ESTABLISHED. IN 1786. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE PUILLISIIED DAILY AND WERKLY, lIY WRITE (k_ CO. t s 1/11112. (mann 11.18 T. Off= Olt 'MILD eitln,>in GOoll To 702 .fff Gmfl DAILY.-4taren dallars iwr snouts. Parablr half EIS b 01.1.01 ifpaid WENKLY—Two dollars pr Room, In 110.1:1011. CLUB] a"...DPUMi 011 ho (alluvial ...dirk...— Teo copies d•. 1:1 Twenty moles 00 Tao ranker for eace Clot. addressed to ono person, arid to drams. No Club Papers will beseat after lb. - roar .:Direr, mile. the to i. Wilt for • twoewal. RATES OP ADVXMING One Square (10 Ilan of Komnirell or losA) one In.erlion-. . . ...... .II 0 :A Do. rar,ho,loltionnl lnarrtioni, Y':+ Do.otm • mt. 17 . Do. two we.. 1........... 3 00 Do.tLrre 110. ono. month 5 00 Do. too mouth,. ............ ......, I Ito Do. thrt•o month, 9 ou Do. tour montlot 10 IV DO. Mx rthootto..., 12 . Do twelta. mont6Fll - 14 . Standing' amb. (to boo or le.. p.n. 0na11na...114 (X/ One Dollar for frt. el. mbilLimuil line. - • Orie Sonar, • rhunp.olde • Pleaeure (per an puml rlonir-• of N+ ro, oser one l' ontB. o end fbr each additional aquaer inserted under the '' vetrly rate, half Pete. Atlverthomenta a elvers-, and wit over fifteen gra, to be cheeped an n roman• ands half. oi:dither!. not h . out for legal advertleetnents to. pant the asenontelargod for their publication. Anuonneinc e-a.volntmen for office. to hr charged the rame es other advertiecinent• Adorrti,emente not marked on the ropy for a newt' o.2ll2k , of taeretkmo. 0111 he meth:iced fortAl.aml Du mont eYartel treordin, The privilege of armaa: advertisers le strhlly.Unalted to their own Inienedlnte nod all adrertierments tbr - thee benefit°, nolur.oer.w+,a well no all adeertteomento nut Immediately ouroncrow with their own heeler" and ell elegem of adverb - ft.:no/lc. length or otherwise, belted the limits engamel, will be eliaeg , .,l id the usual rah, For nil loath trattelent, bele will hel reudernal. and prompt porno , . AU alrcilietrutet. for charitable xparafelf Inditntkins, man panlee, ward, township. mei other potato medium, anal mob like, to be eliseirel lodf prtee, payable etrietly In ad. Vence. Merrage n0d..., to be charged 00 cent. Death entire itiaertet without than., tent.. woman .= hied by funeral thritatlone or nblioery notice, and when accompanied to to paid for. Homily advcrti...e, end all OtterA sending communica tion, or repining notion dad -red to ml/ enmities, to Pair, Siree, Cowell, or nor Pnbile cnnotaltuttenn. where charges are mate admittame—all notice. of pri vete suwodatlons—every moire deelgruel to callatrontion to prim. enterpri.e., or intended to promo. with. victual intemet eon onl, - be learned with the underetand ing that the fame le to he veld for, If intended to he he in the hap column. the came will to charged atthe ratan( two leer. than to rent. per Bleb, or g a r Notteen he charged triple price. Tavern Wren , Putitzona ad.-sh. Real Rotate Agent.' and Auction,ere'oderrtlecteenta not to he'd...Kt ender ',tele rnto, but . he allow:et a die count of thirty three mid one Wild per cent- Irmo the amount of bill. • • • . • • Wctrur na tni.lrcer.t.r or DAILY rArrall. Ch2eltirre io un SI ..50 Do. ennhaiktitinnal irowrtion ..... 37 LIDTLUTL , LII.VI, 1.1 . - . _ ... Oar Swam, UV 1mr.....i ma ioJerlson... ..... .:...0 real• D. earl. erla:thatal aw•rtiar . ,:.5 crab. All tznalleat tal‘rrli:rtarals to I, mid In a.liranee. BUSINESS CARDS ALDER.IItIII: 101 IN A. PARKINSON, Alderman, Fifth ey Ward, Penn t. bet,4l3 Walnut All business prvualali et.i4.1.1e4 Lo. ATTORNEYS SIIINN & C OLLIER, Attorneys at 1.14' 11111 n. un FlPurth ele•re Snatheeld... 1 W. F. WIIITE, Attorney nt Low—Of d Lo on Grant. sm. Pow/Z. to :Lytham' Duda. Ivy. eillaburgb. me.hs:ly JHARRISON SEWELL, Attorney at Law, Ohio 2tatn Cointuirrlcner for Writ. Deposition, AnY. ourrleckgements of Sc 016a—Votirtli stmt, above lltatthfo•hl. • NP. it G. L. B. IEII'EB.SIAN, Attor. . .1 , .st Law auk ital K-tate Agnats. N 0.107 40h .rect ritt.burgb. 4.1110 in4AMES J. KUHN. Attorney at Law, office. Tilghman ILdl. comer of Grant ntreet and Diamond 7, Pittelfurnh jal3Dlly JAMES F. KERR. Attorney at Law—Office na tth at, betnmet Smithfield and timed. Plttabantb. FANCIS C.FLAS EGIN, Attorney nt Law, No. Fourth stawt. Picubursh. • t'127 . .E 'IV AT O,N, Attorneys at Law, No. 110 Fourth snot, Fitt•bur.x.h. - cit—Alexmitter a b.: John Mayder: Y./ hi lief" von. *anima A Cr,. Wm. 11. Itt r. John Fleming, A, conntann Gen. W. Joekson, Plittammat. j an] a 1 DWARD P. JONES, Attorney at Law: Oran on Fourth stmt. between wool and JASPER E. BRADY, Attorney at Law, No. Ea FM an.. Pi...burgh. to. 0:E1,1:•3:1m.1,371)0:1:4:41:4:74 ICI. H. WILLIAMS & CO., Bankers and Ezeharide Brokes, North Earl corner of Wood mad rd ildreet, trhurgh. , Ad those:ions made .m Um] term& rthd collect/oar promptly httendcd to. jdady, li;D. KING, Banker and Exchange Broker, Fourth street,Tralse In Bank Nam Mils of FA , Gold and ein.T. Mocks bought end mad. The highest market price rati in prmoluns for Ameri p can Half Dollars, amt Helicon and epaaLsh Do lan, inar fatale - --- WM. LARIMER, • JR., canker and Broker, 4th street. No. GG. adjoining the Bunk of Pitteburyh. A=KINS & CO, Exchange Brokers, s &math East (timer of Third and Market streets. All at mart liberal imam N HOL3IES SON, Dealers in Foreign 11 • and Domestic Bills of Excha4e, Certi6estes of De. pwlba Notes end brylin, . i i. laarget etreet, burgh...„ -- 11,..0elloctione made on Lbe principal cities throughout the Unit..! States. fIEORGE E. AR.NOI.I) & CO.. Rankers: ILA Dealers In I:sebum, Coln, Mot Note", to.. No. 14 rcarth street. nest doro the hank of Ptttsburnh. Cnt. I eetkois easefully oltral.l to, sap.ho procenle remittal to any part Of the Una}, anu • COM. It.ll. hRAMER Bankers and Ex, daunts Innterm fienkrit in Frirninn and Doninetic Bo tl k y tbs it. Charbin a4rCAROTHERS & CO:, Banking House. . No 1S Weed Pictxburgh. Curnna n ved cro Deppait. auvi.• on ell I:Ulm of the United rn° A. Lion, JIAIRD Si IRVIN. Commission Merelianta sad Bill BroUrra No. 111 Svand otrwt. Prrrocial and Mate krntitJb frum SI.. to SIU.OOO ish.sT• no hsl.l ,ll .l WK. g. Oda. 13 ALMEIt, lIANNA Co., Succesooro to a= l i m o* (';1. 6, 1: Pacnnoa Bnocas, thmAt, a n al Woad and Third Am.., eurn•nt Money' an Do point Ellgbt Cheeks tbr and roltectlons random" near. 4 76 11 e U ggrrrr i t o r3l o. p 4 akl b. r:lr U Vl 'd mvi:ral Amerlm Gold. Ado-kr:made& ron , ignmentr & Prolure. dapped enst. on liberal lona, girl W. TAYLOR. Commimgioner and Pill LA Broker. 112 Seeond Etriet attention will bp riven to all burineep ...meted to his care. Pittrbarah rameadarea arbeloP alwar. on 113 nil or inbound et ahoet Notpa, Bond, Moruest,e. neactiated on bob, able term. AavAnrro. nevi, if rtProirett. ne7.2 AND STATIONERS. R - . Tt O. STOCKTON, late Johnston & Stock • ton. ookrrllr,Snalonor, Printrr, and Binder, cor ner of No:net nod Third otrecLo, TAS.'I3. S' Cliraf, Literary Depot, StdIWT hone, ono rcre vfxl to any u rn { dl pohlt.hrvl at the publlabefe Waren price. HOPKINS, Bookseller and Stationer, R Na TS Fourth ettvrt. Apollo DulldLors. °NEES. An CONFECT' • BAXEBS Tr illadesate and Itetal , l , it—rb BOlV,a'r :;:rmt^,t.TZ:4l7=4* Dakar and Co? Gam ♦ll mien DU CARPET' DEALER. ffM'CLINTOCK, Manufacturer andln ugdtt4r,lcrtllktt. otl . , Cloths, P r ..... float Trim .4l3 { t u,houst, No. b, }aural rt. CODINIKEON AND FORWARDING. A. McANULTY & Cg—Trangporterro, t7e 4 a TIMMUROMS. NaWEL MOOT!. InWOODS & SON, PRODUCE DEALERS • wet Cemtatadon Mereltanti. No. GI Water street. burgh. M. 11. AMINSTON, Forwarding7ind , „ CamcolAskin Wertbud, li. 112 6.contl atawt. Pittsbargb. jihIER k aTNEP, Forwarding and Corn **Sou ikreb.t!. Drolprs (13 1114.1. ea 4 nab. ¢rg manzdartnrod and, ennal liasin, near Seventh gavot. littsbarrh. I t A. Ilabr VIII. I, turd. ANDY, JONES & CO., Suceemorn to At- Iroad. Joe. a Co.. enzuron and Pnrwanlln. Ilm &sin" In ilttsburnh Moon Otods, Pin. burgh. P. DRY GOODS MRCHANTS --- IL C. ilitaclirtf. •M. C. SIIACKLETT & Ca--Wholosak Des/en In Foreign awl Damostlr Dry (lords, No. 101 foid str,vt. koittrbtlich. 1'0,14 L. /0.11.031& CO.. rrrrnn 1V111.......e. L mom iCO.. it. To.. .IA-. MASON A CO., Vaeleaale and Retail Dealern In Fnoey and Stzile Dry Goofs. G 2 Market Plttrbnoob. Pittrborob. Nj__.... RPHY A BURCIIFIELI), WHOLESALE. NM DeOLD:Dry Gn - .1.‘ Men mote . comer of Fourth __ _arta street., Fitb:looorl.. • ROTA. FLE3ING .M CO.,Commisaio n h lefthant..—pm tfir m:e of Dmm-Ftlr. Wonlen, and , :oodc atom tlenglet, In all kints Tnmsnl 11204 19. stm-t. Month dam Ma Fifth NU& DENTISTS. DenUet, Corner oi Fourth end Decatur ed. between Market and Ferry ...tee., buratb. DRUGGISTS 11. VETS= f„. lencrint, YSER fr. MCDOWELL, ( ' ticeKaortt to Kry.r.)lVlnteml. and 11.441 Orvit anal pap. Store, corn, a Went Atreet .tot Virgin file r . pmortiptio. rnrtfully compoltulrd vialat 7 .. . ........... ............. riKIDD & CO., Wholenale Druggists: Deal era in r t yitt,!m.. urn amrt. , %TA Ir W= triFi...WenT;l;o 4 4l:4;V Vino, sad Lung l ye' No. CO, m m it, mwte, Itt•burich. Orden wilt w k. "Wand itmrarded 'lib &match. THE DAILY PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. DiAL FAIINESTOOK & CO., Wlndesaln • ithskr. lust manufartitrez, ~1 Whtte 1...,..1. hell b ____o7 . A 1.1 r....hence 3v...11 sza.rsont ttreett. 1i1t..- .m-117 T .q. SELLERS. "I‘lliolesale Healer in IL. Drug,. Paints; Ilts Ftutre. lii.. r‘t - b"" , .... 10 ' 14 7 4 . .. 1 .tt-et..l Pitt iburhh, Pa lbs.!. rsarrttant. 1110 I/ / 1 , . ISklii.l l .IN. :lnilsals Druggist, and haler In D 4.• Stun , . l'aiut.t.tlib.. .. 9.3 Wood str....t one door booth 14 Diamond ...11..1, Pittabaran ._ . c a N.11,11.4(E1t511 A 1, Wholesale Druggist 11.7 turner ant Dealer In :teed. and .kgrieultural implement,. No.. 164 end Ind Wood street, r of ei.t.b. ...-- , . itItAUN & itErrEit, Wholesale and Retail LfraCalet.6• colt of Litssrty and :it-Clair tta t . has gh. P .. I. SCHOON3III,I(ER & c. 0., 11 holesale Drug !" gists. No. 21 Wood rt., Pittsburgh. GROCEItS. _ .. . IN.. ~ •.n • .•,., -; I •F. W I I.SON, 1 1,er,.."s and ~, %yr. ~.„...., %1rr,1.2014c Agent. her rale of Int Pont , 1 ,, der. Nu IP. ~...7.1..90 147 1.0.1 ..t.s. ttut 1 L. 311EE, WholesaltiGro , er, Commission el . Mereltant. and 41ral, 'ln Pan, and I:agi. rt.rner a Penn and Inn street, Ibttsburgit. .