PITTSBURGH GAZETTE PUELISIIED I,IILY AND WEEKLY. DI WHITE & CO. 1321:123 DAILY-„ , atee.,1 0 i:„„..,, 0 . u ., parable half yearly. laltama pabt ‘ advance.. WEEKLTTwo 40:1.1, per annum. In adranco.. Cl.Vas in he aoPl , lleil on the toi!oving caalltlotne— Three co plee 0 copie r s per annum $ ODOD Ten ni q SIX r. a., -- 13 Twenty cool., ............. .11100 The Packet for each flab to addressed to one Nee°, lad to b• pahl In. ariaLly In Aranoe. No Club raperr nui be of after the year expo., orders the money in tent for s renewal. ELATES OF ADVEIFFLBLNG. One Funs, (10 lines of Nonpareil or teal one insertion S 0 50 Doi earn adOttional basertien- ors 1 76 two nee ki .... ..... 300 Do.- three wee 100 efe. m Do. enth 5 Ou Ts, mentbs..—. .... ..... . 7 Do. three menthe, no Do. f.ur muntba 10 00 100. .12 numtbs 12 Ile r weir. months ....- la 00 lines IT Isla, per aunum...ss 00 One Dollar for rad, additieual Due. naZuriare, enanteuble at pleasure (Per an num) tilLl,l4 tier pup. r-.. ..... --.....2.5 03 For each ruld -nal clear, In..criud re nue month. and Ibr each wraith:nil nrward insetted under On yearly Mtn, MU Pr:sn ,, Advertisements ear . ..earns a square. and not ever fifteen to be ebaripsl as a Arturo snd half. Puldlabers tut ...nu/table for legal ndrerthemeun be. 10 551 Danklnunt tharired for their publication. Arun:ulnas cdlrtiritsZeS for tilts tobe charged the same other ad vertlo , mente. Adeortuements not marked on Ilainpy fur a soundest number of inatrtfor.s. uill by cuutinued forbkl.aral Par. went anensl atovelLn,de. the Trolltun , d'annecil advert:,.l, strictly limited to their owntrumedtate rummest; nod nil arlscrtnerusers fur the norther otbrr yersort....erell as al ladrertnemauts not Intnedlarddr-oeurmenst ultra tl.clr birth... and ail damn . attrertnutesate. on length et otbunnas, beyond the Melts enuaSid, w.ll be...rind at Lte usual rate. For All. month-transient advert's:as. be separately rendered, end promp t rerun at la desiresL All advertlantrents r charitable inotitutlons, Ore coca. panes, ward, tesresh in. and other subtle meetings, and such like, to be cbareed half price, payable strictly in .1. dfarriage maim, to he chimed tot reteta Death notices intertoi without charge., nukes acrotopa. Wed by funeral Ineitat:ere or obituary pohoes, and when szeornwilial to be for. Beanltr ailverther. en cd ail inhere rending oninounka- Mut, or mistletoe folio, derlgged tO call attention to golreea. Coneerta, or any public 'entertainment& wheco chant. two main f r wjauttanew-call whom of pr& trete .I.l.{io,—..rory notice deeigned to call attention to private cutospriseci, rnlinlatol pr 'mooted to promote Ire& viduel Interest. inn onip hpiertitt.wlth thy undemand ing that the same to told ter. /f Intended to to In eertiel In the keel redeem, the tome will be chinned at the rate of neaten than to moto per go& Milton or tr . Notion. to to thargeil triple price. Tanen Liceuw Petition. It end& Real.lstitate Agent,' ant Alietloniero' wlrcrtitementa not to be elem.! nailer yearly rote.. hot to be allowed lib, eonnt of thirty than. and ow, thin! Per two& front the 1 1 cement of bill.. • • wren". Da 1111..21.1.1 . t,DA1LY 1,P113. One &loam throe ....... 