SOM Ti:RS. 0130111AII cASE—ColliciEtt'S hiQULßT.—Coro noArthurs was called upon on Monday night to hod an inquest upon the body of Amanda Smith I a olored woman who bad died rather suddenly on 'Sunday . , as was supposed from the effects of poison. The hotly, which wits interred in the grave yen' of the Second Presbyterian church, was, exhumed on Monday night, and a post mor tem examination made by Doctors Martin and ,Mackey. esse Swede, a colored man,restiffed that the d •.eased had hid a quarrel with a woman living in .be neighborhced of her residence on fi Smith street, who threatened ehowould poison her in onnequence. She had subsequently sent i n.. i 4 'etas articles of food, which the deceased, by he advice threw away. On Friday, however, she ate something which her neighbor bad given heti, and shortly afterwards complained of pains in ithe stomach, which continued to increase in intensity, until she died on Sunday. Cieorge Smith, husband of the deceased, teitti fied, that his wife had said nothing to him about the food disagreeing with her, but said that he had heard the neighbor suspected of causing her deal, boast of her shill in the art of poisoning. Sid wife's head was very much swelled prior to her death. The jury wis compelled to adjourn until eight o'cl i ock last night, in order to give the physicians time to make the necessary examinations. , hey were obcupied all day yesterday in es laving the contents of the stomach and intes tines, bat could find no traces of poison. The atoLich was very much inflamed, but the infra- America, was not; in their opinion, caused by poi soul The physicians who attended on the de ceased, declare that her disease was the erysi- POaa. Tne jury returned a rennet to the effect that Mra. Smith died from the effect of an erzsipels tanp hifiamation of the stomach. FOR Onscoa.—Albert Eggers, M. D., and Quincy A. Brooks, Esq.; attorney and counsellor at law, two of our•most estimable citizens, leave to y, on the Oriental, en roate for Oregon. We &4t that they may there meet With that success which their merits so well deserve. OMITTED TO TOE BAlL—Messrs. James A. Nolen , and Anthony Hartz were yesterday, on motion of the Hon. Jasper E. Brady, admitted to the Bar. Both these gentlemen will do credit to the profession. We bare been acquainted for a long time with Mr. Bindery, who is a young gentleman of much talent, and haze no doubt of his success in the arduous 'mention be bat; chosen. HARPER'I NRW MONTIItY MAGAZI:I6, for April, ben been received at Holmes' Literary Depot, Third street, opposite the post office. BACON'S Mt ISCASTILE COLLEGE —This tattoo, located in Cincinnati, and which is adre, tined in another column, is of deservedly high reputation, and has received the warmest enco miums of the prem of that city. From these no: tines we select the following, for the information of our readers, from Advertiser." tt ACOX'S Commsamm.CoLczaz.—Tho Mercantile Colleges of Ohio have become ao well known for ta few years past, for their admirable aystem,.not only in drill - mg young men in the theory of book keeping, but in reducing that theory to practice, in every conceivable entry a merchant's book may require, as to render a minute description of. their connse of instruction superfluous.' It will suffice to say, the pupils are so thor oughly trained by the discipline of these schools, that they are able, promptly, and without diffi culty, when Missing their examination, to assign 'to any trai - section pr6erited to them in ques tions by visitors, its prpper disposition in no original entry, and to follow it through a set of books to its linel settlement. In doing thie, they are required- to give the reason for what they are .doing, in.every stage of the entries and char. gee, and to give such reasons as will satisfy the prettiest book-keeper, that they deserve the di plomas they are about to receive: The system ;under which these students are instructed is both analytic and synthetic. It is the taking in pieces, as a study, a complicated but exact machine, to contemplate and learn the relations of the several parts to each other, and to the entire machine, and the putting it togeth er to make it operate accurately, and without impediment. One of the hirgaet of the commercial colleges is that of It. 11l Bacon, at the corner of Walnut andlittit strode, who numbers not less than .180 pupils', whose names have been enrolled since the Ist of October last I have attended - Mr. Bacon's public examina tion, and can testify to the thoroughness of the ordeal to which the pupils were • subjected, and to the highly creditable manner in which they swatted themselves. ~Mr. Bacon'a Commercial College has been in existence not quite one half the period of that of Mr. R. M./Bartlett, the oldest Institution in of the kind in Cincinnati. That he should have, 'at this very time, h greater number, by fifty per cent., than his competitor, is the best an swer of the various hostile publications recently