The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 09, 1851, Image 3

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• LADAY, April 8.
Present, Honorable ti:daru P. llicelnre, Pre
sident Judge, urrd — Stimuel Jones, and William
Boggs, Aseueiute Jude.,v
The trhil of the Gunamonwealth vs. Joeeph
Barker, Wiliban I:.;:rh6r, et eh—indictment, riot.
Was continued.
' No material fact mleanecil on the pert of the
prosecution. was cor.tray..nted by the witueetes
for the defence.
Several saimes,s t:..tified as to Wm. Barker/a
good chamotar.
John D. .Ilahon. F., , allresaud the jury on
behalf of tha def,nd,.-:t, with that ability for
which ho is dlsti,All:,ne,l, and Col. Samuel IV.
Black, Concluded for the Commonwealth, with
his accustotand and impressiveriats.
nis honar, Judge In:Clure, stated that in an
Important case of this nature, he felt it to be his
duty no be very c:u-cin . .. ' III charging the jury, the
more espeeiaily t,e ho intended to charge very.
plainly. Ile woo .I dlcrefore, discharge the jury
until bine A.lock moycing, and he cautioned
them to be very circlet, 00.1 not allorr any per
son to epcah to them tclative to the case in
Commonwealth vs. Eliza Drtmty—lnslictment,
Bigamy. The cae rot opened on the part of
the defence, by Hobert 1; Dude, Esq., who stated
that the defendant, having a husband living at
the time, in the city of Pittsburgh, left him, and
married an old moll n McNutt, residing in
Jefferson township. W.., was an tile posactetion of ;
, considerahle propert:., toll!: real estate and per-
tonal. She at once inmished all Isis children,
and from that boar t, the death, ex-'
ercised a great trier her liexhantl. alai ut
that time, owing In Li, ad, am, was almost
In a elate of dotnge. Ile died soddenly, without
a will, and Ale kept p.saseslion ell his prop-
arty. Mr. Wool n ppeaced ell behalf of the
Fend children ot the decedent, Isis children bar
nig died before him.
Mr. W. then offered in evidence a petition of
the defendant far divorce from her first hus
band, James Brentr. Sq.t,rriber 21, Inn.
vidence objt eted tieerge l' Hamilton,
Faq.; whopeintained that the admissions of a
defendant, in n elite i Ind re, of this nature, could
not be received in evidence, and that in the pres
ent case, proof of a marriage in fact Anna 110
given. Mr. Hamilton argued this position, nt
considerable length, sting a number of authori
ties, both English and American, in support of
Ma opinion.
Mr. Woods answered Mr. Hamilton. 11011 cunt
ed from Sth Sergeant !lawn., a case in point,
where the admissions of the defendant w de
cided to he proper evidence to go to the ere
F. C. Flanegiu, E. 1., supported Pie. Wood
views of the ease.
J. IL Large. followed ov hchalf or the
Mr. Hamilton conelude.l. by pointing out the
reasons why the evidence should not be admit
ted. Look at the con , orroroces of receiving h—
it' she were convicted of bigamy, it followed
that her husband, tic. M'Nutt, had been living
with her in adultery it ft,llowed that if Bruuty
had niece married. be wit' guilty of bigamy, and
his June bastardy:ed. Llerc.,ababdun could nut be
received, since it weas attended" by all these con
sequences, but a sulniago In fact; must be
At this stage of the proceedings, the Court
adjourned till it o'clock tins morning.
Before the Honoralde Walter Lowrie, President
In the case of Jatnes May re. C. & J. Boyle,
the jury reformsd a verdict of six hundred dollars
for the plaintiffs.
Thomas Melon vs. Wm. Chambers. Vend. Ex.
No. 78, January Term, 18.Z.1'. Sherif Curtis
gaiya into the Court 5'282, which sum was depos
, ited in the Merchants' and Mordifacturers' Bank,
embject to the order of the Court.
Sliker & liealcp vs. Henry Crawford. Sri Jo
cur mort. No. 155, April Term, 1851. Sheriff
Curti' pays into the Wirt 5258,84. which sum
was deposited to await the order of the Court. •
Samuel Church, et aL. ce. J Siu Ilannea, et al.
No. 215 January Term, 1831. On motion of C.
B. Byster, Esq., the time for answering said hill
- in chancery is extended for tea days from this
William LIR...AD and Thomas W. Letson, vs.
the Cleveland and Pittshar,,:h. Railrtad Company.
No. 269, July Term, 1848.
Sheer .r plaintiffs. A. W
Loomis for defewitott, not
hl.:Reed et Sou cc. ENLC.I.. Metal. En. No. 2.1, and
January 'l6. Oa petition of 11. Trovillo, Esq.,
into Sheriff, and oa motion of Mr. letterman,
Attorney for John sin Joe, terre tenant, and it
appearing to the Court that the facts set forth in
said petition are true, the Court grant leave to i
the mid late Sheriff to amend his return by sub- I
Wit:sting the name of aim. B. McClure, Esq., 118 ;
purchaser, and the return of role by said Sheriff the
is thereupon amended. jEI
James ?lay so. C. SJ. Boyle. )lotion for a
new trial by defendants counsel.
Taws Baas.—The following true bills were
rettarned yesterday:
Commonwealth v, Jelin llutine--indietment,
Commonwealth vs. Oliver 11. Shaw and Joncph
& Tinaer—indierment, .I.lsrDy.
Copmonwealth r.. Martha 'garret—indictment.
ASSltat and Battery.
Cdmmonwcalth vs. William Jackson and Thos.
Rogne—indictment. Larceny.
Commonwealth yo Mary Ann rook—indict
ment, Receiving Stelen.Gwaia
Commonwealth v. Mary Ann 1'0441.--indict
meta, Larceny.
Tut PANORA?! v.—Oar readers will recollect
that this is priiiitiairly tlc !art week of Cogswell's
Panorama et California, W.,'on eirliitation of
the Athenaeum.
BILL lallottl:n—}hnd:•. Grand Jury
yesterday ignored the 1, - 01 .el* indictment prefer
red against Phillip Lyndi: nhn aCC9SPIi of
BIISISESet tioderstrind that one of
the beet businesm of the Allegheny
mountains, ',till be offered for ante on the 21st
day, of May next, at tie, corner of Water and
Liberty atrechr, in the immediate vicinity of the
Penhaylvania Railroad Deot, by order of Ad.
inidatrator of the estate -of Root mock, En 1.
ACCIDENT Aso Los- r.—The Enterprise
of yesterday nays: , •
A serious and afi::,:ing .acciderd occurred
a b ou t t au miles f ro m puto:urgh, or: the Pitts•
birgh and Ilrownevillo road. on last Tueetlay.—
While a young and entimahlc young map, named
Cady, was leaning upon a loaded maeket, it went
off, NSA discharged a largo load of buckshot into
his A rm, just below the shoulder. Medical rid
wasimmediately sent for, tut it was of no avail.
Lock jaw was the reatilt and at nine o'clock yes
terday morning death terminated his severe suf..
feting. lie leave+ it young wife and a Large circle
of confiding friends to mourn his loss."
Itaxprr.—The horses attached to a carriage,
containing four ladies, r. ho were returning from
Mr.;liitomaa Arbuckle's funeral, yesterday, ran
off bear the Penitentiary, and could not be
Dopped until they entered the old Allegheny
Rtor.—A fearful riot occurred in the cellar
trader the-City Lecture loot in Wood street,
an Monday night, in which knives and other
weapons were freely mod. It seems that a num
ber of colored persons were there amusing them
selves byte_ ball, when they quardaled, and a
patrol melee ensued. About twenty persons,
rule and female, were arrested and taken to the
watch home. Bampxon Warlield was badly cut
with a bowie knife, 64 was a moo named Clniget.
A woman also received a cut upon the hand.—
Several persona were committed to prison, and
. s number discharged on paying tines of from
twenty to two dollars. This cellar is noted for
the riots which occur there, and frequently de
mands the attention cf the poliec.
ADMITTED.—Henry C. Jolm_•oa, Esq., of Craw•
ford County, Was ymter.lay, oa motion of 0. , 31.
S. W. Mad:, atlnutte4 to firacuce in the st': oral
COtnis of Allegheny county.
Attazaran.—l'olice Oficer Fitzmorris, yes
terday arreuted Cuerics Liworthy, who is to:tes
ed of assault nod bu4rv, and was committed to
priron by Alderman MeSloiters.
This ease is a statthwhst tiff , mlar ono, owing
to the fact, th at a true bill hat ' been returned by
the Grand Jury ugaiust the officer, for permit
tjdg escape of Elworthy, who wrm once bo
or° arrestell.
Perry Tarrr.—Poi.o.. °racer Farsoonis,, ye,-
texts,' arrested a nom Lamed Frank ito at, who
Sa atewaid of rtralnir. .dollar g0',..1 p i ece ,
from an old lady reiiiding in Allrgkeui, lie w ee
committed to prison by Ald.
TILL TRIM or 11.,RLR—We I,ave neat' seen
an little czcitelnent inaniteeletl * ,)y our citizen.: in
criminal trial, 1,3 w Ow Joseph
Barker, ttiillium liailrer, oh., which loan just
been -conclude,/ iu the Court of Quortec Sesvionet.
The moat trifliug cave of lureeny, generally at
tracts a mach, large..number of -
ACARD. -1. relnov,d to uvrnew, son , .
ix (aims awn 1+4,..1r 0l
Kt va •
sbargh, that 1 l 1 pet my trirtALs nt fel ,
k n . wino.. LW 1%.11, ,lur• c.l Llte. cu•to.a. I II
Imosverr lar,e 4.....rtuacnt GI I:pholotery, Iloalt•mt.
d114, 0 . 1. .)0d (I..ttan rod Husk .11 nt.rns.
me. >U.+, t 011..
popyyryams,and Cialart.l4 41.10. chin s. of eve r> rt."
ung., atul ovary article Inyvnlly found In the
WO& UMW , * eratautimant. of IJ. Ll.l. Orden r noec4
our witcUaCt sad own pr L I BMA E MIA utz•
Eiectra-Ma . stnetic V L All oram illlEß ottre r . s. Steam LOCOM.
ADDIT ONAL CALIFORNIA NEWS, BY THE I tire.—The eleven o'clurk train from Baltimore
GEORGIA. , yesterday got on the wrong track and drove into •
'few York, April B.'
The uiet of San Francisco was disturbed on retie locomotive: How much damage was done 1
the 23 of February, by the resort mthe court
of Jud Lynch, in the case of two men. T.,, the house occupied by Prof. Page's electro-mag-
i, not ascertained, but the conflict and crash was i
sus- tremendous. Fortunately no person wee injured,
petted of having knocked ( down Jansen in his
' although fences, doors and timbers Ilex in all
own et re, on the most public ctreet ini the city. directiou,. One curio). freak was performed :
and ribbed him of tii2.oo(fl The jury could nut the bun or casing of a carboy of acid wan entire
agree is to the identity of the men, and they ly stripped off, without breaking the carboy.—
[Nat. Intel.
were therefore left to the' regular courts of law.
Two l fires occurred ou chit 2nd and 3d of March The Columbus (Ohio) State Journal utterly
both probably bably tbe work of an incediary , the es- • denies the story wnich has been pretty eaten
tent of which we gave in 'net report. The city - sively circulated that Ohio I,ls passed a law
seems almost entirely at the mercy of rogues nullifying the fugitive slave Idil in - that Stair.
awl ruilfians. The Journal says that no such law has passed
The deaths in San Frani:i.e.° from the 18th to ' the Legislature, or either branch of it.
sailingl of the steamer. were as follows—Daniel • Werrstial Prim—There is a drum now in the
Budge, of Ohio; Benj. (Isle and Wm. Crockett. possession of the Massnehusettv Volunteer,
of Tenn.; Limn.. Wm. Pere. C. S. Army. of which bear, the following inscription upon its
Maine; John Long, o UNDUE; Wm. Craw- loot, l• This drum was bent at tile Ida Ile of Bun.
eraft,4lo.; and J. H. Chambers , Mich.: end in : ker - liill, by Thomas Scott, 177 r - It FRY taken
Sacra onto City, 11,ssick Lerile, Ky.: .1. Mr- : from a Ilritish drummer by a soldier of the Con.
Nulty. A s hm m l, 0. ; R o bert N. crnm, 6a. On linentals at tile memomble battle shove named ..
board he Caroline. of Panama fever, L. Lyons, it afterwards become the property or the State
St. Lo is. Near Santa Barbara. John Mowitt, ,of Nios,o,hl,octto.
111. I Yam county, Oregon, Jos. Vanwetter, I
forme ly of Illinois. York
Convention Negrowf, sitting in New
city. pissed nn Tuesday evening strong re
solutions against the Fugitive Slave Law, en-
FUGITIVE.SLAVE CASE. pres,irig a purpose to resist its execution as for
BOSITON, April S. as possible and alto a resolutimi for the tip-
The Judges of the Supreme Court. have reins- Pfdt‘ , tneut of COnftllitlee to complete such or-
, ;ratit a writ of goninition of the Intl° colored voters in the
of Sims, charged with being a fugitive flow Li- 6tj• as 'than Le felt at the net and oil future
bur elections.
Thl r
nit i
esnminntiort is going to before the t•
is-iont‘rA, who will ix - 01.11,1y give their de• watt , cony .eted of 3 murder inChester rounty, and
14 night.• sentenced to he hung, will shortly undergo the
.13 excitement prereilit among the Aholi. , Ottotity of the law It t said that Governor
3 and negroes, loth it is thought that no , Johnston hos fixed noon Friday. the '2 9 th Atig
on of the low, to•tn , Ite suceevfolly carried i s nr the execution
ißeview, Reseda lii. belief that Bee. and Newton.
