The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 11, 1851, Image 4

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Ily Itl SIIOI ,
I tread the church yard's path alone,
Unseen to shed the gushing tear.
I read on many a mouldering stone
Fond records of the good and dear,
My awl to well nigh faint with fear,
Where doubting many went to sleep
Anti yet what meet repine is here—
"lie gireth Ilia beloved sleep."
The world has but a feverish rest,
To weary pilgrims sometimes given,
When pleasure's cup has lost its zest,
And glory's hard earned crown is riven
❑ere softer than the dews of even.
Fall peaceful ou the slumbering deep,
; Asleep to earth, awake to Ireaven—
,giveth His beloved sleep.'"
'•Sea, on the grave's herd pillows rise
No cinliering cares, no dreams of we
On earth we close our aching ey,,,
And heavenward all . Our visions grow.
The airs of Eden round us flow;
And in their balm our slumbers sleep.
God calls His chosen Immo, and so
giveth ilia helnved
vainly could the human yoke.
In this dull world of siu and fully,
Tell how the sainted dead rejoice
In those high realms where Joy is holy—
Where no dim shade of melancholy
Beclouds the reel which angels keep,
Where peace and blisq united wholly,
giveth Ilie beloved eleep.•'
If on' the brow so fair, so young,
Illiction trace on early furr.ttr,
If !lotto's too door, t lelo,tive tongue
IIaS broke Its prom's of to.ntorrow,
S , stet; not the world again,' to borrow
Tht;" deathrul print its rotaries reap.
Nlan gives his lor'd one• pain end sorrow
God "giveth his binned sleep.-
N.0011E5.4,01' THE Scan MOVEIIENT.- = A large
meeting of the citizens of Milteanhie wan held
nt the Mflitary Hall, in that city, on the evening
of the ::7th, at which re,otntions were adopted
nominating General Scott for the Presidency.—
The Sentinel of that city, a very able Whig dai
ly paper. adv.,cates the tint nat:n. The •W is
con: in. a Democratic paper, put.linhed in the
Fq:ll4, ;I h...tticitt,t; the rh,ctlig. rcut,tr'ls
fists ,all is sipted very anidn a, the cullwere iyeed tor the Inslor meeting—not by
whit!e trotraly. hat by Democrat. aim It i,
not to he denied. that _oolong the body of the
people n very gaud feeling sulitatas towards the
Conqueror Mca:,:o; Oat whether to carry vote,
aufticieet f-r the Prmadency, ilapenj, ve r y much
ass the nonottation umac by the DCl.lloCratit:
tienai • Case s sneer nneerr
no chance oustout Orr.
Z 4,41.
rat, t:....1.thr, Jourmtl makes the Mlle's
•• In view of the nearness of the approaching
come,. i I.‘ rm,'. and proper, that the selection
of a D'biir standard-bearer should engage the
att.:on_ of the party. A great deal of untiec
casari • Lg.:it-atom . and consequent distnictiou.
may or at vr.c.l by prompt action and decision I
now. E.ll the part of the Vihi,Z, themselves, instead
of deferring, and finally referring the choice to
their rtnre.sentatives in the National Convention.
Let it Le understood and rendered a 'fixed fact'
that cl Scutt it to be tse. candidate, and 07
hiekceo.gand jealousies arising from President
rattlo.o.r iI be at attend: Decides, it is at all times
prefer.i•de that the piety make their oxii
telecti •0 rulers rrl in their pticiary
meeting-. :Luau 4it the convention •-lo•e1.1 do it
fur them
infield Scott is unqueaertmlily the
man of :.1! others whom the Whics of the Union
desire for their candidate in 1 , M./.
The lirlitfonte, Pa.. Centre Co... Whig, in no
ticing tht• rail for a Scott meeting . in Hnntingdon
Huntingdon may be to oho] upon as only a
sample ef the 17th district. her whip cannot Le
more unanimous than those of other countica, in
favor 0: General Scott. At the last National
Convention. nor Delegate acts instructed far Man
and the peopl, hove seen no reason for changing
their opinion of him since that time
We find that the meeting in favor of General
Scott at hamiing, the capital of Michigan, which '
wait not2•ml Ly telegraph, woo something more
than a mere local gathering • tr i m all we can
gather, it was a Of the Ifltig members of
the Legi'slature.• They nominated Gene — ral Scott
for the Presideney, snliject to the ded l iion of the
Whig National Convention.
April 7th. 2. P. NI
The abolitionists are doing everything in their
power to impede the execution of the fugitive
law null to embatrass as much as possible the
officers in the discharge of their duty.
To-day Mnshal Tukey was arresied on the
suit of a negro named John Randolph. 'bh.arged
with arresting and searching the per son of Ran
dolph for concealed weapons. Tukey gave bail in
the sum of $lOOO for his appearance to answer
Pe charge. Joe. It. Bacon, the agent of Mr.
orter, Sims owner, and tie Lyon were also ar
rested on a charge of conspiracy to kidnap.
They promptly gave hail to the amount of $5,000.
An attempt was made to tithe SU, out of the
Mandosl's custody, he virtue of no old act of
the Mas , eachnsetts Le:gislature. The Marshal,
however. positively refused to give bite op.
In Court, this morning, Mr. Rantoul occupied
Omit an hour and a half in an argument in fu
nor of granting a writ of lichens c,,rpn, fur Sims.
Mr. Rantours arennlent neon simplya reitera
tion of thin late L-inn speech. his foie ground of
defenre being the unconstinitionalitt of the Fog
hive Slave Law. After he hod roneluded Chief
Justice Shaer stated that he would adjourn the case
till o'clock, when the Court would gine its de
cision. There appears to he no doubt that Sims
miS hr .ielivered to his roaster. and o military
escort tell' probably occonipany irini to New Vert:
el prer r .on , rescne. ',nee er-vtols are gathered
shoot much excitement prevails lot no fear=
ore entertained of on outbreak. The military
on ready of moments warning to ao st the civil
rArYION, April 7th. 8 P.
In the Supreme Court this afternoon Chief
Justice Shaw delivered a lengthy opinion upon
the application for rt writ of habeas corpus in the
core ,f Sims,
The unanimous opinion of the Court wa• that
the writ ought . ..not: to he grante.i. The argu
ment WOO then resumed before the I:. S. Com
missioner. Rantoul is now proceeding to argue
the en or at great length. Swords and other
;urns sedfteient to arm n hundred police bare
beta Pirwatsled from the tints Sari to the Mar
ahars ofhcc. In case Sims is remanded to his
pomace 4 ctroug force will guard him to the cars.
BO,TnN, Apnl 11 P. M
After U. S. Cruet adjourned this evening.
and while Maritial Talley and several policemen.
wore reeonducting the agent of the elaininnt.and
l'Ir• 1k Lyon, pal , . officer of Savannah, with
the witnevvee to their hotal,.lamcv Randolph. the
negro who eanycvl the arrest of Mamba' Turkey
this morning raised a large club and wag about
to strike the agent on the head, when his arm
was caught by an officer. lie , MN arrested and
committed to
TIE S6\\ t:, IS drift:are:4 by Ititmeif in the
Antislavery Standard. It it , nts
"Foe ou r own part, we have Do particular de
sire to ace the present law rilenl , l or atothfi,d.—
Ic slaves are to be recaptured and carried back,
the worse the law is that regulates it the better
wo like it. What we preach is ra.f not
Modificotion;; hut Ihro&relienec.. We ore content
with the exiting law provided we Cali persuade
the people not to suffer it to be executed. We
think-it mach better than one which would avoid
the common objections to it. If the liberty of
any man ia to be endangered by constitutional
legislation, in God's name let it be the free and
not the slate.-
Tho North British Review, in the conclusion
of a very favorable notice of. Sir Charles Lyell's
travels in tbb4country, snre "firm object is to
persuade Engilind to respect America—to love
her as the first-horn of her political family: and,
with the'laection of a parent, to rejoice in her
progress, sad' pray for the commlidation and
prosperity of her empire. Though dauntless in
her mein, and colossal 'in her strength she dis
plays upon her banner tins star of pence, AO:
ding its radiance upon us. Let us reciprocate:
the celestial light: and:, strong awl peaceful our
selves, we stall have nothing to fear from her
power, , but every thing in learn from her ex
„mplei If these noble ientimentA prermil,
we may well look fort sting peace and harmony
between the two nations. The whole world will
feel the influence of pith an attitude..— ,ll,,
_ _
Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh?
mkt lio.4llTatir street, In the warehouse of C. 11.
. NT.
C. ft, 11MM Pretitient. . . ...A. IC. anal& Feel,. . i
Shin Comp.,' is tow peommed to Insure all tuerchand me
In starn. nod its transitu. scowls, lm.
An maple gunranty for the Witty anti intevity a (14
Institution is nifordci I the character at ttn. lAreeto
•b on ail stititems of n Pittsburgh. nail' sm. Wornbi I
known to the community for their prudenm, inteLllmmee
4r Dta , =.l. U. ilususeyoVm. EtaAna,Ltr."Latimr
.''- '*----'ll*-,s"ufahDek.b.M. ' L'apAitli
ions ii;;;;;ACCTL'SaiI,
PEC'D TIPS DAY, per Express- . .
1 - 1 ' '''''' ' 13 " 3- 'U....0der...3e... ..`, Ercliee•Kta',l",, Corn, of Wood and Fifth Street,. l'ittrturgh,
2 niece. Cherie Fllka oholee otylear,
- 'rich PoUllms, .. "•'
. RAVE NOW IN STORE, and to arrive this
veet, the fonor• hut good', of the mod rrunnl hop.,
Ixo 14t.aew
tatton , yhtelt are
ras Lho aloft reacornahle terms . :
forts Luc., .lorn 11,1055. tl. , eambriel, J o . Lavos , he. , tu, retry Ws, porno Orem, I'L' Boren Patent Elva Marla
A A. 311201 A CO.. Tem, ltoanbc
rorb27 1,2 And Ml 4 Market at. 35 115. chedro du. do. :30 leave extra pure l•hareh:
- - : 4 - , .• tkuloant 1 ChuLvt: 23 - halemtua
Straw Bonnet and Hat WazehoUae, hon boo Rio lakthst 7:) bbl.. N. 0. 31olanee,
ICI ' Lguora and Jar. 15 r N. 11.
Nii r 105 DlAttxxv STREET, iGO boa.% a's. fie, 4, Lrld IINIO 0- onsl,loft &iron,
:23 bb i l '' •. N'aro i . " l ''s arod ' 3 ' Meoel... l '''
- I r i on . d t e s"" rOd h S ' Ulft ,".' l, 1
111 11. P., L3IER offers for sale, at very 1r.„,,,
r .„,,, , 550 The. eeedloas MLitt,:
j_11,.• lon prier. • full auortment of town and 11111 I n, ,
rAI ‘• and l a ola. No. Id.. 0 drums 81nroaa FIR.
""*.ft?)"'Z'l;/..1".ti-iroreisrro anti American Ann and fanfl 1 2 •ra, and
.... do. halnsom 1 rAI jam illonlectua•Pr.nog
Strew. Braid, (111 p. GIMP, ¶llllOO, Laro, DU , P.m , . 1,1. I
Ig . sica c i o srall i djka - ri r. sas4o hg ih r . ,q,..ity
.. i :,, , •
bozos 'kr Land):
h //.It.--tteni, Yo:11.1toe. and 13114 . LIM f,..7 . 5 ,' , 1 5 . ' l , 1 Inti . e:C r . c,, uu ''
. , 1 , . , ' ... 1 c,,,, 10n
~C oc t oh . toßi ,,,e,
PMl , fs,nrla• ~. .;!;_i ... I :P . ; 'III!, 71g, 1.... L rp, Lad Ihstf . 1 • a bawl I•opporr & Allrpicer. 5 .. Cactile . 3 Almond
flan a logloorn to a, • arcs • •,
)IL•soa . Ilip•ey. cony Lona, and other MIT:MI. am., ea r l , I lad. Nutmeg's
~ .boap, ,
ety of shape and material.
l?1111WNS - tich Runner and Scarf. 1 4 :1 3 . ¶;`,. 3 , 3 h3 .3 1 3 ,. 1 n, 71' '
~ ..:: , , ,: n L :" . "4
6.1 , , , , L , ' i r,,,,, ... I T
d1 :2.:^ M , i t4.1 .,, ‘ . 1 1.3, „ 1 "'352. .? “ ':: 8 ; 51 r . , .
firer II c:tlal'ls7l4l"7h(l'jatil.d,,L,„..s..,--
c.1N4,'3'0P7/F.IfiII..VGS--Cordr, Te.,ela 1307::. h . , :::: ,, i ,
..1 .. ; . ",.:: :i.. ,,,,,.:
tt , .,.,;-,,,..,,,,...‹,-,, '..: .... e. 1 1 1 711!'11,1 Reflood
r lo.suoriur.
FL01677424-i-Yrenrh and Amprierat Fpria . r. 12 , 1...:5er I , :tearitt Candle,
~.1 . ,
~...,, A i t i r , tz , e , Root,
"rlt7.tic-olV7b, r?A'n'AVI.SI•TLV.,--•llsee, Gro. de NA• i„ „ „3133 r,.,,, :: 1
,f 1 I,l,lAltour 1. 3 .11 ,10 .1
Cleo. ~,,, ~, 1 6,,, vi,ar,.oo , e, awl other ell' , ua , r" , 100 dozen 3inaom'allharkinfß Itto unoe 31tstrilto•
"' Z1V " lk!4 11 ' :f,g '• l qualltl. and e3'l°r.r. , 11T be.. Zr.rPo'crl•T•.."l°" I"
"0" : 1 ""' • 0 1 0 1 0 a . .
Th.• . and I u 1
Alcu-11.1ch d low priced Parasol. and Lmbre , l ,, l , a i :.4lanol , •,,,,,,,, i ,,, ,, , h - Lemon tic.a.r,
Role. Ir . Ar. lA. .. C.orn Room, I 1 clod, Sal S" la:
ua. Nall...bite head. tar.' nil,lr.
_,. tueleAS
CARP , OIL CLOTHS,Sz.o. l ilt, ,- , .
• iti..i.s—
', V.Rt.pkge. V. 11., Itupl. and :1400 0 1 ma Almottd•r,
le uovr notantly'reeriving hi. Spring Stark ,I' ; , ,
~ 131aek Tram, 2, bal. maul Nu.:
'''tels'inv7:l,,;,:sn','i Y,ll : il ' fiiil v iVit.. t.
Manprlltum Its part the follawing vat-loth, 25 tr... 111, I ;Ral k!rktunkyial
4 ' CAItI'ETS,
j 5000 lh, osin-h.
..kkak inkacs !tkorrlnck k &I , i in.
I " " P "'
5 r• Lemon ;tumor.
1, 0 , It o , Volret Pilo Carpet], dil 11.1. Tapertry I:rur 0 1 :, , I '1; 1 ' i` 'IT:F.., 1 „ I .. . 3 .,,,,„,„,,,,,;. r .
Joe's dn. du. 1 mambo. eatra Kuper. II Or atthettue 3 pl,. , ~,„ . ,f,._ , 3 ,!,L
~,,,,,,, .... _ Hopper , . .
Jo. Insfrshr e tra tuts Ms 2 axe du, ustumott situ vottousto 00 10: r.... 00 .,0 6 1` , .‘ , 2 ^ '`. 10 1 0 .. 1. k, , ..m.
