HOME MATTERS PRATtIisOR. EsitIISOS'S LlCTl'lo . .m.—Profassor Emerson will deliver.bis feat lecture this evening. Subject, •"Worship." We trust that he will have large audience. . Too Coos ER SiOi , r. OF SALVT PoTER's large concourse of our citizens assembled . yesterday, on (leapt street, opposite the Court House, to witness the imposing ceremony of the laying of the corner stone of Saint Peter's, anew Church, which the rpincopalions of this city in tend to erect, The area in front of the Court House .was covered with ladies, and every win dow overlooking the. ground was occupied by spectators. At four o'clock, the appointed hour, a proces. sion, composed of the Right Reverend Alocao Potter, Bishop of this this. Diocese, and the Reverend „Messrs. Lyman, Taylor, Crampton, Paddock, and Rowland; accompanied by the Church Wardens and members of the Vestry of Trinity Church, proceeded up Grua street to the spot where the excavation intended to receive the corner atone bad been mode. The stone itself wan hollowed, CO on to receive a copper box. The Bishop, stand ing near the corner stone, said: Chriation Brethren—lt is decent, and proper, and at•reeabl e to the precepts and examples of Holy Writ, that in all our doings we should beseech Almighty Gal, from whom cometh every good and perfect gift, to direct tlei with his most gracious favor, and to farther us with his continual help. , Especially, therefore, when we are now assem bled to commence a house which is to he set apart to his honor and' service ' and in which his holy name is to be worshipped, andhis word and sacraments proclaimed and celebrated, by the ministry whom he bath commissioned. let us • humbly and devoutly supplicate his assistance, protection and blessing. After prayer, Bishop announced that the box to be depodted in the corner atone contained w copy of the Holy Bible, and Book of Common - Prayer, together with a paper on which was in scribed the name of the edifice, and the date of :its foundation, together with the names of His Excellency, Millard Fillmore, President of the United States; William F. Johnston, Governor of - .Pennsylvania, the Right Reverend Alonzo Pot tar. Bishop of this Diocese; the Reverend Theodore B. &yam, and Joseph P. Taylor, Rec- Itar and Curate of Trinity Church; Messrs. John D. Davis and John H. Shoenberger, Church Wardens; and Charles Shafer, Bopewell Hep burn, Robert Robb. George R. White, Thomas lif. Rowe, Wilson McCandless, John McFaden, George Miltenberger, Charles Rasp, William Witty, James Dein, and Josiah King, members of the Vestry of that church. The other deposite_s ;O•Ve numbers of the Ban; wer of the Cross, end the Churchman, the lour ad of the General Convention, and copies of the Gazette, Post, and Journal, of the date of Mara Slat. The box was then placed in Its receptor she, and covered up, and the corner stone was laid in its place. The services customary on such occasions were performed, after which the Bish op delivered an exceedingly beautiful and appro priate address relative to the solemn ceremony, 'the celebration of which had assembled them .together. At the close of the sermon, after pray er, the congregation dispersed .The atone was laid, at the corner of the ves try TOMO, which will front on the twenty foot al ley, intended to divide the "old basin lots."— 'The Church of Saint Peters will front on Dia •mond street, and n ,space twenty feet in width, will be left before it,.in order to afford sufficient room for widening that street, if it should be -'found necessary. The building itself will be ssixty feet in front, by one hundred and twenty -# length. dectnss - 4—A furniture wagon, loaded with the effects of a fainily removing, was overturned yesterday, on the MouongalTela wharf. Two young ladies who were in it, were much injured, one having her collar bone broken, and her head dreadfully cut. We did not learn their names. Conosta's NeCEST.—The Coroner held an in- gloat on Sunday, 611 the body of John Miller, drowned sonic weeks ago, in the Allegheny direr. The body was found near the Marine Railway. ATTEMPTED SIIICIDE.—A man whose name we refrain from publishing, attempted to commit suicide in the Sixth Ward, on Sunday. lie got out of jail, where he had been confined on a 37 cbdrge of drunkenness and disorderly conduct, on Saturday, and next day he ordered his wife to 59, leave the house, and fastening a rope round his stock, he tied it to a hook in the wall, and jump ed off ntable. iris wife, suspecting something 13 of this kind, rentrited in a short time, and found him hanging, upon which she immediately cut - him down, and he was restored to animation with considerable difficulty. COURT OF QUARTER SESSIONS: MEM Present, Honorable William B. McClure, Pre sident Judge, and Samuel Jones, and William Boggs, Associate Judges. The case of Commonwealth vs. Samuel Wiley, Indictment Assault and battery, alleged to have -committed on his wife, was continued. The jury, after having heard the evidence, retired, and brought in Et verdict of guilty. Arrtusoos SESSIOD Commonwealth vs. John Thomas, Indictment 'breezy. This is theeclebrated Allegheny City case, and the defendant is accused of stealing a large quantity of leather, and boxes of boots and shoes .from Messrs. Parker & Mclntosh. Atorney Gen eral 'Darragh, and District Attorney Flanegin, Appeared on behalf of the Commonwealth; ;Messrs. Magraw and Fetterman for the defend- ant. The officers brought in the goo& alleged to „tare been stolen, wrichplmost blocked up that pot s:km of the Court room, allotted to the members cf the.bar. Mr. Mclntosh sworn—li carry on the shoe bu rliaseness o:‘Federal street, Allegheny City. I Fir bom.4 and shoes at the east, and also man ufeeture theo. here. There are from fifteen to ,twenty-five hoods in my employment. My stock was appraised at ten thousand dollars. I bad boots and shoes, both of my own and eastern ;manufacture in m,l- establishment, in January ;last. I base experienced great losses in my %Lock for the last ten months, and bad made en •quiry about it.. I trot saw some of the proper ty which I had missed, it the Mayor's office, Al legheny. This was after the arrest of Thomas. 'The 'witness here identified a portion of the boots and shoes which had been brought into court.— IHe testi f i ed that he bad lost nearly two thousand dollars worth lltsigether, of boots, oboes, and leather. New locks were put on the doors, .by my di rections, after my losses, but I still continued to mitts goals. The doors in the morning were al trays, as I left them on the previous night. lam acquainted with - the prisoner, John Thomas. In the month of Jane list, he came into my shop and asked me for work. I did not give him any --he called in after that once or twice. The • guide were found in his house and . cellar. I was obliged to creep on my stomach into one Portion, where I found some of my goods. Cross examined—The floor of the cellar (wbich liras a back cellar) was Eo vered with straw. Ten rffirlys before Thomas was arrested: I bought a aural= of sides of leather, a portion of which .1 used, and found the iest in his cellar, when smarchdddi. I believe them to be mine, although there is no mark upon them, by which I can identify Valentine .Eteck sworn-1 am by trade a shoe - tinker, and Worked for Mr. Mclntosh, in Alle gheny City. The witness proceeded to identify a pair of ehocs which he bad made for that gen tleman, among the stolen goods. Daniel Wilbur morh-1 am a shoe maker, and • •-• Enke edam shim, I worked for Mr. Biliatosb, and find several of the shoes I made for him, among these. Adam Null, a shoe maker, identified several pairs . of shots, which be had made for Mr. Mc- Intosh, for whom be had worked for nine years. • Neverial other witnesses identified boots and shoes of their workmanship..amonget those pro duced In court. Mr. Ntewart, a tanner, identified several sides .of sale leather, which had been stolen from Mr. ldebitoilb, to whom they had been sold. . The court, at this stage of the proceedings adjourned until nine o'clook this morning. DM,Cr.IMELLY CONDI:CT IN A CUCIICIL—Two rwarig fails, whose names we refrain from siring, Is:tasting chat they will not again be guilty of a • similar offence, were yesterday brought before its honor, Mayor Guthrie, charged with being guilty of disorderly conduct in St. Andrew's church on the precious Sabbath. They were fined ale dollars each, and discharged. • 7ilsinucars or TIL COI, —A detachment of U. 13. Dragoons left Pittsburgh, yesterday, on board the steamer Amazonia, en route for California. They are under the command of Captain Ran som. 1 COWIRELL'S PANCIAMJA.--Our readers will re collect that this heautirul panorama of beetles in • California contisues ui. exhibition at the Athe neum gms —A emu l frame house, on Fulton street, vig rotorday burned to the ground. ! INCL. POILATE II .—We are pleased to learn that th e Le g stature stature lus palmed an ,art, incorporating 1 the An c erseninn Apprentices! Library, in Alle gheny qity. , Con , 11-rm.—llia honor, 'Mayor Fleming. yesterday committed James Williams, a colored mo n, toprison, on a charge of larceny. Y TELEGRAPH ritom THE COAST OE 'AFRICA. - . PHILADELPHIA, March ill. , The I I rig India arrived at this port this morn ing, wi a cargo of ivory, 0i1,..1ic. She left Bea. tutu, wet coast of Africa, on the 234 of Janunry. and Po t Pmya, Cape De Veille, on the 12th of i Februa y, having put in there on account of the sicknes of th e Captain and crow. Bess u was very unhealthy when the India sailed. , A Belgian bark had lost all her crew, and theiCaptain was compelled to engage a native to takeher to flora. i The ndia lay four months at Benny, cut at. count of the unhealthiness which prevailed, and the Captain and all hands were down with sink ness atone time. The captain, mate, and sere , rat alders of the India died. 1" • The India left ut Port limega, the U. S. sloop of war, Portsmouth. benringl the ling of Corn. Gregory; and the U. S. brig Perry, Lieut. Foote. The officers and crews of both vessels were well. ! FROM BUENOS AYRES. NEW Yalta, March 31 The park Mason Bainey has arrived, bringing dates firi Buenos Ayres to ,January 21. She brings 10 news of importance. A letter from our Charge, d'Affairs, W. A. Harris,! acknowledges the marks of respect to the memory of Gen. Taylor, adopted oy the Buenos, Ayers Government. I i e The acket ship Washington arrived from Liv erpool esterday, with 5 cabin, and MO steerage passes ra. Making a grand total, including of ficers and crew, of 1010 souls. The only death was that of a seaman lost overboard. I iise•-• • i FROM VENEZUELA. 