MATTERS `nut ORATI'D JULT.—The 11 rand Jury Is still In mmaion, and "rill probably not conclude Its labors for some time to come. Our readers canton:ale:me Idea of the amount of business its members per form; by looking int the number of true bills, which_they returned on Saturday. The present criminal calendar is,. unfortunately a very heavy ole, and some of the cases are of considerable importance, so that though . they have used every exertion, they have nct been able as yet, to wade through the vast pile of indictments presented for their consideration. ilmut,us ACCIDENT —lVe regret to learn that two ears on Plane' No. & of the Portage railway came into collision on Friday afternoon. All who were on the cars, jumped off, and escaped, with the exception of a young man named Alex ander Clawson, who unfortunately iu his alarm leaped between them, and was most dreadfully crashed and brUised. MediCal aid was summon ed, hut the poor fellow died in about three hours after the icrident. ALLEGHENY AEU BETLEIN PLANE ROAD.— Messrs. Walker, Campbell. and Shaw, Managers of the Alleghen: and Butler Plank road Company are now stopping at the Emmet lintel, Alleghe ny, where they will remain daring the present !reek, for the purpose of increasing the stock. and attending to other haziness connected with the road. • We trait that our citizraa will autecribe liber ally. JCXNT Idoo.—We learn from the obliging and, gentlemanly Clock of the Wheeling packet Li nn:4, that Jenny Lind will sing in that town on the 2lst or ‘ of April. The tickets Will be sold at wction in the Court Home, an Monday evening the'l4th of the present month, at half poet seven o'clock: We understand that Bernina hu, through the medium of a tele graphicdespatch, signified bin intention of go- Ing OrilfUlin Wheeling to Baltimore, and will not 'visit our city until towards the close of June. YOUNp .31Z1I'M .TEMPEFASCC AXIIOCLATION.—A meeting of this nisiochstion will be held this even ing MI o'clock in the Liberty street 'Methodist E. Church—C. S. Epaer Esq. will address the meeting upoU the manner of administeffam the License Law by our courts. , Mr. E. Mut given this subject much attention, and is prepared with facts taken from the re cords of the Courts that ore full of interst to all who are well withers to temperance reform. trEITED ESTATES MO:VIEUX LAW MAGAZINE.- We are indebted to the publisher, John Livings ton, Esq., for the April number of this valuable legalperiodical, end find with pleasure that its contents are as varied and interesting as usual. The treatise on the "nature and method of legal studies," is a well written and sensible article. The digest of recent American cases is very ton and complete, and' the miscellaneous articles evince much good taste in their selection. This number is ornamented with a fine en ° graving of the publisher and editor, John Li, ingstlos, Esq., of the New York Bar. Ospnass' Counr.—The Orphans' Court was in Mai= for a short time on Saturday, but no bus iness of itnportance was transacted. A Lecture on Pantheism, by Mr. Selland, will takepLice on Tuesday evening. The importance and great interest of the subject as well as the learning and abilities of the Lecturer, will doubt /Isis attract a largo audience. COVET OF OYER AND TRIMIDEB. SW:VADAT, April 12. Present, Hon. Wm. B. :SPClure, President Judge, and Samuel Jones and Win. Boggs, Asso ciate Judges. The Jury in the case of the Commonwealths's. Thomas Baxter and Washington Hecketeweller, indictment, Burglary, returnedinto Courton Sat tit:day morning, and declared that they were =- Ale to agree. They went oat on Friday after ',soon, and before the Court adjourned, theycame down, declaring that they could. not agree.- - They were sent beck, but after consulting all night, were as far from agreeing as ever. We be• that they finally returned a verdict of not gloililYstul the prisoners, after his honor, Judge McClure had warned them of the danger of the unarm 'of life they were pursuing, and urged them to reform, were dLscharged. Tal7l BILL!. —The . following true bill! were retained by the Grand Jury, on Saturday Commonwealth vs. Minerva Ann Johnston— Indictment, passing counterfeit money. Commonwealth vs. James Sane—lndictment, Larceny. Commonwealth vs. Frank Rolls—Larceny. i 'Commonwealth vs. James Kane—Receiving stolen vols. Commonwealth vs. 11. Johnston—Larceny. Commonwealth vs. J. Luth--Larceny. . :. `Commonwealth vs. Michael Murphy—Lar ceny. Indictments against the following persons, for !I keeping tippling houses, were returned true bills: ' Roger Bell, Thos. McFadden, D. Bernard. D. Pinkerton, Joseph Miller, Edward Barker, Pat- i rick Goedel, A. Jackman, I'. Lafferty, Bola Mer tab, A. Wallace, P. McGlaughlin Frederick Knapp, John Fitzimmons, Thomas liigges, Mary, A. Murray, Thomas Black, John Fleck, Dennis, Mansion, Geo. AlePherson, Geo. Johnston, Wm. , Ehrbhardt, M. Thomas, Jas. Armstrong. , FATAL ACCIDENT. —A. poor fellow named, 'Michael Denny, a laborer, was, on Saturday, 'crushed to death by a sand bank under which he was working, near the Mercy Hospital, fall, lag in upon him. He was soon dug out, but -life was extinct. The Coroner was called in and an inquest held upon the body. Borrscen.—William Barker, and Simpson Moore, convicted last week, together with Jo* eph Barker, ofAct, were brought into the court. of Quarter Sesmonti, on Saturday, to recei their sentence. Ilia',honor, Judge McClure, a - ter having reprimanded therm severely, senten ced-them to pay a fine claim and a quarter cents and the coats of prosecution, and to Matra A01:14- 1 =Med until the sentence shoUld be complied Tits 13 misuc Covar.—Hie excellency, the 'Governor of Pennsylvania, has appointed George 4:hambers, En, of Franklin county, to 0 the 'vacancy, on the Bench of the Supreme Court, .vmemioned by thedeath of the Honorable Th , umaldeP. DISTILIeT C017132.--The District Court was Melon for a short time on Saturday, when number of motions were made and argued. 'no businesa of general importance ; ted, OSITSUCTING 1111: SIDS WASB:II.-raiS honor, Mayor 'Guthrie, had several merchants on Wood and Market streets, arrested last week °lila OM* ablating up the sidewalks. They w Enid two dollars each, and the costs. PANOWIA 09 ii HUDSON Itivea.—tYar ren. - ere will recollect that ()rain's; magnificent Tann. rams of the Hudson river, and scenes in Virgia• I. wilt be 'on exhibition to morrow evening, at the. Atheism= saloon. They are said to be a beautiful series of paintings, and,are, no doubt, well worthy of a visit, We will enter more into aria Is to their merits, after we have seen theta. Tire Conar.—Thet trial of young Smith end Cavanigh,lndicted for highway robbery, will be resumed this morning. This case excites much attention, and the Court Room In crowded with .ipectstors, n very large part of whom, we regret so say, are composed of young lads, many of them well known to the pollee. Luta= EIGHWAT Itoramor.—A MILD named 'William George, wee on Saturday, emotnitted , to irleynloy Alderman Wm. A. Shaw, charged with an attempt to commit highway robbery. Elvin Tam , Smornacro.—John Slubey, con victed a short time ago, of taking coats and cloaks from tho ontrleS of dwelling houses, was on Saturday, contoured io undergo an imPv 9 l o . - 'Anent of twelve calendar months in the Western Penitentiary. . . 1111102.11 T. TAM SENTESCED..-11 colored man awned 'timothy McPherson, who wa* tousitted • during the present term of the Court or Quarter gewdons, of stealing a hone, the property o the Chartlers Creek Railroad Company, was on pat urday sentenced to undergo an imprisonmet of ti ry 1 , r , twelve calendar month-, in the We'tern Pen ten- -Tun Tnincat.—lVe observe by a notice i• •Tributte, of Baturday, that Joseph no has discontinued his connection wit • • paper, Using sold his .interest to Mr. F 1.. t 1°4 of Journeymen • • I 1, .ssii; t i . --- . The Mercantile !Avery . isociatlon acknowl edges he receipt of No. 30, .B.ydell a illustrations of 8 kapeare from the publisher, through?. M ?aria Flag. ______l_ • Co ;D. --" The Young Lidies association for the . let of the Poor" tuljobrocd on Friday Iti.l to meet again in the fall—al full report will be furnished at their armual meeting, but for the entice ction of their friends in the mean time they To the following ntatittiee They have dur ing, e past winter visited and relieved 124 famil es distributing 0-1 ready made garments and Serials for 220 more, also 60 articles of old lothing, 112 pairs f shoes, 1200 bu shel of coal 'arid 4r/dollnr. Worth of pno-isions Th would take this oppe4unity of terideuing their thanks to those kind friends idho have aq sist them with donation., friends to Doctors Del a° and Dorsey for their edlcient professional sernces. • ....----ose—l------- . NOtnatter..—Three drop:nen were arrested. on last Thursday, and fined two dollars each, and the costs of prosecution, by e Mayor Guthrie, for obstructing the public highways, by leering their drays, in the street all night. Ras Orr.—A horse attached to a kruiture wagon, mu off at a terrificr , rate dowti Market street on Saturday, Ent hit %ingress wet checked by coming in contact with a lamp posy, at the corner of Second street. be wagon was very much shattered, hut the Lore was uninjured. -1 CMINWILL'S PANOE.IIII.-iniS fine I'AtaITSMII now on exhibition at IYherling. TUE KILMISINE —The Kiliniste family will give a Grand Concery at Wilkinv Ilall. un Wednesday evening. Kee aildertisement in oppru propriate column for full particulars. Fine.—The alarm of fire yesterday afternoon; was caused by the soot is the chimney of the 'Mayor's office, taking fire. Ham—There was iinitela heavy fall of hail and sleet, yesterday alteration. New Spring Goods, at No. 85 Market st. t LEXANDER & DAYS would re*peetfully Inslto the arteutlou a the public to their m large act holm WIY stock at NE:4IICW GUDN. which y thor refs: ruroit ' arrl ' l ' co=*.= b^ oto ' nwto ti r , ; i 7 V , . to. i ......,..., to catch bu r ers. bp whole:tale or r.