*PITTSBURGH GAZETTE I:III2E=E3 PITTSBURGH THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 3, 1851 To the Whigs .f Pennsylvania. _ Sir A. STATE CONTETIONIOII he held lie the Chi of Lancaster, on TUESDAY, June Nth. Iti.D. for the Isar =of selecandidstes for the odic.. of Governor and r. and also for Judoea of the Supreme •Court- t lIENhY IL SLO.LEll,Chdroturi. joesub It. Yhategin. Samuel Statements, P. Enos Horton. ~ C. Thomson J 0..., - Wm. 11. Slinglnff, Samuel B. Tlieuvos, Samuel hell, John S. Brown, Nathaniel Llhouker, . T. Taylor Worth. We,. J. Itoblivon, Aletznder K. Broun. Worden &Proton. Wm. Baker, Thomas h. Cochran. Wm. hl. Wells. liners Joicruou Junes Malt. • Chula, B. Banhann. Sheraton D. Phelps, (Surge Crum. Edwin C. Wilma. • D. I.7lnney. John Allison. • 0. 0. Lunn'. Daniel McCurdy, . John Bsoulasn. • lieorite Beason, Wta. Brans. Aler. r H. Shaun. John C. Neville. Prude Jordon. R. It LADLE SAIIIII, Saurian.. First page—Continuntieri of the Amber Witch, fourth article on Home,.Commercita Intelligence, Fourth pago--Poetry and Mierellaneons Ar, Third page—Home 'Matters and Telegraphic News. Tar. Wsr.sbr Onserre.—Our Weekly publish, ed to day, will be found a very interesting num-, tier. Besides an immense amount of Foreign and Domestic News, Weekly Review of the Mar kets, Washington, flarriabthg, and New York Correspondence, Local and Telegraphic news, me., it contains the first ten chapters of the Am ber Witch, a work which the London' Quarterly Review pronounces one of the most memorable of modern times. For sale at the coaster; price cents. Cmmeas or NAll.63.—The Postmaster at Rei mersburg requmte us to state that the original name of his post office was first Maple Grove; that it was afterwards changed to Pinkeville, and that lettere and papers are frequently ad dressed to Maple Grove nod Pinkeville, and he wishes that in future this confusion may be avoided. The address now is It.eimenburg, Clarion county, Pa. DLI'MELTCJIT 07 Ass WISIMILY.—M7:, Ass Whitney, who has labored with so much energy ,1 and perseverance to induce Congress to aid him in carrying outlhls scheme for a railroad to the Pacific ocean, despairing of assistance from our Government, has sailed for Europe. It is said that he has long since received intimations that the English Government is willing to listen to his projects. provided of course that the railroad can be carried through the British territory.— Alluding to this fact, the New York Tribune Say& ,„. - .Trie route through British America is in some respects, even preferable to that through our own territory. By the' former the distance from Europe to Asia is some thousand miles shorter than by the latter. Piu3sing close to the north ern thereat Lake Superior, traversing the wa tershed which divides the streams flowing to- Wards the Arctic'Sea from thosewhich leave their exit southward, 4 and crossing the Rocky Moun tains at an elevation some three thousand feet less than at die South Pass, the road could here be constructed with comparative cheapness, and would open up regoin abounding with timber and other cultural products, and admirably 'suit ed to the growth of grain and to graring. Has . log Its Atlantic seaport at Halifax and its Pacific Depot near Vancouver's Island, it would inevita bly draw to it the commerce of Europe, Asia and the United States. Thus British America, from • nacre colonial dependency, would assume a controlling rank in the world To her other mi ttens would be tributary, and in vain would the United States attempt to be her rival; for we could never dispute with her the possession off , the Asiatic, commerce, or the power which it con-' fern. T , We are inclined to think the fact that the road would have to be built above the forty ninth degree north latitude, must outweigh all the ad vantages enumerated by the Tribune. Long winters and deep snows are the great enemies of railroads, and would be apt to triumph in this cue. Besides, the United States route would lie in a country which will be rapidly settled, (witlxtbe exception, of coorm of some barren anti mountainous districts,) the other is betel the line followed by the'tide of immigra ' lion. We think, therefore, that if Mr. Whitney shouldaucceed with the British Government it would still not be vain for the United States to ' , ,attempt to be her rival." Siva% WADE WATER. PlPE.—This is a new • invention, which promises to be of great utility. It is manufactured by :deems. Hill, Foster & Co., of hliddlebury, Summit county, Ohio, 'of a clay which is found in that neighborhood, and \burnt by a process similar to the manufacture of earthen ware ; well glare-glared inside, =dm/t -eased outside. The inside is smooth, and very similar to the inside of a fine stone pitcher, pre senting no resistance to the free course of the water while passing. It is made in pieces of of about two feet long, czclusive of the tenon or joint, which, when laid, are cemented at the joints; with water lime. The followingeertifiente shonstkiat its strength has been severely tested: "We, the undersigned, certify that we have witnessed an experiment upon Stone Wore Water Pipe, manufactured by. Messrs. Merrill's Patent Machinery, at Middlebury, Summit county, Ohio, which resulted as follows : The pipe, which was subjected to trial, was in section of two feet long, 31. inch . diameter in the inside, 6 square upon the outside, and of an inch thick upon_ the taco of the squares. The first piece tested was subjected to a pressure of 3,290 pounds, without breaking, by lever power resting upon a piston in the cylinder, as a fulcrum, which was equivalent to 429 pounds to the cubic inch, equal to 213/ atmospheres, or sustaining a perpendicu lar column of water, 944 feet iu height. The second piece tested was of the same kind, laid subjected to the same process, required a pres sure of 3,610 pounds to break it—which was equivalent to 470 pounds to the cubic inch, equal t0:,31} atmospheres, orsustainin*l perpendicular column of water 1,034 feet in height. Joseph Myers, Rosewell Kent. E. T. Chapman, Hlrnm Weston, M. C. Clarke, Wm. S. Irish, John Reed. Middlebury, August 6, 1850." The makers famish the pipe at the following scale of prices: ' 1 inch caliber, 7c ft. " 9c " 2 " 12c " " 16c " a " 20c" 4 inch calibei, 28c 6 " 8.6 c " G " 44c " 7 " 52c " The durability of this pipe, and its freedom from the objections to which . iron and lead are subject, will be admitted by all. If it will stand pressure, and can be prevented from leak ing, it must take the place of every other de scription of pipe, as it is decidedly tenet and cheaper. kg:t4:l4l:4•,:lotio.ipAelpopoil):l4 A prospectus for a newspaper "dictated by spirits, by theta edited, superintended, and con trolled" is published in the New York papers. sp hit h hoiresereatmot getalong a-103mA cor poreal agents, and ee:afore four phrsolis in the flesh, whose names are given, are to be the pule. lishers end proprietors. As the spirits have no stomachs to feed, no backs to clothe, and are therefore free from temptation to acquire mate rial wealth, it is to be presumed that the four publishers will have all the profit to themselves. We are not informed whether the spirits are suf. fieently endowed with fore knowledge to be able to knowwhether the paper will be successful, but we think they had better keep out of the news paper business unless they have learned a great deal since they were disembodied.: If they should happen to fail, which is not unlikely, they would lose caste, and the mysterious reverence now a warded them would Boon vanish. While on this subject, we will . add the follow ing explanation by Mr. A. J. Davis, of the man ner hi which epirita "rap." The paragraph is taken from the learned Philosopher's late work entitled tho "philosophy of spiritual inter eourne."— "I now proceed to eiplain .how spirits can Mora a table or other inorganic substances : A spirit, without possesing any of the grossness of the earthly form, is yet organised in its pripci plea and functions precisely as we are in this life; and /hen it, a spirit, desires to more a table, (by Way of manifesting its nearness.) it concentrates its own magnetic and powerful elements so as to take hold, as it were, of the magnetism of the at mosphere. In like manner, this atmospherical magnellism takes hold of the electricity of the air, aid thus latter is then concentrated upon the article which it is the spirit's design . tomove. At recapherical magnetism and electricty are,thers fore, the naves and musclecwhith spirits employ MEE when manifesting their presence to the material I Aactrurn FLAGRANT CAFE or KIDNATEINE,— I senses of believing as well as skeptical individu- ' The foliwiog account of a most cruel and out- : als. Hence, when "rappi' are heard, and i rsgeotts case of kidiapping in Chester county last when it is certain that no Mille 'elm= or design-. Week, we cut from the Daily News, which ac ing person is producing the by way of imita- sects that It is from a respectable source. A than, then it is perfectly teas table to conclude, more daring and flagitious invasion of „the law ofe Da has bee hitherto explain ," that a friendly the land as well as of humanity, has never oc- 1 I spirit from the spirit land is roducing electrical ..red• I • , rolling concussions upoasom material substance ! WEor CALE, Sandy Hill, March. 