HOME MATTERS VALVAULE Wnstic.—We are indebted to the publisher, John Livingston, Esq., of the New York Ilse, for a copy of ••Livingston's Law Reg ister, for 1851." It contains a list of all the law yen in the United States, together with their addresses, and must be invaluable to all prac tising attorneys. We learn from it, that there are one thousand seven hundred and thirtynine law yers in Pennsylvania, one hundred and seventy of whom practice in til.Ls county. All orders for this publication should he directed to John Liv ingston,'Esq., No. 175 Broadway, New York. Our reader will bear in mind, that Mr. L. is the editor and proprietor of- the Monthly Lsw Magazine, and also a Commissioner for every State In the Union. Crrardis Dceosrr BANG—An election for officers of this institution was held on Tuesday weaning. which resulted es follows: President—Wm. Dawson. Directors, J. D. Kelly, IL A. Cunningham, Andrew McMasters, B. Bruce, Jr., S. M'Clurkan and-S. Morrow. COURT OF QUARTER ECESBIONB WEDNESDAY, April 2 Present, Honorable William B. MCClure, Pre sident Judge, and Pamuel Jones, and William •Beggs, Associate Judges. . - Commonwealth vs. James Skiles and James Robinson. Indictment, Burglary, alleged to have been committed in breaking into Mr. Jos. Beckham's hardware, store, in Allegheny City, and stealing therrrom, a number of articles. The case WAS pened on behalf of the Cora menwealth, by istrict Attorney Flinegin. Mr: Beckham estified to the loss of his goods. Wm. Robins° sworn—This witness testified that a lot of bar ware was stolen from Mr. Beck ham's store, on e night of the 27th of Februa ry. He identifi d a number of articles produced In Court, to the able of 1120. John Snge, a olice o ffi cer, of . Allegheny City, testified that a the night, in, question, Skiles came to the ore Office, and confessed that he was the burg or, ot, the sometime telling him whore the goo were concealed; and taking the wilco to the spa Police Officer testimony. dam, corroborated Mr. Snee's • • - when he ,mode the confes s drinking house when he sent He implicated Robinson in the the statement relative to him, an oath, or by any other ovi out. • Bkiles was d situ], and was for tbo officers. transaction, bu • =supported b ',dance, was rule' The jury rat a:lles, not gait ened a verdict of guilty as to 0 , as to Robinson. vs. same defendants. Indi Commonweal meat, Burglary stealing several of the 21th of John Parke, lThe prisoners were accused of articles or jewelry, on the night , ebruary, frotwthe store of Mr. !f Allegheny tqty. Plea, not opened on behalf of the Com . C. Flonegin, Esq : ont—l reside , in Allegheny City The case was =wealth, by John Pule s and am byltra. business is 50 the month of open, and an. oil cues, e wa witnestideotifi din Coast t or two previous wanted sottie' li up to the back I noticed him p conduct strange store before. High Csnstable Adams sworn,—We found these articles, together with those stolen from Mr. Beckham, in the same bundle. e a watchmaker. My place of .e Diamond, Allegheny City. In r ebrnary, my tor was broken her of finger and ear zings, pen h, &c., stolen ; therefrom. The the watch, which was produc obinson called in my store a day to the robbery, alleging that he le repairing done. He walked oor, and examined it carefully. rticularly, because I thought his I bad never seen him in my ATTEB3OON SESSIO3 The jury in the case tried this morning, re turned a verdict of guilty as to Sidles, not guilty as to Robinson. His honor, Jadge McClure, observed that he regretted to see the prisoner once more brought before him. Re was sorry to say that -this was not hie first offence, but he would be glad to hear any thing which he had to mention. Stiles said that be bad nothing to say, and WU then sentenced to two years imprisonment do the Western Penitentiary, for robbing Mr. Beekham'a store, and one year's imprisonment on the 'lest indictment. Robinson wits dis charged by proclamation, and Stiles was re manded. Commonwealth vs. Conrad Vogel and Eliza beth Vogel—lndictment, Assault and flattery, alleged to have been committed on Joiaathan Bu houp. Mr. Buhoup iv Constable of Duquesne Bor ough, and the assault was committed while he wss in the performance of his duties, as a police officer. This trial occupied the whole of the af ternoon, and the jury retired, after which the Court adjourned. DISTRICT COURT. Before the Honorable Walter H. Lowrie The jury in the case of the owners of the steamboat Caroline vs. the owners of the steam er Consignee, returned a verdict of four thou sand dollars, hem.; the full value of the boat, for the plaintiffs. Tbis was an action brought to re cover damages for the loss of the Caroline, sunk by coming in contact with the Consignee. She ler and !Btarmton for plantiffs, Loomis and Gill more foi defendants. 8. Kingan & Co. va. B. F. Bartlett, et eL No. 178, January Term, '49. List No. 221. Mellon for plaintiff, Irwin for defendant- Action on a ?dockside's lien. No verdict. Robert McKnight, vs. Walker &..Beszell, No. 378 April Term, 1851. And now, on motion of Robert McKnight, Esq., and on the court being Satisfied that a mistake has been made in the name of Matthew Beaten, ono of the above de fendants, leave is granted to amend. Dr. Wm. Badger vs. Peter Cool. No. 251. January '49, List No. 222. Dunlap for plaintiff, Black for defendant Action for professional services. No ventiot Lsoimas..—We are informed that I'. U. Schaad intends in a few days to deliver a lecture on the "origin, history. and 'dangerous influences of Pantheism upon society and upon public install- Dr.v.t.wrouss Fos OREGON. —Albert Eggers, M. D., Quincy A. Brooks, Esq., Mr. David Irwin, irif and five children, Mr. Wm. Cartwright, of Pittsburgh, and Mr. David Hart of Washington county, loft yesterday on the steamer Oriental an route for Oregon. We trust that they will lan a pleasant journey. Taisars.--John Scott was yesterday commit ted to prison by Alderman Lewis, charged on oath of Bridget McGraw with threatening her life. • ASSAIILT.—Scary Hosock was yesterday com mitted by Mayor Fleming, charged on oath of Jobe Foster, with assault and battery. Reatona.—We are pleased to observe that the Ash market hos been removed to the rear of the Old Court Rouse. This will be more convenient la the dealers, and certainly pleasanter to the pumenera along Market street. Daftness Bostic Scuonz..