50 Do. earl, saditirrnal troenion.t ...... • Wzlal7 One Solute, (to 1.t.0.,) ore ia.erthrl 53 rents. Do. •••eb 34,!za00.21 ...... en.. 411 trawlent tolverfoolon u t o to be .L 4 10 ulvkaine. BUSINES'S CARDS. • • NSUN, Aldenniun, Fifth I •ttr,rt 0 ILarn sala %Talout All • • eirORN A. PARK Ward, r.uu otrm. usintas promigly eaten. TBOILIVIN ..... lIINti & COLL umre..nFourth,tn Wil dfro Onjraut etrevt . Allabnrgh. l'a EE. Attoroevs at Latt :. ntr,ry SmithflZ.4l. Attorney at Larr—Of near Fourth. In Art burs' Build- VELL, Attorney at Law e! fk l. r 0 1akin k q n b. stioos. Ack r:471/ irIiARRISON SE J 0610 Stat.. C.untoiaio nowleala•monta sotlth•old. T... . C. . I • rs at Law el Natteet tittaborgh. • I , ErIERMAN Att o , Ist I:note Agents, No. 107 4th AMF;S J. kUILN, In Tilghman Hull, or,rr. • T. "FAME'S F.,. KERR, ay FRANCIS C. etwi,n Sul FLA, Foartls Ktr.,rt. Attorney at Law, office, r grant .I”md and Diamond • werney et Law—Office hfivhl otA grant. Pittsburgh. EG IN, A ttorney at Law, 61‘1,1 I.loltr. TOWL fi W.A.TB( S. 'llO Fourth 0tr,..4, Ton, Moniioo a Co. ; Win. coantan4 Uto. W. ~o - - - AAl.rneys at Law - , `lth , buryb. D 0.?.; John Snyder. ill Lur;L. Ekmjan'utlyA' .DWARD P. J 6,. thaa on Fourth Inn_ ES, Attorney at Law betw,n Weed and scan JASPER E. BRA No. 69 Fall Ft:wt. Pitt V, Attorney at ,Law hurgb. N. BANKERS TX. . IVIL WIIIIA3IS & CO, Bankers rod Itmhan gr. brohrm. North East earner Of Woml sod streets, Eithhumd, All trarouatior t . made on Idwral [prom, and rollomtion• promptly attended to. Jaa/1 altD. KlNG,Banker and Exchange Broker, Fourth greet. Dealer in Baal: Notes. Bills or Eo. . Gold and diltrr. hawk: bought and sa,ld. The Illithest market prim paid to jr. mi m for Atrioxicao nalr.D011.1,11:1L1 Maxima .od Slaiallh WWII. to 'Ear ftuld. WM, LARIMER, Jll., Ranker and Broker, chstrort n. 6& &tidal:LT the Doak of Patch:inch. 42.1 1 i1LKINS ix CO, Exchange Brokers, Booth Fsat Corner of Third sod !lariat streets. All man rd most lib,ral rat., N.1101.11E8 & SON, Dealers in Foreign l~and li/ono...stile pill. of Exchange, Certificatee of T. !ack Notris and Sitioie. 31arket street. l'itlh th ntli th r i tiirj:ll7l h it i ljt , ls s tai4s. on all th• principal cities GEORGE NOLD CO.. Bankers: E EAR Nesters hi Esehaose. ttolo. 11. Notes, &c.. T 4 Fourth street, oral donuts, the 'llama of l'lttabursA. Col- 1 actions earefulfs attemhel to, awl the oroescle =att.! to sus part of the 'Calico. ILLECIL FRAMER RAII3I, Bankers and Ex change Ilre Desterr. Yoreims and Domestic crjEscme Certirla.te of Lkycefte. Dank S otes.— Mice. corn, of Th:rd NY ..1 . e rred.. directly opposite the BC Omsk. lictel. T CAROTILERS 1: CO., Banking House, • Nn. Li Weed neat. l'ittdbarah. Current Money re eeed on Remelt. Culiredons cl.ale, en the principal title. of the United CU., ALMAO rin ram.. BAIR & Comet Merchants and Dill ftrokers. N 0.114 herontlitre.t. Pendent and Mato socurdicr fnnn OIW to .000 always an hand Vadrinacq •natIMI nu. n. Oct?. arALMER, lIANNA & CO., Successors to Gamey, Hanna t Co.. InorrmA Hirmicann Deoetant. dcalera In Forel., nrd itomeetle Exchanee, OntJtente4, of Deposit, Dank Notee. and Mpocie—Norti. 'West. roomer of Wend and Third Gm... Current Money received on D.- podt flight Cherke for sale. and collections trtade.. 171.12 , iy all the pritod74.l points of the United States. The Gold. hlglieet 111,11{1114 raid for Foreign and American Advances Waimea n uwu I a of ProJ rice. ettippeil rut on liberal terrea GGW. TA Y I,i)lC, Commissioner and Bill Broker, IN de.n.l rte., ntelet ettention Le 107. to all bonne,. ..ntroAted lo !di ram Pittaborell I:Omar/Le:nem nroo., sn,sy • oo hand "r rn,'ured s h o rtnotion Not, 14ee1,. negotiated on favon able tenon. Adlaneem ovule. If BOOKS - FILM AND STATIONERS. ..... R a STOCKTON. lata Johnston & Stock- At• too, nd Third Statirm. r. Printer, and Hinder, rot =Tor Market a µmid, Pitictarrib. AS B. 110LIEES'Chenp Literary Depot, Third oppccite Pait Offine. Nen Itcoitn red daily by •crin Sideicriptintri meeired to [Mr a bladnriner or Nen:pawn, publidieci at the priblicher's lanest price. • .110 i% INS, IlmAseller and Stationer ?;0. 