made, and designed to injure his reputation and business. COURT OF QUARTER SESSIONS. Tuesday, Aprils. Present—llonomble William B. ?ledlure, Prmddent Judge, and Samuel Jones, Associate Commonwealth vs. John Thomas—ghe trial of this case was resumed this morning, and a large number of witnesses weae Called: and identified portions of the stolen goods. • . Louis Weyman was sworn, and testified that he saw the prisoner and 11 , FJ others standing be fore Mr. Mcintosh's shoe store at about eleven o'clock at night. Hon. llogh S. Fleming sworn—l issuesta war rant teethe arrest of John Thomas on January Md. After his arrest sent to Mr. Mclntosh, And other dealers in boots and shoes, who went, In company with the constables to his house, which they searched. They took all the goods to the Mayor's office, mid his private trunk also. These keys, (exhibiting a bunch of skeleton' keys) were found in that trunk. • One of the keys will open Mr. 31cIntosh's front4oor. Oth ers will open the padlock on his cel door. The prisoner lived in a nailer reared . place, and no signs of his doing an active business were James Robb sworn-1 am engaged in,Cheboot sad shoe business in this city, and am acquaint ed with Mr. Mclntosh. We purchase goods from the same eastern dealer. Mr. Robb corrobora ted the statements made by Mr. Mclntosh, rela tire to the person from whom some of the sto len goods were purchased. The ease on the part of the Commonwealth closed here. The counsel for the prisoner, proposed to sub s& the ease to the jury without argon:um; to which arrangement •the counsel on behalf of the Commonwealth assented. Judge iteChlre then delivered a charge to the jury, at the Mese of which,' the counsel for the prisoner, requested his honor to - instruct the ju- TY, to cue of a conviction, that they should find htm guilty °My ne regarded that portion of the property stbleit had been 'identified. This Wm strenuously opposed by the coun sel for the Commonwealth, who, maintained the that the Verdict should either be guilty or not guilty... The Conn coincided in this view of the eme, and the jury. after a short absence, re amed a verdict not guilty in manner and lorm as he stands indicted, The prisoner was immediately put upon his trial, on a Charge of Luring stolen alage. quan tity of leather from Mr, Jaws Loogtoore feather dealer. . The lime counsel uppeared on both aides. Longmore was sworn and testified that he kept n leather nod finding's store leittlegheny city. During the months of October, November, and December . 0 large quantity of leather was stolen fromilL store, and be saw a portion of it I s at Thomas's h use after his arrest. • No person slept In his e re, which is upon the south aide of thee Diamen , The witness identified a pos. Sion 7of the II ether exhibited in court. High Cons ble Adams testified thait the lea ther In Court taken by him, m the lgesse 34 the prison , l in Allegheny city. Mr. flerdin n,`EL leather dealer, testified that he Mr. Lcrnzmbad sold do IMMME ore proved that one of the skeleton the prisoneen trunk, would open 'a door, the ease closed en the .monwealth. Atter ham keys, found in Longtne put of the Co bout lensing the-box, returned end the prisoner was re. The jury w a eardiet I of mended. I=l Tommotitt Trieny, ailed stealing cdp Sirkpstrick„l The prisoh Cochran atil to sotsEl his evidence, the diet of guilty undergo an' Western Pen Commoll* onwel , I hills of • VI Cochran re !lth se. Isaac Johnson—indictment ed to have been committed in Cr' kettle, the property ot . George r hat no coutenal, anti Messrs. :hinu ate: e appointed by the Court 1 stayer. After. baring heard • the ury retired, and brought in a ?ee- The defendant tram eenteneed to ittprisontnent of one year in the tentiary. I.lth ye. Sampeon liVerfiehl sad ,g. -to. Bernard Dougherty.. Cross Ceondbattery: l Stowe for Doughar 1.. Wan for Warlield. MINIM ~...... .. . . . .. .., . „ _ Polie• Officer• Dougherty testified that he was u ked 'go to the wharf lo interfere in a diffi culty which had occurred there, and that he in company with police officer fitarcelLus, went dnisn. Barfield mid another person were won.- ling abont some soap fat, and in order to settle the diffiCulty, he thought it beat to take all the parties to the Mayor's office. Wurfield resisted, and tool! a large knife from the cook house of the steamer Cincinnati, swearing that he would cut witness 'e heart out, if he attempted to arrest him. The - witness finally induced him to go to the Mayor's office. o The ry of the police officer Was corroborat ed by th t of other witnesses, and that of War field differed essentially from it. He alleged that he demakided Dougherty's warrant, and refused to go with him unless he showed it. He picked up a knife to defend himself, and Dougherty presented a pistol at him. He finally followed the policeman to the Mayor's office. • The jory retired, but had not returned any verdict when the Court adjourned. &Mille? COMM . Beford the Honorable Walter H. Lowrie. Hear Hammond vs. L. !faro= & Co. No. p; 653, A ' Term..lBso. At o- Fi Fe No. 7, N vember Term, 1850. And now, on motion of Patton a d Bakewell, rule to show cause why the msney, • ..93,56 paid in'o Court under Fi Fe, No. 828, Nopt i emb er Term, 1850, at the suit of Kra mer & vs. L. Harms & Co., should not be applied to the al ,fi fa in the abase cruse. Datrel Haughey vs. John McMaster, No. 113, iJanuary Term. 1851. And now on motion Robb Woods, sq., the Court grant the plaitdiff leave ,to amen his levy, as granted to him in a Nos. t..,3 274 and , 75, January Term, 1851, without pre judice the rights of other creditors. Tare 'mtg.