The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 09, 1851, Image 4

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For 11, Pitt,?..ur.7l Gazelle.
DEPARTED Tn. LIFE. at Hem's Island, Du
quesne Borough, on Wednesday last, April o_d 5
after a abort Willinm Atchison, in
the third year of Ins age, only son of Mr. and
Atchison. of said place. .
•` Go to thy rent, my child.
Go to the dreamteEs 1.1.
Gentle. and meek, and mild,
With blessings on thy bead.
Fresh roses in thy hand,
Bode on thy pillow laid—
' Haste from this fearful
Where flowees,,so quickly fade.
Before th 3 heart might learn
In waywardness to stray,
Before thy feet could turn
The dark and downward way
Ere sin might wound thy heart
Or sorrow Waite the test,
Rise to thy home of rest,
In you celestial sphere.
" Because thy smile was hair.
Thy lips and eyes so bright,
llecauEe thy cradle care
Was each a fond delight
Shall love with weak embrace.
Thy heavenward flight detain
No! :angel, seek thy peace
Amid pm cherub train."
Ilaranar„tpril 7, 1651.
feet the Pittrsurgh chrimoe Adrceate.
London Labor and Poor.
A number"of books and papers of lai
have. called attention to the social coutlitiel
of the laboring classes, especially of tl
British metropolis. The pernsal-of severs
of these works we have found very instruct
.ice, entertaining, and exciting. Several i,
(Ins British Quarterlies have Mahon's , arm
qles upon the same subject. It is scares
Possible that the inquiry which has het i '
tlwakened, and the sympathy wheels' It o
been excited, will have no favorable result
in behalf of the. thousands of semi-barbari
ens who hang about the large cities of tb
old world, and also of the new. To tho , ,
who desire to inform themselves on till
sibject, (and there is a mass of interestin
information in connection with it that n
one would &cant of before looking into it,
re would commend especially the seriti
hoerkrz:trveri,n, t e c tit e l c e7 se I. l tt . n i d: b n ii lL: t l i s7l,
c London Poor," by Henry . Mayhew
. lr. Mayhew-is a literary man, eonneet ~
ith the London press. HI has tau
thong the poor, purely in his liken- .
haracter—neither as a preacher of religion
or as n sanitary reformer, nor as a seienti i
taht:ong one of .the narrow, dirty streets le
i t st erd i c ee i rs a c n rf , iab t : m trs r , as :t a
~..p i a t ..csr t2 ,:y t tej i iii
j o i t ia t dt r i. n e al i i i i ,: b i li t :
ondon, one Sunday morning, and teeth,
he haggard men and women loungii);
bout, and the ragged boys playing in t i
ennel, the thought couched in San .
tfackaye's words to Alton Locke oce
go his mind, “ Write about that."
plunged into the business : went 5 s
amen! , the Spindfield weavers, was 11.-,
thence by accidental connexions to tie
Docks, sad so on zigzag to the slop-workes
the boot and shoe makers, the pin:pot:le s
the inmates of 'edging-houses, the al erchapi
saannm, the costermougers, or street 5e11.4
of fruits, fish, &c. Others soon followed a
the wake of Mr. Mayhew. - The visits ti
Mr. M. were suspected at first; but Ye
tSoon those among whom he visited be, n
o have an affection for hint and his work,
1 he and his literary friends were veal
omed wherever they went.
'He divides the subjects of his delinca.
Lions into three class, 1. These that wiil
work. 11. Those that cannot work. 111.
hose that will net work. Under the ft -it
of these heads, he treats, •1, of prod - no-1,
as artisans and laborers; '2, of eurriery, as
coachmen, railway men, canal men, water.
ruen, steamboat men, porters, postmen; .3,
' l of distributors, as clerks, shop men, ware
ouse men; 4, protectors, as soldiers, sa)l
ors, policemen, jailors, fire brigade; I,
Toronto; 6 0 street folks, as costermonge s,
enterers, hawkers, showmen, musicia i .s,
- treet workers, street cleaners. Under t te.
.nd head—those that cannot work e
ti ,
rata of paupers, alms men, hospital iii,_
~ tes, asylum inmates, prisoners fur de t.
7ntier the third head—those that willn 't
• ork —.- beggars, vagabonds, prostitnt s,
pickpockets, miners, burglars.
In the first number of Mr. Maybe 's
yelopeciia of the Social Condition a d
rings of the London proletariat, 1 c
I'ves us' the following generalizations,
• hick, to say the least, are curious. l'e
opy them, as somewhat abridged by tae
theßritish Review ; and may reverta
the subject again :
"Of the thousand millions of hum4a i
beings that are said to constitute the popb
lotion of the globe, there are—sociallY,
morally, and perhaps even_physically co a
sidered.— but two distinct and broad y
marked races, viz: the wanderers and the
settlers; the vagabond' and the citizen; I
thmilomadie and the civilize,' tribes. a
.i i
A greater development of the jaws a d ;
cheek bones, says the author of the 'Nat - i
ral History of Man,' indicates a more nip- I
pie extension of the organs subservient to I
sensation and the animal faculties. Sul; I
a configuration is adapted to the wauderi g i
tribes; whereas the. greater development ..1!
the bones of the skull—indicating as it ;
does a greater expansion of the brain, a d
consequently of the intellectual faculti -
is especially adapted to the civilized ra
a, .5
c ~....
or settlers. a* * Moreover, it would -
pear that not only are all races divisi le
into wanderers and settlers, but that • .it
civilized or settled tribe has generally some
wandering horde intermingled with, and in i
a measure preying upon it. According to
Dr. Andrew Smith, who has recently male
extensive observations iu South Afria,
almost every tribe of people who have s b
mitted themselves to social laws, teeogn z
ing the rights of property and reeipro al
social duties, and thus aequirino wea tib, 1
and forming themselves into a respectable
caste, arc surrounded by hordes of va.4.3.
bonds and outcasts from their own
conit4u- ,
nity., Such arethe Bushmen and Sontinor ,
of the Hottentot race— the term 'meet,'
meaning literally rave,. The linfirs h i t,.
their bushmen as well as the 'Talon /is ;
these are called Finylo,t--n word siguifpne
w a nd e re r s, beggars, or outcasts. The ilap
pes totem to have borne a "somewhat sin lar
relation to the Finns. 0 " A pheno
non still more deserving of noticeisl
difference of speech between the Bushmen
and the Hottentots. The people of ,dm'
hordes, Dr. Andrew Smith assures us, s 4 r ,
their speech designedly, end adopt t
words, with the intent of rendering tl
ideas unintelligible to all but the ment4
of their own community. For this 1
. custom a peculiar name exists; it is cal
'sax-cat.'. This is considered as gre:
ridvantageous in assisting concealment
their designs. * *-' It is curious that
one has as yet applied the above facts
the explanation of certain anomalies in
Tresent state of society among oursel
hat we, like the Hottentots, Kafirs,
Finns, are surrounded by wandering her
—the 'srinquas' and the 'fingees . .of
country--paupers, beggars, and outea
possessimg nothing but What they aoqi
by depredation from the . industrious., pr
dent, and civilized portion of the cur
•On ula by Hopkbai. ni cent. • :Inaba.
nity; that the laells.of these nomades are'
remarkable for the greater development of
the jaws and cheek ! bones than of the skull;
and that they ha{-e it secret language of •
their own—an English ‘riar-roi,' or 'slang,'
as it is called—forithe concealment of their
designs : these arel points of coincidence so ,
striking, that, when placed before the mind,
they make us marvel that the analogy
! should have remained thus long unnotimi.
The resemblance once discovered, however,
! becomes of great sjervice in enabling us to
use the moral charneteristies of the noruade
races of other countries, as a means of cam
more r i cadily those of the yap- •
bonds andoutcas6 of our own. The
nomade, then, is distinguished from the
I eivilited man by ltie repugnance to regular
and continuous labor; by his want of pro-
videnee, in laying_.ttp a store for the future;
by his inability t perceive consequences
ever so slightly removed from immediate i
• apprehension ; by his passion for stupifying
herbs and roots, and, when possible, for in-
toxieating fermented liquors; by his extra
ordinary powers*ofl enduring privation • by !
his comparative ininnisibility to pain ; au
immoderate love of gaming, frequently
risking, his own Personal liberty upon a
• single east ; by his love of libidinous
! dances; by the pleasure be experiences in i
witnessing the sufiering of sentient eread
tares; by his delight in warfare and all
perilous sports ;by his desire for you!
!geance; by the loosenes.s of his notions as :
to property; by the absence of chastity)
among his wouaen, mid his disregard of
female honor ; all, lastly, by -his vague
sense of religion, h s rude idea of a Creator,
and utter absence of all appreciation of the'
mercy of the Divine Spirit.
" The nomadic raves of England are of I
many distinct kinds—from the habitual'
vagrant, half-beggar, half-thief, sleeping in
barns, tents, and casual wards, to the me- !
I ehanie on the tram P, obtaining his bed and
j supper from the trade societies in the dif.
ferent towns, on his way to seek work.
Between these two extremes there are sev
eral mediate varieties, consisting of pedlars,
showmen, harvest -ten, and all that larl,t,
class who live by either selling, showing,
or doing something through the country.
These are, so to spnult, the rural uomades
) not confining their wanderings to any one
! particular locality, hut ranging often from
one and of t he 1:10 to the other. Besides
these, there are urban and suburban woo
-1 derers, or those who follow some itinerant
occupation in and round about the large
towns. Such are, iu the metropolis Mote
particularly, the p ekpeckets, the beggar.,
the prostitutes, the street-seller, die street
v performers, thy cabmen, the coachmen, the
watermen, the saihms, and such like, In
e each of these chnises, according as they
t partake more or less of the purely vaes
t• bond, doing nothing whatsoever for their
living, but moving from place to place,
g preying upon the earnings of the more in
dustrious portion of the eoutwiwitity, ,ii will
;-t the attributes of thii nomade tribes be Ennui
n! to be more or less Marked."
pEC z 2Tll , lS .‘ p t .ity,.
2-2 r "`"
- Irl4,
Dixb Inuen.. I.lneu 114,,
.1 X
Straw Sonnet and Eat Warehoasr.,
R. 11. PAI,MEI ~11- 0 , for ,a:•
it. Inv Inn—. fti!l is•.:trt-nt
' it;; 1141
Stn., Itraal. t.tuti.j
plant , tratr. i'anatitn- , Intatia. t ••a r lrn 1,2 I
I,;lttnatt. Bawd. Manta. tin, t;tntt , t tin
Jaz-tat Ural. and R. 03 1 ,. , AE
ant tnntanat.
.R/FhtVS—ttut &atria.. and t : ast . f.l` -
kilt. ntattlt, and mlnas, tau,. , tan.- -tart • • r• t,•••••
• . •
/...IrES--1'14.1 and 9,11irt.1 ,•icrred ttils.ALsi
Cn+ma No , t•
ST le I M 111.•
rryte,-Vreneb and Atllerifan
qu.littte. nod •-••,•),
.1,4”rt••.1 qu0.,4 ana cv.h.
and I dr-4 Par., awl i'ro.,ll
I s mt,itan,ty rrltivittg ,pnr. f
c4..ninnAng in pin , tLe fclko•ir`g •
Extra P.x.Fal Velvet Carnet, .1, In Lay.",
relc do. du. Bruard, extra 11 011. ouperbue
do. Ingram: extra fir.. di,: Mae do.. c...mmon
Y. and 2,4 ta . 111,1 Settitian.. 4-4. and 24
4 4.34. 5-a. AM 4 er.ol >u.l fr,h.c.
RUGS. .NIATS, OIL C 1,01.115,
Extra Chenille,lfine extra tuft.t.l 40, fin*
do. du.: ,raumun do. Chosull , Mat, tafbal du. .1...
cheep aktn do. do.: A.l,o.ide Thrum do du.
Crumb Chat, Frltamt An.. I.4.clanu 124.64. aud 2-1.
Alen--Shrwt Oil Cloths. rut n. 01 any gixe ball or
8.-4.7-4. 04, 5-4. 4.4.,and 5i CHI Chat.. "
P.0d,...f Carpet Dlndinc, 4K Ca-
pet., Hairdo-, C-3,44. and 34 , fatung% era.h
and Diamn Iluckebuek:do. Tranei.orrr.t o'2olo.
Duff Window llnllaudciV.nittan Plano
Coeerx do. Table do.: do. Stand do, ~orstrl Table
mn ,la r m ng r a a a ß . l r Yw a o w rt .ja.rwod
f o nr
.x t a r t• k -qt r z , rl
moa•t th.
proved atyle• and colors, w , ear. pr,parml ..,11 0..
frienda and ca.torn. , 1.2-inr. kr.' tI4 14, , jturtl
- an any ,1" th , Celia.
W. amltally lortt..ii ta, rail an.l rratin.'nur •
The Carpet, Po rth •.tre,t.
mehl9 W. 31eC L I NTOC K -
?pertiol. romprbinn. in
AlVeI Chip, n,
AA1,14. and ?Lim, L. I,Jef gm ,
L d;r n ?pf .d .
Allilan Clop. , en.l ,stts.
Englleh Chip. - , 11„„
Finn ntran end leamen,l, I
Florets,. Crimp , A. ' A ,
Emrlish Pearl, 111,Aa.nru
Albon , - ; FlunAl 31.0,11 a.