'ATII fir A 114111IEll IP Ci INC/ 11lisis4
the two great helm of the modern world. are
bulb humbuge. Ile haa an article on the .• Hun-
gnimn licl.ctlion. also, which would do honor
1 5 °M ii° llo °'• MMher of Congress from to it az - pan liimaelf. Ile characterizes Mr. web
'ork, died at Mount Pleaannt, yeateriloy. suer -Cadmiralile letter to Ilidsemannita a defence
‘d . rebels.
4 . ONNECTICTT ELITTION. I:real —NI Doom. the proprietor a the
New Vork lintel, up ltroadway, N. 1.. hat par
clinaed 4ererzl lota of ground in Fifth Avenue,
latestur ,'" t'°°:-°°,,c"O° this near Twentyitbird street, on which he is about
yesterday, the ;°°°.'" "'“" for to erect, he ,ays, the moat magnificent and ex-
. .
at Dintriet—Cbarlea Chapman, Whig ..._,,,,i,,. tent hotel in America.
ond District—.C. 31. Ingersoll, Dem. For Lilwold.--The barque Baltimore. chartered
eel District—Chauncey F. CIeSIVIBUCI. F. S. by the l'oloaitation Society ill convey come two
hundred free nogroes from Savannah is Liberia,
neth District—Thi4as 11. Butler, Whig—re. arrived at Savannah on Sunday bud- A large
d. manlier of the emigrants wore ready to go on
the Legislature. the House, as far as beard board. '''....,
stands, Whigs fiS. Democrats Si. Doe. Quitman reached his home in Natchez . on
}day's election will result in the choice, err- the 13 th iiii., rind was reeefrof with a routing
of nine NVldgia to the Senate, and probably ; cabal°. A dinner hat Met tendered to him to
tore. 1 Wilkins. county.
-- "nr- Si -- The New Bedford Mercury says that during
!re was no choice for Governor, Seymour ' . _to New
.1 received a plurality of votes. the last twelve days there had arrives] at that
•=O3. port seventeen ships bringing an aggregate of
PHILADELPHIA. MARKET. 3. 64.5 barrels of sperm oil , J 7,4150 barrels of
whale, owl 345,9;2 pounds of bone, beside:, 50
A P ril : of sperm nil sent home.
ore has been but little doing to day, in eon- . _
nee et the Wel 1742a.1.41C.r.
ur—Market quiet, with sales 500 bble good LOOK HERE KY FILLEND!
at $4,56 'ft bbl k RE YOU A FATHER. laboring for the
"311 sales 4;00 soprn of and sue..rtrig . (mai ,tw'r-.! dr
e Flour is in demaad, with sales
rr. u. lloss....Suskss rarsaparella ""'"
Neal—A small sale was made, at .i,2.75 Ater. a Moths, satering d. woe wLteb es
teals. etr4Fere sutls:l7 ures oss s. 1b.... s loOter
of. saa seer •
pssuphlet. :refs. the you S. and thatAlle ' Sheter oar
preparel I, Dr. S. Is flow, bas be. ths
•Irn•• Of pettosnentlr me
thseases. tbe
bursas family aro ooutlsoalle than soy other
preps...leo Sa.resparLta •ter yet brotsght befurs the
This cledistoe has .t ested td.:l3 rsraassaa3 br ln
we:serous nod cell attested cores
It ts put at mayo. , . bottles, sol is the outs .
t a,aparilla
that arts en Cos laver, lidtlnsys. stet 04.1 the slaw
time. esbiell revises 0 alt.:ether zoom
salt to otter
Ove. particolsrlT fetssass.,_
Its sure and enquire for tr - r.
SAH.S.SPARILLA. .red take soothe
Prim al leer bottle-4 bottles for 10.
For sale
Da. J. I
Coll D. UCl eas Ce W •ncinuall.E & CO-, Proprietors.
So whom all orders cote to addressed.
hr sae 0, J.. 0. Jones. J. Sch. - m[l.l.r t. Co.. W.
Illsek. R. W. Strata. J. MI. 'Townsend. J. Mohler, IV. Jark.
wen. IsttsborKts D. A. Elitott. Alleghsel at} , Nr• P. Me-
Ciellawl. Manchester. Broeensvil. Jas. ?soli
Co.. Whee‘isss J. Patters., and G. Nlorsto.
C.irsvtits Slab. t Suet. Cad.. ceZssitsT
to—Only a Unshed amount of wheat is of.
with sales of prime l'enna red at 100 c,
white at 1040, be., be., which is nn impron.
Rye has advanced, with sales 2000 his
Corn is scarce, with sales 4000 ha ,
at 03c afloa t. Outs are in demand at 44e
at 6 1
? b.
visions of all descriptions are in better tie
pork is held. higher.
series—Are without change.
key is in good demand at 22c. 14 gal in
April 8.
Innr—Sales 1200 bbls Bowan) street at :51:50
800 bbis city mills r.t ?
ovisions--!fhe market is very ,snn, with an
• act in pile or. Shies of new loess Pork at
jr,0(77.1.1,; i, sith an active detnalsd, and hol
asiing id ;her rates. Bacon is firm. with
of slit.clel . crs at 71, sides. at 81, sod hams
:(...7)10c It Lard is selling in tads at
ly kegs r sic "id lb.
.iskey —.Sales at 2 - 21 . 0...23, in bbk.
,ve,,--Sa tee 150 head at Edl,so(ii .5.t4. , %2 on
• oof.
ge--Salea at $6,23 e e cert.
April N.
aton—The market is heavy, with Bales
bales. „..
!avt;—Sa • le, 3,600 bbl, at $fi.50(•?!.1. 56 for or
l ry to straight state. -
, in—Wheat is firm, with rains 3.000 bushel,
at 100 e el bushel. C. inn is firmer, with •
25,000 bushes, deliverab4e in May, at G:lic
ovisions—Pork continues to advanee.livith
•od trade demand. bales ‘..a:/0 bbls at ;
Ai for mese, and tilll,94:fi trprime. .1 good
mess is doing in nn :neat, at ... , 11 4 11(o ble for ,
H6l. for ',boulders. Lard is inactive. and
lo• favor buyers.
ocerit,—Coffee is tirm at 10 7 for
are. also active, at full prier,.
hiskey•-t, in good demand, pith moderate
a g
ca I
bu I bun
en. Scott, accompamed by Adjetrint Genet al
Jo s and SurgeonGeneril 1.111.013, left this n ty , u •
Tuesday evening, last fore r New Orleans. via
Cin aunati and Louitiville. oa hl siness connected
wit 1 the Militar:v Asylum for the Southwest. i 'IL Niiitik. -
We aro pleased to learn that. preivinu., to the IL \ ~,,,,,, ~,,,,,,. N , ma „,,,,,
deprture of this portion of the B , oard of Com. ' - i:,.:
.- ' ' • .
iAo. sit •
mis toners. the entire Board fixed, upon a cite j ,-, thl., - let ,u..,rar,
for the Asylum to be established in the District :,,., ..e. Docket...
of Columbia. The place selected LI: the one al- •.-", t•rre. Ihre.
1,e., teen che.d• Y. 11. imidl. sal il P Te..
rea ly alluded to in this journal as ' Wwwiley.'- . ~,,. 4,.. Corn 1ere.,,un.1e.,..ti.
It n as purchase.' of Col. Thom., at what 1 , ' ..,,• ' ''..r 1 " 1 -''" P 7 . ;. T i,' " 'n ..”i . brwoo
en' isidered the moderate price of *20,000 It
11, -;', - Jr.. , Item ' , IV i lm u n, Tofeareo,
- F,,, • :dr dokuk,o. renoue brand..
.„,, a M0t0...
con ains one bemire , " acres of land, in a
hid{ state of cultivation, is siturued north of 116 • I oh,
•. Keeler,
Ge rgetown, at a convenient distance therefrom, • ~,i,,,1„ I,,uuoln. Lone, In cite not for dale hr
on he upper:range cif heights, and to mends a enchi. . " I ''' mArl .. HE ''' " C. '
prospect Of tit metro of , pATCS;T i Ei/ICIS ES. A.e....-A large stiaok
oh and valley of the l'otomac. The filth of I i n ~,,„,„,„, , w ode in th.. m....iiitx•oa kenos. via
We place is proverbial, beyond tli_clik of the 1 • wiklo • ointment
.] Arcane. , teal.
. hatemen . linens
ml sma of the Potomac and RoV :reek, from ' L ' n el"' t•Zoliel A I I . 'Belkant do Mahn%
which latter stream it is distant tore,. quarters ' x•r'^ bit R".. L ' l ' '' ' "' ' ' se 11 8 ,
o r 1 ',..,
o n ai1..:117 ,. 4 r s : ,
~E .: i t
: „ it ;of
1 i t
, h :::: ,
•modeldrec. r•ter e.
of • mile. It is easy of access both to George- Pulmonary Bakeni Court Pleend
tonic mad Washington; the water is fine .d I'M'i Aen -B M"`' ",:ilhe's Imo. ages
abtindant; Colson the tract in a granite. quarry, I - Atelerwen r le I,e A d rup. for the
't of King' Ltll th e
extrasive enough to furnish all the building Ina- 1:: P,','„!l';`,. • ,; , a ., ~ -.1 '..j. 7,.5r1de1ti...n.. : '
tet-i;ls which tan he desired for the Atylum par j - zvens' e . ''
.."' I, ....Fr . l i a'rr r n rm „,,, th '
pm. n. There is also a spacious and, well built 1: 1... h t;;,.'0',.",'," 1 - Lemon
M sioll Ott the place, situated in Or e taitist of - lifeien 1 - hers...
pie uresque oaks. A more
and appro. .... j',j, r ,, n """
tli I ... , tsvend.o.
, .. eltwes Paishurgh, P - a.. March 14, 1851.
pri to point could not have been selected for the " Quinine I - terJutergreen 1 1:0 THE PUBLICi-We have now in use,
proposed Asylum.-Not. indef. Powders. Soda , d 31ene
nose l In our Flouring Mille, two of ...hawk, 11. Clerk'. Ps.
- Ants 1 .' . tl''''''' Ice I teu eon blued Grinding and Bolting, or Merchant Flour
t.e'n(g'ig--r- far 7. t_il,'er:,:l 0., —. .. or
leg Mils." One is u f grinding 511,1(111o.. sod the
pr.ASK ROAD noon CCMIUMLAND, 3 In., ro Prrrs- swami. P.,%1 "'" Om 'te n Cors'l ' other fur griwllng the Ofisle, or menthe the Bran and
. :bort.
rheid en Tincture
stip, Ps.-We have received a 'enter ta.da the l e ' e i.liir 2 e r ' ''' no*""' 11.1, ,mull The not is perfectly adapted to Ile we. doled{ We work
t W 71.. forme rowdet . well .an cmilnerr burr alone, and rehuirlutkwuch kw
ma one of the plank road, from wh I ts. we gather n„ , :r ) ,.. „,......,
or ~ s. s
~ ,,,,,1. power. coking It tyttlltalellt, In a Merchant Ilut, to neari3.
ma y gratifying and interesting fr.cts. -Vno4 rove, et tr., d esst_ststh street!, 00,,,Tetp..r,,,frr..17:i=ji11,,,,...ivi...7t.:Tx,r,,dtv.....,,,r0:
duces an whoel prolit nf ebout 1.1. per c.f. on the 'slue
The circular saw mills belenem g to the con, Wines and Liqn '3l l - uf the (Matsw. the 31111.
pan, are in constant operation, both by day and No, 157 Ltberty ta.,Forancrly Dac 4 erork”f“ th 'g* 1 wo r r if=irplaien h it . e r 7ott Arr ti r it ' c ' ie w ers ' 4.. r. rrio d .. 74,, V ,
by , .ight; and tro are quit e a number' of the D. 11,11.1 ELSI, of Pitt.burg.) r i . n. , ionvent., of S. V. old having the dusting apperatue orembined. It le worth,'
etc m and water saw mil', in the employmene of
the plank road compel:l.j The trwo largest corn
e to ' In wh
e ile annerell. , a vi their friends
t r , e: p w e l e N t . f t_ 0 ,. 1 . 1 y ,, i .
