HOME MATTERS Paeresson Esizaso%'• ess.—Professor Emerson's Fifth La-t..,••• Culture, was deliv ered on Saturday evening, to a very large, and most intellectual nhdience, who appeared duly to appreciate the literary treat provided for them., We have never 'before seen any course of lectured in this city, ,” well attended as these, nor have' any ever afforded 4o conceit gratification to our citizens. • We trust that the sueres, or this gentleman is but “the beginning of the end, - and that the Young Nlen'Q Mercantile Library Association, will frequently enable thr inhabitant: l of Pitts burgh to enjoy :a similar gratification , by engaging the 'services of other eminent literary,and dOe men. Professor Emerson's last lecture on `•Worship." will lir dnlivered on Tuesday even ing. COUNTERFEIT BANE NOTE , —Alderman Major was busily engaged, on Saturday afternoon, in getting some note 4 for the use of the prosecuting attorney, struck from the steel plate., recently obtained through the exertions of police officer Fox and his eolleapate, from counterfeiters.— The plates arc three in number, and sonic beau tiful impressions were taken by Mr. A. F. Mar tha., engraver on steel and copper. They are of the denomination of SlO, $.5 and ti, the two brat on a Connecticut bank—the last on the State dent: of Ohio. The engraving b. remarka bly well executed, and ealettlated to de"ceive all but the most experienced. Our itneitie+4 community are certainly much indebtA to these police officers, for their vigi lance and activity in thin a.m. end we trust their exertions will not go unrewarded. Now SICK 11003 t enkytt.lVe had the pleasure of examining on Saturday a new sick room chair, invented by Dr. .1 4 .1, Wenn, of Sharpsburgh, which appears to us better adapted to the par. pose which it is designed, than any we have ever before seen. They are manufactured by Messrs. &MIS, Atkinson, andly, and arc made of galvanisedtron, which will last without oxidizing for a life time. They combine all the advantages of a seat, "a sit latth,"•foot bath, Sc, and are well worthy the attention of'our medical men, whom we advise to Coll and examine the article for themselves, nt.the warehouse of the above firm on Front street. tOrrINE Senvicti.,-The Right Reverend Alonzo Potter, D. D., Bishop of this Diocese, preached in the Epieeopolian'Cburches. yesterday. DISTRICT COURT. Before the Honorable Wolter 11. Lowrie " Carter Curtis to Tholll,o Mellon, Esq. After due proclamation, Carter Curtis, Sher- . acknowledges his 41, , 1 poll to Thomas Mel lon, Esq., for all the right, title, to., of Wtn. Chambers, of. in, and to, about sixty nine acres of laud in Jefferson township. Consideration 1301 5 00. Deed to be retained by Prothonotary maw' Saturday next, for further order of the Court Page vs. Delaware Mutual IneuranceCompony —No. 13, July 'IV. Motion for a new trial.— . Reasons, 6161. , Page vs. the Franklin Insurance Company— No. 14, July Motion for a new trial. witc, . sons filed. The Hon. Hopewell Ilephrum, President Judge, also •ent for the Erma...time of business in the rooes; of the Supreme Court. Burgess and :own Council of the Borough of Birmingham, vs. Archibald Reed. Messrs. N. P. Fetterman and Hobert Woods argued a Motion to net the judgment in the above ease aside, at considerable length. No decision. No other 'business of importance or, transacted. COURT OF QUARTER SESSIONS. Saturday, March 29. Present, Honorable 'William B. McClure. Pro siding Judge, and Samuel .Jones, and Willi _Boggs, Associate Judges. • The Court met at ten o'clock this morning, and a number of motlons for new trials. &c., were made and argued. So business of - public inter fest was transacted. 01111WeS COCRT.—The Orphan's Court stns in Session on Saturday, but no business of general interest eras transacted. Tartan lacrnsts—A. W. Foster, Esq., on Saturday presented twenty-fire remonstrances 1. 1 from TbriOUS atx , elt the Reelable number of Licence..., which have been app t gi for., SAVVG'S Bs%K._There are now no less than four of these useful institutions in Allegheny and Manchester, distributed as follows: The Alle gheny Saving Fund Company, the Mechanics' Sa ling Bank, and the Franklin Saving Bank, in Al legheny, and the Manchester Saving Fund Com pany, in Manchester. The Allegheny Saving Fund Company is the oldest Institution, basing been in existence night years. Nrm Erts,'OPAl. Cu then. —Bishop Potter will lay the corner etone a a new Epicopalian Church, on grant•street. near Diamond Alley, at four o'- clock this afternoon.. Discnanono.—Owen Dougherty, Wm. Burns, and Patrick. Sage. accused of a riot, alleged to have Been committed on the Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad, were discharged in the Court of Quarter Sessions, on Saturday, no prosecutor ap pearing against them. They 'moo - been impri, onedfor so memomhy, and if innocent, those per eons who brought the charge againat them, -should be severely punished. _• Zonswr.u.'s I'asanaml.—This fiue Panorama I of life and scene, in California, will remain On exhibition another'week of the Athenaeum. It continuea to attract crowded audience, raitisot.ony.-0. S.:Fowler, [of New York. will deliver a lecture on Pbreneology. as applied to w2demory and Intellectual culture," at Wilkin'a Hill, this evening. Swrencsd—Two men named Louis and Fred erick Rimmed brotherte and both old grey head ed men, were brought into the Court of Quarter Sessions, on Saturday. charred with stealing a flock or 50 sheep.• which they afterwards sold to a butcher in Allegheny. front Edward Anderson, Esq., of this county. They pleaded guilty and Aseemed to feel their painful situation most • acutely. It was their lir , t offence, to Carat least, .as the court had any knowledge of the subject, 'and his honor. the Presiding Judge, in senten. 'clog them, remarked that their previous good character would influence him so fur as to re wines their punishment to one year's imprison :anent in the Penitentiary. They expressed their thankß for his leniency, 11.1111 were led away by the officers. °LEESON'S PICTuEIInL litinvriso Roost CON TANION.—Tbis is the title of a new weekly paper, which we noticed.r. few days n ew got up in style surpassing all nowsrPos heretofore pu. Balled, in, the beauty of its appearance, in th• amount of its contents, and in the number an. beauty of its!illustrations. Its proprietor brie . to bear upon it a - long experience in the lag buttiness, end an unstinted outlay of capital It is composed of eight pag es, comprising large columns. That well known author, Lieu Murray hascoutributed the ''Circassian Slave. o the tbiltart's.‘Favorite," a story of Oriental life rife with pleasing incidents and glowing descrip, ”The'Trapper's Daughter," a tale of We Urn life, is another story that we notice from th pen of J. Robinson.lts pictorial attraction are five in number, including a splendid view o -the Pork, Broadway, New York, IL spirited presentation of the Atlantic Steamship, and fine drawing of the tllst. Palace, London. L. Winch, Noz-116 Chestnut St, PhiLadelphi • it the agent for thin Slate. To be bad, in tit' city of IV. C. W.dL• Price $1 per annum Gets a copy. Tin AL.I.T/SIIENT COENCILS.—No less than th 71=11 , krs ; of 11ue Alleglleny Councils, Messrs. I 3S 6[eed, Dr. Meliennan, and George Drahe Thavnyesigned their twat, of late. rind the May Ruts leaned his proclamation for a ?Tecialelecti. to fill the vacancies. Ptuusr.wonniv.—The steamboat officers •owners, who are certainly among the most lit rah of mir citizens. are raising sahscriptiom , the relief of the family of Mr. Joseph NteKeo lint engineer of the Steamer Lowell, who drowned'hy the slaking of that boat. MAYOR'S 0171 , , A um: nEs r. flu .r, Mayor Fleming, on Saturday hound over Fr- er-. ink Baugh, and John and Elizabeth Williams for selling liquor without a license. Trit—'Wearnra.—The weather on Saturday was very delightfuL BOOKS! BOOKS! y t oi.. Iet.LOgSING'S Pictorild n ,ff ,-, U/II Yield Bmi of Ranh:tint:. Cloth, 11...1f I. -.., .... ... N.. l 2 Pitrmniel Yield Boa. totthr Revolt:. type. ras. . ET=: r ltnnornia Stnry: by menuth° , " o , P.' 1. 'Mae the AvAnier, try den tiuthurnf tho" , iin .Letdon Arould," n)lnunirmt Hall,” ... The stotmn wort* junt rnnolvnd :mai for It. C. 13T0f.:KTOS 8n0t.11,..14 Metal .. N.,..ti .Nisi TALLOW -2A bl..l4.'prime. ft 31.1:124 ti, &IC Y TELEGRAPH CORIUIPTION IN THE N. T.' LEGISLATURE. 