7 Fourth •Ireet. Apollo Dulldlitao. /FIFECTIONERS. wholeqale and Retail ep Fourth ot”..t.Fittahorth. 1.. - ttnottry. alway+nn hand. I tn. • DF. A LIM Ilanufactuirr and i m- Cloths. Sh•strt Date Tim. arelt , ,sath Nn.6Zt Fourth :rt. - FORWARDING. & CO—Transportern, .I.lon Mt•rehttuts. Donn I. fhb th AODUCE DEALERSE 01 {Teter street, W. Forwarding and 112 &mod .tent, awarding and Corn /sr. 1n I'mh•oe and Pitts ••••.+l noiu, urn &Tenth SUC2Cl•l•llrfi 1.1) For.araiar3l oulacturol awls. Pitts ••••- • 1 / 1 . T• CO—Whol Dwa era nrr cols, Fn. I. Vindesale and Retail Dr 31.ket Le: corOer of fourth & CO., COMMISSiOn nf woo!.n. nod Itsrplo a Tailor: Trizam tb 1.1. r fr.. filth. Mt: 4, Comer oi Fourth larket sad Ferri Alyea, :LI u to (Sottoo , mors. lu 1 "'d •V+•': m r L.Yi. ICI:Vi; f - . - . 77 ' i 6 •IR • C 0.,. o etude Dru;misu‘ : 1.) , :n1- I .rilli Palau, Ally Lye Eton aria to.trumeute.— we of 1,1 Dr. 51.1.8 n., eelobeatel WORD Fpreitk. Lie. oz.* Pltta Sed 11gburgla. erer. No- W. earner of Wrod sod • orders .1U be carefully pack krirsideo 111111diMad. ea " K ionz id. • MP.M.M...1.1111111111.011.1111 A. MINT:STOCK & CO: Wholesale yyLL a Drnst and manufacturer" P rim 'I L.A. Red and L e i latga, corner Wood inat Weal, Pitt, Irunth. Pa. tnell7 ELLERS, Whole . sale Dealer in Dt"na Paint, Utr StufT, OH.. Varninbea. lc.. dr.. P u. low. Pittsburgh, Pa. Gouda warranted. riam JOIIN If . \ 101:i;AN. Whole.tale Druggist, and Na l, e. amt., lamt., Paint, 011.. Varrilrheaj.c.— No. 93 .[root. role door &Inth of Diamond Alley. Plttabnult. 41 N. NV CKERSIIAM. Wholesale Drup,, , , , ist 004 Sod ' l ;l'4l s :it t o ..e d .15..1`242 Im . P1 """' n.t.eunes • Y., OVA. amen. RAW ~ & REITER, Wholesale and Retail Uru rorncr of Lit....rty and St. Clair rt.. Pitt,- h. _I sell, 101AKE1 .4:00., Wholesale Drag- No 24 Wood at.. Pittaburab. ltil.UL ELISOIN t 4..• ... .. .... .......... —........,..111i5C1,171-.N.:: . Vir tt I 'WILSON,. Wholesale Grocers and . t_ . P,Ts!§ Noe 7,4;:r,v , zz'r:r.:l,,Apz7,,,Lr.c.' , 'l,,°' 4 - L. SH E, Wholesale Grocer, Couunission • Mcra. e. and Crelrr la 1 . 4 p, and Hag, cy:rncr a I.urr, and Ivor a 1 , ,,T. Pittnburgh. nr. Prot ors In Het b. Smout art,. J 5. 5111.15 0.1/1C S 1 1 .zo. .4 di ttib bury) JAS. DA IiZELL, Wholesale Grocer, C6n, mission )le hant, and Dealer in Produee and Pirt. burgh Manufart —N ~ 711 Water , C . riltad,orh. tman ',liar MILLS, 1.53:Rt . 1 SAIA ll 11CKEY & CO., ‘Vholesale Gra ?. c." . a.STrsa i ' i 'n i.'7l:VX".."' Z n i l lit!,'.V. ^ . '''''"- ,ENGLISII , lIENNETT, late English, Gallanclier ,S• Co, Whnie , alntin,,,,J,ConandanraJ sod orwarding %len Lana and lhalcro in Pnalum and Pitts burgh Ntrufirt 7:, ,:,,, ii t % fi 1 , :fd Sen•nd Ft. and 1,3 Vint et, 1 Int. MILLI. P 1f..; . A. c . V. RICILLIT.M. YITTSCOIte:N. kill L u LIK , It , . ..5. , . 1i. 11 ., 1 , L .„ ' , E .. F . 1 7 '5 , ? . N, „.., 1‘ , " , h , ije5ii1 . 7 gun Sr. 2,11 r rner ,- ,f I.ll.erty . and Irwin 5tr,...1114, burgh. l'a. Inm Sail,l, , dn , n lam., us.. Sr , cutodantly an hand. 11:q Ait 'GILLS & 110 E, AVhoksale Grocers and t t.t., FecumL Mrrrhatin., No. Z. Liborty mtn.L. fROBERT MOOI2E, Wholesale Craver. _R.nnfyina 4eaLl. in I n4uo. . Ilttabarch : , .lonnonnht•ln WtaAry. OBEer,RT )A LZELL & CO.. WholeAah AA, Grun C. ntinnun Nlea,ltnnt, &niers In ProJu., ity=nrnts unufneturen. Nu. J. Lanni inv.., 013ERT et L== W3l. BAG NVICK .t 3 and Cotton Ynn... tta• coturr of %%ood n • - trtarnrsom I,. A• CiILIIEI TSON & CLOUSE, Wholesaleal • Groner,. and contlauon Merchant, laalent In Fru e. and Pittab h alamafacturad Article% ILS Elbert Kraut, l'ittahur,h. .a.. 