The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 08, 1851, Image 2

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    . .
plain to the magistrate. Me. That I might do if ,
I pleased." Whereupon he went his way, inso- , —,.....—=___ .
lently. Any one may guess that I was not slow 1
. PUBLISHED Ili Winn*. A CO.
tO inquire nverywhere, what people had thought
mrdaughter Lad done; but no one would tell • _ _ .
Me anything, and I might have grieved to death
at such evil reports. Moreover, not one child
came daring this whole week to school to my ! = = l==.- - ' - '-. -:--- - ,
daughter; and when I sent Out the maid to ask ' PLIONSYLVAMA .RAILSOMS—MOVNT AIN itivt
the maid to oak the - reason, she brought back eteti..The Philadelphia North American, with
word that the children were ill, or that the pa-'. commendable zeal, continues to Urge - upon the
rents wanted them for theirwork. I thought and[: citizens of Philadelphiathe exceeding importance
thought, but all to no purpose, until the blessed I ment and speedy construe
of an early omence
Sunday came round, when I meant to have held '
a great sacrament, seeing that many people had ; Con of the mountain division of the Central Bail
made known their intentimito come to the Lord's ; road. That his is the true policy of Philadel
tab.e. It seemed strange to me that I saw no I phia can admf tof no doubt. She will never Op-
One standing, as was theirwout, about thechorch 1 preciate the ¢dvanmges of her position. and the
door ; I thought, however,:that they might have ! imtaenaebentfits of her great work, the Pennsyl
gone into the house. But When I went into the ,n;,..,....,1 ,t 1 0, =area from Phil
church with my daughter.:there were not more : '''''' '"'"''"l-• un til ---e `.'"
than ail people assembled; among whom was old adelphia toFittsburgh to from 11 to 14 hours,
Lizzie Kolken; and the accursed witch no sooner . which can mily be done by the removal_ of the
law my daughter follow me, then she made the i mountain Ohs ruction. Itwil be recollected that
sign of the cross, and ran nut of the door under theory
' - -`
„ roe , subscribed SI, 00,0IXI, one half the
• the steeple; whereupon the five others, among I ---
sum necess
theta mine own churchwarden Claus Bulken 11 ' ary to complete the mountain section,
had not appointed any one i n t h e roo m o f o ld I on condition that the remaining one half was
Sedeb); followed her. I was no horror-struck ! made upiro ,
other sources. It was supposed
that my blood curdled, ad. 1 began to tremble,.) t h e c i ty Di e eo e t e wo uld step forward and take
so that I fell with my shoulder ngainst the con- this stock in theii several corporate capacities.
fessional. My child, to intern I bad a. yet told 1 . . eomplied with
nothirtg N
, in Order to spare her. then asked me, The orthern Liberties promptly
.• Father, what is the matter with ;In the people; the dematuLl by subscribing 940,000, and on
are they, too, bewitched'" Whereupon I came Wednesday everting last, the Commissioners of
to myself again, nod went into the churchyard to Southwark, at a special meeting, called for the
look after them, h o t o p were g o ne save my I p ur pos e of ceiisidering the unlinance providing
churchwarden Claus Milken, Who stored under I j
r the eubsclription of $250,000 to the capital
the fillse-tree, whistling to himself. I stepped up i"- - •
to him, and asked what hod come to the people! I stock of the road, passed it on asecond rending.
whereupon he anCvered he could not tell ; and 1 On the sable evening, the CoMmissioners of
when I asked him again. why, then, he . himself I Spring Gard/et passed through two readings, by
an had left the church, he said, What was he to do a almost nnanimous vote, an ordinance author.
there alone, seeing Oust no collection could be 1
icing an add i tional subscription of $400,000.
made! I then implored him to theme the truth.
and what horrid suspicion had arisen against rue • These are Most gratifying intliCatious, but tit
in the parish ? But he answt.-red. I should _very North American is alarmed, in view of the Net
noon find it oat for myrelf ; and he jumped over that a bill bias recently passed both Douses o
the wall and went into old Litrie her Louse,
our Legislattif e, and only requires the signatert
which stands close by the churchyard.
My child had made ready some veal broth for 1 of the Governor to become a law, limiting tin
. tUnner. fer'whieh Imostly used to leave every- i power of the incorporated districts of the coup
thing else; but I euuld not swallow one spoonful, ty to subscnbe to the stock of the Pennsylvarth
. but cot resting my head on my hand, and doubt-
I Railroad, to a two-thirds. instead of a majority
ed whether I should tell her or no. Meanwhile
the idd maid come in, ready torn journey - , and, vote. The T ffects of the measure would neces
sarily be tor it off, and possibly 1.41 prevent alto
with a bundle in her baud, and begged me with
tears to give tier leave to go. My poor child getter, subscriptions by the Districts, and when
turned pale as a corpse, and asked in amaze it is consideind, that they are relied on to till up
what had come to her but she merely answered the subscriptions, the importance of immediate
"Nothing:" andwiped her eyes with her apron.
action is sudiciently apparent. While the Gov-
Whedl recovered my speech, which had well
ernor holds the bill fur - consideration, the his
nigh left me at seeing that this faithful old crea
ture was also about to forsake me, I began to triers are airnestly urged by the North Ameri
question her why she' wished to go; she who ran, to conplete their subscription., and see
dwelt with me sue long, and who would.not for trust the at peal will not be in rain.
sake us even in the great famine, but had faith— I
1 In any event, we deem t the imperative duty
fully borne up a"einet it, and indeed had hum- i
bled me be her faith, and had exhorted me to I of the Dirctorti of the Company, to pet the
stand WA.:dandy to the lest, for which I should Mountain sections under contract this spring.—
be grateful to her as long as I lived. Hereupon If the requred sum is not made, up by subscrip
she merely wept and sobbed yet more, and at tion, it can ,easily be raised on the bonds of the
length brought out that she still had an old mo- Company, ~ , ~ , , , “ sold
' Hier of eighty, living in Liepe., and that she , race collar ormot.ess he at par, ,
wished to go and nurse her till her end. Here- and if the city would remove the conditional re
'upon my daughter jumped up, andanswered with striction ot its subscription , the sum needed
tears, "Alas. old Ilse, why wilt thou leave us, would not e very great. Allegheny County has
, for thy mother is with, thy brother: Do but tell devoted $lOO,OOO to the Central road, and Pitts
me\ why thou wilt forsake me, and what harm
\ hare I done thee, that I may make it good to thee burgh is d oting all her energies to the won
\again." But she hid her face in her apron, and Sion of h r western road. ‘s, community
blied, end could not mu a single word; feels that'l has, therefore, aHO o urge open
w ereupon my child drove away the apron from
her ace, and would have stroked her cheek, to
make ter speak . But when Ilse saw this she
struck y poor chihrshand, tool cried "Ugh :" the Philad !plain Directors, the mantkate com
mencement,- and energetic pros - ecution of the
Mountain Ifivision
spat oat efore her, nntrarnightway went outat
the door. Such a thing she had never done even
when my ild Wen little girl, and we were
bath so shoe d that we could neither of us soya
Before bag m poor child gave a loud cry. and
cast herself upon be bench. weeping and wail
ing, "Mut Ma happened, what has Itappene4'
I therefore thought I ought to tell her what I ilrd
heard, namely, that she wan looked upon as a
witch. Whereat she begun to stniie instead of
weeping any more, end ran eat of the L.or to
overtake the main, who had already left the
. house, as we bad seen. She returned after en
hour crying nut that all the people in the village
had run away from her,. when she would have
asked them whither the maid was gone. /ton,
the little children, for whom she had kept school,
had screamed, and had hidden themselves from
her; also no one would answer her a single
', word, but all spat out before her, as the maid
had done. On per way home site had seen
boat on the water, and had run es fast asszhe
could to the shore, and called with might and
main after all Ilse, wlio was in the boat. Iltn,
she had taken no notice of her, not /next once to
look round after her, but had _motioned her to
boo gone. And now she went on to weep and to
sob the whole day and the whole night, so that I
wail more miserable than even in the time of the
great famine. But the worst was - yet to come.
as will he shown in the following chapter.
[Tel or eOSTINer.h.I
A atito—A. Touching Sarroace- , 7"There is
' -
an endearing tenderness," says Washitvon
log, "in the lore of a mother for her son, that
transcends all' other affections of the heart."
' We have just heard a touching illastrauon of the
fact that the love or s son for his mother may
also transcend and swallow up all other affec
tions, at a moment, too, when he might well he
pardoned for remembering only his own great
Some tiro rears ago a )11111,7 man, belonging
to rhiladelpiiial was returning by railroad to
that city, from the town of heading, l'ennsylva
an accident which happened to the train
as it was approaching the town, and while he
was standing upon the. platform. be was thrown
Off, and fell partly under the wheel of the suc
ceeding car, and his right arm. morrow, bones,
and all,' crushed to jelly, and dropped uselessly
at his side. Tbit, howiCver, was fortunately . his
only injury. Ile was a young man of deterniin
ed nerve, and of the noblest Ile utter
ed no complaint--not even a groan.
When the train arrived at the depot, a carriage
was immediately called, when, attended by his
friend, ho said, "Drive at once to Dr.-'s,
in Walnut street."
" Hadn't you better go immediately homer
asked his friend.
"No," Enid he; I don't avant them to know any
thing about me until all is over."
"Our hero,"lfor he miss hero, was deaf to all
the counter reniosnstrattees of his friend, and
they drove rapidly to the house of the eminent
surgeon alluded to. They were shown into the
parlor and the docter woo summoned. After
the examination—" Well my dear fellow.' said
the surgeon, far ho woe well acquainted with
Ills potent, "yin know, I suppose, what must
be done.: " I do," he replied; "and it is for
the purpose of having it dune that lam here."
" sly surgical table," said the doctor, "is below."
" Can it not bel done without that?" asked the
sufferer, " I cannot be tied-1 cannot be held.
Amputate m arm here, doctor," he continued,
holding out hisdangling limb over the back of
the sofa. "D d it here, doctor, I shall not inters
• • -• . - .
fere with your nperators."
Thelimb was bared, two attendants. medical
students in the house, were sommoned; the arm
wets taken off above the elbow, while the patient
sat as he had requested, uttering no groan, nor
speaking a single word, while the operation was
being performed. The dressings were applied i
and, attended by his friend, the patient had
*teacheil the dobr, on his wig to his own house,
which was verylnear by, when he turned round
to the surgeon Wand said, •• Doctor , I should like
to look at my drm once more; pray let me see it."
- The surgeonteed the mangled-limb. The pa
tient glanced the bloodless hand and said,
•• Debtor, there bilk ring upon the middle finger
of that band. Won't you take it oT for me 7 My
mother gave me that ring on:her death-bed. I
can part with With my arra,'but while I live I
can't part with that ring." The ring was slip
ped from the bold white finger. "Put it on that
finger," said le, holding out the same finger on
the left band. As he teem leaving the door, with
• his atteptlent, -to tole!. the carriage, he said,
.. How shall brine Mis thing to my poor sis
ter!" Is not this a true .- hero," readerl—
I:nicker/4A , - --
pwaddattrtyt Gas .Wona.s.—The quantity of
gas inanufactured at the Philadelphia works du
ring the last year was; 17,650,600 cubic feetdis
tributed to the district bfhpring Garden; 3,452,-
800 cubic feet to Stiuthwarkt 417,900 cubic feet
Iloyamensing: and 160,480.799 cubic feet to the
city_proper, includigg that used at the works and
offices - of the trustees, and the loss occasioned by
leakage of mains and other - apparatus. The ma.
[mists used during 1850 for making gnu were
598,284 bushels of coal, 3 , 242 barrels of rosin,
909,539 bushels of coke, and 111,608'husbels of
oyster shell re. The retorts in the building
were 248, of which the greooost number in ac
tion at one e was 216. During the year there
were 25,242 lineal-fret of main pipes laid, com
posed of 6,660 feet of two inch, 11,51;: feet of
three inch, q,a45 of four inch and, 2,71 p feet of
six inch. making the aggregate length of main,
now laid down 500,267 feet, or short 95 miles.
