The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 10, 1851, Image 3

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ELK-moss i e ALLEGHCHY.—Our readers will
recollect that special elections will be held in tie
city of Allegheny to day, to supply the places of
George Dreher, member of the Common Council
from the First Ward,. resigned; IL. M. Seed
member of Common -Council from the Second
Ward, resigned; and Thomas M. McKenwto, of
the Common Council, from the Third Ward, re-
Th e e
The voters of the First Ward, will meet a t the
house of Acheson . Woodhouse.
In the Second Word, the voters will assemble
at the tavern of Mr, Thompson.
In the Fourth Ward, voters will assemble at
the house of Mrs. Susan Wiley.
Jean Ltap.--Mr. John H. Mellor yesterday
received a telegraphic despatch from Mr. Bar
nuse;annouucing that Miss Lin 3 will be unable
fo visit Pittsburgh, until sometime towards - the'
close of the mouth of June.
New Pasonsua.—The Panorama of the Hod-,
sou B. ter, and Scenes in Virginia, has arrived,
sad will be'crldbit4 hero in a few days. Mr,
T. 0. Jonci, the talented lecturer attaccell to
this Panorama, arrived on the Glances yester
day. has entirely recovered from his late
severe 'indispositioo, and would be gratified to
be beard by many of our citizens, in his graph
ic descriptions of these interesting paintings, be
fore he leases for the east. The press through
out the country speak. in the highest terms of
Mr. Janes, as a lectures, as well as of the mag
nificent panorama which he is to describe; and
we hope to see bins well patronized during its
day in this city.
BlLV•lcasoiro--Laei.--The Grand Jury rm.
Gaddy ignored the bill of indictment, preferred
by John Corriston, against the publishers of the
esselSe, for an alleged libel:
They ordered the prosecutor to pay the costs,
and his honor, Judge McClure, directed him to
be called, but be did not make his appearance:
The prosecution 111 . 050 out, of a simple report of
the proceedings in a case before the Mayor of
Allegheny, wherein Corriston wan defendant
Tae Lanese Cass.—The jury in the Barker
easetare still out, and when the Court adjourned
theylwerekreeted to bring in a sealed verdict this
morning. One juryman, it was ascertained be
fore the jury went out, would never return a ver
dict of guilt against tho defendants.
llscanarcs' Savt:to Buse—At an election of
the stockholders of the ?decimates' Baring Bank,
the following gentlemen were, on Tuesday, de.
dared duly elected directors, for the ensuing
years:—William Boyd, 11. B. Fleming, John Ir
win, Jr., Rob't 11. Davis, IL De Haven, Thomna
Farley, and James L. Graham.
FIANYLIN SAVINGS 110 ax.—An election for i
Directors of this institntion.was held on Tuesday '
and resulted in the election of the following
0 gentlemen:
Wm. Smith, R. Baughman, F. H. McCosh, 1,,
Welters, Z. Etteel, andiß. Patterson.
Attuanrsv SAV FG3DVOXPAST.—The fol
lowing gentle .were duly elected Directors of
the Allegh y Saving Fund Company, at an elm..
tits held on Tuesday. in the city of Allegheny;
George It. Riddle. Henry Irwin, Jacob Geyer,
David Deheven. John Morrison, Nelson Camp
bell, and D. M. Evans.
BODY RZCOTEDED.—The body of a boy, wa
rm:My about twelve years of age, was yeder&y
found floatingin the Idonongabela ricer, at the
foot of Wood etree,. He was dressed in plain
clothing, and the body had evidently ban in wa
ter for some time. Coroner Arthurs held an in
quest on the body, but no one knewhis name, and
• simple verdict of found drowned, was return
Tax Mtsron.—We are indebted to G. W.
Bonn, No. 47 Chatham street, Pittsburgh, agent
of the publisher, for the April number of the
Mentor, a magazine for youth, edited by the
Ben.'Hastings Weld, and published in the city of
It contains many articles of interest to the
"young fol k s," together with a number of very
prettrengravings, and , is published at the very
low price of one dollar a year.
Present, Honorable William B. McClure, M.'
;dent Judge, end Saniuel Jones, and Willis:in
BOW, Associate Judges.
His honor, Madge McClure, charged the jury
in the case of the Commonwealth vs. Joseph
Barker, Wm. Barker, et. al.—indictment, riot.
The charge was decidedly adverse to the defen
dezda. The jury retired, and'had not returned
any verdict, when the morning session closed.
The case of the Commonwealth TM. Eliza
Bitmty—lndictment, Bigamy, was resumed. His
hour, the President Judge, decided that the pe
tition for a divorce from James Bounty, filed by
the defendant, was admisiible in evidence. It
was, however, by no =MI9 conclusive, but was
to - go the jury for what it was worth.
It wu not offeied in evidence at that stage of !
the cue, blot John Little won called,'who testis
gad that the defendant bad admitted that ahe
w.s married to Brunty; but that the had not
stated that - she had ever lived with him, nor did
ha know that she hod. Witness knew that Brunt,'
vu now living, because he had had a correspon
dence with him, by letter.
Andrew 'McMaster sworn-The defendant
made an information before me, against James
Bounty, for bigamy.
• This evidence was objected to, the counsel for
the defendant maintaining that the record should
be produced in evidence. Judge McClure dui
ala that this was the proper course.
Fs-Mayor Adams was called to prove the re
died, Alderman McMaster having at that time.
been acting for him, in his absence from the city.
llCteitified that he left all the informations of
which he had any official knowledge at the May-
Cell Office, when he quit it. The defendant stat
ed that she wan married to Bounty in Ireland.—
Bite had a little child, which the said was Bran
tr., with her.
Jared M. Brush, sworn—Witness testified that
defendant bad admitted that she was married to
Bounty in Ireland. That he had left her, and
wile to this country, where he had married an
other woman.
Isaiah Brink sworn—Xm a magistrate. I
married old Mr. McNutt and the, defendant, in
April, 1850. Be was then aboureighty years of
age. No objections were made to the marriage,
by any person.
Joseph Craig sworn—l don't recollect whether
the defendant said any thing about being mar
ried to Density, in my presence. Knew &linty.
He left this county very suddenly, as the officers
Vera after him. fle was then living with anoth
er woman, as his wife. She had suckingchild
it her breast. Bounty told me that he had
ban married before.
David Little sworn—Knew the defendant in
Ireland. Mrs. Brunty passed for his wife. She
bad been married to is Mr. Frasier, who died,
end I understood that she afterw ards married
Brtmty, I was notar4ient at the wedding. All
Iknor Is from report.
JiowTh Thompson sworn—l saw Mrs. B. in
Wolt. I do not know when James Brunty
carne from Ireland. Mrs. Bruntkpassed for his
Wife there. All I know is from report. •
Ass T. Bougher, sworn—l saw Mrs. Brunty in
1847 and '4B. She came to the Mayor's office
sad t ot a warrant for Brunty. I failed to arrest
him. 1 She showed me a certificate, which she
add washer marriage certificate. -
This latter answer was ruled out.
I examined the Mayor's docket, and found that
ha information was not entered.
Wm. Thompson, sworn—l called at the Mayor's
ewe and searched for Mrs. Brunty's informa-
Mofi—Could not find it. We searched dili
Croas-examined—l are the administrator of
Mr. McNutt. Was prohibited from getting the
goods and title deeds of the decedent by hire.
Bmty, or her attorneys. One of the objects of
this prosecution was, 1 believe, to get the papers
from Mrs. McNutt.
Andrew McMaster, recalled-1 think the infor
mation Mrs. B. made against Mr. Brainy wee
for bigamy.
Cross examined—lt might have been for adul
tirlie case closed hero on behalf of the Com
mmwealth, and was opened for the defence by
George P. lltimilton, Pg., in a masterly man
ATTED.SOOS 5E8510,11
Doctor Ilszl a sworn—l em acquainted with
Mrs. Brunty. o not know when Mr. Breathy
came to this count . It vas eight or ten years
ago. Brtnty lived ere with another woman,
Whom ho calle•1 his w fo. He kept tavern in this
city. A short time r. or I came to this country,
I got a letter inqu' i g if Mr. Bounty Bred In
this city. Mr. D. Iled on me and requested
me tot to answer the letter, as the woman who
trots it Tao not his wife, but had had a child to
Wm: stet did not want her to know where he
Thin latter portion of the Doctor's testimony
was objected to, and nat.,' out.
Brunty had a dind by the woman whom he
walled hie witr, in this city.
The counsel for the defendant then tarred to
Foto that she had, long before there was any
gallgof Waging an adieu against her, admitted
that Bratty was not her husband, and that the
Thad mated she was his wife for the purpose of
jobsehig him to old SA the support of hes:salter
• ce seas ruled out, and the Jury was
obert Woods, and J. R. Large,
••er on behalf of the Commonwealth,
!the defendant
Tbis arid .
addressed by
the latter for
Y. Hamilton closed for the defence,
ugly able, forcible, and eloquent
d, we have rarely listened in the
er Sessions to an abler argument.
L., Esq. ; concluded for the Common.
e case was submitted, after a brief
Abe Judge, to the jury, who retired,
I immediately adjourned.
li r . (leo
in an excee d ,
address m
Court of Qua
F. C. Flame.,
wealth, and
charge from
and the Co
Tux Corn..—The Court room, yesterday, was
crowded wi spectators anxious to hear [bees-
Hence in the case of the Commonwealth es Mrs.
McNutt, encased orbigatay.
Tate Weavairw—We had very pleaaant spring
weather for dome day. past.
- - - .
The city. orthe Great Salt Lake is beautifully
, i
laid out wit i n a chart distance of the mountain'
forming the eastern end of the valley. It con- ; .
tains eleven or twelve thousand inhabitants, who
are mostly gaged in agriculture—though a por- I
lion of their imeis devoted to mechanical pursuits
when undo toed. The streets of the city inter
each o f er at right angles, and each block
is half a m it e square, with an alley from east to
west and n rth to south. Each block iv called
a ward, and has a bishop to preside over its gov
ernment, wlse duties ate to Oct . magistrates,
tax collecto r, and preachers, . well as street i
commission rs. The city and all the farming
land are irr i gated by streams of beautiful water,
which flow rota the adjacent mountains. These
streams ha o been, with great labor and perse
vernnce led in every direction. In the city they
flow on me aide of the different streets, and
their waters are let upon the inhabitants' gar- I
dens at regular periods; so likewise upon the ex-
tensive fielm of grain lying lu the south of the
There is It field thirty miles long by six and 1
ten wide, al portion of which is cultivated by
1 .
any one w o desires. This fi eld was moving
with whea t)barley, and oats, nearly r5 ady for
the sickle, hen we were at the Lake, and a fi
ner field of wheat never grew in any country;
the berry aims large, full and plump, Anti of su- 1
perior whiteness. We were convinced that no
country in t h e world could produce better crops '
than this valley, or a larger amount to the acre.
The syste; of irrigation prevents anything like
rust or s ut striking the crop. to blast the ex
, peetation of the farmer. The orocluefiveness of
the soil will always secure him an ,abundmt
crop. Within the valley, and including three j
' other settlements of the people in the vicinity,
there cannot be far from 30,000 inhabitants.— ; '
Forty miles south they have n village, and
another It Dmiles farther south, among the Utah
Indians—l suppose—where the fine forests of
all kinds o timber abound, while little or cone
for mechmical purposes, exceping pine, grows
in the vicinity of the valley.
The ch4acter of this people has changed but
little sine their exodus from the States. The
leaders d all, appear more "free and easy,"
and thegrrt body as perseveringly industrious
and obedi nt to the higher powers as ever.
Moneys very plenty among them, principally
gold—mudh of whirl, came from the California
mines. The religious character of the whole
body haat egenerated into mere amusement, he.,
not even t
e semblance of true piety is kept op.
m i
In the vi inity of the city, ix a warm spring,
which h been brought into-the city, and public
baths tel. The water is highly medicai—
Each citizen has a building lot appropriated to
. Ids use, bt is not the absolute owner, as he can
-not dispo seof it to a gentile without the consent
of the church. Each member isallowed to take
up and cultivate as much land as he pleases, but
he can only sell such improvements as he may
make ape the land. One-tenth of the produce
of the d, or the accumulation of each indi
vidual, well as one tenth of his time, belongs
.to the ch and is rigorously exacted.
The hores are mostly one story high, though
some of em are neat little cottages. They have
nearly completed a spacious court house, two
stories hikb, forty feet square. The first story :
is bhilt of free atone, and the second of sun burnt
brick. Holmes built of these brick are very
warm in the winter, and cool in the summer, and
appear well adapted to the climate. They are
about to krect a temple, and other public build
ings. El4er Kimball's house is a large two story
stone building, some 50 feet by 25 feet, yet it is.
not large enough to contain one half of his num
erous wires.
The prosperity of this people is truly aston
ishing. They have flocks and herd's, and most
of the good things of the earth in abundance.—
We saw about 3000 of the fittest cattle on the
island in, the Salt Lake, that ever we put eyes
upon. In the morning, you may see lads driv
lag hundreds of cows from the bounds of the city,
to be heeded within two or three miles, and driv
:en back et night. The I-iodations of the valley
in regar4 to stock are, that it shall be fenced.--
While the gardens and fields are left with a slight
protection in the way of fence.
