PITTSBURGH GAZETTE PUBLIEIiED BY WHITE a CO ISBUBOH 11.0NDAY MORNING, APRIL 7, ISSI -- To the Whigs of Pennsylvania. rat'A STATE CON..VEJ.TI9N w .. bc . irld In gin Ci . ty• or lantastcr. on TVIII,J.L.v.ffnXt,•-:,,T.: L.,,,,r,.....1jerr,,3 i'arJ(Ctlio7l" t.' nd sno ntr Juthow. of the Surrctne (Bort. • ''''''''' 2 , , d M. TULLIO:. Chairman. Jor.cph It. Flonealt6 sumac' )lellettontd. E. Knox Morton. C. Thicuron Joon,. • Welt, 11. Slionloff, Earourl B. Thoutos, .linroorl Bell, . John S.. Brown. 'atl.:lel I.llranher. T. Taylor Worth. a.a...i0.2.;/2MFost... AlrAnoder E. Brown. NVm. Bahr, Thomas E. Cochrno. Wm. M. Watts, • . Moro/ammo, James Clark , Chwrido B. Borth:own. rld.rtosu 1/. Phelps. r kqic,l77'. 'Munn C. Wilmot, John Allison. t'. O. Loomis. I Dittinl t•lcCunly. • John Ilitunrun. ! George !drawn, . Wm. Brous. • Alen't• dl. McClure. John C. Nerilip, ,' Fraxleir Jordoo. R. IItINDI.E SMITH. Etcretori. DEPARTURE OF GENERAL SCOTT. The Mouortguliela House wan surrounded on Se turday by a dense crowd of spectafors anxious to catch a eimpse of the renowned General who was within. The halls awl ante-chambers were crowded with our citizens, many of them Vete rans of the war of 1812, or Soldiers of the late ! war with Mexico. The - former had assembled inn body, at nine o'clock, and proceeded to the Monongahela House for tho purpose of being in troduced to the General. The introduction took pace, amidst loud cheers. The following is a copy of an address, deliver ed by:Major John Willa& to the General on this interesting occasion. To MaJoa Grivevuu. Wtarictu , Scorr. Dear Gaierah—The surviving. soldiers of the war of 1812, • residing at Pittsburgh, are here assembled to bid you welcome. They greet you on what may be called your first skit, to a place of some military renown— the Bite of Fort Duquesne, Fort Pitt, and Fort Fayette. Itlf comrades and I, regret that you miss from our ranks a volunteer soldier of 1812, now no more. who was your dear and personal friend, who eloquently defended you, when attacked be neath the dome of the Capitol, over which the flag of our country had floated so often to an nounce your victories. • • We hail you, General, as a fit and proper per son to be sent out on this glorious embassy of ' our country's benevolence—the selection of sites for Asylums for aged and disabled soldiers. From the landing at Fort George to the land- lag at Vera Cres—from the days of Lundy's Lane to those of the lane to the gate of Belem, you have not only been the beat trainer of the Amer icansoldier, and his gallant leader in the field, but his kind encouraging and consoling nurse in the camp of pestilence and bed of sickness. May God watch over you, General, on your noble mission, and preserve your own health, now so good, to enjoy for many years to come, the honors 02, our country and the blessings of the To which General Seidl:replied. . My Comrades, of 1812, your presence fills "-ma with painful yet pleasant recollections.— Pinta re surviving soldiers of that war—this is in deed pleaioat, but many of your companions and mine are not here—their day ot bustle and battle is over. I thank you from on cid soldier's heart for your kiraineis-and respect. Whatever ser vice I have done to my country, has met with • general approbation andfavor, and I am grate ful. If it bad not been for'you, and others of ! the volunteers and regulars in 1812, neither vic tory nor renown would this day be recorded. I . can say, gentlemen, from my heart, that in that war, and in the War with Mexico. the volunteers of Pittsburgh. did their whole duty, and won as they deserved a glorious name. [Tremendous cheers.] Addressing Colonel Black, wh% was standing in the throng, the Geneiml said, I am glad to see you.near my old compteions of 1312., for your gallant services Wet theirs, belong to the glory and history of our country. Gentlewee, I ran= you all, the thanks of the oldest soldier amongst you. General Scott...hook bands with the veterans I of 1812,.and then turned to bid adieu to Colonel Black who mid, General, all the soldiers, both old and young— pray for prosperity and long life to the old e st and grelitest General in the World. [Tremendous • t -sappLause. Our citizens then crowded around to salute him. Among the veterans of 1812, who were present on this interesting occasion, wo observed Colonel Trovillo, Major Willock, John R. Parke, Captain E. F. Pratt, Lewis Hutchison, Nathan iel Patterson, John D. Davis, Major Lynch, J. DWI , * James Tillson,t L. Mitchell, and John Chambers. Mr Chambers had served immediately under General Scott in the war of 1812, and was, next to him, the tallest man in the regiment. The General, although forty years have elapsed since] then, at once recognized him, and the meeting between them was most affectionate. Among the soldiers of the late war with Mex ico, we observed, Colonel Black, Captains Nay lor, Herron, Porter, Charlton, Denny, Rowley, Lieutenants Anderson, and Seidenstriker, Bert plata Lenox Rea and James Sample; Messrs. Oliver H. Rippey, John. S. Hamilton, James T. Shannon, and James Sample. On lolling the Monongahela House, the Gen eral was greeted with load cheers by the sur rounding multitude, which he courteously ac knowledged, and was escorted to the steamer Messenger, by Major Willock, and Captain Por ter.' The boat was crowded so long as it remain ed at the wharf, and dropped down the river amidst loud cheers. General Scott looks well,,and is in admirable good health and spirits. His friends declarethat they have never seen him more active or vigor . tun than he is at present. The General was waited on at dm Monongahela • Howe, prior to the intetrting proceedings above narrated, by a large number of ladies, to whom he wan Introduced. - - He is on his way to Cincinnati, and after re maining there a day or two, will lease for Saint Loth! and New Orleans. He will then return to Pittelmrglt, and spend several days here. Oar readers are already aware of the fact, that he, together with Adjutant General Jones, Sur geon General Lawson, and five other persons, have been appointed a committee for the purpose or selecting sites 'for the reception of aged sol diers, and it is with this object, that Gen. Scott is now visiting the South and West. Postmaster General Hatt., met a number or Bostonians,lsst le.laday evening., at the house of the liestanyostmas , rr, Mr. Gordon. The Trans eriptjustly spealts t Mr. Hall p. gentleman of fine attainments, snperior business habits, and eminent 'qualifieatihns for the important post, wfifel he holds, ..d it adds that ' , President 'BB:linen showed hi accustomed eagacike in the selection of Mr. • • for a place in the Cubinei_ Re is a wont effiti•nt officer." We have recei •ed from Mr. J. B. Gultnes, third street, topic. of French and German ••with out a Master." Th •se work. have passed through several editions, having examined them, we can offer our hum de tintimany to their useful ness. They will t ustinGly fresh the student the different langcniges, but they will give him an excellent ides Cr firm principles, co that the study awl practice which moot follow, will be coo and pleasantl - Tee CLIAlte tie STEA3III3.—From scetementtocompteil for the Loudon Times from prerlisotitery oeument, it uppeers the the Canard co - mealy receive i ftnin the Britieb Gov ermnetit.C.l 15,000iper eeeemiequal to £3,300 per voyage, while the Collins . line 'receive from the AmericanGovernient sXi,oooper antintn,mitud to £4,04:6 per vojagii--the Collins company un dertaking to make twenty voyages out and home in the year and the Gemini company fort-'our voyages. The firmer, therefore, gets doable the day of the letter!. - • ALL Id Vora LD TOUT 01, MILLS—We Ling) boon shoernby 3 mime's {New Btolfoni) Express, largo lump of C Ilfornia!gold, of about tirenty 011110e3 which . Nantucket , gentleman lately bought ' in llannirancisco at the rate of eixteeu dollars per on . Mizele grat . itlel with his large e d lamp', bespite', ed it to the mint in.Philtutelphia to be coined thi"espress" will take word to him with the 1 retarned,l"that there is not geld enough in it to pay far coinage:" The ttoted& is sp • ed over with gold the Inside is copper, The madoectore of ..lumps" is a newleade, and I t tradeiti,tniware.—N. Y. Ex. pea. -----,..---., , poet:.Datositve-The tinkle below, on • spiritual commimicati7a conveyed through claire I confectionary, all of which were e .n ntl y re th l i :7o• . home of the prevailin- •lel.ione, is worthy of M i le - 1 1 voyance and Recheeter knockings to be truei then ed. We candid exam i vat e; , 0 ,, y , ot, who i .,, , t we have to take all the just inferences that fol- , Mr. Lewis aimed nothing: Mr. Sherman, air. Y ' low. They are these-and the reader will read- Montford nod Mr. Keene scarce • I inclined to yield credence to the atrenmptions • ily see their absurdity. The spirits can choose i the furniture and effects of the other and evidence of these] imposture, on The public ' their own medium of communication. They de. I consumed were, for the most part, itev i :7 P rr a seems to be in a dizeised state in regard to es- lilicrately hire then:Fere, out to n limited num- somewhat damaged condition. Of cease, nt - t her of person,. to whom they continue the mo- , amid the alarm and confusion incident to such cry thing supernat •or which pretends to re .poly of the business. With their consent the can occasion many art uncles were broken and 'real what cannot be known be the ordinary i e xhibitors charge a fee for such interview and thrown 'away, and considerable loss in that way means of acquiringinf meatier, by the senses. No , pocket the proceeds. A spirit wishes to commune su c tainea. imposture can be n o bold end glaring not to • with its late associate. perhapsite benevolent and Among the stores and offices in We brick block meet with honest ad sincere convert, who, for • best friend in the body. It has, bower er to take destroyed on State oh, were those of J. M. Jos- I the chance of that friend being a vieiter, and ev- tier, clothing merchant; Walter IL Knowlton, a timo, become moo rowancs on the subject of then must make him pay a dollar to In. Fox jeweller; 1. 