ESTABLISHED IN 1786 PITTSBURGH GAZETTE PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, HY WHITE & CO. t. •lIIT. I.ltru T. DAILY ier noon., payable bolt yearly. gni . If pant .....learm- W.NEKLY—r.,,,,., G"'" aupplle.l Ili , C.:boo/Ina s Three pork.. annum .... • • 9 00 'Trn .1.. . .... ....... 13 00 On 00 Twenty . The okri eac l . tlub to le .I.lmar.l to one perion, Vto t rani 1,1,...,2 , 1) in *Liven."... o Cob Papera will tie ..ent after Ow veer etvire, tivirot ttre money I. sent for • renewal. RATES OF ADVERTISING One &purr (10 Imo. of Nouporeil or I. w e inwrtion • i 0 50 Do twit .lattional insertion.. 0 25 1.... non...ek 1 75 I. Iwo m . .... 0 1, 3 00 Do till", vreetw. 4 00 ' 1. , 1w0 nannths. 7 00 1/o lour rnonth• 10 00 D. , pia mouttan 12 00 twelve mocllsi 18 00 - . • • • Siam Hoe Cards, lines or ie., per 1.10 Onsi Dollar for "mi. additional line. flea Sonar, chanemble plciwure (per an. num of the paper 25 OP Tor esehaddlilonsl sonar., Inserted weer one month, and fir each addition...l wow.. Inserted under the yearly rates. half price. Ailrerthietnents exceedlne n Ppiare, and not orer fifteen Line. to hr charged a• a goners and hair Publishers not iec...iiitabie for trjrld Zglrertionxtenta rind the amount chusired for their pablication. annonnelogrondidatesram, to be charged same as other wire rt Adserideerneuts tint marked on the copy for e ped •.4 129.011R2 of Insertion, will lw continuo.' till forbld.mid Par etseted ,meet in_ll. The Prtr urcr , tr ram. , oileertieere I, strictly limited to their own Inutwiliate end till wire. ..laments for alm henna tot ether well axial' adeerthements not Ammedlately creineel..l with their own business, and Oa elatreaof alverbsenewits. in Worthotherwilee, beyond the limits eneasiiiil, or Iw...reed at the nsuat rates. Pm. •Il Pllal [Annie.[ .ll , ( llllllW,l , lll. arid be separately rendered. and prompt [ for is drifted. All ativerthwinents for 'charitable institutions, tire ann. pante.. ward, township, and other patine meetings, and mach like, to be eharecd half price, payable strictly In sd. mina -• Starrlace maim.. V be chargt.l 50 mote. Death moms in...nand without shame, natea amompa. tided by funeral hien...thin. nr obituary miles., and abet. so ascompaniml tn be and tar Resular sAlvvrtina. and all ratters mauling enuninunive timm. Or reuniting nuke, di—lasted n• toll attention to fairs, Soiree. Conserv. ar any public entertainment. 'whee charge. are nuale for admittansm—all notices of pri vate anrielatlons—every maim deeignml to call attention to private enterprhies, milsnlatml or Inlwlal to promote Victual Intermit, can onlylw Inverted veiish the underetatab lug that the same is to be mad fur. If intsmiled to be in. Parted in the brat column. the menemill be charged at the rate of hot leas Lbws 10 cam per line. Bishop or P. , Notion to be charged triple prise. Tavern Limnos retitionn S 2 each. Real Es.. Acents' nod Ajtetionecre lulrertimmenta no to be .mount o otaxstA under n yearly rates, but to be allowed a dl of Wif lbills. three and non tilled per cent from [h. WELK, an 1111.WEETLT 111 DADA PAP.. One S oave. thtve zo $1 50 Du siditnal hirrniun .71 mamma . ...... • -. Do. curb a•leit:..nal Ineertion, eenta. All traneDnt ad • be ;mid In advance. BUSINESS CARDS ALDERMAN TOIIN A. PARKINSON, Alderman, Fifth Mani, Penn•t. between O'Hara ILIA Milani. All boainena promptly utended to. ATTORNEYS I W. F. WHITE, Attorney at Law--:-Of -91 • Ike .0 Grantstreet. ar. ler:lnit. la Arthur.' Bald rittablargh. 1, meb.rly , 71 - HARRISON SEWELL, Attorney at Law, vv Ohio Stele Commiesiecer fer lAtica De Dons. Ark etowledkemente beets. de. trCtre—Feet etreet, stave Ilmitbeekt. merdeldwer P. Sr, G. L. B. } }MERMAN, Attu, As `"' No tislr ARIES J. KUHN, Attorney - at Law, office, t Tilghman Thal. ournst of Grant street and Dinstural lay, Pittsburgh. JAMES F. KERR, Attorney at Law—Office rta-rth rt., btrtrten Smithfeld La.] Grtart. Prtrthurt.h. FRANCIS C. FLAX EGI N, Attorneynt Law, -Na 142 Fourth ttmct, Patsbumh TONE & 'WATSON Attorneys at Law, lio.llo Fourth stmt. Pittsburnh. —AlerArvier a Day: John Snyder. Km, Elve n", Morrie.. 4t. 00, Wm. P. l'; J4b.n Fleming. A, coorttant.,lieo. IV. l'iclAhnrnh• janlay FT N DWABD P. JONES, Attarne v at Law: O 1 on Fourth rt,c, betwc,n {10;1 and Enntla • JASPER E. BRADY, Attorney at Law, 69 Fifth rtmet. Pit burgh. Pas. BANKERS AND BROICERS IV. H. WILLIAMS & CO., Bankers rd Esehangr Ernk Nprth Eapt corner of Wood and id env.. l'ittgburgh. All EransactionomsKlP on Ilban/ nmn.. and coLleetion. IM.PilyAttended to: Ja2ar . • W . RING, Banker and Exchange Broker, • Fourth stree,t, Dealer 'ln :Bank Not.. Bills of .Ea old aneelli tr. Eq..r.ka hougidi and sold. . The highest market price paid In premium for American Half Donate, and Alexiean and Spanish Lail., Iv Inv fund.' rat Xtr H. LARI)IEII., J it., Banker and Broker, T v othp o o+l. No..tA, alieining the Bank of ihtlait t urgif. 4.2:iri.i.KiNs ~... CO , Exchange Brokers, , ••south nowt C orner or Third and Mnlk,t streets. All gm. at Inner liheral rt.,. HOLNIES & SON, Dealers in Foreign • and Dorneatie Bill,. of Exchange. Certificate, of 7>- ro;l o3.ank :Cote, and S h eri, No. 11,1 Nlarket etr...t. PIN W N . , -Collectroan made on all the principal cities Ultima ant the United States. GEORGE. E. ARSOED & CO., Bankers: Dealers in Exchan,e, Coin, Bank Notes, 4c.. tin IS 'Fourth street. next door to the Bank of Pitteborgh. Col lections part of r ally flnlon.attended to, and the prozeede remitted to any e LIMY. R -6 1{.11131, Bankers and Er 'ltlareirgro-kene Demers In Foreign arid Domestic Rol Raet atter, rertiteettes se Deposit., Bank Notes.— Me, Corner of Third and Wont streets, directly opposite the Bt. Charles Morel. CAROTIIERS Ho CO., Pan in^ me, . No. 15 Wood street. Pittehtrgh. CurrenT Money te asel on Bennett. rellectione 000 do on ell the nrtneinel cities of, the United Pratte. A. inn,. AIRID A:. IRVIN, Commission Merchants end 13111Brnker, No. Iti Seenna otrect. Pinuotud and Ertute Nevrltlu from Fla) to $lO.OOO sllway, on hand Wittllls, 1,1-4. -111,•Ja VINI WY. IL.U.T. rAL3IEft, lIANNA A CO., Successors fo Haney, Hanna k Ituntama, Exertaeoe B 101)., detlderl F0r..14n and Umn.44 i.xehansre. Certificates Depoeit, Hulk Not, and S,Krie—Nneth li e dr f Word and Third strevte. Current Money ...on Do. poidt. IEIO4 Cl4 , nke for rale, and eollecUorte made 00 near ly ell thenrinciifitt po!nte of the United Stab.. The highest premium pall for foreign 'and American ga Ad id• vancesmadeen corivignmentsot Pt...lace, shipped east, envllberid terms. a W. TAYLOR, Commissioner and Bill Broker, 512 8m0...1 street. Stlice attention will be ram to all twine. ..otruettd to hie core. Pitteburgh tallaufseturnl articles always on hood or pmenred a”bort Salm Nutt, Wools, Mortgo4e.i, Re., negotiated on fovor. able terms. Advanees mode. if rt,quirrel. co= • BOOKSELLERS AM STATIONERS. RC. STOCKTON, late Johnston & to, ilook.eller. lltstioner. Printer, atui Binder, cor bel' of lilarket and Third greats. Ihtt,hurgh. JAS. B. HOLMES' Cheap Literary Depot, Thlrd .tent.optinslte the Peet Wilco. New Honks ne I daily by hart... Subsetiptlnne received to any at the ma gazines Or Ncei,Aper, published at th e publisher's wi AAIHOPKINS, Bookseller and Stationer, . No. 74 Fourth rtrmt. Apollo Dural/WM BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS. fievi 13CTWN,T1n., Wholesale and RetAil tinker an! Con fectinnrr. Fourth grnct, Pittaburuh. Caken. and fannyfrctionary, al 1W ITP on band. anignv punctually nttemind O. ladAM'CLINTOCK, .31anufacturer and lm kr.V. 4127,, ':' WraCebet.. B ;i7.733 Mrt T lr:- Fool o.:lll.l..burgh. COMUSSION ARD FORWARDEBra ift. A. McANCLTY & CO—Transporter;, cl. J rar:Nr4snccratt,g,—. b-- PZI= ri V oiYal§jY:iqtoiiehlialitiS u laeorcarzion .`. , 1 , ..06ant5, No. Ol Water surer, M. H. JOHNSTON. Forwarding and Com/anion Merchant, No. 112 Forced xtrerl. XIER k JONES Forwarding And Corn- Missn.n dlrrchano. Deal , n to Rodney end Pit,A. nrsnfax,dvd nrnr S..v.dath greet. Pitwinran. MAIDT.. ARDY, JONES k CO., Suecesgore to At -21 nin tect,crlrt,Tf="43=', DRY GOODS ffiBRCHANTS PA C. SIIACKLETT CO—Whol e s al e—Whol e s l e Tlrt e Dashirs In Foreign et Doi:nettle Dry Donis, N. 101 =I street. Pittsburgh. reol.l A.a.manotteect.prrntriuen ..... L. erl7lol. /ICC, 7:00110. k f MASON & CO, Wholentle and Retail kA. In Fancy ana Staple Dry ticols. 02 Market • ittstrargt. lAPITY ,i BITIIOEIFIELD, Wnomsett atol• Retail Dry• nor.ds Mord:m.o. corn, of Fourth . - • ¶ aka sboot...'flt.liro.. littfrOrsrf.. .....-ANDKEW ffriiso — .L .ft RSEir - , M FLEP.CG & CO., Commission Vezehont..