'JO. Jur, til), WILLI 111 S & CO., Wholesale and • pe nt tall Famll Groan, For•rantihn sz sad 1:01111123iMi“11 erc r hanta amt aln Country Produce and Pittatur } M Slanufacturea, ours of Wm.! and Fifth ••la, l'lnanurCh• SORT. .11101.. a- IQ., . 5.../.... rtOBINSON, LITTLE & CO., No. 255 Labatt,. •tr , Pm...bomb. 0 hole•ale Grocers. Ilve nee and,Commlawo Merchant% and dealers In PittshUrgh Ilanufranna. alav hoz.. .. ........ - W.... non, 3 4 &A. fib D, 1 . 7 - holjale Gropers, Corn • mEndon )le udal, and 91,1 m In Produce--Romal urch Banding% army on Idlurty. Wood, and tlath atr.pata Plttaburgh 9 O , IN PARKE, 1-011 N ..P.A.R ER & CO., WholesaleGroeers: 0 Da l In Pradea. ) urn. Wm., 1,a,0.ra Old Slot,. LiLiougabala and Itoctifl Wake,. —So. I. Commercial Boa , berty at, Ffttabu br • SICaIU ;I INSTIUTMENTS. lagei:iti:4:l 01I\ 11. ME OR, Dealer in Piano Fur 0 Musk, .and Inatnnscnn. Solvni Book, Stationery. sole 'so. O r Clue.;.ninr,, Inca rot., Westexa Pennaylvan No. Si Wood , ILIENRY K LEI: , Dealer in Mn.ie. : j meal Inet-.unu and Importer of Ital.n ritt TrTulr Man,. rrrs cf rex- s ton Twine andßa JONES.J..I4 JO,C., J.JUI . 141r . .4. ES & QUI G, Manufacturorg of Spring and lllt4er Etie.l Plough Steel. Etncl Plough Wing, .1 and 1°:1Intk• .ooringe. Hammered Imn Axles: an.l dealers In %disable Ca.lnge. i'ln. Lninne Lana.. and Oren trimming, ger. ally. conya llms and ',mat n... kinalmargh. I. ritt:siiußG l ALKALI WORKS.—Ben net Iler, k Co. }fauota,ttuvrs of .4.ta App. ug Powders. Muriati and Sulphuric Adds. Narrhou.. No. 63 Water IL belay 14,17. IVALTEit P. MARSHALL, Successor to • gammel P. 11 , 1-7rnporter and Dealer In Frenen and American Pape. Ilangin, and Itordcre, Window ELM, Fire Mani Plinus, rum., and Wrapping Paper. p.o. E. 5 Wood scree. tedal.en Fourth and niarnond allay . tatoirgto Pa. ORRIS S CC M II ..rchant., EzA, Whl. A. WC V T.. Dealer, . • . bare always nn !mud les And Fin. TemA, Al. ra/e and retail. Male • TRANSPO J.OIIN A - e au • Eric ang rlll. • on no tlin rn er LEECTLAYI ForwanJTlit 1 the Canal, • _ - ii ' 3' . , ' BLINDS. -r - 4:,4,r,..41,. ;,, ... .......... .1 lessitrarrt.r. ra. 4 ~, ..$T.E,, ,,. .,- E k,,, , , ,,,. . SON, well known i Irrallian Blind 'llakers, i i n t , e 7 , enn,,i , ...ii n , , ,, n , n on , on . r4.a.Tiny'Zitn,r'“i4t.....Pt•.), , ,:rk,l'!';„:',l ondAttiryi ntraneenth tba bianiona. Venniaa Shatters same wortnt , and add Tug!. neatly repaired. lapin , ' ^ AI glows tyn Id most respectfully inform co ail. 0104 lr that heikrep•on hand alltardandirsa the sr,..t !Wear thil Difirotind. Ilv.ih,ny Clly. • rfallptete segorttneni InVooffOO, .liol, Oi A , , , ortiOliSbllittel, are made til.ord, In well .f.t 4.ty10., n. innd ...pal to any in the United Visite/L, flL.Yilinols ila• rennovid without the aid .f a art," drlret. , 'hay'Wi prelian+.l th.• xt,,eit,lnvls. anti not./ ..,„ of the faiiinkirs I.ll.linirint of Ittanra, A Metiellart.l,l ant fk rer t . , a g v . ,,,y . r i r t t ‘. 14 ,r 1 winb, , , n lit c ,izr i e i. r. , l l :,:i . sell tai the yul e A(,. ilia: fo Wrrll ' s ' t t, Pittaiairgh. 1 . ilia : J. A. 11ROWN. PAP 4.p GLIfEI AND PLASTERING. .PAPER HANGER Pl4orettrii-4 ldrnpe. eorneri4 Third stsretand E. munn /3 nittlegise 7. . El, me , 20t , ' 'X SURGEON. ADAM llARDlTErVeterinary Surgeon, Inte sroui 4 .entland. would msrpertfull grannt thi public that bel Lm mlnmetired practice In T ltre -` - - - ernYeasinn; b• to attention to srbaten-rl• ted,34 blip, he hop n te give satisfaction. 0 .4111114 florae PbOank . and , raltbing In genera will he carried at the ern, -- sal etre.. and Prupsivania Arcane. TETERIN ' WOOL M I lI c 1 .0 1 . ?..P i t o l: ! i c 1. ;. E E t; r W:; , ) , L ., R . E , v , ,EnsaI Itc.tsa Oonciii, , No. 160111 .tr ' ty arf r . l'lttatturiiii. American ‘i, - til)V. iIARBAIiGIi, Wool Mergbftlita, 1.3 Dealera in Flour .1 d'roduro gen.rally, and For MI (idniiii/aslitsi Ittirelintitx, Nn. 116 hoot stre6t, and 116 Stimnd itr.d, Pittiiiiiirgh. . _. lf Glyk, GOD LITHOGRAPHING. ...c,O Ai EVILLEptr i t - N, Engraver on Wood. 4 Plilln 11111 (thin t. ~ ry.i Pittidiurgh. Fiwirti of 6 tn.