,PITTSBURGH From the Athahy C 'NULL POTATOES" 1 . 04 PUNTING In your paper for donuary;ilS49, I found on article, from which the following is an extract. You will re-publish the extract here or not as you think best 1 think poor renders may be benentted by haring their . attention turned to the subject again: "Editor „ Crt!tfrator—lt hoe long been a prev alent opinion with our fanners that need ppm, toes should be selected Irons the largest and best. But a gentleman of my acquaintance, the own er of-a large farm in the county of Worcester, iu the spring of 1547, found nis stork of large po tatoes completely exhausted, and front the gen ernl scarcity could not renew his supply.' Ile then determined, from neeeseitt, to plant his fields with small ones, varying in sire from a marble to a smell pullet's egg, placing two or three without rutting in each hill. The result was an unusually fine crop, in sire, quantity,and quality. In the spring of ISIS, be repeated the exper iment, on for on to plant alternate row, of small ones and large noes, cut into four or tire pieces. I was present when he IVa., harvesting the crop, in the early part or October, and it onus evident that the produce of the small potatoes exceed ed that the of the larger ones. Should further experiment. confirm the fret dint the small are of gretter. ar even of equal value for seed, l it wilLbe of some importance to farmers. Beverly, I),cmker, 1848 As the writer nays, isit has Inng been a pros lent opinipn with our farmers that the seed po tatoes should he nelerted from the largest and best" But who hue before made a fair experi ment to ascertain the facts ? Since rending what your correspondent imbitshed, my attention Ines been turned to the subject and held to it by my obsets4tion and experce in cultivating the sweet potato, It is the ien common practice, as far as my observation extends. to ,itse and use the smaller of the !Wee., potatoes for plwitifg. And from five years' experience and obsernnttoo I have shuniaed no evidence that the practice Causes deterioration as to .lie or quality. During the 1.11,1 !CI.. I have made tin caper iment with other potatoes. using the kind or va riety called the Nesbanoe or Mercer. Side by wide, on ground treated alike not of like quality, as far us it was possible to have it, we planted large potatoes and small ones, s e par a t e d f reLa each other. The result is quite ai large no a mount- and quite as goad a qmility from the small potatoes used in planting. ' Our son, M. M.. in ray absence dug an equal number of hills. in parallel rows. and called on the to decide between the to I devided without hesitation as to the aniount and size. Ilia mother was then eall,sl on, sret her ready decision agreed with mine. Our decision was in favor el those which he said were dug where the smith, were planted. lie then went on and dug the whole. The result agreed with the lip. pettrupre of the h e ap, n est dog. It might seem to some like an exaggeration if we shrAilii ray potatoes were niece and- bet ter from the sari' 'ones planted. We fay that the quantity was, not less e think the pro. Pinion of small potatoe.. was less from the small potatoes planted than from the large ones. There is not the slightest ground for conjec ture that any mistake has been made. .My ow, eyes have been on the work, and my own hands in it, from beginning to end—with the excep tion of the digging of - the hills. in the pareltel rows, by my son, as above mentioned. the time of planting, the stakes were set end_th facts written down. All has been done carefulness that leans not a doubt. It is proper to say here that the toast i the site of the tubers planted was decid. think that not more than one foe h or at mo. One. third of the amount in weight was plane where the smaller were used. Of the large only one potato wen used in a hill, tine hills be ing about three feet apart each way. if th, smaller, also only a single one was used, steep with the smallest, when two were used, the hills being at the sitme distance with tliet.thers, thou three feet apart each via . , The subject is worthy of attention. If equal quality end quantity ran be produced. on equ oI ground, from the smaller of the tubers. it is um to have it known i: has been though to be otherwise. I codes., that fam now look ing fur more general experience to confirm US in this new view, In propagating I:hints iron: seeds. I ihouid still say, all other things beitrg veins:, let tit ha, the largest sued,. But propagating the putat front the tuber ,or