—The annual exam ination of the scholars toot place last week in the presence of the Board of School Directors and Guardians. The pupils in the First Depart ment under the immediate charge of the Rev. R. N. Avery were exnmined in the upper hall; and won [small present. admiration for the advance ment and gratitude to their able and accomplish ed teacher for hie untiring efforts on their behalf. The pupils of the Second Department, were al- SO examined, their proficiency and diligence giving entire eatistaetion to parents and guardi ans. Milts Mnry Shedd= the teacher in this department deserves great praise for the effo she has made in training the young scholars. In the evening after the close of the exruninn-1 Lion the, upper ball being brilliantly and tastefully arranged, the citizens ossembled to witness the interesting ceremony of the pre amatation of prizes to the snocessfal competitors, - aa also an exhibition, in which the scholars of the first Department acquitted themselves admi rahly. Prizes were awarded to the followin, iaed pupils, for correct deportment and dim genes in school: • lit. Prize, Miss Esther Feilbach. 2d. - Miss :Melissa Brown. ad. John Wheeler. 4th. Miss Elisabeth ll'Cormick. Aloe. Young. 6th. •• Miss Anna Boynon. 7th. " Albert Day. Bth. " Miss Mary'llaninett. 9th. " Mine biargartt ilamnett, and al o to.the following schoLars in the second Dep. meat; Mine Mary Nesmith; Miis Adela Ham tcus; Mho Eli. Miller; and Miss Henrietta Fe ... back, for specimens of Penmanship and i. FM!=Oat in writing: Ist. Prise, Gotlep Zehentler. tad. ... Miss Mary Miller. 3d. Miss Emma 4th. " Robert Murphy. 6th. Miss Olinda Mprtison. 6th. " James Wheeler. At the close of which a brief but beautiful d s coarse and paternal advice, was .delivered th by their much valued and respected teacher R Avery. The tumexed Programme will furnish the . 'ldes of the evening performance. prayer by the Rev. J. J. Buchanan. Singing by the pupils—Mr. Pies, Teacher. 1. tion, opening address. .1 , ~ - 'Wheeler. Heading—Dryden and Pope, Miss Mary Mandtt4t. I den and Pope. Ist. 3. concert—Reeding of Ilome. Miss 4. C o mposition—please Olinda Momson. G. Declamation. Robert G. Composition—Life of ry Miller. 7. Reading—Ode to an In , meth M'Cormick. 9. Dialogue--Ilow to tel Day, John Wheeler: Singing by the pupil. 10. Declamation—Cata el ELamnett. Murphy. Mou... .li,, Me sat Son. Vie. Eli had News. Walter a Iddress. Semu IL Reading—J epths's lamoett. ughter Margaret.— • lections from Scrip 12. Concert. Reading—S i tare. second class. ly and Lady Urace iCormick. 14. Dialogue—Lady To ! Mho M. Murpby and E. M address.— 14. Concert beclamatio , Ist. class. ingbag by the . Esther Feilbach. Ps Banner Miss 15. Composition—Music. . 16. Declamation—Pans Eliza 111Tormick. s Mary E. Ilamnett. A's Ball. Miss Olin att. . . 17. Soldier's rrest. 11i, 18. Dialogue—Lady Ink da Morrison, Miss M. Tiara Singing by the pupils. 20. Composition—Life o L. Wheeler. 21. Reading—The Lone sa Brown. 22. Declamation—The Wm. M'Cormick. 23. Concert. Doclamatio Cr. let. class. 24. Reading—Selections claws. Washington. James wilful. Nliss Molls rettchmaa and Rats. —Thc flour of Pray 'from Scripture. 2nd. Singing by the pupils. 25. Compositiore 7 Submi Miss Emma Miller. 25. Declamation—South . Croft. :scion to teachers.— Carolina. Benjamin °than and Massachu 27. Heading—South Ca Bette. Walter Day. 23. Concert. Heading—' clam. on of the Stars.. Ist. y. R. Murphy 29. Dialogue—lrish Co. J. O'NeaL Singing by the pupils. 30. Declamation—The b • Miss Mary Miller. 81. Parting of Douglass Wheeler. • 82. Concert reading 2nd. class. 33. Declamation—The Cormick. riga of Sir John Moore land Idarmion. John e Child'a Inquiry.— =MEE es. A. Day, Thomas 34. Dialogue—Hot Coe Bates. The Final Judgment 35. Concert. Reading let. class. 36. Closing address, Chant by the pupils. Benediction by Rev. J. G. Buchanan. The scholars throughouk the exhibition acquit ted themselves in a mastirly manner and drew from the Rev. J. J. Buchanan, a very flattering encomium both for the lves and the Rev. R. 'N. Avery. We must not omit to n tice the singing of the t sm pupils under the direction of Mr. Peas who is en gaged in teaching music ' the school; this part of the performance was p 'rig and added much to the interest of theoccas OR. A SPECTATOR. Willow Grove, April 1i 1851. iss M. Nlorpby. Loos. HBBE i mum! 4 ,1 ,f RE YOU A FAT R, laboring for the trjorat of a familj a md jhutrinti from Cereal itr. a. n. w iletelZhAluer perilla. `"'" ' ' ''' Am you a Mother. erailmineU from dineme. to which fee rally mime.. 4.2. Dr. S. D. llowe's Shaker Sane t will certainly flirt , you. OMat am dews, ar Geo oaf of our .Beretta tend get • 0. 11 pamphlet. gratis. where you I . that the Shaker Sar saparila. af prepared by Dr. N. D. Howe,: has been the mama of perscumently coring more dlmmes. to which the human Wally are melba y eubject, than any other preparation of Sammarilla •ker yet brought beam, the p rep . if . This medicine hag establls Its high reputation by R. numerous and well attested s. It La put up in 41.1.11 bold and is the only Sarsaparilla that acts on the Liver. Kkt I ls, and Blood ar the .amp thus. which renders It altom er mon valuable to every oaa partimiarlf to female.. Be pure and enquire for Dr. S. D. WISE'S SULKER SARSAPARILLA. and take lo other. Price Si per bottle —6 bottl a for U. For sale by• • DR. S.. D. HOWE 0 OD, Promietere. 1 Otilege 'tali, Cincinnati. Ohio. To whom all orders may he addremed. AilIM, fur sale Jones, J. Schoonmaker 0 Ca.. M. ...,.shICIZATA 4 '6kTVATi`46 . I mg',.trt,". iN. kr : : Masud, Sleuenewer P. Crotker, Browslertliee, Jae. Pauli a Co., Pawling: J. IL. Patterson. and E. G. Morgan. ril -1 Clalrsellbe Mellen k liana. Oldie. oehloilheT Patent Combined GriMiing ,and Bolting, or MEILCHOT MILL Pittsburgh, „fa., March 14, 1851. 