1 - .PHILADEI:CLIIA, March 81. ' I, . The bark Thomas Pallet !armed here last i i. night, txteen days from Puerto Cabello. Aco espondent, writing under date of March 14, sa 8: “ Business bas become quite active since e decision of the Presidential question, which . 80 tended to restore public confidence to the mercantile community. lam under the im pressimi that the country will continue quiet for a period at least. All must and will depend on the codrse of the new administration, which has jest been installed in office. 1 - I mmsw. 1 , MOVEMENT IN SPECIE. : . New Tone, March 11. Port l y thousand dollars in specie was, shipped for Europe by the Berman, on Saturday. The Frankllnand Arctic will take out about $BOO,- 000. It Is'reported that $500,000 in coin is on the way ck to New Orleans. Pri to letters from London represent the mo ney ket as being in a healthy condition ; also that e Bank of England, with an increased 4 . lino _of bullion, will probsbly reduce the rate of int rest. Am rican stocks were id good demand, with out pressing on the market. The liabilities of Austin It Spicer, who failed ; in this city, a few weeks since, are officially set down et $1,200,000. They decline making any statentent of their affairs. i . Ncw YORK, March :31. Th typhus fever is very Prevalent here, and a great any deaths hare meurred from it. 4,..,, 1 I PHILADELPHIA MARKET ' [ March 31. Rumness generally has been very dull to-day. Cot n t t —Ls in limited demand, but without ma change. Flo —Tho market is dull, and inactive.— Frit range from $4 311165510 r common to extra brands. • ()ruin—Wheat is in limited demand, but prices are utchanged, sales of gotel to print.) Penna., at 96 '97 for red, and 1O; for white. Rye i 5 eteadl, at tlOcc. Sales op° bush. yellow corn - oat at 60,0101 e. To bush. Grucerieupplies are coming forward more e ., e 1 and more 15 doing. A cargo orLagnayra ff and one of Maracaibo have arrived, but en t yet landed. W key—la in limited ,request, at : 221c . in r7C S. BALTIMORE MARKET. March 31 Flo. 'ales of 2,100 bbl. H. S. flour at yl bbl. in—White and yellow *corn is selling at to a` • 9tl bush. Wheat! is unchanged. Pr. 'aions--The marketlis firm. Cattle—Ssles of .1110 hand at s3€o e goss. NEW YORK SARKET NOON REPORT. March 25. Flo, l nv—Good Western end State brands con __ouctin goat demand, with no noticeable change in p s. 0 •n—Wheat is in limited demand, and prices 4ce l no • 'at 98€1,100c for Ohio. Corn is scarce, and ' fair demand for eastern and home trade. Private advicea per Canada, in reference to breod stuffs are not considered as favorable as publish ed accounts. Pvisions—The pork Market continues good, l' with fair demand for the trade. Old prime is sel • g at $lO 123, new do. at $ll GO 11 bbl.— h 2. Sal of old mess at $l3 123®13 25, and of new do 54:13 75 - tR bbl. Lard is In good demand at 81 a 10 bbl. Omceries—With the exception of coffee, the demd for groceries is good, with some improve men in feeling. New Orleans sugar and molas ses qje selling at 53 o 63 . . c per lb, and 80} ®3lc il. T cco—ls In moderate request, with mode rate inquiry for the country trade. Kentucky leaf s selling at Bic 'V lb. iskey has a downward tendency, with no Oar sales NEW 10ItK MARKET. CVENMO IRIPORT., March 31. C. ttan—Prizes hare declined 1 with sales WOO balea. Flonr—ls firm with miles 3000 lib's at former pris. Grain—Wheat is dull, ;sales 5000 bash, yellow core; at 66}c lit bash. lrrovisiona—Pork elOsed with a downward tendancy, sales 700 bbla at $l3 12013 75 for old an new mess. 1 worm. [ CINCINNA TI MARKET. I ANCIHNATI, Mar. 31. Flour—Prices have d Mined 5c 11 bbl, but the demand is good. Sales of 1200 bbla at $3,4564 $11,47 :el bbl. Irakey—The market is heavy at 1716171 c 11 ion, which is a slight decline. Groceries are steady. Molasses Is generally held at 33c. qovisicauf—The only tale was 1,000 bbleprime at fier? Ib. La llie river bee fallen 2 feet since Saturday, and is ow stationary. The weather is warm and . clo dy. . pm. 1 / Lomas/us., March 31. The river is falling: Slowly, with 7 feet I I in cheii in the muse. The steamers Griffin Yeatman, Diadem, and Shenandoah, passed up to day. . • craw Bonnet and Hat • Wasebense, No. 105 /iARICET STRUT, lii,ll. PALMER offers for sale, at very . owl prima, a fag areiortenent of Straw mad Mill tryfiftNAltForelan and American lain and fan y Erma, Braid, Chip, (limp, Milton, tom, Oh io, Pamela, Le; harn,Aa. se. 41 TS—Alerea, 'Moths', and &ye Lephorn, &MCI end w 'arum. 11.111. and Palm Leal Ire 0, A t 1,7 Z. o n! " . Braid. : 41 1 t , ml , err ! ., lid, mad other faro:o4lu dTe•I. Tari• 'trEidlAlN'Vteblionnid. and Scarf. plain Bath:Land Tar- U 4 '!;ontc;-:-I?:.ager4-apiAftj-g:adi4,.„1.u..,:. c..... Netts. 4.1* R.JW TR 1,101 I.IV G S—Cords, Tenets, Buttons. Braid. Peleninta , 00., F.4",Z)::Elfs—jdre.Wt and American Sprites, bundle , and '"lty.-4,IIbEfLAB ~r,IrZI TlNN—filace, ona de Ns. plea, tim. do Rhine, florenta, and other atria', warted ''..so4.444—Ztsited thaw and color, Itch and low isiesa Parasols and Urobtella, Saud ac.. &a. enehlB „ ---- OfthIMIEAL- 40 bus reed and for sale by ably _ S. kW W. HAI:MAUI:iII. SUNDRIES-- 641 Drind Prarho, 110 bbl.. prime N. U. 2M.1. bOO bbla. I hmtatiort 5.10.13wr, to arriv!, for We br mehl9 lIIIEY..IIATTLIZR 8 dt BOOKS! BOOKS! VOL. lat. LOSSING'S Pictorial Field hwk or the ILevolutluo. Cloth. Zalldtl; tso. 12 Pictorial Field Docket the Itarolo- .. tido. Pamphlet aeries i.l.;l4•2•Er akhle. • Franconia SW,: by the suthnr of Rol- P.: the Aren.7c., bY the autto. , r the .. Wilroingtoos." ..bettice Arnold," ^Mooed:sat hell." 4i The abore works put rreelvee and for lode by It. C. HTUCILTON, Ilwaeeller and Stationer roch24 No. 47 itartrt wart. TALLOW -20 bbb,, prime, for sale by tzw..ku _ .Bi W.IIARBAE(.II. T , ...... ...- - ONDRIES— kg •16 ockg , Dried Arad.. DJ 601 a. Green de: " relid peeked Bunt, it= In.'" all ow end dunlillor 3' ll do ..ud bbl. DIN* mcia9 rialza' Libuty 4 LIST OF LETTERS FBI NINO in the l'ittnburgt; th - ita the I,th of m larrh. to the lel of Ap o, ril. for plm. th are ad La .lie List A Ailaws A A limes Allen Au:l Armor Sarah ADAles , Ann AndersLni liebnera Armatrong Klittb Amu . Farah A Antrim bIS Atkinson kinnia Puskslia Ball Lucy K neatly Hari Bowers Susannah Bail, Mr, Wro S Bear Eliza Kett, Mars A Burch Sirs Thus Scsitls Ltutus lirandentuSu Lydia Kennett Ann E Billings 1.011.3 Bryan Susan Lknosit Lucy Hinuhen. Ann Kruuka Sarall A Perim:et Mrs Bug, Julia Ilnurn Elias K. ~,,,,,,i mar,. A Bousbraks Elisth Ilrnun Kan. m o w Mary A Elnusn Carnlens Bothusll Mac,. CaAl Six C 01111.14 '3lNry Cox l'aharine Mary A. ealltnA Martha Corry Nn Barr Sarsh Cont• Sarah Cont., NaryC. , er Fah , . C.lli,ltaw CartCotlun 1:1130.1 Caaiyl• II Iltullna Collier l'otht, Crteker mnt. Elvirn Cucat... err , bl LarNt Chamb , rll 3l Elizth C.,,nvay ilery Crrcl, F•Et.t chri.o.. Mary Ctalval Mrs It Curlew. MarY A letrk. Ca Clark \I lto. Cnr an Jenn Clark 1:11., Cosrna t'ar-Alt 51 .rY Clark ',din arA Darragh Sarah Dickson F:liza Donahlann Harp A Dail, Jane II Diver Hannah Dunn Ann Dvsilt nary Diann Jane A Duncan Ilachrl DltrihADA' Dougheri, 51argl Dryar Nancy 13 Desna Iron Rebecca Film tin J ielt Wlne J Elll. Marla E. W Ann Ephlh Pheba A' Fogg Martha FloolelagEliath Fratwk M M Faulkner Mary A Fon Eliza .1 Fraud. Matilda Ferguson Mama Yorayth Marl" Vra . l Feramou Miztba AVaater Reheat.] Frastrr M A Fergunma LOU - Ford ttailth futkloaaer Mary Flater Saran A Fuljatabe Ella Frankallseb.l el.ansaing AunabelErcanuan Mary .1 Fulton Mary E and Mary GeGamma . Ass (Maas leabella Orwan Isabella hiecty J thwhorn Mn M dna.= Mar, Ceorge Sarah J Corm. DlMEklrahanrMarai M Upland Elias Craze M Graham ET4I2 Ass (Moon Susannah Greer )Ira Caul Crab= Mazy J 0010 1le Mara A UfIAA Mr, Child,. Ono CII A Oloastord MrJ A • lint! Amanda Ilertmen M .1 Honeywell 51 J Mormon Ex person Alarrey July A Iloupt Ebtt Hemmer It .1 • llrnintl Mary Horner Oh Ilarbrund Fraud. Iteuderwen Mre 11 llornieh Lydia Ilurkinm H Ilenonlngray CY. 'Lunt 11 J Wean:Los Clara 11111 Mary A Ilughent l arub IlnyOuu E M HMI ' 'Jumbo* , I, hays Emily Hughey Farah 1111Anw 1 11 111 /. Irnu Smi Irria I. runct Jackson harah Jnors V J i th b o nz t;s i James Mar A John.on. A Jvatino...."A Kerning, litAtiellii Keeler lir... li Kinsey lii A Kane NI A E Ken It II Kn• Jane Kneiran Ilanara Kelly Nancy Kiwi Barrier Kent Ann Kelly Mnil King Sarah Kepler Nary Kirk Cth Kurts Al Keeler Harriet . • Laughlin g Aurae Little Jane • War.. ILlisa Lauhlin ther Mar, Lunft-oy KiAsh Lind uur Jena,MattaMa Lu Lu new Niro 14 nn. Ann • - Mary Mackey Itell Meiehaa 3lalouey .Ellen Mackerel Sarah Mille !Ulu -Warr :iamb Mackerel Ellth Miller Itikn Matthew* Ann Maul One MO, Mllkr Mlle Moran Sarah MarAall Sarah Murphy .1 . .Vartland M 3 May Jan.. M.lholland Alarrbeatl Marla Moaer llhe .VallealLaral Sarah 31yrrow Camllue A Mcrell .Varray Mar, Morrow Moth Morvall A U 51 • • ' KC Mcl.llloo Sts , A C men.w,ll Mary MM.lan . Mart Am 31eCardm 51ra M McDonald Latho Met Miff equal McCarib, Sane, J McElmo. andget WED*. Allot. Cauoland Mr. McEadeu Mary MuLuoa.n Marlah )Icl:4•Hmta M J MrFaden Nal., McMuter arch E McCullough Mr, LiMeUarrWllhrlminaMcMaDou Julia Noble Martha NlchoL.ou Owes. Moner Ozta.. Eli. Ifßaolon Ceti O'llara SI, Juo 4/o..rn unlit+ lien 1:41,t Lobll Payne Julia A Paciii AA Purria Payne Mary A Pattersou All.hath Prior CAlitio Poiriral Mary J Patter.. 