- tall. ALKYCANDER 4 .BaY starlet at.. atithlw: ark Northwest ooroor of ate Diamooll. Wholesale Dry Goods. , A. MASON & Coj, e and 64 Market garret. an, to. then- opening and receiving . then comprialng the mon a , nelre and varied assort. mein of Imported and Amerirap Gad. they baveever ex. hilefted. to which char mrpectfully invite the attention of City and noaatrr madman , • ars • New Spring Goods. • AA. MASON d: CO. ! will open tide morn a ino-70 mum of Imported and American DRY IDS. of the latest and most Yoshio:at:bin styler,tonialeh the eolleat the attention of their Patton , and the pubis. p 7 — HE SITESCRIEER - 11W commenced re ceiving a harper and more desirable Mork of FANCY ery and DRY GOODS than he nee bronaht CO this me et, COLLSLOLIng lit port of Ma, Printed Jaw., Moni. de Laines. Gingham, Al. rim Vietcong, Swiss. Mull. mut Book Muslin , : barraland uet Marlin; Cloths, Csaniimerm, Conducts. Twesing. a Jeame Drills and Cotton POSper, lotoh Unclog Dance IlOkfe and Craven,. Thibet. Mons. de Loin, and °num Shnerlr. Madam, Gloves, Illbmns, loom. Pella, Combs, Damns, Cc:spender. ParasoligiUmbrellas. Table and P.A. et poet , . Clocks., Jewelry, Watches, Cc.. Cc., to which he tronr Invitee the attention of merchants mulredlare. apt C. ARS= UN OT, Si W t at - FIGURED POPLINS—A. A. Moo & CO. ore now owning canes arid pookkgro of owl Cberri Poplin.= a/sorli largo lot of Labe gapes, Break Cap, Jaconet Plonneituf,=, op: RAWLS—A. A. Haw; & Co. have ilint reed per eapren.—D3 carton Pthlbld Cnishmecr, uch Co mod Thittet. kdobrotdered do. Faller de .Wl.. and one cr.Staaala otd p ., Ds, IBBONS—A. A. MASON. & CO. Will exhib it. this townlng, en of new styles Bennet IU- Csp do, sad Ince Veils, i Ewbrolleties. do. std. 4 URPITY &BURCHFIELD have just re. mired thisinosning. PP express . , lot of nen solidi one at blast and snipes!! silt-same satins Palm les:slues Idle collars and ends enrages's.] liousdelehis clues , and beautiful •tyln Wide Bonn Ritb®K White Enotle. 1• lein Se- spa FGOLD PA 'ER FOR PARLORS ju —A beautiful article. just reed miff's br apS TILOS. PALMER, o. a 5 :Speak st rHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK and SOS. T WALLPAPER—Preen the most celebrated fax. esof the pective dem: be= Plu res ket et by [IA ! 'Eliot , — PALMER. WWALL PAPER OF MY OWN MANU- T v FACLTILE--A largsand general tarJoitmc , nt tram an haul at fa market arsl MURPHY A: BURCITFLELD have 'corn alencedrulet. th6c wand euhply of Goal% gum: which will be annul Ilackahack Dlodurc. Blenched and unbleached Sheeting, WA Linen OberUng . nrchllllow Linen and alualln 40 In; wide far Milan *DI n LACK BERAGE & SILK. TISSUES, for be bta3lll' k 1117RC1IFTELIM apl UHPHY Er. BURCHFIELD have received II • fe• pieces clam 111 wool T 71.13 110 Ccieeimee.4. Wear. *pi . . if ARD-20 keoa ft . & 3 bbls. No. 1, for rale by 1.1 =ll3l SLUM. P. SHRIVEB. r 7 RENCti PAPER',. HANGINGS--Tapes- I try, Dormation, Tolva lab] Gold Paper Liam:Woo .ml ors, fox DrmolLor ILomoi oral Marlon, from the cob &Mod mannfacmpo Delarourt, r.f Pori., just me 'd sod w4l.Trat P. MARSUALL. Ibr al , by mdb.M. ._. - 55 Wood street. WALL PAPER--for 13} per Roll, fur sa V br mel:1311 r. MARSHALL RECIP. C ARB. IRON-75 lbs. for sale by p AO2 B. A. FAFINiz a co ia•EIDLITZ MIXTURE-150 lb g, for sale 1.0 by D. A. /AIM FATOCK t Co V ANTIIARIDES 'PLASTER-2S Ihs thr IWO by aid B. A. FAHNESTOCK a IV) C ITRIC II for sale bhp.B. A. FAIINESROCK A Cu. BORAX—IWO Ib Refuted, for sole by stIZ j B. A. VAIINKSTUCK Aco VERMILLION -75 Ufa Chinese, for sale hy apS B. A. KAIINIESIVCK A CO. "DUKE GROUND; GINGER-700 ll,s for sale by and L. A. FAILNE6T(X3i. A CO. fiyRANuRET IiTASR-25 lbs, for SOP by ap2 B. A. FAITAINTOCK A CO The best Green' Tea in Pittsburgh. OME New Crop Young llrson Tea lou p.m born recely.d, at Morn'', ton Star. Ald. • I L mond,tdel. for dresnrib and 11a-rorod.-1 a howl afany *old In Pittedlrbrb.ap-2. _ _ UNDRIES— r7 too Loa. Primo Dark Green Pio Craft, bble Sup.rior lake Flab ID do do do Palmon: 00 do Laree No 3 Mackerel brbbn , Larnr NA 3 IU yr do do No 1 du 10 drum, C0L1144. In rod. sad for tale by JOIN WATT a CO. Liberty M WI IIIOULDEKS--9000 pieces in .alt, arrive 17 and for aal.. bi IlanDY Jo Mai a 1..1.1 ap2 SMOULDERS -4-1 casks. arrived and for .al , br larafl HARDY JoNF..'7 , a CO. B ACON -200 Ihm received and for sale by saa . WV. 11. JoIINEVOi. , B UTTER .t. EGGS--in store and for sale by sp2 WM. 11. JOIINFTON. --.-- —.— CORNL7liihurin store and for sale by az: IV.M. It JOlltiarO.N. APPLES -120 ht.'s Green apples-for sale by ap: IYSI. Il JOHNSTON. BON -14 hhds. (hu , round) for sale by sa2 . s. a W. 1/A.ILDAVIIII. SIIGAR-200 hhds. arriving, for sale by BCRDIUDOE a INOIIIIA. ter . an 1 Illi We M at BROOMS -100 doz. fcr gale by ov2 80R8R11X1%.4 SUGAR -2'2 hhtlm. Clarified, Battle Ground a ß ge.P 3'"..""t n'.6l krilrl ' lla• INGIIIIAM. COPPERAS -35 bblo. in fino order, for hr y J. SCHOGNMAK ER 1 CO. TIRIED PEACHES-2000 bu. (halves) for .1) able by meb2 Riley, 31ATTLIVWS t Cu. UTTER-5 Mils Roll,-just reo'd per Union Liftwarvf fnr pale by (sp.l.) DALZELL CO. ICE-50 teR. arriving per Do W itt Clinton, for rale by arl. IS.i P. WILSON. • T H. MOLASSES-70 bbls. Louisiana Re. 1.7 • lam, =Tiring per NI Witt Clinton., for sale by NV. a Y, WILSON. AY-18 tons Timothy, arriving per Mag et. fur wllwaY W. & V. WILSON. APPLES -20 bbls. (Green) for sale by metal J. D. CANFIELD. 1 OLL BUTTER-5 bbls. (fresh) for sale by mch3l J. IL CANE/ELD. SUNDRIES -1 ibilokr LI% Argi iulmegs m.r, pnnomon J net reed add kr see by .1. htlll.l S. Co, =4131 No. 60 Weed et. GUND GINGER -3 bbl=. (pure) for e by =nu J. Kll,l , .4 CO. 11)1110WDER RITUBAAB- 4 eases fore le by maulJ. KIDD CO POWDER LIQUORICE ROOT-4 cans rar sale by metal J. KIDD it CO. GUM ALOES--3 cases for sale by :nazi ; J_KI Ud CO. LARD 01L--12 bbls J. L. Conkling's No -LiLaxd Olt racsmoN, mchn 71.1 L.11...er1y GOD FISH-12 drums fur rule_ by mcbc.,l MILLER. 4 EICKeTSON UdiET,„S.--20 doz. (Beaver) for sale by MILLEtt k a:later-JON. RlO CO rF Eil--130 bgs. landing, for sale by , MILLEIt 0 ILL KETEON RICR-25 times landing, for sale by mttal MI LLirfl A H.ICKETAIN _...._ ______ la ROOMS--. 0 dot. for Tale by jj mrlll MILKER a nienrretis 1 - 4 N — LLGS-7 bbb. frosb, for solo by La mrts3l - 1.,111.11. P - .4111.1.. km BU TTER — -5 krgA Finked, for Nolo by ut.-1.31 - xANIOEL P. tallitiEll DRY APPLES—IO bblo. reed, for 00.10 I.y t0c03 , 1 2 1 4.311..E.1. P. All - RIN hit. PI.M.. —....., ~ •forsale I „.4 - 1, --- Elfra) . 'ILES- ^r bus I mel>3l , SAMUEL P. ellitlV Lk. _. • i iriLDIRN— ISO, ho. (Shelled) for sale by I. IL) soth3l I IMACIYI. P. BURIVER. . t. A"'''' too= ' 5 bbl. Romanites,for sale by BY TELEGRAPH FUGITIVE SLAVE CASE. Bosros, April.l2. During last eight, there wan but little excite ment in the city, The watchmen and police were under military drill until 4 o'clock' this morning, when they halted in a holy in front of the east door of the Court Hance. The fugitive ?dove Sims, wasthett hrought from the place of his confinement, and placed in the area, when the whole hotly moved in n body down State street, to the long wharf, where Sims Ifas depos ited o n hoard the brig Acorn, Capt. Coomea. The brig R. then towed down the harbor by the steamer Hornet, and is now probably under good headway for Savanah. S eve ral officers accotapaiffed the Captain, and the whole affair passed off very quietly. There were from three to four hundred watchmen and polireinen, in the column, ell armed and equip ped. The military were not seen at all, but were kept in readiness in ease of need. The U. States Marshal, Devine, and the City Marshal, Tukey, were in the column, as also the U States Deputy Marshals. The spectators who followed the procession down to the brig, dia not exceed 100 in number. There was no disturbance, except a little his ' sing.- Massachasetts is thus redeemed, and the .11 prenmey of the laws vindicated. LATER PROM CRAORES. Am VA/. u F THE STEAMER EL DoRA Do. The steamer Eldorado, which left ettegren on the evening of the ;:d just. arrived here this morning, with 200 punsengers. She brings no gob), excepting in the band, of pnssengers. The Eldorndo made the Island of Jamaica, in 48 hours after leaving Chagres, and left Kings ton on the sth. She brings nu news from Cali fornia. ' Pour hundred and fifty passengers had arrived at Panama, from San Francisco, and were about crossing the Isthmus. mamma ' PENNSYLVANIA LEG ISLATUI) HARIIII3OBOII, Aped 12 In the House ta-day, the bill to eha r the Anthracite Bank of Tamaqua, was taken up and passed—yeas to, nays 12, also the bill to char ter the Farmer's Hank of Pittsburgh-- yeas 19, nays 14. BALTIMORE AND 01110 RALLROAD-LDT TER OF MIL LATROBE. BALTIMORE April, 12 In reply to some inquiries of the Bal timore city council, Mr. Latrobe, Chief En gineer, of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com pany, has written a long letter on the present state of the extension of the road, and the prospects of its completion. lie says it was promised to have the road finished to Wheeling by June 1852, but the change of root near the Western terminus, and other circumstances, have caused a delay which will prevent its completion before December, 1852 About 4.500 men and SOO horses aro employ ed on the whole route. PHILADELPHIA MARKET Flour—The market continues firm, as the re ceipts are limited, and the stock on sale much reduced. A sale of 500 bbls standard brands for for export, at $4,50 11 bbl. There is a mode rate demand for city consumption, at $4. 50, Q 1,621} for common and good brands, and $4,75(L6 5 for extra. Rye Flour—ls in demand, at $3,50 bbl. Corn Meal—ls more inquired after, and 1000 bbls were sold at $ 2,87 k bbl. Grain—Receipts of Wheat eontinues small, with sales of 5000 bu Penns, part prime red, at 100 c 1.1 bu. The last sale of red was at 690 ha. Oats base advanced, and are in demand, with sales of a cargo of Pennsylvania at 46c ? bushel. •• • . Provisions—Pork has advanced. We quote mess at $l5 25, and prime at $l2 25 17 bbL— Sales of 200 bbls old prime at $ll per bbl.— Beef is without change. Bacon has met an active inquiry. Sales of smoked, at 9C)llc for hams, $8 for sides, and 70 for shoulders. small sales of lard at 91.G.01e for bbls and kegs. No change in butter nod cheese. 133175= . . Groceries--Tbere is n fair amount of business doing in groceries. Sales 400 bugs Laguyra coffee at if/1C.1.10i 14 lb, sales 100 hhds Cuba and New Orleans sugar at 53@t6ic - c4 10. a cars 'go of Cuba molasses, and one of Brazil sugar were sold on terms made private. Whiskey-1s scarce, with sales in bbls at 23e 231 c in.barrels. . I FOR MARIETTA AND HOCK- April 12. 1 U neoPottr.—The nee vteintir PACifIC, Flour—The -market M easy, with a disport- • !.‘,...!., 0 h 144 , 7 ,, , , V ,.. 