The number of metres Set. and stqices put in
was .1,079. making the number all use .9,228,
with about 110,000 feet of crevice pipe. or over
20 miles in.lingth. On the tint of January the
total amount ofcustomers on the books of the
ollice was 9,216 uning 119,041 tights and the
number of' public lights is 1,464 in tho streets,
50 in the market houses, and 62 In the public
Ctremn—Mr. Georg,e Harrington has been
appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury
Chief Clerk of tho Department, and M. John
McGinnis, the lath Chief Clerk, has been oppoint.
ed General. Superintendent of the numerous ma
rine hospitals erected and erecting in the United
States, and also Superintendent of the lighthouses
beacons, and buoys on the Pacific roost The
duties attaching to this appointment of Mr. Mo.
Ginnis aro highly important and responsibla.—
Nat /ma
ESGLISII ArFAlR5. — The telegraph brought us
every thing of special interest : received by the
llaltic. Tie papal bill is the only topic of spe
cial momet before Parliament, since the previ
ous steanair. The position of the Ministry is
ie signalirtid by doubt and feebleness. and it
would be matter of no surprise to find it had
given way 'before the sdlliug of the succeeding
The only speeches on the Pupal bill which laid
created msen.ution, 11 , 6 A the maiden speech
of young SrS r Robert Peel, and o furious attack
on the Itoottan Catholics by Mr. Drummond, one
of the protectionist members.
Sir Robert Peel is now twenty-nine years of
age, and his been abroad, first no attar!, to the
British embassy at Madrid, and subsequently as
secreta> f legation in Switzerland. lie has,
therefore, been in positions to become well ac
quainted With Papal intrigues, and his speech
took the Rime by surprise, in consequence of
he liberalism of its tone with respect to conti
n tial affairs,tmd its denunciation of the despot
: ismof thel Roman Catholic power.
In s eonclinsion, he avowed conviction that
the recent aggressing of the Pope in England was
lon the 61st step is a premeditated and organiz
ed systemptftttack, and that he b!....m1,1 therefore,
although le iNgre' that it had been applied
to Ireland hes" sport the measure of Lord
John Rug , '
The r•
-mly applauded through
reering at the end showed
o of Common, there is
Ism 'which if boldly up
, iupporr a firm and
at, andtr btu,.
that in th existing Ilan.
an underurrent of liber
pealed to, could be aroused \
self-reline governmvt.
A Londir letter to the New 'Tort Commercial,
says at he excitement cauled hy Mr. Brunr
mond's ack was very great. .t(tcr roundly
abusing e Roman Cstbolic system timid the ir
repressible fury of the Irish members, lie at last
brought Brie. rage to a crisis by tellitigthem
that if there was one thing on which the people
of England were at the present moment mire
unanimous than another, it was an honest Johis.,
Bull hatresl of imposture. "Rverythinglike in. 1
posture :herdetest, awl" he added, "above all,
they scud those who are importing cargoes of' ,
blinking statues, bleeding pictures, liquifying
blood, one. drops of the Virgin Mary's milk."
An indescribable scene of tumult followed,-
The Irish (members "could not sit there to be in
sulted"--hue after another rase up—awl it was
with grey difficulty that the Speaker succeeded
in restoriSig calmness. tha restuning"li speech
Mr. Drummond softened' matters down by a few
couciliato'ry words, and he then proceeded with
out further interruption.
'There ih nothing of moment in the aspect of
C4ftinental affairs since the previous arrival
—The journals of Paris and Havre have for some
line pasf r contained accounts of certain singular
experimepte made a Mr. Guidon on his nephew,
Mr. Goubenaut, which they:termod sometimes
electric c ommunication, and sometimes natural
second si' t. It would seem from these Mote
t Mr. Gandon haa established such a
tween his own Mind and that of his
hat every thought' of the former is Mt.
r perceived by the latter- These gentle
arrived in New York city, and the Con
men hay
rier des
:bits Unis, whose editor has repeatedly
, their exhibitions, confirms the state
ments of the foreign papers. It says that the
results are so rapid, so surprising, rind so utter
ly free from altcomplicity, that the most skepti
cal must be convinced, and those best acquainted
with the rdinary phetiotnena of magnetism ut
terly out niched. The peculiarity of the case is
that 00 Preparations, no somnambulism, or mag
netic p sees , are necessary . to establish the rela
tion, b a that both parties are always ready to
exhibit t once, and at any:place. We translate
ram tit • Courier: I
...)L t andon and his nephew presented them- i
selves ia our editorial bureau. After the first
salutatiens had passed, he asked a person pre
sent to (write down any name, figure, or word
whatever. Ile kept looking at the paper on
which tie words were traced, while his nephew,
who was at the farthest end a the room, with
his back turned, immediately uttered, in a loud
voice, and without hesitation, the words,
and tigifres, as far as they were written, whether
Greek, Latin, French, English, Spanish, or Gee
man. Mr.lloubenant pronounced all distinctly, I
and triuslated them at thesame time.
“Vie had just received our European journals.
:One of us took one of these up, and pointed with
1 the finger at a particular line, which, as soon as
M. Gerrilon ease it, the nephew read aloud. Thus, ,
the date, the state ofithe money market, the for- 1
eign intelligence, were all given with the name '
wonderful facility. 'We were utterly confounded.
M. Gat a:don looked at our watch, when Mr. Goet
he= told the time to second. We opened •
Virgil and Homer, with the original tent, when I
the ye g man instantly road the line we point- I
ed out. All that was necessary was, that the
uncle hould see them. lf, in writin g a word,
the le t mistake was made, the young man cor
rected tat once, and this without any contor
tion o grimace, Sic. Th e two genliemen seem
ed to o but one being in two parts. 'Whet the
waste sees the pupil tees; what the uncle knows
the LIC hew knows; what the one thinks, th e oth
er cap e saes. What renders the results still more
retnar 19. e, is, that they are . wrought without
the nil tea esitation or bungling. The queoo
t i r
Lion Is no Antoci than it is answered." .
The e e facts, sups the Courier, and it
t , i ,
then peeds to remark that the process is not
a mys e
rious one, though:it has cost many years
of tro tile in the discovery.
The flew York Day Book gives also an account
of similar most successful; experiments , which l ease o'clock in the morning and tea at e i gh t
the editor out & Pit M. bonitos owl his nephew I & dee" the ...Ding: tteeuPted all the de in
in the office or that paper on Tuesday last The bushes'', 'deli makes hi" dr i ott o , where
nephew is only 17 years of age, and is conver- 1, , , i, :zz . g . L :‘ , ,,,,.. ; , , , , , :,„ . : r ayertit.te
sant only with the French language in the orli- ; this add la - undress, fuel, which wl a ii ' c ' h i s w 'll' ill pLe l n tl eo. b l u fi t Ta i l
. t e e it u rj ru er r i F re i e t' k ' , ' ,ll l i i ro u nT individual ''. .Y t eZ:en ' a lli es ili oTll
nary way.—Doll. Sun.
Goss AND Sloven (lion IN Owni.—The precious i not be fur from one pound fifteen shillings or
metals have lately been discovered in the bowelr, , ii,,, :,,• , 1 per week.
of our Witeltt growing neighbor, according, to the It ts said that the board out of the city, along
. the
r. h i i i• n . e f . ;: i : . l l - 1 11;:t:t this.—Dot
t i:s e l , S l x i ec i.e t that °tl tt d h ' :11 1 ::
Cincinnati Gazette. About four weeks since.
some workmen in digging n Fowl hank. near the
ton'. of Xenia. found . Siren of a'ogl , illor , o' espectally Gt. carriage fare w i ll e i r ch e r ' irm ' eTWl n i od
rock—in which was a piece cif 1141.1 , ,111 . , vl . a 1.1... n.- errand lifts left You a minute behind
The specimen was not such, in place or form, as the -tartam time. the sum total would not fall
admits a supposition of its being melted. or,ileft Ittr'ilijeioi,t.ll‘,.,,li.`,..,,llliih.,,ihe::lreiellf:.:,,i,,,e.r,,,':.i.,,,e,‘,l.::.;:tiojilfni.:.,,:sw'oehr:ooglihlit,ntA,,::lo;:,,,hl7iiiii,;::-e
-accitlentally by Indians, or early settler,. It WI.
II specimen of native silver ; but no other has
been found since. of street+ and ha w se, I can rely well under
goon after, General Moody found so a farm, stand how this expense ,can be avoided. But when
helot: Spring Valley, gold dust, in a peculiar t a t s i t , rar d e u er . b.L. sett d led , (;very point he whishes to
kind of sand—the same, it is suppose:l,in 0 high t i . ,,, 1 , i 7, ' ,..,, g !,, t 0 1' 0 e ii ; i i i ; ptroehimeenis"totirEetting to
gold is usually found. Many specimen- of this say the oinii,ltusse i s ,i. 7: . thet w o:l f, l ,r pti t r , ts m o ,,, : t . o T , : h i e t y rt
have been found and exhibited t.geC,lo,ll6lp,,elne:t. , ti f: li rt , l L l ,, ill/o ., 9 er: l , l l, se g y , d o o. ,
iii ß ,h u o t
p e g :e t :3. : tr um ee i t h: r d ,oh o ui e nt y s e,
judges, and there is no doubt, it is
cr ht. Paul's, and find himself when the
tire gold, but found, as yet, in fine particles .
These discoveries are, however, of small prat- ends three Mile, away from were he wants to
tMal importance, in comparison with the vast go, and where lie came from, is the most awk
agneultural riches of Ohio, and with her Writing ward nfikin , up to things real I have ever ex.
trails and consmeree. M e should he corny to see 1 ,,,,, ,e ,,b, r ,. 1 ,,, , , :n i, : er a ,, ,1 w:ciii c1, na :, ,,,i i h, f ,e1 , , , n w e r..„,3r ku t 0 h0 w i,g y.:1 ,: e nh : r e r0„... 7 , T h i 3 O h i te n ho t en. h l e ..
her turn out a gold thriving district.
- -4-e- , They are covered, too, w ith names of I
Pato tatiON or :11ECl/Al.—ltrantz Mayer, r.s/i , ,
.. - • '• 1 ..,,,,
. 1 .,,, streets, alleys, parishes!, an what
who hoc been elected a member of the Mexicali not. harder to decipher, and as difficult to unde,
National Society of Geography and Statistics.. s tand 1w the inscriptions on Cleopatra's needle.
has form:died the Baltimore Sun with statistics For all this I know mine but the school-boy's
of msaioo in lt , i 3 ear remedy—t o grin and hear it. Walk it you can
t, t. “liss it you cannot, leave the spot unseen
1.50. prepared Its the Mexican Government, in
or the luminous lincione you feel that you cannot.
which the population of that country, including I kortve no way but to yield yourself up to the
ell castes and odor, is set down at 10000 mil- col:num. serenely, uncomplaining, Christianly, to
lion six hundred and sixty one thou,ndnne he plucked to the last feather,
hundred and nineteen. The population of the
Lostiost, March 2lst 15.51.
During the present week the Crystal Palace
department of Vera Crui is given at two hun
dred and sixty four thouslani seven hundred mid Im+ undergone essential changes. The inertias
! wenty tire. of lucatan, six bandied and eighty . ed number of workmen is fast hastening the
thousand nine hundred and forty eight: and o f !mil:ling- to its-completion; the painting is very
the Territory of Lower California, twelve thous , ;''''''S accomplished, the numerous leakages
, Irani
ktah,e.‘roovieifr,wdhihcolinotlibece.,', y stopped,lo . lc o i s it i storms of last
and. The Indians Imvegenerally been estimat
ed at about four millions. In 1h23, Humboldt': the taking down of inferior scalfei t lding—We d
es a u n re
estimated theyopulation of Mcmicoat six million :lgu ac npp..intto completeness—is already
commenc , , , l. I watched th e testing of the
eight bundre , F thousand.