10. through the intermediate agelnies of terrestrial ' There has been a case of Kidnapping in our magnetism and electricity.iThe maw operandi ~ vicinity which seems too cruel to be untold. The of these phenomena I desi , not now to detail; i house of a colored man, named Thomas Hall, because at. present it is that it is o dth e med su ffi cient for i was broken into on Saturday night last, by three pi i, mankind to smotenaturally and i pppersons who immediately fell to beating said philosophically possible for spirits to approach ; Hall and wife with clubs, until Hall was beaten and influence heavy and'l9 bodies of matter." I down and secured. Ile WII2 hurried away into a wagon without any other than n hisnight Oath'', Th e wife of ME . Davie is hoe written to the reii , j o n; and instantly hurled away—the wife tied to the neighbors m T v he n,,,, l e r i ,, e s tires of young Grieves and ilia wife, stating that i the nearest house, a distance of about 100 yards if the unhappy couple had tel.d her husband's I bu nni te ir t i .wh r a o e inmates. s: s h e c i d y i :l i tiy t tl i s i cup writings understandingly, thy would not have'pt h o o f ; :::: . e passed, f cu ro p ., been led astray. If their peservation depend- seeing what was gain P on. Hall's house was ed upon their being able to tmderstand such e. - 1 .imated within hallo,g distances of some dO - planation, as this, it is not o be wondered that , zest of houses : but business was done so expedi they failed. If the world an never grow ar i se ; tiously that he was out of the neighborhood lie until such explanations are [understood, it lo to moo ' {ore inhabitants were apprised of it. Hall as au honest CIVIL 501,ET Ill•on • and Much rl.- : be feared we will have to continue as we are. peeled by hi,, neigh non. , . just TV- Tea This great event of the seasen will soon commence n all its wOtlderful variety and splendor. From late letter from London, do the N. V. Commer cial, we take the following extracts in regard to this Interesting subject Loma . March 14, 18M. The industrial exhibition is the topic of con versation in all classes. it uch as has been an ticipated in regard to the i terests it would ex cite, the crowds of forei rs it would draw to gether, and the competitio it would mil forth fromthe artisans of world the reality promises to surpass it. From mo ing till night, Hyde Park, in the immediate neighborhood of the Crystal Palace, is one unending throng of gaz ers and visitors, though th former far surpass!s the latter class, from the rigid rules of admis sion and the constant surveillance of the po _gee and sdldiery, that hasp been adopted. . The building is beyond all description. Nei ther picture, nor scientific description, nor meds urementidetailed upon pa er with utmost awn ' racy, can give anything li - e a correct idea of it. Its vast'extent, its fragile texture, its fairy out line, airy reach, its perfe t proportions, its in tenant symmetry, and its thoroughness of work in every part, can scarce] be fully embraced by the mind after repeated bsereations from eve ry point of view. 'the rch of the transept is said to be the most pert t arch In tho world, and one whose mind is 61.1 with amazement' as the eye runs over and and its webbed tracery lost in the complexity of lines and curves, can well believe it. The work of comp) 'on is now a match 1 against time, twenty-se en hundred workmen being constantly employld upon it, for the !lay fixed for the last delivery of articles has long since gone by. This decision, however, was,re- , versed several weeks ao, and now, instead ofd the first of March; the first of April is appoint- • ed as the last day when t trticles for competition ' will be received within e building. Even this late date will hardly be adhered to in regard to t ti the United States. Col.' Reid, the chairman of the Royal Committee, a sured me, in conversa tion, to-day, that every ssible latitude of time would be allowed to the goods coming from' the United States, in consid ration of the very great distance of transportati n, and I think none of the contributors from ere, let their articles come ever so late, will tail of finding admission and requisite space and display. Eighty thou sand square feet of roo it are allowed us. There has been some question whether our goods would require so much room, and an attempt was made yesterday, on the part of some disappointed British exhibitors, toduce the committee to ro apppriate a portion ofit to other purposed but it failed. The portion of the United States, one sixii is at the west end. Ne THE WORLD' huilding assigned to the faith of the wholeapoce, this is the Await, de ' • - partment, then the ictlverein. then Spain. !then Prussia, then Deruna# and Norway, and .then' France, the most earnest competitor of the world. In fact, France means to outdo England in the beauty, skill, ex cat, perfection and pom pletenmis of her fabrics. Already jealousies and , strifes have arisen between the two feud reraem- 1 bezing nations, and tie French commissioner! Maas:awl:sr Woux or Alit—lt will he re threatened to send all 'reach articles for coupe- ! membered that the late Edward S. Burd, of this titian back across the r lortnnel, unless ROMIG ex- I city, left directions in his will for a monument ception was made to the rigid adherence tol the , to be erected in St. Stephen's church. to the regulations. Much micasiness in felt among the , memory. of his three chtidren, a son and two foreign commissioners in regard to the want of ' diughters. The commission far the execution protection from insasit a of patent rights, which ! of the work was given to Steinhauser, the des will be felt the moment those rights are epee ; tinguinbeil GeI:MU sculptor, who is now engaged English soil. The sub ect has been before p m - , on it at Rome. liament, and at a meet..ng of the commissioners 1 A chapel adjoining the chureh is to be erect. this evening, it has been agreed to petition, in 1 ed to receive the monument, which will undoubt behalf of all the forelign nations represented, 1 edly be the most elegant thing of the kind in that a bill protecting! foreign patents may be I America. - 'weed at once. Thee too, it is said, that -I the The monument is in alto rellevo. The artist juries of awards are unfairly constituted, a t too , has represented the three persons vs gently sleep great porportion of the members being English- i ing, in a partly sitting posture, at the foot of a men. I think there ks good reason for feeling cross. The elder se-ter lean, ligatust the tiro, I that this is 30, though I base little doubt that i and clasp, the Vtalngur sister with one aria. and el l the evil will be rem ' ed by the Royal comMit. i the brother wi th the other. This sister is made tee, when it is fairly toted to them. , the personation of Love, the younger of faith, with Russia is here in filler force than she protnis- 1 one hand on a book, and the boy of Hope, Lear ed, and her Nicholas i s to be one of the liorts of ing a. pomegranate Hower in his hand. Above r ti the summer. Franc as a staff of distinguiShed them (14ILL , the angel of the resurrection. The KrCalll torepresent he terests. Turkey is here figures are of the site of life. and arc said hap in her turban, and Ig ain her modernized pily in combine the classical antique in from capolet- Spain has her commissioner in one of 1 with the christian sentiment in expression. The the best mansions in Piccadilly. and Portugal, ' whole is to be executed in marble, and surroun- Prussia, Austria, Denmark, Greece, and even • dell with a frame-work of Gothic architecture.— Egypt, have each a distinguished representation. . The will of Mr. hued directed sl9!otkt to be So, too, have the Italian states, so has liontay, expended on this monument, but we are told the so has Sweden, and tr the astonishment of eery ! artist is not limited m that sure. We are alsoone, so has 13. ii. In all ,this competition of informed that, by the munificence of his family. the world up• • a single platform, a citizen Oti the I St. Stephen's church is to . lie tarnished with United States tinot !but feel some solicitude for , other new and costly decorations. inch tiding is the honor of •is country. In relation to this, I i chancel window of g e nuine stained glass. the hear but one ish a ong, Americans here, and • finest that can be obtained iu Europe.—l'Ods that is that C ogress has not failed to make aime . North .4 torrtcsa. appropriatio• to met the necessary expenses of . her special a.ent. e should at least see that , side by aide ith other tuitions, we make no ,teg garly show of meanness, and the outlay of m ney to meet the tool and necessary expenses of in ternal throw. rtatiori, unpacking, depositi n g,l and re-packing of goodtt, must amount to no small SUM. The weather is like your May or last of April. The grass is of the greenest color, the buds swelling into eaves 4 the warmth of mid -day un comfortable, and Or tattles are covered I t s early garden produkts. It is said that London is for once • acing ' up in exterior looks—thou sands of ho• es unclergoing the process of paint ing. The tit' will he full of people to overflow ingl. before the expi tion of another moo n t h.