11 .. reft ....4. , r1tic i ab at o're audio 4 'clock, P '4 Lion ou the part of holders to meet . the views of . For trolubt ur p.a.., apply Lnl i cli cio ct z lo ., SON. buyers. Michigan and Indiana is quoted at . ~.k,,, No GI tinier .040 From K. $.1,i1064.1,76 11 hid. , . - - - Groin--W heat is without ebe.nee., the demand . for milling has fallen off. Corn, with limited' supply, is in fair home and trade demand, at an 'advance of IfTy`2.c ? hu a Provisions—Pork has assumed a steadiness at ' the following rater—new mess, $14,620114,7 , d; new prime 11,76 ? bbl; old mess, 1.1,31413,37: old prime $10,75 ? bht. Beef is very fain, with a good demand; sales 300 bbls at ss(ifs,2b for prime, and. $10,q,11,50 for mess. Beef bums are firmer, with sales of GO bbls good at $15,50 jo bbl. Pickled meats are firm, with sales 240 hints and tierces at B.l(ciditc fur hams, and tiic for shoulders. Lard is better with sales in lads and tierces at 8;(4,i. I nb. Butter and Cheese—flutter is in fair, demand, but prices are irregular. Cheese is steady. (Iroceries—the market is unchanged,and prices _ I e0tat....., firm NEW YORK MARKET Lend—ls active, with sales at 145 1 , 4 cwt for soft American, anti $4,75 for Spanish, inter est and time. Ilemis—The market is q uiet, wi lb sales of Amer ican dew rotted at SIIG per ton. 0 Rides are in fair demand, with ample supplies. Aronoco are tpuited at lac, Rio Grande at 14e; Buenos ,Iyers Wet Salten at 71c, and English slaughter at 7P7e7c - r+ Linseed Oil—Mere is doing in English at 750 j- . ) gal. Whiskey—The market is quite bare of prison, and sales are only in retail lots at 241 c gal. Small sales of drudge at '2:lic. April 12. Cotton—ls 1 lower, with sales 1000 bales. Flour--Closed very firm, with sales 5000 bids at $4 44(,54 CO for common, to straight state; $4 5(.0 1 ;.54 75 for Michigan and Indiana; 84 94e55, for fine Genesee; $5(5,55 25 for fancy Ohio and Genesee, and $5 2.551;55 37 for extra Ohio brands. Grain—Wheat is steady, with sales 2000 bushels Genesee at $1 15, Con is scarce and firmer, with sales 8000 bushels, at 68c for white, and GTe for yellow. Provisions--Pork has advanced, with sales COO bble nt $l4 75, and 811 75 for new mess and prime; $l3 811 G;sl3 874, for old mess; $lO 75, for old prime; and $l5 37y for clear mess.— Pickled meats are firm at 5/57,8ic for hams, and 61 for shoulders, lard is very firm at si @BI. Lead—ls active, with sales 5000 pigs at $5 12 cwt, for American. Whiskey—ls quiet at 24®25c 14 which is an improvement since noon. CINCINNATI MAR SET. April 12. Flour—Was very quiet to-day, and no sales transpired. Whiskey—Stiles at 18c per gallon. Provisions—The market is quiet, but firm. Sales 2000 pieces plain bacon barns. at Bc, and 10,000 pieces shoulders at 6c per lb, packaL No change in other articles. The river remains stationary. gECEIVED PER EXPRESS, a large as , eort mend of the following mmtr Cain irZittr j oe . Trg: l t:l.V4_ ,), ! , Cellars: Veleudenon. and Lamle Napolenn Cuffs and ...tiara 1.11.1 Natmleon. Malice, Brawl, and Applique Caper and SIVVVE, Chime reit.; Bieck Chantilla and horn Vein, Ladive Brirsitfaat Cape, Infanta' Cain and Witham embroidered Linen emn• brie ilnatikerchieht Ermiltb Tread Lacer and Malvin Ja mul and linin Kdrinrre and invertinge—togrehnr with a " 'l."'"'A.Tb)l"/A7riik sd I.*“ U o . to No. 62 and 64 Merkel xre ACON-16 casks Sides and Shoulders meet by steemey Slemmeger No. 2. Ovule by mehl WAWA:Wit:dal h CO. )EXTRA YOUNG IIYSON TEA:—Just opened at IISG Liberty ttrora, >t very ratperior Tot= It Tea, which. we think we em my wilttl =Mon. , cantad Le sarpoesed, et the` rice, in Pittetrargh. Prim VI Yot , the lawn. rendes 70, C2S. al_ • and ;MS , P wbsch P warrant fully equal. It not auperion to .7 Coke had at the time prin. Aleo—Oolonin Intional, andthanyorder. of all grader. for ahleb all re and e fair trial.. and they rill recocr rend th.rtrolree A liboanl dirroont made to rehaler , red to braille, hating by tei l gu A ..M.,,,, :nob° Tea Inaiers Grotoro . . _ . (if CO VEHSEE li-- 7 5 bu. for unle by laths ROBISON, LITTLb h GREEN APPLEtiL-50tine order) etiera"" me itinmsoN, urns. i et, ALCOHO4-15 bbl. for vale by mrhlo J KIDD n • . •—.. Paper. W KITING, .n.l W NNiNtl •-3,u re.u14.44 /' ~,,, iog Po-r. Is 1., 21. 24 1., 24 17 1.7 41.'41L 4:1: ano Itto , I'mve. 1411• Solle Crow u ar.. 1 . 4o4o: lOU Modiuro Nledloos 00+171741. Crown uoJorooonl La/ bowl Ind for le r .,, ,or Bee., Inrge and wevetwl swkortzwoot .of $l“ 64. Iwtr.r, llanlware, and Tea ,l'apnrs, nonat te. A.1.4.—Fe1ti444 ofslava, fbf LAP 44 roworthsturres. Yrint.ln. Vance nude to order uo abort florin. 7.L SHER, fetrlO =War Of Penn and Lrirlst sta. g G REENWOOD & ROSEDALE l a w a, IthuULAR PACKET.—The xpletull.l t unning area hcat CHIEFTAIN. IL T. Worm. Mwner. otll commence on the ILIN laud-. to uiutr rrvilar trio (rum the end of the Ohl Alleteheiq (st. Clnlr etroet.l elm hour...nun...ming of vo elorls. A. M.. awl .00uouiog until thr tinulrunrkae. rho will laud Ott tine All..gheor .4.1 e, for nunweeounoulation of snOwo• izrm a.. , at all otbrr White . Lt. , . Trip o . .:cork. Y. AI. FOR ST. LOUIS musop.,; [ jpi ttr4 RIVER —Tbe Wx. .J. CRITTL ., N , III:L., Olerlir v,irt.tor. will learr for Or al P. all ILl ' aruteillate rwrtr or. afl onle on lookol- or la r"""4.1" CWWTON JOS KS. AIM!. • FOR SAINT LOUIS—The {inn . mat 4plesitl,l ' , Lessner FEDERAL MICH. owl rul: ''" Xt?LoVots . It t:;. " r tlf-'llill 1.....4, i., 4 0' , 40c r a For freight or 44.4.45ee. sppir on La•nl. nr to molt J. NEM TUN JONES. Ag 4.4. FOR SAINT LOU I S— , The I lytat draught Steamer PAKI4 Onvolre. um., trtil leo', fix the stare and all inter .e4hste 1..• rt.. on Tue.4sy. the lath 1n44, at 4 F 41 For fright or wog, aPPI., on twat, or to snl4 L. WILKINS. AZI --. FOR NASHVILLE—The fine ,t,amer MAYFLOWE, amlett. atsMe, Inll Wave lot the 64.,,..11,11ntrti1ke,Ma1..1.1-+, . _ on Monday, the I4N. at 4 P It V.,r it-eight or pamage, apply on beard, nr to unit JOHN FLACK, Aqeut sittEtIULAIt IVILEELINO AND SUNFISH PACK Kr—The fa...t runiking rt WELLSVILLE, Capt. It. Voung,jalli ruu a reguls4 packet between INllJburgh., WheeliOg. Bridgeport, and annlinh. leaving Pitt ,, Lurgh every Motiday Otero... for Welk, tile, Steubenville. and lindgelkd and ever, Thornton afternoon for Steubenville. Wbeellog. Ihidgeport, Captina.oud Stinfudg returalnkt, harks or 4 g^' Port rod Sunfosti every Tturdoy allertk.u. nod llunadi very Friday ofternrou. For frelght or 0 n hoard. or to tete-11 W. IL WHEELER, Akent.. 111 EGU LAIt PACKET , Tits KEN PITTSIIEIItIII A 81:NIFIS11.-- xtratur PILOT N....% A S. Crane, mm ter. every eave Pittsburgh for Wheelitig, plate(Ntia n Sunfish, ever Monday and Monday, at 3 o'clock p. tYtUroll3. brooms 251213041 rur Cantina, Whirling add PillsbOrlth.• , ' ey Tuesday and Friday, at Ili o'clock, a. . I..raker* J ' , hipper" rare depend awn tlik boat running reg ularly y uring tbe low water season. For !MAIO or pomagr. aliPlY 0 0 b•ord , ..." 3 • • iikOlt. ST. LOU IS.--The filet run eine, 0..0 steamer EDITOR, CaptaloU ill leave for the above and ail Immediateinter its un day. the 1311 Janata. For freight or ...ago. annlY on koa!NI all. Ii 3 OR CI N. it LOUISVILLE--The neeiend iiI.AUCUS, Capt. bert, will leave for the atoms and all Inter mtklLtto ports on NI, Jay, at 4 n'elork. P.O. For trebtei nr tarYnT oryll on bard. • LOU ISVILLE—the eplenil- - Id rte. JEFFERSON, Copt did:menu, wIIIAB2 NisFfor the above and in.rmodlate port un ar. at o'clock A. Fur tivight or 1... WM •Pfjr on IneN. .9" EOR ZANESVILLE —The tine steamer ESlPRRS.4,l)3l,ma.tter. 'rare hrerc andinteramliale porta Mk afternoon, at 4 o'elnek. For freight or Damage. apply on Load. op lu FOR SAINT LOUIS—The swift and splendkl steamer DIADEM. Cothran, commander. •ill learn for latove and Inter mediate landings this day. at 4 o'clock. For freight or paavate, apply on board. aph OR ST. LOUIS—The new and -----.. splendid steamer CWIEF JUSTICE MA F R. ALL. Capt. hen. IL Myers. will leave fur the above and all Intermediate purts this day, at 4 P. U. For freight Or pos.,. apply on board. •F , yAOR CINCINN'I, LOUISVILLE .t sr. LOUIS—The fart ronnina steamer hAC NEWTON.CaptainCharles leave for the above and lut•rmediate ports, on Nit day, the t/th hut., at 8 A. 31. For freight or paw., apply on Wahl. - ad' ETV Voss, April 12 OR LOUISVILLE—The splen did steamer NAVIGATOR., Capt. W. limn./ frE6 , l leave for the more and all intermnitate ports on Monday. the 7th Met, at Id n'elnek, A. M. For height or pump. apply on baud. Ara OR WABASH RIVER—The steamer VALMONT. C. Ilmilett. .LLrl T: e Melba atxrre and intermediate priltd? on Monday. the 711 inst.. at F nichat P. M. For frekkait or I..nnre..POY on NEW ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1851. .615 a T i j.%. n rai nndf r e nefit, Wrilsbar, Wheeling. Bridgetent. Caption, and Sunfish Packet—leaves Pittsburgh elver Wednesday at ld Is o'clock. P. m.. for Wheeling toad iiirldgrPorl. and ~v +- 7 3 P.M.. for Cantina and Sunfish. Returning, buy. natant, every llciridar at 10 o'clock. A. IL. and and Wheeling crery Monday and Starbiar. at For ireight and hung. applll en Want, or to Inch; .1011 N FLACK, Anent LIEGULAR PACKET BE t TWEEN WELLSVILLE AND PITTS EIGIL—TbeIIght draught steamer ARENA. D. I'. Kinney.aster. leave* Wellsville aver,' !*ashy.!*as hy. Wevineeday, awl Friday, at 9 o'clext. A. M., for End Llr rponl, lilasnote. MeYerran's Landing, Braver. nrel Pity trams Plttsbutch every Tnettlay. Tbunday, nni Estnnisy. at 10 o'clock, A. for Deaver, Mererran's Olesenie, East Liverpool. and Wellsville. Fer Ete passage. annlv on board. n I.IIEGULAR PITTSBURGH AND 6 WITEELINO PACKET.—TSq , orplesibl raa packet mum.. DIURNAL. Cotarai, tcr. a war porton:Nod - hr. motaar trbtrottly at toorcen Oat dtt and It'brollno . , Sittantogh at lb o'cla - b ,rry Alcmthy. Wodurnlay and Friday and rotantlo, ervrr. Totolay, Tburalay and datutdar, la.uft sae. For freight or paaage noIB ,anpl to, board, or to ARMSTRONG CKO T ZER, Awmta. AIEGULAR WEDNESDAY PACKET, CINCINNATI. Captain John iraingbam. Thts tpMndld taint cos boils br the ohttorA a the .021107 Isaac Newt., mad ottberA fit . Cincittivti and Pittsburgh Put. had , mut will les • tlocinnittl. Ohm pr the Ne.. 1. 4, "t"r; rNTIVAPI4-11t1„7.1 141, t • April . .41t1.1 %.:,EALED PROPOSALS Will be rezeired 1.7 lbw until 12 0'.'1,1. of Aprll, tt..dolrer):of the tollovrirta.t.frio,fur the u. Up. 'IA at the I:. 