ITTSBURsfI GAZETTE /SAILELLA OF CASTILE. Isabella, the Catholic, has been an his- torieal favorite. She haE had the good for tune to be de_•cribed by the-e who have been almost blind to her defect,i, while they have exaggerated her virtue:. The follow ing hi the mo.:t just e estimato of her charac ter. that we recollect anywhere to have seen. It It from the late Nr n r k of Miss Anita George: o Isabel, though not gifted with the ge nius that creaks circumstances, was endow ed with the good sense that perceives and takes advantages of them. Though unfor tunately tinctured with a superstitious and fanatical zeal, excessive even fur that age; though her firmness frequently degenerated into obstinacy, and' her care for the inter ests of the people too often assumed the aspect of a selfish jealousy of her own an thoriiy, and of an excessive love of power; yet, on the other Laud, she possessed quali- ; this that eminently limed her for the emer ,,eneies of -those times. Born at such a ; ; istanae from the throne ,is, while it pre eluded her from being expoaed ru the evil ; efffints ; f the adulation attributed to its tut- mediate - heir, still allowed her to indulge , the Lope of one day occupying it; the rough school of adversity hal early devel-; oped her natural abilities; while the pecu liar situation in which she ilaut placed con tributed sweeten a temper natuiadlv neither irritable nor viol. ut. She fund that prudence, patience and mildness would ; advance her ;fortunes, while a euid, ungra cionS demeanor, and frowning brow, and harsh words, might ruin them ; and learnt to subdue every outward dent.oistration of temper'so long as it would have beep un safe to indulge it. Though, at the time of her marriage, a , mere girl in years, she had passed through a variety of fortunes, that had imparted w her youthful mind the experience ;,f mature , age. Quick of observation, she detected the weak points of those she wished to gain to her side., and neglected none of those arts ; of condescension so charming to those of superior rank, but panticularlj calculated in; a female sovereign to win the hearts id' her subjects Full of energy, promptness and decision, fertile in reAourcus, undaunted by peril. undismayed by def.:tit, pos.sess ed, moreover, the essential talent that sub sequently contributed, itl England, to make of an ordinary woman a great queen. She chose her ministers well; and the credit of those great and successful schemes MIS giv en to the sovereign, while the ;annul of her unpopular acts fell un her counsellors. The fret and consummate political address she displarcl in her &latest with Enrique, and in her marriage contract, prove the docility with which she listened to the judieinus counsels of her friends, the Archbishop of Toledo and the Admiral Don Fadoique; men who, burn amid the tempestuous 'coal motions of civil wars, were well versed in the difficult tactics of faction. That she was not too scrupulous in her adherence to her promises, whet the fulfill ment interfered with her interests, the vio lations of the articles of capitulation of Al meria and Guadir bear Witness. She hum bled the power of the nobles—a :power that had, under the last two monartbs, become ; so formidabl e as to menace royalty itself; out, on the other hand, she ero cnsl one far more dangerous to prince and people. when she sanctioned the InqUisition. Exreilent ' institutions sprang up at liar but at their very foundations were sown the seeds of the destructive principle that Mei to neutralize their beneficial result A slave to her confessor, shy adopted a religious code that seemed to has nemanatcd from the 'councils of the great enemy man; and the cruel fanaticism with which e - e n esa a mart er, the i exile of the unhappy Jews, cannot, efeirat ' this distance of time, be viewed without . horror and disgust. The mistaken zeal that brought a corrupt and bior s h ; i a Med religion to influence every act, and preside in every department, gave birth , to a system that has unfortunately been maintained ever since, and been productive of the worst results. So long as the successors of Isabel were princes of g enius and strong intellect , the evil eflects of the system she had iratralueed were not felt but from the day the seen pants of the Spanish throne lacked firmness `and talent, the gorgeous fabric ' , she had erected tottered to its rotten IThe good site did was apparent, evanescent; while the evil had strong rests, :las: spread far and wide through the rich ;nil, poison ing the once pure atmosphere with its dele terious blossoms for centnrios. Isabel hoe ! been vindidited on the plea that her enthu siasm, while it overleaped the bounds reason, and entailed misery on every sues,, carding generation, was :incurs—a poar• consolation to the outraged, mined, tor- . tined, massacred, and exiled thousands of her own day; and in subsequent ages, its the martyr her intolerant law , bound to the , stake; to the enlightened patriot, who be-'. held his country fast sinking in the scale of mations, and dying of premature old age • to the man of letters, whose genius was clogged, cramped by the fetter, she !ma' forged; to toe peasant whose unfilled fields!' proved his despair of reaping the fruits of, his toil ; to the merchant, the mechanic, whose industry was paralyzed ;—to these crushed millions, what mattered if that the . originator 4f the curse was conscientious in, her infliction of wrong! Yet I.aliel was l, prone to 'Unity, when religious fanaticism' had not extinguished charity. • Diligent and methodical, she was ever striving to 'improve her mini; and 11,11 the' multifarious cares of government, nner her marriage, she labored to supply the deli-: "ciencies of her early education, and in the space of a twelvemonth acquired such a knowledge of Latin as enabled her to read', and speak it correctly. The uneontaruina ted purity of her morals, the exquisite LIP, , de sty of her demeanor, her wdit-regulated. habits of industry, are inestimable qualities, that eminently fitted her to adorn any eta- i. lion; and in the retirement of private life, as a daughter, a wife, and a mother, Isabel was faultless; as a queen, site was respon sible to a nation for all her public nets, and had no tight to bring her own passions to bear On its wellfare Holland Conquered by a Spider. Spiders crawling more abundant!