— They look for ten t ousand Americans to Come to the show. Pun s 1 caricatures our rote mate rial at the Far by th e picture of a slave -d:ri•er using his lash upon h. negro's back. One I can not complain f being too partially treated in this, when, u on tole very next page, Lord John Russel is repr seated as summoning his support ers to a vote n aortae test question, in thei atti tude and s of a vexed and thwarted menag erie master. His more impetuous suptairters will not be trained from pursuing their own hobbies, and his More quiet ones will not be mustered from thei after-dinner siestas. 1 His wild elephanta art his tame ones are equally unmanageable. 3 einwhile the crisis calls out the private enterprise of his subordinates in the show=eachletty aspirant for power cracking his whip wi thout rear of being rolled in the dust, even should he cross the path of so feeble a Minintry. I 1 Lin insuinuer4—The following in not bail for the purpose for wlueh we presume it was itend eil. It is from thsi Buffalo Courier: , Criminal 11‘glecl.—While the rumor wan cur rent on Friday that the Hudson was burneiq with all on board, a friend of ours was present when the 'news was comMunicated to a knot of three or four persons, among whom was a gentleman from the "rural district' After the usual expressions of surprise and regret, coupled with some remarks on the negli gence qf stetunborti , owners and officers, the rural individual ventured to suppose that she was in sured. "Perhaps so," replied a bystander, " butpro bably the passengers were not." " She! you don't say to ?" exclaimed the country member d waal, of all the ratister pieces of carelessnqss that ever I heard on, that's the beat P.' and helwniked off, evidently deplor ing the melancholy omission." GLIIIRAL Stork.—Among many of the leading journals of the ertry which have recently re ferred favorably o the proposed nomination of 1 Gen. Winfield Scott for the Presidency of the I United States, on of the latest and most influen tial id the Beata Atlas. Though the agitation . 1 ., time of the question a this in any manner.that would distract th party or impair the efficiency of the present inistration is deprZehtedi yet 1 the Atlas thus e presses its own opinion regard ing the nominatien. "We hart noT I V that the Whims of Penns i ylva. nia, Indiana, Mi igan re and, to a gat eatent, of New York, Ohio, Maine, New Hampshire, anal Vermont, have already broken ground in favor of General Winfield Scott, subject to the deci sion of a Whig sational Convention, and we have no doubt that ill the question was put now to the Whigs of thosO States, a very large majority would prefer him as a candidate to., any other man. Instead Of this preference beingthe work of political wirepuller, or cliques of interested persons, it appears to us to spring directly from the people; and ;that the papers that now advo cate his claims are, in a manner, by the strong voice of public sentiment, and by other eensM." It is understcjod, that Major Noah has left be hind him an autibiography, which his eau! will publish. It will, DO doubt, be very interesting, for it will comppso a history of pelitics and oth er matters, for early half • century. covering from a spell of sickneb,. There vim found in the house themornifigafter his capture a viz barrelled revolver, a bilk handkerchief and an advertisement, describing two negro., who run away from Maryland in lhlii; (hull Intsbeea in our vicinity for .1 years past,) also three other advertisements, carelessly twisted up, which was a notice of a hem heat that took place in Emittsburgh. Md., in December last. The above descirbed articles arc supposed to be the con tents of one of the marauders pockets, which I creates a suspicion that some of the party was. from Emittsburg, Md. (Inc of the party seems to have been well acquainted in our vicinity, as he first called upon Hall to get up and go to Phloem, Ashy's, a near neighbor, stating that one of his children was sick, and they wanted him there. Being interrogated lcy Ilall as to who he was, he gave the name of a man living a Mr. Ache', Tut WATtIO Serninas ArntrA.—The Brit ish Cape 11n,lony, originally settled by the Dutch, but captured from them by the English, has an area of about 120,000'square miles, to a popu lation of about 160,000. The population of Cape Town, the capital of Southern Africa, is upwards of 20,000. Graham's Town, near the Eastern extremity of the colony. is the only other one of any importance. litre are station ed the government troops, on 'the borders of Catfraria, for the protection of the frontier.— From this point, to the North-east, extends the Kaffir Territory, following the line of the tea coast. The Katfirs nro described by Hugh Mar ry,l talus Encyclopedia of GeograPhy, as extreme ! ly handsome in their external appearance, and I completely pastoral in their habits. The men, especially, are tall nod muscular, and the fe male?, though lets beautiful, possesses features almost Euoopean, and vivacious and intelligent eyes. Their skin is a deep glossy brown color. The men are employed in raising cattle, and milk is the chief subsistence of all classes. A cow is never killed except on high occasions.— , Their king is tail to have a force of 13,000 men constantly equipped for war, and on urgent OCC.iOIIS. can arm 100,000 men, who, it is pre slimed, comprise the entire adult male popula. lion. • .. It is with these people, aided by the liotten tots, that the British colonists are now conten ding, and with whom they have had some hard fighting, with unfavorable reEults.—Journal of Com. Dec. Texts Term Leon SITPLRIOLL—Mr. Ju lius Austman, accompanied by Mr. Boy, of La pointe,. Lake superior, arrived here on Thurbilny lust, in thirteen days from that place, via the Falls of St. Croix. Aosta:lan canwthrough with two trains drawn by dogs, which excited much curiosity in our town. They brought several hundrell pounds of freight, baggage, ale. Un like the dogs of Red ricer, they are a mongrel breed, 'and rather under sized, the train being made of two thin boards of polished oak, cur ling at the end like a skate. In this way, with a hussy load. two dogs will make their forty miles in a day with ease. The roods were very bad, almost impassable. Mr. Boy left on Mon day on his return. They brought uo news, of nay importance.—ifotivio:a LITERARY GROVE, —The Nlessr, Harper of New Nock, distinguished for having accumula ted an immense fortune out of their literary piracies, it will he seen by the following letter has 'at last in their rapacity overreached them selves. They have had the unrequited use of author's brains no long that they think thein,cl - entitled to the entire aelnerly: You may ha,. s,en in some of the city papers a correspondence between the Brothers Ilarper and Mr. George P. Putnam, respecting the pule lication of Morrow's new book, Le.engro. It seems that Putnam had purchaved from Murry of Landon, an early copy of that work, mid nn. i nounce.l its publication here, in advent-cot every other house. Almost immediately after his an , nouncement appeared. the Harpers ennounced the runnel work from their pre-,. at about half price. Putman remon-tated with them again'-t this proceeding, as a volation af compact whi'db fins existed for a long time between all the lead ing publishing how, of the city.bv which they have bound themselves not :to interfere in the republication of foreign: works, with any other who many have succeeded in purchasing or pro curing the earliest copy. To this the Harpers replied that they consid ered themselves absolved from the compact r o ad Mr. Putnam, by his republication of Miss Bremer's novels. Putnam rejoined that this complaint was absurd, inasmuch or the Harper's edition of those works was published many years before his—at twenty-five cents per copy while his edition was a dollar—that lie undertook the republication at the requeet of the authoress, • under her appropriate compensation, while the Harper's edition never received her sanction, " nor did she ever receive any thing for its sale., T 6 this rejoinder the Harper's made tic ans wer, but in three days after Putnatn's reprint appeared, out comes their cheap two shilling edi tion. But they have had to pry for their pre eipitation. Mr. Putnam had a few copies struck off, with three or four pages omitted from the body of the work.—The rumor goes that they sought from one of Putnam clerks an early copy, and that be favored them with one of the spurious volumns. From this their edition woo published, and of course is valueless. They did not find this out till Saturday, and after au im mense edition had been struck off. The story haAsuggested to a wag the follow ing epigram: 00IIROWINO. For all thoim people who are able 'T were well to read a certain fable, About a dog who dropped his ••cadimu - Toolishly to grasp a shadow; Some greedy men may point the moral, Who with themselves have cause toquarrel For they have lately found with sorrow They must pay tntrren when they rro [Hartford Tana. vearrAres. Nno Counties in Viryinfir.—The bill to form a new county, to be called Pleasants,out of Wood, Tyler, and Ritchie, has passed the Virginia House of Delegates. The bill establishing ~t..he county of Upsher, outof Randolph, Barbour, mad Lewis, boo passed both Houses. The Virginia Block for the Washington Monu ment is of granite, four feet by two if/ site, and bears the following inscription, surrounded by en ornamented wreath:—'•Virginia, who gave Washington to America, gives this granite for Li! tr1011LLISICIII." An Even Mertaiity.