HOME MATTERS ARRIVAL CIE GENERAL WLNITELD SCOTT. Our citizen, ye•dPril.ty, received intelligence through a telegraphic despatch, that Major Gen eral Winfield Scott, had passed through Browns ville, and would arrive in Pittsburgh, on the steamer Atlantic, at five o'clock. Long before that hour, the wharf was thronged by a crowd, anzioni to come our distinguished visitor.— It is to be Priretted that, owing to the want of due notice, the necessary preparations to receive the General, in u manner worthy of him, were not made, but our citizens made the beet use of the short time at their command. At about sin o'clock, the Atlantic came•into view, with her colors flying. Minute guns were flred,until the boat arrived at the wharf, when she was at once boarded by hundreds of the specta tors. Gnarls had been stationed at the stairs leading to the cabin, but the crowd forced them aside, and rushed up the steps, when they were introduced to the General. Byerly's Brava Band was in ' attendance, and played uppropri4te airs. After Collle time, a procession was formed, and General Scott. escorted by the Ilcnorable Moses Hampton nod Gruel Lorimer, proceeded to the Monongahela House, amidst loud cheering. The crowd was so dense that he hod considerable dif ficulty iu passing through it, added to which, he was stopped by those who wished to shate hands with him. The halls and balcOrlit, of the Mon ongahela house wore crowded, immediately on his arrival. Loud cries of Scott: Scott: and cheers arose, and the General, in obedience to the call, appeared on one of the balconies. The Hon. Moses Hampton introduced Major General Winfield Scow to the citizens, and the latter said: "My friends of PittsbuiT,h, I thank you from the bottom of my he irt, for the kind and affec• donate welcome you have given me to your city. I have been present at many scenes which have been more or less pleasing, but few have given me more gratification than tho cordiality of your reception. Accept, my fellow citizens, the thanks of an old soldier, for your kindness, and excuse me for not now making a longer speech to you. (Tremendous cheering.) The General then retired to the hall, where he was introduced to a large number of our citi zens, among whom weobserved Colonel Trovillo, and other veterans of the late war; Col. Block, Capt. Naylor, and many soldiers of the war with Mexico, together with large numbers of our citi zens. General Scott is accompanied by the Hon. R. Jones, Adjutant General, and by Surgeon Lawson of the United States Army. We regret to state that the pressing nature of his arrangements will not allow him to remain more than a few hours in Pittsburgh, and he leaves to day at 10 o'clock, in the steamer Mes- The soldiers of the late sear with Great Britain are requested to meet at the house of George Beales, Fourth Street, nt 9 o'clock, for the purpose of making arrangements to escort him to the boat. Oaannn's MallAZlNE.—This beautiful monthly, for May, has already, made its appearance upon our table. BEIXONS To Tocsin 31Es.—The third of a ee rier of Sermons to Young Men, will be preach• ed on Sabbath evening the Bth inst. at 7 o'clock, In the Second Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh, by the pastor, Rev. W. D. "toward. The middle block of pews will be reserved for young men. DISTRICT COURT. In the case of Joonthan H. Baker es the own ers of the Steamboat Hibernia No. 2, noticed in yesterday's Guiette, the jury returned a serdict for the defendants.' }Baler and "Staunton for defendants. C. 0. Loomis for plaintiff. Woods and Sheldon vs. Jesse Rhodes. Re cognisance of T. Williams and James I. Kahn filed in the sum of $3OO. The recognisance aforesaid. is approved. and it is ordered and de creed that the plaintiffs be allowed to take out of Court the maneys deposited in this case, which the Prothonotary is ordered to pay ac cordingly. Henry Boyle, surviving partner of A. J. Catlett is A. G.- Richardson. No. Sti January Tenn. • W. LOOM- S& for defendant. No veil:list. COMM OP OYES AIM 173141108. FRIDAY, April 4 Present; Honorable William B. McClure, Pre sident Judge, and Samuel Jones, and William Boggs, Associate Judge. Tee case of Commonwealth vs. Joseph Acker ban, was continued, and was very ably opened to the idry, by John Mellon, Esq. A large num ber of witnesses testified to Ackerman's •exem plary Character. It wits also proved that it is the custom in lithographic establishments, for the bands employed to take small quantities of col ore, for experimenting, ac. The evidence was closed for the, defence, when CoL Black addressed the jury on behalf of the Commonwealth, and James K. Kelinedy for the defence. The jury, after a short absence, returned a ver dict of not guilty, and that the prosecutor pay the mists. This, the Court instructed them, they could not do. as it was a cue of grand larceny, and the verdict was altered to "not guilty." The Counsel for the defence, then asked what disposition should be made of the paints in ques tion, and they were directed .to be banded over to Messrs. Wegrier', Buechocr, and Muller, to whom they belonged. Commonwealth is. John Duffy. Indictment, Larceny, The prisoner is accused of taking a gold match and chain, together with two gold sings, from-Mr. Alexis Bonnet, on the evening of the 14th of January. Meals Bonnet bl9olll-.--1 loot a gold watch and chain on the night in question. On that night, that of the Mayor's election, I was standing on Fourth street, when a crowd came up and naked me to treat. I put my hand in my pocked to get a dime, to give them, in order to get rid of them. They jostled me, and in the confusion my watch was taken; Duffy was afterwaids arrested, charg ed with the offence, and said be had not taken it, but If we would let him oIL he would show us where it was. Duffy was in the crowd. I recog nized him partly by his voice, and partly by a mark upon his check. A. B. Keevil sworn—Saw Duffy in the crowd Be had hold of Mr. Bonnet Be naked the tat ter to go to the St. Char co and treat. Saw him take the watch from Mr. Bonnet. The chain seemed to break, and be thrust it in his breast. After that he handed something to a man named Cook- I followed him, aline pulled out a pistol and threatened me. Be admitted that he knew where the watch was. Hamilton liastiops sworn—Saw Daffy break the chain, and—put the watch in his breast.— Was standing alongside of Mr. Eeevil at the time. IleardDuffy say that he would . tell where the watch and chain were, if they would let him - The case cloned here, on behalf of the Com monwealth, and no witnesses were called for the defence.' Oliver H. Rippey, Esq., appeared on behalf of the Commonwealth, H. 8. Slograw, Eeq., for the defence. AITLESOON SESSION' Commonwealth vs. Joseph Barker, et. aL In dictment, Riot. Messrs. Black and Cochran up. =for the Commonwealth ; Messrs. Mahon, w, and Snowden for the defence. The counsel for the defendants, insisted on the names of the prosecutors being entered on the bit Considerable discussion ensued. Mr. Coch ran stated that he was employed by the city councils, not by any private prosecutors, and. therefore, had no authority to enter any name. 410114 and Pryor finally consented to ap pear an prosecutors. The case was opened to the Jury, on behalf of the Commonwealth,. by J. T. Cochran, Esq. The defendants were accused of creatiug'a riot, some time in the mouth of October last. This alleged riot was committed in arresting a number of po licemen, appointed by the Councils. Mr. Richard Pryor, one of the Councils' police, testified that while he was in the discharge of his duty last fall, Joseph thicker, and a - number of other persons, violently arrested and assaulted kint, taking him to the catch ' , ,house, where be was kept for some hours. Mr. Hessen, (a police oner), was sworn, and testified that he saw Barker arrest Prior in the Diamond, and that lie, in company with a crowd Of upwards of cue hundred persons, came into collision with the police committee's night watch at the corner of Literty nod :llarbury streets, while the latter wore quietly discharging their duty. B . arker and his on William, arrested a mace frolifillfkintols, and too of he ex-Aloyor's men took him, in el riulez.t umunec, t o the watch house. ' •, Alderman' ajor wo , Aaron,, and t,tifieil that 00 the 7th of it ., the committee 'Sent word to rkor that thoy an pat on a act of tight watchmen. nod that they- did not with him to dirturh them. The Court then adjJarmal until ten o'cluek thitt a. morning. I Now BMW:C.—We learn from the Enterprise that the Chestnut Street Bridge Company have contracted for the erection of a new wooden bridge over the Allegheny River, on the site of the one recently destroyed by fire. The plan is somewhat new in this part of the country, and ill cost about $17,000. Tar PANORAKA..-Our readers will recollect that there will be nn afternoon exhibition of ogawell's Panorama at the Athenreum to day. Sight exhibition as usual. HORSE TIEIEF.—The horse of Mr. Walter Bryant, which wa: , tied in front of his store, woo ooly unhitched by a genteely dressed mon on (Thursday. who rode off upon it. The animal [was found on the same day in the neighborhood of Hayti. the thief becoming alarmed, having labandoned it. PASSING COUNTeIIreIT MoNES.—A man named Peter Shoemaker, was yesterday committed to prison by Alderman Major, charged with utter ing counterfeit mosey. MZCTING OF Tlin CoCNCILS.