AzratollearCotraort.s.—The Allegheny Conn jells met yesterday evening. The lateness of the i/tour at, which they adjourned, prevents tue from tgrting a report of their proceedings to-dey,bnt we 4May mention that in the Common Council, an or iaance, re - establishing what to known as the it'old grade" of Ridge etreot, Nan pulsed. Thie on/Mance woe not acted on is the Select 'Council, they agreeing to postpone all ...dal:ton the embject until they bad personally examined, the ground. The Select Council adjourned, to meet on Tuesday afternoon, at five o'clock, upon the ginned. Eacorron u ALLEOTIVr. r.—An election for three members of the Common Council, to sup- Ply vaauscies occasioned by resignations, took place in Allegheny City, yesterday, with the fol lowing result t ' Fle e t, Ward—S. Wickersham. Second Ward—Geo. R. Riddle. Fourth Ward—B. Renter. COURT OP samara mann TICUILEDAY,' April 10. Present, Honorable William B. MeClare, Pre sident Judge, and Sitinuel Jones. and William Ban; Associate Judges. The jury in the ease of the Commonwealth vs. Eliza Brunty—ludictment, Bigamy, returned a verdict of not guilty, and Mrs. Branty or rathei Mn. McNutt, was discharged. The Jury agreed on their verdict in a few minutes. Commonwealth ye. Joseph Barker, Wm. Bar ker, et al. returned a verdict of guilty as to all the:defend:ante, accompanied by a recommends— Won to mercy. CoMmonwealth vs. Patrick Murphy—lnforms tion, surety of the peace, on oatkof Cyrus Black. The defendant had occupied a house belonging to thaprotiecutor, which he did nut wish to leave.— While being dispossessed by the prosecutor, he had threatened to put a ball through him, if he reie ejected. Be was let off with paying the Commonwealth vs. Timothy filePlierson—ln_ dieted for steeling a horse, belonging to the Char tiers Creek Coal Company. w.„,v. Irwin, Esq., fur the Commonwealth; E. I'. Jobes, Esq., for defence. The defendant is n .. 5„. colored min. Mn.• S. W. Kerr testified to the fact that the animal was stolen. It was larch $lOO, and was taken from the stables of the Company, near Chortler!, creek, on the sixth day of March, last. Hugh Nicholson testified that he found the horse en the 16th of March, at the house of Mi chael Hacks, a colored m., who resides in Washington coun ty. Michael Hacks sworn—l reside in Washington county. . The prisoner came to my house on the 10th of March, with the horse in question, which he traded to me for another horse. Bernard Doughterty sworn—l am one of the Mayor's police. Followed the defendant to Wheeling, where I found him concealed on beard the steamer Hibernia No. 2. . When arrested, he asked me why I had taken him into custody, and When I bad him it was for horse stealing, he asked whether Mr. Remington. President of the Chartiers Railtold Company was there. . Several other w itnesses were examined, and a verdict of guilty was rendered by the jury, after a short absence. The prisoner was remanded. SENTENCE OF BARBER. Joseph Barker, convicted of riot, was brought Into court, by polies, Officer Fox, by whom he bad been arrested. He walked immediately in front of his honor, the President Judge, and said that lie had not asserted in his speech that morn -14, that Ibe judge had perjured himself. He went on to declare that he had not been convict ed according to law, and made some obserratioas by no means suitable to the occasion. Judge McClure at length ordered him to be silent, 'and 'proceeded to pass sentence on him for riot, and a misdemeanor in office, of which he bad been convicted during the previous term of the Court of Quarter Sessions. His honor ob served that as regarded the riot, his sentence would not he so severe as Barker's guilt deserved. Re then sentenced him to an imprisonment of lye months in the common jail of Allegheny county: On the conviction for the misdemeanor inoffice, 'he was.sentenced to pay a fine of $3OO, and to stead committed until the sentence was complied with. Sheriff Curtis took Barker into custody, and the latter, not at once quitting the Court Room, Judge McClure ordered him to be removed, and he was Maken to prison. The other defendants were not sentenced. Commonwealth vs. Joseph'Baxter and ts Wash ington Heckeweller—lndictment, burglary, al leged to, have been committed in breaking into} the Store of Wm. Buchanan, at the corner of .Wy/le and Chatham street. Cochran for Com monwealth, John D. Mahon for defendants - The principal evidence adduced on behalf of the ComMonweilth, consisted of admissions of the priaoners that on the night of the Pith of February they intended to enter h store on Wy lie street . . On the other hand, a large number •of witnesses proved an alibi. The case will go to the Jury this morning, and the prisoners will probably be acquitted. DISTRICT COURT. BeforeiHon. Walterll. Lowrie Wm. Lawson and • Thomati W. Letaon vs. the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad Company.— No. 289r-July term, '9B. • Shales.; and Staunton for plaintiffs.. A. W. Loomis fur defendants. Action to recover dam ages • for alleged breach of contract on the part of' the company. Case concluded, but no v ot wan returned, when the Court ad journed. 1 : Whited*. Rom ye. Thomas 3loffit. No. 311— April tee m 1851. Ou motion of C. Hasbrouck, Judgmen t for want of a sufficient affidavit of de fence. i I Same p laintiffs vs. same. defendant. No. 466 —April k' rra, 18al. Oa motion of C. Has brouck, judgment for the same cause as above. dies b. Ifeering fixed for Tires In Chancery before Hon. tpey. No. 403—April teem, '4O. Action of debt. Black laintiffs. Wi'Remand Sbinn ;ase not concluded. lcsr.—Mr. Lutz, a contrto- Railroad, and another gen ie um did not learn, were :ednesday night, with slimg als, who rushed out the board and !ruin streets. The cries summoned several persona and the cowardly ruffians ig any booty. /AZ badly cut, but Dr. Rieg, mind, thinks it will not prove iveral hundred dollars on his the attack. as- , !a : —Our readers will re positively the last week of wama of California. -This man, when he heard nvicted him of riot yester sed a crowd of spectators on en, in one of the coarsest then he has yet made. The remark, having been unfit ro no report of them. PATEN MEDICII In Bo ' , d for ale or rb ii 2rNom lncel:eat o Viddoe, Ira= • PqM5 ,. Blllods Andintro4 LES, &c.L—A large stock the moot liberal terru, via fAromatie Salta LBateau:Ve %bum de ' an Blood mul's =sir of Health MUM Oil t.-YAK:tract of Buebu Court Pluter Dalby's Carminative Depuratiu Syrup, for tbo lt. cure of Kin s Evil, Sad , Onnutuna Lem= Lav Bevil ender maot VC: bfunard Eye WaterSPruen for Bees • (Untrue, Liniment N Caffrey" Carnal Iden tineture • Ifetimr, Oil • Acme Powder P. WICKERSELAIL I'd Weal and Shah Omen MlLh...a rar Tctter eathy Kaftan avrahn'a Panacea , 11=tre's Latta= • War= Tea At the Drag StAre of .94 , tarn, ORN MEAL -51;61e. moan I P.IIEI . for sale b -HAM NION 'SIIED-3 bbls. mcba , 4 nuEr. _ . for Bale by 3fAITHERb k CO TkRIED MACIIES- 5 _1500 bu. (haves) for se. 01 .tratt2.s REMY, MATTULWEI & CO. 'OAP-114!boxee No. 1 roc'd. for' sale b y mew s. t se BARHAM". A7ti and 92, degrees. zi Mr sale IskettZ J. SCIIOOnfAKER k CO. COPPER 9 1;1,18. in lino order, for ,„1141bY J. 2CHCONIIAKER it 00. DO boas ektra L Y and Vg; sub; o atty bsses est.. pandos for sale by 1. £. DILICIALTLI L . pp. LThvestments. • tOOO inc? i L u l. ,, S ,‘,. ..L'l .. l o . l;S: , l i t r U n. 1 .121 2T . 1: . 1!! rZ; M P°4. o`.Vatias •• art, Third sal arIEK • w. Gators Lair's Itat,k, AVriL tiratma's • &mkt's do 4 rot :a& at 113A17 ltdthost 4 ROLL BUTTER -40 I,bl, prime just roc'd and Oa os. br ESUCEL SUME mehltt HICKORY7O bbl. fur 8 0, b =MO SAMUEL P. SHRIVEL CILESTNUTS I -20 bbl. for by 6.6.111. TEL P. way= - ; ARRIVAL OF THE ICABITENGTo N. I N L uen, April 10. FOREIGN NEWS. The steamer Washington, from Bremen and Sonthampton, with dates to March 21st, arrived ARRIVAL OF TILE I this evening. STEAMSHIP AFRICA. ONE WEER LATER PROM El/ROPE. Saw Tose, April 10, 1851. The Steamship Africa, with Liverpool dates, to the 29th ultimo, arrived this morning at 7 o'- clock. She mode the run from Liverpool to Jer sey City, in 11 !days and 21 hours. LIVERPOOL MARKET. • Livnrmnu., kitrch 29. Cotton—Prices bare advanced id, with sales during the week, of 43,000 bales. The follow ing are the pries established by the Board of Brokenu—Fair' Upland, 7 id; fair Mobile, lid; and Orleans at lil,lil V lb. Flour—We quote. an advatice of Gd y 4 bbl. Philadelphia and Baltimore brands are quoted at 218(7123, f 4 re MI Grain—Corn rhea advanced Gd ' 3 quarter, witK ( t sales of white a 32s 1A(4.333; yellow at 30a Gtl€C als; and mixed at 3 0se30sad? quarter. Wheat has advanced 2 ? pound. Wainer & Smith's European Times quotes no advance in the grain market. Provisions—Pork is unchanged. Beef is dial, but firm. Bac" is much wanted, at an advance of to - i4 cwt. Lard has advanced Isle Gd li2 11 cwt. Rains at Shoulders are active. Butter ' is 4e,Gs lower, - -n? cwt. Tallow—Pric s have declined. Tobacco--Thmarket is dull, but prices are unchanged. Rice—Sales le 0 tierces Carolina, in bond, at IfisEr,lBB Ad i t ewt. Iron—The malrket is quiet, though prices are firm. Freights—Th market is dull, at ll's Gd for dead weight, an 20.1 for One goods and hard ware. LON N MONEY MARKET. Mh 28. The Money Market is'ensy, and s upp lie s abun dant. Consols closed at.96i. I lavEneoca., March 20. Breadstuffs e experienced rather more steadiness. In tie corn market, in consequence of a temporary,cessation of heavy shipments of grain and flour from the continent, the prices of wheat and in rem have slightly advanced: the former being noted 5s 6dess 10d fora red, GseGs 3d it 70 s for white; the latter 803 for mixed, 31s for ye low, and 230 per quarter for white. Flour is in mo erate demand at 193e21 5 ... 0 ' bbl for Western C nal; Canada and • Ohlo, 20e 6d €...,i21.3 Gd; Baltim re and Philadelphia 223€1,22.3 Gd, and sour 18a deBl9s. • Indian Connate , 143 Gd ? bbl. Lannon', Alarch :33. American Stock:—Darings' Circular says Ame rican stocks contipied to experience a very mo derate (remand, without variation in prices. Six per cent bonds, with (Coupons, are scarce at losi. Emma. s's offered at 83. ~..., POLITICAL INTELLIGENCE., t I c "OLAND. ~ , l ' In he House of rds, on Friday even% rig, p tie 28th, Lord Lyrodh st complained of the ro ceedings of 31. 