—The following true bills were re. turned by the Grand Jury, yesterday: , Comm i lmwealth vs. Joseph Baxter and Wash ington acketerweller—lndictment, Burglary. Comm ! nwealth vs. John Duffy—lndictment, Larceny Comm nwealth vs. Joseph Ackerman—lndict ment, rceny. . Co nwealth vs. Charles Elworthy—ludict j meat, A Built and Battery. m i Co nwealth vs. Rosanna Steverasonln dictmen Larceny. Comm nwealthrs. Samuel'lltrop--Indictment, Assault and Battery. Commonwealth vs. Joseph George—lndict ment, Malicious Mischief. Como nwealth vs. John Kelly—lndictment, Larceny Comm nwealth vs. Samuel Rumbertson—For eible En ry azehDentainer. Comm nwealth TR. Elijah Bramty—lndictment, ,Bigamy. to t Alarm a or TUC COUNCILS.—The.SeIect anti Common Councils of the city of Pittsburgh, met on Mon y evening. In the Select Council, Mr. Edgar presented a tili l s petition f !sundry builders in relation to the as sessmen of water rents, for water used for build ing p es, with an-ordinance entitled "an or dinance or the bettePcollection of water rents, supplementary to an ordinance passed the 27th day of December, A. D., 1847, relating to the water wisrka," which was read and referred to the wal committee. • Mr. elly presented a petition, praying the city to purchase ground on Grant street, from Seventh .o Liberty street, for a new central mar ket lions s. Read and referred to committee on markets. - Mr. B-uce presented a petition for the open ing, with sing, and straigthening, Webster street, • from Elm to Roberts street.. Referred to the committee on streets. Illso, a communication from the Firemen? A 2• 1 sociatioll I asking the appropriation of $l6OO for building engine house for the Eagle Fire com pany, to place that destroyed by fire. Read ;, and refs to Committee on fire engines and hose. Mr. all presented a petition for openingßash street, fhom Pena street to Allegheny river.— Read and referred to committee on streets. ' Mr. Cassel—Petition of Wm. Cozy, for a fer ry landing on Allegheny river, at Factory street. Read and referred to committee on Allegheny wharf. In all of whichaction ere C. C. concurred. Mr.inehart presented a report from :the committ e on streets, with the following resolu tion: Resolvrd, That that the Finance Committee be, and bey ore hereby instructed to provide means tq the amount of;$1,381 94 being the a mount ofleontratts entered into in:1848 and 1849, and executed and paid, for id 1860 out of the improvement fund. The report was read and accepted. The resolution was read a first and second time and, therebeing an objection, (Mr. Edgar) was laid over Jon third reading. Mr. e K r presented a report from the com mittee ortlre engines and hose, adverse to the petition oo the Fairmount Company, and adverse to the, olution in favor of the;Good Intent Company The reports were severally read and accepted. Action concurred in by C. C. Mr. Ed from committee on markets, made T .. a report By resolution as follows: Resole ed, That the clerk of the market be, and is beret:- authorized and directed to rent the stalls of e Second street market, at such pri ces as ybe fixed by the committee an mar kets. Resod , That the committee on market be, and are ereby authorized and fit up the Malta in the Scotch 11111 market; provided i the ex se does not exceed $lOO. Tue r rt was !accepted, and the resolutions read th times and adopted. Action coact:n eed in b , C. C. • Two liens in favor of aNew Central markt t Rouse. In C. C., read and referred to commit tee on kets. Petitio for water pipes on Wilkins street. In I C. C. ref to water committee. Petitifor-grading Smallman street In C. C. refe rrsdto committee on streets. The fiellowing resobition in C. C., read three times and adopted : Besot That the committee on ordinance be in.struz to reportan ordinance ' forthwith to settle ently the difficulties now extending in re to Hemming,. drays and other vehicles, owned ad. employed - in the city of Pittsburgh, Besot las well those ownedin places adjacent thereto, and us in said city. The fo owing resolution was read three times and &dap ed: Resole ii by the Select and. Common Councils of the Ci of Pittsburgh, That the committee on engines d hose be and are hereby authorised and instrncted to receive proposals, and enter I into contract for the rebuilding of the Niagara engine house, according to the resolutionwaled