- - — --y. I.ln of Neireptipera. Frrrutispirmn. t•olt rt., e.i.al. lon lidocia 14.- " , •,y0,_tqa113 1 ,.... 4r..1n ilic 10 001 01710 ~r04.—._ ~,...e.. tCaat.u. f s, ~mnuran. k HE DAILY PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. GROCERS P. Sill:IN - ER, Wholgsale Inc 4ahi t'utanthhivn Mrrohavbi,nd 1).1. al Mlknubyttnn gun L'ltt.burgh. .......... ..... Jemrtn DILWOICTII S CO., Wholesale I Preduce and Counnto.lon Merchant.. and N Pp.der & INGRAHAM, . 1.1161d0U Merchants, ?rm. 116 Miate Are.% Pittshur,h. CO., Wthilesalo I . fslor. arid Ferwarclizg Merrllan lA. nod mon T0.m.,..511Vat, 5L l'lttiburu Is. 1111-1.7.1. & CO.; Nanlesale Grocers, hatits, rthi? Make" In Produce 1..1 men, Liroi Libcrir .1). late of Warren. Prtture gemerally. Wm., street, Wood. l'ittsburub. ,11:XICAN WATC9.311.11.. JUN SONS, Wholesale Is.don and Vorsrarding Slqe.hasta. Produce sad Titshursh Slanufarttl tA for the pale of Llehumal and red Tohasro, Nos. SO nod SI Water SNIIOJ ST & CO., Whole ,rwanlin and CUMlllir4lol3 Nlrrch .llantiforsurun sod Wwnern i'rnut .Invt and Chancer i Lamm. . CUNNINGIIANI, Wholmale Inc', Forwardin and Commir.ion 11, in rilialiurgli g, Manufacture., No. it , . burgh. -DAM A. RALPIIII LEY & CO.. Wholesale Gro and 33 14'ml Atn4.l. Pit.hurgh. cCANDLESS, succev.orto to Stick, Whnienale Grnmrs. Fumanti.: Trim., ander, lniu. Glum, rittwburgh Inouf.returer greendly. War etrsva. Pat.burgb. 'ACTIIREBS 'HILDS-.& CO. iklanufue. Nri.rl '..rtn l'i Shet,augt,,b: Curpeuty,b t . Ch IWirGINGS l DE A T FE& AWiWiTII, Ten and Wine aid. f d t/14pi..twod. Pitteburalt. I , 1 Ul . 0 k UU., ( inoeerK awl 7:;:',..,%,17,71..„1`'7. 1 - :btit`",,, s ,"":",! , „r,..4. Feu. eat Notr.l , l/01e. .• Phllsel no thr lowest berms. P ATION AGENTS. IR} % Agent forhe Lake Lit.e. to Itos — ver end to, 'Voter .nd Stoltbllnltt NG. 0., Trangporterm . 1,3 r Cane.' Mprchanut, mtn.t of Penn arm,t JAMES W. WOODWM, fIABINET FURNITURE facturer. Warr.morn" 97 ,t 99 Third street. .1. - W. W. resportfally Inform, hit friends and runtomer, that he ha. rmw completr4l the largertral*t] and finest ttork honarbold furnlattre ever before rern this rill, as he la determined In uphold the quality with aelareasoned materials, best vrorkmanrldp, and nev...t. do /I.IK and from the COLPSIL of his ordrra and facility In matrfamurlng. he is enahled to protium warranted . furnb tun. st the loneat pricea. Ile tin, :Worded the principle of Identifyingtheev.tota- InterestwlUa his own. LI quality and mice. and keeps always on hand the greatetrt rari.t y of every deaniption of furnitur, from the rhea sat and plaineat, to thr moat ele gant and costly, that a honor, or any part of one, may he lumbar.] from his stork. or manufacturedrimmed,' to order. Ile tlogelbre railing. an Inspection, that the Maim. tags of hi. establishment may la- known. The loannina article" ronalst. In part, of hi, stock, which for richness of style and finish ranma be,aurpareed In any of abs }:astern Parlor, drawing, dining. and Ind-mona claim, of story variet). mainlining of rrsomood, mahogany and' walnut, Elizarethen, Conserratolm and Easy Chairs, of every eripliom Courhrn, F 0121.4. Tete-a-tete mid Pisan, of the French an.l American patternec 'Prothro', What-Nota, and hull& pardn. o IVrlting Desks of variou, kinds, Work Tables and fancy Inlaid stands. musin stand, and holders, manila top. mahogari). roritroad and 'walnut