The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 31, 1851, Image 2

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To the 'Whigs of Pennsylvania.
ofT.t,f, l ,' A .L E T e ets'e r A N l .T ."24 ! . , :.ll'ol7i l 4i!i l o n r`dr,:‘gi ;
reet pf 'ejecting earnlidstsm for the 0ff10,..,0f (nvrrnor and
Ctrmminsinner, land nlyo tor Joel), ~ of thr
.Coart- • IIESIL'i M. EL LLER. Chairman.
.Coal tL. Flttergin.l Sunurl • )lesleruttny,
loomF. nm )(colon. C nom.. .tonr..
Wm. it. Sllncluff. ~, Pimuel if, Thnmai,
Eamoti L 14,11, John 2 , . Benno.
Nath>nlc•l Elhn.l ., . T. Tay:Or Wm• 111.
1en..1.1161,11,4,n. Alexandre E. Brun,
Wordrn.E.PerFtnn. Wm. Eukrr.
Thema" E. Conhran. Wm. NI. Watt,
lictry .1000tou. -loo m Clark. ,
Chsrics R. Eartlansn. I , lo•rnvin I/. Pholp, i
lia,r, Cm,
J o.
C. NVilsura. ,
. P. A. Finney , John Ain..
C. Q. Irlomis. ll,OlO .).Cool,.
John Dawn., i;enr,...,... )(ea....,
...Wm. rrann. Aler.'r SI. Merl,
John l'. Nrvllir, I Fru... Joni.,
• It. StUNPLE SMITII. S...ert.tarr.
RESlOVALR.—SubFeribern who intend to move,
will please cull at the office and itiave plainly
wriiten directions fordhe carrier.
We espy, sith pleasure, the fidlotting letter
from the -N. I'. Cannier, as it i °stain i s
,statement to e:lnieh :mme importunes , bee bees
attached :
Felamary 17. 1S:01
74 , the thr and enytitroy:
I have jw-1 rend in your journal, under date
of January 14, tome eomments upon the sup.
posed decision a the PaPal Government to with
draw the permission granted to the Americans.
of public Protestant worship within the wane,-
Tour remarks ware based upon the very posi
tive etateMent to that effect, Le the Roman cur
'respondent of the London Daily News. and he
no bin part might refer back to the confident as
sertions of indtvidoals supposed to know of whet '
they affirmed.
I beg you wilt allow me to say through your
columns, that Mr. Guns never received such a
communication eel the writer drocribes, ‘• to the
effect that Ida lloliness had been reluctantly
obliged to withdraw the permission which hr
had granted with respect to the American Pro
testant chapel: - that the worship of the Ameri
cep cLipel hae not been suspended by the Papal
authorities; that we have no reason to suppose it
will be; that the stated services of the Sabbath
go on ns quietly and as free from annoyance, of
.any kind whalooever. as if held in the United
State', that • there is but one sentiment among
the AltlenClll. in Route upon this oubject,
• that the Papal tioverumnent has acted hand
somely trAllT49 us in the toleration of our Pro
testant chapel within the walla, and tint! we are
hound to see that it Law the credit for it. The
publicity given to tile false report alluded to has
been a source of touch anuaytince and regret to
as. Very respectfully . yours.
G. 11. 11ASTINi;S.
American Chaplain at Rome
• renegade," it is said. •'is worse than ten '
Turks," land from this letter, it would appear
that the saw applies remarkably well to the
newly converted editor of the Pittsburgh Catho
lic. In his superabundant zeal, he seized upon
the injurious rumor against the Pope, end ap
plauded the closing of the chapel, instead of
:throwing discredit upon the story, as hr should
hare done. What can say • now Ile has
out heroded !term!: he has surpassed His Holi
ness in pion/ire:ll. What course will he take; ,
If he persists in what he lets raid, he will virtu
ally censure the Pope, as a sentinel sleeping on
his post, as a weak defender of the faith against
the encroachment of heretics. On' the other hand.
should he commend the Pope's liberality, he must
do so at the cost of a It envy penance. By looking
over his files he will find some very romurasser-
Cams, some positive definitions of points of faith,
which will be hard to swallow. But something
he meet do to get out of hi, false position. Ste
' took the story, as,le did, for truth, but we pub
lished it with expressions of regret and indigna
tion, and we ran now give the contradiction with
exceeding good will, and an earnestde.ire to make
every afoldogy for the aid we gave to the circu
lation of the falsehood. We were sorry to believe
that in the nineteenth century any prelate could
—be so illiberal, apt! nave eve rejoiee exceedingly
to learn that he was wronged; but our enforrn
nate neighbor was;delighed with the folic report,
osurnow if be has any consistency, any opinion of
hisown, he must he sorry rery sorry indeed!
Pursuant to previous notice; a large and re
spectable meeting of the citizens of Mercer coun
ty wits held at the Court Lion,e, in Mercer, on
Monday,' March 34th. 1851. and was organized
by calling Andrew Patterson to the Chair, and
appointing Jacob Meurer and Wm. F. Juukin
Vice President+, and G. NV. Baskin, decry
tary. _
The object of the meeting having.heen stated,
viz:—to consider the course of the companies
chartered to construct a railroad front Pitts
burgh to Erie. and the proposed action of
the Legislature respecting the ; same, On mo
A committee, composed of the following per
eons, waq appointed to draft resolutions expire
vivo of the'sense of the meeting—William Max
well, Wm. F Clark, Wm. Stewart, John Porker
T. Graham, M. C. 'Trout, William S. Garvin
A. 11. Snyder, William NlcHean, and T. NI
. .
The committee, after a ehort absence, re
turned and reported the following preamble
and resolutions, which were unanimously clop•
ted :
Whereas, The Legislature of this State, at a
• recent session, incorporated the Franklin Canal
Company, and the Pittsburgh and Erie Railroad
Company, the provisions of which were design
ed, and if carried out in good:faith. would con
struct a continuous line of railroad from Erie to
Pittsburgh: and whereas, by the movements
Made by said companies, it is evident that they
Intend to evade this provision of their charter,
and only to form a.connecting link between the
New York and Ohio Railroads: and, whereas, a.
bill has passed the Senate, requiring said com
. .....ptuaies to comply with the plan .d obvious ili
a, union of the Legislature, granting their acts of
incorporation, therefore,
1. Resolved, That the alleged attempt of the
Franklin Canal Company. end the Pittsburgh
and Erie Railroad Company. to construct Rail
roads along the Lake shore.. from Erie to the Ohio
line, without an effort to construct the stem or
- main lines, for which they received charters from
the State, is a monstrous [mud upon the Com
monwealth, warranting end calling for the di
rect intervention of Legislative authority to cor
' 2. Resolved, That we have learned With - deep
regret, by intelligence from Harrisburg, that
there is a strong influence from Pittsbrirgh, ex
erted for the purpose of defeating the bill now
before Legislature, for .compelling said compa
nies to carry out, in good faith, the conditions
of their charters. which, if successful. will in
flict n grea‘ injury upon the people of this sec
tion of the State, with whom they are so inti
mately connected in business.
Resolved . , That we npprove of the hill pass
ed by the Senate, compelling these railroad compa
nies to net in conformity with their charters, and
earnestly ask the Mouse of Representatives to
give their sanction to it.
4. Resolved, That we approve of the course
of Messrs. Hoge, of Mercer, and Walker, of
Erie, in advocating the passage of said hill
through the Senate, and call upon Messrs. Sco
field, Shugart, and Leech to sustain the measure
in the House.
On motion,
Resolved, That this meeting recommend to the
citizens of the adjoining counties, interested in
the construction of the railroad from Pittsburgh
to Erie, to hold meetings. and have their views
made lawn to their Representatives at llorris
•On motion, '
Resolved, That these groceedinp he signed
by the ollicerti, unit n copy forwarded to the Sen
ator and Itepresentaiivem from this di e triot, with
a request to have them laid before their reNpect
lire bodies.
On motion,
Resolved, That these proceedings be publish
ed iris the papers of this county, and that the
Pittsburgh and other papers lot requested ut
1 , The citizens. of Mercer county, who passed ,
the above resolutions, are mistaken in supposing
that the people of Pittsburgh are opposed to a
bill to compel the Franklin Canal Company, and
the Pittsburgh and Erie Railroad Company to
carry out, in good faith, the conditions of their
charters. That is the very thing the people of
Pittsburgh desire. Our complaint has heen,
that these companies are endeavoring to erode
the spirit of their charters, , and use them for a
frandulent.purpose. Theobjections that the peo
ple of Pittsburgh make to . the bill which has
passed the donate is, that it is not stringent
enough, and that it legality; the very fraud
of whicp they complain. The people of Pitts
burgh require that these companies shall first
complete their main lines before they hove
the privilege of making the lateral connections,
and that the passengers'and tonnage passing
on the - Ohio and New York Lake shore line,
through Pennsylvania, !Mall pay the same tax
'that the Central Railroad does. The eiti.
tens of Mercer county will see from this that our
interests and theirs are Identical, and that we tore
' notopposing their interests at Harrisburgh, but
doing all we can to favor them.
On Tuesday, the 2ith instant, the entertain
ment given to the Hon. DANIEL NVEBE+ER. at
Annapolis, by the Mtryland Reform Convention,
took place agreeabl to previous arrangement.
The company sat down to a sumptuous arid ele
gantly served dirdier at Ii P. M., at Walton's City
Ex-Goyernor Sam el Sprigg, assisted by Ex-
Governor Greason, nd Hon. D. C. Howard as
Vice Presidents. 0 the President's right were
Mr. 'Webster and lion. Daniel Jenifer, on - the
left sat Gov. Lowe, of Maryland, and Hon. Ed
ward Curtis, of New York.
The cloth being removed, the President an
nounced the followi sentiments:
1. The President o . the Undid State. -Cheer
and apple.... ]
. The Govern, o Maryland
1 His Excellency 41 ernor Lowe responded.
The President call a ention to the nexttoast
and expected mend es ta drink it with hearty
good will— 13f,_.
Daniel Webster— layyland demonstrates 'her
attachment to the Prqon by honoring its ablest
and saki—
Mr. President nut
assure you that I eon
ninny of respect.-1
=Lelial of the loyal,
I find myself at a II
must distinguished I
ties and diseriptions
andlit is nu that ace
particular Ind striki
honor to myself. II
It is the cause that
pleased to honor toe
far as my ability wil
so dear to us all—s,
country. It in the
of the preservation
of maintaining all
and pAciples whi ._
what they are.
It is not for me argue the value of the Union
in this-company. came here rather to be re
freshed and edified y what 1 have braid of the
proceedings of this onvention already. Its res
olutions of the 10 of Decatnber are to me an
expression so pow riot, so authentic, and su
conclusive upon th judgment of Maryland, that
.1 read thin, at first and read them since, and
read them nowjwi undiminished delight. Why,
gentlemen, I shout no more think of t arguing
the questioniofilhe importance of the Gnion in
this assembly than I should think of going hack
to argue the propr ety of the Declarorien of In
glory of having ad pted the Constitution /under
which we live, or f arguing the general .utility
or to rgue the expediency and the
and honor or rend n of Washington's , adminis
tration. Who don to all these things here? I
am sure not me. I ame then, gentlemen', as a lear
ner not as a teache . I came to partake of the sen
timent' that fill al your hearts, I came to be edi
fied and instructe by those noble and patriotic
expositions which are been made in this Con
vention, formed, a. I have said, of distinguished
men of all parties, comiug together with a unan
imous sentiment,' and affirming their opinions
in favor of the Union, and whatsoever i tends to
strengthen that Union. by a unanimity which
cannot fail to beSegarded. Allow me to soy ,
gentlemen, that l our resolution of the 10th of
December, will reach to the extreme North, the
extreme South,' Till reach to the extreme Went,
and every body Remy that, amidst all the vag
aries which may revolt elsewhere,lhe respect
able, and eminen . and distinguished State-the
central State of . aryland—is Union to the back
bone, and thorou lily. (Applause.)
