The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 01, 1851, Image 2

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DOCTOR Or -TREoLOrI i % 051, PASTOR., RM. a
•-- Translated fre6 the German,
Ert I. LADY al Dant, !el
••'1 7- •..-
Bow wejouraerei MiToisali,alid:maris ;,mad bastes there.
Two days afterwanT,i so nays my daughter,
but old Ilse thinks it teas three (and I myself
knownot which is true, we at hat went to the
town, teeing that lnlaefer Itothoog had not got
the box ready before. I My daughter covered it
over with a piece of MY departed wife her wed
rting goer!, which thelllaperialists had indeed
torn to pieces, but as hey had left it lying out.
side, the wind had blown it into the orchard,
where we' found it. It', ions very shabby, other
wine I doubt nut they would have carried it off
with them. On account of the hoz we took old
Ilse with us, who-Lad to carry it, and ns umber
isstrery light ware she •ettelily believed that the
box held nothing but ieatables. At day-break,
then, we took our staves in our hands, and set
out with God. Near Zitre,' , a hare ran across
the-road before no, which -they Fay bodes sue
goat. Wella-tiny I—When we tome nearßan
nemin7 asked a fellow if it seau true that here
A mother ',had Slaughtered her own child from
hunger, as I had heard. Ile L. 1, 1 ,1 it was, and
that the old woman's name was Zia,: but that
God had been wrath at such a horrid deed, and
she had got no mad by it, seeing that she vomi
ted so much upon eating it. that she forthwith
gave up the ghost.
the 'whole he thought
things - fit:re already going rather better with the
parish, as Almighty God had richly blest them
with fink, both out of the tea and the Adder
'water. Neverthelesa a great smother of people
had died of hunger here alto. tie told tit t hut
their vicar, his reverence Johannes Lataphte,
bad had his house burnt dewn down by the Im
perialists, and was lying- in a hovel hear the
church. 1 mat him my greeting, desiring that
he would soon come to visit (which the fel
low p: emised. he would Like eto tenser tr
for there, scrod Johllnnes 1. a pica , and
learned man. anti has also corapmed sundry La
tin Cin.w.tclia on these wretched Lanes, in a.e
truia heroicueo which. I must sat
. please toe
greatly.; When we , had eroas, d the ferry we
Went in at Sehms house, on the I 'Astir green,
who keeps on alehouse ; he toil us that the
pestilence had not yet ultogther ceased in 'the
towh; whereat I Was much afraid. Inure especi
ally as he described to Inn so tunny other horems
and miseries of, these fearfol tunea, both here
and in other places, e. y. of the great famine in
-the island of Itu,, , en, where a number of people
had grown as black as Moors, Item hunger; a
wondrous thing if it be true, and one might
most gather therefrom how the first biockant.rt
came abouts But be that as it may. &moo,
When Master Sehms had told us all the news he
had heard, and we had thus learnt to our great
comfort that the Lord had not visited us only in
these times of heavy aced, I called hint aSidu
into a chamber and asked him whether I could
not hero find means to get money for a piece of
am,her, which my daughter had found by the
sea t At first he said •No;' but then mollsating
" he began, •Stay, let me see, at Nichol. Greake's
theinn at the Castle, there are two great Dutch
merchants. Dieterich cola Pelinen and Jacob
Kiekebusch, who are teems to buy pitch and
boards, item, timber for slips anti beams; per
chance they may like to' cheapen your amber
-too; but you had better go up to the Castle„your,
self, for I do not know for certain whether they
atilt ale there." This I did although I had not
yet eaten anything in tile manic house, seeing
that I sedated to know first what sort of bargain
I might-Make, and to save the farthings belong
ing to the church until then. So -1 went into
the castle-yard.
Gracious God! what a desert had even his Prin
cely Highness' house become. within a short
time! The Danes had ruined the stables and
htuating-lodge, Anon 11;l5; ire., destroyed seve
ral rooms in the castle; and .in the lucamenturn
of his Princely Highness Duke Philipp., where,
Anno "•'• he so graciously entertained me and
my child, as will be told furtherou, now dwelt
the inn-keeper Nicolas Gruel.; and all the fair
tapestries, whereon was represented the pilgrim
age to Jerusalem of his. Princely Highness Be'
gislaus - X., were torn down, and the walls left
gray and bare. At this sight my heart was sore-
ly grieved; but I presently acquired for the mer
chants, who sat at the table drinking their part
ing cup, with their travelling equipment. , already
lying by them. seeing that they were just going
to set out on their way to Stettin. stiaiglitwoy
one of them jumped up front his liquor, a little
fellow with a right noble paunch, and a black
plaster on his nose, and risked me what 1 woulf)
of then? I took hint aside into a window, and
told him I had some fine saber, if Le hada
mind to buy it of me, which he straightway
agreed to do. And when he had whispered some
what into the .r of his fellow, he Leaam to look
very pleasant. and couched me the pitcher be
fore we went to my in.. I drank to him right
heartily, seeing that, no I have already said, I
was still fasting. so that I kit my very heart
warmed by it iu an instant. I Gracious_ God,-
what can go beyond a good draught of trine ta
ken within measure:) After this we went to my
inn, and told thentaiti to carry the box on one
side into, a Email chamber. I had source opened
itand taken away the gown, when the man
(whose name Wile Dieterich von Pelmeo, as he
had told me by the wave, held up both hands
for joy, and•taid he had never seen suth wealth
of amber, and how had I come by it: I answer
ed that my child had found it on the sea-shore:
whereat he wondered greatly that we had. so
much amber here, and altered me 300 florins for
the whole box. I was quite beside myoelf for
joy at ouch an offer, but wok care not to let him
see it, bargained with him alI I got 6.0 florins.
aneklwtis to go with lira to theCa•dle. and take the
-money forthwith. 'Hereupon I ordered nine host
to make ready at once a mug of beer. and a good
• 'dinner for my-child, and went hack to the Castle
with the man,'and the maid who curried the box,
begging him, in order to avoid common talk. to
say nothing of my good fortune to mine host
nor, indeed, tp any one else in thedowu, and to
count out the money to me privately, seeing that
I could not be sure that the thieves might sot
lay In wait for me on the road hams,-if they
bezel of it, and this the man did. for he whisper
ed something into the ear of his fellow. who
straightway opened his leathern .sareted, item.
Ida doublet and hose, and unbuckled from his
paunch a wellfilled purse which ire gave to him.
.., Sarum. Before long I had my riches in my
pocket, and, moreover, the man begged me to
write to him at Amsterdam whenever I found
any more amber, the which I promised [rid& Bet
the worthy fellow, as I have since heard, -died of
the plague at Stettir, together with his` com
panion—truly I wish it had happened:otherwise.'
Shortly after, I was very near getting into great
trouble; for, as I had an extreme longing to fall
on my knees, so that I could not wait until each
time es I should hhve got back to my inn, I
went up three or four steps of the Castle-stairi,
and entered into a small chamber,' where I hum- I
bled myself before the Lord. But the host, Nico-
lea Graeke, followed Me, thinking I was a thief,
and would have stopped me, so DLit I knew not
how to excuse myself but by saying that I had
been made drunken by the wine which thestrange
merchants • had given to me (for be had. seen
What a good pull I had made at it); seeing I had
. not broken my fast thatmorrthug, and that I was
looking for a chamber wherein I might aleep a
while, which lid he believethif in truth it were a
Se, for I was really drunken, though not with
wine, but with love and gratitude to my Maker),
and acconlingly he let me go.
But I must now tell my story of his Princely
Highness, no I promised above. :Into 22, ns 1
Chanced to walk with my daughter, who was
thou a child of about twelve years old, in the
castle garden at Wolgast, and was showing her
,hel*.autiful flowers that grew there, it chanced
thst-as we came round from behind some bush
- es we espied my gracious lord the Duke some_
Julius, with his Princely Highness the Duke
Bogislaff, who lay here on a visit., standiag on a
mount and conversing, wherefore we were about
to return. But as my gracious lords presently
- walked on towards the- drawbridge, we went to
look at the mount where they had stood; of a sad
- den my little girl shouted loudly for joy, sexing
that she found on the earth a costly signet ring,
which ono of their Princely Highnesses doubtless
had dropped. I therefore said, ••Come, and we
will follow OUT gracious lords with all speed. and
thou shalt myth them in Latin, Serentanmi prm
apes, poi, ocarina hunt annidura deptedida i f o r,
IA I have mentioned above, 1 haul instructed her
in the Latin tongue ever since her seventh year)?
and if one of them eays Ego, -rive to him the
/tem.--Sliould he usktbee in Latin to
whom thou belongest, be not abashed, and say ,
Ego sum filiaposTorts. Cov-rurclenoc.: for thou wilt
thus find favor in the eyes of their Princely
Highnesses, for they are bath gramont h ntl
meat, more especially the taller one, wo is our
gracious ruler *cilippus Julius himself." This
dui promised tVo; but as she trembled sorely
villav• half lolly botirecoSerpa oma Wtagrtot, no.
ealkd Zkroowict.
t no pioVat panAL arthiro‘ eon an
ncrorol r bort an 3
Incomplete uotJors of LOo sulPr.oge dun.:
1 The old viola hes Intr,r;lee.l teem arekn. the 31ileer .
bans reLeueLual aaanuak salve kit: Let, ok. , i
of tbeer—
Vlo'4, giro Do3llim not la pa's*
IrolVo tVa DoXlro frr opers , l t Chrinchenlzne
,icneltart. 111 l'OlG nvorauir: tool. Irstthot.
or th tr l i c . n' tri .
hunger U.0'1.1.11,0." lororiCObtXll tbr tho or
oration of mina h01t...1th., ital,'.4ltScs nohclurfue
I Oloutpare .Chrlnlrle yf
tbs Tu., of tr 04,,,,,”
tl.a Mt.: nve rit , woro oto.oot la.
thlitlpos Julius Feb. IG:h. whomit.. 1.4 Duke of
=V....hew velars rrinalth whet
nus.. N.nac
tbs trevcnit dlty tarp their op, of
Ukticliwtueatlots. the.. Ihtta-h rralnhaut-, r. 171, h.
nowrbi! Chat
the ...nor
of thlor &lab nag doutaJl. uht that
the town phyairinn , Dr. I,4tfrratith• Etrlvaath.,,
hid 'reams • modal strrhcal paper GO tb , .
sear ha Oils am of thou Eletspott , th , ttntt or Kicks.
as ene . erent.--1 e. •
peemfeed her a ne
dist even se a littl:
nuraged her yet. more wd
- gown if rho did it, sewing
I child she would have given
1 . clothe,. • As roan, then, as
the court yard, I stood by the'
ily Highness Ernest Lndewig,'
to run boldly after them, as
.nesecs were only a few steps
already turned toward the
his elle did, but of a sudden
would have - turned back, be-,
toned by the sputa of their I
es, as eke afterwards told me, '
Itled and jingled very loudly.
I. lady the Duchess Agnes saw
window wherein she lay, and
rely Highness, "lily Lord,
den behind you, who, it seems.