4-I. 34, RA. il 24 tquilcal %cultlarn 44. 3-1, (co , stool 0'! rer ..ur '"`''' r•
plait:l4o.: 44.+4. fs-•. mut 04 wool end nat.° do. I 4 eoroutt. luslicro, , 111 .. Itraril Sumsr.
111.7G5, IIATS. 01 I. CI.OIIIS, &c. i , ksk as kn. 1.12 GK., 111,000 Prams!. ru5.... 0 .•
Ism anun llt and Pt 61•03,., S•str. Iles - nun
Extra Cber o • .1.,r,.... hon. I, c, 1 lho.Nl Conc -
do do. :mute " 4 ‘c i rit a „ " lc:!::;. ' 1 • j,,,r,,,. "I'l """ n ,o 11 , 11., ' I .4 .rel 10.051 11 S moo -
M ctln di laid,. du. do.: Thrum do. ,10. . kit , No 1... , I 100 Isla. l‘ au,, rrt•sar an•l
Crumb CU '"'"
to 00. 104 ; ". a t"' •'''' r '''",
',;•. 4 ",i‘,7::.;;" -4 0 --. :,,,... -I',",ftr -."'``—
A,..„--sh, .... —,.... ot en, 1.,, , ball us rossul 4. ",, 1. , '• t • Si'.
•4, 74, 64, 34 Oilcloth.< • •10 Tccosorcrlicl too gn• •t. 3. 0 10b0...,
STILL I!, .-. loom c.o.k Laap tk.k
iDS", ,, T A 111,E C I O V ER:, &c. tun .1... 1nnk1...t.. , , nor tut
, Mal lasark Itmost runts.
Alao-S.I I Ft..: Carprt 1110.1100,, I.k.s car . sk kk Tot. , 2tal -.l' A M. Catollre
prtar,_Ran, 34 Malting. - Table Moon.. o'nc..l, . 4, " Carttle,-ap,
sud Ilia, lo Tran•p•ront . anion l‘loadorr. , :, 0 ~,,,,, ~4 N 1„),...,.. loot 0r„,,,.., os, ,„,,,, ~ t o
itutfWl 1 enltout Illonlr. Ember•ed 1,1111. , I -r ores Moor.; Ihrdtmo, .01010.0 end 13 ',annum,: Pap ,
Cfreet-r. o. Stand dn., A% orated Table do. l'. Imo Yam+. Itattsne Candlautek 5001 Toroth ,. with a vor
Itarrit "'"h:"." our
''''rk"'''''''''''"'• .. ".I''''''''' 00
' V.?,: • 1 . .l i I I I " ; " 1 '10 I.T \ ' FIT
mon rob k, kanna of the lave[ and noon •can i "I' •`eh . 3) IslarCrams
oroarod I'. sal, and 11l !rout O. Arthur 0,,C dllo. Prot, Thomas P Cope,
f r t •uo t. . pro, or me 0, 01•1 :v. 10 ckck-'l, - • k-skkku..l W Jour-. JOll,lll Nelf,
ntrof on •rs
one ' 1... S. GORDON , , ard I•croth. 110,61.01 II Wont,
Wo , c 11 to call MIA examine our •took et ' .1, , 10n .t Lroven, William Woleh.
Tilt 7hollAe, 85 Fourth street. ! harnuol I nmlth.
Produce, Commission, and' Forwarding e..,,,,,..111,11... Foontle 'LAUD.,
2 , Aurtin Allibonn.
no W. 11tcCLINTOCK. Clusrle. Ta,lur,
511111CIISNT. 4101100.0 %%Atm. 7..0 ” ..r a i r ' T.f r '7::a.
',.... 1101..n.
rig Bonnets. ~ NI , rn• ,, ilt , , II D. Eberror,l, Set 'y
( tor'' r iT is received and
as, Iu par, lbor followits, R.-
b ,,
ti : rj,,E unders4rned. .4 , trent for .. tiii:
.Plin- ;T:rieir,..,,,:.,i.5...vid,,,v,y,r1,,,n,,•111,,ncr0,:i1tz1zy,.1..ii,ne.,.ertiri1.-,1,7.,,,,..
sl 1e... en , ''lng 3n3 -.. ' 3 ' ''''' ' '"".••• •. " +ll,l,: all rt.l.• ol tuardon. elcan.ler.
r, e. 1f • " n ''''"'`'''' '"' - "!' 1 "' " ""` ''''''''''. h ' ""'" '"' mar lereon•idoncl as oderothr ample uoutit, O• the rmbh
i 1111,1 1 .6 ll.rn. • mmetornt• trre trlncro nu. •
o. Ar.VER.I I. Ph ao Pi /1 . , ~ .li 111 , 4. N 11 , ' i. , ES, nlllll3l P Jo INT.S. Arnt.
16Is'le ,a..!1 No. I 11 Front etreet
31iilp * '''34i3.1;1'."3. • In
e• . n r ' f • , • s r'• T.:7"! " ;l ', ':',..,',.‘,,','.'1';',1',....!",' ,1, ' , ..'.; - Zi ":I,'
„,,. • I II ' . " '`"' '''' '^"- :11 . t‘l' ' rr 1'....;":`.:-'1,;."`",..-,I . r.
American Life and Health Insurance Co.
r,u, , htra. ,-..... Id. Peurl iI 1 a Loop ,ano,
: Icreoce l`truped. Amen,au L05r.11e,,0k1,,11,
fane , e,.- Man-h. 1,1. L , coll:boN ,
uali,,h l'jrl. Alum:noun Mo•od.
-AI ,ene. oFluted Manolta. N " " "'""" '' "'''''''''' ""' Ac . " "'N't "'•••••'• ' ' .Irent for I'. Il*burgA, SAM!, D. ru wi. E,
- s it Kra:, !SOL • - arrear.scr.s.
• tcOlne. ed I.lllh aL shore huntlifield.
Nle••r• John thfflorau A Soo,. 11. Slur 3 S.,tor. Tlr• J ' Nmphlet• . utainknk; an 1.11,1 , ..7 1 6,..... kn.. Is'
nsciktS 6 -I and ns ` 1,0, ' nk Oar, oAI. o . Jot,. 11-C 1...1 a 1'... %, .11. A. 11 Gaon. u 5.,,, n , 5 ,i , s ss s .. „,ss„
ml 7 ollf
1. , tJ Ilr, , a• las . boy wsl. Kasahlrr A51• , ,, , r, Nall, 3U) •
IA; II f CIIINTZES.-51t-activ it Buscu - 1,.... Turnbull. Pall 3 Slade. tlahert 4:exult 1 Sr., .1...
Mall tooth. the nrusotou of tbo L.,11.... to tome msa• G00r.,..-11,..m0r0. _ _
.. , . . Western Insurancb Company of Pittsburgh.
-61"`"''''' "` Li.j" '' T ' -.'.." 'i1,;in,i.?,;:11..1,5r,,Tt:1•',',..b.r:h ( 1 A I'I:FAL $300,000, IL MILLER, JR.,
li ' alrii ' t7.:gri: b' ,:tr. '7"- rr" t'T:' .T:. }.— ,
'If I Z.T... Rennet Itshbons, llouncri:;.9" ' . 'w--." u•
' Jun. - C.: 3 . l en: EN . CoieLtei- Wol ...ore a•pdttel a.ll 010510 of rialce, Piro and )lulne
mob'. hoot', Stulluollan Or hao, hicurrtllle All lorso• .111 be Itherall, adfuetool - and promPl,l , ald
, ~—, 31,..r. , . PA • , mnall. lora. A Lone In•utultuu-aaaturd 3, 1 1 11,,, freer `eh. r3 3 •1 , i 1
'tiGE DE RAINES, Light ann, Dildit. 31,--r. Jam , . nwel • Ll , - Levis 3. Ilutlsr, Phtlalelphts- 0 , noren Is the romornaucity, and •so aro doteryt u
„3., A
~,,,Itugr • fey plea,. ter, Ixsatiful Erroc.h. and ....1 . kncnk.,aknkanknk samosas. and liberal., tu malohdo taa cliankoank kk a
k l lias naka arcuated. as Miming the hoe. , poster:doh h , th••••
~`-if f d ' ud r“'" —4 Vrit'A'l;,`.%lllT,ltil ELL.. *.,: I'GA it AND 510 L ASSES- at..., .i•-strkk in he oneurol
I,lllLert.l.- It 51111,7.. 1 r , Gen Mart. 3 W Rutter. N•
aj 75 hhrio prim. NO. c‘o -a re
Bur:ER-20 bid. Rill Itatter. . :ak Lhle. - - 31•Lc , 0, 1 ,, r rale by , llolnson, Jr , 14 0 II 11.1n0r., 0' Ihromen. Oleo. 3 , Jacluarm,.
salell 1 ron Jame. LippinrcAL Oevore Ilarde../atues 11 •
3.. t0.r.0l 5 Ms, Parted Ruth,. tl.r I. h . ., JAMS A 1117C111fhoN 3CO ,t . Al;.• i,,,,,,,,,,.. 3 ,.. ~,,,,
~1, t, L f• WAI O.ILMA • a •••••.,...
nwha 11 ta 0.1 11 x[llll mut til Inos.l . 1 OAF t.UtiAR- . 2 5110 hls. Sllortn, for sale by ~'' ' ,„1 .E ....„'`,1,,T,„ k ' .,;, 1 ,;;, ` ''' ''r ' ''''''. '''
sPoo rua a dl r f .
1 A au , br.:s JAMES A lIFTCII).4. I N &_Cs . l ...
It AC 1 . 5:--4 calks
, 11. , atusi - hhds („1. - a,likk he ' Delaware Mutual SafetylnsuranceComp ' y
i - ,houidorar ltord ris , d. ter •or t , N.` 0 „,' .. d.u„," Ait - -= . •..11,. 11 • 01-/E1.1.. I, Si, .r et. dIFIF I l'E, N ORT II ROOM OF TILE EN
itt.ib:. WALLINGFORD 3 Coo
A . iCK Eli k; L--1;s 11 11 Is. prone N,,..'.. land- 1-7,,,,c11,%;`,,,',it;.„1::"_"1„'„'',7„',,2,,..''',7,',.,.1,1,,„„,''',,,. . r , o u„,
nAc-O-N_IK3 pc. fur nalc Ikv ,ylll. ~,4 t;,,...1.0 and I r , Iton.l .sedust boo or
1. fact!, WIC.6 3 . 31,-CANDLESS 11,12 , 4.` R0.111P.11-,t 131 ILPPERT 4,,, a ,,, t,r or, .at tho Loco , rat. of po ninon
............._ ti ~,t, 1,,,, L.+, -- Ile, .b. , to•un. leasho. Caren...,
—7— ii. ii Alt .IND 3IDLASSES- sii.i krsigl.l4. IS suuar or ons.ttouo, undor Op , rl er epeenah
Tp CONTRACTORS. 1._7 10 Istoi. I lautatc at roan. pda.s..• a• 1.1,...uurt may doctre.
1 , 1,111 , TL1V.F.1411,1 -Thor al.. Insure Merrharollno
•"." "" "" .""'"."- '"" 0 "'" •"L" ' t,,, , rt0.1 1., ,Va oo ort.. hail mat ear, t coal brlars. •nd
H----- In •toro and hcr rah by cat Illarral term,.
TO CONTRACTORS. olu-rx , '' , ck FT-- '-g.4...::::;:,.ni• - ,?..1r'z;;:. , ." ,.. . , , )4..
„, , g li SIIAIIES Ildu,edittin Minim: Ceinpan. ~i , ,r µ , r . ~,,,,
~,,,„); ~„,..r. I
pltnii'osAl.S rhs . ihsizrl fru.. :it... Md- 0% . F ~, • ~. 1.. .1 , 1L1.1.., 1 . .,1% 1.1...n1 1.0. W., lama , o hula , 0
•otle. Sum, Cutter.. crow 1111 , ,_ I,r thc i ereet . •ris •••-riii , - 0 , hi , - , ..iii“ 1 inci .i , liar. 1..1.e.1. .1.,1,0t No• 10,. Iser R3l 11,0•4 , 0, June. 0
: a Irr , Ar•tant 1:, ..-epAlCbctrob. at tbor• rnor..f nun, rt , , , lhoud 11, of it Paulding. II Joase• Ilnaols... Itoorr ,
na Gnat atm., 1. I.lnars2 , l in tos.,rl.4. , ustlos 1 Mt. Aa r L AItI 1 -•
2.11 1,, :,..). I Lard. and 2 Inns ..4,,,„, 11 of cr.,,,, tioromo Serrlll, erpecxer Sloll•son.
f Arnt 'nett A plan 300 l rs..afous l o. us mar 10 .01 ,01 , Grs ..... leash, f.. 0 •..I. I- , IS. Is (L 7.6 1.1. •Co Char, 11,001-.he11.. Jt: John..., 51 m Ilay. PT S Tl.usa.,
• . I...tinre liaalm ,4 1 ',non, 16.1 ula.rostrmsr...n math O. as.: .5.,,, ~.n1.0 . . It ra 6.110. 40
1" ~.xlo + 1, IT•1411.11.-P T. 51orgau. thatch Craig.
"':: 4 IIY„TF.:I'.7t: "i"„17'.';'"2...,,„,i "'t0r50...m... 1 ! 4,....‘,1..F.1t AIL S. 1'2:4 I.slars ansi 0 1 1.14. de . .1..1,e r 1.....„
ds. m•ottlby au an-lotect. mar be 101 l •On r ,, -- . i.) so. 0., II UAL/ELI. •Cs 0 . , I smo .01 Maar,. 4r• 01,1..ut Mr. C 111,01. lire Pr... 1
'II. 11 ...I. at the Rxehany.c. Bank no /t, 1.51..11, .11,•., .:,. J t ~. ,•. nos rotar,
i...,..:=01 LikrNtlEz• ''''''' ' ' I' ' ''' '' ''' ' l o .t l- 51 0 11nili .‘ 07: . ...P „ i '''
--, - CI 1 ,, naina . o,t.t.,nr. 1 3 ,4•0.
L . ) EMON ' A L.-- E xiodsn A 117. . s'crr, NV 11.,1e- ~,, ~„, ~ ~,,,, . Franklin Fire Insurance Co. of Philiid ' a.
1., Oa otIroorr• and Dealzre le ',Jure. have rout , ....1 . • 'Tults r Charles IV Basicker, Geri.
lc. se 22 Stnrod. and 1.•7 Hr., rt., botwe , n It ocal and , 1 ;,1rr!...r.1., ra.s.:iiart. 01.kad,...1 II low, ont."
^rnalche 1 I.lll.burah. lava ,a, c u u. or. c . ,-,
_ _ _ _
__ - 3 a,. r *4,0, 1r 1,r , 0, ramsust Isr,ot. Dewed I. Drown,
WALL PAPER. •,.,.,.:. s ,t..,.r. ,ts NI , re ut.l f , ..I. 1., .1., ,, t, I: orurtb.. ,• Puttrrou
C1111:1.1> 1r II SNCRF,R, PreaddroL
I,teLlnli A ISES• ',rt. ,
Fresh Assortment of Spring Goods. 11, A.,..std. and 1.1 1... A •tro.rt ~,`,34,,!,%,',,,,3,,“,5,`,:,.„3,1ru5re,.. ,7 3 ,, 1 e , e , ,, „ ~ ,,3,.3, 3 , 3 „ .