trntn and ro., ta tlea exteuritin dining fakirs; all ahem of the moat improved. and decidedly the best kind male; card, l'embroke mid 'pier lath, nnlrutier, trod teed, and washstand, of each • largo mosottnent, gothie ball and parlor mer•plion chairs, ottomans rend rosary and book ease, tilde boards. En arre,ne. towel riv As. hat stands. and murk atoola, mite and not. fur childrrn: Pala , Marntehls tan , b'a mahogany. merar,ral. and Inlaid pea alder, Ave. ao. A largo a...arm:tent of COMIIIOO F Lure and Win in dsor Chairs. Cithinet maker. suppliod .Ith all article. in their line. Stew:qtr.,. nod fttrul , hetl at the ehort,st no*e. All order', vromptly att.,.titlerl to. jag ItOUNTY LAND CAPT. Cu. . AYLOIT., ArrY:"l‘l'LliTG et I,l7 ;; ' ra .n i , itt " :7l2; b rr jl r .. ProPur. Bounty 1-IIII4IA ,or ono-eis and ' pn14111•1;..111..lr widows And Childr.o. Ind will atb,nd 1,. Any other bunt.' cnnnpr,4l gov.rnment on Any ol its Depart.. or th. Courts ott tin ('li r ef Drawing, Perspective , and Painting in OiL M R. D. it. SALITH is now prepared to give In.tm.Hnn le. It,w pun iv Flrpt.ptrppl. 1,-.:wp,A In , Wc..l and rm. In , trortion. from tn rm. b!i p. rlairgp• and nth, p.: peat he known by palling .Aft-noon, at the. mvpub. It.Prr to It:. iiazsam or hr. Addl.oh. - - GEORGE E. ARNOLD & CO., BANKERS. EALEttS EXCIIANII&I COIN, BANK NOTE:, IC. ,Vo 74 / 4 / 4 ,r4.5 IL, nlrl 1, NI 1111:6‘,/, 'a., and Lmtfl, collN;teilnn all rare ul th, •a Gould. and /old on cornrul,..von. L•A7:dkr7' .cll3l A N'S Litlovro ph hi etm.t. th" P.rtrout, I.1:1, A,lll.—turxl rivl Merluza. .11In4 Card,. A, en....11,..1 td t•oLl. (IT , I 7 alll.l 110. ill.. 1.1:: Jdo, ,wrrur QSIITLFY & COLVIN, Coal 3lerchuntx, /aid tee Dry f;0n,11.. l•rr.nrrlp, Iron and :Valli in, of Walnut Pa.. .T. raul waohingtho Turnpike , Env] Trutwran _ . • LETS. Pnt,•ll,, Jewojr, trne.l,l II'ITSBURGII CITY G LA sS CUNNINGHAM k CO.Mn 3333, >33. Mkrkt4 ntrekl, E 3334,3331. 3 3.33.433. Pnr1.313t313. artenti.al mid 10 4314 331.13. Al.-1/33.1,3. in Flint Ws, dan, MERCHANTS. & CO.. Importer,. anti Canteen end Cutlery, No. 129 LARD O IL-4t bhl. No. I. just and rq eabl by B. A. FAIINERMC C.. inch= corner First a me nd Wwdsts. MISCELLANEOUS • lolls FITZSIIIIONS l c CO., m anu r thall i. those ' 1 4 those derlrousf hat log nosh work don, that of nth7y3lX me{land t, do it at th e lowest twstalltle rat, at it. short est :1.0..4 in the heat moors. I hmeok tk.otttl aln.et above the llisidgas. -- Twee Iroos . fur Black hattlllt and Blast YoUrnwhet'''''''. factored at the shortest Dolls, and nt the rowent'rr''' All kinds of Jobbing doneth short outlaw. oreltkhato Gas Fitting. • 31AFFETT & OLD. Front street, between Mood arid W oul t d 4 rtViit i ll t e ' s,U r t ' ..ke to their ChamblitZl " 4=!Brarketo. riv They Flu ar b, o o pparat to esAt ecu no- , ra ri the abortr bee nod nto.l rea...mable term, [torh7:ll - - Wegner, Bleckner & Mueller's NEW LITHOGRAPHIC ESTABLISHMENT. Fr HE ABOVE FIRM respe,tfully announce to them ?needs tad tbe yobbo generally, that they are prepared to esevuto, In the trot Ftyle of tleir am all order,. for Shoo Cards, Polls. Ibplomaa,.Checka, Visitiab and l'n4ersional Canis, Maps, Charts, Labels. Co. Thetr t - ..b.th:t.hutent in ut No. to Market street. betweru Third sod Fourth stn,ts, up Kahl, mebrig Bolivar Piro Brick Mum:lecturing Comp y. Ja•. GLuVit• • X. I.IEI ..... .0. T. pr.r.o N. 0. NAM", rir` GLOVER, KIER, - 5: CO., l'aorntrrotts. THE SUILSCRIBERS. having been tip ! teeintol Agents for the hole ram colleen, will 1.... r. eannantly on hand a intinly of the celebrated Bolivar Eire tirick.Crueilde Fire illay.lFuroace Ileartioand Inoalls. They aeo are l prepared to twelve order, for