; o tt , ,, ,,, ,ttitt!eAt ?ofttkittoillemnpdttotottongt\itriruanwrtibiu:intsoakur,Ed for
Thurso. seve r
-v. mills .....t. nor thousand feet each in ono .n e rtelry ° , ' Uni S t E t . l . l: !' h i e s s T e , ° •sta lli t l el . L. E li N ee. YE a l h ' We, !Li undenelankl, oper:tives In the krittsburgh City
hen , and some a 1 . . c ~it i ,e z, .,. , q , an d d own '
~.L o ß tt d , : tk i lo t.t
t t:T r i o lt i l t ; o ls o.t t to..ttitmeohtrattetstlta:lo.,,w„ht,,orry,__o3,,el,4llll4.,,...,e,li , r,,,,,d 0 , mu,- r „.,,if y :,, rho ‘,1„,,,„
mil 8 cut from ten to twelve thousand feet in a I In teh rrd taxa White Witt,. Also, french d.r. end Pale . W. R. Notts,
day,and night. A. mat, Holland tears CIA".
it aro worked up to the fullest 1 ~,n,rfl,r',7i,V,o,lc,hre,:fir,jarin,„:.V:::,,'„tr,,,,.'°l7„*„ t o ed: wi n ., - ' A. .I..IIIT,ILLL
CtlolCity, and Ina' .oense quantities of plank am 1 11 el. wort approied brands, roll er , f i te t :, Ilsta...lrAinrx, 1
hellig sawed. 'Art very unusual open winter CLARK'S PATENT PORTABLE COMBINED
salt ch left ttift •, undo is . t1.1.05t. •ittipussilele we'd te.t,, whf:ll.o)Lit• 1,1 1411 d. tio tlo, moat p.a.,. ben term.. hGrinding and Bolting, or Merchant Mill.
sea e, re'.ardef , , the work of collecting
1 i rt.'rrn“,w...1.....“'..,,!'i1.e7,.fter',„.V.1i.....,,,. 'All of , w ' hel 4 :thed
legs, .., 1 , d u e of the rartrods. Mr. ,toweenel, sail coot, Vt . ...,, , 4 4 . 1 ,
United States, for 11,1aroes 31. lark's Patant
111.4 ma'r,tailtg p lank. The improvement or the I 1 1, 4 .ii's ” " 1 1,', ,l ,rte...:,Ta .., 11 ' s ' i ' Z ' ai d i. ' rn a lt ' r r u i" tV.I 'c'ts, '." any I EA ~,,;,,, l\( purchased the entire Patent Right
rv i de b., he wever, put them all in lively too. , ',,`,;\"r: - ..;, ' ',u,, - "!.,1 1 ,.',. 1 '''D Pl'"' tetra "'" con. ir " . ' v '''''' ' rec., ones orinaloc. or Merchant 31111." hod now being
tics, and thr: road hat, which is tit last in a con- 1 oirvemile, ,iii.ell•: , l free a extra ,b.,:e. and •! I. I I. , 'P.l'd ..,,.711,.1,%.!•,if5t., .alto lier.,,,lrt:l'''„lk
dition to rig,eive the plank, displays a most live- '''''''' """`" "t '-. l i'tioutPl for law. to ot`h.i. th.r:t,•ete:i 1:,?.at0i i . , 1 [b r e: age,
ly cme. The cerupany has Oct yet been en- Envelopes . e n d one , which le eon. to meet •RI sumer.. end winchwill
, ~ 1 1.• Iles weans or waking .1 Pl•ltt , tl•tr"h". l4 '...'Y
tabled to pr ocure and organise the full cum pie- , 1 EI'lA N'S A NIES' I . r, rnsrATC 11 E. - ..,,a e.,..,,.. m g t., r.,,,,,.. „ b ere d.r. L u dt... 7 111. Mill
me t of Ka ago sufficient .oi, finish a toile a day; j ,F.,..ti0.,,:,,,r,',1;!:,Vb.‘,•!.,•,.rj0n,,,0ttz:...r.r,r,,,:11;!.;..v.: , ij 0 r; , , ,, 717 , L1,T ,. r , w , , ,, te 0 h ,0. 1ee:1 1 i1r .,, gi,z . 0 1;‘,, , ,,. , , ,. r,..' ,, , , ,
bu the t tt.ey will do . soon . possible. Su i ~,o , the enika eted . e.tron e e,t i:et ran'. , e ,...1-1,e,:', 1 71v011e : i.rnetene ex t ol ledttun from a n te je to , ten Tetit t • t h:l,
rl.,farl:ree. per
far,. it has been compi teed, it has not only I ~•!.,,,,,,,,T,1T,r,T.,,..;v:. ;,-.,..,:,-!,.,,,,,:. v . 11 ,, , , ,,..1 00 ,
ir ‘; ' ,', 0 1,.n.• I rl ' i - a e . ;."... 1 ..."; V,',:rte n t' d 7',,ii ! ,:.;,,T!'r• c it ... n „,...,:: ,', . ru, 5.
girm Ultit,er Sal V ittioftsotl on, but it ha, aurpas.ed Id. 1.. et the .nor ,d mde, n i'e n r ‘;I.AO 1 , 1 , ' 6' )10Ft1r.. I%hr:oath ..1: " Li.'. Cite Floanug ) till.. Llieerty
kek more than realized ise latest sanguine expee.
ji EA 1. 1 .10 XT . !: PATENT STA ilt 'll Nil,- 'l". ' itii n le ' e ' r ' , " Tit i .; • the right rd Junk •M. I Jerk', St, 1
tut ens or every one who has travelled over it, , , sil. ,•,,,.
~ ~ ,,,, , , , ,i , _ ~,, ~.,,,,, . „„„,, Vati/LVE. end it Ilerlo i n.. Inc tale. has t en fo. p;: , r, t hr774
Adil more than once Dace the farmers' horses, '
~ .nor r .;.c, . .i, : ,:r.,^hlrt P.0e.,,,A.. and eil kite.l-ed , ram de , it , tit i n l i, A t uesel, All talon. isTi Ll A,l „. ...t,i
rk,;.„ . •
apOtt lm ring the plank road. had good reas , ifto 1 '.;';'. e .„ ,„, ',. ',,Z,,',`",."'„';';',;:,',!'.''„!•":''" .!.:'l'lr' - , ' ol,ht• ddwltn. r
lee k bad ~ .5 . hea they hod to s ow their stn. to le : 1:1 . 1e....„ Ih: 1..i... 0 ~.,„,.;,.„:,,,,., ~..,,,,,
77 ,,,, 1 . 01111
I flOitsl , , liEiN OV ATIN li 1"./W -
to their fullest powers, to know what was the , ,„ ~,,,,„.., , „, , „,,.,.„;,,.„ , ' n .,;;;,,,,,„,„,,,,,„',`,'; 1 ' i'll tut :., • • mt• ..1 ••.10..11,' 51 V. ,14 1, 1.- lOU t,11. 1, .
~ ,• ,-. ',5, ~AIIS Mo. 15•. 1,, D ,,,...,.11. 51 feces.
Matter. it. IVEI 110 e be a great while belore the 1: ,• ~
~.. ~.,
... „ ~u r,
‘,. ,
r, , ,
~ ~, . „, ........ to e hidi, Van Id nee! Ilor.•••• e
11: loan and Obw Suitt oad a. the ..itizens ot ~,.,, ~ ,•,... ,„ ~
li.ltimo re wilt Joel Inn he to of this gmit mi. ,
, 1,.... „,,, . , ,..... ,,, ,;: ,, ,
~1 . ..7,.,.,,.; . ,..,,,; :;;,,• ,
~ , , j. ,. .f, r , ~1 • ....,1,i . ~,, , , . ,: r i . .,..; r ,,,: i. i ..,, .. 2 ... , , , , J,7, , , , , ..,.. ! ,.,.,,,,,,,.
I.rovetuent and shortest hoe to steamboat nail- I i ~....1 0.; ., 1. mph. nt. wine: ni-d • • bone to:. 11/ix II . N• 111
gt non .on the Ohio river.. -J.tit/r. Sun 61.0.11' -II I i..,,., N... I te,•'.l. 1, sal.. I.v 1 ~,,. 1.“7. i, 4 rviit g " a o ''"', l ''''" '`'l",',l' r , " tj''
1 L - v tontl A A ‘,. le knit. t.ll I '" ,'''r'' A ke0 " ,. . 1. e le
---- _ . tete.el er ,•NI ry all nte„ •-•,ratte co, for the Wares, el.
' P., kmele. salt ed,. • M0...v:0 to he t he , ort,,liv.l e.. ,
I re e_ i l t l t •, t e rtt l :
want,n.l,,,e ott )i! .. , ~ ,, : e r tk t ot• el
,A1, 0n ,.1 ~ ~ , ,,,,k. p . NI . ma r a, :',I, a woman , -,1 1 ,',..EEN ;'„,.','. l .'!'": ---2 '',,,',,''',',.. r,.;:;',..',...,irn.r.,,nid .. '; '4"::, , ,,1;;;',:,z-c;,., , ,:-..-.1.1..i.t..i.:',; . .T.1 - ;•.:;,,; . c.11:z,...ii,
cWe to Uhe bra.,, 'amp tea uufactory of :%le. 11 , i1- L tt'Slil,llEs. -
I u Carlton, Deitch stet et lie-tan, and tu- , ,71 5 nbe. 01,--e, hot; lode,
q i ced whitt time a your ; , female employed in
t e shop. of Mr. Cnrlton in. peillehing bravir'Work
w old moue from ditin.,.. Soon utter the girl :
I quire,' foe made her ap pea ranee The strange , lA,, Peterl Ash.
..t/ trt, Idetr•l matt) I 1.,.
..,t; boo Dried APPo•
tore lew Drted I,4ICLA ... fur ode k,..
W noon rtnnicatately confron.led her, lota threw , :,,'''''
, We
t e content. of h bottle a ~.a Obllrtr..l.l toil of ' 'nr . ! ' ,
J. B. c.t,\-yiET,i). I rhe e e , ~, .1 C. N \VICKI:It:111A%
. 0r...,:,
~, ~,soar NI, u, end Wood ..
711 en I t ch E 2l
SUBSCRIBER has been apre,inted
' ta.. rala,e 'll7. :,,:',l=t`e i ;:•; " ,.. h ,f, r r`,.7l . l',., l :Zi ' a , :li ,7, i ' d. ' :
vtro.l I in her fa:, deep; tying her eye etg,lit, and ' /-\
Ii 110usE-KEEPElts.:—order,iro, Paper • rheef Improy.m..n, re ..,„ : „,,,,, 7 ~, , t ~,,,i,„, r „,,,,,,,,, ~„,.
itd.g the skin th . '`l l ‘ . ..rl''' ..l3 ' " it hrr f'.. r ' -N-, ","'Y`" e ' b ti le r e N i r..) ‘ . e-, 11 1 ,, ,e. . ' Lr ,,. . ,. 1 4 .. , ', d,l . ' iPt F t'.-- in,e '.4l,'n '' .'...7,,% 4 ::.',, '' ,Te ' i n ila.i.! ° .:'; ,", it ' W ` o! '..P.,‘...'!
- r The ti;01.). endured • o y the gi t 1 e de, ',lnto) to _ ''.
... • , - _ k
.- i
[,are for
~,lo 1, , 114tarr7 ,,,, r , 1t; , z, ,,,, ...r i .D.r, let 1,1, rt... t 5 r .1 . 1 :,, ::At,1 , . ,. !: ,
`O ties, :At
ten , mini ediately e enveyed to her 1)0 rAsii--o
. c. , . tt- RI( A Y.: ..CA I DLL . .., 1 s ' l lkhca teek'romend irle n t'. " ,•':;.',"..411 . "e n. X . 4..d . 0. ler • elh he n,
hOune in 11,•uston stet et, and met'ical aid called -1- er-a, , suw.reor e5.1t..11., df ink }Oa,. thm t 5., ar , • ~, 5 ....'"
let. The object of th. s fiendish vna Man i 5 MD/ to ' D. KING, Banker nail Exchange Bro. 7„.• 4 1. 1 . moons mos . - a-i la on re h•eek , he ad'' , de
'. been the girt'' deaden of he
revenge and I A ker, lourtb et, den. in Wilte=aLs,•Slulittt I ',,, ~,,,n r. n , „
,•,, Rotor
..t.„,tortoto -
ter 10 . on the Eastern kite and ..... For sel,,. be the eases or Ida lon V
I oozy. The girl '
pas not been '11')Ie to speak i ,„„,f ~, taw tutee,,
end ts now l A, a=f r, t i phe 'anthem
ki al. k ert. 1 It ^ ;• . w iy,ps.
li d
PO oho affair. i Ingralum In p e r [isle Ira I nich2l inensr Varial. aid 101111.11 eta.
lirimnson, in tlin Ingt numbrr•if Qiinrierly
QWEET for in
ma. 7.1
WRItINC—Is h1;14. 'NSO) welt
wcia Y ', .
BA( 2 °
• •
B i n t i A D E Y—Sotne very prim ,
. . _
f r fmle hr ....:110):,ll.ilitIlt Cu)
casks \rim,
whc, I:ctr - 1e
~~ • '11« I It CO
N boV, SW,t
.111A0:1117 1 .,Il
LNI:1:1,11 a
Vt:W BOOK: , ...—Nile N.kteit of a lion - mlyr. •
1 s , . i. L... am- •tml t attwr.
1ra11,t.... • I t . r ..r...• .1,- ..I NO (f ‘i, ,rrt., I, 0, • nt. ~t Ar.. 1,, •I“,.•try. hod ,t 11,-1,11•,n
-.L1 ntol 1Lt•vr,..1.1 , 11‘,.. by Lim. ',anti, A ¶1 . 1 ml..
''''' • . b••• '• j 'r‘ T17;1 . . 1 1t . /"1-. 1 . r 1 " tl•./ y . /At la , tug ,
r „ 01 ,., i-iurn, on,
V I N , E:11..k It . --;1n ,.. 1 ill. ; t .. 1,1‘..r I !Yarrante i ri I , for i
l cflrl,ti an. Col Water al..
of , ORS MEAL---ri 111, for emit . . by
.C., lar1:1•• Ittl EV. 31ATTIO - .1( e. A ro.
COTTON—:2S hates on consignment. per
, %I a•bingt,m. 11.... rale , tr,
turle, AL!_ A Nl , Ett 611RININ. Fr. •L
g lIN lON St:El , , 3 bbl... for sale by
N J/ rt , -L, I•IEF.Y. JIATVII,O •, 1 CO
. . . . _
i LCOIIO L-1n) MA, 76 and 92. degree (,
..,-1_ 1.. f Im., 1.3
1 .Ch..' J sritwootAgex &co.
1 COPPERAS --3:. , b 1, 1 ,.. in tine order, for
n,t,:i. J PClWt!tal AFC Pit A ro
1.9R1 El) PEA I'ILES--- . 2! 11 ) 11 In. t . ltlreA) fir I, ....i. ..:, tiilm. x ATTU lAA ,AI AI
(11.—TbPlIglat. draught stenratr ARENA.
P. msot,. learro' NV.llsOll.. M0.4 , 0'•
ednPorlay, .41 Friday, at 8 delnek. A. M.. for Ea.* !Av.
ervool. GIALuov. MeFerrtrin Landing. 11...nver. ..1
Ntr...hurrAi ercry TurAlsy. llurs4., and
Salurday. st aelrrt . A.M.. for It...rrr.Mrn.rnsn'A
fng, 01..:4Erfr. W.. 11.• ilk.
F, fright _
ZOR . ZANESVILLE —Tlif, rinexa
„.,„,„,E3ll::;K o nS,Cuz.cnoter,:rill lore - 7 ,. :
hio,,t,lld lutertstetllatr portr ILL.¢ll,rewon.
at I rlnek.