Cr .0./4 Hoc, rtrrnicceo.
• sranyn. cyyror. Arrll IL y/O1.;
cj . EA LE D pRoPosA LS will Le riieei i oil at
CI chic 01i0... tabod 12 n , 10 , t.. - ..1 , th bay 01 teL invt..for
...delver : l,th. followin‘erth iel.for the tiger of !Iv wk..
the I: S Mann. 11,4,1 neer thieCity. until the :10114 ill f
April 9. ', v 'az . .l - I'n - ..... " p...ible from lone, pro,' per voirat.
-----e-e-- I Flour—Sales 1000 bbls IL S. brands at $4,50 1e...1L t.rh '•.,,,....''•• ••,.I . 2ch ''r , l'I• •: " -
A Scab' or Tlisroar,—A very re'coarkable. , Ci. 54,55 14 bbl. Sales of City Mills at $4,50 ? F 7:: '''''` '''. -..."'`"°.'". ...
.::. '
affair oc urred in the year 266. A legion of ital. bbl. . -
Biers-cautainin 6666, tilled the Theban Legion , Grain—lied Wheat to selling at 96(?.100c 1l 2,-..,, .. _.. ... .
were gu rtered in the East, awaiting the orders ' hti. Salem yellow Corn at 61(2 . .62c, and of Oat. TA:•,.. •••= 0 ...- ... . - .
or th eir mperor to march against tlio rebel. of lat 3; qh4tle C o La. :
Bargim y. About this time the Emperor order- Clover Seed--Sales at $5,18G55,25 12 bu.
rl t .
mining t , .. - 0. ..... , -
It. .. .... •••• _
ed age end sacrifice to be made, at which the Prnvir . .ins—The market is firm, with sales of • Lard. . . ..... • •••
whole army were commanded to be present' and Mess Pork at $11,50€1.514,75. Prime is held at ti:,.`,`;,,„L`" ' .. rr nn •
assist; .t which time, also, he commanded that i $l2 70 bhl. Lard is selling at 84 in Able, and 91 , et viiii• _.... : .
all the soldiers should bind themselves with an lin keg.. N ut
oath, todie faithful to him in the contemplated : ' Cheese—Sales of 'Western at 7GlOe. Butter neat ismasiee-st • . .
expedit'on, and would personally aid him tithe ' t is selling at tiklfic, as in quality.
dettruc 'on of theGoeliechristians, against whom , Croceries-Molasse. is without change.— k'sei •• -, • • .
he held the greatest antipathies. Coffee is telling at 10a.121e 14 bbl. Sugars are 7r,i,•,„ • ''' -•-•
Shocked by the cruelty of these order., each , without change. •
individnal of the Theban Legion absolutely refu- , Whiskey—Sales at 22c ? ga11. coo - - bushel.
All of the foregoloa article. to be of the very heat
sed either to sacrifice or to take the oath pre- S r dy. and tn to forntdod at etteh time• and in suito ..son.
scribed CINCII% - N ATI) MARKET. 1./... the mitnettboa of the Heard of we limpitab
" X 7' ny ' th b e 7 r TA',;.'l.7'l:l. ms , he cionsiter
This So enraged the Emperor, that he ordered . ' April 9, to furniehat the lowest tapriori , .
every tenth man in the legion to be put to the ! It it eetimatal that the number of patient. to be tot`
sword: , Those who remained after this cruel or- ', Flour—There is a fair demand, with sal. 1200 / 41,4 silt ....a, st.,ot m per day In addl.. to
der had been executed, were 'dill inflexible, and bids at $9,45 € . 1t,60 Li bhl. there will he about 10 cam. mid ...remits
to be enpplird.
' Aoy m l evonerning the rontratt. will en cll.,
a second order w. given that every tenth Man Whiakey—ls selling at 17.1 c 'il gal. ~ii applieatlon at this ofboe. lIE O II2 W01)05.
of the
of the legion should Le put to Provisions--The market ia steady. Sales NO ‘...-'''. _'".".'"' and ". t r ' l M''''''''''Pl'i•
m orewora But this act of cruelty made no bbla me. rk at $l3 1) bbL Sales 200
ore iriapression than the first. The soldiers . , Prime lard at Sc, end 250 keE 4 at 8 01 0 lb- south i.:,,,,, e „,.,,,',. o f F t pe and ly,th,,, t j r „,,,.
preseried their fortitude and their principles, Molasses—Small sales at 34.• ? gal.
! Clover Sied—Sales at $6,25 12 bu. t'INCININ'ATI, Dino.
and under the counsel of their officer.% drew up (Incorporated in 1851.)
a remonstrance to the Emperor, in which they • The river has risen 10 inches in the last 24 R S BACON Principal.
told him:— IL it.. and T hour,. It ssiiiv. r., ...... ...
locturron Commercial Law.
. C. Wa F. 111.11.... -.Assistants.
..Wei are your subjects and soldier ,, but at the , 11111 S. BACON begs leave to return ins sin
same time we are the subject. of a 'Higher : Tax Lan Gas. BliTOOlti.—A Southern paper, I 14• "M... thank, for the eery liberal nonagec
Power; and we cannot disobey the Almighty i n eiehemte h e , t h e death o f t h e late G en , Brooke, Lit : ,7, .........4i5 .,, e4V botrn er lcutr i f t a .. linb t. o .‘ !:
Buler.: We receive our yay from you, but we . relates the following incident, which will be re- r e, e , that h.. stomiteerliVcd=garioa toe rut wiser.
hove rteelved our crier.. from God. Whence- ' membered by most of our readers who are fa- Th. in( of alaitgrtir of tin. deer:notion br k lrnme ,
. ..
------ . . Ihe ' & 'what occurred on' tea Canada Cron- tn.77:l'"oudf " t td h No " ft t"
nlr ' roTa ' 'n
.__ 7 ''.• o. T f'...?`"•• 'l7__ " •°'°!'
..... _ _
er yourcommands are not contradictory to those wilier with What occurred on to. ca.... ii,..- .
of ourlcommon master, we shall always be ready tier during the war of 1812: j ;71s-ss:7i.ti-ivii;":"Silt;lt-i;siiTialst7l..-87.17.-sitt irlii...
w ens{' them, via we have been hitherto. But .4:Me who served with himn the war of 1812, • iV:,,'",,,,,, " .T5. "'" men ` '''' their rrthr ' n rr en ''''' '''''
when e orders of our Prince and theme of the and knew him intimately , hoc often spoken in I
~, The plan adopted In tesehtnt mu:thaws practke orlth
DUO presence, in terms of the highest enthusiasm .',7.l r ;tt'iilnrrZ!r., k :;;d:fiVin ' .. l . 7"." .=.
Almig ty differ, we must always obey the tat - , turu n allrino. Posting. nalaneine Amounts. oriole atm
ter• in . arms are devoted to the Emperor's and admiration, of Ids gallantry and generosity.
Une, d shall be directed against his enemies, At an early age, he entered the army as a lien- ; ;.:7•l:',:hgtialTidlZlLl 'ff ar 7 t "tict f .vti%;tieiti f`''
iL t
but w cannot submit to stain our hands with tenant The war of 1812 found him &captain of 1 1 ".,ve jovero r roo. .7 , 1 ad .. .ersr ... and thus 9 mlifpno is.
the e nsion of christinn blood. And, how in- ij. 8. Infantry In neorrol engagements with . ;:,"oirtrotTfi :Vigil V the l '"' 4 ' d ku " ''' d " ""
deed, uld you, CI, Emperor, be sure of our al- the enemy, on the Canada frontier, he was great- ! Trill.ignalr,rrro.vul, cram. o d f , ,DOUDLE n`,-
leginnoe, should we violate our obligation toe 1 ly distinguished, baring been twice brevetted for ; trade and Meroannle ...count - a n' . vii"W r gre r aoe= 7 . ll'l :
Higher Power, in whose service we engaged be. j brave and gallant conduct inaction. The follow - gr.ol a ntrt m e.v. t ptn . , :n .m ,.. Menufeotnrlne. liblvol%:
fore *e entered your army . You commanded us ! ing anecdote alone will give a just appreciation Statutes. linucerte r lll . BlLietl74l 4 :l.=lr "ll . ll D
to search out and destroy the christiana. It is lof the character of this bravo old soldier and Commercial Lao.
Pupils are Intruct.l Individually and not In classes or
not n essary to look further, for we are our , j ' , When Gen. Brown had fallen back from the ! that ito.l,ats tew veto, ci
a-y tfe . oe, a nd ~rowed to in.
selvesjchristilms, and we glory in the name. We Falls of Niagara, after the battle of Lundy's ! r1!`„'N„"4„.`r,, 1 ,,", artant 7,:,'i 1 1 1 :1„,, h ~,,,, are „„,,,,,.
saw onr companions die without a murmur, and 1 Lane, followed by a much superior fore!, be I Ind privatel, 1(1114 dealer IL) when a . . sin ' deu% undo,
thottglot them happy in being, permitted to die : threw himielf into Fort Erie, where he was bo- , tt ! 'VJ:ftl. Va m tr,T,!„..h or kif=r ! ,t . '' h o , m n - ';'!'"3 6 ,!!
for Cltriit. We will not lift our hands against' a. •411 eg without any other hope than that afforded ' gam. flei, and Diploma. aeranled tu tboxenerlto'arendean
our Sovereign; we had rather die wrongfully, jby the gallantry of his small command, until re- :!'' ! r ~..
" I . r T ir eee r .a t n h oe rn ,,nonl ted In fr.m sit I. can week,
and p'-eserve our innocence, than incur the guilt ! inforced by troops ordered from Plattsburg, 6 1 And In roncluxion. tfie r Prinett.l would sten , thed vv.,
of °toying our Sovereign's command. Muster- I distance of some hundred miles. The besiegers ' Itre m !,L 4 ‘ t MtLVJX.:,.. L.,„7,4,7,., , , , „-,7,
er yot. command we are ready to suffer." i made gradual approaches every night, by throw - , and Pt. oat,nrove ar,uaintaLre e.ILL th..l.a..lness rommu-
Anj. one but a tyrant would have been melted t ing up embankments and entrenchments, secured tV!!!..7riv " ..l;'.27r , LT , fi t,' ;v ” trio ' ''''''' '' ''.th'"*'r
uncle mach an appeal. But the contrary effect ' by the darkness of the night. One night it was oero,--tot . full reor,
.n: 1,5
00, to Gook li.,roles.
wasp need. He commanded the whole legion I discovered by the sound of labor and other cir- I '_l.l.!ifi7l2.l_'' • '` • ''''' ±'1 : " .
to be ut to death, and even sent a like order to cumetancee, that they hail approached so near • CLARK'S
Italy, in respect to a detachment which bad thar, unitise they could be driven off before cora
Patent Combined Grinding and Bolting, or
been rafted from them. The cruel order was pleung their work, their Ire would bo exceed- MERCHANT MILL.
execu don the 22d of September, 286, by the 1 ingly disastrons to our troops within the fort.—
Pattsborgh, .1 7 a., More), 14, 1851.
other troops, who, by command of the Crape, ' Gen. Brown ordered battery after buttery to
or, fe upon them miresieted, and cut them to open upon them without effect; owing tO the r TIIE PUBLIC:—We have no Clark,se,
piece with theirswords. ,
i l i
darkness of the night, no proper direction could In our stamina t , lllls, two of 'lam. M. es.
l'i' o will say that they were not heroic men. jbe given to the shot. In this dilemma the gal- ri'i n si'lr• ' `'ls e «iro dl ioliqVvi "u ditfi giLiroo., b' le r 4 l l ', .
or th t they did not well in obriang God rather i lent Brooke volunteered to convey to the works other for orindlnii the onus. ' or dthilms the nran and
than man 7—xlaony Au L -. of the enemy a dark lantern, with which he ' b.. '
The !Wet Ix perfertly adapted to Ito os, d Ina the vs rk
climbed a tree, hanging it some distance above ... well as r or l l , lnarl v tt i t o rr stour,V , r7drlllsatchiir
We regret to learn that the Rev. Gnus Fon. the enemy ' s works, leaving open it small apex - , I"?.
.... wr ru r n of nee go"es, tgt Wr"lrl met s h ay 11 ' .500 to atar.
Lett, sf Fall River, Massachusetts, boo been quite 1 tore facing the fort, enabling the pens to be put ! 11l le n tler , v , fl , r_an Mut Offal scourer and doto
' d onhe . o4lo from the 3110.
Ot of about ltorlm per cent. WI th• Value
ill here, ever since the adjournment of Congress; I in proper range to fire with precision on the
and l iti recovery, it is said, may still be regard- I workirig party. A few discharges only were re- j
~ iv.. tot z ti ort p uLingt . es: o f t e . iAlto , no u ne./ 4 . o g o t u to
ed as. doubtful. As a member of the hat Con- I quisite to drive them off with a loss, and save ; at7d haring tie duelim, apparat. combined . Pr ith , worth ' ,
gres4 he distinguished himself by industry and the fort. The siege sees afterwards forcibly t i l , ;:tn.l . n i ez rfu.a,llllel74nlotg,..tuerchantbuslneen andfor
vigilance in the advancement of all measures raised cos sortie, in which this gallant soldier j wit.NIARTII A NOBLE
whic he deemed for the public good. bore a conspicuous part." I We. the undormianed, opetlt ex futile ..Pittoburoh City
{ Pamtros KING is also detained ill this I ..e.........mmemwwma Flowing 31111 s," o..rtlf) to the Lee. _
city, y the effects of a fall, which he experienc
ed a oath before the adjournment, but from
whici he is surely, though slowly recovering.—
It. .
