PITTSBURGH,GAZETTE PUBLISHED BY WHITE & CO PITTB'BI7ItOH WEDNESDAY MORNING; APRIL REXOVAL3.--Subseriber3 who intend to dime, tiiill.:please tall at, tin . tdfice , and leisid „written directions for the carrier.. . The continuation of the "Amber Witch," Com mercial and Miscellaneous News, will be found on the first page. ' • Poetry and intern ting miscellany on fourth Page• Telegraphic News, &c., fourth column—Home 'Matters on third page. • NLIVISPAPEI7. Cnnsrc.—Jir. Harper, of the Pine fin r2h :Vornbiy• PM, announces in his paper of yesterday, that he has sold the one half of that establishment to Mr. Jests LAYTON , who has been for some years the confidential clerk of the office. Mr. Layton is a very agreeable gentle man, of a good bnsiness capacity, and we doubt not ho trill manage tho financial business affairs of the paper with skill and profit F . • As; c .•• • eiM). b .This now law, as passed by the Legislature and approved by the Governor, is published in the Ohio State Journal. It is modelled after the New York law, and appears to give general sat isfaction. It provides that "any number of nat ural persons, not leas than three, may engage in the business of banking." It is very elaborate and careful in its restrictions, and appears to be be well framed, although time and a fair trial are, of necessary to prove that it "is all that is required. • • It la very strange that while our adjoining neighbUrs of New York and Ohio have establish ed Free Banking law's, the people of Pennsylva nia, who have so long and anxiously demanded a similar reform, have been ti/3 far unsuccessful: It a to be hoped that the example of Ohio will op•i. as a stimulus to our citizens to demand of their representativat the passage of the law now before the Legislature in a.form that will be ac ceptable to this business community. It is true that from the beginning of the present session the Legislature has been flooded with petitions foi this object, but from present appearances it weld acerb that this is not sufficient, and the • only hope therefore at present is the renewal of 'tat clamor at the doors of the capitol. STATE MUTUAL FINE INSVIIANCE COMPANY. I We take pleasure in copying the following ar title from the Harrisburg American.. The ad vantages of the system of mutual inaverance are so easily made clear to the commonest under standing, and have been so triumphantly dem monstmted by experience, that we need add nothing, at present, save the assurance that the Actuary in this city is a prompt and efficient of ficer, and is thoroughly acquainted with the businesi of insurance: The "State Mutual Fire Insurance Company,' j at Harrisbirg, whose advertisement will be found in another column of thii paper, it will be oh served; is one of the most successful and flour laffing institutions of the kind now in existence in This or any other state in the Union. The - Company was chartered at the proceeding se. Mon of the Legislatnre, and has now been in .operation but about ten mouths, and hos already accumulated a capital of more than :$125,000, more than $25,000 of which is the balance re maining of the fated 'arising from mrii ' , memo after the payment of several honey losses. • In this company the risks are Co classified that no one descriptiuniof property has to hear the losses of another. 'Farm property, for in stance, constitutes one claw, while town and city property constitutes another. •So it N. we . believe; with mills and factories, az:Anther risks of a mire dangerous character. In this way . the farmer is not made to pay for the more dangerous risks of the merchant, or. the mer chant for the still more dangerous risks of the. miller and manufacturer, but each class bears • . its own properlosses and no mere. In addition to these manifest advantages, it will be seen that the Company is chartered upon the mutant principle, and that, consequently, whatever may be the rate of premium exacted, • the actual lessee are-all that tho insured are tall . ad upon to contribute. A certain rate of pro a:dams, about equal, or perhaps, less than that • leriß by stock companies generlly, is original ly meted; but the capital thus created, is safe ly profitably invested, and the clear profits dis tributed at the end of the year, or oftener, if the directors, may so determine, between the parties insured, according to the amount of pre, mines paid in. Tho officers of this Company are gentlemen of the higest respectability and worth: and their well known character .for uprightness and pr. bity is an ample' : guarantee that all the opera tires of the Company will be conducted with scrupulous fidelity. Capt.. Johrt.P. Rutherford, the Presidint, is too well known ill this comm. ray to require any recommendation from no: • and bir. Gillett,; the Secretary, is not only a young man of tried and sterling integrity, but from his thorough - business habits.- and Imar and • , active experience as agent for one of the oldest and most popular companies in the Union, would be ab invaluable acquisition to any institution of the kind. We can cheerfully and heartily cora -1 mead 'this company to - property-holders in • • stymy section of the State, as a safe and econo mical medium of insurance. waxers senzaz AHD womews ateErs TIMID AILTICLE. Nature, through her physical laws, has im peratively oidainedthat the child shall be borne and nursed by the mother.; To deny, this would be called madness, because the law has been en forced since the beginning of the world; yet when we consider the matter closely, the moral law which commands that the training of the infauttaind shall bb peculiarly the duty of the -mother must seem scarcely less imperative.— The physical law says to . us, without' mothers you- can ha9e no physical existence; your race frill disappear;. and the moral law says, without mothers who are capable of trairdni, and developing the moral and intellectual powers of their offspring, yen can have no-moral ell's-. tense; your civilization not even culmi • nate and fall, but will go directly down to bar ;harivon. Bat the boor or the blue stocking who Would make a jest of the idea of changing the "physical law, may be, from gross ignorance or , perverted education, incapable' of understanding the spiritual law: .Thnt there is a great deal of snob ignorance and perversion is proven by ma -ay evils and errors cretin(' us, and among these we may justly reckon the existence of a sect which complain of the narrowness andnseless nen of the sphere • which has nlways been me eignedto woman: But ithat do wise - men say! What say those penetrating minds which will ferret out a cause hide it where you will? They have told us over and over again, *'the fate of every nation is in the hands of Ha mothers !" If wedenythis they ask tts, "what great man Walt eicr trained by a weak or foolish mother :" We turn to history, and to the records of our own Memory and ex patience, and are forced to say, not one. Bea ter ten thousand times that the - child should go from the cradle to the grave than :grow up to manhood under the roof of a foolish or wicked mother; better tea thousand times that he should be thrown upon the sea shore to be suckled by wolves and . reared by savages, like the founders , of the imperial city, or whorls worse, cast into the purlieus of Civilization to run the gauntlet • of poverty, crime, and ignorance. The world, with its coldness, its buffets, its sneers and in difference may not teach him the higher virtues, 'got It will not make him - a fool. It will give him courage and manliness, and with these, there in hope that when the first :heat of youth is past, his better nature may triumph. Solomon tells us that a foolish son is bitterness to he a r that 'hare him; but many a wretch going clown the highway of ruin might add that a foolish mother voids the perdition of her sor. The Mothei is the first teacher, is the first whoop influaoe is brought to beer upon the fu ture character at her offspring. She ha; hero 1.14 advantage of which the other eel cannot de prise her. It would be vain to form any scheme d reforming the world which would •not include the preparation of women for their maternal duties.. It will not do to lavish ell the training • upon the eons; and allow the dr . ;hters to load idle and trifling lives. In countries where public,' schools have been established, it has been foundl necessary to, have, normal schodis, for the edmi • cstiorkof teachers. In liko manner, the mothers, -...E the *rot and Most important teachers, must be! to the top of the eittliaetten in which they ''• live, or there will coon be a, reaction. It is err' feared that among our own people, a great error on this point- exists; end we may be 61- 1 , Mid tilit as tar,na the error eztends, so far will the punishment fcdlow., And now, ho ! w many mothers fill this impor- I ts# erasers csfy . l.pasetier ?