_ tot. _ strength of Ga. galleries yesterday with grout in Pos . rshr.. — The 1 1 , et Muster Cenral to rr , a. A frame work of irm,' forty het in
Iwigth Iry thirty feet h 1 breadth, Pail Oct upon
has decided that limier the new postage law,
~,• i 'll . ' , tl 1,1,d. anial eighty catmen boils each one,
which takes ed,t o O
n the first of J, weekl, t, i ,, I
: I
: n dnti ter. as wheels, and this war
paper:, c...'y are entitle•l to circulate f,e of !Hl', . ,
krroil din:nigh all the galleries of the building
age, in the coutitj' Where published. and that the,. IT etifhty. lilr of the corps of sapper, and mi
office of puhliention i- the starting place, and eery Iv a heavy tramp, each man giving his step
the, p wrrfal fall ,f ft leap upon the floor. It
not county linen. was a nice and beautiful operation, owl scientif.
-.4 , - icallv corsiderwl ' an ndininabl , nod most conch,
“flAtirl 9 at LAILGE. ' —Tne ;'resident of the si.e . test 1 stood rilloru I could observe its ef-
United States lin+ op:minted the following Cadet., tort upon the frame work of the galleries, but
"at lorot - to the unitary Academy. not the s lightest defection fromthe accurate hors
Sons ~f orilmer , Adlrd or dos,' it ,r, ~.., _praneis ~l t'd tin, could be detected; nor, 30 feet distant
1- on, W. H. Penrose..!. ti. 11111, Wm R. f ret the imunowe moving body cenll,l the loast EbrttiOn.
j„ rbe felt. I an, told that this ten tis the most ' fi N Election ha. far the W vete,.
Nowland. owl Charles 11 Watsun
soti . of orient ooa . in wools . —a. It.
, isert ,„,„ powerful 51,01 lir. Mayfair could suggest, sad li. Pee.slits.i. 110/eit 0.. aill hn aotina :a the . lu.em . l
, that it is V.ll.llllltea to give %trial Of streng th to ''` ""•,o'"Tt or ir ''''' . '" r '''''''' ' h e . '" h '''' •"`' " •
F. Li Childs. owl .1. S.Cot:high:an
140 ui CO d :yr.—James tf 11 lustier and N, L the I,n‘lihtt,l. More than three times as groom. ns '' ' ';'f k oie.,l.ll.utora ore re.,u......1 to stteml it , ...a... ei,.
„..„ ! ,1 ~,. th „,
~.. „ - , ,lid „„iiiti„, of fun sown la,on.s. of sz.o.ntan... to lt, In.t.tun..” ••• 111%. 1„•I u...
Powers. , (.. n . zt,..m ~, ta, .1011% II A 1..1,11. ion /.
flt.Wrie/ .// 1',14 , ,' , 1•J —L. twsr.l 11 Mil li ane• n. , e up, ti the 9 arno 'imbue of ',..,,1are fert
Elio :teem:titration of business upon the brads , %IR' j • e S 11 ." 1 ” Le."... ‘.
f th•• e. Na• sisal of the Ito,. Ikon- 1 , t‘„„ ',V,i',‘„,',,"„"1.1,-;"',..";:'''..1,,"a,T,'",""' theta['' '+t
LONDON—THE WORLD'S FAIR 11; • • now did, iii..rea.,fig •itel wi - th a star r ..lezerzniz,- ttz.. u rt....: ..I dz.:1...Au . , " t'L"...z " " ^ t' ' •"'.'
Th, great 'Exposition, - as it is now ,xilled, „c
, , " • I ,som i. hail.[ Its i,...r0. • 4.. r, .1 ..1 M u- 1.• 'll.'l,
.^.e. an . clerks altnast m,untless and mast ~,,,,'„,„:...„...• . 1,th..r 0•••••• . . r ..', "..
and all matters wmuccted 0 lib it, awl with the • then:, :t it stn: nearly atipossilde to ei.ll.lplrt. ' '''."'"'"• e.... " 9 .... h ... U...' '' '
vast and mamsiticent city to vs blab it w to tat, I h•• dun, : ~t :•,ten d. with.' the ,hi s tile,: rtialldleger Sevings Bank.
the • !mimeo of the eive•fill.' ' i T AN Eleotton for President find Dino.-
place, will be subjects of most gent•ral interest i :, ' , l ,,n l t a• l'el`l:
to :al 0, renders, litritig 11,, item 1,. mom!,
~ ' ,',d
~11- ,1T . .,, , ,,,",:; - ,,5,, , :nr , •, - .1, ,- ; , :.,72::; ,, , , , .1 ,1 0 -
w., shall therefore. snail oursel.... of him ~,,,,,• L0g ,,., Is
~.,„,.' w h o h 0.., ,i orrg ,. ' or. all the rog" o . an,
' '''
resources we ho ie al howl, fer imp:imam all , •iw •
• f :!,t• nterl..r ..I the hall. anti Mr. Wjkls. tv v rt .. 4::- ' 111." . . . m. ..i . ,:.', ' ,,n a ,;:', ' ;', r 'i L i i „il::,;,: s. ' " " l ''''"""'
the necessary information. from time to time _ the .e•ret ir2, ••f the Foreign Department, are all e,L ' it r rn i ,',.. ! , ''' . !t1'',.?;1.:-',.t.t.',11ni'1.'..rti:...17111;‘),L..11.,:, ql.
we give 1,..1,,w ~,,, ~,,,, h ., 0 y into ,,, toig ki _
busy art their posts from early tnortillig tit! late ,
r‘, 11. 0 . , 1t.4 , :t. ,. . , 1. , .r t 0 1.e•ti1....,141..n . .f 0 n.,ek win be 1‘..;t:.1'.11.
.t n• ;is I Tile workmen throughout 11, building, 1..1 .a. n...t.,Vt, '' g1iV. ' it . ... 4' ..z. ' 11. tzi.7.":t . lLTl. l. :.L ' l " tnt
tern Aeleeted from the cor,spondence ~1: the
.)..tner.., inters, uph..l.4‘ rer. .1,0- ' 1..7". '1..... ' 'l " " . ''• • '".. 1 ."'"L“.."."• -
. . haw Initr•- y0t.... tn.. ~•.•thol.l. es .J.l4:flog In
•• For). -I,lmrt, r,—one in rel :tom to the rot. . . atell/tect, and all ..thens • , 1 wl:atever , i'Vir''.'
-.4 living in London, :Ind th , n ~. . 1:01 wows., :.., mi... the hundred. ,d' the :•;''''''''' to.
' ' ' ': 'll' s u fl . ' : :; ,-. : l '. ' ; ',: f 1 : ," •:; : ; '.
,rt•• ,f . -, , ,,1 ..r- 1,141 nnner, ant the 11111110V.1.0. i 11A .5:: MAN WANT:, :I"..siTuATIUS
1,,,,1y ...• 1 • ,ce. are at w:rl, during extro !mut,. . ,'ll. s ••,.• nu ~ ~,, aoh•wwuts l'a• ha/le -- / - r
I. I .t. ioipl.l. awl upon ettitnnced pay.— 1 ' 1.: .- a 'r. ,; ,',' 9,7.: " :1 ' ,/nYlri ',. / ' / ' ; ' ;.Z • ' ,....'ut .. :::;:':{3.•'; ' .. - z ' t]
1.,,,,, , m,‘,.„.4 1 . l ~.- 1 Toe 1,,..1... 11.r..u.1,..ut the hilt:let,* building , .:•,..•• '''" •"^" • ,""'•. " 1, •. " 1 , ! I. " • . t. ' . '" ..' "‘
en,.., , ,t , v 1.1, It. talesto Inc F•doce of In toe . " "' ""
" ..-"
' 'n"....'
I was ml before It AVlllg An.erte., that 1... n•
~,,, ~,, the ‘ 1,,,,,, 1 ,,,,., , o , ~o , o , I t., :,„. t . ... 1., now. an unlike indeed teL , it Vi . Pa./INDENTER. t•orner of Wat,•rnd
in: that while not. could Ilye at !alio ciwt la 1,,,,,5. I , ,I.,•ni.. nth hence, and jet scarcely less • :!;-!,1„,„ri.;,;,..'':,, - , i ,,, r e :;,!' •, ,,, it h a 1 5 0 = 5 ,,..,. k .:,. r .
~ 11.,... in
iin,i kin,:
~i. oil in Ihins.„l,
‘ ,...011,1..,. II Z... II otlo may congratulate oneself I ` 9 / /l pro l'l/floe, Is en• 5na..'• ,, •“•• , ... 115, .....,,,,,...,
or in any part or Be:giant in London a ~,,, ~,,, ft,,,, hat tog looked upon. l I A over the. build "T,,..:::.'L ' ,f,tri. a s t1i . . ,. .71 ft.,. Lk,- toi l I. sett.
...a II o.lett.t.4linuar. an 4 11, roach , •11 /...Z41.,...
lIII,AibIC 10 live chonyly and well . the sane " e th e ,.'"""' '. ''" e '""" " I em ,p he Y"'" L ;•-•,•,.. AO.: Jr2111.1.1..A I ..., ..u....rwr pachrd Tin z0. , t. ,
II la,trt•l. of r. opente, steno toiling at the;
time, awl that without Con•ztaut vexteht - 41!ne , -,
eaphwes in
part , Engitnd.
notttiaia,,, , I. ncht • .1 , ,,..+ of others are plying lei I Wholeiale Dry Goods.
s acred my ...inn.m.e. A. the p r ,sent seas-no 111 wer " ' a '' fie "' 1 1 """ '''''`wl: herteoth th , i A. MASON ,k CO., tit and 64 Harker
p , , , ,, , ,ir
, „ et , c , ri , ton , the tat
..t re, ~,,,,,
ino roor• I.l.)nte:, oz, ftwyng the flu - , ,A.,...asst, are a...- dul, u t ••••In. and, tn..,
In Loudon that Ken: es, here ..t the s an, time ' '''' h ''' the I.° l' hr° ' " I ' ° "• h " "h . / :.17o s i' ,, rif , :t . f ,' ;. 2 t0 ' •:T Z7Zr%"I.`",:"ZI: V i'a r r...r. , ; r ::
before, 1 lime thought that a letter imon !, ~,,t,„ fi , irder , . ~..r,,,,; the ft ii.i ten:p.n.) stages arc awn. I , ss,m. Its, •••,,,, /tan/ /au./ Ow 911eineen oi
i m ":4 1 ,,r 7 1 ,, , g h h : . , 7 r I e ' ar, '":.,':.7
, l i th i. '
r'ye,,,“... I! ‘ r," : „.' 4 .,, .‘„',,% r , ' ,.. 1 1•1. ' . n .,,. '' . '' . ` lT:i:i r o r ,7.— ' •:::: ' ll n : I I
171 T R. 1! ' I LI. 111 ("I EI: -la bid. Iglu) for ~,i,
1,1,• •-, •:, r: , I th e customs an take: , account Alt ''' . `,` JOlll, 4 Art. 1-. I
experiment. s
„: tit I I` t .e.e.tolating cases from the ports Qr
.I.)E-tkalES--•...90 La. prime haleee,;(hr sale
Tharu ,:au hen , •teli,: that ton swats: L of
don tile is utmost ii , , , a ,„ ~,,,,,. re, a r i., , et , ,i _ entry —specitly htner and Gather arm tile +align- 1 I.._br_ .14 Jall•lwarr's 0:
riail ,
~,nioriono. tin
o : i
ash , ,thn! to if.nate• or tat different detmrtments unit. all , pIG iTt1..15—. 111/ tons Forge, Inc sale by
Jolts warm a Cu.
an p en more thin hi a Fr:he:4a in. lia ' 'lan ''''''' ''' I ''''''f 7s—h° ' rtih ' , m the gigantic I - ' e3
or prn
sian, I
t . ,,,, ,
otsh , i thes , , a, the eenanon lattorcrs with tho nalala - % . 1 C. LES ,S 1101ISE-2 tiue Canal Moles,
the latter expect t • t '• e •t• leuden• and e „ , t1,c,,' , 1i• I r.-11 physiogncinv—haultug m therm- ...‘" seal:oar Itm-, , ,t , .: sale t 32
where else ace ••••lin t: Gm 1.a".,. of lite : I,M d "”" . " r r '''' . a"' re
i '''''`i "11.'" '•-' ''''
;41 Atnencan 1.3, -r. e 1,.... exoept the I .1.,. nmr.tanA oth A riitulanty a. if to tuuste—noil , IQ TAHCII-15 boxes (Fox•s ) just recd tint
n• o. .1 .van. e• . frt.nt p l ace to pin., the ..lrilllll .. ' er -""' 1 "
logliest. knows tI 1 ,uptriur net ..N..11 .0 I.IC hjr,_.. •••• JA, A 111.1C111,0N A 00.