-- —•.-------
II ey Damagra.-11.ov. Mr. Wheeler, Unitarian
mirilter, of Topshalm, whole face was b 0 se
vere injured by the collision of the cars near
the Rath junction, in Westbrook, on rho 28rd of
December lost, and who claimed damages from
the Railroad Company for the s injcuies received,
' had his case decided by referees on Thursday
land who awarded him the cum of $2,400 dama
ges.' Mass. liernocrat.
3 limos or Pnor. Wernirra's•Dsconrsa. -
21 Harriet W., (daughter of the late Prof.
We ster,) was married at Cambridge, MOM, ..
the 'd bask, to Mr. T. W. Dabney, of rayal, the
brother of her elder sister's husband. When her
faer was convicted of the murder of Dr. Pork
ma this young lady, who bad fur some time
bee betrothed to Me. U., absolved him from,
his e )
ngagempi, which, however, with a mann
a that did him honor, he would not accept.
Th y, with Mrs. Webster, are about making a
visit to PayaL ,
VELOPES.—DT 4114 4, 4 th• nnit.r maw
a.tts=2:l gammothtelfatz,....,„,o=,;
a p.p., • will w
th. ithet ou aad
ut r. y
IMClairai= W"/I=lb'
HART7ORD, April 9
Congress--The Democrats have'probably car
ried the 4th District, by the election of Origin S.
Seymour, making a gain of one Congressman,
delegation standing. relatively, as it did in the
last Congresa—the Democrats having lost one in
the let District, and gained one in the 4th Dis
- .
Legislature—All but five towns hale been heard
from, and the result is as follows:---Democrats
elected 112, Whigs, M. These is one Represen
tative to be elected in each of the fife towns to
be heard from. •The Whigs have the Senate by
one majority.
During the storm yesterday morning, 14 tide
water canal boats, belonging to the tow line tram
Havre de Grace to this city, broke loose from
tow, and were blown ashore, abouttwo miles be
low New Castle, on the Delaware river. Eleven
of them were sunk, and. the 1099 of property
must be very great.
Ilemaiseria, April 9
In the Senate this morning, the resolution from
the House, Rising the anent of the Common
-1.1116, to purchase ground in the city of Pitts
burgh, hyatatutes, for the erection of puhlie
buildings, and releasing the same from taxation.
was passed.
Boston, April 9.
The Canada sailed at noon to-day, with a
large number of passengers, among them Col.
Kimmel', of Baltimore, es bearer of despatches,
Amin Bey and suite, of Turkey, Mr. and Mrs.
Bohlem, and F. Evans, of Philadelphia. She
takes no specie.
Boston, April 9.
The argument in the fugitive skive case was
closed to-day.
The Commissioner will deliver his decision on
Friday next.
ilosrox, April A
The lion. Daniel Webster arrived here from
New York last evenin and proceeded to.Marah
field. Ile looked ;Very feeble. The people of
Springfield turned(out on masse, without distinc
tion of party, to meet him at the Railroad depot,
and greet him as a Union man, on his arrival in
the State.
There is prObably no choice for Congress in the
Seventh District
Lieut. Ridgyly died 4ot-it:Light.
April 9.
Flour—The marketie very quiet, at $4,50 for
goal shipping hrands. Sales for city comiump
tion, within the range of $450®5 "cel bbl, for
common to extra.
Grain—Very little, of any description is of
fering. We quote red wheat at 99®,100c and
white at 103®104c
Rice—Sales in lots at 31 ®3i "s 4
Seed—Stocks of clover in first hands are ex
hausted; no sales of timothy or flax.
Whiskey—le firm, with Bales in bids at 234 12
_ •
11 El.iliLAli . IyiIEELING AND _
.....,!r u v ) ; l'lL.7o - rrl'.%!"l' c oSn'y," , !:lli
run as a regular park et between Pittsourgh. Whnelitr.
Brauer...4 and Minitel:, leavuut Pittsburgh <seri W•rtutaX
after,. for Wellsville. Stant...ovine, ant! Bridge. Put timing. and
ever} Thtirsday
for Pteultenvtlis, i• Ittneling.
Bridgeport. Cantina. and Funlisist retrn., loaves BIM:,
ptmi. nod 00r:bleb every Tunniuy afternade. and Buntsh
tred . 7l. l O d t!! nn ( ' ( " ; ' hYt ' ,. b " NV t ' dl giirar:lm .P ill l "
EIEVt:;11-'1; : li vi ti , r1 , 1 A . C T K S r, BI.111. „ ? . 11 , 2 .0 1 ,1 , ;p 4 -
April 9. I ' is ' s ' . it ' gVrl ' srf `' .rrna .r te " s i tier 47ii c ai " r;L 'R sise . trirtwa 1.0.00
Cotton—Prices are unchanged, with further : this ti' and whsrucc. lus,ac vuisoorub at 10 n'elsta
..•ery 3lnentay. . ...truer's, and hd,. and returning.
sales of 1509 bales. I kir. Wheeling every Tueatay. Thursday and Baturday.
Flour—market steady, with sales 5000 bbla at 1 ht,17,1 - : . '' - i . ~... ft`liN,t;.iii.hrsPeenlyerVX.. 1
yesterday's prices. • , • -- •- •
i JIEGrLAR li,r,llls.}.SDAl i a ti
Grain—Corn is beery, with sales 11,000 bus
' PACKET CI WIN NATI 1.1 lain Jahn
southern yellow at 67c 11 bu. Barley is. fair, I riuM .hain. ' TM.. • I . etitthl tsnst nfar num t.y .
with sales-10X bu at I:e' a bu. 's ' tfW. t r brae lentan and nth., hp
1 Itt: r ( ' ln n eTteta ' n an ' st . I`rtt% r mil Packet Innis mul .111 tea,.
Provisions—Pork is dull and unsettled, hold- • „y r " wedassta, for emetnnstl. to rare rd th. New xng-
Cre and buyers ric4 agreeing in terms. Pickled I lan e sue. ..I. for frvt.tbtz ini , ii. , 01, , ,,0* ,-,.,. ~.., ~
-,, n:-,a
Ineuid are tirin, with sales 150 tierces extra hams ` -
no Blq,Bl la lb.. 'Mess beef is selling at $150.6
10 -,,,, libl. Lard is dull at 8161;61 - r1 11, AND WELY , ILLE—The Lim neatuer
' .., EILLE. Wm. rhetitlen. master. •111 run
Groceries--Coffee—Prices are unchanged.— •w a r...-...t., ~., k el hetnenn tal.,..ty .0,1 w.. 11•0014, 1...
tuc hilohnruli ,cry Maud.", Wennerdar. and d Md., at
Teas are unchanged. •
Hemp—The market is dull but sem , in hutch thr paw gee. arply on hoard__ turn _
Linseed Oil—Prices are tending upward, with . Volt IAIII ETTA It Nlt 11OCI- xi. ►
sales at 77®79c 11 gal. ; I NUN - MT -11tts Env stennee I' API i IC, 01P .
Whiskey—Sales at 24 ; 0 70 gal. . 1%0, D.J., °lll leave fto the at.... mad IC
. _____l P.
tennedtate port. every ThumMY at , n•ttsra, P W.
Money—The market is easy. The steamer ! rer fret.ibt or macs. apply oft \tented Wt ,or In
T. t• a ' , ON.
Union. from New Orleans, yesterday, brought. si,uto xn et Water an 4 ed From...
*250,000 in coin. The royal mail steamer sail- - - --- ---•- . -- . - .
el to-slay for Bermuda, with $250,000 in spcie,
and 12 passengers. -
'ES, &c.—A large stock 1 %v. K. bond,
e most liberal terms, els: Pcrla Oust,
!Aromatic Baits A. J. 31trcut...
I -
I B istsfm ' ge . l' 3
u l'''' d, " " 'l' ''''
Brill Oil
Carpenter's Ext ra ctor BUN. A V .'Gpnrchusedthe entire Putentßight
Cuurt Muter of the Uoiral :game
~ - Jamen M. Clark's Pan.ra
l' ndb e l ' C.....'"i'''• . m land Grinding, or gehant Mill." and nrar twlog
Depuntive Indrup. Mr th. ~,,,,,,.,I t o wn Fount, rad State Richt. Mora. the Mill
" of Kl.g .. " I • kT4 ' ' ht ”p P.,. a m, I labn thin noethel of incoming Ihe Puhlie
ula, Syphilis, A. t het lAM able to offer the gra rated invention of the •ge,
Essence of Peppermint and one which i. cure to owed with 1,1111,,, and which nein
Cinnamon ~,,, th, a , rg en. of making ever, Para. PdT r h . '"V:Nitri
Lennon . end glans Itightx, tralue • handsome fortune
off ,,,,nt
Lavender , l e perfectly portable. ..I Olaf nx•rtraira • rrar..,,.,,,, „,
(301111 thnne inch. rausee, when In operatinn , and i_ 7 . .. ,
~,i tog and biting from lire to Wu boehrla of w hea l t
•• 'Wintergreen ' ho:r d , it eon be propelled with rano an one borer Wee , nr
Sinaard ' to any rawer detral. Call and wee tt. to operation at
Pm °, fo r De e ' Menus. Wilmarth a Noble. City Flouring 31111 S. rte
Pin Pieter Greet, Pittsburgh.
Gardener's Lintment I. further, hare Ne right of James M. Clark's : pal
Godfrey's Curdled
flolden Tincture
.. ., Jt..l,7llNS:and the Machines Mr aaie, harlog.puretar 1
It Of B. gravely. All letters rand paid will t_ ern„ I'‘'.
' --..- T 1101 AS M. CL.ltn•
L In Dare, end r e on
althin Ointment
ilesential Salt of
Pierre she Bone Liniment
voodeldo, Steer's
Pulmonary Bateau's
An tr Bilinua
I nn
toff 's Antl•Dywptic
° Ensue'
YheiffeTuosett ,
0 Dyes.
° Blue
Powders, Soda
" benefits
Ile. Dian:mat for Totter
btrenutlenine Meter/.
5.61601 Panacea
Turlinetun's Balsam
Vermlfur ,
Worm Tea
At the Drug Bunt of corner ,
VORN MEAL--5 bbLs. for sale by
osch2s tallEY, AIATTUEITS t W.
. .
Karim 011
Rom Powder
of Wood And 81:th strrell.
031 C—
T SEED-3 bAls. for sale by
1111tIED YEACIFES--0:00 Au.ltalreej for,
4.11 , raid by nyelt2s MET, MATTIILWII lOM
§..IOAP-1.14 bozos No. 1 rea'a. for sole by
kJ mOl9 . - 8. IW. lIARBAVOIL
GREEN APPLES--2 0 bbl. reed, for sale
by . mehl9
__l3l/1 W lIIMIAOOII.
rI.I9US&KEEPERS--Orders for Paper
ilsasoslus be lOC at Ow Wall Paw Ston of
ILIr ItEIitLAIS P.SCHHT.—The splendid
full running nears lust CHIEFTAIN. IS T
1111!.. Mhster. vtll bnntocnce on the It.h snahe
tennis: trips front the r e lid of the gild .I.liesdults Urine.
In. Ohl r street... es:tn . lieut. ronnuenesns pit Seels:h. )1.
SI.. and sontlnutusd until the tinsdenselo-e. She will land
on the Allesbenr owls. tar the esersosandation of psossers.
hem sly, at all 0010.1 pulls.. AV - E.. Tor , ni h
slosh. P. NI. spin
YOlt N ASIIV line
.loomer NlAlF.l.;kll.lelt. a.ter,
ips., forthsawn antrrorainteport,
on Fri , l4,. tho Ilth, . NI.
For (might p e. appl,l on I.nard, or to
nniE ~1011 N FLAt•K. AponL _
roit ST. LOUIS ILLINOIS arr . -
'Li% Eli -Th.- am J..I.I.tEETEN DEN.. Ifte.•
manor. will leavr.lll Ow Knoll. a1..1
all I, lornvalisto ports nn lizturdaf the IL•th 'not .at l E
'"""'"L or
01L. N..v. LOUISV I LLE-Thea 2
mlon.ILI noir Fromm., IILAECES. Cant.
MI, will !ray.. fur the above and all inter.
ruminate pot, ot. t4i. , 135. .TT E .
Fur freight or PaENago oplo
D. E tuantor, loarr, every lorlual•
ILPlmoolay. and Vriaay, Id o'cibrk. A. NI.. for EMT Llt
erpool. SleFerran , Landing. 11..avor. and Pitt.
burgh. Leap, PittEbtirgh Every Tues.'s,. Thurraay, and
&aurally. at . C o'rl.ok. A. M. for Il..aver,McEerrau'll Land
ing. tilaLpoo F:ATT I.IT^TruTTI,Pd WTII"_
For 11,1cht or paa.ago. at.Pl• En 1N... ap9_,
yOlt ZANESVILLE —The tine
/doner ENIPE ESS,Ca, [runner. will learejMit
r shore and intern...Hato tnrte this aternoun,
at 4 o' sheet .