—The Allegheny Councils met on Thursday ensuing. In the Select Council, the minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. A petition relative to paring a portion of East Lane, between Bank Lane and Carpenter's Alley, wan referred to the Street Committee. Action concurred iu by the Common Conn A petition from citizens of Carroll street, pray i!ng, for the exterteion of water pipes from Bearer o Webster street, woe refereed to the Water CoMMit/LT. Action concumd ill by the Common Coun A report of the Superintendmit of the Water Yorks, favorable to retaining the watchman at Le basin, was read and adopted. I it was resolved, That the Superintendent of 'the Water Works, be authorised to escermin the r l sponse of laying four and five inch pipes from the outer station of the Ohio mull Pennsylvania raiLroifffi to the nearest connection with the city water pipes; and report at neat meeting. Action concurred in by the Common Coun cil. I On-motion, it was Resolved, That the Committee on Markets be uthorised to settle all difficulties between the lerk of the market and stall renters. Action concurred in by the Common Corm . A report from the Committee on Surveys, fa ,rable to retaining the grade of Ridge street, as read. Report neeeptid A resolution was also read and aOcepted, in_ aver of opening n forty feet street, including idewalks, eleven feet wide, from Federal street, long the North Common, to Shanapin Street, ..d laying out a forty feet street, including side `walks eleven feet wide, in front of in-lots on the ommons, with the exception of Webster street, hich has been already surveyed. Mr. Moffit moved to amend the above resolu 'on so as to make the streots on North Common, d on the in -lots, sixty feet wide, exclusive of (side-walk, which is to be eleven feet wide.— • mendment accepted, and resolution passed. Action concurred in by the Common Coon cil. A resolution was passed authorizing the Street Commissioners to procure plank for repairing canal bridges. The pay roll of the Street Commissioner, for March, was read and accepted. Mr. Painter presected a petition praying for the grading and paving of Rank Line, above the Aqueduct. Referred to Street Commissioner, with power to act. COMMON cormr. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. A large number of bills; petitions, and resolu tions passed in the Common Council. anti were, with one exception, concurred in by the Select Council, as follows: A petition, signed by a number of the citizens of the Third Ward, praying that the water pipes should be extended along Poplar alley. Referred to the Committee on Streets. - - 7:A petition f roma number of the citizens of the Fourth Wald. praying for an' appropriation for the purpose of putting Saw Mill alley, between Chesnut =tree! and the saw mill in good or der. Referred to Street Committee heveral citirens,of the Fourth Ward presented petition relative to the grade of said street.— Also relative to filling up a pool of stagnant wa. Referred to Committee on Surreys. A petition, praying for the „erection of a fire dog at the corner of East Lane and Ohio street, referred to the Committee on Streets. Itimond . be th - roma open to the accommodation ,f market wagons. Referred to Committee on Market. Resolved, That the Committee on Streets be .4trueted to inquire into the eapediency and ost of widening thank Lane, between the Ague not and the Hand street bridge, to its truper Atli, thirty-three feet: and that said Coni ..ittee report at the next meeting of the Cuuu- The .layor was authorized to draw his war ant for the sum of $3 .- J,35 is favor of the City In motion, it RIM Resolved. That the Committee do Engines and Hose he authorized to contract with the tow st and best bidder for 1000 feet of good leather hose, and that 500 feet be placed in the dd and 4th Wank each, provided the.eame be consider. ed city property. Action not concurred in. Resolved, That the City Treasurer he requir •d, in receiving and paying out the pour tax, o conform strictly to the requirements of the .inth and tenth sections of the Act of April :4th, 1844. Passed. Chimotiom the Council adjourned. Tare Biu.s.—The folloiting ic a list of the e bills, returned by the Stand Jury, since our ast report. Henry Johnston and Robert M'Cutchcon—Lar eny. Ed. Mullen and Bernard Lafferty—lnvoluntary slaughter. , 'Thos. Whittaier-13urglary. F , Henry flosack—Assault and Battery. . Henry Johnston and John Duffy—Robbery... James McDermott--Larceny, three bills. Tim. McPberson-+lforse Stealing. Thos. Jackson--„Larceny. Martin Day—Larceny. James Robinson—Perjury. 1 - Tux PETIT J cwt.—The /nowhere of the petit ory, were yesterday discharged from further wendenee on the Court of..Qnarter Sessions, ort; , Monday. 5 GROSS Rushton, Clarke & Co.'s genuine. Cod Liver OD, for tale by J. KIDD et CO.. ntehlto 00 Wood et. TURNED PILL BOXES—Assorted sizes, for b see by f. d FAILNESTOCK CY, meh F XTRACT HE\SP—Engli him por.d. for We to mch9 It. A. FAIINESTOCK k CO. OLL BUTTER—A few hbls. on hand and B. fur vale by ENGLISH aD E NNLIT, Second. and 151 Firm 12 PRESSED S o f: t ! , h.:EtS--- ,t ' ut: l l. 6 ,A o i k i tAs ll ( i i , rrarAved IDIG METAL.-440 ton) for sale by mrbl9 RIMY, mArrrirws & Co. %NOAH HOUSE MOLASSES-40 bbls. - 0 It. lambi Rani:wry. Iv atom and for .nlr by meb4 5111.44:11 nicKersoy. BLED PEACHES-550 bu. for Sale by RODIEON, LITTLE CO., ••eb/. 2.5.5 Liberty sL 11l UGAR AND MOLASSES— Ie hhdr. Illautelloo sgar , tee bide. do. alnlatere, (oak roapr•rTgr.) Itt rtore sod for sale by taeLla MILLER a RICKTITSON. UM OPIUM—I ease for sale by • =lllO ./. KIDD 0 CO_ 110 Wend It. MANUFACTIJI{EII TOBACCO-150 lag. v.. Manufacture, of the beat brawl, foroale low by I metal'AlAll DICKEY ok CO. EO S R PIES AND TAETFreeli Cherries and Pituns. put trp in their on° Juke. Drrnerrinn the .1 Caror thr fruit Alm,—Ceouper . e relebrated Sheet and Shred leingines and Frettrh llelntlue, fur Jellirs, Blame Maus, 1.• fo , b mehl2 W3I. A. NI I.VRO & cn.. 2.56 Liberty' et_ ) 7ENISON HAM S--93 for Kile by ' =lll3 J. D. WILLIA3II3 & CO. TANNERS' OIL - 10 blAs. warranted pure, for rale by ruelad it. k. dr:Luxe. PECTORAL, Starch Polish, Soap Po.ler, and EfferrepcinirCumpuusad. fur sab• by mat. It. L. dELLERS. Wcod rL • HAftl'Elt'S MAGAZINE, • fur March, rc— alved and fur ralo .t J. 1101.31 M Literary Der. t. Third rtm.t, mchh nypralls. tb. Peet 0111 r, • MO=!l==l LW. Siltvr Cand: I 10. l. Lori, 10,lb Corlx I rA, Lbobrirr IIAII: lu , lreorlsool d for sale by r, .N. WICKLUSIJAM. ob:1,12oornor %4',..1 bad Fr Sixth .. Leollol.---fi ',IA,. for !Of` lIV Lo^b2l J KIIII , A C. 11.. LI 1 {1r.1.1.. NG LISH IT N - I T I.IS RI: I )•--20 lib Is. fur A pa, I, tr, , ,,, .1 KIDD o: co l'A NI:q1 AV II IT IN( i- --:',o t,his. 1,,„,j e ii, v ~ 111111 , 11./ . oNtr% firo•, for I.: lOb 4 ~.. JAMS WIIITI '.l':U('H.l . l:l BLEB-10U for sale I, J hILP r , , 1,( . 0111)1,-- I s :. MAN. for ,tl.• , FLI Fit , )EARLS-14 casks (find sort.) fur loth, by .I.IIcCANDLET.S. Utc/O BY TELEGRAPH Grain—The market is unchanged, with sales , 4000 bt- yellow corn, b us METHEIt TNTELLIG.ENCE prg sr EAKE E Prormions—Sales 900 bids me. , pork. at Sl4 BALTIC. for mess, and $11,87 for prime. Sales 300 bbls Lard. at B}6B.ic lb. Bacon is firm, at last quotations. Groceries—The market is unchanged. Cotton is held higher under the news by the LIVERPOOL 31ARKET. LIVERPOOL, Nlarch - • lincatisrurrs—The late accounts from France, reporting an advance in wheat and dour, with some cessation in exports, have created more confidence in the maroet, with a turn iu prices in favor of holders, flour having advanced Cid td DK, and wheat 1.1 1.4 70 lb. FLorti—We,terti canal in tilluted at 161 b. 1 (; .11,11..ru and 1•1 1:14.1.4.L.t. 22t Ohio, 20:4(;,2 I, aw I Cuirtda 200 2 1,. .. •,urjour i Nuo . tell at. bbl. GSA IN-11 heat in Zei 3 , 1E63 ter red, and tO.,(a i iib ~ .1 for white, *E- 70 Pit. 1 e'dour tom is quoted at CO,; what Lt. . S and railed du at 2Po quarter. Priovist4its—liect,ind pitrl. are in full' di tumid at limn rata .' llncon h . m terther a.ivanccil 2,, with a hare eitilliet. eitulJet, are wanted, but now: are to he Lad. Lard has adeauced 3(.2„,1id V cwt. TALLOW-11as :lily:Laced 10 with a Fpecuiattve dinand. _ - 2, is ca[i OlLA—Linseed I.r lower, tun 133- Ting boon accepted. (hive 1, vteady. s.da 1050 Puitas at £du on the nod 22:9, to., arrive. MET.L.Li—Orders fur railway iron are Dueler 0.. Welch bar es hind at T.l lis Tin plates are mere freely offered, lint the rates arc still:;:at per cwt. In lead, tin copper, there is edit a good busuits, doing at unchanged prices. Scotch pig iron is dull at nlio Is decline. 