-; and ' conspicuously than-usual upon the in-door walls of our houses foretell the near ap proach of min; but the following sneedote intimates that some of their habits are equally the certain indications of . frost be ing at hand. Quatreiner Disjonval, seeking to beguile the tedium of hiS prison h..urs at Utrecht, had studied attentively the habits .of the.spidr ; and eight years of impri.on menthad given him leisure to be well versed with its ways. In the December .4' 1794, the Freneh army, on whose success his re storation to liberty depended, was in Hol land, and victory seemed certain, if the frost, then of unprecedented severity, con 7 tinned. The Dutch envoys had failed to • negotiate a peace, and Holland was de spairing, when the frost suddenly broke up. The Dutch were now exulting, and the French generals prepared to retreat; but ::the spider foecwarned Disjonval that the -).aw would be of short duration, and he .-:•,.-,:i t .,that the weather monitor never de .r. ixHe contrived to communicate with 73f his countrymen; and its gene .g.thily estimated its character, re .:-......-.4.:Ms assurance, that within a few le ,, rs would be again passable by ' " -;;:;;delayed their retreat; within i 'if.' . : -. ..the frost hod returned—the 4 ==:). - - - 4.'::.:..'', triumphed. Disjonval Was ,:1 , ',;;•;;=a spider had brooght,..down.. • . 4 ' ... "'''' nation. ' '' .., ~, •cm=s . .- ,- ' - I)RYIGOODS &c RECD TIIISi DAY, per F.xprem--- 500 dos. A lexiinders Bent'and Codicil' Kid Ginn, pirms Ch4rieebolna Popliris. • 125 `• Irish Linens. Wv.nHatt,. dn. Cualirics. do. Lawns, tc. A. A. MASON it CO. m , h27 ii2 and ii.l Markm. 0 Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehouse, O. 111 NIARKET STRUT, Rl PAl:lERofftrs!f IC2 . L,ri,„:i61,.",., Stn. and 3;1: eri °WREN, ONNFTS—Fnreiljn and Al:aere plain and em . ,' Stra.. Braid. Chip. ln,nr, Lom, Hair. Pamela I.InErIIALL. 14012 0.i11,,ud 4.!ALTPETRE—:SO bags, crud, for sal.. by 0.110 bV 1 F n BLS COOPER'S WHITE GLUE—For only frldn I .1 F:11.0 k FIIHERmomETI ES—A full a.sortnient for k .al. by 44,10 J KIPP Arn. . _ VEW BOOKS—The history of Pendennis. J. lb. arbor.. aryl rttlafortuann. L.. Vltti ' Ll ' ,?” . • P.OI • 11 .0 r. Thramn ror fb. Pnolyzusla Fly W. M barker, Ntallrrib.. A Yvan la By flan •übbor of tbr 11,41* uf t b.. Pnuortai Fiebl Ikon of IL. Renolutton. It, &Aiwa r . TLY ..!.. , YY b&. b .yturt imrro.i aro for ode by ll C I+ToCKTII'. febr S.. C Marlet. , ux S siißcii-20 box,. f..r .al„ 1•,- 1,.11 %V SI A Ilril.l I:.. >C.. 1- I AEI) AND II A Ms-10 I.lir Lard. i 4 I ,ALL ilAuts, , szt... c.c eteazgo, i.rrl litt. f, ...ale hi x 00 lill fe i bT7i SMP"-tift' - le L. .Ii ItI~ER tt LUE SNIA LTS-1 case for emb, hr° 14 Al. El: 1 ,, ‘ , :ba1.r.i ;,; , :rte. I , p (obi J 11,k1ErI a CAI G S CUSHIONS—J u”: riN•eit....l and ter sale by J .1(1.1.41 NP At.r....t. ILA K . ER'S 111:1113S, all kinds, si fresh I.a turcl. gtml by J RIUD t co QUA A f .M.MciSl A FORTE S—; U , OFFEK--2.4t.t bap Rio (',.U•.• just rec'd N._ and 10 ul. Ar 111.AtURII0:0 k INc•IZA/IA rrA., N” wst, 1 4 1 1{ESII PECANS—Jost re,ei‘ed, A,ulAn.. A.', A. Ai A Ale. IA HO a co, 1 . 1 1 ;N-4 , drums reta.i,sl alai for I ... • ,•• s U A A1.'1.C114: a t-. 1 „ . g VII() ANL. RA 1 LIV)..k STOCK.— ml.l A , AA t•r;! Z mu, StAA - k Lad Ksrban, Brokers. 1 SAlAll otrKEy ,t ('O., A t eatts fo r M.- .+.3".c. IrtAt 4v v.l nnr .nr.rtnr J I 5 halm ihrfa A SII-31 'yasks, for sale. Ito . IV A r ON -1,(1.1"I'(1\ ISAGS-10 dot twilled. fid. Sale s El; M1;4_141,00(1 Pprinetra.. for salehr 14 . 1 I mr111:11.--4 lilt roll. A .In wk.!. 10 1.10 do for .ale by 9. ➢. VON In SNNIIOILST I CO 113 LAIN lILACK SI LK li Iliitearthhh bate received a vett full Pup, IT ef which the, tau at lore,pnres than axe ,rally aulol ht: aheo. hihrk Fittur..l awl line-tle el nett^. a' I lea. her DRIP ti INC; llA'3lS3lurphy , &!!urehti t i:ld , Aoiboe at greatly reduced priors , north met corner .01, Market Forret, , I 0 es lib.Slka-C C to LORIDE LLSl i li...lus u pratts': E..a. lo& , ttg! ,, c . roz cis, • at Idlo ,0,,.. bbl Vl"'" Coe sal. ,hz w pIIVESII FR - ClZ—Peaches and Blackberries pot iip In then own juies. and hermetically ...Jed. ten.L, pi...sere - Ina their original flavor and In.shness. Also Cherries and Plums put tin In the mute manlier .dr Ides Or tarts. On hand end for sale by WM. A. MICLIIIIO k CO lAA 1.:L0 street. _ . 1111) SEEPS—Canary and Ilernp Seeds LIII of Um Luc ',deftly fur Lille by feldl 011. A! IVICLOArI A CO. ELLERS' LIVER PILLS—"CouId not get kjahnig without them... MlConnellaellle. 0. Jai. O. 1061. fit. It. E. Schtexe—Yours on the only Weer Pole that sell ben. I could not gat along without them, and every or that make. nu of them speaks In the highest terms id coinowndation. boors respectfully, .1. (IMEE.S. arelirepared and sold by IL E. 2ELLEIC2, Wood et_ and sold b. druggists generally. 1 . 4 1 IG S AND RAISINS-149 boxes fie: I= do nusins, hood and for sale by DROWN d KIILEPATRICK. feb L ARD 011-15 Ws best refined Winter, j for gab, hy - J. SCHOONMA KEE A CO. Yeb4 , 00 Wor...lntrret. GLA'ZIER'S DIAMONDS—I doz. for Yak by Et. J KIOU A (ii. ARIL-110 kegs and 25 bide, for sale by A G•ble MOWN C KIIIKEATEICE. ASTOIL OlL—u bble Blow's make, for sale lJ by E , 111.1 IMES% MATTHEWS A CO. INVESTMENT-$9,000 in Alleghe k.i or Couuty Couy.•u Howl, tor ynh. by WM. A HILL A Co 11.1114 414 W—.l 0. nhor.. ,I,ls fresh Roll; solid, • • .. Pi Mao do gm) reeelved and .1 , , rate be feby Ll-o a Roe.. f'TUTTu\ TwiNE-250 lbs superior qual mle by J KIDD No. CA) Word etre, AST ILE SOAP—D.I eases for sale by PIMP • .1. KIDD a CO. 1 r 1:101 I LLlON—Trießte, Chent.Se, and V Alperin., for We by 1 , 1•111 J SCIIIIriNNI AII ER a co A EN , II2A FLOWERS—F..r sale by I 1.114 iONIC21(1.11. 2 CO. L.IC6 LEAD— 00 lbs of k s } ap 7L ii i ir i ztali• (ebb) W reel ore, ROCERI ES. 113 hI Isar sheds Toung Homo and Black Tem. Immo do 'do Imp. sod Quo Powder. II) leo, Itumell R Hultimem Po Tobago.. Ie do% p hobineen and kes .le IMlera Totereor 15 qr NOV, Prior sod llarworen. I'. do. le miry Immo James Thempami gr. Unidem Leaf P Lump.. air., mod for aide by 1.1 1. JOHN PARKEP. 2 CO, )LL) RYE WHISKEY. 0 bblo. pure Ilya Whiskey, ',my old and ehril,.