The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 09, 1851, Image 2

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PITTSte II OIISTOCE.S.—We have at length, got
up a clock table to our Our reviers
find it an'interevting, intelligible, and neittrate
exhibit of th . e state or the stook intecket in this
7;.e uniyie and intcreeting trial of M'ry
Schwei.lirr, the Amber Witch, nom , brought
elovic to the time of her arrevt, on the charge of
hcbcraft. The narrative from this point to its
elo,e, tenses moat thrilling interest, equalling
- nil thug or have e,er read.. The yirtu.. hu
mtiity, patience, res;gnation, and fortitude of the
•gentle sufferer: tie excited agonies of her di.-
trceard f ttLer: the cod villiany of her ]•ruts;
pen.cut a•, and size ignorance aad.
of Ler fore
ahogether a picture teitleaL excehed, l'or deep
and ui,.orning inieroNt.
Stotr l Satalsc.—.l ezl: for a u.:,:tirig of ca
int•a is favor of the Lota.matior. I.g . G... WI::
ha l•re,idency. will be foui4
in :moth,- cuica. n. ppeared in the .4:acrieen.l
or yes:tr.-jay eic,ruuch, with about ,ig hund.,l
11:(1 1 . 11111.1,, comprehending a large r.uh,e.r oC
sputa - oh; and '..fl.neuCal lybiga, attached.
There are be no doubt that Gen. SCOTT is the
fast shake of the large majority of the Whigs of
this county, and of Pennsylvania, as the next
Whig snub:irate for the Presidency. This is no
tree feeling. The hero of Chippewa and Lon-
dy's L,ne !se been a faysrite ! craididate with the
people of Pennsylvatfia for the last fifteen years,
and they have rainctantly deferred his claims,
from time to time, to those of other tlistiuguish
eel indiridasis. They now ash, still more at
plastically, that Gen. Score shall lie their leader
to victory in the nest Presidential campaign.
. There i 1 nothing in this feEling., of disrespect
or of, with tho ! present distinguish
ed occupant of the Presidential chair Mr. Fill
more is probably as highly upprecintod for his
'many sterling qualities, and eminent fitness fur
the high real he occupies, by the people of Penn
.',; sylvania, as by the citizens of any Stale in the
Union. They give bin administration a hearty
and consistent support, nod if lie should he a
candidate, of which at present there seems to be
mach uncertainty. find should receive the nomi
nation, Inc will have from the Whigs of this
State an 011008 t area efficient support.
Without soy drepsragement, however, to any
other distinguished Whig who muy false fair
claims upon the support of the party, it must be
admitted that Gen. Scorr is the fret choice of the
Whigs of this Commonwealth, and that hr will
rally a greator amount of energetic enthusiasm,
and stands a bettor elissice of carrying this Loco
loco stronghold, than nay other person who could
he brought out.
Profes,or Ili - tenni, of the Observatory in
Cincinnati, spent the Last winter in the eastern
cities, delivering Lectures on the great study of
his life, Astronomy. These Lectures created
great interest, and were spoken of in the highest
terms, and we understand the distinguished Pro
tensor is already engaged to deliver five courzes
mere of his Lectures, as coon as Lisduties at the
Observatory will admit. On his return train the
East this opring, it Sons the intention of Prof.
Mitchel to deliver a short course of Lectures in
this city, previous to his return home, and an
advertisement announcing his intention, was at
ore time paced in cur hands. But coding that
Prof. Ex.t.r.sos had Lean engaged to deliver a
count of Lentures here, ,nd that the two CUII/LC,
'mma chino with enchcther. he dctorred th, rich
treat prr.'ered for as, to a fume time. The cot'.
respondence was pnritiy micas:4,mA 11:,
this tliss . .;•.;attutat • tti=u:al,l icy ui anxious
desire to rt . ;riyi tte On-I.lre end ine.ruction to Le
affot - ded b. , genius highly cultivated nod oaths
tritgiC in Coh pursuit of ti e ' etiblin eat-of tic
pbyaieal sciences. We trust that Prof. Slitchal
will name as early day for his visit to this city.
where, he may be assured, iAn wiLi. Intet with a
heavy rent:pito,
Parsaraon. ldereb 221. 1531.
PROT', 0. 31. MITCOEL—
Dcur. , :r:. The newerapers of the east,
have intor...“l its of 6.0 great interest your lec
tures en A:Arose:my, have excited in their la.rgo
dr,sing out thousands, night after night.
to beer Men&
• The magnitude of the more recent di:noveries
in this department, the distinguished ability and
the important itiventiolis, which hare placed
your name high c.mong the. Astronomers of the
world, and we confess tame little gratification
that you are one of our own fellow eitircus of the
West, of the Valley of the Ohio, prompt us to
make the earnest request, that if it he in your
power, you will at scam early day, gratify those
in this city; who feel nu inrortat in this subject.,
with a series of lectures upon what is acknowl
edged to he. the grandest and most beautiful of
the scieuce&
With great respect, we remain, yours, Zee.,
James it. Speer, F. Bakewell,
Quarles Avery, Joshua Hanna,
Wm. Palmer, • • C. Cooke,
WM. IL Hart, Thos. 11. Elliott,
Wrinight; J. Schoonumlcr,
Jame, Cuddy, Thos. M. Howe,
Thomas B. Updike, A. Brackenridge.
March 81st,
DOCTOR Senn, and others=
Gentkmen: Your very flattering invitation has
4 been received, and under any other circumstan
ces. it would give me great pleasure to comply
with your request. Mot the extreme illness of
one of my children, will render it im possible for
me to fix on a day on whieh I could hope to
leave home. At some future time, I shall ex
pect to visit your city, when it will be in my
power to acknowledge personally, my obligations
for your kind attention.
Your., very truly and respectfully,
0. M. -
There teams to ho a determined effort to take
away Dr. Af'Gill from among co. lilt "praise
it in all the churches," and therefore great ef
forts arc made to secure hit labors in different
'localities. His flee natural abilities and highly
cultivated mind, as well as his sonnil religious
views and lively piety. rendei'liiin - an acquisi
tion in stay community, and we think it a great
mistake in the Directors of the Western Theo
logical Seminary to lose his invalemble
If they can possibly bo retained. Th'a Seminary
must suffer great, if not irreparable injury, by
the loss of such a man, and the Churches and
Christian community in this region, would feel
keenly their deprivation in the removal so an
other region of so eminent end accomplished a
Christian gentlemamand Divine.
It *ea stated, some &aye since, that Dr. M'-
Gill had accepted a'call from a Church in Cin
cinnati. This, it seems, is an error, as wo learn
lEssm the fialowitig article, and we trust it may
he long before we shat be called upon to herald
his rt.:Mural to another fell of labor:
inrn Prreaverian Hera:3, fir -.: 2
The Southern Pre . sbyterian spcallia:t- of the
election of Rer. Dr. McGill to the Seminary of
Columbia, Z. C., mil:
• "The strong probability, as generally under-
Steed at his election, tre thotle rrould 'accept.'
Thmfollossin:; statements cup:ed from the Prey
bytorien of too West put ou euureiy Evan and um
looked for pbaracupou LOU Looms - . Vie give them
as we and mew;
''Rev. Dr. A. T. Morrill. Professor in dile-
. -
gheny Tht,logical Sounuary, has beta untab
inouoly called to become the pa s tor of the Ito
Presbyterian Church of this city. c are hop:.
2,7 ioet.tto, that Dr. McGill has signified boo trill
lingoces to accop. Inc call. lint poettiou. of
course, is culbar to that of Dr. J. IV. Aiesaoder.
Ruth these gentlemen will tender to the neat
"Goner - al Assembly the reignation of their pro
fessonitiptt, which wit tioubtlass be accepted by
that body.
Wo regard the field of labor thesopoied to Dr.
McGill, 00 OLIO of the Rldeht, if oat the very wi
dam, to the groat Weet. He will meet a 1905 t
cordial weloome as a laborer to this east end
most inviting field."
. To this the Southern Editor Waxes the follow
ing posteeript
“Sinco writing the above, we have received a
letter from Dr. McGill himself,in which heetates
that dal announcement 'to unauthorised and
prmature. A califrom that church has been
before me for some time, but the acceptouce of
it wee Altogether qualified and conditional. It
was only in the event that the way to Geltun
' bin,. which I preferred, could not berande
We ageism from him that, bat fOrWILLin aOD.
th*Onglell; which wimost allaerely hope will
is on impediment, he would at once no fugitive slave shall he carried out of Nlauea-
Caine region he found there was a vast lake
intment in the Semi
chusetts. earned Ueambiro. Some of the mountain peaks
map sad Observer adds to Ohl , the
After same further intiernumtory ',petr e ls., the are above the ;mow line, glittering in pupate:ill !
jmeeting a djourned with the understanding that whitenias. -
-'°' I they (Sc were to meet at 10 o'clock to-morrow, ; I
we may add, that a correspondent-
S. C., who is also a Director of the I
Some of We speakers denounced 'Daniel Web- , BATES OF DISCOIINT IN AIIeeRICA.
oder date of March I7W, ales. dant ! „ tee as e e t , e ,„„, to hi„ eentr . 7 ..,
a villain. . ' In all she recent account., from America
trop in made of u large increase which is taking reeve
tot his declination to the call from ; traitor to We berth, which wag received with .
that 'in hie correspondence with ' mingled buses and cheers. Th e eumber present piece in the number of banking ettablishments.
he has fully declared has preference „, t h e T emp t,. see , „h e . 1,000, many of whom I '1.1.1i5 is a natural comequence of the compare-
Int/neat' That he was only 'wait I went there from curto.ity. tied, high rate of discount which has continued
iy to semen - interim' he mode to me.' I
The Court Nouse is still surrounded with et ,
o d , h 'i a fh er e e d i °' b e s e n bt ' to cc a e s. p .i L ige l' : : b ;e u l i n d li, . " : I , o ,r,v " e no. we r i,:b ie n tier
by six two loch iron prevail, although for the last few years there
en a ,cried when
w e bs the i ge h nerel tontm ‘ dr,cee of themercantile
wen, es heeti re.ont In New Yorkat
I replied , as I ooppoeod, most sat- I elmine. and . g , u; , ;detl ,,, b e e• ,, a . bi a rge roa ho . d i y
t o i, f e j,, , , b le i hae. never be en any doubt was felt
no the matter is still unleaded 1 , t
. , ' "I'''' ' 1 ' ° " 1 " - * i h`l'l t '• n'"erei telliteee eemlet- pusses tame the roe for the bent hills , such as
{ red that some of the Doane:if:len , ; .es ere et tee, ericeries in et a , !.neav for menu it, meet of safety ere equal to these discounted
-e les name before the General Se - ,in Cabe cl any t h., nr h„, e or attempt a, errrue, here et e per tent. ranges from sto 7 per cent,
trelec I every preeaution be• Ace (alter to pre- • ee d i t , eeee s weere see
e Professorship in Princeton
1 tee a record Shesirnell affeir. - meney knees, the quotation nut tetrequeutly I
t e'er! I' .lf .—The ,
Lennon:, iTION IN NIA,SACIItarTTS 110 • , . remains in an exce temeeritry 4. mmel for
goes to 7or I , i•er cent There in, n ;,..0,. con
led mete: the equere land d:- C: net line, has v,•‘ ten in tens date of affairs. Fun - eee r,
yea eeh,
m tt e e n e d a i t u tp 4 o l i h n:eri c :i
consider .
constitution, none to •
the ''''r
. . .0 onc e el twine el the crowd rot rot , pe s t three have been fewer (allures it, the prin
t el, by tinteel ern- of the city w etc noel one I e
elute cnties of the United States teed, in London.