'Gnat:nate N —Coffee i, dud, and sties tire cue flood to auLtli Si. annitl:!U Od, and of Rio nt dtio per cot. In sugar nothing has been do ing worth tutuaiouing. Molasses is quoted at lizxr—Good Nleuille ie eelliug et .C. 37 per toe. TUEACCO—ne irc,rket is dull, but unchunged in prices, excepting M4rylaud. WOOL—The market is actiNe, cud prices are well supported!: POLITICAL IN TELLIGENCE• ENGLAND. The Papal Bill, modified sod curtailed as it le, is acknowledged by no party, hut still occupies the time of the House of CuW.A.. A correspondent of the London limes says, that it is impossible to deny that there evidently is a reactionary movement among certain legiti mate circles in Faubergstreet, lieituain, to ac cept u prolongation of the President's pow- The Cyrcie, in reference to the circulation of - rumors that France would assume a warlike po sition en the German question, remarks, that so long no a good understanding exists with Eng land, there can bp uo-war on spch account. A council of Ministers wa)flield at the. Elysee, , and the news Iron] Berlin , Illiresden, and Vienna, I was the principal subject of discussion. Tile Council decided that instructions should be given to the French Minister nt Vienna, informing him of the attitude France would take, should a con test arise between the great Germun Princes. The siews of the hang of Prussia met with the sympathy of the Central Government, leaving nothing wanting but their ratification by the Sov ereigns. On 3lontbreuffler's return to Berlin, he found that his Dresden adVersaries bad not been inac tive, at Berlin, with the King, and the aspect of affairs was entirely changed. The King'svo-ws were entirely different from what they were when he left him. Frederick William indulge , visions of ambition, and regards this as ninvorn ble titßo for a rupture with 'Austria, broken as she is in power, and her armies diminished. The determination of a second Dresden confer ence is supported by the views of SLLSOIIy, temberg, Bavaria, and Ilanovcr, white the pre ceedinga of the conference in relation to the Ger man provinces, presents a powerful obstacle to the ascendancy of Austria. They eectutui to form a paid establishing a confederation which may revive the hopes of the National party, which threatens to increase the rupture between the cabinets at Vienna and Berho. It is believed that Prince Swarttenherg, has Sent wield:end reply hi the King of %V ifteleberg, Italian that his Sovereigh in.teed of be leg oppotedto hi,view,. itb them, and does not think the tone hat curer to Curry out the project of the German Confederation. The dreriand mail :rum liindnstan and India arrived at Suez. on the ith of h The Bombay journal, aIItIOULICe toe .urtender of fort Darruhut in lii,eii or I. doiniai• An Oh I be iltb of February. A portion iif the Prune', term \6\ tory has been rattle over to Ea.: In. , ia, a an equirilent for o debt of op f./OU ii..iinds du . by ' h i% tVYACrriiTtitiliETUAkill Let: 'AieC tfoless fr . ai the Oriiintni li auk. ii:ta ;Tn.:en out In the dh.turbed Cht e,e pruvutces. The !,ez.lth a the truqp. nt /Lay,: }COW has beets hluch lihrueed A new of 1.e., tour hfindrett and fifty m::‘, Ir•..w I't-I.ln, t.y a L.,10n Commercial os,: ..pr u., Bth,bay. The import market ass r. a, Lot n, there., it. prices La,: :Ada, IThohl;l1 ,r.te vot• too woo produced by heldet, beinett,•aspos,..l to .oli. The money tuarket had imen.l,l The commermal prospards dsloutta and China were generally Letter The ship Ivanhoe was Seen ashore on the Board Shoal, ott Nantucket, on the 'I ith of Feb. ruary, with all sails set.' I here to no doubt but she ha, gone down with al: on board. Tae overland mail had arrived nt Liverpool, with dates from Bombay to the 17th February, and from Hong Bung to the 17th of January. Fears were entertained of a fresh insurrection 111 the southern provinces. An extensive smugglinl company has been discovered at elningha, FEGRIVE SLAVE CASE April 4 A fugitive slave from Savannah, Georgia, was arrested here loot night. A good deal of excite ment prevutled here, and the negro was stabbed severely. The officer who arrested him is held for examination. MEETINO OF THE COLLIERS Porrsritre, April 9 The coal operators met this afternoon for the purpose of conferring with their employers in relation to prices. The attendance was large. Mr. Tucker ' President of the Reading Rail road, conferred with the committee, anti stated that the Company was disposed to receive any plan from the operatives, that'. would either re duce the quantity or maintain remunerating prices. After. receiving the report, the-meeting ad journed, to meet again ou Monday forenoon nest to devise tome plan to meet the exigencies of the trade. BRIDGE BURNED SUBSCRIRER has been appointed • Lwitcssren, (Pa.) April 4-7 P. tITFIE The bridge over the Conestoga creek, one mile " h. r GILCHRIST'S 3IERICAN RAZORS. below this place, was destroyed by lire thin If . rst.hlrn hero off.r,„,„ in ternoon,.hetween 5 and o'clock. The cause of th,pu , .11... menu( tune as the public. that the the fire is l. (fist _hleh pmmotre the yet unknown, but is supposed to have tlbMtrr o "1";,,u,!%,„ the but dh caught from the sparks of the locomotive of the *, .teel with a e , sueare tul Wade, and from the per Philadelphia train. Goods will hove to be wag- 11 ".N r ''''''' b t t14712 . , , ,,,` gonad diatabce of two miles round, until the nave,* re-eramnal them: Se w item ell ratiolled hi - he with lb. budge is rebuilt, which will probably be a month., =`!` - ,T,Pe„ - „ d o u , This will cause but little delay, however, In the , da , aal. transportation of merchandite. ,roarautre ever, roe to Oro perfect satlersetloo.— Fur oalc, 1,, the dozen or ear, toth the telegraphic wires which crossed this u, w. W ourth e ILSON, rota, Market acid Ft, bri'dge are broken, but will be up iu the morn- n al2l .• D. KING, Ranker and Exobonge Bro. F2orth st., Anlr to IVrternFutole.,F:tqpt i,, , , - 1(...:a it.: i.;:....i.:,;.',i;::::::;:iirt;i:;',:;:u ,. .eif4y; in 'the Itnurimonr. April 4. ....i ,e •10, r nrsl I. now paying the hhttomd maet Lieut. Jame.. Ridgeley, who fell from the third ''"'"'""' '" '''" dr+ ',' r""'''' , Am.r , '" nu b ) "l"' etary of the Exchange Hotel, is now suffering Investments. greatly from the injuries received, nod it not 1000 DOLLS. Plu ITTsßuat CITY Go; expected to survive. umstulays Iss‘Fl.“ Honghtou Miclng C . 4 .).: i ' l . s " , ' . l 1 ‘ :: 1 Vim 'lb"' • Mort s .. do. Parille (Nan] Rork *. .. • For .vieby .t. 'WILKINS A Ur.L. z .4.17 sorts, Thlst end Slsskst rte.__ VI ADAZINES OR APRIL. „Y I t;,.14.,, L•slf. Brx,k, fin. Aprth tireduun'a Magazine do: Sertedn's do. e . For pals 41 I )spoilt..Lera Doput. msh 17 This) rt.. ° the Post LIM, PHILADELPHIA MARKET. April .1. Stocks—Sales $5OOO Prima s's, at Flour is firmer, with Bales 600 ls, at 5A,.1.1 bbl Grain—Red wheat is sold at !'36 . 39N. and .bite do, at 1020 "t. , be. `Provisions—The taarket in firm. at previous Gruceries are quiet, with nu change Whiskey—Sule at '22. l je 1 4 gall. BALTI3IUILE April 4. ,The Baltic's news 11d4.1 nu material eth.ct npOD the market. F.lour—Thu market in unchanged, but firm er. Sales 4UU barfeis 11 S brazalt at $1 37 nQu—The market i., firrrc..ith ralc, of rud wli,ut evru ut IVJa f.trydluw, an'd uUcivr w T rte. Oats tire [et - Hug u t 3i1",41 , “ \l:klk,t firm, .with, of tit, Itt,s p.lrk Li :11 and of 1/6111,. 51 1;01 LLh L trd is mAli:ig At I . llrtstl 15 tina. rel:laa gal!. NEW YORK M.g.!:KET. =MU The prAh Cc himrket, pere-eAry, h, vet y.meet cate.el u* the alit,! , . rt chhru:tihg th prtvlo.e 'h nelui :to •,htituilohn thet ht , g in tr.VENL, I,l`ol, Apr:l 1 Flour-1 he e to ' l, , "{ere 1,0°9l le, " CINCINNATI NIARKIIT April 4. Flour—There is a good demand at yesterday's prices. Sales of 750 bbls at 0i 45, and 600 bbls at $3 50A4 bbl. ' Provisions—The market is very firm, and hold ' ers geueaally are asking a material advance.— Sales MAO has bulk shoulders, on private terms. Sale , 110 hills inferior and No 2 lard at 1111.i•7; qt lb. Wintkey—le in fair demand at 17e Groceries—Molasses is unsettled; 34c, in par funds, were offered this afternoon, but re fused. Sales 130 hhls at 33c 13 gall. Sugar is in good demand, pariicularly good and fair to prime, which is scarce. The river has fallen eight inches since last eve fling, and now stationary. STEAM BOATS I t ' 4 o ft WABASH RIVER—The •atanker 1:1:31tiNT: Capt. 111. , lett. clan e and all Intvrtnedlaa.p , ak. 1 1.aat.v. the 7th In,. at .1 o'clock P. )1; frrt7ht or pa. , ag.. apply eaboard. al' s f i lOR ST. LOC I—Tlis.t nese and , 1a.., awl :.11 intennetliUt*t was Ow day. 41 P. H. For Irlight or a1..eg ,. ..PP1Y on I ..rd• r . ill SASH %IL LE.—The , 141 .q.atn , r FORT PITT, taw., w I Ow a 1.,. and littertntallate porrta till, day at P 31 . . F. r freight er po.e.mqe, apply on be Olt LOUISVILLE—The splen- _ eteruner AV MATtPIt, Capt.W. Dren, , I I..ve ler the nleme ana all Intermediate pone on )lonia.. the 7th Itm., of 10 o'clock. A. M. For fmight ur pa..age orpl, onboord. al`+s F ST. LOUIS & ILLINOIS •1 IZITF.n —The 9dendidnew pamnon• %ham, ST. I / 4 TE,3IAN, Jame. Cormier, at,m tnander. Lavefor the above and Intrrmutliate ports cu Enda.. the 4th /1,11, at 10 A. M. . . , . . Ye nuosae freight or ige.rwoly On board, or to apt I.IA t. 11. MTI.TENIIEttIiEII, Art 11 4 At ST. LOUIS—The splendid j_ 7(j r,=r otermer 11011E1L8, - Butcher, -4y o r comtuunder, wilt leave for lit.kft and inter. nlethate ports °rainwear, ed 'IA.. at 4 v.x For freight or Pre-rue. seri 0. board. sr-1 LOOK CINCINNATI SST. LOUIS rro .1' The flne Q. ola,ter. will heort. for abort, and intertneyhate Portt.ou this day.':xl inet, at to. freight or pa...ag. apply on beard an= 1.) CL Alt PACKET BE- ..- TIVEEN PITTSBURGH eleartir PILOT No Y. .\ . S. Cran. not-ter, leave Pittsburgh for ttl,..Log. Cortina and Suntlah. every .fonds v and Thurndry. at 3 o'clock r. retorolug leave. Nut:doll for Caption. Wheeling anti Pltaborgh.Or ery Tueaday end Friday, at 10 o'clock. yo. Paoa.n.gere rod atuytelo rat depen , ) upon thin boat runolot regular') r Mario, the 10r yr..., Yawn or freight r }manor, apply on hoard. mean MiiMMOMEIMM 1851. INHE nrw and fast running str. CASHIER, 1. s AltuAx. Ma•trr—ltegular WelthrOth, Stra. Laura), WhUnburg. U bYelto3. 1111,11 3 . 0 011 - CUU I u , and Sonfi.h Unekrt—lea Pay , bur.h h.or3 WedOrhlay at 3 0,.1.• P. M.. for Whrellna had Brid,rpart, and nary i•atarday at P. N.. tar Capana and Aunfoh. Returning, leaves oant3,ll array Mandar at 10 a,lura. M.. and Drl , l,part god Wluuting every Alcaalay and Thurlay, at For frel¢ht pupunier appl,m . t s iove nr AcK. to .ehT JOHN Avrvc KIEGULAIt WHEELING AND SUN FISH PACKET—The f0..1 running te samer WELDSVILLE. Capt. It. loung,•111 run v. • ,regular packet between Pitt.burgb. Wheeling. itrid,aporthind titincsh, leaelna Pittsbur g h eXery Monist Afternoon fpsWellatlth,tdeuberirille. and Mid/repos; and .very Thurrday sterns,. for dteubrovUla. WRglins, itmi g . w ri. Fonllatn returning, Imre% lirid g m.