There are ass° intions—there are recollections
which naturally tilluence the mind tif man. I
have passed aro lid to day, among the scenes
which were visit d in old times by Wiathington.
l ,
I have been in e room where lie performed the
crowning net of iv military life, the resignation
of his commissio 1. 1 remember that lie said on
that occasion. ••I aving performed the work us
'igned to sic. I ow risk the indulgence of my
country to retire from public service." General
Irashington, wit all his sagacity, did not com
prehend his w destiny. Ile.tliil tint see the
the long track s of influences trial asp to follow
his revolutions character. Nay, nor when,
any years mite w ards, he retired trim the civil the country, slid he that cease
to exercise an in uence in the public concerns
and sentiments his country—and be never will
cease. Ile said "Raving perforated the weak
assigned me, I tire from public serVice."- De i
boa never yet pe ormed oho work amigo.' him,
and never willuntil the end of tittss because,
gentlemen, that eat and glorious work atilire
maining will ev uphold his precepial,hillethor
tations. and his xample--theimportaice and the
value of this Uni nof the States. [lolause.] In
thatrespect he orks now, and will work ever, so
long as hie meumry shall not be effaded from the
records of m.ltind. I think I he taming to
day, in the language which he expressed when he
sent the present Constitution of the 13. States to
Congress, "Our great concern has bien so to
range all our d liberations, and to come to each
rs result, as sha I strengthen that coon which
makes us one p ple.'' I hear him lsday that to
day, and I hen him say to day, in the words of
his farewell ad resit, "Be tenuous of all those
who, any retence whatever, admonish you
that OU Can happy under a destitution of the
Uni ." Eve exhortation, every admonition,
eve • sentimen that proceeded from him rings
in these times constantly in my ears. Nay, I
think I hear hi say 'now, in the abodes of the
blessed, that i it were permitted to him; he
would revisit o earth, and would lire reclothesl
with the bones d the 110111 which are moulder
ing at Mount 1 mon. And be w . ; , 11 , d appear to
his country at e head of their ice, or as he
appeared to hi. country in the course of his most
glorious odmin striation of the gortirnment, and
conjure, and a 'ure them, by every consideration
that ought to axe weight with men, "hold on
fast by that Co titntioo which is the only secu
rity for the li rty which cost me bad my asso
ciates a seven ear's war of fire an blood. JAp
Gentlemen, rgive me. When I ink in'these
t r
times that there are so many appar ntly disposed
to undervalue he maxims and the diameter and
exhortations a Washington. 1 confess I find my-.
nelfborne awn , often beyond the power of self
restraint; I fes;r sometimes beyond the limits of
propriety. 0 r country consists n its liberty;
our countrytlext consiets in its institutions of
constitutional law; and, blessed be God, our
_country, (Am rica,) catmints Ilex. in the great
example of those who have gone eefore to, and
have left that example. We are not Americans
if we resist the example of our prialecessors any
more than if re trample upon the constitution—
the work of their hands. If we hive real Amer
ican hearts in our bosoms, everything they said,
and eserythisg they did, to hone and ennoble
their country, Impresses us with sentimentn of
profound respect and regard.
Gentlemen, will you allow met interrupt the
cameleer the few remarks which had to make
to you to nig I, by proposing to ou, out of the
fullness of m heart, the glorious and immortal
memory of George Washington.
Ina toast was drunk standing
r. Webst r renamed; Mr. ident and gen
tlemen. in th lapse of years, m)diin the rising of
one gcneratio after another, it may very possi
bly happen, rid we are sure thatrdoes happen,
and ban hap ened, that the exec principles of
the Union of hose States are not always properly
conceived. t may not be stylise, therefore,
though Ido of purpose to entertain this com
pany by disc ssing upon commonlplaces—it may
not be amiss to recur now to whim may he con
ceived to be the original principle upot. which
these colonic were united, the objects Ric which
they were n ted, and the limitation upon those
objects. Tit se thirteen colonies,l all of English
origin, were ttled on this continent at different
times and un er different circumstance_'. They
bad differents of religions opinieus. They had
established fferences of local la r nod adminie.
tration. Ti y were, some of theta, quite remote
from one an other, but they were all subject to
the crown of 'ngland, And whe in the course
of events, t ey all thought, nndl thought truly,
they had jus cause of complaint ga'nst the tyr
anny of En • tool, their object wits to unite in a
common ens .0 - against a common enemy. How
unite! For hat purpose unite?! For what ends
unite' Wh it never entered into their concep
tions that t.ey were to consolidate thfmselves
into one goy rnment; that they Were to came to
lie Marylon , and Massachusetts, and Carolina.
Not at all. But they were tai unite for those
great par.. ce which should enable them to
make a stout against the tyrant of the English
Governmen They were to come to an agree
mesa Upon .•nge necessary fo that purpose,
and nothing oleo. The objects of common de
fence and ti e general welfare, and afterwards
the objects connected with commerce and reve
nue, which were important to all, were all they
adopted as princitiles and objects of union and
Gentlemen: I beg .leave to
•to most highly this testi
.nd myself in the .political
nion, ti:tate of Maryland.
bile of which ninny of the
'en of the State, of :all par
of politics, are foisembled:
l unt that I regard :this as
g memorial of respect and
L tgentletneu, I am nothing.
is every thing. •Vou are
only because I support, so
allow, the cause tttich is
dear to all good men in the
ause of-Union; it islhe cause
14 the State; it in the cause
'those political associations
; have made the United States
associationi ,
roothieg beyond that.- i
As 1 bay mid, they had diffrrence et religi
ous opinion Gentlemen, your, State of Mary
land was s ttled as a Catholic 'country, always
tolerant, al aye liberal, perseluting nobody.—
Virginia w 9 rather inclined to the religious no
tions of th Episcopal church Hof England. My
countryme at the north wer4ot only Protest
ants but ' centers. They were of the school
of Oliva Cromwell and Henry vane.. But what
of that ? ynten all thesecolonies came together
for the general purpose of defame against a
common enetny, what did they do? Did they
seek to me ge, and compound and consolidate all
these State into one great community ? No such
, thing: Thy — meant to unite upon those objects
'which wer accessary for the commonr defence;
and they cant to Mare everything in the .con
trot of the States, to do just as they thought
proper. 14tat was a day of liberality and jai
-1 lice. It A a Stu in which teligions opinions
predated no effect upon the general sentiments Jtnor. 1/1./INsinr.—Thi4 gentlelan, who has
of the country in regard to the assisciationof all r occupied , rs l ons e e of cents,
,ir s, u, the
mdipeti Court pg u il 7 l pa
the States for general defence Why, sir, • , t itan Judge this
any body at the North, did any Protestant de-
6 ,
mendant of Cromwell. or any descendant of "". di."l• in r last week. We f i nd
Henry Vane, whoever he was, feel any less conk- the lobbying aeconot of his decease, and
dense in the integrity, virtue, and patriotism of sketch of his life in the Philadelphia Butte.
Charles Corral. because be was a Catholic':— t i n
Not at all. Nor did Maryland hesitate to accord
the meed of patriotism wherever it was due to
the Adams's, to Alexander Hamilton, to klr. King
or whoever else belonged to the North, berause
they were of different sentiments in religion.—
Their association was political. It was founded
on general policy—option. a sort of confederacy
at that time, to resist the common enemy, awl
do whatsoever was necessary for the esunittou
goal. Gentlemen. I hope, for one, never to see
this original idea departed from
Then we come to the other propositions.
There are differences of laws. The Southern
States, without their own fault, by a course of
events for which they were not responsible, h a d
slavery established among them: 111 , 1 not all the
States know that Did not they deal with them
on that basis Did not they recognise that stale
of things". Entirely. entirely. That was a mat
ter of local legislation, of State right and State
administration with which tIsS north stt that tinin
had not the !dirtiest inclination to interfere, in
any respect whatever; and they oogbt nut to
have bad, because it en., one of those things that
did not enter into that general scope of political
association which the colonies meant to form.
Gentlemen.ll concur its the sentinieet,,press
ed by you all, and I thank tiosl they were ex.
pssed by yon all—in the resolut i ons pas,d
here ou the Idth of December: You say that the
Constitution of the United Stettin has aceonsplidi
ed all the objects, civil rind political. which the.
most sanguine of its frnmers soil friend , antici
pated: and that the affections or the people of
Maryland are justly riveted to its principles by
the memory of the characters of the wise attd
good men who fn u it, as well ito by the
sings they liberally bestow throughout the world.
That is my sentiment. My heart is in it. (Ap
plause.) Altogether, I live and breathe, I walk
and sleep—l hail almost said I pray to God study
—in the very sentiment of that resolution. Then
you go on to assert a sentiment equally ju.-t
You Say that a proper appreciation of tile,
blessings would lead every State ill the Union Ls
adopt all such measures ae May from time to time
Its necessary to give complete and full ,'fleet to
any proviso of die Constitution. or tic' Istws par.
suant thereto intenthal for the protection of any
part of this great common count 7. True, every
word true. And allow me to say that any State,
North or South, which departs an iota from the
sentiment of that resolution, is disloyal to tin
Union. (Great npplause. I
Neither, en far rIA any net of that sort Ilas lye,,
committed, such a State has as portion of my
regard. Ido not sympathize with it. I rebuke
it wherever I speak, on all occasions when it is
proper for me to express my sentimetas. It there
are States—and I am afraid there are—which
have sought by ingenious contrivances of State
Legislation, by round about and crooked courses
of policy, to thwart the just exercises and fulfil
ment of the laws of Congress paosfil to carry
into effect the compacts of the Constltution tlsat
State, so far, is entitlesd to no regard from Me
At the North there have certainly been some in.
timations in certain States of such a policy,
At the South another danger seems to' hate
arisen: and it is a subject of very ocrious
cation to me. It would seem that there is
disposition in some quarters tosertsle ("non s
union of these States. "Secede - -a word ts
fominions import Secede from allot 7 Seeeds
from this Government which has earnest th
1 country to such a pitch of glory in 511 or 71,
years? To secede from all the loin., and r e _
flown which it has accomplished 7 And to se
cede where? Where ever there is a ',uns. up,
there is a frannnua n.f enem;—Where are they go
ing! (Applause,) Whoever entertatus such
sentiments I regard with a spirit of cononisera 6011 I
I think it is a malady of the mind. I think that
their feelings have become entirely sltsestsal j
I think that they know not what they do. Ant
yet, gentlemen, I do not think it the part of pro-,)
lien, to crimitutte, or to taunt. Jrs tss proteke
Leave them to their fitsll etsusnieration. Let
theni dwell on secession mane slat-. and itiwarsl
ly digest it. sLaughtet- s 5. , tar Rs I have
any voice in the Ccuncil+ ofalie country. this
meditation of theirs shall
tsr be sitstortsed..
not a breads shall ruffle t h e i r se-dont), 'told
it comes toa point where something is sisms.that
mantes to an actual cool with die C-Isstita
loct. I Applause
It is painful wile e reflect that a State ,
highly distinguished. so tall of high spirts
cavaliers, a State which took sorb sal activel et
in the Revolution, and which took stli•iL
live part in the early ,Ittlntinistration of the
Go'versament, which has produced so mousy men •
who have honoteif the county and hmored Cher..
selves in the public service—it is painful, I stsy. '
and humiliating, to consider that their siescen
ants of _the present generation. seem willing, I.s
forget the whole glories of their country, to
take one stripe and one star. and go out, of the
tftdon wi th it. k Laughter. A returning sets ,
of 'patriotism and propriety will cheX thein I
do not know what might happen if there had
beim a more general spirit of disunion. I can.
not persuade myself that honest and honorable
men, ingenuous men, young men, who with to
live for glory and renown, and char,eirr,
ever leave that Union which their fathers estab
lished, that Constitution which has male ths.dr
State, like all the other States, what it i•, when
they come to sober moments of candid retire
I hope that while we maintain, the State of
Maryland has maintained. five.) and th.termsnist
sentiments in favor of the Constitution, we will
hold no parley--and I hold no parlei—with any
body who wouhl infract it in the slightest Jr.
