ESTABLISHED IN 1786. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE . reItLIFIIKI) DAILY AND WEENLY. B WHITE & CO. L. N. cW I BOOM SAWA, 0,714 . 2 u.. 111 1, wean. X r-rt TEEMS. n!luil3ro rwr annum. p•y•bl. Ziff Sax 1.u..•1 ,1' 0..1 ltium WEEK I. tar. ,wr =num. warams, (411..1nit ~•r ,onurt. ...................... aao 000 ....... ............ Twenty rovlo. 00 no tmel..xt tbr es , h elnl) to lw •dare , od to one. tenon, n pd t o 1.,. in tiles nre. No,Club Papen. will rar _,,.in ie.. the to rent for • renewal. BATES OF ADVERTISERO. One Sonar.. ill hoe. of Nonpareil or lanai 1.,.D0. inaertkl.. 0 2.5 ne • ...... 1 70 3 00 Nem. sreeke 4 00 ,ue month-- ............ 00 t so tuna- moth, immt u hu 111 1:1 Do. ea month, ....... 111 Oi li t .va.PlV , l months . Di pet etandln.v. C,Pla lint, or les, pnr annum...Bs 00 Ons Dollar for r.nch '.ditiourd line. o rn , ,liam,nine at pleasure (per an num, ocnol,e o f p0per:....... .... 00 Fa each ai..nol 'quart.. inserted over one month. and 1010t.11,11.u, inacrted under the 'early mice. hat Adrerlemente ertc,.tine a mimeo. end not over fifteen Panf, to. ho SA IL 111,11.1. .. 111 1 half. Publi.her. 10,1 aeetuntelde for lesal wlvertleent.te la foul the amount charvsi - 1 , 0 their puldiration. Announrinc conlidan. fur altos. to be charged the woe as other aJterthannents.. )1.1‘ , 1:10 , 11P011'• to) markml on the to fora 11.66.1 runnier 10.0tIous. %111 n.utinued till forbid. and 0001 meet execte.l arvonlinzlY• The prietlei, unte.usl is strictly limited to their ono histeeslimfe :m+.: and all advertiarniente fire tho Lenora of oher psceons. as whet as all adelcUsements not Immehately mmuert..l with their own Lupine., end all advertienmeids, in leouth or otherwise. beyond the Dealt, ennaa...l, will la. horned the usual r" , .11 each transient a 1411 s will L. lel...retell rendered. nod prompt 0, ot. • tit 0 desin.l. All advertisements for elicritable litetitntintui. fire and want. town..p. eml other public .eotinge. and each lite, to le, rharg...l hail price. pa) able atritill to Marriage notices It le rharged 50 mot*. Death nottree without elm. , . Holm; arentoPe- Med 1,0 funeral .invimt.ona or obitnarr Ilotiree. Led whet , so necompanital to le 1..1,1 tor Deuttlar rulv.ritser. and all other. Pending mmmunim , Done,or requlrinc nothes dschmad to call-attention to Palm, Soirees. Cowen., orany entorteironents. where rhanuc are awls for asluilttonee--.11 nutlet,. of pi- Tate aac.istlona—Wvery entice Mciarred It roll attention . vivate enterprise, mlrulat , sl nr tutonled to promote Mai. cidutA berme, an only L. inf,rted with the underetand that that the same /a 1.1 1. paid for. If iptendral to be lo wered In the Itcel eolutnn. the Pottle will be charged at the rate of not l than lit per hc o ean Bishop or .0W - - Notices to be elmr,ed Tavern License Petitlona 5.2 read Mel Estate , Ancou' anal Auc , tioneers' advertisements not to be .laced under yearly rates, but be allowed • dlr. smolt o of`rylrty three and ane third per rent. from the Mount bills. wrzate rra.nrratr nlll.l , Poirna. One Square. three Do. 8,11 w iturertloll, iditionnl ivArrtion 1 81 1 . 4 ADViRTIArts faits:., alit wer.C. Pkylatcont. '1Y.,.. -- ;;;/;ZI.Ii11 , 11511n , rtion 2.5 rents. MI testut.nt adverti.,nemie to be paid In M•nnee. BUSINESS CARDS • I - OLIN A. PARKINSON, Alderman, Fifth ie ard. Pam tatta.l.. t au allaa Lod {Valuta. Alt Mishap. promptly ott..lnttott ATTOREITS. IV, F. IVIIITE, Attorney nt Law-0(- iSce an (leant ouret, twar F..orth . . In Anbur: VilLibut:h. weloay N.P. &O. L. B. FETTEIZMAN. Att., to. end @NF:tnte N0..107 4th Pitt-bur,l4. •_ fehlo - A.D II.S J. 1;.1.,VV I I's;, A jathal/Yttraney at Law, office. lu Ilightnan !tall rip, of .irmt strevt and Dianamil . . CavAttorney - at Lan, office 1... - nrrit,:s F.orth at. Move t.initltattla. In, 19rniZQ• t.nnrnct2. , n. 41 th W . hi. N0r..., & , 9- Or Washington City. (10.1 , 11 of the 11ina'Jbo.h.1. - mead ha give nttention hi the. proouring,nt Land IV•rrenta and to the ,11.4 . 11{}0110f claims brfure. ( . 43314.0, my of ttv. ilmmthaenta. jsl7 eIA NIES r }Pat. Attorney at Law—Office on Jth rt. bemoan Krultbll.l.l ntol Crant. Pittsburgh. F RANCIS C. FLA N.EGIN, Attorney at Law, Igo. 1L" north are*, PittAburoh. . . • . _ . _ t.11:1:1; kWATSON, - Attorneys at Law, No. 110 Fourlb Fan , - rtlxbuilrla.' .I , IM—A ',under I Da , : ,nyth.r. 11Kr ron.111orrkor., A en.: It m. E. .I•.tart Virtolug, Ae conatantJsclonn. EiDVII4I-I.ll' P. JONES, Att.rnev at LaW: • Perke r q GO Vourth hrtgentt Wool and Smith . 31L5.1/1 - , Attorney at Law J va P sar i ftTh E rs-ri j ..t. Illtebutvh. msurEas Aln BROKERS M. H. WILLIAMSt Sr. CO., Bankers d Emiumm , Broker, North East MM. of Roodarl otrvt., rittAnr,;l4. trimmmtiom. ramie on literal term. nnd malectimm promptly attended M. isDar E,.D. KING. Bank, and Exchange Broker, Fonith etre, Dealer in flank Nerve. Bills of Ex. e Gold and ed‘er. I. , netd au-i ,old. The hteheel rnartet 'aim pelf! In j.reuiluse far Anterienn Ihelf Dollare,.and Mellen-I and epannh Dollen% n ar - .2+ VM. LAIIDIER. JR.. Banker and Broker, 4th atr, , t. n. wip , rmnx the sent or rU,hornh.WILKINS flx,liance Broken, a Sault, East Corner a Third and Slailget.trvemU A isetiopm at nth, 1 1 / 4 T lICILMES k SOS, Deal as in Foreign .k 1 • and gy,rban,.-t,Lerttlleatee nt t : De rgt,..Pv_n-4,Tv=7; 7,4=7A' thennanoni the Cm.. fI,_OII.GE E. ARNOLI) k CO., Bankers ILA Dealers In Cola Mask No.', ix—No.7 4 Youth Ft , f pr2l: doer to the Bank of ltatsloaah- Italians certfolly sticodal to. wad the proceeds aitultlal any parlor the i7nico Bankers andkx henee TN.aler, in Yon.lgn and Tkenertir of Exch.,. Orniti..e.tre t.r locpasita.. Bulk Nntre.— Ortke, corner of Third .o! W.est greet.. directly oprerelte the St. Charles Hotel. CAROTEIERS CO.. Banking House, No. u womt Itin=borgh.. Current Mney . rn -4d on DOIVAit. Collrctionx =LI, on all the prit,clo.l ell:knot the Unitod sum]_ _ ._ _ 1 MEW & IRVIN, Commission Merchants I and Bill Bnalcvm. No. 114 I , esaul xtr”ne. Primus] and . UWE frnm nit so Mote . • 41:111I.CI vni.ats4 .... ..-/• , snca u.tads Tx. L. OA.. AVIE It, .1 'ANNA EC. CO.. Sumessora r Misery. Thurno lltrumsos llama^ a dealers In For him, stic tlarbanco. rortlaratsso of Delasdt. hank Note, and W.. «anal. 'Wood and Third Oro.. l'ort , la Mons,. rewired on Its f'l 71 1 1 i thoprlloolpl poln4T.';',-11,`;!a117-1r.L.r:_._711 oru- Iliznort prestos paid od Foreign and ILISIeriMIS Gam. sonsi.ualPts of Poolueo, shipped oasts an liboril toms. TAY LO it, C.anniissianer and Bill Booker. 112 Second strrst. Strict atoostion will ho 0100110 tn oil busitoos entr,,tol n 1111 ears. Pittsburgh saanafacturni als, • ..11 Dust or procured at short =eta. - Nob, Mont, N1..r,a0 , . as- nogotiatol on fan, shin terse. AtoAfl' rani, If requirod. Dalt • , BOOKSELLERS ABM STATIONERS. - up C. STOCKTON. Iate John+Pm & Stock it; to n, Bonk-. 11, Printt r, nrul nor of of Market and Third or. Pittrt or i th 4AS. 8.110LME , .. Cheap Literary Depot, Third nitro , rpi..qt. ilt , Prot Oillor %el, Moto. rt ttior=orboyoVLri;:po;V:r• iria'.i'llZed"artr' to any of leveed pnce ItHOPKINS. B.ol,eller and Stationer, • Igo TO froirtli tonilo Braid]." • EASON AND cowrrEtnomts. p — AVID BOWN. att., IVhelesele and Retail Baker and Cnnfrtione, Fourth 'greet. Pittabunth nidlng Cake, and Fan, C , ,sl, , tionary. al way on hand All olden. punrtnally altraded tn. CARPET DR T,F.R, 'CV M'CIA rirroi%. 3lnnufiwturerand .419 Wond ft, fs..i.urb• COMMISSION MU) FORWARDING. if, A. 14Iv A N Y & 4 - ; . 0--TransportArs j 'br lenonootnorew n.omv.t. D EA LERS WOODS & SON, PRODUCE DEALERS • • Curun3L4.l.4, 11..rebanto, No. 01 Water str ,, .. bza orgh. H. 11. M. 11. JOHNSTON, Far:carding and prta.rc t b kr . tntalAnic,ii Slerrhanl. Nn. IV.: Seeend Itreet. Ii I !ER. .t JONES. For.rarding and Corn- - alb . uism I , lenthlaa... 1.-,t in Pro.lneo and rat.. burg 3tnrsetured art.eln., Canal ltmln. neat Seventh street.. Pittnbargh. A. A. FIMIT ilral. r. ti t, ARDY, JONES & CO., Suocesgorg to Atr wood. Forwarding end Me , e dealer.. in Pitt .I.nrirli , lanufarturni Pitt. bursts. Pa. DRY GOODS MERCHANTS. 511AMISII.MrII. PAT.. C. SHACK LETT Co—Wholesale D•nleneln iomi. mid Ib m alo my 41a.11.. No. 101 lid stmt.. & ~,rrporrni, ..... vnomt n. TM, A. MASON &Wholesale and Reutil palmln inney end et.sple 1 .7 V.7.11.ket Pll.l4:orgb. NITHY it BURCHFIELD, WHOLLSALE 11.4.,1 t5. ) Dr, CrAtin , h.rrhnote. rorn ,, r of Fourth wad xtnw — IX itian-rnymr. 1 , 1”1 . 1[1.1 11, a./LW,. lIERSEY, FLE3IINII & 'CO., Comminnion the J.. nf t.m.Atle. W 001... •od 1:1 livail, 11.140..1,m1.1.. , in •11 kirds. a Tailor.' Timm. 1 411.. No. 14 Woad Art,. fourth drw.r from Filth, Pitts btimli. DENTISTS. R. D. HUNT, DentiFt. Corner of Fourth bUr= an.l h, ,t.. ‘brkPl P4.n-r DRUGGISTS IA SEP. h, NL.DI - 11VP 1. cri•rr. ,Antn:PaP6l , l and 'tonsil Dm: and ThJd~i„..nption, .gbt and men aE . / KIDD ,t CO.. \V N.uggiqu.: Deal tJ • err in P.lntn. I.yr sineg. god I ngtruturult ropg i gr , or s of Ur. MAL,- Spreige. Wr end Lung rrrur: No. 4). rnrurr or Wood ..11 erne., Pittsbu vith 01 rg!, 04146 Orlon trill bs cardar gbnr.z4ei HE DAILY . PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. , FATINESTOCK & CO.. Whotextile I n . trauggidA, and manufactum. of lAhito Lend. l i . .' Lathargo. corn, %%mai arrd:Vront rtrrota. Pitt,- burgh. _. • ... h7 t. ' ........S7EL . L i.., 1 E1 . :, ,,, 1V , h:: , 1 ,, egf , i1P i. 1 , ..?« , n1 4 e: A in A. 47 nn 1 rad street, Pittaburgla. Pa. tlrgais warraoird. r r ' .. . tioi ' D. MORG-IN, Wimi.isitio. Druggist, arN Drab., in 111 - . Stuff...l'ol..lAl.. Varnish.'. ir .- i, i '•,3 3 . 7. 0 .1 . atrfkA., ~o r dm., 'oath of Piarnuod Allry, ' - - - .. {ii . i WICtiERSIIAM, WiPiiesniP Drugpi/at a alrd JlA:alerin .1•••-ds and Agricultural Itrildrup.oir. N frliA , rod IrrA , lrarl xtrr.rt. corn,' of rratn._ 11. 