HQ3IE MATTERS We had the plea_mr,, on Wednesday evening , of attending an entertainment, given by John Layton, Esq., of the Morning gen tlemenrost, to the gen tlemen connected with that .tablishment, and few of his friends, who were all, with one ex ception, members of the corps editorial or repor torial The supper was served by Mr. William Bennet, of Diamond AlleY, iu Lis usual admira ble style, and the utmost mirth and good humor prevailed. We bare never spent P. more agrees- Me evening, enlivened as it was by wit and 'hu- Mot, and the pleas., was unalloyed, for there were no Lung speerbe., the usual bane of such entertainments. 3f, llarper, senior proprietor of the Post, responded iu a toast, complimentary of that paper, in a Imv brief, but appropriate re marks. Mr. Layton wits called up by a toast ex pressing the matiticxtion of his friends, at his *access in business, and feelingly thanked them far their kindness. At an early hour the com pany retired, after haring toasted the proprietor of the house in which the entertainment wan giveh. Aeeourco. —We are pleased to learn that our friend, T. W. Slims, M. Lk, wan yesterday ap- Pointed by the Surveyor of the Customs, Physi cian of the port of Pittsburgh, vice Dr. T. M. LifeKerman, resig Tldtitacomplimeetwhich is well deserved by the worthy young gentleman, who has received it. COUBT•OF OYU, AND TERMTIMB. 111CASDAY, April 2. Present, Honorable WHliam H. McClure, PrO lident Judge, and Samuel Jones, and siVilliam Boggs, Associate Judges. Commonwealth vs. John Thomas, indictment Burglary, committed in breaking into the shoe manufactory of Mr. John Parker, iu Allegheny city and stealing therefrom a large quantity of beets, shoes and leather. This case was similar in all its details to the -CANe tried a short time ago against the tome defendant. The robbery was committed by entering the prosecutor's store by means of lolse keys. at different times, and the prisoner had succeeded in stealing there from a large quantity pf goods, which were brought into the court room, in boxes. Attorney General liarragh appeared on behalf of the Commonwealth, Messrs Alagraw cud N. P. Fetterman for the defendant. Mr. John Parker was called, and testified to his less. The goods must have been stolen in the night, though the doors were always found locked is the morning.. Thomas had worked , for Mr. Parker. The witness then proceeded to identify his good, by his priiate marks. Tomer F. Clayton sworn—l am a member of • firm in Philadelphia. which deals in boots and shoes. The witness then proceeded to state that a portion of the gee& prasluced in Court, had been sold by him to Mr. Parker. There bad been only two cases of goods sim ilar to these, (besides those purchased by Mr. Parker) sent by him west •of the Alleghenies, anti they had not been sold to Mr. Thomas. He went to the hpuso of the prisoner near the Pen-, itentinry, and represented that he was about to start in business in Allegheny, and wished to purchase soma goods. Thainas took him down to his cellar, and showed him some articles of his (the witness's} manufacture. Ile stated that he had purchased heavily from the firm of Which he won n partner, which was not the case. Mayor Fleming was called, and testified to the fact of Thomas' arre,t. A search warrant was issued, and the goods identified in court, found concealed in his cellar. The trunk of the pritoner was likewise searched; and a hunch of staleton keys, some of Which would open Mr. Parkeni doors, found in it. Police officers Adams and Snee, corroborated the foregoing statements, and the C:l2e, on be half of the Commonwealth was closed. John Hepfield, a shoemaker, was called for the prisoner, who swore that he had worked for Thomas last fall, and that there were seven! other persons likewise working for Lira The prisoner did not keep his business a secret, but openly made and sold boots and shoes. • • A large number of witnesses were called, by whose eyidenre nothing new was elirited. _None of them had ever even anything unusual about the premises. Most of them were •hnemakere, who bad worked for Thomas. William Jones, a young man who had been imprisoned on a charge of vault and battery, ...was, on' motion of John D. 3lahon, Esq., din charged,[the prosecutor not appearing The ease of the Commonwealth vaJohn Thom as was taken op. After speeches by Attorney General Darragh, and F. 11. Collier, Esq., on behalf of the Commonwealth, and Messrs. Ma gray and Fetterman for the prisoner, the case tent to the jury. After o short absence they returned with a verdict of ,guilty, and Thomas was remanded. Commonwealth vs. Joseph Ackerman—indict ment, larceny, alleged to hove been committed in stealing a number of articles of trifling value, the property