ESTABLISHED IN 17864 PITTSBURGH GAZETTE PUBLISHED DAILY AND KREKLY. BY WHITE & CO. t 0... warm. (mama same:. OMCE ON Tulsa Still 0515 TO TIM 5070 0/TICZ • TERM. DAlLY—arren 2.1210 e ter annum, payable half yearly. fax DOCIA. If 0511 In soil sum. . WENKLY—T let en...r 1 0 • 17 .0ee. LYme 111 ns, .pplird nn following 202 a: eopiepi per sunurn .1 6 00 Ylx mpie. d.i 0 00 Trotnk% .3,1 13 00 te nnple. 17.) 00 The ssrlet for earn elub to b. addressed person, and to tr W4l lu st.lvsum. Club rapers will be sent after the es pi n•A, unless the money Ls sent for • renewal. EATER OF ADVERTLERG. - One Swam (10 lines of tionyareil or leo) to townie's_ II 060 Do. • each aulditioual Insertion- oo' Do. me • eel: 1 ism Its rc-• 'spelt.. 4 00 IMt. two month two months 7 Ds Do. three imintlia.- V 0 00 faur owniths 10 00 Do. :it months VS 00 Do twelve months - lot 00 . Ptanding liner or Ism per annum... / 5 One Do ll ar for each additional line. t O. e square, ehatigeabia at pleasure (per an. 2, puni) taxing... of the raper Tar each additional square. losertral over one month, and ph additional equal, ineertial under the yearly rotes , half prim. Advertisement!, exe.oding a square. and oat over fifteen lora to tie chargnl tia a square and halt. rohlishers not arrouutablo for legal advertisements he. fiend the amount char,sed far their publication. Announcing- eaudtdatee for ugh, to be charged the same se other advetisement.. ' AdeCrUseMcnts nut ulark.d on the copy for • spcd•cd number of losertiona, will Le fontil.led Ull 'meat etacted accordingly. TOO privilege of manual advertimrs le strictly limited to their - Own inuneillate Inutile., and all edvertismanta for the beneht of other t.Cl,Olll], well es all advertisements ant Monted.hitely onitmet4,l with their own bualness. and ell dams of wivertirement, In length or otherwise, beyond thatirelte ensmited, he charged KW. lis.lratem. For all such tratodeut Wrartising. bills will he wiparately . rendered. and I , O+UPt PSI it'd.dted. All advertises:ion. for charitable Matitutiona, theommi panics, and. toirtubtp. and other public meetings, are! such like, to tie charged half prim, payable /grimly in ad. Marriage notices DS be charged 30 cents. Death motto.. inacti , 4l aiittout charge, sinless scuccups. stied Li (=lend invimtwele or obituary notices. and whoa `Aro accompanied to be paid for. • ' Regular advertiser, and all other! eelienns communiese Mons, or requirina tatiraw deal:pled tot call attention to Pairs, Mitres& Calmest-a. or sor public entertalutuatte, where charges are tuedelt.r admittance—all notices id pd. Tate adutociations—every notice designed to roll attentioo to private entorprisey, caleuUded or Intended to promote hull ',thud interest man only Lo Inserted with the undemand ing Mod the samo Le to la paid for. sill otendml to be Ito 'muslin the local column. the MM. be charged at the rats of not leer the. In sent, per line. Bishop Lin, Native to be charged triple price. • Tavern Petitions 92 rash Heal Estate Agents' and finctioneers' advertieementa not to be classed nod, }early rates. but to he allowed • eonnted thirty thrse sod one third per cent Drum the 14120. t of billet Doe 3.47.. re. tbre. 1n..-rtions. .$1 30 Do. eac.b.s.llltionsllaiertlott.. ..... 37 ADVISAIA.L.NII WLLIT, IMP= o...square. (10 lime.)one Inachlon- .50 Dente. Do. cacb vadttional invertlon..—..2s cents. All transient advertlvements to be read to advance. BUSINESS -CARDS. FAM)DI:CLVII AOILN A. PARKINSON, Alderman, Filth Ward, Prnn rime. botnmn O'llAna and Walnut. All Den promptly attonOrl tn. ATTORNEYS COLLIER, Attorneys at Last— io oak.. o Fourth Are.. shore Smithfield. 1 7 ) W. F. WIIITE, Attorney at Law—Of f Graut nrrr4 molar 1 , ,0rth . . to Artbureßuild t.g. Pittsburgh. Ps. m< hsay I:HARRISON SEWELL, Atthc at Law, .0 ObSo Efate Onntnenioner far taktna Sims. Ak noviettatteMOLl Or 1.41,. AC. 001,—.F,m, a rt ,. 0,,,,,.. Oftalthadd. cririalkyoT N P. &C. L. B. FETTERMAN, Attor . .6 5 , 1 7 a at and Heal 'nate !went, Nn.1 , 5 , 111 trAIIES J. KUHN, Attorney at Law, office, ; . ..I.triewfau,,.recr of liranCstrret and Dltt y ncant JTAMES F. KERR. Attorney at Law—Office cc 4th FL beprean Esnithre•ld end Brant. fittateurgh. FRANCIS 0. FLAKED IN, Attorney at Law, N. 112 Foortit ,rent. Eitteburab. -• • TOWS •• - • CZ..t. WATSON. Attorneys ut Law, No. 110 Fourth 'levet. Pittsburgh. ,—.llrmander & Dar John EllTdar. Hp.: Ue rot; Morrlaort it C 0.4 WIT. P. i'11...r, Jam 11..nartg. Ac nountutt; deo. W.3ll.ek,...ti.Pat..burich. iartlly AWARD P. JONES, :Attorney at Law: me, as Fnurth alma, between Wool a Smith- JASPER E. BRADY, Attorney at Law, Nag Fifth ortrret, Pitti:lturgh. la BA RS AND BROKERS ESL wittums & bo., Bankent sad Esrban flrokere, rya corner of Wcol WA lard RmV. Piligbure h. All traanartionst mall on lawn./ term, alLl•nolieetions , D=DtlY to. D. KlNG,Barkker aud Er:change Broker, 'a - Vowel greet, Dealer In liar& Notes. Ellis of FA . Gold and &her. blocte bought and noW. The 61 marlin prim roll in premium Mr American Half .Donars. mid Mexican and Fpanish Dollar, I, p 4. toads. AVM. LARIMER, JR., Banker and Broker, V .1 4th ota-mt, Yo. G 4 slioiuiu¢ the Bank of Pittsburuh. A 1: ILKENS £ CO, Exchange Brokers, South East Corner of Third:Lad .111aketstrootu All um at reeetnapoo var. i „, HOLMES & SON. Dealers in Foreign • and Domestic Bills or Exchange, Certificates of De pod Dank Notes end Specie, No. fro 31arket street, Pitts -1:111111S.Colfectiona mate on all the principal cities the United State.. O„EORGE E. ARNOLD & CO., Bankers: ltea/ers in Usenet/gr. Coin; Dank Notre, ke.. Ito. 74 lonsth street. next chow b the Bank of Pirelinenti. Col leeikins esrefullyettentled 10, and the pennies remiti.ed ger Vert of the Union. KRAMER dc RAEIM, Bankers and Ex et.ap. Brolorn twain . .. in Ponies .}34 Do . ll7ltEtie Oeitr: " l9 ‘ =:?ili= ' s ; :ZZ iertZdi= the cr. , . " Marlez Hotel CAROTIfiRS & CO., Banking Mune, gtlati4d IChetaid" ml trolVetiarrPeh.onC:'Ll'l'V=lZl of the U nited Bute, 411.11214 L • A. ItAIRD IRVIN, COMMIII9IOII Merchants and Bill Brokers. No. 114 Fem. street. Fennelal Eagle socurttln from tIC,J $ 10,V00 ea.>, oo head 114111=1" il.r” WI. C. FISET. AVNER, lIANNA 5: CO., SUCCOBSOFS to Ettusey, Hanna d Co.. Mauna. I,Xcauffox 81D.1141. dealers In Fomtae and T.Krielltk Elebairxe, Cantldate* ortlepWt, Ilanlo,Notes, and nneck—North Kett corner of Wwdand Thin, atrrato. Curren: Monor renßred on Der B 0 dia. Vista Chocks far , elm and . rnileatloda Ml4r, on neap IF all dta prindpal mint. of d+ I.;ptad Staten The WON, premium paid for laralgn and Linerkan Adannensmadeoncononnalaentsof Produos,abippad auto tin literal term. W. TAYLOR, Commisgioner and Bill Broker, 112 Second street. Strict attention will be girth to all 6=1..1 tumoral to his care. Pittsburgh attentreetoted articles always on bend or protared at short notica. Note, BOMA. 11rtgaget. th, negotiated oh favor able-team Advances mad, It requite& ce22 A A a :I:WA .1 0.10 DC. STOCKTi lato Johnston & Stock . M aaacoaor l a a a Blae, a 4 - AS. B. HOLMES' Cheap Literary Depot, Third street, opposite the Post - Office. New Books re. tha t arsZo o r ' R - 44‘.?rl ' patZedTat 'l ire d ta t rbli= lOTta 111 - HOPKINS, Bookseller and Stationer, no.lBrourtl Itrect. AMU* anadlnm• . BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS. • VIAVilt SOWN, ' R, Whalenle and Retail .. 13 4.Aba Coamtioner. Toorth ct.t.rt.Plttgbnr¢ll. eaalaq Cake, ittuf Yawl. Confectlotal7.lit , .7. Ot. fAtAA AtelerArenvtually attmaded tn.- CARPET MAT va ?COURit/71K, Manufnetureratrdim ..T.,T,LlLTP.: Va C rTit . ;r "'' et. o. S 6 Fourth . "a" Wood coireassioN'm - FORWAILDING_._ .V: A. iti,AULTY CO—Traitsiciiierg, alt."lll.V.VA:r °, l=3:rtlnriT.' th '"' ktDr. ... TWOODSgYS:, DEALERS arul Commlnica Dlevh Watt, ants, No: GI ette•t. aocartt. Wi. 0: JORRSTON, Forwarding snd Gammiaslon 11.aahnnt.„ No. 111. Be.o-od street,etantgb. KIER & JONES, Forwardink.; and Com :aim= Merchants. Draleam in Pro-ure and Pitt. nunar.setived article, Canal Basin, lam Seventh Stmt. Ilttotbargh. l I. A. OLDT .1. P. onau ll t, A IG RDY, JONES & CO.. Sue,essors to M .'S!, Jan. A Co..l3anmlseart n.5 . .4 Parearllng a 1 . ," tif.3PTS lo PittAlmr.:ll Manufartnrall (load, Nu, burgh. Pm. a DRY GOODS MERCRANI'S . . C. SUACKLETT CO--Wholsale is Dealers In For nod apsargtle Dry (Wads. No. 101 Awe street, riu.AbeNe. 4b14 ... A. CLAM CO-MT taraf.....-c. 1...711uNT *co.,am I. T. A. MASON CO.. Wholesale end "iM Retail In Pansy and Staple Dig (toodu. G. Shute, h Pittsburgh. , WetNW BURCIEFIELD,!du...mum 124 Dry Merrl3.2., miner of'Foarlh ' , V.1., • _ ...... emu, T t . .WRSEI na t, FLESIING .5: CO., Commission hherebantr--For the 'elleof Droneetle. Woolen. STU! Uouls. alp, amenln oli Mule or Tedlmif Triutin- W a 1:7 Wood greet: fourth dour from Fifth. Pitt. DENTISTS. 1 • D. RUNT, Dentist, Comeiloi Fourth end Decal= la, I,tween Market sod !Urea. rah. DRUGGISTS. C. C. IerVII . 4I- . EYSKR lvtctn wy.tx, (UeeetiSortl in :;", i • to Um It. Keir.r.) Whnleanle and Rettll Drag and &.... 7 &O re, em - nerof Werel street and Virgin rater. prasciptions carshilly comparartdad vlght.and . - 4.lin: D & C 0..., Wholesaie tliu — egistw Deal *. en In Met& o:bk, Dye Flee, . ‘ ,..41 t ,,,,,, r ,..,,,t x _ a De. M'Lanebrbb•beaterl Worm Speellin, at. •,ey ing,' sal .Ltum syr.rn No. ea, emus,. of 'Wood and litarth Ames, PiltAbergh. Olden, vlll be carefully met -14, Stmlibtflidoo Vith &Pall. . E DAILY PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. • A. FAIINESTOqK k CO.. Wholesale • ,ItKLai wad mantifiEcturen of White Lend. I:v.1 • urgh, Ps. wth.rg, .met IV{.l and.Prnin ntrvets. 