The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 02, 1851, Image 1

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Imam. war,
=um , . -InYbl• rewlr.
1114 An, If ?Oran.,
• WEEKLI—T•r,,I.oII, annum, In Mr.... Cl•nne
11l I, ruppll.ll,:n
Thrre e.wirr kors nt.nrun .......... .—.... ...... .$ f 00
Ten mph.<
Tlrrnry ropir. .... . !
Ttrtrortrt ritcli gt, to
u , he nel.lnurril; pet J l
and Wt mill
. wad
tuvUr, yrar the tuauey Ix sent for
• renewal. •
• ch.Squarr ((Olden of Nonenroll or bee)
tuwertion. $ 0 50
MP. • oath whlitlonal invortioni. 0 25
W. week •
.. •••
Po. , two wcwire
• (00. Ow, vrtnke. ...
tin ' one month
two nwnlhr 0
ho. • ruur snonthe ...... 70 tel
• ' ' Mouth.'
Blooding Imre or twr non unf...55 00
One Dollar for inlet. additional line.
plevun• (ter me. '
num) etrharive of •the rear,. 25 110
For earls addltivetal evolve, itowrtod tn., ono nventb. and
for each rublitlonatentiaro Inewtod under the pearly retro.
• Adrerttsote exrevvlingLA rower, end not over fifteen
Onee, to to rherg,l ar a whine. 0n.% heir.
Fuhlirhent mit nrivonntahlo 14 Feint olvertleentents bo
wel the amount tharg..l
their oobluntent.
• • Announcing tandi.lotev for nine, to In chamwrthe elate
mother edrertivetuentet
Adrertiremente not merked Dotiept. f., o revejfed
number of Inewtbnl, :It ewntlitill forhidi and p..-.
meat eWartnl
'Tbo privilege flittutWni niteravery I, rtrictly limited to
their Own in:medi.. .n.I all odrertiveineols for
the, runt or Other ae all 1e1...rh0...2mm... me
Itometinkly ronnoeted wittv tlwir own lettlnow, NA all
elan., of telerrtivestrinv. In Irnuth or otherwivm beyond
the !Unite ant:aged, alit el,ar--.) et thv usual ratea. Fur
all /inch tronment wlvertivine. 1,111. ..0 In reparately
rentheMl. and tntenpt payment iv derinvl.
All advertisement" tor rherttehle innitutions. Ore CM-
P.des. WAAL lowriship..atel other publw meeting!, and
stteh like. In be ohernd belt wrier, P.)11111P ettictir
itlaninge tutticwi . to IA eltamod
Ileatb notice:. In..etb,l chain, unleoe aro - Any&
nted by funeral invitation. or obituary 110liCell, and when
00 artonapanied to to paid La.
, Regular Wren ivent. unit ail other. rendino euromunlea
tattna. Or ranniring tedlore dengnoi to call attention to
nit, &Arra& conrerte. eni pnblio entertainment,
where ehargre pro made fur uditt;tldne..-,11 t i o ti. v .., at gel.
gam ottebeiations—every not lee o , gien•-1.1 to call attention to
privato enterprig, out:lamed or Intotelol to pr.-out,
ridged Interret, can note i115 , r4 . 4 with the undePtand
ilearthat earn.. to
.1( Introdul to to Im
sorted In Ito la
loan] column, tn.. AIL for, MO will be cherzpl at the
rato Of not len then rent, VIT line. ..
filature or VZ° Notion, to to charged triple print.
Tavern Limed,. Petition. $2 nett.
Real:stab: Aaentre end' nelverthoutonts not
to he clamed undor manly mare, but to be allowed dL,
want of thirty threo and ono third per ant. then the
amount of WI..
VII., 06 161-101116.1.0 L 'watt 0106..
OtteStuart, (lacy inner:ion. 51 fit
Do. trttrtetion ......
1DV1710001.1.0.60, 0v 11101, ittstrr..
One Square; (10 the,' one Drtertino ultent.
Allis o_toot a eat lteN erLs eenla
(t) ral4 to atlettotte.
A. • PA.ItIiIINSON, Alderman Fifth
Watt. Proanmt to.t.oca And ACaltatt All
proatiptlr att,n.lnt tA. -
~±1 •W. F. WHITE, Attorney:at- Law—Ot
te/v.: fk. on Cont!. strt ct, mar l'n urth. In Aithunt .
N P. tt G. L. B. TIiTTERILIN, Attor
,o?;:ob.:4lcir and Peal I , l*tate Asn'ata. 146.,1f7bAth
MMES J. KUHN. Lau - .:office,
in Witham Nall, anlarr or Grant strea zed Diatnool
y, ritt!burgh.
Un.- COLLIER, Attorney at Lair ; office
• i Lawrk'a Budding', Fourth A, abate Ettnitheekl..
a formed n connrchan 000 trim. Nanree.• Ext.. of
Madan.? ear. (farrarrly Of the Land Office.) ha la nn.-
" •'ntrt g rerlfa r tral4n . " "llo i ' lx! h ;:n P aTeTtrrerel L a=
• - Ware Conarear, nr any at roe denartnarnts. . de_
; .,-JAMES E. KERR, Attorney at Law—Office
IP) an 4th et.. between atnitharbl and Grant Yttabermh.
•:.VAANcis C.FLANEG IN. Attorney at Law
: .N 0.142 Pottzth_trre•t, Pittnburgb.
1T0RT.... ..... ALLY-
L rowE Attorneys at w;
= No.llo Fourth newt, 19/trtargh..
•IC.—Alcsand, DJ!, John_
; lijkxns Co.. Wel. 0. ru,er . 9 .0.
tint nn. TV. Jr-kmn,Pitbaftrzh. • J.. • . 3.
DWARD.P. JONES, Attorney at 'law
Mann en Fourth ttnet. between Wood and Smith
IFASPER E. BRADY, - Attorney at Law,
illy NO: BL Fifth greet. rittxburgb. Ts.
1111.11.1.......-1.. Crum_
Ir. , rd lL
•1•• • and Earful,. Mauro; North East corner of p - ord
sfaradA Idtt 4 faul.
All truusellons ruder on Mural arms, and solfrctUns
L . ,gruzad/y a/Ludo' to. '
' '
D. LUNG , Panker and Exuhangellroker,
•• lawn. 1.147.1., Dcal, Rank Note, of 1154-
. ,flela and F/11‘,.
• Thr_ ghl btat market prke WA in prelninnl'f.r Anlrtiran
If Daiwa. and Alealcin and :Taub& I.llara. In par'land&
M. LARIMER,, JR.. Banker andßroker,
• 41.15Arret.,11in.Gn,mlininingtl. Bank of littnturgb.
. CO, Exchannn Broken:,
south tut. Corn, of Third anal M , 4
a5k , t , ..t... All
at flint rnte, •
AIOL3IES SON. Deolen in Forei g n
• odd Tioniettle 11111, of Errhan flerliGtatra of he
, Hank Nome mei timele. No. itNf or.
orket etreet, Pima
rgh=ll,....tionertham made on ail the -principal cities
throughout the holtal &oleo. . • , ,
&CO. ~Bitnkern:
Ni_a Deafen !a Ezebance, (Ann. Bank 'Nam as No. 74
Fourth next Mint to the honk of Planburgh.
eanittille al tendal to, and the graved, remittal D
mf part of the Union.,
RAlibi,ilanker and. E
eh unge Brokers 6e3len. In Forel:3z arrl Dcernentle
of Exeliznge, Certillentes Dezwelte. Omsk Note--.
Mee, corner of Thlrd 6.1411V0t0l rtreets dirrctly zwonsite
:'•1/1* St Marl, Marl. • - • • •
" 4F CAROTHERS & CO., Ban_king }loupe,
• N 0.15 Wral nr...1..i rittrburgh. emsettt M.,' r...
4d au Derolll. C.,11,40nn Luerulx au all ttpr priocitml
earn of the United Silt.,
1: A
mr..7.1 15 -.
.-- b.f. A. MIS.
.1.. t. AIR. -& IRVIN, Commi.ion Aferchant..4
and BM Drukar,.!Go.ll, F.,,, , i .tr,nt. 141-Ansul hand
' .' Eetale'sruritit. rerml Von In SWAM' ahrZ3 - 0 on hunt
WhTl3lllllt 9/11.11.- VINA - WY.... RAW,
NIALMER4 lIA,NNA :S . . CO. Succossors to
.11oney, Hanna it V*. RANETS4 ESC:It/NC" Conan,
diedere in Foreign ant Dome-tic Mennen, Cerlificerne
• of Depir.l4 Bank Nob*, end tqecii,--Aeerp o f
Word end Third strain. Current Monne rare' al on De
veldt. • Plebe the rer ride, nod enneettnne near-
IT all tbednindier/ pabiri of the United NUM*. •
• The takten premium no.l ter F. - reign and American
T • •
• • Adriumeemede en.iOnmente or Prreloceiebipped
liberal term,
01 , 1..TAYLOB. Commissioner and Bill
• 'Braker, ln dermal enter litert - attenther rill he
Item to' all incline. enervatedhams mre. Pittsburgh
manufactured artkhn er rereured• at dant
maim. Nowt. Bonds, Mongturec. ne,rtated on rarer
able aerMs. Advances made. if nnutred. M_..l
RC. STOCKTON. late Johnston& Stock
* rionkm•ller, Stutioner. Printnr, and Binder, eo
on of Market and Thlrl vtavet.., Pi ttam nth.
I.AS. M. .1101.31ES' Cheat; Literary Depot,
' I.llld
kc tn..< opsd. be Frzr Doubt
tI~aa reR ItaL T Z.T ". 'bare
oapnrs. po a npu s
HOPKINS. Bookseller and Stationer,
' No. i 8 Fourth strnft. Apoll.
adding Cakes
Jrt., Wholesnle'..ind
nab, C...fectioner. sr. Fourth street.rittamrah.
aLllng Cake,. and Fancy Onnf.quiriary, al wayn on hand.
All micro punt-Wally tw0.n.1,1 to.
APCLINTOCK Jlanufacture'r and Im
_ . 2j.orler Cemits, On Cloths. Shwa Boat Trim
= V. window Fluids, L. Warehouse, :Co. PS Yontoth
Old 1 9 WWI et.. Yithherrgb.
• C A. DIcANULTY ,& CO=Transporters,
76nraitine and Comenlyrion Af6Tr6anta. 1 ) .166,
Canal Basin. 461 Pena .Irret. Pi.bur66. Pb ls
T WOODS .......... , . „„, ... ..x6nral anal,
aral Coaandedan ettAnn4, Nn. 61 Wet n . afire[.
JOHNSTON, PT .. .T .— Warding and
exam Grim Merrimai, tin. 112 &cm] sheet
liTO,it Forwarding and Cam-
Merehant.. Praia+. 0 01 , ..
t v,zu:t4 0.10. same
k C , lnnthkilbri .11 nrinu•dbn
41,..6 11 In littkborg4 Meaufactu7,l 'Omar, Pink.
burgh, P.
pC. SIIACELE & TT. CO—Wholesale
, b.nint.ain Yarel .n and Dnnn., , Lie [fry Gond& Nn. tat
ilalatet,Pitt.sturgl, • „ 10,14
L a.Yasow 6 ors. rtrmtntair
A.. MASON Lt: CO.. Wholesale and Road
• Deals* In Vane'', nod F Lyle nrY Goolf.".0 Market
—ino..n.otsii;nog, Mrs/mt....T..1' Fourth iv atket _
FETIMM.I.4.,K CO.; Commission
you lferebanto—Por i
i II of Want.4..nrol
T ti7lll..
• '
.R. I). 11UNT, Deutirt, Corner of Fourth
bu sal Deratur ot., betrern Sharkot and &M . r4..1,,
r 24.
I)oivELT,,,r(Auerm..oro to
, c. WII il
r. 1 `. 1 .9e4.t.,"1“ an 1 4.1.111 Dry , ' voul
~ .4 %I - 0,1 Arottan 1 Vir7l II
, v. . er.
• :.ze rally compocudett night n.nd
................. .1.
Whologale Uniggikitit
Ji Lye EtcCT/. and loctrvonvoLc—
,....iiLo..... on AlLivol 4 p l r4vvlvd Worm Prvi, Llv.
gal. slot Looß , Urn , No. CO. vorovr or Wool and
streets..Pitlaborriv. Ovlvvs vill4vonetullY Pla•
. mad tormuded with &sista.
-..t: - '...::4:...4: . :. , .41:-...:.:
kA. FAIINESTOCK lc CO.Wholesale
s_ Prude. awl tonaufacturrrA of Vhite Lend. Red
bu ..a . It, corner Wood ear/Yr:red stree4. Vitt.