{.IA3IVEI, i': SII I:I V ER, Wholosale Gr..- C, rer. and r ~,,, uu,lon sitt,heuts, mill 1..,1 en in littNinirr:i klanufartuml,artietes. Nu.. 1.20 t and 13 Er.rond 14,4 betteren W. 0.1 .....t Pittsburgh. .. NTILwoRTI JOHN S. 1)1 IWORTII & Cl ~ W , ji , o „ on:d tt troen, Potts d Ctnutruut tlerchanta.. nod ,ents 9.• 11... - ard Pittbler Cu.. of Ilexan.brllle. Conn., No. .31 Wend • .-. Plitsburih- . - ,I 4 • M.... it uR6l:ll.:E I NI:It AII ANI. 1%11,11es:1.1e 4. AP firoest , and Co Inns.. 111srelotott. N., 11G (I.b treti attd Is?? F , rst s t. pitt,but,gis II liE , I..i'lliii;lV.S. &CO., Wholesal• ~ n . , I 'ornsuil - .."‘. ano libreabling Slerrhanto. and gtato tor Urtabton t_buk. 1 1111!.'. . t.. Patt.burt.), Jul. 1 01I\ lIPI CoNa 1 isbarg burgh, Pal WATT Wholesale Grocer,. teeitiet Nierettaztet tint{ Denier. In rrieture and Nt.ttrititeuree, Liberty 14,14. Pd.- I ANFIELD. lato of Warren, Ohio, mt•Aon •0111 FnMari*lc • 3lrramot. nud and IV..rt..rrn l'n.tursf. gruerrat,. %%Kier tali..., asvilt*.d. VATEIZ3I-kiN & SONS. W l,randvaon anti F.., ardlear Morthauca. I kin.. l'nalurr add I%.burvh Slanntartir L.)ta 111 u ~ L `F. 0. .1. . .. -- ON BONNIIOO.ST N. CO., Wil.ile irravrr. riirvrarditair iiii-i :nn Myrrh ; liiturtiriiii NlAlialii, ow,. :airr ire! Wr•lrrri Frio:el-ie.,. mud Chiusrel, L.., ALZELL, Grover. and r to Prclue.• 111.11 i 11, 4 ' fart un.,—No. to W. 11., •t. 11, t.Ntrvli. .• - DICKEY & CO., Wholes:o,s apigmlno Dr:alr, In Vra.lur.-- . sod 107,+l. Pit.bur,h •-•— . SH & BEN-skrr, late Eiglinly •hrr & and 51ereltat....nn.1 . and factur.v. No. rowt 1.11 /Int :4.. awl ...4clifirl.l. wx. ut .x. ruli...n'a c. a. an iri... PIK .lte, D VI 1/.. ER 4 . . R ICE ETRON . IV In deea le 47... , ' : l. -,,,,r , -" n d ., n .:; -- r . :., q,: - .. f .,i r...e 7 2 1.1'. . t it bomb. Pa. Iron. Naaa. Cotton VAMP. ID . le . .norm , 0 band .3.-- , Jona 'mu ..tkii, O. n'an.L. ; ••tita tit aur.— 1 'GI LS & ROE, W113.404ate Grocers and .. I . l urgh rrtisrlon Merchant., No.: .2. LIIP'I , n ^ , .... 0 -• ---- -+ IIIOBE T 3100 RE. Whalesale Grocer. _ Itmc Vying Instate, dealer 111 VT.,/ PT. Plttlburzli ulartu 3 , , and rdl kind. of ' , vv.:gm end P0111. , 1.1 , IS,itee,i and LLoora. No. al. Libtrty I .tenet On bond a DUD) lame lock of oulwrior .44 31I,:nougubela, ~. which will *old Ina- for each. 110 BE LT BA LZELL & ' ..'0., IN' h0n. , ..a.1ir Grier, Conunt3.4o N.. u , in Pr.lut• and Pllt.b rgh Manufrgton... . ..Z',.l Liin.rt; envoi., Pittabarzh 1141 01 . 2 T A. CC NN I N ' C. El A - 31, - Whitie.:ll.l W nt.. einl jell ' Ve i ' n ".. l. ' „=t ' tlfat=t m r, '" To ti," 'Y . 4. Id ,crty, Pittaburgh. RID DALAIDT i W. P. 00D4DID ..,..-....DP1N R. CDP.ll.,'[.. in, at. AIX, V3l. BAGA LEY & 1ff.1.. Witc.lo,l.• Gra y m. Noa.P , and ~, 1, nrt atrlt. l'ltr•lmre.b PIIIN D 1•IDI P. IP IerVIDLI., ill ' Ifoirt d & .Nla ‘, CAN ,, p h L i E ,, SS4 r, gutaarso k ore h. to . not Cornnt.un i :terrr:r . 4,4:l.r, " 1; 7 0 .- ifi ' . ' Nr.: 0;:. Orlon Va 1. mod l'lrtaburgh Nun !Acta...a /33,..rta11, anner of %' NI Mar at Pltir Lur.h. envC LBERTSON & CUR. :SE, AV hole+ahr 4 ~, ~, a Ira nil eutntula.lon qt.re3V,anta. Deal. r, In Plll n, and lttsburgb Ilanufartured Arta3l.-.:. tii:, Liberty t. Patsbumti. Ps .r. ix • WAND G I2 PAM. „I I B. WILLIAMS & CO., ilrhol -114 raral , and il • Re 'Famy rooara, Forwarding and Cagranl,l3 - . . errt iar tool t . V . Desteradai r Co o zn . MP i rodue• azat , / , 11 . 113 ,“ h r ug . 1i ..0. - niiitasow -- rnsa. - Lrrn.a.:37.. T aa. ut.: - eratt•alw. jiItOBIN SON, LITTLE Sr ,CO.. No. 255 Matt' . want. Paittoargb. Wholo.ash. Gn.. ,, r , . 11 - .3 ocee and OtnutulrAtai Mere ham, and a .alers , in Pittahur,h Manufran nata nal . . & I FLUID. %V liolcsall C. n,,,, , , Com l. t• ran Mar-banta. and IN•lorA in Pr...1nc.—K.3.4 lurch But 41Ita. fn,otirn, .41 1.31.3,1. Ntta..l, and math Or.. 1 , 1 burnb. Pa. !OPP PAD Mt II 1.1 CAPP. TWIN AB.KEit & CO., - NV hol,alt - OnKrar.: ... 3 „ 110 Ik-ule In Pralu,. F0r..)011513.33..... Liguori. Ind Mon. onnabrla Itertl9.4 Whl.,ko)— Su. Conn...must 1t.,•, Ltb•rty at . PitOburgh. nisTRInrENTs. • lOLIN IL MELLOIL Dealer in Pian" Fortes, •Nluxtr, aal 3lusleal Iwiromeni, Scbool 11.1, and titatiouvry. riot. agent fnr (111 , 1:1.ring s r. 1 . 131. Fur., PA Westrrn Permrylvartia—No. EI \V‘,.l st I.IENRY KLEBEIL litivler in uml urtrunk,.., loud Twipreer nf o agent or Nunn% k groul Cotrni rim :Enlnn Att.lebnorpt. Alon. Iknnll.. MANUFACTURERS. NENgEny, ciiii., , s .4 CO.. Nianolletu ron of Ter, au,?..rlor 4-4 tihretmor. ,aqua Chain, 'ei,. and Batting. Pertn•Mill. Patettitedt. VLAC JON /JR J ONES & QU IGO, hlanljfantorors of Spring and B u Burl. Plauvit Ste.l. Meet Plonch t rim. I..ta , h ant Eliptie Spring, Iltantar mi Ir.. Axle, tool dealt, In Malleable ....Una.. rin. En4;ine ittottl, and ectseh Trannungs gent,..ll, e.,rt., of P.a, and Erttia e,..., Pataburub. Pa. t VITT Bliltfill ALKALI WOKES.--Ben- Ap::1, - Itu'g'i7;:'„,l"`.YpT,.", , ,:,`'.;;l'.i.'. 1. 1;tinc...., No. C., Ws rt.. below yrrrs-• . PAPER HA GENES. _ . W ,D.S.:::;ciens94%l4: Shade., }Yowl Print, kr. Alm—Writmg, I.r.cting. sad Wrappl. Power. No. RS Wad 1,m1., betvreeo DLtmniod alky. Pi.burab, TEA DEALERS.. _Aloit. tIS & IIAWOI2TII, Tea and Wine Merchant, /can or the Diamond. not., -W3TI; & (Amen& and sy. on n. r t:a • Y.; and firtTrato. Ala.-- r fnn , izn Fruit. ant Slit., Wht,lr sale and rt. I. Ittalert , on the Ingrett terttat ... .. • NSPORTATION AGENTS! JOAN A..CA CG I I EY, A gent for the Lake Eri rld 311chi,n lane. relknver nr.l th. Laten.— (Nike on ite+ c l u rne ot r r ofter T paid t 4 trilthErld O. . pLE CO .. railsnorterp ,y C. anal t th en , . I:mpling Merebantx, mime, bf Evnn .Lr... vmaTitai Bums R Ina STERVEI , T & SON, well known • Cr itinn Blind 31 Arm. krrp ronnentli on lintel or tit rthr lert artirte tu bor. et Or ir old lin Ciatr elm,. tit Po re tterket rtrre, event rto , entrant. In hr Diem nil I enttinn Phutterr [Lurk to on in . . end old blietir re elly r.pnln.L 0710 I A. B OWN would mos re•peet fully - inform rot of greitiar giro \ rrilitnn Plititterr grr made to tirire in Ili. L. style. era-rented roue' to any in the United Stater. it .1 Itllntio turn tie remit - red .111,001 the nil of per," drie r. H•ring titirrharett the ttork. toeit. ttnii of tbr retilnet nt of :.r x . A Mir'iriinnd. I ern timpani te fin-oink their old ear:Muer, ie. erg the put. lie et harp ..111, rye, thing in their line o,in,, Poe k Wood etre.. I•lttoihtirgit Encii:Xt J. A IlittiWN. PAPER HANGING AND PLASTERING: - --- - ESE .101 i N STUN, PAPER II rernrr or Thin' .tart end kart • nn. v. B. tor, P. Mortar, !nib. A, . for . ' ERENARY 61TRGEON. 1 . A DA. I HARDIE. Vo44inarc Surgr9n, lute ja, inini Edinburg, frcthind, wonti r...,„.,,,,, ~,.. quaint th public that lie kinii rimin..n.v.l prrr in 1.1, ,a,r,. pro ...b.; J. by riinitui nitertinn w hairy., In rntrurtril him. br,hoi.. to 00, ,milrfn.rtin. In rano with James Mirth, 11r- Shrielnir and lillitelirml ~vain cruel - Al will Inrarrird on. at ti,......,,,,, of 'funnel relit rind Prnnrylininix AirMIP. . . . . . WOOL mcatarrs. ... WOOl. 11P.M.ERS tI m i l If} 1 r Eu r k i Ll 3 14 1.11 1' 4i 1. an F ts for thi, Nilo.. a Anwrimn ind . .139 Liliiirtf 01 1, iit' i . . (a & 3,V. 11A1114Alltl11; Wool .111e.reliont 0 , IT In Vlour Rua I'oolll1 gruerally, and Po, iruilln, id Cmiren-I/a, Su.t 116 i l , itisit km , . an , t IP) .. rid Amer, ri in li ttrt.nrith. IIfiGP4VISO Alql) ',LITHOGRAPHING . PiI:VI LI,E JOIINSOTkl r .lEngrocer 4111 Wood. vto 0 Ilan, tthint iinirT.l it.. Drab . Pi ,— V 1.. ." " 1 ling/ Slatildurri. of !fra•iiatierii. Frntinike, 14 nd..1. , Drute Lotipla, In mho,: 14101 for 1fiT1.1.1.1. eipli....lD , Aastailatli.usi. CM ton Mt0niii.....t..... in Ili' firoi 011* of art. in‘ at tho Invnit {irk,. l, .. .. . WI LIA.III SeIII.ICIIINIAN'S Lithograph • ic Establi.nlonont., Third 01.1" ,, t' lb" rro t oliaj. Pit Lunch. Mani liatitim-ni...... Nirtriiio. SIO,O hill,. 11111tnads in.alt.. B0001.1.0)04, Arrloo-d0r . .. 1 L ,Ol m. 06 . ° Dnmin ilnattleito and I iritin. Carl.- lac., i.iiiintied nr drawn on Stnn, and print...l in i hail. lining., or 111 rut. In c amid aprimviiil id., In i i.iii at thi , mi. , riin.""i obi.. prin.ianKly . . . • t...... .TEWELERS. . _ 111ILT 1 . WIL ON. W e toiltes..leweirv. Silver v v % ,„„ ~„, mili, r , Iluod, eomer of AtA-10, end rotirth 5t I.:4,11(1.1.0th.), N. II —11,r1,.,1•11.1 Ch., rmr..1117 r,0...r."1, • • : WARE MERCHANTS. OGIN, WILSON & 1 00., importers nod IWh e liardrare .04 L'ufloty, No. 1.29 N A hl P1tt414.4h. , MISMIL.LOrEOI7B. om. I Oil a FZSI3IONS ... Alanufart, op of FLINT and . tlllF.EN GLASS. I .loUl.llS.and all kitalg rere MACIIINEIti. take thisethod of ill r ll l/111r11 - 1( dr Iron. of baring curb vork sn done, that they are pr. par. LI to do it at the h.aced coasthle rates, at rhos abort. eel none, tonl In the beat manner. at their estahlehment ...ental street, aloe. the Canal Blida, near the lip Work n. Twee Inc Mack Smith and Illael Furnace.,manic het ured at 11. e nhortret notice, and at the Insteet All I. .4 Jobbing done on ebort Inch 11,1 m _ Gas Fitting. AFFETT Frout street. hetween Wood and Market.Pittsburul,P,. Stll ".. 14 the public to their ao.ort eet of Chool.liert. It-a m dopt, Itruul.. Tie, are pnpared la execute tx. Flatus: the shortest tdif w lin and most rpaaonable Lem, Pit I Nt; FASHION FOR ISSl—'l'lini;;i i 17 loauttf u I vitt le of flats w.0,Zrg.,,4,11,ra1" :pelf corner Woxl A. sad Pinutotal alley. Wegner, Bnechner & Mueller's NEV.' LITHOGRAPHIC ESTABLISIINIENT. rirlllE ABOVE FIRM respectfully announce A to their friends and the publir gencrilly. that they pmparlat to execute. In the P. KWh. of their art. all out,. foe Pl.. , Cards. thuls, Diploma, etteelo. ago, Profe......uat Card, Map, Chart, Label, Sr. T h..r e.lnl.l.lltllent in at N 0... Martel ..trx, 1.,t0.0u 'Hoot sod Fourth stnots. up stall, tor40:1.1 Bolivar Fire Brick Manufacturing Coinp'y. U Li tVF:11:1i lER & CO.. PROPRIETURA •• THE SUIISCItIBEIIS, 'nixing been ap pointed Agent,. for the above natural concern, will L..ep rournantl, unhand eurid, of h ea rth.rat Itolivar Ire I:rirr. .Crueible .Yurnaceand I They are alai prepaml to nvelcr onler. !N. +aid /ark, to tande 1 ud elapc to suit purcluanda. which .hall "\VT,'l t sto .numerate the inner ad :cake eir aup.