in Comells, December, 1850; and that thir, in connection with a committee from said company, shall decide on a plan for the same : Provided, That the cost of rebuilding said house shall not ex ceed the sum of $l5OO, (the amount appro priated by said resolutions of December, '1850,) unless said Niagara Fire Company shall enter into dents for any excess in -the cost of said building. And the resolution basing been read ea first and second tame, .. Mil Lorenz moved to amend by inserting after the parenthesis, the words "and to be paid for in July, 18t9," 'Which motion prevailed. And the resolution, as amended, was read a "'-'e• - - , third time, and adopted. Also, ei report from the committee on gas light ing, on e t resolution of inquiry 10 to the causes of delay u extending gas pipes on certain streets, &c., emb Wing communications from the Presi dent and e committee on extensions of the Board of Trusties of the Pittsburgh Gas Works. In C. C. liedTd accepted. Action concurred in by S. C. Mao, t e following resolution, in C. C., read three time and adopted: Reso t td, That the gas committee be instructed to con t with the City Gas 'Works for the erection. f a su ffi cient number of gas posts, with the nec ary fixtures, on such streets as the gas may be e tended into, as contemplated in the foregoin g g report. The rdsoluticm was read a first and second time, an Mr. Kennedy moved its third reading and final ge ; but.there being a vote in the negative, (Mr. Kelly,) the resolution was laid over on 'rd reading. On motion of Mr. Day, Council adjourned to meet on Thursday evening next, at seven. o'clock. , CONIMOR C 01721011. Mr. Hammond presented a petition for the priding of SmaMean street. Read and referred to the Cop. en Streets, with instructions to re- port at next meeting. Action j eonciirred in. Mr. Lolirry—A petition for the erection of . a new market home on Grant street, in the Third Ward. quad and referred to Market Commit tee. I Action ' , concurred in. . Mr. C4nlell—A report from the Water Com mittee, accompanied by the following resolu tions: I Resolved, That the Water Committee be direct-' ed to addarica the water rents in such manner ac they maji deem-equitable and just. Resolved, That so much of the Water Commit tf miller's rt as refers to the extension of pipes on s 'ed streets be referred to the Finance Commit ,to consider and create means for the laying o the pipe. Repo rea d and accepted, and the first resolu tion re twice and laid over, and the second Mad threes times and adopted. Mr. 13 rpe r offered the following resolution, ~.. which read three times and passed: Resol That the Gaa Committee be instruct ed to clixact with the City Gsa Works for the erection f a auffielent number of gas posts, with the nee eswary fixtures, on such streets se the' gas may be I extended into, as eontemilated in the foregoing report. A comMunization from Jacob Knapp and oth. an waa — Few 4 Du i% fa compommion I{3 cop• stables cruder Mayor, Darker. Referred to Police Committee. Action concurred in. A petition for wster pipes on Wilkins street, Ninth Ward, was read and referred to Water Committee. Action concurred ;in. Mr. Friend preseated a petition for the erec tion of a new market hem% in the Sixth Word, and also for the improvement of the Diamond market. Bead and. referred to Committee on Markets. Action concurred In. Mr. Kaye presented n resolution relative to the rebuilding of the Ningarn engine house, which was passed. Mr. Lawry—The following resolution• Resolved, That tKe Finance Committee he and they are hereby instructed to provide means to the amount of *18381,94, being the amount of contracts entered into in 1848 and 1849, and exe cuted and paid for in 1950, out of the improve ment fund. On motion of Mr. Or ibben, the resolution was laid on the table Cori the present. The Council them concurred, in the action of the Select Council, in all the business communi cated, And on motion adjourned unti' Wednesday evening next. Arrasticr TO BacAc JA11..-012 Monday night at about nine o'clock, a prisoner named Martin Day, confined on a charge of larceny, was din. covered by Mr. Fox, the worthy and efficient jailor, to be engaged in an attempt to break out of his cell. His wife bad carried a vial of sul phuric acid to him, which he poured upon the frame of his iron bed, and succeeded In break ing off a long bar, admirably adapted for a le ver. With this, he was prying at the iron frame of his window, when he wiis discovered. Be had torn his bed clothes Into strips, and formed ropes out of them, in order to let himself down from the window, and facilitate his escape over the wall, but all his projects were frustrated by the vigilance of the jailor.. WATCH SITITIMO r —Three men, named DeTe nn, Nolan and Dlcaea, were committed to prism yesterday by Mayor Guthrie, charged with at tempting to palm off worthless watches upon countrymen. Tin PAionAme of California and the Isthmus, now at the Atheneum, will positively clone this week. GLECSON'S PICTORIAL DRAWING ROOM COM TANioN."