PITTSBURGH GAZETTE Frrav tke PittrburKlkeLel.tian Aaa,,etan. Dro All.llllink r — :EnCIOSed I send you, for -a place in the Advocate, should ,yon deem it worthy, a copy of a letter now be fore me, from Dr. abornas Dick, together with corns pertinent and interesting remarks in an•accompanying letter from Mr. Wm. Tasker, a neighbor of the Doctor's. As _you, through the Advocate, some time-ago, stated the poverty of Dr. Dick, and called for something to assist him, it will - no doubt be cheering to you and to your readers to learn in this way that Dr. Dick is not for forgotten in this country, at least, and is "1:1017 above the fear of want." Yours truly, '"J. H. W.. ITITE. •P. S.—lt is scarcely necessary to add, that I am indebted for the enclosed docu ' menu to Mr. John Tasker, Salineville, 0. J. H. W. Baothurry FERRY, (near Dundee,) November f2:i, 1850. I have to acknowledge the receipt of three pounds sterling, received from Mr. Tasker,William Coupar Angus, as a testi monial to me rom Mr. John Tasker, Sa linecille, State of Ohio, and his friends. • take this opportunity of expressing to Mr. Tasker and friends, my most grateful aelthowledgments for this kind remembrance and; liberality, and pray that they may en.: joy; every temporal comfort requisite for their' happiness in this world, and on inter est in those spiritual and heavenly blessings which shall endure forever. THOMAS DICK. - Dear Brother—Y ou will see by the en closed receipt that I have paid over the money to Dr. Dial. I went on a Saturday night to see him. He was extremely kind, and wanted the to stay all night; but as I had some business to do in Dundee, it was out of my power to accept of his kind invi tation to pass the night with him. But perhaps I will have the pleasure yet to o f , and sec him again, atal.tee.:l sight of his apparatus, and enjoy his pleasing conversa tion. His manners are extremely plain, easy, and unassuming; and in the form of the "Christian Mlo.oph, r," you see a lover of God as well as man. Whets I gave him the money, he could not for a time vs press his feelings. I read that part of your letter that related to him,•and i can assure you that the subscribers have his most fer vent gratitude. lie gave me a pre=cut of his "Solar System," and said that he was greatly indebted to the roplt in America for their kindness, s):apathyand liberality; and he tV:Oi happy to state, he was lio* phlrolob.pre do, t;..r, rI 1,14. I Call as sure yea that his aspirations after wealth are net great, for a, small sum to . him, with his rigid ecouoinvovould eke out the life of one wile knows how a, live,. and is prepared saes to die. What would bc , a competence to LIM, would be comparative poverty to a great many. lle has it wife much youngeK than himself; aloe a sister, that, I think, b? alive.. lie has a son, a teachenin Dundee, —an accomplished young man. I had the pleasure of drinking tea with them, and re ceived, the utmost kindness from all. Ile knew our uncle well, and was at College with him. He has not seen hits site 1842. What a shame it is for the British gov ernment to let one like the. "Christian Philosopher" pine away in poverty and obscurity, when they have ample means to assist. They feed and pamper up the w•i ous of the aristocracy, whose literary merit is not known beyond their native parish, and let such 'men as Dr. Dick drop into the grave without reward or encouragement. There is a fund provided by the government tom:rani literary talents, and a good many deserving men-have received part of it, such as Dr. Al'Crie, Dr. Jamieson, and some oth ers I could name; but the majority have nothing to recommend them, but that they are the sons or daughters of some noble or wealthy family; . and how very seldom they need it to smooth the rugged path of life ! There is-another class here that deserve censure, and they are the publishers of Dr. Dick's works, some of whom have made for tunes by selling them at an exorbitant price, and yet they could hear and sec for them: selves that the author was wasting his men tal, physical and temporal means to fill the pockets of those same heartless publishers; and from what you say, there arc a few in America that come under the same blame. Your brother,. Wu. LUKER. Dr. Aker..:—Chronology. Most of our readers are aware that Dr. Akers has for some time past been engaged in preparing for publication a new work on Chronology. We are happy to learn that he is making good progress in his laborious task. Many errors which had crept into the systems of the ancients, and which have led astray modern chronologers, have been detected and rectified by his patient investi gation. We have watched with deep inter est the Doctor's progress in his task—a task which few men of his age and in his circum stances would have dared to undertake— from his first examination of the subjeect, some years ago, to the present time. We have been delighted and profited by the re :sults of his labors as they rave been made known to us, and we venture to predict that when he shall have accomplished his task, and his work shall be given to the public, which ice hope will be at an early day, this "eye of history" will be clearer than ever before,'and through it God will be seen in history as he has never been seen before. In a late letter the Doctor informs us of some errors that had escaped the notice of other elvonohters, and until recently his own, but which has now overcome. lle says:—lllinois Chris. Ado. " I have recently ventured, in defense of my own, to expose the false chronoloa of Jackson, and Bishop Ilto•sel, as adopted by the eminent author of 'The 'Hebrew Peo ple,' Mr. George Smith, of England. The `place to which I now refer, is the period between the erode of Israel. and the foun ' dation of the temple, including the fourth year of Solomon. You will be astonished with myself to find, on a moment's reflec tion, that the only authority on which these great men have allowed only 592 years to this period, is a double blunder of Josephus himself, whom they professed to follow. He has two lines el chronology running through his Antiquities. The first is ih the headings of his Booksgenerally wrong—sothetimes right. The second is in the intervening de tails of items—generally right—sometimes needing correction. Having put.cnough of false num b ers in the headings to make only 688 years to the death of David, he had only to add the first 4 years of Solomon, and write, as ho did, '592 years from the exodus to the foundation of the temple.' And upon this false declaration, only once made by that great historian, and thatupon . data stintradicted by the intervening items, and subsequently corrected by himself, these Rent men have predicated their 'chronolo gical arrangement' for that - period. I have bad to examine the chronology efsfoiephns. thoroughly; and-the result has been an en. tire demolition of the structure based upon the number '592: Those who adopt the false number 480, found in 1 Kings vi. 1, and those who adopt the false number of Josephus, 592, have both like dilficulties in Laming the intervening items of time into an agreement-with such limits. Josephus only requires liberty to be heard ; and, so far as be m concerned, the period in ques . den, except a scriptural correction of one year far Shamgar, must be filled up at 621 years. -- - And, however strange-it truly seem, the l Same evidence which establishes this number, supplies an interregnum of 11 years immediately before the reign of Usti " ab. Thus two of the most difficult portions Of Bible chronology are settled by a most able hand; nearly eighteen hundred years AP Ohgixil Preacher. Next to . an, ungodly , ,ministry, which is n evil tO* any 'Clnireh and 'people beyond he power of language adequately to set orth, is to be deplored an ignorant minis ry. It presents a litleral illustration of the .