Inch . ;
111 E7SELLERS, Wholesale Dealer in
Ls Inirirm Paha, lb , stuff, Oil 3, Varoloben, it.. te.,
0. 67 Rood mass., sunburst.. Pw. U.A. ..... aU ' d.
Prima low.
lOIIN D. MORGAN. Wbuletiale Druggiett,
mad D.ler la Lyn Stu
dooral:L.01 VeraLihoo.,
SKI Woockod.rort. ono South of Dlszomad Alloy,
Q N. I . ViCK.ERSDA3I, Wholesale OrugOii
kJ . And INalry If liee.lo mul Agrieultor.l tootomelltx
.. 164 and NA Wiosl otnook nor...for SIMI,.
<3; REITER, Wholesale and Retail
Druggints, corner a Lllvrty and 14- Clair At, Pitts;
It Ps.
J . . . _ _. •
SCHOO&MA KEA & CO., Wholesale Itrug
u ants. No. Rt Wool .1., littobargh.
& F. WILSON, e G
holesulrocers an
s.let m.s X
fft.en o - n ap an o. d
47?utstm ie o
sp I D.
L. SUES, Wholesale Grocer, Commission
•ffi . Mem/MIL, raid ilealer In Paper sal Rap, cnnwr of
Prun mud Inns iarrets. Plll,lnrgh.
QAMUEL P. SIIRIVER, Wholetoile Oro
linalner and Cidurtilexion Merchant.mid Deal.
Emenliittoiburrit iibinuructiinid Article', NOM. 130 15.1
d 'diver. ll.rt•nin Wein' and knit/i4dd, Pittiiburigh.
iona n. J.LVII
1 1 . 011 N S. 11ILIVORTII A; CO., Wbole.le
Orncer, Prot; jii r iit o l:4ll o Ur
-,l . 4l7.,dt'nf.2lltt.ghunth. •
J. otaunto.E.l [IL
PUR/14/E6E it ISO RAIIAM, Wholesale
Onzvn cud CommLukm lilrrelsanL, No. 116 {Vat. ,
wt. and 1.50 }int Anat. Pittstkur.h.
HEX, MATTHEWS Sc CO., 'Wholesale
Groom, Ontamiceron and Foraranlinet Merchant, and
to !m art,chton Cotton Yarns 57 Water at, ettrannrah
OfiN, WATT & CO., Wholesale Grocers,
h V C 01901.10,1 Slereharda. wed Dealers le Prnehs na
Stabureb Slanufseluere, 266 Liberty etrerl7rtu.
J. B. CANFIELD, late of Warren, Ohio,
itt li z e nnotitoeino Forwarding Merchr*atal Whok
rin Ineafroo Itrierre Chow, lbt and
r'eari AA, wad WrWent Yeralure ran rail r ester ;
bdarevai Smithfield and Weol. .tr"t".
~ tl
S. WATKIOLIN & SONS, Wholesale
• firorwm Cummixmou and Forwarding Merchant.
tors In kind. of Product, and Pitabutuh•Manufartm
• Artici, , and Aments for the nob of Richmond aml
•Mmhburg Manufactured him. 00 and tll Water
met. Pittarurgh.
Q . F. VON BONNIIORST & CO. Whole• Grocer, Forwardlog and Coutadc:ron Mooch.
• to. De in Pittsburgh Inannhetates and Reckon.
• • nee. Yid: 6, comer of Pront Anne and Chancery Laze,
AS.IALZELL, Wholesale Grocer, Corn
mania Herekama and Paskr In Pr.lata end Pita
arab 31aatalleturea—Spa TO W.Cr et. Pitlaburab.
sxcet wan-- ........ .............
S MAE DICKEY A: CO., Wholetule Gn.
nettv7 ,7 3l.e 4o ch . v., r i i . Nrsp . Produce—
.... rtni.e. ... .... —tun S. =men.
Ei NGLISH 4i . ''''''''''''''' late_ Englieh,
Glonnuanlan end
o 7 .lr= In gr. sed giata.
gb M. het.. lga. 122 Scaoad at. and 121 First at,
toe Wabi and gmitbl3eld.
MWIC )1111.4 7 . 11.33',.. If
ILLER & Rl — CKY:NSON,' "'' VlThrles " al . e
PNa. ... 1 ,15pEr.v Brrdlig, =I
I.ll+, Cotton Arno, , <molt
'GILLS 1 ROE, Wholeialo Grocers and
... Too Motobaerte. No. 231 Liberty Meet,
OBE MOORE, 'Wholesale Grocer,
. ,onAts.t. , soo D ril u ritt g :/'Por= h t,a P tt=
Z oe. and , oyz „ ,
, ti i i ,. .11 , 5 , %bogy etreet. „6 on w t h irg ;L .
Whlll will ta e!lil low foe mlt.
E ' d c' g
Oeuvre. Comm Lesion Marchetti,. deafer* la Priziewe
Oeuvre. lasouisrettree. No. = Liberty Mort.
llittlbursb. ,
Gim e; Prodoce,Vorwarding, and Cumminioa Ner
bro mad Dqater Fit.bunea lia.nafactunms. ;No.=
r euvet,Yit.trburgh. _ . _
VM. BAG A Ll' I: CO., Witolreale Oro
rev, :Ird. IS mad. =I Wool street. PittstrorglL
1 -Milli ..c....n.p.
i'Tcpijr MeeIt.NDLYSS, successors to
L. A. ,I. li. 111, Wbolettsle ander, Forervaltut
Co rtaultedict Stereb ts, desires is Inat. Noit, (Here,
at Isms: end PI urtth Mardesetated stettrrsill,
• rof Word and Water street, Itittsbargh.
cutartm - 077-1...-.-L. i 11.C101.1r.
. . _ . ..... .-
(I, . .. .
. • Orate and Coroinimion Merchants. Dealers In Pro.
. and Pi burgh .5 ' utactured Articles, I% Liberty
• 4 Pittsb , Pa.
D. WILLIAII S & CO., 'Wholesale and
• Metall Arai 11 iforwastflad and Commissim
reheats. alai I lianntrY Prod... nod Pitnit , nsgb
r'ourne of Fool and Fifth //... Plttsbutxb•
.4.'"""L 'i•
' • WILT. COMIXFOI fltrift. 1.1111/.. -WEL 11 lIIMMON.
R OBIN. N, LI PTLE i CO., No. '2•55
, . Liberty stout, Pi butgh. Whoievain Grocer, Pro.
. u sta Com Whin Me ut,und dealers In Pittsburgh
M nufruturrs.
4 _......
gt It. LOYD. Wholesale Grocers, Corn
. ,;,•;,'lzz 171r,,"' ra.trt,74,l,n,Mr.;:ittlys;
stn.e,Pitlsbu gb. Pt?.
. 011 N P 'ER & CO., Wholesale Grocers:
Deniers in ',W00,. 'orrign Wines. Ulu. , 01 d Wm
on •abela and seetilled % ksy—No. b, Commercial Row.
Li rir ct.. PluSburuh.
. _
O m
lIN 111 1 311', LLOR, kkaler in Piano Fortes,
nick. and Illushad Ininclil4nts. School nooks, nat.
e i I:
n 'met y. Voir anent. for CO , * iciOt ri3llo VOrt, thr
w' iffl3 Penncalvanla—_ho. Wand
EN lOC KLIEB4.IIt, IDealer in Music, Mu
ll cal itothiropot, and import , r .r not. cuing.
ENNEI)Y, CHAOS .L CO., Manor:iota
or Derrpux ,, Sor 44 cn ,tioz. (nrotr. ChM , .
Jf onThine sod Butt to . P.m Still, Pittsbuncb.
4 , ...,9 JOI. • ..
-.141.111 I. ca..
'TONES & QUIGO lilnnufacturorn of Spring
fI,JI and llll.ter Steel. PI moth Steel. Steel Plomb Ifloge.
j '‘ eZtr.. 9l 3il i filli 'r a% `11°,,,r7 1 3 ""L:I 3 p".! t.
c .lb T116113.1U0. sn?n , ' rmr. of floV:nd Front ed.,
_PltelntrAta, Pa..
o Po n rier i Motliii• ne"girgii7i; of lids
iP " i=
Pio, Cd wain .t.. below Ferry. r
S 6 • Imerk.... t4-11r7 girder In
Sb • ea, Pire Bnard Prints; e_, Aleei—Preiting Printing.
wi Wrapping ape, Sin SS Wend sweet, between Fourth
WI Mamma alter Plirebergbi Pw
ORRIS & HAWORTH, Tea and Wine
birectutct, Piot rids of Ors Diamond, Pittsburgh._
WM. A. M'CLURI rdc roters and
Tess Dealer., No. 2U6 tibertr CO., Areet,_ above Wieel
hail l ylersys on bands large awsteuertt of MO= Grocer.
fee d Eno Tutus. Alies—rorstro Fruits and N ute.ll hole
sisl• FM rota. pritirrif Forollod 40 the 1 orest kerne.
10FIN -A. CAUGHEY, Agent for the Lake
Foie ar! Itlkhltran Llne. to Beaver Rod the Lakes.—
, on the mrtter of Water and Bmlthlllettl eta
LEECH k CO., Trinaportera by Canal
the CanaL Yorwarillnn Merchants. corner of Penn Wert
A wrarrarrtr, ea A. WWI. MT .R: •
AWESTERVELT &, SON, well 'known
ienitian Blind Maker., keep-constantly on hand or
to order the lest article in their lite. at their old
staridath.l3 kit. Char rthret; also. at No. Me Market nr.4,
r=4;t:Verc.= in the
V'''' . 4"'b alltr .
Iteja j
WN l 7o k l4ld o M . O b l i llee . rfttitirifbyyr,
Ne t lb . Diamond, AliraTerayr. complete assortmen t
a 1, An hilwhe, also% enitiaa Shutters are made to older
in o beet ntyle. 'tenanted canal to any in the Oohed
Eat,, , thir Ned, can be 1.2410Tra without the ald of a
remit delver. Mating pnrehandd the stack, toola,thd wood
of ty mi nehlnet eetablishment of liamaar A McClelland. I am
inn to tarnish th eir old menthe., as well At the pub
lic lerge k wille4.:7 , thitz pa t v, ut . e.
1 M
I ` I', 'e ete esate •
IlAsrraga—Residertee. anger of Third meet and but
sde .
on, Allegheny.
N 4 B.—Llatn, Sand. Mortar, halt, Ste., for ride:.
. htly •
DAM. lIARDIE, 1 ;On-inlay Surgeon, late
IA tram Edinburgh, Monaca!, would ',neutrally. or
quaint tta, public that ho hha mmenord meths tho
alas =frog: i nn and, by atrobal str i t o ni to whatever II
. IroottrratioNftPM "s ea nor: nboolog and
Blur g amoral Intl to =Tied on, at tan <saner
of T • • and stoma sad Porinatdrsias £OOOO,
URPIIY h. LEE, Wool. DcaLaaa and
Cnnunimkaa Merchants far OA rale of Aaodoo
n Gond, Yo. 11H (JL.rty rittxburgh. .
iIiW:IIARBAUOTITIV OO Oena ) er . o eban F t :; .
am , Fic „ ....% k rt nt q;n4 . l: „ Fku ltti i t t,, 3f h e u rt/ s : 1 , 7 1 n5 T/Int stmet.
;NEVILLE JOHNSON , Engraver on Wood,
PhanAn•ty, Pitt•burxh. Ps..—Virn. of
InPA.MsehlerrY. lim" l "nr N , n , tanrrs.Pronli.pirr. ,
, 41/119N1Pelt. Dr 111( Lahrle, In colon, i.nlr S,r Inrlrlnno, ho.
rirthkstrt Amorist 1t. , : CuttnnStamplo,tr..ln !hr Btat ntllr
of setaml at Lha Inrrest prim,
1(.1.1 AM SCUOCII.SIAN'S Lithograp -
hy - Third Prot
II a Pittabunrh. /den.. Land,a,r. I, rtral4. Show hill,
HI/lb:roan, Oran., BOWL Lahrlo. Arrlaitactural'nn4 Slairlane
flrslghons. Inuits.. awl Vloltins CsrAm, ~rand
dmo me, sori_rinln4 In col.n, 4in r. llnorts,
Iliac In the mod anntnvral 1111 e, r.ntl al Urn Lowt
ehle Hr.,. nsottly
. . .
Warr and MITI( art G.
4 mama litliburgh. I.
• Ile re ..d.
• A. ouro, .r !Ark.% sad
• : CHIMTS. —
!CO., Importers and
eNtlar. No. LV
Wholestle Dealers bx
W& F. WILSON have removed to No
aem i th t f llgree , sot 147 Vmet rt » tA.m... WeNt
_.. ..
Juan ntatattoas ..... .-. ..... ....- ........ ,e. O. P00.t.1.