° 1. tede 014 MommaiMmla Whlake In Mire mod for . • . mama 40110 P y, ARKER 2 (Xi. L CNIIIZIES-- ij 150 doz. Deforsorn rod, Corn Broomr. luu ruler! srardeh Solo Lrather. ba..lw Window Ulan, assorted Biz.: 300 kV" E• 11.. •• IZ. o lCotrtV l Alm, • getiorzl adsortozut of G.:adios, f isle by ROBLSOS. LITTLE t CO. OHIO . - LEAF TOBACCO-2 hhd. for sale by mehS - WSf. H. JOHNSTON. • . • BOOKS, MUSIC, & c. MISCELLANEOUS YEW MUSIC! • c i oNF: •is TM: CA I-NINES:B : SoiliAztjc.l ' New Music. / Ti t 11 . .-VcD POLK . A DE . tXS- um sw. -- cmj t, w. v. WolLwe. him, I dm% like to rem comic ermg ..-- ''''''''''' C " T . •A nerfortmd by Peat:dein .ine Vf...?....... , .._=.77.1 Can I fora. New EnglataP ; 1... with euehaletomosieh e a ...lam, at the ' Wmited IL liovertil,,. b `Jan r...) .... ~. , ,,,,: , ,, ,noLvti I, W V. Walla., ‘-ma........,,ert..ruw,,,- A 1...... great L anely .4 Isr, entnnewitione by th rum • ",... ^ f be - gone dame by Poo., Annie lairrie. a'ttii . .. , „ Lily or the Lon Child: by 11taelbure ."... ''' the hi'. Minular )11ml, iiikuea by the eastern Elm} Worth; by Wm. sllllard. 11. , Me Mee Polka . "i ' l'h.. "' r " ...1 " 4 ." I "` '''''' ley flatehelor'eLaso..on by the Ilutrhlneona. Ohm Polka J. 11. NIELLOIL Grand Polka de Conoert by W. V. Walla., m.. 1.3 Agent for Chiekerinee Pi.oe. al Waal M. With all the late copular Some., Walt., Cotillion?. 1,11. . . . Marche.. 1 ariation.. Itinulo, kr. A, _ iwoini tu th. IVEIV :qt.:SlC—Wh ere are the frCends of Eastern Citier - X.., Mane enr.rea ere-, owl. IN ~e, Youth: by L., Barker I've Antnetiying F,,,1 4rr I,li VOl3. The ktotarE. , I'm thinking o'er the Day.l.lnry. M v Nor EugLvid limns, a new eong, annealed to the Ladiee of New England. I She I Love la far Away. Oh. meet meon the Silver Shore. O•od Night M v Home a on the Prairie Lea—Woodbury. Lily Rhey. hyS..C. Ilnit`r. b r Bark I've left my nahve 1 age. y .. er. The Spirit No,. . . . . N ''. u h l !I r th r le ' w R Irt I: - b ' k ; r. Gtt g tr, ud Mika. Lee Adieux, by Ilorr. An extensive collection of new Polkas. Walt.; Carla, non, A e. Ale. • new nipple of eNew Cana. Smolt," Cantina Landis...a an eaoellent new work. eallnitlu , •3leloillat.. aillectien of mmular and noels! wog& harmonised and arrang..l by O. 8. Webb and W. Marom—roneidered one of the best work% ever ruhibtherl. IL ELVISH.. (14.14 ()olden ilarp, No. 101 Third at. ryHE HISTORY OF PENDEZ , :NIS, No. 8, I, Wm. M. nark..) and the Queen . . Necklace. or n Sueret Ili.ry of the Court of Louir SLateenth, by A exander brna hare Dos. reed. and f[l7llB at lIOLME'S Literary Depot. No. 74 Third st, fehld k very large and new stork of . cILICKERING'S PIANOS. To arrive thiq wrek. of 6. HS{. and 7 ortavee. carted ar c l varyme In pnce (man $275 to VA.). Abo. two msc tnlir.ent urand ham* (run, Ihr Immo crlebratc...llnangalse. ton. The snore, with a fill and general stock of Musir nun Musical Nlerehondise. riT sale hr JoIIN II MELLOR, SI Wful FL. N. B.—Two Piano Fortes to him Old Bianco taken is part trjeLnew ones. • • -- - NEW EIIETSIC ! NEW MUSIC—. T THE GOLDEN LIARP.—H. KLEarr. rec.:deed fur tale— henna Polka de Concert, performeol Or Ynnuleln rte C0mp0., , ,,1 by Walla,. Wilt thou be none. lot,' A very beautiful new noeul duet.: by S. CS' Fender. .- The Fade to tin Pinter :A urn . 11 11 r ‘. by W.V. The noldier'n M'tfe; byolieo. no, Ned: do. dn. M i Mnn y host thoug Mh`La,s err .th e e: eumpoted for sod nuns by ratharion es. Linty. on my ear la tit:on,, W..dhury. Anon with yam eneu,n. nom: •nd e•trb. It here out the friends of my youth' Como. maiden. come: or Trnocaddlo, weer Heart, Coquette, flridah 1: , 51. New 100: Ladle, Concoue'n Contiro (frtnh supply:l by 1.. Meson Webb-- unquestionable the Inon Isernl Maw or Mr.. publish.' ' nn emit:Kivu nod hupply of 31ustral Instru men.. Plano. Melodeon. Ption he muaie line. r.h . nue . l every thong else in /MIX.FIn. 1.1 melr2L BOOKS! BOOKS! )"1/1.. l'ictorial Field Stook of the Kett,lotion. Cloth. 1 ...... 42 ; Pletorial Fill Book Of the Krrolu. 1 br uuthor Of 1101 ' Ttoo, the Arens°, by the anthorof tho . NVllmlngtone." - Lanee Arnold." - .Mounlant 11x11;' fn The nM.n work..tu..t twebed amt. for tale I. It. C. STOCKTON. Bookseller and Stationer, me 112.1 So. 41 Market etreet. XTEW BOOKS ANO 3IAGAZINES-- .raLnni. Magatlne for 3lareh. will iii PaCk.t Ilortleulturna. for February: 1. Cultivator. ) Whig Reel., In Dl.elplln, a talet,.. , • Akyllart noun. Intim-1.., tale for and daughters: Mother'. Iten.rttp.....k.. by . tlesp, Aguilar. 41f-IbL,pllom or the 'nab, of the human Heart. by Mrs. Ellis, ni., a by ttmeator, by O. P. FL James, Eno: for sale at HOLMES' Likerary.DepA. uppoatte the Po. Of. Poe. febll QI ; LENDII) NEW PIANOS -17,R 11. h L ELI E takes pleasure In an noonung that he hoe toot opened • lot of t i 'hones Hamel of the Jost make o SI,. DL,111.11. New York. whlrh.'wlth [bore on hand. form the most elegant, 'mind, and ealentdve o.ook erer nCered In Ibis city. Among other., one rplrndld 7 octave double eareed Pisan Lout. XIV atyle, with thenet hoprorentent of the over trim-s. the end mast Important Iroproketnenb. to la , found only N tto , ns Plano.. Also, two Napo+ LIS lie—.lo ex rn.oru 10. of %eke Mud, embracing Jenny !VIM l'U'l'agt7l:llOrrL IFIA PER—Folio, Packet, Commercial and Quarto Pt,, ,, t and Cap Paper, a large aupply all qua trues.lule,' and Oslo, blue andatute, Pe gale on at jal9 ' a. 11AVES'13 VOTES AND DRAFTS.-Engraved and 4.11 Sterrograph Notes and Drafts. of mon beautiful de. orns. In slice 4, or bound to broke of , varinte , ores. For .It, at W 9 lIAVEN,'i Bank Book. Slur, Jan. Cor. Market and Second .la. [American. Journal. and Post ropy.) WRITING I NE-Arnold's Writing Fluid, Inia.M 9 Rtl `. .r..l, ! ptii n stil Red Ink Ilarnem . • Colunibmn Ink-red and...blurt- Hozan A Thompson's Cononennal Ink-blank.searlet. .1 rt,,l BATTING -19 bales No. 1; Preach Cernilor Ink. For rale by W. S. HAVEN izt .„,, for ash hy l'' .. IS!;fi r il tl'L'hi'l `6lr 4 "'" NEW BOOKS. 1,1,24 Water raid Front sh, Q lITIES CLASSICAL DICTIONARY; ij A new classical dlrtiory of Greek at.d Unman hne 11.',•' If ITS COPAL VARNISH-o 5 gals Mr r004 ;, ,..,:r 0 it. ..issrt t i t r ,....-: , ...1. , , , .. party Itase4 urn the _ We by frb22 J. KIDD A CO. n, iv0i..... ~, ,,,,.1, Lt. 1 , ....,'1r , ,..,Af'4.4: - .V.:1.1.