311 - + J Prim. Ilary Parker Sarah J Philips rsarah A Price Ersticiii Patrick Urine Peden Sarah A P.M. , P Bay Mary A RnPOCIFT 4a1.11a Ridnut Marl Rabe Bath. Richard , Sian J hahrl 1t:y..4 :iamb A Richard... iirdaliAlirdrin. Mri 31 11 Biwa SUN,. Richard.. kW, di 1 0. 1 . 1 . 1 . 11 . 1 . 1 . 11 lieraicy Alma J Nye. Biddy Sesto 51artit6 .Mn E Ii Sam. liannmh Mn J J11, , n Mlah Sharkey.Ann L Stewart Hazy A Shaw Catbn 110.11 A smith Jt.ehltine sumo- lietwra RI , . Mary Smith A Myth SLLlliran Jnn* Shruirr Cathn Ymith Faith. St**l Itewhel shuttir,worilt.S. Smith iamb Stewart Jan* ,h 1,14, Jen. Smith Mr. ' Stewart Shthl..n Mundt t , aivrlyA nn tt,loannt... 11;th Stovart Muth Tuttle ?tart Tray Bridget 'natal... Tr R•t* Tolley Oahu aaral. )1 T.hotn,, n ehrlutut Tolley Ilrulyrt 1 urto, Mart 3tun. Si'lnbar% Mar; We+tlr euu Waturtcht Ahaxall Williamson Asney ICbralin M. W.bt , tma Margth Vihn, Ilitlda A Whitt ettrah War.r,tl Mr. 13 Wright Mr, White Nancy L Cret.b Arnido Wtaalt IlanuahSu an littleb Mar, L Wsrl Willittutt 11t7rtha: Young, Young 31b. E Gentlemen's List .Llama no. V Ando Adollla Anther Joo Le Man. John W Albertan nand Arbuthnot A Brown Adv. W.I. 'Lk...lld, A Add. do. Adam. Datil Alexander ABort Aotlei .1 Addo (sane • Allen : , anfoni Ashero J. .Dune Wm AIIIIIIII, I ibtvt Aucht... W. Abel A Anted.. Dan! Aiken.. Jos Aaron E B Air.... Slwan Aohforl Henry Allen Ileacklah Artuntrona AI; hurt). Arai.' ' Allen 5.11 . An. Wm B Barker Day'al BIIIIII'II .1.• Brown Nathan Jr Bork. Perry' Beall CL. 'I Bmwn Alen Migrate 11.11 A Bra , BBinn h lngto n V , Bran Noll ! . 11 k i te 0, Biddle Kn. lir.lley .1. Ball .1. Bind. Mr or Ora Bran. LAO %led Andy Dirket.. Philip Braeken Inthoia Baldwin Zvi .. • Biddle Wash _ Brackn, dire BNI 11:Vt•O'...' llli.o01"0:''Illlt"" Itrth ' y ' Al Barr Chu II Bum ATna J limed Lowia Bark John Iti.ell Cabin Wu. CafireF W Frodk Bingham JOA Co Bryant J. Bark. Bart Thor Blake 0 11nOingO0 it to Barb, P ~. Wakened Wm Boorke Pat. Markey J. Blarthe Jon Barker NIT. , 11 J. Boldlu 'Bury Bono Wto 8.00, Boyle Ch. Borland li artley B are;' 8.., Menu Boyer Rob. Burl Mr Barr Ch. Dowror Elijah Bosh Lll Ifril W W Banton Peter Dorm K 0 IkaattY J. &deo J 1/01. Contain. Benton C C Boyer Beaten Bum. Itobt Beggs Jr. P Bond Ben) Bull. Wm P Meeker Joe Bog. C B Boaluager LI Balton Thor Brown Mr E rrkey Peter ' Berger tn. Brown Ch. E or. A II 13,13301.0 Al. Brown Joo W lye. J. Boltrhooner I% Boon/ A. Lbw:rare Butler 800 It Baker Quinn C Chalon A Chop.o Jno Connell Metal Cartncrool.Alaz Cheyee Roe II lbw., Moo Carroll Danl Cli.e Andy Co o Chas Cawley A V C li nton J J wl. George w C Carseell Jr. Clarkelia• J thiwdy Alex aekey Jere (land tie Cyruk Coory A A Carter Jna Clark P J Coyle 31.0, Cargo/B.IV Claypool Felix W Cramer N.l Carnahan J. Clarke JO. Craig Wm Cato Preoley ' Con. OLI Crawford J C thaedily Jon Con. J. Cr. tor( 0. Cu Mullin. Co Th. Cratty Kola Ouster Jon Colli ns llina Band Cr. Rat 11 Carpenter 0 N CnonerJ A Cr A n J. Carroll Bunn 0..110 Wt. Cr.. AL.. C 31111,11 JOG ` Cook Bs= N Crawford Be Candy JmoD Connor LI Crownan 011 • Camino Annatnangt.ole Henry Crowther Da thttorno Polk Connor J. Coll./Iwo J tWdwell Jno lbogor Jon T Combertaou Lea. L'hainhero A C tnok It Thor Canal/iglu. li W CBI/rub/I,Jc* Cook 0 W Curti/la. Chatobera Jam I 1 alnoils Peter Corllette John It Cbrinty klePlier.nCeute Pant Curti' , Nleholao Cheo.r Kohl Cookie Henry COIL. Joo Chapman J C Cook Karol Conolngloon J. ChllZllberlio L J Ornk JI/ Colbert.. ', - ,nrol Cool. Mende.. DAWN. Den Dean Wm_Jr Dmirmlll J Daeidnon ii Der:minter Ilea I.lollgh • rtY W. , Damon J V Dilworth Dr Daniel tiarri Dslmil Road = l t . wi Dot p le j r ob V u reil W2, ' , SA W Diet/win TII Dryden J C Dallas Dr. I temiry C e Unice 1 A Davis Enoch Dobbs Geo Drake J Il Duets C 8 Mold. J Drane 0 L Drinker J T Donuellw T. Fdel Darr Ed 0 I 'II Duke Joe Done 4'; wa Co /til l ers,. ti. Donn Du! ran•AW' D" - rrnea l‘ t W ' on ' Inn n _ bol d 31 Da . llois Jen bold leei Dinanan I W -Debra.' Jon E Eagan John 1:111, Wm Erans Th. MawW 3.1 Fdrierie' nR W Leann J P Erhart Wm Eunitht Jim Evan. J Eaton T It Elinor Mehl Evens It Eimen W dorf 111 Ellin A T Einlbare Francis Kills m . Elliott Dr Ail Rolm , thei Elllion diaml • Faso.ll Pallet MI/mon. J& co French Flan Fawcett. JaA Field, eansi Fn.ler IfsAlin lre ranch Jaa Fleming Wrn Frigid J'S Yenta B e Firming J Franklin .1 W trgll.tl tS. Flinn Bat Vraaler Win Fonday tiara Findley Pal, Frnet J SI 10, Verguaon Al 3 Flanrgln John Freght J Fellows D W Vier.on T I . Ilma J. i Vo it t . l.c ,4 rlrJ d u f;....,,1p..yr1.1„Artin frial.cv Entt Fuller Wtn It VieberJ V Fun .lobe: - Full/in Jul Vintlei A Frew.lt Arnril —Fuller Jll I i:h. ntapatrick .1 French J, rat Flrncle l'elrr Jr Jae G GalluGher Wrn Giffin than , Omen TII ag Gallher Chug tiiiMore Arch Green J 041u:cher Jan filllegper J W lima Ilarnard Gallncher./ (1111e.yes Jubn orng Jo. Gllhreath Wm GllehriG. John Cower Jan ,iatudng Geo 0111ott A J Onfilth l'aul Oeigincer J ' lillnunc W J lariThiu Wm Gubler .1 Ghddou Don Carl.lololth %V Getty Ja, Oliddon .1 W Griner Ed Gullugher Cat Glynn I' W (ince ROA Gardner WNV GliGglnrd And Gruy Alex Gardner Thom Gordon and• Geer-Gray J J ag t, limy an Gardner A J O , AI .Ins Gray It T Convuor 3 Outman NV II Gran 0.70 Gillmny Thus Gormley V Graham And 011nin John Gould J NV Graham Bold Oltronn Gen lifolfYVY J Graham I) II (Gluon Wm Uurdun Exl Graham 0 11 Graham IluLt Ilall coI liar. Tbo lloll.d F 11,414 C 1111 In And Havranl Wm 11.11 F Ilreknnta J F Dowell JII Hall Plunl Ilea C Hopkins J F flail Wm Henri W 4 Ilopklne Pat Hamilton Tbod llentlmmt J. lin/land Th. Hamilton 011 flcelne JOI 110..001 Jen 11Invna Pat 11.4.01 Wm Ilot.man J IlayrdoOry Henry Ilobt Uoyland TllOll MAW 0 A HewlerPon Saml Unurer H F Md. Go. Henry E W 11. , Pat }tw' i tlentlemo And Ihmler It W Hammond Wm 11 /lender... A Huh. J . IlannltauJ Redd,. Tim Hut g a.. IN . m II nit.) 'Th. Ilignins Th. Hurlbut , . 0. II:norll J 111ue,..n J Ilugh. Nathan flaalln VI. /110000 II 11 Ilurtm. Jna Hammond W./ Hive.. 4.... Unth‘n.tb W. Ilarkin. 0 Maw. Moon/ Hugh. J /lot Ad • Ilvnl.o Jll tivctr4„, 1 1 o.,p'Lzi'"Jszu 0 , 4 8 . V. , 'll.lco. 400 .1 8 11,2,1 Vw" lillui..tgaitf.. Ital. l 0 11 us Wm Uncb.Y J. 0 _ /Watt. E U INA... Wm 11,1., +um Limallullo• J.k..tio Junin J H Jitrwe CMG Jliiiritian Pi V Juana MIA H A &Amnon J U JorliG J JariG.nsi J., J 013.4 4 ,13 H Jortra G. Jral.rsßm ,Ja.ot M Jordan Atid Jamison IV .11 Jan,. H i• JoniatiJw.kual Junt., L Stine X Kane Wm Kerr J. Kllhrnif Bryan Kane Nlartin Kerr Joel Klouder U.. 0 Kane Iltram ,Kerr Cl.• King Ed Kane Th... Kerr The , Knnal , un J Ktillr IV µI Kelly .11110 r. andKnoa 3 , A Ke..11 I Eruod. Knox Wm Kelly Adam Kelly h Klngsler M 0 Keno. W., Kell) .1 King 3 . nKen] A J K , IleY Oran Kyle Wm Keep, Loa 0 Kelly John Kerr .1 :s Kelly Then .11 sll , 2: t.., 1V Kerr J Kelly Jut IV Krea & Boyle ' Kerr Jc...e filler Vahmond Lamb Jno Levin, 0 J Logan .1 TV Lake Th,. IRagno Edon Iminu It T I.nneny Felis Lowly Mr Taylor Long 'blur Lambert li o B ,L e ... J.,, long D II Lally Palk - Levis Jco Loom T Loll) 3helmel Lewis Wm Lowry J W Lan.ol cool Lennon Bob Lowry Ebeneut Lerkln Abram Lehman .1 0 Lynch Ch. Loonblin Moon Leslie .1 P Lynch Owen Loot John Llnsban D Lyneh Nothi Lorimer Jos Liston E. Louder Jesse Laughlin Urialt Lindm•yßootrankeTLond IFTJ Lobshan J II Limo Jos Love Hobs Lewis 0 Boiler Little Med Love Mr 6th St Leonard J. Linn Chas n Co boadenback Jae Mange u Peter Metcalf J SlortonWin • Mainkred Meed Char Meal. T Mator J Al Meek Band Slaloughney Jno Metcalf T Alaildork T Minahan Duni M MMna orr l r 9 C PM Ir I Mack...llTh. Milliken Jar Morel,' Rohl Macklam Wro Middleton T I. Mooney Clad rint, - ;r: - BHT:, titir,.tv,,,".ljET Mackey J G . Co Mon. J. Malone Palk Milligan J. Moor. Ikon . Mahon J D Milligan 'Philip Moor.. J Atoll.. Wm Miller J It Morrison J. il Mahoney Wm Miller Nkbolaa . Mu llaney et R Modica. Thor Miller Ueo 11 Mullaney etcyhm, Mar.hall J 11 Miller A J Mullin Coo Mathews Sarni ' 11111er Jao Mulligan Jno• Matheo• Th. Miller JOG Munn Th. Ni.well not, Millar haw C Mulruny Pr 4 M.lrell Jao Miller Cant P Pitt lions. }T AI Mryrr Jno • Miller Rohl Murry Al. Alawn Rev IV II Miller Jeers./ Mum,' RlOl Michan Torn Mitchell Jno • Murry Jas !derrick A Co Mortis Jr. Murphy Wm Meyer, Jonathan Moran Inn MurPhr D1M1121 3 Mrellan Peter Morton A Murphy J. DA il Morgan • Mci Fruucl. Mco.mm/I Juo Malay 8.2.1 Mcgt, Wm 11cl/onon Wm 51c61111.9 ADD M 3145 hide Jerome DlcDocalellJuo Alchelvy JY Ilcßurgle T McDonough elms AlchcausJas McCullough Wm McCluire Falk McKnight John McClure J. MaglL Llenry !IcKulght Ifto McChezucy 1111 !Sunlit. Drool. Met: Wm McClarkeo Robs .11cOlum Palk ' Ale Robt Nlcelur. Joh. Illagru Juu. nut !ice! .101:1 MI 110.11 no 11=11 ' 1=1 • Nicest. Pan Ma/ II 311.• Mrelgrulu J.. NlrChurshlllitobt McelcsaJgc M&.1.3%.• SlcUrzth Fruncic 114.sughl. Wm ArchLl ilcauerr 9 gull .11c391111u Hush McCabe Jou 31rUrsoli Jtw ocotillo 11 llcearni Arthur flolluler 911 McWhlrtrt Pole! Mreaule, J.. II McGrath Hugh !IcquDlou Auml Mceuougll Jan McCiarr Putt Maighhuo DIVA McCcughey Hugh Malign's Th.B C 111,inuagby Juo! McKim.) . Ito. McMClncic J A McCune.. Jo. McElhinny,' Jae 1131cAlghaa Chun Meetly* W . McKee Wm MrlFhlaucrAWb McDormot Batumi 31cCuIcbeoci D Nell Jar Nolan Sand North I; L t a 1 4 4 0 kh gt? * a ir rauaa. W „lank, Jar N ....man Fru • O'Donnell C O'Donnell TO. Own. Jot Oberlin C AO'Ll , nour Joe I. °oral Abr. OA John . Orr gam.= Orbit, Jou o.lefunl Yew J tY Daniel Wm or .K Palau Patk Patter.