31. ilessina, Ledru Rollin, Klep pe, and other refugees, who were intriguing a gainst Austria anli other Foreign States, sad suggested the prop 'ety of re-enacting the alien act. Earl Gray said at the subject had attracted ' the anxious attenti n of the Foreign and Home 1 Secretaries . but he thought that nothing short 1 of danger to the internal peace of France, could 1 jlistify the re-enactMent of the alien law. saln reply to the . lof Aberdeen, Earl Grey id that the Covert went disapproved of thiepro ceedings of the refs es. iln the House ofGommons, a committee of en quiry was appointeth with reference to a steam communication betteen England, China, and A.U.stralia. Leave was given to Lord John Russell to intro , duce a bill for the better adthinistration of jus tice in the Supreme Court of Chancery, in*liieh shill sit the Lord Chancellor, the Master of the Rolls, and one of thd Judges of bolo Law Courts or either two of the may may hear causes. The bill fixes the Lord Chaim llor's salary at ElO,OOO per annum; the retiring idlownnee remaining whatit now is, £2OOO. The second readiru been passed in the H of the Assumption bill has 'use of Lords. INCE. April 10th. Cotton. -The market is doll and holders are awaiting the Africa's . new... Flour is quiet, with sale, of ()bloat $4@54,10 1, 1 Corn Salesol2o,ooo bushels at 54@,68c ** fl bush. Lard has advanced, th sales 1,000 bblo mime, at 8 @Sic 14 lb, and 1, , 04.1 kegs, at 1.4(,81c IL. Provisions—Bacon sides have declined : ribbed, at Bc, clear be. Mess -'ork in declining, with sales at $13.756i . 413,8 A. Tobacco—Salei of 1:-.V.1 lbs Mason co, on pri- I Tate terms. lent has received informs- ' Whiskey—Sales at 114 e. 9 that numerous Socialists' Molasses—Choice is held at 32c. he country, for the pur- 100 Coffee--Sal es at 10fc. he manifests of Martini, Oats—Ohio. 43c. , uniting under the title of Freights remain dull. Exchanges are anal ons, Trade Associations, te re d, land also of establishing I The Ilonitenrof Th ed a list of the uppo' hi. De Lavelle as am., David as Consul Gene' De Lavelle was on th zublime Porte. In h' visit Rome, in order I lug with the Pope on ty in the East.. The Chamber of ed for a Railroad bet, lon. raday Nfarch 27, publish- Ftmenta, among which are Irl i sdador at Rome, and M. at New °recede. . M. eve of proceeding to the lis embassy he would firsto come to an understand he Subject of Christiani- CI ql•JII 11 ,, V1L l' Societo , r s t , tet'ee. %rill .t. 1..1 !,..; EALED 10 PRO l't is.), L. min be re, PIN 011 d tl7d e l ro ta e , f tl:.ngirl l ; IO ' g l : ,-, t ,"„ T , r d g. ' !,.%?:.1,: ^ ; ,: r ~„• i. Snce floe, 1.1 floor thistity until U.. aria I; . t June. I,: neer . free 1.• twewtble (runic... pew, per Pout , i Drew& eael , wen.h ..f - lt lima.. •itaar of the beat quail?. • Itcw - • Rice dour 't rep.. WiTlTia b l ." 1 ".'" u II Lard 'touch s pecu l ation in Parts WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER Lia i .t 1. :"" , "nPetfine Altnistry. It is thought Y V WARE, r.. Wan, li ,, ramla Tea Setts. beat :diver i .,=, ~ Plated Vona cp•oeis. sea l Et t ier Knives Table Ostler, oils, that the old member. aunt unalltiea only:, La pa of all drseripthnu for 1r,10:... Chanties, atoms, Boats, flail and Dwellings: Gas than t i,.• ,-,,.„,,_. tidier, Gas limeki to, G. Sixturem killitary Gent of ell t, - ,...',„„ ' meal.. rat Paris has pre.ented kind' , Gold Pmair, Walk.' a d GI.. CuttereDiLcods. -—` era of recall a... ak Roans tg-IVElle tali - non I. ande;going rennin in feent• rue' •all ' ' ~,. I4NI Uggien will find me ha the rear of the store, hesitance in i t , „,,,,,. front. with • largo stock of the above good, and at flu tt;,„-,•''' - ... N. • L.:elle low prim. ra•ol •• bust el • eertairi resi•ecti rag the ~,,..w . , ~,.,,L,,,.. .Lap on „,;„,Lai;.,,04,,,,. All of the forego.: amid n to he of the very he.t con' , lay, owl 0 • he furnished et suet, times and In such , tuanti. mob, corner idurth and 3lerket sta. •ms aeon the reouleitson , 1 lie. Ib.wani of the ilosyste. BLAND I I /CODFISH-15 drama in store, for vile by l' .1,, , 7 -1 „,„', , ,,;,.„", - g.„- - „ , ;17, , -„,z.,...,,, ,, -, , ,,,, ~,,,,,,,. , asantry. in the canton of I j mel4 WILLER A lIICKETSON .to furnialtat the lowest niarket nose ' esuita and other Botnan I I_IOPS-15 bales first tort We.tern N Y " : fit ''' th ' 6 ' "" bl " r ` " th ' l 'II be ."' . ' pile.: in about Xi par J.' In ediltuno to lehseli 1.1 quieted by the gover n .. , ia mare and for eal. by there will be shoat lo ofncer• en: ...memo tle eept lied Ale titirtattity i mend lf ILLEI, s Rif KS:Tr•ON key int , rmation concerning the A n.ert will he men ---- . appili &on at thts alike lit ',III IV ta:lc• ' i p t LACK DRESS. SlLKS.—loot read per , al. t,aiti .sur..raroaa o at, tS. Marl. Itosi'dtal ILJ/ Es polo', black Lulsernas mike Abo-1:0 pieces veto., black , and fan-r colored Crepe. BACON'S 70fECANTILE COLLEGE, inthlS k A SIANG \ *Cu Routh 6'.1 eon, of ftith .d lirdinuf Str , ets, g CISCINNATI, oulo (Incorporated in 1551.) HAW, Print mai G oN Ott . kay Lectuorron Commercial Law C U It emit,' and f I 1,..m. kcastanto no S. BACON beet leave to return his sin tt. rent thanks. for the sere liberal paronage which in. h. reecived• sod bora, hi indefatigable .tenGon to I business, to merit ••continuance of the unprecedented one ct . that by attend,l his efLirtn during the past whaler 'f be utlllte ~f Inelltntlou. of this description has become re'w7gl7;jr,.",t4'l2.Vlojb`.7l;',Z,,,,' sod t = .:l',;`hrft'''.'., ed the edentate:ea of their inetruction as no Imager tor:re quire either argument for their oupport ur tuinkr urea: llmir merits The plan adopted In teaching comics.. practice with theory, bus Gad of tising twit., the pupils aro oxen Ist d In maklng original antrits of erer, da, Lariat,. troneatmene Journalising. Posting. Balanrine Amour t or ran • end rinsing a great varlet, of different sets of Loo a , both for ty , ti b t ., ezhtp e and Individual lulainess, when the business student I P or enl r e ° l-17g ont and o sic o dlitt a k a ' L "' . amount in any kir. fbu e ese ' lbs. mune of instruction will amsist of DOUBLE EN. TRY COOK KEEPING, embracingevery department of trade and alernnttleaccounta, vls Wholesale, Retall,Cont. 01.111, Exchange. Banking. Vonts&ctunna. bitlpplng, Italleklual, Partnership, Steamboating, and Compound Co Bodine., Commercial laltulaUuna. Pr.i./eal Penmanship and Commercial Law . Pupils are Instructed lndlvilually and not in classes , so that students may enter at t. y time, and pruned to the ratio of their rapacity and assiduity , Public examinations an had, (though pupil. are exam bled privately if tbby desire it) when th student ander .ten pri v ately ir C .l .:tiTa h on , = l 2, ° ,,, °* . he u r .llT,S " V Vit • ~! d a r , , ,,, , 1q.0 , ..11. D . 1 P1, . .• awanled to moss who art '" dtwen. A cont. can be convicted in tram six to ten works . And In conel.lcus, the Principal would state Mat every thing In his power will he do. to advance hi. lett:den., and make them thorough sad smomplished secountants and his extensive atuttaintance with the business ontumu nity will generallyenable him to procure Mt:tat:one tor those destroys of obta•ning them. Terms—ror a fall mune of lessons In Look Ree Ping, Writing. Commercial Law, At ,i 40.00 apT-Im Commeree bee petition een Marseilles mil Tou The French govern . 1 'lion from the Provinc • agents are traversing pose of cireulating 'Led= Rollin, and o Philanthropic associn - t i nad Secret Societies, Democratic Socialist j. There still continues with respect, to the ice with -one or two except I will be re-instated. The Spanish 31inist:i to the President he, let' GER), All is yet vague and 'erman Confederation. SWITZ An uprising of the pi ribourg, fomented by ntholie Priests, had be' tent of, Canton, with lit • SP. ,) ,:tdrices from Madri t m y ~Material changes ugh there Was not.m' them. tat that rumor« of ere again circulated. ch credit attached to The city of Levissi, in the island of Rhodes, has been destroyed by at earthytudie. The accounts from At ens state that the gov ernment treaty with thd Aiutrirn Lloyds, has been ratified by the Diet TURKEY. Some further disturbaCtces in Bosnia are re ported, and it is generally predicted that a re. hellion will again brea kut in Lower Bosnia. Sixty of the Polish d Hungarian refugees have embarked for Ame ica. The rest are in a wretched state at Liv 01. General Dembinski arrived at Constanti nople, • INDIA AN CHINA. The Dutch sea and land forces , have, after much difficulty, entirely routed the pirates of the Indian Archipelago, who had taken flight across the country, lea vin all their goods behind - them. A USTS. LIA. Advices from Idelbourn , Port Phillips, to No vember 19th, represent e affairs of the colony as exceedingly prosperon . ITAL . ... . The Rome corresponderlt of the London Times says, the restoration of the Russell cabinet has , caused considerable alino3 4 cc to the Pope and, Cardinals. itiThe Austrian troops g artered in the Papal cities, are said to have re.dved considerable re inforcements. A letter dated Vienna, our charge, Mr. McCurdy, very favorably received, b lamb 2lst, am that had arrived, and was the Austrian minis- . . a pa eed, thot arrange th Prnscin, on the • the lienemnie Diet. t e Diet, and the two ddncy of the Execu- The ministers hare annct meats have been made question of the Presidency Austrin will preside in t powers will share the Pres tire Committee. DESTRUCTIV Cts A fire broke out about 61 to the etoro of Campbell, tumble Street, which, toget sire tr—•--- • INNATE, April 101 o'clock this morning Ellison & Co., Co •er will. the erten ! Mitchell & Kam rll;gri:Clidjheeorll47l:arg,ehh.tvrouersisee rm.:allure warehouses o melsburgh, and the rimless of Pollan, Hatfield, & Bro entirely . deetroyed. The 1• mostly covered by b7suranct PENNSYLVANIA LE flea= SL TURE. j Outunr., Aprillo. ranklin Canal Co., Railroad Company, ding to the Senate ;on: In the House to-day, the , and the Pittsburgh and Erie were finally disposed of, by a amedment the following seeti That nothing therein con !trued to authorize either of any other Railroad Company, road, lateral or otherwise, to tint 'nett shall be con old et , lnpanies; or to construct n Rail bo 0 /110 State line, aim/ in cod eon -0 part of the chat.- Itaitroad pan - t, on of the net Co. In construct e o l o th c e :, • an:t u r i n g s t c l y u t R l e.i Eriethem, of • power to to to he eon !erred by sold county. That tere,of theitaid Pittsburg and puny atm Franklin Canal Con allowing the Franklin Canal Railroad, shall he co construe or either of them, the power road to any point. or through to the Ohio State line, to Olt I improvements of the - State c This section was adopted —and the hill wee sent to the: e , )..rct witn'the Ito Mo." P:an :46, nays 40 Seaste. • BOSTON, March 10. Business is generally suspended; the day be leg devoted to thanksgiving. Ntw Ll9llo], ( O.) March 10. The Rev. Josiah Adams, pastor of the Metho dist Episcopal church, in this place, died this evening, atter a short illness. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. April 10. Cotton—The announcement of the arrival of the steamer Africa, at New York, with adrices from Liverpool to the 29th ult. noting a further advance in Cotton, caused holders to pot up prices. Buyers hold off, and decline purchasing, until private letters come to hand. Flour—ls quiet, and the demand for export limited--only 700 bbls were sold, at $4,50.- 1 There is an increased demand for city consump tion, at f84,60c0.561. for common and good brands, and 3 4 ,76(03 for extra. Grain—Wheat is in good demand; sales prime Penna. red, at 100 c bu. Rye is scarce; sales of 800 bus at 68c, and 1000 bus at a price kept private. Corn is in demand, at 93c admit, hut there is scarcely any offering. Whiskey is scarce, and prices tend upward.— Stiles of Ghia at 23c; the market is bare of laid. BALTIMORE MARKET. April 10. Flour—The market is unsettled, with Hales of 200 bbla H. S. at $4,50 bbl. Grain—Sales of white corn at 61€012c, and of yellow at 82@;63c hu. Oats, sales at 38@,41c 4 0 bu. Whiskey—Sales at 24624¢c 11 gallon in barrels. Provisions Sales4o hhds bacon sides at 96: I and 20 hhds clear at 8/. Sales 30,000 bbls cash: 40,000 bbls assorted at 8c cash. Sales ,! 40 hhds shoulders at 7c; 20,000 bbls and 45 hhds! at 77;1; 500 hims at 04610 e: 3000 at cash• Sales 100 hhds shoulders, dry salt, ICI cash. Sales 200 kegs No. I Lard at 94 cash; sales 100 bbls good at 84c 1 4 lb, cash. • 111 F•a= NEW YORK MARKET April 10. Cotton—Market firm and unchanged. Sales :2000 bales. Flour—Market steady at 54,50€ , 4,56 for com mon to good; State $4,66€44,60 for mixed to fancy Western. Sales reaching 9000 Grain—Wheat dull. Corn is held at one to ten mks higher. No sales, however, transpiring over 67c. Provisions--Pork is dull at $14,50 for mess; 300 tierces pickled hams Sold at .8ifi;81. Lard firm. Groceries—Sales of 'Molasses at 3lc gaL Sugar is active at improved rates. Sales New Orleans and Cuba at 5F45i; Porto Rico 6 1; white Havana, in boxes, Coffee Isla modes demand at lot for Rio, 10c for Laguyra Cloveraced 8I CINCINNATI MARKET. April 10. Flour—The market is very dull and quiet at Provisions—Only 200 bLs Mess Pork havibeen mad at 513,50. Sales of Whiskey, at 17 Ise change in other article& River stationary. NEW ORLEANS MARKET. April 8. Flour—Tho mark dull,dull, at s4®s4 10 bbL Corn-1s heavy, at Mc "tAbu. Provisions—Sale, Of Moos Pork at $l3 SOC, 14. Sales of pickled Shoulders at 3ic Ll lb. Whiskey—Pices have declined, with sales of ‘. Raw at 20i, and of rectified at 18e "0 gal. NEW ORLEANS 3L'iIIEET. April 9. Corn—S#les 10,000 sks at 5561;57c bu. Provisions--Sales 500 ribbed sides at Lac. Saks 500 kegs prime Lard nt Bfe "ro tb . Whinksy—Sales at ttlie Qt gal . Lard Oil Soles at./Sc 7r4 gal RISII LlNENS.—lteceived this touriain another lot Am.:A . 4d And... 1:1A13 Linen, mchls A. A. MAAON A. CO kiWEET OIL-350 gall. for sole by 1 )...r meols J. KIDD A CO. pIOTASH-7 casks (prime) for sale by i "- rochla • J. KIDD & ea. 010ITT8MAGII GLUE--30 bbls. (best) for x sale by main J. KIDD a CO. (a UGAR CURED lIAMS--10 tierces Dui , io Lars celebrated S. C. lianas. on band and for ea by eachls WAYLINGFOHJJ a CO. LARD -14 kegs No. 1, for sale by mehl4 WICK. a MrCANDLESS. MOLASSES--100 bbls. N. ai oak cooper .l.Y.R. age. for nale by mebl4 J. OR. FLOYD. LARD --20 kegs No.l, for sale 1)y lnehl4 1 J. I R. f"1.414D. WANTED TO BUY—Notes of the Western I V Banks. and Sleek orthe Pittsburgh Bank, by al.o H. D. KING. pRINtING PAPER—A superior lot of Double Iledlum Palm., rleZ7; awl mperial, Itt il.ra or sada at ' W. r HAVEN'S ameba Paper Stan. eon Market and Recent' eta Nr.: Books' dew . 1 New Books FOREIGN REMINISCENCES, tyyll try Richard Lord itollandt eellttel by his on, Mew, F geed Lori Holland- Jame Bouvet, or rity and Advent ty; b y Ceithatioe Sinclair, uthor fie o Udmurt Grehant." Howe," o.k Moorland Cottage; by the author a Mary Barton, Leeman,: The &holm., the iiipeey, the o Barrow, author of the Bible in Brain. od the U M W . in Spain. Vol. et. Lidichoth'• /Calory of the United Btatee—eseond - . The stave work. just reed and for ule by B. V. STOCKTON, Bookseller . and Stationer, toebls eorror Mesketand Th sts TRAIWRAPPING--From the Virginia S Mills, dmstantly In store aod for We et nossulkotts rere priest. by ItOBEITTSON RZYPEILT. is7nzzrtrtg 111 ECEIVED PER EXI'RESS, a large as re ' ' ' flUk t ...ras. b. tl.4rTa l sYna n irLlin m ends w naught Cuffs end Collars. fina‘uth Gulfs ars! (31/11srou Walruefennes and Ludo Naiwltsn Cuffs and Cullers, Louis Napolmo, Mall., Brussels. and Applique C. p.ol wad fileorus. Chime. loam Bleck Cha ntills and Love Voila: bull& Breakfast so 1 'nista; inbmidered Linen Cams F,71:1[1:'...`frh?:47 Enlllth Tread I.w, nod Edelcum Jo °oust and Es+. I , ..l¢lnas lusurtlngs- -touether with a general assorransuf. of 1! rend/ Eruhrrdleml and Lade Uoods. ruch3 N A. A. ASON No 62 and Market st. ILIACON-11.1 casks Side's and Shoulders " iner,l .4 "" - VAINI7MII3 00. X TRA YOUNG !TYSON TEA.—Just c2P •..7-r,„71-701our!ng can not be ourpameu hl .at Lb* prim, Pittrourgb For lb* lower scrod.. 75, deli, W. end 37,4 es ism., bleb we warrant fully equal, if not superior, any to bermil at th. A7•=rila, Imperial. and Gunpowder, ofall for which ail no ask It • Cole blab and th eywill mend themselves A, liberal dineount made to retailers, mid ho families buying ii the quantity. 51 A. IIeCLURGCO. mnbt . Ye. Nelms and Grooms CILOVERSEED-75 bu. for sale by mehO ROBISON. unix & itIREEN APPLES —SO Ltd. (in fine order) " ege t 111;0120N, crrnx a co. ALCOHOL -15 ),bl. for Hale by mrllo ). KIDD it CO .0) Wonl .t. PRINTING, WRITING, and WRAPPING vA I'llll.--31.1 ream, 24 by 3 Vrbat 11r3o 3141 4. 12 by L'..l MA.I 11 18 by 24, 24 by 32. 24 by 34, 2, byby 43; .3110 I,ro.ry I.y. 1.11.. 114.,r0 104, 1..11m,, and 1.., h,nl •nr 14.1.11 Awl 14- nal.. 4,r 4,1,m,, 1,55 Earn. • lons Ani l . amral ,/1 '1121.0.1. Lap, and Tca Ihmart 1110. rd.., 1 ,111 ..o•-1 , 111m, of on M.o. (St cat.: Paper mad. to order on Mon clotacr. kb 2ll =ow of Pm L .1. od L. /no 8115.1 E, lo 04. MEM= • • A.iIOIC LOUISVILLE—The splend- 1.1 itr JEFFERSON, capt.J..lll, , ,gi, sr1111&22 Z ' L 7 .ll ' l.=n l .lt 6'—'di"---- For freight or pacuurr..Pl4 on ho.oO ht , ll VOR ST. LOUIS & ILLINOIS RVET: o. CRITTENDEN. • a !'rlitoui., , der, will leave : tor tbe ob.* to.' ti It teruke‘tliow swat. ou Saturday. (ho 1 . ..11• trot ,Lt 4 P P.w. (mg!. ..t• pow., aPpIT on bond. or to spl I J. NEiTTON JoNES, Agent. —_- 1.4 1 0 ii. ST. LOUIS.---The fast run- ji di a .. run, now stwamor EDITOR. Captwln nip non, will I.wyc for Ow. abate and all 1iner a—,..i.0ri.6,..1,,,0rt..:;12..,,1.,1".r.,,1phr,101,11k...11nrdxta.nt. n.ll di 1 ItIENWOOD & KOSEDALE ILI ItIeAII.TLAK PACK.KT.—The oplendid 14E2 flyt runnin g eteun host CIIIEFTAIN, It T Werra, Alder, will commence on the 10th Inst.. to make regular trips from the end of the Ohl Allegheny Bridge. (IL Clair atmrt,) ertry hour. commencing at no elork. A. 31., and rontlnuing until the Uardeng ['Of, e.ho will laud on the Allegheny aide, fur the arrotannalation of paoct, gem; alai, at all other points. air Katt. TOP at 7. ' , .'" clock AI li`' • apld 1,1,0,,1L . r N ,I I A V r I I I , I i I i . : I i tE i - - 1... ;!;1 , 1 . e m.t.. fine ' ... n Irate for the aboreandlntennodinteportg r , * on Friday, the Ilth, at A I'. 31. Fur freight or pannage, apply On hoard, or to , aplo 40113: FLACK, Anent i y OR CIN. & LOUISVILLE—The • aplendid new ateamer OLAUCCS, Capt. ~ - • • ort, will leave for the More and all Inter mediate Aorta on Ills day, at 4 o'clock. r to. For bight or prole., apply on tenant nt4o iiEGULAR PACKET BE TIVEk:N AVELI4IILI: AND -Erl 611.—The light diaughl atmuner ARENA, D. P. Kinney. muter, I Wellarille even Modal, ArcancedaY. and Friday, at 8 o'clock. A. M. for Fut LI , rod. tllugnw, AleFerran'a Landing, Ilea . ver. and Pitt, burgh. Legge, Pltteburgh every Tueoday, Thurwltar. and Satunlay. at 10 o'chwk. A. 11., P.r Ileaver,3lcFarran'a Land ing. (Hugon, Kul Liverpool, and Welloville. For Tight or pasta, apple on loan'. aP3 A - .4 1 01t ZANESVILLE —The litir ateamer EMPRESS . .Cox,marter. will hare &bore and intermediate Porte tialaafternoon. at i o'clock. For fh•igiit or was., apply on Igard ar JO_ VIOR SAINT LOUIS—The ]•4trill j , and splendid guarder DlAllE3l"piehran, eon:inlander, trill lease for abase and inter. Litwin,. landings this Jal, at. 4 n'elrk. For freight er paseage. apply on heard. FOIVST. LOUIS—The new twit splendid 'learner CIIIKE F lALL Capt. D., 11. Myer. will leave Rd the &boy , and all intermediate roe. this day, 4 P. SI. For freight or passdge, apply on boast apt FOR CINCINIVI, LOUISVILLE A ST. LOUIS—The fast running neurk, AL . NEWTON. Captain Charles Israel. a.lll lease for the shoe, and interinodiate ports. on ads dnT• We nth Inst. at In .5.11. For freight or ravage. apply en board. aid -101: LOUISVILLE--The did steaer NA VIO A TOR, Ct W. Dean. so I leave a m m the shove and all ar loterynediste. pur. on Monday. the DI inch, at 10 °clock. For Dvig l l4 or laaaage apply cm board. ay. - 14 -1 01{ WABASH RIVER—The steam4r VERMONT: Cart Hulett will leave tor the abort. MEM all interediate points en ?.to r nday. the Ith inst., at 4 o'clock P. M. o freight or Paluage. Apply on bean!. ftEOULAIt PACKET'E TWEEN PITTSIIVRGII SUNFISIL—Z..-41; steamr PILOT No. 2. A. 0. Crane, ...q v , vac. will leave Pittsburgh for Wheedir,... Grans and dunfoti. every Monday and Thunalay, at 3 o'eltalt r. returning Dares Sunfish for Cardin, Ithealing and Pittsburgh. er. or; Tuesday end Friday, at o'clock. a.. Peasondere end shipper, ran depend upon this boat running regulatir during the lose 'water season. For height or mood, apply nu truant NEW ARRA:- .NGEMENTS FOR • IfiErga 1851. T HE new and favt running str. CASHIER, J. & Flartar—Retrular Wellsvillo. Stou. heeling, Wellaborg. Whoollug, Bridgeport. Captina and Soullab J'acket—leares Pittshoegh ev Bridgeport Weducalay at o o'clock. P. 31- for Wheeling and Bratreport. azol carry Natant.). at 3P. 31. for Coed]. and Somfoh Returning. leave. Surtgaltevery Honda; at 10 &cick. A. 31.. rod Bri Sl. d-rpurt and Wheeling ovary 31omlay .tot Thurall.F. at 4 P For freight and ;Wan, aPP/1" nn nr torh7 JOHN FLACK. Agrot. EGULAR WILEELING AND 'freer uel.i ß .,y PdC la—The fart run m ; I ,~' a .... run 4.6 • rramlar pacbt but..en rateourgh, Wheelina. Bridavport, and Suolloth. bearing Pittsburgh every Rocas, afternoon for Wellsville. Stoutanyilir. and Bridget.. nod ovary Monday aftorneom for liteeLectlia. IA /reeling, Bridgeport, Caltttoo. and Sunfuth, returning, bridge nnet. and euntigh every Tnoaday roil ,unihh I::7l,Forriteja74 "" 1.) EGULAR PITTSBURGH AND I, WITT:FLING PACKI.T—Tbe or packet ateagner DIURNAL, Cnnwell, m e. h. DOW ' , Warming her requia.r.l-...ktrtrll- tin. gay and libeoling. !mein. INthdourgb nt In n. lArk 1. 1 •." 