'on," whereupon his Princely
ay turned him round, smiling
I my little maid presently took
nag up the ring. spoke in La.
er. Ilereat both the princes
measure, and after my gra
us had felt his finger, he an.
napuella, ego ',midi:" where
o him. Then he patted her
ked, . 4 Seorgreo. - nam es, el unge
eke boldly gave her answer,'
oe pointed with her finger to
1 the statue; whereupon hie
. motioned me to dinar near.—
/saw all that passed from the
once ehe left it. She, how.
it again before I had time
jaw near to my gracious lord,
child, and held a cake out of
. On my telling her. she ran
but her Princely Highness
/low nor rho so high above her
•fore my - gracious lady com-
Ile up into the castle, and as
eireat deal for 5. 1
we were come into
statue of hisPrinc,
and whispered h
their Princely Hi
before us and ha j
great entrance.
she stood still, an.
cause she RBA fri:
Princely Highnes•
seeing that they r.
But my graciou,
her from the coped
called to his P ;
Caere is a little .
would sneak with I
Highness straight ,
pleasantly, so tha
courage; and, hol
tin as I had told
wondered beyond
oboe Duke Philip ,
upon she gave it ,
cheek, and again
reasr whereon°
and at the same t'
where I stood b
Princely Highnes
My gracious lady
window, but all a
ever, came back t I
even humbly to
and beckoned to
the window for he
op to the window
could not reach so
as to take it, who •
mended her to cot round niter me, motioned
V gracious lord himself, who
'timid little maid by the hand
his Princely Highness the Duke
be looked anzinu
le also. es did .1
resently took the
nd went un with
ions lady came to meet on
cooed and embraced my lit,
Rogislaff. My
and gel
at the door.
hat she soon grew quite bold
e daughter, so
When my gracious lord had
m, why I had in so singular
y daughter the Latin longue,
had heard much From a cousin
manner taught
answered that
Schurman,t and as I had
eelleut ihgrniurn in my child,
enough in my lonely cure, I
take her in hand..and teach
at Cologne of M
observed a very
and also had tilt,
did not hemitate
tuth up, seeing I had no boy
ir Princely Ilighnes.s mar,
I put some more questions to
she answered without any
e. Whereupon my gracious
Las said in the vulgar tongue:
I rows up and art one day to be
too, and thou shalt then have
her from her
alive. Ilerent th
yelled greatly,
her in Latin, whi
nnimpting from
lord Duke Philip'
••When thou art ,1
married, tell it DI
me, Iliad whatsoever else per
or thou halt this day done me
another ring fro.
Loins to n bride.
ng that this ring is a precious
had it front My wife." Here
. her to kiss his Princely High . -
I h a promise, and so she did.
gracious Goal, it is one thing to
another to hold! Where is his
.s at this timer Wherefore let
ind that "thou only art faith
h thou bast promised thou wilt
I.ssziii. 4. AmenJ I
is Princely Highness had also
.ing myself and any cure, and
I.f ancient and noble family, and
,y shall, he called from the
to his chancellor, D. Rungius,
good service seel
jewel to me, 05 1
upon I whisper-.
ness' hand for s
But alas, most
promise and quit
Princely Ilighne
me ever keep in
and that whi
'surely hold." P 1
Gem. When I
inquired educe
heard,that I was
my solarium ve
chamber winds
t. looking at the. sun dial. and
" to have an addition from the
a, Item, from the :rown-lands at
iptioned above, but. more's the
received the same, although the
Lnioau was sent me coon after
who stood with.
told him that I
convent of Tod:
Ernsthoff, as I
pity, I never ha
mstrumentuot d
ighness' chance • or.
re brought for o e also, item, a
ice in a glass p fated with ar
whereupon I h.mbly took my
'th my daughte
oute buck to m: bargain, any
what joy my c. hi felt when I
,ir ducats awl U. ins I had got
r. To the mai , howevk we
by his Princely
'Then cakes w
glass of foreign
morial bearings,
leave, together
However, to
body may guess
~)towed her the
ten fur the am
inherited suchl , ches from my
and after we ad again giv-
Lord on our knees. and rat-
said that we hal
tantherin 1161. 1
en thanks to
we bought in a great store of
and stock-fish era, of clothes,
en our I firmer.
bread, salt. meat,
' ,hied whit was .eedful fur u
the winter from the cloth tu r
r. for my daught r. I bought
net sin hoddice with n bl ock
seeing that I p
three tbroughou
chant. 'r.llureort
hair net and a
.• .. - . . .
apron and a n - 6 e petticoat. rirrtl, a fine pair of
ear-rings as she begged hard tnr•theim and as
soon as I had o erect the needful rum the cord
wainer we set ou on our way hom.ward, as it be
gan to grow very ark; but we could p. of carry near
ly all we had bolght Whereto • we were for
cad to get a peasant from Banneoin to help us
who likewise wa r. come into the t,)wia, and as I
found out from ham that the fellow who rave me
the piece of bread was a poor cot t er called Pan
termehl. who dlelt in the village by the road
side, I shoved a pouple of loaves in at his house
door without hi' knowing it, and we went on our
way by the bright moonlight, so . at by the help
of God we got ' ome about ten o clock- at night.
' I likewise gave L
loaf to the othe fellow, though
truly he desery it not, seeing hat he would
go with us nofurther than to Z toe. But I let
him go, for 1, too, had not des mad that the
Lord shouLl so 'ready blCssAne.
FROM THE MEXICAN 1301"NDART 1 . 0 , 1,415•10 N
The Providence Journal publishes a letter from
eorne person connected with the
dart' Commission. dated Deanna, New Mexico.
January 1501. •Thi 4 is a small town of some
! seven or eight hundred inhabitant, on the es,
ride of the Rio Grande. sixty miles north of El
Paso. There were at the date of the letter. 'a
company of Unites! St.p.e3 dragoons and one of
infantry at Donana. The writer says that the
Copper Mines will probably be the headquarters
Con mission, for the summer
e The father of Ihtilltppue Julius, die. at {Volga. the of the - • where
17th June. IZ,P'2 there is understood to be excellent grazing, plea
t Anna pariah Schulman. her at o C 'oar on the 6th I
Nocernlwr. 1007, d ,al the sth 11a, lea.
OfWood and water, and an abundance of game.
" °""" r .tab" nacet The richest portion of the valley a the Rio
• ef leerntng, and pehas the' woman P ever liovd. ' Grande lies above and below Donana, and thief
: Luther's vent , !l ' ly on the American site. It is near this place
. I s „ also that the great desert of ninety miles acres,.
NARRATIVE Or s rme as A CHINESE arena— .
The missionary I reports from China as quoted commences, where there ii neither water or
in the A . ..douche Zritony„ describe the terrible . grass. The Indians were very bold and trouble.
ravages of a fle dwhich took place. on the let of i some in the r i e mi ty , o r D onano , rutting oil h,,,-
Jan., 1848. at i onquang, during the prevalence i ~,,, mu . , an d catt l e in gnat num b, though
of an inundation- The Tribune translates some .' m
portions of theount The fire,- which broke careful not to expose their lives.
nut among the shipping, was of unparalleled , A Telegraphic despatch, dated at New'Orleans
horror. In o rto from an idea of it, we taunt :on the 226th. says: •'Major Bartlett, of the Bonn
imagine the sc ne of its devastations. Along • dory Commission, has arrived from Texas. Ile
the shore of th lii-ang, for the distance of sees- left the Commission at El Paso, and states that
rat miles, so re ny vessels are usually lying at . all difficulties with the Mexican Commissioner
anchor that wh ri seen from the opposite bank , had been satisfactorily arranged. The caps
they resemble thick forest, but regarded from were all well.
a near point thy look like an illimitable, popu- . "Major B. reports horrible scenes - at Saco
loos city dusting upon the water. At a still . lion, one of the frontier towns. A band of des
gre:iter &static.. though not so crowdeciTogether, f peradoes had infested the town. committing ma
in:nay other sec els lie ut the same anchoring ,ny murders. The members of the Couimission
ground. Thewhole forms a long harbor extend- had raised a force of Americans. who round eight
ing many mile, filled with an immense iMmber or ten of the miarderers, tried, and immediately
of ships, and presenting a spectacle of which no f hung them all."
one who has not seen it can form a conception. I •
On the night iniquestimaafuriou.s gale struck this
multitudinous fleet, and is the confusion that en-
sued one of thelvessels was found to be on fire.
Increased at a ce by the wind, and fed by the
tar and other otabustible materials with which
a great numbe of the vessels were loaded, the 1
tire spread lik lightning to the neighboring sea
sell. The viOffince of the storm and of the fire
I parted the cables which had thus far confined the ,
burningiships• Scattered by the 'raging hurri-
i cane in every •rection, these everywhere spread
; devastation, t ing into flame whatever they
I touched, and k tiling the devouring fire in a am
: merit in the o er vessels. In tho midst of this
terrible sea of re were beard the shrieks and
groans of an i mense numberof men, Who, given
over to despai , tossed by the storm, pursued by
, the flames d encompassed by the raging
waves, were a last burnel to acrisp by the tire,
or salloWed pin the wild abyss of the stream.
The lii-ang fo a great distance resembled a sea
of fire, and in he space of three hours all those
vessels, with e unhappy men on board, millers
; bly perished. It is agreed on all bands that the
Inumber of ve eLs, according to a ,moderate esti
! mate, amount d to more than three thousand.
i The Chinese b ate, as is well known, even the
1 emallest, are i bited by the family of the cap
tain, together with the crew. Indeed, there
are whole hots holds, whose members are born
lon board, who they live and die without know
! Mg to what c untry they belong.. They come
into the world wherever the floating abode of
1 their parents nppens to be found° Among the.
I vessels burned Were several large, ships. Many
i4f them contni ed from forty to fifty and sixty
persons. The bodies, multilated and disfigured
by the fire, wch were drawn out of the stream,
amounted to sixty thousand. These vessels
. were loaded wi It freight, and belonged to Chinese
1 from different :provinces. This may show the
! great loss and general bereavement caused by
Ithe fire. Sue a terrible conflagration was ne
ver known, w will not nay in China, list in the
whole world. All a native from Ham-yon-fee
was surveying he scene of desolation, he was so
impressed with the number of the victims that
I he ordered at cis own cost ten thousand coffins,
for the ente eat of the lashes, which could be
afforded:fbr fie or six francs. This sum is
I paid by the p or for their coffins: usually they
, cost them fro thirty to forty francs, and the
I rich pay ~ eve I thousand, for the poor idolaters
', imagine that e more is dune fur the body the
better. it will ,e with soul
1 7
Citizen's co Company of Pittsburgh
A. Yr.
Ofleve hit al Dater ntre..t.ln the ere.n.honee or C.U.
C. 0. Hoke .Prerldent A W Cite, Weetr'. . .
, This Owniany le now pre Mrel U, 1,,,,, .1, ~,..„6,,,,,,
111 %WI, twi4 in . Dean, ae.wele. it . -
An ample auanty for the aiDity awl Integrity of the
Inrututino. la riled In the rharaeiter or the Joreehor,
rtu are all ell-Deux of Databorgli. well and ravorahl,
known to the ea Inanity for their trust. her. Intelligence,
awl integrttr.
Dtarrinou—C. . Ituarey. Wu; Dagaley. Wm. Larlmer,
Ye. Walter B . I t. Hugh D. King, Meant Ileaselton,
Inhe Haworth. . Itarbaugh. B. M. Kkr, Lism ,_
o Poteign and American Hardware.
N. 129 Wood Street,
..../ ki
A full andoompl to stack of FOREIGN ,T.N E 'D AMERICAN
bultable to the ming trade, and whiclirt.hay are I/repute:l
to favoro swim at
that will compare
rably .1111 stay of Um elute!. cal..