° MALL Pierunt Rapt 't• Palma Jno Pattermn Jet Plena Llrtak Palmer E P Park Ands Puleen ilea Pau I Jar a Peter,. ALI Powell Hictid Paulin I' Penney Wm P ' Porter &about Palmer Wm Patera Orilatti Powell tltintl Palmer Theodore Pork J P Polour Jog Parading Ptak Perry lee Porter Gaunt. Parker PA. H Neon. Bazol Pratt lintel Partaxmon J N Phillip. Ma PnUtl Mr Patter". A Phillip. Jo. Prentice Jan C Rankin Wm K. Jou I. noggin , II •Co ' RaJelEff Mr TheatreHeed Moses . Ildgeralno Rafferty Mich' ' Intake Wm Rodgers 0/111/.2 Ital.. Dart.' Kn.'s. Ram' Rodgers R Reiter JSvub Ricbroom' Hos J Lk.Um. Steldtxu Reamer Jnx Ritter J C Reba.. J J Bunch Jaron Ittre Herr' &Intranet D K Rednereal. A L Rimmil Jou Wane. Muer Reymblz r. H Reillt Palk Malheur k !finch , Reynold" Th. Richey 2. R , Robin*. R Reynolds !no n 'homburg Peter &Memo Jou g Rem' Hon Rlt Rosen II C Rbit.O. Jr.. Reed Wm Roxburgh II C Ruff II F Rovti in, Rug Land Jdlata R Remelt+, Mt R,...1 Wed" - Rarer,. IMnI Russell Wm need 2 11 Roberto Wm Itudotish A Rod" J no Sander. Tim. Shank .1 P. tinders Frank in Sander. J D Sheddin Capt Wm Speer Ju 11 , Sanders T V Slewin Patk Sparks ler! Sander. A Shell...Li Saml Sprague Win saw... Vr.Maa Plower A tails Merritt T hos Sariviell Dolman. Mark Walter Stehley J A - andman ft It Sletth P M Marano Sant Neb.., Ga. Silk Jan Stevenson David Peon liEn Salami. Jam Ste...swop Joatios San John W Smith 1 II Steward Wu!. Walt Hugh Smith tiaras Mother. now Sant Maher Smith Jonathan Ply: Wield Win D Sant I Forri.vter Smith Jut. stiler Geo Prot: John Smith hoht Stnithern Thns :Ova Pet li smith Tbs. Stinson Wm ibert Wm Smith Chu Strother W Se S. Peveranse Icvl Smith Jaa Stone John Sechriat Ilan Smith Dr Wm l Prffirrou Dnbr ' SechrDt A .51 Smith ALftwd Stratont Riehd er Jas Smith Hear, Strtasur Caleb Snklin J'as W Praithfton )1 SaariJas Pharral G W Smith Slt& Co Sullivan John 31:e Shaffer David Simpson A CartL shva Patk Pitntwon Wm P., Stitch `Van sheaJno Siman Iv wia Porn Joo Sheridan P Smiley !Orr, .: Swift Pratk Shiel. Wm Moires Wm Swords Patk TiSrorder ilectrr Loydre Peter Swett's, twital C Mica Jon Snivel, Christian Souders [Ho Sherman Jon Taylor CI W nateler. gbiim Bremen W 11 Taylor J I' Co Toarr.Jtmd 8 J Ts,tor AA J Tbmayaon h. Tnnlkl J B Talbott J A Tiernan P.t 10.810 .1•A Taman.' Fran.. Tinker Jo. W Tuna Wm Taper Harman Tltil•Jonath. !Arable A Taylor .1 C Towers W 11 T 111111.7 Anba Tar lor Jo.. T01...r Mchl Trapler FrIKI la. Ir.r 1 Toni Alex Trovlllo Wm To; 10 , 1.c.) Torn,end A 8 humble li Taylor Al.. Tormar• J SI Umtat V rim +. I cl..b Ta . m os e= cal Julc mn t 3 . Vs.. C Walater lien Weekly ti U Wickman J IT Jai Warne A Muller Wertaniaao Rob WILA And Irelitek J Weiser Wm %Sideline Jolla Wall P Wralrh Jae Rimed ?noel , {raker J II Webb LI • Wilkens. Aiay Wakeimm Thin Wrelie J Wilk e Oro Waletel Weber Severio Wi gg leggi .1 V. 11.-. T I' White Wm yOro Wallace. Pat White It W Wi1k...U.4 Walla,. Wm White CriaL,V Woolelale Mlliel Ward 3 White Nalh.o Wool John A Mar- Ward 3 T White J tlo Watt Jae C White Mehl Wolf 3 A Watt TII i White W Woodville Z {Watt Milton Wheehm Vol Wiatelavath•J 0 Watt. Wrens deo Whiting DM Wtical Clma Wal t E Williams.' Woalvaril Bfl Walton Yea Willa - iv .1 F. Waal , John \rather, Art Wlllama GI W Wolf Joe Warnock Co Willlella All Wright C J Weller Jan W Winter Unary i 0 , v.ktt 1).04 1= IL 1 Young Alex Youtur Wta Zimmerman DanJai Initiabs. I' A • titeanaboatVirginia. Captain of Cbief Justin+ Marshall Villr ITV " IA?"' ?' 41 11111 tirnee - - ili Monument .. - 421 Unto. tfl ' o ' Clfigolrrn ' i ., %ll . .. No. 41. R'. A. of Errnlng tit. Temple, Na 69. • American Pialaion of Min of Tampranee. Kirarlorir4 " " . Von Duau , l9o 1; . • trA1707 .. - ... Thotoni. , .- ... btu of flow " " . Piot Mn, Plitainirgb. PA, April lot, 111151 . PAWL 111/S6lll/8.0.P. N. EFILAISE. 4,ZELLERS' IMPERIAL, COUGH SYRUP. 171 —" ` . 1`...":1%"c' d gt hii erfar Mr It. K. Sollere—My children. lite °theta, h. , e been suluert to troublesome °ought, mid had cud 41f/ergot remedies to very HMIs warpage, I teas tued by adver tisements about your Cough Myren ve4t a tee. I eraland also to • falleXcare theiri bt"" . I hare rocommetaled it to soy nelgloteraelld do toed cersurioneiously bailer. that it 1. tbe hest rough ratellelne that has ewer been armed to the Public ANDILLW Aitasnatoul. Parents should not pirmli their children to euffer trom rough, when they may Le cured by a 25 ct. bottle of this '7urs'aared SELLERS, meh..% ""i' 67 Wood M.., a/lassie' iteuersal. QMITH'S HORSE RENOVATING POW DELI, compote!! &WV of Vesetables, wills...tore to Immediate health. This Powder is lorahlable 100 the core of the mimeo:me dienssn to which CMOs sod /lanes are hin , . vlc tilsooder.lossel Strodoe,ll.lde Boolo4,Loesof ASDetite, none DiateMpor, Horned DisbemPer It Cattle. shoo the bolus of the Clot, alsol Rbousostism, commonly Bled Rid (retools's:. which proves fatal tom moor TM* . 7girl t erhi t "e1V.71,71i1 h a;c r or h f o n' oro rs, t* Tlg i ff Mood; It on aloes s nate nod certain cure for n lhe atfrlCK eo fur Coughs sod Cold. ohlrlo seem 04 th the ash& of so many fatal dissolve. It ill ONO cleanse the Storioseh sod fro 41, fr0 Wilt... Or., SSA Sesta:roam the stomach sod For so health) . actisu. ' For sale, wholesale or retail br I. . IFIC 13 KERPIIS M. metal 111 Maaq W;F:c.. ARCH-50 ixlxes fur male by HARDY. JONES d CO `U IIIItIES— LI 'Ln iil l e lrac o r li c tralual Lard 011: 11 4 half. Mess Pork; 114ron Ilarra,ELonidemand Sidra In smoke Leman Id Lats. ilackerr3; far ala KIER JONES, ram.' Basin. L A ! ,, aB OIL-20 N.O. SUGAR-25 hhds. for solo by. • whIS JAS. DALLELJ., 68 Water et Investments. 1000 DOLLS. PITTSBURGH CITY 6.; no .1.... Douglan Houghton Hini . nn C 24 100 do. Hailing " 2do. 1:. 1 7itZi‘... Rook I=l IhHE KICKLEBURYS ON THE RHINE; by W. M. Masterly. Prim. 11:No. n Warwick Wowßanda by Frank For mMar. Dictionary of Meallanica,,No. bd. lbswired at H /LAMS' Literary Dart, tartar Third st.. °mails M. Pod Umsr_,_ MAOAZINES FOR APRIL.— lodey'a Ladyl ook, for Aprik Orablona MAMMA. do.: • klartain's do. do For oo gals al lOLMAk oschl7 Tbinl l AL, opposite ury Ow Prat ismoa 1 EAD PIPE--CornelPs improved patent brad Pipe for hydrants. Pn A V7l%toßama All slats on band and to t arri . _ for a 1O ' kLikANDLA °DAMON. ROUSES, FARMS, &c 4WELLING HOUSE TO LET-NO 45 Mina Street. opposite the Third 11,1.fletion Churrli. tr. i):;;A F h!':Zl4"iro:ti...n4,,,t..XPCit',ll= room with slot thol cold water !motor. shower bath. Cr. Situated curtssoleot to bollosaa au! market sod to a quiet atal phnuant oolabborhood —apply on the p.endem. For Rent. • - 91H} ACADEMY 111:1LDIN4iS, "n Feu) lame and oubstautial udding. fort Y..x. en Acn.b.us>. c.r ,1 . 11 , mr ; vlren irunlialt . lk s F i rdre c: Oulat:tf ...rcter Gerria.o niley end T LET—An uFFICE on Water, be— t7p JL twee:: Marta end Ferri . oliveta. Enquire nr JAL' FOR DENT—A DnAling House on Third atmet. above and near t.• Stluthnold. be .T4t".7i Also—.l),r IM 5 in the Ninth Ward, Eetvean P"" "n ." and UWV..A.bl'alitlgi:TON. EM=EMN Valuable Real Estate for Sale. PXILE SUBSCRIBER offers fur Sole, un favorable terms, the following Beal Etta:, Ink . ity of Pittrborg bl , No. C I. Three valuae throe nor y brick' dwelling houses, Becaod ree k e , t i,,, bfZegi2d b ar y k , l d eLl p d Ferry cornet,, the IoG below No. 2 Contains 67 feet front on Third street. mijoining fourhird Presbyterian Church, on which 11. and one tory brick boos.. yowl as a printing ofilno. and OPP two story Nick narwhals. , No. 3. Two lota in Pelham. Bearer eocinry, g lots Nos. 3 and 4, below about ion fret Footmen which teem, 1,1 one block of bur frame dwellings, and our separate frame dwelling. all two FUnie. high. No. 4. One lot frO feet (mot on Back street oPPcolto the above, and extending to the top of the hill. No. 0. Two teach lots. each PO feet front, and ruing from tho rani to low water mork, on the Bic Beaver. One valuable water lot, 100 fevt on Wheel with ton shares water power attaciu.d. No. 7. One lot opprette the water lot 00 feet front. and extending to the top of the hill, on which IS erected one two dory brick store and warehoww,2! hr 60 fort also one frame dwelling. two stories tinth. No. S. One large lot in New Bearer county, op . about 1411 feet on Broadway, And anon , feet dtwp. toutaining WIT. on 'stitch are erected two large frame nga and one wadi frame house, used as an nitre. This property vas formerly occupied la) Mr T. C. Gould, all , le err Pleuwatly handed. lel. immediately oppowite the Valiston Bridge No. it. One water lot. immediately below Fannon Bridge. being &twat 100 foot In length. and extending nxini Wnler stmt to low water mark. or towing path The above property .011 W wold OpplJ.l hoe hook vote of 11. ~ o n rery, , favorable teorn nach2l I.b.urnal and Poet too.] Drug and Prescription Store for Sale. A DRUG & PRESCRIPTION STORE ,2 In Pourt•hlng ned Improving part of .voy CO Irt BAIRD & 111111114 SALEI—A largp Brick trolini2 Ituum, and lot of Ground. nu Hank Lane. All.. doing Latin., in th.. ell. • uuld find It rouveni Fur prior I.r...ll;rcus tap ply to mrGli BAIRD R IRWIN. I nt FOR SA LE-- Twoo eltoieo LOTS, pleamant ty ritual"' fur print.re4l‘l4.ruN.... frond. Du. 2i Rut front..ttd :I`,7L'LL' t 171; ' l _4 l " . 11., For r 4 , 9 1, w e 11. IXlN'itfr but J. NI PIiNNUCIi. ToLET—A V. AREIIOUSE, situated ree on Water Pt:. betvonn M .nd Ferry •teeet..A . lut table an the Produeo buolneem. For terms. In. quire of JAMES DALZELL. • xnehb No. hi Water 4. For Sale. 11.11 E UNITED STATES HOTEL 2 . , BLOCK Or BUILDINGS. Ibe eon., of Woh..: Ingann and Pen nand fronting on the Penn aYleattla Canal. In the Call of Plthdatrah The Lot fronts huhundred and forty finn. Gad on Penn ndred and nine feel nine Inch.. on IVaahluat..n to a twenty fm alley Inquire or DAVID UREk R. No dui Penn gt. Land for Sale. INE TRACT of 3211'Arre,: one 'tract of Arrewone Tract of 20 Mews and two Tracts a au Acres earl'. All the above lend 0 mar,. or km Improv ed, of Scat rate quaJity, bad aril 1000.1 la Monroe rv.. 11., and sill be cold. to rail surchatr". very los )or further particulars Ila,loo. 11. JOHNON, Incbs 112 So ST mali at. t) LET— A BRICK DWELLING, with err OCT, gronal anaahnt, atttuLtmt atn lach:l (LARDS. JONES B 11.1. VOII RENT —That larl..:.ilw,•lling aftsch - tr,';`;',°.:,V,..T.,`?2: tTc.1";••.".,17.. k it a ttA on Uhl! street. Porrm.anon 'riven nn the bflit. lint *if For term, apple to 11 boy, ilmentian. RC. Totten. at the Fort Pitt tlon, feblSrlapll V V ALUABLE MILLS. FARMS. AN D LOTS FOR :IA IS—Tarr, large now NIIIt 1.1 • Saw !1111 on the hearer Creek with the merest.) watrr Mar. • well (taper, ed I. no In Lawretrraeonntl. Prim. &Som.. Also. • I aryl of lit are, on the Ohin neer. too, rally. below Deaver. are 51.... , mr. A 1... rrnr. of Itormrea. on the "trio rive, 6 190, bele, Deane, for te.r aro.. Ale, mat acres /or 8 18 tee arrn. Also. far r f I:Ar, end ort r. 4.;:. Lx fl;. per a aere. , ar ono alter 1.1 prier& I:plalre of " P .6 G. I. P. FFTI-1.111311N, . . Attoteeys at Las and .