of Mr, Schnrhmon, lithographer. Whit case was not concluded when the Court ad journed. Colonel S. IV. Block for Commonwealth— Messes. Jobn Mellon, and J. K. Kennedy for de fendant. DISTRICT COVET. Before the Honorskblo Walter H. Lowrie In the case of Dr. Wm. Badger vs Peter Cool, the jury returned a verdict for the defendant Theplaintire counvel, Mr. Dunlop, moved for a new trial, on the ground that the verdict wan contrary to the evidence. Wm. R. Thompson & Co., vs John lic)lasters. Ven. Ex., No. 46, April term, I‹.l. And now OD motion of Wm. McCandless, Esq.. the Court grant learn to the plaintiff to . amendtheir levy, aa grantee] to plaintiff in Ex. No. 274 and 275, eh:L. Term, 1&51, without prejudice to the rights of other creditors. Frederick Letts et al, vs Jno Furayth. Dun lap for plaintiff. Melldu,fur defendant No 120, Term, 1846; Litt No. 22.1 Verdict for de ' Indult Ana Bichorann, va Itcohel lmpey. No 403, Aprill'erm, 1846. tinniotion of Geo. P. Ham . Hon, judgment against defendant for R-ant of a plea. Jas. Mitchell vs 11 deJrt M. Porter. Verdict for plaintiff $lO3 30. Jonathan H. Baker vs the - owners cf steamboat }Menlo. No. 102, July Term 1048; List. No. 282. C. 0. Loomis for plaintiff Shaler and Stan ton for defendants. Action to recover damage±, sustained by the tithing of two coal bodts, belonging to plaintiffo, which came in contact sith the Hibernia No. 2, below the Monongahela bridge. •• Case not con cluded. PEOCEEDIMS IN COMMON COUNCIL. IVEDNEsr.v, April 2,185 l Council met pursunit to adjournment. Members Present---Xessrs. Bissel, Black, Cor dell, Cunningham, Drum, Friend, Gribben. Ham mond, Harper, Kaye, Lowry, MeDariney, Pollock Andrew Scott. Shrom, IfiHoek and Ydung. The President being absent, on motion Mr. Willock took the chair. The following resolution, was' then offered, fPN Tii ”_; — nusolved, Tlmt the water committee be direc ted to advance the water rents in such a manner as they may deem mo‘t enuitahle and just. Mr. Harper offered the following as a substi ' tate, Resolved, Thst the Councils have full confi dence In the integrity and business qualifications of • the water committee, and we believe they will discharge their ilnties faithfully, without fear, favor or affection. r- Mr. Friend moved to lay the whole subject an the table, which was adopted. Mr. Young presented a report front the com mittee on City printing, accompanied with the following resolution; vi r : • Reached, That the clerks of Councils be, and they are hereby in-vino:Led to furnish a' opy of the minutes of proceedings of Council to Lecky Harper, editor of the IMily Morning Post, for publication, in accordance with the provision of the 23rd rule of the Councils. The report was rend and accepted, sod resolu tion read and adopted. Mr. Priena—A petition for laying water pipes on Lodie street. 11.eod and refereed to water committee. Mr. Haramontl--A. coromunimtion iron:Alen ry Miller, which was read end referred to street committee, with power to not. Ott motion Council adjourned. INPORMATI. WsaTow.-I.lartiel Lorigun, of Nether Providence, Delaware* county, P., left Cumberland on the lEtb of January, and when kat beard from worked art the mouth of the Sav age, since which time he hoe net been heard of. It in feared tilt some uccident has happened to Idol, and any communication on the subject will thankfully received by his distressed family. Please address John Lorigrin, stone cutter, Ne ther Providence. Commcnow.—ln the article on the Duquesne public school, publiehed yeeterday, no error 05- emend 'in the last paragraph, in which it is Anted that the singing or the pupils under the direction of Mr. Pease, was 'passing.'—it should read 'Owing.' owe understand that the e ter done of Mr. Posse in that department have been unremitting, and have been crowned with suc cess, greatly to the -delight of both children and parents. The article corrected will app A ar in only next weekly paper. POLICE BUSINEIA.—Th e re was a groat dearth of business yesterdav,:st the verious police ot ticeSl in our city, =d ire heard of uothiug to dust ine, worth reporting. I To !so Man's Meacas;lce LIBRARY Assoct i ATIO-I—The following nalmes bare been added to t h e °ember list,of the Yitung )ten's Mercantile Librat and Mechanic's Imaituto, for March: J. lerron Foster, J. B. Holmes, R. Owens, A. p..Ba ows, Joseph Albre , J. W. White, 11. A. 'pryer, Levi Mellor, J. I . Dunlevy, J. Nelson Kean) Richard Sayan% It IL Palmer. Dr: Thos. Hart pri, Wm. N. Howe 11, John B. Herron, 11. rlpronl, John B. Donley, lc. M. Ferlds, T. R. Kuralt. It ii; to be hoped that those who design becom ing . embers of this inStitution, will present their amen speedily, as important changes and addi . .ns are contemplateil, and the directors are desir.us of knowing with i some certainty -who, and h. w many are to he i a future supporters. W LTlil or TUC STATE t, OF ILLINOIS.