,33,3,3 , 3300
rrIIO:SIAS I'ALSIER is dull; re , cishic L.! I. N11111E:•• • r hunt-1 . n 000 r, do- nnoc.n 4.0 !, , torro, In 0.00 seal
j fop thy_ , Ecact , :ru Ccohos, at ire' , i ,wet. rl 0.1.1 , I. 1S • I n'47.lrl'.V,,,,r‘t'„' ;,4':;....:r7:1..":"Zr"K".7:•'n'1,r,A.1,..4.
\k. il.l 1 \IMF, IST HE . 1r 1.. N •on 0..; ••
•nact arel Pruutoms, oak', us••• 1.1.
! rare Third and Fourt.h 'tree+, PkttAuc, k Its. •.- , t , . ,a oh. c•on,parcr .on January Ist, lat.,. put.
••rarr ono, m lIIP o-ront sh•ol, of the:nowt beaut,.l 1:•,•4• Rao. Ilacol
1 . 0 .4 I .krII...VGING , that tor, ar.Praru 4 in t15....u5a40-0 . sr
Sur • I no; ,orrod. Th. nalmru. ar.... •. 0 ' '•a, u.. .117 ..17 6.7. II
rt, les ,übarly chaste. wad tl.e color.. , ~....• 4 411, 0 ,, 0. 0. ,,, va 7.1 01
14111, . p05ar.......1 Foam lu rent. upward.. II 0 hon. • ~s , I . •
o u r..
I To this err:ardor laud s{ , ,,alc.uf 1•111. Is • 1.. 510.R1 A ,
• oar.. tc..lotruout out 1 :. c . 1kt . rn0 , ..",tv do:.1. than clearr r. toto , c , .
... r.
s ‘ r 4 , I .-•.‘
11.0ti,.,a,•,:1in-a-rtnai;i7itd.bra;:karTa-ra re r.. 1..... •
lolly 1 .14.1. tre LI. at ltd. 1 a -ua
I , , „.,, roe. 11.... rra .1 uf oda trau "rasa. 1 ,
NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! ~,„.,,,,,,,, r ~; L.. 1 ,.... , ;•; ~,.;,rjr,,1,11%;:,., h.„.. ~..., . 5 ... m...., „ mi-- ~.., 1...... d 1,......
4 T HOLMES ' LITERARY DE Po'r, 'lllir,l ...L.:, ladlar• 1....”.• lo 1,. , allt.nhurt ...leo , . f 11,..
1" .. "' . "' .l U '“" -1. el , ma...go r 11,.r.r... .a ...11 a. thair shad, and da
wa r y
- MORRIS'S TEA MART, '""'''''''''''' ' `.7Mll::Vil,n,',"3Tr. .—,
IZI ". wary of Mearrantra, No ..1.. „,,t .011.. a 1: ....TneT rd M... ant al rt..
, I. AT 1; II 11 11 it I S A. II A W Olt Tll , I
L.. 0 on Art Journal. Nr )4141 , 1
IA int Living Are. N.* da7 ~
,;.' 111 li , 1 , , , + , ...d... 5e“.0.1 1 ,,,,, from 0,,,,,,,,,i,.+1,,,, ri'lllE Ml' TI AL . ISENEFIT LIFE INS! It-
The litho, an . d Ad.entor... a Yen own. 1., th. antler
of . - Laarrie Tuld. I F 1 Ol' WISI I FOR T E.% that i , rvally ,I, ‘...5,:;,,,„!..;`,,V.14,N", ‘',' 1 .1 • :..'„:“.=&.,:„.
tatrioaintat...;rpor.7.3.t..f... Aout.
Pt, Joan: ITU. W. NI. Bet nr4d,
1 . 4 rt . , Tallrela . ., ' ; ' l . ..onrinskra a th- In. )111-c. i. .......,.•.,..„.._.•.•,•..,„•..,-,..,....,r''" klar.....aa,d , ...iturr fruus ld tr• to la. rant toad., lar .rntrkr
lea. ears or.. tart . 110. ratahltattuard. • The ...I..ardar will mad.. arenratron• nor a•orne. uo
1 ' . “ • •' ..1 '"'"' T"-• ." 1.. 11 ' 1...-. Mt the ...v•ate......... 11 1 nananna •, the •Iy•l•
r utar..r d 0...-.
Tle 1 rry laut . ' praflts traor dd Wed annett th. arantrral
t.: :aid flail. a lhatorical Itumanct. -....t.npletq Thu.Poraddrah that 1...., f r .... ~,,,, No lit Front Ozer ,
Theitrerwlck. Woullandr, by Frank Forra.vtar t.nalrodt th. van.. kite, .4 111 a a T-ro that anra.l.l to 1.....
Thellikkl. l . o rge on the Minna by Tbertntaa land and 1rr,...1 at 441. ,, f. . Yrar..... 7,, pN.
Th„Ae......n'e Nerklann hy Dorn.. ' mrldr. o INIISCELLANE (II :S.
Poll,. IN,blawrottiaWraditna: dlnetratni b dun,rt, .
Porj Pato uf •Ma m 1 a tudenk dor. . S r. 1 . 1 1 SI Ii.IIIS Ad . -
Th City Nlerchant: , IRL E r 1 .. Ir . a.a 11 I: Lard...1..1 .0.t,. t
1: 3 .1A:a i r i rl 'm an ' Tf 1 ! ;:1,17: 's ur Illuta tr, Noun: Men. .21, htda crualual rulaar. lItA II int SE Y. I'OIIISSION NIER
-Im, axal California- . iraal. No I, n rad atra ,, Pouhrtrtth
Gantt...We Etlquetta by Count 'Mt..%) :r. • udkird, an 4 Clantad . rut, , •
„dr.-. hlred at dart radar far au, daartation of Mo'
Led el' Etettlette and Toilet halt. rd •, 11 -ui. 41..1........ tar ell. la 1 . n "" 4 . 11 .• .1 1.1.1:
LIST TIM: the rkindar-the littrary-d.he Prim- hy t....„ JAM_ A IlrllllllulN A r O.
Morro . anthOr of tbe .. bible in 5{10.14 ' Now .111511 nahr....:. Nee.. 0, 1 ..... 1 . , rgor Er hoerr r i IIIIIE i 1 I l'A ICIN ERSII ll' II ERETOEuIIE
It l.'s New Monthly. 6.r Wand,
It h FIa:MIN , .
a t W II tlitlel ..II Ira 11,.... r r 1: 1, It...rang ta anthordrat to 0... the
Ike n ahatatrear., No. 51 S , , i t i ; ,
,c l t t ,,s - , - ,s ; , : 111:1; , , N 1,1,1 i . i..
N t , ~ a , t• l. r i i. ( o , r • L1 .,, , , i i . , d i n: , , I
~,,,::," ;
1n„,'",„',72"',71',.',''',„",117:`Z,'",i1,""'„'',7,1T00 .„0:2,7,,:.1
Ap leton n Mectunalca !Westin., No , 1 R k II I.7ltrEY,
T T ch h ,
~,,,1,1.,:irri,,,,7.,,1thtit-1,,...t..:1,7,..M..r7tb, c
~....„......„_.w...,... , N ~I,IIEM I la• WIN 1,,
tl4 rirorf.'lit7vVi.elm'f.yll..,t7,l—"`"'";.,...-: ' Lana of the ad. kn. Ir. itre settlement ot their 10,10..
• 1. 1 6 1 iS - A 1 . .., IA,I, i fo, .11 4 , a• , ale" by feh I:
a LIST RECD AND NOW OPEN LNG NT 'r, „,,,,,, •111 II %1.1,1,111 .
i 1 SSI ILI TII IN (IF' PA lIT N 1 , 51511 I 1 . -
1 WM MGM - A. No 1.6 LIFEI.ITI area.,
~. y 1,,,. at . .oyaranr =lrak ,r h.a...,,,,i...,,,,,,. • ' I Alt!) Ili I.lrl ... A. 7" , I:, No 1 Lard. in 1,/ 1,, t0 ,,,, t0ni , t ,,,,,,,,,, ••=1,.....00(•,-.1, no
1 o oertl. 1, muter Ow •t Ir c f ,11149001.1 too, wa. ma
ajap al to 1.10. men a %tar tur rynne. runt, main, t.. A ....r. ar.rt f. r *al: r., . 0 tra 1,1 tISt. t f Januar; ld, 1.. nt,dest ...r,
nea. t Ail , 111 AVOW... it I}ll and 1 taint b 12.1,1- I Ilaitill - Ii SRL t 1.,. II rad I..ther at 0.. ruhartla , .. 11l attend to ...Ont.:, ur
a Tarry .t.tendal eaartsrant af Vadiud• aret lisitl• c --- , - ,
~ .
ry er I-, faatorroahle shale and color w hal. tie ther ann. ! I I 1,,H,11 A PI 'L ,.. - 1 .11 1..; Kline, for ~ a le th , '';,,,,•-•, .0''•,.•;;,v,•6;,•-• ~fu..L..
n lar-a end well manufacntrad .nak of ll I.A rY Melt .Ai .„, „,,,,,, „k A . 11A111:1 1 ..I1 "". “ r
IlliiNli. makra one of tho larreat and Twat .4..4.3"'start. 1.. •.1 Ttlora alt 11 IT,
rVek wart of the Allerhonint all of whieh tha Proprietor 1 ( II it) FISH —,, , asks rev .1 nn d fur 1111111 I,
l• de rtorntvi to •.Crr at !na rms.. ara will ...ovular all . , ~,,,,,,, ~
~ ~ w0 ,_,,. , . _ ..
.T ho aavor him with a call. th. not only , the twat out. rar Ia , "'" A: EW FIRM- 11. (2. Shacklett and William
1:1(1105 IS 1.1.1 aLI lb, ealsol,larn cl, I. I al., at 11, I. Lr ALM( ,N__ - , ~,i... N o. I . f or ~ , h, ~,,. I 1 I .., 0., ar ...set , partner, arid lk.ntandurily.le. .
'1 5 1 0,...7.- t r n a 'nh..o6..."Tllonna. lin. eve... 4 ,1. a• tt,ilti. In th-. ' l ' at. i.'.l I, I. a kir,. i ~, t ~....t out hmind tamper, NMI an d th. M holes..
Idr t. . the kr,. rrr it IL ...alalet , a te.
beat -arraiht;thanner, and . the shorted tad , . . .- ~
' I I KRltt Ni, 5 MI, f.., ,1,. 1,, .t the •S., W.., 1.. o 4,1., 1., nuty A Wlrtta. N. 101
ritirr ti 11 f . All ACK 1.170
.- - i I ineltkl a t,,,,kti.! (I NI S, Si PA )N P.
I )12 LV F min) Cur p •ii,...! ,1,,i pr, g,o-I'ARTN ERSI I I PThr sobornber. ha% 0
„ 1 r^nr, , ,• , h'n","'`”"':,::„ " , " ., 'l r, ' . 'r .. " '! L area Larr . ....1, far /,..1.-Thl' . ...l I id.r
-'rn,',..'''''''';'-‘3 fur ai ' ,4•Ai,,r; ~,',',V.,,,, ~,. ..., 12 ' autrf „I artate t..a......d10g1, health
11 r, .I.detuas at. Z0;,,...1';,:',;,1,',7,,.,1;”""r""”-1.%.4-1V tl,. II 4 ''.."'...
the•dn . . rtitda. n,c , llt,tntlV , t4 LSO , Ir" 5.. , ~" '.." ~....1 JOU , Si 010 . 3. Y
rtrtst .., , I 'lent Petra ~ 1 var....dr. M. ran. _
_ us A CON,,-', 1,11,10 prim, I Ln,
lIIIARRY, I Il1:11 ES . 1 / 4 CO., Propri
I etors of
lil , 4., ,1 •• ` l ••• ° W . i 'in "-''' s' ,4 I it, 1 . ... , 6 1fv,,,.. lll•nrrlnin..l .I'l.l+ Vgarti , l. lag
for aria b. 1 1 I. " ' . 1. " . leave b. n tartan 1 outractur, turd tdhar, at l'ltta.
Rockingham and Domestic “neensware.', '4"-,,,,,L.„`.‘;',,7,",:t;;!.,',71r,r7;!;,.„'";;,b,:,',.".;,',U.:tr,r1,,,:,
~..,i, ~. ~,,,i..,,,,,. fur ito, , ra, with thadr la.
IV "ufartil),‘,lrt." ',Tictofi)i.ruclaiin'..‘hk.araKattLaYo;lCiow(lLoa.:., N l:t h or n :, ''.1. 7 ..-:,, , , , — ,,,, .1 C 0 , ro .n t. ...atoll of the best and
F... 1.111.,01...111110 Inn,. Nieto Muarrtra In ' tio. Unitat Stelasa-the quality of
Srau, , l.• thwarts. Na 144 I.ollrthrtre.r, 110. the "ar tl,:`" :Inn.. IA ..,001 If or d outarita, tr. the brat 11 rlola
or , rdlioa, Pdtelmrela Pa 1 . 1 0 1..,--110.1 onnhd tada.All.l bur experionord end pm
°or 014.001 a. It net, enablo tts to 611 ...mien. fernlnpl , 11,1 •lat. re to de than awl, ruou,urnllT tboy bava on
A radnpanda derutorr lain, radretantl y erdnltry,,l, alw..n- „„ 1 , 0 . 0 iro t urtn, • tart.- tit. vraterMeht rear n.. 11
atrira .., to keep rner. with all th, new awl Unproved otyl.. ..„., r. 00 .1......1, ndunl. tad. at a. mato:table • p. 1.0. tar
,f 11, day ',IA , ' , WI, 1:1 th. trade
Wri.aj'reart . Parham Fanry Toy, lava-TO., r,ii h Co parttrularly recommend their 51.1. ur la
Flow, r 1 sea.. t01d....r1d Montrol ornrunent... Nierhona •and „,,, „„ t a ,y, 1,,,,,,,,, of ~,,,,,..11,A, ~111 t ,,,,„,,,,A,..„,„„„„
' Vrn if f. d r. ' . ....,',rlPartlttrolial.l:2,ll.',V.m"' ""..
'111.17'111-;..:-r" ' "' i V , !;, r ,,:;"„‘„:7;,',,,, tnr ,, 1111,7,,j,,T, ° a n t ' dlrurcan te. sarn-land
' >I 1 'Molnar Parry. one trl tha rarneanl• that' .10. ba eon .
WebsLer s unabridged Dictianaxy. ...10.1., do, thetr avant , . rlfltry, ~.,,rtar. n.
lir EIIST EIC S UN A BRI In ,ED D1(1 IoN- .. ,1 -a7 . , , ,, ,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,i,,,,,,.a.