- ' ul„ I m' tr ' lr i ett=? that ...h t the ltrick .hall i.e.. none of their Anent ..,,habit reputa:ion. =MM=EII=MIII2IXCCOI22 AMR a Jo] t_. Canal 1.1. i. . Pll.burgh. 4,4 MeCORD & CO.. hove received 4 Weir Sprmg Fly of lint, 4) which U.,- re n^vtftill. 14,14 , the rt4•ntlun nf their CY.10.61- the puLlie get. ,- . 11 Y• Iv 1 Pittsburgh Gas Pipe and Tube Works. T HE untlernigned hare just enmpleted their IRON TUBE WORKS, and nry °fly, mentifarturing all .11, of Ills 4:11E, L. comouiv end otl.r lion. sod all Av.* of WROUGHT IRON TUBES eltich they role Rt the lowext I.eltee. They aro 1, ',Tared u. rurule order, to to" extent. without dr :WANG' N0.'91 mod rater .trert. fel.' :la PITTSIIP HIM PA. it I L it A:NOBLE—City Flourin g V v 1111, No.:, Lawn) cirir of Adam. L. Pittyliurati. IC3IO LAS V I VIA X, Civil En g ineer, Orauglitunan mud Practical Mining Agent. Make/. MuleLi foritlic Patent of Machi n,' Mows WaterAV.irkn. kn..' May be lictwixt lu A. N. and P. M.. at liiii mitten,. No. Pittalimgh. tanl.l.4lr•- ).) A. M A Di:MA, Agent fur Delaware kin ,na.l S S,tr Inevran, C“rumny. 42 Water Are, I .11{1)1:CF.!: COFFIN. Agent fur Frnnklin irlr In•uraner Company, vortb earl corprr of \V hurt W i d h 0, a. every 11,cription of Utudintt With 13r attleMS and duratalitt Iteolts ruled any pat .ro. atal tatl, Reese manta., ta. 01.1 Peek, mood who ally. at repaired. NamPve put cut in Flit lettere Iteete who have bawling are inettati to eat!. Pelee. , 1..• petvtle 'CORD k CO., Wholesale anti Retail ‘lm.factnn.n., and Adm. Hat, Carl saui Pus, - ht %%teed end Fifth 'lrreg.. Pittnbureb. R In , ro tOnv r ul! nod nnotoletn vf Mtn. Caps F ur.. A, of re. re quelite end aryl, he end 14,11. and In. .4.. At.... 'A theirsnstArnere end pureneerre eeettring thrtu that thy .111 lege on W. snost Wray Innenti. teertne. 11. 1.1 l; BY. Merchant Tuibr, I.ra rer, • • and 1,-.ller la ilnutv 11.61 x Clothln,.. 137 Uteri, Pt • New Coach Factory—Allegheny. M. A. WIIITE CO. Would re- Trt , fnll• Inform Mir mthlw that tiler ham .nmrri • mhniion Lactek. Irotwoen Trilrral and rand mm. They am nmor mal.init and art (rtrharril rerrivr .di,. (or rm. derertrmin of telitcho. Curio,. Chariot& Itmrowliem i I'lmtnum. Lc- ac.. hid.. frmu Mira lour rater... In tho Mannfartur• a the above work. and the fat intim the/ Wm. the, feel confident thi.y are enahlrd dn work no themomt rearrambie trrmm with Mitre • aututa Mtn.... In their Ilnr liamne nert.ular Mirnthin to Mr meleethin mu/aerial*. andiiiatinf nom. hut minimorut workmen. tht r ham. nn ...Mahon 11.Iarm:M.3c their whrlt. tie reform. .sit at:ration of tin public. 1.. (him matter It. iirrairlit done In the beat manor, and cm thr arm rearriruble Lerma TN - .tf OIMS AGLI: MARBLE WORKS, (ePtliblinhed Dsutbr 1.11.3115 ND laberly , Parr T..pc. allra)A oa band, and made b N. ft. A ch.:. wilertiou of Draaing• on baud. .4alo A CARD-1851. BURCUF k IELD, Kurth Flat the n.turnrottuf Y•.urttt oral ut of the hew Veal-. V. thotr than. • to thrir eu,..tron and thy puhlte anter *U.. tor thw 'flan of rant , . onontiod to thou, and int ,0. nottlitoan, of thotr to•nn. Ilarfuu tonal!, tottertrud itt•l tettuntrod Ilwor roa n . ther an rualtint to loft, on Ittoid n on, .-tlonorrfootrtut , ot totol• - anti lons, mitt ha.• It. adamant, itt Dino, Intht g/•,, ..11.1 mate the, oflorthoot .1.01. T. tontine rralilifhtfont. no far 11.4 Dra-twat.O. a it MIL ti whruf 'tr., ankh. to If, lot .1.•• I• urnlnt hit the •tants nf nin not. --tortl dolt rots:mord rtlorta to tale, tlo I.nct at•ala and to ...II at low prinn, they loive to not,. it thr lutrnot r ef famlloo and Ito do-utast...far, thatu watt the, •uoittst 1:19-7'iot,Al.l: 110.SINEDD or to l.• ronsn• otwirs—ontrauce oth otter t. or httronwh low, rot. `PITTSBURGH COMMERCIAL CoLLEue, I corn, of Thl nt nod fflarlt•t Tb: only rim, rol rotituvon blot in v tocurf —John Flouting. Pi - mont Itotrurtor fu the thd-•11 , i 1 An,tottif. I h. Clduultortitt, Itnifotoir of Prountarteltlyi Slrrrantila thintrovoi , iti Matona loicturrt on listourretal Law. 1t......,Vf010g otags{.l.q., lifunolnlap of Bonk h.. +ping. and IL aphlltualt. to ovary hianrh t.I loninnfs alo. In .le want at..l rnttal Desatuanahtp, tor It, tint to rail and era.. son Ow Arran to 111.1..15. • - tat Comm.rrial Lew H. nra. to not of Lb.- r.:41 - Pnt 4 . 11, Oat rrlaunts. EAGLE MAEILE WOLICS K.-7,111.151 m; I R:;•2, ht F.DJII ND -1 4 1 0 . ul i rp r nt a 31onannntlta lturtal T an Maril.• " n".'""" • nr• anal Po, Topa al•aya a. band aaad makln ord f elninnst lltarlden. n.l at nr, " rnlu t oaal it tn, uor trd - !toga Italy. f T'K• I 111.1 1 • ItEVERF.tiCF.S. —. Inn. Ilannar Iffrnny Clark 'Leman, fin. lion. Jodgf. \t tlkin. *jh'hn4lffrlf,r. ff.,. Ncto. Rol., rowon.jr.. r... 1 JAL . , .K.l-2, }....1.. Arelitart. int., Su 'A.,. Fay. C.. 11 a Bram,. If etrolfurgh linok. xer t Itn)im, do. J. 11. f•tnwniferger, P.m. hill! Corr,. in. Wilr.fn Mrl'ondln.of. Kft.f. Mon A Ef. ,, n4 dn. fta.rt )IrKnight. F...,.. , Vm iffsgni..r 4 Crs. .1.f.. ffirKnf Oft, l:..1, firming. D. T. 51organ . Co. In.. Jo-thus Rbodes A Co FrniCrs a. Lnlltrnp. Een., Ilre r t 9. ti-eln cratolut far thevery Iltnand tntn.,l dun. ntatern yearn In thin rig,. batting htal tha largest and Iwyt jobs rotroyttd to hl. TIT up to the Kranit LIMP. awl I.llllsrudeaynr Ti pnvler stallrtartion hervealter. JAMES W. WOODWELL. dr iABINET FURNITURE MANU-x. 1, I Noun,. Warawooma 97 /t 1 , 9 Thin] atewel J. 'w W. nwyeadfully Inform. his Ittend• and etidnap ra that ll.' hint now completed the latwt and 11,1,1 atewit of houaebnkl furniturn aver before wen In cit>. ae hr I. determined to uphold the quality with weliwounned materials, hod warkmanahlp. and newext dr onto, and ,love thenat./ of 41. ,mbar, and flanlllo in lurmanufm luring. he fa mall.' prwlure warranted turn!. lure. at the loweat pair«. Ie bar adnided O. rinciple of hleutl. nl Warr. with hie o w in qualit, ntal p o P.. atel niway• on hand the neatest variety or every deerWidnin of furtutune. from the chi - apt-et and pialnewl, to the moat el, ay., and nally, that a limier. or any P.{ Or Due, me, b• forni•lied trim hi. etnek. or manufaetured expnwely to oniev. 11. therenem Ronan., au in.peanon. Iliad Or silvan nan of hi. enaldivldnent tool kunlrw The/ falowlng artlele• ronvict. in part, of ht. idnek. which for tlchneva a and nnleh cannel be vurproiacil In any of t he F.artero drawinr. dlnintr. and lo,]-mom chair, of every variety. ten. sting of reewared, mahogany and walnut. Eltrwholom. I:on.crvatnlre and Vaal . nf every do. eriptlon: Town tete mud Nanny ofthelatcrt Pro, h am! Itirlilll3l patterow IVlint-Nobs. and 1n.t.... 4 MI.: ct Torino, Roan, ork Table, and 11, F 314 111,1 6 i^ damn . awl lader,. tnorble ;cp. nod., newar...l atnl emit, rind . t , . Mee, iennon Juin./ tahliw. all Wee.n lb. mewl...tuted, and the knot D 1111... cant. ',raided.. 11011 and pi. tw.l.tewl. and waelaidandn a ec•nrlioent, tn.the hull and par/nr reneptlou Pr , wteeon. ton. i /: .Poel end nitede crib. fuf . fidldv. 1 1. 1 1 .1. , tahie .04 1., r. n....vat. and inlaid pearl Tat.., 89 [r. A la,: w-nrtinent .i and 11 Indlan Chair. t'..Linet maker. nipplieOrafirnond with all articlev in their law nteranient. and 11.nelr. fiyannhed at the .hurter tintlna. All onle, prompt], attended tn yet lI( A ) , V , NT 3 Y t 1diN , 111 ;., -I,; i n i i-r i . ,, C d mt.., !any ion out armpit...meta. for Ow n . woman, wanrr of rt pow., Howdy Litwin tor a.liiwry and ...Idler,. their idony nod elallal rota. nod w 111 nttood to 1111, labrr ow,. wont/a...0A with a la.. ganortinaotit od stay a I. 1.1..rt .,13.. Ilan ',onion or lbw Court• . (hr City of li .I.ington ani.'l At, Drawing, Perspective, and Painting in Oil. li. I sm ail is mr.v prpp i er ared give .111;th-en , new , I,l.lstth. Flret etheel, le.tween Won.l and %Turkel More nr In. , ' melba,. Ire,. In 1 , , and than b., te r. u. l'Itar.••••",1 .lerr Irrrbrbibb• rub b. thfleneem, At the ben, Refer 1.. He th.trus. nr Dr Atlabron. oltr GEORGE E. ARNOLD & CO., BANKERS. DEALERS IN EXCIIANOr., COIN, DANK WryEn, 71 Flo, . ne, /14nn f t / INlts , urph. Notaa and 1/rsfla rollnl ell part, lif the Union.— 1"4,1n, llnnalt and .Ikl rointon.lon. Jonn IMITLCVrtnin. QM a LEy & co LV I IC, Coal 11Ie r liants, and Peal," in Dry fiord, Onwrri.... Iron and NILO, corm, of Wnlnt at,. awl Wasitimllan TO ,011. Mad Trnn , .. "sl"t _...111..14•1 1 kV ~ rUNNIIIIII. P. mamma. 13ITTSISIJItt;11 CITY GLASS WORKS.— W. CTINNIStIII (lflanufartu n .rs t.f IVinnow 6t.45, No. 'AI Markrt street, between Fir , t awl ,cond, Pittobur,rlt, i . a. I...rtlenisr attention paid to odd 'lva. db.-Nairn in /limo ti 1,.... Vial, Pottle, te-: ad mil ._.- _. 1.1 It 0 OIL-10 1,1,1. No. I, just reed and 4 r , r -al , 14 IL A. FAIINESOOCIC ~, t o mer First an 51u04 itt, pia ASii- - - - li cooks (pure) for stile by . mein:, MICK & lirCAtiDLsi.9 - --- . • .. ___. 1)111E0 API'LES- - 71 pkgs. for ode by Ind & • WWI A Mc:CANDLES& PITTSBURGH, MONDAY MORNING, APRIL 7, 1851 STEA3IERS MAILS, &C. iatoII2VEMENTS 011. TII6 LEAN STEAX SHIPS. Tbe undertwled or aller Traci, *rr fllnws. Mame Lin , — Affloial. Mrgnmera. ' 111.01.0SED DATES OF AAII.INU. • ruom wa VAL. raid.. LITIAMOI. Ww‘lununial. March 511t1Saturdsiy. 'Much hth 11 udiuulan , " 141thlSalarniny, " . T.. 141 W. 1 • 11,111 . 1 an. April I.ld Wtalti..adur. APrin Flh I ! . e`ion , niY. “ 111th Wain.,4d,. '' Mal 1 ' ”ntun , d, . May 14th Wulu.lay. May, 14th Saturlay. " 24th Wrdnevalay. 27th Satunia>, June 703 Wedoemtay. Jun4l 111.1: inatunlan. " 214 t Wnaturialay, " :nth Satunlay. July 211 Weninenday. July Dth Saturday. " 10th Writunthar.4 •. ll&I SatunlaY. Augurt 2.1 Wenltuuttal. Aug. tlb Satunluy. " 1111 ni Weds...lay. " 2041 Sat tent,. .. 13 th IVeninumlay. en.lnt. I. Satunlon. :Mot. 13111 Wadueulay. " Fah enatunlor. " tnith W.lneolay. Ort. 14 Saturtlan. Ort_ Iltb 11..docanlar. " Ibth Satunlan. '•2.sthllLpllnentley. " 'MI Saturnia', Nur. nnthlNiedtaullaY. NnuN ~,,ll Saturday. " ?LI IVenlne.laY. " -"`" Satunlun, 1/....r. 11411itiattadno, Doc. 12111 Falun", . •• an ilaturlay. " Lich FROM LIVERPOOL FOR TOR .TAT... Min • Y.'rk .....ri1...7.w1" . -- el;rl;nin. ii;;;El..i. New York eaturdoi. A pr il Pewtun watunlar, April . . . Nrw York .S.TuTtil.). APrii *a. ',rt. LIVICILYOOI - ll.mtp wftirtv.lay. Mr . T - A5in.......... ........ N.,/ lurk 1ce11....1wp. . Tll. Commiw llotou . . ..... - ....%%.,Ipewlay, Aprli-51.. Alrle.3 tiro Vork I% rolnewloy, April 3 0.2 A A.. Bootuo AA.. New Pork ll ,d 4...tat . ..bail . 55 ftin k. b11.1 Pw...Agr la II ellf.x, lrn or New Yu.* :Pl ...Tlcalla, 12., . 5 , .V..p , I',k and 'lan /As.—Monthly Tropt. start Naar 1 ultit 1-PJ.II. II Vrlt[.. Franklin. ~3tunlar. ts., lab. Fr.klin. Wedgay,r/th Mm Ilumboldt • - nth Mar Ilunil.ohlt .. bah Frankbh. - Lth Apr Franklnk. - 4 th7 .ni Iturul.oldt. - . '.:I Ma, IlunilaoLlt, - tb JUnP Praulliu. .. 31st IP). Franklin. - .-11 July Itunkbplat, •• ath Jima Humboldt, •• tlUtkJuly 1 Frankhn, .• ....Lb July Franklin. •. 371 b Aug 11.11.N.1.1c. - •''..:+l' I Aug. Iluniladdt. - 1b Sent Franklin. - Sept. Franklm, •• 124 Oat Ihnula,,lt. - INth (k, IlunitarLit, •• Mk Nay Franklin. - 15th Nnp.,Franklin. - 1711 la,. Ilutuh..kit. - 1:1t11 Irlpe. I On.rn slnlm ..Nicrlpatirm (b.--114,1A1y Tile . .11. Ywrl. New York. .New Nett, .I , •turds, ta' I:: I t _Nem, rl Ne• Itork • FOR Cil,fll. mall Apemen leavr A Nev New lurk ors Ilthan4 ISO mouth. rO6. 11-4,01.4 lIIND LIT Wthrf. Mrllllolll, 174.1Nri Irate Charleston on the Int nod 13thof rah mouth. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES OP MAILS. )i.wrras.—lty Oterennbonf.Clamber.hurg. 11111vIctphIA, N.. I orl. EA..trrn. Organ, mud Arartlwrp par. a N. lot k. IN,war.. N,. Jer,v, end th. .1. Now 1,410•21.1 BrillA Provinet , . of l...mer Canada. Nova e‹.10....1 tirmtnylet. dalit. ArStITO at 4 r sc . ; Drsouls at 1, !..tatti Eaman.-1.4 Blair...llle add Ilotittlaywharg. Including. the ttf Itrwatorti, Cambria-Oman., Clin ton. Junta.. Lama:dna. Iclitatea • Putter, Parry. T.,11. 01.01,111 d part ni 11.-danoraland. via I.treunora. I.turrayrattla, aalatrt It ad., N- w Alatacairla., and Ina. an. n`tantl• Aratattat dal', • aarwPa ilttudaya. at S /1. IC; d,- {runt daily at v. Y. Care-11r Butler, Pa., !garter, Crawford, and Jalferron aouncialt, la...tem parlor New 1 orlt and at ppeaCanada,dalty. arrmea at it e. w.; and depart , ea it a. a. s..trrnana OSP Wab - ra".-11, INatiungton. Pa, Oman. Pap.ttn. iv:Martel. part of Wyttonraland couutr. Virginia %I arra land. Baltlmona.Watabittir.tto Pit), nouttrarn and Woat. ant tart+ of Jltart alai Indiana. lientnekt • Inittots, 511.tataari, Illetalaalptatt Arkatuat, Nurl.6 Cat, , •atiatana.Plorids. and Ti,.., daily . drama at and &Tarts at 6 a. • reen u.""'.— r """' . Pula, Pa— Malt a.,rl on, Carnal!, liniruk,as.l Tuoarnarraa Arrtat. at 11 r tl,ertA st 7 a. m. Norm —Hy ha.. nod Clrrelnnl. Ilearrr , Yn.. ~ l urublaus. Trumbull, l'orta.m. b bul tlmrl,lV., C Eri u LAY., .Ilielll.n.l. Lnraui. l/ttavu. e, Sao-lurk, 4.1 Luc.. rz.uon,.,. 'Lb. ...romp tu.rtheru ry ,Mlx• nut 1.[1m11,4- all 4151.. .. ETa, ,%,1411,. A rrrrr •aIII t. ; dee purtx n r K man y harfnl.airf.fleurton, Sprintnield.Tare. tam. Frefrpr.rt. h !Manning, Islathalua... Annan-nc. Via, ton. alai Clearfield trnintne, daily, ran pt lini:dale. .1, river at 7 h a. and &parts at S P 111 %Inman —lly Parra Wrafmat.7...henna-a., Porter. Ilnalinoinare .14 Santa, Arrian• Invalna , II Iliurada, a, am:l I , atianiaa a, at n &pasta Stamina, mtravaia, a mal Fridaa e, at 7 a. 11 11••Liai tux - its sturaruree flail, Fantle, slile, All , l Sinn flora/a , . City Arrima Tumlay, Fridays, at r dn. Matittaaalaa. and tianardaya, at n • IL UN1..1v14,1 —Dv Marlin..,. Same. lion. fir-hraajort, Orr I an,. I.l.zawilatawn. liatravet, 1.1 sop twat. Crnaatown, Varratlv.ll.• Fmet I.llwlty. tipaar M n.ll Art-Iva. sund, • and Murata,. at t. • ar ;dr Marataa s liniMlaY , at n •• 11,1 tar. —Mr 11.11,?. mdia, Nit blosiowm Candor, Murat tutnarn. Cm-k Pntivraou'n and Thurataa•. at II a W.; It.parm ainrainy• anal Murata,. at 1 r u a amass., —lir Clinian. Manta Sinn. tear, Frani:foraSpring, Pm, Fairview, a. Arm.. on Fraina. Ns r. a.: depart" an hatuniar, 6 • f 1,1.•,• Antrim. Sort), M aabingtost, and ita. Arras,. an SI maiwalaya. at ar. . dapartr un Mnada, ta • u —R, Lerrsn's Fe j. Arrive. on Friday . . at 5 r. . depart. on ratnNai, tit A. X. Perrr N ethics!. lirealinerk, Ogle. Pivetiert. trhiteianten, ite., including %sawn nod VenritiAn artinliten Arrive. m ail,, and neg... al Gin n_int Lrtteaei the d ap motet be int site Unlienoneibione tarrnew their departure: tette, for the lig vrill weekly, nitil mail, wet he in the Oftlee halt/. hour Inorti their dTartare RATES OF DISCOUNT. Cnltllt,ff. WM, TM 1. ,711,1101...1 ...Wt. KT N.:.: kt•rt-t pl. taNaten no,/ and Flnerfa as. /NlttOnnah• PEN N,S 1.5 ANIS. ,Itraurh at Nasal:lon • ' Boutol ktittobtt rah par Brandt at li 005 h... .4 , , IN. hang. Bat, ad.. par Bran, hat X.I.S. . • .do st-r as.,l an •,i do - par ttranrh at 1i0....r.r0wn . 4 ,. Bank ot M oturrtoroo - par Crl) U.S.A. C 1114,1113. .do Bank. t.f North tkruartes- par C.nana-rrtal Itk,Cloalatmuln Bank of North'n Itflartlas.por , Franklin flank att Kant of INnnailtranta-- partLatareon Bank ... _- . . '• 4, tank of Penni Totruship.._fatitthlo UN los. A Trusttax-4n hank of tha Cain./ Plates IA 31 ...tern Ite.ary• Bank. -.1. .. Ccauthanial Hank of Pa--taar Bank of 31aanitun____ __An Ik.rtaerat A %mbar.' Bk par Paull Naha....... ...._....d0 , itrunt Bank_ ..... - ....... —.part NEW"Ztlii. K.otonglan Bank . -par , All animal - Bank, ~.) 11..outar a Mach haul.... par NEW liOltli • 11....yanka . Bank for New York Intr.. - •• • ...... Par I.l,,,unousitot Hank- par Countr). - `i I.l.ll.ohlphla Bank par NIA/111-INV South•ark . Bank-. ..... pariralthrtnnt ....... .- . -Ira , Trtabonnan a Bank- par , latantil ' , N 1T....-u•n. Bank par, N. JIIII, it,Y A BELA If ALE. Bank ..f Chamtenhurgh.. .tal 111 nol.ent tanks Ii Bank of Ch0...ft:m.04...par VIBUINIA. - Bank nf Itavrill. • . _par Bank of th. Valk, .. .. ~. l. tank c•f bet C. 0., Chostar..parillk of Vlrahttla italtutond Nt Bank o f tarn...lawn. --melts Stank, Va., Norfolk.-- S Rank f tit•tlystotrgl... ... N Faro:lora' flank of Vlrgluta !.• Bank o 5 lowlstolan S. Merriam's' A Stark Bank N. Bank of Maidlatown.....- Na North Woatarn Bank. fa, 11,..twornory Co Slant .....par Sr anahra N. Bank of North NOWI'll CAROLINA. Carll.le Bank tajßank of °spa Wear Columbia Ilk A Brtdan Co tar Ilk ..fal• of N Carolina.. ... 1., tat.. Si Bank par liannaernal Ilk, Hiltolog'n 2 Ktuton thank...._... ......... tar March/tab' Bank. Nowise= Erl. Bat: . la eourii CAROLINA. ....... FArno. Ilk of the St or S. ( aro . y•nto.rx . Ilk of Lark-Aftfl.fkkr!llknk South Partners flank of Itenctllnt Bank of CbArieNtoo—.-.,.. ' , arm PkaSchlkylklllik+l., 11....t.'re A Alet•barilcs' Ilk ' , kr A Ihov. Woyne4trunt.. ti GP:ORA/lA. I , taukllo 1.11 k," üblt.¢l.l/ tar Aurunts Ins. Bank Ira Co Ilarrloburg flank— ...... Bank of Au,sts ... .. ... ks Ilk of lirtinrwlek, ..111gtuta tanea,ler Bank par TENN F..,310:. . l.oraster Gsanty Bank—nor All oolveni honk.- 1 Lebanon hank-- - ... . par KINTUCIa. Nlinevs' Bank of othrrill. Ilk of Kentucky', Louisville Si Mrmougnhelo Book par Bk of Louhnillo, Thurston In. We. Branch Bank .1{ Northern Ilk of Kentucky N t Wyominy, Bk.Wilke/barrepor Southern Bk of Kentucky !ti Sock Bonk 3I1S201;111. Ilk of litaLe of Mipa061....-X SUR. Bonk sod brzorbm-./50 Ilabk of Illinois. .._.....,._70 en IKONSIN . 11.011e1 Notts,. 01110. Ohio titat.Bank. Branch at Akron. Branch at Athen • Itro.neb et tirtdiroport do Marto, t Aro Inc Ca. obits Branch at Chilicotho do • • - .. ....... .. • . Itnawh at Cleveland do Vg11713.• Ile Stectsattka . Bantk 3 Ftra b_ z h h :: T u n . let tn i.; . d tl , o , .( p.. lortment Knelt Dant-- 3 I las Dank Itranth s 1 :a.m. , .tio tatteranerr Com Brat:telt at Calvtatma 'Act Stata 11. alt I'L" 2 Branch at Ardatabola-- ..... do CANADA. Branch at tialeto do ilk of R.N. Arnertra.Tomato.s Dranrh . Manateld.. do. Bank of tha People. Turuntn s Itraoah at Itlplery do Bank of Montxral Itranth at "-do Boot of Cmada, Torontab Itntorh at Colombo. ....doF.AF.TKRN EXCfLANtIE. Branch at Oa NC.. Zort tynco)-.•....‘• ta Draor Cad. oiatielpta church at Looasr, do a lmor. dn... Branch at St , oheuville do W &STEIL% F.SCII.A6 • • Branch ut Mt. Chatitmati .11 Itranch at Nrwark do ............... • • . . • ... . . Urno. - ti .. , itirna.........—d0 tit. L0u1..... ............... —.A Branch at Surinufirld.l......alo GOLD AN . D . I{PECIR VALLEY. !Innen at 11arietta. ...... Doubloon.. NPaolet 1 0 0 Itraneh at Troy do do Patrint........10.14 Itraudt at Mt Pletuant FAO, fold. 10.00 Branch at Zatorsvill“... .... do Baal.. new 0° Branch at Norwalk.— ....... do Frederick...l'6re . 7 0 .60 Branch at linos do Ten Thar. LSO Branch at Guinea. • b... 0 Branch at Baton do Bovereigun 4.ta Braorb at Ravenna . ... an Ten Wander,. ........ ..... 4. 0 0 [Daunt. at Chi Wroth., do Nap010rm5.......„.. ..... 3.1.11 Brandt at T o shwa do Douala 1.15 Bratsrls ...t Tohdo do . FURNISHING MAIL LOCKS & KEYS Waal . I tyytec 4:PlilfltrliT, • Myrrh I I, ) lT 13i:1 ' N ( ; I )I . :S IRA lILE tto solv:Lituto• locks sod of Pane othpr kind for ti,,,,, , tom In oPI fnr e taunt arreue oi the Dulled Plat, eppiruen lock. and key., with ormopzlP fornieh 41. , ran, will be n,i4.1 and ameidered at tit. Poet 4111, , e Deportmeot. until the 14 day pf Joie neat. Ihe tlithrent loek• wl/1 be entanltted routtupolon tor examination and r..purt. 1;11.31; thir te.rt, pontAr.eta vote, ep practicable. he entenri In Attu euel, 10rke . 14..1 key. Mr tour year, with the Halal yin. port of the Nutt:water lieu/Tat for the time eat.tal sat eoutibue the pontract hn fon, for en te'rh.l of r . ./ . I 4 hiving to the eontraelor o Tenn,u tm,. m that ,met, not sore than nine nor len than Mouth• I, tote the terulinallan uf the hut tenon( prororlntr the beet Inch at the loweet Prir , no kiwi of is-it I. tor,....rtlpd etesplard: the Departtnent mil lug tar • uo the nuphsnicol akill and In t o tart,. fair ~,ton how hire, mot . .T . It 4. hop e,, t. mon. to note, that s hck *tillable for t tool Peet treuese the thllowinit atoulith, rfc du rstobt,. atohproott lightne, anal atreligth. F o r co o of dieldoping alnalltanvouply the mewllt t o t he, now in is.. shoot thin nu new toehelotot twenty thou/and kept adapted thereto, will he repilaf' to IN' furohlsed 1,, the pontren , tot within /even monthe otter the unitropt shall have Dun macre,' lath sr anon OUPDif .111 depPlall on the dtirstaillY of th.. Pc, and Sere adon.y, am well uthoIIIPIPPILPP of Um moll Perri,: hut it probohly novel' exerul In 111310 1 . 