Beall `
A A. 74 intAN Pe,
nu.: el -t
is recrivsil and
rmrt. LL., fl.ll.n•lng
PROPOSALS are invited froto Stone Ma
tatc4 tat .rnt1,41:,11,Ja ,-
' r
p 6 rt ra t u tet`t..." -u .s . I.laa. aunt 11.,25Citi... rnrn
. the A Lecture ' ltanna t,f Thnit, Church. nntrennnnn hiNth
nu -ntuaday ernsulog next. I.etaa.o the hnu f r..11...,1".. , 4 ,
Nrif. ' nt r ß.t " l i n, ' l ‘ ct r it n :tclll;a
I, risen hr
at It,. Excl k.
It; caller .1 Van C•ol3o.liti,
tab. lirwer. mot . 1.4.4
r..t4 utol 121 Eir/1 botveet,
0.L1111.14L1 11.2.
Fresh Assortment of Ei4x2g Goods.
THOMAS is daity_-teceiving
from the Eartosi3 C 11155, et the .2.1 Maud,
Belreria Third iiiJd Fourth sfrrelr, Pitlebtayh,
Large ,140,11 l chit pre&ent Muck. of therm ,I&•auttfol
lIANGINGN that Lam &IV - on - A in M•l+
W: a long p.rjud. Th.. patierur vv. entlrrly M.& ,
tx..-ullorly chatto, and rho 0rt1,.. f+nut dont
blltty• onaurtanaml. Vnan 10 cent. upward.. the I
ranar . . To tar , attractive Int of peal, of :Jell auu&re et
entate tudatnent eau bc formed by eight than do•mnptu.,
II& attention of utershatzta and ttu , . Itrepes& Is r&lywct.
fully torbl
`` DR. cOMBE ON ixpv;Esrio.v.—Dr
Comb, In hie .al watts writing& on tltt. -Pht alnlotlY of DA
aertion, -- otAerTn, that a diminution of the In q
Inn. uantltr
nf (inatrlt• Jul.-.. I, x rolulut at and t111.10,-rwilint,trau.A , t.f
Immteums. mud lie Maltm 'laJlatlniAuVhmt prufe.---ot or
u1,11.<0, 01 Lk/40104.'1a° wan m.von4} . aftllcted WWI Ink
,nutpAxlnt. erety thinw Om t‘il. hod n - tl. ll rm to
the uttatrie Jul,,. nhtaunt.l Smut the monmeh of 11l lug
Imo., pros - ,1 tely
Dr. Ilaughtou - ti f•al-mx, the !rut- dl,,Mme 11001. oor Ga.. I
J tut,l.r&at Im&twhoe ',pan. trout 1ten0,... •
or thl,loooll monu.el, the 111.,.11,•-1&.n. a Huron
I.i&lng. the tarot Ph tot•hm,eal t %mai t, by Hough.
Tln. & a tray mutmful for indt,Mlnn• Dr -- •
Nmo..lattnAlt, Liter Complatut, Ct.nytttettlunt, 101 1 1
311 , 41114. try natury'r oan
I Jinc..i riiLfn n •nlvent of the fod, the
Mlnnalatate %rent the Monaarts an-I
;;"-,'"^ "f ........ V&rt . ;‘,7::tt;o= di trt ' ht " l.7.., "
tot Yt.ll
o at s. at&l th.mrnut. n t
&moats., A lutlf droL oy Im
th. di& J., b.., tout hem&
tr& AIM,
!nlc,,,aartt.ol:4 by trmrsollutt
?L' trotn 4ie ..10tuat
111, ilortj r .l?,; °° ° "°°..
~72,..vr jr , 0 ,,, J.11,, , ,0.11 artifirialli
Itra.l the mleuttat: cries,.
Itrated &tort. on Auttn•A Chmulm, '"
Lir eel. ,
Lage.tive Fluad mialaxotm. " A
pn-paretl fmto Outrotut Int nitn-nt,: ' ,rt, t l j, Lr
mit in tarath &wino, arttelc..nt II
1.. anttentM. elm:mm.l. and t11arpt.:1.;% " 71 .. .!'..." . ' - '•
oer th&y lattuld
t he lu the hoestuu -"
Dr. thought.. n l'fillattrltthta
gmlive 001411.11va arrow the d,,....t5t.. - ;;"' " .
the Oa, which affords an adtnlyahle mant-ty
curing after natures own method. by um „4 1.11 1. h,
the digestive principle. Call and see the tatraumhZ;:!'.
entlfte orldeooe of 11, value.
KEYSEII t 31cDOW ELL, Agent, ,
140 Waal
Also, u7,°:24TiVlET.Pg.r.,...°Ps7 ark.
gm. meth
d POTASH-10 casks, warranted purr, fur
wol. I orbit .1. a kurb.
a t
.. tly
.ISers sod Brackets, of the latest rtrie;
ht Ornamental Peralents, at ezaurn
coiner of Fourth and Market sts.
lor Chasm! ,
mho. two and on*
Plain Suspension Lama tbra=te
and Dwellings. Also. new and beau
.. ter Table, bland, and Study Lampa,all
• &seam a cor.a.4 l3 andll
I aaabli
Corn , qf Iraca' and FrjtA Start, l'atstrurph,
11AV SOW IN STORE, and to arrive thi.
111114 144 701 11111,r
-'3t7.;„",t2,er,;.2„. ,
0... ; 1.., 1..41111 pie,.
4g; (4'4Agg:l4 6,14.1 g• it-.
14,,1 1,0410 /U.. elgag,
5, awl. 1
loot. .• Crti4..t.
15 1 , 1:1.. Nu, 1 end 3 Mark.:
crel: 511 . :
an./ ' l, 1 .1. ,
,15,1 S.,ltuou: i liggrgt...lllS
(.4; Ileritut: :Alrilt
UM , Can.l..
1.n.. 1111.1.". tr. .5
• 1 1)1.1. Ntannel.^.
lirt Ivl UJlmrr NI 0 , •
•• ha 0 1
lcut.r. ! 1
It) - (111.0, 1
! • af:.lllcfivul
1.151,.(4,Te1t% 0111111,
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1 2 2
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1 , 1,5 r....,. a. • our.: 1, t. +v,.l ol 1. mnr.
1!. 11 . 1
20 •
dor.. Iglk• 5u2,11.
1 , 0 ' 1 torn 1 ,0113.
I it., 1V1111.• 11i1.
I , x, I:. A I. I:
llt etc.T 11.. lin,. aa, Si.l %Int./tan .
!Ira /I Nut,
EA but! I/IN lamr " In,
25 ts, arum.. Pia,
Wl* IDs. 0.1114: -
WO boa..
a li t. ' k 1.4 a Sua tr . ••
11,ftge, Urn, •.igar.
3,0 bah!. loala 1tt...,•11,1te./,,,,,,
100 ar,..ta
IK/ in.
. Ilk‘ •
Nv. it I
It. , 1I
St lat• ,Iw 1 , 0. tar sna
31.10 , 0 , 018.. lit.tter t
5,-. • it hthi.,.
lOW ,all. Lamp ‘III: ' a ,
a.a. 1•••••,.
- &
. .
1111,1 rapon,
tt otton Yalu, !Inuit,. 41:11 , . --Ir.
ernl no... Mr. of 1.4,14 t 4.1,411. In t.l o. 4.140 !Inn
1.40,110 I, I 7 , 41 ISII 0 111. \NM r. •• .
_ tarthl 1.,2 ...,0144 Lai, ILI •/ . ,.nl t • lallit<7o”.
- • - • • • Artlntr II .64011 n. 1 . 001.. Thou.. 1, 4 (I t.
L. S. GORDON, . ~.1 1,1 1, .1
1....1v. 4,41 ,Inttl. Julio It ^. • r
Itlnhard 1, 10...t1,
Produce, Commission. and Forwarding ' '''''" ' ,"^"'". 11 111. 1101=h •
. 24111141 , • Mtn.. I.oon. It Ito-lan,
MEI:CHANT. ntorl 110.0,
A t... 4,14, Int tor. S Awn. Allihnue
11 al. F:. Ilutten,
N... 74 North St , , , r. M.'.', ,e. A mt..... Irl4llo. (Inn.. AM.invl3.ll,
~.. . ,I 11440.....
9 1 11 E under ,i1, , ,1"..1, A t:..nt ft , r Ow l'i•nn- ~ NI ..,-,.." , , 5n . . J,„„,.., \ t,,,, y , r.
" 0 ,t,,,,,",, , , y
1 , 1.11....1 Into. IOW I. In. rnintrtnl, 1.,An0l on ...„Tho 1.4 the 4•1.14.0 In•unn , .. Contintny Ittllar 1:011.,1,11414 11
thr 8. ,,,,, ' . .., ~,... 1,40..... 1., unt 1, Ar .tn4l fron4 It , 1,14,14 ...tin. 1.440 nA1t , ... 0 .... , 114 1 0 144 . ,,,
rang..., nt •f. r 4 rt... 'II.. t. A 44.1 II n.... 11 ',At nt .411 t. 1141.4 , 14.4. ehumetter. It
, } ‘1..R . ,, I •Th 1 1.,..t , „qv, ~...., ~,,, ri.... tn o ,- 1,.. , trontlett,l nt Wrenn, 1.00 went., 1, 1 , 144. 14 4,1414,
In r0nn.,1444, st a. tn.. i 4 414, 111141". 111 ,I'. 4 ,-.. 44n1 A1( II JONI 6, A.nnt,
rv ,, ;3,;;lngt . : - , ;114,..44444..:11, 1 111.4.4 , . 1.1..0,4 i r.r. Fr. 4 l No. 1" Fno -1,..4
t"`Ps'allt.t.". ,L
L. F. 1101:14,.
II it 1.4.0. A! h. 1551 American Life and Health Insurance Co.
!.. it limit , . I nc lnc tirt.rvr,tt, ,A1t..., . nr .....4t. t .1•I'Llt• I OF PHILADELPIII.I -,.
M. , ..r , •. , lin ~ n .llivan A ~..... I. -,, y ~,,,,, TL..: j . 1 .7 , " .1 .. 1 . r' iUb.r : 7l, SA if/ .D.Tora E.
()Moe AT Fifth .1 a1.,1-0.1.116111r111.
ts . rs , 11 .,.,„. t .,..., t ,,,,,,....., , 5 ,...,. 5i ,,,,,,, ~,,, . I ~,,, t .1.,.....1111..r. all itt , ,,,,r, in ..,rtuallt.s.:st, . Tttrithilit. 1.311 a ,4,.... Stk., t.srtot A .rou,,, J... i ''''-I.‘"''' .‘ ti." ''''l'-` : ].I It!
11 -Malltn.nrs It. Crsitsle . Cu_ W11.,11.. J .vn Western Insurance Company of Pittsburgh:
.rs. Alas. A I has 11.... r. ,• „• I. ',bur,.
Mr. J W Ilerr, Ilsrr' 7 I 1 1 A PITA I. $300400. R. MILLER, JR.,
...t....1,..ir5. 1'.... t ,A..1.1ntl . , I , 1.r., I-st. -- —. krrrtsr,-.
M.... r . Mollbsilas x lis,. Isairdsillt. WIII tr...., s z alt.,,t *II kintl ,, ...f ru.s. El, n,,1 Alarine.
Nit..., l' A ~ r , ',lntl I', ¢t Ali i-•.... s ill 1... lil.erally na t sst.,l ...I I smot t li, vast
M"''' J".J"' ml , l •I I. ' • IT' , A M.A. , ' ~,,,,l ad I 11. A 1..... It ..
, t . . 1, 11er..t.t..r0 1 ,11111 1 4 ,. st.:l
1.1...1.5itt.5.11.1 ' kTita , n In It.. ,t.sonstot t , ws,l • Is. an. 4.14 I,
5..1 11.1, he 1.1,1
ItiAl AND 3101.k"4S- ,
I, ~. .. ........ A.... 1 rm.. t.... r..., pr...,1,. tt, tb .J.
11 7: b1..1,. rest , A .. :•,..., t r.
Ir.s.-1., It. ,I.:lrr Jr . ~.... Ids, J W , 1tt.11., N.
tn. 11, J I , lr , A I,l'. M l -.. s I'" ' 11.• ts. , .1r . ~ rt IL 11-1 m.... t' 1hr............ ll' .1.,..i..,n.
I, to 11 I.• .a. .15...... 1..K.11,.1 1 . Go., Itsrsit.Jszar., Jr.
I 11. U. SI'CiAIZ-12 , 4) MS. :,111,11. fwr..le I,v ~:„ ~ A i., 5 t ,,,,,...r t ,... 5.....,„
14 us-1,5 JAMFS 1 111 Till tr. , . s s 11, . . 1 . 11.5 r. Ns trJ. I% at, ,tr,r , t. Ms amiss./ of t‘plutp.. t
11 Cc..
• up ~ . .:••••.1. . ..,,,.,
4 , 1::.C1.)8.1E5-'-
kj IL nark. 1,11.1 4, J'...r. Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Comp'y
1. , !.1..1.. 0,..,, I.
t. - /...I.i riuq., i HIM, ?FricE, NORTH - IZOONI OF TllE EX.
A cil 1 , ; 1,. Pali mr, , , , .. Pt 11,1.4 h.
nd.}) o,,rty • 1
114, A
p •
LY 4 ht.. irt-,11 k.ll Itumr.