For f,lght or manage. apply on bard. ap 10
VOR ST. LOUIS.—The fast run
r nine. new anemi, EDITOR, C..1. , M. M..
non. - will lea, for the aln‘e and all inter-
Immediate porta o n Thor...ha,. the 10th instant.
- For ft-night orpanonte. apPIY to bow!. aplo ,i ,
r and eplendid Aram, DIADEM. Cochran,
cnmmander. will leo, for Ono. sod Intel
median, hnnilogn, . at 4 o'chgk.
For freight or 0......a.z...tedr. on 11114,11- at)
srld ST. Lolls—TlT,. new and
~ 4.
ALsplendid stainer CIIIEF JUSTICE 31A11.
L, 1..n0t tm. II M,ern.will learn for the
al. , sE-I all Inter-nor:hate porta GO. Jay, at 4 P H.
For (might or pa.o.age. ll l , l ll r on Daard• 14 P 4
A ET. LOUIS—The foot runningt, steamer
.. AAC NEWTON, Captain Charles lernel. will
lea, f‘g the en, and internonliate ports. on this day.
the nth Inst.. at 1.0. M.
For fmlght or ie...., r , PPIY on ,4.1•411• apo
Merano, N A VICIAOR, Cant- IF• Dean.
• will leave for the above and all Intermediate
porta on Monday. the 7111 Inn., at 10 o'clock, A. NI.
For freight or paanage apply on board. 0417
teamer VERMONT: l'apt. ilulrtt. xlll eavefor thr a 1... and all Interco,.hate point.
on Monday. the InAL, al .1 o'cick P M.
For frclabt .PPI, . nl ,s _
=rill r rtaa t ili N h . PrAiL4r.: • erV:: .
arid 15 Wish.
every NXeday ,huniay,. at 3 O'clock. Y. 114 returning
leave.. cilksh f. Papa., Iticerling and Prittsbnrgh....
Txrd r
ir tr e
low v end
ar: .'
" F ri o n r frr l '..N , or pa..., apply 09 hoard., mobil
.67751 1851. 11 - ea2
Tl E s. n rm an,
heartily. Wellsburg. Wheellog. Bridgeport! &Ole.. and
Suolinh Poekel—lnaves l'lneburgh every Wednesday at
3 o'clock. P. M.. for Wheeling Ilrldgeporl. and seer/
Saturday. al IP. NI.. for Caplln• end guntlsh. Returning.
leaves Sandlot every slouch! nt 10 o'clock. A. M.. and
Ilridgport and Wheeling every Mood./ and nun" , 14
For irelght and Gimroan opnly on nonol• or no
mchT JOHN FLACK. Agent
DN ~c43~B:Jt~im•:T
CARD.—I have removed td
te newstore,
(Wee &Adamnesrli onntwi
ituburgh, when. I will be &Ond to pee in, Mends sou k ~
low eititeru, sold rentlya • nine. of their custom. I will
keep • vary loll& wruertto.t Cpholtery,
chug s etaled 11.10. rjyrina. lll nS lO r u. 3!,
edl'e. of
llnto, and ever, artsele nrually found in the
rletl; DOT
AAAt e•tablloldnentx of the Ahud. Unlentrwqw , t .
" pr rf 0"d
Tlf trevt.
- sot
ALCOHOL -1U bbls. 76and 92 degrees,
COPPERAS -3 5 bbls. iu flue order, for
owls by
J. ecuooNzassa A M.
Small w.. 11 l iolaicd and
N., 73 Lil.,t7 1.q..-11 Ni mad ith ite.
al•3-lf t Pest au I Tril,uut
For Sale.
T HE memherr. of the Fairm.,ttrit Fir, Com
l. it,
der v, •..Id
A Good Opportunity for those who want a
mthyrther olden t,r .ulr the I..ll.o.ruatt.
No. I Four 1,0. in PO.. r4l , tc. tbe Itichtla
Ward, earl. 1.4 Loot: 24 htet Th.., bag are m,
anti y motatu.l. and lat nal. Intranin., to the owner
lire. at a &planet.. and While , . :11' pr, of them.
L " Three L.tta at .suer k.l Hand arreet and Du-
Ohe".:Wat . --aalrantanattoly ha-clod I, other buOrusscr
private Teradyne,.
No. 3. Ten .Luta lu tho of I.awrenreville,
Putted fur rt..idt-nre.t.
N , .. I. Twelve 1..,n4 Peeltleatowntddn. Thi`
proper', la admirably ha:algal fur country, helm! hut a
altart algal:lce from Merit, line.and
No. 6. One Lot nu doter near Ithut Oh feet hy
~ 4
A [law .tory llonwe.urar the .wrno,r,,l Wel..ter end Elm
c.,ntattntm 11 root, will tw. rent,l very to
svw.lttmlly It I. FII otuntriett.l that two tarnllei rap tK
curyit, , Jtridy to
. 4_ ItOIIEICT wRAy. st. D.,
,”. cm or 11 el.,ter and I,lm
For Rent.
r77: al "'rA'.T' nu tLlt ~tef.g.ey..rt
' 4 "" 01
• n.rla , If torn, liarrl..ll /“..1 Pt .
1,-1 011. RENT—A Ulrrllinti Howe on
'third etre... shore end thatr to Smithfield.
gan taxturee. large rani. week 1n.., Ac. an II
tw rrntwd low, seal r yewnLm alien
Alen—fa.r Sale or Lew, nom.. 1..0 in the Ninth It
'"..'"""1"'14.".4'..V.,fn.K,,,,,. •
el B. ; ,„ . Darlington), Fourth .trail, 11V. %%INA.
Valuable Real Estate for Sale. •
TII E SU I;SC It Ilt Mt of vrs for Snk. on . r ... ,,,,
favorable teem, the following Baal llstate, luk,i .
the elty ot I'lltehurnh, air.
\,.. 1- Three valnabla three sts,ry hrtek dwelling houses.
on Weeond rtsowt, between Market and Ferry street, the
lels being ends I 9 Awl front I.r ` ,l ' l e.
N0...t. 11311LairM 47 foot front on ltlrd Aro.. adloinlog
the Third PensbytarianChurco. ~.. which Is erected one
four story briek house, need as s rioting office, sod one
two story brick warwhouse.
No. 3. 'Two. lot, In Yallatro, Beaver contitr, being lots
Ns.s.3 and 4, beilkg 1t.21 100 .01 fotoare,on which Iverce,
ed our !Awl: of four frame dwellings, and one eelsar.te
frame dwelling. all two ntillit, high.
No. 4. Ono lot SO feet feet, en Beek .tort. ortvwdte the
above, and extending 1.11111 top of the bill.
No. 0. Two beach lois. each iso feet trona and running
frorn the mad to low water mark. on the Big Ils.aver
No. H. tine valuable water lot. VW feet on Wheel Knee.
with ton shams water Pow.' attached.
N.- .. Oor 1 . 1 eProsite tha water lot, 40 t front, and
extending to the top of the hill. on which I, erected on.
two story brick store and •arettouse, a, by :4) feet; sdas , ene
fnune dwelling, two stories hl b.
No.. one large lot In New Brighton. 14avee coontr• be
ing .tout 140 feet no llmadway. mud about . .teu feet deep.
nontainina 1 , 4 twee on whlch are erected two large from.
dwelling, and one small frame bon , . used tw ass nee..
This property was formerly gcrupled by Mr. T. C. Gould.
nd I. very prenerostly ilcaled. Icing itarsodiand, oro.dt ,
the Falldon Bridge
\o M. One seater lot, ItnntedisUl d s bedew Falletwn Plate ;
~''''t 'e,"3., 1 '.•`o,:tl7l:.:)km,Tl,,,;:i..";:fiTun' (mm ' ' •
The above ig7 , , , xrt , r 4 ;ill be ocltlAw:kr i t . l i s , v7 , ...l , l: r tf r o t - tr r xi
'..1 ' 1 1 ,. ; , .. ' ' I'l ' .1 . 1:11N 11;&. Zeal. '
inchrl irournal and 1 . 0.1 sir,,
Drug and Prescription Store for Sale.
A Irratod In • 116urlshltivqd 11nprvIng P. , ' IPA
.prir. BAIRD
e 1.14 114 ,a-nond
1 4 1 01 t SA LE—Two uhuieu LOTS. pleasant
._ Ir:9l.uat."l for 0 . 1 vat... rasitirnoy . , frvntit. 0t! ... 1Pu.
or ten. C It. t.,INT or
web] I'l in J. M. PENNOCK
. .
FPO LET—A VI AREHOUSE, situated er,,
.utre E D
torh9 No Wm. r ,
Fa Sale.
BLOCK 10 10:111/1Ni , en the /1,100 Wsele
aLtno and I+.n„ oeeia and frnntlia:th•
',hal. canal. In thr 1104 ,4 han•bure, 11, Lot fennto
Intodrnd and 401, nar 11 LlPenn .rent shed elm.
nundral and nine hart tune trela• n aeLlnoths htrchn
to a tarn(' hat olh 3. 1 n
.1 11,1 1 . „. 11 ,
%TALI/Ai:ILE 311LL: 4 , FAR3I S., A:. DLOT - S
V FOR , Ihr-T., , largv flour /1111,. hod - • 11111 , 1
th• 1,1050 cr.-L.•a' the nerve's, • hner
• well Inoato F and at Lanern, L. ant,. dr. , h:Oh.l.-
A • arm aI l• 011 the ohio rho., twat all,L
4,11 a 1... 140 no 011
Tro elver. n taloa IL 415%1,, ?-r hu• Ltan
I herea. 1... herr .11• , Jun.. 1..1 011
r.• na. e 0 Le. • 51.1n.r. srs
L.O. A .1 1. ,
1. hlo N., I. n.ttebuedh.
_ .
-..., ..ten
j . , k , ~,,
r POE SALE- , --The .31.•critwr offer* for rA,.:
1""'' 6"',=l
h an•n„l eren on
the 10 ‘4 Ap4ll neat.
dim see, &Arable I
Anna eloth • e,,rtnh exeddent rater therm.. amend
may the and.
Liana hrnual 4% trait II ',et, 1 . ..4 1 (-en s.l,eda
Ins tbe. •Idenea..l 1. T... 1.1. nehr the "01. enI••• 11 e
the SL-entl, sr, net Vamp, 1.0,..• .11,105. rdareean
'' ol:l ' lsTaVa ' ; A a42 flat tne Plant, heal nOl de rem i lidete
pao th• nroeart, laidy tbe ‘,1,1113.1
farther Informs...h. spa,. ta DAVID 111.4.1-KR. L•lrth Pt.
rad, near the 6ro .harrlhat Sr
Eon RENT OR SA LE— The .tihseriher
.01 wit nr Tent hl. •1 rit 14.1
In All.gvenf .iity. I.srpr mnd
Alleglarnr A‘rntir, vrat , Pf the is
large ..1.,u1.1. Mirkln entniiliiir nrlrr.
w ih. i• •
rarnairr bow, st%liir.tar ,
iirricrlrtinn of fruit. s wing hi... au! in-wt. tinnsii.
hairsiiiiiti siren whrtirver
isi.tiirlt I
Of Forty Town Lots in East Liverpool, 0.
rreent unprecedented vale cif Loto in
W above thrt.twd Town hat ant( a.a (di/ v•haw.wat
trew.ouely the alrow.nal atilt •-• tatanning.
the unaler.ined ALA trawn indue..l awl pa. :.le hi. tat-Nal-I.ln tn.. 10t... alavve, and 4. the. for male
at wrier.. and terra. that rattowt fail to towat the •wwre
ofwina to porch... It is awvallaw. ta• .m 1 anythlitg
of the Imatlnn of the T... 0 and prawavwlaa
O . hanta• 1 . 0 5
rufrantrastly dewritawd an "awn( sal•ertmemenuo rather tha.
that neer one bundewl lots hare twevntly elaang.rd hand.
mad law.n purchase.' tab.. wishtn• Vt(wwt• • a -W." -
61v borne.
Th. aluve lot. are among thy moat ell,thle wad dealeable
In the Ow*. and ale ortnelpally lawated tho mantra 01
[ llawwe ereanntly cold.
tot information apply to the proprietor In Idwarl•w( l .
to Jun. Blakely. Ent Fourth strwt..l . (ttobunth
J D.
East Lleertawal, Feb. 21:K1.11.51. ' f0b...1aw...
A Blast Furnace for Sale.