Rgllo,..B.—Subscribers who intend to move,
will please call at the office and leave plainly
written directions for the carrier.
Washington, Harrisburg, and New York letters, ~a-Prrarr AM.,141 It m.t r,r,..rtmnr torn,,t to th.
Bridging the Ohio," Commercial news, Sc.,
will be found on the first page. mar "miry tho‘t I have r o urfool 'Wan old
Clorooloor Couch. by the ute,okPour Mottle , of Petroleum.
Nliscellsneous articles will be found on fourth Th,.,,005h ooluto o ko o d Imo ;earn., la.t IMmt..r..etzl !had
Pag e, 1i..l all hope. , o ttin, , I Imol Into, the nohow , . of
,00rt.rotl tohNtoettt, a othtut an, I--neht. I woke ho o nethod
For Telegraphic News, and Home Matters, sec m the rete•aam eeege.t un. dwi.47
third page. th. 1 ,1 ',ant .ut,dancr omf.Joooor
, I make the. , olotteuooota , without stuy kollett.ttoort trout otUT
u.. to , d o , u. arid -.AA,' fur the pun.... th o ll o , t1,• oo roo who
1311IDGING THE 01110.—We give a very interest- moot' too .outto rinc o, It o lo. o no t o t o ot Y•Flf ~t al..rty .
ing article on this subject, from the Clocionati
'Gazette. It is now undisputed, that the It heel- ! th. t00...1.0n stn., JuitN WATT.
ing Bridge is an obstruction to the . asvigation of !.. ptrranrxs, rel.rt o mri
the Ohio river. This being the case, it ought to
he raised higher, and it is better for all partie.
that it should be. It will establi.ilt a precedent
for Bridging the navigable streams of the West,
for all time to come, and thus the present hard
ship will result in an ultimate good to the whole
We have now in suet:es:4ol operation it very
pleasant and speedy line of communication for
trade and travel between Pittsburgh and tbe
Lake city. The line is made up of three modes
of conveyance, and this adds an agreeable va
riety without decreasing the comfort of travel.
The passenger leaves this city at 9 A. M., in a
steamboat for Beaver. and after a pleasant rail
down the Ohio for twenty-eight miles, he is trans
ferred to a canal packet, handsomely fitted up,
and on which he spends the night, and .arrives
about noon the next day at Ravenna, and is im
mediately transferred to the, fine Railroad Fars
of the Pittsburgh and Cleveland line, and by .1
o'clock he is at Cleveland, making the journey
in about 26 hours' without the loss of sletT, or
any fatigue, and in time to take the steamboat
up or down the Lake, or the evening train of
cars for Cincinnati. Travellers on this line will
have the additional enjoyment of delightful
scenery an the Ohio river, and on the Beaver, and
I Ohio, and Pennsylvania canal. The fare is so
low, only $3,50 through to Cleveland, that many
persons will take the trip for the mere pleasure
of travel, and to see the great inland sea at
Cleveland. For about six dollars, a visit can
I be made to Niagara Falls, withon any fatigue
whatever, comprehending in it a steamboat trip
on the Obio river, a trip on a canal packet,
Iride on a railrOad through the finest portion of
the far-famed Westermitescrve, strip of about two
hundred miles on Lake Erie. and a railroad ride
from Buffalo to the Falls, passing through two
fine cities, and affording the greatest variety of
linteresting travel to be hod anywhere for the
same amount of money. The agents for this
line iu Pittsburgh, arc G. M. Barton and J. A.
Caughey, whose advertisements will be found in
the appropriate column.
Tale Etecren-Idsawartc Powen—This tre
mendous power of nature will, in all probability,
be soon put to a practical use. Professor Page
has already succeeded in propelling n our on a
railroad, at the rate of ten miles nn hour. n.
will be seen by the following, trom the National
Intelligeneer, of last Saturday. and we doubt
not we shall soon see greater things than these :
Professor Page's Electro-Magnetic Locomo
tive, we understand. made a preliminary trial
the day before yesterday, on our railroad, for
the purpose of testing the Iwst wisle of attach
ing the battery, which seems to be is dincult
point owing to the jostling .d ,i-ciliation. of the
locomotive." It was run out over two 111111 111 . tintl
the best speed on it straight track was ten miles
an bodr. The locomotive weighs ten and a half
tons, and has five feet drivers, with two feet
s troke. We hope soon to see it under way its full
blast. It made 11 curious appearance to fle,
who happenesl to he on the spot at the time, as it
look. exactly like a passenger car.
Encinvatin Revizw.—We have received th.
January number Of till! periodical. his for sal
at Wm. C. Wall's, Fourth greet.
Por the Ga:rUe.
I see in the GEl.Zette. of this morning, a note
signed by Mr. G. W. Hosting, American Chap
lain at Rome, highly complimentary to the Papal
authorities, for their liberality in allowing Ameri
can .Protestants one place of worship within the
walls of that city ;
This, Mr. Hastings says, is "acting very hand
somely towards us." Really, Mr. Hastings might
adopt the conclusion of any tinker or cobbler's
advertisement, and say, the 'quailest fissure
thankfully received."
rtili ESTA If LASH situated on the
Moor ositowne l'innolosti. !wriest tti Snobs" tossr
uni• twnsirojn sow Giuntstlori.msolson•rs
. 1,111 •,o. of Ilse to. n olenitio Insteps in LP/ I tilists
ot snot. now stni sp.of
pinion.", 33 11311. if tor moor fanlstits Pisa ton ols,
hots ...Ist M s .t. t• now /Moon fir owl.. oit
tom. is oil it ',hosts. It ;r w s.. all the sit tentenrsof
so ninshiolsoss ot stiosiol tho mon tiosirslslo part hf
eines, stillosits 1 . 11 . 11 11,41.ttar - has
op oil hsoinp.4 ',lentos:to trailo. It ' ossish•U of Innen
I.llls, o m. 0.. novo Vinory or Notillos Yips two IP
n in- ns news, Vitro..., with ht sine net/ Ms
tops 3, Own loin to 4 inwh. Lientl API
pisro. and all the onus' tint Iron, with • vowl
A L. , 3 - A wrist., eb,.t nett !Whir fill , ontillshLr.s3Ww
Erwin , isnatils. of problems from. to 110. pent', dial
In int•lstoin. [hero 1. n drat Frsonirr. with wharsto Vs.
~,„,i onp r It. Mitriilll., • tae Ir inerwsion to
The American chapel here is located, curious , . ! i rro, , j' i ri d , A j
ly enough;, in the •• Via del Poidifici." We enter ~,,
a vaulted passage, Or carriage way, leading to a sitaml on
common theatre, which MIR formerly the Mau- ...mop., lipry•d • Hilo. Flow, tli ' n ' iO ir 1.111 . gl;
soleum of Augustus ; and, by a side stairea.e, we '
climb to the third floor of en old palace building, •.I Instil d : o f i ls , ii t :tt;. rads
where is itti itpartwimpt, y I', prcolll
- tome two hundred persons. If privacy ; it..t 4, • Polltsy Sli f I
he the Brent object, it i. surely difficult enough •'" sr.l fif•ff
to find—rietplacard outside, and the ~
government AL,- t
A`odNuu„i‘!....i,•fl...syrin. ~1
ill ImnL : reullilry.for 'slop rout,
very jealousof any publicity. It has been sig. i•f• •ft,
nified to the pastor that singing moot lie orrittfell I ram ilootostilifrart ii( Land, ntitittoil
in the services, as ilia would possihly attract •
sorne attention, and wgg red the consciences of A 1re.4150W;:17: , ! . ..r040;5t .714inie, its All shout :Ai.
ROlnoll Ca dais i• (silent- ! .131“1tly
I find to be, that during the late Republic Art: i ttri, linnitstot t or . m o L , o .
an order WPM sera to the Pro la, by the ; tl mn
Spot p isTlierinTt't7n7t!at.l/liarl'ifirr:l"l74
Provisional Cto•ttrnment, that the must 1111,ho,,vrf
be vacated and delivered up to them. The Fa- i t ' swiiiir; 'I Isere aro oretl a rse ilor a fir ' elsVE?tl a
Putty, an a last resort, addresffed role to sosil , 1,1,13,7! s ni iros . tno, Pr intik one Irons
Cass, our American , Minister, begging him to in
'cry°. his earnest offices in the mitre. fie did en, '
and IMCCeeded. Ivonsoltratton 'erne ,„, ,
eside - red, and precke ia o nthsh . yrothd, the Pop 21.1•••••1 lon ht7tith,, Iltioinnatl.
growled the repext of Jlfr. Coe, for an Ain, lean 1)1 ICE —:dll , ' o , arriving p er Do \Vitt Clinton,
chapel within the tootle. The favor, as it is, under in. W. AI . WlLStin.
restrictions and suspicions, is Barely the leant 311)1,A SS,ES-70 lib's. Louisiana Re
that could he rendered. And this kind of con, O.
i n.., smolt,. armtiloion. 1i I ' . ,
' na tal explain!, the late resistance of the Govern- .._ ".' tf 3111.4 M
ment to efforts made for it, removal. The excel- litt Y-1 , rots per Mag .
cent pastor is well fitted for this difficult posiGon;
mild, when the opportunity opened, lie secured 11-0 I .: 1 , , 4'41 , ,431, LS”
11 flOirnef u T
fthe premises and furniture at his own expense. '
The amount has been nearly re-itulairsz n il , hitu
••, , t , 4 olos, A 31 Miscitrero who has, tool. ' 1 'P I
a 4a
by contributions a viy.itor,, among r.eorn them
liberal donations from member" of the First
Presbyterian church of S e te York." D Ms , 4L4P4 A3l. Inswn •
.11 cum
„ ••.I iosolopps nwir on spit ilosoln.
pt. it- oho It will Ix. 1.4134 i witslostek les, sot W
oliootiosof 1,4 Litton nowt':
. Linott istut MoolloPi se whit, ftlir
in order that your readers may fully under•
stand the great and mayarficraf privilege granted
them at Rome, please insert the following extract
of it letter written at Rome, by Is distinguished
Presbyterian minister, on the 19th of February.
1891 :
It teem+, ,or.. that even this pitiful favor is
granted ^ in eurisider , ffieno - of Mr. Coss' interfer
ence to protect the Popish Government front their
Popish friend.... 1 . .111 Frolic,
Market Street Store for Rent
1 - 1011. RENT.—The Store, 118 Market.,„„
,areet. Use ..rend deer fiewn the rorne r Merketia
and Liberty Arr.. l'uswedtat gt•eu the let of April
twit !aqui/roof DAVID tilt.E.M.ll,
ehltt 10.5 Pam mt.
, •
• air - MR. 'BRISTOW •respeetfully int
ti.e dtmena of PlttshorKit aid the Wewt,.to et
i amine hit specitomm. , l Ancient and Illmiere CIITROCRA
et dradmo in h 111.1103,11, 101C/tint:Mt .1%.6 -
. and Aeadeum in Bur:mita. gII ..r 211 Baltimore gm t.-
1114 term. ary onli a few Julian for'n eourio of dais toi
-1 tau. A artendki ronnine hand Insoned. with
. out fear of intro.:ion. nod all. Instruction Oven in the
NEW 51.1THISMATIC I. ILVND. by hick., If tx.
for anly 11—thu, doing away with the muter', prii.wnee.
itememb..r this. you can leirn u, write b, )ourself. with
this tiew mathematiml model. fur 11. by applyini to the
l'hilmialwhia en Baltimore Academy- Uirb..2,2t
For nal.. by 31cliodell. 110 Wald dtrret, R. E.