:V n"".
1.1 - r!l.i: A CO
'URN htt, =id ft, !.y
mhl9 'a
,L ITE 11.\*..} . 711
WISH Fein 1
SCS1 , 1:1.1•:! - • -
lilWtt N
RE r
. t,.arr,,,. 11 ES S.. l'roprset,,ro
Int •rlo1,1•Inr, • nr•nernr.. an•l nr
I I. N •r •41.. 1.1 ,
t.: I r..nnr.•.:••••••••••1,,, ••••••traern r. r 1•••••1".o; 1.,
. . .
1., 1 1 i1.;:1. , -- .k lost 11.1..1r...1.; for ...di• too
ik,....1 i......• musette-. I, 11... I ootod out.. Abe • 1
IA mol, ~0% 11 0 I.l' 0. ll
I A RD-lit kid. to 7 - , 1..,.. S. I Lard. J.. va.......1.., -kik., o. , ne other .' •nrortermsl and p
" •
ii ' l ' ' " O ' '"... " .. , s, 11 1 llnti'• If 1..„,..... ... ....rut., a p. 11.. t:, oater na tt,.
„,...4 • ~,...u....1.,...1.. as reaw.,o4.. a prier t-r
1 ) I 0 1 , I:
I ) ...° k I?:f l ' I•.E S . 1 ''''
-' -"
r 'l'o"l.l.:lll " 'ir' '' ' ' ' ' '; L.
:. ''. .. ' ” 1'. 1 . :::1- 7- :?i ! l 7:.?"" . 7 ic ir' er..i . :nr , T ,' % , ll! '' i ` V:.r. u.l,
:1....,..r....! ikki au:. ' "'".
COD Hsi I - '..'. ,1,. r . '' 't .. ' i t " , ' . ` l " '' . '' .C l :4 . : . .. ' : ' !:L;. ' ne ' .. , ,, ....and .0.1., ran 1...,...--ond
; ~,,,, o • M II xl . Mr rh00..... rsee• one of the os.tooroot. ma. ola. , nor
- ,
{, A Llslt IN-.; kid. N.. I: tor k. .k I y ..,, , ..1 al., la, - •at lbra aAent . olth.s., er.en, of Etna ..t
•ol rot, •• RAKI, V. 11 VG tits I CO.
1... - 7 onel.H it I.A 1.,: 1.1. a .., 4,re... Roof. protoptly niounst.
- h.. - •inow .11,8
lIERRING - L . : , MI.. for ink. I, .. -
llt Lot 1- . /LI L A r•I (i , i V-1 . . \la NERS/1/ r-We 1.1, thi., day
A,. ...,,,..1 .m.... 1 , 4,,•34...1 V unmetoon The ful.
puLy mint: D Col: S - 1tn . f... ,. . 1 nn.n , l H - .......„... ~...n.............,.......,
...An, .b.. not,. of
JAMES A 111 it'll) A LAI.
o.' 15n0t...! ortiele .• ..........1,.., ,, to , ..1.1.......e. ~,,, . sod • P1tt....0r4h, Januar , 41... 4, -1. , 41d1.
, film.da.....mui, , of It , ...f. I• 1'•"!.... °l'' I" . ''" l '' 1:.1 II KR SK. Y. COMMISSION m E.:.
...... s , . llnt 1•11.-e ~.r ro. Ito, '4 eete. .
: /o- rao• I, nob!, Rr , LLI• Po- II it ...1 , c ! .. .,;11. , , N1, , , ,, f, , , ! , :, t....... i r i p , , x.r. , , ,, :i„. ,,,,,,,,,,, „_, „,,,„„,
i l it AC( IN--5 lilid. prune Ham,: ..,-.1..-.. 1.11...1 la nlo.rt no., funny drworlrllon of Wool.
on D•en.o., CAA 7
M "*"* l '' ''' '''''' rgIII r C(i.P.kIiMERSIIIP 11EILETOFOltli
Rockingham and Domestic Queensware. ,11". , ... , . '........ 1, - of.....olrej. oo der 0....1,1- ..f
1 I ~..0 . A lo I. 11, do, ......1....1.1, tn....
, IV) °WAY.% RI i, ULM: EIA .... e. ~ , , IRA 111.1t,11 ,
ANIMMI I.l.Futku,
I i v ufAetun r. of ho. lin •11001 oz. 1 .11sr. C...... M are. II N VIA:11 IN,
Loft Lit arr.,. Woe ,
..., u, , „ ' fro 11. ro.l or R E Vletato, , authorireol to on. the
0, , , i , ; , :...441 , ,,y u 1 , `,..:;:::',. , . s ,', ‘ '• I n' IrDI ' D ''''' ` a • ''' tonne el th. lot. am to the oettl. ma ot a their tooMiteto.
• o. Moe o- . now. ..• to fill .. 4. , on.rorti, ''''
Al. , 4' , ..f ,111.:' ~,, ..I,lal • ..1.1,4. ~.1..141.., . 6, I) NsolL'l'loN OF 1 , ,k ItTNEltsil 1 1
nnn , .... -to 1. i. ....., ..11,J11 , 1 ,r... 4 -.1, , rI. • 0rt..h... herettforn ettotin • 1.. t 00... tho
Bof the ob,„ . ,„ ~,, r . oh o, ohs WI. of rhock lett 4 ' 11111,.. as,. L.-
to. a o 1,,5,,,....,41...441, l'arl.f 1... Fon, T. r, 11....ert :so.
~,, ,
~.. ,„, ,,,, ~ 0 ,, I _ i
Flower Sow, fo..' , 51. D .,, D r...L .. ' ‘D ' API•° 00 " . t I I,) •' o•
.tl e eal•epil .......11i 1 . 1: 81 '. • "".
~ : nor Jar., and 1L111 , 1.. for , IL.IIWaI , . U... I, otrat ...It.. ..•' r• • ' o . • ••n .. oett Ing or
„„!... .sme-ctfelly .7,•cithi ~..,,, th. oo -r. and ore out t0,r1r... Loon, the awe of Lbe 1.,
brut ..r 11,3,1 port ,:. No 101 11 nod .1 root.
• - -
Wenner s 'Unabridged Dictionary. j ., . n , 811ACELETT.
IV . E BSTER'S UN .1111:11)(; El) NCI I( IN- bruary 1,, .1 1 ILIA. IL WILITE.
V V AII Ioofo! In •e• • I h.- ior P ol•• 8 -. N E, Finm-11. C. Shaeklett and NV illiiun
on.. work Oe I 1,1 Ito e, call , nolnes.l f.....1....1 01. •. , v s ,. ... ,o. 'errs] rartnera aro Itarmonsto bo lt. de. w.
orr; el,sest-illoia. 9 .,,,1,11,,, Immitall rortner. will c. ',Roo, the ..
Ao,4.e.te zef•;!1 a , I , ' 0 ' 4, ' 4 r‘• r'' ' . 4 In, .....t. L0m...4 owl, the O, of IL C EllaraLett 1 C .
1,1% -OWN If or! 1..0. 4 1 W.,1,1 ot the .tore lot. ly .., curial by thoeklett A Win,, No MO
L ..1.,1111E11. - S-1600 Ihk. prime, fi or milt. i
.),. '""I',.i.AT"
i\ t,
rochl 7
woo I'AVNE.
d 4 0-PA UTNE:I:SHIP-110 .nulWerilner.. hay,.
1, 1 AXSEED OIL--o City Make, on .1, /env,' Irmo Cool'artnershM. under the firm. of Snail,
1 hood a 3,1 nor nal.. I y Ati Routs d Mk.. MM. 11. tot All• b.
Pot lot ,I. N WICK 1:1181 I 411 ' .1 AMES ATKINION,
.141111 M. OK V.I.Y
i 1 01) LI V El: OIL- -I ludhten, Clark 1 CO.'S ' , .-
V; ro 'd and finals L.
orh, .o N WICKILISII P.M. , I_7- Mori 1., 0 Ralf hheld wt.! 11.1 a loyoroolro lelleMeneo
. . . . . 0,1110100 11,1,-.J474l •opidy . f.f I•brlng Iry (......, stot i 01
1) 1 . - , };',:". ,, 15 ,...,... .. 4 . !1 4 }1, , '.:;--- ,, 2: .
~.p . L ' , ..• 'I l' ./ .`1 ring .. i . , :t.....!..; ,, , , i , ... ,, , , ! „. 1...i . „ ... , i. L . r t. , ..7. , ..r ,,. .::::i . : , , i . . , ,, ,, ..g. , , , , , 71 n : ,.. 0 .., ,, ;, , ,
„, 7 „„,,,, , ~,. ~,,„,,. ~ Lr, ../11.0 per ~....d, ...Rooted milli partoeular not
.0. fif N 0 '" : ° 4•1 ' ' D.° ' .•t ' D ''` . . . r ti " ,:;.7l ' ,,Ylro:• ' n 'l l t . ' loo " r f
, ' , " . 1 .r:1 . , a „ rr i a;M .l f ' w. "' r r.1, ,. ) A 1,..,
, . . ... .
1 ADII:S' DRESS 6001(s_ . , !ogee stoles of Englion Chintzes. front It. no 1., rein.
, ,p", ,•1.1. I,MI, a fin ...Indy tom derl,,.. A 1.... Lel.
IS pp. idol,. all wool 1.181. offt,red 1,.!..t0.. . ~., .”1... lore, 0111,. sorltor Moa. do I.alnon., nonage de
hlw'k. Lobo., 1 own. , Mo. it Collor.. Colt.. Cbennortb.. dr. Bon
fi. , ::
, rt. , 7 , A.. ,1 r.... ./I° reLA , ' Do !° 4I .••'IL . 10. ta owl 1.....0..1 Ribbon. Bonnet V. 1... ay. fr O II
: , e Al, le f10u,..111,..., ro , t ' , fru. , . . .
Id A A M ISoil A CAP . 8 girt E LADIES all gay - If you want real
! ;•.
lOTA SII-s Laski, r.l. I i 1111.1 ',tie ky 1 ,1 , .;y , ;;,..., 0 y,, , ,! , v, - ,, , ,, i ,!.„ , :, - ,:, r ,.1,, , ir1,, ,- ;;, 1 „,., , „ 1 ;
1 I RIL Y d 1C•1,11...c.. 1. too., very 5...,..1. and Coe.. ot To vont. pgjal 11.0 n,
rticlo4 4;1 to .1:4• 1..1 ell, .4 ~,,,,. ~,,, ~,,,sai, dopoon,,l. or Inlet for teas urn nets... Lem
!kiIISTEIL WiLkI.E f/IL- 101. , i..i.11. brit,
, 3 ' 1,- ' ,. l .ti7;:,!: l ii ' , " .. " . f , ' l s. ' l;ii7, ' ;:rt...i ' i l i..Tiljkirt
hi W.. on 4 lor on, ho o. o le. M. toll. a n,,....t.. o owl. ' 1., boldoin up I. dor
ineltf MI 1.1,1.1 t 1 III! ILI 'N.. ~,,,,. „.,, Will LII.I I. r0....,t00t...... a 1'...1.., well lehll
1- -. . . . . .
,n 1 A LI, PLAID I ItI.N I II WN W' A MS, N. I,:w sll , l , K or ,„ A ~,s .
1. - y urn you • up , rorr onalit.-,, 141,1, ortt. rot mat !
..,,_ „ ~,,„
._. .......;``;'.
lop.r.lMl 1, i W 111: MI irl'ii 0 , Rill. , 111 ILI I , ,f,-, , ,
~.., . „1:•, , ,r,
n. • „ ": „ • - ,. , .4. i f n. ,f 1 , ,,, 1 ,,,r ti m ! .,,,.
• ; Lotoo nolf open 11,4 i „sal, Ist • Ale. 4..31
IA ,1111:1•111 A 111 RC/111El IP roe , toot no A , ... I, ' i i OOD C 1 ON FLA NN1:1.,-.-A farther
sornir For the above worst, ..f 01l the vorlott. ....Otto •• 0 I supply orevery superior ...tele at Elosernto per
(non 1 20, left, nie 1...... . ...., : .1 , 1, .pled at ohm.. of
Watt lot ninnv k 1101001101 EIJI.
II / El: BUTTER -4 I, , ~.• , in. , t. ro.• .1 i.0.l I, -
M . .al. I, th i• 1.4 1 lIILLEIt A ItlCh LT ,N SPRUCE CII EW INO I (II:Al-Just floCe ive.l
a from H through Rouge.. !.. thugh the hon.., o Ire lon.
' ENTS' PO) 'I( El' !I ANDE E IWII I EFS.-- k' r, ii k0....i.. het ...r it,. I.l,kooit .0.4 ikir.....i.t..titi...tait
Ull ?fik n“. ll . l^ ' ,,, n" , ''' . '''""'"' '' '' '''""' '''''" l',','„'7:-`,l',:",' '"I':;'". 1 „1 1 :':137::trr,"" 1".."" '
' '“"'""
''''....."'' ' 111:1 . ° 1 11 ' ? A Htlieil VI Cl.f/
m, ,, , ,
ernmer Wood otrl Piffle..