`.4;1'Xi : g -1 U3t SHELLAC-3111111 Bei for sale by col Roman intro.:es. and of Greek am! Roman Iltography 1 I,_:k 6.1.2 , J . KIDD A . M. sod 11, tholon, . rt, essi. null nuttiemon cor n -tum• and ' addhtens, be Charles Anthon. LL 11, Profewkar a Abe pAPEII COILKS-2 bales fur sale liy reek and 1- , ton lartgo•nes in Columbia College. J KIDIr t tiO. '' The i. , f , . and C , rthstortdonth of Robert Soul), edited ,„!''''' by 51..0ri the Bev t hart., Cuthbert Southey: NI . .A., Co. livi.„AssEs-76 bilk New Orleans; ma of Florotlarni; Cumberland Pull lound cloth. wlth 1 ' 12 do Soma Houset portrait No li of the Life and Cort , rfpftedell, of Ithiert Sou- ' f .p.O • ' do .V.V.TVarliNPsrall,:a.i LT . - 1. -. .r i UGAR 10 hlids prime N. Orleans; i., • 14 mdo C od Lot P olverieL for sale by J. D. WILLIAMS a CO. 6b51 earner of Wood and Firth F.. T 4 I " L m VOLVERS-Jus roct4vel• an addition ei. Dply i-1- elan r a ~;.wii.gv I I NSEED OIL-21) casks Linseed Oil, _Jr'd and for sale by ma 12. S. A W. BARBA Efill. -- - A RD--.20 bile, No. I. Lard, reed and for _LA sole by mu. 12 h. 6 W. lIARBACOIL 11 OLL 11l TTElt b --;1014,1s. fresh Roll Butter rdanAfuwe mois S A Ira 11A7111ACO11. y INSEED OIL-In bbls, for sale by NEW BOOKS. i JL A febll M. AW. ILARHAI:GIL - i `'',"" 0. • ". ." ` ,,f t f ,1 ,1 42'10,,,),.A,1}K of,: 1 , 11RIEI) APPLES-60 sacks received and ii:: ', l . r i ' Ts;:fi i . '''''' ''. 'r • • ' 1 --- ~, mi.. be 1.46 F. t W. ISAKlbikPag. Live- . f 0,, 0th..1.6 4f gentlatal an/ English Prino-...... By tan.. htre-Vient Vol let IV INI , OW GLASS-1100assorted Ts. Lot and 1',4 4 , ~,tea` cane of R. Southey Ldite.l 1,,,. V sire, for rale hi (ft! S. A , IV HABBAUGIL ' hi.... the Her. 0 4 WWII,. 11 A 1 voi •vn ,111“1 The Nebo. or 1 ..,, . .0,.t ri, ( ...,... liana;dttn,. de- 1S AltD--.55 bids, and 100 kegs No. 1, fur livered in the Broadway Talenowl,.. to, da emu. 1 .. „ ..,,,,,, ~,,,, ~,,,,,, h. A W. HARBAUGII. tog..tanna, tn. ism, fay ta, s hurray, It D ./4-10 recei•oi and for 'ale 10 It.l-fi.E "'• i r l LoI - E . r. SEED--Zis bids • Obi for prime 0, ~ Spats Building, Fourth st. k j sale by frill S& NV lIAIIIIAtiGH. V ENV MUSD:- 4 , ~,,,,„_3 , ,„. . r ,„,,,, , ,,, ~„„.,,,,„, W ., 111_ , 1iti . ...§.J2.; 1 TAR --50 brls N. C. Tar for sale by P.M BURBRINIE l Igilll)LiM ';,"11 - 7`, 7'7 '..1 ;:ro't "L: . ... b ‘... St ~,,, . . ''. -' ''" ' ' . '.. ' F' -•- . - T) LACK TARRY VELVETS of a very SU elmetl, .1,.. she, 113, Ai, Mir, by e L, ioster. I d of. thee the hand of mine, ,R,V I.erior orient', for boys' wean to be had at the Mort come torooette come., .r Trancadille or 311.:EPIIT a Buncurtatn, it. toto t- tstri t rt. foe., the tough,. mof St Mark ;al. N. E. Igr. Piturth and Starker Ma Thou Bonet, a favorite nod toitchtn.: ballad hart wound..l the sotrst that h•to1 thee. - i 11,4 1 iNE I. AUZE FLANNELS-Alurpliy & Ikeßon, or don t too manna., :.o-, Alice. if Bun hfirld have. hand an aawirtment of atom. meal, I home Pols. lo 0 g Fetter t_ a 1.., :axon, , IVelsh, and agnostic do also, Wide Flannels The eel. bratot 1,110. 1t00c..... Sro sh e J. 13 Jean,. toll dcarodi-c, angle. __ Satre quadrilles. h. Ilre I..mest ra.hs , rt Voila SI 1:1 , r:r: FRENCH BLACK C LOTH S ta.., Poli.a. by Dory mutter i Int( hat 1,11..., I, „ Ithrgby 0 Burchfield bestow espodal attention on the Iris Ponta Batchelor's Polka stove department or their busthen and hali . le . persons Lill, quadrilles-s e•sy mg , On ft`" Dow t4otairtlles llowieriol Polka. Atle_ het, r Cotillion, '''' .. ","'‘' l ', 4 " " .. 3- d '' .. . l4 '''.. , veil.. ...'... salS A nee edßlen of Iluotetis I(l , dt - intl.. the "Puna,, with 1,"" .a.m.. Ma anittnetal nag. of new lesson.. - ‘...ERISIII•TOE, lilt NleLa NE's CELEBRATED. clerk .Cateebron for the Plarid Borrow, haw, Forte ITlnie- lb.rei, .01 1., y Lod gees thr tgdc b, .1, KIDD A CO, .1. ill N II mraz,,a, , a a ,„.„, ~ ;all Pat Wood at N It - 1 very large .r L. , f New I, most-arriving. cad wit , open for sale this wool, l , •1 I s IVER PILLS, DR :Be Lases CELEBRATED, F, \V BOOKS AT 1 RII.NI ES' A s T i A to, gee:. for sale be Ja J KIDD A CO ~,,, a . . i la. ND., Thud mr,...i. oppt rah. „,. - 'C Li " VIAL CORKS-1500 groBs fir] stile by the 1,...., iity„,,.. • V yirl , J. KIDD'A CO tiss,.. t0n0,,, s Teter, Mothers end linoght. ra. ity . SPONGE -3 eases Si,,', and 1 bale extra tim,.. i,otst I ore., for sale by caw J. l e &CO oth. r • ht.-v:lll.qt, , D, firao. Aguilar.. i1A141 4 0 et' Macao. 1. , r• January, ' - 1, 1 I'SONI . SA 1:I'S-15 bu l l s fur mile by II his %loather thr teal . J. RTDD & CO Th. Mother. . 1t0... ponce. • novel Ily Gra... Aguilar . -2 A '''''' Th. Lot 0.r.11.: or two mmmages-e novel. ; lb; END R 1 E S-Fifty barrels Family Flour; Th.. ladder of Gold-an Evan-It .4.... 1)2, ail. 11 noun '..11/ bids tine do 50 bushels Dry To Love sued la) la Lord-al:de APPc, 1 brl Lgaw. Just recm mai and lbr de br Caroline of Brunswlrk Drti. W M R 4,60141/ tall JOIIN WAIT it CO The Homnit Confessional. Lecture Rep.e !mots. 11. lir Bert • The Old Printing Establishment, 1 4 1 . Iter,t's y to Elt.hop [login, on the Drain,c al Pro,mnlton • , k ATE John,tort and Stockton's, and Blank it-m. soot-nal. Bel or ......66.. live. a novel. to the •111.11441. of - The thnlvies_ . • , 4 Door. nod S , tation, ry Warehouse. No I of th e American illominand Mitten of the Waved, • ,k `• S. HA rKN 'S PrcParrd thr••eumererT•Mleof Legal. Novel. ~,, , t ,. .in renal, Canal, and htuam Boat Job Printing aml 13ook Ending;nod furnish every article In the ElLthit Book, New Books, just received. . Paper and Stutinuery line, et the shortest notate, and on ..,,,., the nowt reasonable len.. 11E Bards of the Bible; by Ifeorge VIM, Blank Book and Stationery Warehouse, corner of Market lan. 1 en!. 1 Lirt,. sod:Second argent. Trorlt 011endarl. being • pronremive ettlithrtion of the Pguithig Orrioe and Book bindery, No. 50 Think al- je. 3 Greek Grimmer, tle.linied tor beginners lu unit. end as a ~ • . - . ---- look of ....rms. for aadniam.4 mums,. it, imast e. 11 h.-INDIES. IS IA ES. GINS. &C. Kendt-wk. 1 vol. 12m o. mos ,I,JI 05 half plows Cognize Brandy. Pale and Dark." TLx Youth's Comma'. Itv Drum. Plage Gould. I vet Igen,. I tlO eels a yr..k• do do "Pale," Nation. lint . , Channa and Counter Charms. By Nl•na J. Mcluatudi. , lu do do. and moat eelebrated bnutda.. 1 vol. 1..kn0. mus. 5 pipes Holland Om 'llohlins Anchor" and -rr,b.