wind ono st rd., list called sprout, and others would pernap- call ~ germ: is Itnother procer. I: we cw: obtain us good : plant founi the smaller tuber a, trout the large one, it is what tie a:I netel t•: know. I need no enumerate [ !vantage,. The/ ore apparent • :F,to S.g . IW4U. r=iM/IM9 .SMALL FOP. PLANTING In the November number of me Cu!uvator an article on (bin subject. ,ibtiog that .voperir crops kmve been rai-ed foon t!:•. u...e of :quo, potatoes for need. and a. a foruber ioforuoi Lion. Formerly, I believed to the comules °Mai. that large ',statue, !mod he noel for aced to n sure a good crop; bot in 1+ , 4: , . ovesng to thefts! - MT of the previous stop,wa, .I'lh:zed to tric small ones, none larger than . 1 Iseses egg, and the reads was truly The yield was about one hundred bushels fro halfan acre id - unmanured griiitaii, and th - were almost uniformly of fine sire Mony hil s had none that were so small as the largest I planted. But old opinions require a long time to r r them out: and. ever since, : pis potato field In s been an experiAiental- etri,,, to determine th point.. In neircase hare I been able to decii e that large potatoes were , better than small on for planting. This year I resolved that the experimy should he a decisive 'rule, and therefore separat ed my potatoes, about half is dozen varieties, planting tint the large and then the small on 's of each variety: but the root baa eo nearly ile-- troyed the crop that the reNalt could not he 0 served. Some varieties of iotatoes ore almost uniform ly small, with-any cultivation they May receive, and they also closely I,irrnbie some of the tuft ri vaeties. Now if the farmer allows any of t inferior kinds to mix with good ones, and pia to only email ones, the inferior varieties, will o h- thin the superiority cud the crop will deteri ute. A argC proportion of the:4lmin ponaors wh. are produced are either the re4olt of too mu seed being ,used,or cultivating the crop after t - first set of tubers hare formed, ev that anutl starts out of small sire_ The opinion, therefore. which I ,hare f..rtu is that small potatoes of a good ranety are least equally good with the large onem T. S. GOLD: IEII, Conn., Sf.r. 1. 1 Koi. %We take from the Iforwuitur,..l the follow article upon dwarf pent,.. :rota the ;m of firm of Parson and Co., the extent and el, fence of whose nursery eAuldishment. at Ft log to veU known:— "There are few modes of culture that love I made more rapid progress in. United Stat s. than that of the pear upon he quince stock Ten years ago these dwarf pears were roan in ! very tow, gardens, and then only as spccim os I valuable for their novelty. They were even, .n- lib til some few years since, esteemed temporur in their character, and were never planted in a r- raiment orchard. While this opinion may be to ! i a certain extent true, or, rather, while we h ve I, 120 evidence to controvert ito,.truth, while he pear on its own root moot always have e preference in a permanent orchard, yet those ou quince my always advuittigeoualy bane a pl ce in every orchard, and may bo profitably oultiva ted for market fruit. That this opinion is Je comingmort prevalent is evinced by the large sales of pears on quince that are made iIIiIIIIII ly, 1.1 et! In various parts rat the country. To ensure i -teas. they require very different .treatment r em those OD their own root, and me a few y ear! , perience may be of value to eon., who are 111 Int . ittiii.litlag, I will briny relate thy sour, the I have pursued with patittactory reiiultii Some few years ago. beeoining ~ .,nvineed h a t the profits of th• nursery bitaintss could no he relied upon, I decided, with our friend River , to cast out another anchor t.. windward I prepa red at first only four acres, intending with 1111.14 1 to teat the experiment, and then, it !iiiioie. fill, to plant my whole farm. Although much fruit has not yet made its, np- paartmee, the fruit buds promi.o. Inc so al/ ant a crop anotheryear, as almost to warren' in planting to n very; large extent. The field I selected was on old pa s ture Fro with light loamy soil, but not inclining to F and a subsoil of hard-p.. Thin I planted corn till the ground was well meliowed, and put upon it two sloop 1011 , 14, or ;,1/041 basher stable manure, worth on the ground one hen and seventy-five dollars. The orchard woo then planted with pear their own root, twenty feet apart. Bet these were planted pears on quince, ten A part, each row being ding ten t,et opnrt, the trees in each ten feet. Knelt altertinte is thus all pears on quince, or half on Agar half on quince, and the whole orchard con 1,760 pears, 1,320 being on quince, and 44' their own root. By thug planting, I think double advantage. Those on quince can bearing soon, and will produce n good while tho_others Are growing, and those 'on will undoubtedly be sufficiently largo to p a good crop, and even to occupy the gee the exclusion of the others, long before tho quince will decay, if such decay should eve place. • garden culture, pon thin orchard year. The first art was cropped injurious to the • ith potatoes and 1 • -P."