1 lOTTON -.- I n 011 iCti 110 W landing from iitr. :
1 V ATER (TEE WORES--The IV tiler
Ants, and for nole by
II• ALAI! PICKET A CO. V V °Dr° ‘ l4 Rof.• kl . 4 ` ,1 .P. t. M. IP
„ ~ Water t ore tr. A t0......,..51itni !R. o N 1 otkr rol,ot
A 1.4.. W , l • D' r .D• ' ' OOOO ' llonot iloolt .1 I I,tirmolthy boor Croft...l.d mot Homo.,
. AR!! AND S-iTCARINI,- u..... t., or. wki..
I u.,........ praehes of Hodroloothy, with lateen ..niaikrii.l
_A . 2 1,1,1. Nn 1 1...„1 ? 1.1.1.. Stearnon lll.otrahou. of Itarortant oulrmot., by Lolwari J.ll/o.ton,
la lotadioa frtno me Ana. on 1 f... r_itle he ! 31 M
I'AI ',II D D f • 1 , 1 , 0 ri " . .. i Tliwry and Pntetloo r.f 11,-.lronothr, br the lore II
6.1... n. "..!•!••• • °°!. ''- . Vranekt . trwoolo4sl (non the Herman Ly Robed Delhi.
- - 11 71 X. --'
O. SUL; A li-- , . Ii !dol.:. laildttig ik.r air. I ; . 0 .,. ~. ,k. for .0, by It e t•TOCKTON,
.A.N .
, It. Witt 12011.1a1. Ala for ,01,. 1.1. . I 11,..krellerond Mallow,. mmer Market and Mini .tO.
- AA 11 1... A lILTCII 1,./N 01 •P ~ h.t,i,
_ . !
g , 11.,Eit NINE:GAR-20 kids. for kale-by iouvrEitrEiT COIN DETECTORS. -
. 1 ---' n-r. ' ,- r 111 , Ili , `. 001 107 A f . li.,(Tbk I. the only Inotrornent yet inrente.l by which
HIcK(IITYNUTS-L-6 La •f. Jur tali. li -._ . q " := ' ;,i 1.,1, :t ", : h i0= 1 : 1" i4. 4" itT0 . 3 3" . 1 0 " -griZI I - r Y r'.
sr 0 c 111oNN110119•1 If" r . oale at the Watch Mla Jewelry rto . r., of .
. . _._
CMESE-150 Innnx, W. 11. tor old lit 4ln W W. WILSON,
corner of Marlo.t and 411 MA
S 1 . AI/ N lIIINNHOICIT ACO ' -- -"° - - ~, - '''
G EN u i . , , , ,?,.„.,. - . 11' i it 11 ifii N T V PPS- -From the taanufacto
-_llt.• Im_r_e e juiiie i
,_ : ..ri ri , ..1 1,4 1: c r. l , le r
0 : 1 :1 e h ht , ~ fur: 6 l:6:J 4. Abort to .tiro by•
.lor.ll;_o,,foort',lt.oMl.,,".:Na:l7ll;in'lllZZ,lViir'l• 'V" tel'''' s, t. , HAVEN.
uNfa e p th ol :, .;:e s___ L U r i bi l e C i r or N t ‘ a r a l l N :to :. . L- osel. I reklik "'
: {! U. RI IIC A L I NSTRUNEN TS of every de
'S- .i il. Chestnuts; of. KII/H A - 0.1.
4 - Hickory Nub, ' vt,oult-vo blob buperfine,ln 7 store and fur
:4 t,,,..ii, et.i.u. cau11 , .... to, ...... by iI , .010 1,. '. , 1,1•1 o lt I 1 EV, MATTHEWS .4 CO
XI A ON'S lislaCiki j N G l '
___ "* L ". ;. , l- r ' ' ::: ;..:,..",,,,, TA NNERS
. 011,--,i blobs in more and for
0I bi 0401 . 14 J. WI,
a CH., 40 Straw at , forg bi
08 Wafts. Knot
State Mutual Fire Insurance Company
. J
0 • Syllatma of the half of Land (Mee Titled to Pena
PRE bust eVidenee of the I•l.teeC3B of the ! N. 41 Market at
m IITILS' ALE--300 Whole anti Ilf. nth,
1 iV73 - . , ! . N n .; 1 .07"‘ 1 ?4773 : 'P1t': . , NT , ATi .,-'.' w ,, rn o'r 0 , . wr , ^ith ~ rant trrit , i. fr oo. 1 - 1 .. Br , ' , ”rl.
tht• ~r ontonity, le Or unpnralleb..l an ' tou ' ot b n . f Lo. ' neal I ...on." , first RooIRY 'rur ~ 1.. br
•uth h,v 1, , in r.,•: hnvlntr ir-1:•,1 4., r top ., ilnht ~, ~, sarhll ' RI,IIFAITSON .t REPPERT.
. litßo mure thin right :mol,: .vl.l whltng, ow tttehle,
eh:hli {to the eletlt.Ut . Th.. 8. 1,,,, r^ ar , 1 . 1 ,,,, 1 10 '`.• Boys Wear.
Li,1 . 111,, :sit the rr..l..ri,,i i-,4 t!,,,t t.,..tth lt,f URPHY S: BURCIIFIELD have reed
1,,,1 rr.l, nn.] a In-;' prol.rl , l ith,thrt t, only 0 ... iy lan a,,,,, nen , o r th e • bor, gi ,nls. adapted to mrlos:
I eteln r .1.11,, of 01,0 nut '43; n 4 . . 1 / 4 ,imeres. 11:51 1..1.1
• do, 1 , ...,1, Mvrinn Ca...lmen., and .Ran, vornt,l /vv . -.
,;(1111000 tkn.N, ;al at 1.,,,, 1.01101 rnt LI:
80 - MBAZI.NES & 2401_1:SING. ALPAC-
C.l,—Mtkrui t Iluteoutu , 10•11, the attentwn 41
pr rann4 rantlow 31ournina G.A.. 1 . th ,ll ...onto,. ..1
Butobaxit...,Bomhazlnetio.h....l .111...-ra, 310 u, thWalue,
Bang , :.. ac. trul,l;
QIIOHIS-300 liti. for eal..l.nv 111 Chit„ .Jl,
0 nivoment, 1,1 SAM URL P. SHRIVE&
ismttra, - . 111(1.'1
Ati.unt ~f pr , ,perty -
, Wilt% 67,;•10J.7 . .1
it, cat' lotTlllllllll., -- • ~i
It. et.4oat, - -
,I„ .
To I , - fr ,, m the nbore tralan..... the .hehl
To eat ..r ooiLiry tact. hat., I.llli 4,14,
and loette.l ....ant, Praia rt,. It
pan: Ltturti,t,- ,alll elle:tone.... tf • utu ,
stTurlit tnOrou 10,
.. iitaUraaa,all,
~,la.,taihtbh. mud grot unorort.l 1.1 rt. 13
of t'lt.....theolo.n Riot, Uht Nil .treemt hatuuLL
rum., r.l. 3 1331,..1 amount 111 afl) LeuJitY.Lhil`P” .
clo., the trequener rtset ll r,, qet• hf tut,. utul
nl~tot. both the Att., met 3lutupt pltuh IL not unit pot,-
Lut li. Iit 111•111a, to a t.tirtputtou
It u. utoler Lite control of the fellow uht thrtutur.:—Juhn
P. Rutherford. A J. (Mirth John T..h.f •
Mew. A. Curtner. Philo C. N-.l..outek. Ito
J. P. R TTI I:1(VMM, Pnoident.
A. J. u 11.1.117, 7,crulalL
A k. CAnattm. Aetna', (eV!:
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., Philad's.
n J tlnnr.... tr., gle.+l. 1.41 , ..n1Y ^try. ,
tor the I..Eter nfl,lllll , ror r.n.nling In The
tow., part ..r c 1..• rh e a;,ut fund .1101.
In I , and '2 to '1....1n.-S. t, tbn nnuallng nI
.1a ...Irnot. • lin, a!! nem...
, wrlll glren und
I; Att..,..1.1 l'uno,hlr, nod
11.-nrounn awl I,lanl Irma furnl..l.l.lon
" d;?:•nuckund ronquelly iorrt.lng
.11.1,4-Yl‘llll-111% tln.nelli..urnt.lnt lite.
Int n.lanra
Marine, Fire. and Inland Transportation
M. II E I rvot ranee Company ~f SorO, Anieriea.
114 I . lohelelfloo-4 harterrel 17,4. Cortl4ll4hortiorr. Alt
Joh.. 13. 4.1.004. 1 :.1.11 Al. Wlll make ',rural. , 41u
0,1.1, re, no.l their cmet.. in thir.7l, orl.l houlty: + l °n
.0 to-overt r error I..eoro.rorti, .4,... , 1 per et,. laerts
awl other .. el: her hl rulasol troner•otatirot or on the
It ht..
r 10. 1, ... ent..rrot
• T. ' ,...n. ' ,%! b a
..t..nuttu II
r 144•
I•. t Elaure 11rrhnn.Thto
11,1 r , co rArs...l..
,turnat r, , end 141,... ontlirtnt.rt trbwrnl trrni• rta
:.ilt. in•r l, . 11 . ,
Joni s•w I , r. M
1!.E..1 l'nnthotr. 11..J05t.% 111n.Out, Il.r
nr , t: J..1,n...1a, na Ttnnur....
.1..1 I. r • 14 I.r.rr. Jr.
T, Moran.. 1111.. h
Franklin Fire Insurance Co. of l'hiLad'a.
ih:trit. W. li3:l:ker. t
- " 1 " , . """Witi!Z;i7: 4 .l.,r,t, O.
S. 14 . 1 1 , !r..n r•trrvl.
:. dos. Bucket. 10 doz. Tufm: for ,s!.. I,
I ,IOLL BUTTER--3 Ibl i., jzt ;
j - gil . tlti f , ,,
ndlo of 1V .r at
-IARD OIL -- 26 bbl. No. 2, )u,st reed and
4 fur male low by WALLOW FOILD k co.
1.1110 .
N j ) ; , r , armortment of 4, 4. and n pr Starling, Twill.l
awl l'l4unal ILIA- l'an•nt Carrla, WI Cloth, a apletall.l
article. for P e whole., ar low . anatern lawns.
.anti J. 4 11. P 1111.1.11 , ,. 7 and 0 ~ Vcaal rt.
v,,...,” 0.000 ran. 4 anJ 6 pr. Glynn 0114210th. whole.
ma ana in. i
I, at Nu. 7 and I/ Waal at.
n.r4,7 II 1 . 111L.1.11.5.
easku No. 1, far sale by
amid J. tl. DILWOILTIL
11EET1NGS.—W MeCLINTOCK invites :
CI the atteution of pi:wham:re to hi. arrortruent
Inv.. at No. r 5 Fourth .tat. mrh3
DRE D BEEF-5 to. S. C., fur sale by , I
mrht• LiTrLP. a
1 LASS-3511 0..11 W. (1.. ass'd, City :aol
Couutrf bnotll. for rale br
rit!, L x. WATEEMAN t SONS
I~ICK NUTS-14 , 4) , kt , far oats by
ALERATUS-14 caskx and '23 taus pub
rerimOur iutle by
0+035 WICK A Alt-CANDLES:4.
BROOMS --13s doz. (Corn) 'for pale by.
tneb.s - MrCANDI.I:;S.
L V I AC . KyItEL-138 1 , 3 , 111 , .. n N: A f0 , r ,... Tt1f
It LACK WOOD, for February, tunfthe Art
LP Journal. fur Jenuary, err fur $ll.. at
meLS oPr.rvi.• thr 1,1 ,
rrAli-25 bbl. rood and for rale by
mob.l co.
ICKEIZEL-2,5 1.1.1. No. 3, for rale by
d *A `,SSIA-100 malts just reed, for sale by
awn+ m L It d KICK ETSoN .
SA LEl—Exehango Bank Stork, by
noi.o 11. D. KlTitl. Fourth at..
FrAn-7S bid. (N. C.( for odon by
zuddi WICK h MoC.LkSDLESS.
, 01) LIVER OlL—Warranted pure, ,a
lJ dmagut.. Ituabtort. Clarke tCo s In bade, for ”ie
mohtirum, F., and Wood rta.
r and aroodon ualloys. oho. Falls. furniture. sou,
oot vuo.l and hici.ury quoit, double 101
trobk wooolon ruler. 10. to. For Alai/ la . . .
Iv. S. lIA V EN'S
PriuUn. Mice. and, betwavo llukct awl ➢crry
fvh . ..t) Amertean
I ACTLTAILIUM—EigIisti imported, for
J. by mehn R. AYA lINESToCK a CO,_
lIUTTY—In bladders, in aosurted sized for ale bY
WEN'S PLASTERS—Largo and small,
1:4 I'm' Pale by B. A FA lINESTOCK 2 CO..
m-1.• r.rner rte. and •
ES nceic ni and
Illla. ,t
,E t . „ 100
m 1) 1.2 .1.,Y
VEATIIERS—<iO sacks Feathers reoeired
land f..r.4111), mar S & W 4,11
. _
BUTTEII--5 , Barrels recd per S. B.
, ,
mar , 9. & IV. IIARBArt;11
y I
A goal laa.vrtment can be found at the Carp. Wars- !
bon., , •%.5 Fourth street-
Vt . NT , WI;
A u rrs--.% ,ery 'ni g .. 11 4 2. t nl.d el.,
, S,
. .