—Last year, up to‘the 10th of Nlarch, just eight hundred depthshod occur red in Boston. This year, just the camp number had occurred up to the 30th of March, which shows an even mortality between the two years. Neu ' rock "'. . s lot , 6.—The special committee of the New York Legislature,. to whom was re ferred to much of the Governor's message fly re lated to slavery, made e. report, condemning the fugitive slave law as unconstitutional, unreason able mud cruel, fr.e. Forcible resistance to the law io, howovor, condemned. The Shr. Traci+ enters Largely into the general business of Norfolk, Va. Last week, at the ex tensive establishment of W, H. Addiregtonoipart ear of the house; of French ic Ruggles, New Y or k, purchased $3,000 worth for San hands, co, declaring that the terms—both the prize and time allowed—were far better than he could get in New York. Gift of the Right A - Md.—Dr. Zadoe Home, of Billerica, Mass., rho died lately, left $3,000 to the Bible Society, and the remainder of hit pro perty is to be applied to the erection and mainte nance of a high school in Billerica. He has named 10 trustees, four Unitarians, one Ortho dox Congregationalist. one Baptist, and one Uni versalist. TIIE WRECK 077 MoSTArK.—We lens that there are strong hopes that the wreck lately Been off Nlentauk is not the packet ship Ivanhoe. It is reported that the latter vessel Iv:, spoken off Liverpool by the steamer Canada. The letters on the cotton hales picked up were painted black, instead of red, as before reported, nod from the . appearance of the hales, it was evident that they had been in the water some weeks. We trust the :text steamer from Liverpool will bring as intel ligence of the safety of the Ivanhoe.—N. 1. Tri bune. 77, amount of duty paid by the Cunard lino of steamers at New York, for Ds: 1, was $1,322,183 30, more by over $lOO,OOO than they have ever paid before in any one year. Control Coon and the Prc.dency.—The Galves ton Journal hays that a gentleman of Indianola, Texas. has received a letter from Gen. Cass, in which he says he "will be a candidate.for the Presidency, at the ensuing election, if he should be nominated by the National Convention of the Democratic party." The letter is of recent date. Nrio llisAop.—The Rt. Rev. Joseph Cretin, late Vicar General of the Rt. 1t.,.. the Bishop of Dubuque, and appointed to the newly erected see of St. Paul, Territory of Minnesota, receiv ed the Episcopal Consecration, in the domestic chapel of the Itt. Rev. the Bishop of Belley, in France, at the hands of that Prelate, assisted by the Coadjutor Bishop of Belley, and the Bishop of Lausanne and Genera, on the 26th of Janu ary last. An Unlucky Voyage.—The Poringneseechoon er Ribiero Prieneiro, which arrived at this port last evening front Lisbon, has been four months and ten day, on the passage. She was beating about off the Western Islands, for the best part of two months, and put into Fayal for provis ions, water, he. She also went ashore south of the Highlands, on Sunday night, when, Ofterdis clutrging her cargo, she was got off by the un derwriter's agent, Major Wardell.—N. Y. .Ez yrers. • Sudden broth.—We learn that a Mr. Calender, a citizen of York, York county, in this State, died suddenly in the cars, on his way from this place to York. lie had just-effected ari insur ance upon Ids life, in the sum of $5OOO, in the ••iieystone Mutual Life Insurance Company,': at this place, a few boon before, and left here in apparent health.--11or. A Feather to the S, ale.—Said a prudent fath er to his 800: "You ought to marry." "Never." '•I know a 'girl for you." "Lot me alone." ••But perhaps, you don't know her. She is yqung."— •'Then she is sly." "Beautiful." "The mere dangerm.." "Of a good family." "Then she is proud." "She is tender hearted." "Then she is jealous. - "She has talents." "To kill me." "And $100,000." "I'll lake he," Mairtmormil.—Since Rev. Sebastian Streeter was installed pastor of the First Universalist Church in this city, ho has married three thou :and rouples.—Borton Ado. At Cap , May. there are two large hotels in pro press of erection, and twelve double boarding house, and private residences. The coming sea son promises to be a gay one. Market Street Store for Rent, Volt ItENT.—Thr , Store. 11$ Market.7.l.l th : • rnnu:r u We :r ;iVIEER. utrhl, lea l'oun Foreign and American Hardware. LoGrk_N, WILSON & CO., No. 129 Wood Street, lIA\' • Y. Noll SNIP. .t tali .0.1-+c+nir~•.~+et of rt UKIG-V ANI , AMERICAN Altl)W AltE, nut. ft, th, • wring tarot whot they me 0-trend tal.. n•Ali, etto-Cewes •t f ate oa tha tern •111 rottonwre I tworchit watt eny t.k eice, Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh ISSTITUTIONS. 41 Water .snit. in the werehawte of C IL eiti•T I . 1 I . re.larnt . W, A t te, TI, lAttottan, o n• ortiwn , l to Insurean etterchunlise In ave., .n.l to mow., twwwtte An mop, ectorent, for the *laity and Integrity of the Irwaltutowt. i. effordwl to lbw chanter., the whet ore esttowt• Velfeltureb, le., and feworstAr known to dn. want:meaty for thetr prodenne . Intalleenne• end tot..Artty I t herercoo-17.. O. Honey, lent r ilae•lert Wee,,Letetrose. Jr, WO.. !WI..At llnGb Moo. Etlearttl Ilifeeeneeto Joh- Ilewnrth 115e...1.:h. ic ■ Rote. el•ltAtf Atteation! ArTL.Nin. : l Da., Ityltal to Om Oaf.. Al. It aft...boa. ruzad •n 1.1 of Ow rrinnLtt ,t ,t I bay. lawn eurrd of an old rlar , o, .0,. 1. , tto. oa. F..ur of harolauro. 1 h.....0.t1 ./1_,••••4 In , • : •l. had to. all I. .0 na 1 loaf tak.as of •,•LAIL• ony I,oeftt la, t 4 11m.at t" I Mat, altnont auf ..M0t.... . K.-, t.... t -of., f, .r Vurp..^ll../ otb.. • In , 10, I. 1.. v nn al 111.017 to ~ .tart. I *of I.llorl rlts,a of Illtaborall. havlne ra thrre cara My roaktarara, .101 IN 1t ATT. 1.4,1" FPpr A Stelkportl, 110 W,.4 0,444 It It. ...I r..nt -tr•—t.. I , rut,. A Itlll , d,.l.portt ltnu I' , T a.. Pr r. 1,14:11, l'arpAP Itsaltt.,Ten .. l'lttabutet. TI:11 M1•11‘,7 TISTIMONY to the Val 4ln lohatt. •I errhiftwo 1,44..11 that doubt A Ironth. entrantrr of a fat hole. mi. al. thege..rlve. tli sz.l ar,...% the ananal , 111 111 omatter I 14.ve faun In ‘I•1-no.• • nun-on:on rowan, lo.• ..,orato - mon iltoo Jr. n.1(.41 n .1noo.onno• toroornir• a ,Ittldr•la - Th.. r•••:.•O . :.4^• l ola 1-rro.t. Ow aperture of tlk.. ,a On a lono nool entrooo llunr na.oaono , ono Tlit, •no ex". hvo I oon the elect a at. 55 11. I.IIIATT. J3/111.r, rm." that I bat,. tapal Dr. }.lclAroa's Verml. anvil t , .‘t0.1 It to ort-ratr In ID, 133.1 ROT up.. •htldr,n !WIN IMMO:, • DIED, In Claryn. ots .4nturdny , Tart h tr....v., vr 11. h Crnig. f.rm,1, ,, .1 llnAlwny . . 7n 771711[0. (.1111 NS kt I. LI Ell. .‘ tt, T.., at Lavr S -1 ~,,- F .,tosh aenithl..l.l g DD ll.E`ik )14i EE, Prod ue. e, ,T I 4 . .snial-1.4. 3,1 E..rwanliug Starrhaph.. on the lu- Mao ... n e- r 11.nslon, * /111,1,1,11. arab' ILI A MI:WS :%l At AINE for April, .the I ralvale.l" .4 the .1,1011, 11.4 nthl 1,11,1 th.Curhon. ur filleen yr.,. alarms. L. tyf lot, Stlt Northall. far Ahn and tar Kah. 111,1/.1.. r+f t flint l; wan the 1 1 .1 o4he. 11C , IIFI ELD h ,, r , tv o l;2rt, ;4 1. u-h .J 4111‘...Turt. vtOns I,ln 1./filli•1111 ruff.and Mou,lulalua.ll mew .41 N 144 114,Nn It %%lotto Lathle. Tarl. Nat MN , Nn. 1r Wines and Liquors t hrrry rt. . Fgr/fledy Dfigi7 cracker factory. D. ricat.m.t l'alnltur.t.l t _rotten- of N. Y. i EIS EN & STOU VEN EL, respectfully e NVAVVII • C i . I.7; r : I alxtvt.'..tand. where they mad at ,. keep tt full aomrtment of the la•t-t ateck—tloaelle end Errnelt rot and olds, Winer. Also. Frew+ dark end f inal.' Itraml of the ehole.d. rintatten Jamalea mm1,111:41..1 Irish Wltl..k...y.ellamyttume and ayarkllntr hock gigs, • Ofd h s on n.v..l Grand, port wines, Madeira, aherry an mtstrat In, Ala...the, Ae. Alsn,Fardlnes. llolltmd lwrrtngt. t. and 11btart rbeeFe. • All ofrltlch they Lett. a httlefale. or retalLan the tot restamtabla terms. Itte of the partner, Mr tfhttnettel, forttintittitt his Importation lottatnets In the city of N Tort, llm above Ern I- enabled to In a them., and a better article than any other h..to.t. In thin etly. Phase :tire oa r • Worn you stzttplloul fr, of extra charge. and at the Abet.. nett.. al+l PRES Cll OOLD PAPER V PARLORS —A Ic.nntllul s nick...lout reed and for rale by ant: PALMER. No. fts Markel FL "VI i I LAM.: L I'll lA, NEW YORK and BOS- T IN WALL PAPER—From the most relabratt.l far.. tor ea of lb.. rega...ttve eltles, being ...mutely merited at Market Ft. by la t iti PALMER. UV V ALL PAPER OP MY OWN MANE , FAIITtIIIE—A largeand general usortmeut tray. nit hand el tnarketst., sod for tale by AO TllO9. PALMEIL UNDRIES-- , kJ I I ...km Wrap hams. do ndert 1.) du do ehoulder, tt beg, 'teacher Itlol oterntet I tutu t ine IT ban feethert .1.. l: loan-ire and for Fale ISAIA woo H DICKEY t (.o.,Wery Yrnntate. For Rent. Small well finished and completely fur uhht.l Snrre, nn td., tarat E d , tr4n A kArt-olltcr. N „,7314t... 4 t, hrtvh.qt 3d and 4th ou., (4h44. 