The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 05, 1851, Image 1

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0111= 03 1 , 3i3:0 son ,,?. "[TT • To •rnz eon 03/1C
DAlLY—Seven doll.rn 1 , , annum, payable half y T.
Eti Mum, if yaid In palvsatee.
WEEKLY—Two dullary per gum.. in advance. 1.
w be sePPlied on the following conaltionc—
nape r0p1... per mooned 5 00
Nig copies do 9 00
Ten noptes 13 ant
Twenty copies do :A PO
The pseket for each Club to be Wares:Yea to one pers.,
end to be lead inverhtlay it advance. to flub Paper, *ill
be dwent after the rear e‘plres, apthp the money to motive
s renewal.
One Finn, (10 thies ofliOnparril or leas)
Do. .
Go. inrrtion • 0,0 50
raciaidditional Insertion.. 0 1::.
fake w,ctic 1 ":.
I.IAIW weeka.. 4 00
11,.. - ion mouth, 7 00
Do. th n.... month. 0 nu
Do. f .or nmoth. 10 00
Do. x month. 12 o 0
Do)wrier mnnthr Standing rani, G. lines or e per anntim.....s 00
One Dollar for each odelltioutil line
One Swim,. "hanuyabl" at plerieure (pet an - . 1
numt 1,4111,11,. of the pap,
For cads rulditional ..tuare. inwqq.,l rarer one month, Ai!
for each additional square iu•erted under the yearly ru
half erica,. ,
Advnt.rots era...ling a
y q and ant orer fdleir
Item, to be of .......trou and a Milt.
Publisher. not accountable tor . /ego] a....'°. b t"
rod the amount chaq:ed for that Pobihniian.
Announcing candid... for office, to br charged the wile
as other adertisemen..
A.lvertle...ment, not marked en to copy _ for a sprelfiett
number of insertiami , will lwanitinued Ull forbid. tund Pa./.
moot exacted ac.vidiugly.
Thu .privilege of annual airertisers Ix strictle ted to
Fleit OIND ilralleiti.o•7 bulkier.: and all advertisement. , far
e benefit of othrr wells all adverinunnents nct
Inmediandr eminent al with their own Goldner, and - a.l
thrice of edir"rtimati. On, ill length or otherwise, heron,'
the lirolm etiga.t.l. will le charaed et the usual rates. Per
all much Dat.lent adrertismg. bills will be separate] r
random!. and prompt pai tarot it desired.
All advertisement. to "loanable itirtliollow. lire roc,
Male, ward, new lieu, and other publk• meetings,l
ilitah like, to be 20.4,4 hat( price. Parable strictly In c ad.
rlage nOtiers to be charg.l 50 amts.
igestla..mitlce. insert,ll without charge. unkaa ancompa.
Ned by funeral Invitatin,. or obituary notices. and when
to accumpanlexi to be mud f o r.
Regular advertisers. and all other. sending enromunka
ttems, or requiring nonen draigned to callattention to
.Peen,&Arne, Concerts, or any nubile entertainment,.
whore charges are made for admittance—All notices of im
ear....,,,ei•idon..,—,r er y notice deshnied to rail attention Pa
pirate enterprises. ealenlahal nr Intended to protonic tali.
ridual interest. can only be inserted with the underetemp
lug that the vane in to bet paid for,. It intended the it
seated in the loaf 114.11D1D, the same will be charged at t
rate of not feu than la cents per line.
')))ship or aliee. Non., to be eller4.l triple prim.
ta , vern Licari. l'eUtions S 2 es/it.
IWO sal
Agents' and Auctioneers' adeertiseminits 1 1
to CI under yearly ran, but to be allowed •di
count o thirty lima and nu., tint le , cent fn.+ •
amount of bills.
O. Square, threenuoratan4 . . •
Do-, eacti iwertinn.
11.[EXLV YlPtit
Ono aims, ,10 .
01311 ...... ee obi
Do. eadtz additional 1n.crti0n.......2.5
KU transient adv..rti....ment, to Iv raid in advance.
1 ' ~i 1
w ar d, Pe...reet, taw, WI bum sod Woboat. A
tombless promptly ottentltsl to.
T. 0221.3 SHINN
S& COLLIER. A ttorneys at Law
1.." Mee On Fourth ntrrt.t. ahoy, t.olothlietti.
W. F. WHITE, Attorney at Law
•f. Or.t. jour Fourth, In Althorn' boil
rittsLurgb. ntelvtgl,
r . ... 011119 S. cqpireitel . onee tatins Dep - Woos. Aey
.iw irlyrento o p
rit itenm•r
De... de. Oface—knorto street, stony
&U. L. H. I•E'rrEItALAN, Aw
a neta at 1.. and Real Itttato Adents, No. I‘l7 4t
t Pittsburgh. (elan
AMES J. KUItN, Attorney at Law, offic.
In Tilghman MIL darner ordrant atreet and Diatom
a y. Pittsburgh. tald.dly
TA3IEB F. KEHR,Attorney ut Law—Offie:
4th R, betwoon OroltbOoLl no:lllront.lbtonbl
"VIRANC IS C. FLAN EG I N, A ttorney at Law
:a: N. 11l Fourth Aron. Pitmbungh.
CM= n. snore tux. N Inman.
TGWE WATSO Attorneys at Law
Am HO Fourth Invet,
—AJenander t ney; JoLv Duran, nnut lle
now Mamba:, Y Co. WEIS. It. Paler John Fleming. A.
emu:dint Geo. W. ineknon,Pitl.burgh.
i t DW ARD P. JONES, Attorney at Law;
015 es tat Femnth Arent, INtlo.oo Wool nod Fmi •
JASPER E. BRADY, Attorney at Law
Na. 69 Filth irtrt,t. Pit.bargb, Ps.
r , u k
VC. WILLLA3IB &. CO., Danko
• and Earliarlie2rokT. North Fait tomer of yr ..•
.11 J .
Banker and ExchaTliebroker,
• Fourth nivel- Deal, In Beak Notes. 1011.‘ of Ex.
•• Gold and BID,. Plorl. bought nod sohl.
Tbe_Kghest market price. paid hi premium for American
11.1. f Dollars, and Mamma and Spouish Dollars, in par
funds. J. 24
WM. LARIMER, JR., Banker and Broker,
4th strett. No. rel, adimulnr, the Bonk of PitUburah.
L:ILKINS & CO. Exchange Brokers
. south no Corner Fief Coer .f.f sad Jlaiket streets. Al
one at mo,•1
140 . IIOLMES & SON, Denlee,. in Foreign
IN • ego Demotic 11111 s of Exchange. Certificate, of 1.-
tn. Dank Note,. and N lilar
o. 1. kyl Pitt.-
rtrr t
g Ix.LAIM-0111ectinn. made no all the principal cities
thronghoat the Uniii..l.tate,
•GEORGE }:. ARNOLD & CO.. Banker.,
ILJI Dealer" In nook Notes. L. No. 71
Vmartli etreol. next cb..r. to the Donk orl'itt.burgh.
eat:folly ottexuled to. Dad pro
remitted D.
nnl Put of the Vtdon.
JRAMER k RAIDI, Bankers andEx
champ Broken , : 1,1,, in Enroign and Domefti•
of Exchange, Dirtzileati-i of Derma, Bank Noire.
Mee, oarner T li hird and Wood edr”eui. directly oppoel
tbe Cbarles ntel.
jrCAROTHERS CO.. Banking House,
• O. 15 Wood etret.t. Pat.burrh. current Mon , ,
tad on Dermal,- Coll, , t.ona made on ell the pliecipal
eta. of the United Stat..a.
• la lanto4 ali. a. :ann.
ititAIRD .1, IRVIN. CA.mmisaion 3lerhants
and Batlirokrra No. 11.1 5., - 4,1 pare, Pennnal wd
Estate oecluiti , s from Slim) to 510,000 &Iran on hand
111•11.10 , . ..... • 11.1,[1. 4,11.
ardesALMER, HANNA ec CO.. Successors to
Hussey, Hums A: 111Nir.., Eicussar
ders Voreign and DomesUr xch.., Daociu
DePasit hank Notes. itael W,st. corner of
Wcad and Thin! streets. Current Sterol reseirsd on De
padt. Blyht Chnelot for .1, and sollortinns made on near
y all the prin6pal points of the United Statee..
The highest premium paid for Foreign and American
litirartee• =Moen colagi.meets 01 Proltme, ehipb.l eszt.
an liberal trrntok.
.txtL - oiE.
Broker, 112 Amont gtrrtt Strk, attention 1.111 to
even to Rll busine, ~ n tttitt..l to ht. ram Pittmborth
Illstafaeturttl stitch., Rlwayo on hand or protun4 n 1 Ativrt
=tint. Nottx lloml. Mort:mt.., tr- zu.t.ntiatnl nn avor
able terms. Advanerm tumlc. if rt,uired. nc22
D C. STOCKTON. bite Johnston &
• ton. Elookr.ll..r, Stalinnvr, Printer. and Dindrr, am
gaff of Mark. and Third q.r..14, Pith.burt.
ES. B. ITOLMES' Cheap Literary I)epot,
Mint three, °North. the Poo. - 011iee.
WI by e.preeb. Sntreeriptious erreletel to .1 or
est price.
Oto Namable% or Neteepste,t, publ,heti .t the pubtleher's
WiIOPKINS, Booltreller and Stationer
N. .N 4 Fourth uthr, Apnflo BoWino',
EAVID BOWN, JR., 'Wholesale and Retail
Raker and Confectioner, AO Reneelt almet. Pateburnh.
ng Cam P . RI IC7 (kelfectinned7, el nevi on Land.
AU orders platten:Ally attended to.
M'CLINTOCK, 31anufneturer and Im
m .A
A. hIcANULTY A: CO--Transporters,
It.),rorsst-tha s and C.lnruyAnn Mordlmfm. art.
%AMUnti..tY•yern. etrettt. P./WM:km!,
WOODS ' ritoDuctilrAretis
Camsnl . .l4,n 3lrrrh.4; No. Ile., intr..rt,
WM - TITAI7JOIINSTON, Forwarding and
niimaiusioa Jlerrhant, No. 112- Ernmal etn.t.
--- - -
KER ru
JONES, Forw-ding and Corn-
MmthantA. bale. in I*.inro nod Pitt.
Alkmaar:tared art near Seventh
LA.. k.
....... .
ARDY. JONM.& CO - :,..50,L... - ts.tolrft to At
wood. Jon , . A c. ,, ..e.otarnimainn and Forwarding 31. ,
dealer, In Piti,inlrgh Manure. and
bath. P.
. .
C. SHACK LETT & CO—Wholesale
. Deskrrin ramie. :aid 1 , ....441, Dry 11 ... N. N. D.l
II Erect. INUAr
.._-- ...
L A. 114.01 ii M.. P1TT.U11.1,1.....-c. L. aSt/lONT td.., R. TOM,.
A. MASON & CO., 15'holesale ant! Retail
Drdm In Fanry and Maple Dry' Ca.', G 2. Illarkrt
- .-
NlGed Retail Dry Ik!, Al+rchua, mrurr of Fourth
krt Orretot ' PitUlturial.
Wortszy.. IL.suner.:
RSEY, FLENI [NG Commision
erth:tut—For 'bp rale of Dow.ti, Nroolen. sod
ift4 lit:'ule=t!ne.ll,ll.l.^
- .
bentist, — Corner of Fourth
am Decatur r 4, bctin.en MArket end f,rry
WM . O. a. 19t2i1.1 I a. r. wbovrEt.t.
t YSLIt & Mr - DOWELL. (Sueces,orq to
o K.rr t 11e.,1,1 Wholr.ll.. an 4 141.11 Drug mot
pLino Store. rormo 1 f 11...1 orort mol t Irelo nil.,
Physialaa/ procria dot. ....ratil!, c . ..m: ,,,,,,, . ,, ~ ,h , ."
J. na1,...
_-. ........
J 1 , 1.2.
y KIISD i. CO., Iv hoie,,,Li;. Dro,z , ,r,i.r,
tz,i:WoltlF;i4'l!:,...i."r'i ,`""f*:,",;'''. ,',1',:.:!:',.- - r. - ;
el — l'd Id. sad Lon . . :I, r.q.. '" ;. '.. :4 ~,,,,.., ..? w.... 4 ~..d
Paartb Alert+. llttnhorolo (totem will to awfully lOW.