11. Williams, broker ; Mr. al'lntosh, Mesmerism, Clairvey cc, Spiritual Knocking, or Mr, Fish before the interview can be bad.- O'Reilly Telegraphic Operator and Thompson & or whatever may ben the moment the fashions-', perhaps, too, when its friend galls the ladies ere • Grunt. Attorneys id Law. Mr. Harris' Resta ble delusion. The a cle is from the Sew York , sick. and hold Tie exhibition, or the play having rant, fitted up in beautiful style, and was imme- Commercial Adverbs r .. ceased to attract and be profitable. they suddenly diately beneath J. 11. Will Brokerage. • rerelve tom., elsewhere. Why this and•all the The aggregate actual I.s by this auto[ innate As APPEAL TO NEON Si:avg.-There ay-- , other lic spirits must peek on awl be off also, to , calamity cannot Ice less than ..1 1 50,000--an pears to be religions, oral, intellectunl epidem- Mg money to their .exhibitor in Some other , amount greatly swelled, when we consider the tic diseases, as well ao those affecting our phyni- , town. The dollar is the mainspring of the , unavoidable damage In furniture, he. We Bins cal system. Every 'adult resideut of this - city , i , re tom. 1 manly e ympathize with the sufferer& can retaemberhow thr teachings of a certain no- , Surely common sense will soon come to the i Most of the persons burnt out were partially terions female and her male associates for a rescue of the deluded victims of such imp.- . insured. The several amounts, with losses, so while caused the popular mind to ruck and ewayi l„ , ,!!„ ,.. : far as we can learn, are PA follows : in the tempest of unmrtainty which ewer, over , alajor Brown insured, $i,600-loss, 810,000; the masses with reference to Christian faith and j ,-, For the P•. hur , •ll ra-,tt. J. &J. Williams, $2,000--loss, $2,000; W. 11. morals. More recently the wild speculations of Miller and his associ tee held temporary .domin- , • LECTRIIE ON PANTHEISM. I Knowlton. $4,200--no loss; Lewis & Co., $4,300 ' Montfort do.; N. Murphy, •$2,G00-loss, 82,00% ion over the popular mind, with what ruinous re- ! Mr. Ecli:vr -Of late the literafr and religious 'sults we need not te l ll. The first of these errors j circles of our city have been thrown into coned. . -- Jo 'l el ° J l o o h " .o l u V , ' f l u l lly Sh i e no r n m re an d , ; fu ll il . y S. ir' Hutt ured ter ; , e A fl was fearfully evil inprinciple; the letter brought 1 erable escitetuent. by the partial ucquaintauce they ! in its train An immense array of practical din.- ! intro eclttle with PrineiPlne. thee which new, fects an raved ;B. French, do.; G. B. Keene, no w ' ! insurance. lees $3OO ; E. D. GiOnalsOns 8600-- 1 tors. The utmost litretch of charity could not trey -ay, are more it to our sacred and been i small loss. In addition, Mr. Cadwell's building ! civil iustitutions. The public ear. have attribute to Fanny right, Hobert Dale Owen, and infidel teachers f that clues, u pure end be. I greeted with the philoeephico-religious. views . was cousiderebly injured, for which he is incur. I ed. Mr. Justice sustained hut a trifling loss, as nevolent motive; fo true benevolenes, however !of the dietiegol , heil ftnifh Wi , ido Ememen- , also did Mr. Mclntosh. Mr. Melntoehhastaken it may err in the e lectiun of means for the at- ; True, he was cautious but still explicit. He a room in Wright's block, where he will contin• iinment of its obj ct, will never set itself to ! stands before the:lt:aerie:at public as the verita- ! work deliberately t destroy man's dearest, most . 1 1 hie exponent of American Pantimista. As ouch : one to do business in the O'Beilley interest.- I Thompson and grant saved their books and pa. petrio., and most nnobliug hopes. It may be he believes in the dicta of the German schools laid down, and m t indeed be received tie an ,that ,everything which exists is un emana. I Pere generally, but still were damaged, as they I estimate, the am ount of $l5O. Mr. Harris' loss axiom, that any syatem seeking to subvert the , ti. from God-that unassisted human r.• Bible revelation of jelife and immortality" is on- 1 eon in the may element in man competent to 1 em ail, if any thi n g . ly evil and males however loudly it may I cominct Lim to happiuere and truth-that this I I --....-----____ talk of good whit and philantropy. That can- reason in divine, .d by its spontuneity !affords I NalthealkeetTT TRAPPEIL-Some time ago I not be good whichlopenlY repudiates or fritters men unerring certainty in all its dictates: that God ; called at the house of an old most who lives on away, or sublimates into transcendental unmean- 1 1' "s neither personality, nor eubstantialty, • the ,Vest ride of the Saucatucket river, between bigness, that which, by centuries of demoustra- nor intelligence, nor . urpore, nor will, nor.free- lif Orefield and l'eacedale, in South Kingstotin, a tion, Ins beetle:arced to be man's truest and I Own, nor creative power, apart from te Whole great part of whose life had been passed in trap chlefest good. I univerre-that all is toil itself-or t h eee the ! ping and kindred pursuits. He showed me a The Miller epidemic WAS of a different char - ; ran .tae of Fichte. ••God is not yeti, nor I. nor : hook in which he had recorded the results of hi s acter. It origiruled in! an excited imagination ; anghtelse specificelly,hut is all in alLand through exploits, front which I made the following el and perverted jetd ment hut' the de•wsion was I nth, thin moral order, the infinite medium, the , tract : not inconsistent th benevolent intention. Its 1 grand idea of the whole:" Need we be surprised 1 Between the years 1814 and 1847 he load temp i votaries proposed not to mow down inan's uni-1 that infidelity finds hero a gorgeous nsylum! I pod 00S4 muskrate; 2067 minks; 1185 wood venal hope of ire ortality, but they over zeal- I Szliellmes definition is that "God is centre and I chucks; 19,403 Ike of turtle meat, after being ously stimulated at hope. Just so much to : circumference, subject and object, the universe ' I thoroughly cleaned and prepared for food. show the radical Ifereece between the two epi- I without, sod the universe within." Hegel al. During the tame period he bad caught with denies, each of w ich took a wide and detoda. firms that Goelis neither the subjective nor object- I hook and line, 3,735 fish; he had shot one eagle ting sweep over this city-and neighborhood. But ! tive, but is found in the abstract synthesis of the I measuring 9 feet from tp to tip of wing had shot there was a symptom by which ton great extent I t wo-a pure absolute idea. To which portico- j nine wild geese; 1252 teal and duck; 300 crows this radical diffetl i :ce in the nature of the epi. I for school of Panther,. Mr. Emerson bele:age see I for the heads of which he had received thirty domino might be ' rented, and which, as a gee- caunot se but he expreesly stored that he in • three dollars bounty. eral rule, will a t !eas a test of the self interest- God. We quote him-•• I ani Gad." It is the' The turtles are what are called mud, or sap. ed or benevolent hharaeter ef all similar epidem- inevitable result of his philosophy. We know 1 ping turtles, and were taken in powerful steel ice; the was followed for gain, in one form 'that he regards the Bible only no bailors the or- I traps, which were set in the water and baited. or another, the prime movers in the other sought soles of Zoroaeter, the Dethadir of Iluesh.g, the I lie showed use one of the traps; I could make no recompense, bat suffered lees by the advoca- I Vedas of the Brahmins, or the institute, of Menu.. but little impression on its springs with both cy.of their view. An epidemic prevails at pros- This is not merely his opinion but it is his gen. I hands, and yet he assured me that in hie time eat, having its coMmeneement in mesmerism and uine belief. There can Ice no each thing as evil. Ihe used Co press it completely down with one gradually passing through the phases of chair- Everything we do is just as God would hare us ! hand, while he adjneted the fastenings with the veyance, ecstatic communion with unseen epi.-its do, because, since we are God, it is God himself . other. Sixteen turtles caught in nay's gettad, in spiritual knockings. and writing on slates. We who does it It is not we, but God, who think, 1 the Southwest part of South Kingstown, weighed regret to know 1 that many persons-some to , Virtue and Morality ape together merely the 80 pounds each, and when prepared for food whom one would [halm attributed more sobriety manner in which the soul act agreeable to We yielded in the aggregate 686 pounds of meat.