! on'uine' , *Nett* hig nd it is , my praciice to put wo sloop loads or manure eve 'car after planting, the orc i "th corn, which I round to b i es. I have since cropped ith good manage :made to pay for the labor. With lager beets, altermtely, and the crop of these can b 4 e manure, and sometimes ..e eception of a itingle row :all those on their .wn root are of onel variety. t e Lawrence, This •rniety originated ila Long Is tad, is hardy, an any and abundant] hearer, a.d a good grower, be fruit of meditu;n size, n arty equal to the . . . . (Doyenne;) in liar° , is ineating from ii.l-autumn to mid-winter. .nd still keep and ipen in a barrel, like apples. . Its uniform price n the market in autumn, is re dollars per lin. .be!, and at its LAMA period •f maturity, when o other pears can be fa nd in market, it ould probably bring ten to Item - dollars per usbel.•' • The colored ConYention is still in session at 'ea York, talklng but only (talking. Reports on emigration to the West In as, social relations, • hank, a union grocery, &, have been made, hut nothing practical stone r likely to be.— There is too much discluision pod they score one another quite amusingly. DRY poo ECT THIS iIAY, pt. Ex presm 500 Ina. Aletailder , tient , and Lula,' KO eneTie . Silka chat -e.tYl, .A 3 I naa I apitna,__? . 1.41 INraa.a. 12.4 4 iingllara. lei ITorolerful rornotlt for lottu.oolt.n. .F 4 mob,. s XX II thr.ll Ailll.-.11, ill ) -1,, !. 1 . 1- . A. 7, N ., I le , rd. 'ttori nfVr ittorte .Itttoe. Th ' e Wee Hot gruat root of the fie,. th• ,• - Sr II 11.1111 II • proxerving o Atltt•llialtg o,ent nf the O.tour,cl, and ntet.tztoo Wlthour It.there nu e . no dttoottun -no, t 1,11.1.311 of fond Into Moot -nr toltntunt f the 'NO, Int rather • I. painful. tad thottf toot, tu.n.lttn.n of I the whole half ' , l'd °I - I ( 11111 • ea-k• re , and I• , r -.de I.y t o ototnarh pr go ohndro. And hon., , , mot., 11‘1111.x....1 the .I....woodigtro.r. and doldlut Ilut [hie 'mut may be supplied ea traetlog s • Ls( 1,1,5. N„ . ,r I ... rlnelplo, Poortn. from the rlf.tuarb• . l4l 333131171,• r.... ormbling man. Woo stroung • Mg. ow. 1 oe s . , I ' l ' 1 . , • like the nalutsl6lSrlrlf. Juilrr. In It. enemies. ;eon furxt.thtn, eralplrld. and 11.-1.2.1,1•11,131A1te . r f, 1 " . 1 lIERBI No ;_-..-. The I,lt 4 perfoenong th u. rrneo.xof dos.etiou arlohmall, 511 met-, It I. 11 A 4 .. hr. lon. lo.en known U. PIO touloto•t , I daunt. Um merit of making We appl.onnon tlue eat tn I'‘ N u I Pr. the euro of Ina portoot Ind woreentl,l, ton., 1 ran.. Vann-4, 5 50..1 Th., soon., ' • It. ad thonleuttfle onslon,. Wron Lt. tg. In 1,1. eel , xi, le :it., o dwol .1. l•rnt•kl wArk Antmul Them,-fr, Nu, 33 An 12.131,3.3•1 33•3•1.1.. DillrAf/rr Flow.. at...lagoon to the tianuno .1... re, mal Ire off to, i o. to...port-A [non the ag e no of th. tit mufti, thn e ot groo la •x. , calf. In Web 'wino.. art...Joao( moat and og, ..11 rot xale t n 1.1.1 .• •. ho anftennl.rhsunsol. and do:e.t.d. J... m a rl t' tuns ,- mat, their trouldbte in Htt. ACON- prune Itr. Houghton. of Ithitatlelrtuu. Ponturto utt ttoli eollol Pk:ll , lN. fro. the ouvuo.O. of ~, tt,, .t - it,,, the Ilf.uhu-h NAHA. 11.11.1417113310.11. nuo•le onrin , un , Y • " w " b t Rockingham and Domestic Qtmensware. tho An 3133•1,31... 1 1 ••11 And Are I.llr • Alr.a.mlinuf, owl, evident , of Ito val... IWI t Aill. 111. M E.I.Y EY...4:1t A . Woo Md.-M1.1.1. ututooror•nr L. f l• t .3 w:,••. • 14l .4. 1 3 310 .1,11 Dealt, xtuldiell ay.rosnotor 11 LACK. DitESS SlLKS.—lust r0 ,,, ' , 1 per . 11 !la Mirk I.ulotrlno Niko pirrn, White, Mark. and fan, o'rn• - • mehln A. 1121010 • CO 1111511 LlNENS.—Beeeked thin ilwroing anothor Inn anrottod irrado• 1043 lawn. mcbls A A. 11.1,10 . _ . EET OIL-330 gall. for bale by m0h1.5 J KIRI/ ,t poTAsii-7 canks I 'rime for sale by mem! , J titan lAA 5. 