The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 04, 1851, Image 4

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From the Athahy C
In your paper for donuary;ilS49, I found on
article, from which the following is an extract.
You will re-publish the extract here or not as
you think best 1 think poor renders may be
benentted by haring their . attention turned to
the subject again:
"Editor „ Crt!tfrator—lt hoe long been a prev
alent opinion with our fanners that need ppm,
toes should be selected Irons the largest and best.
But a gentleman of my acquaintance, the own
of-a large farm in the county of Worcester, iu
the spring of 1547, found nis stork of large po
tatoes completely exhausted, and front the gen
ernl scarcity could not renew his supply.' Ile
then determined, from neeeseitt, to plant his
fields with small ones, varying in sire from a
marble to a smell pullet's egg, placing two or
three without rutting in each hill. The result
was an unusually fine crop, in sire, quantity,and
In the spring of ISIS, be repeated the exper
iment, on for on to plant alternate row, of small
ones and large noes, cut into four or tire pieces.
I was present when he IVa., harvesting the crop,
in the early part or October, and it onus evident
that the produce of the small potatoes exceed
ed that the of the larger ones. Should further
experiment. confirm the fret dint the small are
of gretter. ar even of equal value for seed, l it
wilLbe of some importance to farmers.
Beverly, I),cmker, 1848
As the writer nays, isit has Inng been a pros
lent opinipn with our farmers that the seed po
tatoes should he nelerted from the largest and
best" But who hue before made a fair experi
ment to ascertain the facts ? Since rending what
your correspondent imbitshed, my attention Ines
been turned to the subject and held to it by my
obsets4tion and experce in cultivating the
sweet potato, It is the ien common practice, as
far as my observation extends. to ,itse and use
the smaller of the !Wee., potatoes for plwitifg.
And from five years' experience and obsernnttoo
I have shuniaed no evidence that the practice
Causes deterioration as to .lie or quality.
During the 1.11,1 !CI.. I have made tin caper
iment with other potatoes. using the kind or va
riety called the Nesbanoe or Mercer. Side by
wide, on ground treated alike not of like quality,
as far us it was possible to have it, we planted
large potatoes and small ones, s e par a t e d f reLa
each other. The result is quite ai large no a
mount- and quite as goad a qmility from the
small potatoes used in planting. '
Our son, M. M.. in ray absence dug an equal
number of hills. in parallel rows. and called on
the to decide between the to I devided
without hesitation as to the aniount and size.
Ilia mother was then eall,sl on, sret her ready
decision agreed with mine. Our decision was
in favor el those which he said were dug where
the smith, were planted. lie then went on and
dug the whole. The result agreed with the lip.
pettrupre of the h e ap, n est dog.
It might seem to some like an exaggeration if
we shrAilii ray potatoes were niece and- bet
ter from the sari' 'ones planted. We fay that
the quantity was, not less e think the pro.
Pinion of small potatoe.. was less from the small
potatoes planted than from the large ones.
There is not the slightest ground for conjec
ture that any mistake has been made. .My ow,
eyes have been on the work, and my own hands
in it, from beginning to end—with the excep
tion of the digging of - the hills. in the pareltel
rows, by my son, as above mentioned. the
time of planting, the stakes were set end_th
facts written down. All has been done
carefulness that leans not a doubt.
It is proper to say here that the toast i
the site of the tubers planted was decid.
think that not more than one foe h or at mo.
One. third of the amount in weight was plane
where the smaller were used. Of the large
only one potato wen used in a hill, tine hills be
ing about three feet apart each way. if th,
smaller, also only a single one was used, steep
with the smallest, when two were used, the hills
being at the sitme distance with tliet.thers, thou
three feet apart each via . ,
The subject is worthy of attention. If equal
quality end quantity ran be produced. on equ oI
ground, from the smaller of the tubers. it is um
to have it known i: has been though
to be otherwise. I codes., that fam now look
ing fur more general experience to confirm US
in this new view,
In propagating I:hints iron: seeds. I ihouid
still say, all other things beitrg veins:, let tit ha,
the largest sued,. But propagating the putat
front the tuber ,or wind ono st rd., list called
sprout, and others would pernap- call ~ germ:
is Itnother procer. I: we cw: obtain us good :
plant founi the smaller tuber a, trout the large
one, it is what tie a:I netel t•: know. I need no
enumerate [ !vantage,. The/ ore apparent
• :F,to
S.g . IW4U.
In the November number of me Cu!uvator
an article on (bin subject. ,ibtiog that .voperir
crops kmve been rai-ed foon t!:•. u...e of :quo,
potatoes for need. and a. a foruber ioforuoi
Formerly, I believed to the comules °Mai.
that large ',statue, !mod he noel for aced to n
sure a good crop; bot in 1+ , 4: , . ovesng to thefts! -
MT of the previous stop,wa, .I'lh:zed to tric
small ones, none larger than . 1 Iseses egg, and
the reads was truly
The yield was about one hundred bushels fro
halfan acre id - unmanured griiitaii, and th -
were almost uniformly of fine sire Mony hil s
had none that were so small as the largest I
But old opinions require a long time to r r
them out: and. ever since, : pis potato field In s
been an experiAiental- etri,,, to determine th
point.. In neircase hare I been able to decii e
that large potatoes were , better than small on
for planting.
This year I resolved that the experimy
should he a decisive 'rule, and therefore separat
ed my potatoes, about half is dozen varieties,
planting tint the large and then the small on 's
of each variety: but the root baa eo nearly ile--
troyed the crop that the reNalt could not he 0
Some varieties of iotatoes ore almost uniform
ly small, with-any cultivation they May receive,
and they also closely I,irrnbie some of the tuft
vaeties. Now if the farmer allows any of t
inferior kinds to mix with good ones, and pia to
only email ones, the inferior varieties, will o h-
thin the superiority cud the crop will deteri
A argC proportion of the:4lmin ponaors wh.
are produced are either the re4olt of too mu
seed being ,used,or cultivating the crop after t
- first set of tubers hare formed, ev that anutl
starts out of small sire_
The opinion, therefore. which I
,hare f..rtu
is that small potatoes of a good ranety are
least equally good with the large onem
IEII, Conn., Sf.r. 1. 1 Koi.
%We take from the Iforwuitur,..l the follow
article upon dwarf pent,.. :rota the ;m of
firm of Parson and Co., the extent and el,
fence of whose nursery eAuldishment. at Ft
log to veU known:—
"There are few modes of culture that love I
made more rapid progress in. United Stat s.
than that of the pear upon he quince stock
Ten years ago these dwarf pears were roan in !
very tow, gardens, and then only as spccim os I
valuable for their novelty. They were even, .n-
til some few years since, esteemed temporur in
their character, and were never planted in a r-
raiment orchard. While this opinion may be to !
a certain extent true, or, rather, while we h ve I,
120 evidence to controvert ito,.truth, while he
pear on its own root moot always have e
preference in a permanent orchard, yet those ou
quince my always advuittigeoualy bane a pl ce
in every orchard, and may bo profitably oultiva
ted for market fruit. That this opinion is Je
comingmort prevalent is evinced by the large
sales of pears on quince that are made iIIiIIIIII ly,
1.1 et!
In various parts rat the country. To ensure i
-teas. they require very different .treatment r em
those OD their own root, and me a few y ear! ,
perience may be of value to eon., who are 111 Int
. ittiii.litlag, I will briny relate thy sour, the I
have pursued with patittactory reiiultii
Some few years ago. beeoining ~ .,nvineed h a t
the profits of th• nursery bitaintss could no he
relied upon, I decided, with our friend River , to
cast out another anchor t.. windward I prepa
red at first only four acres, intending with 1111.14 1
to teat the experiment, and then, it !iiiioie. fill,
to plant my whole farm.
Although much fruit has not yet made its, np-
paartmee, the fruit buds promi.o. Inc so al/
ant a crop anotheryear, as almost to warren'
in planting to n very; large extent.
The field I selected was on old pa s ture Fro
with light loamy soil, but not inclining to F
and a subsoil of hard-p.. Thin I planted
corn till the ground was well meliowed, and
put upon it two sloop 1011 , 14, or ;,1/041 basher
stable manure, worth on the ground one hen
and seventy-five dollars.
The orchard woo then planted with pear
their own root, twenty feet apart. Bet
these were planted pears on quince, ten
A part, each row being ding ten t,et opnrt,
the trees in each ten feet. Knelt altertinte
is thus all pears on quince, or half on Agar
half on quince, and the whole orchard con
1,760 pears, 1,320 being on quince, and 44'
their own root. By thug planting, I think
double advantage. Those on quince can
bearing soon, and will produce n good
while tho_others Are growing, and those 'on
will undoubtedly be sufficiently largo to p
a good crop, and even to occupy the gee
the exclusion of the others, long before tho
quince will decay, if such decay should eve
• garden culture,
pon thin orchard
year. The first
art was cropped
injurious to the
• ith potatoes and
1 •
-P."! on'uine' , *Nett* hig
nd it is , my praciice to put
wo sloop loads or manure eve
'car after planting, the orc i
"th corn, which I round to b i
es. I have since cropped
ith good manage
:made to pay for
the labor. With
lager beets, altermtely, and
the crop of these can b 4
e manure, and sometimes
..e eception of a itingle row :all those on their
.wn root are of onel variety. t e Lawrence, This
•rniety originated ila Long Is tad, is hardy, an
any and abundant] hearer, a.d a good grower,
be fruit of meditu;n size, n arty equal to the
. . . .
(Doyenne;) in liar° , is ineating from
ii.l-autumn to mid-winter. .nd still keep and
ipen in a barrel, like apples. . Its uniform price
n the market in autumn, is re dollars per lin.
.be!, and at its LAMA period •f maturity, when
o other pears can be fa nd in market, it
ould probably bring ten to Item
- dollars per
The colored ConYention is still in session at
'ea York, talklng but only (talking. Reports
on emigration to the West In as, social relations,
• hank, a union grocery, &, have been made,
hut nothing practical stone r likely to be.—
There is too much discluision pod they score one
another quite amusingly.
DRY poo
ECT THIS iIAY, pt. Ex presm
500 Ina. Aletailder , tient , and Lula,' KO
eneTie . Silka chat -e.tYl,
.A 3 I naa I apitna,__? .
1.41 INraa.a.
12.4 4 iingllara.
lei<h Linen, I.inetiLlakfx, dm Cambric, do. Lawn.. de
A. A. MA:4 , N Col
r 0 ,1 1 .27 (12 and 4 Market 44
Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehouse,
Nn. 105 MArturr STREET,
12 11. PALMER oller, for iill • at 1-• v
Li . to., pri‘v., a fill! a:nommen( 11 St.rn '. .r
a d Mi 11,,,.
rr 11,,,,1,. etc
BoN:VETN—Foreign and Am.r-Ati plant .ate 1,,,.
Stripa, Braid. Chip, i;mip, Minn, Lace.llmr.narnela. L•;.•
bum, do.. de
/LI TS-31cn'a. Tou'inC. and Ilm [ s . Lenhorn, 1n,,,, and
plain Brat& Strnar. rattan. Mania', and Paint In':,( In.
faun.' 10-chorn. itrattl4 Star. Clitp.[Gintp. Lac, nod Inar
Missy./ Gipsey..lenny[lAnd. and collier ("rms. In an6d sem ,
rty Ft shape and matortal.
RIBBONS—Rich tar Mall Sart. plan Satin and Tat
fitter, all whitlo and colon: tan, Flaw, and Crap. cat , .
LACES—CIain and foguri-I white and •
,ml,,nd ill amt
Cotton 1 111— C
TRLILVLNGS—Cordt,TheAuIs, Mahon, Henn!.
Pennine, (Sr.. Ar. '
FLO WERN—Frrn , ll and American Spry,. bitno.l.e. and
- rich and novel 4,1.4.
, BONYET 011.1:3 1 ,A.V1 1 SATIN. , --.4.10,... Gr.. .1, 'in.
[ pies. tie:, de Rhine. [Florence. null .ether 4,1,1. a... rt , 4
qualities and color, [
[ SA Tf.Vs , —.tss.rtedigualitles nod .r.t..•
Ala—Mich and Mae, prtreall'i,al , 4lh and Cuihrelin. I[.tut
[ Boxes. 4,.... ie. r o• bl .
CARPETS, OIL ciortis. &,,
. _
I. now constantly ri.erirlim hit nlrin3 5t. ,,, ' r lt Et-ant:Nous
CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS, & TRIM MI Ni iS. ' m•—i_ ~ . .t.n 5.1. ,, .. , , 4 , ."