For fr0 , .10 or ntlaWbrn: aP1. 1 3 ,n h....r,1• an,l
FOR ST. WI: IS.—Titn l'n:.: rnt,-
~ ,,g
t.nt r LI,IIIIII. ( - amain 11.. .373T 3 .1
..on.Tl ' l 2 l . =er ' llr ahnr.• .M an Int,-
on.llat 1
tr... on l'l
ir,... I:, Wet: al-taut.
l' , ,r fn., rht or na. , ......1 ,,,, ~ '' , ..^l- , ..,'
1.4 10 1 t. SAINT IPLEN , --"I'll. , wilt : f r7, l ,
. It,l, , , , end.laratricr hl. ll,l. , 3l.rorliran. I ~..., .:1.,_,,,-7 , ; ,
aril lea, 11 , r .I.ore ..,t Int,- - r ---
in. ,, lmte lainlint, thlr dal. at • 0 , 1 ,,, -3..
V.., fv..:. , :t , na , ..a.....pv1r ~,,-,-. , • 1 'TO
tiNtryt sT. LOUIS— 'rho lIP 01 . and
JI vi , , , 11:1 rt. , :ner l'1111:F.II'S 1 ICE 11111,... .. • '..AH
,1111.1„1 . , ,,, t e:. II 31,: c•,.:1 , .... , for the.- - j
rthnr.- ne,:i all Inu , rrtn.h.ate port. 11...: ,1. , . at I 1 . . M 1
1., tr.. 1.1.1 or 1 , ...“ ,,,, "'. 1, ". ''''''' - *l4 -
1 1 IST 1.1 , 11 S -The fart running
r .l.:::nrr
r 1.11':3 t' FWlrt3:, 1 'hark, 1... L :tilltin.:l .
kr,. for the r. , ,nre rag In , ..rtnnliet.• nort, on
the 14th In,. at ' S
A 31
I:, In ta p.m.,. :LIT:, :. Ln.r l sl'''
OR LOVISI'ILI-E--111 ,- , spi
g C! , IV Wan. .
w kw, thr. rani all Inteno....lent , -
port In, at 1./ t , 1r1.., A
for 1n.11,1.t sm.l,
I FOR wAr.Asit Ti...
1..V.311.NT: 1:4,4
.. 1.. r
ts al., 5 • snA all ttibl
I'Sl qu.
.f ,
15..1.0. , of
Eli t' LA It l' .1 K El' BE- rr - e ,
L 'l'Mll,Kit"
will Plaslmrell 17rt WlL.,link. nn,l :I=ol, l l.
slot Thu rmln,. st r. n
fras.. t'
Is,. Bud rr•
antl S.
w. l'arnrs
an.l gpou 11t1,1+.11 running tql , thrlY
.luinnv Iw walrr
rm. ire/aid •, , OT no boanl• Mehla
• :.-k__..... , _• z.:•2,, , i Sri i •
Fri I I now and fast running str. CASHIER,
' I.J 1' •lealn.Ln• •butar—llootlar Wellarillr. Sten.
bonvillr, • rliabortt. Whrrlion, Itrolo•Port. CaPtitl , ..!
i rl " ,Mtk r , 1 ' t . ..;. - f i ..;; " 11.• 1 :11:; 1 .a r n1 ICrls ', 2., , . ‘ Yr;; l r , N r : L4s ;
Sauoi. r., I' 1' , I . hart /lotto. ro•I onnbal, ll.l.lrning.
Ira,. :Inntiatt i...., Slonda? . . •• • •• 1 ••••b.„,.. A 'I. ...,••1
ROO via. end WI .n every •••••InT and In•r•-i • I • ••••
For froight awl pano.or an.: n on lyoani. or to
op• 117 • JttliN FLACK. AnO...
14 - CUL . AR EEL IN ;‘ . 15 -- ,
I II E :A ' FISII PACKET—Th .. ... t., 1 : ronntoa ZA
man, 1V1.1.1 , r a V1LL , 1 . .... , Lt . 0 11 1" , , ,tn , .:1.1 . 1 4 whn ,
=l;t,:rt ' ..:. ' n ' d • 1 13 1 ,1 4 1f1;.;ra.P ., :?. 11 t:r ' n ' I r .W.ry • i
aytnynoor.,,, %irytinnillr, ...brut PO. bod Pridnopotlt.ld Thuraday attornoon b,r atrul..•lll. • herlinn.
IDrulgriaot. Carlin...and out./.11, rrturuing. leaver ItrLo-
roll lap: :; room T0. , •1a, ultornoon. mai SunPult
. rlery Friday aftrrnoon. For Mght or la••••••. aPPIY ••
1 ~,,,, ~,. ,„ eft, ~.w. W. It. WIIIILLI.R. Aot l -_ _
[l WIIERLINII PACKET.—TI. nplatolid ...
ura 0r.10..1 ntoscuor DIURN AL. Crouch, ...-
h, in no. orrformino brr rroular trbarroth t a rt boIt•on
Linn of , and Wborliog. leaving 'flirtation/It RI oclock
Inn. t 't n r ' ntl ' k ‘ r r re i r ' ril ' t:.• l .7• it . l E b r t ' ;;:inr a elV;= l' ).
''' klNl ‘ ;Tfitcn ' i i l li ' !WV, " .ZVi: ,' : " . '"
PACKE. el VGINNATI. Ca. , . Jobn,..t .. ,. ...:1
n•nnuch•lo. Thin rolundbila.otaa• built 1.5
he roronra of the Leon Isar
•••••.... not, atter, for
tin. Cincinnati and ht,hurgh Park. trada, nut will Iran.
n‘ory Wadurola, for Cluctunatl. In Oa, uf Lb, b.,. Pno.
land N0...1. VW' Indaht Or ,01,...n.,, Apply Mt WWI. or
.1-nal tl. 11. II ILIKNI3EittiFit. A.,...
Avia,P.Lrv,;;.latia.., - , - ...=.. - 17%.'
... n,lea. pact.. hetw.rn tlo• clir v l ,“ %I ..II•Tille. lea ,
tog Pienbnrch ever,. Mo.:Ay'. WL4 , ..1.T. U.: F 61,. .
FLT freight or pa.ntor. apply on board. 1A:01 _
rok - sartiEtTA - AND - 110( r..... K.. r -
iN,,,IRT —Tbr fro. gay... PACIFIC. y',,:4
' naus. muter. all' lean , for the abovr adio.. •
trrmoitate onrrtn every Thurnday. at 4 o'clock, P It
For Irolgt.t or passage aPPIY nn board. I 1 r to
• mrl+lo No. ill Wator and Al Front •t•.
~ ; ~~ ;M4~ ~ e
uth East corn, of I-11th a rad Irainta
(Incorporated it, 1h51.)
II F. FLACON. .... ... Pr - men.'
11. -Nom', Lot......l.Auturerosteoutmemal tau
C. 11. NV temos and T. F. b0uy,.... AMl2ej.l4.
l a S. BACON begs leave to return We sin-
I ev thank• to the Ye , Y Ilb ra I ,,ll ttuit - s. ,l4 ''t
Le has receivd taut hopoL Ly h&LolgaLle ottehouo
Luocoo. w.,. a etattlnuancte of the unues..odentesisue
cs-se that has atartutru hut etorce Ouncol Y." , "11... ,
T:o uttitty ItlntltUt/Os L.f tho deo-nrcom ho•Leeome
Pra , [l,A deII,CIATVAL..• 6 IO I
I.lrn to luudiy sttested 11 the th ousands who huts to
stlsuutaves of their tuttrurto.u. tut to t e.
ottos •r:utt.rott they support IT 0.4.11 ut•mt
t .t.tu :topts.... In toe. Inn: totutuu.. , pr. 14, ulth
at.t. .I'l ',int: 1 - ooks. the V
ust eut .ot st,lo .L' Lusa,/ . Trutt...A, co.
toe. r ,tt.l .nalsutual to I
tsott t utottert.l.l and eals.r.... sr..] thus 11u.
( r • uts.r:tot tto dottes ot
) siintert )i) .14 cinit
)))).tir.eucw~n~tll f.f 1)frl:BLF.
, ;,y innlntainror • ‘..), ) l ere) ,, sn'rf
aryl nl))),aut.:). errinit),. al:. N , v ...
31nrinfrorturf) , ) ))torrin.).
11).11)idirni;t.t).1 u.,,uta.l I
Practienl I . eultinrinhir
).ni ) ) ))turcerrtal
Popile are tnntruited frdir).tuAii an)) ~, in
ibbt. tr., enter at at..l git , i,nt in :Le
» thair ra{m.ity
1,1) ) ) , esarnigt.tri , aro haft ;), - 11» nre awn
) ,- .)nt• 1) .f tfu it.) ut)) n Ire ittitrnt )1 , 1) )))
:o! p•n.l 11)..)e-tech ~.n•
„;":' '”
thotwarh fowl re-rnir , ll. ,l orw or • an,
it r t• tr. ,•• u•na them
...To.-- w a toli
• I ter.... liook h., tuna,
It mint t rtnenorcrel Law. t , xenon
Covington Iron Works for Sale or Lease.
Ohl. He , orte Carlon:at!, dv.
littler-71w thoooirli tope." , r fnundttion.nwohtner
ae helog ••f - thr nowt el, l•tattnn. in rte. Ito •tt
tnarolo-ture•df ihr ration. ••••• tnO• • f ewn
.etobto,oF n• inno, if not more ••11•tir• men
hrhment trr It r.t, now utirlott for r
. tor,- to •utt shuthoul , It pawner. ell lb. Advent... ,
; ot• A tour • f n ;
in e•rittr, hl
taxer iwtnx It
tut ell tarilltx , Cludneinte trate. It ernriol• •••rrn •
ew.lllutor Yarn. •• ihree Inor• cr Sohn. FA , , unr
tree we 11•171. Ina Fumy -, filth rhain. r•er Ned ,
Inurrr to welt. fr.m t t i,rh low, or tof tad!. r• ,ni nal
it, and all thr tirual Ca: Iron, I. n ga•l the. , sod
er.. Sbert awl Itoltre fill!. rremplrir, ro s re
Ittxtiot, rmahl... p r I prislucin4 Gore, to 11 tour herd, oho.
In odditiru.o hail Fector , , with raper:tin
I n
wet,lntog 1,, Martha,. •hten ram bo tnennwa
%•I.= RiVirss riminnsti: or J 11. MrNICF.I. , ..
10), X valltahlr Iron I,,blohintut eatietwl
• Ohio rzs•r. In otelna rounta.liblo.reortet•Nna ef
I,nNohnnor or Firnor 1110., ther • Ih•iiinf.
urtunow , . ono run rot El, on. rah. Hutto. Itoltr. ant,
ral 0010 IA make trn tons Iron pew an, The tract roman.
it. nor, of fool of two .1,1 3 1 i frrt 110 , 11—
Ilr entrener to all Ow Dena or ra, I. (rum!: t,, 1:.:
nefre hi nrcius N.Ctikriunati. 0,1 10, MeNICK
iortugh , o ,
X tar, ',rick far proof Foundry.? w 'Mr or rent.
uludutow the 111•111ng 0111 frrut...l rtornw 11,11, .1.1,
Muulding Fluor fl to ;Red', eborr
I tilt SALL—That dretrablr Trott of Land. eill•etral an
a, allrvltra, Herr. alarm 10.00 the thettint
r •rre Toe Intel nte•und• in Ir, n Coal. I,ltorelonr. tire
,Jewhankie, it • err, •Ireireltle for nienufar.
• iring purphwor from It• iwruliarty tweutlful Ic•sti. n. n o
•••r• eny MIR Inate. for :arsie luti•rrela larte teirtlno
of thr 1.0.0 land l• now Undo reultirationt the Mali I.lle
i irr •00 - 11.11.4 e Letup tnNUNewlt ••atio afr
I ,ir omard to the prineital twin, of the lend and Ow
r•lpowat rwuntr, Mane Zr. clown , ' ont-br prernl•er Fur.
oar ',war hruttne. and I.lleetapparslint.turrasklng
• roarther with xll thr Inuldine• elttwrtMotnif Iltrrretr
Far,,! Hour,. Nero, •rehle• The whole 111 Iv Our
itne•l rf span farorahlr term, or It will he .11 , 1 , 1 , 1 Into
ft, ern, nun haana. A plot of tho Itrt , Per tor .
1 larr uortloulers Imo I. obtain.' addreartutt
: ro•I Int It ellirlll,ool
Patent Combined Grinding and Bolting, or
For Rent
A Small well finisW and completely fur
514.1 Stnf-e, nu n 4 FL, emit ddor to
N.. 7: - .1.11 , 4ddr Ft ladarin :1,1 and 4th .5*
11.1-1 ne.lTrlbune eon,
For Sale
riIHE members of the Fairmount Fire Com
phnr. nflen 11,1 r Eciti.• ..1”. It I, m. tit, awl will
a al tf
A Good Opporturdy for those who want a
I (ITS \ LANIT lIZ 1,1: The
N.. I 1....1( I.nt. in IT .1.. plnn la., in Ow Enda!,
Wnrd. rmh 141 I .Inv 2 , I n ..1 Um lot. are 41....
at.tly nill ..11.1
• LL 1.4.1,A131. a. O.
114... .otnmn, AM 4 .• (. 4,4
\•• x .` TM. , nt IV, ..( 11.4 Or. at al4l Uu
—nlvantnmnuns tor oak. r
lir qtr I.
• 1.. n lan., In the llon.null nl Lan n
otto."(n pron 4. rnodrnm
Inuli •Arm 'ama .
in tn. tn 4 ,1 14 T I II.
nnmort, n.annthlt 4n.4.1 for ..tan not, Mo. but A
%IV At 11.8.11t,f.ntio•citv en.1,14...niun the Entlrlatd.
a. Om LA CAI on-el. near Mu,. 24 MI to.