1 • NEW Yoßw, March '2ll. Consyderable excitement has been created in Allianylby the discovery of some apparently sue. cessful attempts to corrupt the members of the State I'lltate. It seems a very stringent hill- for the suppres sion ofl _gambling was before the Senate. :mil in the hands of a committee. Sir. G. tV,.Bull. Ser geant tit Amos, of the Senate, undertook, accor ding to certain documents made public by Mike AValah,lto have this bill defeated, expecting to be paid for his trouble by the proprietors of cer tain gambling louses in New York, whose busi ness would be injured by the' new law. Ile is said tor have received several large claw from va rious menahers of the gambling profession : but one person, upon whom be depended for aid, Mr. Samuct , A. Snyilarn , refused to go into the loui nem a 1 dividged the whole matter. Froi published letters, Mr. Bull appears to I have perateil with some effect, upon the mem bers o the Senate Committee—their name + are C. D. tobinson, S. It. Johnson, and A C. Stone. The! matter was brought before the Governor and Senate, and woe iWked over by the lattert ody yesterday, with closed doorit. . The members of the ermittee are said:each to have made iix plans ions ; but the fact hasnot itranspired final ly. A s lect committee. consisting of Mesiirs Nla sou, o lltietk, ttimmick of firoome,tand.Mnrgan of Ne York, was appointed with lamer to rend for persons and papers. I Th Sergeant at arms got wind oldie expoeure and • isappeared suddenly, before he iiould be 1 itreen I. It in supposed that he escaped to New I York Ity. , I 7 I JENNY LIND AT NASHVILLE. NASHVILLE, March 2$ Jc ay Lied arrived at Clarksville to-day, and is expected here in the morhiug. Nrw YORK, Mooch 29. Tht, Steamer Hermann nailed at Noon to-day for Southampton and firemen, with sixty pa, •engers, and a email amount of Fpecie Nov YOOK, March, Tt. The letter mail per steamer Canada at Boston camei through this morning, but the newspaper maillhas failed to come to hand. Bakings' Circular quoted Penn.'s fives at St.ll @I t. Maryland do 8800. .mnos_ EXECUTION OF CAPT. FRENCH. NEW 011LEAN+, Nlarch 27. The notorious. Captain French was executed near Durango. Texas, for the double crime of rohb .g and murder. N PHILADELPHIA MARKET 4ton—The market continues quiet, and pri ces re barely supported. F our the market continues inactive, and some furt er sales have been made for export, at $4 1} 14 bbl. Saks for city consumption at pric s ranging from $4 31} to $5 for common to our ex • P. e Flour—The market is firmer, with small I salet at $3 371 7r4 hid. . ,i . .:'; Dlll E*— _ Crn )foal —ls steady. at $2 csi - r 4 hid. .c 7 t, .....1.., 1,. 7 . a ter••-• Gt.:tin—The demand for wheat is less active. , ' A . . • but prices are without chtinge, sales 3:...000 'Mall. ! I,illp ;, , n, Ta. 410 ....l, prime Penna., at 1h;€! . .97e for red and 102 c fo.- ! lillatt4. inch P. R. 1T.11,ZE1.1.. Lit...mit. Itive has declined, with sides IWO bun Penna. at &c(eL . ,iiB Is bush. ' ~ , , ,I.lPl'll'i., . IliillSEliii \ (it ATI:CI.; Pi Itli e'en is in moderate request, with vol " of lsi:i:iiZr'i'hY.'i:::,.i.sirs.!;..`:;;;..i.."l.'-V.°0,;,-: Penns., yellow at 60 afloat i and II Cargo of Nouth- .4,1. uir.r.m. t/.... - - 14 1.11k.11 1 octslr x1,4111,-. ar• ern white and yellow at titc per bush_ Oats arc •7 ‘ ) .0 , - •., '•,,,..-`;''.", `:" 1 7 7 `,T"....i',„"' 1. ";"'‘ "*.' ',la,. !1.,. bin. tr a - r II ra I , c.c.," ro. ally steady at 43c. Provisions—The market is firmer, hut without -sited , sel r— r i....• , „-b n........ I.— —....- ... chatge. , roceries—More is doing in groceries, salea • !•,,7,-,,,',:z;•:..-;:..,,v;;,;,::.,,,;:,,,r,!:.,:,:;.;.. ti: 4.: ~,;:„::,, 1 .. i Pei hhas New Orleaa9 nad Porto Rico sugar at l ;m n, f 4 ta) .1,......... , it sill al.• ol•-"nw Op m`.. It .1..1 41 .ttl, and a lot of Porto Rico molasses at 30c . ' , y,!!" . 7,.,t:'i., , ,,,,`,;;',',%,:,::,,'"'"" r° '''''' ' '' ' ' ' '' L , - hiskey—ls steady ra g.216T23e in barrels and :: s. c S,ll - KEIL-11AII. hhd9. larh.ll 1 ... am NEW YORK MARKET. , COON REPORT. ' March 21.. in {'lour —Low aarnde Western t ro brisk. th demand for,p aporb being checked by the ad nt r ' c ' e g 13 t Stale prices at s S 4 ma 4 l 3 l7. (;4 ale r;o; of of N c l o ic m h m igli on n sod to Indiana at s'4 50(2.4 id; and of extra Ohio at $5 50 -,4 bbl. 1 ?rills—Wheat is in fair milling demand, and , p ces lire steadier, though holders are disposed All , .11.-2 0 Lbls. N... ~ to eet the views of buyers, with sales of Ohio I it 00c. Corn continues scarce, which causes a 4 ti ;.1 - 11,111-2.". blob. mr sale I,v market I N —,,,, -- ss ofitiltant, wilb a lair de- - --.- Jo.lt 01 trLi..s 0i,,, , , ~ ra ad for the trade, and for speculation. Sal. : InVestM,pren,..tiaa. of new Western clear mess at $l4 50, and of 1 I (MO DOLLS I'l _ ...., 'II . LII CITY" ':• 1,...).,,. ....,,,,,,,, 11. ),,....,, theint 1, netimess, deliverable hi lane and July, atsl3. 1 ... 50 'V bbl, which price is offered for large Intl, 1 is steady. Butter is firm 1 fr, ...1e . , : letup—ls moderately active, with sales nf Melt!. A erica dew rotted a rc 15 1. 1 ton. 1 Lead—The market is heavy, at $5.,:i 12 tt M AI , - .en., 'fiord fod Of r!..1 d• ~ „., ~.., for „ T'1LF.,,K,1.1,E.,,,1,..t1ET .ll , yltt; . i i . N , THE 11111 SE 1•a , • a t ,e, „ 0 ,1 A A ~,, A , ~,,,,,, t ,, i.st ~, ~,,,, .NI ssonri. . Ins Al atu: k ~.•1 ,3 , ‘,, , mr, !to t.,.. „oft, n art oft 15 our, Ivan. An. 1it.....t0u i hir' . ...i",`.....111T1,''' °''''''''''''',‘,j;.,j',..... ~,,,r, 1,.. ~..t . , it , 4,,,,..,...„..,.ria,,tn.fr,1tat,„0rte,,P1,..711,,R0..,,ad .10 , 1 ,,, ,e e. , , , rattl ;. .t , ,Rhiskey is without change ... I melt 17 TI"'" '- "I 1 ""'" II" I ' " '.'"' ' 1 1 ,, 1 r t her .ntdeut. , t.,1, aryl , CLNCINNATTI MARKET. t ‘l AGAZINES Fol.; APRI,L ' ocei near th e Crat .1....011.1 pence., i.:LiI • CI:WINN Art, Mar. 2S 1• 7 • „,,,,,,,,„ . a , ~,_,,„, y 1,, , 1 Ili RENT t 11l SA LE -TI le so bseriber 7.4 . Flour—The market l ie steady.. with Oaks of t s ~,,,, a, I so) .11 or ,ot hot ver , .I..dral.t. 1 tot., TI 11-. V'f,.. 11.11.01 En I t.d-ar, 1,...,..0. fo . t . e. of ktle,lons Lato de1....! 400 bbls, at $.l .111Q0 50 -„, litil. Receipt., are : whit: 1 tr, toottl , , Idoldn, In eomplen ..It r Tber. a light. I KAI , PlPE — Cttrtte I I .- inq'r"" / l'''''" ;:i,:r7-„';;;;;:-.. •".•.'';',.•.''',-..ii'1;1F,`,.'.:,';.`!.,T;`;".);:* Provisions--Sales 400 kegs ;lard at tile. and , 1 A Lsai Pips tor II dr.o. NI bbls mess Pork at ; $ l7 - t,t bbl. The market is . -,,0,,,.. i ,Aeiivtloll a to •i••• M •IHeO , V. ,,, • , e‘ Ot••• h.. c..... n Of. rt trhenner deeded .1011 A frllll 01T art• rm and buoyant. • .11,,ira01. , Kan,. , 10, dlt Groceries—: l heavy business is doing in gro- i, ' iir 11l SALEOR ON PERPETI A L I.E.‘SE All .r...... hatel and to are,. Pr -.le 1., . 1 .1.1 ..I1 1 r eadr or on r eenddral L...our ton on tieries. Sales 200 bbis mola.sses at 32c. but late . A LEN AN Ork 1,•111I0 A t.Li..tur.oo. the same price was Offered and re- 1 meal . If sed, for 400 bbls. ,Sales of inferior sugar :',,, ' . _ ant Engl. lieu... Ate. one n t uare. • mat, Its Cf., ar... au,l Wm/b., dn., .1 • f trtn., kit., 1. oto 1,14 1.1 ort W., In It to tire.. ad from fair to goo*do at 5/5011 1, ,, lh i j4",,,;,A,•1.!:.,11,1:1Li....,':.5iF,:,,,5t '.1,a''.1,11".a11..:.1,1:57r...e7 ' !... : ' , '' : ' , ": 7 . : ‘,""' ). : :: ,,4,, : , e , ":: ,. .: 1. » " F .:,.,,.,,':',1"1:1,7,:,,:-' Whiskey—Furthersales at 171 - t,t gal. .iti bbl• as st •11 ft. 0 . p c ....0. the , ...al lirdln..l la 1... f. nod ronnunoto Clover Seed—There is a good-. demand from t . ,i', - M's'i;-"sitt'in.ll-;ii,..-,, ~,.,,, jan•Acil WI ./ 1 511,,t'11A1l 0 rat hands at $6 50,, and tram store at $1.17:,@ tc' . , i' l tri ' .. ‘.." n,Y,,y.,', IRare Chance for Capitalists and Mannfac '7 1: 1 bush. . im. •• ii 5,,,,, , ,t..i...... , s, lAA.), • • ' toren. The river has fallen one foot since_last even- ...s , - ”-‘ ,1 . -, ,, s ,, a , ~,t, , ~ ~. .,,t ~,...t . , t , t , . r1:11E undersigned being agent for the OWII - and is still receding. ~.., . da,..1.••) • ..,, „, ~ . , I en seem for wide • clamber r 4 town bdet In the I,.•tt •'!"" 1 !" A°l " ".' " I:, ' I • • ..1 1,...11..n. ntarl...tunty, obi.. vith out lola. a nd ortali The weather is warm, with some appearance , _ nteit'f .. _ ! " - i pored. of land .I,tonlftg and near,,Te.n Mantd..o. • •,..i.. t.›;:;....);'":1. !I ' . 1,, I le-Int: -alai. , ot, ih. tlbto • anal • 1 1n« onto azot rant .f rain. ~i ' ,hi )I , IY NLI t -- ‘, 1 ,.,,,, ;,., ` , t , ; , ,.,..„ . •tly,tait. 1t001n..1. now nearly eon:folded. yonodno through ! I !" ' . I. 11 .nd ,don Idionla. "trim, the bcd orPortatuit • SUR' ORLF:ANS MARKET , „1. 01, a.r..1. to 0 rod. •ho me, veldt n• dot., in •12.11 , 4.:. A LF:It AT t:!