1.11, !nth; • E. SELLERS. I'holesale Dealer in • • brCIF,I, Pale.. Toy. St tin.. Oil, Vernl.l),A, dr- de, 57 Word neat, Pft.burgh. Pa. (loots wartarstea. • 0..10.• OFIN I). MORGAN; Wholesale Druggist, and Dealer In Irro Stuil. Pinot, Verulshea; 93 Waal .1(.1 South of Dhunond ritt!hurgb. — ca N. WiCKEILSIIAM, 'Wholesale Druggist fa A"' D 1VZ411,17" r4n A tT i r Ml= 117-.1.1C[ 1111.3 uioeUr-itirict. , S .. . --• • poltAU & ItElTEl{,lWholenale nod Retail I 1.41444m3A-4.4,4344, ~4 LlLl•rty .oI ..S Clair 41., Pitto. ttrub. Pa. IT SellOON3lirdlt , si co., elllVllOlegai rug toy gi.1.3. NO. 24 W. 41 4E.. ril.4burgh. GROCERS. wx. RUA.. JR rr.aarla F. W!LSiN .4, Grocers and pnader, tin. II g I ' l7 Frout r 4. apl 1 L. SHEE, Wholesale Grocer. Commission 1 • Merehavt, and dealer Paper and Rage, camacr nt 'run end Irwm PittAboryh. , ASIIIEL I'. SIIILIVEIt, 'Wholesale Gro cer. Protium. and , mminalou echant., imd rk•m_ " In Pittaburrh alanufacturod Ankh, Naafi IN) and ad street. beureen Wood and Smithfield. Pitinburuh. „TOWN P. DILWORTH . JOSS...IH DILWORTH. • • • • 1 • - OLIN S. DILWORTH & CO., Wholesale Grunt,. Prxlute and tu:nmission 31arctututot AO , to for llntard Po , stlvr Cat, of Ilusardvilles Cum, No. I WoOd PL. Pittsburgh. J. W. tti. - URBRIDIJE & INGRAILA.3I, W holesale I Grooors and lbvmfeaioq Mocha/as. N 0.116 %Vat., 'erect,and 150 }lost Ktreet. Ilttrburgh. HEY, MATTIIEWS A CO.„ Wholesale timer. Commission and! Fora arding 31 , ,h. , .....1 )Et ,hir for Bright.. Button r....., 57 wm.r of.. risubuxvii. rifk WATT & COI, Wholesale Gge.. era, Commbsion )lochs.[[. and .. IncajEg...l4l . ~, :vr, 3„ . e . . L i ilr r g tilm.stfactures, No,. ..t.lO L 1 , j o B. CANFIELD, 14te of Warren, Ohio, . Commission and Foraarding_n m ercht, and Whol, Dealer to Western Resorts Cheese Butt, Pot and P I L .V A t ' i ' kerlgfeld " =i l'A lTltgr 'nr. "''''' "''''' Orgh. --... L' Snra t iEßSl o .iStl x lll.6A . ,..icrene . Grocers. Committal. and Forwarding Itcrchimts. < em In all kinds of Proinco and Pitelturgl. Manufactu. Arad.. and Agents for l the We of Richmond and tindtburgh IlannfammEd Tobaco. Nog. Id and Of Writer tree, Pittsburgh. -", F. VON BONNHORST & CO., Whotp mar Grocer. Forwarding an 4 Commimum ilex& tin • , Dealers In Pittsburgh ;Man ufactures and %trident Produce, N0.:05, corner of Front street and Chaamuy Lane. fittaborgh. ff AS. DALZELL, Wholesale Grocer, Com o MBA.. Merchant. nod Dealer trt Produce. mid Pins. urgh Manaseturas—No. 70 Voter st-. Pittsburgh. SAIAH DICKEY is CO.. Wholesale tiro- cers. Casualsalon Mire/ mid, easd Dealer. 133 l`rolue.— o. /A Water, mad lin Front streot. 110 hvrwh. , - • NGLISII & BENNETT, late Engliah, iGallagher aCo blr.le /mom, Com:abam and orlraOlnx 31erYhant, and !Mrr in Produm Had Niue tomb Manufactory, Nu. 122 nerocel aod 121 nt. . terevn and gullthtleld RI. X... 1161.....4, W. weer's., etronomon. ILI ILLER th 111CKETSON, Wholesale VI armors, and innowters of Iteswifos. Wt.. and gam Nn. =comer of 'alert: and Irwin sem., Plus oreh, Ps. Imo, Nails, entlort torn, de, to , cnostandr band. JOTEI V0nf.......a010 o: O'cau.......froter.e e. Inc 'GILLS & ROE, Wholesale Grocers and COMIttiP:SOII N.. 2.57 Liberty Meet, ' ti. arch. . frtOBERT MOORE, Whalalo Groaer, Ittotifitag DOWN., deals in Vroloro, l'Otsburab .nfortnros, sod all kinds of Foreign:li and Dolor,. Tinto and Liquor.. No. 815 Litany vt0,0.. On bond r:gd,°:n at.ZEZZT,Z;;..I4I liononitabolo 11110 0 BERT DALZEI,L & CO.. Wholesale ta L riusts:a c i= l T ` l `, :. 'l ' ,l ll.l l7 s l siy rr : 4' . 7 . tousia. 7 • INGITAM. Whoh I I °BEAT A. Cl:rNN._,—... ..... tirr hole Sal. I Grocer. Cruduce,ratur j ardlnn.nnd ecnunhodon Me , ant. wad Lauder In Pittahargh Marto[. ten.. !a ti N Z . .. , / dberty etre.. PlUshnrgh. 1 ult. ItAnAlti t , t • 01E1 S. I.,OIIItAT, R. 11. IttssltSFAS.St f • ;omen SAILIIIST. NV3I. P.A.UALEI. S. CO., 1% holegale biro -1 V ~.,..., .40, In and L' , l Wool stn..t littrburgh. T JOIE, , WU,— ......... ....I. —.ISOM Ittattlat.LS., WIEKk. J. 11 ~i e, .. :.k . j .i.. ,. 1\ w - DL1 , ::. 5 ,.. 5, ,, su rk t.e 'Tint ~kt o Lai Cornme , .. , . M.u.ehanL, dealer. In 10.0. Nail, Glas, Cotton Yarn,Pittsburgh Alanufartur, general', eorner of Wood and 'Water stvet, Plushurgh. _ - - A. CCISILIII , OSt i t . CULBERTSON it CLOUSE, 'Wholesale , . Grocara and trununiuion 11,rlsoal.. neaten , In Pro. I oce. and Pittsbureh Manufneton..l Ankh,. 1.5 Liberty 1 .1)17 trent. Pitn.burgh. Pa. J. D. itILLIANI, ...Mlttl• HA.. D. WILLIAMS il CO.. Wholegale and • Retail Family Grwerv, Forwarding mut Costrai..ion A erchanta, and Deal", 03 Conran . Produce and PI. ..101,h :anufacturee. comer of Wood and Fifth rt.. Pitt,burgh. I RCPT. SVISINSOI sr.m..e.._-..011- , Ittottl‘Str, IiOBNSON, LITTLEI ."‘ CO., No. •2L.`. Liberty atreet. Pittaht&uh. Whol.u.l. dlnaur, 140 oce and Ournmisunn Merchant, and demon. In Vlctshurch I.T!fm'.!..'"..__. MIN rtti. mom us IL.VII. & FLOY Wholesale Grocers Corn • tah.tion Merrhancs Ihmlnt• Protuor—.llh.and arch huildht.. trt.nuas on idtsrtr. Wo , d. sad sixth • e•ete., PlCh.hur,:h. Ya. - - . . . )01.1,11.L. OIIN PARKER &,Co.,W6oleZleGrocea, Wsh•re fu Prratuer. Youshro Murat Liqunot Ohi .Mou •nzahela and It•wefimi Whial,r—So. 5. l'artananaill Rnv I.ihrsty rt. Pittsburgh. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. _4._ • 011 N U. 31ELLOPi, Dealer in PiannForte,, Music, snd Musk.' Irv:a:wen, School DNA.. and I...cionrry. Sole 111,2 e. 1 , 21 . Chtrit , llng's Piarrn Forte, n.,r •• ettrru Nardilvar,l2,—S., SI Wool , ENItY KLEBEIi, Dealer in Maxie, II steal Instrummuts, and Imparter of Iralisn ntn,. nt for Non. t Glad's grargl abd s.lusre th Co nae lvlrteues .E.olesn AULthmasit. Also. hr Dunium's MANUFACTURERS ENNEDY, CHILDS k. CO., Manufactu k rn. of verysuperior' 1.4 Shootin Carbe c Ctul, Amu Tutus sod Ilittting. i Poop !Hill, Pittsburgh. tsburgh. ,T MAC ONES &.QUIGG, Manufacturer,. of Spring moll Mists,. Steal. Plotigh Stoel. Stool Plough trios.. I t .sousb , sad ?' i l , ytic lipr , insa. Ilsrotoort,4 Irma L d :lea al Coorlfil ' lug=7ls=o ' n2 l .l " of V' h fuot Yr®t :i.',. Pittsburgh, Pa. VITTSBURfiII ALKALI WORKS.—Ben pr4r;re,;; A 4P . anboO No. 63 wstwi eL, ow 14 , 17. : PAPER HANGINGS. ALTER P. MIAMIALL, Succesgor to • Samuel I.llll—linporter and Dealer in French nd American Payer Ilantimis anti Decd.% Window Studee. /Ira board Mi.—Writing, Printing. d Wmninnn Paper N o: lA Wood street. between Fourth • d Diamond slim Fit1.66.63h. TEA DEALERS- ORRIS & HAWORTH, Tea and Wine I Merchnt., Lad abbe of We Ilmmood, Yittabutxt& vex. •s. rem's° • OLO. M. A. •M'CLURG & CO, Grocers and Tea Dories& No. :TM Liberty street, above Wood • are always on hand Imo& worriment of °Moe Grim, es asatl Fins Time. Also—lorelun the and Nut:L.llll°lu and retalL Della supplied on horses terms. TRANSPORTATION AOPSTS TOIIN A. CAUGIIFY, Agent for the Lake Erie and Michlgsn Line. to fienres and tbe . tbe mrnor of Wayr eteltlabld As. I LEECII k CO.; Transporters by Canal and Yoroardlnt, Merchant. corner of Penn etrret VENITLLF BLINDS A. BROWN would most respectfully inform the r mbuc that he keeps on hand athUstand on the west of the Diamond, Allegheny elf, a complete avortment of Vital. Wail', also lieo4llo. Shutters qr. , made to nrler in tha brat ftyle. sarreoto.l equal W any to the Coltof States. M. Mod, leap retuovnel without !In old n screw driver. Ilar porrhs..ll the rtork, ant wool of the caldnetestabllehtuent of Knossay k 3lellazul. I am po lr ' llteTy " (l.ttrn l ' ar r At! '""—"' " 1 " lb at data., Age].) , No. 5 Wore] ousel. l'lthshorgh. J. A. BROWN. PAPER EfilliGniG AND PLASTERING. JOSEPit JOHNSTON, PAPER llAsarn trt..lsTrAntlleritienroi,ce!rer of Tbinl st....tend F..vt rrnmen. Allegbr.T. N. 11.—Lime, Stavl, Mortar, Lath. &c.. suchtll VETERINARY SURGEON. IMM HAlUME,:VetPrinary Surgeon, Ltte irovi Edlwbur gl i ie rvrtlr p in ti. 6 t. , by rarefed rittentk , jto whatever i. entnelieted le,reel Ore eatlrfatlion. nnertiob With JalliVA Ileffee Shoeing Axel Illaekno n Itbluc in .-eneral will be carried on, of the corr.,' At Tunnel etre.t marl Petinpylvanis Arcripe. iIANTO WOOL NEFOIC • _ . • NI U . 1t ,.. 12 . ! t0 1.; fo I , V *auto So. 13'd Libra, at,! . _ RTI AUG 11, Wbol Merehantß, kJ DcalartSn Moor and Ihvalare ropially, and For anl wlna and Connnipx!on sterrisanta, No. 115 ritst anal 116 &woad street. l'lltabumb. 127G . R.AV11113 ADD LITHOGRAPH:BIG. _ 4 - NEVILLE JOHNSON, Engraver on Wood. Philo Hall, (dart stort.,) PRGlntralt. Pa—Views of u dings. Mar nine,. Heads of f..,,papang,Yronarriters , Laralsrapor,l/rutt In oolong !Hall for DiriaStma. LO irtintandAssriaticlir.emtinn•SG.P,,,,n the tir "' Off to of art. and at tbe to pr.... t il h; ak". Bon a.. re • • - Drawings, and Minn, Cants. te., cograt,l drawn on Stone. and prlgtr4 In colors, Ord& Drools. or 111. k. In the moot apprnri.l Fty I, and at U.. moat rraton ablo prima. wn JEWELERS. li r W. WILSON, Watches, Jeefiv, Silver ad MIRA, w Stark. and Fuvrth otre,t, I'l.bnn;l4 P.. N. 8. — M.. 6...1 9 .k. caretall.r HARDWARE ICER 8. jjOGAN, WILSON & CO., Importers and Whofisete Drtaers in Hardware and Cutler?. No. IN aul stamot, Pittsburich. MIBU:I,UarEOUS .1010 U. Mutt, OIIN FITZSIMONS CO., Iklattufactu irl reta of FLINT and tiItEE.N .sr. GLAM. MOULDS.ond k nalf. MACIIMERI. take this utellual of intberaing those desirous of having inubeurrit done, that they era Prepared to do It at the lowest pousibla rates, at the shon e. with, and in the best manner, at their establiehtnent. Eenotid street, above the I.lttal Ihid..near the Ors Works. Toe. Irotut for Black Stotth and Blurt Fortuna, 131•110. factored at the ehorteat Indica atai at the lowest pries e. kind, of Jobbing done on short notice. mehl%ttn Gas Pitting. 