The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 14, 1851, Image 2

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To tilb . Whig's of PesonyNoma.' - , ~
, C.r . 4. tTATt. CON ThNTIOS will be ttel4 in thwglt.T.
tt lotheinet, 012 tt - 1151:11Y. June 11.411.1 , 11. 111. the T n.-
rAsa of teJecthatt Ihr tla, .Alle. of Goeonnor all)
...a Ccsa.t...ner, nr.d C. f Jui.tet off
the Suprehje
WM. 11,..):11V 3f. FllLLElt.Chalemin. '
j Y ' Tt r h " W ' r q''"'' ' ' ' . ' g ' !.l "l l ' c ' hff * : .
Win. l ' t illinai, I 5... 1 . 1 ' B. 11.... .
Fatnutl 1)111. . Itha : 1 . Brma,
NataE.llll.hale. . T. Tto: - . 1 . Worth.
We1..1. Roblnwm. L • Alex...der E.
Werdwial...erw-o.n. i ... I'l"r
-'Manes e..(h4Lras.. . w.. 11. Wad.
e Henry Johnte..l).. . I Sauna 411.11,
Cho... B. 11.14 z4.1.r.., 1 Mon..) 11. l'hulp,
(1e.., Cw....—r. I
C. Wileon,
1/...1. Einuwy,, , John Allitwo.
C.O. Looml, banl,l Mel:m . 4Y.
AThn 1' ...-
).' ". 1 t;wer t . Menton.
Kit e'':"' •,i.,, . Al.: r M. MoClurr.
' ' j°
' '. °"
L. 1 . .CM,12t '3'ilil'in-Creurr.
Onto CE.nrsit ariainor..D.—Thu, subscription
to the Ohio Cedtrai 'been defeaied
in Belmont eotinty, by majority of 2M votes.
The St. Chairs - nth:Advuesto a_aya this will be
glorious new, tollarrison and Jefferson counties,
113 they will ndiv }lnd dilEculty in forming n
junction v.ith tte rentrai Ohio 'Railroad at Zones
ruin is the ht:A, 1 lan in any event, an it
lets to build to o - Foal. so near nigetber. she
B . teuhenville Corinany Will press on their tiork.
they will atipernede the other work entirely lie
twees Zanesville end Wheeling.
What a wort i of prudence and caution is tie
% 'cessaiy In thi age of superficial theorising,
, amid the rush of every description of would-be
' ' philarithropis • and reformers. The world is full
of near theorie in reference to every branch of
knowledge, an 4 every moral and political duty,
and no theoris can be so wild as not to attract
contests oven though he requires no to surren
der reason, an. the evidences of our senses, and
'to embrace so ...3 fantasy of an excited and over
' wrought imagiation. Let us keep to the old
land-marks on it we have thoroughly ' satisfied
i „
atient and searching tign
, thin, that we c n take a step in advance, and
ilea every steplmill be firm and sure, and not
• to be 'retraced with regret and mortification.—
' Thu headlong reformer it well described by the
Ditti burgh Review: .
~, • . "The unreasoning philanthropist, grown insp.
lent from a persuasion of his own righteousness,
does not seruplelo•inveigh against, at cold and
hard•hearted, all who are clear beaded enough to
tee, and to denounce, the evil consequences
which must result from his inconsiderate and
short sighted proceedings. In the very spirit of
the Pharisee, he asetimee that be is alone sympa
thizing and tender hearted; sod that all those
who—taught by a longer experience, a deeper in
sight, a morn studious inquiry-.would prevent
Lim from losing the battle by charging headlong
before the line is formed, or the weapons distri
buted, or the ground examined, are selfish, indi&
Tercet, and unfeeling. While these men rush
fiercely on social evils, fancying it possible to
sweep them away by an instantaneous blow, and
always theist in scrambling out of the bog on the
wrong side because it is the nearest; the very
aim of the philosophy they misconstrue and de
, cry, is to EAU them from the sin and the remorse
of aggravating tho evils both deplore, by setting
/ •out to combat them upon the' wrong system."
• i -
. _
bare been kindly' areisbed with n copy of the
fallowing letter:
MT. VEDSOS, Onto April 8. 1851.
To Genera W. ZirshinE , n, Prraidzw, of the 0.
one P. R. R. Co.
have the pleasure to . inform you
and the R. R. Co. over which you preside, that
on yesthrdsy, under a low of onrStatc, this coun
ty voted urr-a the question of a loan of or, ties
n. Jrad and rnous•a•-id dollars of Coulity Bonds
as a loan to stock subseribars for making our
railroad fraru this town to' connect with your
road at or near Loudonville, suol :Le vicinity and
the rnault is a lerg u :majority in favour Of ithning
the Bonds with the Coouty Guiir.autee.
By this vote we entertain a sanguine hope we
may be able to get our road under contract so as
to Wove it in readiness. fur. the iron about the
Arne yours will be completed to Inudonvillo. •
Yours with esteem.
• I . Sigued • 'IIOSMER CURTIS,
Pree •a• Colunibia and Pittanur—li R. R. Co
The company to ',due:. this subscription bee
been mode, is tho ••Ca.Tacoons and Pittsburgh
-Railroad Cotopuny" chsrtered foe the purpose o
making a Rood from :nolo poiot on the Ohio an
Pennsylvania Railroad, ut or Loudonville i
Ashland county, to .M.‘,03. , Vormon ar.dCblumbus
This subscription by Raox county will ewer* tbt
construction of the road fra= Lactioavillo to Mt.
Vernon, where it will concoct with the Reilreat,
now in operation to Nerem.C. At. Newark it in f'
tereeris theC.ziumbur. and Zanesville Road.- 1,
This branch will therefore open up to as nil tha
region of Central Ohio between Columbus an
Zanesville; and between Columbus and the lin
of our road; and it also gives no a tolerably di
rent lino to Cincinnati Whether it 'will be ex
tended to Columbus, as originally contemplated
is doubtfuL LA new project hos boen a
which will probably supersede that, and whic .
will givens as direct a connection withßinclima
u we could desire. That is, to construct 4.
Railroad direct from Mount Vernon to Spriol
' passing through Delaware. This line would
pass northwest of Columbus, and through a r
• eerier rich country which hos no Railroad f;
aides, and which could support a Railroad by
its coal trade. This project 15, in the hands of
able and enterprising men, and now that thb
section between Loudonville and )loan Vernori
is prim - Med for, we hare no doubt they will urge
it forward to a successful I,ELIP. Such a lin
.sriD distance all competition, between Cincinna
and the eastern cities, especially when the no°
Lin section of our Central Railroad is complet..
• leiter:l'pm Harrisburg, that the committee
the Senate has struck out of the Appropriatio
bill, the appropriation for the Western Penney
Tanis hospital. This will cause much reg .
ALLrOulogy--Nriv PAVE. too —The folio
iug is the section of a bill which hoe passed bo
heroes of the Legislature in relation to grading
and paving in the City of Allegheny
Bee. 3. That the Councils of the City of Alle
gheny shall have power by ordinance to grade
and re-grade. pave and re-pave, or MeAdamiue
any permanent street, lane, alley oe
or any part thereof, by or without petition, as
provided for in'a supplement to the act entitled
“an act to incorporate the City of Allegheny,
regulating streets • in " the City of l'ittaburgll,
and notheriting the town council of morf
angshell City to collect wharfage—approved
April 6th A. D. 1549. And they shall have posq
er to les> , and collect a special tan to defray thb
expenses thereof as provided for in the form
set, and that so much of sold act an ie inconsi -
tent herewith is hereby repealed.
This grants to Councils full power and autho -
ity to improve any street of the city which i
' their wisdom they may see proper. Hitherto t
has been urged, when the horrible condition .f
the streets has been complained of, that the Co ...
Ails had no means to spare for improving etreete,
and that two-thirds of the people °w arty val
eta's street would not petition for improveme t
under the special tax law .; All 611C11C1C112.3 e
cow removed. 'Kim whole power is now M e
hands of the Councils, and if the people have
• walk through the mad another year, the Comer
' only aril' be to blame. We havo now specitie t
couitabllity resting where it cannot be shalt n
of and the City ,Esthers there may be assurfd
that the people will require them to do their d y
in this moat important matter, which is ono -
footing the,imesperity of that place more than
other reso- combined. ALI the. central part of
the city, where . the grades are already ma de r
pearly so, together with the bottom, from t e
aqueduct to the let. Ward School House, oug t
• to be paved without d..ay. Ohio and Re . a
streets ahould be graded cud improved, and the
grading eu various other streets proceeded with.
The whole work should be undertaken with
oroas action, and enlarged view, and in a few
years Allegheny, as a place of residence, will
have no superior.
Francisco Tapers inform us that the Steamer
Santa Mira Iran burned on the morning of the
4th of ,North. She was lying in the harbor and
It was with eposiderohlo difficulty that thotouldhe
tagrod of tho surrounding vessels. Two firemen
yerobarned to death, and another missing is e4p-
Posed to bairo,jumped into the river cud drowild.
' The Sante Clara was owned by comfifodore
Stockted and G S 9. dew nsrall. The total lOss
esiiguideket. $20,000:
• ' SlNGlit.fat Stactidir —A ehoetta 'rniSigo4 illiam
- -
liii ' E i ioo4 iiilllflili . ENTl Lai'il:D . ' ,:::.i i.vscle - I•set is CALITOUNIA.—The late arrii , 4l •
I -1
17 paZorl d y
t . 1767: 1 5 ' t hi ins lif :lm il e ih nt, ad e a g . t b a ort
t sil . te ela:t en ta.
brings.usaeveral instances of Lynch IM di ,„. ditFe 4.MA:et I or*, N cimo i p ni ts :
• ejta' ve a etnion3 turosedeteconnecbstltith the
I' ugh 8.443ing Spiritit, which iiner oely • •lltjferent plates, in one 'of which it taste mats.
ce company-, for t. 55,000 for otii r
hlicrous, but'a strong aeguro am ageing. the de.
tied to the extent of taking life_
„ t a te he
a e w t showed his pulley of in
.' , o e, or two ago, alexulg man residing , la San Francisco the paMies =dee trial were Idolises, liss rein anti - and di
' • one of our two cities: was induced to visit a ultimately handed over to the regular proceed-' o'clock, en the night of the same day. de hi s
in of the law. At Martinez the culprit caught I 77I ad tr a itr a ,. he }conversed wi th = several !oe his
h i ; ' ,L i i n ' lviiii winc o n li T t iri etat t r i z to k 7 c t l idti e r p i r , w „7,e, :t9 w h :, . ea the act of stealing Was punished with one,'
aetrntme r
-- f ather I would leave a.ririli wid:r) w b r i ' d far rth S' e 3 l4ll
'nested by a believer', to euulicipate in t h e ' hundred lashes from a six tailed cat, ld., that he
..yauaiia its , a....k•n i g ie 6, gas k u . spi r i t wae • having vainly offered two thousand dollars' for 1 stating that they would never see Limwith some,
Liverpool, about eight miles from York. &-
the mmission of the infliction. again.—
The outline of the Sacramento affair is as fol.
m .„ . j fore lee reached home he was seised with violent
He was in good apparent health and spirits at
• ne, To this he consented , and the spirits ,
.sacred eYes." Afteithree or four additional
i w esti ,s o th ns ;t th o ;
th re a PkY ya r ag e a t e s t , th fa i l a gr ni : n n eett nPi e r ;
• Thar;sda a. y„ r at 2 . o'clock, George — y - • e gate, (a mile from York) was in a ; t ry ' °ii.