- Th. , l,ller'sltecomprmse t a sequel to “Ilonie Int norms: . l puncheons Dish and Scotch slul't Whiskey. By Grit, 4./1.:11113r ' I do Jamaica Rum. Mechanics' 11scasitic and Engineers . Journal. First h. Lbls. NE. to, do. • attest.. that received. . I 85 qr. reeks Port Who. • Byran's Ihrtion.ry of Mechanics and Engineering, No 2-, • 25 do Madeira Wine. Just reed fur sale by It 110PKINS. - do Sweet 31elaga Wine. Jail 70 Apollo Bonding, Fourth M. 1 27 do Dry do. do. - - - t 10 do Sherry Who, NEW BOOKS! 25 bones Bordeaux Claret .„!? atom and for sale by JOHN PAILICE . It ,t , CO., NDREWS' LATIN, £OOl,lOO 11.EXICON-A i I um. , tab Istmcon. founded , A,mr; r -7=7jtfrto''inittrtfinalconEnt'iDr. It 1111.,m I reund, G OLD, SILVER, BANK NOTES, SIGHT with ail.ll one and correction: from the Lekinin• of limner. , and Time Drafts on the East and West, /Boas, Am, F•ectolitt.thetteller. Georges. by E. A. Andrews. IL. D. ' tought and road. Tug 112-4,4144 ....OF via ratanc. being the personal oar. Fireand Marine Polk. betted au the tuoreflotorable relive and results of travel Hammitt% the S. , lwich or Hate. I terms, at the 11. king Nunes of Mk. Island, mid other parts of Polynesha By Rev. Henry- , OLOROR E. ARNOLD A CM. T Choever, author uf - The Windy and his Captor." 10itia , yen No. 74 numb street. engraving. TOt wurttC , •ftTwr••Tvt: • "'Noel to Hone thntwntw. - t IC lIE SUBSCRIBER INVITES TILE' By limns Aguilar. ItrUATell end Kw sale by . jal3 It. . Frucrix UN. 47 Market st. ' attentirm of merehenta and Othere to Ids Lamm.. and Chronicle, Prat. and American ropy. , wr assorted stork of Hosiery. Gloves. Under Shirt, mad : Drawers. The above .tlcire In Silk, Wool, Meru. and PA PE R, BLANK BOOK S & STATIONERY , ~, iia,..., ,, ~, .IG. And re ,,, ...a.u.ntis on band and for .23 V. IL EATON. Paper of all Ana and ,tholitim, ruled 47.114.1 plaiLl, billo "."'"' b ' .1 white. 1 OLD PENS. We hare now on hand a Blank It stk. of eve, d. remotion.. hand or made th l[w - _ order at ,Lear( nonce . w large sthek of On. last Gad Pena horn the leading Statioucrt -,Enninli, French and American. fancy and . tn•dtatichnte. id Ncw Fmk. itriti and eainT • df tn order. staple. for sale by It - ~ 1/ ary, gn,,t i ,,, . Alio, elegant Gold Pencil t....., anti Pen:Holder. Miser tal• ''' ' ''' '' ' '''''''''''''''''..--'l, i All tar n sal . e " ;:liolZdeidal ; ' ,..721,1 " N1: lit ." "'oJLL rk prima. it 00K AND JOB PRINTING-Every de. : der, , W. 11.W11-SIIN. „ - --- AV I=l .: go n t r ir L' in,.:a l 'ee ('' uZ , ,j ' aT l NL, S ro ' , l l7,.? . . C o rt • Vril ' h! 'li A NKI NO, COLLECTING AND EN bcsa MUM, itt IV. S. HAVEN. , CHANGE OFFIC.P.-N. 110L.MEM A miss, No 57 Printing Odd', 60 Third M., between Sparks( and Fen, . arket street, Pltthburah. Eschange ou .11 the E.tern 1.11 ; and IVelitern rine% for sale. Collo-Ilona reade in all the ' - Prind.l Blares iu tan l'nlott. Nt . tor all solvent Banks 4TATIONI,ItY-W. S. lIAVEN. corner of tibwounted. Note. and TIM.. bills nekotlatel. Jett IkJ Stwood altd Market “th.. h a for ludo 1, 4 1 large and men- i . ;,' , ',tete IM assortment of fancy stationery as lia.. ver leer , f li N I)I A RU BBEIL PAST}... 4 gross of that I opes , ol In One market. Merchant. subpitest wi th even superb camels for hoots nal shWavvendellog thco3.lwr amithe in tlii, line on th e mod favorable hem, yell ' celle wet, roof and {.liable 0,0 tt done. f Moth Ibia •- - srtl 1 '• d 1 I ' ...• 1V Ew sTorE or 11.1 NOS, I th. ' aio ‘ i ' . "'" . 7""' ' '9 . '"'"'' tV.:7..s r rvi ".` r7t:ir t t °3 Uneasy r Node.. I. tr sale w o . a . ,1, lat the trOlden Harp. No. 101 Mini mt. .7......4R1E ''. I and h Dits.l street 1 1•91 J. 4 11. PHILLIPS. 11. is now reeelvin a fredi lot ~f elegant I Immo. made by Nt NIN9 A 1 1.012. 4 1 ryEA,IVARE--English .4', Amelieiln Briton.. New York. unotte th. tn. a •plettalkl I octave carved Plano In r';‘,. Seto Plated dog Plated Maskers. Candlostlelu, alb, richest deernotion of extern. and tone. It is made untie. and Troy, Platol Urn, best quality Ivory Bal lo the liocc., style, in vogue In the 'man of leouis XII and •en Ilamlle Table C,`ittlery saver Forks. Seto, aud 1.1114 4 11 Ala. a new lot of fasitlonahle and popular 3lu ir. ' ter Kuive, Plated and Gwthrau :filter Forks and broom, i . ..g1 1, 2 , 12 .. e1 i t , : i n . .. „ 1::: . 7.11eti0n o Bra. Instruments, Viol, Table Ilate: Tra Trays of to irminghany tn. o fecture. Sad roomy Tenet, of onotleal member. highly ornamentel . Piated Too, , of beautiful' patent.. Aug, mid , A rem superior Powder for clearung and P. 11•1.6 shoe( I I\l EW BOOKS.-Ilumbelei; new Work,: r,r,;.r.,!;:...1." -r ""-w- ch--k Ski-. .'-*L.. , 1. Cr 41161142, or Sketches of a Physical description of the , kriam ' litearlass - sar.r's misbutt.4 Ida& Kitchen. L - nlyese. alont the al m of is hat. which will make coffee, cook beef. - Sem:sore', Sketches of Ilione.ta, thin New England of 'with, oy Ater., or any th ing else In • few minutes. the SI ..A.l vol. 12 ton For rah Li ~ . IV. W. WILMON, Byrne's Mechanics' rant Engineers' Diellonary. 21st No. Y. orr. Market aria l'oarit, au I received. For vale by 11. HOPKINS, i fli CASKS MALAGA -WINE, - Jail Apollo Building, LlO Is bre Lemon,. In prime order, On conthyragorni. 6 , , TANDIS 11, TILE PURITAN, a Tale of so bris Clever Seetd.prilnet ..., bids hum: A the American Revolution Hy Elded.Grargon, Ear. 'AO bola %101 a..., prime cooperage; Ilistory et the Reform. of the hiatecolli Century: 30 brls Wowed oth by J 11. Merle d'Aublathe. D. D., President of the Theolic ' . AO kegs lard: St" , Schrsd of tleneva and I Ice President of the Soclent 16 brio Roll Dotter. nangrlmue. Translated by 11. White, 11. 0., Trinity Col- Ito hue I tat, . ege lambrid r I , n . Id Luis Timothy Seedriin hand end SW pleb) Kentucky.. ill.thry. AM:ninth, and Biography. lb . BROWN tt KIRKPATRICK, ioMmod be forty engraving, It Lents Wain.. . . jail ANfERIC.A.,.Cf---WOO--- Li l' i 9- N LibI G ".---- 013 Y "'" DS t .-0 - De The above works for ILLInII7 li. C. STotth.ToN, Bookseller and Sumo., 1 A 1510 thrner of Darker and Thls.l sta. ..,h . ..mirwi c and eft, Pr. fano aired Bed Blanket, UTLI NE NIA RS-Pelton's splendid Out Flo P 7 6" ,i r t, ' , : „ B4 = l ;l" . ." T, t 1 .k... l iblon bound. line Ilar..e row being intnduced in all the leading 1 1D do Gray Coallng Btatak e t, 1,,.. e „ e ll jEtls In New knal.d and .New York. We have obtain. 