• . .
31,1.3 31,"1.INTOC::
I ): I) 011,--10 Lbls. tine Winter &MI Elvd.
OP ERAS—'2.S 1,141, (in 1,.r
J I 01 , a rO.
41 .1 .Ai: AND MOLASSES - -
0 S O. )It-qa.c,r.
Su za.r: jun mg,lving,f, cu,
1:"LIISW.1.1171.1, e o's,
17 .nl
111 . 0,4 A KIRK! .
V1..1 F:TS • 111. A ' MI 1:111
= ic,11 . 11.1 lokt• ••u • at, Ps- , ti:,•to
niou , LocK rrs
I.IIA and Miuuturr. Cv• •
!.' •
TPE , —,U — doc.
A ICl.__ l KIM. R
11165 1' WALL PAPER—From ti 1-4 cents
'" r '' ' Atm ""` ti 7 7V'titsitt
(+ 1\11'11015—:1 I.bls for .41.• by
fo.lo R. Y. SEI-Irtil,
li/t ) IV • 1 , BA ERRY:: 1,
YB--S for gale +a
1,1“ I: F. ~E1.1.1.1t, al
- I:U.ColtliS---1000 gro. for .le be
H 1' 5K1.1..10,
' --- '
8 1 OUSE DELA iN . E.SL:Prilltrti MIA =Ad
t;..l.7 l :::,: l :".',`"VrAL7illii 7ZllAliii i'.;, ' -
t i 0 1 s_. _:, bal,. for salo tA .
I 1. 141
11.) R. ;
, :W i l . SI /0.1',/.1,.P1ER-3111,/.1_4h1rn;.:..1
, .LI N.. 10 0'.4.1 rtevet
B laWIS—.2OO dot. Corn. f .
j or A 7llL 4 l , l l y r,
g ' I I EST'S UTS--30 ho. for stip , . V ,,,,,,,
II i m 41.11
I OLASSES-25 bbis. S. II.:
'''.I I . :; ' %Ir.PN):IINIAN • $OlOl.
FISII-4 1 ) hill. prime large No. 3 Mackerel
Bannn Impretim
achl to "
r‘ClTi. t lTfl ' .&7Z l :;
D RIED FL :PIT-725 hu. Apples:
Ga....1e 1.,
.`" I. N. WATERMAN t RIN,.
This l'fftst,
stb.S. ,'ltttray.tty Vt.l..forretster.
turf...eta, t.f nr.thantelf.
Iteerlst•l HOLMES' I.l4trar7 INTO,
Third •L.ttmtuAitoe the Mat
131.1A1t1, boa, for sale by
nt01,1% !RIMY. JUNE:4 a CO.
1.11t1) UIL.,-20 I,ble. No. I, for sale by
11,1 , 11 JAS DAL/ELI.. Gs Water A.
1! LOU t
tons ,
ns , Soft , 'Penn. fur pale by
(CAFF,TY FUSE—ISO,OOO feet Bacon, Biek ,
i,J lord A Co.'e mako, warranted, for rale by
)1 , 1....C1.0T115--10,000 yards floor oil Cloth,
new.. petdorto,. winch wlll Id Ito low at •Iwilawale
ra tters mo Atld lower than any ether hon., in the
rat We none the alloniton pund,nrerw 4, th e above
a , our ..the nano, No.; and Wood wt.
sea:. d Id
CONO3IY CRAB CIDER-20 bbls. iu
r - story and frr wrap by
TABLE WATTS —In store and fur sale a
4I War..houw or
me11:1 W. MrCLINTOCK, 85 Fourth rt.
I) UGS.—W . MeIILINTOCK incites the at
"t.. fre of It vtrbit, to rumba.. to MI. aunt
it arc juA rt,rl,ll from the manufartorrr,
New Books! Nec;Tßooks!
4trert. orin•lte tho Powt
rtre: Ilutunro• Novely Go. rthy.
isOregon and l'alltwola: or Sight.. In hr 0011 Region.
Div Vanier% by Alex. Innoaffi.
. • .
t ifler " Zlr, ' ,V.l;7l;ny l l ei r ;ne7. !.. by Geo.
Ybe Queen'n Necklace; by Alen. Dunine.
Itevenee of on old Maid: no Muni to Young Men 'mend.
In l ' . ‘ ;-41 rr can IliNo be bud of P. S. NinIiAJIAIIA,
VEATIIERS-8 raelni (prime) for sale
' moot wink a M.:CANDLES&
-• • _ ... .
IAII1) - 17 kegs in piton , aid tor sale by
_A bS WM. 11. !MISSTON. .
IVA lILE OIL CLOTHS— A very large nn
s4,rt m Niel
of Tnt,lo l'Avers, nu hand and for gal.,.
No. 7 cort ti Wt.l rtmt.
mh7 J. & 11. PHILLIPS.
. -
., Cluvvr 5.41.
' ' I ; b .. ' Timothy '' jog! rt. , ' and foe..ale by
m 4-1.7 J. C. DI I.WOHTII a co.
d id] ETC LEAFTOBACCO -2 hhit for rule
II i. 7 by nada WM. 11. !WINSTON.
VII. 1 LARD OIL—'A few bias. jtea reel
u 1 trrm Um manulartory. for .biat I sat th...Sl 3' 1,11..
d Will ...nail It em,..tior to a.oy OHolTerr In thinmnr•
Lel- S. N. WICKER .I
Rlasi ossurr Wont and :Rath Kit.
EFIN 1101t.A.X.-15 cases for sale by
4;:iI'ONGE-2 strings finest Mediterranean,
fOr rain loy J. tieIIUONMAKER A CO.
Ladies' Fine Dress Goods
IN,I—Pop hw
Turs, brrage lAlloes.
Ac...--cholon spring .t leA Ttry
1. att.:rm.. A .A. MASON CO.
Nam Wand 64 Market mt.
Woutlful reed Wt. u
r r t ir gA l oN
r A.RD OIL-8 bbls. No. 1, :Wiu. Strained,
"" e°l roe .d.
11171111 t. MATTHEWS 2 CO.
CI . OLDEN SYRUP-1n bbls. and 6L bbls.,
lJf for Was by HUEY, MATTHEWS A CO.
torr Aar. tor sala--3 fishing. Nets, otos of therm UT
posh. wog, nod taro smaller ours. They ollt be fold at a
aa this owner to an lamed of T 2 Teass, oho 11
destitute, and lltho to obtalr, tams to WO her to hoe
badly to the Mote of ladtme. J. All. I'ILILLPS.
e '. No. T atal 9 Waal at.
MEW MUSIC ! , New Mnsic..
(GONE IS - THE CAL)INESS:'keiucT:r ' ( 114 , RANI.) POLKA DE CON- 0 - ~- --, ,,,5e
..• by W.,", Wallace. Vt-,J.1..". - ...:!,: -. , t . i.ET. a• t•Weeresed by Feentem st o . V..::
1 don't like hi we: clunk wag. - ~„
..eun •nehdlstlogul•bul Noulause , at the
I enr...t New Encland! . law Ceiseert,eumvud bv ~ V. , allaee.
Wanti‘l a toivernex, bi John P.M , AI.. a um, 'tali. ry Le u•w enwp....4tioco by• th eatue [
Mamma Is so s•ry ioatleular. anter.
V"hw .V . brw i nne day,: be Foster. Annie Laurie. , And all the 1 ,, • Porn!, Mn•le. brut.] iby the ra..tern 1 ,
Lil,• or tlic Emt Child: Ly tVeaalbury. putilt•Ler, r•ceti 01 aud ler ta/e by
Kind Mad, I.y .Ira. Millant. ll , nae :, , id: Polka- , J IL ‘IELEOE•
hatelielor'• Lanier, l, 1,.. II uteltinwinp. Ulivia Pell:. , Avent be Chieterienea Pnan, ;a
titan(' ham di Conowl. t: IV. V. IVailare. i me het F,l ,fund , ..
With ill the late eopular , : ••, Waltz., Cutllllona. Pol• r
IL'. Merehea. carmen.. Lwo.-dni, ice itc- t.a...1 In t' ' 1 1V KW .MIL ., :WIC— I. bete are the friends of
Kewern ]tie.. . nll lout!, lee 0 1t,r1...r
New Mune ew,arnt '7,v...wk. . 1• .thin:; i•Lw eet I• i . .I low,
-. ' Th. Itel.:n
A sury large and neat stock Of rni ILini,ne nee tb. ItAv 'User.
31., New ]:near(' Hun, a new ann,, dedicated mthe
CIILCKEItING'S PIANt)S, Ltiiii.: !!! New I;nwland.
Tn arrive this veek.ut G. tGS,i..3.,i'.and 7 i•ctares.earvNinn• . the I Love it, tel AV.,. I
plain. eat, 010 in peen yap . J:Z. le £4OO. Alm, to o .m.i , Oh, meet me en the za‘er ULarc. ; i
nitlu.nt Litwi! I`EUIL, (min the sumo celebrated M. illa! ! 1.:•01 Nt,lit.
t o r• • . ly aerie' on the rrairlc Lea --Woodbury. I
The alrove• with a full awl Pt n.rsl 'lock of Music . . Lily MP,. Feeter.
3tualcul lerehandize. fur male I, , I've left i n N2Liit I Lilai,ii by O. rusk,.
JOHN II SIELL , R, The •'IurII 0 ." . .
N' B.—Too Pi/1100 i nrte• to lA, Gld Pianos taken C, . En, hi. In. the Black Slitker , e and folks.
- P.' h'l . h . . ''." ineVO • Well I w•we wdh thew—far Guitar.
— fiEW Ntrsic!itEW — iillSlC — . ir,:.:',...,;',:,',.',A 1 ,','"1'Ci...i, a ~.. NILm, , T.R.. , V...
i T THE GOLIWN 11ARP.;.---11. KI-EBY:: tju A n i " . . , t;
~. ,,,l . a ..,,.. c r ., e ,ej t adi... , .. , Ca cd,, nti , ea .
IL lin! ju•l racer,o for ini..— Lando. tan e‘....1..nt new ,vote r to e . .. .
Uraul Polka de Caneert, a• 1...wren:m..1 by Franleln $., - I a r011...l nor pwonlar and rgal woog, liaritiotuaed 1...
pet: rornuo•wq by Wallwee. sj a wn;.--eowidered roe et
' "r'""d I.
"".""4 V.
Will thou I.e punt., lure! A very beeitaiful new to, . th e l e , itt;'6.ll,!• pulithdied.
due., fir s. C roster. fehlt . . GiAJen ll.p, Thin! at.
The 1:1111. en ht• 'l , O, a new n , g. by tV. V. IN all, -. -
The ,w.l.tier's Wilk /.0 '1.. , Eu,koe. lIE HISTORY OF PEN - DENNIS , No. :•••
tl•0 Neil Aln do
The Ira, M. Tharkarek nod the QueeiP• Nel•iae,
. sa. Octy tut t oug t• are of thee; 1.,[11,4011 for and mpg I k :
~.... , I , ‘,.... `.- - -- , I --- o n, u i, gist
3liu Catharine Harr, ". Litt Seep: Bofors o t r luny[
Lady, tat us stray I. retain. trooltutrr, exandttr Dutra, have %teen oted, and for :tale at
Aaoy 'Sett mitt useless roust and ode''.
Where nye the trotals .ki tny youth' ' lateratl Dep..t. N . .. - .3 Third rt. _
C 111131.. tuni.leas tome or Tronoalttlo.ik be,bele Dried Apples, for sale by
e,,..---,,....., Heart, Voyitette. Body!, CattyJ.l ,A
50._,- 1.,1 • S. S. DILWORTH 12;0_._
Coneoutt's ttinglntt Itarreise. cl/11IL %muted to do house work: App
Cantata Laudis tfrt..ll rune!, i) by L. Tartu .t Wehh- -• 3 ,i. s tu, s .,
unquestitetahly the b... 0 ewrp,i Ni uric book ever puttied., , a . --- -- '
Alt, nu estrulta and valid supply of Marital I eutra- I ilti)-1 kegs foesaie by
meat*. I!Liatue. 31.1.dotun, Stout,, and every thing tiro t. , 4 f . L s, - Itt)BISUN. LITTLE t CID.
the mune hue. IL If Lintkn. Ittl Third at. :::--
S. IL—Thr ur• and wort tuhionablo movie received t.. .7— ,- - --
veto sr pul•liYhel
___ tucht...s
)TOL. Ist. LOSSING'S Pictorial
iti g g , eta widths, and at lowest : prices n..e . .1 at the gore of
Field Ikuk of the Revolution. Cloth. a . 1 : - ( . .
gi t.
No. 1.1 pi,,,,d a i ~,.,,, n,,,, k 0fth ,.,,,,,,,.. wet ... A i1 . i , 11 , : ,, V
, N ,,, F: ,... i . .A R :5 rr, ..N . F: ,, 1. , 5 . , ,,, :t ...0 1.41 T mi„.. g1i ri t' . . ,, , t p rt i r e. 1 . ;
Don. Pamphlet tern,.
Nlary Er.kine, a Franconia Star,: by the author of Co.. found at the store of
la Ills.ks. feIG
Time: ll... Avenger. by the mithor of the .. WittuiriOm... : itliyiffßiti:,6._3 ". l . R o rn ; ‘ ) ,,:e l : ul ;f r' r l e ivi sh7 lt l,, - r
..LettiGL Artubt." - M.mnlnut Hall." !le.