\,f 107 lth et }IAL ESTATE FOR SA I.l:—The under .iialed oda.. for /air • hams nuaila, of Sliding lots, •nd note.e of sit, for amnia's, tortes. le Me Iktroliah of nirminr,ham, tastyoluesz w Pu 1.11.• tithoul Mu... ant Enatidb LattitirinChurrh npFI growth Rirtilliithata Ia Lopolation•nd manufsciaritic wealth. nowt bb. tir - ta whioh sill pold. will milder those sof , Aral prof:labia in vestment Tit!. wrfert. Tema favorable Vet partkulta..od term~ ea h. of U. und.r.1.., , n1. at li,. °Mc. of Gear, Esq.. on Grant'mast, tit, burgh, between Third an! Fourth sltisiet, or of Mints= .r.ree. tn and N Patters., at their otitis,. In Dim. lugha. _ nt.M E iATON. FOR SALE- , --The subscrilier 01:1,,rs for• 'air • ter, arid .oil built brick Mous, withareil or llama *errs of a round. sna,sl ttte. Fourth street Enna. wit hln'thrin. wilts af 1,1. Insurisswiti airva on Liu Ist of April nest Alm. •miry ilgrourol. containing orer Foos A ••itli • sarlea of rAisilhait water Oa mon. pitiaatod I Uree ahoy, Aso, lot of around to f.a.t II In.ibe. br IS feet. ialtole- Ina Mir native... of Mr. A lan., isr the rev, opts.sle. thr arronth M sol i on narfliania Asset,. 'I , . iession seven truntisllstili II is noir iwirtoin shat the limit( lined 0:11 nnnr.b.in purl or ,n n Pmlerty wrlr 1 , 1111 tint .terms. Iyr road. rrar Ole Tr4A.-Arrtio.l 1 08. ItENT 0 IL SA LE—The ~uhseriber ...II or rent ho. .err dercrable titular, lic a gLiia . Alkctxuy Ifil 7 tru_t It a lams donole L ' nelt In ...torten. ontet. Slum is earlialtr house, snable, and west—a-at, on the ground, whkh ernaprin. two octes. veil lot pn.sed.centaininc trot', description o h air.. rpri. Louse and uLHII hcose Poarenrion .I rmoit. nirrer decired. . • rSALE Oh pE RPETU A LEASE .in for risk or on perpetual loam. one lot on nu gran, feet front by 100 lac( to Faxing alley, al , joining N. Ninth Word Engine lion.. Al, ono mum..., bounded by Lawny. Carrem. and Alle,rherly mete. and Pprlnst Al/ey. being 21/4 h.. on Liberty. by 120 In Spring Alley Al., 1,4ta1 4:1 frontinglF/Tolman nurne dlatay °m alt* the Central Railro c.n ad It:ptd., and onnlairong , //Ave. [Jan2o,l:lf ; JA , II,4II'IIAHA. '.Eare Chance for Capitalists and Mantifm- • • tarns. rundersigned being agent for the awn .atolgl for sal ,,o e a number of town lots In the town -of MI 10.' 91 To'g"a2clht::ritgecottog...s. and MlrgilleVa d llanal. and the aml'Ponn eylvazda Itallro ' s7, now nearly completed. pa.. through ' tali real mate efforts, paha., the best °manta., lately offered, to tan-soot who may wish tmeage In maw. ufseturing of any deeeriptloh. The abon.nreand cheap.. of all the means of living. the supnif of seal tot fuel for steam power, the andit quantity of wml brought to this market. as well . the facilltlea for tranfportatton of manufactured p articles, all combine to ma. this one or the comt desirable/ oo.r establishing manufactures of Imn. Wad, Chtton, frul.d of all descriptions which is now afford ed In the Western muntrf . Several Improved Carlos, In the nity he Cum/ and Rantoul. are almoriered—a tract of 07:. sores of excellent timbered land, lying between tatteral and Railroad. and about half mDe from the a lot of about ven M adJoixdog the Italiroed Depot.edong one Ode of .bleb MI tract p.m" and on two ellee. street, of the town Ho Lel keeper" and xnerchano. do •ell to look at this le ft. nay eon.. elsewhere. The pmition of 51.111100, In the beast of . asivlrultural kglen, not aurpasaul by soy the °rotary, ot mw II nown that It le d.meal Yillb`rtNßSlT to 4.W... th , t , row to It to Into all who wleh to make gr.] toveettoenta, and examine this uropurty. Title ludiepotable and Joshuangecilt given If.dedred. Ifon. Andrew IV. Loomis and Ilan., Led., of Pittsburgh will girt Information ;r ' trl ' t s rl . 7%otls ' z r za= ir. " b. --Ir. by signed at M•Ifill011. Feb. I. Isl. rebid:gad. ADDITIONAL BALE iForty Town Lots in East Liverpool, 0. recent unprecedented sale of Lota. in the have thriving Town baring nem)/ •abintid" , t Dratlown laid out, and the demand still cnntlnuing,, the underalmord hat been indoessil to lay out a Portion M PMPerty In ban the. an. above, and offers them for rale at prime and term" the. cannot fall to meet the thy" of thaw wishing to purchase. Ma muslin. , to say any UMW of thilocatlon of the Town and pumped" (II Laskin been rafadently dmeribed In resent. tivertisement", o th er than that over one hundred lot" have resently ehmmed hands. bl and hero purchased by Mon. wishing to procure a dealer e home. ab[tve loto are among the moot elletde m} dn.irtai }, l to the place, and are prinripally located In the maitre or tb rn Info =ol . poly to the proprietor In 11, .erP0. } .. , to Jlll.ll }Rotten, 14. Fourth Al j rnt. : . , lregr A lt i . J. ,.. febaditattit Gat Liver-pant. Feb. 14,1., . Executors' Sale of Real Estate, AT AUCTION. WILL BE SOLI). - in purinntuee ,of the I hEt WIII and Tostart.. ot of Slartin Lowry,`lan• ° ,of Pittsburgh, deo .1 on .londay the ;Ili day t f Ptrt r j , I..firehittlrogl°,,";kttnAhl‘Lle.:llgrne.TrlVlMY.' Il.o' the tiro nd. altllate on ltuur, 11111, war tne hew Basin. lo the Six Ward, nottaining nearly OV I , itelti.. being part of I ge plena of ground whteh was bold undivided by the said 3lnctin Lorry and ottorr an I whirl., h, virtu. , of te It proecettlinte in Partition. hi the Inetnct Court f tb.C.unts of Allauhen) No gi. January Imp I , lg. Ira, vetted in Inert rah, to the heirs of the maid Ilarthi Lt., rY. red by nu te.• snd bound., te as by n fercioT In the In! Ireton an t plan lb. reunto annexed, and other Prt. ore.tings In the ia,., hod. will now folly and at large by prat. . It 1 / 1 unnecessary to enumerao the ...bluing , of too to.* re Property, .vonananding an tt Owe, ala autilul to r lot n( the en) , Bud the two ewers. helni, ,,, eas, o i f:ti r ot„Oe ' Of ' lnVl7lll:lL7l: '' ;:u n e7.; r,--a d l ' rb u e ' y 'a nn• ' ••,1711: , .., tor a plan of the i mwrty owl further inform.tion. or le to Ittrur, 31110hal Lad Paltnet Annnley.A. l (. ..m....i.” at La, FouNtreet, or to either of the under•ltoted 1.1 e a , c ,,,, tl : irs of th• Will auti ltetal j zoZlLl l ;l:V i tti t irTY. .1011 N COI.Wk:LL. Jolt N N ht , llTll. 4. U —The satomlttir Lot. containing about the ennae ouaratlti of land, I. also for sal, mcli.P.kw --,-- Paper. RIFTING, WRITING, and WRAPPING P.u.aa —4,F ! 2 i!,PraLt.g 57 ;6 w r :14 800 1 . 2 by 2 , by :Si, ` , l " "13:11: by 48: 400 " Blur. Ekclor, 12nper 11.4X1 D yingle CrTruSITU 0... • 700 31..41= 3Z4 ModiAttn and 5111.010 Crow .up• The andatallun'd keens et...tautly on hand and for aale M .rrha,,Ma for Haan, a' large ` arsineeral a•aortment of Ruled. Cap. Latter. IlanPorare, a Papers. Llonart Itunln. Le- Ala.—Felting of all olzrx. for on mar. uf.ctu ""' Prlntlna Paper male to order on s hort j nttiz iE .. (AIM COMM} of POI= nod Irwin sta._ . . REMOVAL.—Escusa BrssETT, ‘Vllule tal,oromra and Destrr. In Prdsine. have IVICIOTI•d M. I= SeGorid. nsul 121 Fl.l twtwoets Wont snd Ealthlrirld Pilasburgh. .433, AEATING BUILDINGS—We arc prepar to Jrrnh anJ erwl undl butitlloo Mod D.ll. Wtillarn, — 4;PS% OK FLY ttoalon. .1.31 SCAII!.. ATM. DRIED RPI'LES--10 bu. sup. ll. Apples; ?..b4 IIILLriILtRICKETSON. R-50 bblze m O x. Lcdco. STEAM BOATS: FOK ST. lAMIS & ILLINOIS it', Er.—The ppler.ll,l pry ;v....war r ..,.C 5. ..!' 1 0:.. eteamer STAT:II:IN. J 11.1,1 Courralle,. rum, . ~. mauder, alll lelor 1.,r the abure u 3 ,1 tutertoe.bete loon Wedneolm., the al April, el 10 A. AI. ''" '''''b' ' "-s'lW.PB.liiiiki."ZiiVric. Sgt. 1. 1 FOR (TN( INNATI &ST. LOUIS The will M..,uner .1. Q. ADAMS. Luce, ter will leave 4,r .1,,p,e brill luterru.tiste ... , , . po., un Ih. AAI. 1.1 In.. ar 10 A . tt. - IVOR NASIIVILLE.—The fast , ra . unias ...s.crilEN EV A.Capt. WilkinAit on 11t.5.l rthh:l.:l7c.':."•ll"4'..l7oi''''''" • For fra,ht or A n. npl 1,,N01{ ST. splendid , j: hag Buther, ' comolunder, i s for ahove and Inter moaner parts nn Weeter.ehel, 2 d , 11 . M. . Fnr frriaht or ',Ames,. nppl> on leant. ,apt EGULAR PACKET BE-' l ,Z l 4 e. T1VE1 , ...V PITISLURGII PILOT No A • S Crane. muter. will Ica.. tur Carina arul Ennf..h. every Stood u mai ' 'Lorne). nt r. /14 Cumin, iinnls..h Captinu it hyliln- and Pittaltatab..tv. cry Tueatar and Frida, at lu oclrk. a. Qshipper.ran &vend upon Gnat running regularir &mina tkm low watgr For blight or pa...um. apply on hoard. NEW ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE new and fad running &tr. CASHIER, J. 5. 11c3Int.A. , Ma...ter—Regular Rrll.oßin. Stitt. benrille Woll.tttg. Brldg‘P.st , Capon,,. and aanfL.h ' Packet—lrnre. Pittalmrgb over, Wodoe.day o'clock, P. 11.. fur Wheeling Anti BridgviKsrt. and every Saturday - . at :3 P. for Cantina and Sunfl.th Returning, leave, Bainfixh even" Ilondny at 10 o'clock. A. !1.. and Bridgrport and Inceling .rery Mortal, and Thurda,. at I P. For !might andaz.Fago mch7 JOHN HACK. Anna. EGULAR WHEELING AN!) JAL SUNF/SII PACEF.T—The fan running Kramer WHLLSVILLE, Cant El ruun.r, will eon . • nrrrular packet betww.en Pitt.burgh, Wlseeling, Bridgeport. and Sunlifh. leaving Pirt.hurpth ever) Mond., afternoon for St.mben and Bridgepoti..and erers Thursday aftvrnwo tor tent,..nrillo. Irheoltng. Brid,,eport.,l..ltptina.and Sunfish; returning, Ira... Bridge. purl and bunion everr Tneadar afternoon. and Sunli.th .ver, Friday aftortwests For fn.ight p apply ou board. or to foh2NI W.ll If 11EKLEll, Agent. li E w G i t , 0 P PA 7 . 