1,1 Typhlir I.IITTSEIURGIE GLUE-73 0 MA, I bust) tor bY r0r1.14 F 1,11.1. A cot QUGAIt CURED liAliS-10 tierce. Dui field...sight-W..1 R. C Ila 5. on band and fur male hrmchls 'ALLINIiFISRI/ A Oil. LARDD-14 kegit,):9, , for rale by Mehl.l WICK 0 uct•ASULE,, , 1001z h b . l . b. ! t ia y k y„ .;,: . , Lper• !A- y . J. LARD -20 kegs No. I. for sale by Mc1.14 • .1 a it. FLOVIt 130 TASII-10 casks, warranted pore, for tuctil4 J. alt. ki.4,011 grIAS CIIX.NDELIEit.S•i kiND,F,LX:II:I2,RELS; ..rlor Cluorul hen and n al.u. two and Dun light Groamnutul P end. ono owtonal Twon W. W. WILSON, tuchlf, , corner of Fourth and Market OLA - QR flrnamtntall and ply u Sorrowful. Lwow 5.15 - 1. War ex. Swam/RAW, Hall, and Lnelllogr. lift.] pater. of Coat, : S Tall,tand. and .turfy Lampx.•ll tha ourtnalle,tomonfartoro of Cornell., It . •03e1 at towers, prime. } molar, X. WILOII Iv ANTED TO BUY—Notes of thrWastern Rank,. and Rtnelt of ton rRINTING PAPER--A superior lot or Double 31.113 um Papor, 1. 5 7x.r. And ia.rn,loti. . Or. S. RS'S m'ho Pat, Storr. cut Market and xtr Newtßoois! Now Books 1 4 , 0 REIGN IBEMINISCENcEs, by II arS' 11. lurilenl tookl Iln b) brnr, l ' irr , ' 1 . 1:1; g :: . : ", , l' :1 ;4 1?„ I tr P f r 717 Tr7,l 7l :nl i : X ‘:1?.11117 . M.nrlandlip, by the auihne of Mnry 11nrtna. Lavenurn. TheS. - hniter. the Mi.,. the Prie,,, by lien. Ram., author t4' tfie lu Yukin. and the 611.riee In N vl.l.t.llll.lreth, ilietury 4kf the Unlte4 FLtale,—,ventul The nbove norin, net ree'd nefl Pit Jude), 11. C. riIeCKTON, Itnoluedler and Stratum., mrhls eurner Mnrlet and Third rte. ONES ON LANG OFFICE TITLES.— ", A Syllsbo. the Law of ban.' olbog nth.. n. Penn g, Ivanot: by Joel Jones: reed .ad for Ask. by It. C STOCKTON, mehlh ! .1 . ; Markel el. 1:11E KICKLIIIMItYS ON THE RHINE, b, cr. 31. Tbacksgsg, 111 re. 12Ne. e iVargriek Woodlanag by 3rank Forreetey. Dietbrvery of Ileelognleg. !in. r. Itorelvegt et HOLMES' Literary Depg.A. mobl7 ! Third rt, opporibg the Pont Ogler. PEARLSTARCH- 30 boxes for stole by tochlri ;RIMY. JONES t 11EL10V19.... 0 —E i;. , 10 1 1.15f1 10 a: BE:fit l y ; Whole. to . SooilL sad 121 Drat ebb. tg7S;enen e WV:r Rod :D31[11114.1 PlttAli.etrgb, ' . 1 AHD 01L—'SO_ No. 1, for sale by meblS JAS. DALZELL. Ws4r gt. LOOMS! 250 tons Soft Tot& for tale by jig mrLD i. DLLZELLI a WM. £76 Pint GROCERIES, &c. ~.,- e• .1. D. WILLIAMS & CO,. Corns of Wood and F 5 .1711 Sired.,, PittaLtirgh, iIIAVE NOW IN SMILE, and to arrive this am , k. the folio's inc good, of the mfr. ro m m, 1,,,,,,. .. win, Is are 4.lfernl on IVIP snort rearanablr tom,: lik s amy Immd, prunadirnenlll2, d.ren raternt Your NI mlt Tem linardu IS Id rhenl , du. dm Ail 1... n extra purr Starrh: 411 - Ma , lont, A l'i,utan: 23, - Maleralou 11. had, III„ (Idle, 1.1,14. N.. IMlnkr, II - 14u4n)raaral Java Is - S. II - rl, Immo, WA. Wr. S u and I Ins n, " lidblon S, nm, lump Totharno. I 25 l3,af. 11r5.114.1. azs.l :k, 1,111., Nos. I arol 3 klatiol .. P.m slrrnd Srnl s. - rel: ~, ~ I' IIII 5. • ...11 ''''' " 1 " 11 .• N ember of PiiritiliM irAteti, - - . 5,11115 '' !r . , :T, I I i;::1,,, i,Zil i . n. k 'i '.1., " , ;;; , y;:,;:;:a: , ;:.,, r , •;;;... . „ hn ,,,,, n r ~f pmpr rty if - tsar-I.d, - t , -5, I 3..1.4',H;.( II , In tames Snall Ile , rtuak 1 st, M,. 0.41,1 1300 ?Or. damn kladdr, I hr.., ltm.k l'ands: do. 'au arena, premiums, 57,91)9.79 3 balm Car... 3 Oen/. t'arou, j ii•i, iimill iir , iiiiiiiim, -- i 1P2,194.21 1 - elev.,: , 1,, - 1. 1 .41 us A l'lmmlans. 1 ‘l,, , earant., stork, -- - 91 , ,10-1.03 r, bac, Pepper A Alnpimr. 1 d. - Cmtin A A Inn , n4 : • -.. I bid. Nutmegm 1111. 111S,S. -i, 11/0.01) . 4 - Grsmnd thrn.r. l.!,lta. 11i111,ar, 5.,,,,.. T., h.. . 1 n, nom thr atm', bals.m.. 11,. inrltlruial I - - l'epprr: I 1.11. rap. earl , Mrim I ~,,,,,,,,, ~, the ,111,,.. " .. Pimento. I ermuu TArtar. ; .t.,, ~. or nmtam turr , •hanta, nnil mime, of iiirellitur. I " l i •i ii' " Pime nto: I I ~ i`e i''.. , '..'iii ' mpi tiliiiiteil niM iiiiiintri priii.im, it k lieliiipria tliir emir, pap, mli.rils mlndoumrd Ls' p , ,,nt of rdsdapnr ~. ..., a eLy• ... 1 Id - - c 1...,....; i , - no, , d, and 11, fin'''' 1 . I rl,. Ifer', 1. tn. I tirat , r3 , ,,,,,5,m, in itna counts,. 2 MM.. tint-retro. riiiiiii i "ii i i'iri" . Coml. led iin Ow trguitrlde aminreatly Inipms,hl ...km, 45 Inses nt.nrin Canino, 1 I - Alan 1,...1, ' a I . ln-1n , a11.41 -I Itinimi. exelpituim ell optimal hamnim. In :kI - 114, " / 63 1, a 411 11 ' ,1 ' 4 .• 1 , arms, onll • Innind Amount In any one I:lday, thua I ,l n . IA " Spenn " I I 1. 1,1 11.13 . , SIIII'II‘I I I 1 etml.,3 41,, , freummednotnol I...urn Int, firer: and 101 dant, 31a. , ,M, /nark., f 11,1 gr.... 11 .. 