1011 N FITZSIAIONS .n CO., Matta:tattl
e) rent nf FLINT alot tiItERN lll..Att:t. AloUl.Lni.and all
ktoda Of SIACIIINEILY, take this no-Iln.l of informing
lb.* doslrona of haring pooh work dour. that the, are
prrparod to do /t at the I“,ront I+ , anible rat,. at the abort
r*t untleo. and In the brat manner. at (bolo vALablrnhntent,
AtreonAl tarot, mbar. the Canal Void... roar the panWnrk ,
Toot. roar for Mirk Ittultli and Illant Funure, ruantr
tartanKi at the attortent untie, tool at nir
. lueet price,-
All killtll6 of Johbina do o , on nliort pollee.
Gas Fitting.
, .
§e-- 3 IAFFErt . & OLD,
r. 5,..„.., Pronl i street. !..ettreen W,;:rl and
w0 01, tr!:4 2 t :i i ".• ' ;`: Mt t: - 6„,,
. ci.,,,,,, ° , - - 7", 11,"1". 1
f2,„„ , ,,,,J,
ko., dr.
tk.../&fri.AX.?..; , .:. The
,art. ProtattNi n to n . .. T,,,.
LW Pitting. on Lh an . ..
tire and moat rratostabio torn., ttt Itru h; if
beautiful 4.yle of Hata !AV ,1 and for nate hy
J AI .11 11AI..
roch7 corner Wood seatta llJ Inarn .N ond alloy.
- . . . .
Wegner, Bueehner & Mueller's
TII E ABCS E FIRM respectfullyantatotto.
to their Mont. opt the tthlk trotter:Lily, that the,
are prop . annt to execute. In the flint AO, of their art. all
order,. tor Shoo Card, 11111, Diploma..., Cheek, Vl.Atlng
and Yrofe,alonal Canto, Map., Chart.. Leoln. Am
Their establishment In at No. 00 Market ttreet. between
Thing and Fourth strolAn, up stain. ntehaaf
Bolivar Fire Brick Manufacturing Campy.
T - .•
IIE SUBSCRIBERS. having been ap
pointed Agents for theshore named coneern. o ii
keep mnstatitly on hand a supply of the mlebmted Dolirar
Varßriek.l,rm4hln Mee CIA, I unlace Hearths and Inwalls
The, era arm prepaml madre onlem for mid Brick , to
ha made In elm and shape to nth ourehnsem. • bleb shall
be pnnnollylilloL
We do not deem It Prommis m rtilltilerate tin many ad.
hantagmt the nollrer Fire Bildt pm...mover all ether, that
ate lane offered for sale ha the United States. their mi.-
nority being well known to aimed all permnswho en.
Flra thick. The proprietors hare determined that Ihr
Brick shall Imo nom of their foment enviable montane,
and that no raper. , Shall be lan . make them even
better tlun they beer heretofore Thie le the only
establishment now manntarturtni, FM...Brick at nonvne...
!Ell JON EN,
mel.7 Canal Basin. Seventh et—Pittsburgh. '
„LiMeCORD CO.. have reeviveli
their Soring Style or Itata, to which they :N.-
soectfully 113Tite the atvvtlon or their custom
ers and the public generally. Mb=
Pittsburgh Gas Pipe and Tube Works.
Frill: undersigned have just completed their
are'ml cre enarmfaeturitc all . Iv 4ff GAS NFL, Lo.
OUT., awl other Flun , asel aIT mixe.
wbieb they off, frit pale at tho lowrzt prim, Tboy are
now Pt•'Mtt4 to execute ord.', to any Pment, without do.
No. 91 and 01 Water Indent,
WIL3IARTH Flouring
NOBLE—City Floung
mil, No. 305 Liberty roe of Adarmtet., Pthetorrghl
XICROL.AS VIVIAN, Civil Engineer.
Dreughtstruat. mud Praciteel 311tdrof Agroat lake,
rtghts of 31odels for the Patent 013/ce deal of 31Aohi.
nettfar 311ne. Water Works, Itoillog !dills, ie..
mood het - wilt 10 A. 3/. and 11 P. M., 11l his reeldence, No. Z 1
llorbory street, thtteburoh.. iao/14A1y•
YA. MADEIRA. Agent for Delaware Ma
nad &day Insuiroore (bcooorty. 42 Warr street
JGARDINER COFFIN, Agent for Franklin
Fur lusurance . 001311,60 T, oartb es -41 corn, of Wood
&ad Third ecrevtv.
Why. GLENN, Boor. BUS - DER, Wood street,
mood door from the corn, of RI 0 where he Is
tintoirod In do teem dereriptlon of Binding loth nostnees
and durabilltr. lama Deo:, ruled to any W... mei
hound, subetintially. Mots In number, or old heeds
tound carrfullr, or remand. Name. rut on In ails letterr.
Shoes ly who hare lntoned lodiou are Insed In call. l'r,ses tow.
I‘I. 'CORD CO„ Wholesale and Retail
lltanufarturerr, Dealer, In Ilati Ca
,ps and Fur,
corner of Wood and HIM streets. Putsburah. Woe re theY
offer a full and complete steels Com Furs. as.. of
eltevery quality and style, by Whelonto and Befall, and M
e he ettenthm or their costumers and rorchaan ern.,
lly. eoeuring them dad they nu the snort adrum
tarnms terms.
11731. DIGB Y. 3/iiraliant Tailor. Draper,
y • and I.A.alet In Road, .tale Clothing, 1:77 I.ste.rt, rt.
Nets Coach Factory—Allegheny.
141. & CO. would re-
Infi•rto th•put.lte that the, have
duvet... 4 • upon Lamm, betareco Federal and earnlooky
attxta. They are nod ntaitlntt and urn rrepar."l. rrecive
orders fur errry dr.niptiont teh1..1., Gmehe, (..hariote.
Bat , Oche , ... Banta, Manton", Ar. •blch,
and trtiVitTtLe to th `l. 7b. m .V.l ' L - 47:;1 " .. t . ", ti.t7,41 ' 4:
term.; with
Paying partmalaz att,otion to the 'election of ratterisk.
'...;„. b .0t t i.711=z,r;;:,..ii;0nv..., Lak C.
attention a the public to ILIA matter.
N. 11. Rel.:tiring dorm in the twat manner. and on .1b
alma rr-Jmornahht tern.
ATl a •4ol — .
BAG LE ISLAILBLE WORKS, iestalilirthll
'IKT.II bJ KiiNTUND WILK TSB. he, lid Liberty 0.,
of ‘Vteal alrect, ritnhurgh. 31..aurnetaa, 141001
Vault, Tract, Iltnutitolar, 3intatel atal
Pier Tope. alwa, on hand. owl mod,. to order. •
N. U. rhoitv nelectiott of Urea lumi on band. /old
fU !trill" & Ift.; IteIIFIELD, North East
comer of Innirth and Market et to, P ittsbur g h,
A roe, at the commencement of the New Year. to ,
turn their thaultx to their etntowoon and the public den,.
hw the Kr,. 'ha, of ruetom extended to thetn , and
invite the conflation, of their Income 'Having recently
.>I .d and imanded their nem, they an...cabled to lona
13 4 14 i val.,' exteneire 4444144.4 t of 04.14- 4.1 boy er •
0111 have Ole 4.1,4414,, , , , ',lent, of light 4144114.•
',nod, and make. their emeleetkaol. They dreign tasking
their esnibbohnieut, far cm practicable. 4 FASIILIP
STOKE. where run, artiste the Dry thoda line, need.)
for the wants of families, eau pmtured—and In the.,
continued effort.. to arlect the brat enuta and tee twit at low
Stima, they bap.. le cud. It the Interval of fund-ice and In.
vid oats. n, favor them with their nub..
Itt-Thr WI 101.KnALK 111.15INP10n will he woollen.' in
the re,mx of. .faire--cotrannn (Ma 4th Atrevt. tlindiab
plr num. Jana
Corner of Third and Market atreedr. The. only cha.c.
tenni Institution of the kind In PlUxidirgh.
FACCLYN.—JoIts Fleming, Principal luctruntor In the
Priem: of Ace , unta
0. K. Chamberlin, Profemor of Penomeuteld pl&Tercen Ne
Ccciputation: de
Aka- SI. 1V... End- Lecturer on Commercial Law.
Thrw drlyeartng a nomplete kreoundee of hook Reeving,
and Im appliration o..mrr7 branch of hurlineo, Oro an cic-
Fent and rapid pencaanabtp, ore invitee" to call hod exam.
me the ansupottont".
Lertore nn Counnerrial Law every Monday 44114112.
1;44,4, to any of the resilient city tnerrhnotol.._f,p.
E37.tnt.rstir.o 1832,by EDMUND
WILK INS. No. 1:45 Liberty
. brad of Word 0 not. Pitarherwle. Pa.
Monumenw,flurralM P, aults.T.roistenes
entle P. Centre nod PI. To,
Oars, on hart sod mole to r ter, of the
'hoer. ellarbles, and at y minced
tc r. lrye... .4 444404 Neste. ef sp Lerateinds 4r.
The fleet
• Importedfrom Itaiy. Mr.
II• ...
Hon. harmer Denny Clark Tiernan, Ern.
Ilnh Judge John Ilmnp, Dm. •
Wm. hohipes,po, Efel Jnr...W Ernerrn
e herr, Aitert.
John Mit der.kirs. Curls Sons Brokers.
Pittsburgh think. . Ammer .
Il3bm, do.
.1. ribeenherner. Den. 11111 ezirry. ' no.
Wllsov siecsedi er e Ern, k Ferment, do.
Rob McKnight. kee. Wm. Dairerey k Po.
Jon. SirlialuLt, 1001, Drming- D. T. MorganF
Lank Arline 111,40e+ Jr Co Fruit'.
P. Leokrop, Esq., Allegheny. •
It W. forlogndeful for tbevery liteuri patronage tr.
soloed during canteen pare in tide eity. haring had the
largest and test Jots entree' ted to hif rare up to the parent
time. seat will endiaror to render satlefaelion hereafter.
tartar... Warr+nonam u 7 ek PoThird Meets
J. .W. Imperfelly inform, hie Mends and
eurcenera that he has now rocuploted the tarp.'
and nerd/dock or honerbold furniture ere- Worn seen In
thin city. al hal, deter:Merl to uphold the nuallty with
welbouranned material, heft workmen:obits, and new., de.
mimes and Dem the estnnt of hie priers and factllty In
manufactating. he is meld , ' Ur Mahler warrimudfurnl.
tarn. at the homed min..
H. b.a ulortrd the prineiple of Identifying the mnom
with own. In quality onelkert, end keep
always hand Coogreatest 0.1.7 of eferr deacTiotkm of
fun:Aare, from the &rayon and plabart, to thirstiest eler
gant and wetly, that • hope, or rny put of our. may he
ftroinhed from hire Mork, or manufactured esprowly to
order. Ile that... Pee +dila InFroctinn, that the - adran.
tap +or hi. stathriunen may be known. The Pak/wing
artleder convict. In yam.. bile rock, which for tichnem ol
style and flninh mama Ae enirmweed in any of the Eastern
Parlor, drawing, dining. and Irbroom chairs. of every
variety, enpleting of rerewiret. mahogany and walnut,
Ellsabothen. tkumerratoire a nd Poop 44..7 dos
eriptiorg Couchef, Poles Teteurtete and Divans of the latest.
Preach and American patterns Tarn+, What-Nato and.
ladies' parlor Writing Dello of Tarim, kinds: Work' rades '
and fancy Inlaid. stands made rand, and holden. marble
top, mahosanery, reerwood all centre and rola, ta
bles este anion dining bibles Sur of the most ImPrnr
and deckledly the trot kbind mods earl. Peoeuhrake hall 6
pier tables wardrobe, edreads KIM wardrlande Of eaeh •
huge assortment: gothic hall and pallr rweption chairs.
nth... and stool, weretery and hook cases. sale boards
Ore perm., towel reeks het .lands. and tnuolePlonhi,
sod rot, for chibinne; parer errewhr. WA" sod ma tor , .
mahnumey,rosowleal, sod inlaid pearl Tablea. Pe. an. Fe.
Chains CbMneim u ak t
e o rs Dn p : l l h on
w u ith l a U l ran kh d u Wnhhe
Ntestaboatt and flot.te, forn4hed at Um ehortro.t notice.