".gree. While we maintain the necessity or es
tablishing and sustaining those laws of adjust_
meat which were passed by the last Congers+ to
settle the country•, while we hold on to them with
liminess and decision, I hope, nevertheless, we
shall take a course not to provoke or taunt or in
sult those who feel a difference of sentiments.
I hold the importance of maintaining those men.-
ores to be of the highest character and nature.
every one of them, out and out, and through and
) through'. (Applause.) I have no confidence in
anybody who seeks the support of aryhody litho
willies to alter or modify the, Constitutional
provisions. .There they tire. Many or these
great measures arc irrepealable. The settlement
with Texas is ns irrepealable as the admission "I
California. Other important objects of legisia.
Lion, if not in themselves, in the nature of grant,
and therefore not so irrepealable, are just as-ito
portant; and we are to hear dirparieying upon it
We are to listen to no modification or qualities
lion. They are passed in eonfortnity with the
requisitions of the Constitution; and they must
be performed and abided ffy, in whatever event,
and at whatever cost. Optimise.)
His Excellency, the Governor of Maryland, woo
pleased to allude to me, us vine that had run come
rinks among his own people, for the good of the
country. What had I have been good for, if I
had not been willing to do it. (Applause.) Ido
not consider myself born to a great destiny; but
-born to one destiny, and that is to uphold with
mind, and heart, and band the Constitution of
this country. (Great Applause.) If this
prophecy may fail, my attachment to the Consn.
tution of the land will never fail, so long as I
have breath. (Renewed Applause.)
Now, gentlemen, allow um to say, that in look
ing over this morning, the annals of your beau
tiful city of Annapolis, I find—what I 1.111 , 1 ex
pect to find—that when the definitive treaty of
pence was proclaimed here in Eelh. 7, 1.7b1t, it
was ordained to be a day of general thanksgiv
ing. It was celebrated; and according to the
good fashions of Maryland, there was a dinner
and a ball. Among the toasts on that occasion,
the first hoeing taken notice of the great bless
ing of the restoration of peace, I find that the
second was—" The United States—May their con
fedemcy endurlorever." (Applause.) That con
fedemcy hat been changed into a more I..utiful
form of government. It has become it Constitu
tion better calculated to secure the rights of 114
all. But I echo the sentiment of Annapolis, and
I say in different words. tholigh itiis the same
sense, "The Constitution of the United States--
, May it endure forever." (Great Applause.)
The following proceedings then took place.
By Col. MeNoir—Ron. Daniel Wchsier, 0111 . f•rt
triotic Secretary of State—.l moo who has no
other hope titan for his country's good; nor does
ho wish any higher law tlutn his country's --con
(Great Applause.)
Mr. Webster briefly responded with the col
Ezcellency, Gay. Low,
Gov. Lowe briefly respondnl, and after allud
ing to the several distinguished Senators awl
others who supported the compromise, conclud
ed with proposing the health of obi gallant liar
ry Clay. This was received with unbounded ap
The Ohio. Legisiature adjourned em die. on
Wednesday 'net. If the new ronetitutien ix
adopted, it will meet only every other year here
The Pittsburgh Gazette says. "We ore to.
hebted to the Wellsburgh Herald for the follow
ing item of news. Whether the rumor lim any
good foundation we cannot say:
—We understand that the authorities of tbe
city of Wheeling, hour institute) proceedings
against the Bridge i,napanici ~r l'ittAug, with
the intention of abating the bridges as nut.n-
The writer was not well informed. No such
proceedings have been instituted, or will they
e„ l4ato
b in all human probability. Wheeling relies
npo ee rtyhts, and takes uo measures to re
venge . tks, even where the wrong and outrage
ill as flagrant and base as in the present vase.
Wherting Gas.
Hon. Th nrn ,B uern oid e „ dodge of the Supreme
Court of l'eTiffoylvtintio, died oil evening, after
inn illne.s of in few week,. nit the re , idenee of lam
sou-in-low, lVilfultu I:. Merrio, flog.: in German
town. Though not unexpected, the jnteiligence
, of h t . death will he received with grief by
very large circle of friends throtighout Pennsyl
vania. wl'o have alwa. admired hi= talent. us it
jurind and ...teemed In. yunlition as o citizen cud'
Thomann Iturnaide was horn Fonnewhere near
Newton Stewort. in the county of Ts. ron, , , Ire
land. duly 2 , th. (-none to thi. loom
' try. with Into father', ti n nily, in , No-
Number, I ankh he CoDOIOOII,I the lilt the
with Ilnot liohcrt Porter, at tha-t tin:, a sue
eesoful proc•itioner of this 'city. In the early
port of 1 , 04, he wo. onlmitted to the liar. mad in
larch of that year, removed to Ilellfonte. In
Ink 1, he wo, elected tin the State henote. and
notinporter of tine Admini.tration
tlovernor Snyder, in all it, war tneommenn.•• •
wirn, Inn- woo elected to l'nntigreos, and ,n-I-venl
daring the mentor:Ode •`.-inn of I,lh. Inn the
-mange of the -.min. yeor he onto :y npninted
,Sitynter, Pr ..• . 1.1011. .111.1gO Of the
I;mterne nliotriet re,nened thn.,•ot n„
otol rt—iminol the pro, nice of hi, profewoinot at
111-11cfente In IC : wono :o,min elected tin the
State Semite, nnf which Ino,kv hewon. elerhol
In I , 2., Indere he. mmelorial ierm wne
he Ir.,' anpontied l'renident et the llh
indichd I r6iq Veto,. wlneh nillee he
held until It 11. Ile is, then eiledol,l Pre,
hien, dodoe ef 7th I ointriet, II t tint Muni
•:.1111:1, 1 lln lIIP 1.1 Of . ././111111y. 1 , 1, he tn.
to .1 I$llV tit th.• Suprunie
wlllch Irc 1111,..1
with honor. op to the timr "f his -
A hill neliiiiinz in N
I.nui.-litture In ittiolii.h likw, The
Ni.n . ork Trilinre tn.,. ground ncain.i tlf'n
1..11,,,t or tott.
0.11:1111,act , 1 hair Vail.•ll,` a= n $1:515
11 the I I iltistilk ef freviliniiit
mains y
hit: enforcement of
te their untie. ‘. tiers
_ew ear.; Up free trio le in try
enisi i teil I.nw, funs.' tit .
e‘ptit eine.. that lilt' 1.10, VVvre eating up the
little one , with ste•li rap lta• le
threaten their entiri • ittinilitiatiiin. Leit
e. fairly
wreil tit teal per rent. 'sleuth were net an
the • Twarket rah. , ail inetley hat 3
tenibini i y ttp:rit e ii in the nini•ililtere iif
I free trails . in money 111111,1 g her tarit art, el
ieiw .iiinitre tint ef
i 113%1N: expenenee that
the operate. jii of
the 13.Plia'y !t a 1.1.1 rat-c y body
Ho ,•i ra!tf,,rnia has !wen very iiittni•
tin, t• while
lieu triiiii
that a I . .ry Law , . no 1.1.1.
, I•ontf them I, x tvrin
' T.. MI , ‘-• nn i.,rc `Tr."'
70 I —ll,, I: 11 . 1”1. ft. , nt , n of the
I' n h,. I I oinse
t:‘t -
Tie .aerto eommenemi Ti. Son•lity morn
:iheot elek. The wool hiowom from the
North ...compatt e , l with a hely) 4tory., and
eMeet- lit ae•tonte of haft z‘ toile
r r om t o onv li.trina the any the •tortn in
t•ll Monday to-not, the
,thi hot,. I , ernme great -horn The m
te , fl the Thor The immite. mothl with filt
h oilt, . open the, !vet. :m.l oeltoot. were
knoete , l le The nem.tin tae,
rnir e• 1 te reit eat 0 , th. tom r oon. the n e xt h e .
them oten.,l- Immt, keen I,rel,ell,
mot it 61%1,, 1 , • 1,111.611 where they
0. , 1e 11, le Inc) r.oloine.l for font. day-. with.
out .leep. and rompehml le It, upon ,Iry
..... omot The chimney.; the hzlit
oem•contininilty to), three,• eh,. oral ~f ronme
heol.g.l'. ma i.eT diPaeo , ty .4 - :,,erehngte re. 'met.
Inesnmay he interre , l (-Ti, the far, that the
person was .oani , el',..l to perform flii, boa
duty, Tom, threw n trom the
NAY Nd the
,it•ml I ) the storm • The spray 11ud.,
.1 INN deet:. , F.a , inee of ~, rro:
' fifty fect. otia thoroughly the pr. ti.rion.
ra'arr 111 thist
tog it o .1 yto •,•,-ore or remove them th. ,
-tore reolti
imblic tnenti
it.g on Saturday the in-t. In Like
into iiiiiii,krnton the priii.rinty 4 iiirnisLing
L..rattad•-.V.,111, ari.l making. all n••
. 11 ,1,•arc.nt. , r l'or u g
1,1. 1,,r 1.•••131' I II -ro•tu
311 :lA, rweiriteuir)
Mr L1L.... , afitor New 14k
I.alott.. 1.41,1 tatllly at Pough•
4•[..te'. I IL ,- aLi,:rat , . I t”
.1 h. rt. ht. a.1.1ta. ,, . , I rani the 1 , 10.11 e,
th.• nets.raper, morrtutig, oatioz,
6,1 h t . the! r until it, eo,ol
that ;, t.. haw. Ihr over ut which
n ot I that In:It:Ili:wir whlell
altp—oer. the t;•.,41,4 tnakial.t. n t., it tlinu for
per...a "von Nvw Jtaawy anthotittea
Market Street Store for Rent
\ h I t r, , 71
or, is It
It. I rrtu rt
... ... Liony
~ 111,1, A r.t mut ,tttor., t•11111111 , .11A
1,1, t,./1, -Ir,
• •••
out fear • 41 .1,114,11.41 1•6•••• 111..
NEW `11711011114 SI. 11,11 ii ,r
Attention '
O - 1,0 t • r.-1.-rtfultt Int .t. - . 1 t..
ttto attn.:l..l •ttst.tttletlt Wutt
Tit,. 11,1tt 1 1,3 T. 1r..0 t.tartal ..f ttn ~I .I
“vl,. h, On . un. Itnnlaa .1 I,ln nnna.