Carson .s C.. ~ i di 1,,,1ia,t, A
Comprising lb Mart dm Molina it. •armtm c . 1,, t 11a • ... c.. lo.• ~[ 6 l a ve,
o ' CARPETS'. Imw. 1 alit.l.[,l • I,[[ ... 5..... 6.-I..ri i.nrr
Extra Royal Telvcirik e....r,,,, an. a., 1.,,,, pr., j ''';',';,"„:';`,".,.!'::., , ~• ‘ i ~,, „„, , ,
7.6-1 do. ° ' ~. ,"r, gt V.T.;",r.:',..=,a .. r . .::,;;,', 1 .‘ V,. • .. .Y . ' 6 ` [ ''' •T • ',`. I.d , '',[,• I
1-1. 3.4. 5.a. and ~..4 tent 1',41 ',mitt.. 14. .... ~[[ and ..... •` " " ''''' ' l '" ''''' ' , F
plain 4,14.34, L'efi;auti 24 mail 5.,ei , rd.,' hy
Eaton Chenille hu[ny, fine dn., dm, extra tuned do . ho. ' 4.-. "7 . '''''''" ,'.. ' ' •'"
, do. dm, .o. mmon tin IChenill- In-, Mat, tut:, .1 • do , . 1 "'[`'''''.... [‘''
sheep skin du ha.. kalelante do do., Thrum .1- do , SUGAR. ANL , NIGLA.: 4 :•4I,
l Crumb Cloth, Felting do, 11aim, 1,4,4. ha, -.1 -
ASheet Oil ( l oths. cut tn nt any etre In':• •, rm ,[ 4.-J 7 '
44.74. 64. Si. 44. and 3,-1 ti,[ cloths.
Also.--Stair Rod, of all sixes, Ca ,- T ,4 Ilind , ngs , IY 4 [ are I IIAF St 1'.61,
pang loan dn.,. 04.14, and 34 3lattings, Tat'', Li,,,. ..0. Cr.o I A nn-p_.
. and Diapur; u<k.AUct do. Transpitrent it indow Shat. •
, Buff Window lin:land, Venluan Mimi, Ent1,0 ,,,, 1 ['yam. 1,, rN I ili I I.: , -
, Coven, do. Table do., do. Stand dm: 1\ cm,. Table .1., „..‘,." ~,,..., ‘,.,.,..,
Baring Imported wad tourehased our .6.1 dr , .., , t from th;o6,, 4.
most celebrated Factories, Awing id the mtest and ut,.l 0,- . - [..,1,1 ~ , ,,,..1 Butter.
I proved atyles and golors. am a, i[repared b• ite:: 6. okr
friends and C 11,501221,4 at yew , . us t o' .:r t 6., [on m ~,,,,,,. 1.. LI, prune 1 .m.,,t, rend.
usal in any ~r the .?",i,,,0-n 1 , !, , ,,
We cordially Junto all la c4ll and exant,ne our 1.... L., at
The Carpet larehonse, Ni Fourth street. uolati R. I , A 1.4 E L 1., •
' mehl . . l W. MeCLINTOCK.
I 7 1 MI. , Fr.,.., II." Po,:
I • Spring Bonneta. ; - ,;11 1/ IJI. [teat,
QUR FIRST LOT is resolved and ' 1 •,.-I,s h 0.,,, ~.„
a , Yu. v,,..4 -..v•1 ! ! -L”.., rv, r . I 1- , [-[[
[ opmied. comprising. in part. th,. fialo.L.:
~, ~_,,,
Alboni Chip, Queen's Own. 0,01,4 la /111 .... yl il 1 r v ..! •,.. , t• rt• !
1 , W ,l4,l',,,' " dii, l . °ll°' l '''' ' • 3,' - ' n 'h7l i y ' r . u ,, L .. , • - , ~.m , . .1 , Olt N3IEA I. . 4 ,, I.u. r...••• 1 0,1 1,-3 le i
, English Chip. Fluted atraw and mom,. ' k- in , i'' -.. tt :1.1 r:
I Finn Straw and Dlattanmi, ['earl and 1.6,4 , mstt.l
- -
[ 4, [ N DR] 1.:5
HUN:lice Crimysed, ' ...dlr.. Lal .6 .
i Engibth•Pmarl.• •Iltinmultin Ilta.d. J
Album , . !Flund Mantila, 16[ OA- prom. s. ~ mi.,: ._
split Straw, MB, -
m• oC.
A ~ ..1 :1=111: I..t. ' t • st ' .-• • •
1:111 1 tt C: ttly,- l “.
Llik . It. •I' ... .kR '2. - , 11111- . t••r-.a1.. 1 V
,---- • N • al,. I •
TO 'CONTRACTORS. ; „,.,..,-.„.,
13R0I'OSALS, are in vitt a Frew SI ,lt.• )1.:- MORRIS'S TEA MART.
" 1 11
.1,1 Cafer , ( . ..1..fff ,, •• ,•• t .f . ~, ' f'`'' •,, •ItATIINII, 11 t: I , . II \v. “ II? II
. 1 4' 1 11 1' 1 1 , , , 1 churo,.. th,,,,,,,,•t Ittatt,.•i ,
aAI Grant slit... ltt Ittt batt.,l In tAt •tr• '. f • t• t! • 1 ftt ft •1 0 .
.I In. f.ft• I PIA. ./ -1 ,, fff , ff fnn• nf., '••• '. ,
i ll 1 1 1t O . Wl,ll 1 1 ‘ 111 TEA 11,1 1, r
th.. ....ten. I.n. ,4 Trintt, fAtrrlt. rtttrAfp,•.ll .t th t t
A Mato.l 1 t,'. -11..K. I' ftl . wit., .- Itt'.. ortt••rtrAtt,t, ...11 • ' t. -:: ;',,,•• V. - L, ' •• ' '''"" n• ,
'NT.II`:::2 - IJVZ.tIaL. I 7.II,7 ' • ' • , - , .- 1 , ;.":• . -
Ity Gni.. a flat, Ctlcautleft..
Fresh Assortment of Spring Goods.
T110)IAS PAL)IER .IO4 1 , ...,11,
from Ow hartern nt the ~1
1101 rr.rn Tiard and F•••-ril
I.ww. acootx.on• to. ht. gro•ont 1-.,,ento I
PAPER 11.15r:1.y , , 11.., lx•-• ~P le at , in U.l• mor•• •
fur a Ingo. , The wltort,.. or , ont.n , l, o tn.
•IX"lex Ponnharlx dux., . the eolor . .1
Mutt.. I ngo r, ,ne
-ango To OW 3.1
canto tudgmeut ow. le. formed 1.. onto t Len to..
111. El NEI , Sl • o; A A.
full. trio Itod I uohl 1 toe,. I , •
V 141 ANDA.4 . II - r , 1.11111: ,
Comb, In hi, valup.lo vorlung• on the - Ph, nso ... ..f
G o
brorter that • ditolnut.on of the. truo ounntlll
artro. up. ts[a prominent and all p.n., aolina ./ XIII •• X 111 I , ,110..% xt...
3,•••.• I. •••• tr 1.. hue:
, nottrlalut,,,,ert thin, tr. fall. had ....a re to 6.2 I 0,11-4.12 ith , ln. N t ,, tray[ hi.
from the It• ono x, u II
Imalx. pnuoll .4111 ,1 .3 , 3 1 r
hr. lloughnair said.
the truo t1....1. or Gan 1 1./L.IN•E'." , -I 40 , 1.1- NOII, tr I,y
trio Julerit. a Ortat Dyeinur•la Curor.i.r..pand trt at llon • a W 11,1.1“1..11
or the fourth rtomagli of tho 111. after 1.11rootoon• hand.
Llehly. the urcat Phyeiolognal Chomot- .1 s Ilouoh ,If A t h t o r
ton. X 1 I , ..PhiladotrbLo, Pa
Thto la • trol> ITorolerful rornotlt for lottu.oolt.n. .F 4 mob,. s XX II thr.ll
Ailll.-.11, ill ) -1,, !. 1 . 1- . A. 7, N ., I le , rd.
'ttori nfVr
ittorte .Itttoe.
Th ' e Wee Hot gruat root of the fie,. th• ,• - Sr II 11.1111 II
• proxerving o Atltt•llialtg o,ent nf the O.tour,cl, and
ntet.tztoo Wlthour It.there nu e . no dttoottun -no, t
1,11.1.311 of fond Into Moot -nr toltntunt f the 'NO, Int
rather • I. painful. tad thottf toot, tu.n.lttn.n of I
the whole half ' , l'd °I - I ( 11111 • ea-k• re , and I• , r I.y
t o
ototnarh pr
go ohndro. And hon., ,
, mot., 11‘1111.x....1
the .I....woodigtro.r. and doldlut
Ilut [hie 'mut may be supplied ea traetlog s • Ls( 1,1,5. N„ . ,r I
... rlnelplo, Poortn. from the rlf.tuarb• . l4l 333131171,• r....
ormbling man. Woo stroung • Mg. ow. 1 oe s . , I ' l ' 1 . , •
like the nalutsl6lSrlrlf. Juilrr. In It. enemies. ;eon
furxt.thtn, eralplrld. and 11.-1.2.1,1•11,131A1te . r
f, 1 " . 1 lIERBI No ;_-..-.
The I,lt
4 perfoenong th
u. rrneo.xof dos.etiou arlohmall, 511 met-, It I. 11 A 4 ..
hr. lon. lo.en known U. PIO touloto•t , I
daunt. Um merit of making We appl.onnon tlue eat tn I'‘ N u I Pr.
the euro of Ina portoot Ind woreentl,l, ton., 1 ran.. Vann-4, 5 50..1 Th., soon., ' •
It. ad thonleuttfle onslon,. Wron Lt. tg. In 1,1. eel , xi, le :it., o dwol .1.
l•rnt•kl wArk Antmul Them,-fr, Nu, 33 An 12.131,3.3•1 33•3•1.1..
DillrAf/rr Flow.. at...lagoon to the tianuno .1... re, mal Ire off to, i o.
to...port-A [non the ag e
no of th. tit mufti, thn e ot groo la •x. ,
calf. In Web 'wino.. art...Joao( moat and og, ..11 rot xale t n 1.1.1 .• •.
ho anftennl.rhsunsol. and do:e.t.d. J... m a rl t' tuns ,- mat,
their trouldbte in Htt. ACON- prune
Itr. Houghton. of Ithitatlelrtuu. Ponturto utt
ttoli eollol Pk:ll , lN. fro. the ouvuo.O. of ~, tt,, .t - it,,,
the Ilf.uhu-h NAHA. 11.11.1417113310.11. nuo•le
onrin , un , Y • " w " b t Rockingham and Domestic Qtmensware.
tho An 3133•1,31... 1 1 ••11 And Are I.llr • Alr.a.mlinuf,
owl, evident , of Ito val... IWI t Aill. 111. M E.I.Y
EY...4:1t A
. Woo Md.-M1.1.1.
ututooror•nr L. f l• t .3 w:,••.
• 14l .4. 1 3 310 .1,11
Dealt, xtuldiell ay.rosnotor
11 LACK. DitESS SlLKS.—lust r0 ,,, ' , 1 per
. 11 !la Mirk I.ulotrlno Niko
pirrn, White, Mark. and fan, o'rn• - •
mehln A. 1121010 • CO
1111511 LlNENS.—Beeeked thin ilwroing
anothor Inn anrottod irrado• 1043 lawn.
mcbls A A. 11.1,10
. _ .
EET OIL-330 gall. for bale by
m0h1.5 J KIRI/ ,t
poTAsii-7 canks I 'rime for sale by
mem! , J titan
lAA 5. 1,1 Typhlir
I.IITTSEIURGIE GLUE-73 0 MA, I bust) tor
bY r0r1.14 F 1,11.1. A cot
QUGAIt CURED liAliS-10 tierce. Dui
field...sight-W..1 R. C Ila 5. on band and fur male hrmchls 'ALLINIiFISRI/ A Oil.
LARDD-14 kegit,):9, , for rale by
Mehl.l WICK 0 uct•ASULE,, ,
1001z h b . l . b. ! t ia y k y„ .;,: . , Lper•
!A- y .
LARD -20 kegs No. I. for sale by
Mc1.14 • .1 a it. FLOVIt
TASII-10 casks, warranted pore, for
tuctil4 J. alt. ki.4,011
..rlor Cluorul hen and n
al.u. two and Dun light Groamnutul P end. ono owtonal
Twon W. W. WILSON,
tuchlf, , corner of Fourth and Market
flrnamtntall and ply u Sorrowful. Lwow 5.15 - 1. War
ex. Swam/RAW, Hall, and Lnelllogr.
lift.] pater. of Coat, : S
Tall,tand. and .turfy Lampx.•ll
tha ourtnalle,tomonfartoro of Cornell., It . •03e1
towers, prime. } molar, X. WILOII
Iv ANTED TO BUY—Notes of thrWastern
Rank,. and Rtnelt of ton
rRINTING PAPER--A superior lot or
Double 31.113 um Papor, 1. 5 7x.r. And ia.rn,loti.
. Or. S. RS'S
m'ho Pat, Storr. cut Market and xtr
Newtßoois! Now Books
1 4 , 0 REIGN IBEMINISCENcEs, by II arS'
11. lurilenl tookl Iln b) brnr,
l ' irr , ' 1 . 1:1; g :: . : ", , l' :1 ;4 1?„ I tr P f r 717 Tr7,l 7l :nl i : X ‘:1?.11117
M.nrlandlip, by the auihne of Mnry 11nrtna.
Lavenurn. TheS. - hniter. the Mi.,. the Prie,,, by lien.
Ram., author t4' tfie lu Yukin. and the 611.riee In
N vl.l.t.llll.lreth, ilietury 4kf the Unlte4 FLtale,—,ventul
The nbove norin, net ree'd nefl Pit Jude),
11. C. riIeCKTON, Itnoluedler and Stratum.,
mrhls eurner Mnrlet and Third rte.