—In 18.30 re the ,tai value of al es to end personal pro perty in the State of Illinois was $58,889,525. Th rate of state tax that year was two mills on th dollar. The grosa amount of state tax was 117,779 05: deducting abatements and coin Nei°. -it was .106,291 02. The balance duo e state from countiCs then was $1,830 01. The i terest on School Fund was $44,226 CO. In JB4O the total valuelof real estate and per aiona property was $105,432,752 13. The rate of S to tax was 5.8 mills. The gross amount of Ste tax 1111.9 5612 , 428 19. The whole a mount, deducting abatemnts and commissions, $578,663 81. The balance due the State from count e t z s $77,861 42. The Interest on school fund $58,1 . Th gross amount. of tate tax from 1639 to 1849, inclusive, was 2,741,874 59, a.ssmsed on a valuta ion amounting In the net to $870,401,683 49c. Abatements and commissions $196,739 35. Net a ofint of State taxi $2,544,135 24. -The total . .. oust of interpaid on College and Semin ary f.. d $554, 079 87. t Th eastern corporations have accepted the char granted by the Illinois Legislature and the chart ds granted by Congress have been execu ted t the Trustees. The'7ork is to be commen ced a Cairo, and fifty i. Iles completed during the 'Mason. Tn Srrrnaox BARN rslVttentets.—There are _ stron manifestations of very excited state of port'. r feeling in Western Virginia, in view of the b lief which is fast gaining ground, that the mixed basis will be adopted in'the new consstitu tion. The Staunton Spectiltar, always moderate and cautious in expressionsof opinions, and care ful and accurate in its st+ment of facts, refers to they deep feelings that are aroused in the west. and OCusts that the result may not be a' division of th e! t a Sb,. Th e eesed!question will probably have to be settled try mutual concessions and comp amines. The great compromises of Con- 1 gressjn favor of our Natitnal Union, are a pa trioti examplesexamples for Virginia's imitation.—Bali. Sen. ~. I . — 1 Lan to Ivens —Three dative Africans sat up on th jury at a late trial for a capital offence at Grand Bass. (tar natii.es hold commissions from tlie Government as policemen , b e. Some ' of themost intelligent men , l in Liberia left this countl y when children, a d have received all their education in the colctty. Several of the Baptiqt schools are taught hy converted natives. 1 . The tbati plant is said to Rye and bear fruit six or rev years. Judge Benson has 20 acres of coffee t Balms, on which tte 7000 trees. The y companywhich latel went to the Sinou settlement, fromßa•annah, (about ISO persons.) took with them property of their own, to the amount of $30,000. In this region are now three 'settlements, Greenville. Rossville and Reachnlle, comprising about' nOO persons. Goo of the settlers, Mr. Nlorris,ibas 3300 coffee trees net oaf. Others have 500, Ac. .......-I. Salif rkk, , ,.. for the WoThr a ll:sr.-111e sale of sea. n tickets at London to the great exhibi tion goes on steadily, though the number yet I sold f s very far short of the estimated sale.— Pp to st dates, 2,t4. - ,3 gentlemen's and 2.0 113 Jo di.' ckets—in all, .I.Stet season tickets.--loi.l been i ued from the office nf the Society of Art. , The Robbery of Washington Benton! , of Som erset ounty, Pa., of $3.:100, took place / I -4 he cros_ from Camden to Philadelphia. He had been t Mston selling horses. The Going Snake Temperance Society, Cher. okee . alien has for officers lion. Sin Killer. presid at; I oung Squirrel, 'vice president: Salo Grass.opper. mecretary. Ann her 1",ct,0, —Dr. H. W. Gridley, one of the ph .sicians of Bellevue hospital. Nest York, died oiSatunlay of py-Phus fever. contracted in the fi harge of his duties. The r t m entains of the late Elsa. Isaac Hill, have been oved to Concord, N, H , for interment. C. LOOK HERE .117 Man! :acitituate water weeks at Bolton have AtRE YOU A FATHER, hoboring for the sztyort of a family. and tattering from general de. ~... ir i a.:, , .....,r2 .. ..=1. 1 . n r u i c i t . t nrems a burden. Art ycat 1 Moth r er, enacting from diseaaes to which fe males atr it clitally sulnect. use Dr. C. D. Howe • Shaker Sans t will rertatnly cure you. Cal mat depot, or on one of nor agent, and get a lumilt . atis. where you will End that the Shaker Sar. saparil ... prepared by Dr. C. D. Rowe. has teen the Means o rerumtamtir e.t.a mnr disease, to sehleb the human 'le are continually blest. than any other ptlw pre n of Sarsaparilla ever 'yet bron,ht hearer lb. poblie. ita. edielne ham entablished'ita blob reputation by It. numern and well attested nova It Ls I. up In. uart 6.4, and la the only Sarsaparilla that on the Liver, Kidney, 'and blond at the same time, whirb render. It altogether Inkore. valuable to every one, parfular ly to female., De. and enquire for Dr. 8., D. HOWL :SIRE.P.R SARSA AItILLA. and talteo other Price 1 per hatle-8 bottles fur $ll. For sale by I DLL 8. D,IIOWE et CO, Proprietor. I College Mall. Cincinnati. Ohio. To Lent all order. mare addreamed. Alen, jol g : rale by J. A. Joiant. J.l.Schuonsnaker A Co., W. Black. I . W. Ilea., J. M. Townsend. J. Mohler. N. Jay., .n. Pi urgh D. A- Elhott. Alloglarny city: W. it 31.