Th. an...1,n1 an. a 3..arag,.1.. Dverinl.7. end I
It, .1 'ann.+ hr con', a.. 11. pa 1 1..1 tat.. the n,lai , nf
all an.l ...Alit to, / naaranl an.
malo. natrawn./ wallah. es. .. frnal an,
taah . l . •nat nay an. la. lan. bled Yon an. nt 10..1 1.1
an; ••rt,.. - ala 1 .mannhl nt
1 . 1{1•Iridl.
hart., n n lo thirty 1 1 / I . n . .Tnat a 11 nahlaaaa..
holl al. 1\ All.
Prrh.a an. Vehruary 111. 1 , 151 -
h., .al.. 1.. 110 A 001 K. E.
FA.III D..l.KurT,. A A 1,1114.11.. J 0 .01. h
100.0.1 . 0.
11l Iliweatt..4ll.olo.lo Oa. v.lO. pro
! Al KIER.
se •
i:n 111 . 140. TEaTIIIIIN V lei the take
n 1 Senna - nee. fwwl. nil Ibut dould.
lee, a hen 1•lau1 Idle entrunro,4 nrut Ind, etl.
tee, the ,the,thrg, oruee, Mune the uteoser. -.area 11,. the
rut. exterminat+ Ine eundenee. end 4ertd, the utaltnur•
rum, enrruo. la the 1,111 Malin like manner I bane found
Inn Melenne'e Anienen.u.trerntrult e open...
three dreedttil and dunarmualnernentnre e 1 ehlbleep
TIo• r.„,, , 1,. I;.‘e the 1,1.1.1 Mite, the aperture ar the
mouth. ten...-. the hut. mond air otonoich.
Inee hold er the wenn...hake. the life nut .4 the rro ,, alr ,
.lean thole dot. and ramie, their roreneeve Clan eml
n 1 dh• •, Oat, .n”-. at beet, hno lulln the olleet a the
t.rn , fua nle , n and 41. 14 ren. ROI LAI?.
Nthl,, annual,. 1.47.”
Tin•O. renify glint I Ityrn nanl verm ,
6., I—.l It to nnernin in hke Innwn, on..n
Lu, rbil•lren .lIIIIN
Md.... 11. Ivr
On We tl. Inst.. by t.b. , Rev. Or. Prf.ul,.
~ .1.
joh kut., CATIL4P.Nt. A.. Crlll.ll. of l'fOt
Win J K••nuts
The ittnerni tetil take pittre en Tnet•lnn. the Int of April.
nt tIo teem the n , irltrnee. menet ul 14,Ver olmet and
\„eth alit” tnelt:tl . .l
(Its Saturant' ttllertiot , tt. the tSth 11, M u:tn
•tfe• John Iteating), eel t.:t. nett, •
of family nre vanl to attend the One
en , •:n tn. :tint Intl . at lo aft 1..1. •
11 , .i ZIT. p.O
1.1 .1 tay-t (1 1.01,11. , orF
rm. 11,43t.1 o.r tlnwnr ate r•,wifull,
[Wan the P. , elotare in 111,4
1 , 4.1••••-g, trultl,l.lntpl Grant vir,l•.thir
—.Th.. Corner Stoll, of ill , 111.1 V
j Lvo. 4,1 rielorel . , to I, par,l, will
L. 1.1110. 01..1, al 4 by R.Aht
he, .41..1.• 1..41,.
A , ...intion Allogls ,
174.141,," 4111 14... t In Mr VII, Ward Publtr
. Aprll 44. 1141. at 7
P. /111211 {UM' 5t1114. 1 ..111rml LI
. C C.l4u. NI W. wk.l hlr. A Bunt
.. ..
4143 SntTintA.., Ow :di., 11r. J01 , 11. , r,r,ry well d..)1r..r 11.13
ad , tre‘n ~o I),, .1 . 10 m”logi,3l Trallutuu ..1 Clii!amt. Iv Ilir
1 , c1i..111. , •.m." f.,11...t0 I, Mr I. 1 rurrli.
The 1n..., ~I ......n no rt,..,fu11) luvit.,l to et
tend fly ..rJer .1 1.1 u• Eiertaivr Onntsuttt..
inch:. J I. IllAti:llEit. : , - , 1•
LARD ---'2U keg., A. S bbls. No. 1. ri,r.h. by I
mcll3l e.A.IILEL ElialVEß
I.tin. 4 rNSTITUTION, 13oardirv; and Don
&buil i lott I,l(es. {, nnir
wlttim Itnard Teat:hem 11 , ler.
T.iLFORIX b IT .am linumpalt tarn TinrOuP tiartu trip
mrliate exr, the Lloariltrin alile,l lit rpstilent
Th. pan, eirt tht nib
inn fall far .Itort SM It ip beautifuliv *natant upon
• ri•va.l
t r im wlllt ate tears
hill. rim , of
Itepliun, apart trim the dupt arid dm onl-P of the
I,ll,f.utenec and appliance tin vided tehleh
pith• ',in I mintution requirtn. Intermit, the ' arramermente
• nnotatte. Tim /internment t• srm. but mild and pater.
ad. burbly, no etripaienne of wrens' par, the PrinriPal
hat pep, bout to ex p.! a Mtldl, rr 1,1 it innitie Pa , of tem
e min but
wit liiat . •
• tt• ht. utmle of m l i t rernutrut, ant t itte iv he ro h wan!, them,
nitliktiou. arrangement , A ...nil Lind nnithed cilocathm
Pi here um antintrin erer paid to thaw
opiral and Pelitnous intinprtimi conatitute the trim
.eauant imminent of tin frutalii ammeter.
ed Due eaten.
i, paid tp YiMlll. petillertnal
The Principal will ,ml rataltinut, Orr an, whir
t. ti,ml Int:mamma , requimil mtalogue ran be smu at
Ii CI. 01 Trrtit ,prottetpip ..n the FIRtiT tiF
• rtsnotror Inn uri•l a half calendar month,
A Valuable Coal Farm for Sale, .
L ITUATED ou the Rank of the AIL,- V
„:,, 1 ,4 , " O ' g h . '.' il 1 ., ' 7111`;11::',"2,7,1ii.i=i,h1.',',,,wii7::i::::. ••
1,,,,,,,,,,i, ,,, car, nod nntAbalf mile n1.333te Welorer. un
t. ~,,, , 1:313 0,33.3. 1.4 of mon , al .11101 3.3ntaln Cual, lab
33 3uubb lavanal nu. nonlnv. hiving Inter.orlol by a ra.
n Invb nlart.ll to the zultni.oon 3.1 fr. 3.13 sir lot.. lb ,
'lli.; 1... i ran all Iv toomenivistb eutaltalol to tln.
roe, 13, namil• a a IlAlLllllall abith IP 11;1.1 In nnera
11 11 ;11“;11 tile 1,1111,.; . r 1,.. landing al lbe rallwa. la .33.3
3 01y33., and 113.3 otuatinu water 3a1a1.10l I , n imr,,a,,,, t..,,,,
~.. ~ Th. 14c;a1L;1/ otters nualilie. fur Ibe Cual male
an.urnai.ot unan Abe llnuougabela river
Ti.., 011 ,unin dm aurlao, wont 331 a Web In vh-arol an.]
0.13 r 3 331111nnoen. I.of ter,uvrl3 r qualel..laang utu.tll
1.333, awl Wry k walnut 33.11, rel 1 aclaynal 43 the crowd)
.33 ola vt n 13.1 ail utta r gralu onninutztvll3vvonntr, Ialilt•-
.; .;;•• ;;; .1.1;11tinIII Lipott 1;1,411111W, ni1;11,11;11, ~112.1,11,1.
I I;;; lasiliillll, MI , n ter, rurnua.blot, la .3 .43r, Earl
11.. 313, 11.3,,v. %Oh Inar larav roan,. and a I'll. li. ltellen.
... lon Wan. lar, and vnorvnirul MAW, Oralutry.
;;; ko. ;;;;;1... 1,40 II.;1/ 44'. .ti. A ~,,.r Ivilinu auppl, .31
3...1 a 3.1.13 .31h au vsvellval pump al In. 4,, Ti,. 0,-
..1. 0n d...,1, .13,33,113.1 v.“ 13 go.I -you,. 113 tarot of the
r. 1., 103 , 3. a 1.33 .3n /11v prvim.vo n roman l.aultnn Or
. 3. 33 V ..V3l
~,..rwr vralnal lout. Ti,.- wlinlvonlovivonvul
Ow .Wat33l., landau: rot N elo.n3r rt.. co.! ..11
, ...,,t •,,,,,,,,i,..111 , nii lb* . ne,-3333.3a,r. lumbar... ll rls
.nv 13 3.31. vrVl3.3 Land and Cual 1,33113vr. lo .uild..urvb
333.3., A33,13).11 Oa. amain... In
A Il e. , JANIIN VII ill AS.
ter 10 .t AN , 11.311111A1 1 .11. 1 . 311..13ttru1t I un313 , 11(
INit E. • ('Il PAPER II ANW NIS--Tapt.,
~,-. 1b..arn1333n. 1.•1..31 and 14.1.1 - I,mr Hanging. Awl
bunler33, (iv Itra. nig 1b..m.. awl l'Arber, Invu the c.le
broal mama:a-tun , belte r nurl, of l'arn., yn.l ro . 31 and
3. 3 .nl3. 13, NA AL YEII I'.NlAltn
. 11 .1 Stn.Al.l-
ta ,
AA Al.
liiik . ALL PA l'Elt —For 01 per Roll. fur .u.le
,„,1,.0 NA I' 1IAll:.11A1.L
. t 1. , 1 , , 11:, , S- .21) 1/1,1.. (Green]
i t , , .• , ,, ; . L , 1!; ... 1 , , ?; ,.
1111)1.1, IS ITTER ~.-.1,1,1.'1.fre.1t, 11
. 1 1,,r .. 5a1e by
SI Nllllll.i
3 31,3 1.33,..vv 1 b3ll Ilonobvii , einnaunnt.
.1 KIWI A 1 , 1,
;; .1 ; ; SO 1.0 ,l ;KO ..t.
I RovNl) 0,1NGE1 . 1.--; 1.1.1.. I pure 1 fir a lll .al. 1.. ,„,,,, J lillA3 2CO
1)1)1% U 1: It lIIIL I IIA It li --I 1104 , for I.lle 1.%
B. ,ste, :1 . J K . 11/IIA CO .
1)0(014:11 I.NI 11a •F ROM- I , ~..o.
J KIM. A ,31.
1 4
i; i „. , ‘ 1 ,,.. . 1 ,1,1.}..., .. ,-:,..... 1. , r ...I /1:; , I , 1 ,. . n
~ ,
; a .k;I r , 011, --1.1. 1,1.1. .1. 1.. eotikling. No I
I I A 1 , .. I 333 313 .3. ry atal On pal. lu
AIII.I.EIt A 1111•KET,ol.
'I rat J . J.a. 1.31.. rt, .1.
Q --
EE-- 1 ,1
l 11111 l 'II
1 .
tier... landing. fer sae 61" A)
IU-H.MS.----r3.11... for sale
ENV 110116 S 111 Anairtil'n]
• 11. • I
. lb.. A.ll, nf the 10.11.
1......1... 1-1, and tAn 1.,n.1un 1 1 to 11..nr1 Ilro An,
not, A...:a.... - .. t. ~.. nu:m.ln., baloo; lo Brant. Pars 1.
a t• 111,14 . KT. /N. I. Market .1
11 4 1 1.115-7 10,1, frklh Ihr 0-ole by
1..1111 EL 1' ~11.111V111
•. • _
B I :r . , , , .. i . , ;, ,..: , _ 5 keg, prre , k , • ; ll , , ,, l' i o . tr l. o" .. t i l , e ,, l i l s y ,:r
'- - —..' l it y
. v /plys_lri Ir117: - t1.fkraleb
y l.n 4, ; , r i,u
I ) lIIIII I I'EAt - Ifl-IS-- '2. , ; , 101 , .. (01-1 llp Io.tle_hy
rA ' _
/ -, r /11N.— . I 'AI 101. iShell,-411 f, , r purl,. by
II ... 0,..1,
It .0111 Al. I . 1.11111. 1:11._
l'l .1.1-7 - t I.l l .l.ltuninnire, I, rale hy
, i
i r nr L as.tAll - F.I. I . 011111 V EIL.