- and intelligence!mcd more acuteness of percep- I interual necessity of his being. Fate is the only ...He stated ae a curie. fact that be had in sever tion-are more r less under the influence of' , law. Man is the product of nature, and even if lal inetencce taken what speared to he utter, this epidemic,aml we propose to make an appeal ! some would consent to allow sock a Wing an par- of this species of turtle cock litter from the same to theircommon sense which we would fain hope 1 vial evil, it is hat the imperfection or nou-growth. peed. cud that when this was the case they were will not be in Tata • The strict pantheist, however, identifies evil with I uniformly of the same individual weight The disease nisi[ be very! prevalent or our I good. Just as he doe , metter with mita 1 ! To visit all hie traps required a walk of about publishers wool "y' no market for the int- , It is not; Letterer • so much Ralph Waldo Em• I sixty - miles in circuit. The sabre of the skins manse amount° trash, infidelity and blasphe. I ersou wee would spoil; of-ttt sic much the man 1 soul ' thus procured, exceeded five thousand my, having its onnezion with this ridieulone l as e sstem of which he ri o the xbettor.! Nether : done. -.Vacroet Meremy. theory of spirittud communications, with which is be alone the mile one ie oar country of whom I .! . , the press bus recently , teemed. It, is this that we retold i beware There ere other,. lenders I p,,,, : _0,,,k„..,,d,,,y evening, a b out 9 u . e t e bas seemed to us to demand another protect in the liurary fuel religious circles who are I . , ,pre broke out in the Flouring NEIL of Joseph m against this c1.1,‘ of imposititm epee the pultlie; reeking back as fast as eireumetancee will per- ! Kieeick, nem the old Iron ir orke, which in a another effcirt Iroise people to the employment ! mit them to the very depths el Paganism. A short tall, ill :Tile of all effort, reduced et •of that COMM° eense -with which their !Maker; celebrated divine is: one of our hi:is:ern cairn ` , 1,,.,,,, „f smo l t ," ru i,„, t ,„, ue ' t ,„ p„, aw ,,.t.,: I Mae endowed th M. A volume before us carries I /.., h. already feat no hesitiLey in reying that we. ~-, „„ ~,,„,,,1, „„ - s used t b e t - --- r -- ' r utmost exer tion, e ith oh e obi engiee. whieh acme! to be these impious a sardines further than maythitig I meet slew God "tie it Breton , were wcll me, op, ' ,a e have either[ met with. It profeeses to ere. :es if the Jehovah.' the int Mite I AM- the M"'": to reale impeteut tu a We flames. rresung e am. The the the reveletions of eight esuctiet, mho at I lath, were dividing oti Mine , : I . With tar more I w•ljectlng burbling" were saved only by keepin g various times held intercourse with the spirit ' grata' end far more lemielde ono': es !thee the de e! .benched with water. The mill was wort I eared. One c4ims to have Mel Gabriel for his old Atheni , e , m.,7iit the ehr - tiatt•."' "'IV eW .3t :ea. $lO,OllO, and contained about .$5.000 I guide or attendrg angel: another mite GC/ him- urge semin't l'eall'el'i! the " ,, i , """ iirged it" warin ,!!' ti, cm and grain. It bad ties,ooo insured I ser in the same relation ; another is•thus waited gaie - t Socrates- 11- •thirmi nietiLt. thvY dr ma tv - ' etc It The numoer in which the fire originated ' upon by Jesusj Christ. and so forth: and etch cexoi , e the t-;` , I •f'hit'l! '`'ts thlnicirY rreogierey I r:- ciecernea rut ea. the result a ilecidet preferees to hnve had familiar astiveree with 1 without ,loUl.t, they inn oduee yew divinities. k ...• iti • • i;.::d.. these, and withjother spirite, en subjects trivial, ! withont ii in , 0: they iyirriipt ti c ,i irit n. Ske need ludicrous end rdelicate; each describe, vie.- . net iltel. that I teem. -clLetee , m etir tea • ~ „ of pmegns nnul hates mo st e t,...,, : ma ctee „ r ii c •,:, , ernment Ia• bee-C„ree up the preseuut orulorot t" '' ',` , I'o.'l:R.-An engine hay been ouch one would m scow ta d from :di tut tile mort I caeietY hx ,- not de !".! ell,: la la P.acll.e.t.c. , r•n- •• • •l"• l' a ii"b•• -b.ieriboo Meehiee Works, in debzwer or ...s.. ge life, al foreleg thc elart, of ' cilde, Leery day we bear id now . 1. y , , ,,.,,,.. ~, , priiiii . i.i. Mare In which sir takes the place ! the namen Aver ch awl each orce contraeiete the • col“vttiimtmi fd-•rto oo.oc ‘l ,, lsed by tim sett. • " T. -m ,.' on o ' th ` • 'lr a.4 ' . for"' It is to be vent I revelation whi b another makes. er.ied ..eciolcetez. phclatercl.er. 11 e ne...1 itet , t'' „_I 'd " " 6 ' d ' `..1" It is said is. work well , , ,-. , , Such pnblicatione, we repeat . ~',. ,i,1,,, 1 thud, tea, ne.tratigc ere- bie e upon -or th,,, a.lthst air ens produce the same effect that the epid mic he widely spread. Add to • l , :fi' , ". olt - ..- Wr- Inol Pao tholmu meepjy r : c:- 't• mii a.l h ..ne•tiventieth pert of the fuel, those that rase tent and traveling "1 .••-ei .ns" ,t ' IddlY thth the lezislatiee tssly. into the ,clect, ! etd , e -- leezrer re explosion. A patent has been „phi., co ,muni.i.,..,. bore very - I s ~,,., t , ~,,,,,,,,.,,‘, „1.1!. ii! ~.,, ~,,,,,,,_ ~,,,,,, , ,••1.0, .1 II sit this he true, the inventor must \ multiplied; a tso diseased have some minis he- ,!,,, ~' will ~. , ~,,,.,,,,,, 1,, ,, ,,,,, _,,„, wur 7 , ,, y pro . , Lie: 1 i•iitel some lie, way of making svintiah!si a come that he more absurd and barefaced the teaser writ eppear before lot .loan, aril soy . , 0 l '''' " hi .. ' hi.- , '-',.,. Inca tried before, with no imposture the more eagerly -is it believed, and startlir,r tones, tes Ail richt, in Vrennit -•im;,m. srwer-s to 1 , romper./ with steam power. every reader ill see that it is hiele time, for the dereen, re untreme. i rsiii: es. a' i G, , 1 '' 1% h4t ; reputation of ar common shretednees and itdel- are .. fo Grate, e hat 1. - ety oe ni-t liiir. when 1 Market Street Store for Bent. , iigence, and sssennSor from the dark chem. men of original and tanking genine are betaing I.:ifill REN The Store, 118 Market bees a lunacy and suicide. WWI. On community all their energ.,,,.... p,enld our national c horea , F ....L., ‘,.. ~,,,, .i..., 6.... th... Truer of nar.2 should pronounce, at the bar of outraged cent- ter, to blast Chri,tiani, from our hearth-stone, i stoll- ,-- ttf etre:;,-.. riuseYtien Wen no lora ApoP__. DAVID liKW.i moo sense, its condemnation of thefolly on all its to make: us Pag,n, 7 It we give the :-oat coon- ; r ""`„,,,;,,',,f'" n " 106 INma at length and breadth. We are aware that there I tenance to such kiwi of in s truction :is this, hew ' - . • .._ .- is a strong te dency, a natural bias perhaps, to ' long will it he befiae our y..Ulh will exclaim, as 1 r.eze - lie. M' LAN ea Lcr LB Pmts.-The de superatit Of the excess of this. designing I did the editor of Schleirmacher's le acre on the , meats, tt, c rest reeeter a meetly larreming. and we Men and we en will always take; edvantage- ! Lucinda of Sec that he ••teDs,Ei 4704, I, In ..,^'iw , i‘...r..1.1nic ~mars fa m a a1e...,.. or lota. . :loch , er,- tru.l p aims. linpowilble to supple as fast rsi en against it th se who would expose the fallacies j li en wah Sch,lhng, Mos us fi r s,,, ~,,,, .31„1„. and impietie of this spiritual intercourse thee- ! et, ."' How long will-it be before ran...pant inu- I '',,..:, ' Ike 'LT.,'st ::; . :- , te ,.a rculilL nel . u i l i ees oh,: trial to ry- MiOSt co n nd- But we confess ourselves I delitY will write "A tie defence." ••7erre t• ee ' i',„,, w ~, ~., „ r „,,,,, :„,',„:,7,,,7,Z. 5 ' mortified the - among „ peop l e w h ere , i t may ~,i. God, - upon the arciremy of the tomb" Against ' ..,,,,„ . -.moms. 0- Mer la Mr. most be mid without a figure, education is a e such a specious, element:. pridedlettering, i led , J. t i re s k C..--oemlefora. As 1 ant engaged In Mang • free as air, ything no grossly absurd and so l , _nsulting philosophy ,the clan:teat of on age mast : leer very eludie mammas, tau net consider my stock gm. bare faced!) . elf interested and mercenary on I fight, neither i _e it the part of clrietiattmen or 1 vete etch., I bar.. a supply' of tr. >names Lleer Ella the part of tie principal promulgator!, es the I women to lend their influence in behalf of any , 1 "asteecl e.g.. dean bre.. of thew Palen,. undone . epidemic on Cre notice. should find votaries and I one, no matter Lt w attractive Lie genius, who , ' , ':, ! ' - ,..,'„ jth "" '''''' t ''''' sad ea l uo .l e 'b C VIT ''rely 'ma' supporters. 110 is humiliating and saddening. I seeks to rob us of our prospect of heaven, by , . • t _.;' ,•,.. a .„, „ t• In, P. at." We beg the candid reader te hooky moment at casting reproach ripen the charter of our hopee ; metee-tseles Na 60 Wool et.. the absurdit, of what is claimed bthis class of We must be vigilent fur we have everything to I 1 imposters. lairvoyanta, for thin folly -is still fear. The mileria of Rationalism which .has , lAttention ! J. KIDD k CO.. , , t respectfillly inwited In th e practised to refit, claim to attainthe knowledge ! made Germany and Fritter, emplecti.lly lands ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,..„,,,,,,,,,, ~ ~,,„,,, of the m ost refound secret, othe.rwiseabeolute of itifidelity, deism, atheism. and ecepticiern of , e ta, un.rni4ivii easement ofJOhn WWI, whownw ly and imm inahlY beyond the K . e. of morels. every description aimed). infect* a Brent portion 1., ~, es , ••ie i.