1104 , , 1414. da 0.111 Ihn /gawk and Nlutunt Naplan, It not 1,111) . ~,,,,,• 10 1 2m. mPrdind Ins d 1 1 , ... 111 nd ,1411.1 .' "1 '....". I ..... OW 1 . 1 ien , n el. nO./ am I Malin t lOU a 1.111. ,0,1.1.1, Ito - 0.1 , 1nd13.1, R.-, 1 , 11.1 , ntslll,. ' . 1.-1 nnlitlns the Itmund 1, a partirimakm In 11.1 liiiiith , 24 .1,.. luk: , I " 1,11 4, 441 13.31 d. : It l• under iliremarel of the folhming 11inudom.-.John 11,11 - Cnn, 11rodun: . I rn-k 113 1 . "" 4 . . h I' Ltalsnrlmi. A.l 1.11,1, John It. I•nrker. n. T dime, Wm., Nmlr, 111,nr 1r.a.1. I.ant lid. 4,". ....I -I 01 , ... , 0 Marrlrr, 1'1,11.1' 1 , 13.r1rk. !Udall if lota. .1 I. 111 T11,141:1,11I11. 1 1 4nrident. {' UN DRIES— 0. .1 nlta.ta - r. Socradorr. 1 - 1 0.17 li, prime 11, Cone, 2,A, 1,4..4. NI. /L. A 1..1141.(14 A A ~„u , ',... A „,,,, r3 -. 1 1 30 pk, Y. ll_ Imp I. neon '.... 1, . 1 nr. 01 ,,,,,,, , .- - Mark 11,11- I ::' III‘.!I"I l'l' f ' ll 'sl l '''' !Penn Mutual Life Insurance hilad'a. 1,,1...... I.num 1 , and: .-., 1.1,, a .. , C0 , ., , Roll Tolmre. 3 l I. - Condi Nat, t I; ENT IN I'IT'rSIII . Et; 11, W.II. I):1VIS, I :,Jrue.• 1,1111 , Isd , C,•ltidlt: /.. ho llorrin3 Ins- 11. e 14. , r ~,,synntrnrn of ia , r4 , :en , maid's., la the 1.,1.1.1f N,l An .. • 1.1,, ,, ,, Mu., : Ida,. nod df H 0....,, 1113 . 11100 t may 1110, la, Inand Milt . I-. tuhr ... - T. , 11....11ir,31..,3 trona II id 1 3 and 2to I: ... 1.4.1,, ht the 'num.: L. , mon, of 11111 . , 1,,,i, 17.,7,;,;7,.:" ' : , ..:o - 1.431,k-: iiir, itilirimitiiin will ie. iiisim mid romuinntral ion. mutant ', i . :0 - Ilrat,l MM. , 0 alledd,3l t. Pamphlet- In 11111,( Ilta prtorii.l-• and Idn ha , . ,Nlli. 11,1'21.1,, 111.1. , Prlnripe: 4, •srar, . 13. 0 ,13 ol lA, I nrnranrn. PIA blank loth, lurnirbrd du I , al crma dt I'n 11,1,,,,r0 , 11A1,11ft.1.0143.11.1x1 SO 1..,..• 11 htt. ~.4 1,4N1 Idm 'I I tmial rmrk osnr I 2,n,0n0 and dont-Andy lorreamla , 1,....1.14/..1 mintmlii m ~,, omit tin., immreit iiir lite 1,1, No 1.1 klar . k..ml. 1,11,1, 11 M., - ' ..... kr.1.... rdd ,i4 , m. • -.... 11. IMI, • v., Marine- 17:-- Marine, Fire, and Inland Transportation .11 1.. t, ~ . 1 Insurance. . 2 , •• 1 0` ,4 I I iIPIITILIIOI . Comlinft, Of A mcrica, n & Al 4 :44:41144 , 11 4 4,14 1,414444-4 l'harter444l loitnl 550.001. Al.rtt -r.,. Ammar , : $1 4444 !JP 11111 tnoLL... t..r.re .41 • 's,^r tni h 01,4111.— oro 10..10 In tbt• ri.‘ , 10111, 11. I II In, I r 4..1tn how , 4441441 Val - , 111'1144.1.1144:14 414 444441 144 la. ith :an .„thrr •rat 4,4444114444 !It 441 4,4444 4,44.4 4 14 144441 4444 r Isla r 1,4:1.14411 14 ' , SETT -.". L. S. GORD(IN, Produce, Commission, and Forwarding .‘ NT. 1111 i: un,lersiv/c.l. f, Ow Pent, Ivlnx I ..n :tzt n...ps..t.rnn.l .1. "' ;. r lTr../n:': vv. ..1 In ,t,• %h.'',lt MEE J 1 `:1 J 7 Oll- • 1 I ACK F.VA:I “1. •1I \ ~1 t ~,••• 1•1:101., rnull Jars. n. n I ir, uK .n In - alet4 r..perift.l4 Webster a Unabridged Dictionary o IV Etts•riAus x- Frl.rna.r) 1.2 . .1 .Jon', p. I + ,, ).1. $.,•••• • ~ „ , trorlk Itntottl In rtal. tntl - tnr r it or —lt. t'. anachlVlL Will William err - , t.l..nattn.-.sl+otto tn. x- ad tn., ll* R atttllteu,nnutt ttlytle. n. th' it ' tll: " ll '.' l ' l..l '. ..lTltllNl , n. the rtn It. I'r:ft:tat:lett •1. Lt. t. , ttrunt t.r Sint, {that n hit, ‘,. IL_. ti Err, " " • - "LANSEED (IN,- .". I,hl, Ctry - Mak, on i.' , 0-PARTNI:ItSIIIP-Thr subscribrn• have 14 1 .t. nyl It ty 1 ,, 1 . .. rt ~14 , uti. e han.l awl fyr ....1.• 1,, Ati ' 42 . a.a. A ...Ay ' V3l, j l r 'I" frm "` s''''' . . 11.',.. . ... It Is 'L 101,11 01 1.n.1A Fr. JAME, ATAINSI.N. g ' ODLI V F:it 01 L---1 - 1.1 , 1,t0n. Clark .... Co.' 4 , ,„.z.! -sous II Vh}111( _ . I_,' nu'd ma (.4 Yale by . PRISO DRY GOODS-FIRST - SUPPLY mar( A N NVIChiIIInIIANI . iaa ) , t -morph, ii tharflheld will this morning nountener 111RESS S ILKS--911 1. , . agsorteo `prim; ,nn, thelr not *floor of wprst, Dry “cawly arld In. tit the rail ,tt their ruynoturra and buyer,. tuner:oli . rbrr eto.• 1a... yillo...avl rel . .; '„- ~,,o's 2. 0, rein.. attention h. theit ca n 1...n05e ...lament 1I near :Lela tarlyi N.. ~.,`...0 , 4,,., ~,,,,, prin4. et 1:h.....tan per . t. r01...1.4 anal pailhular rel. „ o r .,... h, any.haa, ner t..lnr. An raceilont artwle la who I ADi Es' 111tEt•S I 1111)1)S--,' ..4.4.4 ..t In., ut• y• r , ant. warranted (apt enlora. Al., cluwe yt, lea of iiilNilotp I .. 0,,,,,, j .. ,. ~, 10, cents 14 it /a. Oa. ail a.Pi i. 1 4, P , IPP/1.1 li. Lames. [Levu enurelr ny. OPPIII .no Alm. new. r:l r i. ',. !. 