• ying of the Saviouf, "The blind leading he blind." There are some such, how ver, in the world,'w4io, whatever may be heir claims to be cornlidered as "teachers" nt from God, are iliterary curiosities, to y the least. St. Paul, with all his learn ng, and the gift of inspiration superadded; . claimed, in view er, the mightiness of the ork, "Who is tmffident for these things l" .nt there are "Christian teachers in hese latter days of more singular powers ,f a , exegesis ' than ever belonged to the ' Hebrew of the .1 - ebrews." Not long i .ince, passing through a portion of the state bf Indiana, wet chanced upon a pro- • ratted meeting wine was being held by a enomination of Chri trans who profess to lave found a very eas , short and pleasant mssage to heaven. e "teacher," for so I hey called him; selected for his text the , ast part of the fortieth verse of the second •hapter of the Acts i "Save yourselves root this untoward generation," which he •ad "untotrrreil." This was a new read ing, at least; but then the exegesis—that rim the interesting part, the best of all. e said that the text vas an oriental figure, and taken from the custom of ancient na- 1 lions to have trailed cities, with high towers I interspersed, erected for purposes of obser i•atiou and defense. (Hence he said they were h "towered" generation. But the custom of modern tunes of building cities without these appendages of safety, had constituted this an "unteAcrred" generation. qolomon was certainly wrong, for there is something "new under the sun." As we Londered upon what We heard, we came to the conclusion that the distinguished trans- Ittor of the Iliad had spoken the truth when he said, "A little learning is a dan gerous thing."—.Louis. Chris. dde. Treatment of Monomaniacs. We often find that men who have =en Mated large fortunes from small begin liugs, when they have passed the middle ge of life, imagine themselves in poverty. singular case has ltely occurred, for the uth of which we can; vouch : A large ruanufaettirer, residing in the rilds of Yorkshire, ohe day called on The elieving officer of the district, and asked lief. • Appreciating instantly the state of mind which the well-knoWn applicant was, the filter replied, "Certainly, Mr. —; call ,-morrow, and you shall have it." . Satisfied, the applicant retired, and the ,cer hastened to tile gentleman's son, ated the ease, and .eipres.ed his opinion tat the relief demanded should be given. "Give it," said the son, "and we'll re rn yea the money." Accordingly, the Wealthy manufacturer ext day received rolief, and for many 'echo regularly applied for his five shillings ler week, until at last ithe hallucination anished, and hipmitai . was completely re ored. It is possible that this little anecdote +Mains a valuable hint as to the proper treatment of monomaitiacs.— London :II md. • • , - TO CONTRACTORS. • TO CONTRACTORS. IPHOVOSAIS are in4ited from Stone se.. Mn poor. St..ne Cutter.. Carre6ter..c.. fn. the emotion a ll' Prote.tant Eni-otpal Claumb. at the rorncr..f Diwonnd and Grant rtrr..l.. to be haratt.i in nu or Ixfne the 15th dal i! d}}~~rll nest Arlan end np~.'thutitt may to wen at Satunlay 0000104 next, Letxcen the haw, o(9 o'cl , ck !I.; M. and I o'clock. arhete a 1 . ,. full Informatlnn Eel Oren hr an architect. Prop,-ala may he left ...in nu, Bore. at the Bad:ungallant,. order of the Curwallte. tuch,'7 • TO LUMBER HEN. 1 2,000,000 feet Plank wanted. TRE ALLEGHENY BUTLER PLANK ROAD COMPANY, Inelte[proposal. In. Ent of April next. fur furnisbing Salt Million feet of Plank—, inehes Wirt. and , t or 9 fret In length—to be dellvemi ,Tilarnsburg, if brought by the rlem Or at such places on Use road as may be sexed UP:M -AT:4,2.1s may be directed tothe President. S. M. LANE, Eitttler. Butler no- F. or to CIIARLES.E. :WANG. Plot.. toirgh: luld any inquiries far:furtiter information .ox W. etiyoct, may hr addreaed aamo. ropunda will be weird fur the delivery of either Oak. Pyre, or Hemlock. I melt lockingbara and Domestic (ineensware. yOOMVARD, BLAKELY i& CO., Mort [dart:merit of lioetinullant and Yellow Cam Ware. I. , fat - MI.OO, Ohio. 211` . 8am . i.. 0 pla Itooburb, P. Fourtho.lol etnret, near the Ms 0 , , . c;tonaive Work. enstbl4 us to fill order* prompt'''. ~. o A ord econ ,: pe r, to r : 7 l ,, t ., delda s in t: er 7 beiu ::i n ot .,,r i r. nata , F r:l , r 0 r r0 0y pT D..... .1. ,h. a r, 1F. a ha, na to keep Was triUa as the nen and nnPro , “l.‘3 l rn E ner Vanes, (loblans. ]fauns) ornament. Medicate nod .1 nff Jan, and articles for domestic nat.. in gnat rarlety. 1 Weosters Unabridged Dictionary. W v iEI3STER'S UNABRIDGED DICTIDN , ARV, bound In sheep. ilas2pp. noartn—ptieo .5.... , q. me cork bound In Ituralo All embcend took too side, ,ry elegant—lWO. A for orupplp of the shovel work trod I,y . i to LIS JOILi 11. MELLOR.. hl Woal rt. —., FEATHERS -1600 Do.. prime, for mile by Enda: I A. a W. ILARUAIIIiII , LA.XSEED OIL--5' bble. City Make, on band awl tor we by nottel S. N. WICIiEIit , HAM. lODLITER 01L--Rushiton. Clark it Co.'s, " reed and for sale by :. I mcb4 , S. N. WICKERNIA SI. pRESS SILKS-J.201,e5. assorted Spring bty le Dram SILL, just teed by • A. A. MASON A CO.. =chi No. 61: and Si Market stret. I ADIES' DRESS 000DS— - .RI IA pea. plain all wool bleb oolorod DeLnineal = ' orw and splendid style Seraga De Woe, 10 " ehoire style Onnadinea jos, opened at r mehl, A• A. MASON A CO.'S. POTASH—CI casks recd and for sale by HILLER. ot mcb.l 1 221 and 1-.11.11.rtr trINTER WHALE O.IL--1200 bl'd, r f in sre and for rale bv • rneh4 to SiI:LER a RICK F.TMS. 3IALL PLAID FRENCH GINGMAMS, gr.lll ir "" INEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS. A MURPHY & BURCHYIBI.II hare just r« , tl a frpsh .Pie of the above greats. of; all the various qualities, . 1.2!( rent, up to 13.50. .034 7- ED BUTTEII—I4 kepi just reed and for rate by iturb&) tHLLER & RICKETSON. ENTS' I'OCKET slit an,l Linen Cam brie. of near and bandeoute styles. : t riii rk".' Prk"'" "' ! ' lltVli b l y .t. . _ . lOTTON—IN bales now landing from str. and tar sale by ISAIAH DICKEY & CO.. feli.n; Water and Front at.,. 41W AND STEARINE-- bblf. No. 1 Lard: 9 bbla.Stearlid; lauding from +tr. Aida and for mle br • DICHRY t CO.. 5,b29 Water and Frant 0. SUGAR-40 hllds. landing per str. De Witt Clinton, arid fOr oale be rob2s JAOEO A. lICTCHISON a 00. TILER VINEGAI2-20 bhlx. for mule by I tet,2s S. F. VON ItONNIIOII.9T A t.O. ICKORY NUT for sale by 0020t1.1. VON BONNHOUST 1.00. lIEESE-150 boxes W. K. for sale by f01i25 8.1. TON DONNIIDRST 100. • s • ' . e pureitnee of the Ileum suitable for medicinal pumr, i fo i .; We br he .4.n or Bottle, .t WILMS • ILA V 'V , Witte Arta, mod el& of the Diamond, ifele.tu UGAR-150 hlids. prime N. 0., just reed per Ammer Bebarlk fi r n d at 73 l :l hi s . olinA ,. No. 13e Wapst rt RANGES-100 bolsi just read and f lent' INGRAII.I3I, feb:ls No. Water et. APESTRY AND BRUSSELS CARPETS of superior styles and colors, In store awl for Isle hr febl9 IV. SfeCLLNTOCK. \GRAIN CARPETS=—A largo aastlrtment or.tbe latest ald 11.1rbe stilta ear. al for lutln fn febl9 I W. 51eCLINTOCK._ ROOMS-200 dozen for sale by 01119-. W. HARLIN:1011. . nil. - AND A) fl. aCAN Oil Cloths,. 4 • larEe SAKIIIDWeIIe Of won opLrzerted oil Cloltyt, lio , r ..; Ihr llartelt Warvlrnr.a. Nu. 64 k mull R. la "'W.. , Zat:''''''''"" '''"h"."'". W. MeCLINTOCK. ' , bit:N-400 gziela. foin I hy — Ceblll ' ' WM - . 11. JOWNSTON. . ._ . ' , LOVER SEED-41,1,1S in store, and 62 do. .. to vrire, for rale br frblg WM. lI..IOIINSTTI. 'CRORYRUTS-15 bhls - for sale by I 1101,6 WM. 11. JOIINBTON. CERTAIN CURE FOR ALL PAIN may ' be found in tho yea of Perry avi., Vegetable rain: g zb:;. - t.erzi,v,l,oi..mtgrxglnent Drudriste and eIXCI.II.II, Oct. WO,. 