HE UNDERSIGNED offers fur Sale hie
BLAST Vl:llNACE,altuatcd In 0/5rf.,41.41. rp
r l l knnan Le the "Allatonna rurnace." w ith all the nut. ,
building, PAW and lIIIIST MILL: and e•rre thing no
eelvetry to carry on the Pmettlna of tree. ft hits 1.440
Acme of Land attached. alth Le much nwre ad,olnlng ar•
would be neeentar,. which can be bad Pont 75e. IP.I per
&el. It hal the moat favorable Ireatlon In the South. for
making Iron. haeing the ore wahln oar-half to tat , MO.
off. In very large quauttllve, eaav mine. and yielding
from 50 to 15 per rent. It one and a hall (on. the
s:tovralt Rolling MM. where a reel y male can be found fur
all Ita product.. of Pig Menet sod Is two miles trot. the
IVe.tern and Atlantic Railroad. ahleh I. one of the lines
of railroad. connecting the Tvanervee Liver wlth ti. Pus
Nap bar +la lion of railroad/. running ant from
IL Ilnished and under enntract. ;toning through all the un
none and Citiee In ileoratia. abet. a ready . sales.
Metal. toyMacn.•fl. Ware. Av. It Is
I, In full blast. oinked water power, with a fall ala
feet. on a never failing !tn.., and the moat healthy
part of the South.
Leter* may be addrei.eed to
ino at I:wash. enas co. Cht..
or I can to 'seen at any One prentsev•
Tittimns r. STOVALL.
Attar. , FVTINACZ. )larch
naclss%rvP/tar - 211/
•- •
. _
offerl for .al , . a laroo nunibor of ord.ble
'al. log lota, and 'nn eve deoral.le sties fur mataufau+
le, in the through of liirmin:harn. bred near the
:Puhlie echu.l Douse sod Lutheran Church
the rapid gomth of ninon,.. , k../ . 1 m population Ind
suanufarturlng wea.h. and Ileo.o.onnble'prors at winch
will be told. .111 ....oh- prol.mble
huo, uro
u r
opticlacs ao.I under)igued
r o h..nee n'lbile end • ot .0 fthrlain
grotto. aunt n. I ron.
Covington Iron Works fur Sale or Lease.
Ohio riser. he sae Cinsainat:. bar: a. in thalnct ear
urn snows thorough repa.r.nt nue foundation. turablner) .
to . helng oo ofthe mont cot.. in the tutor.
for die manufacture the caret.. -nee slot Intuit of Iron,
onnblnirog ah . It 0.. r.4../4 (4411lith theo no r estab.
114,ment In am West, in nos. otlorld for rale or :Lose. on
terms to suit applicant.. It co.res.en ail the...l....mutat:sant•hme nt ...Oaf in lb.. 44411.444rnb1e part of Can.
woman. in additton to rite .44.1 being much lighter—has•
lug 1.1114.011 t.... f.r eturonnatt trod,. It c.A.unta of mien
Puddllna Furnace, flirt+. k'inery oe Nohling Pres, tool , - 1
hoer,. lot 11e4tion Furnsoen. sail, I...u4ine and Mn'
chlnary to mote from I, lint, Iron up to 1 inch, ruund Wad
nouara, and all ale umual tint Iron; h Elea and
Duller )1111.
r„ A . A.V .T. A m s f s:rats p Bll.4t oc A t tlan . llF , r ,; ‘ , llll, n s ont
tvoa „pp.;,gt,t.Ll
I rtlt additl , bet a 'ail Farror,., with nej,
,ontai r nl,o/ I.l r )1 0 a01.1 .\ 11.0, aoof; ouis l'ortsoc.l to
any amount rosjulnot.
Itolertu 11..D.LCt1A1i.1:), , ..04444•1i , or J D. )Ic:4ICIILLE,
C rrenl.l:- A valuable loan ot olhastol
to Ohio rime. In Oalll•oout.t,,Ohl..,...nosUng 0 a Forge
old Wog Utto.s. Dublin,: or Finer, lire.. three oiiltt
rurntmos, our run nut Fire. out pair 'lndult Itch, with, to took, ton tone (roil I.r dot'. rite tracts . .. Ulna
to. urea of C,stl Lund, of torn roe), 3).s foot deep.—
The entrance to all Ile I)rlfts, or Flts. Duni to Dr)
yards Auto the Forge. It Is one of the heat LocatiOrts In the
ft '.a fur 4 11.1110
Hofer to It. 111- . lDllNAN.l'inclmmtl; or. , .11. )Ie.DICICI.h.
[ Cot to Stan.
large brick Ore 'woof P.n. - try, for talc or tot:,
odjulning the Rollin.; )lII' fr 3 attalrs high, aufl hid,
o,th )10uhlitor 1-1,4 lan It. 1,- iitolor to abuts . I
FOl.. 001.1. -That d.+lnht Wort of loud. ,ituats -I nn
the Allegheny rite, blau,, 'I to lei tints the 11.11 ring llor
mutts of Kittatiulog, in Arm,,troog knout, o. the
Allegheny Furusco property, coulalult,4 in all about 1.,) ,
acres. The Intl aloninds lit Iron, Fn.*
Clay. dc_ lusting It a tyro desinthle notion for
tunno hurls..., from Its peeultorly Mount.' losatlon. of.
fen. mnny 84Vanth4e4 bar fanning Intoreats, a large pc.rtion
of the bottom ion. ((:` ,
Is nor under sultivattou, the blab laroto
are aunanotible of Isdna highly Itortm° l
.1, opened O. all ft.• principal points of the fond amt the
adjacent country. Tlfere are on the premineo a Fur.
nitre. Mark, Enaine. soot Blunt apparatits.h.rmaklng loot.
ogether with all the ol.Pectafloos slyer(*
Stahl, to She whole will to
enrol of isinn (*Torah's terms. ..r it .01 he .tividot into
tracts to lull purohasers. A hint pr.prty soul fur.
then particulars ton ohtalnoladd renninr,
apharshlin It. 111'111A ). l'inelniastl
(.IMUT MILL-1 Smut Mill (Immplete) for
Li imiii by trictilt. IL trA1.7.1:1.1-
( i i - I'IRITS Tu I{PENTINi:I; I I 1.1.15. in tiny
1J urder, fur tale b) J S'INON MA t.1:1; 1 CO.
_______ ___
Ucasks IV ir.P•r Sperm:
Vr Whale, .5 do. W 1441.: t o
sale t!r, _
nsrb3l J. e•C1100!. 1 . 0 ...R 6 C! , L
ViN EG AR-311 bbl, Cider (wurranted) fur
V sale on rvaelimornt, by IVOtill.l 6 SUN.
mi%~0.01 Water el
iorroN-2s bnlee on .consignment, per
= " W " / " g rOnVirGOBDON. vont tt
A Valuable Coal F rt for Sale.
QITUATED on tin, Bap of thr• - 777"
k nc nvshr..el:ll . , Pr. , mtv,Uivrttrip,
n.4..,1 , •1e Ca,. v,1,13,112.1f• Wee. er.,
11.11itt.g tutu , . t bleb c,titital Cual, kJ
rtor, 1.1 4 I•f^
rlaa , wrsnfear •th ,
wine, , r DEPft): niIA
mow All n't .lk:th I. GOYCre-11L
-. • •
tn. tiro. ttot .1.. t.t. tit, ... :pt. st th:t rtututt? ta r`•
ellout, tuut tl, •••,- t.I. n Atelk a.t!..-1 It r hsr,trottr tett,
ttrt nt• to 111. t .r• 1 t....tit,. for Itt Um.: tru,
uu..tkut•rt 1,, t, , lontntrul• ,T r,vt,
l'It•• ...” ut.• .. t. • tri. r. 111 , ..1..1 ,k 1.,,,, itt clotr , l et I
untler ohs, oto u . .f t rt. ntt. nft outott t.nrs.nocettlr
mutt nut Ifttor. taultuti . ttl .4. ii.t .0,1 trttlit , gruu th
of *host an., ell mhor...r.u. rnotroon t, at...notary. lArtutt
alturt.tnut upon tltt. t.rputt.... unn. ott . uumstruA.
Ihe nutl.tiuut nro a rstrt •t 4 1,N15..1t• 1., Orr,' 1,1,1 :
Iturzttru llou.tu..nth VI, :to-. , nu, on.ln Vrtrt t.itt - l..tnt
1 .,
u tufo, 1.., Iturcu Inr., um, tt-tt ntitcut Siuttler. Itruntutt,
pm Ott - Itomr. (tort Ilouto Ao ntr Ottitrm utunle ,
~,4.1 ...r. rut: ton ...Item rtt Hat 11,«.1txtr. Thot4ltute
Itt ulutudat?tlf t.opuitt-1 vatt .1 , .• tttotilt.- It. mu, of the
. .
~ .I li,. • .
t. ve; 1
4. •
.6.11 r.p.rt.rtr.r.lllt. , I!..„.I, , ,:
othelettnt.;.; ;smil; t, P
nitn ull IL. pt.:to r
k;n„ tt put. or Ow li 'II/
A P"'".
t.I.S IV l• 11. oath, tr
I ii or witlowt Ware
r 1
i 0 LET—Au Utrwe..
.7., smelt, 1
I[nee. ITorenl•cs.
of this 11l•1 sod .41
i • ^7 ' pul,he that they axe
1 •aa.n.ut h:tle 0.nm7n
,,,,, 1. Welt Sh7a . f. i. V ‘ r .
1 . tb in e
rnii'L:ito.. 4 this
adin, below the Momma-
- -
CLARKE. PAIIRS * Cll., ll.'
I,,prorn Lin, would info
o. In to.rat ion for the pr.trul
pr.r.r. , l to earry to all I.ln , co
and Mtriignn, ea th• 10. eo rmt, ,
Lior .331 L. Counto.l.l) al thr 11
101.1. 66.1., to 1 ,,,,, :i , V A.
M 1... cor. W.‘.3. and Sm i
l'A CGIIF.S. AErnt.
thtleld l'lttehuigh
IL W. Ctiontnglon..
I, C Mars,.
'I. C. Nolan, Sharon.
.1. A 2 11011. Sheirr..l.
Wm. ACitTV t Co .
Wm. Ilene. II rlsn.
Wm. Connrso
C W Erir.
G. U. alltritlvr. Ile
Forty-oil hours to Phi delplairt. • •
Forty-four hoard to timore. '
2ro miles Ruilroad-1 4 3 miles Canal.
Two Daily Lines • Exp •ss Packet Boats.
~,.3 Pl-rel 4 4
NEW. YO til. I .
4: 1 1N the opening of Can I Natir_7ation. Two
l Ltiztly Liam Nil, F:xprvoui I' P., tin;an will lexwe fur.
Jo iostown. Liao by Pnr . t. r ....1 t.
'nor. taking Om
Two if unartl tifai.,tl6ll6llo
Time through FORTY-Six Flours.
For. to Philadelphia. SlO. Care uallaltimner. $.0.15.
Th.. Car. en thif maim are near. and of the .4. 01 aPP. ,
.1 nondruetion fpr rninfnri raid ...t.Ol
_ rank... lea , .ever; morning petvlaty at LAI osel.k.
'and eiery evanint at the same hoar.
Passengers for Baltimore,
ou t
arrival of Cara at lbarrtsburn. take the Yoriand Cam.
lirrland Railroad, (now fiaiih.d) direct to e that e , ;. (vigil,/ '
four mile. i fan.. POUR hour. ; RE lOVAL.
No charge for handling [luggage on this route. !
Th. 1 terimaid Read mat , Oda the twistcomfortable. 1 W. WAICEIWI & 00
.ate sad
d deollable mute:mime to the !:sateen Cities.
For paw(. or lut•rniation aryl, tn t No. 79 &81 (late 76) 311tozx LINE.
. J. P. II0L)1Eq A ,, ent, '
._, , NEW YORK.
Muntasalaila ll.kse. : Directly opposite the Old Stand.
Canal Rivin. IN., st,el
, 11 ,In the I.v. of July. [ha fear.; hams Railrnad - lark. GENTI.E.VENS' FL - R-VISIIISG ARTICLES. con.
.ill l.' hn '''' ' i '''''''' ' l ' d ' m ' l th'''''' the time ' " Ifnittirgi c and Dromnre--Ileary and Idght. Wool, Au.
liinivab et x hial es.
liatatiurali. lintruary 1,. '..1 ' cida.:itiake ' r, Duce_ Merino and Cotton. Domestic sad Yon
-- anin
. ivi - -e- - i Line . - 1 .iffnet.i—Satin. Silk. Mode: Bombazine and WILT of ell
m.anulacturer B 1 rti Inv and final:Sive.
,nr,li utul Tina—Fanny Silk. and Black. a ....rY toad.
1.7446,... ,.. 4 ........... /85 i ... _... i .
c....1.,rs Lust( 1....r.g...—0f all kinds. .
! 'n,iaiti—Farme alit . and Satin. Harvey Lingffah 31adrae.
I, il I I'I'EILS ARE HEREBY INFORMED ; e. 0.. ILau.n. Prince Albert BOrathera. Tanned Indian
1,7 that 0. lAN', 'mmr••'^l "' r ''' ' d. e '''''' l ''''''' 1 ''' it..l•. & r . frii , mantels—Cora, Linon Camber. a .