6 ~... 2. S • nud 1. •.Ii 1...1.1 ..n Inn¢ time- ~ul~ n
rntl pnrtn.o .4 tb. Vun:A.•• mi'o.•l .111 1 rag'tlU tiu
A TIME!: sToity !Lousy FOR
A thr, atom Ilan, ham the rhrnornf ant Elm
captaining 11 rrnm.k. .111 la. ranted verF to
M. , 1 It 1. ......ainatrotehal that hor.. -Evan... Chit 11,
it A.I
"110,x 1...111,1tT It AV, it h
r.krner A.M., nlhl F:lou
art, atlvoll. Mr Third 1 1 ,.1.,terian Chan.),
mat (rm. et. Thia , a mry comlarta.
1/a..lllnr. rlnhmain , font - Iran an.l hattsiow
ram. ah hnt not ,at, aohttlt ahowet 1 nth.n..
Situated n.nreohmi ImA math, and 111 • it•i ii t
tiiii•••111 tbP P1 ,111111 ' , ..
Mar ,tl.
For Rent
Ferri t—a nr..l
4 fiirt front.,tree •ttitalitti for mit Acalit.tll). manufartui..... -
purr., given liumedla , vl , . tilaquirruf
t 4 DAN W. 11.
r alley and Payett.
Fro LET—An OFFICE stn \Voter, he-7,t , ;`
.FlWet ft Market and Ferri qtri...l, ol titmaloi
mob. JA, I/ALM:I.I.. tot I% at, at -%••••
'OR RENT --A Dwelling Howie en 57
Third =t n.., ti and near Ili Smithfield. oie It
as fiat nrry. nett. tearh b. te.
In.. ittal Tip... Mon given Immediately.
' ; ' l l . l' Al t . " l ' ;lil , 7;tiT „ N ,
at Itt.tu. Furth greet, mar W 144.
Valuable Real Estate for Sale.
InIE SUBSCRIBER nffers for Sole, on 57.
I favorable terms. the 0.11..wmg in
turn clt, .4 lb...bun:in. viz
Si.. I. The- ,a1ue.1.1.. the rosy brink dwelllnif
am kowand Alton, botwoon Market and Ferry ktrok-.
berna earl, In fowl. trot by to down.
Sr. C. il.,ntnters 07 toot Irut on Third etrort. adjnining
tune Thud 1.1,0 yb.riau Claur..l.. on which Is 0nwt...1 nue
,our n..nry Irriok ' lanure, twod n prullnk oak , knd
n, Lrtek war. !mu.,
No. 3. Two 1.4.. s in llsltAkon. itntker count-. lota
Sow 0 mini 4. twinz. Inn foot Imuarr.on which i. oroct
0.1 Mork of 'nor arum dwollinke. end ..ue kenakrato
frktne dwollin.:. all inn otori.n. hiwh.
Sn. 4. In, hit ko loot fr..nt on Back ftre,t, opywolle the
alkwo, at. cat..natlng to the top of the hill.
, So 7. Inn lwarh lotk. eaoh trot front. and running
fi‘lnn runt to low nab, mark.nn the Big Twan.r.
. ~. in. valuable: valor Int. lon toot on Whool Bare.
n t u n in .l.kre. power uttaclosl.
S.. 7. Inn Int nnullr tho water lot. ktt Ps, cool
o‘tonbim in the 1.. n. of tho WTI. on winch is crooto.l
I , •t, otorn.k Is-grebe - am, br fret al .nu.
1:41.1.- two
Intl•ortee hlll
No. a aMe lax., Sow linghton. Ileavermunt, • bo .
inn; stnut 140 lint on iiro.t..r. aul about :3.0 feet
ontank.ning a. m. on whmoh are emoted two lark , frau,
dwellings. and WO . .mall front house. uw...1 tn. an ofhoo
Th.. property wa n formerly mrupird by 31r. T. C. Gould.
and is Tory ploawantly brand, bow.; lamed:l,ly oprocto
OW. water lan.Mtmediabtly bank, Va11e...117b1,,
boin, about 100 100 l In lougtb. and extruding from kk ator
etroct to Inn nat., mark. nr towlog path.
The mbar. Irtoporfy will Lr H.01.,T0l Tr . r . y faknrably
j ‘ , l :l,l ‘ ' '.lournal and 0;01..
Drug and Prescription Store for Sale.
far up..” tertus. For further partlru:4, , ,
And,' nAntrl d
114 Necocil .t
VOR SALE—A large Brick Dwelling
i l tien . y"fr :T I - L r;; r tl . 7.ll ‘. .oleMc .- 1 L Tll ‘ v i t
be Emu"; itt r' ,.., 7 41 ' rola the , loils fe,
doiug buothema to the ,•113 , U.l It ,ou•eur
.11m--Two Lots, ftrt bt lal ou Reber.. stir..
m.c ) ll ' l r l Pr'' " /Al term fit r d ' il:Wl N. 111 .seoosJ .
SA LE—Two choice LOTS, pleammt
for prvmto trom.nt cu
quss. tyot.oen Pm. Moe. mad Evan'. alley.
an '-t fret (rota. mr.ul etzt«.l tn. It fr. !t, a Vt..)
4:1,. for trrtue..ppll w1..11. GILANT—.I
mchll Itu J I'ENSOCK.
rro LET--A W Ain:HOUSE. situated 77:
belretu M.ritot and
.1 4 ,7
tho ro.loce
For Sale
L NI: r—rnm
•v!..,M4 Camal.'m the Fim PttlAmrcb. 11.. Lot Iro
lan ut•
wls,: mrm fm-t 010 n tut bm Wholas; , ..
• 1"• i.
1 ... 64 1,1,11
m ,My m
Land for Sale.
;urn n• tthnon 1 , 1,1 II -T. •N.
T O LET 1;1;1(: DWE G
.10N A 15.
rl"..k BLE M 1 LLs, ANI)Ltrl'S
y I.F —I teo larco Flour Ilia, and • 5 1,11
et rm., • tth the 5.55.55 arr ou, rote,. Ala,
tall ier
Form to Loorrenno-o•tuts l'n,
II ann of 115 *ens. nu thr nhio rnor. tome Md.*
telota lhtuor. for ILA, Alto. one .1 14.0 •7504. tho
ohm rivet. o letogr heaver. tor 1.12 tour %en, Al.r.
oat err, far Sta por acre. tardy , of 150. Lid. mi.
en., 5.r •...75 ror acre Attn. 175 urn" for 51d. •OLI
wret for 1' IP per orro. vAretbre with mu?" otln o,l r oil
titur and I'rds, Enquire of
Anon:. 1. at Lan att.l 11. al Etta, A,dut •.
s.hln No 1.17 4th at. l'lnt httr,b
—t lor , ntitn ptrpitna .0
I eon atreet. Ito.l trout to tu Let N r nt. .1?.;. . 1 .
otntrot ttir !mots tt t.totlnd llooot. Alan. one
t.o.ttolol by ldbort,. Cor.on. und Allegheny. tno'it..tual
',rung Ailey. hued 'dtt un Altwny. hY 1, 5 0 to 55.00
Alto. 5,1,41, tql It - ergo:ton tare, home
ota,ll oppoeste thet . ..tat-al Itaiintudt s 55.5. mid r . ontatnnuX
ao. tat,0.1.51 A M 2.4 5 AI. A
L"OR SALE—Th. 3 hubseriber offer% fiatrzkl
u large and well hulls Ilnek llodoet. with tre
• , r more acres ttl antund,tintated tbe Fourth strntta.
45,4..11111n three mile, clans citY. I,ssss tfidu tO'n't ,
the let April neut.
Al., a c A ory dextrable lot of groan& mmtninirc over Four
%ore, 'nth c of eundlent teeter therton. 4.tuaterd
near the IthOro.
Ai,. • /.5 of : - .rodud 45 fret II 'whet by I.'n feet. adloto.
Ind lb. rettidenn• of Mr A Toner. 070 the city.oPPoulto
thett,entlt Wart. on Penutylvanta Areuur. Potent...
••m rmaiaolr.
that tho Platt Bond setll be complete
putt the tante wren,- early lu tho mutat., tu - ttmor For
further information. applt. to DAV 1.11:141.1.5, Fourth rt.
nuol. neetr the thod do...rifted proportt• laThltf
fOR SALE-the hscri her ..:..>•
, WA ref, deofr+l.l..e Couutry
i 0 Mleatteuf Allotted Moo bow mth...
Alieghem'Aventie. c. e t
t 9( the Common. TI.o hot., le •
harue tfou)flo I,lot tkollallue. I,k mr... offh , . ' , here .*
artince houw, atelle. owl goof wale, ou the feroulwle.
~.u:pror two www, well trufuou.of.rontakfunie oeef,
.Irwriptioo (miff Mon. • .Iff-haw . hon.. nutl \a. ,n.
p. :on
goeu • heueso &wired. JOHN GEBILtIfT.
)32—,111 .
. . _
Rare Chancefor Capitalists and lianufai>
lIE undergig
u ne4 being agent for the own
pro. often. for aalo a nmber of loan lot.. in the town
.laFtark county. Ohio, with out luta. and small
pareeie of land adfouiluu and mar the town. Maesilion.
eltaated o the Ohio Canal. and the Ohio and Penn.
sylvan!. Railroad. now nearly comuleted,,pautrt throughllanlt,
it, Ilan real testate. adonis. porhap. the bat cMPortuoitT
lately °Cared. to.eraous who may wish to engage in mare
ho:luring of almost any draeriptinh. The abuudeueva. •
heannues of all the means of Helm:. the supply of coal fo
fuel for SEC.) power, the gnat guentlty of wool brought
tn thid market, ad well dthe facing.. for transportation of
manufactured article.. all mmlllne to rouge this one of the
Wool.desirable r oles.. for establishing manufactures of Ingi,
Wool. Cotton, indmi of all descriPtioneahieh I. tow arottl•
5..1 in the Weatern count+) •
Peveral Improved farms, In the vielolty of the Canal and
Railroad. are also offerrd--a tract of Oil scree of excellent
timbered land, lying between the Canal land .I:Mimed. and
about half mile from the latter, a het of shod% seeen
theadjoining the Railroad Depot.. along °upside of which
the tram pus,. and on two .3ele. tarpon. of thetowu. Ito
tat keepara Mt merchants will do well to look at this he
tore they purchaw elsewhere.
The roartiou of 3lassalon, to the heart of an agricultural
region, nut eurpaueol by any in the country. Is pa well
known that It la deemed tioneceutorY to do MMn that ref. ,
to It to Indoor all who with to nuke good Investment. to
roll and esmulue this on: art'. Title itallspu table and
long emlii gleam If deolred. lion ittultew W. Loomis and
doubt. Ilmana, of PlUshurgh. will al.. tnroranaion
ro.c.rniug It. am] any enquiries will be answered by ay
pllnatimi to Thomas McCullough. Hoot Jarvinor the under.
algtiod at Slassillon PWII.IIIT
Jlassillon. l ob. I. '3l fehlleard.
Of Forty Town Lots in East Liverpool. 0.
recent unprecedented sale of Lots in
thethrlvlng Tome haeluit heulT nahootW
Ilmvuoualr laid out. and the demand ottll coutitmlug,
bhe Ludarolgoe4 h. been Induced to ler out a portlou of
le peolvrty In love - lota ar above. and edam them fur rain
at mime and Wring that cannot fail to meet the lieu. of
thots , ..flsl:ll“s n to f rutchasss. It Is st,sllosa to way a . vy Mina
u teen
I.lll'll)uTP,'Lzicrn Torn and) ~.cfr lit
that mr one !tundra.' lota have rerently ‘ chautowl hand,
aml been purellasod or thaw Isishisig to 1/1•IMI's v deal[,-
hit. hem
The p lac e lota earn moon tehle moat elLable
he dd.
centrebofln the pe, nod re prudply t , ated in t t
r la L r ' ine 'L = apply It. the pro:mu:tor Verl. - . 1 . Or
to Jamen fourth ntr,et, I'nlebur -A.
Vas , I.tsrsgs . ssl. Feb 00.1.10:1 11.LuIsseult.
A Blast Furnace for Sale.
rrilE I'NI , EI - ;:q ( ;:s. El , Oirr`r, (1,
111 VI 1 Cum
knonn thd A Ilalwo I , arnaer." with a. thd out
and OKI 4 T MILL: and met,
Ilk, Lind
mew. dn !lineltinw nt It Ilk
A.,. I 1 Lntel n xill 2.- mut XI mon ..... g n`
e Ylrb It foe - I:tn. - x..1 , 1. I..dainds. the
J.t. , 111,1. ,. op - • . • 4.-
~ !1. !I .1, tran. ...I ;1,1,o:
from -di r t id in ut. It don mil.- ends wand lb,
kidwah Mill. vl,l,- ldad; nnid dn. k
nll pnwlueln n 1 nidi n. two Mil, tbr
W..grrn and Aligner Iteilnwd, of
the hnde
nf ratinent,idunneue Ilirdr wmoth the Pun
ikda.. - 1, r hos -It nude ol Tatitnn.le miaow; Inn !
IL titsinlied and under contract. xduditn: thronexh xe 1b... ,
rlnnt ninl in lino, n .ale xm .
I,dind hint, • 'Mk , .
now in Ind Wart worl:o.1 •ralpo... • , n
Pal, nit
"rent ..dem. and in the wort healthy
rm. , Li. ,411 It.
leditern tufty sulinered to Inn Al l Ele.rah. Cum cod tin.
""111.;\ ALL.
erne klterdh I. 1,1.
men,. :or over • le, numr ..f I•luable
.rAnlnn- and vere Ate- P-r oesuulue
xx OruattitAaltl. we-tr tho
new eu1d...,-dhonl Hon.. nod Lather-an
h. earl genwlll I.truitt.exhnn, tn
fluennin,l4l-11, wealth eni the ,xx A.