1 „zci: , In each wort. For freight or 1... , n4,..Ep0- on n N...., .010 roll AIt3ISTRONT, Ch./.1,11. Agent. l Eli _ . . I T LArt IWF:D D NESAY PACK ET, 11:CCINIi ATI, Captain John I t ndoghata. Thin gplendil tergst hui IT IA The owners of the steamer !.sae Ne.t.,, and other. I, the Ilarpteatl 11.1 Pt.hurgh Parket trade. Mid 1.1111 !Log. 1. ItHttealaa l'incumatl. In Ware of thr Sr* Eng. land No For freight possaV,.pply off l.ard• or to tert3, ii. Age oh .FOR GLASGOW, LIVERIN tt IL ASB WELLgVII.I.F.--The flue steareeeZ; 1 KILL.. Wm. Shedder, mutter. ruu a h•gular racket Let•.., M. ell, and We/lite/111r. leav ing Ilateburgh every !fund., 1L1..1n...1a, ganl !rural, at g n'clnet. P 01. For freight or ravage, apply on board. Isf) , ',NM MARIETTA AND Mjc.k apa,7-- INGPORT.— The On. steamer PACIFIC, master..lll leave for the al,....staltu terter diatc prrts nary Thuralay at 4 o . e.kell. P 31. For freight or nary apply on Stroud. or to WOODS SON. torhl.l ho. GI Water and ti.l Front.. CLARK'S - - Patent Combined Grinding and Bolting, or MERCHANT MILL. • Pittsburgh Pa., Mara 14, 1861. PO 'FILE PUBtIC:— of W l e harp nosy in u,,ln "t Fa 7i n t "lo ' l il ":o" lll;oindi 1 orgrindlng m ha ;harts. ft. grin4ln lb. O la, or duattntr the O "r... The brat lo PerttntlY adapted to Its use, doing the work artcll u aD ordinary burr atone. and rt., uhitur Murhln. power. !slaking It ettolvalynt, In a Ilereb.nt 11111, to nearly on. or. NM" atone,,atone,,that will ttwt .1 $1,5011 tl.lOlO. The run lat.r,.at • Bran and 017E1 Bynum and dater. pr..- doors au setttal pnAlt of about florfre yyr crnf. on thy cultic of the ttffala from the 51111. .... 044 toriotr the raw an. In. Floor, It drwa the work tp.-odily. prod Bel • good nrtlele of toper-M. ,Flo,. d having the dna thut apperatue romblned. It la worth y the attention of 511Ilera fining merchant bonito., end for It Ls unexmptlonabl... WILNIARTII d NOBLE. We, the undreplgn.l, oper;1•••• In the `l'lttAbureb City Flouring .1111Ie." in the &Wye. TIINDORT Nnete, W. It. Ceeu, I .J. 3111 , nut CLARK'S PATENT PORTABLE CO3IBINED Grinding and Bolting, or Merchant Mill. jiA V ING pun: h asedth e entire Potent Right of the BiolVid States, tor -James M Cluilt's lißiont ntri lord Grinding. or Yierrhant Mill: . and no , w ...tog prepared to sell Count,-and etahr. Bights,. likewhe do. mil! fit Un for u4e. I tokr t Lis mrthod of informing the puling that I am able bode, the greatest Invention of the inn., toC one whirl/ It sum to mu. t with num.., anda 'will wili the 641111 t or malting every Drum purehasing COOTIE. tad State !tights. yeah.. a hatillieme fortune. This Min perny portable, and end) sointilea a ape.. of four r-1 threw Inches square. when In operation. and I. capable of Vll " gl s' in ' l ' l d le bn , ,l l , 7!ii. '° :." , T, - , ', ? , 1 "° . ,' , '" „2 °• . ,,° ... `- ,!:;:. '„' ;„ , i7.17:1 CM:,‘,7',l.ti...!; H ca';''Fr:,ll2"3,X,"l`!.l';',4': sreet. Itaur,. I. furthrr, has.. the tight of Jan... If. Ciaries .1.111.1 .41AellINE. and the Mariners for •e 1 , . haring Buren.... il It or B. ,tiateli All letter. poet jel t d will ler wiry rail prninto4 111011 AS 31 CLAIIK i sioLig di. Ini• T - --- I'S i in" reni.,ved rlllll . { ne,v -tore. I i inn+ . kii.w.i ii.orir i i,eit. the Honk i.f r.tlr 1 rill ti....... ...el tar:, , oiortniiiiii or I ploilorri. 11.-I.and I , ii. diriz i oriod Heir, B on i er J ColIOll aliil Hugh 3latrae. I role.l ...eler tint,. Bonier, and Illhose, Blanket, guilt, iereaurs. ate/ °Astir., M imicise Shod, of ~,,,, r Dreg 'Mat, and every anode usually Mend In the nogg ratenaiyr riindillshairtas of the kind. Orden rmvocte fun, willcilled and moat Prone fine& .01 WM, NOBLE. Third street HOUSES, FARMS, &c For Rent. ASm. ll , r(-11 fini , dlvd and • c.dnidetely fur. ltixttexl .SX,re. on NI nt.. next door t.•ie,l;xX'ft"' s l x l et l : ' :ll 'l ;,..l '. .ltt. xle For Sale. 91.11 E For tho Fairmofint Fire om l. taut', fter. heir Engin/. for esle. It le g.e..1 or , drr and er.ld env', J 11 . .11./ Pent, otrrrt A ood Opportunity for those who watt a Home. I 01'S ANU LAND FOE SALE.. The I_4l ruterrther Per no: gru . u n nd s , vir „ 1,11. nr 11,..tx. rn e 1 ,,..V1 . % . .; Na linen at n 2. Three leee at the cern,. Hand inn' t and lon tnenu ni ratan:veep'''. hented f, caber burinee. or private reel/Pelee , . !in. 3. , Ten Lot. In thr 14.rongh Lawn...era, writ elated fur' Frivate No. 4. Twelve of land In Prebiroteivn.ifip. This preprrty It orluttrably ‘. leratert for renter( rratynu . :; hut a rnnrtd t. ‘ta Zl7a TOT„ t u b Ic ) Xt i e n r e et, " . d et t re . :rlT. o 1 . . N. D.—No, 2, 0. and 4, will be idd on len, Om.: nrd, a 1, entil . portion of Ila purchase money wlll be required to ,, A THREE STORY HOUSE FOR HEST. A Imes Mere Ilanor.vear the o.rnerof Mehra, end Ella tnwle,sentainlne 11 ne,me, will IT reale.: very Inv to a ...dwn, It tl ~. eQuefrucled 11,41 two 1an111... v. ee up) ,. . - It i,., Agl, to lt , illEßT IVRAY. H. 1... swner Webder and Elm elreeta. For Rent. TILE ACADEMY DInDINGS, on F,rry Intl, and intliAnunal limblion. nt (mut, astable for nn Arnifinr, nr nanufm, wan.. l'ocnntlim ItitinvilsrklAitutn. of narner Getrrn.on nITL and Vin:plin at. VOR RENT—A 3 Dwelling House on IL 'MIN alrryt, rtlana• and n.air It A T, ha, s. naturl.. lan, 'ant. waol, tie nnitnl ton. nnd dlutoly. Anti—For ,1,11. ur Liqta , •. /tome Into in tho Ninth Wyk!. tn.twinn Ppnn etrvet stir A lI,Lon river. SI noon tiro oN. nt Men) laurt no o n m mefe-t:if • _ Valuable Real Estate for Sale. rpll E SUILSCIIII;EIt 0ff.,,, fi, SA.., on e.7. , :f.• tl!:Cift7:',''lci7r,;ii.t!i , r z: following Kent Estate, In . i . i..ti No. I 7 hive talualde tli no. o..rr hrtelt dwelling houree. ,m Sewed rtreed tedoec., dark. -t and Ferry etre... the 1,. brie twelt 1210 d 11..t.t hv 0. deep. No. 2. Contain. 1,7 feet front on Third Etre., •IllJoll3/11 the Mini Preebytvrian Tunis. ..0 allich 0 ere tee one four ..iery brick heno. no , / , -. meting , a,.. and on.. two Flory brielc Ins otwe NO. 3. Two JOG l,llnott. it..aver manly losing lota N... IY and 4. being ahem d. Ise. et ootare,on iih'irb 0 f 1 one block of four frame dwelling', and one separate ame dwelling...ll two 'dark* hiyth. No. 4. One lot 30 foet front on Back %tree!, ripporlte the abode. and extending to the inn ~! the Mil. No. ft. Two brach lot", earl, 50 foot ntatel running from the twat to low watermark .10 thrf ro Big Konen,. 1 No. 11. (Inc raluable Cater lot, 1 , 0 feet ou Xt heel Race. 1 with ten Ahuree water te,wer attached. " ~ No 7. One Int onmelte tb.. water Jot. Mt feet front. end I ex tendlng to the toy ot the hill..n witteh 0 erected one I ton etory brick atore and warehoue., 2a by SO fert., a.iyoom. I dram.. dwelling. two entries high. No. n. 000 40,, lot nu Nre/ Itrlghton. Ilerret nnonty, le. log about 14n fort on lirtmdway. and about 1.110 hat dewy. eontalnlng 13f. acre. on wbleb an. enwted two - force !none .1 ...Mono. and one .mall framr honer. moat se au On,. This undo et,' we. fortuerly reworked by !,fr T. C. Gould. thel• eery pleteantly located. being hunitedlately °puma.. the Fallndon tirldge. No. 0. tine valor 0.1.. Immediately below Fallandu Prbge. teltig about Ilk feet In length. and extruding trout Water .t 't blew water mark. er tetring path. The ateneproperty will In roll no erry fatorable term.. Apple at the Book Store of 11. C. STOCKTON. opener Third and Starke!. etreeta. JOHN FLESIIINtI. Agent. norh2l IJournal and Pixtt reltl.l Dr J.lrttg and Prescription Store for Sale. t DRUG PRESCRIPTION STORE, 713. I °'' ' ' tT,l„,' l "" l. V °4 1,1 4 q, ° 1" Pu "Ja. f."4l;g a xarti' b lulan. IIR.: .1N 11;1114 pox SALE—Two choice LOTS. pleaant .... J priratu 17.13t1ng un D• L• ti• Pitt Fix.. Jand Lwan • till,. Tl:ew e. retnit. cal exte. twk • "Al I.••t Yor ten. , apply to 11. °KANT—, .1 PENNoCh.. • T O LET-3 V. AM:MA:SE, situm.,4l.,-4.1 quite or ....14E:t DA ELI., .. to. r .t. For lale. • i riNH E I" N" I 'l i El , STAT E S I IlLf/Cli ► ,IV /I I Litt NI, .1. the eerie t• a lAttth le ..S 1 i Itt:•tett vet IALL Areete. am/ fr..IIIIII•F 0 11 the VessuAStAttat tr Ivanla l'uttal. Itt he Ally a /Ili thurtth The Let (mutt • 'Lieet lestatel Rod I >Mt le•ir L-et eta Petill ttre.t. maul one umltatt Az./ Lute het Atte. melee et] Wltatilllllttittl tetret. tr. a ItteLly hAt al, /rejulte .1 . meta Ll`n. 11.1 . 1 .. /1; 0 4/%1: . /1 . . „, - • VALITAIILL MILLS. FA 113 IS, A N I) LOTS 7 Ft oft It til.r— Ito. ler,. tleer \hilt oeLfto - ~.. Mtn tea ttel Ilmstt latttl. t/ith the newetver f oat, p-et-r. Abe, • Ite.:l kr reetf.l Ve LI Ir. lAA rter I•.. • Vote— llmn.. l'Arn. el I 1.. nen% or 11. rlf.”,, r ee. / . ~•,.. 11 H A lLi e / h . II Leh- ',titer Beater. ter f/LI per , , A 1... od tten• I, 51' I. r-r. Aix, Ite-tot a [ A, 3,-,, r,II ~, a.m. ter 5.. ~. ....... Ale., I:5 e A, ter 112, get,/ .., te ret Le. SI te re. leAAAAter ts ith man, ethers of • elts Aug a /el 1,1.1.,... Leqtere a Ar: . , Nl' A I. 11. 1T.T71*1111.4 f. 1.10 Alton, 1... awl Itvs , ll - -.1.1... N., I.: . 40, ot Plathurch. Olt SA LE 0141 , S I'EIfi'ETEAL LEASE -.11 ore ~.rwoa,tl fr , .l rfriatt •,1 "r- '7l , „h;;;%“:" . .. they vt”...t. .11ntel,Wt:ntr.l Utt, etrtrlt. rtr.,/.ltt JAMLN 4 .11.11tA 12141,,:i1.1,,bitt,,:,.rki nn 01;:r nr More Cert., 13)%!•,1 ,A,rth wi•hlr, thrt4 ml ~ r tht• ,- itt the In April ernAl. rortu W t th. •Ituated. the th. enth Nan!. 1•... ha A nut l• • • It Ot•Ln , rl4s , in 1.1. 1 , 1•1••• .., 1•••A•1 71n I•••• rtge .l l' ,' 4l•7 .. 7 r Vl!. '. a% romi. tool, the !trot don. r I FOR RE N T L}. -- The h er r.lll poll or ',if his ,r4LIn r'..untry Itod •o AlioNhes. carria, how, I zo.l .to tho .P•1,14'.• •Ir•Aerlpl:am Intel. n•—• -romo ~voo rwboo. • or 41..-. r.,! rilN itt CbUrgb TlariSpOrlalWllLine. via . .Aar_ / Frain Dr Bake, oinn.,.. i 7 Lahn.t. , rn ik'or tr. Kr • Srum,t, D. Er.. May 11.'49. , IT/ ft. JANIS., i . . 1,,,., L oa ~ „r „......,,,~ J 111\. ..., s .....,,, . .., , ~,,,,..,, 1 3 , ... ..., . j..... ~ ,.7 . .j, 1 - il .3 •004 5.35 dole. ...... s.l .3 ' `.• . • lod 4,, ° :ks 1 Ermine Ito ot a r.,..... rentrakabie cu. performed Blain ~ ,, ,NttE • i , .... • ‘..•1.3 1,13, ! , 14 • 1i14., sn , c .,,,,, ''' 1 .J••• kr the we iPr , ,kr-r,. nalsam of Will Cherry. AIM dnuotht.prr gallop .‘ VI Nt ; 1 ., ;1:y a. ~.s pie i,•.1 ,ur :th . rn it g... It , . I. the he.t ertlch, manufactured It flows freely- to the year Isto, I was Mk, with an tataMandonef the ADDITIONAL SALE . , p ~,,,,,..„, A ~,,,,,,,.., ~,.,,, th ...,_„.„,..., ~,,,, t... abraLCOPYING INE-rind will not othrrale. moUld. hostel,. winch I lab. , rt-A under her :tr. it. e 1,.., v - hen I grad. rilllOf Forty Tovrn Lots in East Liverpool. a : t..:; ' ;g . t • o s ' l . l:l ' ;.. r il„ ' , - rtf ' l. ' i,,, ' Zl,;',7:l2, '`'.,;,',; ~...P.,,,T;,y.t Li'r,,,illii.'•:lln.ilinlirii=:l,?..thr itiii! ..i,r,,A.: ually r" ,,, ,,.../ In the bill .11 , 43 T w.o. atth.l..