V& WWI lOZWlLO.ledYilladlomlol,
A. FAIINESTOCK k. CO.. Wholesale
H t • 'll4= and manufactunrg of White Lead. It.d
Wood sadynrot o t r re:. th rt..
SELLERS. IVhotestae Dealer in
Va t ,r 7.41 '.
j 011 .. N li. .MOROAN,llWhoy!say D .
J ittatlpes - tte; 1 - 211:tt toff, Vnrathri,/“..
AL , 9 , 3 ,ur %i o zod stn.., one don t :south Of Diamond int,
cia N. WICKERSIIAN, Wholisaln Drug . gist
kalarLl E ltia=t,[. M..
RAUN ct Vholesale and A
prn,gietw, turner of Laxity and St. Clair sta. Vittk
- .
T ~ 5r u? t ,,,r u, r , i , .. N. , , ,3 , ! , ,,A , ,,K . E L 1 t. 4 ..Cb 0 .;, ,W h01e5a1e Drug-
'1~ . .i F. AVILSON, %Vimlemale Groceni and
jrV.Commuriun Merrimqs, Agrutr of Du
No. 11A Front e 4. aul
j L. SHEE, Wholeaald Grocer, Commixsion
7 n w , 7 3 ., E ; r awl Roos, corn, of
1 con and r
QAMUEL P. SIIRIVEIt, Wholesale Go,
ProdUne And C....110i10& Morel:tints, and Oenl
sra In Pittsburg: Nlanuinsturl .}rtielst. %so. nit.l 1. -
Sesmid otrstit. lichitisin Woad and Smithfield.
. DlLWarall
OLIN S. DiLwoRTII co.. Wholesale
lorroor , Prolt vi
-o and Coonirrion Mortlvddrt. rod
f. llav•rd Powder CO., of Ilaraolvillry Como., No.
31 Wood rt., l'itoddzogh.
J. .. 3C.111.1 , 01..)
ulißitilulE Wholena
GrOnel, and Ot.nalrAton lertliantn, s., it N
tn.. and 1:4:1 First Pittd,or,;h.
HEY, MATTHEWS & CO., Wholesaba
thwer,Conunindon and Forwarding Iderrhardo. and
6t•uts for iiriyhron Cotton Tani., 57 tVansr rt„PittAburnil.
.1011. W ATT AutiN
lOIIN WATT A CO., Wholesale Grocer.
C.rtralosion MerelualtA,aud .I.4llrrn lu Pn.lucv alt
nt.toburlgh Manulicture. No. %114.1berty ot.rvvt, PI
burgh. P.
• - -
B. CANFIELD, late of Warren, Ohio,
(7ommissint. and Forwarding 31erebord. nod Whol,
I)ealer W.oten. P.roerve Hotter. Pot sod
Pow] mud W.otens ornerally.
W. stnvt,
brtveou SadtbeeLl End Wood. PULA.Ottrub
S.AITC.II 01 4 4T1.1.4111 . W. 4
. Orncrra. Condalmon and Foraranllng Nlerchan
litra In all Linda of Produce and Pitaburgh Mannfact
rad Article, and Awn,: fur the tale of Mammal a
Lrneldnirgh Manufacturvd Tobatto, N.. SO and SI IV%
=vat. Pit.burgh.
iire.nern, Forwanitnz aL.,I C.onnbmon aierrh.
l'ltuburgh anutsrtuWen , r),,
Prod um No. 7., 0 0 0000 or Front rd.reet end Chancel y Len,
AS. DALZELL, Wholeeeilt Grocer, Corn
0 mitrion ,Tertian[. and Dreier ill..Pruce *Jul
burgh 3lnnufart.i.ves—Nn. 70 Water rt.. Pitt',bunch.
ISALA.'" DICKEY Sc. CO., Wholeenle Gm
rex, Comml•Pinu Merchantit, end Dealer, Produre—
IT.4r, end 107 Front etre.. rittsburch.
..1.1-4 J. 11.711.11.
piNGLISII & BENNETT, late English,
tbdia,zher & Ca, Whol.ale Grocer, Conutdarion and
orwarding Merchant, and Dealer in Prcslutv and Pitt,
bomb Manntbeture, No. ICI eeTond at. and 121 !Trot sc,
between Wood and 2,4mltbfleld.
WM. lantla. PIiWAWA. r W. Or.T.WITOSE. PITTISIOWurt.
~Ai'ELLER & CKETSON , Wholegale
Groner, and Imparter, of Drundirt. Wiroit and
,i•trars. No. =1 onruer of Liberty and Irwin strrett.
burgh, Pa Iron. Nail, Cott , . cart ac.. Ge . contusztly
V ban].
ROE, Wholesa . l! O i and
min m
on errhants. No Lb, rty !tr , D.
ItOBERT MOORE, Wholesale Grocer,
Reutifying Distills, dealer in Produrr. Pltt,burch
ufseture,, and all !Inds of Vorrign and Dom.-q,.
Winer and Liquor, No. MI. Liberty ateret. On Land a
•77/ L terse 'e"Zld"favvit, old :U.wnwaahela wh"-
XL 4non, Cononission M.:rk:mats. dealer.. in Pysluee
and Plttaldargh Slanufacturrs. No. hid Llbert, etrrrt,
- -
Proltsce,Forwardivg. and l'oratoleAlon 31pr
and Dealer in rittaburgit 31aaufarture, No. 3.
U1x..1.1 - Att, BAL. ILAGAL[I.
BAGALEY CO., Wholesale tiro
-14 and 31Wnal Rtrret.
, e , cer r m m to 4
and Comm, rmats, dek. In Iron, Nally
, xu
Cotton Yarn. awl Pittsburgh Munsitseturrs monwra.lll.
tomer of atretta, PltUburgh.
•-I. ti. cwcar..
• aroma, and Canaan Mon Merahanta. Laeni•ra In Pr,
t. Plat
Pit.d h. airg P h Manufactlued Artle/a,
J.D. WILL narr.
LD. WILLIAMS - it — CO., Wholesale and
Retail Family Unreal, Yomardlng andand enmanimlon
üba and Nealera In Country Produee and klindaurali
51azinfactures. antar of nointl4,.FlfttSt•
stmrt. Pittahnrgh. tarta-ara Prse
Le and Commiraion llrrelmota, and desion l'ittrburab
FLOTG 01.011:1 MrD.
4& R. FLOYD, Wholesale Grocers, Cern
• mioston Merri:Leta, and Dn.len in 6.1 P1-Wort—Round
C arch In:toting on Litmrty. Wool. and 61. th
!arm.. Pin,burgh. P.
1 OUN PARK ER & CO., Wholes:dr Grocers
DeMer., In IT.ium- Fon , lny, Wine, Liquor,. Old Mnn
nnanh , la and lt,tif,l Wiilsscy—No. 5, Commercial llow
Liberty ES,
lOLIN. 11. 31E LLOR, Dealer in Piano Fort,.
mule, ud Austral Inrtramenta. Scion! Iktnk, and
['Wintery :+ol. acrnt for Chleknrintes Plano I , r.a. fur
la - tater° P..ntuylvaut;ft—\n. 41 Wood
dra l Instrument, and Import., pf Italian :Ann-,
agent for Nunn. A Clark's grand and e.nual,
with Wlemap x ..fulean Attachment Ala,, for Dunbani,
IinoENNEDY, CIIILDS CO., Manufactu
rm of very ma,rior 4-4 .4h. ..tiny. t7ariwt Chnin
[tun Twine and Butin, Penn 31'111. I.n.hurgh.
1,..“. , .. JNG% -MY" Y. QUI..
ONES& QUIGG, Manufacturers of Spring
sad Blister Steel, Plough Stz•el. Plough Wzu,.
czazqz and Elliztic Spring,. Ilannzonycl lino Axle, and
deniers to 31141.11.1 e Caniuge. Fl/ , Etyirint LIM,. and
Condi Trmutin g s g ruzzrally. tomer of Inn. and :Front 5z....
Pitn , burgh. PI,
Berry k CO.. Menufortororr of A. h. Itloorb.
Minim, nod Stlfburic Acid, W er0t00,...
No. 63 Water r 0... b .low Ford.
• -
WAITER P. MARSHALL. Successor to
Samuel C. Illll—lmpurler and Dealer 4 Frenell
and American Paper Haman, and Itordera; Win.low
Shale, Fire Board 111uu., ac. Printing.
and WraPol.o Paper. No. NS Wood street. between Fourth
and Diamond alley, Pittaburyb, Pd
q•: ~ :•
X,l ORRIS A. HAWORTH, Ten and, Wine
Ikrehaet. Fat Ado of the Ilinmond. Iltbbur.h.
C y o.. :t ‘ 1 , 4 . . , n ,0 11
l•rap. on hand • Ism. st-orttnent of Cboln.
end Fin.. Alm,—Proviwn Fr. end utx. Whole.
axle •nd Dealws ouppilml on the Inwent
- - -
IneOHN A. CAUGTIEY, Agent for the Lake
Erie nod Michi Line. to Genet And the Late , —
tfl oh the nether of gan
Water mtt Nada:ll°,4ln,
.11 LEECH lc CO.,
31 'fransporters .71 Canal
y in
Vorward., , rchamtm. conx, of Penn street
the Cmal.
r . Tahitian What Maker, keep er,optantly on hand nr
. ato star the Mt nutltln in their Ilheat their hid
land. No. la Be Clair street.. ado, at No. .11Market
n 4 Ann" entranre in the Disznnrtd: en tlan . utters
• • e to nnler. and old blinds neatly repalred. aplU
441 A . BROWN would room t respectful ly inform
the public. that he keep. ants hand at his stand on the west
eof the Dlunond, Allegheny city, nampleto ae,ortutent
Venitian all. Veldt's n nuttier,. are made to crier
the tvst werranted.nnual to any the Ilnited
Alittel, ran removed without the aid or a
. .
. . . .
rrw driver. Llarin
oi ' L tto• nblurtestahll.tinlZPo ''''
''''''. ''''''''''''.
fnla.,VL;.o fur t rh 0 0 .4. 0 , c r u tLn , I.r 4 31,41•11 and. I ' at .' n l e ` ,. I!. l'r'.`,"°7 thing In their 1 . 11: '''' ''' the ~1"
I InrteAS ''''' " . 4., IqUabarah..
.1. A. DROWN.
PLAYTELMl—it•XitiVniv.m•Arr of Third nerti,e6nd Vaud h t•Tid. Mort.. i.a1.11, A.r rale.
meh4:l y
DAM ARDIE, Veterinary Surgeon, Intel
from Edinburgh, erotland. would :wpm:dully ae
nt the public that no halt no.nuarnogi prattler 10 the
[Howl to Min, he bop, to ;rive .attafactiusi.
r.,unertiou .inmee Shneine and
arkFtnithitu, In will be rarrini of the ,omen
tunnel idexet anti PennsTivanin Avenue.
. _
1u Pll Y & C.EF, IVnot. Dr, i.r.os and
otsl , ti:txinu . men e antel for the sate of Amerioan
I n 7,11 Pitteburath.
at W. lIA ItIiAUGII, Wool Merchants,
Dealer, in Flour and Prod°, gnterallb and For.
• nliug nod t. , olll,llhOholt Merehattlt, ho. 115 First Arr..
d 114 SornnO .trool, Pittsburgh.
TEV I LLE J 010; SON, Engraver on Wood,
Philo MIL Ithird gory.) Pittntourvh. Pa.—Vlearm of
L y 4113. a. Mrhintry , ....linulrocNew4c7.7 ; ii riTi , fi t il i „. ..c z .
6 .L.4 1 ".17;L1t;,, i g;,, 1 (.1 . 1,,1't.:." i:::1;!..10. er..tri ,
all art. and at the ioureFt prima.
Wit. YAM Sel I UCH MAN'S Lit hogruphi
ni'n, Piii.3;lll"l7: l .. ra l r . h . i l l ,C.s.l ,, griir l . t ;h t n ) :l , ilr ,
1 1 4 i :4'4; 1 Z iZt.•., r .':;,,i L i' i h . e .i l t: r =7. '" er' ' ,.. "Z ' " Z. r. Z Tr .