", A Syllsbo. the Law of ban.' olbog nth.. n. Penn
g, Ivanot: by Joel Jones: reed .ad for Ask. by
mehlh ! .1 . ; Markel el.
b, cr. 31. Tbacksgsg, 111 re. 12Ne.
e iVargriek Woodlanag by 3rank Forreetey.
Dietbrvery of Ileelognleg. !in. r.
Itorelvegt et HOLMES' Literary Depg.A.
mobl7 ! Third rt, opporibg the Pont Ogler.
PEARLSTARCH- 30 boxes for stole by
tochlri ;RIMY. JONES t
11EL10V19.... 0 —E i;. , 10 1 1.15f1 10 a: BE:fit l y ; Whole.
to . SooilL sad 121 Drat ebb. tg7S;enen e WV:r Rod
:D31[11114.1 PlttAli.etrgb, ' .
1 AHD 01L—'SO_ No. 1, for sale by
meblS JAS. DALZELL. Ws4r gt.
LOOMS! 250 tons Soft Tot& for tale by
jig mrLD i. DLLZELLI a WM. £76 Pint
e• .1. D. WILLIAMS & CO,.
Corns of Wood and F 5 .1711 Sired.,, PittaLtirgh,
iIIAVE NOW IN SMILE, and to arrive this
am , k. the folio's inc good, of the mfr. ro m m, 1,,,,,,.
.. win, Is are 4.lfernl on IVIP snort rearanablr tom,:
lik s amy Immd, prunadirnenlll2, raternt Your NI mlt
Tem linardu
IS Id rhenl , du. dm Ail 1... n extra purr Starrh:
411 - Ma , lont, A l'i,utan: 23, - Maleralou
11. had, III„ (Idle, 1.1,14. N.. IMlnkr,
II - 14u4n)raaral Java Is - S. II -
rl, Immo, WA. Wr. S u and I Ins n, " lidblon S, nm,
lump Totharno. I 25 l3,af. 11r5.114.1. azs.l
:k, 1,111., Nos. I arol 3 klatiol .. P.m slrrnd Srnl s. -
~ I' IIII 5. • ...11 ''''' " 1 " 11 .• N ember of PiiritiliM irAteti, - - . 5,11115
'' !r . , :T, I I i;::1,,, i,Zil i . n. k 'i '.1., " , ;;; , y;:,;:;:a: , ;:.,, r , •;;;... . „ hn ,,,,, n r ~f pmpr rty if - tsar-I.d, - t , -5, I 3..1.4',H;.( II
In tames Snall Ile , rtuak 1 st, M,. 0.41,1
1300 ?Or. damn kladdr, I hr.., ltm.k l'ands: do. 'au arena, premiums, 57,91)9.79
3 balm Car... 3 Oen/. t'arou, j ii•i, iimill iir , iiiiiiiim, -- i 1P2,194.21
1 - elev.,: , 1,, - 1. 1 .41 us A l'lmmlans. 1 ‘l,, , earant., stork, -- - 91 , ,10-1.03
r, bac, Pepper A Alnpimr. 1 d. - Cmtin A A Inn , n4 : • -..
I bid. Nutmegm 1111. 111S,S. -i, 11/0.01)
. 4 - Grsmnd thrn.r. l.!,lta. 11i111,ar, 5.,,,,.. T., h..
. 1 n, nom thr atm', bals.m.. 11,. inrltlruial
I - - l'epprr: I 1.11. rap. earl , Mrim I ~,,,,,,,,, ~, the ,111,,..
" .. Pimento. I ermuu TArtar. ; .t.,, ~. or nmtam turr , •hanta, nnil mime, of iiirellitur.
I " l i •i ii' " Pime nto: I I ~ i`e i''.. , '..'iii ' mpi tiliiiiteil niM iiiiiintri, it k lieliiipria tliir emir,
pap, mli.rils mlndoumrd Ls' p , ,,nt of rdsdapnr ~. ..., a eLy• ... 1
Id - - c 1...,....; i , - no, , d, and 11, fin'''' 1 . I rl,. Ifer', 1. tn. I tirat , r3 , ,,,,,5,m, in itna counts,.
2 MM.. tint-retro. riiiiiii i "ii i i'iri" . Coml. led iin Ow trguitrlde aminreatly Inipms,hl,
45 Inses nt.nrin Canino, 1 I - Alan 1,...1, ' a I . ln-1n , a11.41 -I Itinimi. exelpituim ell optimal hamnim. In
:kI - 114, " / 63 1, a 411 11 ' ,1 ' 4 .• 1 , arms, onll • Innind Amount In any one I:lday, thua I ,l n .
IA " Spenn " I I 1. 1,1 11.13 . , SIIII'II‘I I I 1 etml.,3 41,, , freummednotnol I...urn Int, firer: and
101 dant, 31a. , ,M, /nark., f 11,1 gr.... 11 .. 1104 , , 1414. da 0.111 Ihn /gawk and Nlutunt Naplan, It not 1,111) . ~,,,,,•
10 1 2m. mPrdind Ins d 1 1 , ... 111 nd ,1411.1 .' "1
I ..... OW 1 . 1 ien , n el. nO./ am I Malin t lOU a 1.111. ,0,1.1.1,
Ito - 0.1 , 1nd13.1, R.-, 1 , 11.1 , ntslll,. '
. 1.-1 nnlitlns the Itmund 1, a partirimakm In 11.1 liiiiith ,
24 .1,.. luk: , I " 1,11 4, 441 13.31 d. : It l• under iliremarel of the folhming 11inudom.-.John
11,11 - Cnn, 11rodun: . I rn-k 113 1 . "" 4 . . h I' Ltalsnrlmi. A.l 1.11,1, John It. I•nrker. n. T dime,
Wm., Nmlr, 111,nr 1r.a.1. I.ant lid. 4,". ....I -I 01 , ... , 0 Marrlrr, 1'1,11.1' 1 , 13.r1rk. !Udall if lota.
.1 I. 111 T11,141:1,11I11. 1 1 4nrident.
{' UN DRIES— 0. .1 nlta.ta - r. Socradorr.
1 - 1 0.17 li, prime 11, Cone, 2,A, 1,4..4. NI. /L. A 1..1141.(14 A A ~„u , ',... A „,,,, r3
1 1 30 pk, Y. ll_ Imp I. neon '.... 1, . 1 nr. 01 ,,,,,,, , .- -
Mark 11,11- I ::' III‘.!I"I l'l' f ' ll 'sl l '''' !Penn Mutual Life Insurance hilad'a.
1,,1...... I.num 1 , and: .-., 1.1,, a .. , C0 , .,
, Roll Tolmre. 3 l I. - Condi Nat, t
I; ENT IN I'IT'rSIII . Et; 11, W.II. I):1VIS,
I :,Jrue.•
1,1111 , Isd , C,•ltidlt:
/.. ho
llorrin3 Ins- 11. e 14. , r ~,,synntrnrn of ia , r4 , :en , maid's., la the
1.,1.1.1f N,l An .. • 1.1,, ,, ,, Mu., : Ida,. nod df H 0....,, 1113 . 11100 t may 1110, la, Inand Milt .
I-. tuhr ... - T. , 11....11ir,31..,3 trona II id 1 3 and 2to I: ... 1.4.1,, ht the 'num.: L. , mon, of
11111 . , 1,,,i, 17.,7,;,;7,.:" ' : , ..:o - 1.431,k-: iiir, itilirimitiiin will ie. iiisim mid romuinntral ion. mutant
', i . :0 - Ilrat,l MM. , 0 alledd,3l t. Pamphlet- In 11111,( Ilta prtorii.l-• and
Idn ha , . ,Nlli. 11,1'21.1,, 111.1. , Prlnripe: 4, •srar, . 13. 0 ,13 ol lA, I nrnranrn. PIA blank loth, lurnirbrd du
I , al crma dt I'n 11,1,,,,r0 , 11A1,11ft.1.0143.11.1x1
SO 1..,..• 11 htt. ~.4 1,4N1 Idm 'I I tmial rmrk osnr I 2,n,0n0 and dont-Andy lorreamla
, 1,....1.14/..1 mintmlii m ~,, omit tin., immreit iiir lite
1,1, No 1.1 klar . 1,11,1, 11 M., -
' ..... kr.1.... rdd ,i4 , m.
• -.... 11. IMI, • v., Marine- 17:--
Marine, Fire, and Inland Transportation
.11 1.. t, ~ . 1 Insurance.
. 2 , •• 1 0` ,4 I I iIPIITILIIOI . Comlinft, Of A mcrica,
n & Al 4 :44:41144 ,
11 4 4,14 1,414444-4 l'harter444l loitnl 550.001. Al.rtt
-r.,. Ammar , : $1 4444 !JP 11111 tnoLL... .41
• 's,^r tni h 01,4111.— oro 10..10 In tbt• ri.‘ , 10111,
11. I II In, I r
4..1tn how ,
4441441 Val - , 111'1144.1.1144:14 414 444441 144 la. ith :an
•rat 4,4444114444 !It 441 4,4444 4,44.4 4 14 144441 4444 r Isla r
1,4:1.14411 14 ' , SETT -.".
Produce, Commission, and Forwarding
.‘ NT.
1111 i: un,lersiv/c.l. f, Ow Pent,
Ivlnx I ..n
:tzt .1.
"' ;. r lTr../n:': vv. ..1
In ,t,• %h.'',lt
J 1 `:1
J 7 Oll- • 1 I
“1. •1I
~1 t ~,•••
rnull Jars. n. n I ir, uK .n
In - alet4 r..perift.l4
Webster a Unabridged Dictionary
IV Etts•riAus x- Frl.rna.r) 1.2 . .1
.Jon', p. I + ,, ).1. $.,•••• • ~ „ ,
trorlk Itntottl In rtal. tntl - tnr r it or —lt. t'. anachlVlL Will William
err - , tn. x- ad tn., ll* R atttllteu,nnutt ttlytle. n.
th' it ' tll: " ll '.' l ' l..l '. ..lTltllNl , n. the
rtn It. I'r:ft:tat:lett
•1. Lt. t. , ttrunt t.r Sint, {that n hit, ‘,.
IL_. ti Err,
" " •
- "LANSEED (IN,- .". I,hl, Ctry - Mak, on i.' , 0-PARTNI:ItSIIIP-Thr subscribrn• have
14 1 .t. nyl It ty 1 ,, 1 . .. rt ~14 , uti. e
han.l awl fyr ....1.• 1,,
Ati ' 42 . a.a. A ...Ay ' V3l, j l r 'I"
frm "` s''''' .
. 11.',.. . ... It Is 'L 101,11 01 1.n.1A Fr.
g ' ODLI V F:it 01 L---1 - 1.1 , 1,t0n. Clark .... Co.' 4 , ,„.z.! -sous II Vh}111(
_ .
I_,' nu'd
mar( A N NVIChiIIInIIANI . iaa )
, t -morph, ii tharflheld will this morning nountener
111RESS S ILKS--911 1. , . agsorteo `prim; ,nn, thelr not *floor of wprst, Dry “cawly arld In.
tit the rail ,tt their ruynoturra and buyer,. tuner:oli . rbrr
eto.• 1a... yillo...avl rel . .; '„- ~,,o's 2. 0, rein.. attention h. theit ca n 1...n05e ...lament 1I near :Lela
tarlyi N.. ~.,`...0 , 4,,., ~,,,,, prin4. et 1:h.....tan per . t. r01...1.4 anal pailhular rel.
„ o r .,... h, any.haa, ner t..lnr. An raceilont artwle la who
I ADi Es' 111tEt•S I 1111)1)S--,' ..4.4.4 ..t In., ut• y• r , ant. warranted (apt enlora. Al.,
cluwe yt, lea of iiilNilotp I .. 0,,,,,, j .. ,. ~, 10, cents
14 it /a. Oa. ail a.Pi i. 1 4, P , IPP/1.1 li. Lames. [Levu enurelr ny. OPPIII .no Alm. new.
r:l r i. ',. !. 'lre- . r ill ' , l . ',mu 3r„,. a Lt,',. „ •,. .h.
',5 - rw.. awl Vet'll'l .1,1, "l'''.' .. D.. I ' ll.ll ' he..., ~il l a yrk I,lury Lola, o ° ,ossottA, Arvano
-14 rin.lrr
~i.nnnln , ~, , ,..,N ., ~ . [wt. 1...1A./a.. 1411.1• on, 1 1 4nnyt Cam An 1.447
tly hl ,
poTAsii—s ~4, r ,i•I
rev i ~or bal.• In' • rrill.: LA DIES . 01 s-','• "II you want., real
i w.l I ea. p.n. 1.1.4 r.• A /inwynrli. sirs , in thy
NI f IAA:II A lill•KE . S . ,`• In : t.,1 Ow It ' 'I 1.,. Tea they well atho met. 1.1 PlallY l
171 , 114 - . ...1 it oil I'2, 1.114, u 1.• -.All. s.r) t•• •l, 11...... et.:. nuaa . u 4 si aru 4411-
1.. Lnw rtr..41.4....,4...r Lulery,Teua nr.. ....wur kept
- 11k r I NTE R
In au .NV1 , 1 , A . 1 , , ,, 1 . , : ,, ,111,--- 1.1 "' g.l I I ' l ' l. ' ,..t0 ..0& , ..00 a. .4
. liter :um. retail ell ,heir Tww,.