The slut.. a twk• to, n.e...G...1 and for sale by rob• be mehS WICK k JIeCANDI.E.NS
R. C. STOCKTON. Ikukseller and Stationer,
tuel.24 No. 47 ttarket etre.. . 11.1.11L. 1 1 OIL-101.10 lbs. In store, or title I
1-- ti:iir BiNri Aif.flAL: , -1- --hi NIII IFR A tucitrism.
. ..
11 orstisin', Maratine for Ward, with 144 p.m.., I , LARK - i: WINF.—I
. ilorttrult orbit, for February. t)
Cultivator. do. nusll4
Whig Review 0.
Life'. Iniciplim a tab,
Nter h aul....
4 omenof breel. bylinen. AgultaG
HMI,' Influent, tale tor mother. , and daughter.,
~ . ihon.e.. 1t.......t0pen.a.. b. Grano Aguilar. .
Self-14.eeption. or the hlshory of the human
Heart by Mrs. Ellis: 1 V ER' BOOK S--,knilrew's Latin English
II Lesbos, By E. A. Andrews. L. L D. Rona If vo-
Ones. a novel:
,„. •
for role at 1 1 17.1.7 . 1 F5'7., " r .,.. `7'11; p0 r ',, a. 0 t",,,:,17,,,.. - 0 ,;; Pont ~.. l Tlpt Inland World of the Pacific. By Rte. hefty) Mee'
hiesfebll e'er. 12 too. non.
---. The Women of Loracl. By Grace Agrillan 2 col. 12 Ma
1 Q I'LENIO It NEW PIANOS,-- g , .'".. r
Manes - Bic a FrancOnlan nary . BY the ao-or or-Floml i - 7 IL K L Ell F.ll takes, in an.
noumein; that he has dust opened a lot of t The LIP of Res. James Quinn. By Ray John T. Wright.
obolee Piano. of the Just
make ot r rule by 11. HOPKINS.
l Ntraa..4 Cuss and Dr • lesa. blew York., which, with 1.... j 7j,.j . ' " "' d i. '" Ik Appollo Buildings 4th st.
! ' s '.o e t ; °o'; i l; r l.: r. n . ` = : . '47`'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '`
LINSEED 011,—,5 •
bble just received, pure
Among stherr, mu splendid 7 octavo don ble carved Piano,
Louts NIV style. nab the new improetmeut of the ...i. Country OIL and for mi. br .
strings. the latest and most Important improTement. to 15 , „ ROBISON, LITTLE A CO.
I found only . N uns A Clark's Pianos. Also, two Impel h '`'.' .No 255 Liberty sWeeL
-Cohan Attachment Pianos.
LIN. 8.-An extensive 1.. or Now Muni, ernbrring .lenny . q 'Ali bushels Dried Peaches, for sale by
, .. 11 .1.....d the ebokeet new songs. Polkas,
' el al l-F to , c l a. s.D , ILWORTII 6 CO:
,„ . „,„ ~. — , . , 'LOTIIES' PINS-10 e r ases Eastern; for
r11 , 11. - Folio, — l . Olio, P ac k et, Commercial mi l I! sale by 7.0,00 .1. D. WILLIAMS A CA..
dies 4.
rood and Ittlt "'l dalu. e tfue ' lffd r. :rh i rT, for
S. " o i n 'i l i lhe qu ral ' i S 11. 310LASSES—H15 bids 13 half do,
at _
.._ }alo W. S. gn ‘7. - .,:. , ,
~,. 11.. , 1tatt1 , :: . , 1 , :f end. latahnf u f i rozn y. st s iTl TT iNn i alre ws State , ,
eb lar
IV °TES AND DRAFTS.—Engraved and . T -
.4.1 Sterrograph Notes and Draft... of ntoet beautiful ..h- .
signs. ln sheets, or 1..0nd In bwksof various Rise,. For ; .. ... -
..In at 17. 6. HAVEN'S Blank Lkuk Store.
• ,anss C. , ' 4,51 .t and S , rond rt.'. l (! I:NI/RIES-700 His prime Feathers;
I [American:Journal...l Post ropy.) I - 7 _.41 dos asi'd Corn Become
; AT:SMTING INK—,l.rtiolTs Writing Fluid, Wu bar Lest brand W. lilasx
40 bas 1 Ilemusn ,
V Con) tna and Ittal Ink. I sh .17
has prime Selenium
ilibLert's ChecuSni Fluid and lies! Ink. e by
Ilarruonle Cotoulloan Ink-n.d awl alecks 9 bb" lt i ll " . i' ?l ' l77lll: llk .4 r J r cl! „ .
lbsteu A Thompson'. 4.mmercial lul-Llack. o.
I mad no.
Frenel. Carmine Ink. For sate br
-' • ,
4 1 , 31 :,,,,, A , ncre.a,g,,5tu,171.15.,,i.4„,j0rta,r,,.,,,04.0;.,...,.,,k,re...L.i.,,,mur,..,..,L,,.. 1, V
. 11 , 1 , :i i :! . .. C0 ,,., P .,, AL VAILNISII ., — .. 2S ,D rIIs , Sor
I:',V,7,tl:f.:',l7,`l..'l,'SWlT:r B ,, i i',ll:l;';';'' dm "`!' -• '' • ( , UAII - fELLAt • ---agio ii n for sale by
Henan.-...n.c I. ...
and Roman Antmultl., ani of tire...l .uni Koine.. 1t5...,i.1 , A 1, , 1,, J. KIDD I CO.
I" dllil l.) .n ' ll;P r'f6 .l r'3. : lL"l in 7 :: l : , . "l` .: l !! ' ; 7 .. "'" v; 'l. : : ::. `,`"`, .:; ',.,, ilAr1:11 CORK S-2 bales for sale bi
roe and Latin Lanznau, In Columbia College, . J. KIDD A GO.
' Th ' e Lite sal Co pcmdence of * Robert Smith,: ten.. I
1.1 lIG sun. the Rev Cherie. L othhett 6outte, Jr. A.. L.:.
rats 41'ton:bland. Cumberland. boll totted cloth. ....
. -
Life anal of Ito/xi, .5i,,
Liar,. of the latnewat of Fantland. and Engllah
eviinni, with the ronal •iuwwanon c.f Great
[ha Lives of lenteens L i
The Ilechiw of Pop.,. aril !if Canna,. a. Addre.a
0,- ;nit O TH
No if - Marin t at
1 .1 s )irrEs--J OH
No. stn., Lan revue
and inw....e..ta for ash.. a iarie and well
peliwit.-1 ie.. .f hl:. azi,l .
un.fort.o. leen. the 11,1.1E113,47 of Chtelerinn. Pio-flan.
whieh 'mitt, the all..trticu of purch...e, Thew.
inewinahle inl,l at Iloetini nfwani, it-Wanda:ay ...if a
chwern fir enws,-..-t-ww.o er r4l, a.n.1111 e1t...• o...muted.
01,1 hart taaiin Iti Vitt ii, 0 , 0 1 at Own. 01111 rAno
JO/1, If. )11.L1.)1t,
Aneta t.f rinea tor eac
nook , ,
of (iron.
nnto an.l ily I. L. 1 , .
14.1....4 to C. Anthun.
I.lvv• •.t the tbo.rus an.] Duchol
II Apt..... Stnekland • Int
The Lilo aml C..rro.ponden, nf It Southry.
So the 1t..... ...tithe', M. A- 1 ...I. Fro, mu.
The v..,
.4 P. ,ry. ('an.., An A.ldn , .1.-
10-vs,l the Tat..rnacle. cu W.-dm...Jay
Ja•uery IS. I ...H. 6, 14, )lumtv, U D.
Jun n..rvN au.] Dr toile In 'IL HOPKINS.
feHo' A ,
•tt. r
rom ,
Mother. O.uu rt faith IVI to tur; • ne• Pow, C
tio Alio. fair. I.y IA C.
ofler tlu. 1.111.• hamluf tome.
(Anne maolen• 'm.o.. or I
ire us. 1.. hay,' s (non the DarlOor. of St. Mark.
orr.r. Dunal. • favorite und to ballml.
LA Thou hao •pit th.t hoe., the,.
ILu ILult, or Ana', ~.n erect
TL. ni.•nrate.l Pnlka Danv.o.
Jearott and Jemnott—,• •
F., On:Aral., hy Mr. Lrno.t.
ILett hi /turymuller PLO Chat Plka_
Irl• KW. Ilatch.lor •
1.11, tioadrOte.-ver,
Oumirtlle. Itmoignol POL._
Itt. i i , Lnetao. tor with
t for the nano
Dorm., Plano Forte , l . ntrivr 1t... (many hi
J 11. MELLOR.. SI Wool .1-
B. It very lugr .4 Nor Plante , arriving. and
.rill for •alv thi• 1,1
t il . ! : :trx . y .„ Depol, Third ntro.t.npioatto
llnme Influence, a Tale fur Luther, sod Daughter. liy
Gram Aguilar.
>hither , Iterouirecoa.. Ity Grace Aguilar.
Banker , Iltursaine•for JOraltal•
Whig Almanac for Ixs7. The lotlier'e Iletrumgenee. • nrirel. AT Oran. Aguilar.
The butt eTellr, or ire° moth...a-, me e t.
The Luldereif hold-eau Engllth Aar,.
To Lure and hi be Loved—a tale.
. . -
Caroline of Itrnstrlrt. Ily W. M. Reynold,
The Itototblt Confe,ilnal.
A Lecture on thy Jeitntn Br Dr. Merl;.
Reply a Ilbhop iloghett. on the Dentini of
Arno Journot. No I of von mitime.
Ohre. • novel. by the author of - The Ogil.teg."
No 1 of the Amerlean illumlmW nil Lion orate Waverly
New Books, just received.
TTIDE Banda of the Bible; by George Gilfil-
Inn. 1 vol. llhno.
n.k 01letalarf: being progresaive exhibition of the
Greek tiratamar, devuguol fur beginners in Uroek. and ne
book of exercises for sendemles and colleges. By Ababa) C.
Ketillrielt. Patin. mu,
youth'. Gn.nal. 11, Hannah Fl ite-g Gould. 1 veil I.Sroo
:Jamsnd Counter Charms. By Maria J. Me 110.0...
I (ise. n %Noel to “Home Influencv: .
By Grace A,cuilar.
Mechanics 31agaxine and Engineers' Journal. Fir,
number ; et ton l.
s Dictionary of Mechanics and Enginrcring. fir T.:.
Just reed for rale by IL HOPKINS
Jet% Is Aprdlo Buildings. Fourth ,
k,„„wr .
copious and critical Latin. I.)3gllith icximn. hondol
e Latin. German Lcalron of lir. William Freund,
with additlone and vOrtortil.P. from the I..xlenno of
Parmulati, Ge orges.. by E. being. IL
Ton WOLLD., rianc: Ow Pereonal nar
rative and rosults.of nivel through the sandwich or /lea -
shoo Islands. and other parts IL
•r. Ily r. Hon,
T. Cheerer, author of “The Whale nod bin Captor... With
°° lr:olt inTnnntAln: a cr , tnel In Horne influenne.—
By 1117 Market rt.
Chronicle. Punt. /1111 . American ropy.
ssitiluts of all sixes and Qualities, nsird end plain,
Blank 11.4 n of ovaert de.ription. on bond or tnaio to
order or rbort
. .
eitatinn,y—Englbth. French nal enerlran. (axle, and
staple, far oak. by. W. S. lIAVEN.
/..1 4 Marlwt mrnrr 11S..mnd.
wriptlon of
Legal. Commercial. Steamboat. l'anxl and
tatßood Printing. executed at nhoot notice., p , xl to the
. .
t.y • w. .
Printing Vain-. Thlrl et. betlrmn Market alai Perry
(.:.T.‘ 'NON ER Y —W. S. IhrEN, corner of
Vu..tntl and Market ntx., lue for axle on ham. antl mu:
pine au toentrtment of limey nustlenert as Ilan ever been
opetnal I, thin market. Mere/tante lopplled with every
artade In One Itne on the trtmt Intorshle term,. jail
• • •
11 at the Golden !tarp. No. 101 Third
11. KU:Halt In no • teeeselng n treat/ lot
Newttta ham, made by X anon X I:LOA.
Vora. ',mune them. n •alrodld tele, earxent Plano
Inthe raltent denerlytlon et e and tome. It I. made
In the Hoene° idyl, In rogue In tile reign uf Lenin XIV and
XV. A 1 , ., a lIVW tot of fnalitottottle tattl tatollor Monte,
anA on extenniee nelt•hon Itron. Inntroinenta,
Guitar, Melodeon., and every Inriety of to merchant
ohne. 3alo
KW BOOKS.—llumbolt'g new Work,
4.. , 7 v,. g:m05, or netebea of a l'hylaral detterlpt , on of the
Sejmore's aketehen of Mlnueuta, the New }Night:ld of
the ent, 1 etol.