'UN & B.EITEIt, W 1 II Retai l I,..oies ;ct n iz iiirt.. AIl girlata. corner of LiEvrty land st. Clair rta.. Plug nzh. Ps. s lioilX!klAKEß k CO.. Wholt.sule I)rvg- IN i.ii y. No. :44 WorAl et.. Pittabunrh. GROCERS Jlk. SIIEE. Wholesale Grocer, COMMiKSi O . • lor , hent, and deal. r P•Por ar , d , r Iran and I rvrln Pit4bur,ll. A 7 11U1.11, I'. Sli It 1V E lt,licae,ale I; ro rtr. Vro.lorr I ndMrrrhant, d 1..111, er•hl Iltteturr SlanafArltlml Arttrl.. Ncm. 130 an Anti 1.) . - S•vond street. trtrorn and 5tn111,150.1. I.ll4lntrat.. .10.41 , 11 ,119 .T 11 1 0 tIN S. DILWOIITII & CO.: 1..1,Na1t• t?, dl f*o4wl rt.. Pit4burgh J. . Li ..,.,,, Bitr..itii.E & INORAILANI, Wll. , lesale [1...}. , and l . ihrnmroin. %Lerch., N 0.116 We. On.. and I,tll First oUort, Ittlt.shurntt. 11,1..EY, MATTIIEWS & CO., Whttiesaio tironenc.Comml-oon awl Inra•rl.g 51e , b....... 1 i itii fo r Roam°. ono. Ystioi,:t7W. ,.. r.L.Pit .b.,,,, ] al., r• WATT ul," Grocer, 0 IN WATT & CO., Wholesale Grocer, tilL . , , ... nti7iLli Mriehe.nta, and . D . eiderl In ltindua• and h M ufarturtt. No. ...tto Lltwrty oteret, Pitts. burn,. Pa. • - •- - - r . CANFIELD, late of Warren. Ohio, el r e e o inmmt ',lay and I,n-wanting Merchant, and \ll,Ol,- axle ale; In West,rn Itrcerre Cheerte. Iluttwr, 1,,, and Fran (oh . and IVeairrn Prottutv p.neraltr• Wanr stn. , beta . ttatillttit.ld and Wood. Iltraburgh. 411.11.17 , a. ~ A itic.l3lo , w. N. Is Aram., JS. IVATERNIAN & SONS, Wholesale kst's7,iiitise.iT7l7,::Tesriter'g,4l% 4,74'Z'u red Attlee... Nam Agron. fur toe axle og r dlchnrond and Lynehburghfarransl Tnbaego, Nos. SO and SI Watsr 1, arm ' Pittsburgh. (a F. VON BONNIIORST & CO., Whole -10.• sale George. Fororaltling rini 031,11.M1M1011 Mel . r . b . . WAN ElOolerl In Plftsbursh Manufaetriresi and 'Western Prot re, Nn. M. men, of Front street and Chancery Lane, Pittat urgh. JAS. DALZELL, Wholesale Grocer, Com passion Merchant- and Dealer In Praluoi and Pitts. burgh2Lanufacturee—No 70 Waters,. Pittsburgh. nil DleMiT .. BAH DICKEY & CO., Wholesale Gro . ir=St.lllTCTea.,r,t't.7itilvlVolT. P`''''''- -----;=. ['MUSH. ........- ...... ~ J.I. J. INXlrin LNOLISri & BENNETT, late English, osns,tsr A Co., Wholesale Unger. Commionon and ing Merchants. and Dealers In Irodis , and Nur tar= 0 Manufacture. No. 12g Oecond rI and 121 First st.. haw all Wood and , nrithtleld . -,- 1 . Willa. Pall-kii• ...... .1. . ILICCOMIS, ilrilkinwill. MILLER & RICKETSON, 'Wholesale Groner. and Inucrtore of Ora:idle. Wine. and i . , , , , ..caLi :1 1 . 1 . '0. rle r l o zr? . ?l ,c l , gbe ,, r l y and Or stream Pats .Cotton Yarns, Or, I t. e.,..Euttwllll) • . . . AWLS O. 11 . 01L1-.......A.LT [11 . C fag LL t . G ., :ILLS .37 ROE, NVllolesale Oro.,'rn and ) t, l i , , ImlFalwri Merrhant, to N. e Lat, FI wrrevt. AORERT Alooll.E.—Wholesale (lrocer, Ilwoifyinw MOIIIrt. 4..510r In rndue.. l'Olaburgh farturra. yrid all land. a Vorrigo and lalaw - or WI 'a and Liquor.. Na . 1:. Lit.rty onmet. On halal a re larwe 'York of aypen, 1.1,1 Nlotsonpah•la Whltl..e, whiti will b. add low fin rash. I 'OBERT c DALZELL & CO., Who i letelle li, Phen.r.4l. Tsfo-f..,NL'h'lrt7.:T', 7:1::7: t. burgh. oBERT A. CUNNINGIIANI, Wholesale . Grow,. Prolnow. Forwardly,. and Cwinsnloloy Iler 1., and boalwr in l'ioalwirglz 31anufacturr, No ~,,.. Lt; A ty rt., l'ittaborgb. . ww. iowalar /4.11,1 ~... ......V , 11100 DR tan ..... .. ... A TM. BAUA LEY & C0.. 11. Wholesale Oro ten, sr.. in and . 3. Waal auvet.. I'a.L.O.yr,ll. `TICKK. .11.1... IeCANDI-40.. & McCANI)LIiSS, suseessors to L. Y. J. li. Mlek. Wheloule tOnevnt. Fornantlnk. sonlleonetulealon Mnrehant, death,. in Inn, !ooln, lilno , u Cot Yarn, and Pittebunell Nlnnutostnre. cenerall) el of Woet ..1 linter rtreeLe. l'ittelolgb. t • CI LBEETSON &. CLOUSE, Wholesale / 1,..• Grow. sodCennnlndnn Menthnnt, Ilnalers In I, Tlti:l‘e'Art"'''''''''''' ' ' Artie r Ina Liteert • 1). WI I.LIA3IS & CO., Wholes :ll*. and • n•Nir Family limwrr. Vnnntn M .ling awl anaLs•Nua t i Ln.ntn, and Dealers 1u12,...r,1itvw and rit‘.b.rgh 311gmfaeturax, maw, of Wuxl-1W Path lltteit.tovh. - . .. _ AOBINSON, LITTLE L CO.. No. 256 Lthersr ,tactPatrburgh. Wholeattl.. Groner, 1,- 1 ime o....augrion 3kretwmt,...m dealt!, In Pittohura ht frctdr... 1 in. MIT. a.m.. FIAPTP ji& Nlttß. FLOYD, Wholesale Griper.,, Corn . snl.sion rehnnts. end Derarn. In I,4unr--tlouni t.l2tlrri/ 11121141 m, fronting nn Litk - nr• Wr. 1 .... 1 ~,,, nle A t... PLILAI..gIA. Pe. . . - . . .. .tat c C,0,1011N I'AII.E.EIt . oCO.. Wholenale Coc.e arc NgAdet nl In PtralAte, Forr tc-n 1011u....1.110 ,,, .. to 4 1,.t, on tel. nut Itortito4 Wbink., —No. :... l'.oannwrrleJ nO. LI rtr ~ I _, Pltuburgh. • - ----- -- - - - - MUSICAL INSTIMEENTS. 4t. . - • OTIN 11. 3IELLOR, Dvalrr in Piano Fort , t , Music, awl 311.uneal Inetrucie.nte.,Schtenl leee.{:e. an . t iOnetT. Fel+ .1 , 1 , fiir CV...Merit.: e Pwao t errs, :1.. Wirer,' renn7leania—N , , ,. .l NV,..eel et , lENRY K LEBER.. Dealrr in 31usio, M u l`.i,-A1 Instrument , . en-.I Imte.rter of Italian :qr.,. ren • agent Ow Nunn+ 4 Ciare'e eran.l end ...pier , 1 . 111. W, WI h Coleneen4 }Mean A.A. - Marne An.,. en. Dunham PAnifiXivtup: 439 4 ENNEDY, CIIILDS & CO.. Manufactil of very ro perlor 41 en..rtino, Carp. Chg., nTwine and Batting. Penn Mill. Pittaburi;.h. ,.,o,. au Jots» . ONES& QUIGG, 3lnnufneturer , of Spring img BHA, Steel. Plough :M... 4 . Fuel Plough Wink. L. II and I.:lmile Spring.. llgarnered Iron Axle,: and d taro in Malleable Ila.c.nio.. in+ kngine Lolnt. aml CoTrimming" generally. corn, of hoes and Front. stn.. P ttsburgh. Pa. l ,„ ITTSBURGII ALKALI WORKS.—Ren net. Item - 0 Co.. Manufacturer , of Soda A 11,111,1.1.. ./ Powders. Mininde and 0111,huric Acids. Wu-thou., N .. Po Maur od-. r ode and PAPER HANGINGS ALTER P. MAIISIIALL, Suoceourttn Samuel C. lllll—limmrter mei Dealer In Frebrh a P ' ican Paper lisn s, and Imle It'M i d. , . ea, linard Imi r; Tnntm. NVrapplou Paper. Na. , 5 Wool Meet, between Fourth /Mamma alley. Pitt...burgh. Pa. T vlts • . • VI ORRIS & IIAWORTII, To and Wine TiLid,n-tianin End :We 11 the IththnoviL tthurah. 10KMJ Merrhant.., Ewa, :ide 11 the Inaan....— CO. L. 00. M. A. M'CLURG & CO., Grocom not • T. Anders, Nn. 'GM Liberty .trst.t, abnye alwayt on hand • „pert] a Chola. Gr.., Ija ILIA Too, Abo4'or..iun Fru. and Notn.lVl.l. and Dealer% mopplind on th. low. term. TRANSPORTATION AGENTS. JOHN A. CA [MILEY. Agent fur the Lake 1 Erienid Mlehhpan Lane. n, Beaver and the Lakes.— wane Get the turner %Vat., tau! Smithfleld Ate. • Um Canal. VENTITAN BLENDS k. WVITICirI.t. \VESTERV ELT ft SON, well known I,4:ta v e7t!'tt n . Le' r :i M art. L ...."*lt" . S 71'r 'lr ti Y t o n titrVoZ tauid. No 1 3 St Chair gra...4 two, at ' No Sa,..k ' art. t .tn.A. E. w.,: i tna:r .. . n ol2'o7t l i.ii l T.9i. t 'll'.‘ZT:r i ,, , ,:gi ` . ''." ".1Z". 1 A. BROWN woul LI Ino. t rPH nee tful ly infnrm 1 the paid le that be kaarraatan hand at lil a 'land on the meat leaf the Diamond. Alfrghtany city. a complete neeortment 4 Venlttan I.llndn sled lenittian hhtitt , ” are made to order n the tarot atria.. warrant...l...goal P. .11 In the United tate,. lila Blinds can he removed withmit the aid 01 a , ar dere,. Haring pureha-e d the etzaelt.tanla. and vainal the cabinet ratabll.tnnent of Damn, IL 31eC3elland, 1 imi re pared to rumialt their old euatornerN OA well . the pub fn. at lame, with ever" Own in Choir tine " 1.7,1; '"- A W""' nest. P"'""r'''. J. A. lIRDIN'N PAPER HARGERG AND PLASTEBING. " I Ik J()IINS , I'ON, PA Ok k ii.ANirtalt & ur —r.6l , :trr, corner of Third atreart and eitert unramon. AlleulienT. N. D.—him.., Sand. Mortar. Lath, Ar-. for sale. torh4.l, VETERMILY SURGEON. A DAM MARINE , Veterinary Surgeon, late it from iilfuliurFb heotland, would rregartfully swami the public that he has rommenoed proctine in the ionfonalosh and, hy enzßlul attention to IVIIMCV•1 . is entrueted bin, Ise lushes to nnect glee .161..11.. In eoion with Jame , Bantle. Ilona. :hoeing and Rinekunithing in general win he carried, on. at tie. corner of Tunnel rtmet and Pentrylvania WOOL MERCHANTS. ILIIB.I'IIY & LEE, Wool. and .I,mmirrinn Mrrellantk for th. pal« .f Atneri..nn 129 LiLvrtr'rL Pillmhurgh. & Vi:IIARBAUGH, 17 I. , slen In Floor and Ifrt,lut. 5.n11y. knd warding and C....minlrn.lon Nlerrhant. rra No. Virg. .tr oo . and I lb +.OOOO 00.0. I.4”..tiorgh. ENGRAVINGAND LITHOG NEVILLE JOHNSON, Engraver on IV orxl, Hall. .) Pit.burgli: Viewn of dlnca. ;binary. Heads nf Nowapepera.Frnntild ,, ! .., Drug Lalwl, anlar, Scala for Dlatalone. E. d+tka.and. to nal a Lamm Are..lo ttlefirgt akYla lowagt araaa. VILLIA\NI S1:111'13111A:sl'S Lithograph. k E.uadahmant, Third Pittiburub. Mara Landn-apa. Portrait , , Shaw WO. lallhanda.lhatta. Bawl. I.ahrta, alehaeetural and Machin Drawing . .. and Vl,itanst ena-rairal I drawn an Stan.. priatal In ~lara. Brepora. nr Pla,k. In 11, wont arafF , %..lAtyla, and at the ma, ~nn• whir JEWELERS. I.ON. v 11,0, nntl 11:1,L, A ry odr ,:e Nrarl,o rourth 5trr0....1 . 