' :
' vomiting and purging, and when el dy'
a en t an nac a ra r mento, ta f r ollo a win th
Men called, but stated that he:would die. - WI
g ab — el coodlion. ilere-he refereed to Il e aVea i lihy s: -
at home, he objected to the milling of a physi
c !regions, were answered, to the effect that the
a irit wished his son to believe in these rapping , . ! down and mortally wounded, by Frederick de t r t iCk J et .
elide d; tald It wife f that i he would die, that he had
•at he was bound to believe with the evidence I Rowe, a gambler. The event took place oppo
aa p ta me a v a m oth ms ‘ag o a r ace e p r t 7 aa d ra h a er a femily,
theF French
ore him , ,ec. All the wonders of the knocking • site the Mansion House, corner of J. street and
difficulty herd occurred at a that he
Is 'stem were adralrably tlisplayed, until at length
e‘ M e' ente A
t• a young man, having a desire- to menu° hint.
al re rardita
hata. t aa ab a le, lar w a hic a h r welted inn person
n clerk of the company in which heyetliteerctsewdihthist•mhe
perms. . r.
self secretly, of certain points concerning the suranee, and in a abort time afterwarde died sit-
Myers, who happened Lobe near r by at the time ,,
t till.-iti hls .
warm believer, who had induced him co begir, the endeavored to separate the combatants, and sue' ?
A poet-mo te ' •
i;terview, asked whether some mental questions ceeded in taking away Bowe from a man whom Rutherford ,
r af m il examination was made by Dn.
meld be answered. The spirit knocked-..y e i , •• he had most cruelly beaten, when the Letter and indications of arsenic i H a a th ller, of York
nd the young man, irking his naiad upon the 1 d en ee te w ei t i
uhject, put the following question mentally e
r. Mr. -- a ;rear rarreal !
The meet emphatic affirmative knocks were sure:holey:dr
t an th d a discharged
araraa it a the ball ball
Cal wound . The details ;Lich were ver.t ww' o r e .
the examination, will afford a full knowledge of
I s t le a e ,a c a l
r re h u:n : a m: c r e h s a a t tt rr e nfi a i a n t g a t a h ra e
mac:ant:3 is d occupy
ri The stomach, with its contents,
a stomach. d
a ea
to Philadelphia, and analysis made by lie Bridgee,
who by all the usual tests, discovered aasenie in
large quantities.
While in Harrisburg Ire visited one of the eel
' ediatelY heard, an d the young man wait , dad. Rowe p was s im p mediately arrested P bv ec tle u e - tare in company with the clerk ab ove referred
ongratulated on his =mess in his interview.-- marshal of the city and placed in the lock-op
ometed by a further cariosity, be asked ninth• provided at the corner of J. and ' streets. • -
pair. --r— bad not been guilty of a certain • increased Li r
The crowd about the door of the vratch-house to, and with him partook of oysters, and was
observed by the young man inattendence taking
Ins plate in en adjo'reing room pulling f rom
leis pocket. a small white paper 133 he p '
piece of rascality, which be clearly defined in i .
,men[, e c n " t, " a e n d d a r 'p
strong idly a e l m te o r ti O h re r e
e P rr ri n n et " e e d r ' We "mi:esti:me-- this room. In conversing he enquired a Ze '‘ t i o 't d t e:
lorming the question. Another volley of :At- ' bled rases: A meeting sit,, finally organized, effect a of suicide on the policy, and stated to the
oyster man that his life woe insured now, he
atiTe knocks followed, and the young man, and it was resolve!, to pot the man to death by
del nt care how soon he died, that he would'nt
eying tell the object ,of hieanxione inquiry, I hanging- insure if he thought he would live long. 'Pbe
about nine o'clook---the eight
nd the rest of the company, :that Lis . secret',
the dark—the w Z w eentee in of I • ~ w e ,e physicians making the post-mortem exam:a
-• ereatiorts had been very important, end ! Some of them rushed to .
a n a rre a le a l eia.ineerie,yaleltaidoUllp don testified before the inquest diet nu person
sewers exceedingly satisfactory, took his dep.. 1 the posts, and at once attacked the door of the co a uld
i te h ke d such a quantity of arsenic as the de
em. If he went away convinced that be left station Lowe, with these haltering nines. Soon -c tin ue ,r e a . r
his knowledge. Near the
erson resemblin him
he presence of rascality, he can hardly be called the door pal ed , being demolished hy repeated fully in description ce ' ll n ed P at the Dru etere g ne
• charitable, for the plainest r !ogle must force a l ar a r . ad Ileadp
sh pa e r r s i e ff ll t arris satrooda,iotthaeadroooar: ant thooffloo of the company , and
pne L ed a h 7 l i,
•ltu to this concluzion., If the rapping was a at
cu t i n ti.„.,n h aa,traaa h g ld a : t threat ! ounce of arsenic, first asking fur half that quan
• umbug, it was the work of some rascal: if there cuing. Finally, the crowd in the rear made a full
l az i l r e , i , p a o a n r, 3eeing it weighed out requesting the
as 00 deception:then' his enthusiastic' acquain- i ranks forward, which placed those in the front
De Cellender was in failing circumstances ,
ace - must be as outrageous scamp: Thisaffair 1 =e h '
a tt t eae, e r , l e d ‘ i ? v, e „,n wi e i d rte n ; h il i e s eei e e e • i et en a " d e pressed with care, trouble and poverty, ad o re, '"
annot be blamed on the old scape-goat, Simon !
v tle " npo p pulace brou ght' in
of p til t : prisol- !leek leaving concluded upon suicide, Le de-
Ladd. who learned to 'spell phonetically in the ; Cr, The prisoner, Frederick T. Roe, was in thee t a ermintel upon a cold speculation on death, but
inferrad regions, for the previous questions were i inner cell, chained to a post. After a long de- .
aa lh i i , s a h , e ti l , s a d a e o f , eated by the policy itself—inas
excepts the sui
trio well answered to admit of any doubt- The I ley the chain was severed, .d Le was then seir- cid, —Marriden t rgh c iat 'Ped'ilY
, eel and hurried upstairs into the street
apostle of the spirits is dens placed in an awkward
1 It was then announced that the prisoner
dilemma ; he must either renounce them as hum
i would lee hung on Sixth street, between K and 1.
hugs, or bow to their testimony against himself. • from one of the large oaks. The crowd proceed-
This is not a jest, but a fed, which lee could 1 inercedistely to that point, tit about half-pest
readily prove. : nine o'clock. The prisoner was strciegly guard-
We have heard also of n young man who in. ed ihh elad take% tephr.lwatos
intersection dh of
deed a female metliunt to give Lim sundry ins - ' a c t,';.swi,etin, street ,„,,,i • e '''
• C M'.
then to the p ce i of '
portant messages from'his mother in the spirit J ~,e r je ja,
world, and after he had carried the three to a ' The prisoner gale his net. re Frederick J ithe,
sullicent length, quietly informed the lady thatend Was 20 years of age. Ile was born in Eng
he had left his mother well and hearty at borne, j I l ritd, where his mother and siv h se a rs h now h reside.
a few hours before. Eft:omens of this kind begin
1 coun t f e e n 't a u nTer. w h e i " bite r d ettw a care- t wo o rte g tewhole
to thicken, and we doubt not, will lead to the , and his physical system seemed to have been:en
rerthrow of the imposition, bereand elsewhere. I direly prostrated in viewer die awful fate awed
' ing him.
.3 temporary scaffolding lead been erected un
der one of - the trees, which was occupied by the
prisoner, Mr. Kightmire, s clergymen who had
been invited to attend, and several others. Af
ter Arriving as the place of-execution, a rope was
provided, and the prisoner furnished with a glass
of wider, it being understood that he would na
cker4 the crowd.
The prisoner meted, thrort:th - the fieverned
Mr. Briggs, that be had done the deed in a
moment of passion, and had nothing to nay for
We are indebted to the members of the Legis
ture from this county, am *ell to GOT. Johastoo,
for public documeats.
JENNY LIND is advertised, in the Wheeling
papery, to sing in that city on the 21st or 22d
instant. The Methodist E. Church, on Fourth
street, has been engaged for the concert, and is
to be splendidly illuminated with Gas put up for
the occasion. It is calculated to hold 2,000 per
sons. Tickets, $5, to be had on application to
'the Committee who made the engagement with
A , Aloseas Br.4t-rr T W "—A lette, Ira=
a gentleman of Pittabnah, to his friendin liar
riabur,-,11, contain.: the following yaragrardi
Crushed as lam with disease, such remem
brances inspire one with a feeling that there is
that within, which neither disease nor death.
as extinguish. The highest issra/ inspiration
I ever knew was in battle, and the rerun,
branees if all we then encountered, dared and
endured, still give me the highest moral inspi
ration. There is a note beauty in war, and I
cannot but think the man but sadly ors,loised
who can see it not.
We can feel that there is a —moral beauty"
in peen, and in tho arts of pea.. We _can see
moral sublialty in the prophecy of that "goal
conalrig" erlacn emu shall beat their
bworcis into plough shares and their spears into
pruning hooks, and shall lean sere no more, and
when nothing shall hurt or d.seop but we con
fess that we cannot etc the moral beauty of war,
wren at the risk of being placed in the category
of the ...sadly orstmized."
03.7 07 GOLXG TO 11/7. WOULD'S FA7A—The
T. Tribune is giving come calculations es to
the expense atteudiog a vielt to the World's Fair.
The ow:0112g= it comes toic as follows:
Fare doing and returning in n steamer 5:00
Gratuities to sensate on steamers 5
Railroad fare to London and back 14
Board in London four week. 8.5
flack hire (look out sharp for thedrivers) lR
Amusements, excursions, A.e. 25
Fare from London to Paris and back 15
Expenses a week in Paris 40
This is as marl em amount as the trip can he
made for, awl any one intending to make. it bad
better add 30 per cent to the calculation.
WED:maim . , April It.
In Senate, on motion of Mr. Carothers, the re
solution from the House, -giving the 1132. t of
this Commonwealth to the purchase of grounds
in the city of Pittsburgh, by the United States.
for the erection of public buildings, and rekno.
ing the same from tam.. won taken pp. ren.l
second and third time and passed.
Mr. Brooke, (Finance) reported the general
Appropriation bill with amendments.
Oa motion of the same Senator, -.aid bill was
taken up in Committee of the Whole, Mr. Mulo
lenberg in the chair, and after sometime reported
to the Senate with sundry amendments.
