.
To I. re and to be jbannt—• Salt. •
C 131011141.4 Brunswick 177 11 ST NI Bar:solar
The lintutd• Conles•ional. •
A Lesturs on the .1.0011.. By Dr. Bent.
hr Rent • INnly to Bishop Hoch, ma the. Ikelin• of
I Pr•nestantiern
low a Journal. No I no
yning,s. •
°bye. • novel. by the anthnr . — Thy Onlyieti."
No 1 of Ihe Arnsri.•an illuminated niltan of the Waverly
New Books, jut received.
IPHE Bet of the Bible; tirorge
txn. of 12in,
..rook 01t...1ad% !wino • piolii••••• •solfiillon of I
dsigln4 for beainuer• In 11roork. mud .1.
finAt or•••filor• for andomk.. and nollfiios. A..osbol
lirodrfi I. I ,fil con,
h' l e =t i rr P.ll'.;':"
L t i " l ' flnnto.
Ilorosot•n• • •••••I Io InAn••••."
fly limy, Afinllii
Ilochanlefi ,of m.httt. l .•Flrtt
DIM twr on
lit tor'. 111 A•nfi - • end Kn•lno•tlng \n?..
lit Apollo Iluifillnpn. fourth St.
NDIZEWS' LATIN, a:N(314511 LEX leti—A
A euvi..u. and critical Latin, Eugtlb Lexicon. ft natal
ma tno larger Latin.lierman Lexicon of Dr. William f nod.
with additame and correetlotte from the Letirento of thmaxer.
Vac...Wien. Scholier. Ueorgea. by K. A. Andmne. L 1.., h.
Tot lel-en , wiento lie vut FACIIIC: bring the pryonel nar
ralWo and rrvilitm of through the Sandwich neaten
alien Inland, and other pact. vf Polynesia. By Nov. Ileury
T. Chtvrer. author of -The W hale toot hie Capture." A Villa
o/raring,. I
Tits mterilleg lik. - .111.... a ..quel to Iltme Intluener.—
Ily time.. Aguilar. Recei K. ved and Mr gale by
nal3 C. STOCKTON. 47 Larked at-
Cbroulele, reg. and American .alai.
Parer of all alto. and qualitiee, ruled anti plal, bin
no white.
Wank Hooke of every dosTiPtion, on boot or malo to
0711, at .hurt notion,
stationery —Euglieh. French and American. fancy and
atarle. for sale by W. S.
_.oo,t_ Market at. of Sennal.
put: AND .1011 l'ltlN'FlNG—Every Alc•
ocepti..n of L•gal, Commercial. Strlulksat, Count weal
tail Road ITlnting, eveented wet '4
ort online and In the
L. 11A.VBN
Vrgili n o7 l 4 • ... :AI Third el. between W . alarket atal . FeMl.
QTATIONP.ItY—W. S. 11 AYES. Corner of
t 7 Second and Muriel nu.. hag Ihr gale m large and rota.
o..t r au ex.. .woo. of Lorry etathmory ea limn eTef 1.00
.•.....1 In lb.. onarkot. Nlerehanie euppliod with over)
artlele In 110 , line nn the moat favorable terms. nett
IN at the
va n Ilan, No 101 Thirst et..
11. K LEBER v. now r.,..iving • rreeh lot
‘ ; ' 1 1 ..• - r - .. :. o r:z. i. „l `, T, ' Tenn . I' in T • pl o r n ott I C t " .c ' ta "r i; carrel 19 7 „
~fu.o Orlo-t .I.,crionon..f
in and tone It I. natac
I no the h0e.... An le. in vogue in the r.lgn of Louis Xll' and
X % M., • urn , WI of flehlorlahle End uvular 3lttric,
iintit . ' rele.t. 7 l2: l l:nr :e.;'y t i at - f.:ty h otTuTlTo=:
.liar. hOU
EW BOOKS.— ['Armhole - 6,, new Work,
I}ll Comm , . or gketebra of PbroiMl dr.oirtioa of lb ,
Brno. , Moollonlee and Enzlne , re Dirvon.7. 11 , %
Mor male b
Atooricar, De Eldred rionteo , o. 1,0 1.
History .f the Refortuntlnn of ihr Sixteenth Century
by J &Autos:to, C. Pro4blent of the Th.,10
cleol on 4 %be bleat ;4 the Forlet
1 talob,l h T
i 11. Win., It .1. no ,, r 0•1
rab . toot.
o u t .ultticL. .
e. a . n . d
ollu o .