- port and Sunalb every Tueeday afternonn. and buntab every Friday aft.rugas. For freight or pasigge..PPlr no hoard. or to t 55 fan.: t W. D. WHEELER. Agent -ItEG I.' LA R PITTSBURGH AND WIIKELINR PACKUT.—Tbe splendid packet steamer DIURNAL. Crowell. ter. I* nog perfonnlng her regular trigreekly trips bets... th, MIT and Wheeling. Ira, Piosburgh at 10 delook ...ell gouda,. Wednesday and Friday. and returning. Wheeling.gerry Tuesday, Thuralay and Paturday. r7ll . g=elfillj47.lL b 'a , f. r . `° tIEGELAR WEDNESDAY t PACK VT, CINCINNATI, Captain John rningbaln Thin mplendhl boat was built by the o•ner• of the steamer Issue Newton. and others, for t he Cin,lntian and Plttanurgh Parketrade. and will lean. ... o gy W.-doe...lay for Cineintuati. In place of the New Eng land No Cur (might or paamagr. apply on boar Age n t U B. MILTEN DERR ER. 1.1440 K GLASGOW. LIVERPOOL A i) FLU, ILLE—The tine etginor t LIE. Win ,bedden. muter, will run To A rtgular r acket lietwern dd. rit. a nd an d Hilo, at uoKh ,e r y W o n!. f Wedue,lay. and Frida: . at (am frei g ht or passa g e, apply on toard VOR MARIETTA AND HOCK iNt:P.giT —The tine steamer PAClFle,: t ail li.•oa maser. a ha... Mr th. above an.l in, t,nu g hat. ever, Thundsy. 4 o'clock, P.ll For frei.,Lt or ravage apply on Mord. Arm T. WOOD! , a SON. No. GI Water and ea Inunt at. uwuweu Ur/.110111,g Blld MI tug, or 3LEIICIIA.:CT MILL. kfI;WA, 1%,.. 'lurch 11, 1651. TILE PUBLIC:—We Lace n.iix in use, A In , 11 . F 101171114 tarn a( M I, ”t tira,,ll./ awl Men-haut Ih.- . . . L! - tho ve,k •• a:, ILburr fhtue.audr,Lt.th , at , t^h It •.,u.vah.nt. Itz a Mt raaot ILI: to L...trly n.. rua f hurt ...ca. that ar tll cf. Aay SI-Lff . I', lath, a bran ant tICal f Juott,r. On. aloutit twftrt . P , uN. of th. calf. .gla, Iffs tht. tftll . }•.: Eh.ray. min Int. fluor. it du, the . a ut.r.S. of •uperthe !lour, u.l ...L. th.•.lu-thaz apparatur ec.mbiu....l. It ut doto.l tuerrhaut LuoluLes: Mal/ ta u.x=ptiouable & NOBLE. r..:1;•. a r. , 1 the (.'+!); Th . Tll/41.P.1 . It. • A J. 31 PORTABLE COMBINED CLARK'S PATES Grinding and Bo purchal gfth.Unit"l Cans' ust Grinding. or nar, , el o...tar hat upl a Per hi .e. I to take. del I tm s Ober tn.l one. whp-11 le our.. to th, en y• of enalelnei and Elate , Itlbta reaLls se palace Ir portable , . an. the,. Indira aquae., ta arlo , llng nal bcdusw : hour. it ry clan be PmPell Messrs r N naarth No -treat. hetet/on:I. li.g, or Merchant Mill ed the entire Patent Right rt. tor - Jame. M. Cl'ar. Patent IMerelsant .11111.. and now belt, Sta. Itigh.. 111.... the Mill mvthod of tolnintlna thu Publ. meafeet Invuotian of the ag, meet with fumes, and which will .' Llt P l74a ' n ' : rtaM i ::. " 1b17 " ; 1171 1 ohlY oreurlua a Aiwa of four feet .n to opeaLl , on, and la tmpalda of ... f. %lan buoheia of wheat ref I' with from an one borne p.a ut , ICall and arof TI to opal-MIT. at le's City Flouring Mt/11, ldhcrty I. norther: he, the VACIIIAE, and the M • $t of k dkv hoe T lIOR ' Dims, posed c• Iciraediate health This of thy otoverou. diva. elz: (ilotolerr.l• aporttto, Ilarle !Mater, at. , the l owing of the Cr oollod Coroplalnt. • table Loma; owl ;novo foundered: It cornea off blood; It 1,0140 o .MI,. •o fat C f. <2, ita ; n andfro 80, ifTrtaa, Lowela to healthy Ito For Isla, •holorolo cat Judea M. Clark's SIT] . me, for sale. haring parenswed tern past pant will be answered THOMAS M. CLUCK. 1E RENOVATING POW of vnmuok., will restore to I l'izwir i r d illriziAllu e nlsl: 4 lb i r k the r.. imre , I nir ' d N an k r: per I lt G, laid Itheniratirtn, ci=conli • lett pro...fatal to. Emmy 0410. hams trove sLit or MGM home, and aorthea the , certain cure for th • Heaven al , which .aotc, to b. the =ten of to an° cleanse the Etoniach and le, and again mortar. UN:stomach fon retail by S. NT. WICKERSHAM, aariler'Ellth IVc.o.das RAZORS! Paper. DRINTING, WRITING, tukl WRAPPING L PAITIL-41-50 resmo 24 by 3SPri PLG ,, 90 13 b;9O 6 2 t j 1, 2 ! b oy ' 2'.;. br 41, 2..4 ttz la: 400 Dluc. Factor,' ear. , 100 bll4l tllu¢lc Crown Straw Paper. 400 Double )I.llum rn and I 4 ingle Crown REF. Tbn omit - 216...1 keep. ronstanUt on h.nd and fur aolu or ..ha., for Rao. n Inn, and ATPErr..I uwirtmeut of Car, I.tter. Hanlon,. and Tel i'apmr. monet t. of all FM, for I , +r , Pr.ollng land,. t 4 ord, on .hurt n0e1... 4.4n.r I`..nn and Irwsn I 2, \r. 1 IVI Inr Ftnalutil Lard Oil. Jtiulnin I Innlnet. ; 11..„ V.v.... 1.4 R, In !OM'c hOlll.l ta , N. , I Mu. krt.. n .ir JONES, Cnisnl 11.0,4 n .ANDLES-533 1.33x3, Mould •• Mar. hy . t , .. 1101{160Y. urrt.r. A (XI ' /V Eit SEED --,., 1 ) lin. rr.•'3l. fnr sale by 33 A I% !JAMMU/II I E . \ 1 ,. 1 . "‘ „ I' l :E IL- 15 I.lhilitit';tr „ r E It n' 111 L T 1 11 3- 3 11l UK E!" dor. Ito. ket... 3 .. I, • TEI; II IN A,..LIPNY I VI OLASSES--2Uu bbl. N. 0., for sal, by ITx. ac/03 A. AW. IaItDAUGIL HOUSES, FARMS, &c For Rent. Small well finished and cuinuletely fur 731...11.,14 4. 1.4v...n Id .ud PC. an 4 For Sale. T 111 : members of the Fairmount Fire Com. an, oer, tht.lr atde It it. Itt tor. der tu p rd trill ff he t.oltt tnou m nf 5..ey. A Good Opportuni_q , for those who want a Home. LOTS AND LAND FOR SALE.—l'h, tatonntocr ttaer,, f.., tale the fo'.ltA.mo intn'n. . ,mtntl, el,: I . Nn 1. Frntr Lott in Pn.l.. p , An of Int. its 151' lit vt.th W•n1.......b Int lhnun: '4l I.vt In 4 In 4. Thn.e lot, 0, 0100n uttlY 'ttunt.....l, owl %In he Noi.i 1: a 1.00,, a, the tlt 'ter II ve, at 0 d,..tanon, and, to 411srnn Of ItM. No. 2. 'flat, I..ntm at the rnrr.t.o nf 112.1 't rent 0.1 Du• tittem. Sal .-4ntrant,nottt..ly Inented for eitin:r Intme, , ut prieate rewilenne , . No. Mu Ina, 10 L / ,. Unruti.h of Law macoetllin, 0.61 ftlitalfor Tr 0000 ' , Aden,' No. 4. 100100 Anne. of Land m P-nnltlet cAro•bilt. Thl2. Prnterty 1, nlonratl; Int - atcl fur ottAttr. Atut...lovta4 tan t. gnat. doattone frutu the city line. Red ntbointnz tin. Itenlmtt. No. 5. Que Lot on 11 nbAcr >tmet. tnntr Ell. 21 feet Ly 109. N. r. —Nnt. thend 4. 0 :11 be .old On Inn:: Lurie: nolo 0 mall t.... 01), ~f the the Intrint:e mover will ).e rein red iv ==il A theta str, 11.........nnaz the ra.rnerat Wei..., and 1:,..., -tree, n•ntainin: 11 1...,m,. sill I- rented Ter „ lon. V. n Owl Tamil v. !I is .I,ott•truc!...l thus :yr faunle. .an ....- cupy It Appl, to Ii.,BEET WitAY• M. 1 , .. nnir.r:.lm corner WeltFter and Elm •Incer • D WELLING ii,niEus, I ,,,,, II ,, O , A7 I S ,,, F m . ~..1 ;(i ) , ,,1 ; ,E , L —, ,N , f e, ,,,.. -1, : :, f iTi.:7,7II'L hou r• trr,T-, ferry "... 1 "" ' " "3 . ' 17*,1: —0 i„., t,i,:fr 0'::17,` .n.,7 1 :',7:1°'!..,.,"1.ii,..,7 Situated coma. ient to Inan.,. nun mark, an.l In a nun, and p l e a Fant 11 aal. In 0rhn...1-31.1.1 I' . the I rnmin , .. mar 11,:t( For Rent. rIMIE ACADEMY BUILDINGS, on '74' tn , 141.h..:11 corner 'kite; and Tisyetie n. TOLET—An OFFICE en liTater, be 7.774 1.0 Merl., god Ferry tn. Enquire of n , eh2 o JAS. DALIELL.strer 65 Naor st. z 6 VOR RENT—A Dwelling .. House on TS.. Third qtz.;.l. atm, and tioAr to mnithf..eld. lt d P ha. ,roi fisturi, Ar fr+rutot giveti Inmt-cluay r Len., iOV , in the Ninth Word. Let.ren Pena r.tri.et and the Allegheny river. Wll. 51. DARLINGTON. . . . r% r It Fault as. Valuabls Real Estate for Sale. tTHE SUBSCRIBER offer. for Sale, on ..r.r", farorahl• terms. the fnllowat, Real hstate;inkll City or l'ltlnhunth. rid: 310. 1. Thrm. raluahlr three .Cory Innek dwelling hon.,. on r.mmtul rtrert. Imtweno Matl. and Ferry streets. the terle l.ln meh 191.,.. front I.; No. V. finn. front on Thin! y.t. the Third Preabeterian thimeh, on which IF •Tvrte , l ntle four rt.,,ry betel. Lou,. unnt im a rtinti, ttnee, and ono tan .Cory brick warehonn.. No. ,3. Two lot. In Frdlrton. Bray, enont,, t.etrn and J. bettor utrout Ital fort wrianrr.tna which m emet. ed mte Mork of four fn.,. dwellings, and one repamate frame a.aulno. ah two rtnrina Mat. N,.. 4. ime lot 3. feet (toot on baek - strect, ( hr rnni extending. to eachn of the hill No. 5 Two beach int, foet front. BO running from the road to line water mark, on the Bin Hearer. • • ..• . •• • • . • • tt One Tatunble 'rater I , lid F uv Wlts,l ham. with ten Flory, water ‘ o .Omr lot uFlntiir the water 10, rtrtrd exteutßog to the any of the hill. on whirl, la ereet.l ..n• two nary britl.Ftore and wombat., 28 I, ,`d feet: al. one frame dwelling, lborndonee high No. n. One large lot In New llnghton. BraTer,uy, lug ahnul 11n fe,t nnnnOrr., way. and abut ohm nt d.w.p, ce.natavnina mere. on .111r0 are emelt, two large frame dwelling, and tale small fume hour, ur..l an go otim. Thto property wag former , - nerta,ned by Mr T. C. Gould. and fa Ter, pleasantly lasted, befog immediately uppadte the Pall:dun Bridge. No. 9. On. grater lot. Immr,:!itted, bodwa F SHAM, II toeing about 100 fmt In length. and extenchng from Water dtrwet to low seater mark, or towing Path The aBoTt. property Storewill Be .141 nn Ter, faTerable term,. of 11. e.e-ft,CKTIcS meißtl Journal tag) Poet rem.; Drug and Prescription Store for Sale. DRUG & PRESCRIPTION STORE, leennal In • out - iling Rod troprerinit 1 4 e‘ etita Use ell). In • 14 doing term ttale buyines. ie (erect 21, sale upon cur , For further nartteulam •PPly to ourLl4 B.tinu IRWIN. • 114 mectel wt OIL SALE—:I large Brick Dwelling rt. ma., and Lot of Oivund. on H. bane. All. ~..;;Z Jr3y City, very near tbe Old Allegheny Bridge Th. Imo, sin irc.4 mpair. lot 11,6 u (vet b, Persons doing bumne. In the ctrl go ,, i.dd Paul It conecial- .:;1°"""' 'II'.IV,PLIY,,'iRwIN. FOR SALE—Taro choke LOTS, I,lc,hient ece,l,lVl=.!. 71;'".1r..7;:.77.% :17- !::°° r. 13 fort trout. and catrn.l Auk 140 fret to • . 