W ELT PI rl - ATIIES--2 11 hhh. I - , Seed. in
.'"..''''' I
" '`''' 'it! ' .;'., ' ;i " , , V,l: ' ,' - .1 . 7 ' . •• • , 1 ' .. '
"4, , 11ater .....1 Vnmt 10...
I I 1':1: , 1t1 , N . .; , —:: , I , • 1, , I,I00 , ( ',III) well eared.
1.1, 1 :1 All DICKEY 2111..
1:0-1,..1 wrirq and IrOlll KM
. 1
E AI :t , l , N ‘ ' 11.\ MS N. 511 , 1... , ) , 1.; 1 ,, , , 1 1 ) , E , 1 1 1. , 5 , 1 - . r i n: , ..1 , 0 . 1. ho
-.'• ,
1 li:k NllZ‘ - I11SK:l . :.urle t,: -pr
ny, .1 11..111110' lea 'tore.... Ow Otartnanl
1,111:1'1'S ITII.P.E.STINE , --. 311 lads. in fine
r --, cr., 1.0 male 1.1 J ,C.IIO.I74MAKEft 0 OM
i ra...1....
4 )it• - ..t ~,:k., IVlnter Sport, , do 414.
J :011....Nal 0F krt a 1 . 1,
g j' ; ! 4r--2111/ I.XOO Swoot S1..111.;
;11 r t.. \ ;11 . [n:;1 ; 1 and for onl.; lf , lf to e 1.., A; .
Prodnce, Commission. and Forwarding
.1. 7, .V..ra. Stsrel. Bal/wwt,
, 1144-E tirpler.gnol. Agent for Ow Penn
Oftwa.n.l Itwats.t
''+ll um/ vxpoi-8../..-1,..
ttlt aryl
! • 111.1...., r.l.
.It,l oa, ven..,tll,
s r it ,r,t• , rnma,tl,
I*--trt. ,tallitaat t' al, rtArr tat., J
A ttd.. ,I.t . u . lAtgh A U. V.ll.aa
\ ail kt.lal.l,A 11111 , 1 a / a l
Turn , ttll. 1.1.11 a 'isle. fl...hert t.Arral A Sat, 3Att
tt- t ,
Cratt,lr •attLerilAA. A
SI .n!tiara a tin.. l .
%it J II lat Ar. Ilarr.ttur7
Jam l.. ., .
al• -•, Mtsia..lla, • eat
Jaott.. mat, A 'Mal., l'lttledelplttA
1: Tllllll/ 01 . (Ili. xery lam!.
p , ‘ , 3 •
bin un n Mt,. ex •
t n./ ' Ibut..tre.t. L•e. the top ,f ILI'
11., urUf.r. h.-
2 Bur Mill .10.;
2 Small Mill• do.;
2SI t a.t.,
rt II il riPle uf fur 1t.,. ' , mull Iron. Ilop.
ansi 11 , 4. Nnti hub,. 11, b,,,,..
b 11, ... ...r the ‘rfr buk , uo , lhff
t; u n l.tter 11 . 1 , 1 , 112 v uuntrrn tour . and 113
Ors, full on Or un
,41,enoLl. ur ..unsounketr
lis. \int, •tnet. Pttloburulb
IN I Tribune: and 1,0.11 , 1...1err. PIM.- tkl
oi.. tin. I. no..rtsun, maul unul Mil I,
011, - m0.1..n...0ry of pap, funtululng eblfurti.enen
EW BOOK S!—N il.• Ngotes of a llowlidji
L . 141. 12 mu.. InuA 4141
1 .4 4114 r, • Francolln 44.0: .41 vol. 11... 111 1
mu t 14. 1. of 1114 11.414 11....k5; mw.
.1.11•41..41 4 ..f AnA1>1.42.1 1 .1.4 , n4 . 1”. And of thy In(lerrn
nutl 141/ wrsl 1141.411 w; by Loom, A. SI, I Tol.
.IVtk J uAt And f..r , b.)
It 110I.KIN S. 7% Apollo Rulldlous,
Fourth arm.
.1111' ERS' BRIEF I'APEIL--A superior
orwt, ba. b, the titmr.
W lIA stab 31.01.4.
'VA itTARIC At II)-10 for ~ob. by
. .
LI '01101;—.30 bbls. ( various strength) for
A .y.b. by 0..001 11. A FAIINESTOCK a CO.
1. ; 1I:K .
, LEALI-1200 lbs. powdered. best
y.otty.W. hr
it A F.All N ESTOCK 1 CA i.
HITE WAX-250 lbs. for sale , by
FIVE WOODS-250 lbs. Chipped &Ground.
xy .•00: by IL A. VAIINLSTOCK aCO
A I.T I'ETRE--.`Ol kegs relined. for sale by
111015 r It A. 0 1110 &STOCK a 1,1
11.11- ,(14) 11, Pearled orf sale by
ft loll'oN —St) (mks landing loon str. Gene
landing from str. Ge
-7,111s;:z for Ipy
ACON—I tasks Hams;
by - ' l ' ;int . ll/ 1 11 .91 V
(mm rtr
Wat, an.) Conan..
Fl l O LET—An Office, with or without Wart
uses. itetsav WM. II JOHNSTON.
fu xi
European Agency
arliaving been detained by bufinegs at
Now 11rIonn• rind tit loitum. during the Ingt few itewkw, I
w 111 not Whit. thtA ett t , tor Lun.l., ”.11 . the %Lb
ut Apra next .101 In It. DA% LS.
tarly.ft.ttl enrntrnf Wot.t taut Wirth._
A Good Opportunity for those who want a
oul,rshcr offer. s. sole of
' r:sir lots In !Yule's plsn of lots. In the Eih.lith
lot Isetm . 24 feet by 104. These tuts ors Ors,
~otly stol .111
is st s t oes as the owner
Ils , st digunts , mei th e to dispose of them.
" The.,at the corner of Hand street and flo
ne — tt'sy—stlesotagcomtly landed for either WM.,. or
t.r n..ndence ,
S. 3. Tel Lots In the of Lowre.ecillle.
.olosl far T oneste residence.
welve Acres of Lord In Peebles t0...h1P. Title
geTi r*b lr ete O : r andrul t ;lortm b. dr ' FLll= l. .
1 , Lol We ' om.e ' r Kucet., uesr ram, 11.1 feet by
It and 4, will hp Add on Rug time. truly
mall uortinu of the puerto.. money will be redulunl
A three ,tory linty.. near the cornerof Webater'Stid TI col/tab:dun 11 nano, will be mobil very low to
tuall , . It 1. 11IP ontrtructed that two (audio. an I
corner Wrlnder and Plot otreete.
F ISII-51./ b6IE. Musa. No. 3 blackerel;
Nu. 1
4 bahnurr fur We by
...t tug • .mallsu or Incas,. Imo tart twtween Stith
att Seventh Ate..., m
atauthllelli alma. no Tue.lay. the
The end..o trill matter • wrest ,nellt tulttru
am a to the u. era thrtmith this uffic, umb-1
Ee l
12 s i d uy h,Fl.7. E .i x a r
d e i ., , -- ,3 . 4u,0,,,,
(bent. rb..lre /ark.
" "
tilnaham. Ltoen flak!, do. Cambric, do. Lawcol. tr.
64 awl )I.ket
Board of Underwrites&
T a Meeting of the Board of Underwri
ter, the roue. ins reonlutinn wua ununimun-41 u , h , te
sal ontero to bo puhtlehuh
itrsnined. That fn. and titer the publlration of [hie oce
th-e. nu Fire hrtber ormitul noriuntml. shall be
miunclitml a.. taken .3 In=uranee Qflke tin . ' elt>.
until the preuthun Iv taut in rani.
Bs taller
M•retary lilt. autrd.
- -
Are.. tbriblt
nrkv....S. lor NlArrh.
1/b.tionary of Slrrlutnirr. No. 26.
',ru.° Art Jounml, Nletrrh.
UttellN Idring AL , . No. '.1.57
11? 1114 r, At/4 Adv..olure....f Pro Own. 1.7 tba author
'hurt. Todd."
Trail karat.t and his Three Maiden Aunt.
Pictorial Pleb' Basta. Nu. A.
Time: the Arend,: to Mr.. Marsh.
I ... Jon by t;. w. Arnold,.R
`onsueloa ;.
In I Tot —:ype.
I.• Val.,- or mneln.ion_rof the Iran Ma .k
rtantleld Hull. a Iltstoriral lisdnatase—eatnalrte
The Marv., Wtsallanda. by Prant Pomade,
'CI,. liirkleburas on the Rhine: by Tharkarer.
The tturetem Seralae, I.t Dant..
Polly Peahlos aan Wedding, Illustrated by Darly
Port 1 0 .1 to of a Slsallcal Student: do. do.
The City M LIT haat:
0,0: a Hu.... Noel;
Itesrr. nu Übl Moab or 'lint. to louna Men
lieutieraeu Etiquette. by ....omit Wk../
nod Toilet Itquit.
...Te:to' the
l'rleet—by (bro.
Borrow. auth. of the in $1..." Sew ...01.
Neor W,nlhll. for slntrh.
A.Uteton Sireheinive . Slagatine. tin. z.
Th. Itertieulturiet. for Man+.
The Vultiintor.
In 1t... L.t W., by C. J. Peternon—t , ..t.lete.
111.t0ry...f bt Tharkon,--eumidele
Caroline of Brulaewlek; by Iteynulds.
!a the ihmnomf, Srrond Door from Diamond dlley.
F you WISH Ftilt TEA that in really
1.01). this 1.
the Owe. tn boy It. to Inferior lunr prirr.l
mipetha - qualltle•
The vers. 1.4.4
Tthe to the ;all, .tore lottNburbth that tee, royale
AM BOG E--112 11.+. ree'd and for nale by
tnchZ R E. SELLERS, 67
~INSAMON—SU !fiats for sale by
tn,h27 E. E. silLEns.
1: , ;(; ER ROOT--60 ) Ibq. for sale by
v crm EGS-75 lb, for sale by
hi 12 I
: CA It SO , II , A WOOWOOIbx. IrLTL:4
I 1010 S VAN I LLA —Preston's extract, fta
LA .(e.., I, wclo-7 IL E. SELLERS. i_.
.!lASUGAIIi - - , - j56 Wale.
W trr a iv , inA„ L f . :( 4 . , r N etalc
v, U. MOLASSES-5.N) lA,. (oak) for eain
/ 1 • Ur mehfr W. a F. WILSON.
MILE PUBLIC are cautioned against re
..... a Note. drawn by later, kwonett A Chester.
to my, mt datwl Erie. Murk 1, ID3I, at 4 months. for Six
latal,l Dollar, at Bank l'lttwburyb. u tw, non.
Note wa. mailed at 'Mercer, on 12
Wick A Ic..CAISLILF-wS, and nrver rrwelVol LT
. ..
IIIIE p artnership heretofore existitig be
tro-tt rot. Morn. and Johu Ilurunnh. d01.1,.., 121.