All orders Pro.PLIT attended to • la 9
AttaroPy Lao. No. IFI3 NO roroer of chrn7
. haring tuado asraPote r
ande p.rvor,
procure Snooty L.& for m ollltvra iolitiere, their
widime ant rhittroo. atol will allow! to o f an other heel-
Iterer, cool:wet...ll with tho aorrroment or our il. Do
cote. Um Penalno olds.•, or the Comte at Me CM
Weebloaloo. nt27:dtt
owing, Peripective, and Painting in OiL
ILI R. 11. R. SMITH is bow bretred to give
Atttet.Des t arlf
now loOldlng, Pirst , otworr Wood and
Morkot mtnotta. !loon a Inatrortin. front es to ood
from GS to AS r. CbergrA arkbothyy t,rtl'ulnn ran L.
kparo by. ita.: (afternoou) ot moo,
flofrr to Pr. tionom 111. Ih. AFILIIRou.
N. 74 Huth at., nest to Du& fLflslntrab.
Notes sod Drat. collected cm all parts or tlio Union.—
Stoks bought am! sok' on commision. rola:iner
---.IIARRISON SEWELL, Attorney at Law,
to Ohio State CantnirsioaT for taking Deponitions, Ack
nowledgment , of Deed; An. 061te—Vourtb street, above
Smithfield. inekillter
JO. Kamer-- ..... ........ ....'.... Jaalr.B coCen S e.
MITLEY Coal Merchants,
and Dmlern In Itu Ores* Ilnweries. Iron .d Nails
renter of Walnut ntreet and WALlntano Turnpike Road
Turpentri rlhL welWdawlyeS
V. mama.
W. CURNINSIIRM &CA, Manufacturers of MM../
abnrbin 2t kbAketstreet, between Vint and Second.
PaatkaalarattenU t odd Arm Aleo—DreArre In
lustW m. VW+ , ar-t dawn
STEAMERS, 51A145,' &c
H . ,ml
The uadvrnoted or oarr setagela are sPlillulwi
(Wine Line—Aearrictog Simon.
nay Rill' TOLIE. [Hoy "Tan.-
iredneaday, 11l sre-11 Gth Saturday, thud, Mb
tV , ...lneula,, " IPth &tanker.
it r edueda,,. April 1:1 Wadoeftlay, At,rll Uth
IVednenday, " 10th Wedoemday. . 1 4t h
tVedue,day, May tOth Wedneaday. Mal 14 th
Naturda,. " Tall Wednesday, " 20th
Satutgal, . June 7th Wednetelay. JUut• 11th
Saturday, •• 21,4 Wedue , elaY. " ,'6th
Saturday, July Gtb IVetlueeday. July ,Illt
Satanlay. " Ifith IVedttenday, " ..n1
Saturday. Auttuat 711 Wuthree Aug. GO
Saturday. " 161.1, Wednesday, , " attb
Satanlay. " 30th WeduraJar, Sot' ,, 34
Saturday. Sept. 13u, I Vedt...lay. " 1 70
Saturday" L'lth Weduenday.- Ott. tat
Nam Nay . Ikt 11th W0th1...1.3 , " 14th
Saturday," Inth,tredneAda,. " nnh
Saturday. Not. tithliVedurnday, Not. ILth
Sattintay. " 22dilVed rd nea.lay, " 20th
Saturday, Doe. 111 Satuay. bre. lath
Saturday, " Wall Saturday, Idt
roots ttrcaroot. ros too omen????? S.
Anis New Vat _Saturday. March 1.
Canada _Unstop • Saturday. Mac:lll4.
A Mrs . 11PW . Yort ' , station Mach=
Aluorics -Roston Saturday. April U.
• 1.4" r
1' 0rk............5a .rd.r. April 12.
Korot. ltn:t o 4u. ..
.... ...... . ' .. ° .. ' !..%Vottoosion Ma.
Ants 'lvor York.. WeainexdonMsr. 2P.
roosts !Sono ... ..... Wistosslar,APril Y.
Alrirs Nov York ........Weil
April ^J'.
Ameries &sum www4d.r. April za
A,ixt Yew York Wikinisdkr..llsy 7.
I 's ,o to lisilfas, lkorton. or N.. Yak. t sotY•sd
rob 5.2.:...
_ Am Furl apti Bunn- Lin"— .11 , ,n0,10 Trspu
ILE4 VS !UM N”. 11.4,C nA.LL.
Franklin. Saturday, 8, Fel,. Franklin. Weifday, 12th Mar
Iltunta.lilt - Mb Alm Humboldt •• Ink App r
Franklin. - 6th Apr Franklin. . ith Mar
Humboldt, . Al May 1 1utitladdli. . Mb Jil ° .
Franklin. . 31.1 3Fy Franklin. ••• lid July
Humboldt. •• 211.11 June Ihmtlaildt, .• , 90th Ju ly
Franklin. . laith July Franklin. •• 37thAng
ilumbnidt. . 23.1 Aug. Humboldt. '• 31 1h Ealiii
Franklin, - :Pith Sept, Franklin, -- i-Mil Oct
Humboldt, - lbtli Oct. Humboldt, - Mk Nor
Franklin. •• , 16th trim. Franklin. - 17th Der.
Ilinntoldt. - 13th Der.
Ocraa Stems Nertpatinn Cb.—JlhneAly nips.
_tot ?A; .
It rm.,.
1 , •hino.on
Se+ York eaturillty, t p ril 19. a
lYvhf ortrm for ' ;:: l 'i t:t '''
. Fridar.)lareb 21•
I Irrntann ',or York Friday. Mail I.
Waxhiug..- New York---....-Priday. :May 1 , 1
Urnuantl Yew York -Friday, Jam. 11
FOR CA11.110r.211.1..
U. 8..c0a1l lea., Nor York 012 tbfilltband 15th
of each toootb. for Clow..
/00 AAA A •01, [IT, R.T.
F.temnAhlro babel Invent Cherlenton on the It Mod 14thof
esell month.
Earreax.—Dr Oren:Antr¢, Chatabersburg, PhiWlolphy
N. rook. Daetern, Centre and Northern part. of. lore.
Delaware. hew Jersey. and the six he. ha:gland 'Etatea—
The PriDeb Pravineee of Lrdrrt Canada, 'hoe. kw., and
New Prunerlea. daily. Arrives at t Departs at 1 r. w.
Aortal llasers.—lly linalnellle add llollidarahetez.
Inch:dine Oho emu:aka of litaltind. Cam bels. ()entre, Clin
ton, Jansaine_Lreeratn. &Mit
Thor. Vale. and part of Westinoteland, eta .ehnore,
Mareareredle, Falem Roada Neer Alexandria, and n&
Atrivea except a so.: de
part:: daily at iS P.
Elm-11y Butler, P.. Metter, Crowtotd. lad Jefferson
monues, Westernport °Moir York and upporClanalls.doll,
Arrive. at 9 sal demd at Y o. w.
Sorriudyt /aro WarbtagtrraGime%
Fayette , Nothtrold. Last Werwash6. county, Cll6lh/a.
Mary huid, 11.1tinanre, IF aahlut. tYt l parts or Ohlo Indium. )(futurity, 1111906, Ton..
tot. Alabama. rdioaturl. Mlotholppl, Arkardart. North Cam
Hos, troorsdo. Loandard.Plotida. and Texas. dolly. Antler
to r. and dude.. at 6 6. N.
• -
87.7x..,715. Oma—By F ,
red , . Rirron, Barlnaa,
llorerker., Parir, P., llollldars Caro. V., Jegarlon, Harr.
roe. Carroll. Hamm and Inacarawraa courala.Ohl.dally.
Arrival as Il P. : &parte al 7a. z.
NO tiasell.e.—By Beaver. P., and Clarelea& Oh{a—
lias/err LL , .. Pa. tlelaetaae., Trumball. Paretaa. thtatlaa.
Aebtabula..9t.a.Kante.htedle.eil ra
illehlataL Loral. Henna Ottawa. hair. eatuf war, WWI.
enal Lucas oetutite, Ohio: the extrema oartbero meatier
of the Stale, of helixes nod Illhaela lathallhP, alb MlU,t
gen. low. sad Kieretein, daily. Arrives at il a. a.: de
parts at a r.
Kn - rwrcm.-137 SbArosburg,lionstou, Spiro!kW, Tan •
tom. Itr.port, klttenuln,, K1..17J=1711A, ArcutratA, Cl
, Awl C.rBAl4l watleß, daily, *lces ca 21.43) A A
rivrn at 7 r. la and depart, at I. •
afrent.—fty Perr7,llle. Weren 't. 7.ellenolth, Porters.
I Hadlentburg and New Loire. Arrite. nowise.
ThorQat. and taturelayre al b et. itet dep., Moo.lays,
leolneedraes and Friday,
t at? at et.
114....114A1LLA..—fir etc von'e Hall. Pinlervelle. and bleu
ongabele let, Arrive.. Tuesdays, Fridays, at L wt.; de.
pule Wwlnwelave and exturthiy, std A. Y.
Pete...rout...A:, Buchanan. Mewl) , lion.
Cted I,ll.bethlAmm. Itwtrurr, P.7/IVi:
teat. Pot.ketown. Perryopulie. Liberty. Upper Mad..
tun. P. Arrives Pond.), avid Tbureday, at L et: de.
Purl. Mew., • s al Thetrelays. at it a. Y.
Peewee, Walker's main, Nehlevtowo, Outdo,
Puree...wan, Poo. Creek , V Mae., Paneraw's P..-
1.1., I. Am.,. eood•rA and Thowelays. IV A. tea
de ,ate 31twalw e sod Thursday. at 1 r. u.
Fatteelaw. V Motto. efordorksville. Mom. Wars
aw, Frankfort Ppd., Pe., Fairview. Va. Arrives on
Few., at It P. dApart• on :Jaunt,. ale,. et.
Paeutwa—lly Antrim. North, Washington, and Apollo.
Pa. Arrives ou Wedueeday. at IS r. r. &Fula on !Wads/
• •
lAunut. , - 0 1Nan's PenT. Andres on friday.. at IS
r.departs w l,Alueda7, at 6 M oen/N.—by LY.rrysellle, 14e:turd, Enakan.A Oafs
Vildlnlow. ledadlng 11 arms sad Wawa.
eounties, 1
1 the Arritas daily at] a. 1.. and drOwts at 6}: A. M.
Letters daily malls must be la the take me hear
hef•ee their departure: letters GI the IS-weekly, semi. weekly mail, at. he in the Mae hall au boor
before their departure.
MILLI,. DAILY ton TOIL Preen...on naarrra. Pr
N. 110LSIES & S//NN, Illnkers
Ao f.; Jlrrl. l U. br an. Thin/ ant Aberril. as 111ist enyla
PAN NS I kg AN I A thwart. at 11a...i110n 'a,
1 .1::', 0 ..g.,,h=v;k.,,, = brooch f 1`..:7,..'' t
M r and %lan of .A. par Brawls at lounprown_ do
I Sauk of l...lnnnorre pa. City Sauk. eloelonatl Jo
Rank of Nord. America- pat Coalmen led bk,Chretnnalf do
Sauk of Nortleu Lilerthe parikraultlo fleck..._. - .. do
Ilank of Poonnilranla..- par Lafayette Bank do
mr l
Pank or Penn Joalubla-Par Mau 1.14 Ina. a Trues eO,-40
Book of thoenlo.l Males 11 IV Mena Remareo Rea _ AO
0 . 4.111)1/1,61 Rank of Pa-- Bank of kla , llln - do
Sam., t Ilechwatege Sk par SILIZU MAIM Jo
t•lrard Rank - . par IkLll IfNuLA,II
Lerufloatoo Bank . par All 'advent Rank. - - `S
Nl.ufae a Ilecb Ilank.-por 1.L14 10111(
Ileaganter Rana par New York Clly .-.- per
Aloramonalon flank.. Par OoonlAT iwil I.AN IA ‘•
Pblla.lolphla Rank - pat
~.O.wark Sauk par
Trwleornau o Sauk- -... par Country '1
of Rata par N J //MBE' A OLLAWAILIA
Bank oilbatabaraburgh- h All nolvonl tanks- f.
Sant of Llae.der County- par 111[61111A.
Rank Of Danville ._ . Dank of tbo loaner .. . If
Ilalli of I/el L'o, (beater par Ilk of % irglnla, llklaurnl 1..
Bank of llormantown par Yoc. Bank, Va-, Norfol -I.
bank of 1... ttyrburgh ti Farmer,' Bank of Vlrgutla I.
Rank of Lewistown - klorobante , a Ilech Sauk ‘a
Rank of Aliddletown. ti North Nestern Rant.. 3.
ll.tromor7 eo Hulk- -par Branebek
Rank of Northumberland-par NOICT/I CAJLOLLIA.
earllale Baal Ir Rank of Cape ionr 2
Crolurolda Ilk A !hid, Co par Bk. of EL of N Candlna tZ
L0.,11. olow Bank par Canno.rrial Elk, It Ilndoa'n .
par A1m...11.U' Bank, Newborn
iartna;a' Ilk of 'Wag Ca...pei
Fanner,' Elk or Laneaeterpar
Farmer , ' Hank of Fowling par /
lam Ilk ofF.elho ylkill Oapar I
Var.& 1.01171 T . Waynesburg.. ,6
Franklin Pk. adtingtate par ,
IlarrPthark Dank`_..... ..