1143. d f. an b ztere= t 2 d )re:gleta and 31 told =anle of tbla It. an article :florally !lain. kno., an itirTr r ge ‘ i . :.: , doable raln Killer, and we would wan. the wed. th a t trierery Instance to far am we know, It has Otto. the beet ealAirection to ti e purchaser. We can romtamend It to th e i . P Wit.. =tide of greitt. merit and virtue: Indeed. we e re en. knew an article of Malkin. became . &screed], j UN/ In .1141011 • th., width Is proved by the feel of , ...Ire nal. and conetantly. IncresOng deniande.-.. SI 7nil by Id of the letting Draggigo or ode brit,. L. dICLU.II.II, wholoaale,,Went, !10. e 7 14.1 atreet. febld OTONS SODA ASH, for sale by *bl? BURERIDOE k SFOIIRkIL i 111ISCELLANEOUS.- - - State Mutual Fire Itrisnrance Company. VI ) . 1 LARD 011 , —A fetc bbh, just rec'.l _ ,. 7, ,= o ...manufactory. far a hwb I am the only Iment. BItANCII OFFIOE—No. 54 Smirurirt.i. STlltrr, . k . , 000 '"" " ...' n.. .4 . . , " 11 41. ,-,1,111, nab tn., l'ITT.141f11;11. C111.1,131.511AM. T EFINED BORAX-15 clues fur side by le corner NI axal and Shit ate. ii: best evidence of the success of the 1 1 1/erector% In entlyayorion to make th...VTA TE :11C71 , n RE 1,0,7,..vi 7.: CrJ.VP.I..II - SIa•VS the wants , of if lOC° J. SC - 11 10 0N31-I.KYII A 111. tb,. ~,meanalty, le the unparallel.l amount of bnsinese 4, 4 p0 ..,- .1 _ ; ,., . s. .. --. - •.tuct. hash...odour. having 1...5u.y1 ovyr 1...00 PohcieY In . strings 'west mettnerranean, . ii,i, .oi, fittLlT eight monthe: and adding over 1.1301100 1. for sale by J. SCROONNIAKEII le CO. thatn, the Company. The Ihreetnvs are proud m kay, fel .%, tat nearly all the property Insur..l le of the.tafeYt kiwi ou 1— -- -,----- small risk... .and a 'arm. proportion Inauml for only one I _ Ladies Eine Dress (}Dods, ---- INSURANCE Iruinber of Policies issued, - - 5,065 11 E i„ " , F. „ 11 - E1) A N.l) OPEN E D Tills )lORN- Amount of property insured. - 55,130.496.00 I . .tine, t....,..nz!'4:.,".i.7.!=e'1e, 11 `. ,Trre l a !t in "' N ` ! "" . a ' do. guarantee premiums, 57,000.70 ''' ,o i. , ..:LlV'er , " , i ..tt St . .t.47A'i l .i.V d ''' Sr.:, 112 and al 31ar..t - st. tens cash I - - '' • 104" 4i - ,J l'lt I Si: ' STILE I , itil•s_J,. , )„,ii --- ;.,1 do. guarantee stock, -- - D 0,1141.113 ; -, I,Antiful patterns nA.AI Ode morolnr at do. losses, 4.100.00 ' - 1,124 A. A. MASON S,IAS. To n to deducted (min the a 1... balance, the incident. , , AI3II (111.,-.4 kids. No, I, Win, STltilled, .1 . 7,1 r th em,' Tr7int•rchnut.. atsl owner, of dw..llino, l A .1... t ree'd and for gale e , and isolated and n rouutry propert. it is believed this cotn. ' 111 , 1 l Itfl EY. SI ATTlfEt‘ , & CAA Panf szrents advantages In volut td liental..., .afet,. ao-1 1 security, inferior to . 1 5ur ,,,,,,,,,. , r , thi .. nunt „ , ( 3 1040 EN SYRUP-In {Ads. and hi - , 1.16.. Cm...ducted on the equitable and groatlimprottal it ) ..m.; for L.ale by Rlllit. m Aril lEWS & CO. of Elaasifleation of Maks. excludin e all sperial haunts. It, . 01210 suing only • 11=1.1 amount in any one locality, 11l un ton- , . ....• •• • • ........ CO.uding the S toc k y and oc.mmenn. of Inc;. firs: and l 1 . 31.1 lilt I . , 111_, Ai 11t.:3 di (. - I_/ lir" prepared to men on Mb- Stock and 3lutual plan. It not only pose. .1.../1 kinds of SLATE itOOFINIi. eyoca the cheap and oreommulation rd both metto-ls. I. ALI:X. LA S, Agt., cur. Etna Pt. A clausal. but entltles the, Ituurrd to a participation In the po.llta. i At %Saler 1r0rk.... Pittsbur g h. It is nnder the ...trot of the following Di I zn-sl at , ~,,,,, promptly repaired. ifeblZA P. ltutherfonl, A. J. tallett. John IL Packer. S. T. Jon, . . Alonzo A. Carrier, Philo C. '. edvorirk. Itolwet Klotz. d 1 01.1)E\ SYRUP--45 lif. bids. Dint, rec'd A. IttiTIIEBFOI4IO, 1',..1.1ent. ILi and floral., by IieRBRII/11E & INlittAllA3l. A.. 1. (ALLErr. e..nne., Nu. Ill: a t rt. A. A. CA681111.. Actuary. f. 1,-7 . . __ _.._ _ . -..._ . __. t ..__ ___ . - _ -_- --- - - l I.,lLOijt-25 this estrit Family Flour, for Penn 'Mutual Life Insurance Co., PhiLad'a.', 1 sale by feb2:s S.F. VON IION:k1101IS T A 11 , GENT IN PITTSBURG 11, W. II:DIV IS, ; it ItOOMS- ISO dozen for sale bt 4,.., J. Finney, jr., decea , ......1.1 No :ua I.lherty otreet. I I_, 110, • S. F. VON BONN/I . ORST A CO. - 1 p 1 :art" o 2 on erty' v tTe k eZtl . t.' i nra r y'.l',.l 11u h ,', ! ft l , n t.iir. I . OR.‘ NG ES-10t1 hozes, in prime order fur from 11 to 12 and 1: to 0'e1... nt the .-”todin., mom c d I ~..b . , ENIILISII k BENNETT. T. Schnonmalter & Cu.. N a N 24 I ts tl ett e et. a ber, all n..... , ... 1,11, 1.2. S.A-ontl. and 151 }Ar r . ots. WI information sail leegiTen 'and prompt. , ly attended t Pamplet , e‘l.latnio. to. rutripl.... and I .1. IT IN TB )W G LAS:L-111011 LA,. ltsg'd sit., benelin. of Lila insurance. ami blank .rms form-led on , 7 ~.., S F V. 1.: 80% A 1101:,-T A tAI. ' P ea l Tt?.?%ack o re r •l2oo,ooiland ma ., ! u r Inert...dn.,- S T.% 111 11M) 1)0xes. hest bralliLt, ill store Profits divided al ! nth ose niunAl 1, life. i, ,0,. „. „. ~,. hy o . m. 1i , L , ,,,,, , .„ co.. PittAlmrgh. Jan.. I ald .-i., No.. IS and .01, Wood .t _____ _ _ , _ '''' - Marine, Fire, and Inland Transportation i , E3toNs--.10 boxes for sale bv Insurance. • 1,1.0 ESE LISIck BENNETT. THE Insurance Company of North America, ! Il i )! ANO .IND TAPIA; (2141 . 1;it5.._w. M e . Philadelphia-Charur ? l . l7.o4. capital 14,00.01 a,. A.:wit , i11....14 Invite,. the :ale... ,11 . !hor, ...lettin g to fur. ura, 13. 1851, $1.001,2!, ail. 1% La make Insurance •.., to- ~ tP . Id- e• 1......tve aaeortm•-nt oi 'aide and halm i.or huildmas and their content. . In this city and vicinity: ../...1 , ~..... , ,„ . ., 5 i .„..,,, ,r,..,, 1..1.110 on eat'er'y of every descry :in. Nhip t . - - d p, steam hr.,' I mut ottcf . vessebs. either by Inland transportation or ott tbe i ( 4) t 11COT RINE A 1.0 ES--75 lbs., pure article, sal, I roe Nal. by Feb, I.E. - s ELLans. euwe.e.“ , 1, 1 xcHA NG E RANK STOCK-A . few _U4 dt.,,. for sale. Apply to 11.11IlD & 111110, 01 , 1.1115 'salad ,t. 1101.1. lIUTTEII-1 I,bl fresh, fur side by . fell -, „, ItIIEV. martmacts A CO. DRIES . 1.1. N -- 5 tierc pyitue Ilia, I,odrumo e. l esittsh: .. . . Arthur G. Co!1ln. Pru't, Timm.. P. Cope, Samuel W. Jones, John K. Nell. Edward Smith. IMMan.l IL Wood. John A. Bravo. William Welob. Samuel F. Smith, Franel. Llooldna, Samuel Brooks, S. An.tir. AlMame, Charles Taylor, Wm. K. Itmen. Amhrooe t 1 hits, In rge Almairall. Jacob M. Thomas, JILIllt, N. Dila..., S. Morris Wain, 11. It. Shermrd . , See'r. :Thi• In the oldest Irourance Cmnpan In the Lnited Stet/ oral from Its high standing. lonn r eala.memv..am i ph. uman., nod "'jai" n'i rink." n° ''' Ti'''''`,T. ,;.il?",tir.i.',._ l , rosy `"'• ''''''kk '4 " ' g " A 4' .6.3. b: 3 . 1 rr..O I E.S. Annul. jal.l No. 141 Fn.. ntr...t. 1:01 bus Dry Atinitst 1•JA10 Countatulligarn: rex , 1114 rrilued Saltpetre, WO lin. nup,rior Ftatherni 'AI , natl.. IV rapping Pap,. . - 30 qr has super. I lit lump Tobitertg American Life and Health Insurance Co. , I cask lint! Brin.tonel 1 du Chalk: OF PIFILADELPIIIA. . ' h., 1,... , .0 Inn do Ught 4 d . re ii \ lo m at., and , nir ifital iv , Real ~le Leatber, Agent for Pittalurgh, SILL. D. TO ALE. ~,:.• I.i . J . ATTit t t tiffir, 1...: Fifth nt. nine. Sin:0111,1.1. , . ii t yraphi,.. maining all uenagury infnrmation eiin ke , I I NSEEIi OIL-101)131s for vale ley . • btalned t Lb. m 0r... l! nallialth I 4 (..b. ,.., IttillirnlN, LITTLE a co. Western Insurance Company of Pittsburgh. ; 1 1. iiiLLlllrrEit-2. bbLtd:'for sale by ~,,.., cAPITAL $300,000. G. 3IILLE 11, .I H.. ' ". -- viii U\, LITTLE 4 CI, / I,,tigipn, creasy. - I a . 1 1,01 E I:SEED--75 bu, , fur sale iIV . 111 Maur.. Itgalnat all lusafg of rink.. lire and Nl:trine.. 1 ; ~,,,.., in itti,tiN i urfu: t Co. All heal... will be liberally ad.thrted nu/ I.n.inldi i'likl. A I n Iwtltution—mantiged byetinnet.l, %n. well I Vg‘TellES'.