0 THE PUBLIC—We have new in use, in our Flaming Mills, 0.0 of ••Jelnee M. Clark's Pa rtir Combined Grinding and Bolting. or Merchant ilmar- LIL )01 1r iV`AF'odorthdg "Idali ttrlt= nod The first is perfectly adapted to li. nee. doing the work as well LP ordinary burr inneiaml requiring surteh power, making it in a Merchant Mill. it nearly Dm run of burr stones, tha., will and ray 11,500 to SUM. The latter. ms • Bran and Steal ensurer and duster. pro duct,. an actual matt of abcpt of the (ilds Iran the Mill. I Tor manufacturing the rale vain Into non, It does the erork. sprang', producing • good !smirk of superfine Ylonr. and having the dusting apfltratua eomhtned. Mrs worthy the lion of Millers do g a merchant husineee. andld for Grist Mills it is uneuepnon I.le. WILMARTIDI A MOTILE. We. e undergnd. ope-wree In the - Pittsburgh City Flouring M, emtiff Thf • W. It. Nrt.l? "'" Iraraa Cues. A. J. Mural.- _ . CLARK'S PATENT pORTABLE COMBINED Grinding and Bolting, or Merchant Mill. AVIN° purchased the entire Patent Right of the tinned Steal far - James Clark'r Patent Cried Grinding, or Aberchant Mill," and now being me pared toren County and Stale Righta, Mentes the Mil At op for use. I take Ms niethod of informing the public that I =I able to offer theism:earn invention of the apre. and one which to sure to tom& with nomese. and ntrich o II h ag h ltat m e A m ; etle et e 1 311:911.1M la perfectly portable. and only «copies a spree of four feet there Weber Amer. operstio. and Le capable of grindlug and belting from live to ten bushels of wheat per hour, It min be propelled !nth from one bone toner up to any I.ller dented. all and Pee it in Orrralloy at Mesas. Wilmarth :Lob e City Flooring MIRA Libor,' at m; Pinstansa I, further, bare the ri ht of James N. Sll/7 AL ICI lIN E, wad the M nee kr sal. haring purchased it of R. linarely. All le Pert Arid will be wtaww.foi 711GlIAM IL CLARK. I kromPGi. [ mehllMArrlmrkT SMITI - I'S HORSE RENOVATING' POW DIMS, composed thIMIS of Tod...Meth I.llltestom Immediate health. Thle Ponder Is Invaluable hoe,.. ure of th e nummous dimness to tettien Cattle an ant Appetite. Ho' 011nder•In ard Strenta,_Hide Bound,Lon of Appetite. Hone Dthernrecr, Horn.' Dltho the r in cattle, elm the Using. of the CO4, and Ithethnallem. commonly salted Stiff Co tehlelt proses fatal to so 6.1.7 en able home; and pmts.; Ames from becoming end no faandered; 1t aterlft off a? gross humor. and purdles th e blood; It b also • safe thd reruns core for the limeys% al. so for lizattg „ td l i cle, „ V i ll&meto to .. be tb lh e s o. orlblof so Meifrom Bots. Worms. An, and &oat mrton, the stomach and bowels to healthy action Ear ode, wholesale or I. by S. N. WICKERSHAM. mcb2l corner Slmh and Wend ste. R ORS! rE SUBSCRIBER has been appointed ILCigout for the male A MERICAN HRIST'S AMERICAN RAZORS. These we the best Reams which have ev e r Inoilered o to . the cubit.. nu =maw-tither t he ; Shall ho mote. a lm alt v r of rn'al ed''''''''',..l ii.,%,44".,.` .a brueet r re ° Oesn th et see steel with . cove. arouva Made. and trutnthrrt.ihetrethue liaxprocess they uwienxliiii tc..P...,t,ur .10, o.a. • - . heed.... liW . . 4. TjAr e .o4,Z.d in n se .da, the donee .4 " ui• superior so le axe, that they are esth war. mutat mad if ft t in any respect, the mount . 'deemed. W guarantee ' V. r " re't steculsati ow— Fob eels, , by the li'. W. WILSON, thchtll larket and Fourth We reed. for sale by C. a W. HARTIAL'OII SOAP -1 mhl9 PlO MT..- no for mile by mebl9 _s[ LT, MATTITEWS t CO. PSSED SPIKES-160 kege (improved or sale by mcbliq iIIIEY.MATTHEWS4 CO. QUNDRIES ko • 5 Lbbt Fregblloll Bart, 5 b lb x.s do. bbl. Idwired do bLI Pearl At.h 50 bm. Extraer - HO dos Cora Br WA. rfrk...l UK) b t u. Dried A M 01.9 Ere, for Mir by 1 24 ' J. B. CANFIELD (IMUT MILL— Smut L. , S'mut Mill (complete) for 9 We by . _ In 11. DALZEL FIV HOUSE-KKEI'ERS-ers for Paper 4 L °"' ' 11't! l per t="Mr; iItZiAL... b i ELLE RS' MEDICINES.--." UNLIKE a s a • ALL OTHER PAT .11T MEDICINES... tract from a letter, d .., reosnatuvitin. Feb. 11. 1.51. .., ; Mr. R. E. Sdlerv—T r Medicines are unlike all Ober Patent Medicine. as .7 are twoomlna more and morn Popular. Th. Salt • . yill. rent rue tire weeks ago, are 1120/1 7 lo use Every u w ho make use of rod. Liver Pill.. Veruilfr4 mni Owlet Syrup, IL in strona wt. of tbrir almlitle. lour. .. J. DROOP.' IWfth and of the""beermnsterial&6l7lL Enretr.4,";:0.571Z..1.. Brent. and may be bad 4 Droorism renewal!). Ifeblni ‘IUGAR 110 USE MOLASSES-40 Lb', I,J St. Louis Relmery in etnre said for We by 100.4 MILLER a inworrsos. ' ii aUtiAlt AND T k-' .(9144.- Phao ()LASSES .op SPIMI laimr, (oak rooloomaa:( 440 bblx. d la rtain •ml tta rale mchla r==;Z= GUM OPIUM • mrhlo case for sale by KIDD • 00_ IN Wood 4. vi AN FACT Ilaaafaetu meltlT IRED TOBACCO-150 bxs. , a of the best brands. for de how by 1 ISAIAH DICKEY l CO. 5 GTOSRn OA Liver Oil; *yr memo Clurke genuine br J, gum t 0., co Wail rt. tl /MED PI for sale by ma L BOXES—Asikortod sizeP, B. A,FAUSESTOCK t W. XTRACT IRLIAN LiEMP—English im ported, for sale by. me h 8 B. A. TARNESTOCK t CO. ROLL BUTTER—A few Lisle,. on hand and AA ode by /INOLIBU A BENNETT. ITI Snood. ..Id ISI Vint n.. DRIED PEACHES-550 bu. - KT - • stale by ROBISON, LITTLB A Co, yechb Y.N, Liberty n. _._ asks (pure) for sale by 'RIM s MOUNDLUS OTASII-6 =Mr _~ ~ • ~~~ D ap iai. AP ) EGRAPH BY TE IMEMEIII SL PPER TOI Il.,a¢!.t.e.ct, April i. Vehster last night, wan took place at Sander's ilo large, and comprised the I the Legislature, Heads of .y citizens. T r. h v e tu r o tt u p ,, p a e ff r i o r. M eum tel. The company w. tioremor, Members o. Departments. and mai ply to a toast, expressed Union was safe, and that lig for tuy-was to sustain bequeathing them to our a - 4 we received it from nd indivisible. Mr. Webster, in the opinion that the the only duty remain, the compromise acta..l children: and the Urn our forefathers --one by the Governor rind 111e11,- . and every thing pissed Speeches were mad bora of the LegiNiatu off agreeably. Thin morning Mr. the Governor, and S er, and others, visite Bridge. ' Webster, accompaniee by nators Cameron and Coop , the Pennsylvania Railroad F TILE ARCTIC Nr.w YORK, April 2. nt noon, to-day, with 120 ,000 in specie. The ArctiC sailcdl rassengeri. and $lO 1) ACCIDENT Baltimore, April 2. f cats from Baltimore to oruing broke through a m Baltimore: six ears were 0 cars and the locomotive • at,. The burden train I . I Philadelphia, lid bridge seven miles fry badly broken, and t. l fell through into the The passenger and mail train to Philadelphia was obliged to return, and the mails and passen gers were taken in a steamboat at noon. r BALTIINOILF., April 2. General Scott and General Jones arrived here to-dsy en route for the went. 1=43 Flour—We notice an increased inquiry. for shipment, with sales 3000 bbls standard and good brands at $4,31}, the market closing firm. Grain—Wheat is in limited request, with sales 11000 bushels white at 100®102. Rye is in gond demand at GGe. 70 bu. Sales - 5000 bus yello'ir corn, mostly Southern at 60c.. Groceries—The only transaction in coffee. was sales of C 35 bags fair Rio at auction, at lle:10 eta on time. Sup, are in better demand, with sales of GOO to 700 bhds at 5A fur Cuba, and . 