Id, nlll rdndon Odra 1,11.141,10
.111.1 r perhwt, Term, f ire of the undt•n4tned• ~t
or yartlrulm, and
Y. ,Itlmore. 6r f Killian
y b~lrd 4.u.1 You
. erne
end Hater.. Lees, al i a s
0... .1•A
A Valuable Coal Farm for Sale
4 ITCATED on the Bonk of the . 0-.
.....:„. ! rom
13 - ONNET
! . . I .i L',".". i'.°.'.".2'llll7,r;fr.,"ri-Z17,-,"h`h.l.{"mw,ll7:fh,"-7-.-4".-- , TAITt liFilt, No, hl fouth . Saeor i n stroat i , Olio,
N i ll o' ll oh l.e l n eithi and um-halt tull e •"•' ‘ 1.lhl"" i 'l". I - T4 ' ""...'"' ' lll.' M111.40 1 1 '.. z I..pij,, it IHAVARDINO I. COMMISSION NIERCHANT,
t•• I heintain Ciao. al . . -
ounino I , Arra, Lator mon. rt aide I _.. . o ,-.. , au 1.1.0,1 . .
Jona o mono., . CIIICAtI.;, ILLINOIS.
rniroliih ii hatol for ninon.. boluc ltl lll '``` . ',. t; i n ' a l •• u. 1001 ' ...°
olhe .111.1 who. it ini the nalmoonon of Ire. air in . t
... Ito ALFA, 1, ) ,,.....,. . ..;o-rii ainny, 4 , ONTINUES I,it. fo.•ilities to rtte r eivet
) , )I , ABA A ( hi. 1‘ In‘l, l X on Mono, ' , nle .n.) ,•..-t.iiquont_ all Nlerchandb i a
MOW! lho Coal ran a ll he eoueeniontly rouiluchol ~.. ll o
or, 1y mean. ,4 .II ATI : I , 4AV o knob ta mo. ~,,Ipe,.. _ pale Orme,. N0. , Z21 Morart ft.. ph ii,,,,, ~ , ohiinhhol lit. Loa , l.i lo ho hi.. dalIT fl i t • 11 1" .•
th u upon the prviuw The lanctitor At tha Ratan, io ea- - , - _ 1", • at h lo; on Me 1.1. k, hrht On 1 ,. ...”. i ..I Roo .
r 011..., and lbo alumni:lo ...ell 1146f. , 1 I . ' , 1 . ..t . ° A.1. ' b... I 4 ' "."
f., %IP 114.14.4, , 1 .. iorihnoo -‘1,..0r. 1,10.t0 hii•Onin ....,..:
. , , ~..‘,... 0i , ,,„,
, i,„,,„ i ~,,,
in =lly 1111 h lo. Lon .me ro finna . " for the Coal trade h .-. herhaunar
11t1f1111.0.1.[ - I t 144.11 11.....M.010311:E1be1Ar1,..r l .. l \rs IL. BUCK:NOR A: Ult. T „ 1 ,„„„ 'u, ~,, ~ , “ch..,
, POO TIM.. lb.. ....Kum.. 1,1.11nl 01 . 1411Ifil i• rie.ll,l t.". 1 i ~.,.4 4, ,,,,,,,n ~,,,„,,,, N. 4, , 0 ,., 4, 44, . .
talder , 111(1 , 181)..1l. 1... f re,' hupiriur inoilith.laiushinoole
..,, ~, :,,,,,,,pi nsm .,... 1it n ,,,,,, L . , . ~,4 1, .. .
lIIII.YLIMW awl blhel vrainot no, o el I Mart hol to 111'
of whiat 0.01 oil „ au, arion oitninont.ithoo,uniri , Lime L ‘i r..RcEß & ANTELO. linnet Comm
-)..!),L). 0 .)))).)..) )),t , are,.'”. ,"". .U.' ...'''Y en
i .." 1• I• 41013 Merohanto Philtulolphio Lilernl olva.noo
11... buil.l.tioo no. o h.., rommol , . ... . too only strtro i , , ; „ L „,.., : , , ,,,,,,,.. L ,.., ~,,,...., ~,,n „ ...i,, L , m .,....,, ,
Dwell,. Mt.,. %Oh 11011 r 1., r0hn0..20.1n1.....-1. kitchen, ' 1 ... 1 . ' _ ` . ''-
.. • • ' l '
N. er, b.,. 1.4.1... law. on I eoropolonf
hnke lion.. .Ikl Moo,. se a never lati. , 'Ph , ' " f 'p t w. rorctwxrEß re CO , Ilf i tteral
,0.1 ootor. with . ei, theo. TIP - 0b .,. '
ohnu.lnutly ~,,, . ,i., „.., , e .„, ,„ m, rn „( the , • Ohthmi , ion and roma:ohne Merehantii. , l Flour
liold. 11,0. I. ...11 111, j. ~.:..... ~ t F...., bean', 1,.• ;on: ~ Is., 176 Martrt hire, Phllodelphio
eltard of othhroq arolh .1 trnlt s LI. hobo,. o,f ei.nreniout -- - -----
. -
p"...--- , -- , ,--, .....-- V. , . 0 ,0 toll : To Southern and Western Merchants.
XIII II ..tll; , iti;;l,.?n,; ' .,.l.....liiiPnioi-iti7hiih.4l - loli 0 r SELL'S P k E3IIU 31 PERFUMERY.
oor , Oi i:, .1. Th.. pronioo. I . s iii :be hutoorit., r noporlfulli inait , Pahl. Otte...m
n " ' l " 1 I \ 111 ' 111 I , 1 i„loo ii i lewd ,. •tork ol Perfuntorh. So. , h l havuh l Ch.ullh.
or I. :.' aIVII I LI, I .:11. 1,1 .1... r, IL • ' t•,l, 111 I .-. 11, ,hi , :t. 7.1. j. ~1 V. ., . 14 ‘.° C.IJC. '.l,
7... .
r 1 1( ) ljb . l ' ...
AII . Oho , : „it 1„.1 „V liLlit Will , 7.'.!..M.'4".11.hi11',i;171"11tti1r0.7. o3rl7l7l!"tih'2.l'otlfnil'•lon:th"la
,‘I ll .l. ill V: ,. 1,1N, l nisi . : to ' inoin ololoio ovor loroolol 1.. yorrfurnorf oltior In
nl'l., 11, ii. -n • o ; Folhitio.. , to tho olunthr.
. . .. .
~.._ , lLhorlin CoravohLan Pilau,: Cu-tht. ..I.mhuil, 11,,
- , and Ain hennalnniorraallT co untry
to toiaulTO n t to
our Shoring C o mm' o in 101, country or Europe
1,, ' , PHAN!
-ShatToiaDtautflm tharoparent and
r . 11Chr" il'Urrf;:
pn=in:lOVioti:. mhWoriPliaatorethrlilr:
1 rs Sliovlun Soap.
Sorotrior Ton to Saha—Almond. Ron, latilloteihro. Bow
r+lgt ;.
„InaiaVir,;..lfilnk.,,,ll,ntdo.rin..OL, J , /toni!) , o , a , - , Flonth i
o.oin'orro?..rna'T;6ll3.conLcoicilihro.liorini lontuio, Boni
nnot .liit'rninii.lll . l , ol l 2ol. J.IIOY 01011 . M00 1.,11....1,1,
hr 1:10.. lllnanolia. flenintite, ettmcello.ll , at, aniFinnny
1 ' . 7 0 ` ,r V. ' ; ' ,:.,i ) 1,. ' 4 ` .1Z ila7.'ll;;;rirfnliet.,l" Oran,
1,.,.5,n,, i4t0r, oud ~ go It eVoty of ColoGueo o.n. Laren.
OZ ;'' .= 7 ; ,. . ' 7'.::,7.:',..1:a;"..ii`AL;;!°.'C01t7.:, ..'.ll*L"O7
n, I lior P0 . ..Ny.1 and in pored,. and Phlloromr. AI,A
111,. aol Joon, Lool Linade ,
• ,./O , lihroLorinohe-llolhamir 011.1 r, Rose Tooth
I*'ll. ' all ' ll., I l ooliatioo. N.:Min...Tooth I l ehtc.onilToOth
1851. 47,44
cIrAILYI a 1.1. P... -7/ I•napr,l,•
9[ l ll E PROPRIETORS,attIi w.• 11
11 anima lane. acarNl a,
n..r o,rala.n 11. t. and
reer• ruby •n.l morn... Lott 1
protairral carla to a/I poolt• raa Ihr Canal. S IC
awl 111,-Illgan. at tla. rut, yr, Ora &No- • L-A
.1 .
1..a0 ail n•rinatly at lho PaohnlN
gabola frolvhl.
Water alal PIO•looKla.
II SP Ponnonithanl. Now Cavtle,
II I . Mathew.. nowt, Pa .
NV Th.lan. ,Iharon .
J is S. Hail. Slatri..l.urvh ,
SVm. Arlin. A IN., rortolll+.
-Irnl Pour,. Panno,11•111 , .
PCr,. Pa..
II II \I nOI Burial, N. V. so'
SPRING AtutANI:otENT. 1,51
Forty-sis hours in l ' hiladi • l 1 , 1/ ja.
Forty-four hours S. Baltitivq,
11.80 suites Railroad-403 mil,.
Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats.
yam " ••••••
_ . .
ON the opening of Canal Navic, , [ itinn, Two
1,14Pa...ket let,•ill lezv.
1.1 14rrtacrlOolnwl to
1 b. , r+
Two iliandmd lan
plliT.d Fort onion
Vrar 114: , isanro.
lb.. Car. , .1 thlr root. tm urw. und them own 3
H. and Nat.,
w,d ...-tiltn4 at the Amon ht.
Passengers for Baltimore,
O arrival of Carnal Marl.l,u ra. Yor:. Cum
11.111..a/1 bow .aglay
I..tfr nibo 111.1.. bc,ar.
No charge for handling Baggage en tai, route.
Tb. 1rtervw..1.51 , ..t1 can,. tlas lb. run,
sad a.rirsble . m.
For ..r uf , :r . alsucc apply
/. p. HOLMES, Ag tl„an„lnhrls 11 ent,
Or ti, 1). LEECH C CO.
IN rre...
lb. I, . l'altu.:lvur.:/.
filash..l u. , lieea
tbrralgb `IX Ilaur..
rllLbn, b. lebruazy
Mannfa . cvarer's
8 1 •
thee IX , L. eutur......1 .•: l; •
raw. In full ureretfun. et-Ith 1
uuantley offreiguf 1•1,1nlelf Utu eu.l haltleu , re.
In Lin eas eLort tfule..aul at ue
v =
ernuvenl.nle a:-1u nuol.l.
Way Vreirtot
Water i‘trerl, / r• , !.ur.i h.
Urrei. Neer ef u. I.
Neu - cort. f u. 4 u... - 41
er thlreffuellutel ••ff Pen,: ar..l I
thelffOlneraf liffelud ref nen t: ..r. 171,1
the Jana.. prompt , .• end reenlaray fn ,Iffuu.ent•.
the atnre•eaad znt. raes. Ue .1 , 1
ute.o .1 4 , IIICIILLI. St tf.ll'. Ime.
' , 01N.1 ER AFt HA N(.EMEN I
-n 185 .
v.l THE TNT IN. , TLI 1 . 1:1
11-017'S re, 11111,!Teil 1111.4
Mail Lines of Splendid New Troy Euit
Coaches for Hollidaysburg-
T.. Phil:a - 01 1 .h., I or . , ,01ritha0..,
I , nrhe. red% learr. 1..., n.,,,,,, ~,,.., ~.., ~... ....
~.1, .`f.4'';,..,a;:n.. - „,
ral rrnbu te..r.1: .,
:n ISt lis rn 1:r..1 •t: ht . : .!.. t ~....:
ehn - -
TF.IO>T TN 111AG11.1. 11 . Lt. .1.- t.. .. r
I; E 11!:.61I A M. a. , tr,lstrte, et lit I • , •,:.1.....11 i,-
A rt,' ... Lao t.. 1 nutter the •13 ,' .., , '' . ‘, , , ,, !:., , , , akiv.
Bingham' Transportation Line.
1E CANAL 1,....g n" , , 1 ,,, . , s.: . “rr . ea
1y U. 71,, :.,1 1,....1 1 ,,, ,r!:• 1 ., ; ,, ~“,
lisr. arid Marth.m.ltta all la r •.I nral
a,i vtlC thr any tharro tura - an:mg •.1
aan.raigau.u. ' , 0N...
- I t Latha
t t l f..ra1n1. , 1. awl laith.fuJr,
11 Ii 1.11:,611.4)1 F CO.. 0.51.1 Larth.
-Corni;ziV,V; a k ral . r.ya }t rorath ,i
1wra0...;1 ;*.au-0. , 7'111.1:5t . .. , ...
J Mt, 11-rath
No 152 Narth
. llca mai rtra, 1615thr
rhl J.01 . 4,111 , ;11.01. Nor. N
. 1.11 , r.1.1. Y t
. a orl.
1851 P.
Pittsburgh Transportation Line.
OVONNTiI: Cues' Pii•shur2h.
No. 3 more Fourth ...wt. Ma,Lt .0
): , .NOISS .4 CO Norte nn,. Baltimore
H AviNG funy rolopkted our arra:l4 ,
le• prepared On. reeled; d 4.1 tbe
l•entddli•nia ie c.rre frrldnt :rem
Italtimere. l'hEadelt•tra. New fora. 11. • n..•:.
tnuatt. Leub. and ad :de La,
lower rat, and with mere l irertelt and eat. than du; .dte
Line. All pionrel rdir Liu.• w full: now*.
I.7lnaurano, adtbnut any a+r, ow.r.•
not really afforded br any otter Line.