1.1tura1,::',.. N.l:- 1, r - - HARDWARE IttE.RCHANTS. LOCiAN, WILSON CO., Importara and Wholesale Dealers La Ilardwara Lutim, No. Lai a i d =apt, PlValaargh. MISCELLANEOUS J/0101 lITLAIVOIA 01IN FITZSIMONS kt Mdlitdadttl n.raof 11.1\T and a ItEEN GLAF , e. 51.1 r LltS.atid JI kin& of NIACIIINER V. take chip ruettnal tutdrm het ind Oro. drAirotn. Of hatiu. audit work dOOO. that t aro m otooat to do It at thn ooaodblo ran.. ot ,dot oo, tooth, and In the hoot manner. at tla,r ,dahllohno•nt, domand clout. aloo.. the Inar thotlaeir^ok,t • • • • • • Twtt• Ituni tlr Ittack Smith Um' Btept Fttrilsto.. want, farturnd at the ,hortett notice, rapt at lb. est • . . All . of .14.1,binz dom. on xh..rt ta.ti. 1ne1111.7,1n bas Fitting. MAFFETT k (ILI). Front gt,et, betwern Wrna and 3larket, lit . ohurgh. ITouldt^ tu.ortuo•Dt of • Pendanu, Itrvatts, kc- c. tA are 11,par...a In exertu. ti x, Vint. 011 the 'awl - 1.'4 10 , moot N....m.61P tr ruk ft( 7 FAsllluN FOIL Issl—Thls4 Ift..sut 1101 Ilstr by JAMS' lII.SII\. rorner 0n..1 nntt Pinmond Wegner, Buechner & Mueller's NEW LlTlloint.klgllC ESTABLISWIEST. rr II F. A I: FIRM respectfully am t ounee to their friend. nod the lotion.. ti geerrill ,wither are prepereil to elec.., to the Mt ett 1.. of their art. nil orfera rho. , not, 11,11, Niihau:, met Profe—eafel tool, Mai, Chart, Lohela. ete. Their eqatiltahment in at Nn. Mork. •itrret, latiornen Third anti i..ortir etreete. oli forhe:tf Bolivar Fire Brick Manufacturing Comp'y. ;LOVER, KIER. & Pitornterons. ll 9 1 1 I E Sl' lISCIZIREIIS. hating hem] .1 , roOntyki Auente for the rtlekve named e.P.P.rp, keep ronetantly nn hand a so ppl, of the relebrated Bolloak Vtrettrirk.ennillelelreCles.ll . uinety . Hearth...Pl Inv alla They sty Oen pn.pared to reverve order,' for mild Itrh-1., to le. made In man and rimy. In cnit nurrhaoers. a Lich pldl be promptly Wird. We do zod 1.1 . 111 it ...numerate the many ad vantage. the 'loth ar Flee ltnek pp over all other.that hawteern olTered for ord.. la tho United Stanek their op., 1-4,rit. being ell k non,. to alrookt ell re.rocus who nee Fire brink The Pool.netora hero J..rtain.4 that th,. Beret rhill lime none of their prevent enviable nl.ntallelL and that Po expellee shall kr ,Pared to taake them even better Joan the, have heretolon. been. This In lb.. only eetahlteltment now manutarturinv Eire Itnek at Itollear h11:1: np.b7 Canal Itneln."...eenthel-.Cittel.uroh. mccoßD & CO.. have received their Si vi .rttly St, 11, of RM., to whirl . , th, rry.rtfuly intc for attcntson „r Own. co4touv. awl thr public AO,-4 Pittsburgh Gas Pipe and Tube Works. Tu E undersigne4l hate_jmq completed their xtenrivr IRON TUBE WORKS - - d :nor moogfivoluolog nl‘ 41,1 of 6.1,1 NICE, 1.0- soothe am) t.ther ova %iv, of witouGtrr IRON TIpES, - - hick Ihry off, co, !Ch. at the low,: pricrr. The , al, pr•pared to ex....W....rd.., t.) np ? •ASI: rxtt!all. 01 without dr .. nrs.l , 2 Water •trert, fehl NOBLE—City flouring V V MIL, N.. Idt.drlvor •.f ddrlrd .hum!. T !CHOLAS VIVIAN. Engineer, 1111 L.rnugladruun. enul Innctirnl Mndnd Au , nt Usk,. drnuuldp Modulx for lb, ',dont dun.u• nrry fur NI Water Work.. MM, d.• Mny 1. found betirlxt 1.1 A NI and n I' Al, at tn. n.nid.don. Nd Marbur,druvr. I"ol,tdirnld 1) 3 MADE! L. Agent 1, Delaware Mo- Itisi W.fntT In/gummy. 11,41,14, , 4J N et.t Amt JGARDINER COFFIN, Acentl, Franklin lublartmr• twrth vrt n rof Wt..% ..i TLird .amt.. . 1,/M. GLENN, Boo.: BIN VER. M"Oli From lb , 'mum 1, 1. vre.N.r. lo .1., n( Vilvimr 6it lk maJ duraMbl, 141, V. ma, gma.vm. an.l Smn.l "14 :smut, km al. i. n lahm. ay. in 'GURU R 1 . 11.. holesnlo anti Retail A . ur.. and Filth Pi...burgh Wlstn- , e Tnll and ..., .4 Us,. .T •nd Ali, and [be, and For • uring 11, .1 1 1 .11 ..n W N L, li, i' L M „.!rt jl ) rl2: a . it't.EZ:R hu Ui r P: an n ' et ‘ l * i v e t i n the lame 6.1.111.. •..• 1 .1 , ." New Coach Factory—Allegheny. m. A. W HITES CV, r,.. ..01, toroth. the 400 . •• on , h w ..ot • 4..4 ' 1 I r t,.l. bj' a rthwt• .., or. low. ~ 4 . 1, rdr- fur lr.,. 4.. nYi • Immol• Ihrnow . h.w. WI, oh- 1 Ism At .. hie from I rwo long ripen.... to it , u. morm tun. of Me oho,. aml the froth,. Orr. ho.w. ri. thr row ...blot to L.. work a. th , howl r. mouth.. Ith Urn. wants, Intl In their itho ,rt.ou anus, to the ',it , Lk I; or emter...l.. hoehrm,: mow. ...ur 4. 41. wroth.. n. ti,.. hale uo towitattou the o. work tt th.:n sore awl IL. attratiou ol the a... WK. , LI ro mot., More or the C I F-t inthwer. mowt rwsworral.l. )1,11 •L. • V ACILE MALUiLE IA 1,321 by Errlllll 11. K INN. No INI I Ily•rtr tt . l uta y UNattl Pitz,bur;ll Nb.bulurlitt. Lurtul Vault, Tom!". ilt-olltUWlr, 44 - .. Mum, Itu.ryt. t - .utrt IN., 1 44.1 , • - 11 baud. nuol tund. , •rer N 1, ..Ircuou Iltn• ,tuo A CARD-1851. M tun, tr U., I, nul, caner 1•111 , ••• wit, their t•.lea-ttilhe. he - ruiitirE eatahn•tilnei.l. ea far ni nrivticiape. } 0111.1 :4 , 11(14 who, la ilia Irr ...••lt the want.. ntet•ti , rliavrin i n tl.n pritnit. 'hi, ti . I mail in t0..1 - hp th., !roll, 4th nt.r”. 4. ..4 I riSBU. COMM }: RC AL. C.n.Lti..l".. .4 Third nrni Atn..l.•• ~,, • Tln. .... I y ban tgrtgl I .. .In tingr...l ItT.l Ir. no k. 11 7 .1 —1.41 n Irln. n.J It.f.runtnr In tlng n A. a . 14..u41.4141in. Pra:44441. , 441 I' p. kl4rrantkla ompolata.n. 4t . .41.41 'M 1111.11. 14.. j.. lo,uter fnatm441444.1 41eltista c 444,4,41.44 I:44eranz. to i„„,..„ tkanial raara kIetAAT 14frratere tn gums( err lb. a...dant toarrhanta EAGLE MARBLE WORKS. „ca, EST!, 111.151tr7.1. I by E D3II:N W I LKIN S. \..24. Li lwrty It., n. ,n lVe44 - 41 alrra A httaharub jl. ,r. 1411.11111,44411144. a.ll, de . 1 4 1.44,4,4 k ntra and IT. 1, Tut, aiway• •..n hanA ar4.l ma, 14. •.14.144r, of tin. 44144.44,0 klarlA44, .4441 at arta 14444144.4444.1 1 Ova , . A4.144.14an gl . / 0 / 11 1 4.114 , 1 .^ 1 1 ,,Tt 1,, v - -1 1 lino. Hamar bowl,' Bart Tlornan.EN Ilan. J nags NI-111.1n, Ilstrior Itntanottn, fts, hot., Ets,. Arrll Ja lpot lnl.ra 1-ttt. Cash Sons. lartltars. Pittshtirgh sitanser litslsm. J. 11. Ilipootorttor. Esq 1101 t 011,1..4 da. Ls+h. MrEttlstbS.sftst, tVn, itrsgs, rn. Jos Itch mcbt..Esot. V I Nl.rgnn en Asa, ..Iststort N 11.4•. Frters a . Intlarstn. Ps.., Al, ullsnt , 1" Itols strateful the ptornntt, dunna Flints., 'tn., in Anis elt 5. hswlne. had lb. hsrszost nn , l lost to , . voiruflost hts sets.. 1.15 . 51 - nt and .111..tslesmsor n, rends, ,st/.15..1.1t.ti hstsallsr ns24 JAMES W. wooIiWELL. tiAIIINET FURNITURE 3.I.kNU ' farturvr. NVerw.trwrn• 97 A di Thud dr.. \r nwpwrlllillt Inform , Ilk Irhdrl• and .ad that he bar "par rhnlpletnl largrft and lased •P• k nr Irorwtedd (tirnit pew rt. r dwfr, wrrn dd. tilt. aihe it dthrznirnd P. upl.Pll Ihr wrllwrarPord nathrrial, hrd whrk Tharp bib. and n•ww ., ..- r../ and tpan r•lred 1p• ppl•r• and la Inrdlidartortrid. he l• rnal.l/41 prPldw warrant/A furni tr, at thr Inarth t rier, Ile Ind adoptwl thr curt/•m rs Introwt with bi• /mu. In could, and pr." , and Idwd• al aa, on hand thr grvarrwr raid/qv hf rr/wr dr-wwlldlon of hirrilturo. (rpm the rlwarwd tout plalnert, th• rh. or and . that pr Y3p, part c.( on, fa%) h.. IP mph. d Apr. In• dr•Lk. or mama...t0r...1 rd. ran ord. wdleit• an in-pee - 11r, that ad ran Pup. of ....1, Thr V/Ildu mu art mien rm..... in part. pf thrd.. Inrh far ri. hew. , hf Othr and nni•li rannht lw •tthlawwd ant of thin m I'Parlor. anpring. dininw. and Ind throw rhalpt. of tarry 'eddy. rpri•l•timr of rowdrowl, nrthortand and wain., Elizahrllwth rpnw.rlarplre and t.A., ChM,. •.t rn ry rriptrah t rh.farhl PAP aid . an• laird VP neh ali.l AlUrriran patlrrn, It hat N and 1nd.... parlor ritirpr Derkr of ...... IA or TAN , . end lath.) inlaid otando, Ints•ir dandr. and hul,l.r nodhlr tot,, rnah• dati,. whdi rod alp, bts.l torAtr :./1 ..of Ilre pnd wI. aud dowl.trd the hrd lot Inzubw, rant. Prod/pd./. hall and plrr tablas: weadrolw, I...deka/In and wa-hdarrl• of rarl. la nrinierrt. gnthir 11,111111 A laal.ot r0.1• 111.1 r, gate;:. , d elowl, wpdar, and honk raww. ride tannla, Orr KrrOTll.. Ward .ark., hat +land, a nd mnr .r..hra....rily and ro• for rhildrou: toper Pnl, rnahoCany. rhaewerth and inlaid 1.3,11 Tubb., Ar. Ar. he. A large aw•Prtundll 1,111110011 runillvdr and Withl•or Chaim Cabin., rupplhth with all artirir• In their .91..nrnbotsta and Iledwlr, fornlohed at the ahnth tat. wat nntlrr. All ord.., OUNTY LANDS--CArr. Cif ns. NAVIOR. Att.kniPy atl.nw,Ncb. Von( st.ccoruor of Cheryl by" Innclo • obrrrancomentr for thy. hurl" •••• •Hc , procure Itoontb Lbw& for oltioero mid cuchtiory. abetr yricloor• fool ribthro ln. and will 'ln nor other lobro rotbnb,..l occtlc the gorernno nt nr nny of ItY lbotutrtb mon', the INcnyoch oftbro, or lbw Courto at the City cc( Wbobtoinirton. yaf7 .I[l • 'Drawing, Perspective, and Painting in OiL r. r tLing..lurlifful Mu..or. Seat. A Atkin,. • .01.110. Vint a..., lolrru W on uud nod Marl. 4 lurtrurtiun. tolt.. and f ro m P. a n , luatuuulan rau tK kuuau .flrriv ,, ur 0. Ilse na., Iturre . 10. Ilsz7arn or Pr GEORGE E. ARNOLD & CO., BANKERS. DEALERS IS EXCHANGE., CAPIN, !SANK NOTP-4, &C. s„ 74 }nur/h or. orra to Bank i t ( l'attio,A. 010. otol DmIl• ...noon, AD all pans of Mr l'nlan•— Mork. bonoht orol .yl , l rolmmir,t.n. fr!, I 11AltIllSf SEWELL. A 'tomes. at, i ej Ohio !lan. iimoniounner for latuno Ihi.ollihnr. Ark. : 1 ronrnalgomenta 1/n4 , la. L. Minn—Fourth atvra tl.lto • Fons I.IITLE qatrr, ; yI & co I,V IN, (74.,t1 lerelittrkts,l and ttrnl..r. In 11rr Iron and Nall., rr % A .i na ,,treet and A ...ton,lpu 1 ormolu. Inual) Froportto vlll. • ortintAwl.aii. ITTSBUltedt CITY I:LASS AM A IM., Nlanufarlurors of AV imam 1. 11 m!. Fop Slurarl Wert. twtoren Ftral wail faunal, I Pittaburon. P. Partkolarte= lo odd els.. Alw—Daden nut Gls.. Vi al s.o 10. dk.6 PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 1, 18.51 STEAMERS, AIAILS,&.c MOVEMENTS z. OF THE . OCEMS STEAM SHIM The autternotaal or other verabela are •Prolotot to WI " "I°F." ildhar . Line—Ante/I , lu Strutrterr. 1•1101 . OSED DATIN. 111 , SAII.INII. rean tutu TUILX. [MOM tIVIZPOOL. W. , 1n...1e, . Al arch . C.thlssturnlay . March 1111 Wednoulo., - 11 1 thWatunlny, 1 "I'W,"lneml33 April 9th V.. .. 1 ‘.".M• APP 16th 1l ~ i k" Me , lne.l3l. IV...due-An,. May 10111 IKedure.l3,. 31.)" ~0, , haturday. -.. 2.lth, ent onle, . Juno 711 , Wealneulay. June I . lth Naturdx,. - 2.l.llCulnexday. -. -' ll , l Futunle!, July :oh IVedur.lny. .. 1 ! 1 7 ,_ . , 4 3 Saturday, .. 11/1111Ve.lnemlay. balUnia,. Augurt ,14 Wedenkla.t. Aug. .....,,, Setuntn, - 10th Wedtuudnr• '. .... hautrcla). .. tg , th Wednuch.. ~ .1. . • ~.?11 uutuulay. Pent. lath Wedrunkln>• .. •'''" Saturday, .. 2:th Wedne.l.l. ,)^t• lot E3lOOlOl. Oct. 11th Wedneuday. 