--I:, , ei rnti and ton hand an known in tile nuninunity. slid it . are tietermillid 1.. eavel lent arwirtmeut el Ould and ti th er %Vate1...J:..1 pr.:upturn, anal illwraliti to maintain the Ammeter ulikLin they have agrunted; an oftering the 'keel iirokection tn t1....t. , ""' 'lll. Ilill`Yll , e , InnlininethrY.Ntal a1..l denim to be iti•an-t . T I I •n-veri. 11 uutinig tai.ed and Otani ‘1 J T. , Lae tin du; loniker irs—it. 11111ler. Jr.. lino. Black. J. W. Cutler, N. , In al ./nlimon di , dm Jilin. , Jr., M. 0.• C. 11"Ill''.. I. il h l zll 'I lln • ''...' "`l' cl ''''• l And other. id celebrated English WA tieneva Brand,— W.. H. La ' . ....a.r. UM." .. . th'l r . l. 1'.?..•.h.... n ' - I 1ie.,..i. i.i.ri lug. and ...curacy MIA deeebillt) gum-anted. Ault,. Alex Nintlek. nine. re..lt ldeti. No. Ir 2 Water id.regt; .it ageliou, or 5,,, t t". • . ~,,,- W.. - il rel. olo . r° o tinni'll al . ii.../. Jrwelr/ up atairal iltteburgh. ~,,,,..,, ul ,r ilitei t r r . , ,l n. under and fully repaired. _ . A e earellem tituek of gold pew T., - instom. ) V. W. WILAIJNe Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Comp'y ~,,- nf ith and 31arket fin. ri FFICE. Nowrii uuo3l OF TIIE EX- J 13 E.INS--lu bus White for aide by 1- f Is e r il l.:?: . L .-. ..a in 1,z:1 - ,.. ' ,:ni!a!: ', ii.., .., ~.,., I) ~,- 1,0111,,1N,1.1TYLE IA ilk rn,perty. in mar and e n u n try . ..co re d ...tired ugttii.., j, k ... .., LA )1 p BLACK—In bulk for Tannerfs, '2. 1 damage bi fire. at the Irege.d. rate i j premium . ,,,, ~......„b , J. Irtliik) , N NIA killit $ Crk MtaiNc lAanitaNca—They a 1../ itt.tire % lime., lorry... ~ , „ and Freight, forrlgn Crrcestwinc.. under or.. ..r rr.aml j ."" . . .. ..•_ . . . .. P1it . ".. 0 .'" it; '",..:,,"".t . .,. , '`"?'" ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„, 11_111.1,1'Elt lIANOINGS—CeohI l'aper ilarig “.„„„..r,..dt,y w u y t , 1401 “1 ~,,, t.... u , k, tr t r . 0 „,1 j. it.... ILI/ Golil and V, ltet tuateluel tort:err. tot Drurr• Itlt. urn bor.. on is end Juke-. on the n.,ot iiterel term. I it., INrrtur. I et- rule hr %V II 101ISIIALL. • Inut - auteJoe, ph 11. Seal. LNnurel .t Sonde, Joh,. C , I 1,42 .. , :.Wan.l .L Davie. Nolan Burton, John It. Prurore. Sarunt.l Edward , . I ' ttourur C. Irelper. Edwanl Durlln,rtn. 1. , ... L. hull, At t l. I SA LTI , ETItE--.31 1 1,agv. erude , for sile by !law rolwell. John Newlin, Dr. IL NI. littru.n. Juno , C. j L. t , •Mt, IV .0 F. WII,tION.. !laud. het..hllur Punklln, 11. June. Drool , . ienl, . glnan. Ilugh Craig. tivortte Forrlll. Spentor Meth... i I'AILS COOPER'S WIIITE tiL.CE—l'or Charles Kelly, J. G. JohrooN, Wu,. list, Dr ...I. Tht.nt.t.e. -.1. ,rO/.. 1,, tel.lo J. lil III) & (}1 John Sellrr, Wn Erre, Jr. • . - . DIRECTO. AT P1T15.13C....1—D T. Morgan. Muth (Ind, . riln EltMOMrrEits—A fun Iltlvortlilerit, fur John T. Lutnua. .I. E 11.11 .ICO %vtutax Nlltm, Pre-111ilL Tllo4 C Ilan. Vice VT.,- • dcut Joust.n W. Cowl,. torretury. I '\ LIV 11( j /IIK 5.,--Th, llistory of l'en.ltillnis. trit-t,trrlcs of the INnumny. o. 4,1 Wettlr street. Pitt- I litt,,h. toe2LILIJ I'. ,t, 31,L t httut j A j r,.„t. ,A. Ill• U./toner mu , l tut...Mune, lux frler..l, and ht. , . . t.eruort rue,. 11, Will:In >lakete-ner Thrtorra It I , 111 , Franklin Fire Insurance Co. of Philad'a. '''', 1 2:7'`.;";;;71 . r.:,.:;', ''.:, `it7,::;:.: 1 ",nr... 117 ;•,-,rtztr„, IiIIIECTORS: Charles W. Blanker, (l o. ~ , : ,,'.:fr . ',,: i :: ".m ,. ... , su. o t. DYlhr author ,nt IV. IV. Illelmrtl, 711,0:Ilan, N1e01,.. al D. lor 1..1 , 0,r. ..... II .0 Ihr hetonol rwl.l nook of the Itesulutien. 11 , arn l arr. AJelj , hr 0. Bort, Santorl tirt-nt. 1131,1 ~ Bore, Iteloon r. leron,. Jetvb 0. Ntulth. Ilorrte httturron. . 1 te. Ale 0.. 1...A..4 JuAl reo, it ed and for .ale br . . . . . .. . . 1:11A111.1.:. 4 I. R(NCK Ert. 121= 0112=12ZWin or lirtittwei. oh every h tit , it'ettreet • tw ah , owtititn Company ne heir we are ewniti.n. tt weitiritt. Thw hitve tweerleti a lise, w.titini.ent wybkh, with their Capital mod Premium.. ewfei, . - • - .I,llample pente.etten ht the ne..ttretl The tt.tvetts ht . the ....tat Nth,. Jttht-ht, 41 " , floated agftembl, he the Art Ante.mhtS. were tt-tt ft4,,,tett . _ . 1.1• l., ISA IA II DICKEY i 00 Mort,areft- .... .._._... ...... .. .-.....11.,17.4 , II )i i iiii i.S SUrerlill, Flonr. for ~.:I.ll' by Real Estate_ . I I )ii L.t.ri t.t)l I'. SIMI VMS 7; gnr!..' 1. " "" • .....,,, ...., ... 1 • .•.. , Cull. ic '... , ,50-1 = , 14 1.1. F. 5..11.11:K5--- , 1 A.:Lse 6,: - 5.,i1,, 1., II ~, J e.eliolNSl Alic.ft *CO Biro, t/u.lr Inmrporation. od a ry.ri of w0..t.,.t3 , mu.... 0...., I IN SEED 011,--I!it bri. rell'a fors.ale; hy hall., paid u pwards of Om. , 1111,on Your II ast.ll,l ll,ou.tal , i 4 1,1 , .1 IV HaI:UM:MI. MAI., 1....... h r Fire, thr,by affordiug ..,..I , nr.e. of 0.. advanlago., of Illsuran,. 0.... 1,11 a. th..lr al.alitr 114 m .' 1). \ l'F. it-1 1 n 1 roam.. NV rmlllitlg. rimed; . _ __ . . .... _ . pnnUo7l - 1. tone erit - 7....rt,enett oil 110.0 a. - ; ...tat. N 1 11411.11 g. ....., I.t. J. 11.nt. tr.. dh 3 . '"l'‘.. ''''' S • A- ='''' 1 S.r ~..1. ~ .I. .1 h1',...,.11.1h rat 4 (.16 _htal Ofrtn. $. h. corner of ~..1 tnd . . - -i tta .. ~ ( i 1 , L1 , E I:.'S L'USII.I(UNS--..1.At rtnn•irell :Ind T ILE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSTIL I) J KII , I. A IP. .ANCE I:4 011,N1". so lbl Mark., Strwel. ,1c3.7 . C. 1 . ~,, ' N. ~. 1,..1 rennet N. e... 1 Nn. 11 V. All ht,..1, Nl' eretn.u......1 ......ne t ' Sl.Ce'llOgn,Alehlinwfrerth ,to h , he , ...... re , ..,,,,,.. 4,4 II A 1: El:'S 11 EIULS, .11 ki.:l, n fin...nit kot The esthether .111 rerriee ep,lieemue ee. a...... • , ; ;, , . , ,• ,; . Hee. la the Ahoy, tue....tru I In....nee ~ . ...en,.the .1.4.. , ' ,,•,:,„'•.'''• `..... '' I. A' ' , J AIM. it 1., MISU 6,ing dinn.S.l Impale the ...ur...1 „. ~ . ; ' W 11.1.1 Aii I: ,•t. • • . 4..1, 1 14 i-.IANINI ON 1 A Forays.._ - , rarhen A. deS N.. 111 Ftt.nt tlr. It K ` l l - .1.1.1:11S. MISCELLANEOUS. SLATE ROOFING. ErARRY, HUGHES A: CU.. I'roprio4.r. i‘f the Padt 11.,fiym ha tutor= Builders. Centmet. ea. suet gther., at Fitt. burgh. Wheeling. Ciurinttatt. tt... that thou ha,..; ,:at erl Ain. L.GLILIS, Pitraturtth. NO, Agent. Ow 1, to 111 mai, vtnelertat. regtrarta Itt.Ung • al, the, heu tittuaretl Shaba ti toI •Co.. a, in ter.....,410...1 the two snit largeet Slate tinarriee in the Cult.. rirtier--the 9 . 1 or their Siatea la mi... Lf nut isperior, to lb. Net t‘et.i. rEntrior but ratierhitereit and ...- tie. to do their work. onnaequently they ha•••• rte heeltation In inateriog • ,rfeetly watertight niof. and handoinieir min01et....!..t as tea...n..140. ter in the tr...! P.. 11. k turtirularly r ,, ommend their ,Intro I.• put on 1.1.1 luPlead otw.t.g..ltich will Lunt ad r•ntn,.. in the contractor, and 0wn...1 1".1 . . . . . , . . Reinemka aa to their elatee anxl elating ,14. n be amn—ard M. Thumak Parry one of the company. may alm he cm.. en in.4 a k , day—al their e.went'x intim, mener .4 Etna et and Canal. PA Ithr. 11Cliilt, k CO. 4t-A'lll.;f:lni'''""''''''. • /1 PART:if:I:S hare this day with um. lt,Janain Y.llutrialson The b Lesswill be ninnoaeal La hereto:um land the 111, af JAME: , A. 11V11111hUN A Ca/. Pittabor.h. J•noary IS.sl.—ma:r2arian • IRA MERSEY COMMISSION MER CIIANT. for the de of pontealle. Woolen, arLl 44,11 N 0.129 Woul 14/..t l'ataborgh. &Mere at .bort hotine for Loy deacliption of Wu: Ica NtschillerY. THE CO-PARTNERSIIIP HERETOFORE rustinghotarneo thr IEO...MAT, laza, the rawy, Fleming k li.. to this dioLLl‘...l by mutt.] content IRA II Klui I. V,. I/Itilx ELEMIN xi. Ira Homey or IL K. }lolling Ix aut1..n....1 tl. lunke of the late'llrm lb., et ttlxwelit bum,. . _ I t iIISSOLUTION OF .P.IIiTICEIttiIIIF - The partner-4pp Ip.o.tofore e3.10.1ng .11 .erthent, und,r Ur• 0t.71.. of 1 4 1.acklett 1,11, 1.0/.4 OP 6.1 aro. day r Januar), 1,1. 