11 , three thon.oud of the former and one thLonand of the Ist. er. Plo tonnidenal If it like any alnuulT In generalnor will ony ono with wbouuthe n! nor be made be allowed to make. MI, or foryo a h any , pch or ket . Owlish to tin* contr.-tad flir, for MI, "Dm , po r t . "' than that of the Peat Ufa,. Deparlynatit. Tio, knoll of lork• adopt.] tonal lr notelinpl, and thr. Va . ton.— will be required, IFIL entering Into onntrnet. hr snake sue seounsiaut of 114 pah.nt for the, earlualve tue• and bow ti.• Department. If the Dtattonalcr General than porli aPitorenient ...polled to the intereptsof the per. In nu. of the failure of the contractor at any time to fulhl fulthfolly the h•rta, onalaoubtlone of bin contract, the 1., timers' 'boll have tin. rialit,beridea rever.rt to the penal ~ t oady brrrinalt.r wino] , owl.l .. sod to vontrart wItl; may allerVart, 4 .r radar/. on may no ht. for furnlnlilna lock, sal `f"• la deriding twat the Loropwal.end nociturnsoffaml.tha Po , tuomtpr Iletteral way deem e_xpoieut W,.deal royale throuch male the Lek of awe libbler. and fur the way math that of another. He Dupree., therefore. the right of our ditheePtit load,/ Wool. for such diflerent kfnde iv hp may reletl. anti oleo the ta,thl relult sit eePime 4 o mul nroPoeale. If he /hall deem' that emir. for if.. of the DepartmouP The, party or purlieu ...nrocting will s be roonitud to taro bond. with tuttPD lhl pitrit,, in the e of thirty thourauul , Inllara. for a faithful Performance of the rataract The nantrart le to lontsln I yroviyloug far the due and proper Inapectlon of the locks and key., and ale err howling saintsi their naming . into Improper harsh, the term/. of throe prorieknor to be az ronual between the Delartmenl and the surseftfut bidder, if a bi..ll , hould Nit spplieollotz• will henctwi , lered If hot aerenlon•ttWtt :r.'vn'tuldgmy:;;r4it.°2l,kb.:.--"th° a. K. liALL,Postru.stcr Genera mt.h.=tkirl4.C.s COMMERCIAL BP ',ovule Arsalcan.—Advertlamerda arta enbecHor.lot. foe ltd. paper raceirrd and forwarded freeof expense. (ruin 0. , • 111,. PITTSBURGH RABBET. The weather oo FM.utday, a rainy mai aturml throughout the day. which ebeeloyi bi/aloen operatinul very nrah•rinlly and an oislep r•r 001:00 . 141.4 . 1. trampired. El.ol7ll—Thr• "aka my Saturday were consaed to p few Ilmit,nl iota. from river and wasurt. at 83,1743,15. SLUM i ale- 4 tram non at $3.3109:1,Ti. }al: FLOUR--Is sell In Molted lots at XI from Ord hands, and 113.115.(;:41x Mau store. (11tAIN—We notice ght rocciple mil* modende busi sows, at the following quotations—wheat thraGrs U.' ta , ' WMI.I . 00002% corn U and oats M 31632 c Crum girt hands. llltOCliltini—Tha market la emu. with n fah enteral i).l W. doing, at fur sugar roan, 12.12%i: too, lane 36(01.311, rier..1%(.4.1:e It T. IMOON—Vriews are , nnehang, , l, with a brink genreal buxinr. salt, for pinto ham., and lue fikr sugar Itur.,l; sides 747'.i. and ..boulder,. nt V' LARD—Supplier are light, with an large tir quote Oil., In WA,. at 7"6titnr. and In krge at 8 , .{(41... , µm. BUTTER—Munn!les of the baltrt Muds are light. and print., are firmly .notaltnal. We quote ptiale n it Al2 , tlZ , no.f enonaun do at likalle ? CM:ESE—Sumo .mall lota arr brglnulog to arrire. (mos th , Waxtern It.,a•rv... but auloptiPa a.. Yet naatel'al. , 5! , :f.i:1 4 47e, for ordinary. ',al rots...m.lml prim.. iuditise PELD , —Ti•••• to 0.1, • •••1•••••• Irvtoini for •••••i• aria priors are nelvding. Wr quote doter (man wagon at UV. a5:.,75; and rrtno %tore in road Into at it ha.— Timothy I. ...fling from not Laude and Ist s 1 Sliaaa L.b N bu OlLS—Matra of LituavA Si riatur nil at 906.05.,i41 so In gonlit>. MI. No I lant oil at vecra - 2‘. and of Noll at 505 it gal. UItItU klielT—Froul lint hand,. quota goradum at 81.3141.37, alai aloyba at 7:.a , ii LA From awn naittnte at $1.100EL45 in pellet.... and KY. 6m ard.te". YEATLII:RS—SmaII 1.. t. are odd from Aare at sat from lint hands st 91(151.4. it Ito BEANS :'.alt. from atm" at 11.3.56 a tn quality. AM.IIRM— :loud! rates nods &Ai at ay, 6, nota.d. ealeratu. V a c j. la. iIIIISK :l" rpetitml A "M .Priday, Hatch 31. Yr. 3ntll 18. Slay If. .Fridsr. June 13. Ntw tit Sc. to Citoosts.—The leginiature of Virginia at tem. moon pa•etl hill. rims.ritur Indepen dent bank,. npui the Leule of Sate Storks. The following are the luiding f , at tires of the new banking rbarterr 1. A deonalt with the Treaeurer of State Stork original ofnr guara ch ntied. arter. for Improvement C 14111.111,. W the uoount the 2 The exeratina and deliver% of thewea fqr alreulatkra. counter.l,.ni.‘l by We Trriourer. at the of the Bank. J. At. obligatd: In pay the wee Issoos. and to keep n haul th, ad.. mt.'s". of .lade. at other tanks. 4 M. ak. the Stnekhntder. pencdtally liable 1 , 0 th.cll , It, each stockholder to an amount edhal to the rtsck hell by hint, for the expre, nsutracted dabs, e,l thr dank. The hank, wt.-. chartam an known In hare pm.. both Hon,. are. the Nierehmna' liana at Lynehburn. with capital of not lees than 1t , 00.000. nor mon than Matio,Oon. and the Central flank of tuuovm. with ..{.1.1 of WA Ira than 11150.fral, nor Ins AT than $300,0(M. Llilla fur in ...rr.roing the followln: BAnk• tht• -• eatoe prlnriple mend the Ilona. of IWlerain on Frida, last and an sup 'rowed kr hare h 4,11 4ftel/.04.4 1,, the tionato prorione Mwairnment. The flank a the Old Deaunnon. at Alex”,lria.mth a cap ca' not le. than SAMI.OnO, nor loon. than IIUMLUOU. TI bairn' anal Mechanics' Bank a N. - 4.MM 111105,10, te Von. ma, The Bank of Commerce nt YnetrAckatuntalfaLlaMto SaM.OOII The Nlantsfertunn , and Yartnero' flank at %I henilor. 11151),Cam h, IPon.ittak The Oanufvrturem* /lank Charleston. henbna. SIIO,IYN toy &MOM. The fume llemk a u,, t . t .o ;iio A Wak at Wnk at Rammount The nikolroum liantJ 1. 11..0.1.W. and thr triszueion3 .eve runt lb.. Haulm:kw raplutl rmn t. evhaluivil ours. PORT OF PITTSBURGH. IZlvria—Thera (u.u, U Inetv.4 in runotz.l, marl, la.t er pini, am) rt,n, ARRIV SU )1101,4a. Doi., IlesTrr 14-arer. Iscavvr . ktlsote. Brown-, die J McS., M.....t0nc.. 1, .411 all. flrown. , lll, K.,.t..rur ° lVnnnnntl Ilan-nos taw Haurt.rlor, lhadem. New 11r1...n.• `1 mina. 1, .1,1.0r , ‘'..t0v..11, 11 ...uuSlt ,1+..1.1 en 15 10:1,11 M.e.±l4-wa. Allmtfe, Partitr..n. ./.Alehr,q..rl Tbox IV, Nev... Itr..•-n, Marl,111.. ,N11•11a. Mrtrr..Lannovillr. - Yin Ilut,lllller. , ar.h.1114. Holwrt Bulehrt. )1•h. r. RnAiS LEAVI TIIIS DA T LI It 1 , V11.111.!--Nnvic , " , 111111 m; %POST WIRTJN.i —lNtsruall J t" lall 1 . 1111.ADE1.1 . 1114 ISO RALT10 , 1(1:. l • •• • Ps.. rt.., I%L. t ttrttt dal% of • • Itt mud Ar 111 lI.LE- Prt M —ll .-14044. 1 1.1 IlutlAt A Itn,, bAr..l4, 3 lA. AAA se..l. ly d 3, .1.. I , AArbeg 1 IA ntrrln, I IA4 on.rna.ll foetherv. RA. rgAg. I Dick, t 11+.Da.. fg.gthrn. , 13111$1. 1.4 A, brawn.. DI DJA. tiklue, AnAk Att. lig. I,totsgta, 11snAlg: IA 1. Letup, I'lnrld'alat • It 1,11.1. Inbar., II tirAtl A I. fur. t 41,1ng. 11 U 11011 am d Dn. te bids lime. 11 11c1,11, J. Or. .I.A. Drank 51 1.1. r.nts.un. lienu.dy 1 . 11.1,1 A 11.13 hamr, tAgJey t Alrlano, 27 2,1 n r. 40,0 VA. lAug- 42 42.. Ku.. t I•rnnrAk la ANA whlrkr.,. It 1 , 11, lA.. At. tArle, .4. W Dnutli, Ably Lama,lliatlmul. .It, IntwArro.ClDarrla A Murphy, 7J aka run, T 11 .1 A Son, 1./1151S--I`tn Irkar ?i[RTON- ure: rhouldrr. A tg, ht.. A 0...111. 13 ht. I.n.krn 1 1.1 , 1 Itnl. 1 Jo I. Hutchison, hemp. 1"..r11. CA., rt. 14 J., .11..uldert. Gm, 1 trtink.. NltHer I. llnrrA br • rarrlles. 1411 A Litt . .. , II 1,1,1, 41-e. 1 tr do 2 rAkal A Ibis Irg•gtxx. Ano.l. ilark t Th.::. , tr. lAlron Immg. 11 t 11 11rl'utrh..on, 50“ le, haw., J .5 a l:4: 100 Id .0. hull. mr.4 . ..7,0 1.1,1.. 1 kt WA. DI: lIDAA, CINCIVNATI—I'LI 111,1,1 tirArt.-.-1 I.s and 11411.. r llnr. 14 1.1 rharr.l: Yount: 2 bm. 1 trwal... 11rAsdro A CAA...-. 4 It. gptg: 1 do etat...l. HAvorth A Cairn, 6,10,J L Tau At. 11 1.11. AtkrArll 1.1., 4 (ranks 1 l.x, 1. 1AA.,11 L 14t to 1.1. Illung. I: Mu. A 111r.k4 glumthlerg. I pkg 1.111, J 601,1 it (Arr. 1 1. NAO., H One,* DA,' , 4 trg bro. k Altouldo'rg.. I DI. Mr- FLIAA A l'uvalec 10 1 , 1. - 2 Itquor. J lardha 'I Imo ettAt'Agg. U I.rcl, t 44r. 4 II Oratl t 124, I 0,1 Imtng. IA McCully: 2 PJur Llrk wt., 15 pt. rA.Art... W Itlnchttn C T . t 1 lOWA 1 1.1 1,1.1 Nunn. Kir, Jon., 4 !Ads app... 11111er A lirm 4 Mag.:lag rot, .1 Black.: 4 14,111 t et, II !shag Dater, Fulgylll t 11tIrr. 1.1115111.1.13--Prt Plat —l4 hl. tart k giant. Baker ibnitb AI big rvlbu, DI. Pennock A CJA 3A okx Rt.thArA, Niourt A CA, 0.5 nk• An, U I4.rh t Co, 14 lalAlgtolarrn .1 11 Tolloo AR AAA Innzlatr.. WAIt II Pollllpc 74 In, mks pork. 1 le ham.. Dell A. I.lvArts. 21 1 bag D £l4l IA bump th t I'n L. till Jo. J /mint WELLSVII.LE-I,A runrutnr..—A rI,, harno..l ”bn Yt otl.l4plte:.: „ l n lslart . butr i. J , 11 . .rtglI . 14 . gks Artl , 1,17a7 DA of corn, I:A rt.:/r ornArt % algard, 13., potatlAA, Dirt", A 01. WITEELINII—Pra J. NI[L , 4/1-1 1.h,l tol.areo. E sella.n, a bbl 4a, I. I....evit A C.r. I pkp money Knauer A Halm.. 4 WA. nal, 6 P ffbrivrr. I 1,.. t,rrner, 7 kg. 6 lad , hull. Holm. & Pm. BIM&11.:14114T.- Pax Caron-7 II I. I , ,,karro, IVO 44,1, flour, It Da11,41 AG, 7 AM. wino., It At Pa Iz, Pb!. flour, II Graff .4 04 Mt., Anti.... NI 11 lirnwo, .27 nk. J I. Sher, 64 WA. dour I. I+ Waterman & hart.o. W Dunham: P 2 1.1,11. flour, 3 en, Anas.m. liter A .I.,per; ?autoFNom& A C, lot natl., S AN, Moor. A &will-lei CINCINNATI-11m KIT .TIFFT-19 bbl. hung. I% .....d... 114 ran.. ti.l.act, D Lret, a I, so raka bandy. Nut a Jon., 10 1.11.1,0bw.r0. Clark. a Thaw; 37 tr. ham, I boa.. md, IA Abb. oil. 3 do ham.. 3trladrn 4 C,vc.le, 4,4 tr. bun..' , hhtla bayou. 11 bbla dned Lett. a do baixo t Seller , a Nicol, Id haa alarrh.. l 11,0 uIT. II do .1 A Ilutchb•ou A ex. 3 b•.1,014r. A II 17n,t11.11. I or e lliquor. V Fchl, DI hx• , IgarP. Y. lkoselbou. 4 cip LAWN kelt Yornyth. 