e equal oyatein Of repreuntacnon .tto 0 cu re:heed to 5:.1 , were taken, ire, euet el . , en d. at the . di ne time , there has been nn meld, I
etrure, have made their report: ehn,quere, bow, 'see, is ',gain hell luil : state ii• not ~ greetei degree of confidence in the be-e
-lide prt-vi,,in„, if which are that • iesueue er., guar d me Cart Ileune epee W D
We in- e o, ere-pi-tine el tee couetry. Yet Weir mer
1 Inhabitant. shall hove one d e n t e I e•ee, utei ew e , urn ready- at l e e
„„1,,,, a watch- . misses are neert.el,od to pay fur nuch diecounts
mum 0(6000, two; aril for ...eery het•-ne , • efen the least ele , m• :••• I .•••••II - ere le n , they luny requite exactly 100 per neute above
iota shine 5000 . line aliat,inellel re:. '1- ,e,.. eer,,,,e Lo ots ~f met. at e ceilsottd ell , went is paid hem. Why is not each an cue:-
l er ' tee , ;of the cite descuesteg
. t 1.,.. I.e.:ter. , 'rho gteut m, n o tefference sufficient te'tempt English capi
oitt I'. 10,000 mhittetants
roue, to. But no .I.evn or city t eiajonte are in favor et , eedisece to the low. tall On the continent, and all over theznrld,
ca thaa s e rep , eLe „ Le t e ,. t. , e„. e . e , i The aged', of the or or referee to -ell the ',eve; moue) seeks its level, and wherever there is the
000 inheteleote are/c be cont./ere , les orders Ore to tele: lam cut of Muelaceusetts eeeetest possibility of reeking larger interest at
entenve for so many court in, ten, , to tee, can now- , the some risk, Lv more prejudice still prevent its
r 100 is contained in the number 0051'0N. ,Sitterda.y, Apt ll •0 1,,,,d i e, in, slay.
aunts. and no more. As regnrde The emiesnetiee icon the,: coo of the :a gl to.e. It i- Nair. IllerefOre for the Nose York nerchante
I etti ,.,,,,,,, et , the Stale is to b e l E., e hitts wee c.a....oned tote morning before to abut their eye-, to the tact Wet there must be
U dieuicte, necording to pepula
no more. • wee, udetasi ale, Toe Cap.ente Mete end 0 ell- non, - dineect and justifiable cause for the weeni
district ta to he entitced to one
„r of the brig 01.:e 4 I. Gilmore uncle neat, , sortie thep their do
med, and test:eel that they left Savannah tic , ty le receguire it, and for the cake of their sem
lueton on We Ine'd et 1 detuare: Wet tiny taw country to pot the matter right. New York, fort
.:ms Oa We wharf at Satdumb a few days be- eh bustuese puteose, is now sufficiently close
EXClihneent IN BOSTON! 1 • • , • -
I Stave Cute at Barton— &veva/ A.r- lsere ening. that he aeked tee cook torn Fite, to 1,011,10 P to render geographical considm atious
i tem and was relaxed: when elf Renton Light the I rely unimpot tent us regards the respective mo
t a late hour last, night a fugitive prisoner nos touted Ie the mate, hid in We fore-' rev makete nod in rollet of mutual intimacy in
Thewes lime, won ent , tenl while I castle, tact be nwits confined by the cartel,. ' ell the great relatives of trade it is much nearer
icutt street, by a deputy
all, assisted by members of theto
oh. lie at first supposed, h
Cur drunkenness, but as he reached
use, the true nature of the num was ,
th t"• , , i ted ; ' e hole in the barb,. but teenaged to 'crepe en 't o no Limn Paris Brat u nh appily, in the face of
: 4 , :re h n o t
, S “ c , m ut s h o ll n o b s o nin r ,:ne: ,, ferciug the leek off the tee, cireuieuencee, there is the fact that in, a
cabin anti steuhug the brig's Load; Om , he told . majority of instances where British enpitaliste,
eeventinh, the night enterteminestrong faith in American inetitutiune
before they sailel. This. closed the evidence hp, hove nevenced money to the lending establish
, when the cry of •'kidnappee was elejteent,, metals of the country, deplorable results have
the prisoner drew a knife and stab- . Council for the defence then nem tweet! that . follee fie Which instead of being of a temcnrcry
Buckman in the groin. Ile was, ~ tee into
no nide. , to offer. Au etfelerit of the . nviure, have been calculated to lead to g p en .a.
'ely lodged in the Cost t Boone. At , (Ileitis, wits read, etnting that his freedom per- revel improesiont The failure of We United
clock an aholition lawyer nettled Sam. chafed he ht„ father when ii' Lee , e ,,,
meet' , eores B.A. and the suspensitm of payment by
will met Deputy elarshall Riley in the'. old; that hie tree piper, are mien in the inoesessine t i e eert „," st et , were t oll ihemergenaae. i neince
ail ns a violent and abusive that lie or Niemen. , Potter, of Sneennah, end W e t he de- of .i crisis such a , trill happen in every country
tto the welch house, where lie remained • eires drily .In obtniu then , (lent he niter heard t at united ' , fund. , after epectiletion has run met I
far an hou 'of James Potter. his slimed te,ter, until eel- Ile Wen time they would Imes been forgotten. or
Late in One night Fletcher AN elester, Esq., terday niOrulng No notice and , laliell of this 1 , I• remembered oil}- ne the consequence of a mania
found a watchman ringing the bell of Rug's per in, which lender end borrower were almost Neel- '
amine!, and supposing an niacin of fire had been Mr. Rantoul then announeed that he designed ly Iv Han,
rinsed by the abolitionists in order to collect ato argue the constitutiennlity of tide law vale It is the ray in ehteh the things that ought to
mob, he oruered the watchman to desist- Mr. , the right of a l'Olnlinebioner to sit epee the else, bete been 1 ecollar to that epoch have been per. I
11 eheter at empted to drag the man from the trial by jury, ee• , and asked n pos=tponement un• . roulette! during the bullet-anent-ennui] of pros-
rope, and nfterwerd assaulted him. The officer nil Thursday. The Coors would roily grant till eerily thnt let, led to the diatenat that atilt
milled for a.sestance, and Mr. 'Webster was taken Nlondny nt IT o'clook, e bee the areonneet will prvia, ie. ;loch eata, us those of the New York
to the watch house, and thence to :Jail. This he heard. lire Deck Rank niel of the North Anne,. Trust
morning th, enact house is completely eurroutel- The city renenini elem. bet it ',age .•rowe to see Itanl.o.g gnat Le ny. with its receiver, Mr.
oil by Mfrehnll Tukey and his police. forme who colleen,' clout tee retire 1101,e Ne tieletee• - Ingrid Leavit I. to veinal Ire hove often referred,
have drawt a chain completely about it. There toninfeeted
4 _. were relent, end to pheluctf an effect upon oar I
IS a larger wen about the pinee, very few of whom cetera e•n, wet hut limy can cuter. In theillenter
are blacke. 1 Sims came to thee city about the 7th le nil Lie', en I l'onnit. CIII❑I d,• .1 L.3rl. incl ,1,,t111.,, :: I, true • the come...rend community
of March last Ile is Sit 2 ,eara o r ege, and hee a tried in New Orlenne lust week which i. eiveu en of ere Yee', al Darr protested against the Mate
wife and sereral children in, Savenualt. ' the roper's
of teat city a`follow. or the under which Mr elorrieun to use the
The examination of the rtigitive since, arrest• It appears that n nee person, oak., ti. ; rc. "erl s"I ntool loner "we wleters• had hem , "ewie
el last night, commenced this monoing, at It , e , , r , ;
tt , ,, „
~ a
„L ,„ „ „ t „ . . ,‘„,. ,Ile.l." hut in the letter the procet-dingsstill con
temn„ to t e e innaltil,,
o'clock, be 'ore Commissioner tl. T. Curtis. Seth ~ , llane, an.t bitow in every =tinge that, however
IJ. Thomas ppeared for claimant, the Bon. Robt. I,T ett u' e r . in r i t t t t . ' ,;, d e r e ' , " „re, ' , P „ ' „ r o ti ,7,.„:,. hi ,:h d , r ,l: ' , l t i e ,7, hsee-t the jtolleini Oath. ill, may br, the !hail.
Rantoul, C alien' C/.l.,ouring and S. le Sewell, th e eh ," er ,, tzat. nee „ Le , ~, r ,,,,.,, ~„1 „ , ill , a ah . .oded fo- eine-ninety of all Porte are crab
fel- the fu tive. The complaint was then reed, ' .... to render it itteeleemble for capttaliela at a
alleging th t Sims escaped from Jame, Potter.
' rice plante , Chatham County. Georgia, on, the „ der ., 1 , , ,,,,,
~, 11 „ r. . ,‘ „ 1 ,, ~,,, 4 ,. , , ~,,,, • 1.,. I r 1e , ,... At the some time, the
'22el Feb. I et. Several depeeitione of persons .
I d
a nc .r e- , lnti u tTn n e k l i e : ::
i c i l . .C . ~..!., ,e , , , n , t . it
. 1. „ ... : ..0 0 1 ,,, , e , 1,....., i f, . 1 ,- .1
~,•, mi , 1 , r th ... , . ,
pr0,r,,, ,
arenato tee batik end teed. It turned out that '!'"', ll' '', l ' :I' l ' 11 :",`,`," 1 , r . " . "" .. e t i b p L Mi° ,`'` .
lin SaTann Trere rend, to the effect, that they t
tnedreit was n forgerv. nee that the endorovinent ' l';''l ''''''' ''‘,' ~.. ' ' - .," 4 :',''',. '`''' ".''''''''''
I knew Sims as the slave of James Potter. Some on, the Lack of the ch;ck drawn I, smith, I'. t e e '`e et e- e'-: tee emnier sl , liftletbleo in a
deposed th t Sims had confessed that he was the met ,r . • degree of I toliinee nod !linens, althougb
tinier a None and Ilarrisee. was written sere
slave a P tter, and also, that his mother had te.,„.tttty "Pa y ne atel Bonin, in-least I .-:. ' l'a jne ' ' l'T• °el' 'e the people of New Intl.. where
::eke led that both she and her eon were a nd ttam ,,,,,..• aee ~,,L t eke „ t „„ te ,.., ~,,, the en, put, an denounced as severely. in Eng
the slarei of James Potter, Edward Burnett 'attend
. 7, c
,„...„„ ~,,,,,,. „,„, „ te e n ee i r‘ „, , /,,,al. 011151 reenter the neereantile vverld more
t e e tified i the lived in Savannah; thole he knew , iii, at tatiemaat , e,, e eee , aLL Lt . „ 1,, ,,, , , - .L . - -ne , e then Wee would otherwise he in their
IThdu...te S tas, the prisoner at tiao bar. Sims and ita„,„4„, Lank L. tit , e ata„ .. t. t thi „ , L , L , L ,. et ,re .....ce .1 neythe g en . teer fe,rable or Ur,
had worke with him at Rev:l:lnning. had Lela
On the ground Wet the. lyre`: ctn.: I pa, lb e le •nn le L. mey tratspnre illeelv,Le th .gee
• era'. I.e.auil r reputation t‘f the .1121eric,at amnia
11l m that h was the slave of Potter Also beard „moan, ,icy . t , t.
Le .
rut i ., as.
a „ ili, " t„..
161, motber emy.that eke and her son were tee
stet that in. tee tle• of i 1.1. U 4 .1: - . 11 verenly we Ilse I••-, l' en Otte een'lltinn of ellen" M eon , -
-eaves , of Potter. :igniter° or ne.,l:,,,,_cut of e‘ery -see' draw's. le .., 'lll`l ''-'-', V , t"1 nlvib ill* , nn 'llll , fi-e , et-
John B. Tacna : tee agent of rho owner testis' to „H„, • t •t• Ate MC 1 :5, ' f COLlrte, !Le direct oU4leer.
ed. Wet et had known Cinema,. Sens well fur :I A tter beer',- te . e .....„ e ., t
...,..,,,,, ~,,,,,,t e. ,51 IL, 1., al, teed of liecertes,mtion, with
jtang perioclior
.0.,r, Ile had resided al S'realettall• iej. the emir: dee. e• I, nee; ie • :rweeetnens le.. •"" , te r -, le,,m,relneote ;.ay et :eel' , one thtee
sad'was I' elovt- ,•I' Jaen, Potter. and Lad need - t e ,,,, ~ 1;,,k,, ~, I „, , ~,,,,,, ;., e ...., „e b b ., , na,ro tats(, • 1 toan li neCesea'r. sable her navel
within Ell'll tame of lie oluther nod the ',met e,. forger, the , 1. t :i. tee e.eeer „ee le; 'int.'" "•••• "'ell x" other limit th•e Lb.
eer: pass .el my house twice A ,I.y , going to 1,, ~, re , ~,,,, tee , ", e ,. , t,, ,d„,,,,,.: ::,,, —lv , "I ~ ;, . ..a. ••1 preportion.o/ly checl..ed
werh, am native thn ten InS u the roan: ha, „k ee led t h e , t e, 1 ,. „ et , e , e e„,•",,, e, , , ~,,.., , let I .r. ne• , 5,15 the 121110 omen( beelthy ehan•
-mu th e te thee oe Si 0. , pay 01.: ler ~..4,.., 0.., L: ~. rre detee !nes ttie ''..., .4, , .it.: I . - , : ". 1 ' 5 , - ,-.. ~,,,," i r , " -. , ..i. , ..,,..-•
ro.ACC :15 ',l , 5 pre. at e. rj„,,b . , N, „1e .. ., „, r e „ ~”, „, e ee,,,, e. „ .„ and J..., Li, -t NaLL•,.',ea or ..,....,.ltd
There w . r
une oil: u n t n e s.„. Lit his te etn e ,, , . . t . , eten,,t :reel tee elite of fear.ery. 1: .1. tee
ey was an pat in. Defendant's Conned pen ea' . pud, and r:,its. '
a illi. ca,- at- i, c--:ivelal.y, mast to :Adair,
eeh teenew of her raw a race The ge:lf:ince ie
I lor deter m att! Tuesday, but the Commnesteeer .- —seen-- one, :Leese,. t ,at meta 1•c eolllollp- 1 050... aid
11y grant a enestoonement fee el h Inc.e I.- Lace t nut Bern -5 Lorroaont..itat of the la Le regret e.j c.. 1 frenecle of commercial loner .