4 10 Tribune t4hy For Sale. WIFE members of the Fairmount Fire Com. NM, °Run. their Engine rcr ule. Il 111 in good UP der mini will b. E.old clieN . Log J ', of 031.1111. Pee'}. No 40U Penn otrev.t.. --- TEl 7 :6Thgif 7 P (7 4 •M E 'SN S-2U bills now 1 nmer Fort Pitt For male Li .w AMA l'"" tram It DICKEY a Co., 50-7---SUARES ij---OUglitun y IbY gbly by A WILKINb A cbrner of Mark. and Third Ft. VI AC kERIL-5 1 . 1 bids No. 3 (Miltia INA braod:) .• .• 3, Hue brande Z. 5 halt bbla to Lalebr JIB DALZBIt. 80. 611 Water 6 Corona linter, Pit - memo, 1 , 51.1 EALED*EoPorMwll'brr6l *2.- el.mired at 0 tkiaomu. onto 12 o'clock. SlCat day or AMU. Ined-Jor th•Ael.rOf the thllowink artldev„for the nue a tn. da, tht s Hospital. tear thtstity. nniil the .th Of Sun, 155.1: Beef. as foe aa prwaible from butte, prier per Nadal Itr.d, each loath weigh erne lb Oman Sugar 01 the Ix, quality. Kt. T ice . fl Ilya our . Il Sperm ....... ........ uem Butter. best quality • . limns VIOUr. Deer auperfine.. Molase. Vinegar Milk 11.ENed meal Potato. Bumr • Egg , Salt 1)-nt bushel. kil of fhe furemilna ankle , to be of the eer n beat ity. and lobe furnlelied at such tlme. and In encl. quanti stun the re.ttlimllon of the Steward of the iloapltal, "X"=y the r [be rovvrtor T mar Le mlulml. to furuhdt at the that mar b' market prime It Is ...Mimed that the natraber of patient.. to be sup plied will average about ..Oper day. In addition to which there will be shout 10 office. and .mment. hi be annulled. Any information concerning the contract, will he given on application at this °lnce. HENRY MOOD:, ap3. - r2Mn Surveyor and tegt. U. S. Marine LI Nl' AIM'S PANACEA-12 dos just ree'd 0 and for sale br It. E. SF:LI.EItS. apt No fa Wont sr. tilito3l YELLOW-1 cases ree'd and for 1_,./ sale by ap3 11. E. SELLEIL , .. iILS--011 lemon, bergamot, vloves, unit l if?".'"` °l I "rigft - tr - "g' 4 •11.a,71,1:f.AV1 . G o. EN N —373 His rood and for ()RANGE PEEL--25U 11,0 reed and for vale by au: It. E. SELLERS. L' IQUORICE BALL—I 2 bbls for sale by sr3 B A FAIINESTOCK 0 6.). GUN ARABIC-0l) lbs 1 . ,,r sale by . c a n A PAIINESTOCI: 0 CO d 11'101—$5 lbs new crop for saleby - r ap3 B A VARNESTOCR. & CO. t 4 LUF,---50 bbls No 1 for sale by .4 ap3 B A FAIINg-MXli A GO. ALCINED MAGNESIA-90 cases for sale I_,) by •r 1 n A FAIINESMCK & CO. ARAW AY SEED-300 lbs sale by ‘...1 a A FAIINESIpCk okOD. Mb ? 1 N T u 11 , 1F ;. 1 , 1 1 T .s7 j r‘ Ol )c ) inlcnoo USHEN CHEESE—Superior do for nale WM - 31cCLUItti CO.. ORANGES -40 boxes sweet Messina reed 1./ and tri arrive, for sale by O) , ;C L Liberty A 13REPARED CORN—For Puddle.. Blanc no hun3 and for onle. wgoleatal...or 11 1, WM 11 NIeC9.UIIII l CU TPA N NE ItS OIL-50 bbls reed and for sale LI nl3 J DAIZELL TOBACCO—IS kegs No. 1, 6 tcrist for Aale 1 .1 1 ~ 1 .1 DAIKELL. . _ H YESE 3 boxes jolt rood and for sale L . ; by sp3 It DALZKLL A CO.. Liberty 0. BUTTER -5 bids Roll, just reed per Union Un".. l Lnr , a , •• :lapro IL DA LZKLI. 4RD-20 kegs No. 1 Lard, and 2 libls _LA Grew< Lard. fur by IL, DALZKLL CO stO Election Notice. MIIE Stockholders of the Perrysville and Zellenopte •lsok Road Company bon emu...4d to Rot in %Droople, on the :Mb April. Mei-. foe the ma p., Id Meeting a President, One )on mid Mumm er !or mid Company Ilertion to ] be held M. the town tl:g.-t v c,,. JOHN REED, ti. PAI.W.R. t .10110 RANDOLPH 130.0. ROWF.LL, ap.l.2DeS and other*. 1 Matrimony or Phrenological Love. ITS Signs lun.l Effects,Selection, or who can and rannot 11140 to,ther aliMlnnatrlt. Coort.hin. or how to m 4 numelve4 and pro-n. 41444 ...14. 441, • in lore and married life—full .4th. for him.. ommutuptLon, at woo.. 114 m, on I tru l Ices ESDAY and YRIDAI EVVV.SINW. 4 , Aunt 214.1 and 4th. at rt, Moelr. A4m4 am mu, C.4n4 Ind s hundrrd fold the worth a your ,, uretipau.w. .ult.. As_ thslr If j,erTertion, maz....n.lt of shildr..u. kr, 1,, dad, .5 : 1 =piale i v p h , p; l 34l his private Apartntr l Ttn:4llalo NE'OHMATION WANTED OF THOMAS .h au iworldnit on the Wes , en , oßroa at hew arbihton. and loft there on the Nnornilser last. Ili. wife has anised from England, and IS ifor , anxious boar from hon. Add.. hen. at No. Illftlien. or noiumunionfo hi this idles. . ' • - 'CIE elannien‘,l a lar,or and Wit , . desirable .not of FANC V 17r1 nod 1,111 4:4 sifl/6 than lin err; Lofaht to this markt, M1 1 11•1AtiIII.t om or Pro, Priotril Lasrus. Mous de Lain... , iiinghams. At pa.... lu-tor-is, hirtio. Null. snit Hunk barrnt an! loorbot Muslin, flab, C 4.1131,,. eivi.nets. tweeds, and dean , : fifths and (hum, iotrlfier. Iri t, louribh Ponjoii MOJA and Cravats. nide., Moab it. Lain, laid Cotton Obis... Hibbs.. L.rei. Cella Comb, utton.. 5,, Weft Par , Umbrellas. Table and it Cutlery. eloctsi Jeeelrl. IVatehlob lie.. A,_ to shirt Le Partner hip beretante existing under Oar firm rf Gn.cu and McCand...l.A thud*, Ltto vt.l toutu,lcoweut NVIP 11CANDI.E.15. MIME .• _ . BACON'S MERCANTILE COLLEGE, ScerM Euct corner of and Walnut Srreetz, CINCINN OHIO. ' ( I neorrorated in 1, 4 51.1 tow.. • .141ni.11.1 Leeturar..n ibineneretal La+. on•I T . Asaistatito •S. 13,A CON begs kaA, to return hio sin t• n tbonk• bo• the very liberal ratty - maga Ivldeb has reeid.ed. and hops, by Indefatia - abla attention to tit to inerlt a sunlit:Wan., of the unrmedente.l on sa l hat/ attended his efforts Juruni tbs mit .141st • • • • • • • The utility Of I natltutiona thin dew-avant. tins teenme "lull•latetY estahla.lual Prvileal deanottatnuons, and Iran loudly atteeted lky the thnuauala who haae e•I the nylaantakara ttoor trio.reetu.n.ae no lon •er to ne to their aupport or ettlyty . gy urns Tb • pilyn edoptraltearhina onlsiora praetarn with then., ynal.-yol turbo: taut, the n pupils an. exerefaud I. of et a r yLlayilynaintr . r;oyina groatyuarirty . ditlerent fate ' o ' ; ~..,r,u a ;ll partnarOon and indivldual lolyindosa where Lbe huotra•as . Im i l: , :inr;e:y p a- t i . ...g , a , and n, aai n yam: and Ulna onallfulnu the the prd,acol dui.. of the se- ... - . ~..ont.ot y kind of Iman..., - TLe mdi di no of inntrualon .111 onnxiot 11.411:ELF. EN TRY BOOK KEEPINI.i, embraring serf deinodowni of mad.. and Mrrtantile rdri- Li,rd.ndo. M•qulartunng. Shippirid. litttnordlik...l4l.Antretind. and CUlllpldilOd Co. Common-Sal lakuLaLons, Practd-al l'euman•ldp and Cututornid.l Law. rupits see intrsolesl individually. and not in elasso~ .n (1•1 soadvett, mar enter at ste, time. soul proreml In the re .1 their Jathl Pubi esssolnatiens are Lail. (though pupils are nam- IrvJ p n Hs awl, if ththe,dr.irr H.) when the .411,1 e. Wit, goes -Id and•tben,ugh lists:ropy...go by the prsneisol. n o o sb,l to s (tommittee of Practical Am-nolo:oats and llus ones. Sic, and his.lomos awarded In the.: she are deem ,ef them. A ...nese. cab Is, esompleted to trim nit In tea weeks And in ot•elusson, the Principal nouhl state that every thin, 14 ho in n er will be door to aslsaney bie students, stud nolo. stem thorough ang aeotuttAishol sewoontants. and ho catenalve ncquanstatsce with thy business commis nu, till generally shable him h, precury eltnadone for th .y. sieetrnue of ohtsming them. Terme—Fur a full course of 14.11.311 P hi limb Keening. Writing, Cant:nen-Sal 1-s, le.. 1.10.0 n. aP2 , 3th LoNI)6N LABOR AND THE LONDON Pt nth Lim nineteenth eratnl7, a eteIoPYOM of the scroll onrelitfon eanlairs Of the roarer .1.0.. lu he British tlrtrupolls. In mnatectlon wltlO.be countfVXl ingrovlngenf lhe oversaw] persorod hns, I and gof earellent work has hewn remised at J K IDD Jk (X), No. 1)0 Wood et IMEMEMMESI ITTELL'S LIVING AG}, No 339; the CS firat :Se n new rot rred 4, WWI, Third Pt.; a 4 ath•likl, s tak 4, the sutha a Woman In Prance. i n )OOKS! 1100KS!!—Louisiana; its Culu- Ilhahry aal unman., I.y Cba. klayasyr.• Illp Of an. Nt'atniatacape: au Llrnrtlrnl nnoaner. I.y C 11.11011E0er. Starr Bell; a Franconia rtnr,. By the aultux of the London Labor an.l London L . ! I Malt., da.gner,ot, rogravlnga taken by Bonn. 1; part 2. !Coro Stn of Ilarp.,ra New Monthly Nlatnazins. The mt.., book just neelv...l and fur ...de by IL C. FAXKTUN DTI W 11001(S!—bwisiann; its Colonia ' ll 111-tory %tad Rama.. by C 0,.. Oararrr. I vol., Wry. CSIL L , II/ .. l . ..lo n rll , l . teroinisorvem by Henry Richard. tbr 11141. by (leo.filltlllatt, I vol., Ithoo., 2tet. e t,' store's Wornient,or (Intro.-am over his wurk= bytthe author of Prep at :gat or= 1 vol., Ibmo.. mu= Itesdlnna threvery day In Lent, compiled from the writ. Va o r f t , 1 14.111 . k r n ' Tit u aTort=; I tlt t elr .7 - It ri b the author of the Rollo b.,0b0 Isom_ 11-Mearbanti Latin Lealoen of the Testament inelud. t og g i n;BLZai Cnte. From the lath of Wm 06.1111i11N LatluTetatnent: by T. BeasOtino mu.. Complete Worka of Robert Burns:with 'ratan at tll v 1 00110 aO.l a "k onl""'"h." by Jr.. N a ,edeon and hts Marshals - . by J. I. Ileidly; 2 t04.,13m. tonß, e L urmes onary of Mechanic= 25th No. Tf,, D r n, of Popery aml Its eau., an =Wrest chile. e redin the Braolway Tabernack,hy it.., N.. 11 intray". M..- 12e._ Harper's Muatino for Aprll; Numbers always on hand Just rmelyed , end fur ”le by ' p 2 K. UOPKINa. 