PARK% Iltdritadt AI,) •
latteal In sheep. I L'edun,artart. , - orter 1...,./ 6.ldarlll2tavr. , :ed
sant.. tr.,.. 1..1114 .11 idna.a...16. 11 X....... 1 I." , and .alas,
111 t h ..1. trati , t,,,.. ‘4 EU A lIS--150,00 0 Com. Ohio, for sale by
A 101'1
14"1"4 th'.l.7l;:rlra.l"'. '1
' 1. ."1' .1 A IL PIATYI3
mr.1,1, Wit. Si Si (AA 01. s. , -
',LA:nu:Rs- 160 0 lbs. prime, for sale by , TIMOTHY SEED-5 0 bu. far
II lot
4 rn.1.1 1 3 A a rhoSt ,
.. ,,,, E, .A W liAltilAl l /11 ~1
;' 1 i 1L0 . 1 . ..1 } i , - ,, - I 1 / 1 ) I,bls. superfine, for Fide 11,
"'LAXSEED 01 1,- - 4 14111. laity Mako;on
1 J a IL FLYD:'
hand and t ,, , - .1 , 1.. 1., I -
mehl , L '.WICK . ' , HSI , '" ! I AHD OIL-1 1 i lAA. N". Lon hand and
I , 01)LiV Elt OIL-A:aslant), Clark At Co.'s, i 14 . 1 A : Vsir W. iV ALIA NUFORD A CO,
tea Wn4r gnat.
I na.Nl and far sal. try • -
/Incite IN. WifliEltSIIAM I 1:1kT 11( IL IV ANTED—The highest inarlod
. V pt..- i.....b. „Ai k.... 0.1 for the illit , ltt ,rm , le.
Ili e:` ..6 811-,h S-211 I' - • . 10,11 ''''' l 5 1' 7.111,- . 1da...V., . mthll S.* IV. lIARIIAIMII
!Alb Me, ',lke. to. Tee .1 1., —_
AA 'I AariN a IN., : I IIC (I 'l' IC E .—AII persons having claims
.rit N.. 6 . 2 and frl Mark. earn , 1 I_ll mann. , the Mean., NOTIUTI,EII , I.. will Ocala ToT"
I . ADIES' DRESs OooDS- rent Madm to the o.lweriban. for sattleinent 10=411.. 1 1.
rta LIA. laud ha. tatraal 104...ther It.ata.
jtA 1, per plain all wr•4 high out ..... 1 It..halm, I 01,11 4 %VA:A.INi' 101 W A 91.. tre Water..
.2.5 . new end Poland...l .. 1 ) 10 lieragv D. I ..trer , 1,01 2 SALE -Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail
to - '11.'0...n1,u...din, oro ~penoi at ' I road Stork,• Bank rd Pittsburgh: end Exchange Bank,
nt.1.4 A. A. MAIIIN A CO.'S 1 , 111,111.1 11. 11, KINII. Fourth at
1301.A511--S casks recd and for sale by I IILA NTA T lON 11l LASSES—WO bbls. in
mthhatt & nu% rrnos• lii ono. MPS 1,10 retle by 41)11,11 DALZELL.
melte 121 end r . ..:1 131..01, at. ,...„, 1 th Water .I.
IV INT .iM IV HALE ()I 1,---12. 011 gall. I,l'd,llk i ACE EREL-22. 1, 1,1,15. No. , I;
!'" . "'"'d
V 11.1.1 11 A Incitrrs , lN.
lln h . ' - for gale by
I 1ne1,1.1 JAMES 1tAL73.11.1„ al Water .Larch
10 1 "' '''''"7" NSICI76Tat,'""I IJI m. Isl 1 * W lIARIIAIJIII .
otrenral by jolt
111 .Itlll (lla . •. •
1 iJ. OLE LEA'r II Elt —I:5 0 Ships for atilt. by
1 !NEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS. sr) „,„1, sa W. 11/11tHAE 11 1(.
311_,1 NIL:11011Y 1 ht11tC1.1,Fy.1.„.13, 1,rabe,..,1,,urait,,,,r...e.,,:,,e,Z4 i TA R
-- - , . s 11111. t N. C.
1 . ,,,
01,10 by
ir,"I',1:If;;1:,rul:::1;:i7.:. ,.0. 4_ i , m'hs ' IS ICK A Mrl'ANDLEttd.
80 . 1 . /A , ASII —2O casks Kurtz's brand. for
K1.:2,,11,15urri.1:,1,t,--I 14 ,1 k, e L gli ....k i 11 . 51 ,,, 7 }, v '; ,7 1 f; , , ,. .1 .. for 1
/ 1 ENTS' POCKET HANDKERCHIEFS— S I,?ILAX SEED OIL— • 2110u g.lls. for oak , by
41. II Ida and LlM•ltetaltiirle.4 0.0 and band...dud aly lea, 1
. 1 tnrhl 4 1. 1 . ,Ik W IIAttIIAMOII.
t ' u l rl,P "‘" PH"' '''''t vrTAN. ..11(71IFIELD. 1 1711 IN DOW 11 LASS--6 110 boxes Windtow
• • 7 , ni,,,, , , nraortrel Pi:, and 1 arlourr brand., na.'d and
I . I EN 171 N E PORT WINE.—Thc pure i wee for ratio by s 0111114 l' 111 11 4111141111 i.
lir rho Itrata, aultal.l.formedleinal porprar, rot. may I .. .
I '. th . 1 . 1,,, dd or indtler . " 111,,, "" "HIT,' 7 "' SPRUCE CHEWING GU.NI—.I list reeeilikkr
, fy..n. li t tng, !kir., ibroo,l the hand* of a 11, Yap
." 11,1,.., .V• r.. Nat aide 1,1 th.111(1111.111 , i, I''' .
1,,,UN DRIES- -I bid, Chostnuto: ker. a lan, 11. of title plrarant and avant& Chewing
V - 3 1.. Illekor) Nut, • lone. Iff hlEh . le
. rta. r al . trr ,wastanlnkt the breath. cleansing
..:', I.orre. enerin Candler, for trete by Md . 1 .' . ' 1 ". ' 1 ” 1• ' . 1 ...hri,l . l irmi,..l, A.m.
uu Id:: J. IL W ILLIAMS k CO. : ~,,, anmer Wood and FllO. Trt•
viAsos's BLAcKING_-2.5 gro. for tude
. Viriltlt CURE woluis—The )v.wr
• 1. , - 0101,1.. J. It MI) A CO- t'on W... st. ~ I V a t, ( ; " tr,... " ltt "" A n m i. brj .. ' ta l lirt t a7 .l :; M. Tater PettanaL
1 L0 .. .1 i . : ‘ ,, 5 r 1i -- Ili casks, warranted nitre, for , r i .;; - ,i - 6„,,,,, o f ity,L.,,,,,,thy for Pro ' Wedtleatle
.liii. A .,
.. ,t. I
t d1 1 1 , 1 :
,11, /1 ? N t 1 ., /:ii . L 1 :1 1 . 4 1 . , : , L: . ; AND .. . l ,,, '' ' I L e i r , : 1 1: ° : . 1.1 I i l : , ti S 1 ,:,:,,, , ,; ,: •' . .4 -v t; D o l ‘ ;::l",; % ,,,,ll'erort.. th •t Y .:l7y 9l . 4l .3"gr i o.
nerraa li. Lt ' n... ..` .11 " 1 1.. "`fr .1. - I' ... 4. " ,-. ' 1 Theory and tae of Ilydropathy, br the lab. 11.
0 ,: :: : : : I I. I ttr A iil i t ,,,,1 .1 ni i .,:,, 1
ti . ,. ... :,. 1 .
~: : ,1 , ;;,,,1
. : ,,, 5 ;; , ,,,1. A. :.: 1 .,. 1 ... 1 ; ,.., AIN: :,1. :1 . )2 :_ .. ... , 1 ii i . : ,.. 1 . t . 7 1 , i ! i
I. T :l:_tr ) ; i. , 6- . .t.
N ...if , I. rr F n , , , ; :t ii. i . :t a:
l iro i n .. .3 l . l. nortA 1 . C . .k d 6.IKR_ INn I 'l. '
~s,:nuiilm..:;:,:l,l{. wNI . WM/41N, g,.„,„ 1.,. ~.,,,,,I„nat trot. the lieu.. by Robert Balkh.,
.0.0.1 of Paorth tsltd Market a.. Ai 11 . ~,
.., Yt..andaatta. 11.1 a ,a,ad Da r ,I, ,„"",' .."'', l „'„ " :jt ur : ' I Pl,ll' "
COIN DFTECTOItk -- - 2 .
rf behies
0 !_ . 19'.1, 1.... -, - . ' . ` 111.1 ' ' ','. I\. \l'll A .11. . 1 S 11 ; " .. I " ; T .,.. o j ,;=.. l t ' ,.. l .l , :...a ' n ' ire ' re ' ll r a °ll7 yl elslirr[ P ,4lltnalyk...
EEDS---20 bbl..tri,ti, prier ci . . , .1.i., 1”,1 • ....out. Priors Slaa, 113,50,and &LAO. ' lto
S , ~,, :, -
~ 01 ", •r""M tale at the Match itud Jowlir aWaa nt
.rba L ~.,. WATXII3II:ra 4 PAINT " I I W. W. WILSON.
febil comer of Sdarlut 62.14tb eta.
A N , 5 ,, 1 2 , 1 , 1 , t u, N r :::
ion 1.22. I , pr. I'..r .1 , ! , ..T r „ .t .,
T.. 0.11), 4 t .
- A 7111101;E-4)2 Ibv. recd anc.
x ~1.:
' CITIIE RI F LES,-,--15 gross 1 WII mu1t. ,. .1 j
. o, ..., 4nd fAr cab,
by T. Wool, a•ON.
rnch II NA. 01 .., pl.
' AV AIM'S PANACEA-1:2. liol.
.111,1. reed
end f, .441.. by ".
E ' ..: ' :, l A ','.
fur ealr by m.. 4,27 It. F.. , 4 1:I.1.1.1 1, _
'.. UTNIEGS: --75 lbs. for sal — e
140427 P.. by
Ul'. GARB. SODA —Mil 1 11 11....
, T i ri i l i av t 2 for
iI ea's. by met:::
1 EMON VANI LLA—Prestone estrart, b.r
1 tralt , by 1:4,10.77 It E. r.KLI.EIO 4
:- 0. SUGAR-15f, Idls:arriving, for ,ale
• b.,: welf27 _W.X F. WlLsor,,
0. MOLASSES ---500 bbls. (oak) for sale
I._ ~ AT 10,1127_ Wk V WILSON.
ISII - 5 4 ) bbls. Mass. Na. 3 Mackerel;
tArb27 10 .. Bait. .. "
4 " No. I Balmon: for 4ale A ,
lA3ll'llOll-41 bbls relined, for Hale by
rAcb% B .A. YAW:FHB:4CH k (70 ;...
VIIITIN li--100 bldg. fur rale by
' r rralez... It. A. FAUN EiT4/CI: I. CO
ti NISTONE--I'2 blds for . ~- -; ale by
" , i p t S, lls N o' l ' „LT S"iOU'IA,biEmA I f l::::N s T a i l , l e :K b A CO. _
.4 maiJA _
U. A. Y.A11,F8,T.1943's CO..
, AL ; : zOI.IA-2 0 casks English. fur sale by
, LAWES--50 0 lbs, f‘ l . L r A ttal: l l l. : ' ; '''Th" a (IL
InAliJI . B. 0. FAII.4:ESTIA.K A CO.
, OPPERAS--2 5 bids. for sale by
01.05. - 11. A. PAUSE:Crock aor
EANB--10 bbls.3llst reed and Itlr sale by
ULK MEAT-100 pieces for vale bv
1.,1,91 J. 11. CANFIELD.
I ittmt, :sturroN II A NI: 4 .- -1 cask (5.0 . 71
-LF N ' S ' 17E ' l ' I ' OI 12 - 5 ).' 4 ': .: LoIII: I I :: . U l r A i N I N V I T :. I O I 4 ' i fi
L' B . ,
Ln.B.A.A 8Nii1.14;1 . 1 a nr...Niirr ' . '
11,2 504,14.1. and ILI Viret 4tro.t.
rilimoTini SEED-40 111,1, for pale by
I torte- ,
. 1:501,1011 a III:NSF:V.
LI EESNV AN - x 0 lbs. for sal,. by
lif 111 TE LFAI ) --"so k r ,
r• , .... egs for sao• by
~., , torte:A, ENGLIsIi a BKNNI•2I - r
i i - Ats-- 400 bu. f, ~ a le by
ted IF31.1: , 11 A 111, N LTT
%%TtrRAPPING P put__
um Reams 3m and Croan:
W• extra Large and StmnA..
For pal, DT mcIt " ZA T".
Pr2so l iN SI AK Ell a 1.,
. .
il;fa.r,Vd.' for
Vesnt!ti:P.Mo.lsr,,,aa .0•1 vt,,k..t.
lIISIRTAItIC ACID-•' - 1 0 eases for sale by
.1 mbal B. A FA lINE.STOCK a CO.
ALCOHOL -:i0 hbls. (various strength) f)
aAsle by tAr425 B. A. FAUN moo: . CO.
BACON -5 casks reed and for sale by
me4ll . J. S. DILWORTH a au.
1..4411,0U8-400. bbls.reed and fur sale by
IitOLL BUTTER-10 bbla. for sale by
_ Mehl' • J.B. DILIWIITII t CO.
mew • w. P. SIARYILLLL.•
J.D. M7:MA.IdS & CO.,
State mutual Fire Insurance Company.
BRANCH OFFICE--No. 54 &imam!) &razz.;
TILE best evidence of the success of the
birertore In esideavoting to MAIL. the STA TL' MITI
the rousniumt). the unparalleltd &MAYA/ of business , 4
which ho. been done; haring leaned over 5,000 Pollee:am
ti little mon than right moult& and adding ,nee $1.10,C01)
capital to the Company. The bisectors are proud to my.
that nearly all the pnyperty Imurod l of the safest. kind in
small risk, .4 • Imgc Pro Portion for only en.
Number of Policies issued, - 5,065
Amount of property.insured, - $5,109,496.00
do. guarantee premiums, 57,909.79
do. cash premiums, - - 32,194.24
. do. guarantee stAick, -- - 90,104.03
do. losses, 4,100.00
To be dedueted from the shore Ind.,. the incidental
expenses of th
coune Md...
To cp., or try merchant, and owners of
and 501.1,01 and nountry property. It Is believed sht• OM.
pony atforde adranmges In point of cheapitees, gaiety, and
eeettrity. inferior to ito Ineunuire Company 10 this conntrl-
Condueled on the equitable and greatly Improved system
of Clauedleatis,n of MAR., excluding all special haaard, In
suring only a limited anitivnt to any out locality. thus pm
duffing tlo4 fmtuenr, mud oreurrever of large flre, ad
aim, 00 bulb the Stock and 'Mutual pl., It not only
ei,as the rheumy. , and turotungdation of halt mothnds.
but entitles the Inoue , ' to articipation to the innate.
It 1' under the 1,011001 of t he following Diroctom—John
P. Rutherford. A. J. tilllett. John D. Parker. S. T. Jones,
Alonzo A. Carries, P C
hilo . redortek, Itobert
.1 P. lIIITIIERFOUD, rn,sdent.
A. J. taLL)YIT, tiecretary.
A. A. COO6lOl. stouts!. (14,27
Penn Mutual Life Laurance Co., Philad'a.
twie. cJ, deceased.) Nn 313 Liberty street.
e the Netter cousenietion of persons s.adding In the
lower part ~f the etty, the totem mai ahei he found Sall%
10,00 11 to 12 sod 2 to 0 tecloek. al the countiOg
.t. Schoonutaker A Co. So 21 Nitsel street. when all nom.
informiltion will he given mid n ou n unications prompt
is attended ps Pamphlet. explaining the principles and
Levan of Life Imuiranm, and blank forms furnished on
Capital abed:. over 1.200.0(Xl and constantly 113/I,llAlAfi.-' -
, rnalt , dividoel annually among , st tho , a inensed for Me.