t• 11
la•t he dhy tort ruby. t L C . S OCKTT aovewory.ode
• b noot , oellr T St N ore
1110 Cp . roer of Magket atal Third H.
VANE M A PS—Pelton's splendid Out
oe Mara ere ever beincintrdemed in all tim leadloy
tools in New ngluid and :Ow York_ Wo hate obtain
ths azeney Err them in Eittedeuratt. end Wed, leseben
d school oommEtees to and mail. [bow. •
Y. I—Map 01 tho.Wrecern Lieroomberr, El OK. inehre
2' do Eastern do • do
3 do North Amain.. 70 84
4 do United 61,64e4, 70 0
6 do Eurata ; 70 09
a do °
Asi j a aA. , ;
Am 10
Price of the reriet4 B ;rith En. .1. ' 4/ 11 . 11 t ,“ Bonito
PVl t t h pr i a lt rjl ti 0. 4 in isealitr th. o .
mw t and adapted to the "Mat. at Mt ptiessa, itamlDar
and le6 echoeis at the United Mtn.
tor lode st. Publisher's woes, unbent daimon etibetight
ettance x lat els EDOCATIONAI. JOCK StO_ 741,, • •
Coma of Abuts% tint F0011414:-
- .
LB n; tin pan. i,l I lb. to In a... ~a c. b. ' ,,,,,,,n "„ t , .. r,. _u. , ,,E. ANDRE.. Cf /I'VE OS I.Vf , ESI7ON.-Dr
Marine thee Tarts f lail . ."'
"..." 1 Cunt., in his valuable wrinna• on tbef 'TA, •PlotPapy of 'h
illock. Yellow llailn., , ...etton7 ob.erres th at a plltninut..,. „p ph,. tp . p .„ ~,,....,
Terra de :terms. • Trua.oin Inn%
Ilan, "(e'jreetrrj"nl7ll.lrn..i'lal'*.'.tlV-4=4,.,
B. A. FAUNUTP.../t r :t itfP.l., ; teDnlrtrine'.l:tpondon. who w0....,,,p1p anneted 'anti U.
' " Ir " Th"‘''''. ,t.,, ,14 ,,,,"% t . J ' as nG i.Zi r .L. t igeVit , :".ig:s:e 4r ii;t 7 X - •
SAN D CRUCIBLES- 100 nests fi . snieb.," ' inalai.iebten 'i r ' ;' ; ' • ' .."'''''''' "' " '''''ul
.s'l''' . 1 "pp • CO. ' Dr. INuabton, Peelle. the,frn , dic,Ptter Iltdff. or Gas-
A Le.oii - oL—T2 bbi, for ~,b, br -
s r (1 . r I -r ." r ' t
n • c '
1. n ' IT ' S 14. 1
Bar 'n' t;
IV meht.: . 11. F. FY.I.I.T.Ita:g Wnodat., , • lActoa. the ,rwat Ifftyuolokical Chtantet, by J. 5. Monet
t. O_ i.inlvlclonia. rn
rINURNED PILL BOXES--Assorted sines, ~. ' l . ll Is a .4 , 11 nnoake . ' 55 '... 4 1.'''''' . ` U.z.,1055.1. V . .
1 fnr sale by R. A. FA lIN En - I'mM . co. , peril, Jaundlor. I..s,er Copplaint. on.ripttkin. and
meta sant,. enema alter nature • own metbcd. by natures one
11E111,—, ~ , - i Went. the lia...trie Juke.
of the food, the pri
A ported, for sale try 1 fir="ert.ltitttlit'eth'rfnTlPliggtrVl and
totltS BA. FA" r.S T°CI ' A Co- ccritrol of fix.l into toloo,ll- nn nutrition et uw % - vvat
OLL BUTTER—A few bbls. - on . han - d - and ~ ir::"bl c tiTii i Arl ' ' n :kb n' it : l rk7l':4 ' 7" : 1 1 1 . g.
till i Ovule by ENGLL‘II A DEN Nrrr, , hared etemarh matures no good tlsatric Juice. and he
• ... 122 ffeeond. and • 161 First et the disease. d l t r e e .
and delotlDT which recur-'
But tbia want nay la by extractina the arts.
I , )RiED PEA CITES--550 bu. fOr MOT by use Trineiple, Tenon. Peron the Mor. he of animals ye..
ROBISIIN. birma a CO, efsnAlina Man. Int, thrtnin. a Diaeetlio nuld, Treetop),
rochS .„p. ~,_,.,.. ~.. , Jib-the natural 1,1,..trte Juin, In . clieunral relate!, and
_ '''''—. - L- ' - ' furcipkina a motpleta opal ' , veva sul.Dtute for it.
lIIIESSED SPIKUS--160 kegs (unproved) ~,,r,"1,....,:,,,..,`1.T'.,,r,v,t,`-.747t7,,,,„„Th0r,,,,,,..1,10,...1111...bi5dart, r "
L for ule by nchiff 11111.T•11.‘11111:1VS A CO. elalnta the merit .4 Inaltlnir IS. aptlkaiton of this an To
'Lilo METAL-440 tons for sale bv , u ltaTig ...-DirMr%t!tli'i,",' acres able 'lt,. <A
mobil RIIKV. 31.11111E 51 Y .5 i,),.. nested work on Atirmal I:ll,miet,'-,'eaf. ...innitytted,:j
Dige.ffire Fluid. anat.,. to the ' ' JO , . .