2 15th tiatunlny. - 2Lth WedneuthM . , -* ,! h ,, ,Mturd.y. Noe. htllMednenday. N.". !".. tintuniur. Sntords,. Dee .. .. t '" *.thi, " .... d urd "d ay! '. Ilk • 1-;11' .. nth t4.uolni • . .. Web enturday, • reamed Line—free.t-16 Trim. • IHIUMIT.D .TAT.B. 11 , 60,11. Ltrkeeqot. 100 , .. 1„ , , 1 Alll, New lark • ,, utunln3... • Calmil4 llouon.. Q. t .:l.', Marrhls. AN toe Neve York , nttartlay, March 23. Ainernu Ilopuon.. .... ....... ...tkaturdur. APril' . . Au.t . Nea Yorlt .. t41a5ur , 14,.. / 1 0 , ' 1 : . Ful4 1.3,1.4,0°, F.uro, 110.t0n.......... ... ._.Wednrufity, Mar. 12. .1.1. \ 'York ..... —lVadne.lovr, Mar. ....t. en0..1. Bo:t . .%..Ine...l3.y.April V. Arrltu ... ......... ...New York Wedueodar.APril 21 trodue..!nr. A 1 .61 31 New York It' orl ne..131,11ny 7. 1,....ane to Ilsllfus. Bortau.t.l Nor York. ..A' 1 ..""." ralutz..V.l.*•. and 11. Line— itralaty Trips. 1 . 11. Franklin, ratunlay, 1., Feb. 'Franklin. WedNiar, 12th Mar 31wr Humboldt %Kit Apr Franklin, " oth Apr Franklin, 7th May Humboldt, Pi May Humboldt. 4th June Franklin, Mat M'y Franklin, 2.1 July Humboldt. •. Llth JUnr Humboldt., 3ilthJnlY Franklin. .1 . July Franklin. •• 37th A nif Humboldt.. Aug. 'Llthreat Franklin, •Anh Opt, Franklin, r 2 . 111 Oct Humboldt, lath Oet. Humboldt, •• liot haw Franklin. r . 12th Nov Franklin, r 11t h hoo Humboldt. lath the . &mat Airriuntn.n Clu.—.llmtfhly Trip lon lilLllllol. Hermann-- ........... .3lew Parkftturday.Dlat. nolano...n. N., f0rk............eatnn1ay. &yell . ... New Yoft. ...t.turdny.3l.7 . 17 . rftaw . for New fork.....Frida,llLarcb Hernenn. New fork..._. April waningtr.u. New Vork ...... .......Frklay. MOLY 16 . Hermann.. New Park. Wriday, June 13. CAIA. U. S. all rlen.mer• Ira,. :ivy York on the Ilth and Itab of each month. for Chum. rou n AAAA A AND KZ, WRIT. Stonm.l4 leur Ch•rlestoo on tht Int acullslhof each month. ARRIVALS AND DIIPARTURES OP MAILS. F. , ,,rrtaa fireenAura Chatoberaburg, Philadatplata, Nea York, taatera Centro and Northern parts of Yana New dem., , and the .1. No. England nate+ The British Prnsinre. of Ina, Canada. Nova &oda and New Itrunsahrk. daily. Arrive* at 4 r. at.; lawns at 1.. 50000 I , ..a.mtaa - fly Illarnille add 110111.1. r Oars. in.-ludo:kg the rountaa of Iln lfoN. Cambria Coats CU.-. ad, Juniata, L,comins, 11111.1 m, 5kb...a Patin. Pettr, Tioua. I Mon. and tart of a eqmnrelo,tal, via Live:am; Murru, rattle. Salem a Maas, Now Alexandria, and lbdi. son count, Arrives dally. eanept !fonds}, at 3 a a; do ,artn daily at 1S r. Eata-BT Butter, P. eraarurd. and Jettarun C 9 ..1.1, ...let. gm. of N.. Vora and tapper 11nm:1,d all) at'. p. • • and dep... 1 , 0,r11.13.1 ' 1%0(.9 - It% '4% artllngton, Pa.,. there. fl anrart, part ,d 11 - ,ablots,•land county, Mar, Lana. Italtltaarn, sabluatcn ci y Liyutharn mai 114 as ern part, .d ..hue and Indiana. Kent...ear. Ten,. I.l•l.atua. Mtaatsalppi, Attains., !tont, Vu. Flonda, and Tracer, at r a . and '1...6,4 at p. a. ,P.1.,01.1, nun.-- Fa,rttr, Harron, Dartnaton. ll.P•nea. Part, P.., Uollatay • CoTr, la., JrlTerron, Mari noa. Tuanaraarrus rountlr...lThlo, dal)) Arne., .t II r. * ,I.part, at ,a. at N.LtOnFru, --110 Beater. 1,. and L.levelarrai. Ohio 1,.-toer 1,-.ColuuO.Latta. Trumtool. hartaK., umw 4.•tglnl.ula.etsrk,l , l q ne. Ha m..Co y tOsoo.nmonll lUeltlasat. iota*.. Erse. ean.l.o.llond, arid Luov o•tsutie, Ohl, We tu nortoon tle• slate...llllooo and l e Hnos. r Weudlng k n Wl. arai 011.4,13.41, &Of, Arrive. at it a. •.. Vat. , at le KIYI•VIN.— eharra.rit. Sprinirll.lo.Tamu. tun.. Itutunsn.g. KI•kirIAII.M., ArtlldrrAlar. Clar leun..l.l rv.unt.n, • um Smut, s At 51, - . St ir und at h V' • 11,..114.7.0, 1,117 . 2.11 e. NeaftN. Llienupir, Ittirtar•. .111, Itarlitaitairg and Ns* licalya &rely. lariat.), Tliunalei a. and eatunlat, at it r . depart. }Linda) Ha l lFratat•. al it. 11. .IL., :11./ - Hall. Violet Ole, atal flati Arrffrs Priilat Pi, al e at.. it. , part,. it 4ui...1•t • arid Flaunts), al a. at. ti.oriaa a -. tit Kuala/tan. titnitt, Rua. 11.1tKia.stairt. Itliaabratiuiala, Ituatravar. banter not,itaat. Uptier 110141, 1.., I, matalat• aal Tburaliit, d • Mi.a.tai • Stui • - BLit. it .Ik.?. mm. NtiLle,totria, Candor. 1 arm, ot•ualai awl Ttiunalata.,at tit• ti.,aidai • twat Thur , at ,• at I e . 4it tlifrilidVioitll....lliait. Moo. ur. Vraaavirt Spring.. Pa-. /aural.... 1. Annan* ou raiai. G ile•tiarta ' , stunt.° at al iat v•., • 111 Anvil.. Siortli. MAU, Array... r. at • , itiliartre as at • u • Ferry I=l . r Catunt•r, at Ii la. Nat, •-hy FFer, rein«. ttextort. Brastneek, ugh, t. ‘llo.ll4Arrk. tneltall. 1% wren atul ett+.4 .o un ,ea d•tir at t w.. and .I,arte LL <4.4 S. 5. u.r ths..ll, mall. sn net I. in the other nnabe , ur dere.rwse.• letter. for the tri.....tfy. man, awl Tv In the Whet - Ulf itti bone 1.1-re the, densztu,e. RATES OF DISCOUNT. IIIITED 2,11 r FA T. 1.11, noarrl7. N. HOLNLES & SONS, Bankers. .11,tct d, tarloern Third and *bertha... 11.13 , 147 vh. I'ILL. , N? Ll A NIA. •flo,oot. at Munition 1,01 kt t•borgh ps.r,llraneh M..ourr. AY , Ezek,..r. Lilac ..1•40 par.,ll.lrh at keno.. do I. r al. ..0 . I.•utt,town `do Itkok •Y paroktr- 11.uk_ do parit Ink.Cmonnall.k. . imhertae.-tar it k o. • Lark) . .. R.ok .. dr , 1 . 01 I , nn Townektp park.h.o Llfe In. t Try. or :10. rt, Re..erve Punk.... do • Rank .1 I....parltank • Harmer.' a klectannw'Rk Note.. ...... /tank . .. ........ par NEW ENGLiND. , E.-....10,t0n Bank. ... rer,All solvent Danka-.... ). tl..unt..• tlrch NEW YORK. wati k par , Cnuntry... 1.1 t. 0,1 MARYIAND • ar. flank -pas Rattonore. • par I .0.1.-10..• • hank.. . par ',COYPU, 1V.0..rn hank .........par N.JYAINEY DEI.AW ARE hook ..f , l....a.Arr.borott Ik All ...trent hank a...trr Cpuelr Rank of 1 0 1 1. ... ..imr Rank nf the Valley I. I das.t. Y0,.(71 - ....t..r•Pw,1tk of %Arent.. Itkikta.M4 11.00 pariK, Bank, Va.. orfolk-- 4. R•ol...fliatty•dturah 15 Farmer.* Bank off irginia ka hank of Levrolown - 31m:tante' .S.rch. Rank ti Hank of Middletown ... 15 North IVrstart Rank- tk U 7llr/PTllt • tltta.bli. • Hank of earll.l. Dank. NlT'..ok of Cape 110 • Ender Co.parlik of St. of N. Caro... Do. ....... pariC.*ltmcft* Bk. " liwttte* /..0.10 11.00 par.llerchault , Dank. Nowbern Ero. Bank I.IIIITII CAROLINA. Farm,: 11k of Burka oa-par,ltk of of t of B. (NtrulLus yarmorr . I•auraster.par:ltank of outh 1-11,11ne-.... 2 Y.rroors . Bonk oflto.ollne par'ltank of Charlpston 2 Ilk nOwbuy It'll Co Par Plankrr.' * Mock...lce Ilk 2 "Par A Dn.. Waynr.bura.. IIEORIJIA. Fr...klEn Ilk. It roddnaton pkr u.runta k Rankin. Co Ilvortahtukt /lank Haut of floro.+1•10 'lank Bk uf Brun.wtrk 2 Dank . . S ItanL.-pur All ...ler:lt bank 3 1..14.00n hank ... . par KENTUCKY. Miner: hank of 1,111.011 r of Kradm'ltY• ilonnaahol. hank.. ... par Ilk of Lc...troll, Thurston 4 II, . ! lit., Ilan, . No Ilk of Kentucky kocutne. Illeabarropar Southern Ilk of Kentucky 5, York Bank. . . MISSI)UUt. mi., - Non.. e. t k Ilk of State of slbwouti.--lic lillcr IL Ohl. State bark .... ~ r late [tank 11 and branches... J-0 Branch at Akron .... -.lo , Bank of 1 Branch at Athena .40 WISCONSIN. Ilraurh Ilnderport-.... tlniMarine A (Ire Inc Co. date 5, Branch to (I.llloAhr. do Branch .1 0 . FINTrICrI , klrohartlea t Bank 3 Ilran.h at Tolodo do Government Stock 3 3 Branrh at Da)) ton ... do prole. Bank Itrx.wh nt .do IrourancoCampany.- 1 Ilranch Colombo.. do Stato Bank Itran.h .1 Arbtabula CANADA. lionm.h at Salem. do Bk 0111. N. Anlefira.Torovtns Ilrau..ll at 51.0.1101 J do Rank Of the ItnOnle. Toroutos Branah at Rip!, flank of klOntreel !tram+ at ..„ 1 / a nlt of U. Canada,_Tarnoto ' Branrh at Colombo. EASTERN EXCRAN4)E. Hran.b at 11 Lobito:ton --do On New Lork (plk•nt)-• •-• Ilmnchal . do On l'blladelphra do.- 4. Bron.h nt Inrosptrr . -du lie Balt/morn do Rran.ll at Steutsmvsll.. . WII*TIIIIN EXCIIAN(I E. Ilrauct..l kit. prong.- Cincinnati . Ilratarh .... do Louborille Ranch at Elyria. SL Louts-. .... Brant I. 01 rprinallkld do IiOLD AND It VA Brknrh at klarkata_ . do Doubloon, P. vanish 111,1 k• Brkuol. at Troy. .... . . I. do l'altiot 15.1.0 Brant Ito Mt Plraaaot .. FAO, old.- 111,00 Branch at 0•.111.:......1 , Peg:., new MAW frran..ll at Norwo.ll. Fr.lerieks.crors... ...... 7.10 IP-knob of 11.4.ta du Ton .......... Lk!) lOntpl. at Podl.mouth lint ......... (kW Branch at Paton.. ...... _do Sok.relon. ...... 1,93 Branch at Itaronon Tent/under, ....... . 4.00 Branch at do Napoleon. Branch at C 00 .00 ,1 1 0-.. ..... DuoW* 2,11 Branch at Tolrdu -•- • Spring Borunts. )1.;11 FIRST Lo.rr is r..ived and % i4ienisl, ei.nintioloy. in part., the fullewina ea A lionii Chi,, ltiteeni• Own, 11 hit.and ..Haar Leers, Sher end Tulin. 11111ets Chip. Jenny Erna end Satin, kinulteli Chip. ' Plute.l Straw and ems, 4 tn. , Straw end Insue.n.l. Pearl and L o n Satin, ,I.l..reteis I runiwil, A 111,1,411 L lota Pearl, Hungarian Silted. Anion., Ir r it , l iile!!Illa.. •• t.s.lit Straw. , A- A. MASON a CO.. niiihtli 1.1 and n 4 Market It. LACK DRESS SILKS.—Just ree'd per pmets- -•upe.Hor blnrk I.ul4ritly Wert. and bow,' narktml nl,lll, A. A. MASON • CA). - - I RISII LlNENS.—lteerived this morniug 3..thrr lot , l *rule. blob Linen, moo' A. A. 31A1,11N IV Err 011,-351) gall. for Cale by 17 ni..10:. J. HAW, A CO. poTAsti-7 casks (prime) for cale by noho , J. KIDD it eV. IV RITE - :5 Fe--5 1,1,1 s: (Cooper's) for V V pale 14 110.1114 J. Kll3O A CA). lirrrsisult(lll MAJE-30 bbls. (beet) for i .I..meets J. KID)/ dt.'o. VGA 1{ CURED lIAIS-10 tierces lluf -17 11Pld'A 00Abreted C. C llama. t.o band mud for pale 14 tui.hl.' , _ , WAI.LINOI , OIAO A 00. . . _ . A RI I --I4 kegs No. 1, for rule by Inch Id wree & 31.d1A5:1/I.ESS. VI (I a LA SS ES-40 0., on_ 0 bbls. N. k cooper .. for role by trobli .1.0 IL I _ _ Altp--'2O kegs No. I, for sale by L 4 0d.1.1 J. YLOYD. 