1...., ..-1 .. le, trope I Asia awl booth Amer• SOS P--at boxes for oak low by
ast !nuke of E.1 , 1.11."1 an.l 'eel.. th. t he ,
p0....1. ,boll IneAni 1...., .•-• W.'. so an, lord in
.___. .._
,1„. 1,,„,i . And ~,,, /1, ,„,. n ,II [,,,,,,i,,„ i„ , ten • " ‘',''r the efie''.'""e. It '"',t•eit a Aii ,cREIIEL-40 1,1,1.. No. .1 Largo, in
1. L. 1.. I 1 .. I ana employment sod enterprise and ~ mist,. 01,5 .lAa A 1117CIllOON aW.
almo s t 110 thing . and tliat great c'...1. , . jai til.o , c
the poor, the M. ham, the nos:. , erc artist. G: `,. '"l" . '“'`','•• ••'• °.'-al•f•r this age, nor nay oliet t.I.I,EItATCS—E I cooks and 5 boxes , us
0ri,,,,,,., . T,„.
,-,„ m il drcoratien of the building 19 to tj ro n a ga nivat, warrao.l and
ima fur al* low bY
A,,pusan, the seams:re ,:, mt. t thre,, ,, ins iho, '"'"• '" ''''''' . ._. .7. seiI,,ONMAKLIL LEV.
!,,• ,un ~.1./. 1.1.“ 011gI.01\ L lin by this, Gait the
la a chance, esen at wan. day, that wok : , 1 craze
a YAntee. live fir ii ' le, sum than seems . r 0.11.. tot. s i. le e ' i 'eethe"'• th e " thee of the hinging?,
liape an 1 size of the fiags, the arratigemouta
hie. A pour a-list told ` m e yesterday , in -1 , //./i. -
~,,,io, soil
an inlet _ of tbe , /ALA tables , . nod the general rout
i l ivni, throe gi,nti,,,,i x a, rg; he ' w • , ! ll e ,tt,instoinan.
~,, ~,• _ ...1.., ..... a el. It separate division bite be similar.
hat a i an ao,re minute matters, the details are
ingCa , cheap enough in 1,11•10 n, ant that 4.6
boy brought
,tar f
n, .1.0,,
• , nI,
phony's 1. by I ft to in hvolual or national taste. The
worth of meat n halfpence wor th of pototoo, 1."'" It '' -"". '" '"N'' 4l " 1,001 81,°( ' " ..- P h..
d ob,.penco
of bread,
and het, wilt doubtless eaccl all the rest in splendor
n dt d : u c r a b g r' l i . n ou n s?. i y7:r i :, y •, fact, (I,m the big':- l''''fi'rnal.'l;":•l'7.'::';''''''l"'C'L'l:l'oef' iin:;:.1"/"••• in
n i th t e tt well ri'h
la. t. rthevi . i•re that France means to exceed
est nigh uou
most sumptuous style of living to the
Tory, I
eating !muses,i,,,,,anse I.n.:land ~ , o , upon her own ground. No em'
riiiii i • to he 'pared by the French Government,
in the American sense of the nord, hotels or
0 no iii 1. IN.' .11,ete , 1 the Whale mutter, to MGM - •
mverns there are none. There may he it r.,.,:.
hoer in no• houses in London. I th..k. I b.,,, toils;, mi. " 1" users ..fiut e Vdlih when the in
terest of (onion elitihitor, has been in the lenst
beard it said that th,re is ttne of sonic note, but
al har e seen
:i ' l n e '' '' C' t nh. r 'l eirn P'‘";‘:;.'-: nine
' " '"r; I.: ':::al t ilt
-1 ' l. : 1 11 1 ‘ . ' iTs tL h i'n js :',' : ' t :' • ' , ' [: . :i i t eld , i l ' i n si ti ::: 'e s t .: l ,7 l ,. ' l 7u t n i '' i c' g h' h i t Y l C ,y o'n' t . t :ui t n li t: ii il s n o l i r r i et at . s.
5/11//1 take care of 'himself : th it is, li , inn. eat,
drink, go to lied, •,... 4 ,ul'• just " wi.""' ve r times . 1 the foreign eotninnionent, and has been gen
r,&y sal , .- ' , al in s,contig the right. '
suit him, and at his tics epeeist order. ' ri L. tit. s ta n ds a t r'
r '' h e 0, .., ~, av. On air o d d s among,
Of renowned hotels --in the English setme—
perluips 11orley's , I , the most famems It is a '1
', '
ether ''''''''' since 0 . "PPrePrl•diett brut .
5, , a,,,
ap, 1, en m ade by Congress to meet the expenses of
lier gene, al agent At lenst,ssooo will be re
pointinetits. It stands in the, most fungnifirent
square in Lond,in—trafob,%ar Square—at right r,
', l I''
pat Ihe coutrilattiona of the United ,
i at:•- apoo a decent hulling with others from
angles to the National Gallery: in sight of the, rest r.I the vi i, :trld. The incidental expend
broom statue of George the Fourth. theglorious ,
Ili„ le''''''
poi lotion hills from the port of entry,
column reared to the memory of Nelson, and the : th e labor of cartage, unpacking, storage of box-
Commonwealth statue or Charles the First; over- au. exc., would of themselves
looking marbled esplanades, beautiful fonntains , ' "' ekin g'
consume small portion of this SUM. To these
and over bowing jets &id. nod is of easy access
, are to la. added the clerk hire absolutely noels- ,
to the best part of London in every sense. The
s.try it, do all the writing, and the very plainest portion
charges here for rooms are from four to twelve
shillings sterling per day, the table bills from ';',' l " Ih l' i ' e ' t dee.rati°"" to render our
n ~rot,„
rnine,nt, Jun,t
00,, in
,ii.pod , ,' toe lannling ell •hsparagertiont to the rest.—
to indulge his time for good eating. TO this ; J . "' 1, atlwt be renienthered, that while England
provoles the building, .d her government con
toldtwo shillings a day for servants. dint over I
recurring and ceaselessly annoying expense In , s t e t " , "” h i' ail a r iga.'l': the does ".,thing .7, -
England, and you may soon incite n bill fit for a : a meeting of 1°0 " ' ther '"" " In th lthr " ... '
I ar, Upon the ground it was unanimously result , - ,
nabob. . -,I that dm reputation of the Unite:lSt:o.3.lo
c. , neere.l um this matter, and that an outlay or :
at :,„.., $51041 must be made by the commission
„ I ...... h o p'. 4.4 that Congress will not foil to
make tin. proper appropriation at last. .
flue goods are taiir nearly all arrived. With '
attention and cornive shall not he ashamed to
stand by the side of raw older tligltril. In finish,
in ...v i deo:new, in :writ:ad:at or minute skill, we
do not expert to excel; tint In the raw material.
in o,ohioory of Many kinds, and In uporicaltu-
nil o implements and produce -we shall be behind
nose. We have a far larger number of contnb
idiot, than we expected, very many not having
p as sed the ordeal of the Washington committee.
In splendid carriages, plough England, France,
Belgium, and Zolleverein compete with us, we
shall hold our own. if we do not win thetlay.—
In our farm products. of which there are •Matte
beautiful specimens, we shall be before all, is, I
think; and ill our ores, our inventions, and our
"Yankee notions - that wo sliall he foremost of
the world, nobody can doubt. Nolo arsons.
moil h tint! es Lett
ill -her in relotit.n to the pr,ATC.
t inn} 1 . 4. r tho
• . .
Next I,elow Morley'. is a class of hotels of
which the •Qtwen,' opposite' the (intend Post
Office, is a fair representative. litre i,i one
bowie, where, after you have paid for your din
ner, breakfast or supper, the waiter does not
stand looking you in the face, and while you
. wonder if the change is not made correct, or
something you had ordered had been furg"tten ,
or what can he the twitter, respectfully bows and
says .11,emeniber the'vraiter, sir And yet it
makes butt little ilifferenre, for upon settling
when you leave, two shillings a day in 'tamed in
the bill under the head of , serrunt.s.' I staid
here four days. and my bill ilinounted to air.
pounds. Nix' nearly $11,50, and yet I never or
dered a dessert,, or drunk spirits, Ville or porter.
Below thin class nee the ••Albert, - the -Alba
ny," and the ., 4Buti," a fair specimen of a hund
red others. In then, ynu find every thing neat,
orderly, awl quiet, paying rine shilling mid sin
pence for your bed, living fairly, without wine or
desert, for about one shilling a meal, and, if you
can bide close quarters, sleeping quietly. Then
come o ther g rades whose whereabouts I have
not been anxious to learn, until you get doll'', to
the penny a slice shops, at the door of one of ,
which. I certainly saw a hundred beggars wait be served in turn from the smoking pito
Along through the streets that open on the
Strand, and indecd'in every part of the city, are
to he found good boarding houses, where they
will charge you from two to three guineas a
week, expecting always n slight gratuity to Ver
sants. Perhaps there are good boarding4ousen
where a less price is charged, but three were the
usual terms given in answer to s.* It
is said based is higher this season, that tho
I expected influx of ,trangers has made it so, and
that it will he higher yet as the seas. advances.
I think th-is.very probable, for my observation of
London and London folk, has not led me to sus
(peat here any exception to the general law of do
nand and supply ;grunting priced.
I fount another, and better , imdcheaper, mode
of life, and my experience may he worth some
thing. There were four persons in our
, all of expecting to spend the Summer in Len
' don. In the search for lodginge, I finally found
a quiet house, in' he tics, 'nd of the city, some
eight minutes walk from I fyde Park, where a par
lor on the second floor end three bedrooms could
be obtained for via nionthn, at thu rate two
pounds ten shillings per week. These I secur
ed. They were fusminlied and Wore to include
attendance, meaning a servant. Two pounds
more a week, gave us, for our party, breakfastat
11,. prep:tn.-
houses of the Legi.tature of Massachusetts some
time since appointed a joint committee for the
special sonsideration of the slave question, and
on Friday loot, Mr. Buckingham, the chairman
of that committee, reported in the Senate a bill
which if passed and noted upon will he A practi
cal nolitication of the laws of the United Stater.
It directs that the provisions of the net to pro.'
. test personal liberty shall apply to the fugitive
slave law, and prohibits the volunteer militia un
der otters penalties from obeying the call of the
United States marshal!, Or in any manner as
sisting that gamer in the execution of his duty.
In further .lettance of the law, it provides that
when the person claimed as a fugitive slave is
not discharged by the court before whom he any
he brought on a writ of /totem corpus ho may de
mand a trial by jury on entering a recognisance,
with sureties to appear and prosecute the appeal
at the next term of the court, and that this trial
by jury shall be of all questions in controversy
nder that Late. topers, between the party or
rested tuol the claimant—that the verdict shall
' be Oil.] anti conclusive and that the Common
wealth Shall pay the costs of the process incur
rod by the person claimed as a slave. Id
Market Street Store for Ent.