---- 14 , asks uad '-,... I "''''' t'- 0 f „,,,,,, ~d ~,.e, unt Itnericifl Thealturelattoewnd - 1 rent , 4. for fah. 1,, ford., aa ot alt lid atoult• of Ind. the .1•1‘1 , e, et... , met., . P Ick A McC 0,1•1/,f+ Pot It. deam p,...r. tb, orrat...uottlf, or .not t,, 11,. nrod.d...yil to the farintied for tr.., ......ft of Cotton—Pricespiane declined / under the Am- I 1.111100!d:.:,-1.1,‘ dot. 11'01,1 for , ale by ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,. .1, . .. an - a miss ih,..., ,, .., N. tic'snews. JP „eh, n ill, A gel AA. I.l.ite, , too, t-0r, , t0 polo, e torottet,iohma m ennfeettstve ot Iron Groceries—Sugards heavier, and lower quali- I AIT R L A l' I'l Nt ; P.IPEIt - :t ls , ri.tons Crown, ,‘,‘,',";; ,',,','‘,',”. ~,',',,,,"1-'„'l,','=d'-''''Ponss s 'oat b so. antssi . ties have declined- fn. ChOiCe Pllolllarem ie cell. 1 T y po u ble , row,. 51.+10.1. , .t. , n i i c , .. k? ....: , , ,1: 1. , ..} . ‘ ~ , - . , ..., : , , ,,, , ., ,2 ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ‘tratar .4 ,.... tit:•1ant , 1,r , .. Frig at 2061;:',0c. Sales of Rio Janc ri o coffee at , oe.lis , ) ~, , t 1,,:,,,,,:,..,,,,:n.71,.,,,,,,,,,..,..,..,.,,,t,,,,..r..,,:,,,,.„ 4i,,..„:, 1. ~ ~,,-;,-,, IC/1 "E? lb. , 1% . ,1 ACK Ellk.L—l:l- 1,1,1,..,N,:,.„..,,.,5111.1.,,by I . ' tor sale. onnot boll a tn.,. trout the laf.r a lot .tf thout re,. ~ lo • rel t ,1•111.: the Itallread ts,•it•lone onoeet, In, 'rind, Flour—The market" is unchanged . Illinois aV l is-to , ". ~. ~,, , ...-... ond on 0f,..... gin. or 0,.. town Ilt• and St- Louis is quoted at $..1 00 5,, $4 25 per B LAC KNV 01)11, tor ES r I,llflry, amt the Art , t , ....L . , .. , , ,....7r. , and Merehanta.: ll do well to look . ~ L. r t ur elta. l...here barrel. J.urn.i. for ~ ...r, a , ''''"°"',,,,,,,,, . • f The pod.. of 01a.11 , .. In the heart of an ....fur. • nt u papreal to an, In tar mum., l•l' ', fueltit or.ette Ile P. 'l'''''''• I e f:I I :.":;. tit'. l e t l e • dcemod onnec...ari to doMoin Wan trier FIN it-2.3 1,1.1. re, 'll and for sale bv I ;all It to Holum all who run to make o lual Invertmenta. ,11 tool elan. th. ;trope.). Title ItellFput.h. ,all I K, Itt •PI ..,, . 1.1 r r LI, co t ).,,,i;:..,,,,,titti.,,,•;,,,:ni.t1%L1,.:;7:,:,.,1.1,,;n0,Agnv,,,,,!t. i11ii.,,,..,,,,a,1 NI .11. , : , K , Eli EL.--'2:, h, m1..,<, ' i l .iri b . 1 r .,.. -1i 1 , , : o l ..Y i ,:.„„„ ~,,,,,,, ', , , i : T r awz , niitur ,, ll, ~,,,1 1 11 l i e rateve n trl ~,1 ,, ',Li- . ' ' 111... . 1 ..rt 1 a 'Ala:lll,7i.. ' 1 '' " I " e nlel e triN e rintYV. e i I ASSI A-1 011 matt- iii - t rt'c'tl• i'd . ' ll ' I'Y 01....,,, , ,,.1. .,, noel rebid:n.4 N. J 11l lilti.r.), a 41, It rm. , ADDITIONAL SALE 4,,1:1;.kit ANI,) Ni(n.AssES--- 10f Forty Town Lots in East Liverpool, O. , , I. I 1 rl• PIA, tftlem `sent - . .rub... I do. 31.. L...... tont...p.a.. I 1 T HE recent unprecedented sale of Lots in Intro ,,,,,,',,,...... h, the above II:molar Torn having nearly ealtaudtal II"" 5111,1./.11 Alt WC I:T . C. , do., pres boob! 1.1 out. and the demand Full rontitoong, . , the u nderdonett Itto beet[ Influmal to I. out a portion of 5U..1., -D b i l l tl ire l et: rgo 5 ... II iia , Thtt 'it'''. .h o tty..vert , in town 1,1 r . ahvt... otter. them for Fate if 4 tweet. prime Carolina Bore 7,`.,TVZ,Zl.,`",',.`",7„l=.""r:`,„l".l...triZtpathy'avni;rl:l;;l4l b. Wee Dew Coo.' hp 11, tolO or the betation of the Town and proFpeela 111 having been ILI. tow run 1•01, aulbelenily Onerth.l in nerd a dvartbententh) other lb. ac.Ort P. Bar 1.1,1, that IT, 'r one hundnal lots have. receatly ch.red band. ig L-as Sltt. a•oclrtral number. , and h.. purchn...l by trine...ldling to procure a Modes. w „ ~,,,,,,„. 12 bag. p.m . , Oattios. _0 t. r male by The a to" the moat ellitilt.and &Ninth. , Mee: bbl'. N ' ' le ".lnEn A. tIrTCILIcroi , kC9 iln Me pl.. and aro principally located In the centre of th.ee recent', ..1,1. TOR SALE—Eltelittalp,,. Ildrlk Stock, by 1 ~,, ,,r, ,,l , ,n formatlon arrtr„to tberroarietar In Litertc,ol, or inchd . __ 51. D. KINII. Feturth .t. J. • inaltstr, L. 1.. Fourth stt. Pittabon.b. - 1 JOlOl 1) BLAKELY. tt . ri . 01 OPfUli—l eitr Ki l lr sale by I Lad Liverpool. Feb 2nd, 1.51. I fidtadafellit Executors' Bale of Real Estate, ‘..a eistilo J, k 151...5 Wood rte ' XI ANU FACTU RED TOBACCO -150 Ipso. 1 AT AUCTION. I IT.Z.t: Th`.'" f '"'"'`' . a rr';iTti r r;ll 7 it f ;:cl'ir" ' '' I 117 ILL BE 'SOLD, in pursuance of the it . . I , V itt,t natt and Terttato•nt of Martin Irorm. la. of r (moss Rushton, Clarke ,1. Co.'s genuine 1 the CA: .1 Pttldturoh. det.l e , on flay.M the I"th day of a CAA Liver 011. for nate by J. KIDD Co , Aprll. laid, at In o'clock, A 51, at e t Ilnuse. In the 1 tachin 101 II teal il CO, of Plttaburoh, by pub!. [magi, a valuable iftrof , o r oural, ail a 4, to, quarry 11111, ear the Now Itannl WI , /lAIL-7 0 1111. (N. (2.1 for stile 110 1 tn.), It a rd, enn.lning nearly 05,1. MALL: twing es. r . j_ ,n,.. w ic K I Th.,-15DLE5,,,,, a laroe piece of g ~,,, ad which ate held undivided by th, - - ' aald Wart. Lowry. and ?then, and arldel, ,t hy ,., rirttie 0( ( 1 ) 01) LIVER ou.—w.rrante,i pure, tin i .-1711i,t.u0grm,z,,;..-scona;tnitut.,a,..,oniol.synt,srst.. ,t0r1.0:0 by 'fl.'""ht. I'"'""ii-C.1.,71,„:A.,,1.iii,;:t'i:...f..1i',1`;,.:;17,;,,'•::.7:, l i F L ; : “ .1 I o n ; e:' ,. :L.II ;: ,,, mrt linijlttrblohztlellrlol',l;dorrli,"ante:::,.! notalr'.l.74r!r:,,,ini:;tl w ith rill: RN by PILL 111 tNES—Aatatrted simt. 1 ';`.7.;,.1."7, ~, „`;,,,,,,,,,,,r, 1,„.,..,,,,,,,, ~,..,,,,,,,,,,,,., „f .11. lor .tale by II 0F 0 lll:Erin /CB kCO ! ~,, 4 1 .,,. ~,...,.y . „..., . ltd 0.... " . .. uuroi India 1 prootort of the ell, and the ta rns. roW bring ea,' or .., ale redd an aboondluo In eteellent E NlitAil' IN DI AN II E M P—Englis It ita- '; ; -7,7,, , 11,°,!;'7,,,„ p ,„„...,,-._,,,, n o , are well known • elm of the property and further Inforniation , mild, mg:, I ' t " e " 1. he It AFA IPiESTOCK kCo 1 fora 511.1.1 and Palmer, Alton e, a and souitssuors , st Law, Fourth a n d or Walther , of :be ii mitosistost. Is. c'-,igii,i‘ imported. tor . ertuturo of tat ClllFt B ill nod Ttatament of Martln. lc,arry. LACT I 11A It I II M .all. t., inelta II AVA II ft. ESToCK 0 I'd I .1. e'd I.Mr'CrltaellV. I-- . purri—ln blittliiers, iti assorttql Nixed I doll ~ 5:5:91l1T 11 11. it -The a d,raning tot , enutalulug sletat the game taft ""e. '' " h. he 11. aLAII 5: ENToelt a t.'o + Totality of laud, t• alai. for male. mr1f.5.101• 1 4 1 W EN'S PLA.S'fERS—Lary and small • Paper. .1.4 no rale by II A i All, Ii51C1( ACO no ha trn. Fled and %Vont aii 1.)11INTINO, WRIII NG, and WRAPPING . II iritilrE:.Sl,--ii!"" int ' i l s . "I s "P s :S W riT,s'i!i's'slif'll"d , 'I . 4V, :: V, 4. 1[ : too ".It to ..n. LI! to- ra 2-1 In 31.2' 4 14 li: A:I:IiERS---f 01 sacks Emtliers received. by 41, .24 h, :1; ant. tni `tilt' id' to. o. :ft •tV 11AltIta Coll .11, - Biog. lador, Palter: IWO Gala. Single C r ow-a:Ora. Parr: li t fil,L 1111T11.1t- 4 Barrels reefoi per S. B. , ~ • ismbi. , , 100 - 51ralinin " " - 3, - Iltolitnn cud Single ( ' rows eau. ,74 ' ... ---. - 11 - -'-''' ~. All BABB/11'4111 t The underdo kt.epa condantlt 00 1t.1. 1 .‘"II 71.,1. sit A DES- - or ...than. for Raga a large and oroutral wanortrm 0 TRA NSPA It ENT W I \ i. I I Ni, A otad a,•aoriutent eon he butot at the Carpet 11 ..! t 1,, , itt ,„, • ,.. .:... 12: . p. , 1 ,. ....tter, hardware, ..1 Tea 1511,cry, H un . 1 Po. a:, Fourth dr. I melt: 10 a1d.1.1 ',Tot , : `l''" Felon.; of all dn.. for paper m.nfartan•rs. milting Paper matte to order on burl nate, N ii :„ ATTS- A t 'try large fiord, runes t .1,(1,,• . .... J i.. Snag. sii),.. Tolled. Throat, checoddn, Co., Jenn , 1 ,,, ~, . fl , , Lt_ "" III "' ""I' " I I""'" ' l "'"' I " '''''`" ""'I rent 114 EMI IN A L.— K :47:: i n t rk1..1-1'F.71,1r.T1 7,1".;hi11. °"' 1 ,,..` 1 7,'' V ' """""""' e. " " "' l t,' *ln tl. 'LI A Toil: I Kale ,41 , 4,1, and Dealt, In Produne, have remov.l to ... 122 Sennu.l, and 121 Pint sts , bet vrecu Wood and I,VI E ETING S -W. Met 'LI N TOl' K lON it,. Intothn..l.l Ittitaburoh. 1,,, . 1. ...fort... of ••bref V/ Ole att. noon or run otoit'r` ' . „,,,, EA'f ING BUILDINGS—We are prepar i,i-, s, int., Fourth dr..l 14 „I to furoloth and emet apparatua fur heedful, I.ge , t (., Mr sak bv ,u, eluall building. by Aram or Ind Ira., and Weep. I) itlE li lS EL E. r 'tit 1 . 1, t. Ltrr t.ttA 1 , .. f;,, , , , 7,12,., . .