130TAS1.1-1 0 casks, warranted pure, — for I sm.. by • n, hll J. &IL LOYD. g AS CH ANDVATIERi.i 'AND FIXTURES; it; Parlor Chaudollrro and l-onkel, of thn .0.0. Tao nod one Kula Ornomautal Ptolonto. t ...tern vo , " W. CV. WILSON, mr1315 nom., of Fourtb sod Market CO. li ii ;OLAlt LARD LA3II'S, CIIANI)ELIEFL. , s Pl r I.,ante e r n Tablffl.otand. and study I•nunP , nil th Ito , . on. nnd)rnil e MIT ivnll,l Llama. Corrlve itrlin,,iband at "'""' lir A N'r TO lII I Y —Notes of the Western banks. sod Stook of tlos Plttsburob Hank, KIM:. bp 11. D. NI'ING PA PER--A superior lot of .I, oo t bi° n 37; Ire: I li/I/ r ig 'a " mehn Papas More. we. Market and Seomai sta. COMMERCIAL - - Thdrentas docatrao.—Advertneuenta and eel... Art ee far I tali paper fedliTfti and recounted free or :+n.. Nee 010 +Oink PTITSBVROH ffi&REET Orricz Ptrnenuaau Uaasrra t April I, Itlsl. I Th. inneltels yesterday, we, zenerally quiet, with nu larg. trangaetinn., so far .4 • • m uII oacertaln. In an, branch aftradc. The weather was clear awl 011112.... and busitkla....l, the wharf am., at the canal wai meth* The riTer ha.. Levu c - radually reee.hug, but there cantlnotte a rair asA. or water in the chtuanel for all the purp.we. of trade. • 1,-derday won . HIM. The maker NII continues Ina dull don, and the amount. offetiog from Rtst heads were vett light_ We continue our quota. Doan on Um wharf and from wagon. at 83.0.2 q 3T 3,15, and fn. store. In small lot. for citi consumption, at p.. 31 (4.37, a. It, quality and brand. tit:AlN—Them bon change 10 ootiw to undo. Ihr mar. het continnlng stosd)'• at. fat wheat. barley 1400131/, corn 40.05, and o.da of ott , tiIIUCERIES—)fn make on ebange from our loot report —nru . 6 or rio,wir steady, with Miami aoh - a W. punts ND sums nt O!..tbn!i: molums 34435. In MT. , . and oak bble. EMT.. .134121(101151.4 to oily and country trade: loaf smote aYAlloc, and tire at 4}s6nsc as in quality. PROVIdIONO—Iin4OO continuen quite active nt full Pri ma. !aloof 14 cask. ihoulders at and of 11l nn - LO!', Lot nhoulders. and , 44', for ham.. Sugar cured ham. in to, are veiling at Info 33 Z. Small sales dried hot at b!..,c. Lard is selling at TX(tic la Max end begs, Mama]] lots nvE rcoun—sule of IV bbb on the wharf at 13 *bld OILS—We note lurtbet sales of Linseed at 1 , 0 , 351 m, a Castor all nt 9041,11, and of hint ell. No 1. at One jt gal. SNEIM—The market i. fairly =Rh cloverm•rd. with roles from store at 501,50 p bu From find hands we mono 1110.1000* bu, to moat: lota. Wc find nothing of importancedoing In timothy or flamera DRIED FRUIT—We tome no oltanatlmai to notice from former nuotationot Milo, of otnelam ut 11,4041.45 j. Im rum atom, nod 1(34 0 0 for apple. AnUES—emall sabot have tramiornl at the used ram.. say for mda ash, 3 fkg,irla,hll/464. saleratui and pariah Mg:4%Zr IA lb. FISII—We have nochange to notice. No 3 nmckerri arc hold at 5a.25tu0.4,0, r:hal at 110. W, boring et gb.W. frit at II 'it Cats N, rhango 113 other kinds. WSW BEDFORD OIL MAR BLOTO., MII. li. Ott DST Boxi—llw total Inputta of &perm amt %hale 111 Into the United :tare., In. the I,ek erallu Sea 21, h 441 tollovr nprrm Ma Whale z.3a) 74.4;1. 12.6./ 41),C3Z, 101==MMEIS PORT OF PITTSBURGH 11111.—Tbera w 1 t,O inches In enennel, by pier mut, 4 , 4 iszul 1.111. ARRIVED 111.1chIpm. Role, Ilvrivt Navvr. tiOrtion. /Womb, Browno.vlDr J IleKve, HealtielLeuo.llrlievsr;rl Wood.•nl, Ilrownnvl k J .1. Crlltv.l..n, t'terltnv, et L. J. Nebr.. Hirtulngham. Clorint 11.4:11.1tort II 11 Lev. Cm,- lituatt DEPARTILD Mirbiaan. lion, Dearer . Nearer. Durant, Boater Atbottle. l'arklueon. itututett .3 Metter Ilendtirkent. , Melienate.rt. Tbto staiv4r. Ilallet . {Sett ?:•• tun Itedatone. Wocalwarl. Kerma.ste State. Slow, ltittesunaD Diurnal. nroorell. Leeiing r.lataldeu Ittlnt Craw' Stull:lL Veuutt. itritlyenori amatunla. to 'amt.,. A•u., Hot d.:11 Louis. . WATS LCAVINii 1111$ DAT NASIIVII.I.I4-14trer. lu • ST NUT, 1,/ Adau, CINCINNATI lu IMPORTS BY RIVER. • MaArlf SI. CINCINNATI-I'U K•urr ,,,, r• .' —2 Gt. hrlttalal• war.. Mu!vale,. A 1.4.111,. r.r.4 hum, lI tirallA li. 4.t[. 1/0...r fieL.l Iwf baa.. A I.z• 2 Jo be lm* raidb4 NM., A Jour,. 1 meemEgn..P....m. A 17 ht. rotsou. Nitiurl.. • :.4 2,;1.1,1n kirk oath,: 1,. ham. MrI,J.II A U. 124.. CA J.. Imcom. A.11.r. Nienl., IA L 1 ,1.1.04, A. J. , • übb.l.l.rt. A T 1.... - T1 , •n..1- 1.1 1,14 s r k Klrlt‘alr...k 13 3 , 41 psr 1., ~, :with A Sin ss.. 1 , 11.1Jankh. 1.1 , 1 J ,lessl 0,114.1 J.. IJAlter. W 14.3..) A I 1, I.l,lselvvvr nenl, S 3frelur kss 01 1 1 , 3 I,lls, Ilason A Co. 1 1. Lull, Cant 31.14,11• ss r-. 1 tint hUNIFITII-Iq, iV mt,ntk- Khd• InLacm, 12 Nth legltter. VI Bingham: 14 h,l+ tol•mvx, k Lisloell. 127 g.-1.• Earle, /4 B Omni:, la hhd• tramr, fl loreeh A Or. :17 dry TIM*. Clark A Titan. M do. hall Baker A WurLIL M , LalA 4 nnum MI 4L• emu Ktuvle.. t Ale , m 1: liu a. Noble. Fr LOl6-1, Paean. IV l 11 Vr Qttehespt 70 tants . 1, 4it,...` 41, '" Bar". H it Ong • .111. 1/M4 • gm.. cale. dr Rohione Little ACr NO 1.74 beim, totsrlh 11.11 A Liguett 7: tip 11. ml, 11 time / .41. 11 tabu... 1,1. A Ca.. 2 7 Jty Inde-. 11 Ynnm, C, mud° Pipe. 4 bat ..hovi 1..1 J IV Butler A Br, LOOK HERE NV FRIEND! RE YOll A FATIIER, Inhering thr the tupt.krt .4 IT. Altdi trout urttorml dt it or ant to. ut that lift...totot adfOld • bk 17.1.11, stmr - rtr.,. oltnltfr ft . Moth,. •rtil. not "out tolutorh fe malfrit, gottotalti tttu Itr. lioa stt Phstor Parru.ttartlli—it .pt.tolr ottr•L 'ou Call at our ttopot, IT co ot.. of our aufatt, and art a pnc-tphle, cratt t. wh.tro lOU atti Itod that CC. Part tapartna.a. rnpart.l by Dr 0. Met the ,rutuo.ottr venue =our dtarar.... to blob th. human Inallr are r...tually futuert- than y othrr PrruarKton PaptepartlLa frfr >ft LoAtiatt but the potato. Thu medic,. h.. r., tddl It res., by dm nithurn....l la...deur... It to put op to t t oartl.4ltes. nod id lb. noir Panttpartlia that arta tut tin hirer. Km..., nod Ilictur at thr. furor put, .b..+ ft-oft,. it nltto,llo, wort. •aluattla tu ersrr Otto, partrontarly tootairs. Ile .uro root emu., for Th. S. D. 110 W W!! hAILsAP.kI(II.I.A...I take another Prtee SI per 1..t11,—.51..tt1es tor .al. 1, D/1 8 D College I CO, Pisspristors, I ll2ll. Oncinuall, Ohio. To whom all =den Olaf B. utdreward Alto, for ude B 1 J.A.J0... J.l[4.llmatnalter a Co., W Clack. II W Mr., J. it. Towneand, .1. hlottler, W !ark , teen Mt • IT IL kit- Ml i" t b \ ral4re p tet ~. g. il l k 'rl.;kN fr lf 7 L. ~1 P . tiartl , . roll A Co, Wheeling: J 111 Patten... and_r, 0. Momtan. St. ,si Liatmelllm Writ. 0 Enna. 1.141 a. ocht+lgerT A Blast Furnace for ale. THE UNl)}:ltSiliNfill offisri for Solo his BLAST FUIINACE, Adulated to tti.tsmunty, 1i0n.,.,, ., known a. Om ',Mamma If ormicr. - olth .11 the out building.. S ISO alnl GltI,T tIILL, tout ever thing vv r..tary to car,- Lir lite SP:Wiling Of 01 , It L . 4 1 . 3 Acrra of Land attuhed. altli . moth More ad.taltalrot as would he a crwarr. a high ran le. Kul Irmo Ito. t, :i.Z yet lt ha. the mmt thyorable 10.11,n In Mr Booth, for m akingm Iron. having the ore within onfidialf to our tulle .41, lu vary large ouardltire..way to gam. sat , Irlding (non 60 to 75 per rent. It is one milt. and • half from O. Etowah Rolling hllll, whrre a tradeT tall ean he { , 111:11.1 for all Ito prtoloota of Pia 11.4. mud L. two milt. from thy Wroderu and All.lie Railnaal. •hleh la ono of thr Um t of railroad.. ronnreting the Trnneesee River a ith the t4. 0..4. whirh haR .la line. of nalimed. Forming not from It. fhil,hed and owl, umtraet, Pee4 o lll tht , tterhaD the lm. pmeant Towne and atl eorgla. where • read, it found for Pig Metal, , lorhlncry, llollog W arr. le. It le +now In full bla.t. woidtral 1.,' water poo It • allot 1:2 feet. on • never falling Arrant, and to the mo.t h$ althy part of the th Lettere make addrem.ed to ow. at tarnish Csis.s...tiii, """ Ln '" u ' n "'"''''LliiNtlirr:TOVALL AL,,,, n 000,1. 11.1.1. 1.15:.1 10 , b1 , d21.6,.,..0 FURNISHING MAIL LOCKS & KEYS. Pose IIYYJCE DCPARTIICKT, March 11, 1851. j IT BEING DESIRABLE to oubstitute locko and Ito, . some other kind for Chore nom in Is. for mail service of the Unit.' States, Pt.-1 locks and kers, with priowls to furnish tho emu.. will inenbe received and oonsldered at the Yost Oface fieparttnent. until tho,'lnt co day of July nett. The different locks will be submitted to apuua mmission tor etatuination and rep., Upon thin. re csmtrarts will, es soon rut nrartl.alde. entetwilnki tir furnishing sorb hscke and keys fur four ye . ars, ih:the rigid on tbe fart of the liostut.ter General for lb. ' time being to eits•nd and wmtinue the rotates% in fore 'dean additional term of four yeara, by,glekost to to ll the [.deer thanatop nothe that eect. nut mare thanni • l." Ma months Igfurn ilia terniimition of the t noe term of four Pare. i 111th a stew of pnouring the lest locket the ldwest no kind of lie." pr."cribed sbuidard; the Ile..rtment eels Mg for a selection the 1110,11allirt0 skill and itJgnu• it, which a lair competition, 1.4.1 11/11iond, may develon, It Ls. however. proper to .late.that • lock oiitable for the mall merrier gouda tomen lite following qualitito, via; Jar ~snaps, Ii Atm., and strength. )1 For We ;airtime ofd.ilering simultaneously all the mlOllO.lO l anti bid, now in us, about thirty new laxity and twenty thoumand key. Wanted thereto, will redulnel to be famish...l Id the toutraenir within 'wren mouths after the contract shall have beet] entered lutsn - a terwards the annual supply will devott on the durabilili + mall the lock. and key" adOSIIMi, RP m the to sonnet of the s4.rrlm ht. w i l l probn i .sl never exceed In ensonnt thrto tbonsand the former and,ne thimmital of the ISt' ter. No lurk will In romlilerwl If it he like., already to d lock ' . an y .a hsiz".