1114.1. ou 12.1.•ral krred All.whony eh , . sod to the rur
no.ol. Haltom:G. undrr the Arm of 310111112 & HAY.
wmutlL I. thl. Llsv .11.....1.m1. All forsuro. ludobteal to
W hur firm rill Wei. , call 00000 .blue tb, 0000 with 1 1051
Morn. 01 . titsv of the at., .lorm. . mch2.l
• _
Corn., of Wood and fifth Street?, i'it4burgh, •
to arrive this
1 tt077t k ,;..?` 'l, 1 ',;:.`gf.',;g'::;,`,T-`":-'k..7,'":;'` 'urn
115 eau, Lux, pram lirreulll2..losem Patent Glue
Tn. Iloardo.
10 hf. rimstr do. do. :A boxe+ or pure Starch:
.1.1 - ...long a L'hulan: Z - 2slorstur.
100, ).y. In, tsdirr, 73 WA, S. il. Alulasser.
I), - L/...21) ra nod Jar,. 15 - 6. 11.
Iu 10,,, ...., ~.. `. Awl 12. lo •• liolden Syroft
Imo i. 10b..., 20. - loaf. Cru•Ge.l. and
321 bbl. `,... 1 soul 3 Marl.. Pomderrl2u.-an
:AO Pm .eulle... Itamif2u
...,, Fa 1.. a. AP.. Ido ,o/ drum. Sm•ron VI,.
2., sod '. do. Salmon: 'AI pus !lord...sus rruumq
- 13 ' :I tl;:.-"Z.0'.:';i1.1t7--"? tb",..:,7,1';k 0.0-:
3 halm (23....1.. .2 .. llenos Citronu
I - r1o•ro. 1 0 " Comm & Chocolate:
•• 1.2. reoper & All•plor. 5 " esotile & Almond
I 1.1.1. 2.orus
2 " U mood ‘10022r. 12 doz Military bite
1 - " 1 , 1.1.0 r. 1 bbl. sup. (Nub. Sods:
1 - " l'imonm, l - Cream Ts.,
lo tpu. - 110...nA I ca. Pearl Sax%
Iti ..•' Caucus. '2 - I.loJrlsax
1.1 - " C 1 1 ,222 " 21211 y mud Fleflaffi
201,11 Garrett • 60000: Llytioner.
15 balm, blurts Candle I 1 " Arrow Rook
' - ',Aso - 150 both thick:
lo - " 1 tol
l. Flour Sulphur.
100 don'. 1 1s.ou's1 1 1.4amr. 100 arms Much.% ('
Inv 11....uivrtne lime 1 lour .10 dau Estrart nf Lemon.
100 -r!. I ludic. linos. sod 1 suillS,
Al,lOO. 11512 • ...6 .2 Lennon Scum:
1. , - r..rn 11n-am. I mar 24.1 2.24.:
.:in., ,;LII., 11 hi. Leash Lard ull. kn. lath=
LL PERSONS indebted to the Estate of
paripiel Itnt4mti. late .4 the Florpoch of flantheeter.
art wake ia, went to the undersign./ moil thuee havittit
rloth• awit.t the 01/00, 11 Prn...olthero tat .e l hlett.teo ,
torhs.h..ux nai n. ROBIN2 I ON, Executur. •
-h, await:l.ole Mager to water.uulmitia
teia.. oul pr.-A. the horow. l, hte; thee. F.rtae , ol l " l . -
e the eale..t sod .trutort that ran ter wed—being made
t.arebtoeut paper. • hteh will with...WO any ordinary
(nation ur runi.ntre. Fur ..le, by the quantity single
park. N. the titre of ttehaoi NV. a. 11AV or
Jur 1,11. ulnas! heautiful
to Lloen.
Cuilara. Shirt !tummy, and all kiwi, i 4 plinth its
itu. an trut. the le. trout .11.erto' tu die Latourt. . 1114 . 1 0 4
(n.tit it n. to. nothing injurious lu eluthee 10
an, a...pert The huhu. hoar 1... felt the ateeemity
.4 sorb ao antale. and thin their will he ful.
a+ niutputllluo le font after att hoParll.l
N -4 one. Cake will An IMO; Joann nr rlutLer, and uo
br eltho . ut It
full dinrtions.
6. . '" 134 ,' K. E. SELLV l'
11.1. St Wor.l
-3 bbl. retitled, for sale by
T I N"
fort.s title
i)i by
a /Lwall;
RIMSTONE- 12 IAIn for sale by
1114 1- 1's 01)1 SA LTS--;(0 bids, for rale by
11 A FAUNA... 4 7I)I2ICA Isl. .
liIAL SI IDA- .2n - easks English, for sale by
LOV ES--•500 lbs, for sale by
IPPFAI.AS '25 bbl,, for male by
lills. just roe. tl j, : i tu
e d A., fir i siale by
111. - LE MEAT-- DM piee.s for Mile by
11 And,. J B. CANFIELD. I) _
Inr .etc Ly mels24l J. B. C.AN FIELD.
I I NSEED OIL.-542 gall.. to arrive and for
1.2 . 2 Second. and 151 Find atm..
_ .
rill NIOTII y SEED--5111.1)Is. for male by
orbit' ENGLISH A uNNNI. - er.
EESW A - 250 Ho for .ale by
11I n T h i ., : , LEA1)--)l.rg ,... l N k t, c i sf i ) lr n slt , le , lx
1' totAl ("' ba,
1."). Kale by
N1 ) 111
I:7 U
150 Teem. )Prepping
AO Ant. 11.1 Cont.:
10 keg Tnbunn,
NO E. Ono.;
meta 1..1v0n,
1 1.1.1. Nutroom.
In .tire tat lon ode I,
EN111.11•11 S BENNETT.
112 ekvon4l. nod 151 Troia Oxent.
bbls. Cider (warranted) for
ylr nn conob.onnen, by T. 000118 A SON,
01.11,0 Nn. Watrr rt.
1 01{N MEA L—Z)LLIa for sale by
IL; amh2s Itll El'. MATTIIEWS A CA).
1110E1) PEACIIES.--2000 (halves) fur
xi/ ode br torhZ )lATTHEW:kat Ctl.
lIJJ7O. AEI, prima N. 0. Nlolomr,
bLI. N. 11.
b1..14. • N. 0. Sugar.
1•All Entlorheati
35 Deem.. Elm
be belt rbe:ts T. IL har'L and 0. P. Ten[
I Ina Corn Erturn.d...d.
Dunlap H. Tobarnrr,
al I A. lump Tobarro.
91 Jew.'m 1 A. lump Tobseto:
f.. Tnbere.., rano. brarKlK
NI dot. Bu
LIES In lure end forode by
meIEE 101E1. ATTIIEW 9 A 00.
lorroN —25 balee consignment, per
ornsurr Ea..lllnonn, br .ale by
mACK , I;iI d tEL--150 bble. prime N 0.3, land-
Inu netEhl:i r IaIIE b IITSON t RRPPRRT.
g lON SEED-3 bids. for Hale by
• -
-w boars D. R. Lao, Loa( Eng= m A
EIS bbls. Couhrol Sugar.
01 " Cl•rlerd
lioWen arnICIEEIIed ByrnpF.'
0. IL Sirup MoburreE far sale by
Agenta NL Louis Nue. Refinery.
NEW MUSIC! nmin-xuslc
haelust received kw sale—
rand Polka de Convert, we PctloYtwed hr F^.l". Ek
pel: m.p.g.,' by Wallace.
thou be none. love ? A very benutlful new rural
duet., by S C !'miss.
The F.sile v, lila St.,. a new song, by W V. WOW".
The Soldier, Wife; by Oro. Barter.
Roy Soil; do. do.
Sly bud though ta are of thee: comPowed OW end ...I by
Itlw Catharine Bay...
Lady. on my . ear iaic Wocdhorl•
Ww with 111.111elInV mug ad tch.
hore are the Me .l nds of my yout n h! ca
Con, match... mme: or Trauma:lllln.
',Lawn—Beret Heart, Coquette, Bridwl.C.BY: HO-
N.. York Ladle, te., kr
Concune). Slowing Cverchtee.
u!k e n. ti'. na l lY . ; ," :firt:Pria7RVCl ) too . l i ts " v7htr:l7=
At " rofek.” '" es . u.nalve and vatted L oupply of =Mica kudzu.
menu, Plano, SArtn i Vvr i migae In
th cil. m ir— k nrriorr and mat isrldooable . mtude rooolvel
woon pnhlished. • Mr=
LC61101,-19 bLls. 76 and 92 degrees;
Tor sale by
roc h. 7 J. SCHOONYLLSJUL t Oa
POPPERAS-3 5 bbl 4. in fine order, for
kj We by
5.0 Itearry Medium and Cra.b:
',lra Large sad Strou t te• -- aeaar, rt r li 00."01 46.1.11 CO.
URI NTINII PAPER-70 Reams for sale
les moss.. c , aelaarneoc. le- •
uu"h 2 =. J SCHWNMAKKR A co Waal .1-
rANNEILS' 011.-1.5 R. 1., So.
1. - r ad. bl
J M'IBIONMAK11 fo : a cc ,
I NSEED 011,--30 bbls. fee Pale by
benOONMAKER k co.
4r - 136 AR AND MOLASSES--
470:11 Th l e.. prim. N " O.
Stan u ,
ec for rale Ss
I OAF SUGAR-2 1 e) bls. Small, for sale by
• _
E-15 tierces Carolina, for sale by
. -
SOO afar tialesta l , a1;
40V , Bar
3U Lego abut, assorted . . for -ale Lyy
4 bbl.. Lanl \o. l:
in --
I 11,:oxnx:
17 noir, Bran Ilemc
bapt NotK
14 .rks Yeallu•rn
I Drlrd
4 Apple,
L 1.1.. Eggs
eat ks Herne;
• Talk to Arrive an the steamer
W &IX/-
Front end ater u.
RAPPING PAPER-400 reame Med.
hag Wrapping Paper- AL., freeh 'supple DI
I, MDdiusil Printing Paper. Just I hi'
W. S. lIAV mr. &COIL' and Iterket.
IP PEACIIES-: 01 0 Im. for sale by
Building Lou.
a ritual.. in the Eighth Ward. City of Pittsburgh. Ten
a thew Los front on Pennaylvania Medi.... Inituire of
D. W. 0 A. A. BELL. Attorneys at Lew,
t0ch2,21. Fourth street.
Q UGAIt-92 htle. N. 0. to arrive this day,
I:1 for sale by .4.24 S. AW. HARIIAUtiII.
MOLASSES -140 bids. N. 0. for male by
I.‘l nich2.l S.O W. 11AILBAUOIL
QUADitiES— • •
0 - 7 247 1,. primell. Cant, 300 b 55.51.111 L. lialalng
121pkgs. V. it.. Imo% and 3,000 Tim. Ahriman
111. k Tewc 2.5 bales Email Nan
13.0 buS Cds Lump is. and 25 " Eng.