- i i i
' ' I) r. i ' : the ` l%. 7 7 1 „ =2' : „ ! ','„ ":11":, `:;,V,i, r.=T ",:::: ~ 7
a ru wirer. Jaw. 1,
- - . . . . „. ..
r V . m. II •ot 1 . 1. IN ittilli,, c•Wc•lrl,' Silver
m .r. ccip•l Siclitccrr c••t•., ~,,, •,- ..1 Niccrl...c
c •cc•lli ocircu•c•.l'al,,ll.l . a. • N. II • .AV
0G N , WILSON , Imparters an d
wbnlt.o.ln 1..1..1N In Itarlwa.n....oll Cutlery. No. 12..,
Mee. rittsbur.h.
OHN FITZSI3IONS I'4 ).. 31 anti fact ll
deelreu. .d hay., auth done. that the) an
~, the rates. at the shun.
ta,tuutlne. and tn the best mannr. al their ert.bii.tnnent.
Seehxml •lelte the I`nnal ftrahAjTear tiled!. Works
Tree Iron. tor Itlnel.
native and 11141 Vlll7/11,.. 111nr111-
far tur.l at the ehortert . and al the lon eel helm,
All klo•le .I”lden, dm.. an abet, nen,
tnehl I eta
Gas Fitting.
Marke. Pala
Wuuld in• it, the I.l.n..thPir
1; ,
I,ndants, Bro.:lett,
,nr.• prepank t
the u
tits. and mot rea,nahlo tent
kJ beautiful I b.t.. n..wised ld fur We by
web: tom, i1..l .1. nt..l Diamond all,
Wegner, Bnechner & Mueller's
TILE :1 BO V E I 101 respectfully am tuunce
u, nJ. ml t that tiler
hr., r atn ih Unlit nrt. all
orth r• for nh. Cherior.
arlit Pr , q.,, , ,n1 ' Cn artlA. r.
Their ...tnhh.hinrot i• nt f ,c 2
Tht..l nn•l F. , itnth mell•At
Bolivar Fire Brick Manufacturing Comp'y.
GLovElf. K )..
stßsclunEns. N;en ar
j_ A:rank for Manta noth.7l roneorn, vll
Are ri.11.41111 Laud a -.spirit-of aelabrath.l Itolthar
Fire , lat . Porno... llaart Mal ngrath,
They are oh,. propanolya.roito orlon tor .31.1 Itrialt,
I.e mode athe nod rto msit than
la. promptly 1111..1.
%Valle. not it n0r... , 0rt ego no., (h. ninny d tin- /le aggigg, Itna, Sr
all othar.that
hon. heen for rale in the 1 . 1.11.41 Stale, thug r
01 mm wt. to n 111.11,4 n/1 lige
Itnal. The proprialoir.lturt dots rinloth that the
Brick ahall Into 11021., of t hoot 10-rat.. at.thible rt - ,111111
and that no att...nterhall ajtort.l to moka thaw earn
I. thou they hat, hathtotrore boon. 'llli. f.a;tha only
athal.llannient now tur-notorturithr Piro Itnak at 14.1. t Ar.
AIPlt k .111NR. , ..
mak: Canal Ito fn, , eventhst..
MeCORD . reePived
nnl the htt thlzerrtill
_ .
Pittsburgh Gas Pipe and Tube Works.
T in.:ndersigned burr just ~ , niplete.l their
AIM en now tonnuferturina ell eltoo of ti AV PIET, la
mmotive end other Fluor. end MI Kir, of
whit+ flier idler for nth . thr Th, arc
mar prrpaied •rnittic. orilrri.. to ans est... without th
. rtl'ANit A Cit.,
N. , id rind tr: Wi t t,
fold .lmnrrr,nnntin.
~,.VILUARTII .i NOBLE:-City Flouring
T WILIAM.; VIVIA.IC, Ci,d Engineer,
Ilrauirhtidnitn, tired Priirttral Acent Maton
rattirht.. ot Itodolg for Ito. Pah.. °M....10,, to. or
dory Mtno-.. ...1T.... Itialtiot S. My
round Led. trt 10 d t; I' 31 hi revidonni. N..
Marhury Plttridirgh.
13 A. MADEIRA, Ag,•nt for Delawnre
Inn) I tiridianco r,dordor. Wator FUT..
1 GARDINER COFFIN. An.ent fir Franklin
111/ Tiro Ittrurian... Company', n. rth rad rant,. Wood
.1.1 Third divot+
V dour from thr nom, a I lord. LI. Sp
nvery I, intro of finullnu nrnthens
nml duratila; 111nuk 1t0.... ruled m noy rmtheru. and
bound oun , (Autiall, mant—r, old tholn•
bnund enr.4.41,, n; renulrrd Nunn.. put •d, In pit Iwlteru
whn Imr.• lundltig urw Inland tn Inw
Windi.qde and I{Ptail
_I NI/anat.-tap,. 31.41 ',Orr. In II Cup.nnJ
e..rner of 15...1 ni..l hal. Anal.. Pa1.1.1.r..11
oll.r a full sal nuu Vl. ut 11,, , . /
I. nt>, at•ii It,-
vs. theu.
tlirau Lima tArr u al .1 ti... Mr, 411M1A-
\l. Irl ,6\, TLvvL:uv 'l':u lor, Ihuprr
VT \lnl. r'l.nlu~~c. 137
New Coach Factory—Allegheny.
A. IV iirrt: l'o. V.-
.1„7,0711 tT.:4
lung . I
eattl la. 'law. t 1tt...1 tclt nr.
:1% 1..
. . .
Pr,irk. r.
and turr - tru.l:r: l' i r ‘"""":." '"
"" .. 4 " . '"
Is.r.itatle„l I errn ' T ..' ; r ' rt " .r . / . . ". ':''''''
att , entlin : ,f it... pril.lre I.. ‘ se.:. er:atz. r " ' '''''''''''':''':
toZt :...7''''T''',.`,!;!;;',.." - "- '"-' -""'''. ''''' "" 0-
.. IL ...Orr Ja, tt
J.I.L. Aril.. •
htAOLE -MARBLE WORKS, (established
biaiti I. c EIkIIVNL. AS ILK IN,. Libort)
stn., Pitt•lmr,h isquion., IyiluaL
A CARD-1851.
1 : 111 . 111 , , , x ,,,, 1 ‘ 31'R , C , 1,11' , 11. , :1.1). , N, , ..rti t, Eas
h t,
thortl Ili, their ripoimi i ri wii.l ...tier
• for the largii .hare onto. &flit
Hirt,. W..... io t.ri
mrsol d iiirtr this.,,
will ' ha: , tti;of is. ..mist ,
ution• ovori ihr liri
frir th. rn of !amino-. (11.11
• Ili int. ri rl !Intl la
• ,ti
or ill.. will. 11., oitirio.
I'. I.! •I si,s h. In ~1
ch. 1.... op Liceini.:-.Lniretin, front 1111 Liti-r•LL, lir LlLnLLotti.
rrincri nun:
!Tr....4;110;11 CI))IMERCIAL CoI.:SAE,
ter -LI
oLiint r TILLni no:Llkir,: Mark,: LLL......0 TbLe ntny char
...min:, i n
I,:ciptil :n Pb
g I•Linnrcan,hlp.MLirrraillle
• • -
A!na. 31 t, mann, I.rntun, entnnv•rnal Law
P rnnnt dnwttnt dunks, Itanwled d , 1t..,]
and Itg apaltration •
btattrh, •n I.
Far. and rad , . t•ntmant ntp, an- tanned nu! and ra.atu
ton lo,tcrttnirninnt,
Lentz,. on tnnanterroal Law nnnty altant, nrnnlng
Indrannnn In an, nt the r..., innt nlty tunn•haut, • rital
E,T Alli.lSilED `:2, I , ) EDMUND
WILK INS, No. 2-1.; Liberty A..
I I. i,i . i n i,,,.1 .i..t ptut , irEt. I
'N`L. , M 2, ;TI7!7:)!"V ,
';:4... ;,,..LI i.,
nl u.,>. • , Il balsa alts.l mart- 1., rier.l4 tl,
..1....r5t Nlarld..., rth I at rtry re.lurod
. ii ... 7.: v , :, , , ,,. A ( /rwr ..1.04.n. ,r to ak 1 . 1 • 0 ~,,
, . 1 i. , ,...../
....vr i , , fr 1
ul .
Iton. Ilqnnar [hinny 1.1-k Tiernan. ye,
J. 1.• harp,.
W.. Itntaticc....., Kcq 4.4,
John zit h 4 N.... Broker,
I Itl.Gurkll [tank. •r d Rahn, I.
3. 11. Shic.t.crcer. Ecit. 11.11 k Cur.,
h'., lit.. ...cent, du.
Hobert Mrli Min Ht..... a
w • McKnight. h.ct. Itrminit 1,. T thircits.t. I o
linni. ithicic• x lit. Fruit . .
J.: W. L.N. trnioglnl La U. crii 111..1 hatr....,
c.c....1 &Icing nthhiwn year. in lb:. I. bitring hut limo
nntl hcct to Tic.... h. tin. pro, nt
tin, and grill rictectror Nth-linch.. Ihircaner,
tururn,... u 7 A sr, Thudrtrunl
V NC rrlupoctfulls infunts• In. fru.suls soul
cu t.:nen Mut lin I , ur n , .x
entursis 10.1 tbs. 1.'1,1. -
awl (mutt utnrk ssf (omit Ist, lu furn...uss In
Ebbs 6(3. IsA Isu I• duterstnin...l ns slplanl , l Ms• quality n
wrllumsu.ssel ossarrkst•. unrAusunrhlgn rt.l
nntl frnsn urn.. nt nrelurs u/s.l furilstv in
manufurtUritlV. he s• roulslul t., pres.l uartutstr,l turni•
tun, at thr lrro ,t
lle Pii , l,ll4+l thr prinr.iplu P f I.l..notslua, thr
rye Interurt with 1.1.. nun ~, s ulay rout kr,.
Alan, ons grunts -t surs. ot rvers. ls•rrs,Atnu
furatettoru. irons ',us., .4 .1W I.T.T. rans te , tn• ns...t
V.I. end unutly.llsut n Iss.a.u. , nus I..rrt nt nuts. ma,
fornlubent rmn, e.r tunteurnclurrd unpnosly yr
order. litt.r..(..n .Pll , ll. un szsrsuurll.... Most Alin lulu..
Irqreu oef rusta/.ll..losssurst 1.. Munn-sr Ti,. fullou Inv
artirlem rons ssrA. h fur rirhorAr , s 1
id, Ir. and Lnlrli taw., • us-sun...lm uns tsl thr.
dravrion. dildna, and 1,1 roam Hadar, nr array
ariety. aanairnn, nor rd. inahotaa, raol aim,
Eanahattirn, awl Ea, law, at ••• r)
iption: Tan. a lan. mat ni• an, id!, laden
Froneh alai A tts..nran nan, 1t Idd-Nata and
lathe , pariot Wrltina la,kg td . inKdro Wdrk
and (ahoy lidnid dlnlvin. and hal•lata. Instal,-nushavan, radamo•.l Wl.l a ulna, ant, and ann.. In
Ws. axarnollon dinnar laid,: an td /no.. nnpravad
and daaldaally tla twat k mad.: atarn. laLokbrokr half and
ler table, wanindaat. na.bdead% and a a , liannal , of anal/
. .
arge •
Kathie ehaire,
rclain. ancl iery leeik
Orr rerrene. towel ratio, laitclaield, and Olusor
and vide dor doldviii: deieir IrA
uclalicarany. and Inlaid pearl Talilea. Sr. Ae. dr.
A large ...Mae. Id l i lllllllll.ll
Ch.& Cat.. kere ...NI ailth all addle,. in their
awl Marl, farniativil at the eliorteat nation.
. . • • .•
All onlmot promptly utter:4l.l to • .
jr Attorney e I,tot, 1.. Ir.:: Thin: AL...tomer of llto.rm
h_ng 1111,110,1100:, for tht. pitrtyott. ill
prmoro lor onto,. :Intl told:ern. (two
wiLlever. mai LLILIIII,Lt. awl rill LstILILLI ILL ma) Lai. , I.'' ,
uLLooL L
LlLLLKLaLatatatil La nil, La LEA Ileparl
noLiateL. LI, tally, La tl•.. Cour, L.t LLI
Drawing, Perspective, and Painting in Oil.