-1 with • E recent unni ,,, cientß...l sale of Lots in ' '`;;;.7.',.4l„l";,u'r,V,l';',.n.l`..;.`.ri,i',','.!'i.,l_,? rid S.l.'7"...iji‘ r'"T''''''''T''''''' ' '''''fr'•;7 ' -'l.; ' " ' * ' s:l7.l• '' '' ' ' '' ' ''. ' h a th• ' "'" '''• ••'•''''''""''''''''!•'' : 'l. ' " "..' ''''.l"`"'""."-21':h:::i'''""..rI'.. u7'''''''''`ri of: , iiet.i " Jii:ir iL'',P.;i'i?' 4l i " iiT ' l ' h.. L l ! gTn. l" 7 - iii '. .-.7ilit ' it ' ii . , " ? l • i ''` , L''' Ai .. l t 7' ; '.".!''''' ' '' ''''' ''''' '""' ''''' ' '1 . '," .:. ' , 7 ;?.V.i '' ‘ .7,. :: r i , .. '" , ' , " , ' !.. '' ,. '' ., " 17iii ' ;.. t ~" . ii i ' ii, ' " ' „,; . ...,., ` 7, L ' hu "" f .... " I '''''' .. " ''''."`" `• ' ' ''' ' '`'''''' '':l '''''.' h " .- ; i.h.. und...,....11,..i.....i, ii, h..- .i t • . . i.i., , ... i' , . r . ,,.., '` ;;, " , ` .1" . .. .;r " ' •-' " ' '-'...... Ir'.''''' L .. ' •., .JI• ....t...1 UaiLL. ',., 'IL" at. LO. C'-,...: 1 4 11; : li °0 ..d thus I "°°-''''' •'°°: unlit 'O. w t.' , O f t' 4 I his property lo tow n lets a. al ...„1 them Mr le , Al; . ~, -.., ~ ,„.,........ „. „_..... or Lea, are thorned cairn at no CO.t. * . - 1.1 , 01 beard of Di. It Ls:3i,, Eu 1,........ •-, cf Wiki Cha) •Mi at provw and terun th. ...toot ts,l to me..l t 1... et••• •t • Hall s.-. t , I ..L. L ",,, i. LI: ..,',, . 1....,% . , Z , , 711 SOMILE LENT. frend, per me to ,Ave it a trthi. though I.hal Chao th..eseishinw to ponhase It . tindle. •Lo ..,,, en) o.lnra.. "1 I, u.• oil t0,..t with t•r. ' inot ' .I '''' n , ' '" 4.7 S 5 Nassau 'L. New To-lt I the les-atm. ot the rte. I t t.,.toet„lt nano, 1.., 24-N II one 1.0... I. 0.. et..-. ~L 1: " ...,, ~. ra . - --- • - • - -' ' up `" h° '' '" r"' '' ' ' ` '' °° ' '"" ' '' ' '' ' .4 ai `'' '' i ' r t'a uffiutstly deerrit"J tu r...eut a i r , ,nt., ..tbrr thdD Phtladelpht• and I•tto.t.or,S freu...,•ortaton La r ne of .;,. urphy's Self-Sealing Advertising Envel- h' , . , ire. , ~ ., -,-: -L. T hr"'^' .lei r ""° '' "°. ' l " .. that oser one that Li. Leen pureinuted bt Lbw, viablu., to claw •derica. --- ----------- -- -----. N, 0. 263 MADIS ° R L sT NEW YORK.- Wild Cherry. The effect sea. trcly satanntit.., Arse Lir home re . .., I e Ito, loth &ream. u • the her. ell - ltd..' de. ride i ~,v , ,, ,, pi,.., ~ . r ;,,, , ,I, ,1 1 .. ~.d.i. We revue 1 a ( ~ t . • .---- ~. Th„ ..b..ib.., i..hciuo, the who L•th.°).• of ''''''''' Id '" " rb "'' ' ' ‘' d '''''' h"i" 1- --. taar his alvennommit, feels moue of that betitation ePent Li. or hue hundred du:.,in tj OA paa-A., and the those ~.„.n u , , j ,,,' ' Pa. r et-i I Merchants' Transportation Line, w I , L which • new article t• brot4-ht before the pupils. The b, . • .t...i moat nn.yeemhle phy,natta Lad P. , intoto , ' 1, las , nuatiou apply to the rionetor It/ Liverr.d, or experience of years has rentabliatted their superty e. ~ - 5 w LOJ•s3 , 3.llletuly, Lad., }ourth iti.e.L.vPisttehurnhiL I VIA PENNSYLVANIA CANAL, AS Co kt.d11:11,,,DD,) f ....I al/ DUra[ 4 .D. amt he aitind.o.l, refers to th. tcUixto.• "°''" -"""xm ''''''''d ''''''''''' ''''''''' bY l'n' bk"a'ar ny uf thnee bunitieva men who have used thole envelop e , GOltyad the use of 1)r. IViatar , talsarn of Will ChM: , I East Lierrpnol. Fah 2r,1. 10:.1 W. * 1fi ea1.5..:21..' l OR PIIILA DELI'I lIAli I REC I-W ITII- Sale. - - I ,I 1 1 1;1;-allIPPINo. • rd,..,,,,. t., r. 16,1., ca.i.i.i. ao proof of their exceb Hay the blessing of God no.t un abs't proprietor. I A Blast Furnace for -"„ - ,C. A. 31....ix0tr1 a CO, Canal Baal. MS Penn etreet The following an • few Of W . saes, for th a t. „ • ••Lt•bi• • InedtOtho ru. 7 V...a Lake...sof 7, LoCb.t . F. IMP Pitsburgh. 1 l•rity lour reapeotfullY. PyLIE UNDERSIGNED (der, Lir Sale his 1.11.114/..2.S RA YNOP., Ceothal }Luck. llroal street Phila. , lot On the alarm occupied by the seal, PeraOla [Da, Wx. H. B.= ! del hey BLAST FURNACE, situated in (D,s cr,n4,, Grp,. e are prepand to n rente a large amount merehandl-, ; beh'•=llla""carive. ',...'“?."'"'coloresidor.4palskj"•., t'h".'44ellanyThU'aPilr.."r. an, kanun as the °Alla: a k aeries.:' with all the out . butitimge. , A7t' Lod tiltnT 71ILI and every theug ne. i : " I ' i ' ' ''''' .l ' ll '±UP ''' th" gr'ui- " the "'"" ' Pi"'' f''' '''rit'F"'"' (nail. b., ara : d a, 7l .. .fati br a j w t . etree:: .'' th „ .C:i:ol , Cl7 ..2 "' it r r. 7E ,r l4: . ..Lf s, er , Stit '' ,, ,,d. ) lt "- the th 043., 10 carry on the Smeltiog of ore. ft h. I.4tili I,7,,,P uteta:ln a an anm•l e t: a '''' • •` '"•''' r ''''' .4 '" • •• u. Th. hreloPea otthroat tatt opened i.othont. hong de. ;!• *r " . .k, , n , :ed atteohed with as much more 4ioini9t4 aa I Ge N. h The 10 , 1P......1 nunertf f roc', 'is dad hy ' . U :ri ' qeltlier •-• o wee J. Kidd a Co_ R. A. kehtm.....,ek 2 Co., J. .4. Jones, L. O lat eccua..-y. whirl-. ao le hul from 7.e. to V Per , the oat CuMuliDnuners 1., mrrytne our la ' xin. ' ...ii tile i ath Un to ' l ' ealrx . s,, ' o rW " 'd w . V ath" ' " Wlino.s.Jr Pttsburgh. lee A Itethrum tliegheny Otyire .... It hi. u,. „,,,, ~,,,,,,„ ~ ~, th „ , t , Pet i Lott . e lel b lroed , a : lid :l , l2, p r re , rent o rn , ly p , .....tbdity of delay 35 . named' tato P° retu ' rn ' na the aelder us " letter, teall 'h of e ' t..el a." busipl ft' L. T. R115;11, Wa , k,n-to . n. L. " lb 1,... ale, - Cmuutown. IL making Iron. having the ore union un.liall te nue rwle nL I menthe to the Lend Letter OCice. Welty. o...nburg.. S. Kuno, Semen,: Salt 2 Gilmore. ,AL to very larme ouuttltira cm; 4, mine, mud yteldiug j '''' C.rC..k.';l°'"A's-ttii"l`J'a ~., ~ , z Tot toeism ..r. furnished at almost the moo Bedfunh Reed & son. Iluntln a ,iora 31:.. orr.l,ilda, shun: Irvin 56 to 15 per cent. It le' mile aud ti . halt Irvin the I r,b, t:',:!).'..b RDIIID, Mill. 'ch... • real? , axle can be fouod tor 1 --_ ________L:',_•.......___ : p.ectlaaty.;,.lati:tribres.b.ibd b b , b0. , e‘b,.... , ,,,,b...,,,,b,„ i ll;l bb dt..ll . 0,,abrerf....,,./, , ‘,72,2,i;'. 2vr 5 i ,. ..1 ,.. ..t.,,11 , ttte5 ..b ut . u5 ,.. . rer P u r Vin u tl " ;tTa r titlf 1111 . 1 ' 14 ,' 5 - 4 " e ' r b VI: ot k ,!'r r t ' lle : . ' \ lu th e ' s ,W4Mnlr 18 5 1 , ~.. .. . ~,,. , ! , [1.. ,. . - a I.3 ., o . ttlract We attexitwit of all through whose Damn It . 31eparend a Co. S. &ijai..ler. 31,-1,11, tothou 2 Cu. or rallroad.. cuntlectittg the Tennessee Myer with the but Geta:...........-. , Ir'Ll ' i o u ose n,„. ~, . 1,„ , ' Graham a }other. Jicrtsr. Jame gall a Co, But. Pt'. for Dres. tars., , ,t os ' :--, s.ssts. saner J . at 'bin., rt..m. , arr a . F. I_ aC. Ilea.d. which has •Ir lines of oldlrciado running out fien It. fati.hed and under contract ...wing through RH the ino T o shi rix , of Ar em i taxi di, e, p iv d,,, , ,t„ , bro., and • hicL will hod for Yea.; and of Ewer,: its. of h ' Jones. tntideos.prt. P. i......,1 - ..r. Liatarble. . the us.] alto, nther wily e or bufL of good paper, arid . febldna , ..;nri ' tsar.. Toren. foal Mies In Ornegm. where a trail- Bale at t Land tor Pig >teal, Ntachinery. llollow }Pert, tee It I. 1 RE ° L ' il ""' N 6 E '" .1 1 1 71, , Ps " B "u u " ZG " ir m, f r p, ' I . .."; ' s " p '` o g l i. ' ."'"'" '" p 5 ,!,1, 7 :7,7 - Th ith ,, '"' , °' 'ul l p r` r i“..' ', c / o' E„„L,„ ~,d, , -- - - - -- - -- Needrs' r.` , :pc:ated , nu. In full that worked by water power, with • hill of 15 54,00, net, on a never falling etre., matt in the most ImalthtY 1 TA TION LINE. .1 letters or ttn. ' •.`u to Nfo.- :t nf. 1- , _ 3 :s " Pert of the South. ATKINS &CO Pro mature No °-- 7 ' k • ..1 • ' ',' a 4 °. • •..,,,) ,rim highly calman, y_:-:- have tocu pave orti t 's o " be=t '"''''' a me '' ' Ea''''' ' C''' '' . • G 'l I Com:memo street:l%lll.l4phi • . -. .'"'"•". `'. '''' 4, to 1 , . .. ' • A ' ~.1' . .1(..50 , moro than to )eara cur.:. kh.L. On., they ..1,.,,,,.., -- ,..r - :.,:r ''''''''l al h t;kr/Tl ' ' ' .l ' 7•ol'ALL. 1 BELL a ittifirpr..4.,,` ~,..,,c,,5,4 u 5.,.. I• • r ~• ,' s , ~,,-... . 1 ;:r0 "1 1.7fi: ......4'..-'4'.... ' • 0 IPOr 'II DE3i LUCE; PLASTER.- la.oo pained • pethesorrat repo:aro o . - .i... mt kt ..Icaelor..l ALL,ITOD,d Fess sex, March 1.1351. l',.tsDiGo6l) 15.00 I I . hentaatio and rtnnollen:n.. 11. •trr PV,••,•:. 4 4 4 ph,. p...., ii. E ..: 1 1 .1. ESTATE FOR SA - L - E---Tho undo;- :i7"lll°.*::':::"..;''''''''A'''''''''''''''''73:lL":.:'':::76:l'''ll::‘:P.'7:;'‘"!..l'4'.':'::::':'3".:::''':;::;:;:'''L::::'''''. %!: 'lr''''''''''''Llbla"'"rit L" P'r:".' '''''''''''''''' t:°''''''''''' "" 'l"' C''''''' bl •U ''''''''' 71';': ' L''''''''''' ''''' r t'';''' '' ''''' l'":4l.”'''''''''' ''''::"'''''''''. '''''''''': ''''''' '' 17:'''''''''''''' ' I t C t a Vl ' Z 1 Ct • " i *. l 1 ' f t ' l .' All ' rd ' r ' " i l'f ';INA Fr v ' • I ',:.:', j '.'Z' d " -'""` -"" ''''"'; -- "' th er ' l-, Maned often Inr W e • large. number or valuable i ,our, u•ratos. --- - '' '' '2l- -'-°- ' ' No. tai 31addema street. Ness Icork Tb• .gr.d.... ',. thetr n%frala , ttori, very carefully and 74.7: ,: ... ,....:7:::: , :::: ., :z,„ ..,.._ I Onion will be atteadrd to prtmptly. It left the tames rrectly cornteue& i.norr them pemtharly sprdienatito 4. i.nrie., to the lioneDgb of 11 1mM:thm. located near the , bIekADE/4 & COVOOR7 ' ' -:' , I , or. slbel ,-, in , i)...°o W per, or of net,. 11. , !wren:mann:lnn with putmt nary ...a.. ~,n nT 2, . ...., PIA growth of 111 rtninghato In pot,ontion and A :DuDre ,, ,,.. to Johu ill .a. i, i. •• .leillman A- lanel.l V. illiam sh all .F., pat. to the breast re5t. , ..1... know pr0t,„,„.1 en t,,,,. N. b -r,,,,,,,., c.d.. amb,.....a, in ~ ion. r- ra sa.t.o , bit,pu, 0t.,141, anal 1a.,.., ,0r... lull, ten°. nettraPgio i.-1-Jk.,i 're 515.21.-1. 111 513- bud,. SLoir 1 , rof,:al ehera , 4., :a beyond i„. :Lit ~Y d,',zlt:.tdr ae,„7 - ^7,',.bi,.%^4"'r"of I ' 4 I stint il ' ~., -- - , -•• queen... or dispute Aa a ' , red:, to homba, their an feSSl7l" A. C. Barry's iricopmeroos, . 1,, , ,,,i ) -0, ...) 110 .) , ...))))41 , 1) , - , ». , ....uch,..., Inaimatin, vestment Title prefect. Tema faveftnie. P ' ' Patna Rail Road C C''-' R I P r ofessor (.. ca. r,.. al hoed. a ri.,,...,•:,:.1,,...0,fj111-.,,,x,r,f,ttr.,,,fanted.1.,:.+1., man, L.t . , resellfeeled. h!'ortrlTl.""t' terrnaeuquirr of the underslgned. at a.ww,...: I r! sb' l' )(FDIC I.TED CO.3IPOUND, int:lllo.k n ii• i tl• a and sloe, requiting hurahMtiree'nllttril"a"n".',°vara••=Vo`r°V4,trill'.- T"L bu . tinentie f rii Ito , tr.,: 1.. i, ,ir.i, , mtr..,, 1 p s ' ' C , a n y , unti n.nn es and V: I . l ,,, tere_____on. Ee.t's. a , ibT.04 ,,.. , 1. .. 7. ... 14, .. ,, „ ir .. ~ , , „.„,,, ,,, ,...,E, J . „? _,,p. i .i, L ,,-,,, c ,, , , ,, u , , , ,:r,r , , , ,, , -, ,, ,, , iu , , ,, " ,5 , ,, E..5 , ,, , ,, , ,,::, , ..,,.., . ., ,.:,.., ,,, . .1,1 :: : ,,,L1 I I ..rem, ~ .. b . v:!. . nr , ' b e rth, e r b: " . ..77rf.r i r : d:o i r m in : :ut br 'Z lZ, : l • l" '4 ,/ , i l i a z f lee' : . i tiltti„ .c t h7 :, ,, , ,h l : ;:, . .,:t:d l :p;'. , Lb.;rer.,Ti,:r.4.,rb,,,1."