—We take the opportunity of again no ticing the extraordinary beauty and typographic cal finish of this great pictorial weekly newspa per. Enough cannot be mid of it. Its high lit erary character, and its exquisite embellishments, constitute a feature in newspaper publishing never before attempted. "The number before the reader is a fair specimen of those to follow," says its editor, "save that our motto being ersel 'for, we shall strive to improve in each weekly issue, and more and more perfect a design, which is both original and beautiful in its purpose." To one and all, we say, call in at Wall's, and subscilbe—s3 per annum—or buy a single copy for 6 ants. lie will have it for sale every week, as regularly as the mail arrives. 1t LIST OF LEVERS ttEMAININt in the Pittsburgh PoettOffice, from the 15th ay March. to the Lt ( April. email &ling hie letters,. hill plesee oily they ore ad rertiiett • Ladies List. A . P A Ilo,••• !Ulm Any Armor Sainsb !matMe Arm Aladerron It.torma A/1134191agElirth A A mr . aha b„.„. Artkrim 3112. L D Atkinson Moms N Ball Lucy fi Beatty Mary Powers Susannah Bailey M. Wm 8 Bear Ml= Bridge Mary Lydiaeech M.Th. Beek]. Bmnsa . Bnualtnhuni L • . . Ilmaett Ann E Billing, Lantos Bryan Susan Bennett Lucy Binghern Ann Brauks Sarah A Beringer Mrs BingiaJulia Brown Ella& E Berthed Mary A Bonebrake Elistb Brown Kate Baled Mary A Brown Caroline Bothwell Mama C Cafrey .11r. Collins Mary Cox Catharine ....Szneon Mary A Collins Martha Coen Mr. Mary Carter Sarah Coat. &rah Cooley Mary Caret Ellen CoLllshair Oath E Cotton Ellath • - Ousinbell Paoli. (killer Gahm Crocker Minh Chalfant kirk+ Own'or Lavinia Cresby Markt Chamberlin Ellyth Conroy Mary Creel,' Fanny Clubs%lan Mary Monts,. Mr. B Curlews Mary A Chambers Ellath Om (name Curtain Jane Clark Mary A Cemke 2nrah .1 Canso klam Clark balm Cowan Monk Coyle Mary A Clark lodla Darragh &Leah Pleh.on Kliva Donnldron Mary A Dailey Jane Inver M ennen Dunn Ann Devitt Mary Dixon Jane A Dunran Itavhcl Deinich Stiehl M Donnherry Margt !terse loner 0 Dennison Rebamt 'Ear.lo Sete D ra.lartlay Mrs Ella 51r. 1 END Cathrio J Moryt Emma West Am, .EybllDe Ebel. A • Fogg Martha nooklegilltsth Frikork H 31 :Faulkner Jlary A Fos Mira J Francis 31aUlda Forgimo Mann - Forsyth Mary Friel Ellen Ervason Martha /Vaster IlebtoceJ Frazier St A tergueori Inn!. Ford SandiSarn Fpokhouser Fetter Far.. A koljavabe Yr-auk/a:ache! Flemming Annabethrrenana Hury J YulWa Marl nod 31orY ,Gotseucer Ann OW. isabsll3 Grogan Isabella ;Getty 31 J Goehorn Mrs 31 Grubs. Mori tio , nre :arab J Gorman Ellath Gram:allot" 'tMlland Etna Gram tl Graham Ann Gibson Buss/lush Greer Mr. Maul Gmharn Mary J .:3,11,1=31,117. A Gregg M n Childs Gray C II A Arnando !batman 31 J Honeywell 31 Harmon Erporson Hers, July A 110.11 Ebtb Hammer It 31 llrnion Mary Horn r Cll3 HarbrauJ Francis Ileudrreou Mrs El IloraLh Lrtlixt Harlan. 13 Ilemuntigray CE lluut M.l 11.11Ings Clan 11111 Mary A Hughes Sankt llaydon E 11 Hill 1 Hughes L Hays &ally Hughey Sarah Hughes 11.1. I Irwin Farah Irvin Cth later Ebtb Irwin Fronds .I.kion Sarah Jr.. 9 V Joh.= lame. Mn A Johnson S A Johnson .41 J. 11114. Mgi Kerner WWII. Keefer Mre P Kinsey Yi A Kane 11 A E Kerr It N Knox Jape Keegan llooors Kelly Yi.ey King Henirt Kertfer Barnet Laughlin Annie. Little Jane Lee. Mita Laughlin Sarah Lilly Mendlda Luther Mary Laufesly Klciab Lind Jenny Loners. 3lrs Lyons Ann X Mason Mary Merkel Bell Meehan Ellen Maloney Ellen Markerelbarah Mills Eliza Man Sarah Mackerel Ehth Miller Elle Matthens Ann Maplone Mies Miller Cthe n Moran Farah Marshall Sarah Murphy J B Mortland M A May Ji,ne Mulholland B B Morehead Maria linger Me Mulholland Borah Morrow Caroline Morell Wallace Murray Mary 11.2 s Morrow ELtb MorganA B Murray MA MC ' bleCallon Mrs A C MeDenrell McGarr Mary Ann McCarthy Mrs 11 McDosueld C n MellrlEf tlarsb m c c a ssby wary 7 bleEiror Bridget MeMe• AB , . McCausland Mrs Merallen Mary MeLusen Marlah McCombs Mcliaden Nancy 31,41 aster liatah I: McCullough Mrs IlbleGarrltilbelculnaMeldahon Julia Noble Martha Nieliobein Hehteca Corns Eicher Oakes Eliza trilanloV IStL trUara Mrs Jill, Listen Hannah Orr Mn Cleo Etat P Paine Julia A Page B Augusta Purvis hahrli Payne Mary A Patters. M Mirth Price Cuthu Pamela Mary J Patterson Mrs J Pico Mary Parker Sarah 1 Philips Sarah A Price Francis Patrick Lithe Peden Sarah A Pelle Mrs P itt:Lltin!L Reenact 'Athena Ilidout Mary S I P Richards Mary J Rowland Nancy Reynolds Stateb A Klekt.lson SarahAßoborM Mrs M Reed 81argab Richardson Kari JKowbottomllanush flendey Alice J Ky. Biddy Seale Merlah impson Mrsl: II Sure Ilsomh Shinto. Mrs J eim,nl 81 re Stater Mgth J Sharkey Alan L . Stewart 11. y A Stone Catkin Shuter M ath A Smith thee;bloc • Strange Rohm. if Shen Marl Smtth A Mg. Solilt. Ja Shreder Latbn Smith Sallie Steel Rachel ne Shottlemrorth h Smith Mandl Stewart Jane Shields Jane Smith Mrs Stewart JPSSieI Sheideu Ilannt. Solvely M Stewart Anu Sibley Mrs Ira Solomon. Moth