QUOAR HOUSE MOLASSES-40 bbls pretazd crtan the mureopmembran; ot l ' h . e.totnacrrg
13 -Xi,l*""'' "''''''. I" h ; n'f1y.,,,,,, .',:",-.1,,,...hcr,',1A•,,r,;g:i7,...,1.1:,'..'..,n1`;'11;11:2g'"111.-
rier a,lbcy wool& be in the human etonael., ° ="1-
rpALLow —2O bbls. prime, for sole by Pr. ilon;litnn. of Vidlad!lTltta. ',p.m. on art=i
, mch.2.4 ..trio IWO callol PEPSI , t . the ri. , -..
0 - kW. lill a Uli fr_-- . &t, 0, which affords an r.l;lf ' 2lle rentoi7f,';ifdi g rstke,
i• PitES-20 bbls. Russets and Pippins, eating after nuttlltse wertme. thee atures rara nn.
. for vale by ~ F. 0 ,.. , ,,, BONNim s T the digestire principle. Lail andp.a:rianerdnas.riari.
• pntiffrorldeneo of In value.
meh2.l El:Yet:II .1 ktet , OWY.LL. Are nt,
(...! wEET 011.-2 emks superior. for sale by Deal Il d t . 540.11..4 .5... Plit.snt.
CI fare= a. a. sitt.LEas. 67 weed st. Ake, „; , ?4,, , , 4 ,pri,:z, , ,- - , 7h. -P.
ta - riLi PAP - RE-14r Fest assortment in er .. ... 15...1 .5. ;add
7 v the Rest '
-a.nnatrcion of kronen and American is
Mannino, Or Bono, Parlors, and Cisanrinra, at prima'
ranging from IN nerd, to 50 Taff . plum. for axle J.,y .
<h9 1, W. P. MAIL:WALL, 8.5 Wool a.
W ANTED—S.S,OOO Allegheny Co. Coupon
ve if ivntthrisfislia"Tdrr ri, f ;',:t7;tl. th ist ' te i f=Tl
the anktrin Ilona , of WM. A. HILL. d CO.
_ _.....
VV-MTE vllTyii4R, of Buperior
hand arStleTr'"Wq".;.!. Fcr "
mlUrocers and Teo Males,
urRAPP.ING PAPEK-500 reams 0..
Phcm "in:Jy•Li; "*Plr
IV If. %EN. or. Somand ind Market.
DRIED PEACHES-4100 bu. for sale by
I/MESE-50 bores for sale by
A r I A.S—
-.l_ll zo ELIA Frenh ERE ,
yo. by
mar Bar
A "1 1. i r rOODS EON
LiOSI N-101 bbls. to arrive to-day, for sale
, eneb7,4 C. W 11.ARHALtI.M.
iAII-50 bids. (Wdlnington) to arrive to.
L. day. fmr r.(. b, &h.l M. aW. p +1414 U 4))..
TANNERS' OIL--I 0 bids. No. 1, for a
61 incliti S. a W. IIARBAUI3II. '
INSEEI bbls. roe' g and for sale
/ by ruclis Hultl.SON. LITTLE a (NI
KEEN APPLES-18 bids. Russets;
VI y rlrvia~ Ac.
. • .
Jast rer'd awlfur sale by
. .. ...
IT IN EGAR-2.0 bids. (Cider) for sale by
incle.,4 0. DALZELL a I.V.
PRINTI.NiI PAYER - 7 0 Reams for sale
In. to rinse con.h.lansro,.by
meIZZ J. tC1100:01AKER C00...24 Wood st_
TekNicEßS ' OIL-15 bbls. No. I:
)0 .. .. u fur rale by
meta 4. scliqowNAli PI tt 00.
I'NSF:MI.OI4-311 bids. for sale by
liil ICE- 15 tier ea Carolina, for sale by
1.1., turle:h JAMES A. IIUTCHISON a CO.
I PAD Asp sitoT- r
14 wo gy , 6. .)-P.l- , •4 .
eoW . liar '
otele.n ' '''
StitgIt.7):TIIIVCRINg 11,41.
Rushton, Clarke Cu.'s genuine
cot Liver Oil, for sale by J KIDD t CO.,
thebto ta , Weal rt.
ILI C M UPI CM—I ease for sale by
I mehlo J. KIDD A CO., ear Wood et:
'.l S llavufseture. of the best brand , for ..ale low he
terhli ISA lAll DICKEY t CO.
AIiPER'S MAGAZINE, for March, re -
H mired awl for role 0 .J. E. iIOLIIEIe,
Literary Depot.. Third street.
meth omwelte the Not 0121.. e.
SUNDRIES — I cave GUM Shelae;
1 MI. Silver Baal:
1 ^ Cream Tartan
1 bale Laos 0.41.15 Curt.%
I ea,. Liquorice Iltlh U.St received
tel for .ale by e. N. WICKERSHAM,
meta:: corner WOOLi nlld eloth M.