The bill was then taken up on second rending,
and the neveml sections agreed to as far as
the thirteenth.
Mr. Crabb moved to amend that section by re
ducing the ntimber of judges in the first judicial
district, from four to three; which was agreed to
by a vote of yeas 22, nays S.
Mr. Crabb moved also to amend by increasing
the salaries of the judges of the diStrict court to
$2,600, which, after having been amended on
motion of Mr. Packer by striking out $2,600 and
inserting $2,500, was agreed to.
Mr. Konigmacher moved to increase the sala
ry in the Lancaster district to $2,000 per annum,
which was not agreed to, yeas 10, nap; 20.
In the Mourn, the amendments relating to the
Franklin Canal company and the Pittsburgh and
Erie railroad companyccupied the whole session
and were not disposerof when the House at six
o'clock adjourned.
A Goan Borixess.—The buliness of the PAts
burgh and Cleveland Railroad has increased so
rapidly as to render necessary already an addi
tional Passenger Car. The road enjoys a pros
perity beyond the mast sanguine expectations of
its warmest friends and projectors. Although
the Spring business has hardly commenced, the
amount of freight carried, of itself pays the whole
expense of the road. Who, in view of such, facts
can doubt the success of the Wayne and
Branch'.—AL - ron Beneyn. _
HON. -OVO/LOZ Cuomnrs.s.—We learn from
liurriabrugh that-Governor Johnston has nom
tasted the Hon. George Chambers. of Frank
lin &linty, to fill the vacancy on the BiT.i.:ll of
the Supreme Court, caused by the recent death
of the Hon. Thomas Burnside. This is in all
respects an admirable selection. Mr. Cham
bers deservedly ranks among the foremost
men of Pennsylvania, audio distinguished alike
for hie eminent legal abilitiee, and his social
und personal merits. Ae • representative in
Congress, and • member of the °animation to
reform the Constitution of the State, be proved
himself a statesman of enlarged and comprcben
nive at the bar he Lae been remarkable
for the extent of his learning, his reedy appre
hension, his well-balanced mind, and hie easy
eloquence; and he will adorn the judicial sta
tion, to vhkb ho has been nailed, by the wis
dom of his eatneell, the dignity of hie deport
merit, end the sliotieso integrity of isle character.
—.Vert'. American.
Tat WORSD'I Fain LS ran limier, 61.5ig3.-
- A. creating of the delegates of the various Rail
read and Steamboat-Companies, woe held at the
Astor 11003 C, in New York, a few dart blocs,
with reference to the increased fealties that
will be requi-ed 'by the publio on the occasion
of theproposed Word's Fair, to be held on Go
vernor's hand, in c : 1852. Resolutions were
adopted to hold an adjourned meeting at the Au.
for Rouse at 12 o'clOck, on the 30th April, to
.conside; the means of accommodating the in
creasentmount of travel which may be espea
ed, and earnestly requesting the attendance bf
the Directors of all the railroads and steamboat
iontes, , and the proprietors of steamboats and
stages at rich minting. '
A rope was; thrown over a limb, a handker
chief placed over the prisoner's head his hand.
and feet tied: and the rope adjusted. The crowd
to witness the solemn scene did net number
than .5000.
Every thing was eenducnd in au orderly but
firm manner. aptl after the duties of the clergy
man were over, the prison was launched into
eternity amid a profound silence which per
vaded the vast multitude. Ho was W . W.I from
the platform. and no he was let off, while tho
rope was drawing up he uttered a groan and said,
“Lord, have ;array on my soul." Atterastraggie
he hung qcititly. When fifteen or twenty tun
tito 1 had elapsed he was lowepntal and delivered
to his friends. who took him to the Mer.slou
and eudaavared to restore him, bat as we learn
without avail
Brats° GARDEN watt PZNIMTLVIIII.4. itattsolo. ,
—We announced in our paper of yesterday that.i,
the Commissioners of Spring Garden, at their I
meeting lieLl on the previous evening. adopted. '
by a unanimous vote, the bill authorizing an ad
ditional subscription of eight thousand shares to
the capital stock of the Pennsylvania Railroad.
This result of the deliberation of the Board must
afford the liveliest satisfaction to nil who are in-
terested in the success of the great work which ,
is, destined to accomplish so much for the future
commercial importance and prosperity of theme
tropolis, and reflects the highest honor upon
those gentlemen to whose enlightened liberality i
we are indebted for so munificent a contribution
towards the ConSUMett un of the eutererioa. They ,tit
have evinced, by their action, that they were ea- '
pable of duly appreciating the interests of their
District, as they ore dependent on the comple
tion of the great highway in question, and they i
have entitled themselves, by the promptness. I
unanimity', and generosity with which they have
discharged the high trust committed to them, to 1
the admiration and gratitude of the whole State. !
es well as to that of the particular portion of
our citizens whom they immediately represent_ I
I There cannot be a doubt now, we think, that the
ultimate effects of the Central Railroad in pro- :
meting . the growth of Spring Garden in porde-.
tion, building improvement!, industrial activity,
and general wealth, will fully approve the wis.
: dues of her commissioners to the noble sithscrip- ,
non which they have resolved upon.
1 A glance at the map will show that, in Terri- ,
: torial extent, the district referred to is but little
inferior to the city proper. and as the business '
of the port inereases, multiplying tabor in all its
forms, extending the area of merelautile opera
tions as well an that of all the pursuits of Indus.
i try, amt bringing into reinisition the utmost re
sources of Philadelphia to supply the expanding
activity and necessities of the people, we may
expect to see every foot of ground within the
limits of Spring Garden taken op by the splendid
improvements, the compact dwellings, and the
' varied, multitudinous occupations of a crowded,
busy, enterprising population. The impulse to
so desirable a progress ne this, will only be g.ven
when the Pennsylvania Railroad, on the oe
hand, and our line of s teamers to Liverpool onn
the other, arc finally and fairly in operation: hut
when them potential agencies in our future pros•
perity have once begun to realize the hem:in-MI
results expected from them, no one would pre
tend to fix the bound, of that career of advance
ment which will he opened to die city and its ad
jacent municipalities. to view of the noble ex
ample of Spring Garden, which has exhibited so
conspicuous a goof of its faith in the success and
prospective profits of the road connecting us
with the West, it is to lie hoped that Southwark
and Kensington will not hesitate longer to add
the weight of their proposed subcriptions. When
that is done, we may regard the completion of
the work as virtually accomplished, and look
forward with confidence to the amplest rewards
for our Itheiality anti public spirit —North
44 nierieo,
"Spurtn , ot Piss m00n.".-A ••rapping mini
fentotion - in, been made in thin city during the
riot week, which completely dissipates the
..knee-crocking" theory of the doetor«.
The account though hard to ci edit, is 'invited
by eight or ten respectable citizene, who were
ear-witomsen. Th,“rtianifestotionn" weremode
through n -medium - from Auburn, who., lies
been passing several weeks in thin city. After
some MOVIerSO6OII in the anual monomer, by
rapping', the ••spirits" were requested to glee
••mneical demoostratiups," which hod been
done on a previous_ occasion. Very soon the
company were, astonished at hearing distant
music, similar to, but indescrihably superior to
that made by the :Bolles harp. It is stated by
those present that voices were also beard, though
too much mingled with the instrumental music
to be plainly distinguished. By request, the
music came nearer,, and at Met was brought
into the room occupied by the company. Also,
by request, "Sweet Horne," and several other
familiar compositions were lung and played
by the ••spirits." The music is described as be
ing of sufficient volume to have filled any of the
churches of our city.—Syracuse Jour.
It would be a pity, indeed, If all the wonder
ful and extraordinary manifestations of the
•spiritual rappers" should be confined forever
to the humdrum business of telling the ages ofde
funct individuals,—sometimes right and some
dines altogether wrung. Thu thing would be
come effete and worthless in a short time if its
highest experimente were in the "old clo" line.
Progress is the word; and nun ico*eati of discor
dant tappings and sawing', mid dreadful pul
line of coat toils, we are to have spiritual bar
molly' We go in for a public concert iu one of
our large halls, That would ho something to
speak of.—lioch,ine , Ihmocrat.
W. L. CLIAPIAW boo gone to Ohio, and on "the
Reserve," it is said, intends to hold a eerie, of
Anti-Slavery meeting. with the object of pre
senting his case to the people, and of receiving
contributions for the relief of his bondsmen.—
The Syracuse Journal says that several of his
personal friends devoted their entire Mellaß in
hie behalf, and by the forfeiture of hie boil, are
left pmaiiiless, and it adds that it is to indemnify
them thlt series of ••Chaplin Meetings" "here
been leld in this State and Masseehlyietts, end
that like . .meetlngs are to be held in Ohio, end
perhaps in some of the neighboring States,
The St. Louis Republican states that Capt. C.
11. Merrett, LI. S. Marshal for New Mexico,
reached that city on the lat instant from Santa
Fe. on his way to Washington. Capt. Merrett
finivlied taking the census of New Mexico, only
a few days before - starting for the States. The
New Mexican Territory contains a population
of 01,571. Of there 1150 are Americans. Among
Elio lexicaus over twenty years of age, there
is one In every one hundred and three who hue
learned to read.
Penneyhunk', Caqnrnict. —A joint committee
of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, estimate the
value of the present annual yield of the coal
mines of Pennsylvania, at $17,800,000, and the
annual product of furnaces, forges and rolling
mills, at not leas than $28,000,000. In about
two and a half years—the time since the discov
ery of the gold mines of California—it is estimat
ed that $95,000,000 have been taken out, or at
the rate of $28,000,004) per annum. The coal
and iron of Pennsylvania are therefore more pro
ductive than arc California's riches.
SINGCLAP rime:Dr.—At New Orleans, on the
llOth ult.. Charles Roussel proposed to his wife
that they should both commit suicide, to which
she assented. Ito then sent her to purchase some
arsenic, which she divided, and put part in
tumblers. dissolving it in water. They then sat
dean together, and the husband seemed total
ter. when she bantered him with being a tow
ard. lie then drank it down to the drugs, on
seeing which she 000ly threw her portion out
The Curoner'sjory, on heating the evidence, ren
dered it verdict against his wife for being acces
sory to his death, — ty procuring poison t
DCA TII or G.. Brun Basna.—A despatch
from Detroit brings the melancholy intelligence
of the sudden death of the bravo and venerable
Hugh Brady. lie had served his country with
great distinction, as the well-fought fields on the
frontier of 11312 attest. Gen. IL wu the oldest
officer in the army, his age being 84. He was
in Cleveland in 1840. on the occasion of the visit
of Gen. Harrison. For many years he had been
stationed at Detroit, and was beloved and hon
ored by o.llwho knew him His sun has set sud
denly, but gloriously.