•••e • es he ite iii. of aid Fraliollnii They claim see clearly the faintest tint of • in- of our young P.epublic. la five short years how , „amt. me, wail(' lhAt I base been eared of 51 old HaMlnation,ere slightest intlithtilons of organic I fearfully rapid bus been its progress: Aud what , Chien. Pooch. be the WA of roar Realm of of and local a angement, right awny in the dark does it otter in the room of oar faith ! The The neigh vitAcked.roe a emma , lastDecember,andihad caverns of a man's internals, arid this through abysmal gulf of human error! Arc we to re- '''''''''', n " 1 1 . :,: 4 ''':',.. n l,;,` l aa l ' 7 L°•°„0"..,0 th'"dri" a I the Skin and dark, solid fiesh which one wOuld trace the steps of flristionicatiurtund accept the i 7 . , , , ,,,7,,'„'„ 5 ' au ,. , „.. ~,,,,,,,,auLi •,:",:nelln'a think wouldudee it mighty dark a irithin and m oral Siekering torch of the mystagogUe for the burn- i 7.... e t . eureleete. a sarteetaance ruosume . twee....: a very effect.] barrier to the vi on of the ost ! jag lamp of Sacred Truth' Must we tarter a- ! t oasts [no. r.bicauents whist , . gar galleltanon pg.., clear sigh creature. Then they claim an into- ! any Pah for ,reas,n I !duet we resign 1,13 c hope ous u ..lo Oro. sal niece for the purpose that alp,. er ta, hive knowle ge of the mode of mire and the pro- which the one inspires for the incertitude with , me, to e.rlee le. , tw h oe the T. , v. so Us., lei parties of m 'tines. They coral also the power tl i which-the other perplexee! It cannot, must not I , e0.t'1t,r,e,...t,,,',7t,m_7t-,l,r,t,°m '''' e j aet ef PRedstellic of trump • g themselves whither they will, _or I be• If the Arabian philosopher who raised Idh ~ 1,,,'...",...":....,...."*,.,.".:. ' learn Z us i , If ii , .. wandering ~ rough the room. of any house they , dialectical skill to demolish the domnane sys- , PITT-ECILi.A. FriAll.l :3. VAL choose, eeemig what every body' is dothg, and isms of his day, urged upon his natlen tbe ne- , „ - r mde ii, Kerner A McDowatl, , 10 Waal stre4 a. Z. knowing ev ry body's thoughts . Other powers cessity of espousing lelemiten-If a recent French i.,,., , ,.. .... ~.,„„,,.„„.,,, to. ,t!. y L i :, .....,, ... , i they claim but this enumeration will loeflice- mtaPhYsie l em after Miring shown th:a every , w....m Pros[ ..irecte DN. Cr M. D. A. tone At . :OM; Now, reads , suppose you possessed these pow- attempt threughout Europe, of late, m the tied 1,,,,,,,,.... an. II I' Silviralti, Allegheny. alio by the pl. era. Wont you only employ them when called lof philosophy, has ended only tip l'untneieui. - er.os. EM. nun, upon by so' ebody with a dollar or two in his , urged upon the people the necessity of retreat- . teteeiei,.T Canal Destaßeeentb.t..Pitlabargh. hand ready to pay you for using,them in the ex-' rug for security to the bosom of the Roinau cetl,- Forei gn eloration o his stomach, lungs lor liver! 15 It olio Church -surely the chrietian ehould lie lii, • . and American Hardware. nut Olin you that if you possessed such pop/• al enough to his Redeemer to prove to inaukrud LOG i ,, m wiLsoN Bz, Co., ers, you tni ht speedily have the !world a suppli. ! that In Christiauity alone is found the true soh, .rt-e rr ant at yourlfeet, and might commend wealth even noli of umn's difficulties and the world . . direr- No. 129 Wood Street, more tuaboModed than your desires! Assuredly , der. I RA VI: NOW IN STORE you might. We have written thus for not without a ape- ' I 1 a full .at wwipitwo... - a of FOREIGN AND .43f£J2ICAN Reflect a moment then upon the absurdity in I eitihdesign. We have rec. it ennoneced in some IIAItDWAItE which thos persons are ineolyed who claim iof oar city papers that a lecture is proposed, by ~.,,,,,,,. r .,,, t „ ,t , t ,,,,, „ at , sod ~,,,,,,,,,,„ arm,,,,,,,1 such Owls of clairvoyace anal yet dole them I ale. J. C. Schred, to.he delivered before the cit- j 1, all,. liniwinawrii at PRIM mat will copere tetorghle wto ear of the e.t.a v titles. ----- out-that ait for questioners i who shall pay j izene of Pittsburgh, expository a Pantheistic ! , . _._ such fee as they can afford, be ittwenty five cents I principles. We are thus protnieed IL view of the . 1 Citizen'Blnsurance Company of Pittsburgh or five delis., for such vague and unmeaning ; Spiritual Philoxopby from one who knows it .t , i a .„,„4„,,,..5,i,„ I ,, way „ ,_..,_. 1 NSIITUTIONS. answers as, they choose to be :content with. I only spreulatively, but practically as he bee nen e• 44 Si ~'.,,,,,::".....' ~..',.'nt h. ....b.... 6, , u. u. Let commonsense decide here. I Equally absurd I wishki iu his own country. To all who j oes NT. , .W. Mgt., t 4. 3, are all thejother outbreaks icf ',the ta bl e prent epi- ; to gain ittl'eacquaintance with a subjeta I " rs:. O.,o,e ' t re ' is l CZ.. i ;rs -r4 y . ..erieti to tenure all see ' a:Wm demi& Four females sit trebled a bl that I which 'month . or later will engross the attention , m a : re. 7.1 in tnowito. stun lc. 'through them the spirit"; of the dead may make a 1 of the Whole nation, to all who wiend hear a de- I 3 se , I I wilitaiwi l i7 e. sil•irdril in the character of the Igreetcow, num b er o knocks w hich the fem,clee may open I scriptien of the most danger°. foe or christiiiii- ! ono nil. ii.ll c.itura.:f r lin.riih. well and favorably Oilt, knoc k by knock and letter by letter, into a i ty, ere would env Arrt:Co ! The importance. of 1 ,t0,r.0,,,0=00mm nr a! wit ernaiille, intelligence. very Util.nt s factory answer to oil very foolish and I the theme cermet fail to impress itaelf upon es• Dinteriirw-li.li. I folio', Wu, Dsgaley. Wm. harrenes, simple que don. Now look atlthe pretension, I ery intelligeet le ntil. It memo: but he iuter- ,tene ilwiiiirili. ri. Ilgilcauelt. P.M. liler. apKett They Bret at spirits are preseut; that they knoar eeting, especially •in the lc.. of our who your seer t thoughtS; that they will give you enderstatels it as thornogicly . won believe - New Spring Goods, any info alien you may desir, that they will Mr. Scharol doe,. Wt. bespeak for bier IL large only do it by rapping and` through these wo- and respectable audience. We belie,' that tit a .t. NI ASON & CO. will open this morn eas,..iity r Roane oat Integrity of tea .Ic. Wrnilel . 11,,i1l slush 11 Slog. is Reason.. Men. Itt tier words the 'spirits of One's dear. the prevent tho lsom., will he peculiarly I ~/;11„,..1, miwr:ti.s:.7,...,llLmi,orr.ttinmi...l,mlric.., VII „ I eWt { t imid prefer to converse with strangers, I acceptable, . t h eta publ, mind is IIIIW 001110VillAt , ,„..f . 4:11:,1 tar • k 1.1111 1 ,11 of their patron. ald ' ile th p . ubtla ~who mak a profit out of that preference.) to i awakened and inquisitive. Be will ' hear at lets[ i a l .. Mikum w Won e's self; they fellow those ladies . a philueophica! eat...Atli. of Penthcism from a I 1-4MLICRED •POPLINSt--A. A. Meson A. Co. ehoa, Ilk lop dog's in leudiag ribbon.; those ! cicristimi I tund-romt ;.4 shall be butter filile to • nn . 1105 opeomg cages and package. of Plain, riot •pirits kn we one's tboghta but say uothiug until I see the rea, lettere of that .:.. tern Oil 1 Multi ~,,,, ~.,._,,,,,nu,,, ~,,...,.. .„. eta aUeetions re asked, and then loft answers in- I than all °them threatenz our civil end religious i . , correctly; with a lontrtran of other absurdities 1 liberties. . it iiiii•it t or ilipreitii- , ..1 carton Vritihid Cashmere, Itch that crow upon the min i. These are the pre- I -- I 44,1 more, binteroidived do. Fancy de Labe and oar gp7 ' , teems: e reality, Or. Lee litre sufficiently ex- ' plai.d. __ _______ . - , , .- . , .., , a . a ., •., , 1 . 0 ,1 mear omen.: eae. a ler lota Laos Capes, tusk pliiLANDl...R. ;e a II A W LS-A. A. ales.: & Co. have just iir moody _ D Ili IIoNS-A. A. MASON & Cu. WlLlexhib , . lik, h. thts mercer., evrtont of row etyles Bonnet lUD. Se meet for the absurdity . . ' Wu hold, hewer- it,. c ~ii i 1... awl Lair cede. Frolirdidsfies, as. Or shot diem is a far more revolting feature of the wholt businee than thie. The clairvoyance; the Bach star knockings; the spiritual interviews rn and co unications, are all tainted with th is one thin which ought to open every one's eyes -No es ' , No ocronaterioel The clarvoyant rocs; th Rochester women make their mulled sounds, f ee nine)/ an interview. The invalid on the brin • of death, who cuneults the clairvoyant. meat pr eat his fee, if it be ,'the Mot d o llar Ice has and is wife and children are estarviug for lack of oney to provide food with,"The votary who vi te the Rochester itineraut *enders of npiritued meseages mast pay hes dollar before the alleged p int, even of his own wife. child, will eeccr a single rap at bin. I Aud so all round. Was eve the greed of gain more .barefreed I:- Why yo r quack doctors will; advertise ••no cure -as pa ," but these impostors pretend to mend at the to of the unseen wold, to hold in their hands e keys of the only dor of entrance ...I exit, de tare thenmelrea the only medium of rem teeniest on between the !spirits and flab et, ebrined 'mortal', and pet:wham aloud and tua blushinto W an ly, "step in, gentletnen: a dollar a head 1 .. i n te-room, all round, and take the chauce f meeting the spiritiand getting the in formed n you want. Tots centrot meet the spir it of yo lost child, sir, without paying us a dollar." This' exact at We ars beginni tog ed.