`4 11.1.F.1t A 1.1 , 1, rrn , % In ' ' ln "" ' 0,1 " .1 '' , 'moogpoovt t.. 1, s .on
V mrt,., (0s 0-, L. Metwlian wrappyry, whinh, 1., holollou up 1., nu
S 'sl ALL P1..0 11 1 FRI:N..II lel N , ,M A..NIS, 110 ' 1. ' 1 w ' ll I ' o ' 1 ' . ... or o o.o el ist.!,.. r-o s (.141
, or
~..r , , , 000r ,, r ~,„ . , ~., Ina ,
n N 71.,,,,, J . , ; .: ::L111ii.... 0 ;: p r i,,nd i i : i i ... tN ,,r 02 .,,, R 500 ---•
......4 io, • mrippl , tit 1.1.111 . 11l 1.1 fit 1,1.11 , , _ ... , •-•
i Jut. , p ;riga . , al an,' aired, ban
,1 . 4 ll•hpill• A la 1:1111.1, /DUD ~A N. m I u „ ;N 11 i
, lh . t wale.
i lyal
7rr}4:ll•Are'..'n.lY=l7.."!.. •' ' . . L. '" . VA . supply OH. wary au ri f val. per
~1: , ,,,1 t or I whl i.. T.t.Yl at nture tif
K ~,,,2 , ,.
I i .! 1-1 7 ,,: :! :,_-- I ~,,,,,E , ,,0. 10 ....,: 1. ,
_ Nos
u, , , ,
im . , I . llllll'llY .1 11111t1311V11:1.1).
i I EN TS' 1411%1:T 11 ..\ N IsN ERC /II EFS-- ( . 4 t., { .0 n..:‘,,,t. ,1-.‘, i ti N ov ‘t oTo " :l!"- l iTall u' ,t t r l ' lv " ... i Lo e n t .
A_ I 14111 land 1./upul l ynahry.. 1 ... w aryl 1...41...m...1 , les, % , , ;' , 1 . 2...i1aiP , 1 , 1:1 ,, L . p . r .d ijr , ,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,
... ,.... 4 ch,,,,,,,
." at """n" '''''''.."" ' l ' l .. .rt • l ' l ' ll ' l' A 11l I'll vi cu. ‘b" ~ .•••th. A, 1......a1a ar:=7: 4 , U ' in ' ...h • ' 1 " . " . "
n 04.4 Y. N. WICKED...IIAM,
cora, W.. 1 aria 1...ta.
ii . 4)()A1:;1.:1:.1.,---4„-,1:,..1,:,k,11,,,t,.,011.1,1:‘,1;1,1n,g:r::::,..str. nut,. , ,
, ylik r.l !ER (1 7 111: WORK
~• — 'fl,,, Watt ,
MW. r and 1 rynt N . 7 cm, 5i..,,,,,,t. 1,, J,..., :41..1. )1 11
fe1.4.6 Vat Cur.. in Annul ...1.4a, 1., a WU., I..maynt.
LARD AND STEARINE-- , !land hook .4 11,..1n10a11t 1.4 1 1 re4.......nal owl lanuestir
• am, 1., Dr. 1 1 ,1•1
a 14.1 r h... 1 lAnl. a 1..1.1r ,t..arlay.
llYnnYile lawlaaw .4 lly.lrupalbr, wills fittenn e, annual
Sow landing (nen. Of AY. , vi, , ,,fv,;t l m, . 1 , ~.„. illtuaralbna of ituly.rlnyt .n .;..•u, hy /l.lwani Jnhuytwa,
h uter and Fr.... 1 ..1 '' D
f. 44.11
Iv 0 . SilG A 11--10 Idols. landitsß sir. V . L, h ',...k ". ' r • - t s ra a l!Yla r t n". ..4 t r k' rolu 4 ll.. l !trrsrarT4 b ituto b ..rt I' ll t a . lkir n :
I 1fet..1.":" 11l
3V11t , 1 1 ...11 . 61T1116 1 . 0 . AOl ; T r :Et r i : r .
a " , tl , 6 r . , , , ,, F t r ‘..r ,„,,,, 1 , 1 i. e r ,...: , T0L1i T T1A,4. ,
i , ii DER Nl:cr.:lL\ It--2 11 Ishls.. f.r • al , i';+ I .„ , . ,
( 1 : 1 1 ::: ( 2 1. 1 1 t_Y
IN::::::,S::x..rt.,.6;:::::':4li;:,,i,:k.'s;lll:t'i:',T.T'ii;C:: , :::ii1r1 '''' :::: ', : r i 1 . ... '1 . ii:n . 1 , tn . ,. ..,f " : " . :::1 , 111 , : r 7 . w 1 ". : ,. r...7: ‘' :! . ; 1:115,.. ...... — ,a
- " san ;i ' , ‘ . : P : i . d di l ki t:::. " •:;: ll : ` / Ir".' o h r
T. i ~S 11.,NNII , IIIST t 00. i f,.14
nat.'s, of Mark. and 4111 wt..
i i I ENFINE 1 1 1/11 . 1 . WINE.-- Thr po report, i "it'll( (DEN TYPES—Prosn Ow mann far to
it II ..r the 11 rap, ...I.lpi. f..,..,,i,,,m1y..,...... 6 . q.ale I I V ry .4 Hell, A. W., lA., furnlshmt at short Gunnm
or j u r. w ..da• .. II A %SMITH :1 Pa k.1,..y,
; .);L;lli't'il;".grr...urt .1,1.... f ,I.• iham. t.t. IAIiX, _,. , . W S lIAVXN.
• .
loritni. N. 0., just roc - 'd
S t :‘. l ,4 ‘ l,.,!, t ,,. A rn i r " :,„ lN ,,t i : p ritUMENlFS a ev'rY d'
5 1:(; ,..5 i . t c,,..! F A.- 'l l l 2t i r -15
not for , al.,
I , ''. 111'11/11111X1E A INCUR:A.II, 14ILAW 11-90 1 / 101, 1folpe fr rtt h ' i ne - , .in 3 ,:t K ort iD . D :u A l t d .' f L ur
Fu 110 Water et
Ji . ~ .1 , bf &IN RIMY. IIATTIIIMS II al
URANGES -100 bozes jant reed and for rifANNERS' 01L-25 (this. in storrsul fur
ottl. br BUTIBRIDGE 31NORAIIAM, 1. .Glebe Jll/411 I.ALZLI.L.
feb2l. Nu. 115 Water st. frbl73 08 Water Street,
State Mutual Fire Insurance •Company.
• •
I•Triti LIU PM If.
riliiE begt evidence of the ,seems of the
Ar:k'Sß4NOk r : l 3sYilVT'.. r i . ....rl: -
unlty. unpar.allelr.l az ‘ : et
caura b f
u hx, beez. lour: hflYinc ',sued ov4r I,llho ,11l
mor ,. thz,n.•loit tonnth, suit orr. V#3.•00
t••.plud ‘•• th,..nnymny. Thr Ifirrrta.r, proud ra“.
t h" . „,,, sll thrl: •t~rh l'unsmat l• or the mlf•-•I kill!' in
pruportiuu 111,11,1-1 i fill - y
• •
.t.r).•D• D ...,111n. PD.', Thona• I' 1,,,
~.1 M .I , ,bn 11 Soil,
lAA ~I ,t,olk iti..D,Dl D. Wt.l. WeDh.
1..1te‘,1 I , IDII. /•rnrlcl• Ile.kin.,
mil, ID,-1,. :., u-Dr. ‘1111,0...
D m K lir,D,
.inr..l. lI 1 , 1.1 M, in.,. N trim-.....
, ~ II .•n .In II I. SlL•inml S.-e,
rrl. I ,
.11tIkIti% IsE it. I D1t..1...tra
D., am,lo metmol
'77:;', ' :: ' :: 'h ..fl " ,::.:: " , ' .V . Ll l . ,• vTrs k..w.r.D.40 eb.noD;r i li
' ' ... ".''''''"l
"" '''`lV'A.Vit','i 7.`3. r gYr`;:', l ::;,4l' '''
:124 'sr. I.D Ynkra dtmet.
American Life and Health Insurance Co.
I). To Irll.
•Il mf , armalyon eun in
Western Insurance Company of
API r.k I. $lOO.OOO. it. m[Li.Er, .In ..
411 kn.,
and qi.trrt".ll.4J i.
tbk itararirr whVh
t.. 1
.1t • IIntl•r,
11 t
Delaware Mutual Safety LuturaneeComp'y
I:. N..1:T11 1110101 nF THE EX
p Vitt t t. l•tti,•l , l
•.• I —1,11,11 sni othyr
.. , ...ctepre
ere. t,tteeal e te.
1.. t• I
• .1. Bum n. .1(+ ,
A 1 . ..wa-c. ward,
••••••• ,• . • r 14,a•.•. A. I•A, (mid, Wll
- .1•• I, A Ne. Con, la IturA.A. Jam,. C .
1 la. la, II AAn Amok,. livAry
11•• '.. • •-•t _• ,lprorrr MrlAtalA.
• ••• • I. j A I, u, lAranAA.
e. •2
Franklin Fire Ir.sumnce Co. of Philnira.
1%. Batt. L.,. 1:.,,.
1 11.. hunt.
• I
n tupto--• iintAnll.
NCE ,•11, • • I
. • • .1, ntnu,mt.,
WTI I.IAM P Amer. Ivent.
44 , 5 No 111 Front—et
lII'S. 111 I'l
t- r..,
• I war, 'III 1..4
111 , 1 rrip •• 1 ...r nen," pr 3..
1. •.1.. iwnl
r l
rte. ~
. Il i a ..! art..thatr Errl. - to
I.rrtall 15t.t.r.1..1 all! Ir. at 1.1t.51..,
da. rl aa• ter
ioxil Co
Anin F II AA 1”...A. TI, WA
111. of
./ k Al as A. 11 unlitS, a 111.
1,11,11 -- ah . 1 ..41 , Ar, .n -A. 1 , 1 - Ahaa 511 In
fanl tot p.• ta.-
11..•1m,..., • .147
1 1 11 F. L N EIZSii I P
I 1. I tI• , 111}111*.b1L.I 1., mu... I
FLEW' , "
GEr•••• t. FlEminz •;11,,rizeil I.•E ILE
mm., 11.. firm the ~ .IllEnsrbt 111, 1.u.1ne.,
11)ISS01.1:TIoN OF . P.l
Iten4.4Frrn nklyting the
•nilneklnll et Mill.. nal. ain.
n 4. 4 , •1 ~.. ano Cll.
I. I tli. •nlnerll...r. nar
[II op. nd
name 14 the late
II ('.
Tllnr, 1:.I%
TO. 1 LARD 011.—A few Ibis. jt.t ree'd
frm"h 4 Matt of tory. for which I am the only agent.
and warrant It superior to SOY On o 1 1,1 .. 4 '
ft•ICI corner Woml anal Ninth Stn.
. .
t.? EFINED BORAX-15 ewes for sale by
111.' ' J.K.7IIOO,SMAKER A Co
PONGE-2 strings finest igedit•Trunean,
forz - 1 0 .• Lr
Ladies' Fine Dress Goods.
, INO—Yd.plinr, Hemp. Nloun 41r
l ' ;17
u and. Mark. xt.
l'R I Nl3 STYLEI NTS--Cltuiet• and
IJ beautiful patterns r,e'd lA. rtuamlnw at
1,1,24 A. A. lIAMN
l ARD bids. No. 1, Win. Strained
j rZi' cd Riley. MATTIIEWS 01.
d OLDEN SYRUP--In tilde. and
1,1 (13b &silt. by RIIEY, MATMEWS A (li.
JAIiItY, d: CO. ate prepared to
L L An all kintlaff4TE . ROOFINO“ .
ALEX. LAII4 1., N t it u it y :to , r i f i t u t t
r ta k t . t . t. ,, tlt , a? , al n;3,„
Sit - Slate fool trontittly repaired. l'ett . t:to
I 1 OLIJELN Si - IttAl'—o" Ilf. ,ldo. just reed
1. I anti for .1. by 111211IIIVIINIE INilltAllA3L
1 125 No. 110 Water ot.
1;‘ iA)U 111/10 extra Family Flour, for
I pale by febT. 0. Y. VON BONStlititS 'I A
11 1 , 11.003154 —l5O dozen for hale
I b0X4,8. in prime order, fur
J rob Al ENtILISrI A attNNETT.
folio • Krevral. anti 151 Flrttt
ll.' 1 N DOB' GLASS-14)B Vali. :VASA suer.
feb'S tt. F. TON BONNWIRST k Co
T A Bell —IOU boxer,, hot brand s , in qtore.
. - 1 and 10r pale by WII. fIAI/A LEI( .1
f01e2.1 Noe It and :II heal
ITorsale by
Cllntwk Invitee the attention of thoeo trlehinv to far
to he netesteita aemrttnent of Table aud l'tat, Co..
r.. at No Ni, Fourth strao.t.
. . .
. .
(I.ICOTRINE ALOES--75 lbs, pure article,
kj rm. -sl •b
ry fel.
1,;.1.211ANGE BANK sTocli—A few
:isA .1..... for ~..1... Apply tn HAIM , A I lIVIS.
../kl3 114 llrr.,ml.‘
IL f O Li. ,b l i tU TTER— I . l i p . l y. fr m cz , h_ in f i . „ . , r , ::‘ ,„ l. c I
. ~,y
S UN 1111IES--
liro /me pry.