1 1:16'_ MAFFETT A OLD. Fmot Mr. , . betwoon Wood and eN.A.. Pittoburgh.P.. ii Would lad. the pubno to tbrir . nooorunont of . . Chanddirralindayat, Bract.. ...4 1 4 . ... . Tbry nro preier:a to onocuto t, , ,, ..a ... r, n.... t,. ( , / .. of ,. litting on tbr obollont nu Imo' W Wegner, Buechner & Mueller's NEW LITHOGRAPHIC ESTABLISHMENT. RE ABOVE FIRM respectfully anuounee T to their friends and the public generally, that they ase prop ot!:tr to execute. In the first styl ofe their art. all =, l 4' vroto.rotr Their eetubliehment I, at No. W Market etreet, hctwoen Thu.l and Fourth etttetc, up Mal,. suchX3l Bolivai Fire Brick Manufacturing Comp'y. GLOVER, BIER ec CO., PROPRIETOM SUBSCRIBERS, having been ztl!-_ polut.d Age,. fur the above tamed omen, will keen cunstanUy ou halal a aupply of the odebrated Bolivar Brick, CracThle Vire Clay. Furnace !testi hs and Iw:rails. They are also yrepanal to to ordere fur sell Mick. to la, mode in else Mad sharal to eult pureheaura. which shall ta. promptly raw. We du not deem It necessary to enumerate the many ad . ; hovve a b nonce bdug well known to almost all Persons who use Flee Brick'. The proprietor,. hare determined that the Brick 401 lose none of their preeent enviable reputstio, nod that no expenee shall be alum! to make them even bettor than they have heretofore been. This is the ontr egtablishment now manufacturing Fire Brick at Bolivar. 8188 t JONES. meta Canal Baxin. Seventh FL, Pltteburgh. ,aM WORD & CO., have received 41 their 4riog Styie of Ile., to which they rp. peetfully invite the attrution of their curtono t. and the public tmereAlY• feb= Pittsburgh Gas Pipe and Tube Works. THE undersigned have just completed their atenolve IRON TUBE WQRKS, Wad 11m now manufnettuing all ~f GM+ PIPE, Lo n:mm[llm =LI other nue, tad all glus of WROUGHT IRON TUBES Mel they offer for gale at the love. primaa. They ere •01, prepared to execute orders. to uly extent. withnut ay. SPANG a CO.. N0.'91.d 92 Water street. (OA 3loa * Flouring it .L y ICIIOIAS VIVLA,N, Civil Engineer, Draughan. end Prort.kl Mining A. 1.10.. Mkko.n O N.kih, of WO kaa / f, Patent 0n,.. 41.-.1. - ns of klkehl f. tor Mlnen, 'WM,. Works. Rollin. Mills, Or.. ,ulOl betwixt lo A. M. salt P. M.. al hir n,olrnrr. Yo. _1 3larbur, str.rt, Pit& mr.b. • 1+n14,41, A. IsIADEIRA.; Agent for Del ware Dlu total earty Insurance Company. 42 Water rm.., GARDINER COFFIN, Agent for Franklin tip Firt Oaurpany, north raid cunt. of Wow .adThif .. d riL d ENN, Bt. BLN , DE f it ith . lolXi b. too Tri e.l ' Vul toao ire 'rd'heliFoirllOrdn'"'‘orkthl Mn rrfolly. or remain O. Name, put. to pill letters. u hare binding , are I.llod 10 rail. 1'1'1,4411U, jolt I%I'CORD it. CO.. Wholeeale and Retail Manufartorers, an & lk-alero ma, Apo and Inn torner of Wood anti Fifth atreeta Plttabanth. - When. they offer a full and complete snort a no., ps, Put, le.. of every quality- and min, by Wholonle and Retail, and im rite the attention td Chair eustunarn and parebawrot ally. an, th em that they will sell nnthe won ads an. tn,cpus tern., itr.m. 1)1011Y. Merchant Tailor. Draper, V V amt . Dealer in R ead, Slade Clothin.. 137 Elbert, - New Coach .Factory—Allegheny. c4FirAu, M. A. WIIITE & CO. would Tr isilhnn theblic that they hare Writ enw • Upon betvern Federal and eniAltoky Ain... They are an. making oral an, ono.o.l. , renlre It. tn. eterry deeeriptionot it Cu...cher. Charm, heyouchr, Iturno,l•li.rtone. le.. Co.. which. tn. Mir Long cniterirune Ilse inanuracrun ikl tbe afar Voelr , amt lb.. Ihry reel ihel are murk ten the must term. eritb tbrao wan.. 'nen, in their IC.11•• ptattrialr •CUlttio. to the etlectleo c0w,0.1, and loodo, nous but nucktnen. lheT ha,. S. hesitation in werrant in• their woe, Wetherell-mina the anent... •kr the puhi le to tisk matter. N. It ilep,unny. it,... in 11. 6..‘ manner. anal on the m‘et resehrehle terra, JiVtf AGLE MARBLE WORKS. (e,tablixlied 6'4 1.',` 2 .11Er.!'°,4,.1.,..,„'"•t"..., 1 r1._ 1 1171111411 Ruh, Tomb.. Jlrallstunm Ao-r sLon b `", ‘ . 1 " ." Pier Topa. always on bawl. and .utial• Lo order. N. 11. A choirs. auloation of Unstrings no bataL 1.10 lIITGFIES k ('O. ore prepared to 00.0 kinds of NLATE ALEX. LAUGHLIN. AgL,or. Ettusat- & Canal. Al {{ii Works, Pittsburgh. loar-Slato fonts pmtoptly ropalnul. I frla:i P1:1 NG FASHION FOR 185I—Thisiii Immtz.tut style of Ilatoir , Ic t pL mrb: comm. Aroma Ft 5.,1 Diamond alb, A CARD-185L . ---- . x r .,,„y BURCHFIELD. North East iy corner of Fourth and Market stave., Mt...burgh, eave. et the rommenortnent of the New-Year, to tv turn their thank.. to their commit,. and the Mitille gen ..11Y. fur the large share or enstenn extended to them. end Invite the cuntiunatme of their favors. Having twatitir enlarged and improved tirwlr morn. they save... Ned to keep en hand a very extensive assenthunia of id.wata--aml huiers %ill have the advantage Plenty of thnht goody. and rnake their neleetkms. They &who making theirestabLiahment. na far an prisetkatile. • FAMILY where every irtiele In the Fry for the want, of tandllei. can he procured __d in then eeintiowd aorta ni select the Net gouts. and to sell at low priers. they hope to nuke It the interest of L•l22thiell and in idueis, to favor them with tlietr custom. nei..The, %YUMA:SALE lICSIVE ..., will to continued to the o , onaii up stairs—entranee from lth street, or through kleer row,. Janie 1)1'ITSBIIIIGli COMMERCIAL CoLLtor. (ire of Third and Market street.. Thee only War red Inaltrition of the Ithal to Pittaborgh. FaccLx r.—Jobn Fleming. hind* the Echlin! et Aconinta. O. H. Chamberlin, Profemor of Fen=anablp.....tercentil• Computation, Lo Alex. M. %Vahan, Esq., Lavine., on Commercial Low. Thom, dwelling a complete knowledge of Book h and V. applieation to every brwoch of bustheaa. deo ut gent ar.el rapid penmanship. are Invited to call and • ine the, arraolumne. Leoture no Commercial Law every 3loialay evening. Ileferenee any of the reddent . June 7thlW..doeralaY. June ? 2 , 5 1 , '„ - 21st.Ordsesday. Saturday. July ZdhilVolneaday. Jm I T gl Saturta). " 19thINTatItter.lay. Paturda), Augu.t :kl , W , •dnodaJ. A_US. , fit Saturday. . 16th Weduevatay, Saturday. . 30th Wedursalay. ,-, 3 11 Saturday. Sept. 11th Wedurad./. •. , Saturday. .. 17tb Wedu...alay. Oct. lath Saturday, ()rt. Ilth Weduaday. Saturday, .. :nthWedveadaY. Saturday. Saturday. Saturday. D.c. N57. ... 2.,,, n t t h b l lir ., l tuu,rd ese:d l. • ,, y : m4 tiire . . v 1 1 2 2 11: batunlay. '. Oath Satunlay. - Lich • Cunard /um—Mel - 4 Trip.. 10.01 1..,[81.001.t flit Till UNIT" , STAIP.S.• Azlk ' N w York ...... ..._.....Aturdsy. lihisrb 1. Cum In ikwuni ,kr.urdy, Marrllls. .kfrica Nvw York .sturday. 3,larrbtl. Anwrim Ikwtmo Faturtiar. April 9 . Apia N,.w York &dunlay, April I'2. • tOR LIVZI,OO4 ..i .Boawn w.nesday.N.. 12 .New York a Nu...4Y 5., •• 2.. ... - . ._... ._- iaira.iA '''''''''''''''' iket;tot! -... '''''''' ...Wo — n;;;;Vip - iil U: Africa Nov, York Woitterdoi:APril 23 . Maori,. lAutuA IVednewlay . April 30. Asia Sow York AVettarnlay t May I% Pass., N MLA., &at., or New York. 1-15; ..,..., rata, 123, 21 , tv York and Llarrvs Line—Monthly rill. ILEATI HAT.. Franklin. Saturday. Feb. 'Franklin. W....l'day, I,lllNlar Humboldt ern Mar' Humboldt Uth .Apr Franklin. nth Apr Franklin. .• 37th Mar Ilumbeldt, Al M. Humboldt. •• Jane Franklin. alstld'y Franklin. l` 'll Humboldt, .• 19th June Humboldt, •• 31ithJul4 Franklin. 160 July Franklin. • • 37th Anil Humboldt, •• TM Aug. liumboida 11th ern , Franklin. Llh &pt. Franklin, 2 . 2.1 Ort Humboldt. Ifall Ora Humboldt, •` Nth NOT hanklin, 1316 Nor. Franklin. •• 1701. Dee. Humboldt. i•l3th bra Oceem Steam Xaricatiow Cll.—MonLl7y Tripe. -Nw Y a o L k M . IN. -New York. ..... -New York , sturday, may a,. •C. 0111111.1.1,1. IV•eltio.low for New Yore ' , rider, March 21. Hermann ........ Nn* York. Ayrll 19. 1 1 . .htuutort York Friday, like It.. llerialkou New York Vriday. June 13 Iformenv meht..ton.. 10•ILII . OhNt eA. mall steame r l e a ve Nem York on lbw Ilthasol 16th of each month. for Cl.b-rra. Po.R AND Writ. • Stoaloohip Gabel n om lrive.Charl.sto be Igt andMho! mouth. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTITRFS OF ItILISO. Orvennboog. Clounberrhuryr. PlllladrlPb 4 4 N.w lark. Eaatery, Cent, &MI Northern parta of N. C ork. Prlawan, New Jorary. and thr pia New Ynyiand State/I. Tb.. Ilritlrb P00r1y....a of iron., Paaada. Nora Sontls, and Now . Pounrwlck. dal)). Artn., nt k r. w.; Orparti at 1F... N.rtrn Illworvlllo add 11,111.1.7 tarn. 14.. Puha:flaw We countler of Itradfunl. tStatria, Centre:. Plito tny, Jams.. 1.)ronlog, vml,n. Moire., Potter. INroty. Taw.r.. Calm, and put af 11.-6.114.1r1141.1. rla I.lvolmorr. )Inorayrrille. Palesu it Panda. Now A 1111.2911.1), Fag inch il37 P. M. alert. lionda,/, at .la. w.; 4.- Eraz.--Ily Butler, Pa., 11en-er, Cranford, and Jefferson count , . II rex= part Nen York and uplor Canada ...tally. of Arrinq nt 9 r. and dew.. lit 9 &arms" Ann - Wcarsaa.-11) Wwhlnatort. I's, Omen. Fayette, erset. pof Wertmortluni mutat. V frorton , .. Maryland, Indtimot S% uhltnt , n CitY, Snotnerttnod ern pins of Ohio and trullann. kenturr.r. Illinois. Tenor.