57 ll'or,d dtre.1.1... P. A. Fahurstork. d Cn. corn
IV.. ..d and d/..r. U. M. Curry. 0. A. Elliott. Julkepl r
mud 11. P....ichwarld. b ) the pro
S. 'I. Kl.lll[.
Caunl Ilagin.Sea..ntb ,t..llt4burab.
TRH:111'11A NT TF.,I MON Y to the value
,1 Dr 31,4ne's nll that doubt.
- .t 11.,.{. ahen p/a4lll sit Ow. elit.ecir a rut hole, en
ter. the att.rture. Ilp td•rlig papp.e, tutu, ututu the
rat. ettorutiustot Tre
ontoteurtt. and dn.., the tumours Or
vaul., to the Aud to ltldt tonnuer I have fouttl
Dr Nlrldttot, Autertettc l ertso tine t. 01erOte
tr,), dr,wifilt 4114 duudrrout of chiltirtdl.
Thitwrit the fdrret, outer,. +lto aperture of the
mouth. .el.,
the 40114.1. hoax routtl the stouturlt,
1, h o ld ~r the t0..r0, that, the lite out of the ritptilet,
~1,114 rte:.n u dte
thoen. anti earo. their eturtotte“leou out
.1 the xpdetu. Thio. at Ina.t, 1.10, Ituert Lite ell., of the
Vet - mita., upon toy eltddrets. WM. IidtI:LAYT
trim, Januar). 1,7
• •
to re ft thet I toter u,..1 Dr. McLane, Vertu'.
loge. NI hoer foe,' it to ot.erate et like wavurr uwe
to, rltillteu. Jt/lIN
J. KlIrD t CO.
No. GI Wood K.
tLc Am, InAt.. ttlialthNx A., couxttrt aCtapt
1, at J hi u
11, fttuttrttl vlll Ittite hilt. ,• htt the Itt .kprit.
ht. (runt the re...tut, carp, or B...nrer.tmot anal
N it 1L..,
F. W I LSON lo renlov..4l it, NI,.
V V • lb r2att .1 . ...1
awl Stult
tillota•ra ttra I
kovrtiar. At, 114 ..larcotal.
258 Liberty Street
tao and taanalcle a.turttnetal t•lllete
F ILI' an , l 11. I, •wltenal paratuelly lit
en slectar,. in the \ art lark and
I.a, tuat rat Cc
,ara.l a , •tt.t.t:ts the t,lz reoll,tla alrama ,
la It' 1,, to. et, and at Matt
tat ma.
.. • . . • .
• wt.:, tL.lvett r••••••limunci
•eli e' irrn tur'ut, llang
~• Ark tbr urCu ,ajultal 1.0 n thou
I n 1.. the a h..
11,. n.r a naal.uata..
man; 1..1.1A,.. altatul, large
II II A;I:t, A 111.
Lpl nal T., llvalrry
Bank Stock for Sale.
__VlllO P. : that in CollipliAnce
, the mots•AIPIP• •.4 en ArA
r. 4 It, ',AI PQ.OI. 0n.r . . , 1...,41..p.1 el ,ui
nt 145., TIIO
.• ,A 7 , 1,11A1ik .,
sr. w - ji 4RL. SL v.nvmn9e Hunt .4
OA. 705 ,la,
St it. A M 11l ..plo.r •.t 1nr... -. tor.
, t
t kI-- I ha, I , rem..,,..1 burs. new -.tore.
, tli.. En.. .1
• I 01111.. rl , .
-I.l+ 11.1•1. %Wrap
, 11. NT
rilrsisuit , ;ll AND GLEN ELAND
k, and 1ta111,3,1 Lin,
14,e 11... itng , n^
,tue11.4111.... t,De man•al
atr.vt, itn,t
...T.. b, 11. tart". .11
11,14 r wJ 1.1:111,1. nutt .I...utyrt f. .r bitt,
....tat,. tr. t.r alt.l
t Attht- 1 An,' I rt., r.e.1..n.
• , lloolt.llE.k
• 41 qr.::
J~l iAl:clll.l
1':l 1 , 111/Wll
155 1.
On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals.
E o.t . PA
t 11,4 , 111,11.1‘. t }MEP t k
SVF - 1! IttotWtt Lint . Ittt Itttw itreptuell to
tr,,,,,,,trt.trt.t 4 ttt Awl trart I•IT NI% Noll
1 I ,
. ..ttt I•ttttt tttt ttt"
It. Tar •••,,
A s
1,, ru.. • .
‘. nom., •, I.O"Am,
11 I 1.14 •,0 I)
I..nt,A.s. a I . natalt,l.,
VO-I.han , T •
nrln. 0
!tonna , 11.1 , .. 1%0,n,, 111.
41 ,
• , r II nu: .1.1 nnnlnnen.llo,.l.,,,,,arnh
ISS t.
CLARKE. Vann'' , a ,T 1101.1tV,.....
INUE PIZ“I'ItIETORS ill, old and well
10n... int nn 1.1. puttee that th, sr.
amrat,,, AAAI Lay k, ennounn.
~...11 - 0•••01ny, I • t.;K: an! llannera..litch tbe, am fully
Wm Canal. and Lel.r Er•••
and 0 leh,an. thr ran', • Inn ,ftne tin.
1.1 r.. I— at 0, land inn. I.l,mWSiai •a
11'11111:1", A
••.t atrt an , , ld antntle .4.4. hi...burgh
1. , V 0 . ta•0.010.01,00z00. NE, 0,00.100.
J A 00
1., A Co..lnvtl,lll,
Covington Iron Works for Sale or Louie.
LSEit.II:F: & SILK TissUES, for
u. 6. bvd
dl'It1.111" R ni
vy 111 , 11 Y lillitCU Fl ELI) hay, recrivivi
IV A ,dd-cA rdA.I Tueoll And C.Aimen,
L,IRD--2u kegl & Jbit!, No. I, for sale by
meb3l blall;EL P.
Tnis NSTITUTION, n Rmtrdi nr .111. i iid3
!School mr tonne Ladies, tot now in an..twre
trlw :eau
n"" iiilmm. u. . Pnfuertrrn,"l..otUr:7ti. L'et'e'nll.
in.-hate charge of the linanling Pupil.. noted .ident
fa The entire cost of the mrutnazi .111
nnt fall far .11ml,
none.ll.oo It he heantifulli tmted nran
no elevated sae cted with ch. bird
hills tn. , of
11nm/inn apart frum the dust and dm nniee of tit. •
}:"." ha. been pr. et led which
ouch an Inetitunon requlre. Internal! , the , arrannements
omplet, The government is tom, but mild and pater
nal Damn: an ertneslence of a vers, I v'tt , th.
has never had to ea pel a mot. t r had a single cnet f
uedl.elphue. which be exe-but attribute. with God 's filer
mnto his Ennio of navtrnment, wad tas hen...anis them
4mitrions arrangement, A mural and 6nishol
ton given while rpm.' attention la vet . dto 0h...
moral end relunous
of winch constitute the true
la ant? and ornament of the female character. Inn atten
don rnid nhTvinal. a. well se intellectual educattou
TTU 1 . 1111 , 1,x1 will een I catalogue , and Lite env ad
11 , mal Information re-tutred. A eatalonne can ..tan at
th. &tom
ma neat Te wl eommenee on tin Ilt•T t 1
and .onntio t w o n un half calt laded. month,
- •
A Valuable Coal Farm for Sale,
ITCATED on the Bank of the 310- TV!
~,,, Ignlielaltiver.randravertownAop. ‘ , ..ftroon-rta
land tulle" (ma. Ihth.hurgh. o aht
,lonoricalltda C.i, half mile Ala
a mo It
1 b
a1 . A . , -. " 7f . or M‘ t l n . : loll
vtoe ' w acia ' uts it to the .Imi..ion of tomb air into the
mine, This Out can all he conveniently condoned to the
rrer, trnmr.. of a RAILROAD w bleb 14 now in opera.
tom utmn the prenilag.. The landing at the ndlway In ea.
mlient. and the eituation well adapted fur ha
the boa,
aah•ll. Thin location offers [twilit:en for the (hal trade
to the Ifonongabela nyer .
The nod apart the surface, roma of which la cleared and
under cultivation, of very Juperior quarity. being mostly
limedone and bliwk walnut soil, non adaptod thegrnwth
.•wheut and all other grain common tothe country. Limo
aunt ahututant upon the Pref..... and t oo gmtrried.
The building. an rem enturfindloun two story linek
Dwelling with Ba nd rge rooms and • back kitchen.
large Log Rang lar convenient Stable; t.n000l•
Smoke lion,.
it , 'loupe, a t A noon' falling ennui) of
go,sl water. with au eacollent pump at the door. The plare
is abundantl, nanrilrd with garb Prnn‘o, In WO. the
ht is xi. on the prenthwn you. %rearing go
chant of Ropenor crafted fruit. The . whole is of convenient
nen., to the steamboat landing at T
Thor. ..,1 w
ndd eeparal with all the n,o,osr ) Prollmo for tw
km,. a out. i .e the Land and emal together, to suit pun.h.
no Um prentinen,
Or to rt. d 1g lIALIBArtiII. Ihttnhoral, tf
Vii.ENCii PAPER 11A4a1INGS—Tauet , -
I try. allon, Velvet end tiold Paper flanging,. an.l
llonicr, foe Drawing Ittagn. , nod aria, from the vete
bratllanufacturer Dclacourt. Feria, ion me , ' awl
fur sale by II A LTEIt RSIIA LL,
mehal Oil Wood atraeL
111 TA LL PAPER—Fort , I . lle . r m l . to i lf t oj i. s . ale
I'PLES-20 bbls. (Green) for talc
J. II caNrit:CD.
Ijool,L BUTTER- 5 bbls. (fre , h) for ',ale by
tj Sugar Leml, Arid, Nntlilerg
Clml• Ligstorce.. Cinonusen.
Jun) nod and for al. l.y J. KIDD a CO,
. . , •
11.1,11 1,11 1V,..1
p IIROUND GING Eft-3 Wok, (pure) for
luvls.ll J KIDD k
1 •
10WDER it iiljnAitii-4 4.11NW1 for oile Iry
J 101.1 •
131 a DER LIQUORICE ioT rare.
• tkr .1 K 110) a 1.0.
1 1 I'M A LOES-- - 3 for ,ale liv
I 2n,h31 .1 1111.
,k1:1 , MAN L. Coakling's No I
_La Lana (111 In stun , and (Sr onl. hp
1.0111:1 . =1 and to Lll.-rte 0.
up• 10 COFFEE-1501 , p.. holding, for .ale liv
1.11. .101.11 NI I (.LEI: a It ICE ET,. IN
up 11• E-25 tierces landing. for rale
1. m.ljll MILL/It a 111'0 El
111 1111 1 1)13—.5 11 ror 1,,
111111111 a If. 1,1: irt , t
E , 15 . BS :
OOK--I . llementr of
1.r.%1 • rtet.a)elaal and 1.1,0 ,a1 , r ) 1 ,. v ..., z1; ,.