17 1 011 11ENT.—The Store, 118 Market—a
D. .rcomldwe (ran the corker of )1...eke% 1
e...ll,ibertt etrrets. I)%ke.e . seiou given the lei of April
I "quire of DAVID IJILEKE,
smcDl3 LOU l'uoia It.
trtssi , a , thle ARM, remedy bt.pidly •td
rn every day Yervi , ,lrta order,. fmm • dl-tame for let•.
•tdrh find It ralrtuv , t U, rr
uuLtd. The truth to, the remedy m)utre• toll • trM ,
murky'' , the mud okeptlesl or Ito e•mllrurr. tt ...h.,.
from • tile ul ounilar dtc41111..111, the full ...tug •
nem - 11m , , it.. Mar /;,, 1,1;.
• •
CO.--Centlemo, .1. I am In o•Ilin:
fat very choir. medicines. I du not consider myslock your
plrtc unleo. 111,e s supply ..1 Dr. 3l'Lvne'• firer
I obtained a frn dorm tole. of thcoo Pills from Mtn-hell ±
C:r which add err, - rot. and I elab a neesuordr Immc.
Formic hi J. KIDD t CO.,
nnet/ZOdlar I yr:l ,, No. 60 iStv.l et.
ZariOrwur Arfeenoe a 0 ,,,,,, req,eetfully Invited to the
Plain , linearnifibed ntatemeit t iffJohn Watt, .bear rand
of an ,f/,/ tl,h by the ww af the Pti....i:
- Thb La, .-ertiffy th an I have bevu mired aan old
Cbronfr Comfl,. C. the a.e. of }our Bottles of Petroleum.
The com ,f, ~,,,,,,, m r e anaraga, Lag Drn.mloir, and I had
lost an, Lopes of ,:stung well. a. I had taken Dar mda iced
wirers! lac ,iiriana without stay benett- I VILA I.inell4rl
abnort Irutnutly I.y the Petroleum. f couoiteif Lip, ohaino
than rev ~/ Mr I, (ran.. a hard sulatuun reS.Wallty &,V.—
( make the.• iqatetnenta without any ...brit/mon from gm)"
.1. to do rn...1 ..slely far tho linctawe it...there who
may I euifer,,,,, maf be benentrd. ion are at Iftwrty to
parole thtn certificate. lam amid einsen of lifttAiureL,
havln. rcllded Inini DilYtY - Ibrfie 'car.. fly rf, , ideon.., at
Dili ti e. 6on Second
Pt ,bla , ... ,, cbruarY U. !MI."
Far le by Key/Ler A 31cDow411. I/O Wood etrott It. E.
44 11 .LT Wood street: 11. A. IFfihnestock, 0 Co. ra7131,
w oo d f ed Front attinelfr, D. 11. `carry, D. A. Elliott- Joseph
Dougl , and 11. P. Schwartz. 11,,rheiny, elan by tba pro
prictof, I. 31. D.11:1:,
f e biiy,d&w,ili Canal Da. , :Seventh at.. lilttabitrfal.
. - )oreign and Am 'can Hardware.
LOGAN, WI N 6z,, CO.,
Ho. 129 Wood Street,
full auScom plea /,1714. Of FOREIGN AND AMERICAN
iuitahl• for lb. aping [rule. and ',bleb thy ar.PaY. l
to off, topurchasers at MI. .1 cona
11 raro
favorably with any of th. cagh•rsa
Citizen's Insuranci Company of Pittsburgh
A °Moo Nu. 41 Water street, ha the warehouse of u. H.
CO. Hos., President A. W. Massa, Seal).
Tints Company uuw prepared hi Insure all merchandise
In %tore, and In transana, reseals, 6e.
An ample ourimatt for the ahillty and Intenrit, of the
ini.titutlen. it afforded In the character of the Itirecno,
•Ici are all cit.. Qs Plttehercta, atol fs.surati,
%yawn to the cosonnointy ter their prudence. iß s tOnge....
Uniecria...—C. (I. Mawr, fiscale Larimer.
Jr. 11 alter lirtatit, Hugh D., I. an! Bete-Ito:,
inhe Use Herta awl,. If. Kier. apiti
at the re+l.ll:v, of M. Wm
E.., by tit:. Jam .:4 Iluvlt, pie Wit.l.t
fit TIM, tat I:
Run wltzl
w. 6tll lust. Idler a 1•11.11
A sr.. cats. lu t 4. thth
TL. Irrnk.l• of tLr rorpreft.lly tuva..l to at.
1 , 12.1 L. tourri. residrncr. r .1
au..t Wert Cont A11,11.1.y. wa.r. Tor. lay. A Pril ., h•
at :t o'clorl, I' 31.
Tilerouutioe or lir. .".L.Gesmoo Itarithg orris . oath.:
the funeral uIII tale taster thLs
Moaning, Iron thoTestae.," or her so.itoloss, Mr. Menet
NltGe•rt , I , !laud stre-O. The fristoLs of the (must)
are iuTitoa to atto.l. at,
SDIGO--3 cases Manilla, for sale by
a pp J. &Cl/ 00X.11/1K Ell a CO.
bbls. best White;
I_A - Benz;
I . Ontemnai for auk br
ar c, .1. SClltkiN3lAlik:lll 00.
I OGWOOIO-1. 0 0 hbla. Chipped. for sole by
4,4 PONI.IE- 3 strinp . ,s very Superior;
tittle Cartiliton.
1 l'imirFF. for pale by
Coeington and Lexington Railroad.
CONTRACTORS.—ScriIed. Proposals
11l to. reestied al the office of din Cowintilan anti
lwalnFloo liallrvol Company. In Vila city. until tilt. viol,
•!ny of Mai - watt Inc wraith, Forty MIL.. of Ow royinq
loo pad Li.slintlawil 14%111024. COllllttatictrut at Talroonih. In
I,lnllatoncount r. aodeaetdltta llirvallFy of thettoutli
I.lcttio.i river to thi. town of Vyntliiuna. In IlarriFon,onni
ty.1.11,13.1 to din town of Parit. In Bourbon Fount,.
Pri.i.issilF will in , ltol.• all th.. ELC.T.IO.. Ern.
tortt trtent.o. at Nhonury fur Colvertip ala., We Ma.Fonr/
Cori/ride ,
loans and tionolfiNitiont nf the wort to tin don, and Ow
. tom.. of plyirotit. amt. r...n lb+ tho Cont.
/may. at any time betviceu din tumuli •fiftli of April and
of Slat tiVLVI.:IiTt:It WELCH.
Enainiin - en. and Lon. !Llama&
ott,“ Coy. IVO . 0 1.. 1 .. 61 •
• siiS:vrt&T
Valuable Property for Sale.
VIE SUB'SCRIIIER offent f•lr n %Alm.
ble pltre 3.r property . In Allegheny City. haring a
trunt MI Upham. rt met or feet. and runtatt; in 273
tor•t :n Ridge Thia property I. alluated hatneillate.
it ninth a the renkle.nen Ratnnel Churrhu and the
IV•idell,r Dilworth. There II a
Row or
iloure. tlia premise, whleh T• 111 31 . per annum
! The iwnienly In level and well .0,13.3 far laring In Int..
hating. front. on Iletnera and ltidge otreets. It will Le
...Apart ~t the porch... rum.) ran rvulaln
1 . 11,141 On Ow wrouml. Inuulre Ile suh.erther. on the
JOHN TllOlll$O.N.
New Spring Goode.
A A. MASON 5: CO. will open thi, morn.
h l
st.rillon entlVZ"ultlit.
MAI 0 JO.' Wm; rll.l , and i.nrkitgra ut
.u.l Yil.(l. • 1., lut Of Unia .
l'apkJirt.n.t Pin 1111 l c. de. ap7
I.I.A.WL.S—A. A. MANto, A Co - . have
roed pa etnn......--;..11 meta Printed Culituer, 11101
tired 71,11,1. Lint.ruitle,d d.. . Pnory de lame
Hiftwol*. 4,7
I oar, OW do . and LT :r Vellet,lnt.rultlrri . .; kr.
Latest Publications
T IIOL3IES' Literary Depot:
Curtur4l, ha Atoll.
1.1t1.41 , Ahra, .
Au ron.
Ka, Donal., or tlatal.wfal , h3 of a Mini ' 1 ..f . "
Nolholia, a tale Ibr Family Howling.
Eplritnal Intarenuroo. I. A .1. Dav' ,
Harper' , Nagano, far April-11a
itialflPi Inn. ar the 1% hilt. Ham. of England: an 111,
tallest Itainnore.
.lhmuv without a Muter. In G•wq.
i l a
tn ". : 41.• " NI 4
" • .4eF.O.
Di rim. litunriswia—FOWLElt'l; GEM LEO.
7—st Irai.mal.morLd.ran w , 4 , ..1%"•MiUg%
Apral 1111.nd bib. st o'rkek, with Hinging y Dn.
arith Os, dellusatins sessral
male chars: Inns luso, no. Mine.
innisslsi I.:stink:tn. A 'mil Stli—ltaliaoS, Dulls, and Its
lkintrines tiniest ty l i tiressngr.
F r u., hveiihni—iisre•liLsny Io isial Faris, most
wirntifin I,turs.
4enuratinn• rharfact. ilb musts,
jl2r: . talki . . ' iWttini. 7.!!T1 ` LTZ11,V: „ .. "1 7.
.77 yerEintion. samossirtneut rbilussu, r dsily rust
plhl " Iii n g4j polo'"
(grt'OCKS WANTED—BIink of ,Pittnburgh;
I_3 Ni.siticrn Lll,rrlle. Jirldne, by
apt SIEO. E. Alt Si .1.17* CO '4 Fourth at
`'POCKS FOR SALE-31ouungah
e ,
1„3 North Welders East at Wheeling.; by
sn7 OEO. E. ARNOLD Cs) 71 Fnarth tL
prime Shoulders;
B — Al3°ll--2 : 5 sfor sale by
.7 AO ttml SI %%rotor m l ia Vint /Acct.
11111)-13 Ithls. No. 1 Leaf;
la keg " far lade by
FLOUR -157 bble. S. F. rind extra, for Hale
by api L& WATERMAN 0 SONS.
FRUIT-260 . sseys P A en i ebes;
bbl.. • r.
fur mrle by
El?!:TS—.1120 for
OES— cant F/V
1.. F. W ATERM A N. • SONS
CYTH E SNEAtIIS--3 50 doz. extra ntid
nV '"". 4 "ini n . r irri r atV.VNl INS .
best east snwl Ilay ForkA:
(oar pru0....1
INuoitlci: itotyr_so Pws,l. for
1 . 4 hy[.7 E. F. SELLERS.
it Hl' BA Rll-4 • Pow'd, for hale by
d ILL SPRUCE-1 eases for iL sa r le si lL ..,
I_ .7 .1. ,
(1 ROUND TuItMERIC-2.bbla. for Bale by
J nl7 It. E. SELLERS.
TIiORN•S Extract 1.1 . Sarsaparilla and Or
p•TIn. 55000.1 ed rennin.. Fn. rate hr
R. L. SRI-Li:ES.
` a • iIIIMILLION—Ci2 lbs. (Trieste) for male
jr lii EIESE.-.-50 Lose, receiving and for sale
1/ by 1 4 .7 IL DALZELL i 'CO- Lib,t, M.
O bills. Butter:
...eke fipml Appleo:
as ba;es } C ' ' th Et" 7 , ; ivirm inr I. I F, 0 M. Li
.1 1 .7 f., , , Water Ft.
- IMO A DER--300 rest. Med. and Crown Wrap
'. plug. for eale.loar °loam conaignment.
no , JAS. DALZELL. GA Water n
E-300 Lush. Dried
10 bble. Dried ' , meting
100 S. P. Flour
Lan dos. Corn Benonra
11 keg. land 5 bbls. No.l Lard:
on bin, Roll
lao bush. Timothy /±ead;
10 co a.% Potagh;
IU casks Saleratu. In nom and far sale by
ap7 J. & It. FLOYD, Round L'hureh.
_ . .