- Clelland; Manchester, D. Crake, brownselik-,Jaa. Dana A C,... Wbeellnm J. L. Patterson, and K. G. Morgan. et. Clainvitlc Kagan& linos. Celia. l terdtdaarT NOTICE ucatiorial Astowiation of Alleghe t.^ will meet In the First Ward Public it.burgh, nn Fends, April ath, 1,11. at 7 t which littie addresecs .1.11 delivered tand Mr. /.I.tturtt. the 5' th. Mr. John Grecory VIII drliTre no l'hyoSolo k rirld Trxlnlng or Childs= In the &Mowed by Mr. L 7. Cuvrll. - - e. , ineatinn are oretwectfully Invited to ale rr of the Exe,ul,ll BUIWU I:, Peer. 4 bones No. I reed. for sale by F. • W. lunlldli .t(. APPLES—D) bhl. ree'd, for male PIIETA_L.-440 tops for sal o by 1 asebl9 MEV. MATTHEW S l CO. YRISSED SPIKES-IEO keg, Omproved) fo wile by mcbl9 RH EV M AVHEWS k CO. SW/DI - LIES— r 6 bbl. Frelth Roll flutt. 101 m, dn. do. 25 bbloi unwed OIL 9 lads ',rad A. 1.0. * 15 , J ben Extra Cream Cheep, 160 dos Corn Broom. W bo, Oiled 4,..z.z..,.._,,, me 19 J. 715. CANFIELD. ial E 0 ~.. QII T MILL-1 Smut Mill (complete) fur to s.) be . orehlP , H- DALZELL. MO OUSE-KEEPERS-:—Ordern for Pater 1 . "r " '''' be r. 1 . %. ` itit APA P er i,Pts '- t r ., .. 4 . Q El L E RS' MEDICINES.—•• UNLIKE to AL. OTHER PATENT MEDICINES" Extract Your a letter, dated I' e floCovvrucrnAL. Feb. 21, 1001. Alr. R E. &nem—Taut Medicine, Are unlike all other Patent Medicines. as they are teeming more and snore perou half r.l The ha grove Pule, rent me ere weeks I/sc./are nearly a/I stone. Every bne who makes/1.o( your Liver Pills, Terixdlhge, and Cough Syrup , epeaks in strong. temp of their pod i: qualified . I. lours, ; j t i . ,,,,. rq... .1. GREEN. r. , and of e beet b e b e d by ' R. P- P kit.LLEllB, ll ?io. 67 Roof Street. rosy be aof Druggist. generally. Ffebtoi QUO R HOUSE MOLASSES-40' Itbls. to et. Is Rettnery. in nom and Ihr Side b mc_h_ , MILLER A RICK kilOIN QUO tit AND MOLASSES— to 0 hhde. Plantation Sturm; 46J bble. a.. Molaepre. (oak cooperage,/ ' .UM-1 case fpr tale by J. KIDD t Ou Wend at. ICTURED TOBACCO—MI but. !fart., of de last bratbt. fur We lon Pp ISAIAH DICKEY A CO. ; AND TARTS—Fresh Cherries out up in their upoJuire, pn•aaraltug the R the IDOL Alen-4.7.4wes rolebratnl blingl.l4 nod Freuch lielaliur. fur Jain., fur male by A. 51.CLURII A C 0..,, I.lta•rtv nt lIA3IS-93 for sale to/ J. D. WILLIASIrr CO. 01L-10 !this. warranted pure, mob?: /i.. K. SELLEICo. _ PECTORAL, Stanth Polieh, Soap L.) Purl!, and KlN:mm.4,ls Cortispouaf. for salt. Pp It. h..SELLEIL.S. 57 11 nod id. HARPER'S MAGAZINE, for March, re-. 11 mlftlitud for male at A. 11. Lltarary Depot, Thlrd anat. tack l uPPanlta . the Fool OCID.. Ql-fY /RIES— I case Guilt Sholuct, 17 I bbl. Silver /Wad: I " Comm Tartar: I bah. harp, Itottla Cork.: I ca.. I.l,uutira Ban: rnT fired nod fur aby I. until • ranter Wood nod fAixth . , ALCOHOL—:;S bble. for sale by h2l J. K IDD t CO., CU Wood Ft. V EN ITIA N , ItE D-211 hble. for . .1 PA. mrh22 J. KIDD A W. " PA.ISIE IV I I ITI Nll-51.1 bble. for sale by itch= J. KIDD A CO. uA 1S NVIIITE-15 Iti ls. extra fine, for raula2.l J. KIDD A Co SAN! CRUCIBLES—fix , nests fur male by K/DD A CO. A' Ilth2L--12 LLN EED OIL-10 bDI, reed, for . nnie by web& 111101 nO. LIITLX A DO. PEA s u ite (Snit Corte) for tato Inaba WICK &.)Ir - CANDIK, FANNERS' OIL-25 hbl. tor ale hy _IL myna ROBISON. LITTIM A CO. & BUCKETS-0 do:. Bucketo; to - Tats tar W. by 1.. B. WATERMAN Ai BONS. 'SES-200 bbL N. 0.,! for Bale by mebe EL A W, llArtaLooll BY TELEGRAPH ABILIVAL OP THE STEAMSHIP BALTIC. , t)KE WEEK LATER FROM EUROPE Scw Pone, April 3. The steamer Baltic, Copt_ Comestock, reached her dock at :IA o'clock, p. 11., bringing dates from Liverpool to the and from London to the 21st, ult. Cotton—Prices have advanced 14 lb. The. week's sales amount to 4s,2lst bales. Owing to some delay, your correspondent was' unable to .get his tiles of papers until 9 (ett clock. The Baltic brings 6fty passengers The Liverpool market chow, a better demand for breadatulfs,hut proriaionv are le, active and declining. The Manchester market ie steady, and without change. American Stocks are as last enticed. C cl onsols osed at 9qti , , mt, • The ilavre Cotton market is 6rm. The steamer Cambria arrived at Liverpool on Friday