Nun Ilnwain„
11 tales.. frularrela 'N., 10 the auth, 11.11
IrJaian Labe al/411. IN.or. 1.e..
auhtli..ol.oo.ll rr a tra•lloo. 10 Beard 1,0
iv!...11 it r.l .
1 4 4 ' ;"•-1,11 fresh,
'Y sl l „l%
• . _
1.1 kep
11)1I1* : 11:1'LES-10 I,l : k. i rec' ; l, , b.rnalr by
1)111 F. , 1 , ,,, PF:A ell
( 10EN- I . Shelli.ll fir sal, I.s .
bIMCEI.I . ,tutilnu
bbl for Nib. by
7 , 111101:11
WE ET t.}.14. for S. 1, iii
b. arr., per 11••xt .ml 5.1...5
I, 51.111 I , lCh
otyr and in•bt.•
Wotor .13.1 Fm•yrt
Ai:UN 11:1\1',v SHOULDERS for Nile by
I,IAII 1,1.1 L 1 . 0
'WA Nlll IIISKI:1 ~.ry
1 . ) .1.. 1 ht•0v)...1 1-•••• h 1.1•7•4•1 • G•r••' , '
Tya prbry. 1,. .L. 1.13. .....
.1111,. tor •Ye by .1. 51:1111CIN MAK Kt, et lA,
(1111 7 -2 t,t,lat. Wifir Sit,m; I. do.
O IL\ !O;F:S; ;to hos,. :.twttt•t •ttt
Produce, Commission. and Forwarding
7h .V.,rrk Street, I:4ltrnor,
rpt i ti: undersigned, Agent liar the Penn
. .., IT•tna And bra.
?L. 11.11tm... and nizanu+bnuna kulroul.
ra.n tomcn [rm.:ow:nu: •
In ,rna....4.n wlth Vo I
I,WAILLINO lildniNt-n, and
~.1.4-tfully•nnwn.onowngnu2nemin., Whist, .liksur.l•rain.
and Pn.lit••• wran.rnily
.1.1.1 St] W ,aart Son, Tha.. J
Car., a C... U,L,n.
1,1,1 Ilay';11 , K..isra! , 1a.., Mi.? lA 11
rurnbull. Dail a alavle. .:arreu. Sop.. Jat
NI. K., , 1111111.11 an • I:41, nun. all*
P. A • M. m•all. .
MooirA Stoei a Co.. heal.. Butler. Philadelphia
welch , dlroal
g 11111 D v ery
.2., ...It Mr.), (hp at 1,
tt . (muf SW
'"'n" o"'h" : '
I n i
• -
II l'uMllinn• Furnace.;
'2 Bar Mill' do.; •
Small Mill do.:
2 Shnet Iron
w,th c,thrlrh. Mb of 1,41. (or flax. lon.
4ht..t and Nail Iron. al), Nall Fort,'. Nall Marittzt,...
Kohn,. ar .
th...ttelthe tt Dd. at a the tat.' qualtlt.
anti tt drlttrml (nom thf thr funtaraa. by nava..
h,tagh the ;o 1.0,6,1 Atttwheal lth ,
It art.. are II Itatelltcht How.. E ar hand, that.thottru, Sta.
hl., a,. a,.
. .
fbrre t• not t.. 1 ter N 111112 ., antatr, .an 4
LTA I ITIT 1 . 6 7.t , h'sur or I II 1.1.•• Isl‘
C 11,101% JUNE I Co..
111Vb2,:11. I te
hr 11
Pi 141.11:
IN 1 Tribuon: nil.. .111 Ora,
giv. th• thrrw c.n.ptruota....runno...tid
I Al. .60 , I.l. ,,, n4luukgadvrrunr.ornt
KW ROOKS Not, of :1
v., um.. att. and ',bre.
a .11 val. a the rn.c hr thb
math, bf the lb,hr , . tub. ;b..
I.lrment , kl 4all Ural bobotartr,. qui .1 the
tlal MO lab, '1 l'Alrulue, 1da..., A
J bat ree'd and far go.b , bl
tbrhlS /,•,13 It .tpret
ER—A gorrior
arttd, L.r ale by lb,. b,
1 ,..1.>b.11A F.N, nay f.rn.W ab,l Marl.
vases fo r I F y
.ad. 11. A YAIINESI,I.I, A
A Lcoilot. •aq varinue4 o•trength) for
ti LACK Lk:AL-1200 p• mtlerol, hest
upquail,. fbr Lair by
• IL A. FAIINEsTgmIi s 111
lIITE WAX.-250
V sussla, II A FA11NE.114.71.: k'sas
)I F. WOODS Ch . ! pI A; d
f0 1 ; . • , • . x Ik7 A FAII.tik ' LXsX . K *
s, Iss
.. , Tl' ET RE-,.50 k
- lys , lnl d, lire nnll~ be
s KSTOC'K Al,'
_3l i l'/ir b
A. h.Ynubs ,
orro N_ }W. hales landing fronl /dr. Gene
t; T. and VIA Rule by
oarls2ss ISAIAII 011'11 Er l ea
IIIEASE-- 1,1.15. landing from str.
II ne and to by ',MAU DICK NY dmet t,.. W.., and Front OA
11 AC()\--In e:iisks
„ xler ougl Front mix
P '!O LET— Au Iglicr , with or without Wore
Iluurr WM. IL Jllll7, , Triti.
null'.~ 112 ..m.l rt.
European Agency.
Ilavin ß been ,tetained by business nt
New Orleane awl et. Laura, donna the Inet few week.. I
will net hate tint elly, for Europa, until Tnewlal , the ;tit
of Arrll nett. 11/lIN DA
4.1. , 11',..1 and Filth at..
A Good Opportunity for those who want a
lJ aolorriber parr. lor sale the u,nn. Intl .I. ll e l T , of
r,und. 're
No. I. Into In 1 1 r1,1/ In the C.lctith
11 an!, • - nel: lot L.I. 24 boo 10, lot flooe lota are Om.-
a nti, .ituntohtond he odd at a barnaln,
,the corner
lie , o at a dhlanee, and wi.loo to tn.."... or them. Throe Lot. nt the rorner of Ilend etrett and IN-
Wet --adrautaooously located tor tother bunineasor
prirste redden... ,
No. . Ten lob. the Borough or Larlroneeville, well
aultol Ibr private reehlene.n.
Taelve Act,/ of Land 111 Ilveldre town.lop.
It admirably Welted for rountr, *ate, heltn4 burn
bort 1i1.3110 , frt. 1111 t v line, ataladOnnutr, the 1(.112,24.
No 4. One Lot WeLlter steek, near klnt, 2441.1 114
.14 11.—Nto. and 11. will ha mid on long Wm: may a
Amall portion 64 the {lumbar*. looney will he required In
A Om !dory Mom, near the rommof Webeter and Elm
amminlim lllllbLej. o i atol . ve i fy Inv 4 , a
u4f ropy i 4 Ippie 4, -''l7llll u ; :la
minerebeter mat Elm greets.
FiSil -- 4. 0 bblB. Maas. Nu. 3 Mackerel;
4 Na 1 Ulm= far gale br
mate/! W. t N. WILSON.
FIE ••Edueational Atwnelation of Alleghe
tv Count," will meet in the Etrot" Wned
,1 1i,,,.. Pni.burgli. on Friday. April 4th. 1,51. st
P II . wt which no,, whirr."... win lv deltre,i by
11 e CoMn. 31. D.. and )Ir. A Burn.
z , aturrla. ttw Stb. Mr. John firem7 den•rr
mat.," lon b e . I.l",iolonteal Trainlm: of Children in the
follt;wed In Mr. L. T. Covell.
The fnemi• c.fnluenti.;tl twreetfull) invite. l
of the Exe,tittve Committee.
J. C. 131.11.11.E1t. Ser'e.
EC'D THIS DAY. per Exprese--
:40 din An. a:inane% denim' and I"..die Kid Gii/VIM
Laten 4 lidni, dA. Cas
A. A. ql-W.1.1
rorli27 and Al Market 4,
Board . of Underwriters.
T a 3leetin of the Board of Underwril
Hemgoo/. That from Inhi after the publication 0f liar no
to, tam Fire lb.k. bother orh.anal routlnu , %l. ehall be
entrodarml A. taken b, awe In.mrauce Ottice Iv thia lily.
until the pretruum la paid In . rnn.
111 I e A. W. )MARRY.
Se-Tatarr of lb. Bonn!.
at,.,110 L3I ES' LITERARY DEPOT, Third
atravt. ojpg i Is the root Oftiec
vrcod. !torch.
Dictionary rebanica, No. :B.
kl ' t n t a vig tgitg ur A l F 'P j:kce r V4i,
Thr Ithdory 11.111 nurentureo of Pen Own, by the author
of •'Laurlo Todd.'
Toni ',sonnet and h Three llaidun Aunts.
Pictorial Field Book. N 0.12.
Time: the !veneer, by Mrs. Marsh.
Pape inem by G. W. NI. Reynolds.
CannataTo, in I vol--50e.
Laulee La Valhere: or cancluelon of the Iron Mask.
Stanfield Ilvll. a llintorlral Itomance--completa.
The Warwick Woodlandr, by Frank Turn:mar.
The Is Ickleburge on, the Rhine: by Tbankarry.
The Queena \eeklo h Dumas.
Polly Penh NVeddlnm Illustrated by Darly.
Port Folio of a I ledlral Student; do. do.
•••••••• • • •• • •
The City sterrhant; do. do.
11..r1.1.. a 11111110TMIANoTel: do. do.
Ilevoic. of an Old Mold o Ilintn to Young Men. and Ca!Womb.. .
Gentlemen r,Etbrottfe b y Count D'Orsay.
laulies' Etiquette and Teller Book.
Lavonwro: the Scholar—the tligwey—the Priest—by Geo.
Borrow. sulb,e. of the t win. " New supply.
ll.rper'a New )luothly. for March.
Roston /...I . leleyeare. No. 34.
. . .
Appletemie eclumks , !hu-sale. Ncl. 3.
The Horticulturist. tor 31areb.
Crulning In the raat War, by C. 2. Patera:ln--complete.
Ilirtory of Pendenont, by Tbackarey—compbae.
Cum at Brueurerict, bY RaYnabla. rueb27
In the Diamond, Second Door from Diamond alkyl
F YOU WISH FOR TEA that in really
Coon. this in the plitsr tiny an infeirlor lost prim!
t. nevi, kt.t.t of this
Exestirnt !hr. it 5.
hutnnur .....
This the .in', tun, in Pittsburzli that kin, 4.r tab,
AMBOGE-62 roe'd and for vale by
II mewl: It. K. SELLERS, 57 II .1 . . _ .
, INN A MON --511 mats for sale by
1,/ It E. SgLLF.ILE.
r I NI;Ell iZt )OT—KI It lb.:. for sale by
It torts' -'7 K SSLISItS.
1.. r •IkiP tly mehZ It. E. syd.rns.
V CBI EGS-75 11, f o r nal e by
vb. 2 .7 It. E. SELLERS.
P. CARP.. sop.% • Ito., lb, (Trim) for
179 -.6. I o NP.I.LEK.... •
EMON VANlLLA—Preston's extract. tor
(I. SUGAR-1;1G Idols. arriving, for sale
• bY surb27 . W. F WILSON.