‘,i, , ;; , ... , ,T., , nr„....t . -..,....,.. ~ nirbti • A 01,0051 a OK MIA. i 1 LASS--:troi E(,... , w. (E, ..,'d, City DRIED it PrEEs—ii) bu. sup. D. Apples; " "' veer he ' rlde ' eOr L. 4ATERAIAS A SOlit. Witt. VIII PII ET.t ;OL —.5 0 bbl l4 : d i L eic i: e .. T: tt illig .R ICK f4 E : T' E P B N Iet . by TAR -150 Wel. LO s is tore ItoL l , ,,f o ir t . t td.c. b l 3 : . lab 23 Hater A /rung. sucliti Embus. Llinz a cm.r. rocisiona---Salei of Mess pork ea *l3 251 4 bbL Bacon is improving, with sales of rib sideo at Ti(oiee "E? lb. Sides i of prime barrelled Lard at Se f 4 lb. Exchange—Sterling is quoted at t.e .. 10e pre- Nza ORLEANS, March 28 Cotton—The market is quiet., and dealers ore awaiting the Canadn'a news. Flour—Sales at 4(,,4 10 per bbl. Provisions—Mesa Pork is firm at *l3 406,05 1.1 bbl. Racon sides are selling at 7;(.,13c, and shoulders at 3iR4 14 I k. Molasses—.'''ales: of choicest our quotations of the 2610; fiobacco--Salcs 11 hit& Ky., leaf at fd l (dqc 14 lb. siss=e SAVAiZAII 31AsaT. , • „ March '27. Cotton—The market has declined 1 since the receipt of the Arctic's news. Middling is now quoted at 10e. SIATiNZAS MARKET . - Sugars—There :has been a more active demand during the past week, ,although the request lees not been in proportion to the daily receipt, sled there is a large stock in first hands. We contin- L ac our quotations, at 4(m4i for Corochos, 56,01 I for browns ; for yellow ; and 91- for whites. Several thous:mils hhds have changed hands at J@ist, to quality. 31 0 1,,,,,,, --We quote at 1,1@,1i reel per keg, of which small and medium sized are much wanted. Freights are flint at 6} V blid, and 11 per box of sugar, and Si ;for molasses. Exchange hasi slightly improved, and vales have been made et 4i par cent discount. Ster- I ling is quoted at per cent premium. Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehouse, No: 105 MARKET STREET, II 11. PALNIER offers for sale, at very low prima, full amortmoul of Ptraw and MIMI .."R?M!/. T O.!! can plain der, Mr... Um., Chip. ems, Pamela. Leg. horn.ar, T.4.—Men looutto , and Boyle Leghorn. Laney and plain Brald, Btraw.;Panama. Mandl. *al Palm Lmfll l ntants' l.ghorn. Braid. tluomw, Cilmey, Jar,' and Ober forum, In great rarl. .17RIll'Ilt.VS..-3114"ItZttt a plain and Taf. rotor L. , all ~L.,ro larva)Gaul. and Cmf.ICIIP. an 4 flenr..l .hut. and aAonrl Silk aml Cotton Nelm. .STRA TR/KII/ITOO-- Tasanly, Bottom, Druid, ntr., PLO 1171, . 4 : - 11 .. [;,P51 trrf A ro.rivan P villa bombe , and ri ma.-« Plea Oro 4. Pholr woorhol uualllno owl eolot, XATINM ao4 Alrand Rom.a, an., roo ' .l arra for mole by 1,) mhl9 kW N URI F.Z%- • rAt &exit. Urlol 110 MAJ. prin. M. O. soio.l = at) bkl.l/i Fl.4ollg.k.sMirrams grad! by STEAM BOATS 011 51 ' I.(11:15. — T 1„ .. .p1 , 1,111,1 nevi 1 , 4,13 1 wi , ,TAIF.,NItN, .I....ionniry. iikaiiiii.r.l I 1,.... f.iri4.. an,- n . rii.,iai. t Ow a! 1, , kiinl d . at tot In A NI. ~ r„,,i i i or int•sui, appl. on Isms!, or u: ini.ll3l t i VA i. II NIII.TENBERIIER. Aut. lIP 111 CINCINNATI & ST. LI n'IS , - to,ter. al, I,aoi Ii I , lu lu I` port , iro illial, in.. % li Fiir tro,til , iA-Air•F. asp! , iiii lA,ani. tuili:il . IVO!: N A 11 V I 1.1. E. - TIP , fa.t , aniii, rioailivriiEN I:VA...opt li i110n5.6,..... 1, rii I T '..'"r t!TTV:;r 'i‘".".P. l ll'"k"'. ni. r Wi.r.lkl , 1i ,,,, . , 1`. iiii I•nnI. art. sa Aloil 1..14K A ii II KIN. A i•iii. ' FOR T. Lo l\ The iii•Av ,ii i l ~,,, ~.. 1...‘ ruilinii , ,. io,a , 7atAl. '.. ;; 'l Y .. :;it.. U r7: ‘' ! . .r. i . l"rr.---- IF.ir Inlclit iir lia , iiso. ,iiii .iii I,aril Lueloil 1111111 CIS. & Li ^l' Il\ I L LE__ T 1,,, .1 oi tl, 4 .t,uli r .Al'i'l i ‘li , rl. %Ili 1i.a0.• ti, i, ri1.... ...I all hit, T•sliate ~,A. iiit iiii-ial , . i'ii....itii t. A v I., crenilit .rli.l.A.i . al.tili on lamni 111 , iIZ , VOR ( I I.A 1 ..1 110W . LIVERPOUL , r.....E. N. k I:eL,.‘. Vi1,r'.1h.!11.,7.1.,i;;:t!!2".;iii"2:ar,1*-t..1--.''-4 ~.. ,niiilar ikli.tit I,s, la itis. mil - and ,i.11,111A. 1,,• t , ,,,,. i'11it. ,,, ,,r,t , rl, r, %.,..,,,,,1\...M,,-,1,,t.11 , , ,, l'rolAi Al r 4.7 In ililit ~ r 1,- , .gr. ns.pl, .4 , 1 . ~,id JAN, Ilit El.; ULA It I' A I.' li 1 . : T 11 I . : - fr " ' r, 1 TIA I.eN t•lrr,l:t liiill ASI AFisil ..... , ' - '1 ii •icanir INUIT Nii ... .1 • i'ruts.. I1141,:ri. -... • ill loa, Piliolitinill Ilir , li,Alti, Ca ,t.,' alai Soilliplo ~ llowit, alai ilitir-la i At .i i.. 1,1. 1. Is . n ',rum, ' li al, silnit-ii fi.r i again t , 105.,1 Anl 'in•tiiirniti. i 1,.. n.l, mai 1.1,1, . it OP o vlia k. , i 1'0 , ,,0 , a , d •Ilil'li -i a , iis IA 1“e,11 I iii• 1,1,1 riiiiiiiiiii r,iiitat, during ili , ~ iiint,ii•ft,-n 1. *,, fritolit or i nAen,•• AN' , .iil 1. ,,, 1 ""'l'" •- • NEW A ititANi; ENIENTs l-r-P 3 4;;; S 5 I. LPIF4:I' k till:Oen:an.' lig e. ' ASII I I . jt, s Ilmlspurt. Curtin , Mut l'itt.burch nt u nd tur.lu, 44 - ...0i1... awl Stz 1.44. hrturnu.s. I. ut ...lA,. A. nu 4 Itrid.,purt eu.l M!!”!lui An!' Th°r' 4 a , • 11•. V For fr. 4,111 ,1.; .lulls FLACK. , 1 01{ )I.thiEl • 'l'A AND NKr Thr utu.4. r. I.• A..- I.•;tltra , re•ultdit.. • uL.1.1 11111EGULAR WIIKELINt: .% NI , 77;... 2 !sr, —lll.- TIVIttiIIV I P,4131071144 .. Curt I , ! rum Ai rrc..l., I,u•tutt,ll. Itrulal .rt. riuurt-11. ,I.Autur %,lur ud !tu.s. rrturi.„.u. nn n nr..l 1.1.4 r I 111;:.;1'1,NI: l'ITTs1;11',(i11.kNI) *-7 u... rr,..`nr (lx el,. nu 4 tn, I.....burti it It , M. ulu..F .111,i nr it ...elm. .u.r, , nod ,uturlay. an, 11. EDNEsDAy, ! ,'INCINN ATI. CArt....• • 1...r...nuh1. I-Lut h.. wn. tir. mud Csnetunat. tru.l.- u 11•.• .r..rr fur 1-11,..natt.111 Nr. frrhAll II; ir II 11 311SCEL14:1NE()U.S. A (111,—pl 41. ... I. r,c'd and,RD 11 n tN; a 411) I .‘ 'll V Sf v l , l s 5 "l APfur IPV flll,l - ,t.N. JONES rnnliun HOUSES, FARMS, •&c liIVELLING HOUSE TO LET—NO 441 Thirl Ftna.t. , •r1 i l . thr Mint t`nobytorian Chun+. ata ...n.:).1116 ,1 11W tn. FrPrp This ), ropy omthta- Dealt., ombralitut fourt,ou mom.. ural a loathing n....nth ha and .4,14 water supply. Anon,' Lath. ar. ...guava ....a. eal.) , tominoo , warka n.I Ise a autot and Mou... nef,hborhood— etptap hn Pnon , - . . ,, war For Rent rig lIE ACADEMY BUILDINGS, on 2 aro.— Forr, a large Ma .111,1antial Yi toel fn.ut..ilablo for au Arnhem,. or unanufnin• - rw purp.o., Pootonori .1111.1;:li,01.:119.1,11,4 t.. 1 TIAN IS. a IL op 1, , II nom., mal Ea, ette Fi l o LBT—An OFFICE Iln Water, be- IV turle!. • 17.01111. RENT—A Dwelling. House on Trp t!“. Alia= I.rntit.al in.. and n.ntae.ainn immiallatrly nr I.rame..amp lota In M. Ninth Ward. -trvnt and Ow Allowhenv WM. 11. DARLINtiTOS. at lien, Iterlinatiin'ii, Fourth stn.,. unar Wia.l. inatialat Valuable Real Estate for Sale. 9 111 F, B R Offers for Sale, oti2 ttternMe term, the. following Keil E.g., the of littaLoryb. vll 1., 1 Thor "Unable (bow Our; ladek dwelling 140 4 tam. reeond street. lartone.n esel Vero, Arvada, the IrIU le.mx emit 10 Oct Inatt by st , &.•h. No l' ontran• h: feet (mitt on Tlttr.l ...et, =bottling the Third Prealolrtaan Chum,[. on whit+ ix ererted one f. ar Plat, brod, hem., onsi u e rattan. 4 , 111 , r. etal 1,0" r. tx i•. 1, m in rellxtan. aver • 1 . 1 .4 , ".• on•and 1. 1,40140 .tsar 100 hod 1.4013tr...tkii Inlch e 1.1.. kot no.. frame duelling., and one pante trant , .lw , all ttre eteriee Itinb N 4. I me lot be front B. opimule the , azal ta the tan , gr a d 4 , " • .1 a . beech ietx wed, ~11 fret trout, and mama,: 1”... the regul le wamr mark. on dm Big homer. .41ualde Mniet tal hut 011 W 1...! Itekt, al. I. II -Imr , •• water loom, latarhe.l 5.,.: UM . 1.4 hi • la, lat. Mt had front. nod • m Ile. too ref Min hal. on whirl, 4. , erertal ane t o to aore nod onmehouse. L. , by SO Oct.:dm/am Irene. .leelltsz. Lev ' , torte, togh N. , • too. lan, itl hew Ilrlghlon. [Waxer rountS. ,- Ina alma 1111 r6wl nod &kelt WO feet deep, r at Ire ty bleb re 4 ortmi two large trame drelboax. and me .4441,11 frame irmons mod ea an cane.. The prooraly am for 4,,trup14 , 1 by Mr T nod sr, 41emanlly located. bring Inanadlotrly the bell Mon limbos No 0 tne 4,4 xi, lat. Inatudiately below Ealixton Midge. no noon 14X) feet 14, length. and extending from Water rat i t c t l ra •Irert to low ant., nark. at towing bath. • lI , Orb,. ik(l,lly 44,11 he .1.1 ter, - rstroritt.te term, t•Tt?4:1:1 , , etan..r flanl 4 .15 141.14:MINI 1 . Amnt ne411,1 'Journal no4l Isrl ropy ~ Drug and Prescription Store for Sale. PRESVRIPTION STORE.7M ‘ and improvinw A rt ofjal .• awe., • pr,ilßabl.. 0 . - u,n t , rtu, forlber parllculars, ' RAI RU A IRWIN. z.. chi! 11l R....0na l[ i 1 01: SALK—A large Brick l/welling 7751 11.1, nnd ,1V111.1,111 Ilmtk Lana. MI.