- seem rough lan , tI truthful statemen .: 1 13 w 1 a 4" t en: re d v i pm s d at :was: 6.1 F. 1 4 ,111 the Erie Garol,,, .1 p ,,1 DESTRUCTIVE FIRE. ALMOST AN•ENTIIIK 111.0 t, We are called upon to recant in this week's issue the roost destructive lire that ever occurred in Erie. It broke eat in the jewelry shop of Lewis & Co., in the Reed-House Row, about half past two o'clock on Tuesday learning. and, not- withstanding the vigorous exertions of the mem bers of the different fire comp:Mies and other ailment, it rapidly communicated to contiguous buildings, end was not eitlEMAllhltell until the entire black, with the exception of the 'teed I House and Empire, belonging to Mr. Cailwell, had been COOntillted. It Wit+ only by dint of the most determined effort that the fire wag prevent ed from spreading to the frame block on the op. posits side of Side street, in which event the largest business portion of the town would have been laid in ashes. The area of the ruin ie quite extensive. It embraced Major Brown's imposing and COMMo trio. Hotel on the earner. with stable in the rear, J. & .1. Williams' lien friar story brick tali-. Le, occupied in pert fur puriossee of offices and stores, and in part by Major Brown; W. 11. Knowlion's four story brick edifice, occupied in a similar way; with the whole row of frame build ings on the Diamond, extending from Major Brown's to the need (louse, occupied, no for as our recollection series us, by Lewin k Co's. jew elry shop, Mr. ilurph,y's tin and copper smith shop, Mr. Sherman's Deguerrean ROOM, Mr. 3U:°rt's:sholiMr Kae.Bl M.LJOhnIOSIMOitO e, Mr. barker 611r.Eteesatad cap it.reEr litatter's oboe and boot shop, and Mr. Preach'a page, but it is an issue. {thole of the real 'whole business hum us fraud and uoth v;ory and practice of Latest Publications T 110L)1ES' Literary Depot, Third et., calla the I'..t Omen. 1.1t.11), ing Ao, N. 3.10. Douglow , or the Autobiography of Mia. tee. 1%1.01 1, p11,••lia. a tale far ratUtillh , ding. Nurnual toteroottroe, hy A. J. barb,. itarµr , Nl r uwor. for April—the bort No. hutted. hiebant of lurk, ur thO Whlto flow of England; an Uhl. Paula Itotnnunc. tog-man without • >1.1e6 Ict 6 CAC , lotsonr. T. 4 ".^ 13 • 4 Latio Itrnt: the AVCIII,II hr Mrw.illyr,b, api QEVERAL respectable young Men, of bti t-t nitErNo 11•1,14, to deliver wad aolfdtorders for to•ena w.gre and apg, IN IN MOllairia a,a.m• $6,000 1.° A , WOMAN ER PHRENOLOGY, SPHERE, TRZATSIENZ AIWA 7th and 911 i. id t i t o'clock delineationßinging by Dr. cr ,„.. d u d.. with the public of assaral Pe nista eliraeu i rs. Seats, one Dint. Turislay Evening , April tth—littrums, Dutim and its , Doctrines, as taught hy Phrennliery. Hereclitary Laws and v t., H tiMst sitienti. lecture. arrliroftatlmud delineations of charactir, with number ed chart.. and alio nal writton opinions, Including advice touching Health, Occupations, Valts, their remedli wilt perfection. management of children, Lc, ge, dell, and unoccupied evenings at Ida private apartment at Drown's Hotel. taP&lf 0. O. FOWLER: STOCKS WANTED—Bank of Pitteburgh; Norther. Liberties Brld`c by INEO. E. ARNOLD, ap7 (.I . TOCKS FOR SA LE---Monongshela Bridge; soon Waster. Rank of Weeling: 4 Fourth rt. apT OEO. E. ARNOLD, 7 i BACON-25.eseks prime Shouldore; 6 e o Video: fur We by L P. WATERMAN t SONS., ap7 60 and SI Water. and 0 12 First stout. LAHD--13 bbk. N. 1 Loa; 14 ten - for Pale br • 7 1.. A. ATF.ENIAN SoNS. LOUR-157 bbls. S. F. and extra, for sale by ay7 L. N. WATERMAN t BONA RUIT-260 sacks Dried Penchcs; In ADpint 15 W. brt a• 4 by • 7 1.. S. WATERMAN • SLiNS. 1.1 ROOMS-350 doz. fancy and contti., fur LI tale by L P W.1‘11:10.1AN A &OtB. HOES -150 doz. best cant steel, for male by Rol' L. P. WATEU SIAN a SCY TIIE SNEATIIS--- 3 50 doz. extra and common. for sale at manufacturer'sprices by api Le. WATERMAN SONS. ORKS-75 doz. tiest caseated Hay Forks: %u , Fork.r. for maleby spl L. S. WATERMAN A SONS. LIQUORICE ROOT-40 lbs. Poled, for 1.4 sale by apT IL E. SELLERS. RUB...UW-4 eases Pow'd, Tor sale by IL E. SELLERS.' OIL SPRUCE-4. cases for sale by sp7 ILY. SP:LEERS. - 1 ROUND TURMERIC-2 bbls. for sale by R. E. SELLERS. Extract of Sarbaparilla and Co- P.l.Amoated genuine, for salo bJ :E LEES. VERMILLION-412 lbs. (Trieste) for sale V by spy R. K. /ALLEM CIIIE9E-50 boxes receiving and for sale by .p 7 R. DALreLt. & CO., liberty at, SURDRIES -6 bbl.. Sutler. 12 robs Dried Aspl Pensharg M. Line, 41 b°'" Ch"'' "' rre ' S r laL E i.AL, wad InrsaLa by D , Water. rt. APER-300 reams Med. and Crown NV ping, for sale low to rinse constArtment, by apt JAB. DrILBELL, fa Water st. RODUCE -300 13u.b. Dried A . " S. Y. Cour: ZlO dna. Corn Ilroncarn '1 kegs awl 5 bbl.. 5:n.1 UM: 20 bbl Butter: - 10010kask bill. Tissoo7Y 5 040 : lOymeake x ssleratuon 121.t0n , awl km rate by sy7 , J. t A FLOYD. Ruoud Cburch. 'IG IRON-35 talet i ma j ea i r, i, f . c;r win by sy7 LOVER SEED-25 bblg. prime for sale by 7 30110 WATT k CO Q ALERATUS—SOOO lbs. pure. for sale by 01 .P 7 JOHN Sr 017 O et). 11,1S11-3lackerel. salmon, and Lako Trout, eale RVI JOHN Wort k. TIOT-100 bags uss'd Nos., for sale by sp7 JOHN WATT* co B ACON -11 enAn Hams; 3 10 •• Shoulder , landing from at Ca, Ilan fur nJe hr ISAIMI DICKEY ! CO.. api Water and Front •tA. LTT&-5 bales landing from mu:. Cape sy. sids by sp.. ISAIAH DICKEY A CO. VEATIIERS-17 sacks landing from sus .r May. T.' u4 IsAIAII DICKEY CO ITOOL-25 saekn non- lan Cape May, tor vale by net ISMAIL DICKEY k CO. n RIED PEACHES-600 bu. for sole by ap7 ISAIAH DICKEY 0,1. (.lALT Pt:TILE—SO racks for sale by ap7 1051.511 DICII7IIII CO. nEST JAVA COFFEE. READY ROAST for sale at SW/111W Sea Man, ia the 111antood ap7 SEBBHP'S 8 A LV. lAY VIRTUE of n writ of Venditioni Ea maim word oat of the District Coari Alle,thoof , Court to tor directed will burgh. maul topohliculr. al the House, City .1 Pitton M.A.!. the oth day a April, A. D. 1011. the follnsna described pm. rt All the s right, Otte. int...rt. claimand demand of .1. D. Abell. of. in mad well that memo lot piece of round situate,. lytnq.and toeing, to D01t... towtaehiDs.sf t!ound . and diew - rited as follows. via. leOnoolog at • Isuid no the Pitt.burgh and Freeport mail. at the corner of land of hetn. and running thence south I 21 610 .rehes to a poet. then.ocrth !.0 degrees. wept then. .. 3-70 ...hes 0. a pat. then. wmtl, 1 degree. •est It perches to the Allegheny ricer, than. along gaol river great 71 deg s, weal .5-10 prob. to a poet, then. hr ree land of C. C. Noble north 12 deuce., east te.lo .rehts talJ road. thew. , elmp maid road 11.111.11 fl wee , 6.010 perehes lel the place of Legioolog--cootatnlng cne and one half a... more or les. beint the 0..1. 00 fi rl :ra r71 " : 1 1:72 . 1 d , l ' !otlf.e r rilred .l A rtti 111219:rol ' SC-o er.ber. 1 0 1 0 . and Lacing ....mut erecttd • fr..e al.. louse. feet high, and uti lot In foot h, 40 loot deep, with cut InOldlogs. and a small 000 story frame dwelling house. "4.1104 and talon In trueutlon as the pro,rty of Joseph D. Abell. at the gull of Jaoce McCracken. • sll^riff's art,. April Mh. Removal. JSIIEA ham removed .to 111 Mork . faro.. two doors north a hi. old stand—thr h web. orrup,"l Ay 11.- R Thom,. shit THOMAS HALE, FORWARDING A. COAIIIISSIO ul N AtERH CANT ILLINtS. VONTINUES his usual facilities to receive .) fMnrage, t‘ale. anl Tranaldrm..LsulirrrE.ndig• mnlgned inm. Boats lwaye ht. duck da4IT ! all min. m th. Lakr• ntni the Illinois Cann] awl Inver ll.G.rento-s—Memrs. Lorenz, eArrhns A Co, Memo. Jona • 4.4,4:. M, John 1. Oknia,,,T House Reopen vir . !slllNG to employ Paper Ilangera, will V " dth. 60 Mark. AreaI rirII.ANSPARENT WINDOW SILADES— J ''''' ' ' " I 'VI I'4:6l7kr=Vt. QPIILITS TURPENTINE-20 bbla. choice, io for ...Irby IIItArSREITER noribrrty and M. Mar FL. 1 INSEED bble. at.: for sale by R.IL. 14 orc N a tIORKS--10 balee large pint bottle Corks; Kula Cora*, (.tort)jurt. reed 11.121 r rale by mita ' MACK a !LEITER. LINSEED Oil,--10011. for tale by ap.s J. KJ a CU.. 0., Woodot. Dli. I.IOOFLAND'S Celebrated German 'DITTY:BS—I gross fur yak by J. KlD' ' k C 0... LDS , W) %Yale. USHTON, CLARK & CO.'s Pure Medici. nal IAJDLI Eli 011,7I s trm PO SliliFF=l. cask Garret's Scotch, Watt derr.l Por &ale by AO J. KIDD A DI. eOTTON—tO bales w arrive on Mayflower . er3 CO. VOR SALE—White Louisville Lime, bythe U bbL or ntoth 25 dn. Blue and block Inlc 3.1 dos. Lead rennin 3 gen. Coat and other Molar: a few Mat, Charts, andPinang. Ital Hann' old Identorlor. Si of the fall amount of the Greet awe In Vlttaburgh: • eosin. of Dhaka awl a fan School and other Coks, Tate Counterfeit l/atocton all our Daily. erveral Wean, and about' IW late lisf ‘ hsem Nee/roarer, Irma our primp/el Wam wad 'I""' k ep t Agent and • Ceenvoireinu alrrelant. Liberty et EYERAL Gardeners, and a good Black stsua.(.ith faosile..) ran get plate. Several lieu ao well instructed young men leant place. as Bonk lire- et...Wenn°. [School Munro. Warehouse Men: revered la. Nunn. te. Anent Man linnet , Cool.. utissieressids, Mat .ad "" " Nu"'to- n"01 em fgAlribelll7l7 "" ' at •f3l° Agency and !Wallin.. Oahe, Liberty s i Plaak Road Notice. I % , LL PERSONS who have subscribed to o ltie Furg , tf ., n e arlit Plank 11 , oiali on reporylnrlllale k lin 'll7nry Harare, ' netire i ltn T iV P l k a f ho c th' tDe ratiortillier,iii Itelarille i on or before thAfith i of April! au i t pay fifty per cant. on their reapretire ilitiiNitY REIS, Tres, Ult. J. C. SCH = AALpro i poHem, itf sutfficent ; 1, Ymknlant Methodist t .ourch.of the City of Miriam°, . a fur the Instruction of fond, of bothin the attend Lot. 11. lazy., and lima,. Liam:aura. Ile mill attend to the ma le d e partment in the morninz, awl the female In the' afternon. tor further pinrtleularg aprOf to the anbarriber, at the Mllam !fetich s Boarding Ilona., Fourth at., Vittatotrah. J. C. SCHAAL. turn..cox Het. D. Baird, D. D., Firth rt. 2i, New York. Mr. Batt, M. U. Drowiwni 176. " Pat:Own/I and Allegheny. Her. A. T. McGill, 0. D. , Thom.. Ern.. Her. D. Elliott. It. D.. Mr. Ethinten. D. Hr v. J. T. Prevoly, D. D., :lamer Dunlap. Horan' J. S. Kuhn, En., v.