1111111 , 11WORT—Pst 11'4u.arixt.r-4 rrlia bwc0n...1.13 Id& flour, li blab. (data, , IV Itito.rhaur, 11 hhas do, II Leech A 0, II h, letrh.r. 01 11 Brown: 10 rdt. boron Bell A !Agar.; 140 ..t., port, Copt D Vouny: 7:IV MARTINSVII.I.N—Pnt INtof N. 2-37 Ithdo lob. 17, ok.. 61011,.. 2:.0 Id& flour, 11 lord, & 1.7., 3 (ltd. tot., II Drat, a 110.. h .In. A Roe: 3 bid., A Ri...., g ky, . L. lint. lo A, drunl apple.. 1 la her, wax, II kg. lard. i r It ra,. Wlrtt 4 MrtNn11...... 62 11, rhtp I.uffx., M1. ,01 1 A morn.on: 01 (ea wheat: Ido ram. 10 do • potatnr, do , , 2 In, Immo.. A liro. , lanl. lloore: I bx beou, 2 , krt.. 033 , , 2o 1.., 0b.... I do bean", 2 ka , lanl; .1 New an: =3 bl.l. who'd, 2 4,1 w.rapl.l Ir.h..r. E f 1.111: ‘14,4-3 11. dram, R E hemp. LlP,aarntl We 60 In. 1 Ail tonkm. II naafi& en: M. p 1.,. 1,65.. I hhl l bf 16.11 A Lioart6 Dm, 11161 10.1,.. 1, 0515: 6Or 15 mlis bawl plfa, J lb thr a K.,. 6 Id. 4,.,,611., :INN,nott, & C.,. 24 skr. awl I' ark ♦ Thaa, N 614. lard 611. 75 ra,a ;;,. i s banat, h It 56 1,61 N .1.111,15 , Ina hats, taller 4 A NI ulf 1. 61,1,1 • 61.1.,.y ..1 Nada., 1 do 11 61. r a 12,6 IA 1.1 V a V It 11.4,6 161•145,6—;4 hv. ',melo, 6 tl In,. 0 10 11161 r 1, era ..10, linker & v 11.:,: II hhda 1 1,4 16.141 flapk l'hawll.ll r 144 wheal. 411 I. N 61.1, 4 ,516, kinn, Innl. 1 55 feather, K e ,11,56, 4 lk • ray.. 1 41, 6.51615, 156.46 A Kletpstrie • rolls Iralber, II Urall A I'6 15 11161• Loran. 1V Moab WELISVILLK-1,6 Itaviataa-1 1,.561..e. Roberr . ti a 114 , 6541 1 .11 01 61,1 Iron. Ball 1441116 u, J In, 5 dried a6..b., 3 ha.. 1 611 "01. 10 Md. 6,..r, 0 11 . r. ataard, In 6.116,1 KW. Jarl, & Nlnta. 011.1 lin.. IMO, • - - Temperanceville and Noblestown Plank Road Company. rc () id i 4 hereby given to the Stockhold ., id Comp.,. that they make payment to no n k eann.nt,Tnwotn.r , wild Company - , of V.,.. Donnt, on endh , hare tho 4., on trdho last Mond. - w nd eser, month until the whole gawk. In aid ll'fi,`."ll;4; - !I. It. IhIOWN , frnwrnl. 1 , 0Is. , ;:l n ":1 PATENT S TAR INII CH Itao.ri.,. Col Inr, Shirt Mann*. and an kindwof ins prni..taw no. Iron Inkut alluring In the Iduco, and dust fnan wicking , . it ...RIM, nothing injurious to riodan In wn, req.- , Th. nwo. nun xi... hilt the necramitv of ouch an rattr and intheir ekne , nninw •in Nl rennlalirewl. no competition I. fewn.,l at, on tmlawnal --(nes 11. k,. will ths thirty dozen of clothe, and no Nunn- Arnold br without R. prnw ,vutw tar Cake. Enrhenke with Nu direction, For ruchZ IL E. SELLERS, 67 Wm.! et. `CAP-114 boxem No. 1 reed. for sale by 0 tnhln N. AW. II ARRAIII.I - - A 1 REEN APPLES-20 bbl. rre'd, for wain W W by' onliloNxt 11' II ARIL:WOW • `SUND - ErveRIES 5 hhl• —, h 11011 Ruin, 10 lam do. do 11k Mg, Linwood OIL 131 bib Pearl Awl,. GO ham Extra Cnown 1:01 doe Corn lima.. 200 Into !hind Apples. :WI Ws lined Ct.nchca, for wale by mrhl9 J. B. CANFIELD. Fro HOUSE-KEEPERS—Ordersfor Paper 1 =ens tem Lo r . 1 1 . 1. the Well Paper . ai1e..41.t. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE teorrvapouchque.. of Ow 1..11,- Plt , hurgli 421,11, 1 W.IIINOTO9, April t!nd, 1841. The Secretary of State him vac to Marshfield by way of Harrisburgh. Ile will probably be absent a considerable lime from Washington, and during his absence the duties of the IMpartment will be discharged by Mr. Derrick,i-the chief clerk. Omcs Hrsnavmx UAssm April 7, Itga. Judge Hall, Postmaster General, returned thi., morning after a few days' alhienee at the mink. In the event of Gen. Scott's receiving the Whig nomination fur theTrettitlency, it t+ the general impression that Mr. Crittenden, Attorney General, will be second un the ticket. Nothwitindauding the decision of the Attorney General that the law deer not require the Secre tary of the Navy to advertise for proposals for building the California Floating Dry_Dock, it it understood that the latter officer, after examin ing the proposals of Messrs. (akin h Co., paten tees of the plan adopted by Cont,rress, ban der' led to throw the contract open to competition, and to advertise for proposals according to the letter, hut obviously In defiance to the spirit of the law. Some unfavorable comment Etas been ore vino ed by the discovery that lion, Edward Curtis, former collector of New York, and Charles W. March, Esq., author of the popular sketch of Mr. Webster's biography, are very largely inter ested in the contracts for renting warehouses to the Government In New York. It is a sufficient answer to all surmises upon those circumstances that all the existing contracts for renting these storm were made by Mr. Walker, in ISM This removes any ground that might otherwise have rattled for supposing that Messrs. Curtis and March had obtained their contracts through par tiality. Yet the enormous expenses of (be ware housing in New York, is a most formidable ar gument for a revision of the system. and partic ularly of the o 'gins] bargains for renting build ings between? 'r. Walker and his outside friends five years ago The rutunble and eagerly expected report of Mr. Owen, :mil those of Messrs. Whitney nod Foster, on the Mineral region of Like Superior, will be posten ed and distributed urcording to the orders of th Senate, tinder the direction of the Commis•innrr next. I node researches of istence of rich perfectly /roes' those of Calif° mire to be mot . of the faithful ' starred contra been carried o. by Merrrs. Whi interesting an to be printed I lane, to the n yet been deli• cops Intl liver the end of the ready for the or Philadelphia little more th• execute it pro. tract Rperiifir4 that it whining justice tb,t price for tb =Ell so impudently uvokisl, bring upon the retiring veter. II," who Flies of his 4ervirrs i purity still immeence, the penulties of n JiJin- Tieut cntraciar, and would iithhohl from him every cent .of compromatiou for work delayed as Om, hnn Lltelk. I=l Amendments folded ton number iif House LdU * . reupied the Senifir. Ohm, -t the entire rportati7. They are offered tIII , I pakll in the Hon,. so rapidly. flint it is almost untiossitile tit knot, what their tirivei, eLjrn nd they are row( mild voted uponso sominarily in the that it is eiinally difficult to tell ohnt lottitlatton actually proposed and nook. rah, these eiri cumstances, it in a work little loss tedious than unravelling a difficult riddle. to divine what is or in not done. The topic of conversation ey cry where today, is the speech of Mr. Webster. listened to last night, by 11 large and delighted audience. It Ra_s tut admirable production, full of elegant thottylits, startling and beautiful imagery. mid high toned patriotism. No one can stand in his tdvsence— see that massive forehead and highly exptessi countenance, without not only knowing but toy, that he in in the presence of II roan of extra ordinary ability. The welcoming speech of Gov. Johnston was a Model of purity. chasteness, and propriety. The inserter is always fortunate in his addresses. Ile uniformly lilt. the happy wean between tame ness and extravagance. The Appropriation Bill still drags its slow length along. Discussion follows vection after section, anti the time is soon spent. The West ern Reservoir contrary to my expectation.hos got through the House safely. The warm apposition of several members cooled since Monday last, and it passed by n majority of twenty. Never theless, Were are many who doubt the expe dience of the appropriation under present cir cumstances, and, when the passage of the sc: tion to it stood, will throw the work into the hands of contractors, at the price of eleven years ago. . . The following iv the vote: Veao--Meevrs. Armstrong. Benedict. Bigelow, Bigham, Blair, Bonham, Brindle, Camsuly, Demers, Downer, Dungan, Dunn, Evans, (Ilerks,) Feather. Freeman, Goodman, Gossier, Griffin, Guffey. Hague, Hamilton, Hart, Hemp hill, Haplet, Laughlin. Leech, Bret, Linton, Nl'Cline, M'Kean, :Wiley. 1.14, Morrie Mowry. (Wyoming) Iffwine, Packer, Penniman Reckhow, Rehl, Rhey, Rhoads, Riddle. Robert. Rosa, Simpson. Skinner, Slifer, Smith, Sander, Steward, Struthers, Walker, Cessna, Speaker. Nays—Bent, lffaine, nOlfell. Broomall .lley, E. Brown, Cooper, Dobbins, Dorian, F.vans, (le Fegely, FUR, Oahe, Haldeman. Henry Ilimserker, Killinger, Leery, Lilly, :Maclay. 31' donkey, SlTurdy, 3FLean, Monroe, Mowry (Somerset) l'atteu, Reidsnyder. Scofield, Seoul ler, Shaeffer, Shugert, Shull, Thomas, Trone Van Horne. Ise., r 01; Nays, 3.1. The bill to re-anuex Montour county to Co lumbin, was not reached to day. Tho indica tions are decidedly in opposition to its passage. .3t this, all good men, who haven regard to their duties a, citizens and leohdat ors, bar, mown to rejoice. The Free Banking Bil! it n v., It ,riey, come or. I can see no further encouragement, cowardly opponents think they have necompli.h. ed all that their fear of responsibility Will al low, when they slave otf its consideration, and prevent any action upon it. Itt: ter;•\l' thir city wears but a dreary aspect o. day: it bus been ruining ever since ilaylight, the streets are empty of people, tat full of water luta mud. Last evening the State Historical Society, held their monthly meeting, when Major Richardson, of 11. It. M. A., read a paper on Teetunnoli. The Society have selected a site for their proposed new library building, in Lafayette place between Axtur place and Fourth street, an 1 the work is NOVII to be euMule:wed. Lturieg, the moults of March jumt c1u,441 there rtrrived at this pert 16,0:el alien ple,enger. tttel citizens; of the aliens 12,6:13 were Irish: Ir, Germans: and 1,7:16; English. This is lin in crease of 17,010 over the arrival of emigrants during the same month last year. The Steamship Arctic. Capt. Luce, of Collins Line, sailed from this port at noon today carry ing out a heavy freight 120 paasengertratid $250. 