5j to ct for Orleans, on time. Molasses is unchan ged- Provisions—)less pork is held at $14,60. and prime'at $11,50 7r..? bbl. Sales city mess beef at $12,50. Bacon is sell's:, at 8(i? ; 13.1. for sides, Sc for shoulders, and for hams. Lard is in bettet demand. NEW YORK MARKET. Flour—The wet weather checks outdoor opera tions to day Western is held lower than yes terday morning, with an active home and east ern demand. Sales of common to straight State at $4,44@5A,50: and of extra Ohio at t53.25@ $5.50 per hbl. . . . . Grain—Wheat is held firm. with tome inquiry for prime, for milling: Corn it firm. with a fair inquiry for home and trade demand. PROVISIONS—Pork is in fair inquiry, but trans actions were checked by the advanced pretensions of holders. Pickled meats are dull at 61,i for shoulders, nod S(81 for hams. Lard it qui et but firm IGHT CIIIINTZES.—MrernY ,k Bt. Rol rm., Inf. ti the attention n O te Bxn the IW. e new att A leeetttlful et, Ire or Light and Utah Ohlowea. tow re ~led Ohi, Reveal.. open „thle morale, an addttional !t?l ' s P e l !eiTs St in S ti ' ...o l l l V,Qns iff , torti " e i t n tlatn7 e L k"' —''''...." weltl3 IBA, ItiE:,;E ita .1 , 1 1 . : , LA I NES dory ~ , ,,...1 .., i §. h,tyanti n. b. D w ark ; . Laurie. fer eliddren. rie d and ielltog le, tie uo.nia • Idl'lll'llT a BERCIITIELD 14 . ROOMS — LW doz. fancy and good conk xis on Cern Etrteime. foe eel.. by naeliii L S. WATERMAN es iitiNS SEEDS--Iltl bbl. strictly prime Clover Seed: 0 ba"" 1. ; WATE - 1111A T N i % ' 1! : 3 0''"i s Cotton—Has declined is -,.., 1,, 1 ijVitfEß--21.1 bbl- Itoll Butter; Floor—The market closed firm at this morn- 1 3 - and 5 lie, PartBl lentler. tor ing's quotations. I. a W ATEBMAN a eteNS. Grain—Corn has wirer...A lc 1 , Au. with sales Is . '''''' at •SI Water. ..1 62 Fre. -t prinie yellow at 67c 1 , hushel Rye is firmer. at , It ACOIN —4 casks Hams; 74(..g7r , c I , bus. i 1 . 8 - ma, i - Shoulder": itiW ree'd, 5, eel. L, Provisions—Pork hos adran,ed I2ie -r e ma.. 0, .. WALLINOILORD OCO with stiles of mesa at...5..,13.,"; for new, and 13.'25 fp Acus _1,3 p „.. f ur „d„l,,- for old. New prime is selling at *11.5 1 1, and old D md,, WICK a'arceNoi.f.so. do., at $1 0 ,121n.10.2.". I , 1 1 1. Cut meats tire ' 'st cyTHE itiFj . ,E,L... I:, gr ,,„, 0.„,,,,,,,i) , dull, at Sic for hams, and til for sh/1131.1( . 1'F lirt. 1 . In .tier „ and fur sate hy Ttl ta5DB a SOS. con is scarce, with sales of western sides. at Ti .Bbli Nt. el W peter .t. - . as. 'pt A. Lard is quiet. at "in. O.; 1 , lb. - I D .I._P LASS .t CORN— Hemp—The trammetions in private sales are :.. LI. WO healls o f 1 ~,,,,,, 1 , L. bil. 5he11...1 Oerw, for e.,,. , inettrisiderable. Sales at auction yesterday, T WratB • sus. tit watet ri. 40 0 bales American dressed: at $142 C,0q1:170 I F IRE BOARD PRINTS—For K ale by fil ton. Stocks on hand ate 2800 tulles American 1 4 carLII W. P MA1L811.51.1. dew rotted, 600 bales Manilla, and 100,1 tons Rus sian. .. 1 iiv IN Bo h l t l , ' BLINDS—ForHate woe,l by 11241 A LI. Tobacco—The market is quiet, with sales of ' 14ACON-5 casks reed and for Ask by 100 hhds Kentucky. Mr shipment, at 536,...we -el, twill I 4 8 IWLW.IItIII L .01._ lb, closing firm. The stocks in Inspect;on Were 1 -R-F house, this morning, were 4,014 hhdo Baitricky; 1 4 -I LOUR-100 bbla. reed and for sale by 699 bade Virginia and Sonthern. 4 hhda Ohio, 5 u'hil J. le. an d t CO. and 59 do Maryland—in all 8,676 hhcia. ill OLL BUTTEIL--10 I.ld, for sale by Coffee—Prices have declined, with sales of it n"b" A r DILWORTH l tit . Rio at 10n..101: of Lagnayra at 101. and of St. j C't ILESTNUTS- - W Id d. for sale by Domingo at :if "pl lb. . mall° oAlfl2 El. P 0111110 Val. Whiskey—la quiet. at 2.2( 7 2,3c "it gal. D Ol.l. BCTTER-1 0 bid. prime just reed Le end ter sale by SAMUEL P. suritivrti„ tnehlo , ,II ICKORY NUTS-01 bbl. for mole by w ,.,,,,,, SAMItEL p 8111t1VEIt .AVATCIIES, JEWELRY, SILVER v WARE, Tee ware. Itrltanola Tea...n.6.81 tette ear Plated Fork, Spoof. and Ito.r hole.: Table Cutlery. ttneet ~tairtieeonly.) temp of till deerelptiow, tor ( bom ,be Btomr, Bute. Halls. and Itteelllngeq ti.t Chase defier.. "its itraelitte. Lisa Nature.: M0W..., feeet, of all Ittodir. (old Pew; Wader.' and Uta.u. Cotter? Dteinonda, L.e- Le Jae-While my gore Is .m.i.ntolog palm lo from- ~....- tomer, wlll nod me la the rear of tbe store. tenvanc• In trout.) ettth • large Ouch of the above gouty and at tini witally 10. prices. '''''."'" '''''''''' ahoy '''"' ,, , n. °°,Vrir_zoN. ntrliT carver Fourth and Mark, eta • firm,.and in good demand - _ Hemp—ls steady. and the stock small. Hold ems fire firm at *107.50 for American desi rotted and sl4ofiz;.sl7o per ton for American dressed Tobacco—The market is quiet. Litmeed Oil—l, firm at 73e for Englisli [EVENING REPORT BALT INIURE MARKET The markets generally are unchanged. The disagreeable weather has operated against bus iness. • - Flour—Sales 300 bbls 11. S. brniatls, nt $1,37 bbl. Whiskey—Sales at 2* in bbls. =EI Flour—There is a good demand, hut prices have given way slightly. Sales 400 bbla at $3,40 hhl. Provisions are without change. Whiskey—Sales 1600 blob, at 17®171, the lat ter being the prevailing rate. The market closed with an improved feeling. Groceries are quiet, and unchanged. Clover Seed is in good demand at full rates. WINTER LARD bbl.. J. I. =1 tad = et. Boys' Wear. MURPIIY & BURCHFIELD halo reed aoioci tment of the 4,1• C• gills. adapted to vring of plaid and plain eurimerit... light mint ' dn.. Twerds. Merino and Jot.. .ivr..t•dgoal% rariotie kind., all at low.. trim.. rochl7 BOSIBAZINES & MOURNING ALPAC tA9.—Stralurt t Brarnymin Inane the attention of parvenu 'venues, Mourning Goode, to their unentnient pf Honabaslne Bombazine Dallied Alpaca. Moue° d Lne.. Rama, es. S elt: lIORTS--300 bu. for sale low to doge eon term:neut. by *Alit EL P. 6111111'En. mnblo B UCK ! :„.TS Es A, 2 i ' o r d L o rp . LL the ynnulawu mar tPl:tr. For Rent THE ACADEMY BUILDINGS, „.. 