• oUniel for the defence ezete.l that te, . eves,' .1 eu, eal us. I, emteer, e wr ie . ie .on , l'eri ,tl ' 'Ma'. '' , ' ‘•-a* r' . .. 5. d.Y C3u oat, he-brought
eines to be a IMO man, erCil under the laws et . Prance, timer do, of Merch Ills, 51,:, saa a 't oltit :.y a 51,,,evecil Ise:gni - eon ef in, CAUSI,
'I. li eargia. The case was they adjourned until t' p •, I tie... e e e sei t ,:e 1 , .1 le e r. ~,- : err ed ree,,, eel an eeere e ee see wart...! (lam on Inc port of
anorrew, turd the Court Reuse cleared. Sin, I.- ea.: ~, . ..nel lee -car :,reseed ,very e lob h
.coca 0., 1,...0 who reprobtat Vie Industry and inteillgenn
ties in al room in the Coe et House, fitted up . dear.ny court Inn: t.b: 2.1.-ibt.., , , li. :a ,1 et of me Uti.t.eliSlate, and who eleetly pay the pen
..h elllerjelley, , and ea e,r, ever- 0:01,,, H i . ~,,,e e, , to ee .„,.:
~,,, ~ 0 ,1 ~-; .• ~,t , a , Is 1 . 5• 0 0 ~. ,t aap a.,
tmet. The p elicit gint d the ,out :erne, cane, ne ~.. n. •-. i ee,.• •-t ce int g •
ut few blece= ere to be sec!, e ms.
nil, a n.fe et.: children, who ere Icc
nab, and isle , wore ebenit to joie h m
Mof Fletcher Wel:re, was breuent h e .
ica Court, and Le pee lemk , to up.
week, to atswer to ad:large of neeant-
not continuo
accept the 11 ,
I The Wet
"To lotic.
of Columbia,
Seminary, u.
he 'has not a
our Synods
aereral here,
r tins ap
ing for a rep
and 'to whit
.faetorily '
and I doubt
reason for 19
It is runt°
tot rot to pla
remtily fur t
Reno or I
—The Comm
:1. the Lep,
—Tae pre!
t•ttetas of lut,l
_atc in the
ouu tulthb
eowti ,
.11ree 15
• h
o. le s than
to 0110 rerre
, the numb
icoiuud into
cion, as wchl
.henator, an
S c
s'ave named
las mg Env
satca Mars
lice and Ira
was arrests
the Court 111
made knotty
raised, and
bed officer
however, en
nhout 10 o'c
uel E. Sews
street, and
wits sent to
n Cane.
'ore the PI
1g a
The Su
. n - nt of
The fonl
the “Corn 1
the 'tree
rime Court hove just rerctsed to grant
' abuts copes in the case of Sims.
wing notice has just been issued Cram
• onwealt„h office," and p..,stei up about
. Meeting! Kidnappers in Boston:'
one of your fellow citizens woo
!seized by shoe hunters. The Citi2.3
and its neighborhood, are earneztft
assemble without arms, in front of the
tee, at half post two o'clock, P. M , to
tr the public good."
tad continues large about the Court
i the blacks begin to appear in conaid
len 14
Isst night ,
of Boston
invited to
State Bo •
conenh fo
The c
Hone, nt
enable nut
le the gialature to day, the folloWieg peti
tion was r esented: ' '• That the use of the State
Hoare be granted to the citizens of Massa
chusetts t hold a public meeting in the after
twee, to 1 ke into considerationihe arrest of a
citizen of lataachtmetts, under theloperstion of
the Fogi ve Slave Law, nod to devise proper,
and legal measures for the defence and protec
tion of e citizens of llassachusette. - Mr.
Cushing, f Newbury, spoke in opposition to the
petition, end moved that it be laid on the, table.
Mr. Keith, of Roxbury, moved that it be laid
under the table. The motion to lay on the table,
was carri - si by 147 yeas to t 43 nays.
The m
1 :,
eling of those opposed to the enforce
ment of e Fugitive Slave law, was accordingly
held on t e Common. The meeting was palled
to order y the Rev. Mr. Calvert 11, Howe AM
appoint Chairman . Wendell Phillips address
ed them ling—lle spoke of the Court House
.in chaine be hoped the people would come in
from the country in such solid columns as to
block up be streets and prevent the fugitive
from ' g carried off except over iheir heads.
He rejoic that the law could not be executedeit
the paint f th ebayonet and behind chains. They
won't da , he said, to carry the fugitive out of
the Co onwealth except under the convoy of
lef the Navy lia;d. lie .spoke of Pan
[being closed to them, rind hoped that
i d make the elms of the Common re
the declaration that law or no late,
:on or no Constitution—chains or Ito:
this law shall not be enforced; blOck
r °tires, tear up the rails, follow the fu,
the guns
they wou
sound to
the loco•.
borders *.ithei State if popsible to
. . .
i.. lie cotniselled every colored man
:vet. felt the chains of Sot:ahem oppren.
1 his pockets with pint tilt. &e., and as
was able be would stand by their sides
for them was at an end. Ile urged
ng to bold itself in readiness with all
• at its command, to endeavor to stop
the execution of this Statute. The
at and Legislature have refused us the
. try this issue, and we hove the right
• it, and meet theconSequences. When
• d statesmen are traitors, the people
iup the reins. The meeting here ad•
o Tremont Temple, cohort the Rev.
• Parker was called up: he said that
• assed the Court House, this morning,
he chains which encompassed it, he
• • he was in VierllSA (and not in Boston),
° Vial law, and certainly ant ander the
F England. Be asked the meeting to
solve each forbiniself, he would 'told
„ore, as infamous, any one, who aide
'est or rendition of a fugitive slave. I
l ' u l ee between read y to
the African i t ,
t 'A; od
idc n ' kidnapper an i d Be' t.
l nail l'
in kidnapper—there are at present threw
... s in Boston—frl them out and point
de they , pass in the street—make , •o
stop—heanderstood from good uuthont
,ey were intending to nrrest two more
to-night. Ile weed the meeting to
•,tepee tote a Vigilance Committee,
it watch upon the movements of thi;
t i r,
ads. A Scotchan named. McClure,
d as a coward any man who would al.
rat to bony loosely by his side while a
a being carried oil. Ile. counselled
: ce he said. but soon afterwards cried
lortY or death; resiatance to tyrants is
-a,3 to God."
The licer. Mr. Colyer then raid, that the law
wag go obuoliogs and iohtunan that he would
1 uou ie
ux lu
out. 'I,
t under his feet. He went fur igmolute
• ce. Ho, also, would counsel Nno Cu.i
•ut he asked of that nvembly to moot
morrow at the Court House; in their
the people from the surrounding country
there; he would be there, and if bin
t on such an occasion was inconsistent
!clerical profession, he would unfrock
He denounced those of his brother
who had counselled obedience to the
re law as traitors to their country and
e od, and called upon the meeting to again
• aeon passed at Fatima Hall—that
,:on or no Constitution, Law or no Law,.
I,le. lltrt,V,.
r• o
hot 1.1 - 4..•FIrLd
lac en_tti ut . the 11,—, of the Curio co.t.n.
pc , V. , C. n, : :L4t: en, 22+, • e,i • 2 +3 ,
toieeo car,Fitt, theot 1:e ..0 hat the ke - f.,, end prole,.
414411 nucc,ei. Le Sea,. ;rad t b att .:one:of o, licrc?asor., who 411:::. :ire Lite iptritual
iteirtai.ntativii• were I ,4 toe .:Jl4 ' lll5 1-111!. Vic e. ie Lithe itteeepti
tonet•ice toe ~Per of rned.aLon. ),e of Inert. Juipreeniane—m• feelings Art some-
The Chiled tutee Strualli :Gil Lee, ttnopir.trily niore4 under the etrong ap -
Port au Prince for Havana on the °frau r 3 peat- erapLic repmentatinha of hts einritual
and crew all well. ;Av.-err lint In, mental i r • dim-12e Nee!
, . . .
The ~ , ,k,_t j.,.,- f r,j.,,i,n, i, ~,..i ty 1., 1, thwir with n dimwit,. and like imprimMons on
The price of Coffee it imily t u l a a h l e. 4 .l, .1., it i, tiv• ¶OO 1.. t.i4 id, i ore moral, and religious
the crolo of U. :000:0 vt.!. fa., thoit of both, a , -outr.oficatril. lie knows nothing
those of former - year, i r th,,c iletip gluent which hangs upon the brow
--wt.— of a mortal diaret, Li di:al.:tic, nor of those bright
From the PleiLviclptaa ( - 01,,,,,i litraLl, rout C . LQ, 11:3 hole, which light up the eyes of
EXPLORATION OF Aniell. the thritiiian Twin who fret, that he is about to
Intim li from a tn.. of morrow to one a litTer end-
The Bev. fir Thompson, who went to Aft;ca iog joys Ile is o singular compound: Lie to n
two years ago, to settle.with the Atuiato-1 AftlLlut, rude child of nature, ti savage brought up with
lately passed up the Big Boom user 1., a distance in the pole of eittlitatinii Ile has broken the
of 1100 milts. This aunts s t naim is nearly ti mile • lows id 1., 1,110,T 11, must pay the pen
wide in some phices. Me. F. nu. the happy 111- alts, but society owed itutt lad It debt which will
auunient of stopping a war of nine year,' cotitiu. he canctli.iil by an ignomielmn death upon the
tuition among the trthes round Kole Meudi, which . tentruld
is about 100 miles south of Sierra Leone. and ' With nli ignorance. Pliarottli has a ct`riaiti
50 from the coast. lie made an arrangement, retttlittess even snr e ntlne, of 01,3,,nti0n. which
to tha great delight of the chiefs, fur eat t tltnnit- i frutat!trut.e. lle inquired of the keepers dayfor
lug a miszion at the furthest point to he reached two ago whether the t:overtior had sent his Death
Mr. Livingston. of linloheng, south len- gamut. The ki,pst - replied in thruegative.—
lade and 2(' east longitude, smut. titooths Itgu, hit. said lie. -it will he here next week. - .
resoles,' to penetrate the Crest Desert, which, Ile 'miry !sunning the announcement of
stretching away on the neat, northwest. and the day of his e_ ration with anxiety. When
north, has hitherto presented nn itteUrtstouttnalle rtrunger t.l rises as the jail, ho draws the hell
barrier to Europeans. Ile proceeded six hum 'mill and rings the hell. Plinroah r ema k e ,' l as t
Bred miles into the interior, with a wagon and wed.. ••I never hear that hell nag but think the
several companions, without molestation. Atter Death Wurrant hoe arrived. - How heavily its
travelling :300 miles, they strUelC the Tonga river, note, mu t t fall on his heart. In his lonely cell
and traced it up ..100 miles more, till they carte me. the hour* are numbered by him. After
to the great lake Ngiiral, or -Great Water. - - hie coneletion his coun.iel visited him in his cell.