Plttel.usgh. Jan. 31. 1 , 51-101/4
• ; Marine, Fire, and Inland Tronsportation
911 U I; lostit,rve etithp., I, .11 North America.
•r. I.ll,l.leli•lths---Chartr,rl;ll79‘. Capital I.3l+l.tarY. A.wlt
Sanwa., sl,intl.Zsh GI. %V 01 mak., laruranre .41
14.1.1th¢. and 11,. lr ep pnlent., tht- city am! vlrltbtly;
r. rvery hon. ohlhrrd
n and other hy tr.awhortahoo or on the
UTANTEI) — A Situation an Bask-keeper or
Clerk in a ateresistlln or tamnfsetnring bon/a.—
tlaesreptionble referenara line al.
4rera..l IL. ewe nf k lax, ail rece re Mien
don . - , , I ton,et New England,
tit PIES AND TARTS--Fresh Cherneli ' nat..' a tioverneog by J o hn psdry
and Pintos. put up In their own yob, prrwrving the .Idart.a is up very patientr.
original flavor of the fruit Als-Cooper's celebratol ' On ° of br-orone asp., by Foster. Annie Laurie.
Sheet end Shnul Isinglass and Trench Gelatine. for Jellies. Lily, or the Lost Child: br Womlburl• .
Jun. A on. by Nies. Millard. Home Sick Polka-
Uh' in ' e ' ,l,V.r . *t r . r. ' )I t oZLI.1 1 Ill A CII.W.C. Liberty itt. Intehelor's Lunen, by the lintritlnsons. Olivia POl5ll
. 4 tinttol Polka de Comvrt; bY W. V W. 1.. '
IirENISON HAMS-93 for sale by Aithall the lan popular Song!, Welts.. Cotillions , Polk .
mobla J R. WILLIAM. , t CO. tal , . !damn., Variation, Rootless. de, le, Issued 11l [la
EnAll.••• Cities.
TANNERS' OIL-l 0 lible.warranted pure,, sew Altuir rcorirra eturp mud:.
f or. ale by tuchTl -
- El - n. I
A very large arid new stock of
CLIEII.IIY PECTORAL, Starch Polieh, Soap ;
Powder. and Effervescing omp,und. for tale ST CIIICKERING'S PIANOS, '
mch= IL F.. SELLA:RS. 07 A op' et„ To arrive this trust. of 0. IN.OX.moI 7 octaves. cmertul an..
plum, varying In prise fro m S'-'75 to VS.. Also. two ma{
R ICE-10 . ch,otmi. (freshs)Af,lLEezit,le...i,,iyiii:iv.i,
, n , l , fir. , •nt Orsini Ilimos, Imo the same celebrated mmufar
The , above, with a fall and general . 14 . , of I'd . ' fr '''''
L ARD -30 bbl. No. I, in atom., for vale by
mon, tr k M'"""
IL'""'n'. ..l k F l i ' l ' IIE Wl}, SI Wood at
'''• A W. HAKUAU6-- N R -Two Piano Ic ' oses to hire. 010 Ilan. taken It
. . -
ambit WICK . iIeC.ANDLE., , S.
F.,IISEi.:D--1., bble. for Kale by part for new ours. reell,t,
it urrEß___, bbl. prime Roll, for sale by ' t r T TIIE GIiLDEN 11A11.P.-1 1 . _IA..LEHEII
metal.; WII I` .A " 220111 '' ' ''T' f i•ralltri lt e.:l ' L de ' C ' xV , . ( e ' rt.7l ' s peof,, n 1 1.,' Fr-dutch:, StO
'ONES ON I.ANI ) OFFICE TITLES. -- ten ,eirmee..4 by n,ilw.,
0 .4 Syllabos of the Imo of Lawl lltike THles In Penn. ,
~,,‘..%'1!.t,17.,,i,,,!;:....1.0 A turf is-wutiful .o. o °'' .l
qlvalli. by Joel Jon, reed and hUr , t,a1 . ...i r 1 . . , 1 ,,,, ,, ,
I Tie Exile to lAA 01•••,. • new song. by W. V. %Callan ,
mrlls No 47 Market st i The Soblieen Wif, bY Huo. Barker
. i lb., - N.I.
.16111111AS' ALE-300 Whole and lit Ina Inas. 1 ~", , _!, - „, ,,, ...!, . .......f 0 - , -...P..-1 far .. 4 ~ .s b '
k - 3 in store, with constant arrivals from the linewroy. I "yl3-:.•;:•;;;;;;;;701r,,,,,,,,,. ~,,,,,,,,,,,..
*".0" i''''' ' '''''' ' loo lr:llll .l :ll7 l,ll N I. (LEPPERT I A.° ' '''''' " Ll "‘ r " . ' 4 '''.. r. ' h
mobil ,
Boys' 'Wear. w 1... re an, the friends of tuy yolltb ,
I tt.m... maide.......noe or' Troutolillo
1..1./.4•- , .....t Heart, ronuette,_llridal. Catty; lASI.
fUlll'llY & FIVIICHEI ELI/ Lays rood 1 ,'''" '; . s, k ,! ; rt;',l s i f - ,; . ; r :',i„
1 „ ~,,,,,,ritie.toee ine.l.. utophul to 'lull. 1 ,enure Landis. ifn . solt st1;1 ,1 . 1 SY 1. Ne ver t r"''''''--
wear.m.l ol i of plata end Pit. C•Assinuu•`• USW '& l ' otoitsestiouany the le. Sacred ilia. , buok ever pubilehed
Jo., T0....d5. Merino Casslinvres. awl Joan. worrna mad- 1 A i „,...„ ~x 0 ,,,,,„ ..„, ~,,,,,,,,,,,, „,. 0 ,,,,,.., , 0 „,..,.
of 'anon. kinds, all at lowest Ono, : , Al Isl At
' ""
' . ''''''"
'illgiVetr. l l ` kr=: ,`"* . `'
110111AZIICES Sc MOURNING ALPAC :., r s. :.'.;
`1" ... ". .-Ti-.iew and inwl fashionable music reeel ed si ,
2 _IP CAS.-01tarnv A 111/11.0111RLD Amite the attention of , e .„,, ge y o bn.i...d cli ' S.s
s wanting Shuman.. tuds, to their assortment ot • -
Bomb ,..yri azines, tiomtetrine lintrt.ll Motown, 51011,..1e Lain., BOOKS! BOOKS!
1,,,,,,..-.. 4, ...hi:
L.IIIOItTS-iiiiii lin. for
, s , ale low to tilos,. eon- i i 7; 4 ) }., ',, I L L . P - 2,. 5 . 5 . 1 ; 1i N ..!,,, F . 5 ,,, P . i . c T, r . i ,,t 1 . I fiti , ,,, ,
0 •Igonot. by ll EL P. SIIIII VKR l gat
meillu ' '-
i 5,,. , pi,,,, g i 01,1 n,,,k or the 1,,01.... .... ...
B ucKETs AND Tuits_ ---- 1 ,‘,.., Pamphlet .'vets.
I Mary trukine, a Erma - mit Story: ley the author of ROI
., dor L'/Ull•tt, In dot. Tun. for sale by , le N.A..
rool,10• JAMES lIALZELL. Thou. the A ven-er, by the mthor of the ..WilMingtone.'
110OLL BUrrEll- 3 Lid. just recd and f o r, L'T;:.:l`.:;;',.'%,nrii.;:ir.iT;;!.l'",,Tatti.rot;,iine tir
Ll. ' , de ST T 1000 In A V A.
, It. C. STOCKTON, Bookseller awl Stationer.
uirlao UI Water st m^o24 No. 47 Market ttreet.
L - -
AND 011.-21 i bbl. -
No. , just roe'd nod ! 'IV EW BOOKS ANDMAGAZINES-1-
for F.lO ton: 00 NVALLINHFORD aco ; j ,l laraham's Ifitgazioe for March, with 11l pain.
mobil' i Hurtirultorist, Au February;
g , ..tsitimit: ult.. - Cl,Olll -On hand. a ; cu
hi itie g hus eior, ;IN
A k. ''
N....) large assortment ol 4. t.. and Sho inn, T. 1111.1 Life's 1111,15110, n tan.;
and Figurud Rae, Patent carte, Int Cloth- • erten. , Mehan , . kingstrane.o.t.
'r'k li ' art!4 ".‘h 'h .r i i " ll .. . It ' ll i n.l34 , 7 ' 7 '.. .To n .l ' ir \n . ..., .Lt A.m. ;1,11 lerwl; by are,. Agall.r:
1 , 1 , ....1 , . , ;....
r 10 , th0 ...., en . .u , , , ,,t ta1 n. e fuL L ro , e , Att r., ere A stal ,,,ut d„ , .nythters
.-- _ -.-....,-..... .-.-..-. .
Ii; Sa ' li E ," I ) F II( 01 Pll 1 L LIN \ ILIA: suit Feeeption, or the Sumer . the b...
el Factor, -.Jo. yda ; ana oor 1,0000'11'..1b o holu I kart, br Mrs. Ellen
-ate ram' rtail, at Xt.. 7 and U Aunt.- 1111 V. • .1101,1,
Milli; J k II PHILLIPS Ilenrt Strowton. by II P IL Jame.. Een
• f.d ..ale et H./Lilt:J. Literary . I/riot. opposite the Po. of.
P OTASII-10 eniiki; No. I. for :ale by 0.,.. Irbil
web: J .t , PILAOLTII a i' , , I S
-1,-,:. lIEETiNGS.-- ' W . !iIoCLINTOCK inyire.. I._ ti o ti i. Ell ER takes pleamirr In an
1.7 No etent,.. or
st ree t ,i his assortment 4 e 1.., 1 ',,;',', : " ; iti,,‘„ h :, ` b o ll > 4 . ; -',1n r ,,,V,r t ri`'...1 . . , .
at .. Fourth street ' ' ''' .Sa N1,1,01• Ct... ma 1:11 . 3,11.11. NOW Vart, whirl, with than.
H 1111:1) BEEF-5 to. S. C., for sale liv e m bead li.rni do, Mast elegant. Tenn. ma enervates.) ,
ever •JI. rea in thin eity.
y e n,;littillSoN, LITTLE a t'll . .
tllloorothe,, cue .plcadld 7 octane double carved Piano.
. . • t• Loun XIV e tyl, with the 1.1•11' improvement of Om over
g 1i..1.65 --- Uif , l/ ini Kos 1% .Is as, d, Lay and • string.. the latest nd mud Important tummy eto to
I_,P Owntry brands, fur sale by iound on,' on Nunn. A Clark'. Pimus. Also, Innupe
plat I. S. WATI:Ini.AN A SONS t'Ally; „, ,, ,. 7t a =4 ,.. tro . r , .
mt. , ,
0tb. ,...,,..,
H ICKORY NUTS---F iilr.g. for sal , by ; azners.m.l IT...Motown F.... Sentga. PILL. Walt., ..
rueln ypt,,,., u,..,,, , ,,,,, i 4 SIGN ljk THL IsOLDEN lIABP.IOI Thin at
- ---
Q-ALEItATUS-14 caske end 23 boxes pul-!! 1.):11'Eli-Folio, Packet,- Commercial and
.1. Quer.. Pont and nap Pawn. a large tupplY of ../.I.Onw
kJ _.,...' °Y. ..." 1. 1 ' ....1. '''' u r t y.... y t u.r , s tyot wed - hues. ruled and plain. ht. and white, for Jude On 1110001
._,.." - us .. .. -. : - ..U. - ",.'..,t: .."-""•' , , Will, at yal.ll W. O. , ILAVX.N'S
IiROO3N-IH{ aut. (Coral for eale by ; 14...qTES---iiNli DRAFTS.Engraved and
men] WTCK i ''CANDLE-S 11 utereo ' irra ' pt; Notes and Dradis‘a m...a. beautiful a..
1 :,..; 37 fop auto by ' .un...'10 sheets: or . boond In tgokt, of yahoo. else, For
MACmKert:ItKL-13S b A I' IFIt s'ite.sNßLEss. •s ir .. w. S. 11-I,a.S;;l.l9tittAs: late.
_ . .I'. ... , .
1.1.1.A('KW0411), for Felirtiary, and the Art I _ I ''s‘"*"....'"umst..ssis P.., 001.0.1 .
kill .I.,trual, tut Jenuary, aro lor sale. , Wit IT ENG IN k-Arriuld a 11'1 - au:lg . rgniu,
lIIII.MIKS * . . sad
to , I,:, , •Ptswa , r the r'et '-n S L'I ' 111.1.1.e.rtNVIroirall714ni.loak,;.1 Rod Ink
p,ll-'23 WO. ree'il amt for Mir , by I lart , u , n • l'..lumblan ink-ml and Nast.
IL.Jun . Thotopoten's Commercial Ink-black, scarlet
ji, molt, 1.1111,40 N. LITTLF A Co. . .„,, „,
. ,
Veenel , Carmine Ink. int sale hr W. S. HAVEN.
II ACK.Eiti.sie-tYr 14.1 No 3 tor sale lie
A . may:. uoilt4 , o:l.irrt.r t co - NEW BOOICB.
di 4 ASS! A-100 matte just recd, for, ' ill; 311 TIPS CLASSICAL DICTIONARY ;
IL: web] Nitt.t.Er. A itiCKL7I ,,, N 1 A ore olattiml Otetiormr , a Or.k WO Itsmtan She
Kr., ,/ • . u,. tip., awl ....entobv. pertly bawd mem the
F ull SALE Ex...ll:ma , Itatil, S:,, k, I,r 1,,, n ,,,, = , , ~.,,,,; ~. ~,, , ,,,. , ,.,, , ~ ,-, ,, ., 1 ; ,-.., „ :
m.,., „,, „,,,,. ~...„,,,., , i.,, ~,i„... ont IIL. I ...lingo! the ltd. owl [Or ,
, :el tt.iigin A o li.,..tlint. nma of Greek and Roman Biography
AI 'COD LIY Eli OIL-- Wurranbsl 1 .010. .1.0 :,',1„ .. .',',;;"1',',.., j'',3,'''', AL:11 °L.71,Zr''''''',,,,,....,5.%
1 . 0 .1 1 .y 1 1.1 hi. hum. Clarke a Cu. , . rin botl. t tor •at r „„4 1 ,„„ r.;,,,„ : „„,. in 'Column. College ,
,1 It A FA !IN KFTZ,Cis A l's a 'I h• lob atet Co . rry-wouttenn• of Robert, :Southey ; edited
mob. , ^sow, Yen ts. o' , '•t '''' ' 1.. be ...I. the Ite Charles Cuthbert Southey. it A.. Cu.
[0 i Nil s'
p and .(,; .)i,AT,Eß.ii.tu,,,,p,-,iut.:,r,:;,,,-.,.,,, 1:,-", , „ ,, u-' , ... 4,,,,..-1.-, - Wail b°..4 .I "''''
, k .. of ILO Life soot eornuyondenee of ItsdOel
:•l • • ..47;:1111 . ::. ' .\ 17•. ' ; '” 1:V . /71: •l .'". '"'
• , .olio V EN'!