2 Ferry street—a I. and I.l3tHdantlal S HE front, suitable for an Aeadem)• nr manuarne ',l.9.lriTzT 1 - 1 " n.ruer ()animal alley and Fayette 4. Flit) LET-An OFFICE on Voter, be-- 742 metal rereen 51301.4 JAM and F DALE ELL, 6$ Ne tee F rr streets. Enqu r ire st or . EL4 . L OR RENT—A Dwelling House on ti:7o, Third etreet, &km, and near to Smithfield. ItLy . gas tlatures.larde yard. trash bout, ire. Will renttsi los. and ts,e,eaak.n Kiven A 4 —For Male or 1.e., some lota In the Ninth Ward, tnattreen l'enu street and th e AlleAh.R . tr i s_ s r ,irros. at Bey. parlinaton's,Vourth street. near Wood mch2...'df Valuable Real Estate for Sale. TraIIE SUBSCRIBER offers for Sale, on faTohle terms, the following Aral Entate. I n ay of Pittmbr blgh, No. 1. Thrre val u ua e. three Ktory brick dirclling honk, on :.i.coona istrcct. Markct and Ferry Arocts, th loinl,e , itut each 19 tet front by SO dt , p. inn Chu h, T on h Vbret r iV;nlet l itt four oinry bri the mint ck bou, t5,...1.0 atc, not nve two story hrkpc.nrchoupc.. No. 3. Two Int. In 1.1,11.t0n, Beaver rannty beinz tots N.. unt 4, bring shout 10.1 feet Muzar.on cd one Mock. of lbw (rano. and ono I.,,parn. fne . Li. . me we o all tw stone. high. No. 4. lint lot GO feet front on Dark street, onrooltr the obote, and exteotling to the top of the hill. Two Ovate each SO feet front...Ll running horn the toed to lor mark. no the ilia Beaver. No. f. I lon valuate water lot. 100 feet on Wheel /la, with ten shone: water power attached. O. 7. One lot opposite the water lot. SO fret front, nod egviollog to the top of the hill, on whieh in erected one two story Inlet doer and warehouse. Ga by 50 fret: a 1.... teare dwelling. two stories high. No. S. line Jerre lot in New Brighton. Ileneer county. be ing shout 110 feet on Jinx:Away, nod shout . 200 fret deep, containing 134 se, no which are erected two barge frame dwellings, nod one man frame house. 1.41 as an film. This tin:petty eras formerly neenpirel by Mr. T. C. tiould. and In very I:tense:oily located. being knoteellanlY .I:Pnato the Falhum Drklge. No. V. Ono water lot, immediately below Fannon Bridge. Icing about 100 feet in 1.01. nod esvoding from Wan, sivet to low water mark, or twins POW. The oho m property will he sold on vv . !" L N .Orable terms. 11T cos moh:11 (Journal and Pont nepy.] Drug and Prescription Store for Sale. DRUG di PRESCRIPTION STORE i 2 1 , ..t4 In flonrl3hlng and Improving pmt 0 f " 4.1t4-h clden, yr 441.1,10 bus4rn.., 14 of feroll for =Jr wen emir terms. For further particulors. avvir 1nc614 DAMS 1 HMO. 114 Sroond 'FOR SALE—A large Brick Dwelling .egv ileum. and Lot of Ground. ea }tank Lane. Alio `l"l.og7J„"*.Y Okl ;7101:1,1,':iT, Pone.. daft,. Ottaboo , a io the 0100 Tondd focl It convont. ' llso , —TA - o Lot, 25 feet hr 100. on ktel,ca str,t or mfa4 Pr'". IlAcel l , ' A ' iftWlN. 111 secood st SALE—Two choice LOTS, pleasa FOR Pirttated for rriTste rr.idnncres. fronting on nDu gurate I,:ay,twlveen Pitt *tn.. and Evan's nliry Thee , :al"; .1 6+t tVct r u...l;lr to i"'"' e .1 SI PENNOCK. TL ET--A NA ARE-HOUSE. xituated ....n, Wca.vr 4 w „, Letert Mirkrt 4.1 Ferry dm, . g,9 su A , far dm, Prctium tAlgu.... Fur trruo, it ,ft..... quire ~ ,f JAMES DALZELL, met% No. 119 Water ,L. For Sale ILE UNITED STATES HOTEL z, .1_ BLOCH OF BE I Ltd Nt , , on the corner Ipt .11 Ington and Ptnn otr,ete. Rod fruntan,. the l'entt.lt. uleanta Canal, to the City of Ittuaturtch The lAA (runt. me hundred and (“rt, tour feet ‘.r. lu-onetre, And one bun:l,l weld nine het hint. lames nn tudditglun street. to • ['tent, feet aIWI Itu,nin of I,IVID melt. dm Itut Penn et Land for Sale. d iNE TRAM` of 3211 Acre, IiTIP Trot 01 114 Anna dale Tranlnf in Arm. nod t o Tr•rt. . Acrn. rn.l All 11. n above land I. nr 4.. .ml;. rd. •.f firvt no;; quallt y... 1 well 1m.1..1 to Munn.. ...11. Indtn i 1 pnrrhannr.. ter: Inv l'nr funk., rantrulur. Inquiry o r 1 111. 11 .It,IIN,TON. 112 Forenn.l el TU LET--.. Blilet: 1)W ELLIN6.2 It 6 ntt r~rt~ of grv...l atUrb,..11.111.14 , al ". and toch3 • ALUABLE M I LI.S. FARMS, AND LOTS v FOR SALF—Two larve Flour Mill. and a Yaw Mill on the Ikea er le`nolt, 'loth nornuar, water rowor a woll tint/f0t0...1 Fortin lu Lawreurreounly Prtn. Ala.. }arta of 11, aorr, riarr, turt-e mato Faavor. for laalala , Alan, Cl,, of Ito sett, on tho .11110 rivor, mile. twFow Rest, for 1102 pet ann. Apo, aerot 111 Lnr men Al.. fora. of Lek, Inn, and oe. ann... for 1.f., tar ar Al.. I:s arno for 31 . 0, alai arr... for $l5 pot aro, toartlwr with man, ottoow of Tall nu+ Oleo and I.no, Enoulre 4.0 N 1 , / I, II FETTERMAN. Attoranyto al I.ag/ and Real E.tate /tarn', 111,10 Nn 10: ill, ot. Plll.l drat, Ii EAL ESTATE }lilt SALE The under. K1:13 Darrel fnr Yale a large number nf valuable but mi dim, I.N. and y....... r•r• ...death. otter Pm wanuf44- tnrire. in the Borough of lartaluOlarn. 1..rat.1 nraz the wee Publir ',hot. 1bi,,.. awl hihtlish Lutheran Church Tb, rayed gm - m/1h of Illnutngbata in p.1.u1a..n strl manufartuttnir •aalth. alai lt..m..lolr pner. at •hich tA In will 1...1.1 will triplet thew a safe and hmtltable In. re.eoleet. Tin. perfeeh Tern. f , l'ar.bk. fur particalara and tent, entire.' the uwlrrel rnt, P eard. at th.• nett, of ilr , orFr V llilmure. •, on Grant .t t, between Third and Fourth Akrnets, or of Witham, s,inmer and N Pattern. EMI, at their atter.. In Ulm. iitilus. 1&25 ShiltEll V ItaTtiN. ' FOR SALE—The subscriber offers for tr • i ask • large and wrll befit linnet iiOUP.V. sr man ann. of gl annd.attuato. on 11. Fourth strnet.... Maid. Irlx4in Oa.. gar. of 1[14..1 1 . Poaarnnnn ervo nn th• 1. of Rpril neat A..,,, A1 7 ..n . v b rr: J g n n n t .t v nn . nt th aln ,, lng n nT . e i, r u i r z . r i war lin. a 1.,. - - ..... • Al., • lot of genand 4, fewt 11 inches by 11.1 , (mt. rIPJo Wirth.* ra..44.ha uf Mr. A. Tore, near tJw eitt, Wrpnile the a. nth A , "nn , girrn Oen:Deals...tr. It I* !DIV n un that the Plant n.o.tii 1.• ywar pr.l-rty "OR RENT OR SALE—The subserilwr rziki ...nor pr. hi, ~ 1 1. • i•nni, In Allegheny tit, Ntu.W nn Ohio Lane and Alleulieny ••••••nue, ne.it flu Ciitainon, him:. is • lit+cro ..inubl• brick building. in nitniiblii unlcr. Then. lo • rrin.c. Amp, otabir. 