7IIEAttLS --44 casks (first antra) for sale by
, audit. _ WICK A II...CANELES3.
. - . ..
, jrow DER-4(AMI
t oo, Ilayard'e• olastin :
Imo - as. RIM, for sale
mebl9 1. 0. niLsroirrn 0. co
New Mnslo
I i RAND poLK.A . lik: CON- iiiiii l i - e, I
IS ChltT, as performed by Fraulmo r. -:,.....„....t i
I,7;r;,,toit,h.ach,tt,t,,:aed,t.....Atkt.pv:, the - -S .
Ale, a Creat variety et or. entopectuo v by th tame
Ain, ail the In.r tc r lpic,or 7.1a•i1. tr0t..,1 by lb.. ra.teto
''.., If AJELI.OI..
A. - Bar Chz..Aertuz's listoos.
sl W...-4 et. ,
1%7 ER' -- MUSlC—Where are the friend/. of
IN mv V.w.h. be . muter
l'Ye ttra• P II lieu.
The Cable.
I'm thlnkto, o'er the Day. Slaty.
Sly Now En,land Ilonc.• umr .0 6. .64...ted to the
Lab.. of Ness IntogLead.
,In• I !Awn is far Away.
• ih. to, t me ou the Alter Short.
I.•na Ntsl.l_
St c Ilotlic'l4 OIL the Prairie Lea—Wonaburi.
Lily 111... y, by ..,. 1.1. ',Ater.
T,.. left tor Native A Illage. Kr it Barker.
. The Spirit. thme.
En. ht, lA. the IllarA Sim . ooag aodi'L.lSA
i St toad I were with thee,..f, tluitar.
lea C1..111. by nog..
to ellvtAuse moth-chola of new Pol., Walter, tar . .. -
VIOL,. le
.kl.c , a urn supplyof -. New Camino :sera: Co
Lane.. and ma eteelleat new sn.rk, called the `Afel..ll.t, --
• ~ 1 1,11 nu 14 pnputar and 'metal woo. harmonised 'nod
~..sarn.,l by th e. 'Webh and W. Maanth—eunsitleml of
the 1., , t work. e-ert published. 11. HUME%
Phit ' ttolden Dar, No. thl Third st.
, r -- - - • -
it. by Wm. Si. TtiarkareY and the Quesm's Nneltinee. or
the Secret itbterr of the Court of Louis Slxtrwult,.. ,
i by Al
•lrdeTa'rry tl'::'[T,Z.e i ath'lr,rl7T. rod for
a" f3g rS
, 50( - ) buctiS Dried
A .P.3" e 6lll ' 4n ' T a i l i e .%.
I 4 CURL wanted to do house work. Apply
at this oftlee. feb2l'
L -A-11D--4 legs for sale by
k 1 . 21 .
nofisox. Li - rri.r. a co.
Immp 'for sale by
TOBACCO -49 10 0, -.? - Ni m lrus & box.
ROWN FLANNELS, u Domestic Article:
Alen Whit, Ltarrrd, 11,14 ma Holutoo Ohio, to
loood at the Mon. a
511.11 t PI!!
I) y .lifkr IRIiCS (fresh) for
saw hy in d-. 5 WICK a McCANDLEI.K.
psust OIL--1000 Ile, in store, for sale by
1 I LAREN WINE-14 1111(1s. flordeaus;
IL I 9 boxem
mrti! N•4l,
. . •
ii.c 11. MAN Haut Fatunu , Wine:
:1, ....• - - .. Nre,formip by
1,. , ~, MI u.k:n a metanstri.
1 :VOLY MiS—Jus!
f fti ed additu9-
at::',':""f n4 "`` ." '""`V"l!i !;bfi lcit 7
, The Old Printinf Establishment,
I A' It Jo , 11 , 117 .u nrt . ., S t.. ;:con a, and Blank
nav beprebared to execute evert etyle or Lobel,
Commercial. Mad, arni Stearn boat Job Printing sal Book
and furnish every vtirle in tbe blank bk.
aper awl Stationery nt tbe shortest notke. am* ou
tbe utast remmtiable term.
Blank Ito& arni Stationery Warehouse, ember of Market
aml *resod streets.
ernitlua Mee and Book binitcry. No.lo Third It. .1.9
LANDIIis;.wINES, taus, &C.
15 n
10 do do, n and rOO O d
celebrated Grande. V.
S Op.. Holland tilu...nohlltt• Anchor nod - 1 , 141.
O ,oloebroos !rich and tieoleb Mul't Whiclory.
do Jortrairak Nun,
10 W.. N. R. do. do.
11.5 a. rant, Port Wive.
du Stuleirs Wiue.
•A 1 do !tweet Meta,. IVlcto.
.1 do Imp .10. do.
10 do Raerra Wine.