Stewart Math T Tuttle Mary Troy Bridget T.tlingor Kate Tustin Cathy Tom. Sa.b 81 Thompson Chriotte Tulle, Bridget Turner Merl J Thompson Agnes Valid:Naha:isle ti W Wisbart Mary Wextley Mika Walnrlght Atogall Willlanum Nancy Whealin Mary Washburn Month {Filson fluids A White Barak War:sal Mrs B Wright Mn White Nancy L Webb Zerilda Wood, liannah Wilhelm Susan Watch Mary L Ward Math Williams Martha; Young .111, J Young 51. m E Gentlemen's List. Adams Rem P ArnO Aqutlla Archer Jno S Adm. John W Albernon Rem) Arbuthnot ) Brown Adams Wesley Alexander A Ashtnn Owen Marco Ihml Alemsder Albert Ansley .1 Addls lame Allen Sanford Ambery Jam Aklas Wee Authnuy alma Anehlenson Wm Abel ZAnnstnsna noel Allow= Joe Aaron E E Atuneneng Sleoan Ashford Soon Allen Ilereklah Armstrong A 0 Amain Arebd Allen Sand drunk' Wm Bartzr David Bennett Dm Drown Nathan Jr Barker Perry &all Cba. N Bmwn Alex ilt r rn Wil'a t ", Baldwin N Biddle Bel Beadier Dm Bel Du Dit.ley Mr or Mr. Brae /Air Baird Ace. Birkelbug Braeken Wee. Dallvio Jon Biddle Wmid Brackenridgm B Ration Wm Billingsly Jour Item W H‘r. - . A ilru llttt.l.. .. ...hi 31 E l Bnal LAW6I RorkJobn 1..11 Calvin Brock C.p. Rack Wm Fredk 11InghtunJ 31 ACo Bryn. Joe Dorton l'hud Ma te (I BIIMIWPIII Wm But. P Illokaler Wm Rourke Patrk Barker JllO 111.kler J. Hark. Alms Dawn Jno Itoldln Iknry Dun. Wm Bartley enrol Dark Chu Durland U Darker Donn Royer Ruben 11.1 Mr Dug . Chas Bow.. Elijah Rush I. M Da W W kW= Peter Barton R 0 BenttY J. Do-km J Dries Cornelius Benton C C Boyer Reuben Bum. Roll Beggs Jo. P Bond 11.0... , Both. Wm P Bea.. Jos Boggs C/1 W Ilushrmr. 11 Balton Thos Ilnr.n llr E Barker Peter Berger Geo DrownebasE Dorm A /I B.lnalon Ala: 111000 JI:10 W Dyers Jag Iteltaboover W ilrt.o 1 MosgrOM Butler tico W Bakst Quinn Csdall A ChoreVnJoo Oornsell Meffi rm'' rruu Alas Cberne Wax El (krnway Th. Guru!' Dud Chao, Arm On Chu Cawley H W Clinton J J Cowles Conroe w 'luker J. Clarke Rev J Cowdy Alex ' Clutkell Jno Claridge Cyrus (Ivry A A Carter Jno Clark Y J Coyle lianas Cargo Geo W Claypool YaluW Cramer 1 , 4 Carnahan Jaa Clarke .1 N Cull/ Wan Cita Ponder tkata Al D Ckawford J C Cassidy Jam ' Wan J. Crawford Ow° Cue/Willy= lkallna Thom Chatty D o Carney Jas Ijollloa David . Hobo II =ll=l ll. =era , au.' Cantmn Jan Cook Isaac If Crawford Dent Caxuattl.y A t rt u D s tritgO O o antor h enry Q r u o a u n h, Da e n hl Cametaa Pak Connor Jr.. Cull...awn J Conntw Jun T . Cumbertwun Ciao A C Cook It Ilaw Cunningham 11l Chanther•Joa Qua l) W Medals , Chan:Liras J. Connolly Peter Curilate John IR Christy firnentanCcula DI.Pi C.t,U Nicholas Chester Rohl (balk Henry Cutler Jew Chums° J e Cook Nagai Cunningham Jnn tittuotterlln I. J Cook J D Culbertson 01314/ Danko liendenon lineninii tiro Dean Wowjr Daniell, J . bllTlthf al I' Dun. J F Derinietet Oen Dboithert) WO. Dilworth Dr Dory 8= hazel' tinbt Dickson J nobler Fred balron tile W Dineen llin. Drip John Dale. Jwo II Dickman T D Dryden J C hailer Ito. I DIM.I e C Dote J A Dark Knoch Doblei (leo Drat. J II liarig il 8 bong!. J Dr.. 0 L lierb.r J T Donnell T, Sp Redly El oe Ikwoe Jet Doyle J 11 'Wu J Dc.hy T A W a co Doherty oe, Donn D. Dearli n i Wm Dorian. 8 hewn Z W Moe J 31 Druni m n Wm De Bola Jni, Doll Leo Doman I W Deliold Jo, . Lusa John EMI Wm 6110/1 Thar = ill' Duman it W EvansJ P Fanghl Jut Evans J Fawn T H Elmer Mehl Evans K , Elms:Wart L J 1 Ellie A T Evilhare Francs* Ellis Wm Elliott Dr A B EIVIVII Om Ellison Saml Fatell Patrkt Fitzsimons J a 1.1 Freud/ Pam N.,. Jo Fields Semi Frazier Ilawlluga Yanall Jz... 1 Fleming Wm a=l J u fi j w Feu. R Flemlug J Ll=tll/ ' . Tllit2el-'7:l Frazier Wm Flamer J kl l CO Fe1 . ..01k A D FlaDestu Jobe Freght J Fellow, D W }Tome T P New - J. Fetterly J Paler Martlu Fullers ltst Fitzgerald /1 Fader Ed Fuller Wm R Flatter J F For JOhll Nit= Ju Nailer A - French Newell - Fuller J I+ a. Meer Fitzpatrick Trench Joo an Flulele Nor Gallagher Wm 01flIn Ilen j % Green TII Gallagher Chas Gilmore A Green J Gallagher J. Wilmer W Gnuat Harmed llielladherJ °Mon.,- John Gregg Joe Gilbreath Wm Gilchrist John I.lrarey Dui • Gainhan U. Gillett A J litifilth Paul Geiranger J Gilmore W J WOW, Wm Gabler J Uliddon Don Carloallitillith W Getty Jaa tilkhlon J W Griner Hil Gallagher Pat Glynn P W Urine Hobe Gunner W W Glarisford And Gm) . Alen Gardner Thom Gard. and Rafferdlray Jae Gored J A tY Dray Jae Gardner A J Gast Jail army II T (Maar J ery Th =I IF , ll f o ir=ta A. 4144. 