'lre- . r ill ' , l . ',mu 3r„,. a Lt,',. „ •,. .h. ',5 - rw.. awl Vet'll'l .1,1, "l'''.' .. D.. I ' ll.ll ' he..., ~il l a yrk I,lury Lola, o ° ,ossottA, Arvano -14 rin.lrr ~i.nnnln , ~, , ,..,N ., ~ . [wt. 1...1A./a.. 1411.1• on, 1 1 4nnyt Cam An 1.447 tly hl , poTAsii—s ~4, r ,i•I rev i ~or bal.• In' • rrill.: LA DIES . 01 s-','• "II you want., real i w.l I ea. p.n. 1.1.4 r.• A /inwynrli. sirs ,Is.ro in thy NI f IAA:II A lill•KE . S . ,`• In : t.,1 Ow It ' 'I 1.,. Tea they well atho met. 1.1 PlallY l 171 , 114 - . ...1 it oil I'2, 1.114, u 1.• -.All. s.r) t•• •l, 11...... et.:. nuaa . u 4 si aru 4411- 1.. Lnw rtr..41.4....,4...r Lulery,Teua nr.. ....wur kept - 11k r I NTE R In au .NV1 , 1 , A . 1 , , ,, 1 . , : ,, ,111,--- 1.1 "' g.l I I ' l ' l. ' ,..t0 ..0& , ..00 a. .4 . liter :um. retail ell ,heir Tww,. `4 11.1.F.1t A 1.1 , 1, rrn , % In ' ' ln "" ' 0,1 " .1 '' , 'moogpoovt t.. 1, s .on V mrt,., (0s 0-, L. Metwlian wrappyry, whinh, 1., holollou up 1., nu S 'sl ALL P1..0 11 1 FRI:N..II lel N , ,M A..NIS, 110 ' 1. ' 1 w ' ll I ' o ' 1 ' . ... or o o.o el ist.!,.. r-o s (.141 , or ~ ~..r , , , 000r ,, r ~,„ . , ~., ~.run...l Ina , n N 71.,,,,, J . , ; .: ::L111ii.... 0 ;: p r i,,nd i i : i i ... tN ,,r 02 .,,, R 500 ---• ......4 io, • mrippl , tit 1.1.111 . 11l 1.1 fit 1,1.11 , , _ ... , •-• i Jut. , p ;riga . , al an,' aired, ban ,1 . 4 ll•hpill• A la 1:1111.1, /DUD ~A N. m I u „ ;N 11 i 0. ,ffirt,hl, I INKS CANIIIRIC 11ANDKERCIIIErs. v rot; , lh . t wale. i lyal 7rr}4:ll•Are'..'n.lY=l7.."!.. •' ' . . L. '" . VA . supply OH. wary au ri f val. per ~1: , ,,,1 t or I whl i.. T.t.Yl at nture tif K ~,,,2 , ,. I i .! 1-1 7 ,,: :! :,_-- I ~,,,,,E , ,,0. 10 ....,: 1. , _ Nos ~... pi u, , , , im . , I . llllll'llY .1 11111t1311V11:1.1). i I EN TS' 1411%1:T 11 ..\ N IsN ERC /II EFS-- ( . 4 t., { .0 n..:‘,,,t. ,1-.‘, i ti N ov ‘t oTo " :l!"- l iTall u' ,t t r l ' lv " ... i Lo e n t . A_ I 14111 land 1./upul l ynahry.. 1 ... w aryl 1...41...m...1 , les, % , , ;' , 1 . 2...i1aiP , 1 , 1:1 ,, L . p . r .d ijr , ,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,, ... ,.... 4 ch,,,,,,, ." at """n" '''''''.."" ' l ' l .. .rt • l ' l ' ll ' l' A 11l I'll vi cu. ‘b" ~ .•••th. A, 1......a1a ar:=7: 4 , U ' in ' ...h • ' 1 " . " . " n 04.4 Y. N. WICKED...IIAM, cora, W.. 1 aria 1...ta. ii . 4)()A1:;1.:1:.1.,---4„-,1:,..1,:,k,11,,,t,.,011.1,1:‘,1;1,1n,g:r::::,..str. nut,. , , , ylik r.l !ER (1 7 111: WORK ~• — 'fl,,, Watt , MW. r and 1 rynt N . 7 cm, 5i..,,,,,,t. 1,, J,..., :41..1. )1 11 fe1.4.6 Vat Cur.. in Annul ...1.4a, 1., a WU., I..maynt. LARD AND STEARINE-- , !land hook .4 11,..1n10a11t 1.4 1 1 re4.......nal owl lanuestir • am, 1., Dr. 1 1 ,1•1 a 14.1 r h... 1 lAnl. a 1..1.1r ,t..arlay. llYnnYile lawlaaw .4 lly.lrupalbr, wills fittenn e, annual Sow landing (nen. Of AY. , vi, , ,,fv,;t l m, . 1 , ~.„. illtuaralbna of ituly.rlnyt .n .;..•u, hy /l.lwani Jnhuytwa, h uter and Fr.... 1 ..1 '' D f. 44.11 Iv 0 . SilG A 11--10 Idols. landitsß t.er sir. V . L, h ',...k ". ' r • - t s ra a l!Yla r t n". ..4 t r k' rolu 4 ll.. l !trrsrarT4 b ituto b ..rt I' ll t a . lkir n : I 1fet..1.":" 11l "I"'"". 3V11t , 1 1 ...11 . 61T1116 1 . 0 . AOl ; T r :Et r i : r . a " , tl , 6 r . , , , ,, F t r ‘..r ,„,,,, 1 , 1 i. e r ,...: , T0L1i T T1A,4. , ,t, i , ii DER Nl:cr.:lL\ It--2 11 Ishls.. f.r • al , i';+ I .„ , . , i 1 01 IN 1 ERI LIT COIN 14,:TECTOILS.— ( 1 : 1 1 ::: ( 2 1. 1 1 t_Y IN::::::,S::x..rt.,.6;:::::':4li;:,,i,:k.'s;lll:t'i:',T.T'ii;C:: , :::ii1r1 '''' :::: ', : r i 1 . ... '1 . ii:n . 1 , tn . ,. ..,f " : " . :::1 , 111 , : r 7 . w 1 ". : ,. r...7: ‘' :! . ; 1:115,.. ...... — ,a - " san ;i ' , ‘ . : P : i . d di l ki t:::. " •:;: ll : ` / Ir".' o h r H T. i ~S 11.,NNII , IIIST t 00. i f,.14 nat.'s, of Mark. and 4111 wt.. i i I ENFINE 1 1 1/11 . 1 . WINE.-- Thr po report, i "it'll( (DEN TYPES—Prosn Ow mann far to it II ..r the 11 rap, ...I.lpi. f..,..,,i,,,m1y..,...... 6 . q.ale I I V ry .4 Hell, A. W., lA., furnlshmt at short Gunnm or j u r. w ..da• .. II A %SMITH :1 Pa k.1,..y, ; .);L;lli't'il;".grr...urt .1,1.... f ,I.• iham. t.t. IAIiX, _,. , . W S lIAVXN. • . loritni. N. 0., just roc - 'd S t :‘. l ,4 ‘ l,.,!, t ,,. A rn i r " :,„ lN ,,t i : p ritUMENlFS a ev'rY d' 5 1:(; ,..5 i . t c,,..! F A.- 'l l l 2t i r -15 not for , al., I , ''. 111'11/11111X1E A INCUR:A.II, 14ILAW 11-90 1 / 101, 1folpe fr rtt h ' i ne - , .in 3 ,:t K ort iD . D :u A l t d .' f L ur Fu 110 Water et Ji . ~ .1 , bf &IN RIMY. IIATTIIIMS II al . URANGES -100 bozes jant reed and for rifANNERS' 01L-25 (this. in storrsul fur ottl. br BUTIBRIDGE 31NORAIIAM, 1. .Glebe Jll/411 I.ALZLI.L. feb2l. Nu. 115 Water st. frbl73 08 Water Street, INSURANCE State Mutual Fire Insurance •Company. BRANCH OFFICE—No 1 SMITH FIELD Sracur, • • I•Triti LIU PM If. riliiE begt evidence of the ,seems of the Ar:k'Sß4NOk r : l 3sYilVT'.. r i . ....rl: - unlty. unpar.allelr.l az ‘ : et caura b f u hx, beez. lour: hflYinc ',sued ov4r I,llho ,11l mor ,. thz,n.