1 00 do Drab do do '6 ' ' all the ar,vey for theta In Putsburgh. and Wait, teachent 50 do Blue do do do and schrol oor:aloe* to rail and examine them. )easy Blank Blanket Cloth. - do No. 1-Ila 1 , ~t the W ertern Ilemispbrre, .. Al .1 62 trickles Ido Berm. limy Mixed, do do Endenido , 3 ,. 1,::. cal l ..r Ithlok French BreaddetlL 3 tin Nerth Aron*. I° a ,c 4 . d Tweeds, a.orbed edam. 4 do I mud hmth, 711 ssa - 3 ". ) ran astertsa olers. 5 do t3trope.2 do Cyßtlin,Fl,l, !Auk end fancy Calor. n do Swim lOu t', IdO Satinalt. black end grey Miami. 7 do I. Aateril, et Africa, 71/ 054 .3 3 do Wittla Twrtl Flannel, yard whit. Prier of the wrier. with key, 112.1, or ati rant two llenab 1 'do ernes barrel do 'do Phatn-ilaPs. with key.lllo. The &Wry dettilArt...,Sda and ell On ronsignMent frOnt Those maps 1, unrivalled inaneuraey, beauty and cheap. vatione mannfactarert. ea r n and t. sea, Mid .rend . the , reau of the p ri mary, gramma liberal terms to the mid. at 3131 M 3711 hnt ... Ure "d raTrkca. 4' "" " and high wined" of the United States. don FOY sale at PubthherNi trice. with • ...,. i -- z4 ._.____________ ILL.p . j f:. cherEm n at the SDUCATIONALIOOtt -'4 " . V KOAR-50 bbl. , receivui" h , , for gide bv carte et.sizr.i sad _O.. st._ . , mad ,--31011 / B FRIArrrLEk (). ' J ' • 1.11 - rA of tits of thsolso.l. and Tor.llsh tottro•tv.l fto th. rvonl of Greif • llntsts. trtrk in.ud. author of 01.• L.Pfe. of the Vt.. st shl I The Is-sliovof Pnt , .t an.t fstassm. mul Address deliv er...l ft. ths IPlossurlV. of. Vicsltteolsy eseniff. Js.t. Is. Incl. hy `, 11...rras. D. II Testso• toes ree......r sod for J.ta, 11. I% ,TUCT(I:,. N., 47 %Is4t vt. • - - 1 )1:1\'/l ft IS 11. k. vast ....5 1 , of v..... Luton 7 Ph noofort,r thstvrine. Ilvatou, to • L.YI: Ins.. the sttet: tivo .porehasers These Pak nn Inrralmi , i).4.l.l IssO:n forless I,A...ferny ex, o rt-sfated Ohl ',usu. fl raft {.l”,:trnt at hbesr full talus I NI , vt Lx th ".. sale of Chol,rin.JOHN Man l. n, WeTtI.LOI:. o 'Wood s [Tor L 500 b";:.11.211' Pried A.n.itsitis?oranloAl:ift ,t GIRL wanted to do hanse'work Apply w this ARD-4 kegs for sale by Rbal ' ROBISON. LITTLE a CO. TOBACCO -39 bones 5 Lump. for gale by cota McGILLA t ROE. Q. CAR LETURTAIN CH r- INTZ, of diffe .idthO, C IA tow ay:iim jurauf DOWN FLANNELS, a Domestic Article: ilea: • Whit, Gme Barred, n, and Novena Blue, to Plonod at the .lure of /AO .. MURPHY t BURCHFIELD. HERRING--300 boxes (fresh) for rule br Enchs WILE McCANDLESB. pALII OIL-1000 lbs. in store, for sale by rrn-lt4 MILLER t lIICEETSON. C aftET Bordeaux; boss, " • Bale, mcbi MILLER & RICKESSON. HAur SATURNE WINE -15 Haut Rotors, Wlri4 " In Islone,_fcrrsale br rrich4 MILLER 4 RICSETSON. BOOKS—Andrew's_ English ft, Loairou. B. A. A.L. L. D goy 5 The lelutd Work' of the Paella. Br Bev. Henry Cheoe Ter. 12 mo. mu, ES= Mlg===l nf Rev. James Q 124111. BY Rev John T. Wrigt. Jan ITCtiTCLI and for We by If. HOPKINS. [0,21 n Arp3l/o this nth rt. LINSEED 01L-5 bbls just received, pure JUI Country GI!. and for sale b ROELION. LITTLE 1, CO. Lb] No I.IMS Llberly strtet. 3 50 bushels Dried Peaches, for sale by feb2l J.B. DILIVORTII a CO. fl LOTHES' PINS-10 cases EaStern, for ‘_,/ sale by fob2o J. lb WILLIALP I; CC. 11. MOLASS L ES-2.5 bbla, 13 half do, a ' u"n " ma ' lAA) - DIG LEAD-4Z 0 pigs soft Galena, for sale AL be feb:el RILEY, 312TTITICIVR 2 en. QU\DRIES lbs prime Feathers; yo dac 10:11 d Cara Dry.. bx• boa brand W. ON.. . bz• Dry Haring. Oh tor, prune Sslerarac 9 bblA Alarm ill Man. mad fnr pale by fcl3l HUEY. MATTHEWS AO, MEDICAL RETROLEITIff. OR Rom OIL - There ars. recce thine, in heaven awl earth. han are dreampt of In rill: VIRTUES of this remarkable reme dya and the cum...aeon-ano n far o. propeti en, hr. imium.l him in Tara It put up to with Lai bele cud dirratiom for the raratit of the public. The PETROLEUM I. pracured fr., 'sell In anemia • ty, at a depth of four hundral frau, ie a put, unadultent: teal =vele, without any chemical clung but jun ae It Rows tram beton. s (beat Labratorii! That it mutant properties ranching a otiCor ts no longer • matter of uocertaiutr. are mans shi ne . fe. a y , cans of nature, which , n. tolgbthe of not = d. i n b ras iu alle cith rod viating suffering, resitting the than ei sm ua many a sufferer. ..Ling ranee the pro. prin., thought of Patting it_tffs in lait had a Must. rho f..r the cure a Id:mann hewn:Rant and daily teem clog calls for 'Lend sutural remarkable curve it ham pet formed. is a ante indhation or Its More inpuhril7 and •Ide spread application in Vat its al dirs.. Ire do hot web to make a loug wail. of sereig ea t ea eonscinus that the trains. can woo work its wa into th in e favor of thaw who tuff, and ish to be Whilst we do not elaiso foe it a unirees /Appian/ion RI • ray die... onlrasnatlugir wt.e. that. in • number Chrordo Diereses Ii Le unrissiksh. Anittte these may be enumeratol—all diseases of the 61110113 tissues, welch •• CILRONic 13CONCIIITIS, CONSUMPTION, ow Ir e a • rra ftg‘ce4.47213k...1,12E11ir D'f.,t,trr-s`'4% Bladder Alms . and Kidusati Pains ha the IlseilPor tate. Normal Nenralgits. Paler, R hmintatlcTalus, thht. ErywiPa eLae. Teter, Ringwenns, Rums, Salds, brunt, Oti =Owes La tr. In ramie ordeby. malting fawn e re. or long „ eV prorart..W num of diem, I•la Ichut will IVB 1: took elillsZLlTZ.rrkrtlaner6N4C whole frame, rtmorieg obstraelbe s , opening the shi thank., which cause disease and a Minn conetin= rVite= ' ll=V ' = 'Cnres'n the PUN ' that naradral geery other trearatierd. gat well nitd.' of the PETROLEUM for a short time: The preof can ps given tq any perm= who deanes IL Notra Sold by the graininga nglerwithout the eignahare of the preprieter.