evening, the 21st ult. The political intelligence is generally uninter esting. The English Ministry is still in an un certain state. There is no news of importance from the con tinent. LATER FROM SANTA FE Sr. Loris. April.. By the arrival of Major Cunningham. Army Paymaster, we have Santa Fe dates to the 19th of February. The news is unimportant. The census af. New Mexico !Metre a population of G 1,514. Tho Indian outrages still continue, and much damage in apprehended in the spring. The Apaches and Shahs are said to have leagued to gether, for ;the purpose of infesting Santa Fe trains. A party of Americans going from Brown's train to the Fort, was attacked by the Pawnee Indians. The Americans were reinforced from the Fort and the Indians were dispersed, several of them having been killed. L tTER FROM ST. HELENA Ensros. April zi By an nn- val at New Hesitant we bare advice. from St. Helena to February There were then seven ,lave vessels in port. eonilemned. nod about 550 Anse. on the Island . Three more prizes were daily expected. Late accounts had been received nt St. Helena, from the Cape of Good Hope, which represent the Kaffir woe no still raging, to a fearful extent The Governor, Sir Henry Smith, was in fact sur rounded by 81:100 Kaffir warrior., and entirely cut off from escape. He had with him in the fort, about 500 English soldiers, scantily supplied with provisions, and, unless speedily reinforced. the Governor will fall a victim to the enemy. It was expected that the regiment at St. He lena, would be immediately sent to the ('ape at Good Hope. TORONTO. April I Last night, George Thompson lectured upon slavery, and was enthusiastically received. m a large audience. lle described the press of the United States. that supported slavery, the most degraded literature in the world and said that he eould understand the religion of .kroPri ell, when the bible is withheld from three mil lions of slaves, and when thirtythou.sand minis hire, nearly all set the laws of the United States above the Laws of God. TIIE IsA Yllt! B Alt E NEW ()amigo. April 2. The crevimite at Bayou Sara has inundated the town. There is ale a large crevasse at the race comae. and two other+ at Plaquemine. Pan of Plaquemine, and a small portion of that Par jab ; will he etenipt from the overflow HIFI kDE ISLAM) F:LECTII IS P.v.,ENce, April The election for State officers and Cengresis men, tiook plsee yesterilsy with the following results : liovmmort —Philip Allen, i Dern ) rlrctr.l by a majority of MU vote, Gel, t. King •. and Benj. B, Thurston i Dern.i. are elected. The Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of Slate Attorney General, and State - Treasurer elected are all Democrat.. . In the Senate there will he 13 .Whigs, and 14 Democrats—four Districts being Withont a choice. In We flowle, 2:t:Whigit and 31 Democrats—there being no choke in six districts • At present, the DemocraPi bate a majority of seven on joint ballot. Ett arnx. April The legielature. yesterday. otter one ballot, postponed further leilletting for U.. Seruttnr, until the 15th net I=l NAMJVILLE, April The receipts of Jenny LifarP two Concert,. amounted to $l6OOO. Nliss tared. Lie'toil, and Legran4Smith, will leave in tl7 warning, for the Monitnnth cnve. CINCINNATI, 4ril The Cincinnati and Lawrenceburg packet Ma ry Pell, was run into last night, by the steamer Pentksylv.tia, and sunk. The boat is a total loss. • yinLADELPHIA MARKET. April Flour—The mnret is firmer, with no increns ed export demand. Sales 1.600 hhin ctandard brands at $4 :370,4 60 'pi bhl. For city con sumption. prices range from $4 37i to $4 for common to extra. Grain—Wheat is in moderate request, but prices are steady. Sale,. 4,000 bmih Pa red at 90(it96e: and of white at 101(d , 102e, including mixed at 09c bush. Rye is sold at 06e.— Supplies of corn are light, with sales of 1,000 hush yellow, et 60c, in store. Holders tok 02c, afloat. Sales 2,000 bush Penns oats at 44c it bush. Clover Seed—la in good demand at SL 256; .5 LG. Nothing doing in timothy or San need. Whiskey—The denland is better, with sales in bbls at 22fc hhl. NEW YORK MARKET April it Flour—The market iq tirm, with a fair general demand for the emit. Grain—There is a fair inquiry for domestic wheat, but prices are above the viewe of buyers . Corn le in fair demand, for distilling , at r;7(., fie for yellow. Provisions—For Pork there is a fair trade de mand, and speculative inquiry Picklod meats are dull. Lard is firm, hot inactive. Whiskey—ls selling at 21:6!,23/c to gall. Lead—ls in better teapply, with large arrivals of Spanish. [EVENING REPORT.) Aril 3. Cotton—The market is heavy with further sales of 1201) hales nt former prices. Hour--The market is firm, with antes 4,000 hhla 50(,4 (12 