78 Anglin Ilnlldlnsta. Fourth st P. CARR. IRON-75 lbs, for sale by ar2 11. A. FAUN It-STOCK A W. CIEIDLITZ MIXTURE—ISO lbs, for sale H. A. VAIINESTOCK A CO. eIANTLIARIDES PLASTER-25 the For V Nan Ipy 14 , 2 B. A. FAIESISSMCK ACO - - • VITRIC ACID-1S lbe for sale li %,,,) op 2 D. A. FAII:g k CO. BORAX -10W 'be Refined, for sale by eV y B. A, FAIINESTOCK a CO. ERHILLIOK—i 5 llaq Chinese. for sale by j~a B. A. EAIINnTOCE k CO. - . . URE GROUND GINGER-700 for Pale by . AO n. A. VAIINESTOCE l CO. f I YRiAN URET POTASH—In lbs, fur sale it ,/ by AP2 B. A. FAIINESTOCK A MI. The best Green Tea in Pittsburgh. OME New Crop Young Mum" Tea had §owl been received. at Mum" tea Store in On nond, which for Warmth nod flavor gOOO a hand of an, old In I'maburab. ap2 113N111i1E& -- lou bag - . Primo Dart (Inala Rio Con,. - bid] , Superior Into PIA 20 do do do Salmon; O brbl=VO ' Y ' d 7l 10 or dO do No I do In drums Cad 1114 c In MOM Rod for mia br .10110 WAIT CO., Liberty at. SIIOU LDE RS-9000 pieces in salt, arrived and kr =le b 5 ILUDY JONIa M. fIOULDERS--64 casks, arrived and for Jap2) HARDT JONES &CO. ITIAC6N-2 0 ( 1 lbs received and for sale by WM. H. JOHNSTON. UTTER & EGGS--in store and for saleby w . 11. JOIINKTON. • fIORN-70 0 bu. in stare and for tude by 11) wm. H. JOIINFrON A PPLES --120 bbls Green apples for saleby Lt JOEMITON. SHIP STUFF—WO ,neks for wale lor WM. U. JOIISSTON ST. • LEATHER P OC K ET BOOK. contain' CIREON APPLES-40 bbIA in guod condi tns•ts. SmlthSeld Ht&e. • .on, of monoy. Imo loft Lotto EV . noo ana tarsals to - J. S. DILWORTH & Meenth b.ne, bT . . ' log It thoo.nes •• -• tilde/ FRUIT -150 bbls dried apples _ ... it.;;;eitriia: ..-. Pio de a.. Drub , . far omit. b} , I ROLL BITTLR--41hbls. (fresh) for sale by ar2 J. rn.DILWoKTIIk ( o . , z,,, , , ,, J. D. CANVIELD_____.. C , ORN A OATS--3i SI l 6. -1 i for sale bY i UNDILLES-- --.— - - IL.' .w 2 J S DILWORTH ACO i 3 - 7 .zeg5r,....1.. 0 . ....a,Ad.t: Nutmeslß B ACON-3 easks ...tigar cured barn, , r,, , , ,5!.!._% .....1+ , ..n..r. Koh Bruarson, Clurtsmow 3J. d. Should,. I, odo by I ' '' " rdi .... wr .... 14 J. KIDD k CO. J r DI Wall * Co . No. CD W. 4 At. • 1 ROUND IIIGER--3 Ws, (pare) for V GGS---1 bids, rev 'd and for sale hY , v i ,„ by metal J KIDD t I % aw 2 JS. DIMWIT - II dOl ki . - _ co ,_ v0 .... 1 , v - j2l:l{ RIIUBARB-4 eeises for sale by - - ----- --- - - lit OLL I.IUTTER-1111,1t. , f , Or ii s&le i,A lz ni. ~, Y, A. KIDD !OD '" tt ' - . 1- %,2 N. IR, r,r, att!t lla r ,,. .. ,1 ry . DOWDER LIQUORICE ROOT-4 eafts . . . B ROOMS -4041 dozen, for sale by J_ far we Dr 1.131 J. KIDD k 00. _ _- 23 " V """A",...,4 (_I-UM ALOES-3 eases for l‘ale hr , . Y--I:2 11 bu. for ked• b eh{' .ll ~E , - 0 s .\r. lIARD.Ja,OII. LI mcb3l J. KIDD t CO. ACON—I4 !aids. k bog r. , und) air sale by „up hp:: S .k W. 11A1:11.4X611 F. N ll .° ll , l , ..N s l m h . a.s . remoti , ve o, le'fa , scoics irsan rt.rrra. four rinrln. kr+. Penn 0.. re whe hr Ir. h trar.rd a, xult on ha forma' r.bnrsers 1,1.1 Ihr pshbr lrnrran r . aptlm d IRANGES.-10u Iscces just received "and tc vale byßli 1N01111...151, avl Ilb Wider rm., UGAII-21.k1 hhdn. arriving. fur sale by I "BUISIIIMY E ay, 1% Water rt. AIbLASSES-31./11bblx. arriv'g, for ,ale by sp2 ituninumr: a INOIMAM. BROOMS -1141 doz. fcr sale by ap2 4;1 UGAB.-- , 22 liltds. Clarified, Battle Ground 17 Keta.ry, J Lot rred and flr .1e I, 11thIlCIIM.F, k ISM! RAM. ONLY 26 HOURS TO CLEVELAND vUMNIEII AItHANOEMENT BETWE.EN PITTSBURGII AND CLEVELAND EXPRESS Parfet and Railroad Line for Cleveland, Icitht.l ha et , by Steamers from Ytto.hargh to Bearer, In rooneetion with the elegantly En hated E1WV,..4 Pack,. ,4 Clarke, Parka! Co. Iran Beaver Ilayennit,nal M., splenilkl new l'amenner Car. of the Cleveland owl Ititteburgh Itaily,ad Cu. to Clereland. .. - • Steam... leave their lauding oppoelta the ilonOri,;.bela Ilan.. at 9 n'elork, A. 31...runneeting with the Packets at Deaver, whieh will leave immediately on the arrival of the ',banter. arriving at Ravenna in time for the Ilitoreo , Train n( Cara for Cleveland. Paaeengery AT ihle hne arrive at Cleveland In Ante f, take the actilroed Line or Stratnero (or BUFFALO and lIKTROIT, and the steamera for Chlea go. !Illwankie, Toledo, 'Sandusky Dunkirk and Erie: alan fur evening train of tan tn. Columba,. Xenia. and CRldnrtnti. cLAling. PARKS CO., na, P l'roprietars, Ructtlea. W. 11. 1100ItMit% Mae under St. Charles Hotel; O. M. MARTON. ()Moo under Ilonrawahelm Ilamaa J. A. CA VGIIEY. earner of Smithfield anal Water rtrevt, afil :.J 1851. I===l UNION LINE • On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals. CLARKE, PARKS C CO CIIAMBERLI N. CRAW IC ill.ll C CO. ..... THIS well known Line is now' prepared to It - Ai...poi . , freight and pansancel, fn. I:011 Icy, lad rapacity of Boat., eisperieniv of Cglin.n , itieticr f.l .'la. One UN. Ia r n Pittsbot - gli connection with • Um. of litnanatioiits t..ityren 1.11310:11 sad RI: no.lll.liiii ilr.t elia..6 steamboats tptyptiller 4114.1.x01.! on an. CONSIGNLE.e: Paike A Co.. Youngaina ix, 04 M. If' Taylor. Warren.l)4 A.. N Clark. Newton td. C. Prentlas. Ravenna. 04 Bray ton A tw.. Ilave_nn. 0, Krut, tirtnnei A Co., Yrankflo, 0.. 11 A. Miller. Cuyahows Falls, U heoler. Lea • Co.. Alma, ilenderaon a /Nfritona, handuaky City. 0: Porklouu • SrodA, loledo, 04 U Wallas. • Co o Ibuoit, 31.klagan: D00m.... aCu Milwankie, U... A. OiLb• A Co.. Chicago 111, Thom. Male, Chit Ado, 111. 4.111% A CAUGLIKA. Agent. aVlror Water and tontthheld Putalrurgh 1851. LAKE ERIE AND NEICIEEGAIi LINE, ON THE EXTENSION CA-NAL. CLAIRE. PAIIA9 A CO_. Itocnverca. l'aor.crani rrlf of tLi= old and well j known Line. would inl,rtn the pulu. lLat the, an. now In uperafron fdr the prepent ....AL. nod have...anew oat krtoght nod .era, Inch they are fully prepared to carry to all loltds niathe Canal, and Lake Lne and Mirldgaa. loweg I rate.. One ad the Roan. of Inn. Line will 1.. ronstantl, at the lauding. ~ eldw the Moto. - , gan..la Brahre. In revere.. 3'f4r % h A t. , A .I '" r Y. l:2l;Mr, Nd 30.1.7a:11 Sni,ld-r.l : .k 4 256 Liberty Street ARRIV nd E IN , A FEIV ,. DAY, a FAMILY and FAA*,levtxd Ind , wlmAll.t Wei A Mt-11u,, LI, • Met of New Yxrk and l'Idlodel• phut whdaite la. hAi Addrued N• ex•irti•A will to Ti. it U e, u 7 W :l hu.‘. in.J N. > • ride*. LA - The) noiltiAd •I•al the tan t.:Awl:pl. •Al wiarantr• e•eri dam: A. r•At•••••••1•41: iy• that ix•r••••••• .Max .111M -en i•-rtatitt Cdr Ad, ••••••I l••••• f••••• xl Mating an 10Artd iddlele , 41 rr4 t • al. n•riAler••• tx• ~,,, don r• 'mum they id, ixitr•nimt tint ddilninut• 4 their cu•ttini and litany AIM, io Mir Ixtue • It M. A llvel.t Mi. roc.. r, 1../ lex Livaler• Bank. '• OTV Dissolution CA It (I, lin c relllrrt e.I tt. ItIY .tore ttl.rwe brio,. :wart,..yra..3l,Ark or Plrwherett. Oa,. I v.,11 glad la lywn.l. awl frl law HWY, awl recrlt• • •.1 lb. Ir ~,,,, I vvill Lorf. • vt, lergr sav,ruwalt .1f 1,1” awl 11,1.. thus, Curln.l ati.l Matra., F rev: raliwr LLaiv, (buttery/Ip, wwll.7..enfarts.en . ry va riet, 1..0r 51sw. awl every ...rk wwvll , thr ownt ratruvl.• rvtativt.mvuts'n Na f tit. 1.1n.1 try, fully awl IV SI N.M.).- ll.lnl Covington Iron Works for Sale or Lease. lIIS ESTAISLISIINIENT. eituated on the Ohio rite, Opr.mllr Cirwit•ati. harthg In the lunt thrush mown, in orw Gum halos, wartnewry. Ar.. le•nu wnr most rit,thir heat.. ,o thr Ultlon for thr manufartnro ••1' thr snout uswr an.l Imo; rorobtusng an munt. If not mon thulttu than ant tr.!, linhateta tn thr M.-, in now •Wlrrrd 'fur ••r 1•••••••• on Iran. 1•• tint applwan. It p• 5.00. all llm wiranthurrof estahhohn•rot utuate.l thr mat drnlntl•lrpitytorCut• colour!, in whin tall ban i tourlY 'nu all tar . illttr• for Cincinnati Inuit.. It runri•tr or !wren Itu•ltinn: than Mtn, or tioblina Fire., two Kr flurry rm., sin Brazing Furnace, it ti h .,) k. c. tet.atal Ma chinery to male then inch Iron tu inurtkaPi m tn i a i tr i l all thr woad list Iron. mod Ybort s • /tun. In addition, there le Neil Facbiry. with mrarate En. give . evintalulng In Machin,. which ran tw Inervairal to uty amount rutultod. Ittferto 141/1,1711AN AN, eineinnotri or J.l l . MeNICKLE, Ourington. FUR AAI.F.—A valuable !nth Establivlrment rituatml on the Ohio river. in U.. 1 , M1,0111,.11b10, ,, n.1.1nea.f a Forge Floor ne ru ut car witty to melte ten toun Iron mr dam The tract contain. lOU acriu ot Coal Irind, t•i, earl. wet dee,— The entrance to all the or Vit.. iv Mom So to Vai .1.11.111. one or the beet lorationv Id the Rebirth It. BUCllANANXincionati, Or./ B. McN Covington. slut noulding Floor 1111 n_ by MI. Refer ae above.] FUR SALT.—Tliat tleitimbli. Tract or Land mutated on the Allegheny river. stout shoe . ..the thriving hot' ough fintruitning. In A rtrouning en. Pa., known as the Allegheny Pomace onitierti. m.nt limn; in about 1.011 acres. The hind •teinotha Iron. Coal, Litoe.hinc. Fire tiler, kr. making it a nor, location for manure,- Luring tinemieetv froth Ite toeultarly beautiful Imation. of fere man, talvauta,.. fir fanning intemet, &lathe of the taitii.in land la tone tinder Modeghlad. am ruweiAlblo or being bight, Impnivedi are aime d, opened to all the lutheiral path.. of the land and the .invent country. There am envied nn the premier:emir!, c Steck,. Angina. 1.3f1 Blast apraratue, to...king Iron: together with all the buildinga ant...thing there.. Al, Farm Ilornies, Earn, SUthicia, Ars Thu whole will be dia. roved of upon Amnrable term*. or It will be divided tut° iron. to. olt purchaser, A plot of the nroPeM.l sal fnv- Ibex particutars can be obtained addremlng apt:teal:lm It 812CILANAN. lAnclortati ICE--50 too. nrricihg per DeWitt Clinton, jar for Web,: apt W. It F MM== IZ2 ITIEEffeW= II , I,laJltt. G ,harmo J d e Il ull. +Lul•llur¢l. E.J. 1,1.17 ru Hear,. Ilan.vn w Gonuelmkt• C. JI 14.1, !Ina, G B. \\allArW.