They found large risers entering the T,utga from W bite an
in ttonVermatiOn the Town Clock
the north: sThe nerroweat part of the Tonga struck. The Milking was not noticed except by
Bee. by them was sixty sued 4 I "k'' Pharonli. he remarked -it is four o'clock!" How
is about 70 miles lung by '-! 0 brord. Mi Liv - P like Out tlnr.atted man to death the striking of the
/ 0 6 0 . n give ! .""Y imrreettng frets , t'oi.irePt , ` chick - a.,tieo the p tssoge or time—time, •which
the notices every ',here envious to receive miss to hum in short:
sionarien. In a subsequent journey, Mr. L has In ninny things Ire indicates touch retentive.
discovered another large lake about 200 nil', ne, ot• tomr.o7. From lnte visit of his moth.
north of lake Sgami.. The new lake contains to Itiv cell, he said to her, ":dother don't
several large islands, and is connee'ed with the you remember, that one 'day at dinner. last
Sgrtrui, by asapid stream called the Tenge.— summer, you said you hada dream the night he
at the close of thaslatd. ndvtees, Mr. 1.., was pro- fore: and that pm told so you dreamed that I hail
cemllng northward. inurdered Rachel Sharpies`" His mother mitt
Messrs. Simpson nal Mackey have mode are• .Ito nor remember. you remember,"
ink successful explorations from the llaboon die. said he, ',oil that you hoped it would not come
trict, which it on the went roast. nenr the rqua. true: -
tar, nod IS n missionary station. They left This dream of his mother was net forgotten.
flaboen, 011 their Intl journey, in .1 line last, They stash n new islets which haunted his mind,
pasted the roost, nicking the Corisco and ond impelled him resittlessly sunned until the
liar! Wends, and entered the Mind river, pass- Elf,/ was done
log up fifteen miles. The istandc ere Having un cu.• to with his ideas
and populous, and the people mbst noxious forran in very narrow channel. Ills father
schoolennd missionaries They started to ex. conks to see taint but George has but little
plore the Muni, but were persuaded I.y their to say—principally a few - inquiries about the
interpreter to enter the Korwrwee, ait tindery f,auily. Very properly no effort has been made
which they ascended to Its source in the moms- to carry his thoughts ofil on miscellaneous sub
trine. The length was about ten hours of row- jean.
ing. repo, io calm and unbroken. Sometime
The flee. John Day, superintendent of the ,:ites lie compla;nrd that he slept fitfully, and
Baptist mission et Bexley, has been examining frequently started in his sleep. His declare
the upper part of the St..l ohti e river. Plc found Con, shortly after It, conviction, that his deep
an utshileting country. beautiful rills of clear was uninterrupted by dreams about his murdered
cold water, and superb forests of valuable woods: victim. was doubtless true; but it is indicative
and declfire, that if our.penple want health, they of it hientless end stolidity which le difficult to
may rts surely obtain it in these r.eious as imagine.
by trun,atlantic trip,. • .he native, hi, enure
clout, cheerful, induct riot,!, holo•It. and every
way hopeful, then :wpm the c0.0..1. - . 1 4 '01 l II E N T.-The :•,t,,re, 118 31u rket- , ..„
The mtaplonarie,i I o bleu. It Alit, aro Cow tout I ~ r t . :;. . , 1 .:, ... :,: r.: ;:, 1: :; 1- . fn.. u .n the e., roar of ark , al Tia
ly extend4g the, kilo.vie lee ~f the interior.- 1,..!,' '.,',.;'-",, - '''" '"`..uuvr i v, , 11,,.. R.
They lio, Pabred through portico it the Lulu av d ,l IW pone at.
• . _
country, it: tome places it woe forti le awl live,
A , t ~t
tirtll, with vcstetutton luxuriant ; is other, ti.,,
.. ‘,.,,,L.,..,,,,,..., e n n , t i n nr o joh„
cci.tat.a. Ark LaTtoN ~ant ramant.f ally luvdad In the
bind was barren, with not n tree to 1,0 wren 1 ,, r
he chief fond of the inhabitant• el mid:, rice, • T,.,, ~,,,, ~nu. that i have loon eurad of an old•
and sweet potatue, In ono place a piety of , ham. Cau.:h. he. tha Let of Your Ihddlas of l'etralantn.
travellera carne to the hratti ut one of the prt tic, 111 ..• , .: ttt , etelo.4 l t.te • ,car ado lead laranthar. and I had
g al Zulu ghieti, 0.1 , '0 Ilq thd oAll ,, d :7,7 3 i . 7 . , 1:.. , c.!1:z „ :L./ . ..t . z.: ., : ,, all . za , l . lsed .,, tatke l ct4 :;e d , r , l t e t e l.,, :d
and were hoopitaltly entertained fir lour di ..
.... „,,,,,,ti, 1.,
tilt ~c,r,,,,.... /
:1 cup•hearer figured at the 10"tive board. TT- , ~, / ,1, ........ ~,..”-,f ~,, 0,, rererrildiA, n ,r, -
winding the travellers of Pharaoh and the bingo, u ,, a . ta . .- a A a t. ua dd. vttlautt Any mdicitAtin n frau, nue
of ,neitnit tiluca-d tall, stalwart, native, whore O/.1 W ,anon 'al r, ' , a,, e., ~,, that Oho
head Wee ballad with a ha ye blue shawl, in 1,1.3,,,1,7.,,,.,t,,:.:::,1.,,,t,..,:e,..d, y r ,,,,,, t , „ boat. to
Oriental style. Large crops of menliea, sweet _'. :,„,,,„,..,,..„,',„:,,,,„,.. ~,,,,,,i,,,,.:',l = '''. ' ,"4"c:::d % "n b , “:. t h •
pottage', and Caffri corn wero , een, . 1, we/. " , that ntae.,, ~,, ~,..,u,.1 Etna. J o n ) , " TT ."'
itOMOntle quantities of augur awe. 1 Illtrall.ll. I eXt.‘xy bd. lhal."
A hate Cupotown mail gives an ocoount a 1 the f or role J , . ,Kr . -
~ l a, aat a neDowcll. tar Wood Wocd attach IL
discovery of a groat lake, receiving several large Sallars, a 7 11.1. d sta.,: B. A. Enhuratack. & co, wrote
riven!, but with no outictyet found. Seven dor ., i wood nod Fetal etnate; D. Sl..Curre, D. A. Elliott.. Jump&
journey north of Ole, id b ridgy or very lofty i tarola,.a. nod 11. Y. Fcbtrat ta, Allegbany. Iden by the pro-
MoUntains, beyond which the rivers (low ',art!, Inner,
ward. The editor prvlieta that, in Ices than a , T"' 4 '7 C . "tot ] Ita.le.Seventhoti. it lttt ßi tod, E ur n :th.
quarter of a ecuttny, the whole of South Africa. ! Foreign and American Hardware,
up to the
an d,b will be occupied by civilized , _
communities, d probably Go under the domin- ' I_,MtAN, WILSON 6.7, Co
ion of Britain. - No. 129 Wood Street,
Dr. peke has Fears making long explorations 1I001.: NOW 10 4TOlikl
on the EClAisu.aidt• of Aid,. Ile expects that ' A full and ea napleteatock nf MBA:IW AND 'Ada:RIC/AV
the missionary aorta fur that part of Africa will ,
have their centre in the region of Litaineleal. or IIARDWARE,
"of the moon." Among these motuataitus Dr.ll , Wht o bl:e r rea o aarba, trou , !&. wad whlehttwrata mimed
Stk. ea* a volcano in on active state. Is the I - - 5,,,,,,:b17,,i t h n j of e a .ittnuszves,
I'u to ~.,,,r, --The Village
l'ilLmsh, the
dente for killing
Market Street Store for Rent.
jet•Dit.. 51'Lmseg 'Area PlLLx.—The
mand for that greet remedy Is rapidly . Mermen,. and see
8.m.40.7 day Xe!e+eitlssz orders huts a dietanee for lota.
Irides ere &salt almost 1=1.4* to ripply
Waxed. The Crab Ix, the remedy m0t... , rob • trill to
fallTitlCO them4,la skepttol of it. excellence. We Pole..
from a file of similar documsnes. the following
.. ConOOTOtt. 0.. May IL. 1,47.
.1. limn 0 Co.—Gentlemen. As I am enga,oal to ee!liox •
fse serf choke medicines, I do erst coneider myescels mar
nlete cokes I have • supply of Dr. MI-ma's L.ror
I obtained a fay dozen boa.. of tbses Poll. [nun 3111.rbell 6
Co., which mid very fast. and I ebb • new etwolt i Erne.
doily. JACOB WINDEIt, P. II."
For sale 1p J.EIDDe
mrlaadker Dorn No. 10 %Vocal to.
Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh
1 -4 °tire No. 41 W.V. rtr•et. In the walshouve of C. U.
HUM.. Prevalent A. W. 31.1 e, See'y.
Tido Company LI now prepare-1 to Insura ell tnerehaudtae
otore, an d le tr.:Lean. e,eeele, ae
A. ample guaranty for the stAllty and Integrtty of the
Institutton. la afforded In thecharaeter of the Ihrector,
who ere all eitlse. of Pittsburgh. •ell and farorsl.o
twien to the comtuntoty for their tUtetheleu•r.
tntegra, .
Llusee. Wtn. B•ga l ,al, Whs. LArlrnee.
A niter Bryant. RinA. !Award Lice...hon.
tr.he Ilewarth Ilartaouh. • !I, Pier. awthtf
rz„)- The Citizens of Allegheny County,
I,“ are In (sac, of the tomatnatl. of GEN. WINFIELD
S. LIT. as a candidate f, the 0011 Prcoldaucy of the Unk
tol Stn.. an ru,orated tomeemble In County 3leeLni,
st the Court Houle, In the City of Pittsburgh, on Wednow
tho 2141 day of April IDYL, 0/ II 0 . 1::1100, A. It.
5094.L0:t4:T , :ignecl by 500 110/0/o.'
New Spring Goods, at No. 85 Market st.
LEXANDER & DAY Wuttlti Teapectfuilv
Notts the attention of I.IA putl:cto their w..ry isrie
ehOlOJtt , vk of A'L'T ,Plll.cti the,
w upsolvv. Tins stock h. Lora I•ought gtothx/r,,,,,,1
telasr no u and Importer's rates, and.llll, r , :k at
a v..ri oars.. to each hqtrei. by eholukaie or re.
ALIMAkDEIt C I,,th, 01arket 00..
srk .korthwtrt corner of the Dialkoutt.
IVM. GOJtMLY has removed to No. 2.51
r t Liberty otrt,t, 6 doors ttbtrru hlr former ?lewd,
Atylairvaly °ppm., 3cves3l.ll et. apt 62
Business Notice.
LL PERSONS having twineai with the, wither as Publie AMOIItaILIML. loutruaWr
111 Law.k Ktwpina, or othcs , i,c. will Lint Olin at the pßrr
Coassanciat dad,. 'rum 9 till II iyvlork, A.
and from 2 to 44'. CI. In want of camper
w /A Ituk Keepers can La supplied In. calling no
JulIN Fl.EallMi, Principal Irodructur
. . ,
Iv tbe Seienre tit ArC4IIII.OI.
OTlCE.—There will be it Public Meeting
the filen& oi the AllevLeni institute, iu
chureb.. die .weer of Wi lie ite„, on Wed.