D . It. now tarnpareal to give
lootrnetlen t, n rep pool!. In W. afferent brnnelsre
I nt I.og Sena . ..
Atkinenn now Outhling, I .to-nt. I.rtroo.r 11'x..1 nn , l
)tricot .tteolm. Ilotir. ~r 11.trtiel ion, roan 2 , 2 to 4... and
fu m
ralltn ntleresnon'lipe,. nod other ino ,, oine. eon I.
nwn I, ~ nt the
Itrfor to for Onarnnt or Dr Aildtenn. prom
M M Effl M EIM
ITLEY & CV LVIN. Cold 3lervlonts,
1.1 and Pont,. In tiro,..—. Inv ond S•aI•
corn, of lore, nod V% /L.-long n 'ftM
- .0 , 0 1n.. ,
Al:11 I. ,11-t awl
/ G.r •nl•• 1,, 11 1, I', 7-1,.4
I ft PT ; 1 , 1 IA
‘igato MOVEMENTS ad. rs
The tohlernoted or other ree eels aft appointesl to sail so
414 in, Liu—Avaeriors Stratarn.
1 . 1101 , 11:4:1) DATES OF BAILING.
W...lnt.aday, March sthioaturdar. March Rth
IVe , trulalay. .. 10thikiatttedny.
W.luoala). April
r nli IlVo d tnead la i
ni [MAW'. 16thlTedneoay, April
Wneainy, May 10th Weoday, Mar 4th
Stormily. .. 21th Wedneoda). . 20th
Satunlay. June ithlVNlnfAlay. J.lll Ilth
Saturda). '. 21.1 Wedneaday. 4 2fith
Satunta,, July 6th,Wednaah4. J? 1, 9th
taturds). .. 19thfMnInasdAy.
baturday. Augu4t 2/1 Wednandai. Aug. lith
Saturda, - 10th Wednaadar. - oth
Satunta,. •• 30th Wettnervlay. NT , . 3.1
Saturday. lath IValnaS.l44. - 17 th
Saturday. •'27th Woduelkla). 044 t o t
Saturiat . Oct. 11th WoduesJa). .. 14th
Satunlay. - 2:..thiWednealao. - 20th
Sat unlay. Nur. oth Weducallo. Nor. 12th
Saturday, .. 22.1,44ednelday, " '.Y4I.
.4.aturtia). Dec. 6thiSattirday, Dec. .13th
Saturn). .. 20sh Satunlay.
Cunard Line—Maly Tn.". 1
_l3o.tort .13sturnlar. March 15.
—New York ..... ........Saturdwy. blarchT.l.
Fat urchty, April O.
...New York ...... ..-Batnnlay. April 12.
rot I.t•eltro 01.
11u,rui.. Itootton Wed¢crattr, M.. 1 2-
A.t Noe York liodttemlkY, Mar. 20.
I. , ltma . Boston... .. ........ ....W.r.lnettlay, April P.
trim ....... ....... —.Sew. York Viviuray, April 11 . 1.
A torriot Iloonon %Ape:day, April 30.
An-. N .w . York Wriloewler. 11 .1' 1 ..
c. : i t ~ ..1.52. ; . to Ilallfax, 11. ton. or Nei, Yarl. 23.5; ..nn.
.V.., 11,e: and !Corr Line—Monthly Tnpt.
e sus rout. kma liar..
Franklin. Saturday, S Feb. 'Franklin. Warday. 12th Mar
Illinilkaldt " Stii Mar Ilutabnldt " o tk Apr
Fninklni. " Sth Apr Franklin. " th Slay
littialridt. " lid Slay Ilumtaddt. " 4th ~.'
Franklin. •• 01st M'S Franklin. " :Si Jolt
liurala,idr, .. 20th June Ilunaladdt. " • 30th July
Franklin, " 20th July Franklin. •• 37th Suit
linuil,“ldt, " :00i Aug. Ilusuladdt, " :S/kkent
Franklin. " :Mk tient. Franklin. " 20 , 1 Ot.
flu:o.4dt. " 1116 (kg_ Iluinhnhlt. .• 10th Nov
Franklin. " 15th knv.,Frunkiln. " 17th De.
ilunilrohlt. " 10th Dr,
fkran STram (I , —.VonAlY 7WM.
II maim
I.•thington ..... ....for Ne.
ll,rtnam:tan nu ........ ....... -Nem
iv:hi N,,vr
Ilurmanu New
Vurk Friday, March 21.
Yuri. Friday, A vnl 19.
Yuri. Friday. June 13.
ron eAttrnasgn-
I'. S. mail steamers leave le York on the 11th and 15th
of ,neh mouth, for Cbaa-rsa
FOIL 11 IrD [CY irtST.
Fnotmohlp Isabel leave. , Charleston on the Ist and ILthof
coon nonnh.
Nev , l
ork, Exgen, e C n n t re x sa C N m r br e a r h n u p n r
ts N. York,
Inclines, Ncw Jersey, and the Pm N..v Lo.l.nd kale.—
The Brlttah Provinres of Lower. Canada, Nova le.* and
Y.. Oruumirk, daily . . Anil,. at 1 r. s.; Dpperts at I e...
Blairsville .1,1 Ilollklayaborg. Pa-,
lading the counting of Bradford. Cambria. Centre, Clin
ton, 31eE,art. Potter. Perri - .
Thous. Union. avid part ,of Wertmorelatid, via Liveimore.
!Winn - at - 111e. &dem it Rue..l4, Ne• Alenindria, sind Inds
ana eount,. Arrives Mot:lava, at 3a. a.; &-
part. art.daily It 1.0. r. a.
Et. —BT Buller, I. M ercer, (:ranforiL and Jetremen
fAILI tale, ‘i c•ii.rn pakt ofNt.• York and upperllnado,lially
Arrlv.,.. at 10 r. X.; AWl.l.p.r.
:orrxcla A. WTATAVi.—By a:hinging, Pa., Omen,
Fl, et.. Suuirr....t, part cd• Vf.4.caoreland county, Virginia.
Atm.,' haat, liallituur,lVmhinginn ~ u ttiarnaud Watt
ern per. of Lit& anJ Indiana. kienturky. lllimts, Tennea
.... Alabama, %mutat, L4eivtVVl , Artisans, North Cal,
bus. Geurgia, Louisiana, Florida, and 'Pram...Palls. arm..
at S P. rt. and .I,•parta at G r. r.
Srennufsn.t., Outn.-11r Faretta, Ihuittuton.
Flonne. 1 . an , ., P.. 11011111" Cue. , Jeffemn. /lam P.Ll. Canna, 11ubm.a...1 'Nl:caesurae nountie.s.Ohio,dslly
.Avower. att. 11 r. dew. at : a. u.
:form Wm-cum.-14 Braver, 1,, and Chfulamt, Ohlo.—
Denver en.. Ps— 12olumblnua, Trumbull. Ihfrtn.,, 11.... n .
Ar.l.wleuSurk.h M thfy•boun.Yumnalt,Lake,
Itteftlawl. innaln. Hurt., mt.., Ern., huuduely, Wool.
and laev ruuntire, U01o; the *strew.. northern eounthv
of the .tat.. of Ifullatas and Illinolf, hachnllng all Thrill
tnu. low,. and 1$ :mum.. dolly.. Arrivesat 11 4. 1.1., de
urtm at
Sharl4.l.ure.llowton. NpringflelJ,hrrn
tutu. t Antartrung.
um. tam' Suudtqa. A r
nrw .t e. and depart., at el e. M.
AarLit - B, Perrysville. Wezfant, 7 Ilttmpts. Pnetenr
arlin•hura and New ladge. Armen Tuesday..
Thursday.. mud raturd.... at 8 r a., departs nlonda,a
sl nest a, and Friday., at 7•A.
Itt.tusenta—lly rturarusisll.ll. Vitileyrllle, and Slon
ansanela tltl. Areires Tusslays, 'nd.,., at Le. as.; Jo
nas., ..rdeasday, and raturday, at .. a.
I':w.A llnshanau, Ytrret, nun s lirKessnort,
Gal I .11e,. Kllrslartlitown. Rostraver, lkllvrr
tv , 11.1 , •.1.-tAnwn. Verrysyii.. tan 1,0•11 y, Urspor !diddle
tlsis 1,. Arr.,. rauda,s and Thurs.', a. de
arts Msn., • and Thursho, at u a.
In, a. •,, A- -I:,
Chi. ker . • NablrAt..ll., Candor,
But geli-ALr u, Palterael, u.lll.
Be I han, . les A ee1..., :wad... Isnd Thursdays, at 100. 11A
,Atrtn , 14,114 A, and Thurslas 4, at I
S 01,11, I Chu., MurilociAville, Moon. Slow
em 4 rt. rite,k F.rt I..yriugs. Fairview, Va. Anivea
it Antrim, lurlh a. Mu, aaJ Apulia
I.: .V.dr.alara al e. a., deparCrna Monday
. .
I.r.arntrx , .. lAvan's Ferry. ArriT, on Pri.l.y. at 3
P. 4in eaturvay ut Li a.
Mwovitly.nn4 roa.lll, Enturt 41.0111nerlf an bow
tlwir drpartnr.
No 57 !fool, rt, Ort.rma rood and ShurlA Oa 01^-.10001.
PENNSYLVANIA. 'french at flmailloin.- •
Rank of Pittaboralr. ...-...parllnuarth at Wooster.. - ..... do
hark..., haul .(do .... ,nar Itranoh at Neula
kb, n od um, ..f
to .- ;a/branch ut Youngstamr. ....010
11r., , d , mtnen, par Illy hank. Cinolnuatl.... do
hunk .-t North Amon.....pur Common.] Ilk.Clutintomido
Bank ot N.rth'u Libortloadmr.Plaukltu Hasa. ...... ... ..- do
hank of Peunorlyania-...anuolafa,otto Hank ......-
. . ...Alo
m m k o r pan. dm. la. Ina A Tru.t. Co. do
Hank of At l'ultal blartea PIN u.tor, 1k..n.. Hank.
Comomonnl hank of 1 -par Hank of Slnsollon... do
Bar., a Alnoltatum . ilk par Small Nobs. ... . . . . - .... .dr,
otrant Itabk. ... ..... tar NEAT ENtil(Nll.
slant.. A Alm). haul
Bank- .p • ... .... p
ar! N ar , All poly..
101 th .nk...... .... ... k,
tlemiablo. IMnk- --part New Turk City . . ...Lar
11/11 amenanna hadOt. .....parlCounts '. ...
Phoadi-lblila Ilauk ---- pool 'ts
31 Alik LAND
Niutli wart Hank-- ImAfaninium.• ............ , • par
Iradiataxo'l Rant Par:Country
par: N.JEIISET A DELAW Alti 's.
t\' Honk
Harm of Chamt.e.turah. la Lail solvent banks-. .... 0 ,
IlAn. of C...., County.-par A !AMNIA.
Ilanke Datma1c........ ..... kat - thank of the Taller._ t,
Itt .j! ' ; ' .. l .)L,ante„',.';ir-.. :r...r•nr'r.t‘.*'‘'r.'6....l!‘u'gr'd
Hank of lietLyalnargh lalFarmarn' Danko( %loon. in
1 Hank of L0w15t0wn........ flerrhant: A Mach Ilauk 1,
. Rant of Ilnldlotown . .... t n North AVorteru lank...
Ilontmonero Co hank. .pnrl .0 Le - ... ... .. ...k n I
Carlota , Honk .. ..... ..... talliank of Cape Fear
Cadumbia Ilk A Ibithm Co.part Ilk of St. of N Camllna.... ii
lan leatrkau Haul, ImrlCommerrial Ilk, NVllnumen 2
Fantou Lank... ...... -.par 3J,
OUT Hank. N... kern 2
Firm Bank. . .. 'y SOUTH CAHOLIN....
/armor. nn of Lurk* Co rar.llk of the on of S. Carullna 2
Farmer.' Ilk of Laucardorduir hank of South Caron.... T
a.mner.' Hank nfltoadi. Pat H.. , kiCflaallsilnn 2
Farm. Ilk tdSrla to 01111 u .r Plante.' A Mechanics' ilk 2
Far. A Imo. At m bn , .... I. GI:011tll A.