—.For the, volo•of Domootio, Woolon, and ikollo: 0110, ook•rp t ilk4ll 101.1.9 of Tatlone Triono- NO. 1.2-9 W oaf rtzoo . f drill dm, from Fifth, Pith _ I DEBTISTEL h -iD. HUNT, Dentist, eurneFor . Fourth IDetatcle tetweett 'Market aad Year streets, bard, DRUGGISTS M. G. H. [Mitt It. C. Ill'cowns. EYSER &. McDOWELL, ISu'coessora to to Kerr a Karam) irnakatalr and Retail Drug and th. mm l ` smu t street'anallraln alley. arearriptinas cy ra enranrainet mght ...4 ~, Mb]) & CO.:ISt oleeale i iiiii i i iiiiiii Deal rm In Paints. Mk Dye Poor, and butrmeatc— , !MOM of Dr. Srlarm's orlebrgled Worm Nportar.„ Ona LOOS sirup: No. GO, emnier fW! and PitUborgi oi 2ids . m of MY• rad tarwardad ETA I DAILY PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. A. rAIINF:STOCK A CO.. DnaptistA. And manufarturpr* md, and Li ar., n.rnrr W.. 1 anAVront Pitt 12 a itt burgh. Pa ane 12 Y.. Prim, Oils N/OitG AN, Wh"l.4ale I)ruggi.‘t, and I),‘ rr In II • ntuff.t. Palnd, 014, Van:.ll,, 1r _ 400 donr Snoth uT Manua.' All,. Plttoborxh. . . , .. N. W CK ERSHAM, Wholdeale DruggiNt . til i 7" I "Z"lf 6 `V= l ' l- ''"" . M.. 61tct.Lr.. . FIiZIARarA karat 114.11,.., ItA UN, at. REITER. Wlioleeale and Retail inan,,,i/t,i, t 0..., of Litwrt, and Se, Clair .., 111. I SCIIOi/NMA KER 6: CO., IV hole' • 1.) , r ,, g . CY RIM, 9 24 Wo.ll at.. Pitt.hur.h. 1 GROCERS IIT r S EI~ r IV I LSON, hult•sal Grocers alrii ~,, , , , , C orpmlP+l,2lNlercheuts. _Ay . ....ny for sale of Du Pantsl dr r . No 11,, and Id. Pr. • 110 L. SIRE, Wholesale Gnieer, Commission L. • and dealer in Paper and Ruts, corner of Plttebnrith. SIIRIVER, Wholesale td ComniPciion Mereriaufa, and fool. mufactured Article, lifoo..l:hi and 13 . Z di Si 0...1 and Smithfield. Illtheburgli. JxviPx MVO.. .WORTII & CO, Wholesale Ice and Comnlon Merchant, awl roi 'order Co.. of Ilaxatd,llle. Conn., Nu. rah. LB. & INGRAHKeI, Wholesale Jounlasion Merchant, No.llo ti ate street.. littaburah. ''THEWS & CO., Wholesale iota. and }'orw.litur Merchants. and Cotton Varns.47 Water Et-. Pittsburgh. - W Ants . RILXIN. RN ATT & CO., Wholesale Grocers, lej O Commission Merc han ts. and liealeri In Produ, and P ttsburgh ilanufactunx No. In: Liberty strrt.t. I'lll. burgh. Pa -t 42. diiNFIfLD, late of Warren, Ohio, ev • Cumnlitadou aNI Forwarding Mernhant. neeWbol , sale Dcaler if Wend inoq to,otuttl, t..rntd utr11711" ‘Fitr.Cil FASHION FOR .I,le Ilut• end for 1.10. lb! JAML, 1111,1 N. tt0.1 . 17 ,ortter 11.0,1 .tt. And Itiamml Wegner, Buechner & Mueller's I! NEW LITHOGRAPHIC ESTABLISIBIENT. THE ABOVE FIRM ,speetfully announce , • thQi, and the pol,hr grurrAllt . . abut the, Sr. prypartil to vatr.nte. In t tr., MO.. (lour itll for F•liorr Card, 1111, Diplom,. I'llerltd. Volt-11W at Prof,,ional Vim!, Slut,.. Cher, LAO, Lr. 1,11.1,40 , 111thtm0t IT at N 0.14 harko .trvet. bets,so Third and.Yourth Ttreet, up .L.,11, .Bolivar Fire Brick Manufacturing Campy. a.. nwrxn I. Ct. . 7..1,, II 5. atAnn‘a. GLOVER, KIER & CO., PittirrtiErons. THE SUBSCRI BF:RS. having 'Well tip- Agruts hie 1b..a1..., named nmrprn. v•t11 nnuatantly on hand ,61,1-at...111..11var Fim Itrirk.l'rurlblefirv•Clar, }unlace I learth•nnol Ina all., The, ar, nlao orrpan‘l 4t......0ve nald Hmel.. 1.. ma& Kt, and F.hatw 4 , /gm purvha..,, tor p . romptly tlllotl. 11.. ls..t dorm it nert,ary ,anent. 4 " thr Ilolvvor in-,. 141,1 all "I he, that 0ff..r,1 0.211..1tt th. I. t..lhor o.- ri..111, bong n 14. ..... all r... 11. • 1,.• 11, 1,16.. The prnprt..t.n. 114.- d..11-runn...l that tirirk .hall Imr n,ne ol their that u exponor rhall 111 A.• the to Lot, than [her have herrttgnrr i• the nu!, catabll.hinent now ntznunwtul FIN. !trick at ll..ltvar. KIK': a J..NES. • mehT Canal Dat..,n. . lt.. l' - ;.;11. 31eC01.11 1 .1: (11.. have reeeive4 it,etfulh ilii - 1 , . ll.• nttentstas r.I ila, a ott.tum erm ...I Ow puldie ,nentil, 1..A1, Pittsburgh Gas Pipe and Tube Works. E undersigned have ju...t completed their IRON TUBE WORKs, andnee nnar manufArtura, 211 comative and nth, entl 1.11 WROUGHT IRON TVBES whleh they offer for gale at the lone.' ' , 11e... Th.,. are non pennon.' tr, prer.. , • 1.... withmit _ ,I . ANo C., N... PI and ster etre., Ll , l Am . PIrS111:1:1.11. PAt 1, 1,,u t rin i7 ICIWLAS VIVIAN. Civil Imaineer. n.l Prlplinl Mt, ,u; tr. nt urry nu, 1tc...111..: Ar MA, 1.. foln.ll.lcixtr...o.ner. Nlnrhurt ,an 11.11,• - 11.) A. 31ADElliA, Com,11). 4'l Muer GAIWINF:Ft CIiFFIN, Agent f,,rh,nklin LEN N. 11,,K iSINPYR, T 1r.., ,racr 111 Thint •Arn• l• prepar,l It, • AI, .I.lrOnlay. t. I , ut:a uucat,r•. [nand cannail,. rvlrnansi N•rn• • tu Thaw 1.1, C..hg4 E,• I, 41, X , 1111.1 , 1,11 e .Lnd t, a ran and nant.l.t., nal I I'D wi tn. qua., t .ct t pt. t-nT .1 . . . .. • . . • ... .•• et, Ow attennon Mr.:rr• cler. the], , 1.. t !h., .11i r. ••n m .11 an • - IV . M .. : ‘ , l; I New Coach Factory—Allegaeny Wig= Al .1. N UHT .\ Iru ,riel the tt..ittle. Ile, ht.leht the Ire enabled .th the amt.( t. rut. Lte~ mettnntm hettete. to the, ,tt. . . P4'l7, rarBruhar 148..88. n nt 848. hay int: 8.8. hut h. lo • wrranta, ...H.. 8. , .rah 8.. th. 881 li. h• - 88. . 8. • 8. 8.38.18: thr.lB.l th• utt..l re.a.cBal.B. ja.s. tf ,tier• 1 4 1 ,11,LE 24.1.1:1:1_1.: IVORE.S. f . eytnt,liAheti LA EI , M ,I, CI, I% A.. S.. lA4 At W•A-It. A CARD-1851 RI 1.: ; ,„t will hat.. 1., ..I•ant,... I ••I : 14 % tt, 31 dtotunl.. ...LI, 1,0. 1,1: ..11,1,•Ial . . 'PALL" sill Isi runtintaiiil in Inset JVlTTSlitlitill C(1)11EIZCIAl. Corn, .d 11.1r4 and Marl, The ebar terr.l ra of the it /1./ II; 1 . 1tt.10,04 1 . r . m.-3,1 I .thr tr K. Chzuntufn,rn.frou , I l'ennnt-Qt.tup..M.rmasttle 0nn5.0,1)..n A , M..%. II M saw., 104 a.. 1..-turer on I'u:lnner-Iml 1..,., oLnu tt. , 0,...,11 t• , 1 , 1,... ut In.-mu...xi... ttn .1.- r: ,,,,., : .,... 2rz.e. .. 4 ,-... n,4,. we Ini it,....i I.J ,/ ]ll , l ..1.1.11. lowtn, on , oanlngl,i , al I.x.r ••,,, ii , M , l4, •' , OM, I,ferrno.. te, al, ..f the 1-.4:16,1 .li, wurcican, .d...L3 C EAGLE DiAILBLE WORKS: . EST., til aura i KT2,lty F:DNIUND • ita.= WILK INri, N 0.245 Liberty , 4., . I Kati uf K ...I 0tn..1. Put-Kur,ll. 1'... Mon "own 4.llnrtnl 1 au Ito. Totulolunec. .4. , .M=1•11. Vi...,-.....ntre “tul I . u.rltqui. altrot-..., nr. I.el awl tar. Lu ',du,of ti.. ettoio, Nlnrhlaut. awl 41 very naluml.l .., price, A (.4.4,.., rlectlrm •,1 braletnos em • hand-. • 'll,c tnect . -- _, , [ 4... .."' ' imported , ~,., fn. ItaJT. , ' - ''' l . ' I ) ' -.5W4 Ri•VERENCF-o.' Ilarmar Denny Clurk Tleruau. Erg. Judur Wfl u, ..I,,bn !taro,. Wm. Robin...l,u- Ero, .lu, II;, Km_ lobo Snyder. I.:ao.C.Alt. 5. , 13,11r , PlWabural, liank & J. U. Shornberaer, Lao. HUI a Curry, • ulo. 31.•Candkra. SuruUnt. is, Robort MeNniahl.. taq. Itkun,..ra .. ' J., Mot; muLt.. lirminr•llo.Mor,no k ban, Junhuu Work , k to E,lCts p. I,llmr. Eau.. Al leultetif li. W. teal e grateful fur the eery IP...rat antrunwe re erleml gurtar. ~,,, te. se ream itt barmg bud the w laegret and !et ram entrfarteel hie ran. up la Cl,.' ameeut UM, and will melt aver to naulter eattelartien he:rafter. JAMES W. WOODWELL. , ABINET FURNITURE fartnrasr. Warosrooms ts: tea Thipt J.. traprelfully 111. Isla frtensl• and I n tu it that he hot now cotisphdasl larssert r and Ilneat alssek of hour...bold furnitur. s-ter ts. or , till. ell,. La 1.. ia deta•rmtusal to uphold Oa quality with well.ssaannsal material, ta-sst worltutam.hins nssar.t rurort and from III: .1101s1 oi ords ra and faeillty maw:if...stink, he .ssalslrd ist,lure wurranta d tnhi two.. the lowasat pruss... lie 1,21 A Fatni.ted the prinriple Islrntifrine Wm...tom er"' Intrreat rlb hi. own. sn and pan. taut kerns. alwaym on hand tbs. graatrat vartett of ...err dear - rintlon of forroture. foals the ehrapest and plainer, to ills. Torm.l air. gant and asurly, that a lama, ..rat - r any part of ..ho.. res h. fust,ttorn ta• am raple naval. Is. pm mi ,. li n f ,h,r,fu, ...licit. an inntasetitus r . tlinddlos va. taw , . of hin.staloltalituent nu, 1. kilon n. The lullssurina artlelas r, naist. in part. .-1 Ism IV el:. 1.11101 for rirdsness , of Ftylc and botch cannot ire surpasa.d in ant of Ilia dhs.alarn en tis. Pa sa rlnr. drawing. dining. and Iseshrs.ns chair.. of w ruinty. eonalatsue of rs.ewsaal. rnahnenn , and waln ary ut. Cllzatasthers.tknmervadruns fa, Chair, 1.1 da• rtintiont I:smelter. l , Als.n.Tots.a.t.te and Maw. of the th, rPmcla and Amernan Tubas, Wliad,sda. am! lathe. harlur ft rttssur Darm of warmur loud. Work Talds, and Mors Inlatd nand, mow 'wad,. and holster, marble top r mahomm pannrand and walnut ...tore and Kla. r[14.11,1. dull.: Midas; alI •Ire.s of Ilse uudd unpro.ed. and dsstidedlr Its- host Ind ma+, rant.nnnlaolts hall and ar er mblss, warumlwa. hedanasl. and wasdostandr of ssaels a olUman.aassortmktws rtmktwsrsiturs hall and pan, na.Platts ohl Was ansl anasls...rrturr and haul: essnnrns. rale howls, hr. acrt.nn. raraa. he •lasals. 