ELI erevitui. the Uth lust. The 'nand. Education,
pureui, sod guardian, vie enzvotli (heard' to nttevil.
liuvuesi 'muumuu, will ituuvlit I..eivie the nu,-
efreral vildre.iiiit will bv ,14.1trefvl r.. univi
11 A itl; A I 1%. ti!—Teavlurs um 4 14 114,
I_, l'amili.., wiabing t. punka. , 'KW.-
t..a a.,' Book, Claw ly at Nnoka ay..
dl bud bar ynnyn by rainnv 111141mil•triy at
tin. Educattunal Book Run. adjnituun br. Ln.a.., ..Y, -
'MT, Vol 11, at 3byrket and B,,urtit yt , Tbl, Yyta ,, b,h
trent I ILLY. liO.llK up, and ail! 6411 any a thy a , ‘•
11%.- letter .4 Bro. , salmln Uwlcs 111 e rel,ent •talt
at 12%11 daring Lim Writ, v. rt....)
etZrEbErATIONAL 15.014. SI - ORE.—This store
nun. na. m ut, ...ry ton. it int. J o" reltittrd
wlth ,1•4
From England via Quebec.
residing in Qttrben, is
Rrxdodion quantlidro of Railroad Inn, oRI oth
ec hoaryartioloa. dlnorrint 'Kola nu Lake Erie. Tho
nomhor of V 1•111.11 arriving at idood.o In ballast ,or car
lb., of Inotbor. probably mul.r. thts tool. of imporiation
woi , h leant raja-novo far all hoary morolion.oo, U.
ill pay Atlautic (mint" on ear,p_ina onnonfnnt to him.
a od an, busitio“ ronurotaol therewittn front
So ouch aronnorn port, 10 reqtArt,i. dor 'oral,
roarpatilar. plenoo odd,. rho tonderodnpod, or apply to A.
B I td Valuta / I
&Odin no 4 I
—Cosooto it,
Life Insurance
j_ AI+SI:RANCE S.N3VIN or Low.list wyt
.....1e awl .s.rnowent Institution. ...whining thr toutus. olth that of stdrit• raw
...utast-. thnse stslous tn 'tour,
of the Co.systoy fur %tots, Prontylssala. el the
hionw o 1 1111. A. 11l LL • r ..
11",51 .t
-00 Alf Art. Amy 51/11113A
IV., • CoU:no. " •'
RA/ /ire Steel .".
a sale as tbe ll.ntuws 1 150 ...
mrett Market and Thad...
bbls. rec'd per sir. Cit.-
V T calb.u.s/a.l Wr tAI., by
100 bbl. 2. brash I.r.tuisvillr. for rob,
L i ME-
. F. 11113u.5.
~; 1.17 Flr.L. sal Ili leerryl.l ot.
11 MOLASSES-3I bbls. S. 11.. fol
W A y
101. DEN SYRLT-10 hi. bble ,
for bt
bap Si.nlv, for solo by
CItSI:NIC--..m keg. Posy'd., sob.. by
.1 11 A. FAIINI., , CVCI:
'1 'OCUINEAL-15U lbs. for scar by
NT. COLIA'YNTII ett:111.1.)-4 , 1 lb,. fill
4,4 hr .1. A. YA/1N1,1,1i
it.I2IIESTON • S. EXTIIAerS--/;C/1.1/li,
IL and for
II A. I' ALLNI.StuctI 1..
liALli.--.ILK/ 111... for tot:e he
I . . IS 11. A. 11N141o4•1: (I , '
r Pow'rl. for ealc by
W Ai' lit . 1....5—u1) 11.1. , , i
' 's
&li_ISTON SIIAKSPE ARE, 1C,,.. 35 :Ind 36
I_, r , ...1 at 11.12.nE.r . L.erary 1.4 p... 'third .Uoe. op
a., Ili. 1,... 0.11:e. .4
i'LA.X.SEEIJ-100 1.. reo'd per L. E. a
M. Lo., asl.4 trr JAMr-3 DSLLCLI
elfl C. 3 N ater
12 . LOOMS-2W toll, Tenn., for hale by
Aw 2001,613, e,p s ip.
ra•ct, fur gah. ^.y M I RICKLTSON.
:21 And Z. 9 Law et t nt, f
TV1310T111: SEED—'2S 1.. prime, for sale
I b., ..r.O MILLI:1(.1 lackarboN.
p UTTER-14 kegs on Nmsignment.forksale
A COL VlSll2idruns for salt) bv
•pc. uiLLE.R • alli‘stnwo.:.
if AIM 011.-I'2. 1161.4. C oitklitig'• co. 1
l 4 Falv e.
4~'ARDINES-5 cusem ami3o4) hakes and
1....., a. Iluillount nantlnts. fur malel;r
sip') STILLER a a iCKET:,O,
• OPS-7 Lalcs Ist sort Wee. N. Y., for nolo
s. for sa e
*Li . V ILLEn * ntcto:ris.
Qd OD FlSll—lllevika just reed and far .ale
t.t A. bilt.fixl:Tztox t Ol.
Liberty Arr.-
A1 ; 12... OIL-- ,
•itt 8,l to jam read and
I ,
f LA RET WINE— 100 boxes choice braud
• on haul and for t b by
. _
• other 1.141. bonds kept con.g.nlll . on 1 . n.n..1 cud
for .1.04 A. CCIAIERTSON I Co.
W INE tint Niaiaxa:
r "r rls:
Sherry, on herd and fur rale by
VOTICE ix hereby given to all partionn
termed. that 1 kilos , —d•)) of 3larch. A D.
1,1, taken oot Letters 0 , 1 Administration. wtth the will
,1101,Pal. of the eigalw Mrs. Mare Hera., deed, isle
.ot the Towarblp of loath Fayette, ()aunty of Allegheny.
All 'venom liaeing dab., salad saki estate will present
them properly authenticated 5,r eettlement, andIII per
anis knowing themselves Indebted to the same will pleat*
rail end fettle. SAUVEI.CULLINS, Eseetitur.
Pitietdirgh. Aprli
lo pursuance of an order of the Orphans'
Court of Allegheny mistily, the autweiilser.Eterutorof the
last la will and testatuent of Story liserlott, late id ouch
Fayette township, deed, .111 expos. to public. astir. on the
eremtro.s. on Tuesday, the ./th day of Sloy neat, ISO!, at
lu o'clo7l‘. 411. a certain lot or ptere of ground 111(0100 on
the %Ved:Wort and Pitteburah t urn
road, b out ten
miles trom 1111.4,unth, hounded ou lbw east by lands of
Nininal Collins, on the north by laud& of John Aleliwan,
',to the south and west er lulls of Ladd McCabe, com
tondo', three and one quarter acres, morn or leas.
'terms at ale SAIIULL 0U1.1.100, tuoutor.
N Election for 3lnnagers for the WI:STERN
000. Ifmrtr. t, wi i be Ituldrn in the Room.
tne ittxrd of Trod, ton Tur.lay, the loth Innt., eta ti
c.trek. 0 M.
I''ha evatribut-ret tar re.thretod to attend, If pnedble.
Immo ,of Importanno fit the /nolltithon wilt to laid be
n,' then, (.p5:141 JItIIN 11 A!t P k:l4 Ser'y
B. J. C. SI.LAAD'S Lecukro ou PAN
jvi TIIEls?1 will be d.ilwered on Tut.AT, the lsttt el
The unount of ticket* rota during Ihi. week will
clotormine Cho clsolm of Our Lwetun: Avow. Tickets
ecut., to te bn , l •at )I,ll.rth's rlon.. and %Ir. Lonto.'l,ck
. t erv. end novena oth,!r pleae. .pb4,t
wourunl, I•<et sod Di.nitlt en, 30
Manchester . eavings Bank.
T AN Election fur Pru.,ident and Direc
,re, e.l Fsvina,, Donk. held ,on tbo
nil.. the toi:ewinA I , emens were dab' eieeled. 5u wits
Pi...Went—James Auderrati.
tnrect . orritn;f nel i teenrnxker, 11. Lee. John Downloa,
fne the
I tae Lisa Ctoinpan, flancho.der. till tie, lJth
trent the rah ta., the J , ..111 hat— at the Counting
Ilea." , Jesus, ,cliounineker Cu.. Weed .1, Pate.
burh, et which hitter plan. the etbekbolderg reent,ngto
Pltteleirgh me destml to ray them weelii, in,taltneot,
r :cJolt:: P 'I ive.urer.
,i'i/A1.71131AN. whe understands hie 114/431,. per.
writ. stol has no elowetuiti to either tewnorrountr,,
, at, du soy Ilona In or shoot at. gentleman's plate with
itcatne.s. and attend in.ide if wonted. !le to end...tent,
„ n d eo n n0,.1 toterencos If reanired. ste , et•
itW. POINDEN'ITH, corner of Water and
market. streets. Pittsburgh, CAMItitnION ANJ Pole
/toter-, said for the iraet ssh, of Flur,
tlrer, ru Produce. Neils,Glue, awl the manufactured
nrtlcles of l'ltuburgb aettetolly.
Also—Agora tor the stir, of h. Harrel * Co_ and 1. WI!.
eon', celebrated 11.bre .41 flay Fllllll 4 . at Phiradelphar
Prices: awl Jenklus Co.'. superiors ke.l Tea, spell
Wholesale Dry Goods
A. MASON d. CO. 62 and 64 3larket
,treat. art non daily ovAdng and rooolylna Lbw
in".'‘..ntorl=rtoraVi==thn".ye varlet *0.014
knotted. to which they natant:ally twins me attention of
City and Country Merchant. spa
111OLL BUTTER-1d bbls. (good) for sale
it by JUILN WATT t CO.
PEACHES -200 bu. prime balves, for sale
by apa JOHN WATT t CO.
1310 IRON-200 tows Forge for sale by
J6lll , lwArr a ca.
MULES k NORSE-2 fine Canal Mules,
sad 1 DrAr Ham, fin We by
•Pe JOHN WATT a co.
TARCII-15 boxes (Fox's just reed nrld
I. 7 far Nab , by otpA JA, A. 111.7CITISON ACO
SOAP--50 1 bineslor sale low by.
JAS. A. fICTCII3OI . ; 2 CO.
ACKEREL--40 bble. No. 3 Large, for
• z be!, by prA JAS. A. HU - CCM - SON C CO.
SA.LERATUS--13 casks and 5 bore; on
I N MC; - 0 1 -3 eases ft,r sale by
bbl.. EstiVhite
apS al:nort..rt: fur
Nll _ C. J. SiltllO.l/ , ER
71 HY WHITING-50 I bra for Rare 61:
LOGWOOD-100 bbls.sChipped, for Bale by
up% 3 ACIIO9NMAKEI I k C.. _ I
`PONCE--Z strings very Superior,
8.,7 I bale ecuuman:
• . • •• .• • •.
I " f,r salo by
J. SC119013.1.11:E8 6 fX)., 73 Wmd wt
Valuable Property for Sale
rr TIE SUBSCRIBEIt offer• for sale a valua
■ ble Vb'. or pmpert, In Allegheny City. haring a .
hoer en Rehm. errs' toad ronotog hark 375
Ridge inanedla ,
ir of the .arises- Murat. and net., the
rectlence of SI tlhant (.::vole h. There t. a Frame Bow of .
flout., on the premtnes , which tent for V..ta) per .nUnt
l'hcpropert, Is level sod • ell Nutted for la, In, otl to Ince.
!taring front. on Rob,ca and Kidee etreete. It will be I
cheap, and part the t•urrhae- money vatt remain ne..
ourr.l on the Inquire of th.. rub...ellber. on the
Jtll!\ int./311'50N.
New Spring Good&
A A. MASON & CO. trio open this morn
.' ti
C.< .1' Imported and American DItY
&UPS, t lanvt cod mn,t. lublonable Etyles, to which
they rtlitelt the attention LI aid!. ratrous and the PuLI..
1 4 1 1OURED POPLINS—A. A. NI.150:.; Cu.
Z. •re now °multi; en., aid r.srtext• of Platy. Vitid . .
cis :N Poplitm al., • Lazge lot of Lat,
1.4 t:ur...lowouct Elnunrinz.
5 HAW LS,-A. A. .Nlnpos & Co. have just
reed pt.r..zvrtrn—:*rxru•ri ITinad Cupo:pore:4ll:as
n 2,1 ThMet. LaiLroltlers, . Parley L , lne nod oil.