A rriral of Afirrionorim—Tbe chip Washington
Allston, Copt Richardson. which galled from
Roston July 2.5, for Moulmein, With a large
number of missionaries, arrived at Amherst,
mouth of the riser Salwen Jan 22. The follow
ing arc the names of the mistionarim on boort
Rev. Messrs. J. Wade midwife; J. D. Vinton,
wife end two children; K. Kincaid, wife and
three children; M. Aronson. wife and child;
Wm. Ware an d wire; S. M. Whiting and wife
Dr. John Dawson, wife and two children; Mrs
O. T. Cutter Miss M. S. .Shaw; Mies lc.llain;
Master !mole, Harden and James Tripp, (two
Anal:nese:l end Mins Barnori, (an Assamese
Afr.../...hgn, formerly "Fanny Forrester." and
wife of the celebrated tunetionary, tlecertaekl,
I. about to return home from Calcutta. She
fn expected to arrive in thin country by the first
of June
Barnum's Last --We hear that Mr. Barnum in
about starting a monster travelling exhibition to
be called Bantam's American Museum and Men
agerie It it to he the largest travelling ester.
linhment in the world, and doubtless will create
a sensation in the towns and villages which it is
to visit in the course of the ensuing summer.
Littlefitld Newyd.—Mr Ephraim Littlefield has
retired from hit post as janitor at the Bolton
Medical College, and removed to Vermont, to
live upon a farm which he has purchased.
11 , ,Nrh of Pro,.,..—Onxian E. budge, the ',t
railed, was serrated in Lowell on Tuesday lank
on the ntit of the 3lisses blacomleer, fora bre.b
of proto•e of marriage--damages laid at $6,.-
yroie Bald —A letter ,lated in February.
from the Captain of n whaler to the editor of the
New I:edfor.l Nlereury, states that, at the time
of writing, there were seven condemned slave
M the part of St. Ilelcna, end shout KO
.l a ves. the ialancl Catching slave catchers
tow., be quite a profitable pursuit in that Na
polcau-mor,leting vicinity.
E..gratit re.. 14. —The Collector
of New urleafl i 0 prosreoting every ship that
00100% into port with more !manners than the
law allowo. A renal bringing twenty more
than her complement ht forfeited, and the cayt
Lain tined yql thr each rummager. A few Jaya
miner, the British Alp Virginia was sued fur nit
cocoon of twenty-three; the captain paid the pen
alty and 00010, which amounted to $1,250.
!lamb!, —A woman uanamillargarst 3liteti ell,
lying at the Sew York City hospital, serious
ly:injured by being beaten by her husband,
received from him on Sunday last four oranges
two of which she ate, and was taken dangerous
ly sick. tin examining the giber they were
rowel to contain artenic.
. _
hr r.uraerr or lint, Iciamhbigthr. April N, 11,61
lull.rruntlon lu. I. en rrcrlred at thIS D•partruent., from
Lat.m.r. Y. C. tl Coroul at St. Johns. P. Him at
uo. emi:, of Jam P01.1...r, lat.. of Nottbotuborlaud. North
mbrrlitlui ronutr. l',nooylvaula, on Itio Zth or Velma
suAl drat blf •Iffm.f.. aro left lu 134 me... Mon
Market Street Store for Rent.
FOR RENT.—The Store, tlB Market
rtxret, the mud door from the etmer of Nlartet
anA Librrty ormets. rare•relorr glean the lot of April
trert m,i l , lou/re of DAVID (MEER,
DM Pena at
ARE YOU A FATHER, laboring fur the
i re jzini from gamrsl dee
owlin U. • buM "'
Aee Mother, tufting nom dimmed to which to.
melee me generally sutlect, nee Dr. It ntisksr
po t , certain/7 Cnre
Cal at our det or on we of nor &mem and get
Piunrhbet. gnats. where you will Itrul that the ilhelter
mutt. prepared by D. S. D. Bowe, h. wee the
of curing m o r e dime. to which the
hum. family naw contiwntir r euVest, then wtly other
traltetion r memPeritm T Drought MIMI.. the
Vile med.. hen ...tithed ite high reputation by 14
cunarous and wen attal CUM.
It le put up ho wort hot ea, and le the only Sknuiparillii
that nets on the Lim, Kidneys, and blood et Um same
time, which modem it altogether more valuabla to eyerl
pattladarlY to Dm."
mA lhaV A ini i ntintZ 11017V5 EUTAW:a
Prize dl per butte—. 3 bottle. for $6.
/or wile by
6. e l k age. h all,%.P.znir
To whom allordon may eddrewg, Oh i o.
11 IVC:Pur.iichej. t..4itier..ntuld''';‘.7,%tte"Nt?a,ia7ll:
witZtebraig.La r: Egz k Allegbenj city; r iV. dio
200., 47.4 nm J. atter.% 4 ,711 1 1 V,Pij,'T
Cleinmilies Mai. a Knox. Catlin oedenlewT.
SiMmorterao. Muntingdouov, Pa, March 4.11.
S. H. ft=g—.l.geor Mr, Your Palmist. le workiniwon.
Jere t o au, .1010615; thereltde we would thank you tonged
t wo dmoo by the Perugaylvaigla Italiroad. We era err
thwir out, and It le being Inquired for alma every day.
Your., rrayeettully, /DUN LONG A CO.
llargevutz, Asblarel to, 0.. Muth 10,'51.
0 M. B¢.:—Dear Bir. Your Agent, a tear weeks gore,
iatt with 00 four dozen Book Oil. which we have .old.
Phew frewavd ta or eLt awn immediately
gour tordloinv working wonder. in tie region. We
can obtain moral excellent eertificetes. if you ‘1,0”, that,
Vow', Sr, W. W. SCOTT.
For wile by Beyer A ideDowril. 140 Maxi etreat,
Beaky,; 57 Wood great; B. A. reboot:he*, A Co. corner
Wdodoad Prong greet,. D. M. Curry. D. A. Elliott, Joewpb
Douglas*, sod 11. P. Betiwaria, Allegbany, also by au pro
B. 11. NLRB,
agllaltwa Canal Bealnßoventh et, Plitaburen
. .
Sfirkritt Coirt.trur.—The only remedy
the Pub/14. •Fbit-li Its. never falled of aork'
hag • ear* when dirociimy ma followed. lb )leLane's Liver
MI. It has now been moral year§ before the mI,It , and
ha+ been Introduced in all seutiona of the Union. Where
it has been. used, it by had theTamt triumphant yam.,
and boa actually driven out of use all other medicine.. It
has been Wei under all ma different Ph..s of ilePatbi
and has been found equally ellamcion• In an.
J. K IDD a co-
No. 50 Worxl
Fur.le by
Foreign and American Hardware.
No. 129 Wood. Street,
A f u ll ..4,,,, m9 t e , A 0 A ,k of eoREIDN AND AMERICAN
tin/Roble for to
wring trade, and that viii
V: , ober to parlmou•rs , nt rtnnta compant
4 fovorablr with .or n( the en..rn 6,4 n.
cotrirry IdEETING.
AV- The Citizens of Allegheny County,
who are to favor of the nomination of GEN. WINFIELD
SCOTT, u a muultdote for the next Ptvekleoey of the lint.
tot States. are rusursted to sattemble to County Sleettott,
at the Court !loose, In the City of rtttsburgh. no Tues.
dtiy, the . .t2.1 day of April net., at II o'eloch.
apir.d.tve:td:T iSigned by Sun natues.}
of the trim& of 11alonisallon, will be held In the Sr-
Prestivlertatv Omer?, Pittsburgh, nu Ws thJUNDA V)
tang. at 7 o'clock. Addrenaes will be dehvereg by lion.
Walter II boirrk, Cat. Santual lihtek, and Cant Clam
cith e e,A ,en e raily ore Inu i ted to attend.
141.1.1.Y.lienerbl Agent l'a Col .%elely
_ ve,,ntar quarterly tneeton; will at the Head.
nag 14.nc0, tb. evening. Olunday.l at 7
anti A. WILI.INS.
To Builders.
iiSEALED PROI'OBALS will be reveived he
I the iluant or Irlreetibni of the Wax..l
001. or the 0111 . or l'lttphgh
ur. up te Thir
th d e
'll4 tnPtei e st..
llle er.tfou ale t•ehuul anronlitig to leans Noe
uouona of ‘
tn,l• ' .l ‘ ft . .l 2ll
neee_way our be Led, after th tett lutt.
spl.4:tat 'J011:1 NIF,C2I6Ii?: e
New Goods Now Arriving.
MURI'IIY BURCH/1E1A) arc now dai
ly opeult. their two mupplr uf floods fur Ms
maw.. arul lonic the calls of their regular cu.stutueru .11
.4u en BONNETS slut ttI.NISNT LLID
u u Suturda, TO, 1471.. IA Mere...o Printr.
al., super. litgllsh Uo., duly P.`r ar‘l.
u: t ysukeeplug tiooda, sa t .. taste lhapen..Tablv Clutha.
Lite. and Muutiu dhavtirtga. Pillow Tounb...Nap.
1...1. 5 .101111 mitt Gouuterpau, Vurulture V....10w
Curtain Mullins, ac..—a full ausnrtruen
t raw °petit.; at
&cal gust curter a Yowl. arel Market st,.. 004
4 A. MASON & CO., Cr.: and C,4 Market st.,
•I,llopeu 1111. I.l3orulug. Z./ caw,"
harp recoteed feu) phrtee Jaren.. Cantbri,
Chseke, t.
%Ictortu I.avrtmNsitteoulie 311.)11111 S110. Dotest swim, Lit.'s Lau', apt!
1 ACES. Ac.—A. A. MASON 4. CO. hay,.
LA reevir.ll large 1111011,4 of flobinette. Patent 5p0tt...1
PoOta Siseued llrur.rlr, Fan, 1115,1 Lueres.
"et'. 01
QIIAWLS Lati:SS O - 601)S - - - -15 e — a — rtmws
ar the MOIL taehlunalse Shaul., now r.,lAn5 at A. A.
ats...,ON l 1, , 1'+. Atuo, rAare or 1.. style Lute.'.. Be;
a[ut Juennette. mrl4
1.5 hhdx.1•1111/. 0. Sqlger
554 P1ata...41 Motwe,
bramytimo Rlo
al 12 and n Pa. lAdes rl P., Imp. nn-11
8 Mop. Ronald] , Tobseco... , ;
1 lama
torsos Pearl march;
=1 caOgai 31¢spratt , /Todd. Ash;
Alp hblr.
1:0 or. /wad Port Wine, rarlour /nand,- .
;Sr eland 3.lals.ra 3Vip. limo brand:
Wal, aorpriment ,Ilrandloe. Wine., Gin. Ilnm,
PA. /hire, 6, tor rale 1.3 . 31. SIITC IILeL LTr3IKIII...
To Contractors.
EALED PROPOSALS u ill Le . reeeivl2,l
0 the othm IL Jr Falls, I watt. until 4 0,1,4 L
P. 31 of the Oth(nu , litadm..: the itaMe earth out • t
the ritt•burgh and Ccci 11111 1 urnpik,c ficsed. en that pert
art raid rood lannau a. tuvarl'e MIL meal at the
nth n 4 the nnal ahem. It mese' erahCil rtatinc
u e rn-e per 'ruble yard. to ti Inensured by ft. E. McGoar.