0101 •11+.1, and assts. fat risll.lrstw Paps lanehe• MI and , sa ry , m Kogan f. 3,1 sada.' Est.."' l` r A larps. as-ortusassl of Cummots Furultur. and Ws. .or Chain. Calws. Innkers auppltssl MI all articiet in Ihrlr line F , ..amboat• and llrdsdr, furnished at the , Isurtert note,. • • All tr OUNTY LANDes—CAPr. (111.1 S. N. 111.011, Att,ta, sa Lau. 1 11.1 , , 3 11(11.1, j 1 1,.. 6urinv road'.tranurmrra• 11,. purrrar. till la”ctire 114.untr laa7r2r fir otlirrr. sod p.1.11.r.. !lair w 1,1....• sod rth.r..l to rtt,' Lahr, I.ur, non, ronnrrt..l with ttar write 'a ..rit• men', thr thr Cort. et thr 'AI W14111.111/1 ,It'2:•111 Drawing, Perspective, and Painting in Oil. R. D. R. SNITTII now prejnirod ter give otn,two n pupil- in t(1•1ill u .urunt brunrhe. M. n 41ulutlotrul um him ruunn, in Slu..r. :Luau 6 Arkin.on , nru I Inlthu, V.r.l buturuev Wt... 1 and Mu of lo•trurnun. roan . I '. K.' , t„ ir. hp, .. 01 ~.1.111. I. int .1 . .1 he k l n out, suing..flurru , o ul num, Itunr I, Dr I.furfrun or fir Anl,..n ru?-uolif GEORGE E. ARNOLD & CO., BANKERS. DEALERS IN EXCHANGE., COIN, HANK NOTES, SC. _No 1 i , vrth cf., Pre.rt to Bunk ittraborvh. Notes and Pinfts e,.11•rt..l • M 1411 parts ,W tb.. Eulon Stoek , . t,.nvbt and 0.1.1 on ennonl ,, Non f.ll7,l,tisT /011 , 1 .01111.11' -I.oln rows. QVIITLEY 'COLVIN, Coal Herd 1.3 and D•elero Drr rn. end Natl. n;roer or iralou4ntroq and Wuhlngtnn.Turnpike Fri Tonwran C1',113011.11111 .. 1.101.1.. .I.oopirrsiluitaii CITY GLASS WORKS.— W. CUNNIN6IIA3I k CO.. 31.1.ourarturen of Klvlow Plna .l. ho rith No. 20 ..11takot Atm,. Fit< otot Non.rol. Pa. I...rtlentar ntrotlnn pe4l to n. 1.1 rlvn. Alan— Donn - 4 to Olo•a. Viol.. IN.ttlm LARD OIL—IO bbl. No. L just recd and tor sale Cr B. A. yABNEnroCK W o od. mob= corner Ara sad w PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 3, 1851 STEAMERS, MAILS, Sze. MOVEMENTS a d oil OF THE OCEAN STEAK SHIPS. The under... 4 or other re,arl, are appoirthyt to mail so fnllow•: I`IO,I . IISEU DATES OP ' , AMINO Fa. NIA . 1 t.k... YLOYI lay car,ora- ' U mlntahany, Mareh (411,Saturds, , . 51!aeAt 1 !!!!) ,t At 11,d*, . -. i"s.l'erh,ll,; April 1 IVti 1 . ....1=1".: .. A! : ''' ir,rhilv:Y.;,42,:: 24th 11....i.....,. > . !Any ' luthi 11 . ....11.ker.1a, . Slay ;. it b I , ..tunla, •• ' 2441.1%....1n......1.5, . - ••••th S..turd, , J um. 7 t1111:...1u..5.1a, J . utt.• . I , ! lb unlal , • • 214 111 ..duexta, . • —2 Snt unla . , . July 192, Tr:ll":a.'.ll:',.. July ..1,1 raourdis, . ~."." • August :it W...lntamla C. Aug. ~,,‘ ,alunlay . - Irak Waduealay. - ILO 2 , ,aurtla), .• 3.0 W..dur.aa,. Apt '..:::! Saturday . Sept ..,.k'?rt:,l - .T.:::'4 1 :',: ..., 'Vs ~,t Lord:" . r l / 4 2 ur,l, , 0,1 .Ith ,W.alnepaa,. - 14111 Sal urda, : - •A,11.. Wedn.r.4n) • " 29,1 ~ a turde, . Nay. Pah , Weatia.lal . Nut. 12 th ' , aunt,. - =.ljlVallne,aa, . ' " i ., h SatunlaY. 11.4- all1;a b.u'. ~ faUllaar. ~, Falun!, . - ..11,Ubatunla, • , Cunard Line—Well, nun. ritual LITIIIPIIOI. POP TN. UNITED W aite. • Agra .... ... .....Now York ...... ....anal's'', 11en-11 I. Saturday, 11..1.01'16. Ari1.,.........\.w lurk . ... _Saturday. March:Z,. Atooroa .. ....Mount.. ....Saturday.S Aft! N. / . Sea York .. aturay. April Y. FOY LIVERPOI,I. • , Enroo.a. ... ' , own Wrdoeftlax, Mar. 12. Akin .Novr York ll , lnvabil,Mat. l''' Canada. - . ....11......10n . M,Itooloy; April N. A fri.x. ... low York . .. .11 ...lunolor April T.l. Anwrion .... . ..... 11oaton Wothitoalax Apnl Xii. A.lo Vow Y0rk...... ... II odurals y Map 7. Pa...ago to Halifax. Beaton. or law York, Li,; .Illi cabin. /.2:.. New /"..rk and Ilarre lew— Af at. tve Franklin. s , sturday, *rankln. W edday 1 nintsida " Sth Star lunits• l ldt " " Ayr Franklin. Itutnlrdlt, " 3d Slay Innslooldts " Frank:ln, " 31st Sts 'runklitk. • " •• 2'th Jun. Ilumbtldt. Franklin. " !nip Franklin. I Inodsddt, IJ.I An, Innd•• , ds. " l'rank •Indi S•pt. Franklin. " Il nints.l.ll. lath I tcd. I I atuloddt. • • Frsull to. nth Nov. Fran4lln. " II tindsdlt. •• 13th It.r. .. Oman Srenwk Norigank. , 41,11 New York. iii ......... New }'irk. f r ur r Nuw lur Nuur Ynr S. Fteat for Chum,. nom hr. loforktm 1 m outh. 11A AA • A AND ,LT R", Strannbin le”rx Charionnn on thy I. aria mouth. ARRIVALS AND DEPARIVRES OF 115 1 ,A riR. , elloxolxv,Lalrx. adxl_phl, No. I ~rt, P..utre and \u rtbern part,. of N. lork. and the .1x New t. Aland nat.. Tl.e Bralott Pr.., latex Loner Catadx. D ya ; lulls. and ru..lrx. duly Arphrs al 4r u n 4 . 1 ,11 al 1r... N 0 ,4,11 —By Illairvvllle add 11 , .11t.lardurx. It. includOpi nottutlx. Isradlurd. Calut.rtx. Chu, lim•tx. Magi., McKean, hdr,r. Pe au. vt sod part of l 4 tvrtmorrland. vta I.lvetolon Morn, •• li/f. Paleru :1... Alexandra. and b ill. 11114 rr.vex %adds, Nal 3 do- JAIL ) nt A 3lrrevr, Crawf,J. and lirarilam ..tern part of New York axxl drlmaCauxl-1X4.1, .0 rrivev RI y . and depart• at V 4. Vt ,11. t.xxxa.a.--Ity Washinclon, P.. vire—v. te. ` , •111V,01. part rd rxtmorwland county. Irwula. Mart 14n.1. 11311,monu IV axhlno.on Pdutlx..rxiatxlll • vxx et. part, ~f Oux. and lodtarla. lirotttek,, I amok.. Tvra.e ‘11 , 41vv1p4 , 1. Arl.auxxv. 1141 I.....pdana. Aud , Arrix.• at • • aux pn.rt• Or X 1•ll•N. 4. .1 `,llll m I,vrttr rm. ........ il. h.. 111. ,lb 1a • etrrr Jrll.•b ru. bAr Mr.•• • 11 r arbart• N•4IIS %V.rtuv. —Hy heaver, 1,, am..l , hr. - 14... br.lum Ginn. Trumbull. abotax.,..mnrolt. Lad,. 111•1..• um Irrmn. II urrm. 1./114..X. Enr, r..mturb, \•.••1. sub Lbw,* °bud. tb.. rstrrms r....rthrru rbunt••• rl rmt.— I n•lmul. 1M .11 )7mht am/ b‘ w•m•:11. dads Arms. At II 1.4‘14 /11, r X. 1,11,1•17, —H7 strarp.Larg turt I k:ol.nutnr. Ki.klrmalt......lrlog.r.u:. arul ruutill.• J.ll , . err, •nd r • ‘ln, —l!\ 1.1-, l'ortrr•- •11.... and No IF 1.4., At 211 • .•. Tbt"‘ .n.l IA • I I. .11,1.14, Nt . 5...1 ..1.114, •*I k . . . It “.•, , , Ar --1 . ., ;rur . 11,:, F.: • r •••••• .ud , C.a. ~..•.1,..• 1, . 1 mi..-- 1••••••1.1,.. V ',Ay.. •. • . . 1. 1•••••••• s• —ll, ••••• • 4.1 ',lan., Mt % A , . . • tht.,•• 1.. "4404.'4 111.tra , . •••••• 4••• 4144 ' 1. Pa r•••••• •-••41, • ono 1 litir,ll,•. At 4. •. J. • .".1 I 1....r.14 .4. si •. • • II i tt ttlt- NI. cn. /rt./ 4.rt0,.. }wry 1.... S. s .1. ritu. t , • .lott.r• .at f. •• Antr.. North. matl Apt.l4. Arrt...... AI lt I. 11 ./.lartr ou I 11.utlu .t .1A • I ie. 111•111 it Pert, Amy II • it. 1,1,1 t; le. Ernaluert. un Ir. Prnapk,.. U An. -1.4,wn. ••• . incluAnn4 , 1 an , (../ r TA7:lal ' L '4 mf„ znta!, tro C 1,..,, peal nn:; 1•14., t..r m-no .41.1, ,unt mail, Ent,' 1. in L•lf lan A,-u,a l-Lthdnr •inralurn. RATES OF DISCOUNT. nail! MI rilr•Orp..i 6... Mr, VT N HOLMES SI;NS. 161,1,,,37; ,11 2 NIA Brat,. Aat Hout-oll••ro/ • ot tNtb••••,,,ll Ento ,, nt , •••o , • •I• on, LA.... .1.• Imo' Branch nt Cow. tl• n t ..l Uno Yottnr,to vrE baulk • ...won- , Earltlrl Eat,. Cto, inonti .1, Eat. ••••rth Arn•olean Ear Conoretoct•l I. ••• Otto.n•wo ,•at lbw •I• lial•4 1••-olt,,Irnau y•E.I-Ef,••tto Wok •1r E•not• t••. , ohIl• ENr•illo•• Mt. Ito a Tru•tlC.• .•2Elilt 14.4" It band •••:,•••••rotal flank .1 onrillant •If Slatet , 111••••• I .1. ~n••• 1r• s 4•41•41.• 111, Ear t•lrrel Bank_ tax N ENV t:\r.l.AVf •••••tot o 11.r4 - All NM trnt Ilbolo• • . fem.... a .4••• o Ilan. NEW YOKE . . . ... . . 11.... q....... parr"... Tort rill • P t ' ..... .A .1...0.nng kant ...PArjeoorltAl ••• . l'hilAdelphla Itsok ~..... 11AH VIAND S. , utl...a.rk IlAr.k . lA , LBAIUAA^.N . • -lAA? Tra.1.......Am's W. 1.. ........ , ....../try 5t........ Hank .. p.., N JI;RNEY A DELAW NEM ' .. I/Ank .I L ........r.1 ,, .A. tl N. lAll ....lArnt Lank.. . N. lia./...1A15...... county p.s VIII4/INIA NAO. ollAnnwillo. parl l Bank orlh. %all, !, j.....Anri....1 C.... (A:ln.,. pnr•Ill. nr Virginia, Itirl.runn4 N. itAl.k ..t 1.! .. .i....n5u1...Ar5t.... g...., Ax /lank, V.A. N.AVIIA .. 1.. ..I 1....) .I..trgh `...Yarrt......' lank..f Virginia?. Flank r , f 1..,•........, . --.11...r , ban.. A 11.... h. Ilan,. ~ BAnk . N1.A 1 .. , ..1 , N. Nnrtli M.1.1.rn IlAnk, . .. N. Alu....mns..r. 1....14n1.. ..... 11.-..nr11e.. .. .. N. 11....1.... N..r.)../...1..r1and par , 51.11111 CA Kt ILIN A CaAlt-le f1unk...,... `.. Bank ../ Car. Yrat . ... .. 2 C.A.....141. 111. A 1ru1.r.C......rti11. ..1!. of N CA r.A......... IA 11.1.. 11....1.. .parrompter..l4l Ilk. %Ai1...L.103'Z YA........ 1,..... .... .. .... ...pAr 71.....thAnt.' Bank, N., hero'! rale HAAN. . ..... ......... N. N.11.111C.A1(01.1N.A. Farmers' Ilk of Rucks C.o..par. Ilk of the St of'.. Carnlina 2 Fanners' Ilk of I...taastccpar l ltank of Pontl. Carolina .. Fanciers' Batik of Bawling ie. hank of ... Farm. Ilk of ',hit, lkillektpar Planters' k Inchantra' Ilk Far.* Bros .9 nesbotra.. lE. IRO lA. Pranklin Bk. 2 11.1aluitton par Augusta Ins* Ilauking Harrisburg Bank-. Bank of Augusta Bank . . i.Bk of Brunswick Augusta 1. Lancas4r Bank.- . • ... .parl Lancaster County parl All aolvent bank._ Lebanon Bank... . par! KENTECEY. )linar... !Bulk of Pottsville t.lßk of Kenturkt . Louisville S. 51onougabrin Bank par.Bk of Louisville, Thurston f. Waal Brandi Bank 3i:Northvrn Ilk of lit:tautly t. Wy riming lik.lVilkesbarreparieloutharn Ilk of F. I. Tort Bank MISSOURI. Relief Sot., u tata of 1211111. 