„,- lintif few..:liaviA the tam*" educa4ms iie eissary for the duty, few the cannot' on s ejimwledge of the world,. and moral c ulture, tad still fewer form a justiesll. mate of the responsibility that weighs upon them, How could it-be otherwise? Amotig the poor, ignorance stands in the way, among the' "rich, dissipation and frivolity. .We hear a great deal.from the l'Ortyo about pro gress, about ap proaching the 'iailienium; from the pulpit; but what is preaching - worth If one .half our race havenothing dove morning calls for business, 1 ball rooms for pleasure, music for study, cards 1 for relaxation, and gossip for conversation I We must send Missionaries to the daughters of our land to tell !them we wish the next genera tion to be twill,. wiser, and happier than our own, and that less they are willing to assist us, unless theylare willing to give up idleness and folly, the attempt is hopeless. Instead of encouraging th an to turn from domestic life as a field too nw for the development of their genius, we eho Id endeavor to foster their love of home, and re ttitm a proper understanding of the noblen s of their true Position. Were Id this done we s ould have fewer complaints from blue-stockings that "women have no object in life„' " that they care for nothing but trifles be cause they have nothing but trifle, to care for;" we would hear of fewer unhappy homes, clissip paled sons, and worthless 'daughters; and we would have nacre true woman, praying devoutly for the strengti to fulfil the many duties as signed them by their Creator. And would fulfilment of duty be r iLs at'the expense of omen's happinesi and indepen dence ? The eryoontrary. The laws of Heav en do not wo -so Loosely. Joyous Youth, hap py life, tranq - old age, the nevertailing spring of enthusia which rises in a sound conscience would all b eers. Her intellect would expand. her energy of! character would be more fully de veloped, and the Would be more worthy of the love and veneration which she, in her natural cha racter, has always received from just and hon orable men. In the courre of these remarks, we have hinted that female education has not kept pace with I the progress of civilization. In an age when science, philosophy, and all kinds of practical.l knowledge have advanced with miraculous growth, we find that women are still trained for show rather than real life. Undoubtedly„it is 3.1 a dim percep - on of this fact that has given birth in the extra grumies 'of the Woman's Rights party. We egret to see so much honest real thrown awe r A must useful society might be, organized far the purpose of training young women to se! a proper value upon a solid educa tion, solid i tellect, solid facts, and solid men; to teach thim that the just fulfilment of the - duties of the wife and mothers the highest ob ject toward which their wordly ambition can point. Among the many schemes far the ad vancement ,r Morality, Science, and general eivilisationi we can think of none which would be more useful than this, and we earnestly re commend it to those who feel that they are cal led to enter the field als advocates of Reform. highly intricating and raloable table L. I clscaligloti. A' firgroserr i • , wing the =mint of banking capital r. played In • L Commonwealth of Penneitknin me th. tax on di stf b ends and on corporation nicks deticabi therefrom, the Ware./ years therein dengrnsted. tc gather with e ratio of said tax. Pis.. Ilnk'ng capital. Tax on Dry's Tax on mom Ratio. ration kooks 1941 ,a 1 9 . 17 7.47 7 09 $ 00,921 011 51.047 11 414 1042 19.12 7 .677 50 44,950 50 21.184' 4.1 3,64 1949 10,5R.5,55 25 25,554,' 50 12.902 15 21' k 1644 15.5 r,459 50 40,705 55, 91;111 :A , 5 . nue Int on 02 86.975 85. 57,416 02 9 15.0., in: 721 70 75,364 62 63,458 roi at, 1047. 11. 37m0 1 190407 13 09.149 2.3 9 1:1 21. ;2,610 01 110,048 55 60.609 11 81i 1049 10.4 0.342 39 164.1C1i 70 92.940 34; 14 1.." 16,6 - 5.444 141 155,677 14 70.041 56, 12 The shore • wtemenkis correct and wax prepared at th instanced T. I. aigh.2. E.g.. of th. 110... 101114 94. PCIISI/177C6. Auditor Gen. Marsh 27. r c l. It 11l b o reed that whilst our poNslatios ltar rm-et Ipinoxerseri d • ring the last ten yeses—our Wainer. berocee MOTE widely .rtesulnl. the basking =vital has &emus! 56,618.971 4. I nn Esowxs s's Conexara FARRIER, is the tide of a small 'Vol e published by T. B. Peterson Phil adelphia- The title page tells us that it is -the smelt of envy yea. extensive practice of the author Jo .C. Knowlton." If practice ' makes Per safely affirm that Mr. 'Know!- ) to furnish some useful infor by J. B. Holmes Third strett. For the-Garda. 'or the information of the Board the House of Refuge, I hand trocession, passed by the Leg dvania,:lBth March, 1890, fir the Commons, the ground on ie walls of the Western Peni , tame may become neassorq for airs of Allegheny, are in no wt. ___ _ . Oat their city should become re nowned alp the depository of all the thieves and ' yagaband;of this end of the State, we hardly iinaginehey will consent to such an appropria tion of tli property, and it is equally unsuppos ahle Um will interfere with e vested ri ht, which by solemn act has been re affirmed the Commons, or if they' should be so m the Legislature far forge al of their duty, that a grant for the purpose dialled could be confirmed, whilst's single commoner was left to contest the title : Wuramas by the liberality of the commoners of the town of Allegheny, a lot of ground was granted the State, for the erection thereon of the We Penitentiary: and whereas, the said grant e raced a larger area than now appears to have en necessary for that plume, ops part thereof ever having been used for the object of the gran : Therefore, 1 Seta .1 1. B. it enaufed by the Serj , e , :e and . • Ilouee o Represuntatires of the Common ith of Palmy! i s iel General Anembly met, and it is hereby by the authority of the rant : That so 01116, of the common ground; situated on the west std ofof the walla of the Western Peniten tiary, a 4 l is now, or may not hereafter become te l d necessa for the use of the maid Penitentiary, be re-ves , and restored to its coign:of use, as part and par of the common ground, belonging to the borcugh of Allegheny, and that the ground hereby ;ranted be laid off,. under the direction and sup;rintendenee of the board of inspectors of the 'ester° Penitentiary. nen ' , Y ;rani I. l. eTir TEE t:. - 8. LL1101.1.. en/. &lam Clemena-- ..... 1a53 WEI, 11 E. az-- —n s, .1.1.. Athri= --- - . 1::: 1 M .. , Wm 310 fa—. ........ -....1 1 84 , --- 7 nnorua. Jam . .1 Bamml ,— 'LOUD . sf:p k r,... t311 . 1 : ; : ;::::::1Vt .011.1. JAI, ilf W m ^_lssl l , ta . ..: . l ag JoNo D r .--....... Juno [.O qapher/t M—..IFJZ . Junes lOVA 41,rg0 ' looa----",l''''o=7-----1 ~,,,, 14 L0 . 4 ....g..^ . .." F l CMII.I. Pk Sa101:110 U D0me....... rre _Battle. .. MOM limmdtkil Hamlin. .... . la.' Bradbury... aammarrns. air;" itdz b ira. ....• Avid D 18S7 Mary S !few ELLWP.IIIe. Joca P ......... .-1143 Ma. Yards, Jr 1855 ny itlie. lIVEZna //Smartt -1., Sotereon Pir/t. i ....- i arab W inßm... 1t.53 Robert F Htocktio ....: ... ....1e47 Notre eltra..4. Mire PArtooree--.- IGeo E Badger-- BadP cw, . .... F I~ (~r......._...,~..1x51 Rlchaed U+w1heu1 ........ 1k17 1111.2 ULM. !Ms II Clarke • 1.15 a Charles _taw R Barsmell ithett...._ Andm , P Butler. ITbcatan Sufi— Ssna IlOaabn ITU7ierst Warm Won., flout, STIVIINta. Robert 11T Roarer._ -.19 haw P .... irb ,,,30 gl ar,7-% FROM EUROPE. TICE STEAM SHIP CANADA. . ace of tba N. Y. Commercial Admits.. LONIMN, Friday, March 14, 1831 POSITION or rut YINISTST. Da-ing the last week the public business of the country has not made the slightest progress. t, 1 1:, Altli ugh the Russell Cabinet are now safely re Lusts ed, it is with no in ease of power. They have een again beaten 41on the only important question that has been discussed, and have also SUE Lima further damage by giving up the most stria ent portions of their Papal bill.• Li ..o t Friday evening, is you will bare learned by e Franklin, Lord John Russell announced that he intended to proceed with the Papal bill, and persist in making it , applicable to Ireland as well as to England.—As be proposed, howev er, tb leave out the clauses declaring bequests invald when made to priests bearing the terri tori titles titles which are to be prohibited, a feeling of • tense disappointment was raised throughout the country, among all those who have taken pa in the prolonged agitation upon the subject The Ron= Catholics openly manifested their triumph, for it was this minion of the bill which had 'stung theta most and the conduct of the I . members speedily showed what it is to t =cessions to them for the sob of expe di cy. Their inflated denunciations against the g part of the measure ire now far bo er then those they uttered against the whole. T • night the bill again comes older ditcoogen and the feeling on all sides is no strong against it although from wholly opposite I:actin:oi that It seems impossible it can pass un'thinzt further Modifications. The papers hitherto Munn friend ly to the Goverment on the iliestitm: clamor loudly against the mixture of weakneas and cite stinacy which hoe mutilated the measure for England, where its full force was demanded, und has fastened it upon Ireland where it is none ; cessary. Hence although every• man seec the necessity for toleration toward the Government nfterthe crisis which has just been passed, there are signs that it will be impoisible for matters to continue without a new dislocation. On Tuesday, - Lord Duncan, an independent member of the Douse, brought forward a motion.for the management of the crown lands. Recent expoeures had led to a national conviction of the necesaity of some reform. But the Ministers were unprepared with a measure of their own, ondrefne.l to have one forced upon them. A division took place, and