. D. KIM , . Preit.
iy ALLPAPER—Iust ree'il, another large
V let of Eastern Paper...f leantlful pattern, and at
, topneeg. t, bet ehatubatx dining mom, halts. of
.te an). TIfie , .PALSIZII. ho 31.6.4: a
'PESTER DECORATIONS, of the richer!
apl4 PA
rolcrl =al newest 4 ted ft -4 . 4 hFrana ,
t. LlfElt, e
Store in New Brighton.
zolvertiser, wishing to go crest, of- 7^^ to roll b.+ 'tote MPti•SILL•er., utth
in henlln^bb 3imile , from Lino
An mtruirre ,nonuttchirlur lo ordeal un lirs
rot th eir • pruirrot irm mite. ertethihninnte
rtWrcztotl"Pgrz. — atlz:lVii=li‘ii="
hierchMan nulling to anahtlib branch gore, or youog
lialliViir ' .4ll ' Sirdi ' PATlllt:lLom the Eilitoil:of 1 . 111
tmtur. for further inifornmUnn. nollohlrnitT
. •
Valuable Real Estate for Sale.
FOR S tLE—That valuably , Lot of Ground
situated ad the of Martst and Water snout.
u. Freese& occupied by alubeany 4: &Mlle us Masa Ware
hems. harine leant on Markit street of 30 feet 11 Inch.
es. and on Water street of US net Itj leen.
Also—TM Lot of bound ellolsond th. Gen Wart. , ft-fe
mach aceuided by Mr. Jos. Tons:bum at setae Yard; hale
lag treat of 131 feet VI loth.* au the Monouzzhela
et remains lace re1..1 feet to tirereeash etrerb
Persefos duirotte of purchsoingcan nester farther in
ternal/on leen It. C. trak'hlllS.
spit No. 47 Marta Ft.
Is on innaer cuudith A.. Ittcre la the in..
are of Scales for Marshall * Muieary Ito lateness
• ill be welled dr by Marshall It StriPeareOho entail:kw.
ressufartnre ettl &lento... of Floor. nattorn, sod
Counter :10.1,e. Warrheoe. Cenral Chores, Liberty en
16.0AP-30 boxes Rowleas k Co.'s improv e d
extra Seam twee OrelLi r tilml , E L
aril No. 116 Water Street
HIED APPLE—C-75 be. for sate Ir
tirrtnittnar. 'N6ll5'lll.
apt. lid Water stnet.
• - • •
,RANGES--5 1) Loxes boxes just received and
• mur fbr sale by 11171:11111101E t INOIIKAM.
51,14 116 Water ass rte
A.l OLASSES- —75 b 5
~~LOUlt—lttl thin. reed aliti for oak b y
, 147 peon, sr
' FINOIIACUO- - 2 0 boxes low priced s's, rood
.sad faraxle by
. 4:114 NI
~I 14) liae. sins. , for sole
I,i J U WirnM.l all,
arlf owner firth nudWood street,
UtS---:,i) e.4tn
l'"" 9
FIRE ti I N DLI N li— lOU pucks Cheorreq.
for A at. 1., •pl 4 J. 11. 'WILLIAMS A 0,1
. UKYrASII—Io casks for sale hi.
IIL sofa JD. WI I.CJA Mr A Co,
• -
11UrrElt- -. A/ crocks mai jars, for mar 11
II *All J 1 , V. ;1.1.1A11, , A Cii
1 I LOT RES PINS:-11 bolos for sole to:
1.....) spit J VWI LLI ANIR A CZ.
Young Men's Temperance Association.
rrit E. First Regulur Nleeting for the month
J of April. VIII 11.1.1 yn %lout., /evening. NI an I.
at 7 o'clock. at mrtrt
kl.ok W.
Lap -- pr...., of tbe Laura uralur H—
and lb. manner of It, edultnlxtr3tion.
. . .
mirer.t tol.t.vred I.y a tatpf luldre,s (row a
ruin kgy matt
Proposals for Coal and Slack,
QEA.LED PliOl'OSA LS or delivering, in
17 the nerve fit the Work. of tar Citiaborgt, Us. eon..
11.11),11 iniebele of billllllo.llolll. Coal. atia bun..
elm ef niiiek, will be received at tbo .Igloo of tla, Company
until Wrducader. the V-tit at 1: o'rlort. If. The
Coal and Clark It, In, of tura qualltr.anddelirared Idaurh
in aura ~nantltlra. a. 4,511 be %MC-Meal of and
Tian inminibi f,
rd of v 0.011.1100 ,r Coal and Flack to br
s,..onda prr trualtal.
Tao payment. to Go rnadr, Rlaillity!. tar rent.
a; security for prrformaore of rvutrart.
p 171:wala In be , 6,l,lrramed In '1 booms llskrattl, 11, .
n c o f °moan,. af.t rtntor."l "P1eta , .. ,15 lot
Co n. e. l and J 111, 51. CHB Ir, Cy ,
at,lllOl Ttertsorer.
Sealed Proposals
FOR Gli01.1N1) suitable for a site for the
Cworon Ifoune. 1 . 04 (Mln, kr,hich urn, sutlinr
bk.'. by • rentce Art llr 010..1VA, to b w e en:kb,' In thlu Mt, .
111 encklred until frill,. the 17tb In , t„ elthrr of
tb. undonaktoul
Tholllttlen/ 1 1001 , erkolred an IA) trot front by 121 to 140
onit.os longtota on two rturoL,-If locklul on the
corner uf tuo nosy toe made forloo to VA/
bet ou our ottret. b, 1 Ito 140 on We nth,.
1:11031AII kl. HOWE,
A. W. IAI4/0110,
31 1113111'0N.
enonntmloarre ,
W 001124 and thp blane.tpretolute toll for the
corner Market and MIN ots.
ANA rlAe Railway .at Dry D.:x.l,l'or rale by
apl2 A. WILKINS 41. CO.
Information Wanted
OF the whereubouts of ANIYIV
TON, Drover, alto wades In Trumbull on., 0. Ile
vew last wan In CA. city, on Oa 104 of Month. Any in.
formatlon mat to JOILS CISAIIIOI, Trumbull co., 0., will
be tlinekfully motto!. apIMOI
F - 0 - 1{ SALE—AII our Pittsburgh Daily, the
malt of our Weekly, and .large number of Daylong.
• ePabcrs 0 4 m mir.Prinnital towns and ettler. 4 . 0 down
spud Blue and Mack Sul. 14 Ma. Lead l'euella a (so lists
rerittct7ra.'4 £oqulo n, Wof the L ! gtl " ll,a F ts ' !Zst
eupds of colorno and 11surrd Papen Letter sou Writlus
Yspar, :l ' VA C :6 ' II%ILT fg. "' ese ` t h C°P.
ap1 ^ .1 . 31! Meaty, near Market and let. Clair eta
PLACES WANTED—Several places wruit
eil awn In wholesale or ratan stores ware/louse, or
brag, or lu private Warnes hotels, or taverns. for •
pipnb.r of good salesmen, book keepers.
me agents. oebnol
water. [sliming men, bootlers, and coachn. fur
a number ofof all barderion , supplied. Want.
e d—peeeral /pod house keeper", rooks. chambermald. and
pop., Wanted to borrow-0Po) or. Vas", for one you
, volthtlie boot oecuritreind a premium. beretal
German Wye an4l girls wanted. All kinds of agoneloa ap
wm k.,l to promptly for moderate charge. Plea. call at
AAll HARR!" . Agency end Intel. 011 ice,
Liberty. near Market and BLCIalr sta.
New Mimic!
maw complete selection of aerular and pedal 31.1
arranged In Your rem! parte. •Ith full coons of TOC2
nevem ror.tte, 0110 , 1010 n of the yo •
ke, end for Improve.
meat In rewind notetion. by Wm 11. Bradbury.
Tee at m .., • collection of popular and social
mega, Per four micas. by IL J. Webb ma Wm. Maxon.
Together with • varied selection of neer end Publuneble
e a u, Weltere, Polka" Varlatiow, forest! by
KLEEKIL Gold e n eet,
*PIT Sign of M
MOLASSES--20 LlAELEnttleGround,
etr Jeffererin and tier ealii by
S4r irl 7 Art. LiAIiELL, Wieter
A E D . I . Election fur 3n
laners for the WEHTERN
P. 111.11.1... 6, will . 11..1,i1l Ito boldrn in the 11.ane
0 , u mf d o f Thtde, on Mender. the 16th !Wt., at :1 u 6
clock, P. 11.
The Cootribaton ate Mwtett to attend. If pneetble, a.
bugheate or hapartanee la the Ituattutton will be laid be
g.. them ispattd) 101/11 11/./APER. heel..
MOBACCO-8 keis No: 1 Gedge's
Jl-.brri. receiving pet anttriZ i % trg:.l7
lANI.ISIL—iS bbls. (to arrive for
br gpl2 J. KIDD t IENJ.
IRKEY UMBER-1000 lbs. (to arrive)
for rale by apl2 J. KIDD t CO.
URNT SENNA-400 lbs.•(to arrive) for
0] by apl2 J. Kinn a co.
XT. LOGIVOOD--2000111s. (to arrive) for
opl2 .1. KIDD k CO.
POWDER SLIP: ELM-200 lbs. just itc'd
and-lot sale by J. KIDD& 00..
•Ee Wood at
The Perfect Man
Miscall. Mee d Reinvi esti
. 1171.6 in
HALL. azothLty and Itedntorlav_ecenizios.rstpril 14att and
itith, at rift Weiner. cluing
Scam Ot tarn.
td - Pinfcavional delineations of character, lab ouriaber
ril charts, anti also rod written opinions. ineluding advice
health, Occupation, Fault/. de- their totardY.
t!" . ttiv'ttit tritnnent lchlidren. a., 4., itanT and r i n o taupird eirel . x. his private awry rtiatitifign'a
The Pennsylvania Volunteers.
THE SUBSCIIIBEft, late a member of the
Second 'Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteer , . dr.r.
predemional services m the members of the two
In .B.!At-
TV:11 ' br:l2l .h. trcO n l ICt 'l ire t' eVa r a b l ' aZt7lg
titled ander et of Assembly, pawed the 79th dal' oF
%larch, 1651, entitled An Act to pnnide for the payment
.4 the First and nerved deemof Pennrylvanhs TOP
Ladner', echo served in the late sParUwith
. . • .
IL B. WOOD, Attorney er Len.
llonieburg, April 6, 1651. spll,2woerel
VOTICE.—The Stockholders in the "Cal
kens' Depnalte flank,^ will pay the drat and parotid
instalments on their stock, nn Monday. Ow ;11th Inst., at
i.el other of Alderman Mcilakters. Filth stn., between the
hours of U and 3 o'clock. flf order of the Dira - tora.
an 11.31.
I OTTON---42 bales to arrive pei Mayflower;
IssAltig Ir ackftwarr. fur id<
Water mad Front na.
I ARD OIL-40 bble. for sale by •
Water sort Front saw.
Pittsburgh Life linirtutee Co.