301.. °' Uoold i W Graham Hold • baron (leo uountr J Graham D li Wham Wm Gordon Eel Graham 0 II Drab= Rohl . Hall Wm /Wu Th. Holland P 1101 l .1 C Ileadin And. Havarti Wm 11n11 P Ileekrotte J P ,wall .1 B Hall ha. Herr C . Htiliklus J P Hall Wmllopktns ha Ilamillon Th. Hen en de y rson Jos Iloylated nos Hamilton 0 II Harlin J 11 Howard Joe liagom Pat fleshed. Wm Museum J Haynes oeo Ilenty Hobt Iloyland Ttun Haffel 0 A Henderson gam' Hoover B V Haden Oni Henri E W Howe Pat Homy J Herndenent And limiter B W Hammond Wm II Hemperger A 111 pm.). ItV7i?.. 11,7;,.'g 11 11 u urItt a Dl m Hanson J Hinegan J Hughes Pathan lianlln Th. alums II B Hultman Jae Hammond WJ Mod. Jes Hudspeth Wm Harkins B Himpaon Ikon, Hughes J Hart Any Holmes Ad Hunter J U Manch Peter Hagan James Hughes Pat Hasten Jew B Haag I V Hults Pad= Hayward J. B H ave W Hunter Ben Hawkins W 0 Havens Wm Ilughor , U Hawklue It 1.1 Ilaybourn Wm Ilyenng John llasklis Thad I Peter Henry IrTi. J., Ingram David Israeli ll' Jack,. Peter Justin J • • • JayniS J,•• • John.. F V Joon Lest Jackson li A Johnston Jones J Jackson Jos Johnston U Jones Cleo Join; J. D Join H Z;1 Jordan Jae Lion Jones K L /tilde. nos IC Kane Win Kerr Jae gnarl:tit Bryan Kane glartln Kerr Jag Klonder lha. Kane Hiram K. Mu King Ed Kane Thom Karr Thu. Kemal/. J K.. Wm Kelly Jame" aralKnna J A Kelly I IlWarla Enna Wm Kelly Adam • Kelly N far 1 / 1 . " U Kemp Wan Kelly J Kemp A J Kelley Oran Kyle Wm Keeper Lent. tinily Joan Hum Llgpaa Kerr J N Kelly Tbc• Knunta 3 K Neer J Kelly Jae W Krebs A Boyle Kerr Jena, Kiley Edmond L LamaJno Levake 0 J Logan J W L i l r egbc; i,. t . z . 1 4. 7.11.. L u ozn i u , Lanabr ra. 40 . 1 ......1, ~.„0,,m alli - Pit' 1 I.I.; T. Lally Michael Levin Wm town . J W Garnet Sand lanmon Dub Lawry Elieueur Larkin Abram Lehman .1 D Lynch Clem Loughlin 21. Wll. WAKEMAN CO.. • en,hl9..'Sn(l.) 79 t al Mullen 11 CO. lon stmt. Brasol ^SE EIMEIN 0? TUE UNITED STATES ODIOELY RESTORED OEM fieicnt,FV•llw opcmaymow Prim teat. De r Tottl.k. - •...- •- .L Foy Oath dealer, ' ' For ode by mrlllB,l64+r2h-T Shawl and Mantilla Warehouse. ES. MILLS, .No. 6 CORTLANDT ST., (D Ebro,) EtaWO NEW YORK. Is now opening ant of a and pith. as...nes of SPDINd AND NUM! SILAITLS tart before merited. Alm LACE 3IUK.IN and all kinds of SILK MASTLLIAIL masoatartm red from the laws lyric fashion., remind by the Ammer! and torticalarly adapted to Um Spring trod. Daen, err nplendld Mock P.V.ASOLS AND UAI LLAV of Distant nd plain edged cotton awl gilt Attir To e tick ParatolZ tual Cott. ttml Dina h= Umbrella. All ofldakh will be offer. at cattamtly low prke. Invite oar Weatent frien. to ex amine our ato. before P urc ba si n g. Alm. WIRE 5110 W STANDS, f. eablblting Slamds and Mantilla. put up In cues We tranaportatmm. fehllgf •ar r IC, •• : . I • • C. B. HATCH A CO., NO 97 WILLIAM STREET,NEW TORE, AVE now in. score, and ani constantly re t,lving by downers, themod eiteruiraaaturtment of IiOODS ea, twfore offered, endraring the Ideal and Velvet styles of Cesenta.TEhiets, Glow, hutiwniers. Under Garmenta. London Taw, Stott., (filed slum lhicrlog downs, llandkenwhiefe, nimbler Rms., Linen Collars. with • variety of other ar. lid, peculiar to their line of [ulness. All of which will he colvited d at to ex the amine our Mach eery lowest prices. vor Western friends pr e in Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink. TONE'S EMPIRE INK, 85 Nassau street, to New ,art. WIT MOTT to TWO MO?. ........3I LA 60.. per dos. I GO 4 .. OP draught. per "all= Scoots. Thla I, the beet article matmlirtured. It Son enpor -13 • good ItiIPYINLI INK—and Wilt Pot arrrala N. precipitate or decay. and pommel. all the qualities moult , . ed for a goat Writurg lab. voluble for. the Quill, nut ad kairably adapted fur the Steel Ent. The turvirrairmal perommt to furnish' to the trade el. ther. for 'apart or home eurmuraptiom at the above veer hor. prim put up ea per order, and delivered io any Dart of the eitY free of charge. No .huge for ream Barrel. or begs are eharged extra at Unit co.?. TIIEODORZ LENT. 65 Namau rt.. New l'ork. QwLrb..,per dm_. Mnrph — y's Self-Sealing Advertising Ravel opes. 101 283 MADISON ST., NEW YORK.— IN The nibeetiber. anlieltlng es patronage of al who :iany se. thts advertisement. feels rum. of that hesitation ts, which a new artlele I. brought before the pub.. Th ee expert... of yeara ha. he their auperistity. istim ~ o . toad all questa., and he tonlldently refen to the teatime/. andf those budoesa men s a le .. e wed theme envelope.; to hit rapidly Inenmalng ar , pnof of their ...rel. lenre The fulinwing area few of the MMue fur their gni. - larity: let. On the plate oethpini bY the MoL • Pere.. met hove hit name, buethreo, and addrem, thavpicummly ond beautifully embetwed, colored or plain, thou affording Pio' fort security aganut fraud. 2d. The Envelope. cannot be opened without being dm ye etrod. A. Neither war nor refers me melted to teal them. 4th. Umal the misruling* of o letter, theme! inennoLits immediate return to the seder, Mowed of being buded menthe in the Dead Letter Mire. nth. The Envelope, are furnietool at almost the same prier m plain on, romh. Each letter melt,' le • moot effective advertisement. p to attract the attention of all through whwe hands it ' ho following Is a list of prier, No this, tug - raved on brae, and which will bolt fin Ge ar* and of Eff tritons. of the venal rise, either white both of goad piper, and made ae above, with name, madmen. t 0.,: Priem of This. 1'6 , 1 of Dmefeper mate as Al to 30 sffo 1000. 