011 in Fiala Bank . ..... Plato Plant and branches.-. 1.0 Braila...l Akron do•Ltank of Branch at Ath,•n• WItsCONSik. . . .•. C0. , ..a , . itri.l F .,,,. do marl.. a Ei,... lon. C eliks 5 Graorh at Chilli . ..he do MICHIGAN. Brawl; . Cleveland dolFalnurrs' Mochnntri , Ilnak 3 Branch at Toledo do llovanatnera Eun.k. Bank—. 3 Branch at Garton ..... ...... .do,Peolosular Batik I Branch at do. lon :mare Company Branch ..Columtto du , State Bank 3 Br-Ennis at Anfi.bule. dr) CANADA. Gram+ at Salrni .. .... I. Ilk of 11. N. Mont-ire, ToroaG3 Itrano.l. nt Manatinld do,l4nok of tho People. T0r0n4,3 Ilrao , ll at Itipin, do/ Bank of Monironl 3 flrannh nt Cin , lnnati do'llank of U. Canada, Tom.° 3 Drawl; at I , lumbua. do EASTERN EXCHANGE. DEGO. at M n.l.Gicton do OE Nnw Pork I prom, '. Itraaol at CMG Itrnerb at Nato-nate, ...... . ' d i' o-go n rt h alt l iornr i4 . 4 l,7 .. ... ',.. Branch at , WESTERN EXCHANGE. Prau,ll at lit. , ' , non—...A/Cimino.' I !Impel] •t.r pe Senrk do Innilarlll.. I Torpor. at El, no da,St. Lauf.l . . . .. . • , . • Manual a,priodforld d• d:4 , AND SPECIE. VALUE Ittandh at aim - tette. do tamlllonna,Sprardah 16.00 HIT2I , iI kl Mt. 11.•aa50t......d0 KIWI, Old 10.1 . 0 Bawd. at Z00...di11,- d .....o Eagle. twar 10,u Praoch at Norwalk do Fnalertrkwl•ora....... .... . Lau Thatorh at Piqua do Iva Tlaalrne • 7.10 Itrttot.htst litsinroo...-.. Brunt-11ot Eaton-. .do Sovorrittoo..- Ilmtelt ot Itovontio. Toottuildoro. &moat at I.ltillionttot do Nopoloons. - Branch at 1t0v0tt0tr0.........d0 bum.. Ilrottrtt at Tolt.dra dol FITSIIISHING MALL LOCKS & KEYS. Oorler. 1 March 14, Ipsl. j T BEING DESIRABLE to muh4titutelock. nral .Y• of monoe other kind for thoac now 10 uac mr of the Unitod •perlmon kwlto and kat WOII prnpacnla to fur .h the rano, iw lend Aunfit.naltiered ,tt the Phat 011 icy Der artment. until the tat ar of Joltnext Th. dlllerent lucks .111 lw cubmitted .ounulwoon for ettaninathm and report i'lann Od• tow, contrtala will...awn an practleml.l.., iota li , k, and kcys for tour whh the r,0,10il TI.O part of the Poonnastcr General MY the ttr m. ben,. te extend arid continuo, the contract in Mrre Mr an mldito.,l term of four yeurtt, by girths: to tha ryntractor writ.:: nal, to that 17,41, run morn than nine nor lens [hull 0 X month.. 1.-tort the tornmustich of an , tirt tonna font With I at pnrurinvtbn brat Inck at the Inwect 00 Ulla of nwk a proacribed as a atandsrd, the Itritartuient reit Ili, for aelertlon on the mechanical aklll and Inveno. itt which a lalr mkopettllon. .nur Intl4ll, itIP, 100,00 f proper tmatate. that lock ault.ble for the until 'html towatata the followits 1,10.1010, Vt." did milli,. unlknquit 1 • Intinneca. aunt at remtth. p..r the Of di•plarine. all the mall Irwka and kcy• nno in UP, slaw. thin. thottaand De. lock. and ',Nerdy thotuand 1tr,..1.1n0w thereto: vfll roquirod to ftirol.ll.l by the contractor within tumttlic after the enutruct shall have Itecti cutemal itf ter.unle the asinual •111 denend on the disrstalitt 'of the lock. and key.yltoi.,l„ a. a. the incl....cot the wall arr.., but it will probably never. arned lu an ~,,, three 1t,,,,, af the former and ono, thounand the tat ter. 1..• k .111 concldered If It lw like ant .hwo, in k.•,. similar to tin.. enettrartud 0.. r, for on. oth , r turisi . " ue« thou that of tbolfied 110,1 , DeparOnost, The kind of to adsitortl snort be Listen...l. laud the pa lentos will ru,guired, out entering Into natty...L. to mak,. ossignment of h. patent fur lle ethos" , itios.d efit of the Departments If the houtuarter General shall dem. such outmost:mint ...sunhat to the Others...of thsw, rtoe. ease of the failure of the stir ot ant time to fulfil (Killifish, - the lentis slut es of hrtrootrout, the Port urts.dtieutiesd 011011 lune the right. beside. • rwss,rt loth. tusnoi retools hereinafter melitifinol. sunulssniil outlaw,. and tu sustitr.l. attest 1.11.11 1.07 .ither tarty or t ot., an he mar a.. 01. lisr funstsdong,rtrtirtll Iu doisliug upeutbsi proposals and speohneus offentd, the INottuarter thineral may dorm it ...pai1...1 to select the through omits the lurk of tone bidder. and for the rat rtssis that of nodles Ile rtiserress. therefore, the right uf trorUng xlll ,II indlaidiials for suet. different binds of I,s-ts as e way iselort, end al.n this right to ofieot nli tbe suid pr.p05.1.4 if be .11.141..1 Won roans" for the inturest uf the Disport...sat The party or potties eontusig will Ise required grtss bond, with sulfite s runts sitni nf thirty thusumod doll., for • NlOllOl ,frOrl3l/O.lC+ ..f Ilte esiotrArt 'the ointrort In In runt.o provons hir the due and propur Inspection of the loots mod Ois, s. out also fur guarding .4g...c unite passing Into If not wll herunxlderest Ifoot •rtortraolod with Irtfiolortory avid...mut trustworth ths bkl d.r. mud of hLsto fulfil the contnoct- N. K. LULL, Pottozairter General. mc2=ll-w141:15 COMMERCIAL Harra.u. Artaarerw.—adrertismentw sad prbeeriptlorow for I no paper rerwired nod forwarded frowof oxpeawr. from thl•war.w. PITTSBURGH NEAREST. Orrins Ptrunuitun Ussreva t April 3, 18.!.1. The weather yesterday wu warm and rainy. In row, quence of which . buyinret was nidardumtively doll, and no lance Vaneartidu treurred ear as we maid learn. tiud l.t.lona were generally the Nam+ as given In previous dare report. FLOUR-1 4 everal considerable tuts were received hi neer renterdas: but were meetly designed either rot shipment or 'donne. From first hands the num,. ma. $3,1042.15 Idit. The ride. of 250 lads at 53.10(4./123.1/5. reTawhd cnour iVednendar edition. wan. th ro ugh a mistake of the mtaisitor, placed under Rye Flour. From store. we hoot on alteration In Anon... it bbl, to mt." loin for city con4moption MY F: YU/UR—email ...le. from first bands at CVs -12'. bbl blitAlN—We find no char under this head. bare been truniersto. with .mall rairs at for whkat,lVA.7o roe 50 , ..:4:4, barley OU. corn 40445, and OW at 3:14,i4e bar. notieed' a continuo.' firmness to the lo market. with an 'amy.] 14 ,1 •110r....nel a Alight advance to manor, which 0 now Iwld pretty firm at 3.543 fie in cr em.r and oak titan. with small wiee. :isles 14 titul• sugar at tNe., tom. which in about the present ruling price. Of coffer the last .ale to any extent, wan 100 hag. Rio at 12., moo. gmaJl Won to counter at 124(41,:y. BACON—lleoolpts for thin market ha., come forwszi more freely, and the market ill better supplied. Sala of 2.1 lands skinuldirs at gc, and of 10 do hams, at 114 e .60 de,. sugar cuted canvassed ham. are selling 10e 14 Itt to tc,. faha of country cured meat at y italic below treotern no , city cured LARD—ltupplies are moderato, and tales confined no i mall lota at 7340 Re. and I,N(4Bkhe to ibis and keg, DILIED ule• wqffiern eurnl at SNO-S'e "tin I I2th Mar "It A l: r 4th Jt Le Al July Jul) 3 thAew 24t1,et t 1111TER—Salet of Y 14.1 s roll. In let., nt . - ^nnitEn: to .1.1 , 111 T Sale, In km . ..t 74 . (47!1(a ,, TA I.le , I IV—Sale Of 111 IN—at 7e? MUM/ iltill7-13alea of peaches from store at rl.aUri 1.1t41.4:a for Mmamon to prima quality. Salem of appllw at Soe Int. From al,t Nand. we may ono.' Dead... at 1 /. 31 BIT. wad apples at mr.s. , it ha. t 1 1LSmall mina of Unwed at 9039.1i0, of castor oil at Waaat.l. and of ho 1 lard oil nt !Or B gal. CLOV ,Y.Eft--Vnrth. mire from trot ban& at Ir..C.ilrat 6. and loan atom at S0.141(401,5o 11 bat. SPIRIT OP THE DOMESTIC MARKET. little moariarnt In 1.6L4 rtaylt• to •m y. with salt.. nf bale+. follows 17 I.lm mod anatnon at 87', :13 4.1 e, fair st; 30t4.1r.0 prima 1{.. , 3: 73 do .4 f.• 4. and 40 do rh,,ltv ?lon . • • ‘l.—.Tld nuly ttdo reported dari 1700 pip upprr at 1.1.• Ar 1+ 100 Ti Lotti r nano, v. rlurrre nouutntlit td•r-Vd.1,1 0 1.1 Idu Col , e..-31arket NUR al an lodraln, upon InAt quotatinn• Wet n , A.11, the ord., of 755 bhls , :n 100 1.1. 44,0 bbl. Stafr* •nd WgoinY HA. Ji11.... t Barker, .t P.7S Wt..At—Th. Mark. , WWI serpre to dot. and tbe mmuttrtted luArtt, hut. Mixed to chola, at from 1.2 aoc a. follows: tko 'mutt wheat at oitc- and Nat do at CP,. 2, dr. rvd fair at ".14 do, 1.54 do. and Wu .to prime :.c. What further lor ne t utrnie nenki l a no Any , !mann T.J. u, Patina-ow u. tin •nit rain, end whet he proticsett u, rtik - dan,hiet The Lord blessed my parish wonderfully this winter, inasmuch no not only a groat quantity of fish were caught and sold in all the village.. , but in Cooerow they even killed four aesals the great storm of the I _tit of December threw goodly quantity of anther on the sdosre an that many found antler, although no very large pieces, end they begun to boy cows and slee p from Liepe aud other plare•. n. I myself also bought two cows ressa, my great which I had sown, half on my own field and half on old l'ausch ss, sprung up Isra rely and gladly a, the Lord had till Jorum hennwrd s n o p, winter but so soon ,t. it had shot up a finger s ! length, we found it one m o rning again torn np Lot IsvILLE, Mar eq and ruined, and this time alesi by tie' devil's di. 7ki 4 a ' at,m! in ge , sei nes now, as bet not the smallest trace hos, sgs tent to,. t4c/Yd , al....ta V. 44.. of oxen or of horse. was he a, the field 11 ' 1- h '" fts f . ""'". ; May the rightonu , toswerrr revrarl it, ll.ku tn.o, a. rt.. mall, 111.,. eukt. • .4 , indeed he Mos already dm, eti nt Lk., Ali,.• and • iLer hed•. Falr. 6 , 11,1.1 r leanwhile. however . s. Fit,l,ll(' iin.a.akinnn hat.p.n. 1., on, to,“11), kk I I. Ike mars. I, .ak knit i them., sod Inn tint- run, Wk ttitth saw out k., the kvindew that a .1 t i c at ok,e. an 0., • the ditii,,hter of hit to-heron.. a 'iM •, omen ! whom be h s 'd lwrsos . is sh''' 1 1 ' , h ag ,. 7 it belt .ta dn. al k. coppice to gather dry sticks, 1,, weos thsther to, s ga roan Ile ai, r „„i„ „, whens Ode I -31% 1,01 el. re oh , el ty k taunt. nAnst goer. laink.elt tien I, n 1 w r duit then .-o-. moat , ti et ski i erne nur un.akentut I thine the runt eat inkiond. aad sk ...rile t i k. re. k tt - tm• ••t.or ""'"'" - II" . I i.rit ',ridge. where am si,outstain a•sli shied, li e There n. nut, • nentti ku .vittnu k•rtn.. • , U vet loc. 3le ne Wells vs two wolver, oname taw and- him . and a• euet , •••• ei.tet k -t Idels tnt....T , re...ost bh •. e had DO weapon gl , li • • map, I e ss-so, It in, at at 5.0. h, 12 I. I. I 'limbed up „ L . " st au V.V..... and I toa tree. wherent.nri the wok., " . .erotism , sa arisvedriaarsm does , 'ells hi , .' onesaround it, blinked at him vv.tls their eve.. the LLI et t: ••., and by the Lu 6..50 TitotiMl L a,. , kski lash E . ' 4 6 . ire st 1 1 l o ' ntr i .pu t w n r ei ti r i l k l a;11 17:: the due k• , l with thd,r 10 tea. r. - fairows--T, Or.. organs/re ewt. knitt . r then saw that une war lie-wolf, a great thr at brute with only one eye I lereution in nit. fright he lirgan to serrain, i the long-suffer ug of Buil war again 'how, to him • without, oweter, mating him wiser for the maiden who had crept hrhin.i a ;unities-4,-h ds the held, when atmsaw th e shmitt ',lam, ran hack Il gain 10 meetirre and k i.e., her mk he of hello. . nikki -Irate way the se .il ter, and reik eimed hi. .tnie 1nrk:..1..1. Ilk. a then ild •leresla great wolf hunt to lie held ti.xt lay in the cent wood, and lie who idistmlst the onv otte yyed monster, dead or alive was to have a bar of beer for hi. psi 'Sod: they could not catch Into, unseat they that day tools her wolves in their net. and kille , l them Ile therefore straightway orili'resl a wislll/unt to be held in me par i sh But wheit the tkllair c. c to toll hell for a wolf-Isunt, he slisl not snip awhile, 111 the wont for wolf.lsunts, hue lordly rang t e !sell on, sy, s o that all tile lista thought, t it are Isa , l broken out, and ran s, tag out of their liott,e , :-bids al,. came lim ning out .1 myseif hod doyen oi v"•., tk sick per son at Zempin, seeing that walk u,g lolzon to lie Wearisome t , , nie, arid that I could ml altkird Ike he inure at 11111/11 ea.,. lint .he eu n•., lung, and wee asking the 1.4-on of the ro,;mg, when the Sheriff himself, sal hi, gray k hark;ei, with three imrt•l lad, of stet': and nets. following him, galloped up and or Is ceil the peop'e sttaight. way to go into the forest and to kink, the I. en With rattles. Dena:psis he, with hi, Masters Raj a few men whom he had picked out of the crowd, were to ride on and spread the nets behind ',funereal - . seeing that theoast s ondrusis narrow there an,' the wolf dread , thew - „nor. When he salt my , laughter he tut tied Lis i.c.c round, chucked her snider the shit,, and gra ciously asked her vs Ito she sena, and Nile came' Whun he had heard it. he said she was I as fair as an angel, and that he laid not known till now that the parson hero had se la . :tote-nu, girl. Ile then mile off, loolang round at her ' two or three times. At the tired boating they found the one-eyed wolf, Who lay sit Lotushes near the water. thereat his lorthship rejoiced greatly, andmade the grooms drug hint OW. of the net with lung iruu hooks, anti hold him there for near on hour, while my lord slowly and cruelly tortured him to ilestth, laughing heartily the while, which is a ',apses/scum of what he after- 1 wards did with my poor child, for wolf or haul) is all one to this villain. Just Got ' But I will not he beforehand with my tale. i Next day came old Sedum his squint-eyes! wife, limping like a lame dog, and put it ta my daugh ter whether she would nut go into this serksice of the Sheriff; praised lout a, a ' , ' mod and ;siisus man: : and vowed that all the world, said of hire were foul lies, no she herself could hear witness. see- , ' ing that she find lives' in his service foe above , ten years, loc., she praised the good cheer S they had there, and the handsome held-money that the great lords who often lay there gave the servants which waited upon them; that she herself ball mere than once receives' a re:sensible from his Princely Highness' Duke Ernest' Lade- Wig; moreover, many pretty fellows came there, which might make her fortune, inasmuch she s was a fair woman, and might take lice choice of , a husband when's' , hirer iu Ciriersiw, where no body ever came, she might wait till she was old / and ugly, Isere!, she gut a .'arch en her hestd. thereat nay doughter was beyond menkiiire an gered, and answered, ••Ah! thou old shush, and who has told thee that I wish to go into service. Ito get a much on tn . ; head' Go thy ways, and 1 never enter the bollSP again, for I have naught 'm du with thee ' tt hereopem she %mil, I away again, muttering between her teeth Scarce had a few days passed, and t was =tend iug in the chamber with the glarier, %Ca, patting in new window , . when I heard my dims', S ter scream in the kitchen Whereupon I straight , way ran in thither, 01.1 W:14: , 11. , A01 3[1 , 1 allrielit• ell when I saw the Sheriff hins , elf standing in the corner with lib , arm round my child her meek ' ; he, however, lire...nth let her go, and 'aid' reverend Abraham• wino n coy tittl, tied you hat tor a daughter' I 51'111,1 10 1.,1,1 her xlll, a his's, a. I elves,' to do, and .liik -tengeled and Med oat a. if I had been young lel kw who hail ' , Nil.en imi upon hed hereas rineht he" Sae hither tiviia• over I.k I nin.we end aught, he went 011 111 that Ike had dune it to rneouen er, scrimp iota his g: 1 t 1 :‘ f :: s uses :: k ea'llwt' lle rulerset over me by k r 1 :11 , i s k ,r 7 , 1 1 I n k 7 m i t ‘v W o o hI asked what 1,1. lordship khe-' L,• unrwered me gl;a -t as ok:,1 i e toil ju.t Cause fur " anger ngn 1..1 •me ',icing • that I 1,1 preached at biro before the whole congregation. lint that he was ready to forgiveaml to hare the me coMpleant he had rent in contra tar to his Prin. ; rely Highness at Stettin, and which might easi ly cost me my place, returned to him if I would but do his will. And when I asked what his lordship's will might be, and excused myself a., best 1 might with regard to the sermon, • he an, swered that he steal in great need of a faithful housekeeper whoinhe could set over the other wo: men folk; and as he had learnt that my daughter was a faithful and trintworthy person, be would 17 =Mark • Its. no •Imw ant blob ainstantly dkohillsbitur, now wart* mob. a•--Tht nternnt rt • ry dull..nd no tan's arm,. 1ant,%.1.• nf end tilt Nn Ist So chnlnt ‘t I at 7', end IP tea., !to 1 et TV - 0 lb Ma! data. .1 hat 5r..0d 3 it . ' at .in ntht.l.d. et 0 5,7 6 an at F• 01, and b J.. k - e.l, d .11cAl/de t• at 1, and af •t 74n* lb tn nt ldtbda attr , at t'. I 't dr • ett 1., at d‘c It ft bbls fur P1.14.11,n2 ala.. •t lirr. dn et d dn at At fair In rt art in Inn lon , at 11 , . I Ira ne + at at. and Inn aka n A t'alt at 11 - .k • • ..nd /d dry 111111.. • r - rtudl 650111. Jatr66rd. It I, rdwd. Lad dl 10, VIII Or, .rd... at • ~ .1, 1 • 6r61 irrern .611.1 at 4 , ..04 4 i ,. 5 r.I r. - 12111".13 Lad ;dna.. 6t 7, At awl e .tu. to 11•1 ~,,l a l I: .14 at... 1 •tetal tar aw, lt Stu Flatatutt, SI N. at .Sl,t, I ta. (q. Featuora, new. all.sllttaeatta, ...lrapt,lS, anal au Jemazat I.statatd oal at Y. 'Matta att a al . .t.S. anal eta, er,nt. to .leat. at ttoul /7 7S It, Lta PORT ON PITTSBURGH Ittr‘a , 4$ ro. 4 1,. I. 111,.• In .1144.ne1. r. 441,1,4. szi.l Alll.llEt. Mm - blean. bows. 1t..., 1t•at.,...0t5t.... tl.4r. J Mskre, 1,a...1r...50y/ant. Hs It t5...11. J 1...11u, MeNlllllt.. t. 401.1. 4dt.. 1...5t, tato,' tll.. /..ri 5.4, I Mu,. It. 4 -11..14. • VEI . ARTED • !awl:agars, ILuw., . ItraTer Allttudr. Prattnsal. lintt.lll. J When, Iletsdricknott. row Ntsl.4•4,rt T 1,... ett I••• 14•1•4. n. th-m•tr, ill.. Mr., la.m. .1 4 Adam.. Zanr•stll• tt..• Mettrs. Shtak.Mart•ltx Itlonsttl.l2t.o•rt.ll. M brells..l Wrll,lllr Illnninettan. l'lntlottat I. BOATS LEANING THIN DA IIIoCKINUPOICT—PacitIe EICPORTE BY RIVER. • ATl—Pta Cr•.,N mi.., TAX.. A 0. ..... .k. truurr, m•ra,... lakeug- 17 alle. 11/o Vi I bt perfumer, II A FAhnrot.* A 1 trunk. It =MI. baron. ;V. A - Abases. Mera.l., it 1 MA wrk. II 4.rh A .ap pkg., llalter I J 1 eleplutut A Valuable Coal Farm for Sale, iTUATEI) till the Ronk of the Mo. • 7 001..11Plit Itl vet. Itostraver township. it esnaiono land . 24 nallee !non Pittsburgh, b Monongahel C. nod 1 .1.1,1111.1 f mile above rCeneter, eon. taitnng dreca. 13u nr mo at which contain dl. vine boated for 'mining. bring iniereeeted by a re. vine which adapt. it. tr , the admiesion of frtoh air Into the mines Thiv Coal ran all Iv conveniently condueted lv for river, by means of i KAI LltiVAit whirli In now In opera. lion upon the 'moraine.. The landing at the railway la ex- IDa the rituatlon well adapted for harboring Coate valet,. This location I•Sen lacillbee for the Coartratle utivitrpao.ol uron the Monongahela titer There'll upon the eurfinv., nowt of which le rhumb and a of, well ta, wheel and all oWe:. grain common totnacciuntr ' y. Lune. plum , abondatt upon the premise.. and molly quarried. The building. ary a wort connota tion. tern atory 'trick Dwelling 11.". , with four large mow and • tack kitchen: large Log Darn: large end convenient Stahl, Granary. ellnehr llover. Coal Cr. A never falling.upt.t? of Tel water. with an eveellent puma at the doer. Thar. , IP abundantly otiiiitilied with mend epring. In most the field.. There Is aim, on the [mail... a Young leering lie. chard of itoprrior grafted fruit The whole leo( convenient the .loam ...a hanging at %Veinier. The Cgal will he wild scialadelr. with all the nevvowary priviMges hr king Itout... the Laud and Cool together. to atilt punt, aegg. AVph, oti the pronaleue, to Ih AMIN TII1)M.1n to S. W A ill. lattehurali A Good Opportunity for those who want a Home. I,l'S AND LA ND FOR SALE.--The sulo , ni,er otter, for sale the following Pieta , of grournb Ti.' No. I. Inn, La. In Pride , plan of Inn, In the Eighth ord.roch lot Leeng 24 feet los Int. Thee WW are' Ono. tlm ntuated. and will he sold at a bargain, a.. the owner Ilvoo ot dletanre, and whale" to atop.... of them. Three Lot. et the corner of lllmd ;greet and IN. Rented for either bustoript, n. prrt \0..1 Teu Lot. In the Borough well lowed tor private, re.idengr.. No S. T wel4e Acre* ot lA2II in Rehire lowarhlP. ml. property i• h. rated for country smote. Laing bulb An. dietadm Crum the :It 110 adj n oining the IL:llmnd. No fan Lot on WeEnter rar Elan. 24 1,, 1,. puree 2- and will In. 'old nit long 'lmre. only a smallrt of the norrhaw money will leo Intalnel In hull A THREE IITORI IlirUrie. FOR RENT A thine ntory Hon,. near th earner,( Welorter ..SEhn Winn, Aintalulnii 11 r.,11.. he r. ma' very loir to o i.e.! lam.; i• yr, rinirtructed that two eau tin envy it. ARM/ 1101IERT "RAY. NI D. mrillY7 lin nlnlirr Awl F:lin ntreetn. NOTICE. - TILE ••Folueational Association of Alleglie- Aon, 1 :::". V•17:1 , ; 1 . .. , M . . , 1 i a i r11 c h Inue be deli erre. Li la Saturja,. the. lit. oral t John tirewory will &bier an War , . on Ile 'VI, sioloairal Trainho. of Children in the lieloed foliowea Li Sir I. I' Covell. The fro.loli eilloshou . sri• reeimetfully Invited 4. st. 4.4 4 1 If, I JrJer of the on,. Clorant., u" . " ' J. C. lIERMIEII. fie.. y. Temperanceville and Nobleatovro Plank Road Company. OTICE herelq given to the Stoekhold ere of eal.l Cuuniany. that they mok• payment St W. 4 .0 swami of the ' , n the Of Et... Dollore eaell eh are or the %tort. on the lad Mandl, in each ant ere, iatioth hereafter. Until the whole ow e\ ne l l l:e " Aler.l? ,l .l.L l TrrV; d r. l ,Tu d e l elitT i o 1. ?""'"" I g. r llll ‘ l ' iir,l • Preindent Board of Underwriter. A. T a Meetin g 1,1 the Board of Underwri ter, 010 folloring re,ilution •fts unailitunucl) aloic t and nolored to be publi•hed: fircaired. Thal from oral after the rubbeation of thic un lire. no Fire ILIA, whether arininal or ...mooned. chall " "k".byany Incurance IrtMi. ,n ett, until the premium./, raid to I tmler: A It* itaftlic, meh27l( recretary of thr Board - EAU MONT'S PATEN'r STARCH I'OL BIPR, rut 1.1.111 a a beautiful glum to tan,)., Mualln, 0 manic". Colima, ahlrt lamorne, and all kind. of ortntt:ll. fre gmeren. the hurt fowl aclherinic to the Linen. and dust rom wicking; It contains nothing , nint , "" nu, rave, The ladle. have long sines. felt the neceadtr of cuch w article. and In ills their eapectatinn •111 be fol ly realised, as nu rointwiltlon Is reared after Impartial trial • • • N. 11.--orm Cake will do ttunr dumu "1°w"..04 family thould IFNl:mut r ortaCalro. Xubbublomitb full dllvetioul. /or Oslo Or arLlll4 Word rt. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE FROM IL&HRISBURO ICorre,..ndrors• liattaisaraiih, )larch 29, Iri J. The Governor thio morning notnittateit Wm. Ellmager anJ John Smith ati Associate Judge , . of Lyconsing l i outity. Their tiowthwiti oti s w ere firmed, together with those of Jamo• of Erie comity. nail John Itatc•iin, FayettPl'ollll. The Appropriation Nil i.: travelling slowly through the House It ha. codhnitise the Whole, and two or three regions have adopted on second reading. Several amendment, have been offered and discus.e.l, lint th ey h,, e all been lost. The hill tlius far stands as it came from the Committee. The appropriation to the Portage Railroad will elicit se skn. and.mny he defeated. The section pr' i.i • iug for the completion of the Western Reserve, contains a provision that the contractors shnll proceed to the completion of the , work according to the contract made with the State, many years since. The contractors, when the e work stn. stopped. obtained damages from the Common wealth, for the loss they srpttained in Cott. , quence. The prices nt that babe contracted for are much larger than the same work would opm mand now, and POMP metnhers of the Legisla ture do not feel disposed to see a drain made-up nn the State Treasury of $15,0110 for the execu tion of a work which could he done for much less money. The .I,i - dement to the net incorporating the Franklin Canal Company and the Pittsburgh and - Erie Railroad Company, passed the Senate this morning. I cannot get possession of the hill, and cannot therefore state its precise provisions. It is howeier opposed very actively by Mr. Low ry, of Crawford county, who is interested in the Franklin Canal ton considerable amount, and by , Mr. Galbreath, of Erie, whoso sympathies are in the same direction.' It appears generally conceded that no attempt ,wiil be made this teeter to change the Judicial iliistrict.4 of the State. The Leeeh,e, are afraid to undertake it with the S ena t e an d Go vern , t o drevent their consummation er the ourrag coax gerrymander they -desire to have made. The Legislature is barren of news. lieQressr. MARY SCHWEIDLER THE A3IBER WITCH. CiI,iTER XII that I should send her into his service. "See there, - said he to her, and pinched her cheek the while. "I want to lead you to honor, though you are such a young creature, and yet you cry out as if I were going to bring you to. dishonor. Fie upon you: - child still remembers all hie r•rhoten.; I myself should have forgot It a hundred times over in all the wretchedness I since underwent I. But she was offended at his words, and jumping up from her seat, ahe an swered shortly, .•I thank your lordshwip fur the honor, but will only keep house for my papa, which is abetter honor for me:"N.tereupon hr turned to me and asked me what I said to that. I must own that I was nut a little affrighted, in asmuch us I thought of the future and of the relit in which the Sheriff stood with his Prin cely Highness. I therefore answered with all I humilisy, that 1 could not force my child, and that I level to haveher about me, seeing that nis dear liuswife had departed this life during the heav y pestilence, and I had no child but why her That I hoped therefore his lordship ! would not he displeased with. me. that I could not send her Intl, his lordship's service. This angered him sorb., and after disputing some time longer in vain, be took leave hot without threats that he would make me pay for it. item, my alitn, who was standing in the stable, heard biro say ns he went round the corner, I will. have her yet, in spite of him!" I was already quite disheartened by all this, when nn the Sunday following, there Came his huntsman Johannes Kurt, a tall, handsome fel low, and smartly dressed. Ile brought a roe buck tied before hint on his horse, and said that his lordship had sent it to me for a present, in hopes that I would think better of his offer, see ing that he had been ever since seeking on all video for a housekeeper in vain. Moreover. that if I changed my mind about it his lordship would speak for me to his Princely flightless, no that the donation of Duke Philipp., Juiius should be paid to toe out of the princely teraroun, But the young fellow got the same answer as his master had done. and I desired hint to take the roebuck nwaewith him again. But this he re- Instil to do:stria an I had by chance told him at first that game was my favorite meat, be prom ised to supply me with it abundantly, seeing that three was plenty' of game in the forma., and that he often went a bunting on the Streckleberg . moreover, that I (lie meant my daughtetr) pleas ed him uncommonly, the more because I would not do his master's will, who, ns be told me in confidence, would never leave any girl in peas... and certainly would not let my damsel alone.— A 'though I had rejected his game, he brought it notwithstanding, and in the course of three weeks he was sure to come four or five times. and grew more and more sweet upon my daugh ter. Ile talked a vast deal about his good place, and how he was in search of a good buswitc, whence we soon guessed' what quarter the wind blew from. Ergo, thy daughter told him that if he was seeking for a huswifc she wondered that he lost his time in riding to Coserow to no pur pose. for that ,she knew no buswife for him therv, which vexed him so sore that he never came spin. And now any one would think that the grapes were sour even for the Sheriff: nevertheless he came riding to us soon after, and without more ado avked my daughter in 9trriage for his hunts man. Moreover, he promised to build him a Lon-e of his. own in the forest Vern, to give him pot • and kettles, crockery, bedding, tic., seeing that he had stood godfather to the young who. moreovor, had ever borne himself Well do nog seven years he had been in his service.— /I ervupon my daughter answered that his lord ship had already heard that she would keep home f‘r nobody but her papa, and she ' won vt;ii Mod/ young to become a huswife. This. however, aid not seem to anger him, lon. after he had talked a long time to no pur po, lie took his leave quite kindly, like a rat IS hick pretends to let a mouse go, and creeps be hind 4be corners. but she is not in earnest, and presently spring, out upon it again. For doubt how that he had set to work stupidly; wherrfore sa lie Sent away in order to begin his t 4. k 3Ctiiil aser a better fashion, and Satan uel.• tv,th 1,1111, a u tolotri with Judas I:ccrict. Jcurnll I=l T r ini.slern Italian tirricketted style is one which bas been frequentiy adopted for wooden hut lilin It demands snore regularity of external out line upon the ground, and hence is better adapt ed for n villa, in finished garden grounds, than a rural Lome, in a picturesque and natural tituatiin element consisting in the constant recur rence of horizontal lines, a ant roof seem, al most it/insp....dile: a high pitch, or pointed ga ble., are therefore out of place. It permit, great variation in the heights of ditlerent part- , of the building; hut the breaks niti4t be made vertically from a horizontal line —not by slope pointing above slope, as in the spire and 'fatter of a Gothic structure. The species of buildings whence thin style. as noel now . originated, abounded in campanile. or 'tell towers, the form and character, though nut the uses of which are retained—the upper st4ry of said towers being finished as au obser vatory. affording a cool and pleasant retreat from the Open windows of which an extended prospect mar ho commanded. In a house of mine on the Hudson, this portion of the tower I. used as a billiard room. For small and nn preletolitt: country dwellings. this style in ilesi ral.le. and, in many situations, would be found to look more home like than.perhaps, almost any other. Tb. great objection is the necemoty for a flat ter pitch of roof than a shingle covering u - 1;1 al , low; and there are many reasons that a metal tsmf should not be resorted to, where shingles can he used. A sullicient pitch of roof to per itact covering-with wiggles would give ILL entire j lv dales-eat character to it house erected in this style: but a mo , litication of the style may be re sorted to. which will render such a pitch perfect ly toludasable. In such a case the slope of oth er roofs. such an veranda, porch, Se., should a gree wall it; and it may farther be harmonized by making the brackets moth longer or deeper than lithe roof were flatter. If any of my rend er friends have occasion to travel East, they may see an example of a building destined in this ; character for the Berlin station, on the railroad between Hartford and. Nett - Haven. Circular headed windows are bound vary generally in the variant examples of buildings from which this style has been derived.. They are often intro. duced in modern buildings here; hut where out side blinds aro to be used, they do not look very wed, as each half of the blind, when open, pre- Bents an unsightly appearance. One advantage of this style possesses is the adaptation it affords to internal furnishing and decoration. Gothic furniture in too apt to look outre; but any species of modern cabinet work, ea.-opting Gothic. looks well in a room of this • iameter. `'•. In executing from a design in this style in wood, them seems nu difficulty that demands particular notice, other than that the too great temptation to introduce ornamental work in this this facile material is apt ,o lead into the putting up of n great deal of unnecessary carpentery, the maintenance of _which will he attended with expellee. In speaking of these three different. classes of country houses—the Ituistl, the Gothic, anti the "Itali-4 Lave comprised all those th at are gen erallyan seen. Other varieties there are, I•know but they•all hove so roach in common with, some tine or other of these three. that my reader, will not wish me to describe them. Stone. with its pleasant associations of moss tin,l fretted surface, seems the material for qa,et, rd , tn . home: there is something in its as pect. of :ippcal from the long, long pta.¢ soil of prntni , e of endurance in the future, that must make it especially sought after by those who preach a crusade against the ephemeral preten sions of the present day 1l here it t. found in abundance upon the and its character is such as a respectable notsca would recommend for building pdrpo ,P, I would say, use it for your house, by all it ens are from the city, do not, however, fan ,. lerau,e stone is your material, that you 11;11,1 hate a Fifth Avenue front. If your stone ~ y _dressing and tooling, as it is cal led. tool your puree and the character you 11430 givr to the architecture will allow Cut stone to at hotel portions lif the erection. there can he no objection to artistically displaying the material to the beet advantage; but.even•then, un1e...0 you ore seeking to build a palace, do not think of having the building faced with cut stone. Rough stone, as it comes from the quarry, and laid in IL, natural bed, for the walls, and cut stone for your door, and window dressings, and your plinth and porch, if you will; and the one will Five contrast and value to the other. lf, however, the texture of the stone 'should not prove sufficiently fine fur working, and you desire to build the walls simply in a durable and substantial manner, use the, stone as fol lows; Let the quarrymen split off just as tho voinsof I the stone make it most easily worked. Select such pieces as, from their length and even ty, eedin adapted for silla and lintels, and use the I remainder just in the shape it naturally comes upon your ground from the quarry. In building your nrran, lay the stone in ita ozactbed as itlay in the quarry, and here end theie let long pieties be introduced, the length of gni thickness of year VOLUME LXIV---NUMBER 206 I walls : these, lying aerois, would serve ss bowl er , to the walls, and will materially strengthen the work. A mull built in this manner, in irregular courses. looks remarkably well forcountry bnild ings, and it it the method in which the time honored musal churches . of England bare been built, than which more simply beautiful or more durable erections cannot be found. 