- ..It , nrar t. 1,1 114,4. n, Itrid, ''' '' —T.Ir frrl I, 100. nn 11/rix. - ca•trevt "" I:NV I N. 114 Second At 1,114: 5.11.1.:—T1x ,, chow,. pleatlllnt -0 .011.. , 1 prred, fr.knling Ihk •01-•n. /0. ti Vat van, and Io,os's 71,e.. I .1•14, I' II WC NT—or it Ito. J 11 5.51(. , r o LET-A 11 Alt FAB )['SE. .ituated ;74% J Alll, II For Bale. r lt:r> T sT AT ES 11l TE1.747 ..y Itl 11.1.1Nt.n...n theenrnnr ntl.l no.l frestin, nn the nnnl ihe htl.hur:h Te n frnnt• fent tnur 1 , 1 I.t.un oennt. awl nrn. nn.l nme 11 whingten '" " LAS IP 1;111.1:1t. N.• lon Penn 0 Land for Sale. E TR.V.f of 3•211 A,•rcr one Trn , t In Mia.... n.. 11 Imp to. •tot V..r turd.. M II J..IINSWN. .1 • BHA DWELLING, ner , • n rmut , Ir ..114•4••, 111,111 , 1"...5rs .1114 ENT—Thni w.ti, • 4441,4 , , the 'n.4.,4 , 14,.. , ~ 1 11.4 Isle m .1 T 4.1444.41-.. .- at 4.41: 4 , n lift 444 r , -.1 1 , 44•••••onn ,n•rl4 • n tr•Z 11,4, .tnn term, avx , l, ; . 4, 1 1, 14 ,,, It %I At..;, , I in•r •11 Vi..nr_,l.‘l.l Nn,am M I 1.1..5 1. 1.:A 11 , N1 -,S. AN 1)1A):I'S • 4 . 1.1 ' ,.t7f,4••••••••! ,' • .I ' 4 '3 AI., r ,• • 4 .4 rm m I.4,4mn•rmul , Pm , VA• I4, I • inrm .41 •44r••• •.5 tnn, t:14.4 I 14 4r 41.-I4 U.S sem, th. 4•••4 , r ~ r •rm f•rm• :Al 11,1. IVA 1.1 1 51 • I••• 44,1-14/4v1114. •Rh 111/1111 441 war, • n..... • 241,4« 1:444,444 , 1 , I - a 0 I. it FETI . 7IIIIIAN. t .. fnr ? I. EsTATE FOR LE—The !Awl., •mm..l •411,•'' for • la.rg• numb., .1" ‘414.1,11. 4 1•1ii.1 /lid In.. •n 4,1 •444 , Ir.rT d4 , 11r441• pat•• I , v nrannts , , tn 1.144 ',mu:4 of Iltrmlntbsm. located ,44. r U. 4.4 1,4144 , t.c. , •111144 4, ••••• 1 E. 44,144 Landman aura,. ~1 Ilmmlne4•4 l In 44.4u1.11.'414r-l! ~,...mZ.l4•lnw •••Ith. •rul 4.44 , 4n•111.4 recr,., - • ; • a rti11t41r — •t.1 . 141411 4 . 011 ' , ?.?..?! r .... ,,, b , •• 1 ‘ 4,44. • th.. 4444rw. (dillll. ht 11,1,, T 14141 443,1 F4motb 4,4•44.. n• M111 1 .. 11 /11 1 1 , 1,144,11. at oftlry. , Jn 11,rar 5144411./1 PAWS SALE—The nulAscrik vrnn tv.br for tzt. A lAn, AmAt Ar,tit.anit ttn- mnnl nr , r, of iffnund.onnk..lnntlif Foortt, vollnn thrn nnlo. of tn. fit, Klf , n on In of tn. rmrat. 4 , .. , • %-r• ,nnre4l.l , Intnt scrnond.,,ntaJnin.•ov•f Vora TRANSPORTA'T'ION PESDBYLVAIiIA RAILROAD ISSI. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. 1 , : , 1 Forty-six hours to Philadelphia. Forty-four hours to Ba 2m) miles Railroad-103 miles Canal. Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats. (EXCLUSIVELY FOR TO PITIL.ADEI.IIIII, •IS.II.TIM(RE .AND COMM dr the opening of Canal Nmiption. Two unto... Liu, NY. blyptttlty Itttrket IltAts .111 teal. for Jo unto... thrttre by Portage ItAllrolut to HOLLIDAYSBUEGH Ti,..!. t4lttna NEW PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Two Hum nod Furth flve mllr. Alert to PHILADELPHLL 'fine through FOIITV-six flours. Fa, to Philadelphia. sln. An to Baltimore. 50470. Va. Caron floe root.. an. new. aral of the mart ant•lnu ns ad eotluetion or ...fort and ...fel{ . -_' n i l'aekela leave every m .rnins laea4alr at Fiala aal.' 4 • and rier{ elanitai at lb earn,. hour. Passenge for Baltimore, n arrival 4.0 Caro it lianieaurg. take the 1 nrk and Com ..rland Itailromt. tnnat filik,timliklir. , want{ est{ . tetalit { ar mlle.. • Tam.. Ft IU It hour. • No charge for handling Baggage on this route. The in..nateel ap...0.1 nusker thie the not caanfortal.l... Ile and .14.4fra1,1e route:now t.. the 11,...n{ lane, Vor pa,an.. or information apply to .. .1. V. lit)Ll,S, Agent, hlononnalo4a lion.« D. LEECH & M. Cnnal Bann, Penn greet a It On tlo. IA of Jul, the 1,11,1, mil. Itnntl •, in 1.. lin{{{l...l to 1....Ap0rt, whirl, a ,Il -honer, It,, how thenti{{ll Ha hoar, l'itual•urab. Februare to. .01 Manufacturer's Line. S 5 1 . CLIPPERS ARE lIERF:BY INFORMED a‘.lthi, LI% E. cwwnpowwl .+ntirrir now In full operntifon, -with UMW.. to carry n qtfautlt, .if Irrlght if. l'hfladelphla wn.l Ilnltltnffrw. wwf/wfof tow ffdarpnfo. 11, 24101141 M, and fa a, low raw ,a, eff, ; have al. lrrd maffe , art) my En.ight 1111,1hfNillw: Solinidown , Honk., wn, ,Vafr ,trfwt..ll.,antlriprotersburall. flutflnuftlfm. Ilamtltuf4 , 4e. Veytown. I..wlWwwo. MUM.. ..port, Clark , Ffnwy.llarwl.urft.rwl.nlca. and nil tiftertnolfate pnluts art the Prun,lfranfn Canal awl r . erturn f.f Info wwnrwfl tw Juniata. prfnufln.. , and twoularitf . Aftwfu..nt , v. lb. aforfwanl f•flnte. at the 10w.... raw.. ma, twlsrfl J. MiTell WC. Proffrlelor NV arv/wwww. tf Wfwnn.l.lw, weft of O. (,npl. UTDIII NSoN ' A C.... No; I ; SF;rue.Strei . t •Em r....K, r;)„,;.„1. , „,....„ ,„„.. , , ~„ ~. SLI) IME II .1.11.12 A NGIEME yrs. , ,i,,,,, , ,...“;1.,,., Nil% Tr, IF. I. " , lorr 1 141 W I.llllr -- 1 ,rat II llnso 1,.. In 1. ~.I .1 Ni.ak. .111,1 -- _ „.......,iirjuk . L Ihr , r•urrnnt In N.... 1.-1 ...nal-, ...II Pyrik....,. ' IS 5 . s „, , . ._ I ~..rk .1, na. 1..11 nr., n r ... • - "...Zia. 11..,1.,... , .. , ~1 h. I IA TIM NEM PEN A ,1" LA ANI A ItAII.III.AD 111 --I, ITI 1: , - , I1......; .. .• 1 , . -al; ON/. r I"" If (, i 'RS r) 1 . 11/1.: D E1.1•111A ;::.; ...,.,,,..!:7, r.‘::::,:‘,; GOOD 1211"0.141 AND TELEGRAPHII A c . •Inrtrirrliri 1 r kr n rr , •••••1 11, ...1 .o.ft ...... ra11•111. ' .r- In: fram 41,i... f 4 . ,.....r il. mola.r...ni Mail Lines of Splendid New Troy Built' TO COUNTRY lIERCHA.NTS. Coaches for Hollidaysburg, I F.lSt ' l AND ST.kPLF: DRY GOODS' -Ind ( mm) Ihmre 113 Nth, by rhe , N y )I• I: ri , N .1. co.. 5... , ......,,., I. Jon NEW PENNSYLVANIA RAI LROAD , , i.u.„,,, ~. , .."..,.„.;.„, .. ~.„„ „,,,,,. s. , • 1.. ....... m. ,;....;• ; ...A.., ~.. -- 1 nes 1 , 1, . In . Ow - .r.--r.,....-='-ti. , .. , 1347..."tior••••=wwFts•-••• t...,......,..: /rrrrni,ll and 1..,...11 , Fan n, slid atra , . •ir..,,,,r1,.:11.;::.;w,:;1,;,..T.,:::::.,t:,..iT..,:i.,....,,,,.;5ik,,,f,,,,,..1.,::.:,,,,,r1k:.,.!:::...:,..,.i:1.,i,:k.:.i.t.1.i:::..,,,,r.:..... . T ;; ., •• • . :" .1, - ; j;).:',..,,,''.'-',',',.`,,r,.,..,..,:',...;:;..-',.,..1.,:i:,,1,;‘,;,... , ;: ni,. . , : . ! I . ~.,,;::, u.... the no, dlr.,. nanfortatil.. Ana rilan11,111.• Wok' li """ 1 ' , 1 ' . 1 1 1 '" • .. 117 ,•••1• an atlnvt..l tn. lhe i.a.trrt , Clue, 11,....,....r., A,, 1t1i11.n, ,, r , tali. Ow now • 7 ~, •“ ~- •-•,,,,,-, ...., ~.., ~ —lv , ‘.. •INN - ...TN. , nt I! .burn dlr..' on thr arrival nt 1.11.1 . .r•at • I "fl •IN . 1 "a " It. 1.. ,-, • .f.. f• r, tun. Won in a , iloa fON-. .I,IIIN ' Intl 1.T10,. It - Th. 111.1, OM, tor a.. •hor. lan , 1171•111 SI 1 .1 A , 111, 1 W 11 AI ti K /I. Pbar1,..11 ,, ..1. an. 44 Won, •Trni.t. Illtlatitirvi, 71. , F.1- SEWL:II4. nolo, I l i It Mt.,114111,11 1 . Act. ' Nl ' I ' . I I .: lI I' ). ,•.` II 111 ' 24,, T' II AVIS(' DISPOSED OF HALF MY IN .l.ll'k;', riN',ldiNl•ll.llll':il,lU.l'..asaa 1 . 1- I \l l .' t ' fal t ..f . l4,. ' il , : o. 1,11. 1 , ' .;:- .fler t- tvart.artnit um!, tin .ey le of "tri ul Sinaloa., a I.uchl I ‘, Al 111 Mill 411 Binghams' Transportation Line. ~,,,,i , , 11 ,,,,,,,. , ' r , tia Stand. r .... ,„,.,, 11.kNi . F.ki •rr it Ei:s AND JoßßEitsnr 4 g,..b...,:-, --- „. I. 85 t. -4..... -.-- . -,....... .., i ~ ;A:.v AI AL') Ai • PUILNI. , II;:,i; .11:TP 'I ES. r.,.. in 11, PITTSBURGH A THE EASTERN CITIES. -, ;A. "lAA , ' r H. , . u .l.A'n. .And , .”.... loon , l ,- awl Y., ... I • .1S AL 1..t4. , . 1;;;AA .1,0. rot, ' t•....t•_ , ":;1•,.. rA t II •t I , int...llin ~.1 1.1... a .11 Jra in aNf.I , .01 VaNeaNl prompt) , Pralure an, .4.1 , • .1.1 0n511t , ... • .rnhanclls- nitio arol ..at ~.. ,r 4, • - •Ir ~ 1. rrtrrl Ilrry 1 ..1 ~.r, 411.1 1 . 11•11gb , 0.11• •r• at 1•11., id ratio attar,' II) r..1..A.1.1. ' ";''''',.., ',..... -"i 11 ; 4 ;;;I . 1.,„. ........- ..., .... ..1......t.1. 11..,, En.41,...t. Minim, Prilaler en,1•10n,.....itan v.ll t... ferni•nt en, Isinlia - inl a. l -• Ituif... 1 . ... N. At , rt 1,-..:1,..N. Tuill.,l 1,,,.... a. xn,l 14 111111•111. la, .hitto Sfr Inricanti.4 .4 , 1.4 .^. ' I";:l'lT'n'lfT..,talt,c.ft"="7.7."nfT•ll."4lNot•otol faithful', '... 'P. , ' .• . 7 , 11 IS 21.1 1 n. 11.1. t.. •• .1 f T. 1F,.....i. a. I I , , ~r,,,,,,,,„.(„8„,„, .1......-K.l Ina lane., limo, an.l ell 11. late,* nf Cr - roof 114, ...I War . ....... littitozruh '• 111•1,1( ,i 1 ,t laa'h. I, Marl. , , . I //aNa..-.1... , r- Tli.ru•. 1.... u... • 44, I :fill, Lunn and , t..t...n Vt.ttnb a., / 1 01 h .... itettl.J..tt , httt . C•tt,tittt .11 , 11... ‘.4 1144,5, Aaan. Tin I, Sofa. -thorn: i 41*, Lt•lttinnirt. 1.1.-2,,i,1,..- JANIT4•1111,1111AM. !in lo Wrat •, au/1.1 • • I CI li . i .0: 13.1.---=-7•5 in a i tL. - 3'e ' - '"' .-1 " - ''' . • . ';,;:"V'', - ,; - ;.‘„. . .2 Pittsburgh Transportation Line. T. a . . . mu v., SI 111 • 0 Ostia' fla.fan. ritt.t.urzl , Ti , lON um-t. lrr 1 i.l P¢, cd...., ...-..=-1-02-ED 111.:11 JAM', a I .. linputif Itrn. , l lit, Cher, ittio,... Mati !•.• a elan, Feurth strNit. Leti,... ...r R.; and Chnia ,,ra ---- .1 7.. • ,. .I. • -., • , ~,, , I 5ta....1,1101.1.1,4m1LVFX. PI.ATTNO FLUID. 