DIG IRON-45 tons Alleghenyfor nate by
an: J. .R. FLOYD.
1 LOVER SEED-25 bbls. prime for sale by
A LEILATE S-6000 lbs. poure,, for sale by
ap7 .1011 N WATT C CIO.
LIISII-111114 - ,erel, Salmon , and Lake Trout,
r. 2. sale by sp7 JOHN WATT it CO.
QIIOT-100 bap non'd Non, for tale by
BACON -11 conks lianas;
10Oderec landing from Or.
Cape May. fur rale by DIAIAII DICKEY CO..
api Muer and Front Or.
CLlTTON—.landing from otr. Cup
Ma>. fror .aln by ap7 10A1111 DICKEY t 00.
LIEATitERs--17 s.taka landing from rtr.
I . nl, May. It.r aaln by
141TOOL---25 oaeks now landing from
May, b., gaLe by
.1 , IS Patti DICK KY t
I El) PE A C ER—Mn) for .. indeby
-A F . . . AII A
Q tLT I'ETRE--m al
i saeks for se hr
I_7 4.7 isAlAll DICKEY i CO.
}:D, ft, ,nlr ma 11011Itko Tea Mao, In the Diamond.
SHEA has removed to No. 116 Market
north a Lis old stand—llan
!mei, wertpiell Lr It. U. Tbnmpinn. sp.S,CI.
/louse Keepprs
11'1 , 8111 ate , N i G ti m ,'entpi ny vr.ln ,,,,Paper Hangers, will
th.• t all Vaper S:Wre l'lrrAdVpit,VElV at
:Ws' Market
1 1 1 1:ANSI'AllES1' V IN - 1/011"
L Ju.t lartivnd baudnutnuatsoytmont at
is. 4 PALI! Mutat r 4.
S KU( ITS 'll ftPt:NI'INE-20 bldg. choice,
cur.. r 1.11.11 y and St. Clair ids.
. _
INSEED bbls. for sale by
• 3131+ BHA I' N a DEITEIt.
( S— 111 bale, large pint bottle Corks;
- Suds Cort.a,shurt. lust rued
tr..; fur pal.
to Ullitn. A It EITEk.
iNSI:EiI L— 1004) gull. for gale l.v
J. KL6D A 121)...
I 11001. LAN It 8 Celebrated German
• utmaa , -1 gru,m fur sale bt 3,KIDD 4 . CO
CLAIt K Pure 3letlici
• t.. 1 CoirLl% Ell DM At.-s.t. fur sale LI
an, .1 KIDD t (Al NV.0.1
Carret's Se . yteh, 0111,111d
t 7 4, - ,k fur KIDD a CAI.
Lora IhillauileForstarti Remit:is. nem t Ileum Illefisel
Lord !lolls/e : 12.n+. woe.
Berne a the Bane: hr thrsGtlttllam I 501.,12m0.. 23r.
le a t e ,,l, W o un,a,or llarl's 4Sl,ner naltis works: iefthe
pr. t Nstursr. 1 vol.. I Sun, tuns
' . I Ittsx ' lln f clrui :re - ry liar to Lent. roetollen (mot the etrit-
IP llt SA LE—W hi te Lottis, ille Limo, hy the lap! or Illshoplrterns Taylor: 1 lot Mms., um.
l' 441 .r.r r•lall: 2, din Illur 11,1 Mack Int: :3. dna.. NI•l7 Mb • F.t.luthl , tc,n7 the 4 lbs - ul. n, the ern+elnbr
1....1 l'eurea 2., rt... V”st .nn utl ' en. Moles a o. mar 0 , •oth^r aOw toll, 1...." , "•...- tn.'
( •,,,,,, , e , „,. D o 1D.,e.. Pill
re,,, , e t 11-brew . sun Latin Lexicon of the Ohl Tienseuelt . , luelud•
u osslunt .1 Or '.root il, In PitlAurgh: s variety of • lug the DAlleal aj..14 . ... From the Laths of tin Gra , sltus,
lUsole. toil 3 i . .. 1. erhont and other Booker. nltnmst3 , late • bY, M.; R 0
C•eanrrtrlt iklerturl,
our Duly. •sersrel W.Thlf• ?__,. ' ef•iete." soh by T. Be, Isuso.• ones
shnut Ine lair esrhas,• NeweDaPtra. IMO our peon,.
, 1
~0. ;. . 7 .. 5 - 1 . .-f fi Oporto of Ite n
k trt , lLms, , lrt n lS %rips...
Ws us aud villas Lein Cir eats le
. • ISAAC BARRIS, Anent . nn Conic I v01.:1tm0... 34113.
tN,culastou 3lrrehaut. Wert? st. Napolonnenalhlaltarehohn hr J. F. Ileudly, 2r01e., Ina°.
%}...‘ EIL.VL i iardenem, and ,L good Black- . Ilyroot DlntSonerl 0(31...5hah/est 25th No. .
I - 1 nnlth. • sal. foullosl ran est else,. Srsoral el , . Tr''' D..."...f nod Its caws, so addreel &hr.
~e i Ds tbe Bnuasysirtusr-lo,by Bev N. 31...01 D- -
..n ... , 11 .u.tru. ten , eon • men sect Places . Bonk It,- . ~, •
1..0 u..:6,-..„ warohou. Stets ressral le- •`-'"- . 4 ' , • • •
r. " •:C7.;:.;.!C• . .5tl ll;•urs Korern.Cseks-Chaultorruouns 11 .1.T.,,,Mi1.7 1 ' /*elf N•m ' . '"" li.. p ..• h.''' .
i Just a for sato e -
Il• l"" i ` r, N.'' , A ` • ••'' rllta t . ."7l - ,X . ir " L ' sp2. _ _ li PRIM/. 7. Awlln lloltdinrs.P.ote m.
`. ''ra". ." i '''''"'"""'' . 1 "'"' , d ...._ i NAACKERtL-- 50 bbla No. 3 (Halifax
' , ll br..d.t) " " NM., braudn
half bide Pm ...leer
Jot D.U.Z.ELL. tin n 8 VrMer at.
)11'0 ); --41) 1.411,, to Itrrivp on Mayflower.
7 t:7171i f i7i11: .. r.V.. c.)
Plank Road Notice.
`I.I. PERSONS who have subscribed to
N• t tool P.r toaklog n.k Awl au Peons) teiLla
terou, or Fanners' and Mcobastles' Turuplks from ()ab
late! to /let, Barker', are votilleal to call at the houa•
tbe out-cribv.. in 10=111e. on or before the ILth of April.
' O4 PSI OILY o.ok on VgltMflhi-"TV2a7rIP
boos. latZgtil
Semi Store Removed.
r HE subscriber hue removed Seed m Store
Ir a Z i rs; a o the butigir reonuflly neenpied
0151.ffita the lbelt r o . l7lTe.
C. 1.. fiNC4VDEN,
Eastern Exchange
f t)N BOSTON,'
1111.1. nd BALTINIOKE,
A k „
1 - 0111:Il . 1 , 3[4 . t.. 4. Mat` by
( I'ECIE.—The highest market price paid
17 f.r Accerlezn e nd Ponlan SILVER, esul far Yorrloi.T..._ ~,.. .
"OLD. et the Pachthe 111 re of WM. A. 11 ILL 2 CO.,
almll'ja • hi Wood In, Ca door carnet Fourth. I ( 1. RAN URET I`OTASII-25 lbs, for sale
.I ' , Olt RENT—TWO 1100 MS,
adapted fiina! b Y 'l"2 B. A. PATINE:3I'OCE A CO.
1 4 tcron E. ,with a Cellar.) ellen/ate to the Itailroad Dr- 7 1, The best Green Tea in Pittsburgh. —
, r ., Feleral Otte,. Allegheny. AT.Or on Co e Ir•re.'"'"' ' - '5031i: ...CoW Crop :Fes has
...a.. m.viavi ...list. Young
• I, Lawn received. at 31oReit Yea Story In the
Eureka Mining Co. of Michigan. 1 aconn.l, ethic') Mr !Veto:lh road law& c ot.. bead tfatty
' nntl in ritttletrnh. • nri______
i i. NIEETINO of the Stockholders of the ‘ i 15ND i t i E s__
it! t sia. sat be hel,l at the
l ' o 'r 11 • 11 1 tr W ire g nI, : a ° •V r Co 'l ., I h n'Plltaburch, nn Me n d,. I, 100 bar, yrme !ark 01- t. en Itin Con,
Aged TOL INSI, et 3 o'clock, P. 0. l'unetnal ertendencele .-., thlt hurerlor Lake lob
ro.,aestetl. I ahal3ll 01.3). ItAktklE Pr*,. LI) LI, do do atzunn;
... ZO ie. Lat e r No 3 31ackerel
1 PPLES--10 lads. Ruseetn, Isur nal° ho ' s oh Larce No:: do
10 o r de .1. No I do
A, l J. Ii'IIooNMAKER 2 CY,. CI Woes) . L . To drawl C/ e 151.1.,• In d o and 11-r ale hy
an= .1011 N Warr /c taT.,l.ll.ertT , n.
Board of Underwriters.
s lior LDERs.--..-9oon pieces in salt, arrived
i T n Meeting of the Itonnl Id'Untlerwri
innlyur gale b.,,Dv JoNEcT 2 CO.
; t ter, the 1,11.. r lot re...lathe, ea. unanimatl.lC Ytt- aim ied. and ordered h , t.. h ohlttlnd:
',eared. That tn.n sal sm, tr. t .stairstiop ot Ibla me Sllol' LDERS-41-4 casks, arrived and for
.... n. vitt. !h.... e heti., orooncl or, ,nattoed, 0/1•11 Le ,_ .. 1. ,,,, . 1.,.., UARDYJONI3t 2 CO.
.1.1.1,11,1 a. thken 1,, ant liaturou, .Woe in this city. 1'
tam' the orenanto
I. peal at 0 tan 11 ACON .'01) lbs received and for sale by
A n. II ARE°.
„,,T. •• ' .r: ' ; Seen.ta•ry ot the a.sta -II ''''' •
_l'7 tt WM. IL JOIINST) IN.
• -1 - ' ' - - -- - I 11 1 3 U'I'TF., -- li. &..EUGS—in store :Ind for mile bp
(.. , I 'M UT M I LL--f Smut Mill (eompltde) far' jul ..,, IV3I. 11. JOHNSTON.
thel,l3 IL PALZELL.
I To Contractors, Masons, Carpenters; &c.
A , 1.",.,,.tt 0 al Chorrla to Le erected a STONE, on antra
tr.., . Lan le ....n at the Sunda, sehonl Wenn of 1 tinny
'hurelt Ate... to the mho. an Le 11.1 Ir) nilli, on Ha a b
Illackhur, who lives on the alley *thecae.: the ta.ona--
Pero... pr q weing to rontru.) for the 1.11114102. nap) hand
in thei r prn t enale. heron, the lath that., to Th.. 31. Howe
at tho Etelosnar Rank. 4 0 0th31
Executors' Sale of Bank Stock.
F N , .‘ ,„ l ,7 l c alay E , vening, April 7, at Sv:eloek,
rI F II b:!:1,1.'4 4 t i ,2e 1 . 4 "J"i . .,:z,',;r: f .. ` n,"! root!
.1.4111011,k, deed-33 shims Stock In Bastof I.ll.lsburkb.
I'. M. DAVIS. Aue'r.
V A F. WILSON have removed to No.
• . lls Snd It.. sal 147 Front st.. betsvpn 11 coil
r) eco Smithfield . • spl
I -I A 31 Al AZINE for April, -tile
unrivallml - tha
met he hied the Curtain. or (Moen yearn ohnerra.
loin a the thoutron of Near York. hr R. It Northall.
I nieruaunnul for A mai for at
Liternr, Third nh thy Pt. uEti,e.