-tl.l,7otz7lll!ri.pan:" o; The kind of lock. adopted must be patented, and the tentee will be redoired,ott entering into contract. to Make .Algutnent of Ihn patant for the earlusive on- and Pan rot of the Department. if the gositus..r General shall deem such rwhiirement woonhal to the interest" of the.r. ri.o. In sane of the failure of tbr noutractor as any time W fulfil faithfully the terms and...mahatma of hi" ....trail, the Postmaster General shall barn the right. bend. a moon W rho penal remedy hareinafvr ineutionid. tar to annul n said enntrart. and to control moors will. any other twiny or r es art he via, soe for fornioblua 711 deddltak4 upon the propogalmand ailechnonaottunAzth,. Postenapter benend ma) deem It eat... Oda to ""Iret hig"he thiough toad. the lova of one halder.and far the way mails that of another. lle mere., therefore. the right °Paton. , ra eting •Ith individual" fru ouch different kfnds of ind he may seltot, mid also the right to reject all "he he awl propiwals. If he .11.11 Moo that courve for the Interest of the Department- The party or pollee etintratillng will be r.. t tilrol to give bind, ample t curity, in thestun of thirty thou/and dollar", iir a faithful performance of the contr." rho contract I to .utain provision" for the 1t... and proper inspection if the locks ml tern, and also for guenting against r.i. r into a Improper hands: the terms of these_hrorloons to be so ranged between the [apartment and Afte suorweodul bidder. if is bid should tw moepo-d. Norippliestions i.e....Mem! If not aceompanitd with satisfactory ability/theevi der, and of ability n, fulfil the. onrart. K ILA I.L. l'indut.ter New Books! New Books vOILEIGN RE3IINISCENCES, ty II try hard 1,1 , 1 Holland: tntitent by Ms nem /tenet Ma h .T Ctott, Cottaue, by authne , Ittrn Barton. Love., The ieltnlet lb.. Pri...L by I.m. nts/Iner ot the loble 'pm., nnd thy (itprien fn "I the l'ultteti nteitee—seconti --'ju.t ne'd fa, tole by It. C. Srt.A.l:T. am/ I.V. ructa.l. curtier 3torket and Third 1 ONES ON LAND OFFICE TITLES.- ," • Syllabtuk of the Low of Land Moe Titles In NEM' "-mule; by Joel Joon, reed and f /1. or sale& C. KTON. fie. 47 kat ft. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE XEWM WASHEROTON. - • le,rrrtrrthlrurr of thrll . y l'atolatrch Oarrttr I WAsIIINCITOS, Mardi A few more heads off to day in New York, said to be all of the Seward streak t toe of the caves is . that of postmaster at Corning, worth one thou sand dollars per onoum. But the details of this movement are Itantly worth commenting upon. Mr. Hall is a pretty vigorous and thorough nine. and has probably resolved to make a general sweep of those gentlemen holding appointments of Importance and value,. who do not concur in the measures and policy of the administration. I never considered this matter of office-holding of muc h consequence ; but I confess that, in the abstract, I ant opposed to depriving men of their situations for opinion's sake. , Ido not 4 . 741 w that it would be good policy to dismiss from their places men infected by the pestilent and treason able fanaticism now raging in South Carolina, which consists in open and professed hatred to the Government, the Constitution, and Union of the Republic. But I mean admit that Jefferson, who Ivan a very wise man, and the author of that "noble sentiment," "error may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it," pursued exactly the oppositeconrse in practice. Ills doc trine was obsolete toleration ; he illustrated his creed by turning out every Federalist within his reach, mai appointing nobody not a democrat.— But Jefferson was the Joseph. Surface of American politics. and his morality exhausted itself in the noble sentiment, - with which he interinnied hit writings and speeches. At length we have an official authentic state ment of the construction which the department will place en the supplementary revenue or new, appraisement net, erroneously called Hunter; bill. It was determined, yesterday.. in thel7abi net, to reject n construction which the law will undoubtedly bear, so as to give a very consider ble increase of protection to iron and coal, and to conform to the interpretation of this act, which Walker placed on the Tariff law of 1846, namely, to reckon the price an the assessment of duties on the prime cost and charges, without including the freights either acmes the ocean, or therefrom" the point of production to the.port of eaportation. By the !Alton of these two items, which might have been made without a siolation 01 the letter or apparent spirit of the law. I think the duty upon English or Swedish iron might have been raised from three to tire dollars per ton. to the objection that the prices of freights to differ ent ports would be very rffinous, nod therefore that the rates of duty would be unequal, that might have been easily obviated by striking an average, and adopting an uniform list fur all the ports. But the Cabinet, and the Secretary of the Treasury, in particular, went upon the higher ground that the protection due to all the industrial pursuits of the country, was not to to , reached in that way. Until Congress shall recognise and establish that system as the pulley of the coun try, it italvisable to let every interest stand upon the Soo. footing. cannot but he amused with the chagrin and indignation of the Southern Press, un the one hand, at the adoption of a strineof moderate and pCrtscularly insignificant resolutions on the slav ery question, by the Virginia Legislature. and the extravagant delight and exultation, upon the other, of certain journals of 3 very different cha racter, at the same happy event These reboil, duns are in part a repetition of the rote which Virginia played to Is:12, when she interposed :111 mediator between South Carolina and the general Government. On this point the resolutions at- I firm, in brief, t h at no sufficient cause esists for the secession of any State front the Union on account of anything which has recently taken place in reference to the ••Inmitistiont or the South, - and they, in effect, tolvise the pepper pot, South Carolina, to wit, not to midi, a fool of itself by piling nip the agony to a ridiculous heigt. The advice will, of course, be thrown away. The Virginia resolutions have cotaidnn ble say about the consequences of -continued Northern aggressions. nail with it cruelty which ms really heart-rending to contemplate. they pro scribe Vermont from rill polincalcommuticts4on, by directing that copies of the rs-solations be rent to as the States excepting only her. That 21021 tot tloareo‘trg to Verlonot The Southern Press joys these reotdut tow are of the milk and water order, undonbtedly they tire compared with former effusion, front the flume -worm It is remarkable, however, that tame and unmeaning a, in themselves. they really are, the votes upon them, and all parts of I thein, were nearly unanimous. Indeed, upon most of them, the rote w unanimous, or with only-one dissentient, mud upon no division were there more than three nays against about one hundred and twenty in the affirmative. It is evident that in Virginia the Compromitc meas ures are almost unanimously tupported. As to South Carolina, I do not think, now, that she trill attempt to go out of the Union. All her cit izens know that should she leave it alone, with or Ifflthout the consent of the other States, swill destruction would fall upon them and theirs. it is now pretty evident that if she decides to leave, it must he without company. Some are already Predicting that within one year the United States mail will stop at her northern, southern, and western borders, that it will be .shipped from Wilmington. N. C , to Savannah, without touch ing at CLiarleaton, that that point will he block. acted, and that not a bale of South Carolina cotton will be pmnitted to go out, nut a ton of mer chandire to go in. Ido not share in these an ticipations. I say, as I have said from the beginning, that South Carolina should be permit ted Intake her own course. Let her secede, if she can nod if she dare. Could my voice calm I the agitation there . to-morrow, I would not speak the word The wellbeing of this Union requires that the experiment set on foot by the fanatics of South Carolina should be fully and fairly tried. tier degradation, misery. and ruin, out of the Union, would he a monument proclaiming to the world the blessings secured to other States, sit uated as she now is, by the Union. It is neces sary, perhaps, to our future harmony that this sacrifice of use member should be made. If she will rush upon her fate, lether go out front among us. end disturb oiar pence no more. Outraged by her insults. and disgusted by her treason, that great notion, whose protection she will have sionlaPtl, may laugh nt her calamity, and mock when her fear ...meth. Cut the catastrophe is not impending. The tragi-comedy of Ite.O . SAOII will te played out. to he succeeded by some other foolery, but all on this aide of the ~rert art. Jesus. --olio- FROM RARRISBIIILOR Ilmuumovuoli, March 27. ISA The house were engaged to day, in the con sideration of the lleneral Appropriation Bill, anti of 'various Senate amendment. IL is now so dif ficult, as almost to ho impossible. to tell what bills have or have not passed. The system of amending almost every bill which receives We favorable Action of the House, by adding to it a large variety of bills, in the. abape of amendments, renders legislation so ron. fused ILS to require a great deal of care to pre vent improper bills from passing. to tins way. many measures are definitely acted upon. with out the people of a district becoming aware that their representative has made any effort to puss the bill, or has succeeded nr failed in his etihrtii. The _Senate passed the bill regulating bor oughs. with amend:neats. On motion of Dr. Carothers, the Senate pass ed the hill to change the name of the Methodist Episcopal Church