O. MOLASSES-544) bids. (oak) for sale
/1_0; b 7 od. 7 W dr. WILFON.
9.11 E partnership heretofore exkting be
tut.t.h Ithht. Morro, and Jettu Hayworth. thAng La ,
taws. , hit Federal Allegheny etty. and In the DIA
ltnt/hurgh. under the firm Multltha t HAY
r tin. day •1n. , 11,1 . All tortAltnt 'Orb.] de
the late nrtn nIII pleat, mil and settle the
thdrto at either /d Ow shove athret tvetst24
Corner of Wood and fifth Streetx.
11 AVE NOW IS STORE, and to arrive this
k. 11” . , •11../.ng Win. IT,OI then.. rear.uable terms:
11, r.t, tle...riolZ &nen 1,4111 Zhu. VI sob
Tow, Iyunit •
IS hf rlreKt• do al,. 5,1 boxer, extra pure Stant,:
rlbulas. Salt-rata , :
1.0/ 75 bbl,. N. 1. Slulnereem
arpl Jals, S II
I.,•••• • • .04 1 D rloldes S, rub:
'4 514. 5.,. I anal )lak- 25
"l l l, ...d er ered "'b rru i s ' a .rd r.
550 Itod romlles• Itabdss,
1.41 alp] ` 4 It , 5. , Ido 4r.m ". S. rma
and . 4 M, o,olrpm, pa. Bordeaux Pru • e.,
. rp 0.1,4 Ilsrr,o4, DPI. SimlT -
eztra Mulder. 5 1..1, Itrxlt CaDly;
i.r.un.l,..narr. 12 dos MlM.r, h , oatt
Itsl hbl 4un Carl, Sods:
riznt, 1 - Crean. Tartar;
mu...rd. 1 ram. Yrarl
2 -
1 ,, 2 - Sicar anal Retort
t...rrett•• rn1411;
4.. 1. , •.r. ar.s. Cssalle.r . 1 Arm.' 11tr.t:
IS) ,tar liaprltnet,
ini •• ei: , rm •• I . i grilo . o . i eulphur,
1.•1.1... \ s.• o • Blarklar. 1. crow Miurhec
I. L. •o,..rno..ititv rluur.t 10 dot. I:lltract of I.esona,
1.. - .., i I rol,ro: Row. sal Vanilla.
1 i 5 - Lwrwn buret,. . . ...
. .
I..rn L'r•.mrt 1 east Soda.
Ind. Lant till. tr.
i LL PERSONS indebted to the Estate lif .
c•atth• e-eantt the hunt, etli t=tit ti,rm fer eettleortehL
, .11;11‘ H ROfilNnON. Eaerutor.
a — H , , lit`t , tnz the neattr.and mc.h.
0f..1 'he .:amtr..-1 I. the,. Enrelop.
• t I • that MOIL. 1114-11—betticmJule
i.arrt.n.ont pat.,. a loon .in elthetand any °env.,
fnrtion For pale, by thequantity er ringre
• Y. at it.....tote of fnett'.%. NV S. HAVEN.
- ..xt . N1(1.N1" ,, , P ATENT STARCH ROL
; P 1 . 1 , 1 1. for CI vtrk;a lOf I tn Manna.,
Coliar., 'hitt ' 11.1%.14 4 Iltd tall kinds of prin.: It.
• i.revent. the li,(1 from adhering to the Line, and dust
tonn it ountainf nottung infuriow to cloth. to
au , no.tert. 11,e ladt. Haee lung rmn felt the Itereonlty
•tnh an article, stud in thin their esyeetatton Cu.l
If realau..l. a. nu wtnyention la feared alter Impartial
Me Cake will an thntr of cloth.. EHA.
Cam: I.r without It
I . fake.Hach Cake .ith HID dirvainni.
ILr rucn.l H H 5E.1.1,E14. 6. Wm.l r.t.
dr -, A 11'11111t---3 blAh relined. for .ale by
11 '11 , 1 7i: 1 , N ' 6-lU°
1 1 1' , r E ' t r i ' l l F;T b ICK &
1.11t13 , 1 , 5 ,, T0NE-12 I . a bl;
.. f n.e o , r u izi. p l .sm ebz g
PSOM SALTS-30,111,15. for tale tn.,
tu ! ..11 . ., B. , CO.
Al. S(11)A-1.1 casks English. for sale by
J 331,1,1 i IL A. FA NN EHTOCK t COO.
if ' , LOA' ES--500 Ibp, for sale by
, OPPERAS-2.5 bbis, for sale by
tarliTl B. A. FAIINEA , XIi,
B E ; IN h., S--- . bbls. j wit rce , ',l:lA .s. f7r . ty. „ l3 by
B s for sale by
" "" J. B. CANBIBLD.
( )
iNS El) gall.. to arrive aCuitur
I 4 , nle 1.:5.4118H r, BENNETT,
I=2 Snenn.l. and 1,1 /Ir.t .rant
rril IT II Y SEED--50 tor sLie by
ENt:',.l6it BEN N r
A y—'l 105 ,. . '
.. , !::r u s s t i l 1 B )L ;
11' I I I T B I, E A I - r0 A %3ge ,..0 1 - g r.
I.U. for 71 . ::17. s -
1." N
-1 1,, n.nm• rnonn; Pah , r.
:Al ant 1141 dd,
Aum O nor
man. Ca
I .-d
11,1 1,
11 . 2 1 , ..n0nw1. awl
INO;A I; 31, bbl., l'ider ',warranted for
T "OP t1.11.140.111EM111. h WOODS A 1411,:.
No. 61 Nar.E.
( 4 0.10; 1.1.15. for sale by
Kl. m.krriit:Vo<Xl.
- •
111 I El) PEAC111:)... ,, --20011 bu. (halves) for
le hr annti2O 1111111". ‘1.4.1711111WF CU.
s N . 11 , 111E ,
s. o.
N Y, 111,11
No Inlet who..
lon half 01111.. V I I myl: .41 U. P
V. dot Corn Ilroonan, wad:
.1 hole, Dunlap W. Tohaoorc
1,1 nos, Toluero,
leo • ii• 14 0 ,14 lump
1.0 •"rho.. brand..
an dm. Ilueltnna
4; Tub,
lo Krolnra.
In tan sml 4'r nIW by
”.. einini),mment, per
it,' ACK Ell F: I Wits. prime Ne.:l. land
-17"it.i711.117".4.11, A Itiii•PF:RT.
) N iz 1 1 4 ;1 . .. k 1Y 1,
LI It. lane Cigar.
211. Lbla Cru•hed
10 fi
and Clarified Syrup',
11. Serup ieileeePsfor "le hi.
mrtr2.s Agents St. Lou'. :agar !Winery.
nwslye,l f4.r
urrml I,lkm enn,rl. u Nribruked by Frauleby
Irl I 1 .e h :;.::: ' , 1 1=i A very I,,eautitul new rokml
Juette; by
The I,ile hi, hot, a nett , rung. by WV. Wallace.
Th. oklko, WM.; by lieu. Harker.
Itio hell, do. d
11, thoughta arc nt thee, innow‘l for and rung br
His. Catharine llityre
Lady, on nit cur oi ringing: Woodbury.
Away with vin nartinelc nuns and catch. Where ore th a e friends of ony youth?
!Anne, maidens, roam or Tionzadillti.
Y ork Heart, Coquette, Bridal. Callri 1551.
New York Ladle.. iitc. i ike.
Ctineun'n Singing blverelsra.
LnudiN lfrynh sniiiilr,) by L Niuon A Webb—
uthinostlonably the heid Sorrell )Itniie book ever polillAbed.
Moo, an extensive and varied supply of Musal lostria.
00111., Kam, ht I ga. • J er r
thin eine in
the ritu,ie il r . lii Third rt.
11.—The new and mo-d fashionable music reewitinl no
stain as pubilithed useb2s
LCOIIOL--10 7ti rind 92 degrees,
13, for iiale lir
etch 2:. J itCIIOON3IAKER A CO.
fl OPP E ItAS —3 5 bble. in fine order, for
kjrale by
LARD OIL--40 Rd. No.l, juao rood and
for mle by U. A. FAIINVITOCK a W.
meta) comer lion and Wood nu.
IV 11A! rING
extra 3
.arge awl Straall
" 21 ^ nwtVts .r,nOONIK AKER 00. _
DRINTING I'APEII.-7t) Reams for lode
L rlcrer enu.tpnm.vt,
J SCIa ouN MAK ER A CO.. 2A IV cal R.
TANN MIS' 01L-15 Ithls. :No. •
for wale
~b ` • J. SCMCION MAKES. CO. by
LINSEED 01 L —3O bbls. for Ante by
mrh=, J. AIIOON lAEEE a CO.
1. 1.11.14 pram.. N
y ii, sir Jule by
I OAF SUGAII-2 , 41 Ill'. Small, for sale by.
11,11 . , JAME, N. IWTCH/NON
IICE-15 tiers Carolina, for sale by
mel.:s L01N..? A- HUTCHISON km.
4000 &A. Oa pigs GMena
r "
Ol keg, ShoLo-...mtrd: for gee by
14 Crew. 124
3 " Tlemcen;
I " Dean:
77 cneta Bacon l . ima;
" • tbouldenc
1 .s 4
- Mowr:
Dried Praelteg
bbla. Eggc
2 mks Honor,
2 " Cow Tar to /MT. 09 tbe steamer
.iOOXVIC for rale by 1$AL(I1 DICKEY It 0110
torb23 Front and Water es.
- - P 6" reborn
RaG Wrapping Paper. Also, s fnwh toupply . o
Double Jledkun Prulting Ju.nt reed br {V. N. HAVEN. eor. Second drul Make.
- U
b fur sale by
Building Lot&
th: zu .. ntr. I n the
. E . 14112 Wsed,Clty of Pittsbor.h. Too
front D. I.'"S!'l3Pit'Arn°' In of
torth2s:2ll. FoTAL'A"—`l'...
UGAR-92 Mid& N. 0. to 'arrive thia day,
1,7 Ihr rale br rach24 0. A W. lIARBACU
OLASSES-140 bbla. N. 0. for male by
ruch24 m. & W. lIARBAUUII.
t 7 :07 h trime ll.Coliev: 300 mu WE.. OL. /We.:
Ulokt r f•C
1701 huh. .nd 3: t=,%:,•Ps2tr
drum* hips
50 ca.e Fire emkers
. . . .
. • .
..:101) koko. ilidrincl k o Prunsio
pm ki... N. C. lar. - Lemon BIM.
00 - Tomaloßetehriir
30 - Loa el i i itiii iol ,o o :! 3 ,, 4 .. p er , 8.,,,,,
100 neeee Mem. G. Peg,. • . . rk . k „.
2 lanle. Madder
iel .. Breen Anon:
. n-rune
- - 10 000 Principe Seger,
00 One. Palo. liiril2 iiiii..o. .
O t-31. Cm. i .
50 L0...0 11 hire PiPel .
Span. -
30 *r Ole.'""nl=-"L . I I. ?ZVI. tater. Sugar and
50 kl.
So. L 3. - . gutter Crook...
Itu krord Orr,:
3oco fin. Wham. l3O Ms...Smith's ° Al o:
40 1.010. runners' Oili 100 drool C A. D. Tobanno:
1(.0 natl. Lamp (hit - -Ii ." fine eat
100 ties. lioi-lotr. 3 , 0 box. grain Ikair
kV -- ToGr.
