00% EZWARD ON TEE IVOITIVE SLAVE The following is Governor Beward's letter to the Convention of the opponent the Fugitive Slave law, held at Boston. • Anntnut, Saturday, April 6, 1851 • twat Bit--Your letter • inviting me t 6 attend • Come:titian of the People of 3fassaehusetts paled to the Fugitive Slave law, sad to comma ideate in writing my opinion on that statute; if 1 should. be unable to attend the Contention, has been ieceived. • Widl443ffering the pressure of duties here too long deferred as an apology for non-attendanie, I pray you to assure the Committee in whose be hi; you act, of myprefound sense'of theircour testy and kindness. It would be an honor to be Invited to address the people of Massachusetts on any 'abject; but it might Well satisfy a gene rous ambition to be Called upon to speak to that grtit and enlightened Commonwealth, on a ques tion of Ilmnin Rigida and Civil Liberty. I confess, Sir;; , that I have earnestly desired not to mingle in the popular :discussions of the Menetties of the last Congress. The issue ne commit"' involies the claims of their advocates and advernaries in the public councils, to the con fidence of the Some of those advo cates hive entered the political arena crimina tin those' lioia whom they had differed, while Others have endeavored by extraordinary means, tither to Control discussion, or to suppress it al together, and thus they have shown themselves disqualified by prejudice or interest, for practi sing that impartiality and candor which the oc casion Aeuuuided. I em unwilling even to seem to imply by reit erating argamenta already before the public, ei 'titer any distrust of the position of those with . whom I.stood in Congress, or impatience for tthat favorable popular verdict which I believe to be near, and know' to be ultimately certain. Netertheless, there can be no impropriety in my declaring, when thus questioned, the opin ions which will govern my rote upon any (tom tit= When the Fugitive Slave law shall come up for review in the National Legislanare. I think the met singularly unwise, bemuse it Is an at tempt bye purelyFedemtvo Government to ex tepd the economy of Sieve States, throughout States 'which repudiate 5:1.'07 or a moral, social and political evil. Any despotic Government would. awaken sedition from its profoundest slumbersrby suchan attempt. The attempt by this Government has aroused eonstitntional rctustanco. which will not cease emit the'effort shall be. relluptishel. lie who te nc b t .s another bill. ceircd er not. nr . 1n • attempt 10. ,,, ..trAnc,eNt:;ey; that tocrely . i.olitlea; t,•7 itv l l 01 'la, prevailing mall r.! It. /1111 1 I talk, also, that the I,tail, of the mensnr. are indefensible: that:the denial to the alleged fugitive of a trial of his alleged obligation to la jiar, end of his escape from it. by a court, and i%othsti tg less than a court of justice, comitution• Mgatsised...and proceeding according to the course of the common lan within the State where • Ito is :claimed, is palpably its derogation of the constitution: that the rules of evidence. which the law prescribes are oppressive of the Weak and defenceless. awl that Christendom might be searched in vain for a parallel in the provisions which make escape from bondage a mime; by a law retro-active in its effect, and without limitation of time to favor the presump- tion of freedom, which, under rigorous penalties compel freemen to old in the capture of slaves; nnd which offer untnistaken inducements to false elobUs and false judgments. Finally. whatever .changes of opinions others may have undergone I retain my earliest convictions that the consti tutional provision on which the law purports to ba fouided, is merely a compact between the States; and that the Congress of the United States have no jurisdiction of the subject. Nor I; the law, which is so obnoxious in it self, commended to my favor by its connection with what are called the other means of com promise. Compromise implies a mingling of truth and error, light and wrong. One of those affilia ted measures denidd the admission of New Mexico because she had determined to come in as a free State and remanded bar, with permission to come back in the habiliments of slavery. Another dis tinetlyintimated to the Mormons the consent of Congress that they should if they conaplant a Slave State in the very recess of the continent A third abolished a public slave mart in the city uf Washington, without abatingeither the extent or the duration of slavery in the District of Co inzahia. A fourth obtained peace on humilia ting terms from one of the youngest and feeblest ttunxtberS of the confederacy, in an attitude of se- Intim; While a fifth one reluctantly ndmitted Califorsda'as a Free Stith, omen she bad refused ,to contaminate herself with slavery. 'Which one of these measures has superfluous merit, to be received in extenuation of the Fugitive Slave law° Bat we are told bad anthem measures were, they Mire the best that could be obtained. On the contrary, there werealways votes enough for the admission of California. The Thirty-First Con gress might hare admitted her, and left the other questions to Mother. Congress, which instructed by thorpthple, might have done better, and eer ie/illy could not have done worse. Nor Hot do I find the Fugitive Slave law growing itt sof favor on the ground of the already faulted rrof an end of the agitation of Slavery Iteptiblie, an agitation which, whether be tieficenter otherwise, is as inseparable from our political organization, as the winds and clouds are from the . atmosphere that encircles the I hwes mashed, moreover, the argument that some portion of the people in some of the States hare made the papetnity of the rtigitive Slave Lew a condition :or new.deciaratlons of loyalty to the Union. That loyalty is a duty resulting from the Constitution, and is equally due, wheth er the measures of admistration are satisfactory or timstisfsetary. I regret that anythingehould bippened to encourage a belief thatloyaltycould be accepted on conditions, and especially on the condition of forbearing to repeal a repealable statute. Bat since it is so, I can only say that we, on - whom the recent action of the Govern ment bears, as it seems to us, us Unjustly, are in the Union for richer, for poorer, for better, for Worse, whether in a majority, or in a min ority whether in power or powerless, without condltion,lesereation, qualification or limitation for stet and aye; that we arein the Union, not be cause ive are satisfied with Administration but whether satisfied pa net, not all by weans of compromises or understandings, but by virtue of the Constitution, and that all other partie are in the Union on the same ter-v+, for-the same tenure, and by virtue it the el aa, obligation. and eo.they will find their case to be when the) offer to plead violations of extra constitutions: conditions to justify secession. Whatever is ir eiteble in any of the acts of Congress, no one viii mad enough to attempt to repeal. What ever irrepealable in these acts, and whatever shall be repealable in future acts of Congress, whether it shall favor Freedom or Slavery, no matter un der what circumstances, nor with what auspices, with what solemnities it may have been adopted, must abide the trial of. experience, of reason, and of tenth; It is only in this way that the Constitution can be maintained, and that the =ion emi be saved_ Its security consists In the adaptation to the phyicial and moral neces sities of the broad and ever extending empire which it protects and defends, awl in the facility with which withoutsiolence, or =Mien change, errors of administration can be corrected, and new exigencies can be met, so that the State', free or slaveholding, which may at any time be , ' least &Tared, will at all times be safer under this GOvirrennent when worst administered, than it 'would be under any other, however wisely ad-' ministered or favorably conducted. I think toy dear Sir, that all this is virtually mates:tett now by those who, while they see that their orinpliested schemes, that suppression of free debate, Which they thought essential to the Wet/ of the Union, have felled, nevertheless admit that the Union is no longer in danger; and tbeiefore I think .we may at last congratelate =realm on the discovery, that not only are ex tra Constitationel compromises =necessary, but that the Union has strength and stability enough to endure. notwithstandiug that such compromis es Imder the influence of an unwise legislat'vo dlatorst; are sometimes unnecessarily awl um =Diner tnade. Duo, Sir, with great respect, your humble "rfltnS- WILLIAM IL SEWARD. . John A. I.6nm, Earl, Secretary of the Com edttee to calls carnation of the people of Mae ellothuesette. or the subject of the Fugitive Slave UT, Boston. , • • Goma, Bcorr.