1 1 ,,,.
m the shove COMPLUre will remota olau For N.
.lafa. et tho office of the Company. No. 75 Fourth st
siarra C. A. COLTON. Sees.
d ‘OFFEE-- , 50 bags Rio, for sale by
1...) .tan ISAIAIL DICKEY a CO.
11 Chsterm Lady's Book. foe April:
ilraharn'e Madszitur do.;
Sartain'. do. dcd For ode et
DOLMEN' Moon - Depot. ,
main . Third eh, opposite (ho Poet Mee .
19 R. J. C. SIIAAD'S Lecture on PAN
AY TIIINSM willde delivered on TOMO.. tbe 15th of
Von : The amount of tickets sold dutirtg Lids week vial
determine the choke of 'the Lecture Rooth. Ticket. Si
revuK to he bed at Mr. liervh'e store. and Mr. Loomis' book
%owe: nod several other Iducee. .001
IL)EItFUMERY—Just ree'il, a very choice
c weed-tin/1 of Perfumery. via: lb. lls lit." Oil
heireetit Srh the Handkerchief. Females, Tooth /late awl
Iflooler. to . at the drug store of
.5 10 moue( of Wood sad Sixth ete..
Brandies, Wines, &c
HAVING completed arrangements with
Itomvs t 0 IMuleasts and other Europe= CUM% for
1.1“. elveutinn of f orders, lam tbox enabled to otter to
I.alerA, at small =mu. over important= mat, BRA.N•
Otto. WINES, and .LIQUOBS. of the 11 nod destrtPtlntl•
um!, 000031 loam lock, Strietirvd.
Attention to =sited to Uty list. as.bvlturt
110 parka,' Camay. Bordeaux. and Rochelle Brandies, in
4 .61 in nr.d.skraTere, i' so "d ld,and d"L brtsen Elmer/tut fn.
sod rovlntra qualny.
Mll or. mans Madeira& of weer, - =ado.
Inn - Port Wines, part very old and superior.
, u"k^tx SPanlieut Counpagneorell =own Inuals.
00 notes Closet Wines, 011101.111 brands .4 iv iotag. ,
ISO moss Sauterne .00 Banat, vintage. In.V4'7.
tS meta Sardstme and Claret Rime.
is mum Old Reiland and ex uplamOin.
10 puncheons Old Scotch aml IrW Whiskey.
4 superior Old Jamair• Rorn
do caslm supsrlor London Brown 84Dot. and &etch Al..
WithCOlidtaol rupplr or imported Liquors. such as
Absinthe, flamarbtoo. Comma. Anntsatta, Cherry Bran.
A large stork of 71ArAXA S.EadlIS always on hand
nf which I old ar e on very mvorable terms.
Orders will be smcuttal with despatch. and goals shrppol
lowest riles. A. 11. 3IeCALLA.
C.; lI.NDRIES-200 bu. Dried Apples;
6bbls. Nati Asb:
6 casks Protartr. fur ads by
BEANS -100 bu. White, a prime article,
'''''"""""* l. atiat iNrr ,
slap lac Sam uel , and 151 First street
r, isic—SU bbls. White Fish;
lb " -
BACON-2.5 easkd IL lUM
it :,nouldenr. MOSEYy
plO 12,11J111 CO.
TEA--i4O pkgs. Y. for sale L 4
l!"Al ao:L.
rlo Hater and float sig.
SUGAI:-10 Mids. prime N. O.;
ClarlSot ^la by
m OLASSEf t -150 btpt. N. 0.;
D ICE-30 tm. prime, new crop, tor sale by
in. :1.1010 BSOWN IMPATRICK.
DRIED APPLES-100 Int. for sale by
YE FLOUR--50 bbbs. for'sale by
COFFEE --150 sacks prime Rio;
IS • - Jaw o band, for min Si
RAISINS & FIGS-100 bxs. Wch Raisin*
leo ,- INgr. for sale by
BA C ON—Z cask. Hums;
1 : =icrg One . country . . 5
. naiad and for ad. by
mato BROWN A. Iif26t'ATILICK.
DENS SLIEETINGS. reduced to Et cents
mostron TN; -
forlo KINNEDT. a al
`TORN -14 bbls. Sheged, reed and-for sale
t b T aplo W. A P. WILSON. 147 find R.
ItY . l. bbis. just reed and Cor sale by
~t i
.XSTON Preserved Ginger in Syrup;
CI .
Chow Chow. l a
mixture of
towoer aoo VnOt..) mo'd L'T•ai"
IV3I. A. 11X cnu A CV.,
epic Unser. sad Tow Dela,.
!ALAI) SAUCE -Gray's Sauce for dress
/_ uh.ny ß.
Wel);\ NUtg--:27liales reed and for sale
LT opto WM. A. momutto S CO.
Nosiness Notice. - •
LL PERSONS having ',amine,' with the
t,mtr d ,c7.l27, L ,,;'" l iggrw‘t m Al=lll,l - tt' r pl a rA
at'. Conasuriat (rota till al o'clueli. A
, sml Crum tx. NI. Nerchanta la want of .tatw .
.nt Hu* ti..epen ran It. atavyllowl by on
aia In ale Sanaa at Amt....
From England via Quebec.
/rill. undersigned. residing in Quebec, i,
to:Am - ging lug* quantilL, of RAliroaJ Iron AtAtoll,
ealy &ruck., to the tilflorrnt p3ru un Late Ene. The
atal. of yowls Arriving •At Qu•bee in baIIA.FR fur ear
Iv:ober. protmbl, rrnder. W V gn,l.of in+nrislinn
IA .11 b•••• 7 usurrusaiss. He
.111 pay 11.. Allarair freight c.. 0 1,00.1 , 151.1 to him.
and attnnd to any laleipaw rainkvrted thetrwitb. forward.
rb . I j o r r:ftruaLbe Fo , riurjblr
=EM I , ' VZ:ut um. " Z.4l4rtil. 07
at. hartrul) 7/. W. U.S11011:: 11
--• ,nelnnuti eAtarfre.
Life Insurance
L AsSl' RANCK SOCIETY of Load.. and N.. , • York.
• .ate sod permanent la•tituttou. cambial., the mutual
prnuip, aath that a Aork company. pre,eum rare ad
"sum,. to thane aigbina to Imam
llelcv .1 the 0,....5ur km %Yemeni l'eum.ylvalala., at the
hauling 1b... of WM. A. Cu..
. . . . .
aldtdn t . ~
fi W 1n... ot.
_ _, •
OA , Avoca Avrry 31In.hag. Cntopatn.
UV • Coning .. -
100 . Fin. steel .. ......5 - Algonquin" ..
all - Nunn. , Doughtnndndo:
For gale at the Banking nouns of
10 roroor Market and Mini sta.
IVIIISKEY-96 tibia. recd per rtr. Cin
T 7 clanall. And for We by
LIME -100 !kid. fresh Louisville, for sale
147 FIT., and 115 Becrad 44.
YRUP MOLASSES-51 bble. S. IL, for
rale by .0 W.I F. WILSON.
tbEIiSYRUP-10 hf 11 1: for note byG v;fLv
UMAC-25 begs Sicily, for eat e by
RSENIC-8 kegs Pow'd, for gale by
rt. apP B. A. FAJINESTOCA a co.
floClii,i'MAl.,-150 lbs. for sole by
- V XT. COLOCYNTR COMP'D-40 lb. for
J . 4 rale by a l & B. A. FAIINESTOCK & CO.
11 anY Vanilla for sale by
VRENCH CHALK-4300 lbs. for sale by
.kr9 B. A. YAIMESTOCK t 03,
COLOCYNTH-25 lbs. Ppsed, for solo by
WAFERS -60 lbs. sup. Pea, for sale by
FLAXSEED --100 bu. rec'd per L. E.
31. Lbw, and for sale tor JA.WM DALZELIe
era . 68 Water amt.
BLOOMS -200 tons Tenn., for sale by
RAW WIIISKEY-200 bbls.. on consign
maul. for eala by MILLER A RICK1010:1,
Pl.. • ffi Esul Liboty et
TIMOTHY SEED—:S be. prime, for sale
SUTTER-14kegs on consignment, for sale
1 1 0ISII-11 drums for sale by
LARD OIL-12 bble. Conkling's No. 1
WWer, for We by
Q ARDINES-5 cases annhalres and
Lises B Banlkkes, firr
jJOPS-7 bales Ist sort Wes. N. Y., for sale
ICKORY NUTS-9 bbbi. for sale by
COD FISH-10.34s just recd and forsale
196 Uteri/ sure.
OIL—W Baskets just ree'd and
1.7 fig We by r Isle) A. CO LAMSON Is 1.10
CLARET VINR-100 boxes thoiee brands
sand am 24. " 1. In ' CIMBEI2ON t CO.
HAMPAGNE AVINT.--Heidreielc. and
ante favorite brands knit roortentiv on 'band arid
sale b 7 (Aog 1 A- CULEKAMON t co.
-:10 rata, Sirvet 141,,
Stl , n.r. On baba end fn sale De
vb. A. ATIAiEESSO2I t 01
sb tzi o nale7 Superior;
Court.: for sale by
.0 J. BCHOONIIAKEN. k 1. , 0 24 Wool st.
Manchester Savings Bank
T AN Election for President and Direr
. tore or the klanchester Stein. Bank, held on the
ult., the And per.= were duly elected, to win
Predated—Jason ereon.
bleectors—Jumes Settounsiker, IL Lee. John Downing.
IP. 11. 'Melte, C. St wreler, and K. (batmen.
SATURDAY. the =lb II14„ I. the time to.l for the
tb. mnstent o f t e weekly Inetalmentk
The Routs kw the ntwertptiao of thick wlllbe kept open
the Mee of the Company, In Manchester, till the 10th
net, and from the Mb to the nth test, st the (banking
loose of Junin School:anther t of st, Mb.
lamb, at which hater phew the litakholdere rividlor In
OM-A=o are desired topettheir weekly instelments.
JOlia K. PARKE. Trtheures.
ROLL BUTTER-10 bbls. (pod) for stile JOIVIVATIL CO.
I]EACHES-200 bu. prime halves, for sale
Er?, jRON-2(k) tons Fo j rz ffag:
CILES - I — HORSE-2 fiue CanaMules,
pS I a "'
" 5'611N werr A co.
I.ITAF.CH-15 boxes (Fox's) just reed and
for oale br .Da JAA. A. HUTCHISON k CO.. .
LIOAP-50linzex for sale low be
apP JAS. A. 11111C1100N 1 W.
MILC I. K b E y RE . L- 0 3 Large, for
.A. twronsoN CO.
mIigLERATUS-13 casks and 5 Luxes. on
eignauent, warranted pure. and far sale low by
INDIGO-3 cases Manilla, for sale by
CO Comm on :
for we err
nRY bbls. for sale by
001V0011-100 bbLe: Chipped, for sale by
1.4 ars •.J. BeIIOONMAK):ft t 00.
BACON -25 casks prime Shoulders;
Pkterc fOr sale by
' L. 8. WATBIIII.BIB t 8088.
sp7 ' 80 and SI Wttar. and 02 Pint street.
I ARD-113 bblB. No. 1 Leaf;
Cew" ap7 16 13.'15 : AT ElLitat
"LOUR-157 bbla. S. F. and extra, for saki
FIWIT-260 socks Dried Peaches;
15 bbla. NT I
err , L S. wzronstiN aSoNS.
BROOMS -350 doz. fancy and common, for
ssis by sp7 L. R. WATERMAN k SONS.
HOES -150 doz. best crust steel, for sale by
CYTIIE SNEATLIS-350 doz, extra . And
"I" " 7!.".4'.',1 1 11711/,; O 4NS.
FORKS -7,5 din. best cast steel Hay Forks;
go four proßged
2. 1p7 F or k ' i n "`'` b ri.. S. WATERNLtiN t SONS.
LIQUORIOE ROOT-50 lbs.. Pow'd, 'for
Webs 607 H. E. MIMI.
IIUBARB-4 cases Poled, for sale by
•v; It. E. SELLER.S,
/OIL SPRUCE—leases for sale by_
IL/ W.
GROUND TURMERIC-2 bbls. for sale by
THORN'S Extract of Sarsaparilla and Co
yaYla...arranted Renuthe. by Elle by
yE b R , MILLION—G 2 11,s. (Trieste) for sale
V REESE-50 boxes receiving and for sale
Dr-Kir R. DALZELL 6)— Liberty at
5 bbls. Butten
saw Dr i 55 ADPIS.
2 "
Li DDxn LE. M. Lb.,
'''' J.,I3OI).ILZELL.
58 Water et
5.1 for sal. by
PAPER--300.reams Med. and Crown3Vrap-.
plug, for sale low la close consitrans.osa, ay'
ap7 .lAB. DALULL. 64 Water a
ZOO bara. 1/7104 Aooleg
10 WA. Drkd ?mbar.
100 tl. Y. noun
. . .
2o ktvn aml 5 1. /art
Lro 801 l Butt= •
' 11.1 10 bun], Timothy beak,
auks Pottsb:
10 cubs balerekto__ gtore. and far sale by
.1. t. FLOYD, Round (2knreb.
DIG-IRON-35 tone Allegheny, for gala by
sp7 • ' J. R. FLOYD.
CLOVEN. SEED-25 bble. prime ferule by
4.7 JOIIN Rd/2i CO.
QALERATIIB-6000 lbs. pure. for said - by
- LllSll—Mackerel, Salmon, and Lake Trout,
far =la by rya JOILN WAIT dr CO.
SHOT -100. bags ass'd Nos., for sale by
sp7 'JOHN WATT a CO.
B ACON -11 casks Hams;
Aboaldert landing farm wtr
Cuba Slay, fur sale by 'BAIA'S DICKEY CO..
ap; Water and Front eta - •
VOTTON-5 bales landing fromtr. Cape
May. for Yale by ay: ISAIAH DICE.RY it CO.
VrEATIIEIiS-17 sacks landing from str
Jr Cape May, foe ale br
era , 811 A-11 DICKEY t CO.
WOOL-25 !lacks now landing 'from otr;
Cara May, far ask b) -
..1.7 Baum increy a co.
DRIED PEACHES—GMbu. fur sale by
ap 7
QALT PETE 110 sacks fur sale by
Ij apt IbATA II =LEV i CO.
/3ATEN'r MEDICINES, ..te.—A large a lahlk
in add, 11211 l for Ale on the most liberal leans,ViL
lkin'a Ointment Aromatic Sails
Lemon Arid ilatemnn's Drop
-• reerntial Salt of, batten! de italtha
Nerve and th/ne Liniment Bkodgood's Elixir or Jlealth
dlpodeidoe. Steer's British Oil
Pulmonary Balsam Carpenter's Estrada Buchu
rills, And-fillton% Court Plaster
Baby's 'Carminative
Andeitoffe Detturatire Syru fur the
Hooper' e eure of Moe p. n
LLB. Fen&
EMI • Ariti•Dyspepl is ors, Syphilis, de. • e.
- "Brans' " ...e or Peppermint
Pbelps.T.f.l. I: l a n gro c =" l ' "
- Crumbsekers
- • linden . .- Bergamot
Oerman - Lavender
Bluel .. Cloves
quin&Anine ,
! L% ITlfter - 11.-X"'
Powders. "
Rd, Ointment fo •
, .. Seidlits r
Tetter 1 - Slave, for Be,
Strengthening Plaster. Gardener , Liniment
tralm's Panacea I lindfrey's Conlin!
Turtington's Balsam Golden Tineture
ceemifuge IlLstiem Oil
Worm Tea . Horse Ponder
At the Drugstore of R. N. If ICKBILSIIA3I,
.1 1
C _
... romper of Wood and Sloth Meer,
Building Lots.
Nate mthe Eighth Ward. City of Pittsburatt. Ten
eia• LAO boat on Panaglaania Avenue. Inquiry of
L. W. & A.;. Attorners at Ler,
Fourth etreet.
41;14LT PETRE-50 kegs refined, for :'tic by
tJ latchlht B. AAILNESTUCK i Cr.).
tyurrE WAX-250 ll*. for sale by
turhT4 B. A. VAIINESTUeIi L.V.
SANISII W lIITING-50 bids. for sale by
isetati J. KIDD& M.
AGO--300 lbs. Pearled, fur sold be
mcl2a It. A. FAILNESTOCK . .t
_ .
gOTTONsI - 6 bales landing from str. Oen,
V re, end for ale by
torl32at ISAIAH DICIIET s co.
IREA - SE--18 hbls. landing from att . . Ge
k.,‘ neva. and far sale by ISAIAH DICKEY k CO,
mends Water and ' , runt eta.
GREEN APPLES-20 lila. reed, Pir sale
by tochl9 S:Jt W. tisansumL.
ToHOUSE -KEEPERS - Orders for Paper can be left &Labe Wall Payer Stara .
mobil W. P. MARS/CALI . /Mood tL •
SMITT MILL-1 Smut Mill (complete) for
nay by tothl9 • — B. DAIZELL
PIRITS TURPENTINE-30 bble. in fine
orlo, for sae by J. SCIIOONMAKEII k CO.
OIL -2 casks Winter Speim; 5 d0.,d0.
trbda b do4lefltubt Wbsle; mde by
VINEGAR -30 Ude. Cider ( w arranted) Cur
rale no conaigtiment, by T. VOODS k BON.
mcb . 26 ria 61 Water et
VOTTON-25 bales on consignment,: per
lj steamer Wasbington. for sale by
web% ALEXANDER. GORDON. Front .5.
Pr• WARE, T. Warc, Brltatudadaa Setts, best Mrs:
atid Yorka, Spbolll., and nutter Kuirt
Table Canary,
(Sorel auin , 0.170 Lamps or ali driairildßutk. for
Chamber, Matra Roots, Haile. and Inviting', liar thaw
tiallere, Gas Ilnicketa. 6as Riaturrr, Military lived. aral I
ktudik 0014 Perm Oliteirra i mkt Mats Caters' Diantorals,
(ora torooro l". .rril l 'ar rocrioL•thrnTig*ionor,ll:3l" io
rrooo with a base. stock of we shore :o%lr axial at SW,W price& "
La - watch reparing allow on the mewed 'try.
W. . ILSN;
mclit coral , Fourth arid Market au
CODFISH -15 drums in store, for sale by
meb4l t RICK ETSON.
HOPS -15 bales first sort Western N. Y.,
b er r° f "'" l° b 'STILLER
Mirocir' ° :gile b , i ttis k r=4 n gor,d
mettle. A. A. ARON Jt
IRISH LlNENS.—Received this morning
ja.another lot snorted grub. Inah upend
1. s, ItAhOht d CO.
SWEET OIL--350 galL for sale by
lochlS J. KID D & CO.
130TASII-7 casks (prime) flit. eale by
moms J. Kin lt CO.
PPITTSBURGHGLUE-30 bbla. (boat) for
J. Dr tochlb .1. KIDDrt CO.
&Ida celebrated B. C. Cares ea bard and kg sale by
lachla w•Luatiroep • CO. •
LARD -14 kegs No. 1, for sale by
laden WICK i Ml-CA. DLESS.
OLASSES---400 bble. N. 0., oak cooper-
ANA •••. ter Nos er cubit .7.2 IL PLOY!".
TARD--Zif kegs No. 1, for sale 'ay
meau - .1.2 K. FLOM
W ANTED TO BUY—Notes of thoWesteria
Banks. and Stock of the Pittsburgh flanks, by
11. D. KINO
Doable 31n1lum Paper, 27.77; ami Imperial. 22a=
mella Pain Store. am Market sad Second eta:.
CORN MEAL-5 bias , for eale by
me= (EMT, .11.42THEITS t CO.
sanarthuut. uto deliver Leetrev .P.A.SII/Z.
/SSP on the Ortgin. the 114torr. and Ilm Inarereeth.
e nee. of that amen open ace Publ. lostina
ue ntht NEW ('ITT 1.1:C77:ZE the ne
ver of Wood not fourth A 1...
The Lecture It to beam .t o'clock. Pons oleo ult
before 7.
Vents of udzoindon croft: to be built the int:mind
Ilook Stare.
oiroartly obe Leehne trill dellarred. hollt
(Joontal, Port. Pin:etch. nal nit's.. ropy.)
- - - -
THIS elegant work of Art, gicing a cot.
a.r.or representation of 'fd mit , of ate tot bAustit
erenery in the world, seta be mastic-A for the ftst 13=3
to this ritg, on Tuestiag evening, Apra I:4b. VA. blllati
Arg- Panorama moves tat :Ai o'clott, precisely. Ajw,
t.Z. <etaa. CLtWn•n modes to of 15
npli ALBF. HT CIiAN Propriate,
~7! ill , tl _il[.' ~~n ~1
tiu it c , lle of thrit nninine rlthiltinroesttniw
moots on IEDN LIDA ATM .
Hiss KlLMlttfli—Contrtito—who arr. with re
rand Actic t liaRP, and frodore rarer..
htric and :
Hi. EMMA—Sow...l,—th. Hula =elf rio, who tall , r
o_ hi if foie from tho Opus awl Jrany.Lin,Ps wags, thr
hoho,, Bird . to
Mita !MLLE Will'oppear in Jonah:bit Ctothwth own- ,
31r. KlLlttnn, Tryon, aO.l 11=Iloisn"
Ite - iNshrotawa•trill cotatoruco
taDre e,nrll. p t o mll
185 L
XPRESS Packet . ILIA Railroad-Line for
Cleveland. teWund bus qi Ly Steamer, fro=
i'dtabaratt to hearer. is CODII6,Uon elth the elegantly An
iened Eapna. l'aeltelv of Clerk,Part it . Doan Beaver
td Ravenna. enal tae cr t lendld nen Ptat,navv 4.1 . 2 of the
C'eveland anal Pllt..bart IL.llevail Cu. to Cleveland.