the result was an ignominons minority of one the rotes being 120 against 119. Three weeks of a session, which was to be more condensed than any previous one, have now been lost, but the Ministers and the Parliament still seem upon each new difficulty to stand and ook ntench other with rocant surprises ns to . . . what is to come nest. Last night the bill for the emancipation of the Jews was to be brought forward by the Government, but there were not enough members present from the Howse. This seems to betoken more confusion, and the pro- . . ceedings to night nro consequently looked for ward to with new interest an if some farther sin . . gularities would transpire. Nothing will set matters right but some extraordinary than any that is likely just yet to happen, but it seems as if we mbould see strange things in Europe before the year is over. It is a curious fact, considering the storm got up against him lest year, that Lord Palmerston is perhaps at this moment the man who could do more than any of the other Ministers if he were . at their head. Ire Is the only one of the body' whom the party of progress regard without utter indifference, and who could command upon any emergency their united support. FOREIGN ATTAR. From the Continent we hear less and leo, of what the people third: and feel, but more thou ever about the intrigues of their masters. The ludicrous perplexities between Prince Schwartz enberg and Baron Alantenffel in the Austrian mal Prussian contest for supremacy appear to in crease, and then now seems to he no probable solution except a return to the old German Diet, precisely as it existed before the revolution of 1848.—After three years of oaths, slaughter, treachery, and persecution, Germany Is to re sume that position which every one from Prince Metternich downward had then predicted must end in an earthquake. In Hesse Cassel, there is reason to believe the Elector and his Minister Ilassenpflug arc exceed ing in their open outrages all that - could have been anticipated. The whole of the members of the permanent committee of the Chamber, who so nobly supported the people, in Weir resistance to the illegal ordinances, hare been errested,and are now in prison. These things, moreover, are tacitly sanctioned by a Prussian commissioner. But although the German Governments have effectually sealed their own doom by silencing their subjects, so that disaffection for the future will never be accompanied by premonitory symp toms, occasions still occur to demonstrate what is working beneath—The building which was used for the sittings of the upper chamber at Berlin has just Leen destroyed by a conflagra tion, and the sight was watched by the whole city with the mast unequivocal expressions of satisfaction. "It was startling," according to the words of an eye witness, "to notice the ex ultation and mockery with which the crowd looked on, Thepeople teemed to identify the building with the institution, and toimagine that because one was perishing before their eyes, the other was sustaining a fatal blow also." On the following morning, it is 14tewise said, the event was spoken of by persons of position:and educa tion "with careless levity er pdeitive malicious satisfaction. It was thought a visitation on the government and a sinister augury for Its system and was enjoyed accordingly." • Yesterday, in London: the German refugees celebrated, by a public dinner at oneof the large taverns, the anniversary of their revolution. It was tuanotmeed that Nfaxlini, Struve, Rouge, and Professor Kinkel would be present, and although the price of the tickets was only 2s. eel., the af fair Seems to have been managed with excellent order, and indeed so as to set an example, as compared with our own manner, of conducting such entertainments. The number present was about five hundred: A remarkable and ominous feature showing the most powerful reminiscence that now dwells in the mind of the German Dem ocrats consisted in the fact that the only addl. djonal decoration in the room was' , a large cloth hung en the wall behind the chair, wiih the name in red letters of Robert Blum. I.II},TIC INTICLUGESCR. At home, apart from political matters, there has been nothing to excite attention. Everything goes on favorably with thee:position, and goods continue to pour in, According to thelest state ments, the packages received were 21t41 from our own people, 441 from the colonies, and 2808 from foreigners, and to-day we have accounts 'of the earival of the St. Lawrence, after n passage of twenty-two days. with between 1000 and 2000. The King of Naples has refused to allow any of his subjects to visit England during the occa sion. Advises nearly • month later were received yesterday from the Cape of Good Hope. . The war in Callreland has assumed a less unfavorable appearance. Ship building is actively going on and the proportion of screw steamers is most rapidly increasing. A remarkable instance. of great despatch has just been mentioned. A -screw steamer called the Arabian, eight hundred tons and one hundred and thirty horse power, was laid down in Mr. Napier's yard at Glasgow on the 12th of December, and was completed, rea dy for starting on the 28th February. She is en gaged in'the Liverpool and Constantinople trade. )10,1 EY S. MIT. ke. There is nothing new in commercial matter, Money remains in good supply. The Irish Peat Comparil have received the grant of a l royul charter, and it is expected that within three or four months they will briny their produce to market. The question of their cue. ens will therefore soon be decided, and if their hopes should be fulfilled, it will be impossible to over-estimate the moral and social changes that must result from their operations. There is 3 strong disposition to speculation in London which, for want of any new outlet, is i expending itself once more in the railway chars market. ' Mr. Hudson is one of the principal operators, and is believed to have made enor mous profits. He stills retains his seal inyttr liallient as member for Sunderland. The Government stocks hare scarcely experi enced any alteration. At the last date ConsoLs were quoted at NI, and they have closed this afternoon at the same price. The Grain market has been steady. In Cotton there has been a decline of O. per lb. owing to the advisee from your ride, but the market is firmer now than at the beginning of the week. Our last dates from New York are to the 26th February. Brxe-rsron. _... Tue Wages CAB Z.—There is a good deal of excitement in New York in regard to the convic tion of Mr. Wilkes, of the Police Gazette for an alleged libel on Mr. Jordan, late Attorney Gene ral of the State of New York. Mr. Wilkes has taken up his quarters in Hoboken, in the neigh boring State of New Jersey, in order to avoid the action of the emirs before whom he was tried until a stay of proceedings shall have - been ob tained, and the,exceptions which his counsel took on the trial argued before the Supremo Court. The Governor of New York has issued a requiei tion to the Governor of New Jersey, but the lat ter says he will not at present authorize the ex tradition of Mr. Wilkes, hut will consult the law authorities of New Jersey. In the meantime, Mr. Wilkes is writing fur his paper as usual. Market Street Store for Rent FOR RENT.—The Store, 118 Murket and ere Lit=;: ', =TX:t h y': in irt f ,PA r e k ;ilEl neat Inquire of !AVID tig..rn, eh Penu Citizen's E Insurance Company of Pittsburgh NCOURAGE 110)11.. INSTITUTIONS. Onion No. 41 Water stnet. In the warebouw of C. 11. NT, C. (i. Hunter. Presldent......A. W. Muse. yid, c0...m unw prepared to Imzure all ineretundha In stere, gni In treneltu, rowel, kr_ An ample guannty for the ability and Inter:tit! of the Institution ia afforded In the character of the hireetnw, di citizen,. of Vittehurgh. well and hammy known to the rommunlty for then . prudence, InWlllgenee. and integrity. Doserms—C. O. Huney, Sim.llWreler. Wm. Latimer, Jr.. Walter Bryant. Hugh D. King. Edward Ile ton, Jet.. Heworth. E. Harbanith. fi. M. Kier. apiketf Foreign and American Hardware LOGAN, WILSON & CO„ No. 129 Wood Street, HATE NOW IN STORE • AMI romplato Omit of FOREIGN AND AMERICAN HARDWARE, swum. for the .bring tnele, and ',tart. the ara prepared to ober to pureluwers Plilf that will mama favorable with PUT of th o meter. pi 11,,. Attention a -Proud AlTY.srm is most nupeetfolly lovitrd to the novarnishval statemeot of John 196 U, who tr. rand of m Dia fkmpli by the we or the Pentotopt, ce rtify that I have been cored of an ohl cbp o pj a Cough. by the um of Your Bottles of Petal/ one. The rths.h attacked Ine • Year .00 I•Jd Laermbetyand I b, lusl all ho , o f gettlpg Rai. al I had taken flu: nutrias of moor.] physiciaos any benefit I war benefited almost instantly by the Tetroleeot I entipAuf t en, auth. the Ins of the Priroleuv, a 4.4 =Lobo.. bote.— I teak. these staterhents withal:M=7ooM tioh from an/ ono to do vo, and volely for the poly*, thud others who may ba nillering may IA benefited. You ore at liberty to Tobilah this certibeate. I ant an old eldest of Pittsburgh, hart., remitted here thiety.thret yearn. My rivideoce. at BKOW:i street. ;JOIN WAIT. Ernastaton. rabroary 24,1451." For see hySeilerZ itelZwell; 140 Wood atone; R e &Ile a. TT Wood streeh D. A. Tahoestak, A Co, w Wood and Prom Rents; D. M. Corrz, 6. Elliott, Jo phis Douala" and 11. Y. &btu% Alltaheny. alto by the pro testor, )1. ALM; bbnalaTra . 