11.,A.A ,. . I al, -_.71,.11A,.....- •... ~ ran Cr-Z, . ill m , „,..,., „„ ~,, C. ,„..,...,,, ay... th. nr...1.4 ..1 tin. ' I‘ . .rnllarni r : n r l'r ri .. • . r ••• .71..1rry 7rirr . r• rI . I . .1n •1 , NI• 1... 1, .. niri , 1 , 1 4 1 hi ' 11..4 ,'-',. I '''''' Tilts ILI 11 , 1.. ..01;!.......1 • , 1 101, Silo , i:Lni.:..'..,,,,',....1,11,...,:.77.5.,,....i1:,,•thm11,:c.,.1.•41.,,,h,71.1•,:.:171,..,.....,...r.•,...1:n.,,,,,,..,.:.,,,11it.,, ~.,::,,. ~ ...,,,,.,r ~,,,.. ~,.,,,.. . 7, ~.,.,...;:;._, ~:.:;,,,,,:. ~,,,,...;.;,:,,,,un;,,....t..„,,,.. r I 10. All ~...I..hICIN, 11 , ll.* "... IL ' I• ''''' n"•••• ' ~,.., in.lh•l ...Nit , a, a1.t..1 t0...1.. ofrt, 5.11,...ann. .• I••••.••-•I ."••• ••' ' b. ''' . ' "”' • ••'''•"•• I •intl.irlak., llnl . Ita.,•• i .. 4 ,...,.. .n.l 11,..... tom. 17''-'11'::::!''' '. . 1 ‘• '.2 &•th'l.7::'''''•"••-• ''' •''''''''' r . "O''' 'l2l7;'';ii...'..'' '',:':11!.,". ',',:i. Ilsl4 ' it .... r ~...6 a .. F.'..... lainville. utft la, a 4 . " . ...; , a1 ,,, _,... 0 , 0 0 ,”,,, .... ... 0, ' 0•1... fn.. at Lai, l tun, with I.N•ini, alufnlia. 1.., -r, ...... ~., 1... , 1 I t•I .1.--,ant V" .Ifoa. i. NI 44,, 1, i.r lan. loar no •.t•,..,,luiti..nr .Ith th:. ~,, ~ L, , ,. , „,..,, ~...,. ~. f1a1....1.1.N , ...1 I,ll.l , i,rich In ...NNW"... Up , of A. I, ..,,, '''''' to 1,4• - .1 1, .. 2 , I 16 AUJII. IS 5 I - . - 'a' - l'i- - . , Shawl and Mantilla Warehouse. Merchants' Transportation Line, 4 '''' lll lA''' . N - • ' r "I :T LA N l'T ''' . r.. Ih. , A. , I p,...n. Nl. Nt N/1/ . . It. .• /.... ..- /.....-.././.‘/ I „ trr • s , v, ~ i , 0.,,., 'P RAII.OO Alt, 1 ! i;:i/V671.Nk,, t,. 1... ,. ,;;•;/......1•, ~ !,.. ; ~, 015 I'll ILA lIELPIII A Mt:Err - WITH. , II , 11 , ~,., ”., ~..,—, -,, k " , ‘ ,ll I.' , "/An" , " It 1it..,111./1 / 1 5, 51..01 Ail Alt; t Kt./ 115.. t. ..., 1 . • on ;In. / 4".,;...."‘”''' : ' ;.4 , ,..:: ~,-,!,....,-,, ~,, ,; J: . , 1 . , 11''‘'1:1'.',.. 1 , ..2, ..,... I . „,, .1 11/....k. Itr.mtl ;An , . 1/ 1 / 1 1, 1,1 4.71. S. '' '''''.!'" ' 4/ '"/''' ' //"' . 4. " ..'.,. ! ...."/ . • t'..,...".; ;„ ~,,,,....,,,, .„,„„,„, „„,,,,„„,;;;.., 11../ . ./ 1 ;;;1,,,, , 1.1 .I % 111., ~.1 1.• r 4..,..,,, 0 J I;rtwlt• - •• It , 41.. /At 11.• ..,nitt: ;I /ht. ntitAlt It; 1,1.3 '!';'„'; ": ';''.;/./ ' /'`, '7'; ••`/' "". ,!, /". "./ AW • ; 11../..... 1 ./ 1 !"" . !!!//` 1 "/" . "'",....‘ ‘"" r! '"/"''./ .." 1 ./! Al . / . .., ; Nt lit; ;41 - ;;; ; Ct. ' "1 . '.. A . l ' ; ' !. r' /;•••11.1 /I.lw ,n.-1,,,,,.i '' 1.,....1:Tm.;?.,:?.r.,,=1..,,117.:77:,, ir ,,,, ~, ,‘ „ ,,,,i , , ,t.,,ut1... ~,, ~,,,, ~,—.1.,,,,..., . r".... ~, t.i 1,1 • , ~• ~m 1 t';;smattattoorrt f., ;Arr . / tag to.t . 1.4t1t /11 11/.. 1 ; SPRING IMPORTATIONS. i tot. 11../In/Atlt t• 111 pr.. i•n/ it,:. ~.....;/;tll/1 /.1 ..IA/ at 1 ~.linttowtt. 11..11.1./ 4,, 01 l'ooltint Els- /1.1..-atort . ; /' 1: H.\ TIT, A 1.1:1. ir I' A tic AN/ LTI x1..1, ; . ; ft,IS //AAA! 11.3./In ; AI/ './7 1 , 11.1.1 k M "'rid 1.1, vEll . 1/M1 . . /71,11.. St . V it lit/II 111 -1"5 , , ntl.l 'Aro ,-..,,,tantly r.• A 1. To Shippers of Merchandise, Produce, ar.c., .- 0,- ..“-- ”,- -,.-, -.. -,-- -, - ~.... ,--.,,,,--. i it ELI A NI: i: PI TTSISU I{l lln TItANS IV I : • :',,T:',':" . „ 1 :7; . ;' - , ~.,5,..,„:' ~ 77. , „ :., : : -,,,,-,. ~ , ~ , ,:., t , ~s, „ • TAT ii)s LINE. ATKIN! A 1 . 1 , . 1.1,11-111.1ry. ',I 2 . :: Mart , . 411.1 :',l ! " •! '"' i '" ';`.`" ''' " ".... ""/".' "'" /..r " . ' .."`'‘, "d" . ' 14! " . . . Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink. 11.1.1, 1 1.1/./....11 A,nlt. t Annl I..in.l.tu.bunzb I,W 4 ~ IN. Sa• ?It, 11a1t.,. , ' !UN E'`. II NI PIIIrl: \ K. ,:. N,,,tvi ~rept. re ~,a141...t.; /2/.. ..!.. • ..f th.. 1/..0n It Anna . . to• n•lttrAct 0, !rv141.1 ut 14 , lor rs/..t. And kit, . • N.... 1. rt, •At ttlueL .I.—T;strl; end care .t. Ito!neht . r 1.11‘,. . it— rt• t• .•,./. /a.. - . 61.4./4n ./.;//•!!• 1t..:: .1. ; .!1 •• McF ADEN & COVODE, .1..1tn k C”.! 6in.11 bann, Ann Sirrft. Penna. Bail Road Co. - 7 -Central Rail Rout. rillit:lilneribers ila014; .I,lprinv•,,l• for 11. In yol,lYrola or I .ottrsl RAO 1t...1. Into." th, n0.r0.1 I n fl y v..... en n'orrhtmllze cr ,n.loN . for .I‘IfOIIrrISFII. , tIo . 0p.0.1nty11... e, • thl• r.lln Will In .lt lzymmigh ,11..1 u• v hr lorwar.l,l vf ronn ion roqs,lor or 001•11 - IT lICTIN rimAmAtt‘ Dr, II rt.. t.LAtt ri nari . . ii.mAry. Fruit.. Ettrultur... brugs. Jr.Ae SI..A. in. m . 11 u. r,wArr Paha, lAther. Fla, 'timothy and 1,10 barn.. 1...rk. Ittoter. Lard. 1-srd Olt, To t.a...., Txll..yr. Orton MAI T., Pitch, Ilendu.tiortvau A.f. 60 1 7tIi•FAIIKN A COVOPE. (4ELLERS' IMPERIAL (1)EGII SY RI I'. —l ` NI, It. 11. atellerrer—VT elaildren, lain other, boa... bet. 'raki,., to trouble:mane onanal.e. end hiatiag u l , lll ..rn ' n‘ ' a l .. " alar k (ru r agn. ru l ;41 t IareV . ta."`". or any bny.. and aibko totnY naanbane. , arenl rrlt dill..rent Lamm sod It by flower to,er mot knet arm, offered to the ANON, Aravellann.a. Pe. •bonld net permit their Albin... sulyer c trn eetinkt. na %born thna Inea le. C 11,1,1 by alb et. bottle o thaim Prviva.vl nrhl rob) h.. IL E. SELLER:I. mchl,l GI iVorvl IL, cm! Drußirlvt ...neva , OLL BUTTER—A few blob, bon hand and 1 fur rah. hy. ENULISII 0 lIVINNETT, r.fleeeend. and 01 YOU rt. . .. )RIED I'EACIIES--5 50 bu. for stile by ROlllizON, LITTLE A CO.. 1.5.5 Liberty la IJOTASII---1; easlui(pay?) for , aalo by l men:, all 51K.ANDLENI. pIIF,I),,APPLE:,-7,,1,0i1l .A 8 ;,,, f0r , n114.; M I. r,‘ EL - LE liS' EDICINES.—" UNLIKE t. 7 ALL n . rtimt PATENT MEDICINES " Eitra , t. (min a v.„ .11c Niltrrr—Nt.ur on . 111/.. na. and lthel Wm, art botontlnv an. mon w.l.ular. Th. hail , pm. ,ent tl‘v m Itte-10 non. ar warly mm... on, .0, mate., it,nl 'nal. Liver I.llla. t•rmlInIlo. wal Cough .e)ritr, 'Trak , Fn term; of ott•ir gutal paallik, 1 num 10.. J. IMEEN " „„,iand or the tiroawC.i. QUI:AR 11011,SE MOLASSES-411 bi b . I.Ft. nuM Itrtlorrr. In VarAtr".;;la6,o, .._.)rr and to.areine. add Ic.r vale tu L. y. WATERMAN. A SI'S,. SO A al Waii,.and 02 Fr.. A. Fl5ll---40 WI, prim? large No. Maekerel ik,9un, In . IU '•naltlnna , IlrrTr7r I 0 L. S. WAIF:IOO , N A N‘151 4 lIRIED TICCIT- Itl. mete, L. S. WATF.IO I A N A MINS 'VANN ERS' UIL-25 1.1,1. for sole t. t . tto,s itottisos. LITTLE et Po TUBS S. ISUCKE'TS,-4At doz. to Tot. , It.r Al• rat 1.. S WAIF:1:11A 5 A r. , N , a 11. 11.110 I NIOL!,..ShS.,ES-200 lath N. 0..:f0r , ANDLKS-50 11„..) mrhe. w flII: I.SEE LINSEED 01b oN roc d, m ale by menu 1.--1 ar ‘oo_ I t :1 PHILADELPHIA rjrnomssllTE. SoNNE'r FAIdl 1 1 1(r.lt. No 41 t(ed(l/1 I , ...arard 1.(1 , ^ 1 . u-Inut...rt I.llllnan-1(.11m tr1111..1 l"" (.. I 1 , :.‘1.11. co.. ..rn N ru(dn n II,ollunt• No 41 N.A-ab at er (Am,. and Nu 111 urld I'l idalrlpbta au(4l II F; ltdd 1 1. . A. .1N T Groot:Ll Commis ,' • I . lldadelphm. I.ll.rral adr . surNo 111.4 1.1 .1/ 1, 11.1,111 1 1.114 4 •11 1 1 ,(111, . 1). 1 . 41,01 W. I' MNI , EXTER & Cll.. lioliond • osilos.--s o, V,. unlinc Il..ndldntr and flour 4r/..(1 1 . 1111(ulrlalna 1 ' . • •=1 To Southern and Western merchants. OISEI.I.'S PIiE)IIUNI PF:IIFUISIERY. r v."( full( (1,11.* (011.1(r alb (limn 1.• 1.1,1 4. 11 ,, .4, 1 4..01 rfum, erurdn , di. , n. a hid( -.. , •11 ts,, 10.1.1. d. Mean Isatr. 14 10, .11 (II( ((rule.) I, (11.• in.dltut..4 Net( York. 111(..tedt, and 1 1 1111a.1(.10((a. the latt., I.duc 411. nnly 1.,44.1/ ,rarlr.l fur perfuru((ry edlller ((r 11110 own( r( Rut IRIS A 13.51, .110,111 cr.r•s. (Almond. Row. and Antldurdwl.l 111111 0 ,011, at.knokrll.l,,l to br,al(..riorto An, al(s. Ina Cruara In (ht. ouuletr) rd Eurol.. P.it 1111 . 1 1 4 1 1 reautifully tratimEent. and p/.....n.111111 Wua 00, e1i 3 . 11 1 14. 11 1 116 1 .1 tip..llllU l . l l o ll, CaettE•atit.alt Atahr..•.l.l Et...Eltta TaLlrE \lllitr Et Slatting Erarta , r T. , tErtr S., - .tat. 113E1.1, P mad E.t.a—ta. min. 111, rtart arala.......ratteuta......at Er Club. al 5ta1..1..1nl e l l i ..ther Earl. .101 •itt WI Tl.l,- 11• an. 1.1 ale, Pam .1.. 'halt., Orange th,ler Wat..E.x...1 Emat l'alogia.• E.t.a.. 1.E...rna,. toll fIIC Allll.llls. 11/10.1,111L... tau 1.1111111. 11 1 4. 111, I,llllmallfid Niar nor. latutl 111.1 111 tw.m.ler. • tat I'lliE.E.att...lttri an, st.l .lEutit IEII.I PEnta.l... 111. 1 1111 i, 111,111 P ‘1.11.,•-11xl•attla. Lew.. Thoth t.t, .4,, E.... Ita....an.lThstl. lloontElae. 1..11,0111. amazalina 61 111xPt..l r hnnl., I`l.ll En.ant ..1 Crean. E.. Peva, LIP list•al...Ert 1 1,1111. A.. I`..a ler, tor renalvtzw•up•rllantla ham Pearl E. Vtat...,. .1.. Rouge. Ap.ntatal linetalr. lethrta 'Par C.,11.E0tt0..... a ErEat varlet, ar falter article, 1.•. num.