6 ,larate florpltal watt' the Wtti 4ho 14.4. v Irre a.. pnallhl , from ta.uo. LAT puupd. Broad. eseh lull 11, 4(102 mle lb •• Orewu Sugar of the Lent Kir+ •• S tar " nbind thaw. Lard Flour. lArgt renperlls. Molassea Etd=M llOtani • - : Wood " All oi 1:1;e foregoing article* to I. very goal ,ty.arallto be furnbthed at. such tlmee and in l auch__rrt l i . • Ilea am on the monitio n n of the Stews u rd4 be II w "X`r*V7 , Trlir 6 a:glosf tTnlrt, ' :.Mteal , thy contractor to h the Inweirt market priors. It is estimated that the number of patlem4 lu to.n. plied will average about Per dnY • tn . T. ,;; p 17 . there will be alant'lll onto,* atal racrvzo3l oo Any Innamation'coucerning the contract . aIOODS. y arn] be given amore "9".'i" "h" ' U S nprtnelo Surveyor and a at. Srarth East corner of FOIL and Walnut Streets cLNCINNATI, 01110. S. BACON be , E s leare to return hie tu bs rs• tar, re 4. sod hop., t ' 4 ., rtiEra r tairire=tili k t! Maine, to merit • cumin eau. of the unpnicriloutivf .c. Ct.! that attended his elforts during the prat winter. The MAN yof loolltuthear thin e! escription has becrear completety established by putte demonstration , . sad been so loudly attedcl by the thousands who Tare e ad the advantage. of their lustruction, no Wager ore- , quire either argument for their runt.rt ur eulogy upon their merits. The plan adopted In teaching enmbinee practice with theory: of tiring books, the pupils ate ...rimed in mains cuitticuil entries of everyday burin:. transactions. dminudirinr, Porting, Balancing Aff0012... opening and rinsing. vest variety of different seta of Bock. huh fur partnership MO individual loudness. where the btudind. har born prospertitand adverse: and thus modifying the student for tinted Into the practice: iluti. or Ma se rt.:nitwit in any kindof inaluess. The coupe of indrartion dill maid of DOUBLE TRY BUCK ILEEPINO, embracing every deportment of trade and Mercantile arcauntr. %V, mission. Igarhange, lianalog. MannhatmrDill , individual, Pvtuershla, Stramboating. end Compound to. Purim, Cmomereiel (lculatione, Prectical ream.ishiP and Commerriatlavr. • anvils en Instructed Individually, and not In e 1.1114., an that students may enter at any time, and mooed" In, the ratio of their capacity andsuisidulty. Public esaminations are had, (though pupils are exam lad privately if they &elm It.) when the ebulent under. ocs rigid and thorough bitterrogallorm by the Prised d. addrlad Mena Committee of Practical Ammintar seendd mai Diplomas avianial to the. trlni ALIVSZI .d worthy of them. A noun can to completed In from tit to ten works. And In concltudon, the Principal would state that every thing in hie power will be dons to drugs his etudente, and make Ithein thorough andamomplirbed areortutiots, and his extensive atwuslntateti with the Imeamea commu nity will generally enable him to procure litigations for 01104. d. 11,11 1, of obtaining them. I :Terms—For a full roar. of leraons 111 Pool( Keeping. -emerald Law, Se., 140.00. art=ist W;111;r1j . , COIIIIIIffEII CLAItB% Patent. Combined Grinding and Bolting, or Embroideries. STEAM BOATS - . wart . EOM BACON'S NEECANTILF. COLLEGE, (Incorporated in 1851_) R. g. BACON Principal. Pan . . .. 0n Commerclak Law. C....._....~..... d T.F. C. IL M~tLIUY .. d T. Y. Ira wA. 3IERCIIANT MILL. Pittsburgh, Pa., March 14, 1851. rro THE PUBLIC:—We have now in use, j r tnei"liTn !MIN M F -j :T.Fle'ltin9Y k k : jo n ot: 14 5 mine Une le veL it .I{l3llln g g . Ml.lllll6,,axvi the other the OIT3I, or duetthit the 5 . 1 Sheets. The find to perfectly Adopted to It, uoo,tdolaa the wort es well im en ordinal bore Moo, and iriuk7irim u 11:1;11311aL 5.21fx: u Tee WILT. me Bran and ' Utial securer end doge, Pro duper m actael profit of abou t tseely4 or platen the mine of the Offals from the MM. For tonnufacturiem the min grolnll3to loor. r .lt doeet6o work speedily, producing o R ona ortlele o n (tope eFlour, mid having thrill:011m shnerlt L tie combied. It la meth, the kttentlea of 31 Illeaterui • membenthnelhem and far Uriet Mille it 1' u"x" NORLF. • r„..WL.thtt%umnilzyst.,..saniruri tr-Aitt:Lcrres Nat., P. 19% A MITClItill. CLARK 11 PATENT PORTABLE COMBINED Grinding and Bolting, or Marelant NAL I‘' purchasudthe entirt Patent Right et the Rated States. for ..Jarnes 31. Clark 4 Patent West Ortudlng. or !derrhant Min..' and nan bring prenatal tosell County and State 111013.1.1Ikeolse the 111 ht OP for ablehoof e rsis method of Inforruluff the tdthlit that P I am the to Intention of the age, and one Loeb ts nun: to meet run 141,1.1., and which trill my be the means of making perry pe .r , on and Crete Right!, ' , Mil. • iorruw. .1+,1...qv , portable. end only twuples “nt of throe Inch. Nos,. when In opermthon, and ranahlr b an s t o rl ,, nd n ina.l o l..lLne fr,to nee ten bushel , . of wheat per t p drupelle.l with front au It horse Wane to any player ealmd Call d ore It I typerstiou . Soble's Clt ' y Flourlna " Mille. Liar et .t, Pittsburgh. I further. hare the ri Lt of Jell/.. 111. Clerk's .V.lll - 7 .V.lrm.vr„ and the 11.thines tor sale. ha ring numbered It or N. elsalely All 1.11.1, PaLi In be 'towered "'" Vtifff he Jr THOMAS 11. CLARK. oION SEED--1 - bbl,,. fur I;Rit• metal RUNT. MAIIIIP. 3 I Co. - QTRAW WRAPPINU—Frtiii the Virginia k 7 'llO4 wnitooli, In note not Co.. We la manufactu rers' prm. by inch.lli RUBERTe.ON;* ELEPYKILT. ROUSES, FARMS, &c • Valuable Property for Sale. TILE SUBSCRIBER offers far rale a valmi propertt In AlleolhoOf (Nil • h.t,iur... utt Rebore, Are. of n 2 (rot u 4 ruttuiolf Do , '• ;0 of short. Thin riroporly I. drooled imuto.listo. Itoouth Hi* reghletwe of Samuel Churn rot two/ rho reAkiVO , of William Dilworth. There to From.. Dow or the PD•ulloee, whloh root tor .5 - Ntil ver auoutn The yruporty le sod well oulted for layluyt off lo 10D. boviop bouts.. N.hrrr. aod DUD, d0r.... It will he N,f ~heap. sal tun of tho porehown twlD•lo rrst, on Do. toutul. (moire of the auborrlhor. -tho JOIIN THOMPSON. For Bent. A Small well finiNlA and completely fur ninhnl Slor, wa n .t rx ltwrpe 43117 e OW, i.4 l A‘ t,,ll.ayrribtlem:7,owl4th For Sale. TItE m ember a the Fairninutit Fire Corn pauy. 01. ra for , Jr. It la In vu.l a.r 4.r anal Iran aar „ •."'" No' 44.1 Vei . n . tree( A Good Opportuntty for those who want a Home. I OTS ANL) LAND FUR SALE.—The ALA suba•rawr oiler, for Ille. Ile followin , f flora' ol t o. un!. N 1. IF pc our L.. 1 Prulr'e plan V lot, In the Eiohth Ward. rash lot being • feet lo 104. The... It•I• ate 5 1 r. t i, sully Alt ,h.a...4 wi 1 he ...51 al ....K.i. . Wo'..ln' T [lvo W. a Tian. au wlstoo to ..Ihrtsor or them. L. 2. brea le. • I the rlsrner of liana , nod Dtt• quell. W y—.lyant 0..0011 Ile.ntol tor either boAlur.otor goirale no No. 3. , rtt Lo. In the Boum h of lanertuerilli, well sultnl for rfeste ron en.,, sl, 4. naive Ar of Lana In Peehlea tow natily, ThoL pulped,' I, aftulrabl luenusl for nountry ma.. lerlunt hots short it inaurn 11,111 t ritv Hue, slut taboo:no the Railroad. , Nu. 5. one 1.4 0. 11' ebster str,l, urnr 12m. 11 fee , 51 ''''4 IL—No' ''' 3' ' ' 4. '" i l'""Id .'" tino t ZurZ:: hand. A TIMER STORY 110USI: FOR RENT. A three rtorr !too., near the eurnerof Weirder and Etta ctreeto. tamdaluine. II nom, .111 , be t re w n , t , ed voul Luoil , k. ruustrurtral ha ROBERT PLAi. Plrl I. Lh. c'Pr 2.l27-ftt it men, Webster awl Elm atreet, For Rent. TilE ACADEMIC BUILDINGS. ,n 2 Fvrry ntrcet—a lane nrol 41!mut. uoable fur SD Anulml• , Ar l i mic ) vrtn : I.eAslan gds,. ItutucVlll .in ntuirr uf mrti.,l3f ntrner will, and - iIOR RENT—A Dwelling house on Third etreet, above and twin to nontbfirld. na- liatoney. Intim yard, wash how, It. Win is. rented law. and pasaeanon given name, . Ala,—Yoe nele or Lev, mane lot. In the Ninth Ward. Whirgirrws. et liens. narlinglatea. Yourth meant, near Wand. meli2nit f Valuable Real Estate for Sale. TIIE SUBSCRIBER offors for Sale, ona . favorable .Inm the following Beal 13datco In elly of Pitholourat% via No. 1. Three valuable three atom brick dwelling houses. no ibuound Mont. between Market and Ferry streets, the lota Leonelt eme IP feetfront by 60 deep No. It Contalor 57 bet front on Third atreat, phoming the Third Creebyteriato Church. on which in eneted one Pour 'tory Mirk hoot, urooxl as a pOOOOO otnee , nod oTton two angry brick warehouwo. No. 3. Two lot. In lalbstan, Bearer county being lots No, 3 , and 4, being about 100 fret *pare, on tehlehtveruet , of one block of Ibur frame dwelling% and one eepangtro frame dwelling. ell two Morton high.o No. 4. One lot 60 foot front on Bark street. oppoelto the above, and extending to the top of the hill. No. 6. Two leach lots, each 60 feet Inutt, and running from the toad torn. water mark. on the Big Bravo,. N 0.03. One valuable water Int. 100 beet on Wheel Race. with ten Phan, water rnwer attached. No.". Ono lot opponne the water lot. 60 feet Bunt. and extomding to the top of the bill, on which la erected our two stery brick atom and warehouse. by 60 (gen aleonne frame dwelling. two ebonies blotto. No. to. Ow large lot In New Brighton. BeilVtl,llll3n, be ing about lid feet on Brcedway, and about 200 feet deep ntalning 11; acre. on which axe emoted two large forme dwelling% and one =all frame boom. IlAird an office. Thle property wea formerly corrupted by Slr T. C. Ounld. and is very plegrantly loattoel, being ItametUatelyoppceite the Yallvton Bangs. No. 9. Ortn water lot, immellatcly telow Falistou Bridge. lelng about 100 feet In kowth. andextending from Water nowt to low water mark, or towing Path. The above property ibe toldn very favorable term..L O H I A VkTeretoo.l oo' 1 .1 . 0710 n 0.31A 1 6.1,7.: ' h" m 0.1121 t.i.rna and Corat coPY•I Drug and prescription Store for Sale. DRUG & PRESCRIPTION STORE 2 landed Ina Ilonalabing and lamming mad of tratkrs.l/.4lo.l.,doizyrterVtaDlner p u n r llnra, a ktha.... aPPIY tnetd4 HAIM) a h lltrA, 117 denand eL FOR SALE—Two choice LOTS, pleasant ee,./Yi-..trb=o74T,ttr.7=arre iLYl4.olbpc: l it y areit fret fror terms, x Zartexteu4 butd . t i r o fiVia fret tilchlUtn J. M. PE-XNUCIL TOLET—A IV AREHOUSE, situated 2, Water it. betlrecp Market and Ferry atreeta. ruttable. , for the Produce busivear. For term.. to quire of JAMES DALZELL. meNt No. CA Water rt. For Sale. 