—lt Ls evident from the papers tthteh reach us from all quarters, that the feel ing la favor of nominating General Wlntleld floott, as the Whig candidate for the Presiden cy Is spreading over the 'country. Among a mamba/of other declarations of the press, ex - raft prefereoce for this distingu ished hero " sad patriot, we quote the following eloquent no- ties of him from an article in the Northern Tri hat, published at Bath, Maine. It speaks very justly of the gratitude which the Nation owes to Gam' Boat for hie efforta in behalf of peace, wean as his groat military services : "Wiehardly knew whether he has done more air gain directing our brave armies amid the din sal chil' ofarms, or in pirate council, by which theesi perils and horrors were averted; whether • Lt-ha,- more _successfully' directed oar gallant Itti7thattiti% or our statesmen. to treaties of Ilitactlvelife hie been mosfatandantly crown ' id with ' victory , aid embellished with mercy, . end feamlis study hate emanated shushed an . therkise en the science . ef war.,for which he is 4imointed; not only throughou America, but IA BMW* -like the Father of our country, he ku,slioria himself not only able toll!, but =s aw miry station that he has been called to ea espy; tad if.the free peoplo , of Pennsylvania see. to acattleate' him:for this : highest gift in our Vasty =landed republic, thii honor la bewtowed sat GM by se means =worthy:" ; im ; TOE DZAR Tt GOOD Th Corns a l i i Mittel) On Manufactures in the Young men's Mar -1 candle- Library Assodatipn use tho following language, in their report published — in Monday's Casette: "We believe that many of our ✓:itizens are ig norant of the variety and extent of our own mun ufactrirmi. If not, why do they purchase an ar ticle made hundreds of miles from here, and at a higher price than they could obinin it for, by walking a few steps from their stares and dwel lings." • • • - PV$ BIM BY WIIITZ s CO. 13 7 .13113113 THUBSDA • MORNING, APRIL 17, 1851 To the Whigs of Pennsylvania. AA , !STATE KX)NVENTION will be hell in the City •Of Lame col TIMDAY. Jnoe 24th. WI, for the P.: Wm of mleetiem M Lidates for the °Diem of Goreroor ano Canal Cocestleowew , antalenfin Judeta of tbe Sorw•tho Ce l:. . e.n. h 11. m.to rlane N'LT M em l V3l% l9 = C. Thomoon Jonwa vo at at. 81.1 to Hammel IL Thome& Hammel &L. 'kV ta i rTfat Nathaniel f. Wm. J. Bo Alogain D. pm". Warden 6. =tomb ' Km. Bake, Thelma H. nob Wm. M. Watts. Henry Johnson. Jame% (Dua l Chute. ft. lhatlman, Ebel.. II 'helm Alain Wilson, I= John Al C. lison. 0 . ~...0- audo moc.rdr. tii;irrlrireditre , Francis Jold.. FNDLS 5.111211. .......... TES CRUMB Or LOCOFOCOIBIL Our oppone; l ts bare been remarkably quiet in this State for wo years past. Some kindly dis posed people imagined Locofocoism had changed its character, and that we might look hereafter for more decency, fairness and propriety in the presecution of its political objects. This chari table view is alt a mistake. It possesses all its ancient c haracteristics in fall vigor, at is plainly evidenced by the manner in which it has received the spontaneous acclamation of the people for Gen. Scott as te next Prasident. • To the Pow f thiscity the. overwhelming de- monstruth:um It favor of Gen. Scott have been' vinegar and 911. The hope has been fondly in dulged that Lcorfocoism would ride into office, and riot in the uplift in 1852, but the pr spect that the Old Hero f Chippewa would bel called into the field, with he unmistakable evid nces of his great popula+, has come over tfieir visions like the black roll of despair, and has aroused 1 all their anciel t venom. The Post t es to keep up the courage of its paniwstricke political friends w _ by inderroting the extent fuel power of the Sot movement' which the editor calls a "feeble lend sickly cry nod by nvel—.' rding the difference centime Xil'• Wleir MEE .ileurty huff the State, in eve* Fithoot exception there 11:1, Levu L. rhice in furor of Genf Scott.. l it, too, without concert Of action effort. It has sprong spontaneous thia.sed judgments and srann heart: 01111121111011 thi, he heel and without 1 • 13 from the of the masse confined to I all the New !. But this woccosent tuts not beer ennsylsania. Its poises is felt in ngland States, in Ness York, New Iroughont:the West. Ohio and powerful feeling, an 4 in Virginia l ing hold of the hearts of the...poo- Jersey, and Mama it le at is feet to Lain end wavornisbetllfuem,.seltich deny, and it to follp l for the l'ost 'dry himself by milling it a "feeble It is no use editor to stu and sickly 07." The Post will meet with just as little success e. .ci in its efforts create an impression that there is a quarrel b weep . the friends of General Scott and those of e Administration. There is nothing necessarily tagonistical in their Position. The friends of Gin. Scott are generally warm friends and supporters of the administration, as the Whig administration, as their adminkstiation. They admire Mr.Tillmore for his many sterling qual ities, for hi. noble patriotism, and for his able statesmanship, and they will rally as one man for his defence and that of his cabinet, all of whom are Whigs. of worth, and many of them of rent ii. Bur l ap this is no reason why they should not express their views in regard to the Whig candidate foithe next Presidency. I There is no thing in the o ligation due to the administration, from its Whig friends and supporters, that re quires this,. ~4.nd those Whip who make an issue of this kin di are governed by sinister motives, and would be &lie friends to the administration were it mat their interest to be F.I. It cannot said that it is too soon to agitate a question 4 this magnitude. A country so ex tensive as; span a continent, , and reaching from the i bound coast of Canada, to the re 'pen of perpetual summer on the Rio Grande, cannot dismiss anode of action, and settle upon • caudidatelwithont time. In about one year from this tine the Whig Convention will meet to nominate al candidate, and the people whose voice shanl4 be represented, should have time freely to harthange their opinions, and give po. tency to their voice. Tres Vox r. or Mennen Corwm— Pursuant to aeaof th Whig County Committee, the Whigs of Mercer , county held a Convention in the Court. Hoagie, on Wednesday, the oth instant. Hon. Wl9. tuna presided. Besolutio were unanimously edopted, recog nizing andi r eiterat in g the Long established doc trines of Hut party—in favor of adequate protec tion to home industry in support of the improve ment of rivers and harbors, and in denunciation of the courie pursued by xieneral Cas4 and oth er Democratic Senators, in the last Congress, to defeat the Hirer and Harbor Dili. Then came the - followittg, adopted without o dissenting voice ResoNell That in the past life of Gen. Win field Scott, ire have the sure guar° uty of his pre eminent quhlificatinns for chief usii.Patrato of the United States, and we respectfully wcominend his nomination , , Resolved, That, an examination of his course, contmencing with the war of 1812, true ing it down through 'all the exciting scenes of that period—his agency in ,uppressing nohbea tion in Souh Carolina, quelling the troubles on the lciagarii frontier, and in the settlement of the Maine m puhdary question, together with the unparallell success that attended. his com mand fro the landing at Vera Cruz, to the oc cupation o the Halls of the 31ontescu mu, clear ly indicate itl.at he is a man of great firmness and decision oficharacter, and if elected to. the Pres idency, his , administration would not be charac terized by at masterly inactivity which pant ex perience proved to be detrimental to the in- ;crests of e te country. Resolved. That we approve the course pur sued by ocd• present executive, Wm. F. Johnson. His integr i ty of motive, honesty of purpose, 11 , 11t1 firm devotr to the interests of the State and the Union, eminently entitle hint to the contin ued could ee and support of the Whig party, and we recommend him as the unanimous choice of the Whig of Mercer county, as their candid ate for GoVertioe, at the next electiun. Resolved, That it is with plea sure we have seen the ntiries of the Hon. John I tanks and the Hon. John l. Pearson, mentioned in connection with a ocurnnation for the Supreme Bench, and their nomination for that office would meet our hearty concurrence. A. 11. filftyder, Bag., was appointed a Repre sentative Delegate to the State Convt !titian, to be held at Inhcaster, and E. C. Wilson. was recom mended as Ithe Senatorial Delegate. Unapt BLAND Ettcrios.—An election for a member to the Providence district tool: place on Friday, and resulted . in the choice of Thomas J. Stead, Whig, by 350 majority over all competi tor. Thi completes the General .keserably.— The flowsstands 31 Whigs and 35 DomoOrate, i Including Wardell, Pree-soil, with tho Demo crat& The Senate stands 14 Whigsa nd 37 Dem "luta, in Inding the Lieut. Govern or and one Free-Boiler. One seat in the liouse„ held by a 1 Democrat, will be contested. The Pr vidmer Journal says that int least aim towns, deciding the late election and retain , tioniringte General Assembly, were carried by the dead weed money. It adds, also— "Mm stood at the polls with money in their hands, offering from ten to, in some cases a hun dred dollit for a vote. Ono Coen of enormous and rapid y acquired wealth a sada no secret of this bout, that a Whig town, with a majority, should re a Democratic !,nejority, if money could buy it. A Democratic candidate in one of the towns whirl failed to el Oct on the lirst,trial, innt boasted t one thousand dollars had been pla ced in his and that, he was Inaba:lite:l to expend equal amount , in addition. Nothing like this, we say, was ever before known in Rhode Island. Io reply to our. , charge that the eleatf on cost dtZ at ocrats twat ty thousand dollars, the Port says It la the , to enough; that the peo ple's a phrase w Mich is of very plain sig alfima" l o : `, r tinin quo ter, 'are worth more than any num of 441 as' Tile .Mirror, which .has s .lmPtdbized- vd.th the Democratic party' 1 thr 0 ,..._ 0 10 0 w4 sa7 ll 'Pi, Is no more than fair that the " n ' wxnntn "Bh , /iodd have the worth of their money oeclasionall4,.. e Elision S eit. gOR RENT ..; - -In e Store ,, es Market •=. 