-Eau , to I , allvetti•-t. meat. TheW it. r hat—• to t.i the rertlatlion whieh thl• ..,1,11011111 1. 11 1 n0 .. .1u11 1 .1. Et .11.1.onintt aothitta Eat Iran t.-1et...0.1 .111 ItnEttl faEalell tr ha rinlmat with 1,, Ent nom.• hum ell AN I Ell It.l 7.1 Eumeaa..E ta att.( I , rtrt.... lareet...r the I....l.arattElT El OE...SE It.ICSEI.I.. Ilr Perfuto , rT odl prlh,t, NEW YORK- PRINTING INKS MEM WM. WAKENAN & CO., -,k :Lm , 761 111.4'01111 1./,‘ T. Murphy's Self-Sealing Advertising Envel opes. NO. 263 NtAOlsoN s'f.. KW" YORK.— mnr YlAti t...1111.,:1, 1,6 I• -taw. anil to It, Ito t.t .-Nce.l f0n..., on a e lunt, hof. f rat.. 3 1 Nerlll, noolnul 1/. feu! them 40‘ t Ittermultuto n no, 01. • no nou.o.l of tut. I•or.. . olum, tn.• same nll„ on., Pj.ih "' llAe et l, loner mullea I -a too , ..ostler n.hertnorneert. •to unmet Ow ntlooloot of through ult.. , Anntlull 14.1 • 'f lot •. ~...rerrul ..11 brsen..l. l erkleh nail lout for torn. awl I:Arouir Mu. of the unroll •••••••• lotIT, ol Von., on• 1 M"' " Ver7.t.lf Envelop, nook of 1.1) lotto, or : 1.1.0(1. .A 1 to •In tro itt. on to .. . 111,1ouro 1111.0 SO lon 11,00 %Shen 11 1. not rowoorent tr. tonne. um.", of ontor ryry mall or 7:117rt al ll, lenllon, II toldreA-...1 Mll NII 111,1 V. No -to.. N.e \.•rk ilnlen, trill I. attroul.ul neotontl. I. ot the .Lone Nloefre A Mort. _+, 11 ri Jer•llmen .I. Co. 1., ,rlllnot •l N II —llllAttoou ~.finlu. omleonel in rolorA. fn.m atoe $lll.lOl rer llootnuo.l Professor A. C. Barry's Trieopherons. /'n :%T.F.llicATEl)cii l ll' ol. M , . 11. f 1•••••••••••••, . • .... ••1•4 leuonavo.,lo lunr. lotrrlee nod intecroooon t. to 1., -on, •••••• P.,1,111•••., II 11••• s of lb« I.loot 100. nrrooot OOP. 1,•• • ••••••1 •t nr• 1•111 t, nn.m. otol ouneruo win., 11 no km. " "ri* CtL U g f"l'lut".l' t. ' • 1 nal the .1.1 n• the u.o. A. 'ff"""'". ',be " • -7 1;',111";:7- r - 7•"" . . 0 "I tl' Or nu, .I.'" If the p.m- of the ',alp Mo.' aucl .m 6- n.. Lt., n..c etre, Into'freel7 through 11....1 le o to, ""' 11."•71:0;•17; ji.•4.u.orslorosts•. n.l the I rod ~,,, their u eou It unrololor . ilo loollnnoettone of the mooo.lor 1ttu...1 the glut., thul tb.• Tneopherroul Inn ...oh. ...1 ell anal toJtAny of Ineee ortur , 11 • n Aovennro •tneAly. I. t so,usol•lro.rulet• tbnoorloo, Chr,Cuit., el.. 1.1 odu elver•24,ln ocuot Blank Books o( Blank Books, of ev ntyles binkhog, k oticrkl t %76711AVEN'S Blank honk Sh,r, c,rour Mar, and tcr,coulek. Merchants an , rruncotett to call and car Sicrl utn and Ilcult Blank Wurta. an, 01+,1211, prima than the=o :dp brt trt cit,, amho Pat dui ST. LOUIS t. AVID C. TUTELK, Atlvracx at Lass, and rumnd•tiourr 1... tn. !In I ~,m,nunn-ntionA rms..? .1 :1! 1011\ 11. RA SK IN, Anortiev and Conn- Itlbt at Law. end C.dnnn,....vr (dr th. Penn..l,lTania. Lonift. Ald . (Ist.. htuddavh li.etrmnc,--Pitudirgit Ma, I..dtani. 31I`undll-A -31eClure. Jam Ii Ptrl.r. .Serople.lloCurd t aug lad BOSTON. _ • AXERICAIi HOUSE, HANOVER STREET, BOSTON. THE undersigned haring entirely re- ;77 built avd e nhar,d the above ea ten.is mew in . containing Ire all al.= three hundred and nnrL ~ wo uld r r,tnini n0r.... that It now n ad, fur the r.,eption and ac,munvietton of thr trayelhug community. An t.rt,aled noticeof the unsurpaered convenience. of tilL4 Mona. tteemal 4uperguoinc, . the numerurm itoprw.c. [yenta which have twen nude cannot he properly given in au a& ertmiquent. it to ire, no expetv.e. hew been ...pared to render av> allanntent Im'rfcet- The furniture gas madevenreaely to oriel, regardle. of and ,rtain porthole of it. c,pcially the Praging rwoua. will be found to be id the most twautiful =ermine tOn.. The Dining room% are capacious. and the boom for u5..1% will be . arranged as to gait the convenience of the arl, and late. Every department - gill to. comincted in an unrieeptions. /.1. , manner. and the-proprietor pledgee hinmelf that the American nous.. shalVgg.ntly the Traveller , linme. I..b.,..lavntlargroT LEWIS RICE. The ore. rvlntzlyfor Glotrumphonqf tt th• Lire, Asthma. Itrondatis, 112ing orNliaknent Prea:l m. Lunar. and .41ter offrefif , Nryf Pulmonary , hroamt. AITE der not with to trifle with the lives; anti o,llth of the afilieted, but re pinert,ly phAY. on , make no mn to the r‘rtuen of thin eiue, n.l to hold nn liono rufTering hntnnnity, rbirh fArt, VIII not wtnrrant. The 51.a.m of Ireland. and the Nur and Wild Cherry. pre may), for the rum ..f all itilalamt nr the I.nnar tr bleb am irt fearfully prrvalrnt in all Snrl.ltern intittidi.t. From minhinntion nr rhrmintl extrarta yr , rititirl from Shin No.. and [limo Tr.., Da. Wittrtleit atm CIT.RT It rhhdly formed. of Wild Cherry Pm. lOWA,. romp , ed ontit•l> of Wild Cherry Bark end the nn Iroinnil Oh. latter Imported expnu•lf far Oil. purp..) u.. rani mplind virtu, of which a, al., corn new chemical proc,a. with the extract of Tar— thue thr who!. compound the ningt ci.rtion amir rempily e'er air...oral - oil for thn CONSUIIPTIIN OF TM: LUMP. IIY.REDITAILY (U,NSIT3IPTION Curd by WLetur , hid "1.1.4' %Via Cherry—The folloaring ram of Jeremiah le urieg. of Coinatimption. Mee of brother. end rie.re Tittit 0E4,1 of Consumption.) le ten', wonderful: • 1 . 1.00th0 Ittont. Ilamliton co., Sent. J. 0- I` ths•—fh.ar Sir I take the liberty of infeieli. )a• ,, of the benefit I haeederie“l from the um of Dr. WI, tar . linham of Will Cherry. 1 erne prre.ted by that terrible Coneumtalou. In Muy hut The attack was trill: liornfy tau to me, Ow Ore of our family, (my brother,. and .i.terui had dud of Corimitenntleei. I wa•i nalteted 'with nenri, all the woret feattiree.d the dim..., I bola dhdreun rough. and rxpartorated azamt de,il of bloe.l. hertie fever, mirere palm , in the aide and chest. cold rhllle. alter name: with fludiee of hest. I axe under the eare of a Skilful phyd,'i.o. from th , time I 050 taken gird; until about eitt werke einm. Leine theu 11.1.1 lielpleee, and my frienda tonehlerud my me.' h0ve1..., or at lenet.heynnd our I.l.l o iriarer eklih mlrind the ine. of I(l..mr'. Italeam of ((lid Cherry. Without m, 1..0na ledue.my tattier nmeured it. and enuimenmai ieterinuit tn me. arid from the tirA 'far renruneneed tak my an: it health impmeed. and In two wneke from an' the, nommen...el neing It. I wan able to he out and mere ~YAillrfa, and lahcr. which I 0101 noutinne to dn. I have 1,1}0.11 four bottle, of tbe medirine. and 0100 eueritirt inn•—lf r.,-14,ir well JERictfl Ali Of g. 0. 4 * 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 •1 ( lb. CLOWN NT,. Lake Co- la-. June U. Jtimt T. Pars—Tear Sir In Ju1y.11.1.0. I wag att.ukotl with a fever of Ipphold ehar,ter, Ithteh left. TIM Ina ..r! .tehtlitattr4 teat.. when. to the. following w r, iw. ta. 1.., with a ...re ruhl. which redured me to Fueli an ex ent t. to cite me the appearance of a eunlinned cotutimp tit.. 1 1/I+/1114 undrr.oewere mach—eXtartorated gr. , . A.atat troubb,l with mid feet and night awe... when fntmentlt rafted 1,1.4 from my Inn, I cantina.. In thin 11{.11,.. iJrplually sinking under the date., until Janusz}, 1.41, when I won at.ntitt ate attarked with fever. II! friend!. 11 my life. anti my phttieiana thought mold tur;ive but a Abort time. My extremitira eapeeini. ly my firt, were .titettuatly eoLl, and almowlltut their feel• ing tt.t•• r the. eirromtlane.+ It mur le truly neat l way IL helm: skeleton. I finally determined to quit taking; me -1,.1,11t/Cll 1/, Ph Priutana it. , Rani of 10,1,1 Cherry. and from the ht, ttawl, that 1 eon ut-nee4 taking It. 1 rand., •gratlual rertrerry. 1 tnntin in.,l month, at th.. to! of which time I mt. r end C' aturap..l' If two 1 t... - 72 of ten, `be 1.1..1 with renewcd health at I have h.eu. li...pretfully your.. .106 V. , 11 JACFItOOI. Tlirr,ja A,. TO TIONT A. 171.1,1, corn ra.v.ro n? Tire 1..r.1 , • lora MVO,. From pr. Baler, Sywiumfield, Wasblnaton County, Ey. F.ratA , rtftw. Et 31., 11. 't n. kle.ars flatifora h Parkr—l take this opyorennity )1f tormtna you a ml.ll 11.121nrIcnblp cum I"'r 0e Ulsan me by the nee of Pr, Fistar' , It.,lsain of V41)1 Cherry. lu the year 1,11. 1.. , tahen with an luta:nation of the haws.), whiali laorw4 under for Wu week, I mrk.l. u•Py rerosered. In 11,1 dr' 1, 1 •41 1 seas artArtseal aria. • or)11, bleb aslitsal itself upnnmr lam,. and for 1 ho staownf Shore years was eonftr , to my lwAs tried all • :tots rmatteme. and reery variety or mot... Who a, Iwt,e. at and Owls wastri,sl alma,: until the in of 1.15. :hen 1 beawl..4 Inn Wistar's 11•Isara of C 1 1 ,117. 111 mend , tw l remulal me .mtaw it a trlal.thauCh 1 hat via.. m •11 hopes of reamer,. and Lad ntrePar ,l MT•el! far 11 1. Law, of atowhor aorta. Tbrent liwir eolintations I a as. adusal to make low ot ',aniline Wlstais Balsarn ot itt Cheery Th. eths,t kw. troly tvtnnlahing. A hree • .