of the city of Pittsburgh, and to authorize the trustees thereof, to sell certain real estate. The hill to authorize Tobias Shoemaker, trus tee, to take a part of certain real estate, was also panned. The Harrisburg and Lancaster Railroad Com pany, passed a resolution to reduce the fare en passengers over their road, to 3 cents per mile, to lake effect on and after the lot day of April ; awl have also made n drawback, in conjunction with the Canal Commissioners, on all articles coming from the Cumberland Volley Railroad, and passing over the Harrisburg and Lancaster It. It. and the Columbia R. IL, to Philadelphia. Ur Qrcnse. RAIIIIISIIOIO. March 28, 1851. The House did a great deal to day, yet the busine,. was transartal in sn confused a man. ner nn to prevent any nne from telling exactly 1 , what N 1 .1 1 .4 done. A long debate. however, enquesl upon a section, passed by the Senate, which pro. vide,— “That bonds or certificates of debt, created by any county or municipal corporation in tkis State. and is-med in payment of a subscription made or to be made under the authority hereto. fore given for that purpose to the stock of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, or to the stork of the Pennsylvania aml Ohio Railroad Compa ny be, and they are hereby declared legal invest ments of money by executors, guardians, or trustees, in the manner and subject to'nll the provisions and conditions of the 14th section of the- uct relating to Orphans' Courts, approved March 29, 1832.” This wns lost on a scale of the yeas and nayx, the vote being yen+, 40---nays, 42. At a subse quent stage of the session, Mr. Bighorn procur ed a reconsideration of the vote on the former hill. 9.12.1 offered the following substitute, which / - wan adopted: “That bonds or certificates of debt, created by the county of Allegheny, the city of Pittsburgh, or the city of Allegheny, be and arc hereby de clared legal investments of money, by execators,_ guardians. and trustees, in the manner and sub ject to the provisions of the 14th section - of the net relating to Orphans Courts." Approved March 28, 1832. 1 The General Appropriation Bill is going slow ly through the House, and will scarcely be dis posed of this week. Its appropriations are nu merous, and there are are several items in it which will provoke discussion. Various Committees of the Home, reported to day, against the divorce of Daniel Boyer; for the relief of Wm. Henry, of Crawford county, with amendments: against the repeal of the Ten Hour Law; with amendment, the supplement to the act, incorporating the Hempfield Railroad Company; with a negative recommendation, the supplement to the net incorporating the Frank lin Canal Company, and its supplement; and the supplement to the nctincorporating the Pitts burgh and Erie Railroad Company; to incorpo rate the Brat'dock's Field Cemetery: with amend ments, the hill to incorporate a Bridge over the :Monongahela river nt Birmingham. Mr. Reid read in his place a substitute for the supplement to the act incorporating the Franklin Cana'Company, and the net incorporating the Pittsburgh and Erie Railroad Company. • The supplement to the net incorporating the Franklin Canal Company, and tife act incorpo rating the Pittsburgh and Erie Railroad Compa ny was considered in Senate, and passed to third reading, and then referred to a Select Commit tee, consisting of Merin. Walker, Crabb, and liege. Dr QtrEsst. FROM .NSW YORK. Corre,ohdetute of the Da,l7 Pirtsburgh Gault , I Well, the Senators and AssemblyntehWho were invited from Albany by our Common Council to partake of the hospitalities of the city at the ex pense of the •-tax payers" have gone back to the capital doubtless to resume their duties with re newal vigor. If all that is told respecting the conduct of come of them . .while here, he true, they did not go any too soon. Although. I ap prehend, their visit here was neither an honor nor a credit to the visited, or visitors. Scarcely a day passes that some vessel does not arrive here, and report having experienced a SITCOPMIiOii of gales, sickness or some horrible suffering. The packet Ship Warren from Glas gow, with sixty passengers, arrived last night Loving been rote hundred and nine daye on the ; , 05- a . ,., which is the longest time occupied for the passage accross the Atlantic within my remem brance. Captain Lawton reports having encoun tered several severe gales, in one of winch the rudder was lost and the ship floated about at the mercy of the angry waves for several days.= Other damages were sustained causing the ship to leak badly; and part of her cargo consisting of pig iron Barley be., had to he thrown overboard to keep her free. A rudder was finally construct- WI from a hemp 'sine which enabled her to reach port. The reader will better imagine, than ran. he tleArribra, the situation of the ship and hen living cargo, making a winter passage under the shove eircurostance, The passengers are all in good health and very little "the worse foe wear". The Warren was boarded by four ships all of which supplied her I with the necessaries of life and one of them to New Bedford Whaler , with several luxuries in the shape of vevetables end bread. Bad the W. not been one of ' the best ships adept captain Law ton says she could not have survived the gales. ! Brent fears are entertained for.the safety of ; the pocket Ship Ivanhoe, which sailed hence for Liverpool on the 2 22.1 ult. no large quantities of wreck and cotton bales marked ••lianhoe " have recently been ...can off Montauk. The franhoe ; 5 , 5.19, tine ship four years old I,lsotons burthen. "' fle d et sSti.tvin and owned by Messrs. Taylor and Nlerr.ll. She had Ia passengevrs and a fall ...ago of Cotton and Pestle, which together with the ship. is fifly invored in thid city and Europe. The vimndy of the Public Store in Broad Street IV. the scene of not a little excitement on Tues day afternoon by a rumor that dead bodies had been discovered in a box from the Ship Ocean Queen from London. The lox emitted n moot offensive eilittria, which CO excited Collector Maxwell, that he summoned the Coroner, who opened the box in the presence of a large crowd of curious individuals, when instead of putrid ! bodies several score of innocent betties contain ! ing hydr? sulphuret of tuntormia, were dissever. ed. It seens that one of them had been broken, and ifs contents eicaping gave rise to the cruel suspicion. The fifty third of the Sew York Book Trade Sale., of Messrs. Bangs Brothers and Co. is now going on ut their rooms in Park Row. Tho col. lection of Books Stationery Sc., is very large, more than a hundred firms having contributed to tt, and nearly four hundredrepresentativev being in attendance. Almost every State of the Union is represented. The sale will he continued da ring the greater pan of the earning week. At a tire in Lispenta..l street a few nights ago the entire wardrobes of the Misses Gongenheim actreses ot the Broadway Theatre and Mille Ade line the danvevve was destroyed. It is stated that the manager will shortly give them a benefit which will partly repair the Ins,. A highly ramoctable looking gentleman, from South Carolina, named Duke, was "victimized" oat of $l4O at a mock auction shop, inßroadway. yesterday, notwithstanding the Mayor's placard. warning strangers to "beware." The articles received. in return for his money were worth about fife dollars. Ile applied to the authorities for redress, but the "Peters" were son Oct . "Surely nature bath made change fellows in her time. , . - Two notorious pickpockets named George Pot ter and Charley Williams, were caught in the act of picking a gentleman's pocket among a crowd who were seeing the steamship Asia off ~ yeeterday. These light fingered gentry are both , graduates of Sing Sing Prison, and were pardon- I ed emu two years since on their promise to I ' leave th country. _ I . The . ia, which sailed for Liverpool yester day, too out 114 passengers, among whom were a-large number of distinguished persons ew rbute 1 for the I orld's Pair, She took $700,500 in the followin proportions, American gold, $504000; j ' Half Do Mrs, $75,000: Mexican Dollars, $125,-1' Cent; So ernigns, 5100. Each ges are ruling . high at present, that specie i flowing out of the country very foot, and will con inue to do so at intervals so long as our importations of merchandise continue heavy as at the present time. During themistthree days, about a half a million of dollars have heed re ceived i to the Sub Treasury of this city for du ties, wl eh is en enormous sum. The present balanced in the treasury is &little short of four millionsi, of dollars .Amu g the passengers who went eat in the steamsl p Ohio yesterday were the lion. Jacob %loom: d fondly. the newly appointed Postmas ter of San .Prancisco. Oar harbor is pretty well represented with shipping at present There were yesterday in port 114 steamships, 77 ships, 6.4 barques, 123 brigs, and 175 eta going schooners, besides a large number of coasting schooners, river erift, Sc.,—total 457 sea going vessels. Within the past ten days, a hardware stern in the sill ge of Danbury, Conn., was robbed of several hundred dollars in money and goads, 1 with w ich the burglar made his escape. On Toesd y afternoon, the officers at the New York v s end N w Haven Railroad depot, in Canal street, -spott d" a ...cute" looking downenster, who, from h s peculiar movements, was taken into cus tody. On his person were found $490 in $lO Nils, s ugly stowed away in his boots, also sev eral h ndred dollars in genuine gold and silver coin, d bank bills. knives, buttons, &c., nll of which ere identified as the stolen property.