" tia ''* ; ' n/liii ' .i ' irt r f I;L:iteTtill ' i ' al2 ' lia ' i ' tgT.W 1051 ', ..r ' ='•- ",ii', udt ad Engiifh. now iitttai Lemealie
4.piiiii.vbcrt tfm... antr.t as low rani.: •si in, ! ,;: r . 1. ,,,,,....1 . ,......„•,..• i, r.r .. 7 .,.,.., 4. , o , t , O kOOO, of
~i 1 vt rnoilae Line i , ........., . 1 Fri nib , od English importation,
lii'ffit ..'' ''". lb.ra- 4 1,1:am' Merino. 1-atab i s Wml. Silk. Lknela and
li a• I vv.laht if. Ilia.e.vii.r. .itatid.iirr.. 11.fflidayalurg . ~....,_. - • • Ss.
Water Strati. AleNe,..lna. ittv.vsLur.ffs. liontiunduu. )titi i l "7";;;g oi __ ,______ ~, sad
(in.,. Ni... llarnio,.:. Mari toiwn. 11-whitoiso. Milt,. , _...iai..."" - a'fiia viv
New i...r.. k ,•ii ,, i.'• i • rv. liaefuhdra.CiiluMb a , at ur L.l nth- , .••i o, n: ff ,; 1, , ,,.. , fa.
..,..,aa,, as
I.aa _.
Vait,,, a
,:at, on the Pena, Canal anal _rt- • ,„,
a.. " } .. .7ca:11 11.. ina returneat. vf Iron , teurtal frit., i f. Z . ... Rfth . r. Dow
a.. Junnsta. rnival'lnviiii .nd ri , -i'arff lin ilii/ . . e....... I Wt. wriuld mvi, partiinlai atteutton . to oar Domestic'
W. afnrevaal ;vi m .. al tliti lour." rate, may I. 0011,1 :i, L . ~ , ~ - a ..- r
n:,a J. SiliC/ILLL dCOTT. liromarti, , E at L ",. '-‘, v•rawm , ailu iio , ive •
%Sn:o... Liiinet, •i nt 1. i
r1.411:1'02 Seezod drr, a , ~.., : ... t anai 1 _ ffi ii,',li.ffv, . 10 ASi Malden Lae.
Ii r AVINt, DiSI'OSEI , ()F iIALF :NTY IN- I Shawl and Mantilla Warehouse. 1
tI 1.1i1,T IN 1t1N..!1.t.1r',: .1.11'..' tr. ili ~.• , . ., ' .l !,4 1 S. MILLS No. 6 CORTLAND'E ST.,
. 4 ." "`'," ttt- ".. ""t"-^.'"SAII"I'''IL . " - "7 1 ..,1 .414 Stair,' Ni.:11" YORK, In [KM opt-0111.0W o , f 1
finer tie traitiaciivi under the sty , 1..,... - •, , p,,..,.11, ^m - i ... largiiiit RIM riot., a•sorceutv of Slir.INC :IND I
. 01 , 1,1 i " i' i .'".......• • gI'IIMEII SIIAWI.S. errs ',fore received. Al. LACE
i 3, Cdt.lN and all hinds of vie !I - MANTILLAS, insonfactu. 1
Binghams' Transportation Line, t nd from the latest Paris tivihi.,oa. by the steamers
. and tartacularly adapted to the Smog train.
1 ,a te an d
Al, a liver roiendid aback of PARASOLS AND USI-
atz.1.,......-i, is 5 • •- ~.--. , , 101/...1.1.A5. vnit_ . ii..nn of fringed and plain odged nwton
1.1 - WEES :aul rtil ad Turn satin l'ara.lii, and Coltort t and Glop ,
PITTbISURGII i TILE EASTERN CITIES. 11 . ::,, r ,Z . ,.:TV:4 1 ,, 1 , , ,2; t 7, 1 ;=;;, «E =;,= . . i i.
lIIIE CANAL Lail 01. new .Iriiiti. we at , [ea- I•.:02F , aki , v , ,iil . .?l,X - r
s y. r ini f itlito f i o i ; . io
4.... ''`......' .i r ''' d r . '" -, n o • i ^*1 "" ''' d ; Mi ‘ nail.... T:al up in caw , for it'arennetaton. ' febtlitf
Nlvieli.indts, anil ' l
livid:, 1....., rut,. cliar.ied by restioraiiile , SPRING IMPORTATIONS.
l'rcattiee aril Iterebautire will be tavvited and forwarded C. R. HATCH & CO.,
eavt and ...,t, witlinut env el.•vire in: Inrsiard.u, -.r al- ,
visneloa (maid, evnianow.u. nr• .inrale NO 07 IVILLIAM STREET.. NEW TORE,
Ili, of hailing fr.raiirdal, and all din,nous faithful, I[I I .A.V - E now in More, and are constantly ro
ux nix,: IA)! a l'oas. Canal ne o n. mild.; by stertmeni. the aloft extenriveaavortment of
a ...rte and Was., ft; . lintrborgh. 0 .00 .....a. ittiNI.ILL%O 00000 e...r b.f... offered,
CPrn l n tri.e.l ' llA II A POCK. It:: Marliet ..t.- embramr, the I . and riebinit etyles_of Cris:AWAIT ,
'''..l',J.ol;;;.;.'4'll!'.2i'!Nr.iii",;',...:4'...P"'l''''''' 0 4
- 7.:.4,-„lt:'.. - az,d,zr,, 04 g;.i1 : V4 , .... G. i, ;:d . k.L4tta'
No. I.d Nnrlli finavni .trert. Lattinure. Snout!, ! tar
t o, Linen Collars anti a earlety of other an
JAMS-, 11l NiillA NI. Nu. lo Weal vt I tielva iiiviultar to that, line of businesa All-of-which will
meal Saw Vert. , 1....1.1 at the very
pricer. Our Western friends are
1 tnivittcl snout:dee cur Mock fubSclffm.
iW1,i,....' iiii - ;.,.,•' - riSi 1 851 ...._,,....:.., ,, Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink.
Pittsburgh Transportation Line. I - NONE'S E3IPIRE INK, 85 Nassau street,
to New Suck.
3.0 MOO O'CONNOff. a do., Canal Basin. Pittsburgh ,
vIT Elt. 3 A r ti Ed a Co . Ilia.. Itn.oil ant . linrry 10i-vete.
an.. Ni. ria,stili /mirth aura t. Ivo , - ... 'it '..,-. and i tie..
out street). libiladelobia
O'CIi , NOIIS d CO- :a Norio et.-....t.tialtrairc
11.1.AVING fully couplet., .021 Lrrang,
I 1 ...L., no will be arena:L....l upon tini ~ nit , nf il.•
Pagan...Oval:do C 5.1110.. to early fre,ht in a,id ire. Lin,
bisruh, Ilaltintrain. l'lnindelf bta. New York. ll,tort. Cin
cinnati. Lento - tile. St- 4tzt• ao.I all On bait mad West. at
1.. ise rtes and witil,iah and re than atiYoth•
er line a All ir...1. h
:birdied hi f ant tc Lite fa are rally covered
oldn aro . r: - ....., ~ ...mruert. a I ..... a
uot real . , adinivit by any caber Line.
All erinmitnaatinov suldrevnied to ouraelves or Pa..a.a,
Ball it Co.. Cirntinati. Si_ Wt. i,. i.i.iitialllef and lowa a
Ortinruv. St Lao, will meet via. promo-attention.
64-N. Ft ilur Line bas la, eonnendon • balea or with th•
liblowlelphig and lilttiliutith Tra.usivertatlnn Line of Ati
Alto 00, ' febtir.
tarLEIB 1851
i tger;
Merchants' Transportation Line,
A 3IcANULTY a CO.. Canal 1.03 Nun exec:,
IlAYNOLCentiwl Dleeh, Llivad 'trawl. Kam
del phis.
W. an. rreparank to nweive a lan, amsrant wm-chaxline
and prudune 1.0 Lho orcnn, t.f a., canal, to l'haw
&Lining, and all Intermediate pin,a lower rale& and in
Ina man than to awl Prw , low , w - ww.w•
Air A. D The trwlclunl numb,of Truckp proviiled by
the Canal Commls:4=er. for rwrrl'lwg ~ "0 0 t..w. an the
Itallrowl.s. will twwwcst any . itwsthilit, of dotiky nt
irbls Caaal
To Shippers of Merchandise, Produce, &c.,
TO 7•4114 ..prrav , ann. 'urea natrtavat Y.
ATIZINS & CO.. N... Marilee. and iel
Couunerta street. Philadelphia
1.140 it S. SON. A,euu. ltalttrETT. Agent.. Canal Pro. , na re . Pith.burgh.
We are prepared. 0/1 the uperdur of the PenurylTarua
Iret4ht at as low rate, aud Oat
'tapper' , as much de .patch and cite nr toy hine.
31.1 u It la
Baao, Pool Street
Perna. Rail Road Co.—Central Rail Road.
E uul,,eriberm berm uppointttl
thivpiug t., Ccurral ItaSl
Info h.• v, sre nror rr. car- I
,Arr rug ta..reLAn4laJ or Pm/or , :or r , r‘Pr. ,, rd o.thr
(..,6 Alm llhu rout,' win be rareird throu,S • dayr
u 4 a:1 maetzur4 ue will ..
fur.: tr. of reZalrr
our or charge fur aull=ms.
11,17.3 r.r 111.1 iLTFICZ.II rtrzavutzu•
14, re,
) r uu,. I • t. 01... urciltur.,
&c. Se.
Ilardwur... ansertez. Ilya. nut/4 011 .
Le athrr,Clover. Flax. rano!by sud Grac...
DeAl. NA, Lauer, Lard, Lard,
COeve. Grain nod Rap, A loU
(ruuLla) Tar. kdclk. Rosin. German ClaT•
Iloite!, Le.
L, elvltni a heautlful On.. to Lino.' ,
uttbrlca, Collar., Shirt 11,,1na. and all kindr.r wing:
M, 14
preventa the Iron from allnernntt to lit 1..m.0. awl du ,
from peteklum It mntedna no clothe* in
any The ladir. have long tbe
of mien an article. sal In this
comm.llUairl tear. after .1
11 . — One ,, Cohe will do Gllrt, duzen ot viotLe , an,/ no
bang) ehould be eithent
Petra eau. Coke. Eath Cake on b ful l .Itreetinty..
F, rale by tzeln.Lt It. SELLtitt... .
ItEAD PIPE--Curnell's improved patent
Lta.t IHpe for
A 'll7,i.rg.`ll<lb. 4,...
An tine on ht.uLt ‘...1 to en., r...r 'a.. I.
•3.1 I. mut atre.n.
Wines and Liquors.
N,,, 157 Llberty se;-Forrter:y AIN, rya , : ~1 51.44ry.
n 110.1. N. of Plttoburr.,' :.I. a ~,,,,,,. , 0! V. t I
IZICK EISEN a. srou VE N El.. re• r,.ntniiiy
1 annonak , In 1.1, publlc.gettrrall,. as.d thilt fr..nal. I
i. - I ' ,l ''. i .' l ' ::: ' ;:l l l.l•Y b u? . t l' .. ra'l•:?!t'f.':l'.',7h;:r';',,..'..l.l.otf.
~ 4 ~ 1. a full aas..timon..a t,1 , / , 1•1.. I.• ''..., 14. ard 1
I r•ncl , nil and whit. , 1V,,, ~....., 1., , ,,.,, ~ .„, I,:,
I' r...ndu—, oo th...h.neert rm.. , .. .I:.rn.i ../. r..n.. II ' and
, 1.r1.1. II 11•1;ey,chansp...;“. at,.l , .0..,:n., I— , • In , s.
1 1 1, son. appr ,,, l I.rand•. I—rt. •:. .• s, Nte.:/,..,•1arr,
~,,,at I,l3nra; ..attle. , , ' C.i.....
!:',;A:7:: • ,.7, 7 . 1 :: ,' : .J . , . '!`V''-..L:''-'!'':;t;'.
...,a110r,.nn.u••....,111.,,,.. bf•
ttupartattun bueme. fn IF. c: , , , IA N 1'..4-.. In. 51..1 , . , tt .
I. enahl , l 14. .1 a th•nr. , and a 4,1, ar,:ele tb ••
ther on•• In Ilus cll.: I . lesmo gt*,. LI. cal ''
' " alt .' ' ... ''''
' ' '
&unlit, 9t1110.n•1.[..., LI e.t...r.5. chin:. •..1 a: the
•!...rle.t rittl,o avfl
• • • . • •
1 D. hINU, Banker and Eacttauge Bre
)l.t• Lat. kourth 0t.. 4 a..ala tn Wcstern 1'..1.4...5h1P ,
=tat t . tt . e=r I. tier. and pular. c011,,1.1,La lu the
pr•Anlum In uar'l:7 P'"u4 1.1.' I:41' .t
tomnr... Aiwv..r. . ,I,
JONES' Sole), a of Jct, a Liquid Ilurota
RI k.i., Pi...161 - 1 - ..c--Itti 45 tor sde l, t i .lL D ,fjig,..;l;;lt r e l l',','„'",:'"2l -d ,;;La. , ,, -r,to•
j/ -,..hi, %I !Cs: A V,CAS In 1..,Y ,-.,.—tt ...,. ~,, e.. , :' ' '
ijr., ED HYPLI.).,-- - IO he. sip. I). Apples; hue+ urgl, .- ' ..""' ''-'''''• ' •
~1,. si /I ' ' " ' t Mr " T ‘ •° • 'N JONES' LILLY 1 ,- 111TE —Led, b 000 Lab
/ j h!,E. R i'1 , ,,. t. , , , 1.1E' * ' -- ; / ?',' , l At o alrf e d ' h fur ::rgift, r ,:t i": 4 ,-‘! . :-" j:fttr7T l` . l Vt , : l Z
- -- I tom . coupe. IsAir rca.s.l... I .A , a- a a4l 6 And ta,b,itl,/
Al'Els lIANUINGS—SPRING SITEC- 1,11. , ... •T1A ., .• Art, c - A, , ,-, -I. 1...• sIF 1 , 04 en, It IA
p iI,S. —NV I Ur r,•"11,11. by fa.A. ratal Arstia‘g a yon
t" rz ' i r A"..Y.4.7ll ,' '.' r ~', °, . ‘ ; :' ::th' whiti , ..