for, mixed to straight Inch adiana and Ifichigan, andfifs(/,:`,, for limey Ohio and Generee. Oruin—The market is steady, without much doing in wheat, Corn is steady with sales of 13,000 bush at 686rtlb!,c. Provisions--Pork is tulvarielng, with further gales of 700 libls at :l/t 37(0,71 for tnroo. Sales 200 tierces at 0648; for, hams, and VI for shoul ders. Butetr add l'heege—i'lle market in dull. A good business is doing in (Theele at biebr,7l per lb. Lead—merican is held at 145, and foreign et 4 87 per cwt. Groceries—Sales a Rio Coffee at 104 f . is and of Java ter 12ii per Ili. Sugar is dolt. but prices 'continue firm. Transactions in molasses are limittaL mlimm BALTIMORE MARKET. April 1. Flour—Sal. 400 bbls 11. S., at 54,37 jd bbl. Grain—Wheat is selling .at 056008 c; yellow corn at 580 59c; white at t:Oc. Sales of Oats at 380 :40c, and of Rye at use bo. Provision.!—The market is firm, with sales of 900 bbLs new mess Pork, at $l4, and of SO bbls old, at $13,:50 ? bbl. Sales of bacon shoulders at 7c, of skins at 14, and of hams at Bfo,loc lb. Lard is duller, with sales 800 kegs, at 91c ? lb, and 100 bbls at Bi. Cheese—Common western is quoted at 7c shipping do at loc ? lb. Feathers—flare advanced, with Bales at 37(i! 38c 'V II). Whiskey—Sale, at 2! GrOCerieg—Sugni, and Molasses are dull.— Coffee is also doll, with sales 200 bags Rio, at 10i0,10ic l'amcco--Salcs of common Maryland. at 63r lb. NEW ORLEANS ALIRKET April 3, 3 r m Cotten—Thu market is dull, with sales 2.000 bales at last quotations. Com—The market is dull, with sales 6000 bushels st.ls4bLie per bush. Oata--Balea of Ohio at 42e046 pm bush. Prthrisions—Yens pork is firm at $l3 7.5@14 per 41. The stock in the city on the list of April 'was 21.000 bbls of all kinds. Bacon aides were selling this morning at Blc, and prime shoulders at Cc per lb. 'Molasses—Choice has advanced with sales at 2113.32 c per gal. Liu-II --Sales 4000 kegs, yesterday at Siliz per MI. Tobacco—Sales in last three days, of 900 Kentucky at tiifa 71 per lh, fur ordinary, Ood 10 I lc fur select NEW ORLEANS MARKET. April 2. Cotton—The market is dull, and dealers ar awaiting the pteamer's news. Flour—Sales at $4(g1i4,011 for Ohio. Provisions -Mess Pork has advanced to $l3 75, and holders asking $l , l hhl. Sales of 700,000 lbs bulk meat, hug round, at 51C1;6te 1,) lb. Ba con has advanced to iijaiBic for prime ribbed sides. Oroceries.Choice MulasseA is quoted at 34 31c "r+ gallon. Sales Rio Coffee at 10}4101. Fair Sugar commands 4/@6l- 11 lb. Exchange—Sterling exchange le quoted at 101, CINCINNATI MARKET April 3 Flour—in in better demand, and firmer, with gales of 1000 Masai $3,45e4 11Id. Whiskey—Sales at 176171 1•0) gal. Provisions—pork is held for •an advance.— Sales of sides in bull: at 61e, and of 60,000 hide el 4 M. Lard is in good demand, with 'sale, 1000 Kiln, in lots at So, on time. . • Groceries—Continue very firm. The river has risen S inches, 'since last re• Port STEAM EOATS FOR ST. LOUIS—The new an d s pl . endld /run., CHIEF JIJ.FrICE MA& laggt - X Capt. ton II :dyer, will Lear.. for the abw l and all Intersordlate port• tbls day, at 4 P M. For dvlallt or papaw, a Dd7 on board. api V I OR NASIIVILLE.—TIT3 sprdn- it „. . dld .t.-am roRT PITT, Nllllrr.m.r&ar. ....eat . :, . I..avr Mr the er abow and Ini , rtnnthate Von* I. on Saturd.. neal. tdh 1.. at 10 n'elta-k. A. 11. For In.lv la m passaon. ept , ly on baud. •p.l airOß LOUISVILLE—The ',Oen cli,l rt . NAVIGATR, rant W• ll.".. l 1.... i... for tho ahoy. and all Intairn,..llada porta on tatunlar, thp :.1., In., . et 10 o clock. A. 1111 For frohrlit m wan., apply ml bard. sls .. . - • VOR ST. LOUIS ILLINOIS RIVER —The rpletell.l new parernger eteamer STATMSMAN tiouter. nap mend., Ira] ware fin the sheer and Interronliete teltir Friday. the Jth April, 11 M. For frelt.ht or paesear. apply on lerard. tr to It 1111.TENNERI/Elt. VOR ST. LOUIS—The gplendid j TEs t ItOBT. IPA/ FAL , . Butehep reniroatisier • will leave Cpl. ehove en.:l lo4r ttar•liah. p. , rte.mThrmilair. lite.. at 4 P E. e.or frvlrht peewit.. apply no beard. l!Ol 1:4 1 0if eiNCINN ATI & ST. LOUIS • The tine Mesmer J V. IM.Vil' 4 , LuNte, oeerter. inn leave for lib,. and toterirmllete ti 1e,r1.. on thp. tier. inet.nit 10 /1 For frelutt t.r bretr.l. ap2 lIEGULAR PACKET RE- I. TWKE.N vlll jag ,o rona PIT N 0.2. A. Cran z e. rout,. littab b urgh Whophtu, Captlna atal Suool4l. evory Wo:lay and Thumb., at 3 cielnit . rvturult: loaro. Sunhoh Mr Caption. IThroline atui filubupgn, rr nry Tuoolay and Frilly, at 10 o (look. .