9,81.1 unix, nat., nu I.b• KTUrni, which rirunktinn I. orrna. .ell Improved. containing every derinipti..o of (mkt al.. • , n*l.bow ., enni.n.i.in even wbesumer &limb JOIIN Enm OR SALE Oft()N PERI'ETUAL LEASE .-1 o‘ll,l for ra.h. or tat perpetual Ira., one lot on are., 24 rn.nt lOU feet ttpring wicung tqr Ninth W.,d /2=int. Ilona, Ale., tale «mar, 6,ltmlel -by Liberty, C 25190. and AllMbT kTEnIIAN. nun., will lonve for the nut intortn..ate l.,rtn "II Frill.. the 44 Awnl. at lo A Fur froightnr nn ire., or lo eplt: h It. NI I 1.1 . 1, • hit. A t _ 1.; L PACKET II E -1.117:111.1.11 h eI'\FIMII. I f s TTAhl.tentur PI ',la No A s. Puny. n,t. will leave l'lttrl.ll,ts for A1.),.,.aud r non,. over) Mon.ln, .4 Thu r.l, . at v Ain hwy., nuntl, for Cat...a, WI.. --I ..t Pitt:4..o, ‘• err Toe.. and Fr 1.1.. at In ••-1.--Ic. lc ..aaphir,,o loan &pent u.n thn 1.4 running re4ularly durltf: tle wer Par freight 1.1x4r. an Unnl. NEW ARRANGE FOR . sag 185 t. ao• HE new and fat running qtr. C.ISIIIEIt, J. S. MOIR., Ma-h-r-- Regular W011..11e. Ithnollug. 11.1genort. ant Sunfl‘h Parket—lr.n rittaburuh every Wednonlar 3 o'elnrk, I'. M., for Wheeling and Priag• nort. a. eve, Saturday.. 3 P.M.. fur Cann. and nuntlxh 14nurnlog. leara.Ahrunflrh orvTy Monday at lo u'el4ck. A hrhlgriort .4 Win. .ling every Munday anal Thon4,, et P.M. For height and oar.. aPPISf... 4, nay. JOIIN FLACK. Ago. E(IULAR IVIIEELING AND I it, SUNFISH PACK LTThe faxt running mean., WELLSVILLE, Clu.t. 11. r.ung..lll fun sa Ruhr la.ta,n Pitudkorgh.'l , tErldi.TPort and SonfialL leaving Put.tatruh tooday afternam for Wellarllle. SteulaUTlli, and Itralpi..lL and 'Thrt'artatu itmhenaille,ltiZepo C unt u shu'. ryurning. lea rra ftrblg part and ,err Twuday afterunon. and Suufkh orrry Friday allernmn. Fur [might 0rJ....nun...UP1, oo Num', or to [11.1a . 2.11 W. EL WitELLEn. Arent REGULAR PEFTSBUIIGII ANI) ILL WIIEELINU PACKET.—The sultudldl arokart. atratner DIURNAL, anyu.r. I. n inrher rugulur Ulla all, and Whevling. Icarins Pittsburgh at 10 ochu.la ..v.y Standar, Wodtu,lny and Fri.., and n•turning. Im .r 7, IVherling. eTrry Tuu.daY• ThaTult ,, " and S.t.rd.Y , In .itch week. For freight or wrazn..ne.pir an ur to nail AIt3II , TRONII k LKOZEIL Agents. EGULAR WEDNESDAY PACET, CI NCTNN ATI Ca.Phun Joh . , 4 11 7 4,7, rmingham. Thlo spl..tadid bUal was built by' the oworn. of the ctras,..r !mar N. , rton. and oth..ra. for I the Cindunati and Plttabursh Pork.A trade, awl .111 Imv.. ..Wary IV.-d0...14) fur Cintinnati. ular. a .1., N. Eng to'gh‘ EOR GLASGOW. LIVERPOOL fr...., AND WELLSrILLE—Thr nno• onnmrr d:ILLY.. Wm. Stir,Men. mdder. rill run dr;dtilar parka( bataron thi' city and W0.11,111a. 31 cmda.d. Wedneadd, and Enda,. A For (nicht or 3`aAssco..l3.lr nn /.vl. r. I.II.IETT A AND HUCK- I • " INtl PORT — The fir, orrroarr PACIFIC.Y . oxent. mutt, =IIIK-woe for Ow abort. me Wrmr.liate porta every Thur.la, at 4 o'clock, P )1 For trol.tht or pasoago ON {Tato, and r. 3 Front .1a TRANSPORTATION PENNSYL4AI ' iIA RAILROAD I. SPRING ARRANG EMENT. 1k:51 Forty-6is h,ur, to Philadelphia F.,rty-four hours t.l Baltimore wile, Canal Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats. ARAL ....t.• ,EXCLU,IVEI.I Folt TO I'IIILADELPIIIA. \ LTINIORC ASD tkN the Canal NA, Two .orVari;..l,th.• Porta, t.• HOLLEDAYSEURGH Th... Inklag lb. NEW PENNSYLVA T. , . 11at.1,1 and i',ll . l,l. o . rni , rt akin n. PHILADELPHIA. Time threllol reerr 111 !kit, Faro to I'Valadelphl.s. 11.. ,r v. Esltlm., Ti.. Car. ..a lit. mut. am near. atul th.• uaal nAnatrortax. 1.4.....mf0rt and aalet, trusrue,.. at n-hi sta1.••••• . , otanlng I • Passengers for Baltimore, On ion ml a C.a.* , Ilern.htsr.. tap. 0... .rlan.l Itattro.l. t0...h.. !oar m,l.n ; Tint, now Sall So charge for handling Itrutgago nn this route. Ti,.; I iter.s....l Oh. nho 4:0, sad 4,1rah1.; t......0t h. the Faot..th rot.. hot tah.tho. Informs..l rpl, HOLMES. . I lot.— Or h. It. LEEll.i h (11 wl Iv h. lAK.loshit, .0...11 w.ll tittrh•ta It. Imo ibriwch httttotrt.b. F. lo.tor IP. :I Manufacturer's Line. I S 51. .'.7.! CT TrIE kPrt. ATI., .1 T. (.11111'1'ERS ARE lIER.EBY INFORMED: SILVER PLATING FLUID. 129 0,1 op. LINE. ...,,n,yed entfrei, e.: .;..-mm Boat , . , Waryan,sl h. om sdnaliceuen, 0, the money re/vend. ',..";', :17,,, n 'rrgi,=„472n'i::„=',. ° ,f,7, r ril'llllS FLUID in composed of pure Silver; ,-,;:du ' yo s en, in a.. yhort tan, aml at as 1, a rah., a, an, 5 W has Veen toed by Blue.. keepe.r. In Nese York Cor the ~,,,, y, gn ir t. 0 .. . lad P. , : ear., and to lamontna a necessary vtiele lu lilt. royeial arrauayment. ha , . alye he. a hod.. is.r oar, Inc Adno•rt , 0' , ...1111 , An l ero.. rat, int a Bar adnute, n- IVac Erelaht le. Itlstesclll... .1,.1,r.-t....n. 11.11hiarsburc. ! Oore U. •.nonal loauty otd pintytt Goad, curb . Upton, II ater etre. , Aly,audru, P, ty r•horalt. iiiilitlte,..ll. MI! . M11ti1. , ,`.. 1 ... Cal. Basket.. Ear rinse mud Ilarne,. Purni cmg, 'l,O ~,,,,,,,, 5h.,,., „„ „ i.,,.„ Nino, „de. SIGIBI, Edtprfone, dc., ur plate Pith pure Weer on ~...,,,,..„ o g , . F .„, . ,‘,„„,.,,„„ . c5,4,,,,, ~ o.i ell hr., i orper. ur Orrnmu Pliver The warrantee In sstf er In4rmedory twoids on Ile Poo, Paula Canal and Pert. heout I', tt• Introduction Into every Lundy. AIM Rail rayl Iho tin. rots , ' :51• -t 1e ,. , ...rum! Hum 1,,.. 2O „no per holt!, A liberal dhaount loJesteltre the Ju .n nfata.. i, proto n. plae.. nod o..ularat.. •lopmeu t h, 1,. and raner tholc dealer.. JOILN J. BROWN. .1.., .1 MITI 1ik.1.1. :or , t'll' 1,i,r,4.r ' 7,111,1,114 .. ... ET 1(0 Fulton Garet. New York. _ inel.l,l .end . L eer a..., of the .: anul Shawl and Mantilla Warehouse. - - - SUODIER A RRA slit:3i ENTs. IF t; . MILLS, No. I; COTITLANDT ST., 4. (To Sl:ors, NEW YORK. I. roue omuzina . one . ot _ 1 . ,, ,, ,..„ ' ~ l i . ,, lz l ra;.t ,n,,r,...,,..„ ~,.—.—.. 14 St . / O , N° L N/6 . 0 . 1 * 2. OA 1851. _.._-,--... v.,;,,.,,..;..,,,...:,ir..1iZi.j.:17.7A5.131^;ur' . *-• VIA THE NEW VII'L'SNrYI. I ANII. RA ILIPIA I. red fron t the elated, Part. MoLleuo. rem ived by cue stea..4C ' e ' ra. ON/. I": 111 HOURS r ,, I'llll. AI , ELPII I - 1 . "" :;, ' ... - . r'i r. '- :;; ' ,7;1::;.0 ". .i. ' . ,' rifliZlll-.. AND UM. GOOD INTENT AND TELEGRAPH RlEL . l.AS•yonoistula .5f fringed and Platt , edged rut. m ate, il, and lurk Satin Tara.oly nod Cotton and Ging. Mail Lines of Splendid New Troy Built , 1 ,.: ,,, ,'„5„...,!...'",`„`..; . All ..: Tui,,! , :ill t ,,, ... , ff= g ., ; ,,,,,,.,„.,,,, . ~,,7,... „, .