.• o . 1 clx.. ae,...xtrLA At
Ares Ar-11.4.A . trit,P,ALA • y.‘ , l ",-.2 ...," r i
.- ,' t‘" '
p ,.T . ..v . G . ,,. . In gc.,.1., ,0 1L a..,,1r. NALLiA ILLA 1.4.111, AttArna ' yr - i. ~,,,... y,y t I.y:t yt .•.0 or 41 41•tIvi'aos
~, Lof cl.. •p ....4still prot emmat A Par Aux A• P AJ. / cir, ... I- r"" " ' '''''''..,.. • `''''--' '''.
11 ALL rII I MAI MALL, .b.:‘, - I t ' c V -c
alt 1
14 '''"( st matt aa. si. la. n...... ,, - A ...1 II ~ au ccalt
kr k, - tr., i• NL JAL1.0!......„,„„ti.
GREATI APPLE§-40 bble in tvod cmil- 1 ROGS-4 bbl. f E r oak by . , ic „,„ m .o. p.... 26 66.6 ,
non tad es Webs J. 15. DILWORTH k GO. .X./ 5544 WM. a moons. ~ ,_ •,'": C..=
STUFF-100 backs for sale by
0 .9/ JoILA ETON.
N, South 1 4 ,4,nd ..tret. (OAT..
anut. e... 1 Phaodelphta fblJ'y
2 , 21 rhiw c :,;b,.. .01
L. J. BE ~, ...... Drat:.
I_l ,EA BUCKNOIt CO., 'Att.:tech
Comati,,on Menhants, Wah, whys[,
ml la N,rth Wlnirres Philadelphia. anal
X AN'f Kt.o, General Commis.
To Southern and Western Mercluants,
11iituu1111:01:SELL'Szl'ILE311UM PEI:Ft:3IEIIY.
Tb.• r r...ertfullY li+ . • foidi , attention
b eatenr.../bea Perfouwry.rionne.ShayingCmartm.
tr., to wbi.:ll, , yen ,drew and two Golden Medals hare.
within the I yearA. been as unied by the In,titnte, of
o!;e4 ' Philadelphia. the hater being the
nly . rrr awarded for perfumery either ha
Enro r•
—lt • haart,.l OMAN, (Almond. Raw.
gaily acknowledged to be ann..' to
sand, • lid, country or turone.
insor tnumrarent, and
potn.easing highly Sarnia:wee. and emollient. propertiog
Samos...eons Compound: A mbronti hhaving Tat let; HIM.
84111,--Allllol 3 a. ROW, Ililleeletirs.llcat ,
Erre,- MT: row oFncatuhttra.—lto, Jaemin, non.
nue , t'arolit, thrmieum. dello, Lind. Motugtelloe,dork
ey Clot, Magnolia. (lemmata, L'itronelle, finest, and many
other rarietie, in all tiny diller*Mt Perfo..•
V , tr.a...—ilOrida Walt., Tan do Tuilette..aranm ,
Flower Water, and a Fn-at ruriely of Colotinca and ',tr..'
der Water..
Parr tot. roc Beare' 011. Antique
itatulolin, Eau Lustrah, Ohio, Comported Ox
i v n.A , powder, and Pialoconte. IA&
- P - I ' t:.l'l=i ' a l l ' lfe ' =Tl ' ..,. ' o7lo l tVrT:n r i ' ' ' a r rie n ;ll : l - .02
,umtr-i—Vem table Comnetie Cremes, Amandlne for
bandy. Cold errant of !Cereal:ream do Perm,
babe. ha,herry an.
tb.plat , ry Powders. for removing stzprrfluona hair; Pearl
Powder. V inalgn• de house. Aromahe Vine,ar. Victoria
Ilan. Corn poedtion. Preemn Salts, besidee • gre t variety of
oilier unwire, too Dun:venom to be ramed iv Lie adverhom
Tbe subrerita.r hopes to maintain the repotation,•thleb
this establnhment Tea entail...A, by dist - awing of nothing
bat first rnte articles, and will be happy to (Delilah those
i who may c bit to tatrozure him. either • holepale or retail,
on reaaonable terma anymtablishonmt In the United
Sucemar to and farmer Direetnr o ft 1 t h 0 Lat....7 of
114 Chesnut et.
Mr. Paaln'e Perfumery la for tale by all the principal
Drugghta. In the omutrl•
- - •
UTCIIINSON 44: Co., Nol3 Spruce Street,
TT NEW YORK. Wholreale mariubmtorers of the best
ENGLISH PRINTING INKS, for Storl and Litho
graphl Priodng, and Lr Fine Rook Anal Job Wert., whivb
dn., warrant to be nonipmed of the purest mateeals, to
work v upon all onllnarY provne-
Tbvromfdostiona in thewo lota, are own astowive rid,
rte. oral nernlnnoncy to work euporior toany other inks
lb .no
In um, Fold at price. varying from
d e cLv to VAC per .
put u p in cal, and forawardol to arer. •
11. Co. al.mrovonal orr colored lake of every abode and
..nalitv ear, Mg Oven IMOD to lEd,ooper lb. on--ki=nt
Ithrranted . inn san4fintion, or as remelt 'darned.
THIS FLUID is composed of pure Silver
h., boon need by how, keepers In New York for the
lest are year, and in becom cm IL necamary article in the
domestic economy. Any per/09 Ma. In a few initiate, re
m original beauty oid Ordeal Gond; posh ea Caftnre.
' Ca ' t r o t.el, Cabe liacken, Carriage and nat., Farad
tom !Linn; keitrcoeota.i. , ‘ or plain Nil'. p ure
Linn, Copper. or Uorman Silver. The warrantee I. sof
"' nn-at
' n:r i ll ' a t'd per ' t7oT;re. lnt .Z riYe e r p al diem to .1 ew elan
and Vanes Goad. deatere. •
Pot pule by
men! malr.a vrter
103 Fulton s•.rze4 Neer Tork.
.....P.7.9 A 'MS It..
..5i 65 6 ea- per doe—
. ....zoo. •
On drauntde ...... mute.
Phie is the Iv, artarle
Wil le r manufactud. It 50w. froelT.
oon.l COPYING INK—end
PP , Vpstato or d'ense.a.Pl pm.... all th e requir.
for a god Wndu; Ink. imitable for the Quill. and ad
mirably adapted fur the Steel Pen.
The undersigned ls prep.:ll furmsh to the Mao ad.
tier for export or horn.. C01.1.11130.1... et
low prim. put of of per order , and dalPared in a.wj Per ,
or th e chi frwe of charm, No chnrise for cane, Darrel:
or ere. char,-1 extra at nettcle r v i v ii ..i,, zr
feb4ll . .5 N... New York. '
lanrphy's Self-Sealing Adrertasing—
1.1 The beertl.. ocolitlaug natintutfe of ell who
tole se.. O ld, exleer.ement. feels none of that heattation'
with whirh new article in hdought before the public_ The
experience of Jean bun esmtlillabed their .uperlorhy be
pond all questa.. awl he coundently refere the twsliroce
o of thone bunion., men who. hale u.sed there envelope.
and to his rapidly incrwaaion taloa. uproot of their excel
Tho lbllowtniv are a few of The muma fer their pep.
Cn.r , per le,
ist i/o the place occupied by the arid. a person may
hale h b na m e. buelasees. and address, cosuipicucrtudy and
beautifully milleseical. colored os Plain. thu alonli.ff Dee
fat security ageloci frood.
nd. The Envelopes cannot be opened without being de
Sib Neither elm nor wafers are required to seal them.
4th. liion the miscarriege of a letter. the seal toeurre its
Immediate return to the reader. Instead of being belled
monthe to the bud Letter &dee.
MI The Vorelopm are furnistual at almost the Came
mire plain 0111r1,
Oth. Each latter mailed is • meet F.:s,nm
gore to attract the attention of all through Idiom halide it
' SrAinetog Ls a Ilet of pricee for Dim s
ru n g cai
lease. mid elach en! lam for Twi md of rnmicas of
the weal Pl.. either white or buff. of good mi., cod
made as above. with name. LiLlre3s.l,-;
Pritod Pricts Mire/Ter Made at
TO letters or lel. DOI Mare.
. 5.00,1C4c1.
10.0.1 Paol 14te ,
F.O to 1.4 ...... .................. lOLA,
ttbro it • tot route ni4of to forward ananort of order
per cr espreoe.. a reference to • torTectable Now York
Wife rufbeient. orlon. will meet with brotobt
ottoutiottlf %CM. NIURVIY,
No. .Z.Z.7p 31adtenn atroet. New York.
Order, will be attended w prolorin if loft 00 OA
el Meer,. 11001 0 Mott. 'XI Wall street, or of Nom , .
ierolintan Co.. tit ot.
b. It —bubtoef.4 Card& e1ab0a...41 10 co:ore, from same
11... at 1510.00 per thoaembl. felitOol:bol
Professor A. C.Bilnes Tricopherour, -
g - lit MEDICATED COMPOU?cD, infallible
tar renevetug, vice tinge. and beautify lug the ban,
rentenair the scurf. dandruf. and all affections of the waln.
and curing eruption, e,v the skin. dissabes of he glande.
muscles and Int:gym:out, and relieving stings. cuts. brut.
boa. elueins:ae- With this protaration 'there In DO Old.
...cud as fail." The Etat journals itt America. Intlinsil men
ci the highest cealneuve, prominent citizens of all proftr
and hod ire who hest used it fin. years In their doo I
o 4 se. , l tureen,. dent it with one ...cot.), that t.t.
near ,: ~!ors. luau:" and curl to slit hair.
e_ort ottl ditharuf.; herdisir ontutt, eunng
strut, rtings. .t. , and seething dienssee of
the skin the glanda , and th c e mt....elcs, it ban u equal
the mnliietae ui cutapounds advertised in the tut.
Ile mut.. or ut..l in private practice. In cheerers, ar
or eh cioncl. littru'aTncorbrroni is unrivalled. The Ito
reanso cash rale, of the anted, have enabled the inventor
to sutply it at •:-) pmts ter bottle, whle
sof gis frtm in to
he hair
ar d tb“, Orin embracing tbe valuable direction for the cub
tura ant pi...we...ton of natures <hotrod ornament,
1,. cacti la.ttle is euee
osed. is
worth the Moo.,
TLo attlutty between the membranes which CODsililltetb.
c ihL
lhtitr.‘e'%dotenie.n!e't.iet:v....h,nl dr , w /l l ll4e n"te s ' Tthc fr' at . art
:me l te in the ebita orth , head. If the lure of the .4caly
ged, rlf the blewal snit outer fluids do not elem.
v th ° n.ugh the mall so 5.1 8 which feed the nerA
unit teoletits., end impart life to the fibn, the n.atilt le
urf. ritndi orb riosiihno uf the hare gran.. en, dry - net%
hso,huara of the lig:inset., and entire baldness,
w i t h
rase ma, le. Stimulate. the salt Ti, healthful action with
the Tricopberou.. and the totyid veseels. reeovering their
artiVity. anwhilute the &w ax, In allaffectlons Of the
skine and of the enbatssita ctu...t.e., and Integument...the
e; sees and the ettert are th e 'ante. It is troy the skin.
tuuseuiss and the glands, that the Trietinherous
hu tu. shee.e metiers. aud tu afiectitme. and injury of
organs. it is a sovereign remeete
F o ld in lame boubta. uric,. :.,tame, at the rrincired I.
tee. 137 iirtellll , 6 7 „ New reek, ame the princiral mercer
a druggiste throughout the I,nited States anct,Care
TemperancevillQ and Nobleatown Plank
Read Company.
‘7, OTICE - Is Ilereby -, itett to the Stoelchold
2. e r g -r t.Tn.nurrn
Ilan. no naith rf IL! r i n,cl; nu the Intit ' Zindiil
racti rnir, Month [...e1.,. until Itin uliric . e"ca
peel in full—re IL, rt.l will be graded and Ltidaffl
make:wars are rrquernat be
fzd punctual In Ilmin _
e , V.--nr M. IL 1.111./Wni
B ACON -1,! raeirejlanle:
• Landins from att.
afil nta
for rale kt:
'ONTINLIES lII= usual fa,ilitiss to receive
4. Roraga.. Sal, aril I:ranalvoallt..llMerrlundlas
'ork';Pedkeout.v.l ' ll 1
ih-rha4 et Co:
Mem,. Jor.r..r
Ir. John A. Cnngh.l.