Vb.. C..m0e...Z
s lb.r"
.; r..75w
rin:rtr lb
lung , Tobeer
ri j
I do Chel.
Ihe tlwl $ I. Leath r
• IWO Ihe dn I.leiht dieto tm,.
JoIIN wArr, con'r
lIN stEn OIL-10 bbl. fur Fain br
t t nnia.ts, !Aral: A co.
1)1 ILL Br!' bbls for sale by
LL fele.`, 1.1171:1.: A CO.
( ERSPER-75 bun for sale by
Itt/lIMON. LIT! LK a en
'ATCHEli—itatteived and on haul an
I bat aancrrinaent of Gobi and Parer II atehr<of
V.V:Z4'11:',.17. - =,L.I
Jo 'l4".
.I..nteon ..lo
Ant °tilers of voletwated EmMel, wad ::.nits. rn - ntnie
Fre 'Tory Iron, and neon., isatl aural:nifty tom - anted.
Imo n etch resottrtnit noommod Jeoir,
"lan otarbon-.1 In, •tl rorettally repatred
ata, -- A Tory eirellont et.ok of Fold Rona iP slut..
fob= nor of 4th and Martel ob..
EANS__IO bus White P r salt, Itv
e tal Itt1131:AIN. LITYLE a co
1 AMP BLACK—In bulk for Tanner's. :20
bbit for Tale by . J. SCII , AMMAITER a 111
gar,,, oba t 1,1,1 and V.I0•1 Inazeh lo
n 1 border.. for re,
Itnno. For eale 1.4 NV I . 31 11,11 ALL.
I Ito 1,510,•4 et
ALTPETRK-50 bags, oratitt: fir sale by
tale ty rehln J bull , aI,
rIIIIERM O M ETERS--A lull assortment tor
foLIS .1, KIDD:LI,
EW BOORS—Th.. history of Pendennis.
(onion.. and miefornmen. hi, &tend.
II) Walton: ManorefsTT
Illo.tralloon on ntayl b, the author In two Ton tine.
s of the of Pendent.. U. Tbnelerny
14•1'een le A Ft:moonlit Stor,. n, the .atlas of th ,
Rolle lbo,a.
I of the ',tonal hold 11.4 of the Itemluton It,
nottonn 4 Loonnu:-.
on.,r. Jo. naive) .1 , 1 for Tale by
4,17 No 47 Merit..
FOX'S STAIICII-2.0 boxes for sale I,
1. hl] n SI a m..t.t . 114. 1 et.
.11W A NI) HAMS. -10 1,1,1.1 1.0.r.1;
• I c--,•4 Hawn to urn.. on
, tentner Fort +al. , by
b.f.13 In SI 411 DICKEY co
( ) "t r l .l.l ' f ' t
SM A I,Ts--1 nor hr sxh• by
1 011,--1;11 tbrls reed for ..ale
2 .1 IV II out II 1,11
VIA reainn Wrapping. as,orteti:
PT, Jo Ileniwnre Jn
4...a1e h 1 (ohs ' J 4,11, lON 11A h FR a 1'
g . I 11.1 , EFESCUSIII6NS And
for rnle .1 I.llll' A „ I.
K iIt1111:::., all kinds, a fresh lot
on n.ntl. nod lor .nie hr
* 1 4 4 - 4. 4 31
' - .1 '''
•OFFEE —Dm hnz,t r . Rio. ju,t
ntbl fur yGle by IC Rif It['Gig A I !if :It II GNI.
ref, ' Nu. I IG War.,
FRESH , 17 . . AN- rectived, 66L
Inman V. A. 11,,C.1,1:Rii a 1,1,
I ; I IZ . F.S - 11 -5() ru u s r
A rtrt u l n k i t i „ f , or
a 11l 10 AND PA. RAILROAD s.rt
lun.lm.nh .11 mai up. fur 73,1,1/1,
I SAL\ II DICKEY. CO., Agctit. for Me-
Irvu 11 oar, late. Inm G. sale .a
warm:lw. It 1a...b0w.. 11. Watt, wOA
B A T l 'LL , . t \ , i; laLles
SODA earkr, for rale be
It• e
_ . .
IN ISAL4S-40 Aug rorilloil, for sale
I. •h. h Mit MoOILI.. a ROl,
El ; A Itl•l• -111,000 P'prineire. for rate by
001 , 111 F10t1111.1.2 R ItilVt
B UTTER b i tls
la kegr do fig oak by
a. F. VON RON Cu,
YIIIIIrIIMLD have merited • very rollropply of abr.'?
whirl; they ran moll at Inv, prier. thon Ihry oreold
In; rslls o Oh. tt
IlLook Ftou+l ani liroonae .10 of
DRIP GINGHA MS—Murphy S: Bun hfi•dd
bare on hetrnt • brat. lot of Mtnn whlrk
Inn artol, n.turtol prlrro. north oaot corner Ith
aml Marke . l •Trev,.
0 e.I.SES CLOIIIIIE LIME, 3.lußpratts'
_hl Orly ()Dior Oil. cum cnvp. 111,.'. best;
xi 11. illorlitri sosortodi
:COD. Oho,
251. IM Illuo Vitriol: Fm mile by
(.1.1 .1 KIDD a CO.. Oil Wand it.
17:NRESII FRlTlT—Pettchomml Blackhorries
put np In their own Inane. and wake!,
prreereing theirs riginal flavor and freettneer.
Alto Cherriee mud Inurns put un In the Name roanuer ...r
/Alt I.thert, etre,
. _ .
1.118.1) SEEDS--eanar y and Hemp Seeds
then. Mat ,Allty for .1e b,
feLS Wg. A! M'CLI'IUI A 00.
T ELLERS' LIVER PILLS- - Could not get
.1013,, without them"
NEConnellovillg. I) Jan. I. latl.
Ma. R. E. Stualte--Yours are O. only Lleer Pills that
her. I mold not gel along without Om, end evert
ate that mak.. nog of the.opeakt to the highen term* 01
cuumendatton. reepectfully. J. tillE/iN.
aj-lhepared anal sold by R. E. SELLERS, El Wood pt..
w.l by •troggiu• genetellY• 1.6
1 4 1 'OS AN!) lIAISINS—I49 boxes tip:
393 torablor. on
lund end 1 . 111 . .. le by BROWN A KIERPAIEICIt.
fob g
I4ARO OIL-15 Id& het refined Winter.
.114 otoJe by J. KLIOONIIAKEIt t CO.
kfi LAZIER'S DIAMONDS—I doz. for sale
by &IA J. KIDD a CO.
LARD—rO kegs and 25 bids, far sale by
ASTOR OIL-9 bbls Blow's make, for sale
1' ti l feb.l4 It MEV. II ATTU KW,P A co.
1.1 AYE I ICVESTMENT—S9,O9O in A Ileghe-
CP hi I,unty Coup. Ilan4r, lay Pale by
OA/ M Wmpl at_ above 4lh.
- .
UTTER-7 MAN frush Roll; ~ , -
s di, h •
31 kr," a do justIVIVI , Ni and
11J•Ale hr (AT 31.111.1. , te KOK.
l , Il' I'ON I'IVINE-250 His superior ii lull
i...llX,ft.r ,ale by J
~! ..111t1 i! 01,
ni; stre4
II A S'l'l LE SOAI' —2O ea... es for ~ule h e y' o.l,lo J K k Cll
PERM I I.LION —Trieste, Clonese, and
y Arnerbmn, for ralo by
6.11111 J SCIMONMAKER .t CO.
ItNICA FLOW EILS—For sale hy
11 . LACK LEAD-700 of superior quail
' ty. for oak by R. 0. S01.1 d .011:1,
1.7 Woo stn...
itOCE ill ES.
tnoo Idtlf chosts Young Hymn sod Bleck Tone.
ns ratty bx..n do. do, Imp. nod Ono lbwder.
0$ boxes Rume4l dr. Robin...on Ws Tobereo.
11l do P. Itoblnann 1.. t,„ I'. And km dn.
20. do Coldness n's tobarm.
I 4 qr. bozos Pries And 11arn,..1 . •11 . • do
15 catt yo'oo
Jun.. Tbok , P•on Oold•n 1.k11%
jt-I,.TP. In
40 bbt.. pure It Vn040 , 47.,"4447 obi 4.4011414 4, 4 4, "
bbl 4. llootegahella hl4key, dun and lb
150 dos. Dotorrst'r IMP. Can broom.%
100 Mdes Sinnish Solo LiNOR.:
INI Oro. Window (Roo, snorted
300 Iwo 5001.1. . •
110 Cri ff t
o n w ‘ .
Ala, • lielierol woortmenS of Owwwiirs,_ for
ITI.E wdr b
UMO LEAF TOBACCO-2 hhd. for oak
by mist AIL Li. JOIMITON.
NEW mime
w. . Wftilere
hinktn I tlnn't tnc,et mmle rong ,
t'nu I fnrket Scw Etttntn,'
Wanted n tbnerttetc, Jobn rawly%ruin. it nt v., Pttnir.h.-
b. . dare Fort., Annie Laurie.
lA. Child 11 by ...JUL,.
La Mre linen.. Sick Volk,.
ttatchelor'.Lau,. In lb. Iluteltltnnt, noire r.•lka
t:ratbl Polka .10 Coor,rt: by%b. %.11n1lacn.
With all the late ttntubtr Scan, Mame.. CLUllion.s. NIL
EMarche, %urn..., A. I,ued in th.
tunern Cltinr.
.Vrtc dincte recc-nkti
A Tory large and new stock of
To arrive tin. tre..k. of O. re,. 1r.,. mini 7 octave', esrved and
plain. ram Inn in F.rfve from 1115 b KAKI. A 1,,,, two nuop
eatinent I, rand NSW, [rum the rave tvlebro.d manutse
above, will s full and m.neral stock of Hoek. and
I a.. for Aale
.10ILN If. NIELLOIL ml Wood itt.
S. Pion , fortes to biro. pa, Ilano, taken In
purl rdr meh:Sd
. _
11 Lu l u 4 rw•lrml fur wl.—
nA An Cb , ilr e.l. v performed by Fraul•.lo ytt,
p4.l: . myripmed LI Wrilsne.
Wilt thou be —no., lore A v.,' lei t
duet.: ""I
to hie Sister. as, by W.V. Walla,.
The iroklierix Wirt: b 3 Goo. Bark,.
Soy Nelh
NI, Vol though. aro ill no, mmlcall for and puns 43
)Cup Catharine nay..
rin my ear Is Hunk. Woialbul7.
&ay with rain oacureen r.nt and catch.
Whore sire the trivial.. of my youth'
Come. litaltioua. nun e:or Triiiiraglillo
Purarie—noroot Howl, Ceennitte, 11,Wal, Cully: Into
Now York ',olio+. &r .Ar.
. „
l'nllttre land in, Ire.h royblyl by 1.. Ma*. & Webb
..bp...U..001.1y the Sacred Music lemalt puhlbthe.rl
Al, nu extensive aukl wxyle.l supply of 31.1,4 ml 101.11.
111.14. Pun, 0.10,0 e. &rx.l every thin& e 1... In
w•ir hue IL Isl.E111:11.. 101 711101st
11.-1 I. new MINI ob.fl 10.111.011.b1. 0311.11 , re,lved
no y 01.11404 roe bt,
- 9L. Iyt. LOSSING'S Pivtorial 4 4
held Book for !involution. Clo th .
Qi kk
No 12 Pictorial rink! Bonk or th,
bon Paniob int .
Time, thii L,:r I nirti
nlimt 11311:-
. • .
Th. above smite 'add revetved trot tor sale by
It. C. STOGHTON. Ikeda:eller and Stallone,
Inell2l No 17 Markot .tract.
1.1 Graham's I .la{atur for }lamb. wall 144 part,
liortlenltunel, bar FebraarT.
Cultivator, • dm
If lac Itet lea do:
Itt , eirtlo s tale,
Meehan., Magatine, \a 2L
'Women of 1.r0t.1.1, Gm., Arai's,:
llnme Inane,, et Into. for tnotbore and daughters:
Mother a Iteettto tame, by Ware Aguilar:
ttet-eptem ~ 1" I.l,tori of the bum.
lb art: lay firs. Ellie
ttli•s. a novel.
Ileon •ttsetttoll. I. G P R. Jame, Reit
Mr Pala at . Lava., Dwpat... nm.mla• tbe Poet Of
fehl I
4,1'1.F:N DID NEW PIA NOS--07 11
11 H E ER takes pla/tore In an
n. - ;unrmc that Im ha. vs., at•-•... 1 • lot 0 1 .
h.tra ham. the. s. ,
Inal. •
taa,Catrta ndl In'atm. Nor York. alalelt. nnth Uwe,
ort hand. Ham the tic t(.l,nnt,vied. mot extenetve onek
erne ore:. to tlitt.esty
NI V • , Y •ri Er;Z " n• • •• ": 1 ' n ''
la 4,1 .n.l Importe r ;;T•trZ. 4
11,r4. Pim.... fr:•%'•'13',...14:
LIN II —Ara ',renal.,. Ito of Now 4.ltlviv. enolarnert, Jerauy
and the fr.orrooo a.r.o romp.. IN,lkao. \Value+.