- re., Alabama, Stu.souri. ifissfrdpo. ArLarann, North Caro. , leortrin. Loolsinna..ilortda, sod Texas, daily. Arrives and departs ud r. a. Orruvronvir., Vay.ett, Rae., 13.1.1nrt.n. Flamm, Parl, 11o11ulays Ibre. Jeffro.on, Ilan* Two:trews..., rfluvt.L.s.Ohln.d..lly. Arrive,. at 11 r depart* at t ♦. •. Num. Won./and Cleeland. Ohba— Ilravvr C.lumbiana, Trumbull. Itulaa, lies W, A.bbsbuta. .? lark . syn... Medina, tuzatvva.llanult, Itichlaud, Lorain. llama. Ottawa. brle, banduaay, lb ord. and Lurm Obla; the ralretur anrthern°Lamb, a the !rate. lndia:J. and Mina, Mcludln; all MHO. gmb low, and W,ouldn. dal!). Arrivra al it a. pasta alai 6tryaatim.-4 Shanahan, printelit. Tana , tam, Yrrapart, Inatialin. laiskiltdaltaa, Amanita, Cha n, Chartleld maids. eacapt oa Simla/ a A , risco at 7 P. Y. Iklfd !tiara,—ll y Pemardle. Wexford. Zrlienople. Porte, ill.. nra' and Si.. Ida.lgy. Arm. , Tue.da3, Tbuna and naturdaya al a P. a.: departs 31unday Wrdtanda,• and Vrtdays, at 7 a. X. bUllyedrri.l.ll. FltlierriDe . and Slon °upbeat Citv. Turadaya, Fridays. Si sr. Si.; de xarta Wed..J/3s and eaturdara, at A ix. easoarows.—Ely ItuoLanan. Fir-H'6 Hun. MesKeenart. Coal 6.11.,. EllxaboNtown.Gambles, floaraver. hellver ann. Cooludown. Perry La. Lthert7. Unrer noolays•ao4 Tburoda, at a- a. a., dt. parts Mondays and Murals', at Y , StiraL3T, A.-11y it Owl'. nIW NoNleolowtt., Candor. fluruettodown. Cr... Creek I , lllazt. Patt,arn'• 13,111. Pa.— aethan). Va. Anne. fund... and Thorala,a,•l lu a. a de.arta .11nrulara and ibanala,r. at I r a marts, )'r—lty Chatty, )N1,1 , 16..111, Moan. !lon. taunt. Frankfort Spying, Pa, Vairnra. Arils. on Frail,. at , &num on ,athria,. at 6 a. SBILIJCIc-1 1 . - Autrn. North, Waaidacton. and Aladin. I'i me on Wrxthealaya at 8 r &Tarte on Monday ate a. • • . LLEXIISILT.G.—By Lavan's Ferry. Anises an friday. at 6 . r. cm &parts en fatuntay, ate A. m. Paat.t• Ferrvosille, Wealort, Breakneck. ITv 11211./(lrett.a, Including enaa , • mano dally at 7 A. u., and. derluts Letters Pat We daily mails must he In the 0M... one Lour before Weir departure , : Leila. Mr We 4Lsreekll, e.U aerkly.and weekly malia.mun Le In We Canoe Lalf hc , ur Lefore Weir departure. RATES OF DISCOUNT: 01/ILDTCTO , DOLT TOT TOl PDTOJI/10 ADM; It I=ll /pa 57 Marl, tr. terwera Purer an 4 Antra.. Patsburnk. PEKNSYLVANIA. ;100000 o 0 11a.i110n....- ..' t 1 Bach o 1 nk Each... Bank of do par' Brandt at Xenia . .do Ilar .4 Ilan. a d 0... . Branch at Younplown . Bu n k of u.....r.... ' par Cloy took. INnennaati . -do Rak North AC.serki. L t./ . Cannercial lik,Linc,nnart do Bank of Northl. Llberlitapar .Franklin Bout ..... - ... . .1, , Beat of Penasylvanla-.-partLaday,tte Bank.. :--- .... ..dt. Yank of P.a. Younal. -0 1"...if , In.. d f.,da 1. , ...d0 Bank of the Unital Mato- es ro Reeerra 8ank....d0 Cornuarrial Ilarsk of Ps-- Dant .I Mansilkas.- ....1, , Banner. , a Ilectuaded Ilk tar Poop, , 06 . 1 , - ...... . --... -do Oirard Bank_ par. 4..:VP EKGI.INO Kenstrithrti Bank - ..... par!.Ul ' , at 8ank,_.......ti 31.0ta , a Heck liank..-part NY.W Yoltli Jlectiwator Wok..pariNso 1 . '41 Utz _.............. tar PhKadelphia Southwark Bank par Daltmtore..... ... -. ...... nes Tradamaan'a Bank- par Conotrr .. . . ... -k, Medan, Bank.. ... . . ..., .tar N.Jr.ll.4if i 14:Likvitiu: Bank of Clvtobers . borghi. Kr II solven t Gantt.- ... -.' Bank of Chatter Count, -.Par VIRGINIA. Dank of 11.1111 a . - ... -.- par Bank 01( 10. Valley $-, • Bank of Del.C.o.Chsoter-par Bk of ritirinia. Itichniond t. Bank off rmardown....-par Na. Bank,Va. NorfOlk-- 1 , Bank oiLlettpshurttki.. - K Partner? Bank Pf Wirtfinh. l. Bank of Lewiston. - Merchant.' I Kra. Bank is I Batik Of llllllstown I. North Wester. Dank t Ilontipwery Co Bank_ -par 0 01 1T01 Brah,. Bank of North ow Iterland.parl_ CAROLINA_ . i . arliale Bank.. .. ------ 11 Bank of Cape o.r . .... t'olurnbta Ilk A Illidg. Cup. Ilk of St of N. Carofina-.. horlestolos Rank parrounnerclal Ilk. Wilndunkt 2 Er is Bank ...... -..--.... par Merchants' Bank, Newtern 2 Eris Bank.. i s SULT/I CAROLINA. y a rna,n,' 111, - .1 Bucks Co-par,llk of the ant of e. Carolina *..• Farmer.' Ilk of Lancaider.parillank of South C. 0.- .. 2 fa rm. Bank oflisadiust Par Bank ant ' A ... - 2 I Vann. Bkof Sehuyikill C,,par Planters' A blschanke Ilk 2 Far.*lrrot Mresho„ . 1. GEORGIA. ' Yranklin 114.1 uhington par Augusta Ira. k Bank Inn Co itarrodu,r,-; Bank. Kai.* of Augusta- .... . „ 2 if enee nde Bank... ..... - ie 'lilt of Ilrontsrlek., Augusta:l Lancaster Bank C or i TENNESAELL larauter County 11.1L-nalAll solvent bank.... . . - 1 Lebanon Bank • pr KENTUCKY. diner.' Bank of Pottsville 31 Ilk of Kentucky. Louisville ki • Innorigabela Bank rar , llk of L.1...i115. Thurttori ! a it 'ten Branch Rank ii Northern Ilk of Kentucky 1. It rot.. BLlVilkaolarrapar Southern Bk of Kentucky 3-. Yook Bank , _ Keller Notes. ~', of ii Bk. of State of 1115antri......14 01110. ILLINOIS. tea,. rttatz Batik ........ .-....KKtaite Bank and branetwa.-50 Brave:rat Alm. Ala'Bank of Ills 'I Bratteli at Athena .rlo WIS(kINEIN. Branch at Bridapport do Marl. i m ia fr,p s,, ,, l . Co.. rhka 5 Branch at oilllsothe. do Branch sat Cleveland dolanonen: Ilsetianirs . 01.0 k 1 Branch at Toledo_ ' du tlortorotoeut Stock. 11ank..... 2 Branch at Peninsular Bank ...... - ...... 2 Brunch at Delay... do itl.lrani , Comp.7 Branch at Columbna...---do Shea Bank 4 Branch al Aahlabula- _do CANADA. Branch at Salem--. .. ....... do Ilk of B. N. Atnerisa..ToruntoN Branch at /lantflold do,Bank of thsl'enple. Toronto'. Bran. at,Rank of Montreal ........ . . _A 1 Breach at einelna.l.- ..... .doillank of U. Canada, Toronto fo Branch P.ASTEItN KICIIANOIi. 14.000 at wd.thingtoo_...Ao 0n New fork (arr.)... ..... to In-Rosh at ("roils Ar. On Phitsdelphia do.- ...... 1., kranch at Lancaster do On Ilalttroont Jo-. ....... J. tranch at Steubenville dn WESTY.IIN P.NCIIANOE. I 1 Intact, at lit. Vornon.-...d0 Clneinasti . I 1 hooch at Newark_._ do Inulesille P ranch at glint 10 St. L0u15.,... .-.-. . - --. . I B ranch at 60L1/ AND S . PECIE V . ALVE B. .nneh at Marietta-- ... D0ub10....5par.141......1 1 L00 j Ili snob at Troy.---... .- .. .40 do Patriot. lb,:ou Br 'welt at NIL Plea., Full at odd-- 10.01 Itrauleh at Zancesille... ..... do Kakis, new- ......... ..-.. MLitt Brand , at Norwalk..-.:-... , 1n Predsrlekad'ono...... ...... 7.xoßran. It of 11dua......,. .... At Trn Thaler. Brans hot Portsmouth- . -.cito 110 1 1000-._.....- q 9. Brand h at Eaton.- ...... brersteigns Brand . at Ra50000............10 Ton Guilders-. Brant at Chillhothe du Napoleons- Branch at Curaboaa .1 0 Dural,. Branch at Tolsdo .a, plans ISHING MAIL LOCKS & KEYS rfiaT 01710 E DEPARTMENT, I March 14, INSI. IT 11E1 NG DESIRABLE to substitute locks "ire rs.rne Lullednd for those war In 0,41 for tee of the linden, specimen loske sod key, with .4 opinala tarnish tha same, will b. ',relent no d 1 at the toot Mara Department, until the Ist „f in, 0. 01. The different locks will be submitted to mle ,w heexamination and report. RPM this re . will,. won impracticable, he entared Into yell locks and Xs,. fr Lmr Team with the ri of the Powtonister General far the thin• and motions the contract in force for an additional tar. or foot . Ypiras by. airing to the contractor no tie, ,to that euret. WA mom than nine nor fool than els months. hernia the termination of the Ent term of four yetars. With a akar of p owuringthn hest look at ths lowestpriee, no kind of leek la to nowribedu•ntandani; the Departinnni relying for a stiertit on the no-shank"! skill and Ingenn. Kr which • fait nom Petition, I Invltod, Mu! de•eiriP". It Is, however, ornpe.• to elate that a lock multable for tot raVi l lirr. o h :1= 1 4, 1 1, ri=e"sr, ft27tggg ' ll ' i7 "d". vir d". Foe the and of e reiwitur eitnultaneonaly all thn mall 'lock. and keys in us, 01,010 thirty thounand ho Rieke anti d m twenty thousand hays aslaptsd within n r. f ou " liVa ' r ' t 'i st:l Y lPea;r=eift:rri n urii o a o 7- ti,ri rants the annual supply will depend on the durability of the locks amt halt Med. wollevithein mimeo( the nsreleo; hut it will probably never ese4 In ainotint pr no thouranl albs former and ono tbou.nd of the lot to. lock Srill Le eornidered If it he like any already In eral we: tun tonyone with whom the contract...) c v mfale he allowed make, sell, or furnish ear lock ur ey, anoll a ar to those oontMacted far, for any other Parrs. or use titan that of the Pent/Moe Department. The kind of lookauloptod moot he Latent d, and the par lentoe will he required, on entering Into contract, to make an *lummox of his patent for the exchope um and ben. aft of the Department, if the Pottraexter General .hail deem noel, requirement raffentlal to the tolerate of the so, ! •ire. In caw of the failure of the contractor at taw time to fulfil faithfully the term. and conditions of his contract, the Posthauter General shall have the rightbeerldeli a resort to the penal remedy betwinafter :motioned, to annul said contract, and to contract anew with any other party or c ities mhe may we for (urn-bating Madly lock. and In deckling upon the propnals and specimens offered. the Yostamater he may deem it expedient to select fur the annual malls the kek of one tfidder,mairor the wa mails that of another. Ile revere, therefore. the right of Maalox with different Individual* for such aliffewnt Muds mf Locks as he may select, and be the right to refeet the apecimetuf and prfaxwals, If than deem that worm Bur the Intereat of the Iteparthood- The party or part no egfutractlng will be ramoinal to Ore twat, with annfle n en et,. in the cum of thirty thousand dollar; for a faithful pe,-formanoe of the contract The emxtrur le to contain pro visions for the due and proper ins t artion of the Incite and key, mai also Or gnarling N nain e t their Imalng into d to if • tft.l 021.70t0 be accepted. o artdandlons will be considered if not accompanied with sallafactory erklence of the tronworthy characttrof the Md. der, and or Ws abWty to third the contract N. K. ILILLL., Pawn:natter (lateral. nolt=iftrfith • COMMERCIAL BALSIMOIia AltrBl.ll.