Franklin Ilk, lcmhtuatun par atm.. Ina A banking Co
liarrialut, Hank ... ..... tail.. of AUguata....... ..... li
n0ne...10 Bank- ... ... . I, Ilk of Brummtek, Au... 2
Laucantor Hank.... _ --part TENN Y.I.SEE.
Laotian,. et Aloty Hook ..par All roltrut bank.- ..........
. n
Lob. hank P. KENTUCK . Y.
Innen' Houk of Pumnlin 3, Ilk of Kentucky. footfall. ki
Monongahela flank_ .. .r ilk of Loutaville, Thurston kt
11'...t branch llana.. . . - la tNorthorn Itk of Kentucky 1,
AV, otalua lllLAttlkertlaarropat Southern Ilk art KentuekT k•
Trek flank 0 . killlttollltl.
Itollel it•Ms ka 1. of Stat. of )11ouri k
till 10. 11.1.1N015.
01. State Ilank..--- ...... . sa.Stata Bank and Lranch.--.50
Ihnuoll at Atom do'llnak of 111.. 75
Itranah at AI.. do WISCONSIN.
branch-at Iteidamport- do &farina d SI. Ina Co. data 8
!loon+ at Ch1hnd.........d0 MICIIIIJAN.
lfrankh at l'lrkeland droParmoral kleehaulei Rank 3
Wren. at To.l. ....... m:lent Stork Bank-- 3
lb-aorta at Dayton. ..... .....-JotProinsular haul 3
Itranrh al Polawida. do InouralacoCompan,.. ....... 2
kltraurb at Columba. ...... State Honk
Dram In nt 1.1.1,111. CA NA D.l
Brunch nt tattsu ..... .........dn Pk (fit N Artiolita.ToOnntilk
llrsooh at klanahrld... ..... Molllank of the People, TorontoL
nrsonh at 1111lor .... .. llotHank of NlOntimil..,... ..... .5
Ilranidi at Clrwinnati . Dank of IL Canada. Tommok
Branch :a Columba. ...In !USTI:ITN EXCIIANOK t
Brandi at IVm hlngton... _do On It.. Zork Oust. ...,
Branoh at evils ' ... An On Philadelphia. .k,
Drawl, nt Lattomm.r. ....alo,Chl Itallimore do .. i,
Hotrods at Sloulrnallle......dt, II liliTliliN EXCIIA NUE.
ItTnneb nt Nowark do Loulmille I
Ilmuch at Ely.. do St LOW,.
Ilranott nt Springfield.. .... do tioLD AND irk:Cl E TALC):
!Iran., at klariet. I. DoUldinina.Spaulnk 11,50
/Iran. at Tom do iin Patriot. 11,50
Brain hat a n Plea.ant do
E n g le, _......__10 40
Ilranott at Zan...alba- - do Engle, On,, 1040
Roauch at No
...... ...Mt Preileriekurom 7.nb
Ilramh at Piqua do Ten Thal.. .. l',.
Branch nt In•rtamouth.... do, tiut......
Ilrarroll at l:?.. do ',tombola .. . 4,i3
Ilrauch nt 110.70110- Ail Tootioildera .. .. .. 4. do
Ilranoh nt t Ittllloothe . do N olgllollnS . .
Itrauch at Cuyahoga lou.t. 2.15
Branolt at Toledo. ........ __Mt
I'ust' OFFICE DEP thttlYNT,
Morph 14. Mi.
I BEING DESIII.A.BLE in substitute lorklt
elei key.. of
other kind for thine now in urn for
(be moil ke en ire of tie 1 4 tatro, mind:nen brio. and
key, w tih protnotal• to (unlink the oame, will be revolved
nod . n 111 tit the Pilot Mire la.parrineol, wall the lot
.d Jul( neat. different bolo will In.uitnit4.l to
• eoniudentin for ranniinntion and report. thin roe
non. twain-net. will. noon mr. innelleahle. be entered Into
for fornioldog.ud It, r.
. for four yea, with the
right im the part ..f thePootrnatter General for the time
being h.eatend and entitinue the rontraet flare fur an
adalltionvl ten,. of fur fear, by giving to the rontrartor
, tice to that ogee hot more an ine nor he.
t hant +it no
both, the t , errain.. of
the n [trot tout, of
four rent"
With a rfew of prowuring the heel lark at the lowest noire,
nt kind of lark Is prewertlskl standard: the Department
owl, atm reirwtion .on the meehaniral skill and Ihgenu
y •luelo a fair rx.rupetitioto, . invited, may develop,
It however. pn.ywr to slate, tloat • It.elt suitable for the
mail eerelee 1111011111 the following qualities, via: du.
ratolity. uniformity, lighting, and etrength.
For the purpoon of Moldering simultaneously all the
mall hooka and key.. now in nee. akwut,tltlrty thousand
new lorke and twenty thousand keys talented theng.o. V 111
Ise re bird to be f tarninhod to the oontr.tor within seven
onth. after the rinitrart ithalhhave lawn gutenal Into. al-.
te m rwarde the annual supply will depend on the duraloillt,
ofte larks and keys tologynal. as well as the Intro... of the
• kervler: lout it will pnobably never eareed agnonnt
three Unmeant" of the A.rtner an ono thouraud of the lat
No lock will be eoneloiered If It be like ant oenwall is
r,:uisolelttri:: ' W:dlo ' Ce l art., or h irnll h el ' 2; n roe '
kre. Molnar It' thtwe rat:dratted for. for any other
or .e. than that of the Poet Oftiow Depertmgot.
The kiwi of twits ttaloptod 11:111.1I be patented. t.' the pa.
will be ranlred, . enterlng into otontrawh M utak..
• lowidkoment or his patent for the eselwire us, and twit— of the lk.partment. If the Postmaxr General shall
deem ruirement mow.utial to te
the luterestsufthe see
ioe to rU., of the fallow. of the rekntreetor ott any time
0...0,1 faithfully the tonne and coalitions of hie contract.
the ienerat gibs!l hoar the 01012LN...ides a refuel
.. the venal nmokly hervinafter mentlou.d. to annul said
ototraet, tend )41 enntreot anew with sor other party or
cart ie. a. he nmy wk. fit. fin. forniehing similar locks and
'I” upon ho• propretaleand nw,II7.IPrIB offered. the
lhodnow...r tietiend may d ee . It eapoltent to select for the
Mille the irk of one bidder. and fu the way mall..
that ot another Ile re...recs. therefore^ the right of con.
regil tog with different indirtd utile for ouch different kind,
1... k, to, utay select. and oleo the right to reject oil
theevertmene d prof air, if he ghat! dramthat rotor,
!..r the Ititenwt of the llepartutent. Tloo party or pats'.
" 4 ' l reitutv,l to give hood. with ...Pie
• , of thirty thoupand dollars, for a aithlol
lerrt the The wootrael is ton otroin
pro. t.d..oin tow the due mod pn.per insowctiou of the locks
ittela ' ;:4l.nt ' etaTir
111 1...1 ..looold Iwaor..pted.
N•..t.fillegtvw. vonkideml if nets rompethinl with
at-lart.r fil..utv ad the trust...nth r ehsra , wr" L b' . L. ' .
dor. owl hg. ability to fulfil the o.ol.reet.
,•• 11. 11ALh. Poet:nester GeneraL
Itaanrnnt 6110317:UX.—Allvertisments and
fOr I tam paper reeehteal and (annulled fr, , of :sp.., In.
The markot yratertlay roan irrupt-ally very quiet, and rro
mold find nothing of any notawajornm doing Prir nro
without •nj important change.
mold hoar of no ark: of Itot.aanOoo from
Ant handa. none tying offenatnn the wharf. ao Gar tia
rotahl learn-113,10643.1,2p1.1.1:, aro &lona tho rollua ano
hand tutor. Palm from atom am ...nano' to .mall lota at
the usual rata. any $3,31P - 43.:J7
RYE ?Wilt—email salmi from tint hand. of $.3?, l id
DRAlN—Consideratolo pairs of wheat kayo
from hand, st 1 1 Lu. Rio In Polling at fa,
barley n 11004 . 2. rornia4O-Ul. and oat. ,t Y.latalr la lot.
1. hell molt, firmly al 3:;at
with no advancing trodiatry Stumm an. lorj firm at
Gym,. for Orloan.. and Ittatjalia• for I. ant autrarhon....
molaawr It hold at 4444 at• 1 , gat
INJVLSO,S—WP Bad no marked clmago. ill pro...dda•
Pnlea am pretty brisk at !art quotation... am for plain Idamt
sugar eurdl do at 10r. 76 - e7L,;, and etokuld.e. ata
*,a. Lard la qnkt,at iii aar in Ltda. and
am , orling to amditY qw term,. Lind,l of
boef at
YEAT1LE11..—... 4 •14. Jare tranFpirni from font hand, at
314,3174. and from atom at ::.:(itddr. 1+ 6. f alo4 by lonFle
Far{t at :40 , 1,41:3:, 7 5.
StED.,—Tbe anon for Fetlig to near], nor, and prd,.a
are low"r. I% a game minor tram wagon and
frym tiara, 101 l at fd".2:dd6f.o 0 lat. Timothy
be quoted farm trot hamb at 52,2.5 . 02.37, and from atom at
V.. 50 1, , 2.2" matron no a nle. ..f tlas. hut I.r
-aum” • ova! art irk. wn mfamaud SI .te.‘ff‘f.l.stl from Bratband*.
PUTAT , )LS—ItmAII raw or mod ottnlttY rr ,, mo4n.r at
:254 , 1,1.1.
TALLOW—Further eftles fmm Oct,. Ft 7c ? lb. In lot,. of
10 to bid,
CAN I , Lik , --ealre of etar candlen at of mould
tallow at lOt.and of ‘14e..1 at 90 le !b.
ItUrrilll—Tlee market le rathei dull. with moderate
ealre frau .tore nt 1241:1e. Pr roll, awl 7, h .71. yt, `e
011,4—The market IA unehan.,d. sal.
of Llnreed aloom.,of Caetor all at orkototw for weel
common. and $I trimly Nn 1 .ye. No 1 lan! otjae.i.
03 ,6 2. and of No 2 do at :.0c auk
.1141411. day. Ilia. :LI.
.Faturday. A mint,
.Baturday, 31 . 3ky 17.
Ittil) mN- 1,,, 3"• an , Pr'
mt. rootlet, very firm. Wt. quote mlm ton fairectttnt at
$1.316M1X 4tr p , mitt.4. from ftmt 15m,14. $1.40ac1.,
^htm• .1.11 , tat the trlmrfat ttnti
from ottnre at tttt' ,4 l , Mt.
FISH —WV DOILY a continue.] tir mne. In the tuorket
with et Might Itnprnremont in NO tin+, The Armand in .
u .S :I a ' n(77a h m r' l l t; ". in i % l' i ohm': hriA i' vri ;1 '
no elinnze item lan minim. Shari are ailing at $.10.50 - .tin
ring nt $11,40 "ebb]. Cotls,h fl Lhke 11. h nt 5,L. , 041
7 6 bid.
Iran—Then. •. st. •neno.l, t.,
pirr mark, lest rvroina. sn•l tlsina
tle.wer; Gordon. Rtav
Atlanta, l'artirk.oo. er
J. McKee, Ilendrk-c..m,,leKee•porl
11.1..n5e. coxlwaral. flrown.vilk
Burke,. Stet, bean. eueiunital
1.10.11 a. K'nutat..
Jas Nebo, Nl.N)re. Wtweltu,
Mark ium..l,
J I. 11.-elean,
Alin/air, Itrtittret/1.11,
J. Llcliter,
TM. ettnr.r. Itdl.t. Wt.t
111p. r0+, Wicilarard. itn
1 1 .1.1L.L, I'ltteirmatti.
L. 11 tit L.Tittne• . Ort...x.
StoteatiLatt. Littrmiri..l.