Stew:Derr leave Roar opptulte the Munungabela
Rouse, at u o'clock. n.2:1.. connecting with the racket.. at
B.strec. latch wilt taste inancliately nu the arrival of the
ateancr, arriving at Ravenna In time f,r the tapreva Train
of Cars fa* Verdant!. Pas:tenger. hy thlf Rue c . lll
1:111tel111.1 In time to Ink. the Railroad line of dveteera
for BUFFALO and DETROIT, awl the enamels:for
3111waukte,Toltalo, Sunhat y City, Dunkirk. and
alto for errnlng train of caw Cr 114unihua. Xrnta. and
Cincinnati, CLARRY....P.UtIiS.& W » Yruttricann;
K. 11. 311101111E3D,
OM, under I. Chalks
lapea under Inn3a aBAINTON,
eotnerct Smithfield and Waut AtMel,
ElliffEa. 1851.. , : gral
On the.Pexuisylvania anti Ohio Canis.
CLARKE. PARES & CO Itornsvnat. Pa.
rfHlS•well known 'Line iv now reintred trr
tranapert freight end riageendere from 7rf?fillftol l
at CLEVELAND, to any point en the Canal and Lake.—
The tordllsies of the Line are unsurnaatel In nu tt .
Hy. arid espfdry of Ikeda. experience of Cafteins, and et
tit oaf of Arent ,
One Boat leases-Pitsiburghand cleivlao doily - Ann:dog
in ounneetton oriel a Line of steonshooil tbetween ern,
BORON nod BEAVER, and aLine of Er/Idiom steakawato
nropener Rod scree) on the Laker. ; • •
Parks t Cm. Toone:Room 0.:
M. IL Taylor. Warren, 0.1
A.A. N. Clark, Newton 1011,04 •
' C. Prentlas„lLsfenna. 04
Bray Oon Ravenna. 04
Reno, linnet & Co., Franklin, 0.
A. ?tiller. Cosohono FAIL? 04 "
Wheetor. Lee & Akron, 0.;
Howerilin A liestitione,'Seultasky Citp,o4
PeekheniA. tooth Toledo. Or -
SI. Williams l'At.,ltetrolt. 311oltigant
. -- Diti'nrentart A CO.. Milwankil. Itla4
. to Co. Cldandit, 18.; •
limos. Mil, Chicory, 111. • •
JulfN A. CARGIIET; Aferr4 e .d
1 ant nor. Water and tinitthliakt sta. l'intbutgio.
W. POINDEXTER; corner of Water and
3.t.t..t streets. Pittsburgh, Comasitor AND Vet
o 0.210. Mora, areAfor AIM jOISCOORO 30341 WO Of ll=
Wens= Produce. fron,hialla,Glans, mid UlOl3llO
ankles of Pigaburgh gorneWlf. • • • •
Mao—Agent for Oa sale of h. Mtn.' t /AM
ewes eelebratedbfanure and liar . forks. at miadaphi n
pines; and Jenkirui t Co.'s supenor panted Teal, WU
. _
&CARD.—.I have removed to my new stair.
(throe doors helow,)mesa,. oP Ptoits the Nax of
sawn, where I. will bo plod tosee my friend. sad f.l
low ollisensotod mare • 'bare of their. custom.. I will
ksep • ray lame sowortmort of TotalsterTs liedeend Bed
tli hT t elithA Ban SPrinit Mu... Cotton and Beet Ukases
FCC r gather Bode s Basta, end Pillow. Blankets. Quilts.
Conutertwont nd Coatfortin Window Bbadayof etkrirrr
rietyl Door Nas. and eres7 artiao astally_Band Wile
most. ertaude• atehlishments of th• Ordernespet
hilly Foliated .wt moot promptly .
apl Wit.' NOBLE, Third streit.;
Plank Bold Notice.
ALL PERSONS who have subsitibelOo
the Pond lar soaking • Plonk Road cat Pennaltsol•
macs, or homers' Ind Ifechosace Toropile from Oak
land to 'Henry Bazkee, ire m• 111,1 to calla the home of
the subsetibea to nortelle, cm or heron , the 16th of Aft%
Removal. •
XTGORILY has reraorectto:Na.Vl
LlButy nattydoors ato, big farmer sti6.l
and ur opposite 6 sc. • • 1416:66 •
Seed Store Removed: , ~. _
TIE subscriber has removed his Seed SpOre
rm. Pomona stood to the braiding room* OcirOpied
. Mond as a TaSor Shop. on Third greet, olstuddla
medlaroly oppssito the Post chlies. • - . ,
sPi . P. L. SNOWDO.
fIiEMOVAL.—GEO. F. -DIILM has removsd
Hs Dry 0041.14 Store Erma Ito, US Narketstnit,th
0 &ca.. Ross, lettio stecet, fottrdeors below Pam IC.
hone he win br pleased to welt en his faun eustothers
end the pule/ te reostellr. t sell=
fSUE 1 has removed Nq.•116
lately my p t ee r
~, , y d r. r eorth or 11.5 old rtanillattr:u-3
House Keepers
iItrISHING to employ Papal'augers, kill
hove their onion poniTOY stbooded to. if Itil at
u...inm Paper Store of • THOHAS YALMIO,
aP6 11.5 Mutat street
f not reed,. here sod hoodoo:no aosortotent a/.
sob THOS. PALMER'S. fbi ilmlert 13. y
ria PIRITS TURPENTINE— bbl s: choice,
1. - brkde by HItAIIN 1 RUM,
SO . corner Liberty nod St Mar obn: '
II INSEED OIL-35 bbls., for sale bv ..
- 1.4 *ozi tiliAcK t tterfsLO
(CORKS -10 bales large pint bottle Coiks;
Sada Il,rks. (Abort.t bd. reed
azad fur rale b 7 aph RIUUN
I INSEEI) OIL-4000 gall. for sale by
.14 110 • J. K 11.411. W_ CO Weal rt.`
DR. 1100FLANDS Celebrated German
BITTERS—I grtrt.4 fur mil.. by J. KIDD L OU_
aps w Wwd ct
I.IIUSIITO.N. CLARK A CO.'s Pure Dlediti-
RA., eel (XIDLI %TR erm. for rel., 17
aae J. I.IDI/ a CO, Gu Woad rt.
(.1.107F - 1 cask Oarreeiv Search, (in laid
.ler*/ for rale be .0 J. KIDD
4TTON-4l) bales to arrive on 31aploviter
gr.: for rale by
eae'L.Al Ail DICE El &cu.
A PPLES --10 bbls. RosseD, for rule y
J. FeIIOONMAKER It M. 24 Wood at
F.D. for pale at MORRIS' Tea Mart. fo lha Illsomhp4
fQ EbiD SWEET POTATOES-20 bbls now '
17 lauding (next eteauter Ft. Pitt fee ale by .
ap3 Ittalill DICKEY At CO.. water t &oat EU- •
lIIINNAMON-50 mats for sale by
1., mall; It. IL biILLIRB.
`I INGER ROOT—Gdo lbs.for sale by.
vg utiiquEs— _
t -
L . 11 carat Damn Mona e ,
5 ba115‘54,.., . • '.
3 au du rides:
b) do do abouLb.r.,•.
1 - b a
ty Petwvetb".•
,1 etert ..
bargitatanic , ..
17 Lao feather , : .;. 1
25 an wool: loarriee and forage b 7
ap3 ISMAIL DICKEY /I t.O. , WateriFrtnatsta. , .
1 11110111 E YELLOW-1 cases recd and for
‘..) sale by op 3 It E. BELLE/X.
ILS-011 lemon, berggnot, Omer dnis
9 j e - .1 c. ,, .. r Is arlalvalpsekagetoriarainv y.
I.IIAD GENTIAN-373 lbs recd and for. -
.. 11...E. SELI'Llia;
ORANGE PEEL-250 lbs reed and'for
a,br F- BLUZES.
LIQUORICE BALL-12 Mar for sale - by
m ei_ U :Ft .:, :t_RAlll . o—.so6
OPIUM -45 lbs new crop for sale by
ap3 n A Pam estoct a Co.
GL II E-5 bble No 1 for sale by .
R A FAlLNisrocic • CO
CALCINED MAGNESIA..2O cases foriir e
'nr ys• is A VAIMPSTOCIE co,
if ARAWAY SEIDL:3OO Ibe safe by
11. J B A VAFL,O:FrocK k
Ap:RZIV.I.t. b O y INT_MT.I 2. -1011 c i f u 77CO:43
" A
. • .
(\RANGES-40 boxes sweet m.-s,..nwieqd
ats3 and to =rim for ash, by W11.131T.L1730 COe
.? 51 ! b a t r . !3 • L
PREPARED CORN—For l'uddin Marie_
e.,1 Tar. Ate, altars en larlat.Blolene,orany wII i3acorssnteslin od Tdeneta
TANNERS bbis ree'd and for sa.le,
by at 3 ••• J. DALZIILL•j:.
TOBACCO -10 kegs No. int funnier
by• ap3 • • .J. DAL , Cii
CIHEESE--343 boxes just reed and forskba
by ap3 It ILLIZELL f CO..l.lnarts at.
GOSHEN . MIS ESE--Soperior du forte
WICA JleCLUllfl Eta c
Wbere theaton oho dens not urprochdr
an nay share/ If any th ere be, we do not enure for
thee to them nut to all otloda we cart If Ptta +lab ha
reader eluding • pleas., purr/ode a bet otJalesTlaners
Abotoud rtetachle, m Amhreedel Shoring C0n...0.t. cat
bolt. Impotriblo hn4 went. to clocrlbe the feeling. of n
wn nvilo pervon—who hal been used to 'harlot, with ordinary stun—
g trial of at, for the Pot harmstitan It la a MAU-
I gt 'ITirtIRLIP'IOI.IV 67..A3't
eutelllent, realenog the stifle/St and tang leiry bond
t D m
atul pliable preettoltur an adamant. :ether, as a l
a by Ks ea.
4 atg telt: ntte'nellt ZIT? eft
onto etperteuted after shartno •
G.,dim e a toting Jul., Shailnc errain.maj• her
the entdeet and tocedx‘reetog winds hoortgatety laterite
tue. oltluout the eklet becoming cloopo n t nod t oe e th e
once uot IL. VII rat !Weir ra will never um any older:
o• great advanlage - --nbiel y. .
yl aPProda•
red by lbw who wear whlrkere—ln the , feet that It will not
dlecolor the beard olden
sego •1114. otting a .-ndY
O 5 rutty &tont/apart° theedge W" the ,ode.
Ilaucte Etat 12n-anuatedellutafulptotatillonA
notopountled Eat M. to tint tales exchation of all article,
calculated tormier the gelation of altering unaultil
Ind old be appreciated by all Ono make trial of
119• Led nuiy
JULYS HAM.. Perfumer am! Cbemlal.-%
It:101mgal street-Pt
For aaleorl.lemie aad mull. by H. A. Vahmetnet *
and IL E. Wien, Pitialmrst: Jonn •taraelel. =I .1.
Mitchell. Allegheny Clty