Printin, . one. An. bete , - o Mn ,et eel Y. r 'i . t.
Am. near oleo
1 ACTT ('A ILIUM- EnclLth illii.,rt.4l, b.'
a 4 ..1... rm.', 11 A FAllNgsrtalt A 11.1
1111 TT V- In la:oilier., 10 a• , ..rta.(l wlye.l
13,‘,r0 ". " -. r '' ''' " It A F All Nl,Tte'l4 t CO
1. 4 1 %N . 1.:N . :4 PLASTERS -Larly” awl , Its,ll
NA fa •a' , It 1 lIIINF,Ttu'K ....“
wl, ~,,, .... 1,1 ... I U,..1.
1111, i.. It. ,
, I 11:1 i i 114 . ..` , . , 1';' , . , .;i;i..1 ,, , , t , n.
tj. 1.2 k : I , * I .
.F' ISO-L, •
~ -1
..,,i,:sr ...t . t. . • 1....1ut,:it0.;r:',.:.,.;,.,
111)1,1, Itri'll , lll--
r r •rarvra..,Yl per ,-:, It,,re,l+ r,e.'il f o r 0.17
A 1, HOMO ..11
rillt.t N SP
..urA RENT
nt 11 151 L , W SILI PL,
11. A ....1 .tme el.. ,- 1 ..u., ai lb. .P. h
7 - /
%1 Al - TS— A \.•ry large It,e...rthielit. et 'h ,
h 41,4
%1 ' , train,
J h 1 1 ,9 11,
1 4 .k t p1011.
in , IJ I
SUi;.% R.% N NIUI.A:,St.:S
s EELLS 41$ bILK (I,.‘”r N•rtl:
f... 1.111 11/11.11, A K11:1. I.AI 1111:11
1.k... t 1.. \N . tys . r.t NKE • 'r.: . ~ 1 ...,N 11 i 1J 1
1 ‘
1 , ;1i ,, i , i ,. L ,1 .d .„ .1111..m010 ,, •1 , •• ,
m.(•11,,...,, .. • .1.,..
.r• r•... uul q uAlit,. •11.t•i...
.luel ;.•..
d 1 uLi) reKErs.•...hl,l r.,elltal a lame
111..akor. . ...KR. ”.'.l ‘‘ alrlw• At. Slllostorr t am,
Asillnbin 1.4 , g therrl3,... Ilalr, Ar
W W. W 11,10%
_.. . .
I •JSI/1/.1, TA PERS — . AI 111.,.. far ,al,• Lv
1 KI. A 6.
( , 111:.1 1' WALL PAPER -Er ,, al a
1,011 W 11 MAI,IIAI.I
l.\11'1101: 3 11111.• for •:dr , 1.,
• 1: 11 •,
ji A%
1 ' lAI , I MX/
- -
OUSE DE —Printed Lind .111:1
Il° P.-1-4,10''
IS'i'M II 0011N6TON
1 titAW INCi PAPER---3 1 . 10 Sheets (superi .
I/ er ea•ml) fur rale lir I ii
KIWI , k t`.
incht No. so Wool street
B I{OQ LS—_'o{l doz. Corn, for .1)) he
mchlt J k li. riot! .
. .
V iII:ST:CUTS-30 bu. forsale by
rblY C.
v.../ niehll J. fors by
I,IOLASSES-2...5 hide. S
re ~. !1.;, ...,,
..on arid to aeries. and kir ale
w. by
L. ti. W All EILNI AN A 11103.
each:. AU A bt Water. and dd kraut el
FIISII-40 lila. prime large N 0.3 Mackerel,
r Ilustaninstinettoin
In- " Baltimore. Her - rink; for sate by
meld, I. S. W ATV.R3IAN A SON),
IiBIED Fite 1T -
61-7.51 hu. Apples:
' Itnelime for sale in
mchh I L. N. W ATElthl,l7t . 2 SONS.
be W 11. Tharkeray. Ititee,l2' e.
rhe Warwick NikillikrUlk Icy Erault . Forresl. r.
Dl..tholln, nf Alrehanlea. Ne... 4.
lieurived id 11111.31KS' Literary Irmo.
mehl7 Third id-, iippoalte the Post Hooke.
prAiti, mu - toil-5o imies for sale by
meld a 11Aft110. Jl)Nkiliik co,
1 - ARii t)I L-20 1,116. NO. I A
, fitr .., Ily
I 4 mehle JAS. WALT:ELL ro. Wm., ra
n Lowis--'250 tons Soft Tenn. for sale hr
13/ nichlii J. DALZELL,r6 Water a 7 , 'ink st.
. .. .
QAIll'I'Y FITSE-150.01(1) feet lt.o . n, Birk
-1.1 O.OIA Cc.', make. karranted, fur sale ho
k iiii
inch! J. S. DI Lit - Mill
()I l ls CiAff ill— , 10 i 4XIII ,, y t urd , s 11 .l oor ) ( i i l,Cloth,
ue.),.t p.,(lemp..hierir:lll7:Aitlis 1,',,: a l t Cleifle a L
eastern mat, .011 retail huger than any other °use in the
city We Invite the attention of purchasers the al.,
stork. id our way. mom, N., 7 sal 9 a r
ild et
owqi.' J. . NI MAI,.
it cON(LNI V CRABCII)EIi. --21) lads. in
IsTI " "'an' sale
>lll,l.Es a RICK ISSUE .
TABLE MA'rTS — ln store and for sale a
the carnet Warelninee ..1
tueb3 W. Sh.CLIhTi/Cli:, hA Vourth et
1 11 UGS.--W. 111cCLINOCa invites the zi)-
teen's or thoor sinliltie to furnish. 0' hl. +lock 11
I ~,t. ',men are Pod raerivnlanon the mentifueturer.
New Books! New Books!
,i T lIOL3IES. EITEItA ItY,,,.I)EPOT, Third
4);1"1:::":111g):::ot.e)th)41...).1` r ',T,„,.„,.,.r.„
..',7„ei . :0"a . t.'.:11 1 ' 1 47.1•1 . r1i.i'::.":,.." - ""'''''''-
c 0nf...1„, bi ties,.
rapt--1 vols. In I. Prier, WY.
Larenir, the t,linlar. the Winery. the I . riegt, bi Coo
1 . ,:;:t..L:::; ' : ',.. ad . fr:..,1,..,„1ii.,,in.:r..., Nlen intend
lk,lh crne. e alaier ran also lei hod of li S. MeN 0 W . .A , 1 , 1 i ii . . Al
LP EAll'llEli. sacks (prime) for sale
1 AltD—l7 kegs in store
31. and ior .11, h lO.
LI mob) W II 24nINSI , N
1.-,A,H., OIL (.10,111S—A very
) laq:eas . ;
N.. , e..i o r , t i n , r f sad
, T . t. -. vlz Lovers, on .
an„ ii , tor sa t e
tiLOVEIt SEED & TlmuritY SEED.--
1 I 0 hake Clone Seed;
1 . Timothy .. JUld Med end for alb , hy
meta J. S. DILW Waif I CI)
il I L” I
b li y O LEAF
I F:
j h o ll i t s t. s f r o u r N s . ale
. . _
yards ions. and two =Wier uses. Ther dil yeal nt a
Ike, to the owner Is. awed lady td 72 who W
eatute, and wlabes to obtain Insairo.teli hat lo her
7.f.ttth' s ""°`• - j iie. 7Lsilinglikast.
Or w. wow,.
I don't like m kiwi emit. rani .
tttt •7 It.t. ott.tet. t•f ,ttett.7l.tftl, anti IfogllAlt Priot , lue
ot•••..1 , •1 -171, rttg.l tture•tni•to Orrat Itritam.
St. tt-ttl • trtrklantLatts tilt.. of Mr Lirrft of We tjutt<nr •
1:••:1.•• 1 7 , 11 1
lhtttitot ..1 l'tt,try no.l It* Calm., au Adam., .101
ttr,l tf• th.• Txletacl, t•ft I.
lttrt 15. 1,•I, N Hurts, D. Ift
ttt•tt, fat,. 1.14 mr7-tvol, and fta. ttale.loy
STOCTON, N... II Market frt.
• 1)1.\
. • ...I 11,4 1•••% . • n for Ira, and
no.l ontarn
r nom ,ii, .n.., t•tortortna. Il.oton. In
loolk h.. 10 lb. artent.:::. purclore.s . ,.
"........0:";:!....'1'...1;0:j0'7!)n.'"e!.T1.;11.2t' •
"" "L''.;73l 8 - 410 - ..
”1 l• t 11.• Cloekeroox'• Plan... for
nr,..k Bio,raph,. Mythology. And i:eo
nteou the 01.onery and go
man and,11.111..1..) l ii L .I.
Au,. of ...teal tot English Pririeeveee
11. I.
T...• loe az. to of B. Southey. Edited b
1..• n . the 50 , w1 ,, . A
On. borer , . eon it. Cana, An Aourrev
oto lio.. 8r...1w • I alarrneHr. .41 IS evet
1. 1,1.11 S
Abodllu Build i
ing. Fourth et.
• ealetoratel du. tt (nn
t 1.-ensul, boot.
K. the. o hou'rt fa. 1.1.1 ton or. • 04.• gong. hy-S C Foster .
I d owe thi• hanod of mine.
C.ine t maiden+ eon.. or 'Y.(4011113..
inle 10.00, yet. from thr I.noghter. of St Mart
Burlalo.f...nrite toil leuchlog 1.11.1
Thou La. wound.. the +viva that lovol
li u don't OU recp.niber nen.. Alice.
The rwielorauvi P01k... Dane,.
Jean.. an. Jranott-icoruphole
W1'41 1 ::1n Burn mullet, r l'hrt that Polka.
In. 9,11. nab-helot'. Polts
Iluadrille..-arr, ra.r and totally.
11,1.0] lk Ike. Allegheny Cntilhot.
T.. edoilov. of Bunten' , blatruttioto for Plano. with
.1. .laituot. pa,* a., new levw.n.
t tvek . • t.t..chtam for the Plano
Ivorhor , Piano Furte Pruner Bronived ...lay 1 , 1
JOHN 11. MI:LL.B. Si Wont et.
h. t sery luc.. rtodli Sr. hence arriving. nod
will le. ,ten Sr sale this week. . ,•31
jolte , Orr,. Mini ATM, opposite
th. `tat ottha
11.otb. turn. tee. • Tule for Mothers and Daw,htere. By
" %i' . ., ‘ ,. ' rt ' irerectirars.. Ito bur Aguilar.
Banker , Magus - me fur Jailuary.
511.. g Almanac 04 I,A
The'Rodloor'v Iteeoinpene. novel. no vel. ce Agullos
The I..itterell, or two
ma n
The Ladder.. tiold v."'
T. I.a. and to in
carol... of Brunewielt- br ti W. 31 Reynold ,
1 Burnish Cznibealoxial.
A Sertunonn the Jeeultio Its De g
Dr Dere , Reply to Inelion liughes. r on the Decline o
Bowie Journal. tin I of oral...tome
novel. by the author 0 . 1 - The Ogilvie “
No lot the American illtimiwited edition of the Wawerly
_ .
New Books, just received.
THE Bard. of the Bible; by George GilSb
len. I vol. Vonno.
..reek tilleudarf. being a broarretidee exhibition of the
Oro.dt C mummy, design...l for beginner. In Gnat. and as a
look airterciees for ecvldrulte• and college, By Aeshol C.
Kendrick rot 11ma. one,
Thu Youtliv Norval. By Hannah Flagg Gould. I not larno
(lama and Counter therm, By 31•11. J. Mclintoeh.
I sot.
The Mother's itecosopenae; a sequel in .lU:iv* Influence?'
By tare guilar.
Meehan. Ma r and Engineers' Journal. First
number rooeireal.
Berne a ihrthowary of Ilethanica and 'Engineering. No
Juet reed for sale by It. HOPKINS,
_ TN Ann!). Building, Fourth et
1111 s•rtler I
Kn. a
t .t r..... • (..r -J. t.
C Lld. L~r -: ~1•• I,'
ue vr a
v 4
,3 7.7 11, 0 . 0 N lEB G
us ! ,
.. &mit,. and nal Latin, Ennileh ' , alum, n,..1.1
611 I r larger Latin. rtnertLikiron of Dr. William Irrund.
vr , ith leldinimr end done Mtn the Idurimm , of Genie,
Par,inlatl,-Sclialler, I &mune, bg.E. A. Arntrora, L. L, D.
Tut MANI , .1 , 031 , 011 Int runic, Ming the perauttal nar
rative and tarot. of travel tbrer b the
, tarular i lsli ,„ or_l , hey-
T "‘ 1 1'i."4""1- 1 :,,,,,,,,v,,,,,,. . „, ..e.. „,,,ii,
4, ,
1e, ,, T. author O til
Tor AltallEM, on moaner, a riv,url i. Mame Ineurner.—
Ity gram Aguilar. aulvdd and Inr ale by
yield IL C. STOCKTON, 47 Market rt.
Chnudele. Prot .v 1 Amain. ropy.
Payer of ell els,a and nualitire, ruled and plain. blue
.su itilikl . .or ever,' deerrilUidu... buret ur made U.
onirr et short nutter.
:uation,) Erlid,, Freneh end Aerican, fancy and
onaple. tor vale hy W. N. HAVEN, Statham,
14 Market rt. mrner of nmund.
l j t o 61)K i I'`. ' 1 ) JaITPHINTING—Evc;ry de
g It ^^r`l'in n ni . ladVd. c4......mud. st,,unt.... c.nlo and
Ito, tin. Printing, elteritted st short notim, end In the
but manner, by W.l. II AV EN,
Print lii, oin,, IA Third( eL, totwern Market and Fern'.
{I'I'A'I . I()NEItY- -- -iV. S. Ilircx, corner o
0 - I ',...orid and 'Market st.s_ ha.. for old. , as lamp. and row
peen. .ul .o.eortnient of lanes stationery an has ever been
op.ed in thi. mark, Merchant,.eurbiled •Ith every
artlele In thl. line no the most favorable 41105. .1. 0 ' .,
11 at the tloblen liar,. N.lOl Third et
-11.1%1.0:111X I. now receiving a fre.h lot
.\ r :w i l ' . 2-L u lt,l'ar.,:::;;Th.:l.t.n.l2l...;',l'erdld*=e ed Piano
of the thhert deorriptiot...o exterior .0.1 tone Ito mule
Loudthe iintlYolll y le, In *ow In the reign of Loon. XI , and
Alm a new h 1 of laxioonalde and popular Must,
an ...wive ,whwtiori, of Brass Imdrument., Violins,
.I.otars„ol.le.levor , and every variety of musical torreha
dile. inlo
SeEW ItOOKS.--.lluniliolt's new Work,
Coennw, or :Aketelics-of a Physical arr.-6{4.lcm of ths
e , rw. moms Sketch,. of Minne , d, the New England of
the tCe.t. 1 vol I. ro.
Dunes Mecham& sod Engineers' Dictionary, list No.
Por sale by IL 110PKINS,
1110 Apollo Buildings.
._. -
It -
ia TAs Fit sil, TIIE PURITAN . Tale of
I 1 the American Revolution. lt Eldred Grayron, F-. 0.