All really
addrerent to ear...l,m or
Hall CO.. Ulueincatn E Webb. aiot i.oor A
°Anne.. et 'Anna will wdh prwnt. alenln•n•
44-N. Id Our blue b. ne couneetlon whatever wdb On.
Phlllutalrbia and Idttsburddr Trarnrerdatndt Ltn" "I At
ins,* Ce.
Merchants' Transportation Line,
Orr 112:411 I PrINO.
, A. MciNULTY A CO- Canal Daudn. 405 Poo street:
CIIAKLES RAYNOR. Cennal Ibook. Druatl t :met. 1141.1%-
W. sro propar,d to I , , , iTt• • ..g......." ,b. " , "
aud prodare to bhir no tlr opentrag of tto ran,. to Phiis
delphix. and .11 Intern...hate id.... 41 at lower rat.-. and au
leoa+ time than In on, luwv , au` , .. , ..
SA - N. If. no itv,rts , d number of Inlets prottl , l ''Y
Ihn Canal Commlrgionves for twrtyln,our IK•at. i
0 1 . , Ihdhoods. win pr. ,, ut any po,,lbillty rt -I,IIy .
Johnstown. Ilulidayebarg or Columbia. 1bt...ea , 0.u.
C. A. Mk:ANL LTV 0 Cl,
rants Canal harm
1851 .o;Vir
To Shippers of Xerchandise, Produce, &c.,
TO D rn.”l rnrrot WO. into. lt O.TIVOTT ATI. • Ton.
CO., Prnprietnr. , . No. mud
Cornmer , re street. 11111.h:1111e
t Lloorr. Cecil Dish, arrt.rorb.
.10.1.. TAYLOR A C 0.6 A6latir.haltimrre.
prelund, thn nroMr. of 0..
Canal, tr , onotriet rnr Frerrht it ir u.l
atOrrerr is much dopistehand cm,
leueor. , " to J. to: Mrrntleu A 1:..
Penna. Rail Road Co Central Rail Road.
,tzl—criher , having h. , ,•h
L ~.b‘ponvl::. tr , :ro:
11Lwrl. intl:ru Ir• 1:( r . to
:rtsr v..
r 1 ',nal
Dry :o,—. , t.stanDsr• Cetl.
tkonar3. I..nther-. I ta,"l7-.
15r1.14 . tr,1,1./ I,
(;AU PlPE—Curnell'h In! ed patent
A 1%, for Ilrtrlmi,
Ali 9on hand n- , nl A.
1:IE1) PEACH ES-11e sks. for bale ly
Endo I 1 %ICE. k
111.1dEti HPPLES-1411.1. allp. D. Apples;
ILAIEIi PE.I(.:IIEIi ;i1 bd. irild for
jjlo rAlo I J. F. UlO , lllllll
tint canal arrlval, •
and eholt. .wortment ch and Eaotern PA.PER
lii.NUINGS, in gold ‘ daraaak. west. Lo ul plain I.4larna.
together with • largo lot of ellen Wa laid C.totoon Ps
pert.oda WALTER . Y. IldiallALL.
ed Wood
Coormetir t' m. ..litottodine
eh,mott Lord.. 1.n1.1 Cream of 11..t.t... Cram de Perm, Lip
Itetnlaterr for,rrrotrtott ouPrrflumta
• alnot,ro Roo,. Arou , atie Vinegar. VtelOri.
Heir ona,tition. l'r-trton ett, I....irtre a creat varity,of
other arttel, too notheroub tot, tamest in title adverttee
Tbe r to ronlntain th• frt.:station whirh
lhis ...ttnl.l/•hno.ot anotired • by dirprooto; of nothine
ot her( rat , 0rti0....14 tv.hart.• u, threw
wl.n may with to 001,t0.e Lim. eith.r ihoterale or r<fsil.
rm. ur any e•tablishmeot in the 1; othol
ZAu I Ell It.IZIN.
. an.f tr.rtner Dirretnr of the LaborAtory of
114 Clolotet rt.
Mr. ltnzin , Petrov. ry in for war the orrocip.4l
Pruwzirli themuLtry
A.. N(.13 Spruce Strout,
ENV manulartmvt, of tha b..nt
h r ENGLISII I.OIVILINIs INKS, for S:.el mJ Lltbn
mg, and for Fon.. Brink. and Job llrnil. u bit h
warrant to of thc purest nob-tin! anJ to
vastly un..n ordlnarS
tn the,. Inkm, are .uch lutogl , e! ,
t.. so•rk superior to stn" ldbrr nr.a .
N.lrl at van ing• from 74 as. to 1-I,lal per
pll , Up PI MI,. and fnralrant•A to only,
II C. .I•l..ouratiuf,ture , ,lr.rrl .o...every shade and
‘arnnr... (min I.l.tsi S'-',...Orer lb. Ineh.-11,3m
No. 79 S Ol (late 76) MAIDEN LONE
Direr,ly nprotiw tle Old Stand.
. .
1,4 . ee....I"T ‘ WIEN," 1.1 R.VINIIING Ai:nuts& mu.
~.., , ,-r .0: . ;:, and 1.,..,...—i ICS, ali L . 6. .0 , An.
g01x.,..h..a , Butk. W..° and C..... n . 1 . 1....a11ia1'11 1 i nw.
Mal... Dos:A.lw. end fancy all all
ylr. acd
. 1 slid..
fa o 11k. and Illvk of ..rerrk.lnd.
—t mr silk and ra liars Enxll.l3 MAtlran.
kkmatnera. Terll4+l Indian
Ite—Frerrue,il—Comn. 111.2
14. r n b ty ir.•r an Englh, a= e .cm,te
Sllk. Lines. 7:12,1111. ny.l all ti.e latest of
Silk. Llnevand
t:lamer, En,,Lish. Frmi:ii ona
r for Inditi i —it •ariotv
/7/, 141.1.+Alith ,
nIA nit ran.cularaMenturn to our DG1121...
ru1:1 , 2,11, Mulpc Lune
•• •
Shawl and Mantilla Warehouse.
.•• Va.p ; ! ; i -
Nv I'ORE. cc , r
:7.1n tb.. n` i th.
v. 17 44 of PAI:A:soLS D (7.1•
~ c..51e41.: of fratgrd ed.rd rot,"
F1:1:.,..1 Tat 'a l'nmot.. and Cot.Vo Giot;
4+l. clbrdla.. All of ”Ineb 111 b.,=l
our •,,o<rrri Inrud ,
,ur •, , th rurtl3,lrc
W:111::i1.19W FTAND, ftre.mkM.itin:
:a m. 0., 137 trnr,ontiut , rl
'•7 111.1,11 ,ThLF. 1, 1 why.,
11, A VI, :Irv! .tro f. , ,,tantly
,nror.zro th.. Irr• oi Crava,' 'tart
:oorkr.Ollol ...u, o.oas.
~.uoirr •rol, s sorrier, of col. z
, • tip ir hoe of looluo....A!1 rf
1:orro wo o—, Our Ilvvorro framilr
oz.:am:or. rosr o,k fr.1,13m
Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink.
it ON E,": , EMPIRE. INK, P 5 Nrtssau street,
NEN=ESE= n 3,1 tratttute.ltohrv.
(3,pyl 4111 o .
rt,,tanktm. re,cir
I 1V:1 %r.,
,;• le tor the katll. and ml
.t . •.! r,
furno.h the tri , . el
tbo atm., v..,
Imo. ty.t Imran , l .1.1 ,,, m1 Snr
oty eharar. ,LarZe Parr
extra 11, t,
t 3,41. \ NPM Yoe:
Marphy's Self-Sealing Advertising Envel
. :n. 333 1.3 , .. 3 : 33 3 3, 3, 01 . 1 %3 4
333.1 r 013 moue 34 tb3al
3..03 3.1.3,13 no:. r.rticha 33.1.3,331:ht 1, lb. f... 1.11, 11.
103:11 .I.3:rttnlty
?:333:1 s'i r:4. r.r.lltr 3,333f1e..331) - frfery to .33n ma
33y. 13u:.13333,313.1.3 who 1.3. m.. 2 3.5e3.3..u5.1.:3.. ,
33:1 3... f.ra4 of awn - ttxml
. .
I area fun uf the mare,. fur their 1.1
lu thu pinur urcupll b, the Prnuu ,
bare la- mute. hu.utto,, and ;Addis., rutuq , icuou4r un l
bruutifully colored rr tb. 1 . 17 .f 1, u/
tcrt r-o/rlty uuuuul Iraud.
1. Ihe turelupeu raullot lu clwrted ',about luUtug 1,
Ither w. nor weer. , Iry rvittir..l to walt,lo4o.
4th. Upon th... ta;matrrta, of a letter. tk.. , 0a1”.
,o=o. .n.turn to the -ender. inetrad of hoh.o burled
almo.t the same
erne platy
°f`..ll t jh ff r,,.Tif
, 11. I;` ... Vat of for 1n.. i t 3 0f . r .. 7 , 71 0 , 7 f
I 1•7,'"," 0 u.17:',',5 b ,.7.1 1 ,.'„!t t k r ,'...f.
. wltt:
1,1 , 1 1 duo. .Enodopes slunk at
h-tlO-.. or Ivz. ...... abort.
- • ~0010nn
..... ..
t to 00
.01 o 001:500.,
:0.00140,01 1
13 00
It in not r..uvenient to farvxrd amount of order
0, mad or ret.n.:na 0 . 0 a reap...etable Neu. York
.511 will inert 7itt prpMPt
W )11,111111.
0)""0, ..irWt. New York.
attendal to promptly. if lilt at tlOl stores
..f Meors. 45.011 A 'Molt err , . or of Slot.. It.
.lerolltuan I 154 sc
N. —Bu.ourna Card., h0,r.1 In coon. fret 00W.5
Pir4lnnu thoturoul.em
Professor A. C. Barry's Tricopheroos,
.Vlogg r' t%a ', 77. ' c ' ufe=7?..; ',4 :4 tl a .ll7,lo u arTig."' , Z„,
and crazing eruption' on the skin. dlaeases of the glau 14
muscles nod inteKunsents, and relieving 'dings, rut, brut.
eee, sprain., do With this preparation ',here le no such
ofsurfall." The Ant journal. In America. Medical men
of the highest etnitenee. prominent citizens of all pro6s
0100e. and ladiesvho hose utwd It f;.r years In their dree
n. and nuracries, adisit it .loot one arntrd. that for
lani .rungnear, slew, lontsziann, and earl to the Lair,
enaliot gooalr. and dandruff: hotline wound. curinZ
,talL•ll , l3.f, sprains, rtings. he.. and releising ntiwa.e. or
the skin. the glands, and the ott...tani, it tus L. ... l u.i
...1, the nt altitude of comPnutais laloonisod in tho Vol
licpriut....: used In private practim Inchesph.w , a, well
.. et, 11 . 1. , . Bury'. Tricopherous 00 utuisalled. The to
' 1n.q.,... ex , li ,aleo of the tutiele. hove enshird the theYnter
1., .upply hat . :I.«nts per bottle, which is 1n.,3 VI m lon
lwr oent Irvel than tbe writ'e of any other Prof`sro t° '. irce
the hair now . ore. the scientific tread. , rat the Inur
awl :Le "hit. er..... , rusny, the valuable directions for the cal.
su, and p.m ' , es. of stature'. choice,: oru.ameut. In
la which ear's 1,101, Menlo,. is a 1.... weeds the morass.
The. el'o.•T 1,.1.cr1VV., , too mbranes er loch remititutethe
..11. awl tbela.r. whirl" draw. its on.tenan, (rem this
:lip', envelop... '. very nles.... All diva., of 6. Itwr on.
.3=41 to the ':an ..! the htyet. If Lb: r.a.ri, .., 1:let rea:n
ere el,,:cd,.r Ls the tlee.l and outer fluid. .1., u. I :trek,
, 'tate ",...iy thretn."li the .ety.l veee.:: willels foe.: the net
Ye.•n no.p.rt di. to the ht,res. ti... re.o:t tr
:rid7'l'.ll.ll:['lt of the b.r. Mosoene.-. - dryne , t,
n 1..trwLue.....1 the ligent.ot.. and ent"re tuldoe.... the
e ... . pal 1... tunau:ate the .a , a to . Le. 1.110111 set,. with
tte Tr. ' , tenet, and the torsql ',eel.. ryeolee:l, tio sr
aetiwt - .. w: : the di, ~. !nail effrete'us of the
.I.o..irid ~. 1 1.....,1..trat.e...t mu..., bud t0uww.,•.011,.. , b.
r,..,, , ..,....! the *die. t are
. 1.1... :0.n"... It is , orno the ..ilt . ..
''''' '' ' ' ''''r "r .!..:. '" et u d ' J ' i
. 1 1.1 ! itf'.:tott " ... ' al T er; ' 1, 1,', 7*
2:'17,:.`;--1-','„•;',o.'.isl:-. .err 100 ~,,,. -
, ,ru ,„ I.:ale . s. prye._. re nts. t
the principal ed.
.... 1,Y7 kW...1w... New lurk. end hr the poi:a-n.l metcb
, .“,,, and dr through."ut the l'utt.d SI,l, and Can.
• ...I, 'l...i 3ta
1 - 1 ALL °rim: 3:I,ItICLNEtt "
e l::
tat. Ft.!,
trr --) Our N:,,,net. art. atr.:ll.‘ atl
• , tin. arn I.,,,atrg um, Awl mar
y.. t ., .ar Lan K t.., r tat Itatt att,La
.1. "
I .r..” • 1 .111 , ear,
Ab.. , t.. ,r.I.I:LI:S.
t:f I t
Blank Books.
Snick of Blank Book, 4•V
iu AL; lay!, 4, [lntim, v. I,
" \I7O7 ' IIAVEN'S 102 uk
4.1 k,
)1 , ,b.ut,. rruuk,le, exu.unr... Lur
UM nu, uh,l2 kr , ' •
pr.,: than tiwv have rfaT bre,' b'ml Ulu
V.I. and Am...lean rut 4 .1
Temporanceville and Itioblestown Plank
Road Company.