71.1 feel Alt, F., wr.r., apply 10 C. IL I 10 LET--A W AREHOUSE, t•nuated 41) ,. ...4 4 . lt Mraet urri For, 44.. quiAuicabk. 1,4 cht I'mdurt AME bush., iort, 3, t:( JS I.ALL erm ELL m 4.1 34 • .ter pr. For Sale. TILE UNITED STATES HOTEL -7: O A BLUM lir BUILD! un tho corurr N Peon ft y... 1... and TunU1111: on Ow l'onto!...no. •riranin Cnnal. al.' rho Cittt.f I itt..Dur,ll the Lot front. nur hundrvd and font, lour on Conn •tn-ot and c to rwrhtf foot u. hundrod knd ollry fo..t moor nn WaoLlnatou Woe, LAVID n_ - JobbU lut pu,j . • NE TRACT .n 1 of tr. no.. pant: nits-. inqum ril• 0 ET A. :1 liltl;'!i DV, EI.LINU. l' MILLS. 1 . .ki{Ni:`...V.5.1.1..1 , TS V TA.n.51... urn.- I.r uer.. Alen ecru , r r u turtn• of 1 n./ arr, .r a., r and entre re per . acrv, nn man, uthere ut earl. L )e., Las and Res: Letan. feLIU \o l 0• rt. • VOR SALE 0110 N PERPETCALLEASI 1' —1 sill Pell fur nun. or nu purnetual 1ea..., one lotus. erun etrnal,..Ll ft, fnn,t Li lun t. t t..prl. all,. .1. ttir ]anti, Ward nn.,lnn Mut. : P ane ,nan. le,uneind by rareun. sad Allegheny Atne.t.e. and oppvcau Cvntral IS rne. ; O'll.lllA L'OR SALE—The Auhs, ribs r offer; alug a nd en II alit linen erlth Ronarn serve of en.und nnnaten watt, etnen.neu , - , nnton thn.. nnle•ul thb rlty. ~trrn cc the 1,1 of Anrll next ALva 1.771;:{t f it e i nVeEn ' t ”A n;LlTr ' a i u 7 rTv ' n ' . elinatd now the shun.. . . Abu, a luL ..t Rl,llld 1n IA, 11 Inelle. a1.,n1r.- 'l ,?” ' f . '.1 .e . ;. ' r. ". e .177 / 4 , ', /o 31 1 .1 ;116 1 ; ' ?;L: L a "' A ' v othcia 11 1 11:t1 Mao% gond pp . , road, near the brat devcrithalnprvrerty FORRENTOR SALE—Tb.• .11 ea.l?rrent h i l , avezdirvalep , orry AlleafuTo , thg Cg:=l . og. ' lte . ll_o:.pg 1. a large double twirls imilding. M ah on .piti ,, orthr. There is a carriage hou, stable. and wee , the aniund‘, which ootnprix two &nv., improved.mnteJning ever> iescrlption of 11 . 411. - , a.m. a err:T.; Loupe cull molt« hous. Poewawion given whenever denrell. JOIIN GEBILLItT. .112.111t1 Rare Chime for Capitalista and Manufae- TIIE being ugunt tor the own ers, niters for aale a nn her of town lots In the matt aunton. etark county. Ohio. with out lot, and .mail prnela of land admitting andnear the town. Maaallion. baths eltnated on the Ohio Canal. and the Ohio and Perth tylvarda nalinud. now nearly ronthleted, pan.ing through this real fatale •rfords, perhaps. lb. 1... t opportunity tt=g7::( .I . lrjr,Zwahj4,l,72'h•NJ:t".=:. 5 .."4 f u e l of all the town. of Ilinng..the aupply of coal tor fuel for steam at 0.. eragat quantity of wool brought to this Market. at an o d e ,.. faditiler for transportation of manufutured articles. all rombinc to matte ilia ere of the cunt de,lrabh.nninba for eatablishlng manufactures of Irvin. Wool. Coln.. fade...l4 all dvarrintiona witleh ls afford ed In it,, It'estern muntry. aeveral Itut.n.red farms. In th. Tteirlit, of the Canal and Railroad. are al•oniter,l—Le trart 3%, art. of ...viten' timbered land. li log between the Can and Railroad. and about lull a note from tho latter. a lot of atnutFerro acres, adiothLror the Railroad Depot. along one aide a hlrh the (mei nava.. aml on two aides. aiteeto of the town It , . .1 kroner. and tnerebauta will do well to had, nt G. fore they rumba. elaaw hem The nowitlou of 31..ad10n.10 the heart of an actirulteirs: rtntion, nut ournaaaed hy any tu the onintry. .0 well known that it In deemed norien , eary to &more than refer to It to all who wlali to wake pe..l inweetmenm, to call and extunine this proper't. Title indlanutalole and long credit given If deainol. 1(on. Andrew . Lawton. and Joshua 11an.., Of Pittsluirgh, will give Inforrnanon enneernina ii,and any enduiri. will he anew en.d on an. nitration to Thom. Jarvh.or the tin ler .1 tact nt 31.aillqn. Itty WILT JARVIS. st.l ADDITIONAL SALE Of Forty Town Lots in East Liverpool, 0. lIE recent unprecedented sale of Lots in the abovethriving Town having nearly exhausted previouNly laid out. and the demand still motioning. the undar•lAned has been induced to lav out ID portion of Property In town into and otter+ them for rale at price+ and e rror that cannot fall to meet the yiews of those •ishing purchase. It la avedle.s to say anything of the kwation of the i To:. an t d prr itt having been rtir=„°,ll'l.,%":. loam purchased by those wishing procure • desbra bin Louse. Sfie abOrs lots aro smong ths most eligible and desirable In the place'. aud ars principally kexted lo lb. emstre thooe rveently sold. For Inform/Woo apply to the proprietor In Ideerpeol, or to dames Blakely. Esp., Fourth stret. Pttlaburgh. East Lls exp KELY. . Jt.)llN F. BLA !. Fob. 2nd. ISLt. fold‘dtvrt(S. I=l A Blast Furnace for Sale. PILE UNDERSIGNED ;.furs for Sale hit 111.A,51 1 1 1 1:11A ACE. wltuntral In ttrawotn•y and known aw tit , . 11 kllntotatin I ortintr.'' ntrL all tba• out. bulldlotor. SAW anal li/tIrT MILL: nod rt err Ilona 1, • m. 0.., to cotrot the Amid., of , irr. It lot. Ittr• Arr., of I—witd Itla wt. now', • M•o•'..". -• • l••.• 1 ,,,, rw,to. vlu,l rata 1..1••••11••do art.. It 1•n. It,, nowt fatt•d=al.l.• Igr don, gr , alurio la Of tllll, front 0• :• ra •• ot. 11 I..gar toor aarl I. 11.1:1 1 er•••,, r 1 1-11,•wrall 1 ••11•lot 11111. w Iwo. nwol, .0.• •wn lw• ts.utt.l It •Il tw • f 11,•,:. nod twg td *1•1 , 1 l•wt anr. .1 •••,,14,....1.• )1 ~ . ~••• • , : ,, . , n t r i ' r, ** ;i;.. , " :, ; 1111.Z . . ' tr ' ; ' ..„ " „ .“ ....r ' 1.1 " 12 " : . [1 „" 1 ' .. * : ..1 • 1 , . tul I.—u.. nl / I " ""'*****; A LL. ALLAndp. * Nlaryl. I 1,1 • EAL ESTATE:FOtt -Th.. Las,ler -Ihr, 11*;: . no. 11,1• 1 . ,t gr.11,. ‘11:11.1 newlarwplt wth tlrU 111 llw bile wwpwaatira r.w.tw.•wl Title ,wfert. Trruw l r hja..„1,3 rtit Lur lara ss retd uu e l lii nalau. .3. wsl. .MOM P.NATON. Ct A Valuable Coal Farm' for Sale, • t,ITI:.ITEI) cat th e Bank .if the :$lO- tl:f; k - 7 nouwaLela Itirer.flortravrr, toy nehsrs ~ , •"lll , l s 're; i,,,, tend •••• . Ite.. :11 mike,. on lit.hUrc homerll• ....., 5 : , 55,,,ahe1a City, arid one-half mile a ,5 ! Awl.% zunIll: 1,1 AiT,I, MI, 100(1. of whirti F... Lawn Low. tat . ntrahl• heats,l lily noning, being inter - fee:ed. by a ra e•ne whteh adapt, it tr• the esimkeion of C5.5h air Into the ...". Tht• t 5.1 nen all 1.0 evneen•entiv rondurted to the rlver h, nu...a. , o f a hA11.H0.115 a hlt.h . now In opera . . tn,n nunn the Inmieee. The landing at the reht,ay . e • 1 eet , ent. aud tl, -Itue , •rn aril talattle 4 f" , ''''' ... t b''''' In fel. Th/ I••••atues etlere faellltiee fr.r Ile Co truly 0n. , tr0a,.....1 .n the M,,rabls Liter. The ° x•11 u. the eurf.kne. moot of whirl . ,level :tad under rull•estx.o..rf yert ,op erior quail% $ . beirtLr mortle Isme•t•he and Mark. walnut entl, well etlat.4.l to the gro.th ed •. he•at au.l ali sthr ~eatn ~ t utuct 11, the csmutr,• LI." ,r, ,,,,,., %ten.. •• • s ••,slant .t. the t•rttni,-.. es.). ea...tly .tuarritd. Ihe tun du:L.,. . re e ler. 5...1t0z. lan. tor, Brick Itaelltn, 11.5•. U.K...,.. 5.0 r ter, re•ie anal a hael.l.ltrben: a lurk , I. rha . lar, .0.1 eksseutent Stab:, strahar.s. t-rinhe 11,•••,e te el lion, er A. tt.,, fv.linv, Rupp, of 1,,N1 water. with an eleel!eut 5uu55 at the tosr. Th.0...1 I , 51•htId Iw •Itt3 -,, 1111 , -.1 w.• 11 ...,l .-f•r•ss,• In Infl•t of the ••I•ent . I ...reeler r. - eft...l(n.. T 5- al•••••.. A mnr,nl..ot ,•••1. ~, 55 . .. ea ~ 1 Mll Ow ...ee•.nr• ,r tslhz• Kul: IL 555 • r I. 1..... Ltd end Cee• 5 t,the I r. 55 patt pitrel• . , 1,504 1 5 1 IN Tflet)!AS. 1851. T cv - P ERIE AND MICHIGAN LINE 7 ON TIIE EXTENSh,N CANAL. I , AnK$ 1,11.71,, 9111 E PROPRIETORS this kunwt, Llre would iut rut the publtt. that they am r.e. In pt.- f'T the prent er. amen- red rt.' rtu, 1re,..-ht net 1 . a....•th,er• hif•Ez 'Ley are tedr. ppeparof to carry I. thr Canal. and lake En : And 31r1.1,n. the tor e ' rat.. One cf of Lihe ut s: lelt,w the thulona- Eruhte, rmeirn tr•tultt. dr; CAUCHEY. tmnt. n r ITatrr and llmitllfeld VitGburzb. COSSIGNtEs: 1851. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. 1831 Forte-si hours to Philadelphia., Forty-four hours to Baltimore. 280 miles Railroad-103 miles Canal. Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats. PRINTING OREL (EXCLEMELY FOP. PIESE7ittEHeo UTCHINSON & Co., Nol3 Spruce Street, AN TO PHILADELPHIA, BALTI3IORE D ! NEW YOWL Who!male manuflacturera er the Peet NEW YORK. : 11,. ENGLISH PRINTLNL: INELS, for Steel and Litho hi:ero Printing and fur Fine flock and Job Work, whleh tIN the opening of Canal Navigation, Two' the w , wr,ct tel.e p,:icipie.w am.. pure., matcrialt, ...I n. x p Eu,ly Lines Nrrr Expect" Pocket BCatt Will Irace Orr I ...g o .. r i2g;= , . , =.l,l2,== ci , ...... h . . ent. Johuttottn..,ence. ;ry Porto,. Itollrusel to rucctaft permanency to wort copal-jar to any other (Item= HOITTDAYSBITRGIf, !in .r.x. Sold at prices razying 75 ct,,, to 3t, 00 per it, . 1 , up in CLOA, azul forawanled to order. .Therr taking t L.. Li 4 Co. alsotordmiLacturn colored Inks of ereryahodeand NEW PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. 1 Gummy nrticc cowcsi.oo to szAo P. , Ih. mder.Z.: , T.O Hundred and Eml D e.hre =Pee duo, .to TO courray MERCHANTS. PECLIAELPIELA .! _ Time through FORTY-St% 1.10111 - 5. t FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS!! Yen to eitllide:hhie. 110. Eire . BAl.unrr. I.O.73NIOULTON & CO. Successors to Jour lb. m re ta tern on Ulf, mom e new, and of the mt &norm' ~..T Pemontx 100.. Ls Cedar and 22 Pine attach, New..l moetrartion tor comfort and; rates,. • 1 - or , invite Merrhanta rieltintr New. York City, to their _ hakete knee ,eery morning prechwit M. Eight e'elech, I Immenae Rock of FOrelgli and Dommtie Taney end Staple cod ,very evening at the tune hour. Dar 01,00, Passengers for Baltimore, , Theta. mock la entirely no, and In addltion still mere ; by every steamer, new and elegant stylet =fined excite on ctrl, el -Lt , 'art et Harriehurc. tnke the York and Coro. i ereoir to ibi o hoo,e, to, of ~,,.7 . ..,,,,,, o f 1,,,,,, twrlend Railroad. o now nt,1;1,1 , tPrect m that coy, (eighty , Gonda to be Itrund lit the French. Grreurn. English, and Am. tour miles., Time. POCH boom. mime mortar, and a; prices than will defy compeUtori. No charge f. tr be.ndling Baggage on this root,. 