-Thelon of the Itelortnati , . ,, of the bislebntl. Century:
liT, ,, „ L l i 11 . 11erte d'Aulpigne. li. D., President of the Theohe
brlus.l of th•nera. an Vim Pnesident of the
Col. C.nn. Tr ...long be 11. White. 11. A.. Trinity Col.
llV:dlitti...l3C,'lr..llktory. Antiuities, and II! p . 1.
lu•tral.l by forty engravings. Ily,Lanwla C01r... -bi 1
The a 1... ., •orin. for sale be It- C. ATOCKTON
llookneller and Station' ' ,
Jain Corner of )Merkel and Thlni sta.
sc ov
ciIUTLI NE NiAtig--Pelton's splendid Out
10,, Maps .rein. bring Intrtsineed In all the leadino
ols In New England and Sew fork. We have obtain
.. the agency for them in Plttstirgb, and invite towbars
d eclusd entrunitime to roll and etamlne them.
So. —Nap of the Western Ileruhrphem, 0:0 02 Inch.
2 do Diatern do do
3 do North Ametina, 70 1 84
4 do United Staten, 7o it 02
:, do Lunn, 70 1 P.l
d is,
,2 o Ax 70 170
, du 8. Amertett E Africa, 70 aB4
Price of the wring, with key. 12.% or the Ent two Hallo
phone Tr:O . ri=ro l li:llTed In omourry.boauff ...I rbooP.
Ixt, h till , Vtptrl lo t tho u vitam of thi, , Drimary, gramme,
Vol las at Tab= ;_rloto,;itturat addltioo of frolifht
tiMoidtbo Y.DUEggyzKair=b.
gI.ROOND PAINTS. in Oil, nen& pit uP
VI in tba carte . 1 ra to to Sse.gnerti, trovaa'al.rn .'‘'
Marine Or,o, Parie timeu.
Illeet. • Yellow Oebre.
Terns dr Sienna, Pruestan Blue.
l'orber Rs, timber Surat.
CRUCIBLES—lOOcorner Meet mad Fee-
SANDCRUCIBLES—IOO nests for sole by
awl.- J. EiDD a CO.
i LCOIIOL--I2 bbls. fur sob.. by
11. Inch= K.F. SELLEILI. 57 Wad at
TURNED PILL BOXES-- A ssorted Biter,
for sale Ly B. A FAENESTOCK A CO.
LI XTRAcr IN MAN ILEMP—English iin
LAyorted. too sale by
orchtl B. A. VAIINESTOCE a CO.
4OLL BUTTER--A few bble. on hand and
a • iSeceral. end IM Yin& st.
PEACHES-55 0 tin. for sale by
Inebs 25b Liberty M..
. .
PRESSED SPIKES—I6O kegs (improved)
for AlSir 1, ttlebi9 MIES% NIATMIIIitI A CD.
pltd METAL.-440 tons for sale 14:
Li• . L. '" '• 1"°'". Inaliittenc`fidgiTSON.
—__ ----
TA LLOW-20 bids, prime, for shit) by
reran a
— 5 W. IIARBA17(111-
ArpLE,= , ..oblas.l7lussetHTTFran 1 pius,
for Yale by S. V. TUN 130 N NIIOIIST A 01
Q WEFT OIL-2 casks superior, for rule be
vi eat= IL K. SELLEUR 57 Wore at
1, ALL PAPER—Largest assortment in
TY the Weet—tovebdiou of }renal and Aulanican Pa
per langiogn 50 . Hall, l'allor,wod Chamber, at prier.
n!'gtoWetiTm u' . o''' ;F t . o ll ' . ' Etleintll. 7 . ls's Uod ab.
VVANTED- - $ 5 , 000 Allegheny Co. Coupon
Bond, to SU an order. for whleh the highnt 013.1'
ket pricy will be paid. SPOT. bAr p ai rc,,..L T ....t
the Banking Howe of
mch2l .
. .
mcl/12 lirorers and Tra Dealer,
ver APER-5W reams Md.
''ror e
rnehYN S. I z ACE.N..cor.tiecoal ILL—Market.
n HIED PEACILES-500J.m. for sale by
Ink:ESE-50 boxes for sole by
a)-bbla. Fr , oh E... lbr Kale bY
100 Env Urnna wool:6 k SON
.e 10)
OSII-100 bbls. to arrive to-day, for sale
It by , meh7.l P _ A W HARBAIIOII.
rAR-50 bbls. (Wilmington) to arrive to
t day, for we by mcla& S.t W. lIARBACGII.
S r OIL-10 bbISTNo. I, for
.1_ Ty mr1.2.1 S. SO. II ARB AtiGIT.
II IN SEED bble.ree g and fur sale
- - -- •
GREEN APPLES-I . t I,l)lB.! .. ( ip urettk c.
t =and 121 r sale bz =mom. LITTLEop.
I TINEGAR-20 bble. (Cider) for 'laic by
o „bv, 0 . DALZELL t CO.
rach2s J.ECU A ~
1 sCO 24 Wcal at
A_NNERS' OIL-15 bble. No. 1;
We Or
LINSEEDOIL-30 bbls. for data by
mebts J. SC1100:01LIKEll CO.
ICE--1.5 tierees Cairolina7for
eneb2:. JA3I . ES . HUTCHISON t CO.
C o plao Galena load;
450 ba Bar -'
I'm kegs wsortnl: for Rale by
GROSS Rushtori, Clarke hCo.'e genuine .
send Liver OD. for saLle by J. KIDD a CO-
mehlu dal Wand rd.
- -- - -- -
Galto opium -1 ease for sale by
aID J. KIDD a CO- 4 Woad at
IV ' ll 'l t i ''''''''''' o"hgaltUririitY"icr bi
ll ' Al ' il'Eß'S :MAGAZINE for Flares
.eked and for sale a L t .,.. J . .. 1 , ‘ , .. VAILAIZE.
m o'ol .09.1.i rarT t
Th. Fret Olllve.
SP NDRIE".S-1 case Gum Shelae;
t bid ' , diver eat:
I - Ciretrl Tartar.
I bale Large Bottle Corkn
I ra.a. I.llt...riee at
pet receive.'
and for sale hy . 8. N. WICK IliallA-11.
mehl.' corner Wadand Sixth M.
PEARLS --14 crisks (first sorts) for oak by
met.' WICK A neuasni..t... -
, .. .404.0
ro,,.—kegs Hazard's Blasting;
has/ -
tnebla J. S DLiCofi l A i n j ' ff. "l'
New Music.
fl RAND- POLKA DE CON- - - --,,,, 5 ,
or CKIIT as perform/Al by Franlela Su 7.,...
rol;?"4!',Z=4"'Onolairt ' '—
Also. • 'Teat variety of ar• . erdap , d4.orls 1.1 OI no.'
And ail thr 10, popular Musir. ',sued by the ..,tern
pubitehers. re.vivesi and sale L.
11. llLLl4lt.
Agent for Chirkrtl nc l l
FW music—Where are the friends of
ss, Youth; by 0. Railer.
I've :v.:ill:dun Siest to tell You.
The Rolai ~
thnuking o'er the Day. Mary.
My New huttland Hume, a weir tong. dedicated to the
Lwlie of New England.
Oho% Lame Ls far away.
Oh. meet me on the Stiver £hare.
ti.nd Night
51y hoods nn thei Prairie Les—Woodhury.
Lily Bh.l. by 6. f. ratter.
len mr Native VIII ai, by G. Barker.
The Spirit Dora
In, hi, I,L the Black Shakers' FswoW
Wonld 1 were with thee—for Guitar.
1.. Adieux. by lion.
An eatonsive collection of new Polkas, Waltres, Carla
Ai.. • nrw soPPIT of - New Quad. Sams." Cantina
Landis, and an rwortlent new work called the °MeLodiet."
n e popular and C ells 111.17130111 Zed
arranged ley t
%%ebb andosn—euntidmed one nf
the boo work. seer publishes'. 11. laLf:PLEit,
fe1,14 Golden Harp. Third U.
be Wm. M. Thaekarey and the Queen, Necklace. or
Court of hoof. 61s4enth, be Al
derex Mmes. hare Men reed. and Or rale at WAAL'S
Literary D. , poi. No. 74 Thint et. febl3
500 in. bushels Dried Apple p s il, f ‘ o o r . s r u i l i e k
DIRE w‘oted to do house work. Apply
at this afire_
j:1111)-4kegs fur sale by
I wte2....1. ROBISON. LITTLE &CO.
OBACCO-4 9 boxes 5 Lump, for sale by
• • MeI:ILLS IL !cos
." 4" "I
wnowN•FLANNELS. a Domestic Article:
Al.o: Mate, Omen, and Slasarine Slav, to
zd at the story of UIIF
BltY lIIIRRING--4300 boxes (fresh) for
rale by mcbs WICK & MeCANDLE&S.
131ILM OIL-1000 lbs. in store, for vale by
C LARET WINE-14 hbde. Bordeaux;
70 1.1. .. Reda:
Is btads. Mut Sat F. W t !..; t
Incil? ' 34. MILLER 4111ilarg/40N.
F: ~...., . .41.14‘ .. . . „ ,
.. .
The Old Printing Establiehment L •
toATE Johnston and Stockton - a, and Ulank
Boot and ...keen WY0....
. B. HAVEN it wo a wed to execute ...el , etyle
Canal. et M Boat Job Printin_ g and Book
Binding; s o d s furnish every
m ry article to the Bluak Bork.
Paper end Ittattonery line. at the .honest nortce, and on
th. most reasonable term.
Blank Book and Stational . Warel.....hunr of Hark"
and &mod
Printing Mee and Book Bleeten, No. 60 Mite aE ja9
Jur az. h.lf 10prs Cognise Brandy, 'Tale and Dark..
15 col. L. qr. aka do do "Pith,. voriono ,hst'
10 do d. and most celebrated brands :
b Opt+ Holland 111u.N/nbLins Anchor" sod
puncheons Irish and Venich Whiskey.
2 do Jamaka Hum.
10 EEL. N. E. do. do.
Y 5 qr. MAY, Port Mtn..
du Madeira Wino.
do nweet Malan. Wine.
11 do Dry do. du.
Id do RUM Wino.
boa. Booleana Claret-
In and for Bale L 1 J (MIN T . A.murf: co..
J.Ol I..thertv etreet.
attention of numb:ado and other , to nu Marro and
we aaournal stook of !foolery, aloe,. Under kthirts. and
Inwerres. The ,die. moles Fill, Wool. Merin, and
Cintnta. of all Pi., and PrlsoA, M 136 .0, 1.4 1 . 10, and for
sale low by no= F. 11. EATON'.
IOLD PENS. We have now on hend
Issas Weds of the lost 110141 No. from the lefalinn
tvanutarturiee In New York. sod made esnr , l nrder.
elenant lold Pencil C.o. and 1401. era iiilver
every valety. Porcupine ?en Ifolderr, kearl do.
All for sale whoireale and retail at New look /die,.
t:HANOI: OVFICE.—N. Iltll.Mne A tWINn. No, 57
art Exehanae on all the Eantern
rinerit ethos for pole vll.otinne olo In all the
Prin , rl ,4l ph.... In the Union. Not, on all 111
adveut Hanka
diwounted. Not, and Tann bills necoLlated.
N 11l A IHJI3I3EIt PASTE. 4 of that
pork) ankle for boots and v..l.lthv Mont taw.
t 17.110.0 proof. and Pllable aa Pima. f cloth. Tbie
ankle Is warranted to arnLwer the purl.. tvprvve mud,
tbe looney refunded. Vol. tale ytholvvthe nod retatt, it 7
and V Rood surer IloVl .. 1 .4 U. PULLIAM
IEA NVARE,--Englisti & American Brinui
A nia Tea Settc Plated do., Plated Doeket., Candlesticks.
doge, end Trsq's • 18at.,1 Cr., beet tioalitr ' , or! . Bal
d., H Table-Coo Table . Sliver Fort., Spoons. and Dot
ter Kole.. Plated and German :Meer Fork, Anti Froutue
Ted& Moire Toa Tray. of P Birmingham coanolaettore,
highly ornamented: Placed Tzars or beautiful pat4ro.,
. A Tarr 'ulterir etowder fur rteaning and golichin. plated
war, Dnubs for cleaning. Chamois Skirt, Festiter
Duster, Ae.
girl , . llocntuout—.b celebrated Slagle Klteheu,
about the sloe F. bet. o blobwilt make toile, cook beer
mtpwk, orovre. ur any‘thlng alto Ina few minutes. •
Yoe ode . bo . W. W. WII.CON,
jalM Coo. Market and Fourth .e...
' hundred and tiftr pit forge simd 80/ Blankets.
WO P .l ' t ' o b tl b Mbubb t:getet,rlbbot! .. t . tound..
120 do limy Coaling Illookeia, litearr•
104 do Drab do do do
Oil do Blue do do do
3 nom ineck Blanket MM. do
I do Bearer Grey Mired. do
3 do superior Meek French Broadcloth.
3 do all wool Tweeds, snorted edam.
8 do /roue. assorted mica..
'/ do Casstmerce„ black and garter colors.
l do liatioette, black and grey oared -
3 do Irbltet Twilled Flannel, yard wide.
.1 do Crum barred d •
The shore deerrlbed goods are do-
ro o
all on tolgtoMent team '
eatiena manuloctruers. seat and west; and tore gm We on
liberal terms to the trod., at smonulacturers' price. • '
del. ._ - It. BRT..
VINEGAR -50 bbl eceivinjg b
Combs. In bid trainable oritibit• eta the .Playsiology di*
petition. obverses thsths Mime... to the true ponattiltY
of Howie Juke ho • v0md , ...,..! . 1 ..1 ,4 011r.rif..... „ A f
=Ft. I. Lothion. who :as o sever:ry Ottani witArtge -
. O a,A . e n ding e verything else tel fail, had reroute to
' t. ' hie Gastric Join, obtained from Him stomach of 1111Ing itn
basis, which proved completely enec,-kiful. -
p t , Houghton'. D r a pe .
On true digestive bug. or Clap
ale Joins. • Omni Drtpedlll Purer. prepared fronaßenratt.
or the !mirth stomach of the Ox, after directions of_Esirott
Lieblp, the meat Phydologieal Chemist. bi J. S. lioniike
too, al. It.. liditilelobia. Ps.
This In It truly woo r derful remedy for Indigent/m.oy.
rity ' ... , - Im " oV 7 ftv t, , U r
rt.T ., = ' . l:l• XX= atelaDa'a
"TVe-tilUri'c'Jiticejla tin ytreat anbeent of the kicd.ths plat
rawt,Pr"VStliniLt th get: ° :."l tltet°'" ~,,,,, m
~.gio.° of food into blast—no nutrition of the WO.H but
rather a foul, torid. painful, and destruetire read iU= of
the whole digestive appanatua. A weak, her dead, Or it
Pitovi Minimal producca no good Gastric ung, and bane*
the disease. distrete, no
debility which envie.
Put this want may be enrol/int by Who - tint the OW
tine prineirle, Pepsin, from the stoomehe of noinalla Irv.
sill:doling ninth thus formlng a DIRCStiTt Fluid. protieely
Ilko the natural ilantrieJoire. in its chemical moms, and
iumbhlog a complete nod perfect substitute for H.
The art nf performing the
bas long been known to Phyriologiste pr. Houghton
cMaims the merit of making the applications, of this art to
the cure of Itysperitia, io a perfeet aril a/tremble form.