8,.d 25 I ,3 o D. d M.Candlun
I -.0 °
S. 0 Sugar andMolaokk: Contr. Ground n, a me
nd Go
ground Spiree; (10.1.1.pre. Writing and Wrapping Paper.
Cotton garnu Beano,. Candlewick and Twin. with • gen
rral o.korunont or ~,,,l u,.. ,!. t
,1 , 0 , 1 ...., ir v u ,, , ,: i N i. s..rr . .
r or ee l- ''' 1' , . , . s
d .1151 Front .10.
11 4 1 i)(3S—A few Ws. (fresh) for sale by
.12.4 • s. 1 W. lIARBAUGII.
1I W--Itl his. &75 hgs. No. 1 Lard
r“r by ,in
nitiED APPLES—WO bg. prime, for: nalo
1ne1424 S. : iv. tiAJLBAUGIL
7) uSI N—l libig. to arrive to-day, for sale
_it. h. S. s W lIARbAUGIL
rvAR-50 Mob, (Wilmington) to arrive t0a.,,.m,h24
a.,,.m,h24 S. •W. LIARBAUGH.
FIIA NNERS' OIL-10 hills. No. 1, for sale
101) FISII—s casks rec'd and for sale by
ROLL BU TTE"-I°b!'l;.lll.PrlLitlYGD.
usrtesl !io 145 Flrot and 118 liecond st.
bI 4 WA. Vr......11 Roll Butter )
2. 42. White lints,
24.. I,u. Brie.] Apple,
2.111,2 ~.I Cbentnute. jon reed per
1. cat Kr, au.u. stn Inr gale b,
ulet24 ROBI .,
SON. LITTLE G CO.. 255 Liberty 55.
INSEED UIL-25 hbls.rec'g and for Bale
■I 1 REES APPLES-1r bLle. Ru,sets;
61.1.L10N-5 bldg. No. 1, for sale by •
k 3 ost,t it. DALZELL a CO.
If ERI: IN 1.:—.5 libls. for gale by
xi soh. It. DALLELL t CO.
VlNE(..iAß.— . 2l.libls. (Cider) for sale by
trarlv.l.l It. DAL2F.LL.b CO.
SALEIUTI2S--1:15 Ixotes and 10Tili13. - rkr
int117..1 • Liberty streeL
A NTED—A Situation as Book-keier,
or or
Cirrk Iva rrnrearitlie or atanstlartetring
trleacermonable eritf reAiteskcers b. ewe. A u,„„ .a.
drvas,l it., care of Mahn, IL., Xlll seise att.-
'Jon r0r311.211
femperanceville and Noldee, cown Th in k
Road Compav i .
VOTICE is hereby given to the Stochholii
fi.l.:,:; 4 gLr."'r<°,:o7, lo `l,:z zt° ;„ t :
1/..llexs ceoh Flue It the took. . the l e , mbeele, t o
each'mul rem, 0000000 heree_tter. wall th e utml•
tea Alga is
.3:11 Tl.iet¢knh2lllt*ersg'*l"liettd
prompt and rtmetttal to their tfarment
M. 8. 'MOWN, Predletit
PPLES--2U libls. Russets and Pippins,
- I_ for ..11, byF. BONNLIOIL-fT
I ljtisl.;:sd) PAINTS, in Oil, neatly flout up
In tin maw of 1 B. to 1U WM_ nut, anintaif
arine Omen. • Pali. Omen.
BlaM, Yellow Ochre,
Embde Sienna, Prvashatt Rine.
er Raw, Umber Burnt.
me no tint and Wood eta
(gWEET OIL-2 casks auperior, for sale by .
1.7 metal R. E. SELLERS, 07 Wood at-
PAPER—Larest assortment in
Weet--er.miating of i nch American Par
per langlugs Parlum, and (Mambas, it prices
wee Awash, by
It s .rLfsitat, a 6 Wood a-
A 6 NTE2 - T. t. , ;5,000 A o lleg b h , em e Co. pOn
Itet pew. , w h•• yudd. Apply, b u f•fore tle La proximo, at
the Ranking Rouse hi' 1011. A. 111 LL I}J.
OT_ ICE.—The steamer ASIA, in July last,
ttutlebt front Cincinnati, 01 Patent Cl:myna ... end 1
11.1... common,' to Jumph Dow!, of thia plww. N ce le
berchl ifiren that if the will Churns and Nadine are not
rwleeneed by . the 30th ult., they will be sold at public ale
to pay freight and charime. 1011. 11. YCAIFE.
_kJIULVERIZE I) CORN—Refined and Pre
) for Fool.—Tble leompeda!lly
ILA autiful arnele emmalingly, healthy, &limn. and
rennomioal. Poddirms, Ceara Cornwall., te. ite., made by
the awmmnenTliiit erh pagtag w will be found
nowt emellent. Price per pite4we„ls cents.
For fah mebld $2: E Rs. 57 Wood at
NEGAtLU KO , AR, o r f T fLu ., .n yerior ,
bars end for b, 161. MrC CO
lineera and Tea Dealers.
FOR 'PIES AND TARTS—Fresh Cherries
nod Igo., pat up in their;an preserving the
omens! flavor id the fruit- ,1.0....-e.noper . • eelsbested
Sheet. and s'hml 'Musts.. and French. palatine. for J•Illee,
Mane Manse. 4r.. for Aalo by •
ntehl 2 V. M. A. 3IrCLL'IIt: a CO- 25611bertr .t..
II31.*: FIAMS-93 for sale by
* utehl3 J. D. WILLIASIS it CIA.
ACOlc--5 hhds prime Ilams;
joule br •
- •
A NNERS' bbls. warritato?,
far nele hr much 22 c
ilEt'.llY PECTORAL, Starch
h-ndrr. and ElT'"'ltn,'LmL.'4'sr4tbr
PER'S MAGAZINE. tor March, re-
H ....tved t,ud Oa vale At I. B. ICOL3lEit'.
Lliernr7 ,OnPut. rtreet.
snehfl ePScath the rat Office.
UN 1)14 ES-1 edse lium Shaw;
1 bid. Sneer anal;
1 Om. Tartar.
halt Urge- Dottie Cur. , .
I Lißunries 11.11,,Just rtertesd
and Mr, hr
.;;;be - mi.iiisw;;;e:a - siiit7.l....
4 LeolloL—`2s iAA. for sale bi -
A torha I. KIDD A 00..4) Wool Id.
VI NG LISII VEN IT lAN RED-20 bbla. for
14 R.k br metr`... J. KIDD A W.
Q PA:S.I,SIi 1Y LI ITING-30 bblo. for sale by
11 nal= J. KIDD Al CO.
'JAMS IV 111Tii—Ili ALL. extra tine, for
i dr by rnehl!-'' J. KIDD k CO.
Q AN D CRUCIBLES—it/0 nests for sale by
10 zilch= . J. SUM & CO.
A LCI n ) ,, I .h I . t2 , L-1.2. b1 i i1 , 8 i fv ,:i x11 ,... e . 17 ,7
TIIE SUBSCIIIIIER h. Leon appointed
Agent for the rale of
These nre the best Razors ehieh have eel, been offend to
the public. The manufacturer amuse. the public Mat the
chief imponetnent marmam la rhea which promotes the
dumbillty a hue calm, • Tiering combined Um best itii•
r Orrl etch n remeare mound blade, mid from thee pm
liar proerm the, undergo In .towrinff, hmeLher with the ts.
meat ...are
Ne,: th em. In ae
m ttnamlss an m.
en tr....mend thwamt th
e. So well nated la km w ahe ith the
.o,Crior earelbotre of thie hnor. that hay amuck am ,
runlcd, and If lintuil 1131,11,1 111 ant "respect. the seamless
error - web
11 d• plarnnlte ever? Ram' perfect natisfactlan.—
For .ale. by the doccu v .tapir one br
if. W. WILSON,
mehOt earner Market and F.6rth ./P.
rtne tirc.Apploc Ibr sale by , T. WOOOO & SON.
OAP-114 boxer No.l rec'd. for sale by
mlibr S. b. W. ILARBAUOII. •
I 1 REEN APPLES-2.0 bbl. rec'd, for sale
ur by mcbl9 . H. a W. ILMILtUOIL
PIG METAL. ; -4-10 tom, for sale by
DRESSED SPIKES-190 he ihuprored)
fir sale by usebl9 &REY, NIATTIII.II,I4 OD.
t. las Fresh Rnll Rutter.
Iw bin dn. du.
2.1 bhl, Lltrieed
Pearl Ash.
ISw dos Corn Browns.
WU Ins Driest Apples.
NU bus B ri t' Peaches. for sale by
mchl9 .1. 13. CANFIELD.
BLOOMS --250 tons Soft Tenn. for sale by
metal) I. DALZELL, Mt Water t 78 Filat at
ir I ffEESE-50 boxes for sale by ,
mobil) .IA3LIO
SMUT MILL-1 Smut Mill (tUmplete) for
eale by oula9
now open u th e ATHEN.EU.V ta7.I.I)INGS. LIIIrrAT
-A Y 0. S. FOWLER, of Now York, or Phre
molwir e l'br•inionY ?ITEM to hem. perfection
'nastier crating. Lamb =Ht. Si= (Imemter.
Fritter ernitu,-Stb, Aolly.o.of I'mperuittre.
Saturday evening, 2...111 Self Prrfectit:n and Jurenita
Loader ermine. 313 t. Mel:miry and 1 otellortus.l
WedrinedeT at., Friday. April "LI and VI nATRIMIN
NT or tbe :slew., of Lore.. .Selection. Cotrt,lnp mist Has
rio.i Life.
• - •
nho .0010 enjoy matrimonial ninny, end aeold die
cord, cme.
11unday and Weslncutley. Tth mad 9th. Woman'. Phranci.
luny, Sphere 11 rungs, Duties, Innuenoe, Plan.
Treatment Perfection.-
Let her whom it oreks to lertyrrove be there.
Friday, 11th, llenslitary Law. Facte,--arich arms
plllicsl lima_
irMorkLay and Wedneeday, 14th and 11th. Manhood, its ofs
lice, pertcctlon, Impairment and re-tiftvigoraturi
Commeneinnat O.; olekkk and closing with PUBLIC EX•
Ai. Flint Lecture free. Tickets to Mon' 11 t o W.
men, 10 cents. or 10 for St gratsuinnal dein:math:ma of
character, with antobered charts, and al.> rut]. written
onlnions, ' Lueluding device touching health, Occupation,
1.1., ac., their mayfly, wilt perlictkin. Menagement oe
clilklen s an: ditHy. and untecopnal termini. at Mann
vete apartmentaat Brown's hotel. nichtdd
Young Men's Mercantile .I,ibrary
tte. has been procured. by the above lumitute, to de
lira to 1Y member. and the entisens of Pittehurghgerser
any, • series of Lectures very lately pepped, , and up=
ll:Westin, °thin..
Theenures II comprise Slx LeMres on Ll:ref:3MT . ! 011 ,
Ltyp s embracing the follovrlag topic.
1. introductory: Laa ;or ettcros.
2. Wastru.
3. Lens..
4. Pone. •
S. Cerrrer.
The beetnres will be given 71naradaya.and
Saturday. suoce.dvel, at the A .11 fin*
ROOM: first flour or,vcrtr lIVILLINGI. (entrance on
w m ,d ~,romenring on Thursday evening. March
3. heron.* o'clock.