—Adrertimmo. and sobwriPflorn. Crelhb vapor rereived and forwarded flown( expente. from PITTSBURGH 2LABHMT. , Ormcr Plrrsarralla Giant April 10 . 1151 A fair .letrrne of arilvitv.prevailed In the market yeAter a.. without any we,- matnnal change in Pri"' TLr wharf pmeent, s lively appearance. and mrelpts and Rhin meats hay, for some time, been quit^ heavy. The ” T" continue. In Ilme nm‘izahle onh r, a larCe allmber o f bale arc dell, arriving and departing In the Wahl below. ymt.mlly wen. very light, and log of tomwmfmer trun.Mn4 fnm Bret hand• vro.- ent ruling raten ere 12.150r:3,1641.3.2.5 from Prat haml, nud IWAlfg , l.3:M t a.4o from .lam. • ORAIN—W. here lymed nr nn large Kale. for thr part ft.w damk. A fair gem ral busfor...howevrr. has hero n, fur ~hret 115,wr~t rye M0 r .3.1 barley C0mM2,.... and oat, nt from flrt 11ROCEILIEh—Tl,nara,‘ In b d ,,, and TerT firm. Sales of N 0 suliar at WiatAi , a r in WTI, and 6.14,1i0N h, bfila. Nlolasws IT Tory firm at 36. G.r N in3.l44T:D4tor for Sugathotoe. We liar , . furthor limited Tales of onflTTat IlYiylV4rll PROVISIONIT—ma,m 1. nna. and bold at • ann. ad - Wa hare ~AIJO rd;al Task, ',Woe; at Mk , and ,0 shaa4dT o, at W., I .111 pay fur [1401., 4 tn-.. etde• nry now Laid mane At for prim.: amo abooldor• on:14. of plain ham. at 44. , •rti, aal..f .near ctliDd ommoymt at DRIED REEF—email saITT weltt,. rn ,ur,l at 444 -, Ca1... In Dams. DILIEU FRUlT—tee have ti, ch.g. rn nod, In prwA- F,rtan first bandy we quota •ppies at V.othuc. and peaelle at $1.31(2 , 1.37 illm. in .mall FELTIIEIifv--Small Nil, at 3114,2, frAm 11,1, Intml• and 3143,:...A. frau Fume. tiGELLS--The evAnton U Aver for reels, and 11,e inquirY l . limited: from firvt hamtv Ae may quoa cloy., at 7s. ,L.: Rid timothy at 12,234..2-7 P bu. VLSLI—NA 3 mackerel a, quite firm at SA.LO: other rkrinnotto are quiet At former—Pricrm nee without rhauge. Swan eat., trna.l.q. to , tOc Co. No 1 lard end Ole for No 2 TALLOW—Furth, rotor at 7r CANDI.ES-7'nlor of ..tar ,n , ll at nt 7 2 .tgair. ['allow at 10e,and dipp.l at Pe "tr D. M . /AP—Sal. of Pt nn... 8818 anat. t;' , k Y 1,1 11OPP—Saler Isrdt, nt and of 1849. at . 2kii• ige 1..1110-7118 market fr,lirt.9t 8 4 , 4 9 ( 8 8, to bblf and IttrlTElt-1 Itmm. roll m rell.m in lan at I int. I. And rcullintrn and mime do at 1118.1':.• V P. I:, la tmnd Cal at 76,7 Y. ? P. corvEr. TRAIIE—Ttc. f..ll..trlng at thr of N.111..e. Itornrtrd {Mc Itrt.trm durintt Ihr Ord quart, of the Fray: UM rr (mm pr.,11 ~ u tcll Fvf I n. t I lat.! Ilub, Fe, . .. . .. cettrxtt.el letemerter. 1,111 ..... .. 2,', if, , , C:1.4, t. The eVel. et J 21,1 cll,. held ht the tra.linz . gottenteen. t.n the . 2 , 11,1 nit.. eteeer. e ...mottleral.le tlettrien. tty romper...l tr.]. rMI,IOII. term, I ...tog , e14.0t1) tn....rein et 4flownon In 1,.... end 71."....11 In thin, Tad Jaiitago, Feld ri. I COFFEY— lin/. nur giarilr arldflr ul raladl- la tudirl . argil and tgunrintni• air/7/Mo ilivitisatinn. il. *III id. ien In It n.unrt m rnn r rkt the pm,. ruling at (Ina fluid laid ear. .11k rho... nn u rorrrnt Tbr .turf no band in tli . narkrt. J.n I. ...~i alinnt 01././ lin:, aim, Ihru. frriali tipplad hair Inn 1-arrived. and the rli-raned• frntri W. 1 luttims 11ni,.. in id I iinartrra tut iniinth. ernountrd to Xi a JO tiga—our actual itork ia about 1/.1,10 Naga- chndly . 4 middling airl Ina dual bind. Mem i•• notialdrratile Quardtt, tow iin mut, fradn tin , rnontry. inn future print rutlid naiad/ dryirnd on thr tailor of adrin, fman alinauL nrlnel. all, from air Vuit/.1 Mat,. /rtiirli LIOLIMiIf Uik, A nonr- IY it.. half nt the artinlr. . . . . V;7V.,:1;.111.;t7,7.:7,7. Sul44t 1?Vr!IZr:.": in l ear W. hot upon rlta- aaantinalpm tn.. fareftt. dill la. routed ttlaporfm-t. Then Are 11,1h4, thati l!• tntlint, and th.- thr tad e. hhh tha tr-outtnin hat.- nr6t. tat Oat PORT OF PITTSBURGH n. kryka—There Irrrpc feet. Inch., JO eoanoeL mer mark. 1a t errulog. and .18.1.11 Eb a,er. It.aver. ta.n.loo. l'artittaa, J llondrwicaaa. )I,linalant. r.olstn.aa . ant lin:v.l..lU, f tipper :it, 2, PSI lui. 04(11311.1U Rev. :laLdrlef; DraPAItiCD. . Stichlean, Dnirs. 'leaves liravar. Ilevory Atlanta-. l'arlduaan. Itrovruaatila I. U.:Kt....11e.1ra-tows. 1.--lica-qa,rl - Ntaalvralal. altaalau.J., L \Vb....1113k 7asoe.vlll: Key vtea, ,tra, hi, N.. :.`„ nu, IValinriie. V: WI,. 11:11,-,rt. Man/.. 'v.. 1(.11.1., . . . . WI, PHILADELPHIA AND ItALTIMonfo NA 111 It tight w lilt 41414 11 Ii:IAM MCCANIII, st.tne Id • to. 1,...r0ur I,etet 1,444 e. Aul yatt, In AIM weeks ago, die.! on Saturday, from the ellect, of . IP la. his wounda. ....,_ . (in Saturday afternoon. 11 Judy, ate of the Up vi. LW: IS-Editor : per Ten, 'while working in her back garden in boulavlLLE.--ailaucos. , 2Stif Street, found a small boa. Full of curiosity, tvIIICETNI:- Diurnal. It lILLSVILLE--11,ollle. she opened it, and ditspoved the body of-dead, hT 1411 1,-4 J Crittenden. of course--of it male infant. non and contents delis reed to the police, and sent to Potter's mous BY RIVER.. I Field. ' I The lion. Daniel Webster arrived in this city I'm e. b. , --,..oalidy A &over Canal , ..-sa4 td,.....• , ~,,,,,,,.. I to ~ ~,,,,,, ,t. ah,,,, n ie. 00.1. a,,hdo., 13. , on Saturday night . , and took rooms as quietly i 4 .41,71.1 era 4:. A , 114A , A , bbl _A.'''. , ' ''`, rt., i ''''''', 1 '.' ' possible at the .Istor. Ills health is by no means ow,. -do Dotter. I. do tod..e, Ita ho oat., , .rd. ~,a L Meat f P :tat. , t. 7 tad. thnif. IV 112.1 . 45e1b h 1... rani good, and lie proposes to leave for his Country te ll linat • Co. 5 ale LLD. G W Smith: 11 , lee laoca. ~ bbl' ' slimes at Mamlifield n. soon /14 practicable. .ca. Lh W atereou 4 :to :cdo, lln butter. eummin. A , P 1514114. 'V do eca., It I oall I Co: 1 , MI. leather. 41,1.1. ! The National Academy of Deign , gave their &led ohrile.4. ammo 1 51,1 buffer. 4 do ei.AA Arnotrot, A ' annual l'e4n4rr. 111 ndla leather, r4;11 t 1.,,, - ... 1 Lbl t,..,..0 inu 'llll ,l lllur'bY eve .i.g. rlt t11.i., new notate) AOA 2 barreli 2...a....1, I do eccx. or•DC, .1.0.... r lialierieq, now the mast superb place of resort lon l'oner.--1 - 5 bbl. Sour, 0 ..1,4 pd...., I: Ileuktoa. o in the city, The Galleries will be open to-m• r l.hts corn mead. 1 .1. dried arrlo.. Lambert t bbihnoc LA, I row. , M. apples. Artrotraoc A Owen Mb bt.lh Scan 11.10 . Paton... tt Limn, ' 1111.1DGEPOIIT-1 2 . 14 Irv-Lulus-la hb.1.4 fobarro. 11 Grad 6 co: , In. W Im.chkot. 31 dol Nat broran...l.l , wni.k., , 1.a.u0 0 Colwell: 31 do Ihr...suo P Dia.: hour a hbd. [Aaron Cluk .1‘ Thaw; 2 .Lo, 3 L. nod. 4 k., do. itz 1 . /. • , loa hl.l .. .. rlrk ha euu, liellrlT.4;4-..:.1,tt. git. ' ... 3 .1., a . hi1e,:r..5 . c0. ~i.h..., him. mbar.. 1/ Larreh a Co:Mahn. tuner .3 I.Sheo. 011.114 do, Iv trunk A C. Ito do wheat hd hid, I is. Wfimarth I Noble. II beAl hoa.. , ..ner alaurd It Y.LL, ILLS-Paa Th-cdoatt-1 hot. Annatronc I Crozet. I LWis butter and etas, I ~0, J enrflAAA. I. do driod fruit. owner ahharl. ho td.l., molt. Clark a Tlo.a. • de. .1 111•41.; 2.10 h W athattt. a ke 4 ooleo I markeWoo. 4 tibia lard. t bun., 2 de r ll aos. 4 ko e l aa I 1,1. I sit ..o. does. 0 . Its, 2 !Ada fomOre, I bk. I, 1a owners atonal; It 111, knot, Id•lna.ton A locc3en; I chat, hartheuwaro, tolklnhon: 'I do, ID Fodhn A Cohole Pit AAAN.--': 1,111. crh..n itudo...._ do dour.) lil'on• nor .1. CIA II lc , . Armol-on: / Croce 33 do. ovenhr &toad. in tow. I oval riat.“ . :R n.tlio.t. SUNVISII-Pot 12uhr N•. 1-30 laid. tolaree.ll .....or sic ht . '', A t 0 Wool, 1.. is, wheal, Wilmarfb • Noldo CI NCI N N ATI-Pi. OA,. No 3-4 LOU aleoliol. Ila hec A Colwell, 2do bum, II Grua • Co, 4 ha. tobacr, 31 he. feather., , Lida aino.n.r. 3 rk. a...414 4 1..41, , ~„,,,„ , 1 bk. rue, Id fur. 11 Loeb t Co. I he Ink. Ilnall.h • Ilennett: I bh na1..., a hka. homphr tool, Nieln4 re: 11 blid• tobaeco, a .1a feather.. 3 bbl. hams. 7 Idol, f 01...., I mad weir. Clark a Thaw, 213.1,4 0511 loMto.r. it Drown. 11.1113:LING-1 , .1, 0 rna.o-3 bus a oaten (urn. D teurli A Co: I 1.1 no. W Holey, 1 ek.,llaker a Fonda. to hnd. wham, It 1...0e1, / 10c 2 rat, 1.... n. I 1.... furniture. 04 Illncliann loa W.I. dour. Ikll I lAccetl, I do lud, own er thowul.lhld h143 , •1 do dried Ilium.. I el. dried duple.. I. EAVEIt-Cu LlzAhra-I Idol lobar. ; 1 bbl do. IIsnIS Ellllle z ' 1 .. :!3 ' 1:1 g " ree "* .l7 ' lrit . 11 1 0110 t s t7L t , ' , .4 .4 t .I:,:b i rTz:: II, 71 ., do owner alounl: 30 lalt.aelha MIA,. C. 1; Indwell. 2 551...22... W I , ,rn 3, do dour, h Nlvelurkan I a, Co. PRICES OF STOCKS I=ll A. WILKINS & Co. STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS INIDNEIt 0! }IA➢KKT AND TIMID STN. =el:=l L. , ..... ISIN. 17_1 ...c ' ..-,_ _ Unllnl elate , Ws Sul. II: '71:. -- Int—l u &July Do, WA 'lol.' 10.7{ I. 'lnt. Poi, R An, l'enuoylvanlis As. .1,,, lu Si DIS ,101..1an &Jul, In,. S. 'lollµ 5 ' IS lot. Fel, Aug, AlD'ny Co. 11. Ilsol Pt I 5.2 Jut. Mop I\'n Do. soup. 151.1 , ..1 . 1..100 ill ,•.J.S , du Do. tollp. Cit.. ... ... I W o'. Pitts.butsrlk oily tl'et 'lOO NI 111 .Int. Jan &JuST I A"' g. "F d o t Zts ''s, Mal l it ' . ' - ', t, 1 ' MI ' I" l' i ' l ' is 4 N'''' of eructs. Dank of Pit.burgh 60 54 JI 110. Nov 4pr et ' Member:o.W* Mknuf flank. lo 644: 64 . do Exchange 'lank-- . . ... . Gm "52 . do Allegheny 2avlngs ........ 00 larms ad l itt Hand gt. ..... PI. 40 ' 44' Northern Libertira. .. i • Williernspnrt Bridge 2515 MVIANCC. Went,in I:immure .. ! 