0 ".......*. a%ial•rmal the comer of Marlon .. • --/ pan Ornate. let of anon 'ans''',o24.4. , liaeln OW= , ii IS6 Rosa it The attachment of,the people of Boston to our national constitution and Union, has been sorely tried, in the case of the fugitive Sims, and has come out of the funace unscathed. Those only can estimate the extent and fierceness of this • trial who are acquainted with the deep and utter hatred of slavery, and of every system of person al oppression, which animates the people of that city and State. It is with them a religious and living sentiment, the result of a life-long educa tion, of unshaken conviction, and of abiding per sonal sympathies,_ No wonder, then, that the community was fiercely agitated, and thst the trial was passed amidst the anguish and throes of the pithlic mind. Boston has gone through a scene which would have arrayed Charleston in open rebellion, established the Court of Judge Lynch, and overturned all the constituted forms of justice. There is not public virtue enough in the South to pass 'unscathed through such atrial, not sufficient reverence for the laws and author ities of the country, and yet it is loud in Its de nunciations of the fanaticism of Boston. We are glad, therefore, to find one Southern paper stilling to do Boston justice, as appears by I the following from the Baltimore Sum We hardly expect that this triumph of the na tional Spirit over the cherished prejudices of years, will be rightly appreciated in the Southern States. It is in our view one of the grandest ex hibitions of theconservative energy of republican instithtlons. It proves that they are deeply.. - rooted in the hearts of the people, everywhere. We cannot estimate the national character of this affair from the position we occupy, unless we take into consideration the circumstances by which it is surrounded. The people of Boston bare for many years been accustomed to regard , everything connected with the institution of slit- I very with abhorrence. It has ever been present (al to their observation through the medium of strong I.,ejudices, and the., in numberless in ' stoners, distorted. Hence. it i. to us us matter of very grove surprive. that the stringent OE, - ewiley of 'the fugitive 'cave law should meet with • active oms,sition; though Nye turd sot anticipated ni the hoods of any who made ,ea respectsbility. Bat farther, it must be borne in mind that the great tense of the people, of all parties, sects, and classes, by whose fidelity the supremacy of tire constitution and laws has been maintained,' , are, themselves, op• ' I posed to slavery, and object, upon principle, to I the active requirements of the very law to which they have just rendered an honest obedience • It is of no use to complain of these objections; we cannot remove them. They are as settled in • sing. the popular mind as are the vital energies of life Although it must be acknowledged that our in the physical system; and it is this fact which iterests evictly tally with the doctrines.we ad- brings into bright belief the unselfish consent. lion of their own predilections to the integrity Of DCOAC, it does 120 t ii - Inolirthat our arguments are pen; for no s to be depended ri d imple asser- tk , e .r. fe u d p er on al th ti e ni a o l u t.. . o T f h:y lo bax m o l th aid e triotism tion should he taken, at any rate, and a good I darling sentiment of their g poli w tic g al p :eing, andfor nrgument is a good nrgument, no matter who i the nonce, suffered it to be consumed in their brings it forward. Few facts of value are forced I vet,* midst. Such a people, we mnintain, are. upon public attention that are not tracked t entitled at once to sympathy and respect in the I trying scenes through which they have passed: hy self interest. A newspaper may be an over ! and nothing but a fanaticism as extravagant upon enthusiastic admirer of the benefits of adrerti..., t h e other a id e , no that with which they have had To any one unacquainted with the circumstan ces it certainly would be very surprising to find the thrifty citizens of Pittsburg unmindful of their plainest interests, and neglectingito buy where they could buy cheapest; but the whole secret is that they are not gifted with second sight. The Committee may well “believe that many of our i t to citizens are ignorant of the saris and extent of our own manufactures," they mig swear to-the fact, without any reservation as ..knowledge and belief." Our manufactureA contend that there may be some necessity, fkr advertising abroad, but, at home, erery body knows all about their business. We use the favorite expression, every body knows, in order to bring it alongside of the Committee's conclusion that every body does no; know. The Committee tall us also that our manufacturers, not being "wide awake," were on the verge of losing the nail business, and only adopted necessary i provements when their old markets were filled ith a better sad cheaper article than they con d furnish. This is ascribed to the fact that on city has long en joyed a monopoly of several artieles of manufac ture "and therefore we have gone to the extreme of indifference." It must indeed be an unparnl led indifference which will lose the monopolj , of a home market rather than give up the easy theory that "its no use—everybody knows." We by no means wish to endorse the newspa- - per quackery that advertising, of itself, will ere; ate business. A man engaged in any business must in reality make it theintercst of the public to buy from him: any custom gainedby persua sion and lies is worthless. We hold, moreover, CI it as every man understands his own business e.t, Ire eon generally form a jugs idea of how '.. i d e.lid..l' he, eheulti invid, it: odrertising.— 9h , the 0, hef,ro Its. where I=l tz.4 • :t. tto. mauut,cturer, Mid at the true itdereus of trade are not so clear beca. The amount of mo 9 ey beat from ttsburg to purchase articles ,hich might be rti.bhed at home, if it could be estimated, ould doubtle,s be found bufficicbt, in profit on les, to pay for ten times the nece.isFy miser- ring, but at the same time can bring forward the.. best possible arguments. We therefore think it by no means impossible to give our non-adverti- For the Pittsburgh Garotte. sing manufacturers a few useful scrape of prac- ( THO3I.AB JEFFERSON AND THOMAS PUN . tical philosophy. 'I Titre two patriots were once fellow laborers to nn industrious country, the business men against butter men, and were not very widely are content with small profits, provided they i separated in their religious or irreligious opin can secure ready sales. The only way for the ions. The one attacked the bible, and openly as seller to obtain a ready market is to inform , sailed and villified the Father of our Country, buyers diet he has on hand goods of a certain George Washington: the other ridiculed the quality and price. Before the days of newspa- I Trinity, comparing it to the three headed dog pers, the only way in which this could he done j Cerberus, who watched the entrance to hell, and was to carry goods to fairs where buyers nod yrieWely encouraged the calumniator of that tru sellers congregated at certain Seasons of the • ly great and good man, who wee •"first in war, year, end there stand in his booth and wait for first in peace, and first in the hearts of his costa customers; or else keep his positir in the same trymeu." chop, year in and year oat, to wait for passing The facts above stated are now so well known, purchasers. The necessity of the ease demanded , that I certainly did not expect at this late day that the buyer should go to the seller or rather : to see any person attempt to separate . these wor paae from one seller to another, and make his thy patriots. or to deny that the former was a choice. The seller in his eagerness to sell would friend and patron of the latter. But to my !cur very readily have taken a great deal of trouble to prise. I saw in the Gazette of Saturday last, an inform a ll th e buyers of the ex t en t of his s t ee l, article contradicting the statement that Mr. Jef but this he could not do, Coasmuch as it would ferson had sent a national vessel to bring home I have balm impossible for him to send his goods Tom Paine from France. This bold &Moder of to every buyer's house In the country. The Mr. Jefferson, dates his article at Tarentum,endi newspaper worked the very revolution that both signs himself, "James Clarke." The following buyer and seller desired. It enabled each seller is the most material part of his note: to inform every buyer. in the scope of his mar- -Now, Mr. Editor; there is not a word of truth ket, of the nature. extent, price, Sic. of his ' in the whole statement; and I apprehend it is a ‘ fai ir r sample of the rest, with: few exceptions. before him, the terms offered stock. Then each buyer could see on the sheet description never sent one 'anal vessel, or any by scores of sellers. j other Markets were soon watched with particular care, h ome t h e nor would he at any and out dile multitude.of claims put forward i time have been gßty of the base purposes attrile. by sellers, every buyer, of moderato capacity, Cited to him by the writer of the article.' In my might easily learn where he would be most likely estimation a f , he article teas( rap ear ly manufactured