Roll TONY.% 60 .. Grounduts;
25 lc, aim : 700 drums Five,
ro4l. codfish: 50 rues Fire Crackem
200 busea herring: to " Prune , e,
liai bblo. N. C. Tar. 5 " Lemon 0 , 0, 1 4
_s , :j P llf C-Cr:d ,tugar.. : T_umatogetchum
"Mi.."lhurr. --- P - t - vix ---
• ceronno Indium 10 " Brazil 0,0,11
3:. hrs. 011 ii. 10012 Olson 10,000 Principe hegarn
poi ...rosa llt. and Pt. Flaolue. 5.00 Havana
Lose+ White Pis. r, 160.51. Com. "
sid or. Mt. N 0.1.2 Mackerel; 100-31. IL Slam. "
50 kits Nn. 1.2, " UM his. Water. Sugar and
3do kegs Nulls. we'd gren Butter Crackren
3000 lbs. Wldting . . --- 330 bis. "Smith's ^ Alin
.to bbla. Tanners . Oh HO gross C. O.D. Tobaccen
10a) gall. Lamp 1/i1; :II " one cut "
ino Mo.. Bucket, ' WO boxes Eosin Fouti:
••Tube. I 23 4, "
Castile 1). a 51.
Soaps Candler.
—ow "
N. 0. Sugar and Mot n B,d Cords , . Ground and Mx.
gem.,' Ppleer. contain-. Writing an
whitd WraPning Paper.
ton Yarn, Lothar. Candlewick w3d Tarn. • gen.
- "'"'"
",.. M,FAl i fa a lfEWE"M.
de by
I=l Fecond. and 151 Front sts.
A few bids. (fresh) r sale by
mrial S. A W. ILAILBACOLt.
LAIID-10 bbls..k 75 kgs. No. 1 Lard, in
Mon. mud f..r sole by
mch24 C. C W. lIARBACOII.
H RIED APPLES-130 bg. prime, for
by mch:4 S. aB. IRAMIAIiOII.
1110SIN-1 1 * hbls. to arrive to-day, for sale
by tneh24 e. C Sr 11ARILAU011.
rrAlt--50 bbls. (Wilmington) to arrive W-
A. 41.y.f0r oalr by metal 9. CW. lIARBAUGII.
" OIL-10 bbls. No. 1, for sale
r A t o NNER w S ,4,24 S. a W. lIARBAUGH.
10D FISII—n casks recd and for sale by
lvJpar.h2.l 8. • W. lIARBAUGIL
'LOLL BUTTER-10 b1b122 , . 4 . - 0r iL 5:117 . 7 0,..
• t 04.24 No If:, First anal 118 Seoul's' O.
L 3 1 1 N . 171Tc h at B'"
• bu. Dried ATOM
art. Eatra;
o bu. and pond Chortbulaypart. on'o P.' W. ,
rgIITS ' AjIiVTILE t CO.. Z. 5 Liberty 4-
lAEED OIL-25 bbla.releg and for sale
GREEN APPLES-1'; bbls. Russets;
'd and for sale br
r 24 nonisonr. LITTLE 2 CO.
Q, ALMON-5 bbh. No. 1, for sale by
1.0 vartal R. DALZELL k CO.
lIMIRING-5 bbls. for sale by
=ch.{ R.. DAL' LL 1 CO.
VINEGAR --20 bbls. (Cider) for sale by
roch24 11. DALZELL a CO.
( 1 ,.1 ALERATUS-125 boxes sad 10 bbls. for
/0 xale by 0 DALZELL C 0..,
h 2
nic., Llterty stmt.
.1111 A N 'LED—A Situation as Book-keeper or
• Clerk to a maereautile orraanotaetwiax boas,—
Coraceptiooable nor mfererprws will be [vireo. A ilne ad.
arr..' to G. IL care of McGill. A Roe. will rece lakt: re etelk.
Temperancoville and Nobleatown Plank
Road Company.
~NOTICE is hereby given to the Stockhold
ri or said Company, that they make payment to
out. :+argent. Treasurers of the said Oampan of Moe
Dollars on each 'bath of the stock. on th e last Mo y.
ndal In
each and every mouth hereafter. until the whole stock It
pool Iv foil—u
July pW. lasl. ilert,Volidt.—d•dr,r,',Lbstr a dll7.
prompt and punctual in their payment.
torieddrtf M. M. BROWN, President.
IPPLES—` r O bile. Raaseta and Pippins,,
for tale lir S. F. VON BONNIIOBST k
-•-— -
iIIIOUND PAINTS, in Oil, neatly pntup
till In Ira cam of I b. to 10 Itet. each. mom, whims ens
Mann, I:reen, Paris Omen.
Marl. Yellow Ochre,
Terra de Steam, • Proselau Blue.
Umber Raw, Umber Burnt.
Inc= corner kind and Wool stn.
SWEET 014-2 casks superior, for file by
tJ mehttl K. K. SELLERS. 57 Woad mt.
„/ALL PAPER—Largest assortment in
the West--eotudstlng of }reach and American Pa
p, Hamanas for Halls. Parlors. and um al prima
r a ,a fruo, mots to 56 per piece, for sly by
m.6:1 W. P. MARSHALL. 65 Wood at
pT ANTED-45,000 Allegheny Co. Coupon
v Bond to fill order. for which the highest mar•
ket price , an
will he paid. Apply, before the Ist
_proximo, at
the Ilaukin, House of (VII. A. RILL Ctl.
NOTICE.—The steamer ASIA, in July last,
Myosin from Cincinnati, al Patent Chums, mod 1
alise. corona - n.l to Joseph bows. of this Oar , Notice Ie
beret, siren. that If the sald Churns and Vallee are not
nalremed Sr the 30th ult. they will be eel& at public sale
to pay frviafit and charge.. WM. SUAIVE
I.II.ILVE.RTLE D CORN—Refined and Pre
part.l Expressly for Food.—Thls imomparablY one.
bearittNl article D exceedlnFly healthy deLlcions, and
economical. l'uddimrs.OduaLortardr. an., tn., made bt
the directions anemnp i maYlon fon..
c' re ' r ' . ' aTe l ty °' mobil llee T. rStrL'Efts, E 7 Wool et
lIITE W NNE_' I NEGAR . ._, of_mperior
,Ll.l -1"ft':`);1.17 - "1VV.'1. Mc&U i t r i l' etr . .7 '
such In Gmner• and Tea Dealers.
FOR PIES AND TARTS — Fresh Cherries
ad ('lola., ut -pop to their own juin, preserving the
oneinel haver of the (roll. Also.--tboper's celebrated
Sheet and Shred Innulam and French liehatlne, for lank,
Illatm Mann, lc.. far ml.
tochl2 WM- A. Met-LUAU CO_ 2511 Liberty st.
VENISON RAMS—J 93 for sale by
tochln J. D. WILLIASIa lk CO.
. -
ACON--5 hhds prime Hams;
• ode b
do do ShoV i dW a s
N EftS'Ol L-1O lige. warranted pure,
for Wt. by mcbt.'l dl E:SELLE.IIB.
ItERRY PECTOICAL, Starch Polish, Soap
NJ Powder, and EfferTexcloFetrospound, for sale by
mchtl R. L. SELLERS. 67 Wood et
HARPER'S MAGAZINE, for March, re
eeived and for sale IIOLAIP.N.
Literary Depot. Third SlSett.
mehe opposite the Pat (Moe.
SUNDRIES—I case Gum Shelac;
1 bbl. Mu..: Sari:
lk;tile'Corka •
b‘k orioe Pll; just received
ease WlCKlipllAll ;
corner Wood an Rath te.
ql for sale by
A LCOIIOI,-25 bbls. for sale by
srb2l J. KIDD i CIL to Wool pt.
li% NG LISIT VENITIAN RED-20 bble.for
IA br melt . / J. MDD s CO.
PANISII WHITING-50 bbla. for sale b y
I mch?—" J. KIDD I CO.
ARIS WIIITEI-15 bbls. extra fine, for
MOP by melt=
I AM) CItUCIBLES-100 nests for sale by
b mat= J. KIDD Ob.
. I _ILCO . IIOL-12 bhls. for sale by
BELLEM. 7.7 Wool
THE SUBSCRIBER has been appointed
Ageot for the sale a
Them aro the beet lianas which hare ern been Offered to
the public- The manufacturer emotes the publie that the
edit"( impreeement neenteary le that whkh promotes the
6k...wh0. pee Having combined the beet rib
err 4,4.1 with a tvomive ground blade. and fn. the WU
liar prornes they Limier. in Lenin...llK together with the
peat ea r e beat.. upon them in saline. he wit/scar
Peones nowenonend them. So well satiated ibe with the
superior excAleuce of this Reser. that they are each we,
metal. arid if route impure. its hay eeelteet, the mewl/ le
Ka &
u .,... tes ., ere p Razor to give pertrot 'Weed:lmp
For 'AT, by the down or Angle one. be
inch-1 .Irser Dulcet awl Yourtik Bt.
Applm Or Bale by
1nch . 3.1 T. WOODS a SOS.
{",.1 . 0AP-114 ixmes No.l recd. for sole by
tehl4 5.2 W. tiAIIDAUGIE
• - ±ItEEN APPLES-20 bbl. ree'd, for gale
tj by melt' S. a W. UAREAUGU.
pm) METAL.-440 tons for sale by
PRE• _
SSED SPIRES-IGO kegs (improve
air mile br meDIV EITEY . MATTHEWS* 00
10xs 5 1
b 0515 Pmb EMI Both,
do. d
bbls Limed OH
9 obis Pearl Aeb.
60 Sze Extreerem Chem
150 dos Corn Berme .
310 boo Drled Apple.
500 boo Dried Peaches. for vale by
mehl9 J. B. CANFIELD.
BLOOMS -250 tons Son' Tenn. for sale by
ruchl9 J. DAL7:ELL, C 8 Rater a 78 17781.8 -
CHEESE -50 boxes foi sale by
sale 6r MILL— ,Smtit Mill
B. DAT Complete) for
AJ rashlD
t ent open at the .1 rIIES-3:Llf IiCILDLYZSAIWT,
T.O. S. FOWLER, of Now York, or Phre
nologv and 1•h)tiology applied to human perfection
!litho' vening. .tnat.ei.seiltepettlttea •
Satnntav evening. .23111 Self Perf.rtku an.l
Monday evening,.3l4t, Memo, an.l Intellectual Cut-
". tV . ednr,alay and Irilmn. and 4th MATRIMO
NY. or the idene« of lore. Seleelnon, Courtahip and Mir.
ri..l Lift.
Y" wt.+ would er,Pl matrimonial telfritY....l &rat
y W .dnewlay. ah and 9tb, Wotaan's Phreno
- ht. Wrongs. au
Influence. Place.
TreMment and Pl:mna.
Le l'n t her whom Peewee sln h•
Ilth. Ilermlitary Laws and Facle.—a rklt piano ,
pineal treat.
I/ondy and Wedumday. lith and 51 k a , nhnekl. Lb. of
j"rar"'' ant
4'1 % I'CBLIC ex-
Coumettelna at .t. dock and el.. , dttit •It
Alf . Fleet Levtum Tlekete 31,, I:, eamph. ,, Nro c. ...
mn. mat, 1.1 Ihuf.,..lonal delineatton
eh a aracter. nuraleed elmrte, and al.+. ITU wrltten
orimuna, Including dee', touchinje health. lIMOPML...:I
I•ault,. Sc.. them remoly.
.-al e daily and nummipied err-mugs at h
vale apartmenteat th...wn's HMO. to
Young Men's Mercantile Library Associ
, ation.
PEW: liAl,lll 11".113.0 E.tri:/aO..W. of 31maa.
et.. lac been procur..l, by the above Institute. to de
liver to its meml,ra., and the citizen. of Pittabltni t fracr .
ally. a :writ., of Lectures eery haply prriwarcd. • PP'.
hit...resting subpctl.