..u.:‘,....b•!;;1:b.117i.,,,,,:er:.b:p.;..:;,•b1e:,:::,,:1.....,:..1.'n..,7,nia,nn'ajr::!:',:"r1";,..C,1°‘',,,,,,,t.n.'T 0vint't0n Iron Works for Sale or Lease. I ° l)=r- 4 ) , Y;' , "'g ',, , ,,,, i0 ),.).).).))... .. .r ..i., ,t,.,...;„...i..'`i, ithr th . a. prentuatoo - there ta b oo each i I isAte. ore ,r,Yrtne,en,ded. wlth'';l,,;,,e,,kutdentlasurance 1' !.. 7 :tee t o n, ', Om.; , , • -rt ' V, e ' hf • ,',i i re " et Tit 4r,;,' , .°=l'.'<°.A,T,r,t ,!';`,:,,1 1 ,41.° th l•or u p!"..hotll ILL::,:lt.':, 4 ''''. '''''''''' I TIIS ES TA.BLISII3IENT, iiituated on rho I i ',l3‘ . l : • re. ' ifi ' i ' t ` o i r t iiiTio:7., ln .i. '" ''''''"d 1.15313.. ad n..s. ~.. , 0 b.v.u....1 it for • • , vr ua their Aree. solid, 11. t.. SEI.LvItS. :7 ll'exal Fin °Monter. opt...tte Clarion., haring In Mehl. year I - 1 r' • 4T.. n o; !toka , g , l. repair. at oew fuund•tion tn.-binary, I at. , or tartaric atrwrla f ITO DITDDITDDEI. ' ' ;....Z.;;; ‘ 1 ' 74;: 1 . "'" f: °n` ru:= , ! " ..?, ' ,1 " ?.;:r b r't t ', Da blir r , i The Runian Body 14nst Perspire, fr, 0. ....;/:,, ,, i r. i,. , ,,,,,,.. , ,,,,, , ,,,.., , „..,,.., ,, ,„ 1 , iron i ,„,,,,,, 1,, 5i,0, , ,,1„,„_.,,,,,,, n ,„ . e n ,:, • „ .0 .„,.., 1 ~,...,„uo g ',net and deedrulf. te , ,,tio ,o,,,eott,dt• ~r i.)!, I Q.O SAYS NATITE, Tal hit, a healtiv v . ,n. h.. 1.... m`,..,:;; !, l :t, `. .... 1 r ; ' , 4,17, " 1., il.,,i'nr..;x:L.i:',F; n'`Tr''f',-"i' r ` n 7."'''' '"'"'''''''' l' " lc ' -'l ''''" ..- .' '"'"'.'""'"' ' ' ' ' ''" i ' ' '' ' ' ' ' ' ''' ''' ' ' ' ' ' ."ill' ''''''''''' ' ' ‘j r.'""' '' "d Pir'.."''' ' ' ' "' r ' '''' p‘h m r ot in the Wert. In 11,13 0115. , 1 f., .Jr or 1 , 3, nn Pardwa ' r a ' Q uo T u ' a t e `,,.`,.,..„.„ ~, .ti...; e ,;., 1 .,.. 5. , ,1 le vt...6. thtnen,,,,,a,i,,;.,f „„,,,,,,,,ni...,,,,,,,,,,,,rati,nta.0r0;. ;to the 154• AL dlegtz.lng Skiti thk.a.;.• !! ' , ' ,u ' , 1"). .7:d.a. nat. in e:i7Z ,... b .), :t i ai „. l.? ,..,l l;t b et 1 i l ; i ed : . P i n .u P t i l ::lt ' e, o; a::l th le v . , .., 1 . I: , . u . : ~,! h ' ,, e ' r.,. d '' „.. o 1 , n .: b 1 g i . d ' ln .:: bo . 1 k a l ; ihiii ,• , ' ir1r , : ,,, t ,f a . 0 .. f . 'IC:, wean n:‘ Ll e 4 14. ...,', l' ; ,. ' : h a l : p. ' ,... 1 ' 6),,r 1 ,,,b 4 ! . 1 ' ‘, 1 ,, : ' ,,i, 1 L :' ,. : . . ,.,.. ..: . , .. , ,°'::P:;:: briel': ' ;.; : ~." , 5 ;, : c ....., 0 ~,' •• • t:. : : 1 . , ' ~. '' ... i, , - ; ,. , '° . , ~' , , " :,:.".r ; ~' t.: :Tit: . i " 7 h t , , r i r ,:.,,,,,' , ' ,:, ,. 1 i i l e: r ..' ',,, :, :::.. ~Lo' r . ' w , h . .7?- , , ,,. .! r . , ~T :,:,:,, , ,, n: ! I ; ~; 1'1,17.../:.',ULk'ar,":,..,,,,'"'2l7efiir...'l..."‘ir,s'irl7l'..l/::,'"4:1::;:L''''”3:: • ., ‘• nick' • to si,tl,. IL as. :., reuts per 1 ....... vi lath is from au to 1.0 ' ''oorrk - Fell Lh.n.• uttl ~..-. a.. t orur Crotty'. but :,"‘...rt2t;. , g_, tern re., three kin., nr Nnl.llag tine, twolla- . A•hee, Marble frtnighl 'for, Pneb. Loran German 01,-. , .r ~..ut ~. s [O4O th,,, 5.,-,,,• ot atie ,, uttie . r prnparatioc tor '-',,,, bY, , t ,, ~.... aa ~, 1,,,, 7Th -,,,.• 1 , , :;. I ..ri kome. mrreqo re ...a it F tinier..., with F.nriut. and Ilit. i Honer. ao. ~ 1 , :,,,, ~,,. ~.„. , a , a ,.... Th e „,....„,,,,, ”.... n , on 0,•,, 1,,,,,.. who ore .t itt k0rt..a........t.d ir. o onto:Lea-a. ah... in rIDDLty to 1113153 lila L. heel/ Inn up to 4 loch, round and 11.30 lICFAi/r3 4 i 113 , 11,1. . nal et, rkln t om the rentable .13r....[1.Jur !Dr the in I ' dlter. errand a krack' ,, ot ithi , th. r sktoth•asar. The s , T . all the tints] rut lin wi th a aprod Shoat sad - to ~, ...1 pre,. atom ot mon,. ehoie ee t onia...o en t. i n , tva rL• errand that On. ' , u ...le.. poned vatrum. ea . one tnal villl prove. I e.,,,..1 .nomerve et haat eighty ALSO -A ow 1 I "ii F".'.°•.P"io"'of '1;.;,..7,',z1r."„nr.7.:',;;.7.'",417,Z-TZI p I ' 4 '. ''r .. ' in . • '''"''''.. -:°- ' ' '°'`''. '''''''°:. ' „.'t.'7,s?.l""l:!plat;."l7TieL/I.adaia'rehtTs°7luwelL.=,-.l"":`,'M ; P `r.r. 24 gd`th•••' ,7, •• b :...:'-': , •'••;:' , . 1 •"1':•!z 1 : 1 L , -- 113 EA C.)IONT'S l'.iTt:NT ST.k nett 1'01: .. 1 . 1 . - . 0, b.i. , ...1....1. ts •Inne uorth 'l a u 1,.. Iron. brie., Collar., blurt it's... oval a., enal , s , o n t rno.t••.. ~,ir ~ PC I+ very elt , :e. AL •........ or the Lath tel. , wild evil it for the elant., uo., • . ao. •a to 1.. all I .4.- 0.1., ",111,01,,tbfj.rt.414,,.::,,a P: , , ;lzy :, :ith Tsparsto En. ;- t ,f,' I' r "'‘',... ' . .h. Ir^ , ' fr'' , ' , .ip- , - , .. , ..: ,-• , r ...",..n... dust,, , D.. 5.,, to tb•• Ntr. of , th I e... 1. If the pais of th e ~.a t n , Those who ere bal . !, w o r e :: ...... , ,,orshapp..l flesh, n t . .. n „.,..„, „ m scth.-iust. a eolith., o. t iii , .. 1.•51 , •kn k. ••• II- , 45n . ,14 j ...5..1 if tLr 010.1 mat ouurr fluids do mat mrcu. ' wit , end tble not um., a Fe: J. 51-4,11(35, and I cut .7:milllt r.piirll. any inject The hone. L.,. ',.s e ta ., .o It thc • e's'a n.. o in, iy chit:a the small strewn wtotelt frt,l the mit ' ... • , - alai. t h ot.i',l °' •;',.. • '''' `,.",' '...... tl u f '`..„,...., 1• " . ' lie 1 , 1 . :•f , t , , it 1,11 II AN AN. Cincinnati, or J. B. 7 1uN ICE LE, i'f: '"'" '.......'•"...' t° nut' ' • • I "'"',..' '' • ' ,: sr t, ; o ith raowture. end ant Part life u. the bbres. the result Is ! r " )))) . ) !tt d! '''''''''" . ''!" '"' ''''' ' - "'"' `--- ''''''" '''' ~,,,,,,,.d . ,„ o ~,,,r,,,,,,, „. flare, a,. •it Ital r. oltrt dandrod. -lodate: of the Loth. aravent.s. dryness. • ~,,1 n' •i '''., ' thus ' ' itt ...4 ' 1.1.:-. trial - ~, „ n rt,,,,„ a t 71 , 1trible Imo betabllatment allowed bu NLI -our Cat, will to , tit no .1 ... it ~r ....,11.,. nod no , °,,..-,' t', s ,,. r ':',,r'„L l ''',..9teo,ti. , nou ''' ) Urehstluese, usthe. trAreut. rtt!.. , '!!, ";•-!.!;_ !“ - pe ., .. , ...., ~...;„1.!,,thi,v,1,1•,,y.„-,,•.,,,4,'"1;;.--;---g!w-,t,--;-;:b.;'.'''---''''''' " - ' • ,-.... 'I ri.4„hen,ip a u t.:, th oeat;.: 7s . I In henlthful ortlan - wih ; ),..4„. l>, antra ,n;;LJlbit,t..;,''‘",lieittar?' Foss ...,s. ~,,, ~,,, „,,, 'Fire one ' pair i ii7thin th s , tobre. ' w il ith 4 1 1 , , I : = -• '''". 'e s r, ,,, '•••''• , I .';''' ' o ;••,'' '; • II: ':I ••"•••'‘,". II 111, Mill ..jheiLlti:thel a1 . .; ,- . ' is " ...4 . .tr''''' 'h i,' • he ' .. ,10`,. . , •. , ... . . '''''''' ~•••4,1;1.;:, Is r .,!?k,• ten ton. Inn per day The tract rental. •'''!".... •°' . I.° '-' " • `'-••• "'• '.'":. '' ' .„. and of the rub.t.rata of 1, . ADD t ' llt; ''''' gam , ' slll. ' ; i , newo. and the ellext are the saute It th uno the" al- ' Pt" , rI 7 " 11 h ' It., st:ire'ner't,d, tit'ill::r li n rln.: ,` V . rii.... L is '.. furZ i i'e; L F.A 1 ) l'11'1 . :-.C.,ror II 's if. id z....,1 im teat I the tommtlar 111 re. and th: Isuaik;th i a I i ha - •r " „ ~,,,'. ~ ; ~' , ; • ,a‘l,sAn . n . a i t tn h.i , Fory bi, It Is one of the Lest locations in the 1..4 I,p h.r II; a -iint•. . 1t.... It. t.,.. , ,t1.. stiles. •ed in sill affect..., mid Iti v yut:, ' ,:' 17,.. '7 . - ..,. 7- i. ... ' ; - . ~..., there - organ., .1 . 3 V , Verv:gD. retn..4.. . nen, to IL 111:ntillAN AN,Ciont math or J. IL MeNICE LE. , ' 7' 1 a:',. ° ,'2;',,, , ,,t r 0 . t.,,r 0 t t.;; ; at the prionp. •of. ,tat' :.,.., at .;.,,... Covington. A1. , 0--A tar-e 1, 1 , qt I' re n. tE, . d I • 'r ' ~.... . ... [ :r " . .4 th".641 ,,, t. th...AbOUI th a n I: ril ? c 7 .lT.. ' l ' : - Z ' a: ' '' ''. ''''' ' ' "L I ~,,,,. ~..., ~ 1 ,, „ 121n 11).. Irollioß Mill; ' UT, ' I . '. 71 1'., ; e ":;`• .. b --' - - --- •./.. .. ,-e0.1.,,in • F...51,,,13 a, .'Alli.,l. s ,-, . with .)Inutitto Floor lon n. by ,sz, ,17.:'.1, : r' : ob.: " ..• A ' ''''''" "° * • ' rkk . i .. I li !:. , 1 , : , i ,..., ';.. SOIL SALL-Th. deeleabie Cr y, of Land ' . ritoot...l en m. h:7 • ' I „ .----,- ~I,ir i il n i rt i ll!nr . rtser,ll..e) 2 attic, iikove the thriving Dor '-- 1.°1 4 ,311114 CCV 11 10 and Noblestowu Plank . :I :tea:Lithe It:air ..i..iii... RiAorer anti Beau .. ~),,,,, In A 13,11• J 451 De. 0.... mu as tDr ' ' Wtne.3 and Liguori • Road Company. ,0,-1,..„ , t'i. 1.1, --: j, a•:.j, IC •--. 11., L Alreglietth I•urtnie.. pn.pri, ~ ,u taitaig ti; a. .1.. I ' r' 1 "`" Tr ' . I. " , ebnotkls I.', In n. 1:41! I na...i.„, i -,,,,, , - ..,, , L,i, ~ ~. ~. ~„.,-o ~ ~,, ...,, :„. ,",,, -, .. " ta: " OTICE IS hereil - •giren to Obw .'4.1,111.,13. I , o , ' ('''' Hatt l • •t . ,` ' i' , 't• ,- ...t:' `' n' t •P 'd i•iii,i. are 11 51.311, 1J n it, .I..ireide 1,..., ot. it,r 5.1111m1r,.. I . . '' , 1 .• 44 •f. ~ grot. 7ri tear er tke ' , id ..nat co- • f TI , a t . . , „ ~ • ... • .' o u au, , a ,„ ut„.. r . ___ ~,b0.,g.p,„r1..,„,, ~ ,,, , , , , , , , ; r„,,5 „ , , ,,,,',, h ,„., 0.,... a. „,., 4 , , ~ ..,1.14.., ot I instl,. . - ^. r . ... f N Y. 11,, ' , , r '' .4 ''..., '-< • •evioi: . ic.: on.; noo, ,r.i.',17„,:.!_'..1r,"•.,.'•:':„.•••'•',•••:-.--.:•"X;V.....4,- ' ''"• t. '" . "' ''''' ,l o now i ' i r n ` .. ' . ' it.;ii... " .•.;..:i 1 , ...1:;..i.....,, ~ g ,• ,1 , . i: EISEN 5. Si OU VI,NLI., r, ,i, ~,:,!,,lIV L ::';;.' '' . r... .......' .'... the '' "o o '.- .'' -. ' ,',..j,dentn': Roo m•kr ':.tht. r. . ~ r ~... " . ": 1 are sioavolhie of lain.; L., hi . noon le; .a t - .ree,r. -.. ,'d . ..,,,..., ..... do, ,-,.. .. -, • : .. • ' • ' ' "-"' ''''''l' m'' , "th , • rr• '" ' " L ''' °.^ ;,..d ' ,,, h ' i. •T trtlethe th• ,:- ,•• • ... ...," 1,0. e'r r ,, „„r-,.ttr ... ...,..r 53.3 .n Ito.-•- the et s•e• i , t'rs ., o .... - • " ' • ' * tt: opened t.•• ell the , prittmi.i iv..., 41 •I e ~ .s t tio•i Q. , ..,... . ~ ..1..i Ito, 1..., • oat 1. ~ . • ~..... It ,t ~,,, Jul, , b.. lb.] TI .." -I . :, . , 0.. r.; are t..... 4.1 talc --"-'' -°-•••' .- -:'• ' -' ' • "' ' ' . • .."0 Ito -. ha .lr.t. ar t r...,et te ....,...-:, o 1 enm-artie:le fcr ' the :1,7..iit onty, there are.... ~, . 1 r. n,.e. aI,, 1 L,,, I. rt out.. , t .st .o• • •ot , wk.,. t i,, raj, ~ , not ai,i pu,,,,,,„ . I. a :. or I..^.....tie'r•oll'at'r,...,LnJull..--.'s"' ';'''''.':' . ..?:'',' ,. .l.'•';.;..7, `" - T. ' n :•"", - r' - "' . -'- ''' ft -L - - 4 '''' ... '"!' d t ' t °'''" , ' 1 . ' - ..`' I. 8" '" ) " . r "' • '-': . ' - '• '''''., ~., s, m .., :.- . ~... .. • app‘rteDut . tIJ r t of F arm 11. Dr ~'" 4 "P." Is.'rek... ord- •r”eO I- l'' -, t. ' ','. I ..... Ir., Nl.Pkai,....-......., ..t.t -; -,,•,..,•.,.• '''" ' - IlO' 7 ` " -.,-,., .4 fi:,. eta . . 1...-- ''' `'`'' '• -'• '' 5 - - - , rt . ,, 1..•fu11. t rt.72.,, ,,, , H.., .., ~ • ~,...,..,.. ~.,.I tu .• ,t ~...t ,J, ,-.2 4,4.,,,,, 1- 4/ . 5.1. siteri , tacleva nra th use 7•; - •ii Sit I ate iol • ...v: a.r .;1"4,1„ r i “ '" '.; 71 " 1 ' 117 . . ' j ' .' ,' :.• ton , ' I•' ~!..,' , .' ` o . •" 1 . 'r,, th .... ''. °••.