00 41311‘13413•1•Zabitt.littsbungh. • S& • • TRIUMPHANT TESTLMONT to the value rid Dr. IteLatiits v.eicifete Reed;•lll6st A fate , . Oared entwine...of a rat We. etr .lalbt thalipellitate. trivets glans thapantite.melapupon the etberardhates hie exletritte, and deep thasialtaara de 'funk verearaffothe Ilk.. manned have ktund McLane's American lennifege to...re:raw urea exams. those dreadful and datigerona tonn e n‘ a , of rhlldmu.— nit finarot.i, ferret; entre, the aper i. u. ., of the tunuth, travels iloau the flullat, /Annie nnual the sumach. Isle Lord V the wormtieteetestbilife-out - of the rePtile , ea repo clean Muir den. and carers their cannimee clean out of-the new. ,Thle.. et. Ana. boa been the erect. et the r o roOfoge open ml childten. , if if. Root-ITT. N,Letp.'Wegegal.ll47." `This is to rattily that I have used Ur. McLane'. Vernal , fuge, and have found it to operate In like manner upon my eiditirrn. JOIN IMMO& If ietha, mu, 1147 Fur tale by j undo.n,dairla:S J. lirDD • CO. No. GO Vl' wd Tuedatxymerninst. the let Int, Enr. , tla..thter of Rec. C. cud 11 J. Pttrnettl, 11.4 tel 14 year.. Th• funeral will take plan: on It ennonfay aftrrnoon, at 3 o'clock. from the rnAletan of her father, on fir balm Perry SLICeI. Tuendny morning, at 10 o'clock. tit the n.Pldence of Ilcarc Holt:know .moth cal Monongahela Bridge,Mr. b. D. Pait. in the nnth >onr of his ann. The friondi of hM family am rcspectfulle Invited to tctkt hip funeral. todo:c (WNlttonlor) at 10 rielork, A. 31 , pt th. above month. renkleno, Matrimony or Phrenological Love. ITS Signs and Effechi,Scinction, or who can and i 0011 1 1 . . y 0 4 11,00 age . dl4 , mtely. , Courtship i , or b end married of truths for ilalti o u 're n, at Witakke WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY EtENINUS. April 2nd and itis, at ik Orals trIE DIME. Color and um a hundred Ida the worth of your mune,. g'-Profewilonsl delimiations of rimier., with number ed char. , and alwyru. written!nand= advice biathlon Health, fierunatlen, Faults, be, them remedy. ,„ e l( i „, r .r.,, t i oa . management of ehlidren, On.. On daily and unoccupied eyeing, at Ids private apartment at. 7.4 's r. Brown Motel. isiti2itf) O. 'OWLER. NFOR3IATION WANTED OF MOMAS 0101000. of England. who was workinu on the \Vattern Italltuad Bridge at New' Bejaia.. and left there on the nth No,innber last. His wife has arrived from England, and 6ri v g= n o ' r i Cirt " to u i treLe f. tnrAle;. l"'" ryillo ho 'FOIE SUBSCHTBEIt has innunenced ro t. MITIng lerKer mad more desirable ...a of FANCY VARIETY and DRY 1100100 than he ever brought to this market. rondstine In tart of Prin.. Prinnid Lawns, Mous. de Labors, Gingham, en,: Al- Vittoria, Sari, flail. and Book Minslinic barredand Jaeonet Marlin., Cloths. tr`moilmeres. CiontitieD4 Twords , Jeans Drill. and Cothea Strip, 10.10 Lirmur. Poniee 11,100. and Crum.: Thihe, Mous. de Woe, and Cotton shawl, linidery. (Dorm Itlbleum. UM, Vella. Combs, Button, Suidwsklers, Parris., Umbrella., Table end Pock et (lottery. Ckelts, Jeweler. Watrheii. Ay to which be rii.tai,tfull) Invitee the attention of meridianls and tiodhuie. api2 C. Annurnmrr. FS Word pt. Dissolution. d TIIE Partneri:lap heretofore existing under the fi rm of Gr... end Ile(l.ndlemm, ham thlm den 6002 1,3 mutual itkutchtt NV ID OREM]. JAS. RICAN DLCS.S. remaining in Wilkins st Marrh. Mahar John IST OF LETTERS I.OA Mae, Pa., up w 9 ntl,•on Wllluun .1 11 1 1rno ll lb..cra Thomss tYßripe Michael rlL.t'vr.r.°ll2nh Coyle Frenrin : i : , :l,ll „ nr,pa i r, Steward Courier Der nood P.llraheth :+arab Vouch y John !If rt \Wham' l:vinx Amur W . . . ;itatta.col.l.l Levim Irartz.vreldel M 'ln Fuldl, TIN - awn Fo.n.• JOIn Shriuler l.alwl Jane ackylor rialnuel s anoroler Dar L! Iran Cleat Dr 0.11.1 c Mnrtha Ooehrinc Jwar li Ilmrshey chrtAllan Henry LAtbrr . . - letn4 Cnnrad Whsebl.fale Itebrer-a Johnntnn li n njuale Wonleklarr. Charicrtta Jntifnenn W 'Mani Wandliohn II A lilinoliqt, Thounis Wino Henry P LirliA•V )lacy • locll )olit Sr.ll! of Snmprrznnn (W.nh inct Vnuntl 3 n72:InT Lt - sz a. n inst kvisox. p... )i.u.r. BACON'S MERCANTILE COLLEGE. South East corner of l'tfth and Walnut Struts CINCINNATI, OHIO. Irterirrurated in 11451.) . renciral. 11. SNOW. Esi..—....Lortor•ron Commercial Law. C. NV 3.1t0r.01 and T Y. .... Aninstantn. n S. BACON begs lento to 'return his gin . erre thank. for the very, liberal patronage inhlch pn4 Iwprs. Indelatign ble Attention to Morin*. to merit • tiontinuanee. of the unnrrendentolaue. that h. Attended hi, elHeeta during the past *later. Thu u11:11 rot lendAtuttone of Ong dercriptlon has bocome Iv..,yripletyty natahliahril by orneriest denionitratkuna. and en attested by the thourind. who bare main,. the nlennia.,,. nf tipsy (nstrurbob, as Ia:VT to ls quus. harems for their nupoort or colony upon their inerita. The plan adonled In teaching nmalilnen practine with the, mr. contend of tiring tandig. the pupil• are eserciAnd in blOtlna ~ rlgtned enthrs nTrryds.stanlitnir tranaactionn. Journalrun I. posting, Halaneling Anainotn. oprolne mod th is a unlit evict) . of dill root no. of Hooks. Irgh for nartnridup and Individual liAluesa.here the inninese teenteenha. o nronorroun sal riper*. w and Ana modifying the eLudes, for entering Into the vennnoil du11... of Urn so- .41515011 n an r kind of C.. 11 7 , ., luitruntion will iTAndo of DOURLY. EN. THY It nIK KEHPINO. enibracing eine, department of reds and ttrieuntll ona e ironing, Sir Alan trlinlemlo, hi.rhnufattuTitg, in and rime., lal Law. . . . . . Pupil, a lost: ted Itallriduall, . and not In dun, or. that minela mar rnter at 5, lime. and rimmed In the rat, rf their emeaeit, and aemihnlir Pubile emanlimtintu are beel. I thnneh Tunltaanectatan Innl pr - mainly If 14, draft , . It.) alien the rtudent undo, nee. rl.nl and thohnist, Inierreautlon• by the Ilincinal. arelhal by a (3,mmillee of pray cal Accountant. eel Flu. el.. Nen. and hti..lamae shunted IP than let. are. Joann ~.1 wnrily of than. A emirs , ran le romplen4 In.lenen air IS ten •.Ike. Ana in ... uenueen, 'in. l'hurinal annul irate that greet ' ihmg in lue boner nu] he Anzio to aeleance bl• shinenta. - and make them thninuab amt 11,..1)41.512.1 signmintab.. and tan eateneirr amosintacee alth the Mases. hmusio nitr will eren-rallr nut.. h.& tn nmenee e1t.....ne tor 1.1. nm der:lrene of ohlaml., them. LI IN DO Term.-- /or a full enure. a ~..... la tank 4.5.r.x. 11 rlfitz,. thrumerrlal lA,. hee.nh .e.... N LABOR A NI) THE LONDON Y,.111 It, the Cue.. nib mnturr, ereloralia of the 1 n.c.10 ren. li tiun an 4 cantina of tle. nennm rhea.. In the Itranb Vteroryanr. in ,enneehnn a ith:the enuntrr by II >1ahe....1.1. engrae to :a uf the menu` seal Tee dtarnted. 10, I and , of 111. rs... haul mirk Ime , M . ll.Urnee' Lunn', hei..4„ Tbiril 0.., unman. the pot nines prim 1.!.r lel St,. an , IITT ELL'S - LIVING AGE, No M; Go. 4, Era: Nu of • nen nut. nail he Ilnlnne. Thlnt 11- al. a.. . .[hall.. a tale hr the antler „f Wntuan In ream 1! 4 ..K.1K5: BOOKS !!--.LAIi.I.IOa; COlo ra il lb.wrin.ll4 - cm ao oer- by Ch nays-mi. • ~ u nt V1.11.p Kln. .f tb. Wslskysyurts. th-th.,. tbt s""'t " L•hYr end lby , I...ndm For, Fy firm, 1 1 / 1 1 . 1.. ,oKrotinly. tnk..y, by aunt. Tart Ay , noF , F 3 Y "I h r .. b..ykltot rFryisyyl ...I I.r ..Cy bj. It_C. Ft. , ICKToN. No 1 - Msztyl. atrwo.. ay: N6O16•0 it. C..lontal awl F...y..unor. by Cbt.. oayarry.:l..l-5Y0.. I Lor.l Itottatol • Itocultaervarevt by lblary . Richard tio.t I_'m.-.tow. Ittttl.• tihe fltlAto ' fitlsllaot I vol., ITuttlt. =et. I =Nature.. Tottlercor -ere over all Ma wort% blTtt , oultrot of Pt, Notnr, I vol , tow. kowtow. for ....ft dor tn Lent.olloct from the *fit. Irmo. mrt. by the author of ' the I , m, mug, II tar. artt.l Lat. Utak. o the 014 Ttottorneoirtrlto . h ttt . the Itloital chot.tto. From lb< latlet of Not tivoutue. bt I.thtm.tot. ttv.o. Lotto Teeismt, T Pock lotnt, Inn% t),,,mtvot Itotttral Wort.. Itot•Tt 'torso. with (avian. pot, a n on onot • 1.4, of the otithor..l, Jo. Vcrti, 1 vol rot• wIhL Itrt•hale. Ivy J F 2.,.1..;,1.xtet. mot , reldroto ‘1•41 erell In t).ettno•lvray Tat.erntotle•ht s fk , NtontftS:tt Ite: • Harp., Ila4aatne la Armlr. Nam,'[To Always ma hand. Just Aw l 1;4 by • II01 . 1 4 :1NIt. 74 Malin nuMibla, Fmarth CA4tll. lI{ON-4:,1i05, fur sale by • sr,/ A. A. VAIIN,TOCK A Co. E_ Elttl,lTZ Ml XTIIItE---15 0 llle,Jkr 1.7 by 'e 11. A. FAIINCSrUCK. 4 CU PLASTER-2 5 Ils fur *s* hr sp.! D. A. FAIINIOrTOCK A Cl 11 , 11'll. IC .1A:11 1 —I* lbs for sale by • er. 1 , . A. VAIINF,:IUICK CO l'finilllEST:.;kK i a ,C I..hV li. t A . C „ . 1,1,1 t )N-75 be Chinese, for sale by aPY. 11. 4..EAIINESTIER A CU. 7)CRI itOU ND GISI:EIt-700 Ills for A . 'al , . 11. A. PA lINEWTOCK A CO. IYHASI 11E1' PO'fASII-25 lbw, for *ale • to *p: D. A. FAIINESTOCK 4 CO. The beat Green Tea in Pittsburg}. Novo Crop Young Ilveloo Tea bag . kl 7 jaAl Ira Star. I. Ow Iriarn"nd. oil, f',l.M.rvagtli and Ra‘ , r an w a br ad a A.,' sold inl.l.rnsrah ay, UNDI{III--- • Prim,' Perk (in.,/ Al, WI, 71 I.l , llPnwrior LAI". Pl.O ?a; :t.,ll.A;)it • !..0 1,1 Om barve 30 3 lit, 1 13;14 , rt, Ibr IV pale 11 ap2 . JOH W N ATT a .. Lamar 110( 7 LI ) . F.itS--9001) rieveN in salt, arrived J wad f:,r .:..1., lIARIIS JONES t IIOU LI) Itti-44 ,arrived and for ).7 I•t•2i HARDY JONES AI%I. _ 1 .1A(2 . 