•. llLiffaln. N. V Bank Stock for Sale. hereby given that in compliance 11 therenuz.itlnto of au Ael A.Koulhl,.arpro•- • , of Iharrh. ISho. there ollferml Al pub he nankin, how+ .1/NE TIIIII.',AN K tho )I,norhoJ‘ela hank Ilrnvuorille.on the 'IIII Say o 1 11., 1,1 NO.. 1.1 orunmener • . .N 1 111 unler oI the K..nl of Ihlevlor.: I 1 CI 11. .310LASSES-- , 70 111,16. Louisiana Re to U . lanet,, anteing pr Du Will Clinton, for fate by apl W A I' WILLiON IlAY—le tuns Tisnotliv, arriving per Shi ne, for sale on thu vharCliy apl W. it F. WILSON fIE pirrsnuituti 1101:11CULTUItAL N/CIETYwiII hold their regular quarterly tugw.tlnz lo the hoanl of Trate Item.. on 11nrulay, April ith, lU3v 7.ll l :rVl s, y ti tl 2t t l ' :•:r:rlrl f ; , 7e "" aro re b t ' t7r k n ' :l ' 2T ''' to 'by Ily order of the Ls.evutiv, Comtulthe.: aptet, A. lIIrtjUE , VAN. 5...-cretary M • URPLIY 4 BURCHFIELD hare cora ,Ly meneed rerviviun their son.] eunnlY t:. de, annnwt whieh will le halal Iluelyaluek Waiver, Blearbnl and unbleached eliecting, hinen hhecting nod Pillow Chase, Linen snit Muslin lo fn. wide let Pillow Can,. awl MACK BERAHE SILK TISSUES, for Ladies' wear.. he had at upl MURPHY L. BURCHFIELD'S 'IIFIELD Inive red r lNl L o i r t - P a l ei l ..!•er & te U er. sil L wohl Tricoda and C Imeres, or ye wear itet kIID-- * -1: 1 kegs A. 3 hhls. No. 1, for rule hr radial SAI UF.L P. 011111 r Eft. ...... INSTITUTION, 11 Boarding and Day. w ' Ttra l r e L= o r TOLFOltli, D. D. Principal; Mrs Tavola, having trio mediate charge of the lloarding Fuplls. aided by resident aarismags The enure root of the teminary. Building will ark WI far short of 5,...,0. It la ofinaautifull chills upon and releconnected with the range o axt of Wheeling. apart from the duet and the name of the city. Every convenience and appliative has been provided which such en Institution requires. Internally the arrangements M. complete. The government Is firm, but mild and pater nal. During an expedience of several years, the Principal bee never had to extvl a yupll, ur had a single case of serf rus discipline. which he ran but attribute, with Dutra blue tm, to hie mode of government. and Ia hr regard, them) 'London. arrangements. A sound and finished education ls here given, while roods! attention Is over paid to those moral and relhtitrur Influences which constitute the true beauty and ornament of the female character. Due atten tion la paid to physical, as well as Intellectual education. Donst • The Principal will rend cataloguer. and nice any Information rtstalred. A catalogue ran be rern a nt this antra The ritlt Term will commence on.ths fiIIFT OF MAT, I and continue two and a half calendar mon th . mell3l.t ERENCII PAPER ILINGINGS—Tapes try, Decotatiors. Velvet and Gold Paper ll.girga cm lbr Drawing Room" and Parlor, frt. th e adz b wl lrAtrtkli.'`et.rAltVAre .h3l Ms Weni WALL PAPER—For GI per Roll. for - sale by meb3l W. P. MAIISILALL. APPS2O bbls. Peen) for =II. LARD OIL-12 bblo J. L. Col:Aline. No 1 Lard Thi In Aare and far male br HILLER t RICK KTSON. 2.2.1 and TM Elbert, rt. / 1 01) FISH-12 drums for sale by mcbm MILLER a aulcrsoN BUCKETS -20 doz. (Beaver) for sale by Il m.T.-31 MILLER & MCKESSON. 11, COFFEE—ISO bolt. landinz, for sale by c team miu.aa a ItiCKSTSON. 1e1c— , 23 tierces landing, for sale by mch3l M I LIME t ItICKST,ON BROOMS -SO doz. for sale by mc4Rl SIT LILEII eILICKETSON, xrEw BOOKS!—Elements of Analytical teeomecry. and of the Differential and Integi'al Cale r lac V.V."I", W la, inn . meta inaa, by the author of the Rollo Rooks. London Labor and Om London poon by Maori M•Theal vim dio.4tierrndyro run - ravine& taken by Devil. I,rt I. The above. I.oks Jun cue a n and 14 sale ST eichal R. C. STOCKTON, 4, Market at GGS-7 bbls. fresh, for sale by 1 nr.h3l SAMUEL P. - SUMER. BUTTER -3 kegs packed, for sale by mch3l SAMUEL P. STERIVEIL DRY APPLES-10 bbls. rec'd, for sale by . mrh3l SNIVEL P. SHRIV ES_ DRIED PEACHES-25 bu. for sale by meh3l SAMUEL P. 8P EIS 150 bu. (Shelled for salon PPLES--75 bbl. Romanites, for sale by penal SAMUEL P. KIRIVER. `MEET POTATOES-20 bble. for Seed. in ° fa y Water and Front Its. meh3l ERRING-18H bbla. (1850) well saved, c " " k low l '` l Vl'isw DICKEY a CO., WM.r and fremt Ft*: mttoi ACON HA NS A SHOULDERS for Bide by mcb3l ISAIAH. DICKEY • O. BANDY & WHISKEY—Some very prime Ohi Whlskey,erel Pewit Breeetr, for ct,ll MOlittle . Tea Store, le the Diamond. PIRITS TURPENTINE—SO bbls. in fine J osier. for sale by J. SCITOON.M.AJLEIt f. CO. toe= 0 1 , 1 ic . , 2 „, aaostnW inued ter . rL i rT O 5 do. do •hll ' .1. kfIOONMAK/11 t CO. IRANUES-300 boxes Sweet Sicily, on g""l:*oirsiViANrer. E:W BOOKS!—NiIe Notes of a Ilowadji; 1-I,7.ll'°Litems;;es'ttsriot per. seats. by the author of the Rollo Bonk, 18 ma. m ou ths Elements of Anelytleal Geometry, Ind of the IHtfererr Gal and lotogral Calculus; by Ells& Loomis, A. 31, 1 vol., Jolt reed end lbw tele by ' 7° ' °b. ''' 110PKIN1478 Apollo Building, Fourth Arcot LAWYERS" BRIEF PAPER—A superior ankle, for role brkbe quire, by . web YS W. 0. HAMM, ear. &coed and Market. /11ARTAIIIC ACID-10 eases for sale by os,tas D. A. VAILNESTOCIL t CO. A LCOIOL--30 bbh. (various strength) for sale br time US B. A. YAM:MOCK a CO. BLACK LEAD-1200 lbs. powdered, best m ""u" ' for .s‘e by kat B. A. FAIINT , TOCE. a CO. WAX-250 or sa l e by b/ w. TA YE WOODS:SO bble. Chipped & Ground, I 7 Inr ule 13 A. FALE4I.BTOCK a CO. `ALT PETIt}.-50 kegs refined, for sale by 1,7 noA a A. FA lINEATOCK A CO. AGO-300 lbs. Pearled, for side by B. A. FAILNY.STOCFCA CO.- . lOTTON 86 bales landing from att. Gene- And fin. sale .by ISAIALIDICREY k CO. Hl:Asti—is bids. landing from ate. Ge- Lifq . , .. awl Ur ~lc by 19.Vgir I , iams; tercte m v%k3d for sale by 1..71:5D1tE1 , i . C: . ).. reo 'LET—An Office, wiloi without \Tar j lion.. Co.m. 4.4. i. European Agency. ge - listing been detained by business at sea Orlva. Louu. aunty Lhe 1.4 1 1 .•.raek. grill v. leave {lda city. fur Earn. , aeLD raeal.l.l the , Lh of April aemc. .runs c0ch27:41" OUN D. DA VIE. carrier of Wand and Fifth lila F ISH -4 4 ! bbls. Alas.. No. 3 Mnekerel; 4 1 1 4t!h.....,: for salebr 44-444hZ7 W. • F. wilsos YEW BOORS! NEW BOONS! T HOLMES' LITERARY DEPOT, Third street. oppoalte the Pod Oftice:— I ae15,...1, for Mania. hietionarY or Heebobi`m. No. 2. I.aton Art Journal. for Mareb. LittelF• Liming Age, No.. OUT=S. The illd.ory and Advert.", of Pen Own. by the author of .. Lurie Todd." Teo Baronet and bit Three Maiden iruats. 11ctort,1 Eat Book. No. If. Time, the Avetiirer. W. by Mordo. M. Reynolds Cowmen. in I vol-50, Linn., Is 1 or coradustori of the Iron Mast. ,tanbeld 11.11,a Historical Romanne—complete. The Warwick Wiwsllaude. by Enna Forrester. The Riekleburits on toes Kilian by Thaekarey. The Quen's Neeltlam b Dumas. l ell, bahlo...mm m Waddium illustrated by Darly. at Medical btudent: do do. The City Nlerebant: do. do. 14111 - o Humorous Novel; do. do. Reverie, of an I.lld 5.1.a1d: or Uinta to Yonag on•gon Gentlemen'san California Nee Etiquette, by Count IFOraitT. ladle, Etiquette 112 d Toilet Book. lavenpro: the ttcholer—the Glyetey—the Priest—by Geo. Rorto uth..r of the 'Bible In Spat." New supply. Harper' Ss hatw Ne Monthly, for March. 11c.1,0 speare, N 0.31. Appleton Merhautes' Magarinr. N. 3. The llorti,olturist. for Marr_h. The fultleator. - Cruising in the Last War, by C. 3. Petenarn—euthplete. History of Eetidenuis, br Thaekarey--oomOeta mth . Caroline of Brunswick: by EaToolda 11 1 A.MBOGE-62 lbs. rec'd and for bale by It I meb27 R. F. SELLER:I, ST Wood at. INNA3ION-50 mats for sale by , 3 wh27 R. E. sgusas. 1 INGER' ROOT-600 lbs. for sale bT vTIF mch:l7 a. a stuias. VOX'S SPARKLING GELATINE-1 gro 1...; fur sale by mcb2 . K E. SELLEII:3. X7I.II'3IEGS-75 lbs. for sale by 11 .4127 R. E. SELLERS. SUP. CABS. SODA-1000.1bs. lo r = for ..is by wybez 1 11: E. it IA EXTON VANlLLA—Preitraes extract, for salt by meta R. r_ SELLERS. SUGAR-151i hlldsiarrivirta fur sale .1 • by mcb27 I v. a e. leitsoN. 0. MOLASSES-500 o la (oak) for salt _by goal= V. t P. WIILSON. - DISSOLUTION OF P • T HE partnerthip hereto on StobL Morris arid Jeh aineas on Federal Street Allegheny mond, lilltiburgh, under the firm WoRTII. Is this day dissolved. the lot, firm ‘i 111 please call amine 'Morris at either of the alsrie rinse, NOTICE. I Alt LL PERSONS indeb . Samuel Robinaanate orate .. - make payment to the mineral , .1 claim. etral.4 the gam, wilt P Inch2.ktit JoILN U. ROD, Endo , 1 - _BEHAN'S ADHESI "E VEIOIE2.—By ' Ondas the • trzu . sli b a:ul kinVi t the gculafted d I .a rwr frcZ""itit vl Wte redim m • mi n or. u art. )01" e x by N.A. at the Aare of mch-r, AMPIIOII-3 bbls refin' L.) Ince% bbls, • u,da, B. A-. 11 BRIMSTONE -12 bbl f 1.11 .120 B. AF. VPSOM SALTS-30 bbl 1 'A mehAl B. A. casks E " • d ,LOVES—aO lbs.. for s, e by XJ ~ l iA5 D. A. ' AIINESTOCE A CO. f`‘ 0 Pl' ERA S-25 1.1,15, fo sale by lj mel,,i ' B. A. AIINESIOCK a co. .BEAN.s_ill bbls. just r -,'d and for sale by tn , 11 . 26 •' J. D. CASFIELD. BU LK MEAT-100 piec, s for sale by ineu2s J. D. CANfrIELD. DRIED NIUTTOG Ed..xle by me I NSEED T IMOTHY SEE EESW.AX-25 AV 111 TE LEAD—.! v marzti (lATS-400 bu. for saU tnel,M ENO UNDRIES 1,.7 150 1 Vr..0Pi.0 50 002. 1 , 01 Conl. 10 ke, d'ob .aperi or To • • CloTec 2,mats Cusi. 1 111. Nuunesor. 