1 Cada borer,. and Meretnnta generally 0111 do well to Ib , i„,.,.. 0. „,, 00 ,,,,,,, m,,,, do n th o mo n mo d ont6 bl, 4 . call aril examine oar a:micas our tined, are adapted to en ,are end dmirable none:now to the Lamm Citiee ; ery section or the country; mid we are molted to span no alone to tusks It the Interest oreeecy merchant to Door Fm ;.ICILL., ./r Infermation i nfs 1 . J. P. oits, Arent , :n, with their patronage JAMES S. MOULTON, JAMES W. HARKER. Mononneheli Dottie ZENEJJ3 NEWELL Or to. D. LEECH .t. CO. • Nrw Toss, march. MM 1,2 . — C.. 4 42w Canal guin. Penn etre.. . S g tin the Itt of July. the renneyl,,rJa Railroadopt I. fi n t.l„..; to L oe t t i,ort, ohol, will shorten the time ..... LbmughSlX hour, - PlUbburgh. Ft.brunry 18 5 1 r , DIPPERS ARE. lIEREBY INFORMED I._l Wei th.. LINE. dmpn....l enprvly zzeetion Beata. is no. t o 411 operotten. . with tamlinve to carry a large I .ittataay of fr ddlit to Plallndelphla and Baltimore. without t , onahiP`,..vd. to aa short Pm, and at as low rat, a* say ether regular Um:. arrangementa have al. been made for earrYing War 14 it...1v1. Johiolown. liollidayeturm Water levendria. Peterehurgb. Huntingdon. Creek. Ne. Ilanalt.n. MeV.. twn. alsto.n. Mifflin, I Newport. Clark v herry, Harrisburg, Columba and all oth. a. intertordmte p.m, return ) he enn.) leanta Canal and Port tPailr.nd Ha. snit inule of Iron areured . from he Juniata. proms tue•• and regularar in rhipmenta, to the afore.... p.m, at the loweia rate, nmy be relied I uPou M/TCHELL SCOTT, Proprietor. Warehou.... Taal-tr. etre,. • inel 11. t 5 . ,,,nd we.? of the Canal St "LMER ARRANUEMENTS 185 1. VIA Till. NENV LI ASIA liAiLlioAri OSLY T 6 HO URS TO l' £IIILID EL PLII-4. GOOD INTENT ADD TELEGRAPH Mail Lines of Splendid Now Troy Built Coaches for Hoilidnysbnrg, p tArrwo 243 Phd.td. Iphin. New Y,k, un.l Baltimore k% I! h•r,Lur.: ns IL LAr • I: 4,1 '•% PA VI DISPOSED OF' II A Ll' MY IX r LYE.hiY itim;nAli. Binginins' Transportation Line, S— • .6;4 a 1 ; IiF.TIV FES PITTSBCRI s; THE EASTERN CITIES. TIIE CANAL Leine now open, we are rea m farara,l reeiaptii. vreeece ata .avet and re, MEM I . rtalum anA Merrhandv.,... 1..11 ri.rrl. , d and forwarded cart ant wtth.vat any ..bar ry for 2,1. a: du, - 4 ad varln,fr.,f nl corms:..“--. vr f•rw4rd.d. and a.ll.l.mcflona faithfully analr WM. 131N.:(1.1.31 s. CO.. Cara' Ra+Tn.. ad Warna.44... Ihtt,.borgh u:\c:ll.\tl..Xltlllbet...a3. 4; . North and Fllith l'tdladolphla ,-• tn.-t. J Li , 101 l Y-47. Ot- New I'.r. w r X 4 lB5 l l-ds ; Pittsburgh Trans - portatiou Lite. .1 A )I}:r. C..nal P.arin. Plumborgb. a .1 .4rertw, ad 1.e.. 3 Wath Fo“rth rtrtvt. Ntwecti Market and Chert.. nut wtrte, rh.'adr;rhla o'o • oliS 1 CO.. 70 Nona gm,. Balt:m.lro. . . . jaAV INC:. fully compluted our arrange eats, wo pplia Yeti upon the ntwintoti th ann•ylsanta faro's. to C/47" . fringlit to and trim Phu. burt..h. Dalt:mom. Phibuivitaiiii, New 1 orlt. lloaton. tSt. and all tho Latit andiVyst., at 100 yr rout. and .its atom thivatrh attil cam than any utbi er 1.10, All ihlyynl by our Lint• are fully covered by Lueuranc.. withont chz.r, to oar [lllll, n nyoUietii.o not really affitrdod my rrthre Line. All ecumnuna.alons addrsi.mal to tiurstilses nr 11.114 Co.. litielnuatt: E. AVoltb i Louisylllv. and Lowe A t.itd+trina. St. Louis sill utryt with prinurt attention. [ - Z.: , It , tur Lino has niiminniyituin ichoityrfir with lbw Philadaltihis mad lilt:burgh Trawyairtation blueof At- Yin. A C., 185! Merchants' Transportation Line. k CIA PENNST-LVANIA CANALS AND 11 RAILROADS,),) F OR PHILADELPHIA DIRECT—WITH OUT .F-SIIIPPING.' 'C. A MeINELTV a CO., Canal Dula. 405 Penn striNt, Pittsburgh. CHM:LES IZAINOR, Central Keck. Broad meet. delphia. we are rn . P.1 ,,, 1 to rereive s larre amount merchandise dnd pp .fore. 1. , ship nn the opening of the carafe to Phila elphia. and 111 nterm,dtstv Maros at I. , wer rates. and in Ume than In any preheat •lop.r. C - # . "- ii. Tbe In, need number of Trunks provided by tbe Can Coutrah.si. re fur cu - rying our boats on the tare ail; prevent any pc....,11`111t3. of delay at J"Dnai , "ti. liolidaYsbdrg or Columbia. the...... 441. 1851. To Shippers of Merchquilise, Produce, &c., 1.11 . 7,111.11. Malt. RELIANCE PITTSBURGH TIIANSPOR TATio-.N.: LINE. ATKINY k. CO., liniprietors. Nat 37v/rt. and it' commerce street, Philadelphia BELL a LiGuLrr, Att... Canal Bath, iiittlabno‘bt JOS. TAYLOR 0 Agent, Baltimore. NVe are peepansl, nn the aof th. Poutnel , nnia Canal, to tsantratit ror Freight a mine tas loa one. tottl ihlppent d much despatch end eat* al au, tither !All,. P.i.Z.1413 • . ... McPADEN & COVODE. • ISucttentorn to John Menninn d t'ott Caned Basin. l'cnn Stress Penna. Rail Road Ca—Central R.aikßoad. IHE ..ui.Qrtri ving hot,t nitroin , " 4l. nitlppintt intent. for u. I , ent, 1. Inform the ruldin that en nor not nr..l to n- Myr ant tnen.t.andtan , noel um (Cr PLlinnc , . , nn^t .0 the op.-rung of thr "tont thi. rnut.• Int entrntl thronula In nen tin, tvl c0n,tn...1 t.. tn. 11... 1..nnar.1,1 vt inu char, for n.l•anen. tsl 111, 1 11 N $lll Dry City.k. . 1:.11) PIPE by 1)111E1, _ bu ,. . ,, 8ep. L. Apples; 8.-ht 1:11•Krill.N 1'f.:112,1.13115.--„1::.e),_bi,1,. ~l priau, : : ,) , fur I, II , 1 .1.1.1'1:11. IL% SUINGS--SPRINII SELEC II —tvui If LL, rm. uu.l tri...,rttneut freuch 11..gs.rn PElt HA ONG,. i t , ,,tte.r • ill. Jar, unld. lot or Om. dume.A.. , brio. and rizio Partrrn, W ALT EP P..% .1.1:.:11 /1 LI., . . kibl: for Bale by nißbb 1111.11....101Th5r01t. TRANSPORTATION C. W Cunnin;7ll..n.'Nes. Cvstie. Ps: C )IDthet , .. W. C. 31..1an. SI/anon. W. Ael.re . nvir.a; m Henry. Ibrtvrs , wir Wu. Ccalleaul.rdle: Erse. P. 1.. Wnllt.r,l...lltsLialn. N. T SCI PENDSYLiAI 4 IIA. RAILROAD. Manufacturer's Line. ( Me..I.NL LTV a C 6 anal Fla An. J r L.prolmi -patent mta PHILADELPHIA. , ST. LOUIS & ST. JOSEPH lIO3IAS WIIITE. BONNET FACITREIt. No. II South Second Stew:, alvv. Ado.) Ph 11.1.4111.... re61.5:1y. 111.100,110 41,11 110.11-1, B AGALEy, wooDwARD & CO., whoi, 6 roc., No. 21 Mykrt Phllftlelphla. art I j J RCM.. RBALD, BUCKNOR & CO., Tobacco Conaroipaino Mere.b.ta. N. 41 North Water , tree , . .'O.lO North WharreP. Philadelphia. ..el XIE.RCER LS: _INTEL°, General Carnrui;- ciw Merchants. Fllladelnhra. Llberel *Aran,. eenelgennents a Produce generally. bente,,,w. nr.- Caranit...on and EE.r.rhrdiur 3ferchaz. and Fl.r rg. Na. 27t , Mork . m en, , Ti.;lE.t. tiosTox. AMERICAN HOUSE, To Southern and western Merchants. uNnodVer,Eiß.,nrS•'T. ST}: EE lentiret i v x- ...., OUSELL'S PREMIUM PERFUMERY. , , The sot:snit, nopeettully trit . ttPs rubh: attentioa ' ~„,.,..,,,,,,,,,_ft , ..,, . i........ r. ~,. 7:,it tßts extruder FLOCk of l'erfonveVonr.bhaviog Cr.., t 0 tr.. to which co ven Ether and o Rolle° Medals bate, I lt , ` , .• . et n'tjlooir M rdl t. , 14.11: dtroe 1,,,,,,,,1 ~,,,, t t . r ty within the NA :la war, la+,ll ea led t,01.1..w.,,,, of i , I:pntr . . :4o .... . , 1 „. 7 , ,,rfu!,, ,d‘,. rt.., tEd It i, Ivor ~fir New bort. Etudou. and l'bilaritlphia. dig/latter being the t 17_!_ft,_7,.,.... ' . --ua ...,,,-...-...... rt Lt. tratellmE only Golden Inial, , ever aseazdol fur pttfooacry either In t'‘ , .. , ` tn_., . . Eft or in this rountry. , An extenueunaireof Mr. unt - ttrt‘evyi rtonve&orn, of Rd] BotsLl.l'd Urtztv..n SZIASIMI Cat.. (.IThrts.l. tOSC. ! - 1 - 1 01 r _i 4,, ' , . c „.1 . :n1 , erR0 tt, e. the, r..•zurnis imm ,, rso. and Ambrcdial.) universally arknonaledvsl lobe suPetdOrto I m ut' "•"! !' '-` s o' • ~, md:. rt... t I- ttmiteri, 4 .- ; •• by spert,l to entl,r ane atmrtraert rttrr. et ant :Marina Cream in dale country or Lured., ta. r." ,, t.tnatnt- :W...1, t -t ...,.. n o ,t, r ,„„,,,,„,. 1., b . .. Outoriusr, roe SRavun--E•autifhlly transparnt. and Th , rw ,,.,,, ~, ,i ,,,,,,,.,.,,r ,..... ~, 0r..,., r‘..,..udi,,, 01 pu,,,tiust highly :sputum. and emollient yrnpertitAt , , wind mrtal a rtrthn , el it. v•r. , • '.ll, tho Erateing r....-•• , on , CoPound; Atntrotial eitaving Tat , t'4 Mint. j mom, will be (wind tr, le of the trtt lt , antithl nunufat ry blueing Stan. St, rrastat TOtu - T 5...ty.-Ah...d, IL., Milleteurs, Don - rn.""'als. I : 7l'l'l ! ' s ' t! ' ...! - : ` .. 7, ::: " . l' ;:.; 'l2" t.tti ' d7t . lte . <7.tar ' o l ''' e ttt i Vof 11 I ateboody, trrmailms. Floatind. . ,l e ~d i,,. cl-,T,...z. , , , z,,-"mnk..W1 . 1.1...0r. and Clrcavian. • Eierr detnrirent WIE I.- volt', odinau • •• . • 101.tcra rua for ILianataritim s. —ltrcet. hand, Ilms• ; b1i,,:tt,,..,,,,,,, th , ~,,r , ..„ 17 . ,. , , bt. .- . 21,"71 . 1.a11 ; ant , de Caruline. l lerancom,J.nr Lind. dlonuellue.Joelt- i dnamican nrotr . Fl tall, trust th. ?tat - el:kr', Item, t üb, tindoolia. ClomatlM. Citronelle, Rout, and mart t r,b, - ,, , ,,,,,,14,,,,,,,y , ~,t. , ~. ~,,,,... ut bet ,truq.. In all slaty dltlerent perfumer. .. , ~ __ TOILTI Wxy,,-Elorida Water, Lou de Tollctte, Oraum Plot,tr St 'arr. mol a rrent. 