• 'o, rdi te• ll. distkl .Fur -• . . I ~.',":; -.1. ' , .1.,;. - ........! ".% . .''' ' ''..... •,, ~ • Dkl. can --- - - ---,----- - - It K & .• t ..NI)Lh... Pei:l.-, cent, ri o k 1 ' a. , ,,Lbr,, a ri a 1L1.,..„1,..7.t.,,.....,2b,...::. s c l i r,aye l r i azl ,, a , k , , ,, , , ti.Lr ~a r• Li, .t . .. L . t . b: , a ; : , .!..! itiii.iii.-11..1:-11::"1-1:1.11:1--1'17"111::•':-:P.1"1:::1:11,:; . 1."...'''').11:::: s'h"" " 'r ~,,n ;.,” .... „. ni.,:..i1.'..1i ?i , !:.; " .. " .: ',' ; . '''-" ' • - - ' ""' br wm jAL.'... -' Lea, ts • ••• --- L.r. trmtl..., Cl.upull free cl exits k rid, ''''''..!‘ ' '' l rK '' 'P ' ' ''' ; JONE,S . LILLY II la li ' L - lile, are , .. l u, - 1 -: , i--; 1 , ,,,, , , , 3 1 . N;;. 1.,;,.....„; :,,,,i 7 r x :i i " . • “ :7 . ..,"` i l i :h: , 1 . 4 )1 , {2 ., 1:! , j . pr,, , 1 , 1_ ,. 1 : 11:5- , I . : ' 1 ,,, 1' ,. .i i i r . ,,, i , r p i r• i i , n ,_ l. , - .1.. i > t_ir i...77:1:7.,,,:::,:,,,,,..,::::,.,,,,.:,.::,,,,.,.,...,,,,:..;.,,,,,,..„:".,,.:,.,,,,,.„,,,,..,,,,,,,,b,:ii,:i1,,,,„,„:: " '''or''' , k- .I..ik. on 1,...,,,, , , '-. . ~, 1; k 1 'F. I Z .1i .% NI.) SII ‘:....- ).1151N-6 arrow , .-1- 0 ". etriees•ar. , u•to. Ire , •-z- d• p.,,,,k,; ` , 1.1 • ?; t ithrit ' . i „. it ;: ~ .....e' F. 5,1 renal arrivala. a • '' ‘ '''' lll4 ' - ' li 3. 3 :loot.: of 4 tench and Eastern J'APAR ' • - `r.?',..,''':':iii‘","; ....-I°..abere alto In oor pool. h.r. An ,',- ; ', Z..;,....• '' ' ' ' •;-,.; ''' 7 . •;; ;.„ ~,s .. 5.•..1. dair.a.k. t..oct nod lain Patten,. ' l't u l ' e ,"''''''' ' '''' . "...... 1 ' I! t ' IS ill P - STUFF-11hr ~,,, k .., ~. 0 I t. „. .. „ .. ‘ ther •dh a Isrge 1,,t • - if y ili f lii i iV . l.a . u . . , !,o . iiFen Pa. 1 ~inlea. ,i , ti0t...1,. to ton Moo •-.l . l• raLbnalt4Y. al. '''",l, V s : ,, L ,, •••_. ahaeter. t.ear.l.vir, at th,,,,,,,,.....,., .„.,,,. ~. , tame ow the ski. 15333,11, /5 ~ f t Dud rtt.4,:_. . a " ,•! ll .7 , 11 ., - - . , ). i 1, 1 1.rt.i--:. 1 bbl ibr sale by -- ----- u,). eat Aft sale by J. h. Dawonni*l.w. ''.1.4 =ebb WIL IL JOHNSTOS. i decathairlyZ , I b 1.1 ., h4 . the i , i i rbt , ,t.. V,. 71. AAC 1,,,,ue , zi,, ,, ,,,,, t nbb. ti RED .N All ' lki_S-Lit; i.,1;1a it--,..,,,,,a1t,ittdi- L 311.71' : 1 11LL--1 :,1111 [ . •aari I, I. .d,.. i'IRITS itPENT I N - a tine I arae. h la. hal., by .1 Stab'', h 1.1, n, il. m-1,11 _ . i•a-k4 It mi., !. Clti,r , warraut...,li f or V rale en (0/114.1111r1, N., Cl airr 4 COTTON—=") bale. oil cunAgittucut, Iwr Wainer Wakhlistoo, for AUG by =dal • ~, YDER GORDON. Front rt. . ML..t En .\ TED iiii the Hank of the 31o•'-<-... , ..----------_----- - _ aid, . -,-inio ri....d.q., n....iiiPir--..5 FI` 1103 1 AN WHITE B 8- NET NI NU „.,,..... i i .-_ ~ ~,.,,,,,,,, ~,,, 0,.......ii , • PACIILIII.L. Ne. ill ..Ninth tiny and one-halt utile ..1.c., tliet.-ter„ . c l i L f riirtte_.n. t .id,i llllLulelphta ''' ' .- •-- , 0 ,;:.r, ':.Z.,7 - r ' . ,f.,Z ";...'' h i"...;:'.:4' .'.'",, ry ''''. I''' - •I/' ,7-- -.. .- 7- .. - _,:... -.- c ,-'' °l '- 1 -- ;T:r: t ittltVl'lt TM:''::.''','';„'"..:l.'t, 2: ifAG.krEI 7 ,Ii'OODWARL 4 ,17 !i"".' lyer, ler.•f t hAJLI,..kIi s. he ii . nnw itt client i ta :race rs N......'l Al kce t- n li t ''' . " 4°l ' lei. union l• /certif. 11. Intel., at the rintwa r is ea I j ' . ' _22._.,...,..___1? . _ t_t_ r __ h a k e i tib , . i4i ..ll.nt. and the 11 11 , 11.11.1 It ell i n, t, . r hinit.ciatc 1.../thi i A. .1 {.I.C/L.V.. .............. . .... .11‘,06,,,,..---;,..---- 111 et... illin 1cr.n..11 ccll.-n taiiil.i.e. to iL. Coal tr. : , I i. •C. Mt n.lllllflft ... ...... ..J. J. ~,.7: „,,,,,,, f ,cl , t en 11, Motlonccil e, r. r 1. 11 EA LD, BHC . fitNOH ii. CO7 Tobaern ii.. ~.iii i a .,.. ii . •..rta.e. it.....t el witieh t...1han.1 And under ettllit tti,•t. .• •.I licry .1 4 ... n. r n tiat.i. .1.i.n.; , , N, c7pkg..ipa..m, , mb.r..., Nn. 41 North 1{•,,,,,,,. 4 litn..tone at.l ida 1 ualntit Poll. well adi n ocd L. th..,niwth • 1..' .I' '" •7 , neLathiiarl'hiladelphi n . d whea t sand all • ti.. r yew.. e .. entc ,.. ntrt 11 1,1.1,&'6 7 .. • cf - ff -7--- ... ------ . -....----.--* ....I. 1 . , .. 1 1.11 , cr., slo yo idt..... and ca•it t o nitre....l i ' `,',.''!'.. `. i.iiN / ..w. I,e,ne.ral I:,,natnN -11- .. ,,,,, her, t• .. .tory Re.elt i t , . ~,„i nti Merehania. Philadelphia. Lelkerai altttp aa , :Ilwel lin., frow, with tnur tar... r... 11.. end a hail , iszil.ein _ad. eonxiclunenht oi_Producw ctirkially. Dnanntem I:n.%!ll.l,;'niel. 7 .0n1 ' 1f . ..T..- 4 .'a' " P V . 7:,!:.".; i's ' a'.:; ' i n li n ' . ..‘ii i To Southern anthWestep Merchants. , •It It ......ellehi soli, at the .1.. k rho dlr. r " ? 1 : ,111 ., f l nl/./Unt ucth g . c.cni rpm, .11 in.i.l of o r II) OUSELI.'S PREIIIOI PERFU3IERY. ~.,,,, 1 , ,,,., ~ a; „,,,,,,,,..„,,..• . yeti.; lwar.n i , tic. 111. Th. oubsertla. rerpeetfully tnritt.e rceblle atkiall eha n i of .ti t krior erat h-d fen, th. att e le ..• I'm,. et. tat I tn n a exteindwe stock ofFerfutner k ,,,.. h. • ' y.,....: aon ... In the haulm,: at In el.nt fir Th. t`nal will , tc., tin which 14.1 nI- I ir itn.l t; Crle w ,-1.,' hae a 1.. ~1 rpcaniit• eh 1,, .1. ....ff.. I.fiVilinpf nto h.. within the la.ti sts'yea r ' N 't. r , aw i a ‘ r , / ,'4 it„,,1,,,, - ,,i b ' ~/-• it on. ..ti CI.. Laid ati i t ',tat to n . tht to ...tit puirlt- , N.. Yort, Boylpu. &ol rhil'adlphia the - lat4r Ini t o7 /be only. I :oidellf.M.lnik ...led for pectutnery either in' lIIII.J a ‘IIN fill .11 as 1 huronancyMilininnlintryi reie/I to s , A . 1V f/ 5141141,1 i, 1.,t1.1.0r,1, I main tf Itorm a rti C kn•su.tri iar:rioo Camila (Ili wiiiit k. n reta . LET— An tuniee, aitli or ',it lI Warli et.; .I.lriVri,"':'•=r;hliri7okrint;7liVl b""'Nrin'' 1in0... ! fn, e n li 3I 11..tiIIINel(IN. 0P11..r. Icol 2,1.0.r.G-114.ctifully tftorparent, nil mead, IVY rood.' it., bi,hir oaroloaroons and etitont proper:ler. ',sr. roOsiiionssiel,inze utahAtintimeial Slant Tatlet i 3lllitai -. I rrf-5ti,..:V,, Potre—Aluiond. Bow, Mille um/bal -1 Tg.l.lia%inrLitiitr"n..Wrin2e".fti C7=l.ta*F".U". EXYLitn, ran nix I fosocracuirro—flooe. ./umln. D..- Ljr - 4. 7 ctn.! de Carydlne. Gernneunt. Jhnny Lind, lifottandineJ e ck• ~....,;_„ „_ ,....., e,, 1 ey,‘,..1,t.„1.. I . atinnlint. Cleinatlt.. eltninelle ft lforat. ainii InnhY -4 ERIE AND IDICHIGAN LINE, , a1....,:1%%Z.,-.'`.:-.1.1:!,--.`i , i:iict.7." . .rj.i..T1i 0 ... .ran g e. ON THE EXTENSitiN C tN.k 1.. I /lc, r Watc r . cad ••Stint variety of Colone/. and ' Laakre der li at,. CL /ERE. 1',A111(.5 A. CO, Itoetn,fle, l'anectrrnc. II Plertntinok s etc vie hd.n..--Uenul n e Ileare'lliLA nt j i ue -Frill ET - Pliftl'ltlETOltS ill dd.. old ood ~d 1 ' r",„1:.17:::'1°::,...1.:'..,,.,,Lrf1, ,I ".', , ? l ' ln ;'g""ri' d '''' ""'" I. kmown Lint. null In YMM the tclitcUr. (hot too, nre Ltllle. tml Jci . tin i i Lnel ladt.n.'" fr . " '''' R "' .. no. In nperotbdi Ilk the pre...tit ......n. nial haver, minen.. ,1f...rA1f... li nrrAntruntik-ilah aiine Elixir. En... Tecth tied reerietn g Pre: c hi awl 1',... r..., whirl, the, ere fn.., I aid.. a Luray) Inintrince. Cllonttnc, Tooth Putt... ad T..ith .1i ' n " ..1111111:n'Tt l i n j e'tirt:',•;Tts't;!'t " I'hi ‘ ....7li ' n. 7r i`. l ele.'..l'il r ,t: s i I I'l.7'et'etrietc.--V de CI • .Ino trill te .....m.Ltotly at lit laitditLc Ikinn On. s lllii".. 1”i'P'''.! Lando, 'lrkClTniti‘ TTLick. "ll? fet ' :o3 A d'e • Te' , l". IT y; ' llO ''''''" In '''''.',,!;l'\'"; ,v„ii i ). A 4. ni. 1 1/'...i11rjr1'741.7n.r*,,,,„ "Ilk., .. rlt 'tier end SU-nth/kW •ti . Pitnhur a ll l' -.di ! . A . ita,,,e de lieu,.., L..,..,-zr4,u,.;,-...-,c1,,,,,r,2 1...5....Vic:F.'', Ilan i entpnrittio n . Lin -Len Snit. beeld.w. a iriat . etreti f I: AV eunninellain, New .flat',.. Ps . nt ' i c' t . t r ..."'"' "k '''''''.. b''' ....,, is k an , niii : .ritite-' li. C Mathew.: litibuki. lie. %V C hilittl. sham I ~,,.,/, .., ,, ,, n.e ,, , ..1 1 7, ,, , ,,, , , , 1;. ; L.:in:v.ln gl. , e=otatiort which J k h lint/ charp.l.urnl. I hist hral nth. ',Uri.... a'n'g gli lite fa'nik tinttrlAlb:7f, %Vitt Ache. .t t... On. mill.. ; who Ina/ anh ' NO nnatt , 11l m. eittire • i ' .le.ale or ret..ll. lt t i tt lienr,. I lar,d, t. n / nn as riouionelde terms an tiny totobLlshment In th e L' Si o Potier. Conneaut. 111. Stores ZAVIER IJAZIS td . fr-d ir in . • burneram to and former 1/mirror of tho Lohnnidorr tit S. fi Si ollbrhlt, Iliolol. N' l' api EIIOENE IttIUSELL. ._ I PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. 'it , ants'. l'er/tninher le Sr .1. brilli C it 7 77lnei t ; Li , lint:l:le. tr t Ihe c..tintr,- 11 . 61. SITING, AIiItANOE3IENT. 1 , 31 Forty-six hour, to Philadelphia. Forty-four hour, to Baitiznore. 2t4.1 miles liailroall-103 miler, Canal. En.! irfl , nu,. n i f r TRANSPORTATION JB5l. ~.—._.. . NEW YORK. • PRINTING MRS. I_l U TCHINSON & Co., No 1:1 Spruce Street, i!ij I.siriitiir"gfeNitZitauZr, .t.'=.l,thilitlf. Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats. t t ra e phi Prn. ing /.. :nal for Flue Wok and Job Work, whim secrt.erXtr'x'n afr=ryclp'txr:e.'''''"'''' a'''' ...IL"' • '"" Thecomblnat(e„ In thee.. Ink, are Ruch 04 togive a rich ' missend permanency to work superior to any otherlnks now" , EXCLUSITELY FOR PA , V.aENGEIIrr hi u. ',ld at rice" • In from '5 eta te 14 CO .1- lb . I - P tlf 'Pixel ' . ' P'. . TO 11111..1DELPHIA, B.kLTIMOBE AND 1 1.,',1d,., r: , : , i, , ,,-, 1 n , , ,, ,, ,,0rd.j-- uf ~.„...., NEW YORE. I atop varying fmm $1,04/ :MARIS...rib. " utelearrfut ON the opening of Canal Navigation, Two Ti, TIIE 110VSE KEEPERS or TILE EXITED STATES. Gaily Lines Ne - Evart...a Peekot Loa. 1.11/1 loner for ' ..._ Janeton. ;honer by P , ...ageliaOrnad to 1 SILVER. PLATE QIIIMILY RESTORED ROLLIDAYSBURGH. i TUG ATION Of Tel Then. takinr the t PPLWA SILVER PLATER° FLUID. • NEW TEN.NSTLVANIA RAILROAD, lIIn - Otated a, eon nt, , v.foaten, or Me money rrernoi. T.. lituldnal and tort•.-bee url„ .111,1 to lIIS FLUII) is composed of pure Silver; PRILADELPBTA has be.en awed by bon. keerwra In New York for tbs. ITtbre years. and le e , Nrolug a ucceusary article In the Time throug:h TORTY-SIS Hours. cm . testie 7nomy. Any jarnou an. In a rev minutes, ft - • , .11.1.1 beauty ottl plated Gouda, each as Canton, Fare . PhlhnialPha, 71 u. r.. - ^ ~. N., ~ ,, A ., ,,, v. 7, ttn.i.. Anita, Cake o.kets, Carrlare and llama. rural ne Can an thi n a a aa - ate aa , a aa 'a the mm' ' L a.''' . Gam Mllizarr Eniro.ot, Ary or Plate With pun Sliver on ad construction for nantort and safety lIM., Canner. or German biller. The warrantee la mat e, Paeke. leave iLvi . rr auirmas n n,,,,,, at raKha acluck, c l . ak. I hcient for ite to Into every family. and carry canning at the razor boter. Prieer, „Los tar bottle. A liberal discount MJewehe Passengers for Baltimore, and Fancy Goad dealers. „.,,k. }„. on arrival of Canat Ilarrleburr. take the Sulk and Cum. , n-Phle-dtt.kwOhT borland Ballrmad. (now nabbed/ direct to that cit.', (rnatty tour rullea) Time, FOUR holm, No charge for handling Baggage tin this route The irICIPWA Speed mak., this the unot mmtnrtable We and desirable mute:now to the beedert, Cita.. For paesaae or ttdurtuaticn aPP/ a J. I'. HOLIES, :Igent, ‘lon. , oceleila Ilou,V. D. LUC)! Canal net n. Penn str , , N, IL Oa the GI ~ 1 July. t , e 1. ......1 . .,...,,a Ea eoll be finish, to L.