Hewitt, identille erkleriee! Enron Lleblg, In his ntle
brided work on Animal Chemistry. sags: -An Artificial
{Emotive Fluid, analogous to the (bottle .Juicet may be
prepared from the mucous membrane of thestomschof the
calf. In vier, vntiOns artlrles of food. ea meat and egga i will
be softened, changed, and digeated. P.I. in the S.M. mar
ner 1111 they oceald L. in the human stomach. -
Dr. Houghton. of Philadelphia. prepares an *Aires's' dl'
ireetive fluid ealloil PEPSIN. from the Hominy. Stomsch of
the Os, which adonis as admintide remedy for Indianian.
at:gen:4 ' 4 r e 7 w n `erple" nli.l method,la!e4tlt.aeun a own
s tr i i:
""c ,olds. of
ll ' E o li d lt h g. l idWoodELL. Agents.
Fa, lituouncb.
Ornlero supplied Cl proprietor's priers.
Also, for sole by R. E. teller, ii Wood et. Inch 6
r•Thenr are more things in braren wad earth.
+-Than are Irrenor of In philaeophy."
THEIRTUES of this remarkable recite
dy. nod the constant eppileatkin RA lt, to W( prone' ,
star. has Induced him to hare It Put np In brake, aid: I.
bele and directions, for the benefit of the public.
The PETROLEU)f le pmenred ham a veil In Ilia come
ty, at a depth of four hundred feet, fs a pure. unadettend
Ref artick, without
Dintecal thong , but ,Itdrt fee IS
dows horn Natorre's Labrot..'ulfi That it contains
OW•Putice reachintr a number of disease. Is no longer •
• cutter of =wet:Aunty. There are many things in the us
eau of nature, which, if known. trught be of out wet&
nese In alleviating suffering. and redneßg the bkev= of
health end vigor lo many a sufferer. long befou Pro .
',deter thought of pooling it up In bottles. it beet a :nude.
don for this cure of disease The:ennui Budd:Lily thorn
eine:call. for it, and serene! remarkable cores it bat per
funned. is a sure indication of Its future nopUlarity and
visa a d p o aft ton , r the cure of
tro do are arise ' 1 4 n one that ' thelciedkite i rtr won on
work Rs wa
Into the favor of those who suffer, add with to ha
Whilst we do not claim for R n USLlVereal spoliation ' bri
I try .IL nuliesitatinglY my.
In number
Ch DOCILMIO it le unrivalled. Among theu Tr.
entaneratel—all dbeues of the MUM. UAW.. s
n ION. Ow Its early
ni' Sit•Tel ". e c A tl
Bladder and Kidneys. Paine In I.) Back or Olds. Norms
rise, Neuralgia, Paley. Rheumatic uErysa.
r rise, Ted,. IllugwormeZurus. Scalds. .'Br uise.. Old aura,
gh .to. awes of
. dehillty. resulting from eu , Sak . ofz
long and protracted cues of dingo. ,
brine relief. IL will act as a guars' TONIC and TER
ATE in mach taus, imPuting t
o. .1. abn
nglllX:riilreZif• aißeet'seeud'x:tl,l,..
TA, „Volt.u — V,7',=V:rx tfut l . ll NYM
r that resisted e oler tree:meat, get well :woes amuse
I e4 , the t th ZEO.LEII.II Lspoot it time. The pang nu be
Ne ' le gea r ninrth w rxi ' l the Xnatare of the proprigtor.—
Sold by the nro . orl to
8.11 - KlE r t: paned Rado,near Revienth street.
• Also. by R. E. SELLERS. 67 Weed st... •
corner Roods and Virgin Alley, whn ere
0ar2:417 his regularly appointed Agents.
NOW. all mon who an sick and afflicted
with disease of the Bladder and Eklneys, with rhea.
m se palm In bark or Ihnts. and SUMP. old sorra runnlriff
o M dolre Co., alai they - mu bo cured by taking 0. PET . , .
LLLC. You 10 ,. 7 talk about its being .
as %.,u pleura Mat tine doer not make i t me
me for immortal.
de tote of an lamest commuulty, that It Ms %armee
which amnot curtained in any. other remedy. 71as span
who 1.1 rockssl with famnd ruffertig from dteeme=
for 1,0 mole, get relief from any of the Ills aria.
Bender! tt magi eery little to make a triaL This Petra
leffti U no
Tory: itt p et o at 'A ° ri=
ted br P re =r e build of natere, and:Oubbletrup T ikonsah•
bosom of our mother earth. In its original purity,
_and of.
fen. suffering homanity a 0.047 turmoil.. certain and
nheapicure. •
It bar cured Piles.. eller other medicines have lOW to
render any relief. It has cured Rheumatism. of •long
tied of the wund. ard :nest painful cluirmiar. It
b. cum' Cho:mm.llmM ,, by tan' Or 1.0 due. it haa
curet old mart of Diarrhu-s. lu which every other .0000.2 r
ham bean of to .roil. As a local mainly In burns - and
scalds. it Is bettet than and...41ml mligr arotuts ointment
that ve knot, of. It vUI one. chilb tut and hosted bat.
In • few afplicallotte. undoubted rini c o . ny eau tafortileh
e4" the " vggrige . .;
log an SASILEL .1.
eittger of the agents ,
herrn . Aklellovell. forties of won street and Tire)
alley" IL R.iliellers. 47 Woad street D. A. RUMS. and D. 11.
Curry, Allegheny city. are the agent., _-
—Du JACOB Rem. the discoverir snd .4jelpropaittor
w meet popubr and beneficial medid=e,
the inventor sif the celebrant' hones/aunt Pot innahaFrtbs
Lungs, in effeeting a con' of Chronic divots., awl Vista
dent of that emluent physician. lismaor PhYsie, tind u gS
L•reduste of the olversh ..tivt.t..tad f Y of Yen
marl einm has been ensued In the' investtgindon of
6 .1.4 e. OW the application of remedies thereto. . •
Thmugh the WO of his inflating tube, inomanmtlon with
tar Prophylactic Syrup, and other of his remedies btehas
Ina an unparalleled eminence in MUNI them dreadful
and-fatalatador Tuber-War Consumption. Cancers,
Scrifulajthmeumattan, Asthma Fever and Ague. Fevers.'
kind, Chronic Eryalpelas. and all those olefinl:6 WV
sveo. peculiar to female's. Indeed. e v ery form of disease
v./440v under the tivi of hls remedies. to whkh hut:said
ty U heir—not by the me of cam mmimund only - fin Shot
Is hicompatible with Physiological Law. but by use of
Ms remedies. adapted to. an d prase
ribel fur. emir peeialim
form of Demme.
Dr. BMW', Tank Alteratire Pills, when used. ire Mirada.
tor nekturorlmisred to be •stsperior to ell others.. as • pUir.
bre or beer pill. inasmuch m they leave the howe4Per -
Belly free 11,111 men mower. as also hie Golden Pills am ad
emitted. by the famoy , to posse. peculiar properties,adme
Pd to !mimic Dreams% but being Whined that abou:la'
sufficleut esubltsh .hat has been aid, the toludsof
the most skeptical.
n,o 10111.4 boo the ..oat. and prn
cure (gratis, one of the Doctor's pamphlets, giTiaz • de1....
1.1 accovut of each remedy - . and its application. - '
For de Ls the folloving agent., am lull ashy toustdeng
syMts throughout the muntryi
J. hchoonmaker s. Co., 24 Wood et. Pinat:nigh.
3. 11. TOVMend. Druggl4,4s Market et- •
Low A. Beekham. Drnmid. mar the Pmt Otlce,Allegbee
or Mt,.
shampla Booklet. Darlington. BeMer wanly. Pr
dol. Elliott, Canon Talley. •••
T. Adam. 15.4, ver,
KOR TIIE AFFLICTED will be found in
ama Fluid. which has semi Om test oahirty rum ex •
ralft7ll:Ado'rtil.:;Pstfig,lf;d7tfa., 10 ' lll=t " wre ' r e ;
etas and character of alleam feel That we Maud na
thing le saying that this le the only nushelns that has hem
atered to the alticied, that does. In . very mad of the welad.
what it Is nod for
It tm coml. sad Is ramble of endow more dire. s thou
y other medicine offend for role, we maw not by wham
mode or sold, or by what 00000 .
A. • Aron and oortrinang proof of the above, we my
that it ta the only article that I...premed In the teem of
:srhtt ' p t X'U o ' f7ll th" eelit k e '"' n ' el t r.7as `' lfr i'd,''4""i r;
Fe. 13.7 Mlidleltle ever oloeed ' for ' sate, or a% by my of
I them,
llon 3lnee. 11 Gennell, late 31 C The eon. Feet.
II Norris. late deem llon John A D i m, late U. I Fens.
tar m a ted 11 hater, , >dam of the
of the
nom a hod of other dlatinguabed cilium of New
York, who here fou l its merits. have permitted the
P.1..01 . to refer to the.
A. it la re . il .d ens
k atatentZlgilaz i e not=ez:
undonbtretily ' a data o
re otirselree r Vblr pile.
lit, treader mating Compound Ina been need 7
won MI" brfore thepublic. lta Md. f e
eml. ara nom Ito
dr:Mgt-RI nod tom t
its meet undoubtedly la strong end
condoning peroof of its trandel usefulness and mattes
e o e htim It a saremtga remedy tar all nerrom disease.,
thenrosticzeleu, mortnon. sw rpraine, bettima old
sem, lad the palm s and aches that flesh Is heir too.
freer Looo,eto bottles bow, been mold waltututoneplaint.
tad have perfected such coma. erwr au other
have &8ed.... would dagger belief , had wi not
offered, and In our t> n• the 010000001 pmelble art.
This medicine, or ustare's remedy. le PettP.O.l
from leg
table., for internal ea well as external it acts direct
ly rpm the dimmed pert--giving it health end Filet:Lath
It la sum cure for Marrhee, [beep, BUIOOn Mello. and
ell dad:odic affect/ma dheasesof the haludva and
Weaken. to male or female, flora whatever mum It may
have oriaimte&
For sel• le Pittsburgh, by R. E. Fella; awn./Odd &
Co, axed Ogden en
Swede. end by the retail la
I—ncral y. It is Ent Op In tem me, =Kt*. shiMnlttor
To the Readers of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
PUBLIC ATTENTION is respectfully in
th. folhaing truths, rot forth in relation to
of ther mon Important remedies of modern timed
PSTROLEUM OH ROCK OIL; It le not mono than one
Tear agn d ue , this great remedy was brought 'before the
irrtt,Tar.eridlattt=ligTtaplrr. TM".
earomonitt.i.nd ae allege that t too
longer tle wen the •
more met will Ito gnat fame Wm& /k not lbe rem
scr or • den got mP for the mle Porletie of making money;
but. a sad. we mood., will continue to be wed when
all ' elf. nostrums have been forgotten. The Petroleum is
N a m es ' Remaly, etakorami in the &pita of tire tenth
by • rawer and agency that lauh to worn all helmet
oampeltium It is our duty, der. w e write' about • wadi-
Us ...Tito therm th—that we gay nothing
tolesn ' lee thosawho may trust our word or pat !oub
liettes itr,,or ;I.,t7sted...,reayory apt A ,bor} ear
to oath at
r z L U , t o o hig that
hly wtorsght Ammer the obiectof
ing or hum amid= acme of them. Now, we do hot deans
to do thla v ere anal...dr that the tenth larehdlon to ,
reteedrsigald be told, in earn pee." lL talon far rrm...ding any angle article la the Instetie'ined-
Ica Plain unrarniabed fartrev-fut s that May hemoketeined
In our city nod neighborho.i. bear ample teeMbroony in fe
ver of the Pettoleum.
Within , the sset two mamba two of our own hill
who were totally blind. hoer been
of to sight. Sev
eral caws of therdoesa In the State of Ohio. Eta loon
rural. And. elm. the ease of • gentleman in Beaver
r e d
are others. but threw.. mew mar borne. and Mel
be referred to by
wererk.. who have
on the tub.
.1.1- These cases cured alter they had been abandon
et m h0w1... The Petroleum will cure.
sties used
itheuma s timb s o to t,
N n ralgia e— P D ro a i h o a ne a on D the n k er i y n, ,
Pirooles on the fa... Chronic Hon Eyes, Ringworm, Tette,
& a idt, palm in the bon. and ints, old mem, Chen,
woo, hat
Ague, Chronic Cough , ' Asthm Jo a Hronchltla. and •11
p u l m onary sitr , Tioas of • chronic nature, tending to-yrro- -
urns an a Dames of the ',dodder and Kidneys.
Chapped Ilands. Excoriated Hippies, Corns and Bunions.
In fact. It is a 011atetStitittl. soon?, and hst Teen :Sig
to meet of the algae diroan. within the pant year with the
on perfect maws. Certilkatm that roll astonish are is
the halide of the proprietoe,whonlil hike Orman. St show
sot than to the eillieted or their friends. ' -
Whatever others may my about their medicines, the .
Petroleum Is theaverdest. Remedy of the age.. Phyeiciani
of high ....hort in the prof.abor are Mmuning to use it
' in their Smeller. Thor. who at fan looked as with Aoubt
and unarrtsinty, are willing to arrant It due praise and
consideration. Before another Tear roll. round. all .111 be
tpolled to aekma ledge that the Petnhum to tbegreat.
tmedleine escr discovered. per rale, wt.Jesale and
ail. by KEYSER A MelsOW ELL. 140 Wad .re-
Also—R. E. Hellen, Ed Wood otreet; D. M. Curer, D. A.
Elliott, Joseph Dotal, Allegheny City. Alm: bg pro
prietor, H. NI. KIEII. blond herenth et.etcPlthe
k nd 11. A. lahnestork a ca.. wow and Trott da
ri t et, t ,,,,y to take. and highly rEleArlitts.
Auronr-sit ern - . Larch 251. 184 a:
Mt. E- children. like others. bait been
subject troul.l.,orne conch, sad baying wed o.Merent
Umediva to v.ry 1 wart Induced by ltdver
meut.... shout your Lough NYruit , . glto it Uhl. I
IN:rett io ll t tn o e o e , - of raTlPlL ' t s :r t er 'l idled m tn core them, .
1 have ovommrutted It to to orighhn, and do moat
uscienciously believe that It to y
Mr boo trough twilktom
hat b... burn offered to the public_
Parrott , 'boutd not tartolt their from
eno.b. whoa tlow may ourril by • 65 rt. bottle of th
&Trot , .
0n11.1,1 7 hy 6. IL SELLERS. •
5 W brooch., thrti_
EXTING - IiTiTILVI WC. are plepar
' el to furnish Lid onot moyeratus for hcatlog fort
ow buiblings by Flown or hot water. &rol• have to
Caged DAL William.. from Ma auto., .0 teal Ha co •
truation. jai &CAI &E. AflUNoShi & OKBLY.
ALCOHOL—'2S bbl!. for sale by
m,hzi J. EIDD k 00,17,3 Wood R.
sale by meh J. KIDD k CO.
Xlll5 WIIITE-15 bias. extra fine, f.
- t
de by _ mch22 J. KIDD Ik CO.
OTASHE casks (pure) for sale
IILACK LEAD-1200 lbs. powdered !, . •
-1-111 A.A.sttY' for
"1" by- n. A. men-x=oex &Oil.