‘ • Pamongers atol .hiptolo rlll3 dop•lot1 upon OA. boat running rouvlartr aortas tho low water .osautz fn or P•Anal...applt on,tnard. mohiS NEW ARRANGEMENTS FOR idZE2 1851. E new and fugt running str. taaat J la, WaWlSsA , a l l h e .te- -rryslar 11. t. ttteu ItraltsAatrt.. (Attune: 2..1 unft.th ParAat PlttaltsSAlt ovary Westsrallaf at walla[. . Itatalts, and Britlerrant. atri./•arl ',Assist at 3 I'. \t.. (sr CASs. us, Susllatt. Ittliglasitatt. 1.-sts :41°341 Iltastlat at IS s sittek. A. and Itradt,atrt and U badtst: arart , Itotala, au Thurala, at It It Anal APO, n-tsl JOU:, FLACK. Att.nt, I ItI ;‘ l\ I - fl a t,:s k utt N infi " ....in, %V ELK.% I Cg. VIIIAnt In Youn yti a. • rattle.. 1.1...k.1 lortyreu I 1 Ilrnlgr,ort, and muatl.l., laving Intt.hur./11 e•ery MOW./ •11,1114.. ie. 24/11.10. rill,. and llyl.lg.tat. and tll.mbsurille. W lialgeert Caitlin, and eunfl,d , . 1a. , . bal.,- : 1...1 and Funn rye" Titea.hy iftrrounu, and Snail.. FruLa, altertxual For ltetir t n5mag0..44.1, on j 111KKLEK, I I.: It'l l nen park. otonan.r DI VW. A L. Cl/11...11:na. t..r. ~..I, r tnlng 11, rreular tr.,. hrta.en ...A 1011... rim., Pitt.hargh and Fatal. end r.lnrning. Thuals. mot ..4trtla,. Ir. .sell fr.kalt pr;rag,apeyun Ward. orto n.. 1. 1.1.1 TR Nl.l C 1.? El.l H EI , N ESDAY • it CISCL\ NATI. Ci.otalt. Jahn Innlne ham Mi. n.10n.11.1 boat •no built by Alion•u.-r. of 111. .tam.r Newt.... anal .41e., Kr tteturgb Pu-krt In,!. and •111 • lb" In Itana Rug' wool ""b‘ •rt L-ZiatIViLIZ,::.I" I:LAStIOIV. LIVEIiPCN)L AND WELLYVILLIS—Tbo any staccuse IKYCILLK. 5A...1.1.v. =voter. Will rui n •• • • .• • . • • • recal•r moot this city mid tr. twn Ingrhergh evrritar, and Fro . o'clock. I. V For fr....111. , r wa.P•ire..pply /00 . - pOlt MARIETTA ANI) 1101 h IN.:PORT —The lino strarroi PACI vT„itaZ: j inns. ina.nr. will Irmo. frt tho abort. ,n porn. rrorr II for fringht roion,io apply on loard. or to „ . T. Wi.101.6: & No. 61 IT&ler and 6a Frollt S(11. CLAIM 8 Patent Combined Grinding and Bolting, or .If , trel, 14, 1851. TIIE have nua in MM. " . b c 2f'i;cl:: one I. grityfin,_Middlits„, and tin Thvr zruzstzn: the 4u21111. 11r. and :tbort. The. first i. prrhetly adilPt.4 tt , 14 a.e, , intoll th woik wr.II u m ortllnary burr some, and rt`lntring...l. ,tlevaleol. Ina Mrrrhant Mill, to neatly or run or burr At..., Out Iv eost $l,llO Th. lart.r, um Bran and 015.1 woorrr nod dltater. pro due.. du, betuAl profit a about lr.he yrcrnt. on tb.'..ln. of the. nful. frt. the MITI . Yor Paannfiteturlng the ra. ¢raly Hato now, It due, the pnaluctutt a trod article of anporthu not, end haring the du*lltior apparent.. mmbltied the attention of )1111..r..101ng .nerchant bnolnew awl fn **rot It I. oneacvptionabl... We. the unclprolgned, operatives inth ,, "Pitteburgh CAr Flouring 31111.." c..rtify to hr above. 'Nun.. Nuns, W. A Ziont.t. 1 1 trra Cuss, A J. Ntrrmul._ CLARE'S PATENT PORTABLE COMBINED Grinding and Bolting, or Merchant Mill. AvING parcha.4.lthe entire Patnt Right tli of a states, for . Janies M. Clark's Patent ttln,l I:finding. Merchant Mill." ancl now being prepared to bounty and Nut. Rights. Mashie the Mill 111 up for us, take this method of Infonaut the [intik that aut alole to offer the greatest Intention of Ma aw, and one which sure to m int with • 1.10.12" awl which wfill I. the mmne of making every person purrhaanw °suety and :qui.. Moho, realize n hani.lamain fortnna This 11111 perfertir twirtable. and only veronica a smut of four font throe inefirs aqua,. when In openllnti. att4is capable of gtx r d . lo , l: and halting from fire la ten boahrb4 wheat per I can he pmpelled with from an on. how power on 1.1, I...ser desalt'. call 0.1_14 , 1 2peragiti et Wilmarth it Noble eity . M.oming Liberty. 'try... Pittsburgh. I. further. have the right of James Clark's SMV7 MACHINE, and the Marlines In sale, haring puruhued lof It Snavely. All letters poet paid will we answered Po , mPtlY. melllB4.lrwlme:T TIICIMAS M.:3.ARK. HORSE RENOVATING POW kJ DIMS. eomposed chiefly of Vegetables, Till restore to 111..44 Thls /Mader Le invaluable for the rum .4 themomeroo. diem...* to which Cattle ant Homes am rig tiltutdera Inwaol html.., 111.1. litound, Imp of Appetite, Morse Distemper. Horned Dlztetnler to Cain , , gin the bring of the Cud, VW Rheumatism commonly eallot Milt Complaint. which proem fatal tow many rain. whin bora, and preventa Maw. front heel:ming stiff or roomier-ed.. it earri. off all alma humors, azed perinea the Wood: It is oleo a safe and m.rtain cure for the lleareg td. Coughe met Colds, which seem to Le thaorigin at "0 many fatal dlseaws: It •ni also .Lana, the Isomaelt stud Mau from Rom. {forms. Ae.. and again restorathemunarb and 1...re1s to healthy action For dale. wholmale or Mall, by S. N. WIC/CERIUM mrtal Firth ...a iond RIIZOBS! TILE SE ISSCRIBER luta been appointed Agent for the too. nr 13 ILC II RIST'S AMERICAN RAZORS. Three arn the hest Kasai, which have ere( toot offered to the nubile The manufacturer 1.1114M11 