'variety of Col%-nes and Lnvm , der ttrtter, PI: LP CP.I. TM, roe THI °'''• M P . itykdolitte, Lett lx,tralt, (Dein-. In b ttx, nr. row. I lye 1 , , , ,11.0.4 end in powder, Issid nine. and J. on. Lind Pomade, most...tole Pnereetnoet-11.d.ottnic Elixir. Date Tooth Powder Lhatt , al Dtntrifire. Wotan,. Tooth Pastealnd Tooth Dreun Amandine for (.41 10d; , ' I Cram Itoece, Cno:to de ferns. Lip Depilatory lelere, ftr tvincertne superdonue hair:, Pearl Powder iglo o do Ponce, Anttrati , VlroTar• Ilyr mp , oilloo, Prtoona n great wartot, ntb,er article, too nornerone to be nutted in this extrertler moat rotweriber hap, to MthltMill the repr.tatfen wh!ch thin oetebliehment has eretttized, by dlaraing of nothing but first rate ankle, .tot will be hap, to surmise the, who ISlity wish to patron:11:o gum, either 6 hotelle recall. .ha reasonable terms ea war establlqummt Unittal Stntot ZAVIER BAKIN, tt =cu. to end heats: Director of the Lohorstory of 114)1.7hDLL, 114 [lmp. " 1 ' th-Pri.d=-1 Ihpg:iets to the eaeatrs. • NEW YORK. WM. WAKEMAN & CO, No. 79 & 81 (Into 76) MAIDEN' Lao NEW TORE. Directly opposite the Old Stand. 111A3JUTACTERERS . ANT? JOBBERS of j .43, GENTLEMEN S . FULNISt7P.O ARTICLES, coo. Cider o a f Ai Drewn . l-11e Ty d Light, Wool, An. g i olo, Choker, Back, Merino and LUTZ Doni...le and For. t.. 413 Satin. Silk, Iloilo Bombasine and fancy of all i styles and qualities. 50..; and Tan—Fancy Bilk, and Black of every kind. Mars and ..10..ents—Of all Undo. Chreotr—Fancy hilt Al b, . 11.1117 Enall.b Hada.. Sot, Princert Dorothea Twilled Indian Battu. ac. BtrAtt HanEtrchiefi—Cors. , , Leven Cambric, tr . ./....I—French and Eng/1.111. new otyle. Domestic and Yoram, Gioces o —Bld, Silk, Limn. ' thread, and all the Waal of r Wo r n 4 c t i rial tk Lfais Wool. SU. Limn and Cotton. Morning Goions—Telert, Cashmere, Eng lieb. Branch wad othe Should, Bra. for gentlemen and ladies—• racist, - of tyleo . Rulria Riding Pia of all qualities. W. ...Ad Invite parttrular attention to our Domestic Knit t rolerthato, Draw.. and lloalerr. Whl. WAKEMAN A CA.. coehltialmo.) 79 a el Maiden Loos. TO TIIE lIOTbE KEEPLILS OF TOE EXITED BTA.TE.Y. SILVER PLATE QUICKLY RESTORED ittito MTh" ta — CUrnprecr - o butd" caecaf pure Silver,"t 4 '' '''' I- L" - ..^t ` I°-414.4114.41 tan been u.,.1 by hour.. keepers Le New York for the 4. °lol l°. / bare tn.:- r-- , r , .,...:.!, , 1..., t.” 'nu-. end in hemming a nes:wawa wtiek, in the J•ou -ell JACkAN. .....c .."...of A° , T. .. i° fe° °daub n. re• V.a sir-trt: in, L.:0n...a .... ..6 6.. nanail ...way ad pistell Goole null ius Canto.", Cando -nob, L.ke Basket, :aw1..., end Ilarnou tura. - k, 1.111 tar: Lily... A,... or Vase with yore mien on From Dr. Pah,. Synn e .rico., I.w:on, .n C matyTEy rA.6. l t•pp, or cortuou 01. or The wurr-ar.4,- is rT..I" ~....-.-..- h . -11 yO. 'Pk Lo.ot tr lutreduruon into 4.61, 01011/7 i 7 :n .4 rent. yrr . It, A 1.6110 ant:a:at to Jewelers M/4441° ' 44 ''''' ' rll. ' l-1 '" ' h °l-.lll4'. ' l•l '' 4 ' n4l. and I anci Geode deakm for =ro o of a :oat asn. l, 3.6,1 DD • 1, 1 - ,Lued upon F ,' nr ..., s e JOHN J. CROWN. -se bf the 11. 0. Dr. ttl,ar . L., .....n, oli 11,1 C.. r-r clef,' n oosse . t.: 114 F°l4 ' . ` 4-4 " •4 N 4.4 York.ln the 'nor ISI ~ I war tole,: .::;h uo .. -manor. of the --- - Shawl and Mantilla Warehouse. t0...n, wiad, I Labored ...ale: t - on we..., er,en I k - red. 1. 4 1 S. MILLS, No. 6 CORTLANDT ST eattyr....,,.....! 1 n tae tutor NI a.,. attosed with a •• >even u.ll, teLeh ... Lt.., Itnd 6 , .. - -,10- I. , Alla Cur the 14 •, tp rtder, NEW 1011 K. in now otereng 01. of ~_ , , - •- • . lau,et raid richest iwnonments of b. 11.1 Nin LN D 'N .° a 1 " °1-4 " ' 44 ' • 14 ' 4 ' 4 ' " 11 ' /1 ” o ' l - 11 ' 1°4a St ;tit hi: Moi l lt Lo •v.- Wt., ren Ped Also LACE wants of tanula,a. ard aced' Varl..; ..f a-a. a alma ben. 11l -LIN wul al koude ' of siLh 31 tNTILLAS. manufactu Co. and thus I aesziol nl, o„ 1... LI n el., of. /US. '°' 4 ' 4° I • 4° 4414.4 P°ll4 4 " °14 " ' l4l44 ' lh r /11° 4.-4 .' 4 when I loan! of Dr II Lawn/Li,. ot W.hi t lietey at ..t. I tennusalwl: alerted to the Syrian; trade . y tbo a Ina, nolnudid stock of 1•A11-1: 1 0L9 SNO CIL friend. Parnund . l d ctc to ;;:.0 It ° tr..o.tioa.ou I had nilt 4 . l . 111.t.1L.C., cousletror of Dl:Lunt and plata ellkal cotton tip all hopes of :tourer.. and Li) 1 - L,ured eurrelf for tie aryl Llk cad A ll Paroeols sal Cottoo and Ging. 4 1 4 ,„„.,,4. ne ,y . ,,,,,, ~ , ,4 40 4.--,,, ~ 0 : i r 0 ~,a,:ors i, ea u Ima t =to lb, of winch will he offerul at can., lau ly --" ' " ' •1 -1. y 7 ' --, lea Mew %I e wpec.ally Invite our Woutern friends to La. 1°4..4 .0 I ° l °' ./. 01 11 " 4°-1/4 •° 51°4 .° '''' "'' 111 . ...10: our Flock bet. re putchar l n Ilal Cluerry I'LL Ca... o_o :tali a Patel,- Alta tlno. WIRE SHOW STAND:. for exhibiting Shawl. end ~,,,,,,0 „ ,., ~,,,,„: „ r , „ 4. ,, ,„, ~.,, . ,„.,, ~,,,, 1,,,,,,,,, 110aulls, put op in rat,. for tranow , rtation kbll V span: four or nee L iudro.l dollars to . no nuncre. and the, SPRING IMPORTATIONS. or,, and meet renyeemble ploe.eane 1, ::1 proved unavaLL C B. LIATCII & CO., Jag, I was soon tn.-toted to ...Lin health by the blueing of SO '..17 WILLIAIf STREET, NEW TORY, Godard the use of Dr- Wletar s Po'eam or Wilda... - , h ,, o,„, Moth,, of ''God 4,,, noon ~,,, p ,,,,..„,, e , o r ~,,, AVE now In store, and are constantly re- ,aluable a nue-Plot as II !r,r.s tat,....n of m oat.-t.r el . wiring 01 nteidner, the most eatenravearsonnnent of You. :en:setae:dlr. Li l lecten , TYR \ 10111‘011 GOODS ever before offered. Wit IL Ds., embrecw- the Lute a nod nchert nt. if I' of Crevets, / blairts. GT, Iforierc, rweenders. Lrelor Garment. . London eat by J. D Pus. (seiner.- te,:aniNol J. l'sak.)Yourth Toy, S tock, Oiled Silks. Drevaine Gowns. Ilandkerehlers. and Walnut streets. Cmunneti 3 Obto, General Agcn/f , the Shoulder Brew, Linen Cellar, with a variety of other ern ... no o„ ye, 5: get , a .„,i,,, a , e a, 0 .,3 e ,,,..,,,,,,,,td rar .,,,,d. ticks peculiar to their Ilne of bedews. All of whkii will •- ' ' ' be ,ohl at d, v et , low, pro w on e tr e .me r y, ro sa a,, i p, J. Isidd A Cu. IL A Falancrock A Co, J. A. June, L. , 1116000 to examine our dock fehblext . Wllum, 4r, Pittsburgh: to,. A. Beellom, Alligheny Car; - n L. I naa.u, watooo o ter..i...ll.naot., ratautovu, 11 Welty, dreensburz 8 Kounta.Sotnerset, Stitt A G.leacre. Bedford: Reed Alma Iluntangdnalire.On.llo,ll4ayabwki llildelarand I Co., India., J K. Wright. lottatuallagi wan mums a wrx 71011 hearts b Co. Drool - villa A. Miran L Sou, Warumbiarg. Quarts, pc.F . doe- --SI lie dauber du- -SO SO . e .,,, /lolanda! re Co. N Callender, Meadville, Bar- n A Co. 01044 1 441 4.4 “ - ' ..". heir Graham ,t Fork., Meter, Jasnee Kelly A Co. nut. 011 draught, per goo__ ....20 earl lee S. Eralth. Beaver, J. o.B , anunerton. Werra, k L A 0 This in the 1..4 article manufactured- It flOwl Owl.- 0 , +.,.f.s l ,,C..dmrort; P.Crocker, Jr • Brom:evil., 13 11 good COPYING INT -.al .41 not coned. monad. ••°.4.41 1 t11111 . predpitate or decay, and poesesere all the qualities crept, The Human Body Moat Perspire, ed f-r a anal Writing Ink. ndtable for the Quill. and ad mirably ...hinted for the Mod Pen SO SAYS NATURE, to hale a hecatty ap- Tit , . otaitrulaa , ta It 0.711.60 m forabb to the trade eb none who Jo not petnWre ere Bahl* titer f , r export or halm oonsulaption, at the &Fore vant7 e. ab,ratest ellsgatantG t ' a d dre skin Pm a Now JiLui Call. I low prior, fat 50 .4 per order, an,l deltvered ir. any part ~,,,,T,4 7 .1& , ,,, 'r e , 7,.. 4 ,;,4 • tl, ~...,. p DOOM. 5:, pp ern .0101, 0 . 6 .200 ° e r r t t1; g e:1 . 7 .. . re t:,. ;, , f mi ch .. erge.. r.., .• ;., th ,,...„. erfe Er =Lea 8......... el .. ~..,,,,,,, ~,,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,, el, ~0,,, ~;rang wo o kap,. cS an infairCe. THFODORE LENT, &awn, Salt Inheum. all norm are notably hn..k.l, but kb/1y SS baraUlt st.. :New lurk , r ,„.., b' lo ~,,,,,, ~,, s e l oo t 7 pherimen, In N hurt La o ,. Murphy's Self-SealiX — g Advertising b lv d. who n_ It In each ewe, rat cal .t unnulta,,--,... ,, aLnu n ln . Putrid, , Blotelic,}ll.oo.l. anew eine. wo . ... I thu le no nehn, powni ran;,n_. al A . 0.263 MADISW. ST., NEW YORK.— ..m.. cur....d. eizre head, soca leua, and o re L. apt li, " C U t ‘ riadVlll Plerve I could enumerw, et It nt ey -4 1 Th 4 411b11441b44 1 ° tn°: ll,o °o the Patnnutrie of dl °no , Buy Strand the reader it :aria eseured 1 a ou.J uoterl. nun' enn. thin advertisement. feels none of that twrttation . elle 'ell it for me above, unite./ knew it to lo all / ttate. with whlnt a new article Is tuntcht before the publiu The Thom who are lutbie to chafed. eracke-Lor do, Ind leek, experienoe of >ears has esegbhyted theft superiority be. will gad thin rot only a en.,, ,, but a yr, rentive -, 1 I can nal all owetion, and he conSdentia return to the tertmen r o , en ly Todd, that one on e r.5,,ed with wiy ur I e ebavo. 1 01 thaw twoneso men whn have need du. envelo p , or abrupt:. direetem. ell/ bud this all. and :run mart tuhad• sod to 1.,,s rapidly mare'',, Wes. as prodof their excel- rabic Inas proysrtiea) than I state rirliut, nailer, the stores ern Lorded 1.04 .t. - 2Z± , on The following ern a few of the twuctul ter their pops- ' and be sure yen sea. for Joan' Malian Chemical boa twit) torr MOOT of Sim.JAChnOn, only Await to I atu ..1 - I,la, 11l On the place monied by the seal, a Swam 1/I°T head ell Wood. have his name. bushman, and addre-, conunturoWiT end - beentlf° ll, e.t.a...1 coloiWd or Ilon a Ulu/ °I/a/n I J.LI Pc' Pearly White Teeth, end Pure Breath, to Put nearity against resod 2..1. The Envelopes cannot to opened without lair, d e • be had der' . 'at. -Pernoun , rho law other, are hone.- etroyed Id) tnentred that if their tre-a, is ev:r so Lol. or U.= nd tt , N'''''''''''r.4frn 4 ' 4 441 4. 4d4414 4° 44'' them- 'l ° .