— lie g o e his name as Aaron P. Troadwell,„ and stated that he was from the hind of "Wooden Stitme and Hama," and was not guilty of a dome rge preferred against him. I understand that the widow of the late Major Noah will retain her interest in the Sunday Times, and thut the paper will be conducted as formerly, with Mr. Joseph Barber as its principal editor. Mr. Barber has been for some time con nected with the paper, as also with tie Morning Star, nod is a very graceful writerand estimable eitisen. - atinues active, hut The &loom! for money col there is a inereo,e of nice, and more diepovition man ,f,...,t,1 to invraz. The new bank, which ore organizing will noon hove money to Into. ~ The supply mnow very larv, buf mvmy are holding off in anticipation of more remunerative rates. VOLUME I.XIV---NUNIBER 204 Itusineca generally does not meet with the ex, pectations of a large number of our tradesmen, yet there appears to be a good deal of. activity in most branches. StockB are dull, ha; without any material change in any , le,cription, except Read ing, which has settled down SCOG per cent since my last, which is attributed to a rumor of a re. auction in the rates of freight on emu, ' From the Cincinnati Go,tlr. BEIDGENE TEE OBIG—ITS coitzracr.. I.IIINCELEOR WALIVORTII'S REPORT ON Tilt IV HEELING Baum c.—The. question of bridging the Ohio and other navigable iiveri of the 1116- ted States, is one destined to be of great imp:fir tance. Notwithstanding the great facilities af forded by steam ferries, (and they have exceeded, all anticipation.) it must always be in advantage over any ferry, to have the meals, of continuous. usipierrapted line of transit. On the othel hand, it will readily be granted that the navigation of a great river ought to hare' no serious dna:na tion put in the way—even for the public canvas rlielleP. The question, then, in reference' to Ohio. the Mississippi, the Missouri, the Ha:lM6n, and other large rivers, is, can .they be liaiAed usefully, and yet, not obstruct navigation? e think they can,„ and thiireport confirms oar opin ion. The Ohio river, both from thegtrathetidit and the number of its highwater rises—interpo ses more rent difficulty, in the way of taidgbsg, without obstructing navigation—than any rim in the country. It io a teat river, in this ritroct. -The highest solaces of the Ohio lie in New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina, t pas comprehending a. vast and eirions range of country—comprising moors CU:gilt:a:4 according to Dr. Locke,) about 77,000 Iran miles The melted snows and rains, therefore, which cause the floods arise on so vast and Ts. rioas a range,of of. that they not only mace high good:, but they cause them frequent ly, and at different sources. It was, in etidence before the Commissioner, that there had beet high water at Wheeling, in every month in the year, but in August! It was also, in erideace, that in one year, there werefourflooda of pretty high water! But this is not rill. The modern practice of erecting very high chimneys to steamboat has made a new difficulty. The chimney flues of steamboat are now double in height what they were a few years since. We are glad to know, however, that they hare arrived at about the Inesinnet ,height, and no more of this iriconve- Mont prorirr may be expected. The report of Chancellor Walwortb, made as it was, by the aid of Engineers, and established by an immense mass of testimony, is probe bly the most moat elaborate document ever produced by mere master Commis si oner. But this ia no com- mon case. It is to furnish fact and history for thlr investigation of a great problem and one of great interoot. Much praise is doe to Chancellor Walworth for the care, patience, integrity and knowledge he has brought to the investigation.. Some of the facts of theeeport will be Interesting to our readers: . .. . _ 1: !hight of finds. —The following are the height of floats, above what is called low water marl: at the principal points on the Ohio; ' Pittsburgh, Range 42 feet. theeling, do /. 421 do Itart's Rapids do • F , • :18 do: Cincinnati do • I 1? do Louievillo . to 44 do It is part of the law of streains like the Olin that their highest Hood should he nearly midway and accordingly we find it so at Cincinnati. Period of navigable water.—Perhaps,- the most interesting question connected with the commerce of the Ohio, in the length o . Qinee and at what season the river is navigable. 'This re port gives a fair solution of that problem, in a a table of results obtained by twelve years' ob servation at Wheeling. The number of days in which the water is called at a good stage on an average is thus given: Days in which the water iv above 15 feet. 44h Days water above 10 feet. . 94 Dave wa ter abuse S feet. ' 139 Dais in which the water is at or near el • trem height Days io which the water iq at extreme Ina I t thus appears, that notwithstanding 311 that is said about its variable navigation, the Ohio is in good navigable order more than two-third!, of the year, :Lod that it is at its extreme of high and low water only five days in the year. There are 97 days, at Wheeling, in which the water is either below four feet or froien. But al the ri ver below Wheeling is rarely obstructed 1„:y ice, and as the email packets can run where there to only two feet water, it may safely be said, that in a long period of time; the Ohio river gable more days in the year for comfortable boats than is ;the Hudson, so.much boasted for its navi igatiotf. The Hudson is frozen over fromtwo to three months, in each year; making 19 the whole a greater loss of time than occurs in the Obio, from all causes whatever. Ifriyhr ti CliZmneys.—This is n rerscuriOus subject. The weight of testimony is that an increase in the height of chimneys, by. increas ing the draft, doei , increase the speed. It is also. in evidence, that there is numb difficulty in low ering them: though it deco not appear that nn apparatus might-not he made to lower them eas ily and safely. Indeed, it is almost certain they ran he, and that point where chimneys are eery high should he yielded, if necessary, to the con venience of n bridge. The great heights of some of the steamboat chimneys may be seen, in the following example, Buckeye State, (Packet) Keystone State, Jn Cincinnati, do The passage way of the Wheeling Strpension. Bridge is - 62 feet above the Water Zero on,Wheel ing Bar, and therefore the Keystone Ststc would strike her chimneys, when the water wa. cheer Id feet, and the Cincinnati when the water was above it feet. It appears, however, that the ime in which the Pittsbumh patikan would tie thus obstructed, would be only two trips in the year. Wiry then, we may ink, when the period is FO short, and the inconvenience so little, should not the boats he required to lower their Chimneys ° We are disposed to concede every thing which public trade and convenience can properly demand; hot this is a case in which one elate of trade and convenience, competes with another, anti can it befairly said that one chould yield every thing to the other`. 10 pee smite - thing of the trade and convenience which re quires a bridge, we take the following statement of the traffic 'which passed on Wheeling Bridge, during fifteen days mile, Tit: Travelers an hersett;ck, ?:87 Travelers on foot, t1.j336 One horn wagon.. icy Two horse do 4 :31. Three horse do Four horse do Five horse do Six horse do Horned Cattle, 'l3 Hogs, If this arerage be continued for year, there would be 270,000 passengers pass, 160,000 wag ons, 22.000 cattle. and 00,000 hogs! This is an immense traffic, and exhibit. the great conceal ence to commerce itself, of a bridge over the Ohio at that point, at tenet- Chancellor Walworth does not report that a bridge over the Ohio River is necessarily in oh. struction. On the contrary, he reports that it bridge may be made, in the following language. He says: "I therefore conclude, that it it practicable , to al+ ter the eonstntrtion of lie present bridge, so that it trill not be an-obstruction go the free narigatlon of the Ohio, consistent with the continuance of the bridge arras' the riser at the place where it is now.ereeted!" • The alteration in the prevent Bridge will re gnire about $200,000; but when that is erpend- ed, the total cost will not be more than what Captain Sanders, U. S. Engineers, reported as the cost of a Bridge there for the National Road.. All in all, this is an admirable Report, and has saved future Bridge Projectors and Engineers, as well an commercial men, a great deal of trouble in ascertaining what in necessary to the cow trVIC. tion of a Bridge.over the Ohio, without obstruct ing navigation. NEW Tung CENT COTN.—The Philadelphia Ledger aye The die for the three cent piece, ordered to be coined by the last Congrcas, bits been finished. and the coinage would ha proceeded with at cum at our mint, but for a defect in the law, which makes no provision far procuring the silver and copper to dOWMCIIC - C with. In consequence, the coinage trill be delayed until theproperstep.sare taken by the authorities at Wuobington to remtd the deficiency. The new coin is decidedly neat and tasty, and will be in a measure a convenient substitute for coppers. it is one-fourth copper and threc.fourtbs.eilver, lie that the baser metal affectathe color but slightly. lesion it 13 between the.'gold dollar and the five cent piece, but it is so much thinner than either theta blind mane= easily distinguish them apart by the touch. The face of the coin has a capital C. with 3 in nu merals, indicating the value of the coin, imbrued within it. Around the edge are the thirteen" stars for the original States. • On the revers e a star having in its centre an American end around the edge •• United States of Anterica, - . 1851." • LOST. A LE i ATILE I P wm OCKET CKET contin trhS4l4 iii:“hgeti areet. nal= a, IOS it 19 ate 0W136.7i 1 ; 013' St thin Ire= t c,44214 : . SecezAroa