raid Ilriek • to he made to elm and she, to suit porebtowra, which shall ' I, promptly filled. We.. not deem It nerearaarelo ...numerate the many ad. •antages the Bolivar Flee link ewe r all other,. that bare been offered for sale In the United State, their ant, non". being well known to almost all nem:ma who use Fir, litiek. The proprietor,. have determined that the ' Brick .hall love none of their present enviable mutation. and that no °apeman shall he oared to make them even better than they hare hen•lnfore torn. Tbia la the only eetablialiment now manufacturing kir.• nriek at.Sollvar. hltat a JONXia. tneh7 Camal Baaln. Seventh at, Pittsburgh. McCORD ..4 CO., have received 4 their apring St, le of flat, to which the, re. speethilly melte the attention of the.. cognac ers and the nubile general]) . feh22 Pittsburgh Gas Pipe and Tube Works. HE undersigned have just completed their x xt,rotve IRON' TUBE WORKS, and w r enoir mannfacturina. all Mu. of iiMq PIPE. Lo cranir and other Floe, and all Aiwa of -•- WROUGHT IRON TUBES, .filch they offer for riTe at the lovr.t prin.m. They are time rretutrall to execute order, to an. extent..ithout de S.PANtIi k 00„ No. 91 and 1 , 1 Water mtre.et. rid PITT:MU/OIL PA. • 211 , 2E O oL, Adame I, }Filltou.b.ri„anif ".. • • • ICIIOLAS VIVIAN, Civil Engineer, 1.1 Drauchtetnan Prartleal Inning Arent. Make. rough. tkl" Ntodele 9.0 the 1... at nth... de,lgn, Stu+, ti n,y tor Mitten. Water Work, 1901118 g Sllll.. kr.. .11tty betwirt A. NI. and 6P. N., at bin rt , e.l4...ttne, No. 11arbury Pltubsterh. YA. MADEIRA, Agent fin- Delaware Mu tura Oafety Irourorme Company. 42 Water 4trrot. 1 GARDINER COFFIN, Agent for Franklin lIPJFFim Inotuance Company. north owl ram, of Wood and Third 4toLvlc K e.ro li n OM . ete: e et i; proparol to It n,,, - diese . rtpti G. r o ' f r lliudlng with sh u n oat...44 h.%4„ad"'n'uVol4";ll.all';."'Faint to > pstu•rn. and I.ound oaretutly, or ',min.] Nano. , pm Ott i to oumbn, ll FM lotteta. Thou hate binding aro Inv Ood to roll. Prtoor, 'CORD CO., Wholeanle and Retn Manufneturbrs. And Draler, Ilacq, Ca, and Fu crner 11".•44 and Fifth llttoburuh. lch•av the .uf,r n C,ttl and etnplou• eirek of Ilat, Otp‘. Fur, [r., I quality awl otylp. by 55'b0b....1., nod Retell. and 'I. I', the a ttinalbo of their [utak...mend purell.cr. urn • all) thcat that they will tell op Lb.. moot aJtx• b,r•ur• tering__ l. or, NLi ualrr in Bair Had. clothin g . ll: .I.))..rarger, n. New Coach Factory—Allegheny. x M. A, WIIITE S: CO. would re etrnetn. They an now Making and am Prnfaared tTcHt" , nnlerg ever, dracrlriun of arta. les. Coach,. Chariot.. BK.-another, toga+, Blveton.. . de.. which. front awl,' hm, expnriener in the noanutaelon. of the above work, awl the Medal... they hal r. they feel r.Jußleot they arr nnablnd to dn work .111 the mo.t moot:abb. terms with Lb.., want... , Joliet, in these law. Payinn yFtrt.rulax atteullou wl,etiou .4' maternal', sod Imam: [woe but eJKor..t,ot workmen, ahry Inn• heaßataon lbelr ork. la r therefore aela attentioo ..f puhin• to thi. runner N Berxiraw door In tin. lob moon., and n'l2 110 , 1 . 1...nn1, terms. BObtf WY W. In ADM tV. BAGLE MARBLE WORKS, (establiethed i• 1 0 }..43IUND wluilys, No. Ib4 Liberty st ne of Wong! rtrn.t. littaboruh. 31unumenta. Burial f".uitx Tam he. Ilmixtones. Hamel He" , C'Btiv Iler Top, alwars on tawd...l romlt to onler. B. A eholoo selection of Drawinn no hand. 1410 13ARItY, HUGHES CO. are prepared to d . n r att x k . l „ water Work.. Palsb.J.,ll Oily repaired. 48-Slat.; lkot. rrom CPHI\G FASHION FOIL IS.sl—Thi6 10 heat:Unit num.>. 