Ilyrua'n ilect . uuscti and EUXIMVI" . Dietlon.l7. 21 4
For rale by It. 1101.K.Vis,
jab/ Ayeklio
I'UItITAN, a Tale ef
thr-Atneriem Revolution. Dv Ellrnl Grays's:, I:uy
finery bf the Reformation or rl. Sistesuth Cents,
by J. la Merle d'Aulame, D. D. Prseideut of the Throb
(leMss, asel Vim Presklent of the &Riese
Kr oqq W ll
J l;ranehetea by It. Whits. D. A., Trinity to..
lientorky, ~l lLYtory. Antiquities, and Ilingraphy.
j" Tat BL.l.l7l:r`inrco,,
Bookerller and onaloner,
Jaw Corner of Nlarket sal Third Via.
t.MAPS—Pellon's .p
vt lend id Out
. 05 ‘5 Ti! 4 1 , u.
e : 31 .4 : 12 t " : 1 1 1 " oh
.04 retard cooontinero to call awl exonano thaw
I do 8. America! Afrks, 70 eB4
Price of the eerie; vita het, 14% , . ar the ens two' Ilemb
thee. Una, erbb bel,l lo . -
Thu. uzL d re uwt . Lalled le: . e beauty and drat.
=lll o to f 1:11=1 St t.
at.. P'4".7 ' .0
Par age eprteea, hout aktlbou of trahpbt
Oran at MOW mil /vvrlli
1101SACCO-49 boxes 5 hump, for unto by.
MrOILLS • 110 F,
AIL J. hA LltNt.
15 l,bAa haul F./aurae Wlnet
h -.
" 11:'
me 1 MILLER k
lU LEAD-650 pigs soft Galena, fur safe
WI - LING-19 bties Nu. I;
15 Extra Fns: rovai,:n
.rot and f r 4a1,. hy ISAIAH DICKEY k
NVuttr and Front AD._
b d bls Kew Orleans;
(Ovid do Goldrn o so
Syrup. for pale by
J. D. WILLI- 0 431S a CO.
S CIGAR-1u hinds prime N. Orleans; '
# t CZ "
ra:rwr of Wuxi anta-Fillb CO.
fil I:\ . ()I.V MlS—lust toceireal. an addition
_ .1•0,0 3 .4 - ~EttaLeevlt'd R ~ evolver,: al. AU-b'..
4..,1.-..,.. :. , 1.11 W W. WIL,ON
ji INSEED 01.1,-2U cask, Linseed • Oil,
JL4 re...,1 0.:., :ur vale b.!
. 1-... e. .k b'. it ltillArGll,
No. i. Lard. ree'd and fur
rn, 12 ,n111f1,41:1;11
D OLL BUTT F:B---10 trc.,ll 1411 Butter
1.11, rF • .1./..1 it_r ale li
1 INSEED OIL-19 far Nab. by
.LA I:t_ s Si II trrill,lll.
„111 AS I ' IARIIAIVd.
Attu—as hbis,
J.A nal. In 1 , A,11 WVlMlllAt l ill
(I LOVER SEED-3.5 bblv pr4ne Ohio.. for
At WillA.llllAUtal.
kirAit-50 Lr N. C. Tar for.sib, by
lal4 RV/1311110. ,t IMAM
n LACK TAIIItY VELVET t ji•f a Yery
P aJ r m. Wore
1.15 N. Eroc. !.11..rket sti
E I;• kI:ZE FEANNgL4-Morphy
1 1
on loot
- 7 NI urt hy htxl,l cram. eliwcial attention on ltha
ab , e depottutut 4 Weir budne,, 1111 malt
of tte. ,, :tico 2 F.i` , ••-n , •
VERMIFUGE, 31eLAss'4 crr,inalrtn.
fAA. , Gruns fur pale by Jf
r ''lDDt CO,
fnr mle by )elb KIDD Ab CO
lAL CORKS-150(1 gruxe fuikale by
Q.PONGE-1.! eases tine, and 't
I,3iss.r.s. fsr 'al, by JaIS
P 5031 SALTS-15 braid foti st
Q l; N DR I E S—Fiftit barrels F unily Flour;
1J2. , Lrlo .upertne Flour, I.t) bele hoe an SO tcusbeb Dr
App ll lys, I brl Ec.r. Jun rv. ,, ed .." 1r .1 " !jai. . • •
The Old Printing EstabTeat, ,
bATE Johnston and Stockton , and Blank ,
.•Ecna Ana statitmory %Caraway..
F. ILIVCN IA yrypred to execute et jetyllof Legal]
Commarrial.Canal. and :Am= Boat Job Peynßug and Bata
Binding; and fornuh eYery article In the Bhmk Book.'
pay, and Stationery One,. the shorteen melee, and on
the most tvasenable tortne.
Blank Bonk and Stationery Warehonse...Orner of Mutat
and Second strata
ryinttng Jane.. and Book Bindery, No. Se Third et. ja9
bgdf pIN
Cognise LI:
15 c..& aikA do
10 do do. and
, i Ore, Holland Giu.••
2 punclavnA IriA sod
2 do Janadra
10 bbl, I% do.
ti qr. cask, Port What , .
2L do Madeira Kid
cla• Swert Malsg,
27 do Dry do.
10 do Sherry Winr
2, box... Itard,sus
In 01000 sod for sale by
v.I Ti mI Ina:t. cast the
latent,. of menrhanta and others.... and
we asKorted .ars.h Glare, Under and
Drawers he al...te arncles Silk. Weol. 31ertun. and
Cotton. ,1 sod 0n b." and for
axle low by • .0,2 Y. 11. JEATI/N.
gOLD I'ENS. We have now on hand a
I,A large Wok of the beet Gold Pens from the leading
manufamori, ta Now York. and mode eaptwasly unit,.
Also. el, ant Gold Pend! too, and Pen,lkolders. Sneer
Coo. In evorr Porea,plue Pen /lolderw Pearl du.
All L.r cue w Iwl..ale and retail at New York price,
doll W. W.IVIL.+ON.
-1101..iF.5. 8 ..SONN. No.
,not. INehatwe on alt the Eastern
and tt'estern rale+ low Collectiarta made in all the
in the Union. Nutpsan all solvent limalta
od Non , nod 'rime bilk ne,,,Pated. jntJ
PIA RI: .1:11E11 PASTE. 4 grub of tlmt
suporh artlele replw.o and -hoes. no:during them jot.
.sit) water proof,. and ;Amble as a pipre f cloth. This
artiele wart - an:ea to en.wer pury.rtw rept - vaunted. or
the mem, n.fundol. or ode and retail. at 7
and W stro,. f nn,: J. W PIIILLIPS.
TEA WA E—En.4li , 4l A American
In Ten So, Plat , . do, i'Litol Candlestwkr.
. nutlet, nod s; l',lned Urn, 1,..x.t Iturr Val
ence Handle Yol.feCothry. For,, ! , poons. and But
ter Kin..., 1 ., .an,t Ind ocraco. ,ilr, Forks and SPWank
Table T., .Trays of fine Llttninghant trunufaetore,
WOO, ornamented Plato! Trars betattifn! patters.A 'pry anion, Ponder fer cleaning and polishing plat,
warp. Ilro,bes tor drams;;, t'haamis Nuit., Frath r
Mode,. kr.
/14-I..nt It kenet...a , Segerbt celebrated Magic lEttehe ,
atput the et a bat. w hoh will units cost end,
drat, 0y.t.0.. or thire; oko in aI. drat..... Far ...le b, W. W. WILSON,
_Car. Market and radrt.b 4.
- - -
" , ^q amim
lA,. Sturm-.
301,r1a NU...ea. prime cooyArage;
:tto Isla
1t.a.,1 Lard:
13 lAN Hall Butter..
Itot 1.1.14 Oat,
50 brim /malty Seed; n hand and fat , 11.111
J. 31 144 Liberty atrt,t.
hundred and [Ay pr. largo turd Bei Insole.
erllt Blankets, superior article.
WU do Bata= Boat Blanket', ribbon Wand.
120 do Cray (.1161.1ng Blankets, heavy.
W. do Brat, d .do
LO do 111. de do do
30000 s Black Blanket Cloth, do •
Igo Beaver tiros Hiked, do
1 do r ii p=4l .r lack heath 110 , =.0.
do Jean". eed
vol., •
2 do Cassitorna, black
grey color.
1 'do Eatlnetts, Mask and mixed. •
a, do While Twilled klatiaal, yard
AElo Crovs harnal do do
Th denextbal goods ale all or, oonalitto.nt f O . O
, afar:over; east atatl vest, and are for wily on
Lbvsal tart. to the trade, at wastolactotarv . prima
dad LYZA.
VINEGAR --50 bbl. reacivin zi pi a , ree bY
ganbC/ SOKIBON. Ck:k
PE'rltOtEtat, OR Eto --- CK OIL
"The" are nue , the ha 10w... , 1,1 earth.
- Than are dreatubt .4 to ph: 1.1.4 id.: T.
lIE VIRTUES of ihis r‘olarkaLle remo
dr Istri the ne nut spoil,. n forts to the rrePT ,
etor. has Induced ban tobrare It ot I , In rottles. with Ls
Lel.. and .Inrebene. I, the I , lleM I II ~ k. l ale.
ki b k . prilltlLl..l;Nl ts manned teen. a v o lt In [Ma man
d e , of four hundri,t h.,. p a -1 , talailtatera
I.a s ,, t ..thk:,; ' w h . alk.out any ti t:,
but just sts It
Bove frnm N Aloe. , stn.*, Lal.n. or. I .:That It mutants
perperttee Irian; ec a nnteher .4 .........3 I. no longer •
spatter of uneretaters.
.Then. nee h... .; tb. n , i n o„, .e.
can, ef ea , ttn , ..1.1,1.. 4 V....... 0 ta..l.t I .....f es. untfub
rime. to alle. •attnn rna•rtn. , • and re.t e:i ,r the tde. in of
hnlth and river :n many a . en.s".r r 10.. hefLre the pro
prietor thought 41 PIM.. it un t bet •..... it had • repute.
non f. r the cute of .1.......... The c tut( Sul datiy threes
~,,,,,,,, n in! n , ..‘.7.1 n Me VALI.. •nres. tt haa per
formed. ts . num todeation ut it Linsie nonn i nr i, . n .,
w' P r c ' ST• .. rt i .t7r.. l l:ToVal. ' e ' n ' io r rt u r. r r'.:.1.:.;:7.`;;;,,,..
U. WV u. that (Lke 11.6,11,11.” ,klialk Nkkk,t, •.rk k K. ..
o al. Cal t r ot [
clam suit., inet • 41 tke , . heal
r eftat la Ire .10 not claim f, It a to leenal arnlicnb n . i n ...
err di.. we unbeeltatio. so, th. 4 to • number •
,1.n.,1c 1de.... It 1, nu
,e Among U...., b.
, eLutnerated-0.1 dt-d,a,...r. of ll,e Inurone tount.L ilneh ...
LIIIIONIC BRONCIIITIr. CoN,131P1:10N, lit 1t.....i y .
stage.) ASTIIII.V. and. all de , ea.,,,11t. ale lama., 1.15.
i ER 1`0311•LAI NT. i1‘,.r.,1.1.. 1/.1/1...... 1 - ..........., ~
Insider and livinor a. 1, 1
0.. In th.. hart, ..r Eel, remove
Maras., Neuralgia. Eatsr. R.l.euneaLe Pa, Gout, Erni,
I ebuLTetur. Ittlio.nent, nuet.s. , 1 ,14. • ' h ... 01d....
.te. ste. In ca., rf debt*, n milting from elbonu,or
lonic and Prlet,Men,l ea.As of dtr.e.,.. 1.114 1110.1ki, l
bri ,„ ~, i, ~inoenerl TONIC and ALTER
I ...TICE in surh elm, imnartine I tones al enera7 to rh.
1 'etude from, m 11011125 oNrtruettons. el...uln a ; the slustsclsh
. functions. whirls (-vol.. dt•enee ani • Leotoll constitution
i and r
ein inetrae...l and reon,w,l etu.,... to alftro oreatt
.1 of life: The pnl.netor know. ot lacverM cures of PILES
that re‘Vkl , •ll•Tre, other [manner, yet.... 11 under th
em e
1 of the I•FTROLEL )1 foe I short ;time. The prat can h•
i ~,.. to •rt pet.en •ho de.irt• it.
- N. n nu geoid.. vttliout the signltturr of tt..toorrh . tor--
SOLI by the prrletor,
S. . 1. KIER, banal IL. l in, rtes.:Seventh Street
Al.,'. hy IL E. SERLERe. Al Wood St,
sod KFISkil • MIDORK
corner Wood stmet a Virgin A 11. 7 1 , 100 ID an
norfrdly his restuLtrl aprplnted Anent,
XNOW. all men who n. 6 andAfflictod
with chow:map( the Dladdet and idneys. with rluni
trains in hark or limb, MEI bd.. old now ...m o wn,
ulcers ac., that they ran he mirth by talloc the orrod.S.