000 in specie. Among the passengers were, lion. S. C. Goodrich, the newly appointed Con sul at Paris, re" M. Walsh, and his family; lion. Chas 11. Haddock Charge d'Alfaires to Portugal, lion. Geo. Wright, M. C. from California, a num ' her of eminent clergyman, two of whom lire bearers of despatches to foreign courts, and several merchants, inventors, aid others whop.) out on business connected with the World's Fair. . . The Whig General Committees completed their organization, separate, and joint, on Tuesday evening and are now about to invoke the aid of the Common Council of the city, and the Gener al Committee of the Democratic party to assist them fa reforming the abuses of the city primary elections, which have of late become glaringly ap- 'BON WASHINGTON I the Land Office. ',hoot Atigu4t i stand that the biter siirveyv hese gentlemen ileeelope the el i and reaourees in that high, but 'ihle northern region, which rival in, rind it now le, hrilliant pro permanent. It is another proof manner in a certain t'' for the public printing has , fi t, ton. a report on this =abject, key nrol Foster, containing very important information, oidered ly the notoe on the Ittth , Nitty, miter of 10,0 . 0 copier, has not Ired to the :hernia.r•. Not este en hy any mender. and an ni •ar we hear that A few are rider. To do work in \ell York me year. after it is re.Ptired. nne half that it wonl.l r o , t In p!ly in IV,liington, th, It i np,.n ,Itch (v++ ft,, they, od beggarly ttppeal bo, Itrets Itrol vomie to l'onerot, for ..4ttoor to 'Ay. for three tulles tto• kir nting, and !I, Much 3' th PROM HARRISBURIIH rc, April 2, IN= Nrw April 4: ! parent. There is no doubt that theentlewors of the Whig leaders will he earnestly seco.ded by the authorities. The'excitement about the Dull affair at Alba ny is as great as ever in the city, and it is said the committee of investigation reported to day I in the Senate, dismissing Bull; and censored the three senators Robinson, Johnson, and Store. The scorch of this outbreak has recently leaked out, and I think it nerd do no halm to give it to you. Suydam the complainant of Bull, it is a notorious fact, is an expert Ila hmant and gamh . ler, and has also been for some timwin the dear confidence of the well known prostitute Kato Hastings, and is partly umtociated with her in keeping the housii ail Leonard street generally known as •.the Palace. - It is saitithat Suydam is greatly attached to this woman, but however that may be, when the Legislntnre were down here on their recent trip last week, Bull Went . i with tome of the lion. members to the palace, where they sole "entertained" until next day: Kate taling particular charge of Bull! The re , Milt was that in a fit of jetiltily,Stlydant swore revenge, hence the exposure. The Hutchinson Family are now giving con . rert here, tool milking themselves risticolorts in the eyes of their friends. The Six Ilrothers it ter•merse their songs with remarks on tin' politico, trade, rause of inmantly itc., they are poorly attended. The illeghenians are also performing. here to large house, Signs of Spring are multiplying here. Foil, yesterday dined on green pens and atmwherries. bronglit from Savannah, however, by the Nlearaer Alabama: 111 trees are be, to had :..;tad and salmon are served up at . all the eating hotises : and it is said that a seal was seen in the East river, yesterday. The neelc.nbitem held a grand celebration at the Tahernaele, Ingt week, Jame. White, I'. C. it , pre ,,i,il n „ A number of achire,reo were made. on the ocenFion. 4 44 Anat.! er ebthbing ease came off, hint night, in the Fir • l'Ant4, where two •‘ colored gernmen " engaged i 'a rough and tumble, and one of them ruing he W. likely to he worsted, seized a Innen, knife and stabbed the other in the hen-I and shoulder. The wounded 111111 wan taken tn the ho , pital, tire "rounder to the tombs. M r . Jacob CiOl.P, the man who way shot nn Suntlar night, at his residence in tilst street, iq beyond hope or recovery. iii' physician, have given him op. The prize fight that was to come or between Torn flyer noel tiomiervon has fallen thrnngh. flyer worth! not tight for le, than i.OOO .n side. nod Gunderson rotrld only -how $2,500. . flyer has yet to settle, however, 'with Sec,. a %Vll hamstutech bully. who hos taken up the enont lett, nod raysilint if Iforeferron won't fightfkrer. be will. flyer, however, his taken nu notice of the threat as yet .1 portion or the flielennitiver Pei!reed, about ::041 het in leneth, below to len's Dock. opposite IV,I Point, o n ok yrsterdny,into the river. nit , i. the ' , wend tinw thin neeidont has occurred et the .ntee rt,ce If :MARY SCHWEIDLER THE AMBER WITCH. IS= NlP:mutt:le I finished my ::groont in wirutio. c1:--' which ms laslgh;e-r transcril..l (seeing.) that her hAndwriting IV.P. fairer 'lino mine, oil dl.geml, le:treed so that she might lot) it t•• Mojedj 1 Ler clothes were gotten ready nodlow purely: arul g. Monday went op to the Streeklelowg, although the Leal A A, such that the cows gAspedthe h e d ge s she wanted to gather dowers fo on r a garland sbc designed to wear. and which wan also to hr Mora and yellow. 'lon - Ards evening she came home with her apron filled with all manner of flow er,: hot her hair quite wet, and him,: all m ittol also. her sho was ulder, IMy 11.1, my (hod, c,erythilig to come together to destroy me, wremile4 nom" that I atoll 1 naked, therefore. whet, .-he had town that hr hair wtax so wet tttol matted: whereupon she answered that stir had gnat. rd gowers round the t olpin, ansi Iron, then, she had gone down to the sea-':Lore. Alter, du: 11.1 lathed iu the sea, seeing g. it Wel, eery hot 1011.1 no one could see her. Thu,, said do:, jesting, shy should appear before Majesty to-morrow doubly a clean maid. Thin displease,) toe at the time, and 1 looked grave. Although I...aid naught. Neat morning at six u'aock roll the people were already at the Giant's Stone, men, women, rod children. everybody that watt able Ito walk woo there. At eight o'clock my dough ! ter was already dressed in all her Isrovet7, IY 'We silken gown, with a yellow apron and kombief. and a yellow hair .t, with a garland of blue. nol yellow flowers round her head. It not long velure ray young Ion! arrived, fine ly dresocd, as become a nobleman. Ile wanted to impure, at he said, by which rood 1 should go op to the Stone with my ilaughter, seeing that his father. lions von Nienkerken. arm Wit tido Appehrem, and the Lepels of linilne, were also going, and that there was muds people nil the high rends, as though a Mir waft being held, Um I sta.:lie:6mq pereriveol that all he KA.111,1 I,Lo to see soy daughter, inavuouch as he preenitly occupied himself stout her, and began chattering with her in the Latin apin. Ile 113.10 her repeat to him the rarforn to t Mt Ma jesty: whereupon lie. in the person 'of the king, answered her •./to 'ratwaia r,thrn. •11, eo rolors;nim colt, ter anyrlat Dornint oirsom ..cittprriarcum can, nunqnnen Injin , 4•11 r nobwr:" whereupon the grew red, as like wive did I. but from vexation. as may be easily gviesaed. I therefore begged taht his to ship would but go forward toward the Stone, seeing that my daughter hod yet to help me on with toy surplice: whereupon, however, ha answered that he would wait for us Ste while in the cham ber. and that we might then go together. Soweto I blessed myself from this young lord; but what could Ido 7 As he would not go, I was forced to wink at it all; and before long we went up to the Stone. where I straightway chose three Runty fellows from the crowd, and sent thorn up the steeple that they might begin to ring the hells no soon as they should see MC get up tenon the Stone and wove my 6 noplein. This they promised to du, andstraightway departed; where upon I not down on the Stone with toy daughter thinking that the young lord would surely stand apart or became his dignity; albeit he did not, but tat down with us on the Stone. And we three sat them ell alone, and all the folk looked at or. 101 l none drew near to see my. child's fine clothes, not even the young lasses, as is their wont to do; but this I did not observe till rarer ward., when I heard how matters stood with us corn then. Towards nine o'clock, Ilans - lvon Nienkorken called to hi, ton in ass :sum voice; tool seeing that the young lord heard him not, he rode up to the Stone, nod cried out so loud that all the foiks might hear, "Can'sit thou .not heat-lien, hay, when thy father calls thee r Wliereupon Itooliger followed him M much,it plea-ure, owl we sow from to distance how the old lord teemed to threateh his son; trod spat our before him, but knew not what this might signify: we were to learn it moon enough. though nnine's the pity. Soon after the two Lepel,. of Giiitre 4 twine from the bamennv.. and the nobleman solute,' one other to the greensword dose beside us,. hot without looking on us. And I beard the Lepels soy that nought could yet he seen of his ..,Irkjesty. but. then the coast-guonl fleet around 'Roden woe in motion. and that assent !noshed . ships were —tiling !hi , way. As soon this ore , wn , known, all the folk ran to die:,c.tirre is but a -top from the Storms:and, th e hohlemen role thither ton. all sure IVittiolt„ who had dismounted, and who, when he caw that I , ent old l'onsolt hit. boy up into a tall oak-tree to look out for the king, straightway landed himself :timid my daughter again, wino now Fat all clime upon the Stone: ••IYhy hod she not taken his I.llod:saw"' owl whether she would not change her mind on the tuna, and hare him now, or else come into service with hint ;the Sheriff' himself' for that if she woold not he believed she might tat Imrry for 'UMW day." Whereupon she :maimed hint Ins the tUlit that lintm woo unit ann. tiling the was sorry for, namely. that his lordship would take so much ostler. , pain, upon hid, whereupon she nose with ill haste owl came to where I ctood under the tree. looking after the Intl. who was climbing up it. Bid our old Ilse said that he aware no great cm,• when my daughter turned her hack Upon him, and went straightway- into the elder-move dose by the high road, where stood tine old Witch Lirsie Meanwhile I wont with my 'daughter to this tea-share Owl fountlit quite true tint the whole fleet VMS tailing over front Roden and Ole to ward" Wallin. and several shires passed on. elote before 131 i that we ensild see the tiddlers thendine upon them and the dashing of their amt. iron, we Mani the horses neigh and the soldiery laugh. On one ship, inn, they Were drumming. and on another cattle lowed rind sheep bleated. Whilst we yet gated we raw smoke come out frdm one of the ships, followed by a great E mits% and pre sently we were aware of the hall hounding over .the water, whirls foamed stud