' •
_ •
IVI Ul3l'lll - fr. Rl' RCII FIELD have just re- !
ly k i..1...1.1 this uramlng. lir eanthee. • b. of /1 , 1. lin.. r d. 1
~i. tonek nod colored rdlskTurr satins Palm leaf..e
nle eolsorrend rugs beragen end ItillMirildlll. a new end
glee Wide Donn MM..: Idldte Etuhle. Tarl
ton klualloe A, : gt i
. .
--A beautiful srtlelc..thst me'd and for sale by ,
ta: THOS. CALMER. No. 55 Market M. '
I ofN W , ILL PACER—From the most relehmted fee.
.11.4 th e by 1.191
ritlem, being regularly received at
... Market ,t. by 1.101 01100. BAVIIEIL
• • i
HALL „,,, 1 ,,.i ”. PAPER OF2I Y . OWN r , MAN , C I - .
era, on hood et k., enariu4 rt.
apli THOS. PA LM Eal.
- •
(.1 EED SWEET POTATOES-20 bbls noon
lending fro., steamer Fort Vitt for ante 1,
at, 1001 A II DICKEY A CO.,Later A. front eta-
Executors' Sale of Real Estate,
Air 1 , L ,1 1 , .. * 11 ,,, F: nd 5 r ) ,., L ,... D .:,.. i t n n, kt i rs iu na L n o ce of th
100 :, 1
.!,t ' . i jk. n. r11 1 . t h..%[ 2 1 2ii , at:k. d ,.1...11.. ' :t li ''' e alk l ii :Vt o .a..l' .la,.
!tai . '
L.) .4 l'ittebothh, by path. auction, a
. valuabo , ant et
t ' o:lll;rv " .l ' ,.eriZtTn ' gT;els " ll l!. 4l7lrAZllirt l ctFtg l' i l lt th ;d
a la th er piece of ground widen wee held undlrlueu by Luc
said Martin Lowry, and othert, and whkh. hy virtue of
certain prom...limp m Partition, to the.blattlet Quart of
the County of Allegheny, Na FA January Term, lath. was
audgnott in evvendly to the heirs of the said Martin 10w
,,,,,e1. by mete* and bettnde, An., as by referenna to the
see,,,Kition and plan then:unite sunroof, and other-Pth
bogs In the vane had. Will now fully and at lune el,
peer. It I. to enumerate th e advantage.. ol
the ale,ve potherty, commanding, WI It doe.. • beautiful
prthte•et '1 the city and ttni tern rivers. being ea .Y of I.'
o r .. for a prlvalo residence , and abounding In excellent
etodo tit fur building potp. they nor , te! k.....
For a plan of the property and further information, epnlY
to )I,••ern. Mitchel and Palmer, Attorneys and thruneellore
at Len. Fourth street, or to either of the undersigned. Ex.
ermors of th e 11,1 Will and Testament of Martin Loner.
N. IL—The admit:dna Lot, COLltAilli.g 0 ,00 1 the same
woman,. of land. Is aim for male. sfAvlgna2p/
Jui POOll in the nineteenth mntrlrl. • rrulotlmil•nr the
~,,,,, coalition and ranlipX. of Um motor Classes in the
British Metropolis, In cormeetion with the YOUntry, DI M.
Maheu,with engraving - lot the scenes and PII7OII, described.
SIM. 1 and 1: of this exrallent work ha. been receivedlll
llohneC Livrur Damot, Third st.,opprelh. thu,mi al,
one , . I.' per No. nr2
INKAMON-50 mats for sale by
l NAT IL E. runs.
I IT R ROOT-600 lbs. for sale by
VI ma= sass val.
Iltk.. , llano n ha/nr.
10 dn
by .I,..ulden.
tuz, fn.11.1-1
I n nri n 1.:
IFA 1111 bills Ll ,vn R
I 1.. n
rF Fruntot..
I ROME YELLOW—cages reed and for
sp‘: 1•01.1011 S.
d lemon. bort:moot,
, ‘•loces, ants
%f e nd
. caraway In c.rizinal parkno n.rr , . L . Ati r s gby
11. 4 AD
, GENTLAN—:;73 lbs reed and for
11. 0. STLLFP....4.
RANGE PEEL—_M r r el i. .l4And for
1 onln 1. 3 -
L IQUORICE BALL-121.111. for Pain
GUM ARABIC.—.SOO lbs for sale by
spa 11 A FAH!. 0-,T%/C/C k
- -
11P1U31—S5 lbs new
ap9i t i wt A T A f, i l i r N v er e , l4l - ..
1 LUE--5U bids So 1 for sale by
..,c1 13 A FAIINk.iniCK k CO.
ALCINEII:II.A.UNESIA-20 cases for mil.
IARAWAY SEED-300 lbs sale by
; FA
C & CO.
A.4p3 fl ERCURIAL OINTMENT-100 pound
I TA strong for axle by A FAIIN UTOCI, t Co.
iRANGES-40 boxes Coreet Messina ree'd
orrlee. fit we by 11'31A 31'CLrliG * CO.
w 3 :Mit Liberty et.
113REPARED CORNFor Pudding; Blanc
t Maw, ies., always oil hand and for male. wholesale,.
retell by W3l B 31ceLti t CO.
sia G noera sod tea dealer,
IANNE RS 01L—,50 bbls rec'd and for sale
1, by sp3 J. DALZELL.
FrOBACCG--15 kegs
No. 1, 6 twist forsalo
„1, by spa J. DALML.
iIIiEESE=43 boxes just reo'd and for sale
kj by• , sy3 It DALZELL I 0) . Libe_rty st
- -
FrHE SUBSCRIBER has commenced re
market. rouol ,
Printed etingLawn, In pert of
Print! Moo.. de lain. filneharne. AI.
.Te=e Tr r t cSl.ll}tileu."= Dvok nfae b' . ' T7r d erlt.
11.1[fr ml T .i n‘ :XV kJ= Cl r r i or !l i e M alr= P' lketan
rtewle, Iloriery. Ware, Ilittear. LAWN, Lolls, Comb..
111.11, Ear . pe Wier, Perlued, VnitrellAs Table and Fre.k.
Cutley. LINA, Jewelry. Statrhee. tr., ' Lr.. to whird he
rrepertfully hay iles We ettenlion of merettente and pedlar*.
002 C. AIiBUTLINOT, Wood st,
. - -
Surrepoll 0,/to, April 2,1651.1 -
Q EA LED PROPOSALS will he received at
I.j this odor. until 12 o'clock. 2Oth day of April, Ltert.Gir
tkedelvery:oftbe fullowingasticiekibethe use of tbe skit at
Nile U E ttnriue limpdta4 nearthislkty, until the 00th day
of June. 1552:
Reef, as froe. a/1 possible teemlgoe,Vim ref pound.
Dread. each bast to neigh one Ilk.-- " •
Drown huger of the beat
Tms Ily son . -
Rim flour • ..
V 05. 0 .0 . "
Rutter. best quality
Million 1...0n
Vert bolted mesd bushel
Potatoes • "
Wood .
Coal bualsel.
Allot the foregoing articles to be of the very hest goal.
Ur. and lobe furnWhed at such UM', and In Math quanti
ties axon the requialtion of the &meant ef the I.l4Pitak
approved by the en reel. , mar rexinind•
Any other article% that may be wanted. the contractor
b. furnish. the Ibsen market prkvs.
It Le extimate4 that the number of patients
. lo to be pp
gltrire Ww l il l lFT:ltt'atitlVOlSl' s ' 50 .
1131 7. Int r el ' or Slattl!
Any Inhumation row:ern:dng the rontrw . t. ho given
applkation thlx nein, HEARI 001)9.
apazrZarin Surveyor nod s'ct. U. 31mine Uteepltal.
tIOSLiEN CIIEESE--Superior do for sale
iOOKS! BOOKSU—Louisiana; its Colo
nial Libber and Roman.. by Cbas Uayarre. -
onur Rot.. or Philip ling ..f tb. Iranatencoonin na
bloborieni 11,111.411., by C. IL licillister.
Ro ll . ar lx, tel k in A. a Franconia rtory. By the author of the
London Labor and the London Poor: by ilenry Mahe.,
a plc &woe:awry,. enatasinsta. taken by Bawd: WI 2.
R. C. StiOCKTON. bc , oller.
np2 No 47. Market rtreer.
EW BOOK S!—Lonisiztim ; ita CQlnnin
History sod Knuanr.-. 1,, Chu. lisparre: 1 ToL.B ro.
ntit No. of
by Ilnlmes, Third St; a/-
elm:lc.. • talc by the oulLor of Woolan In Frozwe.
RECIP-CARB. IRON-75 lbs, for sale by
EIDLITZ MIXTURE-150 lbs, for sak
by ap2 B. A. FAIINESTOCK t
V ITHIC ACID-16 lbs for sale by
I, .1 ar2 13. A. FAIINIZRoCIi k 00.
A.x—woo IbB Refined, for sale by
A Ell)111,LION-75 lbs Chinese, for sale by
ap . 2. B. A. RAIINFSTOCK CO..
role hr D. A. FA UNESTOCK CO.
lORN-74.a.) bu. in store and for sale by
sp2 WM. 11. JOHNSIC.N.
PPLES—I2O bblii Green apples for suleby
apt Wll.ll JOHNSTON.
II IF STUFF-100 sacks for sale by
ard till. U. JOIISSTON.
g UEIJN APPLES-40 bids in pod condi
lor non nod for pale by J. e. DILWORTH t lit.
. .
14NRun . --4Ao Idols dried apples
ma 00 do reschrt fa pale 01.
pt. 2 .1. S. DILWORTH a co.
g , oitN& OATS-500 ha for sale by
J. S. DILWORtII it 0).
B ACON -Z. casks sugar cured hams;
Jo rain Sbnulders for in hy
sp2. J. S. DILWORTH a Co.
titi S-4 bids, reed and for sale he
ipuLt. BUTT Elt-10 lob's. for sale toy
Ind Nolls Fle-4. en.l 110 Seem.] 4.
R00M....4---400 dozen, for sale by '
ap2 A. l: 0. II kitioamil.
1.11 YE-1200 6u. Mr sale by
.1. IL spO S. tV. II AI:HAMM-
I. ACON-14 Mids. (hog round) for sale by
149 ay/ F.. aR. HARDATHIL
EMOVAL.r—CLEO. P. DIIIM has removed
Up Dry 114.1. Stor. from No. 11S M!amt. to
Noott'o Nov Irwin lOreel. foot tiCcro loin. Penn PL.
where he alit he . plrsind to wait on his former custolarrn
mud the public geoen.lty.
IRANGES.-100 boxes just . receired and
k .r •alr eel BURBRINIF a INMIRA3I,
116 Mater ntrert.
L .
S A.; A.R-20 1 . 1 hhds.arriving, for sale by
IttiltlittllME a INCIIRAM.
116 Watt' 4.
IVE O . L r A .: BS"U'l nNin i lliV . G r e. s e 'g f\ f u o i r i;C a ji
BltOO3lS-110 dez fcr sale by
I UOAII-211 MI& Clarified, Battle Ground
tditor. b li r d 1 \ telIR M
258 Liberty Street
- -
mod exten.lce dal complete uwatment of Choice
ILY ThAe, Seleetel p
rpm. A. McClurg. In the cities of New York nodhl.l.lo
plat. 'berm be hes 'eat returnel. exertion will be
RDltrell austalo the blob reputellou eltmuly enquired yb
6, h ow , o f seinen the bert cool choleeet goods in fatell .
line le le bed In the city, dal al the lowed rate.
They cell nothing but what they too fecommetal,
and guarantee terry thing ea represented: so tlat mama
tending children or percents fur any thing need be no
fears of lawn. en Infer/or 'dick pelmet off upon tiTeto
They refer with conedence to the. customer+ by Whom
An a , are /gawam!. bowing for 'a matinee:we of their
<canon and many ecklllima to the .firmly large Ilst.
opt linters anal Tee Dealers.