-kr,rt. •1,1 Lt ,I •1,, rt.. G , 1 ~ through LOX boors Plttaburub. Februar, IC. :V Manufacturer's Line. . . Qi at ARE II ERE I; Y INFOR'MEB 1.._3 thal ibis LIN M. , 505ii.0...1 or ri...iiiiin Loat, I. now in full ..,...rart..n. sigh Ito, to cur, m iars• ouant lir of froi:11 in litillulrlrihia and 1110Ln...iv. 1.21.1... t r 4 i/Tuilo. in an.litrir tun, arol a. as 100 rules. us nut Al. r r.o.ilsr Lin.. i1ii...1.1 arras., ofi.ur. Lave 0-1 1... .a mad.. for earn ink . i Way F r . suht to Iti.r.riii.. J', ^1... iollitla...tir.. i lr trr str...t, fir..,,,lnu r.t.r•i.ur. 1iiii,,,,i1,1 . 11,1 ',", n• ♦S... "."..h"... "''''..., 1.. ."'" , . M. ,,, N. , srp.ri. Clarl, ,1...: , ,., 1 11.. r,,. , ~,,, 5 . , 1 .1 ...14. 4 1in1•- i+ , 1114 On OW Ps s ii., / 11 11,1 a 1-61,141 h. Is.rt. , , liaitors.l liar... rvtlir.tl4.. of 1,.•• 1 11“,, , I from Ili. !most . , 1,1 , , •Ild 11,111 P r, r,- 9.1..,.. 9, I. tio ator...aiii ~.usii. at r. low., rsi.... Ws, 1.. ~, Lod Si,,,i J )11 1 1'1 I: I'LL, -..,.n. 1.,, ~,,,.. 11, ./ . .hu..... 1., I. :it ..1,...t. tricililii3f Forrsal .lairis,. rf t 1., ia- al. __. __..._ ' s t VV/Mi DISPGSEP Or HALF my IN Siiiwl and Mantilla Warehouse. 1,1:1,r IS I. r•ill Is . • Lit r, ~, ~,- I.- ,:.•:-. I.' , t.. MILLS Nt, 6 COBTLANDT T. I st til Ni, II 1 % 1. rls , ti0.i,..... al 15ii.i...,..t. e,,i, h.,. 1 ' '• ' L • .p..,. i. ,„..„,.,..,, „,„,„ 0,, ~,, ~. ~, ..,,,, 1,.,, .1,,,,,„ „s A . tee ,sti r .,l NEW I . OIIX, 1, mow pirnlus.: ovr .4 meld' • us, in ,,....,, 70 , , ... 1.,...t an , rirboil os.sort n,. of FYRINO .*.nri V'l.(il.LY:aallt,;;,";,'-'lirT".i'ill'i ;i1.7. 1 , Al - '-`". gßitten/ma' Transportation Line. ~ I ' lron] an, I, •;.stTiar . 4f;shios.., i.;.o4,,r4 i• rE:Tr.= ite3.,„ iB5 1 . 4...„,,...„. : ....;iy..—.. „'-:-:4,7,41=`,;:',.2, nc r Olt r VZZ . AN! , UN RRELAS, nrlraklOir, fa..... 1 and Plain OdZird. oori.o. ItrTWEL, no, 1,114 sail lurk liallo l'arii..ols, iliad Cotton ourl (i,c,.. !l o am Vratirelir A liznuili t : - .lltioi s offered st ortrensoly PITTSBURG 11' & THE E A sT ERN CITIES. : HE CANAL ilililis: flow til.c it, wo :irsecs- sTs ' e.r . .s. , 4 ' u ' lia irilirTiluunr. ''''''':'''''''t°". r „ , r,.„.„, ~.„, c.,....,, {'sewer:.. •._ . . . m +rn,W:li'r cutlers,,AVlll , . fOr eiblbillog filluorls and ...sea for trazuricirtatlor. folalluf .-s i " ;:ii: . ' ' . "" l7 ' .„ ~., ""' s r ff , iii!j2_,.,t,i 12:T4 'h '" ' ''' ". ' ...""'" ' r'' '' " ''' SPRING IM.POETAtIONT— Proiliarsi sushi iirhat.d.r. siii, li. : • • .-1 si.lforosrl.ri C. B. HATCH & Co., .....t .1 .....,.. ,eet, ......1. li i . iV :' n f r re i t ; ', ;: ,-, ; ,' :;:. " .:;:.. 0 , — ;:y r : ,:r.. : , ... ....- NO S. ir ILLl.all STREET, NEW YORE, 1 . (.' " 1- ''' l 'i AVE new in store, and are constantly re .' iTZ,qA.°`tt',Vg'-'4""-""''' c''"1,T,L,,',,,4i..,--)i.i.,::„1:.::;,;:,, '.': ,- ;::17:, - i,... I - -.., - r,,,,, , o..Trclra 4:41, - ;!. ' J Alll., It II ~,N. ~..i 1.,. ii....• kn. Oiled Silks. Dritunnu Gowns, Ilarulkerriblefa. No is, N•.rii, Ps.r I i:—... n,:,,,,, : 4- , Linen Cellars...W A a varlet, of other ar. JAME: lil Ni• ll .1 , 1. 1.. i ,11' . ... , r..., , Lt r :In. of business. • All of which will - ..i.l al llir .' , I - .iimi'ol. prices. Our 1% astern friends., - - flared lo essoiio. nor stork fobbillitt. ,77 _...i'....9; Superior Black ttlrituig." ----- • — and Copying c. ,Leu, it' ONE'S E3IPIRE INK, 65 Nassau street, el S 4, I",rk A Valuable Coal Farm for Sale, PHILADELPHIA. CHICAGO, I JOHN J. BROWN. IUI Puha, strwet.. New York. REMOVAL. WM. WAX MAN & CO., & 81 (late 76) MAIDEN Lexe, NEW TONE.. -• • Directly orporite the Q4d Stand. CTIAIEIZS ANI ,101IBERS 0 ) lANITA IPNTL,IpIENS' 11-R.V.VIING JET/CU:S. con fia:l ,l" .arto ond Ih - own-11,ver and Licht. Wcor An • . I, .,Later. Lurk. Mn rno and enttun. Locccatic end Von Al..c3,—,at In. Silk. 11,1, Ilmithasim sod Lim, of •:, 1.. sod poJltlen nrl Ti.:—Fancy Silk. and 111.1 ck every kind. t. . %" , e and all kinds Mlk and Fwn. flimsy Ennliqi Madras. Swim. 1414 u. rrilif. Albert lionalters, Twilled Indian tun, kr. .liand ,—Cnni.l. Linen Cantl.ri, a. , strneSse—Friancli mad Englieh. ars , my!, Domestic hitemit , . . (3.nm—hid. Silk. limen. - Thrend. mot ell the latest of 17 K: ,1 ' , 7 , L. i .ta`PAT.`;%1". wow. fink. Loen~na i„,,„" C.h.cro. English. FeMmh msi Lithe. et ,lea pi...Lk, Brace t)lens fin gentlemen and varlet," oi • Pwria' Rocha, Bet, of all tee ~2oLJ 1Fe14% p.artigular ett , o . t.lon to our Doroe,tl. K1. , ‘. 1 . 11 . 1, 1 ,1 / 1 1..Drwrer. sod llonl,ry. 1 , 31. WAKE MAN 2 CO.. ..m1,t5,21:311.1, 7u 6 ,1 31ol.fen THOMAS HALE, FormARDING S CO3IAIISSION MERCHANT, CJIICAGO. 1 ONTINUES-his usual facilities to receive it) ntnrage, %SA Tr113,/,1(17.. Me/Th.4111, mugigned Wm. &at. less, In. dail fr “al the Laken nod Illntnn. Cam! And Etve y r.a al: point.. Mrno, Jon,. dr. John A. Crunney. nr.3A-mt ST. LOUIS & ST. JOSEPH ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI • IDDLE TON . RILEY & , • C. 611114,... art , ll..rwardmc 31cretkap., on the 14y r L. A 4 ianoer 4- .w Joeeph, MO. tMtaeLuß;h. Flu:., and Loretsi.. Stern°, .L p A "Mar C. vit) —ititLE. Attorney at Law , .1 . J OLIN 11. RANK1N ,,.r,,‘,4T,7717 and jCoun ca mea.7,,,,,,.;ndl,thoro.lll4,Tyl,Yo'obrou7hiOn‘ peon a y „ L ow , ror (ha Sta. o Juhu E. Pont, auxUly. 130 s -TO AMERICAN HOUSE, • II a VO,ER STREET, BOSTON. T IIE undersigne,; harintr n ntirely re-1 Lein •ndo.nisr,d thy al.,r,,,ttnriv..enehli,h-= men,. eetituJnlng :n nil n I. ,ut thr., hc.odte, atul fltY••••• e , ..• e. kl , ull) ,ns... ”,,14, than I.• nor ready for thr n.neetteti armi az , inmud.nen of the traven-Inli rviernimity. An • , telid , ..lllrAirn,f the o flltfrikv,itrun r.nlen , .., of thin milen't7; .t:hte:7ll7:!re`i!!::fitnrf:',-%IL',7e."ArITT rice :advertisement. ,alFry. It to ~. In, rap. nre has raned to mad, an apartment perf.,i. Th.. ftfrniturr wan made ear reas-IY v , order. Naming ~. .t. and taro Per , mn. , t 11. e,pecially the Drawing c 0... will Le (vend v. be 0 . .* th, most ta,utifuJ 'thaenfae. tor.. The,11..1, or- clirari"u,,,nd the &lure far r.1.-aln will I,- .a. arranged ti to nwit th.: eunrimietke Of the ar', and la; .0 .lepartment .. I:I 1 . ,,, .t..1ur1ed in an unrareptiona. A , manne H r. awl the j.rlprietor I , l,lcep hinspor that the feh.s:Zaada•Wo, tn , rir-an ow,. shod:ay. : tray the 1ra...11,e'. Home. LEWIS It!CE. -. . The 'mat rewtolefi, suu - the L.oos• - 4 - 67 efort W Grey. .storm. ' , vac/mit:thins or ireidnest q!lhnof Breast or L4ll, Ohm ,efidOo u riroutir. do not tvh.h to trifle with the lives and V V health of the Rgoia,l . but wo sincemly pledge onto soiree to male To oestrus In the rirthre of this medi. rine. and to hold n. , la, to snikring humanity, which facts will not warrant The Moss of Ireland, end the Pier and Wild Cherry, are ustly celebrahal for the ruse of all diseaxvi et the Lungs and Liver, which aire,., karfolly prevalent in all Northern latitudes. From a cf chemical extracts; pro cured from this ]lows end tie, Thaw, Da. Wist.'n 13a, saw or Wt. Caratti I. chieVy aipeWistar's llalmm of tt'ild Cherry I. a rum lignaan immtcrat, compased entirely of It'll. Cherry Bark and th 4" gennitiojedand Shwa. lthe latter haportederpre,ly-for thLi purpose,/ the rare medical virtu,, of which are she cam. Lined by a new chemical ponce, with the extract of -Tnr— thm rendering the whole nommund the melt certain and • elaraeons remedy ever dirntered for the CONSUMPTION OF TIIK LUNGS. lIVREDITARY CONSUmpTioN Cured by Wistar's Bal cam of Wild Cherry—The• following ease of Joremish Is grigg, of Consumption, thee of bit brothers and Cetera ha ving died of Censumption.i is truly wonderful. Ptsteits,r /Inn, flan:atom or.. ,ept, 27, VO. J. Nag—Dear Mr- ! Isle toe litvrey of advising yen 1 the benefit I hare derived fre=ethe tun et in. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. I we, Prtenated by thet terrib , ` , rrottri.n... Consumption. in Niey Theittuirk war truly horrifying. tue. In Lee ur family, (my brothers and Utters) Lai dna! of Om>nmitl.m. I wr..sotJloLd with nearly all Chit worst features of the diaeauer I Leda dhlre. ing rough. and expectorated e great deal of Mood. beetle :' , •ret, peter, minx to the and the., cold chills, alter nating with Mich, of La:. I was under the .eta o! from the ,inte I was taken sick ahmit re,being 'hen about !triples, end cc...tiered toy care I:civic., or at least beyond our ph,lcien . .. :aired the toe of Wistar's Balsam cf Cherry. Without my father prtKunw.l it. nod admin. _taring It to me. and fnum the f.r,tday I tat- ing it my health improved, sad to two 1 , ..14/2 the nee I n.atwear•d nun. u to and over eer rue bun..., and labor. :Loch I still eon:June to dn. I have taken four botti..a of tb..und wow e• my.-..1t p,fectly won J .. .21id.:34LA11 ,, 1nG1i/GG. • ; ,tone Jona 4.g—Dear InJuiy.:lsiti, I we. attacked Lab n I v..rot tpphu.t cur...Ler. which lel ma in a very Hate, when. la the &glowing wer, I was tn. ten with a severe raid. which raltimd mo t to ructi al/ ex tent to glee me the tipirstana.,..: coaf.rrard ouisurap tire. I !atonal endure tercre on., l l—,virated norrai deal, and was troittbd witLe t and ri.:dar tweets I_ 'en frennently riiNrel blow trom my lung, I enntinued let thin state, gradually utki.ithr under the January, iii', when I was aitackr-u a ith f,rer. My Island, despaired of nay 1,/a. and el, tL.Cht I amid =mire but a oboes time, lly anocial ly my feet- were conetanti, and al:110.i,, their feel. Ing. ender these ci.rciam,in.....• it may ho truly was it tiling skeleton. I finally d.tennaned to quit taking me-. dteines prescribed be phybleiays. and Ire De.. l .e. Bal sam of Wild Cherry. nod fru= /4e. W., wee:. that I COM- CenerC. taking It. I can date 1 wecrrery. rcOatth. on/ its ate tie tht. , LI of which time I was ear ed. and colored pied health .ever •111 ft. mud cheerfully re c,.inmetid the Balsam to all,e al:dieted with disease, of the fungi, and would no Itsare, Gat to he diecoura.,-.1 if two or threw bottles do not erect a • cure: but persevere. es I bare done, arid I. have no doubt bra nine ewes out of ton. wall t, with. =owed health . I have been 11.,..peenully your, JOn'Xill JACKSON. 11:roallwr errr./. Lgribe 1., Pure Breath, to ; • .....t.ete either. ere bow:ire . .•, feel. cr their reeke L 4 b=f7 w. hood of L!bert; aLrent. Liquid Human ry• 11=211Z21