-a• ..f alllwll.l and aufrorin:. nod alter 1,41,g ~..”11.17 or Lye hun.lresl dollars to to, purls-, an , l the an most re:qt....Ale rt,,, 1. rl. bed prnve , l t...at InlmJll. ~ I ....on retort ,, to entire healthhit ides , Wm of and the UPW 1.1 Dr. 11 tstar's Bale.) ot it.l Cherry. M..- I h.. 1,1,..11,4 Gr.l mil upon *the Dratrirksr r . s skiable t.tar's 11•Itsuu of Witt Cherry 1 our. restasAfally, trw. II /Ist.. al , l by.l. I) I' tr K.lsursawsor to 'anion] ,t Park.)Foarth cot W :dont l'itiesonati.)llue :.-nerd Agent for the nth ar. , l 11 est to whom all onlera must Ins udder ...1. in . 111ttsbar,..h. A Its...khan), A newt), I 'r Ito , - , 11. Nt nAnmte tt I._ 11. Mono :• Uni.mtea so 11 Oreon-hurz S. lionnta.l l amerwet , Isentt Wilma,. 1.-, oat It. Hunt:tea - lo= Mrs two. Wallahs eklmr.,, I Itols kntod 1 t:o.. Itstosna. J Wright. 1 vans A, •. Itrooksalta A. V, ,11111. tt..Fara:nd Co. 1i Call. wler. ttoa.l‘lll.L. 11 , ,t0n x 1,. “1,1.1. 1 1 1 I ,, rtet, Mena,. Jame. Kell, F Co. 11 a snow. Venn.. , . Jt) arren, 1. I. C Jones, Coudersport; 1 . Vs...ker.,- Prawn-011e. .1, .11 • The Human Body Must Perspire, („(o SAIS NATURE, to have a bralthv ap i. and in!: to di. ti. linnunuzin 'kin Now. Inlnisir.l -.inn. !awn, frnn in rotation. nul Lt. tin! nntm. nun! ini.ntion and -otnnin .111‘inK it 11 , tn , .. 11 n in :ant • • . lihi um. nol iiinnn. ininnl I.; !•• n- nt 7 ph, .tnin.. In t S. N I.ni.u. 1,.! it .n !nal nut it alto, tri nci),Ler nk ur iuslio , n-e. Ito Atirt an•nr.4 in• tnid si prnsi!. noni.l /iota:loran! of inn:4 ninI•11 rnon ttr tt,i, it anti rnin In an/. . lin 11—and lin! i•• tinniiiind I vorild nut u • ell', -.ill itdi.r !dna e. nitlenn I Lien lo j mate 1 In-. • inn linhin o .chal•lnni nll. • Itlnl tlon not only n cum. hut u nn, tint", bud I ont • Inn , ••iii! wt.!. that mi. nun .I‘ll nny tlin atn•st, ninniar d,-.'tn.- and thin nil. spa evues•Lucer Ono. I laduti ay. n„1 li - m i i i t t; it mil, s 1 )1. JAChi-LIN, nulj Pearly Whit, Teeth, anti _Pure Bre. W Lal roe rrnt. --PerAnn. A 1... 1,1% if th., Irr An ',nil. rl O in tts or And encru , l OW A Joni. , Amt.,141. I,lr v DA white Alm, And thr brcrah only al J netinON'S Eton. laberty rt. A Seientitio 11:tir Tunic, Itestorer and BeILO IP. • —TrI4I Bottle.,ir• ,•n t• u..l Jr.os font 114, It.•••[...mr, Lt..,ho ha, hot. yr. um It th, r v,ll tom , tee! R, v.., t tiatnrr Intouard la,ir to gm.. ••tolk it I.lllm . un.ror k. 1. tt truly twmuutul. t.. 11.1 IhL W. no•fl rronocanAl—, puperi ,— eale r tlzr , nt WNI JACK,16,!,., I , lore. 1:10 Lilexty *Lrryt. hr.! of II tv,l. cou.,:r o coal, end al. • dONES' Solution or Jet, a Liquid Human n,r rhunging I•f ta• gm, linir.l , a benatilul browll. or Wad: ret r.•1..r. II (Or mond., fl %, NI .1 AC 210 r•llw,brath.f wow, raw urg., JONES' LILLY W are call auutt,t ttuna ph rommon nrehared hulk. They are not aware boa fru:bend!, itlonnoup tli.. thr akin: totl roar. , hou nowt.. hoar ram , '. sonny,. u n health yon.l „evr tau; nrepardtshorlM: t .1 ........ .14,41414.14 .111, tt V/ 1.41‘,, norhSed of all tieletrilocu a n., untarta to the 4,141r1 a natural. henithy. l. eh..., het., nt the ...awe tun., seta. oat co. the Ain. tnalana 11.0 . 11 4444.1 1,, 111. , Au. 41.1. ,1 J 2ao Malay Meet, b,„l Pit,lourgb. Prlve, mute.. g inm poVN I) I 11.:11A)CK PLASTER.— k h....h1y romitested plaatent bar lawn made for hat. twenty year, during which time they have aloed yrmattent rvpulation„.• the Ll3O. .111:11,100A 1011.11Illair, hll , / Strengtheulog PlaArr ever antral. tan. of t hlgheet enamenoe. givenhom their m01t... , to.n heen .olmltted. here the mom Ilattermat watinvoliale ne to their ~ UPersor virtue over all other pia, The ingmlienta of their rompoal rr. tlon. very cav , fullY eh , e o rreetl, ,orulnued, rend, them peculiarly appLwahle per•on. Auttering with pulllaorddT Poi . pews tO 110 I. , rauL reaultlng from protracted whecolug cough. and loml paito.lnethe Netrioun doweo.• In the Lal>, their benetstal character le ttoeetuaa or dyne.. .1e a remedy to Lumbago. tl penority over all outward application, Korb ae hn heut bt,en fully corrohorated hy the ud.if Fur weeknear and paint In the Lack and Ole. p . I num wrer strait., dua.a.L4 tal the .kidner, tl rata ri ?%l:Xtae th e ' lp r eTtre 7 i n C t'fr'iZi.r e 'tr artil t leadlort. Ti' much go d h: i lle , r .. ntl4r „ t/t . utz t y,,, , j u s p abet Telrnotrmen'Z'al'..M. ;an "'"`"'" and PIT.LSVI.LI:RS., W...: Closing out the Entire Stock. GREAT 11AlttiAINS.—.1 further rellue trt=th.ft:',..„ll°:yr.".7n7,lZlh,rl4,=,,,vyt the Int of April nest. islinZa rvepertl.olll !all the nttention or hli. old en.totinri .4 A 1.,., Pot,r!le.,:erho.psre!ii ~:innt of tr.! ' s K'4!)*liiiTri l'Av:An‘rilTno:l,T7,„:.,7,. ,;t—'7V, 1.0d,,,,,.,.,-.',;'.4.,,,,,,.,-,...,.... he wsll di•ne.x. or the Igal on, L 4 the r44.i. on Itlwral term.. with a levee of the nor. " tc , h .. m . ti. for over 11 '(;:e , c,..4.h i liA as rico i'''' '."' '''''Ner York et., itiriA":l:\4l: l b,% '1 ~... . , g tibl ,01•11.1iSS-10 Ibis for sale by I_) C. it• t.: mum* ' itriNTER LA RD OIL-19 LLD. L V N'. RICATT .ml=l Liberty _ • • ' Boss . Wear. ;,-1- VI Ur:Pity . Rl' kICIIFIELD ha ke re ed , .• il A nt...aortmep , of ilo• ahn . ..,..,0,1a. taapted fa apring -, :1,7 ". P.:,..1t, ' 7:f;:0. r„P it1i0V '''',.!"..l-.::..Z.Ze1,V r'st -...4.1. ", a .artoug aiod-. all at 6 , ... , 4 ,rzro, =all': , 4 ,, IIP lirlit.yiN , ES , A , r, :kl n tiLli i Nl i ::i , l i s , ALP Ae t.iYalteotieo of i troinz 111.4- to their easorbana of r -- — 'N. - 1,- ' ,• i iil . d L., u 4,01.,,,,..., an .7:12. - ,111, 1" . r 13,1.. ottm. e rim mai' Q 111 lIITS---:;IM. iml, t'ur bele loiy to ciou cop, 1 - 3ozotneot. 1, 1 s A ll; El, P.:4IIE7IIUL no , lo 1 , . l o C) 'I: ETs .‘ NI) Tus— is „,,„ i Q UN Dlki r.,_)4— . kci 1.1)4 Fomil.' Floor - No. 3 Mackeri , l. Tar, ..'• . - Itt.ha: P., - porn , . 1 , ......ha1anw1a Pantos. . .V . ,, , , '''' .. h. .. ...o r r ' i ' r ' ., ”' . :.0 - 011..1 Apple,. for e.alo,by T U 0,,D., ! SON, .Z , 11 . m.lueo 1,..:der..1,..1 o , ¢uni.frott Merchant , : matlO So. 61 Watt, istreet. ‘,. 11 (ILL BUTTE j , L , v , t 6i rr , o;cl , .t , nd for El mAt, '". 61 Water 51. ARD ()I I, a A 1, kale Fw 1.1 n.,111.1 EA It -I 4 r:t. , ks I first sorts) for gale by fl orb. o ICG n MrCANDLK,M FsnipsEATIIKIN—s snips (prime) for sale by wivs IareaNDLESS. _ GGS--3 bid. for Falk, by meh L ARD -17 kepi in store :Ind for rale by ..114 H 11.; H. Jou-Nem. - - - rpABLE OIL CLOTHS—A .very large as sortment of Tab' , ('inert on hand and for.sale at \t•.: and N 1%.K.1 qn.h et 11. PH - MU:P . . I ti 'LOVER FEED 4: TIMOTHY SEE(- 4 Tun, ,uft ref and ior falr..by .1. S. 1111.1a;011.T11 4: CO. • )RIELi i'P.11.1.,741.1)E5--1..1.:?11.1,,,0u,015tji,n(g). for 111)(tf,k Sll--I(I..nAsNO. 1, for sale by s m 0,7 DILWORTH a • .1 !JAPE': ILI SELEC - I.- by find ranal afrifsk, a 4 ui Fiend, and Kindern PA P ER .n :pd.! Inu..t and plain Patt.erns. rana lardy chrap Satin and Common Pa mch7 P_31A11.411.11.1.,. - ifotal at A FET N . FUSE-- 1511,0110 feet Bacon,Bick- s 17 hnl 5.75.5.'0unite. rgrrouted. for axle bleb; J. S.' ItILWOIiTII d CO. _ . LIL cLoTIIS-- , :1(10111 ) tIl 211 " .... " 1. ' ,: '1 n ' t Imlenalo s..a.deru retgil r than einFolrlrnabove 11, lel 515. tIo. un..5555... ourelloneri lu rho above rue,. ht our lie, nut,. No. 7 hnd rt mll7 J.!: 1'1111.1.11 . 59. A Intl AI; I; 011, 1:L0111--on hand, a large ogo.rtment on 1.5. 515.1 e s r Sherstiuz. Int, Figured Bonk. Pglent Burn Oil Cloth.. • erdeudid artir.. fer rale • 11.11P,1 1. .a. ewdwrn Pric e s. molt! J. R 11. 111 I'S. 'I 1..1,19 Wood at. girsT PHILLIPSVILLE act., —lotto yat.. 4 mud rat.no Oil C.lntilt.itOin' .nie nod ,tall. et N E.. and 11V,..1 J. 11. ruaLLips. SUN DIZ I 1.61. (.: i l . 3l,stnu s t.: PSP3 EL . 6t o olVe.x. br tuchl3 J. D. 0 ILLIAM3 L CO. :DSO \'S I; LAC K. gro. for sale r ht . t0 , ,h13 J. KIPP et 1,0 Wood rt. A LCOIIOI.-15 blii..for sale by mehl" J. Klldt .t Wood 10. A'rTENTION!Was left I: at nut ma., Pi.hitag• Non. orte pf.them 127 ..rdo lorm. and two,m.ll:r ones. 7h,.)' will be roll at family in the t , tot , 01 ludino,lL No. 7 end Wood st. c.lirpEr—Reeeived this day, by Leech S; ) 41 the Curptl Warehou , of 51 , NT•teltZ. 1, - .1-th n.. ratrri.in t y l rth Thrtim. Itsrna't hrev ar n h hm. Ven,hms. vartline Ingrain ..thrt•. or the 1.11.., modern maxis rrOp.teCo — nod , ratt, tool., ext., Li D. V.INi;, Bankor and Exchange Bio -47. nt how rae...awl t it neer leteine the hietteet , therket prruputo 10 per Imola ter . rttenre ether. 4 19