Iluneadalo Bank—
Lanealler Ilank .... ~. ....-.par
fanner County .........
Lebanon Bank.
Dank of Pottsville X, I
kloommbela Sank I
Welt brand& Dank—.
Wyrening BlkWilkeabarFrpar
Drilßank . ..... N
Ilk Will; iCeW1 . 47134 - ;11::a
Hank of tooth Carollna—
Bank of Charleston...._ ~...... :
Planless' & Medway& Ilk t
Ansranta Ins.* Banking Co
ißk of Denmark ,k Anspnas 2
All &Beata bar&
SCKY. ...... ........ I
Ilk of Konhsoky , Lona:FIR. hl
Ilk of Louhrvllle, Thornton h
P N o n hemrna
B k of
K e e nt ta ae r l ks
Ilk of Stag!. pclßsayarl...—%
Ohio Stateßank..---..,...y i t;
Branch at Akron----_.dol
Branch at Albano-- do
firanah at
Branch at Chibcothe do
Bran/ill at Cleveland din
Branch at Toledo do ,
Branch et bartnn....... ..... Ao
Branch at Delencarts---...d0
Branch at COI ambito An,
Branch at
Branch at rlahiro ...... —.-...d0
. 1
Branch at liinnetichL.........llo
Branch at Birder ---. ..... _do
Branch at Clochanati----do
Brawn atColtimbort- ...... .do
Branch atWachinaton A '
ranch at
atnuter Lan ' -do
Branch an
Brooch at Olt- Vernon....—do
Branch at Newark- Ao
Brunch at K1ynt5.....—....-do
Branch at Elorinnteld-.—Ao
Branch at Karittta-.-.-....d0
Bran c h at nor do
Branch at Ill.Pleacant—
Branch at Zenntrille... ........
Branch at tiorealk.--.Ao
Branch at liguit.. .. . .... ---do
Branch al Pcnittatonth-....d0 i
Branch at
Branch at Itairenna--.—.-do '
Branch at Chillicothe- do
Branch at Cnyahogn......-do
Branch at Toledo do
. . . . . .
RUM Bonk and bronebre-50
Rua of 1111n00... ....... .76
Huhu t Yln. Inn Co. th 6.6 6
Wormer.' Meebmoev . Haat a
'Government Stock Bank-- a
invotronot tkmqvuy.....—...
3 3
Mak. Bank
Ilk of D. N.A mimic. Torrent/A
lock of the Peer', Toronto&
Doak of
o M ntr
15. 1 1 2 ..,. V ....
IV. E .... 6
On New Ent_ &rem)..........%
Co PhibutelphL do— 4
On Bolthoore 0n_........ ..).
LYn LollllVill.... .............. 4 ...._1
mt. Lows. . 1
Doubloons, 5p0rdth......16.00
FAAIv. old " 10.03
Prt0rkk01......,. TAO
TenThelen ... TAO
r :-: 7 7- 4"armitffrsrL.T.
,Threato . ...... .....- 0./6
-PosT OFFICE DEPattyli6XT,
March 14, IBM. I
IT BEING DESIRABLE to substitutelocks
we and keys of vans other khxl for now lo for
mall tonics of We United ntates t•dnion hots and
toys, with propreals to furnish the ,4itne, will be received
etel considered at the Poet Office Department, until the Ist
May ftJuly next Dm different loots will be autanitted to
a eommission for examination eml report Optm this on
port,contracts 0111. as man es practicable. be enteral into
for furnishing such locks and keys for war Teem, with the
right on the pert of the Posh:taster General for the time
behm to extend and coot-hole contrect la form for on
addonal term of four yeers, by giving to the roePactm,
a written notice to that elTect, not Mom then eitse
than sir mouths bei.Je the termination of the lintt terms(
With rs.
a view of procuring the best locket theloweAllen
no kind of leek to prmerlnel standanh the .ertmell
irelying for a setectiOn on the mechanical AM Ond Ingeom
ll which a fair rompuuoo , meg Invibst. may e-
Il however. proper to state, that a lock suitable an tee
mall terrine should possess the following gonna, du
rability, uniformity, lightness, and strength.
For the purpose of displacing simultaneously all the
mall looks and keys now in usc. about thirty thousand
new locks and twenty thousand keys edepted thereto, will
be required to hr furnished by the rOatratior within /seven
months after the contras-Vahan have been Named intro aP
Prevents the Annual supply
setemenl on loge dot-ability
of the locks and at), adopted wolloathaermarof the
mall earldom but it will Probably never eseeed amonet
thee thousand any. Mentor and owe Moment of tbe
No lock will be considered if It be Ilk,. my ellesdi In
general ur, nor anyone with whom the ,vot ay
In made be.rdlowed to tn... .11, or fumieb any le e kor
key, cluall.
thath cont.:Ct." bor. ihr any other mane.
or um than of the Poet Off. Dopertment
The hunt of leeks adopted mt.t be patented. and the pa.
ten.. will be requital. on entering tote contract, to make
aalgument or patent for the eultedre Lowland la
e]. of the langirtment. If the Ductruader Donets! Axi n l
deem Ruch PepOretnent toweadial to the Intel...of the Per
rier. I u now of the failure id' the eontractor et any time
to fulfil faithfully thn tdrans and moditiorts of his candrael.
the Poolum.trtletteral shall hare lhe right-he:Wee • 11V1fIrt
to the penal remedy hereinafter mentiouni. to annul said
to centrenre anew with any other WV
pa))On . be may me lit, fir furuDhing Amite, heke and
deciding upon the propmale and eta ViPle offrntl.the
P...., henna] may deem it Tapallent to select for the
through mail. the lock of um, Lklder....lfor the way inalle
that of another. Ile nwerren, therefore, the Tight of rote
traellng with different individuals for curb di &arrld'ldo.
of locks ea he may whet, and aim the right to reject all
the specimens andprotainired p/eel, If hr sladkatenra that worm
coutrattln the adorg
be e. of the Department.
to glee hood, wi The tyth or {ra o tios
par e
e grity, to the sum of thirty then.nd dollars. l ota nal thfut
perform.. of lbe renateset. The enntract to to enotain
t,rovielorts for the due and Prof. lospeetion of the leeks
*ad ke y . , a nd atm for smiNlng anniust their posing Into
Impreer heel; the ten. of the. parrisle. to Pe
betw.n the Department and the sureeneful bidder.
If a Id ohnuld Descended.
- No appliratione will laamosidernal if and acoampaohd with
salisfertery erktencerd thetmortworthY ctottweer of the bkF.
dr. and of htt cow ry to fulfil the contract.
N..K. HALL Postmaster &Mini
Hammon eras—Advertiameitta and aniaa
kr, I hia twper received coal forwarded fr. °tenor... ham
BM* 01' TEE rmsznmen mama.
Use wek rextino 1151-
Meta.. Itswisasst—The market durina the week Put
rhered bar been marked by the watt briskness of the
erring baba's.' business arneraly Y active. The river
has NMI GIMIR Alovly doing the , . - Us b ut there I. "1
Ilullek.ocy of water for all ordinary mimosas, and .Lea
ry ehhiphut basins.. has been dotal.
Ties rating bashers, lbw Ler, has been hams= and
should erei be favored with a good ALP of ..tor
the river, we may anticipate. heavy twines during the
remainder of the season.
The arrivab of Breasblutie. Provisions, and Grorwrice,
doting the twet week, have been Mr, mai the market at
parent b pretty well gawked with Moo articles.
po t o..
. ASlllen—T market shown no slam of . dotage enaco
Last loco,. el In prima or darnabt fro two no largo
saes tore and con only eoutinuno our quotations at
inn fulknring —Soda Asti SXQLLX. Pearhut m ar es Saieratas ll(a5 '. end Potash at 41•01 , .: fil 0. Proem are
manly otnnillaL
MT/ZS—The market . le pretty well guppliAl, madder.
lop the l a / a mmo( lye mama They an, however, mostly
of common Mak* mid gold M low MM. W. gout. 5101,11
from Pm hands. mad Gam Mom.
ALE — We autim tm change to prima. A fair ergot.
buslogew In going at gamer prima
BALaM—Balm have In. compatatively light, and mi
me well sostaionl. ale aglii op Moat= maks to various
loss at aii.6.4 be shoalms k to 01d,,, nod
Poi .Me r in and city aural. Therm has been • task tr
ial's. bushman tai mote hoax at the above Pima
BULK MEAT—A ask of 33,000 ha, hog Yokkat, in Pry
nalt at stie, 4 tom.
BUTTRE—Cboiap roll I. scares, sad may b quoted at
12%4343. Other itturriecion inn planner, and dull at lON
44115te. Small miles In keg a Ivan, *a..
lIRSZWAIC--Yeles have been nwthd w w In email
goo:antes at 9), M. 03,4 W lb.
BRAN u - O SifolllB—Tbe receipts have been light. and
We. =Amts. Iro cute from Rest hands, and hum Me
mills, at 11X®1.4.* farness:, sad SO 4R2S for aborts.
131.00)18—The only Ws wee 100 tone No 1 Juniata at
fAS, coos.
RROOMS—We notka large noddies In motet, with Aale.
Snail stare et priantranxlng Rom $1.121 to SVS P dosex ,
for roman . * merchantable to extra quality.
UUCKETS Attu TUDS—Tbe mutat Ls well supplled,
with no than" In ;aka Re duals buckets at SIRTIOS
Irma MR bands. and Kt.1Z42.26 ham store. Pain and*
et K•Ota g 1 ems. Or medium and biro Rae.
11F.K.11--We tartars moderate supplies In abut , . with
dm at mitre ranging tram 111.121 to 1,27 It Ins. Car cam
man and mixed to .1111. gnat, whits.
DUCERITRAT FLOUR-Re notkesmall =nil. In Mare
with wales In medal lota at Mall i seek of to it. Salo
tram wax., at $1.604/1.0 It 103 ha
CRACKERS—The, Saihnehoofs list of the menußwtor
refs' prim.
Soma Orwiere. ;v htur ia= '''
Acele "
CILERBE—Volente Wes AT priors =Arial. fh=
(NG% for leerier to eztira
CORDAGE— We melee AO chow la prima fa N t hoo.
article, order this bead. The Jblioviem Ls • Weuo.
Elastilla Itoee,
White Rope, by eoU.— .......
'COPPER-1i; 'scalar Pllbbacrek evirialleturer's price
of cake .22d i Wrote, ere aides of demi:Wes 2
MI cc , PPer et 1.9 e V 11.
CORN 116AL.W, notice . tithilierzto &mud In the
thwart. with em.ll mks frau firit hwaits .t hilatiOh. wad
from ttore at 60e4.5c li. ha.
OUTTON.L.TARN2.—Ws stole% • •seoctleto ott Doobtl
Torsi of one omot lb lb. no following ls• oarntostot fist of
No b.
-Abe 1 , 1 0 5. No. 11.
...tge N 0.14..
.. ...g; : ita::::::
tore Tat".
No. 500.....-..- lONI
t 20... 11114119trpst Chals.—....F3c 61 . 5.
10. .. .-- -.... Vh, Kso...bri I k kro ...... -.Ma
No. Wet _ 0 Barns No. 900 0 . Baer Nitlibi.:' - - -Tif -
COTTON titINETINCIS-No. 1 Peon etal Anchor 111110, Iv
selling at 154 e, and annum or Tionsioak at Be IP DAL
and very fro.
CANDLES-Pelee of star moan at =Me' . of mould
tallow el 10e.and of iippd pi Sr R lb.
DRUGS, MEDICINES Ann DIN 1212178--We And no
,ImPrhlca change In newtatiftnet The ibllowing le a entree
w 1 lister arias:
Not.. 1ta_.....-...-15 ' 4917 Madder, Umbro.--14 0116
Aleut 0 4 Myrrh, Terksy.--50 4964
AesaMa4.l.- .7.14 4 16• Ni On Viten/. .. -...-- 4 411 6
Arrow Hoot 10 012 Rhubarb rent.....--76 641
Agoefortis - 10 101 l Sal Amman.- ..... -10 (4/11
Boras. maned - . ..ZA 6/2.1 Sal Poda-..... ....... 4 4,4 6
Bohan , theavia...-16 tha, iii.h. 11 4.33
Ileitoomne 1a Met.* Arid..-._4-1 ea.lo
lbtaphoe, terd......44 460 114101 Blue 11 au
l'lllondr Una la b , s, Can nal. In LW,- A th 7
Cream Tarim , Cja:2l genetic ..- - •
L . IC4I vf
Oanteeete ..--......71h31 2 Lr,ormai...iliii..i. 44 M.
tilue In bigs. .... __llsatml:Palliabeaset Peru $2.50,12.75
lion, .kraga, O D*I" 71
1 ,. 1 , 1 .. entgaL'1100..._ .. 1 1 1 460 falai, ........ ~....-.. 4/1.00
4 , 0 otlo o 011.4istor, Na 1.... Ittefal.o2
Lith Lnm rage 6.141 gt 6 .• Clove. ....... .._ 2.• 3,00
Lbtootleo Nag- 7ea 9 r Lesion .... ......