ZS Inv.. Ikmdeatra Claret
11 otore and for ale by 34.111 N POlllllll icu,
:1 31 Liberty rtFeet.
attentlno tnnrclntol.4
.In.k-of slorrA, Undo, :qer, anki
nra abovn tkl.. :Ott, nool, Merit., and
or .11 .in. sod constantly on band and fur
low 1, on= Y. 11. Evros.
11) FENS. IVe Itave now on 11:IIIII
I trxe r ataelt , nr . tli.e , l,.l thrld Pony (nal the leialioi:
'' .\ " l ‘ p n :i..rev h" nnti ., L 1,..:!ii r:....r 2il7..r,,,Tin:Anl=lfirr
Ca, lu riery varlet,. t l•orruidne 1,0 ttolder.n Pearl 40.
All Po alto whnleFale att4l retail at Now Inrk jrifice.s.
ite.2l W.W.WILZON.
—•- .
ii i
attet etrivt. l'lllkhurgh. Exe o hrnvf nn r 1
rho F,te,l
t Wr , 4o rtief fr role. 1 , ,-;ioooA.yta 11Itraun a rTl l V l t ' lttl ..t'c"l4 oVtllebiaglad.
INDIA RUBBER PASTE. 4 W . VA., of that
Fup7rb for tk.ats zuvli.bner, crukrilw them ,r
-a;t1eT,71•Zr.,"".147.1.,V1h,r1117p:, P"r:pa'th"
the m.o. rtnanied. ear wrto.ferZ nral retak
„„d Ja9l 1. /1 It. P111LL11.1..-.
TEA WARE—English Jr. American Britan
eM Tea tle.t, Plated el, 1•lain;1 Bakes, Canelln•Mel, •
Sault., and True, Plated Urn, 'le,t {pare I/Si•
-11.u..11. Tear Cutler, Kn.; 'neeAul.allid But. rinivrc Plated anal:mann Uilver Forts and Eynon
Table Mi. Tea or no.. Birmingham tnanallacene:,
highly ornamented ; Plated Truro of beautiful rattema
A uerr.aurmior Powder for eleaning and ;alliahinc platad
*re. Brendle , . fur cleaning. Chamois rhoi, Frothce
taie-Fnet 11,01Lot.,—Seircei, eelebtalkd Kitchen.
a t ens. the Axe et a 11make dge. cook Lett.
ak. ter, or any thing etre Ina ft. cutout.,
fir br IV. W. WILSON.
AY , Tor. Market mud Fourth eta
hundred and Mr prs Fangs tlidm/i 4 0d / 11 . 5541 - 5
_ Jai men 4.510 Blidilicniorimurrarthile.
nr/ do Nom Doe. Mantels, ribbon hound.
LI) do Orly Dlankr4a. boar/.
' DX/ do Drab do do do
50 do Aloe do do do
.3m". Marl Minket Cloth, do
1 do Deaver Goeg Mired. do
3 do auperior Mark Drench Brooklet],
3 do all wool Drools, a:rotted orb..
I do Jearia,_anortoil °pion
'2 do pailincren, Wart and fancy rotors. -
1 do enmeto. Mut and CM/ mind- - -
3- do Wbite flannol.D.l nide.
4 do Drew booed do, du
She above doicribied woods an 111 ton roniddninepot, Dolt
various riguandarintrera, east and yea, and are Mr cola on
literal Dams to oh. Dada. ldrorinDs. l ...'
, .
Apollo Hulldl:qr.
VINEVi.-5 blVocei;i: 7 l c l o tt . by
"There are more thine, In boatels and teeth,
`Than ate reampt of In phllirophy."
THE 'VIRTUES of this remariable reme
lir. and the constant application (aril. bathe proptil
root, bet imitteetl him an bare it_puthp In bottles, 1,
belt and directions. for the buorlet of Int p0A , 4.4.
The PETROLEUM Ir prOontet firma 11 , Ihle Min •
tr, at a depth of Mut hut:Kira:l tire. Ir a pare, Isherhatterrie .
trot ertSole, nithout any :hr mini chaos,. tor 'met at a
doses from Nature's cheat irstratory . ! That it matelot
properti, reaching a samba of tresr , .. to no longer a
anttet of unorrttintr. There ars many thin:, In tin
parer, which.