•loit tonnth, suit orr. V#3.•00 t••.plud ‘•• th,..nnymny. Thr Ifirrrta.r, proud ra“. t h" . „,,, sll thrl: •t~rh l'unsmat l• or the mlf•-•I kill!' in pruportiuu 111,11,1-1 i fill - y • • .t.r).•D• D ...,111n. PD.', Thona• I' 1,,, ~.1 M .I , ,bn 11 Soil, lAA ~I ,t,olk iti..D,Dl D. Wt.l. Dill.su WeDh. 1..1te‘,1 I , IDII. /•rnrlcl• Ile.kin., mil, ID,-1,. :., u-Dr. ‘1111,0... D m K lir,D, .inr..l. lI 1 , 1.1 M, in.,. N trim-..... I , ~ II .•n .In II I. SlL•inml S.-e, rrl. I , .11tIkIti% IsE it. I D1t..1...tra D., am,lo metmol '77:;', ' :: ' :: 'h ..fl " ,::.:: " , ' .V . Ll l . ,• vTrs k..w.r.D.40 eb.noD;r i li "" ' ' ... ".''''''"l "" '''`lV'A.Vit','i 7.`3. r gYr`;:', l ::;,4l' ''' :124 'sr. I.D Ynkra dtmet. American Life and Health Insurance Co. OF PHILWELPHIA. I). To Irll. •Il mf , armalyon eun in NNE Western Insurance Company of Pittsbnr.gh. API r.k I. $lOO.OOO. it. m[Li.Er, .In .. 411 kn., and qi.trrt".ll.4J i. tbk itararirr whVh t.. 1 .1t • IIntl•r, 11 t Delaware Mutual Safety LuturaneeComp'y I:. N..1:T11 1110101 nF THE EX p Vitt t t. l•tti,•l , l •.• I —1,11,11 sni othyr f..r .. , ...ctepre ere. t,tteeal e te. ,mrtn• Mini 1.. t• I • .1. Bum n. .1(+ , A 1 . ..wa-c. ward, ••••••• ,• . • r 14,a•.•. A. I•A, (mid, Wll - .1•• I, A Ne. Con, la IturA.A. Jam,. C . 1 la. la, II AAn Amok,. livAry 11•• '.. • •-•t _• ,lprorrr MrlAtalA. • ••• • I. j A I, u, lAranAA. e. •2 N Franklin Fire Ir.sumnce Co. of Philnira. 1%. Batt. L.,. 1:.,,. 1 11.. hunt. • I n tupto--• iintAnll. V,l FIE MI TVA!. IIF:S • F11T LIVE I NSUR. NCE ,•11, • • I . • • .1, ntnu,mt., aN,12,1 WTI I.IAM P Amer. Ivent. 44 , 5 No 111 Front ..tr—et MISCELLANEOUS SLATE ROOFING lII'S. 111 I'l 1,0 t- r.., • I war, 'III 1..4 r. 111 , 1 rrip •• 1 ...r nen," pr 3.. 1. •.1.. iwnl r l rte. ~ rlr . Il i a ..! art..thatr Errl. - to I.rrtall 15t.t.r.1..1 all! Ir. at 1.1t.51.., da. rl aa• ter ... .. ioxil Co thi, Anin F II AA 1”...A. TI, WA 111. of ./ k Al as A. 11 unlitS, a 111. 1,11,11 -- ah . 1 ..41 , Ar, .n -A. 1 , 1 - Ahaa 511 In II A lIIt S V. (401 MISSION MEN, fanl tot p.• ta.- 11..•1m,..., • .147 1 1 11 F. L N EIZSii I P I 1. I tI• , 111}111*.b1L.I 1., mu... I ANIILLII FLEMING. FLEW' , " GEr•••• t. FlEminz •;11,,rizeil I.•E ILE mm., 11.. firm the ~ .IllEnsrbt 111, 1.u.1ne., 11)ISS01.1:TIoN OF . P.l Iten4.4Frrn nklyting the •nilneklnll et Mill.. nal. ain. n 4. 4 , •1 ~.. ano thlllll.li Cll. I. I tli. •nlnerll...r. nar [II op. nd name 14 the late II ('. Tllnr, 1:.I% MISCELLANEOUS TO. 1 LARD 011.—A few Ibis. jt.t ree'd frm"h 4 Matt of tory. for which I am the only agent. and warrant It superior to SOY On o 1 1,1 .. 4 ' let. 8. N. WICKISRSIIAM. ft•ICI corner Woml anal Ninth Stn. . . t.? EFINED BORAX-15 ewes for sale by 111.' ' J.K.7IIOO,SMAKER A Co PONGE-2 strings finest igedit•Trunean, forz - 1 0 .• Lr J. SCIIOONIIAK ER A 01. frlr2A Ladies' Fine Dress Goods. EUEI VED AND OPENED THIS MORN , INO—Yd.plinr, Hemp. Nloun 41r l ' ;17 u and. Mark. xt. l'R I Nl3 STYLEI NTS--Cltuiet• and IJ beautiful patterns r,e'd lA. rtuamlnw at 1,1,24 A. A. lIAMN l ARD bids. No. 1, Win. Strained j rZi' cd Riley. MATTIIEWS 01. d OLDEN SYRUP--In tilde. and 1,1 (13b &silt. by RIIEY, MATMEWS A (li. roan JAIiItY, d: CO. ate prepared to L L An all kintlaff4TE . ROOFINO“ . ALEX. LAII4 1., N t it u it y :to , r i f i t u t t r ta k t . t . t. ,, tlt , a? , al n;3,„ Sit - Slate fool trontittly repaired. l'ett . t:to I 1 OLIJELN Si - IttAl'—o" Ilf. ,ldo. just reed 1. I anti for .1. by 111211IIIVIINIE INilltAllA3L 1 125 No. 110 Water ot. 1;‘ iA)U 111/10 extra Family Flour, for I pale by febT. 0. Y. VON BONStlititS 'I A 11 1 , 11.003154 —l5O dozen for hale A. F. VON BONNiIoitST A CO I b0X4,8. in prime order, fur J rob Al ENtILISrI A attNNETT. folio • Krevral. anti 151 Flrttt ll.' 1 N DOB' GLASS-14)B Vali. :VASA suer. feb'S tt. F. TON BONNWIRST k Co . T A Bell —IOU boxer,, hot brand s , in qtore. . - 1 and 10r pale by WII. fIAI/A LEI( .1 f01e2.1 Noe It and :II heal ITorsale by febtu E.NtII.ISII A BENNf:TT. rLANG AND TABLE COVERS—W. Me- Cllntwk Invitee the attention of thoeo trlehinv to far to he netesteita aemrttnent of Table aud l'tat, Co.. r.. at No Ni, Fourth strao.t. . . . . . (I.ICOTRINE ALOES--75 lbs, pure article, kj rm. -sl •b ry fel. It - II.:IELLEIIII 1,;.1.211ANGE BANK sTocli—A few :isA .1..... for ~..1... Apply tn HAIM , A I lIVIS. ../kl3 114 llrr.,ml.