Course Tickets ao fan
do. do. admitting gent and lady 3,011
Single do. to be had at the door f 4.1
Tickets form mbel,. (single. or for the counc,) men be
obtained of lb. Librarian, or of Messrs Hersh. Wifklu.
and Mel:night. Committee.
Ticket, Or ettlmne leis le or for the cour.e.l an be pros
eured a t th e principal Book Store, at J. H. IleYaddetige.
H. Rlchardson'e and F. 11. baton's. ruch2U
It now constantly receiving his Spring Snack of
1 Commiting in part the follOwlngtarietlex '..,.
Royal Velvet Pile Corers , do. do. TaNstry Deus.
ears,. ~."r,l-i2P'Y.°l7.;r°"3Pdipir,
44. 3-4 64, and 24 twilled Verdtlan; 4-4, 3-4, 64, and 24
plain .1 • 44,34, 6.8, and 2.4 wool and cotton do.
Er Chenille Ryon tine do 4 do.; extra Mattel eI4
do. do.; m oron
do. Cherdlle Dom Valk do. do ;
sheep akin do. dz.; Adelaide do. do.; from do. 4u.
Crnimb Cloths. Felti ,, n%do., Rocking 124. 64. and 24.
84. i 7 1 : te
rfH. O 4 i - 1 14(531/ 11 8:4 Olt tiold.7y sloe ball or r'''''' .
Also-Lstale Ends. of all dm.: Car7irt Binding, List Cur
prim Rig do.; 154.4-I.and:l4 Mattiumc Table Linetm Crash.
and pinto, Iluckabock do. Transparent Window Shades:
Buff Wintfow 11011.04 v Venlttnn 'Hindu Emboued Piano
Covers: do. Table do.; do. Stand do.; Worsted Table do.
Bari , g imp eked and purchased our rtcet direct from the
most ce braced Factories, being of the latest and most ay-
K r i, 01 , 21 .
no style , s . a , nd colo . T r we
yin. are ,z, &yr
. 1.7;d i, t0 .e
rsn ll our
axed in any qf Ow ' Limn Vties.
We .. Ninny In
all to call and eramlnc our stem! a.,V,
Th Carpet Warehouie, 85 Fourth street.
. v. / i MU
yW. T. trailers. .
I don't like to ems comic mug
forget l'itosllngladdl
a Governess It/lotus Parsy.
• Is so very partmedar.
olteers ' t ttlth b li V l=lsay " " .k L../.
R' rds br Mrs viliard Ile '''ems
flo o r'. Lament: .
1;I the lints" A:,, St i .tp oury.
Polka de Caseert by W. ~: w jr.',.
- 1 the 1.t. r.,L .1 'Y '''..,,,,,... Welts, Cotillions. pot.
~., 81„,,.--- 4 . , ~d ,,, .., kr, lamed in tits
Feu das ‘ e
ranted every • , .
A very large r.r.d new stock of
To arrive thise en 7
';nnn r''
' , 1 ; 67 . 7 " . ,4 7 , ..•.eith a fll , l r l stfick of Moak and
JOHN H. itELLOII, al Woad st.
Plano Fortes to hire. •
• Old Nann takerrsiss
f , 7 'ew ones. roria2)
Fresh Assortment of Spring Goods.
PALMER is daily receiving
11 from the T....ttma Cities, at the al etaad,
Between Third and Fourth streets, Pittrburuh,
Lame ametdons la hie present flock, of themost ',manful
P.APEort ILLYGLVGS that have appeared la the market
for a long peetod, She patterns
_are entirely nor, the
rlll l 7,Tn_stl '"' a.pal:4l 4 _
range. an tette ameaceave lot of nada. or will= a more s
ineratjnt moan
formal by sightahan desealytlme,
attention of iserclanta and house keepers le reenact
fully invited. mcbl7
Patent Combined Grinding and Bolting, or
Pituburyh, Pa...Van/1 14, 1851. '
THE PUBLIC:—We hare howiz vac,
to our Flouring 31111, Oro of ••lones Ct.leo Pe
tea Corribioni orio.lioelal Bolting. or Mereheat Flour
ing Mia^ One le aged for grinding Riddlin.7., lad the
other for griading the Off. or dusting the Brea sad
The Tint perfectn Mlapted Ma tun don, ilee work
as as en anlltury bun stone. and reerdrUeg much lema
purer, making it opuivalent. in • Merchant Mill, to nearly
cou rb. ran of
, I . m . r . r . Strie. Mat cu u t m m r y . tl 4 ,:f i m ku,hou
daces an actual profit of about bathe Ter_upd. on thiuda
a the 011 ab t!®the 1111 L
. .
For manufacturing t h e raw grain into flour. It does the
work spossilly. producing a goal article e.f impure. flat,.
and haring the dusting apparatus combined. It IS 1.2 V,,
the attention of Millers donut • mrinhapt business. =I for
Grist Mills it is unexceptionable.
w., tae Updereigeted, .11tbi• - Plttabuntb. CUT
Flrouina .11111 s." cerUfy to the above.
intolonta NOV.,
• VI% It.3toran.
Pr= fltaar..
A.J. 31rmuntr_
Grinding and Bolting, or likerduint, Mill.
RAVING purehneed the eraire Patent Right
f the United Mates, for ".1- unre p ant
01. 31111," and now being
8,7‘17,73 ""711V:tit`° 4
od oOn
o'...est f
of nu alt o
""" 10, with FUOR,S. and whlth
ba Ws no. or meting tie ey.oreon purchaslmr C.moutp
la sakdAcuur fortnne. this 31111
P ° ... .. 111/ 1 only occupies a lINKC of four feet
' dben emtatlon. and Is capable of
13. to ten bushels of wheat per
s „ em a.;." .• elledAlth from an one horse power , *
117 ,Vt . , deed. 'Call and see it In operation at
^mum. . N o ble s ViOU11111; 1.3 hen,
street. Pit.burr
.athe tight of Jam. L. Clark's BAWT
dodthe M.-hints for sale, baring purchaaed
t paid .111 he answered
prompty I All letters p ost oo. •
• •
Ithd. N. O. Sunz:
300 bble. N. 0. 510
.50 boalk. Dried .4091e4.
1030 La. Fa.
40 bb/4. Linseed (0!
40 les. o. Rica
7 40 Iregetwle, ewe; Y. N.:
10 tibia Reek Roll Butter:
40 e tlmothy , t4ved: 10 4toro awl for sale br
meh2l Liberty tweet.
rHOUSE-KEEPERS—Orders for Paper
05.," can be left at the 10,11 I . llper Row of
Ineb.2l W. P. 51_111.1411a . OLIWad et.
Comb, In tas valuable writinge en the - Phyriology of Db
liestion.^ obtervestbat• dimmutiou of the true quanta
or gastric Juice, is a moraine. aud all Taping estna.o , -
bm7,1:;!!I and 6e
n. o that
oomplaint, n finding everything else Ddl. had nwourse to,
hl Juice. obtained from the awned, of living ars ,
tones, which proved completely suecessful. -
Dr. Houghton, Pang, the true p r e pa re or Gm,
UM Jul,, see
Curer. prepared from Ihmunt.
or the foarth etomseb tbe Us. after directions of Urge
Liehig. therm." Phytiolcf hod Cluoubt. b y .1. A.. Hone,
;.• .e j i " rr dlh ng ln al te 'd; r 6l oroCooo l tar ll n t' m t."l < 6 tltcd a'r Pt or 'dk74 nat t r ' in ;i e
a... the GSgtlie Juice.
The Haa. Juin la the greateolventof the
version of ft.] into blood-jno nutrition of the hair e.
nth., Mot torpid. painful. and destructive condition of
the whole dlgeetive truant.. A weak, half dead. or in
lend stocateh produces no good thwtrio Juice, mti hence
the dist., diersekkt
and debility which mune..
But this want rimy be supplied hy extracting the dig..
rive principle. repsitt Dom the stomachs of tail.. toe
eembling moo . lions forming • Digeetive Fluid, precisely
lik• Um natural tlestric Juice. in ha chemical Ismer, end
rgrgishig g &complete and perfect submit., for IL
The ett of performing the prat. ..digestion arithcblir
hae long been known to Physiologists. Dr. Houghton
eltime th e merit of making the application of this art to
thg:d"thl 21,17.17" . ,`,11,..V -
E 1 0 ".
healed work on Ani ' mal Chemins., oars °An n Arillkial
Digmtive mudatrous to the Gast. Jule, mar to
peepored form the muctum membrane of theetvoroach of the,
nit In vetch vtrions articles of foci, tamest and egg, will
bweollecie, changed. and digested, iltst lo the genie maw.
ner as they would be in the hum momiwb."
Dr. Houghton. of Philtdelphlarpreteres ...vial di-.
online flpid called rE.Pirlii, front the diantive ...Leh of ,
the at, which affords . admirable rem e d y for IndignDow.
theafter natnre's own method. by noun. own aunt,
tho ptiodple. Call and 00 the extraorilmarywrie
entitle evidence of Its value. .
- • ..
140 Wood et, Pittsburgh.
Dealers tosppllcel at proprietor'.
Aleo. for sale by- IL L Mier, x 7 Xi ood It, niche
eIkEiIJTY.-11 univerbrdly conceded that
beauty 00re common in tide
that l e any
while at the mole time it is 104 that in no other .
muntr/.Lit Wit at rem:Nei; age. Now tide le true to •
certain extent, but the hoe t. also mused by neglect. I%',
any to all, die not neglect your personal ap
read the following. mei you need not. lack' g0 7 41=-.. ".
Throe articles are scientlec preparations, and hase all at.
dolesa high populiestr.
Ilauel • l'ersiao or Chief, Powder, Ti, Imparting
to the meet billiom ohm phalon a radiant whiten... In
h e mon. enr-ful than the ow of •
we i h e for th e aa many of throe -rid areirerpininti-
X , 3.2121;;; ro ' i d n=rieli 'd et i Z ' go:a ". a ' h=t
J Ili I'e Depilatory Powder, for minirting rupectue
cue bah. What Ls more halt opt, the face
ig .e arte l =it t . , ll. Tint, mix l a all reradart,qt a dent
Jules Uwe. Veamalde "' llotild shar P llair. Dye will instant.
measly impert to red. white, or May herr. • beam:W.l4
black. Moen or, auburn color. It will color the hair In
shorter timeArtil more effoctually than iwy °User dye. be
ing at the mine time loath Ible.
Jules Dattent Sharing Cr...ix—lt h.
• Pleasure to.
sham with this cream. Thee is none of the enudtlisgsen
merlon usually experienced In the nee of out soaps 0
the enestrary, it Imam the skin nocerth and soft am
fangs, alg not lielde berome the -
Juke lisuers
Tooth Partrte...hicat to the Ult. am
think the Teeth were Intended 0. the mated ornament to
th. human fm, but when negkected, nothing te dlefigu
Arm or quickly. men. time Tooth Paste will helper t
tO the teeth speedy whitened, ak the many Ums keeping
the glinted= and healthy.
JULESChow:it 11AUE.L. P
s. thfunier and Mendes
Per solo wholesale mid retail. ter H. • Faimeitock • Co .
.aa sea. &Das, klttibOtal t add, 116