11.6 1 1 , 1 , NOvISrre Uttar.' buurauer C Div. DR. 'I • A, o cintrd rirconao CoCo• 77. TadidlArd Pitegh to '5O 50 45 Div.ljr. 3 m rt. Pitn•burgh. 50. 47 45 lab`,o ,Dir./pr 1.0 me ors Magnetic 6011 00141,e..[k.,. .1 V, r. I I I rdttakdlrgh tiaeWorkx...... 00, W ; 62h .Div•J22 , • 4,1 klonong ivor ahrln Slnnaten 2.0 61 f 49 Youghinihrny nlnekwatr., .60, 4u I Peon'. Central Nail Road 501 . 1 Ohio k Penu . e. Hall Hued., 60i S/1: Balt. 6 1/010 Its)) 1it0d...0 50' .. ... Cleveland d Loi 4u .00 Maxine It. Way. Dry D,lrk 11V, 110 101 . r DIT. Dan 4 prrt Valens ... 60 50 ;9.1 Erie Canal Donde, 00 1111. rdl4.. Turtle Cmrk Plank Ilneur22.!, Allem. Perrysville Pk 1411 -251 lireen•bg. Turnpike 1td...., 501 ... Chartier. Coal Co GMT= Ptscolmrrh Bootml ..... 300 99 DI , . 1 North American *-7 North W__ . ln N ut City . . Ihnnka ..... " l'ltt4Liugh ......... 0... Adventure - II • - Doughom Llaughhn.. ..... 17 Coding Th YE WOODS: 250 . 1,1;1e. Chipped & Ground, 11 for sale toy II A. FAILSE42TOCIi 1 CO. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE - - - - - Y3Oll HARBISIIIIItOH. 11...alsuritun, April ith, 1851 The House RIM passing bills by steam this morning. After the Appropriation Bill, with its monstrous provisions, had been swallowed whole by the Locofocon, the House took up private hills, and ground out legislation in the moot rapid and approved style. Among these, Allegheny county had a share. The bill to incorporate the Pennsylvania Mutual Lire Stock Insurance Company—The supplement to the act to amend the Citizens Insurance Com pany, of Pittsburgh—The resolution giving the assent of this Commonwealth to the purchase of ground in the cite of Pittsburgh by the United States for the erection of public buildings. and releasing the same from all Daes—The hill to authorize the Pittsburgh and Steubenville Turn pike (load Company to change the location of their road, and increase their stock—The bill to authorize the State Treasurer to refund to John 11. Alellbeny an over-payment of collateral in heritance made by hint—The supplement to the net to incorporate the Pittsburgh and Braddock's Field Plank Road Company—The blllrelating to .Momingabeln Wharf—The bill relating to streets in South Pittsburgh and Birminghnnt—The bill to incorporate Turuersville, Crawford county. into a borough—The supplement to the.act to incor porate the village of Youngsville, Warren coon ty,—The bill to revise the Warren and Pinegrove Railroad Company—The bill relative to the claim of Williatu Rhea. of Indiana county—The bill for the relief of John Nichol.. of Crawford county —The bill to incorporate the Greensburgh and Uniontown Turnpike and Plank Road Company —The bill to incorporate the Myer's Mill Plank Rout Cdmpany in Somerset county—the bill to provide for the erection of a house for the em ployment and support of the poor in Crawford county—The bill authorizing the extension of Wiley street—The supplement to the net Mem.- paroling New Brighton, Beaver county—The bill to divide Lower St. Clair township. and erect Cloutier township, Allegheny county—The bill to authorize the Directors of the House of Refuge to locate their buildings on the Common adjoin in,- the Penitentiary—To erect n lock up house in . . .Birmingham. and to erect an independent school district out of parts of Allegheny and Bea ver counties. passed the !louse, to-ddy. The Senate hare no afternoon session tnAhy. The Finance Committee are sitting upon, and I hope ~zeeing, the Appropriation hill. There is ample room for the evercise of the knife . of the surgeon. In that body, little was done. except paviduc couple of Bank Ihills, a work in which that bO , i May plenvantly amens itself. no the hilly will never rive to a level in the llouve. FROM ARIA YORE LC.r , `,ndror , rf Pittsburgh "am N LIT YORK. April 7. 18;31 We are in the enjoyment of delightful April weather hero, Yesterday we had the first thun der storm of the season, and the lightning, to ward evening. was quite brilliant. The trees in our parks, especially the willows, are rapidly becoming covered with foliage. and the grass throughout the city is quite well grown. Another of our Smiting palaces; the steamboat Pioneer, was launched front Jacoh Len's yard, on Saturday. The Pionerr in ::.11911 tons burtlien, and will be ready for sea on the first of .iune.— She in intended for the Liverpool trade, and has every berth rne her first trip secured by risiton to the World's Fair. A large number of steamer. reibta.l, and coach proprietors met at the Astor Clause, on Sato, day in order to denies means to accoll/I.othlte ell the traveller , who ere expected to visit the orbt's Fair—that is to 10,--on Governor's in Moe, Jh&3. Their deliberations were confuted to passing resolutions, and calling a general con vention of their profeestonal brethren to be bold in this city, on the 30th, to, make the proposed arrangements. The amount of unclaimed deposits which are appropriated lie the savings' hanks, yearly. is enormous. lir. Brendeth, in a report to the State, Senate. not long ago, estimated the amount at -eral minim a ., out of these unclaimed .1, poelta, ve the Seamen's Savings Blink. in Wall treet. have porthaced a lot. corner of Wall and Pearl streets, lee Itilll,lloo, end are about to erect a new Combing hence. John H Pow. an Englishman who was whip- We are to hare another Opera house here. built on the site et the late St. Thomas. Episco pal Church (destroyed by tire (out weeks since) corner of Ilromiway and Houston etrert. Nlartzek is the speculator. and is hacked 'hy large amount of capital. The boll(bng is to he of white marble, in the Corinthian and Doric style of architecture, and it to he ready for per formances by the let of November. Several oth er theatrical enterprises ale going on, one of which is to be a lar(re hotter iu the ltowry. The moult pox. typhu+ and ship fevers are very prevalent among the emigrants arriving here.— The Manhattan which arrived on Saturday brought eight hundred pmetctigern, many of whom were nick. The brig E. 1.. Walton was on yesterday mor ning discovered to he on fire, and was scuttled and rank at her dock. The vessel wan ready loaded. and was to sail to-day. Iler damage by fire will be small, but that by water considerable. Iler bull was somewhat injured in the hurry of sinking her. The deaths in the city and county this week amount to 343. Men SO: women 77; boys girls 1 4 6. Natives of the United States, 196; na tives of Ireland, 101. Died of consumption, 44: of small pan 12, of typhus force 20. Sonic of the Ward Whig committecsare out in Card, and published resolutions expre,sing thtdr satisfaction nt the election of Senator Fish. The tatieh Whig) Ward committee published resolutions to-day endorsing the conduct of their Representatives in the ;,egislaturell Messrs. Wil liams and Wakeman, if voting for Mr. Fish.— This course, however, taillit phrasing to the jority of the Whigs of 'file Fifth Ward. MARY SCHWEIDLER, THE AMBER WITCH DOCTOII OF THEOLOGY, AND PASTOR, ETC Trans:Wed frup the German, DY LADY DUFF DollDDti en,timzed- CH APT ER El X. flow .‘strin, by the prrniLwion of the iurwt riubteatu. tb.l. Naught odbourther to ruin 11, nutl how we bwt 511 h., The ensue day, at about three in the afternoon I when I was gone to Conrad Seep his ale house to eat s omething, seeing that it was now nearly two days since I had tasted aught save my tears, and he had placed before me some bread and sausage, toget:,er with a mug of beer, the eon- stable came into the room and greeted me. frig the Sheriff, without, however, no much as touch ing his cap, asking wheeier I would not dine with his loniship; that his lordship had not re- tnemberd till now that I belike was fasting, see- Mg that the trial had lasted so long. Hereupon I made anssror to the constable that I already ! had my dinner before me, as he sew and desired that bin lordship would hold me ea.. eased. [tercet the fellow wondered greatly,) and answered; did I not see that his lordship wished me well, albeit 1 had prehchell at him as though ho were a Jew 7 1 should think on my daughter, and be somewhat more ready to do his l o rdship's will, whereby peradventure all would yet end. well. For his lordship was not such a ro ugh ass as Dom. Consul, and meant well by soy child and me, as bometneth a righteous ma gistrate. ' After I had with some trouble rid myself of I this impudent fox, I tried to eat a bit, but no thing would ge down save the beer. 1 therefore soon sat and thought again whether I would net lodge with Conrad Seep, no 83 ter be always near my child; item, whether 1 nhpuld not head over my poor misguided flock to 11.