_lf krtorrn. rich( beef tart estrul.
eller hi sit etrinp. tort rertoring the blocen t
health etal fo MVO' a rattofrr. 14 , 4
,i e tor thooubt of rutting i rule In'lcttlrtit :raja rep :
Nun for the ecru of Ilierble. rcrotant stablellr Melee
.Ins cell , for It, and rertral Bea
cur, If bat pot
otrottl. Is a BIM, Italication of its future te.pularitr and
C'teNf>"tl•o l l',llllV... Lh elz";.? , l. 4 l:"':';;rtifimtM
we am enn.lau. that lbe meth loe rnon work
I Into the labor of there eh. sun, 1. awl aril] to Lobel
orr.r'nfilert. s for 11h0
y,eyrs It unrivalori Atettis these may
nneltersje,ltr-leii‘distr!ra 1,17: 1.4.34, ,r4hp
oil CONAltrvi IO
nit N, Oa Ito earl
Madder and Kituers. Pain , In the Pock or rale, Norman
P4 r - ,iiitTriv. ' tt ' ol ‘ ll. l llTe n itt, ' ?l) , l }4 Z2 4-
Se. to. In el.. a &laity,
f retuning from antrum, IR
1., ' f„g tal l
I it ttkit.l72
itopartine tone and energy., tr
Vggi:,:3 4 . .,:b.gro j ja,iSttVgre ' rilittl %1141 " :112
I rf le h rlx t o W l7 V rf i totrlr:sr: 7 ) Ve= I ' 4 Vi '9 rai
that resisted everp ' • rah, tresomenh Get trel , nnolre the use
of the PET OO
for a than time. The pivot ran he.
' i l..T ee t' gt a Ltr., • ,,„,:, t ;Fel,gliure of the proprietor
'‘.l4 LY
r Y1.' 17 .1; tanlll,!Wg't *
arid` iiii:sfrift ',l'lX/le ELL.
rooter Wood art, nut 11 , 10. A 11, ) ., who an
nov.z..dty his regular', appointed teetltt..
4 NOW all men who are sick and afflicted
...I 1.. k....... or the Medd, sod Kidney, with akeitis
;117,;,!'f.':',7,'„ I r;i!',.;',1',',1 1 :.:',•71g.t'it;' L L'411,rit'f, V'°l - 14 -
LEI; 31. , 1 ,, ,,te 0i..) ti. , 11./ . 1 . ... ,, 0 , t , lii Wirt , al r ar , ttftoots tigp
To, ... ,, ,,,,v b ,, , ,, „„.., ~47.,...L, m . ittk i i: r rfA
- OP arc tent ti ! in any other remedy. The man'
w o le radii.. with pant. end aufferiug from .I , lr , e. au,
fe , sl. mote, mit relief from any of the 111. I mental
Itcederl 0 mete Teri little to make a trial. This Petro
Leone is no tabitun.—ten *murmured. put up for tbe purpose
f Impciaing on the eantauctityi but it I , a remedhelldmiriV
tad by the masts hand of nature. and leplitileit tin Jitaq.lier
Lthienn or oar mother earl, In a • ortica eartic, . il
&pi to matiatilit.laroaitat • . Ce.wlY ...midi, • certain M.
ebeap con..
crud.ap run.' Piles. edler other mediclore hart Palled to
r Oa) 1:4 , C It tit. ~t 121,1 Rheumatism. of long
-mailing. at. of the t.on.t and mtint painful character. It
hi ind C cora 11117111, an,
Ob. evr two dime, It lase
.. L ardold e,......ii Nutter, In which rmry other .emedr.
hem laien of or. sail. A. a bird trued) In burns and
realds. it in better than any ...diced rompoutobt or ointment
that cc know of It will cure chilblaitm mod temetad fret.
in • few .i.plientiou., undoubted Matrimony met be thrallth•
d the above statement, by call.
rr ' ig *f no th a ' Al.7lllll . ..ll l . ' l l tillit i . '' Catial th , toi Pereuth ranwl: or
ieither of the 11C1.111.".
Err., a tiitinw.n. corner or Wood street and *train
lley; It. E. roller, le; wad rtreet: P. A. Elliot, cad L. M.
Curry. Allegheny city. ore the anent,
—Da. JACOB 0d r. the dieeoverer and role proprietor
01 these mo.t *pular nod Imneffeial medicine, and also
the inventor of the erlebrated inatrument for Inflating the
Lung, in effecting it cum of Chronic illsen•re. ee w • ata
, dent of that eminent physician. Doetor Vitra!, and is lik
1 rradurete of the taiverrlty of Peurmyttard, slid for thirty
T" ' " , rile'eatetrlrk.l.'tt.:?r;f'ren‘l'4ll:4l74V" of
44 '
1 Throe/oh tl:r ore of In
hiffatina tobt.Moneetkinrritk. '
Id+ Pre.phyli.. tic litertip, 11.1 other of hi remedie, be bil
1 ~,,In d i fin vare.raiL , T,I.IIIIICIV, in curios; flit. dritedfal
and land letaladlm Tulwmular re osomptioo. Noe...
-n.fula. thetunathim. Arthma. Fever am( .Atitte. Pete..
all Plod , Ott , utc LrYttP•do`i rod all home abedloale dew
.•. ..'route In remain- 10de.... every loran ordiseseee
r.0...1.ce. wader ft's Luc of lam rreocebe , . to which homatti
, ty ti. I. , o—orm by the el. , of one muileumii °WY, the that
o patio:. •ith ll° elolomeal yaw. not 'l,j the use of
. pi.. rem,die.s. ail.aptml in. end preemnbed for. each P.mullor
form ot de•,.