the panic that the /dust improvement lietsissait is that which pomace the durability rd' a An. ..ht.. listing eombined the heet tb err steel with a antra ground blade, and Iron the pecti ns, proiviiii the, undergo in tempering. togetier with the g.at rani be.towed upon them in setting. he MO with enn ftilemw M11,47.142•111ti them. Pot wellmatiefint 4h. with the nite.rinr e5...11,w* of title Razor, that they we each onto and if bond initwrfeet to atiy respect, Me money. rdort..l. We to.rarttutr.e every RM,,r to Ore perfect. rtllsfrottlon. For t.ttle. Ity the dozen or minute 0nti i.. 1.14 .. ntelt2l . corner Mnrkot and Kurth Mr , . I D. KING, !tanker and Exclitnge : low roler, nod now toottott the hlttntot onrr linos. sod otakee ,Ilcrloo. to ket Itrttralow In tour hind. for Antrriratt ally,. ambit Investments. O()()D9IIS.PIT:SIURGIie!TY G' ~wn'r.. __ (i It. do. Flre Ftonl " Parifhl quads hook " For A. WILK INNS CIL meh romer Thlnt 4.4 .11altet . AZIN ES FOR A i 1 th.y . .l.nAlr' n Wok., for April: . n %Imagine do.; ,tatallin do. do.; For ale at 1110131Y.5 . Went" Depot. mr,hl7 Thlnl 0, optualto the l'ioLt °the, Paper. 1 JRINTIN(2,, WRI'T'ING, and WItAPI'ING 1,4 PAPEII.—.I:4 tram. 2.1 by 3* Printing PaPan br ao .. • ! .) 5,8, " 18 lq VA, 21 by. 72, .!I by 34. 28 ' . pe br 41, 2S by 41; .10 , 1 .. Mae. Factory Paa 1' 6,11.. Blnele I.lroaru litram Pal.:',. m a k . „ M•ditlM 350 " Iladiutu and flingluerafro Rug. The unal.rgigued keaps Larrotantly au bandaud fur .al or rerh.., fur 134.•11, • large and g... 1 ...NJ...1" , Ilul.ll, Cap, Lettyr, Hardware, and Tea Parra, Ekmeet I llntrrla, ar.. fre. , Alr,..—Fr•ltlnp of nI) Are, for nntwr min.nufartun•re. Printing Pun, nmir to onlrr np litiort Wetly nntner of Penn Rol Irwin .es N DRIES -17 '25 bbl• No 1 Winter Ettralneti Lar4 • IZr t4.tor " t i c? ''' Nor.. Slantablemand Slder h motel hour. 10 W.I. No I Vlarkerol: for .11. loa by J)NES, Goal Bardn. C A N DLES-50 boxes Mould; v. 7 e 1.,: mrtol '''' . 0011 1 .0'17417,3 CO. g ' , . I.A)VEItSEED-51.1 bu:roo'd. for rm. by I_,, torte n P. A 0. notnAvan. ____ HEMPSEED-15 MA. for Bale by iactlo J. KIDD 11 CO-. 40 Woad at HOUSES, FARMS, &c A Good Opportunity for those who want a Home. LOTS AND LANE) FOIE SALE.—TI, rubreriter , offe . ra for .ale the followinv ,d ground, ia: No. 1. Four LA, In PA.les plan of lot, in the Eighth Ward, each lot being 24 feet by 114. There lota v. plea,. sadly eltuated , and will be sold at a hargatn. or the owner liana at a dletanee. strat wishes to dist.... of then, No. Three. of at the mrnvr t.l Itan.l etre. and Da. UMW' Way —Manning-must) heath fur.ellber private reddetaws. N. 3. Ten lA. its the Itorough of lam rett..eellle, a ell suited fur private reraleur.. No. 4. TIC el re Arfve.of LAIN In Peebles tow °dila. TI la property la admindoly loratal f..rtuuntr, caste, being Luta abort divtarwe frytutheritr line. and aljoinlne the Ralli. No. 5. One 1.4 on Weboter street, near a.ln, 24 to ot N 11.—No• 2.1, vein I. will b. ..IJ ou lour liver. ouls • b moan poruou of the isurcluite in.., will ',into! iv awl A TlittF.P. :MORI' Ihttlel, Fitlt ILLST A three en,ry How, twat. 11,. corner of Welter and Eint env, enntamlene 11 newha. vnll he rent. Ter, In• to Inal family. It I. vnonnwrarted that two Lunde. ran ,• mpy It Any!, to 111/EIENT WRAY. 11. 1,.. ruch2nlnt menet. Webeter seem Elm etre... Ii{YELLING HOUSE TO LET.—NO 45 Thlnl Stn.., oppearne the Mint revehtterian t'hotet, second house, from Fero, bl.. Tine no a eery romferta. hie 11Welling. rmbrarinv fouttwm re0. , ,...' ' b• L ti "....... nam. with hot enA nold water aernat• we.nev eao. we °twee.] convenient to Lunn., and :market and Inn notet and I.lwiemt nelnhlawhoucl—apply on Inc Pn . .... , .. mar 2. , :tf, _ • or Rent. I - IE ACADErIV BrILDINGS. on .7;* / n Ferry Arent—. i t {{{ • snit suluttautaal twthline aww . " . ; Tent frunt.aunable A. m Acadian). or ontnufeettewwwft 47f.1.7,77 . ; ' '''. ' '''' ''''' "."' d t ,lr. 1 / . l' n!: ' l 9 , ui" " ntrtl2 , lt t z en erilarriwn all, awl 4n,tte .., 110 LET—An OFFICE on {{titer. he- lawn Ntarket and Pont ateeeln Enquire of .: 4 ;11 tneho, - JAS. DA1.%V.1.1., OS Water et ...... OR RENT—A Ihit•lling house• on T.m . , Thy . mi , th a ty: be rent ed Int, and I Lenv , even hatr/Instely Al For Pair nr Lenv, wale lota in tho Ninth Ward 4a~nn Penn !it,. and th..alr . , *W. nt Benj. Parliontan'a. Fourth atre.-t, near W 0.4 Valuable Real Estate for Sale. TTILE SUBSCRIBER offer,, for Sale, on favorable teno r , the following Beal galena 1011, elty Thre e urg. eir. N. I. valuable thno .torrl.rik dwelling hone... on Second street, between Market and lorry atreete, the h.. being each ID feet front by WO deep. Na 2. I.lontaine 37 feet (moat on 'rhea adjellning the Third Prvigh,terlan Clallf