to procure exactly the article] he needed. This trarZlM rtai < rm ,na,.h*b; diffusion' f information has had a powerful in- j that of Thomas Penne, whose memory i.e rather un fluence in abolishing the pettyl'itricks of trade" rn.Lory teitk.) ChT1.163,1 public." which in old times made the Buyer perpetually I I know not whether Paine landed at New York as stated by Grant Thorburn, or at Baltimore as stated by James Clarke, nor do I know 'whether be came borne in a public or private vessel, nor in it very material. But I have the very high est authority for asserting that Mr. Jefferson did make provision for the return of • Thomas Paine to America in a national vessel, did write a very complimentary letter to him, knowing well that he hod not only vilifiedatcleLandered Wash ington, but also attacked the lioly Scriptures in a manner, to render "his memory" not merely in the words of James Clarke, "unsavory with the Christian public" but odious to every true hearted American and detestable to every sincere Christian. Before giving my authority, I will give a few extracts to show hove Paine spoke of Washington in a letter addressed to that great and good man published and copy righted. In relation to the funding eystem the letter sois But the more production increases, and the greater the facilities of advertising, the leri time and inclination to hunt fer sellers, is found among buyers. The buyer is accustomed to have every want anticipated by numbers of eel- lers, whose appeals stare him in the face eseery time he picks up that great necessary of life, the doily newspaper. Bedsit leads him to think I that every existieg product is advertised. Ile never starts the curious qtiestion whether there may not be some able manufacturer, or some experienced dry goods merchant with a large and cheap stock, who departs from the general rule of letting the world know of his existence. You could not persuade him that any such wonder could be found. Ile ails in his easy Chair, and the groin pituonitaa of the commerce, revolutions, and adviaseement of all nations paos es before him. The newspaper furnishes him with the history of every day's event', through out the world, from the must important revolu tions in Government an d Science down to the chit chat of Parisian Society; it gives him an account of the life and business of his next door . neighbors, and dishes up the gossip at the Court of the Celestial Emperor. lie knows that nnth ing can happen, however important or trifling, however remote or close at hand, which will not ; pass before him, to be seen if he choose to look. Is it not folly to suppose that a man thus pow pervi will go!on an exploring expedition, and search for sellers whore locality is not set dawn oh the great map of the world's business which is . epread out before thin, every morning, at the breakfast table? "Nothingcould be more absurd: and yet this is the very idea the business man acts upon who neglects to advertise. To bring the ease home, our Pittsburg man ufacturers should recollect that there are thousands of men in Pittsburg unconnected with the manufacturing interests who neverleave their own streets: and many of these aro newecomers who have never had the slightest knowledge of our city's resources. They know the business of the world as far their own experience leads them, and beyond that they look to the newspa pers. Such men have not the most remote Idea of the extent of Pittsburgh manufactures. They know that this is a great manufacturing city,' they bear the sound of the hammers, but the statistics concerning what is actually done are beyond their reach. What.they need, they bay from those that offer to sell, and If none at home offer, they buy elsewhere. In fact, the precise extent of the business of Pittsburg it; something of a mystery to the best Informed on the subject, and will continue to be so until It is more fully represented upon the panorama of the Press. Moreover, strangers at a distance who are taught to regard the newspapers of o city as the reflex of its busincre, must be:as tonished to find that the advertising columns of a ; Pittsburg paper scarcely afford a hint that they belong to a manufacturing city. Many must be led to think the stories they hove heard concerning the energy and manufactssring op erations of the Elm City mere gasconade; and many who search for advertisements of such or ; tides in our line as they may need, when they are dh ap p o inted, are, no doubt, led to abandon ' the thought of purchasing here, and turn to cities where the advertisements assure 'them of being able to get what they want. Thus home advertising is not merely beneficial in :secnring the , home market, but is the best' means of wi dening the sphere of distant maikets. 'We do not mean by this that advertisino abroad is mi nces:4am but that the principal advantage must be derived front a pnblicallon at home. In conclusions, we will remEk that however idessirig it-eight be to the vanity of some .mer: 'chum tad Manotiotorrio* to tai at homo In letice, and be hunted up by 11111i0MI purchasers of their commodities, the jolt and inexorable lasts of - . trade hare decided that this shall not be; but that the man who displays his goods in the market with the most energy mad tact is the man who will make the earliest and most prof itable sales. . to contend, will withhold it from them —The head of the army, (Waahingtori) became the patron of fraud." Again the lettersays •Nr. WaAnngton is known to have no friendships and to be incapable of forming any—he can serve or desert II cause, or a tn., with conetitutloattl in difference." This is a sufficient evidence of his calumnies' sgniust Washington, And us to his venom against the Billie it is notorious: even Mr. Clarke admits That his •'memory was rather unaarrory" Onions Christians. . . Now fur the authority. Within two 'reel. after Mr. Jefferson's instal- I ' lotion into of he wrote a letter to Paine,then I in France, from which I make some extracts; ' the whole latter will be found in the third vol. I ume of his letters as published by his grand non, page 4MI ; "But these details (abbot politics) too long and minute for a letter, Srill be better developed by Mr. Dawson, the beirer of this, 11 Member of the late Congress, to' whom I refer you for them. Ile goes in the Maryland, a Sloop of War, which will wait a few days at Havre, to receive his letters, to be written on his arrival at Paris. You expressed a wish to get a passage to this country in a public vessel.• Mr. Dawson is charred with orders toe Captain of the Mary land to receive and ace mmydateyou with a pas. r sage, if you Can be TVIM on such short warn ing. lam in hopes, y will find us returned, generally, to eentimen worthy of former times. In these It will be yourigtory staadilyta have la bored, and with as conch effect as any man llv- I ing. That you may long ivetocontinue your turtal ; labors and to reap their reward in Mr thankful nets of nations Is my sin orprayer." The subsequent life d the death of Paine ' gave no token of the eau of Mr.. Jefferson's .sincere prayer" for worthy coMpatriot, I repeat now, I know not whether Paine came in the Maryland or to al private vessel. The a bove extract proves the Mr. Jefferson did all in hik power to serve his faithful ' fellow laborer, that be thought Me coo 6 glo•ious, and his la bors against Washingta and the Bible useful,. bo i 1 and he offered up his n ere prayer, that Paine i might long continue to ap his reward. 1 Paine may possibly htivereturnedin some oil j er vessel, but the order leas given to receive and I accomodate him in a national vessel, the invite ! tion forwarded, and the lunntrre prayer" offered up. So thet Mr. Jefferson did himself place his own name in association with that of the infam ous caltunniator and blasphemous Infidel whose memory etinke in the nostrils of every Christian and. patriot. So that if it was an 'ars to theme mory of Jet. futon to place it in an iatlon with that of Paine as Mr. Clarke admits; hen Mr. Jefferson must Deer the blame, for he tassel( did it, by- giving the inviiation, sending he order and offering the sincere payer for the I continuance of Paine's "useful labors." C. • *That he might not be captured by an English vessel and carriedl,to England, where punish ment awaited him. \ no st tOU IB Carroty - atletwe of tho Daily Pittsburgh Outito. PLAWITIeI Roust ll Sr. Loins, April 7. Messrs. White & arrived in this great and flourishing city yesterday and am stopping• at the stare mentioned tar famed Hotel. I ob served all the cooking '&o., is done in this estabi. liehinern V.ellielit i the principle. of Which I cannot Mini; not haring witnessed the man ner of operatioix It may be that such arrange ments for forinaliing melds are to be' found in other hotels, but, if so, I hive never known It, thot]igh I have been in all the large cities of the Union, excepting Boston. Everything is conducted herein a style calculated to ensure - comfort aid enjoyment to all the guests, and he who could feel otherwise should never stop at a public house. This In the day of election for city officers.— There are three candidates for Mayor. Kennet on the Whig ticket, who is the present locum ben-Howe is the regular nominee of the De. moc .• He was a .candidate last year, and was ten by Rennet. The third party have t.. 3. take up Shaw. Their politics are mixed, made up olt b Anti-Bentonists. Kennet will undoubt edly' a re-elected. T emas Hart Bentiin is here. If he is s Sen ator ( standing, the course he is now pursuing will bring him tea horisontal position from ra whi ho will never rise in his own State. 