5 . 1 7 ,111 r t b d; gl k • C drl nen packer rnamor BII.RNAl,.Conaron. maa r.l.• now performing's., n.stular trl.w.ekly tri two.n thin cit. and Wheeling, leaving Pittalourgh at ridorA nrl Alonds3. and Friday, and returning, I WA...ling ...Ty. lii Tlevralay slot e , atunlay. Dols is nct i tTnt! '" ,Zo ' . l i.Ca r lAE ULA It IV E l)N ESD A Y PACKET, VIIIBUNNAT, tain John Ingham Thi..plondid boa C t w ap .built by tho wen,. of the /I.antor lens. Newton. and Oben. for Bs. Cincinnati and Pitt.hurgh Packet toad*. and will /ea , . every Wean..day for Cincinnati. in of I.D. hew Eng land No. 2 or freight or pavotoo, apply on board., to Olt - GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL AND WELLeVILLE—Tbe rm. F:11.1.. Wos tamt.r t wall ruts trguLtr pnrk•A bets ...11 till. tit) lea,. Pigtaburgh Ilf.nda,. Wedne.day. Pr 1,13,. at 2 ° e. clock, P. 11. For frai,ht or a.aeo. /.1301 on hoard. stab TRANSPORTATION .-- PRIMSTIVAITL& RAILROAD. 151. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. Issl Forty-six hours to Philadelphia. Forty-four hours to Baltimore. miles Railroad. -103 miles Canal. Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats. 1t:14444A EXCLUSIVELY Fog 1 . 416.-3EN.IER.I TO PHILADELPHIA; BALTIMORE AND NEW YORK. itS the opening of Canal Navigation. Two Daily. :boa, by forty Fa ge KJ:giro.' to ree. Parket Boats will leave for irown HOLISDAYSBURGH NEW PENNSYLVANIA ItAILIIOAD, Tiro Hundred and Fortydllre milt. dtort to PHILADELPHIA. Time thron:•l, roary-six Fare to Philo:Leiria!, Sld Fan to Rollie:lore, to.:lt The Car. on that rotor an. nest. ra and or the too. appro.... rtl room-runt. tor 00.1011 SW le , / honingrr' ivenlina . I, at Eaton 'o'clock. d a r k en at the mime rotor. Passengers for Baltimore, Os arrival r I an at Ilarroloott. taro. tto For!. aid GUM harland Railroad. (now ankholid.rert to that eitr,(elddity. lour ante, Ton, FOCI( bourn No charge for handling I;44gage on this route. The I nerendor Foteel mek.. thle tld. Opel ~ ntu.rt.n. b l«. 1 , 3.5 tit oralle roto4ttere to the fatly. (11tit. For tootes, tororroate.ntottly,lo F. P. III.11:11ES, Agent, D. LEI:011 nal 10,10. Foot •tne t N. It On Oa tat of Jul.. ti. Rettioylsaloa Railroad WITh. finl.ll,l to lock Ron, oho!. Nett' shot - leo the tom through SIX. hour. Pittaboralk I.ldoor, 10. al _ Manufacturer's Line AltF. 1.1EltEln"1\I•YI1 ME 'l,l that attla LINK. (41411[Nr+ 4 1 uutir-ly of :u....miun amt.. in num a npuraUf es. man fautlisma ...rn" a nun-milt trearla YhllfaMit , ua mol u mithou, testn.Joymang. in alaurt tatue. aud luw rate, v muy caber maular . snmelal arrenarmenta harr nam, ImMn wads fur cnrrylug War IP arlar.la. to 81air...i11.. J4.Ltuauwn mtmma. fmNmuarm. Ilunt2uaaan. 11,11 tmrk. Near Ilanalton. McVey...an. Lmwmufmn. 111i1211u. ewpora. Clare. Lurry.ll•rtiaLuro..l'olmun , ,and allotll- r tnternaethate pfanto uct thu un,1111.12 Canal and Purt eum: nut. ~ f Inro . .rand prlauplrum. rtaulult, .11iptat-alas tlau sfuremmid puluta al ILv lumual ruts M ma, be J. M , , TITC:II:I.I.,T. Proianator. 1V.4551.uum., talwaly mud .1.. r a..t of thr CanaL Ilivnyvad ea tam gaivint..A r tlr,. mune, rctstrianl. THIS FLUID is einupos6:l 'of pure Silver; NVllll2.'l/ by bazar keerers In New York tar the te.t nee years. and kbeencraftig neeraaary article in We uomadir irononay. Any pp:: ow. in a few wilmstea, re- run. to onnanal Wanly old platrA Gad, curt as Casinr, Camp.. .was, Cale 'twins. Carnare and Flusters rand. tar, Military Eqnsintna. Le.. cm Nate watb purr ailver on bans. C,prer, tlerrazu intou.o at every family. Priie or wr battle. A libiral Sr of to .Towelers ant Ice to - JOIIN J. DEDV:N. meliaArAw2PT 103 Fulton atrert, Nor York. Shawl and Mantilla Warehouse. , Lrm3tEll .‘tut.s.N ENEEN TS. IF S. MILLS, No. 6 CORTLANDT ST., Nnw Vol:K. Is now,_erertlnnone Istaw.t. d -at aerartments SDILINU AND ,re, before • rrerlved. Alm LACE ' 4 5 • - IN ' .1 all kinds of SILK 31-1-Vl:l4A.Smalairartn. VI 1 i THE NEW PENN,YI.IANI.4 \ILIt Irtrra ~0 " • ONL I 110 UNS TO PHIL.; D El. I'lll.l. ! S o rrl i zfg A n t ti s A k E, ROOD IA /AA f AND TELEGRAPH RIELk. non.olno PI.I. . 1 1 10 1 end .110. nod Turk Sutio Par:ol. nnd Cotton and 1110, Mail Lines of Splendid New Tray Built ' ham whfrh will oftnred 0t extrnranlr rOO. Nto rume-mlly invite eat lEooer/a fric.d.4 to en. Coaches for Hollidayslyorg, 610 b. onr , tonk Wore And fro. Men, .243 Milo Ala, WIRE 1101 V LlTANlKexbiEttiEg 1 1 100,10 and puz 113 cs,nz for trannEortalicn. 01,11.1.1 NEW PENNSYLVANIA ILAILHOAD SPRING DEPORTATIONS. ' . W. 4 1. , 7' .-*---- " ..-. -..' ...44'.! I C. A HATCH & C 0.,. au '.:.4' W 11-LIA NI STREET, NEW YORE,. TO Philadelphia, NCR' York, .3titl Bflifilnork. 1 lIIAT E Hatt in Ittllrtt and are conEtantly la. , Toot Timm oil ..001 le, lbewe. mat wt.. ' Ilkathea orill leave Every tiormor ot t. .. el., ti, I o el.eb. ' ,inalth'd:,,,,,til.t..;;;;TN.4-,„,,,,,:t or,,t,trtrlhtrhllli helot. ulere4 P NI, and ,I olelwit. P 'M. letal.raeing the libel an 4 rtcheet rts Ira 1 ernm 11 .. .... t . Wm. to leave It an) time, alwary lo read...wt. Th. , i 11,....... 11....,.., u,pey ler, ' Under I.l ° ate n " 'br hir t le the moat direct, comfortable, amt expedition. woke 1., Ties, 81oete, thle..l '' Slik, ' Dr...wing Gowns. ilaniliewbi fa! the Eastern CM., Paevengera for Baltimore to/wthe nee . :Moulder Bram. Linen 'Collar, with a tariely of other ' or itallnAol at Ilam.oburg dim . [ on the atwlral of the : Cara at . [wire reollar to their line of bwein ., a. All of whkh wtll th !: . l7 ‘ L ' The onlo Oilltee for the ahnve Mori undm bt ' 1;',,,11 ' ,,,,11,1= 0 1° ,,r,,,,,.",,,, H0...- : ur w " .. " l f tl e 4 t l e m hrr Charleo lintel, No to NI nal Atm, Itittaborwli. racha tr. It. )100itIllt.ap. Aft RAVING DISPOSED OF FIALF MY IN TERFJ'T IN BISGILIM'S LINE to mo brother. .t) tit: BINCIIIAII. the bookie.. at Put/burgh will hen. after Le transact.] under the eto le of - Wm. 11111015. 1 C.. - t narhl j It'll IliNilli All Hingham' Transportation Line, gagEllf 1 8 5 1 . BET. EIS. PITTSBUItOII & TIIE EASTERN, CITIES. i THE CANAL being now open,-we ore rea dy t . , receive and forward prentiptli . Proinee and hand te. Piet and wret. Frvight lateral aat low.-et rate, eitue,l by trab.oalide Line,. EnalticeLand Merehamlire •111 be nweired and forwarded mud awl e•t. without any Ol for forwarding - er .1 yawing Olaf, fur ftielight.entuuthael ~,,, or atnnego. . Bill. of 'lading forwarded, and all dlrevtion• faithfully I at lb. Addree.• or apple to WAL 81N0.11A.11 A Olt.. Canal Rosin. Colour Litert• and War.. eta. litt•hurith. : tllblillASl A IOCh. 111 31arket al-, :between Enneth and Fifth.... Philadellibia. JAMES WILSON, As-mt. No. Itl2 Muth Howardatbset, Baltimore. JAMES 111N011A11, No. 10 West at. mchl New York. &EEO 1.8 5 I MAT4I Pittsburgh Transportation Line. JAMES o',CtlNNtill A CO- Canal 11/4111, Pitteltur;h. SITER. JAMES t Co.. Betad• Enaml and Cherrf etroat , and No. :1 South Fourth xtraot. het,ween 31alket and Choet. nut •treebt, Ithileulelpltla. 01.%)NNORS A N. 70 North strewn, Baltimore. ii A . y . ., ,, N, ,, ,, , . 1;1 1 1 1 11 ,; :t . p i r, -i . i p n . i r tl i e . t , lil ,,,, ity , r p.. i i i t rr . a . n r iLe-- , Munsylrania Canal.. to early (might to and fret Pity buruh. Baltimore. Philadelphia New Yak, lawton. Cin cinnati. Lonixellle. St- Loule and all tin. East and Weed. at lower rate. tunt with more ,n,rati-ii and care than any 141.- , Line. All g0..0 .111,444 by our Line ore Billy no end by inauneatoe. with any charge to owner,. • protection not really afforded by oat' other Line. All centmonleation• f01dme....1 to oormelroi or- taGlente. 11.11 A Co.. Clocintudn E. 1 t ebb. Loulaallte. and Lowe A Ortnrne. St. Louie will uteet 'with prompt •BtMtioft , ' AWN. it Our Line net. noeunnection whatever with the PhlltatalPhla and littaborgh Tran•purtation Line of At tuna • Co. febNi, :÷7 ^ =w A ra L ., L ew 1851 ,P,...--..„. Merchants' Transportation Line. 01.1 I'ENNSI I.l' t`i I t 1' \NAL.: AA!, R 111.NJADS,) OR l'ii I L:11)E1.1'ilI A DI REC'r—W ITII- OUT ItE.-111ININti. A. A. IIeANULTY a CO.. t'nui.! E.t.a, 101 Penn rtreet, 1. 1411?& IZAYNO IL Ceutral (link. [load etreet. Philo. d'l Ve ia lem prepared to r. role', a large th e to and terealmw to elop on the opvions .0 the ennui, to Philo .l,lplain. and all inter:m.l , de plaree at lower rate, and In hee time than in .L., 1 , ” "OU , ..,,,... IQt- N B The Inemas.-1 liaml. , ..1 Truck" pmetbel by the Canal .Ce.nernia.lonere ihr enrr., e t , e ,e . n. bo a ,. ~, u m :tn. Bailment , . all! prevent ,:y posaibiltt: ot 'ld, nt Johnstown. Itoltdat .t 1 -roe ct '''''onti•a•Not e.!..m. C .1 t 1., :, t I.TI A CO, • , Canal Built. 7 1851 To Shippers of Merchandise, Produce. &c., ANL. 11{ , 31 1n1,5C1.,11. Ylllll.. /,11 . .011i N r.n. RELIANCE TRANSPOR TATION LINE. ATKINB A. CO, Iturori..t.m. Marto. and 61 Cc'OE'rls Rash, rOtAburgh. .10:4.LTAY1.017. ,ON. Italumear. ,c e prypool. opon: 0' the lain,ll7Blnit. Canal. to rootract Frrlght ao tow .d .1.41,re a.O mart do,o.rh .04 , ro , " nnY icFA DEN & cov i," to .lohn 31 , ta , 1 , 11.t C. Cana: Burin, Prtn Penna. Rail Road Co.—Central Rail Road. IHE subscriben haring been appointed Ahlr ts for erlt7m lb. 1,nn,11,131a or Col:Aral I.snforto t public that art wor aelra a ., ...lire or praz.lu, titslilmaattt nut oaths op-nine rf (be nail. rla Ml* mne , Trill thrnn,h In f., di all chia•liMAl In at will furwarded Irv« of coca Inia lon rharp. 11 , r advarkerm. "um, nrnnanT Ban= riilLann.rittit ISO erreurclun. Lir, Gout, lien, Shoe, hook., Stattanary,Cutlet7.Curin-c.. tionary, Frulto, Feather, Furniture, Drug., Medicines, naddlcry, Wool, ee. ae. 41oU 1001 St. umnsie on. Grafirrive, Faint", Into E ham, Oils, Leather, Clos.r, Ftar,Tlmothr and oilier Gram Sands. Bi WU. paavn, poet. Port, Butter, Lard, Lard OH, Tobacco Leaf. Cane., Talltuf - ?Uraiu and Bag, Ashen, Marble Omagh) Tar, Pitch, Rosin, Germ., Clay, &Oa. ix. bLae ma.um a coTol PHILADELPHIA lONIAS WHITE, BONNET MA.NII VAVIVCP. IL, No. al roulls tz....0p.1 Sin.,. tabo;e 1 i1 .n0t..n.4 nigro Philnd..splsia. 