0 , 5 , —2,00 urn reeeiv44oni.il I. joll,irvvvrlsNby B UT . T p! iI, & EGGS—in skip) and f?! . ruvAb9 bu. in Rum, and for male by nr2 WM 11. JOIINPrON. _ PPLES—I:2O Id& Green apple,. for lullaby iva I W. Jolt NsToN. QIIIP STUFF -100 sacks for eale I.v 1.3 aid WA. 0. .101151510 , i. V REDN APPLES-4010)1e in geod7eondi- L 7 eon szu turnale ill J. F. 101.1VORT0 ,t (10._ F RUIT - 7 150 1)1,18 dried apples 1100 du do reachrefsr pal.. I 07 •OJ. M. OILWO .5.KT11 00 ---- • • CORN B:_tilATS-501) bu fur sale by J. S. DlLWOilttla!X• BAcoN.,, _do sugar eur o etl , htTls; 3 'h W I T 4IIII F IN 1 4268--1 bbls, ree' — tlar j rd i' fo p r th snle by s nuAvontit a co 111 OLL SSITTER-10bblN. for ante u. tin 145 Vint .1 116 Smn.l 0. B Room. dozen, fur male by S. a W. tinfinamm. bu. for sale by IL lip?. I p k B ACON -,14 Rle. (hog round) for side by F. 0 W. 11A.IlItAliall• EMOVAL.—"EO F. tilllPif has removed why, he he sill N. on Ma 0.0000 fr ex tun sad the Dull it x ylter.ll.3 • sp2lto _ _ ifkW:INC:F.S.-100 boxes just received and 11,y formale LY DUILBIIIDGE a IN(Illadil ISO Water etreaL, art UGAit-200 lit ILITICITIg, for side by BURDIIIDGE A INOTIRAIL 110 Water at ItIOATSSES---.100 bble. anis,.for sale by iyi „,,, bwe.nttimatllVlllllAYl., Bithoms_4oo cloz. fcr salo by . • BUILDRIDGE A INOREA3I. QUGMt-t.V. hbds. Clurititd, Battle Ground t..7 . .en1...,r,imt ..ed BUlla'3lX l . ii . ... F. BY 'rFA.F.GRAPH 'ME WELL ND CANAL. Osircoo, April 1 Vessels are daily arriving and departing for the Upper Lakes, through the Welland Canal, by which it will appear that this improretnent is aot closed to American vessebs. MIL WEBSTER AT HARRISBURG. H~aa April 1 Hon. Daniel Webster will be received this eve ning, in the Hall of the House of Representa tives, by the Governor and members of the Leg blature. CINCINNATI, April 1 Jenny Lind will give three concerts, in Cincin nati, viz: April 14th, 16th, and lath. Engagements in New York and elsewhere, will prevent the appearance of the Nightingale in Cleveland, or any of the Lake cities et present WAIWINGTON CITY, April 1. The amount of Ti. B. stock issued to foreigners lost week, woo $51,700. LATER FROM BERMUDA Nr.w YORK. April 1 13y the arrival of the steamer Merlin,. this morning, we have later advices from Bermuda. The news generally, is without interest. The Legislature had been summoned by the Gover nor, to meet on the ith April. THE FUGITIVE SL%VE CASE 13orroir, April 1 Indictments against Elitur Wright, Scott, Hays, and others concerned in the rescue of the slave Slusdrach, were read in the District Court to day. PHILADELPHIA MARKET Floor—There is some export demand for flour, with sales 7000 bbls standard brands, at $4,31}, at which rates holders are firm. Rye Flour and Corn Meal—Are more enquired for, with Bales of the former at $3,87i, and of the latter at $2,64 La bbl. Grain—Wheat is steady, at 95€.97c for good and prime red, and 102 c for white. Sales 1000 bus Rye, for distilling, at 61c 11 hu. Corn is in steady demand, with sales 4000 bus Southern and Penna. afloat, at 60c. Sales 8000 bu Oats at 43044 c bu. Groceries and Provisions are witliiint change. Whiskey—Sales of small lots, W22lc, in bbls. NEW YORK MARKET NOON REPORT. Flour—The market is firm, with a moderate eastern and home demand. For western and state, holdettisra very firm, at 54,44a14,6 0 for common to strafed state: s4,62P4,7sforMich ignit and Indiana; and tb4,B7®fiZ for Genesee, and $4,G2C1,4,76 for Orleans. Provisions—For pork, the market opened less firm to day for old mess. New mess is stillheld firmly, but is dull of sale. Peel's in steatlyde- mond for the trade. Pickled meats are quiet, at Ge6l for shoulders, and Sfii:St for hams. Bar con is scarce, with a fair demand. Sales of west ern short and long middles, part ribbed, at 7fCti So. Lard is firm, with a steady demand, at Sic V lb. Groceries—The market is without change. Linseed Gil—is dull at The V gall, for English make. Lead—The market is dull, and nominal, at $5 t 1 cwt. Whiskey—Sales at 2:46221 ".0 Wool—There is more inquiry fur wool. and considerable lots have changed hands, since last report. Thursday's sales of domestic. fleece reached 30,000 Is, at 45q,47e, and 1:0,000 lbs pulled, at 4.00 - r1 lb. Soper country pulled is quoted at 42c for extra, and :38c for No. 1. For eign is also in demand. With a little more ac tivity in the woolen cloth trade, there would be an Increased disposition to buy largely; but the price of cloth is no loicouragement to manatee. tare 'freel, and makers are consequently re stricting the production. NEW YORE MARKET EVCIII.I April 1. - Cottore—The market le dull, with no antes to report. Flour—Holders of western hove submitted to • decline; of rei ? bbl, with sales of 60(01 bbls, •t $4;4)60.018 for Nlichigun and Indiont.. G m i o i_ Wheat k dull, with sales ISOU bushels Genesee, ou private terms. Ilya le steady, with salmi of !WO hue Penn e, at 74c 1 4 Mi.. Corn is firm, with sales 11,000 bee Yellow. at•626i.67c ? bushel Provisions—Pori: chows with more firmness, with sales of old nt *13,25 for mess, and $10,25 for prime. iirhiskey—fides nt Sac ? 1=33 C CISCIIIMATI, April 1. Flour—ls in moderate demand, and prices are less firm. dale of COO bbls, at $3,43 1.1 bbl. Whiskey—The market was heavy to day,_ and closed at 17e, which is s further decline. Groceries—The demand is good, but prices are unchanged. Provisions—Are quiet, with sales 200 bbls mess pork, at $l2 1 0 bbl. Cheese—Sales at 71c "t 1 lb, for eelected West ern Reserve. The ricer is stationary. The crevasses near New Orleans, of which.the telegraph has given an exceedingly brief account ars very serious ones. One account says that the Week extends all along the river. We clip the following crevasse items from our latest New Orleans papers: The point Look Out Levee caved in on the 10t h from the heavy pressure of the water, the Levee being new and not being able to bear it. The Lake Providence republican of the 10th Rays :- 4•Some forty or fifty feet of the levee burst up all at once, and then the levee on each side of the break continued to wash away capidly from the great force awl rush of the water, it being some eight erten feet deep. The opening is sup posed to be between a quarter and half a mile wide, and the ends of the levee are still wash ing off." The Delta has the subjoined : The following authentic intelligence, relative to the crevasse on the west bank of the river was -I received by to last evening. It is from an expe rienced engineer : PAR:1111 or Jcrunsoo, Wert Bank, 1 12 o'clock, !larch 19, 1851 ; Ede.. Delta : I have just visited the crevasse at Mr. Gardanne's plantation, opposite Napoleon Avenue, hi Jefferson city. The breach .was mado yesterday morning, about i o'clock, nod might to have been stopped before now, butes yet nothing has been done calculated to do any good. It is now about 60 feet wide, and the water hen a fall of from seven to eight feet, with a tre mendous current. It might still be stopped at a cost probably of $5OO or $6OO, it the work wan pot in the hands of any competent or efficient person. From what I have seen and heard, the chances aro that it will not be closed. The Police Jury have been assembled in nye cial session, and have just adjourned, after oussing the matter, and they did in the premises was to pass is resolution leaving the whole mat ter in the bands of thesyndic, who In recommend ed to not in the premises according to law—equiv alent to directing him to do nothing—probably, as it in the general impression the laws on the subject are so defective us to be nearly of no practical utility. The agriesed is from the Picayune of the 20th A break in the old level at Mr. Millandon'e plan tation, a few miles above Gretna, took place on Tueselny morning last. The new levee did not long resist. By dark fifty feet of it had ilissappenred —the water poured in, inundating the neighbor ing fields. Efforts were mode to stop the breach but no far as we have heard wore unavailing. RED RIVEII.—The Alexandria Republican of the 16th lust, says that the fall above had no ef fect on the river at that place, where it was still rising. Owing to breaks in the river et Mrs. George's and other points still further down, and to Bay ou Sandy's being open, a good deal of the swamp land between the river and bayous Robert and Mut Is inundated, as well MB some of the land In cultivation. The railroad and causeway being both covered with water, the communication to Bayou Boca was almost entirely cut off, except through the fields of Messrs Flint and Hymen. on Bayou Rapids. A large portion of the islrnd. above Alexandria formed be-Bayoultapides, and Bayou Jean do Jeno and Red river, not having been leveed, (with the exception of Mr. Flint's plantation, which is leveed in) is underwater. The planters have, however, secured their stock, and will not, if the water runs off soon, suffer much damage. Many of the plantations on the northaide of Red River were more or less Inundated. BATED; Senn AND THE Htnv WATEIL—The St. Francierrille Chronicle, of the 15th, soya, that portion of the levee around the town --of Bayou Sara., running from the foot of the hill to the riv er, looks badly at present, although the water has reached as high as 18 irides above its base; mane:able numbers of crawfish holes hareibeen discovered, which idfordan passage way for the water whlcb has been arming through for Seve ral days. • It Is unposed howertT, that segoon u the draining machine can be put In operittlon itvriß pruye effectul Jr' keeping the town . l per fectly dri. oisrLY.26 Hams TO. CLEVELAND. gaa , -.:lBsl,l2gEigi 1.7.11.NLY.11 ARILANDEZINT orTWYEN PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND. EXPRESS Packet and Railroad Line for LA Cleveland. tudhouf /..” of slays by Steamer. Irmo i'ittabarall to Beaver. In connortion with me elniantly fin. inbal Exprx, Paskets of Clara, Parts A Co. . fr.] Boarvr to Ravenna. mod the splendid new Paaenger Cara of the Cleveland dod Pittsbnrich Railroad Co. to Cleveland. • PESNIiiILVANIA. J. tforrEuu: NIAOARA.._ M. Tutor. MAYFLOWER. ...... Ram , Steamers lea.. if.. Monongahela Hour, at 9 o'clock. A. M.. nriLw= with the Packet. at Beaver. which .. ill leave lmleidiately on the arrival of the ...nu , arrivig at Savanna time for the xpre Train of Car. for Clr.rlaud. Fa... ten UT La. at Cleveland In time to take the Railroad 1.1.3 of Steamer. for BE FEM.