1 • g the whole of bait week he was an an 1 elecffoneering tour through the city, and made several speeches to the Irish and Germans col lected together in the lowest drinking houses and shops. I state this on reliable an thetty. He had the effrontery to assert In the i a rote da (Court House) on Saturday night that his remarkably fine looks and unaccountable good health was owing to the fact that he had been a strictly temperance man all his life. He uttered language to thabeffect, Mr. Editor, and his smooth obeeck was unruffled by the leek shadow of a smile. I hear men of his own party speak of him in such terms as to convince me that his populaiity has sunk low in Mis souri. The fine steamer Paul Anderson leaves for Pittsburgh to day. I have taken passage on her confident that I could not select a boat with more genemenly and attentive officers. Yours very respectfully LEUItE NY. pi - LIVER COMPLAINT.—TiId only remedy ever offered to the public. ..gash WO never baled of work- Wu; s curolchen direction. are followed, Is 7.lcLart.'s Liter Pill. It his now beet, several years before the has been Introduced In all scabs.. of thu Uoo o. Where - It tun. been U.eki. It has had the most triuundumi eucceps. and had setuall, armee out of use all ether medicines. It bit loon tried under all iii, aliferent phsee, of Ileptals. and Ira. hem foufwl meetly edlcsrious m nil. Foredo bt J. KIDD CO., N. 00 Wowd st. I=lll Petroleum IlutOduddoneu.. Pad Marcl. 4. 'LI. 4. M. Kl..—llear Sir. Your Petroleum I. worklug wou thlr4 thetvrale we would tbauk Sou Lonetul .:.two d04.311,y the Ileum, Ivautr. ilalLn.d. Wr an err rirrlY out. ant it I. bi•lti,, iwolln.ll for almost every ally. Your, rrrprelfull,. JOHN 1A.441.1 S CO. HAT .V 11.12. Ashland en-, 0.. Mardi 10, 0, 11. KlEV—Dear bit. Your Agent. a few woe)+ , sine , 6.4t.ith us the donqi Ito. 1. 011, aLlOt we bare ,old. Morse nowsnl tow. kg cloaca 11131904.111.14. Your medioni la working voider. In lid, region. We can obtain several ossolLent comfiest', It rou de.i.then , loon, Sc. W. ti. 01..1Tf. For We by geyser 11ellosral 140 Wool street; IL E. Sellers. bi Weal street 11. A. F tiestock, A Co, corner Wend and Front Otrefen% D. M. Ce y. It. A. ElllotLJtseph bonglass. and EL P. othwartg, Allegheny, also by tho pro . orient, 0. 11. KIER, 11.1.8oventlaa...1 . 1t4bunch. Foreign and American Hardware. LOGAN, WILSON & CO No, 0,11 Wood Street, LL VB NOW IN STORE A NLL mil:ample; slock of FOREIGN AND AMERICAN HARDWA.RE, tkitttg i th; u .r t e trt, anA .bkb ? a are ;mond AmestAt mitb say of LW .souern Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh gNCOUItAGE 110111, INSTITUTIONS U No. t 1 Water am:, In Wit warebonen of C. 11. NT. Ursa., PresklontA. W. Mat., Seiy. TWA Compan le law urepareslio Um/retail merchandlee in store. and iii ' trweitu. rearela, An .mile guaranty tor the abtlity aral integrity or the iralnitution. as afforded dot thwarter of the Direennt. I t are all cttltarts of Pltteturgh. well and farnrol/11 abown to th e eounnunity 6. , r their prudent, intelhatOneo. and Integrity Brnrcntai—C. 11. ilutery, Wm. 84.CM , r, IPm. Luntler , Jr:. Walur Bryant, Hugh la Blac l'alvnad . llemletun. Job. Itayworth. a. Harbin:Lab, S Lier. intatatf LOOK HERE MI FBIEND! RE YOU A FATIIER, laboring for the wp of • family, and suffering Dona rfe.m.l de. I ,r at . lbwr i t o p=ss i o m t k las i t , llfe allot mem • burden. Are you • Mother, andenng from dlreaera to which fe. male. me genet MI/ mlamt. we Dr. S. is ilowe, Maker Sarsaparilla—D.oll eerie:My cure rou. Call at oar depot, or on ewe of our agent. and get a amphlet, gratis. where you will toad that dm Shalom ear. PrePared by Dr. e. Hoe, boo POOO the mom of parmanermy eurt: l lmotte diem.. to which dm human family am nottin rubleatr thm =Y . Mt. preparation of Sarsaparilla ever yet brOu,lft. beton the Dom anedifloe blu i f ertribilabed Its blab repotatker bY Ito o Vtap ' a bottle. and to the cafe Sarasparilla Mat Batson P M: Liver, Kidney. and Wool M tior same lima which reale: It altogether more valuable even . o'o. lll . P. r7ll * Pio,,a re aw Dr. S. D. 110WE'S SIIAKKE #1 ASSAISIIALLA, and Wm noodle, nice pm bottle-6 bottles Mr PA- Y" Pb.. 1). 11011 M Od Propristors, 1 College flail. Lincirmati, To whom alined...lf may be a:brimmed. Alm, for wile by J. A. Jon.. J. Sebcotonaker A C 0.., W. DMA. P. W. Item. J. M. l'ownifend, J. Mohler: R': Jul, mu. Pittsburgh; 1611100, Missr.ur em y: W. R. Ak- Crelland, Manama. if. I..Yocker. arromarrille . ,Ju. Co. la - timid= * Patents. md C. 0. moreen, Pt Clalrmilla Melia. • Knox. Catils.. oMarilarT COUNTY MEETING OS" Tho Cithella of Allegheny County, who are in favor of the nomlnerlon of OEN. WINFIELD .113OTT, as aconAhtsle for the nest Prooklenor of the UnF ted atatse. are mooned to sosemblo to County Meeting. et the Court flour, In the City of Pittsburgh. on Tore 4.y. the 21.1 dof of Agra Wag. at 11 o'clock. A. 11. opireigirALT feigned by SOU :alums.] . County Convention. THEHE COMMITTEE of the Allegheny Whig mud Anti-mum:4c enunty Waver:lon. mret Court Mum. on Saturday. April VAL at :o'clock. M.. to fa on the time fir bonding County ennventrun lu nominate Mtn, he the ran reonr. ap,l3cl JOSIAH K Chairman. Men's Spring - and Summer - Wear. STIEY 6; SURCLIFIELD invite the at ri Mbu,rraa tbrititall uottrtatent tt .trttuu m and bumer wear. tor man and bor.,am.i.tla. e=a, u+atette, Merino. Caaattuarva. attranixt t:rudoterts, NV,ll,n,tolt God, Summer Cloths, Tamil. nta •tyle , Cotionadc , and 1 , 111, harp Nankin. Hreach Lna.na tunt odcla. rupertor rhtnlnc Nisolias. Inah Linen, warraat.tl all Max. tient, till. tldittN. Luc, - lilt and ttiszt-Itant Cravat, Kid 60 and LAI. tnuan,d littler,. at atrulbetot outer of fourth and Market an apt,. I SOAIO IIItICK—I kiln go4nl mer chantnble Brsell E. 7 .nlr. I•lnqulre IV. MOLLY/AA:WS (.Irpott VI an:how.c. .1. Yuurtli otnont. --- 'PEARL ASII-9 c.km for kale h.; spli • 6.6 r, wi L , 4)71.141 I• v r.p. 'IJLASTER-20 bbls. White, for male by I .07 W. • U 7 From .L . BACON-25.fQ lbs. prime Shoulders; llama Lle aolo by ann Mon II La F SO . . AMP llALL.—liating fated up u fine J . / Show 'loom an tbe soamtul gory. rm., 4oro. I LaN l a nno a ngocaVene took of 1 0 `nge1 . 1 , 3%!..1....1n d 'et Tar , non In toe. Parlor. Oupprr. and ILll . laow.r Ono,lno. and Tlone LightChantwe, for Churr/p, Ila Boats. an: and at MI .. WLSON. apt 7 AS CIIANDELIERS ,5... FIXTURES.— VlThe I...rgest dock In the city. ..d letext pet.ro, 0.Y.17 W, W. WILSON. ( i l PIS,NDID FRENCH PAPER HANG MIS. roe Parlor, end' Draw!. Renate, Oakland Vel i.t b t rfirZ 7 ; 31=. .` h i.i'd,.= 141:.1.7._ p " 4 :gobert7 o 7 ?hash. can barfly be eurpaued—stst tved al for We ~,,,,,,,,,,...10171 terms, by TRIM. PAL)lkIlt, .pl 7 SS Markel...l_ NOTICE.—AII persons indebted to the co- el' John A. Roo. decd. ve coquetted to nuke Wheat. t to the undersigned; and Nom Wins. elaltut hatchet the estate will Meant Nrm 6a adjustment. 801 WALTER C. RUE. Trude, T. SALE—A good second bend PEntait's .12 Wow, Awoke of J. JUDD t CO.. CO Wood INDIA SILKS, SATINS, /ON A Co.. ere OOW of renntof Jodie-W. and nau on Lbw. EPP. Enka of striped. paid and chap striae. • • 1017 rACONETTS & CAMBRICS-A. A. MA- O t bam iu.t received pm rumor thrtir • bru• Jaconatit sod Cambric.. 1017 COLLARS, CUFFS, &e.—A. A. MasoN Os are vow amnia. roal Yalooela Wrought Collars aud Cuff., bask do., aim, Chlateaellos, Capes, Lams, a, apl7 LA.IiP/31 .LMIEPS ! LatiEPS TIN SUBSCRIBERS hare jut fitted up one of the new end temutlful Norm In the .. Ounst rice Mitt • hdltif end sPlerwild ounortment of eteitant ,complielng Chambillene. Peutents, I.ktirdelamen Ilapeet der.. sod Nall Wipers. Particular attention. Is celled to their new and Improved Pine ell Lamµ which fm ptllaanol of light sod cbeepttem cannot he surnamed. Also. Fluid Oilmud Lent LIMP, adapted to Church., Halls. Palos% Storm. and doeuestie purpoom, which the/ manufacture , and by personal atteation to bottoms am el:tabled to all st the lowest market prkett Wholesaleand martif:b.aP4lt.lgtr.r7cgtrlt..`l:l2f.' metric of 'Pim Oil, ledophim, and burning VIA by Um burnt W lea Quaontk.. Al l warranted. The pa. U"' 00 1 1 1QITIMINItrinli lIINEY. (Into Hedrick Horning,/ No. IN2 1 North Pelmet st mt. above ai-Fectory . No. es Noble Week nor sad, Philedelphin Otu — o Laboratory. 76 , 80, 85, 92, 95, and 99 per cent. Strength. OWELL FLETCHER Pc CO.; 51anufaetu , mr. of AT/JP/le n Pure . kbleits Nr Cologne slut Orm. m ilo i gl ' UfTine l "' anti Ni=l. st=itioZlC'et PoiZes.l'l'"wgh will bo Prtimptl! yaw ept,.l y 'II-Patent Itevendble Water - Filter IS NOW to be seen in operation at IYM. TATN CO.ll. Plumbers, No. 10 . 1eurth Street, 'N'Or VairligTigttlyh. ATA, W I"? • GOLI Medal from the Mimic. Institute of New fo rk. and a Cori/Prate rum the Franklin lend/tuts of Phlhutel. Dane, gurerlornr la Its eleantlespromtbun and alai ut. tee from them taring them Intim Philadelphin of which the following are memo., “Pulimmicins, March =h. 1861. ve.t SIMMS to recommend to the lovers of pure. clad . water. th e Patent Reversible Wake /The re . ire vented bykeels. liming used one of them fur mom al months, I am enabled tojudser of their value. awnas PLITT. IST Walnut exert.' . Piftbsettlerts, March MU. 1841.. The Patent Reversible Watur levintiel by Mr, H. and ..tmest try me for mute months at nay nrimite multicnbvi gib,l . bri b rireon could elan. .10;.'s eecommsad Is m the P p py(N. Neptelos mid Agent. winfkl do well to anaessuens our brim Miters. fur filtering water be. bow., by which means limy will am Tar 0. 4 . 3 t 1 .0. 10 of boilers. All oar tames ore rarrautat for P. ymus,_med Om, lea 14LAINIt JAlllinN, at. 1731 "4;1 Arch etniet-Philadelphin FIRUNES—Awvery suFaior quality, gad. rad *MI italcbi air"WA. litQL BA W., ZS. Üb.rtz st. MOCHA OOFFEE—For sale by aplT WM. A. MAMMY] it I 0, Gramm RANGES-461f boxes, ye • superior. and PEARL ASII-31 casks for sale by spl7 J. i IL FLOYD SALERATL'S-5 bble. (Adams') for sale by apt; J. t & *LOYD. 1./ UTTER-8 bbls. Roll. for sale ' it spl7 J. t 8.. 11.0111. BACON -247 pee. llama, Sides, and Shoul dem for. tale by apl7 J. t A V LOYD. %VW , j i c-3 sacks Common, In: Salo by • ' bhls. Small *fate, for sale by Kyr J. t R. nom BROOMS -7 5 doz. for sole by •017 J. a IL FLOYD. GREENWOOD GARDENS. TIIS SUMMER RETREAT is now open gm the aroommolatlnn of visitors. The belmtl of the place has been much improved by the addltian of efface ghtobbery and newer.. A large rollectton of ever Wyoming ideate and Shrubhery, of the choicest kimig are kept Pm eado cm e Drses. Ice Comm., Fruits,, a ml ., kept In the Bale°w as usual. Iloquets taetefully put up at OM notice. Th. neat and cronkatablexteambnat CIIIZYTAIN, lesm the laudisnrO between PIM street and• the Old Allegheny Bridge, at the beginning of every boor—from 9 ofelockfio otk;al,lOll9 P. IL One extra trip every evening, at 101 ji liii to ait hu ers Jwirelthiotte Flower (l City are invited to ply • The (lanky I. kept on ' Temyerun 'n. ee principle., •vJ closed on Sunday. . •pt4i( MYERS--Surgenn and Phiaiel an. oa. :«i threlltra comer of Mulln.tou !Stow, R.J.J. !tell alma owe done &bore Smithfleld st. Myer. hat pe — rtaii;nenti; loceLd — h;iYtt,hutrnd will attend to the duties ottla Profeemlon. Ile will eve particular attenUnn W Beenlert. eases, and the ellteves DI ...dery and cildren. Tuition on the Piano. ILA R. F. ILAREORDT would re pared to take • few more pupils au the P pp in- • no and in Singing. Ileferenees—C. Spam. Ems Rem' Grant, (Fourth Meet.) Madame Pruitt It.fa, aplL.Yf Fancy Goods. VS. M. E. ROBINSON, No. 32 Stf_ Chile stmt, Pittsburgh. Pa SIMULIIICeII COo e ies of this city &Ed irinit • , elm baste rved h, Spring Sttsk of BO.V.VETS sal BSA , Cl' MILLI.% ER 1" G . OUPS. and that cheapening will take place no TiltiltsoA Y. April 17th, 1 5 31. on which occasion she will present the Loot tusortatent ever offend. uplEr.l VOTICE.—. 2 f he 0. 1.). of the Sons of Tem il purance will meet in Pittsburgh. at the ODEOV. on Fnurtli st,et. at 10 o'clak, A. Cl., on Wednetalay, the 17001 day of April, 1011. soltent• Store in New Brighton. OTHE advertiser, wishing to go west, of- fors to poll Ole glare and Sutures, with thelitnek route. In New Brighton, tin mltee from Ilia car. Au "n mica manufacturing businem I. carried on at Der ler Valle. them 1a a rippect of roeveral new estalaihmente gvioz I su, operation a few month, amt New Maim l. dockleilly the most pymleln. plea 1. Roarer ounnt.ii— tiotorianta wishing to natahllah brand& stare, or Jou.. men dodring entutue In buiinem aro requested to call on slmuuri. BROWN • KIRKPATRICK, or O. Mho.. of thio paw, for further informatkin. arlaate•Nrivr Lawrenceville', and .13harpsburgh Plank Road Company. ROOKS for trubncription to Stock of the ampoor .111 be opened od the dare or IMP • LESLIE. No. el Fifth divot, Plttsbongt Torr. Jay. the Mb, and WeJnesday, the du,, dart , of. War nert, at 0 11j.,01.t11.t of := 1 11, 7 ... 0 0r At t r:d i a m T7Tteltl T t ' L . r ;111; next. at 10 n'tloelo nod rt the store or J. ton the • g 1 & 1 111.t.1t 2 t15 . . gig tuorouith of Stur;rtirnh, on tintun/n7, the 101 k of Mop, la lint. lor 00 remain opot from 10 o'clock. A...M., 10 o'e M day. aotannynonnas—WlLSON MeCANDLESS. JNO. GRAHAM. C. W. ERNEST, JAIIES IMAM KLY WM. WZILNEBUR4I, CILARLES PETERSON, HENRY IL LEWIS. JOILN CUISLETT, It. 1.. EWALT, E. HARDING, aplntAlaylntkirT. JAMES SHAME. mununi rinfititntra, OF PHILADELPHIA. QTATEMENT of the Assets of the Co m `"Lit"tt tiL =1:1 • )10ETOXGR. B e l" MeAgues, well secured, tree al* . . of rent, la the d e and county of Vhiladelphla. except $37:0.0 In llontgom nr, Backe, sehttylklll, an 4 Allegheny ' 1 . ..611y1T11111111. Alec, STOW In Ohio, vetured by Realklatabe llkktiledeh SEAL ESTATE. Pow.hased ta Sheriff's Pales, under worn due calms, Elfillt teal! and Id, 70 b L y ISO tt. on rebuylkill Eaalb otneta--- . A house and lot, 77 by 71 fn . . feartb able of Spruce west Of Ith st. Ali and 10t,114 by 104 feston west e Penn iguana moth dote 711111 .11 bow.. and lots, each 10 by ho 0.4 so meth side of Spruce etneet, wee &bull:Ill 710 nye housl7 and bats. each 171/ by SIO h., Pim. 131,133. / 1 1, 1 = eat' 110.hilwyn .. Three house* and lo t. ' a.st aide of Schuylkill Seth st.tooth of Pine . ... A lot of droned. roof * y id feet, on - the tiortheest. carte actinylkall Front A ow. And lot, la by 10aw - et. soca. _ strlter , r . . t a e.. weat of Scharf. 110.1 wal LA, 60 hy al feet,on the ewath ...cornet of Cheidantaad Bear-b haloes and Ica. 43 by an feet, the north Ade of trearge et.. west of _ ashtte Amer-. SYe bojnes — and lot. 411 by LI: ft. on tle: east aide of Barb et. rontb Clesinut street— . 4 house and lot. AS by 80 feet 90 iltreater raft of ....... WAS*. Semyerary Lonny on celbster4l nxlin ATOCCIL 110.0 0 Alan Mara Loan. B Prr oontl 100 - 'Crilon Bank of Texuarapm..- Incarsere Coarrany R. Mated Peanaylvanla.....- - Bourllrrark Rallrtad Co.. -.. S. Orarmerrlal and 11allnaul Ronan Irani. Ilartrood Co- Fritaltlln hint Ina. Co.- ...... Mercantil. lAtanry Co. North Amencan Coal ('0...._ I - Se/01,01111 Co. -- 1400 North Auseikan Coal Loan- NOTES AND RILLS RECEIVABLE t.TTLEL. 10LICIEh. MENCRANDE,R. • So G. 04,1. c.t A;..1 ...pit: a for I) .'d GUM:Lite b. DAM:KEIL Prosidect. ''.4.111-...i!"" G. Ib rt.TAllAillt.tillris. aro.. Franklin Fire Insurance Co. of Philad'a. IGECTORS: Charles W. 13ancker, Geo. w ilorderal D. Low., Tohlto j a.r. Adolphe F.. llorit: eatzoiel lira.. David V. Drown. •quith rah; Pail mt. • '4' MT/till& V. BANCHER, Peer lent. Comma G. Ilseicsca, Perwttarp. (.I,mpapy rentfistues makw or limited. on terry dowriptio. of Property in town and wointry, at rate. so he. . are tromisteut with Peevaitr. Tito Compact , ' have merrod • large contingant whleh;Writt. their :Capital and Premiums. rarely hamted. aillorti amp. pretnetion to the wound_ The abcl.ll of the Company. on January pub. halted agreralely the Act of dexmblr. were at &awe. eta:— tiffitgt.7 - 7. Tent Kan' i;;;;;;p1. Cash. 0r..... M. 377 1.1 64.148 st 81.112-7011 44 Ewe their Ineorparstket. • P 777.1 ef 2 1 prate , b. = Lave paid upwarde of One Mallon lour Ituaeltail Ibllan fewee. by Winn thereby affording reidetwe of the ti sdvantagea of Insnuane. ma well we their abillly and din pennon to noel with prtweigneee J. GARDNEItCOFFIN. Agent. sale Mee O.E. armor of Woof end 311 et, OF GINGER-1 bxs. rec'd and L for tabs by R r.. PELLERII, • sold No. 57 Wont at . , ENNE L SEED--931bs. rec'd and far. Sale F by apl6 R. 0, BLUER& ease rood i to o d . for anlnby apl6 LIQUORICE 1100 T-600 lbs. for sale by able It. N. SELLNIIS po \VT ALOES-50 lbs. for sale by - Apia It. k Ba.LEILY, (lOTTON-42. baleanotY landing from sty. A..) 'Mayflower. 25r sole by ISAIAH DICKI6b s CO. aphl Water and Front sta. HOUNTrNUTS-20 sacks, io store, for .sh, by japll3 ISAIALI DICKEY aW. ER6IN46-18 bbls. Baltimore: • El bases Lubec. SmnItYAD stalliss4 We yl~ by oplo ISAIAH DICKEY II W. VASSLA-100 Mats for solo by . son J. SCHOONMA KEIL t CU VI Weal et. CASTILE SOAP-30 ble. for Bale by . .100 3. SCILOON MAKER CO, CARBONATE AMMONIA--1 cask just .pin" b 'l. SCROONIIIkUII aCo DARTS GREEN—:tO cans assorted for Bale L toy agtlG J. 1301100NI1S6IR .1 CO. SUGAR LEAD-1 cask White for wale by .plO J. SCHLIONIIAKER A CO . NSEED OIL-13 max, warranted for L rale by .4plll J . ISCHOONSIAKEtt A CO. ITALIAN L'llEnNUTS—just rea'd at 156 Literty WM A. McCLUIIO & CO. sylo Oman and Te& Des.lors. 1 1 1 10 S--1001 drums Smyrna Figs; 60 tee* Extra Elem. do. remind . al ei sale very law 'by ' Wll. A. MatILUBX/ • CO. scla IM7 Llbarty Alma. ECLEIt'S FARINA, Wheaten arias, or " rTizi•zhg e 'V au aW. apld • QAI.;AD 01L—Beat Burley (: - 6. Sweet tJ fneab.juat rved and fnesalat, apla A. MrCLUnti 1 CO. - - -- - - - - A Qui — IIAVE FITTED UP, (on the New York utt.4:llrozlrflr.oo3. 1.10 . 41 0 7: tO , bonbop tr or an . aVarjZl „ ndTr oo- .04 mart ruporfor ermortnient of Satin Do 101070. Ihmorrna French and German launark De Lainela Illandrn Dem*.ki. klaroonr, Cblutri, Turkey Ithl flood* rY 010.1 400 Cu e(urt+l .oa , Trjm0,41,1m,,,,. I.nd of eepltr Dona , rtylea Door Mara Window Olinda of end nbedea.Curralo &oder* and Dorado, Curtain Mr. Toraals and Third Lnops. Dona, d 4 and Worsted. ant Clantsre land rev pra,r2kr ... grille. and Lantarter 4WD. Countorturud 010 000 lNlmfOrD• UM...a Beds and Ileddlork Alllonlen thankfully .Fab WU. NOBLY. Third rrrTrk Dr.:troll and ppoaptly Va cable Beal Estate for Sale. F OUR LOTS, fronting SO ft. on Liberty B . t. tm . - Irp o b lettaria "" o foritr;=" ;TM ri7 pAtuvs (successor to E. Rowell) JENNY LUND HAIR GLOSS—A to and Mlooble . artitle Ortodox sod omoothlos the War. woo to implet both. Ural loam free from pearl.... for deb,. • sole E. as u.txs.st we.l arasols. A. MO P ON a•CO., 11 and 64 Marital at, i,. will well We inoraloS, SI curs Paranoli. of all WM Panaummai steamsAlm Livxesool. U. States Ilan Lite. . • QTEAMSIIIP LAFA hip YETTE, aTOD DAItiI-Commaialet. flats of steamship ill•seent air.) Tbe Off and poverful Amer.. was.- tido 14.71Trtil, Charles anstlard, Commamee two plod on this Line. to mrs between Philadelphia and LW 7:1, air niki v ieave be . r Igthiscrib .o allali ee t Wharf, for This sp1:111.1 atimmetko l;%;00 =V:6 built In the most aubstantial manner. both as regards bull aod to thinery, has boon diagonal 'wares throughout., similar to he fowl of the ereopen (Milne Llun .4 mar- rtalieta NUT eV.' to polo' st..gth ood too Quai d,. to uty steamer at liar accoatincdation• tor pue 'angers are onaornomed for nanfort tool viepanee. RATES u► PASSAGE Ladies' Saloon Matt Rooms tincoad Cabin Paroins cuing to the World'' , Fair are Unformed that Ex cursion Ticket!. will be homed for limited ordoter of yu meter, airing them ample time to altar Paris and moat of W principal ottiee in Europe- • Exeraslos RA7E9 TO LITERPOOL LED RASE. Pilatetaxa... Second Flaw. —_-- An espnienced 41.1..113 acrompeuies tho ship. --- No mune securni until 'mkt fah_ Vrtight. from Liverpool, on PPM Cif*DS. fn. Talk.. Detnthihg , the lafarette mill leave larerpool in Jon., and commence Ler smond royagefrout heat, about the mid dle of July. . 1 For . fMg alft! . .erMitfl y a 37 W. 1. ., a °T t° JOHN L. LINTON, Lem st. Wharf, Phil'. Agent at Liverpool. Janus Melltaar, Efq. 1 Agents for PlUxborgh. J. a R. FLOYD, aplbad hound Church Dulldings, Libertat,.. - NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS: A:r lIOLMES' LITERARY DEPOT, Third street._ oppoallet tbe Port holey'. Latly's Molt, for May. Graham's liag • aaine .. . Sartain. •• • Ladies' NatlonaL The Onntriladoner a new nor 4 by O. P. D. James Fab Dictioury of Der-haulm No, 'X. Thost the Ave:oam bp him. Marsh. .Litton's Living Age, beta:Wl. Nathan., g lo at.e. Rene Dou or the AntOblography or • Alinister's Daughhir. novae itillneneet a Tole for Mothen and Daughters, by Gra , ' Aguitar. toddle Recompens t h ef t Ornee Agullex. • diehard of York. nrhltv Raw of • The History and Adventures of Pen Ow= author . Laurie Todd! . Tam Roamed and bin Three Maiden Aunts. Pope Joan; by O. W. IL Reynaldo Camel°, in I .01-50 e. LatliAn La Tatham: or onnelusion of the Iron Mut. SoolevOq flail. a Ilistariol Romance—coMPleto The Warwick Waullands: by Frank Forrester. - The Kkklebunni on tin itblne: by Thsekorer. The dawn's SeekLarw. by Damao •. Polly Probboidat's illastratol by Early. Port Folio of a Medierd beef do. do. • The City Merchant: • do. do. Berth nßurnam. Sorel: do. da • (Laurie! of an Old >laid: or Hints to 1'01114: Mau. Oregon and California thmtlemen's Etiquette. by CountlfOrsay. ladles' Etiquette mut Toilet Wok- Lave gum.: the Scliolar—the Olpsey—the Pried—by Ora Borrow, author of the -Bible In Spain." New supply. Cruising In the Last- Woo by a J. Peterans—amplets. Ilistary of Pendernis, by Thackarey—camplete. . Caroller of ItrunesOrk: by Rolds. apt VALUABLE LOTS 'I LEASE Olt FOR SALE—on F. 3lstasoiarans. On Foamed an On Gam. (Fast) smart. On CaSstrrrnolv non. On E. M0NC11.2111 . 11.T. The LOTS on East Monument awl Constitution streets within two aware, of the new Calvert Matt. IL dS. B. IL and are suitable for Transportation or Forwarding D r su n ➢ nn'n 'gvw ‘l . of the nod "n i d °I T rie howt .;ll.l,7o the V; -, ;nall t tc. to We on:Wawa pooh of the city, V and being offered muds lo er Ohen any smilax' late in the vicinity render them egg:edit:v:ly desirable fort he purposes above teethed, as their value will continne to l ode for year* cond. dole rend e ring them not only* ode bid onntitable Invest ment. Apply to D. =AMER. ISI East Monocle. street, Or—W. B. HILL. IS Et Paul Wean Baltimore. VILI OLL BUTTER-10 bbls. fresh receiving and far sale by R. DALZELL CO. apl6 Llbert7 streat,'' lIIEESYI-50 boxes W. R. receiving and a w sale Or apl6 D. DALZMLLit SUNDRIES -50100 tx,.. cam. upme: so 100 Pure Ealerarau bble Pearlir Z_ °lt 350 basiers DryWache. lfu Awller. 2.5 100 4 bbl. 11...1 Bran. 10 bbl. Roil D0t4401 12 bx.. 10 bbl. green ..014..5 Instore sad takbr splo J. kb CAliflY.Lll. 7)OTATOES-400 bu. leen t ock, for sale b aplEr TIRIED PEACILES-50 bags for-sale by apls & lIAATIMU U. LIERRING-100 bbla. No. 1 Gibbed, for jA„ 141. by 1015 S k W. HARBAVOIL M A ... V t ..I.REL .p --.1 15 bbl: . .2 l l v oi 3 y kr t e n. for ROSIN -100 bbls. (soap makers') for sale by .pl 5 P.t W. HARE AUGIII. CCODFISH-2'A)O lbs.. for sale by 1016 ______ _._ S.kW.IIRII/40011 100 kegsfor sale by apls S. t R. JIARBAIRiII RIO C b O y FFEEI-150 t egligrz 94 Li e , irvi, spls Iberty et. lA)UR-100 bbls. S. F. forsale by apls A. CU LBEICISON h. CO. 1 4 'ILOUR--A fresh supply of the celebrated Poland Mlll.Flour, for foralk . .ww. POI reed sad for es be opt:, A. I.lfrill - SON II I. UG AR-35 hhda. N. 0, for sale-by 60 70 A. CULBERTSON C W. M 5.277 711 AILS-300 kegs wed, for sale by apls • A. CULBERTSON - A CO. FLAXSEED OIL-11 - bble..pare, from Wostolorehowl mutt, for role by on, JOAN WATT a 01)- Melly V- ‘IALMON-30 bids. a.nd hf. Ws. No. 1, for 10 by ' spn JOHN WATT t CO. - . ERRING-10 bble. No.l (new) forsale by sots BiIitURIDGA a INGIITUM. 1 HAD—TObble. No. 1 (new) for sale by 17 DVADRIDOE t INGIMAII, No. 116 Weer Amt. SOAP -110 bosei No. Rusin; 7 " R 1.1.41 roisiger ment and Ibr sale 5 lby R. A. CUNNINGHAM, 106 S.M Llberty tt. 'JAPER 11ANGINGS—From 14 cts. to ji_ 51. fur sale by WALSER P. MALRbILIAI-1.. aS col .t.. ct IGl..itli 00 DIAPER LIANGINGS--Quaker Steles, just r•ed sal fin 41.10 by %V. P. MASS .H . ALL. a.pls SS wood at. "PESTER CENTRES. of Gold and Velvet. "P "' W. 4 N AKE ROOT-400 !he. (Seneca) for eale 10 by IL F._ SbILLkIIIn, s. WaXI st. Y .11 VALERIAN-2.50 lb?. for ~ale by JAL apn 0.0 .S.ELLER.?. 57 Wool AUX RIA LIQUORICE—I-ease for sale .1.1% 0.0. sra.c.Ert.s. DIN K ROOT-204) lbs. for sale by aplE • 11. E. SELLERS. Norris' Celebrated Teas. HE BEST IN PITTSBURGH, in the Dia - - mood. 2.1 door from Inatoond'allef- - Eaoellent The titter kinds 1:a•- • Prechtely th eery e mem Itinlia of Black Tea that ant sold in the Uld Country at 4 and ha le.. and ars add daily at thia eetabliglentent tiO and Lie. 0 B. Thine kind. of Tow cannot be obtained at any other store in Pittelnush New Goods Now Arriving. URPHY n BURCHFIELD ore now doi ii'll=loW lnrlta t.1..= It Dancrrs en 6 name ET nu. alo e. Ope ro ned on kusloh d Saturday, peer tiles of Merrimack Prints , pr. o, only 3ic. r,rard. Ileuer e orrino 1.1 .:mN each men l2 hir pe Diners, Table Mob. Linea and ?twain leo:Maga.' Micro Outdo... Tootle, Nap kine, Quill.. and Counterpanes, Furniture Dimity, Window Curtain Maalina, ar.,--a fall nesoriment noir opening at , South Kart earner of Four th alai Market eta. aide GOODK-A. A. MASON & CO. have reeelved pieces Jammer. Ceratirbia. Tsp. Vggrai=l,l7 - x. o ,= . aw tru- ACES, &a.—A. A. MASON & CO.'havo maniacal large Invokes Of nobl.las, Patent Spottod ACES, Spotted Dolmas, Fancy do. Black.l.aoz a rcoat Vella Love do. §RAWLS S DRESS GOODS-15 cartons ..SO et the !nett Nobles:table numb., now opening st A. A. .N A OO'A. Ales. cues of new style Lie Law., Der Wee. Poplins, Cseahrtes, .ad Jaconeoz. spit PAPER —j per,=, C all a prtte th"lar d g' at 3 rery prim IM of , few bed chambers. &Mai rooms, h Xs. of am. am asda VIM PALMER. 04 Market at rrESTER DECORATIONS, of the richest I. rears mul lamest et Imh Imported direct from Frs.., aol4 THUS, MALMEIL, 0.7 Market M. SOAP -30 boxes Roo-lens Co.&'s improved ."'"' Pt. "' '1111%1=14 in DRIED APPLES-75 bu: far by 115 Water stmt. OLASSES-45 bbls. to a hive, for salo b) arli }SUBSUME l 11111111lAll. .IPrOBAOOO--'2O boxes lowpried s's, reed 2. and for*ale by mai W. iI. WILSON. DRIED BEEF-4,700 lbs. prime, for sale II pbf li w 4.D. WILLIAM:IA . OO.. cla r Fifth alai Wonl Wert. -- ___ N • UTS-51./ bu. C he s tnuts;en 4 bbn. Maury Notr, fur cal• br a • 14 3. D. 11ILLUINS a CO. FIRE KliibLiNG--7 , 1 . 00 . ,t p l a i lek i t i e s hle co r !ea : tbr We br .0 4 t i'__...-- POTASH -10 casks . for sale by ..., apl4 J D irILLIAMD"*. CO. BUTTER oroeko and jam for Pale by .0 4 .___ J. D. WILLWIR NCO. II LOTHES PINS--:S1 boxes for sale by kJ .r 1 YIP J.O .WILLIAMS a ToftiCO2 6 -- 8 kegs Nu. I Twist. Gedge's brand. marina . per Weolainptaa and Tor ale by apl2 JAS. DALISLL. 63 Wptep FrANNERS' dILLTITbbIi. (to arriverY)r . W. by _ .02 J. KIDD IW. MBER-1000 lbs. (to arrive) .02 J. KIDD &CO. s triltNT SENNA--600 l be. (to - arrive) for M. br •pl 2 J. KIDD & CO. Elt . . LOGWOOD-2000 UM. (tp arrive) for oole Or 4012 J. KIDD 4 CO ~,...-. - DOWDEE SLIP. ELM-200 lbs. just jiL sad tor tale by J. KIDD (..V.: a&Z.I OD Wools& CIOTTON-42 bales to arrive per Mayflower; 4 " lextelee per C . koianser; by a 11 DlChla e Water wad hoot its. LARD OIL-10 bbLs. for sale by yIIIHAIA DICKEY CO.. . IVat. r Front ea. OFFEE-50 bap Rio, for sale by aOlO I&ALUI DICKEY A CO MAGAZINES FOR APRIL.— Gadget Lody'o nook. At.APri4 GraiMee Zda.K.l.o 4.34 @moles do. uo at Tar Wahl Ida Third St.oVlliodtta il crinic=co. - JUIUSEAIEN',TS I.ti~:~~:~.~: t ~~:.~ GRAIN'S NEW MAMMOTII PANORA3L4: ' OF SEE HIIDSOII RIVER A•Np SCENES IN VIRGINIA ai - OPY-X .4CEILY .1161" Panoramamom. S Velnek, nr•rDedr. Admit mune dd m ate- C hil dren under L: year. et earn Id ante. WEDNESDAY SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, Erhaition at 3 o'c/ock. . . ap n ALERTLY CRAN L, hornietar. . VirILHINS HALL! pin KILMISTES will . give another em it. re man (this) THURSDAY EL EN . I" Anrill7th. Verfdriosnen ant eeduntenne at ~. ebek.. Made , Wes, 25 rune. ag.11:0 OILY 26 HOURS TO OUVELAEM. 