& M. °whore, C. Zug, Era. Mr. SCHWA has Own • tutor to Mr Celnllr fur tlilvrtord• tStluttlugaingaltx •.10i;11,:illraTtiral1101, to he lti l oolodoo of the leaping. which hrtroglr d ta I tt ' se t r. ppd L e 0.11 nuallnal to import Instruction in that branch or eduestion as enr other Individual with who.. it has been tar Menne to be nritashited. IRO& WILLIAM:4. •Pdl,l Pommel copy.] ieed Store Removed. timed Subscriber }um removeddlis Seed Store fri. !ke rma street to the buildingce rently oecuplal r. Reed es Shop. nn Third street, ammo 110. lately opposite the Poet MSc, F. SNOWDEN. ON BOSTON, NEW tOILR PHILADELPHIA. iand BALTIMORE, WM. A. HILL 00., Bank.os. CoustkalY for =dr bY rkk PECIE.—The highest market price paid kw American end Foreign SILVER, 0n4.1 for Forel,* O 0, a th e Elehoogo Othoo of WM. A. lIILL k CO.. &Oak HI Wont et, INl4lonr %boor, Fourth. ' WIDOW LA DY;cif highly reopectahle meatecUott, recoatly fromthe old country, wishes to ethane herself to tore charge of any menectahle family that. mar h o World thins over to the • Fair. Marna "t.. U.^ Post (im. apnit* • OR RENT—TWO ROOMS, adapted fur a !TORE, auh A •friaa . .) °melte to the Ila Y . PO on the zrzr to Eureka Mining Co. of Michigan, A'MEETING of the Stockholders of th, E . r .k. mining Ca of Waldman: trill be bald at th n of Palmer. Ilanna / Co. It Ettlabatata on -Monday aptll7lh. tanl. at 3 n'ahntE. P. SE Punctual etandancel mutated. I•P•311 GEO. DABEIE. Praia PPLES--1 0 bbls. Russets, for sale by aM J. PVICOON MAKER • 03., 24 Wood .t. Board of llnderwritem ALT a Meeting of the Board oe,Underwri eima die fallowing railoluteon wee unanimmuly Mar and °Memel to be publlahwti . ir o dr Th at from and after the publication of this no tlcalairemilit=n4.ll:: or i lainal ur c arad, shall lw Office in able ally, ali the prottdual ir• Paid en mew fly order. A. W. hIARKE., rochZitf Feeret,th, of the Boar/. - -•— ---- - - --- ---- 4.IMUT ittUde--1 Smut Mill (complete) fur mlo by Mahn B. Diti year A Late teMOllll XIII. ISAAC HARRIS has removed hiel kerner end Intelllg.enee °Mee to 1.45.9. n rn eu , LoVi d en ' ile aCtlrern=e.'h.." Xlll Carpenters. &C. ITICATIONS of the erentsd 14 w i rost... o m3z. :?..!`,1"11),, flog er ' llist . glt4, th' y ' rhaod 15th 1011.. tg Thee'7)l. Vole, tpttit Prat ES, a:O.—A large stock the mint liberal tem% eft Amanita gaits 'Bateman's' Deopa Balsams de Malthe Mundane.... Elixir of Health British Oil Carpenter's Extraet of barb ens's. Plaster Indhs'e eanninalive Depurative Syrup. tor ow eureof King's Evil. $71 . 13i , Oa. of YePPersedut • To Contractors, Mean I )LAMS ASP SPEC • Cliureh. to e .reet. run be teen ot the Sunil Church. Meer!. to the same eat Illarkhuridi who lire. on the , iirotai , ttnat m enntrart nn their protioeal• before the I t the Exch.., Bank• (Journal and - • TEST ME1)1CIN: 1* In More, and for rale on Ointment Lemon tail f V rt... and lro t n i e l a t i t ment 4odeldr. Reef' , Itultrionat Rale." Anti. nd ,rony's Hooper'. 1.4 • oti-Dy.peptle •• Evan? Kt!' TamaW . _ Cinnamon Lemon " liernamot eruMblikers HTufrn German r t i=recn Sprain, for Herr Eyo Water tiliniroor'• Liniment enrdi 4 Heiden Tincture ILwiete 011 Flora Powder 8. N. WICKERSHAM. of Wool and Sixth streets. Minh]; Awe Ohatumut for Tenet . etrerurtheolog Marrs l'efutta tortiogron • Balsam Verudfoge Worm Tru At the Drug More of agf &union' Sale of Bank Stock. IC Monday Evening, April 7. at 8 o'clock, at the Commercial Sales Room. comer of Wool end !..Q. rte.. will be mold. by caller of Executors of the lake John Gibbs, dvid-413 Mare. Stock to Mutt of Pittatwiratt. P. M. DA%113. Atm r. REMOVAL. & F. WILSON have remored to No. Ir mita mee.ol at, and 147 Front .l. tetaaan Wood apt IiARPER'S MAGAZINE for April, "the unrivalled" of the monthly. •foro and Doblod the Curtain. Turkake year. observa. Mtn among the theatrea a Nen by W. R Northall. Ho blseadoe fur April: reed and far Wm at Holmes' Literary Depot Third at onPunlA Poll It/11RP lIY & BURCHFIELD have just re- IT thl. Otortdog, hr expreeo, s lot of oew goals t, Monk and colored SA, Tore Wine Palen lent shows udle toltunnod cuffs bortoPll ohd M0twd1.hd 4 . 41.4.l eeI:WIN% et In Wide Ribbons; Whits Emble. Tan.. too Mus line Ye. ap3 1 Wines aid Liquors. 60,157 Liberty at., Formerly Da tie tracker fatiory. a. mans., of Iltlaburad fd. a. terom - arrl.„ of V. Y. VICKEISEN 3: STOUVENEL, rexpectfully o o. m the public georrally and their (nen& r •Y , ak nt th. shore rt.nd, bear the shall al ap. km, • foil roo.ortmeot of the pert moat—)l sod Freud, rod fat white Wine, Alao, Yrench dark and pale dmodier, of the eholeest riota,-ra, Jamaica rum, Milani blob Whiekef.e.hampawe and swath,. buck riu., of the moet approw* , l br o od.. port, Title., Madeira, sherry nod utu-cat Ines: AhrgaLhe , 6c. Mao, rardlors, Holland 10-rnnao. : , ...11.11 and Limbural, Mee... All of which th,-, ili Ana .. :kt.7,,, hn p i a " nter. or !sl ,l l4: " . 2l, l ' . ° :farr :g;tithTtl!,- ouportati ,, t , 1,,,i0e5, to the rity . of York. the abo.e.firtr L te u ; L tu l 5:1 not ') oo ' s7. P l•r d eaee a t iTo t t r a ef:; ' e It oo purciaa , einorhere. 114 - 1-amillet supplied free of extra chan , 0 sod at tiCo -hon - est notice _ • - VRENCII GOLD PAPER FOR PARLORS j —A beautiful article. }apt rm-'ll =altar sale by - TIIQA. PALM EIL No. 65 Market et 1311ILA DELPHIA, NEW YORK and 1305- T tN WALL PAPER—Pram the mast mlebrated fae *Mf "0. 6.1" " ViltB l7 . PALMER t. Ilarkat st. by_ (ap3l W v ALC PAPER OFMY OWN MANLJ - FALTURF—A Large sad geveral ...sorts.at al band at 5-i taarkrt et. TUB_ap- PALMKR. UNDRIES-- 11 r..k• LL blms tAn do Adr t 0 An An .hould.n. 2 ne, yeenhrt: 1 bid oterir. hog alumna; 17 bags frathert wooh tnarrlve and Or ale b 7 INAIAH DICKEY a t.O.Watera Frontal. SEED SWEET POTATOES--20 bblf, now t.nd.r.,,, for= steamer Fort Pitt for mole by ap2 IOAI.tU DICKEY t CO.. water a front sts. - - - It:reenters' Bale of Real Estate, AT AUCTION. {TILL BE SOLD, in pttrananne of the v and Testament of Harlin Lowty. late of the City of Pittebur,a, deed, on Monday. the .th day of April. 1,51, so In erica, A.M.. at the Court 11.. e. In tho . ‘Sty of Pittsburgh, by pobbe auction. a valuable lot of Ground, aituite on quarry 11111. near the New 11.10.1 n the SIMI. Marl. ronteduing tosarli , LINE ACHE: bring nei old ~lartln fyr.-...v.7tkar,7adb.w.hiLld " r. '4 virhie :f I .ertain preovedtrtas in Partition, In ttno c illatlct Court of the County of Allegheny, No. .06 January Term lal9. was a-reigned In severalty to the baba of the Pahl 00.0010 Low. an th k' arllunto a a r it . n%!g ,' sitroal -loin Wtrwt .rd '' pro tb.. ease had. vrill now fully and at lan. ap• pear. ' lt is unnenessury to enumerate the advantage. of lb. also. browny. ecansmandlng,as It dons. a Icarstlful I..mapeet of the eity and the two rtVers. being easy ad am. rasa fur a private residence. and abounding In e xcellent atone Et rue building Porn... - . they .^ 1 . 41 fee a plan of the property and further Information, apply 14 Mew.. Mitelial sod el Palmer, Attorneys and faun lor• al Law. /four th ! treat. or to Other - of the undersigned. ha. arutur• f the last Will and Teatarnent of Martin Lowry. dea`d JAMES BLAKELY. .J. 1115 CALDWa:LL. THUS. NESIIITIL N 11.—Tbe alyoinlna Lot. containing almost the um. quantity of land. Is also for rale. aps4kw,C.lo I ONION LADOR Alclj TILE LONDoN. P 1011 In tb. nineteenth eenhary. eye-10,11a of the ......I..r.ndtbon and earnings of the max alas... In the Beth sh Metropolis. In ronnavgan witla.the country, b H. !dalbew.with engraving , of the cents and persona described. Slow I and 2of thin excellent work hap Ee racelved Literary Depot, Third ot., opus:oda tba P.M tar.. je per No. ap2 50- SllAlt E S Houghton :dining Company . tor gale by A mums: CO.. atil aoroar at Market aml Third st. il \VAIN'S PANACEA-12 dm _just ree'd to .0 fay We by are . SELLERS. *3 . No 57 Wool, nt. II ROME YEELOW - -4 eases reed and for C alO. by •p .1 — ILA SELLERS. _—. OILS --Oil lemon, tle= me ot.eloves. aniS by t.u. '" l K. SELLE bod tar d. RA- 1.11.1 D GENTIAN-373 lbs reed and for IA Fair b 1 kb3 • IL K. SELLERS. ORANGE PEEL-0 reedSF.LL and for ...1.. by ap.l 25 FL EEfl. IQUORICE BALL-1213b1e Cur sale by .I.j ap3 6 A FARNESTOCK CO. CUM AII.A.BIC-500 lbs for sale by so B A FAILVEMCK A. CO 0 PIUM-1 4 .5 lbs new crop for sale be _sea B A I , A.ILNICSTOCR 2 CO. 6,17UE-50 bbls No 1 for sale by ap3 D A YAWN LPTOCD Jr CO. GLCINED liAGlaSIA—`2O oases for sal y ap3 II A BABB ESTDCK A CO. CARAWAY SEED--300 lbs sale by B A vnitnsrock • CO. ERCURI AL OINTIENT-194) pour, ...111, , atrarm fur Palo by B A FAIINESTOCK CO ORANGES- 7 40 boxes sweet Messina ree'il • and lo atm, for sale by WM A 31'CL1.1116 k CO. 2.54114bertY d• _ - bItEPARED CORN—For Pudding, Blanc 1.. )1.1., kr. el wy. on han d üblibr mac. wbolcoalp.or ratan by WM B 51eCLUItti • CO. .00 0n....r.• awl Tl`adralr... FIIANNERS OIL-50 Mils reed and for sale 1 by • fty.3 J. DALZELL. TOBACCO—IS kegs N. 1, 11 twist for sale by app J. DALZELL. ' 1 lIEESE-33 'sixes just reed and for sale b ,3 li BALZELL I CO, Llb.bll 0. _—_-- . TILE SUBSCRIBER has commenced re- Iriva a larger and more dealrable etoek of FANCY I ETY and 1)110 GOODS thou he .or brought athie ' l l. lllli ' OncTi ' nt r ite. o wlT; rt . 