Ball 14 at: 11 .. Peppermint-. 2.60a.1an
Lse Tye . .1 q-10! Opium Turkey...._ 4.73105.03
Maneela barb.-- -,26 WO quinine-- ...... .._ 4,4049,4,60
611C121-N Lamm; 91.21901.115: Cloves 1 .64.4.10,... Coosa 2.5 e.
PHI IT) PRUIT-Reeelpte hate bean fonder - ate, nod pri
ce, onntinue very nem. We quote Kahn to a fair extent at
91,01441.37 fort...rhea from Mat bewls, end 11,4341.50
Wont ehee- Itefee of apple onahs wharf at 746714 and
from stun , at 004351[ 3 4 by. .
11111E11 BEEP-Moderate tabs of prime western cured
at 9'alaStec W B.
FI-OUR-bart.sipb, &wins, the pole week bare fallen on
MateriallPi Um market, however continues dull, With no
material tariatious from 0110 1... b work's qtagelloem. The
moat that cams forward was fm" eastern altipmenl, team.
quently sale. have been co:Acted to mall lota, the market
riming dull at $3120418316'91 bld, nun fire. bond.. and
11d122-1.37 from Mora &Mello= dry mill., Of attn, of
r etas qtalley, at 22 tP cwt.
RYE 91.0141-Pale 19 Ms at the river at al /9 661.-
Front store we note rake In =all lota at $3.112441.5
11 bbl. Purther sal, ye...t edal . of traObble eta3luct-3,12.9
033,15 34 bbl.
TREItiIITS--Owing to the mettlemod good stage bf water
o the deer, and the !ante number of ball. in the troth,
we charms on freight Mai this port west. erwlow. and
totally no:Moab To Cirminnigh we gynta ale fur der Fonda
and 1114015. for heart; to Louisville 11'44091G to Nash.
tine 2 5 06192 to At Louie Zeiao ii 100 to.
CANAL FREIGHTS-Tin following are the ressdn'
edshll`bed rec. of freilthabr Canal and thairom to Phil-
adelphia, Baltimore, and New Toth will& took effect Upon
be opening of the Canal Wm present season.
Yhtl. Balt. N 3
2VI 62 1{ 6 '
610.9 12.4 1 . .1.6
1141 6634 1
Lb) 144 1,91
Ilarbn. Lard &Lard 071 SI seer
Patter and Tallow, do
Ilea and Pork, .11 Ltd do
Elo.d. do
Whlekey do
Tobacco ftlo In hhde) IS net
do Kenury) do
do (to b 00. .) do
Aohee do
110.wwas do
rilowna do
them a Buffalo skins do
Yves k Peltrlre do
Shush do
Dry Fruit do
Ilona belt 'do
Dry Beef do'
Tobacco (nranufsturtel) do
Maas t modish. du
Soap t Caudle, do
12001 2 Vcathere do
Sheep Pelt* do
Seeds do
111 V do
Ileum (Weed ) do
Cherm do
Oleweram do
Dry 111.1.... do
Omen do do
DST Oasis do do
Furniture do
honest flatus. do
liat ,r (not haled) do
Castor 071 do
Ilechlners do
FLOUR BARRELS—Then. Is a good do
barrel.. st 31 w ash.
_____ '
/1811—We notice a molloued firm ae in the market,
Ith.• slight Inkirovemat In snag kind. The demand Is
principally la No It mackerel, intct, until/lite/ray id
8,60* bbl. No 1 nut 2 aro 'lb Moderate rw as. with
no ehange from last week. shad ars selling at 610; net ,
rag at $0,60 P bbl, Codfish 84 *art; La. 1,41 66 "AO
7 b bbl.
FRUIT—The demand to fair, with salami itashisat *460
71 boo; of Almonds at 14@.9e 71 e. of Oriand Nista at
gab° 71 bushel; of Pflbato at go; Of Crean Nob at 614
idle; of tante Canna It 9(a914e; and of Saabb Wain.*
go; and oftita 71 lb. Ebbw of Oraums at 52,06*
Lemons at 11 0 'air. , o 71 has.
1111DCERIES—The snaked has been quite arta, la the
007 of general ales, Wash wore manly oalliord to small
operannor at ball prices. tile„ 60 Ws rata; ;‘ ,l a - ftad
different lot. on Niue, at fda4oll. es in quality, bo t mostly
at the former flame. Ifolrunes 4 without ehanije, and
quit. Gras Saes 1173 b bin at 34fal81e 10 gal, in alma and
oak bills. &aril lots of .4r. tool 1111 a
form,: by late arrival • from elncionall and Nes Oil arm
but supplies do not eat wed the demand. as we Infer Oka
the regularity of prima. Lylesof ream doting the dolt
week have lawn condoed to small lots, without =7 ea*.
lion lo prim. We mutinue our quotatiora fur 11.10 nt72bl
41+121i. bra lob wouhl pmbably not acad 1 7412 k;
Th. numb , standard rata Mr loaf sow W 8.14/49NG4100
ft b. like tay be quoted at 41.0albe * in tierce.
OHAlN—Rereiptee gran during the week Dare Owen
maparage. tively light. but aka oa r without at, wisteria
LAAS—For Window (.113 the current rata are, Iberia'
brabla as follows: k by 10,83.20. 10 UMby 12.13.50; 1U by 14,
S nod tamer aims in propation,
skqatry brands an .ON at lowa mina; but Or cot a
no, Maude from our lard retort.
1187—The tumal rata Irons wants 0 a51 3 414 Y ton.
IRON A. NA/LS-IV* submit;list of
Ole principal arUcks a paces of moo. of
'nos—Flat bar
" Hanoi maxi., bar a b l e
at e
..................... .....................
.3.7aroli s o
a 14 , e
du to 07 many kEjr
a to ti
......... - ..... 3da
G k; 7 pea,
6 peony
4 Moor 4.60
-tB.O. 3 tric7i;;;;B' -- " ..... 6.50 "
Cot G to 7
........... 4.0 n "
Thr.b° ' 66 s l . 6 Giak sitlWeet to dimain for cub.
port n lug. ..linaiterba.
down at 73:788ein bit,. nod ;IN to lor, to keg. A grant eatoo rams
ale of
1,000 bbl. Iry swam to cir Kumar pa lbaday last Ile
LEATIfEIt—We notices regtolat dkr ull a, et NIl prior.
for all stela. under thle bead. Bake of Baltimore mole at
310 . 2.:k: and of Net York doe at Wel& it b.
1. 1 / 1 0113t—The pereet# pole.+ at the yards are—ttteuels.
11/Itgli2 is annattavAntl 01`4421 for 010. ,141000. Shin.
glee toe Pohl et tgjeedel.ljg
LEAD—There la a teen ar tiontagol he the :swirl, at
@SU O. lee. and 0 .iFe.s3ge au. boo.
Loan thrg—The preaent range of Wool la 7014e,aeoonl
Log to ale.
!Vl= I...a—Reg.!ar sales at 05ie bi the Alert, and
karbee tuL • ,
, hsrts Lifsts 7 iNsie Isad is rill at V, N
LALT—W. bear of uo lark, Ales .rat. Ire qt;ute at
011$—Chetar call lon enrolee- was at afe4Sl
Mal, anvldloo to quantity and quality. tides Invent
hare traradlluel of OdfeltSe rod. Salm or No I lard at
sad of No 2 at tant •41 tad.
pdpAToa..-warptilles are limited. nand Notharmarhe
would bring and lieds4foret4soc per bu.
pdyptadd--Idan a r a h Dupont, mad Lanni Min
Powder may ho %tonal In large quauditte. 4.111.71: anal by
,q,, 9 ),,,..,..115.12445.4,011 ken. Roth Powder at r1,42.ii
to $3,50. Garr lane mad mill °muddles. •
PIU lIINTAL—Very UWe has been demo In the mirkot
the part week. A lot 23 tom AlleghruY Farruare of extm
quality for foundry we, at SaN, 4 moo, and 24 tom Alle
gheny metal at 124 math
Eida& — Thiel me worth &lie for goad clean mixed with
/Mod demand. •
SEEDS—The ntortet l worn abort:busily eupplksd with
clover Be.l, but whow hare not. puled frtmt hut week.—
Saks of ith bus hum tint hauls: at 8.5,7300,1218 lar kOr
...whoa quality. The retailing rate from .h.. 18 441 8 0. tit
b. Moab, le dull, with moll sales from store at 54-50
et 2.78 it bu. flax Ls held at SI,ES La.
BEED—We.ntiott an improved feeling in dotter need.
Mace lot week .with 1111 W morn lo prim, owing to the
mat •[ll4tiif of the article In this market. (lay quotatknut
with sales see. logo 00re.10.240044/ VI ha. From 018 t
hood s.B quota clover K 15,500175 A bu. Sales °Mot.
otby frtao store at t2X2582.74 and hoot first funds at 02,37
240 WI tot. .null totpplltn of flax Peed ore held in atone at
11,01 A but yro hare no lost hands sales toreporL
8081 N—Sale• of 1d1.15 bbl to No. 2.
BALT—Sake in regular way at SI.Z yl lib/, which
he secularly established guice afloat
BlloT—galus at 51.62 WI bag.
• • • • -
SPIRITS TURMTINE—SaIes in bbl. at 6.5 e gal
—itbb extra charge.
TALLOW—faint of IS bliLs In lota from Mora at 7a , b.
TOBACCO—There la a good demand for all description.
of manufactunal Wham, and prices couttnue rear firm
The following may be Man as the present ruling mime
Virginia manufactured lhaPSe s Balt Ping, 21c, Lynch
'burgh plug We, Thetas bent Ladra twat Bet 'WI lb.—
Leattobarm Is quoted at lOkid2e. with au admiring tone
dater. Cobinates and ftrateln are held at 3let=l.
SOAP—Salsa of 30 boxes rosin map at Sell 5-
WICISKEY—The market Is dull with • &Mining tend=
ay We quote rectiral tMl2'4, standing to qatantity
and terms. On Tuesday lash whiskey thalami tn
F larha
sad fo lida
Atzzantrxr Aptil
lb:km—The dretiurs ai the fea/ex to day were about
ZOU bead; 90 vett dispNaxl er .at Lsg..r.e., net, equal to Z
04!.6 ger.
notober offered did not exceed
100 head. Prim ranged trim 82,2 s to 24°
floor—The market Is doll. and prime have &lined 10
lide: about SOO head were offered; SO were told at3lde p
Pathennenna. Mar. 27.
There ware offered at the diffeient rude during the
litist week atenit UV) bead of beef curd.
In 1000
driven to blew Tarr, 210 nun and salver, fOO bogs, and
2R/ them and lambs.
otoo ho air roomen. and, prima eteedlly
maintained. INtleo 16.50 to 8.0010 100
Co*. mad Colooo--Eoleo of dor ma 1,00 18, oltlBB
ors CU to 26, soil tregth Co.. loom azs to as eaed
I. lslc—Are to oteadi domaod. arid yell.. 113.:A/700
Stkorp and Jumbo mote ftcom 81.50 .4.71,000t011t0r to
Cattle—Thery le nothing of any Importinee to notiee to
day, except lb. average rate ruled eumetblng lower th an
on tbe preuethne market day.
The offerlngs reached rat head of beeTrl P
440 of which
Imre wed to city botebera. and RA were driven to M,-
derphlu Prima razzed from tll,to It tbri on tree boob,
equal to Vere . 3.:b." net; averse - We 11.3,50 grow
ileue—lre owe. at fb.74ol.—Oltner.
11/rin—There very, 4 &on, 10 turbos le h
r ours, I 0 mooing, of
Alkhigan. Bole% Beaver.
Beaver. Winton. Beaver.
Atlantic. Putnam.. Brotroprille.
tran .. , l lVocelvani. th i tet=.
Itthllant.iltare ttinelanalt
s _ enowall, Wheeling.
heinf, Bane Backinsport.
Bataan., ehedden leelbelne.
Kmprent Cox. Teneaellle.
Hilton. Oa,* toniaellk.