, •
Dr. hoer ,
Tette , Alt...atm . .. Pill, where ared. are Maoris.
lily erlineralcdefd to be cupenor to alratber, as a prom.-
Cr- . t %lir I.lil. 10-mmuch eni they leave the bowers M n
1 li i, - , 1.1 ,,,i f . r[e r fr i, ..tmeto u tiv . coree: la ale. Id. ilohlen Pills nee ...k•
'' ' “...:,' J .-T ''' . Ittit..a.-Ilatly..-t.,to. lehM:
e,-.1 le teuide , de.,..-..i. u• On e a ~, i.••...t that glare taw
15 all:hrtlll , ,1.11.51...21 woat. bete 1./1. in the uddisof
' Ch. , .“.t....1.510E1: .
The m i l l. are In, - ,...1 to call upon th , agent, and ro
man. e :rat.) one of th. Pectiee pamphleta. idrlng &detail
ed net cunt a! each hoed _.amp it. application.
F., ,ale by lb, lllineitm ...vial:. to, wells: by at...tiros
, F., tbiouclacut the oottutr,
J. i,hoenmaker 0 Ca....:1 Wood .4- Pttoluthli.
J M Town: - .end. Druzmft.t , ?lasi, Ft-
Lie A. Beckham. Drug., t. lei air the Port o Qtrie•Alirlf4r.
3empb Barkley. Darlinfft‘n. E,ciir costar.
John Elliott. tenon Vall e ,. •• - •
OR Till'. AFFLICTIaI trill he found in
voo iic hoito,te. VALLIIILL LI ••I •'7
-FlUi4.lrhirh " tile tett - 4 thlrtY '' Y an 31L2* th:
pence,. mud hoe. beyorol a doubt. Lan the Ith . att9 of sae
mg th e. liven of theumods of indlrbinsli. iu simnel every
telittlterel tharaeter of diaesee. We feel that Ire haaard on- •
hins in mach 0110110 v ie the only medicine that lath been
t ri nv i that doe. in every 'ewe Of tbe
hat it for.
It hummed sod to capable el roe. more digest., than
thy other medicine offered tax mk, we care not by ninth
made or mid, or by what name.
Sao riven and roorineton print of the thee, we
of •
tbri iv the only Alt illhe d fm - m i of
tflto ga i lVof the ellte ' vene o rollr ' . ' . l . ' dr:on,t - ng=bl.l
Family Medicine .ner otfenol for tale, or wed by thy ot
them. Tltt
The Ilan. Maw" If. Grinnell late 31. e. The Iron. nett.
0. Morris, lot. )lrior. 11. m. John A. Ins, lae G. R. Beata
tor. Witham 11. Porter. El , Miter of thy Epirit toLtlaw
Thom and a boa of other dellatiokbel !Writ, of
Tart, who have ndly teriv.l by math.; permlriA tU.
proprietor to at La• to theta. - " cell rplit„ e rtt P..tear Idedeince are not gpori ,.
th wealth atW bite
Urged. Tha Wormer ;Un i t : l ' w Coakroucitl hex been inert/
Marcoterm fear before the publle. Ita ant friend, ore now
etrooyert thri beat. Ilriamort undmildnlly Iv arra. and
07 'ri ta u'i e el 11 f of Its g7tVIIIV2,ITr,OV,
Pernialtn. owellings iloaltiv, Naafi. bid
t4res, the print sod mt. thrill... to
tare Laillaka Inaba hove peen ltritOpt ow,
sal mar perfected vitch Idler s r
rest..lW har . sad . Wiest, would Altig.. 63.1 . we not
io out too
Patatble evi
Thismed atm, or nature . .. remedy. la prepared from Tett,
eteble. for Intenal as tell du external ore. It acts direct
ly upon the daeand pert—ririper It health sod el ranyth.—
It to 1. rine curs tor Diarka. vMana.e. Cbolle, and
alleprivnalle atlectluni, 000.
1,0 the Khmer , . ..aµl
Weakorm to male or female. from whatever move it oar
Late oil¢tnet[d
Foe e itborgh, by IL 0. Yellen, Aleritra. 10.4 4
C 0.., end Ogden it Snowden: and by the retail lytiritgisrl
put up in Lea. tte, rigGWit 'hat,
ata. lataeltl
loothitAeaders of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
1113 E C AT'IIINTION in respectfully in
fito.l to the fulbatiog truth, eet 'Ural In relation to
o the moat Initortant O.InfAREA of intsbru Row.'
PETROLEUM OR RUCK oil, It IA out murg than ow
fev sun aims Oda gnat rstuedy wag tosight haws the
übile, for the relief nod sun. of 11,great poer,
b, heal , hare. rhos then, bourne fully eppreclato3 by the
T ie...uoity, lull ae allege that the longer It tried the
main will Its g . rrad fames NTALL It R. nut the me
asly uf *def. gut op for the role purpoie of making ...or:
but. ow, which we coLgriTy, will maim.. to he useit when. .
all other nostroma have been forgotten. Tim Pet: ale
a Natural lirtuolf. lu &putt Of ypu .