I.l4tallt. ehmition
It II I.w, I..intt•tiltt
I ,4I UISVILLE , -Xxvigaror.
rm t+wrint -Tli. ho. flay Fur, 1,1. Mills wn.l.r.
will keit,. a. alm,v, 4ii• .1.,
II !, ....II I.r n.l...rt...a.grut. that
the tart, and 4.1..c1ul J Ma:4101. .111 for
Ft Lout. Litt.
11E1'0E73 BY ,HIVES.
bid, tottl. Ituffuto A tor, 1
la, 11 I.annlug: it la g sagag., ill to °ham, I
ba do. Ilaugh.,: 1.. ha. I I.hl i.utter. Jlt tNto.
rood: 4 casply at. bbi.. M irk A 17 ,ra raga. I.
I': &atm, buttgr A lanl. 6144. r.. 11 butter, J
'Conn/A Car, I la todoe
^Wifithl'i l elik+ bi ' -‘ 1 ' .1 184"4. 8 " W
. i t / • 41 Id
I. eta. ...aura. : 1 8 t.k.11. I•I ' L.Z.a 8888
1 1 / a ldoor !ado addra.4l.llllk.-rton lota;it 8 Ver.
Bak, d Ptml the JL tea Lam, ad rod.. It a dthor. h>., I.
Leech t Co: 2 loco. J Ito Cro Imato. Ska
°la. 12 / I Lot , 1 .1110wn.11, 1 do luta
WelltudVdd rt et.
fV WIIEELINC.-41x 111r1,1-1, rl..s .Ira, frult.
L 1.1• vrlA•Lry. r 11.1eteln,a, 21,s r. 111,11.
Fe/ Wsrtlrop. 2 1141• 1r.1444-4. 4 rk.r 111111.11 Fr, A
F0r.,11,. 1.1 kll.. Loath, 11 4,raff a Cr. 40 . 141.. •t.plrg. J
Mete, ZJ lard. 2 FM. S., Hell A Llvretr 11
Flri•lrn i Comb, 1 r. 1..• J 6,1.10 1.1.1. rlnur
T 161. 1.4,1 Lerno. 12 In, 4•1arr
1,1 I,3VILLE-I,n lILSra 111..131-12 1.1,4$
lr 4 , 4, 1 A, 15 Ilk ?Alan, 3 'ln b.,.5.4. 1111,1 a Co.
ha, '4,1 h 51..k1ri0 A C...
, L 4, -11. 0;1, harna pan, 151,145 .
1.1.1. wax. II Gran' I 151 1.11. ,11r
bar, .2 .1. 1 ',Ab1e 251. ? ,
baA•re..., 4.5 1,45/a. IV fl'arltia. bbd.
:L5 HA. Lbw, a eb. 2'. Jo 15.14,-, For,sh A
11.' It Alr Albin At,.: In.l•lo..ltra "Jr
i•.rl /Lel? r.b , irFtl•i•ti t
roir. I Ida' 1 A Dar. 5 Ithd• At A A 11.,.? I •
blo Jr.rr akin• IV 0 11Alni , A lb, 11.11 t.r."1,..5, 1 la.
1•51: 1 10,1 Mb, Llrl. .abr. Miller Church a 4 , 1. .5 .15 p.rL
15.1..5. A I'm 1, 12515, 1 ' MA, baron. Bab, A b , 1•1!1.
5 bid. 11111ittrIla.rarr IA aka "orb, ,
pAarlarr ginseng, J y Irllwortb, 12 1?. .111".,..1 11,.
1 LL.Y.—Pra kr' rut 1.1.11
1 .15,1.
I:her Mattis.... 0.. abr., IVllrrartla A
be a barb, 1.1. any, a AM. tau, Arm/mons, r
1,10, rlnverua..l. 151., butter. I ..p,r , ml.ll
1245 butter. 2 Stirkar. lb "a• raa..A . J 11.1,
ra.r0r....1; I 111 Ark L . ra Inn LI, Am, air.. A 115,
Irask prk. 1 alb raLa .5 'lO rr... 3 kr, war!, n,labr....
I bral apple, 1 bld A 1 1,2. Mrblarkaa
keg• 4.51. II limit / 's'. 4ht Intim, 1 rhea". 1,1.1. .ul5l.
1.-I,la. I 111.1.. 1..1.4-.51.5 1 ...IA I .ask.'
lser 5A .1. I, gr,m J 11. r: 144 ti.ur 12
art, app:rs I L., 1,25. I, I. Cath..... 1.1"1/' A•ar.
anal twat Mart Ai
NT Writ —l'aat .1 s .11oula•
ponrott So bax hos.. 2 tow do. II Co rod a
lac lw to• haw., alsVoloo ..1.• pos. load. Corlo:
111.1.isn 80, Soo T Sao io ICo :SS), ,s i • -I,
lam, vono.ns. 11.: ..srloo, U.S ba. port, 1,11 L.,
lo 1.1.1. ....tor .41. Oil dry M, to a Iloilo.,
111.1.1 N NIO 10G 4N-44 01.10 ,1
butte,: VA An 10 •10 •20,1004 1 1.41 hum,.
. . . •• . . .. •
Cauf24 , 1,1, It roll. 4,•er• 11411 .4 1.,,,1t 4.4 14 4 1,4.44,, ~
I•14I• rratlls•nla, l it It 1 1•4"t0t , 11•44t..1,44 4.14.44,.14. .1 a
It F 1,4: Al Et. rtim.... 4 en 4.4 ,44414.1). Robert Pairell
RE YOU A FATILEP., laboring for the
Pup d
ped. of a family, and oufloring from gooProl
17.",t,tr.',!:•:.Z.1::.°,`,.."` . °
Are you. Mothor. potlerloor from tllseearo ta which ft
males aro gen...lllv mita., topo Ur. N. :quaker
Bantajotrtlla—lt orrUtiult Pun. nu.
at our ,Iptott, or on ono of , •u, ugonto. nml got a
Poonithl, stroup...lon, ,ou *lll flout 'hot Ito. Sltoltor oar
•ortleorp.l In fir. I. Lt. Hop. has boon thp
moon. of pertnattrullr poring morn dtPropor. In whlpll Ihp
human (omit, orp ruitiinoolly torn. thou anr uthor
prottorototo of ttotpouttr.llo rlot Ip.torp Inr
This mcdtrine has volabilaherl Ite hinh reputation by l ,
ranturenue and a ell attititeti cure,.
tb It le
meta put
on inn quart ne
ey, ttle, anti In the nnly Sar.apnrilla
ute r. n aral at w PAIIIP
time. whirr/ render/. It altog Kid ether =ore talnatlle .O ecrsT
now. particularly to female. a
Ile sun. and enquire Inc Dr S. 11. Lit SIIAKEII
SA ILSASAILI LLA, and take no Ober
Price SI per Lail.. lot Sb.
Fllt .11.1• y
DR. a. D. HOWE a Oa, Prapnalora .
I C•llrap
whala all ak, mar la. tab] raataal.
Alm, for by J. A .10Det. J a.r.honarnakar •Co IV.
Black. k W. it....,. J. NI. Townrand. J. %Ala, IV .1.101,
CM. l'ittalairkh: D. A Elliott, Allaakaar ray; W
lallaml. .tra I. Croaker, .la. rata II
en., kla , ltmr, J. 11. l'attara.a. &kJ ti. Mor •nu, at.
Nakao • Knox. Cadlt or Tad
Temperanceville and Noblestown Plank
Road Company.
VOTIcE littritliy given hi th e 5t,,,,k held-
er • ualAi I,i.pany. that di, ret, t.•
i•ti Tr. a•t. ten, of the C.klut.:ol). GI Fit eke'. ilan re of thethe and iv,. riereirrler. tlie whole .;
SZVyin lull-v.
timinit .tinctUai their lin,
tieli=i t f Mit 111 . N,
Board of Underwriter&
T M.. tiny; ..1 Or Board ''l Llnderwri
:l r, the fallowing donor gm, unannuou.l, auk,
lea. and organ.] lo be 1,111/1111JnI:
keieked. Thal (man and miler the pialakation of 011/ 11,
11, no PI, Risk. whether original or anntiniml. ehall le.
tanteldenil tie taken 11, amlnsanity,. Inane In 111 / 1 1 1111,
until the preinliana is paid In came
Ely onl
tnehTT.if er -
r • . the Donal.
"JP !all, for giaing a beandfill irk.. to Linen,
I... Ark, shirt Megan.. awl all kind, n(garinit, It.
prerenk Um Iron taunt adhering to the Lima,. and duet
(row wicking: It naitalki walling injurious to rlirthea In
ant raern.L. The larhee hare long lan, kit lb.
or guilt an Artie], mild In this their rain-MA[6ff will he
mallard, lac no manratikull I. rearial after an Impartial
11.-line lip trill 110 thirty (burn i)f dame.. and
[molly olLould hr wit Lul IL
..11. I t .t td.i
lOAP—III Lnvw No.l recd. for sale by
).1 S. k w. ilAltatAirmf.
I KEEN APPLES— o _O WA. ret.'ll, for rule
hr mrllll.. 033, IS. 11ARIIAC.:11
S Hutt,
1.• hx., Ao . .1.
hl.l, oil
hbir ltnal Ash.
t.x, Rural:nun Ch..,
1,1 do: Corn Proc.:.
310 bu, Dri/nt Apple,
:451 hum Ort lr rnr qnin
mehl9 J. 11. CANFIELD.
c i a NI CT .MILL—I Smut Mill (i•omillete. I for
17 gale hy myhlt. lt.
TO HOUSE - KEEPERS—Orders for l'am,
ALI. , rrii}:it PATP.NT
Extr,ket from ft lottor .mnind
1- .1
N. E.. —Your Mnitru.... ury
Patent Nl•di , -Ine.. nn they
Evvry n.. rho nvvof your vvr rmw
god nib vyrup. irs , mbva.L.v al . 1 a their
Zit-110MP 1,00 j UPP areprri ravul , vich grvateate,
and ..ftbv bvst material, by IL E VE.I.I.EILII. No ST Wool
grecl, awl may be had of brugglal• t yruerally. Ifeb:2l
Orrica lirrninritou UAArrrs ' i
April 5,, IAM.
House, to-day
For the relief or Nathan I'. Brower, Ann W.
Weaver, Grace Sweeney, Thomas Sweeney, Thos.
Weaver, and Ann Bond.
For the relict of Sherman of Indiana
To incorporate the village of Turtieniville,
Crawford county. into a borough.
For the relief of !Leary it. Pattemon.
Further mppletnent to the act to incorporate
the village of loungsville. in Warren county.
To revive the Warren and Pinegrove Railroad
To authorize the Canal Vormissionera 0, ex
amine the claim of Wm. S. Rhea, of Indiana
county. for dnniage4.
Resolution giving the tycoon of this t'ommon
wraith to the touchup° of ground in the city o
Pittsburgh, by the United StnteP, for the erec
tion of public buildings, and releueing the stone
from All taxes
To extend the time for the examination and
settlement of enitom no the Erie Extension.
For the relief of John Nicholae, of Crawford
To determine the boundaries., and legalise the
election of officers in the borough of Stnltton
title, Clarion county.
To incorporate the Greens/m-0 and Union
town Turnpike and Plank Road Compeny.
To incorporate the Raverford Plank Road
To ineorrrato the Myer's Plank !toad
run:many. tioniersct county.
To authorize the Pittsburgh and Steubenville
Turnpike Rood Company to change the location
of their road, end increase their stock.
To incorporate the (:rent Bet
Road Company.
To incorpornte the Lennox and
and Turnpike Road Company.
• To incorporate the %Waterford
Rood l'otopany.
To provide for the erection n
To erect an independent echo
parts of Allegheny and Bearer
Tn incorporate the Sew Brig
and }lemony flank Rosa ConiF
the Hillsboro' and Pittsburgh St
the borough of Striittonville
To incorporate the Harmony a
pike and Plank Bowl company.