Aitenbeent Cencionalt. •
livr. Balm Shenk, ate.rietla. •
Ihsraleen, tentrunille.
J. Better ; Iletuiriekean.7lelieeneet,
Thue Shelter. Bailey. Wen Nest...
itedateue, Wuabrant. ilne.enDe.
!literals So. 2. Beebelbr, Ci ev ne i tnnan.
11. news. Wahl". tinntitille-
Jao Netbna. Hun, W beeling
sT I.OVIS—J 4 Adult,
CINCINNATI--Clurinzinu.lo a. K.
ST L0U15—51....,..
WELLSVILLE—Her,iIIe, lo ia
ZA N \M. F:olDrent. r.
ARE YOU .A FATHER, labnring for the
Ruppert of a hmily, and auffering hem general de
y and kw e'er., to that life 'nowt news a lend..
ADr. S. D. Howes hhaker Parowaril/a.
re you a"Mother. angering hem diens. , fa which fe
males are gem ally aubmet, Dr. `t L. Hoare& Risher
harraparilh.—lt er rl/1 aerially cum you.
WI at our depot. or ma one nf our 'geed. mat BO
Parntaget. grans Chew you will Ond that the Shaker Ear.
amanita as prepared Ly DT. S. D. Done, hat hen the
means of permanently wring mow Damn, to which the
human family are coutinually whieet, than any. other
preparation of harmparilln wet yet brought before the
S amoa dcine lon establish...llU high wind:Khan by Re
enn and •ell atterted curve.
It le put up In gnarl
King ,battle and It the onl y hansparilla
that seta on the Live, ~ and Blond at the Faroe
Lbw, which renders It altogether marerrolushle to erery
, .
Be run and enquire for Dr. P. D. ROIVE:3 SHAMES
SARSAPARILLA: and take nn other.
Price 11 per bottle—A bottled B. BA.
Pet role by
DK. S. D. ROWE GOD., Propzieters,
1 College Mall, Cincinnati, Ohlo
To whom .11 prim may be adArero-d.
Al.. for We by:J. A. loner. J. Schoennnaker & Co. W.
Black. M. IF. Mew* .1. 11. Inarieend. J. Ala/list. W. Jerk.
Pithrbargth D. A. Elliott, Allegheny can W. B. Mc. leland Manehestem_P. Crocker, Brogrmllke, Jut Paull
It Co, Wheeling; 11. Palermo. and B. Morgan, et.
Claltselllre Mellon • Enna. Coll.. oc•xlitorT
A Valuable Coal Farm for Bale.
SIT GATED no-the Rank of the Ilfo-g
osathelaßher.lioftorrerteorwhip,Nrestrrier e s •
land co.. CA. 24 miles than rittsburalf, Milos above
Itunongshela City, and ouotalf mile above Webster, °ria
t lto,' Amer. 130 or more of which contain C.O. isil
irli"Mit located for minhig, thing irsteryceted by a nr
116.5 which adapts It to the admission of fresh' air into the
mines. 'Title Oat era all be eon Weirdly oniLineti. vi to the
river, by . LOTILI. of IL&ILHOB hie d Ls tom in opera
tion upon tbe premises. The landing at the railwaY ev
rollentrand the eituation well adapted for barb:rim, baste
In safety. Thls location otters no-illtles lie the Coal trade
utentrysteeed upon the Donottaaticia river.
The soli upon the surlova, most of which tiCelaared and
amber cultivation, is of very superior quality, being meetly
Unman. and black walnut oinloirelladoptesith the grOlirth
of wheat and all other grain common to Mammary. Limn
stone is abundant upon the promisee, and easily quarried.
butldings am a very controollous two story Brick
Dwelling (Dante, with four largemoms ittal a hock kitchen:
• largo bog Thing lathe avid outreenimt.Stable; tiranary,
remote Lowe, Coal Mum, kA never falling ' , apply of
good watt, with en excellent pump at the dotir. The place
pia atintidantlY with good springs most of the
notch.. There la aloo..theprembies a young bearing Or ,
dug' vuticrior grafted fruit. The whole trot convetdent
atom to the steamboat landing at Webeter. The Coal will
be sold oeparstely. with all the a....corm, 7 slattern for ta.
Linn it out, or the Land and Cooler, to snit putrit-
Meal. , Apply. on therpresitles.
Or to It It TIARDAUCIII. Pittsburgh. (mehalgt
A Good Opportunity for those who want a
sabeeliber. offers fot We .thellowin6 piece; of
grocuitd, etc
No, 1. Your tote I; Pride', plan of lots, to the Eighth
Ward, troth lot being 2,4 feet by 104. Three lot. am plea;
witty situated, and will be wildet a bargain, as the owner
110. at a distance. and wishes to lbw. of diem
Nn 2. Three Uwe at the corner of Wand nowt and Du.
fuvatme Way—adirr.",antairwitialy heater Mr either tortinew or
e feeble
No. J. Ten lad In the Enrough of LawrencerilLe, well
sidled tot private mildest/es,
No. 4. Twlve Amen of Land In Preblestownshlp. This
property it .d.iloobl
otel !crated for ennui , intiel , llg a ttlii
'h No. 6. One L a lon ' i l 'e t ==t, n ' e:r ' aio, '. 24 feet by
N. 11.—Non. 2,6, tool 4, will be eolrfon long time; only a
mall portion of the partitive money trill be required in
- •
A thre• story Llotme, neer de or Waster a Cho
treet" containing II Yuan, th will becorner
mutest Very lo n w
to a
rad family. It Is go conatructed that two baffle. ran tot.-
tech:Aply to • ROBERT WRAV.
ilm tenser Webiter mai Elm garret.
STnE "Educational Association flf Al leglie
, gto ' n ' F t tlel n 7.l7l?4lh: " lt i ll ' a b N
W. C.
On Saturday, the Mb, Mr. John tinvirr .111 /1, be
mtdrem the . Physkamrtral Training of Chlldmo In toe
School Room; H ewers by Mr. L. T. Llnell.
Tbn Mande tkat lespnctfully 15,11.4 Nat
tend. By outer of the Rxrcullve Committee,.
melt.% J. C. BURGHER, Bney.
Temperanceville and Nolklestown Plank
Road Company.
INOTIcE in hereby given to the Stockhold
ern at mid Company; that they make totymeat to
con t Urgent. Treasurers st ock die o n
Company, of Five
Dollars on each sham ot the. on the lost Monday la
essrh Slld every mouth herealter, until th e whole stack is
sold lo full—ss the NMI .10 be eroded mod bridged by
Jaly 110. ISA. The Stockholders am rpliested to h v i
prompt and punctual in thelrpayment. ,
rachT2tf IL BROWN, yreehlerib_
Board of Underwriters.
AT a Meeting, of the Board of underwri
ter, the!Luning saltation was ado,
ehd ordered to be published:
!Lewin , ll, That from and after the publieatima of thle
Um, do ?Ire Mak, abettarr original or continued, obeli be
csateittered at taken by nor Inouraure 01110 e Chia city.
until the at
to paid In cash.
By I.n.len
Secretary of the Board.
lOU, for giving a hmettlfol plow to 1.10., Sh n ut ,
brkn, Unito Phirt 1:a. a, nod all knahl of plinth its
tr. prevent, the Ins a few, adhering to the ami Butt
fr.^ ~ e ltiotr. it contain. n.thlng lujoriona in Ontheat In
T The have 10ng...1T felt the t0...8y
of tomb an artiele.lttal In thl, their etpretataM rill hefu
If mantel, m no competition hr feared after au impartial
N. R.-time tyke rill do thirty dozen of cloth, sat no .
ahnuld be velthout
Price 1113 i
For .10 hY mate Pu CU., Zarb Cake with flill direllons
tocb= IL Sr , nes, at waat
Trafulated from tke German,
Ihm I fellall the eugueresahhe; item, Low 1 Jeornezed to
the horve-tale of Outzbee...4 "'he. WO me the. ,
. Next morning my daughter cut up the blessed
bread, and bent to every one in the village a good
large piece. Bata? we saw that our store would
soon run low, we sent the maid with ,a truck,
which we bought of Adam Lempken, to, Wolgest,
to buy more bread, which she did. Item. I Vie I
notice throughout the parish that on Sunday next
I should administer the blessed eacrement;andici
the mean time I bought up all the large fish that
the people of the village had mmight. And when
the blessed Sunday was come I first beard the
confession of the whole parish, and after that I
preached a Selmer, on Matt.. xv. Id, . I have com
passion on the multitude . . . . for they
have nothing to eat." I I first applied the Ramey"
spiritual food only, and there erase a great sigh
ing from both the men any women, when, at the
end, I pointed to the altar whereon stood the
blessed food for the soul, and repeated the words,
.1 have compassion on the multitude . . . .
for they have nothing to eat." (N. B. The pew
ter cup I had borrowed at Wolgast, and bBpgbt
there a little earthenware plate for a paten till
such time as Master Bloom ehmeld have made
ready thelsilver cup and paten I had bespoke.)
Thereupon, as noon as soon as I had consecrated
and administered the blessed sacrament, item, led
the closing hymn, and everyone had silently
prayed his "Our Father" beforegoing ont of the
church, I came out of the confessional again, and
motioned the people to stay yet awhile, as the
blessed Saviour would feed not only their souls,
but their brims also, seeing that he still bad the
some compassion on his people as of old on the
people at the Sea of Galilee, as they should pre
sently see. Then I went into the tower and
fetched . out! two baskets, which the maid had,
bought at Wedges; and which I had hidden there
ia good time ; set them down in front of the altar,
and !got off the napkins with which they were
covered, whereupon a very load ehout arose, in
asmuch as they saw one filled with broiled fish !
and the other with bread, which we had Put into
them privately. Hereupon, like oar Saviour, I
gave thanks and brake it, and pre it to the j
churchwarden Ilintich Seden, that he might dis
tribute it among the men, and to my daughter
for the women. Whelo i .su I made application
of the text, "I hare compassion on the multitude,
for they have nothing to eat," to the food of the
body also; and walking up and down in the
church amid great outcries from all, I extorted
them alway to trust in God's mercy, to pray
without ceasing, to work diligently, and to con
to no Sill What was left I made them gath
er up for their children and the old people who
were lett at home.
After church, when I bad scarce put . off my
surplice,. Hinrich Seifert his squint eyed wife
came and impudently Raked for more for her
husband's journey to Li!pe ; neither bad she had
anything for herself, seeing she had not come to
church. This angered me sore, and I said to
her, " Why west thou not at church 1 Neverthe
less, if thou hadst come humbly to me, thou
shouldst bare gotten somewhat even new; but as
will comest impudently, I will ee naught:
think on what thou didst tom and my child."
But ehe stood at the door and glowered. impu
dently about the room till mydaughter took her
by the arm and led her out, saying, . Hear'st
thou, thou shalt come beck humbly before thou
gotta anything, Let when thou comest thus,
thou also shalt have thy share, for we will no
'euger reckon with thee an eye for an eye, and
'oath for a tooth ; let the Lord do that If such
... . ..
he hie will, but we will gladly forgive thee!"-
Hereupon she at lust went out at the door ; taut.
tering to herself as she was wont; but she spat
several times in the street; as we saw from the
Soon after I toadaup my mind to take into my
service a - lad, near upon twenty years of age,
called Claris Niels, seeing that his fattier, old
Heels of Loddln, begged hard that litould do no,
besides whthh the lad pleased me well In manners
and otherwise.:a :Then, sawn had a good barred
thieyear .1 resolved to buy me acoupleof horses
forthwith, audio sow my field again; for al
though it was now late in the year, I thought
that the most mereifulllod might bless the crop
with increase if it seemed good to him.