Merel.late, en the
Al.auder tioNua a 1 etsrting a 0..
• wor
P.IntnuAVID C. TUTTLE, Attorney at Law,
and Commiern.ner for l'ensaqlsaiEL. 1 " .
nmannon ‘.rompur arovereri.
70115 11. ICANKIN, Attorney 11.9 d
oellzr L. and C ,, rtundi.ll•l3er .
Pe.1161.) F . c
3111 1' te r r . T . 3T .'"— Can.bc '“ :1 ' f.liCha'rt. John E. rarke, 111...L11. k
evmple. MrCont 1 Co. nnaltly
ihagtwis:opt. i i
untier,igned Itnyire; entirely re- ;rt.,
A built scidonlargyJ the alme estAllatt.
tskent- ...ntalni. in .11 .11...ut !Bro. hunderd and rstr
rrsmetfully'aivo antic. that It L. nor muly
forth. no , raton 3,rozatt...l.tioit of the meeting
Au ea tended node., of the uttyurso.yeb coo...them:a of thia
Ilowe LY deemed etthertluotto. the 91111tertnn improve
men. lehtelt lave bran. mode marmot Le-rroperly givenlll
. folvortunnout. Sofllm It to 0f,.. no expense hi. been
" l i r h"Nu o l(Titt::BA " l:= 7 X7rL P ,l,V . i t. 9l , l4r, tw.ordle.ol
met, and 000.00 portils of it. eYpecially the Ursula{
memo, yrill fouoni to b., Of the ro,t beautiful Into:tutu ,
tur, Ihninr re..m•
val.ciont. and the ho EC
meals will be an arranced to suit the canYuuknee ofthe
earl and lot,
_Cy y
r,- department rill b. eunducted In on nuemeeptiord.
Lir mintier. .14 'the prepro,tor Ylod=of himself that lira
American Boum thallThe.truly thel - rayelleth. Homo.
feb..kalrdateniT LEWIS 111C8.
VE do not wish to trifle with the lives d
, health of the ofOintal. but we emslr
nlves to mobs no ofzertion va to the eirtur3 of thif ma:H
obe. and to hold too! hope to oulTering humanity, which
facts will not warrant.
The Meer of Iceland, end the lino and Rl6l Cherry. are
justly celebrataal for the cure of all disc.-s of the Lung ,
and Llcer. which am ro faarfullypumedent in all.Northetul
latitude. From e erenbioatiern of chcmieul extrartio, pro.
cured from this Huey and Tema. On. Wtsr ot's DAL
non 01 WI. is thicfiy farmtal.
irM-Wintais Balsam of Wild Cherry is • One (unmet
wmpr.dentle,la of Wild Cherry Hark and the
(leonine Iceiand Mom:(tne latter ispected expressly for thlr
purporea) the rare medical virrenn. which are - else tam
blued by a new chendad pro-or.. with the entrant of Tar--
thus rendering the whole compound the most certain and
etileacious remedy ever illmovered fur the
.. of Wild.Clierry.—Thu Missing ease of Jos.:taxi:l Is:
-ties. of Con...quiet. (Pay u: bis brothers and elsters hsr
ing dint of Consumption.) is truly. wouderful:
Pi..zsistaa Ems- Hamilton co. &MIN. T.O.
J. IF Pa.—Dila Sir. Ilake the liberty of mistrial; you
of the benefit I have detrital fn.m the one of Dr. trittafe
Daleam of Wild Cherry. -I wa.prostrated by that terrible
sconrge, Consumtition. In 'Slay The attar!. .as truly
hortifying me, lor :Ire of our fatally, (my brother, gad
sister.) had dial 'of Con•omption. I was aitieted with
early all the enr.t. foaton R of the I hada dhltrenS
Ing cough. and etrectorat , t n grrat deal of Wood, bootie
fever, seven , pain. in the rid, and cheat, mid chills, alter
oatioo with fluihos of heat.
I mu under the mre ofr rhdtut yhyrietan. from tho r
time I was taker, .irk not:I/0,u: sin merit. tine, being •
tner, about laelph.o. and . r-: cuuskt.r. , l my caw
hopeless, ear at le., beyond 0,0 phyriclue. MIN; advised
the toe of Wistsr. Balms- of Wild ClturrY. Without my father torcurrd it, nal coo...poet admin.
Staling it to me, and In., the f_rst day I commenced tak
int it my health improved. and in two ranks from the
time I commenced )).,itta it. 1. 3.4 Lade to 1).) out end Mr
lon my blainent and labor. chi-h I .till rootinno to do. I
hove taken four logtl.a of the tnen.ine, and nem consider
myself perfeetlY JULDU-111
Coops 9 9 9 t 9 9
POLVT. L.', CO, fe n. Jane 1., 'IS. c
Jen) to.—Door Slr) In Ju1y,:15.10, I vas attacked
with a fever of trolaold charm - tom which left me Inn very
dvbilitated emir, whim la the folirning waiter.l vies ta
ken with a re ad.!, which _reduced ion to inch an ex.
tent as 1 , 3 icier, vere
tre appmr..u. of a anattmd.Mriatung
tire I labored under conch—expeetorated aryeet
deal. and was troubitel with oltht sweatti t
unn frequently raii-ed blood Irma my {nag.:. I eantihurd
in this elate, gradually - einki, under O...din-am. until ,
January, u Len I tra.l3 3 ,in otmeted bath MT
' friends dmraired of my amt lion gh t. I
could turd, e buta mom•
. My extreinittet nibecLal
IT my - foet, were comtantly end. or! almost Int their ftv.r., -
I log. Ceder thew cireentStaneve it mar be truly wadi vial;
a living skeleton I buc ditemina3l &quit taklng
dlefnes yreaesibed bT 01p:inane. and try Dr. Wistar's
wan of Wild Cherry, and from the faat wart that I coat
mermen taking it. Imn date o lirmlual retlreyy. I condi.
out its use six month, at MI cod ect whir" time I was cup
ed. and enjoyed meal hinith ever ,irim"shil cheerfully re ,
commend the thltem to all those 'startled . ..lth diseases of
the Inane. and would ray to ihme email:m=lu its use, not
to he &wow - aged If two or thr, ',Alin do not effort a
um but persevere. as I bare dime, Glad I have to doubt
but Moo rates out of ton will ho blirmed with =era
health Is 1 hero beta, liespectfullryourn
Jentrll 3.1C1V3.1)b1.
I mipatirsirt ro 10051 srnrcrro earn DISEJ.29 or 100 LLSGII
From Dr. Ilaker. Eiprirogneld. Wm,bindles: , County, Ay.
ermscrnon, Er. Stay 14,'4. ,
Messrs etanfori Jk Parke—l tate thiscppertunity can
forming oounf s moat rinumeablo cure przformcd upon
ma by the use cf Dr. Wirtz-Fs Balsam of Wild Chrrry.
In the 7000 1040, 1 war taken with an luternationof the
toss:, which I labored under Pre rir. wears when I grid
mrinered. In the fell of 141 I was aria:Mid with
severe cold, which seated itself upon my lue.M. sod for the
roam of three years 1 WI" monad to mY bed- 1 Mkt 11l
smdr of,,,insdicinc, end every variety of tad, withouLlimic
14. end rime I venal along oath rho w10t.:4 a M 45.
whorl I heard of Dr. Wistorr ltalLem of Wild Cter4,3l7
friends peisuadcd me to tire it • trial, though 1 had ell'CII
tip ell hoists of moscii, and bed prepared raymit for the
change of another world. Through thcirsoliintstnins:: of rtio
isdninsi Dinka use of the nouninu Wlitsr• ,
Wild Cherry. The effect was mutt. zetordshing. dM
gone years of etinction and suditritg, sad oiler haring
remit tour or five hund.—..d. duilem nAturPosn , mol
Pat wad mint maps... Lid physimium Led .'oval ntuw l4l.
104.1 was scan rm.:tort:lm still. Losith by the blessing of
God wri the use of Dr. tristar's Dets•m of Wild Cherry
May the blessing of God rest upon trim proprietors of to
reluable • meiheino sr Witmer Bain. of Wild CberrY• .
C ALIT fr.dreal 11nr.
E. 141 M J. D. P.,...(t00t0t00r to Sanford t Pitrt..)FoOttlt
wad Walaut stmts. C1uct0..4.1.01C0, Giocral saint far *he
South Lod West. to ••••o¢ orders...l to slammed , '
J. KIM d Co.. B. A. Fahrtoclt & Co.. 3. A. Jimei., L.
Wllooz,jr., ritubur.A. Leo A. T..=l:k.a., AlboaeaT
L. T. ltwooll. traniagtcoo: L. :IL Bowie. Vraoatorth
Weltr. Gown:our. S. Koontt.b.'lmor , ot; frott . 1 / 4 - 01:14121.'
hoollortl., Rood & ilubtir4Joo: tit.. Orr. 1.10: idat &bum—
& J f. tOn,ht. 11114.12010.:
t.vous & Broottoil, A. ‘1 I boa. Ito, tabor's,
Holoroloo' L Co, N. Con. oder. 'kat tiro, Dorm, & CO.
Grallant Forlor, 11, mr. Job - •••.• s•Co.
foblbolla•tio” •
Needles' Celebrated
The, taghly mo.hrah..l I, boon Wade ET
.ore than twenty yr:a.. v.hlch time 1507 haTe
a the mc.t aim-ions
hheumatic ar.e. h:ttk.n6ther..f, P.,ter ever on,red. Shy,
.111nns th. rt„, to bum theis eon Troth
two ha. , torn ,td.mrt,... bat, ;41, ch au most tatWinif
testimonials as to thutr oTer ether Oa,
ter. Pohl.
The logre , lienta of 11,:r < - -.TrPfUY and
corr,:ctll . e... , mbined. citere atm =Trh.ti.
her. as itutrria,
For retina on the tr0....t. rt.0.1r.n., Mtn protracts:4 std.
whopping rougl.. cod I,al 1..0.0, 10 the nt.uralnle
;Imam. tr. the :Stir :brsecter beyond
or C.:Trutt , rII , IX. to Lumhz,o. thee . au•
•••, orc r n 7lr.rfht.....inr.. such Sri} nu.
, , th., th.emaY , hrerf ,,, O , L.
Vcr Fair, In at I :Os ~0.1 ode, ten:Mink
t‘, 11 , 14,), the. , att .
rricre oscr e.l th.vr SWOT
..uritrrd. CO, 0.4, and : h e frc= their
I*' ,calf..e 7,, .005 eufh.r . ith thurnehe Tatra. Mead
1.001 :0,40,1000 r.,nrantee
----- - ---
The Human Body Must Perspire,
SANS XXI' I RE. to huye a healthy ap
r,s.-ance: slat dc uo: ;crap:a are
t e mcet dlsgu.thar ,Mta :ace, dwa,',ltali.
Ct. =lead tk"ap , ant.,en a Ina. r,rspitatiet , . ar_d at the ease
tame raoilltra and a.:"... , ca tho •ava, dirlaa;
LI au natant',
fruray. Salt thrta.. yJ adr, ‘ are et, heal.:+l,:but
cared by Its cusa as at but I•h!etdaa* ita,. ...F.
who it le auch cave, and cud thaid)hg—')h i
also. ha
Pimple, Blotch.", Fra•hlra T 011, :Itiod . .aeaPe. The
reader La summed that tic td.eed.latfed metraaa,,a.
one trial will pro‘r. I kcAddt rhaadrala I^a:t A:1
, per,cra, cured of eon. bril..c,l ,, aa aad acre Nerd
lt—ar.d the reader awad , ..tvr.d I would cetera.
elle aell It fp: the alose, 1 Idaw it to la ell 1 aata
the wili• are WA.. 01.1‘.(..1. • 1ack...1.0r chat,d ave.],
will Grad to ere cal, a can., I, v. µ-,el e edtta . aad Ina n
tidy add, that en• ,I, any oi thy at-rse,
orLollar thi- all. and .11013 urve twitch.
table - in ha propertle.) than 1. •
0 3.1k. d der4toyit ad IV etON, or:y a Vitthburgb.
Deed or %I ord.
Pearly White Teeth, vs,: Pure Breath, to
I, had for 2.5 u. he, us,. ,ither. are •ImuOrs
-131, assured llat it their I:,._h foul. firtheir
r,rh th a ayed. dart or Jen°, 51.30 Ce<TILITI[I.I with tartar.
tLat • cent. I iluto utli =aka
ri,e t.eth ut.lte ai• erlor. zra the breath trcht:Tertaraly
nold ovlr as 6.res Lstsrtr ss— kW;dellrf
A Scientific Hair Tonle, Biestorer and Bean-
Itet —Tr!al lhcee ~d
Cor.l 1.•. t.
ha‘c t:cr. vor P0...A:, th e tle.i.g
vril: to . e, O. 131, <war pAkitclate
Let.. Ittedled - laor ,:cp it curtfcart
or , twarutr , ard v. 1.- pro, Fair dark.
r,..d.erlng f 1../ 114.1 r
t- ttr r ad tu.ll - .11. rafi vueled
I al:.
JACE.Er..N'S Etcre...:lo Libert,r ratty.
Leal o q, itz.str+r,ll.