1., .eat. Killer of m.,1 attend 1114, the I.dr., and orxeuthorlsell ton. , the low, ..1 11.. icte firm for that ',w.p.m. No. 101 C PII.ICKIXT7. February LI, 'll. 1 . 110^4.11.. 1111111-: I \T, ENV FIRM—B. C. Slut:110X awl William II Payne, general P•l121[1, nod Inn: J anda Myth., ax we' s] an,l Ilnlate,l partner. will .•.ntlune he Dry Donde bualnea nS.I the nm..l i 4 F nhackleD et lb. store lately occupied by ItharkleD W1111,,:‘, lot It. SUM% I.frlT, tebl.ll SI: PA TN g. d' 10-PARTNERSHIP—Tito nu bxeriberg 1 e; 11:.r.,`;17,"`' k Okvly. JAME: , ATE INrON, .11E31 JOHN SI. (gI'RING DRY GOODS--FIRST Spl'l'LY 10—Murphy k Burchfield will Ude nurrozng tornoleure ravelling their first aupply of eprlutt Br; ticole• etul In. rite the oil of their customers and bop...generally. They Inuit, atteutu.n to their exteroden ko , ortment of new style Prin.. et Illii mute net Yard, .I,etol with { - wilco!nr ref armee to dnrablllty of color. An excellent article o alao olTonel at 10 eent• per and, warranted feat color. A 1... Undo, 'Cy!. of English Chintz., Bons 1 . 2% to lnU o.,ara por raid, =any of them entirely nue draw.. Alwo, new. eat etylea bre., 0111., Sp rlOn M 01.1.. 40 Leiner, llnroioo .1. Lain.. Needle 'Work Collar., Colt.. t'hanorette. Or Bon note and bonnet MIA., Bonnet C 0,.. go_ _ fetal ?I_ S ITE LADIES all nay "If you want rtnti nod Ts.., go. Morrie k Ilayerortlia Te• Sto. In the nunond for lt." The T. they wit at Lt, rvtl la per eound • lly ver i wd. and rho.. et 50 r..01.•nd 11 , era dell a:ions. Low . dIUSIIIIM•11. or Inferior To. are peter kept at Ulla eitta. diabment, fetal Ilia, now retail all then. Tee. direct from Ile origited ~h..... lotettni rut that Tee es!! not keep in tame ereppere. which, by holding tie to the light, you .111 find la . ',crone sa • loll', red. 1.1,11 NEW STOCK OF I'AANOS. .- ,...1 John 11. 31r1L,r, NI 1V...1 rtreet. hea : .1: t reoelved • new nod luecrUn.nt, ir or rive.. now ,cen end arpea dyendid for .10. de,ll gri.ooD CANTOS FLANXI-1,--A farther pY4 ' rec r ete..llt:b;re rl f "Prrk'r n ' ifri.." '''' ."."' '"'' dtbl.l " MURPIIV A 1114111'11 x11:1.1., 0 . pRuCE CHEWING IIC:II—Inxt reeek....] 0 from Bangor, lie., through the kende of a 11 , o lan • l•rge lot of Mu pleasant a.. 1 .111.Cneabl.• Chrwin.: Onto, 'which to need fur own...ulna 11, broath, :T.111( . 11-20 1., ae-. for .411.. by I.' I .11:1. .1N 1) 11.1 11 1..b1q Lard: ealk nu., to ...Av.. inn 1 ,1 11 TEE IAI. , just „ 0r..1 fir by ItClAßP.ltolir. A INtiILAIIAM. felt. No it; 11mo, tvvrt j Viti;Sii PECANS- -11nd reeeiv, , d, libls 1...-" n nut. ore• It A 11.1.Uht; A At, .2••• • Libor, 0rn....t. 1, 1 1:ESIA Fit;S---Sll drums reeeire.l and f”r i• 4.4.,Thu II"! _ . . _ )11 , 141 . NI, p . N . sTof•K_ irm.t• wJI t•abb "r'• r•••• ilici CO. P., u.d Eschashte Brr.krzs. • I ZA.kIAM 1/11'KEy CI),, A gents M, 1 • u lr.r/ •rk.. Iron tor •air Vtr•r• , b..e....112 art sod &bin B ATTI . NG - I i bid s, empr , ri”r. for nab , hr y DICKFT 1.),I - ca.‘kc for salt. by VA 33' WILSON • ,tyrr.) \ !irk( I tin% twillvd, for. i3le 31rd:11.U. A put. Pprincilee. for Near 1 61310 51c1:11.1, a lum UTTER-4 bble roll. B k ed. re., 4o for wale by f 04.4 1 . Y krtN RON 451 IF.ST At CO. IDLAIN BLACK SILK S-MrliPliT lwrrercrt p bar. rwrivrd • rrry full rvuly tlt tw,••• wl-00. • y rwr. at lower prim, th•• rr d,l •LN-I.lll.sek bigurtal and Ilrocadr. do of 141 I 11111' GIN( ;II A 315—Murphy Burelifie 1,1 , hay. , on lutnrt • Intl, lot of ht 1 1 .4 014.1•th••.,thh . 11 r at gm...ly r4.1tht.41 prim,. north t•t4t porprr 4th mud %1 •44rt ti I ; .zLoo il r rrt,liah ttnerleol..vort.,l: 1:1 u.! Fra•NM fel.l J. KIDD {l',as .L 1 4 1 RK:411 i r. iill r i r -I"4.nelies and Blockberriox , in tlAr mrn knot I.yrruvti , unr fat,r and Crealnops. A1.,t0 t tab I, the 14611. M 1121. 1. :or r, I, la ' r " " ru'r. "" ". 1111. A. NITLI:Itt: a nu st.io .tent. . IP IRD SEEDS- 1 7anary.ond Hemp Senile rt if.. but.t for al. by WA. A! MI.:Lill:0 !W. ELLE RS' LIVER PILLS-,"Could not get al.mo ulthnut them." AVronnr.ll43l,lle, 0. Jun. 1(41. Mt I: Saimol—inurs caNk way I.irrt 1111, (Int I niubl nbt !lerising w‘lh...nt than. and etory Own. sp.akn lu lb. U. 4141,14 terms It n tl. ''nun 4, J.. 0 KEEN. nn.l nuld 6, It. E. 1x i:l.l.Eltit. Ind null by .Irucliba. gtora/l, F iliS AND I.'AISINS-149 b o x es fi gs ,; FAA tto nf.igt .m Lund aryl forr .31. , by 111/fal% N KIRKPATRICK lAA )Uf L; N boxt rofired Sinterl a H•11 , K)NNI410:It k 1 I. AZI Eit's I)IA3IONEW-1 tlnz. for 'dole IF by fills J. KIDD • • I )6b1,; " kop fur ., 7 ,ll o u t r o , y . ASTOILisI 91,1)1A Illow'x Woke, for Kole by n.hlt REIM M ATTII EWA A iii. i. 2 A F 1: I N . VEST ENT—$9,Ol.lO in A Ileoo us CW. f-1.1-1 Wiesl st. alsrss 4th. • B I..TT F:lt —7 b i bls fresh • Gm yob/ by b , :111 1 r d d icri" ruN TWIN E-251) 11,14 xulterior quel -1 • 10.1, olyly by J. hllllll 0). 101,10 N... 110 IVY., •Irrot. a'. STILE SOA, 1 . 11,1,01 for 42tb• by, b. 1. 111 J.KIIIIIIOI. VEit NI I 1,1,11 N - TrieAto, Ohnnos, and 41. l i. • J WHOONHAHEII A (1/ I:3; I ERS--- For mule 101 :fr1.1..* J I, l[ms:um:En kr° 1.) —7Oll Ho of nullrri.rx II i ldu 57 W... 1 Q1:1)Clili1 ES. • ir volln u n 1... do, mp I.nd a ilon Powder. 1 , 1ra.... a 1t...1.10..0n I d. 11...hiramn Jt re, 9. ,„. ; 9 , 9,, cut. .++(t. Tntouxo ton,. 1,..1S 15 Lump, in .• and f, al. I: pm!, - JOHN PARXEII R CPI. MA) 11,1" W RISK I:Y. k, 40 htsl... ore Itye iih l .l.7...verf old and choir," ,(1 I,l3lmintual....l‘ Wh1.1.7 gm, awd ' JOHN PARIOHI 91X1. -------------.,---. 41.:1CDM S.-- 1 - 7 1f.0.,f0t Potorort . , Fop. Corn Ilmom, I....ole.lFtrani.h Moo I...trmr, , 5: i,..... Wtmlow 1:1o,'. n‘oloal r.io, .1, voool , osoot Woolle.' , . Igo. 1.0..t.1n0 r4. , 1', ~,,,A p.n.ol+l,rom.rtrtot of Golooriel, for oalo by P0111,141N. LIMY. 4 M. 01110 LEAF TOBACCO-2 Ithco by 9 112d01 Wbf. IL JOUNSIOX. BOOKS, MUSIC, ecr. --- • - • . INEIV BUOKS AND 31AG.VLINES---- Graham. 3 Laatalna far .11naM. .111. I. pagma Ilortieulturiet. fce Folumar), t•Ditrrator. Whay heylew Ltfe'. Dieripllm a tale.: Macbanic't Mampaina,No.t. Women of laraeL by Gram. Aotihar: IDfineuna tale far ru..theya and 4lnuktlater, 3haber Recomproce, by rare Aamiht, ;elf faeeption: am the hhh.ry of the buman Ileart by Mrx. Elba. Cairn. a hotel: Henryameatan. by G. P. 11. Jame, Eat: for axle at .1101.11...., Liarar) Dla. , ite the Ihvt 0, bee • PLENDIIk NEW - PIANO si fm ' I.:" L Eli It taker ple.m.r.re In an. oncm4 that be tme .mea D,11,1 a 10,4, ehmee Plan. of the ..lebrate I make of CSNO ei.Awc and Imeli MI. New YDek. whirl, with tha.e ett band. farm the la.. eievaah eurled. and extesmire ..tty ever ollerml ID t city. Atm.Da others. Delem.letalid 7 octave &put., rarve.l Piano. .X/ V a., I. alth the u e tanner ement DI the D., ruin •a. the late.t nod meat Irmarrtant ImPeD , ewlent• h• yanai DM, 4. Nunn* a ClarkV Mauna two I..han Attachment . . LIN. IL—An ean.t..iro• lot of embrarit= Jenny and lb.. eltolcvnt Sr. 4 SION OF THE 1/111,DEN 1131tP. 101 Thinl I'mlet, Commercial and Quarto and and Cap Paper, a large •uPPIT of al! qua il ru1..1 and Elton. blur awl. Willi,. for ralr on leral b , rtua at W. S. HAVENS NtOTES ASII DltAFTS. , —Engraved and 111 Stermaraph Nob.. and ItrallA of most beautiful tle. in rbects, or bound in tok,olt,. of VAIi.III. mier, For sale at . ii. HAVEN'S Blank Rank Sion, jarat Co,. Market oral Svr.nn.l Atnertean. Journal. and l'oat ropy.) ItITINti I SK—Arnold's Writing Fluid 1r Copying and HA ink. Illitherra Clierniral Pinld and tint Ink. u=aarnewmato A .n'a Coalmen . ..l Ink—black, varlet, and n,rl. Froteh Camine Ilk. For min by W. S. HAVEN. -' - - W BOOKS. Q :11 ITO'S LASSICA,I, DICTIONARY; A ury CIA.