'Many builders will tell you to place your stones edgeways or upright, instead of in the solid man ner I have described and it is true the masonry will look as if constructed of larger blocks, and will have a more regular appearance, bath is by no means so durable—the walls, in fact, being no more then shell. Of outer and inner veneering of smoothly-fitted slabs of Fume, placed on end, and filled in with loose bits of rubbish and mor tar. A wall can even be built more rrpidly if laid as I direct because no time is taken in selecting the stone, and of course the stone is - quarried and built into the walls at less ex pense. Nrany persons complain of stone-houses in the country being damp. This inconvenience is coup.] by the walls not being properly built, rather than by the nature of the material it self. I Such ditapness as may be found in a stone building, COMM, not from surfaceexposuretothe weather, but from wet arising in the walls by. capillary attraction from the ground. A wall built a. I speak of, would prevent this; because the pores of the grain would-be horizontal, and the possibility of dampness finding its way by any means through the interstices upwards, may he guarded against by building a coursoof slate into the walls above the ground, and immediately under the joists of the first floor. This, where slate can easily be procure", is ea infallible me.' thod ;, and whore it is not within reach, atrium of large stone, of the width of the thickness of walls, and about four inclus thick, laid in hy draulic cement, will do equally well. A wall may be plastered inside, without any furring out, as usually done, if built as above, and without any four or wet finding its way in. A country house, to be built of stone, in the rural manner described in my last, wotildrequiro to be of very simple form there should be few breaks in the outline. and the effect called by ar tists breadth" must be that sought. The veranda, windows, doors, audroof may be treated ins manner similar to that recommended for the rural home sketched last week. Thewin dows should be set deeply in the a-alls, and the roofs have a greater projection, end their timbers that show be somewhat heavier in, their scant lings: Let the stone be rough, just as then:alone lay it, knocking off, here:and there, with a hail mer, any fragment that seems to jut out too prominently, and I would much prefer that the walls be not rough cast. I In building on a Gable pion, the style would have to be less ornate in its details, than if the "material Were wood, and . the mittunte of the building should be more massive in their character. In nutting up bay.windowa, or other projecting portions of the plan, only;partially extmiling up the walls, unless the piers betweeu.the open lots be very large, it will be better to use wood than stone, on account of the latter occupying so much room. The wood should be painted a color that will harmonize with the tint of the stone, and its surface sanded t 6 suit with it in texture. akOutside shutter-blinds never seem to match with rough stone walls ; and as the thickness of the latter is such as in all eases to permit of their being arranged inside, I would advise their being so contrived. and a pent roof over the window will add as much to the picturesque external ap pearance, as it will to the intenael comfort of the building. • The modern Italian, us described, before, is so suitable for, erection in stone asdn wood, and most of my readers will remember a beautiful example in thi. style at Newport, the windows of which are protected IT coverings such Ile I bare spoken of The masonry of liouNts in this style is s,enerally more . rogular and tinishell than would be requisite for either of those described before, -and hence. the expense will be found granter ; but a rough, gone building would loot: very well, provided the ~implicity of the wood work and rest of the house was agreeable. Open arches are prominent fea tures in an 'Wain rural bdiiding ; the veranda, the porch, orubra and wir.chirr-openingt, especial ly [hove of the upper gory of the tower, may take this beautiful form, and the massive na ture of the material hf the house will blend delightfully with the ideas of strength the arch ionveys. . Terraces ore eon:I.:illy associatel features with 11112 style, and if the ground on trltil.h your home is to be, naturally presents a tsrraeol up f.earanee, a very little aid from art-a-ill soon oon cert it into the beautiful form thilt is so suitable to an Italian villa. Moulded brick might be frequently uied upou a country house and brick, as a enitablo ferial for building, must receive a few mo ments' attention, before I bring this number to a close. It is not so suitable' for Gothic as far other styles, though the Tudor, ,s it is called, which in but a hater period of Goalie architecture, seems well adapted to its ace, and England, and the western portion of the Continent of Europe, abound in examples. lirtek wails should be huilt hollow. They will he cheaper, drier, and afford room for eliding shutter', windows and blinds, and, above rill, give the opportunity for thorough and .ailv eounoll ed ventilation. Insist upon your builder wetting the bricks before laying them on the walla, if even you have to pay the labor of au ea Lin man on ourpooe to is sn. Yale walla will hi etroager and drier if you do. Do not, as a g:enerel role, permit any onokes flue, in outer They are the cause of an extravagant ven:ste of heat, mei r f useeijiitly beerus and 'tutu., dna, your external walls, if painted: If you haven cistern iu :nor roof, build a kitchen or some eenstattlystis•ed flue through it. You will then not fear fret ; aurrif, once every elI months, you will place therein a bushel of powdered charcoal, you need not have stagnant, fretid. wow - , breeding corruption in your home. If your brick house is to be painted_ ewer it with MO coats of paint in the fall. Th'e bricks will he thoronghly •dry then, and the quantity of paint will bo amply muffin:ant to repei all wet .luring the winter, and will bo ready-toned down to receive the finishing coat or cost., in the spring.. The color chosen should be one that will Ma the objects around. If there be mare lichen : covered rocks near, or grey mountains tu the distance; against which tho balling is seen the tint should be a cool gray,:which may be made with any blue that will stand, mixed with ono tenth part Venetian red, and lowered with white, as requisite; and I„lisve frequently ui.ed. sand upon brick buildiirs, with great advantage, by mixing it with the lest two coats. or conic the last, and applying at with a wiyethruth, which, though requiring a strong arm, is much morn satisfactory in its effect than if the spud were dusted on, which leaves a number of ehiningliar ticks to catch the light, and, by their dartling appearance, destroy the quiet, coat tone of color a house should possess, and width the former method will secure. If the house be stu - rounded by trees, mauy of which are evergreens Of dark foliage, a lighter and more dibtinguislaing color may be tiled.— Cream color, made by mixing ono part raw um ber, two parts raw sienna, one-fourth part burnt umber, to one hundred parts white lead and oil. The last coat. mixed with silver sand; is a very beautiful tint for a building in„entb a situa tion, The taste of the owner will no doubt load to the selection of a proper color, particularly es I have said enough to guide him ; and I will con clude, by quoting the advice given by a noted English landscape painter, under timilarcireum• • tAIICCS: • Pluck up a tuft of grass near you, oh ' serve the tone of coloring the earth adhering to its roots po ss esses, and paint yuur house the tint • you see there." 1 The gist of this remark lies in chorea that the . • tone of coloring of natural objects immfsliately around you is the best.pussible pattern-curd from which to select the pigment you desire your pain. tern to use. 11 AY , V1LLF., LEVNGTON AND tionnit Ratt y:Av.—A vote was taken in Fayette county, Ken tucky, en a subscription by the county of ?::00,- WO to stock of the Railways, from Maysville to Lexington, and from the latter city.south Duo ville. The majority iu favor of the Marseille road was„6l2, nod of the Lionville road 431. The Observer thinks. now that the decision in made it will he generally acquiesced ha—and the question rettled that the roads are to be made.— That is creditable to the people prosecuting those liner. In this connection Cincinnati ehould remember two things—first, that no Tot« was taken to subscribe to the Covington and Lexing ton road, and second, that the Cleveland and Columbus Railroad hate got . an amendment to their charter, authorizing them to construct branch roads to connect with Maysville. The question then is, ore we to remain idle while these roads are being made to take trade and travel away from us, or make a new effort to has , ten on the Covington road.—Cts. GO. Gnat sak—Messrs. li. If. Leeds is 05., who sold the pictures belonging to the estate of the laws A. B. Htortutn, Esq., obtained furs celebra ted painting of the Hely Family, Curreggio, $ 800 ; for painting b.! Dettssme,.s4.2s, and for • large number ranging from 5.5 to $lOO each. If. Y. Com. Ado. • •