LEtift. toe may talk swot itsleing a tantrunhu much
you,plca.c. but this thws not make It to for...mew,
In the tan. of an lione.t nommanity , that it has.rirturs
which ate not enntained In any either remedy. The man
who >a ritelwd with pain. and toderinc discue, ran,
the 50 ant., wet rehef frt m anr of the Kis enumerated
Reader! a costs eery little to make a trial. 71ils POSTO
10=13 MO mixture—no nrgrotind. t h i t:t, UP for the purpose
V . d h ?.l . 7l: 4 l32 ' ;:te a r ' hand of aril
Ms= of our mother earth, In in , original purity, and of
fers tosneering humanity • ready remedy, o enjoin sod
chesp itre. •
It has cured Ella. after other, medidneg hare failed to
render my relief., It has cut; Rheumatism, of Icing
idamling , and of the worn and rit painful boo ter.
has cured Cider& Mrbus. by ne or two don. It Am
cured old mum of Diarrhoea, In Which terry othei-umedy
haa hewn of no are& Asa laud nmedy in burns and
made, it it iwttcr than any nintical compounds or ointment
that we Mow of. It will now chilblains and trolled feet.
in a few application, undoubted tittiony can heron:ash
cd of the truth contained In the bore statement, by roll.
for on AAMEEL 31. KIER, Canal Seventh street: or
either of the amnia.
K e yser G McDowell, cornet , of S'otal street andtrizen
alter R. E. Sellers.l,7 Woad stree • D. A. Elliot. and D. M.
Carry. Allegheny etty, am the menus.
[ 4 Idols. 130 eaux;
Mira Nedoc:
has the ma of MORTIMER'S 11.11ERMAT
OMPOUND AND BLOOD 11:/1.111ER. la effectnail)
curing the severevt and mad Inveterate eases of INFLAM
guarantee end recomesetulauma to Induce all whoa/a MM.
Del with this dreadful disease to try its virtues. •
Iluivlnsls of raw, many of Dion ofeSt. Louie.
and othen from abroad. have been enrol withiil the last
few months in
ahoy of St. Louie alone. whlleters from
gat i ;O t fgese• seilerlfr f ri 'thW n
:tending. and all bone of very nau nom Orem leshof 4
111211 c others were of mom ma recent date, of th e acute triN.m
matary form. very severe. All. however. yield to the won
dorful virtues cf this medicine. and thousands who have
realiwd tG twnefils. and are now in the enjoyment of health
can but estiwin the: original dlscatercr and proprietor.•
bensfartnr of mankind.
n..,v0 from the extern nee of the Part. lhnt
,: ,e 1 ^e. up , sAnIY effect a Permloartl ,
.ktthe applmation nthinubinng carnal4rtes ram, may bo obtained
P., a ie., rte... E! re s t
.ll the while this dike Is fixing Its
ronvaeinti, is the erstem, oral sooner or later
again its a niece dreadful form. awl after
. few. peen...Beal returns, it m.itler into a chronic form,
which, If nut iente arrested. ruin+ the individual for life.—
This vented 17 the hi for of the pool In all months*
a nd mote fully detuanstrated by thy history,ftunithed o
late to the proprietor of this.compound,. given by nun
hundred' , of wk.,. have under his inunallata
nave and treatment tilintlif the last few months. ,
pUltliciLii it an internal ronedym-commences it.sggrar
tin where the diweee first ornonakt. and In nu lig
the Wood. thrungh the whole evetem, neutralizes the
impure or eauvtic sediment.witleh has uttiled anon Ina
mcoehrsnes. tautens. and tendune—removes it entirely frum
the system, and nes - taros the individual to pallet. health.
Let Orr, who are little.] not deceive themselves. and
Bo or of this medicine too long, until their •
a .ff bsayTdislevated or contracted to sucha degree that
they are crippl . 4.l , for life. The ezp.eriatne of htindroda of
then...ids durirg the pa rt . to well ea a mulaitude at the
r m .., day, tteneanstraten the fulli of capiectlng pen.s•
jtent tells( fetun extents! applications.
The pronriet.r uf th. valuable medicine tame frnm el
perionre, that no outward applicateou postibly effect a
twrinament cur, where this iliseaso
04 and due: ar is Brady geed in the
' dot A '. cel l : : to
u.e, 110111 i! will not
a irtritume.t core, The a d
taw of this &imam: h. root. that it reuires longer tam. an
an internal remed7. re po the. fired effect, end lion.
onlylibeutustie Genpounil anti Blast ttiMer is the
only remedy that Das ever boo dim-evened. either in
America or any nun, country, that will effectually curs
This medicine can to had, wholesale or 001011, at So. i 3
Thirdnevt to the Pew: Office. kittaburg.h.
Ale , for in Iltleburgh. D. eleriTrtr.
J. D. Ileac - n. ei N. Wieke.leetn. and J. A. Jane.
Prier SS I.'. b e 'is bottles for UZI; or Sin too dozen.
Panaphle. eau be had gratis of the anent
noeled WISILSRT, Agent.
.1.47. 11^E.E. lA. dkr, anJ Me pmprictor
.4 the rnia , raltr 11;aurrivUda. - andfor thirty
year. alne. haA 6,11 fl .rd to the inveAigstion of
ea... and the UPPiir,linli rrmedin thoretn.
rl•e.ugh the cry, Inflating tues.lo connection with
to even , and other of his remedies, he has
mieed an uniamlfel ex:Omen. to ceding three dmdfed
and tstal amladir , Subercular Consumption; Camera s
Sendula. Pheinetl-m. Asthma, lever and Ague. /Fevers o
all knot, Cimino EryArelev, and all those obstinate dise
maw* peculiar to female*. Indeed, every form of disease
Tanishe. under the taw of lib remedies, to which homer&
ty 10 tem—uot by the arc of otis compound only, for that
la irmanbutllde with Physiological ,w but by the um of
hie ',medic* adapted to. and prealiibed for, each peculiar
form of prase,
Dr. Itoiie's Tonic Alterative Pills, when,osed, are fellatir
bly acknowledged to be superior to all others, as a pstrgas
tee or Liver pill. Inasmuch 11.3 thee Imre the towels per
fectly fen , from aativenesr. as also his Golden Pills are ad
initted. by the Lenity. to Isms, peculiar properties, M.P.
td to female dleen.e.e. but being satiated that • bare trial
In sufficient to retablbh what has been NOLL Int the minded
the most skeptical.
The .misted are invited to ea/1 upon the neat, and pros
eu euth (grails/ one of the Doctor's pamphleLs, {thins &details
account of each remedy, and
ti t s,, a s
For sale b, the fdlowing as well as bymost thus&
SUM throuclout th e muntre:
J. Selman/ask, S. Dr. 21 it'red at.. Pittsburgh.
.1. M. Townerml, th - oggist, 15 Market
Lee ABeckham. Druggist. near the Post Oftlor.,Alleghto
ny city.
Joseph Barkley, Darlington, beaver chanty, Pa.
John Fannon %alley , ••
T. Adam., Bearer,
OR TILE AFFLICTED will be found in
Do. Dewitt C. Bellinger's INFALLIBLE LINIMENT.
logic Fluid. which has clod the toot of thirty years ea ,
tut • doubt • boooi the meant of aar
lu{the largo of
tletVoilis of individual, In almost every
elan. end chareettr of dlwiww. lye feel that we haatiti
thing in saying that EA. la the only medinine that hat been
t.Cred to (heat:kW, that ilwv, to every omega the word. wst it wad hr.
It Inui tweed. End le capable of dying diveasee than
any other medicine offered for tale, we .111:12 by wham
made or *old, or by what name.
As a ationg and convincing proof of t e above. we say
that it la the only article that hew &ripe o f
w.tent Medicine that boa ever been yolgonised and real,
the yrelee of the elite generally. at tll6 ID pet e„ge,....h1 •
Family Medicine ever offered for ulo. oy Wed by any of
thorn, vim . .
1 bale extra
Ti DU a CO
ate by
. 'DU aCO
. .. . -
The lion. 3I R. 011.04 late 31. C. The Ron. Robt.
I. M
lon* Isle 3 or. lion. John 4 . Din. late V. S. Sena
tor. Willi 11. Porter, Rep, Editor of Um EOM of the
Times awl a host of other dstinsuLsbed citizens of New
yea, who hare hilly tested Its malts. have path:titled the
trtsmirletar t t I refer to them.
As It Is well known that Patent Medi/shwas,/ opt genets
ally patronized by the learned, wealthy I giolits . e f....
we base undoubtedly a right to feel our hr. highly pries
limed. This Wonder working Co m p. has been nearly
seven years before the public. Its Dna f lends are now Its
strongest and best This most landoub Ly le strong and
co:krt.:lug proof of its gsneral usefulheie .4 sena/Are
qualities It le a smwreign Ivlnvly• - - ram
rheumatic psins. serefnlous medals
woes. and all the sults shd same t'
Oren 1,11A40P0 Potties hare beer Mint,
and here perfectrd such astonish other
remedies lowse Ruled. as Would
offend, and In our possession. not
MIA medidrie, cr mture's mac
etable, f.•r ID4rnni u yell m
.. -
ly uprrt part---kortn
It is a runt cure for Iriarrtma. C
h4 grrTtFe ' tititr.burgh by R.. "
Co., arid Ogden entneden, and by . the retail %quit:tat.
generally. It b. put up In
too. and caLe atalll g bob.
To the Readers of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
DUBLIC ATTENTION is res - pectfully
j_ Chid to the following trutlut set forth relation to
the et the moat unportant remedies of moiltirn in
PETROLEUM Ito OIL; it le not more than one
year agn Ante this great remedy was brought hem the
publiu the relief and cure of dlecthe. Its error [overt!
to heal. have. aince - theu, Lance fully appredamu L i tk e
and all,. 11. t the leafier It Is tried th•
more eartisin will ion am. hinie spread. it iz not the rem•
edy of a day, got op for the role porpae of making Money;
tins on e , which we cotheive, crintintie tn be Liaed when
ell ether metrinine have born forgotten. The Petreleum is
• Natural Remoly, elaborated in the &pall of the earth
by a power road agency that laugh. to stern all human
competition. it is our duty. when we write about • medi
cine, that we dime trutb—tlizt we our
Mathing hedzo
later/ to deceive who may trust oth whrd or pith e./.
deuce In or elate.... /he Ida are very apt to catch at
a ny thing that womb. relief front diva.. Jr re
hardly be too Likhly wthiortht to 11.14V1 lb. Cadent of gull.
Saga. humbugking some of them. Now, we do not desire
ha do this; we the anxious only that the Duth let relation to
our remnly idwauld be told, m order to secure for it a rep.
taboo far etheoillig thy
le article in the mania med
ics. Plant uthern.holfacts—facth that may twaArrrtzined
In our citz and neighborhood. hear ample testimony Ia fa.
rm . of the roleum.
Within Ole Pan two mourlidi, two of our men eitizeth,
who were PrtoDy.bllnd, Lath twen hatured Light. tre
nd caeca at blindness, in the Etate f 0100. have hewn
cored. And ,also, the case ht • kentlegithtin Beaver vrusty.
There are others, but these are cures neat home, end may
~,,n ed to by nay twelan who Lase daubm on the rub
lact. These cases weft carol aMr ther brut been abandon
ed by pbyaimaga as hopebvs. The Petroleum will me,
ohm toed mewling to dieKtion• — P L. rt i.. . D r . " . 7
Itheumatisna, flnith Neuralgia- Eruptions on Die skin,
Plot on the Cure. Chrome :on, Er...Ring...4 Tither,
Pwald Wed. pain, In the Nowt and /alum old mere. Uleen,
Wehit Agtie. Chronic Connha. Aathmo. Iltionehltta. and all
PuLmonary air/odium of a thrvale galore, tendliia to pro.
due* Consumption.
Duren and Sold, illoutaeo of the Bladder and Kidney;
CMPPed /Du, d Exeoriated NlepMs, Corm and ituninns.
In fut. it la n r , dtrid-a t...C.Y.111 , 1 M aden :Ned
I¢ most of the above Jl.res.... a !dun the p.t.yesle with Cho
r u," ti-diteatio that will thtonish ore In
theproprietr,•ho will take rhwaure In thew.
lnzthem to the thiland w their fridid,o,
Whatever oche!, may'
µ e mail, of the are. Thraldom!
Petroleum the creaniel .
oI blob standing in the prohisrlon are orginturik. to use It
In their pradth. Thou• who at firat ee lo i iik l i t id e .i;li e with doubt
amt nalntf a' relLs nth p ladse
all 111 " Le
h ''r ied " eqtral the
conthelled Per W . Lielesal l e b erfj *na.
eat medldno ever Do
tali, by El:T+tot i MeDOWELL. 140 Wood et.
Wool atreet t , D. M. Co h n>. D. A.
J° l'
pt-letor, E. I. KI k & Wood =al Front at,
burgh, and IL A. /obi:ester
-it I. ch.sp...l . l=e olhearlw.
arch kV. /bk..
great E. &diemlir obildren, like other.. Lave been
a-obju trout/wow much.. mul /memo w e d ww wdt
remallea to very / umc Induced by Weer
tisemente about Tour °Cu . 1/frop to ichre g l a triaL I
LAT: It of,dxn, lt nu = i ntj den
Cute ,Jl=i.evcral
1 hove recommended It to my nelnhborn and do 0001
wercsly believe that It tba brat cough. mectiehoo
d u d ever been offered to %ha public.
Parente 'band not permit their children to safer ft=
when they nay be taxed by • ct. bottle of Ws
27 1reered and mkt by_ ft E.2,ELLEIIII.
ream 67 Wood en. and Druggist genera/.
_ed to tbrtdab and mat apparatus tbr rint+NE WT.
aorall Indidinta by sham or hot water, and ha....
=l. l ' Valid•