-1, I di..nannty On.ek and Roman I,i, mytholt.g and geognipby. partly 1n.,1 u,n the I.and Iturnan lliova 1, nliy and thulowY• 1.11 ans Sinn], .L th,:d Boman Anti, tivLe, and rf hu , nt. Illographl and M}tholncy. n-rkett, withcorrection, and addition., hr rharle. Annum, I.l,nuninrmun. o f - th,. and I.tln Larn_vart.,. in Columbia College. - Theta , . MIIII ev•rm.pon.lrnce of Rot... South.,; I, his .nn.lll. cuthbert Southey, 31. A.. Ca rat,. of Plumbland, Cumbetland. Full hound cloth, with wrtralt. of the Life and Concepondenec of Hobert Pun. lnn.nf the Queen,. of I.t.v.tland, end English ennne. 0 , 1 with the r , ,,nlaurre.inn Of (in-nt. Ittitaln, 1.1 A,ruel Striekland, owl., of the "Liu,. Wu 1b.,. of 1 . . The beeline .4 Porwry land . I. Canaeot: an Adarvors Jan 1& iT°. '37,7 . ineabove tnn L. .ongt mcelved, mi fiur nale:by janW IL C. er(X."I'ON, Pio. 47 Market at - • • - _"' • • . . N ANO FORTES—JoiI 7.,r 11. SI Wax! stave% Lw nvel- WI knc!' fm. r . 1 y , t 1 14 , I nro a whia re Invariably rold a at.P..ston o prim, withrat a, r. rrtra 416,/ fin. traruptiai, or risk, oral In all rarer sarmniad. Old Pin. tak,.a In part payment at!. 1-lielr Taint, - • • . A avnt for the snit. of ClackerU 11. V. for .31ELLO it. L. 1,5 No, 81 Wood 0ttr...1 KEW BOOKS. ANEW CLASSICAL DICTIONARY ,If (Irerk and Roman Engraphy. Mythology, ond xrnehy. portly bawd upon Bo: Diettonory of Batik nod mon Itiogropir, and Iy - tholo.rT. Wu- S llll,ll . 1 - b no, pod 10, Anthon. Lorre of tb01(0....0f of Sof/Band And Englifh Prtuuts....• fly Ague* FOrirkitool. Vohlet. TB. Ltfe and Corpertoodenro of IL .1 1 .uthey... fluted b) hp fon t the Ih.o. Iv C. B..luthoy. 3Y. A. 1 m... lu The e. nJ An im.,41 the 11o•hrf o nheroacle. ..t. 11 odno-fdny oven. ,ng, Joon., 18, hot. br 1,. N. 31tIrrar, Ir. .lust turellod mad for tole hy - 1101 1 K1188. 8.1,1 78 Apollo Building.. Fourth ft AkT EW SI C— duett from 1111 - 4'j ' l36 do l. or 0 ' r0 "' ....f 31.dlarr, hough failhlul wmm . snow ,on.g. by s C ifelor I...forth rho •iort• my Abe, fair. h l S. C Yob's. l , l parr Us, thin hand of /111118, Ono., roaatear moo, or Trehradllln We utn• hot, rot: hum Ihn Danghhof BfBt. Bor . , .ecan n mile and touchino 1.81:ad. Thou hoot W 01111.1441 the fbiret that hood thee en Rol, or don't va remol/or ...rot Alter. TA.Soiree Polka. Io (' k'oeho. ...olehratog honott runLJooo..t , t--•••uplote. 11 , 4: ') B7l..!:.Ttt ' or, ' , i ,f4 - 11 ' ,"r '" :_ l iat Irp Ll 4 holf.rB Potka. 1.10. , ,at011,...—r0rt rag 1.0.1 hoot,. • Itoo. quo.llBllo, 1,4..8 Baku Al/ogltony 07111,..0. A n...0f [huhu • Icbgruotatuf to Paulo, *Ol, fix additional novr le.fronf. Cutooluun Yo the Piano. Iturruted Plano Yorto Prior, Itoroirol to-dny by -10113 11. BELL, It. •I Wood ft. N. B.— 1 . run 11 fggo o.'l of Now Plano. arming. and • 111 1. oh'n for hp vork. Pgll TRW BOOKS AT HOLM ES' Lacgor, Dept. Third • (Pvt. oppoflto the Port 11111., Bon, Ingul.nro: • Tale for 3101 hr, T 33144404,3. Br tir, Aguilar ‘tother, Itenomponfe. By Graor Aguilar. Itenkor , Itugunnt January. • W ranguar to tlOl. Tho Mortpr'• Itoootop.noo. a novel. Ito Aguilar. i Tba. tot Prod, .o two 1,11.171114. 4 / 4-3 43.4.1. Th.. Le.. 1.1, .lohl.. sti hogllBL To In, Imo! to tr. 1.8,1 -• tole. 'urdin. of Ilropeu,ok By 1 1 IC. 11, Tnold• The Bomlfh 1 1,1.1 t inenne Bo In, 11 ,, , 1, 7 , itepiy to Inl i' h .r a.ll. PI , ,7,.....L.,.... n0...,,,.....i V tho .. 0 . , - ,, ,4. 14, mh" •"“"cl i 4 *l'''' +-','".• ••'''' •• ‘ i " nuVu . nto ..,r ._,... th. ~. I. _ ....t le t Jo,. • ” 4, ‘" 4 't , '''m f'''''' ' •"d "Irv , " fo , ft-er ,-- mole -...,,i .. •r-.t`7,.....v....,, nil .0.5 fi,..,‘.... ..'r".l -1 ,,,, dt.i . ertu"ZnPrr'tenVtrpu' :t.l . ; .h‘ a b lvr .' sll ' ar d r7,,L k n . . ' l!lL.: . ~ sl , 0t .. .s ~ ,,1 ek.f. 0 t, ,,W . p , .,.1 . 1 1 r. 5 . 1 111. ....t,P1T. ,7 . 1 .....1r. u _mk, . 1 . t . 11, n , l_mley. nowt Jeetothic esti,. sires and mth.r., pialn. Olt. coils., °"‘. 'i . :7,,.”1,L,,:, ~,,, t:: ,:,•,,,, - T y;.,'1,,,‘;;7,4r.7 . Nell and glvered, suitable for bails, pane., waldtmt. aryl all ~:t . , , ,, ,17,,,.,.,,,,,0,..,,,:d, i n it's .. i , , ,, 4 , Pt lii' . ~,,,.,, ...Inning. French n0...a1/gloms, plain and embrasot latter ravel- ' ;''' • i''`'' s " •00•0' that aught I° •""••• ail hm••• brown white and blue: lekl and plan, altomive en Pmtutition. It is our dolt', when we , 'Mtn about a np.dp on.. • toc. that we write the truth-that we say nothing calm,- velimea. buth blue and white. 1, laud t.. Jervis« thow who my trust our wont or tut ann. Ilwf '''' ....l• ” • "'" f ‘" • r•" " .. ' 'f'Un. "'" f• • •• .I, e in ur statement. T. tick are very apt to .tteh at redsa and Turley hoz wog send boar..., Ing nressec. ' lobs. brasher, Vn.ne.ll and hntrllsh co .din a 1.,0k5, mil ,M . •" ' : Y thl•• • tha . f . l ri' i m ''' . "..e 4 fM• V I ' A•••• '', .. A """/ r. " L ,,,... ~,,,..„ , I a ~,,,,,,, a d w i,,,,.,,,,,,.„, b l i, ! bent 1. Mho 111 A / . Amu. t to arts cc t to tow. or gull pa,',"papen nu k lvea.,Ae. , . ,„.. ~,y,,,,,,hopponrof thous. • Note, we do not demure "' The onne. ' srith n all other artleissi • ln the m l teery Line, I to do 11a1, A ~,,,,,a1,,,,r,..nx.,m;:5...mi1i ,tu.,lnat,t,r'tZe.tr,uutrh,,,,ns,rrylalllnh., howl, tam , and staol, together with a lag ....,cry ot i o.te retnedt Hank Iss:lo , nut uteinernmlunt books of ell common ran , ' lull ' 1• ,f •- f, ` ... ' d "'j',i r ''' n e ",:,'!"l, i 7T, I,!' the rnu•rh , med. or nines. in oere, en .or hnecn,r. ant paper or au nuts I I-.. 1 ..4 .. 1 .. , 7,1 ‘ , 11 . : . ,,, , . . ... r ....c.. a..1 A nd nualitlos. fur sale at „alum) rule. on the malt neuron-to ''.f d ., ‘ r • f' s• •• . A • • w. .runts l estinusnY in fa. Ode tem, at 11. 1.4 HAVEN'S or of the 11. trot... Blank Bonk and Snolonen II archon, Nt tibtr, the punt two monshs. tan of our own eltlacas, nollt ii .,,.„.,. or ~,,,,,,.„n d irr .„ rini gignnig . to, nen. totall7 1.1...1, have beg, o-stored to sight. 5.,•• ' ..1.1 ~.... • ~, bi1t.111..,. le the state 11 ;;1110, hare hoett STANDISII, THE PLTHITAN, a T,de ~f , ur''''. Ah i .... i th ',. • i • i r ' '' 4•ll • •••Usf••• '•EA'••sr smuatY. I the American Ilevalution, 111 .. F.I.Invillnaysnie, Ilso ' T!",^;,, , -,,;;;;t;, , „:., , , , ,`,.,.;,"f„ar,: r h r fir un ':."7,,,, h ir,:Ltd.;:g . . gigot) of the Iletonnatlou of e Piateentth Crain,. 1 , c , Thew etuw, Isere cured after . they hal igen abandon br "..ioyohi'lv,t,i,;i";Lib.,9, , ,ii:;vl.7'.LL f of 11 , e 1 2 " J i r ... 5. rh ' ''''. " ''''''''''' Th. I' ' '' '' eu. will ‘ ..r ". K "' " .. ` 1 ' ,... rrsini:lrc Er It White. it s.. Tr ' ini . t) C . .nr. 7.,..f . ir.!., a nT,, 1 . 1 . ' ;`, f ,„ i ..,7,1 1 j. f.- }P 'ffh• '' l))•••f•f) . l '"k att ' llrcl o 4.1. .rtmclutu on the Pkin. . 1 .t r t „. ....), ,,, i t',.. iiirin ,,, Anii ,,,,,,,,. , . 1 , 1 liin __,... „ Pito hiss dn tbe fare. ehtlllllC .0, 1,1• M Ringworm. Totter, . I.l ' lll. ••• Praia „cal. mon , in the tones and joints, oil sores, Ulcers, latent' 1.1 forty engravings. tly Lewis Collins. 1 II ens, Agu,Chnnor Coughs. Asthma Ilroudditis. and all The above worke for ea1e,,,,,b,),-r.nkpliiii.ril,:rkP4,lliX:,.;dlitnTtli,..,,,..,,... ,ii.uuribm,r,,,,,,,,,....c0nindg,L,,,,,,,n,::::,::.:,,,,,:;,,,,;:,,,,,,,z:,,.,”„,:,,,,,,,:,..,7,, ~,0 • Q UTLIYE MAI'S-I'elton'inplendid Out rb• ri' f ' d 11•".• E" ' ra".4 NlP '' ' ''' CA ' f. " • "' f " ' kn ' . In art, It in a hat, ,11ALIA11.1.11ZA. nod he, been tried line Ilg. a.n. o,w Wog Introduced Mall the healing In „Lost of the 151 e,.. diseases within the past ) ear with the re erAr In he. England I n New York. We have obtain- „,,,, is.rfirdMccess Certificate., „mt soil agonb,„ a , i„ ed the men, for Ho; In Plttahontlk. and Invite earlier ii„. h a r,d, 4 Uy.• yl r ..p r irt a , who 1111 {y,,. yh,,,,, n , i y ,„.. 1.11.1 ...load (amt..... L. rail and examine thrm to ' IV haMver In them the Millet...l or their friends Nll. 1-311111111 Fl , % , estern lintrianhere. .1 1,1 Inches. others 11131 say algal their tnedlchno, the _., do Eastern .10 Jo Petroleum Is the greatest Iternedy of Cl,. age. ph,l e hn„ II do North Amininal re sal or [nab rtatallnu In Ow profesrlon are hegmlyinp to t y,a, It 4 .1,, hutted Paten, 7.1 aa2 111 001 prActiO. IMP,. who at hrst leginsluu with doubt de Enron, t, a s.: end .....rhunt, A, 161111 A to award it muster psai.. au ,' ti do Aso, 71, a .1. omeaderatton. Ilefom motlaer 'ear rolls „mud. a n re m 1.. do P. Atuerirn A A lee r .1i a. 4 ... pe led to twknowledge. that the Petroleum le W. great - prne a ti.....im . 1,1 ku. bpi; r.. Obit . 0 11 -. 1 . ...t nos i lichte over dlocsoerod. For rah, wholesale end re. phe, tlego..lll, key, 810 hul. by h EYSEII A MetalWEI.L. 14.11 Wad al. Thew mans., uneiralied In env , beauty and elseate A leo-n. E. Sellers, 57 Wood Arad: D. NI Curr), D. A. nes. ..1 1 ataldru ,std Pig It' achonls or Om Halted State. prlcor. P. ?11. KIER. t.anal Wain, Poventh and Pitts. Fen ale at Publish,yepg,s, with.grailtion of freight burgh. and B. A- Pallor/dock t (.1.- tV..0.1 and Front . shames, et the LOLCATIONA IhWllt pillith. mkt Corner of A arket and Fourth et. Morris and Willis's ome Journal. .11011BLISIIED every Satu , day in New York ~.1 , var. at Tao Dullare a ' , nit, aTable In all cases In rlnsansms or Antscr-MUce of I e Mone Journal. No, 1117 Fulton stn., Sr., York. I nor 114, Is.g.-T., MI •Igm it may environs: nos cc.; iry that J.ll. IlaLlter le duly authorised to yet a agent for Atoms A WILLI:S I A H o .. .111.41%11 and that all nr.lpt Alvan 1.1 him In pay ment for rald paper atilt.: duly acl owledant In us at the oglln• of publlntann, and it la expre sly agreed and uncle, stnral, that all auloarintlnnr nn o 'abl e „ n „ yni . in n. ,. v aura The now volume will commence on tin tont JAI tn. all. Suirscriptions received bz J.,ll. l llolmes...El l ikrd etrect, anisette the Poet Moe. .101 , 11. s a ~i i l ... 4 , ,rtand Proprietars. UN V ELOPES.--,Jumt received, a large 4 ty of buff. Mar i and white Envelopes, of all 1117 .,:w ?M: ' 11: 1'11 _ ,_. A w 111 ....._....._,, A . 10 . 111 , 1 ., 1 , V 5..N 1 , 0 ..5 11 m, ..b p ,n r i. 10t5 ,....7. • t 8...aw..b......., i EW B - 6NNE'TS--111uridiy & Burchfield haee oorn this morning 10.V.111 eaent Or Ye. Spring ionnotr. mail/dint or Coghill. Herndon Chip, Corigruion. Inn. Pearl and Naylor. Embroldond Itullande b .leony Lind, nod Altorm, Coburg sod stibin, Al .rive raze, lidos Petal, Embroidered do. Amen. Poor!. Vandyke, Prihd and Pouf. BngllY. Luton, rhi`and liunotable. Moon and Clithiroce• lionnetik, op pular of etylon.— Alen. sorrel. inbreed Eticlials Ploln and mixed lond blip do, as low se iN lYant.. Aka. illoyk and lyo 6n& Na Coburg. Alban. China Ersli i Ingham. 110.1.3 MEDICAL. COUGHS & COLDS CURED IN 48 HOURS. INCE the intmlnetion of this new Corn -1.7 sound. ennalyi and Cold., err rum' le a very .borl tun+ adl warrant Dr. Kr, un. , y.......4Cnugh, Cold, Brnuchltt, La:pm:R.lx. In Ir..tun , and 1,,t a chropy rat,. than auy uthrr turditior err:. IT il.th AN ENTIRELY NEW ACTION—The nld Cough Modunnee all ofeLen tho otrunarh and prodane nauera w hut u more clintureostde than the mutat: Ewell. Tble it otkei atod in titl nticturo. tor it a inaoant virt ,, L vui it rote the itewooy wall be mrvneirwl I The ev. , 4,11tY fooor or thin metteme In our old,. from our oar ouren...huuld onnetnee an, ono Ar offlorw, It 1. till pn , cend.nn of a roaular yhrenten. and him been nand I, loin h. own ;du11.... fur nutalar you,. with th. . . . C0M.U11171..% —A lady from Steubenville writes, thnt her dnoalster ruin hero tollirtod With A.relugh alai exte.ctor alio.. ntght •wontn. beetle fend all the dintno.stne .o motto.. of eoneomytion and Inns af4r Inking two 1...1. tie. ilte won ent.relt em.] A gentle:lmo in 15,1W:won eount, who had .ullered :1111 g lib,, ,, and l'honue Cough tor. to!”. • oar. hso in... 0 entyre lS e.11...1 and hr rough r0ct......1 I, the tt0...1 hal a dozen of indilen of thin P.,. ton, tn . , rut . A to utlerna from Peoa. Mende. writer Otto - ho know. the 1,1 yroo to hen g.nal article. for .. 1 he hai nod it in ho own and lit the eanes of menWer. of Lb hardly with the mold pepreet TII(TrAg. It . I , NI 14 TrTT. Cote." 31rolerto 301 r 1.03111—il 14 VIII lIP in half pint InAlles et :A cents eaily or eta bottle. for r, 5. Corsra, Stott. cream would . do well to keep n supply of thin medicine on hand all the time. on It lave of We most twrf..et and efficacious remcdiell ever discovend for all rough.. ami di wow+ of the long. and Incipient antawyspeion. t'A Vitt,: EXTRA—Many persona Will IST do om ou to r!l',V'i'r ,Ir ~. ;, ` , 1" , : :`,...", ! "1"::11'1Vri1rkh . r.0.5741,`""f. Stare. and take to • other, thin will cure you. It lan In it no me of the co rnhuthle planta and he of the makerio Rled l / 1 1. and In compound...l by itymeratm akilled In the heal ing an. Then. ran be no devephon in this moditine. It is ~.....yand in lour own oily, oinl lian profoirtor has numer. ..ur c...0011.ate• fr.= personi In our own nly. attedyn. IL. laluenlolo. propertief. whirl/ will be shown to arty orrnun ,fi.troun of ...dn. them. IVI,I. throughout tbr Cnlt4.ll State: Loma! II& Ltrxr diwunuOt w Dl be made to Chow who will take n 0 1111,r+I In the sar.lirine. It will my • last plurit to nil our nut,bufute, the. will be doluu ouffrting huntanit, Nervlor hy plaritur to their bands U,. arratelt for Long dire:v.4w the world low errr pnal mud. whohuulemud mtall. br KEYnll 51,1)01V. ELI,. ill lig,{jetn. 141/ W(A=4 flrr t. Pitt.buruh, Pa., to whom all Ittrwrf for.6.,unrie, muot be aJdnwwwl. tor sal , : by D. M. Curry. Allruhrny P. Itrucltrw, lr.. Iburrtuwille: tivor,..w 11.11. 41 .hiputore John 11. Llurhanon, Ifirkor, J. D. Vowell„ Canonshur, nod I,; Inerrlionts and ernrally. ELLE It S' LIVER PILL—"The eery Lest 1.3 Pill now. I, use:. KAN•VIIIIA COOOO 110C$ S, ViI.,JAIL {. hat l 11. r. E. E. Stiller.—Drar. Sir 1 will stars to you tit is nay opinion tour Is perhaps the ...ry best PHI [IOU toe as LIIW Jill, and IA surpassed by none as 011 Anti-Billo.us Pill. It In very highly ratertned In our en. m 00, an a family and bl fast supplanting all others. I 11 , 1 w nook frmo toy own exywriner. and front the ea ' p.virn e of 111•11% my friend. and cuetontetn. Yours tvniwctruilr. P. o.—l rllted to show the original letter, but not to publloll t h e writer's name. 4...rw11an11 - I.l‘er Pills aro the Original, Only True and Moulin, All talc, arc tvunterfelts Gr ham imitations. Porelomers, rrcolleet that E. E. Sellen , Liner Pills are the original and only true and genuine liner MIL and rutty Iv. had at No. 37 Wood 'amyl.. and of Drugglets gene r a lly in th. two ride. and Yleillar. 1020 TELLERS'. LIVER PILLS oupereedo all . 113thera. Chaelr st Sept en, Va., lS5O.—Mr. R. E. Srlierv-1 our fills hays become no popular In all this re u':r. .T! h 10 ••`'T''" 11 ° th - • ours. tn. ,Evtraet Gf lettrr.) JAMES A. Lkwie. Punita.wra rveoll,..t that 11. E. Seller: Liver Pills err the bud and oly.true and groulne Liver Pill, and Stay ho bad at 0, 07 I I oval ntrcet, and of Irruggista generally In lb.. two aides and vicinity. 101 l Ilt JOHN MURRAY'S FLuip MAGNESIAI.77 Prapanal under the I.:mallet., tare of the Inventor and eatablinhed for upuemb, of thtrtr rear s, Tlnn elegant preparation I, recominemled In all mum of ariditien, mutt. end gnavel. a. Um moat au,. n. 1.01 Itect and form In ',barb lagsnenia may, and nada , al the only too In whi ought to hemanlhala Pon ..nine ell the propertku fit Mug - undo non Ingeneral - r u n, Montt boirm Halle like it, to form dangerous morn,- tang :0 the bosaela: ogertnially cure, heartburn without Injuring the matt of the ntonitarla.er node. Mann, and thrir aehomata.n um known to dm It prevenha the la,' of infant. , tau...lg anion in ell mmen it actuju a Pleving ann. - Mot. and I,ulmely edupt.,l m fewthea. nu. Humphrey Imry trattErd that Hill mint:Oa of forma nald uhle mmalatintionn with Uri(' acid salt. 10 ran gout end irmaad. tberelay eountermtlug their injurious tendeuer• ham other Phil p.alkali and even fitinnenie Heel& had felled. Yea. lair Crampton, Hart.. burgeon Ornaeral to the Arm, in Imland:— hm. Sir—There ram be doubt that Magnexle. may he n•imluiaarnal mon. nnd , ly In tbe tarn: of a rumen: are to ton then in notantam, for thin. and many other .but opmaanthut the gloat alanmenla l• n very valuable mlalltlnu to nor Meterta Medina. 1•1111,1 I' CRAMPTON... Sir dam... Clark. Mr A.. Coor, br. Bright, eml Mernm. i/ Cole toad Hert.ert Ma, oof Lmndon, otnanglynaeornmend 31urray'n Flak! Magna,w a, being infinitely more and nanaeolent thou the nolid. and freefrom the dengee atkod ing lta• ecanntant man of nods or 'NM,. for aele lay the out, krmg, an . d . proprbang , n atra:Man, , It. A. MIN I,lta h (A. Cam. %% mat 4 ' , runt •tn. OINTMENT. , ONTAINING nn Alercurf, nor other A.:inetal. The Villo.rine It•Atinumial was given bv the NV..., Beach. the Roth, of the rtat mMi work eutithlt — rt,< , American Pra-tier. of 311Alictat and katni!‘ nrian." . . - llnripy born MOP A A: quaintest trutht6n lnyredlents u 'Leh mu:, as Me Allister Omtment, amt has. tug pryyrll sYI urn) Yslud it la wrens] Yams in my prise.. prneto, I 1,.,... limitation In Pat tog t.t . ~,,i rrittft that it t• ennuuniny tos mineral sulnlauss • hatotrr ,thst It. iu t t rudient , u.tuldurY tut they ore, diruets,l n propriety. ttn. tot only burmlims, hut of gr., values, 'lYlnts • truly Scientific. Remedy of snust Ines-, and I shun-fully resummenJ It sy • compound shish Lan dons must, wur•l, root whish is adaptud tly suss ut • unuavlty...ty of auyst. Though 1. have netsr rithur rstommstutyl snyasted In thu omle of moral men,rumtnl lur tly toil> Louse- sonwirntious. humane el..r•rtur nt thr proprisu r of this ointairt.t. and tlis slur Nry fork. April BEA B. It. dist,..sr,..t.h.y. try I. say thus much rt ulna it. liro•m—lt 1. ono of the host thing/ intim •neolforburna. Pit.. , --Thotimmoto unmwrly Clll,l 41 ailo OluMnont. :.nor fo.is in or nil kind, of Son, &Wino nominal. If Illotimrs anti N imam know if. solo. in mom+ of Simon. m Ito, would always 'APIA,' If t,••1... , tr,llmvtlous, it gisim mllef In a veri kr bon, nettuntl the I,lt en. tlinHlons for unnc ftleAlltoterf ilintstpttr Se-ntfula. Llet t ,Chatnlnfut. Ery•lnelna. Chtittitt in. ut It lf t eniti Inn th - e, Quincy, 1 , 0, Thronh hettnchttle. Net t ,. InAttase of the Snlne. Ilettll Ache. linen, I.trus. all Ih.t t n t at. hf the ttklet. Stet, Itattplett. de., Swelling of Out hnt, hon . .. /Mourn.- l'tltto. I h. 1.1 Veet. Orono, Strehol or Ilrftken !Smart, Ttoth Aehe. A.n.te tn the Farr. de. Prom the Then vs,. never. ,rhans. a Sledialue brought hern. the rot., Ono he. in et. -hoe. • thy. Iron •oeh reputanho no 11..14, or Uorhl •Inont •very nen,. that Lae ounletrinlo It enealte •-nr•niTtu I 4 Onno , In. . leen eur..l by it of the wont sinful rheumatism. h.tof the one, a third ~ f pain In the 'ld-. a !norh of •wellanr In the luul, Se. If4t dor, rot anuo.l.,.. rel.( every esee It can do no • •lU'M 11, r I /.11.1.4 - 0 ••i the vren.terfW healing r...wnr 11,t.. on, . the 1 , 11....tnk: fn. n encannu or Ma: /torn,. Low .r.Lnlttr, lu I.b:s Winter Clothing at Reduced W111..1h11/131('S Cheap Cash Clothin,; Stn, No. 1::11 I.ll.erly ntmet. I is. proprietor. the shave establishment being dnalron, of li.f .lug of the balance. of .bis winter stork, to make fur his extensive porchares for toeing, shortly to or ris, ha , . delerralonl. Mier them at greatly mimed pri,, for cash,. All dome who nont gocoi, fashionable and oil Mylr Clothing. •111 110,1 It greatly to their advantrup. to faeur him with la tall, am great bargains will he ottenal. pal New Boobs Jest Received. A LTON LOCKE, Tailor and Poet; an auto biography. I vol. limo, mom. a t d ogl i O n o r Mu:t r im...R o l alf h tizo of parents 1 arw t lll = l l , to . c b t= . e=cv..7l • remolornifo ° 4 the Oman tat Houma of limpenontative. of the Sudo of Michigan. HI pn hem Imm on oninteniontof public hotruction. 1 rot limo. moo. Abott. Now Book—llletory of Madam@ Rohnod, by Jobs S. C. Abbott, with eminvlnn uniform with Um tomer volume.. of tido popular lOW/mind min. For pale by PM it. HOPKINS, ix Apollo THREE PLY CARPETS--W.,, Is now prepared WWII (Ito Lunn enortimMot of Han ply Carpet.; now offend In lids market, sod or.tha taint and most approved style. and pattern, whiell dllmt Irmo Pb. -Importers and Mot approved Sancti. In the um ° . Qat M the Carpet %many" No. 66 tourtn it. 6639 MISCELLANEOUS New Nude. (c 1 RAND POLKA DE CON; Effi A CERT rtoruud by Fraolila ~ .....zt ch: lldb. t l?mateam!ant. c..t be MA., a gang44- I :f.y If nvarnamponitlina b/ the qme ancbur. A" ali U. late Pabutaa. Huai., Lamed by the esateret Mr sale bY linnet for Cbickerton's . M Woad et. • NICSIC—Where . nre lye friends of 1.1 mi Youth; by Bach., Nrtnethion hae.et'to Sou. Tho in llobk iu. ing. o'er the Dar. nemland Home... ore south dedicatal Ma Lartiv. Nen lingland, dhe I ein far Anal. Oth meet me or the taller chore- G.al 4.:ht. !My Heinen on the rooter Lea—lVendbary. Lily Ithey. by 6. C. rooter. mr Native Village. by G. Barker. The St frit bore. It the Mack Shaker! Eon; and Polka. Would I were with the linker. Ac Lea Adletn.. Merv. ext4•neire collection. of mw Polkas. Walt.% Tarts. tinny, lel AL.'. eopply of ••!iner Cannitta Berm^ Cantle. 4eamlic. acid an excellent new work, called the ••Idelodlob° colleeti.rof popu ver lar b and social Kenna harmonised and teh x bn o btasotdir i terace of &WV Golden Harp, hlo.lol Third st. ••• - - lIE HISTORY OF PENDENNIS. No. 8, he Win M. Thackuey and 'the Queen..., Neeklare , or t rwSeerotlin.ry of Otto Court of 1.0111, disteentlb by Al ....der Mamas, hare b..en reed, and to West notnve Literary Depot. No. 74 Third et, rebid - 0 bushels lels Dried AnnieB forsale by 50 i !.,• J. Dl ' GIRL wanted to do house work. inly al ,0 Ott, e, LA11111,74' tegs for sate by I LITTLE & CO. frOBACCO—R) boxes 5 Lump for sale by McOILLS* ROE. QCA RLET CURTAIN CHINTZ, of differ '? • 111 MIS'S FLANNELS, a Demestic Article: Cooed lt.: t to e Whie. re Barred. ,Groco. ettd lalLterlhe RI.. to a the of flit MURPHY .1t BMICEIPIELD. DRY lIERRING-300 boxes (fresh) for .15 rale br utebs WICK t McCANDLUS. pALM OIL-1000 lbs. in store, for sato by :oche MILLER .t RICKETMON. Cmetel LARE'r WINE-14 hods. Bordeaux; Mit ses Nedoc; _ MI ho LLER at RICKMON. HALTT SATURNE WINE 15 Ws. 115 . 51 Sat . Fsls W 2 1M for .1. b.. melve " mu.= k iticKirsoN. ' EIV BOOKS—Andrew's Latin English &Wean. By L. /L. Mulrani, L. L. D. Boyd 8 Yu-- NT , • • The !eland World of the Pleifit. Dy Bare. Ilestir Chef ver.l2 ow. MEM The licm:1;of brad. By Once A. 2.11.1 2 wag 12 ton. mu& B 31alle ks..rille: a Franconian Moir. DT U. , anti.. at Bo" oo 1/ . ::s t i. m.c ifo ,j oL d ßezdtes , : i tu i r. Bp Err John T. Wright ft•b2l 74 . Amp ' I INSEED 01L5 bbls just received, pure 1.4 Country OD, and for sale by ROBISON,LITTLE k CO, , I,lsB • No G 5 Liberty Axe- i shels Dried Peaches, for sale by 8 50 bu - 1421 J. R. DILWORTH C CO. 4 1 LOTIIES' PINS—IO cases Eastern, for N._.) *rat. hr foll' J. D. WTLLIA3IB a CO. (..; 11. 310LASSES-25 Ws, 13 half do, 1.7. 8.0.. Omural. lendlnr. thnnertmr Emitrr State. Ibt . 4'1.:911111.1% MA171110115 1 CO LEAD-4;50 pig, gat Galena, for sale IT (b 95 MATTHEWS ic a). CI UN DILIES--7uo lbs Prime Feathers; C... 00 dos cur d Corn Dronmcrc .910 by Derr in-and W.Glascr. did boo Dry Ilerricnr: • SO Dv. prime Enlend= 9 bids Moog In Atom and fee de by • 9.1.29 RILE f MATT 119.993 COO: Alll Nll-19 bake No.. 1; 11 Ettr• Family: on ronglgn went and fur nub. br It3ATALI DICKEY d CO, (0,21 Water and Front N. IVILLTE COPAL V.ARNISLI-25 gals for NO, by feb22 J. KID D* CO. ( 1 - . 7 111 SHELLAC--'lakes) lbe for sale by J. KIDD & CO. p Apint CORKS-2 bales for sale by J. t