Bank Stock for Sale
NOTICE is hereby given that in compliance
with th r e niilitiol3ll of itti Act oi n tietat d i tattroz . :
Ilr 1.7.7 at th n e Bof
NEW STOCK "the Monotels Bast of Brownselliecon
WLIAMAT, the ltb day of NAY, leetl. Sole to creatnetwo
at 10 o'clock: A. 11. By seller of the Word of. Directons
splits D. S. KNOX, bier.
ACARD.—I have removed to my new store,
Mtm doom below.) nearly opposite the Dank of
sburah, where I will be 610..1 to tee my friends and (.1.
low elthensand remise a sham of their custom I will
keep a eery large assorttatat of UnhoLdery 4 hedeand
• dlelib ettellkl Dale. Serbta, iloek Caton and Husk Matz,.
rem leather beds. Bolsters, and Pillomc Blankets. Quill.,
Counterpanes, and Comforts; Window hhades, of every er
'lett, Door Ma establishments he
usnalle found In the
moat mtenelve of the kind. Orders respect.
folly sesliclted and moat promptly Ailed.
apl WIL NOMA Tiled Mewed.
ly3 yet et Ore ATIIENJXII BrlLDLAT,,tglawn,
a_ i to, 1851. Eigii
ail.iNtliElt A Itil.eitaMUNT BETWLEN
XPRESS l'ackot and Railroad Liao for
1 eleeelihr. without ?es, tie* br Steamers tem
to Bearer. in connection with the elegantly..
:0,3 Ext... recites of elle[ei I:arkc .11ht hwest
NIAGARA.- ......
neat.. Irate their latvling °Men* the llanorigehels
House, at 9.. alma. A. M.. ronnertng with the raelela aC
Braver. yrbirtt art/I !rave hoottatiateir nu the arrival of**
steam,. arming at Raveraus in time forth* Expreetarela
if Cars lbeen.
~.-rte by thte min at
Clevetwail time to take the lialtrted Line of steamed
tor 01: WP.kIA) and DETILOI2, and the .towers ter Mew
go. 3111ereukle, Toledo, Yav dusky Orr; Dunkirk and &i.:
also for staving train of ore far Cob 12121112; Mild; mad
Cincinnati, CL.MX, PABILS CO., Proprietors,
lloctuarni, JPa.
W. IL 310011111;!.D•
Ms mien. St Chula* Hold:
OS!.. axxlcr dloamgab 11- 2 " 111....5 '
J. !L.
comer of Smitidell and Water grad=
On the Pennsylvania and Obio Canals.
CLARKK. PAI:88 t CO a ßotvnrq 'Ph
CiiLkWfOILD Ce)......threnann,
Tills well liDnown Lineiß now prepared to
flecifibl..a Wrong. , fromLMBUROIi.
and CLEVELAISLL W new pond uti the Cartel and Lassa—
The facilities of the Lin, aro nnsuroansd numberotoal
lir, and cepaelty of Bosh. eclechom Ceorishoe .4 ...C
-heney of Agent.
Ow. Boas knee. Pittsburgh arta Cleveland ILO Y•mmt/lijilL
In connection with a Line of shamboata between Pima
BOW/land BEAVER, and • Lino of lientelassetesinhoate
(ncupoller and sheds) on the Lake%
Parks t Co., Youngstoun, O.
f:lTl!EtlL! v s=2i i .n. 9.:
C. Prentiss, Hate. .. 04
Brayton. A Cu, hasenne.
Fent, thinuel Co., Franklin. 04 •
11. A. Miller. Cuyahoga hat, 0.;
Wheeler, Lea A Co., Alma, 04 • .
Henderson 41 Pettibone, Sandusky City, 04
Peckham t Scott, Toirbk 04
G. Williams t Co.. Detroit. Illubbikn;
Houremmt t Co, Illigankie, Kis; .
Ciro. A. Giblet t Co.. Chicago, /Mg
'"" 1
16E 1 1 ' Pab011ET, Agent.
tor. Water ..imiLbsea l'hubuntb
A UTTER-5 bids Roll, just recd per Union".
arid to salebr 1(ap? R. DAT2ELL !!! CO.
tcs. arriving per Ue Wittelinton,
far Ws by apl W. i F. WILSON.
11. MOLASSES-70 GUIs. Louisiana Re
o finery, ardying per D Witt Clinton, far .111% by
apl W. d V. WILSON.
`AY-18 VMS Timothy, arriving per
act, for gala or, dm wharf, IV
apl R.s Y. WILSON
h„PB2.7:i ri4
o'rlork. A NI. 11..e31•is •Lo ImTe boo. telonging to ago
Lamar, •
t. the 04..i0f rrtoro thAa.
All , llllll BURCHFIELD havo corn-
En•preal reselling tbeirusrotel supply of
outsnu which .:11.1se found yorksbeck Pieper.. B
=.141110:gil) l :-1 ].lOOO
. Ladles' wear, to be hail et
epl 3101tHIT a Duman - sun .
URPHY& BURCHFIELD hare received
1 low pircra mon. all wool T,nwd and lluotwarasa:
LARD. --20 kegs ,S; 3 bbls. No. t, for sato by
- atell3l SAMUEL P. SWIMS.
try, Deartatkat. Yhtvot asd . 7l4P r t o per itaasince tea .
n r from IL aW'
bral;r=lbelDelnf'Delalf Yd
for sale by WALTER P. MA
inekal B4 WCal atm&
wri ty LL PAPER—Fra 6 , 1 r pr m iUtfeeule
(Green for °
LOST. , .
in, • melt mon at money, Ina loot between Meth
Seventh stmts., on Emltlateld etreet, on TtneeinT. the
25th inn. The ander trill ottttforltsmatbettolltby totoms:
tut It to the owner. throarh tido omen mei=
OLL BUTTER-5 hbls. (fresh) for sale by
Sugar Lesut ~ Odalle Add; Nntmegx
Cslab.dquorfek Mil 01102SLOUN annzasar.
Just reed l
andlor dale by J. KIDDII9W & CO..
u3rh.l No.ake.
I ROUND GINGER-3 bbls. (pure) for racll3l J. KUM CO.
FOWiiiiß RHUBARB-4 cases for sale by
J. KIDD I 03-- -
far de br mcb3l J. EIDD t CO.
ALOES-3 eases for sale by -
1.-A mil .lIDD CCL 1
LARD OIL-12 bblB J. L. Conkling's No 1
Lard Oil tb .to and thr
.mu..bulra e by
=I add SD Uteri/
GOD FISH-12 drums for sale by
lICKETS-20 doz. (Beaver) for sale by
1110 COFFEE-150 lym landing, by
mrb.3l maw} t
U ICE-25 tierces landing, for sale by
it mein
BROOMS -50 doz: for salfrby
EW B OKS !—Elenienta of Analytical
.1.11 Geometry, and of the Differential and Integral Ca.
coin. by kilns LOOMS.A.3I.
Nile Notes of a Morrill.
Widlace, • Franconia :Dorn by Ku author of tau BoW
London Laken and the London Poe= br. Hernylifzillrf :
with daguerreotype engraving, b H ear d.
taken 47.
The above book•jUla reed and for wee
inehdl R. C. STOCKTON. I, Market .t.
EGGS -7 Mila fresh, for sale by
BUTTER -5 kegs packed, for epic ky
RY APPLES-10 bbls. reed, for sale by
DIIIEti PEACHES-25 hu. for sale b 7
lORN-150 bu. (Sbelleol) for sale by
A PYLES-75 1,11 Romanites, for sale by
ia WEEP POTATOES-20 bbls. for Seed, in
Li sow order. to arrive per Yore Pitt nod for alje by
Water sad Trout eta.
HERRING -It‘ bbl 3. (1850) saved,
sod lr.ale '" d is' b A y lA/1 DICKEY CO..
metal _ Water And Front 41m
lIOULDERS for sale by
_ -
RANDY d. WIIISKEY,—Sonie very}'' prima
Old Rye Whistu l and o iesch.ltrandr.Me mie. et
metal l Tea Atrue, in IN. Diamond.,
y onle. fia male by J. SeIIOONLLAILEIL A CO.
11.-2 el;kei Winter Sperm; 5 do.' do.
Whale; 5 do. Relined WbeJe: br rale by • •
eclat J. 6C1101)N1IAKKB. A CO.
RANGES-300 boxes Sweet Sicily, on
eontlotteent wad for de low to doe, by
naebal Wit/1.11411a 11ENNEST.
EIV BOOKS!—NiIe Notes of a llowatti;
t If! coo- mos. arid par.
allat, a Pranrona pun: , 41 T ye el- of the by the
oi nor of the Rollo Boolon IS ino..Bnue.
Elomeota et Analnfra' ileometry, and Of the Warm.
lal and Integral Calculn, by Elias loombl.
T0...h00p. . 'net red and for sale try
It. IRIPAINS, 78 Apollo thallertia,
torh2B Fourth meet.
. .
INEliAlt.--30.1A15. Cider (warranted) for
m i. oo , 0,,0t, Ivy T. WOODS & SON,
mrti26 No. as Water et.
TORN. MEAL-5 bbls. for sale by
meta, en EY. t.t err & co.
iOTTON-25 bales on consignment, per
' Mesmer Wastamtmt, ga .1. by
metal . AIJAAN Dn. GORDON, Truett A.
SEED--3 GIAs. for sale by
LCOHOL--10 bbls. 76 and 92 degrees,
we L.r
CIOPPERAS-35 bble in fine order, for
oale by
RIED PEACIIES-2000 bn. chalrew) for
sale by stch.E. MEV, MATTHEWS 00.
00 bbla. prime N. 0. Blolmam
hb. "
hhd.. " N. 0. augu:
60 sacka Buckwheat;
35 Um , . Rim ,
101 cull etd;1. ' 1%..1.1.: Imp% and CL P. Tar.
WO den. Cam.BrroMs, Pad: . •
3111. ate• Dunlap Mo Tubscat .
2/ - 110 lump Tame..
23 - Jaw llan's 10. Toblear. ,
SU 11 Pp T0t..., nzioup br ain dx 4 5 r
50 to. Buckets
36 1. Tub.; ', . ir,.
. 10 . litolenc 1 ; .
3u bids . Lad/will. I.lrne; Tdmrtnre uml Mk' Willy
melati 1411EY.11117t1IP.WS a CO.
le the man who does not emeelate limn
111 11 y ra h W t
If any there be... not WM. M.
Delve!. to them. But to all Wien. see say. It you Ind, to
render shaving • pleasure, punts. • boo of Juke 'i.e.
Almond Phineeb or Atobnicial Stooping Creams —lt is mt.'
terir Imps eritile to And words to describe the Wino of a.
pereorr—who has teen need to anteing vith ordinary
making trial of this en the lint time. It is • ecnibb ,
mitten of wonder, admiration end ietism,.
RILLS lIAIIEL'S . CREAM Is emedhsaly
mbllient, rendering the stllfext and most wiry beard
end pliable. producing an admirable lather, and by Its e.a.
%remedy milt. netsre allaying the Imitation. and mending
that unpleamint end stiff feeling of the skin width to ID
often experienced after shaving~.
liantlemen using Jul.. littera Meavitig enram, maT bee
the midget and most yPierrlmt nit& Immediately a/levies
nee, without the akin becoming chapped. And (ma oa,
Gum use it, we cat eaftly ray, will rover sue any ether.
thae great advantege—thk• nill be efteeftell7 Weed.
ted by thine who weer whiekerv—in We fact that It W riot
discolor the loud, which mod amps will=ivitur • wady
or rusty appearance to the edge °Atha w
Jules Deters hi:Lasing Creasman dellghtfulpreptrellcoa•
tempounded with skill, to the tiller excluirsitt a all irtiell•
calculated to rends the operaticm of girth= t=aeuite
and be app r reciate br d by ell who Make taiat of
JLLEAIIAUEL,Ierftuner and Chemist. •.
rAirCheannt Arse, Fla
For vale, whiled* and Mall. by B. A. E.l= "-
endklitche li.
11, idiskinotY Sellers, cu r. Pibu rgh; and John Samara. and J.