4 Ski!: rot THE 40 , 1,f14, llAltlr. Iral Thrral at.
1.).‘ Elt I . :tek,.t., . ', , mmercial and
• 11, liarartn V.or azol ra bar •otaral, tat' 4 14 (nu
latiro. furor an.l pLautt. !duo and •WV , for ,are Ittorml
_lalo IV 41.1
OT 'ES AND DRAFTS: EitgravPd and
fq. reugrarb and loraftra, cwor lo.autlful
aotna. us shart, or Naomi In Aunts rumor. Auert. I•or
oral.. at IV. 11AVEN'tr. _Blank Iroot
ranllr C.,. Mart. anal Noorual at.
' Au,raran. Journal. al, No. ropy
NK —A rnold'x Writing Fluid,
IlarrTl,%7 Ink. rllt 1 11.4 Ink.
11,1ekon , ~ 66n Ink--.J and ba
6 Th , mr.6on'. INgamernial Ink —16ark..661...
an' , 6 ."'
Errna, Carmine Ink E..r *ad. A, NE I. II AN' EN.
7 A nen da....d.....1.11.1...tiary of Greek and Roman tio
m rtiorlocy and pnrtly up..n the
h. lAct.d.nar, tireek 14nuact It.i.,rat.h, and ytholog..
William Stud h LI. I,'s- of the In :tionarir...
and Antinum.s. and of Iln.wit and ' lt.x.t . nen Ihoa MONS
sod ll‘ thedo,. n.‘ with nolnerona correction.. and
..I.ldit, 1., 11ne1.... A nthr.n, LL. l'rofe•mrr of the
iirooli Ind Latin lAnsEnaue. hi ediAndin
Ti- I.E. •...I .
.1... rt edlled
1.1 lii. he*. 1 . 1.. eu.hb,rt Nastbe, 11. A_ tha.
rat e•...”1...H.n..1 Fl.ll I.aund ...Lb. with
No o of the Lit. aria form-rifii Orlin of Rabwrl
Lie, of the q.t.,' of at .1 Envll4l Prtorteee.
eentteettel • Oh Itzr cal.fe ueereelop lire t Ittitetin.
tigfeef Meek •111.1 tor el the - vet of t b. ttn•r n.+
..,I 1
Can an Addr.s, deny
anu rano.",,.
Jan I U,
.13.331.1 .2 21.1. N. Murray. 11. D.
3 ' . 1. ....43 • .•
1 .1[3,4t. No SI .t on. tu I rvosi• - •
v. 3.1 an.l won 0... or sal... a lap, au al ran
...loon, gnat .f es tunl orlavo PI.
fron. the Chirkering. Roo., to
a l lies Aho Int 33. 01. / * luau . P ll4-
1 4, ars ably ...Id at 111.uton pa iveu. sntth•tt aroy eXrr,
rneasta•riunon auk, and In all ca. , narrantaal.
.341 i ann. o Iftkell ',II ~..,n,r131 at awl,' •nlue •
JOHN II 31411.1...11.
tha aai.• of illa - norinon Plano: 1.. r U.. Pa..
NE ; 1 1 , .. ; % SS i l Cr.%
.111 , ' , 1;11 1 1N A . RY
•rarti, foot, .4,0 lotrt e.rt4-1. 4 nJVT:.
uuol vraut“ auf 11,110.10, %1 h. U f
hut tu..l ‘•
Ltse• uf lb.. burro. of S. , ll‘nd and 611:13.1. Prinrwr.,
UT h trick Inlaid %W. 1.,
Th. 1.41.' of It hunt's,. r4i.d by
th.. ILr r‘• IL' A
brer, ru thr, 1 aherunde 011 Ilnln•.Ial trio
1141(..11,11Unr, 1•1,1.1, 14, h 11 Otto .
Jurt rreekr.l..nd It. itomiNs.
:• A full.. I ,11.1 in,.. Fourth et.
en‘ Ld.vul . , h rulrh o rnt7l. ett fr . . V..h t . i .Jl
." %Ta ' ll ' h ' •nhr. h aim ay. h.f
So rut' .1. .hr no Akre l l, fair. 10. Vt..trf.
IA r tht• hoof uf
marl. num, .41'nm...dill.
N. uun 1.. happy eye: from ttm. I -.ugh..., of SI. Mark
Mend. a tannin. luxe,. emna.l
hart wu.hal TI •a.furl that 1.t...1
lu dn .u u't r,11.111 ,ST
Tb....l.brate.l Polka Duni...
lilt 9 1`. " 111 I P I I. I ; g 11 1 .7r, [1.7111.:r. Chitkid
In. 1.,.14.a IGmh.
I.lii, Quaanil,— •
11.1.. %/mull - 111,-AAkA
A Iluntru'r , 111.1ruel )lAir, .4.111
PAP. ad
Iturn.D,Dew F..rte DruD, L , •11” Irt
11 —Arel., large-rtnek ND., Hawn% arnirlna. visa
4,n MD , week.
EW BO S AT 1101.31ES'
I.4lernrr la.ry.L Third rtn.I.oI•VIDIDI
Mothrr ,
W Itaymnornar. fly ()tura
In. Magazine far January.
Altuanar tar
The Ntther, !Orolnitencv. at novel. li, ft rum Aguilar.
Th. Lutto,ll.; or two Itt•vel•
Th. Ladd tt er of Esltat4tlttory
T ove. I to tr.
A tertuer • , n the Joettite It. IK Htttit
Bern. Kepi,- p. liiehop 1102 has. nu the lotelite rt/
Ohre. a novel. ha the author of -The try:it...le.: .
Nn I of the Amenean Illuminated editleu ..f thr Waved,'
New Books, just received.
'FILE Bar& of tip , 1111,1 e; I , v i;, org,
lorock Inlondvrf: belnd n prop . ..v.lle rshilditon of the
rev k Gramm., devlgnol for tivintlncv. in novel nod vs 2
Kock of eveoctver o r.... Acme, and ...Mon. , . LIT dcaltel C.
Kendrick. I vol 12rno. tnuv.
. - . .
The Vnzllh , enrounl 11, Ilanneh Flegg Gould 1,1 lc E n,
Ch 'onn
arno sand lter Ohnrn, Tl, Mem J. Mchntregh
1 rel. IL2no. mu..
Maabaulra' Ma.imslue and Ens Journal. Flea
a i, r, , , ; r lMrchaniraand Enalun•rina. , No.V.
I \
- ---
roly.ur .41 rritintl LAM), Ern: I.h Lrunron. founded
nn r I - Idttl4.i, man Irocirnu or Dr. µ'Ddunk rental.
wlth addition , and currortlonr from the Lextron• of Guru.,
Enromlnti. rrboller. tionrutu, bt K. A Andrrw, 1.. L
- -
T. mixt , I.FLP rooiror being ill. twrronal nar
rator.. and rosult• of tnavol through tho Sandwich or Haw
ahan lrinnd., and ottiorpart. or Poi) tods. Its: Ito,. lion"
T Choorer, author of Whalo and hi•Catinirs . IVlth
amnion , . liacomPrrar • wsluel to Homo Influoncr.—
II) iinace Aguilar, lionised and-Roo ante hl
,al3 IL C. STtalfiTtili. IT 3larhot st.
Chronicle. Port. and Arum-Ivan .
Par, of .11•Ixr. and quelitiei. rol4 4aud plain. blue
n. , rtotr.
'Hulk Ilookr of rrrry denription, CU Land or cruulr In
order at .bort 11"tiev.
Stationerr—Enwthhi. French and American. fancy and
o.ple, far oak. by W. S. HAVEN. Stationer.
jalS Market at. corn., of Sonond.
DOOK AI. , ;D J1)11 PRINTING-I.:very tie
riptinn of hoonl. Common-Ird, Stramboat. razral and
Road 14intitnt. oasentod . ohnrt wthro, and in dm
hr.t manner. Icy W. S. HAVEN,
J !T
Al.inting innue. fo, Third rt.. hetwoen Shute,. andandFerry.
ATIONEIt 1( —W. S. 11 ‘vr.N, corner of
1.7 5ee....1 nod Sleet., Ime file reek en Mese and com
plte an .......ortmexel of henry elation., out h.. ..r been
opened In 11.1. merle, 11erellente otippll.el With mem
mtlele In Otto Ime on the wed lavoratEle terms. mlb
1,1 st. the liolden No lei Thlnl
ki.r.ot:k ts now meelylny n Imeh lot
Nf elemint Pla,. made Ipy Nrrand LtMlut,
ew I,IE. emong them...n.l,lEllEl 7 ern., earned Nano
Ed the r1.4....1 .I..entmen mt,lor and tne. It to made
In the Romeo Earle, In eomse Male reign of Lamle 11V and
I. Ale, • lot of fsehloomble and I ..,pubir Ilude,
an estenelve selortion of Brom Inetrumenle. 11011LEPE
lintmre. tdeloleonn, and ...err Ismelr of Inuoral to,riout.
KW 1100 K S.-111=4;0We new Work,
l'oernoe. or Skelebm of a l'ltyeleal deeerlpthEn of the
if.ootnn.'s Sltetrh.... Sllnnemta. um Now Coals." of
the liVoe., d 1 vol. 12 mo.
. .
reyeiredaßyrrie)i Mechank.s . and Engineers' Dlrtionat, 2lst Na.
For sale by'x. HOPKINS,
Jalo Apullo Budding,.
TILE PURITAN, ti Tide of
tlui Ame Revolution. By liktrod Grayson, Km,
Iletory gd• big , Refonnatbm of the t.ixternth Century:
I.y J 11. Nlerle J'Aublgne, D. D.. President of the Thenlo.
gical liehwl yf tienrea.and Vi.. President of the Societe
Tirana-vague. Translated by 11. White, IL A. Multi Col.
lege, Cambridge.
Kentorki. Its History. Ant:1.11110., and Biography. ll
lin'trid.., by fort) enolonu.. By ',els Collins.
The above storks foe sale by R. C. STOCKTON.
- Hooka:11;i. and IWa.thaw,
WO Coro, of kl.ket told Third M.
UT LIN E VAPS-Ll'olwri. , xplendid Out
U r, ro
na M .re w Laing intrataral lo all thr leading
tuln In Naar Entilaud and New York_ IV. have obtain:.
N i.lia aim, for than In Pittsburgh. awl lovito teachers
No.aeliool a anitilttaw to tall and examine Nato.
No. I—ilay id tio. k
Ittatarn Ileralat do :het, 0 2 0 n ha Zara. . ... do aataro do
3 do North.Aotarkw. 70 kt:4
4 do Milted Sad..
6 :1:1 1:1111,e, it; Inl b 9
odo Aid, 70 179
7 do A. Monica& Africa, 70 xb4
Prim of the orrkti, with toy. in or the fart two nem('
plig e i:alt with 1 ,..,... 4;. ..00,.. h ,
ibvotrtYwitit throw.
iIii_ P TIOP lb. Illitt 6( N.
l'th'"7. g '''''''
Vor ow l . at rablivueszt without oddlig i o i tf freight
ena o st the . 1.D . 11 BitVi BOOK
otnaznet stut
a CERT. as perli,rmed by Frardein Eat
I :.V= il. ta t =" l %Z P .
Aw. a
to varle.ty on ersm a y.oitms by tbe saw
And UP' It.. nonalnn itnind by
rncrivcil nal for man br
J. 11. 141SI.LOIt.
Agrnt fur Chickening r
torti3 gl Womal
EW MUSlC l —Where are the friends of
my tmtb; by U thr
U. ier
No sunethloo.S•roK toll You.
Tito Itobin.
I'm thinking der the Day. Darr.
My New Migland home.a new wing. thatiesgeil to the
!sulks ofNew ktighasf,
She I Una Is far Aver.
Oh, meet me mu the Sager Flora.
Les Adkrux. by Horr.
Au extensive eolh•etiou of new Polkas. Walt.,
ply "'New Sum" Onatles
Lat i' di.,. • aa " ..l • Ao?ieelle of
vt orw wiv
.... the - I!
illar snd gawp , . uWet.
:rrs n'i o l"ti getf " by 'l U P . 6: Welsh and Muctr—eo n. D i v ., dered sci r .
' r " eblr ur""" P"'"' Gold . Iliarp, Thinl ot.
—,;!'""d for " a ° •tlgsb23
s()obushels Dried Apples, for sale by
s.irnl. E. DILWORTH t
GIRL wanted to do house work. Apply
(I\ A
at OA.
ARD-4 kegs for sale by
f r 08.,t,„0-49 boxes 5 Luni m p ,;u ft . r . sal gt e m by
CURTAIN CHINTZ, of differ-.
rot vultba,...ta,ttotrent prirel, reed at the otore of
ROWN FLANNELS, a Domestic Article:
Al.: Barred, Green, and livaxina Bloe, to
boot et No non af
llERRiSG—innboxe,TVresh) for
jI rale by corKS WICK t
I)ALM 01L--11100 lbs. in store. for sale by
CLARET WINB-14 hkols. Bordeaux;
boxe2 " Redo-
-15 &Ado. Rout eatvroe Wine:
In More. for Nal& by
rEW BOORS—Andrew's Latin English
Lraicoo. DT E. A. Aralivera, L. L. D. Royal 11 vo--
The 1/1•11,1 World of the Pacific. 111 f Rev. !leery Ch. , .
12 11'TMT1r . of ilrane Aguilar, 2 rob 12 me.
.I' . ll.