• Vigellius, the pastor of Dents, for each time as the Lord mill should prove MC.du IkbOUt: an hour after I saw through a window how j that -an .empty coach drove to the castle, and . the Sherid" and: Dom. Consul straightway stepped thereinto with my child; item. the constable climbed up behind. Hereupon I left everything on the table and ran to the coach, asking humbly whither they were about to take my poor child; and when I heard that they were going to the Streckelberg to look after the amber,,l begged them to take me also, and to suffer me to sit by my child, for who could tell how much longer I might yet sit by her! This was dine at his table as often as I pleased, and that grunted ed to to t.k m e e, up tin m d y ou ,, th w bod e ei ay the nthec S a h st e l ri e ff an o r dffeto he would, moreover, send my child her meat from-his ono table. For that he had a Christian heart, and well knew that we were to forgivenor enemies. But I refused his kindness with hum ble thanks, as my child did also, seeing that we were notet so poor that we could not maintain ourselves. As we passed by the Watermill the ungodly varlet there again thrust his head out of is hole and pulled wry faces at my child; but, deur reader, he got something to remember it by; for the - Sheriff beckoned to the constable to fetch the fellow out, and after he had reproached him with the tricks he hod twice played my child,. the constable had to take the conchman his new whip and to give him fifty lashes, which, God knows, were not laid on with a feather; Ile bellowed like a bull, which, however, no •one beard for the noire of the mill-wheels, and when lie did as though he could not stir, we left him I th w e e midst d r: t ui o e f t the, enough, rond lying on the ground and went on our way. in As we drove through Uckeritte a number of r" save one fellow who, Rai. testis, mocked at us withipluen tlsoeceltr,c,ydtogether , gestures when he saw us coming. The constable had to jump down again, but could not catch him, and the others would not give him up; but pretended that they hail only looked at our coach and hod not marked him. May be this was true! unit I um therefore inclined to think that it , was Satan himself who did it to mock at us: for mark, for God's cake, what happened to us on the Streck elbergl Alas! through the delusions of the foul fiend, we could not find the spot where wo hod dug for limber. For when we came to where we thought it must he, a hogehill of sand had been heaped up as by a whirlwind, and the fir twigs which my child had covered over it - were gone. She was near falling in a awound when she now this, and wrung her hand and cried out with her Saviour, ••My God, my God, why halt thou for saken me:" Howbeit, the constable and coachman were or dered to dig, but not one bit of amber was to be found, even so big as a grain of corn, where up on Dam Coneul shook his head violently and up braided my child; and when I answered Satan himself, as it seemed had filled up the hollow in order to bring us altogether into his power. the constable was ordered to fetch a long stake out of the copier which we might thrust still deeper into the sand. But no hard objectuin was any where to he felt. notwithstanding the Sheriff,• cansui, and myself in my anguish did try everywhere with the stake. Hereupon my child besought her judge to go with her to Coserow, where the still had much ember in her coffer which site had found here, and that if it were the gift of the devil it would all be changed, since it was well known that all the presents the devil makes to witches straight way turn to mud and ashes. But, God he merciful to us. God he merciful to us! when we returned to Coserow, amid the wonderment of all the village. and my daughter went to her coffer, the things therein were all tossed about, and the amber gene. Hereupon she shrieked so loud that it would bare softened a some, and cried out, "The wicked constable had] .lone this'. when he fetched the salve oat of my coffer, he stole the amber from me, unhappy maid." But the constable, who stoodby, would have torn her hair and cried out; "Thou witch, thou damned witch, is it not enough that then has belied my lord, but thou moot now belie me tool" But Dom. Como! forbade him, so that he did not dare lay band upon her. Lire, all the I money woo gone Which she had hoarded up from the amber eho had privately sold, and which she thought already came to about ten florins. But did gown which she had worn at the ar rival of the most illustrious King Gustavus Adol phus. as well as the golden chain with his effigy which he had given her, I had locked up as though it were a relblin the chest in the vestry, among the altar and pulpit clothes, and there we found them still; and when I excused myself therefore, saying that I had thought to base saved them up for her there against her bridal day. site gazed with flied and glazed eyes into the box, and cried out, "Yes, against the day wen T shall be burnt; Oh, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!" Here at Don. Ceased shuddered and. said, "See how thou still dost smite thyself with thine own words. For the sake of God and thy salvation. coefess. for if thou knoereet thyself to be inno cent. how, then, enlist thou think that thou wilt ho hors,"" But she still looked him fixedly in the thee, and cried aloud in Latin, "Innocentia, vial err "inoorenno.' aide dominator,bolo paa pro-ri,'.orn roe". Hereupon 116,a. Conrui again shuddered, so that his beard wagged, and said, "Whr..t, loot thou indeed know Latin? Where didst thou learn the Lstial" And . whoa I answered this well as I was able for sobbing, he shook his heard, and said, " I never in my life heard of a woman that knew Latin." Upon tide he knelt down before her coffer; and turned o,er every thing therein, drew it away from the wall, and when' he found nothing he bade' us show him her bed, and did the same with that. This, at length, vexed the Sheriff, who asked him whether they should not drive back again, seeing that night was coming on' But he one leered. ••Nay, I moot first have the written fac tion which Satan has given ber. " and he went on with his twit - eh until it was almost derk.f But they found nothing at all, although Dam. Consul, together with the constable passed over no hole or corner, even in the kitchen or cellar. Hereupon he got up again into the conch, mut tering to himself, and bade try daughter sit so that she should not leek upon him. And now we °ace more had the same erre/eel. with the accursed old Witch Lizzie Kolken, meths that the again eat at her door ns we drove hy, and began to sing at the top of her voice, "We praise thee, 0 Lord." But .he ecreecluel /the a stuck pig, so that /km. COMM! W513..7.- rd thereat, and when belled heard who she woe he asked the Sheriff whether he would not that she should be seized by the constable and be tied behind the couch, to run after it, as we had no ..on for her elsewhere: for that he had often been told that all old women who had red' e sethinting eyes and sharp voices were witches, not to men tion the auspicious things which Rea had declar ed against her. But he answered that he could not do this, seeing that old Limb was a woman in good repute, and fearing God, as Dom . Con sul might learn for himself; het that, neverthe less. he,had had hersummoned for the morrow; to gether with (imbiber witnessee Yea, in truth, an excellently devout and wor thy womaul—for scarcely were we out of the villnee, when so fearful% MOTTI of thunder, light ning, wind, ond hail burst over our heads, that , the corn all around us was beaten down as with 3' flail; and the horses before the conch were quite eueldened; however, it did tint last lung. But I my poor child had to bear all the blame again.: inasmuch as DM. COlll[ll thought that it was not old Lizzie, which, nevertheless, was ns clear as the bun at noon-day! but my poor daughter who brewed the storm;—for, beloved render, what could it have profited her, even if elm had known the black art! This, however, did not strike Dom. Consul, and Satan, by the fermi., aion of the ell-righteoui God, was presently to nee us still worse; for just as we got to the Mus ter's Dhmt,p ho came flying back over us iu the shape °fa stork, and dropped a frog so exactly over as that it full into my daughter her lap: I she gave a shrill scream, but- I whiepered ' her to sit still, and that I would. secretly throw the frog owns by one leg. But the constable hod seen it, and cried out, ire! hey: look at the cursedeeritehl what bas the devil just thrown into her 14!" Where- , upon the She riff and Dom. Cooed looked round and saw the frog, Which crawled in her lap, and t h e eene table, after he heft blown upon it three times, took it up andihowed it totheirlordships. Hermit Dom. Comm! began to spew, and when he had done, he ordered the coachman to stop got down from the coach, and said we might drive home, that he felt qualmish, and would go a-foot and see if he gotbetter. But first he priva tely whispered to the constable which, howbeit, we heard right well, that when he , got home be should lay my poor child in chains, but net so as to hurt her much: to which neither she • nor I could answer nave by tears and sobe. But the Sheriff had heard it too, and when his worship was out of sight ho began to stroke my child her cheeks from behind her back, telling her to be easy, es he also hada word to say in the matter, and that the constabLa should not lay her in chains. But that she =net leaec off be ing so hard tottim as she had been hitherto, and come anti sit on the sent L beahlehim, that be ntight privately glee her some 'good edifice as to what was to be done; To 'thisshe answered, with many tears, that elm wiehed . to nit only by Iter father, as she know not hew much longer she might sit by him at all: and she hogged for nothing =tinware that his lordship would leave her in peace. ]lot this he - would not tie, but pincheether hack and sides with his knees: and as'slie bore with this, seeing that there was no -help for it, be waxed bolder, taking it for a good sign. eleaewhile Dom. Coned called out close ! behind us (for being frightened he =j after " Constable, constable, come here the coaelt), • thew wesit• aro from Cicero, dosiot selitsks. m him. settitt'e;Ti u d = t„-411, V e ' t ,r os s'r dorms was antenatal Is witches cial:l to the rment day seal le - met smile LS. &ems. , . r; VOLUME LXIV-NUMBER . 