4 'f otta. de LalWrit. Ole home. Al. 3=n ' e.. k frtfslr. " gl..itt o , " o lk* rws " l:=ZT oud end J ot . D Dello and Comm Stripes Idol, Lineal; I` Hada. and Cravat,: natal. lieu. 4. Line, and &gig ShastlA Wader, Gloves, 1111 bone. Leon, Yells, Combs, Bottum. Stopendcto. Parasole 3 Umbrellas, Table and Pock. et Cutlery. Clocks. Jewelry. Matches. Le., air, to which he revecifully Inoltee the attention of merchants and pedlar. sld . C. AnnUTIINOT, RS Wool of cretin Roma, Prrraataon, Shrrevers Odin, April 2.1851.1 GIIiALEDRROPOSALS will be received at 1177 taa.elar.,oato clo'ook. '2oth day of April: lost, for tliedelverfy I ftb followinuarthies,for the use of the aka at the U S alarine loepltal. new thitiaty. until the idandaY of Juno. Beef. as free as possible from bone. mire per poujaL Dread. each loaf to weigh our lb Drown Sugar of the beat qualifY• KIM Dice dour • Snap .. ........ . ....... tortT Bolter; best quality Midllog haaan, Lard Flour. ben Allperli.e. Post Wine Milk Vlnegmb Itestbolted meal .. rumbas. ... Beans W Ho endin my Coal All of the foregoing articles to be of the very beet iinnb It, sal tots furnished at melt limo end Iv mob quenth lb" sr on the requinition of the Steward of the Hospital. LP X r n ° , 7 7 . 4h b e ' r th r . te. WlT;y 7 lt s era7tr d the contractor In furnish at the investm sort prima. It Is estimated that Ctie number of patilints to ha Id will average about Oi per day. 11. addition to which there will be about 10 otOcars and servants to be enPriled_. Any Information enneernind the rontracb_wlll be Igoe. MI application at this . RESAT WOODS. atilt:OM Surreyor and aigt. U. S. Mario. Itoeultal. OSIIEN CHEESE--Superior do for rale by Wif A MeCLURO A CO. R OOKS! BOOKS? !—Louiminna; its Colo lstory and Romance,Romance,. eh OBY•r": 4.0.0 II 301.1 Il ob, or Philip King of the ivamsmow: av bleariest romance, by C. U. Minster. Mary Bell, a Franconia etory. By the author of the Rollo hooky, London Labor and the London rem , . by 11 . 00 7 with pr §O7o7llarpeta n' 00 ,VV;Fp ' ll i t ' 7 . ?lit... y all ' ar i; POOO Th e eabove, bookyrun t ot ' end tor Me h r. ea Fre..E.EOCKTUN, bookarller. • ,2 No 47. Market strreb EN BOOK S!—Lonisiana its Colonial .1.1 History and Romboor, by Chas. Wolff,t yol,Yiya, tans aN Irollant's Foreign lidoirdoceocas bT Mvey Mdt .rd Grad Holland 12ents, mos. Dade ot the Bible; by licesOnitillint T0.1..111t25'._.-. Ndod's Wootlarcor God'ocve over till his nor did Remdln far e.eq der to cl;t2rzfixt.. lb. urlb tho a etwT inase Uell d the Polio Wks lb II •brata sod Lain Lexicon of do laßn ctr= to tha Childs. hada the 4 0 saa _ BLT ogas Latin Ces Pc . Ouniplaa PIICILIMI Hooch., . th i o tp ; by J.. Plum'. mud te.and Cu ff ' I ' ol ' . byd Napoleon sod his . Dictionary of Machado , Theloalitie of Popery sod Ito CMIRIN g Iat addred delis credin the Brod oar Taicandde.by . ituararY. D.,— tAseem, /Zili Numbenalwayn.i. hand. on2 j'" ""c ll.- LlOka.La 75 .11143 Blaolsuithlo.arth rt VrACKEREL-50 bblo No. 3 (Ilarifax ,VI . brand:, tomb , 25 h•lf beds far ••107 •ta JAI, DALT-VILL No. 1.,• p a ter at_ 4ITTELL'S LIVING AGE. No 359; the test So. of • n.. 1,1. rrc'd I, Holm, Third St, al- Mb, alh , ..ae ~/ th , author of pumas in Frawe. IRON-:.75 lbsfor: sale by L Ala IL A. FAUN ESTOCK SEIDLITZ MIXTURE-151) lbs.,for sale by .P 2 IL A. P. RN ;I . Crt! P CU. tIANTHARIDES PLASTER [lll for ..„ by .g. R. A. FAIINESTReR A VO CITRIC ACI-DT lbs for sale by D - AD,/ R. A. RAW:Et - MOCK A CO. .. BORAX -1000 lbe Retinetl, fur sate br sp2 - B. A. FAHNESTORE ICO VERMILLION -7 5 ItltMoose, for oald by ap2 I A. IA lINF.PTOCK tX.I. URE GROUND GINGER-700 Ths for Ask by 5,2 B. A. PAM:F.1 4 700i' Co. k ANURE PO A s, or sale by •p 2 B. A. FAIT STOCK A CO. The bed Green Tea in Pittsburg . • COME New Crop Young Hilton Tea has ...I ;net ite.n reeetred. et blorriet 'rem Store In the I g 3.0/1_ ' a which for stredgth and , •••r 4 5.• • h "' 4.••7 soli In Pittsburgh. e 2 UNDRIES-- o ICO bake Prime Dark Green Coffee. bble Surerkc LAD Fisk 'X do do do o.almon: blbtisT;;Z - c .°3 s 3 Ol a Yo 't lu a r do do Not do 10deems Codlitahti oto OILN w e re Rad kr swe by 3srrk CO.. Mont' et- QIIOULDERS-0000 pieces in salt. atria: r.od tor sale by lIAIIDY JON & CO. ay: SIOULDERS-64 make': arrived and for tale by [.p2] HARDY JONES s CO. ACOS-200 lbe received and for male by II 2 OM. 11. JORNSTON,_ • _ B UTTER dc EGGS—in store and JOID:STON for male by wm. . MORN-700 ba. in store and for sale x 'p2 WM. U. JOHNSTON IL PPLE .. S-120 bbla Green,zielsAtr,Nl::::7 Q, 111 P STUFF -100 14114:18 for sole by ar2 WM. U. JOILSSTON I.I.REDN APPLES-40 bbl in gond fon di I_ll flea cut for We by J. C. DI LIVOI:T11 CO. & pßurr-150 bids dried upplee ISO do du Pune., fo.3de by J. S. DILIVOKTH it CO. CORN & OATS-500 bu for sale bv ap2 • J. S. DILWORTH k CO. . _ B ACON --3 casks sugar cured MUDS; do do Shoulders for sale Le J. S. DILWORTH 0 CO. • GGS-4 bbls, reed and for sale by •147 . J. .0. DILIVORfiI t CO. 1111OLL BUTTER--10 bills. for sale bT 1 t a. a W. liane.ktan. • 2 '5;5145 Firm. and 116 Second it. 8 R . 09 0, MS-400 dozen, ~.d...7lll, : h k roti. E ' — ' l2°() bth for sale l a% „AnnAtio„. ACON-14 hlots. (hos . round) for Bale by R 1, 2 F.l R. lIARBAUOII.. I EMOVAL.—GEO. F. DITIM has reinoCed J. bia Dry Goods Rom fro. No. 115 111nrItet Arent, to No. 0 neon:, Ito, Irwin otreet, four doori below Penn et. where be .111 be pleated to welt 00 hie former roan:moors and the public generally.sp2aul ((RANGES.-100 boxes just received and lly for rale bl DUABILIINIE 1 INGUR/111, ald 116 Water went. S UG AR—a/0 hhde. arriving, for sale by BURBIIIDOII I iNuitneu, 116 Water et OL.ISSES-300 tibia arriv'g, for sale by 1 P 2 BUILDRIDOE ISOILEJOL ROOMS-1W doz, fcr sale I , V sad BURBRIDOE UGAR-22 hhde. (Unrifled, Battle Groan tj Refinery, Just reed sod 4&stale by sp2 SCHBILIDGE & 256 Liberty Street. "I TILL ARRIVE IN A FEW DAYS, a most extensive and complete amortment of Choice FA ILY TEAI3. eeleeed personally by Win. A. McClurg, In the cities of Neir York and Philadel phia ahem* he bee just retuned. ho exertion will be s L totZt.: . stnt,he he: aptitatio d n b treedynn line to diletty, aniTet the ' lo=rates e ga-Thisy tell nothing hat her they can recomlnend., and guarantee every thing as represented: ea that pen.. ...admit children or seressit• for any thine need bare Oa ' knee of having an Inferior oriels. palmed od noon then. II They refer with confidemee to the customere by whom they are tevonixed, hoping for • ematintunce of their ewdom and many additiune to the already large Iles ' . Rig A. NteeLligli A CO.. ilmeers and Tea Deem, Bank Stock for Sale. AjOTICE is hereby given that in conipli . anLe . Mos of as. Act of Asaccobl); a PT t day of Msteh. 15.50 ' th'' 'll l ( l )liaftirll ' 4li= lie Aale. It th e aanklaK Howe. tkf:K. NEW STOCK of the Canble IlonorAtlacla.ympt of le to lb. tab db il a fio: e mt comment. at 10 o'clock. A. 11. Lta bbi" lo S. KNOX. r. CARD.-1 have removed to my neir store, (three anon. 140,) neatly BWilt nr Pittsburgh, when I will ha gld taxa nsy fends and ft+ Imo citizens. and receive ashare t.l their custom. I will keep a very lam atm.man; of c_phnlitery. Ited dutth Curled thaw, t , prtuk...linak, .thtn kett lurk 3la tras- Feather Beds. Bolsters. and ttillosrts Blanet% tßattz. 03.0. k -tangy usti Comfurtn it Indn. etude.% o f tmkrl l m, &kr kkd aWr7 artle/0 turtmlly fOund In the utks-t extenttree eatablisltmentst of tha ordm respect tulty.Atlkited and mat nrr v ittil4 ) ll4 , d 4 • D . UTTER-5 bble licarjustreo'd_* Union jut szui tor gale lir 4741) LAi CO. RICE -50 tes. tallying pet% liratelitann, bT bVI. W. I V. WILSON..• . - ca di p ' MOLLSSEO bble. q uid Lou Ro t...Jaw:47. artiring p M. Tin ip II AY-18 toms Timothy, arriving per Mag n, for We on the wharf. IT spl 1t Y. RIM,. • tl • II kl'AO bOCIETT will bold their =min 111.• • Howl' of Trade Roam, uh r. :74 l l l h , at 10. 0 .4 0 ,34 1. =barszirlu/e gthul . u, th ud By °tiler at the Lzecitamittec ay111(..• A. H. SearotetT. .1 BURCHFIELD bave IL therwett receiving their mem! supplyof Gad. Latch, whirl tent be found lthekabael Diaper. Illesehed gra unable:clad Sheeting. 124 Linen hbeptantr ,. ..t.t :am. Limn and Slualthloln. wide ha Anew .Ol D LACK BERAGE k.BILK;TISSUES, for t BUKCILPTELDS. URPHY & BURCIIFINI I have received rwcv mate all wool Tweeds and Calynn, .IRD-►so kegs & 3 bbls. No. 1, for sale by mrbh 15/aIUEL P. SILIIIVEEL L"RENCII PAPER 11ANGINGS—Tapea try, Deeoration, Teller aild Gold Papa Morrie= alai border, the Drawl.= Roma . and Parlor., Irma the cele brated mum:durum Dal ecoar . trf l'arie,l.p.t reed and 4,r sale r, WALTERP:MAR SIIALL, Wrolatteet. TALL RAPER—For 61 per Roll, for sal: b) me➢Ll W. I.,NLAII-911ALL. bbls. (Green) for sale by m~tuJALTANTIZO. LOST. % LEATHER POCKET BOOK. contsin • l•• a snottU sum of =no . , nns lost bet's,. S 1 nuritnnoldMt. on Toastfey, tb • It to the onar:llenunT :C U '''''`at=r" DOLL BUTTER-5 bble.-(frrsh) for sale by AL, =hal J. It. CANVI MTV . n • UNDRIES-- L 3 • t'ff.Hdl Just reed and for sale br I. D a metal No. 40 Wood st. GlNGR, 7 3bT ki tglt . WDER RHUBARB-4 casem for nalo b Enrh3l J. IMP CO POWDE R LIQUORICE ROOT-4 eases or We br metal J. KIDD 2 CO. ti UM ALOES-3 eases for sale by s L A s‘ch3l . J. KID KI Dt co. AHD OIL-12 bbls J. L. Conkling's No 1 Lem on In .to. and ibr Inds br DULLED t ILICKEDSON. 221 and L 1 Llbertr 0. COD FISR-12 druras for sale br meb3l ' unram s RICAETSON BUCKETS --20 doz. (Beaver) for sale by mee3l MILLER t RICE MOIL 10 COFFEE--150 bgs. landing. for sale by A WL MUM ILICHETSON. 1.1 ICK=-25 tierces landing for salo by AA, brlLLiiit stexErbom 8it00m5......50 doz. for in I:7 l,lcx ' . mom. wbsi tr l . I , IOEW BOOKS !