60 1...1. .... lint. Is. trans,n 5zn..... - — t . 2,„,.:=A vr " li t .1.: 1 :‘...1.} . . 1 ,4 . ..,11:0,011.,/ilyi,,ktn,,ilpt-iiEnsi.,,, Whole_i. ... . CriNoll.. ..... .. ......... ... .... ...IT !Mill; - W ALD, ' DUCKNOR & ob Co., 'Tacco Conotolulon ttletrhanns, No. 11 North 1 rah, rssreet., . .'o. ltl Norttr Wharres. Philsnlolph.. anal ....... B stiad l lor:l CER „ & A NTILO, GenefuFo mni:- o..rtun en,,Pa.i.,sn. L .j, . rordh no Yrnlnsv nrn'nliy. lihms,/,,,,, SairAT R. POINILMTICI, WALT. C. 1.11 , 1.,:m W. POINDEXTER. & CO., General Commit . ..lon and Vorwarding llorchanta nal Dour ,r, ,• No. .17n Nterkat arret.l . lllll.l. - Aphln. 1-3 , VI, To Southern and Weetern Merelianta. KOUSELL'S PRE3ITUM PERFUMERY. . The sutocriber neglectfully WTI. peddle attention exteasl se i, stock of Perri:invention...time/rig Cream.. to 1, hetisere ne Niece' and ton Golden Medals have. within the hot air years. teen Boarded by the Institutes of haw lark. Boston. and Philadelphia, the latter briny; the nly Cahn Medal, ever wearde,l for perfumer,' either in Europe or in this country. 1t01.77..01 USLITII.I.I3. 5i1.130 Caton. dinsoni. hire. net Jambe - isle.) universally aektenrledmid ( tobetoperior to any (baring Cream In this country or Europe. • fe_ternamt roa Sitar.6—EaalltifullY transparent and possessing highly haponsceous andemollient prrimr. intonate...boa Compound; Ambrosial Ehaving Tablet:lllYMb ry Shaving Tau titTartSC Tall= S',lns--Al.naudi Rote. Milletleurs, Bate Pistachio. 31. k. PltebouSly, Omnibus, vb....mtg. t. Tranfflparva, Oiler Oil. Windier. maul Clialdl4.l. EX - M. 13 703. env Ifaymasonstri.--litose. Jsamin. &o ewe Curoline tieraneum. Jenne Lint llonoellnu,Juok ev Club. Magnolia, Clematite. Cirennelle, hood, and many vazielles, sixty deferent herr.... Teen Warbut—Slorida Water, Eau de Toilette,. Orange Florin' Warr. and a Mai variety of ' , ABP. , an d der Wats,. Prteeturgins rot eon lienb-Oencine Bears' ltil, Antique Oil. itandrAle, F. 411 Lustrale, Componnd Mar v,r Mir byes. liquid and in ponder. and Phtlocome vino and Joon, - Lied Pomades. Oruorsutie Perrtasmove—Balsurnie h air, I l a n Tooth. Peale. Cheroot; brazil., Notelets, Tooth Paste.andTooth Moder • Clegstritm—Vegettible Cosmetic Cream, Mumline for chapped bartde, fold Cream of Rawl, 01,2112 de Pas, LIP eel re, ilaspbereT Crimea, Lc. Undieteri• Puirders. fur removing mPirtiOMmiimiri Peal Powder. Vivaltcre de Hamm, AIVIIIStie Vinegar, 1/m[o:is Hair Cemposittot, Prrston &alb. besideri mai rsebts other tro numermei ist osiosd to Mid sdveribo. meat. .• Th . e aumeriter bone" to maintain the reputation ariiirb eitablialimant hae acquired. br but neat rate article', awl a - ill be happy to furtibb theca Mho mar wiit to patronize him, tither artioleall• or retail, Cueriable terms a. ant eatabliabinant in the United Cute.. ' ZAVIER wars, oeoewor M mot former Ihreitt ) : AVe - R tiekity t:f 111 Cluesuut sr. Alr Pauli. Perfumery la for sal. by .11 tlm yrirrelkal Druggist. Iu Lturemmll7• NEW YORK PRINTING INKS UTCILINSON .4.. Co.. No 13 Spruce Street, F:W YORK. Whrdesali. trivaufaclurvrn of tbr heGt lINGLIMII PRINTING for Snot and Litho which ralti-irAt.b,ll-Proen.rutt'aptnre'sl.-ratrWrig, Then blontlona Iv rhos Ivk., are tomb utogl rich "d unlr'"ff"" 7' 11 ° t''',ll"o."'"'ir ,O p yarTang from a C 4 , per Uu ll / al.om.ufArttuv wlorrd Inky of e'er, Abed. and yunlflf tarying from $l.O. to W.: , 0 per lb. mcb!..T4Tha TO COUNTRY-IMELOHATITS. FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS!! I\l OULTON & CO., Successors to Joys 2 1 9 Pi r of Foreign avu wm e esue sfanry t gu ° sta th ilu r • Dcv MD, Th.ir etmk lot enlirrly Leer. and in receive. 11 every .teonter. new and rivglaut ay!, mnfined exrio •3vely to tide hoot, oatotxting of every variety of Dr.r iconit to be found in the Prroth. Grraum LSpLiA. sod "e &TbnVy ' raa "ti .e ppe •e thet rill dell e frIIIT, " TI. to call end exanuno our Mock...our:mix are Want"; to ev. :2, gn.”24,,r,V.P:,:7 T ^ZthtT 1 ,1.T.,t7 I.lc with their instn,non, J.OlittES SIOULT()N, JAME., W. BARKER, ZENE.49 NEWELL No. March. ISLI --.lturh2.l:d2o WM. WAKEMAN & Co., No. 7!) & .`ll (late 7G) MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK. Theraly opposite Mt Old Stand.. AIANUFATURERS AND JOBBERS of ;17 t; EX TI.E.VENS . AIITICLES, eon. I.ZrTritgui Draawrs—llrary and Light. Wool, An• pnla.,h,ker. Bunt. Merino and entnku, Itinnestir and inr• Sill. Axle: I , ntbsslike 'and fancy of all ftylre and qnalitim San's end Ti, , — Fan, and Black of ever' kind LIMIT tad linanns--01 all kind, .. . . 811 k and Estth. henry Englkh Madras. Italann. (tin. Albert 'Wrathy's, Twilled lid main. ie Liam Cambric. Sr. surynd.r.—Ft . ..u.t. Bud Engll.l, new etyle, Domtstle and at.n.n.q.. I.lnen, Tbr,ul, and all the late3t of Fr. nel, and Eitcll-16 ipert data. Shal,l-E', MAUL.. 1-au b's lVoel, Silt, [loam and (,ttou. Jfimfry a„*”.,—T,lvet.Colhmere.F.rt g llab,Prenrh oral 'l .4.:ll4,firners for gentlemen ntal laat/ev—a variety of Rts..do Ri,llo is of all qualitic,. tenol4 torn< turticalor attention to our DOISICILIC K"i"-".''D'"'. .. "r"Se -TAT. d ataitSCO.. TO Kt Malden Lot, fl THE DOUSE KrEVERS OF TOE- UNITED STATES. SILVER PLATE QUICKLY RESTORED TRI A9K-1C.47101V al SPE SEINER PLAIING FLUID. Superior Black Writing and. Copying Ink. T ONE'S EMPIRE INK, e 5 Nassau street, •ir NMI' York . . . MITT P 11 1 ,.. ipi TIA.C. Si 50 4 doz. per dor -$4 'eh • tto draught,per .... wen.. 'Phle Is the heel article nianufartared. It flova freelo— a ineei ME-- and will not marred... mould, fur or decay. and pews... all the Qualitiea requlr. I for geed Writing suitable for the tertill, and tirably adapted for the °Aryl Pen The undersigned I. prepared to tare ish to the trad e ther for export or home coneumption, at the. shore Tory o priers, Pot of Iv per older, and delivered in any part of.he city fr.. of elm,. fin eharge fa . ewers, Barrels tr too are chare<4 extra at netteret LENT. eleNs.asu at.. Near York. 4uert• Iwr al , hiniphy's Self-Sealing Advertising Envel ope 1 1 V O. 263 MA DIS s. ST.. NEW YORK.— .1.1 The •otwerlter. to 'eliciting the patrons,. et al rt. mac wh i n.i aderthenueut. leen. tome a that➢ healtation with experience of years ban eAtabiL.hed awls superionir be rood all questiop- and he confidently refer.. the teatime. 00 of thou• humor!. men who hare used these envelope; lonl to hi. rapidly inenuaine pale+. ea pronf of their excel lence, PII=MiaMMO • III:. 09 the place occupied by the I.lli. a pen.. MaY have ho name, budneis, addnevs. couxpintowly and beautifully embarand, colored ur Plato. Ibne anntinn Pec feet security wan. frau. 2.1 The /Inv.:lupe. cannot be openn.l without being de ""ilniLeither wax nor wafer.. are required to seal them. 4111. Upon the ml.carriane of • letter. the seal bum s Inanolinte return to the sender. instead of bring buried 11.101011 1 1 tin. Dead Letter Once. Lth. The Envelopes are (tarnished at almost EL.. mine tolo.• as plain ones. nat. k.ach letter mailed • land effective advertisement. tot, to attract the attention or all through whoae 9.134,1 It M ; 7 9 . • 14 V00 1 11121I 111 • lid 91 Winn , for utra, vitrw•wi °s brae, and which will hat for year, tunt of Kavrtoras, of the usual It, caber white .tr hug, or peal paper. and tulle M above...loth name, mitirca...4.e.: Prin.' Dua. Of Enrcivrs madt as dlletter, or lea. 1/0 114.tai / . 10 dome. 9,19 5, , • ...$4.00 tat to 40 40 to tat CO to n). *... 10,00 00 to 100 12.00.5000 15,110 Wh.m It i. oot onammuntt k forarsanl amount of nnl.r tclu ' arta ' a oat ‘' Zi o .;l.t n o r n 'fr 7ttror.t.4 7. r attant torn If mt,lmanai. WM. No. 31.11,...0 street. New York. . . ... • • ()niers will Iv attended lei pretiiptlyi, if left at the stones iif M.,Frii. `i1..11 I 31.1, .1 With nln... or Of Meeste. IL Jernlimiin S en ,13.1 William I. It --iiiiwurp• tianln oitulwww.l in colara from rame Plea at $1.0. 10 1 per thMwiwitii. t.iliad3m Professnr A. C. Barry's Tricopherous, (In MEDICATED COMPOUND, infallible JIF for neutrino, inineoroung, and beauttfriug the , boar. among the +surf, and all maven... oirthe ersdp, tmag eruptions po the eklo, distant.. cf the glands, tt.tl int...gumenta, upi eat., brut. a,. rondo, At. With th is preparation - tlipre 4, no no-i ...nil o CAI" The tit-Amoroso io 11301 ut to blithest .remelts.. prcirinneut .intena of all mfrs. nom. nml ?adios who hose ow , ' It for voids In their dnw sin.; nom/ end nurserier. admit It with mamas cord. that lot inuutrttrz • 00r. ohms. Inaurmare , aml curl to the hair. el-salient:lg scurf Cud dandruff, wounds, etiogs, ft. nod relcirtna diva/tea of the skin. the glands. and the mt.arlui, it has no aqua] /dome the othltitodo cLa.pounda 0411111.14 d In the lu pro,. ur Wiad 'in put., praetiee Inehrerness es emcleoer. Parm'e Trioupbennos m unrivalled. The Wl rotruie skirt of the article. have aaabiad the inventor pal elt at tits per bottle. which froni Zid Usti per ornt lludat the mai of ult . other preparation Mr the tour now In use. The scientific treatise Mg mat the skin emhouing the valualile direction* for eeuot . 0 4 prusert atitrtt caturds do:Meat artionacut; in winch verb brittle Is enclosed. id alone worth the moue, The afilmtr t•twthu taa tocabrattuart,lta cooptitnta skoi arid the hair, which draws IL.auatroenoe tram 'hi. is very thee. All illnesses of the .heir or• ninon. iti the shin of the head. It the portw of the cooly Ott clogged. or If the bland arid outer fluid" do not circle (nal) through the mail veneelo which feed the root with moisture. oml impart life to the tihrea, the result Is tul.dandralt. itheddlOg of the end en tir e drea and hondinees of the ligaments. entire bahltaus i se a l rm. mai be. titimithote the Alai° hiselthfal *titan with the Tneoplaeruna and the torpid vowels. reemerlag•tbetr act:, ity. oilPeorithilate th e ffsemse. Inallabe.llonaof the s ato, and of the sul•trate of muerte. and ittlegl.dinkti, the wt. , . eat the elect are the same. It is own...the 'kin, the enuacular fib.. and the gloats. th at th e Irkaphertaa h.. its mantle *Nowth4 all efLettioua i , and Mutthr of 0111.11. d. it la • soccrelith remedy. Sold th large hnale,t Pica ttS auts, at the priori,' of 0. :17 Broadway. New York, and lir the prialtal tnerch• ad. ante atul drogaistli tluoughaut the Laded notes and Calk I:immVll TIIE largest Stock of Blank Books, of or damHpUon, in all etylea of binding, le o2ered for aat at We lout yaw as W. B. HAVE:r6 Blank - Book Simak • colan earner Market and .