° mul DETROIT, and the steamers for Chica. Milwarikle, Toledo, eiandurky City. Dunkirk end also for evening train of rare Ibr tkolumbuo. Xenia, and lhneiturati. CLARKS. PAREIi t CO.. Prophet... Itorritatu, Pa. W. it. 31001tIlEAD. Ofebe under St. Chart.. Hutu V. It. MARTON, Office under Mottanitaltela J. A. CALIIJIIEY, corner or Staittalettl and Water mtrett , g 1851. UNION LINE On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals. =l= • • • CLAMP. PARKS n CO ROCIEL , I6, Pa. CIIA.IIIIE4LIN, CNA% FOOD t CO.,....ClaVtEi.iro.o- miis well known Line ia now prepared to Z trntuipert freight .ad roomy.. from VlT.:eel:Gil aun CLEVELD. C i e ` Line Point.. th,, n u m b e r. "" rhe [...Dries orthe Line at um...named qua ity, and asperity of Boa., experience of n.“ C. tiemy of Agents. Linn &at lame Pitta ond Cleveland doilY.runnievit In connection with a Line of ...memo. between PITT, and BEAVER, and a Line of wet clam...mem. Woo/miler and nemelei on the Lai.. CONSIGN EES: Parke k Co., Vonavtown, 04 ito O kalia. O. C. Prontles, Barran. 04 Brayton k Co. Ravenna, 04 Kent, Grlnnel , l Co.. Franklin, 04 11. A. Miller. Cuyahoga Yotlo U.; enders,W Dee k Co., Akron. 04 Henderson I Pettibone. Banduaky City, 04 Peckham I Scott, Tolerho, Og i U. WiLllarne &Co., 0010011, Ichlgarg 00 .001.21 • Co, Milwaukle, Wie4 Goo. A. Gibbs I Co.. CLkago, 1114 Thomas Bale, Clocago, 111. JOAN' A. CAUGITE4, Agent. oar. Water anal 1011005e00 IStraburvh. NNG43 1851. gal LAKE ERIE AND IdICHIGAN ON TIIE EXTENSION CANAL. CLARKE, PARKS A Co., itocukarm„ P1[01.1M022. 'rue PROPRIETORS of this old and well known Line, wauld MK= the public that they are mow In wpetatitin for the prerent moon. and hate comman d roceminti Freight and likwetrcre, which they - aro tally a,Prjrlijir tarry th ' ettru t iral ' es a . th Uit e. eo n tihnio i leoltri cane will be anwitantly at the landing,the Runifit gahela Bridge. to MeciTe frclabh JUBA A. CACOURY, Agent. OR., ear. Want and Smithfield OA., Pittsburgh. R. So!'”Ingt!!!;',No. aeuc, PO4 D. C. Mdte.n. l'uln;il.Ps4 W. C. Mal., Sharon: Wm. Reno ilartelmmt Wm. Power, ColmeauMille. C. SI. Reed. Erie. U. B. Want:Fridge, BMW, ICY 256 Liberty Street WI uoa LL r ARIJIVE IN A FEW I:A . , Y c S u , a liltrttlEatlrti 'n and "' Ttr seTX.,77.W.ur Wm. w hence rit In the yin,. of hew York gad Philadel phia. holm, just returned. Tin exertion will be spared 40 sustain the high reputation alreuly acquired by Ohio bouve, of .11Ine ILe bet and chnieest aooh in [heir lino to be heal In the city, uul at the lowed Pd.. iterThey yell nothing but what they gen reeaturoeui, and una.nted every adult rePreeentnli that Wrenn. mallow children ur Ferrante for oar thing need ha. no fear , of having en inferior article palmed off UPC. them. Thvy rend. with confident. to the agetomer• by Whom Melare Inttrimixed. hoping for• contintuince of their custom and maoy additions to dd. already large tart. ' A. )feCLERAI t CV)_ aid firocers ard Tea Pullen. Bank Stack for Sale. NOTICE in hereby given that In compliance with them 000111000 of an Act of Asacmblyo.PPM ,- e If :i1 day of Larch. 1550. there will be °Breed et nub ile sale, at the Banking 'Louie, ONK 7110I1SAND 811ABES NEU OTOCK of the Monongahela Bank d Brtneorritle, 00 Weiiiitewavi the 71. h day of Mae. 1551. Pale to commence at 10 iieliw i l.. 0. NI. By onler of the Mani of Dinctoric anti. 11. S KNOX. Cashmr. CARD.-1 have removed to my new store, Ztbre.anew. nearli opals. the Ttsnt of ttimburgn. whom I be glut to we MY Men& and fa lcon CMUCkr, and rale. • •linne of the!. custom. I will ken, • we, large ae.ortment of Cpholdery, Dot.md Bed ding,Curnd 11.0. 14•••••• my; Fettbrr Mader, and lLaer• of Quilt. ColMaDel, and Comte., Windom bhadon of evory rietr, Do ,, Mate, and every ankle usualir found in the man extend,. •stablvilments of One idnd. folly eolinne•i god mod vomptiv ailed WM. NOBLE, Third .11011. • .----- Covington Iron Works for Bale or Lease. THIS ESTABLISHMENT, situated on the Ohio rim. unman. Cincinnati, having in theta.. lwat u ersone thorough Dr. initalMlMa.mnehirierY. benag Lac or the most loeathata In the Union bo th. manufacture of the •miotto sine and land/int/ram rombildng ae many. If ant more Unlink-ethers toy nab' !lament in the Weet. Is now °Dead walw or law., on term.eon apptirente. It pnewereas all the advartlages of so actabliehment situated la the innet desirable parlor Ctn. come. ..Melon to thecae.. being moth lighter-Iw log ail (*.claw,. thy Cincinnati trwle. It con,lsta of warn Puddling Furnace, three Finery or Ndhllng Fire.. two Re newer fire, eta Ilcauttg Furnace, with Engine and Me chine, to make inAu `i loth Inn op bat ,i 4: ....:tt tai and 1001eunete. all the mu, list Iron with a bliseet am! Iheiv A Lb.— A separate Sheet and nailer gn:lne. capable of producing from 310 4 tuna per day Sheet Ina. • In addition, than Is a NMI Foamy. with m.. En gine. containing 16 Machine, which ran bu increased to fa ' Yertnt. rAL's, AN. C3ricinnatit or J. Et 21eNICLE, Covington. golt ttALD—A valuable Iron F...tablLthment altuatol on Use (thin titer, In Delia county,Ohm.awohding of ts Forge ccabeining three Nobling or lthery Virene three &Ailing Fun. new rum out lir, one pair Donlan with ju ' iracrCs ‘ 4 0 . 1 ' 47 ton ton. iron t.!d.i Theteactsnntaln. Tbe entrance to ell the Dr or Dlts. Is from :A 1.0 1 400 yard. fn. the Forge. It is one of thetas. lorattoutsin the Weal tot•• Indium WI. ha,. D. 131:ClIANA1.Cinclunath orJ. D. IIeNICKLE. ALbts—A large brink em Proof FunnarF. for ale. mot. sol,lnlna the hulling 21111 front. 3 noruss high. e 0 ft. arida with %aiding !haw DX/ ft. by bIl Hofer shore.) FOR SALE--That desirable Tract of Land, situated on the Alleghmly lifer, about 2 mile shove the thriving us , ougb tiltratining, Im Armasttong n.. FIS-, blmwn .. the Allegheny Furnace property. runthirun2 In all about IOS raw- The laad abounds Iron. Coal, Limestone. Vim Cla, tc.. making It • very desirable Damson for rdanula , toting parpodwa from Da peculiarly beautiful ineatlnn. of fer...any advantage, far hrmimg totems.: •largelm 2l . of the bottom land Is now under cultivation; th e blab lands ' lll 'l =te m' ArrisitltY ' re edowerst country. tui.. 6 a.ni tweed ma. PreitniaM•Fmr nate- Awls, Etch, Lod insnsros.tai.esesiskiash‘s. together with ell the buildings nrilw.thatri4f.thereth. dint. Farm Donee, Darn, Stable, *a The whom will he die po4oll of upon favorable them, or it will be Mental Into tracts to mot pored:wars. A plot of the PasPer2Y and fer thee particulate can be °llan:tn.! eddrmang apl,eahlm It. IIeCIIAN AN. tlnclunar.l. RICE -50 too. arriving per De Witt Clinton, for htlehy • apt W. tV. ITILIIII. I 11. MOLASSES-70 bhls. Louisiana Re burry, tsrlying tow? Da Will Clinton: for sale by apt , W. 2F. 14 ll.it/\. 11Af—Is toni Timothy. arriving per Mog xi nth for .ale no the wharf. by apl W. 2 F. WILSON. PITTSBURGH HORTICULTURAL SoCIETY bold their regular antirteril Meeting r Ikon! of Tend. Remo. on ha l e Mo lt, 11.0. at ,'clock, A. M. Members who hare Molt, belonging to I tbn llbrai2 of the toned plat. return (tuna ay cutler of the Executive Committer apLete A. D. Mote:EWAN, f“wrentry._ . I\lllltPilY A. BURCHFIELD hove cum mcnewl renrivinn their nworet supply of Good, aitudm whirl , will he found ilurkaback Waren, lUrached and nobler-11,1 Shorting, 12-4 Linen Bliretilt.l and Pillow Cm, Linen end 41 mlin 401 n. wide for Pillow thole, aid nI,ACK BEIfAGE A. SILK TISSUES, for wear, to he had at opt ddb RP 11 Y A BDACIIFI DEVIL UItPIIY t BURCHFIELD have resuivell af,c phew mom all wool Tweeds and emetruere, apt .