.1 - :taw,
1111O\&—A. A. MAEON & Co. wine:hill
morning, ...ton, of new ,file• Bonnet Rib-
Cm, in , arid Inn Embr,lderir•.
on 7
Latest Publications
1' HOLMES' Literary Depot, Third et
nprowit.. Ilie l'oFt Lake. ":. ii,—Tl, a ,
rttrultzulbl. for Arr.! , •ptantity of lend
Cultivator, ••
Littell 4 Living Alt. , ~n :,". , ~,,. rsr , v
itn..., Dought, or . tlie • Aiiii , l.l.,,rai.liy of it Mini .I'2 . I ''''''''
Daughter. 4 Pijul: in t
Notlitlia, a tali. for Family il,,iin, 1 . • nil mudition
Fniritual I aterCntirv,, by A .1, w a i l. ' . C.t., h Mi.trnpo. ,
!harem Liii.ia7ine. far I pril —the 1.,1 No, imir.l i 'L ' 1 .'"..",. , ,F
lit - bsrd ull c ii....r Ma M Lite Ito., .4 England: an MI- , ."'.. / ani zor ,
tni-i,l 1,1411..1, ti ,,. . , ' Lit,..r.
iii.roinu within t a Mii±ter. in G ri,., 1,,nr,r0 , i'... 11Se twr N"
s.b I i f iiNNAMiI
Lain ' J nn - ii..7
iiiii.,n - •
Tin- the. A,. n4--r. 1., Mrs. Mar.h. al.;_ •
,I :eY,'.' :` .. '.ZNiiiiiii7d7r-iloi,rihl• Y
• • ____ •
Drme. sod I . ,,,7ras—FOWLER'S GEM LEC..
M ilkms 1111..11,,mins and Wednesday cynics..
Amyl 7th no.I at w:th 6tra. - Eva h, Dr. Bpr.
• ~t
talt its Doti., .0.1
Ltetrim,....ugEt 1.7 1.11r....11t , y...
LInT Lvetving—flercalltar, seui Intl, 3 13,1
4 H ROME t .
4 11.11..S—A.hi h.moo, berr,amot,
.elevee, anis
Ni ,. f ,r szi, ,rs. a - to .1131te!,-ri t e . tazAffM . ...BT
, GE.. Tt .. ,..‘ s--:;7;,.5 Pis reed and
L . . , PUCKS' 15 ANTED—Bank of Pittsburgh: / )RA:\ GI, 'tai L--;:.,0 Ibs recd and for
, J Nort ben) Llt ,Bre Itrlllgt, 4 R. E. SELLERS.
.4,7 tilJ. E. AaSol.lll C 0,74 Fourth g.
S i
4 1QI ; ' , 0 , Iill E ISALL-12 bids for sale by
TOC K S roe SALE--slonongahela Bridge;
5 , 3114 Wes..rn Bulk et WherlictT. b,
op: t:Eil. E. A It , ULD S CU, 71 Fonrib e I -I CM AR: IC-700 lbs for sale he'
BAcos —25 caskx prime Shoulders; X k s,, It A TABS ESTOeft A C - 1
- - NIB . , 8...1. 1 .7 d 1h11t:31-:, lbs new crop for sqle by
xr7 .1 stld 81 s'ol'e atul C. Pint otrerl. .-Y_ "''
._ _._
----- • A , Et E-:1 , ilXle No 1 for sale by
LA 1111---l3 bbls. No. I Leah ' 11l 'I n e s. nA. F)IIINgSTOOK C CO.
15 kegs - .. Co role hi
sq.: L S WATERMAN C S " NS ' 'g , A LCINED MAGNESIA-20 cases for sale
1. 4 1 L0U R-157 bids. S. F. and extra, for sale ! , I , 'Y ar.3 B A FAIINESTOCK A C.).
I I.y se; L.S. WATERMAN C e•Crt,S. i ' AllA IV AY SEED-3110 lhs sale by
F IRU I T-260 sacks Dried Peaches; 1‘ . s e z 0 A PATINESTOCK * CO.
, a
I ty bbl4s ~
.. . .. APO...
_, 4 I ERC URI A L OINT.MENT-100 pounds
-t, FN.
r.: L. B.WATERM 1
AN • BONS. ... I •troza, 6•r rote by 0 A FAIINEETOCK It CO.
t , 8.3
B Rocois,so d..e fancy and common, for .
011ANCIE.S---10 lootes nW - BC . Messina, Teed
..k •4 .1.: L. N WATER lAN ei.Na. .
an,l - to rtrziw, far saleby WM A`NrcLuro a co,
tiI OES--150 doz. Lest toast stlel.fc!rszile by se" zsa fatally sts
elmrseter. wlikt ULM, Mr.
autl L ltuvrurtr, 0r.ame.,1,1,0:1. apt,
not, rmann,cr.nnt at.
ntl ar Lla pr.., apartzvent linoreis
floral. ,al tf; U. S. FOIV LEI:.
et', L S. M ATEn)IAN k SON, "kit El'A it ED COR.N—For Pudding . , Blanc
serrin SNEATII-330 der. extra and .
, 111. 6. ,)1 . 1.4. ac. e.ssil , ,, , 3.;rp , , t l al . l , : ii , %al.:, ( 7iiolessie,or '
' e ' pi '. l'r
'IT frAF,vlr- 1 %N. e 4O - I.4,eers and Tea dealer.
_---_ -- ---- r p . .
ii -N iCIRKi Ti . dos. brat omit steelliay Forks: ! AN N 1.1.5, OIL-60 Mils reed and for sale
..,." , - - - r.,ur ,-..r.....d '1 ,• •t 4 t J. DALZI.I.I
- frOB.ACCO-15 kegs IC o: 1.6 twist for sale
''' ,l ' ift ° F°''' '
" - YL. s. WATERMAN A.S.-NS.
I Le at.n. J. DALZELL
VI: it..i.L . oitiCE HOOT 50 lbs. l'ow'd. fur , . , ~,. ~ .„„ .
t J •,a.. bv ap7 • 11.1.E.4r..—....., Wlett Jest. ree d an d f or sale
--- , (.. 5 , ~,..i it DALZELL a CA- Liberty et.
I) I 1 . 1 . : „. BAIL 13-4 eases l'aw * , , l,
s: fo , r E s i n iL l E e r. l, s. y .
rr . HE SUBSCRIBER hoe commenced rr
ti ow.: . !area, and =ore destrable 'met cf FANCY
t)IL SPIICCE-4 cases fur sale bv ' 1' A I:IETY I,J ['FY IioOPS :Ilan Le east brousbt to thia
an: R. E. SELLERS. ! m
t. e.,..,e,ng n part .4
Ir.ute. Priuted Lawn. )lour. de twiner. Ginglutroe. Al
_fl ROUND EC ItNIERIC—'2 bids. for silk by 7... , 14: Viel4,. Strl... !full. •nd IL o.k 31[1 , 11i,1C Lariat and
I) an: ii . ~.....,,,,,,, Ja...0..z. , 11, OW 1 . 1,b, Cae..lmenee. Caeginets. Tweed.,
•r.. 1 Jeer,. De,.. aryl c...t,o Striye, lirl.b LiPtll3C 1 , ..1.
'1 1 110FIN • S 111 - tract of Sarsaparilla and Co. , L1, , , , ,t . r , 1 , - , 1 ,, , .'7“ . . , --..T 1 . .a ,-- 1, ,vi , a . a. s i. - .. /.....1.4.. il.relat . t . 4
IL Peet , w• , ......i %, nut. , for . ..le 1 Rum... S - .1 ',. .;?:;•;; . •;;;oe:in: Vfi. ,
.re1i .. ,...Tb1 . ;:rel ,It.
e RL. ,'ELLED, •• ~ , u,._;,,,. ' C.e..,....1...c.:... , . Sr.. to which Le
1' Elt)I1LLION —6ll Ito, , 'frit., for sale . r ` .4 , L ,' .. .L tu ''''''''''''''',.l . `' . ,.l.,Veliw",, h . ..,,,..„ .. tr - Z a.. •
T , . sr: , It l. Se'LLERS
_____.._ _____,____ _.
_ .
II EESE--50 hoze ros•elvIlla a+l o l for sale rt,v,. n 0,..,- i1n...... ~
4_, I, err: n MALE LEI. a Co. ; Übe"-, e,, . Mtn-tr.,: e..nril 2. ?e,LI : i
• - --- Z.-• • - • Q. EA LEI) PRO PHS-1.1...S will lie receir ea at
S 1 S D ft s l S- ~
.. -. , . - 1 0,:. r....- tot:. 12 n'eli,ek. - .'th day ~r pril. inetfer
the dei , ....-; ... i ~ .be 10:1. , .inga.-tldre.P.r the nee ert}...e.!rt. at
...2,ks r,..rl.l.tnpler • the U A Mente 110,1n.1. Lror llmot:Ity. until the :Allll day
.6 boar. C . ..reet.reevie.n,per L. F. AM. Luc, 1...A...a flee as yo.aitla Urn bone. price yeT pound.
.s..] 5, by 1.04.74 DAL:CELL. : 1, e.... 11 loaf t., weLzb on. lb -
a,: . M at, et. . I.r.we. sugar .1 the hr.: .0.11ty....... •• - .•
f )IA PER--3UO reams Med. and Crown Wrup, . 1.-,, it, ~ -•-
.1. plan. ter sale low [craw. ennoiconieut. by , I [ :re e.e.ur .
apt .100. LA LZELL. CO M eter et. : ~..ep . .. .. ..
[)ROLL ! ‘,,,,,, .. .. ..
:-..) Null. De.. 4 APO., . Lult. r. 1. et qua..A., - .. ..
70 Lbis. Drs..] Pe,beve. ' . Melln,z t....e..e. - - • -
luv -r, F. Fluor. limns . .. ....... - .. -
) dna. a nd D+ tn.: -
3 , kep and 4 1.1.4.. No 1 Ler.!: Fe'ue• If ' , ..u: , rene•-•.. ..... .......-.
...„. le . ! bid. •
- a , 1.t.0. Hell Butter. 3!n1e...... tr.l.
InU blob. Tlulotlty E..e..1: .. ..
.. .. ..
rani lows:.
too cant e Saleratu, to -tore not for nab. by .. )1111. , .. , , . ,
~.... - - quart.
ay: J. It. F 1... /YD. Rout..l( ;tun b. I:e.q , .
e..... 1 L..-41.. ....... ...... .... - 2 buLdwl.
piG p !ito:s:—:',s 4.114 Allvgli!iiy it f , ;r i, .;,zl. , ,
tiLOyED. SEED-25 I,l,l ; 7 4 . „ ll , riu , : l i c.,rja c b , e by
.... . .-.
nu: ~ ... -_. .. ~. -
-. •• • imahel..
- Alitni M. I ••• 7stn..• r.mmlre to ha ot : • WO' ISIttluAW
A LERATU :.---i:oCkki lbs. pore7ifor ,sle I.:.
..,,,..,,,.,,,,,.,,,„ t,r,..,,,, 5- 1 , ..,.. ht,,,,,,. ..
& J •P 7 Jolt S WATT .i. CO. . tr.. me ..n the mquisittou of the steward of the 1 isrital.
•.i .. th.. Starr-, ma) lai requlrtd.
FlSH—Mtiekerrl. Salmon. and Lakr Trout " .•C;01.2.r scor!es 'fiat may Im wants!. the mutractor
h.r awl.. I.) at.: 4,1110 IrATT a co •
' l r l ' f. " . - -%: ' ; ' ... - 1 1 1L " 0 " utl ' af,C7 . patiratg t.t.. az
‘,l/10T--lin.) hags ass'd Nos . for ~a le I.•V pll.i will am ras..• ahmtt fYi Mr dal. lu Addition to wutm.
1.73 at , : JOll% WAT_r A C.): timrs will lw almot 10 ollhwr. and temonta to be ruimUmi.
Auy it,,rtuat. <• .e the mstrust will Le given
BtleCIN .—I i rake Mum. , m appl.mamo at thi. 5...... news OODS.
, ' at:M . ,..1., sum eror sod w'rt. U.S. Alumna Hospital.
l ' - .=1 rw la it. • ' • ..•
cno si.,. f.r rot - I,AlAlrinCli r A '.,.. 1 .4 ; ' .: a ' tit/SHEN CIIEESE:--..Superior do for salo
sp; tt,.t .0,141 nm ... kir h. WM A mccturai t (20.•
ir , orrox—:. hale,. landing from .tr. Cape B uoKs: HOOKS '. Y.—Louisiana: its Colo
May. Cr' " L ' ''''' '''" 111 u 'rl''''' A r"
I, • , : ' ...7 ' l l l ‘ 4::, ' :r A Pl l ri t ill . . ' ;,?;t *. ':-.i `,1:"." --- '
„ ammtattossai an
LIE ATHERS-17 .4:1.4, Isodiug str. ~.,....i,,, ~,,,,,,„,... tr. I. ii 1 ,, i , r.