‘ IL f O Li. ,b l i tU TTER— I . l i p . l y. fr m cz , h_ in f i . „ . , r , ::‘ ,„ l. c I . ~,y S UN 1111IES-- 5 tierce.prime liro /me pry. GA II r Vb.. C..m0e...Z s lb.r" .; r..75w rin:rtr lb lung , Tobeer ri j I do Chel. Ihe tlwl $ I. Leath r • IWO Ihe dn I.leiht dieto tm,. JoIIN wArr, con'r lIN stEn OIL-10 bbl. fur Fain br t t nnia.ts, !Aral: A co. 1)1 ILL Br!' bbls for sale by LL fele.`, 1.1171:1.: A CO. ( ERSPER-75 bun for sale by Itt/lIMON. LIT! LK a en 'ATCHEli—itatteived and on haul an I bat aancrrinaent of Gobi and Parer II atehrIN Ela.S.—Just received. nn 111.1(lidioll ins al oply of ',null:J.oi Hoduiverrd al. Allen' W. K. WILdiON WLEEDOIL—'2I.I casks Linseed Oil I n-r'd and Ind rate by no, " N. t K. 'JAHR/Willi. I ARII , --' 2ll 1.1315. No. 1. Lard, reed and for .L. nr . 17: • n. LPOLL BUTTER-10 bbls. fresh Bull Butter JIAL rt., Awl nAle S. A W. WARBAUGIL INSEED OIL--10 hbbi, for hale by s.t W. MAIMIAULMI. i, k , PPL . E m S , ;60 et , t s iv ,, k;. ,.. rr i tzi : l , - . A .d uG s i t i t . kd • '"kg • , . 6 a u lr r llA 1 rRTZI,I for I Aiill--55 bblo, and 100 kegs No. 1, for ,11A ,mtv by . fabils- Al W. luoinAniii. 'LOVER SEED-55 bbIS prime Ohio. for febil W MARBAMMI. FIIAR-50 hrls N. C. Tor for mile by ,alB BITRBRIDGE t 1.g01112.01 ! ) ,1 4 0iii:17kBURCHFIELD, JnIS M. E. cot. Fourth and Market .1.. 4MNE GAUZE FLANNELS-Murphy & iturcharld have on hand an n•sortment nr am.. good. axon, IV elnh, and alonamtla 4. an. Wide }Lear. for Shnniding.. PE i lt FRENCH BLACKCLOTHS— aIiove department htb Abell. Amain.. and tarifa ye raoto rintirs derrription to give ttivm a rall b. Po,hoving. ERMIFLIGE, Da. McLes CELEBRATED. 00,0 fi,r war by J. MUD d CU. pd. L'VER. PILLS, Ita sfeLAst.'s CELT-MUTED, Jul Ire.. Dr s ale by ~•114 J KIDD a CO I'd AL CORKS-151X1 gross fin sale by l ull J. KIDD a CO `PO OE-4 cases tine, and 1 bale extra L7 , crark. for mlu by 0100 a CO Pb&lil SALTS-15 brills for sale by 3•IN J. KIDD 0) URI ES—Fifty barrels Entail, Flour; Aii; , ; l lllVii Di e ; ' asr e r . ) . 4 1 if . ig , tlo;t J ir b bushels DTE 1.11 JOHN WATT a CM The Old Printing Establishment -EdA ' E Jnlinston and Stockton's, and Blank v., and Mationrry rtuaL .U lal.V . Lle l :l. l." =m th nnn furobh every snide In the Blank Paper and SLanonery lin,. at Ile Anctest 11, mom renounable loryne. MM4l=== priptinalar and Book Bt.lery, \o. 50 Third li , r B R - ANDIES:WINES, GINS, &C. uTdo , •:11 1 :..V,•,Pcz,k;•' • lo and nowt eelelrrarnd a cranua. i'' S rdma Hollankl trm...BobLlns Ancboe and . 1155." 0 poncho-oar lAA, nod Scureb 51011. Wbb.kr, 2 do Jatuales Bon. bbl.. N. E. dn. do. ur. auks Bart Wine. do Madeira Wine. II d Sweet 10.ipt 2: d o o Dry 11 do. do. 10 do :Alert/ Wore. 2.5 loom Bordeaux Claret. In Aare and for sale by JOILN PARE= G CB.. jam' 021 Liberty otowt. OLD, SILVER, BANII. NOTES, SIGHT la and Time Anne. the but Led Went. Storks, &r, /non. and toid. Pirrone,' Munn. Polkice tenn&l on the meet ranerable ton.. et the Banidoir Moo. of (16011136. 6. AIMOLD & CO, JeD No. 74 Fourth evert • TILE SUBSCRIBER INVITES THE attention of merchants and other. to his large and we aunrted stock of I Hosiery Clore, Linder Shirts. and ni brawe. The Eton, ankle,. n Silk. Wool. Merino. and ! of all sires and prim., conarantly on hand and for I vale too by no= F. It. EATON. tIOLD PENS. We have now on hand a 1 .. ,4 largo nook of the blot Gold Pens foam the leading nuuninirtories in New York. and made exptexudy to order. Also. ele i rant Gold Pencil Cages and Pen,lleldera. Silver . Cure In every variety. Porcupine Pen Holdern Pearl do. All for gale vrtnieeale and retail at New York prises.. dr= W.W.WILSON. lIASKING, COLLECTING AND EX CHANCE OFFICIL—N. II0L)IES A EONS, No. 57 ar:f rk l •t es=i' . httahurch. Eoohnooe an all the F tern Pfinelled places in the tinier,. Notes on all wideent Bank. ithoinunted. Nowa and Time nevtlatrd. 1414 NDIA RUBBEIt PASTE. 4 gross of that i'':::ft b r Tri nvdvi ?AZ"' P. =:t the .m oneym mNMNb Pm r a aieohoi vale and retell, at 7 and Y Wood street 1;01 3. a 11. PHILLIPS. ryEA IVAK - E--English American Britan ia Tea Feta Pistol Plated Becket, Canaleetieka owners and Too Plated Unor. bat quality Ivory Bal a., Bolan,. Table Cutlery. leer Forks. Sp... aml nut ter /Wren Pistol end oer - emu Silos. Yorke and ew e ., , r,d,b. m a t, •n - e , Trays of Ono Birmingham rumaufactore, highly ornament.]: Platt.l Trot a of beautiful patlertus A very superior Powder for