„,), I.= , n a,'"a.:,;.".`" ' "'' Coaches for Hollidaysburg, .i..... tas rHOW STANDS.. far exhibiting Shaarly and And from th ence 2.13 .1/./0 , by M. Stanfill.. put up in r 3.1.4 fur transportation. fehILII NEW PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD SPRING IMPORTATIONS. ' al4T,s:.—i-1-7----1'4,:--"`—'l-,7:71 C. B. lIATCII & CO., No 97 WILLIAM STREET, SEW TORE, To Philadelphia, New York, :Lll , l Baltimore. 41 AVE now' in store, and are constantly re Tat TOMO , . 4 , ..11 :1, a.< V.:". I I , etving by otearners. the need. extensive a.orteuent of Coaches aid leave Ever, Burnam at `, ,cOal, I o'clocl.. Gentlemen'. FURNISHING GO. H., ever h e ro, 0 dy r ,...1, I' it . and h c'elcsay P. Cl , endaraymo the fan--.t and rad... 4 otrles of Brava...Pl:lPM. I:saras to Lave at an, 1.01.5...1va, •to readopeo TGIN ...ode, Ilradery. Suspender, Under 0,010.000, London is We ca., direct. cotun , rtable. and expeditlous,rou. t,o Ti .,.f.1nnk,,0d...1 Sir., D,Asitig 1,01•111. liillAlkcrthier, . __ ..... . •. • . , I run., scith a variety e. Aber e ,.. ... iii.. - icet;inl'it , :e 7 ' Pa.rger , fur Prs:lTirrr - d-e .A.ll , new , 6;:ttl.re - r - lirt6t;L Linen C 011.,. with a variety of other are Railroad at Harrlabor,: direet . th. arri , ad ~.: the Car: ..t tieLtarcultar . v .. thdr , I . l:ae of m tfin o e L zr.._)l , ll of wh t leh . will that ri., NCI. „ ,, at th err low t Eden'- rIT .stern In .ti I tre N. It -Th.. enir on. fr r .he a lore Lines under Sr. inelt..4 to eraraine oar Mork faVeLlm. Ch"li. ' " " '.l. N... 4” '''''' ' " Wir } ; ' i t . ' ;:il76% : .,r , . Ent_. Superior-Black Writing and Copying Ink. ~,n6 AIAVING DISI'OSEI , OF li-11.F MY IN- - TONE'S EMPIRE INK, :35 Nassau street, TEIIEST IN PILVre/f.l.lf'S I. f.N*E. to la , r Nrrinr. 1// Now York. t,: E IIIN , :11...)1. t. loieuor • at Pltserurc , roll here. N.LTT rm. - ra TO TIRE THADI. :PUT . tranracnel under the et. k of -tr.., lino:ham a (.10.m... per dor- ...... SI :a•peg. per d o , -SO 50 Pieta.; lOl BINGIIAII. . lid.. •, I in Jos. -' ...... ....- ST.li 02% 2 oa. .. Binghains' Transportation Line, On draught. per ga ll on a. cents. Th., the l a ., ankh , . numufartured. It Sows fr.ly- d f _. _...,......,.. 4 . AL) 7:: 4 1,,i- r i..--- ~,,,k m • r nt.i COPYINU INK-and will not corns!, mon' . 10 j I . ~,-, orontotate or degay , and pases.... all the nuttily... melon , ....1 for a goad Wigwag Ink. imitable for the quilL and ad- DEr I: r N [nimbly.elapted for ill.. Steel Pen. PITTSBURGII & TIIE I:ASTEIIN CITIES. 'Ch.. undereigned . pretaired to furrdsh to the tradoll ther for rxrewt or house onPaAPPUPP..t tb ahoy. rert FirIIE CANAL being two , ' opeß, wo .I.re mi- low rr,0... put no ae tor order, and dellsered in any part de to rend', and forward promptly, rroduee and lof the c i s, free of charge. No charge tor emcee- Ilarrela hatnitse. 'rod and went 'of be, arc charged extra at nett rod- Freighte ale., at I..eet one:: charga‘i by rerproisible TIIEODORE LENT. Line.. febtly R 5 Nuatau or.. New York. Produce and 31erchaudine a ill be teener I KLI forward... . ae . ,_ , ,_.,, I pant and west. without our ch., for fora•rding -, f r a.l - . murpny 8 oeu-Sealing Advertisingßavel l''''''' h ilit - fTg7;;!l':i"r.T7f7llrtctivra faithfully• °pea ~ti:VSX,O Y'id;.,,,,,p,'1,• . ,'... ' , IV 0.'263 '.I..A.I)ISeiN ST., NEW YORK.— l 111. BIN , i lIA I I k CO.. Canal liaain. 1 11 The entogribgr. in rolieiting the patmna.gre of all who I Corr , Libor , ao , , Valrr .... E , tlaldtrgh I Mar ..... thia adNertieentent, feel, none of that heeitatlon I LENORA II a DoCh. Ir“ 01arket .1. 1 with which a nee rLltiele IA hron,•ht bolero the pm tit The ' f VC." has r•taldblaed their FL ,krit be b"..r/31F .;I '' Wl . .:4 " /N r .t ,' n ", : ."‘"'"'" ' ytri ' ..i ' :iro ' n: . .. - 01,.....thr0.t,ra1y ,t.r. jit,,,,lttno. No 1 , 2 North 'lnward rtreet. Italtimore or of shear ilt1 " •11.04. .4.1, el. Onto ored these evelopes, JAME:. lIINtiIIANI. N., in {tear .. . and to his rapidly Inc:rooting sales. se proof of their excel in, hl New Tors :, ne,.. _ - . —. 18 5 1 r - - Pittsburgh Transportation Line. JAMES O'CONNOR , k Co. r‘u.i.ur.,:h JAIIE!. , .1 , Snail I inrr, and t booth Fourth atre,, kluriod Ch.,t nut rtn•tb rhllaAelolas. CYCONNORN S CO .70 Norm •doeet, Italltrnor.• HAVING hilly cuull.lt tcd our arrange- rata: we will he propar”.l upon lb.- of the 1' •)Iranin Caoal , lo ram - 11 , 1oht In and trrm Pitt, butyl/. Ilalthoorr. Y.•rk , nall, f•t nod K all Ow a, riot haw .in , tate. anti with ma , .11..paorn mod ,nn. than and oth er I.lno. All g0r..14 elkir,l hi our Lino are fully meen•l by Itnruranne, without in , char, to n. r. a prote.rtion not rally Monlod I.y an, nth, Allta• mrhtFo Hall A Co. Cavinnato obb. I.oni,tlle. 1,w.• o.l.lrne. will no.. anti attruaton aa - N. itar Line n..rotzto....tlon whaler', ith ; Ow Phitallololna and l'ito.bury h Tran-portatloo lane of At. ci# , S-..ww 1 5 1 . Merchants' Transportation Line, (sin PENNSILvANI N .11.5 AND R fan.) F OR PHILADELPHIA DI RECT— ITII °VT RI.,IIIi , PINO C. A. kIoANULTY A . Lout Hams. Joe fan riltMurgh CHARLES RAYN OR. Central 6ba t. Itnool gin.. C. Phila. ' Wo aro prwpaml ro , ive tarn. %Font mor.•l•atot... and ptoduro Mltb 00 Ito , ot...ntn, of oanni. I.• dwlphla. and all inks-mean.. 0b.,. dwet raw-. dt..l lean time than in m, orb? Sir N It no. 1n0n.a...1 ment., of Thud, ~ndb1...1 tor . the Canal Omullaxtrin.,.. tor carr,lng our InnO• ott tlo . Star nl e Itnilrnatk, n - 111 tn•voil nowninll , , of .1.0.0 Jullnkkorn. Iltaltleygldirg or ....W., tlu. "S.". C A kIeANUI.7I A 1, 0.41 Ikon 1851 To Shippers of Merchandise, Produce, &c.. TO AND TROY pirl4Artuni. 11,11,-,411.511.11,1 OLP • ToA li- RELIANCE PIVI'SBUIR; 11 USE. ATKIN: 4 , T- 4 7 Market. Antl SI C e 0wnerve 141 . 11 . 14.1141.4 REM. k 1.1444/ A..4114..4.111 11.111. I.ll,lmtgl. JAS. TATI,I4 A ♦1,1 I• iA11.10,0 We 44n. prrtnAl. ~,,, 11,.. 