— m. 8. M. - KIER, Canal Basin,near Sorenth stmt. Also, by R. K. SELLERS. SYlreod and KEYSER MIRA , ELL. neeall W*Viale=l. IllTgi.ndfrAre.'n't'a*. ore • • PP. OO LAXATION. • . NOW all men who are Act and afflicted with Mousier Me Ithidder and Klan, a. with rhea- IM Dainsin f or Dmt., stiff joints, Old ewe, rimuing atintrig:te" t tre ' f n r M ea, aa you phase. bumble does not l not mai n we pe prom in the Moe Of an 110.11 en 411 .119tatr, that 0 lota virtual • which are not emitalutd In any Other mmed.r• The max who is rnoko.l, with 10.1 a. and Mitering from diem., ma cents. , y 0r. 44 nt, gst renef frma .prur. in courneeitol lame. Deader! it nada very little to oak. ' Mal. This Petro loom Ls no mixture—no compouud. put up for the port.. of on the mmimouttm hat it lax meted, eMhorw tai by the insider hazel of nature. and bubbles up Mau the bosom of our mother earth. IMite otigimil Purity, and of. I bre to c rulleting humanity a eitalT remedy. a overlain and cheap cured It has cured Kra. niter other re..... , dlcies hart frilled to ',od e r any reli ef. It ham cued nnonentatimi, of lonis ha standing. and o the mmt and mat painful thlt/SCUT. coca! cholera M0e.... PT and cert. dee e s. It hai cured old cure of Diarrhcem In which every caber .emely has been of no avail. As a lord maneely In burns and mild. It is better than anmical compounds ar ointment that we know or It 0111 0 0 00 and frnand fret. Ina fa. andicatiomo undoubted math s ., r an ge,. ed of the truth eontaltied ln the ewer , statement. by call- • log on SAMUEL M. Coml itasin...Seeenth street; or A either of the ments. Keyser a MellowelL comer of Wood street and eller IL K. &Dem, L 7 Wad street; D. A. Y. 11104 and D. M. Cum. Allegheny city. are the manta. REETINATISAI CURED. THE UNEQUALLED SUCCESS which hue attended the we of MORTIMER'S ILHECMAT, THE AND BLOOD pußrim. In effectually curing the emerest and most Inveteratemg. of INFLAM MATORY AND CHRONIC RIIEC3Lern.3I, V • sufficient onarentee an recommenalatton to Induce all •bo are duc ted with this dreadful harem to try lb. virtues. Mlndreda of caeca many tif them citizens of EL Lonia, atted othrrs from abroad. hive beencut w rt,ithin the last few Montt,. In the city acne. Louie alone while Inu from agorae abroad show also th at it Is pe r unsling the alma ch rev.: tried. Duly of the*, were ch pie rams of l.:41 atanding. and all Lope of reix,r cry bad been given njo.‘s While other. were of more recent date, of the acute inUm niatury form, very seven. AB, however, yield to the Won derful virtues of this medicine. and thnbeenels who Los realised its lament, and me mw to t h e eet e o.oetet can but ertmm the eorininal discoverer . , and proprietor, • benefactor of mankind. It is well known.from the experience nf the past, that no oot eer d application ce upeasibly effeect permanent mire of this &mettle] Ily the applaratinn of stimulating liniments, partial relief. In some mows, mar be obtained for • short tim e. But all the while ads disease la ILxlng =nett =pre permanently in the system, end sooner or later will sown Monday*. ivelf in a mere dreadfo I fermate] alter a few peeiodltal returns , it settles' Into chrorde form, chich, it not soon arrested. ruin* the hullvidual for 'Ha— s is verified by the history Of the pen In ell oseinaiee od more fully demonstrated by Um liletory furnished o Late to the rrojuletnr of ads compound. as given by severe hundreds of three who have pawed under hie Immediate notice and treatment durum the lest few month.. MORTIMERS RHEUMATIC COMPOUND .4 BLOOD PURIFLER. I. an Internal Arno °pers. don. whens the disease cost minima., and In purifying the Mord, passes through the whole syMmen , we d the Impure or mustle sedment. which Gas, waled p oop th e r.d.hranes, muscles n od tendone—removes it entirely from the system, and restores the Individual to perfect health. Let three who are., Timed ,nut deceive ther u elves, and EeWar 1`);,. ff ..T.,.it, Ll= 'V. 1 :f; : troLfd72,';l7‘ll,,ua.;4.7)°.,lll,4llTitliMth:d'. of present day. ArtAlLdratell - we Lar of expnang mum- Wa nent relief frt. osier apiellentatem. The ProPrietor this valuable Medicine Mown from en. eerier., Mat L. outward annikation men effeet • stem. fie tau seed daa p" an"ct lam in very mute ease, rn veill give re Wa lief in DuT im m. time. fur this will end-affect e permanent cure. T rm. an of this dhwese Pe such that It requires longer time, and an Internal remedy, to proluce I.IIA elealrel effect. and Nor timore's Rheuxuatie Compotank and Blond Puritler iv the 00=747 that Ltas ever teen to it either In Amerke or any other country . that .9 er ,- mair c • rare thin disease. ' - ride mistletoe ran b.; had, wholesale or retail. at N 0.73 • Third street neat to the Prot 01lbw Pittoburgh. Also Br sale le Pittsburgh. by IL %leer s , Wm. The. J. D. Mope. 14. N. Wickersham, and J. A..lattes. Prim So per bottle; six bottles for Ell; or Sid per down. Pamphlets can be had grab of the ageseit. twirled It. 11. IVISIIART. Agent lALLPORTAN'T TO THE AFFLICTED. R. ROSE'S CELEBRATED REMEDIES. —Dr. JAC. Biwa, the cll.:row sole ProPrieto , lan., and also We i rrenVr ' nf P ge oer lees lebrated ir e, fur Blasting the Lungs, I. effteting • cure of Chronic diseases, seas a etc, dent of that eminent phyeician, Doctor Physic. and is a grailumee of the University of Petinsyleanim, and for thirty leare tune hes ire engaged In the ...ligation of die. . cud the application of mtuedles there.. ..x.s..ry.ti_th,,f;;Lin Callow tube. m® eaeet/on with &oral, Rheutordism. lathuta - lreiT•id Mani all kind, Chronic El, tirades. and there obstimite cats pecullar to female, Indeed,erery form of disease .; vanishes under the use of his remedies, to which [mast'. ty lw heir—not by the use of one ostopound only, for that inoompatible with Physiological_ ,Law but by the nee of I his remedies, adapted to. and p rmanSkied for, each peculiar form of Brews, Dr. howe's Tonic Alterative Ili® avid. Cr, invade- bly acknowlolgedto be superior to allothers, se a puny. vis e o r Dam. pill. Inasmuch as they Mare the lecesride Per. freely tow fmon eostivenesw,•as *leo hie holden Pills are ad milted. by the faculty. la posers. pieullar protettle, Wittle ted to femalediseasw, but being satisfied that • bar e itei a l • is sufficientsufficientretoblr, to establish what Bas hewn raid, In the minds of tbe most skeptical. The afflicted are liarlted to toil mom the agent, and m.o. enre (gratis) one of the Doctor's pphleta, idring adeWl. • cd amount of each remedy, and its application. For sale by the Pillow Inc agents, ma well as hymen drag. pine thrntulhotit the roman: J. :Whoonmaker it Co., st., Pittsburgh. J. M. Townsend, Druggist, 45 Market et.. Lee -L Beckham, Druggist near the Post 0 1111 ce.Aney.he. Eq. city. J.eph Barkley, Darlington, Bearer P. John Elliott Ennon T. Adam, Balmer, conrFonr AND Rvirrvp OR TIIFFLICTED will be found in n•wice C. Kellin:re, INFALLIBLY: LINIMENT, ril