&cond Mwl:Ante are ravened to call alai examine our Mad} and Demi Br Works, arbleb are offered at kW, p.m than they are era Wen 1014 WA. oily. raft and AmadonP.Wry.l =AB ST. LOUIS. RAVD) C.! TUTTLE. Attorney at Las. Are 4 l'enia,v ;v.l, hl...Lotilt. 51 . antrwleatio. oetZLIY" JOHN H. ILA—NEIN, Attorney and COUll lertlar at Lek. and 0,3 lnin:nt, St.. I ennsyli an* ;..q. (lates.r rittAburtb.) kburgh. lino. NV. onward. tftIDPIAt McClur, INkrt, Mandl& A Ileford .t 1.614.11 BOSTON AMERICAN HOUSE, 0 3TCEET, 903T0N. TILE undersigned having' entirel.yre-E .1. efunln lo .11 about thaw humind Ally maw,nu Lln.spectrully gist ere . mom it is say nssr fur thr ron.ptic.l3 amt arcoutracdatio a the stsselllsts eutaraumil, d e , ss,,,,hd notieo of the nalaryamed COOTGOOFISOtOcttIiA IA deemed auperflooma a, the a emery.. harrow,. rut, a l.kh hael, lawn made ea,,met be hahardly it la WU Oa rortiftournt: it to say. cm es - perew has ban :pared to render any apartment perfect. The funalture tae made expressly to order. reirardlera ci met, and amain portion, ed It, errweially the Drawl.; raettm;will to foam! to A, of the most beautiful attaanhia tam, The Diving moms Jae rat...loam and the bears ttr meals *Ol Le so arranged I. to suit the mamas:deo etthe early amt late. ... . bie llwiitT il! r tittr , ltarnt will kw.voroltiottoil to on =el. Alittwiesn ' lggigzAz = zrfti l e ' 'Prire . , Hloit. that . teltStilawiltweinT LEW] /LICE. TA. Orr.f , rtrdP.M . antrum :don IlLf azreAt. Liner. Alarm tironchttu, ar &tart or Lung. and other Off . .. Ur= Pidagrolary (*yaw vire do not wish trifle with the lives and V health of the attlieta,l, but wn aineeraly phyhya nnn tu mate no mteertton ay to the virtu...tor this metd4 eln, and to hold no hary h. auflerinv humanity, arblei Mrta will not warrant _ .flar Alw. of Ireland. and the Pine and Wild Charrf are trolly re telualt , d for the cure of on dlecarra of the Lungs and Liver, which are an fearfully prevalent in all Northern latitude.. From a combination of.rhesnleal ertratta. Fr► cured hem thla !thee and thoew Trees. Da hot. avat or Wtta te formed LaelVietar's bats./ of Wild Cherry ve a nor lICIZAL 0(00111. rompoved entirely of Wlld Cherry 'Bach and th. genuine lingand 31tee.(tbe tarter imported exprevdy foithia Pm - Pow , ' the rare medical virtue. nf wtileh an 11)SO'com. Idned of e DPW chemical prow. with the extract of TO— thus tendering the whnle tviruponn.l the moot r. to out erticeciouv rem./ r ever dim•livered htt the 111.1REI/ITARY CONSIjI.IPTION Cured by Il vast - WE/1 sons of Wll.l Cherry —Th. , followit,s, ea.. , of Jeremiah la anew of ergurumption. (tee of hi. brother end sirtert ba r .lend of Connumption.l is truly wnmlcrfnl: • Putnam. pipet. Hamilton ea, &pt., 111, J. 1:1- Put —Dear fire I take the liberty of - advising yaw of Lb:, benefit 1 bare derived from the UM or Pr. N'is4Ye Lisburn of Wild Chtrry. I arm prostrated by Mutt terrible OanstiM,htlon. In May last. The attack went truly borrifyingtu me, for fire of our family. (my brothene mJ punter') had died of tbustunption. I was tallliktrd with nearly all the 1/01 , t Costume of the disease. I beds distrwv hag rough. and en...located a great deal of blood, !lette rer., wrens pain. In the side null clout, roll atilt., alter. bating with flushes of heat. I ow. under the care of a ellifol phynician, from the time I was taken sick until stout sit weeks oboe, beina then about helples, and my friend. , considered my twLee hopeless, or at least beyond oue phYaician'a talrielra the u. of Matta'. Balsam of Will Cherry. Without Inf Ltrowledy,tny father procuml it. and rommencod admin. irterima It to me, and from the tint day I rommeneed tot ing it my health imprormi. and to two weeks from the time I eornmenced using it. I war ible to be out, and over .00 my businees, and labor. which I still continue to rta. 1 Litre taken four bottle. of the rovilleine.altd now consider toynelf pvrfeelly wall JEIZEMIAII isGrtrao ;;; ; ; ; Chown Pon r. Lane (:v. li..lnne In, .41. .7000 D. Pena—Dear :Mr: In July,:lalD, I was attacked with • for tpyhoia character, which loft me in w T.l, atato. when, 1.. the following winter, 1 was ta ken with • severe oold. whin, netncol nm+ to eurh an to- Icrit at to give ' the nylwarltro , of tt munch...l coueump- I labored UMICT ...re, conah—rArretoratoa a croat dual. and wan troubled with cold r,, awl night awcata. I ado frequently rwieed bk.! (non to, lunge. I continued in Ills state, eratually rooting under thn until January, lal7, ..Lou I wa. 4,ilJ attacked with fever. bln friends despainel of tny lit, and toy phydcians thought I cold surrire but a stout tin ltr catretnitice.;capacial. ly my foot. were cotttnntly and almost loct their r 011... l... Under thew° ei1,111112,0,0 It lard , : trulr ttidl to, a Wring analaton. I famlir determined to quit taking Ina , dirlueo pr,eribed by phyciclane, tool try Dr. Tyittar's Bal am of Will Chen., sal from the heat week. that I ta . ,,ioX It. I ran date a gradual recoecte I Matti., cod ha sic-eix tuontlo. at the end of which thno I was WV, J, and CO., Pinl goad health caramet, and cheerful!! re. col:11.nod I l< Iloloctrn to all Oho., wallctod o idt ditcac, cf the Iwo,. and 7 , 0111 , 1 con In thew., commencing its use. tot In be discouraged if two or thnee redden do Tot clad rare; hot iwrececro. as I h a e e do t , and I hare no dJuld hot nine cord ton of ton. will b. I,lecetel with moot , I health cot torn. your,, _ Fnacci NV,hinzibu tirta.”rtraa, May 1 I. 'Vs Malan. Stanktrl & Porte-1 take Ulla chportumr; of Is• fartaban you of a most remarkable cure performed op.. me by the use of Dr. Vastness Dalt:sin of Wild Cherff , ') In the year 1540. !was talon with an ipllamationkf,tir, boweLs, which 1 labored ander fur six .cots, letted 1 & r .A nail,. went - med. In the fall of 1341 1 WWI attacked with a revere mil, which etatesl itself imam MY and Ito apace of three year, I was waft,/ 'n mr tad. I teitn dada al m e dle t n, mod every variety of Md. aritbottibene fit. and thus I wearied along antll tba winter of MA& when I heard of Dr. 'Victor', Baba. of Wild Chant'. 610 berAnaded me to glee It a trial.thOnCh I 11,1 eran op all hors, of remarry. and bad taepared myself for the change or another world. Through theiraoliatationa halucel to make un. .1 the genuine Wht.nerEaLran 'of Welll Cherry. The eileet at:Ptrelly rertnniehlns, three years Of alllletten and eul:ertuz. and' after 11,104 ste.nt four Gee hundred dobars b. no purpose. and the hest mad meat reapeetable-rhysietane had mond t• inn. I was wan reatoreel to cadre health hr the 41 , 00: CO Cod and the are of Dr. ITletar's Dal.. of Wild ch , :y., Mop the bless:ink-of Mod resat von 'Abe proviedern of no eat:aside a medicine us IVlstar's Balsam of vrilil 1 x.Q Iltinn ' Sold Lt J D. PLIM.III , II4I,IImr to banfard it Park,/ Foolit. and ITnhaut .areete, Cioentratt.Oldo, Cameral ACaottke the ,mth amp Weat in whom 011 order.. must Le tu1d.r.4.A... J. Kidd & Co.. It A. Cattneett.ch t Ib. J. A. Wiko.z. tr.. Pittetairer. lase Deekkan!. Alleghan , ,thfr I. T. hood!. Waalsimrton: L. 11. Boat, Onit.heaarth.Ll !felts,, streetteburtc Y. Konotz..Frnerser emu 0.1F61.110. he+,ltorehltoed & Son, iluntananlorchlmOrr.lfolliedutlaM". Illblet.rarai a Co-, Italtaux 3. L. IV thiht, Klthannian brans t Co, Brookville, .0 MIL , . a Soo, Wayne:razz Melarahal n Co, N. kallreelar, Meadville; .Daroan Eric tiraham a ymksr. horror. Jame. ler. h. Zmith, Deaver. 3, ummertao,Wuru;F L ask &meet Comirtapart, Y (trent., or., Droartmille • • feblE:dtvain,l • • The Human Body Must Perspire; 610 SATS NATURE, co lltta - e a healthy sy pearanot, and,per.aon. r.ho de, not persaint,pre A, the me at disint.tma.Skiu Not.. Jun- Chattiest Snap .oust. a Rev t.errydraCon, awl at the as tune uhdlifie , and softens the %La, givin, tb.1,7,11/, of an infant's. :cony, Salt abeam. and ..,orc. are LAI only 10 1 but bed h an toe, as at lemt ; phriti , tna in tuo it ill such ewe, slut tined unfaillow—s tr,etk-t. °ratty oth,stindlFea.e. b• reader I...isturt that this ia tteeleso, puffed no..trunt,as one trial will prat n. I mold enumerate ot lw-Co-Ista, ta-Nons cured of rote head. seat leg-. and ~,r e besnl. • it i t the riakr ts a,ain a.....und not:l4,lf (1.1 ally sell it hu - the above. nuleer I knee it to ha IL •44.1. Those arlio are liable to net nod Nu opt only a cure. but • Pre , renti ,,,, and ean air add. that any one afllieted with an, all, .bon,, or no ri;ailar will find thi. all. and ero4t In,. • Am,. rahle in Its propertirs) than state. ter, muter,the stares Irdh W be,ure you .k 40A1A . ItalmuCheruieal Not --awl buy it only of W.ll. JACk(sON. only - , ,,ent Pitt, head of 31.1.. Pearly Whiie 'Peeth, e l lure Breath, t., STTTT bed for 3 eteta—P.Tystsas who has r either, a, ismcdaT bir t h s d s e u r r p e y d e d t . h iarsf hr elbow Lrt is ..1 . ,. 1 Issot d ls wi t a l a th ar s . spas a thu mot Jbstus. Adam, Tos,th Poe. will ad, tewth as white as ant tL.T brsath odstrifTsT.,l7 suret. Sold colt at JACKSON'S Slor, die I.llwlty et , heal of Wood- A Sientifie Hair Restoret and Beau iner—Trio hon k =`,c.rnt , Thos who here ..N J,,val . Coral flair &awl., know Its ear. Hera qual..twa— flu* who hare not. we 11,M •it to 14.:0403 the h.llnstfua qualitiec —lt will lam the hair to grow 011 me part whew, nature Intended hair to grow: stop falllng. nth