'TIRE UNITED STATES HOTEL 2 J. BLOCK OF BUILDINGS, on the comer of troth- lo• nand Penn calla Canal. in the L l l ' iy . tfi d P f rat=. illfrente I ' . o u n ru k irt a' t ll'gfor,l",Parz'• sod One te a twenty foot Olet. Imitate of ATALIi ABLE MILLS, FAR3IS, AND LOTS FOR OALP—Too I..rpe flour 11111. and a Sas )1111 co tho Renege CreoP. sito oho Provraary 'rota poser AV°. Also. lo3proared form iu Luorrehreounty. Pri tare Also. • harm of Ilb arms, oo tho Ohio riser, OllOl 1,, los Roarer. for $4,200 Aloo, ono of 140 am*. no the thin riTor, talies tolco arr. Alto. WO wore, for $l9 per sore 01,0, farm , ,f 150. 135, add ot -zro., for 424 V.' rxr , Al, 110 6.. r e, for Sl2l, .04 10 ms for $l5 per, tozither with loco/ othrrt I .r l ..aides...vitro roopaLre of hP.I 0 L FETTERMAN, Attorney* at LIIN .1141 Real Retato APO:at, 1,10 ho 101 4th at. 01tt+borch OR,SALE OR ON PERPETUAL LEASE t.r . ca,th or on purwroal Inv, one KO Go arre , l, hyr trout to{ Ivo tort to :prug alle, ,ohIIEIN the Ninth Word hngine thooe ,;to , rquor, luund.l hy lawn, and Allrohror Phiertn and piing h.vt rt, 11X1 t e1 , .11 alley Al, 1.M.0 fert Irhuthor rergo , on nr., ohh.Atre t 6. l.ntnl hiallhhhl IA to! cont..lnlog Ia orltoh I tani-VO'll I , JaNll O .: , tYll.lll.‘ OR SALE- -The sutmeriher offers for,.F sale a large .rut well Guilt Prick Howe, with are 1 more acres of grnuial. situated °litho Fourth 111,1 i:ned. within threw tulle, of tht. city For.eaelon vireo , n row lap ai April he.. Aim, :lg r ei " e l ;; l l;l ' 4 . 4 lo 4 o 4ti r er i aa ' t ' erttn l T.Z l u F a o l .. ; wear the above. Als, a lot of ground 4,lfeet II Ineer near sy v ita ' adloin. tog the Stuart:ire of Mr. A. Toner. the ppwite th. Ereeelath %Card. on Penwylvainis Al.nue. PIIAMPAOLI Ore. 114261.1iiateiy": it lam ordain that Al,, plant - Mad will be conapkte pant th rue above property early In the edning ouninter For further Intimation, apply to ' DAVID HISELKIt, Fourth or. mad. near the drat described Prolwrrr • Pa.:ant OR RENTOIC SALE—The nubseriber2 sin yell or rent city.ey delelrsble Couutry.lteid- ..• deuce, in Allegheny situated on Ohio Lane and Allegheny Avenue, •ent of the Common. The boner I. • large doubts brkt building. Ili nr,anplete °Moo. There le • rarriagn how, stable. and 'oral water on the ground, which comprise two serve, linandred. contusing ever) description of truth ale, a opting lA.. d emote house. Poolootolo. girt. oFbelonvor derdnet ' JO HN ti EMI-ULT. I•Z:altf ADDITIONAL SALE Of Forty Town Lots in East Liverpool, 0. Tlli recent unprecedented stile of Lots in the abore tlirlylog Town baying nearly exhausted we prtrolouely laid out, and the demand contloolmc, the underehrtied ha. teen Indured to lay out portion o f Lie property In Lona lots as above, and oSo. them fur mle t pri and tern s that cannot fait to meet tbe tier. of t or boeeoriel:dna to portlier.. It le peeillrts to oar anything of the location of the Toro and proepects (It having Arco euflidently deacribed In riven,. advertrtedoenta ) other than that over one hundred lota bare ...oily changed 0.0140. and been parttime...l by thaw telablog to desire- Lie home. The above lots are among the most eligible and drtirable In the pleds, moilprincipally located In the centre of Mom recently Fold. are For Inairmrtkin apply to the proprietor In Livertool, or to Jame. Blakely, Gab, Fourth greet. Palate:ire, dell:? B. BLAKE MOI LY. East Liverpool. Feb. :Md. Insl. A Blast Fonar.ce for Sale. :LUNDERSIGNED offers for Sale his IIIoghT.FURNACE, situated in rim earthy, Georgia, oth ea the .. Anemon e Furnace: . with 6JI the out. buildingo SAW and GRIST MILL; and ethry thing noctry to 01017 on the Smelting of Urn It has 1,40 1 ARCO of Land attached, with to much fume adpoloins would be neeresary. whkh can be had from 1501. to lii per isc”. It has the mast favorable Ithstion In the South for F, boo. haring th e ore within one-bolt to one tu lle olf, very large guththlea, easy to mine, and lding from PO t 076 peenir- It is one mile oral a haul m the iguswah Rolling 51111. whore a ready NI. can trn found for I its prolucte of Pig altuth and is two mike boom the Western and /Mantle Railroad. which is toe of the hues of refloat& orthecting the Trothiree River with the Sth flubbed and under web.; P.M= therthith faith. im portant Towns and Cities lu tJeorgia. where a ready ash o hi found full g worked hiery 'follow Ware. Am It is now in blast by water polirr. with a fa ll of lb feet. on is serer stream. and lo a the meet health/ part of the South. Letters may be addreserd to me at Etotrah. Cass co o GA. "1"0 0'°0" °°' O TitSreZTV :. !;TOVALL. ALIATOVIA FotesCc, March 1.1661. mchllial2tan:lhn -171 EAL ESTATE FOR SALE—The under 'toned offers for, sato lame number of valuable 1121[ lots, and some very deMrable ate manufar- Wrlm, In the Ilmonah of flinntnaham. located near the new Prattle Sebool Hanna and English Luthernh Chumb. The rapid growth of Birmingham In pennlatlon and mantanctorin wealth. and the reasonable priors at trittcth lota will t e nit, rander them eat , and profdablo ltt .l:;:fW!;tll.lltion'Tiet.rotal'er=itto.nraleryltrnett, M the o ne ome n , I.l.lllmore, it, on Urnnt Went, Pitt. burgh, bet N. Third and Yowl ottryta or of William Symmes and N. Patterson, Rao's, at their often In Mul -1 Ingham. jeZ 310.96.9 P. EATON. Covington Iron Works for Sale or Lease. HIS ESTABLISHMENT, situated ou the OL- - - -- - - w titer, opposite ataignuati, having in thelait year u (Trine thermath repairs in new foundatiumni.bluery. Xe 4 being one of the most eligible locations to the Union fur the manutacture of the Manna sine and kinds of Irom combining aa Many, If ant more facilities than and witah lishmeut in the West. b now offend for sale or lease, on tenant to soh applicants. It pt.s.ites ell the taivanto.ozof an estabilehment ritualist to the most Limitable poSteTCon einnati, In addition to the taxes being much lighter—ha , init oil &Alines for Cincinnati trade. It oausixt4 of revert Famaras, three Flurry or Nobling Ideas, two lit anvil Fires, six Ilkting Furnaces, with Enable and Mac dither,. to make from it inch Iran up to 4 luch, round and impart., mid all the usual fiat I ro n, with a mat Sheet and Boiler Mill. ,ilA .". l,:a ., l a f ts• p lihn u c c t i:Vfr l o , t ly i n tg r i :,lp r ie s 4 2,43l n bun. In addition. there it Nail Foamy, with separate Fre ame. ouritaltong la Madura', width can be incran4 to n r litlerkiTl i .EglrAnii.Cirtrintl t ath or J. IX idcn - ICH.LC. Covington. FOR. nALE—A valuable Iron Fashibhment eituated on the Ohio river. in Willie caunty,Oh fatIONSIng of a Fl tU M - 4c aontallOng three Nobliug or Finery Firm, three urnacto, One roll out Ylps, one pair [toning no with mpaelty to make ten tone Itch per day. Itelract contain.. lad aLreg Of Coal to L tt und. of too arena, y ;da from the Futg ii It le u4e of too Le lucatiaesin the wot. far. Balling Mill hearth it OCCllANAN,Chainnatii F 9 .•N 1 : 1 " CoSinatca. ALnt)—A wage lairk Ure procf 'll.l'grlf.lll_l7lKilt,i2ll,"Tt..,2': 1 11. . 4, 'd rift SAE— ' That deidrable Tract' et heed, snot,. the Allegheny about g miler abet. the k thrt•toi r 0 Al ember% Femora proPettr• lire M. T l:•dre ". 1...n0?, menet,. f man Ins Of the diatom Ist is pow , Jsr ..t _ ars ear/able of brio r tll4lLl , Zt ro . v .rib=r7zth. '" II "' Si , re are ereowl °tithe premieee it Fur silise•dai foui.t , • aNy t spparelite, air mat lux Iw4c. tore. Racks, Fratine• as together with al l the I, atOIImIA '"`b",...itit' II .Iwk ill rl dl. p• 111 be divided its P . 4.4 '",`, a "‘ olo ph'it u.• property and fa trot.V t purewni. t. , th'r 1./CrIONAN nnati CAN DLE---51.1 boxes IsfOiliii - i o „ DippM; __Watt tale 117 mina B.OBIPON, LITTLY CO. - - A Valuable Coal l'Emn for Sale, `ITt'ATEII on the Bank of the Mo.. Fl i 7 nongaltelaltt R,hantier tow nr.hip,lV...froor.-•::!h land ,w Iht., g.l toiler fn. l'ilt•bunrth tutlrw•Lone Mourns...lse, Cie', and onnhellf mile aboee %Vetoer. raining lb.. 1.1 or m o re of whirls runt.‘in.e.ral, rot' utlewhit 'waled for mining. leing, lor • the •Itielt wimp, et to the tultai•orst of fre4l air into the 11,1•C‘ml .an all Le rouvroult.ntl) ronducted to the lour.e norm. of • ItAILIIMA It • hie!. I. how - to opera , p law ermlwna. lawdluw a lbw I.IIWILY oellent, wealth... it tut,. well for harhoring boat. 11.1. , tome ton otlet, for lb.+ Conl if. , l,.twwwf,ltmla river. The mot ti. •1111 W. of whleh ID elewred anti under eultit tt. n oo ‘ery au perh.r on:Litt, lying mi•tir limr.tone Kn.!, we11w.13,,te.) to the crow tie of wheat trehl htloo r grain r..tonhoeto.t......eman. Lime IA shut:aunt who. the prettg• - and e•rily qwwr}leal. The hothltnem :tr.. n eounnowiton. too /gory Iteleh. Itwelling'ltoure. with four len., atwt hart kitchen: • Lon Careg large And ...nrenlent Oratart. w.1..e lloure, Coal Ithuro. AV no,or fettling •emply of good water. w Ith orrelleol ;..outt, rat the door. The plam. 0,..4wwt1y , wrilw, In t0,..t ,of the helot , . There tr 0110 0.0 th. mug... wholen beuri. th' rhanl of rupereor terwltml Iron The ho ennvettient ••• to the ohetaohout lhocitug nt ltrloter will L neve.,•.o3 pritilege. 4.r Ix. king It hitt. 0.11, I.awd au.' Coal 1.0. M.,. 1.. parr.% Apply, on the hnruk..... to. tit:SJANIIN Or bi 5.,. W. II I:1,u: 11. 1'a,1•131,26. 11.1.21 tf frU LEI- Ay with iir wittiiiurOare IKnom. 11 0 11 .11.11NRIliN 112 14votwl TRANSPORTATION ISS 1. gaT, LAKE ERIE AND MICHIGAN LINE, ...___ ON TILE EXTENSION CANAL. CLAIIKI4 PARRS t W.. il..ellE+7llll, liE of obl tool wtll IL known Line. would Infurtu the puttlir that tto., n, l r. ittoN I . )A au.) IYwuger+. width the) .re Milt trt:Yh r ;:ll " ., ` :. " . l Uwe n.,nntautly at the. ta.low taw 31..4r rnhela """' Ata'n l. I Wire. our. Wator Doti 2 , 1/11 1 / 1 11e1d K. Cuttronwltun. err Ca•tJe, 11 C. Mathew., l'uln4). Pa.: C Moho.. titian. J. A. :a. Roll. Khan...burgh: M nr. kolorr a ter , it n vow %VII. Mewl. liartahm la t rr, K01 e....... rill.: O. It. Wall bridge.. Itultalo. N. Y. up) PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Issl. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. ISM Forty-six bourn to Philadelphia. Forty-four hours to Baltimore. ill wilco ltailroad--10:: miles Canal. Two Daily Lines Express Packet Beats. Ift/ (EXCLIMIVELI FOR PASSENURRE,) TO PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE AND EMI= 9N the opening of f Canal Navigation, Two Daily Lirtes'Nzw 'Exrep , Parket Doan will for 01. town, thrrme by Portage Itallrual HOLLIDAYSBIIRGII, • There taking the NEW PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, Two Untklred andP FHILA Dortrdlm ELPHIA miles dimet to Time through TORIT-SIX Hours. • FYI' to Philadelphia. 