1 en 1.44 .I vania Cnual. le e.mtreet 14.3. A. lee ne eldwre me,h mei :00 1,41,,T0 McFADEN & COVODE, tOollu Mcht•tru ; Penn Strett. Penna. Rail Road Co7Central Rail Road, r: subscribers having been appointed auentr , fur e iviinflr.ola or Cvntrul public that vro aro. vow prrpa r d t. O au Nall rof the prioluew fur rhirrio.nt rgot clothe ur rulnif of the mum.] ...I. Ha !hi' route will be ourrlud throu^b In 15 , r der, n , l .11reemenoi towill be forwatiltal of commis luu or char, for adrativer. • It.rei or rumor newt. run...nrtna Dry o , esin. itru. Sho, Bank, Ftationury..Catlery, Corten: , Fruit, Feathers. Furniture, Draw, Menes, o Wool..tu nc. $1,01) fl IVO In. queetwenre, Groceries, Paint, Dye Oil, Leather,laneer. Flan. Timothy awl dr, . We "fi ,;:" Ilaa.o. Derr, Pork, Rutter, Lard , Lard 011, Totamo 6.1: edam Tallow. Oren and Rags, t'da 14 100 islam. !So Mar table (rough) Tar, Piled. Roth, Germ. Clit ma. la, - MdADZS s coii PHILADELPHIA rrIIONIAS NV IIITF:. BONNET' MANN.• rni•TrILEII. N 4.. 41 ,uth $lll, above C votuut...asA r.l•.lll3ll.le4thta. • . . WIL ........... ...ALLYN O AGALEV. WOODWARD k wh o ], lip Fro-o,m ,No I'M Market st.. lOxilmololphO. syll - C. 1e.211107 . . 111,EA1,1), BUCK NOR & CO.. Tobacco Commit" , in Merehnnto, No. 41 North Water 4.st•et. North Wharvea. Philadelphia. augl ERCER & ANTELO, General Commis j‘l t.ion Merehanut, PhilatlAphia. Liberal adystm.,. in ctontiguta.tatt. of Prtdst, generally. tjarig.detto 11.0.10 11•VID.TIJI. WALTER C. CO.. W. POINDEXTER CO., General • Coniniermi and Formatting sterchniaannd Flgiu No, 276 Mork, .rtroot., • To Southern and Western Merchsuits. 10 USE L L'S PREMIUM PERFUMERY. 1 111 The ...b3eriber rosp...tfully nblle attention o..tort of P ...33aps erfumery..S p hartng Cream , . ,y 14.00. ae.. obleh arveu Silver and too Golden Medals have. robin the loot FIX yt.ar4, I.v n aleanl.l by the Institutes of New and Philadelphia, the latter being the only !iota.. dledida ever saanl.l for perfumery either In Euro, ..r In tido count,. UN.14 . 4 Suter. Oa., (Almond. Bose. and ,Imbroxial.l univervally aeknrorledaed ttobasuperlorm an, tug Cream in Ibis errantry or Europe. 411.01.41.114. IMt Snatlaa—Nantifttlly transparent, and Moth: .91.rwmaeroue and emnlik-nt 474.14401101.14 Ambrosial Sbavitm Tabr.t.t: , 1. , 31, ~...r.rmr Tram" Fo.a-vs—Altriond, tloto 4..l;a`tanut hnuo.h.o. )u4t, ,, l i `a n yhouslz a Ahnnibtoi. /loafing. Iton 'lm'r .1 " 'arolin.. den., Lind, dltruesellne,Jork . 4 . 1441.. Clews:it, Citronelle. tt0.....ral many 0114.. r Lrt 311.1.1, dinerent 1 3. r1nn.... 41.1 11411 . 1410 11 . 404.1, Eau de Toilette, tEranlin 1. low., Water, and variety uf Cologne. mai L...." . der W Pro t." 1.01.0, I;eari Oil Anthlue Oil. Cutorxattat Oa Man. nto , . Hair livid end In powder. and Philocomr.R can, awl .I...sar laud Ponta.l. , . ti 40, I . YI Amp Tooth IklarOic.., teluo U or, Tooth Pastc.arld Tooth CoNmetir Cream. Ama diDe for ehat.ped hand, Cold ertana of Ro,vs. Crrs. de i'enm. LP Lanplwrry Warder.. for mmoiltag.perfluntublit7 . Prarl \lual,n• d•• Rou,. Arnmatb• ittmis Hair Solt, b , sides a mat , ari.t3" 01 otlo.o =tick., ton numerou. be named in thl, ndvertia.- m..nt. The elrw.eriber Lotwe to maintain the repot tlon which thie Pstablottm•.nt nenutrol. br dispostnn of nodal. Irnt hmt rate articl, and will be apps furniah three .1,, ma,- wish to patronise tither wholesale nr retail, on r,...ronable terms am amy establi..hment in the United :tab, zAvirat DAZIN, Socrcsaor to and Gantt Din+ctor of the LaboratarT of EUGENE ROUSE LL, 114 Chemut st. Mr. P.arin , Nrfumery i, for sale by al the principal Drn.qilt. In themontr, NEW YORK PRINTING INKS UTCIIINSON & Co., Nol3 Spruce Street, mn00f...7.,,, of tho hod F—NGLISII INKS. 5,r Steel and Litho araphl Vrlnttryz. and fn ho, 110,0 and Job Work, which the , • arrar.t to be nanpc..7...,1 of the purcln roaterialyar.d poll all ..rdniary ocgt..:%V u pon in the, toks...ire such ns to pre a an perroan..nc, to o,l tn , superior to any other Inks now Iv 11, Foil at pm., varya, from Si rta to 54,00 per lb.. put up m =no. and Inrawardod to =ler. II a Co also manut.v.ture col.rrd Ink. of oTery shade and quality rarying from 11.0) V. 5.00 per IL rodata... TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS!! VIOULTON 3 CO., Successors to Jous Fkunnkk 23 Co.. 63 Ceelaz an York Pine Meets, Me. Yor mot. Merchant. •1311.1n4 M3or CUT... 360 . Inlon . nee mock Forrign and D4l3l•ftiC broom and :tag. ant th 30... Thrtr.tort to rottrely now. and to Addition recoil, eve, .teatoer. nay and elepaar confined exelu ,d 1.• 1414 boue.e. rolet•lint;of .wenteartetf or Dtt idaadt L, Cam(' in the FTVICA. Giarnton, EnplEsh.and Ant- Con wd,r,efs. and at prine that will defy competitor, ad t Idt, err and 31erchants generally will do well to rail and etZPIIIIr gtock,ae our Rm.'. are adapted to et l 11l of the taountry, and we are P,011 . 0•1 to 11.7•17,330 elfart, ta make it the Inh.re,d of elan - merchant to farm. atth their patron., JAMES S. MOULTON, JAMES W BARKER, ZENF.AS NEWELL New I,A. 1.61 medr2lat!ar EMOV.IL. WM. WAItEILiN & CO., N., 79 .1 'late 7G) 31mnEs • NEW YORK. Aiwa!, oppoeite the Old Stand. phrt .01. , Dau.s-11..) Licht, Wool. Ma- Buck. Moll. , and Cotton. IbmeAlc and For. Mud, Bombazine and fancy of all .1, RlOin or , and ro,—Paner Silk. and Illuek of every kind. rt co./ ftwAn.o---01,11 . Linda . . ma: and Snun. 11.. w, Englkh Sigdn, 'wks. ludmn. lkatb,s. M 111.4 Indigo at c.3r MOZ=MiIIS;O • ,tlk. l.itvn, Thn-aa, anl all the latwt of F rvn.h mud Englifh itnt.ortation, Lalutt . B Wool. 611 k, Linen mod / 6.1,/ \ ret Cashm,re. French sad Li tr. hi. t,r good, men an.l Ivlierre tun.tF of I,ce of all e e•tuM it, r.rtleol,r ntirnprilt 0.1 3lnith.o Lao, 10 TUE 110UsE I...EEPERS OF TIIE UNITED STATES. SILVER PLATE QUICKLY RESTORED Tin: following nre a few of the rearm. for their popu lar!, Ort the place oretipiwi by. the teal, a pergola rag i hare In. name. buctnect, and addn-w.. cot , PiruOnall and twaunful l , mulwand, n.lond nr I ipiu, Our affordinr. prr- P, ...cord)a : 3aiu.t fond. 2.t The Envelop, cannot be Opened aithont haw dr- Neither wax nor wafer , are required to real them. tth. Upon tho miwarriage a a letter, the eraingrvt. munial.• tarn tho wader. iurtead brill, buried month. In the famd I.orh.r thhm.. sth. The En v•.lopws are furnighed at allarat the 4.200 s.. pinln one.. bth. letter mailed L. a rmwt eßrrtirr adrerdwrnent. 'tare to attra.l the ntlootkwi of all through whwe hand• It may plfw (nil/orlon' 1.4 a li.t of priews for Inn. engrnre‘f on liras., and which will Iv/ for pram no.) of t.rrrtorm. of the mooed other atm: or bll. a go o d paper. and made a• above. name. addre... u a Prw , s :Dan, ,1 Enr