OTWE is hereby ~ , fn the Nockhi
rr, 4 ..ttal Crrapm,. IL., 131/i, 1. ,
1 1 ;644, TT* apurvr , rf Ail.' I,atciay. t • }lv.
1/r.112, ..t, 4111, ...• .1. I 1. , In
,th 1.
in 11111—..,. a ill 1, 4 -rsal. 1.r1g..1t,
July . 411,. 1,4,1 r, , ,k3...:4}1 to Lc
rard uurtttai .1 tic ,
1:1.13..11 11 It HBO' , N. I
TII f: 100-01er-hip 10.retufore exi , tillg
tav,.n d,,.,ng
I.a , hi...,lhePlL l :tln
11.. L.. (AT. .Alw•tll., suo. with Lott
h ut ', at,ltto,r the Ow,. atm,: .ch26
N 18 casks Bums;
r o •:- - ) laccem them str
11.4 - 110,1Ekla M. nr• I
..AV Rigiusaircart
for to !r•I r. •
I 'h:11:111 C. r Attorney at Law,
N 11. Ft.k.N KIN Attorney and Coun
?or tho
L O Ol 4 . %to • Ila 1 1
Ilou. 1r Ft.r.tard. ilssnplon
11.11,. ,Nand,. a Ilci hrrvr.k3m I , Pukr. Biwlls a
Il ,NtlV E ft , TREET.
PILE hsviog entirely re. r=" 6 ,.
and enlort,t rho 414.1.0 tirt.mactit•ft l bliitt.
cntaitont: in all lantidreil and
cwe with*. that it It ui mar
fir itati reeitiptiiin of On. tr,rtillinK
.‘ ntttvnl.d notiritr f this
iiertard a.. the' iintininina
• ',blob 111 V, 1.., nimiloittatinfl or:petty
on . n nit
ad vertl,eitient ',l'll, it to NI, it , titipien., tilt been
tlittried t, road.• r any aliarmenlft . fli ., f-
TV, 511, y to tinter. scrotal... of
and erirt,iti tt. lirawiai
lwill b,. f ou nd t.i of the until maitufitit-
Inn-. The Dinin. mom , . at.' panel°, and the- a t
:neat:. will lie arTati4itd a, renrcntence of tha, and
cv cry deritirtmitnt will I.- riindnotrd In an itnrai-eltllitnli
hie manner. and thofirorrictor him that dm
.American Route thallgitttruil• Travellfro Home.
oh&ilawditwfmi RICE.
tirl nn,dy,firr ‘l,,mptt , , Ltowl. ;lin:font
a• L.:: nn.nrhiw. ./17...6 - or Waal.. tlf
Fn , r
ram•-ncry •
V E a., not , tile with the lire?! 12114
1,..a1th t.l 1.1. t - .re sincere-1r 0. 1 7. our
. .u mr.ina.. of this meth
itummuty, which
Vs mak. no
acd ui hctid uv
tlioensce of the Lucca
vrfullT pre.salent in all Northern
i 1.17 1 ,111 of chemical extract.. pro-
ly rrlk.l,re4,l L r
Lh,rorlitch K7ls •
trdr., rrani wroniti
r.r %Tap cuzge.x farLant.
/Li-Winner 1141 -mm . 611!•1 ChetzT le n rm.'
CberrT Bark and the
or thin
apn.4.) the ranwhleh ar.• ulx, cam,
:ant I n chvalifti with extra:3 I Tar
111A nrader Dew
tha ~tar.,an.l the atusl. c,rtain ntul
nntraramn. remedy ever dito , verol tho
ry,NA:mt-nox OF Tilt LIINGS.
III:RI:PIT ni• CON: , mrrt,):: Cured by Wittafa Oul
yam of Mid Cherry.—The folineim mt. of Jeremiah Is•
....Ettmptl. (CT.- f lilt broilers. sad tletert
viva f Contumpton,, Twa7 mmtlerfnh
i'LLARA, I ilamilum co, Sapt.lC.
J. 11. (Or I take the liberty of advitioa you
of the beunnt I Mrre derived frnd the um Of Pr. Wlttat4
[mita. of Wild Chtn-ry I rmt prnytratnd by that. telriblo
Coupaylptio. In Way Ityt. The attach vat trait
CO We. /111 . Cll. Of nut family. (M 7 brot h s,, and
had died of o.ntu.ntim. I
nearly all Me sinrtt featon , the thtea.t. I hada &drew ,
114 rough. and em yttrpran. , l -mat deal of Lmal.
i beetle
fere, revere paint in the and. and rims, cohl ohllla. alter
with Mull., of
I wn.., h. nr , r.` from Oar
ralle• I ams taken ta.Y. un,.!e`tott rtx werks . E.l2,.
: - . , , et le,: beyond — 37 phytman't tkilL adimed
nat of Wntat't (deem of Child Cherry. Wit:m...7 prn-ort4 and t.mna-m-./ adunn.
.iterina n me.. ftml from •_rtt aa., i omcnrr.etd
.tt my.htaht 111.. a -I, rt.. :he
tt 1 et-mmtttot-ti , x` tt• t ttt .n,l 1.1
tut . :41;1. ctnt.tattr tltt I
tttiten I , llr It 'tit- •.; t ntt tl.l 1., ....Atter
'eetpet ftt,lr .1! JEttrmi.ol 1: ,• ••RMG.
00 te1,...00,0
ct,,,r, 1.,4„ • %Pt.
inns 1, stta—Coe3r Ft,: t, !a I IS! .1!
a f• in A ~.rf
..• r 1,. i::••
• vr:llt shorts um to surll . o. r•
a • ••• firm..tmr.rums,
I rntl, , ,--, , speL-07mted grrst
„ . .
teal:and SCIiS tr..thl,l sub hot and tihrht ,weatr. 1
ft,rn priOttog , 1 e.mtinucd
wraeluallr under lb. .liva.te. until
January. 1 , 47. rt.,. I we.,. again att:ekrd with rover. MY
th...pan, of my life. 11.1,/ tn . thought
..urrtve but a ,hort Um+. extreraltie, crt role
I: my fret. acne ron•tantlyr. andahn,tl.. , their fret
.m Under the, oreurnetano.. it May truly ,411 waa
hying rltaletla. I finally th.l,rininid 4. qua tr.tDan me
pre,r:l...l I, 'Dr . a n.l t, Dr. WiAsett Eat
...m LC 1011,1 Cherry. and front the lint orwk that 1 <OM
talung it. 1 ran date a f:TI.;IIMi ,meery. I routin.
u, t month,. the en.l of wtilehttma I cat , rill . .
50.1 enio,ed goad health ever ..incw. and ehr•ufully rt
r..tattnrod the Balm= mall !hoe.. and
with diorama or
the and would .ay tbo... commencing Da ure,ra - d
dv.roura,l if twn n dm,. heath, do net effect a
enc., but r,r,ert.:L.a... 1 have done. and 1 bait an doubt
I , ut out .1f uen. aril ha blareed with renewed
. braltLa.. 1 have been. Irt.-.l,ettutly row's,
MI-LMSAN r n T11051..r
~..i .x p o ' n:t zl rrril, 1.“3. or Till L. 411
1 . 1-nu Dr. !Ini,r, Siirin,lsPl4, Ws.shingtm COUllif•
--•• • • .
tirr-Morrno. Kr. May 11.
tuoulord k I'ark•—t take this opportunity of is
runor yuu of a mart rrmur , ist , lo cure performed upon
. -
tne by tin u...•0f Dr Arty4r , Dalyon a.f .old Chytey.
In the roar I'4o. I t.thyra with w tutta.r.tionnf the
I lahoryl oytor tc.r.ux upoiy,l4l.ou 1
oally recovorol. Iu oLe hli nf 1.11 I ,rlVlattacioll with a
,ated u.elt urn thy lunge, nil for the
'par, t.f throe y. Lr., I u ut.ned to thy bed. 1 . . 7 "..1 all
ol ...dicey-. and ev•r eoi
I.:yin:£ of a4l. without Lune.
£l. d thrty'l weartNl a:.-LIO until thy 'minter uf 1 , 13.
... bo an n I heard of Dr. Wiatur'n Uuleun of Wild LleerY. fU
Irlen.h , perous.led 'toe to glee it u trYl.thggh I bud gloon
ut. all Logo, of i,CNIV. , f, nut bed iPreloYedthT , e/f the
another world. 11.-eo , g l / thnit wild., ,
todueed to mu'. utr ol the gonnine IVytly's L..1.u. of
W11:I Cherry. The wee trtYy e•turibbinu. Atte
Shroo yen r% of itn .t
:ouon .oTermg. ufit r luring
..t.ent four or hundred . doliurg to no isurrnee. load the
rrt and Honer reApootohlu phymonunn tool provedutoorailr
tug. I wy 'con notorml to entity health by the tio.rtug of
13,.l and the use of Pr. Wistner: Italeam of IVII.I Cherry.
May tho ble,ing of tio.i re-a upon 'the. PthTei. .
eeltode.r a troolyine lotur'er 1,11 , 1= of 1111.1Chorrp.
Vist.l:. urara.
;,..,14 try D. PA“. In Suafnnl a Park.) Fourth
• . .
and IValuut 6Lne:ll the
South and 1 , trh.t.n 0.10.1
J. 4: Co.. U. C., .1.
((,l0(. Jr.. 1 . 11,bur.,11: L.. A. 0150
L. T. et. , b..l:l6,trval: L. 11. rni.inanerm.
elty. rn-trtJr..t; Sm.
Bed WM: [teed Lo:l,lNyebUrg
liilJoLrand t t J. h. ), r‘at. Iv.:t , rat..ij
er.r,Cu. tv..),,n
31: dr. Co. Itur, , u
era: Grab= k Jea. , ...e. J Co. El.,
1,, S. Smith,
.110.-arld, J. 0.6u - ,trnortx.n. WArrk. }. L. C
S. Joce ,
Needles Celebrated
x ./ That,. highly tawlientwaplsater, hare hewn =axle for
towre than twenty years. during which Lime thy: bate
moan,. ef the L!;:h....t cminen. , .. 2D wt . t
ha.. 10 en nul.natel. nr„,.
tre.ll.oninls .to their seynor v... De. r w,ht.r
tura Fuld.
ISt Ingrecli..ntoef th , ir very c-.2‘.12111y Lt.]
womL.:ly ectolnt.d. , le to
onCerlnF with ruin, rs..lWrze..
For rains 2u lto non! prutt:otr.i
whrnpteg "WL anl It ral nth. In IL.. ,t o I ctura,l , r !a-toad
qu,tion or dwpule. .te r•wwly LnuiL,..• , 6.u
-pertersty orer a , 1en ,, ..W 1 a-': >,
wwaknre. Xut yalcs
1 11;r-Isek and
ftwol per.,enro
otter vlr...tern hna lawn ntuOy nr
itune:rei , ort. and reh..t Cw.2r - .
Pr. :rarut! , wzth rhumatte then
aro with
ihnjthoir term-L. : It,
ELI oak..
meth. R. F. 51 - ,, .-.
The Haman Body Must Pereprs,
~,w3,„ Wilf".•• 11,1 04.1!
Tn., el, [1,711......q:n • •:”
,pc . au,..a fro- akt 7:r. MI,
141.1 a
. .
r.redtie kra i limat lra, 7 Y An.,
tut It in 11 it 1,:.a14 •
Ptrr.rlaa. Elntrlar, r.hrr a'tha 11,e
re.r.ler a aeaure.l that an putt-11 r...!nnu. es
.• trial will r...,.. I
1. raimltat role aia.l are
y t
bot--at.. 111, I %CIA
l ' atC ' t b e ' l jet.: . 1 1 ; ts:L:
.10 fa , d *ls on.r n rut.. t.itt a rrrarnute. rtal ran
rkly "M. that to
ur vall ;Pie ...G....a even kr., tadwt
rablrin Ito p 3? U..... an
/11 — gr Rn. li.a a, •Ith
11t1 be aura. ,a.ts Nan tabunt-I..saiseil
bny it only 1.1 JACKfral Ira
1.,11 of NS 014.
reat t iy . White Ti.. 111, :Ind Pun, urc42:l,
LAr.r. rub., e;... ..
" 'r .". ^r
1.. r • • 0t..1 ....rt.. etth
II:, a , •
x.- 1...:, e. t tql - aatil catrrii.irattlY
I Q , a: JAUZ2II
Seanut, Hair Tann, Reaturer and Arai-
IA l'••••• • ••... e•ni• 71. e . .bb 1i..e0 r 1 ,41
Coriti 11,or it.,ekkpt
t 1.,•• Ls* , r tLe
tr•rt, I,+:
r.a. to IL lal!itg vit •
dan.truP: at..l mak, r,L efr pruv hair
F. r rentiermig the 2.11,..1E 1... 31estted it trtily Ltar.ti:n!. It Pe. It 1%
the muncrlymai—.vi etwerwr—itrac'A• for the
ho. , •
AYES' Solution of Jt , .‘ Liquid human
fur the clutru:tug of w 1,111.,... red. or MT
I,..uuttful I , ruwe. or r, rcuaLut-..
Inrom---14 eunta. mut s I.
by ISM. tirce.t. , kum , of Trued.
Tits I pna,.
J OS ES' LILLY W tI FIE.— an: 1:au
t0.... Itr..nnve
un, nut. awn,. oi; • 11.1 T t xtt..
Itmc I. , Ar
till .1.01: Natztub Lilly
" I.
fr'4ll"'"‘" llT:fra's'un'turnf,=ttc.
and i übaseting AA evA-
Abso..r. itrtnA
~„‘t l‘ ,,° ", ,it h, LA ku, ,,=." 'L ' a tl' . JACK:TON. 1.40 etrkt,
hn.d- 111... trulr.
lir•J of