To divorce Philip Gangue:-
For the relief el Jame" Whitt
the Erie Exteniiion
To incorporate the New Ale
To inCorr.rote the Sherleyshu
AS the end of the session draw ti near, import
ant ipmitions arist daily in each Mouse. and it is
on that account of gnat mums mince that all
should In' in their seats. This is particularly
necessary in the Senate, where parties are so
nearly balanced, It however nu . unfrequently
happens that three or four or o ore Whigs are
absent. and that the Lisaifocos, a though actually
in a minority, have control of that lowly. That
such is the fact results from loss negligence,
and inexcusable carelessness of ay. The Wes
tern members are generally punctaal—your own
Senators, Messrs. Haslet! and Caruthers, uni
versally so. If improper legislation grows out
of the unnecessary lIIISVOCC of any Whig Sena
tors, your readers limy oxpoet to hear-of it-
In the Senate, invorporate the Kit
tanning cemetery was reported with amend-
The bill chartering a new at Easton
passed the Senate; finally -yeas In. nave 9.
The Governor, this morning, nominated Sam
uel hell Associate Judge of Perks eo , and Peter
Lam. of Clearfield co.
The bill to incorporate the Lavirencerille and
Sharpsburgit Plank Roollilompitriy, and the hill
to incorporate the Erie and attsburgh Plank
Road Company passed the Senate to-day.
In the morning. that body hnd under rcomider-
Athol the 1411 to re-anneJ Montour county to
Poloonhi._ Mr. 'lluckalew, of Columbia, spoke
This iribpjtous hill will - AeuiVrejley against.—
less than infamy would follow its tulopthin:
lisithjoin the speeches made last nightby Gov.
Johnston and Mr. Wemiter. They are both
models of purity, appropriateness, and eitl
ti yen.,
At half-pant .even n dock, Ilr Wehrter enter
ed-the Hall of thri }bane, and after .ittie,t wna
restored, the Governor arldni-red him as fol
Mr. Ireetorr —I n hebalt of the conidi tutet nu
tliontio, of the :date. ant ot their re went, and
'in the nonie of the citlten. of Pentittylvanin here
present. I moat cbeerfuhy perform the duty of
tendering to you n cordial welcome to the enpital
of the rotonionwealtli.
It has been ever a ilmtingtoslung and lovely
trait in the character of the American people, to
venterrite talm,ts, and to renderto the long public
service, of indtvolunk. t], homage nt their res
pect and approteitton lii this most excellent
awl I - main:till property of our National eliaramer,
it has been the constant effort of the:citizens of
'Pennsylaarda to be conspicuously pm-eminent.
Under no eircm..lancea, - Tind at no time, have
her people faile u d t., ttpprecinte and reward the
patriotic indica, , A ., 4rall t lM's to her soil, or render
: the just tribute of praise and-admiration to men
of ttanseendent utental-obtlittes. without regard
to ;e:two:11 Inm.tion or the field of their opera
bons, whether the same may have been in the
ichscharge of
: relig-ions, civil. nr militnry duty.
In the fair Ilium., usefulness, and worth of the
pithlii; teen of tne ['Mon, our ilommonwealth lan-
felt the anme pride which the mother enjoys in
ttho well -.hong, of a lieloved son. We may differ
in p; litionl partialities. lint it is eotititlently
loped, never to such extent as to forget or sully
-the :orient and honorable rerntation, which we i
brine justly earned, of awarding to al) limn the
respect nod regard due to their merits and ser;
vices. If not the selbstr,letl mother of great
men, If
line itlx .- kes entlmmored faith
fully to cherish, protect, susraln, ;,.at.-ff'
ollhop or :th e
great hind g o od of other lontlft ii -
It would afford me great pleapre to extend
these rencirka, by a refort.mait,p, some of the
important nets of your long public life. about the
tintrintistit and propriety- of adticti no diversity of ;
npinion exist:, if I did nut heel that in so lining i I
was detaining this nest taseetuldy of fair ladies
and worthy citizens from an intellectnal trent,
which, from its promised richnes, they :tiny well
be inipntient to enjoy.
Perniit me, then, fellow citizens, to introduce
to your kind attention and respectful regards,
the distinguished Secretary at Mate of the Na
tional ilovernment, the lion. Pa 'OM. W.-
, I:11.
Ttt Nlr lVehßit, thu.
' Gentlemen, Senators, and :tlemberi of the
• Hon, of Representatives, and Fellow-citizens
of Petewylvania here assembled: I shoold hr in
nenible indeed to the highest rewards 4.r podic
str rice. it I did not appreriate the terms of coin
-1 mendation in which it lion pleased the Governor to
distinguirlt ow, and the wane and cordial man.
ner in which, in your kindness, you have re
, feiTinti toe on this panning yin!! which I happen
ed to lone it in my power to pay. Let me any
'lice nothing could he more just than what her
Exrellency, the Governor, bus said respectiug
the general, national. large awl comprehensive
politic al character of the l'ommenwealth of Penn.
Sylvania: She has teen valled. not without
strong claim. to the title, the Keyrtime of the
Arch of the Union. She is Toot in extent•
abundant in wealth and resources, and remark
able for the industry of her -citizens. Her Tin
t the East connect with the Atlantic: her
rivers cm the bloat connect her with the Alisnis- 1
sippi and the Gulf of • Alexiro. Above all. or 1
equal to till, she has resources in ininrn al riches'
beneath her soil, that entitle her to a position
beyond•that of any other of her rioter States,—
She hies improved Ler advantages: witlnliligent
industry, and while reeking for virtue and to reu- I
der herself respectable in the eyes of the tot- I
lion, and to loinl her part in the co untry. it is 1
true that she has Leen governed by loeal prejw.
dices, local nttachmentr, by narrow feelings. us
little as any State in the Union. She in central 4
lin position. She is oil the line which divides •
i the two portions of the country,
,and iseparattnl
iby local interest one from another, she in din- ;
, posed alwayr to do her duty to both. I admire :
1 Prollinyltilliiil for the moderation and tirrnmarn, 1
I the good sense, and patriotism, which hoer ani- '
minted bier in the discharge of her obligation, in
view of the question so well caculitted to ';disturb
the general political harmony.
Your Governor bas done Me more than jiits . LiCe
in what, be bas laid of my public serviCes. tt
a lon,r time 'ince I entered public life—quite
toe long :or tny , elf, and perhapia my family. But
I wamrt for topelf one merit only, and of that I
I may lnn prowl, it attaches MN In Mg great
State of Pioilisylvanio. And it is the merit of
cattiracinu.t.lie country and the whole country in r
wont 11110 e said or done M one public station or .
another, in tr. y general political career.
Lt till d,po.ations of. Providence, Pennulvti
nio aele.s.l cont.! not hate Iron at
state under tiny circumstances. If rho had re.
M3imal .creat in her ZMOLITCO3,in her toll anti M her
people, and every body would hal, looked upon
her with respect, what, after all, would the State
4 tb, Ihdy Uszettr.
ilAttnisufino, April. I. 18.70.
ill. 1...(41 first rending. in the
.1 Drpot Plank
Nicholpon Plank
nd Union l'lnnk
la poor house in
1 ,1 district out of
ton. Zelionnple,
: relative to
toßoad ; and to
d Mercer Turn
Ifor dornages on
andria Female
g Female Semi
of Pennsylvania have been, if detached, isolated
from the other States of the Union, compared
with your Petinsylvania;as you now behold her?
(Applause). What would she have been with
her mineral treasures, with no power to develops
them, without any general protection from the
national flag that carries them in pride and tri
umph to the ends of the earth? (Applause).—
It was that comprehensive course of polities,
which rejects local ideas and a narrow View of
political principles, which has enabled this whole
people to speak of the country as their country
—and has made the State of Peapsylvania what
she now is, and what I hope she may long con
tinuelo be, as I before said, the Keystone of the
Arch of the Union.
If it had happened to me to have been before
this Assemblage in this place, one year ago to
day—on the first of last April—l should have met
you with a far less gladsome heart than I now do.
For it is not to be denied, that occurrences of
great import have taken place within the last
year—that measures were adopted by the gen
eral concurrence of men of all parties, calculated ,
to adjust local differences and settle the agita
ting questions of the country. It is time that
we should feel kindly one to another—to feel that
we are one people, hare one interest, one char
acter, one liberty, and one destiny. I bore an
humble but earnest part in the procurement of
that adjustment by the lost Congress. If not
everything that all could wish, it is as much
as any one could rationally. hope. I trust to
your own perceptions to see the groat degree of
cheerfulness prevailing in society arram.l you,'
and the general progre4s of all interests under
the industry of yourpeople, and! ask you wheth
er I do not meet you under better auspiec.—
happier auspices &rpm and for me—for united
Liberty—for established fraternization among
governments of the tame republican faith, than
I would have a year since.
It is not my purpose, and I do not wish to
weary yon by discussing any political questions.
This is an age of discussion, and we are a peo
ple of discussion, bat all I know has been said
no often that I am afraid to repeat it. But I
have come here first to present in person, whit
I here endeavored to do by letter, profound ac
knowledgments to the Legislature for the kind
manner in which you were pleased to take notice
of a recent act of my official life. it is a corn
' pliment, the remembrance of which I shall carry
to the grave.
It has appeared and does appear that the time
has come in the progress of affairs, in Tien of
the growth of the country,. its vastly increase'
population and highly elevated improvement,
when we, the descendants of those who achieved
the independence and established the constitu.
Lion of this country, are bound to speak out to
the whole world of mankind and bear testimony
to the cause of popular republican government.
(Tremendous cheering.)
Let other governments do ns they will. It is
not our traverse the earth and make
proselytes. Our business is to proselyte by our
example--to convert man to republicanism by
showing what republicanism can do in promoting
the true ends of government. (Applause.) By.
this, we can do more than a thousand emissaries
—more than ten thousand Peter the Hermits.—
We will place in the political tirmanent, a sun,
high, glowing, cheering; the warming influence
of which all will feel and know. Our destiny iv
great and any man falling short of its full com
prehension is not fit to conduct the affairs of this
government. Our sit - widen is peculiar, we are
remote from our adversaries, and if we were not,
we have power, tbank God, to defend ourselves.
And while enjoying the benefits, and seeing
and knowing the glorious results of our political
system, are we afraid to compare it with any in
the world—afraid to compare the security of
property, life, industry, and reputation, as wit
nessed in the United States and the several States
with their preservation under any other govern.
ment of the earth?
Revolutions cannot shock us. We hove no dy
nasties to overturn and we have none to erect in
their stead, but the great, broad, general, bene
ficent current of usefulness and virtue flows by
no, like your noble stream until it mingles its
waters with the mighty ocean. I look no far
ther. Ido not contemplate What might happen
to Pennsylvania when separated from her neigh
bors, sho may stand alone, nor will it be forced
upon me, except by the reality of fact. I look
forward to a long eoisteuiew of general prosperity
and of republican liberty. For myself, I believe
that arm andJuLes hence these United • Stattrx
progress in generireatifidenci/7; sun phßtt
perity. It will be to me the greatest solace of
my life to be able to say, when my career on
earth may end, that I have done something,
though little towards preserving the glorious
constitution of my country.
After which Mr. Webster partOok of a supper
at the Washington Hotel. Great good feeling
prevailed and at a late hoar the party dispersed,
delighted with the intellectual treat they had en
joyed in listening to words of wisdom from the
distinguished 'American. Do (frENNE.
ILA old Z 4 . 10 .. 1 1.PP ,. .red all cu s ruddem t . ,-ra. hog
GuetAeun .I,lnlyhux came t. Primeranta. aid
We were now left for some time 'in a peace
from witchcraft; unless, indeed, I reckon the
caterpillars, which miserably destroyed my or
chard, and which truly were a strange thing..
For the trees blossomed so fair and sweetly, that
one day as we were walling under them, and prais
ing the almighty power of the most merciful
God, my child said, -If the Lord goes on to bless
us so abundantly, it will be Christmas Eve with
us every night of next winter !" But things
soon fell out far others.wise For all ina mo
ment the trees were covered with such swarms
crterpillarn (great and small, and of every
shape and color),that one might have measurell•
them by the bushel; and before long my poor ,
tees looked like brooms,. end the blessed
which was so Well set, all fell off, and was.Wite--..
gool enough for the4iiss,. r net itinTO to
lay thin loony onc.-thoughT had-my owri - nrivate
thoughts upon the matter, and have them Yet
However, my barley, whereof I hail sown about
three bushels out ou the common, shot pp bravely.
On my field 1 had sawn nothing, seeing that I
dreaded the malice of Satan. Neither was corn
at all plentiful throughout the parish, in part
because they had sown no winter crops, and in
part because the summer crops did not prosper.