Jit' Cu, Maw Car. twit. 1., Mari: Loll; o Fratmmta H.,. 11 y lb. outhor of tha
ao7 '''" ' "l 1 , 4° ,7 41 ' , a "' 'l t ' ‘,..5.....aru L ou.
can. the Landsu Nor. Tr Ilepri m.,h,....
IV 0 „ 0 . i
. 1. : - . 2 ,. .; , , .. , i r .l I
m i • k t : I ,
, 1.. I 0 11 . hA: from .4r. : , t. i , ...t. ,, , , t i 5 t ... 7 . , , 1, , ,, ,.. ;:. ,.. F .- je . ,;:y0:; 4,, ;: , :... bi,,,,,1
at. 7 Is A I All DICK NY AC• i....._ . 1 . L ., • ,,,,, ~,- •.i.i., ,,, r" , - I .r-t..? l _ N* 41! bL
1t..... SLOCUTO.. :At wile,
itlilp I'EACIIE.c. 7 );I9 . b . t!,...f1!. 2. ;a1e 0 1 1 y No 17. Market nitre
-7..i.r_ ". .
(...; ALT PE 'E'l'RE—rill nark.. for sale by
17 1,7 IsAlAll 14(10.1:1' 4. t.. - )
Fp. for main at MOit 015' Yrs Mail.. lu tho Diatismd.
SHEA Iton removed to No. 116 3l,trkot
Aro.. tyro door, north or his old Amid—the
Intrl t oc , opint by It. L. Tompson. m4cr.,
House keepers
WISHING to employ Paper Hangers. Irt
V hut , . tllttr folers prtottiptyntrentlAN $f left m
the N all Pate, elm,' of
.. . . . . .
al. .;:, Mark, t. airret.
-11- .; '.l. b ''''''
° lain
Q PIRITS TURPENTINE-20 tibia. choice,
13 far pale ht PILAUN a REITI.H.
at.. anraar Lllppaly and 8.1-Clala. pa,
iNsEED bbIA. fur pale by
li I .t.N nitnuN a ILKAtIi
(IORKS--110 bale, large pint bottle Corks:
- 5 •. Cori*. t*hort,) 'tut svc'Ll
awl for sale b.,.
L INSEED OIL-1000 gall. for sale by
1100FLAND'S Celebrated German
XJ/ DITTER*-1 groto for sole br J. KIDD s CD..
apS 60 Wood AL
lop USIITO,X, CLARK & CO.'S Pure Jicdiei
far Frac by
J. hIDD CO., Wood rt.
lc 12 IT-1 cask Garret's Scotch, (in Wait
c"7 drn.i fnr eels by nr.s J. KIDD d
('MOTTOS-41) bales to arrive un Mayflower
4,_ 25 (.1.0111, for ' , ale by
Plank Road Notice
LL PERSONS who have subscribed to
99 the Pond thr tostrio.t a rtaak Grad ea Penn., - ;rants
f• 111.1 v Faruoas' and Strohm: Ora' Turottl{.., frau Oak
nd to Urn,- Itaraara. are outirarl to cull at the hour,. of
thr rolornt , or. in Reloralr, nu or [wt.". the lac, .1 ,01.
rn s "'" 1 0 "' "". """r""
.19. Trees.
Seed Store Removed.
lIE subscriber ha removed his Secd Store
frt. F, w. 13111141 n,, ivcrutlY cmuPl.d
fr. TAlur ramp.. Thins t al.o, Un
•ll.ntte the l'o9t.ntlre.
Eastern Exchange
Constantly tor sale by
. . .
highest market price paid
Anwrirain and inraign SILVER, sod (or Forrl.p
LIP. at Ilse nehatzvOthre IVNI. lIILI, a Co..
al4:2w Wt., at., 24 elNur nurth.
APPLES--10 Ws. Russet, for sale by
ap4 J. SCIIOIM ) I A rcEit At.
Board of Underwriters
4T a 3feeting
, of the Board of Underwri
, ter& trio following reinlutiou .fitlitpap i tik
and ordered to be publiebed:
/woken 'net from mei after dm publican. of..*Re , • no.
Um]. Fire Milk. whetter cerebral or continued, shall be
coneidered ae holm rote) Intonate° OO ioe to We city,
until the prim:awn le o
by o r rde
0tch2.70 A. MUM!.
Secretary . of the heard.
hate removed to No.
To Contractors, Masons, Carpenters, ite.
tr Ybbotal Church. to be erected of Igo.7l, ,, Tell? , rgit
eel I e ( 1 . 1 . a
..I.hur.t. wow .tveo the the
P.Do.leg etththe e e be the badtbffir. must ham
Orb . brft:re the 15th &rut, I.
tb. ExchatiKe t o bi
. '
ARPER'S 3 iiGAYAIC;tfOr April. "the
5 onr r,lott ' of tbr montbll..
Drf ro hltoi tb , Cust.,b. cr tr...ben yea. ',beeves
e 1 112,3 C th• thenttr• of N.. York. by V. H. N 0111.41.
otorb.bonal Mit.e.ttor for April: reed sind bar Pale at
I , Itoon . Litrenry lb.pot Thin: rt. opp.,r4bntba Poet eak.-
kik, URPHY & BURCHFIELD have just re
v mi•mt thla morniug. hf earn., • of sew
111,k and ce1.r..1 mlta,Turr.M3nr Plamiral
..11.. r ,, lTer-aud,•• n,l Ituarlylains of new sod
total gar.WAr LkAal %Chita Embl, Tarpn aJI
tudiam Rr. • .3
— A b...UNI
-11 .N WALL PAlT.F.—l'mal i. tt . l . e mn u l
rr illtYs? - 3•ALSICL '
ACTA Fr —A larg. and gcneral a.csdrlnvnt. al.
• :31 . an hral tuar...ct
aELD sWEET POTATOES-20 blab now
Iftuthug 1,1.1 t , ,sv-.
_Fort Pitt far sale by
a, ISM . waters fro. etc.
Executors' Sale of Real Estate,
WILL BE SOLD, in pursuance of the 11 11l and f eaten:got of Martn Lo.rj, ltto of ,
City of /Ittahurgh, dec'd, on Monday, the pa day o.
"11. 1,1. at etock. A. NI thk court Mouta.'to' the
ht , pt.hhe - surtko. • valt.ahic 1.04 of
rt0.....0 t : quarry 11 , 1! , ?, here: ttt , e , Nr t l . t . noln.lnthe
.. le ..-natif4 ' :rhie ' ?r N as . h . eld the
I , lartoo 1.0.ry, end other, en.l widen. by alrlue of
pr... 0 .n Partition. in the Instrtel. Court of
• Count; of Allegheny. No. fet Jammu,. Te'rto. 1 , 41., was
eeverdt, 01.., odor of the Raid .31artin
. Ly met, and bounds. a,'., as by refcreore to the
an.l inn thereon. annexed, and other pro.
...ling. In th , 'reee had. now folly and at large sr.
ear. 11 I. anweereary monk-rate the eldrantanee
prorwy, rotontanding. as It does, a btantlful
of the cit., sod the tan riven, twin; easy of se.
fuli a t.rsaate .resuleure, and ahoundow ha excellent.
lit h. , huPtht; PorPoeee—as they are well known.
Ia I,lnn 1 1,, l a
and further Information. apply
.. the
and Pahner. Attoruey. Rod Counsellors
a Lew, 1.•.,5t reet, or t.. either of the underslanal, Ex.
.-t.tur.., of the tIS and I . e.harnent rf Berlin Lowry.
Tilos. NE:1111711.
; lA lniug Lot. rontajolon &boot the sine
nl.O P.r apSaLtie.C2p)
ning•te•nth a eyel.pNlia of tbe
101 earnm, Lto, Ivorer ch." in
!,, (111'.1113,”00 with 11. rnunt.t7, by
avin, of tLe verw-land wrouns described.
1,1 Pcrollrnt vrott bat Iwen roceired a
stMt , ,
the poet aka.
m.le for eale 1r
1 too'f--60 , lbs. for solo by
( 1 1, I Ml2:lt I
10 do
1 biz:
1: bead
4 Bacon Immll
do .le,
.lo ebooltiern.
~ c,.,,1; to no-no sod for ogle ,7
Al! DICKSY 2 te..,Water t Froittom
E L LOW-4 cases recd and for
VFWBOOKS !—LouiFinna i 4 Colonial
Ili.l.•rr and l:•:mam.; by Ct.e. Liararre; 1 vol., Wm..
• .
1,1,1 11”Itentre tutnh - etne..., by lira ry IleLard.
Lonl 17ann. mue.
lithir: by G.,Giintlan: 1 vol., me..1:51 , .
N.tur.o. , %I on. ter,,or nre on hie erorkz; I,,fthe
uth..r va:., mu,
,: en ain F e 0., "err, nt, eomNletlfrem the writ.
fhohopJeretny 17 kJ; 1 rot 151334..m05. •
I stnr3 111 , 4th , wl• nt - .ie..h7
dm nth , /..; the hello N.M.; rms.
I InF he.
.Irmsvu: TM .
L.lttu Tratetne,.), T. B..;ga: Mtn.. mt.,.
Comp:o. kn'ttmi %%ores etßolorrt hwrne. with explan•
et.ory end tilogencal not...fault a hie of th,: autbc.r. h; Jae.
Curd , rol., the.. taws.
tot Isl. Jler.hal,.. InJ. F Ilradly. vols.,l.ann.
Met or 31t.chanicx . 2Lth
16 C IF:, line nr Toner' and I 4 naIIACS a addreFs
reel nn the 13:nedva, Her 'S. Muta
ny;D. D..—
il e sper, Mn,mtkne Le. April; Nutobereailrays on band.
Just foeetred. end f , r sine GJ
arc. 1:. 7 , 4 lloildlnsret Fourth at.
ACK EREL-50 blils No. 3 (Halifax
131 brand. , ICel 31s. taumleg
bnlf hbla fr.r rnleby
lep.l JAS DALZELL. No. CS Wnter
I_4 Li,: No. et ft nvn• TO/. reed by Holm, Third Ft,. al.
so. - Ntlullvo, telt by the eutbor of Wont. In Fran,.
pl . t p liel P. CARP, 1.1t01c75 lbs, for sale by
.1 EIDLITZ 31IXTURE-150 lbs, for sale
L. 7 ar2
~,,i. b. os,l U. A. FAIINESTOCK 4 CU
i , yrttlc ACID-1S NI for 001 by
I. i sr.! u. A. i AIINESR: . JCR A CO.
BoltAx_. lb., Refined. for 11810 by —*--
41 , :. B. A. FARNESTOCR i CO
VERNIILLIO.N-75 Chinese, tor sale by
1.1. A. EAR:: I:STOCK - a CO.
URE GllOl 'ND GINGER-7M lbs for
hr n . B. A.i All N ESTOCK d. CO.
jr l YR.c.Nl:l:f4 lii. for tale
1. , op 2 It A. F P lIYF.=T , t(Kh CO.
The best Green Tea in Pittsburgh
-10N1}; N.• Crop Young Ilvsolt 'lea ,har.
yuyt or
.1. M'orriP'‘ Yr. Clore it flu
litotw , wl. w 1,1.13 wr elreut W Owl nasor S tan • heed .(Pin )
It, I ill..).tirAlk.
17 Ipl l, t . Prim, D•trk Soren
I,bl, Stircritr L.ko F;.11
le torve Ne 3 Mack,Tl
' i ttir / 1 4 .: •
Is drum, Cod:111.1. rtcrr as.) f.^.T...1e by ,
14,2 JOIIN WAIT s CO.. LlbenT Pt.
QIIOULDE ItS--9000 pkers in salt, arrived
1.0 ss,t GA. sale or 11,1111)ti JONES & CO.
‘IIIOLTEIERti-64 casks; arrired and fur
Ly ..,1" to ;,....] HIM JONF- it CO.
BACON -21.10 lbs receded and for sale by
so. WM. IL JuIINS7oS .
BUTTER &EGGS—in store nald for sale by
_____r.r 2 trn. 11.301INFTON.
g , ons—Tuubu. in store and i;ir nale by
) 1,2 JallNset
. .