040.0 30 to 40 0.00 WOO. 63 tn nu !TOO Wo lo7o' 60 to 00 SO to too When It le ,o, .malvet to forward amount a osier yes. mad seem • rferees. to • respectable New York Home will to milkient- All orders will moot wlllsprompt suet:Won. if addressed. WM. MURPIIY. No. 263 Madison street, New York. Orders will he attendod to promptly, !I' left et the gaols.; of Moors. ;Obeli 6 Mott o .oWaft street, or at Mem.. H. Jerollman k Co- 134 William Ft. N. IL—Ruelners Can, enatoweed in colors from fame Dies, at 010.00 tor thousand. tett:3sta. Professor A. C. Barry's 'Tricophercrus, OR DEDICATED COMPOUND, infallible On remitting, iriefteorstlng, and beautifying the bolt, towing onrf, dandrnf, and alections of Lite swap. nod outing eruptions on the Ain. di.oamo of the aloud, mueelce and Integuments and rellevina clog, cut., brut sproins, Se. With thls nmjaratlon . ftsentis no such wont as Gila" The linttiourtals in Atomics. Medkal men of the highest ODIODDIN. DIVIDODZA eltilorts of all proton Oat, wad ladies who have used it for years in their drew . Ong moms and outwork, admit It with one attend , th at Or importing vigor , alms luzurkome, and curl to the hair. eredkating mod mid dandruff; healing monocle m ring w a ft:t u tu.. arai k t i s , thaa tb. releliit t ing .. ..lileaset of .a.metut the I:unfitted." of mono:toads ad e :Witted ir, n l,llll. Ile prima. ar toed lu private pactic.. In chroes; os well efftelency, BorryWriherous is unrivalled. The We name mob Wee of the ae.le. he otobled the itiveotor to Itopply Itat 25 motet:or battle, which from Zio to .16 mut lees than the Lowe of any them es oeie. Cr ' r laSir DOW UM. Tha scientibe treati en fix 13Da the skin embracing Me valua ble dlrections for evi, ;um and preservation of natures choicest 0n1.3001., 1t • which each bath; Werteinsed. done torch the The aftnity betwsnalhe Met:Ando. widch consols.. t he kin and the haft. which draws its; mammon from tta• Hole enrelme, to very elms. All dims.. of the . .b.ir_27: • . 112 the akin of the heed. If the Derr 01 .iy,.74T! clagrd. Lf the blood mil miter field ao o I rowdy thrum!" the small esools whien ken afltla moore-end loaner: m in e three. Mi; tlm cwt Mott doming!, th e of the tray. end flushness of the DD.MIS. adoot t ife_ ease may Le. latleaulato W. , "On to lifte=aet..'; the Trio:Therms and th e fo roil ._;nergifoLmr;: activity. willonnihilato oaf ow., I •Itlwkad of ftie mbetrato the osseous Trl, , Oh, .k tbi .. ..t *OO Uwe MOD., D Is • • co•rehro..p . V .s laold to lore? br 4.6 `7 . _, ..... rn 7 s eeret by the prirmpal tire, • toot Lto Unltel States and Lige ants and drusOem dedgolot Blank Books. LIE largest Stock of 'Blank Books, of ev don all Mks of ntim to at th''Wg. a 1../ t S. HAMS'S 131sak Hook Store, comer Mirka NM &good eta, • un r . rpl i t.r tnir _ dto adl sod examlne our Morn. wideb ne cared at bofr prim tlaas the) bang bon sold to thiS WT. Rosa odd iMlaa word SOodilt AVID C. TUTTLE, Attorney 'Law, 1:1) ea, =o .0 Voiszoissioerr for Perinallnal.. kL o y e. coromardnalow pPur - • 1 OHS 11. RAN . Attorney end Com o milor at I.vr. and Commispioner for U. ?tat* o 14nopylvsulal., et. Leen, Mn... Oat. of IltiabOryb.) Refrernora—Pitaburpl. lion Forward. )Miler. WOurilmea Yana. Ef.a.olts a t , ernrdo. Iloilo', s C... attgli ly Aid:ERICA-1i Roue, ua yiQWEtt STn6CI, ROSTOIe:' TILE undersigneil . Gating entirely re- Lull t and enlarged the above estilillatan m e at, aaidaini n g In all about three ban.ed sod eftl mom, nonwetf ally glen nation that It is now randy far the reeeption and accommodstkaa of the inswitilag " a ' ef=nore of the ottennamed eseneeniences oft.. deamed =north:ions as the nonutincul billertaw- Inenrs vEteli haw b... =a.m.. be ly gin In ea advertisement Solace It to say.= proper a.. bat ve been spared to moiler any apartmsotpertem The fortittore was made exormaly to order, nimble. an a - at, and certain portions 'of it, especially the Drawing ma d , will found to be of the mast beautiful munsfac ea, The Dining to are earadoua, and tt . boars far iamb will be so arranged*. to suit the ain. etee of the early and into. ' Every department trill be conducted In ma nweiteeptkinne ble emu.", and the proprietor plalgea bloasall that the American House elm/ Sbe:trulr the Travellers tlims. febnc3awdgerilmT 1.Z17113 !LICE. . ~ 4 ,-..': .:-.,,telt. .. 1 .::,: . • ..;.., 1...1L-- •k ' nr-r ..•\' c ': -:',.. .; j 111,t0).,-... . atiA 0-14;:4,.'?;7,' 1, .. ': .::7S P`l•_•,-. 41. - - • ; ...-7-7,--;:%..'el 7'''. ' - -...*:•-, annappurr, of the Lwril7r, :darr.tCY4 Aram., Brom...idly, Pains or Hinkived of • ' the Bread or Lew,. and cam afrectims of CL Puhermary Oman.. not Wishthe y lizn . and hdth selves to make so am e ertion as to the vi ,hut we si rtues of this =di dna, and to hold no hope to suffering humanity, while facts will not warrant The Moo of Iceivad, and the Pia. and Wild Cherry, at. tartly celebrated fur the cure of all dlseasm of the isnags and Liver, which are no fearfully prevalent in all leorthern latitudes. lemon a combination of