—kloments of7A_ e Vit i ....amtrlmpurer.u4 .04 ote , e l tet Let . N ". %. km . h ' y the author of the' fit(lo Landon Labor and the atelon voce: bj . (l= . 3 LlT,lrry . 71 1.7 "717' 'n. s n. fresh,sfAoLltei!l,`4 mebPl uns... UTTER-- 1 7 :Egs packed, for sale Le Imol2 I PAIII:yLy. (111t1( - . Pcr latl. .. : /41" DRY APPLES—IO bbli, reo'il, for sale by mchBl SAMUEL e i LL!ylgt. DRIFT) PEACIIES--25 bu. for sale by .mrl33l_ Pp! I: EL P. ETLIP ter sale by COK.-150 ( Shell mrh3l SAMUEL P. PIIRIVER. PPLES— , ,) Romanttes, for solo by mcial SAMPEL P. anaIVZH WEET POTATOES -20 bbLs. for Seed, ii cam' onto, to arrive per Fort P 1 DICKEY W Coy 'IBMAR co. Water and litroat .t.. HERRING -1 8 bbLcs(lBso) well eased ww.3 for wile low to claw b. Dicer( a 00., Witt. sad Irma. B ACON HAMS & SHOULDERS for sale by BACON to AILAII DICKEY d CO. BRRANDY ,ti WHISKEY—Some very prime Le ota /lee Whltkey.ead Peach Brandy, kr rite at mutat MUHRla.res Stem in the Dial:nen& Q., PIRITS TURPENTINE n fi --30 bble. in io enter, far sale bp J. SCLIOONMAISY.H. A CO. mahal '- OIL -2 cnAks Winter perm; 5 de. do 14 6 Smits/bud Whale, for uls 1,7 mela6l J. 6CUOONMAKIIII. k CO._ ORANGES --300 bozos Sweet Sicily, on ciciV" = " t ' 4 f "'"ViarglingNurr NEW BOOKS!—NiIe NOtell or Mowadji; 1 c 01.12 Eno, maa and paper. allaret • Planoona slam Sit vol. of the eerier by tap author of the Rollo Booltm IS all, mos. Klemm. of Avalyttral lltoommYt and alo tlal and Integral Caleatom by Elise boat,l ea. Oat,. Amp. Jvst reed and Mr ado by It. 'lb Apollo Mallog• meld Fourt h stmt. C OGSWELL'S GREAT PANORAMA LIFE IN CALIFORNIA AND THE ISTKRUS OF HAWES. THIS MAGNIFICENT PANORAMA is ir , -epero at the A THEN.ErM 131ILDM7Savar. STILUT. ONLY 26 HMS TO CLEW:LAND. ,t 7A - 77 1851,, IMAM .31303 ARRANGE-31M artarnazt PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND. XPRESS Packet and 'Rat lroad Line fibr ALA Ckeland, of Ilea+. by neva.. trait raburgb to BeltTer. ankbeetton lib the eleisatly T.;1nge...1 Pa .Wtter 44 , ClarEr. El! I.b.pce. ne.,l.:.l7:32.lllttsbursheludraTCo.;al.lAad. the PACKETS. 'EN'iISTLVAINIA J. !ten Mk. It. SUM SIAYFLOW Stem:nem leav Weir landing maymite the It o'clock. A. 3I- conveetins with the Pewitage Heaver. which will lei.. immediately on the antral of the eisemer, arriving at itavenna to time tor ltmEelneneTiMit of Cam for Cleveland. l'inte .t alt2ZiliLwr,...== Val;011". am' the Mesmer. for Chb. Illiwavkle. Toledo, reloak can t r ia c t& Wall Wad tt_htelr"g train of mu ca. Prmiwicc.,,. AGMS: . • WAIL 31009.11/AD. roe owdef. Charles flack • Woo under belt IC JCAUU V UNY. ouster of Smithfield:l.l if kW' otroot.,_ PIMSBUItIiff. 1851. lad UNION LINE • On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal• PROPRIETORS CLARKE, PARES k CO—,s., Rt. CHAMRCRAW B . OO...—CISMAIR a HIS well known Lino is now prepared to jrarmi . r d trl L A ,, Lag StU Pota r{ . flfrat . LlV llllßO - 11 The &envies of Co. Lino are unrarpaaeol otwater.qush ity, and capAclty of Boatr, experienca of CBtelnl, and af• my of Mau One Boattam P • auk 00,4=4 atunnwe_ipit mu:motion E A • 1.100 of nin e between e 0 111/1031( and BEAVER, and a Line of ursteloanotekratkes (propellor and scuds) on the Lakes. a. • CONSIGNEES: Parks Co.. Youndstown. 04 • M. B.*Tay ,la Warm,O . A. a. N. Clark, Boston ialla.o4 C. Prentiss, Ravenna. 04 • prtYltt t Ca.. Lamm. 04 Ronk Grime' 6 Co. frankltu. 04 11. A. Miller. Co yaho., 13.1.12... 04 Whack, Lee et Oa.. Minot. 04 Hezdersot A lAttitous, Sandusky City. 04 Peckham d Scott, Toloio, U. G. William A C o ,, Douai, Miehidan 00.60/11 6 Co.. 31Ovntokte, G... A. OM. Clocago, 111.. Thou. Wale, Mead. JOHN A. CAVOUES. kore. apt roe. Water and Imithteld sts.,Ptuabursh. VINEGAR -430 bble. Cider (warranted) f. sal. on condrnatent. by T. WOOD& S ON 61 Wonor.st. TURN INIEAL-5 bblo. for sale by lJ rachllS ICH S 2 CO. as lOTTON-2.5 bales on consignment, per steatites Washington. for nisi by ALEXANDER GORDON, ?route- N lON SEED-3 bbls.i for sale by mr.1126 EIIEY, MATSUMA l W. LCOIIOI,-19 hble 76 and 92 degrees, for we by J. BCIIOONSIAXER t CO. GPPPERAS-35 bide. in fine order, for As le be zuchis J. 5C11001431/$lOl A CO- RIED PEACIIES-2000 bu. (halveu) for sale by sorliM BRET, MATTHEWS it CU. S U N DRIES-- Too 1,b1.K. paling N. O. Nolan., - 1 g tit; - S. 11. • iso MM. .• N.D. Swan - LO lack. threkvbeas; • Mama 100 05 , half astir S. U. Imp% lad U. P. tow Ll* dm. Cum Ilevoim,amd; 911 toms Dunlap Irs Tobaram NI - - ID. lump Subaru; Di . Jame Hares I In_lump Toberna iiii .“ Ss Tobarrao various brandu LO.dna. Duckett Di . 'ham ' 10 "'Keeler*; ' :18 bbu. Loul,mille 111:11,ill sines and for ma PT mc1,..", _ ZUNI'_ merruzwa a co. .: 'TRAPPING PAYER— bee Reams Medium and Crow= CO giro Largo aro' OltcoolO For tale 15; 14 isteh ". ls DRINTING PAPER-7U Ream for sale loot to close rousmtnenr. toett2s hallit..%)iraCt:H A CO, 24 Wood 0- T ANNERS 01L-15 lads. No. 1; T_ : 0 J. SaIOONIIAKEIL CO. LNSEED OIL-30 bbls. for gale be meh2s ECIIOONILAXER & CO. tierces Carolina, for • meh2.s JAMES A. IItIVIIISON L EAD AND SHOT 4S® piss Oslens Lmt M Ns. Dv N) kegs bbot. amerted_; for We by JAILCS A. HUTCHISON & CO. mch2s SUNDRIES .I bbls. Lud No. 1: 14 " Orme Lard: . a 0 11444444; - 7. .11.44. • • . " 1 11=Wr i Z ' 4 : •'I rtgat se. 1 " 111. . 1 4 ° Applms, . . . al b6ls.r4sr, Z 1 'l4.k. liC"'m ~,:, r dic _ pi4,4,111/1610:83.."'P , ' • FToat, sad Water W.. 5,1 gj,!,.tlssal;by WiIAPPLNG PAPER-500 :tune Med. •-• e': Wrenag Paer. Ales. a fresh sandy Double 'Medi= Prtutta_sr:Taper. .104 reed by r %c.. IIAYLX . oar. &end ars! Nista. MED PEACITEI3-500 bu. for sale by mum _ ISAL•II DICKEY I; CO. • Building Lots. -1? OR SALE.--tIFTY BUILDING LOTS, .it..te In the Eifihth Ward. Cltl Vlttahnnt , 'bp - " "frErti-7, meth:l,2w F 01111.14 street lIEESE-50 boxos for solo by. EGGS AND APPLES— . tn bbla Ylvb,Ettt 100 - ImOrten App Pl. rile by =dal T. WOODS t KM Ll OSINIOO bbbs. to arrive to-day, for wile LL, by tektb24 HA.SZAUGH. I(warning...) to arrive to day,for,mle by meb . l S. W. ildttsuarts • rr.ALNNERS' 011, A- by marl 94 umaasrass.—k-o -0 bbla. Najd)? sale asw.o • GM I INSEED OIL-25 bble. recg and for - Aby snchl.4 ROBISON. TTLE 2CO GREEN APPLES-18 bbls. Russets; Pippiso. Imo reed mutts,. silt by toch.l4 ROBISON, LITTLE 2 CO. T EG AR-20 bbla. (Cider) for sale by 1.1124 IL DLIZELL k CO. -Q..k.LEHATUS-125 boxes and 10 bbla. for .ale b y DALZ.ELL CO. ma 2-4 Liberty street.. ViTANTEI3—A Situa Book-keeper or TT Clerk to • oteretatila l a nai foototior kola— Coesooptional. our We:ono...lllW given. A W. Od• 1ift.1.4 to G. A.. core of MARL'. t 800, otoolvo tiro.attar meta= ALLOW-20 Mao. prime, for sale by mom +' 8. W. lI.LELBRIN H. PPLES-- 91 bbls. Russets and Plains, for sal* br N. Y. VON NONNI:IORn ambit: GROUND PAINTS, in Oil, neatly put up In rai••rwarof Ib.to 10 lbs. each, Atm= .b , ate: divine Green, Paris Green; Mirk, Vella. Orb., . • . Terra de Manna, Prandan MT" • Umber Raw, • Umber Brunt. a B. A. FAI/NESSOCK a 03. MM. hen and Word .U. SWEET OIL-2 CZltiCEs=r, for sale mt mom= 'S. E. wM. - - TYLALL PAPER-4r.el=rtment ___the en - 111V.VA'ad ;dor --- frta•;cii mot. wrath.= 86 IGO/ ""' ogal W. • tt WANTED-45,01X ) Allegheny , Co. Coupon a PrlCOVinagii.!-..gr,., tv molt, bi g.... a.. " ... ".. skis ,Usuklog Bowe of IVY. A. BUS A. al isictiM FATE WINE VINEGAR, . of superior uality, eraerauteidrcnr, best eider neasset.co sad Curiae. lif Wall. A. niClailift MI, . . eueltbe . • Oman awl Tea I.ltb ' jULES HAITEL'S SHAVING ORNAILL- , wb.n la the nun bhp dime Ilat .14........... , . et. dam? If bm7 there be. ye do met addle. W. 2 mina to them. Bet to ell others. be ray. If P. tn.. render &Wins it pleasure, Machu* * bat of Join Hawn , Almond rbuabow Millnott.Pheatt. .." tette tmmodble to hod mods todeseMbe Ibt I.Mlaf. of It ....abo has beef mtt tothatf..3.B..t. ...- upon making tel. of this he the that tn. 1.110 estabil• nation of wonder. adsolystion. and elem. , * JULLS IlAttElth - BRAVING CREAM b. esti:SlM:l 6 lpr; the stinest.sod man al. hind mei Otto ta. sdadrable lathes, and by (teem tamely mi nature laying the Irritation nod melanins thiet unpleasant and M eeting of G. .4.... b ... often experienced alter lng. Gentlemen mint Jul.. llauere Ebtelta; Creech sissy bee the' cohtmt and matt beech= Mats basedlearrr lb ... Mthont the AM UMW of thew& A. ' ". my any ...• .... me it, we eta etk1yenyi.....1...,..t e water . Otte meat advantage—a.. will se led by than who nest ahlstere—ls the bet Until ill! tat Jlrat tbe Lewd. width most Nana alllnntnebot • ...1 of fluty apnea:man to the ... 1 ....f,1, Jul. Hatters PlmeingGreamse. den mem of than:Wm romyounded with WU, tolb. G..... ........,. calculated to rwild. the oprestion of •baTi.g _ 0..... wed will be eprteebtal br tll who mete talker Prepared only by , JULES GAL Ele Perhones butCbaalst, • Int Osman street, PA.M.Pbbt ...dmV,,,ohot2..iy,mleg.,s.wittnhleselmetuebltztall,,.... by I. a. A. Ve......matoetu &es,. A VEXED PILL 80. S— goaded sizes, Ihr sale by B. A. YAII.N.LSIOCK A CO. tiXl"l9h-RACT INDIAN g 124 5 M. ''' . by a. A roncEnoce CO. uar.l2 _ LBE ia lvd.: ' LIMA k CO, bu. for sale by BLED ROBISON. lzs ü bnu „ ..,,.. VIRESSED SPIKES-160 keks (Unproved) y„, by by scr:bl9 111111.11ArlkWitk 0). pin METAL- 440 tons for Bale by rorlll9 RIMY. NIATITIEWB a (XL i:F.lTti.k.lt 1.10135 E MOLASSES -10 bbls 1..7 EL Louis Bantry. fa nos• and to We try a/chi tiLLLXR 2 XlCtiterSOX. QUOAR AND MOLASSES -1,3 " (oak COOrallt) 417 1 '"1 bi =WM a lacirrsolt `1 F "