splashed on either side and coming straight towards us. Hereupon the crowd rut away on-every title with loud crier, 'and we plainly bourd the soldiery in the ships laugh thereat. Bat the hall Newsnp And struck into the midst of an oak herd by l'astsch his hay, so that nearly two cart-loads of boughs fell to the earth With a great crash, anidcovered all th .A .0 lake war the r2e.a. la yelllo/015 m UHNiOI9. VOLUME LXIV-NUMBER 209 road by which his Majesty wall to come. Here : upon the boy could stop nu longerin the tree bow ever touch 1 exhorted him thereto, but cried out ; to no as he cam, down that n greet troop of sol dier., was marching out of the forest by the Dame : row, and that likely enough the king was among them. Hereupon tint` Sheriff ordered the. rout to Lc cleared forthwith, and thin WWI some time az doing, ceing Ulla the thick boughs were stunk foot in trees an Around, the nobles, as soot. as all was mode ready, would hate ridden to meet his Majesty butistayed still on the little green ! s ward, :c.eCalMe vi'e already head the noise of horses, carriage‘ and voices close to its in the fore t. it was not long before the .cannons broke through the brushwood with three guider seated upon them. And seeing that one of them was known to me (it was Stoacr liraothnhn,of Poen.. yuletide), I drew near and begged tarn that he would tell me wite4l the king should come. But he answerel that Ate 1V41.4 going foncard with the cannon to Cosiirow, and that I was only to watch for a tall dark man. with chit and feather lint' a gold chain round his neck, for that was the king, and that he rode next after One great standard whereon woo a yellow lion. Wherefore I narrowly watched the pmcession ns it wound out of the force[. And next aftm• the artillery came the Finnish and Lapland bowmen; who went clothed all in furs, although it was noz the height of summer, whereat 1 greatly wondered. .Ifter three here came Inch people. but I know not what they were. Pre sently I copied over the hazel-tree which stood in toy way so that I could not see everything as soon as it came forth outhof the coppice,. the great flag with the lion on it, and, heltind that the head of a very dark man with a golden chain round his neck, wereupon straightway I judged this must be the king I therefore waved my napkin towards the steeple, wereupcn •the bells forthwith rang out, and while the dark eton rode nearer to tn., I pulled MT toy scull-cap, fell upon my knees, and fed the Ambrosias hymn of praise, .d all the people plucked their hats from their heads and knelt 'town on the ground all aronntl singing, Idler me: men. woman, and e . .hildron., sane only the nohleig, who stoat still on the greensward, and did not take otT their hats and behave with attention until they Raw that lit, „Majesty drew in his horse. (ft was a coal black charger, and stopped with its two fore-feet right anon my field, which I took as a sign of good fortune,. When we had finished, the sheriff quickly got. off his horse and would have approached the king with his there guides who followed after him; ifrM, I had takeniny child by the hand and would also have dr.twn,near to the king. Howbeit, his Majesty motioned away theSherni and beckoned to to approach, whereupon I wished his Majesty joy in the Latin tongue. and 'extolled his mag nanimous heart, seeing that he had deigned to' German ground for the protection land aidl•• of poor persecuted Christendom; and praised if as a rigs front God that ruck had happened on this the highest festival of our poor church, and I prat',..l his Majlisty graciously to receive what my tflachter desired to present to hint; where upon i ri s Majesty lobked on her and amited pleasintl. Such gracious bearing Mode her bold again, albeit, she trembled visibly just be fore, and she reached him a blue and yellow wreath whereupon lay the carmen. saying, AM:Fe, ' ha, viler, core:nano rl for, whereupon She began to recite the Meanwhile his Majesty grew more and more gracious. looking now her and now on the, ..-trua, and nodded with especial kin•lnc, ten ands the end, which was as follows: MM , ====l • 111N-ra rrgua men: Tone mob ,0•,•• til.i zarneina mote, 'rum. iuo. res. i..l.rtaA tarta eno.¢l. I AllO/1 , ” e•t.t ed. futura brril I ri• tor,oe optit.• A o soon :IR She held her pare. his Alajesty said: Pr..pim ore rel.:, of to creirto, ; nhere upon ,ha drew w•.++ to his hone bliu•hing deeply. thou; ht he w+uhl only hate kis +eil her fore head.+, potentate+ commonly teed Jo, hut n o t at .+H ki;sed her hp: with a loud smack. and the long feather; on his hat drooped over her nerk. so that I tow: quite afraid f.'r her again. Hut he ...on rai,ed up his head. and halting off his gut.' chain, n hereon ilututled his'otrn elligy, he hung it round my child'a neek with there words: //on,s, rob-Araltelmt ei faroge Deo redur fuer° rider, pr.0.,1111.1. n 1111.73 .1 pritterea .Itto we'd° eJereet... . . Hereupon the Sheriff, with his three men, again mane forward and I.owed down to the ground before hi, Majesty. Foe as he knew no Latin. den,. no Italian n 4 French, I land to net ns • preter. For lain Majesty inquired how farit wee to Swine, and whether there was still touch for eign soldiery there And the Sheriff thought there were still about 2110 Front s i n th e. „ any. Whereupon bin .Injesty spurred on his horse, and, nodding graciously, cried , " l'alete!" and now eame the re,t at the 'troops, about 8000 strong, rut of the coppice, which likewise had a valiant bearing, and attempted no fooleries, ne troops are wont to du, when they passed by ay' .and the women. hut marched un in honest quiets and we followed the train until the threat beyond eoserow, where we commended it to the care of the .Xlmighty, anal every one•went on his way home. [1" nr. covrtnrtt•. iThott vlfhlt 11::11:11 chnoito r 111.. fit, lbr innnai kintatoun...l alp Wise land' 'llion Ash to, ton:: will, Itiffirrninionen flow. Botwlint: tht. tint. ~ 1 1hn hone, bawl! noon, not. m.-towline. lhoitle lint, If fling . . •i•bi fel tur.• vntl•-•• prodro•rnitA • r, [v. thre well' 2,,TARE TING A MAN WHO ADVERTISED FOB A WIVE The Watchman of the :Ath Martilt, puhlioLel at lAreenport. on the 13ast end of tong I,lland, gives the following history of a hasty marriage, oera.ionerl by advertising for a wife in the news paper, -.ln affair, somewhat novel and exciting, took place in the village of entenogue, a few dip since. It appears that Joseph Baker, of that place, andlate of 17reeoport, went to New York a few weeks ngo for the purpose of obtaining a wife. Hie first move was to publish a notice in - the New York Sun, stating that a young widow er• about 25 years of age, having ono chilli and a fans at a :short distance in the countn•, wish es! to enter a second tine into the matrimonial -state, with some respectable lady of shout his own age. . • This notice attracted the attention of a young girl in the city. aged some lb-or Ii) years, by the name of Elsie Craig. who soon responded to Joseph's notice. This was followed by nit in terview between the parties. According to the account which the girl - gave at Cutchogue, Mr. Ilaker represented hiume:f to her to he a gentleman of character and retpecta- • !dray in the community where he lived: that he hod n volimble farm down on Long Island. witty a good house, pleasantly situated, and all the necessary improements and appurtenances: that he kept cow:: and other stock, together with a • horse, earriag.!.&c. After a negotiation of o number of days a ma- trimonial engagement was entered into, which was finally eutemnumated in Into form, by a cler gyman of :he city, on t 4 aturday morning hot,— After 'tho marriage Ceremony was solemnised the parties accompanied the mother of the bride, imfitediately left the city and teak the accontmo lotion train to visit the splendid establishment of Mr. Joseph Raker, at eutchogne, on Long Is land, with high lopes, and pleasing anticipations,, no doubt. flu arrivire , , at Mr. Baker's handsome country re,idence, behold it was not there! Nothing hot p ',lvity. vitnateit in a Eoneeonio, out of nay plate. with every indicationof indMence nod poverty. instead - of a neat, comfortable dwelling. presented it,elf turbo astonished stran gere. The poor girl and her mother, after tak ing a fair view of the premises, and di , covering the imposition, and the manner in which the daughter had Imeo 'duped, overwhelmed with disappointment, mortitic;ition, awl divin.t, at once decided to return to the city. They found o friendly Owner nt the honor of Mr. at no great distance. and after makirig proper inquire!, respecting the elennc ter:habit and eiremortancea of the mild Joaeph Baker, no they were untlernhard in that commu nity, tney declared that the marriage was brought allied by fal>e pretences.nii,cpre.ontations, arid hypocriry. .1 lawyer and a jartice were snot called in, 6, untie the Matrimonial knot which hnd no recently, and rn impnnlenOr . nod f ‘tt il... st,ty on the p art of the gist. teen funned by the leaden. Wrinnb , were duly , F retted by which the young lady reliwpii.hed all claim and right of dower to any property which the raid Jos e ph taker might hare, with a consent on bin port that tine marriage contract, to nil intents and might iw ilissolteil. The mother and dough!, took the Car, on Monday, and returned In the city. rite understand that MIRA Craig, now 31rn. Baker, is nn itlu_.trionn respectable girl—a tai- New York., and or respectable connec tionn: null that Ilio matrimonial alliance between herself and linker wan with the advice and con went of her mother, who it ,ectus gave too Much credit to fair protestation without proper proof. The girl, we apprehend, has learned that answer ing an advertisement of that description is, sil ly and somewhat dangerous practice. I:o , NlrAltr QUESTION.—The commissioners, of Rhode Mood and hlncsachosetts have been tins-' ble to agree as to their boundary, now nearly two hundred years in dispute. ThoGorenkor 9f i'llassachnsetts, in communicating thia ,19et . the Legislature, rays: 44 shouhrittere b e ao'Te Intim: upon the subject during thepriaelat.aelt ' Sift, he shall consider it his duty to• istetttiljk'' such proceetras may lead to a jidielal 3'g9j404.`