„, kegs & 3 bills. No. 1, for sale by mehn SAMUEL P. 81114 V :2 I.3:6)*Wils;t4rpMClAWADCge , l.l:i TIIIS INSTITUTION, a Boarding and Dr.y School for Young Ladies, is now In imentasfiti ;me m. . with fall 1k4040f Teachone. the Rec. DAVID W. TOLFURD, D. D. an Principal; Mrs. Totroth haritia ins fiuts 4,,,y g , of the linardiug Pupils aided by rewdent Andwanto. The entire nowt of the Seminary Building will not fall eur Awn of LOAM. It is beautifully situated upon an elevated atte vont:wend with the range of I,lll.east of Wheal., &pert (Wm the duct end the unlace( the cite. Ey convenience. and appliance has been provided whleli curb an hutitution requires. Internally the arrangement& are complete. The government Is firm, but mild Pater; nal. During an rapatienew of general year.. thttPrincinat has never had to expel • plant'. or had a single COMO of e ono discipline, which he out but attribute. with liod'a blee ping. tn hip mode 11 guyernment....l tee be regards them) yudkions anangrutente. A sound cool finished witwation is hem glean, while Procial attention Is ever paid to timed mural and religious Intimaters which conatitute the true beauty and ornament of the female character. Di...1-lionlctant lionIctant to physical, as well m intolleetnal salvation. The Principal willrend catalogues. and glee any addi tional information required. A catalogue run be peen at thin oglee. The nest Term will runic:neon. nu the FIRST OF MAT. and continue two and a haircalendar months. on-1131:31. ERENCII PAPER lIANGINGS—Tapeo try. Dentation, Velvet and Gold Pater Ranging...l Mr Drawing Dorms and Parlors, Prom the cele bratedere. nuutufeeturer Delarnurt,of Paris. juot reed end for salt by . • ES Waal !street metal WALL PER—For tit per Roll, for sale by torloll W. P. MARSHALL. . PPLES - 20 bblx. (Omen) for sale by wri.3t J. CANYIELD. LEATHER POCKET BOOK, contain. * mall sum of money, was lot between Sixth r4Wer , w,tb stmts. on !Smithfield streat, oo Toeslay, the Inet. The flndor Ell E grad nter benefit by return: lug It to tho owner, through this °Mow meb.l7 Investment& 1000 DOLLS. PITTSBURGH CITY 60; 100 abates Mocha Houghton htlulug 100 do. Colling 100 do. Mc /heel • - • " 2 do. Madge ttgarts KINS Rook A. WILA . CO.. corner Tido! and Hooka na. MAGAZINES FOR APRIL.-.- Ontiern Latish. Book, for April; Graham's Stannatne do; Sartain's do. do; Sot sate at uotat Es* Literary Depot. melt IT ThI,I .t.. onMatbr tht P. 4 ("U"' PRINTING, WRITING, and WRAPPING PAPER.--350 roma" 24 by 38 Printing Ptprc 330 . 211126 SW " 13 by 32 • 600 lo by 24, 24 by 32, 24 by 34. 23 by 41, 29 by 421 400 Alma Factory Paper: 120o r talla. Pinsk Crirrit Finn Par: tOOF " Doable anal " Cronta undersign keeps coridantll OV,tOl4 d *Casaba/not fur Ita.ga,_• largo and Ruled. Cap, Lector. llanlaittro. anil Too PAM% &mat floarlNAo- Alito—Feiting of all rhea, for Mar ni 049,90941114 . 1 .; Printing Paw nude to onto, on slant notir. p. 323 J. L. B r manor of Penn =I Irwin .tr. SIINDRIES-- 25 bbls. No. 1 Winter Eitestamt lard 011; 30 tam Jaalela. Dl!cmos . 7 s. Mess Park, Beam Ilmkgbaublers.amt Mee la smoke house; 10 Ws. No.lls ekerel ; Its sale lam by_ • BIER & JONES,. l OLL MIITEL-5 bble. ifTveb! by ~ IL SUNDRIES-. . &talk Ad!: "... 't:fg. Ir: l 'u o . B. s nuinG. CluusaLOM Just ned aud . for ade by MI - J. KIDD 1 CO-. mth3l Na 60 icarl st. fi ROUND GINGER-3 bldg. (Pwro) for trich3l J. KIDD t CO. LIRDINV DER RHUBARB-4 cases. for sale by L metal J. KIDD t 1.10 POWDER LIWORICE ROOT-4 eases tor We bT roctull J. UM t CO. Gq 31 ALOES-3 alters for sale be toch3l J. ROD k CO. LAND OIL-12 bbls J. L. Conkling's No 1 Lard OM O ooze nud for .ale bf MILLER ILMICRESSON, meINI 221/m42Z Liberty O f' On FISH-12 drums for sale by nar.h3l MILLER t /MORMON. lICKETS-20 duz. (Beaver for sale by Ence3l MILLER tRICKETSON. RIO COFFEE-150landily, for sale by rnetot . MILJARk RICIUTEON. RICE— S Intiding, for sale by metal • MILLER' t RICIUTsO:7 BROOMS -50 doz. fur sale by metal ULMER a FuotErsoN. EW BOOKS !—Eleteztlo . f ,i itetyzif ,a. al Nile Elio b r the antDor of the Rao L i gdon Labor and Oa; Locator, Poor, by gem eaken Dr . 314712 z .; d T.! MV: ulreNitd The en& t R. C. btOCKTOS, 4, Kraket rt. GGs-7 bbls. for by rechr.l BUTTER -5 kegs packod, for gale by ma l ot SAMUEL P. SKEIVER.. DRY APPLES-10 bble. reed, for sale by " rnetk3l PAMIIEL P. STRUVER. RIED PEACHES-25 bu. for ale by metal P.OPPEL. P. SIDUTM CORN -150 bu. (Shelled) for sale by m , h3l somEL P. EHRIVEIL APPLES -75 bbl. Romanites, for salty meh3l EAMUEL P. 81111.1TP3.. SWEET POTATOES-20 bbls. for Seed, in coOd coder, to arrive per YorrPitt and for fair by MLitt DICRZY metal Warne and Front sta. I[I . ERIIING-18 bbls. (1850) well sack s and for 1e low to dose. by iseun DICKEY s 00. Water and ironed. BACON HAMS & SHOULDERS for Bale by metal 1.5.41/tII-DICKET a CO. IaRANDY & WHISKEY—Some very priroe iv. Ohl Bye Whiskey, ..1 Pesch Brandy. foe use ee tach3l hit/Wile Tea Stem la the Diamtead. :PIRITS TURPENTINE-30 bble. igne aj order. Cr wile by J. ECLIDONMAKEIt OIL -2 casks Winter Sperm; 5 do.• Whale: b db. Rene Whet:, fig balelL meb3l • J. NCILOONILA u•t CO. ►RANGES-300 boxes Sweet Sicily. ‘ jr t!fot rag 7is Ps r mrl,ll NEW BOOKS!—NiIe Notes of a flow , vol. 12 mo., mem sad papa, ulls= • Fesnoonit Mom &IL voL tittle eerie by author of the Rollo Booltn_ lb ma, U. Elm.. of Analytical Geometry, and of the Di; UM and Integral Caleulnai by lib, A. !Li L Bro.. sleep. Jtoit reed lied to, tale by IL HOPKINS, Ili Apollo Buildings, Fenarth street. LAWYERS BRIEF PAPER—A superior article, for sale br the br mete. W. S. IIAV.r-S, cor.E , Kcauf and Sfekrt. All;4lMatsiiil rfzirsrelyi LCOHOL-30 bble. (various strength) for male br ma2S IL A.. FAILNIIITOCK. at W. BLACK LEAD-1200 lbs. powdered, oto}, for .. 14° by /o. A. PALM }TOOK • CO. ILITE WAX-250 lbs. for sale by =.to B. A. FAIINESTOCK it CO. FIYE WOODS—ZOChipped & 6round, ror zale by B. A. FAIINK.I2OCK 2 00. C 1 A LT PETRE-50 kegs refined, for sale by 1.7 mete.l B. A. FAILVZSTOCIE C CO. .1 AGO-300 lbs. Pearled, for sale by meh2A B. A. VA TOO:STOCK t CO. , OTTOI.;i-86bales landing from str. Gene- IL" T. and for wile by men, MIAII DICKEY &CU GEASE:-18 bbls. landing from atr. a(3e nod for solo by ISAIAII DICILEY aboaCi Water bad Yrord n,. B ACON -18 casks Hams; 6 Shoulderd larding from dr. 0 00 656. ard for rile by ISAIMI DICKNI CO., Orchtl Water and Front rtt. TO LET—An Office, with or without Ware ftrn .aim . Wit a. JOILNSTON. Sercdl rt. European 4gerit7. 05-Having been detained by business at lf ew Cirlrane end hi- Lowrie, doling the WM few week.. I will not Inn this city. cur kluttlP , asTlifidilit of April next Wadi. DA A, rartalAiw corner of d klith Etat F ISII-50 tads. Mass. No. 3 Mackerel; " rhor.: 4 - No. 1 Nal.= for Ws by ma= IV. a V. WILSON. NEW BOOKS ! NEW BOOBS v . tIOLMES' LITERARY DEPOT, Third / street, optoe ite the Poet Mot— knoal, Ar March. Inctioury of Meesanies, So. % - I Loudon Art Journal. for March. • LetelPs Laving Age: Not 351-11. Tee theory and Adventure, of For Own. by the author of - Laurie Told." Tom rw. net and hla Thee )fallen Aunts. Pietorle Field Book. to. 11 Time: the ATV6P.r, by Mrs. Marsh. Pope Joao. by IV. M. Reynold.. Colour!. In I rd-600. Lout. La Yellen: or coneusion of the Iron Mask. Stanfield JILL a lllstorical Itronauce—conspletu The Warrick Woodlando by Prank Fmtilp. The Elckleburna on the Wenn by Thackano. The Quern'. Neckbear, Polly Prabloeson's Weddlna; illustrated br Deily. tort Yolk, of a Madlual htodant; do. • do.• TEA City HorthotO, ram do. Montoya= Novel; 1. , do. do. WTerie of an Old Matt. or flints to Young !dep ortsrot end Caletatint Et . irjr z l i ff F.C. l l : aa „ D'Orwr. • Loftin' EO Lk w. Seholar—tlta bileety— th e Prite—by Ono. 100.000. author of the "Bible to Site." Nan ouPPLY Harper 's bore Monthly, Au Moth. tripl e rtn t:l'a 3=ll 3 a 4 ga . il •'T H. Tbe Horticulturist, be learrlt u4' Tile Cultivator. •• Creston In too Lost War, by C. J. Petarann--tompletu llletory of Itoulthulr, by Thackarey—ccoupleba Ca'nOltu, of Brunstrlck: by Roynokla fIA3I.I3OGE-62 lbs. recd and for sale by NJI rocht3 &E. BELLE/lA.ST Wad rt. lIINAMON-50 mats for sale by 1,1) .tar IL E. MISES. GINGER ROOT--600 lbs. for sale by trteb::7 R Y SSLIARS. COX'S SPARKLING GELATINE-1 gre La amle br nu.AZ E. E. SELLEES. UTMEGS-75 lb, for rade by mrh2T R. R. SELLERS. UP. CARB. SODA-1000 lbe. (prime) for b we by men- R. E. HELLMS. LEMON VANlLLA—Preston's extract, for ..L.l We by . mcbyy R. E. SELLERS. .o. y m SUGAit;4S6 Mils. arriving, for sale D 7 R. • F. riLSOL____ 0. MOLASSES-500 bbls.(oak) for sal Ea IN • by Each= W. It V. WILSON. p.f1:14090p00):KoAgAgi9:•31):1•4 T"Epartnership heretofore existing be tween Robt. Morris and John flaywOrtlkaloing toe sinew on Federal Street Allegheny. eity, and in the Dle mewl. Pittibutels, tinder the fam of MORRIS k DAY WORTH, is this day diewobred. Tomos indebted to Morris fino will plerueeell Aral settle the sante with Rota Morris et either of tlie ebore stores. mett% 1' H' ALL PERSONS indebted to the Estate of Rommel Robinson. We of tboßoroußb Mandoster . out .w koxi t to th et e tt to t e ßo . t i tonisnott ‘ t bem ootl f.. ttsz l hivint; IschtSlet . JOHN H. ROBINSON, Execolar.E' Divelope& • XeaiE,PMAN'S ADHESIVE. DISPATCIII EN ELOPYS.—By dipping tbe s Png. , in nnin,...ingnid tt and sweseiou the gummed relics, these Envelop...the e:me the West s.M 10.10IgeTt ULM on be usel—belrww 4 4swie of parchment raper, which will withstand soy o Wait= or moisture. Tor Pale, _by ths quer:ll:Ms or dug 7 e st the Mom of mob= , ' P. liAVEri. V AMPHOR-3 bbls refined, for sale by ti 'made_ B.A. FAIDIESTOCS t CO. b k i l f an st =s, co. B RIMSTONE -1: bbls Tor sale by . . meh . .ll B. A FAIINUTOLK A CO- PSOM SALTS-30 bbls, for sale by .1.74 aLctaf B. A. FAIINESSOCICA CO. AL SODA-20 casks English, for sale by mch2l B. A. I , 3I.I3IESTOCIE A 00, ir ) LOYESL:TOO lbs, fee sale by B. A. VAIL SMOCK CO . COPPERAS -25 TOCK fur sale by _ metal B. A. FAIIHES 00. E ANS-10 MA,. just ree'd and for eale by racti..ll J. B. CANITELD. BULKEAT -100 pieces for sale by " T.l= J. IL CANPIELD. H . MED MUTTON HAMS-1 cask CS. C Air or by mch33 J. B. CANFIELD. INSEE:I) OIL-4.A2 galls. to arrive and.foi ' sale by MILLER BENNETT. ach2ls E.