510. Fore to Baltimore. SO, 75. The Care on OIL , mu. are ne . aml of the moat approv eorietrurtion for mrafort mot F r il l • Peek,. len, every morning Predoely st Eight o'clock. oral creel enrmlng at the same hour. Passengers for Baltimore, arrlral of Cars at Ihuoinhuro. take the Tort and Coro berlarkl Railroad. (no* anl.bNl direct to that city. (dent four miler.) Tim,. FOUR hum, No charge for handling Baggage on this route. The Inerwawol Pprod waken Chia the moatnontfortoble. ger and degrable route:now to the I,,gtern Chloe. For paemge inforthatio o HOLM J. I'. ES, Agent, Mononathelo Hooke. D. LEECH it- CO. C3Olll Baal, Penn Cored. (In the lit Cl July. the Pentorleanla Ratite:ld will to hniehed to Lockport. xrhich will shorten the time thttnngt. SLX. hours. Pittsburgh. February 19, '5l Manufacturer's Line. 514 Eg;P 1851 • . SHIPPERS ARE HEREBY INFOR3LED 1.3 that this LLVF., compo.ed entireir of :.dine Boat*. ts now In full otr.ration. with fanlitia. to carry a large nrouttity of freight to Philadelphia and Wilmot+, *eifkewf ranshireatee. in ...bort time. and at a , low rate, as any other re Line. Sproalal arrangta hare alea been mete Gar earrlang Way Freight to ‘men Johrvtuati. 11011 A.1,100p Water navel- Alexandria Peternburnh, Ilusalumluu. Mill Creek, New Hamilton. MeVeytotrn. b*wirtown, Mifflin, Newport. Clark's Ferry. liarrinhurg.Columl.a. load all nth. or Intermediate paints un the ND., Iranin Panel and Pars. De Railroad. Haeimt return Irani, of Iron mewed fa= the Juniata promptuere and re,rularitr in ahirmente, to Ile aferreald point*, at tn.• low , . rate.. trier he rell , d upon. • J. macti ELL kalrr. Prnprietor Warehou e, I.ll.erte street. mtlll3 If dad oat of Ow Canal, RAVING DISPOSED OF HALF IN ' aEnE,T . HISCIII43I • S LINS to or broth., A.M. the burin.. et Pitt*burah will hen after he h:uver.d ender the all le rf . 1* a s Sl , riiliro Co" jmehl Binglaams' Transportation Line, 18 5 1 DET'VOEN PITTSBURGILA THE EASTERN CITIES. CANALIIE being now open, we are ren to rrulre and forvrtr.l promptly, 411,1 bandit, rot cod wed. Freigbtm bIIVILYR low,id rot, rhori,l by r,pdririble Pr0d..... gad 51,rhu.117, I forironl, mut without nuy root,. Idr lids rdanig or .1 yur.i.troi , freight ““111111,0.1%, ../ 41,1, •Ittlts of loulino fdrireirdi , d. euil .1 directoono faithfully .11 , n1.d f.. Adilre , Apith 1i NOMASI Ci Par k 1/.1,11, lFn N.,. York .18511 Pittsburgh Trauspo JANIEF °VON Noll a m. Cuo.l I SITEIL JANIE:. A Co . 1./..outs lirt nal No. 3 Fatah Fourth sttwt, tot., mot MT.. . Philadelphia. TAXIS 30118 A Cll.. 11l North Areeti 1 AVING fully cumpl,tc I went.. we wSI prvpsred up. burgh. that . to earn (Ten burgh. Baltimore. Philad..lPhia. N , .nunull. Louisville. Ft. Louis and all lower ratn awl a Mt wore dispabd, er Lin,. All grads slOppeol b, nor i by boatman.... without at, charge t. not nil:, atianied by an, other Liw All nroawunintlon.. addreT.Tl to Hall A Co.. Cineinnoth E. Webb. In Osb Ft leato. will onot.llll or• g-b. our Slur has nomoneet Philadelphia and Pill-burgh Ivan , kinallll. 4 - * w/ r —....' 17 : 18 51, Merchants' Transpol . • ‘ VIA PENNSYLVANIA CANAL.: FOR PIIILADELPHIA OCT RE-SHIPP A. SirANU LTV I CI) . Canal 1 PllO hunt.. delp CHARM+ RAYNOR. C,ntral Ell. h ia. l'intra prepaml to reer Ire a lan and produce to ship on the opening delphla. and all intermediate plar, lens time than in any previous am. . . . ~,,,.. N. 11. The in...nand number of Trurks prooFded tip the ' al CommisTiorters fur earl - Ind le boats on the itato dlroads, will prevent any IT/ssibility of &ivy at Joh.. 11. llulidaphurg or Coln hlto..thb. season. - , C. A. 3 aANULTY A la), foldO I Canal Ilasin. • LE.MRg 185' P 7-- - - ) To Shippers of Merchandise, Produce, &c., To am now lIMIStII , III. tom., warogoat AND 1. to.. RELIANCE PITTSBUIttiII TRANSPOR- TdvrioN LINE. ATIIIIII d CO.. Proprietor , . No. TIC Monet. and II Cowmen . * street, Philadelphia. BELL A 1,100511% Anon., Canal Bain. Pittsburgh. .101). TAYLOR* SON. Agent,. Baltimore. . We an preparod, on the owning of the PrnnTYlv.h Canal, to rontrart for Freight at as' low rates, and itivd shippers se mush deTpateh and care I.s any other f Line. hr.tfda MT....... ........ McloADhN & CbVODE, - SurcoNaa tO Juba McFrulen &Co I Canal Aleut, Penn Stmt. Penna. Bail Road Co.---Central Rail Road. THE subeeribers having been appointed d lel °4 9l ` r 17go'nT i to k g 1 we soy merrhondire or produce for ' , Moment cart cattle olog of the 01. Goods sin ills to rarrie4 through In eie al l, lonroortgord to u. ho forwarded for+ of coo all, lon no chore• for advartror. 'MATO OS MU.? iIgTWILN 1.111.-kr.,1111 AND rrmbr.on. Dry Oaol.. Itrtt, Eho, boo), Cutirry.o.l. , tl000r). Frathrm, turroturo. Drug , . )I.oboo , Wocd, 60. gr. 01.0'4 lUD liordwaro. Quretovra.. ttrorcrtrs. Dr. , t.n , 0 0 , Leilther,CioVlT. Via, TUTU. okawr le. 4.111.1. Damn. D.!, Pork, Bottor. La.. lard Oil. Tot... Loaf , Cott., Tallow. Drain awl boo, tor - 0 lOU .1 do, trough) Tar, Path, Ito On. Don.. do, 0u).50 ktcickl,EN C0V06E... . , _ goEALIMONT'S PATENT STARCII Pot, ,Isn. inr 0vi.... huoutiful On, to Linen, Mu‘lina. ortca, Coll., Shirt llownur.. mud all land.. 4 printu It. nf.a printenta the Luta from mlbertnw,th, 1.111e11.11.1 dUlt 6.°. '‘''.l..iniC it runtairo unthi. tuturiota , to Amin, tu any re:4pm:- The:ladlos have lung run ,morn the neri , v of curb an artiele..and in MI. thesr .11tatuaa will be Cul ly. rcalinsl, al no coupetiti.m .4 fear.l after an ,utPa.Sal :T - D.—Ono Cake .111 tin thirty dotco of dab, lad no amity rharuW Luobhc rrith , 4ll. It.. For LEAD PlPE—Cernell'm improved patent trza [ll , m .T!!. • A ll= l 4 ll mo . ,I,4 , roxotr All ales co total aryl to 9rrlrr t tr. all IL Front • 134 ,trret. Wines and Liquors. So, 1 f . .r7 tiorrry P t rria craiktr faricry. I. nreus. of 11, a. trot:rt . :Mt., of N. VICKEISEN t STOU VINEL. respectfully • • at:mono, to th•lmihtter notttil7. rt. ni - LlVL ~amp .ri te of the ion tmck— w fbli as d'" abo`r "trail .horn thr ell , . and rod ' and white trio,. Alt, In-nch dark *papal,. braodirr. of the cholcrat wintarrso Jamaica rum, Holland t ro th Whiskey.channoutno and rt.strallmt hock rintkir most , „m7;: .. ed a =l:7l:lll.l , . Madeirll h stry Luguitr et,un arta Liniburgh Cittc.".. ' l7l l o i fililreet • 111 aioloral... or the must rcaoonable (ant, It a i r .lati th o e t, rrib„s":, p 'l" 1. ouattrit to rill a rheLer and a hetter r articso th a n sue , tthc Wu. , in WW rtiY. Pleamytre lola roll, betora yoi, ourrhatte clroarlorr. shrFamilirts rapplled fro,r of e.trn rtutry., arsdat the thorttott norm. ar. • D. g.1.N4.1_, Banker ;671 Exeluingv Bro ker. north 11, drab iv Weetern Yowls, Sista es s the Eastern Mies, a nifta n t es enllestkols L ts th e vr st we et low Ws sod is now lath. the hiebest mart , vreadam vas noels for Massie. ;alter. Lode._ file STUFF-,100 isaclp for sTdWLY • w= WII 11. JOII&FIIIN GREDN APPLES--40 bbls in gond c.' 4l and for platy J, C.DILVVOILTII a co. THOMAS WHITE. BONNET MANU FACTURER. No. 41 South Secoutl &reel, Ii kortuut- ,4 - 4 shb.) Ptilua,lphts. • ' ...._•• .... • tp AtiALEY. WOOI)WARD & Co., Whole pale 2 . 21 llarkFt st. Philadelphia. ar4 A. J. SCCINOAL OAWA.II, Commlision Mershanta, Na. 41 Nadi; aud No. la Nnrth Wham, Philadelphia. 1%1 I Tu C le tt relil l- tit. ' c t Tl i a ( eplia. ll'P l e At!r i aFV: lni'v male on Muslim:nena of linalutin immerallY. I ianPatnm To Southern and Western Merchants. it!o OussAL'S PREMIUM PERFUMERY. it, The neribr•rtfpectftilly (.rhea public attentkat IP gloat of PetfunierY,Sii•Pa.,hatinli Lteamti d.s., to which nevelt :M.r and tau tioldon hare. walilu the last s.ia yron. isan awarded by the hulling.... hf keg Vort. lipeApk, and-Philadelphia, the lather being tbe amy litiLlearlEUMA ever awarded, fur perfumery either in PurntorPirr.4"'"• hotaliat, SIAATIXA hug, (Almotal, Rug. and Shal.thilatalparaally atlitinarlialred [obesity...riot to any tqamanir this emtutty su . KitruPs. • in. - topmast aaa Yitartaa—Koautifully tranipasvnt„ and prs*ilug highly nap:moons. gut emollient propelling ; Milita- Campoutal: Ambrorial :Sharing Tat let ry thawing Ron. Ptagartat Suare.--Almand.Pluse , M BtAti. lust. Piitashiu. Musk, Patehouily, - thattilina, rtssating. Tes.paroutiOliTO and eirraaslaa EI,S.TA Sal Itaitharactium—Rcee, Jimmie, lion tieraneum, Jenny Lind, Mutomollne,Jack e, Club, ld.uulia. Clowahle.Cltrunelle.Bosat, and many utter sati..tfea, in all slat, dillosau , T.Alt. WA-rt.—nand.. Water, Kau do Tullette, °Mug' Yhmor Water sad a treat wariely of Wigan. and Laven- Jor Water, _ . . Hat manna , . eon rnt AllAll-o.uine Benrs'oll,Autlque itandallia, Eau Lustra/a Olrhar, lkaapuund tax Mir • ih VMI. liquid and In poaler. Phiknalna tadenny Lai Pa:nal., ONOLVAGI, haputxrumk—tlaLtamle Elixir. Raw 'fount 'oar...hantal Dent rill, a/Joullue,Tnoth Paatatanl Tooth euarrica-I'.getabl - e Cuelnat.le ("mai. Am.:aline far Lapped Lamle, 1.44 Cream of Rue., Cream de Perae. LID ltexplarer engem. le. beallatory Powders for aar.elag.perdocaamludr, Pearl Vinalre.. de Haug, Arcanat Vibram, kuirla lb& Caws.lttuu. !ten . aka, leadde• a gree. aarleff of .thr article: lnu numerous In be [tamed la that adtertlat went. . - The eulreriber ho to maintain the repotalloa which this eotablirhuren b yspatted, by 41.spug of Dodd= but fret rate ankle., awl sill be happy to furnish thus e ~ho WI palmed. him. either whole:ale or tett terms as our eatabllehmeut ID the .41.1 Sta., to sod farms Dir=i&tte no Lto m attry of. 114 Chaout DruNa hte thecae:dry. rt hatin's Perfumery It fur rale by all the , prinelbal NEW YORK PREKTIM 1!11 LITCHIN'SON & Co., Nol3 Spruce Street, NEW YORK, It'lobos!. manufacturer. of th e twat ENGLISH PRINTING INAS, I:,t Ebel and Litho. rapin Prtnang. and fur Pins 800 ..1 Job Work. which 1101 warrant to be composed of Wm purest matniala, gnd to work mmlly upon all ordinal . , prewww. Thceotobinatlnon In these MM. are/melt aettontre rich. new. and perimmeney to worksapetior T ctilmt tmw Iv c.a. Sold at pie... , coming from 75. ctr. M SI. per lb., put up In ouu. forattarlc,l order. 11. k. Co. alconmanufacture colored Ink" of crery abml• and ~uallty varying from #l,OO to $23,00 per lb. mete-WM TO THE HOUSE KEEPERS OF THE. VNIFF-D FITATED. SILVER PLATE wino= RESTORED ST T. AM... or T. SILVER PLATING FLUID. Min-runial futtion, or Me money rduneed. T°"FLUID occomposed - of pure Silver; lin been nod by house keepers to New York for Ike loot tiro years end le becoming & neensary article in the domestic economy. Any reITOO can, In few minutes, roc inn otbuirtal beauty old plated Bocci& mob ae Croton. Balkh...ticks, Cake Baskets, Carriage and Mentors Furni ture, Military Ellpment, An or plete with Dun alter in Bran, Coppe or tiorman - tilinr. The garrante• In suf talent for M r,a introduction Into erery fertile. istin g. 5 rent , per bottle. A liberal disusunt to-Terri and Fancy Goods dealers. Far sale by trichlesiCotalMT `MM. WMCI":bMSf & CO., No. 79 Sc. 81 (late 7G) M A IDEN Loa NEW YORK. Directly opposite the Old Stand. AIANITFACTURERS AND JOBBERS of 'v RENTLENENS' FCILV min- ISHING ARTICLES. Dru taers—limiey and Light Wool, An. no'. dhaker, Duck, Merl. and Cotton, Domestic and For. 'ln gtaeld--Eatln. Silt, hialm Bombaidne end Inithr of iD styles and qualities. Scuffs and Tier—Faner Ink, ahl Blatt of every kind. (Warr and Adonis—Of all kinds. Drtrivie--Fancy Bilk and Heavy Enallsh Salsa, Italian. thin. Albert Borathers. Twilled Indian Satin, kr. "[la flandierchreft—Cora. Llano Cambric, Or. Siornders—French and English, nen styla Domestic. korelgn. Linen. Thread, and all the latest of Trench and Ennual , . linnrry—Sbakrrs.Merino, iamb. aoLED Linen and Conoh Darning Gowns—Velvet, Caehtnere,Endliab, Frtuch and othei syle. Shr , itaidn• Broas for gentiemen and ladies—• variety of • tyl Ru e. min Ramp Crlto of all qualities We would inrite particular attention to our Domestic Knit Undin-shirti, Drancri tc tintirkieg jaa a CO inchliinn(D) Si Midden L1A.138. . Shawl and Mantilla Warehouse. irji4 S. MILLS, No. 6 CORTLANDT ST.; • (co 5 . W..) NEW armament`w opeEing cue of lorurst arid ritheft armof SPILLNii AND FIIAWLS %An' before reeeive,l. Alm LACE CSLIN and WI glade of SILK MANTILLAS, manufactu ira nem the Latest ?aria farbion, ',mired by the nramera and particularly adapted to tbs Spring alas Alto, ury Fplosacild slat PARAtcOLS AND CM IIRELLAn. cm:inning of [mimed and plain edged carton and tilt and Tint Patin Parsion, and CotXon and Ging ham Umb.rellne. All of which will tr, ogered at extremcir low prima. We dolly Write our Werliantnenasta ex amine our Rack before purchasing. Alex. WIRE EIIOW STANDS.. far eittibiting (boob and Moutalls, put up to came for transportation. conl.ll SPRING IMPORTATIONS. C. B. HATCH S. so 97 WILLIAM VTREET, NEW YORK I[ll AVE unw store, and are constantly Fe u' eae byrtw . anarro.themeet ertetwlve meurhneot of lootturaerVA IFURNISIILNJ OWL.' 'awe. before otlered, .tutuwetnr the Istwt eurd richert /Wrier erdratalEliirtS. ifroiery.Sarre oderr, Vallee tlortuentu. Loudon Dreesiog .rowr. liatulerehiefr. rhoularr Prow, Linen Gahm, with ft varlet" . of other ar tWir. ti to thelr no of borlo.ww. All of which will lw wad tit ry lowest minr.. Our irr3fern Mende ate is OW to r rarnlao our ruck febWl3la. Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink. lONE'S EMPIRE INK, 5.5 Namut street, e t y N Yrk. Lion Line. Pitleburßh. • and l'h•rtl 'tr.-el, la Martel arkl xt PIN. TO TEL TILAD64 ..... L4l dog per dos. _ ..... . I tal 4 M. up; thri draught, per gog gallon 0.1 outs. This Ix the gest. artieirr manufactured. It tows Creel,' geed COPY INU INK--aud will not corrode, mould, rcrialtale or decay. and wise-cies all the qualifier! repair. ed for a mini Writing Ink, soltable.fer the thrill. and td minnlT for the Neel Pen. The underricrard prepared to furnish to the trair ei ther irr estset or home consumption, at the oho , . Vert' I f the put up ch a rg e. order, mid delivered In isnY ken of the city free of . No chorge 06r mews. Barrels or kegs are charged extra etnette sit ionzam LEvr. • fehrly 64 Named in—Nee York. Murphy's Self-Sealhig a. Advertising Envoi- - m MO. 263 MADI ST., NEW YORK.- 11 The subscribe, In reilicttingthe ',strategy of ail who sorry are this •drertisement. Stela none of that heritatiou with which a new article brought before the The, experience of years has mtablistred theirperimitY to— Toad all quesbo. is, and be ranEdently refers en to the tertian ny of thorn. tendriesa men oho herd used them envelopea. mid to his rapidly immesh:re maks. to proof of their excel tenee. She following are • few of the morons for their popu larity Ist. On the place occupied by the reel. a Deno. Past hare bit name, Moine., and address, thsordthotol_ rimo beautifully embresed„colinci Phi.. then ./toroing PM' frlt recut - WY arminst frond.. The Enreloyes cannot ho °petted without Wail de. NI. Neither was nor wafers are repelled to end theca . 4th. Open the miscarriege of • letter, the meal inammilts immediatereturn to the sender, inreemi of being buried month, In lb. Dead Letter Moe. 6th The Envelope. are famished at almost the tame prig as phis ones. dth. Lath letter milled Jasmine effective adverilamocut, sure ui attract. the attention of all Waugh when heade it ENE our arrange .. al the urwriinii of the ht to atut trent Pitts .. furl, t..tou, Caw the Katt snot W. at tat t-Art, Ova any Ott, I Inv v., full) noverml ..truerr. tt protection igt 7 iVe s. . ' sl:l ' tfore ' t utpt etteoti..n. trhatett.r with the A.rtatltiv Lint Of At- tion AND RAILROADS, IRECT-WITII El= nmunt merehunii. nf 440111014 a I.bil at lower rateA. and i• 6114 r 144.11.5. The allowing. lea list or prima ibr laffeh mr.rma 00 the anti which will twit for bu ff. 4 cif IIIITILOTIO. or the timid Fiso, either white of good Pater. am/. wade as above. with Day, whims, 6e.• Prima of DiZt. I Prim Of allffektur ”orffr tat letter.. or lute • atore. :0 to NI 30 to 40 40 to 00 60 to 80 10,00 l 10.00 60 to Pk 123 P NW Wben It 4not convenient to forward amount of order per mall or repress, a reforms:* to 'amenable New York lloun will be enthrient, All orders will meet with prompt attention. If addressed. tads. MURPHY, Np. 203 Madison Mr.& Now Tone tzalers will he attended to promptl". If left al the storm of Mean, :Well A Mott, A) Wall street, or of 31eren.11. .lerollman le C0..134 Will Lam at. N. 11.—huslecess Coo,!& embossed in colors. from same Ides, et 11043)W feb%ll3en ------ - Pro - fessor -A. CI. Barry's TricoPherous , . AAR MEDICATED COMPOUND, infilllible I._, for renewing, invigmaling, and beautifying the hat& - an the work dandred..d all adeedona of theestycz, - and curing eruptions zm dm skite.ridLaracces of the tittl , aunties and lotonosents, and re erg Atlngw. ents , e M rain& Lc ith thi... prepared= .. tbare Is no such Mod ro fail." The firs Journals in Alperin& toadied men of the highest eminence. prominent citizens of all pr ‘ o fee nobs. and Inches who base coced It for one in their M ang t and linnerte , admit withaceord, that for l a p,,,tioe, rim, "M., invorlanee, and curl to the hair, eradwating ~ e urt and dousinah Deane wounds. =ring npa, le.. and "Annus of =":3',4i''..il77,..iirj.iand the Pavel., It bat nu swat among 1b...1...P10ds of compoUnds advertised In the pule IP "not.. or wed In private ptarttnt. In eheapneacin well a. ene.ney. harry , Truest...nom w tuwlled. The Ira- Ilitrri.4l meh min. of the ankle. have evozbial the inventor ca noool. - it se .. ..5 rent. per bottle, 'which la frontlet to 100 [rte .'. ' hal ' .1 0 .' ill .th irr awe 'h" i l rho " orlertili: 4 llwa hn tiser -W"'' on . luzi o l and the ski n embracing Um valuable directlons far the mil. 1 . y,,,. pe d pre— anon ,of .nature's dinned ornantenl, in In nbleh each Ale mentioned, la alone worth the mean, Tc,,, e thnic' tween the menthes.. whkhanutindetha, and cite r. .1 Lich draw, its sufdenaure front end , ,rfo. enrcin ~. PlC r. ) ' dna, All &taws of the hair mi -1 .toile to the Attu of. the head. U the [man of U. scalp s p. olog*ed. ot , If the blood and outer Ontds do not circu late freely through the small remelt which feed the root a Ith manure{ and import ILte to the IMPrat the revolt is scurf. dandruff, shedding cf the hair, graveness, dunes& and hambrazuC of the ligatured& aid entire baldnese, alithe en, T mar be. jOthoult the skin to healtbittl action with do. rieopherensa, and the turgid yawls, reconeting their utivity, will inn Ens, the Warw. InallailectionscUthe skin, and of the substrata amounts and integument& the mmeess and UM effect pee the mak /t. is upon the Mt the musmalarTide, mid Um glands, that the - Trimyherot' has its spcie, tin, latd In all offettions, and lulu"' of those organs. t is a sorerthen 'Med) , Said in 'arse bottlaz, price 2.3. centa r at thn . prindral of. dor, 131 Arrati g i i % New Ybrk, mid by thejninellsta mettle ants an and den thronghoat the United Etat. ad Cate al. _I I . denYkoZo Tempe .oevillo and Noldestown P 1 . Read Company. NOTICE 15 hereby given to the Stockheld Cllk of ald Comp.r, Mat they mate . a e.arivint, Trettenvere of the Fatal 0v0na.11 , ,. 4 , on ev than of the on the lavt, , each sun every month heventteT. , until . tlatzt L i Z r , ral l y 1V,...1r6r fail—tut t. "°mAtrAgi,''"`l"l°9lrfir'%N, f:a . .!ks 1 , 1 ; 1111 1 1; ,(1r4 , 11v. ileums. and; VA. ,ate pT pule:. I FIRMIi.. —.--- PEACHES—Mt sio , . for mile by ... II incx a .11reANr , 44,1. _ FIRIE , I:PPLES.-10 bu. xup. L. Apples; e! aw. - - __ ...-114 1 sit LLCIL a PACK MON 1 ) 1y.. , Ir PE E .14 , i . 1 7 1 , E.`: -- j - . 1 .. 5 . 0 .1 1 1. 11 :61g1n i rd j 4 for PIPE i. 11 - ANGIicGS — SPRINO SELF.C. ~,,,,,Avill te ren.irrd. by ere. bawl irriTabt L • ....... , 1 al. 4...5.7 5ir ru5=. 1 .. 1 Ems& wad El+Ter4 PA nit i ~, .. .,"v o t. L., 1., r ut, buL u nt r rnalsis katurra, f . g th" '" 4' . " u ' ".R e maxer' ° ' P. ' WALT P . ALL, f , 5 Woad .t E GG L -.3 bbl. for sale by Y. EL JOIMISION FORWARDING $ CONIIIISGION MERCHANT, Clll6Afttv. ILLINOIS. f sONTIIiUNS his usual facilities to receive N. on Storage. Sale, an Tran.hitostent. MerchataLle ~truesl bltn. Boats leave MA dock daily for all plc,. 1.13 the Lakes nod the Illinois Canal and Inver. iteevrewea—Mextra. Lorena. Steettng 1N..; Mews. Jones A • 1.1,. John A. conshor. MSMI ST. LOUIS &-ST: JOSEPH . . _ ST—JOSEPH, MISSOURI. M I DDLETON, RILEY L A 2, 1 G . EE, vmemboloo, rereeretoe. Lel., 144, Alevuterc:Zhot"agrnx. Stern.g C.