E A anie Flaw. whirl ha. Stmt the Wit of thirty Jean el fro ;17,4"41., lv tr"' "n -od of of disease, Nye; reel tont wo n' t=nes I ery 1117 , :insa ' yinir that Is the We that haa been ~Sired to the abided, th at dm, sexy seueof tho word, what ills fold fa. It has cured, awl Is capable of curing mom diorama than any ether oder,' for sale, wo care not by whom made or sold. or by what name. • m• At a gm.: and consioeing proof of the above, we ally that it Is the on': article that her appeared In the Imo of o eirt=Probe "I"''cq'thethlte tebTen'refalli7na'e'X.,=-4ei, DT; y.. 11, Medicine *ter tfneed for Rd, sor used br .1* of them. el= The lion. llose, IL . Grll, late )LC. The Floe. Robt- IL Morris, late Kurd lion. John A. Dix, Late U. I. tome tor. William IL Porter. Esq.. Editor of the Spirit of the Timer. .ad a hum of other d t. ritireu of New Tort, who bane folly teemed fU merit.. lase permitted the proprietor to refer to them. As It I. well known that Patent are not genet , patronired by the 'tamed, weal th y sod polite oirtlere. we hays undoubtedly n rLght to feel anroelren highly M.. Ileired. This Wonder week rag Compound ha, limn nearly seven years before the public.. Ilm'flnt friend, are now tta strongest and best. This mist undourly utong and eul er f:o rimuniallc paine, ' :..mmusous ewe mph erintine, limbers, old . 1 some, and all the paint and aches thatfleth de heir to. t. Our o.fain bottles hare been sold- without ompaint, and hare perfected such amonishing eon's, oder all other remedies hare ailed. as would staK‘Nr hot we not - offered. and our pomension, the etrongeet tameible eet• denoe. ;'• This medicine. or nature's remedy. it toelmumd from veg. iitatites, for internal u well as external uar. It sets direct.. • 11 [Tn thecdoirrgig=i.Trlttyt7lllL'itid =trio; . 1 ermaineolle afection; Shia, or ' the Kldneye, and %Waken.. in mole or femae, from whaMeer emu. it nuiT nahmL h eiVa r ig in Pittsburgh. by R. K. Rollers, Means. Kidd At Co.. nod Ogden Azt E :g . :;. 3' .:fAr b o y , I'd n S to ll n Immr tin. ilint.h2pa .• • -- ~ To the Readers of the Pittslnrgh Gazette. - PUBLIC ATTENTION is respectfully in- ,! elied to the *.llowincr nett.. ert forth in relation to one of the most Implement renownee of mcdern Umes! PETRULEU3I nil POCK ISt: it la not more than oar 't ree a t m Ante lb. gist rented; wan brought l before the ; Vli d e o ie t tla -th e!li ' lle kt tl a Vs, r l= al fL ua ii,,'' '''''' t o . 4 ,, : :. ecnomunlty. and we allege that th a t is It la tri fated el the altmore certain will ini Areal fame sprawl. It Is Mt the rent. , of • day,gut up tor the sole 0m..• a/malting moue): l'l but. one. which we conceive, will mutinue to be need when l c W other nonnams havibmo fogottion The Potreleum la ,: A N a t um i Itemiely, ...bonnet I t o the-dept. of the earth .., py a power mil agency thou laughs to scorn all burn. .i. coropctition. It ni our ding. when We elite about e troalt : eine, nun we Irene the puth - -that we eig frothing mi en. lated to deceive thine who may Mon ottr wont or Put moo der. to or Matements. the sick.are very apt to caleh at my ddilg tbat pommies relief from ttletnee . A story ca pm. ; h e too highly mimed to ousimer the olueet of gul n lug or humbugging wine of them. !bow, we do not desire In du this we are anxious only that the truth in relation to .. egg mnielly should to told, In order to wenn, or It • rens- F: Winn ber emeotinE On/ Angh , attlele In tee t a med. med. •l• I. Plain unnion bed factifacte that may beueedalLval In bar oily and neighborhood... iuMple testimony 15 fa. Tor of the Petroleum. r Within the put two Moue., two or One own title... -:` M Venn Wally blind. have been reetored weight Sew. - end eanni of blind..,., In tits Mate of litiln.nsee been en ml. And. elan, the enew of - a gentlt mouth aftretootinty. .-.. There are ahem. but these are aus near home, sad mar -- be referred to by ..T P ,, lau..he hare deut. tin the mi.- '• ' Met. Fluu• rm. were tared alter they had teen abmiiiime i'. ed to; phyekian a• hotel... Th• Petreleuru will when Med amordmg to ttlreethms,-Diarrhoea, Ityrentery, '. hie, bbeittnatl., Watt. tientulbt.t. Eruttionitoo Om Fide. Pimples on the tam. Chem. nom Ems, ItogiOrnt, Tette., Skald Head, pal. in theif and taint, old sores, Uleeni, Wool., AAne, Chinni, Co Atntutta.. Itnairbitt, .4.11 ... , Pulmonary erections of IC male natl., letollutt to pin. •.. duce Consumption.• Bur. and tip},l 4 divas. of the Eladder and Rl4 era, T Chaand liands. Eararlelni :tipples. Corn. and Bunton,, in it Ira GLUT CNIV4I4LL .moan., and bas hem tetect ..* In of the above thartuu within the root year with the mint pmfeet secrete Certificated that will astonish are In ''. tn. bands of the proprietor, who will Wm ph.... in stow.- Is t-V:AeWri ul`nuilly"Mi`:-ingudrtir mond th e . Petroleum is We n rtest heinwly of the age. Phy a kt y .. thigh rtanding ;n ite PnAntelon ere le to cue tt ll in their practice. Timm who earn bold it With doubt and Uncertainty. ate willing tO s at e 4 14 411 a. penis. and creatidemtkra Before mother year TM mood. all will be ,[1..,1 ~, mammied ge tn. the Petroleum is the ...t -wit townoi. ore aluterwered. For Pe, eiholmale anal no tail. by KEYEKE k 31 e.DOWeLL.1 40 Wind et. sUsn—E. E. P ie ll:V7 4 ,7Crit etreett P. M. Curry. D. A. ~r 4""tt" j r4r h ItEli, tattsJb'gba:gC2;ettr'' by th' P? '' burgh ' and 11 . A. Fabourto. A Co.. Workt aittl 't'e 'Vront rt U t burgh, H. --- s, ELLERS' IMPERIAL COUGH SYRUP. i 7- " I' `b"P',""lriLtttillign4lKll4 i',2'..;TiSUT.,' Le. R. E. Sellent.-Aly children, Eke °than:, Nave been antueet to conctu. W . hay itm wed different remedies to very litUe_purnoee, 1. Irm lodated by ad d eat shout your Erg], 61 tub to Floe itn tend. , av , !'„rutz,"„:z,"ll, „t 4 -- A'l'd'" Itl;,!'"^' I have reconinund ed ncia ., Les, sod do meat comd,nci.aoly believe at It is the .t. sash irlicine -that tom ever born offered to the public. _ . r Amu, Ar-10120s0. Puent, should malice:colt Wiz children to toffee tbun cough, when they may be Uinect biln 74 ut. bottle or this tyrup. Yrepaml android by i . ., - . t...E. SELLERS. men.No Sr N - MI st, 'Sod Drought c.cocluliY _—__--_________ .1 A lOU A V rear at to fiumish .4 era% ablarstutif o r ma att% Um. .. mall batman by shwa , or hot water, and hare er. 1%1 , 711. EL lijillatat,