" k'uutr;
due lint no
leo, rod 1 ,,,1t1th •ir 0 tay trust uur word ur put oul!.
Gfe,T . llA uT idhletenl. he OA are very apt to catch at
at r thlos that possialwo relief from dierais , Welory
likolly he too highly wrought tu lufAver the
do of gull- '
log or hotntoiniong ann,d them. Nu, as do not donee
Wdo Oils we ore anshoo only that the truth relation to .
our moody should be told, in teller L. recurs for it repo..
O-llOtingle ankle In the tusterla tool-
Ica Plain unvarnished Latta—far. that may he usertallani
In cur My and neighborhood. Isar ample testimony lu fa
trt. o the PetruleOnt.
Within the two moneh, too - or our ow.
TIRO were knoll) Mimi. ha.
mound to sight. liot"
rral miss of
it. the OW.. of Ohio, havw
.cderd. And.alass the casco( asp...Oh...tin
'There are others. Lot t' ost are otrts •ne . tr'llhufs, ink tpal
isferrvd Or nor eeioo.e :Ave 40,ti on (Soto*.
Reel. The.. esins wurvinriel ;tier tlief hal k e g alsoaloa.
. The Petroleum will eura.
f l
etA l ot uso 'altluditr , to din rtueo--Diarrlsoi, loyetnaters.
ri.,theltuat .. o f in.t.z.Rll..TieuralmiaErupti . nn:on the Seto,
a n infen.rsillini LT:: Mug:
Asthma. Ilronehitla. and all
lulmouary atl ti ectiuna of a chneile. oaten, Refuting to us,
re Co...erupon.
tome mid scalds, dieraxis of the Bladder and lildoefe.
Chapped Ilatol, Vuoriated Coma and Bonham
In fart, it Is a GREAT IGIRVARGAL'RIAIEUT. mod hag tern tried
In nowt of the above diseases within the put year with thee
the►tinsd perfect ruusea. C..rlifiralea that ill aetoid.l. In
Lands Of the proprPtur, • he 0111 take I.l.a. , tire to tto
In s; l =G,
PeRTOIeLIM 10 thy urestert =toy of
of high ototolOol T.:Ml.l,ldb us beginning la voit it
in the.: nukTrp.. 'nos. 'WU at host st n
on with doubt
att.b.tirerthlittY, no , willing to mei It doe teats,. and.
etntiOcration. lsettre another P - AT toottd. Oil will es
ectripellol to aoknowledus that the Istrolcom Pi the ...t
-eat ersr dlernereed. Fur ode. whnleaale and re
hr IsIiTOKR k Melalle ELL. lie Viool at.
ALes—lt. E. Feller, 4 - Wood .tonal: D. M. eurry. D. A.
Elliott, JoeiTh Douala , , Allegheny t3ty. stem, by the, prs
prtene,tt., yL EIKE. Canal Bann. rsveuth Asset. ITtop
burgh, out B. .t. Fahro , Usk teA and k fCat ;sic
• .ials •
EILERS' 1.517:PfA1?-cpusar
•!. 13t:. blchiy elnevionn. l-'
• • A114.111-NI
Ai, ylularrn. hks. °thy:, have, been
~ ~ au.l barb, used .ItlTerent
Yrusediey •ery purply, 1 Yr. nuluent by Myer
tin-reels. about your Cough ENnip to Oyu It it trial. I
glZre a rtrli;7Wl Mt. t,tt'lrall'an:UrCCUsgsgrtn..,vmd
I ha, renuntuundod It to cry neigh... Y.. sod un) =O4
ruto...u.ruluunl V brill rf• that It run'ib mrd.kTbra , yyyr uiler:4l to We pubtu.—
yarent,,best.l sl I prtatit, 4cir iblittrea to,tiffer tram
coutztl, abut tly.y t.aay curall by a 2.5 Lowe at titis
B' l4am! anti satl. R. FELLERS,
rtschtat 67 stoat at.. an.l Drouri.weeper
AllN., 0 inal - 6 7 65--We are pro=
XII Oct ro famish and emit synauutuY for besting
bud mail buildings by om, or bot 'rotor. and two to.
Mira.ll. Wllllrtroy, from the curet. sopiriniend Its eon.
isia SeAl YE. XII: IlitiON OYELY.
'l5 bids. for sale 63,
J. KLDD a CO.. to treed rt.
•REI--20 bae.for
oale 41 lath= J. KIDD k CO. -
PARIS WarrE-145 bble.. extra line, foi
ale by - KILD it CO.
VIOTASII-4. casks (pure) for Elle hv
larba \ VICK k IfreANDLL:I.9.
la LACK LEAD-12W pondered, beet
Jlmty. Su ale br a.
mostrzocs. 4 op