" Tallevillc, • Franeoui..torr. BY the . 11,110 P of Rnllo
The lAA. of Her. Jame.. Qoloo. By Be , John T. Wright
J u.r iweired and for /ale hy IL HOPKINS.
1,411 711 Appollo 41
- LINSEED OIL-5 bbls just received, i :Are
" c " "rr 'lt`o IJISON, LITTLE ( : 41,
No ((B Liberty strreL
1 , Apollo Ituf . lkl63:i'otirth
New Nnria
.1.0.1 MOIL.
iy Howe). 00 the Prnlrie lea.—Waxibury.
jj". S.
b 8.A.,.
Vv. kn T O.
IZ. e t . fet r t the IlLxk Ebakers' Soo sod Volk.
Would I were wit the.—fur
3 50 li
r i. b h . e i le Dried
. I . :e . acjim i.o f . of .li s:l C e 17
, LOTHES' PINS —lO cos. Eastern, for
F+l,. hl felila J. D. WILLIAMS t CO.
O. MOLASSES-25 bbls, 13 half do,
I. • Danl• timing! landing tenrtiditynn Mann.. Man, for
na Er nitibn RILEY. ILATTffERS a Co.
DIG LEAD---650 p soft Galena, for gale
SUNDRIE7OO He; prime Feathers;
:re sss 100,1 Crn Brcormr.
400 tr. ben brand
• 40 tan Dr) Herring:
hso prime Palenavv.
9 bblo Alum; Pastore And furrale . by
BA ITING -19 bales Se. 1;
15 - Extra Family: on ronxlgn
tnent and for axle br ISAIAH DICKEY a CO,
1,1,21 Water and Front rt.X.
T cat, by NM= J. KIDD t CO.
G um SHELLAC—WOO lbs fur sale by
J. KIDD t. -CO.
pAPER CORKS-2 bales for sale by'
feta: J. KIDD GO.
NIOLASSES-75 bbls New Orleans;
';',; by
futa. J. D. WILLIAMS CO.
S .
1.'1;.11i.--11 1 hhd, prime N. Orleans;
.., bids ...rued Lae.
10 do Crupbed and Pulverised. for gala
(4:11 earner of Wood and Fill.ll rte.
_ _.
) El( >IN Ela.S.—Just received. nn 111.1(lidioll
al oply of ',null:J.oi Hoduiverrd al. Allen'
WLEEDOIL—'2I.I casks Linseed Oil
n-r'd and Ind rate by
no, " N. t K. 'JAHR/Willi.
I ARII , --' 2ll 1.1315. No. 1. Lard, reed and for
.L. nr . 17: • n.
LPOLL BUTTER-10 bbls. fresh Bull Butter
JIAL rt., Awl nAle
INSEED OIL--10 hbbi, for hale by
i, k , PPL . E m S , ;60 et , t s iv ,, k;. ,.. rr i tzi : l , - . A .d
uG s i t i t . kd
• '"kg • , . 6 a u lr r llA 1
rRTZI,I for
I Aiill--55 bblo, and 100 kegs No. 1, for
,11A ,mtv by . fabils- Al W. luoinAniii.
'LOVER SEED-55 bbIS prime Ohio. for
FIIAR-50 hrls N. C. Tor for mile by
,alB BITRBRIDGE t 1.g01112.01
! ) ,1 4 0iii:17kBURCHFIELD,
JnIS M. E. cot. Fourth and Market .1..
iturcharld have on hand an n•sortment nr am.. good.
axon, IV elnh, and alonamtla 4. an. Wide }Lear. for Shnniding..
aIiove department htb
Abell. Amain.. and tarifa ye
rintirs derrription to give ttivm a rall b.
00,0 fi,r war by J. MUD d CU.
Jul Ire.. Dr s ale by ~•114 J KIDD a CO
I'd AL CORKS-151X1 gross fin sale by
l ull J. KIDD a CO
`PO OE-4 cases tine, and 1 bale extra
L7 , crark. for mlu by 0100 a CO
Pb&lil SALTS-15 brills for sale by
3•IN J. KIDD 0)
URI ES—Fifty barrels Entail, Flour;
Aii; , ; l lllVii Di e
; '
asr e r . ) . 4 1 if
. ig , tlo;t J ir b bushels DTE
The Old Printing Establishment
-EdA ' E Jnlinston and Stockton's, and Blank
v., and Mationrry
rtuaL .U lal.V . Lle l :l. l." =m th
nnn furobh every snide In the Blank
Paper and SLanonery lin,. at Ile Anctest
11, mom renounable loryne.
priptinalar and Book Bt.lery, \o. 50 Third li , r
uTdo , •:11 1 :..V,•,Pcz,k;•' •
lo and nowt eelelrrarnd a cranua. i''
S rdma Hollankl trm...BobLlns Ancboe and . 1155."
0 poncho-oar lAA, nod Scureb 51011.,
2 do Jatuales Bon.
bbl.. N. E. dn. do.
ur. auks Bart Wine.
do Madeira Wine.
II d Sweet 10.ipt
2: d o o
Dry 11
do. do.
10 do :Alert/ Wore.
2.5 loom Bordeaux Claret.
In Aare and for sale by JOILN PARE= G CB..
jam' 021 Liberty otowt.
la and Time Anne. the but Led Went. Storks, &r,
/non. and toid.
Pirrone,' Munn. Polkice tenn&l on the meet ranerable
ton.. et the Banidoir Moo. of
(16011136. 6. AIMOLD & CO,
JeD No. 74 Fourth evert
attention of merchants and other. to his large and
we aunrted stock of
I Hosiery Clore, Linder Shirts. and
brawe. The Eton, ankle,. n Silk. Wool. Merino. and
! of all sires and prim., conarantly on hand and for
I vale too by
no= F. It. EATON.
tIOLD PENS. We have now on hand a
1 .. ,4 largo nook of the blot Gold Pens foam the leading
nuuninirtories in New York. and made exptexudy to order.
Also. ele i rant Gold Pencil Cages and Pen,lleldera. Silver .
Cure In every variety. Porcupine Pen Holdern Pearl do.
All for gale vrtnieeale and retail at New York prises..
ar:f rk l •t es=i' .
httahurch. Eoohnooe an all the F tern
Pfinelled places in the tinier,. Notes on all wideent Bank.
ithoinunted. Nowa and Time nevtlatrd. 1414
NDIA RUBBEIt PASTE. 4 gross of that
i'':::ft b r Tri nvdvi ?AZ"' P.
the .m oneym mNMNb Pm r a aieohoi vale and retell, at 7
and Y Wood street 1;01 3. a 11. PHILLIPS.
ryEA IVAK - E--English American Britan
ia Tea Feta Pistol Plated Becket, Canaleetieka
owners and Too Plated Unor. bat quality Ivory Bal
a., Bolan,. Table Cutlery. leer Forks. Sp... aml nut
ter /Wren Pistol end oer - emu Silos. Yorke and ew e .,
, r,d,b. m a t, •n
- e , Trays of Ono Birmingham rumaufactore,
highly ornament.]: Platt.l Trot a of beautiful patlertus
A very superior Powder for <leaning and polishing plated
ware. Brushes for cleaning. Chanara• Ski., Feather
Dcuters, au,
ayrFor. Ilscarmmo—Soyer's celebrated play:10 Kitchen
riot the anw of • h i t. •hich will make coffee, oaok beef. ,
steak. oysters, or any - all. el In • It.
For sale by W. M. WILYON.
1•33 Gar. /torte-and Fourth ate
60 bee Lemons, in prime Order, on ermalanlarnt
1,0 brio Clover Yeast, prime:
23 ',has
WO brie MOW", pram, cnonenicin
Igo brbgs Unwed LW:
60 ke
1.5 bids Bullßuttes:
3d brig Timothy Nord: on band andlot .01.1
lyn 9:
114 Liberty street
bl .cirrd and nay an. large Mani Red Slanketa.
.31u palm Cribßlankets, imoerior ankl e . 2lo do Steam Boat Blanket", ribbon bound.
15.) do (J., Crating Blankets, beery. .
100 do Drab do do do
GO do Blue do do do
3 mesa Wart Blanket Cloth, do
I do Braver Limy Mixed, do
3 do Nnymior Black french Broadcloth.
3do all .m; Twenty, ,aortae odors
3 do Jeamg :assorted mina.
2 doblank amt fowl' °air.-
I do Fatinells, blark and pep
3 do White Twilled flannel, yud wide.
t do LYore barn.) do do
The above dwaribrd goals amen. esculanment from
Vatiolle manufacturers, east and west. and are far de on
liberal terms to the trade, at manufacturer! prima
11. LIB
VINEU t tR.-50 bbl. receiz ia saj cx e by
.. • . . .
Khan are dreampt of to philteoplay.r.' • •
T HE VIRTUES of this remarkable remo
Deb and dimetione. tor the bencla of ti,. publw.
The PETROLEUM procured thoo well in thio coon
t at a depth of four hundred feet. is a puns nadultem
Led article, without any ebantral change. ho t pot alt •
dow. from Nature'. Onat Labratory.!, That it eteatairm
proprighw machine . a number of dj/1.01114 IA no Wooer •
[Patter a uncertainty. There raw man)) thlmo , In the se
es of nature. which. If known. might .. of met upend
nem in atintiating Parerint.g. re/inning .the bleom of
health and rigor to many •
I nc.miller beton. the pro.
t.Vip.rrttr.,..sfuhn.tdt, it r tg . !, , qt . t.1 7 „...iV,a4 repute.
s rta
ing rails Melt. and several remitelud4 eutewil i iirper
formed. Le • sure Indication nth its future popularity ad
wide spread applicathm In the cure of lAel.f.
We do not wish to make • haw Parade of rert tante, -
we are that the to
Into the (awe of Os,* who malt, and wiadt v r heel
Whlht we do not Hann for It 2 universal applicator, ha •
ery diwane. we unhesitatingly ray, that In • number
Clinruile Oben., it is unriealled. Among they , may be
enumerated—oll disease. of the mucous tummy, much as
stageS'ASTlMA.'aid all di* of the Mr pnwaawe, Lll.
Olt INIMPLAINT, DVZWEESIA, Itiorloca. Dir.. of thtt
Edadder and Kidneys- Pans In the Itu.•• OLIN Nerroun
Dinlaww, Neuralgia. Palsi. Rheumatic Pau., .eat. Erysirw
elm, Tater. Ringworms Puna reads. Rost., Old .1011.•
lc. £5. In cages deLility. resulting from esitmun.. or
long end prvitreeted not , of awns, this medicioN will
V relict% It will .et as general TONIC and ALTER
ATI V% in tool. case, Imparting
and energy to the
whole frame, removing obetructimu. opening the elumitah
functions. which cause dimease and • i s manta,.
and wiring Increaand and renewed energy to all the organ
ilk The tomprieMr knows of meta l ear.. of ElLitri
that restated even other treatment. get well under the une
e t l2Xt r O pe LlifT w t o r I s ar:
m time. The proof rah ho
None genurne without the slgruture of the proprietor.—
Id by Lhe y
IL KIER. Canal )'alto , near ne' venth street.
AL, by IL E. ,SELLE.R..t, Li Med
corner Wood rtroet and Virgin Atte, who an
nov•22lly ' hie regular!, appointed Agents.
NOW all men trim are siek and , aflllieled
with dlneuee of the aled.l.r sod /Woe, a with thew
jai pains in hark or litnbavtlff 'vino.. old non, runnbaS
ulcer, dn.. that th , l fin be cured by to. the PETRO
LEUM. You maytalk about It• twine a 11014.1-110.2,11mueh
se you ninon, tout OA. dnw not mate It we for rte prods...
In the fare sof
an Loral community. that •Irtues
which an. not rontalnod In ear other retnidT• ho
who I. racked with pain. and autioring frt.n. mu,
for SO mot, wet relief from any of It. Ills enumerated
Reader! It et.. eery little to make ..,trial. Thum Petro
loom to no mien:no—no compound, pot up for the purr..
of Imporlng tm the community: het it lea rwritede elabora
ted hy the mad, hand of nature. and hubblca tit; from the
boom of our mother earth. In It. ortainal pmity, and of
fora to eugerina humanit) a ready remedy, a 0•,10111 and
c It
It h cund Nun. after other medbinew herr felled to
Maier any relief. It hos cured Itheurtudbm, of lona
Rending . . and or the wont and mot ladnfuta.,c,,, f t
bar rural Cholera Morino.. by one or too do., It hag
mred oLt Diarrhea, In which eret7 other ...di
hoe berm of no ...sal. An a In-al rrtnedy in burn. and
weld. It la hrttotr than any Inn hint compound, or ointment
that we know of It will eure rhilt,t io, 0050 fnened fret.
in a few appllentlnna undoubted tr•timoity ran belnrninh
ed of the truth contaltod In tee abase etalcusent. by call
ing on :AMU EL M. KlE.R.Casaal Rama, bereuth atm.; or
either tif the agent.
Keyser a McDowell. corner of Word street and Tlewha
alley: It. X. Wood aintrt; D. A.. Elliot. and D. M.
Curry. Allewheny city. =V 010 men..
-- • ' • - -
_ _ .
h. attendedthe use of MORTIMER:A WIRT:MAT
! 11 I'oll\U AND 101,0)010 PURIFIER. ineffeetually
mostserenest and .l
MATI.1111" AND CIlltO.NiC 1111ECMATV,M. 4 a xulhelent
guarantee and recommendation to Indus all abeam aillio.
teal with this dreadful disease to try itnrvirthel.