%l",tiol rk or.rj4 o 'irlV "'7l,V.' l ,:s.l t = 1 4- Upon the mbearriare of a let , the seal inruweitz th at ~ i: ,.,, 4 ,...• ~ 1. ,i, 1 . ~,,,,,,„, luntudiate return to the Fonder, inateed 0 being btuied atc 41.. . 1. ° •`' 1 " • 11.1 0 Loath • • 1 oundlo in the Dead Letter &Wee sweet Sold only at JACKSON', atm, 2. Lth 0 rty rt, bead Of ath The Envelopes are ft:stashed at alma[ the asme I price err plain ones ' 4 . 4 tth Foch letter mailed b ,meet elf:nettle edvertieetnenh Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink. TONE'S EMPIRE INK, 85 Nassau street, au Nor Yoik. . __ . ..... . • ... . . . . . sury toattract the attention of all through whose hands It mus s y ;ay... The folltrwitur Is • list of miens for Du, engralvd on bros.. and which will last for rears: and of F.Ovatorra, of the usual sire, either whitoor buff. of goat payer. nod made PP above, with name. outdrew, Ar.. Price. elf Dia. I hi. µf Tawelorwa mod , as 33 f.” letters or leo.-- ..... -$4OO abort. 5.0.4105. $4,00 SOtoass 6.ooross 7,50 40toNs 6,00 3000.. .. . .... —O. . 1040 Flltuvo. 10.00 4000 \ • 1.3.00 gi to 100 12.00.'0 RI \ 15.00 IVhen It L. not ennv:to . LXiisrwarvt aao , :n l. l c o w f ois o l , ss i t. mf..-.--..i7TC:'..`717.8:2i.r".u1..1r% .r . :1717.2,t .Ith prompt attention, If addrenal. WM. lllt/l(PIIY. No. t o Muthon street, New Trek. Orders will be aMemled to Invsnoptlys,,lf left at the atom of .rO. Fsbell a Mott. 'X M .11 insect. or of Messrs, IL Jereilman a en. 154 William ot- • to It $lO,OO Cards, emboss...l In I.olorn. from R• 100 Pie, at $lO,OO per thouathst. festilM'alln - Professor A. C. Barry's I'rioopherons, , C h,g o3l .. P d oll.N . l ti nmo infallible iing foe the seurl dandruf, and all affections a/lb la :sal p, et trmg eruptions On the skin. dam., of the glands, mu,w1..,. end integuments. and relieving stings, cuts, broke °Y sprains. to With thin preparatkes n - thine is no Bach sort a• She first:Journals in America. medical men of the hlahret esolnenZe, prominent citltens of all prof.... slow, end ladles atm Lave nerd it for fem. in their dres sing and numerics, admit it with one scrord. Oast Far m,,....ung vigor. aims; luxuriance. and cnrl to the hair, eredleattn: et - dr! and dandruff; healing wontelF, curing the stings, kn. and relaying a the skm. the tut.etlee; It ha. , eettia: .1.14 therm:lllsode of cnntpounds advertise"! in the truh lie Trims. or usol in private practirs.. Inc hkeTte,. m. well rtielent, liarry Trleet hennas is tinrivali,l. di. 4,14.11 article, Lave enattled the innutor on :., aat eents Ter bottle. which is (rum PJ /,./ Ter reld them the luny, of an other preparation the hair In, The seientite treelike on the an. I,LO the e n: embracing the salualle dtrectlons to the eal. toto re and prewervahon of ehowe-d ..ruawcut. robot each bottle la al,ue worth ru, , nes. TLr attnit, lades - ern the tuembraves.whieb ...comtute the skm at..l tlie bele, whichits sustenanee tk-ont this triple envelope. Ls very hee d . ll Ms...we of hair eel- What. in the skin of the heed If the Tor, of the wait, ei e clgged. or if tbe blood end outer thilds dr, to,t late thr.ugh the emall which fee the r..,t tr...t.turn- and Iniyart ll* to the fThrea. the oeurf. dandruff, shedding of the Lair. p.,71,01111,. dra neia, ...I Lerida,•" nf the linaments. wad enfirr a•the enke ma. htirnulate ehin le•althful acti,m with the Tmeiddn•rouv. and the torpid erinu their nen, .1,1 annihilate the altalhetions the skin. nod the subdrata nuowles• end int,gutornh.,the 1 , 00 , 0,6 104 effect are the 'acne. It is tho the mu 01,re. and the glands, that du , I nj u ry ha. IL , specitte net7 , :u. end in all affections. and Injury of the., it er.ven.ign remedy. S . :n One., et the Trlne4,l ant e u. Itm.les, New the priunTal myrrh-, ante and throuvhout the niter' Statea and Can. • - - derffsrdni Blank Books. fritlE Inr g . t Stock k .1 Book , s, a o n4 fez ; ,•-rwt.n . , In c, hl , thY A V KN'S Blank IksQk . • . en. MarkK Seasal an. r,ur.h.l to rail at, .imam our 3141- una awl hrusl Blank Hurl, %bid, an: ullvel at fuser -prices than they have era heap sold hi title dt.T. (Cart sad AIIKiPMIII sm.] mactiO ST. JOSEPH. NISSOITS.I.- MIDDLETON, RILEY "Si rmlurt. Coraothsjort. at r,,vtrtlin4 !..Z.n.cht,att, ca the St Refi .r VattLegh- pVII) C. TU T'UL Att”rxt,y at Law, ant Ctlauulnst,mc • • . 1 . lit!, :1 I oommullienttm. tsr,,,''t, . 011 N Att,,m, N . an d cc,,. 01 - andt : ,33 !.1 ,1nr 7. 1%, tr. Park r517.4i1s ,st,gl,l,lr BOSTON. 117E•j'IVw*sh t d .- ' ii' with tholice-and ~IrLcte.but teeoce, , selves to make so arvertion as to-the virtues of this mods- MM. Ilia to hold no hope to eutrim; humanity, übich fade will cot warrant. _. The Sloss of Iceland, and the PI o end Wild Cherry, are justly celebrated for the men of a diseases of the Luisae end hirer, which aro eo fearfully press:Mt in all Northern latitudes. Prom le cembination iif chemical entree:, pro mised from this Mont and the-sunnier, LT. H.:anis De, cat er Wan Chaser is chiefs- fartuel. ' 41 - Ifinaire Bottom of Will 'Ch. - rr Ito Ina UM= Morruz,unapcsed entirely of 1111.1 Cherry Oa. t and the genuine led and Mesa. (the latter importia espserelY for thla I Purpose,) the mu meliral suture of wLich are him mar Mood by a new chemical primes; with Cl,e setae: of Tar— ; thus remleting the whole compound the cot exrtaln and r"-.--dour remedy ever ilUenvervel for the CONStIIPTION oe'ffir L 'GS. HEREDITARY CONST3IPTI6N Cu. by WPM'S Hal sum of Wild Cherry.—The filionurig ewe of site Mah la. grigg. of Consumption. (Lee of .l.brothmis nn l itirts ha ving died of Cousumptlea.) II truly wen:MM . tq......., Pram, liardittu co_ Scpt, 27, ifk. J. D- Past—Denr Slr. I take the liberty of advising yen of the bereft I hale derived hum the use of Dr. \filter'. Balsam of P. Cherry. I uni pmt rata, by that terrible FtolllTe. Consusaptiors, in May lad. The attach was truly horrifying to me, Mr five of our family, (my brothers and deters) had died of Comminution 1 te afiicted with nearly all the word Amur, of the dikes, m I hod adirmiismi lug math. and expectorated a great deal cf Skutt, beetle fever, serer, pelts Intbe Ode and chezt, cell chills, alter luting with Pushes of heat. I was under the can of, a atilful physician. from the rime I was taken sin until atm. rim weeks ..12M, being than about helpless, and my friends c , M.Mtervti my mm hopeless, or at least beyond our physician's skill: noised amuse of Wistais Bale= or Cherry. Without my hoot/edge, my (nth.," tmucarei it. out commenced admin. isterlng It to me, and from the Erct day I cominoced tak ing It my health =arrayed, and to two wo,'," from the time I ccormaeond =ins: it, I secs able - m be oat and neer see my busliaesa, and len:. whin I still coonc.r, to do. 1 hose taken four bottles of tRe toolloire. and on' consider myself perfectly cell. JEREMIAH IeaSILIGG. ; ; Cuoscw P och. Lake Cc., le., duncl3,lo. Jinni D. PUS—Dear Elri to July. ;.1 , 340. I w a • a tt a ck e d. with a feverof trrtold claractcr, ~bleb lilt ma Inn very. debilitated stare, wiles, to tb. following wlann. I was ta ken witti• severe cold, whlch rerlislid con t...udu an co. tent as to give rue too ay/marauder a.contrt..,l c,[1711.111P- El7ll. I labored wader ebirremcou.ll--.77,:nrawd ogrellt deal. and was troubled with cold but tool night s - weats. I also frequently raised land (was say lima, I datum:ll to ibis .tote. gradually Kinking under Ilia diwwee, untli January, 1E47, when I ono attacked 7,77. 317 3311[141.1deapdred of soy tic. and my lib/ 'learn thought I could survive tut a start time._ 317 cals.:o,s, ...nodal ly thy fiat. Weft ornislautly coal. and alum.: List their feel• tad, them eircanalatio.s it may be trill,said I anti a living ,beleton. I bully dettentinsil to volt tahing av aldinea prewlibed by plii[3cia.F., and try Itr. it i,tar n Bab was of Wild Clismiy, from that I MC:I -ac:wed taking I isai date anradia: rornsi-ri I won.. out Its weals instal,. at lb: end of Whir:. V.. , I as. cur. ea, and eninitil now: ver Fin. and re. too Ilabam al; lir, d of A Seientisehair Tonic, Restorer and Dena ieer.—Trial Bottlre. u-Lo Lave-need loxes' Cure' litur licstor,r. know Mt there who havefoHtt . a , ure it to tn.,,,et the erit.: quallticat—lt not ksce the imor to ton edit, nature Intended hair t. 1..F..ng Id; runny! or dandruff . ; au.! make ,ht. er gr, dark. rendertna . the hair an•l reALing c - scmcd thu—tt toakea It truly teen , ite.•entl it It 13, IC' h du,t. 1111, uSL kcntrior--art; AT the bramil at IV3I. J.5.1.30iU.N"6 t.t.ru4 of irp.cd,ll[l...,burgh. M=l== • • JONES' Solution of jet, a Liquid Human flair Die. far the &nava, GI wib.. rtd, leix,tos beautiful brown, or black :aw =du taz. PliGes--Jqeenta. and Si. • JONES' LILLY IV /11TE.—Ladies nre can tfoml ttwknion 4ber are not aware how frl,:htrull3 nwitirak.. It It/ /-I , a n 2 how mane. Low roach. Lnw tinbralU, thpflafl aprrear.. allwr 1161, r rem., t Ur, lnjursons, conlawring w 4 hare prerared a kwotlrui mil Janet' rea..l, it I. ,rf,,wrly Innocent and it ...Tarte . •km, . wlttt, t.l 11 .e i m.tic on the sk:n, ,r Sold by the Ar.-nt. ti ub. Athrs:, load dee --413.1.13,S Needles' Celebrt.ted 0311'01' N 111..31 h. 1' L A STEIL— ctt the Ithtto rt r t!...1. try pore terhlco oleos tie to tto a 4.3 ten , Nod The Ingrtnlienh= n•th4.ln IC 1e.,1'. n.... re th, ~ • 'Lath:lnn nit: .7 '.- Fur I.nin,. rt • tn.! I ~ ,Attni !n:1, n.t.,. I.• tar ut-alan, nr,l rni;.- - hot. Merelrr I I e •11 , 11 ,, t.) , :n. 'ln vcrl, n. •-; yth--ter, srnre“thh, that the!: I.nrch,inf .rame huh ac.. Closuag CI RE AT EA r . VA tiny :e Prinr tLc trelarve Lie 1 llg of April - of ho uil cv-tui, • ht tn , t7oa w.hus4.l. woo,ll , cf th , ptc.k ita bm... ca fat hytllr tr.d. 45031