Neither did 1 feel Much care with respect to
food for them, inasmuch as there was a great
„plenty of hay iu the neighborhood, seeing that
all the cattle had been killed or driven away
. (as
related above ) . I therefore made up my mold
to go in Hod's name with my new ploughman to
Outzkow, whither a great many Mecklenburg
horses were brought to the OM, seeing that
times were not yet so bad there as with
Meanwhile I went a few more times up the Streck
elberg with my daughter at night, and by mom=
light, biat found very little; so that we began to
think, ouri.lock had come to an end, when, on
the third night, we broke off some pieces of am
ber bigger even than those the two Hotelmen
had bought. These I resolved to send to toy
wire's brother, Martin Behring, at Hamburg, see
ing that the sehipper Wulff of intends,
as I am told, to mall thither this very autumn,
with pitch and wood for ship-building. I accord
ingly packed it all np is a strong chest, which I
carried with me . to Wolgast when I started with
my man on my journey to Gutskow. Of this
journey! will only relate thus much, that there
were plenty of horses, and very few buyers in
the market. - Wherefore I bought a pair of fine
black horses for twenty florins apiece: item, a cart
for five florins ; item, twenty five bitshels of rye
which also came from Mecklenburg, at one florin
the bushel, whereas it is hardly to be had now at
Wolgast for love 'or money, and cost three florins
or more the bushel. I might therefore have
made a good bargain in tie at Ontakow if it had
become my office, and had I not, moreover, been
afraid lest the robbers, who swarm in these evil
times, eshould take away my corn, ,and ill-use; •
and perchance murder me into the bargain,
has happened to sundry people already. For, at I
this time especially, such robberies were carried
on after alstratige and frightful fashion on Strel-
Ifn at Gutrlcrw; bnt by God's help it all
came to light just as I journeyed thither with
my man-seitant to the fait, 'and I will here tell
how it happened. :Some months before a man had
been broken on: the wheel at Gutzkow, because,
being tempted of Satan, he =mitred a travel
ling workman. The man, howeter, straightway:
began to walk after so [earful s fashion, that in
the evening and night-season he sprang down
from the wheel in his gallows deem whenever a
cart passed by the gallows, which stands hard by
the road to IVolgast, and jumped up behind the
the people, who, in horror and dismay flogged on
their horses, and thereby made a great rattling
on the log-embankment which leads beside the
gallows into a little wood called the Araulin.—
And It 'was a strange thing that on the same
night the travellers were almost always robbed
or murdered on Strellln heath.
Hereupon the. magistrates had the man ta
ken down from the wheel, and bwried un
der the gallows, in hopes of laying his ghost.
But it went on just as before, sitting at night
snow white on the wheel so that none durst any
ltniger travel the road to Wolgast. Until at last
It happened that, attic time of the above [tamed
fair. young Rudiger von Nieniterlien of Mellen
thin, in Usedom, who bad been studying at Wit
tenberg and elsewhere, and was now on his way
home, came this road by night with his carriage.
Just before, at the inn, I. myself had tried to
persuCide him to stop the night at Gutohow on
account of the ghost, and to go on his journey
with me the next morning, hut he would not.—
Now as soon as thin young lord drove along the
road, be also. espied the apparition sitting on the
wheel, and scarcely hod he tweed the gallows
when the ghost jumped down and run after him.
The driver. wno.harribly afraid, nod lashed on
the horse as every body else had done before,
and they, taking fright, galloped away over the
log road with a marvellous clatter. Meanwhile,
however, the young nobleman saw by the light of
the moon bow that the apparition flattened a ball
of horsedung whereon it trod, and staightWay
felt sure within himself that it was no ghost.
Whereupon lie called to the driver to stop; and
as the man would not hearken to him, he sprang
out of the carriage, drew his rapier, and hasten
ed to attack theillhost. When the ghost saw this
he would have turned and tied ; but the young
nobleman gave him ouch a blow on the bead with
his fist that he fell upon the ground with loud
wailing. Samoa :the young lord, having called
back his driver, dragged the ghost into the town
again, where be turned out to boa shoemaker
called /lamella.
1 also, on seeing such a great crowd, ran
thither with many others, to look at the fellow.
lie trembled like an aspen leaf; and when-he
was roughly told to make a clean breast.
by be might peradventure save his own life. irk
appeared that be had murdered no one; be COI,
leased that he bad got his wife to male him a
. ,
galluwn dreas, which he hod put on, and had mat
on the wheel ',fore the dead mall, when, from
the darkness, no cue could see that the two were
• -
and this he did more spe
;iglua. there together;
and y
when he knew theta cart was going from
the town to Wolgash When the cart came by,
amrhr jumped down awl roe otter it, the people
were ao affrighted that they no longer kept their
*The fief of lbseklingasg wws givini by Lb* Emperor to
ellenstdo, who spart4 the cownwr u touch M it. cookt.
eyes upon the gallows, but only on him, flogged
the horses, and galloped with melt noise and
clatter over the log enbankinent ... This 111.1
heard by his fellows in Strellin and Darambeeke
(two villages which are about three fourths)on
the way,) who held themselves ready to unyoke
the horses and to plunder the . travellers when
they came up with thee. That after the dead
man wag buried be could play the ghost more
mai& still, Ste The this was the whole truthi
and that he himself had never in his life robbed.
still less murdered, anyone; ; wherefore be begged
, to be forgiven: that all the robberies and mar
' ders which bad happened had been dame by his
fellows alone. Ah, thou cunning kaxeet . But I
heard afterwards that he and Ms fellers were
broken on the wheel together, aa was but fair.
And now to come back to' my journey. The
young nobleman abode that night with me at the
inn, and early next morning we both set forth;'
and as we bad- grown into good fellowship ter
gether, I got into has coach with hint as he of
fered me, so as to talk by the way, and my Clans
drove behind us. I soon found that: he was a
well-bred, honest, and learned gentleman, see
ing that he despised the wild student life, and
was glad that be had now done with their scan
dalous drinking bouts: moreover, he talked his
Lein readily. I had therefore much pleasure
with him in the coach. Howerer; at Wolgest the
rope of the ferry-twat 'broke, so that we wee
carried down the strewth to Zenzin;* and at
length we only got ashore with great trouble.--
Meanwhile It grew late, and we did not get Into
Coserow until nine, when I asked the young lord
to abide the night with me, which he agreed to
do. We found my child sitting in the-chimney
corner, making a petticoat for her little: god
daughter out of her own old clothes.' She was
greatly frightened, and changed color when he
saw the young lord come in with me, and heard
that ho was to lie there that night teeing that
as yet we had no more beds than Abed bought
for our own need from old Zabel Hering the for
est ranger his widow, at llekeritse. - Wherefore
she took me aside: Whateas to be done?
bed was in ill plight, her little gad-child having
lain on it that morning: and she could, no wise
put the young nobleman into hers, although she
I would willingly creep in by the maid herself.—
'And when I asked why not? Ohs blunhed scarlet,
and began to my, and would not show herself
again the whole evening, so that the maid had to
see to everything, even to the putting white
sheets on my child's bed for the young lori, as
she would not do it herself. 'I only tell this to
shoi - how maidens are. For next rooming she v
came into the room with her red silk hoddice,
and the net on her hair, and the apron; memo,
dressed in all the things I bad bought be at
%lest, so that the young lordwas amazed, and
talked much with her over the morning med..—
Whereupon he took his leave, and desired me to'
visit him at his castle.
.From Lie N. E Tri
THE =MT exENDlzirt Acit
Special Dispatch to the Tribune.] .• ,
' WASHINGTON, Mardi 27, I.
Secretary Corwin concurs in the Cabinetdeeis-.
,on that freight is not to be includedamong the
charges on imported merchandise' which are to ,
be estimated as apart of the cost in the impost- ,
tion and collection of revenue duties under - Mel
Hunter's bill. Mr. C will imue a treasury cir
cular to this effect to morrow. C. •
We cannot doubt that this deetaiertos 'entirely
right. No. one
. acquainted with the' history of .
the passage of Ran Act in question, chn doubt
that it was passed with the distinct understand,.
ing that such would be-its effect, and that other
wise it would not have been passed at all. How
ever wise or just such a practical enhancement
of the Import duties on iron, Coal, add other
bulky articles may be, it is certain thatino ma
jority of the two Houses of Congress could be
found to enact it.. To establish it,- then; by Ex
ecutive construction would be a stretch of pow
which we should not know bow to justify.
The Pennsylvanian, which was amongthe few
pliers which appeared to'expeet or desire a dif
ferent construction of the Act, seireina a realark •
of one. of our Washington - oarresrplindents, and
bases thereon a charge that The Tribune oppos—
ed the construction it contended for; because we
wished to protract the present embarrarasment
and depression -of the Iron interest, - destrieg the
Tariff question kept open fot politienV;Offeet in
Thisis very far from the truthillo earn
est, so overmastering is our conviction that efft
cient•Protection to Home-Industry in' all, its ea
posed and depressed branches is essential to the
National well-being, that we would very. gladly
surrender the nest Presidential Eleationl.and all
its results to our political nalversariesi"oll
lion that they would aid us to establish and
maintain a thoroughly Protective Tariff. Re
garding this as the very corner 'stone or 4 wise' '
and tienificent National Policy, we ore ready to
make any personal or party sacrifice to Secure it.
Ent we will take nothing for protection by
snap judgment—nothing by finesse. Nothing so
obtained can endure, and it is worse than folly
—it is madness —it encourages hopel of !future
prosperity to AmeriCan Manufactures that are
sure to be disappointed. A proteetlie tariff
can stand upon no other basis than that of the
intelligent conviction of a majority of the Ame
rican people that their prosperity`untli their
country's well being is promoted thereby. in
the absence of this conviction, even - thelenact- •
ment'of the very best protective Tariff! would
answer no good purpose. Unless the wool grow
, er realizes that an ample and prosperous, Home
Market for his wool not merely but for bit mut
ton, vegetables, frnits, Su, is promoted by pea
tection—that be is protected by the duty on
woolens nq lees than that on wool—all will tie in
vain. If the farmer says, 'The tariff joshes
me pay ten dollars more for iron and cliath this
year than I paid last,' and fails to consider also
its inherent. tendency to create or enlarge!,home
markets for his products near his own door, or
to enable him to produce and sell to advantage
articles for .which he could have no demand while
our metals-and fabrics were mainly derived from
Europe—it is worse than usel e ss to enact proteC
tive duties. We plead for protection in part be
cause we feel that, though we never made or sold
anything that was dirretly protected by theltariff
yet an our labor and its priaducts is benefiliel
by the existence of such protection. If the iron
business were prosperous to-day, we should have
very many iron makers taking the Tribune who
cannot now afford it; and these would be buying
produce and mercbandite by the hundred dol
lars' worth where they nnw • disburse bill tens,
earning these ns competitors of farmers; black
smiths, sx., instead of ascustomers.. 'Whenever •
Pennsylrania shall emphatically demand. the re-
establishment of a protective tariff on gtounds
of fandamentd principle and for the sake not of
one single interest or locality, but of crery in
terest and of the *hole Vairm, we will strrrle
with her for its adoption and.rejoieewithtter in
its triumph. But to any establishment eren of
so good a measure as a proteetire duty by •
surprise or stratagem, we are unalterably how: .
tile. _
A DA VA Lanoa—The act recently passed by
the Legislature of New Jersey, to limit the hours
of labor, and to prevent the employment of chil
dren in factories, under ten years of age, pro
vides that ten boars shall be considered a legit
day's labor in all cotton, woolen, silk, paper,
gluts and Hex factories, and in manufactories of
iron and bran. It•farther provides that hereaf
ter no minor engaged is any factory, shall be
holden er required to work more titan ten. boars
on any day, or sixty hours in any week; and that
hereafter no minor shalt be admitted as chrork.
er, under the age of ten years, in any factory.
Within this State, and makes the penaltyincur
red by any owner or employer for violating the . _
provisions, $5O for each offence, to be sued and
recovered in an action of debt, in the- DIM* of
the ()veneer of the Poor, for the benefit of such •
. .
It will be seen, says the Newark Mercury, that
the provisions of this hW are of a chatiketer to
require the attention of our manufacturers - and
employers. The hours for labor for apprentices
must beeegulated in accordance with it, and the
employment of children under the specified
age avoided. The 'change will however, we
think, be salutary, and result in benefit' to all
Tao Fromno SLAVE SIMI/MCI( A iviiszss
amass? rats nescuens.—We bear it stated . , Salt
U. S. Marshal Drums, of this diatrict, by be
come the owner of “Shadesch,". Abe logitive
slave, who was here 'arrested on the.lsth .ult.,
and on the same day rescued by a Moli, arid:sent
on his way to Cluoada, or rather, we shoeld say.
that Alarshal Devens has obtained from Mr. De
Brea, of Norfolk, Va., (the CiZIMAIIt, a ''''Shad.
'such") free papers for Shadrach, which may Se
cure to him liberty beyond molestation.
each is now at Montreal, Canada, end itls etas_
,ed that he is to return to this city and 'become
evidence for the government in the several. cases
of the . rescuers," which are to come before the
District Court of the United States, at this term.
f-lioston Mare/. i 7. •
CHANGE UP Mn. ISPHY AP E.t.a.—Letters from
Rome say that it is in contemplation to re-es
tabliala a Ministry of the Interior, apart from the
Secretaryship of State, and that the poet will' he
tilled by a cardinal, as under GregotlXVl. In
gust event, Cardinal Fonari, who , as ataxia at
Paris, will be nominated Secretary of State,: ay'
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Cortrufal'ldattei,
Minister of the Interior; and Otedionl„ ,
Perfect of the Sacred Palaces; thus.suisonorute
the Pope so effectually that he MUT not,peiagthr
seduced to make concessions.--X. Voinaavid
,3t j;
- ~';rv: