The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 08, 1851, Image 3

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cultural Society had a meeting
o blerines, interesting to the
littaburgh lio
yesterday, but
.public wa• trun k
mind that the
OTSMS will posit
1 e N :h7h7tio ' n f ur this po7ular wili psn- r
rely be elo ed this week.
'c.—Jere I storekeepers were
.5 , the Ma or for allowing dry
•enmber he pavements. His
nod to nb to this nuisance.
--- .
cajun. c9IIIIT.
.orahle Walter Lowrie, President
Msroa's Orni
yesterday fined I
goods boxes to c,
Rotor is detests;
Deere the Doi
C. & J. Boyle
amen May. o.
April Term. Li t No. 239.
Borth and Coyle for defend
Action to moo 1 r a balan
No verdict . •
- --ie.--
Kuhn for plaintiff:
c due on account --
slosuAr, April 7.
m B. McClure, Pre:.
Iliner, mei William
Brenta, Ilan tde Willi.!
eldest Judge, Samuel
Boggs, Assoclat Judges. ,
The trial of. ha COMM ,
Barker, William arker, et
owestith vit. Joseph
L —indictment, riot,
was continued
Daniel Cotele. or, one , of the Police Commit
tee's night watch was swo . and testified that.
on the evening o the i'th , f March, he left Al
detthan Slajor's dice, at ni• e o'clock, to perform
his duty es a night police.. . and while quietly
attending to his business, • as violently arrested
by orders of Barker, an; taken to the watch
house, where ho was ko t all night and dis
charged hi the morning.
RobertGullagber, sworn Was chsirmanof the
Police Committee during the month of Inn Octo
ber. Remember that on the evening of the ith
of October last we ordered our watchman to go
in a body, mid perform thoir duties quietly and
peaceably, not interfering with Barker's night
Cress-examined—From rumor' I knew that, on
the night in question, Barker had a set of night
police on duty. These watchmen were disband
ed by the Councils, and n new set, chosen bythe
Police Committee, according to a city ordi
James lieSalvey.?; sworn—On the evening of
the 7th of October, sat. Barker and several of his
men jump at the members of the Committee's
night police, and arrest three of them. Wewere
as peaceable as men could be. Barker ordered
his men to get sticks and maces, and beat the
—— off the streets: -
A. J. Gribben, sworn—The Mayor Mtayorp manneron.
the night in question sins very /noisy. The l i ,
street, near the .Nlayor's offme, wes crowded with c ,
noisy persons during the night./
William Barnhill. sworn--Bometime about the
first of October, Barker, speaking of the Police
Committee, said that if they put on watchmen,
be would pile up their dead bodies so high that
he could not reach them. fe
Edward Campbell, iworn—On the evening of t
the ith of October, suw s the Mayor arrest one of e
the Police Committies watchmen, who was walk- re
lug peaceably aloSig in the Diamond. He was
taken to the watch house, and Lin compariy with T
Mr. Gribben! followed the crowd to Marbury n
amt. Barker's men hero met some of the Police
Comm'Beg; watchmen, and Barker ordered them I
to surrender. .[The witness then went on to de- I .
seribe,the riot] Saw one man cut on the head n
severely with n inane. Two or three men were CI
arTested by.)3lrker and his police. Beard a voice
moat . Fire, and shoot the damned rascals."—
Had no doubt at the time that it was
voice, though I understand that he denies it, and
I may possibly be mistaken. The Police Com- I o
mittee's watchmen were behaving peaceably.— w
Think I saw Barker's son there. I have not !teen
so great a disturbance since I have been in Pitts
burgh. The noise and disturbance arising from
his occurrence was continued until between
three and four o'clock,when I retired.
tJohn Barton, sworn—[Witness testified to the
disorder in the Diamond.] The Police Commit
tee!' men were behaving peaceably. They said
that they were policemen, and had a right to be
there—that they had received orders from the
Police Committee not to interfere with Barker's'
police, and did not wish to have any thing to do
with him. Prior was then seized by the Mayor,
and taken to the watch house. Ile was behaving
very peaceably,
Mr. Barton corroborated Mr. CanapheWestate-
Meae relative to the Mayor's conduct in Mar
bury street. Heard Barker give the order to
ire. William Barker was very active on the oc
casion, and, calling for a mace, rushed into the
crowd. Witness identified Moore, one of the de
fendants, as having taken. part in the distur
A large number of witnesses were called oh the
pert of the Commonwealth. Their evidence
fully corroborated that of the witnesses examin
ed in the morning.
Mr. Morrow clerk df the Select Council, read
• from the minutes of that body an ordinance ga
ther:inn the appointment of night watchmen by
the Police Committee.
Edmund Snowden. Esq., opened the case on
behalf of the defendants, maintaining the legal
accuracy of these positions. relative to the Mayor
and his proceedings, which have been already
overturned by the Supreme Court.
• One witness was examined for the defence,
but no fact of any importance.was
The Court then adjourned until 9 o'clock, this
BOT DEOWNED.—A young lad named Jahn
Graham, about thirteen years of age, was drown
ed yesterday in the Monongahela river. He was
jumping from the Keystone grate to another
steamboat, when he fell into the river and was
drawn by tho forie of the current under the hull
of the boat. The body has not been recovered.
ican of yesterday says that the Post Office agent;
Col. °Binger, last week err ested .Wm. King, at
Pnnklin Venango county, antler charge of rob
bing-the mail. King was deputy under Larkin
Tamer. &former Postmaster at Brownington P.
0-.l3ntler county, Pa. The charge was for pur
loining money from the mail about a year ago.
after his arrest, he procured a habeas corpus,
and bad a bearing before Judge Plummer, by
*hem he was reminded. This arrest will pro
bably lead to thattof others, as a gang of depre
dators on the mail have existed in that di
rection for some time, -who hare been exercising
the vigilance of the Post Office agents.
QVIMAI'S PANACEA-12. doz just reed
1.7 and fora de by . t. 5F.L . 1.E1113.
ap3 • So Si Woup ot.
VOX'S - nPAKK. t.; t; ELATINE-1. gro.
lJ lu sae by tbria: R. E. SKLLEILK
NuTmEGs_7s lbs. for 'sale by
vir ,
ti 27 R. E . SELLERS.
SUP. lbs. (prime) for
.1,1; tF AIIII. r cseLS: R. E. SELLERS.
iBION VANlLLA—Preston's extract, fur
14 ea. by mrl,l R. E. SELLY.RE.
N ra
6..SUGAI-150 hhds. arriving, for Bale
• br eR27 W. It K. VaLSON.
No. MOLASSES-500 bble. (oak) for sale
. by oarbN W. L Y. WILSON.
F IBII-50 bbls. Mass. No. 3 Mackerel;
" 1 kalmom G r xaln by
m 127 • F. WILSON.
VAMPEIOIt-3 btils relined, for sale by
zaShab a -0. PAIINEICIOCK &
WHITINO-100 bbls. for mule hi
mehlA B. A. PATIN ESToCIC A CO- j I I !
BRIMSTONE -13 bbhi fur sale by
EPSOM tiALTS 2 -30 blibi, for sale by
SAL SODA-20 caskii English, for sale by
web2o _ B. A. VALLNAAToCK A CO.
CLOVES -50016 x, for sale by
irg . OPPERAS—.2.S bbls, for sale by
kJ matt.% 'U. A. FAUN:INV:JCR ACO.
BEANS -10 bbls. just reed and for sale by
Each% J. 11. CANIRGLI.I.
BULK MEAT—PaI pieces for sale by
mrh% J. a CANFIELD,
kr sale 1.,T awl.% J. B. CANTLELD.
LINSEED t: o arrivean4for
met% IT2 BeconJ. and thl Elm maet.
TIMOTHY SEED---5 }: 0 ,i 1) , I;I: ii f i l,r . ; . ~ 1 . E.4, .
BEESWAX -50 lbs. for sale by
mel2.3s . ENOLISIt tlt dENEIT.
WHITE LEAD-'-'250 kegs for Kale by
mcala Esoinn a 13EN Neil.
n A1.47:400 1 - .7 - u. for - rule by
-0 . 160 u.,.. IT ra01403 P2 P . '
• 30 dos. Bed Gads:
10 kegs d's sumoior Tobaeok
3uo lba Clan,:
MO mats cassia:.
Tth.v"; ..
112 :mound. and 151 'Front drown.
-4 bble. land Ku. E
18 - 4/mew Lord:
3 Flemeer2:
1 - Doom.;
1 oneke Docoo am , .
V " Shoollerc
=7 . '
1 ,
• t
1 l'eiebeh
•• duke;
2 mikeDom.':
Cow LW" to v.-.. 148 on the steamer
047=7..thlehr 1837AL1 DICKEYCO..
Front end Water its.,
bca Dame Medium and Croon:
1 .111 1 ' 00 - oxtra,Largo up! Bu
.300 Tca
Iha Pk by =LA KIIOONKAISIS it 00.
tisw Foos., April 1'
Ttje steamer Georgia arrived from Ghaires
This' evening, at 7 o'clock,l with dates from San
fraricisoo to the sth ult. 'She brings 160 pa.ti
imiger.e, but no gold or freighL
Thinness at Sao Francisco was generally dull.
The , miners, however are doing well, and a
largely increased amount Of gold is expected to
be taken out during the earning season. Very lit
tle rain had fallen, and Me want of it had re
tardrd mining operations.
Mier 150 ballotings for Illnited States Senator
the(convention adjourns.) without making a
choice, to meet again on dm first of January.—
The .nose prominent candidates were T. Butler
Kin and Mr. Wethirld, Whigs, and Col. Fre
mon ,
Democrat. At one time Mr. King lacked
only, six votes of an election.
A ('great deal of feeling exists on the Senatori
al election, which will enter largely into the next
political campaign.
the morning of the 3d of March, two
etch era, the Santa Clara, of Hartford, lying
at tbe central wharf,were almost entirely destroy-,
ed by fire. All on board were asleep at the •
time the tire broke out, waddle bodies of two mob
were found burnt too crisp,and another is missing
The ft:stand second Clerks lof one of the beats:was .
badly injured.
Lynch law has commenced operation s at last,
a man who had shot another in the !treat, of
Sacramento city, was caught and executed.
-The Museum Hotel, at ban Francisco, also the
Neal Bedford Hotel, the 'Shamrock House, and
other buildings, were d]mtioyed/by fire on the
second of March. Tho los. is estimated at about
Mr. Winchester, the editor of the Pacific News,
has k•elinquished the charge of that paper, ow
ing o adverse fortune./ I
Toe dates from Oregon are to the 2gd of Feb
ruary. The news is'withobt interest. The Leg.
isl42re. had adjourned, hhving established the
• seat of Gavel-L=ead at , Silica]. The Governor,
hoWever, refuses to sign the act.
. .
- - 1
EIP Yong., April 7.
The barque Swaney, from Cincinnati direct,
arrired at Salem, (Nloss ." on Saturday . , with n
full. Cargo of western l o pr ilce.
1 Rosros, April 7.
The Post of this morning appears with the
name of Robert Rantoul withdrawn from its col
umns, as the Democratic candidate for Congress,
fralo the 2d District.
it tech interest is felt in the result of the 'Con
gressional elections which-are now taking place
in t.;te 2d, 9th, and ith districts, The weather
's very pleasant to-day, and a heavy vote will be
' BOSTON, April 7
T e city yesterday and last evening was per
'et y quiet; the coloredi churches were very
.'n y attended, and therei was no appearance of
tai • meat It is suppored that an attempt to
acne the slave will be made, should he he sent
at some point betwen here arid New York.
'e companies of military are still kept under
The sympathisers in this affair held meetings
in Concord, New Bedford, and Waltham, and
passed resolutionns offering their assistance to
kppose the action of the fngitive slave low in the
:sac of Sims.
Cincinnati, April 7.
aeneral Scott arrived kiere this morning nt9
clt o
ck. He is stopping nt the Burnett House,
it many of our citise4s hare visited him.
Major Bartlett. COMMiBId2I7 of the )lexicon
13oundary Commission, arrived at New Orleans
on the 25th ultimo, to make nrrangements for
unpplies to be forwarded to the Commission,
which he Itft at El Paso on the 16t1 February.
The Picayune has the following intelligence, oh-
mined from Maj. B.:
A party under Br. Webb, Secretary of the
Commission, sent forward to•the copper mines. to
I examine the conveniences of the place, hod r,_
I turned with a favorable report, and apart of the
Commission woo to start the ensuing week, to oc
cupy a post at the mines. The difficulties with
the Mexican Commission had been adjusted, and
the initial point on the Rio Grande- - setded.
Capt. Craig reported friendlrcOnferences with
tbe Indians. Capt. C. ireus .t !,dreati the party to
ihe mines, which area b, 180 - miles from El
Capt- Dobbins, forsnerly of the lid Infantry,
who was a follower'of the expedition,' it hunter.
Ned a Mr. Waketum on the way up to El Paso,
afterwards committed suicide in San Klein
.h.equarters of Col. McClellan.
left all the members of the Commis
,ealth. lie brings with him, how
of some horrible scenes of thsor-
Jer, and execution, which took
place at Socorro, about the closing days of Jan
' It seems that bands of armed ruffians, discharg
ed teamsters and soldiers, and frontier despera
does, had been overawing the quiet inhabitants
.if Socorro, by parading the streets armed, and
committing all manner of lawless acts. They
tubbed and killed openly, without provocation or
Instances are given of their seising an unof
;ending ram, taking away his gun and killing
him with it, without the shadow of O. cause, end
brntally beating the women. Through the _6th
and 29th of January they ranged like wild beasts,
committing all sorts of crimes, wheh e party of
the citizens sent an express to the United States
troops at San Elerario, about six miles off, ask
ing for protection, which was declined, and the
applicants referred to the civil power.
On the night of the nth a most audacious
_,.._. outrage was committed. The robber hand,
[remain° 'nerttr..l
o I seeking a man named Clark, ; E. C. Clerk, said
April 7. Ito be the eon of J. H. Clark, C. S. Senator from
otton—The market is firm. at an advance of . Rhode Islanil,i cent to a fandango or dancing
f ince the reception of the Baltic's news, with 1 party where he war, mil maltreated the whole
sit es of 400 bales.
6 I ° k uhr —/
k T h
Sew m*r Or k l e kk t t‘ i "! w s k. t.'"' m d y o; e wi ip tl: l tdrA " i d es t:e t : '''
d p l u e l'r : . Y atonfithl men t
l e i ii n rw nild i n e ecf females .
terrified ai'lreestio
trT tit h e peiys w th o Pl m sl': e t e ed : eh % h : r e ': a tin t - - -
an held firmly, at $4,65et.4,87 - vP, bbl. Sales .
0 1 00
i tie a
ened death to man or woman who should stir,
of domestic sum up 6,500 blibt, at $4.18(7;n4,68 and finally. the leader, one Alexander Young, m
a ,70 for mixed to fancy Irdians sod Michigan : tinted by an other, John Wade, Marcus Butler,
$4,62e4,87 for Wisconsin: $4,94@55 for good ta d William Craig, fell upon Clark and gave
Ohio, and $56i ; 55,25 for fancy Ohio and Gene , I h i m u m, nr ten mortal wounds. Another man.
I named Charles Gates was badly shot_ Next ,
grain—Wheat is firm,wsith sales of 500 bus. / morning some members of the Boundary Cow-1
Ohio at 10(k, and 2000 bus Genesee on P' 4 kkte i : mission, who were present in town, resolved to
terms. Corn is lower, with salmi 2,500 bus yel- i arrest the murderers at all hazards, and sent an
low at 67c , express to the main bad of the Commission at
, rotrisions--Pork in better, with sales of 60 0 't San Elitarie for help. ~, hree hours a large
hb s at $14®14,60 for new mess, and $12,670 , i party of Americans and ''.llexicaus arrived, in
12,94 for prime; pickled 'meats more active, with ; such force as to be enabled to search for and
sales 600 bids pickled hams at 81, and 90,000 ; reitu eight or ten of the worst—including Wade,
Ibit sugar cured hams at. 84. - t Butler, and Craig. Young the ringleader, even-
Hemp—ls active at $1i2,50®120 for undress-. I
ed American. These men were brought before Judge Ber-
Phikei—iikk again improved, with sales of I theta On the ::oth of January, examined and
seism at •lic - e gal.! committed, and the next day they were tried by
jury, and sentenced to be hung within one boon
and, notwithstanding the threats nod prepare-
Gone of their associates, the sentence wee en
forced, and they were hung up to the branches
of a tree On Friday morning. The bodies of the
murderers were buried, end at 2 P. M. that of
the murdered Clark was also buried.
A large reward ($400) wan offered for the lir
rest of Young. Ile was erre:wed on the 10th,
brought to Socorro on the -11th. Ile immediate
ly modes bill confession of his crime, but was
nevertheless put to trial on the 12th. His own
written confession, which he repeated mil sign
ed, was added to the testimony. He was found
guilty, condemned, mil executed on the same
tree where 101 l companions had been hung.
Major Bartlett repeats that since these dread
ful examples Socorro has been perfectly quiet and
April 7.
our—The market is met, receipts limited.
ant.he stock on hands all. Holders are de
manding $4,50 for ,Sande brands, but no sales
for czport. Sales for cimi consumption are lim
ited, within the range of $4,50(1:53 ? bhl, for
conimou end extra brand. 4.
, 1 4,
ye Flour and Corn Meal—Are held firmly, at
$3, for the former, not $2,87i tar the latter,
? bl. ..-
rain—There is a gogZI demand fo'r wheat,
end prier, tend upward, with sales at 97,E;5•97,1e,
[argued and prime quality red, and 102Cgt I 03c fur
w t
11 .
e. Sales of Rye,
It on 'arrival, at eltk to boa
Su plin of Corn are limited, with further'sales
of Row at §2in It usiheL Oats are steady,
at c. I
Rliskey—ls scarce, with soles in bbl,, at 28c
? gallon.
sons lIZTOIIT.
April 7.
4our—A moderate business is doing in west- ;
ernland state, at fall prices, with few bales for
errt, at Inside figures.
rain—Wheat is firm, with a fair demand for
milling, and for the east.. No change in ether
I rorisloms—Pork opens firm at $14,25€0.t.57
for new, and $13,50®13;62 for old mess : sad sl ,75®11,87 for new, and 310,62610,68 for
old prime, 1,? barrel. Pickled meats are in good
demand, at Si(ii,Gle, for hams and shoulders.—
Lard is quiet, at iii® 8.1 v lb. for fair to prime.
Groceries are more active, and, with the ex
cedition of Coffee, the market is firm. Rio Col
-1 fee, has declined I, midi St. Domingo in, with
I free sales of Rio at 1016103 e 7tl lb, and St.
Do Mingo at 91(45ic. liloLsses is in good de
, m 'nd, with sales of Orleans at 30€31e, of Mus
!ea oat 23®25c, of POrto Rico at 28®20c,
lan of Cuba at 19i®21c 'ti gallon: Sugars ore
l ia
m eh firmer, with an increased demand. Sales
I of rleans at 41,®61, of s"orto Rico at 4p, and
! of Muscovado. at itaGie ? lb .
hiskey—Sales at 23€231c, and in fair de
April 7.
Flour—Sales of H. S. brands, at *4,44 14
Grain—Red wheat is selling at 05611,97 e - id bu.
Sales of Yellow Corn atirke, and of white at 61e
bushel. Oats and Rye are without change.
Ptvisions—The marltet in firm. New mess
I r' c j is selling at $l9, and prime do at $11,50
bbl. Lard is selling qt tli(tttflo - pi lb.. Baeon
infirm, but unchanged. i
'offee--Sales 400 bags Rio ot 10e - .t.1 lb
- .
•=.., •
April 7.
Flour—The market i/1 quiet, but firm at 1,50
Whiskey—lles - advanced to 17jc 11 gall.
IProvisions—.Bhouldefe are attracting mare At
tention, with sales of 400 hhds to day, at r,i e.
ked. Bnles 0000 pieces bulk,sides, Cl(ji.
Uc Ib.
Groceries--Sugar is firm, and generally held
at; jc advance. bales of prime Molasses, at 340
l iChee ' s n e . —The market is dull, at ic for selected
Hon. R. C. Schneck, Dlinister to Brazil, Frank-
I* 11. Clark, Secretary of Legation, awl the
I on, John B. Pendleton, Charge d'Altairs to the
rgentine Republic, are to embark about the lot
o May from Norfolk in the steamship Basque
••• • a The Susqueharma has taken in her en
s nes, and is nearly ready for her crew.
Rnons ISLAND Etacrtos.—On Wednesday the
encral election took place in Rhode Island for
Governor and other State officers. two Itepre
tativen to Congress, and Members: of the
tate Legislature - -
We regret to learn that the Whim hat e Pee"
;itted the election of the Democratic cam lidate
r Governor, and probably a- majority. c f the
members of the State 'Legielature. They were
seasonably admonished that their opponent.
were well mareholled, and had brought et ary
Moms to bear upon the election: yet from long
success, being incredulous of the result 'ltiden
has been produced, they suffered themeele ea to
rodefeated by divisions in their own camp, and
r want of efficient organization. It ie to. be
hoped that they will hereafter profit by this
perienco. Philip Allen is the name of the yew
Governor elect.
George C. King, Whig, is re-elected to C (M
-ims from the Eastern Maria, and Benjaz alto
D. Thurston, Dem, frOm the Western Dieu, lot.
e latter gentleman represented the same D
stet in the thirtieth Congress . , but be now in to
needs Nstkuin F. Dixon, nag, who declined, A
ito4rection. •
A good deal of excitement has been created
in Philadelphia by the passage in the Senate of
the bill in relation to the “yranklin:Canal COm
pany" and the “Pittsbnrgli and Erie Railroad."
Some strictures in the .Noll ' 7ll Assmcss called
out the following letter from Thos I. Power,
rrtILAIkELPIII.i., April 1, 1820
.1 ta Pr, Editors -An article in the North
American of this morning, headed 'lnjudicious
Legislation: Li calculated to create the impres
sine upon the public mind that the bill which
passed the Senate an. Saturday is designed to
extend the rightsand privileges of the Franklin
Canal Company, , or the Pittsburgh and Erie
Railroad Company, so es to permit either of
them to construct a railroad from Erie to the
Ohio State line, thus making a complete con
nection batween the railroads of Near York and
Ohio. guch is not the case. as the bill is real
ly restrictive in every feature. The object of
the bill is to compel those companies to comply
with the terms of their charters, and not to per
mit the Lake shore road to he madountil they
ydone what it was originally intended they
would do.
The act incorporating the Franklin Canal
Company, passed in 11544, and the supplement
thereto passed in 1849, gave them the privilege '
of constnisting a railroad on the banks of the
old Franklin Canal, and of extending mid road
from .the northern end of said Canal to Erie, by
such route as they may deem expedient and ad
vantayeous. Now upon the words emphasize,'
they put the construction that it is "expedient '
and advantageous" for them to make a railrond
from Erie to the Ohio State line,, which would
form a comblete connection between the rail.
rands of New York and Ohio: and the bonds of
this Company are guaranteed by the Cleveland
and State Line Railroad Company, and negotia
ted in the city of New York. Upon the money
r thus raised they are now ettempting to construct
a Lake shore road: and have placed a note on
the margin of their printed charter, to the ef
fect that "the persona investing money in the
Lake Shore road will never be taxed with the
construction of the Franklin line, as they intend
some day to ,mahe a plank road on that line."—
The Lake Shore line is now under contract and
in progress of construction: and unless the bill
rcomplained of shall become a law, that link in
the Lake Shore line will he completed during
! the coming sermon, and that, too, by capital over
which the citizens of Per.asylvania will have no
control. . . .
The Pittsburgh and Erie Railroad was char
tered iu 1846, to construct a railroad from Pitts
burgh to the town of Erie, with the privilege
of constructing lateral branches through any
county through which Fnid road may pass, or
through any adjoining county. By construct
ing 20 miles of the main line of their road from
the town of Erie, and then making a lateral
branch of eight miles, they will he able to make
this Lake shore connection that is so much
desired. The object of the bill which has just
passed the Senate is to compel both the Franklin
Canal Company and the Pittsburgh and Erie
Railroad Company to make the main lines of
their roads before they shall have any privilege
in regard to their lateral branches or exten
By:the completion of the Pittsburgh and Erie
Railroad the Lake will be brought hii miles near
er to Philadelphia than it is to New York from
the diverging point; and by the passage of this
bill the completion of the Lake shore connection
trill he delayed two or three years, and mean
ladle, Philadelphia can come into fair cotoPeti
t ion with Se, York for this trade; but if the
trill due. not Miss, the Franklin Canal Company
will make the railroad along the Lake, and all! ,
hopes will be lost to Philadelphia of getting any
connection with the Lake through her borders._
Tne Illionelmuuo, SENATOII.—The Provi
dence Post publishes another letter from flow.
Charles T. James, further defining hie position.
!laving published his first note, justice, perhaps,
requires the insertion of the second. We copy
the material portion. Ile nays:—
let. That I hare never on any occasion, nor
.to any person, said that I was a Whig. 2.d On
the contrary, I have always belonged to the old
Democratic' arty. id. I am in favor of a jail
-duos tariff; such a une as will effectually pro- .
tact the labor of the country, by taxing lightly
the necessaries of life, and heavily the Insuries.
It there be one measure of govermeat more
Democratic than another, 1 consider at which
k r
by such meets, compel. the rich to gi a employ
ment and support to the poor, to ho each. 4th.
I am in favor of intvnal improvements by the
General Governmen, especially en our Southern ' LIMITII'S lIORSE RENOVATING POW
end Western waters, M far as the name can b e 117 DEnn, eared ehknr of V.ltttobli , ' , Mr.....
carried out
h e with the constitution— .
, upri . i. u t... ,. health ; ,, This P
ww r o dwetydl:hio,ml:ll,ll%toii,th, o cure
and which the true interests of our country do- , ...w. a.. rhhllY:l.l.7.luvr.el Strain. In ds timed, Loapq
mends. These two measures I consider as the , f ;al t :i ns il tr o r b ir3rViTi!'a l t i irr i sa r ettfir. r ct ' auo e'tt o l l " ;
only "lending Whig measures" of the present . ~.0..t Sufi 6.lspaint. which panes fatal to sO many vlda
day.—To these my sweat an d soprt are given ' V,: i ‘ed i .g.rit,.7, i rri«elt"'.: , ll b a =h r u'l;i'a n cs t .' e i;ngiti:Vti r ie
not because of any pledge to that effect, tint be- bli.,,t, a1e..h....t. and Maitill cure Nettie Waven al.
cause adopted by me many years since on prin.. 7 2 ;:::`, ( 1 . 47.2n "'d t r 'i g '' l• " ill kl' Pre ' l 7 9 ll' . 4" t!e b. iig oTh'L7l
ciple. Thin is all I consider to lie embraced in , u7,fr"io, n',....• Tr. , „ 4 ... ...I .rara ee5.e...' .."
m y a 43te to the Ilon. William Sprague. and it vies n'oor.7.;:;:rta:Xoit'orgail by
so regarded at the time it was written. These I .•..)„, il. N. WICKERSIIANI.
rorner YlOll seal W.A...
are, in my estimation , not only Whig, " '.! . . • -
but Democratic; lying at the very foundation of RAZORS!
our national prosperity and greatness; especially ' r . ciik; SUBSCIt
le of
IIIER has been appointed
that of protection to our industry. Att .tit fey the set
The.e am , lb,. lie. awe. whyt h. . r Lon offered to
Ile further says that in the Senate it is his
t red determation, without deference to the par. , ,i,.. ooloie. Th. rarauf.cturre ' ....7. N. ,uhli. thia th a
ly dictation, "to pursue such a line of conduct ...: L ig b izer3. l nr.i..=..,..r L t, that ,,,, z , lorlintrilZ t f - s ,ki i .
at in my judgment may best. comport with the ; ...,. .o-el wiin n nnwoee Mnul2bind... anTgroln ' " th. gear
true interest of our common country." i liar pnretst they UllliVIIlO lo t...,,,•enn0. Lop• Mer wit. the
=eat cote beetelnel upon them in iteltion•no 1. .' i1....
Odour. twenintrientl them. no well outtlehodin e with the
D. KING, Banker and Exchange Bro- ,T,=,.... " toured uurarka Inch, r..,,..t, Me r....raLt
Vizln, Yonyth iit.., deals In Weaves anda, gight w „ ~..,,,,t . „,.,
~. ~,.......
SC <4l (hi, EAlltartl Cale. lalli makes enUaetions In the For dr. - hr -- die dorm 07'-' to r rf "" ! ''' l ' l4 " -u° '
~,, 0 1,:. =x.0.4 t. is o= di tr a tifg . hest market . il'. iv. WILSON,
vet In m tuna. for =ha me/all con= Markmt had Fourth AL
V Olt SAINT LOCUS—The swift
itplevrini onnanter DIADEM. Onehran.laill .
nrtomitntler. les , e for abaseand Inn,
miatel ngr thie do). 4
For freight or paves,. aPPtY nn
VOR ST. LOUIS—The new awl
rolenditl vteanier MAR.
EiiA C. lies. misis.winissve for Oa
Wove and all intermediate pore this dvtr. at 4 P. M.
Por freight .1.
T. LOCI?—The nut running reamer
EAC N EWTO.N, Captain Rouges Israel, elll
leave fur no above tad intermediate porta, on thil
the .11 inv, at S A. 31.
for freight or aa,.nage, apply on ).,and.
1 4 1 , L
.. U r , A L T F c, .. jrk ,
frtn lea. fur the above and ai 4 l
Intermediate "-
pro oo Mond., . the DI Ina., at 10 o clock, A. M. 1.
For freight or pe.n,we apply on boanl, 447
rteitinyr VERMONT: rapt. Ilexlett. will
rave forth,. Abu,. Ull.l elt lrtrwrrliatrponta
on InlA.tic7th ‘ ,
„:rimL,,, -m
_ _
did ...tier FOILT PITT, Aliller.innAter.).F„ . 62 7
I,are fur and ltinnalediatt ports
thir day at 4 o'clock, P. M.
For rittlitht or p.m,. ntiP . l A 4
4 on lr. l .
111 AM—the rpleculid new pessender
ru‘szor PTATESAIAN, Janes Gormley, MVO' .
roAnder r ,
kat,• for the shore and Inter:m.lla. tar, on
Fridit,. tho lth April. at. 10 A. M.
For fn•lght or
P "iiiiiiPii.'makViTg:ll'Eß. , Ant.
IjOlt ST. LOUIS—The splendid
B: five "emu, BOBT 1100EKS, Butcher.
command,. "rill hexer en. *hove end Inter-
a1....1ta1s pals onTlanraday, NI Inst.. at 4 P .
F fr,ight passase. apply on Mani. spS
1 EIS ti Alt CK BE
TWESIN Pll73lllJlWii d StlNFlSll.—Aatil
lir stessur A.
..S. Crane, mates,
rrlll less,. hash...nil for Si Captins and Sunfish.
1,r3 Shouts,. and Thursday . st °stoat r. returning
Ira g.antlah Captlns, Schtmling sad Ytttshurgh. er.
ell 'faraday and Vriday. 10
is a. It. Pa...tigers
stud ..Idipers ran depend upon this tout running:ea - astir
daring ths low water ...num.
For rnslgns nr pas/ssr, apply an brass'
laz 1851.
rrliE new and fast running str. CASHIER,
M. 11eMn-1.01. Mager—Regular Wellarille. Rau-
Wellshurg, DridgetnrL /.'opting. and
Aunty-h Pouter—leares Pittsburgh every ICednrsdAY
P M.. for Wheelin and Bridgeport, and even'
Saturday. at a P. M., for Cantina
na and Ruuriah. iteniraias.
hate. ,unfish evay Monday at 10 o'cinek. A. M.. and
Bridgeport and Wheeling every Monday and Thursday, at
For freight and passage .FAIT on Ronrd , or 10
rnehT JORN FLACK. Agent.
SUNFI II PACKET—The fast running
Meunier WLUVILLY.. Cart. Voting. will
run se • regular parket Iltteburgh. W heeling.
Ilridgrourt, mud Sunfivn, leaving IlitMtutrith aver, •Innday
afternoon Air Wellgeilie. Steutmensille. nd l ot:Bridgen, and
every Thursday alien nn for Stmsbenellh. bling.
13ridgepon. Cantina-and funtgli; returning. leaves Ilridow
part ami Sunfish veer, Tumults,' laterinwiti•
Masi. or to [f htil nod
it a, WIIEF.I.ISO PACKET.—The gplend
new pmparkasgt er DIURNAL. Cdnwel id
l. lairmidKlZ
to , le nooPerforming her regular trtweekl) trips latareen
thig oil amt Wheeling. Inning Pittsburgh a 10 o'clock
eerT Monday. Wednewisy anti Frida). and returning.
le v ave. every, rueadaY. Thur../ and
ht or lo boon(, "
ti 11E(1 u LAR WEI)NESI)AY -
rmlnglison. This splendid boat •sx built
the owner. of the Wainer lease Newton. and other, fur
the l'lneln•Ml and ritt•burgh Parket trade. and arlll leave
every Wminerglay fin Cincinnati. In Phow ot the Now Erg'
land N 0...!. For freight or two p•. apple on hoard. or to
O. It , 111.TKAW1:1101;11. Agent.
AN II WELL.tiVILIA:—The nor stramer
I.LE. Wm. ;bidden, made!. .111 run
a+ a ,ulnr
Leerytee till. city and leay.
liittglough Monlay. wltztoday, an-I FridaY. at
For fraight or pas" , MOAT no iinsoi.
litlltT —The One ...Amer PACIFIC.
i soon. motet.. will Imok for the above and In- --
torniediste torte ever, Tbnraday, at 1 e'iMwk. P. W.
F., freight or passage stlilY on
mph In No. RI Water and .1 !'rout sta. •
"trr•TV 3 l
I ONTi NUM hi, uAtial Mollifies to receive
0. Stora,e. ,ale. and Trawl:ailment. all Mere.batalioe
rorielarteal him haste leave ha. Jork daily far all ;min.
.41 the Lakea and the lihnoia Canal Nod River.
14(ereoece—Meeera. lonrank, nLarlins Co. aleerra 1
Mr. Jelatt eaughey ap.s4 . :tv
European Agency.
reF-iinsing been' detained by business. of
ortexte sal nt. Louie, during the lest fee "tea, I
•1:1 to t trove tros ea,, far httrlttre. until 'frotatae. the Mb'
.4 April nevi. .(IMIN Ie
ttael.l7•ro` welter of Wood at 4 Ftfth sta.
etruct. opposite. the root Office,—
akwreat. for.3lareh
lrotootary of,dTerhartic, Nu. 'di.
London Art Irotroal. for Mtoritt.
Iderod Am.. Nro :(3f-tta.
Db. nue, sr.l Adventurro r.•, Lrse, by the suthrr
.4 'Laurie Todd.'
Tote Baronet and hte la. - . Malden Aunt.,
Pletorial Iteld Iktuk. No. Id.
Iroye. in
by U. W. M. Reynolds.
Conroe!. ln 1 trol--Sue.
Leah,. Valltere: en conclusion of the Iron )Leek.
Stanfield Hall, Ili:dorms' Itomanor--rordand••
The Warwick w.
• asitands. by Yrbbb Fomenter.
The Rackl•burg• oes the Rhine. by TharkireY•
The Queen's Nroystae by Dumas-
Fully l'roblosrom Wedding: illustrated 11) . Marti.
Pori Folio of Medical Student, do. do.
The CHI Merchant: de. 1 ,,
Merth • Humorous Novel: do. du.
Reverie. of L. Old Maid. or Hints I Young Men.
irre.gon and Califon:do.
tlentlasuett • Luourtlx I. Count Dl:troy.
Ladies . E1...r0e. and tole& Ikedt.
Laronerrte the dattoiar—th. tilpser—the I,ot—by idea.
Cuero, autlux of the ttllfhle to Nee
(terror'. Nee Monthly. Cru March.
Deaf..m.l, So. Si
Aeton alroltsnles' /legating, Na
The liorttrulturtst. for Mareta
'I he Cnlttrator.
Croton: fn theliast War, by C. J. Petetrron--tranrolete.
Huron - , of Pendent:ls, by Thsekarry—Ctrotrieln
Caroline Brune - wick. by Ibryoulde. meta:
14 artirle, far a '. I. the optin..:l l
11' F. 111V1.11 c rr ./..evaul end ]I. t.`
" •
.ACIII--10 noes for sale
11. mr.lirs 1,. A. l'AllYestsTol%. t (;it
4 LCUIIO L-30 bbls. mr.rengtiji for
otel,ll . IL 1. EA)INIZ,TOC.Ii i CO.
II LACK LE,II I -- I f.'IX) I powdered, bolt
mato br
mete:, 0. A. FAIINE.I4TOCK
‘B7ifitE WAS-1 - 2so fil;4:l.;r s4e,by
I~YE WOODS:'.,su,,bl,ll,;.Ctilil,iptjui.7W.l..rgt.tnd,
ALT PETltE—bll kegs refined, for seLli' by
Envh.l.. , II A CAHN lltairClS A CO.
QA. 1 .30 -- 3 011 ibs. Pearled, for sale by
1.7 melr2A D A. FAJINI:STOCK I.kl
lOTTON—sfi bales landing from sir. llene
jvs. And fOr sal. br
REASE-1: 4 Ws. landing from :dr:lie
Water ssul Front rt.
4 rthouldevr, Inatliny from 'Mx
....ovvia. au.% sglo by 12AIAll DICK MI ICO4
• turla. IYator Vrovt 0%.
/Io LET—An Office, with or without Ware
iiss... Iwo., W}l. 11. JOHNSTON.
n7.7...:S 11:: Swonal H.
A LCOLIOL-25 lib's. for sale by
41l 1. , h21 J. KIDD & CO. v. Won.' d
14 1 NU LISII VENITIAN ItED-2,0 libls. for
a 4 .I 7 hr . . melr22 J KIHD 47,73.._
PAN I STIW I lITTNG-L5O Mils. fliT Kale be
7 7 meh2.l J. aID aW.
13AltIS WHITE-15 bids. extra fine, for.
l. ..I. he . metal J. KIDD A CO..
Patent Combined Grinding and Bolting, or
0 THE PUBLIC:—Mo hare, now in use,
lo our Yintnil:lg Mills. two of .. Jarnea Markle P
CurtehinollirinMun and bolting. or Merchant YURI.
the unrz.ooliolzitvittlN
itret le perfectly pltapted to us nee, doing the work
ea nen ea an ordinary burr etonc,and rreitilying hula IP*
power, making It equivalent, In Merchant Alin. to nearly
oue run of lour atones, that will end. en; 11100 to 112.0 h.
The latter. am a Brea and Othil aplutur end Auger, pro
dometual profit of &bora Porter per ceni. on the fel.
of the ( d i al. from the Mill.
For nsennfarturinit the rate Min into Flour. Il' , of' . the
:7;,l k h d elin d aThe7l7s i t ' ale " atrpar g" r , 4l:l:Zhtl ,2'll T :
On. attention of Miller. noing•tnerehant bn'oritiets: end for
Britt Mille It is uneseeptionable.
it, the underpinned, operativeli In the °Pittsbitrgb Cit 7
Flouring 31111.4" certify to IS, above.
Town°. Noma,
IV. It.
A. J. Raven,
Grinding and Bolting, or Merchant Kill.
liA V I NG purehneed the entire Patent Right
of the Uollad thatch fbr "James M. Clerk'. Patent
ned Grinding, or Merrbent Mill." and non being
prepared County and Kele flight, need. the
fit up for toe. I take this meth.'of informing the nubile
thet I an. able Wolfer irreateet invention of the a..
W oneo. width, in nun W meet with lotran.. and which will
Ithe meant/ of making ever] Pen..Prdittsini. Mr
Lod Mate Rights. realise a hendonme Reotie. M
In fot.rfectly portable. and only °Troia , . • ,lure of four 7700
gr " " 71 VoTrn ' ;lnrfiTalrte ' r ' ll " .4 . l! o h ; ?Ca per
hour. It can be propelled Tenn from an one Imre. Pow'roO
to env pi.nor desired. Coil and lt In oteration
Meesni. Wilroarth Ilohlies City 110,0105 31111 e. Libertl
" I " .. l lit i rlrer b , u ir.. the right of Jun. SI. Clerk's SMUT
.111.0111 YE. andlbe Meehinea fee sale, I,ooooa purchases;
ot_L:i.olxeu...""l7. m
For Rent.
Small well finished and completely fun
t0.h.1 S'An, orzt t !, [ l7 , l , ; , V A ST ,,, E ,,
73Lilwrty betvre , o iutd 011,
mid Tribune coPS
For Sale.
THE memhero of the Fairmount Fire CuM
-1,..1", nffrro their f, .111 , it I. in P. 4 nr
J der end •1111,« .1.1 ellent.. F:tolnnT i rj ri ,
`-p' 410 . Pe4.
. _
A Good Opportunity for those who want a
milerrller oflr
p. for role IL..rllaeona Pmm
No. I. Your Lolr En PriElc , Eatil /EEL, as the 11:1,.411 ,
Ward...orb led >mud 'II feat lo 144. Thee- It, are plea
antly lateraol. Itlid *lll Pe at a Imream. eu , the Paste
la, Kt • dlrtanre. arra srldo..L. dimmer. of tla.m.
L' Three Lat. at the o.rne and rtned rola Du
quemme heatol K H a
Milo, busk:per /a.
Prl 7. ' ll7leiTlM. In the rC,,,,,gb or
property 1.6d:0i1-ably Immtea for nooutrr rent> l but a
short dintanee Peen the ell, Imo, ourlaAPrlPled 111,111,11 .1.
No. IL 'Ono Lot on Weletre Street, mar UM, 21 fort UK
\. 2.2, uW J, w{II li wld on I , ,nu limy nl/ n
mnII I.orliun pit thr humhrvv lunne>' .111 Irn~lulrcl In
thnw .tor, linuw.mwr the rnroorof IrOwter sod Elm
otrrolw enntainina 11 twomq, will he rentnl very low tn
hmilhw wan
Apply NI. IL
copy I . RP
irrh27:lru currier Irehoter and Rim .uvetw.
Third Stnw.t. oprowite the Third Pre-byt , rkin alum!,
omona lumur trwiu Fern' •I. Thi, 0 u , wr,omturn ,
rmbiw4inw I , wirlen 10 , 1 u,, and s Iwthin“
rwmu. with hot sal emlal •ater , p ly. uhuw, bat
h. M
Situtitml movement htoinswei cud oturlo.t mud In u
l Id Pill tieiuhlowlum.l—apply on Ow Prrmi" .
unit .21. tr
For Rent.
.tzelq—a Iftme ana ge:4l
Tet &mt. t.Ar .ten , lrmy, or triankpacw-" ,
ale.n f
S . UAl7tl.
Inch2rtrl ' i enrnerGarriFon nllnp anJ fafetG tt
MO LET—An OFFICE on Water, he- t e,r,
)11trktit amt Ferry Erimtire of la
JAS. WI:ZELL. IA II ate,. rd.
OR RENT—A Dwelling House int %I;
Le mu-e,l km, mutt ingroes4..n gt 14.11
Al.—For Elle or Le., mom.. Ir. In the Ninth Word,
betwe , n l'eun Orret and the Alhtgbrnr river.
at Wm). lltalinelon . ., Fourth street, near Wood
Valuable Real Estate for Sale.
Fr IF, SUBSCRIBER ofTvrg for Sale, on 7
U 19.
Inaumble tern, the ltra nib: 'teal Faun, InZ - ,
t re City of Cittaloirgh,
No. I. Three minable Urn,• glory briek dwelling h0n....
Manual Mint. alt. between Martel Allti Ferri rtreetr. the
l n uta Laing mein 19 fwd front I.r It, dem.
Nn. I!. Contsdna RI feet front on Third trtrort. odiortrirnt
the Third Pnrebyterien Church. on whirl, le erectr.t mor
four rtory hylrk holm.. need rag • rusting nano, nod ottr
two "dory Mirk worehonae.
No. Y. Two lots In Yallatnn, Reimer connly. being lota
Nos and 4. laring about 100 fuel minor, on w huh tn.-mi
nd one I.loel of Amy frame dwellings, and one :aware.
Maar .twollinc. all two stone a high.
No. I. mire lot M. feet fmrid rut nor -t, imp - rate the
Marv, and extending to the ripen( the bill.
No Taro lamair iota rmeh Ye/ hot front. and running
nano the mad In low water mark, on the lii, Waver.
No. C. Irne leluable rramy lob 100 feet no, it heel Cam.
with ten efoarra water power stmaherl. .
Su. 7. one lop oppugn.. the wider Int. an brut froth land
extending to the top of the bill, on whirl: in errvnal omr.
two dory ',mirk stun, and warrlsouge. 2.4 'A fret: rdwrone
frame dwelling, two atorioe high.
No. A. Moe large lot In New Mightily. Ihmaer roonM. l .-
in: about Ito fret on I.lnautarry.avd about Mm feet de,.
euntainnarg arr.. on whir+ an emend two lame Inoue
.rut one .null frame Leone. need re an orb...
Thor property wne Inrmayly rromanird by Ilr. T. C. 6.111 , 1.
end le very cleagantly beim: Immediately oppoente
the {'.llona Bruirre.
No. 9 Itne voter Int, linntrattntelv labor Yalbrton laid See
Laing about ha feet In length, and extending from lister
.41+,4 to low water mark. or towing lath.
Thlye *hot, BootMoran(11.1 wlll be 1..1.1 bripfliToN rem favora.bird
ble torn..
end 3ler nt
ket strarts, JOHN YLCYSINtI, Abent.
um. 1121. 'Journal and Prat c01d . ..,
Drug and Prescription Store for Sale.
lora. In • nuorlahina and impnaing P.M of
Foe whendoing a pn ,* . bwinv.•
(oral brr upon easy terms. For forthernano - utak
npGllmrh if 11)11111 a IRIN.
tr.errond at.
I[loit SA LE—A large Brick Ilwelling trr
1 allow., sod lon tirntind. co Bank Lane.
l '. e h li . u ( o .l y " v ; F rl T ar= r r ' e b i;l ' r lia minlfe h n ' l, l l l bltet by Lb.
Pellagra Ir y ~d
In ibe city would tind eunrenr
Alm—Two Lot, Vo 1,1 I" 103. nn Hvbten
"n trilft i g ) 4 ' lßWlN. 111
ra,llll Ert...l wI
J'VOA SALE—Two elwice LOTS, plet.ant
ly Atuatyyl 4.4.• truutfu Dur
tr:tr'2:ll;,`7l7.V.."ll.=dattl'7lL.:ll`!,•• :Az
tm.. apply to C. 11 tY.k.T—,
• elall•ln J PEN N.,11 .
r LET--A W Alt F:IIOCSE. (lituated
rn Myrltyt dsui Ferry
•aa.11.1.• I . 01V rm-.
4,12;re a • ' J
Yso. tiN Water
For Sale.
MA - WI( on atm wriwr rtt if anlr
wlgtotl awl Prrat NV..., awl frovillwt on the
rlT•nia Lanai, In :he 11‘wl.urqh. The Li frnoto
•we huwl,l ann wl Wr/r Let ns. Penn 0t,..t. and
Lawiw4.l . 4:l taw. fecl wui• 11,whinglAwl st.m.
OwllLtim N. me Po.,
Lead for Sale
iNE TRACT of :',1:11 :lore: one Trt, 4
4utu Triwd .11 50 A,ino and two Trio , ed
Aorrd ',ill All the idea, o lona ew unpriw.
wd, !trio. nap qualltr. oddWrd.i: 14 ,- .1../ In , 14 - drw ,
nod will d sold. vt F or hullo,
ite poirr •.1 NI 11. 11.11 , 110,40 , .
rochs o -
. . .
with s,s saws of ground ott.wl.l.l..guided at a .
lILLS. rAibis.Asrrs
♦ FOIL SALY—Trro boor. Flea, 11111. Al.( ob
tla.l4..ret Crook, ultla t00.0.0r, J.. 1. A.
..II on 1r0v..1 lonori In Lao Proro Vox,
rly.r, til 1/... for 3.) Loo.r. Al.,
ner, tIo 5/ 1 0 aero. fung, of I I I'M
fro r 17,, woo.. fro
r 1.1.t0.r.010r ith two,/ "‘lrr 1. , • llrl
our or,* arid to . olrr
A ltornelr Larr sorl al FAA, Ar,lat.
rel.lo Re
01 Irltt,rhoreh
. .
In - 4 1011 SA LE tiR uti PERPETUAL LEASE
.111 or on r...rhelnal oh, nn
n 00.40,24 tnruli, 10. 6 , 0 to 1-pring od.
ter e Ninth 11501 tme
Vooyn.l4l 1., Liherty. an.l AlleFheuy 01.000. .I,liail .Ally r. hem., 104 f. 3 ou 00. 1 .n.t
Alm.' AI 0. 1.100 feet In.titunir Itr.o..or..tre. 1. thotne
dlaudy opposite the Control Itniln.a.ll..yht...druntotteluti
.r.O. :, 11114 1 3 1 !AUL. 1.11 tr.
14 1 °D. SALE—The sohmerifrr ofrers
U W. • Isar, and well 10014 800, wlth dye ...IV
Wed. within three m 11.4 of thin My. 1 1 alter. on
the In of AprO
Ir rwct.
Arty, with • •priur rt.* rontalnino. ov ter th•rmn, er Four
1""r n . 7,,,
I mar the &M..,
A LYn. a lot 0f prowl.' 4. 000 11 Ineheo by 120 1 1 .4t....1,000-
Mr A Theer nes, the oil , 0010.0 he
A yenu...
Ooen Introodiatoly.
o ft io reefs.. that the Plonk will he complete
toot the Or,. property early in the reratine rummer For
further Infrtnatu.n. apply to DAVID Ilk:ELO, Fourth At.
the Ant de....014.1 property
rOlt RENT OR SALE—The elubscriber w 9!
11w.II nr rent lax very de..lrahle iWuntry 8444. 44 444.4
. nee, in Allegheny eity. oltlinted Oil 11h10 Lanv und.141•44
Allegheny A teem., •twt 4.1 11n. I'..nann.o. Ti..' 144.44w4 II •
44, double laid.. 1.41114.1144 a. in nuult.let 4. nwl 4, • nu' , " l• •
euxrisge luny, MALI., hut' grunt realer on the ground,
eonnyrtne two acre., well Impro.4.l 4 44outalulug. e•err
.lewcrlption of fruit; 41.4.4 a .tuing 14uee nu.l entolte hnuye.
P444werwlon glveu whenever derlre.l. .14411•1 ART.
Rare Chance for Capitalists and Maniac-
iIE nadorxigned bring agent for the_own
re. offers for rale la number of town h. in the twin
t il
tttark munty. Ohio. with oat loto and smell
panels of land minduina and near the town. Massillon,
bring altxated on the Ohio Canal, and the Ohio and Tense
olvania Railroad. now nearly completed. Lansing thermgh
it. this real estate affords, perhaps, the heat opportunitr
lately uttered, to prawns who may wish to eng, ain Mao.
ufacturing alumat any drseelPhnit. The alnnelance•nd
N e i
of all the mans Ilvtng, the supply of coal for
hart fur rtes. 'sorer, th• great quantity of wee! boought
to this' market, m. well as the twill... far transportation of
manufactured andel... all romhtne to mace one 01 the.
ost dcalrable pan. forestabltshina manufactures of Iron.
Wool, Cotton. Inds ad of all dearrlntiona which I. now afford
ed In the Wratent country.
f the C
Several Improved farms, In the .kith Canal and
are alettoitenal—a least of 375 sort, of excellent
'timbered landed ying between the canal and Railroad. and
I half a mile (non the latter: a Int of about vitt
Pres. adjoining the Railroad NT. along one gar of hitt ,
the tent 11.1110 OM two wiles..stm.. thir town. 11.
MI keeper.. and tnerehanta will .1.. well to look th 4*-
. Moo they marehnee elsewhere.
The else
of Massillon. In the heart of an ag
pal ~ not rorpm.sed loy any lu the countrt • so well
known that It ir ininenesury to do more than refer
to It to helms. all who wish to make gold Investments, to
call and exeunt.• this property. Title ludispulahle and
long eredit toren if desired. Hon. Andrew W Loomis and
Jo•hua Ibutu. , Patshure
ht will give information
concernin It. and eta enquiries. will be answered ht or.
plisation to Thom. 3lrCullough. hew Janie nr the msoler
' slgned at Massillon l/W lIT J ItV
3lassillon. Meh. 1,7 a febl A
Of Forty Town Lots in East Liverpool,
HE recent unprecedented sale of Lots in
tTthe slues thriving Town haring nearly olhausted
previously laid out, and the demand still motioning,
the undersigned has been Induced to lay out a wrtion t.l
hie ',report, In town lola.. shove, and oilers them for sale
at priors and terms that cannot fall to meet the rloere of
(hue. wlehlng to nurclouce. 111. needless to nay anything
of the location of the Town and prospects it haring beer ,
entnciently described in recent other than
that over one hundred lota have recently chancel handy
cad been purchamcd by Mum aLshlng ntnettrw • dc'ira .
ble hotno.
The above Into.° among the moot
in and desirable
in the Phu.. load an. principally heated in the N•ntre of
tholes recently *old.
For Informalen apply to the proprietor In Liverpool. or
to James Blakely, Fan., Fourth stem, Plttehttrgh.
Maar Livernoel. Feb.bob. 1881.
- -
A Blast Furnace for Sale.
lIE UNDERSIGNED offers for Salo . big
BLAST LlllO ACE. paneled In (hr. enkentn.
hnuwa se I.l. ll Allatoona Furruthe... walk .11 the out.
eAW and tillthr MlLL:and rrery thimi
In rem "II th e Smelting a Orr. 11 . h 1 ,.•
nen . . nf Land straehod. with kukk muchinn, 3.l.nuang
wonld which rats hatrlnna une.m nd per
net., It be. the Ellen. favorable locatlokn In the t l nutla.
making Iron. hakvlnn the urn within one-Italf to me. settle
off. In rgry Inrge nunntltleg. env U' mine, and th.lkllng
fmtn 1.0 w`s per rna. Il a our milk. aria • half frum the
11111. where s ...may .41k. can I. fkanpl
Hlt. 1 0.1051. 1.1. Metnl. nod I. Lao fentn Inc
We•kteru and atlantic !twinned. wider. le ohe •I th e line.
rllun nalngkal.runn.LetanK the Trns.....rne Ittrer Oh the rgn
a. whirls ha y . .1r uf rallrmnlg running . 1 . 1, 11,111
t. finieherl and under •••ntral, paaelug thr.dialz all the
' Tnarne sad In er hen. a read, I.
lanndlnr Metal, M•clarp,, Mellow an, roe It ie
m. In fall bleat narked by yen, wnlk • tall ad In
rIa , Il• • II•v , ern..
~and and In the newt
Nit a Lb. NMI. •
',there cony be .1.1ree....1 In me at P/100511.1.7,. G..
" 1 can
6 " say
' 117;517.77 17 ;T0 V LI..
, t , n l tg.t.: ll l.rel. 1. 11kil.
w AL ESTATE FOlt SALE—The under.
nff , n , P't rt lOW r of
dsng kg, and rnm. ',cry dewrehle wow lor manual ,
wale., In the. Llvroonlf of Birmingham. located near the
new l'ubllr Fwfuv,l Ilausc Knalwr Imtlwran Church.
The rapid growth vf flirnwrinham In rwgulalfan and
rnalwatarturlng ....filth. land the pnevei .1 which
lon. will h., wgd, rroder them a rare and Ilna , llnhir
vertment. This rwrtwt. Terms f a rurable.
ire partlcallars and terms, ens of the underOgned. st
the onlwe of fiewrga E. nu /VW% 111.114.1, Pitts.
burgh. twtweela Ilalrd and Alava, vr of 1Y iliumSymmes sad B. NO , nnu.
Esq . ., nt ttair °inn. in Hint,
toghstat. le2l mons 1. ZATON.
A Valuable Coal Farm for 'Sale.
QITUATED ~o the Bank of the Mo- ~,...
~i iiimAs w ...,.,_ _.____
I 1 non,hrialtlver.RoAtraver tortnahip. Wr.tmrr- i: - ..,
land ,e... Pa., 21 ma, trod. 1...b0i1:h. 5 milt+ a l.ore.nowa. FACTURER. No. 41 South ...mod strew" , at...,
Mownarahele I'ity. and reo-half mile mho, trelpeter. rem- ; . teatnnt. r,..t ,Ide.l.phat,delphia. 151.15,1 y
tamln.: la , A. m•. 12e, , lIIIOre of which fulltaill COltt. Ilti- 1
WIC [Mita-. Jo.rtrt cosnaara
tolniblo torah, for mlnin... beln, inter.eeted to- a ra-
WOODIV ARD Co., W hole-
Tine oF hiel, .lapts It to tbo'nelroluion of fre.h air into the
111111,• Thl. sal ,an all he vonronlentle romlurtaal to the 1 B AG A LEY,
rmr. by mean, of a I,AI I.R.A. which IS DTI . so opera- ' taJe 1. n. No 221 Market st...lllll.lolphi n . 04 1
Lon n o on the hmothwe. Tle haalote .1 the rall"' ''' '''. - ; tAXAM , M. 01.11.
...Inv.. awl the tittl.tltm V ell nlapnet for ba laeloa 1. - .l'l ' ' ''''''.7.''
In •unt, MI! 1 1,3 t11/11 oflen hanthe, for ;he Mal tr iple 1 . , 11. '''-^"i..........,1. , No rth 'I
~,,,,,,,eo t opo n the )lertocoaltela oter ! 1) ,. .F . :A LI), 11.q..71%. AL/15 5, 1.A.r., I I tlo n , o
The oh 0 1 . 0 sh. •urfa,m. noet ,1 amen I. eloarot and ' CIIIIIMIL,IOII 51ot-chant, No. 41 North Water•ereet
oat, olt.anots. t• of ler, .1.... p. e oultt,.leamr onl.ll p a
.... 16 North Mbar-re, Philadelphia au. ,
lIIIIsIS, awl Mack walnut ..l. oel I alaptot to the Grroe,ls - . p.., - ~ . - - • .... •-•
Of aloe. awl all o.tht. 2rata oromontthoonttrr , ~ I,"'', • MERCER & A.N't ELI/. t.enerai 1,,amnr,...
" ' 4 "'" "." ''' '''"'''" "'' ''''''' ""'"'' ~1 mon Merchants. Philadelphia Libertl Minor,
1.. hall.lth, am a v.., oorosot.n.or tar. tdorr Isra-k '
n it o rosenrument , of Pr•lttoo aenerally. Dat....dEnt
Ihre,lne Moo«. alt It ner 1,, r , ••to., awl a book I:itehen ""' " ' .• ''' '''
' l '"'" '''''' 1 ""'" ''''''''. ''''' "."". , .e. , `mhlt. "ram., ' 10/Itlrr Ir. I, ti,[31,11. ._. tt tt trr• r. 1,174,r0N.
,m.A., 11...5r...C., Ilotor..te A nos. r Whop ,oppir of '
IF, W. pOINDEX'rER " & CO_ ilenoral
0.,•i .• co, a oh an oteelL ns ; toot. xt the ,1.. r Th.-0. , '
1, almodantly •u t ,siod unl, .r.,1 ~ rtno it 4 I 4•I It • twatum,doll and Forwarding Morebantaawl Flimr
tell. There s, on ot, tie. p h 11. Y. a 1,11, t 4,,,,”,, .r. • No. 226 Market street. Illiinlelphls. n -, ...
' ''''''''''' ‘""'"'"` ' '''''''s Th.' '' e' '''', To Southern and Western Merchants.
,„,. ~,, ~.,...,,,,,,...1, :0! It,. 1 / I •••ttsf, I j•1: 1•1 1•:.• •t • t•t•
t.sro, It Itlll. ..r tr.- i.,..1 Knit I ,et 1t.,. t•• •••1/t It;/•• 11 I I OUSEL L'S ITEM 11.731 PERFUMERY.
aaer, App....the hnt0t ,, .... o,
The rotor-riles nsportfully forth , & ,tsblle attention
. II I ~ .I 5111 N Tlh .‘, I ,„I,,,,ertra i1 r ..4 I. ..
" Pr''...'"."'.4.'
. 4 '''''f
I /1. tt , SA W 11AllItA11.11. I , ls•htireli. I ot , hI tf , :.‘ t., a ItA •tc, II ,Ilver owl taro nolden Alo a lprt.,
- -.
- - ----
- -- --- - - . \ :.'er h T.* ',17!,',i'.',;;T1 , 4i11:471.7'1 1, ,V1 L 1V , 1Mi..';';':
TRANSPORTATION; ot,l, tiolden Motel" ~.., etw.l.l for porfahtery either in
I E'..le or to the,
ROC ..,,,,, U T ~,,,,,,n t . Min , . CIA., (Almond. Ito:,
tai.......aryp. 185 at.J An-It..MIA Inanvnally atCorralealred nv be martin to
ot 1.. • •
.., +[..r,t, • 1.1,n111 in th;: renotry or Eurnr ,
'".----. .• I • - ,!,g,,.,_:: ! -ZI, 0ur..1..xt Lint Fdarteo—l'eautlfolly trataparrnt. and
LAKE EvrF AND MICHIGAN LINE, 1 f7,....;;;,=‘!.V,', l 4.=.l . 7r,V,A s Ystlfria ll Merr% iiiii::
ON TIIE EXTENSION CANAL. i r, ~.)..0,..: , 1 , 4" ,
CLARK, p AJ:KS & C.., ItomMr.a. Paaadmoi. ; net 15 , taehm. 11,,,,k, Patolaandy , Ihnnit... I 'nOon.l
T 1 d.e. and CraItSISILLI
11E IROPRIETORS of thig old and
_well . . 7 . 7 ; 1 7. , ;.: L . ,, :!';';,:,'1i=r...tizrr,..—iz0,, Jo;rnio. Boa-
Luourn Liu would t o L.rm the public that they am 1 e to Ide l ondiae, tioraneum. Joon,' LIM, 51numeline.Jot k
woe in operation for t he pnera t,,,taon. and ha. o rommet, et Club. Niaenolla.l.lematlte. Citronelle, Itneet. and math.
ol rooerin g Freight and l'a,,,,nLers. win,.ll tl.n. ur..111, , ~t , r ~,,,,,,,, „..„,„.,
,ii ,,.....,
p „,„,„ 1 to o art , to all t eont• . ri the C.o.d. and taper ne
aml slleltloan.. the ..e. rat,. tole of the Ba, of th. !l, r tter, am -a • anety of CelogneY and Larva
-I.lho will lw coortoutl• at the lara. t h e th . Mown. : tler . syter,.
p,)„.1, brel g e. h, re ,,, i , ..i . , X . ~p , .„„„-. , a , at . i 0!'1:',..1,1..' c,''r2t7.:re7gre'l'?ltry,y,n(ail,t''Z''
ionte oor Water awl e.t.a h r.. 1.1 rt,....t.hurrh lron Ilan ht., !h o ng met to °oath, and rhitrwom.,,ltier
t.,NelGNEY.,: lii'';„ ,
•••••lt, 1n ,,, n•ra0.--Imho tta ie rliTir. Lter Tooth '
~,, It 11 . C 1
1 mgr.:ham, Nes Carte. I, . , 11.1 e. I 1,1,1 1., oh it, , ...tontine, Tooth l'.....audT.,th
.o.4ep I , C Nlathea, l'ulaela, PN.
\t' C ..,lan. baro . ' ~as. r.-1, zetaLle INetro t,,, Croant Atosrnlitte 1,11-
J s S Itull, t•har t oloirob . ch•Ol .A heal, C ,, 11 tlre,to ~ Lre,.... Coo., do 15..., Lip
.m Ochre 4 Co . , lownsnlo: Sah, . 1..,0 err, t'svam. A -
11 m Henn. /lAtt , t , nn. i Inoilanr t Ponder, mr remoal., ompertlcampludr-,15arl
It rn Poo.r Conneaulvtlh . l, ....,: n . tp,. Aonoitio lidnop-ar, 5 ictoria
N. Ilord. Erie. Pn . a t. i t eLmon. 1,..t0t, eat', beppl,.., a ~,r k er , of
41 , wpi t p r o,....,falr, N Y al' , '' I other art-tele , . 1.,,t mutton,. to le. taint:d in Ina sa.
The attherriber hopes to matntainthe rrvntAtion which
I thu earahllebtoont ha, acquhett. by disposth c Of nothing
, lest tort rate articles. and thll be happy to forntah the.
-» a no mar ooh to patronise him. tith e r wholexele or rota.,
on la. reasonable terms aos any establl , hrtosnt In the United
, .9neeey, to Ithl forrnor Dirartnr of the
Forty-six hours to Philadelphia. taa;ENE "`"`"
114 (Tarnot gt
Forty-four hours to Baltimore. I Or. italtrei PerfulnerT"i: ton nap by all'the principal
250 miles Railroad-103 miles Canal.
Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats. 1 DrOcatet In thacountry.
EXCLUSIVIII.V Volt Pkserwr.lts.)
ON the opening of Canal Navigation, Two
lk 1.1 r.—
.I.l.nsto E,
tagrhomm nill Imse fur
gro, azvne, Ppr Railnvu l
Them tn47pu
T wo llnnitrrd
Time ti, o li FORTY-91S Hour,.
t „ sia ha, In Ik•Ilitm•ro,
nr. • raid of Lb.. Cl/0211 1 ,1U ,-
p,k.t. 1.. n looming ri;ht o'clock.
tb...mme hour.
Passeniters for Baltimore.
hI urritnl ot Corn at ilurrlphisre. uolt, the York nod eure•
I.•rtand Rai Inoul. now t•• that tit,. • tug..
tour lone. FIR: It b,.ur..
No charge for handling Baggage on this mite.
luerce,.l!•yer.l mut,- thU the tn•••:
ou,l il,trohle route: now to the La•teru
tor to..uage •., lufurinselou applyu.
J. I'. 1101.11111,.`1, Agent,
Mononuaho:a House.
I). LEECH 5: ,CO.
l'aual Fusin. ['ono r•trot.
the 1.1 ••I July. tho uuht kutloout
0i1: ,, w fitioale4 to Lueltpurt, which aaftloorleu the Unie
throgh SIX hours.
littoinurzu. FulcruLrf 13. '3l
Manufacturer's Line.
1 8 5 I
- 7 that tllO LINE. ..11,t011 t 1 1 , 11 , 11 0,
10 , 0 01 full 0,..r. 11.. n. rem, Otr.-
tltt .1 !night t.. 1 1 1111.utelphm 0,1 1 0.01
Ir.t&ttlo.ts, In time, ar.4 100 0400. L. ..1 11
•410, r.4.11nr 1.10,
t,./.1.1 1inr..1... 1.- n tntol. 11 , r ear.) tr,
Alrtat.lnn. tllll
1. Nett Mr, ..,tOOO. I. 01.0.5.. 11.11110.
N.-altar, Clark'. Fen , . a, and .11,ah
t. lutt•rtto.ltate point. oti the 1 . 1.111, i‘ n:.114 /...,-
.Ite 1,111,01 110.10 g e Ir.!
do. Juniata- prtmaptt....... .01 regulatrtly
cl the luttest
T.. ," 1 1 '1i 1, 11 1
utn 11,..0-tor
i',Z,TT,I•P r I t. i (..a r., 1 ir. =sac.- ~. ,_. .. /..a. .7 /,',..: .t an o alitimt.
I T.._, •• a • --..- : Al. .-.c ... ..-.. , ..' armat ti..t. aartletna ' atMatiOn to oar Domestic
A 1.1 T 11). AL,' PEA A aI . LI %AI t It All:LA:. Fail[ 0 asitr-d,sr., Draaer, and Kamen.
0.17, I . :It: 110 l 11.0 Tr , 1•1111-11,1.1.1 . 111.1. .. 0,11 ,Alt EAI AN & no.,
i.mi. mehl.l-..n. , ... .t , l • oh, tone.
..... 1 lir. Hot :I. t.CEVER• NY THE UNITED STATF.S.
Mail Lines of Splendid New Troy Built' - -
Coaches forHollidaysburg,
er 'I,.
Ana rro. :', -, .e. :118 .1164 0, the
NPAr I'F.N NNYLVA NIA 1{.111.1:0AD
'lilt ts FLUID it eornpon•ri of pure Silseri
Fri ..41.77, .... „ ,TZ. ...Z - ;`,••;•,, .. 7.7 -"..-- .-- - -7 . - - it:. :. F • 1, e, 4- e. " ,7 " ,A. ' 7,?..! ' ; ' .. ' 11. u :;;1;:t7;...% ' ..i . 4 r: . ;in.. ' i r °l l l ‘ . ' :
TO l'ilibulelpina. Neo York. :iii l 8A . ..n.1,, :,„....,... do., !to) /-..r..0 u„.. ..:, a few minnt, r...
. . . ~.inal ten, ~.1 plans! ..0.1... melt a. Cad....
1 . 1•41. 1 1 11 1.....• 1 .1 t ..1. 11.105. t0i1e...n..4...40 1......... 1 urnam ami lhame.. I. unLl
~,,do , all ~.... i scev 31.dmn... At • ..-1,-4, 1 c'rl .v. ~,,.. m,,,,,,,,„ 1.,, , ,,,,,,,, 0,, or pLate with nom MI., on
1 ...0t5.•e• or barman Ed., Th. ... arrant.. is MO
; .r. t..... , 11. .11 uf V.. •L w 3. • Lt. n 'MD .... T l . • ta .IV I. r st• ,ntudortslo Inn e•ery ...11.1 1 .
oOw tn., 1,.:. rood:staid. amt It". roU. O. ...-o, .; .11,1..1 1.,v.e. A IMmai duarvotal to J•weler•
r 3.., 1 . Ilarrtomr. ssr. t ..t. LL.erne.: . I LE. 1_,..- al ~,- .4, I, ,141IIN J. DROWN.
0, , ~.,,,. rt, :, la .ms a . , r ire 1 olffin dm, Aew lork.
• 1! -, Ihe !LA, Ogler by the ..i.... 1 ,n... , ,..1. r , •
..burh• Intel. A.• 4., Mood , met Pot I. Shawl and Mantilla Warehouse.
„„•,,, , ~ 11...1:i,...1, ~,
11!\1 ST-e,
1.1:-.D4)sED OF - 11.kLIT 31 . 1" IN- . l'a • l`p Awn,. SEIO 1 MLA:, . new I T..„1., on„ of
0 ~ g 1 .1 1 A F,Ly,,,,,,,w ,a !I S_ t o a,, , F0gy.,....... awn and . ..
awn.: .1 of EPRING AND
.1.t:1.1111 N ..11 101 tn. 1......., 11..
at ffil...
~1. u.II I rr, ...1 11 0 1 1.11 •11 AMT., tv. r Leh,. receme.l. AK° L ACE
of'., , ~.a , ,
~,,,,,, „..,., 0„. ~, le sal am ro 1t,,,,t 0 ,,,, A Alt L-1.1, and all tat.....f r 1 1.0 11. A VTILLAS mann:awn.
, ~.,„,,, tt V. lll No ItA it r.. 1 1r... On. late., Par, troth:us. received by the ettumere
sen• part...0h...1,Y ~,,,-1 to the St nOu trate
Bingluuns' Transportation Line. ,1•,.. • v. ea en•endal dock IJ PAIIAAOLS AND EM
RI, t.1.1.., rat fring , l sod ;1:321.11 ..11111 moon
~,....,,,,, , re' ...MLA. -,ymMTLt. and -W. and run. !dna Pam. 111, t. Cot.. at- .......•
ri, g p ..„,--,..,-,-. is., L r „- ham 1 adoclia. AI: of win. h 1.11 lo offend at estrerawlY
low yr. , - 11.. a.m....11r melte aur Wertrna (mamba. ea.'
ILETtt EEN , . , anoL.. Lair ......1, t01 L .7.
PITTSI I AURFIII si THE F..kSTFiIIN CITIES. m :, - -,111, -. cilt.: AT.• I t DA LI m •AhrhiFine: Lt 11 , :ti ,, ...1
ri E CANA L being low e 1.,. v . , dee n.o. 1 • nr.l. "`• Dlt rap in mama for transportation. • ILIf
dt to mg. And r rod,' ,e.oen., holt.. .fli SPRING IMPORTATIONS I
..rrhatallo . ea., and aryt 4
Irelants al,. sat Inv.-1 r.t.... :has ....I dr no,onole 1 C. 11. HATCH w CO., ,
Line. NO 1 ..; 11111 111 It STREET, NEW TORE,
Produre Luel Atemha...l.7• 0.11 lw .........J ant A...ranted
...0 and 0.. t. without at". ...barge Kr
•r .1. i 1 1 AVE now itt clitr,-, mud arc constantly ro- fres,Ala r0t5.m......0., , ,torave. s elieing 1.,. stesumn. Has mad extelo.ltus.ortment of I
n.a,. ~1 don°, tweeer,l-1 ....I 3 , 1 .11..,..imfaithfullY , ern., 1.111:1,11./11NO GOODS ever la.fora ofter,l, ,
attended to. Add... or appl. n. ' eadonetng the latest and richmt ',Lyles of erzrant..alurta,
,1 0 51).011AM a CO -Canal Dann, ' 61....... 110.1.4,. Au.ffindent Under Garments, London
Corner laborte ram Warm.... lAtteltargh. `ilea, Stork, ..11.1 Salta Ihmainh w'' wren IlandkereddrE,
DI StillAM . DOCE. INI Ater`set at_ T o Inme.s. Linen Collars, with • variety of other ar-
between Fourth oat !A11..., Iffillarieloblw To len peculiar to Welt Ilio. of buro All of which will I
JAMES AVILA:IN. Ammt. Le add at the eery lowest priers. Our Western fnmala are
No: I , ' North hues
-tn.,. Daltmonre ~..t..,1 a, ...amine Lateen.* fel.dam.
.1.•‘1 Eh HINILHANI, Nn. 10 Weyt pl.
Ls•hi N.• Y•TI. , Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink.
i 3 O N., N . E i. ' ,.. S , E3IPIRE 'INK, 85 Nassau street,,
a;- 3 e . r. - I.S 5 1 --...., __- _..-- ---,,,,' -3.
.10711 ?MR; tO s IIIC T....
Pittsburgh Transportation Line. 1 ?warn , Pr?: Ob. .1. ~..1 um.. per dos..
.10 01 EA O'CON Atilt A C.O. Cassel 11.. n. Dlttehorsh• `'lute. .. "....•• 1 0"
4 ...
SI TER..I AM Es 1 Co. Dep., lioral and Cherry streets. '"z•
and A., 11 :moth Fourth Ldrech basemen 11100th and Client. I Th„
~, On draught, 1.-r rtalion...-......20 cents.
MO A.... Phiadelphia. the twat article manufaffintud, It cror. frUUI;I
- ICo, 70 Annn greet. Baltmon. . Is a g.... 1 COPYINLI INK-and will not corrode, mould.
II Arl NG foul- ~,,,,,r1 ..1,..i nor. arrange- ' l ' ..i ' Ve l •Tdre ' li r i l,' ;•?iie ' lli ' ll, ' ;ird ' igie 'll m t e he ll. C u lfSt. ' i ' Ln a tUl s .
I men.. we will 111. promund noon the opening .1 tar i tamably adatnal lor the Stml Pen. .
n, Iranta Canals. to ~..r, fra.l_l,t 1, , am! fa m Mtn- 1 'I he oudeomn...l .• armumal 1, funaluis Lo the made el.
horch. Italtimom. iduladelphla N.... lak. 1 1
11 Cm. t tior f. .r ex., or 1, , tar ronanaption, at the Loa n •erl
inmli. - .onarile. ht Lou. 30 , 1 all the tart mid Wed. al 1 b.• I.r.LT". Put ....." Ist order. and dl.m.nd in an, tart
p,„,., raw , ~,, a ith a , ar ,.,1,,,,,,,,, a 1,4,
fu l l a n, c o, ,of 11.... t, fr..-. f charm. No charge for ran, Ilarruh.
I . Line. 111 cords dnoted 1.. nor lA.. am fulls covens] i "r Cssr a , amr....i s"...nat. Ltettvoffi
m anure," wan, any .ffiarae to uvr tiers,; THEODORE LENT,
uol. affored I, any other Line 0 WI; SS Naffieu K.. New York.
Ail crounonamtmar addres...l to ourwelve• or agent, ' ... a ...A... ~ tg
Iin:1 A Co , Ciortnusts i. It I 1.1.. Lott.ville. ..n.l Loa. , A ; Murphy's aei,-Sealing Advertising Errtel
-0.b..,,,,..,1 Loos, will mmt .rill
pomid. .11,111100
rllre ‘ lllll2: ' ll r rit i l ' ri ' ll! . ll ' ;:k L2 l; ." TrTerrr.t ' ol, " i1.7,'`‘117.. ( -- - v, U. 263 MADIX L ST.. NEW YORIL
kin. ACo lehgli I .1.1 The •..barriber. in a:lie:tine : none ttonags Oral: wa s
- , m•y re this advent...mete, feria of that bra:Cann
_..„„-, with wawa a neve article I. brought before the public. Alm
..„....,..,„,... 185 i i 5 ii,,, 1# . : ,: i .., 7 „,„ : exfgoletu• of • elall h. retablubol their . 1 1.... 1 .1 1 b" ..
4, 1, - , ..1,.....e 5,0
Merchants' Transportation Line, ' y,,,0f:11z.b i m1%,...,17, , ,1t.:e:71:p 0 n0:;=.
(VIA PENNSYLVANIA CANALS osn RA1LR0AD5.).25,.... , „ , - `
:'Olt I'll ILA I)ELl'II IA DIRECT-WITH- i 1,,,!, , ,, ' , ' , 1° "" "1". 11 ' ° ° ft ' '' °I. the r••• ' " 5.• 11.... r "..
1)1 T RE-Slll MIN.. ' lat. On the plam occupied ay taw ..1. a Pennon may
C. A. I,IcANELTY 0 00., Canal Lamm. Log loin ....... , have to* iman. forams, and adder.. commionously and
l'ittaborch. , In mail - oily eadoesed, colored or plan, thus agoreling par
t 11 A 111.1:A ILA I NOR, Central Mork. Broad .tree[, Phila.. feet wwurtty against fraud.
d. Iplua.
Ale ... prepared to render ~ larLre amount merchandise, et
MA Tb i. • E'''''''P"
''''''''d '6th"lut I'd'
0 d'
I The He,,,,i Body I...tat Berapirk!,
and f.ralure to :hip on the °month of the ranals to Ptah,- NI. Neither wax nor wafers .• moulted to 4•1 them .QO SAI S NATI.:111:, to 11.0.., a h , ..iluly ap•
delphla, atvl all Intermediate , Ida. at lower rates. and in nth. Cron am int..., o f .1,44, u., ...I ineuresill ~,-, gramme, ati lets, nal do not torso:Yr. an 11061.
leo. time than le any preeiour ...n ImmedLato retort. to the sender, instead of batuE httffied ,n, ty.j pace: d: ;1 ...-ktts 1......... ca, Non, JeAsa' Italian
ETV. N 11 The lug awl nundwr of Truck. yourlded by . alunala in Ulu Letter lffil.m. I Chemical gam, e........ 0 • fro, ~....r....t0n. and a i We eam•
the Canal Conantwinne. Ibr earryina. our bcets on the, oth The I:nee/Mal ago faruishol at alum[ the same j 0 ,,,,, m ,,,, ss , ~,,,,.., tee
~•,.., g ,.. h ., : ~ , , , ,
hmto Railrod., 1.11 „nor, au. ',ability ..f delaY at. rime . .1 ,1 " ,1 ... ,- . - ' ... Infant's
hno.lown, llolidayrborg or 1,,,...nbm, 1at.........0n. t th had:. letter mailed lee most effective advertisement.
.., 0 , 1,0
0,.' .,1.
'.l a gu ..,...,..„ g o, n,,,, 0 .,,101,,,,t 0 t, in
t' A. 11.LAN1 . 1.10 . L'O. Auft 10 attract the attennon of all through .bur 'Ls." “ . c.ired I. 1. L0w.... ii_o_NL : .1,......0.• lu ..; Intk bura,
fe1.15 Canal Hann. ou r ' pass
. ... rllll .110.11. IR It 1.0 of prier. for Dm, engraved on 1 ~ !. ; ,.",,,r',.`.;',',..',,u,'...h . 'ir.",..',::,,',.'. d ...." .. ' ,!. 't .2, ' .. n . :-. L...L. n . ' n ' st - s-, 1' .....w .h.". TL 1' •
, ow he:ow...A watch nal law[ for years: and of Ravr.n.rffi. of ..,...„,,,,,, , r ,,.. ~ ~,„
~, , .b.s.
~„, ..n .
1i ..... .--w..-
. . ,. .I-1, 1 8 ..) 1 ... ', -- ; .- 42 , - „, tbe .... mther waste .. buff.. f .7...nt tuP • r. our .141 .1/1 ; no . u. r .....,„:; Lem..., 1 : -..I.c . W: 1t L . , .: outitti
• - w.:..." .." wt...-:-......1 i made ~,,..1.,... wni, mm.....1arew.....„:
~,„ . ~,.,....„„ , fl .„, „, „,,, ~„„i, _,. i,, ,
.„„,, „,,,,,,_,.
To Shippers of Merchandise, Produce, &c 1l'"'""'-' .9 ''' .1.”'" ll' e!..,...f ' .. 1 . ' I T" • " I ' . r•: ` ...r .. ''' III ..- " .. ' 1 ' ••LI I .' .I.ET.'
•L 11. Irian nr 1..... .......... S 4 ... ,„, c sell it tar the r.,0,.. ti..1.,4 I 1.... u. 1; . 1i.. 1 1 I Mare.
m tarn rant[ rim:argon 011100 . 1.L.1f10....t . ..... .100. .).1.. . ;100,1;100 ••". f :. :- .". I 'll iac..., who are Imble to ei..1,1. ,-x.a....e.i,..ret.0, ted Kroh,
REI.I.INCE PITTSIII.IIIGII Tit ANSPOII- "","'" • . o.odemo -..--- • ',in rot thy hua'y u . - , .. tI 1 1 nut
ni 1.• , I 1 , .. , our, only add. DIM cam ..Et attm . ..l with rmy ,f t. , ...a1.0.,
TATION LINE. , hot, :41 ....1 , .. • i F,,..„„ 1 or tludlar awn.. w!.l Mal IL, all. ant earn m... re t.dat.
ATKINS & (.0.. Proprietor. Na =7 ?dulcet. and 61 . ••• n. 1.. ,
. 1 ...:, , ..,• , , 1.7,,, , ...,,,,,,, ..,,,,....,..,.. retie in .. ILL mvpertn a) than 1 Loa,
Comm.dVe street. Phitsdelphla. ' "I" ?
' " "'
' , ‘ a n r,.l., mom to • retveffiable New fork . gI C., ••I • 01• ' II. • ILI ' 111-IT ' . •to I -... % ., a ! . .l . l• hu•lsdiET
BELL A LIIKIETT, Agetste, eioni noon. yoddoireh
.111 S TAYLOR a ffilA. A gen. nopirdeen w ‘ 2, mu l i t ,,f,.. t hoy IL only of NA M..1.1.1:KAA , A, tot, AgeLl to 1,ll.
cr,.7.,.';iTl',"2::;llient. All °Mere will meet with arompt ' •Isl " III• T .II . Oak 1 . . S"'''' . DE.....thenrun' ..1. 1.-stnn
AVe an, 0110 I. on the opening of We Pear,: lewnia 1 ....Mtn , IF •1tmme15...,,,, ~,,,,,....,....„ N.. y.., bead of Al o.t.
Canal. to connuet Mr Fmight at ag lea rale.. ant hi le „ I Mod , : Imprtnaptl,. it let[ at the atom. 1 -
. 1 ' 1, ' ,..... '" 11 'll.l's.h."`l care a• n r l . ''' 1 r 1.1 i.,j 1 .17,,1 '' ‘ ' l ' ; ' ..7 n
,:• 'I o.1 1 :11 . . 1 t M.., To Walt atreet, or of Meter, IL , Pearly en
White' ei. :lie! Pr B
ne ri+, to
_....._ 1 ....n.:lruan A .0.. 1,1 Wtlllron ~ t . le had for TS ornm Tr . I
-Kra. t...•. 0 have rifficr.ur. I,CUCI.M.
;OLIN .Y... 1... N C. -11.1011 e.... C. 0.... c1ub...... In .. 1 .01, Cram same Li, aunred alb If thew m.... Li. .- ..e •t, foal, or their
MePADEN & COVODE, I a.....,5i , .. ,,, ,... , th...... 1. _ feb:Maltlen . teeth demmod. dark or yell.m. ant .....-rueted wsm trmar.
leoccesaurt to Jahn ADA mien hCo 1 , Professor A. C. Barry's cop erous, 1 the Meth as win m ea rtu , v, am! .... ffirsto .4 mumti•ll
Cana/ Dunn, P ,,,, . S''''''. ; A k it IEDICAT Ell C.7(1MP01.7 ND, infallible ! " 7.1,1 1 i.l (Cl'. ffi'LL s• -' • " r . I °ld II
.it for ie....wing. In. mr•urn, ta......ine Web a r . 1 .tr.,,,L ••• '' . I • ' ... TT. •''' 1... ' 501 1 's •
Penna. Rail Road Ca-Central Rail Read. ;.„....,n, a.. -.,,,f. daitrot.aud ...1 .0.. ~.. a th• •Ndp, 1
TII E sulmerilier , having been orionool : •;`,',.,',_;,',':',,,;,,;',`.. ` r, ' , ' , ' „..„L ' ,, ` t:T ' ; ' , ' 11.1iZZ1T,„, ° ,,,c, tb ..;,..1, ' ,,, d• ; - . I A Seiennlie Ilair Tenn-, iie.ddeeearl Bean
shipping aent , . for the Peun•yle mu. . L.' ..,tr.... had . ,,,,..., ' Mit. Oh pro amato, mi.,. /, . 0 ..., r,r,_•tr,,„
hood mono the public that we are
co., ,r.,1 to .- 1 a ...d •• ..,, •1 he r..t o.ortn.h. to Amara. mroteal Men '-'„'... I. ,"*• I .... I.l*l ' I '
.... any men-11.0ms or pnalurt tcr duclu.... ••••L •L. th. I. t tn. 1.1.1 .et etulneom , rum:rent Mt:sena of all roofer ' `''''' T ••'• I' . I " "T' • •- ' " I' •-•-. •• •''''`•-• •
hum • , F•• Late .....1 It tor , ea r. ~ t i,,,, 4 ,.... , ,a,..-;,.. ...,, • . . . ... at, t at:wt.:re
44'"" 1 . . a ' s ' n 'l t ' l.. n ta n :::t.... ll 1 - .•rr0L1..........1. ": I • I ' "i• or ..........d 5me , .....e. winut tt vita amen., m.rib g„. ;odor. , mt. n..,1 1 ... t. ... •' ,•L ....6...01 left ?
tvt :II enomaa,d „,,,, 1 ., ~,....„,, ~,. ~, ,„,,,,,,ta ~ ~ arta. ',lc. u 1..... las tammo. and earl.. the Lear, . r .....1,..1 a. ~ . -.. •.. .... hmr EtAw n. , • :, ! .. i
rt and ,1•1„,„11 Lal„..: a mend., ourtuh ',
' I.'
' '''.‘' ' Ll . 1 • -
•• I ' ' bar. ' I ' "I ' ' ' '. -'
.. 1 , utlyi.m....prmra...tma... le , and rile:Muir Llta.... ,f , ~ - .- 1 1 1 ...: . 1 . 1 ' .! „ 1 1 1 . 11)", • :.' . 1 . .,.. ,1 ..!!._ ...Z.' ~,J,,,,ti 1 ,,,,,,
,t,. G,„.,, 1.....,....,, Bool....,111:1 , ..! . Cu 1.., . COO.,
, i v•lnrountla turtertut.l in toe out I l l ' , t rt. • ;P. •.0 , ..." .. o; gr, L,l,..y.,rect,
guin, Feather. Furtot ore. 15 , r i u ,. . ,.., N. , ..1 ,r. 1e , , ,
~,,1 1,, p m r iu. ....t e, . , n r„ t ir. . .41, . .fc., , , . ., ,, ;t ,1 ., ,,,v m. .1 1./. 1,r, , ,, , , , ,..4 ,„ .,t,,1. ,,..,,
.L. ,
~, .
~.. ..;,.,..,,,..,,
.... L ,:, ...... , _
...idler, It ...1. , 4 ,
11.,,d•ar.. usw, mu... t; merry... P.n., D... Atotb. o .l., 1 awn, en.M ea.. of the arlteg, hare enabk4 yv,,. ~.,,,,,,. • - be - b • ' •
I....ther,klover. I tax.lanothy and other Urn. Mad., • ...Lyn). It et T.A mnt•ree tattic, ohkt, It ,v,,,,, no ~, ~,,
le •av b , llvl , vv., - nt lee, vnan tb• prim td IMF Other P , PO, 41.T1 , • .10N ES N 4 1 ,1, . ,, zd . 1, 1, a I.,i , luid liinoan
f ,... ,,,. th, f 1. ,, ,,. u„,,. r . ~,,,. L.,1 1111, Tt.i...... 0 1... , the haw now in Lta. Tb.• arientttle Meath. , ot. 1././ loor 1,0 I .., for the ..I,nntur rf w t.... ml. or vney Mur,los
~ T a llow, Oman ago 1L....• t r .' , •.'" and Ow - Flo ....taring Ike a t 11„.....,„. foe tk,,,,,. ,• v .,, , ,n Loves...l' 14a I. t ~.,d, /a ato nun, a ,
~,,,,,,,, \ L ar m e (rough, A.m. Ptlch. Rodir, to run,. t lay, ' tom cal nreu.raat/.. of oat unra etiClP•t rnauent." ' ''''--- '''.•.' " ...I 111
Lev:lA IN Its wtorl. each lattio la enelroad.l• &lon...worth the trn, ...1 L.. WII .1.,Km,A,..101.11.A.1. !.Lard at Wad.
Hof,- met One!. 0 tut ont: ' The !affinity Intween the ruetnavanmwhich,.....totr :11, Int , oral .
. .
rain and the hair, whieh drama itst ...c.o.- tn., ttne .
1 I:All PI PE - Cot , lbli ' l l im P r° '''' l Patent I Minh: one:dope. Is rte, r hue- Altnlveant• nt me /nee or JON ES' LII.J.VIVIIIIT..-Lieliee a:et:au
. j Lewd Pi, for 11? a.m.. ! ...Mato in the /Ado Ilf the heed. If tau pon , ol . 1 .. TT' , " , . •L. rt 1,. - 1
t , ' elnactal, or ifs
no 1.1.....1 and outer duds do nut eers.- • ned
, a.... +
~ I n-,.. i . L. . unn° orwrand Chalk. 71:ay , .
t, t .„,,,,,,,, , late frmly thrOugh the entail te,wl• stiNdi 10. the [ not 1 ...• • I"' • t.. , o • !to-, Ha..) nuormvu mla to ine rata
11, than smtlart,, , with omieture.aml impart 111.. to thr fibre*. the rm tilt is , "'. . •• •t.t- '• ."... • , -1..... • el.-.. , . and ut,l.4lllAby
UO. domino!. no.fititne at the ham, hra. t.... dm in., ' t .. P 'M
e1Vr . ...1L1. , "....• In I. , titEalk: ErrffigEffittl
, and L.A.:war of Ito 1... mm. I. on.l , ma. haldn.-.... the initr ,. :s . . • • sd•os ..,, ..: ....L.L. Mct naLE .
and to aerie, tor mi. by
Dhit Intl, ti,,,:a , , care may be. hdroula. i1......1 to hmottaul swoon with ".: ... , r rr-0.-- , . , ---...!..1 ,, ,,,..ik....1e0.1uebta
the Truu la .111 Lb , metd arawk. remvernor mew , ed , +.......• r1....t. I LII, V., ,i, II 17.4,1..,„;,1 0 .„; I . P nu., l
.i , , , , ,, , ,,, ‘ „,, ~,,, , It . twrartlt inn., at i 0100 (1.1111.1 1.1 all Sider
. . D y. will antillalan the d 05.... t' ,, ,
~,,,,,...,,,,,,,,, . a,.fin. v. •nd st yawl'..,.i tr., -Lc. .. L, EvalLIM, ra
il 11, ill Ell P EAC II ES --- I Is sks. for mle by "ki..... 1 1 lit' •,;,-......;,, u : ',....'," :, i , , ~,„. , .t....u.r..:.,, lone 01.0. o ...• doo•do-oduonmeen
„, r l,l 1 IA ICK At Mr(Letblll,trnl ' ta:17,,:1: r ' 1 d , .. , "'::,; th ,. , ,,,,,,,,.,..11, „... T,,,,,,,b.,,„. 1 .e,,,, i .,,,,„,. p .ti akin- . butt..., a ne.,..trd ~,,,ach. .
1 iItIED ltl'l'LlS-10 btt. sup. D. Ap Ales 11.1111 " ° °" 111 "" ."°°. .11 ' 1 1 " a ' n'u°'"`"4 '°1"" 'I 1 1,‘„,..2 ' .A,L ° l * - ;,1 1 1,; . i. 1 • ",:` , l .1 , - ,t l . h: . '-' , ....,1t h. hi r - 7' 4
1.,• -, noij .. ... p . tio. on , . ao • • •n•• • •• •• l •'.."" ' " ' ' ieh reoeind er. I d001.,....1ie, u " "
• ''''-'
mid In noire mduem D• T ''' - . .r.
" -J. " ' nAcl9.7 ''''''' ',
"-. " LIII'd ll'
. NI
' ' 17 1' d . . 7 . 1. l'ul ' ted . TATtei '' nTan " . EI.LE It s ' NII:DIC i N Es.-- usLIKE
.1111tIED rt;.ic II ES-150 b.. (prime) Cur' ° ,,, 1 1 ' " 4 4ru•''''.‘"hr."' ' .bcyrnu, S Au. rerun! I'ATL•T Mhuicv.i..,.. -
oom be omd.r! Jb. L , ll.NVOllni al.) ..,-_-_-:-. ---
DAI'EP. 11.AGINGS-SPRINGSEiTEC -- -1 ! ~, , Blank
- Mffilga THY.IIMML Feb. 21, IFYLI.
Mr R E.. -I ~,,, livahr:dou am ambit all 01.1tcr
1 TI. , -Wilt t• nan't real, by [oat canal arrtralv, a , 'Flit. largeot Sleek " !if Blardk Boalo, of or- DlL . :n iy t .i ll l ed:: ,, nee... May . alra l•-remiag ini.x,osid u 0.,,
. oon ormoof binding. La ',arr.' for Moil.. Ttru half arnty t db, tent tar net a.. own, arc
raw an,' donee awoortment of French and I.M.teru PAPER 1 eri •len'ttl . “"' -
11.1.161. AG., in hold darrivnt. bunt, t and .1 I I . it•
t „,,,„,.,,,,t, .1,,,,, , ,,,, „f „i„„ ..,,I. 11 .. . ......'•' ' " . 1 S. II All EN S n!..k oo•A Store, Leery nrm who ma)
I. It an , Cconwro t, corner Market and Second ta. ackl,CobStl t l atttP• '
It'ALIED. P. 31:11:511.‘1.1.. '
'o" trlch7 bY, ad rL lirr Inn. err requreted,tecall neat traandu• car W11*1.10.. , Th lior
--1- -1 um aent IPM: D , Mi.., *MCA lILT. ea," 4, jr,,,,,-„,,, milt
EGGS -3 bbl. for sale b i ~.,,, , .• • • . lb./ al h , * . r. , . b..1 , In tris dlr. •.ad t tlig Wolf ,
men W3l EL JaII"..MIXEN. - {rue en mmm,per. mien elem en sew
U'IT II INSON Co.. Nola Spruce Street.
N LW IioRK. Plu J..ale lonnntaelnr..r. of the
ENGLISII INKS, (.. , rSI,I and Llth.,.
11,4 for Ime 11. +:k and J.. 1. Work, whit+
thf:vArtaut nmatortay; and to
xork now
Ink.. 3P. ratql a tngier n rink
and wrstranenry work noperivr loan,' other lake nos'
ea,4l at prler TZ,iog 12,m 75 ete. Kl.OO pre lb.,
lot up In not., and lorawan.lecl in order. •
IL L t..A ale., runnuLytnre calnr,l Inkliof every rinuloand
,nn , ,,,rylng front $l.Ol a,
1k orLTox & CO.. Successors to JOHN
It•mft nil tolot~ \e. York Citr• to their
n ' s 7 r
of Fortino and:Dom.,tie Fancy goal Staple
I , nl Goon,
That .ok is ..olin.ll new. and to tuldstlon still reenire
t.F saner. tww, and rtmont style, conlint4 exelo
s,..l, thl.. how., tno. of rrrry vorietv Drr...,
finnol tlo. Frexteit, Grrniqn. Endli.A. and dm.
doo mar , es.
.01 at f.rwvaL that tri ll defy rowortilors.
Auden and Mrrrbaoln nnturally will do well to
rah 1110 ....amine our •nak...r oor good.. an alaptod to el.
.ak.. .
In ,.pan no 11 t
e Jmca the.w.w of s.ry hens fitror
U. sith I m lr pavu
Yon, March. 11,:.1.—diorbcd4,1?..w
No. 7'..) & 81 (late 76) 51AIDEN LOSE,
• - SEW rats.
Ihrertly oppGaire Me Old Stand.
f:ENTLe.VE.V. , .IRTICLES,ran.
I .4, .lr,rts on , ll , ,t.,—llery and Light, Wool, Ack
got:, ,ltker. Burk. Mprlnc and Cotton. Doulvd-Ir wad Foe-
Silk, Mrde; &antral. and fancy of all
nt. rrf and
of erect kind.
s roc all klndx.
ra re
Pane) Snit unit :atm. Ikavr Ln.tlFh
FRI.I, 11.41.1. Prinen Albert Bornthera, 7rlßal Indian
11.6. Ilangereh f s—rcr s. Linen Cana 'e, de
,pdr,,r,,rr—Freneb and Englif h, yr, Domeztic
, ilk. Linen. Thread. and all the late. of
~, , , ,,ihaker?.:llrtl.. Lamb's Wool, Silk, Linen and
G•ocot—.arts.Caudlmer-. En,Leh. caul
1..&r to ..otxttaarr t.ortton. au] lure., tca.
Pitt. borkla
1).-krii , C. TurrLE, Attorney at Law,
, st.tonn,M.
rcmi , ll
OLIN II. RAN K I Atn trliEW anit
• r., 11. }.-4-6,4,1. Itakelkok
31.1 . r. re . t.r. J. t. Park,. Ititcolto k
Fri I E un,kr-qizned haying entirelr
ennnnlnn: In 1.1 a 1... thnw Luo.lrod onal
to: nlanalo ?non.. IL 4 it II now wooly
nv rewrnon 'nut w -, 0100n...1-Vion or the travellDOZ
onrontunlll •
- • •
All VI rit.L. , •.lthe
the, crtm.Lton, hgtat NT.-
wont. which hdr.. it - Lnrir.s
1.11 ndverthattdetit. tit ti , by hie
ip.ind to minderr nt ti-rfeci
The forr.itid, to, U. ruder. newitidl% of
d.. 1 viirtidd ti it. ...titvitals. 1 1 .1,rtildr
monE., u ill Le fnuLd t.i ~ r ti
1.0, t..iutifttil
to re. Zldi non, rt 4 on and the Lours for
J n. to nail 1.1. c pota•ildtdonre uf the
early and
department rill L.. oirldtutted ip nn maitictrittions..
Id. nnintd,, the ttmt th•
Iledw r site
rnnidpiin• Ontrumption e Vie Lunar. Afit!vc
rho Iton:Uriti:,ll3l.l.3
N. Ifro,t cr 1cv..4 ta , r
141.1 , ng5, umasx.
iln.not to trill° kith the liven :tad
honitb th, rturtn - 47 ',rips our
telte• to la:, Tie ntrrrturt ur b , tho • irtnes of tlar medi
riur. mut tc bold no hut, to tufloring hurnanitr, •hick'
'brtr Dili not warrant.
The)lnee of feel=ml. the 1).o.. and WILI Cbern").) ,
lo)tly eelehrsited ter tbr core of nll dieeamn of the. Lung!
.111 Liver. which nee en feArfoliy ;.tti"))!eut in iii N.rdorr.)
Froma rem btnatton rb chemical r‘Cre...l.), Pro
fr,)". titie nee.) met lie.- Tr.,. Do- IV) .r.tu's Bit.
9AV ur ebb.ll)
43.1 - NVieueie 141..bul .11111 , 1 Slurry I. n tn.. urn...l,
tiTiersi . Cr,rry IL.ri and Ike
genuirt. Ter'..).13)0)..1 the lel wr importe.lexon-elr
pun,...) thetint)... of which .1, 'ed., cm,
I,tri,i by nJ)).. el). ‘eirh the ezeroct I Tar—
Alio* retoirrine the »he'e r)).).)..0r..1 the re)b)) ....rt.11)) and'
erhear)oue remedy rrer ..I.,rereel for tie)
tallNStuli'Tl .'5 .t. TUC LUNlieb
HEREDITARY .70:S:or NII•TP , N Cur,: by 11", , tary.
No , Chotry.—Tho I , lh,ino co, of J•oorytoh !R
-io-1g.,. of Conounonon. ono of hi, brother. oni ,tytero
riug ai.d of Con.utoption.) truly , ouilor:ul:
P L I,SMVS ruxr. Esmoiloarco- Sept, t'o".'ll.
J. h. Pan—Dar Sin I tnite tho liberty of ads ising yoU
of the hetet, I I.ere dortTul (non the use cf Cr. Wirtar'S
of 111:d Ch , rry. I was p..trated by that terrible
nooarge. tlrneutonto.n, In flay bast The attack lea, truly
horrifyit, to o far of • ur tmy brother, eta
ko , ter , ) 1...1 di,
~1 Con.un , nt , ,n. I an: , SUllichal
1,311 r , ht tan, GAtun, vrti, hx , n 41s.rt.s,
coug: , . marl rapocuratol n gre,...t deal of blred. beetle
foTer. ,,, re Pe4n.• in the and Cho.; alter
ttatin4 tio,b.r, hoal..
I wai na,terw., cart cr etil:ul l hr,itian. from the
take I elm taken Mc: until • tvo: week. twlng
then wheat beipb..o. rat lay f,..501y tvo,idered my Mae
hoPelea, or leant beY , nd 02- physlc!an's aLlYiarAI
the tr. of Ulster's Calm: of Wild Cherry, Vithout mr
kuo‘elolg, my father prteurnt it, and commennol admin.
-lotoringit to me. and moo day I vommenerd tak
, It toy health in.i.rovol. and in are week. from the
time !comm.:trod, able to be out rod aver
my bu.ine,, :at.l !alCr. do. I
Lave taken boor 1. ” 011 th.. ro , lioice...l row to alder
Inyylf porfoetly e:L JlSlirlyllAlf IfClatl1).
tt. c, t: rt. t •t, led
C 56 N J noel, qtl.
InCIN L. PIPA.-1,-.r attacked
with t fereenf tt.eiteld thar,eter. whh.L :eft ate , in a earl
lebtlitated ,tate. wt...n la the b.:: =sing with ' ,. I mati ta
lc% with a wh:th ri•ln ~
teurh an ex
tent aa to Kite we the eh! a eonarteid r.rwuntp.
t:ve. I labored under a ~...rere c..,osb—wapeetorsttal unrc.t
deed. and aw.trouLl..J with and tught swrah... I
teroneutly rne-.ld I :oed ,hia my lunge. I rrintinhod
thi, gradua:ly rintar unticz I. tli,e4e. until
i untary..l,47. arh,n I was main utti..c.ketl with ter,. MT
d. paired id thy re., nta.,i^iatt. thtitight I
ivald •nr-. It i• bat ext.fant:C.e...
Lay fei , . were eunitt....ntir sod alattet Let their fol•
I.:thier they eir.luniaanev. it may Le trnl, .aid yaw
a living baeletht.. :inally no quit ta:;.!ng ru
dhtithe+ Pres. - R.. 1 lT eL-ier... end 11-7 Dr ti
of Wild tAli rr,, and :but
.1,M...410101 It. I aftrevuteil.
owl iht Tn.enth-. the s ea.! rt whirh time I car
sod n;nrrii eu.l heahlt ever and 'neerfully re
commend the 11..heun hi all /14. at
the m oni,
lopa*. and vl ei it• nee. not
to to dhaltnra,l If ttn or three 'lwyttl,.nht rEect a
,ttre: but pet , evere. a ',MC..
n I tat , .Z.. 1. I !Aar*. nndt:ulot
La: nine en: of ten. v Iderod renewal
health I Lai . ..1.-en. Ileepe. I bully your,
' •
,T. 7.7 TO TOC,r , TI7II DILA,. 0, 7111 LL. u 1
4r11 . 7,
ircixdr.iD. Kr.. May
Chi... - purtuu.ty ufiu•
of Wild
.., Ina tn..:4.1u..( the
r•u I gna
t!, 1 , -, 1 u-a. snacked with a
upon a... 7 :gas, Lad fa[ the
)t , u of n ..•
iuLL 1., 1,4, 1
vrtstrh 1 IstA,
ually rr,..ver.4
vi Um,
uad lbw 1 wran!
1,1 peeper-1 p•-.: Ser the
ul the of
••h. I luard of I- SI
frt. ea
rer-u,1.-1 mt.
, ea reef, s
rhengv of roe •
and an er hua
111,1 uu pun,. nud Itn•
rrars of
tour or fnv Lo
, the ifo,n4 of
li 1
Wour , 1,4.= of Wild Cherry.
"14. In, wit , . r•-t•-,
.1 and the tu.t. of t/r
alay Ilte Glrotua of Una r,t ,ava !am Fropral..ns Uf ID
vartnable a IIIVIECH11:1.4 Witatee 11t2-^..m or IV iW Obvr. - 7.
Your, turpeathally.
b7 J. D.,ror to lionr.ool ur
l'arL. , Foth
mad Wel - riot 'amen.. 0nt1y0401,401.,1,„ Ag e n.Loe the e
South p. 0.1 W.-.t. to 0 bum >ll orders mutt h oiltrt.nol.
J. Kidd U Co.. 11. A. I Co.. J. A. . 7 1411 , 4, L.
PlusburiL; Lee A. I,okbam. , City;
L. T. 1100,011. WANl,iiioooo L. U. DoCt.. Cole/Am:o, 11.
ilrveuxborg, liounto. 04.0n•Tm. :cott. x OUP
Ilolford,l4ool t 0,01, tluntingticm: Ire. Orr. Ifoll , t 1 0, 10 1r0:d..,
II)Ide10•001 A Co.. 10.110m0 J. K. NI rigilt.
Fran.. A Co, BrookTillc A. Tr0....00 ,01
S Wayn3oo. 07;,'"
0 Co. N. Calioo,l.o. ox,
tone Onillun Furth.t. A. 1 ,11 Jatnee Kelly Co. But
100S. Smith, Deaver. J. O.: ttuaticr:o.. Marro . .. L.t. C.
S. Jon e. Goodermao; I'. Browatirthl
hat, been matte fee
more than tson:y Aar, e' ~•1..a1t two I.b V.) have
,-ntned , r.
rsistnt repta-at: ,n. if the ~ t
Itheurnane and ntren;then.n,
of the Islahett enlnenee. tc Inau the.r e..raptt.t.
thn3 ha. been autated. bate .1 to the tnest fettering
tettlmontale to th m eir ,perica . net uvez nil.,her
mn !al.
The ivarnt,ent , Crleir 04D1144.iucia. yea,. rutty and
nert.ectly crantanra , tender elects
per,rat.suilering with pa:vv.:nazi
Veering It the LITDDL settee trent protracted ev/dn"
whoop evugl2. and 1..eal la., ID LI,. rwrota.Lse
jn•thrt 1,41, their t,.yvtal
que,aw.n ozepute. Ae ar , Locatalt...tbsar air
perivrar v‘er outward m.vheat.... , ..
Le., Lae been rorrolganued ment-a”.:,,,eatcd.
wes.ktaas and tel t 1. , at:a
(Iva .reevet the 1./am:, Le., Ilte,
rtn i tZ•
application. to Poch ....nzaer rta.caatto :La.*
at ar. m a owtttlen , oL,nnattee
that their Ltenelia,.l ttl'‘ tie C.:. I trri
Fee vale , wholelsJe and reic,l,! ,
webto I. L. Serail
of rmr TrrIIII,,VSVISUM,
"n r
41,ta".4. 4 f7
L gta er ' rim vi d Au jerat
bad Vrosactsia