1851. Ittaigil 6113nuar. AREASOe3tENT BETWe.EN PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND. - - - - VXPRESS Packet and Railroad Liao far .7.9.b?;:erl.7!,'3l`Qfr,:rktf=urfrtrsr taued Expreo, Pacaeta of tnarke, Casks 1 Co, true - Beam lo Ravenna, and use splendid new l'extennev Omar ate Cleveland and Plltstrargh Itaileted Co. to limbo& • Ilarrnag. N !ADANA- .... 11. Tarn. SILIWIeikeI7IIIEITUZ7 , T4ZdWO4 "' ZateIes Donee. az 9 o'elo:k. A. AI, con outing with me ra:kets at Cleaver. which will knell Inzinullately on the antral of the o f azTiving ahilaveruza in time foe the Expreue Train of Cue fn. Cleveland. Panengers byllsia line &nit* a 1 Cleveland In time - to Lake the /Wino! Line of htesoners tot REVEAL° anal DETROIT. and the ateuoers for Eiden uo. rankle, Toledo, Aeunluky , City, Dunkirk awl Debi ueo !or evening train of ears far Columbus. Xenia. and I.9gehhaul. CLARKE., eAI Cl.. Proprietors, Ruinsaut, l'a. • W. R. IIdORILFASi. • OfSee seder St. Charles natal; O. M. lLt 'MON. Ofilee under 31cremerabele Howe; J. A. CAIIuSIES, corner or Smithfield end Weer 'emcee. PILTTADURGII - - - 1851: Aiat UNION LINE - On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals. •• • PBOPRIETORS: CLARKE, PARKS ACO ... - Pa. • CIiA3IBERLIIi. CBAYVVOIGIi 0. HIS well known Line is now prep ared H to f t l tir.r.r , , ~ , trPaht And pasoragen from PITTSBURG _ gse to mr Iwln[ an e I ty..dimpati ty of BIALL, experience of Captains, Lo " ef. easy of Ammht. rj . this Dom learte Pittslinrph, Clereitlrldilaily,rannlng In co with a Line of .l ase le•twent PITTS BURGH and BEAVER, mei e, lase of hrs.:lass otrandoma (propeller Alld ....10) on the Lake,. • CoIreICSEEs.• Parka A Co. Youngstown, 01 11. 1.1..Tay for 11urren.O4 A.O. CI it,Newton Falls,o4 C. Prentiss, flares:dm 04 ; • Brayton Ok, harenni. 04 Bent, Winne( A Co., Ymnkiini.OS 11. A. Stiller. Cu ramps Yells, lid • Wheeler, Lee A Co, Akron. O.; Genders. Pettibone. Sandusky CIO", 04 ' Brekliku Salt, Toledo. 04 G. Williams S La, Detroit, Michigan; Dooseninn OYh. Milwaukle. WO • Co., Chleigo, • 'Thomas Gibbs /Talc, Chimim. 111. JOHN A. CAUCITET, Agent, apl roe. Water and Emithaeid.L.,Piwtmnb. ERFUMERY—Just rec'd, a very Choice Aoszartcoet of Perfounery. Fancy Soap, Bean Oil, F. to far the HaoulkorehteE Poteadon, Tooth haste sad • Yowler. ae.. .o the draw store N of S . WICKERSHAM. ahlO corner of Wood cod !Bath stn SUNDRIES -2® bu. Dried Apples; 30 bbla Pearl Ask. ~ casks Potasle 637 sale br_ ar.l.) ISUMSI/ C IIIiNNIaT. BEANS -100 bu. White, a prime article, tea sal fee sale by' EAlLiall a mEsurn. • . aplo 12 Samna, and 151 Cleat arra F ISH -50 bbls. White Fish; aplo • 4° N. grlßiZak° BACON -25 casks_ ' Ehocildert: for. by tplo lAAIALI DICKEY CO. T b 6 EA-8° Pkgs ' Y. 3 ll i f U b s gtre co, VciLter and heel •DlO W. S m UOAR--40. hhds. prime N. O.; • - thritlirt for crledr, spit) DROWN t KIBILPATRICE. MOLASSES -150 1,1)12. N:O.; at “ B. II: for aplo BROWN KIRKPATRILE. I C E-3 0 tes. prime, new crop ; for sale by aplo BUOIVIC & liIPATEUCIL. DRIED APPLES-100 bu. for sale by elm BROWN KIREPATRICL YE FLOUR-50 bbLi. ilir4ale by *pU now!: a VaIiPIISICE. A FRESn pp yof the ALPINE Gus Sara. -1- " mem). and imam] ith 3I • full coarse a, y= thd thth.ththl r". 7 .1 o f the Tact, far lm o ~m eat In - for We 1N.,. B. Endb.rl , ss4 • 04, 1,t4 6 f . Pr 't.r. masc. tFt' fo " ''l;t i Ssi.oo of bey blxl taalbassable th rroiak, Ibrsale by Sthw. -- 11. KLEE EN, 101 Third Womb. 6EO of qt.. Gi.kket .4,12 Bramlies. Winn, &e. HAVING completed arrangements aid" 11. Muses m Bordeaux art abet. Sanwa area, fa Itua eircutiori cf mr order, I ana Alias enabled m ahr to let..s. '" ik .. l l s " Er a jr 1.12 1 .°6,;Tir. `oill''?Eo.l.' i m "‘geari ßßAN ptiori; from under cwt. Amu nicti Vikniine Atientkin ni awned to art Ha. o, belrai 110 wages (brae: lkadeanx. Tl i :Zlallelanntlles, in r...1.1 '4 14 4,.CeMettrt ' .llll.it..TOWE sk.e" 800 ,and =ai r 000 ast!. 7 1 , ' ML". 5f in'es, port era d oril and superb; . Pork - Sparkling Cbariapagna, well amen land. Wlams Cloret Winer. anions brands and vintage*. 100 mom &num,. And Darin, vintages 18464. 45 eaata .fniii.roli and Carr: Wi. - . IS pipes Old Ik4land sod 1,11. fey.l b nde 10 prosebaw.e uld Scowl, :Ltd 11:1+ • - rupencr 014 Janzan Lusa. _ .gn 10 rada superior fond. rdowri Stour and Art:lAl, With • constant. sUYPIY lwrx , li h . Abowthe, Slaraschtuo, Curt*, durifstute, Idierry linty A dr lagsi Met of serAs4 All of wields 1 will offer on very favorable fi rms. med. , d votmed. w will beexueuted with despurcb_ Inapczter and Dealer. ..10 Walnut .treet, PlklarZmAgr) • Philiglellatia. • ttliAßGAlNS:—Teachers and 12 fa : caress asishtryo to purchase Talus- Zji tic F hl Dooks, Biases. Ten Boolts..±e— ill it.t hurrahs , hymn:no. Dartediateir the Ikturetionet .Beek kora adjehtinr Dr. thorns Dru more, aboutof Market aid hourth This rstzbthth .''.o dt" k onr PP. and mill sell arty of the &bore works et ere, .11,r—Carter d Ent:a vala.ble Sask..= exialleat atork for aisle at mat. 'Call daring thv .pmtent .70. only. ',EDI:C.ATIo.N.fI. BOOS brOLF.--Th:l3 store mom I. now feeeery - kat. It has luat beau Mittel villa a beautiful treat, sub tLL PERSONS having business with the undeislAned. either na Public Accountant. Instruct= k }leaning. or patrol.. will find him at the VIM. .Rug C0,0044au.00U s, dd l 7. Atom 9WI 11 o'elcok, A. Y. end from 245 4 P. L. blerchnnts to want of codtra ' ! "*." .l7l " eN cralnarul4o== at - of Account. • Life Thearance. rrilE NATIONAL,' LOAN FUND LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIIMY of London and New York, sate and permanent lumina/an. combining the ID.• - principal with that &meek C01121..T1 Promst. Toro tot• youtottot to shoot. toithint, to incur. Oram or the CoapeoT for Wewern Pmarylvintia. at the Baratioe Rowe of •WY. A. RILL ACM, QM:Sir at lrood It. The Pennsylvania Volunteers. WprarSUBSCRIBER, late a metaberof the e end Regiment of Penna . (kettle Volunteers, • elSris b erional meekmr to the number of the teoß. moms of PeOnoyttanks Taunton% oho sorted in the late with /dollen, Wannest Um dab= to ',blob itroy are goo timed under ar Act of Amembly, pea.l the =nu d. 7 or March. 1161, em titled "An Art to pro•fila for the payment of the Flrirt-aud B.eund Regiments of Perumrhoute Vol unteer', who sorted In the Letooar Inds Undo." - U. IL 11 OOD, Attorney at Lao. Ilarrisburg, April 5. I L apltr2rouctl —HaTriabop otteangta MUER% LAST AND BEST-Or the Masculine Othre, liniwovetaent, oral udta the serum relations generally, at 1 1 t(ly WALL, alondar and Wednesday event o n 16th, at 73i relort, doting with rintillPesantinatkals— Best., oits war. .1111ofearlosial delineations oicharacter, with an =lnt d also mit written opinions, including a orta Oorupations, Faults, he-. their rwasdt i ....gement et ehtldreu, Le, Le-ectstlystia st lit private apartment latiennYa n o w; Wai) O. rt. FOWLER. Craton lloall, Prrrincitott, i Crfer, April 2,18814 &IRA-LED PiIOP9SALS will be mewed at Ate cake, until 12 n dock- =th dar of April, Initufbr WedelrmM Il ib or li p ° ll2 4 enuratklafiltr th i Itin "tn. the 03111 ". daI of lase Bee 4 al free arboadble kon brub, false Der fauna. Dread, each I=f to weigh anent-- ' Inn en Sugar of the bus en:Lahr.-- itN== nd for sale Sutter, bowl iva11ty...... WA Mar, best superil - n7 Port Etta. . Bath:Dud coral.:- EPAP Seat 11=114 " « ‘on f Call bushat. All of the foregoing articles to be a thr art.. bat tt1..44 Who furnished St stich times and in each 4,10.21 , Ilea as on the ref/vitiation of tee Stwalnl ot the lbattityd.: . 9r= th•°74:2tr i ch. • farniah at the lowes set ice% t ta4 m tractor It la estimated that the number of [Wirral ta Dilad will average about :5/ paw data In addition ta whko Bendill tw about c o at relkeis and servants ta be *applied. nformatua sirtanirthe “Tpiw:t. will he stern applkattoo at this attic, 111.IiR1 WOODS, atactlin surreror and est. U. 'S. Starlit* Iloopital, JOLES Ilitlik;L'S SHAVING CREAM:: Miff< is those. who does not stirtrmiats thaltans7 or an easy sharrl If any those be, we do not aldtaall nor mina to theta Out to all *beta we sal. tf yon at& to render sharlost a tibmson , pourebass a too of Jules Howl's Al m ond potash*, or Ambrosial rioting exam. It Is nt. tarty InspouilLle to Gad words to drsenlss the **lnca of • p o rmalb..-vho has taw wad to shasiod slob upon staking trial of this for the 01.1 ttme. • It is • ecattbb Jof wonder, admiration. and pleasure. JULF.4 INO ClttlAlt Is nomad/nal) emollient, remlestiot the sitlimt taarld•wit, " r e r;Wr ' r IttlittV:l=4l..•? 4 DT l 4 ei• trm that ansilaasant and. sof feeling ofOmo. Om skln d akik• to on often expetiroonl err shastria. & y et: w ee:ere *dna J atm Planes films IsurCniato. may Lew th. =c ., piercing winds Immediately after I* .... met t h e oda broom.* Warped. And two* wto ogle tc, MA sear say, via 'v. , * too VAij tab .er one great artniage-r.h...i1l tight tad by thom .1)0 wear whiskers-me the to d.b.lor biama. which oamt *ape vlll do, gists% a =di' ....i„.a.,/ "J":r"rd'""H'P".""'' wt.h n' sk 'rn f t to her"'"" tho 'h' utlcc Lr ? a e 'l4 :rlq "'k n l of &R atbub ankles eatentorea to render the opecoua, ,L„ andsapp s edated 1 ,7 all who nuke tzar of = al. wl by • • JULYS netn. Perfumer em Chemist, 120 Ckmaint Pliitalsibblia Par Lida, Vaal.** and *lad, by O. A. rahrotams. • 00.- . 411 - Et= wr Atburtict nui John forixict. wad .r -Hew Music! Bwiiness Notice The Perfect Nan. :: " : IZEI =MI