01.1., U. extreme nurthern t.. of I.le. Mateo of Itnlians and 1 llhada, including 41 coun put, loan, a netentle. dn Am ily. Aes at I 1 A. Y.:.: Pula al an 6 r. do Sharpshurg. Houston. Spenglield,Tareo tom. Ine.port, Kittanning, Klekltoluita, Am. - trent!. Oat 31. Clearbeld bottatiee, apt up num/at a At nee> at 79 a. and departs at h e Mract.s.-1/y P.n .- tat/11r. Wfo exrd, Zelienople. Porten e Ile, Marin...burg and ht.• Later. Arrives Tutudays Murals., a. aILKI batuniat •attl r. depart+ Monday, Wedueeklayr and Friday., at 7 a. btarm..o's 11 3.11..Fialeyv111e, a/al Met tong...lulu City. rule,. ,Tueedat Prelaya. at 6 P Y.: d, par.Wednettlays anal batunlayn at n.. a. Urebroax.—O/ Ruchatkan. Street's I:un. llbliteernrt, Card Valle,. Eliasbetlttunn. Gambles. Itredraver, DU. Gux.yrvn . Perry upon.. 21et Libertt • Cprer Middle ten, Pa. Arriv.A bumf:, and Thuralat s, t > A. 84 Ile. parte Monday and Thavalay a. at 1. 1h..tr.,. lValkees Nr....dent.n. Cando Kur,g ettau.sro, Ctn... Creek %Allan., ntill, ?ether., . Va. A meet bunday. and Th.:relay, at 10 A. det.art. Monday. sad Thuralay.. at I T. a l, V t.—kly tltotuth lldedok..llle. ?leen. Slut antelan dmakftet Springs. A. ininten. Arrtrett n Frailty. t 6 r . deuurta.m eaturdal, al 6 r .ttatrlm. North, %tubing.... aud It Pa- Arrlrea on 1 8 .elneadaya. II 1.. a, depart:. on Mond* 61 6 • a. LttcnaMtu.-117 Lonart's I r. 0.. depart.. eatorday. I . .err avtli Pr >tem, hl4enten. ke., munch., Am,. dad,- at Letter. f.x th. daily :nub before their &matte, let FcrTy. Arrzara on Friday. al a. Weldon!.lSt . ..aca. 0 •I Lneludln. Warn, pa.l Vt.sata . n.. and depart,. at Oa a. • u.: be in li• talk". n. I.taz tan. tar Alan art,....a1•. as,o oAt h r 021<•. nu Lou RATES OF DISCOUNT. COMM,. 1,11.1" rOll. TII N. 110LIIE.S yo. 57 ifart-4 Eretcyrn Bank lof I'E.N litab ST ur4hLV 5 NIS. Babtiange Bank Man. par an.l )!an ..f do par. hank ot Connur.rt, Bank .4 Nnrll. Amrr.ra tat . Ban of NortbkllL.rt ,s Bank k of I,nntrr A anta Yank 1"f , Banktbr : , tatra Crmalemal antraHl Pa....parl !Lynn,: a klerbanlr.n*Bk parl Ginnt Bank . . b.Lr KI-naluaton Hank..... par , Mukluk... L kb•rb Bank - f• plt, , lan n .a*kkank . tnt.rj ... a.lana • „ !WeWst ,r ern r Bank y Bank of ebarnberaburgb. l 7:l Bank of Chant, Cann tr. par Bank of !Worth.. Bonk if . Chrat,rbar. Bank nr , :r.rrnanlown . par j Rank of ib . B,lturch... >5 , ..... EONS, Bankere. ird dad Aar rth es. 11:11 , ad,rh Itrau•lt at Na.-Ilona Ilrarmh a U.uuu d .lirdurb at I.!yrr B nauch un ,unk. inmnarl hank d Life In, Truat %V.,tern Boaervo liana Bank of )laJolllon ..... 1 S anaa . NGIV 'All anlvont Bank, ... • .- . ' . NEW v..i.k . iCountr,Ne.. York C....ar... .. .. .. . .. MAIL VLAN D. Roma try p.r flaltlmorr , N. J mist ii A Dk:LAW A itri . All Folient I.stilc" .: VIRGINIA. Beek of the . }ll. .4 Woven!, Rh - heeled 1:x. Bent. Va.. N0rf011...•• 2. / , nrrarr , Vtrglnia 1 1 l..rebant' k 51.. th Leak N Nurth Vr...tero 8ak....... I Braerhee. . NORTH CARMAN A. Tr e( k ;t. re :I P 1 INuerro.rrlal I, ll2l ' ree Merchanta' Beek, N....be i re 2 1 SOUTH CAROLINA. Elk of the :R.. of 1. , Cervlloa 2 IBank of Bo th Beek of Cb u ulerten.- neuters' k ilrrhaeler, Ilk 1 II Fl GIOIA. . .. Bank ol Iloldl.toao NI Nonnramery C. Bank.-._rmrj Bank of Northumberland pea., Carllele Bank.. .. . ... ... ..: y. Columbia Bk a &kb" Claper' boylegman Ba.uk W I Luton Bank }:rie Bank Par !. Fanner.' Bk of Burka Co-plar , Famuore' Ilk of Lau ter.pari Farmer: Bank oflZtok par Farm. Bk of , rhurlkillOnpar Far k Brno. Wavambur.r. 5. Franklin Bk. 1 4.hington . r.te Ilarnebura Bank ~. I lon .alale Bank SI Lan:uster Bank... . , ... -.par Lancaster Count, Bank--.parl Lebanon Bank. Par Minor' Bank of Pothrellle 5i %Imumgahala Bank par Aokfn.n Nu; k Ink Co Dank of A u,rumta .. ,1111. Of 81,1114,