20 tibb. Viney;sl; 10 stare 1:15111.1 0 . 112 &mad, oft VINEGAR-30 bble. Ci. rale on corudgnment, by mehlYi VORN MEAL-5 bble: mets2s RIMY • VOTTON-21i bales el 11j•steamer Wuhington Ow sal ONION SEED-3 bbb3 meh23 . MET ALCOHOL -10 bble. 7 for ale 11 sach23 J. 8C AMUSEMENTS, COGSWELL'S GREAT PANORAMA UY LIFE IN CAI4FOHNIA AHD THE IBTEMEM OR DAIUML TRIS AI AGNIFICENT PANORAMA is ram open at the .1 THEN-£C3I 'I;CILDINGS, Limn zo,hlll3f pw7-:.m•irt.rrr3 R Y 0. S. FOWLER, of New York, or Phre f627:4,11',WP' 64 Thursday . ormlne, Marrt. =O. Flo. a ll..etre. Friday rTe ning..tstil . ,Anst.r.sal . roptuips . s. ftturd., vere.trig. Self redact.. and J•nalla 31st, 311,0 rt atid Itittlketttg ed. t ur Wednealar and Friday. April 31 and Ith MATIMMO.. NT or the Science of L. Selection, Courntdp aria Mar. al 1:1 dLL Pe who amdd enjoy matrimonial felicity, and avoid dl. coul. come.Manday and Wedninday, 7th 9th, Woman . . Tara.. logy, Sphere, Right. 11 rothrf, D 1na...0r. Plonk Treatment and Perfectku. • Let her wham it seek, to innoure ne Iht Friday, mt Hereditary Lars Facta ph —s IMb. oal ifilMouday and Wt 14th and lgth, Manilas!, Ito ufc . Perfeetinn, immarment and re.lnTiguration- Commencing at .1; o'clock and clueing • ith PUBLIC IL.T. ASIINATIONS. Mcr rrit I.elll7Vfree. Ticket.. to Men, 15 °Mktg M. Imen. Ln rent... 10 for ft flufeadunal deli neation of character, with numbered chart., and slob mtn MU 1/210111 oyanionm, Including &eke touching heath. t m p Fault, aa. their reutedY, /elf 1 1 . 1 . 1 " 1 „.. children daily soul utaccutneu rata apartments at firoun's Hotel. COPPER 13-35bble. in fine order, for V bY racb2.s MED PEACIIES---20041bu. (halvel for Ask bT ErketaS RIIEY. SIATTIIEWS S UNDRIES-- 00 hbl.. prime N. O. 31nlassem 5. • 110 W 11 s. " 0. Nag= • 50 lucks Ilnekuhmh 35 Dorm Rim 100 half rhriihi Y. 11.,1mp7. aml O. P. TM& dna. Du n laproouno VA Laz irs Yo m•.; • 1)) " hoop TobouM 3) " Jesse Dania Ib. lump Sahara; 50 " Tobacco, rafting brarOM , fu dos. Dachau 36 Tabu 10 " }Lenient, 50 Ws. Lonhoille Limm in atom Mail Dr Ws by meh33 H . 51ATTIINWS & CO. WRAPPING PAPER- 600 Roar. 31tillarr. end Crmrsu Go - Large and ßtrorts: Tor sale b7 ) mr.;1 4 %5 I'' .7 . ,OIOONIIIASF.III. CO. PRINTING PAPER-70 Rezuns for sale low a clo. emvignment. melt= J. ECIIOONSIAKER co, '24 wood P. • b s. o. ; 10 _Apr 8.14 by J. SCHOONIIAKTX, & CO. INSEED OIL-30 bbts. for sale by me 1323 .1. SCROONMAKEB it CO. ICE--15 tien3es Carolina, for gala by mcb2s JAMES A..innernsoN t ock. L EAD AND SHOT— • 600 pigs Galena I 4000 La. Dar 30 kegs Shot. assorted; for sales 13635 JAMES A. IIUTC3IIS.ON t CO. SUNDRIES -4 bbla- lON No. 118 ;• Visa 1 " Deeswabi 1 casks Bacon liana, 9 " Paton Merit. ,I=Pffar: 4 Dag, 1 " Ginseng: 1 " Dried Deseben 4. " applen bbia Earn 2 casks ilorna 2 Cow Tail 9 to strive on tbe Dam= Coma: tot sale by 'NAIAD DICKEY It CO.. mclo Front and Wat t 9. 'WRAPPING PAPER-500 reams Med. DU. fa LAgt, 5 117, lert ree " th "7Pir meta W. P.. MA V krt .. ..eon Seecerd d ll r Market DRIED PEACHES--500 bu. foi sale by InehlS IS A I All DICKEY k CO. 'Building Lots. _FOR SALE—FIFTY BUILDING LOTS, situate to the Eighth Ward. City or Pittsburgh. Tim we Lots front on Pennsylvania Avenue. Inquire of D. W. A. A. BELL, Attorneys et Law. roeb2S. - 211 . Fourth street OHEESE-50 boxes fur sale by . mebl9 JAMICS DALZELL. E GGS AND APPLES— _ • bbh, Freoh Egg. , 100 - tige linen Applag t. ib . & 747, sos gatIVX OSIX-100 bble. to arrive to-day, for sale b f mch24 0. s W A 17013. IIAR-50 bble. (Wilmington). to arrive to- Jar. fur Insle . hr meko24 0- et W. RARBAUGIII. MANNERS' OIL-10 Ws. No. 1, for sale br neele2.4 0. A W. LIAIIIIAUGH. lINSEEP 014-25 bbls. rec'g and fcr sale J by =OVA *OBISON, LITTLE t CO GREEN APPLES-18 bbis. Russets; . - Pivviw. le" Just reed and Mr sale by al nopisoN, =LE 00. met INEGAR-20 bbl& (Cider) for Bale by DALZELL A CO. SALERATUS-125 boxes and 10 bbls. foe de by s DALZILL & CO, soda& Libaty amt. WANTED=A Situation as Book-keeper or Clerk ha • rniersottle trillolsottotog box.— Unexceptionable tittl referencee glee. A Iln• ed. &roved to U. care of 51cUlll• Ito, will rendre •Clakr Wet meh:LIIS ALLOW-20 bbLA. prime, for sale by toch2.4 st M. ILARBILD U. APPLES—: 20 ibis. Russets and Pippins, for xole by S. Y. VOYI BONXIIOII.ST k lachY.2. GROUND PAINTS, in .oil, neatly put up to an elms of 10. to 10 Da each, among rfibto ant MITI. GMen, • Parte lima, Black. Yellow Oaltra. Terra de Elem Proatiso DIMPe . ~ Umber Burnt Umber pair, • 11. A. TAHNUSTOCII a CO., .. meb2.2 minter Irina and Wool Ma. WEET 01L-2 casks superior, for sale by mac: R. E. EELLERS, 57 Wood A. IyALL PAPEll—Lnrgest assortment in Wagt—statairldna of Yh sad Ataarataa Pa yer Imaging.. to! Patitra and reac Chambers. at takes -v. entrAtzvo,:rd.t. AV D ANTE—...q.S.OOO Allegheny Co. Coupon IF Donau to an order. for whirl the highest star k, p r i m .ht Ee pea Apply, before the let voile., at the Hankteurllottee of WM. A. HILL & CO. Ertelt2l t lyil . in I , V , INE . pN A .0:3X. 1erit. .:::f 2. 7 . 0 p c rI , o o. r Grocers aad Tea Naha. • FOR PIES AND TARTS—Fresh Cherries and Plums. tuft up In then nen Juice, prearrelng °mired nem. of the fruit. Aleo—Coepeen eelebnited Sheet sof Eared /sinews and Trend, thistine. renhllish Bane Mange, se., far de br_ =thin . WM. A. aw.z.trr..at CO- 236 Liberty at. VENISON HAMS-93 for sale by rata I. D. WILLIAMS * CO. bbls. zvl a L t rj Uure . ; CHERRY PECTORAL Starch Polish, Soap ad Ner. end LlSersessing CompLLERS. ound. 67 Wad es . sale R. I L SE nARPER's MAGAZINE, for March, re . 1.1 dimd end for de at J. B. 1101.51 W, aloha Litr op rzajl , t .; =ere SUNDRIES -1, case Gum Shelac; 1 bet. Silrer Bead: 1 ^ Cream Tartu: I ewe Leese BaaJA C.rkn 1 ea. 1...1.0 erica Salk .i.ea neadVad and Ser ale 117 S. N. WICEER.SrIA3I. .- mthla eorarr Woccl arid slam et. I: TNEBSKIP. re. _existing .be- I Ilarworth, dotiot bm otr. sat in the ot ORRIS RAY. I I per M mits Indebted tri . the lame with ltobt =eh.% Aix°ROL-25 bblz. for sale by mcho. J. KIDD & CO.. O Weed 0. NOLISII VENITIAN RED-20 bbls.for Yale by mebf:a J. KIDD Jk CO. SPANltlll WI.IITING=SO bble. for tide be meta' J. EIDD t 00. to the Estate of . ob of Slanch.ler, :e. and tkune bavtan it ahem for settlement NSON, KIPCII43I, ARIS WHITE-15 bbls. extra fine, for ,We by mcle.'4l J. KIDD i CO. . AND CRUCIBLES-100 nests for solo by mrti= J. KIDD &CO. LCO.IIOL-12 bbls. for sale by met= U. E-PELLERS:67Vocdst. DISPATCH EN Investments. 1.000 DOLLS.PITTSBURGII CITY C 4: 100 Doug*. Rotted. Mit.124142.: ° 100 do. Coiling 100 do. Fire 2 4 .4 .• 2 do. PoritSc quartz Rock A. WI LKIN2CO.. corner Mint and Market Rt. there Envelapeo be. umd—being made thaand any o f YIWO.'4" /NI, for sale by i2LIINSTOCK k 03. r sale by lI.NESTDCH t CO. MAGAZLNES FOR APRIL- Godeys Lady's likmk., fm April; Graham's Mamalne do.; Sartaln's do. do.: For sale at HOLILKS' 1.-Iterms Depot, Third cL oPrealto tbo Post 00,,a. r male by INESCO;3II t CO. , fonsale by AllrinFrOCK k W. for onle b AIIot:STOCK CO. PRINTING, WRITING, and WRAPPING PAPEIL-350 rem. 21 by 3$ Printing Pam; 300 ° 24 by 30 300 ° 12 Id 22 • 500 "lb 1:,/ 41, ty r . 1. 3. 1, 24 bls{ 400 ° Blue. Vaex.,ry Paper, 11003 bala Single Q•oera dens Papal' 400 " Doable 700 ° 250 ° Medium sad glogle'Cros9Rug. The underrigned keel, ecrutsolly on heal and for Nab ulßibange for Rags,• lame and general ar.rtabent of e ex d, Cap, Letter, Han:loam and Tea Pape" Boom% Boardr, Le. AL.—Felting of all else, for parr rosonfarrarera Printing Paver nude to order en [bort DOW. J. L 811EZ, 1026 corner of Penn and lerrin rt. 1 cask' (S. C CANFIELD arrive and for BKNNETT, SI Ent street IP NDRIES-- 23 Wt. 1 , 10.1 Winter Etralned Lard • Lti tom Juniata Bloraive bbie. Men Pork: Baron Rams,,Shoulders, and Sidog In =At 2 . 41 .; 10664. \o.l Mackerel; fur eale low by KIER & JONES,. fur Rale by t II KNN Elt by aBE NETT . Jr sale by k BENNEI7. lULES lIAUEL'S SIIAVINO CREAM.— When, Is thk man who dons out appreciate the la mml an easy shave? If any there ba we do .00 addeme oar selves to them. But to all others.... mr, if Joo wk.] , im All '' rmkel d =of lnazz h z , ll=l" l ily ~a ter!) Impossible to end eon& to deemribe the feallerp of person—who has been cued to shaving web reilinarr lass We= math , of this So We Ent time . It le a oombi. natio n JULES w ilAtIL'S LeILLViIeU &Kali Is exceedingly Mnollien tenderly (ho stillest and must elm tempi e at and P r ' r ne 'l igla t t Lt 7 =VA . tralr:ratly mu v tleme enpleampt red mill fedi= of the skin .whl7l. so oßso experienced after a/win% the•=reftt==lrieds IL'gt=itr,hr. me, eelermat the skin lecotolket &ailed.. And Mom pt. e an.ad say, will never nee any ether, Inc glee edsmetarr'-wkien ceiercially amends. dtellorthtt7l,7=="= It-WOnt Juleappearance to dere ex thee elitikera 'b4‘."ll. Jul. Ilene, Shaving CreliMS are delightful reparsdaam. compoundat with skill, to the otter examdon of a/tertian crleulabed to lender the oterraMnof sbavielp ein and .111 be treMated by all who maks trW of kr "' "a ribtrLES MU EL, Perfumer. and Cboadst, LT Mama greet, Tor - - wleoleskle and rtts/I, by jr=l"dc,.. Stitc % Alin*" Qtr Firtsbnrika and Min earliant, sad J. h.. BD a am:Err • er (warranted) for T. WOODS KafirN No. al ..t. or sale by BIATTIIVA 5 A CO. consignment, per 1110011 DON, Front rt. for male by AITIIEWS t OD. and 92 degrees :ooNmeaut a co. J. SCIIOON3IAREI a co.