However. in all the villages , n great supply of
fish was caught by the mercy of God, especially
herring: but they were very low in price. More
over, they killed many seals; and at Whitsuntide
I myself killed one as I walked by the sea with
my daughter. The creature lay on a rock close
to the water, snoring like a Christian. There
upon I pulled off my shoes and drew near him
softly, so that he heard me not, and then struck
hint over his nose with my staff (for a seal can
not bear much on his nose), so that he tumbled
over into the water; but he wes quite stunned,
and I could easily kill him outright. It woe
a fat beast, though not very large; and we mel
ted forty pots of train oil out of his fat which
we put by for winter store.
I Meanwhile, however, something seized old Se
den all at once, no that he wished to receive the
holy ateranieut When I went to him, he could
give no reason for it; or perhaps he would give
none for fear of his old Lizzie, who was always
notching him with her squinting eyes, and
! would not leave the room. However, Zuter his
little. girl, a child near twelve years old, said
that a few days before, while 'she was plucking
grass fur the cattle under the garden hedge by
the road, she heard the husband and wife quar
relling violently again, and that the goodman
threw in her teeth that he now knew ors cer
tainty that she had a . familiar spirit - end that he
mould straightway go and tell it to the priest.
Albeit this is only a child's tale, it may be true
for all that, seeing that children and fools, they
any, speak the truth.
Ilut be that as it may. 51M11142 my old War
den grew worse and worse; and though I visited
him every morning and evening, as I used to do
to my sick, in order to pray with him, and often
observed that he had somewhat on his mind,
neverthelesslie could not disharthen himitelf of
it, seeing that old Lizzie never left her post.
This went on for a while, when at last one
day about noon, he sent to beg me to scrape a lit
tle silver off the new sacramental cup, because
ho had been told that he should get better if he
took it mined with the dung of fowls. For some
time I would not consent, seeing that I straight
way suspected that there was some devilish mis-
chief behind it; but he begged awl prayed, till I
did as he world have me.
And lo and behold, he mended from that very
hour, so that when 1-went to pray with him rat
evening, I found him niready sitting on the bench
with a bowl between his knees., out of which he !
suppingt.i.ebe strange,roth. /;
thatbe woulJ
it uxd to
y, and often h t out wait patient- i
e times ff I wain oat rat hand, of
e tu ipY i r :e e ryu tfa: yg o , :r adc ,. t o m itrv i
ployed), but he told me he lied
pr yrd alre a dy, and that he would give me the
uw.h,o,:;ll::3l,,hrgeo 11 ,- a. , l cl tak o ta nd i.
i f i o e r h m od y
n it
And ty
s notLingi
h h , :e ttc p r ,,, t.i. ,;y die w r w for b3 n . , ,, ,h • n b un ti d in sl ' s gO l n in e tte t e . .
went up with me to the Fink which was behind
the stove. nod reached down the cob, and put it
uuder the arm of the maid, who AM just come
to call me away.
Not for all the world, howene. would I have
eaten the cock, but I turned it out to breed.—'
I went to him once more and asked whither I f
shook" give thanks to the Lard next Sunday, for
his recovery; whereupon he answered that I
might do as I please" in the matter. Iteroat I
shook my head, and left the house, resolving to ;
send for him as soon as ever I should bear that f
his old Lizzie wan Ann:theme (for the often went
to fetch flax to spin front the Sheriff) But mark I
what betel within a few dart! We heard snout- t,
cry that old Seden was miming, and that no one.
could tell what bad become of him. delis wife 1;
thought that he had gone up into the Streekel
burg, wherupon the accursed witch ran howling
to our house and asked my daughtir whether eke
went up the mountain every day. My daughter
staid she hid not; Gin, mu is me, she was noon tit
hear enough of him. For :One morning,before
:sunrise, as she ca to down into-the wood on her '
way back from Ler forbidden diggings after am
her, she heard n woodpecker (which, us doubt,
mat old Lizzie herself), crying no dolefollY,elOso
beside her, that she wean in among the bashes
to see what was the matter. There was the
woodpecker, sitting on the ground before ebunch
of hair, which was nett, and- just like what old
Seden's had been, awl es soon as it espied her it
flew up with its beak fall of the hair, and• slip- . 1
ped into ft hollow tree. While my daughter still
etood tatting at the devil's work, up came old
Paavch, who also had heard the cries-of . the
woodpecker, as he-Was cutting roofing shingla
on the moue win, with his boy, and was likewise
struck with horror when be wow the hair an the
ground. At first they thought a wolf must have '
eaten him, and searched all about, but could not
find a single bone. • On theyfancied
saw eomething red at the very top of the tree, they
so they made the boy climb up, and he forthwith f.
cried out that here, too, there Vran - a great bunch
of red hair stock to some leaves as if With pitch,
but that was not pitch, but something speckled
-red-and white, like fish guts; flan, that the leaves
all around, even where there arm; no hair, were
stained and spotted, and had a very ill smell.—•
Hereupon the lad, at his master's bidding, threw :1
down the.clotted branch, and'they two below
straightway judged that this was' the hair and ,ff
brains of' old Seden, and that the devil had ear
ned him off bodily, because he would not pray
nor give thanks to the Lord for Lis recovery.—
I myself believed the same, and told it on the
Sunday no a warning to the-congregation. But .",
further on it will be seen that the Lord had yet
greater Cause for giving him into the hand of
Satan, inasmuch as he had been talked over by
his wicked wife to renounce his Maker, in the
hopes of getting better. Wow however, this
devil's whore did as if her s 'heart len, broken, ff
tearing out het red hair by the handsful when
she heard about the wowlpeckerfront my child
and old Pavch. and bewolling that the was now :f
s poor widow, end who Wan to take care of her
for the future, kc.
Aleanwhileiwe'eelebrated owthis barren shore,
as best we could and might, together with the
whole Protestant Church, the 25th day rtrnsis
junii, whereon, one hundred years ago, the E.s
tate, of the Holy Boman Empire laid their con
fession before the most high and mighty Emper-_,
or Carolus V., at Augsburg; and I preached
sermon on Matt. z. 32, of the right confession of `J_
our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, whereupon
the whole congregation came to the Sacrament.
Now triratds the evening of the self-same day,
as I walked with my daughter by the sea-shore, 4
we saw eeveral hundred sail of ships, both great f,
and small, round about Loden, and plainly heard
firing, Whereupon we judged forthwith that thin
must be the most high and mighty king Gusto
vas Adolphus, who was now coming; as he heed
promised, to the aid of poor persecuted Christen- .
dom. While we were still debating. a boat sail
towards us from Oie,s wherein was Kate Bee,.
ow, her non, who is a farmer thereouid was com
to see his old mother. The same told us that
it was really the king, who had thin_morning run
before Ruden with his fleet from Rugen; that a
few men front Ole were fishing there at the these,
and saw hoir he went ashore with his officer;
and straightway bared hin bead and fell upon bin
Thus, then, moot gr - arious God, did I, thy un
worthy servant, enjoy a still greater happinteet
and delight that blessed evening than I had done .1
on the blessed morn; and anyone may think that I
I delayed not fora moment to fall on my knees
with my child, and to follow the examlde of • t,
king, and God knows I never in my life prayed - 1
so fervently as that evening, whercon a ih Y
showed each a wondrous signaPon a., Y. :P .4 1- 1
I.,,„t a n people to come
ofhis P o,,Yc 7...sbay_bad er
cry where caller cPonhim,-ort, their knees, for
his gracious help against the murderous wiles of '!!'
the Pope and the DeviL That night' could not
sleep for joy, but went quite early in the morn
ing to Demerow, where remetkiag bad befallen !!
Vitbe Ins boy. I eapposed that be, too, wan be
bat this time it was net witchcraft, ens-
ing that the boy had eaten something unwholo.
some in the forest. -He could not tell what kind,
of berries they were, bat themalera, which turn
ed all his skin bright scarlet,. Rion passed over.
As I therefore was turning home shortly after, I I
met a messenger. from Peenemude, whom his V,
Majesty, the high and mighty king GUS11111:1
Adolphus, had sent to tell the Sheriff thatanthe
29th of June, at tea o'clock in the morning, he
was to send three guides to meet his Majesty at 1
Coserow, and to guide him through the wools to
Swine, where the Imperialists were encampod.-,
lire, he related how by Majesty had token the
fort at Peeeemunde yesterday, doubtless the
cause of the firing we heard last evening;) and
that the Imperialists had run sway as fast as
they !
and played the hush-ranger properly,
for after setting their camp an fire, they all tie , )
into the woods and coppices, and part escaped to
Wol,pst anti part to Swine.
Straightway I resolved in my Soy to invent a
carmen gralutiromurri to his Majesty, whom, by
the grace of Almighty God, I was to ncr, the
which my little daughter might present to him.
I accordingly proposed it to her, as soon as I
got home, and she straightway fell on my neck
for joy, and then began to dance about the room. :
But when she had considered a little, ehe thought
her clothes were not greet enoresh to wear befo re
his Majesty, and that 1 shoul d' buy?bet n blur
silk gown, with a yellow apron, seeing that thee!! nbe •
thasweg4sh colors, and would please hie •!,
M%jexstkiiglitE-well,, For long time il wOuldnue
eeeing4atthis kinthaf pride;. hut she
teased me siter kisses all coating words,
till L l ike`74, and - ordered my !‘•
ploughmach 3 ! Viv.lieolgasftu-day,
to buy WiiCrefOilirl think that the
just God, who liateth the proud and eltewear
mercy on the humble, did rightly chastise me foe
-such pride. For I myself felt a sinful pleasure, %.•
when she came back with two women who were
to help her to sew, and laid Mc stuff before me.
Next day she set to work at sunrise to sew, and
I composed my cameo the while. I had not got :!
I very far in it when the young Lord Budiger of • !!!,
Nienkerken came riding up, in order, as be raid, !:
to inquire whether his Majesty were indeed go
ing to March through Coserow. And, when I
told him all I knew of the matter, rem, informed
hint of our plan, he praised it exceedingly, and
instructed my daughter (who rooked more kind
ly upon hint to day than I altogether liked) bow
the Swedes used to pronounce the Latin, as ,!!!
match° pro ratio, get 'pro cc, Beitl, pro refs, &c., Pt,
mu that she might be able to answer his Majesty !!!
with all due readiness.. Ile said, moreover, that _
he had held much converse with Sweden at Wit- '! , t
emberg, US well as at Griepswald, wherefore if
she pleased they might net a short colloquium,
wherein he the king. Hereupon he
sat down on the bench before her, and they both
began chattering together, which vexed toe sore, j !!
especially when I saw that she made but small
haste with her needle the while. But esy, dear
! f!
reader, what was I to do !—Wherefore I went
my ways, and let them chatter till near noon,
when the young lord at last took leave. Bat he
promised to come again un Tuesday when the
Icing was here, and believed that the whole is
land would flock together at Coserow. As soon • ;
as he watt gone, seeing that my MILL portico . (as
may be easily guessed) wa. still stopped up, I.
had the horses put to, and drove all °Teethe par- j
ish, exhorting the people in every village to be at
the Giant's Stone by Coserow, at nine o'clock on
Tuesday, and,that they were all to fall on their
knees as soon' as they should see the king corn
ing and that f knelt down ; /tree, to join at once .;
in singing the Ambrosia= hymn of praise, which
I should lead off 13 soon as the hells beg= to
ring. This they all promised to do: and after I
had again exhorted them to it on Sunday, in
church, end preyed to die Lord for his Majelly
out of the fulness of my heart, we scarce could •
await the blessed Tuesday, for joyful impel
Rne.,•auj... two Fmall trt,l2l htlyttl3 Vac,lom arl
•L•co !be . Thealruut Eur"vela," P. =6 C
Stout or OCcrPA37IS TO GROUND Is FR.
TORUS tiorsts.—At Philadelphia, on Sal
notion was brought by a. hackman to
damages from a. police officer for am,
battery. The drenauttanera of the
Kee, the hackman war standing
United States Hotel, and was
by the proprietor. 00 his
called and Lee was arrest.
the assault. Judge
that every man own
house, lie hat pi ,
pass and repass
it is as much Id.
the premises.
carry on say,
house, and if
party to leave
be used to so: .
was tlitaxtiasei
-.y r 3