Hundred* of cane, many of them miler. of St. Louis,
and others
abiaal hare been while in the last
few months in the city 00 St. fends alone letters front
agents abroad thow oho that It Is performing the name
Many of then wen. throttle eases of li m a
41.11...01 all hope remover,. Mot been given on.—
While ahem were of more recent date. of Ilia acute inflam
matory form. very severe. .1.11. however. yield to the won
rful virtues of thin medicine. and thonsamin who have
realised its benefits...Lod are now in the enjoyment of health
eon but esteem the originnl discoverer and proprietor, a
Lueefactor of mankind.
lt is well known from the eltperience of the Ptort. Mitt."
owtwani arnlication Cu npowdbly effect a paw cum
of this dreadful Macaw.. By the aprlhntireor stimulating
liniment, partial relief. in some cues, may be obtained
fora short time. Rut nll the while this dime. In !Sling lie .
gran, tepee perinaneutl. in the system- and sooner or later
will agalh develop. itulf in • non... dreadful faint. and after
a few. periodleal returns, it settler into - a Chronic form,
Thisif not iron inert...led. ruins the individual of
This la verif, , nl by the Mated of the pant in all counter.
and more hilly demonstnited by the hh , t,tr furnished o
late to the pmprietor of Ode coni . p.oo,l..ia given by severe
hundredn of those. oho have pm....ed under hi. immediate
notice aced treatment florin, the boo few months.
PURIFIER in cm internal remede—comrneneen Its opera
tions where the dine., first °ma - tooter. and- In tiordYing
i mp u rebat. pilaw.. thromth ths
whole evident, neutralises the
or myth , eeditornt. w h ich has settled upon the
mentheanea. tramclen and Lmtlow—rvmor. It entirely firm
the syntem. and reetor.s Om individual to perfect health.
bet thom who 00' afillenni not deceive themselves. and
ion off the core of thin medicine too lenag., he until their
limbs dislocal,l or contracted to much a degree that
th,are cripplea.for,lifo. The experience of hundreds of
thousatuln during the Last... well ea maltitude at the
Km.nt day, demonstraten , p. folly of exporting perm*.
tient relief hers external applientions.
The prm,rietor of Ilia valuable medicine knows from ex
perience• that no out.. and nrrlimhoo con Powildo effect •
peromuent cure w . hz i re thin dines.w. 10 firmly fixed ig the
o t.Vn ' rn • el t ,r
i n
but thin will met ..11,t • permanent our. The na
ture of this dines:. such that It inquires lons, time. and
an Internal remedy, to onduce the desired elfectrand Mon
und coal Maxi Purifier thw
only ormudy that ban ever leen disearend, either In
Auulim alky other mindry, that will effectually mins
thin dhows,
ml 6 medicine can be had. wholerale or retail. at No. 7.3
Third 'dr...t neat to the Po 4 Odire. Pittaborgh.
Alan fur tale In Pttb.bursch. by IF. tr.nlyaer. Wm. Thorn.
J. 0. Morgan. N. N. M irkerAam. and J.
Prim $i per bottle; rlr bottlo.g fur V2..1. or SI S Per door..
Pamphletel run toe had gratis the
no Pal 11. IL NVIPIIART. Agent.
—1.ft..1 true gm. the Uncovers". end eel. , proprietor
nuad puler hructicial Medehu , nud
the it:cerium of the eclebrated In.trinnent fur inflating the
Loom, In eihctirm • cure of Chnedo erne a stu
acne of that eminent 14,4 , 1.. borter and is II
.rraduate a the Utilverrity of l'entu , ,lcanis..end for thin"
years elm,
tom Inn engaged In the loreatinatlon uf
and the applicntion thertto.
Through In. Imo of hie inflating tuhr.inerninertCon with
l'ennto lactic Syrul. and other of hie mantic., he hes
ttainnt an unparalleled eminence in curing thine decielhal
and 15131 melaticg: Tithcreuler l'oncomption. Cancer,
C,tfula. It hc onsetirm. Anima. peter and Ague. Fesera
ail kind , Chronic ErYen'cLte. and atl these olc.tinate
maw peculiar no female, leed, -eery of dine...
tentahen under the tan. hi,. nd
m -eery fins
armite, to erhlt-h humani
ty l heir—not 1,0 the un- of one comprmul only. fnr that
Is haffiMpalible rich Phyekdogical L, but by the u. of
his trmerdica, adapted tn. and preacribeal fur, club peculiar
form of dimmer. . .
Pr. Hosea Tonle Alterative JSIL, when mod. ars ioyarla
bly arkonvlrdard to be cuperior to all oars, no n pure.
tire or liver pill. loarmuclaas they lease W. b05,..1e per.
fectly fem. from rustier:m-1,4 no al:. Ida tioldro acv ad
mitted. by tbr faculty, to pue,es a.ritlLar kopertien. adap
ted to female a.m.., but trim; enti.dled that a bare trial
: u . = .. to.e i t . htirL libaL Lae Lava Raki, to thr mludsof
The alltlcted Ito hilted to call ut.n the agent, not pro
cure (gratis) peen( the itophlets, giving • &tall
ed goxvtint. of each moieily. sod .11 , PPIOWotU.
Poe win by the foihnetna agent, ax well Do by mon: drop
glom thruoabout tbe ca.un try:
.7. Sehooomater Co, 04 IC n) nk, Illt.burgio.
J. It. Townsend. Prumitst, lb Market
A. Beekbasn. Druggist, war the Post Qrtley.Allratie.
IJos t
ph P. sxkl.f. Darlingloo, Brayer county. to.
Johu Elliott, I.nuon Vallrl, •••
T. Adam., Beaver,
OR TIIE AFFLICTED) will be found in
Dr. Dewitt-'. liellinger'e INFALLIBLE. PNI..I.IF:SL,
ur :min Fluid. whiett has Mod the Oot of thirty ek,
p. fond bas, beyond a doubt, Non the means of oar-
Inn the lite, f thomondi f holividnaLt, lo iitnoet reed
class and etiarac4r of dlootee. We feet that or, bawd no
thin.: in Paying that thl. Is thennly medicine that ban been
clterrd to the raided. that due, In corm- raws of the word,
what It odd for.
It has cared. and to ramble of oaring more diseaoos than
any other trod/eine offend for es e. we Mr. not by
nowe or old, or by what name. -
La antrfug and enartnelng poor or the abort, w.
that it ta.g.iongly arti cl e t hat
. has apppikfmt of
:n t re o p ' rtriff ' Sare a llt.: ffe le7:;ll ' 7, -"
Family Matteis. ever orol for tar, or Wad of
— Tii; Ilan. Mose,. IL Grinnell, late 11. C. The 110u.14,bt.
H. Morrie, late )la or. lhAz. John A. Dix. late U. S. Sena
tor. Wilhelm 11,Porter. Esq., Editor of the Spirit of the
Time. sad h a r es t' other thstioutilzhed citizens of Neer
York, who bully tested WI merits. hare wratittell the
pmprietor to refer In them.
• .
Aa It Is well known 'hot Parxnt ?dedleineSah not gene! ,
we latronlea d the hams!. w••altby au4 nnine• elreha.
we have uralnubnallr • rinks fml our.elvea hi,•hl, priv
ileged. Thin Wonder wnrkingt:orupnund hex lavo nearly
seven yan l. bet••re the pul•lic. Its hot friends no. onw Its
atrongrat and best. Thia most undoubtedly to atrnex and
convincing prnof of genvral uarfulnvela and mutative
/Winne., It le a wovenign rrmody . nerve•o• diseases,
riaaumatle tains. sert•fulou% eaellln,. sprains. hrwrea, old
1., • 44.1a all the palm. and ael.e. that fleoh Is helrto.
Over I AN.1411.. la,th•a hat.eold without reenplaint,
and have j•erfor4ol Nash lw•toordang eon, aner all other
remedies have (stied. ad would ',Aimee belief. had we not
offered, and In our tiaxe.lon, the Taeedhla_evl•
This inedieine, or nature. nimody, presari.d from +at,
rtable., Poe Internal an sell as r,l ...mai inc. It arta direst ,
ly upon the di.o.sed part—ci.invi it health and Orr nab.—
It ix a Kure curr tor lilarrhia, tiranips, r,huti,., a nd
all apaimoille illorwea a Ifni Kidney., an d
Wrianmailn male or female. born irhatorer m. 0., It may
hare orlitinand.
For Kale , in Pittrburgb. by IL I:.'Sellerm. 'Henry Kidd tu
co.. and Oirden Pnowiltn, andity the retail Ihiumii.t.
Eanerolly. It L. put up in four. too, and one flailing but,
To the Refuters of tho Pittsburgh Gazette.
PUBLIC ATTENTION. is respectfully in
.e,si to the folk - minx trut/u.r.l for th la relation to
• a the matt ireprthant nnowliee rf watery tiniel
P1.01..E1151 Olt IttlelL OIL; st hi not tura,' Mao pi.
year son strew One great remedy wwi bnitight before tie
for the relief and cum lie great rowers
to heal. hare. Wore then. ['wont: fully appreciat e d hy th e
twanunity, end tee alb,- that the le gar it le tried the
snore twetnln wtll its ;treat fatne armed. ' it Ist not the maw
wir of • de) , Fat ttP inn the wde Purred. , of mating mane.;
but, one. which we v. - n=l,e. will continue to he need vb.a
all o th er noetrusus h.. 0 been fu Jotters. The Pe.thileunt is
a Natural Retowly. elaborated is
to lloyths of the earth
by a rove, and theory that Lochsßoomal/ Ninon
m a It L. our duty, when we . writa aliout • cthil.
' an st':LJ we write the truth—that
donee In or vtaternente. flee Welt are awry apt to extch at
any thing th at prothweit relief front disclose A story can herd le be too hig hly Wrought to the,' the ninert of gull.
lag or humbugging come of diem • Now, we du not derlre
to do thin we are anxious only that tile truth in relation to
tawurify should he told , in order to reenre for It • non.
ttoo for thwinling thy Wrestle ankle to the Matra% toed-
Oa. Plain unvartdeped farts—fit. that tuarkwthoertained
In our city and neighbor/WWI, hear thank tearantenT to he
tarp( the Petroleum.
• .. •
Within the pest two mentor, two of one own
ho yens totallr blind. hare been restored to si a id. 801 ,
rral cases of blush:tele , in the State o f - Ohi o , hare been
ettord. And, a/00, the amnia gent/et:math lkstrer count) ,
Thereare ether. but throe are are near home, and Olaf
be referml to by 'thy I,erions who hare (Oahu on U....a
-.k.a. These easel were cored after - Met had Lien ahanden.
.1 by pbynfriat. as borolf., nu . pefroeuca
cued aumrdina to ,liratlicrno , —Digrrb.g, D)sent.ry,
Rheumatlato, lino L Neuralgia. Eruptions on the Skin,
Pimples_ on U., fare, Chou de Bore reth.r.
Wan Jima; ,mina. 1.1.• enreo. f
Went, Anne. Chmthe Atoms nronsithia. and al
Pull:notary atlertlono of • shrunk naton, trotting to pro
duce, throsuraption.,
Burn. and Molds, disr.ea of the MM.. and Kidney,
ChaPl.l Hands, )theorithal Intole., Como and Iturdono.
In fact It In aaz otrarsthnuithr, hero •ried
In mod of the aloe. artChlar i se fir
. rar b,t its,u , ,,,
In eh t ando P"* 3 o t ' ll '-"L stro ' p ,.. ,rie 42. .. , % U . '" th '" N . t..laEn s Plrn ' tht. In To:
v h z t- ,;,. „.„ .t.ot theth Isdkinre, the
Petroleum the amt... Itrter.ll of l. ase. • YhysteLsno
high ...hog In the orofr.on are brthonthst her it
In their practice. bOVE , tho at first looks,l on with-doubt
unorrtalntr. sr. milling to stool It due ar a b, aal
ronsidendlon. Beton.
ethapelled artnewleds. than th• , .. retetherth L. the areal.
.31:01 , 17t!'4. rt
L F a wn, 17 Wed street, 11. T. Curry. U. A.
kriPttllitl ' oln. e t.erfarg•!•• t, i' M RT;
C . :rah...4 8: A. ithocstoth Co. Wood
aeon, ease to take, and blibli efileaeinue.
hturilionYLter. Merely Z. itott.
cildren. like oilier, bore berl3
outiet to trouble.... roughs, and having "nod duk e ...,
.. a . yoo y e , Mtn I wall lotiunal by [Wren Uementv
, a47:tei Volt • trial. , 2 ,
yore It It boo never folled my hoot and also to t
c:ergePT "
I bore rectimmeodnl It to mr nelythleOre; mid do mod
nowlecriouely believe that It Le tba boot cough medicine
y oo . , o r bye.. offend ho the public.
Amen Ars:mesa.
POLROIM should not permit their children t o :oou e e
rough. when they may k meal by a Ili el. bottle of tidy
'" i n urryor . ed sad sold by IL P PELLEttii.
meta) Wood it. oa t unerallY
Li[EA:rmai Ve are pr par.
ed to furulah erect atitiandiro %eliciting Meta
small tuilklino by steam or but irs.r, and tura e.
gaged I/ Wllliarns. from the mat. to ouvOdarad mole