• I,ltnburgb. , War AIUI D C. TU'ITLE, Attorney at Law. st.lCommi,lorwr far l'entsytv 4 a.. Me. aucumaketions promptly" juills: U. RANKIN, Attorney:Ana COUn pilk, at Law, 22,1 Comml24.2ter Tot air tip o pv. 211.12,11,.. :Lsca.lurt, Jeuri K. Parse, ILL•sella Soikule, MOWN £C. ..211214:/2 u Anovsn sTirEET, noseroli. rplIE undersigned diming entirelF . rt" built ma raiment the sh,er retentive Walt ele meta,mettluhm Mem three benched met DAY route, would teepertfally glee mtlee that It Iv not mar far thr nreptiou secommetstim of the treveLliete community. A n extended make of the unsurpmwed eon rentenrm awl. Howe Is deemed amerdurnm, m the numerous Improve men. which ham, been made munot be innerly given In dterUsetnent. Santee It to ray. no expente has been sparml to render any alu.tatmatPr.ffeet- The tUrnitttre woo made eatummY to ot4 t rranidlav ml copt, and remain porta..of It, estmemur We tinvinc rooms, will be foetal tu be of the sand beautifal toanubo , tun.. The Dining MAI. am eatudoue, and the bourn The nu l l.: will be au arrangedat to milt the nuivenienen of the mrly and lab, Every Llepartnarut ajll Ip Candurted in an unewarptiona. hie mummy, and the proprietar pledgee that the Amenean Item. rhallhwitruly the Travelleen febSamtda.wfulT LEWIS DICE. tl✓ lirontheu:Prthir or ilkaAlmar Ms Awn or Lunas.cart a:bra of edigput gr the Aletoruiry Oman/. • WE do not wirli to trifle with the lives and • • &with of tbo afilJetwl. but we nineerriT rte mr selvel to mote no wtc.ertion ow t Um widow, of tbiw eine, and - ti; hola na h - ore to ;ulSering hum.nitY. !add, =MI= The Mors of lorlarel. turd the Pine and Mil urtly celebrated for the cure of all dlrenotee Of the Lmst tut Liver, whlch arc to frertaillr prevalent In ell Mortloan latitude, From a reenLinallen of chemical extract, Pro- curet from tills Maas and those Tree.% D Metanb Date EMEEMMENI xvm am compoacd antircly of 1111/1 Cher VT Bark =4 Li; gvoninn lcdandaldoh(thc lam . " MaPortnleMavel,l7,.. thh pumme.h) the rue medical TITZlir% of which me allo Conn hind by a new chemical procew, with the extract of Too— th,e tempting the whole compound the most certain and otacaclowc remedy ever diacovered for the JOLD; J. BROWN. 103 Fulßo3 street, Ohm York. LIEREDITART OW:SUMMON Carrell O T Wiscar'.l34l .. of MU Cherry.—The Laming num of Jen:a:l4los- REzit - . 2 L. Otte. at illonsunption. (fire or his brothers sna etsters ' ha. ring died or , Connimption,) is truly wonderful, • ;••.. - PI-GLUM 1111 , 00. Hamilton co., dept.4:,'Lll. .1. D. Posg—Dear . Sin 1 take the liberty of .Irlsletg you of the benefit I bare derierd from the um of Dr. Wide& Baloam of Wild Cherry. 1 woe proetrated by 1110.1 .tortibla scourge. Consumption. in May 1.1 , 0/ The tittxt wax truly . horrifying to me. for lire of our flmily, troy brothers and • Asters) had died of Ccizumption I was afticted nearly all the worra features of the disdise. l hodn &tress. lug cough. and expectorated a great deal of blaaj, hectic foyer, term palnatu the aide and chest cold chas, alter noting with flushes of boat I wee ruler the rare of • skilful ph oian, front the time I was taken rink until about elm weeks Flom, being then about belple,, ant my friends conlidomi my cam hooeleee, or at least beyond our phyitleistie 14.111:04,10101 the aft of Maar. Balsain of Wild Cherry. Without my k....yonlye.yoy faller procured It. and commence.' admin istering lito me. arid Ikon the dot dot I caratactovi tak ing It my health improved, and In two weeks trim the time I eommenccal 'ming It. I was able to be out and rarer .so my businew, and labor. which I still conthrne to dyne I hare taken four bottle. of the medklae, and now consider myself terfectly well. JERE-MIMI LSGIIIOCI. : ; ; Lake Co - ma. Ju'; , ; Jen, D. PA22—DI.O, Fir. In I our attacked pith o toner of tophobi character, which left me it a seer ' detiltetacl nate, when. la the following winter,' teas Ga bon with • rte em coil. which minced ma to mob an ex. tout to dire toe the a0,0 , 1101/10 , of suonfirmed =comp- • 11sPOTed undrr a severe rough—walieturnted egteet ' deal. and was troubled with eat fort and night tweeds. I eleia frecuently raised blood from my bansta. I continued In this stole, pudually rioting larder the diacare, until lannii7, 1 , 47, erkttu I was rain attacked with forer. friends &optic.' ,my Ilk. ant tor Phisiciatir thought I could sarrire but X. short nine. My nein:min., especial if toy feet, wet, eminently crAl. Rai almost 10.1 their feel ing. Under these Ore.:WA/ore It may to trll7 tal.4/ waa • 11,100 611.21,1013. , I 00kUT 0e 1,00110,1 to quit taint. , dim.. preen - deal by phi titian+, and try Dr. Wlitara Bal sam of iyild Cherry, and from .the tint week that 1 cora. mendri raking It, Inu dite spyrulual recovery. I 011101/. toe 110 o n rlx month., at /Lc end of which time 1 wit car ol. and eojoyea goad health ow slues, and cliourfolly rr tesaend the Italoun to all All/60 alitietdl with of llic m Linn, cud would say tn Chore roottaencing its an, net to he diseouragcl it too or three bottles do tea effect • turn but perrovere, at I hare done, ant I horn no doubt but trine tame out t tea, will be bleNaitt 0110 renewed . health ki I hare been. tio.yeotfully route. JOSEiII JACKSON. 1111 , 011,40, TO 11105,./11171.111 , 1 , letrit MS/WA or Jae MOMS From Ur. Dater. acrlogneli, Washington Comity. liy. oareedmin. KT- 1181 11.09. Measramaim' t Paries—l take this opportunity of in forming you of 0 Imod. remarkable. mire performed upon nie Ly the use of Br- Wietarlu Balsam of Wild Cherry. In the Tear 1.14 I VO.l taken with an Irdlareationef the boels. which I labored nnder foe nix weeks. a hen gral., malty moverwl. . In the fall of 1641 I was attacked wilt a severe to which waled itself upon my lunge. and Meth/ spar of three, years I 11.. .Wined to MT Lad. 1 Wed all Mats of enedielmosal every varietyeif aid. without brae. ft. and thus . I wearied along. until the winter of I€ll, when It beard of Dr. Wistarls Beisain of Wild (Merry. MS frin4o peroudat ma to .1.011 . trloL thoogh I hd /Mew up all hopes of recovery. ant had prepared Myself far the change of another world. Through their aolleitations 1 Pas , induced to make me of the genuine Wistaria Italeata of Wild Cherry. The edict was twir .t.aganz. SA. CM. yearn of aenction and ParOling. and after being mat four or live handled dollars to a) purpose, and the beet and meet respectable phydelani bad proved unarall ing. I vase/ion restored to entire health by the blklidt of Owl and the use of Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, May the blessing of .404 rest opal !th. MoTrietom er valuable a towlicine 00 Wlstais Balsa:not Wild Chilli. Tours t Wit, 11. Batts. 'Soli by J. B. POOO. (suoccas. prin. Sanford t Park.)Toorth and Weinatetreets, ClnehanatiOkios Oenonl ARrnlbr 900th ad West to whom all orders mad be addreetied. J. .I[lol Co.. B. A. Falmestook A Co.. 30.1 Wileor,jr..9ltraburgh; ice A. ]Latham, Allegheny Cirri Ls T. nurse% Washingtmals IL Bowie, Uniontown, B. Welty, Urecnsbizer. a Koontz. Econemt Seca t liatriore. Redford; Reed tr. bon, Illuntingdom D.o.D.r, liollldaystdaw Hildebrand I Co.. ltallanat J. K. Wright W _litillanntnat Evans Co.firailmillt A. Wilson It Son, atrestkligl Meltstaind Co. M. Callerdes. Meadville. Burton i• kriw, Graham It Porker, ilercen Jam. Kelly 1 Co. Bob ter 8. Math, Beaven J. 0. lintnimertnn. Warren: V. Is A C. 11. tour. Coudersport P. limemmßle. feblbabiathOT Needles ' Celebrated • pOMPOUND ILEMLOCK PLASTER.— It_r Those highly medlcaded plasters have Icam suede for mere than twenty yes.. dullog ate:oh tine they hay. galpo tie= stA,;gellogi l lirter i rver. offered. Plir; delam of the highesterahrence. to whom thaw mom., tam h. been bmitted. bare riven the most rattarink teenninedale .su their entice:sr virtue over 111 other hi. - tem 'od. T. Ingredients of their rani poaltiow vel7careflillyaoil eomedy mder them Peculiarly applicable to perron..timinst pottnonam - • • hoop 0 the and resulting Man protracted oat.. and local pain the 1r grip. lieutale , l a me hody, their beneficial cbmarter hi beyond glintan or divide. • reyoedy in Lumbago. them 111. such as annsiatde r e l '..ll7l ‘ ,,rO r til ° , `"" AlfSATlt... Fir a.kne... aris o pains in chi bark ersti l aida lefolung (rem Pe, ere 'trains, diseases of the kidneys. (0.., their 01.- EVEI r goLT21 0 01 1 0;1P074= b g2= 1 ::1 1 11T la.t.d tkri aiV e rrola ie . .r:gue= a l , 4lScr ;Legitimate pains. the. ihat their benielle;e ' l car. 01 be tou . mi very tl t eridod "'"" ; ' Vor vale 'wholesale ad retail. t motif. It. E. VSLI.EIta 07 Wood also THOMAS HALE, BOSTON AMERICAR HOUSE, CONSCIIPTION OP TUE LUNCH. The Human Body Nut Perspire, ,1 Q 0 SAIS NATURE, to tare M healthy, op paranom and penury e.t.a. not mdspin, atit Bane tnthe most dleurustlng Y Pin Disease, -hots, JunClr 7talian Chemical heap nunst n free pesspirallnu, and at the soma time redlines mad softens the MUM !riving It Ms learnsa of an infant's. :curry, Pet thrum. and Pare, an. not only heard; bat cured by Its use. as sr Isust. 7 physicians In h. Park know o who use It In such cases, and Pad it tusfalllng,sd Pimple., Blotch,. )'rockier. or any Ohm! skludussen, nos reader I, wound that this is no wale+, !as ma trial will prase.' 1 mild enumerate at lest minty yellow cured of 1.0. head. some legs, and my heard. BUY It—and tbn reedy L •;11.10 lunlnal I Would netts.. ell) sell It for tbs StpeVe, 001.00 knew It to to 0111 Mate. Those who me Holds to chafed. Mappsd [cot, will find this uot only a enis, tan a preventive!.tal Lo w sum may add. that any one adlimed with any mf theabste, or sla th er dinas,, will end this MI, and rrrn more maim. sable In Its nroPcmll wa tam i, "' lrs'fafancbemtwsoa •=1 red "' et ` si Agent Pindll buy it Only Of W NI. let 0.. Ph. head uf wo,a. , Pearly White Teeth, and Pare Breaili, to be had for P. 5 rents.Psrec p s who bate bly teeth decayrd• d." lb Malay, a. • ..So.nt box rill Make au_,l:4o ,ihicl9.lo EIEME A Ezientifii iter.—Trial Ent, Ccral W n n. whn hare will unlztrZ i latz i i rehd.yl.inu It drc.l. the tac-i 4 , .4; cnly at 1111.4.AC6202:13 EtOre, 240 LioexTT erect. .bca4 Wcal. Final:Jun . • • knce..1 . 44 cerat, 40 vent., 4441 YL. • JONES' SGlution 6r Jet, a Liquid Human Ilair Dye. Itr the chenaing cf red. or grey twautiful bray n. or blue 'et color, in o few cutout. . . . Yrieur—tu $l. Ezl.l try W3l. JACK:W:4,3'AI) Liberty street, hrulLf Wco3, Pitta) ucaL. JONES' LILLY IV eau acreed aninost wing -the They aeon , l e Prigh•r•lly Mllirlow it Is to the Win h ot bow ,Crl.b, how fallow. renew lTal , lehe •.hebiAtlttir the Ale htheerh " P' red inyurkrus. inutalolon a Jar, quantity of load! .• I • H. We have prevailed a bagman I yr Falai* altluleothkhtry All lone Smolon Lilly is yer4ctlfmtnaot , tits pnolflod of dalalMOna a he hertz t•Lb.•••• • Wont. blankly whnr it at lb& nun non octlnfaniloiy• sone on the onto, fo ad= toldift'a a r t .. rryt. r i r. doelkonsylrn B 1111- ham ond .06045. e f^llovia, partArtinv 4 evre.curf gror mut. 9cast ~ ."r~"t.