Them amColll, , riw Six Lee:turners CO/Inner or
LIM embracing the following topic,:
I. introductorT: LAS, or cc or..'
J. &W M...
4. Post..
The Lecture , will be given 111.1 Thrsdap. Thuralari, and
&Lard,. rucceseirel). ut the NKR ear Lige.Trite
/1.. V. llret. thaw of L.0,1 - 3M. 1/31/33., leut.ranew
Wood strewt. commencing OP Thnraday evening, March
la before tt
Courre Ticket.
do. do. admitting gent. and hair roo
Single do. to be hod at the door
Tickets for member*. tstngle or for the course.) can to
obtained of.the Librarian. or of ]learn Herd, Winans.
and McKnight. Committee.
Tickets for cairn.. (Angle or for the mime.) to be pro.
cured at the principal book Storrs at J. It. NieVadden'A
11. Richardson IC. sod F. 11. P.andes. mrl3l
Is now constantly his Spring Stork of
Comprising in pert Mc fallowing warirticw
Extra Royal Wert Pilo Cartels: do. do. ToMUT 8r..-
rabe, do. do. Bruesehe. extra Spit. superfine 3P}T ,
do- ) train: eatra Ha do, Sue dor cosnmon do. cottondos
4-1. 34, 54, end 24 O,IIIIIIILK 14, 34, 541, and 24
plain dod 14,34. 5-8.004 34 wool and cotton do.
Extra Chenille Rupe. lbw dor. dod extra tufted dor floe
dn. dod anumon do, Chenille Door Slane tufted do. do.,
sheep akin do do. Adradde do. do.} Thrum do. do.
Crumb Clotho. Felting do- Bataan 12-4. 04. and 14.
Also—Sheet Oil Cloths cut Clott any Ala hall or room.
64,74. 64, 54,14. and 84 Oil hs.
Aloo—Sralr ROdP. of allsrace: Carpet Illndinge, List Car
petn Itaudod fc4.l4.and 34 >lattintoeTableLinclow Crash
sod Diapen Ilockebuct do. Transparent Window Shad.
Buff Window Holland, oe:titian 1111 min Ranh.. Pima
Carers, do. Table dor do. Stand dod Worsted Table do.
Raring imported and purchased our abet dirrat &maths
most celebrated Factories, hang of the latent and mart ap
prowl} styles and colors, we are prepared to mil to one
friend, and cortomors at 001,0 as Gro th<raa baLecede
cued se arra .d" the ExWere Via.
We cordially invite all to mall and examine our stock at
The Carpet Warehouse, 8.5 Fourth street.
rneh W. 31eCLINTOCK
hin c...:forg: at , m Iced
tint ttati!
Wanted Governs. by John Paitr.
Mamma is tat
)'nits of
t b s ril= Cbid Fi , V o t o T ibu tg .. stis Laurie.
LilJo '4Vorl, by Mrs. MLA. Monis lick Polka.
Matchable'. Lament. by the Ilutehltmons Olivia NM.
timid Polka tie Concert by W. V. Waists.
With all the late toptsiar Song, Waltzes, Cotillion; Poik.
a, Marche, Variation, timid.. at, An, farad in in*
Eastern Chico.
.Ne. Music
A very large and new stock of
To matron& neck. of 6. 6N. CN.l{l3ll 7 misses. earml
1,11.1 n. Torsion ha rem from $27.5 to V.aoo. Alm, two S.C .
Memos Orand Plasma. from the same celebrated manonao.
th 7hc atom. pith a full and general stock of Mask 11th
Musianllereharallse for sale br
N. IL—Two Piano Fortes to him. Oki Amos taken In
tart for new aces. =MID
Ptah Assortragoi of Spring Goods.
TSOMAS PALMER is daily receiving
nom the Eastana rst the al Auld.
•• • • - -
Between Third and Fourth strrEta, Patebtrryk,
Laren areeerlone to hie preeent eteek, of that:met beeuttntt
PAI•ER 11ANGINCS that have appeared ta this market
far • lotat perial The patterns me eratroly am the
tll4,t;:tit"f•rtitiLl.thn:inVlitb:eVrtip.rasii.Pr, print
range. To tel.• .unction lot of goal. et which smote 110.
CM* judgMent b. , f0r... 4 by sight than elmerthelaea`
the • • of nnerrhaats and home keepers Le
hl lmet-
— itaaars •
Patent Combined Grinding and Bolting, ar
Pittaburgh, Pa., Mardi 14, 1851. •
THE PUBLIC:—We have now in use, •
In our Fleming ?dill. two of — James M. Clark's Pa
ten Combined Grinding and Bolting. or Merchant Flow
ligeng." O'elt used igsfP, Tr th 'dt2glln3'4l and
The rta first it purgertly adapted to RP use. doing the work
as tell as ut ordinary burr gone. and requiring much le**
power, nuking it equivalent, Ina Merchant Milk to nearly
run of burr Mows. that will tort say 1111.0 to
The tatter. as • Bran and Offal scourer and duster. pro
unes an actual ut of about twelve It, cent. on the..llw
f the OM& nun N tbe t
For manufacturing the raw grain into Flour, It does the
k speedily, prodanag a wx..l article of supertrie Flour,
b a ring the t buctiag apparatus combined. worthy
the attottlon of Millcts doing a merchant buslaesr, and for
Grist Mill.lll unezmptianaLle.
We, the thateralithol, operatives In the `Pittatawith atY
Elourtog 3111L:' certify to the
Timm. Nova,
• W. It. Now;
Pang Clue.
Grinding and Bolting, or Merchant 3OL
AVING purchased the entire Patent Right
of the Uncut' Staten. fig - James M. Cluit's Parent
rewd titindlug. or Merchant 11111," and now helms
prepared total! Countyand State Itiglits, likewise the Mill
il t ia:l 4 l "r rbia li to to C ' ciTen the th l;t 4 i ' rerVi g iPtirswe bik ,
and one which is sure to loon with success,
.Ortli whichwilu
andthe tom. of making enni handsome fort .noani
to State Nights . mull= • handsome fortune. 'MU
perfectly portable. and Only ocnn••• •• • . n• me , fr et
than i nc h oo when in operation. and Is capable of'
grinding and bolting tram eve to ten bushels of wheat per
hour; It can be propellot with from sn one bone power nu.
to any power demired. Call and see It in opaufSen a/.
Messrs. Wilmarth d Noble's City Flooring Mills, I.llegfr
street. Pittsburgh.
I, further, have tile right of James 11. Clark's MDT
MACH:NE, aml the Machines fox sale, baying purrlmeedi
Is of a an.rcly. All letters post paid will be sasweredi
Tlit/11/03 M. CLARK. •
promptl •
mcbl y.
SO bhdr. s. 0. Bova.
300 bbls. N. 0. MOi2SWIC
60 bosh. Dried Andre.
1000 le. flat
40 bbls. 1015
40 bet new Moe:
70 laws No. 1 Ludt
30 bales Bops. etoltont N. V.l
16 bbl.s. Berth Roll Batter,
40 - Timothy Beek le store and for We by
Llborty street.
HOUSE-KEEPERS—Orders fw. Paper
Comb. to hL valuable writingt on the "Physiology. of Di-
nation." observes that • diminution of the true guesstlay • ,
of Gastric Joke. is a promjszul . ct
l'red7ciro og
n. sad
ln LoVia, wig, was amenity aitli with this
Gastric folding everrthinn e'en to , bit bed mourn to
the °mine Joke, obtained from the sigimsch of living so.
tm whkh wired ownplebelY •
Dr. Hour-Mon Prram, the true directive fluid. or Oss.
tole Juke. a Dint Drepepon Curer, unhand tromltennt.
or tbe fourth stomach of the dr , s eer directions ot_lnton
Llebig, the great Physiological Chemist, by J. S. liOugh
ton. M. D, Philadelphia, Pix
This is a truly wonderful remedy for Indignation. DFrc. .
pepdaJazublin, Diver Complaint. Oonstlpation, skid Do
nut, eoring after nentroli own method, by natorga own
spent. tea Gastric Julm.
grntoolvent of this food, the sou.
17.1V.a."'"tatitlU,Vro 'C"
rather of food Into bloed—no eintr ' n of the text; but
rather a Pont torpid. painful, and destructive eondition . of •
the whole digestlee numerate,. A weak, half dead. cer tifir
.inigtotioach produces no good Galltrit Jul.., and bons
tbe disease. Mun mid debility which net..
But Nis want me y be supplied by extracting the dlgolo -
Ore priedple. P4psin. from the stionoseha of animals aw• • '
"ambling thin forminc a Dionne.. Fluid. precisely
like the natural Gastric Juice, in Its chemical lower., gad
fornishing,• complete and Loden sontiturn for it.
The art of performing the pitons of digestion artificially
has long bermboom, to Phydologiatm. Dr: liosobten
dela. the merit of maktem the agnicatkno of this eat to
Readef Dyenteda. perfem and noirecable Awn.
the o r LI fie eTidellea.! Baron Liable, ip 121.
brand work or Animal Chemistry, liana - Au' Art-Meld
Digestive Fluid, analsoom to the Dadrin Mar
prepared from the mut...membrane of the Memel.* s
colt In wleb carton article. of fond, as moat and omm.
rnamed changed. and digested. Dint lu the man ens. - '•
.! they would be the human stomarti." •
Dr. Boughton. of Philadelphia propane an artl re ad dl -
Resee noldealled DEP"AIk, from the dinative
410 Go. which tennis im admirable remedy fa
curing after nature'. own method, by anomie
the dn....dive priociPle. 1111 eind 'both , " accurnery get
cedibt. evidence of Its nine
140 Wood et 1.,
Dealers rapplfed at pip:i , t.e. ,
Alm. Mr male br &Den. 51 . P 0 . 2 t
conceded that
it beauty 1. mete
while at the mine time it in said that in so an..
u . niLeras o
then fa
country le It lost at eo young mi
certain extent, boo the ices
to eh, do not medial 7o ,er perm.) appeananseat
read d eWearing, and nerd 001
These ankles erienti ir o
Mined highpef=l..
jai.. Hand • or Chicane Powder. fur Lanasthka
to dm most Wiliam er molest= a radiant sallow.
lb. abocild • ee. on be mons careful than the cue of a
powder tar the elcm, m n,rny a( thaw Pohl ara rel 7
mo• 1 1 7 Mame r coder compomaled in a adennne
ok contann no ingeorient which can omobir lnElet
rr Defelatory Baader tecrooreep
mu bah, rib at is more unsightly . rile " bede tip.- fliro
re anaa of • ladr. This exacta will realm it In a star.
th =ll " a Teget the ore fbinietV e Inetaints
arter tlin:,.anct more el:leeringly t arn mlm. n It t ' an any other dye, w
-111 aloe ylr o.
ing at the same time indellible.
Jules Ilauers inhering Craanx—lt le really celeste. to
duds with Ws cream. Th.. Is nano of the anutitingarn
rattan nmalhe experienced In the used meet mom On
the contrary, It learn the skin =meth and wit a. =ln
bars, 0.1 re 4 liable T oo ahap
Jules lianera limeth Pasta—fielit to the heir. ere •
Mak the Teeth arra Intended aeries ETratrat le
fin h... li=en hot when necleeted nothing le dnart
sing, or so slake]) men. My nose Thoth Paste erlithapar t
to the teeth a peasir plerienom, at the' mule 'h. toriiiiit
the Kann dna end
JULlA„hrialehr HAUL, Perfumer sad Chemist,
=Quaint se, Phila.
Yoe swe wholesale and Med. ler B. A. Ihknestnek. & Co y .
and Baines, Plttentrah. and J. idth - " . ” pAnn7
.. AaenLs.
.. Iltlatmrgh.