\ h 25 awl 151 rtrxt Anne_ SEED--50 bbls. for sale by AA: metal - KNO US II BENNETT. BEESWAX -250 lbs. for sale by ract:33 NNULINII BINNETT. W"IlEz3 LEAD-50 kegs for sale by ENGLIS/1 BE3INETT. OATS -400 bet. for solo by OATS-400 ENGLISH t TOLTITETT. tIEJ -1177 150 Rat. Wrappityr Tam 50 .105.1301 Corltc • 10 ken fl nlpreiParTObliSM 1 Lb!. Nuuneyr, 25 Dbl.: Vinegar,. in Kern and in eale by 10:0111411 BENNETT ..<1 , 26 112 Second, 151 Fr.% street. ATINEGAR--30 bbla. Cider (warranted) for de on to dirment, by TATOOD3 & SON nach2B . Na 61 Water'st. CORN DIE AL IbLs. for sale by' ruebM LUKY,IIATTIM&& CO. COTTON -25 bales on consignment, per gb•Arner WisablArtra tor nil, by mchEs ALI—UNDER GORDON, front tkNION SEED-3 bbla. for sale by . rotb..*l .t RIMY. MATIZZWIS CO. A LLOZC:I 7 -10 WA. 76 and 92 degrees, 4-s inenss y J. ECIWONSUEZ6 a co. drOPPEILAS-35 bble. in flne order, for sal. by • • ma2s J. ecraoorizunat a 00. LARD, 01L-40 bta. No. I, just reo'd and er. 4 21. A. unararmac , a co.. sietdo coon FM sad Wad etc COGSWELL'S . GREAT PANORAMA OF LIFE IN CALIFORNIA AND THE ISTHMUS OF DAUM THIS MAGNIFICENT PANORAMA is O ps o at Ose THE.S...ErM BULLDLYGS, Liman Equal, LECTITIMS ON MAN.- AY . O. S. YOWLER, of Nem tintk, or Yhre wine". and PhYWobaY apylied . perliwYlna TILISISS LIAIJ., * ea Stamen • Thmaday evening. Harr T:111, Signe of Character. slitLevenluit, =lb. Analysis of Propensitias rtrennlt. 2-qth Self Perfmtlen awl JuVerdle Tr y Manday evening, 31st, Homer,. and Intellectual Vedneaday and rr;dlr. A r ra34 and 4tb mAnnto. NT. or the Mance of love, Selection, enuttahlp and Met Owl Life. dis Ye who would enjoy seatrimenial telicity, end avoid cord. mann Heyday and Wednesday, 7th and 9th, Wonlan's Made ltst7, oPben. Bight* wounon Dales. 'athletic.% Pleas, Treatment and Yerfetion. Let her whom It web to immure he there. Friday, Mt Hereditary Lava and nat.—aria plane &fel treat. gHmda rd Wedmwde.l4th and 16th, ilitnbend, Its di impeleme T nt and IseisseiPrnikat Ccanmeneing at o'clock and elating with PIM= EX AMINATIONS. lacuna Ikea Tickets to Hen, 15 mute: Wo men, 10 emus, or 10 fur ST Ptofassionsi dellnealiena of character, with. unnsber,l charts, sad also TULL Writta. ejmnions, Including donee tonelung health. Deets PaWis, k, their remedy, eel f perfection, manta.= shildren. le.,.te.,dally andsmorcapied er.ndnig at ate apartments at nemesia lintel. TIRIED PEACHES-2000 by. Hydreii) for 1J sale by tnehl.s SHAY, HATTHICII - 13 t W. UNDRIES— kj • Toe, bbl. ;rev N O. Blanes 13h ta3 Ws. 50 sacks Buckwheat. .93 Lewes Alec Elirateal; . T. IL, Impl, and a. P. Stag 260 dun Cbst larnomz,. so 0; .00 bop.. Dvlap Tobscat al • IS. lump robot. " Jess Hues IP. lump l'obses% 1.0 " 6•llSobseco, various bnuadr, 60 dos Backetr, 08 " Tabs 10 " &elm 30 bblit. Us:angle LI mg In stun am ter tale br Metal RUNT, MATTLIEWS t CO. fRAPPING PAPER -603 Rearm Medium and Cron 60 extra Large and Strong; 300 Tea Payer, or sale by mebts J. OCUOONMAILER Al 00. I RINTING PAPER-7 mag ° ` l7.T. ECILZTa i k b ila s CO.. 24 Wood st. ANNERS' OIL-15 bble. No. 1; 10 " EJT sal. br J. scuomotAar. a Co. INSEED"OIL-30 bbls. for sale by mch7s J. BCIIOON3I/Jillt k CO ICE-15 tierces Carolina, for - meh2.s JAHBS.A. HUTCHISON& L EAD AND SHOT 4Ez gr E fen. Led; meh k•P' JAIII.9 A. LieTe r re:9ol t/%1. UNDRIES . • 4 al, Lard'No.l: 18 " tiremse Lard; N casts Moon Nanen 9 Enos].UM It. = 9 an t r ' r, fTsc%l ii Ir l ded gartern .., —. 4 . . dynes; 11 hit K i r0 . 5 .4 2 ii (km Taller to arrive on tbs. darner Gem= tor sale bt ISAIAH DICKEY t CO, arch2li Prot and Water sta. ' VTRAPpNG PAPER-500 mans Ate d. DoLe ialLun r 'grri_ pe P rze.X. Ict.t 4 rec . tit. "WI or mc.tal W. S W AY ! ..m. tor. Second Mzetst. DRIED PEACHES-500 bu. for sale by met= • BMA 11 DICKEY& CO. Minding Lots. rOR, SALE—FIFTY BUILDING.IATS, situate in the Blehth Ward. City of Pittabmiiti. these Las front on Pennsylratils Avenges. of D. W. A A. S. BELL. AtterneTe d LLB. melt/Wee Fourtn stmt., CIIEES - 50 boxeg for wale by sichl9 JAMES DAUM. .5 E' AND APPLES- • .• Frenh Es . = .-• 'Das Green •Ibr isle mete!) T. WOODS SOS OSIN-1.00, bble. to arrive to-day,. for sale 'LT mdl24 S. t a♦UGH. AR-50 Ills. (Wilmington) to sirive to - day.for ale bytach:A . S.a W. fiesatunt. TNNERS' 011.-10 bbls. No. 1, for sale y a.h . 24 S. B W. lILILBATJUL INSEED OIIr2 i bble.reeg and for sale J. by =tell , ROBISON, 'OMB a CO G REEN APPLES-18 bbln. Russets; go IPD~G.aa .sus ree dead for mkt by - 1. metal ROBISON. LIME t CO. VINEGAR—`O) bbLs. (Cider) for fade b stele..l • B. D 612811. •Mk SALERATUS-125 boxes and 10 bbLa for de by R DALULL • 00., vacte3 , Üb.ty amt. NVANTED--A Situation to Book•koepergr Clerk In • mem:ile or menttfriituaing bonen— Unexceptionable dry references will kw green A ,11ne eti• dressed to O. lt, care of CP* will Melee Mut don. make= xlmitexviailnlmn=mffmril APPLES -20 Ws: Russets and Pippins, for sob by • F. I. %AN BONNIIOICff2 &DO. GROUND PALNTS, in Oil, neatly - put np In tin mos of 1 U. to 10 to. meta moon ',Lift ar. Itatireen, Paris Greet,. Blatt. Yellow Ochr. Terra do eirma. ' Prt.Wl , ll l Ar. limber 1f... Umber Bond. B. A. YAELTESTOCra AW. comer lint sad Wood sta. WEET risks superior, for sale by =di= R. E. szuEssar wood WA t e i . l. P 4 APEß—lNZ 2 zortawnt is per !tanking. for 114 Is, ?Jam and Chamber& at prim r'''l =l " " " Vflt d raMT: b6 Rad.t WANTE!)--$5,T0 1 Alleglm . Co. Coupon k i t ga D i la " A ppT. ftfZr% ut alib "act Wx. d. OM antal UTRITE WINE VINEGAR, of goperior bLT..a7Pa , lr ' wt r 2.Vtat l Igrr.' - atchll Wooers .41 Tea Doke. F OR PIES.AND TARTS—Fresh Cherries Plum. pnt ap in Weir mrn juke, I.....rwing the mend dayat of the halt Also—tkotera celebrated Meet and axed Isinslass sod french (Matinee AM lelliewe FM= Mande. AC. tor sale bx mob= WM. A. bIeALVItO A CO.. Ze IMteertt NTENISON HAMS-93 for 84.0 :by v nachlB J. D. WILLLLMAI ca TANNERS' OIL-10 bbls.warranted tire, for side br cod= 'B.S CHERRY PECTORAL, Starch Polish, Soap er, sad Elfervesdnomapg.d. th , mr.1122 R. K. tir.LLEBS. 67 Wood 4. lILAEPER'S MAGAZINE, for March, re aw far see Ud. grim c ehO t =sl 7 te F at ' Its3llll*. SUNDRIES -1 case Gum Shelact I bbL Silver,Sued: • " • I pd. BOtile bmrks 1 cohe Lierz y madr Am recel . red corner Weal. =I Sixth six ad km bl 7. sale by trie LCOIIOL-2.5 bbls. for sale by mthz J. KIDD t CO.. tetrad rt. NGLISH yENITIAN RED-20 bblafor we b 7 meta' , J. KIDD t CO. PARISH bbls. ler sale by meats ' J. KIDD k CO. ARTS WHITE--IS MAL extra line. for de by aid= J. JUDD & CO. iaAND CRUCIBLES-100 nests for Bale by mcb2.l J. KIDD* CO. LCOHOL-12 bble. for sale by meta= A E. SELLERS. 51 Wad se. RAZORS! TGHE SUBSCRIBER has been appointed • Agent Ibr the of ILCILRIS'rS AMERICAN RAZORS. Theme are the beet Rum which bare ever bees Gained to the public. The manufacturer g e ed the public Mist the elder Improvement neeemary le which pecitee durability of a Mae edge. limiug eiimOMid las b..t sa ver steel arith s f 0111:••• ground blade. mid from' the perm a". uud"* lnlo "IrrerajT*7l2 the great ewe testo=lion them Is gar . vitl im lteriore of thts Itmor. tat they are rich etar• meted, sad i t emnd Imperfect say respect, Mc mosey is rehowel. . .• W. O4I:4IT:4I=I I L . Mt fiV ""44'- usi4s i . etal corner Mutat and Yourti sta. m S Ci m AP el — 'o ; 1141'9 Kea No. I:reo'd. for sale by 8. k W. lIABBATIOIf. GREEN APPLES-2(1 WI reel, for sale by 1 mutil9 elk W:11)11tBAUCILL 1310 • 'TAIL-440 tons for hale by 1.1149 • u•Truswa • iso SPIKES-1801egs improved) 1 for sal! by mcbl9 oIIIET,MATpCO, SUNDRIBS— . . 6 tibia Fresh 801 l Butter. • 10 bxs do. do ter. Z bids Lamed Oil. • • Bl bids Hurl ,ilrb. 60 boo Yarn Crum Cheese. 160 dos Corn Bream. t 3Xi- bus Dried APO , . • 600 bur Dried B eaches. tor We b -' / . mchl9 • , J. B. C ; • •;1. Smut Mill (comptetel fa icor.bl9 R. DAIM. HOUSE-BEEPERS—Orders for Paper Ilatarers ewt be lett at tha W.q P&P. MOM of mch2l W. I'. hlAllBllALt . SS Waad sta lIILES 11AUE.L'S SIIAVING (DREAM.— • QS Where Is the maxi who does not appreelide Um loaner of so ea. abater If ;my there to, undo am rarer our melts. to them Rot to all Wens, my, if you to moat mho • ydeasore. Pomba.* ins of Join Almond or Ambrodal blaming Crum. Mt: tarty impassible to Lod worda to detains the kelinms of • perscat—wbo hasps= osed awing with ordirt soap— noon making trial of this foe the Lodi time. It I. canbt• nation of vronder, admiration, and pleasure. JULEP MAUEL'S 131 LAYING CREAM is ersoistingly eroolli%reelderbare the atifFort and mom wiry baud soft sad p rained. an admirable tuber, and.lby ex tremely mane allaying chi ltritlau=„d proventing that unpleasant and and feeling of the which Ulm often experienced after shaving. u.demen using Jules lisuars awing 6am. to thee the . 0 4.4 . .4 so. Diming winds immediataly altar its Use, without the skin baccadng chapped, And thoa. one* nse i 4 wt out sandy s hed will term um any .her. Una great advantsge—weh will in osPeelAdly Manche tad by thme whose.. whialtern-.1. the fart ng mid It will not art e beard, which moat map do, Sandy to rusty oppearane• to Um edge of lb. ill t 1.,.. Jolts liguaralihavingCreszassedelightfultireparetkam omrpounded with AUL Me utter exelusiori of all artielas W41.14ed to moder M.Donatoon of shot zus t =ent. will be appreelatod by all who Mae uia of • Prepared OWty • ALES ELAM, Chamfer, 12:1Cheanut wee Tormilartodeole ratan, br.B. A. a Co., = .1.4 L &Mom VIM nen timl John lhargent, .gind