203 quick: here lies a hedgehog in the midst of , the road!" whereupon the constsble jumped down front the conch. This made the Sheriff still holder; and at last my child rose upend said, "Father, let us also go a-foot; I can no longer guard myself from him here behind"' But he pulled. her down again c i , by her chitties, and cried out an •y, "Wait, thou wicked witch, I will help thee to go a-foot if thou art so wilful, thou - shalt be mined to the block this very night" Whereu n she an exceed, "Do you that which you of help do ing: the rightous God, it itrto beho ed, will one day do unto yon what Ile cannoth p doing." Meanwhile we had reached the Castle, and scarcely were we got out of the coach, • when D om . Consul, who had run till he was' all of a sweat, came up, together with the constable,and straightway gave over my child into his charge, PO that I had scarce time to bid her farewell. I was left standir ' v on the floor below, wringing my...hands in the dark, and hearkened irhither they were leading her, inasmuch as I hid not the heart to follow; when Dom. Conn/, who had stepped into a room with the'Sheriff, looked out at the door again, and called after the constable to bring Rea once more before them. And when he had done no, end I went into the room with them, Dam. Consuf !whin letter in his hand,and after spitting thrice, he began then •'Wilt thou still l i feny. thou stubborn witch? lie.u- what the old knight, lions von Nelnikerkeu, writes to the court 7" 15 - hereupon he read out to us, that his eon was so disturbed by the tale the accursed witch had told of him, that he had fallen sick from that very hour, and that be, the father, was not Much better. That his can. Itudiger, had indeed at•times, when he went that way, been to gee Pastor Sehweidler,whom he hndst known upon a journey: but that he swore that he wished he might turn black if he had evernsed any folly or jesting with the cursed de,irs whore his daughter, much less ever been with her by night on the Streckelherg, or embraced her .there. At this dreadful news we -both (1 mean my child and I) fell down in n swoond together, see ing that we had rooted nor last hopes on the young lord, and I know not what further hap pened. For when I came to myself, my host, Conrad Seep, was standing over me, holding a funnel between my teeth, through which he lad led some warm beer down my throat, and I nev er felt more wretched in all my life-insomuch that Master Seep hnd to undress MP like a little child and to help me into hell (to ne counstran.) TE:ELLISECI NARRATIVE! We noticed a few days ago come terrible tra gedies committed within - the American , territor ies. on the Rio Grande, in which the members of the American Boundary , Commiseion bore a con spicuous part in bringing the offenders to sum mary and condign punishment- In the narrative which' follows, the render will find a full and doubtless an authentic coconut of the frightful scenes enacted. In this terrible cane, us itjast/y remarked by the IVattonal Intellige:tar," although the summary retribution inflicted on the laleady miscreants may, in the opinion of some, have partaken a little of .the character of what Lord Coke, we believe, calls a ' milk, justice,' yet all must admit that it was a justifiable act, growing out of the necessity of the case, and must ap plaud the generotia young men of . the Boun dary Commission rho dew to the rescue, fir coca resorting, as far no they were able, to the fortes of law, in avenging the reorder of their unoffending associate, and punishing the other atrocities for which their aid was invoked We are happy that they were near enough, and en gencron-ly prompt to obey the call, and front that the exemplary justice inflict. ed on the criminals may prove a salutary lesson for all others of the 'auto stamp, of which nume bens sent naturally always to infest the outskirts of society." The extract we take is from n letter in the Sew Orleans Picayune, and is daterAorro, February 16: • ° The discharging at different periods of many worthless and vagabond men from the /l,`alifornia twine, near this place, had thrown upon the peaceful inhabitants of the little village a set of ruffians, whp, by a daily increase of ' numbers, had become so formidable that at last the life of no person whatever was considered safe beyond the walls of his own house, and not within those limits even, as the following will-show The first check given to this band of gamblers, horse-thieves, and munierers was the arrival of the United States and Mexican Boundary Com mission. at Socorro, which, for the better re sources this village presented over theothers, for the accommodation of the larger portion of the Commission, with the necessary convenienecq for quarters, storehouses, he., was immediately se lected. The presence of a body of well-armed, well-disposed, and spirited young men, tended to make these fellows hide their heads during the time that the greater portion of the members of the Commission were together, but duties con nected with the Boundary Survey had called off different parties, and in different directions. As the number of the Commission at Socorro became reduced, in the same ratio was lost the peace and quiet of the village: until, at last, but ten or eleven reliable men could be fauna to muter for o combined defence, and oar nrighborheal pre sented no appelronce 13101, of the infernal re gions than of a place where human and civilized beings were known to Houses were open ed for the entertainment of all, and fur the indul gence of every vicious passion a wicked imagina tion-tuight suggest. Each midnight hour allied new scenes; anti oftentimes bloody ones, -for tha fast filling record of crime ; each morn ing's sun, though rising beautiful and bright, could nut warm the chilling stasation which lay 1 heavy on the hearts of the trembling Mexicans, as _they listened to the recital of curse fresh and bloody deed, then hastened to pack their little store of wordly stealth, and with sires, children,. all, tied quickly from the rapidly depoptdating village. Ott Tuesday, the 2Sth of January last, Alexan der Young, the principal actor in the comes l am about to write of, gave, at to prelude to the bloody tragedies which followed, an exhibition of his maliciousness by cutting the neck of the keeper of a "fonds," which had been recently: started - • in the place. This taste of blood for Young.put him on a fresh trail, and be kept it like a blood hound, with a pack of many others like himself following at his heels, and in the same pursuit. With pistols in hand they pttraded through the villages in all directions, nod seemingly.desirotts of committinemurder. They enter a Mexican's house, call for wine, the poor fellosi is not suffi ciently prompt to suit their excited fancies ; im mediately a pistol is levelled at his head ; but: thank God, the cap will not explode; now hear aid, what fiendish pleasure the raffmns tit the innocent man's fright. A harnile-s Minn shocked at their rude familiarities, seeks to escape, hut finds her sex no protection froni the wholesale brandity dealt out to all - who dare to present an appearance of decency and propriety. The night of the 28th has its history ; the day of the 211th presents that which bears more particu larly upon our present object, ' About mid day, or shortly after, a part of the band had collected at the "rondo" of the man who had been wounded on the day previous:atthis time a peaceable person passing by front a shoot ing excursion, his fowling piece is forciLly taken from him by this Aiexander Young, who taken it into a house and kills an inmate-or the same. The murderer then coolly Lakes a drink of li quor, is informed that his victim is dead, or 'ly ing, when he enters where the body lays, straight ens it; and crosses the hands and arms core the same. A few minutes later the crowd is seen walking together up the road, laaghing over the bloody deed, and threatening to kill every one 'or drive them from the place. John Woods, the murdered person in this instance, was generally known as a little harmless old man, rather to be be pitied than feared. In .the evening of this came dry a person was riding along the road:" when six of the band cocked and pointed their pistols at him, forcing him to return by the road he came, or be shot. ABout night time, terror and dismay had shadowed every face within the village that belonged to the orde r ly part of the 'community. it was then resolved to ask for as sistance from the military post at San Elisario, about six miles distant. A note was, written,, stating the necessity of the case, with a history, of the past occurrences, and the condition of things at that time, In about two hours the express returned, with an answer declining to furnish any assistanee,on'the plea thatworlonld_ first apply to the civil authorities. Had there been any well known or reliable , civil authorities at Boeorro, such an answer; taiga be deemed proper and excusable; hot there were none, and admitting that there ins, such could not excuse the taunting, insulting intion do, which closes the note of the ofiieer applied t o , '"hen he writes, "I should think that there are good citizens enough in Socorro who' may 5. , nimmonal by the alcalde to protect the lives and property of the inhabinints.' 'To this note from the nearest military authority, the fallowing re ply wan made on the following merninz signed thalam g e tio: persons who had addressed the. 3 fir , . .m.. Secogao, Texa, Jen..; Oarnmandini &an S Lc—Your node iwas t; t