A PPLES--12.0 bb6 (ireen auks (%r silk by
nr.2 II J ,, 11N.,10V.
STUFF— WO sack" 1 - , , r xle by
10 a r : IYII. I , Joie. Frnx
iIItELN APPLES-40 bblo in gond condi
tlnn a.. 1 rot Nle by J. M. OIL W JUTII t CO.
ST MILL-1 Smut (comptete) for
Oak by
atebl9 • 1. IXP -'7'
aped 'at U. ArEIZ.vSr.V BUILDLYa i i st .,
1851. algal
.M1.111:1I .I.ELE-thGEIII:;‘ . T Brr Ets
XPRESS Packet and Railroad Line for
CJerelmnt without kar 4r eup. E 7 Steamers Oath
burgh to Beare. In mart:Minn vrtth tae elegantly h.
Kamm. Packet{ of U.S.. hut.. , from Hems
1 the at. 4.17.1 neve PII.IOC9FIT Cars of the
C.e.dand sod Fitt sbursh hallecad Co. to Cerheiatht.
GARA . Tram
k 1 IA
AYEIA,Irtat is M Mown.
&camas, leave their-landing orpoalte tLa klotiongenela
Bowe. at n o'click. A. M munveratv niknOtt ruiner, .1,
aver, which will leave hinnevilatelr curb...a-rival attic
vi.nnuer. arriving ni Ravenna Patinae fort he
of Ears for Cleeland. Paggingvnt byrldo line mire at
Cleveland in time to take the IW:rued Line of ligranaers
ter LE FFALO and DET SUIT. earl the simmers foe Chka-
Tolecie. Sandusky Orr: Dunkirk and Eglai
fey *tailor; iron a ears Cr Crharsilgia. Xenia. and
Cincinnati. CLAIRE, l'AitliS-k Ctk. PrePMegolli
R. F. 110011112. AD,
Oetco under St. Chute. hotel;
Oaks under Mo t lt . l. l .4a h eTe .
corner of FmlilLeld en/ Water arn‘cin
1851. -
On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals.
CLARKE. PARKS 1 CO Reonsetot, '
IMMO/ARLIN. CRAW FORD A (X/,,...A.1.AV):1,11,, U.
riMi/S well known Line is nnw pro/trod to
traroport freleh , 004 la.w.gcrt PtITSCEROII
CLEV to any polut on the Cana and Lakes.—
The neeilitiee of the leue are ureempalea,llunoinaber.l.
Hy, aud capacity of Dont, osperienim of C•ptains, and gru *f
ancy Of Arcrat,
One Boat leaves Pitichuryh and Clerelareldaily,runntna
In connection with a Linn of PLAAOrtaat between PITTn
BChtill .IadIIKAVAII, end • Line of boteluseleaintnata
(proyailer`an4 reerels) on the Laken.
Park. Cn., Youngelow n. 0.:
31. B. Taylor. Warren, O.;
A. 8, N. Clitrk, Newton Falin, 0
C. Prelatic", Rare.., O.
Brayton Co....llarenna. 0.:
bent, Grinnel Co.. Prnnklin, 0;
11 A. %Der. Cot allows Fall, 0
Wheeler. Lee Miron, 0
Ilendonon a Fene. Snodu;kk COY, Oo
G. William:, SCo., Detroit, Miehlgan;
himmertant 3111wankie,
Gen A. A Co.. ',lkea°, lac'
Theron lialeXhlcano.
npl car. Witten mot hrultlitleld Plontiorxh.
F RUIT -150 bbls dried aptAes
Iv do do l'aocloqs Or odo
CORN & OATS-500 bu fur sale by
B ACOg t•ugar cured hams;
3 do do
I;: J.
GGS—I b4ls, ree'd and tar sale by
4 ap2 J. e.DILWOII . III t CO.
POLL. BUTTER-10 bhls.Tor sale by
la &
N 0145 V int nW. 11ARBACtill.
sp.P'=l 110 Becood mt.
ROOMS-100 dozen, for hale
ap2 b. .t. W.
L'.o mt. f.,
Aron. ,
14 hlid,. (hog round) fut Bale,*
I d \
5 ,‘
)(A► EMt)VAL.—tiEO. F. Dlll3l blm removed
his Dry . Goolp Strlo Irmit Nr. 115 Market ttreet,
O Scott . . how. Irwin 1,7 r, (nor dome belewPesto
iidwre be will be Filmic...l to wiiit former outman,
end the publle aptim
ORANGES. -100 bore,jii.t received and
wr sale by BURBIZILK*
116 1G112.01,
Water street.
QUGAR-200 hhde. arririn... for wile by
arel III Water :t.
OLAS.SES-300 bble. arrieg. for Bale by
BROOMS-100 doz. fcr We by •
SUGAR—V 2 lilt& Clarified, Battle Ground
relivcrr. Just re'd . 013 . 0 , 0
4 ,
246 Liberty Street
a,T,,,F6l,7altitl.ld'aP,r4=';-: chy
Wm. d. McClurg. In the eitim of New York and PULL -
Phi , whence be n
th. 41
mturned. exertion will tie
areote! u ltit t ie rerinninigelrecrifirttig
line to tie had in the city, and at the lownet Wen
Cie They sell nothing' hot what they inn necommend.
31011 plantol4. mr7 thins tx reprsiwniath PAW
sendinq ebildr. marmsta T. anything need ran: as
ears qf hark. an inferior amnia palmed off tiPini them.
They refer with eonedenee to the eustanars by whom
they are patronised, holing for . cottiliMitte of their
mut= and many additions m the simade biro list
WM A.'a ago,
linVen sod Sew Dealers.
Bank Stack for Sale.
V 0 TICE is hereby given that in compliance
with the mahatmas of an ea a kapeataT annoy
tba ?...41 day of Eta., ISA Om will toot., at pub.
Ix i.e. sobs ranking Ilataa. ONE TIIOUSiIND hILAILOINi
NEW tfIOCE of Om Mozawywhels Haat of atowneollla,on
{Vast.: haTmlie tb LI. of NI., 1651. Eala to 0019.111:11M
A. M. • fly order of the Hoaol of Dfroatorc
oolvo D. O. KNOX, Cutter.
D L'T.TER3 bbis Roll, just reo'd per Union
Lill Lim and for sis:e LT (10) B. DAIZZLL a CO.
ICE-50 tee. arriving perDeWittClinton,
E} cal. by apt W. 4 F. WILSON.
Q H. .110LAS6ES-70 bbis. Louisiana Ra•
finery. arriving per De Witt Clinton. f.eskie sr
SDI lr . kY. Ivazos.
• AY-18 tons Timothy', arrivingper
n . et, for tale an the stb.f.lur
spl NV. r. itIIZON. •
SOCIETY. will hold theft. rertlas coortafly'ufanthfi
e Board of Trade Roost, ou Monday. Apriath. at 10),
e'eloet, A. 3f. 31emt,r3 who have hooka heloopitas to the
Llbrary of the tfootel• will plead mum then.
01 ceder of the Extrutive Committee:
. A . B. 31oftlJEWA::.Ftoretarl.
II man! nu-Hying thole of 'ripply of Lloode,
augeng which will Le Inuml unekshack Thapere..lileached
Case.unbleached Sheeting. 111-4 Linen Kbeeting_and
Case. Linen an..l al in. wide S..r CIDu. Cues. apl
Ladlne wear. to be ha , l at
CRYII V & BURCHFIELD havoreceited
a kw pkwe. tor, all woo 1 1 - wents arat Cawirmes,
ye wear. 4PI
ARD—'2O kegs & 3 bbla. No. 1, for sale by
1 .4 mr.lllll SAMTEL P. SIIRIVER
try. Decoration, Velvet awl Gold Paper TU.Wax rutal
ea , :ent. fr , r Drawing Room, and Parlors. from tb• exil.
bntted outnefactorer Delacourt. of 1`.1.k inn Teed .4
for rale by WALTER I'. MARSLIALL.•
nal3lll K. Wpm! streeL
M2 4 LL for sale
APPLES. -0 bbls. (Green) for sale by
sr.b3l 4. IL CASTIZI.II.
log • swell en. of 111(4.1,, . errs lost het.ern fliztt
goventh wren, on nuotheent etreet, Thuds, the
ghtb Inc[. The Ender viii confer a great tomtit br return
lug It to the welter. through this ogiee. nub=
D OLL BUTTER-51)1s (fresh ) fonsale by
41. mdl2l. . J. S. CA 1.:1 , 1 LLD.
L - 1 Fame Lead: Oxalic Arab et:lan
Caiab.idarwriva Uraartoae Chanamota
Jolt reed nod aa rale by J. KiDD l CO. •
metal tie. Ca Irpet rt.
RUGSU OINGEII,--3 bhls. (pure) fur
'J /O. by to ekt.ll J. KIDD / CO.
OWDER RHUBARB-1 cases for sale by
metal J. KIDD CO
j_ for rade by mant J. 19IDD t CO.
UM ALOES--3 eases fur sale b
mch3l .1. KIDD 41 CO.
LARD 01L-12 bills J. L. Conkling's No 1
j_4l Labil Oil in store and for salt by '
and Z.ll Liberty .t.
(10D FISII-12 drums for 'sale by
IP UCKETS-20 doz. (Beaver) for sale b
10FFEE-15tmbTpaft byll . 2 l = ,for
ICE—ZS tierces landing, for sale_ 1:1
lat 11.00M8-50 dox. for tale by
NEW BOOKS !—Elcmenta of. Analytical
Geometry, and or the Differeatral and integral Cad.
ca. by alias Loomis, et.. 11.
Nth: Nota, of a ilmoradjl.
IV &Hare, • Franconia clay: by tho author of ilta ILOGO
laralon Labor and the Lcuiou Non by IfearyllaArak
with di:di:rare:it. pa engravings: takire,by Barad.
The above Leal: Jura reed and for we b_ .
meh3l IL C. STOCKTON, 47 braerat ec
EGGS_ -7 bbLA. fresh, for sale bv
BUJ - TER-5 kep packed, for safe by
Metal SAMUEL r.'*anitr..R.
It HY APPLES-1U bbls. read, for sale by_
— R EDPEACitES—ii ba. Cul: ',Moll
mn-i3l SAMUEL P. Pllntr.&
.1 1 0iIN-150 bu. (Slielled) for sale by
l_P ...rhai PACE . EL P. PUMPER.
PPLES:=7":, LI. Romaniteg, for sale by
tidal P/lIVEL lIRITEB.
Wheye Lithe mew who doe. act attthtiate the hattrf
of at cud Buret If toy thou be, we do tot addrest ours
wires to them. Belt to all ether, we say. sf Tot w i r y ro
rrurr, uqq **rose. pardon ka, of J sacs Illnels
Almond pi,,..tdo, or AssulaWl4 that hog entras. Ills sat
torly torsositie to Ltd words to down!. the frelhop
pe,ll3—.ho btu beta toed to shartud smith ordlrod7 ste,
you thetiour tthstl
nri .1 0.7 toe
mhat TUTZT . ... it II • mak.
"JIMI tastr,ty,s„
eterneut, trttrei.( the ocliff , t 0114 r.o.t wiry
remit:olog an soladralo. haSyr and by Ite er
tmld Warr t,lrritaliMl:6l4 preventing
;I, L t ol.plev.sint and .tat ‘cliad . of th e %Lin which le eo
.ttoo expotruced alter shoring.
Qry cy......sthrs Jules tossers north.: ethers, may dem
ir issrysor ivll.olmloonitety al l its
w. without the thin loostalny charted. And tnnn , *do
u.. t o
thy other.
sol...""b?::"L'dsath.ose:',...a.orb=a wlstr:lLlshor hich L ill o Lt t t* . h ui r t tas: : ''' H e th r tll ' es " lll "d' aor.
Oars numb'
ro.ty artwo.ta.ile• to the othe or the .1003,,...
Juke !thusly hatthfsrezzataradlightfularsthicese,
nontooodso sedls ski. to the niter erring.. of all snicks
-ra1.4.11 tO reader the nforratott nf eharlthr Ithrpleaettts
rdu .oretiate.l by all also !nue trial of Wm•
innyarni bt.
.11:142 [RUM berthed MS ebt=las
/or alktanlgnal• 012::::14Mttr==:,
MU.. nd Jelin astond, sod .1:
mama dlldstany QW.